#he’s kind of silly but also intense……. kind of funny but then there’s that sense of rot
priest!geto who falls so deeply in love with you that he assumes you were sent by god to test his faith. is this anything /taps mic
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variousqueerthings · 9 months
okay I watched good omens s2 yesterday with my partner, and I was genuinely very surprised -- I think if you've grown up through superwholock/merlin/the 100/teen wolf type shows where (with the exception periodically of doctor who) you kind of had to make up the good show that something could have been in your head, that colours a lot of your viewing, and to be honest I thought season 1 of good omens was a fine little piece, honoured the book while modernising it somewhat, it was a nice, fun, low stakes time, with a couple of things I might have wanted a tad different but nothing overall awful.
so I was seeing all this meta and gifsets and discussion, while I was waiting to give s2 a watch with my partner and thought "ah, people have made up the good show in their heads again" not that I assumed s2 was going to be a bad show, but that people were taking extra deep plunges into possibilities, the way fandom does, and that was fine. I knew there was a big ol kiss, I had a sense of some kind of argument at the end, and that it was setting up a s3
I also knew that mainstream reviews were calling it (politely) self-indulgent and dependent on whether or not you enjoy david tennant and michael sheen having a good time for just under 6 hours
all in all, expectations of a somewhat mainstream show without too much to think about, a nice, fun low stakes time, moving on...
as it turns out it seems these things that were being written on tumblr were discussing the actual text of the show and not things you could extrapolate if you squinted and tilted your head a little to the left as I'm so used to doing, so in fact there is much to think about!
and my first thought was "this is like when you read early discworld books that ask a question like a joke, only to find that over time the answer to that question becomes very serious (and also can be funny at times of course)." how terry pratchett would pick and pick at tropes and notions and social ideas and go "oh now hold on, this seems strange..." starting way back when he thought it was odd that women warriors always seemed to be dressed in metal bikinis and then realising he hadn't done a good enough job of subverting the trope, simply by depicting it and calling it a bit silly
why do goblins always get treated as the villains? what's with this divine succession of kings business? where are the female dwarfs? who do we treat as disposable?
good omens season one went: "haha what if heaven and hell were intensely incapable, bureaucratic, corrupt, and uncaring of the work they did, and we took an angel and a demon and had them actually care? wouldn't that be... a bit silly?" (and it was)
good omens season two went: "what are the consequences for caring when the people who have power over you are incapable, bureaucratic, corrupt, and uncaring? what are the forces that supersede systems built on fear, ignorance, and violent conformity? can people change and break out of/challenge/break down these structures by caring?"
and this was set up with a neat little sleight of hand (to reference aziraphale's switch-and-bait in the episode with the nazi zombies), because the majority of season 2 does feel a bit indulgent: hey, remember those two wacky angel-and-demon characters? watch some more wacky things they did through the ages, watch them take a sojourn through 1827 Edinburgh and do a magic show during the Blitz, and... stop the death of Job's and Sitis' children (actually maybe that whole segment ought to have been what they call "A Clue")
see them try to figure out a kooky mystery, all the while setting up a cute little same-gender romance on their street. watch as everything points towards a happy ending that's all about the two of them realising what they've been to one another all these thousands and thousands (and thousands and thousands) of years- but hold on. lest we forget - and the show has made this point over and over - there are powerful people who control them, who hurt them, and who plan on hurting others, throughout the whole season, and as it turns out they know what they've been to one another for far far longer, and know how to pull their strings...
season 2 then, has to show us these things, not because they're indulgent (well, maybe occasionally, but the apology dance is still important), but because in order to make the ending a tragedy, we first need to understand, properly, the impact that they have had on each other. we need to understand that Aziraphale relied heavily on Crowley to be his moral compass and leaned on black-and-white thinking in order to deal with things, because if it's all grey then where does he fit and what has it all meant and heaven has to be the good guys, even as Job's and Sitis' children are ordered to be killed, it's all he ever had...
and Crowley was always an anchor, needed to trust that Aziraphale was different, needed to bend to every whim that Aziraphale has, because otherwise what's his worth in all this? After having been already deemed worthless by the heaven that Aziraphale needs to believe in?
and that, simplistically described, is the narrative that we're seeing in s2, and alongside that the ways that the changes they have upon each other are noticed, and monitored, and placed under suspicion, and finally... broken up, not by the clumsy, brute force that's been attempted over and over again, but by a promise to return into a violent, controlling system and to "make it better from within"
and all of this is wrapped up in two queer relationships + a third queered-within-the-text relationship that creates the inverse of how it ends for Aziraphale and Crowley (so far). queer love -- whatever shape that has -- is explicitly the shape of non-conformity within this narrative, including within the symbolism of angel-and-demon love of Gabriel and Beelzebub, which in the context of the systems created is considered queer (and one can argue till the cats come home about casting cis actors, about angel-and-demon notions of gender/romance/sexuality, but the "queerness" comes from building something non-conforming to the systems they exist in), and enforced by the explicitly our-world-definition-of queer romance that Nina and Maggie have going on (which, while less high stakes, still contains the background controlling relationship that Nina initially is in)
all of this to say, that I disagree that s2 meanders, or that plotlines happen for the sake of showcasing Aziraphale and Crowley without purpose, or that characters get sidelined (I'd say it sets up a whole host of interesting characters to further get into actually), or that it's strictly mainstream easy-access narrative that's just an excuse for the main creators and actors to get back together.
the love is the point, and this show takes its time to show the love (and the unequal boundary-setting, and the fact that one of them has an undiscussed tragic backstory, and the desperation to belong again, and the fear instilled by oppressive systems, and and and), so that we understand why those last 15 minutes happen the way that they do
it's sleight of hand, and like all good magic, you don't notice until it's happened
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harmonysanreads · 11 months
The sumeru love hexagon.... imagine that darling has their own cat that hates everyone except for darling and wanderer👀👀
I'm giggling just imagining the scenes 🤭
It's like Wanderer and your cat share this weird out-of-this-world connection, or at least, they both have a consensus that they cannot allow anyone to lay their dirty hands on their human. Whenever the puppet sees that someone has crossed boundaries (it's his own envy, mostly), all he needs to do is bring your cat to the person's face and his feline partner-in-crime tends to resolve the issue. It's efficient and has very little consequences ✨
Oh, if Kaveh wasn't miserable enough already. As someone who's fond of animals himself, he genuinely wants to befriend your pet. He also recognizes that doing so would make you two even closer, but how can he achieve that when the animal in question hisses if it even sees him in your vicinity? Spends way too much time trying to win over your cat and unintentionally creates the opportunity for others to win you instead.
It's Alhaitham who utilizes the chance. He's already dead last in realizing his affections and the fact that he needs to fight in order to earn yours. He isn't going to let go of any opening now, however miniscule it might be. As for his opinions on your cat and its passionate distaste for your suitors... well, in the end, it's still just an animal. He doesn't consider it his competition, neither something that he absolutely has to earn the approval of.
If stares could kill, both Cyno and your cat would be dead and one with the soil by now. Intense glaring competitions occur whenever they're in the same room, neither willing to back down. It's silly, maybe a little funny — who are you kidding, it's absolutely hilarious seeing the General Mahamatra at a serious stare down with a cat of all beings. Cyno would never raise a hand against it (because let's be honest, he could kill it without much effort) but your pet certainly has gotten handsy a few times. You always end up tending to the scratches anyway, so, who's winning now, huh?
Tighnari is a little irritated at first, but maintains distance from it for everyone's peace. He's most likely to tame your cat, given his expertise with these kinds of things. But hear out this little side tangent of mine : Reader who owns a pet bunny who hates Tighnari. It's angelic and sweet demeanor with others taking a drastic shift once it senses the presence of the fox. You know the drill, archaic nemeses.
[ au masterlist ]
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voiddaisy · 2 months
Rank the Batfam members based on how well you think you'd get along irl
This is so fun! Okay, so my idea of canon versus fanon is kind of messed up, but I'm going to do my best to go solely off of what I know is canon. I also went a little overboard and did some character study shit because when I tell you I love the bat family, I love the bat family.
