#he gives extreme paternal energy
Bitches be saying that Inej is the mum friend but we all know the real mum friend is Matthias.
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Emilio’s done everything in his power to hide his pregnancy from his mother. Ever since he was little, she told him and his siblings that she refuses to raise any more children… and that, if any of them ever gets pregnant while living under her roof, they may as well pack their bags.
After raising four kids on her own, and struggling to make ends meet, she’s dedicated more than enough of her time and energy to rearing children. Her little ones are all in their late-teens and twenties. Unfortunately, after all this time, she hasn’t had a change of heart… and Emilio is the only one who hasn’t flown from the nest.
It’s been a tough four months, with the extreme effort that he’s put into pretending that there’s not a little human-parasite creature growing inside him… and, even then, he’s lucky to have gone this long without spoiling the secret.
Emilio’s a thin guy… always has been… and his symptoms are pretty extreme. His belly started showing just a couple of weeks into his pregnancy, he’s been gaining loads and loads of weight, eating like a work-horse, and sick with “the flu” for ages. His mom thinks he’s just hit another growth spurt… that his pituitary gland is going crazy, and making him sick… but if she knew about the secret laundry basket in his room — full of oversized shirts and sweatpants — and the anti-nausea pills that he’s hidden around the house, she’d lose her mind.
There’s no way he’d be able to explain the medication to her, or justify his stash of paternity clothes, or give her a plausible reason for why his gut is so big and round. It would take a lot more than just a big appetite to make her son… her scrawny little ‘Milio, with a head full of curls… put on a gut like that.
It’s only a matter of time before his body betrays him, and reveals the truth… and now, all he can do until then is start packing his stuff, and wait for the other shoe to drop.
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ijustthinkhesneat · 3 months
I feel compelled to expand upon the previous fae/folklore! Batboys headcanons:
-Bruce is just a straight up normal human. I think this provides a great opportunity for angst because unlike his immortal? children Bruce does age and it terrifies them. And Bruce is young he’s in his early 30s but like his knees will crack a little or his back is slightly stiff after a bad patrol and it just sends them into a spiral because they cannot fathom their dad not being around forever. I can definitely imagine them trying to strong arm Bruce into becoming some flavor of unaging. You could go super dark or just more generally emotional angst but damn the possibilities.
-Cass is giving me shadow person. Very cryptid of her. I’m not sure that I have a clear backstory for her worked out yet. Either magic gone wrong or she’s another flavor of undead like Jason and Tim. I like to imagine she just hovers over people at night to be creepy.
-Originally I wanted to say Duke was a Will-o-the-wisp. But I’m not really sure it fits, especially since he’s primarily active during the day. Then it hit me. Mothman. My lamplight boy is a moth creature. I like the idea of him hiding his little antenna under a beany and wearing sunglasses. The wings would be difficult. But my boy is creative.
- I think Steph and Barbara are also human like Bruce they just are extra bad ass.
-Coming back to life as a magical creature warps peoples memories and emotions from both the trauma and changing into something not human. Tim is significantly less effected than Jason, at least outwardly, because he was only a toddler when he died so he didn’t have many memories or experiences to draw from, but Jason was super volatile. His memories surrounding Willis became even more dark while his memories of his mother sort of glossed over her absentee parenting and drug use. Jason can’t help but struggle with associating the negative learned experience he had with his first paternal figure with Bruce. Jason ends up going to live with Talia for a while because he doesn’t want to feel that way about his dad anymore.
-Basically I think Jason, at least mentally, is the most human of Bruce’s kids besides Damian because he actually lived a life as a human, where as Tim changed so young that he doesn’t really know how to be anything but his extremely disturbing self.
-I think Gotham just has major ‘I do not see it’ energy. Like The Batfamily? Demons from hell. The Wayne’s? Hot neurodivergent people. Did you see Dick Grayson unhinge his jaw like a fucking snake at a gala? No you didn’t he just has a really big smile. Jason Todd??? Has scales??? Nope actually he just developed early onset Eczema and he’s really self conscious about it how dare you! Tim Drake sucking the blood of the himbo blonde boy? Everyone knows Tim and Bernard are total freaks. Cassandra Cain is your sleep paralysis demon? Honestly fair.
-It’s totally a coincidence that strange misfortune befalls anyone who threatens the Wayne’s!
-Clark is Bruce’s favorite man to sleep on so he gets a pass. I don’t know why but a midwestern spin on the story of princess kaguya lives in my head rent free. Like Martha Kent is just shucking corn and then boom baby in the corn. We call that children of the corn. I still love to imagine him being like so perfect that it’s high key alien, but his little sharp nails and fangies! Maybe even slightly pointy ears. And like Clark fully thinks he is human, like his parents don’t tell him humans can’t fly until he’s in kindergarten, and even then they just tell him he is special and learned super fast and shouldn’t embarrass the other kids and Clark is such a Good BoyTM that he just never uses his powers in public cause he doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. Like bro doesn’t learn he is adopted until he is about to go to college, he is just straight up clueless.
-Clark learns Dick is a Fae creature when Batman brings Robin to the Watchtower cause he couldn’t get a baby sitter and Alfred doing some spooky shit like dusting the mausoleum. Like Batman just slinking around but there is this super colorful child with him. And then Dick turns and smiles and it’s just so wrong, like his mouth just stretching his face like some horror movie shit. Clark almost shots himself cause like what the fuck. Bruce told Dick to just ‘be himself’ so like he just thinks he’s being friendly. Despite being creepy as all hell Clark kinda thinks Dick is super adorable. Like was he spider crawling around the floor with all his limbs bent the wrong way while Bruce and Clark were talking? Yeah but then he just tugged on Bruce’s cape to ask for a juice box, like that’s a baby.
-Jason freaked him out in a different way. Since Jason is undead he doesn’t have a heartbeat and doesn’t need to breath so when he isn’t moving he makes literally zero noise. When he first met Clark he was just watching him from around corners and behind stair banisters and Clark was convinced he was losing his mind and hallucinating the kid from the Grudge. Then Bruce is just like “Oh you met Jason! He’s so sweet, just a little shy. He’s my second oldest! I think he likes you though.” And then a little grey blue slightly webbed hand just reaches around the corner to give a little wave and boom Clark would kill for him.
-Tim is similar in that Clark has trouble pinpointing his location because of a lack of normal bodily functions, but Tim has no idea what a boundary is. So like at first he’s a shy little toddler and then that night he’s crawling all over Clark and pranking him nonstop.
-Damian is a baby but like Clark looked in his eyes and just felt like this infant could see his past present and future and was judging him heavily. Clark was relieved cause at least he had a heartbeat.
-Cass lives to fuck with Clark. She’s Jason’s age but not only has no heartbeat and doesn’t breath, when she is in shadow form he can’t see her with X-ray vision. She can literally make herself undetectable to Superman. He learns this one night sleeping in a guest room at the manor. He gets the feeling he is being watched but can’t find anyone. Then right when he relaxes her arm shoots out from the darkness under his bed and grabs his leg. Clark screams so loud it cracks the window. And then just nearly silent muffled laughter as the arm retreats into the darkness. He X-Ray visions but nothing is there. He demands to stay in Bruce’s room after that. Bruce is just like “Oh that was just Cass. She likes playing practical jokes, she is my little princess!”
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veronika-tserber · 1 year
Natal SUN/PLUTO Aspects The Quest for Authenticity🕯️
Let me set the vibe, first.
It's a brand-new playlist, and I do accept recommendations!
The Sun in astrology is the archetypal King figure. It represents our consciousness, the pure awareness that I AM. Every planet has its own WILL, and the Sun’s will is to BE — to shine and express itself into the world. This is our personality and ego, but also our Life Force, a.k.a Spirit. When we look at the Sun and its aspects/house placement, we see what gives us a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life.
On the other hand, Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld, the Sorcerer hidden away from the light. It’s a generational planet that helps us heal and evolve spiritually by putting us in critical situations. Similarly to Uranus and Neptune, Pluto is an Outcast , a Divergent— the opposite of the widely accepted and adored King. I personally imagine him as a Quasimodo-looking character, but make no mistake. Pluto is immensely powerful.
When these two unite, it’s uncomfortable for both. Pluto feels exposed, and it desperately wants to hide away from the light, whereas the Sun feels like it’s been covered with a thick cloak of darkness. 
The Aspect is Most Potent if:
it’s within 5 degrees (those are the orbs that I’m using)
it’s APPLYING instead of SEPARATING 
it's a conjunction, square, opposition, quincunx, or quintile (harmonious aspects are usually less intense, especially the Trine)
📌 This is a highly karmic aspect - especially karma from their father or paternal side of the family. They are essentially breaking the taboos and secrets their ancestors couldn't didn't dare to speak about and confront. These people are the ILLUMINATORS who shift their family's paradigm around heavier, darker topics. They don't have to dig for any familial secrets, though. If they do their personal shadow work, they will break the chains of karma for all past and future generations.
