#he’d be a whole new man fr
zethd · 3 months
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this would fix house and his very ANGRY CHRONIC PAIN
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rynbutt · 2 months
pierced. pt. 3 | spencer reid.
Spencer wanted this date to go perfectly, he wanted to treat you like a princess and maybe even land a second date... but why is Hotch calling?
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 4
cw: fem!reader, kissing, slight angst, fluffy
a/n: kicking my feet fr
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You started getting ready two hours earlier than you normally would.
Sure, you had been on dates before, but you could confidently say you’d never been this excited to go on a date before. You’d been on the odd blind date that your friend from back home set up, but they usually went as well as you’d expect a date with a misogynistic frat boy with mommy issues to go… not great. After Spencer had walked you home, and called to ask you out for dinner, you were utterly giddy. 
You barely got any sleep that night, your mind and heart racing a mile a minute thinking about the kiss you shared outside your apartment building. You spent the most of the afternoon picking out an outfit, staring at your body in the mirror while you turned side on, front on, side on again to make sure your ass looked good (it did).
You asked Spencer to tell you where he was taking you, because you really didn’t want to be underdressed or overdressed. He insisted it was nothing fancy but a man’s idea of fancy and a woman’s idea of fancy are very different things.
You picked something that felt like the best of both worlds, a semi-formal mini dress and dressed down with your favourite knitted cardigan. You spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready, styling your hair, picking jewellery and shoes and doing your makeup. 
You had been excited the whole day but as 6pm got closer and closer, you started to get nervous. It had been a while since you’d gone on a date with someone you felt you really liked and wanted to impress, it was a strange feeling.
Spencer knocked on your door at exactly 6pm. You were in the middle of pulling applying your lipgloss when he knocked. You cursed quietly to yourself, thinking you had way more time than you actually did. You’d hoped he’d be at least a little bit late. He was a genius though, punctuality was kind of his thing. 
You almost tripped over your shoes running to the front door, a cleaning task you would tackle when you got home. You pulled the door open with a smile beaming across your face. Your heart fluttered at the sight of Spencer’s precious face peeking over a bouquet of pink tulips.
“Hi,” he said softly with a tight lipped smile. He held the tulips out toward you, “for you.”
“Spencer…” you pouted at the gesture, taking the tulips from his grasp. “They’re so beautiful.”
“Garcia said flowers would make a good impression,” he lied, he actually read a considerable amount of articles and first date guides all day at work. But Garcia did help him pick the flowers.
“Well, she was right. Tulips are my favourite,” you grinned, turning back into your apartment to find and fill a vase. “Come in, I won’t be a minute, I just need to put my shoes on and grab my purse.”
Spencer awkwardly stepped into your apartment, glancing around at the now fully decorated space, a far cry from what it looked like just 3 weeks ago. You quickly went to put your shoes on and put some money, your lipgloss and perfume in your purse. You closed the door to your bedroom and paused, staring at Spencer as he squatted down and rubbed Tofu’s belly.
“Made a new friend?” You asked.
Spencer smiled with utter delight, “She’s so fluffy.”
You giggled at Spencer’s response, grabbing the keys for your apartment off the kitchen counter. Spencer dusted the cat fur off his pants before spinning on his heel to face you, “ready to go?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. You stepped closer until you were just in front of him, you reached up and adjusted his tie gently. “You look very handsome.”
His cheeks felt hot, “T-thank you… You-! You look really nice too- beautiful! You look beautiful…” he stammered, exaggeratedly gesturing at your appearance.
You giggled softly, “thank you, Spence… Shall we?”
“Yes, yes, right,” he replied, quickly scurrying to the door to open it for you.
The two of you made your way down to his car and he made a point to run ahead of you when you left your apartment building to open his passenger door for you. He was intensely determined to be a gentleman, wanting to give you a good impression so maybe you’d go on another date with him, maybe even come to Rossi’s dinner party next week. But he was getting ahead of himself, he should probably focus on the road.
“...So where are you taking me?” You asked, glancing out the car window at the city speeding by. 
“It’s one of my favourite places,” he replied, hands nervously gripping the wheel. “I… hope you like it.”
“I’m just happy to spend time with you, Spencer… We could sit on the pavement outside a seven eleven and I’d be thrilled,” you grinned, folding your hands in your lap as you watched him glance at you. You watched him for a moment, chuckling to yourself whenever he would glance down at your lap then clear his throat.
Spencer was really trying to keep his eyes on the road, but your plush thighs in the corner of his eye were proving to be very distracting. He had never had a pretty girl in his passenger seat before, especially not a girl he was taking on a date. 
Spencer drove for maybe 30 minutes before he pulled into a parking lot. Once he parked, he quickly got out of the car and did a little run around the front to open your door for you, reaching to help you out of his car.
Spencer held his elbow out for you and you linked arms, your hand gently holding his upper arm. There was a long line up outside the restaurant, people talking and laughing, clearly it was a popular spot. Spencer was stiff with nervousness, his hands clammy as you leaned your temple against his shoulder.
“You okay?” You questioned gently.
He nodded quickly, “Yeah, just… I’ve never been on a proper date before.”
You pouted, “well don’t be nervous. I’m only here for you, Spence. I’m sure it’ll be perfect.”
Spencer’s phone suddenly rang in his jacket pocket. You quickly let go of his arm as he pulled it out of his pocket, staring at Hotch’s caller ID. He hesitated for a moment, knowing it was work and he would likely have to leave. Spencer looked at you with such sadness and disappointment in his eyes.
“Work?” You asked softly.
“Yeah… But I-”
“It’s okay, Spencer,” you smiled sadly. “Your job’s important.”
Spencer sighed before stepping away from the line and answering the call. You couldn’t hear what he was saying but he sounded upset given his gestures and frantic running of his hand through his hair. After a minute he hung up, slipping his phone in his pocket. He looked at you sadly, opening his mouth to say something but you cut him off.
“It’s okay, Spencer,” you held his face softly. “You go, I’ll get a cab, okay? And when you get back you can tell me all about how you kicked ass, okay?”
Spencer breathed out a laugh and nodded timidly, “Okay.”
“Go,” you said, letting go of his face as he quickly darted away to his car. He was almost out of sight when you watched him turn back, running back to you. He quickly planted a kiss on your lips, breathing hard against you. You smiled against his lips and held his cheek in your hand. He pulled away just as fast, your lipgloss smeared along his lips. You wiped it off with your thumb, “okay, now go.”
“I’ll call you,” he breathed, kissing your cheek quickly before running off.
It killed him leaving you there. Spencer wasn’t someone who got angry that easily but he was in a bad mood about this. He charged through the bullpen that night like a bulldozer, ready to set fire to anyone who dared ask him ‘how he was’. Morgan, JJ and Emily sensed the crankiness the moment Spencer pulled his chair out and sat down with a thud, crossing his arms angrily. 
“Rough night, lover boy?” Morgan asked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Wasn’t much of a night at all, really,” Spencer retorted with an attitude.
“Woah, woah, what happened?” Emily questioned, eyes narrowing at Spencer.
“I had a date, okay? That girl you met last night? Y/N? I was taking her to my favourite restaurant and then Hotch called and I-” Spencer had to stop himself before he blew up. His lips formed a tight line as he stared at the table, not daring to look up.
“Aw, Spence…” JJ sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t help,” Spencer mumbled. He spent the rest of their meeting in a foul mood, barely listening to JJ as she listed the details of their next case. They were never usually called in on their days off but after almost twenty bodies, the BAU had a lot cut out for them.
“We’ll leave in two hours,” Hotch dismissed. Spencer was first up, grabbing the small stack of files and pushing toward the door to go to his desk. Morgan and Emily looked at each other, sharing a look of disbelief over Spencer’s crankiness. 
Spencer sat at his desk pushing his pen around, barely touching the cup of sugar with a splash of coffee that JJ got for him. All he could think about was how you probably wouldn’t talk to him again after this, he knew this job came with sacrifices, but he just wanted one thing, one thing, to himself.
“You okay, Reid?” Penelope asked softly. 
Spencer glanced up at her, letting out a sigh, “I was on a date with Y/N before this… We didn’t even get to sit down.”
Penelope’s shoulders slumped at his words, “I’m sure you’ll be able to make it up to her,” she said hopefully. 
Spencer nodded slowly, “I hope so.”
Penelope stepped away to answer a phone call and Spencer was left feeling sorry for himself at his desk for the next 30 minutes, going through his mind the different things he could say or do to make it up to you. Maybe he should call you? Text you? Drop by when he gets back? Or maybe he could buy you another cat as a peace offering-
“Is this seat taken?”
Spencer’s head shot up from his desk, coming face to face with you, your hand resting on the empty chair by his desk.
“Y/N? What are you-”
“I called Penelope,” you answered, “She told me you weren’t leaving for another hour so… I thought I’d bring dinner?”
You held out a plastic bag of take away food from the restaurant he took you to. You asked Penelope what his favourite thing on the menu was and bought some extra for yourself. Spencer looked like a kicked puppy as he stared up at you in disbelief.
He stood up and quickly hugged you, making you chuckle at the sudden affection. You felt your face heat up at all the eyes suddenly on you and Spencer. Morgan whooped from his desk, cheering loudly and obnoxiously, prompting Spencer to pull away from you.
“I’m so sorry,” Spencer whispered.
“You don’t have to apologise, Spence,” you replied. “You love your job and it’s important,” you shrugged, placing the plastic bag on his desk.
“God, you’re so sweet it’s killing me,” Emily grumbled, walking by with a fresh cup of coffee. She pointed at Spencer, brows raised, “keep her.”
You and Spencer shared a laugh before he pulled a chair over closer to his for you. You sat down and pulled your takeaway dinner from the plastic bag, letting Spencer tell you all about the restaurant and why this specific meal was his absolute favourite. His knees brushed against yours under his desk and he just revelled in the comfort of your company.
“So, what’s your new case?” You asked, taking a sip of your drink.
“Uh, well,” he trailed off.
“You can’t tell me, huh?” You chuckled.
“Not really, sorry,” he replied. “I’m sure it’ll be on the news tomorrow.”
“Right, well. I’m sure deep down I don’t really wanna know,” you shrugged.
He nodded, “the cases we work aren’t exactly pleasant.” Spencer sighed, “I wish we could have actually had a date.”
“This is a date,” you replied. “Is it not?”
“Well… I mean, it’s just not what I wanted for our first date.”
“Like I said Spence, you could take me to a seven eleven and I’d have a blast,” you chuckled, reaching over to run a thumb across his cheek. “You can make it up to be on our second date.”
Spencer quickly looked at you, “Second date?”
“Yeah… only if you want to?”
“Yes, yeah. I want to,” he replied almost too fast. You smiled sweetly at him, a piece of your hair falling from behind your ear. Oh yeah, he’s done for.
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a/n: had you in the first half, didn't i... dare i say you've pierced his heart, HAHAHAH
taglist: @crazycat-ladys-blog @cillsnostalgia @secretly-tumb1r
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Yandere DILF! Reaction to You seeing Him as a Fatherly Figure
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Warnings: Obsessive Behaviour, Delusional Behaviour, Freudian “Logic”, Age Gap, Implication of Murder, Implied Sexual Content, Infidelity, Pet Names, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You.
♡ The D in DILF stands for ‘Delusional’.
♡ At least, in Dominic’s case.
♡ When you first told him that you saw him as your “Dad away from home !” he spiralled.
♡ At first, in the immediate fallout of your bombshell statement (one which you gave little thought to, seeing it only as a compliment), Dominic smiled, a dry, thin, almost watery smile, and paid you a compliment back – something suave and reflexive; the technique he’d learnt as a younger man that freed him of consequence on many occasions.
♡ And, like clockwork, you give a laugh and a smile, yet you do not succumb to abashment.
♡ Just another reason why you stand out to Dominic; why he loves you so.
♡ Your comment stays with him long after you’ve left.
♡ And, initially terrified that this was all you’d ever see him as – just some guy who could be your step-in father when your real one was away – he tried to rationalise it. Nullify it.
♡ For days afterwards, Dominic assesses his behaviour, searches for the instigator of his ‘fatherly’ aura.
♡ True, he is an actual father to two children, which he can’t exactly “correct” (not legally, anyway).
♡ After racking his brain, searching for any way to nullify his fatherly appeal, he has a flash of brilliance.
♡ Instead of neutralising it, he decides to lean into it; to amplify it and add his own charm to such a degree so to make himself more appealing to you in ways a father could not be.
♡ Cue Dominic’s Freud era.
♡ Fr though, he’s so desperate to turn your appreciation into attraction that he endorses the whole insane theory that a man’s offspring will compete for their father’s romantic attention with their peers (gross, I know).
♡ He’s turning up the DILF factor.
♡ Sleeves half-drawn up to his elbows to show off his forearms (the ones which he’s worked tirelessly on at the gym); giving you one of his shirts to wear when he “accidentally” gets yours wet during a summer water fight – things like that.
♡ Things that are a gateway for him to show that he ‘cares’.
♡ Really pressing into that ‘fatherly’ image.
♡ Prepare to be praised 24/7.
♡ Only when his wife isn’t in earshot, though.
♡ “Oh, what a wonderful painting ! Such a pretty little picture, Darling…”
♡ He’ll lean over you, trapping you between his arms as you sit at the table, bringing himself as close to your body as he can without arousing your suspicion or making you uncomfortable.
♡ Definitely the type to lean against doorframes or walls just so he can cross his arms over his chest and show off his bulging biceps.
♡ He calls you a good girl or good boy whenever you do something that pleases him.
♡ In his own way, he’s trying to train you to seek his validation.
♡ Dominic’s a master at reading a room, and he uses this power of perception to act when he knows you’re at your most accepting. Or your most vulnerable.
♡ Had a bad day at work ? He offers you his open arms, his shirt sprayed with an irresistible collection of colognes to create a distinct scent (one which he’s also tried on others with positive effects. Though, as previously discussed, things which sent his prior conquests wild seemingly have little effect on you).
♡ You have something big to celebrate ? He’ll take that opportunity – your good mood – to pull you into his arms, lower his lips to your ear and congratulate you: “That’s such good news, Sweetie !” he says, laying on the pet names. Then, his volume dips as he pulls you just a little closer, just brushing the area between your legs with his thigh.
♡ “I’ll have to take you out somewhere so we can celebrate properly.”
♡ As to what this is will be a mystery to you until a box is delivered to your doorstep, a formal outfit inside, coupled with a note with the address of an upscale restaurant, and…
♡ A keycard to a hotel room.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Yandere AI Masterlist Masterpost
AO3 Wattpad
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tayytayy12 · 1 month
From the start | LN4 x Reader
Summary - Reader and Lando have been best friends for years, but reader slowly develops feelings for him, and didn’t want to tell him in fear that he wouldn’t feel the same and it would ruin their friendship forever, so she releases a song indirectly telling him everything, not knowing he’d always felt the same.
Warnings - Swearing
Type - SMAU
FaceClaim - Laufey
Requested - yes - no
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Liked by - LandoNorris, GracieAbrams and 4,927,290 others - Posted 01.02.24
Yourusername - Studio sesh 😙
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GracieAbrams - 💛
Yourusername - 🤍
User3 - She’s so adorable
User4 - Y/n I need whatever you made in that studio like right now pls
User5 - Oh Y/n I fear I can already tell you’ve ate
User6 - the first time she hasn’t told Lando something
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Liked by - LandoNorris, TaylorSwift and 5,100,104 others - Posted 20.02.24
Yourusername - Surprise !!!!!!! My brand new single, ‘from the start’ is out right now! Along with its music video, written and directed by yours truly 😙 this song is unlike anything I’ve ever released before, it’s a complete and true raw reflection of all of my emotions, and I hope you love it like I do. I love you, enjoy 🤍
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User10 - The music video is so fun and goofy but somehow so deep at the same time, I love it sm 😭
User12 - FR SAME
User14 - Literally my new favourite song
User15 - Okay this is so about Lando
User16 - Girl what ?😭
User17 - I see their point, the lyrics point to all things that they’ve said about their friendship
User18 - Like what? 😭
User19 - Like ‘Listening to you harp on 'bout some new soulmate "She's so perfect, " blah, blah, blah’ Y/n has said so many times that sometimes Lando just sits there and says everything about the new girl he’s talking too and it bores her to death, I’d say that’s good enough proof 😭
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Liked by - User20, LandoNorris and 83,290 others - Posted - 23.02.24
Tagged | @/Yourusername
Y/n.Nation - Y/n was the guest on the Jimmy Fallon show last night !!!! She debuted from the start with its first ever live performance, then done her interview where she revealed that her new hit is about someone very very close and personal to her, her words were-
“From the start for me, is like a one of those letters that people write and throw into the fireplace just to get their emotions out there, but instead of writing a letter and throwing it into a fire I wrote a song and gave it to my fans. Which for me is kind of the same thing, they’re incredibly supportive and loving and I couldn’t be more grateful for them, every single one of them I love with my whole heart. This song is about something that I’ve been keeping to myself for maybe ten years now? Since I was still really young. God that makes me sound old, but it’s about someone I’ve known and been extremely close to since I was a child. And I think when you’re so close with someone, feelings like the one I’ve presented in the song can completely ruin a friendship if they’re unrequited, but the other day I decided it was time for me to ‘man up’ as my mum would say, and I went to the studio, I wrote and recorded the song and shot the video, and I just released it and I let my music do the talking. I’ve still not heard anything from the person I’ve aimed it too, so if I don’t get one I suppose that’s my answer to my ‘confession of love’ that I brought up at least seven times in the song.”
