#five signs you're too close to your boss
eupheme · 1 month
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— drinkin’ in sunshine
cooper howard / the ghoul x f!reader
rated e - 1.8k
Tags: softer!cooper, love-at-first-sight, bounty hunting, alcohol, brief sexual harassment, seduction with ulterior motives, manual restraints, semi-public PiV
Request: a sweet request by @victoria-grimesss - ‘the theme of the song “Orange Colored Sky” like love at first sight maybe she’s a bounty hunter too?’
A/N: based on an idea where Cooper would like to visit old bars, a small habit left from the man he used to be
You find yourself having to rethink your strategy, when you’re suddenly struck with feeling for the man you’re supposed to be hunting down.
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The bar you find yourself in might be one of least favorite you’ve been in. A dingy sign marking the entrance, cast in shades of orange with the dip of the evening sun.
It's dark inside - flickering bulbs and oil lamps. Near the fringes of town, the murmur of voices and low jazz notes slipping through what remained of the glass-cracked windows.
Floors stained by god knows what, the bartop sticky against your elbow as your chin props on your palm. Full of all kinds of folk that would like to sink their teeth into you. Tear you from limb to limb.
But, they said you'd find him here. The him still undetermined, but for the amount of caps they're paying you, you were willing to take a leap of faith.
“Know 'em when you seem 'em," The man grunted. Giving you an appraising once-over, arms crossing over his chest, "Hard to miss. Black hat and a long coat. Five hundred caps for 'im dead. Boss don't want him alive."
You pick apart that detail in your head.
Reading between the lines. Either your target pissed someone off real bad, or he was too dangerous to be brought in.
Neither bode well for you, but you've been in this game long enough that you have a few tricks up your sleeve.
The scattering of tables look like campfires out on the open plains. Pockets of light, your eyes squinting - trying to find your quarry. Trying not to look too interested, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. No good could come from a gunfight here.
Eventually you catch him, from the corner of an eye. A tipped-down hat, a hint of that black coat and a leather vest from the bit of light from the table next to him. The dregs of something dark left swimming in a dull glass, the cut edges worn down from years of use.
You send another his way, a sweet smile for the bartender and a couple extra caps to make sure it makes it there.
Easier to get the job done at close range.
A drink paired with another doe-eyed smile. A murmured, well-placed “let’s get out of here” - and he’d be yours. Always worked like a charm, in a place like this.
Nursing your own drink as your legs cross, the collar of your jacket turned up. Shielding your face, as you do a quick check - loosening the snap on your holster. The sheath hidden at the small of your back.
When you look again, a jolt rings through you when you realize his eyes are already on you.
Almost as if he’d noticed you first - his gaze dark under the brim of his hat. The flip of his hand on the table - palm upright, two fingers crooking.
Beckoning you to him.
There’s something about him that you can sense from even here. Hairs on the back of your neck standing up, a stutter of your heartbeat.
You could still run. Cut ties and pass on through to the next town. Tell them it didn't shake out, if you ever have to take a bounty here again.
But you're drawn to him. Curious. It's been a while since a bounty has piqued your interest. It was always the same-old.
Raider with a chem problem. Man who stole something. A no-good scoundrel who ran off with a rich man's wife.
It has you moving. Slipping from the stool. Making your way through the dim room, to where a lean leg extends, kicking out the chair in front of them.
Three tables away and suddenly there's a hand darting out, pinching hard at your elbow. Sending you off balance as you grasp at their hand, nails sinking into their wrist. Your lip curling in a snarl, as you're tugged towards the man that sits, thighs spread wide.
"Been a while since somethin’ as pretty as you's been here." You can smell the sweat that clings to him, layered with the stench of watered-down beer, "What say you spend some time with us?"
His companion leers, and your pulse spikes. A hand drifting carefully towards your gun, the grit of your jaw as your mind races through your options.
There's a shadow behind you. Catching you in it, as the man’s eyes flicker to something above your shoulder.
"This one's mine, " The stranger drawls, “Why don’t you fellas find another toy to play with?”
A flash of something silver at his hip that has the man letting go.
Their eyes shifting away uneasily as you snatch your arm back. Turning to face the stranger, the grateful “thank you” already on the tip of your tongue.
But as you free it, his head tilts. Face catching the light, and you realize your savior isn't a stranger after all.
He's your target.
And... he's a ghoul.
The Ghoul, to be precise. He has to be - no one else talks like him, that old-world drawl. His reputation preceding him, you had heard time again just how efficient and ruthless he could be.
For a moment, you’re transfixed. Stuck staring up at him - across the cut of his cheekbones and the hollow of his eyes. A low flip in your stomach, for more than one reason. Something going soft, and then low and warm inside you.
Oh. You might just be over your head.
“Huh.” His eyes narrow, as he regards you. Doing their own slow sweep, from the top of your head down to the dust on your boots.
Something must have piqued his interest as well - there’s a slow jerk of his head towards the table, though he does not move.
Making you squeeze past him - your hips brushing up against his to pass by.
The drink still sits, untouched. An arm slung across the back of the booth that lines the back wall, as you fold into the chair opposite.
It’s only here that you get a real good look at him. The pulled-tight skin, reddened with radiation. The dark cavern of his nose.
His eyes are pretty. A shade that makes you think of the weather when things grow cool, late in the year. The lingering green before the earth turns brown for the colder winter months.
You think you wouldn’t mind them on you.
Not at all.
The Ghoul's knuckles tap the glass, nudging it towards you - bringing you back from your swirl of thoughts. His gaze fixed on yours, with the rasp of his voice.
"Ladies first."
You blink at him, "I got this for you."
A way to distract him. To open a window of opportunity, a way to get close enough to slip a knife between his ribs.
Or, that had been the plan.
There's the ghost of a smile. The peek of teeth as his tongue runs across them, as his head cocks to the side. Those eyes narrowing.
"Only a few reasons why a lady like yourself would get a fella a drink."
The lightness of his tone is betrayed by the careful way he watches you, down to the minute furrow of your brow - how your tongue peeks out to wet your own lips, “Here for a job, or for something else.”
The mention of a job makes your stomach clench, until you realize he must think you’re there to strike one with him.
"Either way, be in my best interest to ensure it hasn't been... tampered with.”
Perhaps not.
Perhaps you’d have to work harder… though the tight tether you have on your plan has started to slip through your fingers.
"You think I'd be capable of something like that?" Your eyes go wide with feigned innocence. Only half-acting, now.
Elbows propped on the table - a lean that does wonders for the hint of cleavage hidden in the loosened buttons of your shirt.
"Still workin' that out," His eyes sweep over yours, before dipping down to your mouth. And then, lower, "But, I think I got a good idea."
His voice lowers then. "Drink."
And so, you do.
The liquor is harsh when it hits your tongue. Strong and bitter - his eyes trained on the column of your throat as you swallow. A hand extended as you pass the glass to him. Fingers brushing, your bare ones against his worn leather gloves.
It's lifted to his lips after. His tongue dragging over the rim, where your lips had been - before he's tipping the glass back. Taking half of the rest with a long swallow.
"Maybe I just wanted to show my appreciation." You coo, "Heard all about you, after all."
"Is that right?" There’s another smirk - before his head is tipping, appraising, “This the only way you show your… appreciation?”
Your heart races, as you give him your best winning smile.
"Well, let's say you and I find out?"
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Your moan is ragged, teeth biting hard into your arm in an attempt to muffle the sound. Never making it further than the back-alley of the bar.
His voice had been low, as he followed you out the side door. A growled out, “We doin’ this?”
Eyes watching the twitch of your hands, his own tensed at his sides. Twin wires, strung tight.
Your mouth had tipped up to meet his, instead of your blade. Teeth and tongue and the wandering press of hands as he backed you against the building, your shoulders scraping against the worn brick in the darkness.
Would be a shame, you had thought. Not to find out what this was.
This something that almost had a physical weight - that dulled the sharp edge of your senses. Never expecting to feel this way, as desire crashes soundly over you.
You could always find him again after.
Tomorrow, maybe.
Finish the job then.
But that was before.
Before the bottom of your resolve fell out, with the press of his thigh, when it rocked against your core. His hip digging into yours, so you can feel how hard he is for you.
A whine in your throat, a knowing tone in his rough answer.
“’ve got you. Know just what you need.”
He had spun you around - your wrists caught in his hand, the brick biting into your skin where he pinned them.
Legs kicked wide with his boots, the soft clink of belts and spurs and the solid press of his chest into your back as you rocked back needily against him.
You let him take you apart.
Split you open on his cock, as he does nothing to quiet your sounds. Teeth bared - his own moan bitten back as he feels the way you clench down, wet and warm around him as his hips pound into you. Breath hot where it fans against your neck.
“And whose did I say you were?”
It has your eyes fluttering shut, as his hand curls around your hip - slipping between your thighs.
“Yours.” You gasp.
His breath is ragged in your ear, “That’s right.”
You keen when he circles your clit, his fingers slick with your arousal. Everything else fading, expect for how he buries himself deep with each thrust, the way he has you winding higher and higher.
That last grip of the tether inside you loosening, when you finally let go.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” The Ghoul rasps, when he feels how you tremble in his arms, “Don’t you worry, ‘cause when I’m through with you...”
“You’re gonna forget all about why you’re here.”
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how I imagine the cooper pov: “you’re either here to fight or fuck… and for you darlin’, I might just be down for either.”
thank you so much for the request!! I hope you liked this! 💖
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rizsu · 1 year
wife on the low manjiro, sanzu.
sum. babysitter!reader. idk where i was going with this one
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manjirō sano
tension. too much tension. it's not easy trying to focus on a happy baby when you have two eyes digging through your soul. his gaze is terrifying—whether it's just the way he's just there quietly or the fact that he's bonten's leader, you don't know. he's a scary man.
trying your best to ignore whatever he's doing, you focus on cheerful baby that's been slapping her hands continuously on the little container with water.
she's five months currently so you decided it's time for sensory playtime! starting off with water and slowly adding little sensory toys into the container as she plays.
“it's getting messy.”
“oh—should we stop?”
“no, continue. i'll clean up.”
mikey pushes himself off of the door's frame and wanders off to some room for a mop. he walks away with thoughts swimming in his head; delusional thoughts if you asked him.
he doesn't really know what is it that he's feeling. is it love? dunno. he never felt it in a long time. well, it's not like he remembers what love felt like—he didn't even love the mother of his daughter. hell he can't even remember what possessed him to have sex.
coming back into the playroom, he stills for a moment. cute, he thinks. you look fitting like that. something about the way you're giggling with his daughter while she babbles words only those of her kind understands really makes his heart swell.
“'m back,” he announces after a good few minutes of gawking.
moving the baby onto her crib, you pinch her cheek before going to help mikey.
so close, you think. his body's just above yours—close to the point where you can feel his sweater on your head. his hands moves on yours taking hold of the container.
you made the mistake of glancing at him,, now you're stuck gazing into his static eyes, looking for any hints of his current emotion.
five seconds turned into ten and he doesn't break the eye contact. rather, his right hand glides from the container and rests itself on your cheek.
does he know why he did that? no.
is he going to elaborate? also no.
a few more minutes in wondering silence until he breaks it.
“you're pretty.”
it takes a minute to process it; eyes opened but still looking into his. mikey drifts his gaze from your lips and back to your eyes. he shows no signs of taking back what he said.
chuckling, he notes your confusion and decides to fuel it by saying: “you're welcome. be my girlfriend.”
sanzu haruchiyo
“pick a colour: blue or red.”
“how about no!” hoisting up his daughter on your hip, you circle around the table making your way to the kitchen as you ignore his attempts of getting you to pick the drug of the day.
sanzu raises his eyebrow at you. you sure have a lot of nerve in front of someone that can easily kill you but he won't. why would he kill you when he isn't sure if he, sober!sanzu, loves you or if he, high!sanzu, is just fucking around.
eh, it's not like he's worried. that's something for future him to worry about!!
“sanzu, her formula's about to end!” shouting from the kitchen as you violently shake her bottle, you faced your focus more on the quiet eight month old rather than the twenty-eight years old father.
“is that all?” sanzu moves on arm behind the couch as he looks back at you. she's a natural with kids—especially mine, he thinks. he's going to blame the drugs for that even though he's very much sober.
“yeah, is it okay if i use your card? i need to stock up on the groceries too.” you explained, dropping a few droplets of the milk on your forearm to check the temp.
“why're you askin' me? it's your card. i took it out for you.”
“because i don't wanna—oh???” you paused. sanzu, your boss, couldn't have possibly taken out another card for you right? certainly, right? god, it's so hard to focus after he said those words. you try to not think too much of it but it's just too difficult.
lost in thought, you didn't realize that he's already in front of you, holding up his mini to give her a nose kiss before looking back at you.
“looks like she's finished. let's go.” walking towards to door, sanzu grabs his keys from the holder along with his mask.
