#he tried his best to comfort me but was not exactly super helpful
larentslovechaos · 1 year
things r goin places maybe
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koolades-world · 1 month
Hello there! hope your day is going good and if not I hope it gets better.
I was wondering if I could request a scenario (you can do headcanon format) Where Mc is in a life or death because a lower demon is about to kill them and Mc actually kills the lower demon with their own magic. how would the undatables react/comfort Mc after they killed someone because their life was in danger.
Thank you in advance if you do decide to write and make sure to stay hydrated!
hi there! i can do that :)
hope you're having a great day too <3 just drank water with a liquid iv in it so hopefully im super hydrated now haha. i've had a bit of a sore throat for the past few days now so i've been really chugging water better than i usually have which says a lot! love me my 30 oz water bottle that goes everywhere with me
Undatables react to Mc killing a lower demon while defending themself
he's very proud of you but quickly goes on high alert
you've never seen him more serious
he's doing all sorts of things such as upping security measures and looking into the background of the now deceased demon to ensure your safety and to make sure there wasn't anything more behind the attack
he makes sure to give you a huge hug and lets you know exactly how he feels <3
if you hadn't killed them, he would've finished the job for you
since there's no work there for him to do, he'll be taking a visit to see that demon's relatives in the near future
in the meantime, he'll help you unwind and try to take your mind off it
perhaps a tea party with all your favorite treats and little d's there, if you'd like :)
he won't ask questions and he'll heal you no matter what
even if you didn't get very hurt, he insists you stay under his care for a little bit
you'll get the best bedside care and soup ever
let him dote on you, it'll make him feel better too knowing you're safe in his arms <3
he's immediately freaking out
what do you mean a lower demon tried to kill you!!!
100% in tears and refuses to let you out of death grip hug he has on you
the next day, he gifts you an amulet with an angelic blessing on it and asks you to carry it everywhere with you. doesn't care if that means the brothers can't get anywhere near you now. better for him that way anyways haha
he's very impressed!
gah they grow up so fast. it felt like just yesterday he gave you the nickname of his apprentice
deep underneath his gushing, he's worried but he knows that you're capable
even goes as far as to give a few little tips for the future. love at it's finest haha
he's furious with himself that he even let you get in that situation
he almost feels as if he's failed you, but he tries to hold up a facade of nonchalantness
it won't take much coaxing to break down this barrier and see how upset he actually is
if you notice him being extra loving in the next week or so, try not to comment on it but accept his affections
she's with you as much as she can be, but she knows it's just impossible to be by your side all the time
she's angry at herself and the now dead lower demon because that window of time when she's away is never very large
but, she knows you are more than strong enough to take care of yourself if it wasn't already apparent before
she'll make excuse after excuse to be with you until she eventually just spills the beans. she really cares about you <33
he's gonna check you at least three times over to make sure you're alright
but right after he almost scolds you, in a loving way
he tells you he should've been the one to do it and that he should've been by your side
he was just very nervous he could've lost you, but is so proud of how you stood up for yourself <3
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cowboydisaster · 10 months
Just Like You
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pairing: SImon "Ghost" Riley x single mom reader word count: 1.6k summary: Ghost can't get used to the fact that he's your son's favorite person in the world, but damn- he's trying. ("You- You're me for Halloween??") a/n: this fic references the comics, so for those who didn't know: Joseph was Simon's nephew. Super angsty and fluffy. Simon bonding with your kid. beta read by @margowritesthings
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Leo loves Halloween. It’s your son’s favorite time of year. The five year old boy, with your help, worked incredibly hard on his costume, and he’s sure it's going to be the best costume on the block. You may be a little biased, but really, it’s very good. Leo has put extra effort into perfecting every detail of his costume, because this year is special.
It’s the first year that Simon will be accompanying Leo with trick or treat. Leo loves Simon to pieces– but Simon can’t figure out why. The soldier elicits fear from nearly everyone that he encounters, his mask makes children scream and run in the other direction. Hell, his mask makes adults piss themselves in the field. Many enemy soldiers have surrendered at the sight of Ghost running towards them. So Simon can’t wrap his head around the fact that his girlfriend’s little boy looks up at him like he’s the greatest person in the world. 
Simon is less than stellar with children. He tries, but he’s not entirely sure how to talk to them. He’s always a little awkward, generally avoiding children when he can, but this one seeks him out. Simon loves you more than anything, and he wants to form a relationship with Leo, he’s just not exactly sure how. He’s trying, for you and the boy. Leo’s biological dad is a piece of shit, which Simon has lived through, and he tries to shield the poor kid from that pain as much as possible. Maybe it’s because Leo reminds him so much of Tommy and Joseph, but your kid is special. 
“You ready, bud?” You ask, pulling a hoodie over your frame. It’s Simon’s and it’s oversized, stopping just above your knees. But it's comfortable, and late-October in Manchester is not. Immediately, you find yourself encompassed in its warmth and the smell of Simon’s cologne.
“Almost, mummy!” Leo yells from the bathroom. “Simon is gonna love this!”
You chuckle, “I know he will, baby.” You grab the fresh mug of tea from your nightstand and head down the carpeted stairs. Simon was to be here an hour before trick or treat. You check your watch. 18:00. As if on cue, the doorbell rings, sounding out loudly through your little home. Always punctual. Leo squeals out of excitement at the sound.
“Coming!” You holler, padding across the chilly living room towards the door. You jog lightly, causing a few drops of tea to spill over from the lip of your mug, dripping down to the floor and splashing against the hardwood floor. Ignoring the little mess, you pull the frosted glass door open. Simon is wearing his less civilian mask with the hard plastic skull face. You’d specifically requested that he wear it, though he wasn’t sure why.
“You can just come in, you know. You don’t have to ring the doorbell.” You chuckle, nodding for him to come in. He steps inside the door, hands softly gripping onto your waist as he kicks the door shut. 
“I told you to keep your door locked.” Simon raises an eyebrow, squeezing your waist. 
“Oh, right…” You hum, squinting your eyes as you recall that conversation, “I forgot.”
“Course you did, love.” Simon smirks, “Happy Halloween.” he says, and you chuckle, gripping his skull mask by the teeth and pushing it up over his face. His scarred lips are sporting a smile, and you kiss it away. It’s over all too quick as he pulls away, nodding towards the cup of tea in your hand. 
“The kettle’s still on, yeah?” He asks, pulling the mask back down over his face. 
“Yes, I’ll get you a cuppa.” You roll your eyes playfully. He’s cutting your kisses short for tea, something he’ll make up for later, you’re sure. Simon glances around the living room, noting the few abandoned truck toys that lie around the living room.
“Where’s Leo?” Simon asks, looking around the living room as you walk towards the kitchen. 
“He’s just finishing getting ready upstairs. Why don’t you go up? I'll bring your tea up.” You hum, grabbing a tea bag and Simon’s favorite mug. You hear heavy footsteps going up the stairs, and take that as his response. 
You shake your head, amused as you slowly pour the steaming water over the tea bag, watching it turn a rich brown. Once it’s properly mashed, you add his preferred amount of milk and sugar, and then carefully start up the stairs. Your footsteps are naturally much quieter than Simon’s, and with the added fact that you’re trying not to spill his tea, he doesn’t hear you coming up the steps. You reach the top, and stop dead in your tracks at the sight around the corner. Simon is walking towards Leo’s bedroom, but from the angle you’re at, you can see Leo hiding around the corner as if he's about to scare Simon. Leo is fully dressed in his Halloween costume, a little replica of the exact outfit Simon is currently wearing, skull mask and all.
“Boo!” Leo screams, rounding the corner that Simon was just about to go around.
Simon clutches his chest, jumping back a comical amount. Simon literally screams, attempting to sound terrified. Obviously Simon isn’t scared in the least, but Leo doesn’t know that. Simon lets the boy proudly think that his costume is scary enough to frighten the unshakeable. Leo’s smile is as bright as ever under his mask, and you grip the cup of tea a little tighter as a smile pulls at your own lips. Simon’s eyes are comically wide as he fakes terror for the young boy. Entirely satisfied with Simon’s reaction, Leo pulls his mask off, giggling madly. 
“It’s okay, Simon! It’s just me, don't be scared!” Leo giggles, jogging up towards Simon who is bent over at the waist, pretending to gasp for breath and holding his chest.
“Bloody hell, mate. You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Simon chuckles, scooping Leo up into his arms. Once settled on Simon’s hip, Leo holds the plastic mask up to Simon’s face. It’s an exact replica of the mask he’s currently wearing, just much smaller. 
“Look! I'm just like you for Halloween!” Leo smiles, showing Simon all the little details that he’d put into perfecting his mask. 
“You–” Simon’s brow furrows, “You’re me for Halloween?” He asks, piecing it all together. Leo holds the mask out to Simon, who takes it and looks over the smaller version of Ghost’s infamous skull mask. 
“Yep! Do you like it…?” Leo asks, sounding a bit worried. His little eyebrows pull together, and Simon is quick to reassure him. 
“I love it, mate. It’s perfect, looks just like mine.” Simon whispers. There is emotion in his voice, unusual for him, you note. Tears prick your eyes as Leo puts the mask back on, looking up at Simon. 
“I wanna be like you when I grow up.” Leo says, wrapping his little arms around Simon’s neck. 
“You’re gonna be better than me, Leo. Much better, yeah?” Simon whispers, looking the boy in the eyes. Leo nods, curling up against Simon’s chest. He rubs his hand up and down Leo’s back, comforting him. 
“You know, Leo, you remind me of a boy I used to know.” Simon mumbles in a rare show of emotional vulnerability, his eyes glazed over as he pats the boy’s back. 
“Who?” Leo asks, propping his chin on Simon’s chest to look up at him better. 
“Uh–” Simon hesitates. “His name was Joseph… He was my nephew.” Simon whispers, and your heart wrenches in your chest. 
“Maybe I could meet him someday and we could play.” Leo whispers, hopefully looking up. 
“Yeah. Maybe someday.” Is all Simon says, nodding lightly as old, ugly memories pull at his brain, ones he’d shoved out and burned long ago. 
“I love you, Simon.” Leo whispers, hugging his little arms as tightly around the man as he can manage. He pulls Simon out of every dark thought he was having, those three little words pulling at his heart strings. Simon hesitates, voice stuttering for a moment. 
“Yeah– I love you too, little mate.” Simon whispers, voice heavy with emotion.
“This is gonna be so much fun– Mummy even helped me with my costume!” Leo adds, unintentionally changing the subject. He creates a perfect time for you to announce your presence. 
You hastily wipe your eyes and walk up the last step, rounding the corner you were just hiding behind. You catch Simon off guard, and he turns to you, slowly placing the young boy back on the ground.
“I didn’t hear you come up.” Simon whispers, taking the mug from your outstretched hands. He’s far away, lost in thought. Leo runs down the hall to grab his treat bag as Simon wraps his arm around your waist. 
“Didn’t want to spill your cuppa.” You explain, resting your head on his chest for a moment. Leo comes back around the corner with his bag, excitedly waiting for trick or treat to begin.
You smile up at Simon, noticing a few little tear tracks running down through his eye black.
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ghost taglist: @moths569
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𝒦𝒾𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓇 𝐼𝓃 𝐵𝑒𝒹
Featuring: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair 
Word Count: 1.5k 
Warnings: nsfw, mdni, smutty headcanons, virginity mention, dirty talk, rough sex, just general nasty things
Michael Myers
Let’s be honest—this man was a virgin before you showed up
He was in a mental institution from a young age—not exactly the best place to fuck
Still, that certainly didn’t stop him
He picked up on what to do fast—it’s not all that difficult
Still, he definitely focused on himself
Whether or not you came was not his problem
You have to take matters into your own hands when it comes to that, using your fingers to work at your clit
Most of the time your body is jostled around to much to do so
He’s not gentle
Things will be broken
The bed?
A bone?
