#fish-oil study
reportwire · 2 years
Fish Oil Is Good! No, Bad! No, Good! No, Wait
Fish Oil Is Good! No, Bad! No, Good! No, Wait
At first, it was all very exciting. In 1971, a team of Danish researchers stationed on Greenland’s northwest coast found that a local Inuit community had remarkably low levels of diabetes and heart disease. The reason, the researchers surmised, was their high-marine-fat diet—in other words, fish oil. Incidence of heart disease, which once afflicted relatively few Americans, had shot up since the…
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attyammy · 4 months
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hate oil pastels so much bc why do you have to get filthy like that
how do people keep their pastels clean and pure fr 😭😭😭 like do ppl online just have a separate set for filming???? bc mine are BUSTED
also some funny looking sticker images i made recently (dm or comment if you want them :) )
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sircarrieart · 1 year
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Salmon study!!
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astrolovecosmos · 5 months
The 5th House + Romantic Themes/Tropes
Aries in the 5th House: Knight or hero saving their damsel in distress, competitor suitors, "bad boy/bad girl" with "nice guy/girl" dynamics, queen/princess saving the king/prince, a hard to catch chase, red roses and red lipstick, athlete or warrior connected love story, second chance love stories, couple vs. nature or unknown as they pioneer a new frontier, lingerie, things move fast, "no one else like you", fated lovers, lover's quarrels, innocent love, first loves, love at first sight.
Taurus in the 5th House: Worshipping each other's bodies, making love in nature, paradise themes, fancy venues, luxury, secret prince/billionaire stories, Cinderella-like stories, seduction, sensuality, aphrodisiacs, massages, the fastest way to their heart is through the stomach, willpower, ugly duckling themes, silk and cashmere, kisses on the neck, serenading, rose petals on the bed.
Gemini in the 5th House: Friends to lovers, pretend relationship tropes, sexting, online dating stories, pen pal lovers, long distance relationships, romantic academia, coffee dates, study dates, eloquence, unexpected softness, talking dirty, rivalries to lovers, Kama Sutra, twists and turns, love letters, vocalness, teasing, arguments.
Cancer in the 5th House: Old friend or flame love stories - maybe similar to second chances, parent trap themes, moonlight, waterfalls, ocean waves, baths, intimacy in the shower, cuddles, feeling wanted or needed, private or secret lovers, waterbeds, remembering and celebrating important dates like anniversaries and birthdays, sentimental love, nurturing their lover back to health themes, pearls and silver, traditional love themes, Romeo and Juliette, Titanic vibes, homecooked meals or lunches, long hugs.
Leo in the 5th House: Holiday romances or flings, everyone else can see how fated or good they are with someone - but they themselves are oblivious, wine, dance floors, flattery, adoration, gold, luxury, sex on the beach, roleplay, hot-blooded passion, romance that involves royalty, center of attention, turns heads, strip tease, mirror on the ceiling, professing undying love, great adventures, drama galore or a love worthy of the stage.
Virgo in the 5th House: High School sweethearts, devoted lover who does a service or keeps a promise for a dead partner, defending someone's honor or being defended, saving their lover from a bad partner or ex, loyal servant and royalty loves, light tracing, tickling, taking care of someone or nurturing them back to health, sexy outfits, plenty of praise and appreciation, couple's spa day or massage, attentive, caring, the details in love matter.
Libra in the 5th House: Love triangle stories, masquerades, balls, Parisian love stories or themes, opposites attract, wedding related romances (meeting at a wedding or stopping a wedding), lovers against the odds, love potions, star-crossed lovers, matchmaking, sunsets, pastels, clouds, rivals or enemies to lovers but with grace or focus on making peace, sensual moments, biting lips, charm counts for something, perfume, candles, oils, flower petals, champaign, strawberries or cherries, feathers, cliche seduction, inspirational love, love and art, love songs.
Scorpio in the 5th House: Enemies to lovers, dark romances, horror and romance, forbidden love, secret romances, "if I can’t have you, nobody will", vampires, magic or the occult, Phantom of the Opera, passionate kisses and touch, lingerie, naked, bondage, power, vulnerability, jealousy or possessiveness themes, leather, being by or in water, strong taste and fragrances, avenging your hurt or dead lover or being avenged, dark fantasies, secluded romantic places, overcoming fears or challenges together, psychology, villains and heroes, transformative love stories.
Sagittarius in the 5th House: Lovers from very different cultures or backgrounds, eloping, loveable rogue themes, fish out of water stories, deep thoughts and discussions, speed dating, daredevils and calling bluffs, adventure, "I can show you a whole new world", exotic romantic places, escaping with your lover, hotel rooms, casino or game nights, learning together, discovering something new about their lover frequently, lucky to find each other, free-spirited love, surprises and passion.
Capricorn in the 5th: Force proximity stories, love that grows or takes time, time-travel romance, historical romances, secret romances, age gap themes, gothic themes, consistency, lotion and oils, romantic music, power dynamics, fine wine, wealth and luxury, secret prince/billionaire stories, earthy and erotic, punishment and submission themes, respect and grace, powerful libidos, leather, antique or fine jewelry, beautiful crystals or gems, great smiles or teeth, unique bouquets, careful lovers.
Aquarius in the 5th House: Sci-fi romance themes, unconventional dynamics or roles, time-travel romance, beautiful minds and/or beloved geniuses, light touch, substances to enhance experiences or feelings, incense or candles, anything goes, the unexpected, unique gifts or romantic gestures, romance that shows how much their lover knows them, rebel lovers, acceptance, deep talks, mind melds, fetishes, spiritual and/or mental challenges, unique beauty, each partner doing their own thing, their lover being the only one to arouse passion in them or vice versa.
Pisces in the 5th House: Running to catch up to their lover at the airport, amnesia related love stories, hopeless romantic, poetry, daydreaming, soulmates, finding a muse or being one, kissing in the rain, foot massages, love songs, satin sheets, skinny dipping, oysters, champagne, roses, making fantasies come to life, eternal promises and fidelity, loving life and love, overly idealistic love stories, fairytales, healing themes, intuitive lovers or psychic connections.
