#for the sake of preventing confusion
starry-bi-sky · 1 year
Miscellaneous things from my “Danny Fenton is Thomas Wayne” au (a better au name to follow)
When Bruce was younger/learning to talk, he couldn’t pronounce his name correctly. When Danny was teaching him his name, he’d say “Booce” so Danny started call him “Boo” as a nickname. Danny still calls him “Boo” as his main nickname as Bruce gets older.
When Bruce was a little older, Danny would take him out to the balcony or sneak him up to the rooftop so that they could look at the stars together. Danny told Bruce that if he ever felt alone and Danny wasn’t there to be with him, just look at the stars, Danny will always be with him.
Danny likes making things. He’s a tech whizz like Tucker and the two of them love to create ideas together and try and make them. After he gets adopted, Danny has a lot more access to making gadgets and gizmos. He doesn’t really sell them unless he thinks they’ll help the world be better, or because its harmless.
When Danny was adopted, he didn’t tell his friends until the Waynes asked what he wanted to do to ‘debut’ himself. (They figured that the world and press would find out about him eventually, might as well make an impression) And Danny thought, regrettably, that some sort of party would be best for him to make connections. So the Waynes taught Danny etiquette and other stuff that would help him, and then sent the invitations out.
He asked them to invite the Mansons, so they did. Then texted Sam about it and asked her to attend, and possibly bring Tucker if she could. Safe to say the day of the party, when Danny got introduced, he could feel Sam glaring holes into his head. It was totally worth it. (Bruce was being taken care of back home, which Danny fretted about the entire time. He kept having to convince himself not to leave early.) He was sorely tempted to invite Vlad to see his face.
Speaking of Vlad, he has no idea that Danny changed his name. He didn’t think Danny would do that, he just thought he ran away or left town. And its not like any of his friends would tell Vlad. He doesn’t know that Danny’s changed his name until the headlines about the new Wayne Heir come out.
After Danny was adopted, he started self-teaching himself business and other stuff that would help him learn how to run Wayne Industries. He did it in secret so that he could surprise his new parents.
Also about Martha — I’m not making Sam the Martha Wayne equivalent. Amethyst Ocean really isn’t my thing, so Martha Wayne is either going to be a separate character that Danny genuinely falls in love with. OR Danny’s just gonna remain a single dad.
Danny has somewhat retired ‘Phantom’ / his ghost form. Or at least he doesn’t transform into a ghost quite as often. Mainly because there’s no reason to, and also because Gotham doesn’t have nearly enough ambient ectoplasm to sustain Danny like in Amity. The only times he transforms is to have late night flights.
Sam and Tucker don’t call Danny by ‘Danny’, they call him Thomas or Tom. Tucker sometimes jokingly calls him Tommy.
More miscellaneous stuff to come lmfao
@blankliferain idk if this is what you meant by tag you but you didn’t specify if you wanted to be tagged for a fic or a post so I figured it wouldn’t hurt
@storm-and-fire same as above it might not be a fic but its a more info on the au?
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genderqueerdykes · 25 days
if you are a trans man or masc, masculine nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfluid or other gender non conforming identity, masc gay, a bear, a butch, stud, or boi, or other masculine queer person and don't feel welcome in any queer spaces, you're not alone.
the communities both irl and online have become EXTREMELY hostile toward mascs and men to the point of straight up excluding us and changing their wording to justify their violent exclusion. from renaming nonbinary spaces to "femme & them" and "she+" spaces, to telling men & mascs that they would "Scare" the women and "nonbinary" folks just by being there, as if masculinity and manhood are inherently traumatizing to be around.
masculine and male nonbinary folks have it so hard- most nonbinary spaces are almost definitely women's spaces who also conflate womanhood with nonbinaryhood, and often times just view nonbinary people as confused women. we are not inherently traumatizing to be around: masc enbies need places to go. we are still nonbinary and still trans and still queer for fucks' sake
nonbinary has never and will never mean femme or woman-adjacent inherently. nonbinary means what it means: people who don't or refuse to adhere to the gender binary, regardless of what side it is. masculinity is included in this, femininity is not the only way to be nonbinary.
masc queers do not have to bend over backwards to try to be more feminine and thus "less threatening" in order to have places to go. that's dysphoric and just inaccurate to a lot of queer folks' identity and presentation. it blows my mind because it makes no sense, anyway, even within the gay community, hypermasculinity has been present and even sought after by some people who find it very attractive, twunks, hunks, bears... but between the periods in queer history people started viewing masc gay leathermen and kinksters as the ones who were responsible for spreading AIDS and thus removing them from pride parades,
AND the lesbian separatism moment picking up to remove butches & male & masc lesbians from lesbian spaces identity, paving the way for modern rdical femniism, we've only entered a downhill landslide of hating men and mascs and ultimately trying to erase us from the queer community entirely.
the queer community is not the "women & femmes community". the queer experience is broad and vast, it includes a wide variety of masculine and male experiences, as well as genderfluid, multigender, completely ungendered and other gendered experiences. the lesbian, trans, bisexual, nonbinary, gay and general queer communities aren't the "safe place to hide from men & mascs community" like estranged rdfems and terfpilled trans folk like to tell you they are.
this is the QUEER community and it includes ALL forms of queerness, masc, femme, butch, male, neutral, bigender, neutral, and all. he/shes and he/hims and he/theys and he/its and so on are just as much of a part of this communities as she/hers and they/thems. you can't cast a blanket of "inherently abusive" over all men and mascs and one of "inherently abused/incapable of being abusive" over all women and femmes because that just traps you in a fantasy land that doesn't exist AND it prevents mascs and men from getting the help, resources and community they NEED.
men & mascs are hurt and abused by women & femmes every day and we refuse to speak about them because we live under a white cisheteronormal patriarchy and have complaints about how that functions. the complaints are legitimate but assuming that all men and mascs are oppressing all women and femmes and that women can never be oppressive is a false as hell narrative that actively damages people.
enough is enough. this mindset is hurting people. it's leaving masc and male queers to be estranged, harmed and even dead. i care about you if you're being affected by this mentality and these behaviors. you deserve community, safety, and a sense of belonging, you do belong, even if we struggle to form our own spaces due to unjust hatred. we will do our best to band together and keep each other safe. we must
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“You’ve fallen for them, haven’t you?” Price asked, following Simon’s line of sight, his eyes landing on your figure.
Your laughter filled the air, causing a smile to form on both the men’s lips. They’d been watching you for the last few minutes, casually joking about with Soap.
Simon was quiet as his mind filled with thoughts of you. The way you always smiled at him, even in the worst of times. The way you laughed so care free, a laugh that could cure any ailment Simon could possibly have. The way you cared for him, more than he’d ever had someone care for him in his life.
Prices eyes drifted back toward Simon, a small smile dancing on his lips. “It warms an old man’s heart you know.”
Simon looked over at his captain, his brow furrowing in confusion. “What’s that?”
“I’ve known you for how many years, Simon?” Price rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he held Simon’s gaze. “Never once have I seen you smile the way you do around them. You deserve to be happy, son.”
Simon let Price’s words sink in, the prospect of being with you in that way was not entirely unwelcome for Simon. But he was scared. Simon was such a broken mess of a man that he truly believed nothing could piece him back together.
Price stood, drawing Simon’s attention back to him, and clasped Simon’s shoulder firmly. “Don’t let that thick skull of yours prevent you from being happy. Take it from someone who knows.”
Simon found you again later that day, his palms sweaty from his nerves. “Hey, you got a sec?”
You looked up from the stack of paperwork in front of you, the warm smile lining your lips as you looked at Simon had his knees nearly buckling. “Of course.”
Any confidence Simon had walking in there, was now gone as he stared down at you. Your E/C eyes melting his insides as he struggled to formulate the words he’d just practiced earlier.
“I..” Damnit! What was wrong with him? He was Simon fucking Riley for god sakes. He was supposed to be fearless. Yet here he was rendered a stuttering mess in front of you. “Fuck.”
You let out a soft giggle, causing Simon’s insides to warm. “Is everything okay, Si?”
Your nickname for him always had Simons brain in a fog, and it certainly wasn’t helping his case in this moment. “Yeah, yeah I just uh..”
You patiently watched as Simon struggled to form the words, your smile never faltering as his eyes drifted toward your lips.
“Are you free later?” He finally asked, his words coming out rushed.
“Is there a training?” You pondered, your mind flicking through the upcoming training schedule. “I wasn’t made-.”
“No.” Simon interjected. “It’s uh.. it’d just be you and I. There’s this pub I like to go to by base.”
Simon didn’t think it possible, but your smile widened even more, taking up the entire lower half of your face. “Are you asking me on a date, Mr. Riley?”
His cheeks burned crimson as your teasing, his belly doing flip flops as he gave you a curt nod. “Affirmative.”
“I would love that.” You said, as you stood to your feet. “It’s about damn time you asked me.”
Simon smiled brighter and wider than he’d ever had in his life, his mind now swirling with thoughts of the perfect first date. For the first time in a long time, Simon Riley was excited.
Maybe something could piece together his broken self after all.
A/N: please excuse my multiple Simon fluff pieces. Ya girl has to heal🥹
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jennifer-jeong · 3 months
[Smut] [Alhaitham x AFAB!Reader x Kaveh] Double Service
CONTENT NSFW, 18+, smut, pretty much porn no plot, afab (assigned female at birth) reader, feminine reader (referred to as "girlfriend"), established poly relationship, handjob, fingering, oral, anal and vaginal penetration, double penetration, creampie, f and m orgasm, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOUR NOTES Very very much inspired by this beautiful art on twitter <3
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Word Count: 779
Poly Alhaitham, Reader, and Kaveh servicing Kaveh specifically for the first time.
Al Haitham fingers Kaveh while you suck Kaveh off. Kaveh is laying on his back at the edge of the bed, you’re on the bed, his face to the left of you with your head bobbing up and down on his sensitive cock. Your right hand is wrapped around Alhaitham’s lubed member as he stands, leaking with pre-cum due to the sight in front of him: Kaveh whimpering into the back of his hand, bucking up into your throat as you moan on him, sending the reverberations up his spine. Haitham’s slicked up middle and ring fingers pumping in and out of Kaveh, hitting that soft spot inside of him. And Haitham’s left hand toying with your clit as you’re on your knees, ass up, as you pleasure both your boyfriends.
Kaveh thinks you two will eventually switch around and you’ll do your usual thing of taking turns or trying positions but instead, Kaveh stays laying down on his back, still receiving pleasure. Haitham goes to position himself against Kaveh’s hole and he thinks all is normal until you straddle Kaveh and he’s confused. As Haitham fills Kaveh, Kaveh fills you. Kaveh moans loudly at the feeling and is absurdly turned on by this situation.
“B-both- ngh… at once- ah! S’too much~ mmm.”
You entwine your hands with Kaveh's and he squeezes your fingers tight because he's feeling so good. "Mmmh you're doing so good baby boy... ah- ngh," you purr out to him. Haitham grips your waist from behind you and you're sure it'll leave bruises but you don't mind, you actually kind of like it.
As you continue to ride Kaveh while Haitham fucks him from behind you, Haitham notices you have a butt plug in. As he sees you getting closer to your high earlier than them, he decides to help you out by taking out your plug and quickly replacing it with himself. “Haitham, wh- ngh!- ah!” you gasp, unexpecting it because you agreed to service Kaveh. However, both Haitham and Kaveh understood that the focus could shift just for a bit for the sake of their beloved girlfriend. You feel so amazingly full with the two of them inside. Kaveh fucks into you as his thumb finds your clit, rubbing delicious circles onto the sensitive bud. Haitham picks up his pace and has to hold you up to prevent you from collapsing due to the pleasure. You feel them enter you one after the other and it feels amazing. They love the feeling too as they feel each other pump in and out through the thin barrier of your skin between the inside of your ass and pussy.
You feel your pleasure building fast, you feel so full and it feels so good.