(1) Duke Thomas. From what I know about canon, we are really alike. He has a strong moral compass, wants to help people, and can be super goofy and silly. He doesn't really take things super seriously, cares a lot about his family, and is not afraid to lie to Bruce, which I am a supporter of. I think overall we would get along the best just because we are so alike. He also just seems so chill and fun to be around, and I've made a post about this before, but he is so nonjudgmental when it comes to his friends and family, so nonchalant, and literally just the cutie patootie ever, so for sure him.
(2) Stephanie Brown. I love Steph and no one can take that away from me. She reminds me a lot of one of my sisters; She is very witty and humorous, and she is determined, stubborn, and compassionate. She tries to have a positive outlook on everything, despite everything she has been through. I think we would get along well because she is kind of my opposite in a lot of ways. She is outgoing, confrontational, and rebellious, but still vulnerable, caring, and selfless. We would kind of just be a slay duo in my opinion.
(3) Dick Grayson. If I didn't relate so much to Duke, I would definitely say I am the most like Dick. He is a perfectionist, very sarcastic, caring, and literally rocks "eldest daughter syndrome," which... same. He is also such an emotional person, and most of his emotions come out in anger because he doesn't know how to regulate them, which I can relate to. He has that personality that is so easy to banter with but also gets vulnerable, which we see a lot in the comics when it comes to his brothers. I just think our personalities would blend really easily together.
(4) Barbara Gordon. Barbara is literally that bitch. She is super intelligent, determined, hard-working, and responsible while also being empathetic, funny, independent, and wise. She takes so many of the bat kids under her wing as a mentor and tries to build them up to be better people (literally fixing what Bruce messes up). She is super funny and cool, is clearly intelligent without having to flex on it, and cares so deeply for people. If I had an older sister, I'd want her to be just like Babs, because this woman is literally gold. She isn't higher on this list just because I just connect with the other characters more, but she is still just such a good character and I love her so much.
(5) Cassandra Cain. I think I would get along well with Cass because she is a very complex person. She is silent, stoic, determined, responsible, deeply empathetic, and has self-esteem issues. I share a lot of these traits with her, but I'm more... outgoing than she is? So it would be like a bad bitch and her baddie friend situation where I am a yapper and advocate for us both when I normally wouldn't be. She'd encourage my more outgoing side to come out because of how stoic and quiet she can be. She is also like the better version of Bruce Wayne (sorry Bruce), where she still has that intense sense of justice and a strong moral compass, but because she cares so deeply about her friends and family, she puts them first, whereas Bruce kind of... struggles with that lmfao. That is just my interpretation of her, though!
(6) Jason Todd. I actually didn't plan on putting him this high on the list, but after I started typing it out, I was like... oh. I would get along with him better than I thought. Okay, so what annoys me about him is mainly his sense of justice, rebellious nature, complex moral code, and anger. However, these are all issues that stem from his insane trauma and aren't like natural-born traits of his. When he was Robin, he was very playful, witty, kind, and sweet, as a lot of people mention. Despite how he changed after the Lazurus Pit, we still see these personality traits slip through sometimes. He cares a lot about the street kids and does his best to mentor them. In the Gotham Knights cames (which apparently aren't canon but I don't care), he can be very vulnerable and kind to his brothers instead of... beating Tim half to death. Jason is a very emotional character with loyal and protective instincts, and he desires redemption so deeply that he doesn't care how it is acquired. His complexity is what makes me drawn to him, I think. To recognize him as a person who is deeply traumatized and needs positive reinforcement in his life is easy; To give that positive reinforcement is harder. But I think I could offer that to him (and I have the "I can fix him" mentality. Would I be able to fix him? No. Could I be a good friend to him? Maybe). My major qualms with him would be his skewed sense of justice and his moral code; Everything else is like typical emo behavior haha.
(7) Tim Drake. I did not expect Tim to be so low on this list, but I guess it's more of a little brother-type situation. Tim is very intelligent, analytical, determined, empathetic, and compassionate. He shares a lot of traits with Dick, where he is a natural kind of leader and has a deep resourcefulness to him. He can be very self-critical and lacks a need to take care of himself, but he is a team player and can be very responsible. He is also just kind of like... the funniest bat brother to me. It's his sarcasm and the way he picks on people, I think. While he is a good character, I just think I would get frustrated with his stubbornness very quickly. He also just has that little brother attitude that gets on my nerves. But I do think that I would be like a big sister figure to him if that makes sense? Like "you love to hate them" type of shit.
(8) Damian Wayne. Okay, to preface; Damian is just a deeply traumatized kid, so my reservations are literally just about that. I have what you would call a chronic need to fix people, and Damian would just be so easy for me to try to fix, even if I knew I couldn't. He has a skewed sense of justice, like Jason does, but is easier to convince not to kill people. He is stoic, cold, can be emotionless at times, and does not want people to take care of him. I saw some panel yesterday about Dick trying to comfort him after Bruce dies, and Damian is so choked up and doesn't want to speak about it, despite Dick being his older brother. Damian has literally been trained since birth to focus on his mission, his feelings be damned, and I would have such a hard time with that. I would just get so emotional over him and want to take care of him, and he would hate that. I just think that he wouldn't like me very much. I love Damian as a character and I love how complex he is, but he would not love me lmfao.
(9) Bruce Wayne. I knew Bruce was going to be last because there is a special place in my heart reserved for my beef with parents who fuck up their kids. Even though Bruce tries to be a good father to his kids, he is just so shit at it sometimes, and it makes me so mad. In my real life, any time my parents fuck with one of my sisters, I get so irrationally angry and want to fist-fight them. If I was around Bruce and his traumatized children, I would want to throw hands with him every time I saw him. I know that deep down, Bruce is a really good man who just wants to help people, but the way he treats his children literally just boils my blood. I would get along with him if he either didn't have children or had some deep-rooted therapy to fix his emotional constipation. I mean... we would get along fine I'm sure, I would just always have that rage, you know?
This was way longer than I intended it to be, but I have been doing so much character study lately about these people and wanted to share my opinion on each of them in a broader way. If I messed up their character in relation to DC canon... oh well. Also, I know Jason Todd is a little bitch, but he is my little bitch, so it's fine.
Thank you for the ask <3 this was so fun!!
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Here are some Jack Daniels headcanons I have and I am shaking my fist at the sky because I never thought’d I’d get lassoed in by this cowboy yet HERE I AM!!!!
Also this is for Laura @lowlights for being the best/worst influence yeehaw ♡
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I have a feeling he is a Scorpio - intense, loyal, literally can hold a grudge forever but also loves deeply
This man is a dork and I stand by that because yes he’s gorgeous and suave and yeah can take down a small army but the minute you answer a trivia question wrong about the empire strikes back he is correcting you, polite as ever because he’s an gentleman, but he still knows the right answer and even talks about how the scene where r2d2 is in the mud water was shot in George Lucas’ unfinished swimming pool
This makes sense when you see his rare and signed Han Solo vintage card in his home office
Also probably has a rare stamp collection he prides himself in and it’s adorable and you giggle so much because he is dorky and you are honored to see this side of him!!
Likes butter pecan ice cream because it’s a southern staple and his grandma loved it too so it reminds him of her
When he wanders away from you at the supermarket he comes back to your side and pretends he doesn’t know you, still tries to flirt with you and be playful while you are there smiling so big the entire time just trying to ask him what type of cereal he wants
Loves a good elegant wine dinner but when you decided to order in take out late one evening instead of going out Jack gets hit with those deep domestic feelings HARD
Once he comes to terms with his first wife’s death I like to believe he has this little dream where she kind of reassures him that their love is forever but he is allowed to heal and let love surround him again and it’s then that he really understands that yes she is and forever will be his first love but you are his forever love and after that he feels reborn
This is even more intensified when he stays over at your place and you have a self care night with relaxing face masks and your favorite treats and the minute you offer to put a face mask on him he’s done for, literally in the bathroom when you’re not looking he’s already browsing his phone for matching robes for you and him
Gets hooked into any series you are watching, he is immediately asking questions about who is who and very sincerely gasps when a big plot twist comes (also is an absolute sucker for a good rom com)
Has no ability to play any type of video game except Mario kart which he takes seriously too and he always picks Mario because “he’s a classic honey, can’t got wrong with a classic” and you joke about how boring that pick is until he kicks your ass on rainbow road
Loves to help people on airplanes move their luggage up into the overhead bins, he’s also that guy who can make conversation in line with almost anyone even at the DMV
You learn he almost domesticated a raccoon when he was a boy
Jack also loves a good museum date and can be super insightful but also a bit silly and he makes funny faces at paintings or statues to make you laugh
Big fan of 90’s country and specifically I see him as a Brooks & Dunn man cause he for SURE serenades you with their song ‘Brand New Man’ multiple times
also is probably a Willie Nelson fan and has a framed photo of when he met the country singer himself and Jack proudly tells the story of how they met any time someone comes over and the moment he decides he’s gonna marry you is when you jokingly prove you can repeat the story word for word
His dream is to one day meet Dolly Parton
LOVES to cuddle!!!
