#green and grey arospec pride flag
aroworlds · 1 year
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[image description: eight rectangular banners with chevron-shaped edges in an assortment of flags with five, six, seven or nine stripes. From top to bottom: alterous (mint/cream/peach/tan), angled aro-ace (yellow/lemon/cream/brown), aro-ace agender (dark green/white/lime/white/violet), a-spectrum (light green/light lime/white/light purple/purple), cupioromantic (grey/lavender/white/mint), frayromantic (blue/cyan/white/mint/dark grey), greyromantic (dark grey/light grey/white/green) and varioriented aro-ace (navy/white/yellow/red).]
Banner Bases - Aromantic Spectrum (and Alterous)
Flags: Acriromantic, Aro-Ace / Aromantic and Asexual, Bellusromantic, Cassromantic Cassexual, Loveless Aromantic, Nexus Aro-Ace, Nebularomantic, Romo Aro.
Original files available for download from my Aro Arrows website or Patreon (links in description). Free for personal or commercial use; credit to one of my accounts is appreciated but not required.
For flag creator posts, please see @aroflagarchive​​​.
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<- is making insane decisions about aro/aspec “picnic” at pride next year.
The plan was originally to have it be completely unofficial and just me in the dc pride festival on an aro flag picnic blanket with some crafts but idk my mental health is crashing and making these things/organizing this may help. idk i want my future to be in community organizing so. it makes me feel good. anyways onto what i was talking about:
So. im deciding if i want to be someone with a table or not, if i want it to be aro or aspec, or if i want to have pride stuff available for donation only or not (aka no money accepted). (idk what to donate towards. maybe just explaining that i made all of this with my own free time/ money and any extra money will get donating to ace and aro advocacy project- which i think is located in the same city as the pride event- or AUREA? or just outright donating but… this all sounds really expensive which im anxious about but. i am okay with outright donating if thats a better idea idk)
I’m not sure if a table costs money or anything, but I dont think aro culture and aro pride should be locked behind a paywall. If I have aro pride stuff available, it would likely be:
bulk purchased silicone rings. the packs of rings dont just come in white, and almost always contain black, but id just have all the colors in a bowl with a sign about the meanings of black and white rings
diy low quality stickers. and im talking printouts and packing tape level quality. id probably also reach out to some aro/aspec artists if theyd be okay with me printing some of their designs for free pride stickers with their @ on the back. again, no profiting off their art, just having subtle aro/aspec options for closeted folks. also obviously the pride flags themselves/ like the heart emojis and stuff. if i get permission for the <2 i also think thatd be funny to have. id try to print off as many of the specific arsospec identities as i could, too.
some mini pride flags. like on the little stick and stuff? i already reached out to somebody about aplatonic and the new aspec flags. these will be on display at minimum, but im tempted to see how much bulk purchasing to give away for free would cost
….real pride flags, including aplatonic and the new aspec flag. im most hesitant about this because $$$ but…. i know how much it would mean to people, yknow?
i also want like. *stuff to do* to engage in community building and growth, so id likely have kandi bracelet stuff too, and be making aro/aplatonic/aspec bracelets to entertain myself while i sit there for folks without the time to make their own. (also! apparently grey bracelets are an old greyspec symbol. thats so cool!)
ive had it in my mind since early 2020 i want aro ribbon available for turning into shoelaces and im not gonna let up on this decision.
i just…. i really want to be able to connect with members of my community and raise awareness and recognition or aros/apls/aspecs in queer spaces, and i thought this may help.
these things are a little more hesitant but im thinking shrinky-dink keychains of these things/culture and symbols…? same thing @ artists, but uhhh if no one approves ill draw my Very Best. most of these will ALSO be stickers (if i do it)
(these are all old or current aspec culture. aro specific ones im more likely to do. also apl im more likely to do and may get ** but idk yet)
yellow roses
<2 (i got permission!!!!)
a little crown?? people are referencing jughead and you know what Sure.
green! we sure do love green huh. just like scribbles gkfhjf
…garlic bread? i think i saw that get phased out for dragons but you know what sure
plants..? i hadn’t realized that counted ngl
gryphons! i knew about them
(cacti/succulents but i already said plants)
“no romo”
does space count as aspec culture? idk guys
peridot and labradite? hm. cool!
somebody said aardvarks but ive never seen that before. apparently theyre a really old symbol. thats so cool!