“S’fucking good mmmm- ah!”
“Let go princess,” Haitham whispers in your ear with a husky voice, enjoying the squeeze you give him as he says it.
“You’ve made me feel so g-good already baby, you deserve this” Kaveh says, quickening his thumb on your clit. Their words alone send you over the edge and you fall limp forwards, Haitham hugs your waist to prevent you from falling. You moan loud and your muscles shake as waves of pleasure wash over you, radiating from your core and your clit. They continue to slowly fuck you through your orgasm and it feels so heavenly. The drag of them along your walls making you see white. You babble out praises and “thank you's” to them for making you cum so hard.
Kaveh is so close after watching the display in front of him, Haitham notices and is close to finishing himself. Haitham pulls out of you and fills Kaveh again and it pushes him straight to the edge, one roll of your hips and Kaveh’s coming undone.
“Hahh… mm that’s it baby cum on his cock,” you purr at Kaveh as you slump down onto his chest, kissing at his neck.
“Mmpf!- c-cumming!”
Kaveh squeezes Haitham as he cums with a sob followed by whimpers. Haitham groans from the pressure and feels his own orgasm building.
“F-fuck- such a good boy taking me like this hm?” Haitham groans.
The thing that sends him tumbling over though is seeing Kaveh’s cum overflow out of your pussy.
“Y-yes! Ngh- P-please cum in me,” Kaveh babbles out.
“Mmmh fill him up baby,” you add.
His eyes roll back as the knot in his core snaps and he’s fucking his cum into Kaveh.
You three take some time to catch your breaths before cleaning up and giving lots of kisses, enjoying the sleep and cuddles that followed after <3.
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Thank you for reading!
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alexiapp · 6 months
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭,𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You take Alexia to be your plus one to a after party after your show and she gets really possessive and 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 a little blurb for you guys
(𝐛𝐭𝐰 i’ll take any request of Alexia and other players)
Alexia thought you were the most beautiful woman in her eyes. She was drawn to you in many ways.
Everything you do makes her attracted to you more and more.
Alexia was 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 possessive over you, she was aware people found you attractive, you were a model for God’s sake, she was aware you were hot.You made her soft, something she hates to admit, but one of the hundred things she loved about you.
You were an eye sore, you were sexy, “smoking” some men would say. Epically since you were a model a lot of people looked up to you for fashion and looks and though she hates you admit for your body also.
Sometimes, she hates how much attention you get, unwanted and wanted.
So you being at this party in a revealing two piece made her skeptical.
You were having a blast, meeting friends talking, it was always fun to hang out with others, one of your love languages quality time.
You were interrupted with your conversation when you felt a tap on your back. You turned around being met with a Middle age man.
“Hey” the man in front of you said. “Hey?” you said almost like a question, “do you i know you ?” you followed after with a confused look on your face.
“You’re really beautiful” the man said moving closer making you take 2 steps back in discomfort.
Garlic hitting your nose, insinuating to you that he was drunk, 𝐞𝐰.
Your face construed in disgust. Not knowing Alexia already had her eyes on you from afar, a stoic look screwed on her face.
Who does this guy think he is? she thought.
You looked around wondering where he came from “thanks.” keeping it short and blunt trying to hint to him that you didn’t enjoy his presence.
“Want to leave this place with me?” he said with a menacing grin on his face.
You were now disgusted and uncomfortable.
“No thank you i already have someone i’m going home to” giving him a half smile, ready to walk away you felt a tight grip on your wrist.
“hey, i’m talking to you” The random man said with a not so pleasing look on his face.
You were shocked, and it wasn’t just you who felt the same way.
Alexia was fuming, she quickly got up walking with long strides.
“Hey babe” The blonde said coming towards you pulling you into a heated kiss, pulling away biting your lip, wrapping her arms around your shoulders, a non pleasing looking on her face when she makes contact with the man in front of her.
“Can i help you?” She then said to the man in front of you two.
In this moment Alexia looked the scariest, she looked angry and intimidating.
“nothing, whatever forget i said anything” he said mumbling under his breath walking away.
You let out a deep breath out you didn’t know you were holding in.
You looked up in Alexia she looked pissed.
“What the fuck was is his problem” She said with venom in her voice, “The way i saw him looking at you, i should punch him”.
You patted her shoulder and guided her to you guys table to gather your stuff and head home. “Let’s just go home baby” You said trying to clear the air throwing the suggestion out.
“I should go confront him” She said almost walking towards where the weird man disappeared to, you tugged on blazer jacket a little, preventing something Alexia may regret, since the two of you were in a tipsy daze .
“Please Alexia i just want to go home” You said with desperation in your voice.
Alexia huffing and rubbing her hands over her face in frustration nodding her head in agreement.
Alexia pulling the Brit to there shared car out side hopping in and a lamming the door.
Alexia taking a moment to steady her breathing from how angry she is.
“Alexia, baby calm down it’s going to be okay…” you said rubbing her arm.
“You don’t understand, i don’t like people touching what’s 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞“ she said with an aggressive tone. “Alexia baby you know i’m only your’s”
You let out a sigh, you knew just a way to calm Alexia down and prove to her that you were 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
“How about you show me how bad i’m yours” You said in a seductive voice, rubbing her arm up and down again.
Immediately Alexia said “Put your seatbelt on let’s go” she husked out clearing her voice after and starting the car.
The way she said it turned you on making you squirm in your seat.
Alexia spending down the road driving like a mad man.
You were pulled into an abandoned parking lot.
“Get in the back seat for me and take everything off” the blonde woman said firmly. You quickly climbing to the back slowly taking everything off, knowing alexia was watching from the rear-view mirror of her cupra.
Once you finished stripping alexia quickly got out slamming her car door and opening the back seat.
The cold air hitting your body making your nipples harden, make everything even more pleasing.
You bit your lip watching Alexia come in slowly.
You helped her take off her blazer jacket and trying to unbutton her button down until she stopped you.
“Hands off cariño, remember i’m proving to you that you’re mine” She said with a sinister grin.
The hazel eyed woman coming to pull you into a heated messy teeth clashing kiss, you moaning and gasping making her slip her tongue in.
Her pulling back harshly biting your bottom lip almost making it bleed.
driving you crazy, alexia moving down to kiss your neck finding the right spot making your body arch.
Alexia placing multiple kisses, moving down to your hard nipples sucking hard.
The car being filled with your loud moans, your eyes rolling behind your head.
Alexia leaving open kisses on your torso leaving occasionally love bites.
She sat up satisfied with the work she’s done so far, marking you.
She moved down, her breath fanning your cunt.
“Alexia don’t tease” you said in a begging tone
“Easy, Easy bebe i’ll take care of you” you nodding your head in a daze of pleasure.
The hazel eyed woman biting inside your thigh teasing further, then suddenly
Alexia suddenly sticking her mouth to your cunt giving slight kitten licks.
Making you let out a loud moan. It quickly moved to Alexia harshly licking devouring you, her adding a finger licking your clit.
You move your hands into her hair leaving loud breathless moans your face screwing in pleasure “Alexia please i’m so close” As she continued to hit the right spot, the blonde groaning at making you vibrate a little making you gasp, She thought you looked the most beautiful all fucked out with pleasure. You sitting up moving her hair out her face looking down at her as she continues “Alexia please let me cum” tears now falling down your face in a euphoric daze.
“Cum bebita” she said into you, making you let out a loud moan falling back. Releasing
You breathing heavily trying to catch your breath.
“Oh my gosh that was amazing” you said breathlessly.
Alexia kissing up your body stoping at your neck and biting you and lifting up her head “That’s not even half of it amor” she said with a teasing smile, turning you on again.
𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬...
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jyoongim · 4 months
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Word count 1.1k
”he’s a wolf in disguise
but I can’t stop staring in those evil eye
i asked my girlfriend if she’d seen you ‘round before
she mumbled something while she got down on the floor
we’ve might have fucked, not really sure, don’t quite recall
but something tells me that I’ve seen him yeah
that boy is a monster”
alastor x burlesque!reader pt 1
An inaccurate southerner 1920 fic.
I am Black sooooo reader is black for the sake of this and so is Alastor cause that’s a black man idc idc idc fight a skunk.
Monster by lady Gaga really had my juices flowing
themes: Alastor himself is a warning,
alcohol use,
 drug use, 
teasing, flirting, taunting, smut, 
banter, possessive/protective behavior  
You hummed a little tune as Mimzy finished doing your makeup and hair. 
Tonight was your first debut at the club and you were excited to be the opening act.
You ran your hands over the tight corset in an attempt to soothe the nervousness that was trying to settle in your belly. You adjusted the feathered headpiece as Mimzy finally finished everything with hairspray (why did set your makeup as well….oh well).
You were finishing up putting on your jewelry when you heard Mimzy gasped, you turned seeing her poking her head out to look out the door out to the growing crowd.
you fixed your lips to ask her what had her so shocked, when she twirled around, eyes wide and excited “He’s here! I can’t believe he here!”
You blinked, confused “who is here Mimzy? One of your little boy toys? Or someone you owe?”
she flipped you off before smirking “what you live under a rock doll? Him! Hell’s Stereo himself!”
Your eyes widened as you gawked “No way!” You ran over to the door to peep without people seeing you and your eyes settled on a lone red, lanky demon sitting at the bar. You couldn’t really see him well from where your dressing room but before you could crane your head out further, Mimzy pulled you back in
”You are suppose to be a surprise doll! Can’t let that lot get a eyeful without proper payment now can we?”
You soon forgot about the red demon as you primped a bit more, chatted with some of the other dancers, and laughed with Mimzy.
 The lights in the club had finally dimmed and Mimzy slapped you on the ass, leaving your dressing room “Knock ‘em dead doll!”
You took a deep breathe as you heard the band begin to play your song.
You straightened your back, and took on a composure that oozed seduction and confidence.
Hearing the beat of the music, you waltzed out onto the stage, giant feathered fans concealing yourself.
The whistles and catcalls never failed to make you nervous, but you used it to fuel your confidence.
You pivoted around the stage, teasing those who tried to steal a look around the fans.
A swing lowered and you took a seat on it and as it rose into the air, you finally revealed yourself in all your glammed glory.
the spotlight prevented you front seeing much of the crowd but your were Able to spot Mimzy, who was chatting with the red demon from earlier.
Your body moved on autopilot, maybe it was from hours of practice or maybe it was because the red demon was drop dead gorgeous. 
He was a rather tall fellow, at least compared to Mimzy.
Lanky build adorned in a red pinstriped suit with a black bowtie. He had a bob-like hair cut, the tips black that was cut into an undercut. Protruding on top of his bang were two little antler like horns and
omg were those ears???? His ears mixed with the color of his hair. 
They reminded you of a deer’s. They seemed to stay alert, sticking forward, never flickering.
His eyes were a bright red, like rubies.
and he had a ever-present sharp smile.
Uncanny. But OH  he was so pretty.
You locked eyes and automatically you flashed him a flirty wink. You half expected him to throw a wink or look away, but instead he held your gaze as he raised his glass in acknowledgment. You felt your cheeks heat up as you tried to focus on your performance.
You swung and twirled on your little perch. Slowly, you started to remove pieces of your costume.
You perched yourself alongside a gentleman and smirked as he practically melted at your touch. You wrapped your boa around his neck and  pressed your fingers lightly to his mouth; he smirked, nipping at your fingertips and slowly dragging your glove off. You glided through the crowd, losing a piece of clothing here and there.
By the time you circled around to the bar, Mimzy was drunk and dancing along to the music and the mysterious demon was tracking your movements.
Hitting a little jig with Mimzy, you were intending to make your way to the lanky devil, when an arm circled around your waist and tugged you into a fella, who obviously had been drinking waaaay too much.
”why don’cha take the rest of these off princess?” He took a swig of whatever cheap liquor and leered at you “i like a gal dripped only in jewels” he snickered.
You frowned and tried to play off his perversion.”sorry dearest but I fear i am simply too much for you” you slapped his hand off of you and made your way to the bar.
