#got a taste of being loud and now doesn't know how to shut up
uhgood-girl · 7 months
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i haven't had a chance to fully form this thought yet so bear with me while i explore my own brain but my immediate response to this is i think two things can be true at the same time.
this is me playing devil's advocate with both you and myself, tbh. if you do not enjoy borderline pedantic over thinking, i recommend you turn back now.
i watched the entirety of standing next to you with my jaw on the floor. beyond seeing jk in what i would consider to be the epitome of his element, the arrival of all that experience and hard work and raw talent finely honed, culminating in the absolute pop perfection that is both that song and performance... well, i've made a joke on here before about my brains inability at this stage to not insert jikook into things. i could maybe help it if i wanted to (i can stop at anytime, says the alcoholic 🥴) but i don't want to because i'm having fun and i've made friends with the brain worms. they're my brain worms, who are you take them from me.
i have also mentioned jikook being it's own form of pattern recognition drug for mine, obviously, and probably other's more neuro-spicy tendencies. once you have seen and unlocked the code, it's really hard to turn the goggles off.
so let's talk about patterns. what is a pattern? a pattern is lmao no, i'm kidding, i don't think i need to define this for you but i guess when i say pattern here i'm referring to what a lot of people often call coincidences. (have i lost you already bc of this word? i know people throw it around often here, but again, bear with me) coincidences can become patterns if they repeat enough. how many coincidences does it take to form a pattern? three, i believe, is the universally accepted number but that feels so small when i type it out, much less think about it, tbh. but i suppose in the discourse of coincidences, something that reoccurs without apparent connection, (traveling strangers who keep ending up in the same cities together, you and your friend always texting each other at the exact same time, two people in a band who keep mysteriously referencing things that connect them in a particular sort of light) bc of the unlikelieness of their serendipitous nature, it makes more sense. and because i want to discuss this in a more tangible form and i believe humans to be meddling by nature, i think coincidences become patterns, beyond the number three, when intent enters the equation.
was that a very long way to say that despite the fact that jk didn't write any of the lyrics himself and is quoted in the article above as telling people to not take things too literally that i'm still going to intuit some autobiographical meaning from them? well, yes. i guess so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
because ✨context✨(glass closet and comp het in particular). a context that i fully admit i am abscribing to the situation myself but if you're reading this i assume you're already in this boat with me, it's your context too, at least tangentially (GUILTY, your honor) by association. the entirety of any jikook argument has to exist in this space and to have gotten here at all required taking some liberties, a certain reading between the lines that is a tightrope of wanting to respect what someone says outloud and at face value while being aware few things are ever black and white (minus the infamous couple in question bah bum tiss 🥁).
if it feels different to you bc it's something he explicity expressed, that's totally fair. i've been back and forth about it a few times myself and maybe i'll feel differently tomorrow. but rn, this is where i'm at and this is all just spitballing at the end of the day, no?
in an attempt to not be accused of only picking and choosing the lyrics that suit my (gay) agenda, it feels worth pointing out that the lines i find applicable to jikook are not literal. as in while i fully believe jk could probably do anything he set his big, beautiful heart out to do, leaving someone's body golden like the sun and moon is unlikely. ( the jikook relevance is in it's choice, why that particular metaphor) and despite being more in the realm of possibility, i don't really believe he's fucking seven days a week either. his agreeance to the use of female pronouns in some songs and even the women in his music videos are a. the comp het standard for this worldwide pop boy takeover (inarguably) and b. don't automatically negate any potential underlying queerness of the artist himself. so when he sings she (is there even anything in the lyrics beyond the pronoun itself that could only refer to a cis woman? hell, does "she" only have to refer to a cis woman in this day and age? jimin is v in touch with his anima these days, don't kink shame :P) I'm taking that as an artistic liberty the same way I'm taking something like it's deeper than the rain. and the latter rain line only stands out to me because, again, broader context.
he didn't write any of the song lyrics but he was there for every step of the production and still approved what actually made it on to the album. he didn't write there for you, the song in gcf tokyo either but i dare you to go find a jikook argument about that video that doesn't list that song and its lyrics as evidence. he didn't write them but it's definitely something he cares about and is very aware of. i doubt anything was chosen without some degree of thought. which brings us full circle back to coincidences vs patterns and intent.
do i think the lyrics a lot of us collectively recognized as jikook coded, even if you respectfully don't want to read that far into it, were a coincidence this late in the game? ain't no way lmao. our jikook roads are paved with these sort of "coincidences." you think they weren't apart of the appeal? helped boost it right to main track status? maybe if it had just been the lyrics, without any of the imagery in the video (i would love to know how much creative direction he had here too, i hope we find out) to back it up, but between that not straight red line of fate, the black swan like wings, the dancing in front of the sun painting, the two households, both alike in dignity, in fair verona where we lay our scene aka the forbidden love vibes, etc. - it's too much for this sad little hyper-fixated romantic queer, personally lol.
so, i think two things can be true at the same time! i'm sure a lot of the songs and their implications have no autobiographical meaning to them beyond a universally relatable conversation and narrative about love, i do believe him. i think based on all the responses and feedback his first releases got, making a statement such as the one in the article was a good? pr move if nothing else too and definitely in line with what we have come to expect around an industry that bts is both sort of moving away from but still restricted by at this stage. if you've read any of my other ramblings so far on this site, you'll know i operate from a place of the more smoke screen around all this (this being a potential romantic relationship between jikook) the better, bc at the end of the day i want all of bts more than anything safe, happy, and free to pursue whatever creative fancy they can dream. them building a level of plausible deniability into this sort of stuff protects them. i will remain a broken record on that point.
but bc of the larger context of jikook as a whole and my belief that jk is both clever and also a romantic at heart, i'm going to take these crumbs and go. 🚗💨 i'm not in any sort of who can be the more superior, rational delulu competition, we're all in our own little clown cars no matter your chosen dressings until proven otherwise. that's the nature of this whole shebang, bby. 🤠👉👉
def feel free to come respectfully argue with me though, i'm never here to convince anyone but i enjoy these conversations and i love other people's perspective. are you ignoring the standing next to you jikook bait?
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livingformintyoongi · 26 days
my idea: hate sex, enemies to lovers???
pairing: jungkook and yn
yn and jk have been in the same friend group since highschool, but they could never stand eachother (he always pranked her, would't say bully, but hasn't been exactly nice to her either)
she always stood silent, until one day she just gets fed up and starts arguing back, he might tell her 'oh shut up!' and she could say 'make me' and you know...the rest is history hahaha
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The best way to shut someone up
a/n: This is my second order from Jungkook. This is the second time reader ends up being more dom than Jungkook lol. I'm not really sure if it counts as hate sex, I just got carried away for the moment 😣. warnings: Semi-public sex (they're in an alley in the middle of the night), reader is a bit dominant (sorry, I'm a natural dom!reader with Jk), Jungkook has a weakness for reader's brute attitude, unprotected sex, reader is 2 years older than Jk, hair pulling. wc: 2.4k
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"Every day I'm more and more impressed by the horrible taste you have" whispered Jungkook, leaning against the same wall you were leaning against.
You had to take your drink in one shot just to keep from hitting his face. It worked a little, but you'd be lying if you said the urge was completely gone. You tried to remind yourself that you’re older than him, you should keep your composure and ignore the fact that he was being a son of a bitch to you, had you ever done anything to make him treat you this way? Before he came to the group you didn't even talk, god, you didn't even know he existed before Taehyung dragged him to your group after you met at an art workshop, then why was he so nasty?
"Seriously, how could you pick that dress? It's hideous" he shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. It was his turn to drive today, so he couldn't afford to drink alcohol.
"Well, it's not like I got dressed thinking about whether you'd like it or not either, my life doesn't revolve around you, you know?" you turned to look at him, grimacing as you felt the smoke from his cigarette hit your face. You forced your brain to count to ten.
"That doesn't take away from the fact that you look hideous, you should take it off," Jungkook turned to you, staring at you. He brought his cigarette to his lips and took a long puff, blowing the smoke in your face. 
"Okay, I've had enough," you stood in front of him, crossing your arms over your chest, "either start treating me with the minimum respect given to a person, or deal with the consequences."
"And what consequences could come to me if I don't obey you?" he stubbed out his cigarette on the wall behind him, letting the butt fall to the floor. He walked over to you, coming face to face with you, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
If he thought you would be intimidated by this he was very wrong. 
"I don't know, maybe a kick in the balls will finally make you shut the fuck up" you growled, mentally preparing yourself to leave him for at least five minutes on the floor trying to endure the pain he would have in his crotch. 
"Fuck, that sounds really exciting" he whispered as his hands formed fists at his sides.
You went blank for a few seconds, wondering for a moment if you had misheard. "What did you say?" you looked at Jungkook, slightly surprised.
Jungkook's eyes widened, his unpleasant countenance quivering slightly, "Did I say it out loud?"
"You were thinking it?" you frowned, beginning to question if you had actually just told him that you were going to kick him in the balls until he stopped saying shit about you and how you dressed. 
"No?" he turned back to that expression he'd been looking at you with since you'd met him. How you hated it. You seriously felt like deforming his face right now. "Why the fuck would I say that?"
"I never repeated what you said, I just asked what you said" you raised your eyebrows. If there was one thing you hated more than idiots, it was idiots who treated you like a liar.
"Shut your mouth" he frowned, moving closer to you. Your chests were now barely brushing against each other, and the heels you were wearing allowed you to be almost at Jungkook's height, so your noses were also millimeters away from meeting. You wanted to ignore the fact that his lips were also menacingly close to yours.
"Make me" you raised your head. This idiot would never intimidate you, ever.
"If that's what you want" he whispered as he shrugged his shoulders, grabbing your neck with his right hand and pulling you towards him until his lips met yours. 
You were totally unprepared for this. There were hundreds of scenarios in your head about what Jungkook could have done to silence you, like covering your mouth with his hand, or shoving some snack in it, things like that, but a kiss? That never crossed your mind.
The sound of glass shattering against the floor echoed in the middle of the alley just as Jungkook pressed his left hand against your waist, pulling you even closer to him. Your bodies were now completely glued together. Jungkook ran the tip of his tongue over your lips, moaning softly at the taste of your lip gloss against his tongue.
He was taken by surprise that you allowed him entrance to your mouth, just as he was surprised that you ran your hands around his neck, pulling him closer to you. He expected you to punch him in the face and tell him he was a sick fuck, to get away from you or you would call the police, anything but accept his kiss and allow him to kiss you. He was really grateful for this.
Once his tongue was inside your mouth, he took the time to explore your mouth properly, he had waited too long for this moment and needed to feel it was real. That excuse he made to himself as he lowered his hand to your ass and gave it a light squeeze. 
He moaned as he felt your hand tangle in his hair and pull him hard enough to separate his lips from yours. Somehow or other that turned him on even more. He really loved your attitude.
"What do you think you're doing?" you whispered into his neck. He was bound to look down at you in this position. He loved the look you were bringing at that moment, as well as the irregular movement of your chest due to the kiss you had just given each other. He could tell he wasn't the only one excited about what was happening.
"You asked me to shut you up" he took your wrist, pulling it away from his hair and closer to his lips. He left a trail of kisses up your arm until he stopped at your shoulder. He really didn't think what he had said earlier was true, the dress looked great on you, and he actually worried when you walked out into the alley outside the bar alone. If someone came up to you and did something to you... he didn't know if he would be able to control himself.
Although on second thought, he told himself, that was just what was happening right now. At least he could defend himself by saying that you hadn't rejected his kiss.
"I was just obeying, Noona" he whispered into your neck, letting out a teasing chuckle as he noticed your head being pushed aside to give him more space. 
"I don't understand how this would help me shut up," you replied, slipping your hand under Jungkook's jacket and stopping at his waist. He seriously had a beautiful waist.
"Well, let me show you" he buried his teeth in the space where your neck and shoulder met, leaving a mark on your skin that he would be tremendously proud of when others saw it. He slipped one of his hands under your dress, brushing your center over your underwear. His cock stirred inside his briefs as he heard you moan softly. He had never heard you make that sound before. Now it was his favorite.
One part of you refused to accept how good the touch of Jungkook's fingers felt on your core, the other was too focused on the knot that was starting to form in your stomach to pay attention to who it was that was provoking that feeling in you. You decided to go for the second one, then you would martyr yourself thinking about the stupid thing you were doing.
"I want to feel what your pussy is like so badly, can I stick my fingers in?" whispered Jungkook into your shoulder, too focused on leaving marks on your neck to notice anything else that was going on around you.
"Don't ask, just do it" you growled in your slightly deeper voice than usual. Jungkook shivered slightly at the sound of you. That tone of voice would be his undoing, and he was more than willing to accept it. 
He pushed your underwear aside, feeling his mouth go dry as he noticed how wet you already were. He was proud to have had this effect on you. You could hate him with all your soul, but you still desired him physically, just as he desired you.
He gently pushed his index and middle fingers inside you, using his thumb to slowly and torturously play with your clitoris. You both moaned at the same time, he, from how tight and wet your pussy was, you from feeling his fingers enter you as he teased your clit. His fingers were doing a wonderful job.
"Amazing, you're so much tighter than I thought" he whispered, pulling your dress up to your waist so he could watch as his fingers moved in and out of you at a steady pace. He swallowed saliva at the sight, using your free hand to rub your cock over your pants. 
"Let me do it" you removed his hand from his pants, quickly unbuttoning them and slipping your hand inside them to rub his cock wrapped around his boxers. Jungkook gasped at the sensation of your cool hand on his member. You weren't even touching him directly yet and he already felt in heaven.
Jungkook rested his forehead on your shoulder, letting his fingers begin to make faster lunges as he returned the favor you were doing him by, if nothing else, rubbing his cock over his clothes. You almost screamed when he curved his fingers inside you, bumping into your G-spot. 
"Is that it? Does it feel good to be touched in that place?" he pulled away from your shoulder a little, resting his forehead against yours. Once he noticed that you didn't plan to answer him, he rammed his fingers into that spot again, this time increasing the force of the onslaught. The shit-eating grin he had put on as he noticed how you trembled every time he touched that spot would not be taken off by anyone. 
"Take your hand away," you said with a slight frown, squeezing his cock by way of threat. Jungkook quickly obeyed, pulling his fingers out from inside you and watching as your hand traveled to the elastic that held his briefs in place. 
He gasped as he felt the cold air hit his sensitive member, or perhaps it was because he was turned on by the sight of you unabashedly pulling out his cock and groping it, squeezing his balls and rubbing his slit. You were exactly what he thought you would be like in sex.
"Who knew Jungkookie would have such a nice cock" you laughed softly, squeezing the base of his member, noticing how preseminal fluid was starting to ooze out of his slit. You ran your thumb over the tip, taking the liquid into your mouth and licking it off. 
Jungkook moaned at the sight. He never thought you would taste his cum like that. 
"Always acting so nasty every time we're together, was it because you were desperate to fuck me?" you commented teasingly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He just nodded quickly, resting his hands on your hips. You looked so beautiful that for a second he completely forgot that you were in a seedy alley, outside a bar where all his friends were enjoying.
"Okay" You moved towards the wall that faced your back, Jungkook followed you without even questioning you. His hands were clinging to your hips, and he refused to let go. "Then fuck me the fuck up and stop acting like a motherfucker."