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cdragons · 4 months
Fuck Everything, But Mostly Fuck You
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Next Part
Summary: You have never, EVER, in a million years hated anyone the way you hated Felix fucking Catton.
Warnings- MDNI 18+, Felix is delulu, Reader is stressed and homesick and kinda crazy but she a baddie, Michael is Michael, Farleigh is Farleigh, Oliver will be Oliver (a creep), and author has spent too much time researching Oxford crap for this mess for a crack fic to be a crack fic
Author's Note: This fic is a follow-up to this post and I would like to thank grammarly for catching all my grammatical errors 🥲, @ethereal-athalia for enabling my crazy ideas 🥰, and @valeskafics for providing me Saltburn smut when I catch myself thirsting 😇
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“FUCK!” you yelled at the top of your lungs just before your nose slammed down on the dewy grass.
Groaning in pain before the mortification of realizing what had just happened kicked in.
You didn’t know what was worse: the fact you had a full front view of the giant’s junk or that he body-slammed you onto the ground and caused you to land on top of the painting worth 30% of your final grade.
You wanted to scream your head off. The paint had finally dried, and you could finally leave the studio at two in the morning. It was close to finals, and pretty much anyone on campus who didn’t get accepted because of their daddy’s bank account was in their dorms. You had hoped that this fact would mean that the paths were empty and, therefore, safe to transport your 30” x 40” canvas.
You shot your head up to locate the person who just apologized. Lo’ and behold, it was the same plastered, pasty cunt with a bird’s nest disaster of a haircut drunken idiot who decided it was a good idea to go streaking across campus. His only other distinguishable features were that he was at least 6’3” and that he had a small steel piece pierced on his face.
After the “apology,” he and his friend continued running off to God’s knows where in the dead of night—leaving you behind on the lawn with a bleeding nose, bruised knees and palms, and an oil painting that was torn and caked in mud three days before its deadline.
There was no way to redo it. The project was assigned at the beginning of October. It took 5 hours to set up the models with the motifs and lights, 3 hours to take pictures, and 10 hours to underdraw the preliminary sketch. You didn’t even want to think about the sheer number of sleepless nights you spent in the studio mixing colors and layering. On top of that, you also had your other finals in other courses to study for.
You had practically been living in that studio for the past month. All of the custodians and security guards knew you by name. You got first dibs every day when they refilled the vending machines. It was a true godsend when you didn’t have time to visit the dining halls. Everyone had been so kind and sweet to you. It was a warm welcome compared to the snark and snobbery you experienced from most of your classmates.
Crying from the devastation of the loss of your situation, your shaking legs carried your body and what remained of your work into the building. You knew that your professor stayed in her office late for grading. You could only hope that she would sympathize with your pitiful appearance.
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“Wait, so did you get the extension?”
Lifting your head from the sticky library table at Bodleian’s, you stared at your best only friend, Michael Gavey, with a blank stare. You didn’t react to his wince after he took in your haggard appearance. You didn’t need a mirror to know that you looked terrible.
Your eyes were puffy and bloodshot red with dark mulberry bags underneath them. You had paled since coming to dreary England, but now you looked straight-up sickly. And if that wasn’t enough, your eyes had less life than a dead fish rotting at a Sunday Market.
Your voice was so meek that you were sure he had to strain to hear you.
“Yeah…I got it.”
You knew you had no choice but to beg your Studio Arts professor for an extension. But it killed you doing it. Professor Daria Martin was your favorite teacher and the only faculty member who actually liked you. Her support toward you meant everything to you; the last thing you wanted to do was disappoint her, let alone be the reason why she lost her job.
Your usually so snarky four-eyed friend perked up at the news.
“So, is everything okay?” he asked with hope.
Your head fell on neon-yellow ink-stained pages that filled the paperweight your ethics professor called a textbook. A bitter laugh fell from as your lips lifted to a wry, dry grin.
“Oof, not that simple, is it?” he asked.
“Is it ever?”
“So what do you have to do now?”
“Well-,” you lifted your head to take a deep breath as you started to explain, “- I still have the photos and copies of the sketch. But because the canvas was so large, it was special-ordered. That means I need to wait until another one can be delivered, and since all the works need to be completed in the studio, I can’t leave the campus.”
As you finished your explanation, Michael nodded his head in understanding before he paused, and a look of devastation painted his features.
“Wait, so does that mean-”
“I won’t be able to fly back home for the holidays.”
Fuck, you were about to cry again. You had been so excited to see your old friends and family. You remembered how absolutely homesick you were at the beginning of the term. Because you were a scholarship student from America, your parents encouraged you to settle on campus by moving to your dorm earlier than everyone else. It was bad enough that you missed Thanksgiving, but you had really set your heart on coming home for Christmas and New Year’s. What made it worse was that your parents had told you all about the dinner they had planned for your homecoming. It was going to be a feast of all your favorites.
English food sucked balls.
Your only saving grace was the Crunchie bars Michael got for you when you studied together or when you had to rewrite edit his essays.
You really DID cry after first reading his essay for Introductory English class at the beginning of the year.
“Did you try to report it?”
“Report what? ‘Hey, there’s a wasted asshole running naked across campus, and he body-slammed me to the ground and tore my fucking massive campus that blocked my view of the jackass. He’s probably richer than the goddamn Queen, given how he’s wasted right before finals.’”
“Do you have any description of him?”
“He’s a giant with a small eyebrow piercing, and his fat ass looked like it had never seen the sun.”
Without lifting your head, you heard the scrape of Michael’s chair before he walked across the table to sit in the chair next to you.
“Hey,” he began, bringing you into a warm arm hug, “it’ll be okay. You called your parents about it, right?”
“Yeah -” you sighed before continuing, “- they told me they understood and would Skype me daily.”
“See! Everything’s going to be – wait, did you say that this guy was tall?”
Furrowing your brow in confusion, you looked at your friend at the change in his tone from light and supportive to sharp and interrogative.
“How tall?”
“Umm,” you had to think about that, “I’d say he was about 6’3” or above? He was really fucking tall.”
“And he had an eyebrow piercing?”
Ok, now you were really confused. “Yes? Michael, where are you going with this?”
“I think the guy who ran you over was Felix Catton.”
You shot your favorite idiot with a deadpan glare.