Taking a seat, you ordered a bottle of whiskey and manners be damned, you chugged it for a good second.
maybe this’ll put you back in a good mood.
you were too busy sipping your sorrows you didn’t notice that a dark presence had settled beside you.
“And here I thought you were just pretty entertainment ” a deep brawl said from behind you. You turned and let out a soft squeak at the close proximity of the demon you had been eyeing all night. He cocked his head, mouth stretched in a big smile, showing off his sharp teeth. “You kept me waiting for a while doll” 
You could blame the courage on the whiskey, but you smirked at him coyly “and who might you be?” The red demon crouched to your level and raised your bare hand to his lips, keeping eye contact as his grin widened “Alastor doll. Pleasure to meet to you”
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ssahotchnerr · 9 months
hi! What about Aaron coming to help you with a popped tired before work and reader just feels bad about bothering him or whatever but they’re literally going to the same place:) popped my tired this morning and need to live off my delusions 😭
to your rescue
cw; no established relationship, mutual pining, aaron being darling <3 (and hot)
"i'm so, so sorry." your words left you in an exhale, crossing your arms from where you where standing above aaron.
aaron peeked up from his handiwork, brows drawn into a line over his eyes for a moment, before one quirked up in confusion. "you're sorry your tire popped?"
"no. yes." your face burned in humiliation as you leaned against the hood of aaron's car, watching him replace your tire, a small grunt leaving him as he stuck it in place. "that you had to come to my rescue, and do all this. i didn't mean to inconvenience you and i know you probably have a million things waiting for you at work and you probably had to get jack to school and then you get a call from me who-"
you were rambling as result of being so incredibly frazzled, a peaceful morning turned hectic; the brief panic of feeling your tire give out from underneath you, pulling over amidst morning traffic, not knowing how to switch it out, and having to call your boss, who you happened to have the biggest crush on, of all people to come and save you.
"hey, no," aaron shushed you, shaking his head as he set the lug nuts onto the tire. he was also currently sporting a white undershirt, having removed his suit jacket, button-up and tie to prevent dirtying them - allowing his arms to be on full display as his muscles flexed. "first, i'm just relieved you're alright. and it's not an inconvenience at all. this was on my way, and we're inevitably ending up at the same place, aren't we?"
he paused to meet your gaze, eyebrow raised once more, cheekily this time. your head tilted an inch as you considered this, well yeah.
aaron continued, resuming tightening the bolts on the spare. "jack's already at school, he had to go in early for a club. you called after i already dropped him off."
"i could've called someone else though." you huffed, slight heat filling your cheeks again, "like morgan, or road service for god's sake. but, you were the first person i thought of." the end of your sentence trailed off, as you fell on the shy side.
"i'm glad you did." aaron answered earnestly, so sweetly your blush intensified again. "i would've hated driving past and seeing you stranded on the side of the road. if that was the scenario, i would've stopped regardless."
silence fell overtop you both as aaron finished up, the period of time also allowing for your burning cheeks to cool. once the car was lowered, and aaron was fully satisfied your tire was tightly secure, and safe for you to proceed driving on, did he stand up and finish his thought.
"and besides," his sudden lighter tone of voice piqued your focus back to him, "half the time, i'm looking for an excuse to delay getting the workday started." a smile threatened his face, a shiny line of sweat on his forehead. "don't tell anyone that though. it could ruin me."
you laughed despite yourself - your bad mood, and guilt, nearly disappearing. "of course not. i owe you after this."
aaron chuckled softly, closing your car's trunk after putting the ruptured tire inside. he was just walking past you, to put the tools he had retrieved from his car away, when you grabbed onto his forearm, stopping him in his tracks.
"i mean it, i owe you." you forced yourself to look into his piercing, yet soft, brown eyes, your voice low and sincere. "thank you."
a small, closed lip smile tugged at his face, "by the way, you could never be an inconvenience. especially not to me, i can promise you that."
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goinggoingghone · 1 year
dp x dc au but danny is bruce's biological kid and he knows it. his parents straight up told him as soon as he was old enough to know, and he loves his adopted parents all the same.
of course, it was a bit rocky with all that ghost business, but eventually Jack and Maddie came around to their halfa son and liminal daughter. Danny just thought it was funny they took longer to accept he was alive and dead than accepting he was in a relationship with Sam and Tucker.
So there's some ghost conference in Gotham being held by the GIW in order to get more occultists/people interested in ghosts to work for them. The Fentons go there, as published ghost scientists, to expose the GIW and prevent people from buying into their beliefs.
But while they're out, one of the Bats mistakes Danny for a younger Bruce. Of course there are some differences, but the Bat (I'm thinking Tim, who's running on like -16 hours of sleep and several cups of coffee) is convinced he's a clone or something. So he takes a DNA sample and the results come out: he's Bruce's kid.
Bruce is devastated that he couldn't be there for one of his kids, and so he tries to get more info in order to possibly get custody back. Tucker, who accidentally found the network the Batcomputer used three weeks ago while looking for the GIW's, is immediately aware they're looking into Danny.
The Fentons have a collective moment of "oh for fuck's sake" and try to come up with a plan to get Bruce Wayne, who definitely is Batman at this point, to get off their case.
While on a walk to get his thoughts in order, Danny runs into Red Hood in Crime Alley. Both of them are immediately aware of the other for vastly different reasons. Jason, for "Batman wants to adopt this kid who already has a family" and Danny, for "oh shit this guy has a fucked up core what the hell is wrong with this guy" they have a Spiderman meme moment and Red Hood, always on the lookout for an opportunity to spite Bruce, offers his help. Danny accepts, with the caveat that he takes Jason to the Realms to figure out what the fuck is up with him.
Jason is extraordinarily confused but for some reason the Pit is really quiet around this guy and he feels safe around some dumb teenager so he's like "okay?? Sure??"
Danny takes him back to the hotel the Fentons are staying in and explains the situation a bit. Jack and Maddie hook up their temporary portal (blowing the electricity of the hotel in the meantime) and get Jason to the ghost doctor, Frostbite.
He gets diagnosed with "bro your ectoplasm is fucked up" disease and his ectoplasm is cleaned. He's like a diet halfa, with a few ghost powers but no ghost form. A liminal on steroids.
Anyway, Bruce sends a Batkid to the Fentons hotel (because of course he found it) in civilian garb to explain the situation. The Fentons Are Not Having It.
So, of course, with parents Bruce believes are mad scientists, he takes it upon himself to get that child out of a home of mad ghost hunters. By kidnapping him.
Danny's just pissed off because he finally got Vlad off his case and now he's here dealing with ANOTHER billionaire with a bat-themed super persona wanting to forcefully adopt him. The irony would be funny if it weren't so infuriating.
The Batkids are so happy to have a "new brother" in the house, even if said brother really doesn't want to be there. Jason just has no fucks left to give anymore and re-kidnaps Danny.
This of course sparks a game of Who Can Kidnap Danny and it's getting to the point where Danny just hates the BatFamily more and more because he was SUPPOSED to have a date with Sam and Tucker today and now he's holed up in the Batcave getting fitted for a vigilante costume by Nightwing. Alfred and Jason are the only sane people in the mansion.
So Danny "Bad Decisions" Fenton just says "fuck it" and goes ghost in private, leaving the manor and flying back to Amity. The convention has ended by this point, so they're all back home.
Cue BatFamily freaking out.
Eventually Bruce serves the Fentons legal papers (once he finds their address). The Fentons show up to court and verbally and respectfully ream Bruce for trying to re-adopt their son who they love so much. As the evidence of Bruce being wrong adds up, he realizes what he's done and feels like shit. Jason gives him a hearty "I told you so" for his efforts.
The Fentons live happily ever after, and Danny gets a cool secondary family that he doesn't really like until they all apologize.
Heheh. Just wait until they meet Dani, he thinks.
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Bucky Barnes | One Shot | Following Orders
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Plot: Bucky is always grumpy, so you've resorted to being aggressively bossy. But he will show you what following orders really looks like.
Warnings: 18+. Smut with a plot.
Words: 4,8OO
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A sharp hiss comes from the man before you and you clamp your thighs around his ribs tighter to steady him, the air pockets from the storm that make the plane shake and dip through the sky already making it hard enough to finish your sutures on Bucky’s shoulder.
“Would you sit still?” you snap at him and grab his shoulders to pull the open wound closer to you and make it easier to see what you’re doing. In a plane, with minimum light and a diminutive amount of supplies to help your colleague with – a colleague that never manages to ever crack a smile, especially not towards you – your current situation pretty much sucks.
“Would you just let the serum do its job?” he sneers back, but lets you pull him closer anyway as he drops his head back down, his elbows resting on his pulled up knees.
“I think it has proven to not do its job, don’t you think?” you snarl and wind the needle through his flesh again, finding it harder and harder to be careful if he keeps snapping at you like this. But your reasoning seems to shut him up since all you can hear now are small groans from the back of his throat when you tug at the torn skin.
The healing powers the serum usually served Bucky with, have abandoned him and you have a feeling it’s because he has barely slept in the past two weeks and your current mission is an assignment from hell that has lasted longer than any of you anticipated.
Yesterday, a fish hook back at the harbour had made a gnarly gash into the flesh of Bucky’s shoulder and you’d never heard him roar like that before. However, once he saw you, he quickly composed himself and made sure the two of you got out of there and onto the nearest jet. That’s where you got clear instructions from Steve to make it to one of the safe houses on the other side of the world. Why so far away, you had no idea, but you assumed the team had to split up because the intel Steve and Natasha were after gave them information that could harm the entire team.
This whole ordeal seems far from over.
So now you’re stuck on a jet for ten hours with Bucky sitting down between your legs and you situated on one of the crates in the loading space as the jet navigates through the storm on autopilot. It’s been four hours and you had slapped Bucky over the head when you realised that his wound hadn’t started healing yet at all, activating autopilot as you grabbed Bucky by his jacket and dragged him back. You were surprised that in spite of his whining and grumbling, he didn’t use his superstrength to stop you.
You’re confused that the serum could ever even heal a wound like this since you’re sure the tissue was stretched too far. So to prevent infection and improve the self healing, you offered – well… forced – him to let you stitch him up. One glare of yours and Bucky decided not to fight you on it. Besides, he couldn’t bring up the energy anyway, especially not against you.
Bucky is exhausted and the feeling of your warm thighs against his sides as you stitch him up, combined with the rumbling of the plane, almost has him lulled to sleep. After all, a soldier can sleep in any condition. Until of course, a nightmare makes the bliss dissipate.
Finishing up your handiwork, you gently clean the wound once more, making Bucky clasp onto your calves for support, before having it covered with a large bandage.
“You good?” you ask him as you throw the contaminated materials away.
“What the hell do you think?” he grunts and you flick him in the head.
“You’re welcome, you ungrateful dick.”
Bucky lets out a huff as you come to a stand, walking over to the side of the jet and pulling out one of the bunks. Moving over to one of the stocking cabinets, you find a sweater around his size and throw it in his direction.
“Put this on and for everyone’s sake, get some fucking sleep. You’re unbearable to be around,” you order and walk forward again, slipping back into the pilot seat as you check the coordinates again, hoping the storm didn’t mess with your course.
“How are you so aggressive when you’re trying to help?” he grumbles under his breath, not quite low enough or you not to hear. So you turn your head to give him another look and you see him struggling to walk. Quickly coming back to a stand to jump to his side, he almost pushes you off until his vision starts to spin. Gently helping him straighten up and walk over to the bunk, you look up at him.
“Because you won’t let people help you, but you’re surprisingly good at following orders,” you simply answer and help him down onto the bunk, your eyes softening when you watch him wince. “Seriously Bucky, get some sleep. I’ll keep on lookout and I’ll wake you when we’re there.”
Bucky reluctantly agrees and carefully lies down onto the bunk. The softness in your voice almost swept him to sleep without getting situated first, but he puts his trust in you and allows himself to fall asleep soon enough.