📌They might become socially powerful and be known for their power/sexuality/mystery/criminal activity or occult/healing abilities. They could also become self-obsessed, or obsessed with their goals and desire to be known.
📌The Sun represents a woman's ideal husband, which is why in a woman's chart, this aspect can be really dangerous. She might be unconsciously attracted to (and even marry) abusive, controlling, really DARK individuals. They will mirror, and take to an extreme, her own unintegrated Shadow and/or unresolved daddy issues.
📌You might know these people for a long time, and not actually know them. Some of them have IMPENETRABLE defenses. When they do let someone in, they are terrified of being truly seen - with their good, bad, and ugly sides. This vulnerability is the cave they fear to enter, but it holds the treasure they seek. Deep down, they DO want to be seen and accepted as they are. But they most likely won't get that love from another person until they learn to love themselves unconditionally, first. They have to stop trying to run away and hide from themselves (or their father).
📌 Their father, and specifically his relationship to his Shadow, and the darker aspects of life, played a big role in the formation of their personality, and how they view themselves.
There are three scenarios here - 1) he was either a PUNISHER of the shadows (could've literally worked as a policeman, for example); he was an EXPLORER (psychologist, investigator) or he was a HEALER - occultist, energy worker, etc.
These are three levels of consciousness. If he punished the shadows - his and the world's - the more shame and guilt he could've projected onto his child(ren). These people might feel as if he's always monitoring their steps, and they can't hide anything from him - especially their mistakes or anything "taboo". If they were heavily judged or punished, they will grow up feeling guilty and ashamed of a very big part of what makes them human.
This affects how they view themselves - they can either see themselves as a Divine Child, with both the Yin and Yang, light and dark within or as a Beast, some sort of a Devil responsible for all the evil in the world.
They should know that whatever it was, it had nothing to do with them and EVERYTHING to do with their father's own degree of self-acceptance and wholeness.
Nonetheless, their relationship with him is/was intense, and there might've been a lot of power struggles involved.
📌These people are MAGNETIC in a way people can't explain. Even if they aren't traditionally "beautiful" or "attractive", they just draw others in. Powerful presence and aura.  
📌 It might take them some time to realize the power hidden in their shadows. They are destined to become Alchemists, but how easily or quickly this will happen depends on their free will and desire to separate themselves from their father's projections/expectations.
The task here is to become SELF-AWARE. They can use a myriad of tools - therapy, meditation, yoga, energy healing, somatic work, OR ART to channel their Shadow and integrate it into their consciousness.
📌 During their lives, they are often called to the gates of the Underworld. They learn how to enter it fearlessly, and how to listen to the voice within. This process of illumination (Sun) will help them transform their subconscious mind (Pluto), and when they emerge from this metaphorical Underworld, their work and expression in the world will have a different quality, richness, and potency to it. This is how they step into their power and leadership - by making peace with the demons of the past.
📌 Introverted or extroverted? Both. It mostly depends on the specific aspect, but also on other placements. We know that Mars is Pluto's lower octave. So, in their early life, some of them might be quite extroverted, focused on worldly ambitions, and even be less selective about the people they let in their close circle. As they age though, their focus turns inwards. They can progressively become more introverted, self-reflective, and their goals/values can dramatically shift. As their vibration goes up, they go from being the Warrior to being The Wizard. 
📌 If they don’t work to reclaim their power and express themselves truthfully and unapologetically in the world, they can become jealous and bitter. They can lurk behind the scenes of life, and try to sabotage those who do what they want to do, or they might try to destroy themselves. Depression is possible, as well as suicide attempts and risky behavior.
Pluto wants them to kill something about themselves, which is most likely their cowardice/pride/vanity/past conditioning. But not their physical selves. It's never about the physical, although it can feel this way. These people will either feed the Collective Shadow or help heal it. When they do the latter, they become potent forces of transformation for other people, as well.
📌 Life wants them to be humbler. They can carry a lot of pride and might try to appear as perfect and "spotless" as possible. They might be afraid of their reputation being destroyed or bruised in some way.
📌They are on a Quest for Love. When they learn how to forgive themselves and others, their HEARTS will open, and the light of the Sun will shine through. They can become truly unconditionally loving, and they have to start with themselves, first.
📌 Pluto is connected to our Divine Feminine energy (although it's not a feminine planet) a.k.a Kundalini. So, these people need to learn how to SURRENDER to the Divine. This is a major lesson, so for a good portion of their life, they might feel tempted to gain power through CONTROL and domination, but this will only worsen their karma.
As they will understand, the only real power is the power of Truth and Unconditional Love.
- Foxbörn
The Ask Box is open for specific questions, folks! 😊
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Itachi is a Weird Kid(tm)
These need to exit my tired brain so I am releasing the wild, naked baby plot bunnies upon ye:
Some of these points are paragraphs because that’s just my style, but this one’s not super long (for me 😅) so I’ll leave it no-cut.
He is more fond of plants and birds than people. That he’s an introvert surprises nobody but it’s worth mentioning.
He doesn’t know how to have a “normal”conversation with normal people; he’s been so conditioned by his Shinobi centric/Child soldier life that he literally doesn’t know how to talk to civilians at their level, so to speak. An ordinary conversation about ordinary, every day things is either boring and meaningless, or completely lost on him in most cases.
He is somewhat accidentally piscivarian/ predominantly vegetarian. This is more an observation of canon than a HC. His character/data sheet does mention that he’s fond of vegetables, particularly crunchy ones like cabbage and peppers, and utterly hates red meat, but we do see him eating fish and I don’t think he’d be opposed to chicken or eggs either, whatever that would make him. (I could go on and on about how this, among other things, queer codes tf out of him, but I will refrain)
To that effect, he has absolutely stellar foraging skills, particularly with regards to edible and medicinal plants. He could survive on his own for quite some time if he needed to, and I suspect he did for a while before joining the Akatsuki.
Many of Itachi’s “weaknesses” in fact make him more dangerous, not less — that is to say, they make him unpredictable. To whit, in my opinion, his weaknesses are:
Small Children (protective brother instinct, or maybe a paternal one) — these will give him pause in most situations, but lord help whoever thinks it’s a good idea to try using that against him. He will do anything he can to avoid hurting or killing a child, but that does not work out to mean they make good leverage — he’s much too clever and knows how to put on a show to fake his opponents out a little too well. He’s not necessarily afraid to frighten a child either if it means they live to see another day, though if it can be avoided all the better. But what makes it dangerous is that his whole disposition changes when there’s children involved. If you don’t know him well one might not notice, but it’s a palpable change, a charged kind of energy he doesn’t typically have otherwise — an opponents threat level to him personally ceases to matter quite as much as their relative threat to the child. One of the few situations in which he might go out of his way to start a fight with a civilian or other typical non-combatant.
His Stress Response: Itachi is not someone who ever had the option to flee in most cases as a child. So he’s developed a Freeze-Fight pipeline. When confronted with something that scares him, he will, situationally, freeze, first — not bad for a Shinobi, really, as freezing makes one less noticeable and might give one time to assess. Given the option, he would like to do that, but in the event he can not, whether because the opponent is moving or the situation is overwhelming or too stressful, he will immediately switch to Fight. Good when you’re being attacked. Not so good when the PTSD flashbacks get you or a nightmare wakes you up ready to throw hands. The real danger of the Freeze-Fight pipeline is that it presents the illusion that his Threshold of Tolerance is higher than it actually is; He can therefore seem very, explosively unpredictable when he’s under extreme stress. If he’s actually terrified, you will not typically know it until he is so scared he lashes out. And the lash-out/freak out might seem disproportionate as a result of whatever is going on in his head.
6. He is surprisingly invisible. Despite being an Uchiha, despite having a widely known name, despite having fairly wide ranging reputation, he can be very effective as an undercover agent because he just… blends in. He’s not loud. He’s not aggressive. He’s not very noticeable at all, especially without his cloak. Adding to this, I personally believe in making him at least partially abide by his name, and thus posit that he has an unusual gift for the use of Henge, despite canon not mentioning it. It would be all too suitable for someone named after a shape-shifter to be skilled in the art of transforming himself into not only other people, but animals as well (which is supposedly the hardest kind of Henge to accomplish consistently).
7. He is…basically a cat, lol. Is borderline obsessively clean, keeps things tidy, doesn’t like being touched without permission, is moody as all hell, and very…demanding, in his own quiet way. Communicates with his body language more than one would assume, in that if he’s there, he’s there for a reason. Example being if he wanted to comfort someone— rather than making a fuss over them he’d probably just offer his company by moving closer, paralleling, etc. giving them space to bring it up or set it down. He never had much personal freedom as a kid, so he tries to be generous with others and not pry into their business unless he really needs to. He also communicates with his body in other ways related to staging — where he is in proximity to others — by drifting closer to those he trusts and keeping away from those he does not, I.e if he were traveling with a contractor or other akatsuki members in addition to his own partner, he may drift toward Kisame and stay next to him as opposed to trying to be in any particular position within the group.