“huh—oh, right her stuff. just a minute!” you can't seem to think coherently, not when those words still linger fresh in your mind.
maybe it's the drugs,
maybe it's you,
maybe it's him,
maybe it's the way he holds your hand firmly while smiling whenever an elderly lady compliments your little “family”,
or maybe it's the way he guides you into his room at night after his daughter fell asleep, pulling you into a kiss that answers all questions.
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softspiderling · 4 months
elle’s archive
-ˏˋ. stiles stilinski ˊˎ-
we always find a way (to make it out alive) ➵ beacon hills holds a lot of bad memories for you. you’re still not sure how you let yourself be persuaded to go back.
-ˏˋ. derek hale ˊˎ-
but I need your lips on mine ➵ derek hale is a mystery you have yet to solve
How You Get The Girl ➵ it’s been six months since Derek stopped replying to your texts, so why was he suddenly standing in front of your door?
-ˏˋ. jake "hangman" seresin ˊˎ-
જ⁀➴ drabbles
how you first met (and how you became more)
you’re dating (but no one knows)
you’re married (but in secret)
you pick him up from the airport
songs about girls (like you) ➵ Jake has finally returned from his mission.
how do you love somebody else? ➵ the one where you and Jake are exes.
get like me ➵ the one where you defend Jake’s honor.
five kisses ➵ five kisses with Jake
never knew (that I could fall so hard) ➵ You and Jake are friends. Just friends
── ࣪˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ── wingman's best friend universe ── ࣪˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
all the fics below are part of the same universe, but can be read as stand-alone fics!
hooked from hour one ➵ the one where you share a mutual friend, but are unaware of it
baby, you down? ➵ your best friend is a naval aviator, but apparently so is the guy you’ve been dating? Yeah, funny how life works.
cruel existence ➵ you get hurt at work and Jake spirals
-ˏˋ. bradley "rooster" bradshaw ˊˎ-
જ⁀➴ drabbles
you're married (but in secret)
summer days (drifting away) ➵ Bradley bumped into you at the beach and then just keeps doing it
speak now (or forever hold your peace) ➵ it’s supposed to be the happiest day of your life.
cross my heart (hope to die) ➵ it’s easy to fall in love with Rooster. It’s a bit harder to be in love with him.
-ˏˋ. natasha "phoenix" trace ˊˎ-
you're married but in secret
-ˏˋ. pete "maverick" mitchell ˊˎ-
he likes you (but in an annoying way)
do you believe in love at first sight (or should I walk by again) ➵ the one where you keep running into Maverick.
-ˏˋ. tom holland ˊˎ-
you mocha me crazy ➵ an encounter at a coffee shop leaves you with more than a cup full of coffee
summer days ➵ it’s just one of those rare summer mornings. They were Tom’s favorite
five signs you’re too close to your boss ➵ you liked being the personal assistant of the CEO of Holland Enterprises. But sometimes you wondered if you were too close to your boss.
dance your worries away ➵ when you signed up for a beginners ballroom dancing class with your boyfriend, you hadn’t expected to be standing without a dancing partner. But then again, life has a funny way of working out
things you left unsaid ➵ having casual sex with Tom despite having feelings for him? What could go wrong?
put in love and don’t give up ➵ honestly, you never pegged Tom for the kind of guy that ghosts people, but here you are. Ghosted.
will you find me (afterlife) ➵ the five stages of grief start with denial and it didn’t seem like Tom was going leave that stage anytime soon.
honest feelings and bad timing | Teaser | One | Two ➵ It’s always been you, Tom and Harrison. A package deal. But sometimes things change.
swanky fortune ➵ when you clicked the ‘donate’ button on the GoFundMe page, you never would have expected to actually win. But are you going to take advantage of the opportunity or will you embarrass yourself in front of your celebrity crush?
of broken promises and heartbreak ➵ It’s been six years since you and Tom broke up, six years since you’ve last seen each other. A lot has happened, Tom got insanely famous, making countless billion dollar movies, attending one red-carpet event after the other. But now he was attending one event, he wasn’t sure he was ready for. Your wedding. And he wasn’t attending as your groom.
-ˏˋ. peter parker ˊˎ-
need a ride? ➵ just because you were at a country club, doesn’t mean you had to behave well
Talk To A Stranger! ➵ you liked talking to strangers. Well, when it’s not in real life, that is.
no air ➵ Short breath, panic flooding through the veins, sweat trickling down the sides. Peter knew the symptoms of a panic attack just all too well after a fight with a certain villain from space. Didn’t mean he knew how to prevent them, though. Luckily, you were by his side to help.
heavy burden ➵ you liked to live your life like you want it, but there was always someone who stood in the way of that. Always.
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ihavethedreamies · 3 months
Pool Boy (5) | Beomgyu
Choi Beomgyu - TXT
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.7k o-O
Pairing: Beomgyu x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Porn with very little Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Small Age Difference (Unspecified, he calls her Noona), Pet Names (Love, Lovely, Baby Girl, Noona, etc.), Swearing, Kissing, Oral (M! & F! Receiving/Anal), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Sex Toys - Butt Plugs, Anal Play, Anal Sex, Semi-Public Sex (at work but no one else is there), Unprotected Vaginal Sex (Use a condom! She's on the pill)
Summary: After you had been flirting with Beomgyu for a while, you decide to go for it despite his more…unique tastes. Luckily, the pool closes early.
Uh…Just utter filth, honestly. Beomgyu is a bit kinky.
Author's Note: This originally was going to be part of a really long series with a lot of plot, but it was taking too long and I was putting too much plot, more than I had initially planned. Because of that, I cut nearly all plot out and it's still four-thousands words of just fucking so…
None of the parts are reliant on the others, there is just a version for each boy.
-> Yeonjun <-
-> Taehyun <-
-> Soobin <-
-> Hueningkai <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"Did you do what I asked?" Beomgyu smirked at you, his eyes playful as he looked up at you through the curtain of his bangs. He had been playing on his phone as you two talked. You had been flirting back and forth every day for nearly two weeks. When you brought up going past the make out sessions you had at the end of the day, he got very mischievous.
"Think you can handle what I like, lovely?" He smirked.
"What is it?" You smirked back, and the hands he had on your butt dug in, a meandering finger pressing between your cheeks. You gasped and pulled back. He looked a bit unsure, but you licked your lips and nodded.
"Tell me what I do."
That night he had sent you a screenshot of a certain product.
"When are you thinking?"
"Not till tonight."
"Tonight?" Beomgyu had left the chair, placing himself between your legs. His hands both rested on the back of your stool, caging you in…why did he smell so good? Did he always?
"Can you wait that long?" He nibbled your ear lobe, then licked along the rook of your ear. Your cunt clenched.
"You're eager." You teased and he huffed, pulling back.
"Too much?" His tone had shifted, and he looked a little nervous.
"No, Gyu. You only work the first shift, right?" You rested your hands on his shoulder, playing with the ends of his hair.
"Yeah…plus, I'm excited." He mumbled and turned a bit red.
"It's okay-" You assured, but your phone went off before you could continue. You reluctantly let each other go and picked it up. It was the boss.
"So there's this festival at the elementary school…" She immediately began.
"Why don't we close after lunch, there is like no one at the other places?" She suggested and you looked out toward the pool area. It was just the two women and another that had come alone.
"Okay, I can do that."
"Tell everyone they will still get paid. I can call the second shift. Thanks, (Y/N)!" She immediately hung up.
"Can you go tell everyone?" you asked him, heading to the back office. He dashed off to do so, and you got a piece of paper and tape and made a temporary sign that the pool was closed for the day. The women were willing to leave early, and the employees definitely were as well. It seemed the odds were in your two's favor. For about five minutes, you two sat in silence, making sure no one else came. Not even anyone walked by with their dog.
"Come here, noona!" Beomgyu pulled you back to him from where you were standing by the counter. You giggled as he groaned, pulling your hair to the side so he could mouth at your shoulder.
"No marks!" You enforced, then gasped when his hands cupped your breasts.
"Fine." His hands continued to wander, one sneaking under your shirt and bra to pinch at your nipple, the other finding the button of your shorts.
"Wait, wait!" You stopped him, leaning forward to pull the shutter closed.
"I need to lock up!" Beomgyu reluctantly let you go, your tank still messed up, bra strap dangling down your shoulder, and your button undone. You locked the gates first, then the doors to outside. The one leading to the snack and drink bars usually stayed open even when the pool was closed, but you shut it too. You opened the door to the back office, and you hoped the cool air would circulate through, and that the doors being shut would block some noise. Not knowing what Beomgyu had planned, you wanted to be prepared. Though, the…cleaning kit he had suggested you get was kind of a giveaway. You kicked your sandals off and he was on you. His lips sealed over yours, swallowing your gasp, and his tongue immediately invaded. You were expecting him to be a little inexperienced, sloppy maybe in haste, but no. He might have been the best you had ever had the pleasure of kissing. You whined when he hauled you closer, having to tiptoe a bit to get the best angle. Your hands wandered him, sliding up under his shirt and rubbing the soft skin of his back. As he pulled away from the kiss, he bit your lip hard enough to draw blood, then immediately laid searing open mouth kisses down to your neck. He smirked against your throat, his left hand wiggling under the waistband of your shorts. The hand also slipped past your panties and his hand gripped the flesh of your ass hard. You hummed in delight, his rapidly hardening cock pressed to your stomach. As his left hand palmed your behind, his right fiddled with your bra. It seemed he wanted to be cool and snap it open one-handed but was having trouble. He even stopped kissing your skin to focus and he cheered like a kid when he got it off. You giggled a bit, then stumbled when he pulled away fast, helping you yank your shirt up and off. If he was going to be hasty, so were you. You stripped him of his shirt just as fast and he groaned when your tongue ran over his collarbone. He chuckled as your kisses ran over his chest and down his stomach as you sunk to your knees.
"Shorts. Off." He nudged your clothed cunt with his toe, smiling when you grinded against the top of his shoe.
"I will if you do." You smirked. He stepped back and so you stood up and you let your shorts and panties fall, stepping back up to him. Beomgyu groaned watching as your fingers flew to his pants and undoing them. You had to remove his belt; the device necessary to keep his pants on due to him being so slim with such long legs. His pants fell as well, and he sighed in relief. While his underwear was still on, they were just boxers and loose. How did you get so freaking lucky that he looked like that and had a nice dick.
"How wet are you, lovely?" His long fingers stroked through your slick folds which made him groan.
"Fuck, get on the table." He suddenly got more aggressive, and it was…hot. He grabbed your arm, not hard, to lead you over. When you moved to sit on it, he tutted, spinning you. Beomgyu pushed you to fall on your chest on the surface and you didn't even have time to turn and look before his tongue was in your cunt.
"Fuck." You grunted, then whined. His tongue was skilled for sure. He was a great kisser, and he was devouring your cunt, making your legs twitch already. You noticed him grab the strap of his bag from the chair to your left and haul it to him. He rustled a bit and you yelped when his hands gripped your ass cheeks and spread you open.
"B-Beomgyu!" You shivered, feeling incredibly embarrassed. While you knew what he had planned from what he had you do to prepare, didn't mean you were ready mentally.
"Good girl." He cooed and then his tongue circled your pucker. It was an odd feeling, but not all that unwelcome. Beomgyu smirked at your whine then you jolted as something cold and wet pooled over your back hole. The scent of mango hit your nose and as you registered that he had dripped lube over you, his tongue was inside again.
"Oh my god-" You gasped; the feeling was incredibly strange. You whimpered as he tongue-fucked you, not able to stop your hips from twitching. Your cunt was literally dripping, and you heard him rustle more in his bag.
"I want to fuck your cute little ass today, noona, but they didn't have the right size condoms at the store. This'll have to do." He pulled away long enough to say that, then his tongue dove back in, helping ease his index finger in. Your breath hitched and you tried to take measured breaths and stay relaxed. While it was new and weird, the vulgar sexuality of it all made you dizzy.
"Haven't had a girl willing to let me do this yet, noona." He huffed and you flinched hard when his finger wiggled all the way in. The fruity lube dripped down his wrist and mixed with your own slick.
"Wait!" You gripped the table as his finger spread you open, his tongue sheathing back into your pussy. Having the stimulation in both holes was nearly too much.
"Okay, just wait." Beomgyu pulled his finger out slowly, and he laughed, almost sadistically.
"Can't fucking wait, though…." He mumbled and you felt something round on your pucker.
"Breathe." He coached and you did so, the little bead entering. You couldn't see behind you, but when a slightly large round followed you grunted. Your whole body shuddered and the sound of your slick splattering onto the concrete floor echoed around the shelter. On the fourth little ball, you realized it wasn't a bead strand but some kind of noduled vibrator. You sighed when the fifth one entered, and the flat end of the device nestled against your hole.
"Ah, fuck, Gyu!" Your exclamation made him laugh, pressing the remote in his hand once more to increase the buzzing again. He stood behind you, watching in delight at your whole-body reaction.
"Turn around." He hauled you up and you let out a long whimper when he gently pressed you onto your knees.
