#gonna shut up before i fucking sob now ok bye
canirove · 5 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 25
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"You have to cut the tomatoes smaller."
"Smaller than this?" 
"Yes. That's what the recipe says."
"Ok, fine. Smaller it is" Ben sighed.
"Oh… my God"
"What am I doing wrong now?" he asked.
"Sarina is calling me" June said, her eyes fixed on her phone.
"Then pick up!"
"I can't."
"What? Why not?"
"She's going to tell me that I'm not going to the World Cup."
"You don't know that, June."
"Yes, I do! I'm not ready yet and… Chilwell, what are you doing?"
"Picking up for you" he smiled, giving her her phone.
"You, you… urgh" she groaned. "Hello?" June said. "I'm good, thank you. Just doing some cooking. Yes. Yes. Ok. Yeah, yeah… Thank you. Ok, bye."
"And? What did she say?" Ben asked. 
"She… she said… she" June mumbled, tears coming to her eyes.
"Dear Lord, Maxwell. Speak! You are making me nervous!"
"I'm going to Australia, Ben. I'm going to the World Cup" she cried.
"You are going? Like, for real?"
"For real" she chuckled, her little laugh getting mixed with her sobs.
"Oh my God, June!" he said as he hugged her, lifting her in the air and starting to spin with her.
"Ben, stop!" she laughed. "You are gonna make me dizzy!" 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he replied, stopping but still hugging her. "But you are going to the World Cup!"
"I am."
"I knew all that hard work would pay off. I am so proud of you, June. So proud. I love you" Ben said before kissing her.
There. He had said it. He had said the three words. 
And he was putting all those feelings he had for her in that kiss, letting her know that he had meant it, trying to somehow stop her from freaking out. And it was working, because the moment those three words had left Ben's lips, June had wanted to run away like she always did. But she couldn't. The way he was kissing her was making her forget about everything and anything, even her name.
"Come" he said, breaking their kiss and taking her hand.
"Where?" June asked, trying to catch her breath.
"Upstairs. Let's go celebrate the good news."
"You mean…"
"Yes, Maxwell. I want to do it. Don't you?" Ben asked with a teasing smile.
"I do" she nodded. "But are you sure? What about not wanting to become one of my fuck buddies?"
"I know I'm not going to be one of them."
"Call it a hunch" he shrugged. "Now, are you coming upstairs with me or not?"
"What about our lunch?" 
"We'll eat later. We'll need to recharge" he smirked.
"Chilwell… Did you just quote me?" June laughed.
"Maybe" he shrugged again. "Are you coming or not?
"That'll depend on what you can do" she replied with a mischievous smile. 
"Ok, come here you little dirty mind" Ben said, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder, June not being able to stop laughing.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Ben said while playing with June's hair, her finger drawing small hearts on his chest. 
"It's nothing, something silly."
"Everything you say is silly, Maxwell. Ouch!" he complained after she pinched his nipple. 
"You deserve it for being an idiot" she smiled. 
"You know, when Mason said you were fire in bed, I didn't expect it to be violence."
"He said what?" she laughed, turning to look at Ben.
"His words, not mine."
"Men" she sighed. "Do you think we will get to be proper friends again?" June asked, resting her chin on his chest.
"You will. You just need to be patient. And you still haven't told me what you were thinking about" Ben said, putting a lock of hair behind her ear.
"It's nothing, I already told you" she shrugged.
"And I already told you I want to know."
"You are so annoying, Chilwell."
"You weren't thinking the same 10 minutes ago" he smirked.
"Shut up!" she replied, this time hitting him.
"Ouch!" he laughed.
"But now that you mention it… that is what I was thinking about. What we were doing 10 minutes ago. I can't remember the last time I felt something like that" she said in almost a whisper, her cheeks getting warm.
"Wait, Mason never made you… Ouch! June, stop hitting me!" Ben complained again.
"Then stop being an idiot!"
"Ok, ok. No more comments. But what do you mean with something like that?"
"I… I…" she said, back to playing with her finger on his chest. "I can't remember the last time I had sex with someone and it felt like something else. Like there was more to it, more than just something physical, you know?"
"You mean you can't remember the last time you made love with someone."
"As corny as that sounds… Yes" she whispered, feeling her cheeks now burning. Why was she suddenly acting like that? She had never been shy when it came to sex or talking about it. But right now, in that moment…
"Do you know why it felt like that?"
"I have a slight idea." Ha, slight. She knew perfectly well why it had felt different.
"I meant what I said earlier" Ben said after a few moments in silence.
"What?" she said, looking at him again.
"I love you, June" he replied, caressing her cheek. "I know you are probably freaking out again, but I needed to say it. I needed to get it out of my chest. And I know you aren't ready to say it back yet, but I don't care. I'll wait as long as it takes. Your body has done the talk for you and I'm fine with that."
"My body?"
"You just admitted it. We made love, it wasn't just sex. And it's felt different from all the other guys you've been with because you have feelings for me that you never had for them. But again, June" he said, cupping her face. "I don't want to put any pressure on you, you are in charge of the rhythm here. If you aren't ready, that's ok. I will wait. Because you are so worth it, June. You aren't like any other woman I've met before. You are amazing both on and off the pitch, a real role model for many women and girls out there. You fight for what you want, not caring about what the haters say."
"Haters like you, for example?"
"For example" Ben chuckled. "You have beauty and brains, and remember when I told you that my heart had never felt healthier than when I was kissing you? It wasn't just something cheesy to say. It was the truth. Even though you say it is broken, your heart is so big that it manages to fix everything that doesn't properly work on mine."
"I love you, June Maxwell. I love you and I don't think I will ever get tired of saying it. Because you are talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing…"
"Are you quoting me again?" she laughed.
"I'm technically quoting Lady Gaga, not you" he shrugged. "But where was I? Oh, yes. Amazing, show stopping, spectacular…" 
"Shut up, Chilwell" she said, putting her finger on those lips of his that she adored.
"Make me" he smirked. 
"My pleasure" June smiled before kissing him and letting her body do the talking again, letting it be the one that told Ben what words couldn't just yet… That her heart wasn't broken anymore. That the same way she had fixed his, he had mended hers. That she also loved him. 
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theatrekidstatus · 6 months
Chapter 11
Y/n pov: -next month- "Y/N" Anthony yelled "YEAH" I yelled back "Let's go we have rehearsals" he informed I mumbled a bunch of stuff none were real words I changed into this
"You look beautiful babe" he compliments "Thank you," I say "Not so bad yourself " I complimented Wee better head out now" he advised "Yeah"
"BABE" Jazzy yelled"WIFEY" I scream back "We're GONNA BE ON BROADWAY" "FAMOUS COUPLE" "LEZZZZ GOOOOOO" "MAN WHAT YOU LOOKING AT US FOR" Jazzy screamed at Ant "Shi my bad" he replied "fuh boy" she calls "yo calm down jazzy" I warn "my bad" she 'apologizes' "now say sorry" I demanded "SORRY ANT" she yells "oh um no prob-" he says before getting cut off "THAT YOUR HAIRLINES RECEDING" she cuts off "there it is" "JASMINE CEPHAS JONES" renèe yells "IM SORRY ANT" she yells we didn't believe her. so we waited [ (; ] "DAMN I SAID SORRY" she yells agitated "I forgive you" he chockes up "coo" she replies "OK LETS GET TO WORK" Lin shouts we head to the stage it was so big (a/n: shut up) ok let's rehearse first song
-2 minutes later-
"when he was ten his father split full of it depth ridden"
-2 hours later- "let's take a break" (RUN AWAY WITH US FOR THE SUMMER LET'S GO UPDATE) "I'm so tired" I tell Ant "Did you eat" he asks "Yeah..." I lie "Are you lying?" "Yeah..." I admit "Eat this apple" he demands "ok..." I eat the apple "Now let's take a nap" he suggests I fell asleep while Ant was scrolling threw insta I wake up to a nudge "Hey, hey, babe wake up" "What happened" I rub my eyes with the bottom of my fist "we gotta rehearse" I yawn and get up "I bet you could sleep forever" renèe "LIN WHAT MY RECORD" he shouts"17 hours" "WHAT THE FUCK" "I was depressed"
-After rehearsal- "SEE YOU TOMORROW GANG" Lin yells "gang?" Jazzy asks with a raised eyebrow "Aren't we a gang" Lin asks "I'd take family" Pippa suggests "DIBS ON MOM" I shout "DIBS ON DAD" Ant shouts "Aw fuck" Lin mumbles "Anyway let's head home" Chris suggests "k" we all say in unison "you wanna stay at my apartment" ant asked "sure" "nice let's go" "but you don't have a car" I bring up "yeah" he tells "uh" "..." "uh let's go I guess" I say
-at apartment-
"Nice place" I compliment "Thanks, lemme get changed"
"Gah damn" I mumble "like what ya see?" He asks with a cocky voice and smiles "Hell yeah" I say flirtatiously. he chuckled and flopped in bed "you coming" he ask "i don't have anything to sleep in" I share "you did that on purpose" "maybeeeee" I joke "go get a t-shirt and boxers" he tells "YA-I mean ok" Anthony chuckled "your cute" "so are you" (imagine how Zendaya SOUNDED and that one interview when Tom holland said she was cute) "uh oh did nervous y/n come back" he ask with a smirk "no shut up" "THAT HURT MY FEELINGS MY WORDS MATTER" "👆🏾" he started fake crying "I'm sorry you big baby" I said while hugging him "it's ok" he faked sobbed i went to get his boxers and shirt "HOW DO I LOOK" "amazing" "ant" I whispered "what" "you're blushing" "oh um sorry um shit god" "JUST KIDDING" "🖕🏼" "I love you too now come here" "what" "I wanna spoon" "ok" we spooned and at 3:00 am we got a call "ughhhhhh" "do I Answer or" "pick Up I guess" "hello" "EW" "what" "it's that Alexa girl" "ew" "bye bitch" he said before hanging up "your funny" "I know" he says before falling back asleep
-next morning-
"WAKE UP" "SHUT UP" he started whimpering (STFU) "I'm sorry" "It's ok" We get ready
"Do you think you can move in those jeans" "yeah" "ok" "let's get donuts" "FUCK YEA" "let's go" we stopped at krispey cream "can I get-" "I WANT THE BEE DONUTS PLEASE" "HOW MANY" "ALL" "a dozen" "ALL" "DOZEN" "ok pull up please" "that will be 2.99 " (I don't know how much donuts cost) "thank you" "I WANTED ALL" I huff "you can have 2" "I DESERVE ALL" "you do but you only getting 2" "ghvghgdh" "sorry babe" it's fine"
-at the theatre-
"how was y'all sleep over" "good but Alexa called ant" "ew" "yeah but ant said 'bye bitch and hung up" "what she say" "um um" "ANTHONY" "huh" "WHAT LEXA SAY LAST NIGHT" "hi freckles" "ok" "YOU LYING" "NO JAZZY DANM" "AIGHT" "anyway I slept in his clothes" "oooooooo" "did y'all...you know" "JAZZY" "what" "it's ok and no we didn't" "OK LISTEN UP WE'RE GONNA BE ON BROADWAY SO THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT SO LETS GET TO WORK" "SIR YES SIR" "har de har" "now get up here" we got up there and didn't get down for 5 hours! I was wobbly and sick "UM LETS TAKE A BREAK" (rUn AwAy WiTh tHe SuMmEr LeTs Go UpStAtE) "You good pinky pie" "Shut up dude" "I'm Sirius" "Yeah...I'm im" then it went black. I hear loud sirens "Huh what happened" "Y/N" Ant and Lin yelled while they tried to jump in they only let Lin in and said "Sir your gonna have to meet her at the hospital I just saw angry tears flow down his face "L-Lin" "yeah" "what happened" "you fainted and we're out for 2hours" "it took y'all 2hours to call the ambulance" "IT TOOK THEM 2HOURS TO COME" "Lin shut up because if they throw us out on the streets what then" he chuckled we get there I got checked out they gave me pills and a chart on how much I should eat for each meal
-after rehearsals and at home-
"Hard day" "It was ok" (bars) "Let's eat" "I'm not really-" I was cut off by an intense stare given by Lin "I'll eat" "Good don't stuff or overeat"
-on broadway- "WOO OPENING NIGHT LETS GO HOW WE FEELING" "SCARED" "AND" "EXITED" "THATS WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR" "ok 45 minutes till places" "you nervous John" "No, I'm terrified" "don't be you did good off broadway" "just think of it as a bigger stage that's all it is" "just a bigger stage" he mumbled "exactly know get dressed" "I got-dressed" "ok" "oooooo updated costume?" "Yeah you should see my Phillip one" "Can't wait" "Is your mom here tonight" "Yeah she saved a seat for you and everything" Thanks babe I go find ant mom she waved me over and I sat with her and chatted about ant as a kid "oh he was so cute did you know he dimples on his butt" "no," I say giggling but not letting out the laugh I want "oh yeah he was cute the you know the baseball Super Bowl thing (I don't know what it's called or if it's even a thing😭😭) "yeah" "he loved it as kid he once pissed his pants not to miss it" "oh really" I say holding back I laugh "oh it's starting"
-After the show- "Can you show walk me backstage" "Of course" "HI BABE YOU DID SO GOOD" "THANKS babe, did you like meeting my mom" "Yep dimples" "Dim-?"He was caught off by embarrassment he went pale then red "Honey are you okay" "sí Mama que tu hablar como y/n" "You as a Child" "OK gracias" "No problema" "DONT worry I think it's cute" I say while kissing his cheek
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thelovelybitten · 1 year
vera's first watch of south park - season 2 (part 2)
apparently tumblr has a character limit so lol here's part 2 of my watch of season 2
Last day of skewl !!!!
They just want fireworks :’(
Cartman on French horn !!
Stan, Kenny & Kyle play violin that’s cute !! Will note
Chef get them fr
Film festival episode !! This is exciting
Wendy popping off at Cartman as usual, she just never misses
Oh so stendy broke up??? Depression
“She’s NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!” Do u want me dead? Yes
Stan get back with Wendy challenge ? Pls i need y’all together
“If she holds his hand in the theatre it will be all over for him” Kyle has never spoke more real words
Stan scarred w lesbians whoops
Stan slowly becomes an ally, as previously stated in my s1 post, i will make sure that is so >:(
Okay alr the cartman ass screen joke was funny ok i laughed
Not them looking for mr Hankey BYE
Stendy back at the movies AAAAAAA
So ur telling me Kyle had a piece of shit in his mouth and there’s photo evidence??? NOT COOL
Style “I’m here for u” ugh they’re besties fr fr
Wendy asks stan to see a movie and immediately abandons Kyle HE’S WHIPPED
But also how dare u Stanley KYLE NEEDED U
I’M mentally unwell
HE TRIES TWICE ????F?E?G?G?F no bc that’s so fucking cute
No bc it’s Stanley “she’s not my girlfriend” marsh to Stanley “this girl is so cute i wanna hold her hand” marsh
AAAAA THEY ARE JUST <3333333333333
And… stan vomits, per usual lol
They still hold hands stop it
Wendy: i think I’ve seen this film before but instead she loves the ending <3
God y’all i just love stendy so much
Kyle & Stan friendship secured so sweet
Literally wtf i will never understand the talking piece of shit sorry Kyle
Wendy apologizing to stan abt taking him to the films when I KNOW DEEP DOWN MY SON WAS THRIVING BEING ALONE WITH WENDY
He forgives her wbk wbk
Ain’t no back talk on my ship u fools
THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS AGAIN FDGJKNFDKJNFDGKJFDG pls tell me they’re dating again i need them
Oh my god stendy saved this episode thank you
SO WE STARTING THIS with stan’s mom and sister at the hospital oh i know this gonna b weird
Omg stan ur gonna get THE POX FEJNCCKEN
Stan and Kyle’s families are so close !!
Oh and liane <3
“IN THE GHETTOOOOOO” omg the TikTok meme is here SLAY i loved this one haha
Oh god Kenny’s family is so chaotic i hate it they deserved better
Kyle and stan have matching sleeping bags AWWWWW
Kenny can’t afford normal dinner food but can clap the lights off???? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE
lol not Sheila making Kyle get the pox bc he’s the golden child that won’t get sick
So i remembered that stan hates hospitals and i can’t imagine what’s going thru his head right now besides being pissed abt hw
Garrison RELAX
Cartman is perfect for the cheesy poofs comm
Creepy girl….
Omg this poor deranged kiddo :(
Kyle is eating these haikus ugh as he should
Eric kinda popped off
My throat hurts >:(
Eric’s one second of fame— relatable
The one time Eric slayed werk
Okay ngl, if this is the episode i think it is, imma pass away
I’ve seen clips on TikTok ok
“Kyle, doesn’t bebe look pretty today?” Omg it’s KYBE TIME
It’s the way i stan stendy, style, kybe, bendy and stendyle all at once I AM WINNINGGGG
Stendy walks away from Kyle and bebe omg omg
Wendy the nations’ KYBE leader, stan the second in command
Stan: no
All bebe sees is cake. That’s it. Kyle’s cake. Living, breathing legend.
Wendy setting them up AW
Kyle: ?!?!?!?!?
Rare Cartman & Kenny duo things
But AYO bebe really likes Kyle’s booTAY
Kyle: aight?
Stan was too stunned to speak
Wtf is HAPPENING ?!?!?! Poor Stanley
Stan preaching to the CHOIR
The boys are SHAKING
Wendy slayed okay Kyle PUCKER UP
I HC WHEN THEY OLDER THAT BEBE IS A GOOD KISSER and tbh so is Kyle but the first few times Kyle is all tongue and no lip— nasty bro
Kyle will never take a chance to let cartman win that’s just fact
Kyle: AAA
Omg dude it’s ur first kiss relax
“Fucking sickening” but make it with the rupaul YASSIFICATION
Stan: looks intensely at Wendy’s lips
OLDER!HC: stan is like. addicted to Wendy’s lips. All he wants to do is show his affection ALL THE TIME but is also shy abt it??? LMAO
Stan: Dare RIZZ
Omg kybe okay please let this be good
Kyle is flabbergasted
OFC she hooks up with Clyde right after BRUH
But i also like Clybe so it’s okay
Alas, OFC Sharon and randy stay strong go get ur dick girl
“CLUBHOUSES ARE MAGICAL” —stan marsh, as his parents are fucking in the clubhouse he built
I hope he didn’t do it omg
What the hell
Kyle beating cartman is my favourite
Kyle threatening Cartman so true bestie
Oh god this is gonna fucking suck
Cartman being flung OUCH
excuse me? not the prostitute
this is bad broken vietnamese UGH
kenny robbed
stan and kyle playing with the dolls is so wholesome <3
why didn't I know kyle's dad was a lawyer? interesting
little german dance
"hey, elton, if I give you these lyrics, will you write a song for my GIRLFRIEND wendy?"
he wants to gift her a song NO ONE SPEAK TO ME
not me actually tearing up irl THIS IS EMBARASSING
but no fr stan is WHIPPED I love that for him
chef hoeing out with kyle's mom??? huh
NOT MISS CRAB TREE. chef rly do be desperate
Mr mackey crowd surfing ended me LMAOO
WENDY LOOKING AT STAN ugh the fluff they exude
uhm... this is sus cartman
oh this is a Halloween ep cool
creepy murder fish
god my paranoia could NEVER
JESUS christ that goldfish scares me
not the slap from shelly oml HAHA
"mommy's little angel" correct, my son is babie
cartman on some shit rn omg
cartman using aunt flo as a massage chair cackles a lil
sharon not giving a single fuck about randy's accusations
oh no not stan and kyle's alts
stan gets told not to go: goes anyway
kenny riding shotgun and not giving a RAT'S ASS until money is thrown
god i'd die if I had to listen to singing for 6 hours
liane is just. so cool ok
kyle: AAAA
EYE- stan that's not cool bad noodle
kenny hoarding food HA
charles: how would u like to come with me to another secluded part of the mall?
kenny: ok
don't mess w kyle brofloski period
kyle: still mad abt mr.hankey
they all getting shot at but kyle has PRIORITIES
stan: sorry
my deranged son <3 ily tweek
omg tweek's family runs a coffee shop <3 so cute
tweek he's so cute with his little gnome story
oh shit 8 year olds w coffee
Cartman sleeping in his puke yikes
oh he has ADD :'( little bean
Cartman slayed this time haha
Working w the underwear gnomes haha
Side not: my cats are finally sleeping on the same bed and not killing each other <3
Is this an impersonation of Owen Wilson ??? LMAO
And there’s the vomit
I’m starting to wonder if Stan has bad motion sickness or he just has a shit immune system
Cartman referencing my favourite movie of all time??? That was iconic of him. grease is MY FAVOURITE MOVIE <333333333
Style fighting >:(
Cartman so true abt style fighting
1999 ??? My birth year??? Epic
Nah bc they are such good friends they better get back together at the end of the episode
When Kyle doesn’t finish Stan’s line abt Kenny… u KNOW THEY FIGHTINGG
Larry u tell ‘em
Overall, season 2 better than season 1, 8/10
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landosmclaren · 2 years
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evansbby · 2 years
i’m just thinking about how dark!ari punishing brat!reader by instructing her to be completely still on her knees and hands and he just uses her as a table for hours…..while she has a vibrating plug in her ass….