8. This one’s more focused on other characters perception of him, but he is Weird in that for all his nasty reputation and abilities, he’s very demure and non-confrontational. He would rather not use his powers if he doesn’t strictly need to, and with regards to wayward animals he’s quite gentle, when he can afford to be.
9. On that note: his crows are his family damn near. He inherited these crows from Shisui, so they mean a good deal to him on the whole, although he will sacrifice them if he has to. But this is something he does with deep regret and respect, and the crows are just smart enough to sort of understand. They love him, he is their flock friend, and they will defend him/look after him of their own volition to the best of their ability. He could use his sharingan to trick them, and will if he must, but crows are much too clever to make a habit of it; it’s better for everyone if he goes out of his way to be their friend. Crows are a very difficult familiar/summons to have, because they’re insanely smart for an animal and they communicate with each other much like people do. You’ve no choice but to carefully cultivate your relationship with them, because if they decide they don’t like you, they will never let you forget it. They’re perfect for someone who is meticulous and kind like Itachi. You can not be mean or careless to a crow and expect them to forgive you.
I’m sure I’ll think of more, but until then Enjoy.
And please, Anti people of any flavor, don’t even bother. I won’t play those games.
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sesshy380 · 5 months
Heya! If you're still looking for prompts - I'd love some Euroshipping (Ryou x Seto), and for any kinda holiday type prompt... blizzard/trapped because of blizzard? Ooooor... anything hot chocolate related. Or skiing! Ooooh or the Nutcracker?
From, IAmAllYetNotAtAll (I hate not being able to send an ask from a side blog!)
@iamallyetnotatall, I am so sorry it took me so long to get this finished! Around the time I came up with a basic idea on how to do this particular pairing (because I was all 'Rarepair? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED'), I got hit hard with the dreaded combo of brain fog and writer's block. About the time it all lifted and I remembered the basic idea I was going to go with, I had no time/energy to write 😭
Well here it is! I went for the simple idea of Hot Chocolate, because who doesn't love cocoa this time of year?
I will warn you: Since this is a rarepair, there is no established relationship. Instead, we have a scene were it's obvious a relationship can develop from. I hope it meets your expectations! (also, I only gave this a quick one-over, so apologies for any SPAG)
‘You're the most important person in all of Domino! You have to go!’
Well…Mokuba was right about one thing: He was definitely the most important person in Domino. Having to be present at the Holiday Extravaganza, however…Seto was certain he wouldn't have been missed. The only people who cared about his presence were people wanting him to invest in their crappy startups and single women who wanted to fix his bachelor status…both of which were testing his patience at the moment.
He scoured the room, looking for any excuse to walk away. Normally he'd tell people to just get lost, but Mokuba had made it a point to remind him multiple times that he needed to be ‘nice’ if he wanted to help secure extra funding for the local orphanages. Holding his tongue was proving to be an extreme challenge.
His gaze came to an abrupt halt as he spotted a head of familiar white hair.
He didn't know much about Bakura Ryou, aside from the fact that his father was the curator of the local museum and that his mother and sister had died when he was younger. He knew little else about his former highschool classmate.
Based on Ryou's expression, he was enduring the same agony of having to put on a smile despite not wanting to be there.
A couple of older gentlemen approached him, accompanied by a younger woman. One of the gentlemen seemed to be on very familiar grounds with Ryou, leading Seto to believe it may have been Ryou's father…and based on the series of formal bows, it looked to be that he was trying to set Ryou up with a female relative of an acquaintance.
He vaguely recalled overhearing once that Ryou’s father was fairly absent from his life except for when it was convenient for the man. This event must be one of those ‘convenient’ times.
He could practically sense Ryou's discomfort from across the room, despite his outwardly polite facade. He was certain Ryou was begging for an escape just as much as he was.
He internally groaned. Coming to someone else’s rescue wasn’t exactly something he was in the habit of doing, but it made his blood boil seeing someone else stuck in the predicament of having to be polite and do things against their wishes for the sake of a paternal figure that didn’t give a damn any other time.
Seto excused himself from the small group of people that were easily carrying on a conversation without him and began to cross the room, trying to recall any other pieces of useful information about his former classmate.
He knew Ryou was into games and sometimes hung out with those ‘other nerds’ back in highschool. What else? Hadn’t one of them mentioned in passing that Ryou now worked at his father’s museum? Something about being in charge of creating the dioramas? That meant he had to be pretty good at it. A father that paid little interest to his offspring wouldn’t hire him otherwise, because one bad display would look bad on said father.
That was something Seto could work with.
He approached Ryou, folding his arms across his chest and narrowing his eyes as though he had been inconvenienced.
“Was I not clear in my instructions on where to meet, or have you decided to turn down my offer? Let me know now, because I’d rather not waste time if I should be finding someone else to create a to-scale model of Kaiba Land.”
He was met with three shocked faces…and one mildly confused one. The mildly confused face quickly caught on and smiled in relief.
Ryou gave a respectful bow before speaking.
“Apologies, Kaiba-sama. I thought I still had some time before we met up. I am still very much interested in your offer. Would it be alright if we changed our meeting venue to the coffee shop down the street? I don’t know about you, but I could go for a nice cup of hot chocolate right about now.”
Seto turned while waving a dismissive hand. “Whatever. So long as it’s better than the instant junk they’re serving here.”
He heard Ryou offer a humble apology for having to leave in such an abrupt manner (as well as some subtle disapproval from his father), before his former classmate joined him in walking towards the exit.
Ryou was silent as he fell in-stride beside him, both making their way towards the coffee shop as they had ‘agreed’ upon. Now that they were away from the eyes and ears of the event, Seto could have easily told him to get lost. He was certain his former classmate knew there was no job offer…though now that he’d thought of it, the idea of having a to-scale replica of his theme park was very tempting.
“I’ll just tell him that you changed your mind. If he doesn’t believe me, I’ll just have to remind him that CEO’s change their mind on a whim all the time,” Ryou said with a small smile on his face, breaking the silence between them as they entered the coffee shop.
Seto hid the fact that he was a bit surprised. Ryou was already thinking several steps ahead on how to handle the fact that he wasn’t going to be employed by a very well-known CEO. Beneath that fluffy head of white, he was probably also working out how to handle the backlash that would inevitably come at ‘not being good enough to work for Kaiba Seto’.
“You make the diorama displays at the museum, right?” Seto asked as they took a seat while their drinks were being prepared.
Ryou’s eyes widened a bit, looking a bit surprised. “Yes, I do.”
“Good. That means I’ve chosen the right person to make a miniature Kaiba Land that I can display inside the Welcome Center. It will make a great visual aid for idiots that are too stupid to follow a map.”
Ryou continued to look at him in surprise, along with some confusion thrown in.
“I don’t half-ass things,” Seto explained. “And I’m not known for changing my mind on things of this nature. We’ll stop by my office later and get the details of our contract drawn up.”
He gave a small, subtle smile. “I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t go all-out.”
Ryou continued to stare for a moment longer before a small, genuine smile graced his face, his eyes becoming soft and warm.
Eyes that matched the rich chocolate of the drinks they now held in their hands peered through him, making Seto wonder if Ryou could truly see him.
“Would it be odd to ask for this to be added to our future contract?” Ryou asked.
“And by ‘this’ you mean…?” Seto questioned.
“A trip to this particular coffee shop once a week until the project is finished. Just the two of us being ourselves…and not who everyone expects us to be.”
Seto didn’t know why, but he found himself relaxing enough around his former classmate that he dared to expose a smile that he usually kept hidden to all except Mokuba.
“Compared to some of the things I’ll be requesting, not at all.”
Ryou’s face immediately fell. “Please don’t tell me you want it to be one-tenth scale. That’s essentially just a mini-Kaiba Land for toddlers.”
Seto pretended to think.
“That’s actually not a bad idea…”
“You asked for a model, not a toddler daycare.”
“That idea isn’t too bad either…”
Ryou buried his face in his hands and groaned.
Seto quietly chuckled.
“We’ll talk numbers in my office. Right now, per our future agreement, let's just relax and enjoy our drinks.”
Ryou lowered his hands, wrapping them around his cup…that small smile once again gracing his face.
“Now that sounds like a great idea.”
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phemiec · 1 year
your ocs Hag and Mire seem cool af, I gotta know some headcannons about them please~
Ahh! Thanks! Gives me an excuse to ramble about them under the cut (some bodyhorror stuff under the cut cuz it’s me and and it’s mutants just a heads up)
Okay so… basically in this AU Kurt and Toad have an enemies to friends to boyfriends thing near the end of high school, then go back to enemies after a falling out as the Brotherhood ramp up their violent revolutionary activity and go more underground so they can’t be stopped as easily.
I hc toad as trans in general but in this AU more specifically genderfucky in a kind of amphibious way, and actually giving birth out of his back like a Surinam toad (MAJOR Trypophobia warning if you look that up by the way) and so he thinks he’s just growing a couple new growths on his back and rolls with it cuz, hey, he’s used to his mutation changing his body a lot by now when suddenly OH FUCK WHAT THE FUCKS GOING ON then boom, uh oh, he’s got twins.