Loves dogs of course but when you care for a scared kitten you find under his truck on a rainy night Jack becomes a complete cat dad and even gets the cat a small little cowboy hat that makes him bust out laughing every time the cat wears it
Is a sucker for candles
Isn’t much of a beach guy but would sit in a lazy river for hours
Once you say yes to his proposal he carves your initials with his into a tree on his family’s property and on the day you get married of course shows it to you (you can’t help but cry of course and he does too)
He finds a left over empty bag or wrapper of your favorite snack in his suitcase when he’s on an away mission and calls you crying a bit drunk because he misses you and thinks you left that for him as a reminder that you’re always with him and you’re like ‘no baby that just means we need to clean our suitcases better’
Gets his wedding ring with your birthstone in it
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thecuriousquest · 1 year
Yandere Alphabet: Natsu Dragneel
Yandere Natsu Dragneel x Reader
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, control issues, mentions of killing/murder, mention of reader dying, violence, kidnapping
Checkout my Master List here.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Be ready for the smothering of a life time. You can’t even turn a corner without falling into his loving arms. If you manage to sneak away from him for even the slightest second, he will hunt you down until you are back in one of his monster bear hugs.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He doesn’t necessarily like killing people, but he’s willing to do it if he has to. He just wants to be with you. He doesn’t want anyone getting in the way of your relationship. He won’t kill his friends, however. He would rather just manipulate them if they try to interact with you, especially his male friends. Despite their rocky friendship, he wouldn’t even want to kill Grey because of their history.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No mocking. It’s all smiles and talking with happiness. He’s not smug about your capture in anyway. There is no “I got you. What are you going to do about it?” He’s all about making the best out of things, even if times are tough.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Affection. He’s delusional, so he thinks you’re in love with him but just playing hard to get. He’ll force cuddles, hugs, kisses. He’ll also force you to undress in front of him. “Where are you going? I didn’t say you could get dressed in the bathroom, silly.”
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He’s telling you anything and everything. He just won’t shut up. He’ll tell you about how Igneel disappeared on him, how he was a bit of an outcast until he happened upon his Fairy Tail family. He’s telling you everything he did that day, talking about all of the funny things him and Happy did. It’s exhausting to even have him talk your ear off about you, how you stole his heart, how he just wants to give you the world.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Natsu wouldn’t understand why you’re fighting him. He thinks you want him. He thinks you love him back. “Why are you fighting me, baby? Do you just need some attention?” He’ll give it to you even if you scream at him to leave you alone.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It isn’t a game to him per say. He thinks you’re just trying to play a game WITH him. He tracks you down with his sense of smell, slings you over his shoulder, and takes you home. “Found you! I win!” He’ll declare with pride.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
His wrath. At first, he’ll try to be patient with you, but if you push him too far, you’ll have to deal with an angry fire dragon slayer. This is something you don’t want. He’s yelling at you, letting his temper get the best of him. Everything he says as he screams in your ear hurts you emotionally to the core. Try to get away from him? He’ll just pin you to the wall and really lay into you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Marriage and kids. He wants a happy wife and a happy life. He sees your belly swollen after already having three children. It’s the perfect future for him.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets jealous, and he lashes out because he’s such a hothead. If he sees you even asking another man a question, he’s instantly jumping to conclusions, and you’ll hear each and every one.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He’s not shy about PDA. He’ll openly kiss you in public, hugging you closely so that you can feel his warmth. He’ll even lay a hand on your ass as you two swap spit.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
There is no courting or approaching. You guys are just dating. He has already made up his mind.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No, he’s still a happy guy who can get fired up pretty easily.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He’ll heat up his hand and spank you or force you to stay in your room. It depends on the severity of the situation. He leans more towards childish punishments, not because he thinks you’re a child. It’s because he doesn’t want to hurt you too severely whether it’s physical or psychological.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Too many to count. You can kiss privacy goodbye. You’re unable to step out the door without him next to you. These are just a few examples. Where he’ll let you wear or eat whatever you want, he’s not taking any chances with men. You no longer have the right to just talk to whomever you want. You ask for permission first.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He can try his best to be patient with you, but if you start attacking him emotionally by saying things like “I hate you” or “I want to leave”, then that’s where the hothead comes in.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
It would hurt him immensely. Of course it would, you were his Darling! I think because of how delusional Natsu would be as a Yandere, he would manage to find someone else after a while.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He doesn’t feel an ounce of guilt. He’s way too happy, and he loves you with every cell in his entire body.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
I think his childhood definitely played a hand in this Yandere path. Igneel disappeared, and he had absolutely nobody until he way taken in by Fairy Tail. Even in the guild, he basically had to raise himself. In a way, he’s just looking for someone to be by his side and make life a little easier for him. He doesn’t want to be alone anymore.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He absolutely hates it, and he wants to know exactly what you need him to do in order to make you feel better. He’s not leaving your side. He’ll comfort you until there are no more tears left, even if that’s the farthest thing from what you want.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I could see him getting you a “play mate”. He’ll kidnap another female for you to be friends with so you don’t have to be so alone when he’s not there. Of course, you’ll come first in the relationship.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You can totally use his delusions to your advantage. Just play along with him for a while and seize the safest opportunity. However, keep in mind that his nose can sniff you out, so get as far away as soon as possible.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes, but not on purpose. If he becomes too enraged with you, he might accidentally burn you. He’ll feel horrible once he realizes what he’s done, but he’ll do his best to make it up to you by taking care of the wound and showing you all of his love.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He would worship you like the gorgeous goddess that you are. He focuses on what makes you happy, so he’ll get you your favorite food, drinks, clothes. He’ll do whatever it takes to win you over even if his insanity has already decided that you are his.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
After he has laid eyes on you, without even talking to you first, he has already decided that you will be his wife some day. He snaps shortly after. Natsu will probably abduct you after about a week or two.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Probably, but he’s crazy enough to think that your brokenness is just submission. He thinks you’ve finally come around. I mean, you’re night fighting him or running away anymore. That must mean you love him!
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catchyhuh · 8 months
snooork mimimimimi
nightmare blunt rotation? no. nightmare sleeping arrangement rotation. these are the aforementioned sleep headcanons
VERY particular about his sleep. he has to lay down a certain way, he has to have TWO pillows under his head, ONE betwixt his spindly legs because his bony knees feel uncomfy when they touch, he has to be facing AWAY from a window but TOWARDS the door, and if he has an eyemask on him don’t even joke about taking that shit off
is lupin the third ever tired? i don’t fucking know. he’s cranky if you wake him up too early, he’s hardly a morning person, but at the same time if you meet up with him at noon, he’ll act the same regardless of if he got 10 hours last night or 3. 
all that said do NOT interrupt his sleep, it’ll take him five weeks to get comfy again and an additional 10 to actually fall back asleep. and he’ll remember who woke him up.
mumbles in his sleep occasionally (sometimes he pretends to sleeptalk cuz he thinks its funny) but the REAL problem with him is his tossing and turning. he’ll wake up on the bed completely upside down sometimes. he kicks, he pushes out his arms, he rolls over, he’s got one leg on the wall one arm off the bed and he’s sleeping like a baby
gross but he also sweats in his sleep. it’s why he either just sleeps in his underwear or has those nice satin types yknow
semi-light sleeper. depends on how little sleep he got the night before. kind of operates on rule of funny like most things with him really! jigen could be popping popcorn two inches from his head and he’d be drooling on his pillow but if some bad guy of the week takes one wrong step in his room at night he’s up in a second.