It took him a while to process what you had just said, but as soon as he got the message he lifted you up by your thighs and leaned you against the wall, resting his hand behind your head to keep the brick from hurting you. 
"Fine" he nodded quickly, taking his cock in his free hand and rubbing it against your middle. 
You had to bite your tongue to keep from screaming as you felt Jungkook thrust in. It felt really good to have his member in your pussy. It's not like you were going to tell him out loud.
"Fuck, so tight" he growled against your lips, kissing you messily. Jungkook was sure this would happen again, so he would no longer take the time to enjoy the kiss.
The knot in your belly grew tighter and tighter as Jungkook rammed hard against your insides, causing your back to hit the brick of the wall. It was painful, but the pleasure was enough to make you forget the pain completely. 
"You feel so good" Jungkook nuzzled your neck, taking his time to kiss and lick your bottom lip. He grunted on this very one as he felt your pussy clench on his cock before his words. "Shit, if you keep doing that you'll make it hard to hold back, you know?".
"The night is long" you hummed, resting your head on Kook's hand, closing your eyes and letting barely audible moans escape, "we can always leave and pay for a hotel."
You felt Jungkook's cock contract inside you at the thought. There was nothing he wanted more in this world than to spend the whole night fucking you. "So it's okay if I cum?" he looked up, trying to meet your gaze.
You grabbed his hair, tugging lightly on it. "If you don't I'll be really mad at you, and believe me, you really don't want me to be upset for the rest of the night" you whispered, tightening your grip on his hair. 
Jungkook moaned at the action, beginning to quicken the pace of his thrusts, as well as the force he applied to them.
You bit your lower lip as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten tighter and tighter as his lunges grew deeper and deeper. Despite having done that with the intention of keeping quiet, you almost screamed as you felt his cock collide with your G-spot, squeezing Jungkook harder.
That was enough for him to come to his release, without ceasing to move his hips against yours. You came moments later, just as he leaned his head against yours, letting the last spurt of his cum spurt out inside you.
"So," he whispered between gasps, brushing the hair back from his forehead, "what hotel are we supposed to go on to?"
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mazosstuff · 6 months
Heartsteel boys × classical singer!reader
Pairings: Aphelios, Ezreal, Sett, Kayn, Yone, K'sante (separately) × gn reader
Cw: maybe reader being a little insecure?
Words: 1.1 k
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• You sometimes forget he's in the house, so, thinking you're alone, you start singing a little.
• You were no master at it so it was a little hard for you to say if you were singing with your throat or not, and that was one of his reasons why you never sang infront of him, but following some advices from your vocal coach helped alot.
• You were cooking something when you remembered the part of an opera you did when you didn't know Phel.
• Not noticing him, you started singing the solo and, my my, our boy was shocked.
• He realised you didn't know he was there, but he just stared at you awestruck.
• You never raised your voice in front of him, but to hear it so loudly, he was certainly amazed by it. (Doesn't mean that you were screaming, but it is pretty loud when someone sings right next to you, been there, done that myself)
• It was powerful, and even if he didn't understand a word of what you said, he still thought it was beautiful.
After ending your solo, you turned around and saw him, completely frozen in the spot.
Your cheeks went red
"Phel!" You exclaimed. "I didn't know you were home."
He grabbed his phone and wrote on the notes: do it again
"You... wanna hear me sing?" He nodded his head.
"And to think people say I'm too loud when I sing like this... don't you mind?" He shook his head to indicate a no.
• He kinda knew you sang a little, but he never knew what kind of genre you would be into.
• When you heard their song for the first time, you liked it a lot, so he thought your favourite genre of music must be electronic or pop.
• Truth to be told, you were really versatile with your taste in music.
• You two have a shared playlist where you once put an aria by accident, and you didn't notice until he told you.
"Babe, do you listen to classical music?" You stared at him. How did he know?
"Yeah... I usually sing it too..."
"Shut up, let me hear you! I wanna hear you sing the one you put in our playlist."
Panic. Total fucking panic. What if he didn't like it? What if you messed up the high note? What if...?
"Okay" you finally gave in.
"Let me just prepare a little... I don't wanna hurt my vocal cords."
After preparation, you started. Your heart pounded like crazy.
All went smoothly. You were so scared of having a voice crack but it never happened.
He got his yellow glasses and put them on his face just to push them down (like the scene in the MV).
"Why didn't you tell me I have a soulmate who sings better than me?"
"You can do high notes and everything! I need to tell this to everyone! My soulmate is already special by themselves, but this? You're amazing!"
• I feel like his mother would turn up the volume of the radio whenever classical music was put.
• He usually rolled his eyes when he was younger, but with age he started to understand the work and the vocal training people put to reach those levels. He respected it.
• Once you were going somewhere so he turned on the radio to put some music and the station the radio was on was the one of classical music.
• Before he could change the station you started singing.
• He secretly started to record you.
• He was impressed to say the least.
You looked over to him. "Delete that. Now."
"Oh come on, babe. You have millions of videos of me singing. Why can't I have one of you?"
"Do you think I can sing whatever you sang now?"
"Do you wanna end up like Phel?"
"Omg, no"
"Then don't"
• Bro rolls his eyes whenever he hears the words classical and music put together.
• He will pretend to throw up whenever you make him listen to a song that's not rock, pop, metal, or anything that doesn't have fast rhythm.
• One time it happened that you found a recording of you singing.
• He wanted to listen to make fun of your taste in music, but he was...
• He couldn't understand.
• Something he thought was lame just became... angelic.
"So... what do you think...?"
"It's okay, I guess"
"Wait... you are telling me that you liked it? Kayn, sweety, are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine. And what's with the sweety now? Don't say that again"
So, under that façade of the bad boy, there is a golden heart after all.
• He listens to the classic music playlists on spotify. You can't tell me otherwise.
• Would be delighted to know that you two shared this little interest.
• Would let you sing him to sleep if he allowed himself to rest.
• Once, because you had a minor argument, you slept in separate rooms.
• He couldn't sleep so tried with the music he had saved of spotify but nothing worked.
He knocked at your door.
"What?" You asked him, still pretty pissed off, but probably because of the tiredness and the sadness.
"I can't sleep."
"Me neither"
"Can... can you sing me that one melody you sing me everytime?"
"Can't you just listen it on your own?"
"Why deprive myself of the better version when I have it right in front of me?" The reality was that he needed your voice and not some of a stranger.
If your body wasn't a solid, it would have melted right there.
(But no seriously, how can you not love this man)
• He would start humming with you some famous pieces.
• I don't know why but I have the feeling that he also has heard somethings so he has a basic knowledge of classical music.
• He asked why didn't you join a choir yet. With your talent, you should.
• He once tried sneaking up on you while you were reading a music sheet.
• With how scared you were you hit a high note that wasn't even in your range, or at least you thought it wasn't.
��� The man was too stunned to speak.
"Did you just...?"
"I didn't even know that was in my range..."
"What were you reading anyway? Did you join a choir?" He gasped in excitement.
"Yeah... I followed your advice. It's actually more welcoming than I thought it would be"
"I'm so happy you're comfortable there!" He picked you up and hugged you.
A/n: Hi there! Paranoia has been stuck in my mind for quite some time, so I thought I might write something for the boys from the perspective of someone who grew up in a family of musicians and professional classical singers.
Riot... you gotta tell me why do you create them, make them drop a banger, and make them disappear into thin air.
I am waiting for a comeback of both K/DA and True Damage.
I hope you liked this! As always, requests are open. Check my pinned post!
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charlottecutepie · 2 months
hi Lizzy, sorry to bother you but can I request for a Henry X reader? My man lacks content about him :(( it can be about anything I don't mindd
⋆୨♡୧⋆ Henry Emily x fem!reader smut blurb
author note: thank u for this request love! don't know why but breeding kink + size kink is henry, also him having a dad bod is canon for me. also important: the way i imagine henry is by @kcokaine_ on twitter
tags: nsfw, smut, vaginal sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, praise, size kink, softdom!henry, jealous!henry, but he tries to hide it, william is an asshole, public sex, breeding kink, missionary, established relationship, Henry’s dilf bc i said so
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William has no shame, Henry realized that a long time ago. Especially when he found out that William was cheating on his wife. William doesn't have a shred of damn shame when he lets himself touch you. When he literally fucks you with his eyes. When he tries to give you fucking compliments. Henry rarely experiences such feelings of anger and jealousy. Henry hates himself for his gentle nature and for not being able to punch his friend right into his face. Especially when the pizzeria hall is full of children and their parents as they have no idea what a disgusting asshole William is.
Of course, Henry could have waited until he got home and made love to you there, fucking you so good that you'd have forgotten William's name. But there's always a but. Today Henry wants William to know that you don't need anyone's else's cock but his.
When Henry warned you that his hands were big enough, you just laughed and softly pushed him into his broad chest, that was a joke, right?
But you're not laughing when you feel how true his words turned out to be. Not just the hands, but in fact the whole Henry. His physique is far from athletic, this man isn’t so young anymore and doesn't really keeps his figure, but damn, these muscles that reminds so much of his youth, dad bod, wide shoulders and his damn tall height, you're nearly whining. Now you realise what he was talking about (or warning?), there's only one of his fingers inside you, but it feels like all three. You're wet, incredibly horny and dripping, but it doesn't make it any easier. Henry looks into your eyes, and then his gaze falls on your pussy taking his finger. He frowns, he doesn't want to take out his anger and jealousy on you at all, he just can't do this to you, he loves you too much, so he tries to do everything gently and slowly.
“Kiss me,” you whisper to him, your eyes filled with nothing but desire. Henry looks up at you and then crushes his lips on yours, as if he's been waiting for these words all his life. He kisses you softly and sensually, with all his love and affection he have for you, for his girl. Without taking his mouth off yours, he adds another finger and you pull away to make a loud moan, but Henry literally shuts you up with his palm.
“Remember you can't be loud, sweetheart,” he murmurs, kissing your forehead as he thrusts his large fingers in and out of your soaked cunt. “you can take it.” his low and dominant, but soft tone as he speaks quietly only arouses you more.
You desperately nod and he puts his hand off you, now holding one of your legs open to prevent you from closing them. All this time he stares into your eyes, watching your face and reaction. His thick digits stretch you open just good, making you shiver. Henry curls them slightly, rubbing against your soft spots until you moan, pressing yourself against his hand shamelessly. “Henryyy—” you whine, your pussy clenches around his finger, so fucking wet and responsive.
“Goddamn,” he whispers, pulling his finger out with a wet sound and rubs your swollen clit. You moan again, arching your hips towards him, begging for more contact. “need to taste you, princess.” he says raspingly, pressing his finger on your little bud.
He kisses the inside of your thigh softly, making his way slowly towards your core. You whimper as you feel his tongue on your clit, your legs twitch in pleasure. Henry holds you firmly as he eats you out, he's kissing and circling your sensitive bundle with his tongue. It feels too divine, too fucking good and you can't hold your loud noises, biting your own hand. “Ohh, please—” you cry out as he buries his face deeper into your needy pussy.
You're trembling as your hand grips the edge of the desk tightly, mouth open as you pant heavily, trying your best not to scream. He greedily laps at your slit, sliding his tongue all over your aching hole as it clenches around nothing, but Henry makes sure to fill it with his finger and it makes you see stars. He hums into your pussy, sucking on your clit and thrusting his finger in and out of you. You arch and shiver pathetically, your brows furrowed as your face confronted in pure bliss. Henry fingers you slowly, making sure to prepare and stretch you out perfectly for his cock. Every lick sends ripples of sensation throughout your core, he knows damn well how to make his girl feel good.
“Tha-that feels so good, anngh. . .” you bite your lower lip till nearly blood as Henry makes out with your pussy, so fucking messy, but he looks like he's too drunk to care about you trying to push his head away from overwhelming pleasure. “waittt!” you feel so close, especially when he finger fucks you so slow and gently while pleasuring you with his tongue. “'m gonna cum, Hen—. . . Fuck!” Henry groans, pulling away only for some seconds just to spit on your sloppy cunt before attacking it with kisses again. You taste too sweet.
“Cum on my face, sweetheart,” he murmurs, incoherent as he never really stops eating you out. “be my good girl.” for a moment he flashes you a small smile and you almost whine from how hot he looks, his chin cowered in your slick and hair messy. You smile weakly in return and when he thrusts his finger deeper adding to that sloppy lick on your clit, you feel your orgasm approach you. You moan and you don't give a fuck how loud that sounds, but in secret Henry is damn happy as you let that fucking William know how good your man makes you feel.
Your head spinning as you breathe heavily, chest rising up and down when Henry looks at you with drunk face expression. He stands up and takes your face into his hands, giving you more possessive than soft kiss now, letting you taste yourself. That's filthy, too much, Henry isn't like that in other people's eyes. Only for you.
He trails his kisses down your neck and finally reaches your breasts, he kisses both, touch them and fondle them and groans at how perfectly they look in his big hands. Henry sucks on your nipples, all this time fucking your dripping pussy with his fingers, never wanting to hurt you with his size, he knows you're a big girl and you'll take him, but he prefers to avoid any kind of pain. He tries to relax you to maximum. But what he doesn't know is that you're already too needy and hungry for him, wanting something more than just his fingers.
“My sweet girl.” he calls you while he holds you by the waist and slides his cock all over your hole, his head full of thoughts of these freak stares William gave you this evening. He's soft and sweet with you, reminding you of a fluffy teddy bear, but what happens inside his head and how blood boils in his veins from insane jealousy - that's what you don't see and Henry thinks it's for the best, he'll never show that side to you. “so wet for me, want to feel that cock stretching this tiny pussy?” he literally goes feral at the thought of his cock filling you.
“Please, Henry, i need you,” you look into his eyes and your pathetic sight does something to him. Henry gets himself comfortable between your legs, he caresses your cheek as he can't stop looking at how pretty his leaking tip looks rubbing on your clit. He knows he must be gentle and he tries his fucking best.
Henry starts sliding inside you, all this time holding your waist and watching your face for any signs of pain. “Doing so well for me, sweetheart, just like that.” your eyes widen at unexpected feeling, it's not like you two never had sex, but every time he's inside it feels like new. You think you'll never get used to his size. You look at his dick filling you and your pussy clenches down around him as he buries himself deep inside you. Closing your eyes, you try to accommodate to that thickness inside you but not when you feel his thumb making its way to your nub. Henry rubs his thumb in slow, circular motions on your swollen clit as he continues filling your tight cunt. You moan softly beneath him; reaching to lay your hand on his, which working on your clit, while letting out a contented sigh. You two fall into a slow rhythm, each thrust drawing you deeper into your passion.
“Auhh— your so deep inside of me,” you throw your head back, whimpering loudly as every inch of Henry stretches your soppy pussy. Henry thrusts a little bit harder and your breasts bounce slightly which seems like a sweet invitation to him. He presses his lips to your nipple and pulls it, and then licks and sucks, groaning how good you feel.
“This little pussy taking me so well, you're such a good girl, honey,” Henry mutters as he starts thrusting a bit faster.
You throw your leg around him, pulling him deeper into yourself as you cry out for more; wanting to feel every inch and vein of his cock. He hides his face in your chest as he groans at your warmness and wetness around him, your juices making the most beautiful wet sounds as your bodies slap against each other.
“You feel so—” you choke on your own moans as Henry pumps his thick cock faster, you feel him twitching and throbbing inside of you. “awhhh fuck!”