"Gyu~" Your eyes were already starting to glaze over, and he smiled at the goosebumps covering your skin, your nipples were hard too. The best was your bright red cheeks, which he stroked with his thumb.
"I'm gonna fuck your throat. Then I'm going to spray my cum over every inch of your skin I can." He promised lowly and you whimpered. Your hands braced on the floor and your squat changed as he finally shed his boxers. You swallowed hard, then opened your mouth, tongue out.
"Fucking hell, baby girl." He groaned and you did as well when his hand went to your head. Having a lot of practice, you timed your inhale well, because he didn't hesitate to bury inside your mouth, your nose pressing to the skin at the base of his cock. Beomgyu looked down at you, a smirk over his pretty face, eyes dark. He loved the tears brimming in your eyes and he showed you the remote in his hand. He cranked it up once more to the highest setting and your whine around his cock vibrated through him.
"Damnit, lovely." He huffed and right as you were starting to burn for air, he pulled his hips back, and you sucked in air harshly right as he let you. You wanted so bad for him to cum inside, but he had already hinted he would rather cover your face.
"Another day can you swallow, kay?" You nodded and he exhaled, then began to move his hips. His hands tugged hard on the base of your hair. The roll of his hips was slow so you could take in air, but every time he thrust in, he went all the way. At first you gagged some, but you learned his rhythm to compensate. You had to swallow several times, trying to deal with not only your drool but his precum.
"Shit, I'm gonna-" He gasped, pulling all the way out and pumping his hand on his cock. You kept your mouth open, tongue out, hoping to get a taste, all while panting desperately. You felt like a dog begging for a treat.
"(Y/N)~" Beomgyu moaned your name, and you sighed as the hot and sticky release painted you. He covered your face and upper chest, the feeling of the thick bead dripping over your breasts felt like it was burning. The few drops you got on your tongue were swiftly swallowed and he was panting some himself, admiring his work.
"Fuck, I wish I had condoms; I want to fuck your ass so bad~" He was practically whining, and the admission made you clench around the buzzing toy.
"Up." He didn't even have to lead you that time, you stood and bent over the table. He smiled, cooing out some praise, his cock in hand hardening back up. Even more so seeing your tight hole clenching around the buzzing silicone.
"Ready?" The younger man didn't wait for your answer before he was balls deep in your cunt.
"Shit!" You swore, your cunt already pulsing. It was odd having the toy in your ass and his cock in your pussy, but it was so incredibly good. Your whole body tingled, and your immediate thought went to how he might feel inside your ass instead. Just thinking of it made your head swim.
"Fuck, I don't know how tight your ass would be if your cunt's so tight!" His tongue ran over his top lip, beginning to fuck you in earnest. He didn't have great power behind his thrusts, but his technique was clearly there. The vibrations of the toy carried through the walls of your holes, and he could feel it buzz on his cock. He wondered how tight you would be with a cock in your ass as well. Preferably with a third dick in your mouth.
"Oh, noona!" He laughed, gasping a bit at the clench of your walls. Damn, did he wish he had a condom. His head was looping so much on the thought of fucking your other hole he didn't even realize you came around his cock and just plowed through it. Your moans had turned into yelps and whimpers, drool spilling from the side of your mouth.
"If you thought I had stamina swimming, huh, you ain't seen anything yet." Beomgyu promised. He could not only last a long time, but he could keep going over and over. You were already gone, fucked out, and he knew he still had at least three orgasms in him. After holding back from even just fucking his fist, since he met you, he could actually probably do more. Such a fucking shame he couldn't buy what he needed. That would be the only place he would rather fill up than add to layers of jizz on your skin. Better though not to make a mess.
"B-B-Beom! Gyu~" You nearly screamed as another orgasm rose. You had no idea how long he had been pounding into you.
"Shit!" He groaned himself and when he felt your walls clenching his cock again, he pulled out. Letting out a sigh, your skin lit on fire as he sprayed his release over your back and ass. There was a faint pink dusting on the skin there. Beads of cum rolled over your skin, down the outside and inside of your thighs, mixing with your own release and the lube he had slathered around your ass. As you both panted, you looked around the room, trying to get your bearings. It was then you noticed a plastic grocery bag sitting near it that you did not put there.
"Beom-" You pointed to it, recognizing the drug store logo. He panted but went over to it and groaned in excitement. Must have been Brandi, she was a fucking life saver. You had requested it from her the day before just in case, and she had followed through. There were two boxes, luckily one was the right size.
"Oh, fuck yeah." He pumped his fist and came back to you, smirking at the messy puddle on the floor between your feet.
"Come here." He was gentler that time and he carried most of your weight as he rolled you onto your back. The man smiled, ready to cover your front with his cum as well, but first…
"Breathe." He coached again and you whined as he eased the toy out, letting it fall to the floor. There was plenty of slick there, from the lube and your cunt, and the condoms were covered as well. He tore the box open, barely registering the toy losing battery where it lay.
"Can't fucking wait…" He mumbled something else, digging out a single condom and desperately unwrapping it to roll it onto his dick. He had instantly gotten hard again at the prospect of getting inside you.
"You want my cock in your ass, love?" He teased and let out a pleased groan when you nodded with a soft, "yes please." Beomgyu could even see your cunt clench as you replied. Realizing you needed a bit more prep, he grabbed the bottle again, slathered more on his fingers, and circled your rim again. You yelped as he slowly let two of his fingers in, much looser now from the toy. The vibrations had also numbed you some, and the stretch was just a little bracing. Your breathing picked up, your eyes closed to help concentration. You shivered at the third finger and pondered what his cock was going to feel like.
"Can't wait." He mumbled but was gentle taking his fingers from you. The sticky digits met your thigh as he used his hands to fold your legs up and out, giving him perfect sight and access to your pucker.
"Gyu~" You whined, and he laughed. All the air left you as he began to inch his cock inside. You were shivering so hard it was hard to believe it was still nearly eighty degrees in the shelter. It was still during the day, the sun causing somewhat of a greenhouse effect. The air conditioner in the back office wasn't strong enough to cool the whole inside down.
"Fuck, noona!" He panted, finally burying his cock into the hilt. He was right, you were so much tighter there, and hotter, even through the rubber. Your tremors calmed as you got used to him, trying so hard not to clench too hard. He was rubbing calming circles on the skin of your thighs, his own brow furrowed to hold back.
"Move." As soon as you allowed, he pulled slowly out just a few inches, then eased inside just as slowly.
"Fuck-" You keened, back arching at the feeling. Beomgyu led your legs to wrap around his waist and you giggled when his hands linked with yours and held them over your head.
"I…can't-" He grunted, and he started to batter his cock into you, luckily only pulling out half way each time. Still, his hard cock was carving into you over and over, the feeling was incredible. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and he fell onto his forearms, whining some. You felt so fucking good around him. Plus, he got to ravage not just your mouth and cunt, but your ass as well. When he felt his orgasm coming back up, he gently pulled out as not to shock you. You whined and he pulled the condom off and fucked back into your cunt. You did scream that time and he nearly came inside as your walls squeezed and pulsed around him. More slick spilled from you and splattered to the floor. After a few thrusts, your orgasm died, so he pulled back out, stroking himself to completion. More hot and sticky fluid fell on your skin, this time on your lower stomach and even over your cunt. He was a bit worried when he saw you breathing so heavily but with your eyes closed. One leg had flopped down, the other still bent in the air and your arms still laid limp near your head.
"Noona?" he called.
"Gyu~" You mewled, and he sighed in relief. He stood at the end of the table, stroking your thighs since that was one of the few places not covered in his cum. As you came back to reality, your eyes opened and you looked at him, eyes widening when you saw that his cock was still hard.
"What the fuck are made of?" You chuckled and this made him laugh, a little bashful.
"You have to be done?" He sounded a little dejected, but you shook your head no.
"I just can't do the work." You giggled and he smiled.
"Don't worry." He was more than willing to help with that. You whined, sore as he helped you sit up. While he wanted to just pick you up, he wasn't confident in his strength. Instead, he helped you get off the table and to his next destination. You let him pull you down to the floor with him, a little confused. He had prepared something earlier it seemed, because there was a few towels on the ground and leaning against the wall…a mirror. It was normally near the door that led out to the snack bar, but he had moved it. Luckily, the spot allowed you both to sit right near the back-office door and get a full blast of the cold air. As he pulled you down, he made you sit on his lap, his cock standing proudly against your cunt. Your face bloomed red as you saw your reflection. You were…a mess, absolutely.
"B-Beomgyu!" Your back was still covered in his cum, though it was drying, but he didn't care.
"Here." He handed you a little package and you used the little bit of strength you still had to lift yourself a bit so you could roll the condom onto him again. You yelped when you fell back into him, his hands cupping your thighs again, spreading your legs up and over his own.
"You-" Your head fell to his shoulder when he lifted you up and started to press back into your ass.
"God!" You nearly cried as he filled you back up. You couldn't bring yourself to look in the mirror, but he soaked it in. Seeing you quivering as he split you open, fully on display and covered in his release…
"You're gonna make me crazy." He nuzzled your ear as his arms wrapped around your middle, one hand cupping your breast and the other rested on your lower stomach, dangerously close to your clit. Because you were nearly deadweight on him, he had to use more strength to thrust up into you, but the image before him filled him with energy. Your whimpers right in his ear spurred him on too and you could see the cocky smirk spread over his lips. He was already gorgeous, but that grin was incredibly sexy. From your other interactions with him you weren't expecting the confident dominance he was exuding. Taehyun made sense, but Beomgyu seemed to have a dominant streak as well. He absolutely loved how you took him, physically and mentally. He wanted to just hole up with you in his room and fuck you till you passed out. Till you couldn't think of anything but him, his tongue, his cock…
"(Y/N)-" His grunts in your ear were just as stimulating to you and another orgasm broke over you as his fingers tweaked your nipple. As you tightened around him again, he couldn't hold back, and he groaned into your shoulder as he filled the condom.
"You've been so good for me, lovely. Want me to fill you here?" he muttered in your ear, two of his fingers stroking your cunt.
"Yes~" You moaned softly, and he groaned as he pulled you off. He definitely only had one more in him. Beomgyu let you recover in his lap, kissing everywhere he could reach as he pulled the condom off. He tossed it over to where he left the toy, and he knew he was probably going to have to clean up as you rested. That was fine with him, if it were up to him, you would never do anything again but sleep in his bed as he took care of you. His ultimate dream was to have you live with him as he took care of your every need and let him fuck you as much as he wanted. Maybe one day…
"One more time, baby girl." The man lifted you once more, and he knew he would be rougher in your cunt. He buried to the hilt instantly, shifting to get a better position and started to jackhammer his cock up into you. He somehow was managing to fuck you more aggressively than before, or you were just that much more sensitive. His arms around you helped you ride him, but he knew your mind was gone. He could see it in the mirror, and you were babbling nonsense, the only thing he could pick out was a plea for him to cum inside.
"Don't worry, lovely. I'll do it." He assured, and brought you down, held you close, and came inside. Your eyes rolled back, another small orgasm twitching your muscles, both of your releases leaving another mess. Good thing Beomgyu told you to bring body wash because you were ruined. During the act you barely noticed, but you felt a little gross. Sweat, cum, your wetness, lube and saliva were not just all over you, but parts of him, the table, and the floor.
"You need more of a bath than a shower." Beomgyu realized and you grumbled in agreement. Could you even stand? He pulled his softening cock out of you and even more fluids painted your inner thighs. You laid back on the towels, panting and even his legs felt like jelly. You watched as he dashed into the back-office bathroom himself, the shower in there turning on. It seemed he rinsed off then came back out, getting his pants back on. You giggled as he tried to clean up quickly, but you told him to slow down.
"I need some time still." You smiled and he nodded, calming the frenzy. Once everything was done but the towel you were laying on and…well, you, he came back.
"Ready, lovely?" He brushed your hair from your face, then kissed your forehead at your hair line. You nodded and he helped you sit up and you groaned. You hoped you could even get to work the next day; you were already sore. Luckily, it was only a bit past noon, so you could get home and rest longer. Surprisingly, you could stand and even walk, albeit with a limp. You were sore in a whole new kind of way, and you complained about it as he giggled, leading you to the bathroom.
"Can you get the body wash in my bag?" you asked him, turning the water on. You let it get pretty hot before getting in and just stood under the spray. Beomgyu came back in, and you almost scolded him as he took his pants back off.
"I just wanna help." He whined and you sighed, relenting. He proceeded to be incredibly sweet, almost didn't let you do anything, softly washing all of the mess from you.
"It's my fault anyway." Beomgyu insisted. He kept making jokes to get you to laugh thankfully, otherwise his hands all over you would have turned you both on. As you stepped out, he even had a fluffy towel prepared to wrap around you. He had a smaller one around his waist and he rested against the counter, hugging you to him, swaddled in the towel.