“Felix Catton? The same Felix Catton who just so happens to be the same Felix Catton you hate?”
Michael solemnly nodded. “It’s him. It has to be. The only person on campus as tall as him is his cousin, and he doesn’t have piercings.”
“And he’s black.”
“Yeah, that too.”
You were skeptical, and it showed. You didn’t want to callously dismiss your friend, but you knew more than anyone how much his hatred for Oxford’s Golden Boy could impair his judgment. You were by no means a fan of the guy, but accusing someone of anything they didn’t do just because your friend thought so went against your principles.
He grabbed your arm and dragged you to the bookshelf in front of the table where Felix and his groupies sat. Both of your books and bags were in your chairs, but you managed to keep your spiral notebook with you. It wasn’t hard to find them – they were the loudest table in the entire library. They also reeked of cigarettes and booze.
“See?” Michael hissed. “Giant, pale, and eyebrow piercing. It’s him!”
“Michael,” you softly groaned, “just because you hate Felix Catton doesn’t mean you can –”
An extremely shrill voice interrupted you.
“I can’t believe you and Farleigh actually ran around campus naked!”
A petite girl with full pink lips and dull red hair latched on the arm of the man of the hour. “It was so hot to watch!”
This girl has weird-ass tastes in guys.
“And then how you crashed into that dunce at Ruskin! Brilliant!”
Your blood ran cold while another one of Catton’s faceless droning puppets chimed in.
“God, what an idiot! It’s their own fault, anyway. Who the fuck walks in the middle of the walk path with a fucking big canvas in front of them?”
One of the lessons hammered into your skull young was never to move before you think. That lesson had saved you ten ways from Sunday. But this was not one of those times.
You’re pretty sure that you hear Michael calling out your name as you walk away from the shelf and towards the overcrowded table. Tunnel vision took over you as you made your way to the overgrown idiot who almost cost you your entire future.
Grabbing the back of his shirt collar, you dragged the 6’5” towering fool on his ass all the way outside. You finally let go when the two of you reached the back of the building that had no windows.
“Hey, what the fu –”
You didn’t let him finish as you brought your fist to hit him square in the face – and, fuck, did you relish the crunch that immediately followed your swing.
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Fuck, was his head killing him.
Felix should have known better than to have gotten cross-faded last night, but Farleigh had practically goaded him to do it. It’s not like his cousin ever had to worry about his grades for any of his courses during finals – the little shit-starter had always been so fucking academically gifted.
He skipped pretty much all of his morning classes and barely made it to his afternoon schedule on time while completely zoning out the entire time.
If he bombs on all his finals, his dad was going to absolutely murder him. But chances were he and his mum were going to be too busy entertaining whichever new friend his mum brought in for shelter.
“You alright there, champ?”
Felix swiveled his head too quickly and immediately groaned in pain. The motion made his hangover even worse. Rubbing his eyes to try to soothe the pounding in his head, he slowly opened them to look at his cousin.
The slag didn’t have the decency to look even a little bit affected from last night’s event – the fucker. No, he was sitting there with all Cheshire grins and gleaming eyes while Felix was two seconds from heaving his guts out.
“Yeah, I’m alright, mate.” He replied in a tired groan.
“Must have been quite the night. Wonder if it had anything to do with that little cocktail you took from our sweet Annabel’s belly button?”
Disgust was clear on Felix’s face as he recalled the body shot he had taken from his ex-FWB’s navel. He truly must have been off his rocker last night – he thought he was over with body shots since graduating secondary, but apparently not.
If he somehow got an STD from doing it, V was going to kill him.
But even with all of his horrible actions that caused the raging war inside his skull, that wasn’t the main cause of his misery.
Farleigh’s grin dropped as judgment painted his features.
“Oh,” he moaned, “please tell me this isn’t about ‘your angel’ from last night.”
He didn’t just take the dare of streaking across the grounds just for the hell of it. He needed an excuse to pass through the art building – all for the chance of seeing you.
You. His angel of paints and books who lived in the empty studio rooms of Oxford University’s Ruskin School of Art and whose presence harangued him every hour of every day. Everywhere Felix went, he would unconsciously look for you.
It was his soul calling out for yours – he knew it.
Felix had never felt so drawn to another human being in his entire existence. He’d never seen you outside of the libraries, art building, and maybe the dining hall if he was lucky. You never went to any parties or even had a drink at the pub at King’s Arms. He didn’t even have classes with you, but he knew Farleigh did. Word was that you and his cousin had shared a few classes – what’s more was that you were likely the only person who could go head-to-head with him in academics.
And to make it worse, the prat refused to tell him anything about you – not even your fucking name.
“Believe me,” he told him after Felix had been begging his cousin for hours to share anything about you, “she is way above your league.”
Which really hurt his feelings, by the way – sure, you were probably way above in book smarts, but there wasn’t a girl that remained indifferent to his charms after a good talking fucking.
“I still can’t believe you won’t at least tell me her name,” Felix complained once more, “or even just give me her number!”
“She’s an American here on scholarship and a bore,” he quipped back, “what’s there to tell? And can you please shut up? I want to get some reading done before tonight. You do remember the in-class essay we have tomorrow, right?”
Bloody hell, he did not. Pushing down the bitter feeling in his chest, he and his cousin made their way to meet everyone at the back. As soon as he sat down, Annabel clung on to his arm. Thank fuck he had been wearing one of his thicker jumpers – otherwise, her claws that she called nails would have ripped open the fabric.
“Hey, Felix!” she made sure to offer a very generous sight of her cleavage, “are you ready for tonight?”
Felix chuckled lowly before responding. “Aren’t I always?”
And just like that – he completely zoned out the rest of the conversation.
Annabel was probably saying something to get him to notice her, and Farleigh was likely responding so he wouldn’t have to – but Felix couldn’t be bothered to pretend to care.
He was lost in the living daydream that was his angel that haunted the art studios of Ruskin School of Art.
He was desperate to learn everything about you.
If he asked you to talk about your favorite books, would your eyes sparkle in delight, or would your smile widen in glee?
If he grabbed your hand, would your palms feel marred by his rough skin, or would you press your callouses to his?