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User21 - Y/n told me she loves me
User22 - I’m crying this is so cute but a teeny bit sad at the same time
User23 - She actually lets us read her diary 🥲
User24 - Oh it’s so about lando 🥲
User25 - It’s so obvious I’m gonna cry
User27 - ‘Since I was really young’ she really has loved him from the start
User28 - Okay this relationship is a need now please
User29 - same it’s not even a joke anymore
User30 - Lando it’s in your hands now do the right thing
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Liked by - Yourusername, user32 and 89,191 others - Posted - 25.02.24
Tagged | @/LandoNorris
LN.Updates - Lando on a podcast recently!!! He never addresses Y/n by name, but I think we’d be right in assuming that’s who’s he’s talking about
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User34 - I need someone who looks at me the way Lando looks whenever Y/n is mentioned
User35 - WE ALL DO
User38 - Gonna die
User39 - I need them together right now
User40 - All the Lany/n haters right now are hiding
User41 - As they should be
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Liked by - Yourusername, OscarPiastri and 2,008,99 others - Posted - 22.04.24
Tagged | @/yourusername
LandoNorris - Just thinking of youuuuu 🤍🤍
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User43 - RIP ME
LandoNorris - We was in a funny mood, we’ve been together since the day after that podcast 🫠
User46 - So, before the even confirmed their relationship, they’ve been on a boat trip, she’s been to races, AND they’ve gone to the beach while we all through that they wasn’t together
User47 - The from the start lyrcis 😩
Yourusername - That was a great coffee
LandoNorris - I made a cute hard launch post and you focus on the coffee you had over a month ago?
Yourusername - It was a really good coffee 🥲
LandoNorris - I’ll buy you more
Yourusername - I love youuu 🥲
LandoNorris - I love you more 🤍
User48 - I’m going to sleep on the highway
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Liked by - LandoNorris, GracieAbrams and 2,991,295 others - Posted 22.04.24
Tagged | @/LandoNorris
Yourusername - When I say from the start, I really mean it 🤍
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User49 - This is the kind of love I NEED.
LandoNorris - I love you, I always have
Yourusername - Funny, I could say that same thing. I love you so much more
LandoNorris - Impossible
User50 - This is why I wish my mum had a best friend with a son, cause this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
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lucvly · 7 months
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— boyfriend headcannons with chris. ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: tooth rotting fluff and a nsfw part?? not proofread stop its almost 1 am
a/n: i’m trying my best to feed you guys but school is Fucking me upppp :/ sry this is a little short Oopsie
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— tries to act tougher in public but when both of you are alone he’s a total sweetheart.
— he loves it when you play with his hair, when you let him lay his head on your chest and won’t ever admit it out loud but loves when you’re the big spoon.
— gets so distracted when you’re around it’s hilarious (+ matt and nick always tease him for it because he looks “ridiculous”) literally has the biggest heart eyes for you, always following you around and drooling over you.
— pda pda pda !! this man loves pda, i’m not elaborating.
— shows you off anywhere and everywhere. literally anyone who’s ever spoken to him knows you because he’s always talking about you.
— his instagram feed are mostly pictures with you in them. he loves posting you.
— adores touching you. not even sexually, but always has an arm around you, hugs you from behind, an arm around your waist, a hand in the back pocket of your jeans, etc.
— don’t ever ask him about it but if you’re a romcom fan he’ll definitely watch them with you. sure, he’ll act like he hates them but actually loves watching them with you. his guilty pleasure fr!
— adores doing domestic stuff with you: grocery shopping, cooking, baking– man, he’d even do laundry with you. which just pisses matt off because the only time chris helps with chores is when you’re around.
— if you mention a certain song or a certain artist he’ll slowly start adding them into his playlist. don’t ask him about it because he’ll actually get Embarrassed but still. ++ he has a playlist of songs that remind him of you.
— spoils you good. you want a new perfume? just say the word. that book you talked about last week? he already bought it for you. new necklace? of course. and it has his initials on it so it’s a win win.
— asks you for fashion advice LMFAOO. you’ll get spammed at like 7 am with something like “black or white?????”
— still flirts with you like you’re in the talking stage it’s sooo funny. tells you the lamest pickup lines but it’s cute because it’s Him !!
— nsfw below!
— a munch. loooves eating you out. he does it for his own pleasure trust. + he gets pussydrunk soo quickly.
— teases you soo much help?? especially in public. you could literally be at an important meeting and he’ll still have his hand on your thigh while whispering dirty ass things in your ear.
— loves it when you drag him lingerie shopping. he’s just there to support you and drool over you tbh. he can’t help but get hard when he sees you in all those pretty sets. (+ always ends up with you fucking in the dressing room).
— this man suffers when he’s on tour. he’s so used to having you take care of him he almost forgot how to jerk off LMFAOOO??
— has a whole album on his phone for his eyes only which include videos he’s taken of you getting fucked senseless, videos of you crying out his name, pictures you’ve sent him and videos.
— loves phone sex HELLOOO?? just hearing your voice gets him rock hard. sometimes you’ll be talking about the stupidest thing ever while on call with him and all you’ll ever hear from the other line are soft grunts, panting and heavy breathing. (+ when you tease him about it he just tells you to keep talking– yeah, you both end up moaning into the phone LMFAOO)
— literally anything gets him turned on. something as simple as you giggling or wearing one of his fresh love hoodies and boom– he’s bricked.
— pet names are a huge yes. this man could be choking you and balls deep in you but he’ll still call you the sweetest pet names ever. (“angel”, “princess”, “baby”, “doll”.)
— teasing gets him so worked up. don’t even try to pull on his hair a little, slightly touch his crotch when he’s hard or bend over in front of him unless you wanna end up pinned against a wall and going for at least three rounds.
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jamjaemin · 4 months
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↳ yeah girl, you heard what i said im gonna make you wet the bed
pairing: dom!jaehyun x (FEM) Reader
genre: smut, little plot, still smut.
content includes: squirting, fingerfucking, overstimulation, mutual masturbation, creampie, daddy kink and pet names.
WC: 3k.
A/N: It's our valentine boy's bday ofc I need to make a fic to celebrate this, happy birthday to daddy jaehyun wish him the best luck in his life, plus thanks for 600 subs omg i cant fr, anyways besties enjoy.
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“You want to watch… Porn together?”
“You say that as if we didn't do this before.”
“Well, true but,” You cleared your throat, arms crossed as you shifted your weight to your other foot, your eyes glancing at the laptop on the bed then at him with faint red tinting your cheeks, “Is there a reason why?”
Jaehyun released his breath through his nose, hand resting on his thigh and the other leaning behind him on the mattress, his eyes showing a hint of fatigue within its pool of lust.
God knows how long he’s been waiting for you in bed, all clothed up with an obvious tent in his pants and an open laptop near the bottom of the mattress.
“I got called in,” He revealed and your eyes widened a bit, “I’m being sent off to Incheon.”
“When?” You asked with a subtle frown.
It didn’t take seconds for him to answer.
“Tomorrow. In the morning.” Jae gestured to the laptop with a faint grin, “Anyway, thought I’d try something with you – maybe even take it with me when I miss you too much.”
Heat rushed up to your face at this and you bit your lip slightly, bringing up your shoulders to your ears for a moment. Jaehyun was never shy when it came to teaching you a few things – in fact, he always approached you with a new idea.
Sometimes, you'd be nervous during your intimate times, wondering if you were doing something wrong or right – and jaehyun always calmed you down and got you to cloud nine before reaching his own clouds.
To him, your pleasure always comes first.
And to you, hearing his moans and heavy breathing next to your ear as he’d mutter praise after praise – he slowly built your confidence towards your sexuality.
With that being said;
“Alright, yeah,” You nodded, his eyes lighting up at your agreement, and you went around the bed to peep at the laptop’s screen, “What is it that you want to try?”
Jaehyun’s smile widened and he patted the spot next to him, “C’mon, I’ll show you.”
Running your hand through your hair to push your bangs away, you sat down next to him, crisscrossed. He reached over to his laptop; of course, Porn*ub wasn’t even in incognito mode. 
Your heart was already rattling in your chest but you kept yourr composure and watched as a couple was seated next to each other. The camera view was from above, giving a full view of the girl’s naked body and the man was straddling her leg, possibly keeping her from even attempting to close up her legs.
As you’d expect, both were completely naked – but the man only had a plaid shirt on. The couple had their faces cut out and when they’d be in the camera’s view, they’d be blurred.
The man had his hands caressing his girl’s body, all the way up to her bosoms then down her curves, enticing her. The girl, to give the same treatment, had her hand around his hard cock, slowly pumping it.
“Jae,” You looked over at jaehyun, seeing him only gesturing with his hand to keep your eyes on the screen and you rolled your eyes at his childish antic but did as told.
Soon enough, the man in the video trailed his hand down to the girl’s cunt, purposefully stroking her clit in circles and receiving moans in return. Her hand sped up just a little around his cock, hearing him also sigh heavily.
Was this all there is?
Foreplay orgasm?
You wanted to check the name of the video but could only see it was about six minutes long. That doesn’t seem like enough for the whole thing. Maybe a toy was involved?
It was a simple mutual masturbation porno.
Looking at Jae from the corner of your eyes, you couldn’t see his intense gaze, being shielded by his curtain fringes – but his lips were parted slightly, and sometimes, you’d catch the faintest sight of his tongue darting to lick his bottom lip.
You weren’t going to lie – a subtle uncomfortable feeling was beginning to form within your lower abdomen.
Louder and louder the girl got when the man finger-fucked her deep and quickly. She purposefully jerked him off, both moaning helplessly. The girl’s sounds got higher and you swallowed thickly; whatever plan Jaehyun had in mind, it was already working.
“baby, is it just this–”
You were cut off when the girl practically shrieked, back arching up when she started gushing.
The clear substance splashed everywhere; on her thighs, and stomach, and even drenched the sheets beneath her. Her moans and whines weren’t stopping, only intensifying when her man pushed on and she came again in no time.
Her hand kept up the relentless pace on his cock, making him groan as his cum spurted out onto her stomach and she whined weakly, having her poor cunt stroked to bring her down from her high. Only heavy breathing filled the quiet atmosphere of their porno.
And so, the video ended.
Your eyes were wide, jaw slacked at what you just saw. Sure, you knew about how a woman can squirt when stimulated right – but you never did it before. It seemed intense and you weren’t the type to be that loud – but apparently, Jaehyun wanted to put that to the test.
He looked over at you, voice visibly lower than usual, “So, you up for it?”
Your body? More than.
Your mind? Absolutely.
It was foreplay but more. Just finger-fucking, but more.
“Uhm,” Your chest felt heavy and you were sure he could hear your heartbeat just the same, and you cleared your throat, clearly flustered, “Yeah, just… A bit nervous.”
Jaehyun gave you a genuine comforting smile, his hand settling on your bare thigh gently, “I’ll take it slow, and–”
“Seemed like he was going like he had a meeting in less than a minute,” You interrupted him with a mutter, making him chuckle at your joke.
“He had a video to put out, but I,” He inched closer, half-lidded brown eyes shamelessly gazing at your lips and then your eyes, “I love to take my time with you, princess. I like our videos longer than six minutes.”
Your eyes darted down to his hand, fingers barely brushing your inner thighs and your eyes fluttered shut with a soft sigh when his lips peppered your neck, trailing up your jawline.
There was never a need to contemplate anything when it came to being fucked out of your mind by none other than jeong jaehyun. He was usually so utterly respectful towards you and your boundaries; a simple stop would cease everything and he’d quickly check up on you.
His stubble scratched your skin so good, lashes giving you butterfly kisses before his lips went up to the corner of your mouth, the tips of his fingers stroking your clothed crotch.
Of course, He was a charismatic teasing asshole.
“Mhm,” You nodded, turning to face him but was silenced in an instant once he got your consent.
His lips moulded with yours, the butterflies skyrocketing as he applied more pressure to the kiss, making you lean back against the pile of pillows at the headboard. Your hands went up to his jawline, tugging him closer as he deepened the kiss, enticing a muffled moan from you.
Jaehyun pulled away just a little, using his leg to push the laptop a bit farther and to the side as he leaned over you partially with a smug look, “Already moanin’ for me, baby?”
You huffed at his teasing, “Want me to stay quiet instead?”
Jae chuckled, shaking his head as his lips brushed against yours, “Fair enough.”
As his lips met yours sensually, his hand trailed up under his your shirt, feeling you shiver beneath his touch, and he reached up to your bare chest bc It was no-bra day since you’d be home all day.
He swallowed your whimper with a pleased hum, thumb swiping against your nipple as he kneaded your breast. The pleasure you were feeling was mild but growing the more he progressed and it hit you; he was planning on doing exactly what the couple in the video did.
Except he was fully clothed; grey sweatpants and a simple black plaid shirt.
Your arms went around his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss and parting your lips just a bit to greet his tongue with yours. Jaehyun’s brows furrowed at the intensity of the moist lip lock alone and could only wonder how noisy your cunt would be.
Luckily, he didn’t need to wonder any longer – and he trailed his hand low, sinking past the hem of your shorts and panties. 
With just a touch on your clit, a hitched sound came from you, forcing you to part from his intoxicating kiss. He gazed down at you with glistening lips forming a small smirk, using just his two fingers to stroke your clit in precise circles.
“Ah, fuck,” You moaned, head tilted back with a heaving chest at the feeling and your legs widened more for his hand. Your shorts restricted you a little, same with him but he made do.
“Hmm~” jaehyun hummed, feeling the slickness of your wetwet pussy, toying with your bundle of nerves steadily, “So wet for me,”
The way he worked you up made you breathless, head heavy with need. Your swollen lips were parted for your moans and whines. Your hand gripped the collar of his shirt, eyes set on the way his hand moved beneath your shorts. You let your eyes trail to the laptop, seeing the small light next to the camera was on. 
Since when did he turn the recording on?
“daddy,” You mumbled, looking up at him pleadingly, hips lifting up a bit to get him to remove your garment, “‘need you.”
Jaehyun snickered, bumping your nose with his, “I’m right here, princess.”
He released your aching clit to remove his hand from inside your shorts only to grip the hem, pushing both the shorts and panties down.
Eagerly, you shuffled out of them before kicking them off the bed and you straightened up to peel your shirt off, making him raise an eyebrow at your actions.
“Someone’s too eager, huh,” He commented, amused but not surprised, taking in every inch of your naked and flawless body right before his eyes.
He wasn’t going to lie.
“Your fault,” You retorted breathlessly, laying back down on the pillows and staring up at him with your big eyes and a smile.
He needed to fuck that smile off of your face.
“I’ll take the blame if I get to hear you calling me daddy again.” Jaehyun muttered lowly, trailing his hand back to where you needed him the most.
You whined when his fingers resumed their merciless rubbing, your hand reaching over to his bulge under his pants, squeezing him gently.
Jae muffled his grunt, nose scrunching up just a split second, glaring at your wandering hand intensely. 
His cock was rock hard beneath his slutty grey sweatpants and you felt it. With his middle and ring finger, he slid them inside your cunt, making your eyes roll to the back of your head and your legs widened comfortably.
Jaehyun started moving his fingers to his knuckles and then out, biting his bottom lip at the faint wet noises. Your hand wriggled past his pants and boxers, tenderly coaxing his cock out where it stood tall and proud. He nearly faltered with a moan of his own, eyes shutting blissfully at the feeling of you stroking his big dick.
“Playing dirty, are we?” Jaehyun growled almost dangerously, staring at you through his bangs and you giggled breathlessly, your other hand going up to cup your bosom.
“Just putting what I watched to the test, daddy” You smiled and your head tilted back when his thrusting sped up, moaning.
Your sounds were truly heavenly to him.
Deep and deep he went, your gasp ended up hitched in your throat when he brushed past your sweet spot. In an instant, his smirk widened along with the devilish glint in his pupil-blown eyes.
And just like that, Jae went relentless.
His rough fucking against your spot directly ripped high-pitched moan after the other. Tears stung your needy eyes, writhing beneath him at the intense stimulation alone. His leg went over yours, keeping your thighs from clamping up and his other hand went over yours that was around his cock.
Jaehyun released a low moan as he moved and grounded into your hand, “Keep it up, baby – and I’ll fuck this cunt and cum inside of you.”
As if that was even a threat to you – you wanted him to cum inside.
But the mutual masturbation right now was your priority. You loved feeling his heavy cock in your petite hand, every vein and curve along with the blunt red tip – you’d do it every day if you ever got the chance.
The audible sounds of your soaking pussy were getting louder and Jaehyun fucked you harder and deeper, making you squeal and your hand shot down to grip the sheets.
You were unable to stay still as you tried to keep jerking him off. Your moans blended with his and Jae’s head dipped to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, his sounds coming out airy and low as his hips moved along with your hand’s movements.
“Wa–wait, I feel – shit, jae–” You couldn’t even voice your thoughts, crying out at the squelching noise of your drenching pussy. It was as if you needed to use the bathroom but Jaehyun knew it wasn’t the case.
“It’s alright, baby,” He groaned, hissing as your hand on his cock sped up, pumping and rubbing him purposefully, “Just let yourself go, f–fuck.”
As if all you needed were the magic words, you cried out at the orgasm that hit you – and it hit you hard.
Jaehyun didn't stop his ruthless violation of your spot, rubbing it harder along with his palm pressed flat against your throbbing pearl. And you gushed endlessly. Your shriek came out loud as your back arched off the bed, eyes shutting tightly as your legs trembled. 
"Oh fuck, Baby-mmh~" Jaehyun bit his lip hard at you coming undone, "That's it, keep cumming for me, princess."
Your cum dripped and rolled down your thighs and cunt, some splashed on your lower abdomen. Your chest heaved along with your abdominals when he slowed down, bringing his fingers out to caress your visibly pulsating clit.
"Sh– Shi– it," You whispered shakily, a sheer surface of sweat glistening your chest and forehead at how worn out your body already was. Your orgasm was still around the corner and jaehyun wanted to try something – again.
A choked gasp came from you when Jaehyun slid his fingers inside again and your eyes widened at his relentless finger-fucking. It was as if he went even deeper due to your cum being everywhere.
"F-fuck! Ah!" You shrieked, nearly squeaking at him fucking you harder and harder. You didn't even want to stop him, letting sensitivity hit you along with the fuck ton of fiery pleasure.
You weren't even aware of your hand still stroking his hard cock and his breathing quickened, removing his fingers. Jae shifted with a grunt so he was hovering partially over you, giving him the perfect position to piston into your cunt with his massive dick.
"daddy!" You cried out, your hands grasping onto his broad shoulders.