Toad doesn’t have any parental instinct at all really but even he knows a freedom fighting domestic terrorist cell is no place for babies so he breaks into the Xavier Institute in the middle of the night through Kurt’s window and leaves the girls with just a note that says “sorry. -t”
Kurt is obviously stunned and tries to find and confront him but no luck, the brotherhood are laying way low and using unknown tech to block Cerebro. Hank does some paternity test and finds out, yup, these are Kurt’s and Todd’s kids. Kurt has….a bit of an adjustment period, as well as some explaining to do as his and Todd’s relationship hadn’t exactly been in the open.
between everyone at the institute helping him though, he has a village of support in raising the kids, and he really does love them once he allows himself to accept that he’s actually a father, and he takes to it well. He is very doting and supportive but sometimes acts more like a friend than a parent. He’s not a great disciplinarian.
anyway on to the girls!
Hailey (Hag) is tough and rebellious and full of energy from a young age, she is always pushing limits, breaking rules and trying to come along on missions and combat training basically as soon as she can walk and talk. She has a tough time making friends and even as they grow up and more young mutant students closer to her age are recruited, she keeps to herself.
Especially after her acid spit and poisonous claws show up, she keeps everyone at arms length literally and figuratively. the only person she’s at all close to is her sister Mila, who she is very possessive of. She acts tough but is pretty sensitive to perceived rejection so it’s really more of a “hurt them before they hurt you” thing. Though she has some hero worship of the older mutants especially Wolverine as a kid and tries to impress him whenever he’s around, she quickly grows out of that.
Mila (Mire) on the other hand, is very social and curious, she is constantly asking questions and shadowing the adults and other students as a child. She is a dad’s girl for sure, but also thinks of Beast and Forge as paternal figures, ultimately she ends up working alongside them in the science lab quite a lot when she grows up.
She is extremely interested in mutant biology and the science of mutation more so than she is in fighting or politics. Though she is eccentric, and sometimes gleeful over things others find morbid, she is well liked by most of the other x-men because of her genuine, open minded and enthusiastic nature. She loves her sister very much and accepts her abrasive personality as just a quirk of character. Mila is the only person in the institute that isn’t a little unnerved or intimidated by Hailey, and in turn Mila is the only person Hailey fully trusts.
anyway eventually once they’re fighting out in the field they inevitably encounter Toad and he’s like “Oh shit! You’re those weird things that came outa me! I guess we should talk or something?” Kurt hasn’t told them anything about their other parent, so the girls agree, suspiciously but curiously, to sneak out and secretly meet up with Todd outside of battle.
when they meet it’s incredibly awkward for all of them, but Todd very plainly explains everything, and it matches up with what they’ve figured out so far. Mila sneaks some DNA from one of his hairs, and after it comes back positive the girls confront Kurt. Who sheepishly and regretfully fills in the blanks.
this is enough for Mila who has had her curiosity satisfied, but Hailey is furious. She is enraged that the enemy they’ve been fighting this whole time has been her other parent, and it spurs her paranoia over what else the institute’s been keeping from them. she keeps meeting up with Todd secretly on her own, and eventually meets the other brotherhood members and is gradually swayed over to their motives and methods.
Now feeling like her whole childhood was a lie, she tries to get Mila to leave with her and join the brotherhood, but when she won’t, Hailey feels fully betrayed, as though Mila is choosing everyone else over her. She leaves and joins the BH, and from then on it’s parent and child versus parent and child! Kurt and Mila are devastated and keep trying to get her back, but every attempt just bolsters her resolve, especially as she gets closer with Todd and forms bonds with the brotherhood members she never had with any of the x-men.
if there’s any reconciliation in sight I haven’t thought it up yet but that’s where they’re at in that drawing.
thanks for the interest! Been a while since I made such self indulgent OCs but I love them a lot lol.
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James Keene: Ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes.
Note: This is for @stronglyobsessed I hope that you enjoy this little imagine that is full of fluff and baby cuteness.
Thank you for your request!
P.S: I read today that the real Jimmy Keene entered into real estate when he was released from prison so I used that in here. Also, shoutout to @tremendousdreambanana​ for helping me with the baby name.
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For Jimmy Keene, life after prison was a little rocky. He had to re-learn what it was like to live in a society where he wasn’t under surveillance 24/7, where he could do what he wanted, when he wanted to do it and the food, man the food was pure heaven. So much better then he remembered.
The best thing about being in the world was getting to meet new people and 5 months after he was released, Jimmy met Amelia.
Amelia Joyce was a sweet woman and worked as a librarian’s assistant. She had always loved books and having the chance to escape reality for however long a book was. It brought her joy and brought her heart so much happiness. Her favorite kind of books though were children’s books, with her most favorite being ‘If you give a mouse a cookie.’ It always made her giggle.
The pair of them met when Amelia had moved into his neighborhood. It was a picturesque part of the city and Amelia immediately fell in love with it and the people that resided there, though at first, she was a little weary of Jimmy. He didn’t exactly pique her interest but over time he managed to win her over and they eventually tied the knot in a lavish Chicago style wedding full of laughter, tears and food. Not to mention, extremely loud Italians thanks to Jimmy’s massive family.
Flashing forward two years, Jimmy and Amelia had set up house in a quieter neighborhood away from the hustle and bustle of the city but still close enough to some good schools for all future children they planned on having or at least that was until Amelia got pregnant and experienced all the horrendous symptoms of pregnancy. She was sure that this was the only child she’d be having. Jimmy on the other hand wanted the big family.
With that being said, today was a cool and breezy Friday and Amelia was in the kitchen making meals to freeze for when the baby made their arrival. Normally she wouldn’t want to move very much during the day as her aches and pains usually got the best of her but for whatever reason, Amelia felt so much better. She felt like she had so much energy and like she could move with no problems at all.
So far, she had taken the time to wash laundry, wash the windows that she could reach without her husband’s help, moved things around in the nursery, made sure she had everything ready for the hospital minus the last-minute things, made the bed in her and Jimmy’s room. Put away his clothes that he had washed the day prior but forgot to put away. The list was rather endless with tasks she had completed.
By the time 5pm rolled around, Amelia had all her freezer meals stacked in an orderly fashion in the freezer. She was in the middle of stirring the rice when she felt two arms attempt to wrap around her protruding belly. She chuckled when Jimmy gave up and placed his hands on her belly instead.
“I thought I told you to rest today.” Jimmy whispered as he kissed her cheek before pulling away to get himself a glass of water. It was rather tiring selling houses all day.
“You did but I never agreed to that.” Amelia told him with a glimmer of cheek in her eye. Jimmy smiled at her and playfully rolled his eyes.
“Anyway, how was work?” Amelia continued, changing the subject. Jimmy shrugged.
“I received a few more listings today so that was good. I also put in my request for paternity leave.” Jimmy explained. Amelia simply nodded as she went about adding the finishing touches to their homemade curry dinner. It had been something she was craving lately and since she was getting closer to the end of this pregnancy journey, she figured she’d see if the old wives tales were right, and it would send her into labour.
“Sounds exhausting. I don’t think I could do what you do.” Amelia noted.
“It can be exhausting but knowing you are waiting for me on the other end of a long ass day makes it all worth it.” He replied making her blush.
“Why don’t you go wash up, dinner is almost ready.” Amelia said.
“Don’t go into labour while I’m gone.” He teased as he made his exit from the large, spacious and brightly marbled kitchen.
“I haven’t yet.” She called. Jimmy smiled to himself at that as he raced up the staircase. He really was in love with the woman in the kitchen.
Once showered, dressed and feeling more relaxed, Jimmy hurried to the small breakfast nook where he and Amelia ate their meals on the daily. Except when he entered the space, he saw Amelia sitting down and leaning forward with her eyes closed. It worried him to say the least.
“Mia, honey, are you ok?” He asked, laying his hand on her shoulder. Amelia nodded and slowly opened her eyes to look up at him.
“Yeah, I’m alright. Just been a big day.” She said but the truth was, she had been having strange little tinges since before Jimmy left for work that morning. So while she got a lot of things tackled, she had to do so while resting when she could and by moving at her own pace.
Jimmy didn’t look too convinced, but he trusted his wife to tell him if she was in pain.
“How was your day?” Jimmy asked as he sat down, and Mia dished up his food for him. She knew she didn’t have to but serving others was part of her love language.
“It was good. I got some things done and may or may not have moved things around in the nursery.” Mia said the last part quietly as she knew that Jimmy didn’t like her moving the heavy items by herself in case she got hurt.
Jimmy nodded and got stuck into his food, moans of approval escaping his mouth as the flavors embraced his tongue.
“Oh my god babe, this is incredible.” He practically shouted. Amelia laughed and shook her head. She knew that with everything that Jimmy had been through, he had a newfound appreciation for things, and this meant a new appreciation for food he didn’t get to have when he was on the inside.