"You were so good for me." The younger man kissed your cheek, and you hummed in delight. Turning to face him more, he grinned like a goof as you rested on his chest and closed your eyes. He really wanted to just lay on the couch in the office and let you fall asleep on his chest. But it would be best for you to rest at home.
"I was going to have my roommate come get me but she's at work for another hour…" You glanced at your phone after getting your clothes back on.
"Oh?" He was taking the chance. With a smile, he pulled you onto him and you both took a little nap and he let you rest till she arrived. After getting you -half-asleep- to your car, he assured you he could get everything shut down. As everyone else left before, everything was pretty much handled, but he could do the last few tasks. When he left the pool, he couldn't hide his giant grin all the way back to his apartment.
-> Yeonjun <-
-> Taehyun <-
-> Soobin <-
-> Hueningkai <-
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Master-Master List
TXT Master List
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marvelous-llama · 8 months
BTS recs
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<<original book
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
one shots
Kiss Me More by @mosaic-opine
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 7.2k) arranged marriage - angst, fluff, smut You were 7 when you were arranged to marry the younger son of the Mins. However, when the said son returns home from overseas with a pregnant girlfriend, his older brother steps in and takes his place at the altar. There was only one problem, everyone was scared of him. Including you. That is, until he walks in unannounced when you're playing with your toy. 
King Of Wishful Thinking (AO3) by @btssmutgalore (deactivated)
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 11k) angst, smut, fluff Yoongi is your boyfriend’s roommate, but sometimes he wishes he could be more than that.
fxck a fxckboy! by @yoongifis
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 11k) fuckboy!Yoongi, university AU - fluff, smut where you sort of hooked up with one of the school’s biggest fuckboys but end up leaving him hanging and never contacting him because…well…why not? somehow the universe brought you two together and now you’re left with dealing with him because he apparently caught feelings for you.
so close by @namfinessed
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 13.5k) exes to lovers, second chance - angst, fluff words are not enough for people who are so close and so in love, or a fic in which yoongi loses you but will do everything in his power to win you back.
Angel by @sailoryooons
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 15.5k) mafia!Yoongi, sex worker!reader - angst, smut, fluff Yoongi never meant to keep coming back. You never meant to become Yoongi’s favorite. Being Min Yoongi’s favorite has dire consequences. 
Escapism by @yoonlattesworld
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 6.2k) mafia boss!Yoongi, exes to lovers - angst, smut, fluff how naive were you to think you found the one when it was so obvious that he was making a fool of you. But you weren't gonna sit around and mope while he's having fun with your so called best friend. Good thing a certain someone was more than happy to help you out. And it made you wonder that if you had chosen him since the very beginning, would you have not gotten hurt?
Best Intentions by @kookslastbutton
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 3.7k) best man!Yoongi, strangers to lovers - angst, smut As vice president, you are obligated to attend your boss's wedding–you're also his friend. But while you should be focused on the newlyweds, you find yourself far too interested in the attractive best man and the woman who happens to be his plus one.
Between the Titles by @highvern
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 9.5k) friends to lovers - fluff, smut Five days a week in the library means you're very familiar with the senior research librarian. It also means he has no qualms about making his own book recommendations either.
The Early Shift by @hobidreams
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 21.4k) coffee shop AU, enemies to lovers - angst, smut, fluff your coworker yoongi is always infuriatingly late. except the one time he’s much too early.
Kintsugi by @moni-logues
Yoongi x fem!reader (wc - 82.3k) strangers > friends > lovers - angst, fluff, smut, hurt/comfort In a fit of spiteful, post-break-up self-improvement, you sign up to a baking class. Yoongi, in a bid to appease his demanding girlfriend, signs up, too. Determined to make him your friend, you end up with more than you ever imagined.
Gods of the Dark by @sailoryooons
Yoongi x fem!reader strangers to lovers, god!Yoongi, human!reader, slow burn - angst, smut, hurt/comfort Don’t ask for help in the dark. It’s an old tale you always heard whispered among the people of your village. But when you find yourself dragged kicking by the man you’re to marry, you have little choice but to beg for help long after the sun has set. The god who answers your pleas promises to save you, but every deal comes with a price. 
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hondosbestie · 2 years
Pairing: Jake Hangman Seresin x FBI agent!girlfriend!afab reader
Summary: Fluff. Two curse words if you look closely. Reader uses she/they pronouns.
A/N: I am so sorry this is so short, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! I hope I did your request justice! Thank you for sending it in! Feedback is greatly appreciated!
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"Agent y/ln, you're dismissed." I nodded at my boss who just finished chewing me out and walked outside of his office. "Good to see you still have a job." My partner, Clare said. She was waiting outside the office for me. "I know, the douchebag in there needs to realize we can't always follow all his rules. Especially when someone's life is at stake." She followed me back to my desk. I picked up my phone and saw the time. "Shit!" I began grabbing my stuff. "What's wrong?" I have to go pick Jake up from the airport. If I stay here any longer, I'm going to be late." I threw my bag over my shoulder. "Bills going to kill you. He just finished yelling at you and now you're leaving early." "I'm off in five minutes anyway. He can kiss my ass." 
After rushing home, I took a shower and got changed. I looked at myself in the mirror. The green tank top I had on fit me perfectly. The jean shorts complimented it perfectly, and I couldn't wait for Jake to see my outfit. It was rare I was able to wear something so casual considering my job. Working as an FBI agent had its perks, but it also had its downfalls. For example, being exhausted right before going to pick my boyfriend up from the airport. I checked the time. 3:30. Jake's plane was supposed to land at 4:15, so I had to go. He had been away for 6 months on deployment and the FaceTime calls weren't enough anymore. I couldn't wait to see him.
I made it to the airport at exactly 4:07. I ran through the airport, apologizing to the people I almost ran into, which was one too many to count. I finally made it to the right gate, at 4:11. "Are you okay ma'am?" I looked over at the clerk. I smiled. "My boyfriend is coming home from deployment today." "Oh, that's wonderful! Is he on this plane?" I nodded. "Well, I just got word from the pilot, that the plane is going to be a half hour late, they've run into some unexpected weather. "Oh, okay. I just rushed home from work, and through a busy airport for the plane to be late. No problem at all." I went and sat down on the closest bench. That's when I realized how tired I really was. I tried to keep my eyes open but failed. I was out. 
30 minutes later, the plane landed. Hangman, and Coyote happened to be on deployment together, and were coming home together. Hangman walked off the plane, Coyote on his tail. "I see your family over there waiting for you." Jake said pointing over to the people holding up a sign that said, 'Welcome home Javy!' "Yeah, I guess I should go see them. Where's y/n, I thought she was supposed to pick you up?" "Oh, I don't know. I bet they're here, don't worry about it. Go be with your family man." Javy nodded and pulled Jake into a hug. "Alright man, I'll see you later." Jake waved goodbye and went in search of his partner. He found her asleep on the bench. He smiled. Knowing how hard they'd been working lately he decided to let her sleep. Ignoring all the comments he would get from his friends; he picked her up and began walking towards the exit. Reaching into her pocket, he grabbed her car keys, and unlocked the door. He carefully placed her into the passenger seat and put all of his bags in the back. By the time he'd gotten back to the driver's side, they were awake. 
"Did I doze off? I'm so sorry, I had this whole big elaborate plan to welcome you home, but then your plane was late, and." He cut you off with a kiss. "Your rambling baby. I get to go home with you, that's enough of a welcome home present." "You're lucky I love you." "I love you too."
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chiiyuuvv · 8 months
The alarm was blaring at full volume. Yujun groaned and lifted his pillow over his face, hoping to block out the noise. Just five more minutes. 
"Get your ass up!" Sumin exclaimed as he stormed into the room, a piece of toast in his hand. Junghoon followed behind him, Yujun's school uniform in hand. 
"Just five more minutes!" Yujun groaned from underneath the pillow. The bed was too comfy. Sumin grabbed the pillow before yeeting it through the room. 
"I said get up!" He yelled, watching as Yujun tried crawling underneath his covers. He grabbed the covers as well, throwing it onto the floor in hopes it would get Yujun out. "You're already late!"
"Uuuugh," Yujun groaned. Sumin made a grimace before slapping the toast onto Yujun's face, making the younger shoot open his eyes in shock. 
"I. Said. You. Are. Late!" 
"Did you- did you just slap me with a toast?" Yujun asked in disbelief. Sumin lifted his eyebrows, as if it hadn't been obvious. 
"Yes. Now eat it and get dressed. I even made you a lunchbox. Get up!" Junghoon was still standing behind Sumin, holding up Yujun's school uniform, watching the whole ordeal with his usual poker face. 
"How dare you slap me with toast?!" Yujun exclaimed as he finally sat up, staring down his hyung. 
"What, you'd want me to slap you with something else?" 
Meanwhile Seeun was standing in the hallway, suppressing his laughter to try and film the scene unfolding. 
"What's going on?" Yechan whispered as he approached. 
"Sumin hyung is trying to get Yujun ready for school," Seeun giggled, still recording. 
"Junghoon even brought your uniform! Now get up, get dressed, and get going!" 
"What are you, my mom?" Yujun asked sarcastically as he was munching on the toast. 
"Sumin hyung the mom," Junghoon stated, his face still expressionless. He turned his head towards the elder. "Could I call you Sumin eomma instead?" Sumin closed his eyes as he put his hand to his face. 
"Oh my god. All of you, just get dressed and get ready, I swear-" Seeun couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, almost losing the grip on his phone. 
"That means you two as well!" Sumin pointed towards Seeun and Yechan, giving them both a stern look. 
Minjae was sitting in their living room, head in hands trying to block out the noise. Was this really going to be their daily lives? He got up his phone and recorded a few seconds before sending it to Hongjoong. 
- 'Is this really what you have dealt with as the leader, sunbaenim?' It didn’t take long before he got a reply. 
- 'Oh, that's just the beginning.' Amazing. What have I signed up for? 
"Junmin!" Minjae exclaimed as his fellow 03'liner entered the living room. "Would you like to be the leader?" Junmin looked over to where all the noise was coming from. 
"I will dress you myself if I have to!" 
"You're being weird, hyung!" 
"Eomma is not having it today."
"Stop calling me that!" 
"No, I am good," Junmin chuckled before walking to the kitchen, leaving Minjae in the living room. 
"What is going on?" Jinsik asked as he suddenly entered the living room, Minjae jumped out of his seat before putting his arm around the younger's shoulder. 
"How would you like to be our new leader? You could be the co-parent with your honey," he proposed. Jinsik looked at his hyung with a confused look, not sure where this was coming from.
"I know how to put on pants, hyung!" 
"Then prove it!" 
"What even is happening?" *Laughter*
"Did you make me lunch too, eomma?"  
Minjae pursed his lips, still holding onto Jinsik's shoulder. 
"Sorry, boss. You're on your own," Jinsik murmured as he awkwardly slid out of Minjae's grip and escaped to the kitchen. 
I did not sign up for this. 
His final hope entered suddenly. 
"Hyunwoo! My dear-"
"Absolutely not." Hyunwoo said as he held up his hand. 
"Huh?" Minjae uttered, confused over the fact he hadn’t gotten to say anything. 
"I've heard whatever chaos has been happening, and I am not dealing with it." Minjae sighed as Hyunwoo also escaped. He had no choice but to be the leader himself and go stop the madness. 
"Can you all just get ready and get going already?! You are all late!" Everyone stopped in their tracks, not daring to speak after their leader's sudden intervening.
"Appa is mad," Junghoon whispered. 
"Go!" Minjae yelled, finally getting a move on the youngest ones. He lifted his hand to his head, stroking his forehead. 
"Thanks," Sumin said, happy to finally give his vocal chords a break. Minjae sighed, shaking his head. 
"I can't wait for them to be done at school," he mumbled. He stared towards the kitchen for a moment, counting the younger ones. 
"Wait, where's Hunter?" 
"Oh, he got up early to practice his Korean, so he is already on his way to school," Sumin smiled, happy to have had one less to worry about. 
"Yey, eomma made lunch." 
"Your mom made lunch?" 
"Junghoon has renamed Sumin hyung to eomma." 
"Come on, we are late, you guys!" 
"Is Minjae hyung the dad?" 
"Of course."
"Junghoon, we are late!"
Minjae looked over to Sumin, defeat in his eyes. 
"Is it too late to find another group to debut with?" 
"I don’t know, but please take me with you."
A/n: THIS IS NOT MINE funny ao3 that i came across that i wanted to share (better be glad i didnt share the traumatizing ones 🤡🔫)
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twilightzonecloseup · 11 months
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1.03a Healer
Director: Sigmund Neufeld Jr.
Writer: Alan Brennert (credited under the name “Michael Bryant”)
Cinematographer: Bradford May
Opening narration: 
“Ah, Jackie, Jackie, you're a small-timer. A roof crawler, a poke pincher, a nickel and dime drifter with salt in your dreams and ashes in your pocket. Don't cut that wire...Jackie, don't open that window. You won't be able to jimmy yourself out as easily as you got in. That's not the big score in there. It's the Twilight Zone.”