"Yeah, just like that," Jaehyun whispered, unable to stop fucking you mercilessly as if making you one of the mattress. He pushed himself to the hilt, making you choke up on your moan with wide eyes.
He took the moment to peel off his shirt and his pants, then he gripped the back of your knee to press your leg to your chest. His hips snapped against yours bruisingly, moaning lowly under his breath.
Tears rolled down your temple, feeling the knot tightening again. Jaehyun felt you squeeze around him, making him hiss through gritted teeth.
"Ye-yes please~!" You squealed out, and he hovered over you, ushering you to wrap your leg around his waist to free his hand.
"I'll fucking miss you, and I'll miss," Jae growled, gripping the pillow next to your head and the other went down to your sensitive clit, "Fuckin' you babygirl–ah~"
With his big and heavy cock assaulting and brushing your poor cervix and his fingers ruthless on your poor clit, your orgasm washed over you. The hot white pleasure flashed before your rolled eyes, cumming hard that you drenched the sheets once again.
Jaehyun cussed under his breath, hitching at the end as he pushed himself deepdeep, hitting cloud nine. He thought he went blind for a split second, drawling out a deep moan. His cum shot out and filled you up – and then overfilled you. 
He fucked you gently, eyes half-lidded gazing down at his hot cum seeping out from your cunt. He eased you down from your high, rubbing your clit as you shook uncontrollably beneath him. He panted heavily, smiling softly at your state.
Your eyes were hazy, fading in and out with a trembling chest and legs. Your dripping cunt was twitching every once in a second. Your face was red, drool rolling down the corner of your wet lips.
You were officially fucked out of your mind.
Jaehyun kept himself inside as your leg dropped down to the bed and he leaned closer to you, his clean hand cradling your cheek to get you to look at him.
"Still with me, baby?" He asked breathily and you blinked lazily.
"We… We should do this again," You whispered tiredly, making him laugh a bit and you giggled.
Jaehyun pressed a chaste kiss on your lips, fingers trailing to brush your hair behind your ear and he hummed against the kiss.
Pulling back, he gazed at you lovingly as he stayed close, earning a soft smile from you.
"When I come back, we'll do whatever you want, okay?"
You nodded slightly, "Promise daddy?"
Jaehyun leaned his forehead against yours with a heavy relaxed sigh.
by jamjaemin, don’t claim or copy my work!♡
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worldlxvlys · 5 months
please can you do an headcanons with Chris dealer🫶🫶 ily
dwb! chris headcannons
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: some are nsfw (don’t read if it makes you uncomfortable), cursing
a/n: ily too <33
yeah i made some nsfw cause be fr. y’all were gonna ask for nsfw ones anyway.
- when you first met, it genuinely was just regular customer and dealer interactions, until it wasn’t. once one of you gave in to the tension, there was no going back.
- chris is big on pda ! hand holding, ass grabbing, passionate kisses, the whole deal. it’s sickening for others to watch.
- you know this man calls you “ma” and “baby”. argue with the wall.
- secretly has lists of the things that you like in his notes app, but he’d never admit it.
- this man won’t let you pay for shit. you’ll have a fresh set of nails, a new protective style or haircut, eyelashes and eyebrows done without having to spend a penny.
- he has a very hard time saying no to you, you have him wrapped around your finger.
- this man does not play around when it comes to you, he will do anything necessary to keep you safe.
- he doesn’t like the idea of you having any other dealers. it’s not necessary.
- he absolutely does not like the thought of you with anyone else. you are his girl. you aren’t a possession, you’re a person. his person.
- “ass man” this, “titties man” that. fuck that. if it’s attached to you, he’s obsessed with it. end of discussion.
- he doesn’t care if you’re plus sized or skinny, he loves you either way. especially your body. small tits, big tits, stretch marks, collarbones, fat ass, flat ass i swear this man does not care. you’re drop dead gorgeous to him, and he’s gonna make sure you know it.
- the minute his head is between your thighs, he’s gone. he loves the way you taste and he’s not stopping until your thighs are shaking and you physically have to push him away.
- he can be rough, but he also likes to take his time with you sometimes. he doesn’t want you to feel used, he wants you to feel loved and appreciated.
- this man is a switch. i don’t care what none of y’all say. he can be very dominating, but when he’s under you? he’s whining and whimpering, shaking and trembling, crying and twitching for you. he loves being in control but he also loves that his girl can take care of him and put him in his place.
- getting high together always means sex. if there’s weed involved, self control goes out the window.
- no man has ever made you feel the way chris does. every orgasm is intense and mind-numbing. the intimacy that fills the space between you two as he looks in your eyes is overwhelming. his arms wrapped around you fill you with a sense of safety and security. he’ll always be there for you.
i love dealer chris
dwb! chris masterlist
main masterlist
lmk what y’all want
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @frankeelovesthesturnio @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
being country boy reiner’s cute spoiled wife, literally drooling at the thought
boyyyy I’m literally about to faint 🤤 this is my dream fr. freaky deaky shit up under the cut btw.
cw: dom-ish reiner, unprotected sex, foot play, established relationship obv, missionary/mating press, breeding
when I tell you !country boy reiner spoils the hell out of his wife, it makes no sense! A simple man who’s never wanted for anything..spends his days on the cattle ranch, working tirelessly to provide and give you everything you could ever hope for. As far as he was concerned, your happiness was his only priority. To see you smile was the only motivation he needed to fuel him. He didn’t want you worrying that pretty little head about anything..you often time spent your days decorating the house, baking treats and just living every bit of the soft life you deserved. Wearing pretty, frilly dresses and looking like a doll; he kept his hands dirty so yours wouldn’t have to lift a finger. Bills? Always paid. You couldn’t remember the last time you had even saw one. Needed your hair done, a wig install or a new outfit? Baby, take that black card and run it up, big papa will worry about the bank statement later. That new purse that just got released? Order it in every color if that’s what you wanted. “Get whatever you want, princess. I don’t care.” He’d simply send you off with a kiss to the cheek and tell you have a good time, just call to let him know you were safe. Watching you drive off in your black G-Wagon or Audi R8 he got you for your birthday from the eighty acre estate you lived on. Honey, he was the whole package and you loved him more than life itself. Fine as hell, a great provider and always wanted to handle you like the most fragile thing in the world? Just perfect! Not only that, he was super loving and attentive. Making you sure you were okay, checking in and just doting on you every chance you got. Now even though !country boy reiner never asked a thing of you, you always had a hot meal on the table for him. Cooking up giant spreads of southern, rib sticking favorites of his: cornbread, chicken, steak, collared greens, mac and cheese..you’d do it all because you know he’d been out in the fields, rustling up hay or herding cows so naturally, he’d be starving…and he was so grateful.
the only thing he needed in return was a little bit of that beautiful body. Just letting him make love to you after an exhaustingly long day and trust, you were more than up to the task! While you’d be out shopping, you’d pick a few things that were sure to put a big toothy smile on his face…like the cute little pink lace teddy that made your tits look so perfect. From the adorable panties that had ‘kitten’ or ‘daddy’s’ inscribed right on the back. “This for me, doll?” He loved when he’d hop straight out of the shower to the sight of your pretty little ass, waiting patiently in some sexy lingerie or hell, nothing at all. The best way to show off that new nail set you got? Wrap them around his dick as you’re glaring into his eyes; suckling and kissing on his tip. Or display them across those round cheeks as you spread them open. When you had this big, muscular burly man curled over your body, he’d love when you rested those freshly done feet on his barreled chest; rubbing them as he fed you deep strokes. “That color looks so good on you, baby..my favorite.” complimenting the pretty white toes that contrasted with your perfect brown complexion as he popped them into his mouth. Flicking his tongue around them as he fucks your tight little pussy slow..watching you cream on his cock was his reward for the hard day’s work. Folding you up only to fill you full of his cum when he’s finished.
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purerae · 8 months
Hey, Love your fics! Can you do a SFW (or NSFW if you’re feeling up to it) alphabet about the playboy yandere (or the jock)?
A/N ;; Thank you so much!! i’ll start off with the SFW alphabet for kieran and then do the jocks! I may do the NSFW alphabets later on<3.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate to you if you’re in a relationship. Mainly likes physical affection and will always be touching you in some way. (Hand around shoulder, arm, thigh etc)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
would NOT be a good best friend. The only reason why he’s friends with you is because he’s in love with you 😭 with his other ‘friends’ hes not reliable at all, doesn’t really care for them, just keeps them around because it makes him look good. But with you, He just pretends you guys are in an established relationship (delusional king fr)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’d be the be the big spoon 101%. Holds you quite tight, his body temperature is always cold so that might be a negative.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He has really bad commitment issues but with you he’d want to settle down really quickly. If you wanted him to move into your house hed do so in an instant, or if you wanted a new house/flat? he’d have the documents in hand.
Average at cooking, he wouldn’t burn the whole house down but he also wouldn’t make a 5 star meal. Horrible at baking though. Hed struggle to clean because he’s used to others doing it for him
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
With his past girlfriends, he’d either ghost them or be very straight up and rude if they don’t get the hint.
With you? Even if you were the worst person in the world, you’re not going anywhere LOL.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
To be honest, I think he would find marriage stupid and useless, What’s the point of some words on a paper showing you’re in a relationship?
BUT, if you even slightly wanted it, then he would get married and give an extravagant wedding also inviting literally everyone he knows so he can show off the relationship. Or he’d get married with you, if he can see that you’re slowly getting tired of him, He’ll bring it up suddenly and will not give you an option to say no.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally, He tries hard for you, but sometimes he takes things like a joke too far beccause he’s used to lacking empathy. But if he notices you’re upset, he’ll apologise and practically go on his knees for you
Physically, He’s gentle but sort of man-handles you?? Not in a rude way but he’d move you with his arms instead of telling you to move or always initiates physical contact even though you may not want it.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
joking (probably..), Hed always want to be the arms above and he’d hug you very tightly, close to the point where it’s hard to breathe. While hugging you, he’d sway your body side to side (idk if that makes sense)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
As soon as you say yes into being his partner. Or maybe even before that.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Gets jealous very very VERY easily. If he sees you hanging out w another man, he’d jealous so fast. ESPECIALLY if that man made you laugh.
When he’s jealous, he doesn’t show it angrily or sadly. Yeah he’s angry, but he just flirts more with you, grows more protective over you and doesn’t show the aggresive side to you, but rather the perpetrator.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves to smother you in kisses, His kisses are rough and hard, almost to the point where it hurts. He tries to always have a flirtatious personality but sometimes when he kisses you, you can feel the desperate aura around him. Almost as if he thinks you’d disappear if he let go. He likes kissing you everywhere, but does it more on the lips and your forehead. He’d love for you to kiss his cheek and biceps the most.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I think this is the only time where you could see Kieran being slightly awkward. He’s a lot more calm and toned down around them. He wouldn’t actively try to communicate with children, but if they approach him, he’d try his best to listen and answer. (He would prefer them not coming to him though.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
It’s cute. Mornings are the rare times where he has his guard down and is overall just sweet. He loves it when you stay in bed for an extra five minutes and would hug you tightly, and whisper sweet nothings into your ear along with soft kisses. He’s quite vulnerable during the mornings and you can really feel how grateful he is to be with you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
This is the SFW alphabet so unfortunately i can’t say what he’d normally do :(.
But on the more quiet nights, He’d like to hug you, while he’s the big spoon and wait for you to fall asleep before he would try too. If he can’t fall asleep he’d gently try to turn your body around and stare at your face (a bit creepily) before he’ll grow tired.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Very very slowly. He’d know your whole life story before you know a portion of his. If you never asked I don’t even think he’d reveal his backstory. But if you were to be quite stubborn about it, he’d tell you everything and more.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
With you? Extreme amount of patience, but may get frustrated with your lack of attention to him.
With others? He doesn’t care about them enough to get angry at them. But if it affects you in any way? Consider that person dead.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Every single detail. Even the things you didn’t tell him. Focuses on you like it’s the most important subject ever.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
1. When you finally laughed at his cheesy joke/pickup line
2. When you finally said yes to his confessions and kissed him
3. this whole moment.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
If he sees you speaking with someone who he views as a threat? They’d be on the news in less than a week.
Would protect you by constantly being by your side, low-key overbearing but whatever.
He’d rather protect you than vice versa. But he would like to be protected by your reassurance once you guys get into a steady relationship. Even if he is very confident, he does think bad scenarios sometimes.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Tries extremely hard. Knows everything about you so would but a gift you had wanted for a long time, or if you didn’t know you wanted but once he gave it too you, you’d be shocked at how much you’d needed it. Dates, anniversaries etc extremely romantic, he has a lot of money to spend and would spend it all on you. Even when you guys aren’t dating he’d go all out.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
his whole personality LOL
kidding, he gets jealous really quickly, he would kidnap you if he could tell you REALLY weren’t interested in him, He has no empathy for anyone other than you, he would essentially do anything for you if you asked (beside leaving you alone.)
since he is a yandere, I feel like the relationship would get toxic on Y/Ns side after a while. He’d still be enamoured whilst for you, it could begin to get tiring. (Or not LOL)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He knows he’s good looking. He has a small routine but other than that he just lets his looks carry him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He’d be a goner without you. Ever since he met you, there’s not a single time where he doesn’t think about you. If you were ever to disappear? He’d search the whole world for you and wouldn’t stop. He cannot live without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Owns a letterman jacket in every colour.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He likes anything that you do.
But with other people, if they act like they know him when they clearly don’t. Most of the school acts like that, that’s why he doesn’t like anyone but pretends too.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Wraps his arm around you tightly. If you wake up before him, you’re trapped. He’s a light sleeper so he’d wake up if you moved a tiny bit. But would pretend to still be asleep so he could cuddle you a little more.
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berriweb · 11 months
I absolutely love your work! Can you do some headcanons of both Miles with a S/O who plays soccer and gets injured + their reactions? TY
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╰┈➤ ❝ soccer troubles ❞
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: ̗̀➛ ft. 1610! miles morales/42! miles morales x gn! reader
: ̗̀➛ synopsis. both miles’ with an s/o who plays soccer and gets injured
: ̗̀➛ a/n. tysm anon <3333 hope you enjoy
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Miles is the type of boyfriend to constant brag about how good is s/o is at sports
So expect to constantly hear him boasting about you or asking for/about any updates during soccer season
10/10 supportive boyfriend, tries to show up to every game and repeatedly apologizes when he can’t make it to one or ends up leaving early because of his Spider-Man duties
Especially if he finds out afterwards that your team won, even more so if you scored and he missed out on seeing that
That being saiddddd, he’ll always text you while he’s gone before/after your games he misses to keep in tabs or will try to catch up after, which eventually lead to the text conversation that almost gave him a heart attack on the spot after he finished turning over a villain to the police and was crawling back into his dorm room through the window
M&M: just made it home, sorry i couldn’t make it to the game, yk how it is (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡ how’d you do?
You: we won buttttt
M&M: ¯\_(•᷄‎ n •́)_/¯?
Miles laughed at first, thinking you were playing another joke you’d occasionally pull to get a reaction out of him, when you sent him a picture of a hospital monitor
M&M: haha very funny (¬_¬;)
Miles didn’t find it as funny when you responded with a selfie of you holding up your arm to flex your new cast while sticking out your tongue and winking.
M&M: WHAT?????
After a very frantic phone call that mostly consisted of Miles freaking out and demanding to know what happened, he rushed to immediately change clothes and sneak back out, arriving at the hospital mere minutes after the call to be by your side
So you’d broken your arm after a horribly painful landing when you’d fallen during the game, and Miles felt extremely guilty for not being there when it happened despite your reminder that there’s nothing he would’ve been able to do had he been their watching anyway
Miles would be disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to see you play anymore for what would likely be a very long time during your recovery, but at the same time would be there to console you if you’re upset for the same reason, he’d understand you not wanting to miss out on playing
Until you’re fully healed, expect Miles to constantly be trying to cheer you up or find other ways to spend time that you normally would’ve dedicated to soccer
This means more dates, more hanging out at his/your house when not at school, etc.
At one point he probably tries to get you to play video games with you and specifically gets FIFA thinking you’d enjoy it
It’s pretty hard to play a game with one hand though, so that idea gets shut down pretty quick but it’s the thought that counts
He ends up spending the entire night playing for you while you watch
Carries everything for you because you’re injured, claims it’s the gentlemanly thing to do but he ends up doing the most and using his chivalry 24/7 as an excuse to spend more time with you
But claiming he was helping you carry your things can only excuse him from being late to class for so long
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Miles is so in love that some would assume he’s more dedicated to your own sport than you with how much effort he puts into learning any and everything about it all for you
He wasn’t really into soccer before you, he knew the basics of the game but wasn’t all that interested for no reason in particular, but after you started dating he took time out of his day to learn everything about it
From your team as a whole to what position you play, any team you were playing against, he even memorized the schedule for your games the day you brought it up to him
There’s hardly a single thing that would keep him from going to your games, and if any Prowler business comes up that he 1000% can’t miss, he’ll be sure to make up for whatever soccer event he missed because of it
When I say he’s dedicated I mean he’s DEDICATED, won’t let a single thing stop him from sitting in the bleachers, likely by himself, far enough from the crowd to avoid distractions and watch you the entire game
He’s not as loud as the rest when your team scores and they cheer, but he makes a point of looking extremely proud whenever it’s you who scores
His attentiveness ends up mattering because he ends up being their the day you get injured
There wouldn’t be enough words to describe the dread that filled his stomach as the smile quickly wiped off his face when another player from the team ran straight into you as you switched directions with the ball, one wrong step twisting your leg just far enough to make you immediately collapse and put the entire game on pause
Miles was out of his seat before he could even process what had happened, and before he knew it he was sitting in the hospital waiting room, anxiously shaking his leg while waiting for the staff to let him in to see you
When he was finally able to visit you there was a solid 5 minutes of him constantly asking questions seeing if you needed anything and making sure you were okay while simultaneously cursing out the other team member for putting you in here in an angry thread of Spanglish while pacing back and forth
You had to make him promise he was joking when he ventured into threatening the person, and he did (while crossing his fingers behind his back)
Saying he was upset you wouldn’t be able to play until your now broken leg healed is an understatement, but Miles promises to help you with everything until you get better
And when I say everything I mean everything
His mother raised a gentleman so good luck convincing him to dial it down with the nurse mode because he’s going to be all over you
Walking you to and from every destination, offering a hand at every small step, keeping a protective stance anytime you’re walking near any group of people/crowd to avoid anyone bumping into you, even going as far as to insist he carries anything you try to hold on your own
“You know I broke my leg, not my fingers, right? I can carry one bag by myself.”