A gentle stroke over his arm makes his eyes flutter open much more peacefully than he usually wakes up and his eyes meet yours. Your voice is gentle, understanding that he came from the deepest sleep he’s had in a long time.
“We’re here. You want to come inside?” you ask him and he pushes to a sit with a deep grunt, your hands gently helping him up. That’s when Bucky notices a thick layer of multiple blankets slipping down to his hips and the chill coming in from the loading rig that’s descended onto the massive grass field the jet had landed on, the warmth from his sleep chilling his skin.
Bucky slowly assesses his surrounding and nods, “How long have I slept for?”
“The storm derailed us from the course, so you had a few extra hours. I loaded everything into the safehouse and have some food on the stove already. I’d say about eleven hours in total,” you explain as you walk off before putting your hands on your hips and staring him down. “You good to walk, soldier?”
Bucky shakes his head back to reality and nods, pushing off and following you down the rig, towards the cabin at the edge of the full forest surrounding the field.
“You stayed awake for that long?” he asked as he sauntered after you into the cabin.
“Took a short nap myself, just to be sure I could stick the landing without crashing to our deaths.” You shrug and slip your thick jacket off before making your way further into the home, walking up to the stove to check on the simmering food.
“Come here. Need to take a look at the stitches,” you bark your order and turn back to him as he walks over, a deep frown still etched into his face even after the good sleep he had.
“So bossy…” he grumbles and you roll your eyes, forcefully spinning him back around and lifting his sweater up over his shoulder where Bucky’s metal hand catches onto it so you can inspect him.
Removing the bandage, you smile when you see the insane improvement to his skin and open one of the drawers to grab a small knife to cut the stitches with. Gently cutting them and leaving just his flesh to do the rest of the healing, you’re almost sure you can see the skin mending itself.
“I think this might not even leave a scar,” you tell him proudly with a tinge of awe, and he spins around to face you.
“Good. What are we eating?” he asks and peers over the stove.
“Hot air for your rude ass.” You roll your eyes and lift the lid of the pan to stir the soup you had simmering on the stove.
In the beginning, you wouldn’t touch Bucky’s presence with a ten foot pole. The man radiated introversion and pretty much only wanted to talk to Steve. After you saw him snarl and snap at any other colleagues trying, you stayed far away from him, despite your initial intention to make him feel safe and welcome. But Steve saw your professional and withheld response to the whole Bucky situation as the perfect asset to make you both each others’ partner in missions. You wanted to complain – you really did – but you worked exceptionally well together. It turns out, when you don’t talk, you get an awful lot done.
It’s not that you don’t like Bucky, you greatly appreciate him as a colleague. But if he only likes you when you mind your own business, he would be dead. The amount of times you have saved him from himself is too many to count and you gave him a scolding twice as often. Yet all Bucky ever replies with is a huff, a roll of his eyes and turning his back on you as he saunters off to someone who won’t be on his ass all the time.
“Always so mean,” Bucky grumbles and lifts himself to sit on the kitchen counter, cleaning his hand with a cloth he found laying around.
“What can I say? Your endless optimism and happiness just brings out that side of me,” you hum sarcastically and blink harshly a few times to will away the sleep in your body, demanding for you to have a nap, making you unable to see the hint of a smile at the corner of Bucky’s mouth.
Not much later, the two of you finish your soup and you get up to clean the bowls and stuff them away, but Bucky clasps his metal fingers around your arm and stops you.
“Get some sleep. I’ll clean up,” he orders, his voice surprisingly gentle. But you frown at him and shake your head with a shrug, trying to wrench your arm loose from his grip only for it to tighten even more. “Not a request, sweetheart. Sleep, or I’ll knock you out.”
“Resorting to threats now, Barnes?”
“Don’t tempt me. You don’t know where I draw the line.” His warning and narrowed eyes soften on you and it tugs strangely at your chest. “Sleep.”
“So bossy…” Noting the seriousness in his eyes, you know not to fight him on it any longer and you put down the bowls, throwing him one last defeated scowl before making your way over to the couch and curling up on the worn cushions after putting a blanket over it.
The last thing you notice as the weight of sleep presses you into the cushions, is the gentle touch of a duvet being tucked around your snoozing frame.
To say it’s disorienting to wake up revitalised in the middle of the night, in a cabin you don’t know, where it’s so dark that you can’t see a hand in front of your face, is an understatement. Your heart thumps loudly in your chest, your pulse having erratically quickened from the mind-numbing sleep it was in mere seconds ago, and your fingers dig into the cushions below you to ground yourself.
Swinging your legs over the side of the couch, you hear a loud grunt and something catches onto your legs, pulling you down. In your sleepy state, you barely get to scream before you’re pinned under a super soldier that looks like he went into fighting mode with his eyes closed, your eyes finally adjusting to the darkness.
“Bucky. It’s me!” you hiss and he squints down at you, taking a second to realise before slowly letting go and flicking on the nearest light, still straddling your hips.
“What the fuck, man…” Bucky groans and rubs his eyes, his voice rough and raspy from sleep. “What are you doing?”
You peer up at him with wide eyes “I just tried getting up. I couldn’t see shit, so your stomach became the ground.”
Slowly climbing off you and resting his back against the couch, he rubs the sleep out of his eyes and heaves a deep sigh.
“Well, that’s my rest gone for the rest of the night…” he grumbles with disappointment and runs a hand through his hair. You come up to a sitting position as well and make a noise in agreement.
“No. You’re going back to sleep.”
Your head snaps to him, “Excuse me?”
“What. Or you’ll knock me out?” you scoff as you rub your eyes.
“Don’t believe me?” His eyes are on you now and you tense before slowly turning to face him again.
“You are not going to knock me out!” You think. Right? “You’re not going to punch me, Barnes!”
He lets out a low laugh that skitters down your spine and your brows pull together. “I don’t have to punch you to knock you out. There are plenty of other ways.”
Your sleepy brain has a hard time catching on, before your eyes widen and you let out a noise of disgust. And your heart starts to pound harder at the wild insinuation. Why your heartbeat drops to between your legs, is something you ignore for the time being.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” you scoff, if only to distract his senses from the heat radiating off your face, “you can’t fuck a woman to sleep.”
He leans in and you are on the edge of knocking him out, but his breath on your skin halts you. “You have any idea of the perks of being a super soldier?”
His voice, that deep fucking voice and the gravel in it, makes you gulp, your eyes fluttering against all your inner protests. Your fingers curl on top of your bent knees and you quickly scramble away, up to a stand. Bucky laughs up at you and shrugs, standing up himself.
But that’s it. You don’t move.
You stay quiet. Contemplating. Like only now his words sink past your skin and into your system, which heavily responds to the idea of Bucky.
Bucky fucking you. So hard and deep that you can’t help but cry out, but sob for more. You crave the satisfaction of sleep after a good, thorough pounding. And by someone who is strong and firm and has a filthy mouth. Someone you have no other attachment to. Someone you know answers perfectly to you, as proven by the many missions that showed the two of you working in such synchronised manor, it almost scared you at first.
Bucky cocks his head, “Is that what you need?”
You catapult out of your thoughts and quickly look at him again, “What?”
A smirk. “You need me to fuck you to sleep, sweetheart?”
Fuck. That is a bit direct. And if it doesn’t make you almost drool.
“Don’t say stuff like that,” you whisper breathlessly. It sounds like a plea and round eyes look at him like it is.
A plea.
But not for him to stop.
“Why?” He takes a step closer to you, his eyes darting between yours. “What does it do?”
You roll your eyes and his flesh hand raises to cup your face. His long fingers tangle into the side of your hair and his thumb tips your jaw up to tilt your head towards his gaze.
“Use your words. What does it do?” he rasps, taking another step closer until he breathes your air, leaving you with none, it seems.
“It–” you struggle to find the words. What he does to you. He makes your blood turn hot and your skin prickle with cold. He makes excitement flutter in your belly, but it might be anger – indignation at his wild behaviour towards you.
“Not so talkative now, are you?” he croons and you grit your teeth at his incessant teasing. “Or are you waiting for me to take it from you? Make you sing instead?”
“Make you cry out for me?” he smirks. “Or maybe just make you cry? Make you beg for it – for me. You’d be such a pretty sight with tears in your eyes.”
Your head buzzes and you don’t know whether he is complimenting you or dragging you through the mud. It feels so similar and it has your heart pounding and slick coating the fabric of your panties. You try to say his name, but no sound comes out.
Bucky understands, however, the moving of your lips, and wants to bite them. Those lips. Suck on them, have them tremble.
After all that disgusting distance between the two of you from the beginning, it would be deeply satisfying for him to tear you apart like that. Have you cry out for more of him. He would take his sweet, sweet time, too. If he can control himself, that is. But he wants to take his time – mess you up real good. Have you despise that distance between you two in the future, like he has always despised that distance.
The silence between the two of you is deafening and it makes you want to squirm. Closer or far away, you don’t know.
Bucky doesn’t feel like Bucky anymore. He feels like the devil taunting you with your deepest desire. But it’s him. He’s your desire. And you can’t tell if it has always been there or if he’s manipulating you into it. He could, you know he could. But you are starting to care less, the more he looks at you. You want him, need him. Your bones are crying out for him and you want to vocalise it.
You want him to drag it out of you, those cries and that horrible, terrible need.
You imagine it. His fingers, two of them, curled inside of you. And a drag. A curl. Another drag. Tearing out your soul, one moan at a time, as he peels that pleasure to the surface.
When the quiet between you becomes unbearable, you dare to nod, give him permission. But the thought of a nod crosses your eyes and Bucky drags your mouth to his before you can give your confirmation. It is hungry, but hesitant. His soft lips and his rough fingers curling against your scalp has you whimper softly, giving him permission with your pleasure. And he unleashes himself, groaning as his other hand drags your head even closer to him.
He nips and sucks and bites at your lips, not giving you any space to venture into the kiss yourself. But you whine softly and he complies by stroking his tongue into your mouth, tangling with yours as he pulls your body up against his. Your knees are weak and your hands clasp desperately at his forearms to make sure you don’t float away, away from him. From his promising kiss for more.
The ache between your legs is near painful and you squirm on your shaky legs, needing relief desperately. But you don’t want his mouth to stop doing that. Stop kissing you, Abusing your mouth with his own. Desperate, claiming, slow, aggressive – selfish almost.
“Fuck me to sleep, Bucky.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Ah–” you rasp, squeezing your eyes closed as pain, whining pain, pulsates through your core and thighs. Your limbs are trembling and your bare skin is covered in sweat. Your arms are aching from the stretch above your head and the grip Bucky has on your wrists feels like a faint bruise.
But you haven’t come yet.
His deft fingers do nothing more than graze over your clit and you shudder, the touch agonising. He’s been at this for what feels like hours – rubbing, stroking, circling, taunting – and you feel like you are going insane.
His deep voice growls lowly against your ear, “You want to come.”
A small part of you wants to slap him for that obvious statement, but that part of you is so small, so faint, you barely know her anymore. No, that other remaining part of you lets out a wanton whine. Pathetic. Completely desperate for anything. Your mouth opens to plead, but nothing else comes out than ragged breaths, your sweaty chest rising and falling as that sweet relief is withheld from you.
“You see,” Bucky whispers, his muscular body only in boxers now, and another press of his finger to your clit has you writhe and forget that he was talking to you in the first place, “I agree with you that I respond better to orders. But I have found myself to be better at giving them. Orders – And orgasms for that matter.”
You groan.
“But you wouldn’t know that,” he continues, “since you haven’t come yet, have you?”
Heaving a deep breath, you don’t deign to give him an answer.
“I think I want the first time you come for me to be on my tongue– ” he muses and your eyes fly open. “It’d be a shame if you passed out after the first one though. You have to stay awake for me, okay? I’m not done with you yet… Wouldn’t that be cruel – to just be done with you now?”
