#bees is another nickname danny gives bruce
starry-bi-sky · 1 year
Miscellaneous things from my “Danny Fenton is Thomas Wayne” au (a better au name to follow)
When Bruce was younger/learning to talk, he couldn’t pronounce his name correctly. When Danny was teaching him his name, he’d say “Booce” so Danny started call him “Boo” as a nickname. Danny still calls him “Boo” as his main nickname as Bruce gets older.
When Bruce was a little older, Danny would take him out to the balcony or sneak him up to the rooftop so that they could look at the stars together. Danny told Bruce that if he ever felt alone and Danny wasn’t there to be with him, just look at the stars, Danny will always be with him.
Danny likes making things. He’s a tech whizz like Tucker and the two of them love to create ideas together and try and make them. After he gets adopted, Danny has a lot more access to making gadgets and gizmos. He doesn’t really sell them unless he thinks they’ll help the world be better, or because its harmless.
When Danny was adopted, he didn’t tell his friends until the Waynes asked what he wanted to do to ‘debut’ himself. (They figured that the world and press would find out about him eventually, might as well make an impression) And Danny thought, regrettably, that some sort of party would be best for him to make connections. So the Waynes taught Danny etiquette and other stuff that would help him, and then sent the invitations out.
He asked them to invite the Mansons, so they did. Then texted Sam about it and asked her to attend, and possibly bring Tucker if she could. Safe to say the day of the party, when Danny got introduced, he could feel Sam glaring holes into his head. It was totally worth it. (Bruce was being taken care of back home, which Danny fretted about the entire time. He kept having to convince himself not to leave early.) He was sorely tempted to invite Vlad to see his face.
Speaking of Vlad, he has no idea that Danny changed his name. He didn’t think Danny would do that, he just thought he ran away or left town. And its not like any of his friends would tell Vlad. He doesn’t know that Danny’s changed his name until the headlines about the new Wayne Heir come out.
After Danny was adopted, he started self-teaching himself business and other stuff that would help him learn how to run Wayne Industries. He did it in secret so that he could surprise his new parents.
Also about Martha — I’m not making Sam the Martha Wayne equivalent. Amethyst Ocean really isn’t my thing, so Martha Wayne is either going to be a separate character that Danny genuinely falls in love with. OR Danny’s just gonna remain a single dad.
Danny has somewhat retired ‘Phantom’ / his ghost form. Or at least he doesn’t transform into a ghost quite as often. Mainly because there’s no reason to, and also because Gotham doesn’t have nearly enough ambient ectoplasm to sustain Danny like in Amity. The only times he transforms is to have late night flights.
Sam and Tucker don’t call Danny by ‘Danny’, they call him Thomas or Tom. Tucker sometimes jokingly calls him Tommy.
More miscellaneous stuff to come lmfao
@blankliferain idk if this is what you meant by tag you but you didn’t specify if you wanted to be tagged for a fic or a post so I figured it wouldn’t hurt
@storm-and-fire same as above it might not be a fic but its a more info on the au?
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