LISTEN it's midnight and i just got home from work but this ask has got me LIKEEE ksafjklasj ok ok let's see....
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"Y-You can't do this." Hatred drips from every word you speak, and you look up at him with the most venomous look you can muster up - yet you still can't help but stutter. It's because he's so intimidating, with his fucking huge, ripped body looming over you, that fucking shit-eating grin on his face.
"What are you gonna do to stop me, huh?" Ari smirks down at you, the tip of his boot stroking your cheek lightly. It's almost a caress with how soft it is, but the degrading nature of the action makes you want to rip your hair out.
You hate Ari with every fibre of your being. He's the bane of your existence. From the moment he sauntered into the tiny bistro cafe you work at and took a liking to you, and every moment after that; he'd help himself to touching you however he pleased, whenever he pleased.
Brushing against you when you walked by - just trying to do your job - to lewdly squeezing your ass in front of customers, to staying until the cafe was closed, acting like he owned the place... Acting like he owned you. And then you'd made the mistake of yelling at him, shoving him, losing you temper at him and demanding he get out.
And that's how you'd ended up in your current position. In the back office - Ari sitting on your boss's chair as if he was the boss, with you at his feet. And you don't even really understand how you let yourself get in this position - except that he's just so much bigger than you, so much stronger.
"Don't act like you don't love this, princess." Ari says, his hand palming his dick from over his jeans as he gazes hungrily down at you. "It was a bit too easy to rip those clothes off of you, to get you naked and on your hands and knees for me. You act all tough but you want this. You just didn't have to disrespect daddy on the way to getting what you want."
"You're an asshole!" You sob, the tears welling in your eyes are borne out of both anger and embarrassment.
"You love it." Ari sneers. "You're so fucking wet, I can smell it from up here. Now be a good little slut and stay still, and maybe I'll let you off your knees in a few minutes."
"Fuck you!" You cry, knees hurting almost as much as your ego. His blue eyes narrow, and he roughly runs his hand through his unruly hair that flops down on his face.
"You're acting too fucking feisty for someone who's about to get their ass all plugged up." Ari says it almost too casually, and you barely have time to register what he's said before his huge arms are mauling you upwards, hoisting you over his lap and giving your ass a few playful slaps along the way.
"LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING JERK, FUCK YOU!" You scream, but you can't help but rut against the denim of his jeans. You hate him, but he's so fucking big, so manly, so virile. You'd never tell him, but he ticks every box you look for in a man. And he makes you so fucking wet.
"Princess doesn't know when to shut her fucking mouth," Ari tut-tuts, the disapproval mixed with pure lust evident in his tone. You gasp inwardly when you feel his large, calloused hands spreading your ass cheeks, letting out a ragged cry when you feel something cold and plastic pressing into your puckered hole.
"Luckily for you, daddy knows exactly how to solve the problem.
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gayfrogcoven · 2 years
• ok let me try to remember stuff in order
• uh what’s up with the Collector
• i wonder why Amity’s penstagram was taken away?
• i hadn’t realized this episode would start with Luz and King not yet knowing about the owl house…
• what exactly did Eda and Lilith plan to do? just not tell the kids where they were?
• “I’VE EATEN ICE CREAM WITH A GOD” i love Lilith she’s such a dork
• “he’s a Clawthorne, and technically your nephew” “i’m a god’s aunt!” all these familial namedrops in the latest episodes we HAVE to get King calling Eda his mom soon
• “the kids deserve one nice day before they realize how dire things are” ok well bye don’t mind me over here sobbing
• “maybe if we had time for 20 more adventures, but we don’t” oh i see that dig at Disney, Dana
• no really the driving around in peaceful plains and playing on the beach and stuff was really nice and King deserves that (also the music in that scene was really pretty)
• “this is for my kids. they can’t be around during the Day of Unity. put them in a castle bunker, get them on an airship, i don’t care, just keep them safe. if you do, i’ll give myself up right now.” ok if i was sobbing before
• ew Terra
• idk if i breathed during the Eda and Luz fight scene at all
• “i can recommend a good therapist” PLEASE they all need it. seriously though i’m glad they acknowledged that there’s a reason for Lily acting like that to King and it’s because she was trained to do so since she was a teenager
• “me and Lilith don’t have magic and we don’t have allies. we’re useless. we have you and King. so i was gonna do anything to make sure that you were safe. but now… it’s all over.” A: this episode is SERVING Mom Eda huh B: THE DELIVERY ON THOSE LINES THE WAY HER VOICE BREAKS AT “it’s all over”
• i will forever and i mean forever be screaming over this frame
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• “so, you must be the famous human witch. Eda’s been bragging about you for hours. i’m Raine.” RAINE IS FINALLY MEETING EDA’S KIDS THIS IS NOT A DRILL
• the idea of Raine and Darius annoying the fuck out each other in school too is so funny to me i love them
• THE CATS THE CATS THE CATS I’M NEVER SHUTTING UP ABOUT THAT EVER and Darius hates it so much and the “everything’s coming full circle” IM WHEEZING
• them them them them them:
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• “we’ve got all the time in the world” brb sobbing again
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ptergwen · 3 years
Peter Parker x Avenger Reader/ the reader gets stabbed on a mission and hides it from everyone. But Peter is suspicious and try’s to check. Can it end with angst please?/ if you don’t feel like it then never mind, don’t worry!!! ❤️❤️❤️
you want it to END with angst? well shit this one is gonna hurt.. literally
warnings: mentions of blood and death
“nice job, gang,” tony announces after you all pile on to the jet. “no one’s injured, no one’s dying. most importantly, i have no paperwork to sign.” he pretends to wipe sweat off his forehead. he’s sitting next to steve, who’s in the pilot’s seat. you tense up in your own. “what did i say about teamwork?” steve flashes tony one of his oh so charming smiles. “it’s all we’ve got,” sam answers, biting back a smirk.
“i don’t know about the no injuries thing, mr. stark,” peter murmurs, making your heart beat faster than it already was. has he figured it out already? “what’s that, kid?” tony wonders. he looks at him over his shoulder. “think i got a few cuts back there,” peter replies with a sheepish smile. natasha lets out a sigh. “you’re so brave.” “thanks for sharing your story,” sam adds on.
forcing out a laugh, you scoot the tiniest bit away from peter. he’s still joking around with the team. you’re trying to get out of his embrace, which is a first. his arm is wrapped tightly around your shoulders. too tightly because he’s pressing into your stab wound. it is keeping you from bleeding out, though.
you were the only one to actually get injured during the mission, but you didn’t say anything. you’d be ruining the otherwise successful night, which the team doesn’t get many of. the last person you want to find out is peter. it’s a hard secret not to share when your blood is literally on his hands.
“y/n, you’ve been awfully quiet. cat got your tongue?” tony observes with an eyebrow quirked. “thank god. let it stay that way.” bucky shoots you a wink. sam elbows his side. now that peter thinks about it, you haven’t said a word since the jet took off. “yeah, that’s a little... odd. you okay, baby?” he quietly asks, pulling you back into his side. “i... i’m just...” you wince when he squeezes you.
“i don’t have anything to say, i guess.” you’re giving peter a pained smile. “what’d i say about excuses?” steve chimes in, a knowing tone to his voice. “don’t make them,” natasha finishes for him. “what’s really bothering you, y/n?” “we’re here to listen, whatever it is.” steve glances over at you before putting his eyes back on the sky. “no, really! it’s nothing,” you insist, peter rubbing up and down your arm.
you can feel the blood starting to soak through your suit. he’ll be feeling it any second, too.
“i’m gonna go to the bathroom. tell me what i miss,” you say to everyone. you’re quick getting to your feet. “i’ll go with you,” peter instantly decides. “you can’t!” you put a hand on his chest, effectively holding him back. “it’s... period stuff. that’s what’s bothering me, guys.” “there it is,” sam chuckles. “i can see that,” bucky agrees. natasha rolls her eyes at both of them.
“you know i don’t care about any of that,” peter scoffs and laces your fingers together. “can’t scare me off so easy.” if you weren’t lying and bleeding in other places, that would have been sweet. “it’s fine, pete. just stay here, okay?” you bite your lip as a wave of pain shoots through you. tony takes note of that. “ok. call me if you need anything?” peter raises both eyebrows for emphasis. “i will. alright, um... bye.”
with that, you scurry off to the bathroom. you stumble on the way there and grab on to your shoulder. that doesn’t go unnoticed by the team.
“i don’t think she’s fine,” bucky concludes after a minute. natasha laughs in disbelief. “of course she’s not! her uterus is-“ “not that!” he squeezes his eyes shut at the image she almost painted. “he’s right, kid was acting pretty weird. weirder than usual.” sam shares a look with tony. “go check on her, parker,” tony gently requests, steve frowning. peter exhales a breath he’s been holding. “yeah, i’m on it.”
you free your right arm from your suit as soon as you get to the bathroom. it’s where the wound is, and it’s really bad. blood is dripping down from your shoulder to your arm, sticking to the rest of the suit. it gets in fly away pieces of hair when you look for the source. your eyes flood with tears, lip once again between your teeth. your heart is beating so fast that if you don’t die from this, it’ll be from cardiac arrest.
you’re attempting to clean up your wound with water and toilet paper, muffled whimpers escaping you. you have no idea what you’re supposed to do, but it’s definitely not this. it stings so bad every time you touch it. silent tears fall down your face while you continue taking care of yourself the best you can.
a sudden knock at the door makes you jump. “y/n?” peter speaks sternly, like he knows what’s going on in there. he doesn’t. he’s just worried about you. “y/n, it’s me. can i come in?” “what? no!” you yell, still holding the crumbling toilet paper to your wound. “i need... i- i really need some privacy. please.” your voice becomes a sob at the end. peter only grows more concerned.
“baby, what’s wrong? it’s gotta be more than your-“ a loud thud coming from the bathroom cuts him off. “what was that?” he’s already reaching for the doorknob. “nothing. i...” you don’t even try to lie this time. you can’t. “i’m coming in.” peter warns you, throwing the door open without another protest. his whole world collapses at what he sees.
curled up in a ball on the floor is you, with your suit half off and blood everywhere. you’re shivering, crying, desperately clutching at your shoulder. you were just sitting right next to him, in his arms. how could he not have realized?
“oh my god,” peter breathes, getting on to his knees in front of you. “when- when did you... what happened? how long have you been-“ he can barely form one sentence. he’s in so much shock, and so fucking scared. “during the mission,” you respond in a sniffle. “someone had a- a knife or something. they stabbed me.”
peter presses both his hands to your open wound, frantically searching for your eyes. “fuck...” his voice cracks. “why didn’t you tell me, y/n?” he’s whispering, moving closer to you, face inches from yours. “because you...” before you can finish, your eyes start rolling back. “no, no, no!” peter takes one hand off your shoulder and brings it to your chin.
“stay with me, y/n. you can’t... you can’t go yet. don’t do this,” he cries out, his own face now coated in tears. his fingers grabbing at your chin force you to look at him. “it hurts so bad, peter,” you whimper. your eyes are void of color when they finally meet his. “i know, baby. i know.” peter blinks hard, his hand moving to cup your cheek.
“i didn’t want you to worry,” you start, peter caressing your skin softly. he has to bite down on his tongue to keep from screaming. “or add to the list of people you lost. seems like i’m doing it right now, though.” a sad smile crosses your features. “no... don’t say that.” he furiously shakes his head, thumb smoothing over your cheek.
“you’re gonna be fine, y/n. i’ll get mr. stark, and- and he’ll know what to do,” peter tries to convince you both. you’re not buying it. “what if it’s too late?” you croak. “it’s not. we’re gonna be okay, okay?” he leans down to kiss your forehead, his lips lingering for a few seconds. “i’ll get him now. be right back, y/n/n.”
peter’s hands leave you slowly. he replaces his one on your shoulder with your own. “you’re not going anywhere,” he assures you once more, you giving him a stiff nod. he’s rushing back to inform the team of your condition just like that. your eyes fight to stay open again. you let them close, the pain too much to handle.
“i’ll always be with you.”
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
Colorful Fish
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: a bit angst, deals with religious trauma and abortions
A/n: Ok so I strated this a while ago when @coffee--writes gave me a song to write a fic about, the song hinted at helping a girl who had very religious parents andgot pregnant so here is this fic.
Important notice: This deals with religious trauma and some hard-core Catholic beliefs, if that makes you uncomfortable don't read it. Also if you are anti-choice first get tf off my blog, second this deals with abortion it will probably make you uncomfy
Pain was something everyone lived with. It was scrapes on your knees and cuts in your fingers. It was priced for ears and breakups. Pain kept us alive, it kept us breathing. It told us to eat, to not touch this, or be careful around that. 
That's why the numbness was so terrifying.
You wanted to cry but the just tears wouldn't come so your eyes were dry, lids heavy. You didn't feel the ache in your back from the position you had pulled yourself into, the hard tile of the bathroom wall going unnoticed.
You felt like you had been thrust into some sort of thick fog. Your movements were slow and heavy, the rising and falling of your chest happening in half speed.
Your fingers shook as you fumbled with your phone, you typed in your password twice, both times your phone vibrated telling you to try again. You dropped it to the floor where it landed too loudly. 
Suddenly you felt sick again, your stomach churning, throwing a fit as you pushed yourself forward, one hand gathering your hair to keep it from your face as the other clutched the cool porcine of the toilet. 
You vomited twice, heaving for breaths before letting your head fall back to the wall again. 
You stretched to reach the handle flushing the tainted water. You tried your phone again finally opening it on the fourth try and found the desired contact at the top of your recents. You pressed call holding the device to your ear. 
A gravelly voice picked up on the third ring. 
"Princess do you have any idea what time it is?" Sirius asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with his spare hand. 
You tried to speak your head feeling far away. 
Sirius paused another moment, "Baby are you okay?" 
"I'm pregnant." your voice was hollow.
The line dropped, nothing but silence responding. 
Sirius felt his heart fall into his stomach "I'm sorry, what?" 
You sighed, your mouth still thick with bile, "I'm pregnant." you repeated. 
It was quiet for a while, the small sounds of Sirius's breaths the only thing telling you he hadn't hung up.
"Well what do you want to do?" he finally asked, bewilderment stinging his tone. 
You paused squeezing your eyes shut, teeth gritted, "I don't fucking know." you finally responded, "I just threw up like four times and I'm exhausted. All I want to do right now is sleep." 
"Then do that." Sirius replied, "Do you want me to come over?" 
You shook your head, "No, my mom already hates you enough she would throw a fit if she found you in my bed." 
Sirius licked his lips hand running through his hair "Okay, I'll talk to you in a few hours. Sleep well." 
"Bye Siri," you mumbled.
"I love you princess." 
"Love you too." 
He was gone with a click.
You pulled yourself to your feet by the edge of your sink, pushed open the door slowly, and padded to your bedroom. You fell asleep only minutes after your head hit the pillow. 
You had never had too much of a problem growing up Catholic. The sure church was boring and prayers could be a pain but it hadn't had that much of an effect on your life until you grew older. 
Your first boyfriend had shown you the ugly colors your mother painted your religion with.
At fifteen you were sat down and told you would be going to hell if you did anything more than kiss the young boy you were with. 
At sixteen you were told not to be friends with that girl because she was a queer and not that boy because he never went to church. 
By seventeen you lived in fear of your mother and her God. Your respect for both deteriorating as you realized that God wasn’t nearly as kind as everyone else seemed to believe he was. Crosses started to look like knives as you struggled to figure out what the hell you were supposed to be.
When you met Sirius- a long-haired pagan with a pentagram tattooed on his ankle everything changed. He made things easy, he told you to believe what you wanted to, not what you were told. So you did. 
But that didn’t change the whispers of your neighbors and the hatred in your mother’s eyes when Sirius picked you up. 
Your mother had begged you to break things off with Sirius more times than you could count on one hand. It was one of the few things you didn’t let her convince you to do. Her words were sweet but the aftertaste was always bitter. 
So instead she ignored his existence, pretending you were single as she shoved your neighbor’s son's down your throat. You learned to live with it just as she learned to turn a blind eye to the roar of your boyfriend’s motorcycle. 
Out of all the ways you expected to wake a shrill scream was not one. Your heart launched and you popped upwards just as your mother slammed your door open. Its knob hit your wall so hard she would find chipped paint behind it later that night. 
“Mom, what’s wrong?” You asked in a mild panic half expecting Micheal Myers to come crashing in after her. 
But no one followed and instead, she stared at you in a way you had never seen before, her eyes narrowed her mouth in a tight scowl that reminded you of cracked leather, “You little slut.” she hissed.
Your eyes widened, “Mom?” 
“You whore!” She shrieked and you flinched, knees coming to your chest, “I always knew you would embarrass our family like this.”
    Your vision blurred, “What are you talking about?”
The pregnancy test hit you in the cheek hard enough to sting and your stomach churned.
“Get out.” your mother snarled. 
“Mom, I swear I never meant for you to find out.” You whimpered.
She stiffened, “So you were just gonna kill the baby then?” 
You weren’t sure how to respond.
“I will not have any sluts in my house let alone murders.” She heaved, “Call your satanist boyfriend and get out of my house.” With that, she turned on her heels and slammed your door shut behind her. 
    Sirius woke to the sound of his phone ringing again, he groaned, his eyes opening slowly as he tried to process the bright world around him. His phone was on its last ring when he finally picked up. 
    “Hey y/n/n what's-” He stopped as a broken sob met him.
    You spoke no actual words, only nonsense cut by sniffles and whimpers.
    Sirius was shocked awake already out of bed, phone pressed to his ear by his shoulder. “Baby, I need you to calm down.” He spoke slowly, “What’s going on, where are you?”
    “I-I,” another sob, “She kicked me out Siri.” you cried. 
    “What? Who? Your mom?” He asked, trying to wrap his mind around what was going on. 
    You nodded only realizing he couldn’t hear you a couple of seconds after, “Yeah, She-” You hiccuped, “She found the pregnancy test a-and,” You broke into sobs again. 
    Sirius stopped in his tracks. Right. You’re pregnant, “I'll be there in ten minutes okay?” 
    You nodded again, “Okay.” 
    “Do you want me to stay on the line?” Sirius asked as he attempted to put jeans on with one hand. 
    “No, it's not safe to dive on the phone.” You croaked, “I gotta pack anyway.” 
    “Okay, I love you y/n.” 
    “Love you too.” 
    The line clicked and Sirius swore throwing his phone onto his unmade bed just go pick it up again and call Remus. 
    His friend picked up after two rings, “Jeez Sirius did someone die? You’re never up this early.”
    Sirius wished he found that funny, “Y/n’s pregnant.” 
    Silence greeted him back, “You’re kidding.” 
    “I really wish I was,” He sighed, “Her bitch mother found out and kicked her out too.”
    A pause, “Oh shit.”
    “Yeah. Look I’ve gotta go pick her up but I’m gonna call you back later okay?” 
    ”Got it.”
    When the tears finally died the numbness came back like the effects of some sort of drug. You packed in silence shoving everything you could fit into a backpack you had from a trip you took in the 10th grade and a duffle bag, which still smelled like your field hockey socks. 
    The doorbell didn’t even ring, instead, you heard a shriek followed by heavy footsteps. Sirius entered your room and slammed your door on your mother who was chasing him down the hall. 
    Neither of you spoke as he drew you into a hug, your chin on his shoulder watching the door which never opened. 
    “You packed?” He asked and you nodded gesturing at the bags on your bed. 
    As you exited your room your mother just glared at you. You hung your head, tears landing on your sneakers. 
    Sirius felt his anger grow hot, it was never easy to tame and it roared loud in his ears. He stopped just inside the house watching as you descend the porch before turning to your mother who stared at him from the living room. 
    He scowled at her sneer, “Go fuck yourself, you bitch.” he spat, middle finger in the air. 
    You pretend nothing happened as you climbed onto his motorcycle tightening your backpack straps and whipping your tears. 
    You found yourself over Sirius’s toilet vomiting as you sobbed. He could do nothing but hold your hair away from your face and rub circles on your back, his own vision clouded by tears. You passed out not but twenty minutes later, crying yourself to sleep on his chest. After about an hour of watching you sleep, Sirius heard a knock on the door. He got up carefully, you didn’t even stir. 
    He opened the door to see Remus, his hands shoved into the pockets of his denim jacket. Sirius welcomed him in and he sat at the coffee table as Sirius got them each a beer. 
    “Is y/n here?” Remus asked.
    “Yeah, she’s sleeping,” Sirius responded. 
    Remus nodded, taking note of the red tinge around his friend’s eyes, “Do you guys have any idea what you’re going to do?” 