💚 and 💔
pizza and ice cream but garlic bread got more popular (tho these are easier to draw)
i saw rats..? ehhh im hesitant on that one
Nandays and Caiques :) okay this one is cute
dragons are also very definitely acespec too
axolotls (though i think we can share)
wolves??? huh.
apparently ghosts are greyspec and!!!! holy shit that me! thats my name! fucking Wild Thats So Cool
someone reffed dinosaurs? cool cool
aaaahhhhg so space is Definitely acespec i forgot the whole spAce thing lol
badgers and unicorns? hm
♠️♣️♥️♦️ cards/symbols. i also recognize peole can turn these into earrings which. real. queer culture irl.
<2 (this is more loveless/heartless but i see it used a lot in aplatonic circles as well)
bees, worms, and birds have been proposed but havent seen much use yet. there has been some use though!
tbh since i cant find much ill likely have a sign that says something like “aplatonic culture is only recently getting enough visibility to be seen as separate from aro culture, so as the growing community develops new symbols we should keep an eye out! im excited to watch this community and identity finally get recognition like it deserves
do i propose platonic solids? idk you guys
*aspen/fang reminded me that non-platonic solids exist as well and are getting used as a symbol. Nice!
general aspec
im not making an aroace category but someone said handshake tattoos… imma pass on this one because its not apl friendly
i associate cross stitch and diy patches as aro core/ aspec but thats just me
lambda is queer culture and we belong to that too
i saw a lot of black triangle (as well as gradient) refs but idk if that is Ace Specific or not, but it Is a symbol i think is important to not overlook
ive seen bees used every so often in aro communities as well as aplatonic,
you know what the d&d “roll for x” is funny ill take that
anyways sorry i kinda went off with the research But. ive wanted to do this for Years (since 2019/early 2020 when this blog started Yknow. happenin) and i. i want to make it actually happen in 2023. its going to. i am gonna will it into existence. i just want to build a community i can interact with, yknow? thats all.
Anyways let me know what you think! i recognize this is a Lot and honestly ridiculous but who knows, yknow?
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whalespiel · 4 years
Quoiromantic flag design print now available on Redbubble
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Leading up to ASAW 2020; please buy and/or share my Quoiromantic flag design print from my Redbubble store!
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arodabi · 3 years
Whats an aromantic flag and why you should include it in your pride posts
disclaimer: i know theres fighting every year about who should and shouldn’t be included in pride posts, this isn’t to argue with people who just hate aspec ppl, this is an informational post. don’t send me bullshit about it
Why should you include aro flags?
many people believe that aromanticism is covered under the asexual flag, so if they include that they’re including aros, however that’s not the case. aro and ace people share the aspec community, but one identity does not fall under the other. It’s less like using the trans flag as an umbrella for all trans and nonbinary people even if there’s a separate nonbinary flag, and more like using the transmasc pride flag to represent all transmascs and transfems. Aros are just not covered under the ace flag because both groups are separate identities. people can be aro and ace but not all aros are ace.
aro is also an incredibly important identity for a lot of people, something we take a lot of pride in. we get relegated to “minor or add on identity” all the time because people keep thinking of us as the -romantic version of asexual. we have multiple terms, multiple flags, and a huge array of different aro experiences, we are not a subset of asexuality and many of us wish for that to be more respected.
last on the reasons of why you should include aros in pride posts is that we have no larger umbrella flag, unless we’re counting the rainbow flag. the aro flag is the umbrella flag for arospec identities. if you don’t include it then we aren’t being included. and this isn’t me telling you you have to include an aro option for everything you make (tho that would be nice) ppl have the right to choose what flags they want to include. but theres been many times when i see people add  flags representing all parts of the community except aro, and then add on smaller more niche flags. i don’t want this to come across as another post like “how dare you include X flag but not Y flag!!!” because i think everyone should have the joy of representation, i just think many people don’t realize they’re even leaving aros out. either through lack of awareness or lack of knowledge on what the aro flag actually is, and that’s what i wanna help with this post.