jigen is chill about sleep. if that makes even remotely any sense. he puts on his little cap and nightgown jammies, he gets under the covers, he wakes up at his desired time. however, the point where he actually GOES to sleep tends to be about an hour or two after everyone else has. not to sober up the party too much, but he’s a little iffy on the idea of everybody being completely asleep at once for reasons you could imagine
he’s equally grumpy no matter the amount of sleep he’s getting, but he is a little quicker to get silly with it if he’s tired. maybe he’s just losing clarity there. 
does it count as insomnia if it’s a selfmade choice to not go to bed before midnight? yes because if he TRIES to go to bed early he just stares at the ceiling for hours. which is actually better for your body than not trying to sleep at all, but still
jigen sleeps like the dead dude. or at least, it’s the impression he gives off. when jigen’s settled, he does not move. at all. his mouth doesn’t twitch. sometimes you’ll hear a little sigh or grumble, but they’re few and far between. 
in contrast to that though, if he hears even the slightest noise, if the temperature in the room changes by 1 degree, he wakes up. not fully, not immediately, but he’ll wake up enough to glance around, see nothing’s wrong, and get back to sleep. god help you if something IS wrong though cuz you know that bitch keeps his gun under his pillow
fujiko’s sleeping habits are almost elusive. nobody knows. except me right now because it’d be boring if i didn’t at least make up some shit to tell you right
like lupin, she’s very particular about her routine. VERY particular. and like jigen she has a little trouble actually settling in and being mentally comfortable enough to sleep. needless to say sleepovers are a fucking nightmare. 
fujiko sleeps like a fucking mattress firm model. the peaceful, on her side, little hands under her cheek pose and everything. she doesn’t toss or turn, she just makes occasional content sighs, digs her shoulder under her pillow a little more to get comfy, it’s like sickeningly cute, and unlike a lot of fujiko’s traits, this is not practiced, it’s just honestly how she sleeps
in a strange way aside from her intense routine getting to bed she’s a pretty normal sleeper in comparison. she wakes up in the middle of the night quite a bit, but even if it’s a nightmare induced wake up she just slips out of bed. gets a lil water. chills the fuck out and goes back to sleep. I CAN ONLY IMAGINE HOW ENVIABLE IT IS TO THE OTHERS
but another not fun note is that fujiko dreams a lot, and as a result she experiences quite a few stress-nightmares. like i said, she’s handled it by herself, even if she shouldn’t, and she doesn’t stress over it (ironically) but. yeha.
you know goemon canonically falls asleep sitting crisscross applesauce sometimes. on his side. like in canon. i think he did it at least twice. it’s not even a matter of being so tired he could fall asleep in any position he just loves the challenge of it because he’s so fucking weird
goemon, and this is true in a lot of cases, is the least high maintenance out of the group. he can fall asleep anywhere if it’s convenient, safe, and comfy enough. horrible flat hotel bed? no prob. mat that’s barely keeping him 1 mm off the ground? sure. hammock desperatey holding on for dear life? he’ll just take the grass why the hell not.
also a very light sleeper, and sometimes struggles getting back to sleep, because he starts overthinking about why/what woke him up. and like fujiko, (and probably jigen now that i’m thinking about it. maybe all of them POINT BEING) he gets quite a few stress nightmares. but hey. no biggie. just the natural consequence of. everything that he’s experienced and exposed himself to!
sometimes if he falls asleep in a weird position VERY RARELY he makes this like. quiet cartoonish bubububuh snore. they have videos of it they think its hilarious. goemon’s completely unaware that he does it. also talks in his sleep on very rare occasions, but it’s mumbly and mostly inaudible anyway
do i need to put another health warning here. don’t do this. his sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up. and not just in the “i stayed up all night researching this museum that lupin LOOKED at once (so i haven’t slept in. 30 hours oops)” sense but also like it’s been 15 hours and the other officers go “wait where did he-- didn’t he say he was just gonna take a nap.” and he’s out like a light dude
when he DOES sleep he’s immovable. not to say he doesn’t shift around any, he does, but like. HEAVY heavy sleeper he’s not moving from that spot man. good luck trying to wake him up unless you set off the trigger phrase because he might as well be hibernating.
(this one’s canonical too actually) he likes to fall asleep holding a pillow :) to the point that if there’s only one pillow available he just. moves it to his arms. maybe invest in a travel one my man. he does it sleeping on his side AND sleeping on his back so i can’t imagine it’s very good for his neck
also very canonical is the fact he snores. like violently. its awful get earplugs. good ones. like, get the kind they make for swimmers to keep water out of their ears. it won’t stop the entire room from vibrating but you can just pretend you’re experiencing a minor earthquake and it’ll be fine. on the plus side it means its incredibly easy for the gang to tell when he’s out, because they can hear it from the next building over
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crybabyddl · 7 months
Just finished my rewatch of jatp. My perfrct track record of not crying during Unsaid Emily remains untouched. I will say though, I was very close to shedding a tear this time. However, I didn’t even cry during Stand Tall! I always cry during Stand Tall!
Anyways, I couldn’t stop thinking about all the headcanons and theories that us tumblr fantoms created and the little easter eggs we discovered while watching and rewatching the series. It makes me really appreciative of the fact that we had a sense of community during a time where a lot of us were alone, scared, and uninspired. Just like Julie, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and hope. I think that a lot of people felt the same after watching the show. Julie and the Phantoms is what inspired me to learn the piano, the ukulele, and it led me to getting a guitar. When I learned how to play the chords for the soundtrack, I was playing those songs nonstop. It really helped me brave through the unsure feelings that came along with the pandemic. It made me forget my fears about the future.
I don’t feel as hopeful about things as I did back then, but JATP will always be a land-marking point in my life. It represents newfound joy, reignited passion, and abundant vivacity. As someone who loves and is extremely passionate about music, this silly little netflix show really hit me in the most sensitive places. And while I remember having a bout of serious depression after finishing the series, (along with intense rage that while I was dealing with my depression at its lowest point, the cast of jatp was living what felt like my dream) the lessons I learned from the show were far more significant. It literally brought music back into my life, no joke.
The friends I made because of JATP will always have a special place in my heart. A lot of them don’t use tumblr anymore, and I don’t use it nearly as much as I used to, but I’m still so grateful to have been introduced to such kind, accepting, and funny people. The stories, theories, headcanons, fanfictions, moodboards, inside jokes, memes, and fanart we created will always be remembered and cherished. I’m still pro-cheesecake, I’m still highly allergic to sleeves, and every time I see an unnecessary or fake zipper, I think of my fellow tumblr fantoms.
I don’t think I’ll ever truly “get over” Julie and the Phantoms. It was the first thing that truly resonated with my spirit as a new adult. I was 19 and had dropped out of college, feeling completely lost and like I had nothing going for me. Going into lockdown because of the pandemic didn’t help with any of that, and I was aimlessly, endlessly scrolling on social media, hoping to find meaning and purpose. And one day, my friend posted a clip on snapchat of what she was watching on netflix. The guy was cute and it looked like him and the girl he was next to had a nice connection so I asked what show it was. That’s how I discovered JATP, almost 2 weeks after its release. I also just have an unhealthy attachment to the show and the characters so I refuse to let this media that speaks to my soul die.
All that being said, we really deserved another season. I think it would cure me entirely, if I’m being honest. Even if it was just a little Christmas special where they decorate a tree and do those mini stories like filler episodes of a cartoon series. Hell, I’d settle for an animated JATP episode. I just think we all deserve it after what we’ve been through not only as a fandom, but as human beings. I will never forgive netflix for it’s terrible job at promoting, because they only failed when it came to this show specifically. They managed to keep every other show, even ones far less deserving of acclaim and attention, afloat during and after the pandemic. The only reason JATP managed to get anywhere was solely the cast, creators, and fans. Paul Becker was on fucking overdrive, churning out BTS videos WEEKLY. Fanfiction writers were bursting at the seams with multi-chapter series and one shots about every possible scenario. We got things trending on twitter during the two most chronically online years. Fanart was being shared like crazy, and we had the instagram fantoms so confused by the memes that they retaliated and claimed they were superior.