Jackie Thompson (Eric Bogosian) is busy at work burglarizing a museum. In an exhibit of objects on loan from El Museo Nacional de Arqueología in Mexico City,* Jackie finds a gleaming crystal. Jackie accidentally trips the alarm when opens the case for the crystal and is chased by a guard. Jackie is shot, but escapes. Hiding in an alley outside of the museum, Jackie clutches the crystal, which begins to glow. Suddenly, his wound is healed.
Later at his apartment building, Jackie’s friend and neighbor, Harry (Vincent Gardenia) has dropped dead. Jackie quickly runs to retrieve the crystal and uses it to bring Harry back to life. When Harry wakes up, he tells Jackie about his near-death experience and the two begin to hatch plans for this new-found power.
Skipping ahead, Jackie, now going by “Brother John,” and Harry have started a thriving televised faith-healing operation. Backstage, it’s clear that Harry’s mind is solely focused on growing the business, while Jackie/John is interested in helping as many people as possible. 
Here enters Duende (Joaquín Martínez), who requests that Jackie return what was stolen, explaining that it is an important object for his people** and it was only temporarily on loan to the museum. Jackie is at first amenable, but Harry shuts it down. Duende warns Jackie that this refusal was a turning point.
Back at their new mansion, Jackie and Harry get an unexpected visit from a crime boss, Joseph Ribello (Robert Costanzo). Jackie once worked under Ribello, who was a cruel employer. Now, Ribello has learned that he has lung cancer and he’s come to Jackie to ask for healing. Jackie makes Ribello grovel and asks for two million dollars payment. But, when Jackie goes to heal Ribello, the crystal doesn’t light up. Nothing happens.
Jackie and Harry leave for their TV broadcast, but Jackie is panicking that the crystal isn’t working. Harry collects someone from the line of people waiting to be healed, a deaf child. It’s now five minutes to air time, but the crystal has gone totally dark. 
Once again Duende appears backstage and explains to an angry Jackie that the healing only works permanently if the intentions of the user are unselfish—this was the turning point Duende referenced earlier. 
Jackie’s gunshot wound reappears. Jackie runs to find Harry and asks him to use the crystal on him, but Harry is too far gone. Harry plans on letting Jackie die and keeping their earnings for himself. 
Jackie collapses, but he’s been followed by the deaf child. The child heals Jackie using the crystal. And, now that he has learned his lesson, Jackie is able to grant the child hearing. Jackie returns the crystal to Duende and walks away from the theatre with a new lease on life.
Closing narration:
"Now, he is John—no longer Jackie. Perhaps not Brother John, brother to all men, but at least fit to walk among men who care. Because caring is part of the secret, the secret we all learn, that the heart cannot heal what the eye cannot see. Not even, in the Twilight Zone."
*It isn’t spoken in the episode that the artifact came from a museum in Mexico City, it’s visible on a sign in the establishing shot of the exhibit. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the artifact is specifically from the area of CDMX. 
**When Duende is talking to Jackie here, he does not specify who precisely his people are. I bring this up to point out the awkward indigenous stereotypes at work in this episode. Duende is not a full-fledged character in this episode and his appearances and disappearances are presented as if they are vaguely mystical.
More about Healer:
I’m disappointed to say this so early on in my review of this series, but Healer is the first proper dud of TZ ‘85. There are worse episodes later on, but this one just doesn’t match the quality of the previous stories.
Reportedly, Alan Brennert, the writer of Healer, is in agreement with me. Brennert reworked the story for a prose short story later. I hope I can get my hands on a copy to maybe get some insight into what specific faults Brennert found in this story. Brennert places some blame on the segment’s director, Sigmund Neufeld Jr. Seeing that this is Neufeld’s only episode of the series, Brennert likely wasn’t alone in his dissatisfaction.
Healer is somehow underbaked and overdone at the same time. A cat burglar with a heart of gold, his father figure with a two-bit mindset, a particularly unkind mob boss being forced to face his own mortality are all potentially interesting archetypes to weave into a story about a stolen object with supernatural powers—but all this gels into nothing much at all. The undoubtedly talented cast is doing the best with what they are given, but there’s just not enough time given to explore anything fully. Robert Costanzo’s mob boss only has one scene! The characters never properly transcend their typage, even though, in the case of Bogosian’s Jackie, that transcendence is key for the story—as it’s told here at least.
That said, the story additionally dabbles in stereotypes of mystical indigenous people. In a different take on this story, there could be potential for some kind of conversation about cultural appropriation vs. appreciation. However, in this form, there is no attempt to address, avert, or subvert the insulting mysticizing of indigenous people and cultures.
Taken all together, the moral fable element of Healer is too shallow and polluted by stereotypes. This episode is the first indication—there’s more to come unfortunately—that TZ ‘85 doesn’t consistently reflect a progressive humane worldview for its time—something that was a fundamental aspect of TZ ‘59. (I’ll reflect more on this aspect later, as it’s a major factor in Harlan Ellison’s exit from the show.) The opening to this episode has a very direct analogue in the original series in A Nice Place to Visit (1.28). The rest of the story however, has a lot of Prime Mover (2.21) in it and touches of A Kind of a Stopwatch (5.04).
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softspiderling · 10 months
softspiderling masterlist
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collection of EVERYTHING I’ve written so far. Everything that is on this blog. the fandoms are chronologically ordered, most recent are up top.
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we always find a way (to make it out alive) | read here beacon hills holds a lot of bad memories for you. you’re still not sure how you let yourself be persuaded to go back.
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boy you write your name (I can do the same) | tba
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how you first met (and how you became more)
you're dating (but no one knows)
you're married (but in secret)
you pick him up from the airport
songs about girls (like you) | read here Jake has finally returned from his mission.
how do you love somebody else? | read here the one where you and Jake are exes.
get like me | read here the one where you defend Jake's honor.
five kisses | read here five kisses with Jake
never knew (that I could fall so hard) | read here You and Jake are friends. Just friends
wingman’s best friend universe
all the fics below are part of the same universe, but can be read as stand-alone fics!
hooked from hour one | read here the one where you share a mutual friend, but are unaware of it
baby, you down? | read here your best friend is a naval aviator, but apparently so is the guy you've been dating? Yeah, funny how life works.
cruel existence | read here you get hurt at work and Jake spirals
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you're married (but in secret)
summer days (drifting away) | read here Bradley bumped into you at the beach and then just keeps doing it
speak now (or forever hold your peace) | read here it’s supposed to be the happiest day of your life.
cross my heart (hope to die) | read here it’s easy to fall in love with Rooster. It’s a bit harder to be in love with him.
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natasha "phoenix" trace
you're married (but in secret)
pete "maverick" mitchell
he likes you (but in an annoying way)
pete "maverick" mitchell
do you believe in love at first sight (or should I walk by again) | read here the one where you keep running into Maverick.
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x jake "hangman" seresin
period troubles | read here their daughter gets her first period and Bradley and Jake lose their minds
spinning out (waiting for ya) | read here the one where Kinsley gets stuck at school and Bradley struggles trying to calm Jake down.
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you mocha me crazy | READ HERE Summary: an encounter at a coffee shop leaves you with more than a cup full of coffee
summer days | READ HERE Summary: it’s just one of those rare summer mornings. They were Tom’s favorite
five signs you’re too close to your boss | READ HERE you liked being the personal assistant of the CEO of Holland Enterprises. But sometimes you wondered if you were too close to your boss.
dance your worries away | READ HERE Summary: when you signed up for a beginners ballroom dancing class with your boyfriend, you hadn’t expected to be standing without a dancing partner. But then again, life has a funny way of working out
things you left unsaid | READ HERE Summary: having casual sex with Tom despite having feelings for him? What could go wrong?
put in love and don’t give up | READ HERE Summary: honestly, you never pegged Tom for the kind of guy that ghosts people, but here you are. Ghosted.
will you find me (afterlife) | READ HERE Summary: the five stages of grief start with denial and it didn’t seem like Tom was going leave that stage anytime soon.
honest feelings and bad timing (COMPLETE) | Teaser | One | Two Summary: It’s always been you, Tom and Harrison. A package deal. But sometimes things change.
swanky fortune (in progress) last updated on 31st of October 2019
Teaser | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight| Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven
Summary: When you clicked the ‘donate’ button on the GoFundMe page, you never would have expected to actually win. But are you going to take advantage of the opportunity or will you embarrass yourself in front of your celebrity crush?
of broken promises and heartbreak (COMPLETE)
Playlist (with songs including: Crazy To Love You, Rescue Me, Sucker and Never Really Over)
Summary: It’s been six years since you and Tom broke up, six years since you’ve last seen each other. A lot has happened, Tom got insanely famous, making countless billion dollar movies, attending one red-carpet event after the other. But now he was attending one event, he wasn’t sure he was ready for. Your wedding. And he wasn’t attending as your groom.
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need a ride? | READ HERE Summary: just because you were at a country club, doesn’t mean you had to behave well
Talk To A Stranger! | READ HERE Summary: you liked talking to strangers. Well, when it’s not in real life, that is.
no air | READ HERE Summary: Short breath, panic flooding through the veins, sweat trickling down the sides. Peter knew the symptoms of a panic attack just all too well after a fight with a certain villain from space. Didn’t mean he knew how to prevent them, though. Luckily, you were by his side to help.
heavy burden (Silk/MCU AU) hiatus
Teaser | Part One | Summary:you liked to live your life like you want it, but there was always someone who stood in the way of that. Always.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
I'm Employed
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Media IRL
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Flirty AF
Concept Assistant
I sat working away on this damn report on my third cup of coffee since getting home when the apartment door opened to a very happy Thomas.
"How'd it go?" I asked as he dumped his stuff and went for a beer from the fridge 
"First place was a bust he wanted five years customer service experience, second was a flop I needed first aid training"
"That's not hard to do Thomas"
"Next two where big no's apparently I didn't have qualifications" 
"So you wasted your whole day at hat bus fair I lent you" I sighed 
"AHH ah ah. Don't be so negative."
"Kinda hard when your four months behind in rent, don't have any prospects and just fucked four job interviews"
"I had five today" he says sitting at the table with me smiling widely
"And How'd the fifth go?"
"I'm employed. I start tomorrow"
"..... What the hell did you do beg?"
"No, I was just what she was looking for"
"Y/n y/l/n, she wanted an assistant"
"An assistant? Even though you have no business training. No secretary experience. No reception experience. No admin or administration work ever in your life. The computer knowledge of a young bommer and the inability to remember papersizes?'
"And you were hired?"
"...are you sure because you're not great and picking up sarcasm Thomas?"  
He grabbed a folded bit of paper from his pocket and it was true he had a job "... I'm so confused how the hell you did this"
"I'll be honest I'm not sure how I did either but I'm not questioning it"
"Company's to big to be a scam. And doing too well to be trying to pin shit on you. It might be a cult?'
"No I'm good at picking up cult vibes"
".... You almost joined a cult last year"
"Yeah and now I know the signs" he says "I think she might have hired me because I'm cute?"
"She did ask me to pick up pencils alot. And turned the heat way up so I'd take my jacket off. And now im thinking about it I'm not confident that was a spider on my thigh?'
"...and that's sexual harassment" 
"Not if I'm into it"
"Are you into it?"
"She was wearing pencil skirt."
"Thomas. You need a job. For just ten whole minutes could you not think with your dick,"
"I have a job. I get paid on Friday and my dick is very happy"
"I can't believe I have to tell you this but don't fuck your boss"
I only got more and more worried about Thomas, he's my best mate but… he's not the brightest. And not the best and picking up social cues. Especially romantic ones, I can't even count the amount of times people have very obviously hit on him and it goes over his dumb blonde head like a rabbit on a pair of skiis, he comes home and explains his day and I honestly have to sit there and question how he isn't picking up that this boss of his is clearly into him, clearly hitting in him, and honestly sexualy harrasing and even exploting him a little and still he hadn't even picked up on it. So on my lunch break I decided to get him some lunch and pay his office a visit, I got our stuff and headed up having a little bit of a time to find the office but I found the small room eventually with a door to another office beside it 
"Hi jack" he smiled
"Hi… what uhh what is happening here?" I asked looking at the general state of his office
"Ohh y/n said she didn't want to bother the maintenance guys with her broken spare chair, so I said I'd fix it for her" he explained working on fixing the small office chair meaning of course he had to roll his sleeves up and often be bent over or in strange positions as he worked and it was then I noticed the glass wall between the door and the other office the blind quickly closing as I looked at it 
"That her office?"
"Okay" I sighed honestly kinda surprised he hadn't picked up that she clearly made him to this so she could watch him out her window 
"How much work have you actually done today?" 
"Uhhhhh… I forwarded an email this morning"
"How's it going?" A voice spoke up I looked and saw the door open and immediately I understood
"Almost done y/n" he smiled 
"Hummm my handy boy" she Cooes stroking acrobat his shoulders as she checked his work "meeting in ten, bring the coffee cutie" she smiled before quite obviously slapping his butt and heading back into her office I glanced at her as she walked away and noticed him looking too before the door shut 
"Did she actually just call you cutie?"