If he pressed his mouth on yours, would your lips feel as soft and plump as they look? Or was their luster forever damaged by your teeth biting them whenever you were in deep concentration?
If he breathed in your scent at the crook of your neck, would your skin smell like the paints forever on your brushes or the musky pages of heavy ancient books you always carried in your arms?
If he planted kisses from your throat to your breasts, would you mewl in pleasure or whimper in anticipation?
If he touched your cunt, would you arch your back in ecstasy? Or would your legs crumble, and you would have no choice but to sink into his arms?
Felix’s thoughts were rudely interrupted when Farleigh jammed his bony elbow into his ribcage and hurriedly whispered.
“Look alive, Golden Boy.”
Looking forward, it was better than any of his wet dreams combined. It was you.
Your hair was loose, and your fists were clenched. You reminded him of a ferocious lion goddess with how focused your gaze was on him.
But before Felix would prepare himself to make a good impression, you walked behind him and grabbed the back of his shirt collar before fucking dragging his ass out of his seat and outside.
Bloody hell, for someone so much shorter than him, you were fucking strong.
When you finally released your grip, he fell on the ground like an idiot before he tried to stand and steady himself as quickly as he could.
“Hey, what the fu –”
You didn’t let him finish as you brought your fist to hit him square in the face – and, fuck, you might have actually broken his nose.
After staggering back, you started using the spiral notebook in your other hand to land blow after painful blow on his body.
“YOU. STUPID. FUCKING. INGRATE –” Each word that left your mouth was emphasized with another hit from your notebook “– I. HATE. YOU. YOU. RUINED. MY. PAINTING. I. SPENT. SO. MUCH. TIME. ON. IT. AND. NOW. I. CAN’T. GO. HOME. FOR. BREAK. BECAUSE. OF. YOUR. STUPID. SELF!”
Felix was confident you had more to say, but you were pulled off him by your friend – he’s pretty sure it’s Mitchell – by the waist with you kicking and screaming out profanities to him as your friend called out your name to try to calm you down.
He wondered what it said about him if he told anyone how much you looked like an angry cat. His parents would send him to a shrink if he told them how adorable he found you right now.
If you were this wild while fighting, he could only imagine how riled up you would get in bed.
Fuck, you might have just unlocked a new kink in him.
Catching his breath as he watched your friend drag you away into the distance, he heard a slow clap to his left.
Farleigh was leaning on the corner – his smug expression making it clear that he had seen the whole thing – as he looked at his cousin with a bemused expression before walking toward him and giving a sympathetic pat on his back.
“Well,” he started to break the tension, “at least you know her name.”
“Yeah,” Felix agreed, “I know her name.”
And he knew that you smelled more like the paints on your brushes than the books you carried with subtle notes of gardenias.
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Tagging: @aemondsbabe, @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @barbiedragon, @valeskafics, @lexyysworld, @punkiwiki, @saltburnedme, @arcielee
Let me know if you want to be tagged for future Saltburn fics!
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afeelgoodblog · 7 months
The Best News of Last Week
🌍🌡️ - Climate Prophecy: The Forecast Is 100% Chance of 'Cool'
1. No cases of cancer caused by HPV in Norwegian 25-year olds, the first cohort to be mass vaccinated for HPV
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Last year there were zero cases of cervical cancer in the population that was vaccinated in 2009 against the HPV virus, which can cause the cancer in women. The HPV virus is extremely common, basically everyone comes into contact with one version or another of the virus in their lifetime.
The vaccine was given to girls only out of an abundance of caution, they were the most likely to contract cancer from the viruses, and because there was limited supply.
2. ‘Every square inch is covered in life’: the ageing oil rigs that became marine oases
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Built decades ago, California’s offshore oil platforms are home to a huge diversity of marine life. According to a 2014 study, the rigs were some of the most “productive” ocean habitats in the world, a term that refers to biomass – or number of fish and other creatures and how much space they take up – per unit area.
3. Vaccinations may have prevented almost 20 million COVID-19 deaths worldwide
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Vaccinations estimated to have averted 19.8 million COVID-19 deaths worldwide in their first year, according to the latest Imperial modelling study.
In the first year of the vaccination programme, 19.8 million out of a potential 31.4 million COVID-19 deaths were prevented worldwide according to estimates based on excess deaths from 185 countries and territories.
4. Global climate policy forecast predicts ‘well below 2°C’ Paris Agreement climate goals will be met
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They report only a 10% probability we exceed 2°C by 2050. Temperatures are expected to peak between 1.7°C and 1.8°C, which is consistent with the “well below 2°C” objective of the Paris Agreement in Art. 2.1c.
5. Young driver fatality rates have fallen sharply in the US, helped by education, technology
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Crash and fatality rates among drivers under 21 have fallen dramatically in the U.S. during the past 20 years.
Using data from 2002-2021, the report says that fatal crashes involving a young driver fell by 38%, while deaths of young drivers dropped even more, by about 45%.
6. A Virginia woman was feeling sad. Her doctor prescribed her a cat.
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7. Remote workers report saving $5,000 to $10,000 a year
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What value would American workers place on the privilege to work from home?
In a 2022 survey by FlexJobs, 45% of remote workers reported saving at least $5,000 a year. One in 5 reported saving $10,000 a year. The savings average out to about $6,000 a year. The poll reached 4,000 workers in July and August of last year.
Three years into the remote-work revolution, research increasingly suggests that telework is a commodity, a job descriptor worth thousands of dollars in potential savings and improved quality of life.
That's it for this week :)
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geckoomoria · 21 days
Routledge reader x jj 👀
Interpret it however you want but I eat that trope up every time.
also I love ur writing sm 😍
Try again?- jj may bank x rout-ledge reader
babe i love you.
HMMM I WAS ACC THINKING ABT THIS ONE SO U READ MY MIND CUTIE but like i was thinking wb John B having a sister thats a year or two older and jj has this huge crush on her.
low-key wanna make her a lil masc. like car mechanic and a smoker type shit ( shares interests with jj)
sorry this took so long to post , took me a while to think of the right story. AND SORRY ITS SO LONG I JUST REALLT LIKE SETTING THE SCENE.
mentions of blood , fighting , smoking , yelling, abusive home
————————————★ —————————————
Wednesday, June 17th
6:40 pm
THE POGUES DECIDED TO GO FOR A BOAT RIDE hoping to cure their boredom on this hot summer day. 4 of the teenagers decided to test the cool waters , swimming , surfing and fishing.