What even is the aro flag?
Let’s start with what it’s not:
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[ID: a flag with four horizontal stripes. from the top down they are green, yellow, orange and black. End ID]
This was the first proposed aro flag. We do not use it anymore for a couple reasons, the main one is that it resembled another countries flag too closely and was getting confused. I’d think this one would have died out by now but i literally just saw a post include it today.
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes. from top to bottom the colors are dark green, light green, yellow, grey, and black. End ID]
This was the second popular aro flag. It is very close to the main aro flag now except the middle stripe is yellow. That stripe was changed due to causing some people sensory problems. This one is sometimes still accidentally used, probably because it looks very close to the main flag, but it’s not the main aro flag either.
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes. from top to bottom the colors are black, grey, white, light green, and dark green. End ID]
I’ve actually seen this flag used a lot by people not very knowledgeable about aros. This is a flipped version of the aro flag. I also for the life of me can’t find an example of this but i’ve seen more than once a version that is flipped and removes a stripe of green so it looks like a recolored ace flag. These are pretty common, enough for me to have seen multiple people selling merch with this incorrect flag. I think it comes from people thinking the aro flag is the same as the ace one which does start with black at the top and has only four stripes.
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[ID: A flag with seven horizontal stripes. from top to bottom the colors are black, grey, white, green, white, grey, and black. End ID]
Yeah, this is the agender flag, not the aro flag. I see these get mixed up all the time. It’s not hard so see why with similar colors and a white grey black gradient, but as someone who is agender and aro, it kinda gets on my nerves when people mix these up. Also no this is not the same color palette as the aro flag. I’ve seen people make designs labeled as agender/aromantic that just use the agender color palette. The aro flag has two greens and they’re both different than the agender green.
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[ID: Two flags next to each other. The first one has five horizontal stripes. from top to bottom the colors are orange, light orange, white, light blue, dark blue. The second flag has eight horizontal stripes. from top to bottom the colors are dark green, light green, white, grey, black, grey, white, and purple. End ID]
These are two common aroace flag designs. These flags are used by a lot of people and you might see them included in pride posts. These are good flags, however, they should not be used to represent all aros. Including an aroace flag does not mean you’re including all aros and all aces, it means you’re including just aroaces. There’s plenty of aros who aren’t ace and aces who aren’t aro. It’d be like putting a gay trans flag in a post and saying its there to represent all gay and all trans people, when the flag is usually used to represent only people who are both gay and trans. Again, these flags are not bad, and them being included in pride posts is good actually, but they should not be used to represent all aro and all ace people.
Now let’s go over what actually is the aro flag:
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors are dark green, light green, white, grey, and black. End ID]
This is the main aro flag. It’s the one most widely used and recognized. The color meanings are dark green and light green representing the spectrum of aro identities, white meaning friendship, and grey and black representing the spectrum of sexual identities in the aro community.
But wait there’s more!
The aro identity is a spectrum, meaning theres more identities under aromantic, and they have their own flags too. If you really wanna go wild and include some other aro flags heres some more. (this is not a full list of all arospec identities, just some i see around the most. feel free to look into more arospec identities and flags! also all of these definitions are coming from me and my personal knowledge of aro identities, i do not identify as any of these though, only as aromantic, so if i give the wrong definition please tell me so i can fix it!)
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors are dark green, light green, white, yellow, and dark yellow. End ID]
This is the alloaro flag. Alloaros are aros who aren’t ace. They deserve more support and attention because they’re really amazing members of the aro community.
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors are dark green, grey, white, grey, and dark green. End ID]
This is the greyromantic flag. Greyromantic means someone who feels romantic attraction rarely. The term greyromantic is also sometimes used to mean aro identities that still feel some form of romantic attraction.
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[ID: A flag with four horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors are black, green, aqua, and grey. End ID]
the quoiromantic or WTFromantic flag. It means someone who can’t or doesn’t want to tell the difference between platonic and romantic attraction basically. It’s got a special place in my heart bc i used to id as quoi.