That drags you out of your stupor and you give him the biggest eyes you can muster, the most pathetic plea you can will into your body, “Please!”
“So polite,” he hums and presses a gentle kiss below your ear. But he decides he wants more and drags his open mouth over the skin of your neck, his tongue lashing over the heated skin before sinking his teeth into it. You sigh softly, as it seems any of his touches are a relief to the endless deprivation of him.
His mouth encircles your breast, the warmth making goosebumps prickle at your skin as your nipples stiffen. Bucky hums against your skin, his tongue circling around the taut bud before giving a playful bite to the soft flesh. His mouth dances further down and his hand slips from your wrists, his palm stroking down your arm and chest to follow his mouth. You know better than to move, your fingers digging into the pillow below your head instead. Focusing on your breathing, you try to get through the ache between your hips, that desperate throbbing for the man descending your body.
Both his palms press against the inside of your thighs and press them apart, the stretch in your muscles making you arch your back. You dare to look down and your jaw drops at the sight of his dark, ravenous eyes on your cunt. His hands holding you open like it’s nothing, like they are pressing to the table his meal is on.
It takes ages, his examination of your pleasure, and your hole pulsates in answer to his stare. Your breathing hurts from heaving the thick air and you can’t take it anymore. One hand reaches down and combs through Bucky’s full hair, through his locks and cupping his face. His eyes dart up to yours and you hold back from frowning at the daze he sprung out of.
“Bucky…” you breathe, a soft question for him to give you what you need. What you want.
He nuzzles into your palm with a grin and locks his again darkened gaze onto yours, before leaning down so agonisingly slowly. But a firework as large as the galaxy springs apart when his warm lips wrap around your clit and you could mistake it for an orgasm, only to find out that when Bucky sucks your clit into his mouth, you know for a fact a deadly orgasm is well on its way to shred you to pieces.
He hums lovingly against you and you let out a raspy moan. Your thighs get pushed to the mattress as Bucky wetly suckles at you, your chest rising quickly now as your orgasm crawls higher and higher in your body. And just when you think you’re there, Bucky retreats and drags his tongue between your folds, lapping up your slick from the source.
A strangled whine slips from your lips and Bucky groans in agreement, “Fuck, I know. But I haven’t tasted you yet. Let me just– ”
Another drag of his tongue has your shivering and your hand curls into a tight fist with his hair between it. He hums in delight at the tug at his scalp and buries his face deeper into your cunt, breathing harshly as he struggles to combine it with eating you whole. But the sounds alone, get you closer and closer and– “Bucky!”
“Go,” he hums against you, almost hurried. “Come on my tongue.”
An order indeed.
Body curling, your orgasm barrels into you like an avalanche. Endless weight presses on your nerves and you sob and moan and cry out, twitching against Bucky as his arms slip around your thighs to hold you to his mouth. Drinking your orgasm up and grinding his own hips into the mattress, Bucky devours the feeling of having you come under him. He had been teasing himself, never mind you. He wanted it to last, wanted you more pliant and bendy before he allowed you to come.
He crawls up your body, but you barely notice it, your orgasm still haunting you, racking through your spine and turning your blood to syrup. Bucky takes advantage of your open mouth and licks into it, teasing, smiling, taunting. For you to respond to him, prove him you’re still there.
So you move, languidly dragging your mouth against his as you tangle your hand into his hair again, pulling him closer. He groans into your mouth and a feeling of triumph swells in your chest at the way Bucky’s body melts to your side. Though the deception of his surrender might have been a distraction when you suddenly feel two fingers press into you, instantly curling against a swollen wall inside of you that has you gasp against his lips.
“Oh, fuck!” you moan and Bucky chuckles deeply above you, his fingers retreating before pressing into you again. His thumb teasingly darts over your swollen clit and lightning strikes your every nerve.
“You think too lowly of yourself to think I would be done with you,” Bucky rumbles, his lips moving against the flushed skin of your cheek, your eyes having closed in overwhelming pleasure. His fingers move faster and twist into you, opening you up. Then then slow again, teasing – endlessly teasing. Then faster. Slower.
Unpredictable – and your body cannot keep up as it hauls you closer to your high before retreating like it burned itself. But to burn yourself on the devil – on Bucky. What a delight. You sigh deeply and let the bed swallow you whole as you buck up against Bucky’s hand. He presses soft kisses to your cheek, mumbling to you that you’re almost there and you have to let him make you come again.
“More,” you breathe out. “More, more, more…”
He obliges and presses into your spot so well, his thumb dragging two firm circles over your clit at the same time and you burn alive. You arch like a string pulls you to the ceiling as Bucky’s fingers fuck you through a numbing orgasm. From your crown, all the way down to your toes, fire bursts and surges and implodes. Your moans sound attractive to your own ears as you come, your voice breaking and filled with breaths, crying out to the heavens that the devil made you come again.
And the haze clears, the fog lifting as your eyes open to watch a heady Bucky lick appreciatively at his fingers, the gleam on them reflecting the minimum amount of light in the bedroom. Your hand slides from his hair to his chest and you press him to the mattress, his own eyes widening as you crawl over him.
You straddle his waist, hissing as your bare pussy settles over his angry, hard cock. The fabric is rough to your skin, but you can only focus on his face.
Bucky leans up on his forearms and raises an eyebrow at you. “I don’t think so– ”
“Oh yes. You are going to let me use you and then,” you smirk, “you can make me pass out. Since you have failed to do so thus far…”
A slow smile spreads over his face, “So bossy…”
You answer with a grin and a slow grind over his weeping cock, making him stutter under you, “Let’s see how well you follow orders now, Mr. Barnes.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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kneelingshadowsalome · 7 months
Ok but what if I had to continue this story about Knight!Ghost and Presumptuous maiden!reader
She can still feel his breath on her, but the huge body pinning her to the wall ceases to move.
It’s pure shock.
She’s dropped so quickly she has to take support from the stones behind her.
She wouldn’t have to: Simon grabs her by the arm and prevents her from falling forward and back towards that plated chest. His eyes search for hers, and she looks up at the knight who almost raped her – in the corridor of all places like she’s nothing but a common whore. But for the first time ever there’s genuine shock, even fear in his stare. The remnants of lust flicker back alive every now and then, but mostly he looks like she just hurled a powerful curse at him when she told him she’s a virgin.
"I'm sorry,” she tries. “I’ll–I’ll never do it again. I promise."
"Bloody fucking…"
He looks her up and down, the leather straps of his armour wailing from his still heaving chest. She should bolt, now, when Simon has taken a step away from her and is clearly puzzled and confused. But she can’t: those eyes rise to hold her captive again. And now, there’s anger in them.
"You should be whipped."
"For what...?"
Her chest is heaving, too. She never knew how low her voice could get when there's want in the air and in her veins.
"You attacked me, sir. I should have you whipped," she continues like an absolute fool.
"Don't test me, girl," he slurs behind bared teeth. She finally remembers how to shut up.
Simon nudges his head towards the stairway leading to her quarters. Get out while you can, the gesture says, and she gathers the hem of her heavy woollen dress and flees.
She never believed her miserable begging would stop or sway him. Simon is bound by oath and honour, or then he doesn’t want his master’s wrath upon him. Her worth is between her legs; they both know it. Defiling the king’s daughter could lose him his head.
She climbs the stairs, slips into her room and bolts the door. It should probably be strange that she’s left aching by what just happened. It should make her wake up from her silly dreams, that the only thing stopping this man from raping her is other men, not her feelings and sensibilities.
It should be considered a doom, not fate, that she only wants him more.
Simon never participates in the tournaments, but this time, rumour has it that he’s planning to join.
In a distressed hurry, she makes preparations for the great day. There can be no other reason for him to joust other than the wish to win her favour back. His actions speak louder than any words, and just for the sake of that, she has kept her promise. She walks the halls as if the knight called Simon never even existed. She won’t look his way even when he has his back turned on her. She only dreams about him when the moon is full and there are no more candles burning in her lonely room.
But it’s hard.
It’s difficult, and it’s a horrible fate she has to suffer, because now it’s he who can’t keep his eyes off her. Now it’s Simon who has suddenly caught her scent, who is suddenly interested in dangerous, stupid sports such as jousting that could injure or kill a man. But he’s willing to do the thing he apparently hates most – along with the fevered attention of insufferable, flirtatious maidens – because he needs a token of her favour. She’s sure of it: that’s why she embroiders a tiny ‘S’ on her finest, most precious handkerchief.
The tournament day is as beautiful as can be. Her heart is about to rend itself out of her chest when Simon approaches her, riding across the field in his heaviest grey armour. He’s surrendering himself at her mercy, and at the mercy of other people’s ridicule, rumour and gossip by making it known that he thinks himself worthy of her blessing. She wonders if she’s the one being played now: she can’t decipher why he would refuse her one day, then fight to gain her favour the next.
He accepts her silken handkerchief with a blank expression, but his eyes betray the inner turmoil when he sees the embroidery. A plain, simple token would have sufficed – the adorned ‘S’ is a bit too much, it's a clear sign. It’s ten times more clear than her earlier games, ten times more blaring than her vivacious little flirt. She could've embroidered the sentence “If you come up to my room at nightfall, I will let you in,” on it and the meaning would've been just as obvious.
He tucks it under his breastplate and gives her a sideways look that is filled with both distaste and longing. Only Simon can speak entire sentences through his eyes. They say, “You’ve gone too far,” and “If I come out of this alive, you’ll get whipped, or fucked, or both.”
And one thing she never knew about Simon was that he could joust better than anyone. There’s one dead, three wounded and five humiliated by the time Simon is declared the winner of the tournament. Everyone understands now why he never joins these things: he will only rob the fun of other knights by toying with them.
Her chosen one accepts the king’s words and the crowd’s applause with a stern but slightly painful expression. Simon would rather be anywhere but here, but endures being the centre of attention for the rest of the afternoon like a good, patient dog. Then he disappears somewhere, done with being the sudden pet of the people. The next time she sees him is in the morning as she descends the stairs.
She flinches from the now familiar dark voice. He’s been waiting for her, and almost prowls forth from the shadows when she’s floating down the steps. There’s a good few feet between them, but she can feel the heat emanating from him. Simon is always blazing like the sun, and he's always tired, downright exhausted, encumbered by pain or something worse.
“Do you always forget your promises so quickly?”
She corrects her posture under his tall shadow; she should’ve known there would be consequences for that handkerchief.
"What crime have I committed now?"
Simon never expects it when she fights back. Long, pale lashes cover the brief bafflement in his eyes, then he reaches for something under his tunic. Her heart skips a beat – he has kept it against his skin, right over his heart, instead of under the plate where he tucked it at the joust.
"This belongs to you," he holds it between them like it’s nothing but a piece of dirty cotton he wants to get rid of. Or then he doesn’t want to stain it with his hands – who knows? This man is so full of contradictions she’s having a hard time getting to the bottom of his soul. She has all the time in the world to study different characters here in the castle, but Simon remains a tightly locked mystery.
"No,” she lifts her chin proudly. “It belongs to you."
His nostrils flare for a moment – a sign of anger or exhilaration; you’d need a powerful witch to tell.
“A knight should return the lady’s favour if he survives the joust,” he mutters, clearly trying to make an effort to speak finely to a fine lady.
“You don’t have to. I made it for you.”
He grunts with frustration, then shoves her gift back inside his tunic. Then he tilts his head. A strange, dark little smile rises on his lips.
"Fawn. Did your father ever beat you?"
It’s only morning, but Simon makes it feel like they’re having this conversation in the cold, damp dungeons. Her heart shudders at the foul words, and yet, she fights to maintain eye contact. She fights both tooth and nail to look straight into the abyss.
"I can tell."
Insolent bastard, is her first thought at such audacity, but two can play this game, is the second. She takes a slow step forward and rejoices silently when Simon struggles to remain still.
"If I was your wife…" she starts softly, "Would you beat me?"