Who knows
You have so so many marks
You always look like you fell through a wood chipper 
It’s not like you could reason with him, though
“Hey, can you, I don’t know, be gentle for once and not fuck me against a countertop?”
Yea, that would go over well
He gets. . . better. . . eventually
Still mostly selfish
But may rub against your clit as he’s pounding into you
By accident?
Expect to walk with a permanent limp
Definitely into knife-play
So many shredded clothes
C’mon, what’d you expect?
The mask stays on during sex
If he’s super comfortable he might pull it up enough to bite you
But don’t expect to catch a glimpse of his face
After-care? What’s that?
You clean yourself up 99% of the time
The only time he’s ever done anything was when you passed out during sex and woke up in your bed
Other than that, you don’t expect him to provide any cuddles 
He doesn’t even sleep in the same bed at night
Jason Voorhees
Tries his best to be so so so gentle with you
Also a virgin before you showed up
Not many people were lining up to fuck an undead monster haunting a summer camp
He’s. . . big. . . everywhere
It takes a while before you’re even able to take him properly
It’s not that you were unprepared, but at the slightest flinch of your face Jason would pause and refuse to touch you again for hours
You made sure to explain that you were fine and that you weren’t made of glass
But he was still petrified of hurting you
Still, when he finally calms enough to fully fuck you one night, you’re seeing stars
He’s slow and cautious, but eventually something lights a fire within him
Rubs his masked face into your neck apologetically as he rams into you
When you’re walking funny the next day he carries you everywhere
You don’t blame him for getting carried away sometimes, and even enjoy a little roughness more-often-than-not
He tries his best with after-care but is pretty clueless as what to do with you
When you’re exhausted and curled in on yourself he thinks he’s permanently hurt you
You tell him gently to run you a bath
Will attach himself to your hip and snuggle you until one of you is forced to get up
Nestles his masked nose against any marks he may have caused, letting out a low whimper
You run your hand down his back
“I’m okay. You didn’t hurt me. I’m okay.”
Tries to make your pleasure his number one priority
Will listen intently as you bashfully explain what you want and like
Does as told
He’s a little rough, massive fingers toying with your clit hard enough to have you wincing
But eventually he gets the hang of it
Refuses to cum until you have
Even when you’re giving him head, he always has to be touching you in some way, getting you off just as much as your getting him off
Sometimes he can’t help himself and cums before you, only to let out a low whine of disappointment, like he was ashamed of himself
You’re never far behind, anyways
One of the most selfless lovers you’ve ever had
The fact he doesn't speak doesn't even cross your mind
He gets his points across fine with his actions and occasional low rumbles 
And you were never much for dirty talk, anyway 
Bo Sinclair
He’s a wild-card 
Some days he’s feeling generous enough to nestle his head between your legs, other days he’s got you gagging on his dick until can’t breathe
You’re unsure of what impacts his attitude, every night getting ready to expect something different
You supposed he had a lot of things happen in life, you couldn’t blame him for being a little hot-and-cold about things
Regardless of what’s happening, he’s got a lot to say about it
If he’s not growling in your ear, teasing you with dirty words as he rams into you, then he’s moaning loudly against your lips or neck
You don’t think he’s ever quiet for more than a few seconds
What he says varies, too
Some days it’s nothing but praise
“Whatta good girl you are. C’mon, sweetheart. You can do it. Almost there—there it is, darlin’. Don’t you look like a beauty chokin’ on my cock?” 
“That’s it, beautiful. Keep sayin’ my name. Feel good, huh? Don’t close those pretty lips of yours. I wanna hear ya when I fuck ya.” 
Other days he’s grabbing your ass harshly, scolding you for muffling your moans against his neck
“The fuck you think you’re doin’? You’re nothin’ but a whore, don’t try ‘nd be bashful now.”
“What a slut. Look how wet you are for me. Gettin’ off on the thought of me fuckin’ you, bitch?”
It’s enough to give you whiplash
Still, you can’t complain that it’s boring
And it’s not like you don’t get your own enjoyment out of it
Whether or not he lingers after he fucks you depends on nothing in particular
Sometimes he’ll pull you close and press a kiss to your forehead, mumbling praises in your ear as he caresses your body
Other times he’ll put his boxers back on and rest against the door frame, just staring at you as you clean yourself up
He never leaves without making sure you’re alright, though
No matter how rough he was with you he gently traces over your body, making sure nothing hurt to bad
Then he’s back to his cocky self, trying to pretend he didn’t just treat you like a princess
There’s always marks littering your neck and shoulders
The sight of them is enough to let any tourists know to fuck off
You tried to cover them once with a high collared shirt but it only ended with more hickies and bite marks, this time high enough on your neck that even a turtle neck couldn’t hide them
He’s possessive, always having an arm or hand around you when talking to strangers that come by
He’ll, even around his own brothers he’s like that
He’s always smacking your ass or planting a kiss to your lips, leaving you to yelp in surprise
This man has a breeding kink
That’s just the facts
The thing is, the idea of having a kid makes him gag
He’s not a fan of the little gremlins
But something about you—thighs wrapped around his hips as he cums into you—the fullness of your cunt—the slight bulge of your belly—always gets him going
Maybe it’s the distant idea of raising a half-normal family for once
For now, you stay on birth control
Vincent Sinclair
He’s extremely introverted and self-conscious
You have to be the one to initiate most things
Even then he’s unsure of himself
He’s afraid he’ll scare you somehow
The first time you two are intimate it’s simply soft touches, your lips trailing over his skin as your hands stroke at his dick
It’s not sex
It’s too soft for that
You hated to use the word love-making, but you supposed that’s what it was
After his confidence is built up enough to take control, he catches on fast
He has a niche for precise finger-work, given his work as a sculptor, and has you cumming on his hands more times than you can count
He keeps his mask on 99% of the time
You don’t force him to do otherwise
It’s his comfort object
As long as he’s happy, you’re happy
Still, there are times where he pulls it off, only to hide himself between your legs
The first time he ate you out, he insisted upon a blanket draped over your bottom half, but he’s past that now, knelt down in front of you, fingers clutched against your thighs as he pushes his tongue further inside of you
You make sure to praise him every time he makes you feel good—wanting him to know it was him getting you off
It definitely helped his self-esteem
He’s still distant when others are around, but you’ve gotten to the point where you can sit in his lap and play with his hair while Bo lounges on the couch
Bo still gives you two playful taunts, but he’s just happy his brother found someone
Though he really needs to invest in some ear-muffs if you keep up with the moaning at god-knows-how-late-at-night
*cough* waxplay *cough*
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
One Sided Love Triangles: Tokyo Debunker
Link to Twisted Wonderland Post
Because I hate when people have to lose. Though I'd be way more comfortable writing a normal love triangle for tdb than twst... there's a few of these bitches who could stand to be knocked down a peg or two.
Haru vs Peekaboo- betrayal never comes from your enemies does it. Haru wants to be happy you get along with his baby, and he's really grateful for your continued help in the anomalous animal sanctuary, really. He even originally found your interactions with Peekabo really cute! He's got a bunch of videos saved on his phone and everything but he can't help but feel just a wee bit bitter. He really wants to be the one with his head in your lap getting scritches and being told how cute he is. Something he'd never say to your face but whines about at the bar enough for Romeo to record and send to you. "For free?" Yeah for free he's had enough of this shit please come get your man MC.
Kaito vs Luca- this one is cannon to a degree I think... Kaito is deeply insecure about how much more confident Luca is around MC compared to him and how the girls on campus seem to like him more. The fact that he's so painfully oblivious doesn't help, meanwhile Luca is just overjoyed that his two best friends are in such a good relationship. You're genuinely perfect for each other, why all these secrecy and making him promise not to tell the other about the nice things you say? Isn't it natural to gush about your partner???
Towa vs Ren- Towa is such a pouty baby who doesn't fully understand his feelings and Ren is just happy to have a friend who understands the concept of a log in bonus. Neither of you fully realize that Towa is attempting to flirt, or would it be closer to say woo? All you know is one minute the two of you are casually chilling and talking about horror movies or something and then *BAM* Towa's thrown some flowers at Ren and pulled you into his lap. He's happy you wiggle to get comfy with him but very upset that you keep up your conversation with Ren. Stop being a good senpai and pay attention to hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim.
Tohma vs Leo- just hear me out. I don't think Tohma really gets jealous? He seems super secure in himself and his abilities so he doesn't have much of a reason to get whiny and silly over MC, that's your role in the relationship. And he knows, logically that this little video Leo uploaded is bait to test the security on campus but it doesn't stop him from damn near cracking his phone in half when he sees it. That's how Leo wants to play this little game? Well fine, Tohma hopes he's ready to be thoroughly humiliated. No one can flirt with another man's partner quite as well as a bitch with a monocle. Leo is totally unaware any of this for the most part, he just assumes the extra irritation he's picking up on from Tohma is because he keeps spying on him and Alan. The fact he keeps teasing MC doesn't even cross his mind, he's just doing that to irritate you.
... as a side note can you imagine how confused everyone would get if Leo and MC kept picking fights about their upcoming "divorce" when no one even thought they were ever technically together. Except for Ritsu who sits you down to seriously try to talk you in to let him being your divorce attorney and still doesn't fully get that it's a joke by the time you're done. Actually while I'm at it:
Leo vs Ritsu- where that's exactly your dynamic but Leo starts catching some genuine feelings when he tries to crack a joke about you cheating on him with your divorce attorney only to realize that makes him unironically angry. How dare you, after everything you've been through. Wasn't he he enough? You know he can't treat you like he can. And you're just like "what can't treat me wrong?" And then you have a very toxic make out session Sho has to hear both of you scream about later while he seriously considers taking up a drinking problem.
Taiga vs Haru- this game has one character named Haru (ginger, baby) and one named Haku (green, evil?) Which confuses me an unreasonable amount. I already mentioned I wanted a serious Taiga vs Haku love triangle... but Taiga vs Haru would just be silly. You have MC who loves anomalous animals and hanging out in Jabberwock and Taiga who hates emotional intimacy and his feelings for MC just as much as he hates the idea of you being with anyone else. And of all people why Harry? He thought they were friends... or cool at least even if he won't let him eat that chinchilla thing. And now he's got MC playing defense for it too, it's irritating. He already has to fight himself to remember who you are every time he sees you again and go through the annoyance of recognizing he's a bit in love and now he can't even break into the animal sanctuary without tripping over himself and paying attention to you instead. It's annoying and it's all Haru's fault for having everything he wants. (If you ask he'll say that complaint is about Peekaboo but Haru and Romeo know it's not.) Haru is just trying to get some help from a trusted friend he's so stressed out ;-;
Sho vs Jin- Sho and his excuses... he doesn't want to just invite you to hang out and he doesn't want to ask you to come help him with the food truck because you've got so much else to do. You deserve a chance to rest, and he wants to be who you come to do that with. But Jin... he'd make that so much easier if it was him wouldn't he? He's rich and connected, and you're so sweet he's sure you could thaw that frozen heart enough for him to see you as human and not a gopher. Sho knows you, the moment he started paying attention to you he saw you as a person. But he still hurt you... and Jin didn't really do that did he? Jin doesn't like Sho because he's in Vagastrom and he doesn't trust him with your safety. Sho might see a rival and a better option, but what he's really dealing with is MC's disapproving dad who can't stand that their boyfriend has a leather jacket and a motorbike. He bets he's got tattoos and an arrest record too doesn't he MC, Jin is judging you so hard.
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vampykween · 7 months
Second Chances (part 1)
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i wanted to write about singledad!ghost x teacher!reader (which is so self indulgent as im a teacher hehe) and thus this was born summary: little poppy is simon riley's entire world and you've just had yours turned completely upside down. despite everything, it seems like everything falls into place when you're with each other. this is going to be a little series - i already have a few drabbles written and have l more ideas up my sleeve, but feel free to let me know all of yall's ideas too!! dedicated to @suimon since you love my dad!ghost so much hehe mwah
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Simon is just short of pulling his hair out. He’s spent all morning wrestling with a five-year old who, last night was bouncing off the walls excited about her first day of school, but now is inconsolable and quite frankly working his last nerve.