“Thanks Jimmy.” Amelia said as she took a well needed drink of her water. Fuck she was thirsty.
Jimmy smiled at her and winked, knowing that it would make her blush which is something that he loved to do.
“Well, if you love this, you’ll love dessert.” Amelia told him. Jimmy raised his brow and smirked at her.
Later the next day as Jimmy sat in his home office going over some paperwork for his meeting the next week, Amelia was busy in the nursery giving it one more vacuum as she felt like today was the day the baby was sure to arrive. Of course she hadn’t told Jimmy that yet. She wanted to make sure that what she was currently dealing with was the real deal before pulling the man from his office.
Once the vacuuming was done, she put the machine away and then went around the house just making sure that everything was in order; in it’s proper place. When she was fully and completely satisfied with how the house sat, Mia went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for herself and Jimmy. She pulled out the deli meat she had purchased earlier in the week, cheese, tomato, lettuce, cucumber and onions; not forgetting about all the sauces they each liked on their sandwiches.
Just as she went to close Jimmy’s sandwich to cut it, she felt a trickle of something warm rolling down her leg. She knew what that meant but if she was honest, she was expecting her water breaking to be the same as they show in films and on tv. Huge gushes of water in excessive amounts with a very watery consistency. It wasn’t. It was more like the feeling of egg whites rolling down her leg slowly and in little bits. A little sticky too if she was honest.
Amelia took a deep breath and shook her head. It was go time.
“Jimmy!” She called, hoping that he’d answer her but what she didn’t know was that he was on a phone call and didn’t hear her as he was too concentrated on the person he was talking to.
Amelia gave him a few minutes before she tried calling his name again. All that did was earn her another silent gap. She really didn’t want to climb the staircase to his office.
Huffing in annoyance, Mia gathered up her strength and waddled to the bottom of the staircase. Thank the lord she had her hospital stuff by the front door.
“Jimmy!” She called louder, hoping that this time he’d answer. He did but it wasn’t the answer she needed from him.
“Amelia, I’m on the phone. I’ll be there after.” He said, thinking that she was calling him for lunch.
“Jimmy, my water broke!” Mia hollered, getting fed up by this point. The pain she was feeling before now intensifying, making her legs feel weak.
Jimmy stilled. Did she really say what he thought she did?
“What?” He called back, wanting to confirm.
“Jim, hospital, now.” Mia said as the strongest contraction she had felt yet crashed over her in a tidal wave.
Jimmy quickly ended the call and before she knew it, she and Jimmy were on the way to the hospital.
10 hours, 2 minutes and 6 seconds later, Mia and Jimmy sat side by side on the hospital bed admiring their littlest miracle, Paisley Italia.
The little one was perfect. She had a good mix of both her parents in her. Paisley had her father’s nose and lips but the rest of her -at least to the proud new father- was all her mother.
“Hi pretty girl.” Amelia whispered, laying a tiny kiss to the baby’s button nose. Paisley squeaked and tried to push her mother away.
“Already not a fan of kisses from mommy.” Jimmy said just as Sammy and his father walked into the room to meet their newest grandchild.
Jimmy stood from the bed and went to go and sit by his father while Sammy made her way over to Amelia and Paisley.
“Oh honey, how are you feeling?” Sammy asked, tucking a strand of hair behind Amelia’s ear. Amelia smiled up at her and looked at her husband.
“I’m exhausted, in so much pain but I’ve never been this happy in my life.” Amelia answered truthfully, making the Keene men smile.
Never in a million years did big Jim think that he’d get to see his son settle down and have a family of his own but here he was, sitting in the hospital room of his son and daughter-in-law, meeting their child. It was a dream come true for the older man and he wasn’t afraid of shedding a couple tears.
“Dad, what’s wrong?” Jimmy asked, concerned. Big Jim waved his son off but turned his head, so it was easier to wipe his tears away.
“Oh don’t mind him. He’s happy is all.” Sammy answered. Jimmy smiled and placed his hand on his father’s knee.
“Why don’t you take this one over to meet their grandpa.” Amelia suggested to Sammy. The woman beamed and held out her arms for the baby.
Amelia placed Paisley in her grandmother’s arms and watched as the woman walked over to where Jimmy and his father sat.
Jimmy silently stood and helped Sammy sit down before he made his way back over to his wife who lay tired but unbelievably delighted.
“So dad, what do you think?” Jimmy asked. Big Jim looked at his son and gave him a slight smile and nod of his head.
“I think you did good son.” He replied as Paisley gripped onto her grandpa’s index finger.
Amelia took hold of Jimmy’s hand, brought it up to her lips and kissed the back of it. She was very proud of how far Jimmy had come and knowing that she was part of his life and got to witness what his future held made this moment so much more meaningful.
“Have you decided on a name for this one?” Sammy asked.
Jimmy and Mia looked at each other and grinned.
“We’ve decided to name her Paisley.” Mia replied.
Both Big Jim and Sammy smiled. They had a granddaughter and boy was she cute.
“Paisley Italia.” Jimmy stated, making his father look up at him. The baby now held the same name as Big Jim’s mother. The same one that meant so much to Jimmy.
Big Jim simply gave his son another nod and looked back down at his tiny grandbaby.
“I think Nona would be honoured.” Big Jim said, mainly to Paisley but loud enough for her parents to hear as well.
“We wanted her to have a name that stood for something. A name that holds great value for Jim.” Mia said, referring to her husband. Sammy beamed at the new parents.
“Well, she’s absolutely perfect. Her cute little face, cute little hands, cute little feet. Everything about her is magic.” Sammy gushed. She loved grandma hood.
“Thank you, Sammy.” Mia said.
The rest of the visit went well and before they knew it, it was time to leave and time for Paisley to eat once more.
Sammy and Big Jim bid goodbye to Jimmy, Mia and Paisley, leaving the family to enjoy some well-earned baby cuddles.
“She’s beautiful Jimmy. Thank you for helping me make her.” Mia said, letting a yawn escape her lips.
Jimmy came to sit next to her on the bed just as he had done previously and placed his arm around her shoulders as Paisley suckled on her mother’s breast.
“Our beautiful girl with her ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes.” He replied, noting the small appendages poking out from her baby blanket.
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waywardfaerie555 · 2 years
What Will October Bring?
Pick a Card Reading
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Card 1 Card 2 Card 3
Choose the image which resonates more with you.
Please feel free to like, reblog and follow to keep up to date with new posts :) I also accept tips via my P*yp*I, Ko-fi and Buy me a coffee links in bio, it's not required but greatly appreciated. I also offer personal tarot commissions, the post is pinned :)
Card One:
The Emperor
The Emperor represents a strategic thinker who sets out plans that he must see through. He is a symbol of the masculine principle - the paternal figure in life that gives structure, creates rules and systems, and imparts knowledge. Though he is a ruler, he understands that to reign is also to serve - thus he acts rationally and according to what is for the greater good of the kingdom. To see him in a reading presents a chance to grow in terms of the goals that you have set for yourself. It presents a successful future as long as you pursue your goals similar to the fashion that the Emperor does, methodically, and strategically.When you see him in a reading, a possible interpretation is that you could be put in charge of something important. It could be a position at work or in any kind of organization or institution that desperately needs order and a clear decisive mind. You may be called to act in the place of the Emperor, using his wisdom to bring clarity to the project.
The Emperor card is calling on you to bring common sense, structure, discipline and logic to relationships and romance. Relationships around this tarot card may be rather traditional (not referring only to straight relationships), and perhaps stifling if not handled too carefully. This could relate to someone in the relationship being unable to communicate their feelings and needs in the relationship. Sometimes, this card however, can also symbolize a person driven by ego, who is domineering and bullying, and unable to empathize with others.
If you are struggling with any issues with Career and Finances, The Emperor is calling on you to be disciplined, efficient and persistent when it comes to getting what you want out of your job, or job search. If your office, or your work process is a bit chaotic or frustrating right now, it may be helpful for you to step up and introduce new methodologies or structures that can help you and your teammates collaborate more efficiently. This card can also point to having a more senior colleague or boss that can provide you with support and advice in your career. When it comes to your finances, the Emperor signals the need to be controlled, disciplined and responsible with your money. Make sure that you have a clear understanding of where your money is going; put together a budget, make sure you stick to it, and check in every month or so. So long as you can keep it up, you’ll likely be in a good financial position.
Card Two:
The Queen of Wands
In general, the Queen of wands in a reading meaning may depict a person of extreme focus and fiery passion. She is courageous and individualistic, though at times she may appear self-centered. They have a positive and an uplifting energy; they represent someone who is willing to be by your side and stand up for you. If the card represents you, then The Queen of Wands is asking that you start showing up for yourself. Confidence is key and being able to be yourself without fear of judgment from others is her message.