His nostrils flare again as he looks for a trap where there is none. She’s standing before him without any shields, with no weapons, and he still can’t tell, the poor man.
"I don't beat women," he finally spits. Then he succumbs to the impulse to get away from her, although it looks like he’s struggling to do so, too. He has to wrench himself free, and it gives her more power to rise rooted: to meet his crude manners, the arrogance of a dog.
"You'd never be my wife," is the last thing he says, so quietly that it’s nothing but a mutter; a sullen whisper. The birds have fallen silent, or then she can’t hear them anymore. The golden light that pours from the narrow windows makes it suddenly seem like this morning could last an eternity.
"Why not?" She whispers back.
The moment shatters – her knight escapes like he’s the fragile little fawn now. The clatter of his armour makes it known how much of a hurry he’s in to get away from the golden light... And from her.
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viccharine · 9 months
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dance dance! we’re falling apart to halftime!
(reblogs greatly appreciated!!!!)
EDIT: this is now available as a print in my ko-fi shop! link here [x]
alternate versions and commentary under the cut!
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about the piece: this is my first time ever attempting to draw a back—and LET ME TELL YOU. I STRUGGLED. took me a solid 2 hours to figure it out—even then I had to go physically put down the iPad and go on a walk three separate times because I was so frustrated. the things I do to make fob fanart. if you’re confused by the pose, I originally meant for the figure to be laying down, but now it’s more intended to be as though the figure is leaning on something (most likely the headboard of a bed????)—although, the pose was kind of an afterthought as I really just needed to make a lot of space to add in the text (which, as always, is hand lettered except for the “dance dance, fall out boy”)
about the song: dance dance is one of my favorite fall out boy songs, if not my favorite fob song, but I think it’s important to acknowledge the slightly misogynistic undertones of the song. im not saying that the song is misogynistic, nor that fall out boy is misogynistic, but rather that the song was released in 2005 and as a society, we’ve grown in terms of how we speak about women in pop culture. a lot of media, specifically songs from the 2000s (ESPECIALLY emo songs, im looking at you “I write sins”) had this kind of borderline misogynistic tone that is not in any way okay (Im not trying to justify it!!) but was unfortunately normalized.
as an afab person, I love this song, I love this LINE specifically (“why don’t you show me the little bit of spine you’ve been saving for his mattress, love?” goes SO HARD for me), and I think my immense enjoyment of the song doesn’t prevent me from talking about how it fits into misogynistic culture (esp of the 2000s) and it does not mean i accept it
(but also, I don’t really listen to the lyrics of the song anyway—everyone say thank you to Patrick Stump’s enunciation)
anyway that’s it k byeeeeeee (and go stream fall out boy!)
p.s. I forgot to add my watermark so for the sake of me not wanting to go back and edit it in pls don’t repost with credit please and thank yew ?????
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jamimix · 6 months
Lipstick # 4 💄
Imagine your genshin S/O making you try on lipsticks of different colors and shades and then making you kiss them on their face to see if it suits them too.
Kazuha (For my bestie who is currently getting ready for their thesis defense):
Sadly for him, you don't like wearing lipsticks. Meaning, you don't have any on hand that he can test with. And he's not about to be wasteful by buying so many just to be not used again.
Fortunately, with the help of a friend who somehow got 20 spare lipsticks that were only used once by his own partner, he was determined to do this with you.
But first, he got to find a way to convince you.
Your Kazuha is drunk.
You looked at Venti blankly as he handed your boyfriend to you with a sheepish chuckle. Said boyfriend was quick to snuggle in your arms, preventing you from going after his friend.
"Well, he's all yours. Bye!" Venti didn't even give you a chance to scold him for getting your lightweight boyfriend drunk.
"My love..." Kazuha whined in your arms as you bring him inside, sitting him down on couch. Once you so so, he leans closer to your face, a whiff of sake greeting your nose, but it wasn't too strong as he probably got drunk from just a shot or two.
"I want kisses."
"Kisses?" You repeated, amused at how adorable he's being.
"Yes... here." He pointed at his cheek, hand swaying a bit.
You sighed, aware of how much of a simp you are for this man that you'd do it, before nodding. Leaning in, you tried to kiss him.
However, before your lips can touch his skin, he suddenly stopped, narrowing his eyes like he's thinking. Well, as much as a drunk person can think.
"No... no wait." He gently pushes you away before drunkly reaching under the coffee table, almost falling off the couch if it weren't for your hand quickly moving to make sure he doesn't.
Kazuha muttered a quick thank you before handing you a box half filled with lipsticks.
"What is this for...?" He merely sends you a look that has you sighing in defeat. You eyed the contents of the box before hesitantly choosing one of the lipsticks, a red one that is almost as red as the streak on Kazuha's hair.
You applied it on your lips, a bit slowly since you're not used to putting one on.
When you looked back to Kazuha, you see him watching you with a loving gaze that made you a bit flustered. Even when he's drunk, he always seek to find his way to your heart.
As his drunk mind finally realized that you're done applying it, he eagerly leaned his face closer to you. His cheek looking like a blank canvas, ready to be painted.
"Please?" He whispers with pout, making your heart clench at his cuteness. You calmed your raging heart first before giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek, leaving a kiss mark once you pulled away.
"There. Now can you-"
"More. Please, love." ...You should've expected this. But how can you refuse?
Another kiss.
And another.
"More..more..more..." You had to reapply the same lipstick when noticed that the next marks are not as vivid.
It wasn't long before Kazuha passed from his drunknes. Still, you made sure that every inch of his face and neck is covered with red lipstick. It suits him.
You only stopped when you realized that there wouldn't be any of the lipstick left if you keep this up.
When you rummaged through the box Kazuha gave you, you frowned. None of it are like the current one that you've used.
"... I should buy more of this." You mutter under your breath, ignoring all the others, wanting only this one lone lipstick.
After a few hours, Kazuha finally woke up, his head throbbing with hangover. You're not there with him, much to his confusion. But he's grateful for the water and hangover pills you left on the coffee table.
As he finished drinking the two, his eyes spots the box of lipstick, looking untouched, making a sad sigh leave his lips as he thought that he failed in his endeavour.
However, he spots his reflection on the mirror at the wall, immediately shaking off his distraught, hope blooming in his heart.
When he counted up the lipsticks, a grin grew on his face. He's quite happy to see at least one lipstick got approved.
Diluc is next on our list 👀
Once I'm done doing 3 more of this, I might go back and start updating my SAGAU again.
(Tagging you again for this, @neigesprincess!)
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ghostofhyuck · 2 months
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NCT Dream and rainy days with them.
Mark Lee
Rainy days reminds you of the last time you saw Mark. He's off to pursue his dreams. It was pouring hard when you joined in sending him off to the airport. He wasn't holding any umbrella, only wearing a hoodie to prevent him from getting wet. You stood there, at the outside of the airport, watching him say goodbye to his friends and family, and for the last time, he approaches you, hugging you tightly. The wet droplets of his hoodie staining you as you couldn't do anything but cherish the moment. 
Huang Renjun
You're afraid of thunderstorms. Often times, you couldn't sleep and you tried your best to not be startled by its sound. This is one of the nights where it's not working. The continuous sound of thunder just keeps you awake, agitated. You sat in front of your bed, cold sweat running through your forehead. "Babe?" you didn't even noticed that you woke Renjun up. He asked you what's wrong, but before you could answer, you were startled by the thunder. "Come here," Renjun said. He lets you rest onto his arms, wrapping you close to him, and as he taps your back lightly, he hums a song to distract you from the thunder. 
Lee Jeno
Somehow, you two didn't check the weather today and woke up with the heavy pour slapping the bedroom window. You felt more sleepy, clinging more to your boyfriend who's still asleep. In silence, both of you agreed to just indoors for the rest of the day instead of going out for a date. A few minutes later and you two agreed to get out of bed for breakfast, opting for a warm cup of coffee that matches the weather. Both of you sat at the dining table quietly, enjoying the cold morning with the rain as a background sound. 
Lee Donghyuck
You feel like an idiot, but it's for the sake of your pride. You sat at the bench of the bus stop, eyes staring at the heavy rain. It just happened a few minutes ago and it seems like it's not going to stop anytime. You only let out a sigh, thinking that it was a bad idea that you stormed out after arguing with your boyfriend. You only leaned against the board, waiting for the rain to stop so that you can return back to your place. "You idiot!" you turned to your left and saw Haechan running towards you, holding an umbrella. "Look at you! you're all wet!" he nagged, but you only stared at him, surprised to see that he went after you. 
Na Jaemin
When you first met Jaemin, it was something straight out of a movie. It was summer, and you thought that the weather is going to be fine, but it rained all of the sudden. You decided to seek shelter just outside a small convenience store. Coincidentally, Jaemin stepped out from the store, a plastic bag on his left hand and an umbrella on his right. You two stared at each other, surprised. You were familiar with his face, since he's a popular student at your uni. But to your shock, he hands you his umbrella, you stared at it for a second before he grabs your hands and placed it there, "Give it back to me next time." he said and before you could say anything, you saw him ran towards the rain. 
Zhong Chenle
"I think we should break up," you will always remember how that day went. It was in a small coffee shop. A busy afternoon that it was bustling with lots of noise; the busy baristas, gossips from friend groups, and the continuous rain from the outside. It was noisy and yet you heard loud and clear what Chenle said to you. You only stared at him, and he felt sorry about his words. "Okay, if that's what you want." you didn't fought back, didn't asked why. The noise was too overwhelming and the weather was too solemn, why add more to it?
Park Jisung
You know how your boyfriend love the stars and the universe, so you decided to have a night picnic with him. You two set out a small picnic just around the Han river, at a field where you two can lay down and stare at the stars. But it seems like tonight's not the night. You two lay there confused, the sky was pitch black and there are no gleaming stars. Then suddenly it rained, making you two stand up and pack your things immediately. Both are almost drenched when you seek shelter. And as you two look at each other, both could only laugh, thinking that this is one of the best dates you two ever had. 
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matchavellichor · 10 months
i’m not sure if your requests are open (if they’re closed just ignore this lmao!!) but hear me out: the yule ball’s coming up and mc has been receiving several gifts from people trying to woo her. meanwhile, sebastian is jealous and pouty and building up the courage to ask her to the ball……… until one of the gifts she had been given is doused with amortentia and she suddenly starts acting all lovey dovey towards some other guy. and sebastian realizes this, and ominis has to pretty much hold him by the neck of his shirt to prevent him from throttling someone
A.N: ty for the request! i adore jealous protective sebastian Aaaa <3
A Worrisome Box of Chocolates
Sebastian Sallow x f!MC - Fluff - 2.6k Words
Tags: Banter, Pining, "Un"requited Love, Inappropriate Use of Amortentia, Jealous Sebastian, Protective Sebastian, Friends to Lovers
“Oh, give me a fucking break,” Sebastian scowled, gaze trained on Amit as he crossed the courtyard to approach her, a bouquet of prissy, yellow flowers in hand. “Is there a single person in this school who isn’t going to try to ask her?” 
“You, apparently,” Ominis murmured, licking a finger to turn the page of his paperback.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” Ominis feigned innocence.
“Gods, I’m going mad,” Sebastian looked ready to pull out chunks of hair. “Okay, you know what, tonight will be the night. Yes, tonight. I’ll wait up for her after dinner and— actually, she’ll probably be too tired, right? We have double potions today. Alright, tomorrow then. Perfect, yes, tomorrow morning. Damn it, no, that won’t work, there’s that—”
Ominis looked ready to pull out chunks of hair himself. He sighed. “How about now, Sebastian? She’s right there, for heaven's sake, just walk up to her.”
Sebastian scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous, Ominis, that’s a terrible idea.”
Ominis hit his forehead against the cover of his book in a desperate measure to cling to sanity. He turned his head towards the entrance of the courtyard. 
“Suit yourself. However, I see Leander making his way over to ask her now.”