“Just like that, princess,” his lips finds yours in hot kiss again, your eyes flutter closed. “look at you, taking me so well, all pretty and full of my cock. That's where your meant to be, honey, under your man, ughhh, being fucked nice and good. This little pussy, ogghh fuck!” his voice breaks into a loud moan when your cunt tightens once again at his dirty words. “this little pussy belongs to me.”
Your lovely eyes filled with sweet tears of pleasure. “love you, i— awhh, i love you, daddy!” Henry is used to you calling him that when you fuck, although you rarely do because you're still shy. But what you don't know is what effect that word has on him. He's literally going insane, and thank god Henry knows how to control himself, otherwise your pussy would be absolutely ruined right now. Henry doesn't know what he found in that word. Apparently, it still awakens something in him. No, of course, he loves his daughter very much, the only one, he cherishes her. Whenever he sees how much you care about her, he gets some. . . obsessive thoughts. But it feels so fucking right; the idea of expanding your family, watching you blossom into a mother. Would he like to give Charlie a brother or a sister?
Would he like to make you a mom?
Henry gets so lost in his dreams and fantasies that he doesn't even notice his crazy pace and your hot tears streaming down your cheeks, you look so beautiful it drives him crazy. You wrap your hands around his neck and bring his face closer, kissing him again. Kissing him like it's the last time. You hold him close to you and when Henry pulls away to moan again because of how amazing you feel, you press your lips against his forehead and give him soft kisses, asking him to go harder on you. Henry doesn't listen to you, you don't know what you're asking for. If he'll go harder on you. . . Henry sighs, slowing his thrusts. You don't wanna know what'll happen.
Your tight soft walls grip his cock as he bullies your insides, his hand moves down again and he circles your clit nicely and gentle. You rock your hips back and forth faster, desperate to cum, to feel him finishing inside you. Because Henry always pulled out before. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as his tip reaches your cervix and you feel close, so fucking close especially with how he stimulates you using his fingers, rubbing and flicking your little clit. “dont p-pull out,” your tone nearly sounds like an order as you feel Henry ready to pull out. He freezes in place and looks at you, breathing heavily, confusion on his face. “want you to cum inside—” you barely finish your words as he plunges deep inside your pussy much rougher and harder than before, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
If he'll cum inside you, if he’ll get you pregnant, William will definitely notice it. He'll see that you're carrying Henry's baby under your heart. Henry thinks, what will be the reaction of everyone's beloved Mr. Afton? Anger, jealousy? Perhaps envy? William has such an envious nature. Henry's smiling, William has always been jealous of him. Henry have the best daughter in the world, the best girlfriend- almost a wife? Henry always takes the best.
“I'm close, sweetheart,” he tells you, his cock sinking deeper inside you and his fingers dug into the plush of your thighs, his thrusts messy, meanwhile you squirm and moan underneath him.
“Breed me— Ahhng, Henry, breed me!” you beg him and and that's the end for him, Henry fucking whimpers. His eyes squeezed shut, his body shaking and he can't control his loud groans as he spills deep inside of you. It feels too good to stop thrusting inside your cunt as he overstimulates both of you, you cumming on his cock while he fills you up, pumping you full of his cum. You grab on him when he pulls out a little. Watching his cum drip out of your little hole, he sighs and fucks it back in, not wanting any drop of him to ooze out of you.
“You're such a good girl, princess. . .” he whispers, kissing your nipples and holding you in his big hands. If Henry was a dirty pervert like William, he'd send you to William right now so he could fucking see his best friend's cum trickling down the inner side of your thighs. But Henry isn't like William and there's no way he'd do that to you. Probably only in his dirtiest and darkest fantasies.
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honyturtle · 2 months
So sorry for any typos and i feel like this wasn't a good delivering, but it's what we have! See u soon my loves <3
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‘So fucking hot!’ Minji mumbled under her breath right after you walked past her. She had gone out to a convenience store to pick up some snacks, and that's when she saw you, and goddamn! Didn't you make her legs wobbly.
No! For real, girly feel in love at first sight; she doesn't know if you know who she is, but even if you did, you wouldn't recognize her at the moment, but the girl wished you would, it would be a big chance for her to shoot her shot.
Gosh, your smile, your laugh, your body and everything else makes her hold a moan in. She wanted to kneel for you, treat you like the queen that you are, and, oh, let you take control of everything. She's smitten, guys.
It happens that the universe chooses to give her a chance.
‘Wait! My card is getting declined?!? Oh! I knew I should have bought my cash!’ She heard you say this after your card was declined for the third time. Minji saw this as an opportunity and caught it like her life was on the game.
‘It's okay; she's with me, here.’ Minji gave her card to the cashier, paying for hers and your groceries. She felt her skin warming up because of your stare; she was having a hard time not melting right now, at this moment.
She grabbed yours and hers bags, and started to walk out, hearing you following her.
‘There was no need for you to pay for me; however, thank you for it. May I know who's my hero?’ She heard your sweet voice speaking to her. You touched her shoulder, making her stop and her body shudder. Not going unnoticed by you.
‘Umm...Minji, m-my name's Minji.’ She took off her mask, making her face visible. She saw something flashing through your eyes, but it was gone in a second. ‘Pleasure to meet you, Minji; my name's Y/n.' You spook with such charm; she doesn't know how to explain, but you're driving her nuts just by being you.
‘I'm quite surprised that you are just willing to shoe yourself to me. What if I was a weird, crazy fan?’ She said to me with a teasing smirk on while we started to walk side by side, ‘I-i just had a feeling that you are good, and besides, I wouldn't let you go through that embarrassing moment.’ Minji told you with the most “???” face, ‘Be careful, Kim; if you keep this act up, I might think that you're in love with a total stranger.' You giggled at your words but stopped right after hearing Minji's response.
‘I can't deny, you got me hooked, Y/N...' Oh! She felt like jumping off a cliff would be easier than this. Gosh, I should've just kept my mouth shut; that's what she was thinking; however, again, it seems that the universe is caring for her today because she feels like her heart was about to jump out of her chest when you said, ‘Is it so? So you would do anything for Mami mi corazón?’ I'm not going to lie when I say that this made Minji moan out loud; you only smirked and grabbed the girl's wrist, taking her...somewhere.
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Yeah, that's how Minji found herself drowning in your pussy and being suffocated by your thighs. She doesn't know how many hours she was there, but she didn't give a fuck; she felt like she was in heaven. ‘You're such a good puppy; mi amor, mami promise to take such good care of you too, ok?’ Minji only let out a string of muffled whines. She couldn't really pay attention to what you said; she's too busy getting a taste of you.
‘Fuck!’ You moaned after Minji plugged two of her long fingers on your gummy walls while sucking on your clit, oh, she had you curling your toes. ‘Come on, baby! Make me cum; make mami come only for you.’ It was like a trigger, and Minji was fucking you like there's no tomorrow, and you? You're just letting the pleasure flow through your veins, and soon, for the fourth time, she had you orgasming. A string of curses fell off your mouth while you got ridden off your high, and Minji loved the aftereffects it left in you, from your ragged breath to your shaking legs. You were forced to pull her off by her hair, as she didn't want to let go of your sweet pussy.
The sight below you was dangerous; Minji's naked body was flushed, especially her cheeks, as she spent a long time between your legs; she was sweating, her body full of marks made by you and lastly but no least, her face smeared with your sweet and lovely nectar.
‘Was my pussy that good, mi corazón?’ You asked, seeing her smiling towards you, ‘It was heavenly.’ She gripped your hips, feeling all of you, 'Well, we weren't done... I still need a favor.' You said slowly and teasingly; you got up before she could ask, swinging your hips, tempting the idol, and retrieved something in your closet.
You throw it in Minji’s lap. ‘Think you can handle me some more amor?’ It was a strap on, Minji felt a fire lighting up in her belly. She looked like an obedient puppy, nodding her head, almost kneeling on the floor for you. And you? You made yourself comfortable in your bed, getting into a dog-style position. ‘Come take your reward for being a good puppy.’ Oh, Minji was sure she had cummed right after this.
She put the harness on, got the strap in, and didn't waste any time. She got behind you, grabbing a fistful of your ass, and started to enter your pussy, feeling the tightness of it. Furthermore, she let a growl out, starting to make her move sloppy, but was quickly reminded who was the one in control when you, surprisingly, managed to turn her around without getting her out of you, getting her again under you.
‘Was it too early to praise you, Puta Estúpida?' You slapped her face and pulled her hair, making her head lean back. You started to move your hips while riding her; oh, Minji was loving it. ‘Yes, mami, f-fuck me.’ She said it pathetically while almost drooling from seeing your tits bouncing.
Lest just say that Minji had a wild, tiring, but pleasuring night and when she returned to the dorms in the morning with a stupid dope smile in her face, feeling like she had won a trophy, the girls knew something fishy had happened.
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lovebittenbyevans · 2 months
The Wrong Sister | Part 2
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Summary: You and your sister Jasmine don’t always see eye to eye. When she starts to bring her husband Andy Barber around more, you kept a distance from him until things began to change between you two.
Pairing: Andy Barber x Female Reader
Warnings: one curse word
Part 2
The last few days you had good sleep and you need it because of work. Your mind was racing a lot and you had so many thoughts running through your head.
You couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe that Andy wanted to get to know you. Not one guy from Jasmine's past relationships ever did that before at all. Her ex-boyfriends wouldn’t think about doing that.
All of her exes were about her only and nobody else even when they can’t make it past a second date with her. You wonder how the fuck Jasmine had all these guys fall to her feet and not see through her bullshit over the years.
“That’s very bold of him.” Chloe said through the phone. “I mean I would meet up with him if I was you. Fuck, Jasmine.”
You laughed. “Of course you would. You would not feel any shame.”
Chloe let out a loud scoff. “Hello!? Have you seen that man I mean–look I’m sure it’s going to go great.”
You shake your head when you hear a voice near you. “Y/N.” You glance up seeing Andy standing there. “Hi.”
He pulled the chair across from you and sat down. You told Chloe goodbye and hung up your phone putting it back in your purse. “I didn’t think you would actually make it.” He says, picking up the menu.
“I was still deciding if I should or not.” You take a sip of your water while looking at the menu.
Little Wild Shack is one of the restaurants you heard so much about but never been before. The waiter came by taking your order and Andy order of food and drinks before leaving to order tables.
Another waiter brings back a basket full of chips before walking away. “Does my sister know–” He interrupted you after taking a bite of the chip. “Jasmine doesn’t need to know my every move, Y/N.”
Your eyebrow raised while listening to him. “She can’t control me. I am my own person.” You were shocked right about now.
Who was he?
“So, she doesn't stalk your every move?” You asked him.
He chuckles. “No, I shut that shit down with her way before we got married.”
You nodded, unsure what to say. This waiter came back with both of the drinks you two ordered. You bring the straw to your lips and take a sip. A lemonade drink hits every time you taste it.
You clear your throat. “I’m sure you tell her where you are going to some places. You wouldn’t want her thinking you are cheating or something.”
“You came here to lecture me?” He smirks.
Your eyes widen. “No I–” He laughs a little. “I’m joking, Y/N.” You nod, taking another sip of your drink.
Few minutes later, the waiter came back with the food you two ordered for lunch. You had to admit the burger and fries looked delicious. You can never get tired of a good burger restaurant.
Andy swallowed hard after taking a bite out of his fish sandwich. “What’s the relationship between you and my wife? Jasmine told me bits and pieces but I want to hear your side.”
You sigh, taking another bite of your burger. “As you know she’s older than me.” You swallow before speaking again. “My mom always took her side whenever I didn’t do anything wrong and blamed me for it. My dad has a shaky relationship with his daughter as well.”
His eyes were still on you. “All the boyfriends she had before you she always made up rules because she was terrified I would steal them from her but Jasmine should know I am not that type of girl.”
After years gone by you stopped listening to Jasmine trying to boss you around and trying to control you in front of people to make them think you were weak. You notice over the years Jasmine just had to be perfect.
“No boyfriend for you?” He asked, finish eating his food.
You shake your head. “No, I dated around but none of them ever stuck with me.”
His eyebrow arched. “Why?” Andy was being curious.
You push your plate forward before taking a swig of the last drop of your drink. “It just didn’t work out and I just saw them as just flings.” You feel like you didn’t need to lie. You were being honest.
“Oh? You were outside! Outside?” He joked, making you laugh.
You leaned back in your chair. “I guess you can call it that.”
Andy waved the waiter to the table as he asked you another question. “So, you had time to make coffee and deal with your flings?”
You shake your head. “No, before I decided to work at the coffee shop. I was a wedding planner but Jasmine got me fired.”
“What?” He was stunned to hear this. Andy asks the waitress for the check as he listens to you. “Yeah, I still do it on the side as a part time but not as much.”
You love planning weddings for people who are in love. You'd rather do that than work at a coffee shop for the rest of your life. You still can’t believe Jasmine told your old boss these lies about you.
Hearing a phone buzzing on the table, you check out the dessert menu while Andy picks up his phone answering it. The waiter came back to the table five minutes later and placed the check on the table in front of you.
“Ok, Ok. I got to go.” He hangs up the phone as you check the bill.
You began to take your card out of your wallet when Andy stopped you. “Don’t you dare.” He immediately placed his card inside the checkbook and closed it.
“But It’s–” He cut you off. “No, I got it.” You leaned back again in your chair as you noticed Andy had a smirk on his face.
“Y/N, how about–” You interrupted him before he could even ask you. “No, No, No.”
He sucked his teeth playfully. “Come on.” He leaned forward. “I can pay you. When was the last time you were on a fake vacation while working?”
You rub your chin thinking about it. “And what exactly do you do?”
The waiter grabs the checkbook as his blue eyes are locked on yours. “Parents money and my own lawyer company.” He continues. “Think of it as you on vacation but hardly working.”
You rolled your eyes. “Jasmine wouldn’t approve of me doing you guys one month anniversary you two every year.”
He crossed his arms as his lips curled into a half-smile. “Who said anything about telling her? It would be between you and me, babygirl.”
Was he serious?
“And where are you two planning to celebrate?” You question him, trying to process this.
The waiter came back a minute later with the checkbook again. Andy took his card as you got up from your chair taking your jacket. “Let's just say between Italy and Greece.” He finally responded.
You slug your jacket over your shoulder and grab your purse from behind the chair. “I don’t have the money for that type of trip.” You pushed the chair underneath the table and walked out the door with Andy right behind you.
You continue to walk down the street with Andy alongside you. “Let me pay for you.” He says, placing his hands inside his coat pocket.
“Are you–I don’t need a sugar daddy.” Your face scrunched up.
Andy laughs, opening the door to a bubble tea shop he has been wanting to try. You are not the one to say no to getting a drink of bubble tea.
He stood right behind you on the line. “Let your brother in law help you for once.” You glance at the menu seeing what they have.
Before you order your drink, you take a look at him. “Andy, I couldn’t ask you to do that.” You told the lady what type of drink you wanted and stepped to the side.
He shrugs. “It’s no big deal.” You gave the lady your card while waiting for your drink.
Andy ordered his drink and paid the lady as well. “Your sister shouldn’t keep you away from your dream job.” He took a step next to you.
You place your straw in your drink and take a sip letting the flavor hit your tongue. “Wow, this is good!” You take another sip and walk to find an empty table.