“No dice, puedo hacerlo. Give it here.”
“It’s one bag! It’s not even that heavy!”
“Stop playing with me Y/N, give. It. Here.”
“Miles I swear to god-”
You ended up having to fork it over.
Miles might come off as insanely overbearing but you end up getting use to letting him assist you nearly 24/7, at the end of the day you know he’s trying his best (and doing a damn good job at it), he’s only trying so hard to show he cares
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lightlycareless · 7 months
warnings: none.
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Naoya didn’t even wait to be officially dismissed before he was rushing—no, flying his way back home.
Always of a common occurrence for him to behave in such way, especially after spending days, if not weeks, away from the Zen’in estate. After a job well done, all that he cared about was relaxing, not having to worry about annoying teammates, complaining civilians, and the endless paperwork that always ensued, and just let the days pass alongside his family.
Those things were enough of a reward for him to actively look forward to the end the day, but after a special something blessed his life, it’s all he ever thought of.
“You’re back home earlier!” you’d chirp as soon as you felt the familiar strong pair of arms encasing you from behind, just short of leaving your bedroom. Due to the circumstances of this abrupt meeting, one could even say you were fated to meet your husband, and honestly? You were not complaining about it, if anything, you were elated to be given this surprise on an already beautiful day.
“I am” he responds, kissing the top of your head before turning you around, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning down to now kiss your lips once, twice, thri— too many times to count. “I missed my girls far too much, I had to come back.”
You giggle, tip toeing to kiss him back before tightly hugging him.
“Welcome home.” You eventually say. “We missed you too.”
“It was insufferable to be out there away from you” he sighs, taking in your scent and relaxing him.
“I can’t imagine” you respond, knowing that sentiment very well. “But that’s over, and you’re finally home with us…”
“I’m glad I’m home earlier” Naoya admits. “I was going mad if I’m being honest.”
“How’d you manage that? I thought you’d be gone for at least another week...”
“I finished some cases faster, that’s all” Naoya kisses the top of your head. “As I said, it’s impossible for me to keep away from my family—It’s either rush to come back or die.”
“Don’t say that” you pout, and he chuckles.
“I’m sorry—I didn’t mean it like that” He kisses you once more.
You always hated the days he’d have to leave for work, specifically for longer missions where their end was unforeseeable for the near future.
Because the nature of his career entailed high risks, you’d always keep a close eye on your phone, quick to reach for it whenever getting a notification, hoping it was Naoya contacting you, praying it wasn’t with any bad news.
But you guess you couldn’t complain much—you knew exactly what kind of lifestyle waited for you when marrying him, and as much as you get to dislike certain aspects of his career, you also love him for it. After all, it’s how you met in the first place, and Naoya absolutely loves his job as a sorcerer too, regardless of the… other things he didn’t like.
So, you were going to support him no matter what, as well as admire his accomplishments which had led him to be considered as one of the best sorcerers in the whole country!
And who wouldn’t to have a man like that as their husband?
“… I know” you sigh “Well… I’m glad you’re back sooner! But that means I didn’t prepare anything for your return—have you eaten? Or do you want to take a bath instead first? Oh, you must be so exhausted—” you being to fret, and Naoya can’t help but chuckle.
“While I have to admit that all of those things sound very, very good right now—but” he gives you a smile, before it turns into a pout, shyly looking away. “…I was hoping to see someone first.”
Quickly understanding what he means, you waste no time to smile back before grabbing his hand and lead him down to your shared room, where his beloved ones were eagerly waiting for their father’s return: the twin baby girls you had welcomed less than a year ago.
An unexpecting blessing indeed—and not because the thought of a family hadn’t crossed your minds. That happened just a few weeks into your marriage, if not prior.
But rather, because your dream of having a big family ended up becoming true right from the very start.
“Twins?” Naoya breathed, checking one too many times the monitor in which doctor displayed your ultrasound, as if trying to decipher the image the man so identified as two babies, or discover it was a prank.
“Yes—twins. And I can see the gender too! It looks like they’re going to be—”
“No!” you gasp, tightly closing your eyes as to avoid seeing anything that might give away their sex, not that you could understand what he saw but… “I want it to be a surprise!”
It was refreshing to see you so excited to have two babies instead of one, in contrast of his worrisome response, undoubtedly terrified for the difficulties this situation will bring, as well as the many doubts that quickly arose.
“What are we going to do with two of them?!” Naoya frets once out of the doctor’s office, with you silently agreeing with him. While it might be wonderful to have two little Naoya’s or two little Y/N’s (perhaps one of each, they hoped) the truth is that this would be far more difficult to overcome, both mentally, and specially physically for you…
“I guess we’ll have to love them” you attempt to reassure him, and he quickly succumbs to the warmth of your words.
Thankfully, the pregnancy was one with little to no difficulties, and the two girls, named Naoko and Naomi, were born as healthy and beautiful as any parent could hope, perfect for all the love they had to give.
Naoya’s eagerness is what rushed him to open the door before you could even grip the handle, swiftly sliding it open and quickly glancing form one side of the room to the other in search of his lovely ones, eventually finding them playing besides the futon, on the playmat Naoya bought them (because he’d never allow his babies to touch the cold, rough floor! What kind of father would he be if he allowed that?!) alongside one of their many, countless toys you told him to not buy because it was growing a bit excessive… only for you to comply when their adorable puppy eyes convinced you otherwise.
The girls, Naomi and Naoko, seem to be completely enthralled by the colorful toys before them at first, unaware of their father’s presence.
One of them, Naomi, had a small frown on her face while carefully analyzing the toy in her hand, as if trying to decipher how something so bright and fun, yet stiff could exist.
While the other, Naoko, spent her time crawling from one side of the playmat to the other, trying to get used to the movement, perhaps even itching to stand and finally take a few steps of her own…
A notion that makes you and Naoya sad, for both know that it’ll only be a matter of time before they manage to stand up by themselves, walk, run—
Next thing you know, they’ll be leaving the house as adults, ready to dive into their new life.
Oh, neither wants them to grow… but at the same time, there was an eagerness to see them become into the wonderful, successful women you knew they’d be. Perhaps one of them, if not both, would follow Naoya’s footsteps and become sorcerers themselves! Or maybe, they’d settle for a completely different career, something a bit more… calm, less dangerous, but equally essential.
Either way, you and Naoya were more than ready to support them in whatever endeavor they were to follow… even if it meant that both wouldn’t be able to dote at them as much as they did now.
Well, if they ever get lonely, they were sure they could have more kids, right…? Or who knows? Maybe they’d be fortunate enough to have grandchildren!
“Bngh ah!” one of the babies eventually babbles when catching a glimpse of their father—a noise that once registered by Naoya, makes all his worries disappear and focus instead on the swift way they crawl towards him, chubby hands eagerly attempting to reach him, effectively showing that they missed him as much as he did them.
“Naoko-chan, Naomi-chan!” Naoya face lightens, scooping them as soon as they reached him and wasting no time to give their soft, round chubby cheeks a big kiss. “How are my lovely girls? Did you miss me?”
Naomi, the most talkative of the two, is quick to babble in such a manner that gives the impression she understood what he was saying. He smiles.
“Ah, I missed you too!” And Naoya takes this opportunity to give them another kiss, one that now makes Naomi and Naoko giggle. “It was horrible out there, you know? I couldn’t wait to get home with mama and you—I hope you two were good girls while I was away, hm?”
Naomi coos in response, fully engaged in conversation with her dada, while Naoko simply stares at him, placing her soft hand over his face before grasping a thread of his hair—she was always enthralled by the duality of its color, and it made you believe that when she’s older, she might want to dye her hair too…
“I know you were” he says. You always loved how responsive he was to her nonsensical babbles, it’s almost as if he understood her! Might be the reason why she was so interactive in the first place, because there was always someone playing along to her tune. “You’re my daughters after all!”
Naomi smiles, relishing the compliment, but Naoko only squirms, having gotten bored from his hair and wanting to return to her crawling journey. Her father kisses her one last time before putting her back on the floor, where she was quick to pick up from where she left off… but even then, Naoko doesn’t stray much far from her father, crawling around him instead.
You watch the whole scene with great awe, for your heart had greatly missed these heartwarming moments, your heart finding some relief in seeing your family reunited and safe once again.
A smile parts your lips as you decide to take a seat by the futon, with your husband joining you soon after, all whilst still holding Naomi in his arms.
“What did my girls do today?” he asks, obviously referring to you, but Naomi wins you to it as she starts to babble, making the two chuckle out of amusement.
The baby stops, giving the two a curious look as if wondering what they were laughing at. Naomi didn’t intend her reaction to be as adorable as it turned out to be, but you and Naoya just couldn’t help laughing again—unfortunately this time, her face deepened into a frown.
“Oh, it’s nothing baby” you reassure her while pinching her cheek—a gesture that at first has her further confused, but when she sees the smile on your face and the innocence of your touch, she can’t help but to give you a bright smile as well before continuing with the conversation.
“Ah, really?” Naoya says, stringing along with his daughter. “And did you have fun at the park?”
You blink. Did he just…?
Guess he does understand her after all.
“Ranta told me” Your husband explains, as if sensing the disturbance in your mind, masking you sigh. You had to admit you were a bit worried there, believing that you were miscalculating your skills as a parent… “Scared you, didn’t I?”
“A bit” you chuckle and Naoya just smiles.
Naomi would continue babbling on, occasionally raising her hands to add a dramatic effect to her retelling, which makes your husband’s heart flutter— in that aspect, she definitely takes after you.
“I’m glad you had fun, love” he responds. “Maybe next time I can join you and your sister.”
She nods earnestly, and Naoya’s heart finally burst out his chest.
“That’s it. I’m retiring from work; I’m never leaving the estate” he darkly promises.
“Naoya!” you gasp “You—I mean, you can but you’ll regret it!”
“How could you tell me that, when I have these beautiful babies at home?!” he cries back, and you must agree with him, if it were the other way around you don’t think you’d be able to leave them behind…
“Life is cold out there, void of any love. I’d rather be here with you, and my daughters, and dote on both till I can’t no more.”
You give him a tight smile, feeling nothing but empathy for him and the countless sacrifices he must make because of his career.
There’s no doubt in your mind that Naoya loves his family very, very much, and would go to great lengths to ensure their safety and happiness. And while you spend every single day appreciating him for it, there’s this lingering sensation on the back of your mind that suggests you should do something more for him—something special to demonstrate to him that he’s appreciated for all he’s done for you and your daughters. Because no one knows more about the efforts he’s put both into his career and family, than you.
It wasn’t much, at least compared to what he’s done you suppose (If Naoya heard you, oh, he’d be quick to tell you otherwise—to him, you’ve done nothing but the best.) but you were proud to have made a place where Naoya feels cherished and protected. Where he can be himself, your husband, and not the heir with unrealistic expectations everyone else burdened him with, sometimes even berated.
And you’d do anything in your power to keep it that way, as well for your daughters.
“When is your next holiday?” you ask, now holding Naoko who has been tugging at your sleeve for the past few seconds, growing jealous of Naomi’s position and wanting to be held too. She wanted to get up herself, and almost did so too! However, her legs were still not used to her weight, so she could barely take a step before almost falling, an incident avoided thanks to your quick reflexes.
“Not until next month, I believe” he responds while squeezing Naomi’s cheeks—he always thought that out of the two, the babies looked the most like you. Of course, judging by how easy it was for him to tease their cheeks, a curse you had unknowingly bestowed on your daughters. “Why?”
“Oh, nothing” you smile, shrugging. “Just something I was wondering…”
Naoya smiles, because after years and years of knowing you, he rightfully assumes you’re planning something—and surprises from you are always well received, so he lets the topic die soon after.
He sighs.
“I’m tired” he says, laying back on the futon and placing Naomi over his chest. Once she’s comfortable, he rests his hand over her back, caressing her softly.
“How was work, outside of exhausting?” you ask, trying to hold Naoko in place for she’d begun to squirm yet again, this time from seeing her sister comfortably laying over their dad. Victim to her adorableness, you quickly succumb to her desires and carefully place her over Naoya’s chest, who quickly accommodates her under his embrace without complaint.
“Awful” Naoya admits. “Everyone always has something to say, something to suggest, but of course, no one ever cares to do what needs to be done. And it forces me to step in and do their job along mine!”
“Bah!” Naomi exclaims, a frown on her face as she tightly clutches his chest, seemingly annoyed by the mistreatment of her father. Naoya laughs.
“I know! Sometimes it feels like I’m the only capable one there” he adds “I’m glad you don’t think the same, it’s hard to always be right, isn’t?”
You giggle.
“Only you understand me, Naomi” he sighs.
“Nah!” It’s Naoko’s time to retort, Naoya raises his eyebrows.
“And you too, of course! How could I forget?” Naoya is quick to apologize, hugging them closer to him. “There’s no one else that understands me better than the two of you, and mama of course. My closest confidants…”
“You don’t need to say that Naoya. I won’t get jealous, you know?” you murmur. “Although… I wouldn’t mind getting some of the attention… I’ve been a good girl too.”
Your husband immediately smirks, knowing very well what you mean by that implication, and honestly? It’s something he’s thought of, constantly, every time he’s away. And it’s the bare minimum he could do for you, after all, worship you as the goddess you are to him.
“I’ll give you all the attention you want soon enough—You’re my favorite girl, after all.” He promises with a wink, and you blush, his words filling you with anticipation.
“Don’t say that in front of the kids…” you murmur, beyond flustered at this point, which makes him chuckle.
“What? It’s not like they don’t know how much I love you” he responds, and you just keep getting warmer. “I love you.”
“I know.” you whisper. “I love you too.”
He smiles.
“I’ll have all day and the day after tomorrow off.” he reveals. “So, for the next few hours, I’m all yours.”
“Really?” you gasp, excitement twinkling in your eyes. This was such wonderful news, exactly what you wanted to happen! “There’s actually so many things I’d like to do.”
“Sure, go ahead” Naoya says, leaning further into the pillow as the weight of his two baby girls resting of his chest beings to soothe him. “What do you have in mind for tomorrow…?”
“Well, I was hoping we could go down to the village” you begin. “I was told by the staff that a market has been set up and I was hoping to check it out. Now that you’re here, I think we can buy some new clothes for our dumplings, hopefully some cute onesies for the upcoming cold weather—Ah, I can’t believe they’re already growing out of their clothes! I don’t want them to grow anymore…”
“Hmm, I know…” he admits with a murmur before sighing. “I’d like to get my hands on some street food for a change too…”
“That’s easy to arrange!” you say with a big grin, already envisioning the great day you’d have with your family. “Haruko-chan told me that a lot of food vendors set up so, you’re going to have many options to choose from! If not, she can always prepare something. Oh, and talking about food… Would you like me to get you something to eat? And maybe afterwards you’d like a bath?—You must be starving, and tired too.”
“I’ll prepare you both, then” you declare. “I just have to know what you want to eat, if there’s something you’d like in specific, or do you leave that choice to me?”
“Anything… really…” he yawns. “I don’t mind. I’m just… hungry…”
“Are you sure…? You just came back home and I wanted to do something special for you.”
“Naoya…?” You ask.
“Naoya?” you ask once more, noting that silence between the two only grew. “Naoya”
Too focused on the day you were planning, you failed to acknowledge the way his eyes slowly began to blink, his breath deepening, and his words becoming slurry… until he was finally, asleep.
But perhaps what moved you the most was how your adorable twins were quick to mimic him, resting their faces against his chest as they began to lightly snore.
It was always a feat to get the twins to fall asleep, sometimes an impossible challenge, but when it came to Naoya, it was nothing but a piece of cake—he just had hold them against his chest before they began to relax, slowly drifting away before inevitably succumbing to slumber.
In your defense, there was something comforting about his arms that even you fell victim to them. You’re not even sure if he’s aware of that, or perhaps he is and abuses that hidden power? Either way, you were glad that just as you were able to find peace in his hold, your daughters too. And of course, they would, he’s their father who loves them very, very much.
A smile parts your lips as you glance at the lovely image one last time before deciding to take your phone out and capture the moment with a photo, one that you’d send to Naoya later so both could gush at it.
After taking the picture and putting the phone away, you get this sensation of how comfortable it must be to join them for a nap, but then, the thought of tending to your husband’s return briefly halts you, pushing you into a discussion.
Should you relish this moment as a family, or move on with your duties…?
There was no struggle to endure—it had been so long since the four had been like this, you knew you had to make the most of it.
Thus, you crawl towards your husband’s side, where Naoko was resting, silently to not wake them up, and giving each a soft kiss on the top of their head before laying down, resting your head by his shoulder, and draping your arm over him.
Once comfortable, you glance up to him, the relaxed sight of him warming your heart as you lean to kiss his jaw one last time, before accommodating yourself once again.
Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes.
“Welcome home” you murmur sweetly, and a few moments later, you fall asleep.
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Sir—I... I need to write more. Thankfully, I have another one in the works :)
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gvnvks · 1 year
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zb1 giving you partner privileges … !
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> pairings: non-idol!zb1 x fem!reader
> warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread
> song recommendation: mori by dawid podsiadlo (its in polish but u gotta listen to it fr)
> note: i started my exams today … two more to go !!