Meanwhile, tumblr was in its shadowbanning era, and fantoms were in the TRENCHES trying to get their content to reach beyond mutuals and taglists. We received barely any appreciation, except for when we trended on twitter asking to renew jatp and on tumblr for jatp appreciation week. Let’s not forget when we thought Owen had a secret tumblr and we all started accusing each other of being him. I will never forget when we all rallied to get Madi to 1 million followers because we didn’t want her to become overshadowed by the boys and all the attention they were getting. We all watched their instagram lives and I will always love the tumblr fantoms who made gifs of the cutest moments from those. Everyone saw me shamelessly simp over Charlie with facial hair wearing a santa onesie. We created a whole Carrie redemption arc out of thin air, we created origin stories for Rose and the Petal Pushers, and we forced the creators of JATP to give us the official last names of Reggie, Alex, and Flynn (This adventure SPECIFICALLY!!!) We were ruthless in our efforts to uncover their last names. We used breadcrumbs to make theories and speculations, only to end up begging in every comment section and dm inbox we could to get Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer, and eventually—though much, much later—Flynn Taylor. We gave Willie more crop tops, we basically storyboarded a second season, complete with episode titles and songs! We uncovered the Sunset Curve EP using the grainiest photos in existence, we created a loose timeline surrounding everyone’s birthdays, deaths, and significant events. We orchestrated a fucking CONCERT TOUR for this band. Oh, and let’s not forget when Kenny and the boys went to Hawaii. That Hawaii trip was so eventful for the fantoms, you have no idea how serious I’m being unless you were there for it. That was something unlike anything else for so many reasons. There’s a lot more, but that’s the stuff that came to mind immediately.
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jrueships · 5 months
Okay i caved to the questions. welcome to ted's omegaverse except there's like no omegas in the verse. Pls don't kill me
Omegas Exist, but... the sportsworld is far too toxic for most to exist Normally, i mean. Male sports especially, but even the wnba had a streak at the start of their development where it was originally believed that only female alphas would just Barely be strong enough to commit to a sport ( a bad mix of misogyny and secondary hierarchy ) . Male-dominated sports have the similar feel in terms of outdated stances plaguing public opinion, but keep it simpler with ' only Alphas are strong enough for Sport.'
However, this has started to change.
Not in favor of the omega, no, don't be silly! Nothings ever in favor of Them.
It's not Exactly favor of The Beta either, but the betas do at least get to keep their name. You see, betas play fundamental roles in team sports especially. They may not be as valued (not in a star sense, but a 'i need a wheel that'll make this car move (team gain traction/fans) and a beta would be perfect' valuing kind of sense. You're just a worker, but hey! At least you CAN work, right? Unlike The Invaluables.) in independent sports like boxing, but good betas are Critical to a TEAM that needs a Championship -- that needs Roleplayers .
Team rulebook 5. Betas are the Best roleplayers. That's the best fame they'll ever seem to get, it seems.
Although some delusional fans and sometimes gms may try to construct a team of mainly alphas (either a lot of young alpha top picks or veteran alpha players hungry for a win ) for the raw power, intensity, and.. cool factor.. it usually falls apart pretty sadly. They need a mediator, someone who won't get greedy or frustrated with the fame or lack of it. Someone who's willing to pass, willing to come in and be the clog rather than the mechanic, someone who's a Beta whose only sense of belonging Is belonging.
Sports rulebook 6. Betas Stand Second.
Most betas have accepted this before entering a sport, ever since Scottie Pippen embarrassed himself for trying to flip the Beta narrative and failing laughably .
Betas can be bad. Bill Laimbeer will beat the breaks off anyone. They can also be good. Pippen would try to middleman Jordan's frustrations with his team, especially the rups (rookie 'pups', men playfully called pups because they're new to the sport). Shaq and Magic both have humorous charms that make them Feel like alphas.. but they needed more to get a ring. They needed alpha teammates, ultimately. no matter how big or bad or good a Beta may be, they are always Second. But they should never, never be considered first. That's an alpha's job. Orlando made that mistake drafting a beta to win them a ring, a beta that would eventually leave to ringchase with any alpha he could. Shaq's a bit shameless for a beta, but being shameless is maybe the only path to 'fame' (becoming a simple shtick to an easy-to-remember title, either being Sidekick, Dumb, Helpful, Funny, Enforcer, etc) for the life of a beta. Why? Because
Sports rulebook 1. Your Alpha Must Take Over.
Alphas can come in different shapes and sizes. Not all alphas are big and burly. They're not all hyper-confident or aggressive for no reason. But they Do have to come and take over a team. They DO HAVE TO feel possessive over their players, obsessive over their plays. Betas are there just to work, PICKED just to WORK, but alphas? Alphas are different. They Have to be the spark.
Michael Jordan was an alpha who presented very, very late. No one is exactly sure when he presented. Even Michael's story changes from before getting cut in highschool to after to college to the 'flu' game. But Everyone, at one point, thought he was a beta. ( His siblings laugh at this. )And then he wasn't. And then he won. And then he became a dictator .
But, again, there's a lot of alphas that haven't won. Charles Barkley, hilarious and prickly, perhaps too prickly at times, can be his own downfall from either sheer laziness or stubbornness. Some didnt always 'Win' in life like alpha fanboys or alpha egoists might try to persuade. Wilt was great, but personality-wise? .... other alphas like Kareem butted heads with him.. and even betas like Magic would then butt heads with Kareem! Allen Iverson played by his own self-indulgent rules and won through his fashionable impact, self-oriented liberation, and also lost by playing his own self-indulgent rules through trouble with money. Isiah Thomas defends his team and their troubles like a bull, oftentimes a hypocritical.. near-sighted bull. Larry Bird? Competitive. And fucking Rude.
Sports rulebook .....: Alphas Can Be Double-Edged To Either The Team, or Themselves
Alphas whose talent alone failed them by being either not enough, not determined, or entirely different to the subject become disgruntled sports 'analysts' who criticize betas or 'wannabe alphas' aka alphas whose behaviors don't seem 'alpha' enough (too docile). Others become known as busts. Others disappear. Others refuse to give up on their alpha birthright, scratching tooth and nail in the gleague, a disaster league of rups, failed alphas, struggling betas still trying to learn their place, and a few undercover omegas on suppressants. They can bounce around trying to take over team from team, or try to act more like a beta just to gain a secure job, only for their old trained instincts of Stardom to swoop in and make them seem stubborn and selfish (hog the ball during crucial moments). Many become coaches whose attachment to the game is almost parasitic as a purpose. Commentating is another option to fuel that parasocial fire.
You live as an alpha, you die as an alpha. It's a Sport.
That is, until Rodman happened.
Hes not an alpha, some thought he was, during his bulls era. But at the beginning, he was a beta. A gangly pistons player during the dirty work of defense. A beta who blended into whatever his team was, a bad boy, a nitty gritty, a winner, a loser -- whatever his team needed, he became. And then, his team needed him traded.
He started taking more, at first. Started becoming defiant, becoming aggravated. Paranoid at Popovich's overwhelmingly alpha abuse of power, of persistence, of Perception.
Isiah begged him to keep it easy, it's not safe to take so much, it's Untested. It's got side effects, he's seen them from players who wanted to get as far as rodman could but couldn't. They weren't strong like rodman. Another alpha giving him his unsolicited opinion. Bill told him to suck it up. Betas can be so bitter. Pop's yelling. Such a dusty smell, red sand that made your nose itch and not in the fun, just snorted ski slopes way. And now he's gotta deal with Pippen's wary, flipflop scent of calming then chilling hormones soothing then spiking the air as most betas do. And now, he's got Michael telling him to--
... Michael's pouring his pills down the toliet, both his heat suppressants .. and his Rut Inducers. He's skipped from telling and has gone straight to Doing .
One look from the ??? and Rodman realized.
Rodman realized he was tired of wanting to be wanted like a starting alpha but personal enough to be privately pressed like a working beta. Rodman realized a lot of things about himself and others that day. 1. He was tired of always crumbling to others' norms. 2. 'ROIDing' is an action that can be used primarily by athletes because they can afford it. 3. Other athletes besides himself have/can do it. 4. He's just the only one that's made it now known to the world that He is Dennis Rodman, He is an Omega, and He's used ROIDing to void his omega symptoms with suped up suppressants then Replicated Rut with raging inducers & created a Beautifully sensitive Beta, then, increasing both doses heavily, an abstract Alpha.
In short, yeah, he's used ROIDs. But he's stopping now. He's playing completely without the doses. Not too little, not too much, it's done. Zero. Isn't that great? Isn't that what sports always preach in the end? That it's You who wins or loses in the end. Not just your Talent, or your Drive, your Reach, it's You. You, crazy culmination You, who matters ultimately in Your world.