Andy took his drink and sat across from you. “Can we just take it one day at a time and let me think about it.” You don’t want to feel overwhelmed just yet.
He nods. “Sure, I’m just saying maybe it’s time to stop being scared of my wife and show her the real you.” You just continue to slurp your drink while you and Andy talk about himself and different things.
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thelittleliars · 1 year
Survive (4/4)
Warnings: fluff
Words: 3,8K
Summary: // (it's a surprise)
AN: The long awaited Part 4 is finally here! I rewrote the end a thousand of times since nothing was ever nearly as perfect as now. I might write one shots based on this universe in the future, I'd would to keep up with things Y/N and Natasha are doing after this. Thanks for being so patience! I did not proof read so if anything doesn't make sense you know why.
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[Part 1: Silence]
You opened your eyes slowly, the sunshine that came through your curtains was warm but also very bright so you had to get used to it before you took a look around your room. You saw Natasha lying next to you, she had a soft expression on her face with hint of a tiny smile tugging at her lips. Seeing her there made your heart all warm and fuzzy, you were tearing up with how happy and content you felt. The woman in front of you started to wake up, her eyes fluttered open but shut them immediately again, it was also too bright for her. A minute later she opened them again, dreamingly looking in your eyes with her beautiful green ones, mornings like this made her happy. "Good morning moya lyubov'." Before you could even think about what the translation was, you felt her warm lips on yours, it was only a peck but it still gave you the butterflies. "Cuddle time before breakfast?"
"Yes please." You muttered, your hands instantly went around her body, your legs messily intertwined with hers and your face snuggled in her boobs. To the world it looked like a koala hugging Natasha, even though she was noticeably shorter than you. You often teased the black widow about her height but it would bite you back once you trained with her, she constantly handed back your ass. "You really have nice boobs." 
"Thanks, I grew them myself." She placed a kiss on your head. You could get used to this, being loved like this was all you've ever wanted.
"Lucky you.. I think I somehow missed the lesson of growing boobs." You complained with a loud sigh. 
"Hmm maybe it's a good thing you missed that lesson. I love them the way they are." Natasha told you in a deep voice that made her naturally raspy voice even hotter. "They're perfect so I hope you'd never surgically change them."
Often times you thought of getting breast implants but it all flew out of the window whenever Nat told you how much she loved your small boobs. "I won't. At least not as long as you're here to cherish them." 
"You know damn well I take good care of them." You nodded then looked up and leaned in to give her a small kiss as appreciation. "As much as I love this right now, I'm getting a bit too hungry to truly enjoy these moments."
A dirty thought came to your mind and you just couldn't help yourself but spoke it out loud. "You know.. you could always eat me." You suggested teasingly but you knew once Natasha was really hungry she needed real food to function properly.
"Very tempting but you are not a meal, even though you taste heavenly detka." You groaned at the thought of getting up, but you slowly entangled yourself from your lover anyways. You both got up, changed out of your pajamas and walked hand in hand to the kitchen. While you quickly prepared some waffles, Natasha washed and cut some fruits. From time to time she came to you with a strawberry and fed you lovingly. Right when you were finished with baking all waffles and putting them on the table besides Natasha's fruit bowl, Yelena busted in without any care.
"Y/N Y/L/N, thank you for making Waffles. I really craved some." She sat down on one of our kitchen chairs and prepared herself a plate. 
You shook your head and rolled your eyes at her behavior. "When will you stop saying my last name?" 
Yelena stuffed a piece of waffle in her mouth and answered while chewing her breakfast. "The day after you marry my sister duh." You looked towards your red head and started begging for her to marry you. She only smiled and shook her head, she couldn't believe you being so funnily ridiculous right now. "Too bad, you're missing out." 
The tiny blonde sister purposely gagged. "Gross.. you're being gross." Right as you wanted to tease her back, you felt a hot shook, like a jolting in your heart and everything around you suddenly started to shake. You felt your knees giving in a little bit. "Guys, whats happening?"
"What do you mean?" Natasha said but when she turned her head to you she quickly added, "Y/N, oh my god, are you alright?" Both Yelena and Natasha ran the few steps to you and held you up by your arms. "I-I.. I d-don't-" Nothing but slurring words came out of your mouth. The sisters were quick to move you towards the sofa that was near the kitchen table since you had an (open) connected kitchen and living room. "Here, let's sit down for a bit. You can rest or even sleep a bit, alright?" The last thing you did was nodding to them and closing your eyes. 
The next time you opened your eyes you lied somewhere outside on grass. Confused about how you ended up here, you sat up and looked around just to spot Natasha a few meters away but instead of seeing her red hair she now had short blonde hair. Your mouth instantly fell open, you never expected Nat to look like this but fuck she looked so stunning. The hair style fit her even if blonde hair isn't your favorite on people. She walked back in your direction before sitting down in front of you. "How was your nap? Feeling a little better?" 
What the fuck? How? What? Why? "I'm not sure." You answered still very confused about what was going on. Natasha nodded and gave you a tiny smile. "Then try to rest a bit more. I'll go get Yelena and Aliana. I'll be right back." She gave your legs a small squeeze, then got up and vanished behind some trees. You closed you eyes and wondered who the fuck Aliana was and why this all is happening. 
When you opened your eyes the next time, it was suddenly morning and you were lying in a bed that you knew wasn't yours. You took a breath before looking to your right side, there was nothing but a framed photo of Natasha Romanoff. A sudden rush of sadness with a touch of heartbreak came over you. Whatever this was, it just couldn't be happening, you thought you were going crazy. You immediately shut your eyes and this time you felt a shift inside of your whole body. You didn't dare to open your eyes once again, being scared of what might happen next but you got extremely curious when you heard a loud snore next to you. 
A tiny peak wouldn't hurt right? With new found confidence you slowly opened your eyes just to see the ugly ass ceiling you always woke up to at the avengers compound. You let out a sigh of relief, this isn't as bad as you thought it'd be. The loud snore came up once again, you breathed in deeply before taking a look from where the snore came from and as soon as you saw the women that snored it nearly took your breath away. It was Wanda Maximoff and she was naked. You quickly looked at yourself for it to get confirmed that you were also naked, and then you saw another naked body on your other side. At the sight of a naked Natasha you blushed badly, but soon enough it flew away by your confused state. Something was very wrong but you couldn't figure out what exactly. You knew you constantly felt different but didn't know what to do. Wanda stirred awake, she yawned tiredly before asking why you were awake already.
"Wanda there's something wrong." You told her, your heartbeat got faster with each second. 
"Yeah, you're right." You sighed in relief, she also felt there was something wrong. "I'm still wearing the strap on from last night. Ugh it's getting uncomfortable." 
"FUCK!!! JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE! HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE? FUCKING HELL! AM I IN HELL, IS THIS MY HELL LOOP??" Your own voice screamed inside of you as loud as it could. And it was as if the gods heard your pleads, a you light suddenly appeared and you had to gasp for air. It felt like all the oxygen got sucked out of you, you struggled so badly that at one point you swore you died. The light turned so bright that it changed into darkness eventually before it turned into something colorful and only then you felt like you could finally breath again. After a while you heard voices, Natasha voice especially, she was outraged by something. You then heard Yelena, Maria, Tony and even Carol, they all tried to reason with your best friend. You were still too exhausted to open your eyes, also a little bit too scared to do so, but you tried to utter out a small Natty. It was a quiet one but surprisingly they all heard it. 
"Y/N? Oh god can you hear me?" Natasha grabbed your hand and held onto it for dear life. You tried to squeeze her hand and were successful, even if it was barely a squeeze.
"Don't do this again, you hear me? Don't ever scare us like this ever again. I don't think I can handle this one more time." In the background you heard Tony discuss something with what most likely was a doctor. You were too focused on Natasha to hear they were talking about.
"What happened?" 
"We don’t know for sure." Carol joined the conversation. It was nice to hear her voice again, it had been months since you last saw her. "We guess the virus did this to you. I only saw something like this once and they got super power from it. Unfortunately we have to take tests on you."
"But don't worry Y/N Y/L/N! Tony is looking at all the footage to see who fucked up when we got cleared. As soon as I have a name they'll get beat up!" Suddenly a echo of a slap ringed out in the room. Yelena let out a scream of pain. "Ouch!" 
This was real, your own reality and not some kind of dream. Relief washed over you, your body finally relaxed at knowledge to be at the right place with the right time. Slow and steadily you opened your eyes, the room was a bit more darker and you were glad they dimmed the lights for you already. The second you saw Natasha a tons of different emotions flooded your senses and just started crying for a minute or two.
"I'm here." She whispered before she came closer and leaned in to rest her forehead against yours. How you wished to be even closer to her in that moment. You longed for extrem body contact with her, a hug so close and tight with the intentions of never wanting to let go. "Do you want me to lie down next to you?"
You nodded while telling her to hold you and never let go. Only when she embraced you, you were finally at peace with everything. 
Turned out that an intern fucked up your results, he accidentally dropped your blood sample and replaced it with his own blood. They took another blood sample from you and this time it showed huge abnormalities in your DNA. Each Avenger with different DNA asked you about your experience to see if they knew what power you exactly had. It wasn't until Wanda came back with Dr. Strange that you finally got a clear answer of your powers. They explained that you could 'posses' the body of yourself in different universes and continue living their life while you're asleep. You basically dream walked in various universes, which scared the hell out of you and you didn't know if you liked your new powers since the multiverse is still very new for everybody.
"I got something for you Y/N." Nat busted into your room and threw you a small black box which you catched easily. As you opened it, you got extremely curious to see what it was but when you saw a smartwatch in your favorite color it confused you. "Still a prototype but it's modified on your powers. Maximoff and Strange tested it as much as they could and Stark tried his best with the technology."
"What exactly can it do? Like how is this gonna help me?" You crossed your legs as you made yourself comfortable on your bed.
"They said that you could see if you're here or if you're off in the multiverse doing that dream walking stuff." She sat down on the chair at your desk, she lazily propped up a foot and looked at you with an expression you could not figure out. "You haven't told me a single thing about what you saw when you dream walked."
You nodded, not sure if you were ready to tell her yet. "Only Wanda knows everything."
"Speaking of the Witch, she told me that Tony is throwing a party for you tonight." You shook your head in disbelieve, though you shouldn't be surprised about Tony throwing a party for you yet you still were. "It's just a small one with only the Avengers and some friends."
"It's still a big no. I got too much on my mind." While that wasn't a lie it was also not the main reason why you didn't want to go. 
"Like what?" You saw the slightly worried expression on her face but she knew not to push you. "How to tell you some things." She immediately put her foot from your desk and sat up straight. 
"Do I need to get Wanda to help us look into each other's thoughts?" She offered you the easy way out.
"No, it's better if we're alone." You took a deep breath, it was now or never to tell her about it. "After I collapsed in my bathroom, I woke up in bed like if it was any other day. You were sleeping next to me which isn't unusual, we decided to make breakfast and Yelena appeared to. We teased each other before I felt something weird inside of me, my knees gave in before you and Yelena took me to the sofa where I closed my eyes just to be somewhere else the next second." You specifically left out the parts where you guys kissed. "I suddenly was outside lying on grass and you told me you'd be back soon with Yelena and whoever the hell Aliana is. And when I woke up again I was in a room I did not recognize, Wanda and you were both in bed with me. I knew right there that something was very wrong and I screamed so loud to get out of there and somehow I ended up here in the med bay to you guys arguing."
"Why do I feel like you left out some details on purpose?" You knew she was teasing and joking but you still got defensive. "How the fuck are details relevant here??" 
"Y/N, I was only kidding." She said in a soft voice to calm you down. "You-"
"Don't you dare to say 'calm down' or I might actually do something we'll both regret." You shut your eyes close, trying to push the defensive feelings down. You were so busy actively concentrating on regulating your emotions that you haven't noticed the shift of your environment. 
"I have been waiting for your arrival, Y/N." The person stood a couple feet away. They look like you, a version of yourself to be precise, just with different clothes and a slightly different haircut. 
"What?" You said shocked, still looking at your other self standing in front of you.
"I knew it would only be a question of time before you come into my universe. I saw how you got your powers. I think every one of 'us' saw it, we were all in the same place when you collapsed." They explained. "I think that bonded us all."
You shook your head in disbelieve. "How is that even possible?" 
"That's easy, I mean I could explain it all to you but honestly? Those questions doesn't matter right now. We're here to talk about our fate." My fate? "Yes your fate, when we saw you collapsing, we also got a small peak into your life and how it was supposed to go before other forces changed your path for the worst."
"But everything is still the same as before." You were puzzled.
"And exactly that is the problem." They point at you frustrated for some reason. "You've seen yourself in multiple other universes, haven't you noticed a pattern yet??" 
"There are a lot of versions of myself with Natasha." You stated the obvious. The other you nodded and smiled widely. "Hallelujah! She noticed it!" 
"I still don't understand what you want from me." 
"I'm here to help you realize things that should have happened without actually telling you them."
You then took a look around the room your two stood in. Literally everywhere were pictures of yourself and most of them had Natasha in it too. Those pictures were moving as it were a video that could be printed. It felt like a memory room with not only your own memories but also from what seems like every other you from every universe that apparently exist. And then you spot a photo that you knew was from your universe, it was a moment you could never forget, primarily for the reason that it was so fucking embarrassing that it plagued your mind.
You continued starring at the photo but you didn't expect the outcome it showed it, it was so different than what actually happened. "This was exactly what was always supposed to happen."
"W-what.. h-how.. why d-did it change?" You didn't know how to speak anymore, not after you saw the painful reality of the robbed moment of your life. 
"You closed your eyes for a few seconds in that moment. An 'evil' you took over your body and changed the moment." They came close to you and held your hands. "If you do not take actions once you are back then I fear your fate will always stay the way it is right now." 
"How do I get back though?" You longed to get back now. All you wanted to do is change the path to the way it was supposed to go. "Close your eyes darling"
You did as you were told to, this time you did feel a shift, warmth and goosebumps was now the main thing you felt, the warmth came from something on your face. As soon as you opened your eyes you saw Natasha on front of you, who was holding your face in her hands. Her beautiful green eyes held worry it went away when she realized that you were back. A tons of butterflies erupted in your stomach and you were glad it gave you courage for what you were about to do next. You leaned your face closer to hers, inch by inch, giving Natasha the option to pull away before actually kissing her. But she didn't do such a thing, instead she leaned in too, meeting your lips halfway. Once your lips met, both of you battled for domination of the kiss. It ended up with you having the upper hand, the black widow was too smitten by you. Kissing Natasha was the best feeling ever. 
Since both of you didn't know what to say after the kiss, you just continued kissing until it became a bit too intense and hot. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" You asked the red head. She nodded happily, stealing a short kiss afterwards and then resting her forehead against yours. "Look at us, who would have thought?"
"Not me." You both giggle like little girls on a christmas morning. "I might be in love with you." Your heart melts at her confession, you knew expressing her feelings and emotions is not something easy for her. 
"I feel the same way." You smiled at her lovingly. "How about we skip this whole girlfriend thing and just get straight up married?" 
"There's absolutely nothing straight in this relationship detka. Let's wait a bit and enjoy our girlfriend phase for a while, alright?" 
You huffed but nodded. "Can we fake our marriage then? Because I really wanna call you my wife and confuse the others."
"Oh baby, you can call me whatever you want. I'm yours and only yours." She smirked at you, thinking of names she wanted you to call her.