“Poppy, love, please just get dressed. We don’t have all morning for you to mess about.”
Poppy shrugs her shoulders and blows a raspberry right in her father’s face. “Let me go, I’m not going to school,” the five-year old squirms in her father’s grasp, less than thrilled at the prospect of getting dressed for school.
Simon briefly considers whether he should invest any more energy into their morning battle or if he should just concede and let his daughter win this round. Despite her protests, he keeps his hold on Poppy and tries his best to calm her down enough to reason with her. Sometimes Simon couldn’t believe this was his life, he was tussling with his daughter about getting ready for school, when in a past life all he was ever worried about was backing his team throughout a mission. He used to be a trained killer now the only thing he’s an expert at is making silly voices for all the book characters at bedtime.
“You were so excited about school just last night, what happened lovie, what’s going on with you?”
Poppy just stares at him with her big doe eyes, the ones that look exactly like her mother’s, and makes Simon’s chest ache painfully. It’s moments like these that make him feel like the grief would never end.
After a drawn-out minute, she finally squeaks out, “What if I don’t like school? What if people are mean to me?” Simon’s heart breaks at his little girl’s admission, he, of course, worried about those things too; he wasn’t sure he even wanted to send her off for hours every day, but he also knew that Poppy could handle it.
Simon grasps both of her much smaller hands, “You’re the best girl I know, what’s not to love yeah? I’m sure you’ll make lots of friends, sweetheart.” Simon isn’t sure who he’s reassuring more at this point, but he’ll say anything to get them both through this day and all the ones that come.
Poppy sighs loudly and by something short of a miracle, she concedes with getting dressed; Simon let her pick out her own outfit, in hopes that it would rekindle her previous excitement. It helped, but only marginally.
Standing in the doorway of the classroom, is not the teacher Simon had been expecting. When he thought of teachers, he imagined either super strict, uptight older women or bright and bubbly young women fresh out of university. You were neither of those – you wore a bright smile that reached your eyes, and your voice had the most warm and comforting lilt to it. Contrastingly, you were dressed head to toe in an all-black outfit, but it didn’t make you look dark and dreary, no, on you it worked quite well. Poppy finally, but reluctantly revealed herself from behind her father’s legs, and stepped forward to greet her new teacher.
“Hi! What’s your name?” you were clearly not from anywhere near, and Poppy immediately comments on it.
“My name is Poppy, like the flower, and you talk very funny.”
Simon groaned, “Poppy, that’s not very polite, love.”
“No, no it’s alright. It’s not the first time I’ve heard that this morning,” you laugh breezily, not affronted by the little girl’s observation. The sound of your laugh is like a mirage in a desert, and Simon is taken aback at how much the sound affected him. You crouch down and introduce yourself to Poppy, then rise to greet Simon as well. You hold out your hand, clearly in an attempt to shake his, and he shakes his head to clear his stupor and takes your hand. Your hands are much smaller than his own, and much softer, not calloused from battlefields and the hardships of life.
You hope you’re coming off as a well put together adult, one who’s supposed to be in charge of people’s most precious gifts. Threatening to ruin your façade is the fact that you’re shaking hands with quite possibly the hottest man you’ve seen since you upturned your life and moved to London a few months ago. This is your student’s dad, jesus get a grip, you hastily remind yourself. You can’t help yourself though, and your eyes are roaming over his massive hands searching for a wedding band. You’re not sure whether it’s a good thing or not when you see there isn’t one. He’s hot, but he’s got a child, and you’ve just had your heart shattered into a million pieces this summer. The last thing you need is to be lusting after your student’s unreasonably hot father.
You’re not even sure you want to be here; nothing had gone the way you planned and now you’re a million miles away from your family – who had forewarned you that your ex maybe was not worth moving across the world for, but you were in love, you didn’t want to hear that.
Poppy, who seemingly gained some confidence, breezes past her father and finds her way easily into the classroom. You looked back up at her father, realizing you hadn’t caught his name – he tilts his head ever so slightly at you as if he’s trying to discreetly assess you and it makes your palms sweat.
“I didn’t catch your name, can’t call you Poppy’s dad all year now, can I?” you prod causally, laughing despite the stifling air that was forming between you two.
“You can call me Simon,” he replies elusively and suddenly you’re overcome with the feeling that there’s something mysterious about this man – and as attractive as he is, the revelation also makes you feel unnerved.
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taglist: @happy-mushrooms @lunamoonbby
banners from @reveriesources and @cafekitsune pic creds: @ave661
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clovestreet · 1 year
let me- ethan landry
an: i am absolutely FERAL for this man atm...😨i just had to write something abt him..
summary: you have been super stressed about exams lately and ethan knows the best way to make you feel better. (also this is DEFINITELY more soft ethan??) but i like that.. lol
warnings⚠ SMUT (16+), oral (f receiving), strong language
Hell on earth was organic chemistry.
Your absolute fucktard of a professor had scheduled your exam on the same day as two of your other exams. This man had it out for you.
You massaged your temple as you drummed your pencil on your notes. Your brain wasn't functioning anymore. You had been sitting at this godforsaken desk for three hours now. You needed a break.
You forced yourself out of your chair and faceplanted on your bed next to your boyfriend in defeat. You sighed into the mattress and tried to gather your thoughts.
"Something bothering you baby?" your boyfriend laughed as he rubbed small circles into your back, clearly amused by your frustration with trying to memorize aromatic compounds.
"I can't do this anymore E, "I'm actually so exhausted."
"I wish someone would just kill the stupid bastard." you groaned into your palms.
Ethan gulped and immediately froze in his movements and you weren't sure why. But then he was comforting you again like nothing had happened.
"I'm sorry baby. If it makes you feel better, I just failed my last exam."
You laughed as he pulled you closer, the grasp of his arms melting away your stress.
"Honestly, I don't know if anything could make me feel better at this point.”
“Unless you can teach me the structure of carboxylic acid." you said with your hands on his chest staring into his dark eyes.
His chest shook with laughter and it was music to your ears. Ethan was so comforting and even being in his arms took you to a place far away from your worries.
"Definitely can't do that, but I think I can take your mind off it for a little while." he murmured into your lips.
"Oh yeah? How's that?"
"Well it usually starts with my head between your legs” he says in a low whisper.
You immediately feel your cheeks flush with warmth and squeeze your legs together.
You completely froze and waited for him to finish his sentence.
“ ..And ends with you screaming my name or something like that." he says with a devilish smirk.
He grins like a lovesick bastard at your embarrassment and tilts his head down to connect his lips to yours. He smiles into the kiss and you can feel your pulse weakening at the way his tongue explores your mouth.
His lips travel down your neck and you know exactly where he's going. You pull him off of you and look him in straight in his hazy brown eyes.
You and Ethan had been together for a little over a year now and you had been intimate more times than you could even begin to remember. You still got nervous before he went down on you and you just couldn't help but feel insecure sometimes, but Ethan always made you forget about all of it when he touched you.
"E, are you sure? You really don’t have to, I-”
He immediately stops you with a confused expression on his face.
“Baby are you kidding? I live for this shit.”
“I should probably get back to studying E, I just-"
He cut you off again, this time taking your head into his hand and made sure you met his gaze.
"Fuck studying. Let me make you feel good babe."
His thumb gently brushed over your cheek as he searched your eyes for an answer.
"Ok, fine." you said softly with a shy smile on your face.
"That's my girl." he said with a grin spreading over his face as he placed the softest kiss on your lips.
His fingers danced their way over your ribs under your shirt and his lips were placing gentle kisses on your hipbones. His fingers made their way down to the waistband of your shorts and his eyes quickly glanced up to yours asking for consent. You quickly nodded your head, becoming more and more eager for him to touch you by the second.
He pulled down your shorts gently and tossed them behind him. He hooked his fingers under your lace panties and pulled them down painfully slow. Once they were off, he grabbed both of your legs and put them over his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around your legs and pulled them open.
He looked up at you through lustful eyes while licking his lips.
"I got you. Always." he said in a low whisper placing a kiss on your inner thigh.
You brushed a gentle hand over his curls and offered a weak smile to him. You could feel your anticipation for his touch becoming stronger and your legs were shaking before he even touched you.
You could feel his breath on you and you couldn't take it anymore. You wrapped your fingers in his curls and guided him onto you.
He licked up your slit as you sucked in a shaky breath. Your thighs immediately clenched around him, but his strong hands pulled your legs right back open. His tongue started to circle around your clit and your fingers were already tugging on his curls. He groaned into you and the vibration had you letting out a choked moan.
"Right there E." you gasped.
He looked up at your face contorted in pleasure and started to grind his hips onto to the bed. Ethan was the kind of boyfriend who genuinely could get off from pleasuring you and have absolutely no shame about it.
He was lost in the taste of you and you were lost in his touch. You couldn't even remember what you were stressed about in the first place. Your mind was consumed by the feeling of his tongue sloppily tasting you and swirling around your clit, the tight grip of his fingers prying open your thighs, his dark eyes peering up at you through hooded lids occasionally rolling back into his head every time you moaned his name.
His hand slid carefully down your thigh as he slipped his middle finger into you, pumping in and out at a deliciously slow pace.
Your fingers tugged harder on his curls and he practically moaned into you.
"F-feels so good E, you're so good" you whined.
"I know baby I know, I'm gonna get you there I promise." he murmured into you, pressing wet kisses on your clit.
His words made you toss your head back and your back arch off the bed.
He slipped another finger into you, pumping a little faster this time.
Your fingers loosened from Ethan's hair and slid down his bare shoulders. His fingers started to curl inside you, purposefully hitting the spot he knew would send you over the edge. You moaned loudly and your nails dug into his back.
He groaned into you so loudly it almost caught you off guard. If you hadn't known better, you would have thought you hurt him. But you knew better by now. His sounds sent you even closer to the edge.
"Come on babe, let go for me." he breathed into you.
You could feel yourself impossibly close to your high with Ethan's gaze trained on your face. The second Ethan's nose rubbed your clit you were done for.
All you could do was moan his name over and over again, your nails digging into his back sure to leave marks. He fucked you all the way through your high until you were practically dragging him off of you.
You put your hand on the back of his neck and guided him toward your lips. God, he was so beautiful, even with the taste of you glimmering all over his features. You pulled him down into a breathless kiss and brought him closer by draping your leg over his waist.
He drew back and cupped your jaw looking down at you.
"I really hope you're not thinking about studying anymore tonight, because all I want to do-"
"Shut up and kiss me Landry."
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heartateasee · 3 months
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stranger!Harry x you
Word Count: 1.6k (a bit of a shorter one)
Warnings: None! This one is just super soft and fluffy ❤️
Plot: You’re a party and you find solace in an empty bedroom so you can cry, however, you’re soon interrupted by a curly headed stranger.
(Big thank you to my bestie, Olive, for helping me think of a title for this one!)
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
You sniffled as you sat at the end of the bed in the room you had found sanctuary in. Looking down at your trembling hands, you attempted to squeeze the nerves out of them as you sucked in a deep breath. You let out a frustrated groan, mixed with a slight sob as you realized you weren’t able to calm down.
The party downstairs continued, and you could still hear the bass bumping - vibrating the floor underneath your feet. It caused the door to the room to rattle as well, but you tried your best to ignore all of that.
You weren’t sure why you had let your "friends" talk you into coming to this party. It was your third year of college, and this was probably the fifth party you had ever attended.
Parties weren’t your thing, and what happened just a few minutes ago is exactly why.
You jumped out of your thoughts as you heard the door to the bedroom open, and you looked over your shoulder quickly to see long legs covered by black torn skinny jeans entering the room - a tan colored button up with black flowers and several buttons undone adorning the torso of the human that has just barged in.
Ink was etched all over his skin, and you weren’t sure you had ever seen someone at your age with so many tattoos.