"It's a joke, she always says that when she asks for coffee"
"She slapped your ass"
"Yeah, that's how she tells me I'm doing a good job" he says 
"Why are you okay with this? You know this is weird right?"
"I'm not an idiot jack I know this isn't how a typical office works. But… I'm fine with it"
"I'm getting paid to wear tight suit pants and get constantly complimented."
"You have a point"
"Plus… pencil skirts and stockings."
"What is your weird obsession with good legs?"
"You have your kinks I have mine, I like an authoritative woman with good legs sue me. And currently I am getting paid to do literally nothing for an authoritative woman with good legs all I have to do is look cute and bring her coffee"
"Yeah but this is a job a real job not some werid porno or fanfic, how are you ever going to explain to anyone job that you basically worked as a soft core pet boy for some business woman"
"Cutie coffee!" She called from her office 
"Jack just stay out of my business" 
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thedreadeddaisy · 1 year
Napkins and Promises.
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It hadn't been long since Will started noticing that he would need more money for the supplies that his classes required than he already had in mind. That's why as soon as he saw a "We're hiring" sign in the coffee shop that he frequented with his friends, he decided to go in for an interview and an immediate hire.
His new boss was nice enough giving him good hours so that he could still study and work on his class projects. Maybe he couldn't spend as much time with his friends as he wanted, but that was fixed when Dustin suggested that they make the café their hanging out spot so that they at least could be close to Will, even if he couldn't stop and actually talk to them it was nice knowing that they were there. The other plus that Max commented on is that they all gave Will honest reviews on his coffee making skills. Because they could all agree that the coffee wasn't the best. Maybe that's why they mostly stuck to hot chocolates, milkshakes, or warm tea.
But Will did some research of his own on the matter, also stumbling upon a suggestion that he didn't hesitate on making to his boss, pastries to accompany the clientele's drinks, becasue sure they had those simple glazed donuts and some croissants that were a little bit dry that worked just fine when they were drowned in coffee, but maybe some cookies, or even those little butter pastries with jam on them could be a good idea.
The first day that the pastries were presented on the café it was late in the evening, a few people sat in the cozy spaces that the coffee shop offered, one of them being Will's best friend, Mike Wheeler.
Mike was too busy to notice that he hadn't ordered anything, and Will knew all of his attention was put into his final project for his Creative Writing class, that he was putting all of his efforts in as he had told week some days prior, he was mixing genres here and there and maybe he was also using some of their personal and disturbing experiences to make it the little bit more interesting.
That's why Will made a warm latte, and he put three of those strawberry jam pastries on a plate, bringing them to Mike's table. Mike didn't even seem to notice, his back hunched over, and his face almost entering his laptop screen, writing away and unbothered by any sound as he had his headphones on. Five minutes later, Will brought a stack of napkins to him and he actually got his face up from his screen, giving Will a smile and mouthing a "thanks" before diving into the food that had been brought to him.
Mike devoured the pastries in seconds, crumbs left on the table and on his thick maroon sweater, he took one of the napkins with raised eyebrows as he noticed the blue ink on them "Stop hunching your back and get on your feet, you've been sitting for way too long. -W". And he actually rose from the cushioned chair he had been sitting on for two hours. His legs were grateul for him as he walked to the counter, empty plate in hand and headphones sitting comfortably on his neck.
He patiently waited for Will to finish serving the coffee to a nice old lady that looked like a teacher. A smile receiving his friend, widening as he looked at the empty plate that Mike carried.
"Are you back for more?" Will asked, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he took some more of them from the metal rack, putting them carefully in the plate.
Mike hummed as he looked down at the plate, devouring the pastries with his eyes, suddenly flinching when the door opened and a cold gust of air entered the shop as a client left.
"You should be leaving soon. It's getting colder now that the sun is already down". the brunnette suggested signaling through the door.
"Yeah, you're right," Mike shrugged his shoulders. "I just concentrate a lot more in here, way cozier than the dorm room with Lucas and Max doing homework together," he sighed a little annoyed.
"Understandable, Dustin and Suzie won't ever shut up when on a video call... even if they're just playing games. " Will rolled his eyes, still smiling.
"I'll finish these up whilst I pray for our living situation to get better" the ravenette joked as he went back to his seat after Will nodded, getting back to cleaning his working space as closing up time approached in big strides.
Mike thought about how it would be so much better if Will and him shared a room, and Lucas and Dustin shared another one, so much better for everyone. Maybe next year he could suggest that switch to his friends, although he wasn’t sure if Will would want to share a room with him even if he had just complained to him about Dustin. He shook his head as he quickly stuffed his mouth with pastries, downing them with the last sip of coffee that was left in his mug.
He started to collect his things, looking at the counter to wave Will goodbye, but not seeing him anywhere. He supposed that he was inside the kitchen washing the dishes. So Mike decided to take his fountain pen and leave a note in a napkin as Will had done before with him.
Fifteen minutes and wrinkled hands later, Will had finished washing the dishes of the day, ready to clean the tables and close off for the day he started where Mike was sat at, right by the window, seeing as there was a napkin left he took it to throw it away and before he could he saw the blotchy black ink on it in what he recognized as Mike's handwriting.
"I'll be back tomorrow, thank you.
P.S. The pastries were delicious, and the coffee was way better today -Mike".
He kept the napkin as he hoped that it would work as a promise between them.
Let me know if you would like this to be an ongoing Byler series. Don't forget to reblog or comment. They help a lot! Have a great day, you're doing fantastically.
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Vento Innocente AU: Confrontation with Team Bucci- Capri Edition
Koichi sighed, smiling as he took in the nice seaside air. It had been a bumpy hour since the clinic confrontation, but he and Giorno booked it out of there. They got onto a yacht (with Speedwagon Foundation's money, of course) and headed over to Capri for a couple of days.
Giorno was naturally freaked out at first, like anyone would when they see Stands for the first time. But after calming him down some more, he was surprisingly quick to accept the very existence of Stands. And it did help that Echoes was very friendly and patient with Giorno.
Actually, that was something that surprised Koichi. Giorno, overall, is very quick to adapt to the situation at hand. Koichi supposed the loss of Giorno's memories would lead into wanting to try out new things.
"Now, Giorno," Koichi gently instructed when they reached the island. "Stick by me, okay? We'll have everything sorted out. But you need to stick close to me, alright?" When Giorno nodded, Koichi smiled. "Now stay near this area, okay? I'll make a quick phone call."
Giorno nodded again and Koichi scurried over to a nearby payphone, hoping that no Stand nonsense would occur in the next five minutes.
Giorno watched as Mr. Koichi went over to a nearby payphone before going over to a large place with the words 'Toilette' written on the wall and two signs that pointed to two bathrooms. Taking his new clothes, he hid in one of the stalls and dressed into a soft pink T-shirt and blue shorts with nice lace-up shoes. His hair was down to his shoulders as the bandages showed some red.
'Mm,' He thought happily to himself. 'Soft. They feel nice and soft.'
Just then, he heard something from outside. Frightened, he climbed just enough so that nobody could see his feet. That way, he would be invisible! He listened to loud voices talk about something (Protecting the boss's daughter?)
Suddenly, Giorno's head stung painfully and he closed his eyes tightly as he wished for the pain to go away quickly. He bit his lip as he heard the voices fade away and felt his head hurt even more. His legs shook as he stumbled out of the stall. He threw up in the sink and felt dizzy.
And then...
He saw a man lying there. He was bleeding. He looked so alone just like him. What could he do? Suddenly, he saw a group of men come right at him. They asked where the man was. The man who's alone. He decided to lie. He couldn't leave the man alone.
"Kid? Kid?"
"He's waking up!"
"Easy now. Don't be too hasty."
Giorno slowly opened his eyes. It was bright at first but then it slowly mixed into pretty colors. He blinked to see Mr. Koichi and two others looking over at him. One of them had a funny hat while the other one had fluffy, black hair. It was like duck fluff.
"Are you okay?" Mr. Koichi asked. "I forgot that you were still reeling from your head wound."
"Mmm," Giorno whispered sleepily. "I'm okay..."
"Geez," The hat man smiled. "You gave us a scare there, amico mio!"
"Yeah," The fluffy hair man added. "You passed out just like that."
"I'm sorry," Giorno remorsefully replied. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay," Mr. Koichi smiled. "I'm just glad you're awake now."
A girl walked up to them and Giorno blushed a little. She looked really pretty and she seemed to be nice, too. She knelt down and gave him a small metal thing.
"What's this?"
"It's water," The girl answered. "Keep the bottle. It looks like you need it."
"Thank you..."
"Here," Mr. Koichi gently lifted Giorno up. "Let's get to the hotel soon. We need to get you lots of rest." He turned to the others. "Thank you. For helping us out."
"Thank you for the water bottle!" Giorno added cheerily.
As Mr. Koichi and Giorno climbed into the taxi, Giorno spotted a man. He blinked. It couldn't be, could it? It couldn't be the dalmatian man.
"Giorno, get some sleep." Koichi coaxed.
"Mmm," Giorno yawned. "Okay." He closed his eyes and leaned against the car window.
Little did he know that he would mean them again though not when he most expected them.
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hanzell321 · 1 year
Hello everybody, and welcome to my guide about BONFIRES AND OTHER GAME MECHANICS.
This one will be pretty short because there's really not that much to talk about.
(Just to clarify, this guide talks about mechanics like, item discovery, weight, pvp and bonfire use to see combat mechanics go to *link*)
We will start with bonfires mechanics and we will go from the bottom of the of the options you see while resting at the bonfire.
First one Reverse Hollowing.
 To use this option you will need to consume humanity, to do that go to "Browse and use items" find the Humanity item click on it and select "use item" you can find some humanities in firelink, on a corpse laying on the well. 
Your character will do a quick animation and a number will be added to the counter in top left of your screen. Killing a large amount of enemies in one area, while the boss of that area is stil alive, has a chance of increasing that number. You also gain humanity from killing bosses and by helping players online or killing the while either invading them or killing the player who invaded your world.
When the bar show that you have one or more humanities rest at bonfire again and press "Reverse Hollowing" and choose "Yes" your character will do another animation and If you look closely your character will turn into its human form.
All of the things human form allows are online related except thing called NPC invaders which works when playing in offline mode. Once human you will now be able to invade other players, which means you will be able to get into somebodies online world and fight them for their soul and various items. You are also allowing other people invade you. (NPC invaders will only invade in specific areas and once defeated will not respawn) 
To invade ones world you have to use an item called "Cracked Red Eye Orb" (you will not be able to use this item unless you're human) the you will get a message *put in message* after some time you will invade somebodies world and fight them, as said earlier if you beat them you will require one humanity and covenant item (if you belong to one)
And also it allows summoning sings to show, summoning sings let you summon player into your world to help you (white summoning sign) or duel you (red summoning sign). If you have a friend who plays DS too once you acquire item allowing for summoning sigs (white soapstone but it's acquired a little further into the game) you can set a code in your online settings and play together. For helping other players online beat a boss you'll gain a humanity and if you're the part of the covenant special item that will allow you to raise your level in said coven.
Humanity also has more "secret" uses, for example it raises your immunity to curse, curse is the status effect and when its build-up bar is full it instantly kills a player, (more about status effects here *link*), the most curse immunity a player can gain from humanity is while at 30 humanities. It also raises your "Item discovery" which is the stat that represents how high is a chance of enemy dropping an item when defeated, starting at a 100 with humanity can be raised all the way to 210, here is the table of humanity to item discovery:
Humanity Item discovery 0 100 1 150 2 158 3 165 4 173 5 180 6 186 7 192 8 198 9 204 10 210
Second setting on a list is Kindle. The way kindling works is when you are human and have at least one humanity in humanity bar you can use it to kindle the flame of the bonfire. What it does, is it adds five charges to your Estus Flasks use. Max amount of flasks you can have is fifteen but you can only kindle further than ten when you acquire a special key item further into a game.
Third settings is Attune Magic, the way it works is by allowing you to attune different spells for each attunement slot you have, some spells can take more than one attunement slot. After you equip your spells you can use them if your Intelligence and Faith stats are meeting the requirements.
And that brings us to very important mechanic in DS:
ReqParam and ParamBonus/Scaling.
ReqParam like the name suggests is the level of stats you need to have to wield specific weapon or cast a spell. To see weapons requirements simply go to "Change equipment" click on the weapon and than choose toggle display until this image shows up: 
To the right you can see amount of levels you need to have to be able to wield a weapon. To the left ou can see how well the weapon scales with chosen stats. The better scaling is (E-S), the more damage weapon will do as you upgrade this stats. You can see by how much damage raises on left part of the screen.