There were a few minutes of silence before you decided to speak up again. "You were right about leaving out details earlier." 
"I figured. You weren't as smooth as you thought you were but if I'm beging honest then I officially knew when you mentioned the name Aliana." So Natasha did know the name but how come? "It's my middle name and I always thought of naming my child Aliana, that means if I ever had one considering what the red room did to my ovaries." 
"I'm in between of being extremely heartbroken and jealous that you don't have any ovaries." You admitted. "I hate that they didn't give you a choice but on the other hand you don't have to deal with bleeding out of your vagina every month ugh."
"That is indeed a positive side but I'd gladly deal with that if that meant to be able to have a family of my own." Natasha longed for a family her whole life, the closest she could get was being an aunt to Clint's children.
"Carrying a child doesn't mean we can't start a family. Adoption is an option and honestly I rather adopt a child that already lost its parents than bring another child into this world." You put your hands on her tiny waist, loving the feeling of touching her body gently. "Also you, me and Yelena, we are already a family and now being in a relationship everything will feel ever more family like." 
"You seriously don't understand how glad I feel to have you in my life. Moya lyubov, please don't ever leave me." 
"I wouldn't dream of it, wife." Natasha usually hated pet names but loved hearing them coming out of your mouth now. "Let's just cuddle for a while and then we can go to that party you were talking about earlier."
"Ohh I can't wait to show you off." Natasha had the biggest grin you had ever seen on her face. In a way you were glad that she fucked up your friendship when you accidentally came out. You didn't think you'd have realized your feelings if that hadn't happened. 
In the end it was the silence that brought to a second chance that surprisingly bonded you like nothing else. All you had to do now is surviving with these new powers of your to have long life with Natasha Romanoff. 
Tags: @janashstorm , @marvelwomen-simp , @wifeofnatasharomanoff , @lizlil , @how-to-disappearrr , @wandanats-goodgirl , @natsxwife , @swiftie1-0-1 , @jukii68 , @fxckmiup , @nuianced-tck-enby , @detectivepineapple , @samallen20062837392 , @karsonromanoff , @neverylee , @mymommawanda , @vivs46 , @romanoffs-widow , @eliii1sblog
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mixelation · 10 months
For rarepairs.... Kushina/Tobirama?
send me the rarest of pairs and i'll tell you if i ship it & how it would work
holy shit. okay, firstly, i do not think they would like.... like each other. i don't think they're each other's type. i think tobirama would respect kushina's fuinjutsu proficiency and role as konoha's jinchuriki, but he would find her brand of personal chaos and loudness very grating. kushina would respect tobirama for his inventiveness and everything he does for village infrastructure and general leadership, but she wouldn't like the giant stick up his ass and she'd find him too mean/standoffish for her personal tastes. so i think they could have an alright professional relationship but they would NOT want to spend time with each other outside of this.
however. i think this is an excellent ship for the whackiest arranged marriage plot of all time. i'm not going to Linger on the details, but imagine kushina lost in the past AND ALSO harboring the kyuubi. she knows hashirama could theoretically control the kyuubi if it got out of hand, so she tells a bunch of lies about bing a poor lost and helpless uzumaki being hunted for her magic chakra, and tobirama agrees to marry her for Safety Reasons and also Make Everyone Shut Up About Not Being Married Reasons. however it quickly becomes apparent they are not. uh. well-matched. also kushina is ATTEMPTING to cover up a lot of secrets, including the time travel and the being possessed by a demon, but she's bad at lying, and so she accidentally drops the both of them into a screwball comedy where she keeps trying to put out fires by setting more fires. tobirama is losing his mind. also kushina and tobirama working together is horrible for both of them because tobirama is addicted to creating forbidden jutsu and kushina is the exact sort of person to egg him on, and the only reason kushina doesn't invent her own forbidden jutsu is she gets bored, but now tobirama is there going YOU CAN'T JUST QUIT A TASK HALF WAY.
anyway minato eventually follows her back in time to save her and the entire past is on fire. konoha is definitely not getting founded because the tobirama-kushina team has accidentally successfully deeply traumatized the uchiha clan, and also all the other clans. the borders of all the nations are completely different. several species are extinct. kushina is just like: sorry, i permanently blinded madara. it was an accident. also hashirama might be infertile now. sorry. oh and i accidentally-on-purpose married another guy for safety. this might have actually caused the complete collapse of the Hyuuga? sorry again
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https://www.tumblr.com/luminousbeings-crudematter/732600401361321984/this-tiktok-immediately-reminded-me-of-your this but he comes home one day and hears you and your vibrator with the video on loop and gets sooooo fucking cocky.. hes already got this big fat ego that swells stupidly bigger once he realises how badly even the smallest things he does affects you... forces you to finish cumming to that video and goads you when you whine and turn away in embarrassment... makes you ride him after that to thank him for giving you wank bank material... in the kitchen when he's behind you he bends down and uses that low breathy deep voice to whisper some smart ass dirty one liner that has you dripping 🙄🙄🙄🙄 hate this man 🙄🙄🙄🙄
guided orgasm guided orgasm guided orgasm
It doesn't even occur to you that the man was capable of leaving work early. 
Though, if you were being honest with yourself, you don't have a single thought in your mind, period, when you grab your vibrator and use it to assist yourself.      
But, of course, Simon walks into your shared bedroom, eyes wide, a stupidly attractive smirk already dancing across the brackets of his mouth when he sees you with your legs spread and your vibrator sitting on your clit, whilst you’re seconds away from coming.
“Can I help you?” you gasp, your hand still not moving the vibrator away, but subtly trying to close your legs.  You only realise it backfires when the new position makes the suction on your clit increase in pressure, and you actually drop the vibrator and squeak out loud.
The sound makes Simon’s eyebrows shoot up his forehead and he smiles patronisingly.  “Seems I can help you, love.”
You use your hand to subtly hide your phone under the covers at his words, but of course, Simon notices the movement, and his smile turns smug.  “Didn’t know garlic aioli could get you goin’...would’ve got some home for ya.”
“Simon…would you be a doll and fuck off?” you mutter and it just makes him laugh out loud.  In the background your vibrator continues to drone on, low and quiet, and appallingly, your phone continues to play the video with his recipe he’d sent you earlier, and you’re convinced there’s not a hole big enough that could open up under you to fit both you and your embarrassment inside it.  “Seriously, just leave.”
“Nah,” he says casually, and leans against the frame of your bedroom door with his arms crossed.  “You can continue, love, don’t stop on m’account.”
“Excuse me?”
“You were doing quite well, sweet girl.  Felt good, didn’t it?”
“Well…yeah, b–but,” you sputter.  “I can’t do it right now, in front of you, Jesus, just go!”
“No.  I’d like to watch.”
“Oh my god,” you whisper in embarrassment, before he walks up to you and kneels by you.  
“I’d like to watch, love,” he murmurs and lifts your chin up so you’re looking him dead in the eyes.  “Do it fo’ me?”
Well.  There's clearly no saying no to that.
You want to roll your eyes at him but he can tell that you’ve given up asking him to leave, and so he just leans over forward so he can kiss you.  You taste his cigarette on his tongue and it’s so, thoroughly, comfortingly Simon that you find yourself losing yourself in that kiss, sinking deeper into the mattress.
But Simon hasn’t forgotten.  He manages to turn off your phone (thank fuck!) and turn on your vibrator, pressing it greedily into your palm.  “Go on, then, love, give us a show.”
You bring the vibrator back to your clit, and almost headbutt him—your entire body twitches from that first contact and you moan out loud at the feeling, involuntarily.  Simon’s sitting back on this haunches now, eyes fixed on your cunt, and you squeeze your eyes shut.  “This—this isn’t fair, fuck—”  The vibrations feel like they’re originating from deep inside your skull now, and you have to bite down on your own lip, hard, to stop your breathless whine.  “This is s–so embarrassing—”
“Oh I know,” he moans, mocking your distressed plea with his own fake, sympathetic whine.  “Feels fuckin’ good, though, doesn’t it, pet?”
And fuck, it so fucking does.   You’re clammy and sweaty, and you’re so beyond wet right now, unable to tell the difference between your sweat or the wetness between your legs, and it feels so good,  your body more than primed, more than ready to fling itself off that proverbial cliff.
“Want to—god, can I come on your cock, please, Si—”
“No, baby, you’re gonna come just like this.”
“Simon, please,” you wheeze, your fingers scrabbling for and then finding his forearm, nails digging into him.  “Please, please—”
“No,” he insists, and it makes white-hot lightning arc up your spine.  “It’ll be good for you, love, so fucking good, when it happens.  Do it.  Make yourself come.”
Your body curl inwards at his words, giving in to it, letting yourself get swept away by the pleasure.  It hits you in waves and crests and peaks and troughs, and still the vibrator keeps buzzing against your clit and you’re so sure that the pleasure will never stop, never stop obliterating every nerve in its path.
When you’re finally able to float back into your body, gain sensory access to your surroundings, you just about have the energy to turn your head to the side and look at Simon. 
And god, is he so irritatingly, devastatingly handsome to you right now—bright blonde hair curling just slightly, framing his handsome face, and if that weren’t enough, the sight of his broad chest makes you want to reach out and touch him, touch what you know to be hard, strong muscle. 
When he notices you glance down at his trousers that are straining with his erection, he touches himself slowly and readjusts, blinking at you, slow and steady, eyes intoxicated with lust.  His own eyes drop down to where your legs are splayed open, too tired and overwhelmed to do anything right now.
“Fuck me, you’ve got such a pretty pussy, haven’t you, love?  My turn to play with it?”
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rorichuu · 9 months
Hiii! (Feel free to ignore this, btw)
Could I request a tf2 scout x male!reader, where spy (with the help of other mercs like demo) tries to get the reader drunk, so that they make some bad mistakes? Basically spy is trying to get scout to lose interest in reader, because of how he has treated his partners in the past, and doesn’t want that for the reader? But in the end, scout and reader still end up in a relationship? Sorry this might be a little confusing.
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rebel ; scout x male!reader
pairing: scout x male!reader
authors note: heya! i had sososo much fun writing this, like oh my god?! thank you for sending this in!
disclaimer: cursing in the mercs' native tongue, descriptions of being drunk, and Engineer/Spy being parents towards the end.
SIDE NOTE: if you don't like the Engineer/Spy ship, that is 110% okay! i can totally scrap it if you don't like it... i just thought it might be a cute addition. happy reading, my friends!
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"C'monnn Y/n, take another wee shot with me, now will ya!" Demo exclaimed over the loud music that boomed throughout the base. They had won victoriously and declared a party to celebrate their winnings... and expectantly, Demo had brought drinks.
"Don't tempt me, I've drunken... a, uh... a lot!" You slurred, lips tasting of liquor, grammar non-existent at this point. The Scotsman booed loudly, his hand now (as best he could) waved in front of you. The potent liquid hitting your nose, you let out a drawn groan, quick to grab the shot from his hands as you downed the shot with ease. Soon after, the burn caught up to you, leaving you in a coughing fit as Demo slapped your back.
"I knewww you could- hic ... handle it, lad!"
Originally, it was Spy's idea to get you drunk. Unusual to think about unless traced back to past events... the Frenchman got sick over the idea of you so casually flirting with the Scout. The boy was smooth with his advances; a hand on your shoulder here, a horrible flirtation there... he couldn't let be anymore.
The reason Spy was stepping in was merely the thought of you two ending up together. His heart twisted at the idea that he may mess and wear at your heart tirelessly; a flirt only to be a flirt. Spy focused deeply on Scout's (seemingly) exterior intentions, quick to frown and wince at the failures he put upon Miss Pauling. Spy wished only for you to not get hurt... and though this is seen as unfair, it was absolute to him to bring this to an end.
Spy's advances would never have gone unnoticed; Spy isn't a drunk, and he doesn't take down shots like a certain Scotsman does... so when this was approached, Engineer was the first to speak and pull aside Spy after the announced party.
"Are you sure about this, Spy?" The Texan asked, voice full of question as the others observed... Scout and you being, of course, absent.
"Plenty. I know Scout and the same goes for all of you," he began, hand swift to pull out a cigarette from his holder. "I simply cannot let Scout and Y/n become an..." The Frenchman sighed, lighting his cig with a click of his lighter. He inhaled its smoke and allowed it to settle deep into his lungs. "Item." People spoke outwardly about this. Though Demo could partially agree... and Sniper simply without care... everyone else was against the idea aside from Pyro, who was continuously drawing in the back, happy in their own world of drawn-out gore and rainbows.
"Y/n has own mind. He is smart man, do not underestimate." Heavy rumbled, eyes furrowed in disagreement. But Spy shook his head, his hand snapping his cigarette holder shut before placing it inside his dress coat.
"If you will, I will carry on. I do not need anyone's input to sway my decision. Good day, gentlemen." And with that, Spy had left.
. . .
Demo was mindlessly helping... unbelievably drunk, but aware of his goal. He had to get you drunk! That was the easy part! But you were making drunken decisions that would make anyone gasp... and impressions of the other mercs was certainly new.
"YOU ARE A MAGGOT HATCHED FROM A- hic ... MUTANT MAGGOT EGG!" With one hand raised confidently in the air, holding a mug half-full of beer, you were partially crouched pointing at Soldier with your mocking taunt. While Demoman and Scout doubled over in laughter, you and Soldier remained yelling at each other... with your trying impression and his angered, drunken response.
"I DO NOT SPEAK LIKE THAT, MAGGOT!" Soldier exclaimed. "DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME 20!" You barked with laughter, hand at stomach as you nearly fell off the table... Heavy was quick to catch you. And as his large hands balanced you, you greeted him with a quick hello and a turn of your foot, intention to walk away... but before you could escape, his hands were rested on your shoulders.
"Best if Y/n drank water. Heavy will give you bottle." The Russian man advised, Medic close beside him nodding with agreement with a clipboard in hand. You shook your head, your giggling dying down, only if just a little bit.
"T-The party just started!" You began. "Plus, this is only my... what, my f... fuhhh, fourth drink?!" You yelled back at Demo as if to ask, he simply gave you a thumbs up as he continued to converse with Soldier.
"Y/n, z'his is your 11th drink..." Medic informed you, keeping note of your alcohol intake. Your lips purse together as you let out a 'pfft'. The German shook his head and sighed. "Please be more careful with your drinking. Demoman is enough proof alone to prevent alcoholism." Medic scowled, his sights on Tavish who was currently singing a Scottish tune... ungodly slurred and incomprehensible on his drunken tongue... and an arm wrapped around the Soldier as they danced cheek-to-cheek.
Medic then shook his head, a noise leaving his throat out of annoyance. "His liver is... surely, dead." Medic left a few scribbles on his clipboard, a head lowered down with his glasses sliding to the tip of his nose. Just moments later, Heavy had nudged Medic's arm, the German cursing in his native tongue from his jerked writing. "Was ist das?" (What is it?) He hissed before Heavy gently grabbed Medic's chin in his hands, turning his head to catch Spy conversing with you. You had slipped away.
"Scheiße." (Fuck.)
. . .
With Medic and Heavy's failed attempt to help you, it was then left to Engineer. The Southern and Frenchman were neck-to-neck, evident with their disagreements, and the intensity in the atmosphere was thick... but as Spy spoke with his silver tongue, suggesting decisions that were just downright rude, he cut through that air like butter.