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors are red orange, orange, yellow, white, and black. End ID]
This is the Lithromantic flag. Lithromantic means someone who feels romantic attraction but doesn’t want it reciprocated, or may no longer feel romantic attraction when it is reciprocated.
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[ID: A flag with a black, sideways triangle on the left side pointing right and three horizontal stripes. The first stripe from the top is a thick white stripe, the next stripe is thin and dark green, and the bottom stripe is thick and grey. End ID]
The demiromantic flag. Someone who is demiro doesn’t feel romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone.
And there’s many more arospec identities!
I hope i’ve helped to clear up some misconceptions about aros and our flags! We’re not under the ace umbrella, we’re our own community. We all have different experiences, different relationships to our identity, and I hope to see more people represent aros this year!
Have a happy pride month!
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mogai-sunflowers · 3 years
🌻various flags!🌻
inclus aro/arospec-
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are royal blue, indigo, purple, magenta, white, orange, red-orange, red-pink, and deep pink. End ID.]
inclus a-spec-
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are medium magenta, rose pink, orange-brown, yellow, white, yellow, orange-brown, red-orange, and maroon. End ID.]
inclus multigender-
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are navy blue, violet, pink-brown, red-brown, orange-brown, green, blue-grey, indigo-grey, and deep purple. End ID.]
inclus transfem-
inclusive of all transfems! this includes trans women who id as transfem! if you’re afab but identify as transfem, this flag is also for you!
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are indigo, medium purple, red-brown, orange-brown, yellow, chartreuse-grey, grey-pink, grey-magenta, and medium purple. End ID.]
inclus transmasc-
inclusive of all transmascs! this includes trans men who id as transmasc! if you’re amab but identify as transmasc, this flag is also for you!
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are medium grey-blue, grey-indigo, orange-brown, golden orange, yellow, light green, mint green-grey, blue-grey, and medium grey-purple. End ID.]
inclus transneu-
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are grey-indigo, grey-magenta, orange-brown, golden brown, yellow, grey-lime green, grey-yellow, pink-grey, and medium pink-grey. End ID.]
all flags by me :3 EXCLUS DNI.
@kenochoric​ @neopronouns​ @themogaidragon​ @ask-pride-color-schemes​ @pride-color-schemes​ boost uwu?
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supernatural pride week day 7: aro/ace + free space - alex jones, claire novak, sam winchester, dean winchester, dagon, bobby singer, patience turner, jack kline, castiel, amara, billie, crowley, & mary winchester
spn pride month series 10/?: arospec characters for aggressively arospec week!!
[ID: Nine edited photos of different Supernatural characters. Their backgrounds are edited to make a gradient of the arospec flag. Every other photo has a diamond shaped photo of an additional character.
1: clover green. Alex Jones from the shoulders up. She is looking down and wearing a light grey button up.
2: clover green + pistachio green. Sam Winchester from the shoulders up looking straight ahead. He is smiling and wearing a blue and yellow plaid shirt. The diamond shows Claire Novak turned to the right and smiling.
3: pistachio green. Dean Winchester laying down propped up on one elbow facing right. He’s holding rabbit and looking down at it. He has a green jacket over a plaid shirt and a blue t-shirt.
4: pistachio green + cream. Dagon from the waist up. Their body turned to the left with their arms crossed. They are turned to face forward and smiling. They are wearing a black jacket. The diamond shows Bobby Singer turned to the left. He has a baseball cap on and multiple layers.
5: cream. Patience Turner from the chest up leaning against a doorway. She is looking slightly to the left and smiling. She has a green jacket on over a yellow shirt and black backpack straps over her shoulders.
6: cream + dark green blue. Castiel’s body turned to the left, their head turned to look at someone next to them. His head is tilted and he is smiling. The diamond shows Jack Kline smiling. They’re wearing a grey sweatshirt.
7: dark green blue. Amara from the shoulders up. They have a purple blazer on over a white top. Their head is tilted slightly to the left and they look to be thinking.