So why is everyone so horrified.
The sport changes after this. A few, just a few, omegas can show now, like, actually Show and not curtain themselves behind overloaded prescriptions. Apparently, even betas could ROID back then with just rut inducers to enhance alpha behavior and appear or Become alphas as long as they continue to doses. But most scrutiny lies in omegas ROIDing into betas, since it's a much easier dose to take in comparison to an omega -> alpha jump, which can have devastating side effects -- the most harmful being mental. Only those determined enough, Insane enough can commit themselves fully without cutting too abruptly and creating even more damage through their hesitancy. And even if the process is completed, the effects may be harsher than expected.
Betas start to become the new scrutinized spotlight, either torn by criticism of doing too much or too little, or skepticism on whether or not they're 'Real'. Alphas, in turn, get desperate to outshine the shiners, whether accomplishing that feat via negative or positive means. It's rumored some have even started turning themselves into Betas now, hard dosing rut suppressants when they're that desperate to try and tame the ego that torments them. Some say it's for the better, some respond brilliantly to the dose, it was made for them, it was Them. Old packs often rip these kind of thoughts to shreds, not caring for empathetic stances, just their black & white view of what was once written. New packs accept the dosing, but the worst of the new packs pick and choose which to, either Everyone Has To or only The Good Ones can. Old players get their legacies questioned because their secondary hierarchy is questioned. Was Magic Really a beta? Or was he a self-conscious, self-compensating omega who craved the lure of feeling needed? And then even went an extra step with the rut inducers to make him a Shiny beta, charismatic enough to peacock? Or was he just that Magic to be a really flashy beta? OR OR.. is magic all of that at once? Maybe, if he did do it, he needed to?
ROIDing is a necessary medicine in sport now, newly designated as necessary using overstimulation risk as a reason to protect too many players from imprisonment & eventual shut down of the sport since suppressants were part of every player ( keeps betas clear-headed and alphas consolable ). But it's still debated by any side a group may conjoin as. The threat of its illegalization is looming. Violence, fear, envy, hatred. Trust no one.
Fuck Everyone ?
oh, yeah, anyone can top or bottom here. That at least remains the same. Positions can just go against the grain in less secret now.. however, that doesn't mean they're all exactly Comfortable to, though .
But you know who's mighty comfy?
Dennis is doing just fine. Eccentric, quiet, grounded, true, omega, stubborn, beta, alpha, callous: Dennis.
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
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Two teens are sitting in the carpet, watching YouTube videos on a phone, they pause it and look up judgementally.
"As a former teen, I understand the appeal of sitting on the floor instead of couches, but as a back-pain-prone creaky-knees adult, I no longer share these views"
"Are you two the couple having gay sex on the second floor?"
"When will I ever be free from the consequences of my actions"
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"Nope, wrong person, we are the gay detective couple that were investigating the second floor"
"Oh, cops"
"Private detectives"
"Yeah, man, there's no gay cops"
"That makes more sense"
"Anyways! We need you guys to go to -"
"Actually, there is something else."
Tumblr media
"There is?"
"Are you two Simon Coli and Owen by any chance"
"Uh, yeah? I'm Owen"
"I'm Simon"
"Do you happen to know anything about Mr. Coli's speedrunning incident ?"
They look at each other
"... Not really"
"Yeah! It was something about an anonymous link to a video of him doing a weird tour, right? We just read the news about it"
"I see"
"Another quick question"
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"Are you lying to me?"
They freeze up
"Ah, I mightve been a little too intense there. Whoops"
"... Care to share your thought process, partner?"
"Oh! This is the part where the main detective says their hypothesis! What would Benoit Blanc do? Ah, yes! Slight undressing!"
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"You're right Owen, it was an anonymous link sent to a reporter. It is interesting that you remember that specific detail.
You see, Mr Coli is known for being a man who cares a lot about his public image, it is weird that he would willingly put a video proving him guilty of multiple crimes and being put as a speedrun for a game, it's a bit silly isn't it?"
"And sure, maybe he just did it on a whim, maybe to just be funny or something"
"But wouldn't it make more sense
That it wasn't him who made and uploaded the video?"
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"Ah, signs of anxiety, how familiar I am with them.
Still, as much as I think I'm right, this hypothesis doesn't have much to stand on, This just feels like something someone younger would do. Maybe if I apply a bit of pressure to them, they'll say something? I don't want to be mean to kids, though..."
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"Partner. Partner help. Understand my telepathic message Ángel!"
"Owen, by any chance, you don't happen to know the speedrunning account Eugene happened to use when he was younger, right? Is not like he showed you it or anything.
And Mr. Little Coli, I suppose Eugene was never interested in telling you about his company or factories or anything. That would be crazy!"
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"What. Where did he get that from. Did he talk to them before?
And he's not even undressing!"
"Ah, it would also be very convenient if they knew someone who owned a lot of cameras"
An anxious atmosphere hangs over the room
"Um, we are not trying to arrest you or anything!! I think it was very , uh, poggers? If you exposed him like that?"
"... Never say poggers again."
"Duly noted"
"Let me be honest, we think your dad invited us here to kill us all. And we need to know the truth of the speedrunning incident to finally figure out what he is planning exactly"
"Wha... We're going to die?!"
"Ah, don't worry! We are taking care of it! Look! I haven't died yet!"
Ángel makes a weird expression
"Let me get to the point. I think you guys made the video without him knowing.
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The fact that it was recorded as some kind of tour, replacing the sound of voices, and that it would be unlike Mr. Coli to set himself up like that makes me think it was some type of secret recording
And what Ángel said would fit really well to this theory, too.
There is no motive to the speedrun because it was never supposed to be a speedrun.
So please tell us, we need to know what it is that actually happened"
"Our lives could be at risk"
"... You won't snitch to the police or anything?"
"The only thing I've ever told the police is 'I request a lawyer' "
The teens look at eachother
" ...Um, it was the three of us actually"
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yellowloid · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to share my experience since I saw your post about recent gig, if it's ok :) I was in Paris at the Accor Arena too, but on May 10th. It was their 3rd show in a row and for some reason I was worried that they would be tired by this point, but no!! Alex was in some kind of an upper mood, quite excited even. Yeah, somewhere between songs he said "we are (or I am) exhausted at this point, but we are so happy" or smth like that. In fact, English is not my first language, and it was difficult to understand him sometimes, and I understood some phrases only after the concert from the fan videos on Instagram lol
Btw, he spoke French quite often that day, almost more than English ahahha. He greeted us in French, constantly thanked us in French with merci, "big ideas" was also said in French, and during dsdcihmyc he shouted "chair" in French. And during Body Paint, he awkwardly touched a standing guitar with a cord and dropped it that I couldn’t stop laughing afterwards. But outro BP was something incredibly exciting, he was great, completely immersed in what he was doing. During I wanna be yours, I almost cried, he sang it so soulfully, as if mentally returning to past happy moments in his memory. Oh, and yes, we had Cornerstone. Sorry...
As for the crowd, I completely agree with you. But, even though I had sitting places, already on the second song everyone stood up and did not sit down until the very end, dancing and screaming (me in particularly). To the right and left sides of me there were cute grandfathers in earplugs (funny that there alone, like they literally came to listen to the group, not to spend time with their grandchildren), who danced more actively than me and filmed every song on the phone ahhaha, it was very nice to see them! And before the encore, the stadium was shaking with clatter and I had goosebumps all over my body, the applause did not stop for a minute until they came out again. But yes, there was clearly a revival on the hype songs from AM, and on the songs from The Car everyone calmed down a bit. Of course, this is not Glasto, but still the audience was on fire.
And there were many more moments when he sang "I am a fool for you" directly to the camera, shouted something in the middle of the songs or between them, bowled on Pretty Visitors, said some little phrases between each song, it's unforgettable. I even had a mental breakdown after the concert, like only after the gig I realized that I saw them live and that they all were REAL indeed. Alex is so tiny sweety pie, and when he was blowing kisses at the very end and smiling sincerely, it made him look like a child. I just love them all so so much. I want to go to one more concert, because it really went disastrously fast.