With a cocky smirk and a swish of his hands, he ushered you up to Scout after his chat. Engie fired daggers into Spy's eyes, the sound of the beer bottle clinking loudly with the table before advancing towards the two. And every other merc, aside from Demo and Soldier who were clearly passed out at the bar, had their eyes on Engie. Pyro clapped their hands together and mumbled supportingly of his father figure.
But before Engineer could approach you, Spy slid in front of Engineer, hand placed on the left side of his chest. "Ah, I'll have to stop you there, mon ami." (My friend.) Spy spoke, his accent more pronounced the more pompous he got. Engineer glowered.
"I ain't gonna be your friend by the end-a' this night if you keep this up, pardner," Spy was caught slightly off guard by Engineer's translation of his remark. "You best leave that poor boy alone, his life ain't yours, and you got no right controllin' it the way you are now." As the two bickered and quarreled, the sound of you and Scout laughing alerted the two. Spy was the first to turn, looking over his shoulder as he found the two of you huddled close together... the Frenchman began to open his mouth but closed it soon after. Spy was defeated.
As his shoulders slumped, his face was, without a doubt, beat. Engineer huffed a soft laugh, hand patting his back as Pryo hopped over to offer him a beer. "C'mon, now. Let's have'a drink and talk, why don't we?" Engie said, Spy raised an eyebrow at the beverage in hand... his lip twitched in disfavor.
"Wine would be preferred." He spoke low, holding the drink by just its cap. The other man took the beverage for himself, twisting it open with ease.
"Not a problem, pardner."
. . .
The night swirled to an end. The loud snores of Demoman were overheard by Soldiers accompanied snoring. Every other merc had left for sleep, rubbing their eyes, intoxicated and hushed. All the while, Scout and you were slumped on the couch, entangled with a blanket.
Engineer was cleaning up after everyone, beer bottles put away, and sweeping up scrapped plastic cups. Spy, on the other hand, was leaning against the wall... observing the two of you in silent thought. Engineer caught wind of this, huffing before resting the broom against the bar table. He walked over to him.
"Somethin' on your mind, sugar?" He hummed, crossing his arms as he stood beside the man. Spy looked away due to the pet name, shuffling. Engie found this humorous.
"Does it have somethin' to do with Y/n and Scout? Perhaps?"
"N..." He thought for a moment. He sighed. "Oui." Spy found no reason to lie anymore, having found loss hours ago. Engineer sighed, his shoulder now leaning against Spy's, but just enough to not squish him.
"He'll do jus' fine with the boy. Y/n balances him out pretty well, yeah?" Engineer shared Spy's glance of the two. "Scout's happy with him. And the other way 'round... don't think we should be the judge'a that. No matter how much we wanna protect 'm." Engineer tried to reason, moving his shoulder against Spy's to sway his judgment... he knew he already succeeded, with the way Spy covered his face with his gloved hand.
"I suppose... you're right..." Spy grumbled. Engineer raised an eyebrow.
"What was'sat?" He egged on. "You. Were. Right..." Spy hissed.
"Did I hear a, 'you were right,' behind all that grumble?" With a smirk and a voice that spoke knowingly, the Frenchman lunged him off as the Southern man laughed.
"Shut up, just... just clean up like you were!"
And with the soft laugh of Engineer, the hushed mutterings of Spy... came around you and Scout, holding each other in sleepful peace.
The night ended. Just right.
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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| this story is inspired by the song 'Escapism.' by RAYE |
That’s what she says to him when he offers her his cigarette without saying a word. She likes guys like him, quiet. There’s nothing quite worse than a man who can’t shut the fuck up.
Soarynn would know.
That’s why she’s standing outside of a bar on a rainy Saturday night with a complete stranger by her side. It could be worse. He could be ugly.
She met the man less than an hour ago but she’s gathered enough to know the type of man he is. And to her, that’s more important than the man he wants to be.
He’s tall. Tall and brooding, an excellent combination in her humble opinion. He’s well-kept and mannered which means he comes from money. That’s okay. She does too.
His fine-looking watch lets her know that he knows how to use that money. A stark comparison to the man who broke her heart last night. He’s got blonde hair. It’s more golden if anything. It suits him though, goes well with those pretty blue eyes he’s got. He’s handsome too. He knows it.
“No problem. Didn’t take you for a girl who smokes though,” he muses, watching her take a long drag of the cigarette. It’s one of the nicest ones she’s had, although Soarynn does her best to refrain from smoking, it makes your breath smell bad and she can’t have that. Soarynn lets out a breathy laugh and hands it back to him, “Don’t want you to take me for anything tonight if I’m being honest.”
He studies her. It scares her. Not in a bad way. Not in the “he might kill me in this back alley” way. But because heaven knows how long it’s been since someone has shown this type of interest in her. He hums, looking her up and down. She's glad she put some effort into her appearance tonight, in her little black dress and her high heels. Even in heels, this handsome stranger is still significantly taller than her.
"Well, is there a reason you're out on the town then?" He asks, giving her a curious look. Soarynn smiles up at him because it's cute. Cute how interested he is in her and she can't blame him, not when less than an hour ago she was teasing him on the dancefloor, her diamond bracelets practically dripping on him when she wrapped her arms around his neck. It's fun, she's having fun.
Soarynn sighs, carding her fingers through her soft blonde hair, remembering why she came out in the first place. "Let's get a drink first," she suggests and he nods, even holds the door open for her like a proper gentleman. They settle down at the bar and she orders two wines because she ought to get something out of this interaction tonight. And tonight she wants him. Wants to feel another human body on top of hers.
"So tell me why you're out here all by yourself," he presses, thanking the bartender who brings their drinks. Her wine and his bourbon. Soarynn bites her lip, isn't it bad manners to talk about your past relationship with a man you're trying to sleep with? But then again, she has nothing to lose. Not anymore. She takes a sip of her wine, savoring the taste before nodding.
"A little context if you care to listen," she starts and he leans forward until there's a good six inches between them. It's not flirty, and she definitely can't smell him right now, how he smells like roses. It's loud in this bar, that's why he's so close. At least that's what she tells herself.
"I found myself in a shit position, the man that I love sat me down last night and he told me that it's over."
The handsome stranger furrows his brows when hearing that and doesn't hesitate with the words that effortlessly leave his lips.
"Dumb decision."
Soarynn nods, glad someone else sees it that way. "Figured I could drown my sorrows in wine and champagne tonight, maybe even dance with someone," she says, sitting back in her chair and taking another sip of wine. His eyes travel up and down her long legs and she doesn't mind, he looks like the the type of man to appreciate the effort women put into their appearance.
"Well you danced with me," he points out. He's right. Soarynn remembers how his hands felt on her hips, how well they went together. Soarynn licks her lips, "I suppose I did." There's a moment of silence between the two of them, just drinking each other in. He leans forward again and opens his mouth but hesitates for a moment, "Go on," she encourages, her tongue becoming loose from the alcohol. He swallows, "Are you looking for someone to take you home tonight?"
Soarynn smirks. Men are so easy. But she wants easy. If she wanted difficult she'd go back to the man who broke her heart. "I'd be open to the idea," she purrs, watching him glance at the door before looking back at her, "I...I don't quite know what you're looking for in a man though," he admits, scratching the back of his neck. Soarynn tilts her head and considers what he just said. What does she want?
"I'm looking for a man who's on the same page."
That seems to hit home with him and he chuckles, "Then I can be your man for the night." That's all she needs, all she wants, one night. "Well then I think it's only fair that I know the name of the man whose company I'll be in for the rest of the night," she states matter-of-factly. The handsome stranger grins and takes a sip of his drink before replying, "Coriolanus Snow."
She raises her eyebrows, she's never heard of him before but he carries himself as if he's very important. "What do you do for work, Coriolanus Snow?" She asks, testing out his name on her tongue. He runs his fingers through his golden curls, "I'm interning as a Game Maker." Soarynn nods, seemingly impressed. She could never take part in that line of work, too brutal.
"And your name?" He asks, his bright blue eyes staring directly into her blue-gray ones. Soarynn feels a smile tugging on the corners of her mouth, "Soarynn Nightingale."
Coriolanus smiles too, "Well Soarynn Nightingale I hope you know what a stunning creature you are."
Soarynn can't stop herself from blushing. How long has it been since she's gotten a compliment like that? She finishes her glass of wine and looks at the next one before looking at the door. She knows she should finish it but she also desperately wants to get out of here and find out if Coriolanus is as good in bed as he is on the dancefloor.
He seems to notice her internal dilemma and places a hand on her knee, "Take your time darling, I'm not going anywhere." Oh, he's going to be fun. Soarynn giggles, the wine causing her to let down the elusive walls that she normally keeps up, "Okay Coriolanus Snow," she says, taking the full glass.
They talk for a while longer while she finishes her glass and finds out they both attended the Academy and both live on the Corso. She also finds out that Coriolanus is three years older than her. Good, she likes older men. When she finally finishes her glass Coriolanus pulls out his wallet and settles both their tabs, because he's such a gentleman. Soarynn allows him to lead her out of the bar, his hand on her lower back. It's not controlling or dominating, it's comforting. Comforting to know that he's right behind her and isn't going to leave her like she's been left before.
Soarynn can't even hide her surprise when a car pulls up to the curb and Coriolanus opens the back door for her, "You have a driver?" She asks while slipping into the leather-wrapped backseat. Coriolanus chuckles and slides in next to her, his hand instantly finding her bare thigh, "I do." She's properly intoxicated at this point and has no problem speaking her mind and it seems to amuse Coriolanus so she doesn't hold back with her teasing, "So you're really rich then huh? So rich that you don't even drive your own car." Coriolanus raises his eyebrows and gives her a smile, "Yes, so rich I don't drive my own car."
Soarynn rests her head on his shoulder and takes notice of how strong he is, "Are we going to yours or mine?" She doesn't really care but men tend to like making all the decisions and since he paid, she'll let him choose.
"My place," he says, and the car begins to pull away from the curb. Soarynn lets out a yawn, "Your place," she agrees before closing her eyes. A little cat nap never hurt anyone.
꧁ ꧂
"You like living in the penthouse?" She asks in between kisses, pinned up against the wall of Coriolanus Snow's impressive penthouse. She can't see much of it since it's dark but she's seen enough to know that he's too rich for his own good. She is too, but that's beside the point. Coriolanus squeezes her waist as he continues kissing her, "It has its perks." Soarynn smirks and runs her fingers through his soft curls, inhaling the sweet scent of roses. His whole penthouse smells like roses. She'll have to ask him why later. After he's fucked her.
Soarynn groans when he pulls away and lets him pull her through the grand hallways until they're bursting into his bedroom. It's dark and brooding just like him. Soarynn kicks off her heels and sits on the edge of the bed, tilting her head up as he leans down to kiss her again. His lips are so soft and he's quite the kisser. His hands fly to the back of her dress, a corset that proves to be a most daunting sight where men are concerned. But Coriolanus loosens it with practiced ease. Soarynn goes for his belt when she feels him tense and then she feels it.
The cold metal of his gun.
She didn't take him for a man who carries a gun on him, not when this is where he lives and when his job is relatively safe. But she doesn't linger on it and simply unbuckles his belt, deepening the kiss. Coriolanus pulls away and his hand goes to the weapon he's been concealing and he looks somewhat unsure of what to say, "I didn't mean to scare you," he starts but Soarynn shakes her head, "It's okay. We all have to protect ourselves," she tells him softly.
Just because he has a gun doesn't mean he's unsafe. But it leads her to wonder if the people he surrounds himself with are unsafe. Still, she doesn't let it linger and watches him place the gun on the bed before he goes to unbutton his shirt. "Are you part of some gang?" She asks, her curiosity getting the best of her. Coriolanus shakes his head with a small smile on his lips as he discards his shirt, revealing his sculpted abdomen, "No darling, I'm not part of a gang."
Well, that's a relief. It only leaves about five hundred possibilities as to why he has a gun but Soarynn doesn't press the subject and simply helps him when he goes to pull her dress off revealing a matching set of black lingerie. His eyes rove over her body and she can see his growing problem in his pants. "Why don't we take these off?" She asks sweetly, batting her eyes up at him.
Coriolanus swallows and nods, "Excellent idea."
Soarynn didn't doubt that he'd be carrying something to brag about with him down there but she was downright speechless when she got a good look at his cock straining in his boxers.
Coriolanus slips a finger under her chin, getting her to look up, "This old lover of yours, did he ever fuck you the way you deserved to be fucked?" Soarynn squeezes her thighs together and slowly shakes her head, "No," she whispers. But do men ever care about pleasing their partners?
Coriolanus seems to care a lot as he picks her up and slings her over his shoulder, getting Soarynn to let out a squeal as she kicks her feet, "He also never carried me around like a rag doll," she adds, giggling when he tosses her back onto the bed, this time near the headboard. Coriolanus smirks, "Well it's high time you find out what you've been missing." Soarynn's glad he's on the same page and allows herself to admire him while he crawls on top of her, his breath hot on her neck while he gives the skin soft kisses.
She threads her fingers through his curls, letting out a soft moan when he sucks a little harder. His hands grab her waist and goodness he's got big hands. All of him is big. His height, his frame, his cock.
She can't wait to feel his cock inside of her.
His hands travel down to her black lace panties and he's quick to tug them off of her and throw them to the floor. Coriolanus kisses his way down her body, taking his time to admire her. When he finally gets to her cunt he lets out a groan at the sight, "It seems you're gorgeous everywhere," he tells her. Soarynn sighs in anticipation and Coriolanus doesn't keep her waiting. He eats her out like a starved man, paying close attention to her clit once she lets out a high-pitched moan.
Soarynn's entire body shakes while he pleases her, she doesn't even know what to do, what to say. He's left her speechless. Coriolanus laps at her cunt, tasting all her juices while his arms keep her from bucking him off. "Oh, please," she gasps, feeling herself getting closer and closer to her first orgasm, "right there." Coriolanus only goes harder once he hears her begging and Soarynn can feel that wire inside of her getting ready to snap. It only takes one hard suk on her clit for him to finish her off. Soarynn cries out his name while she cums and Coriolanus continues to work her with his mouth through her orgasm, only pulling away when she goes limp.
Soarynn's chest rapidly rises and falls while she attempts to collect herself and catch her breath after that amazing moment. Coriolanus chuckles and presses a kiss to her inner thigh before he crawls back up to her, capturing her lips in a heated kiss. His teeth gently tug on her bottom lip and Soarynn can feel his evident boner through his white boxers, "It appears you have quite the problem," she notes, grinding her hips up against him. Coriolanus groans and grabs her hip, "Don't tease me, darling."
Soarynn smiles against his lips, "But it's so much fun."
He scoffs and reaches down to finally free his cock from his boxers and Soarynn hasn't seen a cock quite like his before. It's got this curve that she just knows it going to feel so fucking good and it does nothing to ease her eagerness. "Let me get a condom," he mumbles, reaching for his nightstand but Soarynn is quick to stop him by grabbing his arm, "No need, I have the implant." His eyes widen but he nods, "You're sure? I don't want to see some child of mine a year from now running around the Capitol streets."
Soarynn smiles and does her best to hide the slight pain that shoots through her chest because she's reminded then and there that this is a one-time thing. After this Coriolanus will want nothing to do with her and she'll go back to being heartbroken. That's fine, perfectly fine.