The Queen of Wands in a love reading can be encouragement to be open and proud of your individuality and go out in the world and mingle. You can stop worrying about how you appear or how others perceive you and simply enjoy being around others. Your courage and self-possessed nature will draw others to you and inspire them to do the same. If you’re in a couple, you may find success being more open than ever with your partner. This honesty and frankness can draw you closer together. The Queen of Wands is also a very sensual character; this can also be a time of greater intimacy between lovers.
If you are facing challenges with your career, The Queen of Swords is here to remind you that you have both the energy and the ability to execute your ideas at work. Whatever you are facing in your career, you can approach it with determination and passion. This drive can apply to your general situation at work or might be more specific to your position. You might already be in a leading role in your career. It could be that you mentor others or are about to start serving as a role model. Regardless of the specifics, you are a force in your field. Right now, you have the energy and passion to lead others in a way that is particularly meaningful and positive. Use this time to advance in your career and to support those around you to the best of your abilities.
If this is needed in relation to your finances, The Queen of Wands is here to remind you that you are able to make smart financial decisions at the moment. Whatever you choose to do is likely the result of careful planning and consideration. Do not get distracted or go too far off course (it is easy to get caught up in a spending spree), but if you focus, you are able to spend some money without serious repercussions. This might be a good time to expand your financial profile as you are able to evaluate stocks and other goods with a level head. Trust your instincts, however, if something feels wrong, it likely is. Your mind is in an ideal place to evaluate what is and is not a wise choice, trust it.
Card Three:
The Two of Wands
This tarot card is all about planning and moving forward – progression. Discovery is being considered as another two of wands meaning. This is because it means that you are stepping out of your cocoon and exploring new experiences and worlds. While the beginning might seem tough and difficult, the Two of Wands card encourages you to strive on and push forward. The Two of Wands card also means that you are beginning to realize your objectives and long-term goals before you set out to achieve these objectives. In other words, you have strived to get to where you are and now, moving forward, you have your long-term goals in mind.
What goals do you have when it comes to your romantic life right now? The Two of Wands tarot can signal that you’re in the process of considering changes, and making the plans to do so. If you’re in a relationship, you have the chance right now to make adjustments. If you are considering taking your commitment to the next level, this card suggests great promise, so long as you do the work to envision exactly what you want, and put your thoughts into action. Communicate with your partner, and create a path together into the future that you both want. Decisions you make together now can have the profound ability to push the two of you closer together.
When upright in the career position, The Two of Wands signifies that you are making plans for your future career. You may be taking a look at your ambitions and charting a path towards that dream. You can be considering the ideal company to work for, what your specialty may be, or laying down plans to start your own business. This can be an exciting time for you as your dreams are taking shape. Let these first steps be a strong motivation to continue down this path.
When it comes to your finances, The Two of Wands represents financial stability. This stability does not necessarily mean overflowing wealth but signifies that your situation is comfortable and steady. You may be comfortable enough to be making plans for your long term financial future. It is a good time to make conscious choices without fear of serious repercussions. If you have access to money, consider investing it in savings.
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microsuedemouse · 11 months
you know the character trope - pretty much exclusively used for villains - of the woman who possesses the power to make any and every man around her fall in love (lust) with her, and thus she builds an army of slobbering man-drones to do her bidding? I often seem to have a similar effect, except only on men maybe 20+ years my senior, and instead of inspiring sexual desire I bring out their fatherly affections.
I don’t know exactly why this happens, but it’s been pretty consistent throughout my adult life, and especially obvious when I’m working in retail (and also during my summer at the optometrist’s office). it comes up a lot at the grocery store. I can think of a couple instances of this phenomenon off the top of my head, like the time I quipped to a customer that I had to do something ‘so I don’t get in trouble.’
“Pshh, that doesn’t happen!” said the guy behind him in line, immediately.
“Yeah, I can’t really imagine it,” agreed the man in front of me.
“All she’d have to do is smile and all would be forgiven!”
(Both older gentlemen, both being utterly sweet even while joking around. 😭)
Or, as another example - if you’re working in the last hour-ish of the day, you’ll see a lot of the night crew trickling in, and many of them will do a quick shopping run before they clock in, so at cash we get to know their faces. One of the night managers, Mark, is a very pleasant guy around my parents’ age. One evening I was bagging Mark’s groceries while my coworker Colin rung him up, and Mark glanced over and commented how much he liked seeing me when he came in. “Her smile just lights everything right up, eh? Don’t you think?” he asked, looking expectantly at Colin.
Colin, who is nine years my junior and did not know me well enough yet at that point to be 100% smooth playing along, initially just grinned, with a touch of amusement (whether more at Mark or at my own mild floundering at the compliment, I’m still not sure). When he realised Mark was looking for an actual response, he just chuckled, “I’d say so, yeah.” At which point Mark nodded, pleased to be in agreement, and paid for his groceries.
I do not know how I have this effect on people at 28 years old, even taking into account the fact that I’m often mistaken for younger. When I was an adorable (plus smart and polite - killer combo with the grownups) little girl, it made sense that dads loved me. Now? Who knows! I mean, I’ll certainly take it over being hit on, which I’m extremely grateful to say has never happened to me at work. The only flirting I receive is the silly and decidedly harmless kind that comes from grandpa-type men who are, sincerely, just being playful. These interactions aren’t the untoward kind - they’re more reminiscent, to me, of the way my own dad treats my female friends: respectful, fond and sweet, caring. The vibe is like, this man would probably be happy to give me some sound advice and a lift home from the slumber party.
But yeah. I very consistently bring out the fatherly/grandfatherly affection in seemingly any man over the age of 50 or so who has an ounce of paternal kindness in him. And I do so more than many of my female friends or coworkers do. Is it because I look so young? Because I don’t wear makeup and I dress more like a kid than a ~Grown Woman~? It’s true that in my head I’m little more than an overgrown child, but does that energy actually come through - in a positive fashion, no less - to other people (and especially dad types)? Do I just exude some kind of undefinable Beloved (Grand)Daughter vibes?
I don’t actually remember what on earth got me thinking about this tonight, tbh. But I had to get my rambles out, so here you are. This is my weird tiny useless superpower: I attract fatherliness, entirely without meaning to. I feel like there must be a way to leverage this ability, but I’m not sure what it is? Also I’d be a terrible supervillain anyway.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
Ello, happy Blursday! <3 Give me a blorbo from North Pointe, please. Or go off about Solomon, if that's too spoilery, you're choice. <3 I'm just here shaking with excitement towards everything that's Second Serpent.
I have no blorbos from North Pointe yet! There's Delilah who is the ADC Rep there, but I would not call her a blorbo so much as one more oppositional force to the political B-plot. There will certainly be blorbos from there someday, but today is not that day.
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CW: ritualistic self-harm and radical religious views.
Dick Soloman is the leader of the Lower London Liberation, the mind behind the very icky "Project Bloom" experiments, and a devout Rapturist.
Rapturists are religious radicals who believe the Spacebelt Incident and subsequent wars were an aborted "rapture." According to their doctrine, all people who are currently living are either the descendants of the corrupted "unworthy" or are the descendants of angels in human form. After the Spacebelt, the angels supposedly took pity on humankind. They chose to forget their divine heritage and become human, to join civilization in an attempt to save as many souls as possible before the next Rapture.
The "Project Bloom" human experiments (which created Rhen, Rowan, Kainnon, and Antoni) were his attempt to revive the dormant divine souls of the angels. He believes that the next Rapture is nigh and, to his benefit... there's definitely some big shit brewing.
Soloman lives by the tenet that pain is a necessary and deserved part of the human experience, and that embracing pain is the only true bridge to enlightenment. He keeps a strict diet of intermittent fasts and extremely small amounts of food, which contributes to a gaunt and sickly appearance. His skin is covered in scarifications and tattoos-- goetia and occult sigils which supposedly give him certain protections from evil. Although the Liberation makes half of its revenue from basement suite implant surgeries, Soloman refuses to have his kneecap replaced. His cane is inlaid with goetia as well, which allows the cane to work as sort of a... metaphysical taser? It zaps, but it zaps your soul. Ouchie.
His eye is the only in-body prosthetic he has. He can't see out of it, not really, but he would tell you that it allows him to recognize "dormant divine energies." Schmidt & Foster Y-clearance would have a gasp, since what it really does is spot what they refer to as "special births."
Lastly, Soloman is Rowan Faraday's father figure... of sorts. Rowan is one of his human experiments from the Project Bloom days, and that's pretty fucked up, but if you asked, they would both tell you the same thing: That they have mutual respect for, and have chosen a life in service to, one another. He considers Rowan to be an actual divine being, and he treats her with a distant sort of lima-syndrome-esque paternal affection.
To sum, he's entirely out of his gourd, but he's also intelligent and oddly charming and not QUITE evil enough at the moment to do away with... yet. Writing interactions between him and Rowan are fascinating explorations of Stockholm Syndrome/ Lima Syndrome, and how closely those things can resemble "love."
He's exactly the kind of complicated, fucked up character I love.