He was still looking over his shoulder once you got to his head, and you could see luscious curls draping down to just barely meet the middle of his neck.
“No, my spare charger is in here. Jus’ give me a minute, and I’ll get it for you,” you heard him say before he closed the door and turned around.
He froze at the sight of you, and you dropped your hands to clutch at the comforter underneath your legs.
“I-I’m sorry,” you stammered, mouth immediately going dry once you realized he was actually perceiving you. “I was just trying to find somewhere to hide away for a moment. I can just-”
“Hey, it’s alright,” it was then you picked up on the dreamy accent the stranger had, and you watched as his eyebrows furrowed with concern. “Are you okay, petal? ‘Y look a little upset.”
You let out a laugh at his words because you knew you looked a mess. Whenever you cried like this, your face would become flushed, and your eyes would get all red. It was probably a startling sight for him to see.
When you went to speak again, you couldn’t find the words, and you swallowed down the whimper that wanted to leave you as your emotions were heightened once again.
“Oh no, ‘m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you even more upset,” you heard the noise of the stranger setting his beer bottle down on the nightstand by the bed before he was circling around in front of you.
You tried to avoid looking at him as he kneeled down so that he could look at your face again, and you turned your head a bit to try and disguise yourself.
“Do you want to talk about what’s going on? Do you need me to go get a friend?”
Sighing, you look up at the ceiling, lifting your still shaking hands to wipe at your cheeks.
“How about this? How about we take some deep breaths together? You’re trembling like a leaf.”
Finally you willed the courage to look at the stranger now that he was so close to you, and you saw nothing but concern, and kindness, swirling behind his jade colored eyes.
“Can ‘y do that for me? Breathe with me?”
Nodding slowly, you watched as the corner of his lips twitched into a grin - causing a deep dimple to dent into his cheek. “Good, okay. Can I hold your hands, petal?”
You nodded again, causing a full fledged smile to take over his mouth as he reached out to take your hands. His practically swallowed yours - long fingers adorned with rings wrapping around to soothe you.
“In for ten, and out for ten, alright?” He lifted his eyebrows as he spoke, and you hummed softly in response. “Here we go - one, two, three…”
Eventually he stopped counting, and you just followed his breathing pattern as you held his eyes. You could feel the weight in your chest dissipating with each set of breaths.
“There we go,” thumbs started to gently massage into your hands as curls bounced with each nod of his head. “Perfect. That was perfect. Feeling a bit better?”
You nodded, and he pushed himself off the ground - gently letting your hands go so they plopped back into your lap. “Can I sit down next to you?”
“Sure,” you cleared your throat as you shifted over a bit since you were sitting directly in the middle of the foot of the bed.
The stranger sat down next to you, and you weren’t sure if his eyes had even left you this entire time. “Now, are you able to tell me about what happened?”
“I just don’t usually do these things - parties, I mean,” you started after a moment, looking down at your hands as you picked at your nails. “And this girl here who doesn’t like me, and I don’t even know why she doesn’t like me, but she doesn’t…”
You trailed off for a moment before speaking again. “Anyway, this girl that doesn’t like me is here, and I know she purposefully ran into me so that she could spill her drink all over my shirt. I came with a few friends, and all they did was laugh.”
The stranger’s eyes moved to look at your torso, and you saw them slightly widen when he realized the large red stain on your lavender colored top. “Shit, ‘m sorry, I didn’t even realize your shirt. I was just so focused on calming you down. Hold on a second.”
He pushed himself off the bed so he could walk over to a dresser in the corner of the room. "And also, those don't really sound like friends, if 'm going to to be honest."
You knew that he was right. They really weren't your friends, and you wondered why they even asked you to come along.
You watched as he shifted clothes around in one of the drawers before he was walking back over to you - a t-shirt resting in his extended hand.
“Oh, no that’s okay,” you shook your head. “I couldn’t take your clothes. You…we don't even know each other's names."
You watched the grin from before making its way back onto his face before he spoke. “Well, ‘m Harry.”
“Y/N,” you responded almost instantly, and Harry tilted his head to the side. "I'm Y/N."
“See, now we know each other. So here’s a shirt for you to borrow.”
For the first time since you entered his room, you felt yourself crack a smile, and you heard Harry gasp.
“Look at that,” he joked softly, which caused you to smile wider. You grabbed the shirt from him, and you used it to slightly cover your face to hide the reaction his words gave you.
Harry clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth, hands gently wrapping around your wrists. “Now, now, petal, let’s not hide that sweet smile, yeah?”
He pulled your hands down, and you could feel the blush burning up your neck and onto your cheeks.
“There,” he nodded. “Pretty."
There was a pause for a moment before he continued to speak. "Now ‘m gonna turn around and face the wall so that you can change, and once that’s done, you and I are going to go back downstairs. I promise ‘m not gonna let anyone mess with you, okay?”
“Okay,” you pursed your lips to the side, but your smile was still shining through as his compliment of you being pretty rang in your ears.
Harry turned to face the wall just like he had said, and you quickly stood from the bed to pull your ruined top over your head. You tugged Harry’s shirt down over your body, and you turned to face the full length mirror that was along the other wall to look at yourself.
It was a white shirt with drawings of an outline of a woman’s hand all over it - some of them being empty, and some of them being drawn with a cigarette between the fingers.
“I’m finished,” you told him as you turned around to face his back, and once he turned as well, he smiled even bigger than before.
“Looks perfect on you, petal. I’ll put your shirt into the wash on our way downstairs, alright?”
“You don’t have to-”
“I want to, Y/N. It’s no trouble at all, I promise,” Harry assured you as he grabbed your old shirt off the bed. “Now, let me just grab this charger, and we can head back down.”
Your eyes followed Harry as he walked back over to his nightstand, picking up his beer bottle and tucking it into the crease of his arm as he fished the charger from the drawer. He opened the door to his room once again, and he looked over his shoulder at you.
“Well, are you coming, petal?”
Nodding, you walked up beside him. Once his hand was free after tossing your shirt in the washer, you felt him place it along your lower back as you made your way back downstairs, and into the mass of people.
But unlike when you first arrived, you now felt comfortable, and protected.
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kairiscorner · 9 months
if u have time i wanna like request a 42!miles x reader where reader hears some girls shit talking miles about random stuff u pick !! and then she gets like super mad at confronts them and it turns into like this bigass fight a crowd forms and everything and maybe it could be like outside the building where miles is and him and ganke are eating and they hear the noises and stuff and miles is like “wtf is that.. 🌚” and ganke looks out the window and he’s just like “bro it’s ur girl what the fuck.. ⁉️⁉️😨⁉️” and miles is just like 🏃‍♀️💨 and pushes the big ass crowd away n sees his girlfriend beating the shit out of the person and he like breaks it up and takes her out of the area and she explains the whole thing ab how it was ab him and he’s jus like “you don’t even know how much i love you what the hell. ⁉️⁉️😣” and it’s just fluffy in the end ????
HELP WHY DID I MAKE THIS SO SPECIFIC.. if this is like too long don’t even worry about it pookie you already feed me enough w all ur fics im in LOOVVVEVEVE !! anyways congrats again 😼😼
say that again to my face. — miles 42 x fem!reader
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summary: sometimes, people forget that they should be minding their own business instead of giving their unsolicited opinions on matters they have nothing good to say about—and especially not to offend a guy's girlfriend by shit talking her boy when she's not taking any of your shit. pairing: miles 42 x fem!reader genre: slight angst and comfort word count: 1,519 author's note: AWW POOKIE, THANKIES !! man ngl, i like the thought of reader being the type of person to not take your shit and be the defender this time instead of miles, HE DESERVES SOMEBODY WHO'S WILLING TO GET HURT FOR HIM, TOO, OKAY !!! omg i hope you like this 💖💖💖
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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the shuffling of feet and excited, worried clamoring of other students as they drew more attention to the occurrence outside of the school building was creating more and more tension as nearly everyone exited the cafeteria and went outside to the school grounds. "what's... going on?" miles asked ganke as they exited the cafeteria, with ganke's eyes widening as he got a good look of what was going on and who exactly was the center of attention right now for a not-so good reason. he grabbed miles by the shoulders and dragged him to a spot where he could view the chaos a little better. "dude, it's your girl, she's going crazy on this other girl!" he exclaimed with a rushed voice, worried for you as much as miles should've been, had he known it was you all along being gathered around and filmed as chaos ensued.
as soon as miles heard that his girl was getting some unwanted attention–having a whole crowd surround her–he had to get her out of there immediately. he wove his way through the people filming, cheering and chanting, and merely watching as you throttled this girl you were fighting the best you could–repeating to her as she exclaimed and tried fighting you back: 'what, too scared to say it again? huh? i'll show you who you're messing with this time, bitch!' the crowd went wild hearing you cuss, it wasn't rare for you to cuss since practically everyone was aware you weren't the most innocent person around—but you were definitely a sweetheart, to the right people; no one could believe you were capable of hurting someone this badly, not even miles could believe you were saying all these awful things that sounded so uncharacteristic of you. as miles made his way towards you, his eyes widened, his heart sinking in his stomach as he watched you wrestle with this other girl and screaming at her–hurling insults and taunts at her through teary eyes, yelling out in pain as she pulled at your hair and tried scratching at your face.
"mi cielo, enough!" he exclaimed as he dashed over to you, nearly tripping over as he got in between you two and took the other girl's hits for you. ganke had made his way through the crowd and helped you up, with miles telling everyone the fight was over, there was nothing left to watch, as he jogged off to see you by the infirmary as the crowd gathered around the girl fighting with you just earlier. after you got patched up, ganke left you and miles to have a talk together. miles founs it very out of character for you to have done what you did–after all, you hated violence; there was no way you would've fought that girl for no reason, not unless it was a good reason. "babe, please... what happened?" miles asked you in a soft, worried tone as he placed his hand on your arm and gently caressed you, rubbing your arm slowly up and down, hoping you'd answer when you were ready.
you took in a deep breath and pulled out your phone. "i know this isn't the most justified reason, but, miles... watch this." you told him as you unlocked your phone, scrolled over to your gallery and clicked on a recently taken video of you on the thumbnail. miles obliged and took the phone from your hands, watching the video as it played out. the video started off as a sweet little video message you were gonna send miles, a cute little short of showing him the dance moves you were practicing for fun and ask him what he thought–you were filming this by the sinks at the girl's comfort room, with nobody else there–until midway in the video, a couple of popular kids that used to bully you had entered, and you soon took your phone away, forgetting to pause the recording.
you remained silent and pretended to wash your hands, propping your phone down as you washed your hands to cover up anything else you were doing earlier, not wanting to attract these girls' attention. they were in deep conversation about such shallow things–boys, clothes, victims of their bullying escapades and laughing at their poor, pitiful faces–and you were getting all the more disgusted the longer you heard them. one of the girls then mentioned a name you were quite familiar with, it was, of course, your boyfriend's name.
"oh, yeah, that morales kid... he's kinda weird, not gonna lie." said the girl, causing you to involuntarily look their way. the other girls agreed, stating that he seemed too quiet or too cringy in his outfits, in his shoes, in his choice of friends–or in their eyes, his lack thereof. they cackled to themselves how, for a cute boy from middle school, he ended up seeming like a real 'weirdo'. "it's such a shame... i honestly found his whole little sweetheart act in middle school so adorable, now he's just a killjoy. guess his dad not being around taught him how to turn girls away from him instead of making him even a bit likeable." "what did you say?" you butt in, drying your hands, the camera still rolling and you not noticing.
the girls looked your way with quizzical looks in their eyes, they don't remember you since you had quite the difference in your appearance from when they bullied you a few years ago, but nonetheless, you seemed like a bug to them–a pest–like every other kid at this school that was at their disposal. the girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, eyeing you up and down. "who are you?" "not important. now, what did you say again?" you asked her, your eyes narrowing at her, with her eyes narrowing down at yours. the girl chuckled and sauntered over to you, her face in the frame now–looking completely different than the beaten and battered girl from earlier. she smirked at you and neared her face to yours, which was still scowling at her. "i get it... you like him, don't you? figures, a little... nobody like you with a little freak like him, acting like little weirdos that think they're more than muck in gutters, thinking they're hot shit for standing up to me–" and with that, your nostrils flared as you fumed, and grabbed at her hair; furious that she had the gall to talk to you that way.
miles watched incredulously as you kept pulling the girl's hair, practically screaming at her to say what she said again as the girl retaliated and slapped at your hands, yelling for the girls with her to get you off her–but those girls did nothing to help. they walked out of the comfort room and presumably ran off out the halls to avoid your wrath. and after some roughhousing... you two ended up at the school grounds, where that all went down. after watching, miles looked at you with pain in his eyes; guilty tears soon filling his eyes as shameful tears filled yours as you clung on to miles' sleeve.