"I'm sure," she says, slightly moving her hips to encourage him to put it in already. Coriolanus catches on instantly and grabs his cock and guides it to her entrance, "Let's see if you feel as good as you taste," he whispers, slowly pushing in. They both groan at the intrusion. He feels so fucking good, stretching her out just the way she likes it. "Oh fuck," she whimpers when he bottoms out, the tip of his cock pressed against her sweet spot.
Coriolanus looks down at the sight of his cock buried in her cunt and lets out a deep sigh, "Never felt anything like you before," he tells her, slowly pulling out before slamming back in. Soarynn lets out a moan, her hands flying to his broad shoulders, "You can have it all," she tells him, her mind clouded with lust. That seems to open the floodgates because Coriolanus begins fucking into her at a hard and deep pace.
Soarynn's toes curl and she lets out a string of moans as he fucks her so good and deep, "Please," she whines, "please, please, please." Coriolanus grabs her waist and squeezes it tight, "You like it?" Soarynn tries to nod but even that's difficult with his cock so deep inside of her, "I love it," she says, her tone breathy. Coriolanus grunts and picks up the pace, "You look so perfect Soarynn. Such a perfect cunt, so pretty wrapped around me." His words do nothing to help the orgasm she feels creeping up on her and her eyes begin to roll back.
Coriolanus rests a hand on her lower abdomen, pressing down hard and it scrambles her brain and Soarynn can only let out pitiful noses, "There you go," he says, "give it all to me Soarynn, let me fuck you the way you should be fucked." Soarynn can feel her walls tightening around his cock and he swears, clearly feeling it too. Her nails are digging into his porcelain skin but he doesn't seem to care.
"I want you to cum for me Soarynn," he says, and it's more like a demand than anything, "cum for me and be my good girl Soarynn."
She's crying now from the overwhelming pleasure and can't think of doing anything else but her orgasm. He angles his hips and lands another thrust right against her sweet spot and Soarynn melts right then and there, her orgasm taking over her body.
All she can think about is Coriolanus. She's surrounded by him, can't get enough of him and he quickly reaches his own peak, his cum spilling into her cunt. Soarynn moans at the sensation, how good it feels even though he's a complete stranger. Coriolanus finally stills inside of her and catches his breath, his brow sweaty. Soarynn looks up at him and she expects the instant look of distance, the insulation that she leaves now that they're done but instead, she's met with a look of adoration. Something she's not too familiar with.
"You're so pretty," he mumbles, his hand coming up and gently tracing her jaw. Soarynn offers him a tired smile, "Thank you, thank you for everything." Coriolanus grins and presses a kiss to her forehead, "Of course, darling. I hope tonight provided you with that escape you were looking for."
Soarynn can feel her eyes getting heavy and she thinks she found it, that escape she was so desperate for as she falls asleep in Coriolanus Snow's bed.
꧁ ꧂
One month later
It's almost dark when she gets out of work. Soarynn wraps her coat tighter around her small frame as she hurries down the street. She got off of work late but that's no surprise. Fashion waits for no one.
All she wants to do is go home and soak in a nice warm bath, maybe watch a movie while she curls up with her cat. The Corso is only a few blocks away and while she normally doesn't mind a walk she wishes she wore better shoes today. The high heels sounded great at seven in the morning but not so much anymore. So Soarynn lets out a loud groan of frustration when the intersection she means to cross is under construction. "You'll have to go around miss," one of the workers tells her. Soarynn puts on a fake smile and nods, turning right back around with a now soured mood.
Walking around the block sounds less than desirable which is why Soarynn doesn't hesitate to cut through an alley that should land her on the other side of the block if her sense of direction is correct. She's halfway through when she hears voices.
Angry voices that belong to angry men.
She turns and looks back at the way she came but it seems so far now. She might as well keep forging ahead and pray no one notices her. One of the buildings on her right has a source of light coming from it and Soarynn can see several shadows, the owners of those voices no doubt. Soarynn keeps her head down, hoping to briskly walk by without any confrontation.
How naive of her.
She barely walks five steps before a low whistle cuts through the arguing and all conversation stops. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Soarynn glances to her right to see four men descending some steps, all wearing expensive-looking suits which further puzzles her as to why they'd pick on a girl like her. This is behavior she'd expect from lower-class men. "Out here all by yourself?" One of them asks, wearing a wicked grin as he gets closer to her. Soarynn instinctively backs up, "Don't touch me," she says, her voice cold. This pulls amused chuckles from all the men who shamelessly eye her up and down, "Feisty one huh? I like them feisty," the man says, taking another step towards her.
Soarynn scoffs and shoots him a nasty look, "You can fuck off." He's so close now, too close and Soarynn wishes for nothing more than to take off running but she knows she won't make it far. Not in heels. His friends get closer too, forming a circle around her. "I think my boss would be interested in you too," he drawls, reaching out to touch her face. Soarynn doesn't hesitate to bite his finger and he hisses and pulls his hand away, "You're a bitch huh?" He asks, his voice getting louder.
She can see his friends watching her carefully, their hands casually in their pockets, "I'm none of your fucking business," she snaps. This makes him narrow his eyes and he reaches into his coat, a moment later pulling out a gun and Soarynn's heart sinks.
The last time she laid eyes on a weapon she was with Coriolanus. But this isn't Coriolanus, this man isn't kind or funny or even handsome. And she hasn't seen Coriolanus since that night.
"You're gonna come with us or I'm gonna leave you out here with a bullet in between those pretty little eyes, understand?" He asks, pressing the barrel of the gun to her forehead. Soarynn nods because what else is there to do? He grabs her arm and she lets him pull her towards the tall brick building, his friends right behind them. She can hear them snickering about how their boss will love a little thing like her but she keeps her head down, trying to remain calm. She hopes they might simply take her purse but it seems they want to take something else instead.
She nearly trips going up the steps and the man's harsh grip on her does nothing to help. He pulls her into the building that seems to be a warehouse of some sort. Soarynn can't place the building in her mind but it doesn't seem to be important right now. "You keep your mouth shut," the man tells her, shooting her a stern look, "he doesn't like mouthy brats."
He knocks on a metal door and Soarynn braces herself for a horrible, old-looking man who likes to prey on young, innocent girls like herself. A muffled voice calls them in and the door creaks open as they walk in and Soarynn quickly scans the room for an exit. There's not even a window to try to climb out of. "Found you a little alley cat boss," the man proudly brags, pulling her forward. Soarynn scowls and finally looks up at the large mahogany desk in front of her and her eyes slowly travel up to the tall man standing behind it, his back turned to her. He seems to be pouring himself a drink from the bar cart behind him but her eyes widen at the color of his curls, the broadness of his shoulders.
She knows this man. Met this man. Talked to this man. Had sex with this man.
"Coriolanus," she whispers, her throat feeling so dry.
Her captor immediately lets go of her arm when she says his name and his eyes widen. The tall, broad man turns around at her whisper and Soarynn stares up into the blue eyes of Coriolanus Snow.
He looks surprised to see her, see her in his office with these men who work for him and bring him young girls they steal from off the streets. He shoots the group of men an angry look, "Out. Now." If she wasn't scared for her life then she'd think it was funny how quickly the men scampered out of the room, muttering apologies.
Coriolanus looks her up and down, taking in her petrified state, and pinches the bridge of his nose before he rounds the desk, stopping right in front of her. Soarynn can't bring herself to look him in the eye. He said he wasn't a part of a gang but she's starting to wonder what this is exactly. His hands reach out to take hers and she flinches, every kind memory of him washing away in her head.
Coriolanus doesn't let that stop him as he takes her small hands in his large ones, giving them a squeeze. Soarynn swallows and finally gains the courage to look up at him, this stranger who's clearly not who he said he was. She finds no trace of kindness in his eyes this time.
Finally, a small smile creeps across his face.
"Hello, darling."
| Part 1. |
| tumblr oneshot/drabble |
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starglitterz · 1 year
cw ; suggestive, written before kaveh's release. i know nothing abt his character tbh i haven't even played the archon quest but he was cute in alhaithams demo so here we are 😋
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"hey, shhh!" kaveh whisper-shouts at you as you open the fridge with a rather violent tug. you snicker at his serious expression, only to quickly clap a hand over your mouth when he widens his eyes dramatically at you. "sorry, jeez," you roll your eyes teasingly, "just wanted to get my ice-cream!" you wave the small popsicle at him with a grin, and his gaze softens.
"i know, i know. sorry if i'm being annoying about being quiet, i'm just worried about-" here kaveh pauses for an exaggerated groan, "-him getting upset." tossing the wrapper into the trash, you hop onto the counter and start licking the popsicle, "you shouldn't be so mean to haitham, kaveh. you know he's doing you a favour by letting you stay." "but babe," your boyfriend whines, stepping closer and placing his hands on either side of you; effectively caging you in, which you're pretty sure is what he wants, "he's so materialistic and overly logical about everything! it really gets on my nerves."
kaveh pouts up at you, jutting out his lower lip – you're pretty sure he wants you to comfort him. so, stifling your laughter, you pet his hair, stroking his head like you would to a cat, "awww, poor you." "yes, poor me," he lets his eyes slide shut in bliss as he leans up into your touch, "here's the part where you make me feel better." "dumbass," you shove him playfully, "you can taste my popsicle if you want." "really?" a mischievous smirk curves his lips, and you regret saying that already.
because the next thing you know, kaveh has his lips pressed against yours, tongue darting inside your mouth for just long enough to leave your head spinning. then as if nothing happened, he pulls away with an innocent smile, "strawberry is my favourite flavour too!" you frown at him, though it's difficult to remain upset when when the feeling of his mouth on yours is still driving you crazy. so you settle for rolling your eyes skyward before looping your arms around his neck, "idiot." "hey, i'll have you know that i graduated from the akademiya with honours." "mhmm," you bump your forehead against his, and he smiles, "can i kiss you again?" "all night long, pretty boy."
and that's how you end up with kaveh nipping at your jawline and smearing messy kisses down your neck in al-haitham's kitchen at two in the morning. "babe-" you try to scold him even as your fingers tangle in his blonde hair, "what happened to being quiet?" he looks up and meets your gaze with a cheeky wink, "changed my mind, just want to make you loud now~"
"ahem." a cough sounds from behind you, and you both spin around sharply only to be met with the grumpy face of a clearly sleep-deprived haitham. "oh no," you gasp at being caught in such a compromising position – this is embarrassing. kaveh doesn't even bother hiding his irritation at being interrupted, but before he can open his mouth to snap at his roommate, al-haitham simply points to something in front of you, "you're blocking the coffee machine." "ah! i'm sorry," you both sidle away as best as you can before rushing to kaveh's room and collapsing in a pile on the bed.
you can't help it, you burst into laughter the minute the door shuts, "that was so awkward! but also weirdly funny." "did you see the way he was clutching his mug? he looked like he was one paper away from burning down the akademiya," kaveh snickers, and that sets you off into another peal of giggles. when the two of you have calmed down, you poke him in the chest, "we are never making out anywhere except your bedroom again." "point taken," kaveh raises his hands in surrender, but a second later he's got that familiar smirk on his face, "so can we pick up where we left off?"
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© starglitterz 2023. do not repost or modify in any way – reblog w comments if you enjoyed!
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shenevertricks1831 · 2 years
Eddie knows when you're pregnant.
AN- Ok yall...I am so sorry, this just came to me and honestly idk how you'll all feel about it...I'm nervous but here goes...
⚠️ 18+, smut, fluff (kinda if you squint), pregnacy, pregnancy Kink?, fingering, oral (f receiving), I am awful at these read at your own discretion.
Eddie "The Pussy Eater" Munson is the one who first suspects you're pregnant.
Boy goes down on you all the time. Whenever he can. So as such he knows how you taste. All your "flavors" if you will.
He knows how you taste after you guys tried that whole pineapple thing, after you've had seafood, when he's been teasing you all day, when your ovulate, before your menstruation cycle, all of it.
So one night when Eddie licks the broad stripe up your cunt, he groans, and then it hits him.
Somethings different, something is off.
He doesn't recognize this taste. This is a foreign flavor to him.
He continues lapping at you, his tongue eventually landing on your clit swirling in tight circles as he ponders over what this taste is from.
Quickly he pulls back and looks at you. You in turn whine in annoyance. "Did you go to that new Chinese restaurant without me?"
You were going to kill him. "Eddie what the fuck? No! Why does that matter right now?!"
He mumbles a quiet "You taste different."
"Oh. No didn't, we were gonna go Saturday." You blushed, feeling shy now hoping it wasn't a negative thing.
"Oh well, just curious." Eddie smiled widely at you before going right back to devouring you.
He doesn't think of it again much till two days later. It was Saturday and you and him had gone to the new Chinese restaurant.
Now back the trailer with his head between your legs once more he notices you still taste like you had the last time but also different.
You taste sweeter and he contributes that to the array of foreign fruits you at the restaurant.
But you also have the same taste as last time too, a musk that he in no way hates but he doesn't know what it's from and it's driving him insane.
He starts to think over everything while he mindlessly sucks at your clit while his ring finger thrusts slowing in and out of your tight cunt.
Slowly his mind drifts and wonders. Finally as you cum, he pulls away and looks at you, pondering out loud, "Are you pregnant?"
You honestly can't help but laugh. You were on the pill for a reason! No you weren't pregnant. You very quickly shut that down.
Still laughing at the thought you lay back on his bed, legs spread, as you send him a smirk, "Come on big boy, fuck a baby into me."
Eddie put it aside and out of his mind. Honestly he just assumes this must just be your new taste, he didn't mind, maybe it was from just getting older or something.
And then it happens.
It's been a week since you went to the Chinese restaurant, 9 days since Eddie first mentioned you tasted different, and 5 days that your period was late.
Begrudgingly you finally went to the store while Eddie was working and got 2 tests.
As soon as you got home you took one and waited. And of course, it was positive.
Ya you were pissed, you were on the pill! So much for that! But you were also totally ok with it. You and Eddie had talked about kids before, and you had both agreed when the time was right you'd start trying for a baby.
Well apparently the universe decided this was the right time, because here you were even with the pill.
When you told Eddie after wards he was ecstatic, mostly that he had basically guessed that you were pregnant.The shook of you really being pregnant really didn't quite sink in till your belly starred to grow.
He absolutely goes down on you while your pregnant. Especially once he learns that's why you taste different; because your pregnant, with his fucking baby.
If anything he goes down on you more while you're pregnant because "you only taste like this while your pregnant, I have to savor this".
He absolutely loves seeing you pregnant, all big and beautiful from him and what he did to you, with you.
He loves that everyone can see that you two are together, just based on the large evidence under your dress. The proof that you two fucked enough to make a human, even despite birth control.
He is already thinking of how many more he wants because fuck half the time looking at you like this, all swollen with his child, his seed; it makes his dick so hard, and he already wants to see you like this again!
Eddie also sends you into labor. Due to him giving you an insane, mind numbing head resulting in a leg shaking orgasam.
As you pulse around his fingers deep in you, the way your pussy contracts around his fingers in a constant rhythm is enough to kick start your contractions.
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Stretching out
🧘🏻🍑🧋 Yoga, peach (which is entirely up to you 😉) & boba
I had way too much fun writing this one and you can tell.
Lan Wangji feels like the first five minutes of a porno. Not that he watches those. He just knows how the scenarios go. For science. He doesn't use them as inspiration for his fantasies at all. Shut up.