8: dark green blue + dark jungle green. Billie from the knees up. They have their hands on their hips. His hair is short and she is wearing a black jacket over a black top. The diamond shows Crowley in a black dress shirt and dark tie looking down to the right.
9: dark jungle green. Mary Winchester from the chest up. She is looking slightly to the left. Her hair is in 2 braids and she’s wearing a jean jacket. END ID]
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transcendragon · 3 years
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Aro flag edits for aro awareness week! Because the arospec is beautiful and natural. The photos used in these edit are my own, please credit if you re-use.
[Image description: 10 edits of the aro pride flag overlaid over photos. The flag is top to bottom dark green, light green, white, grey, and black and variations of these colors and filters are overlaid over photography. The first two are variations of the flag over an ocean sunset. The next is the flag overlaid over dense green trees and the one after that is the flag over a close up on large green leaves, lit from behind by sunlight so their veins are visible. After that there are three variations overlaid over a tree branch of vibrant green leaves, lit partially black from behind by sunlight. After that is the flag edited over a clear shallow wave coming in to the beach. Finally there’s an edit of the flag over vibrant green foliage overlooking a forested landscape. 
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arospecicons · 3 years
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[Images: six arospec pride icons of Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. They show a bust of him in a red wintercoat with white fur, holding a tiny snow-Alphonse in his hands, while two squirrels crawl over his head and play with hair, smiling widely. Behind is head is a circle with a pride flag. The flags are: freyromantic, aromantic, and cupioromantic. The last three icons have the same flags, but with snowflakes over it; blue snowflakes for frayromantic, green for aro, and light grey for cupioromantic. There is a thin stroke around the flags: blue for frayro, green for aromantic, and grey for cupio. End description.]
Winter-themed aro pride icons of Ed! Free to use with a reblog, unless you’re a transmed, radfem/terf, aspec/pan exclusionist, or ship/support pedophilic/incestuous ships.
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aroaceworms · 4 years
I recently learned how to make pride flags, so I created an aro/acespec flag, for anyone who is on both the arospec and acespec!
The green stripe represents aromanticism and aromantic community.
The grey stripes represent different ace and arospec identities.
The white stripe represents unity and solidarity between the two communities.
The purple stripe represents asexuality and the asexual community.
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Feel free to use this flag, but be sure to credit me and reblog if you do!
~Stay safe and happy, and spread kindness to the world!
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aroworlds · 1 year
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[image description: three banners comprising five heart shapes made of five rows of crosses, akin to cross stitch. Each row is four crosses high. A single cross fills the space between the hearts, separating each from the next, while a row of crosses high extends across the banner above and below the hearts. The banners are coloured, respectively, to match three different pride flags: aroflux (pink-red/coral/lemon/light green/green), greyromantic (green/grey/white/green/grey) and lith/akoi (red/orange/yellow/white/black). Each banner is shown in two versions: one with a gradient background in matching flag colours, the other with a transparent background.]
Cross Stitch Heart Banners
Flags: Aroflux, Greyromantic, Lith / Akoi.
All banners/stickers are available for free personal or non-commercial use with credit to one of my accounts. They are not available for commercial use.
For flag creator posts, please see @aroflagarchive.
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Bear, otter, and wolf pride flags! I wanted to make an otter pride flag, but I ended up doing a full set :]
The original bear flag colors are based on different bear furs, and I wanted to try giving it more meaning I guess! So here are all the color meanings/symbolism:
browns - from the original flag. representative of the signature hairy look of bears, as well as warmth through positive masculinity; a color symbolising security and comfort.
greens - reference to the term “stringbean,” representative of an otter’s slimmer or leaner appearance (as compared to bears); a color symbolizing youth and vivacity.
blues - representative a wolf’s aggressive and/or hyper masculinity, as well as a “cool” demeanor; a color symbolizing confidence and trust.
grey - acespec and/or arospec gay men.
white - trans, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming gay men.
black - in remembrance of those lost during the AIDS crisis, and support for those still effected by HIV/AIDS; symbolizes strength of community and respect for all within it.
I’m not trying to replace the original, I just thought this was a fun challenge! I really like making art in sets like this so I hope y’all enjoy!