As the daylight eventually ended and the sun was beginning to set, they all made their way to Twinkie , John b’s van and as fate would have it , it appeared to be broken down in some way.
“man why is it making that weird ass sound?” questions Jj as he keeps trying to turn on the ignition but fails each time.
“you think i know? probably busted somewhere” john b replies looking around for any signs of why the Twinkie wont start.
the van finally starts but it continues making a weird noise , scaring the group into thinking it wont last much longer.
Pope cant take waiting any longer “call AAA or something, if we die in that deathtrap im suing you” Kiara nods in agreement with him.
John B rolls his eyes at his friends antics and pulls out his cellphone “yeah yeah i got something better than AAA”
the three other Pogues share glances in confusion wondering who he’s calling other than car service.
After a few moments talking on the phone with much annoyance from Jj getting close in an attempt to hear , he finally ends the call.
“alright lets head down” he says getting in the drivers seat. “to?” Kiara questions
“Y/n , shes in town and working today. Said she’ll take a look” , Pope and Kiara eyes nearly pop out of their skulls , no idea of John Bs older sister being in town since you travelled for studies and job opportunities a lot.
Jj on the other hand is stunned a little , he remembers you very clearly yet its been years since seeing you.
You were a year older than John B and Jj always had a huge crush on you as a kid.
He even remembers that stupid promise you made him when he was 9 and you were 10. If you weren’t married by 25 , you would marry Jj.
To you it might have seemed like an fun empty promise made to a kid to keep him happy but to Jj? He still held onto that all these years.
every girl he was with , he refused to let it go farther than a hookup because he wanted nothing more than to be with his longtime crush.
Jj finally snapped out of his trance as John B calls his name for the 5th time , making him realize they all already got into the van while he was reminiscing.
He was anxious the whole ride to the mechanic shop , wondering if you’d even remember him let alone his massive crush on you.
The group finally makes their way towards the shop with no one working to be seen. John B calls out your name repeatedly while looking around.
Finally Kiara nudges him to catch his attention on the pair of legs that’s underneath a car. “N/n? that you?” the younger Routledge calls out.
You slide from underneath the car the you were working on , standing up and wiping the oil off of your hands with a rag.
You looked different, you had obviously matured physically and likely mentally.
Obviously you would look different from when you guys were kids , you looked beyond beautiful now.
Jjs eyes were stuck on your figure as you pull john b into a tight hug , giving him a ear pull to tease him while your at it.
oil smeared on your face , your mechanic overalls opened from the top half to drape down the bottom half showing a black halter bikini top that also revealed a belly button piercing , paired with black combat boots.
Your eyes averted to your younger brothers friends recognizing them from whenever you came to visit.
Pope and Kiara basically threw themselves towards you as its been years since they’ve seen you.
You then lastly notice the tall muscular blonde boy with his hat flipped backwards to be quite familiar, staring at you.
You knew exactly who this was.
“is that who i think it is?” you say in a teasing tone , pointing at Jj with a smirk on your face.
“yes its your future husband.” is what Jj swore was gonna come out of his mouth but instead he continued to stare at you , eyes wide.
“oh cmon J, dont tell me you don’t remember me” you asked with a dramatic tone underlying your words. Jj and his friends knew for a FACT he was making an absolute fool of himself right now.
You were always attractive to him but seeing you so… badass made you 10x hotter
He needed to say something in response to you right now or else he’d continue embarrassing himself.
“Y/n?” he questions half heartily as if it wasn’t the most obvious thing ever.
“well i was hoping you’d say the better sibling but that works too” you say causing John B to push your shoulder slightly and earned chuckles from Pope and Kiara.
The silence that follows was deafening , making you all stand there awkwardly as Jj continued to stare at you. His friends were beyond surprised to see Jj of all people be so stunned of a girl.
“so uh you said Twinkie broke down?” you say filling the silence
“yeah keeps making this weird noise , no clue whats going on” your younger brother replies
you grab your tools and slide under John b’s van , tinkering the car while the Pogues wait around.
The four start whisper arguing in hopes of you not hearing:
“what the hell was that??”
“yeah Jj man why are you acting so weird around her?”
“i don- i dont know! i just couldn’t speak alright! i think i have like hemorrhoids!”
“Jj i dont think you know what hemorrhoids are”
“alright spill. whats going on with you and Mrs Routledge over there?”
“its Miss* Routledge actually. Jeez you guys make it sound like im supposed to be having my third child by now when im only a year older” you say from under the van , butting into their not so secret conversation leaving the whole group to stare at Jj who’s gone red in the face.
They decide to stay silent for the rest of the time so Jj doesn’t pop a blood vessel out of embarrassment anytime soon.
around half an hour later , you come out from under the van and wipe your hands again , telling john b to turn on the ignition. It turns on with no apparent problem and hums like a brand new vehicle.
The pogues cheer loudly in victory , you start cleaning up as your shift was coming to an end anyways. The pogues eye each other as you turn your back , all wanting to spend more time with you.
“uh n/n?” calls out Jj as the rest nudge him to talk making you look up at the rest of them , all with puppy like eyes that made you guess they were gonna beg you for something.
“we were uh- gonna go crash a party , yo- you wanna come along?” he says stumbling on his words a little
he was so cute when he was nervous.
you had a feeling none of them were gonna let this go. You sigh in defeat and agree , making them cheer that John b’s “cool ass sister” as they described was coming along.
At the beach party
It had been around an hour since you all arrived, drinking , dancing , smoking weed and hanging out was the main thing you all did.
Jj still hadn’t really held a proper conversation with you , every-time he tried you were catching up with someone else or he’d just get cold feet and chicken out.
He sighed as he sat down to take a smoke on his own by a tree , unaware of your presence above him.
“didn’t know you smoked, y’know its bad for you right” you uttered catching his attention while pulling out a cigarette of your own.
at first he’s stunned that you spoke to him first but figured this was his chance. “whats that then?” he says eyeing the cigarette in your mouth as you lit it
“dont question your elders” blowing out a puff of smoke from your mouth
he laughs “okay granny did you forget that its only by a year” , “still older than ya hon”.