Anyway, he feels like the first five minutes of a porno and he doesn't know if he should be grateful to the heavens or scandalized that he's being tested like this.
He has been brought up in the spirit of discipline and self control, a master of his body and its animalistic impulses. ...And then his roommate and long time undisclosed crush, Wei Ying, has decided to take up at-home yoga and all that's gone to the very last circle of hell.
Lan Wangji is pretty sure he's going to die. He has to, otherwise he doesn't know how long he'll survive pretending like he doesn't see Wei Ying's tempting figure in those incredibly tight yoga pants he's taken to wearing.
Whoever invented those definitely has a vendetta against Lan Wangji specifically. How is he meant to live his life when he walks into his living room at midday, after a long morning of studying, and is greeted with an eyeful of ass as Wei Ying practices whatever poses the yoga instructor instructs in those YouTube tutorial videos?
In fact, Lan Wangji is going to sue this person. And the yoga instructor. And whoever invented yoga. So what if it's an ancient art? There have to be descendants somewhere.
He wants emotional damages in the millions. He has things to do, and he can't focus on any of them when all he can imagine is bending Wei Ying over in those yoga poses in his bed. So someone needs to pay for that. It's an attack on his productivity and well-being.
Today, Wei Ying's sent him for boba. Not that he'd do anything Wei Ying asked (he would, that's not the point right now), but he woke up craving boba himself and the quaint little shop that opened across the street sells the best tea Lan Wangji has ever tasted - so he got dressed to go get something for himself and asked Wei Ying, self-entitled "boba slut number one", if he wanted some too. Expectedly, the answer was yes, so here Lan Wangji is, getting two drinks for him and his... friend.
He's also ordered some of Wei Ying's favorite pastries, because if there's anyone who deserves a treat, it's him - and Lan Wangji sort of selfishly wants Wei Ying to latch onto him and hug him in gratefulness when he receives them. So what.
He's only gone for something like 15 minutes, but when he walks back into the apartment and hears the upbeat voice of the yoga instructor Wei Ying follows, he knows he has about 3 and a half minutes of self control in him before he has to run off to his room and lock the door.
And then he walks into the living room, and Wei Ying's in his tight yoga pants and a crop top that hides a total of zero skin, glistening sweat and red in the face - and Lan Wangji is ready to lock himself up in horny jail. Give him the key and a life sentence.
Wei Ying is bent over in what could only be aptly described as "face down, ass up" (not that Lan Wangji knows, shut up!!), his back arched so beautifully that Lan Wangji's mind can already picture him behind Wei Ying, inside-
"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying calls out and promptly falls onto his belly before rolling over and taking a much more decent seated position. "I was wondering why you were taking so long!"
Lan Wangji decides he's not that much able to speak, so he just hands Wei Ying his paper bag and smiles at the joyful sound Wei Ying lets out upon discovering an entire collection of sweets and two cups of boba.
"You're really the best, Lan Zhan! I could kiss you right now!"
"Then do it."
Lan Wangji only realizes he says it out loud when he hears Wei Ying gasp. Panic fills him, and he doesn't know if he wants to flee or stay so still that he blends into the furniture.
Wei Ying's cheeks are so red he looks like he's been doused in blush powder.
"...would you like that? For me to kiss you?"
What the hell, Lan Wangji thinks to himself, and crosses the distance between him and Wei Ying, their lips meeting in place of an answer.
"W-wait, my lesson-" Wei Ying moans out as he finally separates from Lan Zhan for air.
Lan Zhan reaches to close the lid of his laptop in response. "I'll help you stretch out."
And he does.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Take the Chance
Prompt: "I've never met anyone that has made me feel this way." Requested by: @gatefleet (one of your mystery prompt requests)
Plot: Bucky finally gets tired of hiding his feelings for Y/n + A bit of pining Bucky.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader
Warnings: None!
Words: 1.1k
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo MCU/Bucky Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney, @trashywritestrash, @resplendentlady, @marvelouslyme96, @supersourlemon13, @mochamoff, @simsiddy, @peter-parkers-cullen-nerd, @flourishandblotts-inc, @cosplayingwitch
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Bucky didn't realize how long he had been staring. Watching you as you worked, trying to get information for your recent mission. He was supposed to be oblivious, blending in, an ordinary face in the crowd. But he couldn't pull his eyes away from you.
The way you smiled and joked with the target, weaseling your way into his good graces, waiting for him to make a mistake. It was like torture to Bucky, he knew your smiles weren't genuine, the laughs weren't real, but he hated watching you with someone else.
When you smiled and laughed with Bucky, it made his heart swell, his palm sweat, and dare he say, gave him butterflies. But watching you act that way with someone else, fake or not, left a bad taste in his mouth, and a hollow feeling in his gut.
He could imagine you acting this way with someone else, genuinely, being with someone who isn't him. That thought alone made his heart ache. But he had no real right to feel that way, and he knew it. You weren't together, you weren't a couple. You had no idea Bucky felt this way about you, and that was his fault.
In the past, he would have had the confidence to walk up to you and tell you, but now, it seemed harder, almost impossible at times. Even with someone like you. Someone he knew inside and out. He could be happy with you. He could be comfortable, and safe. But did he deserve it yet?
"Bucky. BUCKY."
Bucky almost jumped at the loud voice in his ear. "What?" He asked with an aggravated whisper.
"Damn man, did you hear anything I said?" Sam's voice came through the comm again, obviously annoyed.
"No, I was busy."
"Yeah, busy burning holes into Y/n's head."
Bucky felt a chill run up his spine, and his ears heat up. Looking around with just his eyes, he finally spotted Sam across the building on an upper floor, leaning against the rail, looking down at him. He could clearly see the smirk on his face.
"I'm making sure he doesn't make us." Another lie.
"Yeah, right. You better hope he doesn't see the way you're staring, or he will make us."
"Shut up." Buck grumbled.
"Get up here man. You can stare at Y/n later."
Bucky rolled his eyes as he moved towards the stairs. Allowing himself to look back at you, he felt a small jolt run through him as his eyes met yours. You were watching him. Did you turn your ear comms back on? You didn't here that right? No, you took your comms off entirely, just in case. He felt a wave of relief wash over him.
As the target was distracted by a server, you spared a small smile, and a nod at Bucky. Returning the gesture, he let out a deep breath as he made his way to Sam.
He couldn't keep doing this. Thinking of you like this, wanting you to be his, but knowing you aren't. He needed to do something. He needed to take the chance.
--------- --------- ---------
"Are you alright Bucky?"
Bucky looked over at you, as your voice broke him from his thoughts. You were looking at him with a concerned look.
He cleared his throat "Uhm, yeah, why?"
"You've been super quiet ever since we got back from the mission."
Bucky looked ahead of you, he had decided to walk you to your car, with the determined though to ask you on a date before you left. But now, as your car grew closer and closer, he felt his confidence begin to falter.
"Uh, yeah, I just...got a lot on my mind."
"Anything I can help with?" You offered with a soft smile, making Bucky's heart palpitate.
You were now standing near your car, and you purposefully slowed down, hoping Bucky would open up a bit. You heard him take in a sharp breath as he stepped in front of you, facing you and leaning his arm on your car.
"I-I, uh."
You saw him shake his head a bit in frustration. You stepped closer, and leaned against your car. "Buck, what's going on?"
A small smile crossed his face as he let out a soft laugh. "I used to be good at this you know."
"Good at what?" You asked softly, your own heart picking up pace.
He met your eyes cautiously, and still held a soft smile on his face. He was clearly nervous as he spoke. "Asking people on dates."
You felt your heart leap, as your neck and ears felt hot. You bit your lip a bit as you repressed a grin. "You're trying to ask me on a date?"
"Trying, being the operative word, yeah." He lowered his head a bit as an almost embarrassed smile crossed his face. "I've been wanting to ask you for a while. I just- I've never met anyone that has made me feel this way. So I guess it scared me, in a way."
Your heart swelled in your chest as he spoke. "I'd love too."
Bucky's head shot up, "You would?"
You giggled softly. "Of course I would."
It seemed to Bucky, that for the first time, he was seeing how you looked at him. He was always so preoccupied with looking at you, thinking of you, how he felt about you, that he never really paid attention to how you looked at him. But now, it hit him, that the way you were looking at him, a smile on your face, eyes lit up. That you were looking at him, the same way he looks at you.
A smile stretched along is face as he spoke softly. "Great. I- uh, tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow's good."
"Alright. I'll text you the time okay?"
"Is that your subtle way of saying you didn't think past this point?"
He let out a laugh. "Yeah, maybe" he nodded.
You giggled. "Alright, text me. I'll be ready."
Bucky stepped back as you unlocked your car. He pulled the door open for you, and as you began to get in, you stopped and looked back at him. He stared at you expectantly, waiting for you to say something.
As you quickly leaned forward, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, he felt his body freeze for a moment. "See you tomorrow."
Coming back to his senses, he closed the door as you settled in your seat.
Bucky smiled and waved at you as you began to leave. His heart was beating so heavily in his chest it was almost hard to breath. His thoughts were so preoccupied, he didn't realize that he had probably one of the biggest smiles on his face in years.
"Tomorrow." He whispered softly to himself.
Suddenly realization began to seep in. Tomorrow. And he had nothing planned. You were right, he didn't think past this point.
Thinking abut the possibilities, he realized he didn't know the area well enough, he'd have to do research. Or, he could ask Sam. No, maybe not. He'd think of something. Something amazing, he'd sweep you off your feet.
xx End xx
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arche0ps-moved · 9 months
can you please tell us more about your cool earthbound (or mother in general) headcanons. . . one's already mentioned are so cool I WANNA KNOW!!! ps YOU ARE COOL IN GENERAL TOO!!!!!!!
OHHH MIKE YOU SCAMP .. TWIRLS MY HAIR!! This could be long so. Under the cut !
okay first guy: ness I love ness.
Ness is a trans kid!! he doesn't know the right terminology for any of it but he knows he never felt like a girl. his family all support him ofc, but Tracy got a little sad thinking ness wouldn't play dollhouse with her anymore (he still totally does)
Ness looooves gross stuff. Bugs, mud, bones, etc. Call me autistic the way I study those bugs (<- ness)
oh also he's autistic 👍 very sensitive to loud noises and the cold, and wears almost the same outfit everyday because 1. different outfit everyday is HARD . 2. He likes his outfit!!
his special interest is baseball :)
him and pokey play on the same Onett baseball team and have an unofficial rivalry with the Fourside Fogies . one time they trapped pokey under the bleachers. it was a whole ordeal (hc from soypeople thank you bestie)
ness was their number one player!! until. yk. giygas. after all that he quit going to school and became a shut in for a good while (he'll be okay)
Paula helps teach him the PK moves!! Fire freeze thunder etc etc. In return him and pu teach her how to heal and such (none of them manage to learn starstorm, though ..)
Ness is overall an overly caring kid. he'll often put others before himself, especially in the line of danger. But he can also be very stubborn if he chooses to (if he's angry, he'll most likely give you silent treatment until he simmers down)
Ness and Paula date in the future :]
ok paula now.
Paula is a transgirl!! she knows the terms bc she's a fast learner (with gifted child syndrome)
When she grows up she most likely takes over the Polestar preschool
Funnily enough, her favorite color isn't pink. It's green!
Her parents are a bit overprotective of her .... Ness and her had to practically beg to go fight Giygas
Much like Ness, she cares a lot for her friends. Unable to heal them with her PSI, she resorts to carrying around lots of healing items for her pals! (And wet towels for Jeff, since he overheats easily)
She doesn't mind any temp, but sweat is an unpleasant sensation for her (it's gross, it smells, and ew, it's wet! Jeff shares the same sentiment)
She isn't a damsel in distress, obviously. She probably would've beaten up Montoli and Carpainter all on her own if she didn't have the brain to accompany her (though, an hour longer in the cage at Happy Happy and she probably would've started a fire ..)
OK JEFF TIME I LOVE JEFF :) copy pasting some jeff-tony hcs from my personal discord teehee
When Jeff couldn't stand in class Tony would take his assignments to the teacher when they both finished (albeit a bit later as Tony took more time on his)
Tony signs the end of the Y in name with a small heart when writing Jeff. Jeff was oblivious to it's meaning till he got older
Tony will sometimes break stuff on purpose when Jeff has nothing to tinker. Just little things that they won't miss if Jeff can't fix them (he always fixes them)
Jeff shares what he doesn't eat with Tony (tony has a bit appetite!)
Jeff carries Tony's bag in his lap when in his chair
Neither of them use air fresheners or perfumes. It irritates Jeff's nose and Tony has asthma. Win!
They don't have the same taste in music but like to listen to each other's music when working in their dorm. They take turns putting in tapes
Jeff prefers classical music .. Tony calls him old for it (it's endearing. He's memorized Jeff's favorite artists)
Jeff falls asleep in class a lot .. tony makes sure to write plenty of notes if he does
Non Tony related ones:
Jeff is autistic! And physically disabled. His legs were injured in the novels boat incident, so he uses a cane(or crutches) and a wheelchair depending on how well he feels
He doesn't like being babied or carried around much, but if it's necessary he'll allow someone to lift him (mostly ness or tony)
Distant relationship with his dad obviously. It gets a bit better but they never get as close as they could
Jeff modifies his chair to have rockets on them. Because it's fun!
Even after getting his prosthetics he'll still use the chair whenever he feels tired
As stated in my fic he hates the heat so so much. He'd rather run around in the snow butt naked than spend a minute at the beach
Okay that's enough Jeff sorry for the favoritism <3 pu time!!
I spell his name as Pu thanks to mysthlarey (thank u bestie)
Probably very stressed. It's hard being the newest king and also 14
His hair is shaved on the sides and tied into a long braid. No reason behind it he just likes it that way tbh
Despite his resting-mean-boy face, he's super sweet under that Princely attitude! (He's got a lot on his shoulders, it's hard to relax)
Much like in game he's very . Uh. Physcially weak. Most people don't expect that because of his "fighter" look, so they don't usually mess with him
He's a picky eater bc of sensory issues. What do you MEAN you guys can eat rice? Yuck! (It tastes fine, but the feeling is .. bad. very bad)
Water enthusiast :) often the one to remind Ness (water hater) to drink some water
Tallest of the group (sorry jeff)
Funnily enough he doesn't grow once he hits his current height. Sooner or later Paula matches him in height and he finds it p funny
Uses his future kingly status to mess around with his friends. (Ex: DEAR NESS. THIS IS THE KING OF DALAAM. COME OKAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT WITH ME OR ELSE I WILL START A WAR WITH EAGLELAND. signed ur bestie xoxoxox :) )
bonus time oh goodness oh me oh my! Random character's!
Tracy uses she/they
Picky uses he/they. they match!
Picky loooves spiders (<- he doesn't know about pokey)
Tony's family actually live in Scaraba- they sent him off to Winters since it has the best school in the 3 major continents (he was eligible, so why not take the chance!)
Pokey and Ness liked to draw comics together :) they're probably super cringey now
Picky, Tracy, Ness, and Pokey all used to walk to school together. Sometimes pokey had to carry picky since he was half asleep
Ness doesn't actually eat trash burgers okay it was ONE TIME you can STOP BRINGING IT UP POKEY
pokey needs glasses due to his bangs fucking up his vision. will he ever get them? probably not
aloysius minch is bisexual. win I guess
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