"babe, i'm sorry... nothing will ever make this better, but i... i never meant to hurt her, i never meant to hurt you, i never meant to cause a scene, i... i just couldn't bear to have them say that to you..." you mumbled out in choked sobs as you began to cry. miles shushed you and wiped the tears from your eyes, cupping your face and holding you close to him as he set your phone away. "mi amor... i'm sorry, i'm sorry you... oh, i can't even... you didn't have to do that for me. i... i'm okay with being labelled as a weirdo, a freak–just as long as you don't get hurt. that's all i want... i love you more than you could ever know, you don't even... i love you, mi vida..." he whispered as he kissed your forehead, eliciting more tears to fall down your cheeks as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held him tightly.
if he was gonna be honest, if someone else said the same things about you, miles would not hesitate to have done as you did–confront those assholes and show them what's what; but having that fone for him felt so... different. he felt guilty, somehow, that you got hurt and hurt someone for him–risked getting disciplinary action for him and getting a lot of people against you for him. he wants to make it up to you, but all he can do now is be here in the moment and reassure you that, no matter what other people may think of him, nothing matters to him as long as he has you by his side to be his strength to keep fighting every day and live. he'd gladly wear the title of 'freaky little weirdo' while hand-in-hand with you–because as long as you'd be safe, as long as you'd be okay, that's all that matters to him–nothing else, just you and him together.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @euphovlq
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mlbigbang · 6 months
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2023 Ladynoir Fic Rec List
It’s the end of the year which means it’s finally time for the ML Big Bang’s yearly fic rec lists! We’re really excited to bring you our contributors’ favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you’re waiting for the Big Bang fics’ publication in January.
all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one by one) by @coffeebanana
Ladybug and Marinette have both been acting strangely since Monarch's defeat, and Chat Noir would give anything to know why—to be able to help them. He just…didn't expect his answers to come when Ladybug drags him to his father's statue in the middle of the night along with a bag full of spray paint.
This fic explores the aftermath of the season 5 finale and provides some badly needed hurt/comfort, lovesquare communication, and vandalism ; )
with this ring by @thelibraryloser
She thought “you and me against the world” had sounded like lopsided odds before, when she hadn’t even dreamed “you against me” was a possibility. Or maybe she had dreamed it, but at least in those dreams he’d had cold blue eyes and a stark white mask. The villain she’d fought today had looked at her through her partner’s own bright green eyes. It wasn’t meant to be this way.
It tore at my heartstrings! It deals with a unique Ladynoir 'enemies' premise in a beautiful way
Let Me Count the Ways (aka Chat Noir's List of Ladybug's New Habits) by @sariahsue
Chat Noir thought it might be a good idea to start keeping a list of all the strange things Ladybug had been doing lately. It might help him to figure out what it all meant. There was the stumbling, the stuttering, the blushing. It had appeared out of nowhere. No, that wasn't quite right. It had all started when they were dancing at the gala, when she'd been so nervous that she tripped over the perfectly flat marble floor and smashed her face into his chest.
Like Smoke from a Furnace by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
Marinette and Adrien give up their Miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir never meet again.
It's hard to categorize this. Is this a ship or is it gen? It's strictly Adrienette because they're married. But pre-reveal. It forks after Kwami's Choice and asks the question: How would LB cope with LB and CN never getting their miraculous back after Kwami's Choice? But the story's title seems to indicate that this is kind of a "forbidden Ladynoir" fic because it's an allusion to the potentially devastating effects of "looking back" when you shouldn't. I've read this fic like a dozen times and am completely obsessed.
telepathy by @thelibraryloser
There’s a certain amount of telepathy created after several years fighting beside someone. It’s a mix of chemistry, history, and probably a bit of actual magic, and it comes down to this: Chat Noir usually knows exactly what his Lady is thinking. So, when a bike messenger hands him a three digit number written on a piece of hospital stationary, he knows exactly what Ladybug is asking him to do. He just can’t believe it. 
soft and sweet and much ladynoir! <3
A 'Super' Guide to 'Super' Dating by @mysticraven20
When Ladybug just scrapes into the top 10 of Paris’ favourite heroes list, she asks her partner and her best friend for help. After they decide she’s not personable enough, which in result, makes her unapproachable, Marinette goes out to try and become one with the public by writing her very own dating blog. As the blog turns into an overwhelming hit, Marinette finds herself in an awkward position, once again falling for the guy she’s always longed for; a guy who has started his own search for love following her ‘Super’ guide to ‘Super’ Dating.
I just love the idea of Ladybug writing a dating column as she tries to find love in the city.
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onlyjaeyun · 11 months
I can’t stop thinking about angry sex with jake because someone was jealous and attention starved (real) but then reviving the warmest and softest aftercare, like him holding you close to his chest and playing with your hair and calling you his princess with his thick accent after saying and calling you the most vile and loathsome words imaginable to man. GAH DAMN IM SO DOWN BAD 🫠
URGH YES!!! (deffo not my best and barely any dialogue but mostly bc i have a similar full length fic in the making so stay tuned!🎀🧸)
— cw: jealousy, possessiveness, sugarcoated degradation, slight mean dom!jake, name calling but super cute aftercare
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It's so not like Jake to lash out or go absolutely crazy because of his jealousy because he's confident and trusts you, yet some people just like to test their luck and after the two of you hadn't seen each other in a while because you both got busier at work, he's been on the edge already and this particular night out was just the last push.
But he can't help himself. Not only has he missed everything about you, he also just had to watch the way one guy after the other asked for your number or to dance with you, suddenly turning one of his best friend's birthday party into an event he wished would have gotten cancelled.
Jake tries his very best to stay calm and composed but by the time you politely reject the fourth guy within ten minutes, he's made up his mind. He has to take you home and claim what belongs to him, there's absolutely no other way for him to get over these heavy feelings in his veins and to his luck, you're more than just happy to oblige.
To you, the drive home is comfortable and quiet, your shared playlist running quietly in the background as you enjoy the coolness of the perfect summer night, not realising your boyfriend's been tolding onto the steering wheel like his life depends on it.
By the time you get home, however, jaeyun is quick to let you know exactly how he feels. Gently pushes you against the wall in the hallway, pretty hand firmly wrapped around your neck as he presses his whole body against yours and you finally take notice of the bulge in his pants.
But you're not given the time to actually process it all, as jake pulls you into a sloppy kiss, sucking on your tongue and harshly biting your bottom lip until you're too weak to keep the strength in your legs and he actually doesn't stop you from falling onto your knees.
Jake's quick to unbotton his pants and gently tap the leaking tip of his cock against your cheeks and your pretty lips, his eyes hooded and dark as they watch the way you don't hesitate to wrap your fingers around his big cock and give his angey tip a quick kitten lick.
"Don't tease me, baby", Jake finally speaks uftee keeping quiet for over thirty minutes and you whimper as soon ss you hear his voice, "i'm not in the mood for more teasing. let me fuck that pretty face of yours yeah?"
Spends a good amount of time thrusting his cock into your pretty mouth, makes sure you take it all becaude he knowd you can, you're his good girl after, yet gives you the time to gasp for air every time you gently tap against his wrist.
Jaeyun's never been one to go too rough on you in bef but after gicing it a few tries both of you have started enjoying it to the fullest, establishing lines and rules, setting boundaries and quickly clearing out any questions to make sure it all goes smoothly.
And that's why he doesn't hesitate to push your face into the mattres, flipping your stupidly short skirt over your ass and revealing your pretty cunt to his hungry eyes, yet not wasting any more time on foreplay. Usually Jake never passes the opportunity to bury his face in your pussy but he can't take it anymore.
Every pore in his body is screaming for the feeling of your tight walls hugging his thick cock in ways only you've managed to make him feel, and before your fucked out brain can even handle every touch of his, you let out a loud gasp at the sudden stretch from his thick tip.
"J-Jaeyun", you whisper and reach around yourself to hold onto his wrist, only for him to take both of yours into one of his big hands and hold them against your lower back.
"You can take it, pretty girl", he hisses and pushes another inch inside of your pretty cunt, trying his very best to stay calm because even if he's mad, jake would never want you to be in actual pain, "gotta fuck and fill this pretty pussy up or I'm going to go crazy."
And that's when you manage to realise that this is not your usual boyfriend but a version you're rather not so used to, yet definitely take liking in whenever he does appear. Jake might not like his own jealous side, but you've come to love it because not a night like this has passed where he didn't fuck you to sleep from how eager and angry he was.
This one is definitely not an exception. His thrusts are harssh and fast, pretty hands roaming your body and roughly groping every bit of flesh they find as he lands spank after spank on your sore cheeks, pushing you deeper and deeper into the sweet haze of your pleasure. His deep grunts and guttural moans quickly meet your high pitched and breathy ones in the thick air of your shared bedroom and if it wasn't for the way he was pounding you into the mattress, you would have paid much more attention to his sweet noises.
Jake loses himself in the feeling of your tight cunt, profanities and promises falling past his swollen lips as he talks about all the things he wanted to do to yoj with those fuckers watching, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as soon as he feels you clenching harder around him because of his possessive words.
You have absolutely no idea how long he fucks you or how many times you cum before he does but by the time he finally pulls you flat up against his sweat covered chest, hand wrapped around your throat and hips quickly snapping up to fuck himself deeper inside of you, you're almost completely gone.
He cums with a loud, raspy moan if your name and three thick spurts of his cum coating the inside of your cunt in the prettiesg shades of white, leaving him absolutely breathless and finally ridden of all those negative feelings.
but he wouldn't be your jake if he didn't run you a bath and massaged your back afterwards, littering your whole body in kisses and praising you for doing so well and taking everything he's given you like the good girl you are. derinitely wakes you up to make up for his lack of head from earlier and also because he can't go to sleep without your cum coating his tongue, promising to go easy on you only for you to feel even more sore by the time you finally fall asleep in his strong arms 🥺
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thehighladywrites · 6 months
— “ me? jealous? of course I am…”
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☀︎- pairing: Professor Eris x reader, part 2
☀︎- summary: Your secret relationship with Eris is going excellent, until Professor Jensen steps in and tries to flirt with him. Of course, you go ahead and flirt with your classmate as revenge. What do you do when you’re then caught by the same professor as youre bent over Eris’s desk, getting railed?
☀︎- warnings: smut, jealousy on both sides, getting caught, reader being called whore, public sex, PROTECTIVE READER, professor Rhysand is mentioned👀, Feyre being an amazing friend that helps reader scheme, blackmail, Eris realizing he is in love with reader, fluff, taboo relationships, both are obviously old enough.
☀︎- amara’s note: I loved writing this, reader is literally so hot in this omg, also this isn’t my best work but i really liked it anyways!! if u see any typos, your eyes are deceiving you🤷🏽‍♀️
Part 1
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Black miniskirt with a white top or the beige pants with a knit sweater?
Surrounded by clothes, scattered across your dorm, you found yourself stuck between two outfit choices. Both looked good, but as you considered where you'd be wearing them, a mischievous smile crossed your face. Opting for an even shorter skirt, you couldn't help but anticipate the classes ahead.
