#french draco malfoy
tesalicious2 · 2 years
So Draco is a rich kid, and while I headcanon that Lucius is abusive, I think there are more positive Headcanons:
Draco can play piano, and violin
He’s half self taught, half mom taught
He can sing pretty well too, but it’s more of a smooth and quiet voice so Lucius doesn’t like it (he finds it to feminine)
So he doesn’t sing in front of people, just when he’s by himself
His mother taught him to dance, he can waltz, ballroom dance of all sorts, and tango a little
It was good for formal functions, but when McGonagal caught him making comments during dance lessons for the Yule Ball
She brought him up (like Ron) but when they started to dance, she was surprised and gave him points
He’s also half french, the Malfoys are (idk they just seem like it)
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i’m about to go into a lot of details about
Draco Malfoy and the English-Speaking Conundrum
(read til the end for ✨headcanons✨)
so, just in case you, reader, are unaware of the universal truth about the harry potter series: draco malfoy’s first language is french, and he has an accent.
now, into his childhood.
(i headcanon that draco, blaise, pansy, and theo we’re friends since birth because of their parents’ friendship)
i do think that there was like magical primary school that probably has writing and math and science behind magic classes and stuff, and blaise, pansy and theo went to it, but draco was homeschooled (and that’s why he has the social skills of a frozen mango), and until he was ten his parents decided that he would go to beauxbatons because he literally speaks no english.
blaise is fluent in french (but not as fluent as draco; like sometimes conjugates verbs wrong, or doesn’t understand slang, etc), theo understands most french, but not all; not fluent, but still speaks enough french to, like, talk to draco, and pansy understands the least amount of french. when the four of them were especially little kids, blaise/theo often had to translate french/english to pansy/draco.
so anyway, when draco is ten he tells his parents that he doesn’t want to go to beauxbatons because he’ll have no friends there, and—as said previously—he doesn’t know how to socialize. so his parents are like “oh sure why not, there’s only the issue of you not speaking any english at all.” and it takes lots of convincing, but eventually lucius and narcissa are like “okay whatever you’ll learn english” and anyway, snape works there, and he speaks french so at least there’s that.
so draco starts learning english, and it’s the hardest thing he’s ever had to, especially considering he has basically no time to do it.
so he goes to hogwarts, and he speaks such broken english with such a heavy accent that only blaise, theo, and pansy can (most of the time) decipher what he’s trying to say when he speaks english. of course being surrounded by only english-speaking people helps him learn faster, but he is still very not-fluent, and has to enchant a quill to write down everything the professors say in french so he can go over his “notes” later.
(i say “notes” because, can you really call them just notes if it’s word-for-word what the professors said?)
so it takes until he’s about thirteen for draco to get good enough at english to be understandable to everybody, but he still has a reeeeeeeeally heavy accent, and still speaks pretty broken english. but it’s getting better.
reading in english really helped. he often read in french, because, like, reading is fun. it’s not fun if it takes him five minutes to read half a page, but, whatever. blaise convinces him to start reading not very big books in english, and that’s what got draco to make faster progress.
“i told you this was a good idea!” “yeah, yeah. i still barely speak this langue folle, though, you blaireau.”
(crazy language; asshole)
blaise, pansy and theo were instructed by lucius and narcissa to speak to draco in english as often as possible, but they do know that sometimes it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they let draco speak his language. especially when he’s, like, upset or stressed out and stuff.
here’s a brief list of some, not all, things draco does in french: swear, insult people, talk to his mother, study (most of the time; woe betide him if he gets caught. “we sent you to hogwarts so that you would learn english. can you do that, or is it too hard for you?”—as lucius so lovingly puts it), rant/ramble, and read novels/read for pleasure.
and now—the moment we’ve all (or at least i have) been waiting for…
French Draco Headcanons!
sometimes gets confused when insulting potter people in english, because directly translating a many french insults into english doesn’t really work, so—needless to say—it’s extremely confusing when one who doesn’t speak french is angrily called a “badger,” or get told to “break yourself!”
when doing oral presentations (if that happened at hogwarts?) draco always chose blaise as a partner since he knew the most french and, especially in the earlier years, could help with translations, and since draco wasn’t the best at english and his grammar wasn’t very good and sounding things out was really hard, people would laugh and blaise would—for want of a better phrase—hex their balls off.