Sebastian’s head whipped around at neck-breaking speeds. “What? Where?” 
Ominis quickly capitalized on this narrow window for escape, slipping from the bench they were on.
“He’s not—” Sebastian turned back perplexed to an empty seat. “Oh, you git —you can’t even see!” 
When Sebastian finally made his way back to the common room after an entire day of watching other students fawn over her in their shared classes, she was already there, curled up near the fireplace chatting with Ominis. 
He attempted to exude nothing but platonic indifference as he plopped down on the couch beside his two friends with a sigh. 
“Long day?” She looked concerned. Ominis looked aggravatingly amused.
“You have no idea,” He muttered, intentionally omitting the reasons for his sour disposition. He glanced at the package in her hand. “Where on earth did you get so much chocolate?”
She flushed. “One of the older Ravenclaw boys gave it to me.” She outstretched the box towards him. “Want some?” 
Sebastian tried his very best to suppress his look of revulsion, he truly did. Unfortunately, he was only able to school his expression into a mild sense of loathing. “I’m alright.”
She shrugged and popped a square into her mouth. She hummed at the gratifying taste of sugar melting on her tongue, ignoring the strange aftertaste in her mouth. She ate another. 
Sebastian watched perplexed when after a few bites in, she suddenly shot up from her seat, box of chocolates forgotten and scattered onto the emerald carpet. 
“Uh, where are you going?”
“I have to go see him,” Her voice was soft, almost wistful.
Ominis looked equally as confused. “See who?”
She paused, contemplating. “Oh, I’m actually not sure of his name…” Her brows furrowed. “None the matter, what’s important is just how strongly I feel for him — oh, my heart just might burst.” 
She attempted her departure once again but Sebastian quickly grabbed her by the back of her robes, sitting her back down on the couch. She looked deeply unpleased with this hindrance. 
“It’s past curfew, are you mad?” He looked at her bewildered. “You’ll have to wait to see your lover tomorrow.” He didn’t even bother to conceal his jealous sneer as he said the word.
“Lover?” She mumbled, almost trance-like. “Oh my, do you think he loves me, too?” She gasped and tried to stand from her seat again. “Well I just have to see him now! Maybe he’ll ask for my hand in marriage.” 
Sebastian sat her back down yet another time and glanced over his shoulder to Ominis as if to ask a little help here, but quickly found the blonde preoccupied with burying his nose in her discarded box of chocolates.
He held the box in front of Sebastian’s face, who was still struggling to detain a very eager witch who was much stronger than her size let on. “Smell this.”
“What? Why—”
“Just smell it— tell me what you smell.”
Sebastian obliged with a sigh and picked up nothing but the rich notes of chocolate at first, until it hit him. 
Lavender, crushed dittany leaves, and the slightest hint of mallowsweet. He recognized it immediately, the scent derived from the very witch beside him, the same scent that’s been wafting from his Amortentia brews in Professor Sharp’s classes for months.
Sebastian turned back to her immediately, grabbing her face in his hands. He tilted her chin up and looked into her eyes to find her pupils blown abnormally large, almost glazed-over with artificial infatuation. His suspicions were confirmed.
He saw red.
“I’m going to strangle him.” He gritted, teeth clenched as he stepped away from her.
Ominis rose from his seat to place a placating hand on the brunette’s shoulder. “Hold on a second, Sebastian, we have to help her first—”
“No, I’m going to torture him first, and then I’m going to strangle him.” Sebastian amended, pacing the room in his rage, Ominis’ pleas falling on deaf ears.
Ominis quickly took his place in trying to restrain her attempts at escaping the common room. “Are you even listening to me?”
“How fast do you think Garreth could brew me a love potion for a blast-ended skrewt if I asked? I should give this prick a taste of his own medicine.” His fists tensed at his sides as he rambled, self-consumed. “Make him walk around with third-degree burns for the rest of the semester.” 
“Sebastian, will you snap out of it?” Ominis hissed. “I promise to be an accomplice to his murder, but after we get her an antidote!” 
She suddenly darted for the door and the blonde had to catch her with an arm around her waist, dragging her away. 
“Ominis, let me go! He’s the love of my life, please!” She thrashed frantically.
“Hold on, stop struggl— ow!” Ominis gasped, incredulous, flailing his hand in pain. “She just bit me! Sebastian, stop planning his demise and help me, before she realizes she has a wand!” 
Ominis immediately regretted his words as she proceeded to wrench her arm out of his grip, dipping her hand into her pocket. Finally catching Sebastian’s attention, both boys dove for her, yanking the wand out of her hand despite her frustrated shrieks. 
Out of breath, Ominis attempted to calm her. “We’ll go take you to the love of your life now, how does that sound? He’s very excited to see you, but you have to calm down.”
She finally stilled, a lovesick smile pulling across her lips. “Is he really?” she sighed, dreamy. “Of course he is, we’re meant to be…Oh, what do you think our children will look like, Sebastian? Maybe they’ll have his eyes and my lips—”
Sebastian looked on the brink of bursting a blood vessel. “Please, let’s get her to Garreth before I find this vermin and do something violent.”
Sebastian and Garreth huddled over his personal potioneering kit in the Gryffindor common room, meanwhile Ominis tried to calm her restlessness on one of the couches.
“Is he almost here? What’s taking him so long?” She pouted, arms crossed around her middle. 
“What’s taking you so long?” Sebastian hissed in a hushed whisper, eyes narrowed at Garreth. “Aren’t you supposed to be some kind of expert at this?” 
“Antidotes take time! Whoever did this to her used something strong.” Garreth stirred the murky liquid in the cauldron before them, unpleasant fumes bubbling from the surface. “Who did do this to her anyways?” 
“Some Ravenclaw prick. Go fucking figure,” Sebastian seethed. “Speaking of which, do you have any potions that inflict painful, long-lasting boils? Preferably one that leaves permanent damages?” 
Ominis piped up from the couch like an owner scolding an unruly dog. “Sebastian, no.”
“Sebastian, yes.” Garreth grinned, looking just as intrigued and vengeful. “I actually have just the thing, I’ve been wanting to test it out for a while now.”
Ominis went to chastise the both of them, but a petulant whine beside him pulled his attention. “Ominiiiis. Where is he? I miss him so much, I can’t bear it. Will you take me to him?” 
Ominis sighed, and told himself that the fact he survived this day without casting a bombarda to his own skull yet was a testament to his great mental fortitude. 
He patted her shoulder. “He’s on his way, be patient, yes? He’s just getting some uh…flowers for you.” 
Her face lit up with a gasp. “Is he? Oh, how can someone be so romantic? Isn’t he just so perfect?”
Sebastian looked ready to hurl on the tacky, red and gold carpet he was crouched on. 
“Aha!” Garreth flicked off the flames underneath his cauldron with a wave of his wand, procuring a ladle to scoop the viscous substance into a vial. “All done. Here, give this to her and I’ll get started on the Boils Brew.” 
“No Boils Brew!” Ominis shot up to object. 
Sebastian kneeled by her on the couch, uncorking the glass and holding it to her mouth. “Here, drink this.”
She wrinkled her nose at the smell, twisting her lips shut.
He sighed. “It’s a present from your…beloved,” Sebastian choked on the word. “He really wanted me to give it to you.”
She worried her bottom lip between her teeth in consideration before she finally let him pour the bitter-tasting liquid in her mouth, swallowing with a grimace.
Sebastian waited with bated breath as her pupils slowly shrank back to normal size, pulling her out of her trance-like state. Confusion quickly crossed over her face. 
“Why the hell are we in the Gryffindor common room?”
Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief, immediately tugging her into a bear-hug that compressed all the oxygen out of her lungs.
“Sebastian, you’re strangling me,” she choked, voice strained. 
“Sorry,” he murmured sheepishly, pulling back. “You’re actually not the one I want to strangle.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me we’re here because you’re trying to murder Leander again. It was one time, I don’t think he even meant for that swarm of vampyr mosps to find your dorm specifically.”
Garreth winced from behind them. “He definitely did.” 
“Thank you for reminding me of that,” Sebastian looked prepared to commit double homicide. “But no, I actually have to head to the Ravenclaw tower.” He glanced over his shoulder as he stood up. “You coming, Garreth?” 
Garreth scoffed as he packed up his equipment. “Obviously.”
She watched, utterly bewildered, as the two made their departure together as if they were the best of friends, any past grievances forgotten in favor of some mutual vengeance. She was half-convinced she was experiencing visual hallucinations as a side-effect to whatever toxic sludge Garreth had brewed for her to drink.
Sebastian pushed open the portrait door of the common room. “You share a dorm with Leander, don’t you?” 
Garreth nodded.
He gave the ginger a friendly clap on the shoulders. “Heads up, sleep in the common room tomorrow night.”
Ominis pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long-suffering sigh, the state of this new, unlikely truce making that self-inflicted bombarda seem exponentially more tempting. 
Slipping back into the Slytherin common room in the wee hours of the night after his escapade to the Ravenclaw tower, Sebastian was thoroughly exhausted and fully prepared to sink into bed and never get up again.
His plans changed as soon as he caught sight of the witch curled up on the wingback chair in front of the fireplace, nearly dozing off. She shot up as soon as she heard his footsteps, rising to her feet. 
“You should be in bed,” he scolded lightly. “You’ve been through enough tonight.” 
“I was waiting for you,” she shifted nervously in place. “I wanted to thank you. Ominis, uh…filled me in about what happened. Said you were pretty upset.” 
Pink tinged the freckled tops of his cheeks. “I was just a bit worried is all,” he rubbed the back of his neck, sheepish. “He’s exaggerating.” 
She laughed. “It’s just,” she chewed on the inside of her cheek. “I don’t know, I guess I didn’t expect you to care as much as you did. You’ve never really…” she shook her head, dismissing the thought. “Nevermind. Thank you, really.” 
“It’s what any friend would do.” Sebastian tried to suppress a wince as he said the word, hating the taste of it in his mouth. 
“Right, yeah,” she bobbed her head. “Friends.” 
He didn’t miss the way she almost looked disappointed as she nodded. Something warm and hopeful bloomed in his chest. He crossed the small space between them, breaching the gap before he could talk himself out of what he wanted to do, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest.
“I care about you dearly, you understand that, don’t you?” he asked, his voice timid. 
She nodded. “Of course, you and Ominis are both very—”
“No,” he interrupted. “Not like that. I mean, yes, Ominis cares for you, of course, but…” he sighed. “What I’m trying to say is that I care for you…differently. I have for quite a while now.” 
Her brows knit together. “I’m not sure I follow, Sebastian.”
“I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”
Her eyes widened, followed by her entire expression falling. “Well, geez — rude, but if that’s what—”
“No, wait — shit, that’s not— I do want to be your friend, of course,” he shook his head, amending, “Or well, no, I actually don’t, I—” he groaned. “I want to be more than friends.” 
It finally all clicked for her, like the pieces of a puzzle falling perfectly in place. She smiled then, a delighted laugh escaping her lips. Sebastian grinned just as brightly, taking her hands in his, elation bursting in his chest at her finally understanding.
“You want to be best friends.” 
His smile faded and his head dropped to her shoulder. “Merlin help me.”
She burst out laughing then, nearly doubling over.
“I’m messing with you, oh my gods, come here,” she took her face in his hands. “I understand.” 
“Oh, thank Circe,” he breathed a sigh of relief.
She raised an eyebrow, smirking. “For quite a while, huh?” 
He nodded, a bit embarrassed. “It’s terrible. I’ve been head over heels for you pretty much ever since you kicked my ass in Hecat’s class.”
She crossed her arms. “Well, in that case, I’m very upset with you.” 
Sebasian blanched. “Oh gods, what have I done this time?” 
“Made me wait around like a fool for weeks for you to ask me to the dance,” she batted his chest. “Just out of spite, I think I’ll go with Leander.” 
He narrowed his eyes. “Well, then just out of spite, I think Leander might find himself bedridden in the nurse’s ward for the next few weeks.” 