After the confrontation with Professor Eris, you began meeting in secret, kissing between classes, fucking in locked closets, having lowkey meetings at his house. You exchanged numbers and found yourselves frequently texting too.
Well, sext is more like it.
The exchange of messages, if discovered, held the potential to lead to catastrophic consequences. The risk heightened the thrill and danger of the secret relationship, creating a clandestine affair between you.
There had been nudes and videos, audios and links. There had been some blush inducing texting, his words always sparking something in you. Eris was a true charmer, skillfully making you feel exactly what he wrote with a magnetic touch in his messages.
Dressing swiftly and slipping on your shoes, you and Feyre head to class. The only class you shared alone with him was Advanced Literature, but you also had Philosophy together, with Feyre joining in as well.
“You're glowing, Y/N. Any particular reason?” you heard the playful tone in her voice, suspecting that she must have some inkling about someone special in your life.
Shit, you had to be more careful. Feyre was vicious when it came to solving things, and she was one of the most intelligent people you knew. If you told her about Eris, you knew she'd keep it a secret, especially since she always raved about Professor Rhysand in International Relations. She might be a little weirded out, but she wouldn't judge.
“Okay, fine, I'm seeing someone, but you can't tell anyone, promise me. He's very, um, shy and he doesn't like to be around people. Maybe I'll introduce you guys to him sometime in the future, but it's still so new,” you confessed with a half truth, hoping Feyre didn’t see through your bullshit.
Feyre looked at you curiously from the side of her eye and nodded, promising that she'd never tell anyone.
“Is he at least good to you? I mean, he must be. I've never seen you like this before. You're happier than ever. Just please tell me it's not Ilias. He doesn't deserve you, and he never will,” she expressed, concern and sincerity in her voice as she grabbed your hand.
Squeezing her hand back, you assured her that it was over between you and your ex for good this time.
“I promise, Fey. It's over with him. I actually can't believe I went back to him so many times. I literally saw him yesterday in the cafeteria, and I nearly threw up; he was icking me out. Let’s just say that the guy I'm seeing is a bit older, he's really hot, and he makes me feel super good, if you know what I mean.”
You wiggled your brows, and Feyre threw her head back, laughing at your suggestiveness. You kept holding each other's hands until you got to class, finding comfort in your friend.
You insisted on sitting at the front, ensuring a clear view of your little secret. The desks were the perfect height, and when he sat at his own desk, he'd have an unobstructed view of your skirt. Just the thought pulled a sly smile from your lips.
The big doors opened up with a thud, and his steps resonated throughout the entire lecture hall. You looked at him and immediately had to look away before a blush crept up on your face. Eris was wearing black, sleek slacks that hugged his thighs and a crisp white shirt, showing his bulging arms. His shoulders looked so fucking massive,he looked so good it nearly made you drool.
He sneaked a glance in your direction before his eyes dropped to your skirt. He huffed a small, subtle smile and looked away.
Every time your eyes met, your stomach turned molten, and your thighs clenched. One look from him, and you'd honestly do anything he wanted. Throughout the entire class, you simply scribbled, pretending to hear a word he said. It felt like your whole body vibrated everytime he asked you a question, finding reasons to keep eye contact without anyone raising any alarms.
However, your little dreamy bubble was burst when another professor came in, her heels clicking against the floor in an uneven manner.
Your stomach sank as she got closer and closer to Eris. Your pen eventually snapped from the force of your grip when she put her grubby little fingers all over his arm, fluttering her eyelashes at him as she smiled and pressed her boobs against him.
But what really pissed you off was that he smiled at her.
It felt like someone was sitting on your chest, making your teeth clench. You were seething inside, angry that someone dared to touch him like this. Even though you had been sneaking around for just over two months, you had grown a bit possessive over him and really didn’t like it when other people got so close.
A pout crept onto your face as you looked around, noticing that no one paid much attention to them. Your fellow classmates took the opportunity to chat, oblivious to the storm brewing within you.
Feyre couldn't help but notice the visible change in your demeanor as your eyes burred into Eris.
The pout on your face, the tension in your shoulders – it all screamed discomfort. With a keen eye, she observed the unwarranted familiarity of the other woman's touch on Eris's arm.
Feyre raised an eyebrow and nudged you gently with an amused smile.
“What's going on, Y/N? You look like you're ready to kill someone.”
Your eyes flickered between Feyre and the scene with Eris, frustration evident in your expression. “That professor is all over him, Fey. It's making my blood boil. I mean, we’re in the middle of class, how unprofessional and disgusting to be flirting with him. And who knows, maybe he has a girl or a wife or something. She shouldn’t just do that.”
Having had enough of the scene in front of you, you stood up abruptly, grabbing your bag with frustration evident in your movements. As you left the classroom, you didn’t spare Eris a single look as you felt his eyes burning into yhe back of your head. Glancing back at Feyre, you cocked your head toward the door, silently asking if she was coming. She swiftly gathered her things, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and skipped over to join you in exiting the classroom.
Feyre smirked knowingly before whispering, “So, you fucking the professor or what?”
Your cheeks heated up, and you stammered, “Well, it's new, and I didn't want to say anything yet, but yeah. And before you ask, no it’s not for the grade. I really like him and he likes me back. We just have to keep it under wraps at school but we’re not using each other. And how the hell did you know, am I really that obvious?”
Feyre chuckled. “Baby, it's written all over your face. Don't worry; your secret is safe with me. Now, how are we going to handle this?”
Together, you and Feyre plotted a subtle yet effective way to make him jealous. Little did you know, your friend was excited to have some drama to navigate, especially involving a professor.
Your phone vibrated for the millionth time in the past days. Eris had been persistent, trying to reach out through calls and texts, but you'd been deliberately ignoring him all week. Regret gnawed at you, and anger surged as you recalled how he allowed that girl to touch him so publicly. Hurt and frustration clouded your thoughts, envisioning what could have happened if they were alone.
A sense of unease crept in, wondering if he grew tired of the secrecy and sought someone more mature and available—someone who wouldn't risk landing him in legal trouble. The uncertainty lingered, leaving you with a mixture of emotions.
Maybe you were a bit dramatic for completely ignoring him, but who cares?
You swallowed hard and got dressed, opting for the same skirt you had on the last time. Today, you had a plan—a little revenge against Eris. Your strategy involved flirting with a classmate, and you knew just the person: Ilias's best friend, Alex, who always used to check you out when you were dating Ilias. It seemed like the perfect opportunity.
Entering the hall, you slumped down next to him, subtly rearranging your hair and adjusting your bra, making yourself look absolutely irresistible. The game was on, and you were ready to see how Eris would react to a taste of his own medicine.
He was already there, eyes tracking and narrowing when you slumped down next to Alex.
“Hi Alex, how are you doing?” you asked, tilting your body so that he’d have a nice view of your pushed up tits.
His face turned red and he gave you a shy smile.
“Hey, y/n. I’m good, a bit surprised you’re talking to me.”
Yeah, you were really fucking surprised too.
You sighed dramatically. “ Ugh, I totally understand. I mean, I really wanted to befriend you back then, but you know how Ilias is. Always so possessive. Guess he was really threatened by you. He always thought I'd leave him for you, and if I'm honest, I probably would've. You're really cute.”
Your words hung in the air, leaving a calculated impression as you watched his reaction, wondering how this little act would play into your plan.
His eyes widened in surprise, and a subtle grin formed on his face. “Ilias always had a way of complicating things, huh? Well, I'm flattered, hot stuff. I hope you're doing okay now.”
You leaned in, lowering your voice as you let your breast spill out slightly, knowing that Eris was watching your every move.
“Oh, I'm doing much better now. Free from all that drama. Maybe we should grab a coffee sometime and catch up. You know, properly.”
He chuckled, a hint of mischief in his expression. “Sure, sounds like a plan. I'd love to hear more about your new freedom.”
You blew him a kiss before you left him with a seductive smile, the plan unfolded just as you'd hoped. Now, you anticipated Eris's reaction, eager to see how he'd handle the tables turning.
Eris was visibly fuming, shooting Alex murderous glares. Throughout the entire lecture, he directed almost every question to him, knowing damn well that he wouldn't be able to answer them.
“That's the fourth question you've gotten wrong, Mr. Halsted. Are you sure this is the right class for you? Regular Lit with Professor Lunden is on Wednesdays; maybe you've gotten them mixed up,” Eris remarked, his tone laced with thinly veiled hostility. The tension in the room escalated as your revenge plan unfolded.
A small pang of guilt tugged at you as you watched Eris target Alex with relentless questioning. However, any sympathy you might have felt was swiftly replaced by the memory of Alex covering up your ex's cheating. In that moment, you couldn't bring yourself to feel sorry for him, and a sense of satisfaction lingered as the tables turned in your little revenge plot.
As the class finished, Eris dismissed everyone except for you. The lingering tension in the room was palpable as your fellow classmates exited, leaving you alone with Eris. The air crackled with anticipation, and you braced yourself for whatever confrontation was about to unfold.
“I've been trying to reach you for days. Why haven't you been answering me?” Eris questioned, frustration evident in his voice.
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You did? Must've missed it. And besides, aren't you too busy with that professor? What the hell do you need me for?” Your tone held a mix of nonchalance and defiance, ready to confront whatever explanation he might offer.
“If you're talking about Professor Jensen, then you have it all wrong. I don't have anything going on with her. Unless you’ve forgotten, I'm yours. And you're mine, so just what the hell are you doing asking Alex out for coffee?” Eris's words were a mixture of frustration and confusion as he sought an explanation from you. The tension in the air hung thick, awaiting your response.
Oh. Fuck.
A realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You had let jealousy take over, assuming the worst about Eris without even giving him a chance to explain. Your fear of being played again had clouded your judgment, and now you found yourself in a mess of your own making.
“Really? I thought you were sleeping with her or something. I'm so sorry for not letting you explain. I have some trust issues I need to work on. But why was she so close?” Your admission carried a mixture of relief and remorse as you acknowledged your mistake.
Eris eyes softened as he stepped closer, bringing you into a hug while he stroke your hair lovingly.
“She was close because wants me to go on a date with her. I've let her know I'm unavailable several times, but she doesn't seem to understand. Professor Jensen is married as well, and if I told the dean, he'd tell her husband since they're good friends. The only reason she hasn't tried anything further than to touch me is because I keep threatening her to tell the dean,” Eris explained, his words carrying a mixture of frustration and determination. It was clear he had been dealing with an unwelcome situation, trying to maintain boundaries despite the persistence of Professor Jensen.
Your jaw clenched at the thought of her going after him despite his boundaries. You wrapped your arms around him, silently promising to take care of her.
No one would be making him uncomfortable ever again with you around.
A brilliant idea sparked in your mind. You had overheard that Professor Jensen was coming here between classes, presenting the perfect opportunity to assert your claim on Eris and make it clear who he truly belonged to. Hoping she'd understand and leave your man the fuck alone, you started mentally preparing yourself.
“Let me show you how sorry I am, Er,” you whispered, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him briefly before pulling away. You took charge, grabbing his hand and leading him back to his chair by the desk as you made him sit down in front of you.
Standing between his thighs, you leaned forward, placing kisses on his lips, cheek, jaw, and neck. Your lips traveling over his hot skin. You had noticed how incredibly warm Eris was, it was like his skin was like a furnace.
As you contemplated your next move, the realization of your plan sank in.
You were about to fuck your professor, infront of another professor in an unlocked lecture room.
Anyone could walked in.
Suppose you just had to work quickly then.
Your eyes were on his as you bent forward, hooked your finger around your panties and slid them down your legs. You slowly stripped your shirt off, leaving you naked except for your thigh-high stockings, mini skirt, and bra.
A bit slutty for class, you’ll admit.
But whatever you looked good.
Eris's gaze dropped to your body, his hands forming a circle, signaling for you to spin around and show yourself. Giggling, you spun as you showed him your body, lifting your skirt up a bit before getting closer and plopping down in his lap. Eris’s hands automatically came around your waist, holding you in place as you unbuckled his belt, pulling out his cock.