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김 jiwoong.
im being so fr 😭
when literally anyone tries to take something from him, JUST BORROW FOR A SEC he immediately turns D:
except when its you
you could take (over) this mans whole life (you already did) and he wouldn’t even complain
hes THAT whipped
girl TRUST ☠️
“hey jiwoong, i wondered if i could borrow your charger for a sec, mine just stopped wor-“ rickys sentence got cut short by jiwoongs whine
“jiwoong, my sweet !! i thought i could use your laptop. i need to get some work done real quick”
jiwoong immediately gives u the laptop no hesitations
trust me if he could give you his all time life savings along with that laptop HE WOULD
(pls do i kinda need money 💯)
“can i use ur cologne jiwoong pls” “no”
“hey jiwoong!! i thought your cologne smelt really nice and wondered if i could spray a little on myself too!!”
shows u all colognes he has ever bought
“u can choose. the one i used today is this one :D”
later gives u like 2-3 of his STILL FULL colognes that you liked the smell of cause “i dont need that many anyways”
장 hao.
he’s serious about his sleeping
trust me.
he gets so mad when someone disturbs him in his slumber
and he’s also very difficult to wake up 😭
“hao u really should wake up…”
“hao pls we have a schedule in 30 minutes”
jiwoong you should just give up atp 🧍🏻‍♀️
“literally wake up what the fuck”
and let me tell y’all
when someone other than you miraculously manages to wake his ass up
he’ll just straight up yell at them
“SHUT UP” yes throw that pillow hao ‼️
but you
your voice has something that immediately wakes him up in his best mood
rainbows around his head and allat yk yk
every time when it’s you waking him up TRUST ME you’ll never see a morning pout on his face
you could literally beat his ass awake and he’d have nothing against it ☠️
he gets all soft and allat … yeah cute babe hao
his members r fucking confused cause what he so whipped for
can u see the what the fuck expression on jiwoongs face ??
he’s in love like that
giving you privileges LIKE THAT …
also his morning i love yous … hi I need a bf quick
he’s a 10/10 boyfriend btw 💋
성 hanbin.
the amount of privilege you get as hanbins partner …
he literally pays for your every single thing
u saw that new pretty skirt while window shopping ??
“honey, want me to buy it for you?”
no matter your answer he in fact always does buy it
ur on a date in that cute new caffe ??
“hey, choose what you want. ill pay.”
“hanbin !! this necklace is pretty, isn’t it ??”
“yeah, pretty neat” and the necklace is at your door 2 days later
basically your human wallet
of course its not like u demand from him to pay for you, he just does
and hanbin really enjoys buying you things and making you happy btw ‼️
but when it’s his members 😭
oh hell naw he ain’t having it
“hanbin could you pls pay for me I forgot my wallet”
and sometimes SOMETIMES he does pay for his members but it’s like
once in a blue moon literally
“hanbin do you maybe want to buy me that new, cool game (whatever games he fucking plays) ??” GYUVIN BABE YOU KNOW THE ANSWER
“no” LMAOO
“oh no !! i ran out of money on apple pay …” you just wanted to buy keys on subway surfers 😕
hanbin IMMEDIATELY charges your apple pay with … a lot of money. you can buy a lot of keys now. are you happy.
석 matthew.
i get a feeling that as long as matthew enjoys physical affection, he’s not that big on hair touching ?? like yk
he probably won’t let his members touch his hair very often
i dont know i just feel like he wouldn’t like it
“matthew, u got something on your hair” gunwook tries to pick whatever shit landed on his head
“i can do it myself” okay mr serious ?? gunwook literally didn’t ask
its not that serious, it was never that serious 💯
you really like touching his hair
it’s so soft and allat
and sometimes you just randomly place ur hand on his head
he tenses up FOR A LITTLE SECOND and then softens up cause he realizes it’s you
lets you touch it for however long you want
matthew just doesn’t mind
when you kiss his hair while ur hand is on his head he gets all shy and covered in blush 😭
kisses u back …
can u imagine what he’d do if instead of you it was one of the boys
honestly i dont see matthew as an aggressive (?) type of guy but when it comes to his hair ☠️
김 taerae.
we all know taeraes fashion sense is a bit … yeah.
basically it’s kinda bad
but that boy doesn’t let ANYONE literally anyone style him
“taerae i dont think these red pants fit well with that shirt …” hao just tried to give him some advice
and taerae just ignores his words 😭
“no taerae, don’t but these shoes, they won’t go with anything”
“stfu” BYE
but you ………
of course you love your precious bf but
sometimes you just can’t stand how off his outfits look 💔
”hm taerae… i dont think this shirt fits these cargos! maybe you could wear this white one?”
changes in the blink of an eye ‼️
“do i look better, sweetheart ??”
he’s so cute pls
he’s ready to change his whole outfit if you ask him to
“taerae i don’t think this outfit suits a date night…”
it’s not like you demand him to change, you just simply share your opinion
maybe even a little too much 😭
so whipped
guess who has head over heels for you
definitely not taerae
“taerae, my sweet !! these pants have too many bright colors, don’t you think they won’t suit anything you have ??”
“oh! maybe you’re right. thank you, sweetheart”
리키 ricky.
he’s so in love that the amount of privileges he gives you is fucking enormous, im fr
but we’ll focus on one
ricky never lets ANYONE go through his phone 🙏🏼
he doesn’t hide anything or sth
he just doesn’t like when people go through his things, especially without his permission
“what the fuck are you doing with my phone, yujin” in a matter of 0.5 seconds rickys phone is not in yujins hands anymore
poor boy just wanted to check the weather 💔
“hey ricky, can i check something in your phone ?? mine just died”
“no” as simple as that 😭
“oh ricky … i also wanted to check my gmail real quick but its o-“
he doesn’t let you finish and just hands you his phone
HANBIN IS OFFENDED (who wouldn’t 😭 this looks like some kind of prejudice)
oh my god how things change when it comes to you …
basically you have more access to his phone than ricky himself
sometimes it even comes to you literally using his phone all day. literally whole 24 hours 💯
like literally no complaints whatsoever. zero. none. 0. FUXKING NULL.
his members r like what the fuck because like
yall sometimes also like to switch phones for a day
the amount of pictures you take on his phone 😭
so whipped that he deletes NONE of them ‼️🙏🏼
김 gyuvin.
yes i do know i use this theme a lot while writing for gyuvin but i just cant help leave me alone pls
okay we all know gyuvin likes gaming
but he’s real serious about that …
if you’re not (y/n) don’t even think of disturbing him while he’s gaming 😭
“gyuvin do you want som-“ taerae can’t even finish because gyuvin starts fucking throwing hands at him
“im kinda busy yk.” yes. yes we know.
oh such a discord mod he is (im joking btw..)
but if it’s you …
oh girl i envy you this kind of boyfie 😕‼️
when you’re near him while he’s gaming he’d literally play with his headset only half on
yk in case you need something from him
so cute and so hot at the same time 🧍🏻‍♀️
he’d abandon his game for you
and ..
he lets you sit on his lap too ??
oh lawd have mercy 🙏🏼
when u sit on his lap he would literally play with one hand just to rub soothing circles on your back …
pls i need a therapist 💋
박 gunwook.
gunwook really doesn’t like when someone disturbs him while he’s focused on something
i mean its kinda obvious ??
probably no one does lmao 😭
he’s ready to throw hands even if it’s something way more important than the thing he’s focused on
“gunwook, can you stop what you’re doing for a while?” jiwoong asks with a pretty serious tone
not good … 💔
jiwoong im so sorry you’re probably so done by now
but if it’s you … !!!!!
“gunwook…” you whine, feeling kinda bored and alone today
god, teenager in love ‼️
he doesn’t really want to abandon what he’s doing rn as gyuvin does so he just
divides the attention 💯
sits you on his lap
holds you by ur waist and just simply
plants kisses all over your cheeks
do I need to say his members r kinda disappointed ?? ☠️
hi i need a cute boyfie rn 💔
한 yujin.
okay so
there’s a lot of things yujin would let you do without you noticing it’s a “privilege”
because he wouldn’t complain if others did those things too ??
i mean like … its yujin so
but when YOU do these …
he encourages u so much 😭
im so serious … ‼️
“yujin can i try your food ?? it looks so good” ricky asked waving his chopsticks at yujins face
“oh… yeah go for it, i guess” WITH THE BLANKEST STARE EVER LMAOO
“yujin! can i see your necklaces? it’s so cute!”
“oh… well… yeah”
now imagine you doing it 😭
“can i try some of your food, yujin ??”
“yes! this here is rice with chicken and sour sauce and these ones there are some fried vegetables! eat as much as you want, cutie!”
okay yujin… 😭 not THAT serious babe
“yujin, my sweet! can i see your necklace?”
“of course! i can help you put it on if you want to! you’d look so good in it!”
bae is so cute
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gvnvks © 2023
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captainfern · 9 months
Waaaaaaait your new gaz fic got me thinking about period sex with him cuz he's so lovely and eager to please and he hates the way you're whiney and needy, you begging him to help with your period cramps because you read online that light sex and orgasms help with cramps and well... gaz can't say no to you can he
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ok ik this kinda thing is not for everyone so content warning for period sex and all that [18+]
no because as soon as you’re complaining about cramps that man is lying a towel down !!
he’s the one that found out sex helps with cramps and he spent a whole afternoon just researching about it lol
he’d fuck you nice and gentle too, rubbing his hands up and down your body, rubbing circles on your hips and stretch marks, massaging your tits
kisses all over your body and face while he ruts into you, whispering praise about how good you take him and how pretty you look and sound
he’s so gentle :((
definitely HAPPILY hits it raw. that man wants to see blood on his sword trust 🙏
makes you come a MINIMUM of two times, kissing your tummy and thighs once you finish and takes extra care in cleaning you up
babe he’s a munch, he’d eat you out if you let him fr what who said that??
shower or bath time afterwards is a guarantee. might sink his fingers into your aching cunt after hopping in with you, fingering you until you come again !! obviously to make sure your cramps are gone :(
gets you food after too. whatever you want baby !!
god i’m a slut for this man
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simpforrooster · 2 years
you don't see it.
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x F!Reader
summary: Jake is sick of you talking about Rooster and takes matters into his own hands.
a/n: i'm sorry y'all. this is straight trash, but i can't go on until its up and posted LOL. i hope y'all are having a great weekend!
t/w: alcohol, some cursing, friend!jake, jealous!rooster
You didn’t like Rooster. Well, let’s back up.
You liked him, you just didn’t like Rooster. You didn’t like those silly Hawaiian shirts. You didn’t like those Ray Bans he wore and would look at you over the frames of them. You didn’t like that sandy hair and tan skin. You definitely didn’t like that 70’s ‘stache. Nor did you wonder what it felt like against your face to kiss him. 
Nope. None of it. Sometimes, it felt like you were the only girl in the word immune to the man called Rooster. 
Of course you never found yourself daydreaming about the man. Or wishing you were wrapped up in those strong arms. You found it easy to ignore watching him flirt with other women. You didn’t need to be jealous. 
No matter how much you wanted those words to be true, they weren’t. 
You are completely in love with the guy, and he only sees you as a friend. He’s even mentioned a time or two what a great person you were to have around. “I couldn’t ask for a better friend,” he’d told you. That comment resulted in throwing back several shots of tequila, and Jake having to bring you home. 
“He only sees me as a friend,” you whine to Jake later, hanging all over him, the alcohol making it hard to stand on your own. You hook an arm around Jake’s neck, holding on with all your might. 
“Why doesn’t he like me like that, Jakey?” you asked. You are the only one allowed to call him this. The first time it slipped out, Coyote immediately tried to make it a thing. Jake almost clobbered him over the pool table.
Jake hits you with a deep chuckle. “It’s his loss, babe.” His arm encircles your waist, keeping you upright. 
“Why don’t you just date me, Jakey?” you ask the blonde fighter pilot, your sober thoughts coming out of your drunk mouth. 
Jake chuckles again and the sound does something to you. Despite the man’s animosity and egotistical attitude toward the rest of the crew, he always seemed to have a soft spot for you. 
“You know I’m no good for you, babydoll,” his southern twang stirs emotions deep within you. 
“I’m sure I could handle you,” you quip. The flirting between the two of you is nothing new. It’s pretty much standard practice. Especially after a few drinks. 
But Jake knows Rooster is the one you want to be with. 
Jake grins. “Hmmm, but I don’t think I could handle you.” Jake pulls you closer, moving his mouth close to your ear. His hot breath causes a pink flush to fall across your cheeks. “Don’t look now, but the object of your affections seems to be mighty jealous.” 
You know when someone says, “don’t look now” you immediately look? Naturally, this is your first course of action. Rooster watches the two of you, a sneer on his face. A look you’ve never seen on him before. 
“He does seem jealous, huh?” You turn back to Jake, your eyes wide. 
“Wanna make it worse?” he asks, mischief in those green eyes. 
“What did you have in mind?” 
Jake expertly positions you with your back perfectly to Rooster. “Don’t freak out,” Jake warns. He places a soft hand across your mouth and leans in, placing a kiss against his own hand. 
You know exactly how this looks, and decide to play it up, locking your arms back around his neck. This whole façade has your face burning bright red, only to add to what you want Rooster to think.
“Go get me another drink, darlin’,” Jake winks. Going to get Jake a drink puts you right next to Rooster, and he seems itching to say something to you. 
“So you and Hangman?” his deep voice calls to you. His Hawaiian shirt is hanging off his shoulders, a white tank underneath tight across his chest. 
“We’re just friends,” you say lamely. 
Rooster lets out a whistle. “Yeah, that didn’t look like ‘two friends’.” 
“What’s it to ya, anyway?” you push. The tension between the two of you sucks the alcohol from your system, clearing your head. 
Or maybe it was the fact that Jake cut you off twenty minutes ago. 
“Just be careful is all,” he tells you, bringing his beer to his lips.
“You really don’t see it do you?” you mumble, your annoyance taking over. 
“See what?” 
“Rooster, I practically throw myself at you, and you just remind me of what a great friend I am.” Now that the confession has left your mouth, there is no taking it back now. You hold your breath waiting for his reply.
Rooster looks at you like you just asked him a difficult riddle and he has 2.3 seconds to answer until he’s done for.
“Forget it,” you resign, turning to join Jake at the pool table. Chills run down your body when a strong arm stops you from taking another step. Rooster’s calloused hand grips your wrist like a lifeline. 
Rooster spins you back toward him and crashes his lips against yours. It takes you a moment to fully register what is happening. Getting over the fact that the man of your dreams is kissing you, you grip the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you. 
“Get a room!” Jake calls from the back, satisfied Rooster finally came to his senses. 
“I’m sorry I was an idiot,” Rooster smirks. “Let me make it up to you.” 
Rooster slides cash across the bar to Penny, who is rolling her eyes at the two of you. He takes your hand in his, and pulls you from the bar and toward his old Bronco. 
He pins you against the cool metal of the car, trapping you between his body. “I gotta wipe that memory of Hangman’s kiss from your mind.”
You let out a crazed giggle, and pull the man back down to your mouth. 
“I didn’t kiss him, Roos. He was trying to make you jealous so you’d make a move. He’s sick of me gushing over you.” 
Rooster answers you with a kiss that would certainly be enough to make you forget a Jake Seresin kiss.
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lix-ables · 2 years
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🌷[mdni, this post contains, smut – f rec, bondage, exhibitionism, teasing, thigh riding, marking, slight degradation + humiliation, perv!ji agenda coz we love it, switch!hyunjin, soft mean dom!skz, slight sexting, mentions of deep throating, lingerie kink, possesive kink, slight oral fixation, overstim, ig thats it?]
🌷also making this post for the new milestone coz y’all are fr amazing for 2k like thats so sexy of you fr,, let's ignore that i drank a whole glass of peach iced tea coz welcome to my delulu hours besties ‹3 this post is all coz of honey okay istg she wants to break me ALSO not proof read, don't come at me
🌷 WORDS ! 2.2k oh my who is she??
🌷 masterlist
🌷 lemme know how you liked this one, feedback is appreciated ‹3
🌷© lix-ables. translating and/or reposting is not allowed.
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ᴄʜᴀɴ || rope bunny | as much as this man loves to go down on you, chan is the type to also let you have your way with him, and obviously how can you say no? especially when you know he loves watching you, the way you move being really intriguing for him, and he knows you love nothing more than having him tied up.
he loves it too, but he rarely mentions it, so when you bring it up, the sparkle in his eyes is unmissable. the moment you tell him, he is ready to head to the store, either to get some ribbon or a rope just for this – his eyes watch you as you proceed to trail your fingertips along the length of his arm, the rope following suit, having his wrists just above his head, pinned up to the headboard.
“you’re really having so much fun, aren’t you baby?” a whisper leaves chan’s lips when you settle down between his legs, fingers hooked into his sweats, eyes eager to devour him whole right there. “so fucking impatient, you love it when i beg you to let me come, hm?” he starts, his fingers curling into his palms just as your nails graze the outline of his boner. you hum in response, eyes fixed on his lips, which are slightly open now. “you love it when i tug your pretty hair, just when i fuck your pretty lips, don’t you?”
a smile forms on his lips when he hears a shift in your posture, almost as if you needed him, a whine follows right after, your hands finding his thighs as you trail your fingers along his sweats.
“now, darling. what have i told you about teasing? how about you get to it hm?”
ᴍɪɴʜᴏ || exhibitionism | this man as we know him, he loves teasing you, be it in the bedroom or when you’re out in public. the way he loves teasing you more when you’re out with your friends, from sending you either photos of himself, or sending audios of him saying he misses you, and your body. what surprises you more, initially, is when he confidently sends you photos of his hand on his bulge, right on his sweats, or of his thumb on the tip, and you know he’s teasing himself, thinking about you. when he shifts from sending you photos to five second videos, you are already losing it.
< need you to come home and fix this right now, doll > a message would read, only for you to see the video, a whine slipping past your lips, your eyes not moving from the way he touches his cock, his fingers firmly wrapped around the base, his thumb moving so slowly to tease the tip, and you swear you can see a bit of precum collect on the tip. you can’t help yourself from licking your bottom lip, your fingers almost dropping your phone when you have the video on a loop, and you feel yourself getting wet at the thought of minho teasing himself, the groans that would slip past his lips, and you’re so close to calling him, or rather heading home.