(personally i’m a very avid draco x blaise shipper, but you can imagine this with anyone) when kissing or… um… being intimate, draco often *ahem* exclaims in french, and. uh. wow. hot.
says french insults in a nice voice, so people think it’s some sort of affectionate nickname
so, draco is an amazing singer in any language, but holy god. hearing draco malfoy sing in french isn’t something you’ll be able to do often, but when you do, you’ll never want it to stop.
scorpius speaks french just as fluently as draco
SPEAKING OF SCORPIUS. draco most definitely sang him french lullabies when he was a baby
calls scorpius and blaise his lover various french terms of affection
scorpius and draco watch french soap operas together (“that show is brainless,” as blaise so lovingly puts it. “at least it’s interesting!” draco retaliates. “you and your muggle sports! tell me, what’s so fascinating about watching seven people take a ball from one side of a field to the other.” “if you’re talking about football, there’s eleven players on a team.” “that’s beside the point!”)
you will not convince me that draco doesn’t write blaise his lover poems in french. don’t even try to tell me that draco malfoy—that over-the-top posh bastard—isn’t a writer. he definitely writes books as a side-job to being potions professor and has a couple fictions and a couple books of poetry. like it’s basically a fact.
his favourite song is “les champs-élysées” which he sang to scorpius when he was a baby, and—to this day—frequently mumbles it to himself absentmindedly
feel free to add more, and thank you for reading:)
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stargazingtranquility · 5 months
Harry knows a lot of languages, in theory, but he’s only fluent in English like;
He can completely understands Punjabi because that’s the Potters’ native language but he can’t quite grasp speaking it. He picks up French terms of endearments/cuss words from Regulus and Sirius. He knows welsh cuss words as well as philosophical translations because of Remus. He can playfully imitate Italian pick up lines because of Barty. He knows to hide when he hears Swahili because Dorcas only reverts back to it when she’s completely pissed at someone. But everyone around him speaks English the majority of the time, so that’s what he speaks.
Then he gets to Hogwarts and meets Draco Malfoy who can hold a conversation in just about any language someone speaks to him in and fuck, Harry never thought that French was romantic. He’s never seen Punjabi as alluring before. He didn’t consider Italian as attractive.
He spends the summer begging members of his family to teach him more of their languages so he can go back and prove to Draco that he is stupid in more than one language.
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catgriller · 10 months
Harry always feels guilty when seeing Draco’s scars.. It hurts his heart… but.. Draco always forgives Harry.
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sleepydesires · 1 year
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Draco talks french when he’s upset and well, Harry’s only a man after all.
They've been married for five years. This happens all the time.
Basically what Draco is saying is :
"Shit, I forgot to bring that fucking report again. I can be so stupid sometimes. Mother always said : "One day you will forget your head Draco and the day that I am not here anymore no one will be here to help you-" before getting cut off by a lovesick Harry.
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allaboutlov3 · 24 days
As some of you might know, I’m currently writing a little something. But I just realized that I don’t speak french. Shocking, In know. But I just wanted Regulus to say something in french and I can’t do it. And using a translator just feels…wrong? Ughhh annoying. But I really can’t start learning french just to write a few sentences in my fanfics, can I? It’s crazy. I feel crazy. Is it, tho?
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Narcisa: Dragon, dear, how is your french? Draco: Je suis enceinte Narcisa: Dear, you just told me you're pregnant Draco: Yes and I meant it Narcisa: Draco: That's the part where you ask me who is my husband and why I didn't tell you I got married Narcisa: Lucius, walking into the room: Draco, what did you do to your mother? Draco: I think I just broke her Lucius: Why? Draco: I told her I'm pregnant and married Lucius: Draco: Okay if you guys don't want to meet my husband then fine, but just tell me! Lucius: Narcisa: Draco, thinking: I guess now I broke them both...I'll have to call Harry and let him know I'm gonna be late...
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limelightofpolaris · 10 months
Draco always calling the Slytherin's names in French like "Theodoeoe" and they just go along with it, As the whole school questions why he doesn't say "potter" normally, the Slytherins sigh and ignore...
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So I was on Ao3 right?? And I wanted to explore something new right?? Then I remembered that I hadn't read any hispanic/Indian harry potter fics, so I happily tapped the search bar typed in 'harry potter' clicked 'draco malfoy/harry potter' then shimmied over to filters.
And to my utter horror, when I searched 'hispanic harry potter' and put in my preferences, I found NONE. ZERO. NOTHING.
But then I typed 'indian harry potter' and found some fics. I was happy. But now I've read them all and I'm hungry for more.
Can someone please write or recommend a Spanish harry potter/draco malfoy fic where James and regulus raise harry, james teaches harry spanish and regulus teaches him french, and he know other languages from the remaining marauders (except peter though).
Please, I need it 😭😭
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lunarlivs · 4 months
beauty and the beast au with harry as belle and draco as the beast….<333
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mattiesgirl · 8 months
I’m my head Draco and Enzo can speak French , Theo can speak Italian and Mattheo had a maid ( to over look the house elves ) that spoke and taught him Spanish ….
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Love how hook is basically goth Draco Malfoy.