(transphobes/exclusionists please DNI) 
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 years
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[image description: a long arrow pointing right, with repeating bands of asexual and aromantic flags on the stick. The arrow has a grey point, brown stick, and green tail fletching. Credit to @aroworlds / K.A. Cook. END ID]
By Tag:
Characters are tagged given name first, family name second (ex: #ken kaneki / #touka kirishima / etc)
Identities are tagged individually (#aromantic / #asexual / #bi / #trans)
As well as umbrella labels (#mlm / #wlw / #mspec / #acespec / #arospec / #aroacespec)
Full List of Headcanons:
By Post Type:
#incorrect quotes
#pride color schemes
#lineart edits
#aspec flags
#allo flags
#incorrect quote sources
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nerdpiggy · 4 years
4, 11, 12, 13, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 36, and 38?
4. Past labels you've used? For a while I wondered if I was aro-spec but I'm fairly certain I don't think I am now. I've tried to put a label on my gender MANY times, with the label I've tried the most being demigender. (and cis. LMAO) But none of the labels I've tried have stuck, except for the general all-encompassing nonbinary
11. Do you like your flags? Fuck yeah all my flags fucking rule. Nonbinary flag? Fucking awesome. Ace flag? Stunning. Lesbian flag(s)? well some look better than others but you have a wide range of choices and a lot of them look damn good!!
12. Favorite flag(s) visually? I actually legitimately really do love my own flags... but other than that, I think the aromantic flag looks metal as fuck, and there are a lot of lesser-known lesbian flags that are just gorgeous
13. Favorite colors? I love pink! And grey/silver/black. and certain blues :3
22. Favorite LGBT+ celebrity and historical figure? I don't.... know that many.... actually wait I thought of one Wendy Carlos. If u dont know her look her up she's so cool
24. Favorite LGBT+ canon character? Fuck it's so hard to choose... I really love Lup! and I also really love Yuu from Bloom into You because she's ME (please watch Bloom into You)
25. Favorite LGBT+ canon fictional couple? hmmm also very hard to think of good ones rn... spinnerella and netossa are pretty cute :3 and carey and killian!! they're prob not my favorites but they're all i can think of right now
26. Some characters you headcanon as LGBT+? Hanazawa Teruki is nonbinary and ace! Catra is nonbinary! Bow is trans and pan and ace! idk there are a lot of others that i can just make up right now! everyone from Revue Starlight is lesbian!! Hinata Shouyou is trans! if literally any character has ever said anything similar to 'i dont really care about love' they're arospec!!! somebody stop me
27. Some LGBT+ pairings you ship? MaHiKaren, Scorfuma, KilluGon, TeruMob, Saimota, a BUNCH of haikyuu ships, aaaa idk a lot
30. A trope you dislike about your identity? I really hate how everyone views 'lesbian' as a really sexual word, and how people think lesbians are like fuckin sex machines built to pleasure straight men through porn or something. Like, lesbians should be allowed to be sexual without being inherently sexualized, you feel me? and also not all lesbians are sexually active.
32. Something you wish ppl understood about your identity? I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT MY GENDER IS..... but i do know I'm not agender and im not masculinely or femininely aligned. Like, my gender exists, it's just not anywhere remotely near the binary or the linear spectrum in between the binary. If you think of the gender spectrum as a color wheel, my gender would be a dark green! i guess? that means nothing
36. Do you align with any gay subcategories (ex butch/femme)? Nope not at all!! The fact that I don't kind of makes me feel left out of the lesbian community at times though... I spent so long trying to figure out which box I fit into when I realized trying to make myself one or the other made me feel the same way as when I tried to fit myself into a binary gender. The labels just aren't for me! I guess I am a 'futch' then lol
38. Do you own pride merch? Yes!! I have some pride hats that a friend knitted for me, and a crocheted bat with ace-colored wings that I got at an expo. I also wear a rainbow colored bracelet and I used to have a black ace ring (but it broke months ago. i need a new one). I also have lesbian and ace flags that I got for my dorm room, but my gf is currently holding on to them because I was too scared to bring them home!