    Sirius shook his head, “We haven’t even talked about it yet, when she got here she started throwing up and then passed out.” 
    Remus waited a moment, “Do you want to keep it?” 
    Sirius wasn’t surprised by the question, he had been asking himself the same for hours now, “I don’t fucking know, I mean, we’re nineteen, we haven’t even talked about marriage yet, let alone kids.” His thoughts swirled, “And I haven’t even spoken to my parents since I was sixteen and now her mom practically disowned her I mean,” He sighed, “I just don’t know.”
    “Whatever you guys decide you know James, Lily, and I will be here for you,” Remus said patting Sirius on the shoulder. 
    He nodded, “I just can’t believe her mother kicked her out. I mean she’s her only daughter ya know and I just- I knew they hated me but I never thought she would do this to her.” 
    “Parents do terrible things Pads, you should know that.” Remus sighed.
    “Yeah, but you should have seen the way her mother looked at her. It was like she had committed some unforgivable crime or something, it was like she actually hated her.” 
    “It’s cuz she does.” You murmured dully from the hallway. 
    Sirius froze and Remus shifted uncomfortably. 
    You gave them both a battered smile, “It’s fine, it’s not like I don’t know.” 
    “Y/n I-,”
    “Really, it’s fine Sirius.” You said taking a seat beside him, “I’m over it.” That was a blatant lie. 
The three of you talked about meaningless things for a while, the distraction feeling like a breath of fresh air amongst the garbage you had been shoved into. You ordered Chinese takeout offering for Remus to stay for dinner but he explained he had classes in the morning and should probably be studying. 
    The easy atmosphere only lasted for a bit after he left and by the time dinner had arrived you felt like crying again. 
    Finally, Sirius brought it up, “So what do you want to do?” he spoke solemnly.
    You paused a shuddering sigh leaving your lips, “We can’t have a kid Sirius.” 
    “If you wanted to we could make it work.” Sirius countered.
    “We can’t have one Siri.” You repeated.
    “Listen y/n I could make it work, I would propose and-” 
    You scoffed.
    Sirius furrowed his brows, “What?”
    Maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t slept even 5 hours the night before or maybe it was because he was stressed but for some reason that hurt, his thoughts spiraling, “You wouldn’t marry me?” 
    You looked confused, “What? I never said that.” 
    “You don’t have to.” He glared at you.
    “What are you talking about Sirius?” You asked.
    “I’m talking about the idea of me proposing to you being so laughable.” He snapped.
    Your face contorted in anger, “First of all I didn’t laugh at you, second it’s ridiculous because we are NINETEEN!” 
    More hurt, his thoughts went darker, “So you are admitting you wouldn’t marry me?” 
    “Right now I wouldn’t.” you respond. 
    Your words stung, “Why not?”
    “I just told you!” You yelled, “We’re too young!” 
    Sirius paused, you were right, you were too young, “You’re right I’m sorry.” he sighed, “I’m just kind of tired right now.” 
    “I know Siri,” You mumbled, “I am too.” 
    Silence fell as you both found yourself trying to pull together a piece of your sanity. The clock ticked and the wind shuddered the windows in their frames. 
    “I don’t want a kid Sirius.” You sighed, “I know you don’t either.” 
    He didn’t protest, you were right yet again.
    “I’m going to go to the clinic tomorrow.” You spoke, “It’s definitely the best option.”
    “What about your mom.” Sirius asked, “You know she would never forgive you.” 
    There was another moment of quiet, “I think I’m okay with that.”  you spoke and you were telling the truth. 
    A strange sense of relief filled you as you sat in the clinic's parking lot, you were finally putting this behind you, your life could go somewhat back to normal. Except for the fact that you were going back to your house in two days when you knew your mom was gone to clean out your room of course. It felt good to be out of that house, the eggshells you were so used to walking on being replaced by Sirius hardwood floors and patterned rugs. Something about all of this felt right, like you had taken that leap and instead of hitting the harsh rock you expected, you hit warm water filled with colorful fish. 
    Your mother didn’t try to contact you for years, sometimes you forget she even existed. You kept yourself busy, finally deciding on a major for college and helping Lily and James with a wedding and then a child. 
    Living with Sirius was like a dream, sometimes when you got up early you would just watch him sleep, his hair always hanging in front of his eyes as he took slowed, heavy breaths. You taught him how to properly cook food, something he had been incapable of doing for far too long. You were truly happy for the first time in a while. 
    When you were twenty-two Sirius got on one knee and you could not have said yes faster. You were ready then. 
Three weeks before the wedding you got a call from your mother. You damn near dropped the phone when you heard her voice. Part of you expected an apology the other part knew she was far too stubborn. And she was, you didn’t even listen to her lecture on how you were marrying a nobody, instead, you hung up and blocked the number. 
    You had the wedding in late spring, just before the flowers began to wilt and turn to leaves, Remus got himself ordained and you sealed it all with a kiss under a cherry tree. You and Sirius were okay with having no relatives at your wedding because while no blood of yours was in the audience your true family was and that was all that mattered. 
@songforhema @wangmangagavroche @evyiione @atomicpunkrock @fairywriter-oracle @moon-zodiac @accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @theseuscmander @sleepingalaska @chloe-geoghegan1 @obsessedwithrandomthings-deacti @coldlilheart @susceptible-but-siriusexual @inglorious-imagines
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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A rogue storm had her presumed dead and stranded on the red planet. Left on her own, astronaut Aelin Galathynius has four years to make it to the next drop-site, some two thousand miles. Armed with her smarts and dwindling supplies, Aelin attempts to survive on an inhospitable planet, when the nearest help is only millions of miles away.
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
Rowan wasn’t breathing. Wasn’t doing anything but fighting against the tether as Aelin let go in every way possible.
Aelin was so tired. She was so gods-damned tired. “It’s ok, Ro, I’m ok-“
“Don’t let go, you can’t let go!” He couldn’t live without her. He’d done it for over a year and he couldn’t – refused to do it again. “You’re not letting go, Ae, don’t you dare let go.”
The comms were silent save for his yells and Aelin’s soft reassurance. The crew was sitting in a horrified silence as they listened, powerless to change her mind.
Nesryn’s gaze was locked on the computer screen, feeling queasy as the distance grew smaller and smaller. She didn’t want to interrupt Rowan’s concentration, but, “Distance to target – seven metres.”
She was so close, Aelin was so close and upon hearing the distance, she half-sobbed, keeping her arm reached out to Rowan as the tether slipped free and he blasted towards her, desperately reaching as their hands brushed against each other’s and she was in his arms seconds later. “Ro,” she croaked, smiling so widely as their helmets knocked together.
“Aelin,” he said, tears blurring his vision. “I got her.” Cheers erupted throughout the comms and Mission Control. “I got her.”
“Lochan, bring them in,” said Lorcan, a smile on his face that no one but Elide ever saw.
“Copy that, Commander.” The MMU moved backwards and Aelin clung harder to Rowan, closing her eyes as tears slipped down her cheeks and she smiled. It seemed the gods had finally answered her prayers.
Everyone was waiting in the inner airlock as they floated in. Aelin waved to them through the window as the outer door closed and Rowan helped her snap her helmet off. The door hissed and Elide was the first one to reach her, the others hanging back – letting the sisters have a minute. Lorcan could just make out Elide’s threats through her tears, “…ever do that shit again, I’ll kill you.”
Aelin laughed and groaned, “Don’t make me laugh, my ribs are broken.”
Elide let go of her, wiping the blonde’s tears away before the rest of the crew swarmed her, enveloping her in a snug hug, careful to not squeeze too hard. Nobody mentioned what Rowan had confessed, just so unbelievably happy to have their girl back.
Nobody knew how long it was until they reluctantly let go and moved as one to the medical bay, waiting anxiously as Rowan checked her out. With a smile, he lifted his head, letting the stethoscope down, “You’re good, Ace. Ribs are broken and I’ll set you up with an IV and might need a feeding tube to replenish the calories you’re missing, but you’re good.”
The crew let out a relieved breath and Rowan relayed the information to Manon. Aelin waggled her brows at Lorcan and Elide, who were standing by the door. Elide was leaning back against Lorcan’s front, his hands in the front pocket of her hoodie. “So, is there going to be mini Lorcan or Elide at the wedding?”
Elide groaned, their sex life was something the crew had always loved to tease them about, “Anneith below, why did we come back for you?” Lorcan just winked at Aelin and bent down to whisper to Elide, nipping at the soft shell of her ear. Her cheeks turned pink as she elbowed him in the stomach as a response, “You’re disgusting. Both of you.” A sly grin grew over her lips as Aelin and the rest of the crew cackled.
Rowan chuckled and knelt, searching for a roll of gauze to wrap her ribs. “You’re gonna need to strip, so…” he arched a brow and she nodded.
“Bye, guys,” she told the rest of the crew. They all got up from their various positions and waved goodbye to her, hesitant to leave, as if she would slip away again. “I’ll be fine. Go,” she shooed them away, smiling softly as they left and the door clicked shut behind them.
Silent as he worked, Rowan ignored the feeling of her gaze burning into him as he wrapped her ribs, “How’s that feel?”
Aelin breathed in slowly, it was snug. “Good, really sore still.”
“If it’s still sore later, let me know, I can get you-“
“You love me?”
Her words had him choking and looking up from the IV he was preparing. “I-I…”
“I heard you, buzzard. Was it a lie to get me to hold on?” A heartbreaking light fractured her eyes and Rowan cursed himself, quick to shake his head.
“What? Gods, no, it wasn’t a lie, Ae.” He floundered, searching for the right words, “I know… we didn’t always get along very well and I was an ass, but I love you.” He waited for her response, tensing as he prepared to hear the worst. When she stayed silent, his brain short wired and he began rambling, “I’ve loved you for years, Aelin. Gods, you drive me crazy and sometimes I didn’t know if I wanted to kill you  or kiss you because you’re you. You’re the smartest person I know and you’re completely unapologetic for it. You’re curious. You want to know everything about the world and I-“
She stopped him by pressing her fingers to his mouth, “Shut up.” His stomach fell at the two words before she whispered, “I love you. So much.”
“You do?”
“Most ardently, Rowan Whitethorn.” Tears were caught in her lashes and he gently cupped her face, swiping his thumb under her eye to catch the drops.
“Why do you cry, Fireheart?” Aelin fell further every time he called her that.
“Because I was lost and I didn’t know the way.”
“And now?” He leaned down to rest his forehead against hers, the tip of her nose cold against his.
“I’ve been found.” And never to be lost again. He would follow her to the ends of the universe and whatever they found after it.
“Stop staring at me,” Aelin said, already tired of everyone’s mothering. She slowly chewed on her pasta, using most of her energy to keep it down. “I’m fine.”
When she snapped her head up, glaring at everyone, they all held her gaze, arching their brows as if to say she’d have to try harder than that. Lorcan laughed quietly, “Can you really blame us? You can barely keep your plain noodles down.” Rowan shot him a look and Lorcan read what was happening, a satisfied gleam entering his dark eyes. “Ah. Well, not to be blunt or anything but gods above, fucking finally.”
Fenrys and Elide hooted. Nesryn was able to control herself more and smiled fondly, as if they were children, nodding once and returning to her meal.
Rowan near growled and his brother just cocked his head to the side and smirked, “At least we didn’t bet on it.” Elide turned in his lap and smacked his chest, glaring at him. He just shrugged, Am I wrong? 
“You’re awful, all of you,” Rowan seethed, calming as Aelin patted his knee. He gave her a secret smile and then blushed when she returned it, lifting her hand and kissing the back of her knuckles.
“Oh good gods, my eyes! Premarital affection!” Fenrys cried out, grabbing Nesryn’s hand to cover his eyes. 
Everyone promptly ignored him and smiled softly to themselves, exchanging amused glances at Aelin and Rowan’s expense.
After dinner, they all lingered, explicitly rejecting Aelin’s request that they ‘cease and desist being overprotective mother hens’. Finally, Aelin bluntly told them to leave before she started kicking ass and they all dispersed, humouring her. She watched her sister and commander leave together, no longer feeling that same aching sense in her chest. 
Lorcan tugged Elide along, whispering low enough that Aelin couldn’t hear it. Elide gave him a fond look, tangling her fingers in his and pulling him behind her, their joyful laughter floating along as they disappeared from view. 
Aelin turned, spying Rowan a little ways away, watching her. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he replied smoothly, finally making his way over to her. Rowan rolled his eyes when she lifted her arms and he scooped her up, holding her against his chest as he walked to the couch and sat down. 
Her eyes were begging to be closed but still she kept them open, tracking over Rowan’s face as he gazed out the windows. Eventually, he slid his gaze to her, a brow quirked up. “What?” 
She shook her head, her throat tight, “I just… I would have these dreams that you were right there with me. And we were so happy-” her breath hitched and he opened his mouth to tell her he didn’t need to hear this right now but she needed to tell him this. “We were so happy and then I would wake up and not be able to sleep again because I thought I would never get to tell you that I love you.”
A tear escaped her eye and slid down her cheek as she slid her fingers across his face, feeling the contours of his features, the smoothness of tattoo ink. “You’re real.” 
Rowan nodded, tracing a comforting pattern over her side, “I am.” 
His eyes were like liquid emeralds as she met his gaze and tilted her chin up, so soft as she brushed her lips against his. Rowan sucked in a sharp breath as she pulled away, still close enough to touch his lips if either of them spoke. 
Aelin didn’t know how long they had been trapped in that moment until his lips were on hers again, gentle and tender, but strong, full. A gasp escaped her as she gave into the feeling, her long lashes brushing against his cheeks as her eyes fluttered shut. 
She wrapped her arms around his neck, using every ounce of strength in her weak body to hold herself to him as their lips moved against each other’s. When his tongue traced the seam of her mouth, she opened for him, tasting his soft groan at the first brush of her tongue against his. 
Kissing him was like a breath of fresh air, the first real breath she’d inhaled since the rescue. Aelin still wasn’t convinced, was sure that if she moved too quickly, it would all disappear. Again. 
But it was real, the feeling of his hair tangled in her hands grounding her to the moment as she threatened to float away. 
Somebody coughed and they broke apart, chests heaving, gazes wide and pupils dilated. Aelin looked over Rowan’s shoulder, spying Lorcan and Fenrys standing there. “What, in Hellas’ cold and dark realm, do you want?” 
“Oh, nothing, just in the communal area, getting some tea before bed, don’t mind us” Lorcan replied, a shit-eating grin on his face. He took one step forward and smirked at the look on Rowan’s face as he turned to glare at Lorcan and Fenrys. “On second thought, it’s late, probably not a good idea to have caffeine. Have fun, you two.” 
“But not too much fun,” Fenrys yelled as they left, snickering the entire way. They were almost gone when Lorcan’s wolf whistle pierced the air and he howled, the sounds amplified by Fenrys’ roaring laughter. 
“We’re surrounded by animals,” Rowan muttered, his frown melting as Aelin smiled at him. “I hate them.” 
He pressed his forehead against hers, kissing away the tears that streaked down her cheeks. She only cried harder, “Buzzard.”
an: see! i told you it would all work out 💛 nine chapters down, one to go! 
@mythicaitt​ @tinywolfofeyllwe​ @schmlip-scribble​ @the-regal-warrior​ @westofmoon​ @empire-of-wildfire​ @rhysands-highlady​ @city-of-fae​ @shyvioletcat​ @alifletcher2012​ @tangledraysofsunshine​ @ttakeitbacknoww​ @tswaney17​ @ourbooksuniverse​ @flora-and-fae​ @thesirenwashere​ @queenofxhearts​ @that-other-pineapple​ @sleeping-and-books​ @superspiritfestival​ @faerie-queen-fireheart​ @chemicha​ @rowaelin-cressworth​ @mynewdreamwasyou​ @candid-confetti​ @bat-wing-rhys​ @the-reading-obsessed-stitchbear​ @feyrethedarklady​ @booklover41802​ @rowaelinforeverworld​ @jamesxdaisy​ @julemmaes​ @hellas-himself​ @kayjaybea​ @ghostlyrose2​ @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius​ @queen-of-glass​ @can-dreamers-be-lost-too​ 
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Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader (Modern Domestic AU) (NSFWish warning)
300 followers hc!!!
Oh My, 300 followers!!! Yaaaaaay!!!! Thank you! Thank you so much, I'm really grateful that I got so many loves and supports from you all! I like the enthusiasms in my askbox, and I really appreciated it from my deepest heart!! I always read your replies and gaaaahhh it always made me happy!! 💮🌸🌺
Warning: Sexual abuse on train, and Trauma
You worked at laboratorium and Sanemi is a math teacher.
Sanemi will wake up first in the morning.
He glanced at your side, you still sleep peacefully. He stroke your hair one or two times and scratched his tummy while yawning. He went to the bathroom.
After some push-ups and sit-ups, he will back with full consciousness and energy
Ready to torture you.
"Wake up." He slapped your arm.
"Wake up." One poke on cheek
"Wake up, dummy." Two poke on cheek.
You groaned and covered yourself with blanket. "Shut up."
"Get rekt you little shit" He pulled out your blanket and started to tickling you
You were a little bit agitated but eventually laugh and beg for your mercy
Both of you fell down from the bed, but he put his palm under your head on time, so you didn't hit the floor
"Sanemi, that's dangerous!"
"Haha, nope." He bites your nose and stood up. "Morning, ugly."
After getting ready on your work suit, you cooked breakfast for both of you and Genya. Nothing really special, just some bread with sunny side on top
But for Sanemi, peeking you with your apron from his newspaper is a blessing in the morning.
"Morning, Nee-san, Aniki."
"Morning, Genya." He helped you pouring coffees. "You have exam today right?"
"Yeah." He grabbed the bread and put them on his mouth, about to dashed out. You hold his shoulder
"Ah, no running while eating. Sit down." Genya hesitated a bit but eventually sit down with Sanemi too. "Hm~ good boy." You patted his head
He blushed and chewed his bread fast before Sanemi noticed.
After Genya went to school, Sanemi and you finally finished the breakfast.
"Why don't you drop him off at school? Both of you work and study in the same place." You said as you locked out the door.
"Nah, he doesn't want to."
"Really? It must be fun if three of us went together."
You hopped into his car.
Sanemi won't let you go to work by train
Because one time, there was incident
You insisted to take the train. He was a little bit hesitating but eventually went with you too
It was really cramped, both of you didn't have choice but to stand. Sanemi nagged while grabbing your hand but his handgrip was slipped off, he seems didn't realize it yet. Now, you were behind him and faced his back with some distance aparting you.
That's okay, you thought. I'll reach him when we arrive to the next station.
Suddenly, a strange hand poked your back, stroking and touching you. That someone dragged his fingers down to your hip. You flinched
'Molester?!" You were panicked but didn't say or do anything. 'But... I'm wearing long skirt and it's not even tight today... So why..."
You tried to distance yourself with that somebody behind you by stepping forward a little, but it's too cramped.
No one seems noticed. You just want to cry
"Sa.." You tried to call Sanemi with your squeaky voice. "Ne..Mi... Help..."
Of course, he didn't hear that.
The molester continued his act and started groping your ass. Something risen and wet even poked your hip.
You felt disgusted but still froze on your stand, too scared to scream. 'Please, please no. Sanemi, please help me.' You squeezed your bag and looked down.
Meanwhile, the train almost arrived at next station. Sanemi felt like something missing from his hand and looked back
He finally saw you.
Your body trembled, your face was red and tears started to accumulated on your eyes.
Your eyes finally met his. You moved your lips
"Sane... Mi.... Help..."
Something burning inside his body. He bursted in to your place, didn't care if people groaned angrily when he accidentally stepped their shoes
He punched that guy right in the face. He even didn't give that guy rest or pulled his pants for awhile. He didn't care and beat him mercilessly
"Sanemi, Stop!! He will die!" You pulled his shirt but he seems didn't want to listen to you
"Hey! What are you doing there!!" The train officer suddenly came from afar.
The automatic door train opened.
"Hehe, next time." This fucking molester didn't regret his action.
Sanemi kicked his face once again and pulled your hand, getting out from there. Both of you ran from the station.
You stopped on a park.
"Sanemi... I'm sorry... I didn't-"
"Show me your back." You turned around.
There is a white stain on your skirt
"Fuck..." He wiped your lower hip with wet handkerchief. He took off his jacket, knelt down and wrapped it around your hip
"What? Did something hurt? Did he-"
You suddenly let out fat tears streaming down your face. You never felt disgusted for your entire life. Sanemi must be so upset.
"I'm scared, I'm sorry I didn't do nothing, I'm sorry if I-"
"It's okay, I'm here. You don't have to say sorry." He hugged you, gently caressed your back and kissed your cheek. "I promise there will be no 'next time'." He gritted his teeth. Until today, he always thought that he failed to protect you.
That's why, he will drive you up to place you wanted to go. No matter how busy he is, he'll try to drop and pick you up. Or at least, took taxi.