Best experience in my life, happy that you also had it! ❤️
how dare you do this to me while i'm still drowning in concert nostalgia sjhdggdgsg
the usual french banter was actually so wholesome at my show too <3 definitely expected him to say something more but you won't catch me complaining shfgsg. and the "LA CHAISE" moment at yours was so random and silly how did y'all not collectively eat him. also not him dropping a guitar LMAOOOO
and i absolutely agree, body paint is already such a powerful song (it's been in my top three from the car from the very first moment eheheh) but hearing it live is just so........uGH it's soso powerful and the instrumental part when he always goes to jamie and they do their thing is absolutely beautiful and intense and aaaaa <///3
ugh i'll never forgive them for not giving me cornerstone and i was very upset about that BUT i have to say i probably would've been even MORE upset if they played perfect sense because i feel like it's rarer yknow? it's much more likely for them to play cornerstone (for obvious reasons) rather than perfect sense or even star treatment (which thankfully i got sjghdgf)
also iwby.......yeah. he always looks so pensive when he sings that and i'm like who HURT you babygirl <////3
yeah about the audience it was exactly the same at my show, we were all standing up and jumping around for most of the concert (mostly am and fwn tracks) but then the majority would go dead for specific songs, mostly from the car. but you can BET i was still singing my heart out. and also YEAH can we talk about the applause at the end of the main set and after the encore???? it just didn't stop it lasted SO LONG and it was SO WELL DESERVED because they were AMAZING
i awww'ed out loud at the grandfathers that is literally so sweet. i hope they had a great time :')
i don't remember if he bowled at my show but he did raise the mic stand in the air during pretty visitors sjfhsgfgs i also think he did something similar to what you said during sias, or maybe another song i don't remember - but yeah he pointed directly at the camera and i saw it on the big screen and almost collapsed right there and then lmao. and when he kept waving goodbye and blowing kisses and smiling he was so pretty and he really looked happy to be there and i just never wanted him to get off stage :') i truly wanted that moment to last forever.
the feeling you get once you realize that you're actually seeing them/you saw them is CRAZY. like they exist! they're real and tangible and you were in the same place as them! breathing the same air! and right after it's done (it literally goes by so fast) you start missing them so much. it's almost been two weeks and i'm still so emotional and nostalgic <///3 i love them so much and i miss them terribly.
thank you for sharing your experience anon, it was a pleasure reading about it and i'm happy we both had a great time!!
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coolattasclown · 30 days
Assigning marble sky characters songs from the portal 2 soundtrack based purely on vibes . Disclaimer I’m not a musician idk any instrument
Iris: Potato’s Lament. kind of a lonely feeling to it and the robotic singing echoing around droning just makes me think of her situation. :(
Holly: Adrenal Vapor. Makes me happy and theres good sounds. A very calming song.
Ecliptica: You Know Her? The choir in the first half and the beat in the second half make me think of her power and control over the ship and her people. Intimidating!
Oscar: Some Assembly Required. A fast paced song that reminds me of how adventurous he is, but also has a lot of synth and tech vibes bc he’s becoming more intertwined with the Marmors. I think he’d enjoy it!
Ward: Robot Waiting Room #1. Kind of similar to Holly’s with the funny noises but also a bit more droning and a bit more foreboding imo. I think Ward is hard to score for bc he’s a very serious character, but also very human yknow? There’s a lot of synth and stuff in this OST so it can be kind of hard to find one that fits for him. I think this does him justice though.
Sculptor: Dont Do It. Starts with a lot of electronic buzzing that cuts sharply which makes me think of his personality and the spikes he controls. A very technological song, lots of buzzing and stuff. It also gets progressively more intense with like. trumpet noises every few seconds? I think it shows how quickly the series ramps up after what he does to Ward.
Writing this made me think a Portal au would be so silly. Have Sculptor in place of Glados. Oscar as Wheatley. Ward as Chell. Maybe even Holly as another test subject with a portal gun (like the co-op version). Do you see my vision. Tell me you see my vision
As a bonus
Olmi: Robot Ghost Story. It’s quiet for the most part with some robotic whining towards the end which makes me think of kindling speech sort of?? Like something distorted’s crying out from the darkness. Like it’s stalking you and you can’t see it yet. If that makes sense :]
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noxx-33i · 2 months
YOU SEE IT YOU SEE THE VISION WHITE GIRL MUSIC TASTE SHURI but also idk why but I see him liking 100 Gecs (I forgor how to spell it) too and specifically Stupid Horse and Money Machine (I'm going insane I keep for getting the 100 Gecs song names)
Omg wait ure so right with girlhood Vine actually. Maybe this is just cause she's pink but like. Soft pink coded songs. Romance songs? Maybe? Like uh Would You Be So Kind, If I Could Ride a Bike, etc. Two Birds maybe? Those kinda songs ykyk??? I think she'd like Melanie Martinez but mostly the more,,, idk how to describe it but the less intense stuff??? If that makes sense?? Something like Carousel, Sippy Cup, Training Wheels. AM I MAKING SENSE IDKIDK
— @spiderwebd (I'm biting at the cage also if ure eepy why u awake silly)
UR RIGJT ON VINE BTW. I was trying to say she would love these types of songs for melanie BUT LIKE I COULDNT FIND THE RIGHT WORDS
Also i had a thought of broker being into rap songs (its kinda funny and now i run with it)
Who else did i miss… scythe? I honestly think shed be into old 70s-90s songs… she just gives me those vibes. But then again shes a serial killer—
Banhammer is obviously into rock,,, i wouldnt know what specific genre but he likes crunchy guitars in songs what if he likes marylin monroe n michael jackson bc of his momma tjo (im projecting)
Biograft. 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🤬🤬🤬🤬🙅‍♂️🤬🙅‍♂️/j
bro would download cruelty free music and play it on repeat thats what i imagine (dude doesnt listen to them its just what it does)
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Hello, yes, hi, I am once again here to give you your Main Man Mr. Frankie Morales and I'll throw in "Please kiss me" and/or "Don't hold back" because reasons (those reasons are I have a great need and I know so do you hehe). Hope your week in Iceland goes fantastic! ✨
Thank and bless you for making me think thoughts about Mr Frankie Morales who is indeed our Main Man. Oh Frankie. Oh. Darling baby boy.
No warnings except lots of burping. Cute first date with Frankie.
You had probably never has such an insignificant and simple yet absolutely fantastic first date. In the past you had somehow drawn to you the kind of men who would treat you to expensive dinners at fancy restaurants or elaborate cocktails at the popular hot spots in town. Those dates were nice, of course, but somehow always ended up being about the venue and how much disposable income the guy had.
Francisco Morales was different. He showed up in clean yet clearly worn clothes: jeans that somehow managed to look both too tight and baggy at the same time, a rather endearingly horrible shirt with cranes on it, a worn denim jacket, a baseball cap hiding his hair except the unruly curls peeking out from under it.
He took you bowling. It wasn't even one of those fancy laser bowling places, but a completely normal, clean but run down place that looked vaguely vintage but lacked the follow-through in interior details to actually be categorized as a themed bowling alley.
He won, but seemed to not even care as his gaze kept returning to you, smiling at your every word, laughing heartily at your stupid jokes. He then took you to what he said was his favorite restaurant: a hot dog vendor whose streetside stall looked like it might fall over at any point. The hot dogs, which you ate on a park bench while the sun wandered past the buildings on the other side of the street, were of course out of this world. The meal, however, made you burpy, and you thought you were being discreet about it, but Frankie noticed.
"A good healthy burp will keep you right after that hot dog," he advised you between the bursts of laughter. "Don't hold back."
The situation got out of hand and suddenly you were having an inconceivably childish belching contest, one that you won. You worried for a moment that Frankie would find you disgusting, but he seemed only concerned with keeping his bellyfrom splitting with laughter as he bent over and wheezed for air. It was so liberating to be able to just be yourself, to be immature and silly and funny with a man. And yet, you found a serious side to him as well: he could converse about most topics, about the darker sides of life, about fears and hopes and dreams. When it got chilly, he took his jacket off and put it over your shoulders despite your protests.
He drives you home after, and when he pulls over outside your house, he turns to you with a shy smile.