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marinsawakening · 5 years
Big Arospec Flag Masterpost
So since pride month’s coming up, I’d like to take this moment to remind content creators to include the aromantic flag in their pride content if possible! Aro people are very often forgotten about, and it can be very discouraging not to find your identity in pride posts.
Second, since there’s a bit of confusion surrounding the flag, I’d like to clarify that this flag is outdated:
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[Image: a flag with five horizontal stripes, which are coloured, from top to bottom: green, light green, yellow, grey, and black. End description.]
The newest version of the aromantic pride flag is this one:
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[Image: a flag with five horizontal stripes, which are coloured, from top to bottom: green, light green, white, grey, and black. End description.]
While some aros may prefer the yellow stripe pride flag, the white stripe aro pride flag is the one that the vast majority of the aro community uses, and alloromantic/non-aro creators should use the white stripe version by default.
There’s also an even older version of the aro flag, namely a green, yellow, orange, and black-striped one, but that one’s been phased out of usage pretty much completely (can can find it under the cut though).
Furthermore, allosexual aros (aros who experience sexual attraction) have their own pride flag! There’s various ones proposed, but the current most popular one was made by @arotaro and you can find it here or under the cut.. There’s also been various flags proposed for aroaces, which you can find here. 
We also have oriented aroaces and angled aroaces; the oriented aroace flag was created by @biaroace and can be found here or under the cut, and there are two variations of the angled aroace flag, both created by @official-angledaroace/@black-aros, and can be found here and here or under the cut. Definitions can be found under the cut.
Lastly, I’d like to remind people that aromanticism is a spectrum! The above flag is the aromantic pride flag and everyone on the aromantic spectrum can use it, but many aro identities have their own specific pride flags as well, and it’d be nice to see art/edits/merch with those more often. Again, it can be discouraging not to see your identity in pride posts, even if you can technically use another flag. 
So if you’re interested in creating content for other aro identities, I have a list of all the ones I can think of under the cut, complete with flags. Other arospec people, feel free to add on/correct definitions if I got them wrong!
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[Image: flag with five horizontal stripes in the colours green, grey, white, grey, and green. End description.]
Definition: experiences romantic attraction, but very weakly, unreliably, rarely, and/or only under specific circumstances. ‘Greyromantic’ is also an umbrella term term that can be used by everyone who is on the aro spectrum but still experiences some form of romantic attraction.
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[Image: flag with three horizontal stripes coloured white, green, and grey. The white and grey stripes are broader than the green one, and from the left, a sideways lying black triangle appears from the margins. End description.]
Definition: experiences romantic attraction only after an emotional bond has been established.
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[Image: flag with five horizontal stripes in the colours red, orange, yellow, white, and black. End description.]
Definition: 1. experiences romantic attraction that fades after it is reciprocated. 2. experiences romantic attraction but does not desire a romantic relationship and/or only enjoys being in one theoretically.
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[Image: a flag with many stripes that ultimately create a red to green gradient. End description.]
Definition: someone whose romantic attraction fluctuates (this fluctuation can include periods where one does not feel romantic attraction at all); how much and how often differs from person to person. 
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[Image: flag with four horizontal stripes in the colours dark grey, light grey, white, and pink. End description.]
Definition: does not experience romantic attraction, but wants a romantic relationship regardless.
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[Image: flag with seven hoirzontal stripes in the colours: dark red, red, light red, white, light blue, blue, and dark blue. End description.]
Definition: having trouble distinguishing romantic and platonic attraction due to one’s neurodivergence. Exclusive to neurodivergent people.
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[Image: flag with four horizontal stripes in the colours black, green, blue, and light grey/off white. End description.]
Definition: 1. someone who disidentifies with the concept of romantic attraction. 2. someone who cannot tell the difference between romantic and platonic attraction. 3. someone who is confused/unsure whether they experience romantic attraction. Quoiromantic can be a bit difficult to understand and has multiple definitions; this post here is a good post that also explains quoisexual and quoirogender in a nutshell. 
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[Image: four-striped pride flag in the colours red, pink, white, and black. End description.]
Definition: only experiences romantic attraction once they know someone is romantically interested in them.