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georgieluz · 7 months
Maxi???? What a basic choice (jks) my faves were mouse, matt dee and bisho lmao . I feel like leckie or sledge would get stuck in the tower for sure and everyone would just be howling. Leckie would bog the fucking buggy, forget just knocking the garage door off, and then refuse help to dig it out. Jay on shark duty would be so fucking funny, clinging to the jet ski for dear fucking life while someone is like its just a shark its not gonna eat you. I feel like chuckler defo has a picture of him fake kissing a dead shark or something like that one episode. Or snaf doing a jethro dislocated shoulder green whistle moment, high as a fucking kite just mumbling bullshit. Harries/AckAck sat in the tower with a lil lost kid is <333 paternal instincts kicking in. All lost kids/mums/drunk beachgoers/eddie love him. Hes rescuing sharks from the pool. Hes dressed as santa on the beach (?????). Hes in love with david hasselhoff.
The iron man challenge would be so competitive. Everyone (snaf) would fuck with each other like how they lubed up one of the boards. Snaf gives me Jessie vibes especially when he goes and surfs the massive swell on lunch break like nbd. Or when he is like “oh I can totally catch a rat no problem yous are all pussies” and it backfires. Ugh so many things u are a genius for connecting the two
Noo I used to watch it all the time. Then they started uploading episodes to utube and it was like bang lets go rewatch em all. Such good trashy TV. Shame more people don’t watch it
damn, anon </3 maxi rights!!
it's not rly about favourites in that instance tho, tbh, it's more about the sheer amount of episodes he's in and how much i've watched lately, like i've watched so much that both him and harries in a dress have appeared in my dreams lmao.. but that aside, i do like maxi a lot actually.. the firefighter thing definitely helps lol, like maybe it's basic but how am i gonna say no to stanning a firefighter-lifeguard hybrid.. like c'mon i'm gay, it's gonna work on me! i also think his work educating families about water safety is really nice too.
i don't think i have an official list of faves, i'd need to think about it more, but mouse is definitely one of my favourites too! top 3 for sure! the episode with him and matt dee having opposite extremes of good/bad luck was so funny! and i always love it when he appears in an episode. i really like gonzo, deano, chappo, and bagus too... bagus always makes me laugh, like you think he's gonna be all laddish but then he's actually not?? like he's funny and jokes around but then he has little moments where he's very open and i don't wanna say vulnerable bc that's a bit too deep for what i'm actually talking about lol, but like he doesn't try to act all like he knows everything or like he's a bigshot or whatever. idk. it's just refreshing? he reminds me of someone i know irl as well, so i feel like that probably helps. mario was so adorable too, he was definitely one of my faves. and i would say that i like harrison quite a bit too.. like he's gone from the sweet somewhat naive newbie to a pretty funny dude, so yeah, i do like him too. deano has such big dad energy, but like a dad who plays practical jokes on his kids, but who is also really wholesome. i really liked him in the bali episodes. there are a few others who i like too, but who haven't been in it as much, or i haven't seen the eps that they're in more of, so i don't feel like i know them well enough to call them my favourites yet.
poor jay on net duty, like i 100% can see it so clearly. just clinging onto the back of the jetski, refusing to get in the water, whilst whoever he's with is like "ohhh i think i spotted one!"
and snafu on the green whistle, ABSOLUTELY!! he would be talking sooooo much shit lmao but tbh his personality is kinda green whistle vibes already so would it even be that noticeable lol
i was watching the episode where he rescues the baby shark just the other night actually... very ack ack coded! can def imagine ack ack soaking up the love and attention of all the kids and families, and eddie standing to the side affectionately rolling his eyes.
i feel like snafu and burgie together would get up to A LOT of jesse antics! just imagine the two of them trying to get the rat out of the skate bowl.. absolute disaster.
right???? sometimes the world just needs a good trashy tv show that isn't a dating show bc we do not need any more of those, my god, but this type of trashy reality (or "factual" as they call it) tv.. yes please!
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aiyamai07 · 1 year
Trying to forgive myself for being so stupid. I thought extreme effort was true love. I thought someone going out of his way for me was genuine love. I thought dedicating his social media to me was love. It turns out that's he's a deceiver. He's Sauron.
Again, the love of money triumphed over me. I work extremely hard for everything I have, but I'm not rich. I wasn't born into a wealthy family that goes to Europe yearly. I don't have a mansion with a pool and wealthy parents to support me. I don't work in a high-paying job because I want to lead a career I'm genuinely in love with. And I am, but that's another story.
People are scarily good at pretending they love you when all they want is to destroy you. I don't want to be destroyed. Do I have a sign above my head saying, “destroy Aiya?” I have been there before and it took all my power not to become a heartless wench. Now, I'm fighting that part of me, the monster who wants to become a jaded and cold-hearted soul.
The worst part? As with every man I've ever loved, I will always love this person. I can't help it. It's in my nature to love people unconditionally. But unconditional love is not an excuse for unconditional tolerance. Now, I'm setting boundaries and focusing my energy to people who genuinely appreciate me. And I can always have love for people in my heart. In my heart only, not in my life. It is what it is, and he doesn't deserve my sparkle.
Like my biological father. He's still my father but I've maintained a respectful distance from him and my paternal family side out of self-care.
Until the day a man chooses his love for me over money, I will retain my purity. Sometimes, I don't want to anymore but God wants me to give it to the real king of my heart.
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heinrich-hertz · 2 years
The Life of Heinrich Hertz
Born in Hamburg on February 22, 1857, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was the eldest of five children. His mother was Anna Elizabeth Pfefferkorn Hertz, daughter of a physician, and his father was Gustav Ferdinand Hertz, a respected lawyer who would later become a legislator. His paternal grandfather was a wealthy Jewish businessman who married into a Lutheran family and became a Christian. 
Hertz was raised in the Lutheran faith by both of his parents. His parents, on the other hand, were more concerned with his education than with his religious affiliation.
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Twelve-year-old Heinrich Hertz with his father, mother, and two younger brothers.
Hertz started at the Dr. Wichard Lange School in Hamburg when he was six years old. Friedrich Wichard Lange, a well-known educator, ran this private school for boys. The school had no religious influence and used child-centered teaching methods that took into account students' individual differences. It was also strict; students were expected to work hard and compete with one another to be at the top of their class. Yet, Heinrich enjoyed his time at school, and was top of his class.
Hertz demonstrated an advanced aptitude for mathematics in his youth, and he took extra geometry lessons on Sundays. He also had a strong interest in languages, learning Latin, Greek, Arabic, and Sanskrit quickly. At the same time, he demonstrated a practical ability in drawing, sculpture, and handicraft. 
Heinrich showed an interest in building things as a child, and he created models and began building increasingly complex scientific apparatus, such as a spectroscope. He also experimented with physics and chemistry using this apparatus. And as a teenager, he built a spectroscope and a galvanometer that were so well designed that Hertz used them throughout his college years. After a year of working at the public works office in Frankfurt, a summer of classes at the Polytechnic in Dresden, a year of military service in Berlin, and a brief stint in the engineering department at the University of Munich, Hertz decided to pursue the subject that piqued his interest the most: science.
Hertz read science books and experimented as a hobby throughout his life. But, once he decided to pursue science as a career, he devoted himself to these tasks with even greater zeal. He studied various scientific treatises during the winter of 1877, and the following spring, he gained laboratory experience by working with Gustav von Jolly. 
He then enrolled at the University of Berlin, where he had the opportunity to study under the great German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz at the age of 21. With Helmholtz's encouragement, the University of Berlin's Philosophy Department offered a prize to the student who could solve the problem: Does electricity move with inertia? Alternatively, the question could be phrased as follows: Does electric current have mass? Or, as Hertz put it, "Does electric current have kinetic energy?"
Hertz decided to compete for a research prize and began conducting experiments on the subject, and this method of learning seemed to suit him. During that time, he confided in a letter to his family,
“I cannot tell you how much more satisfaction it gives me to gain knowledge for myself and for others directly from nature, rather than to be merely learning from others and myself alone.” (1878)
At the age of 22, Hertz was awarded the prize in August of 1879 for his evidence demonstrating that electricity had no inertia. In a series of extremely sensitive experiments, he demonstrated that if electric current has any mass at all, it must be extremely small. His prize-winning work was published in the prestigious journal Annalen der Physik.
Helmholtz soon proposed another prize problem, this time challenging students to determine which of the theories of electromagnetic phenomena at the time was correct. However, interestingly, Hertz did not choose to compete for this prize, but he would be the first person to successfully provide the kind of conclusive evidence that Helmholtz sought years later. 
Instead of focusing on the prize, he completed an outstanding three-month project on electromagnetic induction by rotating spheres and wrote this into a thesis. His work in this area enabled him to complete his doctorate degree early, in 1880, magna cum laude. Hertz wrote later that year:
“I grow increasingly aware, and in more ways than expected, that I am at the center of my own field; and whether it be folly or wisdom, it is a very pleasant feeling.” (1880)
Hertz was promoted to the rank of assistant professor by Helmholtz and he worked in Helmholtz's laboratory until 1883, during which time he published 15 papers in academic journals.