ᴄʜᴀɴɢʙɪɴ || thigh riding/thigh fetish | this man is the type to get hard the moment you’re on his lap, straddling his waist. his hands find your hips, fingers gripping your exposed skin, his thumb rubbing small and slow circles to your skin. the way he’d continuously clench his thigh muscles, and also at the same time have you slowly grind on them, a groan leaving his lips, followed by him licking his bottom lip. his eyes shift constantly from the way you’re moving against his thigh, to the way your head is slightly thrown back, your lips parted and he thinks, this is because of him. he’s the one getting you off, no one else.
“so fucking pretty for me, baby. you like that, hm? you like it when i press your pretty pussy against my thigh?”
on some days changbin would want you to make a mess on his thigh, on other days he’d want you to make a mess on yourself, but when he’s involved, he wants you to work for it. i’m talking he’s the kind to be having you weak on your knees, wanting you to earn it, hence you need to work for it. on the days he wants you to make a mess on him, his fingers would find your bare clit, rubbing slow patterns to your skin, while instructing you, guiding you to grind yourself against his thigh.
“no, baby. we’re not moving from here until you make a pretty mess on my thigh. i don’t care if it takes all night of you fucking yourself on my sweats, i need to see a fucking stain.” a tiny flick to your clit makes you whine, more out of protest than out of pleasure, because he stops what he’s doing right at that moment, a smirk forming on his lips. “oh, you thought i was going to help you? no, darling, you’re helping yourself. i was just getting you started.”
ʜʏᴜɴᴊɪɴ || experimental/ deep throating | hyunjin’s the kind, like we know him to be, the shy boi that he is. he’s always about you, from the way he touches you, to the way his lips attach to your body, the delicate touches of his fingers making you lose your mind. he’s also the type to want to experiment anything with you, he wants anything that you want. but when he does have ideas, he’ll be so shy about it, like always, and lets you take the lead, even if it’s something that he wants, and it involves you.
like this one time. the night he mentioned how he wanted to try deep throating with you, obviously giving you the choice of wanting it too or not. “i mean, are you sure, baby? i don’t want -” “let me help?” your fingers find his lips, watching him press the smallest and softest of kisses to your skin, making you close your eyes. that is until you decide to slip your finger past his lips, watching the boy in front of you widen his eyes, but following along. you moan when he twirls his tongue around your finger, your eyes focusing on the way his lips form an ‘o’ around your finger, while your free hand extends and reaches for his crotch.
a whine leaves his throat, almost raspy, when your fingers detach from his mouth, nimbly working on getting his cock out of his pants, and in your mouth. the way you were kneeling down in front of hyunjin, your eyes looking up at him as your fingers grab his dick, stroking him first, teasing him, before having him in your mouth, had him going crazy already. his head is thrown back a little, eyes still watching you, and before you knew it, his hips were buckling into your face, his fingers tugging on your hair. “baby, you’re being really impatient today. i told you i want to take my time with you, didn’t i?” your voice is soft, but firm when you remove yourself from his cock, your tongue darting a little, watching hyunjin let out yet another whine, fingers aching to be back in your hair again.
“patience, and you’ll get what you want. maybe more, if you behave.”
ᴊɪsᴜɴɢ || lingerie kink/getting caught | okay, this boi as we know him, just loves it when you’re all dressed up for him, or rather in this case, dressed down. ever since you told him about the new lingerie set you bought, and mentioning that you bought it ‘just for him’, he’s been losing his shit. ever since then, his mind has been about only you, and how you’d look in that lingerie, his thought wandering to how you’d look when he fucked you in that same set.
not being able to stop himself, he’s the kind to most likely be wanting to have your lingerie in front of him, or your pantie in his hand, the lacy material bunched up in his fingers, as he jerks off to the thought of him being inside you, by just pushing your panties to the side, his dick ramming inside you. this boy, for all you know it, also wants to be caught by you. the thoughts of you just walking into him getting off because of you, because of those panties, makes him grip onto the panties thighter in his hand, his other working on stroking himself to the point where he knows he’s going to make a mess.
he’s most probably shamelessly even tell you all about it, from how he so badly wants you to wear it, to the fact that he actually came on his stomach, spilling his load all over himself on just your image, especially in that lingerie. “just want to fuck you in this, baby. please?”
ғᴇʟɪx || marking | felix, as we know, loves loves loves being marked, or marking you, either way, he just loves to think and know that it’s all yours, and it’s all his. the fact that it’s you who has your lips on his body, be it just delicate kisses or you just sucking bruises, and marks onto his body, just makes him all hot and bothered. he loves see those red marks on your body, when he’s creating them, calling them art, and calling you his canvas, his eyes just sparkle when he sees them.
on his body, he loves knowing that it’s your lips thats making those, it’s your lips on his skin, and it’s your marks. for him. he loves seeing them on himself, often asking you for more, when he sees the older ones fading. “baby, you know i love them,” he’d pout, when you get embarrassed about marking him. “you know i love seeing them on me, they look pretty.”
sᴇᴜɴɢᴍɪɴ || possessive kink/ degradation + humiliation/ brat tamer | now this boy, you know when you’re in trouble, he’s the type to be pissed. he loves putting you back in your place, obviously adding his share of name calling that you love, and know. “now, pup. you know you weren’t supposed to do that, and yet you acted like a brat,” he’d start, his fingers tracing patterns to your body, sending shivers down to your core, knowing you’re going to be punished for acting out. “you love showing how bossy you can be in front of my friends, is that what it is?” his eyes remain on your face when he says this, proceeding to touch you slowly, knowing its torture for you, because you’re obviously needy now, and you craved his touch since forever.
“you wanted to show them that i belong to you, hm doll?” he whispers finally, after touching you for so long, his fingers resting on your shoulder. when you nod at his question, he laughs, finding it amusing that you think he belongs to you. “see, that’s where you’re wrong, pup. you belong to me, that’s how its been. maybe next time, since you seem so keen on being such a slut in front of my friends, i can fuck you in front of them, and you’d still take it,” he starts, sighing, remembering your behaviour when you spoke to his friends when he wasn’t around, the possessiveness coming out of him, eyes filled with anger. “you’d still take it, because you’re so fucking greedy and never satisfied, no matter what i fucking give you. so deperate for me, it’s pathetic, don’t you think?”
when you whine at his words, his hand tightens around your shoulder, fingers curling at your blade, until he moves them so they rest at your lower back, his other hand reaching to cup your clit in his palm. “so fucking wet and i just called you pathetic, you really love being called greedy huh?” a chuckle leaves his throat when you nod yet again, making him start slow motions on your bundle of nerves. “that’s because you are greedy. my greedy and pathetic little pup, all mine to spoil.”
ᴊᴇᴏɴɢɪɴ || pussy drunk/overstim | the way i see it, this boy is obsessed with eating you out, be it for your pleasure or his boredom, he just wants to be between your legs 24/7. he loves watching you squirm under his touch, because he knows he’s making you feel good. he loves knowing that his long fingers can fit in your pussy, and when he feels you get tighter every time he curls them, it drives you crazy, but it drives him crazy as well. he can’t help but let out a groan when he feels your walls clench around his fingers, or his cock.
“shit, baby. i’m trying to stretch you out here, and you’re getting tighter,” he’s whisper against your skin, his fingers pumping in and out of you, watching you grind into his palm every time he gets deeper inside you. “you’re maybe not getting fucked enough by me,” a chuckle leaves his lips when he says this, his lips pressing kisses to your clit, making you lose your mind over the obvious overstimulation that your body is getting.
jeongin loves it when you beg him to stop, because he knows you want it, and more, by the way you keep moving under him, by the way your fingers reach to curl around his wrist. “no, baby. i’m not done with you. you’re going to have to make a bigger mess if you want me to stop. i know you have it in you, pretty, i’m watching you fuck my fingers for the past ten minutes without a break, i’m sure you can take one more, baby.”
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🌷taglist— @hwajin  @starlostseungmin  @chrisbahng @niinjo @chvnnie @lixhues @joonszn @evqans @meowtella @janvibutbetter @cherryhanji @blueberry-chan @dnadoublefelixx @ethereallino @stuckwithaphobiaa @teacupjeongin @chewryy @bangchanbabygirlx @meowminhosblog @zizis-world12 @aimeexx @whatudowhennooneseesyou @seobinniesshi @h0neydewmoon
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
The Forgotten Spaces | ch 4 (jjk)
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☆summary: you've been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
☆pairing: photographer and dancer!Jungkook x dancer!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, there will be mature content in later chapters)
☆genre: slow (SLOW) burn enemies to lovers, college!au, slice of life!au, angst (oop), smut and fluff
☆warnings: nausea, hangover, the park jimin effect, drinking, cursing? a time skip of a month
☆word count: 9.6k
☆a/n: why is posting making me anxious? fun fact, I'm posting from New York City this week! Went to the two first Agust D concerts ayyy
☆a/n pt2: always and forever thankful for @moonleeai and her dedicated work as my beta reader <3
☆series masterpost here
☆Read What Was Hidden here, the fic that inspired this whole story, written by @daechwitatamic, one of my fav human beings on this app <3 It follows the story of Jo and Taehyung before The Forgotten Spaces
For this meeting of our end of the world
It's with you that I want to sing
On the threshold of the memories the dead of today
Them that breathe for us
The forgotten spaces
Je t'écris - Gaston Miron (rough translation by me)
Saturday, May 19th
                Jungkook feels sick. Sick of everything, but mostly sick because his hungover has kept him in bed all day. He doesn’t even know if he’ll be able to pull up for dance practice later. All he knows is that his room has been spinning whenever he wakes up from naps, and that he fucked up majestically last night.
He doesn’t quite remember everything he said. He just remembers you, in his room, and then you being gone, replaced by Jimin and Taehyung.
The only thing he knows is that you know. The text that’s been sitting on his phone all day is reminder enough.
[11:12 am] You: hey, i hope ur okay this morning.. if u ever wanna talk about last night, we can grab a coffee or smth😌
He doesn’t know what to say, so he hasn’t replied. Because he’s not okay at all, and he doesn’t want to talk about it. Especially not with you.
Especially not when he hasn’t been able to eat anything since the first time he woke up today. It’s nearing 4 pm now, and he technically needs to be at the studio in two hours. Hobi already said he’d pick him up, but he’s still far from being presentable right now.
Jungkook groans, hiding his face in his pillow. You come up in his mind, the look of horror on your face last night making everything spin around him twice as much as before. Whenever he closes his eyes, you’re there, and he almost hopes to go blind.
Though he’s pretty sure you’d find a way to haunt him even if he was blind.
Another groan escapes him, and he turns his head to the side as someone knocks on his door. “Uh?” he lets out, loud enough for whoever it is to hear.
He’s surprised to see it’s Yoongi as the man opens the door. “I made you soup,” Yoongi says, and sure enough he is carrying a tray with a steaming bowl of soup on top of it.
Jungkook expects the thought of eating to make him feel worse, but surprisingly enough, no nausea rises inside of him. Instead, he realizes his stomach feels dreadfully empty, so he forces himself to sit, wincing at the throbbing pain at his temples.
It’s almost enough to make him forget the pain in his leg.
“Did you take any painkillers?” Yoongi asks as he puts down the tray at the foot of the bed. “And have you drank any water?”
“Yes and yes,” Jungkook replies, voice raucous from disuse. “Pretty sure I could use some more painkillers though.”
Yoongi nods, watching his younger friend carefully. “Do you need me to go get you some?”
Jungkook slowly shakes his head no. “I need to get out of bed if I want to make it to dance practice.”
At that Yoongi laughs. “Good luck with that.”
Jungkook frowns, glaring at Yoongi. “I’m very capable, I’ll have you know.”
“Your room smells like someone died in here.”
Though he’s usually sensitive to smell, Jungkook’s hungover state keeps him from being able to tell if the room really does stink. “Tae and Jimin cleaned up.”
“Then you must be the dead body,” Yoongi says, in that deadpan kind of way of his. He shrugs his shoulders, before adding, “Anyway, just eat and then take a shower. I’m sure you’ll feel better.”
Jungkook nods and watches as Yoongi makes to move out of his room. Yoongi’s at the door when Jungkook says, “Hyung?” Yoongi turns around, a quizzical look on his features. “Thank you for the soup.”
A smile breaks out across Yoongi’s face. “Anytime.”
And then Yoongi leaves, shutting the door softly behind him, and Jungkook is left alone once again. He looks down at the soup, and he realizes he really is hungry. He pulls the tray closer to him, making sure the soup doesn’t spill over the rim of the bowl, before grabbing the spoon.
The first spoonful of soup has his eyes fluttering shut with delight. Yoongi’s always been an amazing cook, and he hasn’t disappointed today. It awakens Jungkook more than anything else could have, and he’s finished the bowl of soup so quickly he almost considers eating the tray.
He’s still famished, but at least he’s got something in his stomach now. It’s enough to get him to stand from his bed, and though everything wobbles for a few seconds, he’s able to start gathering what he’ll need for his trip to the shower.
The shower really helps make him feel human again, and he’s relieved. As he steps out and looks at himself in the mirror, eyes dipping to his scars, he feels ready to confront the whole world if need be. He won’t have to bail on dance practice after all.
He’s down in the kitchen, eating some reheated pizza from last night, when Hobi arrives. His older friend pats him on the back, before putting down a Gatorade in front of him.
“Thought you’d need this,” he says, before climbing on the stool next to Jungkook.
Jungkook chuckles, immediately uncapping the Gatorade to take a long swig. It’s the last thing he needed to feel as good as new, and he offers Hobi a wide grin as soon as he puts the bottle down.
“I sure did,” he says, and the two friends laugh.
One thing that doesn’t change though, is the heaviness in Jungkook’s heart. Because if you know, then it’s just a matter of time before the rest of the crew knows. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to deal with everyone pitying him at the same time.
Maybe then he’ll just have to dip again.
Jin comes into the kitchen, and he stops as he sees Jungkook and Hobi at the counter. Valeria trails behind him, and Jungkook is struck dumb once more.
He never thought Jin would be able to pull the girl. He’s still surprised that she does exist, and whenever he’s alone with Jin he makes it a priority to remind his older friend.
“Sup’ losers,” Jin says as he starts moving again, heading towards the fridge to store the bottle of rosé wine he’s holding. “Surprised you were able to get out of bed.”
He says that over his shoulder looking right at Jungkook, who rolls his eyes. “I’m not a senior citizen like you, I’ve still got youth on my side.”
“Listen you little shit,” Jin bursts out, and Valeria starts laughing. It has the effect of a calming shower on Jin, who only glares at Jungkook. “You’re lucky the lady is here. Otherwise you’d be dead.”
“If you’d be able to catch me, that is.”
Jin looks towards Hobi.
“Don’t ask me for help,” Hobi says, raising his hands in defense. “You’re all alone on this.”
Jin’s head turns towards his girlfriend next. She’s shy, and Jungkook has never really talked to her before. So when he and Hobi look at her too, she blushes, before shrugging.
Jin lets out a childish whine, before saying, “Alright then, I’m old.”
“We like you like that.” Valeria is the one that speaks, and Jungkook chokes on a laugh as he turns back towards Jin.
“You heard her.”
Jin is fake-glaring at his girlfriend, but then his features soften. “Yeah, but at least she’s pretty.” And just like that he moves out of the kitchen, pulling Valeria behind him.
“I’ve been told I’m pretty too,” Jungkook yells behind Jin, and Hobi laughs next to him. “He’s so whipped,” Jungkook says after a few seconds, just to make sure Jin is out of earshot. His comment makes him think about another couple that’s starting to form, and he turns to look at Hobi. “And you? What’s up with Jiho?”
Hobi chokes, flushing fully red, up to the top of his ears. “What do you mean?”
Jungkook raises his eyebrows as he tries to hold in the shit-eating smirk that wants to form on his lips. “What do I mean? Why did you invite her yesterday?”
“I –” Hobi says. “I just thought it’d be fun to hang with the crew…”
“The crew?” The smirk has won now, and it breaks across Jungkook’s lips.
“Well, you know, just like…” Hobi falls silent, before letting out a strangled laugh. “I honestly didn’t see it coming.”
It’s cute, and Jungkook’s smirk turns into a softer smile. “To be honest, me neither.”
“She’s got balls though,” Hobi says, laughing lightly this time. “She’s the one who suggested we should go on a date, after dance practice last week.”
All that Jungkook remembers of that night is that he walked with you after. The rest is a blur of anxiety and his leg hurting. But he’s not surprised that Jiho’s got balls: she has to be your closest friend for a reason.
“You said yes, I hope,” Jungkook says.
Hobi slowly nods. “Yeah. But I invited her yesterday because of that too. And we’re going to a restaurant she suggested tomorrow.”
Jungkook doesn’t have to fake the happiness that takes over him right now. He’s happy for his friend, he really is. For his friends, plural. Because Taehyung, Jin, Yoongi and now Hobi… They’re all happy. They all have met someone, someone to care for them where no one else can. Strangely, it’s something Jungkook doesn’t really want for himself right now, maybe because he’s too stuck in the past.
Too stuck trying to heal from the crash, knowing some parts won’t ever heal and refusing to give up the fight for now.
It brings him back to you. To last night, and to whatever he said. He wishes he could remember the words, just to know how bad he fucked up, but he doesn’t. He won’t remember, and he won’t ask you.
He won’t take you up on your offer for coffee. He knows pity when he sees it, and he abhors it. Especially when it comes from you.
Instead, he focuses on Hobi, on the smile that lights up his friend’s face as he tells him about Jiho, about how they’ve been texting almost constantly. It’s all Hobi talks about on the ride to the studio, as he mentions stuff Jiho told him.
Stuff she told him about her when she was younger, but also about you. About how you’ve been friends since the first day of kindergarten, when someone pulled her braids and laughed at her and you punched them in the face.
He’s not surprised child you would punch someone that deserved it in the face. He’s pretty sure adult you would do it too.
Hobi parks his car next to the studio, and they are getting out of the vehicle when Jungkook notices you walking, hands buried in yet another oversized sweater. You’re wearing yoga pants underneath, and your hair is pulled up in a high ponytail. You catch his gaze a few seconds after he notices you, and he’s about to smile at you when you just look away, walking in the building without once glancing back.