A sound of tranquility fills the air as you two continue smoking , the cold breeze hitting your faces as the party behind you continues.
“im sorry” Jj says sombrely breaking the silence while avoiding eye contact
“making things so awkward back there, i was just surprised to see you”
“dont sweat it J , its been a while so i get it. im just glad you remembered me”
“you are?” the blonde boy says facing you now curiously
“i mean yeah , you always were my favourite out of my brothers friends J” you say taking a hit on your cigarette
Jj’s heart sinks a little , right thats all you saw him as , your younger brothers friend.
you take his silence as an odd response, pressing him for more. “what? whats wrong?” you ask
in a bitter quiet tone he mutters “nothin.”
“dont give me that , what did i say?”
“Why cant you see me more than that! why cant you see me!” he outbursts in a much louder tone attracting some glances from people while he stands up
“what are you talking about??” you ask mimicking his stance while putting out your cigarette.
he closes his eyes out of frustration for a second and takes his cap off , running his hands through his blonde shaggy hair.
“im talking about how you don’t remember me liking you , no y’know what loving you!” he spits out in an angry manner
“what? Jj we were kids! why would your crush from years ago matter now!”
“Damn it cause its not from years ago! i still have one. i haven’t forgotten about you at all and you dont even notice me.” he gets in close to you
you stay silent as he attempts to walk away but you grab his shoulder , pulling him back.
“sit.” he obeys defeatedly after hearing the sterness in your tone.
“admit it. its been a while since we’ve been kids and you ARE my brothers best-friend. You really still have feelings for me?”
Jj nods in response as if its the only thing he’s sure of , staring into your eyes.
“then… okay.” He tilts his head slightly confused , you put your hand for him to shake.
“im Y/n Routledge, you’re Jj right?” you grin
He smiles and shakes your hand. This meant a new beginning , a way to start over.
“does this make you a cougar?” he says making you laugh out loud , “dunno how many times i have to say it , im only a year older”
“yes ma’am” he responds making you shove his shoulder causing him to laugh now
The sound of commotion from the beach makes you revert your attention there , everyone was gathering around a fight.
you both stand up and make your way to watch it , you became worried as Kiara , Pope and Sarah Cameron were all screaming.
John B was getting his ass beat by Topper. You wanted to get involved but Jj beat you to it.
He yanked topper by the shirt and punched him, causing him to let go of John B. Kiara and pope running to help him up.
As he was going to throw another punch at the Kook , you grabbed his arm with the intention of not wanting anything bigger to start. “Jj he’s not worth it. lets get out of here”
seeing the look on your face and the rest of the Pogues , he lowered his guard and turned away from Topper as you all walked away.
“Thats right Maybank! should listen to her , dont wanna follow in your Old mans footsteps!”
the sound of your fist hits toppers big ass mouth causing blood to gush out.
Everyone stares at you wide eyed. Everyone.
You walk away pissed off and hand bloodied. Jj clearly fighting back a smile “thought he wasn’t worth it?”
“yeah but you are.”
————————————★ —————————————
this was lowkey fun to write especially hitting topper. is it bad i wrote this with fully just the intention of hitting topper😭😭
leave anything in my inbox !!
i love gaining mutuals guys.
also i hate this. my worst work yet😍😍😍
i also just realized all my jj works are always involving a party😭😭 but like its such a him thing , to be partying
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Roland Knight Fish Oil Painting, Lost By A Head.
A fine original Victorian oil on canvas fish painting by A. Roland Knight (1879-1921), renowned angling artist. The study is of two pike in the river, one has just caught a smaller fish. The fish vibrantly represented with intricate detail and life like quality, an outstanding oil painting, signed A. Roland Knight to the lower left corner. There is writing to the reverse of the painting.
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bouquetiere-files · 30 days
My 100-day glow up challenge checklist
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Last updated: Mon 6 May
Daytime - tinted lip balm, SPF
Nighttime - perception acne treatment, sensitive skin intense moisturiser
Justification: my skin is already pretty good as I've been to a dermatologist in the past, but I still have very sensitive, dry skin so I really need to moisturise more. I also have pale skin so SPF is a must.
3x /week - glutes & lower body
2x /week - upper body
2x /week - cardio (dancing)
Justification: I really need to increase my medobolic tissue, so lifting is my main focus. While I want stronger arms, my glutes are priority for now. I hate cardio, but for good cardiovascular health I need to get my heart rate up, so I'll just do some dancing.
Diet (!TW: calories &weight!)
Avoiding wheat, processed meat, caffeine and dairy products under the instruction of my doctor.
Increase fibre through higher vegetable consumption
Taking my supplements (from doctor): vitamin D, iron and fish oil
Around 1500kcal goal, give or take 100kcal depending on appetite
Justification: calories will increase when I'm on my bulk. I won't be on this cut for long as I'm already within a healthy BMI - and I plan to stay within that (165cm, 59kg). Just loosing 4 or 5 kg could help with an unrelated medical condition I have, which is why I am cutting. My plan is to loose no more than 0.5kg a week, so by day 50-70, I will no longer be cutting. Don't hurt yourselves guys!
5 min guided meditation
4 hours independent study daily
Continue Duolingo streak
Read for at least 10 min
Justification: I find meditation hard, so baby steps. I am also a full time student, so study goals are very important right now.
8-9 hours sleep everyday
1 hour downtime before sleep (no screens)
Justification: honestly i want to get 10 hours sleep everyday but I am just too busy for that nowadays.
And that's all I have so far, go check out my 100 day glow up challenge masterlist to see my progress and updates!
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niki-phoria · 11 months
a may be a short fic for like jay leaving the house and m/n tried to cook but accidentally burnt it and caught by jay then end up jay helping m/n while he was back hugging m/n hehe
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pairing: jay x male!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 678
includes: established relationship, changed this slightly to just jay helping reader learn how to cook, sorry if this is messy i wasn't really sure how to write the actual cooking part lol
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
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you push your phone onto your bedside table before turning to lay on your side. you softly smile to yourself as you study the boy laying next to you. jay’s messy fringe perfectly frames his face - still damp from the shower he had taken earlier. a thin pair of glasses sits on the bridge of his nose. one of your old t-shirts hangs loosely off of his broad shoulders. 