When you arrived, you will arrange his necktie before went off because he's so damn suck at it.
"Ok, handsome. You're good to go."
"Hey." He holds your arm. "Don't overdo your work. Call me at lunch."
"Will do!" You patted his head.
"Oi, I did my hair for hours."
"Haha, okay, sorry." You waved your hands. "Bye-bye!"
He secretly likes his 'now-kinda-messy' hair, and lets it be until he arrived at school
When he stressed out and angry at his workplace, he will sit at his table, and listen to your recorded voice (He secretly recorded it lol)
"Ok, guess what I draw on your back. Hehe. Nope, that's not it. I write 'I like you'."
"Nemi!" (Fyi, the only peope who could called him like this are you and Genya)
"Sa! Ne! Mi!"
"Sanemi. Hehehe, nothing! Just calling you"
This fucker of you will smile so bright, the teacher room blinded by the lights.
You called him on lunch, and praised the food he made for both of you.
"But why do you put the carrot again."
"In this house, we didn't acknowledge a picky eater."
The students were shocked to death when they found that killer teacher has wife.
"What?! That Shinazugawa-sensei? Really?! wtf this world gonna end soon."
"...but the real question is, did he called her dumb and started to throwing chalk when she can't answer his math question or what."
Okay, did he?
Yes, he did. Except the chalk part, it replaced with "Pinched her cheek"
He taught you how to do two math questions while you're about to cry and sniffled, that your tears started to wet your paper.
"All I ask is you're helping me to solve my work... *sobs*"
Both of you basically 'Genya Protecting Squad'
Random People: *complaining about his scary face and hair*
When it's cold, he likes to make you sit on his lap and.... Err... Put his hand inside your shirt and groping your boobs
"...what are you doing."
"My hands are cold."
"There's heater."
"No, the sensation is different."
Revision, both of you are pervert
You get into his shirt and stick your cheek onto his bare chest while tapping his abs
Him: I am what?
When you're sick because of overworking, he's the one who took care of you. He will 'guard' you 24/7 and will always ready in any case if you need him. Plus the scolding level will increase.
"Say aaah." He pushed a spoonful of soup he made to your lips. You shook your head and pushed back his hand. You sniffled, and coughed. You could feel your sore throat
"I'm sorry, but I can't-"
"Eat." He ordered you. You sniffled once again and make sad puppy face.
Not effective
"Look." He came closer to your face and sticked his forehead onto yours. "I won't leave until you eat this."
Your phone was ringing, it was from your boss. You are about to take the the call, but Sanemi turned off your smartphone.
"Rest." You pouted. "What's with that attitude." He frowned. Like it or not, you finally received his food
"Good girl." He caressed your cooling-pad on your forehead. Your half opened eyes-lid seems so weak, you just put your chin on his hand and mewled like a cat
CUTE SO CUTE, Sanemi holds his chest and hurriedly took a photo.
On day off, you usually went together to movies, parks, mall, book store, aquariums, etc. But mostly, you will invite Genya to go with you two
He didn't mind if you walked beside or in front/behind him on ordinary walking or shopping. He simply hold your hand when you walked beside him
When you walked in front of him, he could fully look at your figure, while you busy to look at behind for some time, in case he stopped
And it's cute because you look like a chick looking for its mother
Or, when you walked behind him, you grabbed his shirt or jacket fabric, afraid if you lose him
And it's.. still so fucking cute
This is funny, but you and Sanemi often showing disgusted face and judging when both of you saw an over limit lovey dovey couple
Random people you met on the way (especially waitress or shopkeepers) sometimes saying words like, "Is your boyfriend a model?"
You shook your head. "Ah, no. He's math teacher."
"And let me correct you." He suddenly popped out. "She's my ex."
You sighed. "Stop telling people I'm your ex." You smiled towards that person. "I'm his wife."
Or if Sanemi was lazy, both of you will stay in the house, being lazy all day. Sometimes you made Ohagi or he invited you to play UNO cards
"If you lose, you had to say goodbye to your favourite hoodie." You smirked while shuffling the cards,
"Fair enough." He calmly took the cards while chewing Ohagi. "If you lose, you had to wear that wireless vibra-"
He tend to kiss you on the lips deeply in a long time. No desire. Just simply a gesture of loving you.
Or kiss you quickly while throwing cheesy lines while doing Kabedon
He will make sudden move when you were casually walked in the house and BAM! His hand slapped on the wall, right beside your ear. He lets his two or three front-button opened
"Hello, single." He looked at your eyes and gave you a quick kiss on your lips, sticking his forehead onto yours
"What is it now?" You sighed.
"I’m no mathematician, but I’m pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it."
"You are basically math teacher, Sanemi. And you know what?"
"Are you my math homework? You seem hard and ready to be done on my desk."
And that's when he loses it and you already know what happens next
He first discovered things called menstruation when he accidentally spotted tampons on the table
"What is this?"
"AAAAAHHHH WAIT WAIT" You snatch that thing from his hand.
"??? What is that?"
"You- you don't know? It's for girls! On- on period!"
"What is period?"
"....are you even science."
You explained him about 'red day' and he nodded.
"Did it hurt your stomach? Because it's bleeding."
"Yeah, sometimes."
"You need warm tea?"
"Um, prob-"
"Is there anything that could reduce the pain?"
"I tend to-"
"Wait, lemme Google this."
After that, he treated you like a princess everytime you had period.
You usually went for coffees in the evening with him after works. Both of you like to sit together while telling each other stories even opinions
And you will never make up your mind for the coffees. So he usually took the role.
"Uh, I- I'll take-"
"I'll take Quad, Venti, 2 pumps, breve, extra-hot, no-whip, Toasted White Mocha. And she will take Solo, 1-pump, whole milk, light ice, Caramel Brulée Latte."
You just stand there like a dumb person
After coffees, both of you will shop together for dinner. He usually the one who decided the food.
"Kare, but I'm tired."
"I'll be the one who cook then."
"Hm, maybe... Shirt and apron only will be good on-"
Three of you will eat together on the dinner table. Genya loves your food, so he usually gave his bowl to you and asked for seconds.
Sometimes bathe together. You will scrub his back. He likes it when both of you dipped in bathtub and with you laid your back on his chest.
"I don't like your panda eyes." You looked up and poked his cheek.
"Don't mind that."
"I DO mind."
So after bathe, you will put Aloe Vera sheet-mask on his under eyes. He didn't really like it at first, but after you put off his mask, his face became relaxing and he liked it.
Both of you tend to go to your shared bedroom first than Genya, because he still wanted to watch TV.
"Sanemi, you haven't sleep yet?"
When you about to pulled your blanket, you saw him with his anti-radiation eyeglasses, still facing his laptop.
"No. Go first." Your eyes are settled at his cup
"Stop the caffeine, I'll make you tea."
You get up and go to the kitchen. You found Genya asleep on the couch.
You turned off the TV and woke Genya from his sleep, telling him to move to his room.
You came back to your room with two cups of Darjeeling tea and some cookies, putting the tray beside him
You opened a novel book and put your head on his shoulder
You didn't say anything but humming a slow song beside him.
And sometimes, if he knew the song, he will hum together with you.
You stayed with him until he finished, no matter how much hours he spended on his works.
"It's strange."
Both of you now under the blanket, intertwined your fingers and facing each other
"What is it?"
"I never dream of living with wife before, I always thought I'll just live with Genya, and being single for the rest of my life."
You chuckled. "Me too, never thought someone really picked me up because I'm a potato."
"Dummy." He kissed your forehead and nuzzled his nose on your neck.
"Sweet dreams."
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oscars-wifeyyy · 4 years
Chapter 9 (The Innocent)
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The next morning, Elizabeth walked into the kitchen to see her mother in there cooking breakfast for the two of them. Her phone went off in her hand so she lifted it to her face and saw the text from Olivia asking if she wanted to hang out today at Ruby’s so she immediately accepted, telling her that she was gonna start baking there anyway for the quince. Leticia turned around and set the made food on the island, motioning for the girl to eat.
“Good morning, mija,” Leticia grinned, “now tell me about the hot cholo that dropped you off last night,”
“Ma!” Elizabeth blushed, “his name is Oscar Diaz. Leader of the Santos. Older brother of Cesar. 22 years old. My boyfriend and why aren’t you mad? It is against the law and I promise I will do anything you ask of,”
“Have him over for dinner tonight at 8. I’m not mad because you do the right thing and if this is the one thing you do for you and only you then go for it. I have a few requests though,” Leticia said.
“Ok. shoot,” Elizabeth grinned.
“No sex until you’re legal and don’t throw it all your hard work away, mi amor,” Leticia put a hand on the cheek of her offspring.
“Of course, ma,” Elizabeth smiled, “I’m gonna go over to Ruby’s to hang out with Olivia and start the baking for her quince and hang out with her,”
“Ok, but be here by 7:30 so you can get ready,” Leticia laid a kiss on her cheek then grabbed her finished plate of breakfast.
Elizabeth nodded, running to her room to change into jeans and a shirt. Once she was finished and out of the house, she picked her phone up and called Oscar. He answered within 3 rings.
“Hola, babe,” Oscar’s voice rang.
“Oscar, my mom wants to meet you tonight so come at 8pm. Don’t be late and please come,” Elizabeth begged.
“Ok, but I gotta warn you. I’m not good with parents,” Oscar said, nervous.
“Oh what would give that away? The teardrop? The tattoos?” Elizabeth asked sarcastically.
“Shut up,” Oscar laughed, “this is serio, mamita. This is tu madre, not a hyna,”
“Sweetheart, you’ll be fine. I gotta go ‘cause I just got to Ruby’s, but all you gotta do is show up in pants and a shirt with manners. Are you coming to Olivia’s quinces?”
“No,” Oscar scoffed at the thought and rolled his eyes.
“Don’t scoff or roll your eyes, sir,”
“How did you know I rolled my eyes?” Oscar turned to see if she was near.
“I heard it. Come to the party, por favor,”
“Maybe,” Oscar said, “now go to Ruby’s,”
Elizabeth hung up after bidding their byes and went inside the house, “hola, Martinez family and Olivia! I am here to start the baking of the goods,”
“Hola, mija,” Geny called from the kitchen, “you can start on the baked goods now,”
“Yes, ma’am,” Elizabeth saluted to the woman, “I’m gonna say hey to Ruby and Olivia first,” Elizabeth walked into the room to see Ruby with two types of makeup, “yes, sister! Do you, huntyyy!”
“Shut up, Eli! It’s fierce vs chic,” Ruby rolled his eyes.
“Definitely chic. It’s a quince not a drag show,” Elizabeth reasoned.
“Yes, thank you!” Ruby looked at his phone, “I gotta go. Jamal needs me for some reason,”
“Adios, hermosa,” Elizabeth laughed before turning to Olivia, “wanna help with baking these things?”
“Let’s do it!” Olivia smiled.
The two walked out to the kitchen and took the ingredients out to make all the baked goods for the quince. By the end of it, the two teenagers were covered in flour and other dry ingredients because they were involved in an impromptu food fight. Elizabeth’s phone dinged, indicating a text had come through, so she grabbed it to see a text from Monse so she put her thumb on the home button to see it unlock on the messages. Her eyes had widened at the message from her best friend.
“Your man is making Cesar kill LaTrelle! Jamal, Ruby, and I are trying to find the RollerWorld money to get Cesar to run,”
The sophomore quickly excused herself to call Oscar. She rushed to the backyard and pressed the call button next to Oscar’s contact name, holding it up to her ear. A few rings came and went until he picked up and answered.
“Hey, princesa,” Oscar said, smoothly.
“What the fuck am I hearing? Are you trying to get Cesar to kill LaTrelle?!” Elizabeth had whisper-yelled at her boyfriend.
“It has to be done. If he doesn’t then he’s gonna get got,” Oscar said.
“Then you do it for him. Oscar, he can’t do it!” Elizabeth stressed out, “Cesar is an emotional kid. They went to school together and played Pop Warner together too,”
“He needs to learn and this is how I’m gonna teach him,” Oscar had become stubborn.
“This definitely isn’t the right way, but he ain’t my little brother. Just please think about what I said,” Elizabeth sighed, “dinner is at 8, remember?”
“sí, señorita. See you tonight,” Oscar hung up.
Elizabeth walked back inside, putting on a fake smile to assure everyone that everything was ok even though it was all falling apart. Everything was done and ready for tomorrow by 6pm so she decided to hang out with Olivia for a little bit so her mind could be elsewhere. Olivia then looked like she had a question and decided if she should ask or not.
“Why do you like Spooky?” Olivia looked at her innocently, “he has done bad stuff and you’re the epitome of innocence,”
Elizabeth shrugged, “he’s different. I don’t know how to describe it. Spooky is someone that I know will be there for me. He is the one of the most loyal men I have ever met that is determined to do whatever he needs to, to a certain degree, to get what he wants. He reminds me of my dad and my dad is a good man,” Elizabeth looked at her phone to see the time say 7, “well, I gotta go home. See you later, Olivia,”
“See you later, Eli. I think it’s sweet that you and Oscar are together. You guys do make a cute couple,” Olivia smiled at her friend.
“Thank you,” Elizabeth walked out of the doors and to her house, making it at 7:15pm, “hey, mama. I’m home,”
“Hola, mija. Get ready! Go shower and do your things. Your man can’t see your ass look that busted,” Leticia laughed from the kitchen.
“MA!” Elizabeth laughed, “that’s mean, but you’re right. I stink and I need to look good before he sees me without makeup,”
Elizabeth ran to her room, grabbed her underwear, jeans, halter top, and a flannel, moving to the bathroom to take a shower. She turned the water on to wait for the water to heat up, proceeding to take her clothes off and jumped into the shower, adjusting the temperature to a comfortable temperature before washing her hair and her body. After 30 minutes, she was done, dried, and dressed for the dinner. Coincidentally, she arrived at the kitchen at the same time that Oscar came to the door and knocked, announcing his arrival. Elizabeth took a deep breath and opened the door with a huge smile on her face, moving out of the way to let him in.
“Ma, Oscar is here!” Elizabeth yelled to the kitchen.
“Sit him down! Food is gonna be ready in a few minutes. When you’re done sitting him, come back here and help,”
Oscar held Elizabeth back and walked to the kitchen to help her mother which made Elizabeth’s heart swell at Oscar’s actions. He was making an effort and that was all she was asking for. She could hear the two conversing, but couldn’t make out the words. The two walked to the dining room, Oscar held the main dish while Leticia brought in the salad and rice. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and joy, feeling Leticia’s approval of himself, Oscar had relaxed more as the night progressed to the point where he felt comfortable to take ahold of Elizabeth’s hand on top of the table. Meanwhile, Monse, Jamal, and Ruby were arguing about the credibility of RollerWorld.
However, as the night went on Elizabeth had felt a sadness creep up on her at the thought that her father wasn’t here to interrogate Oscar or make him work for his approval. It had become to the point where she had to excuse herself from the table and go into her room to cry a few tears and go back out. Leticia saw Elizabeth walk into her room and sighed, looking at Oscar.
“Look I got some rules that are similar to Elizabeth’s, maybe even the exact same. I know you like her because I see it in your eyes whenever you look at her. Go see what’s wrong with her while I clean this up,” Leticia smiled at Oscar, sadly.
Oscar stood up and walked to Elizabeth’s room only to hear her soft sobs so he barged in and looked at her with sorrow, “what happened, baby?”
“My dad just isn’t here to do what fathers’ usually do because he’s stuck at the hospital tonight,” Elizabeth sniffled, “I just miss him and wish he was here to meet you and make you work for his approval,”
“Mamita, everything will be fine. Just you watch,” Oscar held Elizabeth in his arms to provide her comfort.
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raedas · 3 years
nove nove ok so i was looking back a bit and scythe curie mentions Thunderhead????? isnt that a book title in the series???? or something like that/????
anyways ive stopped at chapter 17 but heres all the stuff ive complied:
“Even when you’re food shopping, death is hiding right behind the milk.” -- god citra thats so deep???? what
“It never hides,” the scythe told them with a world-weariness that was hard to describe. “Nor does it sleep. You’ll learn that soon enough.” -- skjssjks GOD i am living for this shit???????? what/???????????
“I am your completion,” the lead scythe said loudly to the dying. “I am the last word of your lives well-lived. Give thanks. And thus farewell.” -- jsdskjdks i was a mess this entire chapter and this line?????? BYE I AM A WRECK :(
It was the first time in her life that she aspired to fail. -- ur HONOUR i am a mes sdksjdksjdksjdksjdksjdks
—but who was she to fight against something that rang so clearly of destiny -- esme……..u know what ok yea ur right
There was a lesson to be learned in every gleaning, and today’s was one she would not soon forget. The sanctity of the law . . . and the wisdom to know when it must be broken. -- ksjdksjdksjdksj NO WORDS I AM CRYING SIMPLY
“Perhaps everything will change again.” -- what the fuckity fucking fuck
one minute i am eyeing goddards entry in this book very :/ what are u doing-dly is he ok -- After all, this is a perfect world—and in a perfect world, don’t we all have the right to love what we do? —From the gleaning journal of H.S. Goddard
and notes:
- scythes are so ominous the FUCK - sksjdks i understand why both rowan and citra dont want to be scythes so……go Them
- rowan :( i am love him ur honour :(
- but also rowans parents what the fuck ur son literally said hes going to be a SCYTHES apprentice do u have no mind?????? what???????? 😐😐😐😐😐
- after faraday said No to romantic relationships between them or whatever citra?????? miss girl why do u want rowan to be disappointed????? why are u mad at rowans grin???? huh???????? nskjdksjdkskd this is hilarious
- not the grandmas husband being a bot😭😭😭😭
- me: says citra and rowan are pretty similar
also me: yelling casually seeing how staple and reasonable rowan is and how extrangavent and dramatic citra is 😌
- ur honour this unsavoury kid is not very smart is he dear fuck
- that TEST faraday made for them i am CRYING i love rowan and citra so so so much
- i shouldnt be crying at this gleaning but Emotions :(((
- citra seeing rowan as not very emotional??????? girl if only you knew :(
- rowan :( i am loving him and his humour :( jsdjksdjksjdks he :( /all pos connotations
- seeing how the gleaning-choosing-process works is so sos so fucking cool
- this scne e>>>>
nove nove ok so i was looking back a bit and scythe curie mentions Thunderhead????? isnt that a book title in the series???? or something like that/????
anyways ive stopped at chapter 17 but heres all the stuff ive complied:
“Even when you’re food shopping, death is hiding right behind the milk.” -- god citra thats so deep???? what
“It never hides,” the scythe told them with a world-weariness that was hard to describe. “Nor does it sleep. You’ll learn that soon enough.” -- skjssjks GOD i am living for this shit???????? what/???????????
“I am your completion,” the lead scythe said loudly to the dying. “I am the last word of your lives well-lived. Give thanks. And thus farewell.” -- jsdskjdks i was a mess this entire chapter and this line?????? BYE I AM A WRECK :(
It was the first time in her life that she aspired to fail. -- ur HONOUR i am a mes sdksjdksjdksjdksjdksjdks
—but who was she to fight against something that rang so clearly of destiny -- esme……..u know what ok yea ur right
There was a lesson to be learned in every gleaning, and today’s was one she would not soon forget. The sanctity of the law . . . and the wisdom to know when it must be broken. -- ksjdksjdksjdksj NO WORDS I AM CRYING SIMPLY
“Perhaps everything will change again.” -- what the fuckity fucking fuck
one minute i am eyeing goddards entry in this book very :/ what are u doing-dly is he ok -- After all, this is a perfect world—and in a perfect world, don’t we all have the right to love what we do? —From the gleaning journal of H.S. Goddard
and notes:
- scythes are so ominous the FUCK - sksjdks i understand why both rowan and citra dont want to be scythes so……go Them
- rowan :( i am love him ur honour :(
- but also rowans parents what the fuck ur son literally said hes going to be a SCYTHES apprentice do u have no mind?????? what???????? 😐😐😐😐😐
- after faraday said No to romantic relationships between them or whatever citra?????? miss girl why do u want rowan to be disappointed????? why are u mad at rowans grin???? huh???????? nskjdksjdkskd this is hilarious
- not the grandmas husband being a bot😭😭😭😭
- me: says citra and rowan are pretty similar
also me: yelling casually seeing how staple and reasonable rowan is and how extrangavent and dramatic citra is 😌
- ur honour this unsavoury kid is not very smart is he dear fuck
- that TEST faraday made for them i am CRYING i love rowan and citra so so so much
- i shouldnt be crying at this gleaning but Emotions :(((
- citra seeing rowan as not very emotional??????? girl if only you knew :(
- rowan :( i am loving him and his humour :( jsdjksdjksjdks he :( /all pos connotations
- seeing how the gleaning-choosing-process works is so sos so fucking cool
- this scne e>>>>
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- scythe….goddard….i am wathcing him 🤨🤨🤨
- CURIE!!! SCYTHE CURIE!!!!!!!!!