What the fuck?
Jungkook frowns, especially as Hobi says, “What happened with Y/n last night?”
For some reason, Jungkook immediately grows defensive. He shrugs, a little vehemently before starting to walk towards the door. “Nothing happened. Just let it slip that I got into a car crash.”
“So she knows?” Hobi asks.
Another shrug of Jungkook’s shoulders. He buries his hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants, just to hide the way he’s clenching his fists even though he’s trying to stay calm. “Yeah. So everyone will know.”
“I don’t think so,” Hobi says, and Jungkook glances at him, brows knit together. “I mean, she’s good at keeping secrets.”
“She’s probably already told Jiho,” Jungkook points out as they reach the door. He doesn’t see you on the other side, and that’s the only reason why he opens it.
“Well, Jiho didn’t say anything about you, if that can reassure you.”
Hobi has felt the switch in his mood, hasn’t he? Because his voice is careful, as if he’s afraid to spook him.
“I don’t care,” Jungkook lies. Because he really does care. He doesn’t want everyone to know. Because it makes it too real, and for now he still can pretend it hasn’t happened.
He wishes for it to stay that way.
Hobi doesn’t push him more, and a tense silence moves between them. Jungkook wishes he could go back to his previous good mood about his friends’ happiness, but he’s back where he was last night. Somewhere in the dark of his own mind.
Not a good place to hang, if he’s honest.
He already knows he’s going to see you when he reaches the studio. Somehow, it still makes his heart constrict in his chest, that same way it did last night. As if someone is clenching their fist around it, and it makes it harder to breathe. He shrugs it off, taking a deep breath to calm down, before looking around.
Everyone but Heather is already here. And no one is looking at him, no one seems surprised or seems to be pitying him. You don’t even act like you noticed him entering – you take off your sweater, dropping it in a corner of the room with your phone and your keys. He hates it, but his eyes follow the curves of your body, and he wants to curse you for only wearing a sports bra.
Your body is lean, the results of dancing for most of your life with a mother that used to be a ballerina. Jungkook is pretty sure she’s controlled everything you ate growing up, and drilled it so hard into your head that you can’t stand bad food now. He remembers, when you were younger and someone brought cake to practice to celebrate a birthday, you always barely took a bite before saying you were full. You claimed you didn’t like cake, but he always noticed the way you eyed it while everyone else ate.
He used to make fun of you for it, and today he knows he was an asshole. All he can hope is that your relationship with food is better now. And it looks like it is – you’re not as thin as you were before. You look healthy, and your skin and hair are glowing.
It takes him a few good seconds to realize he’s staring, as if something about you has changed. And he doesn’t know what changed, just knows that he feels struck.
You notice him staring, and you furrow your brows. “What are you looking at?”
It’s said aggressively. As if you’re angry. He only then realizes that you might be, and maybe that’s why you ignored him outside. He can’t for the life of himself figure out why you’d be angry – did he say something yesterday?
“Nothing,” he replies, and he looks away as his heart beats out of his chest.
You act like that for the whole of practice. For all the pity looks Heather throws his way, you send twice as many glares. It feels like last night never happened, and maybe it didn’t. Maybe it was just a nightmare, and he never told you everything.
He knows you know though, because whenever he puts too much weight on his leg as he demonstrates the movements he has in mind, you clench your jaw. A muscle feathers under your skin, and then you look away. Shame passes on your features, and then it’s gone to be replaced with a scowl.
He’s getting tired of it by the end of practice, so he pulls you aside to talk. Jiho stubbornly stays next to you, until Hobi walks up to her and asks if he can talk to her, probably sensing that Jungkook needs some time alone with you.
You both glare at each other while the others filter out, wishing you good night. Jungkook hears Scottie teasing Lance about meeting up with a girl, and the last thing he hears is Lance telling him to fuck off before everyone is finally out.
It takes almost twenty seconds before you blink and say, “What do you want?”
“What’s wrong with you?” he asks, folding his arms on his chest as he cocks an eyebrow.
You scoff. “With me? Nothing. What’s wrong with you?”
Do you know or do you not? He’s a little confused as you just look at him, clearly expecting an answer. He’s dumbfounded – the last thing he expected from telling you everything was you being furious at him.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asks.
It’s just a back and forth of questions at this point, with no visible answers in the distance. Indeed, you just say, “Do you think you did something wrong?”
It’s absurd, and it makes him laugh. Which, he reckons, might be taken as insulting. And of course you take it the bad way, because how else would you take it?
“You’re so fucking oblivious,” you grumble.
He’s still laughing. He wants to stop, but for some reason he cannot.
“What’s so funny?” you enquire, and your cheeks are turning red.
“Just,” he starts, “I don’t know. The last thing I expected from last night was you getting angry at me.”
You roll your eyes. “If you were looking for pity you won’t get any from me.”
That’s the thing. He doesn’t want any pity from you. And you saying so makes something warm blossom in his chest, and it sobers him up. His face falls serious, and he holds your gaze long enough that you raise your eyebrows in question.
“Thank you,” he says.
You scoff. “You’re fucking weird, Jeon.”
He shrugs. “That’s why you like me, uh?”
Your eyes widen, and you look so appalled he just starts laughing again. “Quite the opposite actually,” you say even though he’s laughing. “What’s wrong with you?”
“I don’t know,” he repeats. “I’m just relieved you haven’t changed.”
He really is. You have no idea how much.
“Okay?” you let out, and it sounds like a question. You scoff again, before adding, “Why didn’t you reply to my text?”
Oh, so this is what it’s about. You’re upset because he ignored your text. It feels absurd and stupid and inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, so Jungkook just smiles and shrugs. “I genuinely don’t really want to talk about last night. I’m all okay today.”
And he does think he is, now that he’s talking to you.
You remain silent for a while, pulling at some dry skin on your bottom lip. You then brush a strand of hair that’s fallen from your ponytail behind your ear, nodding your head. “Understood. Won’t be nice to you again.”
“Oh please,” Jungkook teases. “You can’t resist it.”
He’s happy. The more he talks to you, the happier he is. He feels like he’s floating, and he wishes you’d both stay right then and there, in the studio, until the end of time.
He hasn’t felt so light in forever.
“Oh, I can, Jeon.” You fold your arms on your chest, imitating his posture. “Watch me.”
But there’s a teasing glint in your eyes, probably awakened by his own teasing demeanour.
“I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your text,” he apologizes, because he feels like he needs to clear the air with you. He doesn’t want you to be upset with him anymore. “I genuinely didn’t know what to say, and I figured I was going to see you tonight anyway.”
You look away for the first time in the conversation. Your eyes move down, and he’s pretty sure you’re looking at the scar on his stomach. It makes it itch, and if he weren’t with you, he’d scratch it. But he resists, offering you a tight-lipped smile as you look up at his eyes again.
“Well, forget I suggested coffee then,” you say. You wink at him. “I’ll start being a bitch again now.”
“Please do.”
You look startled. “You want me to be a bitch?”
He laughs, scratching the nape of his neck. “No.” He scrunches up his nose, thinking really hard about what he wants to say. Only he doesn’t know what to say. He feels like he’s never talked to you before in his whole life. He can barely remember breaking down in front of you not even twenty-four hours ago. “Yes? Just be your same usual self.”
“Noted,” you say, nodding your head forcefully.
It’s cute, and it makes your ponytail swing behind you. He has half a thought to reach and pull on it, just to annoy you, but he resists.
Instead, he looks around, before resuming his attention on you. “Just, one thing.”
You hold his gaze, cocking an eyebrow in question as you purse your lips. “Mmh?”
“Please don’t tell the others,” he says. It’s a little more serious than he was just a second ago, but he feels like it’s needed to get the point across. “I’d prefer if they didn’t know.”
The corners of your lips stretch into a small, soft smile. “I didn’t plan on telling anyone. I figured you’re the one that should tell them if you want to.” You glance towards the door, and you’re not watching him when you add, “I think Bridget told Heather though. And I don’t know if Heather will remain silent”.
He doesn’t care if Heather tells the others. He just doesn’t want you to do it. It makes no sense, but at the same time it makes all the sense in the world to him.
“Yeah, I think she knows too.” He pulls at his piercing, letting out a small sigh. “I’ll talk to her.”
You nod, and the room falls silent. He wishes he had more to tell you, but it seems you’ve run out of conversation topics, because you eventually wet your lips and say, “Well, I guess I’ll be going home now”. And then you laugh, shaking your head. “I was supposed to leave with Jiho, but I’m pretty sure she’s gone with Hobi.”
“Hobi talked about her for like an hour before we got here,” Jungkook admits, relieved that you provided a topic. “They’re going on a date tomorrow.”
You smile, widely, and he reckons you’re like him. Your friends’ happiness makes you happy, and happiness truly looks good on you. It makes your eyes sparkle, and you look like a kid who’s just received the perfect gift on Christmas morning.
“I know!” you yelp, taking him by surprise when you even clap your hands. “They’re going to the restaurant I suggested.”
There’s something warm in Jungkook’s chest. It just becomes stronger and stronger the more he looks at you, and it makes him feel wary. Enough so that he looks away and tries to tame it down.
“I hope everything will work out for them,” he says, and he scrapes his throat because the warmth is choking him up now.
“I’m sure it will”, you reply, confidently. “Jiho has been into him for like three years now.”
Jungkook feels bad for her, because three years ago Hobi was still with his ex. But it seems patience makes miracles, because she’s getting a date with Hobi now, isn’t she?
It makes Jungkook realize that sometimes, the right person for someone might have been around all along. They’ve just been blind to it. Now, that’s a thought that makes him want to get out of this room. To flee this cloud before it breaks, and he meets your gaze.
You’re watching him already, with a wistful look on your features. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
He hates it. Hates everything that your little sentence makes him feel, so he just nods his head, before saying, “It’s getting late, I should hurry if I want to catch the bus”.           
Your eyes widen. “I’ll order you a Lyft, come on.”
“No!” he refuses. “It’s all good.”
“But it’s late,” you insist, and you bend down to grab your phone on your sweater.
It offers Jungkook a straight view to your cleavage, and he freezes, right as pink dusts his cheeks. “I swear,” he reassures you, adding your name before continuing, “I’d rather take the bus. But thank you for the offer.”
You fake-glare at him. “Right, I’m supposed to be a bitch anyway.” You fold your arms on your chest, cocking an eyebrow arrogantly, and you look just like you’ve always looked when you say, “What the fuck are you still doing here? You’re wasting my oxygen.”
It makes the both of you laugh, and Jungkook just shakes his head. “Please, I know you love looking at me.”
You look offended, somehow, and you scoff. “I’d rather gouge my eyeballs out of my head instead of having to look at you for a second longer.”
“Ouch, that was rough.”
“You deserved it.” You shrug your shoulders, before motioning at the door in a swooshing motion. “Now, go lick your wounds somewhere else.”
“Aren’t you leaving too?”
You glare at him now, and you’re so good at it he almost thinks you’re angry. “Why, do you want to walk me home?”
His mouth falls open. Would you let him walk you home? For some reason, he’s pretty sure you’ll punch him if he even suggests it. So instead, he chooses to say, “And suffer the whole way? Nah, I’m good.”
It’s a low-key mention of his injury. You immediately catch on to it, and Jungkook hates the look that takes over your features. He thought that you didn’t have pity for him in you, but it seems you do. You do and it feels like the fist around his heart is back, and the air burns a little.
You seem like you want to say something, but he’s quicker than you.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“No, I’m serious, don’t you fucking look at me like that.”
And just like that the light atmosphere shifted back into darkness.
You scoff, shaking your head. “And here I was starting to think that you’re a decent guy. Never mind, Jeon.” You scoff once more, and the corners of your mouth are pulled down in a look of pure disgust. “I’m going home.”
He lets you go. He doesn’t even look at you as you pick up your stuff and leave, not once glancing back.
No matter how enjoyable this interlude in your usual relationship was, Jungkook prefers the usual hate. It’s safer, more comfortable, and a habit that protects him from the vulnerability.
Why then is he staring at your text two hours later in his bed at home, unable to fall asleep, wishing he didn’t say what he did?
In all truth, he knows why, he just doesn’t want to formulate the thought. Doesn’t want to give it the power to exist in the confines of his brain. So he ignores it, shoves the warmth in his chest so far down in the hole occupied by his lost dream that he can’t really feel it anymore.
Only then does he feel safe again, but he still can’t fall asleep.
He hopes you’re not struggling with insomnia as much as he is.
Thursday, June 28th
                The auditions for nationals are in a week. Seven days, and you’re still not sure you’ve mastered the choreography well. You’re anxious – have been for weeks now – and all you want is to lie down on the floor until everything is over.
Which, coincidentally, is what Lance has been doing for the last fifteen minutes, claiming he needed a break from Jungkook. Because Jungkook is worse than Hobi, making you repeat the choreography for stupid unnecessary things like Jiho’s hair was in her face or Scottie’s shirt rode too high while he was doing a certain move.
In May, when you learned about what happened to Jungkook, you had a few days of feeling bad for him. Wishing you didn’t get in a fight with him during that dance practice, wishing your relationship with him wasn’t just hateful.
It feels like there’s been too much history between you for it to ever change. Because you saw a glimpse of something else, for a few minutes that night. Jungkook was more open, calmer, and his expressions were set in a softer look. It was easier to be around him, more enjoyable, and you wished for a fleeting moment that it could last.
Alas, it only lasted a few minutes before he moved back to the harsh look he reserved for you, only because he assumed you were pitying him. Which, maybe you were. You don’t know. It’s hard to tell when you haven’t been through what he has, and when you can tell he suffers.
But you’re not sure if it’s pity or concern. You don’t think he can tell the difference either.
“Lance,” you grumble as you finish the choreography, heart beating out of your chest. “Get the fuck up we need you.”
Lance mumbles something incoherent, before turning his head away from where you’re glaring at him. It makes you look up to catch Jungkook’s gaze, and he immediately looks away the moment your eyes meet. He’s been doing that a lot now too. Where he used to glare at you or smirk insufferably, Jungkook just ignores you.
You don’t think you like it. But you’ve gotten used to it over the course of the last few weeks, so you just roll along with it now.
You’ve kept his secret safe. You thought it would be hard, especially to hide it from Jiho, but after a few days it just became normal. Jiho has more to tell you about Hobi anyway.
Because they’ve found time to go on dates every week since then. Sweet dates, with him picking her up and bringing her flowers and doing things that he knows make her happy. Even at dance practice, everyone can see how they are sickly into each other. You’re happy for Jiho, you really are, but it’s starting to feel a little lonely.
At least you’ve got Jo and the other girls now too. You’ve met the mysterious Kiko now – a sweet girl with the voice of an angel – and your girl’s nights with Jiho have turned into Thirsty Thursdays. You haven’t understood the meaning of the Thirsty yet, considering all of them are dating now, but you just roll along with it.
It’s led to fun nights, and that really is the only thing that matters, right?
Tonight makes no exception. Jiho, Heather and you have dance practice until 10 pm, and then you’re supposed to meet with the girls at a bar on their side of town. Which means you’re already dressed up, though you put on a sports skirt to avoid showing off your ass to the rest of the boys. Not that it would matter – Scottie is not interested in women at all, Lance only has eyes for Chaeyeon now, Hobi is way too respectful for that and Jungkook doesn’t even look at you anymore.
You scoff, glancing away from Jungkook to settle your gaze back on Lance. “Get up,” you repeat, before walking over to him to kick him in the ribs. “Or I’ll tell Chaeyeon how much of a loser you are.”
He fakes offence. “Me, a loser? Nah, we’re going to win this shit.”
The sudden confidence is a boost to everyone’s mood, and soon enough you’re back to dancing, with a much-needed vigor. It’s enough that Jungkook lets you go after you’ve done the choreographies two times more, telling everyone they did a good job.
“Same time Saturday,” he says.
You think you notice him looking at you in the mirror, but as soon as you turn your head in that direction he’s already glanced away, focusing himself on typing something on his phone.
“We know,” Lance says jokingly, before punching Jungkook in the shoulder.
Jungkook snickers, and he deadpans, “You were two hours late last week because you were too busy with your girlfriend”.
“Can’t blame me,” Lance says, shrugging his shoulders. “Chae comes first, the rest of you can suck it up.” It’s cute and endearing, and your heart feels warm as Lance glances your way. You have no idea what brings him to think of that, but he scans the whole room before suggesting, “We should rent a cottage. After the auditions. We should all get shitfaced for three days straight.”
Hobi laughs from where he’s standing next to Jiho. “Scottie is too young for that.”
“Hey, I’m twenty-two!” Scottie exclaims. “I can get shitfaced.”
“You’re a baby,” Heather puts in. “Just accept it. I refuse to acknowledge the fact you are major now.”
Scottie rolls his eyes, placing a sassy fist on his hip. “Then sucks to be you because I am, and I’m going to get shitfaced with Lance. Right?”
Lance has a large grin on his lips. “Damn fucking right.”
“As long as we get a cottage with a hot tub I’m in,” Jiho says innocently. Hobi cocks an eyebrow as he looks at her, as if he didn’t just say Scottie can’t go. “What?” Jiho adds, shrugging her shoulders. “A cottage weekend does sound like fun.”
It does. It really does. You haven’t gone to the countryside in years now, and you can already picture a cute, picturesque cottage on the side of a lake, with a long quay you can lie on and stargaze. The cottage has a fireplace, a circle of rock in the middle of which flames burn at night until they turn to embers and you roast marshmallows on it. You can almost feel the warmth of the hot tub, and the laughter of friends seems to almost overtake your ears…
Yeah, you’re due for a trip out of the city.
“I want marshmallows,” you say, sighing dreamily. “I haven’t had marshmallows since like…”
“Since the camping trip when we were thirteen? When Jisung got shit on by that seagull?”
You burst out laughing at the same time as Jiho does, right as the memory comes back to you. It had been a fun camping trip, with Jiho’s parents renting a camper. They had invited you along on their trip, and you had gone to the beach with them.