If you don't have enough stats to wield the weapon, when you will try to equip it you will get the message that you're not able to wield this weapon and the red X will show in the right down corner of the weapon, but if you have enough dexterity and 50% or less strength requirements missing you will be able to wield the weapon while two handing it that's because two handing gives you 50% streanght bonus. When you try and use the weapon you don't have enough stats for it will deal almost no damage, be super slow in use and will bounce off every enemy when hit. 
And then the last option Level up. In here at cost of your souls you can choose what levels you want to upgrade with right part of a screen telling you what does an upgrade raise.
Every stat upgrade raises you defenses with you resistance raising them by the most points and also rising your status effect resists.
Vitality gives you more health
Attunement with enough upgrades will give you more attunement slots and here are the exact numbers you need for additional slot: 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 23, 28, 34, 41, 50. Leveling attunement after reaching level 50 is simply waste of souls because it will only raise your damage resistance, but it fill still be less than if you upgrade resistance itself.
Endurance raises your stamina and equip load.
Strength raises your light and strong attack power.
Dexterity raises your light attack power.
Intelligence is needed for more powerful magic.
Faith is needed for moer powerful miracles.
The last thing I want to talk about is equip load. The way equip load works is that it makes you move and dodge faster or slower. This speeds are split into four sections:
Light equipment load giving you fast rolls and fast movement.
Medium equipment load giving mid rolls that are slower but you're still able to dodge with them pretty well, and you still move quite fast.
Heavy equipment load giving you fat rolls with which dodging is almost impossible, and you're really slow.
And finally over loding where you can't perform any other movement action except walking really slow.
And that's it.
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope that this post helped you in few things. I hope you'll have a great rest of the day, bye.
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "The Sopranos Opening Credits Theme Song | The Sopranos | HBO" on YouTube
I'm a feeling it's Monday morning you can see the scenery it looks like Monday morning but real early and he says it looks like I'm driving around to get coffee and donuts and it might be and the idiots doing it later so what we know is they usually go in early and they try stuff they going again and they try stuff and we have to block it in this case we have to try and fight them off it's coming in a bad time tomorrow they won't be that many left up there in Jersey and we have an airport it's kind of our last area it's going to fill up with us and we're going to be fighting each other to bother another person who's kind of a rebel I don't understand what we're doing but it keeps happening
Tommy f
And your kids understand it that they're fighting you but I understand that does make sense for them to keep doing what they're doing is what you mean I believe he says yes and constant concentrating me and attacking me and things like that have not paid off for any reason and they continue to do it it's going to be learning experience for them tomorrow if they don't learn someone else will have an opportunity to learn after they're gone
As well said because this is becoming nuisance okay the medicine should never be administered to him and is required by a whole bunch of idiots now it's come up against it again and the idiots are not even here pretty soon. The ships have left and there's approximately 2.5 million octillion at the evacuation centers the rest of them are taking things to their own huge things and tons of stuff it's going to just get left there and they're calling for like five rounds of ships for all the stuff so he's sending giant numbers of ships and some of them are armed their escorts but mostly they're big ships and they're coming up right now and then it's not loading and then bring the rest of the people and the rest of the people is like 1 million octillion gathering up their stuff we're still coordinating Aries off with walls and we're watching and we have armament out and heavy and if they start to take the wrong stuff they're gone now they're going up to the upper Midwest too and actually they're taking chips down from the upper Midwest and they're trying to take stuff and we said no that's ours and we worked there and you wouldn't be with anything if you weren't there and you're you're a b**** and they want certain things and we're trying to figure out if we can let it go or not and if we should or not and while we're talking about it they start trying to take it and we cut them down and said we're talking right now the next group we're talking right now same kind of reaction and they're dwindling throw 150,000 octillion out there and now there's about 50,000 octillion and if they keep doing it they won't have any access we're hoping they do cuz we don't block them off but BJ is sending ships up fully loaded with people and some stuff and they want to try and take ships below and we said we don't think that that's possible but they're doing it anyways and there are several cities that have an emptied but we expect them to tonight serious is beginning today
I'm going to get my coffee I want a Newark Express they show some signs and it's what happens on Monday shouldn't things are closed certain things are opened they have to be around to understand it money is not a big day for work everybody's exhausted and they come in late and you can see that the lights are off on certain bridge items and offerings and on ramps are closed and certain tools are closed and that's what's going on and getting there is a pain in the ass and you have to know what you're doing they decide to show this in the video to show us concentrated and angry like a big boss it's really from the traffic and I don't know where to get the footage but you're driving around like a circle you can't access the point from the first segment where it is I have to go all the way around and you have to go on and off in some cases it is a living hell what these people are like to live with it's just a living hell and they do it because we're all lazy it only takes like 50 people but that's hardly anybody on the road and you can see why I sort of and they live in Access because it's usually people who are trying to grab things but that's why they did it the drunken cause problems off the highway so it's like that on Monday and I believe that's the day. It's decent insight people are saying.
Tony soprano
I guess I play the kid and I get shot a lot and people don't want me around but really they don't want Trump around so I'm taking a hit for him and they don't know who Christopher multicity is and I should probably try and figure that out it looks like it could be Terry she's been. I get why now it makes sense but who's the guy doing the hitting in the face is deplorable so we're going to have discussion I guess. And we're also fighting over the Walmart issue and a princess probably just go through and it's nonsense but so I'm laughing cuz it's probably a computer when you think people are doing it so I'm going to try and get to the computer and others are it doesn't care cuz he just arguing until just say he was off the meds for a while cuz he was trying to get the bills trained out I don't care either it's stupid doesn't care for the medicine is poisoning him and stunting is growth they ruined our plan and we kept ruining our plan we're geniuses he says absolute geniuses apparently it's not going that way
It's not me I assure you it looks like me at the end again who's the one who shot or shoots you if it's me wouldn't I be shooting you
The second time you get shot and you keep getting shot you're the one in the bathtub too cuz you f***** up a simple job it looks like Mark ruffalo you hit it was the hulk and I'm sure we'll have to face him later thank you very much just stay home
Terry c
There's a huge number of things going on I can't stand any of this. And now I'm working out okay I'm in my sweats I don't believe it I think that's me running away from them and it says he doesn't know he can't tell who anyone is finally. There's a very odd feeling I'm having everybody's waiting for this freaking series and I see why oh you get hit by him and he hits you and we can remember it if he doesn't know who people are. I guess it doesn't matter makes it worse for us he says they come back and hit you again cuz you're back well that makes sense. It's a few things I want to say we're trying to strip him of his money still and we're providing it and we're assholes. And it's real it's really bad what we're doing is stupid and self-deprecating. The second thing is we're moving out and we're getting our supplies and things and we have a lay down area that's next to theirs and the spot is for us to grab our stuff and he says no it's for both and to keep you out of the cities cuz you sit there pestering things it's true too the whole place is a mess trying to take steel from the lower level and here we go we have huge lots that are coming out and some huge ships are going out from us and we only have a few areas but we're taking it and we're not taking from our bases which is probably a mistake we're going to fight each other over them and it's going to be horrible and Star wars is beginning this movie series or television they're already up there and we're having a good time pounding around saying funny things in a fake Italian accent getting my restaurant going and it was on TV and my granddaughter was running the place she couldn't hack it so she left and I had to pick it up and later on she gets mad and they do a credit card scam and nearly ruins me and I crack open my skill my son's skull apparently if that's me but who would know and everyone examined it and said it was
This is what it's like they tell me that stuff and I have to try to do something which will probably trigger it but really you're such an a******
I can't wait for them to be yelling across the Italian restaurant when Dan is working for him that's going to be fun
Zues Hera
Yeah I mean on this too that's funny and it's Hera again
The whole world is going to be on its ear and you're going to crack my head open it doesn't look like it's on purpose it just cracks it's kind of weak it's not like it took a rock and smacked it a few times. But then my head gets run over so that's not the end of it. We move on to Goodfellas and it gets rolled over and they're playing this music it's like a friend and his girlfriend mop it's nothing to do with them and it's going through like the whole show I can't stand this is so weird who the hell is doing this stuff
We're both doing it and it's stupid supposed to blame him and it does not look like it happens at all he's not up in Jersey has hardly been there is life maybe twice and he thinks it's only twice he drove through both times oh three times maybe drove through three or so four times and stay there once and Rose's house and you should be ashamed of yourselves on the road says and Aunt Rose says and she was a good host and Mom had a good time and we talked and we had fun and she was worried about Frank I think and I said he was dead but I think he's around and it had an atmosphere of Hope and I found out he was around he's not one of the bombs bums it was a good time you said the bed was really poofy but he slept better on it his bed is a nightmare I see the thing says you can feel the wires it's a nightmare but really you guys don't slow down and you don't have lives at all you don't know anybody you don't say hello or take a moment and he starts talking to people and ignores you because you're sitting there seeing this s*** and threatening people you're horrible you wanted to join the club of being a b***** loser you should you should really feel bad for your selves because you're so bad at this Aunt Rose says and really it's what need to be said we're horrible but you know who knows what's going to happen we just keep doing probably
I've heard enough we're going up there they're going to try and get the money which we are taking supposedly he says let's try to think about something just putting it up there to take it here or something to blame us
0 notes
xenizaation · 2 years
times on end
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Warning! Sexual content ahead! Minors please dni!
pairing: choi san x fem! reader
genre: established relationship, smut
word count: 3k
warnings: oral sex(f receiving), fingering, nipple play, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names, impregnation kink, dirty talk(like lots of it, this may be the chattiest smut scene i ever wrote), rough sex, choking.
a/n: gotta be honest, i didn't expect anyone to ask for a second part to this fic, but am glad y'all did cus i really enjoyed writing both parts. not as long as i planned it to be, but it's not so short either. hope you guys enjoy! xoxo
this fic can be read by itself, but if you want some insight you should read the first part here
signing the divorce papers was harder than you'd imagined. you wanted to think, to hope, that the feelings you had for san would completely overshadow whatever was left that was still burning inside you for the man who stood by your side for years, but they didn't-not entirely.
you were sure you wanted to do this and yet, seeing your husband almost teary-eyed after hearing your news made you think otherwise. it made mercy take such a toll on your head that you actually, for a fair minute, considered staying only for him not to suffer. to bare everything upon your shoulders in silence, making you think it's what you deserve after betraying him so bluntly. guilt was the thing holding you next to him more than anything else.
but there was a selfish side of you to which you were completely thankful for snapping you back to reality. one that endlessly carried you to your desires and more specifically, to your san.
"can you just move into my place already? this is starting to become tiring." his sweet voice echoed in between the walls of your apartment after the sound of him closing the door behind the two of you. "you're there five nights a week anyway." he continues, dropping the empty bags that were going to be filled with clothes next to you.
coming to collect things from your own home has become a weekly habit in the six months since you and san decided to go exclusive. as of now, he already learned where everything was, being fully capable to pack your bag even on the nights you had to stay out late to the same office he bossed you around in. you trusted him with your key along many other unspoken things.
"i just don't want to rush anything, san." you say while turning away from him and opening your underwear drawer, snooping through the lacy pieces of lingerie.
what you didn't want to rush in fact, was the mourning of your previous relationship. or the lack of it if you were completely honest with yourself. in some kind of way, you were emotionally detached from your marriage for a long time before breaking it, and it was noticeable seeing how not much remorse lived inside you now. you only felt bad for the cheating part, for not being brave enough to tell your husband your feelings had ceased to exist when they did and choosing to be unfair to him instead. but you couldn't turn back time, and even if you could you're not sure you would do it.
"rush? didn't you have an affair with me? moving together scares you more?" he replies with a very amused laugh as he throws his body on your squeaky bed.
"it's not that," you sigh still searching through the drawer but not paying any attention to the various pieces of undergarments that tangle between your fingers. it's hard to put your thoughts into words, especially the ones that you thought wouldn't be spoken into reality. "it's just...i don't want to risk getting too familiar with each other and then realizing that maybe it's not what we want." you mutter out, taking a seat on the corner of the bed as you avoid san's gaze at all costs, keeping it fixed on the ground beneath you.
poor choice of words for what you meant to express, that being "i'm afraid you're going to get bored of me and then it'll turn out exactly like my catastrophe of a marriage."; there was no reason for you to have these doubts, in your time together san has been nothing but loving and understanding towards your every need, showing times and times again how he was devoted completely to you and the relationship between the two of you. but you couldn't help being paranoid about some things, all of this being the effect of your now ended marriage.
the bed squeaks as san sits straight, dragging his body closer to you as he places one warm hand on top of your cold ones in your lap. there's more than physical warmth that he offers you, there's that heat that engulfs you entirely, from the inside out, whenever he lays as little as his observant gaze upon you. his touch was on another level even, making you feel like the most precious stone in the world whenever he caressed your skin with his soft fingertips.
you felt like you were in a dark abyss, and he was the one pulling you out of it. your past partners have never made you feel like this, not even for a second, and this was the exact reason why you were afraid of fucking it all up. living in terror with the thought that one small mistake is going to turn this thing all around and you would find yourself not only alone, but having to live the rest of your life knowing that you have ruined your chances with the only human being in the whole entire world who you felt was your soulmate.