“You’re so big, Eris. Please can I ride you?”
“What a nasty girl. Sitting in her professors lap, begging for cock. You know what were doing is wrong, yet you’re here, dripping wet, grinding all over me.” His teasing tone made your nipples tighten and stiffen, making you whimper in pleasure.
Before you could respond he lifts you up, flipping you around as he bends you over his desk. You gasp, letting out a noise of surprise at the sudden change. His presence warmed your nude back as he carefully slid into you, making your eyes roll back in pleasure as you let out a moan.
He’s so fucking big and every drag against your sensitive walls made you lose your mind. You’d never been fucked this good, ever.
“ Is this what you wanted? Getting fucked in the middle of class? The doors aren’t even locked, sweetheart, anyone could walk in and see how much of a slut you are,” he gritted out between thrusts.
And as if the universe was working with you, the doors opened and professor Jensen walked in.
She looked horrified and let out a yelp.
“What is going on here?” she yelled at you, stepping closer.
You just smirked around her, fucking yourself back at Eris who had completely stopped.
“What does it look like professor? I’m getting fucked by my man.” you emphasized the last part, staring into her eyes as your hands possessivly grabbed his arms on either side of you as you stood straighter.
She scoffed, looking smug as she approached you. “You disgusting whore, you probably did this for a grade. Poor Eris got played by someone whose only interest is a boost in their academic career. Just wait until I tell the Dean.”
You felt Eris tense at her disgusting words towards you, but before he could snap at her, you started laughing.
“Poor Eris knows I’ve been a straight-A student since his father was teaching the course. Poor Eris fucks me because he wants to. And no, you won’t go to the Dean.”
She narrowed her eyes at you, smirking.
“Oh, really? And why is that?”
It was your turn to smile as you played your trump card.
“Because the second you step out of this lecture hall, I’ll send your husband the videos of you flirting with what’s mine. Yeah, I heard your husband pays for your lavish little lifestyle, and that he’s super big on monogamy, something you’re not apparently. So, you won’t tell anyone about us unless you’re ready to lose your lifestyle.”
Professor Jensen's expression shifted from smug to shocked as your words hit her. She stammered, clearly caught off guard by your unexpected revelation.
“You can't... you don't have any proof!” she protested weakly.
You raised an eyebrow, a sly grin playing on your lips. “Oh, don't I? You see, I've got quite the collection of evidence, not just a video. Texts, emails, photos—enough to make your husband divorce your old ass in a heartbeat.”
Eris watched the scene unfold, a mixture of surprise and amusement on his face.
“Now,” you continued, “we can all go on with our lives. You won't bother us, and I won't ruin yours. Agreed?”
She hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodding, defeated by the leverage you held. You smirked, satisfied with the turn of events.
“Oh, and if I hear a whisper of you pursuing Eris ever again, your excuses won't matter—I'll make sure to ruin your life.”
As she hurriedly left the lecture hall, Eris turned to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“My, look who has got a knack for theatrics. You don’t actually have any evidence do you, love?”
You smile at him, shaking your head and gasp delighted as he continues fucking you.
“N-no, it was just a bit of intimidation, oh f-fuck, h-harder please.”
Warmth spread through your body as he kissed your neck and check, whispering praises and thanks.
“Thank you, sweet one, you’re such a perfect girl. So good for me.”
He kept pounding harder and harder, pulling you in by your neck as you were held flush against his chest, hands lightly squeezing your throat as your eyes crossed at the lightheadedness.
His dirty words, whispered in your ears made you tighten around him impossibly, and it sure as fuck didn’t help when he angled his hips, hitting that spot that made you cum with just a few strokes as he rubbed your clit, sucking on your neck.
It was all too much and you were starting to get overstimulated, but you still wanted him to cum so you grabbed his fingers and sucked on them as they hit the back of your throat nearly making you gag.
Finally you felt a warmth filling you up as he slowed down, groaning as his hands tightened around your throat.
You both sank into the chair, catching your breath. The air was thick with lingering desire, and a serene haze enveloped your mind, leaving only the soft hum of satisfaction. Eris knew you had reached that fuzzy state where you wanted to be cared for, not being able to make any decisions about anything as you floated in your mind. Glancing at the clock he realized that this classroom would be filled with 200 students in about 10 minutes so he reluctantly pulled out and began dressing you both.
“I’m canceling my last class, sweetheart. Let's head to my place, order some food, and just relax,” he whispered, sealing his words with a kiss. Even if the details blurred in your mind, you held onto him, your trust unwavering.
Eris faced an unexpected challenge; your legs gave out, complicating the journey to the secret alleyway where he usually picked you up.
With gentle care, Eris scooped you up bridal style, hoping the alley would be empty today. Skillfully using back entrances and listening for any signs of intrusion, he made his way to his car. As he approached, he checked for any onlookers before settling you gently in the front seat, which he had reclined for your comfort, its tinted windows offering privacy.
Arriving home, Eris couldn't help but steal glances at you as you peacefully slept in the passenger seat. He marveled at your beauty, cherishing the simple joy of having you close.
You stirred, adjusting to find a more comfortable position. Eris gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, captivated by your peaceful beauty.
“Mm, thanks for taking care of me, baby. I love you.”
Hearing those unexpected words, Eris froze. He had known it all along, the feelings growing within him. Yet, he wondered if you were merely tired, your words slipping out without realizing what you were saying.
In the warmth of the moment, his heart fluttering and butterflies dancing in his stomach, he lifted you up, carrying you into his bedroom. There he laid next to you , nerves nearly making him want to throw up as he whispered back the words he had never heard or spoken before,
“I love you too.”
Upon hearing those words, you pulled him closer, resting your head on his chest and placing gentle kisses where his heart beat. Intertwined, you both repeated those three words, reassuring each other that this love would endure forever.
Eris had no doubt in mind, you loved him as he loved you. It was a gentle reminder for someone who hadn’t experienced love before.
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koolades-world · 3 months
i found your content recently and i absolutely adore your writing!!! id love to see your take on the brothers with an mc who has social anxiety or a severe one as someone who personally has it, if its not too much to ask. thanks in advance if you ever see this and do it! 💕
hi!! no worries, of course :)
Mc with Social Anxiety
he knows being around him so often isn’t exactly a way to blend into the crowd
he always offers you time to sit in his office if you need it, since his only visitors are usually dia and barb, but he can ask them to not enter if that would make you more comfortable
he can easily get you any accommodations you need and won’t hesitate to
he's always there for you <3
he’s fully aware he’s a nightmare to go out in public with
tried his best to tone it down for you
your personal hype man! he’s with you every step of the way and he’s being encouraging the whole time
he’s enamored with you so you don’t even have to ask, he just knows you well enough to know what you need and when
he’s also very anxious in public, despite being an avatar and very powerful
you bring by his side reassures him, so he hopes he can bring you the same comfort
he views you as his saving grace! he hopes that one day he can help repay you
for this, he'll do whatever it takes to make you most comfortable, even if it means stepping out of his own comfort zone
he's very good at getting people to listen to him with his words or otherwise so he's able to get whatever done for you that you need
he won't take you to premieres and big events he gets invited to if you don't want to
will stay home with you instead <3
reads you your favorite book aloud instead
he's very respectful
always ensures with you that what he's planning to do and where he wants to take you is fine
he will be the one to say "excuse me they asked for no pickles" for you <3
love at it's finest
super understanding
he deeply cares about you and wants you to be your most comfortable
he's always beside you, making sure you're alright
always has your favorite snacks on hand
at first you didn't think he would take you seriously
but, heartwarmingly enough, he tries to help you in his own way
it sweet but strange but that's just him
maybe he should just stick to cuddly blankets and hugs at home
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froggibus · 2 years
Taking Care Of You While Sick - Obey Me!
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Includes: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel & Belphie
Genre: hurt/comfort + fluff!
Summary: you get sick, and your favorite demon knows (or tries his best) just how to take care of you
CW: sick! Reader, fever, lots of medicine, satan being Satan, wholesome Beel
wow i wonder what could have possibly inspired me to write this one….weird. anyway I am still sick but thats okay cause i got to sleep 20 hours one day and watch all the marvel movies so pog. anyway enjoy <3
doesn’t know much about human illnesses but knows when you’re getting sick 
 makes you get lots of bed rest
 will have medicine and fresh water for you around the clock
 offers to do his paperwork in your room to keep you company 
 you don’t really notice either way cause you’re asleep mostly 
 he does anyway tho cause he’s worried and wants to keep an eye on you
 corrects your temperature in your sleep too
 shivering? adds another blanket
 sweating? pulls the covers back and puts a cold cloth on your forehead
 “luc did you…swaddle me?”
 “you were cold”
 even after you get better he’s extra adamant about you taking vitamins 
 thinks you’re dying at first
 notices you’re much warmer than usual and actually thinks you’re going to light on fire
 panics and thinks lucifer is gonna kill him 
 you have to explain that you’re not actually dying but that you’re sick 
 probably has no idea what to do to help you
 just does what he likes when he’s sick
 brings you lots of fluids (especially juice)
 and soup
 expect lots of soup/ramen
 is with you 24/7
 “you’re MY responsibility so I gotta keep an eye on you”
 probably forgets to take care of himself in the process 
 so you make him drink your water/eat your soup/sleep 
 definitely sleeps with you with the excuse of ‘watching out for you’
 its just like in that anime he watched 
 except he really hopes you’re not dying like the MC in the anime was
 just does exactly what they did in the anime (but with a lot more blushing and stuttering)
 probably thinks you’d rather lucifer or mammon take care of you 
 you try to comfort him but you’re so tired that it just comes out as a bunch of mumbles 
 definitely has to give himself a peptalk (or five)
 “y/n is really sick rn, this isn’t about you, ok?”
 will feed you medicine if you’re not strong enough to do it yourself 
 you’re surprised at how well he’s handling things
 “ok y/n im gonna head back to my room but if you need anything tonight just text me ok?”
 “levi can you stay with me”
 thinks he’s misheard you at first
 malfunctions for a really long time 
 you’re already falling asleep by the time he decides to climb in bed with you
 has been waiting for this moment since you arrived 
 literally read so many books about human illness and immune systems 
 figured it was only a matter of time until you got sick
 is ready with juice and water and medicine 
 literally has everything you could possibly need 
 checks your temperature VERY delicately
 “fuck y/n you’re burning up”
 gets you a cold cloth for your forehead 
 even tho he knows everything he still is really nervous
 checks on you like every five minutes (if he even leaves your room)
 would make himself a bed on your floor so that if you need him in the night he’s there
 somehow you convince him to come lay with you 
 even tho you’re a million degrees 
 he’ll stay with you all night just to make sure you’re okay
 would definitely try and hunt down whoever infected you 
 can tell you’re sick just by how clammy and washed out you look
 but he won’t say anything 
 probably makes you one of his ultra healthy super food smoothies
 even if it tastes gross he makes sure you drink it
 would probably spoon feed you food too
 insists you get lots of rest
 and when you can’t sleep he’s there to keep you company
 keeps up with your hygiene too
 will brush your hair/tie it up so that it doesn’t get tangled while you sleep
 gets a cloth to wipe down your face and applies lotion and chapstick 
 probably wouldn’t sleep with you cause he doesn’t want to get sick (even tho demons don’t share the same sicknesses with humans)
 but will stay in a phone call with you from his room all night and if you need anything he’s there in a heartbeat
 more medicine?
 he’s there
 but he’s so tired don’t expect him to return to his room after
 doesn’t know whats going on at first but makes an educated guess
 asks what you need instead of assuming 
 makes you lots of snacks + drinks
 i feel like he would hide your medicine in food like they do for dogs??
 idk it seems up his alley 
 also helps you with any tasks you may possibly need with
 homework? he’s on it (just don’t tell Lucifer)
 need to wash your hair but you’re too weak? all you gotta do is lean your head over the bathtub 
 he’ll take really good care of you
 would probably baby you a little tho
 like cut up your food into really small portions 
 and give you juice out of a sippy cup
 “beel where did you even find that?”
definitely watches movies with you until you fall asleep and stays to make sure you don’t need anything
probably knew you were sick before anyone else
tries to ignore it cause he totally doesn’t care
but your skin is hot!!
and you’re sweating a lot 
and your voice sounds…different?
eventually he has to give in and admit he’s worried about you
and since no one else is around he takes care of you
brings you water and medicine and offers to let you sleep in his bed
“just so I can wash your sheets! you’ll feel so much better in clean ones…”
even lets you sleep on his pillow
probably watches you sleep to make sure you’re still alive 
but can’t help and admire how peaceful you look 
pushes you to drink fluids and sleep LOTS 
and if you refuse to sleep?
well he’ll just have to make you sleep
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sea-of-dust · 3 months
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Phantom theif boys x GN! Reader
Dating headcannons!