- im scared whos gonna be the scythe…..thinking its citra skdksdksk
- rowan is an idiot but also i am love him :)
- whats the sychtes name???? rand??????? somehting??? KSJS I HATE THEM :(
- but also!! whichever wins….can grant the loser immunity instead……..or soemhig…….idk if one of them dies i will scream >:(
- /….they just…..kis…...u know what ok ill shut up before i yell too loud
- ...oh rand is goddards junior asscousaite??? making sense!!!!!! but thanks i still hate it
- what?????????? faraday did not gleam himself thats impossisble?????????/ but aslo u know in scythe curie’s entry????? theres:
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is That foreshadowing…..cause then faraday should not be dead
anyways im going to take a break (or just read without documenting bcs im kind of tired of this but!!!! nove i hope you have a good day and i love you a lot 💗💘💝💕💓💞🥺!!!)
THE WAY I COMPLETELY FORGOT YOU SENT THESE REACTIONS ??? i promise i enjoyed them. so much. i just somehow forgot to answer ???
YEAH THE MILK QUOTE WAS JUST SO *INCOHERENT SCREAMING* scythe has so many amazing quotes actually
your reactions are so funny in hindsight knowing you’ve now read the rest and know exactly hwat happens LGSHHDFAKLSJ
yeah rowans parents are kinda 😀
its about the way they contrast each other 
so... so many emotions :(((
im screaming with you bestie
“- but also!! whichever wins….can grant the loser immunity instead……..or soemhig…….idk if one of them dies i will scream >:(“ the way you predicted the ending im sobbing
the f o r e s h a d o w i n g 
aaaa okay !! ily more kiri 🥺 /p 
5 notes · View notes
mermaidxatxheart · 4 years
Ok. This is my addition to @panicfob​‘s 25 Days of Christmas! 
Day 7: Ice Skating. 
I picked Steve. This one was really fun to write, but also very personal to me. It’s based on some real events, and clearly not the ones with Steve. Anyways! I hope you like it, let me know what you think.
Pairing: Steve X Reader
Summary: You’ve been Tony Stark’s intern for a while now, and you’re having a hard time making friends at Stark Tower. Which only adds to your melancholy of being away from your family during the holidays. Steve does his best to take your mind of everything that’s going wrong
Word Count: 6269
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of cancer, slight depression
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Tony Stark is a madman. 
 Insanely generous, and so nice that it makes you melt. But fuck, he never sleeps. And that means that you never sleep. 
 He doesn’t mean it, he gets so involved in his projects, unaware of time passing. So, he’s calling for coffee, made paint-thinner strong, and it’s 2AM. 
 You knew this would be hard. Moving away from your home, your parents back in Chicago. Everything you know left behind for a cold, unwelcoming city. You had yet to find a friendly person. 
 No one in your apartment building even knows what you look like. And most of the people you see on a daily basis in Stark Tower aren’t friendly at all. They tend to avoid you, averting their gaze as they pass you in the hallways and you can’t figure out why. It’s certainly not because you’re assistant to one of the most powerful men in the world; because they definitely have no problem greeting Tony. 
 He doesn’t hear half of them, his head always a million miles away. And what’s worse, the people you’re sure would be welcoming and friendly haven’t been around in months. 
 The rest of the Avengers. 
 They come back to shower, sleep, debrief and then they’re gone again. You’ve only been able to greet them a few times in passing. 
 Steve was genuinely kind, welcoming you to the team. Sam thanked you for keeping Tony out of their hair, even though you haven’t done anything but rush around after the lunatic. 
 Natasha stopped in front of you, hands placed lightly on your shoulders as she looked you dead in the eye. 
 “There’s a number to call in case Stark starts harassing you too much.” She deadpans, tucking a business card into your pocket. 
 “Romanoff, leave my intern alone!” Stark called and she dropped a sultry wink at you before stepping around you. 
 That was the first time you’ve seen them. And the only time you’ve been able to actually speak more than a ‘hey’ as you rush past them. 
 Safe to say, your last ten months in New York have been lonely. 
 This is leading up to your current situation: the dreaded phone call with your mom. You love talking to her, but she was supposed to wait for you to call later when you had a little free time. But in typical mom fashion, she had to do it on her own time. 
 “Sweetheart, why don’t you just come home? The holidays are just around the corner. Just two weeks away.”
 “That’s exactly why I can’t. Mr. Stark needs me around. Trust me, I miss you guys. You’ll have to send me pictures of the tree.” Your voice wobbles like a traitor, and you clear your throat harshly. 
 “We will, sweetheart. Do you need anything?”
 “No, Mom. I’m okay. How’s Dad?” You ask, the struggle to force back your tears is a true fight. 
 “He’s okay. Making sausage bread right now.” She gasps loudly. “I know! We can send you some. How would you like that?” She asks happily, and you just have to crush your eyes shut and nod, the lump in your throat making it nearly impossible to actually talk. But your mom doesn’t need you to say anything. She knows. 
 “Alright, my sweet girl. Don’t cry. Maybe your dad and I will take a trip out to see you. We’ll come out for New Year’s.”
 “Mom, I can’t ask you to spend money on me like that.” You croak, your voice thick with emotion. Talking around the lump hurts and you feel like you can’t breathe. 
 “You’re not asking, dear.” She reminds you. “And we would love to come to see your fancy new life out there.” There’s mumbling in the background, your dad’s deep voice, but you can’t really make out what he’s saying. 
 You have no trouble picturing him in your cramped kitchen, the cutting board that’s half the size of you taking up almost all of the kitchen table. Flour, big bowls of browned sausage and hard-boiled eggs and olives scattered around it. You can almost smell the loaf baking in the oven and you feel your entire chest twist. 
 You sniffle, feeling your whole face screw up as you try to fucking hard not to cry. Your lips are mashed together and you don’t dare inhale because you just know that that’s gonna set you off. You open your mouth to try and tell your mom you have to go so you can sob in peace somewhere that isn’t a public stairwell. But you can’t make yourself say the words. 
 Just to listen to their lives, going on the way they always have, so constant, so loving and generous. You don’t want to stop listening even for a second, no matter the tears blurring your vision or how the lump in your throat now feels like you’re trying to swallow knives. 
 Christ, you miss them. 
 “Mom,” you choke. 
 “Oh, hold on, Y/N. Dad wants to talk to you. I’m gonna put you on speaker-phone...as soon as I can figure out how.”
 You give a watery chuckle but offer no help. As mean as it sounds, you like listening to her struggle with it. Your mom, who can’t even manage to sign in to Amazon without help. 
 “Oh, got it.” She says proudly. 
 “Hey, kiddo.” Your dad greets happily and you fucking lose it. 
 “Hi, daddy.” You choke, your voice barely more than a strangled whisper. 
 “Are you crying?” He chuckles and you could just smack him. 
 “No, don’t be stupid.” You grumble. 
 “Why are you crying? Honey, we’re fine, there’s nothing to worry about.” He says and you have to cover your face because you’re crying so hard. 
 “Mom said you were making sausage bread.” You try and it comes out as a sob, but at least the words were audible. 
 “I am. Want me to send you some?” He asks. 
 “Yeah. Just put it in a box with you and mom and mail yourselves to me.” You rub furiously at your eyes, even though it won’t do any good. You’re a fucking waterfall now. 
 “I’m not sure we’ll all fit, but I’ll try.” He jokes and your knuckles dig into the fleshy softness of your eyes. “I know you miss us, trust me, we miss you, too. But we’ll see each other soon. There are so many things to be happy about. You have a good job, you’re healthy, I’m making you sausage bread that you don’t have to share, you have all your teeth.” He lists, knowing one of them is going to make you laugh.
 “I know. I’m just worried about you. And, I don’t really have anyone to talk to here.” You sigh. 
 “Everyone still being cold?” He asks. 
 “It could be summer here and I would still be feeling that frigid breeze.” You wipe your eyes. “But, hey, at least I still have my teeth.” A noise on the stairs makes you hesitate. “I have to get back to work. I’ll call you guys later, okay?” You say softly. 
 “Alright, kiddo. We love you. Call us if you need anything.” He says gently. 
 “Bye, Y/N. I love you.” Your mom chimes in and you manage a mumbled return before you hang up, digging the heels of your palms into your eyes. 
 “Ugh. Idiot.” You grumble, trying to wipe them dry. A hand reaches out in front of you, holding a soft white square of tissue. You follow the tissue up to the masculine hand, up the well-defined arm to Captain fucking America’s perfect face. 
 “Thanks.” You mutter, taking the tissue and wishing you could die quickly. 
 “Everything okay? I couldn’t help but overhear...” he has the nerve to fucking look bashful. “Sorry, I shouldn’t pry.” He shrugs.
 You wipe your eyes dry, wishing you could do something about your eyelashes so they wouldn’t remind you how much you can’t stop crying.
 “I’m okay. Just homesick.” You shrug, mimicking him without even realizing it. “My parents are still in Chicago, so the holidays are especially hard.” You unlock your phone to text your mom to keep you updated on your dad’s tests.
 “I understand.” He nods, offering you a hand to pull you to your feet. You slip yours into his big one and it dwarfs it. “Tell me about them.” He prompts, following you back towards the door. 
 “Oh, well...” you start uncertainly. 
 “Y/L/N, get in here. I need a target!” Stark calls to the hallway. 
 “Sorry, duty calls.” You mutter, ducking into the large workspace, leaving Steve Rogers watching after you, hands shoved into his pockets, a frown on his face. 
 “Hey, Sam.” Steve greets, coming into the kitchen. 
 “Hey, man.” Sam glances at him. “Everything okay?”
 “Just ran into Tony’s intern.” He rubs the back of his neck, the encounter still hanging in his mind. 
 “Oh yeah. How’s she doing? It’s been what? Six months?”
 “I think so. I think she’s having a hard time. She was crying while on the phone.”
 “Stark finally got to her, huh?” Sam jokes.
 “I’m not sure. I might ask around and see if anyone’s noticed anything strange.” Steve says, pouring a cup of coffee for himself. “She said something about her parents, but she also alluded to it being cold here, even in the summer.”
 “You think Stark’s being vicious again?”
 Steve shrugs. “I hope not.” He pictures the girl’s face, unchanged since the last time he saw her, perhaps a little more tired. Still beautiful, though. 
 Natasha walks in, digging the milk out of the fridge. “What are you two love birds talking about?” She grins. 
 “Stark’s intern,” Sam replies.
 “After ten months, can she really still be an intern?”
 “I’m sorry, ten months?” Steve frowns. Can it really have been that long? He still remembers the first time he saw her face like it had just been a week ago.
 “Rogers, you need a better calendar.” Nat laughs. 
 “Captain Rogers, Mr. Stark needs you in his lab.” FRIDAY comes on the overhead.
 “Thank you.” He gives a wave to the other two, heading for Stark’s lab. People greet him with a warm smile, a friendly nod. 
 He swipes his card at the door and enters. “Hey, Tony. You needed me?” He says, looking around, hoping to spot Y/N somewhere. 
 “I saw you making eyes at my assistant,” Stark says, elbows deep in a machine up in the high corner. 
 Steve rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t making eyes.” He mutters.
 “Big, disgusting, doe heart eyes. So, I have a job for you.” Tony says. 
 “I already have a job. And I’m confused. Am I here for you to yell at me?”
 “No. I’m not an idiot. Blind sometimes, sure, but I’m not dumb. Something’s wrong with her. She won’t tell me, says she’s fine. I want you to find out what it is. You’re trustworthy. People tell you shit.”
 “And why would she tell a complete stranger instead of you?” He asks, ignoring the pathetically obvious attempt at a language joke.
 “She wouldn’t tell a ‘complete stranger’ but I bet she’d tell Steve Rogers. Genuine, heartfelt, romantic sap who just loves to help a damsel in distress. Also. She, probably like every other hot-blooded woman in the last 90 years, thinks you’re attractive.” He shrugs, the wicked smirk is back. The one Steve daydreams about punching off his face.
 “What are you even talking about?” He sighs, keeping his hands dutifully by his side. 
 Tony returns to the ground level and picks up a box, thrusting it at Steve. It’s filled about three-quarters of the way with letters of all different colors. “Fan letters for Captain America. I read some of them, but after the one-hundredth one describing you as the sexiest golden retriever, I gave up.” Tony says. “Needless to say, women like you. I’m not asking you to marry the girl. I just want to know what’s wrong with her.”
 “There’s nothing wrong with her, Tony. She’s a person with emotions.” He snaps. 
 “You have your marching orders, Rogers.” Tony waves him away.
 He drops the box back on the counter. “Where is she?” He sighs.
 “I sent her to get me coffee. I stopped vibrating, so I need more.”
 Steve rolls his eyes and walks back outside, heading back for the kitchen. He stops someone on his way, one of the friendliest people he knows in the building. 
 “Hey, Mike. Have you noticed anything strange with Y/N?” He asks.
 The bald, stocky man frowns. “No, but I don’t really talk to her.”
 “Oh, right. Thanks.” Steve mutters and keeps walking. 
 Everyone he asks all seems to have the same answers. ‘I don’t talk to her.’ ‘She doesn’t socialize with anyone.’ ‘I’ve never even spoken to her.’
 All of these statements are swirling around his head as he turns down a hallway. Maybe he just happened to find all the people that you’ve never spoken to-unlikely. 
 In ten months, you don’t appear to have made a single friend in Stark Tower. That’s concerning. It also doesn’t give him much hope for you wanting to talk to him. 
 “FRIDAY? What’s Y/N’s location?” He calls.
 “Approaching the Tower front doors. Mr. Stark likes his coffee from a shop eight blocks away.” The AI reports. Steve bolts for the stairs, taking them two or more at a time, knowing it would be faster than the elevator.
 He skids to a stop just inside the front doors only slightly out of breath. You’re standing outside, glaring at the handles with undisguised frustration. He rushes forward and opens the door for you. 
 You blink up at him, surprised. “Captain Rogers.” You start, your hands are full of coffee cups, eight in total, all labeled with Stark’s name.
 “Please, it’s Steve.” He says, holding the door wide for you to step through. You have to pass close to his body, your perfume swirling around him. There’s something else, but he can’t quite detect what.
 “Thank you, Steve.”
 “Want me to carry those for you?” He offers, standing back and letting you decide.
 “You can carry the top one.” You nod and he lifts it gently.
 “How are you feeling? From before?” He asks as they head for the elevators. The doors open and it’s full of people headed up from the basement. They all immediately stop talking as they spot you. The scrutiny, the hostile feelings emanating from them was something Steve hasn’t felt directed his way in a long time. Not since his days as a showgirl for the USO. 
 He wants to do something to ease the tension, to put you and the others at ease, but he doesn’t even know what’s going on! One of the occupants reaches forward slowly and presses the button for the doors to close. 
 “Sorry, Cap. Maximum occupancy.” He says, meeting Steve’s eyes apologetically. 
 Steve doesn’t even manage to nod in response before the doors slide shut in his face. He turns to look at you, his face is frozen in confusion. 
 “I should get these to Mr. Stark. He doesn’t like it when he can start to feel his face.” You mumble, taking the tray back from his hands and heading for the stairs.
 “Please explain!” He practically shouts after you. But you don’t stop. “Y/N!” He jogs up the stairs, easily catching up with you. “What was that?” He asks, taking the second tray from you.
 “Nothing.” You shrug.
 “Didn’t look like nothing.” He looks down at you, but you’re carefully watching your every step. He can feel you fighting yourself, some sort of internal battle. Or maybe he’s just hoping you’ll tell him instead of pretending to be deaf. 
 “It’s nothing,” you repeat. And then quietly add “new.”
 “This happens a lot?” He asks. 
 “Can we talk about something else?” You mumble.
 He works the muscle in his jaw as he looks at you. “You never answered my question. Are you feeling better?” It’s stupid. Of course, you’re not. Everyone is treating you like some sort of leper. God, he’s a fucking idiot. 
 “Yeah. Sorry about that, by the way. I didn’t mean for anyone to see that.” You sigh, but your shoulders have relaxed noticeably. 
 “You were talking to your parents, right?” He asks. 
 “Yeah. I told my mom I would call her later, but she just can’t wait sometimes.” You shake your head, leading him off the stairwell and across the fifth floor.
 “Where are they again?” He asks softly, not eager for you to start crying again.
 “Chicago. They’re getting ready for the holidays.” You reply, voice remaining mostly calm.
 “And what does that include these days?” He asks and you blink up at him before you make a small ‘o’ with your mouth.
 “Right. Well, my parents have a pretty big family and some really close friends. So, they make cookie trays as far as the eye can see.”
 “What kind of cookies?” He asks as you nudge him up a different set of stairs.
 “Oh gosh. So many. Let’s see, there are Russian tea cookies, peanut butter blossoms, snickerdoodles, hermits-“
 He laughs loudly. “What are those?”
 “Peanut butter, cocoa powder, and I think butter and sugar melted in a pan and then you mix in some oats. They’re a no-bake cookie.” You explain easily, pausing to lean against the railing.
 “They sound good.” He admits, feeling his sweet tooth taking over. 
 “They were my favorite when I was little.” You smile fondly. “Then, of course, chocolate chip, and there’s another kind that is peanut butter with fork impressions in the center, but I can’t remember what it’s called.” You push off and start walking. 
 “You’re making me hungry.” He laughs. 
 “I haven’t even told you the best part.” You grin, a delighted sparkle in your eye as you talk. 
 “I’m listening intently.”
 “He makes his own dough and then he makes sausage bread. Mozzarella cheese, olives, eggs, Italian sausage all rolled up and baked.” You pause for a second, breathing hitching in your throat and you’re silent for an entire flight of stairs as you struggle. 
 “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to upset you.” He frowns. 
 “It’s not your fault.” You mutter. 
 “It’s hard being away from them.” He guesses.
 “Yeah, but it’s more than that.” You stop on the floor with Tony’s lab and swipe your card. The door beeps and you step inside.
 “Ah, perfect timing,” Tony says, glancing over at you. “You know, the elevators work just fine. You don’t have to keep taking the stairs.” He gestures to the table.
 You set the coffees down and pick up a small wrench, placing it in his outstretched hand. “I like the exercise.” You say casually. 
 “Gross.” Tony glances at Steve, his dark eyes seeming to catch something. “Y/N, you’re dismissed. I won’t be needing you for the rest of the day.” He says briskly, and your face visibly falls. 
 “Did I do something? If I took too long with your coffee, sir, I’m sorry. There was a long line and-“
 “Y/N. Stop.” Tony says, setting down the wrench and gripping your shoulders tightly. “You didn’t do anything.” He frowns, looking you up and down. “Are you holding your breath?” He asks and you shake your head, but Steve can clearly see that your chest has stopped expanding. 
 You’re fighting more tears. 
 “I’m perfectly satisfied with your work. But I honestly just need peace and quiet right now. Maybe Steve can show you around. He has nothing to do.”
 “But what about your lunch? It’s barely noon.” You protest.
 “FRIDAY, order me a pizza,” Tony calls, never looking away from your face. “There. Problem solved.” He smiles, turning you around and nudging you towards Steve. 
 Obediently, you follow the Captain out into the hallway, the door locking behind you. Steve looks at you, feeling the bomb clicking down to detonation. Plump bottom lip caught between your teeth, eyes look, unseeingly, straight ahead. He watches as they fill with tears, but you refuse to blink. Your chest stutters as your breath comes close to hyperventilating. 
 “Wanna go get cookies?” He asks awkwardly.
 The tears spill over and you close your eyes. “Shit.” You mutter, voice is thick with emotion as you brush them away roughly. Steve doesn’t know what to do, so he holds his big arms open offering you a hug. Never in a million years did he think you would actually accept. 
 You almost crumple against his chest, small hands gripping at the back of his shirt as you try to stop crying. He wraps you tightly in his arms, rubbing your back slowly. 
 “I feel like I just got fired.” You gasp into his shirt. 
 “He’s just giving you the day off. Y’know... being nice?”
 You’re quiet for a long second, pulling away and wiping your eyes. Honestly, he would have let you stay there for as long as you wanted. 
 “You said something about cookies.” You mutter. 
 “I did.” He chuckles. “There’s a good bakery a few blocks away. Wanna go?”
 You nod and he gestures towards the stairs. “The elevators should be empty now.” You mutter, heading for the bank of elevators.
 “Do you wanna talk about that?” He asks. 
 “Only when my mouth is full of cookies.” You reply and he chuckles. 
 “That’s fair.”
 The bakery is warm, smelling of crystallized sugar, chocolate, and melting butter. Your eyes close slightly and Steve very gently touches your elbow to guide you over to the counter. As soon as you start walking, he drops his arm, respecting your space. 
 The lady behind the counter is nice, smiles at Steve in a friendly sort of way. “Your usual?” She asks, already reaching for a set of tongs. 
 “Actually, not this time,” Steve says, glancing towards the display case. “Pick anything you want.”