"look, i don't want to stress you out about it," he says as he hooks one finger under your chin, lifting your face up and towards him. "if it's not what you want, then it's ok. but i don't want you to think that i don't want it either. i would love nothing more than waking up next to you for the rest of my existence and not wondering when you're gonna go home and leave me all by myself over there." you recognize the sadness in his tone as well as what he is describing; the exact feeling of loneliness taking over you every time you found yourself in between the empty walls of your apartment. it was san's house that felt like home to you now, and it was all because he was there. he would make you feel like home even at the bottom of the ocean.
"i mean it when i say i want you there. i mean it when i say i love you. i mean everything about you, y/n," he whispers the last words like a solemn prayer he says every night before sleep. "and that's because you mean everything to me." his forehead slowly leans into yours as he closes his eyes, leaving you to assimilate all his words in a certain quietness that is far from uncomfortable and nothing short of peaceful.
your eyelids drop low too, covering your vision as your eyes start burning with the threat of tears. now, how could you reply to that? what words were fit to say to the man who has gently handed you his heart on a silver platter, telling you to do with it whatever you see fit. the way san wore his heart on his sleeve when he was with you made you love him even more, a quality of his you were struggling to learn seeing how you were much more reserved about speaking out your emotions the same way he did.
"i also meant what i said about growing tired about this whole thing. could've chosen a closer apartment you know, it's a 25 minute drive to here." he lightens up the atmosphere with a light chuckle. you start laughing as you throw your hands around him, pulling him in a tight hug while you burrow your head in his firm chest. his hands stroke your back softly and his nose sits atop the crown of your head, inhaling your essence deeply just like you do his.
"what if you get bored of me?" a light whisper, filled with concern. he pulls away slowly but your hands don't leave his body when his own cup your face, keeping it in place as he stares into your heart with an adoring look.
"don't think i'll live long enough to get bored of you." san says as he draws your face closer to his. you prepare to feel his soft lips on top of yours but instead you only see him pull his head away all of a sudden.
"how about you, hm?" he questions with a raised brow, trying his best to mask away the discouraged look in his eyes as he thinks that you getting bored of him could ever be an option. san was a being that craved reassurance, always failing in trying not to show the side of him that would desperately search for your validation. you were more than happy to give it to him, he deserved it more than anyone else.
"i couldn't get bored of you even if i tried," you reveal and peck his lips briefly. "you give good dick." you add as if that was the sole reason for it, when in fact it was near the bottom of the list of why you adored san so much.
he laughs to your joke, pulling you into a deep kiss and smashing your body against his own. things escalate quickly, something that you grew accustomed to happening when you were near san. now laying with your back on your fairly uncomfortable mattress (another made up reason that you used to spend the nights over at his house), san was pressing passionate kisses on the skin of your neck, his hands quickly actioning upon unbuttoning your blouse.
he was taking his time, kissing his way slowly down your chest until his mouth was above your breasts. he unveiled your nipple from the material of your bra by pushing it to the side and took your nipple right into his mouth. the swirls of his tongue against your areola were executed with precision, one that drove you insane every time he sucked it hungrily or grazed his perfect teeth on your sensitive bud, making you jolt underneath his touch.
his body dragged itself down, reaching the hard floor with his knees, now sitting in between your legs while he pulled your ass closer to the edge of the bed. his hands caressed your thighs in an upwards motion of lifting your skirt past the parts he needed exposed, gentle fingers hooking under the band of your panties and pulling them down in a swift motion. he placed both of your legs on his broad shoulders as he got closer to you, pressing soft kisses on the meat of your inner thigh. you were already wet for him; and he seemed to notice quite quickly, making you not wait anymore as he latched his mouth to your clit, suckling all the while he dragged his tongue over it.
your fingers only tangle themselves in his hair, pulling him closer with breathy moans of his name. he continues his ministrations, topping the pleasure he was already giving you by adding one middle finger inside, slowly dragging it against your walls. you groan at the feeling, seeing his hand quickly climbing up your torso as he takes a hold of your exposed breast, pinching your nipple in between his fingers and in the course of it, stealing a quiet whimper from you. he adds a second finger, the two digits curling inside you just right as his mouth doesn't stop showering your clit with love and attention.
it doesn't take you much longer to feel your stomach forming a tight knot, and even less to feel it untangle as the quiet electricity of an orgasm buzzes inside your body, making you moan harder as you tighten your thighs around san's head, feeling your insides swirl up and your fingertips go numb in his hair as you desperately try to push him away from you-to no avail. he removes his fingers and licks his way down to your hole, drowning his tongue in the warmness of your pulsating walls as he sucks every drop of your release into his mouth. you jolt under every lick, every forward push of his wet muscle reaching further inside, that makes you throw your head back into the mattress and your back arch instinctively, and in this moment you feel nothing more than the place where san's tongue connects with your body.
he finally lets your core catch a break, pulling his head away from your warmth and slowly getting up. his face now adorns a smirk and your juices, making his jaw glisten beautifully under the lights in the room as he leans over to kiss you. you take in his tongue, swirling your own around his muscle in a manner short of shy. you weren't sure who you tasted more: you or him, but you sure loved the taste of your essence combined with his saliva.
"i love you." you whisper into his mouth and he only deepens the kiss in return-fully aware that by now, you already know how he feels about you. he pulls you up by your waist, slowly rising you to your feet. your legs buckle beneath you when they are met with the act of supporting your whole weight.
"that good?" san chuckles while holding you by the waist to help you regain your balance. he knew exactly what effect he had on you.
you nod, kissing him again as he pushes you towards the wall, sticking your back against it as he undresses quickly. you follow without a question, watching him with all your undivided attention as he slides down his pants, leaving his erect cock naked in all its glory. your mouth waters at the sight of his veiny shaft that glistened with precum at the tip while you peeled off the last garment that was covering your body.
"choi san, mister," you mutter out as desperately as you could, looking into his hungry eyes that devoured every piece of you the same way yours did him. "are you gonna fuck me against a wall?" you question as innocently as you can conjure yourself to be in the moment with his body pressed against yours as he kissed your neck, his dick finding cover right in between your legs, sliding in between your folds and thighs with small thrusts of his hips.
"might as well make some good memories in your apartment if you don't want to leave it." he mumbles against the skin of your neck.
"who says i don't?" you whisper close to his ear.
he only looks up in surprise, as if he didn't expect you to make up your mind so quickly. he presses his lips with force against yours one more time before he turns your whole body around, making you face the wall. his knee swings your legs apart and you arch your back naturally when his hands find purchase on your hips to pull you towards him. you align his tip with your entrance and he pushes in slowly, stretching you gradually with his deliciously girthy cock.
you murmur his name as he picks up pace, every thrust of his hips making your face press against the wall more. "san, ah...harder, please. please fuck me harder." you mutter out in between breathy moans, giving body to your lustful wishes.
"fuck, y/n, keep talking like that and i'm gonna cum." he says as he presses deeper into you with each thrust, the power behind his moves being fully motivated by your desires. one strong hand wrapping around your neck just tight enough to make you moan loudly.
"it feels so fucking good, san, you feel so fucking good inside of me." you keep rambling just to feel his cock twitch inside of you at the words.
"just you wait doll, gonna fill you up with babies way before i wife you up." he groans, tightening the grip over your neck just enough to make you so dizzy that you can't think of-can't feel anyone else but him.
"that fucker wasn't able to do it, right? so incompetent you needed me to even fuck you right." he says, using all the rage that your ex-husband was awakening inside him to smash his hips into yours just the way you asked him to-hard, sort of animalic in the way your breasts bounced around every time skin made contact with skin. his forceful rams made his dick brush over your sweet spot over and over again and in combination with the hand around your neck and his impactful words, you felt your high coming in no time.
"san, i'm gonna cum-ah.." you exhaled, still feeling every inch of his cock entering deeply inside of you.
"please do, baby." he whispers in your ear.
it's not a choice to orgasm right in the moment you feel his breath fan over your nape, it's more of a natural instinct of following his orders. you cum so hard around his cock that you feel your legs are going to give up on you, standing on your tip-toes as you lean forward into the wall trying to gain some sort of support. san doesn't stop, now chasing after his own high as your hole clenches around him with every pulsation of your fading orgasm.
"oh-fuck," he growls and after a few more sloppy thrusts, he stills deep inside you-surely reaching as deep as your cervix with his tip just as hot ropes of cum splash onto your awaiting inner walls.
both of you a quivering mess now, leaned against the wall as cold drops of sweat roll down the back of your thighs whilst san hugs you from the back, not pulling out just yet. the room is filled with your breaths trying to get steady and you find your heart skipping a beat thinking of how good you feel around san, how every moment you spend with him you wish to turn into eternity like right now, with his chin pressed softly on your shoulders as his arms are wrapped lovingly around you, keeping you safe in his hold, making you feel like you're the most special being in the whole entire world.
so this is how love is supposed to feel like.
"should we pack everything then?" you ask with a light chuckle.
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skazoo · 2 years
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↳ jeon jungkook x f!reader
war has never been more frustrating- oh well... it sure has but you know...
length. 0.7k
genre. crack, fluff, established relationship
warnings/tags. swear word(s), war vocabulary?? i think that's it
notes. dumb little jk drabble before i finish and post a big leeknow x reader fic for wich i will have a teaser out sometimes later. had fun writing this lmao.
always thanks to my bff for beta-reading and to that tumblr post for inspiring me. hope you enjoy!
i'm desperate for feedback and i love comments with your opinion!
(cross-posted on ao3 only)
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War is in full motion as you stealthily walk on the elevated surface, scanning, scrutinizing the maze-like battlefield where your teammates are silently advancing in formation.
The long barrel of the sniper rifle clinks lightly as you rest it upon the metal railing, angling your body to take a clean shot of your current main target.
With a deep breath, you close one eye and put the other close to the makeshift scope of the weapon, the red laser pointer shoots out and sets itself on the back of your enemy, time stills, and with a swift push of the trigger, the shot is fired.
Your rifle vibrates under your touch as a scream resonates through the silent arena.
“Fuck! Not again! Who was it this time!? Come out, you coward!”
“Ah! Suck it Park! I’m owning your ass so bad it makes me think you’re liking it!”, your mocking is victorious, as you high-five your second in command, grinning like a maniac at the man on the other side of the large dark room.
“Laser tag is brutal ‘Min, you either die or get killed”, Jin solemnly preaches, and you seriously nod beside him.
“You either- that doesn’t even make sense- Kook why do you always let them team up together!? They’re so dumb, and they always annihilate us so bad is embarrassing!”, Jimin whines loudly as he shame-walks towards the neon green sign of the exit.
“I don’t let them. She just tells me and expects I agree, and I’m okay with it because you know how I love getting bossed around by her. Especially in bed.”
“Stop being horny Jungkook. We’re at war, there’s no time for love or sex.”
“You sure baby?”, he says with such a smug grin that makes you want to shoot him in the head and stab a victory flag into his body.
You throw a competitive look his way, and he smirks innocently, mischief hiding under the surface.
The battle is still raging as the countdown nears zero dangerously fast.
With two members on both teams left and too many places to hide, you are getting antsy, impatient, and extremely worried that Yoongi will let himself get murdered just to speed up the process of going out to eat.
You should still have time to climb the metal ladder and at least eliminate Joon who's, without doubts, carelessly walking around with his guard down even if you heard Jungkook beg him not to.
As you leave Yoongi in a sheltered corner, hopeful that he will at least stay silent and not whine, you sneakily get yourself on the second level, getting in position again.
With Namjoon in sight, the job is easy.
Position. Breath. Laser. Trigger. Victory.
Only somewhere between 'laser' and 'trigger', two strong arms wrap around you, spinning you and gently pinning you to the banister.
Jungkook's cologne engulfs you as he takes your chin in his hands and starts kissing you slowly, softly. Kissing you with so much love that for a second you feel destabilized.
As he parts from your mouth, he sweetly nips at your lower lip.
He stares lovingly into your eyes, and without missing a beat, before even a single snarky remark can form in your brain, you feel the familiar vibrations of your tactical vest signal that you've been eliminated.
Your eyes fall on the neon blue shotgun that your boyfriend holds between your bodies, and you're left completely stunned. Wordless. Dumbfounded when the man- no, the filthy enemy bends slightly down to peck your lips one more time and then walks away, weapon on the shoulder, as if absolutely fucking nothing happened. And all you can do is stare at his stupid broad back and his stupid sculpted ass and his stupid teammates cheering from the other side of dirty plastic windows.
When you manage to speak, indignation strains your voice. "This is outrageous! We're having another match. Another match right now!"
Behind you, Yoongi pats your shoulder, and with a glacial seriousness you've only seen him use when the other disturbs him while he's working, he utters words that seal your first defeat in the arena after a long time of perfect victories.
"We're not playing again, we're eating. Now."
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