“you’re doing that thing again,” he murmurs. you silently watch as he sets his phone down before turning to face you. 
“what thing?” you chuckle.
“the puppy dog eyes you only do when you want me to do something for you.”
a gasp of faux offense escapes you. you dramatically roll onto your back, bringing a hand up to cover your heart. “you always assume the worst of me,” you huff.
“okay, okay,” jay laughs. he shifts even closer to you, leaning over your body to look down at you. “i’m sorry, baby. what do you need?”
“i’m hungry. will you help me make dinner? please?”
jay smiles brightly. he leans down to pull you into a sweet peck before he nods. “of course, love. come on.” you intertwine your hands together as you follow him into your kitchen. “what do you want to make?”
“japchae.” he smiles at your enthusiasm, helping you grab a variety of leftover vegetables and meat from the fridge. you set a pot of water to boil on the stove before slowly adding the noodles in to cook for a few minutes. the thin noodles swirl around when you stir them with a large, wooden spoon before putting the lid back onto the pot.
“y/n,” jay’s soft voice catches your attention. a cutting board and knife sit on your countertop near the sink. a variety of vegetables lay surrounding them on the counter. “come here.”
his arms snake around your waist from behind as you move to stand in front of the cutting board. he leans his head down to rest against your shoulder, carefully observing each of your movements. “let me know if you need any help,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss against your shoulder. 
you hum as you reach over to grab an onion. it rolls slightly along the cutting board as you slice a piece of the onion out of the side before peeling the first few layers of skin off. “how do i dice it?” 
“here,” jay smiles, reaching over to put his hands on top of yours. “use your knuckles to guide the knife so you don’t cut yourself.”
you let him maneuver your hands into the correct position before slowly guiding the knife down to hit the plastic cutting board below. you cut the onion into thin slices before turning them so you can cut the slices horizontally. “like that?” you ask.
“that’s perfect,” jay smiles. he slips away from behind you to turn the stove off before draining the water from the pot. he sets a frying pan over the still-heated burner before adding a small drop of oil into the center. the noodles sizzle when they hit the pan.
you use the knife to gather the diced onion between the blade and your hand before dropping them onto the noodles. jay smiles, nodding in approval. “do you want to do the rest while i make the sauce?”
“okay,” you nod. you carefully replicate the movements jay had taught you previously, gliding the blade into bell peppers and tofu until they were cut into small pieces. you’re nearly dancing around the kitchen beside jay as you work in tandem to add each new ingredient into the stir fry. 
“here,” jay pauses, using his chopsticks to fish out a few of the noodles. he holds a hand underneath your chin as he blows on them before raising the food up to your lips. “is it good?”
he chuckles when you perk up at the taste, frantically nodding. “it’s delicious,” you smile. 
jay reaches over to press a kiss against your temple. “that’s because you helped make them.” 
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personal note: fics might be coming out as fast/more focused on what i have inspiration to write in the moment for now. i've been stuck in a cycle of dysphoria and depression lately that's really impacted my motivation and my mental health lately as well as just general stress. i hope to start writing more frequently soon but until then thank you for all of the support <33
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raychleadele · 5 months
Lately I’ve been really craving greens. Just absolutely slamming salads, putting them in wraps, on my morning egg toast, wilted into my pasta. Mixed greens everywhere. Spinach and arugula my beloveds. Also tried watercress for the first time and found that delightful. Loving my leafy greens. Figured there must be something in them, a vitamin or other nutrient, that my body really needs, because I’ve been going through them like crazy.
Relatedly, I recently paid an in person visit to the grocery store. I usually order for pickup to save on time, but this day I wasn’t able to for some reason. I was buying canned clams to make my late grandpa’s clam chowder. It’s a traditional Christmas/New Year’s season meal for me, I had to have it.
And when I picked up my can of clams, I became entranced by how many different canned fishes there were on the shelves. Sometimes I buy tuna, but I’d never touched most of them. And I know I was shopping hungry and when you shop hungry everything sounds good, but on that day the canned fish sounded really good. I thought “Idk, maybe I could be the kind of person who likes canned sardines.”
Then I snapped out of it and realized how hungry I was, and thought how insane it is for me to crave unfamiliar canned fish when I hardly eat the familiar variety I do buy, and reassured myself I’d get a meal when I got home, and I walked away without ransacking the shelf of canned fish.
But then I did it again at the fish counter at the Asian market a week later. I stood there for a full ten minutes, studying the dozens of whole fish they had that I’d never tried before, thinking maybe this would be the day I’d finally try filleting a fish for the first time, before deciding there weren’t any in my price range that looked fresh enough (I am in the only triple landlocked state of course), and walking away with no fish.
Then I saw that post here about someone who slammed three cans of fish and then learned they have lots of nutrients that help with seasonal depression. And I remembered how I’ve been slamming so many salads. And I thought huh, maybe my body is trying to tell me something about fish.
Then one of my favorite food YouTubers uploaded a video all about how people eat canned fish around the world and I said OKAY! CLEARLY I NEED TO BUY THE FISH!
So when I ordered groceries yesterday to prepare for the coming blizzard, I ordered canned fish. Specifically, I got one can of sardines, one can of anchovies, and one can of smoked oysters.
Today I cracked open the can of sardines for lunch. I taste tested a small piece and it was delicious! So I toasted an English muffin, spread it with some cream cheese, topped it with some thin sliced red onion and my beloved mixed greens, and added some sardines on top. Drizzled the top with some of the sardine oil and had an open faced sandwich. It was messy, because the minute I tried to bite into it all my toppings fell off, but it was delicious.
So anyway, I guess I am the kind of person who enjoys canned sardines now.
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ghostofaboy · 3 months
Picture This
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Summary: Max goes to meet with a business rival, but things take a surprising turn... for the better.
Pairing: Maxwell Lord / Male OC Rating: Explicit. Serious over 18s only | Word Count: 2167
Warnings: Anal sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, mentions of oral and anal fingering
Note: This as not been beta read, so I apologize for any mistakes. This is a fic with gay/bi characters. Please make sure you’ve read the warnings.