 You look at the glass, perusing over the cupcakes, brownies, cakes, and cookies. They all look so good, how does he expect you to choose?
 “Um,” you fidget, glancing at Steve, his lovely blue eyes watching you curiously. “Can I get a chocolate chip cookie?” You ask and the woman nods, grabbing a plate. 
 “You know what? Let’s just get two of all of them.” Steve says, and you look at him, feeling your forehead pinching together. “Yeah. You need to try them all, and I’m certainly not about to share mine with you.” He grins effortlessly and you feel your face moving in kind. 
 “That’s fine. I’m not that good at sharing, anyway.” You reply. 
 “Two glasses of milk?” She asks, watching you. 
 “Decaf coffee, please? Enough space for a lot of creamer.”
 “You got it, sweetheart.” She looks at Steve. 
 “Coffee, black.” He replies.
 “Boring.” You mutter. He rolls his eyes and shoos you away. 
 “Find a table.” He says, heading for the counter. You select a table toward the back, a little more privacy for what was sure to be a very difficult conversation. You make sure you grab a pile of napkins, getting prepared. Steve joins you a few minutes later and eyes the stack of napkins, but doesn’t comment on them. 
 The woman brings a tray over; two plates of cookies, two mugs of coffee, one already with a spoon, and a small pitcher of cream.
 “Spoon is yours, love.” She says, nodding to you as she sets everything on the table. You pull the mug towards yourself and begin to make your coffee.
 “Thank you so much.” You say softly. You wait until she walks away and your coffee is made before your hands curl around your mug and you sit back. 
 “Okay, where do you want to start?” You ask, letting the porcelain warm your hands. 
 “The elevator.” He says carefully. 
 “It’s not unusual. I take the stairs more often than not. I don’t know what I did to make everyone act like that, but they definitely don’t like me. No one but Tony and Pepper. You guys were really nice, but you’re not here all the time.” You shrug, breaking apart the chocolate chip cookie. It practically melts on your tongue and you stop talking to savor the buttery sweetness. 
 “Oh man.” You hum. “This was a good decision.” You close your eyes and he chuckles slightly. 
 “No one’s said anything? When did this start?”
 “Immediately.” You sigh, focusing on chewing slowly. 
 “Shit.” He mutters, rubbing a hand down his face. 
 “Are you allowed to swear?” You ask, peaking at him and he rolls his eyes.
 “Yes. Tony needs to knock that off.” He grumbles and you give a little laugh. 
 “He’s put swear jars on every floor in honor of Captain America. FRIDAY keeps everyone honest.” You say, watching the most adorable blush creeps up his neck.
 “I’m gonna kill him.” He mutters.
 You polish off your first cookie, shaking your head. “Nah. He loves you. He donates the money to a VA hospital downtown.” You say and he blinks in surprise. 
 “I definitely didn’t see that coming,” Steve admits. 
 “What else do you wanna know?”
 “When we walked into Tony’s lab, you were saying something about it being more than just being away from your parents.” He prompts. 
 Your stomach plummets, and you set the next cookie down. You know you’re going to cry, again, and you hate it. “My dad went to the doctor’s a week ago for a colonoscopy and they found some polyps that turned out to be cancerous.” Your voice breaks and your vision goes blurry again. Steve quickly hands you a napkin and you crush it to your eyes. 
 The thought of your dad not being around anymore is what terrifies you. He’s indestructible, he has to be here forever. No less is accepted. 
 You take a deep breath, trying to finish. “He’s gone back for a PET scan and now we’re just waiting for results.”
 “Do you have a picture of them?” He asks and you’ve never been more grateful for the big man across from you. You dig your phone out and pull up a picture of your parents. 
 “How long have they been married?” He asks. 
 “Almost forty years.” You sigh wistfully. 
 “How’d they meet?”
 “High school. But they didn’t date until after he got out of the Navy. He said that he came back and saw her in the bowling alley and everything else just disappeared.” You say, remembering the way your dad’s whole face changed when he talked about that moment. A big, dopey smile and heart-eyes as big as his face. “And the first time he kissed her; he saw fireworks.” You hang your head, feeling totally inadequate compared to their love story.”
 You’ve had a few steady boyfriends, but none that have made you feel that way. And none that have looked at you like you were the only thing in the room. 
 “That’s really sweet.” Steve smiles and you nod. “Y/N, what are you thinking about?” He asks, taking your hand gently. 
 “Kind of like I failed compared to them. I don’t have any friends here. They had everything so... so together by the time they were my age. Already on their way to buying a house and starting a family.” You press another napkin to your eyes. 
 “Just because it happened like that for them, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you for taking your time. Some people are born lucky that their soulmate is so close. Others have to search a little bit longer. It definitely doesn’t mean you’re a failure.” He says, squeezing your fingers gently.
 “Let’s talk about something else. Tell me about you.” You say and he launches into an enthusiastic story about the Howling Commandos getting into a drinking contest in a French bar. 
 He’s a good storyteller, has you gasping for breath as you laugh to his memories. He tells story after story as you both work through your cookies. You realize that this is as bittersweet for him as talking about your parents was for you. He misses them just as much.
 It’s late afternoon when he finally sits back, a satisfied smile on his handsome face. You take a long sip of your refreshed coffee and your phone rings. You jerk unexpectedly, digging in your pocket. Your mom’s face is on the screen and your stomach plummets, twisting uncomfortably.
 “I have to get this.” You whisper. He nods, pulling out his own phone as you stand up, hurrying outside. “Mom?” You answer nervously. 
 “Hi, my lovely.” She says, using her serious mom's voice. 
 “Oh no.” You mumble. 
 Steve finds you out there a few minutes later. He pauses, watching you the same way the first time he found you crying. Hands over your face, shaking from trying to hold your sobs back. 
 “Bad news?” He asks softly. His hand is soft and gentle on your shoulders, breaking your resolve to stop fucking crying. He pulls you against his chest and you absolutely crumble, letting yourself just get it all out for a minute. 
 “I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He mutters, rubbing your back gently. 
 “His tests came back clear.” You manage to mumble into his shirt. 
 “Wait, really??” His voice perks up and you nod. “That’s great!” He scoops you up and spins you around. “We should celebrate.” He says, setting you back down and using his shirt to wipe your eyes.
 “You would want to?” You ask, looking at him. 
 “Of course. Anything you wanna do.” He nods. 
 You tilt your head, thinking for a minute. “Can we go ice skating? It’s cold enough and I haven’t been in forever.”
 His fingers tighten around yours for a second. “If that’s what you wanna do, absolutely! Let’s go back to the Tower to change and then we’ll go, okay?”
 “Deal. Thank you, Steve. I promise I’m not usually such a mess.”
 “You’re not a mess.” He promises. “Come on.” He offers you his arm.
 “FRIDAY? Where’s Agent Romanoff?” He asks, pulling on a sweater.
 “She’s in the kitchen on this floor with Sam.” She replies. Steve heads for the small kitchen to find out what Nat found out. He had texted her when you had gone outside at the bakery. 
 He just had to know. 
 “Hey.” He greets as he walks inside. 
 “Hey, man.” Sam waves with his spoon. “How is she?”
 “Tough. Nat, did you do what I asked?” He looks at the small redhead.
 “You didn’t give me much time, Rogers.” She sighs dramatically. “But, yeah. These people would not last one second in enemy hands.” She scoffs.
 “And apparently, Stark’s personal slave is a highly coveted position for some reason. And she got it over someone who supposedly deserved it ‘way more’ so, everyone decided to be a bunch of children and ice her out.”
 “I don’t think it worked,” Sam smirks.
 “Definitely not.” Steve agrees. “Do I even wanna know how you found this out?”
 “Spy trick.” She shrugs. “I sidled up to someone and complained about her. The rest was easy. They couldn’t wait to bitch about her.” She rolls her eyes. 
 “Thanks. I’m not sure if I should tell her or not.” Steve sighs. 
 “Where are you going?” Sam asks, eying him suspiciously. 
 “She wants to go ice skating. She wants to celebrate some good news she got.”
 Sam looks at him for a full minute before cracking up. “Oh man, I think I love this girl.” He wheezes.
 “Laugh it up, Wilson.” Steve rolls his eyes. 
 “You won’t even need your hat and sunglasses disguise.” Nat grins. 
 “Not you, too. I thought you were my friend.”
 “You might be in the wrong business, Rogers.” She winks. 
 “Miss Y/L/N is approaching,” FRIDAY warns. Sam straightens up and they all peer at the doorway Steve had come through just moments before. 
 “What are you staring at?” Your voice behind them makes them jump. 
 “Waiting for you,” Natasha says brightly. “We hear you’re going ice skating.”
 “I haven’t been in a long time and Steve was nice enough to let me choose.”
 Sam stands up and drapes his arm around your shoulders like you’re old friends. “I, for one, wholeheartedly approve.”
 “Ready?” Steve asks you, trying not to notice how cute you look in your coat and hat and gloves.
 “Ready.” You glance around Natasha and Sam. Steve can see the words before they can escape your pretty lips. 
 “They already have plans. Looks like it’s just the two of us.”
 “Maybe next time?” You look hopefully between the two of them.
 “Definitely next time.” Sam grins with a wink at Steve. 
 You were right about it being cold enough. Your face is already feeling the effects of it, flushed and a little wind bitten. You hope you don’t look too ridiculous. 
 Skating comes back to you easily and you glide around, turning in small circles as you get the feel for it again, smiling to yourself. You can feel Steve watching you from one of the entrances, leaning against the frame. 
 “Come on, Steve. The ice is great.” You taunt and he chuckles. 
 “Alright.” He slowly puts one skate to the ice, tentative, testing. You glide to a stop, watching curiously. He slowly pushes out, hands outstretched for balance, knees bent slightly. 
 “Yeah, I got this.” He says, completely focused. 
 “Mhm.” You hum, watching as Captain America wobbles on ice skates. “Have you ever been ice skating before?
 “Once or twice, recently...on a mission.” He admits.
 “And how did it go?” You ask and he looks up at you, promptly losing his balance and falling on his butt.
 “About like that.” He sighs. “Sam still laughs about it.” 
 You glide over and offer him your hand. He pulls himself up unsteadily. “Well.”
 “You don’t have to wait for me.” He says, shooing you away.
 “Nope. You were here for me all day today. I’m not leaving you now.” You say firmly, taking his hand again. “By the time we leave, Sam won’t have anything to laugh about.” You guide him forward slowly, giving him time to adjust. 
 “What are you thinking about?” He asks after a minute. 
 You glance at his face, finding his bright blue eyes on you. “Oh, I was actually thinking about how nice it is to know that you’re not perfect at everything.” You say with an impish grin. 
 “Oh, thank god. I can’t live with that kind of pressure.” He grins, starting to lose his balance again.
 “Also, I’ve seen you fight. You’re so graceful. How is this so different?” You ask, pushing him a little faster. 
 “Not sure.” He huffs, squeezing your fingers a little more. “How do I stop?”
 “You drive a motorcycle, right?” You ask and he nods. “Isn’t there a brake pedal you push down with your heel?”
 “Same concept. Or if you turn your bike sideways, you don’t go forward anymore, do you?”
 You carefully let go of his hands and do a lap around him, demonstrating how you side stop. “Tada.” You grin. 
 “Tada.” He sighs and you laugh, skating back over to him. 
 “You’ll get the hang of it. You’re a fast learner.” You say, leading him around some more. 
 He does pick it up quickly, but not as quickly as he would have liked. He’s fallen half a dozen times and his ass is sore. 
 You’ve been so fantastic, so patient. He can easily see why you got Stark’s intern over anyone else. He would need someone patient. 
 “Are you having fun?” You ask, keeping next to him now that he’s gotten somewhat better. 
 “I am.” He smiles, pulling you close without thinking. It bumps him off balance and you tumble with him, a yelp ringing out as he takes the impact on the ice and you fall on top of him, arms and legs tangled together.
 “Shit, I’m so sorry.” 
 You free your arms, but you’re still half laying on him. “It’s okay.”
 How are you so warm after being out here for so long? Your eyes meet his and then his hand is brushing your hair back out of your face, cupping your cheek gently. 
 The rest of the rink disappears as your face drifts closer, pulled in by some kind of magnet.  He couldn’t care less that they’re on the floor as people skate around them. Those people no longer exist. 
 You tilt your head slightly and then your soft lips are pressed against his, shy at first until he pulls you closer and you melt into him. Your hands cup his face and he’s struck with bright multicolored lights flashing behind his eyes. The world seems to vibrate with sounds and time seems to have frozen, just for a little bit. His senses dialed to ten, his nerve endings are alive with every soft press of your lips. His pulse booms in his ears. 
 You pull back slightly and he watches you, face flushed. 
 “Hi.” He whispers. 
 “Hi.” You reply quietly. “You probably wanna get up.” You say, slow to pull back more.
 “I’m definitely fine right here.” He mumbles, his arms around you.
 You chuckle. “Wanna go get hot chocolate?” You ask and he nods.
 You kneel back and pull him to his feet. Your hand linked in his as you skate towards the exit. He watches you unlace your skates, thinking about the story you told about the first time your dad kissed your mom.
 He wondered at the time what that would have sounded like. 
 Now he knows. And he can’t wait to do it again.
@panicfob @everythingisoverrated @dsakita @shreddedparchment @bitsandbobsandstuff @after-avenging-hours @alexblrus @thinkingsofamadwoman @i-dont-want-to-be-called @thefridgeismybestie @fortheloveofallthatsholy @crazychaotic @pleasureoftheguiltiestvariety @redstarstan @septic-boye @justreadingfics @themistsofmyavalon @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @wkemeup @thiccbinch @glide-thru @moli1497 @ellaenchanted91 @part-time-patronus @janeyboo @jensensjaredsandmishaslover @thirstybitchqueen @xxloki81xx @stuckonjbbarnes @browngirlmagic @geeksareunique​ @nicoleplacee
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Quirkless Erasure
Also on AO3!
In some worlds, Midoriya Izuku is the first quirkless hero. But not in this one, not by far.
Because his homeroom teacher is the hero he's always looked up to: UA's first quirkless Pro Hero.
Izuku isn't the only quirkless one, and Aizawa gets into the hero course via emotional devastation against his opponents.
anyway so: quirkless aizawa bc i need that
everyone thinks he has a quirk like emotional manipulation of something but no he's just fucking savage, he gets into the hero course bc he blasted the absolute shit out of mic
everything’s on youtube it’s one of the most viewed videos of all time
this aizawa's eyes are permanently gold bc i headcanon it's his quirk that makes his eyes black, not the colour they flash
"you yell because you have a constant fear no one is really listening to you. you play the class clown and don't try too hard so when you look back you think "i failed because i didn't try" not "i failed because i wasn't good enough""
"bro,,, bro what the fuck did i do to you"
aizawa isn’t even salty he’s quirkless tbh
"you're pushing this on me because it hurts, right? your loud, flashy but damaging quirk means the only thing people think you're useful for is heroics. did you want to do this, or is this the only way society will let you feel comfortable in the role it presses in on you"
"well being quirkless is rough but at least i cn be whatever i want to be"
mics just shell shocked mics not even using his quirk and everyone’s just uwu he’s erasing mics quirk
all aizawa does is walk is close and mutter "society thinks im worthless, which is rough. but you have to put your life on the line or you're nothing better than a villain to the people"
and just, lightly pushes him out of bounds
pls mics just in Love this guy tore him to fucking pieces but Damn
aizawa  helps him up off the floor
"so im probably not wrong but im a little sorry for saying it on live tv"
mic "youre amazing"
aizawa just goes bright red and starts sputtering
aizawa: the emotional devastation hero weakness: genuine compliments
consider 1A teacher aizawa just still made of emotional devastation, nezu made him promise not to use his powers of destruction on his children unless he was expelling them 
this is a quirkless izuku au too, mirio got ofa, allmight encouraged izuku to be a hero after the fight but had no quirk to give him and he manages to make his own way into the hero course
so izuku is a little analyst, gets mostly hero points but uses sharp rebar and poles to smash in the sensors of some robots, getting him a few non-rescue points either. Aizawa is watching like "oh interesting a non-combat quirk" and beside him allmight is vibrating with excitement
"he might actually do it!"
"who might do what"
allmight turns sheepishly to aizawa
"young midoriya on camera 6, he might just be the first quirkless student to pass the enterance exam to heroics straight up"
and aizawa can hardly watch anyone else for the rest of the exam, he adopts this kid on the fucking Spot
hes on the edge of his fucking seat, when nezu sends out the zero pointer. "this kid only needs 10 more points, just ten more" and izuku turns around to look at the 0 pointer and aizawa is like "fuck kid i hope you know what youre doing"
he manages to shove a piece of rebar into the treads, stoping it in its place. it tries to swat him like a bug but he just dives out of the way, picks up ochako and sprints and aizawa is like "holy shit holy shit these bastards better give this kid hero points for that"
like they are assigning final hero points and aizawa has to awkwardly put his hand up "i,,, should probably be excluded from giving midoriya hero points because i went from 0 to bias very very quickly"
allmight just nods sagely
"young midoriya be like that sometimes"
pls aizawa tries to act extra tough bc he can’t let anyone know he’s Adopted this child
for all izuku's brain hes useless w social stuff and thinks aizawa hates him but everyone else k n o w s
also izuku is the only person in 1A who knows ab aizawa's "quirk" and hes like, constantly vibrating w glee around the guy
aizawa walks in the first day, hears bakugo asking how this "quirkless bastard" got in, grabs bakugo w his scarf and yeets him into vlad’s room
"ok students, looks like we are a class of 19. any other comments before we start?"
and like everyone is so lost no one questions it
bakugo is screaming bloody murder until vlad "kindly" tells him ua has a strict no discrimination policy and aizawa would have been well within his rights to expel him
please nezu is like "uwu take one of 1B to make the classes even" and vlad is like "no ive already bonded tough cookies" vlad just adopts bakugo instantly
monoma and bakugou become bros, the baku-squad is 50% a thing, but its mostly 1B students but with pinning kiri. kendo and bakugo both keep monoma in line, monoma and kendo keep bakugo in line
during the sports festival shinsou is like "you must have a blessed quirk to get into the hero course"
and izuku just has this "really. this si what we're doing now" look on his face. hes just gesturing to shinso in exasperation, trying to make eye contact w aizawa hidden up in the commentary box
all you can hear from the box is aizawa quiet snickering as mic tries not to give the game away. he yeets shinso out of bonds and just hauls him back to his feet
"im quirkless you nonce"
"yeah, oh. what, gonna be embarrassed a quirkless kid kicked your ass?"
"nah i just feel bad for being a dick"
"ok you are the only valid person ive ever met, come meet my not-dad"
"wait what"
izuku fireman carries shinso into the announcers booth and just presents him to aizawa
you can just vaguely hear "no not kid" "but he'll be perfect" "kid this is live ask me after the festival" "but! hed be perfect! and you could train him to carry on your legacy of soul-crushing burns" "... hmmm"
"do i get a say in this?" "no" "nope"
there’s a counter “days since someone last cried: 0”
please its like "times cried durring all sports festivals" "average cry events" "number of times cried this festival"
aizawa being even more of a dad than canon, like hes a mess he sees on sad kid and he's like "wow that's my kid now"
he makes them soup when they get sick and leaves it outside their doors, refuses to admit its him doing it
soup cryptid
please mic is like 100% in love with him and had been for years but aizawa still has internal bias against the quirkless and thinks he's not good enough for mic so he cant make himself see the flirting for what it really is
“haha he’s just being friendlyL
“aizawa i literally want to marry u”
“awww ur so nice u mean as friends tho right?”
in this au ive decided that quirkless heroes are a thing, but pretty rare, in japan they are all underground bc villains go after them a l o t. there are some public ones in america but they tend to,,, die,,, pretty quickly
and bc there are some quirkless heroes everyone acts like discrimination isn't a thing anymore and quirkless people should shut up while quirkless people are still getting killed and committing suicide at like 500% the rate of people with quirks
also the suicide rate is,,,,, significantly higher in japan but no one ever talks abt it bc japan the “ideal place for people with quirks” so that surely means nothing could ever go wrong
izuku does the "its your power" speech in like 3 parts, before, during and after the sports festival bc he needs he bones w no quirk
stain asks izuku what his quirk is and izuku does the "wouldn't you like to know, weather boy"
",,, where are your parents"
"one abandoned me straight up and the other is giving it a red hot go right now, try me coward"
izuku but everytime he roasts a villain he does it in vine quotes
tl;dr in the au inko is like,, not ok w izuku being a hero and she's trying to do the "leave the school or you can't live here any more" ultimatum and it's not working for her
bc izuku said "ok bye then" and now lives out of his backpack. no one knows. he just like,, sleeps on the train
and iida is like "owo could i come over to your house" and izuku is like
"aaaaa its on fire. yep. made of arsenic and always in flames, why dont we go to the park"
everyone in 1a is like betting on what his house is like. they harass katsuki in 1b but he refuses to talk
hes like "hell no i got thrown into another class for talking ab that nerd eat my left tit"
they only fucking work it out when aizawa and allmight go to izukus house to talk ab dorms and there is literally no one there
aizawa asks izuku ab it like "kid you need to update your forms with your current address" and hes like "oh worm, she moved? wack."