N: Adding comfort headcannons to knock two asks in one stone, they got changed to just comforting headcannons mostly. Ur not escaping pastel*pallette with this.
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He's ready to fully wake up as soon as he hears your voice downstairs or just your footsteps. Morgana is not a fan of suddenly feeling his leg pulled out of bed.
Super ready to tease you. The guys smiling hard before he responds with something stupid. "I dare you" trying to hold off his chucking, he places his hand ontop of yours and spins you, stopping when you face him. "Are you a cheeseburger?" "no"
Let's you brush his hair, in fact you should. Curls are hard, ya know. His wrist can use a break, plus you're the one brushing it he sees it as a win. Ignoring the times you decided to give him pigtails
He can be super romantic at times, especially the most random, "I'm sorry I took so long, your beauty distracted me" he smirked twiddling a bit of his hair, you sigh, after a pause beginning to chuckle "I don't like you" "you love me" kissing your cheek he goes behind the counter "anything you wanna eat?"
He's always gonna be there to comfort you. Holding you close as you cry into his chest over something that had been bothering you, hearing you out while he cooks or staying by your side while you rant. "And then she was like," Oh well you need to go to extra help TO HELL WITH THAT!" You rub your temple "sorry she's just been getting on my nerves" "have you tried dropping or switching classes?" "She would reject the request everytime" you'd wonder why she suddenly accepted the following day. Maybe she finally thought you were just bad at chemistry
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Will tell you he's a phantom theif trying to rizz you up. "So like we use these things called personas to fight these shadows" "woah, that's cool, Ryuji." You didn't believe him, but you let him cook, he's trying his best
Embodiment of the YIPPE sound. He loves seeing you. Could be walking to class, and he'd stop midway. "Yo!" "Hey Ryuji" great now he's gonna repeat that 3 more times a day, won't even start a conversation, sometimes, just likes hearing you say hi to him
He's super cuddly when sleepy. "Where are you going" "I told you I'm going home" "nooo" he wraps his arms around your waist "you aren't allowed to leave" trying to slip out he tightens his grip. You had to call your parents to tell them you had no choice but to stay longer
He'd get so excited when anything sport related comes along. "I wanna watch the track team compete this weekend. You should come" "do you need me to bring snacks?" "You bring them every time, though! I'll bring them this time" He'd get super hyped up about someone from the school taking the lead he almost fell off the bleachers at times.
He would buy you snacks, and you two would talk about it on a bench. "He's so annoyingggg" "I know, right!" "Like he can't shut up everything's quiet and this mf 'I HAVE A BUISNESS' shut up" "like at the end of the day he's still an incel" "EXACTLY" you two would end up ranting with eatchother so much you end up calming eatchother down, this would also translate into you just being too sad to even make funny comments. "He's just so draining, kinda makes me wish someone just told him to be quiet" "for real I almost cried at his voice" "it's too squeaky right" "totally" laying your head on his lap you look up at him just thinking. "You're staring into my soul here." he strokes your hair with a nervous expression "good" In the end, he still comforts you the same way
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"Oh, it's you" turned to "it's you.." REAL quick, as soon as you started dating, he got shy
He's gonna ask you to help him with art. "Y/n do you mind posing?" "With what?" "These live lobsters I found" ".... no thank you" "but!" "I'm gonna buy you those little wooden dolls just for that" "you're better than any piece of wood!" It turns more into a praise sesson he forgets about the lobsters he's basically keeping as pets at this point
You tried to teach him how to cook, or atlesst follow the recipe. "OK so we have the custard" you grab his hand, holding it up. "Don't use that we need it for later." "My Appologies" "it's alright it's your first time making this" He's fine the first time but gets way better with practice. He'd make you jealous with how nice he'd make his food look
Tried pick up lines they were good, but the execution could use work. "Y/n! Do you have a map? " "For what?" He pauses, looking down as if thinking for the next line "because i can't help but get lost in your eyes" you smirk, watching him get more bashful than you from his own line. "Are you a painting?" You cup his face making him look at you "because I can't take my eyes off you"
He isn't very good in this field...but he has spirit! You'd sigh while watching him paint after a few eye rolls, vacant stares,leaning on him. He's gonna sense it even if you don't do all that. "Is there something on your mind?" You look down to his paints before answering "a friend of mine moved away, and I found out recently she used to steal stuff from others" crossing your arms you continue "I kinda get why some of my stuff went missing now but just to think" "that does seem rather unfortunate" "she's lucky the stuff she took was all under 10 bucks or I would have asked the phantom theives to do something" he pauses his brush for a secound before continuing on "via the website?" "Yea! They'll probably handle her if it genuinely gets outta hand" he smiles as he puts down his paint and brush. "How about we go for a walk for you to let out some steam?" "sounds great"
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"I'm alone. Would you like to join me?" "Do you realize how that sounds?" "Do you realize how dirty your mind is?"
He'll be resistant to cuddling at first but then slowly realize he likes it. Won't ask for it tho but he will be a little peeved when they aren't given. Subconsciously learn the way he stares at your arms, how he grips his own, and the way he tries to get a bit closer to you, you've learned the secrets to a touch starved akechi
Would be a bit annoyed when you bring up another dude. "And then Ryuji was shaking the vending machine and the guard thought we were trying to steal snacks" "I see" "I ended up getting em though" "mhm" "you're so aggressively disinterested" "yes I am" You pause before letting the smirk take over your face "so then akechi rubbed my face and asked for a kiss" "I should" he stops typing to press his lips softly on your cheek.
He'd take you everywhere with him. Not a choice, it's only when he's at his job that he's away from you, everywhere else? Same class right next to you. Eating lunch with you, would ask you to play darts with him after school. He'd wonder why you'd look so tired when you two finally got home after school, atleast he helps with homework.
"Akechi" you move hair from his face. "What is it?" You continue touching his face as he watches as your hands move around his face. "Is there something on your mind" "is it that obvious" you pull your hand away, but he takes his into yours. There's a short pause before you decide to speak again. "A person close to me stopped coming to school after an argument we had. I'm pretty worried" "you didn't try contacting them?" "I have, but I think they'll just get more annoyed" you sigh "I just don't know what to do" "let them have their momment they'll contact you when they feel like it, in the meantime" he covers you in the blanket he shared with you momments ago "you could stay here until it leaves your mind"
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"So what is skibbity toilet?" "Zen no"
He'd always order for you at places, unless you changed your order he'd get you everytime. "You gotta stop doing that" "Why you jealous I know you better than you know yourself?" "Yes"
He tries to ask you for advice on Akane. "She got upset she couldn't play and eat" "did you try making it a tea party" he scoffs, giggling a bit at the suggestion. "I'm serious. Do you have any tiny tea cups?"
He's definitely touch starved when he gets home. Barely awake, he'd cling onto you, mumbling into your ear. He's fallen asleep for a few seconds on your shoulder. "Let's get you to bed, Zen." "it's comfortable here though." "it'll be more comfortable in bed." "ugghhhhh"
He's gentle when it comes to you, especially when you get home more upset than usual. "So how was work" in a slightly annoyed tone you respond "draining they tried to give me unpaid overtime again" you sigh "hmm" without much words he lays down with you hugging you "do you want anything?" "Sleep" he smiles fondly "this house will be so quiet it's like it was haunted" The next day, do expect most of your chores to be done already, as well as breakfast. It was made with love, not with skill
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theemporium · 10 months
Stoner!Remus x reader where reader tries smoking for the first time with Remus and some of the other Gryffs but she has a bad high and gets super anxious and paranoid and Remus takes her away from the group to comfort her?
I saw this come into my inbox and instantly went to write it ahshzbsbzbs anyways thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It was his mistake for using the strong stuff, though in his defence, he didn’t realise you’d be smoking with them tonight.
It wasn’t rare for their little group to find themselves chilling on a Friday evening, trying to relax after a stressful week with a few joints passed between them that they smoked through in a few hours. It wasn’t exactly rare for you to be with them, but you never smoked yourself. You were fairly happy to just cuddle into the side of your boyfriend, and giggle at their stoned antics.
Except, it had been a long week for you and you were aching for that relaxed feeling Remus always told you about when he smoked. You ached and desired to feel that carefree too, so when you asked to join them this week, he didn’t see an issue with it. He wanted his girl to feel relaxed too.
But Remus should’ve known.
He should’ve known that it was a bad idea to let you smoke when you were so worked up and anxious already. He should’ve known that the stronger stuff was a bad place to start. He should’ve known it wasn’t going to end well when you took one puff, got a little too cocky and took a deeper one at your next hit.
It was subtle, in the grand scheme of things. You didn’t have a major freak out or start drawing attention to yourself. But Remus noticed, and that was enough.
He noted the way you tended against him, the way you were shivering like you were cold. He noted the way your hands were curled into tight fists, that you were going in and out of dazes to the point you didn’t even realise the indents you were leaving in your palm.
He knew you were not okay, and his chest tightened at the thought.
He didn’t care about the looks the others were giving him, all he cared about was you as he quickly slid his arms under your knees and around your back before lifting you into the bridal position, before he walked out the room without further explanation.
“Remus,” you whispered out, your breathing shaking and ragged and your fists now tightly holding onto the fabric of his shirt.
It would be too suspicious to take you outside, too much attention on the two of you if he carried you through the castle like he wanted to do. So, he instead decided to go for the next best thing. The corridor was empty and hardly anyone ever came down it, but the little spot beside the large, arched window was cool enough that he hoped it would help ground you a little.
“It’s okay, love, I’m here,” he murmured once he settled into the bay window seat, your back pressed against his chest as he uncurled your fingers and quickly intertwined both your hands with his own.
“I don’t like it,” you breathed out. “It…it feels weird.”
“M’sorrry, baby,” he murmured as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, placing a sloppy kiss on your skin as he squeezed your hands. “It’s gonna go away, okay? Just gotta wait it out.”
“Stay with me?” Your voice was soft and a little scared, and it broke his heart a little.
“Always, love, always,” he murmured in response as he pulled you closer to his chest. “Never gonna leave you.”
“Okay,” you whispered, your whole body still feeling on edge but the heaviness of your boyfriend’s arms around you was a comfort you needed. “I’m sorry.”
Remus sighed. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.”
“I ruined your night,” you replied meekly.
“You didn’t ruin shit, baby,” he muttered out, placing another kiss just below your ear to punctuate his point. “Right by your side is where I’m meant to be.”
Your body sagged against him, your eyes fluttering shut as you tried to enjoy your boyfriend’s embrace with the cold breeze slipping through the corridor.
“I should’ve been more careful,” he grumbled against your skin. “Should’ve given my girl something lighter.”
“Maybe we can do it again,” you murmured and his chest tightened uncomfortably.
“Just me and you,” you continued, your head turned to the side so your nose was brushing against his cheek. “Maybe something not as strong. Wanna feel the way you feel.”
“Maybe,” he murmured noncommittally before pressing a chaste kiss against your lips. “Let’s just get through tonight, okay?”
“That’s my girl.”
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