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Heinrich Hertz and his colleagues.
Personal Life and His Legacy
Hertz married Elizabeth Doll in Karlsruhe in 1886, when he was 29 years old. She was the mathematician's daughter. Johanna and Mathilde were their two daughters. Mathilde rose to prominence as a biologist, making groundbreaking discoveries about how animals solve problems. 
At the age of 35, Hertz became very ill and suffered from severe migraines. Doctors suspected he had an infection. Hence, they performed a series of procedures, but Hertz's condition worsened. He died on January 1, 1894, at the age of 36, in Bonn, of blood-vessel inflammation caused by immune system problems, specifically, granulomatosis with polyangiitis. He was laid to rest in the Ohlsdorf Cemetery in Hamburg, his hometown. 
Heinrich Hertz was posthumously recognized by the International Electrotechnical Commission in 1930 for his contributions to electromagnetic research by naming the unit of frequency hertz after him. By the 1970s, this unit had largely replaced the previously used measurement of cycles per second. Today, the unit hertz is used in a variety of applications ranging from radio broadcasting to measuring the frequency of light reflected by printer inks to measuring the speed of computer processing chips.
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Elizabeth Hertz, wife of Heinrich Hertz, and their eldest daughter, Johanna in 1889.
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omegaobeyme · 3 years
how would they all react to a small thicc omega mc??
The boys' reaction to a thicc!Omega MC
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- His first thought is 100% going to be about how much of a pain it will be having to watch over such an attractive omega - Especially protecting you from his own brothers - Thankfully, this leads you two getting closer as you spend more time together - Grows to love you - Protective, but won't admit jealousy - Won't ask, but loves when you curl into his bed for the night and cuddle him - "Are you sure you don't want me to mask your scent today, MC?"
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- Asks you to read him stories just to have the opportunity to stare - Takes every opportunity to sit next to you in class, so long as Simeon allows - When you two are close, he'll ask you to purr to calm his emotions - Appreciates the way you can balance him out
- Naturally looks out for you where can - However, he tends to take his anger too far when it comes to protecting you - He fears being near you in your heat, and ends up confessing his love for you to Lucifer in order to protect you. - Being a newer demon, his rut come easily...and every few months he tends to disappear out of nowhere - If you bug him on it, he'll admit his feelings for you - Perhaps you could convince him to stay and rut with you?
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- Brings you to clubs and events to brag about the two hottest people in the devildom - Shows you off to EVERYONE, no exceptions - Dresses you up in clothing so provocative Lucifer has to teach him a lesson on what's appropriate for a human omega - AFFECTION - "Mc, sweetie, would you like to take a bath with me? I've set up my most expensive herbs for us! ;)" - Constantly has his hands all over you - Makes no attempt to hide his lust for you - Comfortable with you to the point he is able to present as an omega - Loves to purr with you
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- He's attracted, but he feels conflicted having not known you long - Tries to avoid too much confrontation - If you make him food, this will break the ice between you and allow him to let go - Tries to feed you, making it extremely obvious when he gives you half his plate in the middle of dinner. - Talks to Belphegor about you constantly - Increases his work outs to impress you - If you ask to work out with him, he'll say yes .. but not much work out will be done - He's too busy fending off other demons, making sure you're comfortable
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- Obsseses over you - You remind him of the centuries before Lilith's passing, when gods and goddesses were made to be full-figured - If you're not in a relationship, he will constantly mask your scent while you sleep together - Hates anyone whose scent is anything more than friendly to you - Will not leave you alone (if he can help it.) - Feels comfortable enough to present as omega with you, allowing you into his nest - Cuddles with you are just the best .. perhaps he finds it hard to sleep without you around - If you go into heat with him in a safe place, it triggers his Alpha side to present - Only in rut is he desperate enough to give the energy to top for long periods of time
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- IN LOVE - With his breeding urges + your proportions making it easier for your body to pass a child = natural attraction - Will take opportunities to get closer to you compared to other exchange students - When your heat comes around, he will offer his scent to mask - But won't admit it's because he wants his scent all over you - Extra affectionate with you in front of others - "Barbatos, is it too late to move them into our pack?" - P.S - if you pretend you don't care, he'll pursue you harder (unless you reject him.) - If he ruts..may Barbatos have mercy and luck on his side, restraining any attempt at his urge to see you
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- Finds your presence comforting - Protects you in his own ways - Smelling an alpha courting you in school? Perhaps the Chandelier smashed over his head fell on him on purpose. - Invites you over constantly when baking sweets with Luke, taking you away from the pack of horny Alphas - Similarly to Lucifer, he finds this situation taking up some free time of his. - "You'll never be a bother to me, MC" - Although busy with his duties, he will always make sure you know he is there for you in any capacity you'd like him to be.
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- Paternal instincts activated - Neither realms make angels/demons from such figures anymore, therefore everyone is immediately intrigued - He can smell the reactions whenever you meet someone new - Not that he isn't attracted either.. - I mean, imagine what those thighs could do? - Mind out of the gutter, Simeon! - Generally, he won't pay attention to it but he watches out for your well-being constantly
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- He can see what Asmodeus is talking about - Solomon doesn't have a reaction to meeting an omega, but one this hot? hmm.. - Time to seduce you before Asmodeus has a chance to - Most honest about his desires for you, besides Asmo of course - He makes his own birth control potions, and has had no issues with it thus far - Lowkey jealous of the brothers - WILL take it out on them, in his own way
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slasherpegger · 3 years
Samhain’s SFW Alphabet
Word Count: 0.6k Warnings: Mentions of killing
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A = Affection
Once you’re close to Sam, he’s incredibly affectionate. His love language is giving, especially handmade crafts. If you’ve befriended him for a long time, you’ll have a collection of lovingly made Halloween crafts.
B = Best friend
Sam is very close to his friends and treats them like family. He's protective of them with his life and makes sure they're safe from any harm. If you were to meet Sam, it'd typically be on Halloween whilst he was out regulating his rules.
C = Cuddles 
Sam loves platonic cuddles! He's a good cuddler and his favorite positions include full body hugging (him wrapped around your arm). He's prone to falling asleep during such cuddles.
D = Domestic 
Sam doesn't know how to cook or clean, his diet consists of candy and lots of it. 
E = Eve 
Sam prepares for Halloween months in advance. If a Halloween store opens, he has a sixth sense and knows. Sam doesn't care for other holidays as much as Halloween, but still will celebrate them.
F = Friends
Other slashers and children he's met on Halloween. He views more mature slashers as paternal figures.
G = Gentle
Sam doesn't try to be rough but can come across as such. He's like a child and tends to be more tough with his actions.
H = Hugs
Sam loves to give and receive hugs, he's the master at it! His hugs are tight and meaningful, he squeezes with all of his might.
I = Idea
Sam is only good at Halloween based ideas but basic with every other one.
J = Jealousy
Sam rarely feels jealousy unless you're close to him. He protects his closest friends and anything that interferes may cause jealousy.
K = Killing 
Sam feels like killing is an important way to keep order in place. He views it as a justice rather than something to feel guilty about. 
L = Little ones 
Gets along amazingly with kids as he is one! He loves to play with them.
M = Morning 
Sam wakes up early in the morning and is not a morning person. He sleepily slugs around in the mornings.
N = Night
A night owl who spends his nights up. Sam believes night is the spookiest time of all and enjoys the darkness.
O = Open 
Sam isn't very open about himself as he tries not to scare others by his past. Being a demon of Halloween seems to scare others off and Sam attempts to hide this fact from others.
P = Patience
Sam is easily irritated and has a low tolerance/patience. He prefers not to wait for things.
Q = Quizzes
Sam surprisingly has a good memory and is extremely perceptive of things. He'll remember every detail you disclose about yourself and makes sure to use his memory when giving the best gifts.
R = Remember 
Sam's favorite moment is meeting you! 
S = Security 
Sam is incredibly protective of you and will do anything to make sure you're safe. Sam isn't opposed to killing or injuring others, making any intruders in your life at risk. 
T = Try 
Sam is the master of handmade gifts! He loves spending his time making others crafts and will spend hours to even days perfecting it.
U = Ugly 
Other than the obvious murdering, Sam has some childish bad habits. He's very messy and probably even picks his nose. 
V = Vanity 
Sam doesn't mind how he looks but he prefers to keep his mask on in order not to scare others. 
W = Whole 
Sam cherishes all of his friends and wouldn't feel whole if any of them were missing.
X = Xtra 
Sam is an ipad kid!! He watches cocomelon on the daily and carries around his tablet everywhere in the house. You have to wrestle it away from him if you need it.
Y = Yuck
Sam is very accepting and doesn't judge others for their flaws, unless you break the rules of Halloween!
Z = Zzz
Sam can pass out anywhere at any time. As long as he's exerted enough energy beforehand, he can zonk out easily.
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