“u,,,,didn’t know,,,,”
“nah lmao i sleep on the bench in a park near here”
“my boy,,,,,l
"what, ochako lives alone!"
"yeah, in a fucking house, kid"
aizawas just: this is literal child abuse i’m ur guardian now
allmight "hes my kid too dont be greedy"
"fuck off all might you already have mirio" "and you already have shinsou!" nighteye, from around the corner "ill take him!" aizawa and allmight "NO"                                  
mic adopts him nezu just sitting in the distance "well, its my school. i get the kid" one whole school full of adult heroes "NO ITS MY SON,,," izukus like crying "wait,,, you guys aren't sick of me? wild" while sobbing
afo out of nowhere: i’ll take the child :))) everyone collectively: N O
for self-indulgence, izuku is the youngest in the class for this au so they all call him their little brother
consider: quirkless aizawa is very similar to normal aizawa but he does practise self-care, he just tries to make it look like he doesnt because hes like that
if i dont take care of myself ill never be able to stand up to the heroes w quirks but also do i deserve normal good human things
tl:dr: he can cook well and is trying to teach izuku that 2-minute noodles and apples arent hero fuel
inko is like: "uwu i wont change what i cook for you so you'll just have to make do owo" in like, a pathetic attempt to get him to stop training so izuku runs off protein bars, electrolyte drinks and raw vegetables
just like, his bento at school. its only raw mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and 2 full carrots
the only time he gets like a kinda valid balanced meal for a hero in training is when he pops by bakugous place and mitsuki forces him to stay for lunch
izuku is like "oh hi bakugo i have ur book-" "HI ITS LUNCH GET IN PIPSQUEAK"
hes just thrown into a chair, bakugo isnt even confused. izuku is like ",,,, so vlad gave me your book bc your house is near mums." "fair enough. hope you like miso salmon"
izuku just looks stary eyed
"f i s h ??? warm food bakugo id kill for you"
"deku wtf"
"i had nothing but 3 scoops of protein powder and 2 tomatoes today"
"i had to eat the protein podwer with plain water kacchan. protein sludge followed by two raw tomatoes. i would commit real actual murder for you"
mitsuki always packs an extra bento after that
so like when it’s dorm time izuku gets rly stressed out bc he doesn’t know how to cook for himself??? bakugous in the 1b dorms and even if he wasn’t he definitely wouldn’t cook for him
1a goes on a fucking shopping trip, chaperoned, obviously
and they’re lining up and aizawa sees that izukus cart is only filled with like??? instant noodles and like two (2) fruits and he’s losing his mind bc yes okay he’s a child but he’s also a young hero and he’s going to get a heart attack by 20 if he doesn’t fix his diet
aizawa is like "izuku, you cant eat that" and izuku just goes "oh ok" puts the noodles back and comes back with a tub of protein powder and like 11 vegetables and a bag of kale
okay this is an improvement kinda, how do u cook it
izuku just has a totally blank face
"i was just gonna like,,, eat it"
"uh, yeah, is that not how u eat vegetables?”
"thats a potato. and some leeks. thats a fucking onion"
"it wont kill me though"
"thats,,, that not how you pick food kid."
“but vegetable??? good????”
"kid do you even fucking like any of this"
"wait, im supposed to like?? my food???"
yagi in the fucking health food isle hearing this is 50% laughing but 50% crying
aizawa: “izuku ur supposed to eat a well balanced and tasty meal”
izuku: *surprized pikachu face*
please even todoroki is like ",,, at least fuyumi could c o o k"
oh god imagine having a worse diet than shouto todoroki from 1a who eats nothing but cold soba and drinks juice
also please aizawa is like "kid i thought you just happened to be thin but now im seeing thats not the case"
bakugo in the distance "like inko ever fed him enough anyway lmao"
aizawa "WAIT WHAT"
whys bakugou shopping with 1a? its actually all 40 of the first years just descending on this poor little store. it’s this little mom and pop grocery store and a billion hungry hero hopefuls just burst through the door like 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒏𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒔
izuku is like "oh its too expensive" and aizawa is just holding a bag of rice, aizawa is like "its cheaper than the protein powder you have"
and izuku is like "yeah i mean its empty calories and im not paying that much for empty calories"
"thats what you taught us sensei!"
"i can put some back if you want?"
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Galactica, Chapter 18 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Hieeee babies! We are so excited to share this very dramatic chapter with you! Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Monday morning madness when Violet discovered that Courtney screwed up the Fashion Week confirmations.  
This Chapter: Courtney faces the music, we meet a very determined reporter, and Violet loses her shit.
“Hey gorgeous! To what do we owe the honor of this visit?” Alaska asked cheerfully.
Courtney stepped forward, into Alaska’s office. Even the charming decor, which usually filled Courtney with happiness, did nothing to alleviate the guilt that was pressing down on her lungs.
“I have to tell you something.”
“Shit, sounds serious,” Alaska said. “Okay, have a seat.”
Courtney sat, biting her trembling lip and taking in a shaky, shallow breath.
“They didn’t send you down here to fire me, did they?” Alaska giggled, then realized that Courtney wasn’t laughing along and grew slightly more somber, folding her hands. “What’s wrong, honey?”
She was just so nice, and it made Courtney hate herself even more.
“I...really messed up.”
“How so?” Alaska looked genuinely concerned, which only made Courtney feel worse.
“Um…” There was no way around it except biting the bullet. “I was handling the Fashion Week confirmations, but…” Courtney took a deep breath. “I missed some of the tabs on the spreadsheet, and so I didn’t reach out to people until this morning and some of them have taken other jobs.”
“You ‘missed tabs’?” Alaska repeated, her voice filled with disbelief.
“Yeah, I just...I didn’t see that there was more than one, so-”
Alaska sighed heavily, letting out a small, aggravated sound, before asking, “So then...okay, how bad is it?”
“How many people are unavailable, Courtney?”
Courtney handed over the pages in her hands, unable to look Alaska in the eye. She just couldn’t face the disappointment and anger that she knew would be on her face right now. She pressed her lips together, still trying to hold back the flood of tears, cheeks burning hot with shame, as Alaska looked over the lists.
“Jesus christ…” she muttered, then picked up the phone. “Kim? Hi, it’s me. Sooooo, there was a bit of a snafu with some of the Fashion Week staff and we need to pull names for alternates...Uh huh...Probably at least 15—...I know, I know. I’m sorry, this is...Yeah, you know what? Get me some recommendations from Yara Sofia, and I’ll see who’s working some of the shows 2 days before...Yeah, let’s make some calls and then reconvene in 30...Okay...Yeah, I get it, I’m sorry...Bye.”
“I’m so sorry, Alaska,” Courtney said. “I don’t know how I could have been so careless. But...please just tell me what I can do to help you guys-”
“I think you’ve done enough. You should go.”
Courtney nodded, swallowing down the lump in her throat and standing up. Telling herself that she just had to get to the bathroom before letting any tears fall.
Without another word, she turned and ran, racing blindly for the nearest restroom, where she locked herself into a stall and finally let herself fall apart, crying like the useless baby that she was. What was she doing in this job? Who in their right mind thought it was a good idea to trust her with so many important tasks for such a huge company? How come, no matter how hard she tried, she was just never able to stay on top of it all?
A few minutes later, she heard the door open and heels click softly as they walked towards her.
She tried to get ahold of herself, especially once she saw the houndstooth pumps under the stall door, but it was no use.
“This sucks. Okay? And it’s gonna be a huge headache to fix, and just something we really didn’t need today on top of everything else we’re dealing with—”
“I know,” Courtney said, breath hitching.
“—but...we’ll manage. Okay? So stop beating yourself up, and just do better in the future. I know you can.” Alaska paused before adding, “You’re better than this one mistake.”
Something about her kindness, even after all that, made Courtney lose it even more. A sob escaped her chest, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Enough of this, okay?” Alaska said. “Take a minute, then wash your face and come back to my office. I have a job for you.”
Courtney knocked tentatively on Alaska’s open door. She’d managed to pull herself together, and though everything in head was screaming to turn and run--from this company, from this job, from the silly dreams that kept her in this country--she’d forced herself to return and face the music.
“Sit.” Alaska pointed to a spot on the sofa, where a phone and a blank notepad were lined up on the coffee table. “Violet said that we could borrow you for the afternoon, so you can help us get out of this mess. I’ve emailed you the contact info for a bunch of makeup artists and hairstylists. You need to find out their availability, and if they have recommendations. If they’re free, tell them we’ll return with confirmation and a deal memo by the end of the day.”
Courtney nodded, sitting down and eagerly getting to work, relieved that she could have a small part of the solution.
“And Courtney…”
“Yes?” Courtney looked back up at her.
“Everyone makes mistakes.”
“Not Violet,” Courtney muttered, almost as a reflex, and Alaska burst out laughing.
“Are you kidding? Violet’s been here for over a year now, but when she first got the job, that office was a mess. Everyonemakes mistakes. Trust me. The real test is what you do afterwards.”
“Thanks, Alaska,” said Courtney, looking up at her with a smile for the first time all day.
“No problem. Now get to work!”
Courtney grinned, lifting the receiver and dialing the first number on her list. It took them almost 4 hours (and a bribe from Kim’s favorite sushi place to keep everyone working through lunch), but they eventually found people for all of the positions. When they finally finished, Courtney headed back upstairs to print out all the signed deal memos and update the spreadsheet with their new staff.
Violet was gone, having accompanied Fame to a meeting at Saks, but she’d left something wonderful behind on Courtney’s desk—not one, but two Fashion Week party invitations, with a yellow Post-It note with the word “sorry” written on it.
Courtney picked up her phone, sending a text to Violet with just the word ‘thanks.’
Willam hated his boss.
He hadn’t always. When he first got the job at OK!, Detox had been almost like a hero to him. But as the months wore on, and story after story got tossed or ripped to shreds or cut down to a two-line caption for some stupid photo collage, the resentment had built up to the point where he felt physical anger every time he saw Detox, or his stupid face, or his hideous yellow hair.
It just wasn’t fair. Willam knew that he was a more talented reporter, and a smarter person, than anyone else on staff. But in the meeting today, Rhea’s idiotic idea about a spread on celebrity foodstagrams had gotten praise, whereas he’d gotten chewed out, treated like garbage, all for pursuing a story that Detox failed to understand. Or worse, was actively trying to cover up.
“Hey bro. You alright?” Rhea asked, poking her head in the door.
“No. And fuck off,” Willam spat, turning to his computer.
“Ooh, someone’s maaad…” Rhea didn’t take the hint at all, slipping into the office and shutting the door behind her.
“I mean it, Rhea, get the fuck out of here.”
“Awww, it’s okay. I can handle your wittle tantrum, baby,” she said mockingly. “You need a snacky? Juice box? A wittle baby nappy?”
She reached forward to tousle his hair, and he pushed her away, eyes blazing with anger.
“This is bullshit and you know it!” he exclaimed.
“Bro, it’s not that big of a deal. Just drop it and find a different story to work on.” Rhea yawned, examining her nails.
“But I’m finally getting somewhere!”
“Are you? Because you said you’d hit a dead end with that sexy lesbian-”
“Sure. Pearl was a dead end. But-”
“Tragic,” Rhea clucked. “I could have made magic with her…” She punctuated her statement with an extremely lewd tongue gesture.
“Gross. And fine, yes, she didn’t give me anything, but-”
“And Detox literally told you 5 times that there’s no story there.”
“Exactly, Rhea! So what’s he trying to cover up? He obviously didn’t like that I was getting too close to something big. You know he’s friends with her.”
“Sure...but even if you’re right, then what?” Rhea said. “Say you find some crazy dirt, you really think he’ll publish it?”
“I think that if I find some crazy dirt, Detox fucking Sanderson won’t matter. I’ll be able to sell the story anywhere.”
Rhea chuckled, shaking her head.
“Alright, but you haven’t found anything yet. So what’s your next move, champ? Because so far you’ve got nothing.”
“I got a new mark…” He pulled up a folder of photos on his computer. “Look.”
Rhea looked, head tilted, a puzzled expression on her face.
“These are just pictures of Fame. What am I looking at? You have lost it, bro”
“Look closer. See the chick who’s behind her in every photo?” Willam zoomed in on a striking but clearly camera-shy brunette.
“Okay...her assistant? And?”
“Exactly. And assistants know all their boss’s dirt. But it’s not her I’m after.” Willam clicked through a few more photos, finally finding the one he was looking for. “Bingo.”
In this picture, the brunette was nowhere to be found, but an adorable, bewildered looking blonde was standing behind Fame in a pretty little mint green dress, bogged down with bags.
“A different assistant. Hashtag who cares?”
“A new assistant, Rhea. And new means vulnerable. Trust me...that girl? Is my ticket to aaalllll the dirt.”
Pearl opened the door to Laganja’s office, her hands filled with boxes upon boxes of invitations to Fashion Week shows and parties.
Fashion Week was a beast, Fashion Month was a monster. Fame was traveling to London as soon as New York was over, Milan and then Paris following, the prep work to get all of that ready always a struggle. Her assistants bore the brunt of it, Fame’s expensive taste and particular likes and dislikes not changing just because she was on another continent.
Pearl however, had a job to do too. As boss in the social media department, it was Pearl’s job to decide which shows, parties and events would be worth covering for their social media, and what different employees of Galactica should show up to, to best feature and nourish their brand in all four cities.
“Ready to crunch down?”
“I was born ready, mama.”
“I have Fame for Raja,” Violet said into the phone, her finger was on the button, ready to patch the call through.
“Oh, sorry. Raja’s in the conference room!” Ivy was always so cheerful, and for the hundredth time Violet wondered how she did it. “She’s working on the model castings. Should I interrupt?”
Violet bit her lip. Fame hated when she was bogged down by unimportant details, but she hated it even more when decisions were made without her.
“Hang on.” Violet clicked back over to Fame. “Raja is working on model casting in the conference room. Should I interrupt?”
“Where is my fruit salad?”  
“On it’s way Miss.” Violet glanced at Courtney’s empty seat, checking her watch. She’d never understand how Courtney could be so slow at everything she did.
“Well hurry up.” Fame hung up, and the line went dead. Violet quickly pressed back to her call with Ivy, wondering to herself if she should text Courtney to speed it along with the food. Not that it would do any good. The last time she sent that message, she got a glib response along the lines of ‘I’ll tell them to chop faster.’
“No need to interru-”
“Violet.” The door to the office opened, and Fame sailed out, snapping her fingers. “Come.”
Violet hung up right away, knowing that Ivy would understand as she grabbed her notebook and phone. By the time she caught up, Miss Fame was already halfway to the conference room.
Shit. She really should have predicted this.
Fame wanted to be involved, no decision too small if it’s subject caught her attention.
Violet tried to text Courtney, a quick shoe emoji to Ivy telling her they were on their way, as she hurried along, making sure the clack of her heels matched Fame’s perfectly so her boss wouldn’t get annoyed at the dual sounds.
As they walked past the glass wall in the conference room, Violet glanced inside.
Raja was sitting at the table. She was wearing a purple silk shirt, heavy gold decorating her ears, fingers and neck, her hair collected in a high ponytail. Trixie was there too, his sweatshirt of the day a bubblegum pink number.
The table was filled with black portfolio folders, and Violet recognized about fifty model cards that were spread out amongst the polaroids of their finished looks.
Violet was just about to get in front of Fame, so she could hold the conference room door open, when she felt her stomach drop.
Right there, at the opposite end of the table, was Sutan.
He was stunning in burgundy, his entire attention focused on his sister as he was talking to her, Raja laughing at something he said.
Sutan hadn’t spotted her yet, but Violet wanted to cry. There was no way she could hide, nowhere to escape to, the other without a doubt recognizing her the minute she stepped inside, and then it’d all be over.
Violet could feel her throat close up, panic clawing at her chest.
Fame turned to look at her, Violet not even recognizing that she was the one who had called for her boss’s attention.
“I-” Violet was blank. Completely blank.
“I don’t have all day, Violet.”
“I’m going to go get your food.”
Violet had no idea where it had come from, but Fame turned away from her, clearly dismissing her and blessedly leaving her outside of the conference room.
“Tantan! Were you really going to come by without saying hi-”
The door to the conference room closed, cutting the sound of Fame’s voice off, and Violet did the only thing she could think of.
She ran.
Slamming the door to the office closed helped a little, but her heart was still in her throat. She checked her hair and makeup in her black computer screen, yanking off her ID card and smoothing down her dress over and over again as she walked in a small circle, her heart hammering in her chest.
Courtney came in through the door, the blonde holding the promised fruit salad in her hand, and for the first time, Violet felt relief course through her body at the sight of her.
“Are you okay?” Courtney asked.
Violet was utterly screwed, but maybe, just maybe, she would be able to pull off the impossible.
All she needed was for Courtney to follow her instructions perfectly.
“Fame is in the conference room for a meeting.”
“So why aren’t you there? Is everything alright?” Courtney’s brow furrowed.
It was a fair question, but it was also a fair question Violet wasn’t going to answer.
“I need you to bring her the food, and take notes.”
“What? Are you sick?”
Violet had started to trust Courtney more and more, but she still hadn’t allowed her to even attempt to take down Fame’s rapid fire orders during meetings, forgetting something at one of those a fatal mistake.
“Go. Now. Please.”
Courtney looked at her like she was insane, but she quickly plated the fruit, grabbed a roll of silverware, her notebook and phone, and hurried to the conference room.
Courtney entered the conference room, trying to be as unobtrusive as possible as she set Fame’s bowl of fruit down in front of her, along with the wrapped silverware. She opened her notebook, trying to find a place to stand where she wouldn’t be in the way.
Should she sit? She’d never been present in this room for a meeting where she had nothing to do but listen. It seemed inappropriate somehow to sit down beside Fame at the table, but also weird to be standing behind her, especially since the table was mostly empty.
Courtney vaguely remembered seeing assistants stand along the wall, so she did just that.
Everyone around the table was talking animatedly, Raja and Fame so firm in their opinions it almost sounded like they were fighting, but Courtney couldn’t focus on them or what they were saying.
All she could think about was Violet.
Courtney had never seen her coworker so visibly flustered.
Eyes wild, cheeks red, voice cracking.
She had looked like she was in genuine distress, and something told her that she should just forget about this impromptu meeting and go back to check on Violet.
After all, Fame could easily call her back if she needed something, right?
On the other hand, Violet had ordered her in no uncertain terms to stay with Fame, and there was a chance that whatever was upsetting her would be worse if she had the added stress of being worried about her boss. So Courtney supposed that she should just stay and do what she was told. She tried to follow the conversation about models, taking what notes she could manage. The good news was, nobody seemed to notice or care that she was there, so she assumed that her position near the door, back pressed against the wall, had been the right move.
“You’re blind.”
“It’s an opinion.”
“Trixie, not now darling. Why are all of these- Sutan where is that model I like?”
“I’m going to need a bit more information to go on if you want my help.”
“Who was that model from that latest Vogue?” Fame asked, waving her hand in the air. “The one on my desk with the red?” When her boss tossed a questioning look over her shoulder, Courtney realized that this question must be directed at her.
““I-I’m not sure, Miss?” Was this the sort of thing Violet got asked and was expected to answer? “Would you like me to go get-”
“Ugh,” Fame let out an annoyed scoff, and seemed to only now realize that Courtney was the one who was there. “Where’s Violet?”
“She’s taking care of something in the office,” Courtney said quickly, not really lying through her teeth, though the thing Violet was taking care of most of all was that she looked like she had seen a ghost.
“Go tell her that if she enjoys her job,” Fame said slowly, “she’ll get back here immediately.”
Courtney hesitated for a split second before Fame snapped her fingers, adding, “Now!”
“Yes, Miss!” Courtney said, rushing from the room.
Violet was trying desperately to stay calm. She was pacing the office, her brain working in overdrive, her fingers tugging at her skirt.
Violet was no stranger to digging her own grave, but this was an especially deep one, and she wasn’t sure if she could get out.
Under normal circumstances, Violet would run away. She’d burn the bridge, never look back, and walk away from her mistake, but she didn’t want to walk away from Sutan.
She hadn’t lied to him, not exactly, but she still wanted to cry.
Sutan was everything she could ask for, not because he earned more money a month than Violet would in a year, even as a designer, not because of his connections and how he seemed to know everyone who was anything.
No. So far, Sutan had been perfect because of how he acted. He was attentive and kind, respecting Violet’s boundaries without any kind of fight. It felt like he was interested in what she was saying, his eyes lighting up in delight when she shared her opinion.