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[Image: four-striped pride flag in the colours dark blue, light blue, white, and dark grey. End description.]
Definition: experiences romantic attraction that fades once they get to know the person/only experiences romantic attraction to those they don’t know well.
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[Image: five-striped pride flag in the colours dark green, light green, grey, light green, and dark green. The grey stripe is much, much larger than the others. End description.]
Definition: an arospec identity that’s heavily influenced by one’s neurodivergency. Exclusive to neurodivergent people.
There are more arospec identities (there’s a glossary here), but these are the ones I know the flags of. 
Allosexual Aromantics
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[Image: five-striped pride flag in the colours green, light green, white, light yellow, dark yellow. End description.]
Definition: aromantic people who experience sexual attraction.
Oriented Aroace
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[Image: four-striped flag in the colours dark blue, light blue, white, and teal. End description.]
Definition: someone who does not experience either sexual or romantic attraction, but who experiences another type of attraction that is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aroace identity. More information can be found here. The term was coined specifically to for aroaces who do not experience any kind of romantic/sexual attraction.
Angled Aroace
Version 1:
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[Image: five-striped flag in the colours yellow, light yellow, white, light grey, and brown. End description.]
Version 2:
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[Image: five-striped flag in the colours yellow, light yellow, white, grey, and black. End description.]
Definition: a term coined to mean essentially the same as oriented aroace, but who is inclusive of/centers aroaces who still feel some kind of romantic and/or sexual attraction (i.e. aroaces with a greyromantic and/or greysexual identity). 
Outdated/Original Aromantic
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[Image: four-striped flag in green, yelow, orange, and black. End description.]
An outdated aro pride flag that was revamped (I believe) due to its resemblance to the rastafari flag.
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Arosexual Pride Flag
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[Image: a 5-striped horizontal flag; black, grey, white, light green and green. There is circle in the middle, with the colors darker within the circle. End description]
Arosexuality: feeling attraction to aromantic/aro-spectral people. Meant for aros/arospecs/arospex/aspecs/aspex & aromantix/aromantics, based on aceromantic. 
The circle represents sexual attractions and -sexual suffixed orientations, coming from circular symbols associated with Eros/Aphrodite flower/Pothos (gods of erotic love/sexual desire) & B/D/S/M triskelion (erotic sign). Now starting with this flag, as opposed/alternate to romantic heart.
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I wanted to get this done before Sunday, but I got really sick and couldn’t finish them. Oh well. Happy Arospec Awareness Week!
[id: A traditional drawing done in colour pencil of a Leafeon, an Eevee, a Flareon, a Jolteon, a Vaporeon, and an Umbreon Holding different arospec Pride flags.
A close up of the Eevee. Um… Pokémon are hard to explain. Okay, it’s like a tiny brown bunny wolf??? It has a placioromantic flag (too to bottom: maroon, white, grey, and black).
A close up of the Leafeon. It’s a bunny/cat/wolf- like Pokémon. It is light yellow with green leaf-like ears and a green swishing tuff of fur on the top of its head. It’s holding an aromantic pride flag in its mouth (from top to bottom: dark green, light green, white, grey, and black).
A close up of the Flareon. It’s also a bunny wolf creature. It’s orange with a yellow tuff of fur on top of its head and blue inner ears. It has two different lithoromantic/akoiromantic flags because I didn’t know which one was right (the one on the left from top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, white, black. The one on the right from top to bottom: light green, yellow, grey).
A close up of the Jolteon. Just like the others, it’s a bunny wolf creature. It has bright yellow fur and inner purple ears, and it’s fur is sticking up. It has a greyromantic flag in its mouth (top to bottom: dark green, grey, white, grey, dark green.)
A close up of the Umbreon. It’s a sleek black bunny wolf with yellow bands on its ears and a yellow ring on its forehead. It has bright red eyes. It has a demiromantic flag (top to bottom: white, dark green, and grey. On the left of the flag, there is a black triangle).
A close up of the Vaporeon. It’s a fish bunny wolf. It’s blue with a little spike fin on the top of its head and has yellow webbed ears. It has a frayromantic flag (top to bottom; dark blue, light blue, white, grey).]
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