"I had a really good time - "
"Please kiss me," you cut him off, and he responds immediately, leaning over the middle console of his pickup truck to get closer to you. His lips brush over yours, tentatively, as if still asking for your permission. Your heart is sledgehammering away in your chest and your eyes close when he applies a little more pressure. He's not too pushy about it though, kissing you softly with lots of little breaks in which he just breathes against your trembling lips. When you bring a hand up to the side of his strong neck, you feel his pulse, quick and insistent, and you realize that his blood is roaring in his ears just as yours is. And even though it's exciting and hot and intense and frightening, there is also a sense of things falling into place.
You press your lips to his more insistently, and your tongues meet.
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corvus-rose · 8 months
top 3 vayuden songs, the angstier the better >:33
i owe you my life (both for the ask and for - iirc - actually coining the ship name vayuden)
i'm gonna start this off with THE vayuden song (which is angsty but more in a bittersweet way), the one that singlehandedly drives me to keep writing the damn romance novel.
Not Yet / Love Run - The Amazing Devil
The first half is like, mostly sweet and intimate? There is still some angst in there because Hyland's part in Not Yet is clearly having some intense dreams like one fist holds a lighter the other your hand and where is God ma, where's the vodka but we always cut back to Batey's held your hand as you shook in the middle of the night and sing me awake with a song about pirates and that's just a very sweet and occasionally silly grounding factor. in true Amazing Devil love song style. but alas it cannot last.
and THEN. we hit love run. if you're gonna listen to this song please listen to it in album order, it hits SO hard after you've listened to the entirety of the album before. anyway, in vayuden news,
Love run (love run) For all the things we wished we'd done Run from all you know that's coming Run to show that love's worth running to
and if that ain't the thesis. of their ENTIRE arc in answers of a yaksha. from eden urging vayu to escape even if it means leaving them behind to vayu finally accepting that eden will leave to reclaim their former power and quite possibly forget him complete to vayu running right back to them to eden not only welcoming him back but even following him into the human world, if on a part time basis. god. love really is worth running to.
anyway i am trying very hard to not have this entire list be duets from The Amazing Devil. but it's not my fault they have so many good duets.
Never Love An Anchor - The Crane Wives
"To avoid being basic I will only put one Amazing Devil song on this post. Anyway, here's The Crane Wives," - me, a clown
but this song is like, peak 14 year separation angst feels for both of them.
eden passages:
It's a secret I keep tucked inside my chest With this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful There is love that doesn't have a place to rest But it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulders
And you'll never see the reasons I had For keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you
I think a big thing for Eden is feeling like they're in a very fragile world that they have broken too many times to count. and i figure at the end of act 3 they were so convinced that having the level of awful, destructive power they had back then and being in love with a gentle, sensitive, caring person from the human world were completely incompatible.
also it's funny because the source of eden's power is literally tucked into their chest.
vayu passages:
I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel I am all the things they might have said to you Do you ever think of me and my two hands and wonder why they never soothed your fevers? And wonder why they never tied your shoes? And wonder why they never held you gently?
vayu is very hard on himself but he did become hardened by his time in lalanika's cannibal pantry hell. he did change, even if he still kept his prior kindness, he's more willing to go claws out and he kind a hates that about himself. unfortunately.
and like. the additional layer of tragedy is that there was always a layer of disconnect in vayu and eden's intimacy, whether it be because of dreams, because neither party knew the full truth of eden's situation, or because of shapeshifter nonsense. in a weird poetic sense vayu never did hold eden before he left, despite being in an intimate relationship with them for a few years. and eden did have claws that they kept away when vayu was just about to get close to them.
cynical world - Yuki Kajiura
the woman the myth the legend ms Kajiura is in this playlist no less than three times
and this is probably the angstiest and angriest of those three! even vayuden have arguments sometimes! such as when vayu and eden finally reunite but it's in the context of vayu hunting a deer that was actually a shapeshifted eden and they Did Not Like That! How Dare You Not Recognize Me In Deer Form, Vayu. and there's a bunch of conflicting feelings on eden's part because they told him to leave, but they're also angry that he didn't try to come back all this time, but on the other hand he's got family on the other hand etc etc.
Here we stand in ravishing rain Joy is like pain It feels like a miracle You can’t turn back, you’re in chains Never again Return from a cynical world
but like. it does encapsulate this feeling of having cracked the world and your selves in half and you can't go back because you fucked up big time buddy boy vayu like you weren't even supposed to be hunting in that forest.
but on the other hand. it's them. it's him. they both kinda wanted this even if they would have rather gotten it in any other way than this. and in a weird way they're the two people who can best understand each other.
That's your final consolation Now hang onto me, in the cynical world
the vibe here is "how dare you. never leave my side again." on Eden's part.
thank you thank you for indulging my vayuden brainrot.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
It's really silly that people are using 'alpha and beta' male for anyone in BTS let's be real they're all 'alphas' by stupid incel / pick-up-artist logic. Being soft-spoken or shy or introverted isn't the definition of alpha v. beta, it's a man who can command resources and partners because he has enough male / able-bodied / hetero-patriarchial / capitalist / lookist privilege. I'm sorry even if someone in BTS is a pillow-princess sub bottom they're plenty 'alpha' in life's hierarchy.
Perioddddd, this is something I agree with. They're MEN and most of all, they're rich men.
In all seriousness, I think it's just really intense and unnecessary and kind of crazy to talk about real people as alpha/beta/omegas(?) there are other words to describe the way we develop our personality and relationships with people. So in that sense, I don't take this discussion too seriously because alpha is not a word that's in my vocabulary. I don't use it and I don't think it should be used to describe people seriously. I don't even understand why it was a discussion to begin with, because if someone told me Jimin alpha I'd take it as a joke, say fuck yeah daddy🤭🫣 and move on.
Whatever the reason, I just usually end up thinking the same every time I see discourse like this: a lot of people here just doesn't seem to interact with a huge variety of men in their daily lives, or maybe they don't interact with men at all.
Take my dad as example. You can picture a brown man, buzz cut, 180cm, calloused hands, doesn't talk too much, obviously doesn't text or make phone calls, I've never seen him cry, he's never told me that he loves me, he's never said anything sentimental and I used to actually be scared of him until I was like 16 because he was so strict. He would unplug the internet cable at 9pm no excuses and off to bed.
My dad is literally what anyone would describe as an "alpha male". I would also tell you he's one.
Nevertheless, do you wanna know who cooks at home? My dad. My mom hates cooking and doesn't know many recipes. My mom used to work during the mornings and he worked afternoons so it was my dad who woke me up every morning to go to school until I was around 9. He braided my hair, he literally did my hair every morning, he sprayed perfume on me, he got my clothes ready, he made me breakfast, he'd go to my school meetings, he did art with me, he painted my nails. My mom was screaming at me and making me cry while teaching me maths 😭😭 (I hate maths) it was my dad who'd come up and tell her to be more patient.
I don't get it, I don't understand why people feel the need to take a man who does something they think it's not "stereotypically male" and label him as feminine or queer. For half of my life, my dad did at home everything mothers are "supposed" to do and I would've never thought of calling my dad feminine or a not stereotypical cis straight man, because in the end he is a cis straight man, no matter how many times he's braided my hair or no matter that he even knew how to braid a hair in the first place.
It was just funny to me that a whole essay was written about how calling Jungkook or any BTS member an alpha male is so wrong and uncalled for and he's actually the opposite of that, only to end up saying Jimin is an alpha male lol. So they think it's pretty much an offense to think of JK as an alpha male but Jimin sure, you can think that of him.
The whole discussion was taken way too seriously because of jikookers constant need to reinforce JK's soft boi image. They've always jumped at anyone who doesn't think of him as sugar star baby bambi candy. Maybe if you have to constantly "defend" someone's feminity/feminine traits and how dainty they are and you need to search through thousands of hours of content to find a one minute compilation of someone tucking his hair behind his hair to prove that he doesn't look or act like a stereotypically cis straight man, then maybe his "feminity" or delicate character isn't as predominant as you think it is.
I personally do think the parts that would make people think of JK as an "alpha male" are more obvious or in-your-face than other parts of him. And that's okay. Even one look at his Instagram posts (both deleted and present) would tell you the same. He knows how to craft an image of himself that he wants people to see, he's been learning how to do that since he was a kid and anyone who sees in him the bad tattooed emotionally constipated guy on a black motorcycle, they're literally going off with what they see and he's chosen to show. Not everyone has the time or the interest to watch 10 years of bangtan bombs and DVDs to see if there's more to him.
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