Violet had no idea why he seemed to like her so much, why he chose to spend time with her and he could have anyone he pointed at, pretty girl after pretty girl probably standing in line to hang on his arm, but somehow, he had chosen her.
There was no way, however, no way at all, that he’d want to continue that when he found out who she really was.
When he saw that she was nothing more than an assistant, who couldn’t even do her job right.
Violet turned around to see Courtney in the doorway.
“I’m really sorry, Violet, but Miss Fame asked for you.”
That was it then. Violet was dead. Her plan had failed, and she had to face the music. She gathered her things, nausea rumbling in her stomach.
“I can tell her you’re sick.”
Violet looked over her shoulder at Courtney who was still standing by the door, a lock of blonde hair twisted around her finger, her lip between her teeth.
“Whatever you want,” she added.
Courtney was a ridiculously good friend, and Violet snorted, the harsh sound betraying how utterly fucked she felt.
“She asked something about a model in the Vogue on her desk, so I can just go get-”
“Jourdan Dunn?” Violet had no idea why Courtney didn’t know that, Fame actually mentioning the model by name one day when Violet had brought her a coffee.
“Great!” Courtney scribbled the name down. “If you need to go, like to the doctor or something, you should go. I’ll message you if anything comes up, or leave you alone completely if that’s what you need, just tell me-”
Violet was pretty sure Courtney had no idea what she had just offered, the blonde in no way ready to run the office on her own.
Violet could feel green eyes on her, Courtney watching her every move.
“I’ll go.”
Violet took a deep breath, grabbed her things from the desk and said a slight prayer before she made her way to the conference room, already mourning her lost relationship with Sutan as she closed the door behind her.
Sutan was drumming his fingers against the table, a half finished bottle of pellegrino in front of him. He had perked up immediately when Fame had said Violet’s name, the anonymous blonde disappearing to go get her.
He had texted Violet as soon as he had gotten the email from Raja that she wanted him at Galactica, and that she wanted him there now, but as always, she hadn’t seen his message yet.
“I like your new bag, Trixie-” Sutan smiled as he looked at Trixie who had gotten up to stretch, the man looking out the window. Trixie had a fanny pack hanging off of his hip, the cut a lot like what Sutan had seen the European male models run around with over their shoulders, but while theirs was black, Trixie’s was a hot pink and completely covered in jewels.
“Very very stylish.”
“Katya made it for me.”
Sutan wondered if he was supposed to know who Katya was, but Trixie seemed to love it, and fashion was fun at it’s core, or so he had been told.
Sutan was just about to get up himself for a stretch when Violet opened the door and stepped inside, a notebook in hand, her back completely straight.
She was just as pretty as always, an art printed poplin dress in white and light blue paired with a set of elegant heels, her black hair falling down her shoulders, a golden hair clip holding it in place.
He knew that Violet was a designer, but he was pleasantly surprised, and even a little proud, that she was apparently high enough on the food chain to be needed for a meeting like this. It was impressive, only 23, and already invaluable to senior management.
“Glad you could finally grace us with your presence, Miss Chachki,” Fame drawled, looking bored and kind of impatient. “I need the name of the girl from Vogue, the one with the red-”
“Jourdan Dunn, Miss?”
“Yes!” Fame snapped her fingers. “Jourdan Dunn.”
“You want Jourdan? Now?” Sutan snorted. The model had been booked for months, and while he was very good at his job, he couldn’t make magic happen just because one of his friends changed her mind. “And would you like unicorns at your show as well-”
He was cut off as Raja kicked him under the table, his twin shooting him a serious look that told him to watch his mouth.
“You want someone like Jourdan.” Sutan put it down on the piece of paper in front of him. “Noted.”
“It suits our more tropical, garden-y type of theme for the collection,” Raja picked up a few girls, moving them over and into the approved pile. “Green does look wonderful on darker skin tones.”
Trixie, Fame and Raja chatted back and forth for a bit, Sutan at first caught up in their conversation, but as they started to discuss hairstyles, he zoned out. What they actually did with the models once they were booked was not his business, and while hair could be uncomfortable to endure, it was rarely a violation.
His attention wandered, his gaze settling on something much more interesting than clip on bangs.
Violet was standing against the wall, the woman writing away, noting down everything that was being said.
Sutan tried to catch her eye, tried to get Violet’s attention, but it almost felt like she was avoiding him completely, her gaze glued to her notes.
Sutan was pulled out of his thoughts as Fame called Violet’s name.
“We need a round of coffees.”
Sutan’s brow furrowed, confused. Why would Miss Fame be sending a lead designer for coffees?
He looked around the room, only now realizing that the apparently useless blonde from earlier wasn’t in attendance anymore.
“Yes, Miss,” Violet said, voice so soft it was almost a whisper, before speaking up a bit more clearly. “What can I get for you all?”
“Hmm, mint tea would be great,” Raja said.
“Can I get an iced mocha with extra whip?” Trixie asked. Violet nodded, writing it down. “Thanks, you’re an angel.”
Violet finally looked Sutan in the eye for the first time all day.
“Anything for you… Sir?”
Sir? Violet had never called him sir, her brown eyes looking at him for the first time, and that was when it clicked. Fame wasn’t sending a designer out for coffees.
“Umh…” Sutan sat up in his chair, the whole situation absolutely bizarre. “No thanks.”
Violet nodded, the tears clear in her eyes as she turned towards the door, walking slowly and precisely. To anyone who didn’t know her, she seemed perfectly calm, but Sutan knew better.
“Please, Violet, continue to move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me,” Fame said drily, before turning her attention back to the model cards, pointing. “I like her…”
Sutan sat in his chair, a little dumbfounded. Violet was Fame’s assistant? Why hadn’t she told him that before? And why was she so upset? Nothing made sense at the moment.
“Hello? Tan?” Fame snapped her fingers, trying to get his attention.
“Good lord, what is wrong with everyone today?” Fame tapped on one of the cards. “I want her. Trixie, don’t you think she’d be perfect for the resort look?”
“Her chest is a little flat.”
“But look at that waist! Those eyes! Sew some chicken cutlets into the top and she’ll be fine.”
“I can do that.” Trixie made a note.
“Put her on hold, Sutan,” Fame said, handing him the modeling card.
“Are you okay?” Raja asked, her head tilted in concern as she surveyed her brother up and down.
“Yes.” [Actually. No.] Sutan swallowed, his throat feeling as dry as sandpaper. [I need a-] “I need a minute to...excuse me.”
He rose from his chair, and Fame threw up her hands in exasperation.
“Is Mercury in retrograde?”
Courtney jumped up from her desk when Violet re-entered. She’d busied herself with updating the schedule and ordering office supplies, but found it impossible to concentrate when she was this worried. Something was really wrong with Violet, and even though Courtney didn’t know what, she felt awful just sitting here doing nothing.
“Violet!” Courtney rushed towards her. “Please tell me what’s wrong, are you-”
“I’m fine.” Violet pushed her way past her, tears falling from her eyes as she grabbed her jacket and her sunglasses, covering herself up so quickly Courtney almost doubted that she had even seen tears fall from Violet’s eyes before she grabbed for her keycard as well.
Courtney had never seen Violet like this before, had never seen her express any emotion beyond calm professionalism or indignant anger, so Violet’s tears shook her to the very core. She also seemed to be having trouble breathing, her skin red and blotchy.
“Please Violet, tell me what’s going on,” Courtney begged.
“Everything is fucked, that’s what’s wrong,” Violet hissed, the tinge of panic back in her voice. “I couldn’t even look at him! Couldn't even-”
“Couldn’t look at who?” Courtney racked her brain. She highly doubted that Trixie could be responsible for this reaction. The jovial head of design was everyone’s best friend, and she’d seen with her own eyes how much he respected Violet. So she must be talking about that other man, the tall one. Courtney’s eyes narrowed.  
“Couldn’t look at who?”
“Fuck!” Violet swore as she couldn’t get her stupid jacket to close properly. Her fingers felt numb, clumsy, useless, useless just like her, her mind spiraling, her world zoomed in on the button she couldn’t even manage to close, her mother's voice ringing in her ears, the sharp tone one she hadn't heard in months.
Her mother would never call her Violet, the word said with a gentle question she knew Courtney could never manage.
Violet turned around, and right there, right in front of her, was Sutan.
Courtney twirled to the man who was standing in the door, fury welling up in her chest.
How dare he show up here in the office? She didn’t know what he'd done to Violet, but she could very well use her imagination.
She stepped between them, arms crossed, asking coldly, “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” the man said, his voice annoyingly calm. “You can step away for a couple of minutes so that I can talk to Violet.”
“No, I’m sorry, that’s not going to be possible.” Courtney squared her shoulders, showing him she meant business.
The man let out a chuckle of disbelief before giving her a patient, charming smile.
“Listen, dear-”
“My name is not dear!” Courtney said. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
He took a deep breath before trying a different tactic.
“Well, dear, I don’t know your name, but if you kindly fuck off for 5 minutes, then I’ll happily name my first born child after you.”
Courtney’s mouth dropped open in disbelief. She didn’t care, at the moment, if she got fired. She was not going to let this man intimidate her, or mess with Violet any more than he already had.
“I think you’re the one who needs to fuck off, sir. So back away right now or I’ll have to call securi-”
Courtney felt a hand on her arm, Violet’s slender fingers on her.
“Can you go get the coffees?” Violet had pushed her sunglasses into her hair, her dark eyes liquid with tears she barely managed to hold back. “Please.”
“Are you sure?” Courtney asked softly. She really didn’t want to leave Violet alone with this horrible man, but she also didn’t want to say no to her, not in this vulnerable state.
“Yes.” Violet pressed a sheet of paper with the coffee order into her hand. “And Miss Fame’s usual.”
“Okay. But...text me if you need anything.” Courtney picked up her phone and notepad, casting an extra dirty look at that asshole as she left the office.
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x04 Commentary
bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies​  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Giulia: Ok so in my haste of things i just spilled all my hot coffee on my self.  I’m burning but the ep is ready. But fuck
Kat: Oh shit. Go rinse with cold water
Zee: You alive ??
Giulia: No i burned my self with coffee
Nat : Where did you spill it
Giulia: Leg
Nat : You need a minute?
Giulia: No i think I’m good
Zee: Any blisters ?
Giulia: Well i’ll see tomorrow won’t I.  Whatever just start the episode I’m already angry. Just...start the ep so I can deal with the mess later on , can’t wait for that
Nat : ok
Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Nat : "We're gonna be free"
Giulia: No i don t wanna see this again
Zee: Becky ?
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Giulia: Gasps
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Zee: Wtf?
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Nat : is
Nat : that
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Giulia: jesus christ
Nat : BAMF
Giulia: Yes please
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Giulia: YUM
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Zee: Are you asking ?
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Nat : FUCK
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Nat : I'M NOT OK
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Giulia: YES
Giulia: YES SAME
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it’s what we deserve
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Zee: Benny?
Giulia: BENNY
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Giulia: NO
B: I'll see you on the other side, brother
Zee: I can’t type
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Zee: Bye
Giulia: FUCK OFF
Giulia: NO WHERE
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Giulia: FUCK OFF
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Nat : SHIT
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D: What you did to them...what you did to Bobby...to Jody...
S: They tried to stop me. But I will not be stopped.
D: Sam, you listen to me.This is the demon blood. You have to fight it!
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Nat : SHIT
S: Why would I do that?
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D: Sammy Please
Giulia: MY GOD I CAN T
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Nat : NO
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Giulia: WOW OK
Nat : Is that chucks book
Kat: And bye bye bearded Dean. Gone too soon
Already missed
Giulia: Well Sam do see his shit now
Nat : The beginning with Dean sounds like something I would write
Giulia: Don t we all
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S: Dean, you know I don't eat --
Is Sam vegetarian now?
S: "I don't want any of that hippie, Sarah McLaughlin grass-eater crap in the Meat Man's kitchen."
Giulia: MEAT MAN
Giulia: YEAH
Kat: It means he has a big dick
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Nat : Anyway, I'm done watching am I not? That's it. That's the whole episode
Kat: My boys need hugs
D: Look, man, I get it, okay? With Jack...and Rowena..
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Kat: What
 Zee: What?
Giulia: Nothing . We just gonna push it down in true Winchester style. 
Nat : Of course not, it's a filler episode
Kat: Oh, I think I know If it’s what I think, it’s not mentioned at all
Giulia: What else is new
S: That’s real bacon
D: You're damn right it is
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meat man
Nat : Ok bye guys
Zee: No you didn’t
Kat: But it’s Jensen’s last ep. And I really like it.
Giulia: Anyway
Nat : lAcrOsS
Zee: The end of the world
Zee: He knows
Nat : The little prayer thing at half time
Kat: Ugh parents
Nat : me talking to someone
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Zee: That’s awesome
Giulia: That’s awesome
Giulia: Ok but u know what i don’t like about filler eps tho. That they are like these oases outside of everything where seems like things don’t matter .... Whatever
Nat : Gag me
Zee: Kinky
Nat : please do
Kat: What she said
Giulia: Oh the flask again.  What esle is also new, this day is already ruined anyway
Kat: So good
Nat : also it's been shot in the beginning, I hardly think that Jensen knew what happened the episode before that.
Zee: Why is dean drinking and eating all the time?
Nat : don't you do that?
I mean....same
S: We keep them from dealing with the truth, with what's out there, and we carry the weight. It's great. They have no idea What's out there.
Kat: Sammy is a little disillusioned
Giulia: OH WHAT
Nat : oh no
Zee: Becky?!
Giulia: awe
Kat: She’s so normal now
Nat : There's something wrong with Becky
Zee: Great
Giulia: No fuck off
Nat : Ah, there it is
Kat: Not with her lol
Nat : God is fucking desperate
Giulia: That’s not everybody’s else problem tho so can he fuck off
Zee: Somebody’s got a fetish
Kat: Okay Dean
Nat : Don't we all
Kat: Cheerleader fetish lol
Nat : Mine is Dean
Kat: Many
Giulia: Of course she is
Giulia: Oh becky
Nat : mY WOrK
Zee: Oh honey
Nat : A little obsessed
Giulia: Oh honOh look she is us after the show ends
Nat : What show ends?
Kat: The one you’re not watching
Kat: At least she’s not a complete wackadoodle now
Nat : A little bit of a falling out
Zee: Poor God,  Nobody wants to hang out with him
Nat : God is a fucking child throwing a tantrum
Kat: Because he’s a douche
Giulia: Awe that’s so pathetic it’s almost cute
Nat : It sounds wrong
B: I am married to an amazing man, I have two great kids,and I like myself, Chuck. For the first time in a long time, I like myself. So I don't need you.
Nat : you do you, becky
Zee: By Becky nonetheless
G: You don't need me. No one does.
Zee: Boo fucking hoo
G: I feel so lost.
Kat: Oh shut up with the pity party chuck
B: Then, Chuck, you have to write.
Giulia: Oh no he doesn t
Nat : Dean is eating his way through the episode
Kat: Rob plays annoying so well
Kat: thicc arms
Giulia: Sure she wants to help you lol
Kat: Dean with the slow clap
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Zee: That smile
Nat : I can't with Dean's eyebrow this episode
Giulia: Felt that
Kat: I need wine lol
Nat : It's the dad?
Giulia: Wow
Nat : Anything stronger than what? Water?
Zee: What does he want with Becky ??
G: I mean, I used to be able to see Sam and Dean in my head, wherever they were, whatever they were doing. It was all just there, ripe for the picking. And now it's just gone.
Nat : oh god, chuck annoys the fuck out of me
Nat : throw him out, becks
Giulia: Hey
Zee: Fan fic isn’t the same ?? Excuse you dick
Nat : I read EXPOSE your dick
 Kat: I wish she wouldn’t push him to write
Giulia: Awe look at that maniac stare
Kat: Bad idea
Giulia: Ew no
Kat: Of course
Nat : Ah, it's both of them
Nat : Sam walks in with a puppy look
Kat: He looks like that the whole ep
Giulia: How they know
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Zee: TheY seriously need to control their ducking faces
Zee: Fu
D: We're not FBI.
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Giulia: Well that was hot
Nat : Where did he keep the machete
Nat : in his pants?
Kat: A holster under his many layers
Giulia: Not great
Nat : The way he says Sammy
Nat : But right at his ass
Kat: She is. On his ass.
Nat : I can't. I wanna see how he pulls it out from another angle
Zee: What she said
Nat : finger guns
B: No one even mentions Cass.
Giulia: AH
Zee: Thanks Becky
Nat : Becky gets it
Giulia: chuck angry
Nat : Ah no,
Giulia: Fuck. No thanks
Nat : I give you danger
Zee: Fuck you becky
Nat : get off my dick god
Nat : Ah
Kat: Now you know
Nat : Well
dad: You don't have children, do you? Because if you did, you would know that to see your child in pain rips your heart out. And you'd know that you'd do anything. You'd die for them.
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Giulia: AH but he does. They all do
Nat : He had a child, thank you very much
Giulia: JACK
Zee: And Ben
Nat : EMMA
Giulia: Meh whatever
Giulia: Hate this
Kat: This whole thing is sad
Nat : I mean, I kinda feel for them
Zee: The kid wants to do good
snorts.....like Jack....lol ring any bell?
*sound of someday starts to play*
Nat : AH
Giulia: AAAAAH
Giulia: FUCK
Nat : WHAT
Giulia: STOP
Nat : MY GOD
Giulia: SOB
Nat : Great, now I will associate it with that scene?
Giulia: UGH
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Giulia: WOW OK
Nat : I'm sads
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Giulia: WELL OK
Nat : It's so sad
Giulia: oh no this is so sad. This shot is beautiful tho
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Nat : Cuz it's true, the lengths parents are willing to go
Giulia: Chuck fuck off
Giulia: Yeah it is dark af
Giulia: Nice
Kat: Winchester 😭
B: You can't do this to the fans.
Nat : It's good right?  Fuck off
Giulia: I already hate this
Nat : Ah no
Giulia: OH COME ON
Nat : WTF
Giulia: CHUCK
Zee: I can’t
Giulia: Ah babe dean already did that. Remember when Dean prayed to God about Mom, Crowley and Castiel? lol Bet this fucker made the exact face , maybe munching on popcorn 
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Giulia: and we are at 5 goodbyes . So: Kevin, Ketch, Rowena, Becky, Benny
Kat: See she shouldn’t have encouraged him
Giulia: With my leg burning
Zee: Shut up both of you
Nat : Go look after your leg
Kat: Now for the BM scene
Giulia: My room smells like coffee
Zee: Not bad
Giulia: Coffee i did not drink
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Nat : Ah stop it Dean
Giulia: Why they look so much all over the place tho
S: we'd have done the same thing. For Jack. If we had the chance.
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I can’t decipher Dean’s expression right now . idk.
D: I get it. We have lost way, way too much. And it's hard not to feel like just...cashing out. I felt like that.  After Chuck, back at the crypt. But you know what brought me back?  You did. By sayin' that what we do still matters. I mean, that's why I wanted to drag us out here  That's why I wanted to -- to work a case, to save lives, you know? 'Cause it is -- it's a -- it's a crap job.  We do the ugly things so that people can live happy.
S: lucky them
D: We still do the job. But we don't do it for us We did it for Jack,  for Mom, for Rowena. We owe it to anybody who has ever gave a damn about us to keep putting one foot in front of the other. No matter what. And, hey, man, like you said, now that Chuck's gone,
D: we're finally on our own.  We are finally free to... move on, you know?
Nat : Sam with his stupid puppy face
S: I can't forget any of them. Dean, I still think about Jessica. I -- I can't just let that go.
Giulia: aw sam
Kat: I still think about Jessica
Zee: Someone hug Sam
Kat: Damn it not the hearts
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Kat: Sammy is broken af 😭
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Nat : "I can't even breathe"
Nat : Same, Sam
Giulia: Hate this
Giulia: Hate
S : But maybe tomorrow. You know, maybe I'll -- I'll feel better in the morning.
Giulia: Can sam stop crying
Giulia: Asking for a friend
Nat : Can Sam just stop Period
Kat: Ugh chuck again
Giulia: Asshole
Nat : We all know it
Zee: I hate it
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Nat : Promo?
Nat : So young,  and the way he's so full of himself "obviously", so proud
Giulia: So cocky
Giulia: Bastard
Kat: Makes me giggle bc the fandom always says he doesn’t age
Zee: I can’t wait for the million red gifs
Kat: I’ve already reblogged a few sets
Zee: I saw
Kat: And made a post about his beard
Kat: Did you look before the episode?
Zee: I can’t hear you. I’m entering a tunnel 
Why am I not even a bit surprised.
Zee: I’m talking about the gifs Giuls will start slapping us with
Giulia: Idk I don t feel like it. I’d would love to make them nicer BUT NO ONE I ASKED TOLD ME HOW so....
Nat : I’ll rewatch the first 5 minutes and keep on squirting
Zee: TMI bb?! lol
Nat : Is there anything like TMI with us?
NO, there ain’t
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
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