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The RELIEF in mulan's face.
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Belle is so fucking cute.
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This fucking NERD
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Those long Spinners fingers
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This fucking LINE
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This fucking FACE
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He knows cora could hurt belle. Cora is public enemy #1
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jomiddlemarch · 4 months
While You Were Sleeping
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Chapter 6
Did Draco’s fingers graze her when he passed her the salt at breakfast, a brief, the piece of silk ribbon she used as a bookmark and invariably left on the bedside table on his side of the bed?
Did she rest her hand on his forearm when they walked into formal dinners, the exquisite weave of his wool dress robes barely noticeable in comparison to the strength and warmth of his arm?
Of course.
Did he touch the small of her back if she hesitated before opening a door, move an errant curl away from her cheek if the wind blew, press his cheek against hers when they danced a fox-trot at the ball given in their honor?
Hermione couldn’t honestly say she was unfamiliar with Draco’s touch. That she was unmoved by it, that she found it distressing. He’d held her after she woke from a nightmare, stroked her tangled hair. She’d cupped his cheek, held his hand, pressed her face into his chest, counting his heartbeat. Whatever was between them was a definite something, not nothing.
Read the rest here (it gets spicy!): https://archiveofourown.org/works/52947358/chapters/135542686
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Harry was sitting in the library, doing his astronomy homework when Draco dropped into the seat in front of him.
“What do you want?” Harry grumbled, but he moved some of his books to the side so Draco had space to pull his own work out.
“Maman says I need to make more of an effort to be nice to you for some reason.” Draco declared, dipping his quill into Harry’s inkwell.
“Aww, don’t you like me Draco?” Harry teased.
Draco shot him a flat look. “Anyway. If I do your potions work will you do my Defence?”
Harry clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “I can’t believe Draco Lucius Malfoy is asking me to cheat-“
“Shut up. Do you want it or not?”
“Yeah.” Harry dug around in his bag and pulled out his defence homework and passed it over to Draco, grabbing the potions work out of his outstretched hand.
“Hullo Harry, Draco.” Luna said dreamily as she sat in the chair beside Draco.
“Hi loons.” Harry smiled.
“Luna.” Draco nodded his head in acknowledgement and went back to his work.
“Harry, ga je met hem praten?“ Luna said, swapping to dutch (curtesy of their Uncle Wormy)
“hij zit daar! And didn’t dad tell you to stop speaking Dutch if you’re only going to do it to antagonise me?”
Luna waved her hand. “No but Papa and Mama said it’s fine. And Tio, and Uncle Ev, and Uncle-“
“Yes yes they all hate me.” Harry whined.
Draco arched an eyebrow. “Calm down Potter, your family don’t hate you.”
Luna pointed at Draco with a look on her face that clearly said ‘this guy knows what he’s talking about!’
“My sister and archenemy are ganging up on me.” Harry shook his head sadly.
Draco scowled and threw a spare piece of parchment at Harry’s head. “Stop being a dick.”
“hij zou je vriendje kunnen zijn!” Luna exclaimed in a sing song voice.
“Shut up!” Harry hissed.
“Do I get to start speaking other languages to confuse you two? Or is that just a Lovegood-Potter thing?”
Luna smiled sweetly at him. “That’s just our thing cariad.”
“Loons did you need something?”
“Your care of magical-“ Luna stopped and clicked her fingers a few times, searching for the word.
“creatures?” Draco supplied.
“Yes! I need your work from last year please.”
Harry sighed. “I don’t even know if I still have it all.”
“Gumdrop-“ Luna started, mimicking their mother’s nickname for him.
“Luna.” Harry glared at her. “wat zou oom Moony zeggen?”
“Ik zal het Draco vertellen.” Draco’s head snapped up and he narrowed his eyes at the two of them. “That’s my name. Why were you talking about me?”
Harry tried his best to look innocent while Luna started giggling. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Right.” Draco said slowly.
“Well we better go, work to find and all that.” Harry said, scooping his work up and shoving it into his bag. “Thanks for the potions I’ll get it back to you later.”
Luna stood up and Harry followed, pausing to quickly kiss Draco on the top of his head.
“Luna! wacht even!“ Harry laughed, chasing after Luna who had taken off running.
I don’t know how obvious it was, but I don’t speak Dutch. Translations were from google translate, so I’m not sure how accurate they are. Also this post was inspired by my post about Jegulus and Pandalily raising Luna and Harry with 8 languages (English, Urdu, Spanish, French, Filipino, Dutch, mandarin, welsh
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i’ve started to read welcome to the world of gray and when this scene happened… my heart 😭
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acanadianmuggle · 9 months
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Rated G - 2800 words - oneshot
A house on the edge as its girl leaves and boy visits.
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