She bit back a smile. “You’re incorrigible.” 
He shrugged. “I simply protect what’s mine.” 
She scoffed. “Oh, is that what I am now?” 
He nodded, a smug grin plastered on his face. “Well, I’ve been yours for the longest time now, I think it’s only fair.”
She laughed. “Have you now? I suppose it is fair then, huh?”
Something flickered behind his eyes. “Well, there’s only one way to make it truly fair.” 
She raised a brow. “Oh? And how’s that?” 
With one hand to the small of her back, he pulled her flush to him, and curled the other in the nape of her neck to bring her lips down to his. 
He kissed her until he was sure there were no doubts about exactly who she belonged to, and who he belonged to just as devotedly. 
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khristie16 · 9 months
Can I please request toxic Charles Leclerc x innocent naive reader, where he gets delusion thinking reader would leave him and maybe isolates her. Smut please with oral and daddy kink and spanking
“You didn’t have anything for dinner. But no worries. You’ll be having yourself from my fingers today.”
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“Hi Charles!”
“Bon Bon Bebe.”
Charles made his way towards you to kiss you on the forehead. You’ve always loved his affection towards you. You smiled hazily to his T-shirt.
“Something wrong?”
“No no, I was just thinking.”
He nodded as he patted your head. You went to the table in the dining room. Spreading out your work sheets since you were getting ready for the uni project you’re having.
“What are you working on?”
“Oh- just some material about political correctness in a nutshell for the sake of the people in charge.”
“Hm, interesting.”
“I’m heading to the cafeteria to do the work.”
“Why, you have everything you need in here.”
He brushed his fingers on your skin and smiled hazily on your profile.
You stopped planting the pages in a correct order and just looked up to meet his eyes.
“I know Charles. But I’m meeting my study partner there.”
“A what?”
“A study partner. You know, you study together.”
His gaze stopped moving and solely was on you. He may stopped breathing for a second. You got worried if he’s in pain or something.
“Are you alright sweetheart? You look pale.”
He just gulped. Trying to remain his standing and talk to you but you were faster.
“You know if you’re getting sick or have a cold or something I can take care of you afterwards and then I’m gonna crash at my parent’s place. You need to rest. And I cannot get sick. You know my sister is getting married in the next three days.”
You started packing your stuff to the bag and heading to the kitchen.
“Charles where do you have some medicine? Or some pills”
Charles was out of sight as you were searching for him from where you were standing. You had a trouble getting the pills from the top shelf.
Nothing. You were getting worried where he disappeared. As you were making your way out of the kitchen, someone slapped his hand across your mouth with a rag. You got dizzy from the smell, falling to sleep.
Your eyes were glued shut and you had a hard time getting used to the light in the room. As you were getting used to it, you tried to get a hold on the environment around you. You didn’t recognise anything. You just felt your hands are tied behind you, behind the back of the chair and you had something in your mouth preventing you from the talking. You panicked and shivered on spot. Trying to lose from the embrace but in vain. You slowly started remembering how your day went. Uni, then meeting with Charles at his place. Now you’re somewhere you don’t know. You thought what could have happened to Charles! Someone must have got to the apartment and do something to him. You looked around to see if there is Charles tied up next to you. But nothing. Instead you saw a tall figure coming from the corner. You saw it was Charles.
You wanted to ask him what’s this all about but you couldn’t since you’re mouth was not free so just mumbled sounds came out of you.
“Sh sh YN. Don’t make yourself lose energy yet. You’re gonna need a lot of it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and felt how watery your eyes are getting.
“You think I’m stupid YN? You think I didn’t see that you were trying to run away from me? Trying to drug me with some fucking pills to put me to sleep meanwhile you pack all of your stuff from our place??”
You hummed on the chair looking confused as ever. You thought you had to hit your head or something because you could comprehend absolutely nothing.
“You think that I didn’t know you’re running to some fucker for a shelter? You’re so stupid for putting this up on me. ME!”
You writhed more and started crying. He was getting closer and louder which terrified you.
“Stop crying belle. You are the one who wanted to drug me.”
You blurted out everything you wanted to say. Anxiety growing more inside of you making you cry even harder.
“Don’t bother crying YN. No one will hear you.”
He moved forward and let your mouth free. You gagged and coughed a little from the sudden intake of air to your lungs.
“Wh-what are you saying? I didn’t-“
“Cut the bullshit. I will show you exactly what you got yourself into. Because I’m not letting you go. Ever.”
You looked at him in shock, at lost with your words as he was making his way towards some wooden box. The sound was absolutely terrible, making your ears bleed. They were chains. Heavy one.
“Do you see it? On one hand there is a clip you put on the wall with the clinch. The other end of these are handcuffs. I will put it around your wrists darling. Your beautiful little hands so you won’t move.”
You shivered so much you could put a dance competition like this. You felt the cold sweat run down your spine and tears falling on your bare thighs.
“Ch-Charles please.”
“I didn’t do any of this!”
“Stop it YN”
“I swear I didn’t plan anything like you said!”
In a matter of a second, he was at your sitting position looking absolutely furious as he cupped your cheeks.
“I said shut the fuck up or I’ll put more toys on you you won’t be able to do anything beside having this beautiful mouth wide open for me to stick my cock into your throat.”
He let your face hang low again and went for the chains.
You cried quietly as he was working on your hands with the chains. He stood up right afterwards and undermined the chair so you fell down. He took the knife out of his pocket and held it in front of you.
“No no please Charles no!”
He grabbed your t shirt and ripped it open. The same went for the rest of your clothes leaving you bare in the cold room.
“You think I’d let some study partner to touch what’s mine? You’re so dumb YN.”
You yelped in pain as you shivered even more from the cold air around you and your knees rubbing against the harsh ground.
“Look at me.”
You did. Eyes full of tears.
“How a baby calls his dad?”
You didn’t know what he was implying. You stayed silent. Which you shouldn’t have. He grabbed a hold of your hair and put your face closer to the knife that reoccurred again because of your disobedience.
“I asked you something.”
“I don’t know!”
“Fucking think. You should be smart enough.”
You tossed a cry a little and then spoke to him.
“Wrong answer baby girl.”
Tick tack. The answer came to your mind.
“That’s right.”
He put you standing by your hair and spreading your legs with his feet. His fingers made their way toward your core.
“This sweet little pussy is forever mine. You understand?”
He slipped one finger into you. You felt ashamed how easily he could get in. You were wet all down there and you didn’t know why this is happening to you.
He played with his finger, slowly pushing in and out, adding a second one to your heat. You started to writhe on your legs trying to gain some support and not be held putty like this for him. But his thumb circled your clit and you moaned. You knew you lost it this exact second.
“My baby girl wants a release?”
You cried out but moved forward his palm. Head falling back. Eyes shut. He added a third finger making you yelp in pain as he was spreading you wide.
“My baby girl needs to be ready to take daddy’s cock doesn’t she.”
He was working your core you’ve heard how slick you are and felt the feeling in your stomach to build more and more to bring fireworks. You moaned more you didn’t even held back anymore.
“Please what.”
“Please Daddy.”
More tears filled your eyes and fell down on your cheeks. Charles grabbed your breasts and squeezed them. Making you throb even more. You were close. He laughed all of a sudden. You snapped your eyes open to look at him, feeling the loss of his fingers from your core.
“You didn’t have anything for dinner. But no worries. You’ll be having yourself from my fingers today.”
He moved his fingers to your mouth, signalling you to open it. You did. You licked his fingers with your wetness and sucked his fingers dry. It was like some other entity used your body to submit to the devil itself.
“Say thank you to your daddy for giving you the dinner.”
“Thank you daddy for the dinner.”
Charles kissed your lips softly and smiled at you. His dimples on full display.
“I’m gonna give you more. We don’t want you to starve don’t we?”
He went to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants. Freeing himself he spread his legs hips wide apart and nodded once for you to come to your knees. You knew since you can’t use your hands, he will mouth fuck you. You gulped and hissed at the thought of the upcoming soreness.
“Open your sweet little mouth baby girl.”
You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out. He chuckled at you.
“YN, I don’t even have to tell you. You’re better at this than I thought.”
He cupped your right cheek as he slowly led himself inside. He was long and thick and you’ve always struggled to take him fully. You tried your best but he grabbed you by your head from both sides, using his both hands and fucked your mouth. You gagged and cried, you felt drool over you chin falling down on your thighs as it was progressing. He was panting hard and loud, still looking at you. His eyes kept you captivated at his embrace and your pussy clenched at such sight. He moved faster now, his movements sloppy and he came right after the second groan he let out. It was a big load it leaked out from your nostrils. You tried your best to swallow all that was left in your mouth.
After he caught his breath, he looked at you and patted you.
“Good job baby girl. How did you like your diner?”
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jewishvitya · 5 months
Saw an interview with the Israeli ambassador in the UK where she openly rejects the idea of a Palestinian state at all. Including in a two-states scenario. Which, I knew this is the position of our government, Netanyahu was recently trying to push the "I'm the only one who can prevent a Palestinian state," but she was unusually open and explicit about it for an international interview.
And I didn't realize it at first (because I'm awful with faces... and names) but that's Tzipi Hotoveli. She's so right-wing that she was a popular name in the settlements when I lived there. And this is something I can say about many politicians currently running the government, they are the names that aligned politically with the most extremist community. And this is why she's so bad at being diplomatic about it - the people with that mentality rarely care about watering down their goals.
A mutual of mine on a different platform, an American anti-zionist Jew, talked about a trip they took to the West Bank. It was organized to show the occupation, the checkpoints, etc. Someone asked in response if they visited settlements too, and said that he was glad they enjoyed the trip, but it seems to be all one color.
This was a weird comment. What can you see in the settlements to change your mind, if you care about human rights. What can you see that would erase the suffering of Palestinians there, or give context to justify it. Even if settlers knew to say all the right words, this shouldn't be enough to make you forget what Palestinians are living through.
But they don't say the right words. Especially there, the people openly dehumanize Palestinians. And if you talk to them for a while, they will do it to your face. And they will be open about wanting no Palestinians living on any part of the land. Israeli Arabs are often seen as a different story, as long as they accept Israeli sovereignty. Still not fully trusted, though.
I saw someone confusing the electric fence I mentioned in a few posts, with the separation fence, which is the wall around the West Bank. Not the same thing.
The separation fence is built within the territory of the West Bank, but it's a large wall all around that cuts them off from other areas of the land.
The electric fence is smaller, and it's specific. The one I'm referring to is in Kiryat Arba, near Hebron. That's the settlement I grew up in. It's one of the more established settlements, and it's basically a small town. Right behind the apartment building I lived in, there was the electric fence. And in a distance of maybe a couple of traffic lanes past the fence, were Palestinian homes. They could see us, we could see them.
The fence was there for our sake, not for the Palestinians. But sometimes the settlers would tear it down, forcing the border police and the military to guard that spot and rebuild it. I wondered why, because a hole in the fence near my home scared me. And then I learned they were protesting against the feeling that they're being contained. The settlers, with how they're constantly expanding, felt that they're not given enough. Settlers treat "we can't expand as fast as we'd like" as if that's oppression.
They would regularly get into conflicts with border police and with the military over this. They'd go out to claim another hill, and their temporary homes would get torn down. Individuals from the West Bank settlements would have the Shin Bet keeping track of them in case they'll do something that could provoke an escalation of violence. And this isn't to claim that Israel was being fair to Palestinians or protecting their interests. It just means that Israel tried to be strategic to an extent, and the settlers are inflammatory. Their stated goal, openly talked about, is to establish a presence on the ground, so that any agreement that gives land to Palestinians won't be possible. I kept hearing sentences like "not even a square centimeter." Meaning that they want to leave nothing for Palestinians. They aren't trying to think about what Israel can get away with, they feel entitled to everything.
And these are the people that the current Israeli government aligns with. Which puts a lot of things out in the open, and pushes a lot of other things into further extremes.
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