Good memories indeed.
Your laughter recedes, and you notice everyone is looking at you. Even Jungkook. His eyes are a little widened, as if he’s surprised, and there’s a light flush on his cheeks when he looks away.
It’s the strangest sight to see, and you’re unable to shake the feeling away while you get ready with Jiho later to rush to the bar where Jo and the others are already waiting for you. Jiho notices your unease as she applies your eyeliner.
“What’s up with you?”
“Nothing,” you immediately say, way too fast for it to sound casual.
She just cocks an eyebrow and keeps applying the makeup. At least she has the decency to ignore the blush that creeps on your cheeks.
“It’s just…” you sigh, and turn your head when she starts to work on your second eye. “I don’t know.”
You want to kill her for knowing you so well, so you remain silent, choosing peace over violence.
“I’m going to say something right now that might make you want to kill me,” Jiho says, lips pursed.
“I would advise not saying it,” you mumble and she playfully pats your cheek.
“Don’t move.” You pout, but obey nonetheless. She continues working in silence for a time, before saying, “I know about the accident”.
Your heart stops in your chest, and you’re pretty sure all colours have drained out of your features. You still try to play it cool, saying, “What accident?”
“February last year? Jungkook got injured, then ghosted us. Ring a bell?”
You can’t really pretend you don’t know what she’s talking about, can you? “How do you know?”
“Hobi told me,” she admits. “He made me promise to never talk about it, but he mentioned you knew already.”
“I don’t blame you for not telling me,” she reassures you, having sensed your discomfort. “Actually, it tells a lot about your relationship with JK that you respected his decision.”
You scoff as she pulls the eyeliner away from your face, putting it down on her vanity to grab her La Neige lip tint. “My relationship with Jungkook? We’re not even friends.”
“Why though?”
It’s a good question that just pisses you off further. “Because he’s a dick. He told me about the accident and got angry at me for looking concerned and then he started ignoring me.” You chuckle bitterly. “It’s not like I’m going to try and make him talk to me. I don’t give a shit about him.”
Jiho is silent for a long time. Far too long for it to be normal. Like she doesn’t believe you at all and is waiting for you to realize. You’re just as stubborn, so you don’t say anything as she puts the lip tint on her pretty lips.
It makes for an awkward two minutes, but she’s the one that breaks first. “You don’t believe that.”
You furrow your brows. “Why the fuck would you say that?”
She laughs. Not in a mean way, probably just because your cheeks are burning and she believes she can read you like the back of her hand. “Because you don’t believe that.”
You fold your arms on your chest, sitting back in the chair she’s forced you to sit in while she did your eyeliner. You remain silent once again, clenching your jaw as you choose not to get upset. You’re not sure it works, and Jiho just playfully punches you on the shoulder.
“Calm down, babe,” she says. “He’s changed.”
“He’s still an ass with me,” you point out. “He’s changed with the rest of you guys, but he’s even worse with me. He’s been completely ignoring me for weeks.”
“Because he’s scared of what you think about him.”
“He doesn’t give a shit about what I think of him? He’s made that clear enough.” Jiho goes back to her infuriating silence. And you don’t want the conversation to keep going in that direction, so you ask, “How has it been going with Hobi anyway?”
She flushes red as she always does whenever Hobi is mentioned. “Do not think this conversation is over,” she says, threatening you with the lip tint bottle. “But it’s been…” She chuckles. “It’s been great. I think we’re pretty much official now.”
It’s disgustingly cute. It makes you think of Lance and Chaeyeon, of Heather and Bridget, Jo and Taehyung and Kiko and Yoongi…
It makes you feel lonely, like Lance did earlier. It’s a feeling you’ve grown accustomed to growing up, so it’s easy to let it slide over you instead of letting it fester inside.
“Look at you,” you say teasingly. “Who knew you’d pull your lifelong crush?”
“Lifelong?” she snickers. “I’ve had a crush on him for like two years.”
You throw a no-bullshit look her way.
“Okay maybe three…”
It makes you both laugh, and it diffuses the situation that was escalating just a moment ago. You’re relieved, because you’re pretty sure if she mentioned Jungkook just once more you would have blown up in her face.
You take shots downstairs with Jisung and Felix before going, and you giggle in the Lyft on the way to the bar the other girls chose. As per usual, you’re the two last to get there – fashionably late is the way to go, right?
It takes you way too long to realize girl’s night will in fact not be girl’s night. Yoongi is the first you notice, maybe because he’s looking at the exit when you walk in, as if he’s just waiting for the right time to bail. He nods as he sees you, and Kiko turns. She smiles her shy smile, the one that doesn’t show her teeth, and she nods as well, almost a copycat of her boyfriend.
Then it’s like a domino effect, and everyone turns to look at you. Nine pairs of eyes, all on you: Jin, Valeria, Taehyung, Jo, Bridget, Heather, Kiko, Yoongi and Jimin. The latter offers you a secretive smile.
You might have been texting him a little. Nothing serious, but he does appear in your dms once in a while, replying to a story you posted. You always decided to ignore him, only liking his replies, but tonight there’s something in the way Park Jimin is looking at you, sitting there, that makes something warm trickle down your spine.
Maybe because of your conversation with Jiho. It’s hard to tell, and your best friend pulls you towards the rest of the group before you can figure it out. The feeling only increases tenfold when you stop next to the table, and Jimin gets up to greet you, quickly followed by the others.
You hug everyone, and Jo holds you a second longer. “Sorry for inviting the rest, Tae begged and I figured…” You pull away from the hug, and she does have a sheepish look on her features. “Thirsty Thursday doesn’t mean no men?”
You laugh at that comment, shrugging your shoulders. “It’s fine, don’t worry.”
And really, you don’t mind. You like hanging out with them all. You’re relieved they didn’t think to invite Jungkook though, because one thing you’ve figured is that, where Jimin goes Jungkook usually follows.
The night starts off with talking and a few drinks with the group, until you find yourself intoxicated more than you have initially planned to. It doesn’t really matter – you have a day off tomorrow at the internship. Indeed, it only goes from Monday to Thursday, since the lawyer you follow takes the day off on Fridays for the whole of summer.
So you drink, and when they clear a spot for the dancefloor, you let Jiho pull you to it. Let her dance with you, like you usually do when you’re trying to get a guy’s attention. You reckon she’s drunker than you – she’s a giggly mess and she keeps stepping on your feet, which she never usually does. It’s fun, and you feel some anxiety peel away from your skin as if you’re an onion and someone’s about to cut you up to pieces.
You do feel like somebody is about to cut you up to pieces when Jimin moves closer to you, and the smirk on his lips sets something on fire inside of you. Or maybe it’s the alcohol. It doesn’t matter because you pull away from Jiho to move closer to him, almost instinctively.
It’s like he fits like a glove. You face him, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him into the dance as his hands find your waist. One of them slips to your back, and he presses you against him as you move to the music, the rhythm a sensual dance between the two of you.
“Hello, you,” he purrs, and you look up at him.
“Hello,” you reply in the same tone, and he makes you spin until your back is facing him. He’s impossibly close and as his hands guide your hips, your eyes trail up.
You entirely stop moving when your gaze meets Jungkook. He’s standing near the door, clad in different clothes than earlier today, but in that same black shade he seems to adore. He also has a chain, with large links that give a rougher vibe to him.
The look on his features is rough too, especially as Jimin leans to speak into your ear. “I thought you might want to piss him off.”
You chuckle, turning your head to gaze at the man behind you over your shoulder. It brings your face way too close to his, and you have to resist the lava in your blood that makes you want to close the gap.
It’s the self-destructive kind of magma, and you don’t feel like indulging in it. Instead, you purr, “Why do you think I’d want to piss him off?”
Jimin chuckles, and you turn your head away from him because damn him, his lips really are inviting. “He’s been a little shit at home. I assume he’s been that way with you too.”
You laugh, and it’s bitter, angry. It surprises even you. “He’s been ignoring me.” You turn in Jimin’s arms, until you’re facing him. You keep your head hung low, enough so that he can’t lean down and press his lips against yours. Jimin is a gentleman though, you know he’d never kiss you without asking for consent first.
“Explains why he’s been a little shit then,” he says matter-of-factly. He straightens a little, putting a comfortable distance between your faces.
“And you think this little show is going to piss him off?”
He smirks, tilting his head to the side. All the while he’s been making you move to the music, and you know to outside gazes you look like you’re flirting. Can planning to piss Jeon Jungkook off count as flirting?
“Oh, I know it will,” Jimin says, shrugging his shoulders. “Jungkook wears his emotions on his face.”
Maybe he does. Around you, his emotion is usually mostly contempt, so you don’t really know.
“What do you gain from pissing him off?” you ask, and you genuinely wonder. What is Jimin trying to do?
“Nothing,” he admits. He purses his lips, before offering you yet another dashing smile. “Mostly I just want to see what he’ll do.”
Jimin pulls you a little closer, and his forehead presses against yours.
“What are you doing?” you murmur, as your heart beats like a hammer against your ribcage. Hell, even if you’re not really into Jimin like that, he’s Park Jimin. You don’t think anyone in their right mind could stay indifferent to him.
“He’s looking right now,” he replies. He chuckles, before saying, “Now, let me tell you what you’re going to do”. His lips move so close to you it feels as if your brain is short-circuiting in your head. “You’re going to act as if I’ve just offended you, and you go to the bathroom.”
“He’ll follow, and maybe he’ll finally…”
Jimin never finishes his sentence. Someone bumps into you, and it breaks the contact between you and him. Instead of pulling you back in, Jimin motions towards the bathroom, offering you an encouraging smile. You’re stunned for a moment, and you hope it does the trick. You hope you really do look offended, because in truth, you were enjoying Jimin’s proximity.
You don’t like that you were. It feels like you shouldn’t be enjoying his proximity at all. He’s not even really your friend anyway.
You don’t have a choice but to follow his advice though, and you turn around, beelining straight to the bathroom. You make your way through the crowd, scrunching up your nose in disgust at the sweaty guy your hand accidentally touched, and a few seconds later you finally find the line to the bathroom.
It’s a unisex bathroom, with three stalls that are currently all occupied. There’s a guy in front of you, and you glare at him as he smiles at you. He frowns, but it works and he turns back around. A stall frees up a little under a minute later, and you’re mindlessly watching a girl washing her hands when a large hand finds the small of your back.
You startle, and you turn around fully ready to knock some sense into whoever it is, until you see it’s Jungkook.
You freeze for a few seconds, and then let out a laugh as you realize whatever Jimin was doing worked.
“You and Jimin, uh,” Jungkook says bitterly, and his hand clenches into a fist where it falls at his side.
You cock your head to the side. “So you’re talking to me now?”
He plays with his piercing in silence, before scoffing. “I was never not talking to you.” You widen your eyes and let out a disbelieved laugh as you fold your arms on your chest. “I’m serious,” he adds. “I just…”
“Don’t even try to explain, Jeon, save your oxygen.”
He’s frowning now, and you reckon he probably has the same expression on his features that you have on yours. “I thought you said you weren’t going to flirt with Jimin.”
“That was over a month ago,” you point out. “People change, unless you haven’t noticed.”
“Oh, I know,” he says, chuckling bitterly. “But Jimin? There are dozens of guys in this bar, can’t you just choose someone else to fuck?”
You’re starting to see red. You feel it in the tremble that starts deep down in your core, before taking over the whole of your body. “I’m not going to fuck Jimin. He’s just a friend.”
“You dance with all of your friends like that?”
You turn away from him, hoping one of the stalls will be free now, but you’re in no luck. He grabs your arm, forcing you to turn back around. Your eyes drop to his hand on your arm. His fingers are gentle, way gentler than his features. “Fucking let go of me,” you snap. “I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t know what part of getting into an accident made you want to act like you’re just a fucking victim of everything around you but my life has nothing to do with yours. Why do you fucking care?”
He looks stunned. “I… What?”
His confusion douses your fury, and you furrow your brows. “What do you mean, what?”
“I don’t care.”
You don’t know who he is trying to convince right now. And you don’t feel like getting to the bottom of it with him. In fact, you really don’t like the look on his face, and you just want to put distance between you and him. So you roll your eyes, before saying, “Alright then, leave me alone, Jeon. I won’t dance with Jimin again.”
He doesn’t even look happy or relieved that you’re saying that. Instead, his features fall a little, moving from a frown to a sad expression that makes something stir in your chest. “I… If you want to get with Jimin, you can.”
Now, you really are confused. “You come here to be a little bitch about this all and now you’re saying it’s fine?”
He pulls at his piercing, and his eyes flicker to the man that walks past you, indicating that a stall must be free now. “Yeah. If that’s what you want, who am I to tell you not to do it?”
You don’t know. You have no idea how the conversation managed to take this turn, so you wet your lips, cocking an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with you?”
“I…” he trails off, shrugging his shoulders. “I was being a dick. You’re right, I should stop acting like I’m a fucking victim.”
Now, your heart really does ache in your chest. Because what you said was inconsiderate, and you don’t even really mean it. Not the way that he interpreted it though, that’s for sure.
“No, it’s really okay,” he says. He still looks sad, but he offers you a tight-lipped smile. “I’m sorry.”
Just like that he’s walking away, and why are you following him? You stop him by grabbing his arm, just like he did to you a moment ago. You hold on to him longer than he did to you, because his skin is warm under your fingers. His tattoos didn’t take away the softness of his skin, and you don’t really want to let him go. Not just yet.
“I didn’t mean it.” You look him in the eyes as he turns just enough so that his gaze can meet yours. “I got angry.”
“No but you’re right,” he insists. “I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t know why I don’t like you talking to Jimin. You can do whatever you want.”
You let his arm go, albeit reluctantly. “If it can reassure you, I am not interested in Jimin like that. Like yes, he’s attractive, but I’m not really looking for a relationship right now.”
At that Jungkook laughs. It’s somehow melancholic, and you reckon you’ve brought his demons to the forefront of his mind tonight. “Jimin-hyung doesn’t do relationships, you’re in luck.”
“No,” you grumble, and you shut your eyes, as if you have to explain something to a thick-headed five years old. “I’m really not interested in Jimin. Like at all.” Your eyelids flutter open, and you catch the movement of Jungkook’s eyes as they snap away from you.
“Okay,” he lets out flatly. “I’m sorry I ruined it.”
He looks genuine. You’d be angry at him if he didn’t really look as genuine as he does right now.
“Nothing’s ruined, I promise,” you reassure him and you offer him a small smile. “I was tired of dancing anyway.”
The word ‘dancing’ has his gaze trail to the dancefloor, and he bites at his piercing before glancing back at you. “Oh.”
You realize this is awkward. Because what you said really seems to have upset Jungkook. And you can’t really blame him, it was low. The only thing is, you’re not close enough to him to make him understand. So all you can do when he says he’s going to head home is wish him goodnight.
You feel horrible as you watch him leave, and he’s only just crossed the doors leading to the world outside when you break into a small jog. You make it outside in a hurry, just to see he’s leaning against the wall next to the door.
He seems startled to see you, and you feel just as startled to see he hasn’t really left yet.
“I was wondering,” you let out, and you take a deep breath to steady yourself. “Are you going to come to the cottage? You didn’t say you would earlier.”
You have no idea why that’s come to your mind, but you’re just going to roll with it.
“Uh.” He glances down at his phone in his hand. “Am I even invited?”
You wet your lips, shrugging. “I mean, you’re part of the crew, of course you are.”
He holds your gaze for so long you think the Earth has time to revolve around the sun once before he speaks again. “Am I really part of the crew?”
You reckon he might need to hear it, so you don’t hesitate when you say, “Of course. We’d be nothing without you.”
At that the sad expression on his features melts away. It does so slowly, starting with his eyes. They crinkle at the corners, sparkling a little, and then it trickles down his face, until the corners of his lips tug upwards. It makes you smile too, and you just gaze at each other like that for a few heartbeats. It feels intimate, miles away from the usual bickering and hatred that you share.
It’s new, but it doesn’t feel scary. Jungkook doesn’t feel scary when he’s smiling softly.
“Yes, I’ll come,” he finally says.
It makes you blink, and it’s like the scene is coming back into focus. You realize there are a couple of people smoking a few meters away, and a soft breeze pushes the smoke towards you. You hate the smell, but somehow you can’t shake the smile from your lips.
“Good.” You nod once, and you glance towards the door. “I guess… I guess I’ll let you go home then.”
He nods too, and he tilts his head to the side. He’s surveying you with those big eyes of his. They shine with stars right now, as if his happiness brings the constellations to his gaze. Or maybe it’s just the reflection from the streetlights and car headlights, but it’s beautiful.
Jungkook has beautiful eyes.
“Just waiting for a Lyft,” he says, motioning up with his phone.
You worry at your lips, before flattening your skirt mindlessly. “Is it going to be here anytime soon?”
He looks at the rectangle of light, face falling serious. It takes him a few seconds, but then he nods. “Yep. Should pull up pretty much now.”
You glance at the two sides of the street, and sure enough a car slows down until it stops in front of you. “Alright then,” you say. “Good night, Jeon.”
You don’t usually say his last name like you said it just now. It feels different, in all the right ways that it can.
“Good night,” he echoes, tentatively adding your name at the end. “I’ll see you at practice Saturday?”
“Yes. See you then.”
You’re grinning like an idiot when you’re home later, thinking of the interaction. It felt refreshing to be with Jungkook like that. As if you can be friends.
You never imagined you would want to be friends with him, but somehow tonight you want it. It only doubles up when a series of texts appears on your screen, hiding the top part of the anime you’re watching in bed before going to sleep.
[3:02 am] unsaved number: lmaooi jmin saud i cockblocled him😂 [3:02 am] unsaved number: cockblocked* [3:02 am] unsaved number: sry im drunk
You laugh softly, turning on your back as you pause the anime. You go to the conversation, and you’re about to reply when he adds,
[3:03 am] unsaved number: plz ignorr this
You don’t hesitate when you save his number under his name.
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What do we think of this chapter?? Enemies to lovers not too enemies anymore uh? Hope you liked it! Let me know what you thought!
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