This isn’t how Max had thought his day would go when he arrived at the house today. After getting up and making breakfast for himself and Alistair, he’d received a call from a friend. Well… friend might not have been the right word to use, as James Orson was more of a business rival than anything else. They’d talked from time to time and got along well enough, but this call had come out of the blue. Did Alistair want to come over to play with James’ son Mark? 
Curiosity had gotten the better of him and after agreeing, Max had set off to James’ ridiculously large house. James had greeted them at the door, leading Max and Alistair through to a beautiful playroom where Mark, a cheerful looking eight-year-old, was already playing with several other boys. Three other men smiled as they entered, chatting animatedly with their sons and each other. Always good at making friends, Alistair had dove straight in and was soon happily playing with the other children.
“Let’s leave them to it.” James had put an arm around Max’s shoulders, steering him out of the room, leaving the boys under the watchful eye of the other dads.
“What’s this about, James?” Max frowned as James led him into his study. 
It was classical look room, with dark wood paneled walls, lined with floor to ceiling bookcases. Opposite the door was a large mahogany desk with an oversized leather office chair behind it. To the left of the door was a plush red sofa, while on the right were a pair of high backed armchairs that flanked an expensive looking antique globe.
“I heard you’ve been having a bit of trouble with some of your investments.” James smiled, pulling open the globe to reveal a whiskey decanter and cluster of glasses. Pouring two drinks, James held one out to Max, who continued to frown as he took the heavy glass. “Oh, now, don’t give me that look. Simon Stagg is no friend to you, and he’s already plotting against you.”
“Simon would never.” Max shook his head, joining James as he sat on the sofa. “He and I are good friends and the business is-”
“You have no oil, and you have no way to get any.” James took a sip of his whiskey. “You’re fucked. You’ll be bankrupt within months from what I’ve been told.”
“I don’t know who you been-”
“Max.” James turned in his seat to face Max. “I’m trying to help you. You and I have always had a friendly rivalry, but I have no desire to see you ruined. Please listen to me.”
Max could feel his heart pounding in his chest. How could James know this? It was all true, of course. His finances were dwindling, and he had no doubt Simon would screw him over without a second thought. After a few moments staring into the amber liquid, Max looked up into James’ eyes.
“Who have you been talking to?”
“Simon has been fishing for investors. One of the people he spoke to was my father. Seems as thought Simon plans to ‘expose’ you as a fraud and divorce himself financially from you.” James sighed, taking another sip. “My father told me, and I decided to talk to you.”
“I like you.” James chuckled, cocking his head and looking Max up and down. His eyes wandered over Max’s faces, down this body before resting for a fraction of a second on his crotch. Licking his lips, James shrugged. “We have a lot in common. We’re both immigrants who have built what we have from the ground up. We’re divorced with a son. Similar goals and similar interests.”
Something strange bubbled inside Max’s stomach as he caught on to James’ meaning. Taking a mouthful of whiskey, Max winced as it burnt his throat, watching James the whole time. He had leaned back on the sofa now, patiently waiting for Max to speak, his bright green eyes soaking in every detail of Max’s face.
“So, what do you propose?” Max coughed out, opting to cup the glass in his hands to hide his trembling. “Do you have advice for me?”
“Well, I could give you lots of advice, Max.” James smiled, oozing charm and confidence, as he shifted a little closer to Max. “But I thought something a little more hands on would help. You need money. I have money. You have a strong media presence. I need-”
“I get the idea.” Max held a hand up, taking in James’ offer. “A partnership? That’s what you wanted to offer me? That’s why you asked me here today?”
“No.” James’ laughed. A hearty, warm laugh without malice as James threw his head back. “I asked you here today to seduce you. I’ve been planning today since I saw you at the Thompson’s gala last month. You were breathtaking. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. So I waited until I knew you had Alistair from your ex to use that as an excuse to invite you over.”
Max’s jaw dropped. “But what about all the Simon talk?”
“Oh, that happened yesterday.” James shrugged. “My father called me to gossip and I figured I could help while I had you here. The business offer and the personal offer are separate. I’m not opposed to mixing business and pleasure, but I don’t want you to feel obliged to take it if we fuck. Or think you have to fuck me if I invest in Black Gold.”
Max could feel his cock stirring at the thought of being fucked by James and slowly took another sip of his whiskey. He was a good-looking man, taller than Max and just as broad. Max would be lying if he said he’d never thought of James while touching himself. But to know that James had been looking at him in the same way was exciting.
“I’m interested.” He said after a brief silence.
“In which?” James edged closer, his voice dropping lower. “The business or the personal offer?”
/ / / / / 
Max felt his cheeks flush as James grabbed his tit, pinching the nipple between a finger and thumb. Max couldn't stop himself from gasping, letting his head drop back onto James’ shoulder, he let the heavy bliss settle over him as he gave himself over to his arousal.
From his seat on the James’ cock, Max rolled his hips, bouncing his own cock in front of him as the other man fucked up into him. One hand was firmly on his hip, controlling Max's pace and occasionally giving a reassuring squeeze. The other roamed. Currently, it cupped his soft breasts, but it had played with Max's cock and pulled his hair to yank his head back for his neck to be sucked and kisses.
Someone was watching them. Max could see their shadow beneath the door, moving occasionally but remaining close to the study door. Max had no idea who it was watching them through the keyhole, and honestly he didn’t care. Spreading his legs wider and arching his back, Max began to lift himself off James’ cock a little more. If the person at the door wanted a show, then Max was damn well going to give them one.
Beneath him, James bucked up into his ass, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. Muttering something against his neck, Max felt James’ other hand leave his hip and join the other cupping his tits. Two large hands fondled and squeezed, jiggling the soft mounds while rolling his nipples. Max’s cheeks burned with arousal and shame.
He wasn’t in the best shape anymore, with his figure soft and rounder than his youth. While it could be hidden under his sharp suits usually, when naked there was no hiding his small breasts and round tummy that sagged slightly to obscure his diminutive penis. His ex-wife used to mock him relentlessly for his dick and tummy, but judging by James’ reaction, he felt differently. 
James’ cock was thick, filling Max’s hole, stretching him and leaving him feeling stuffed. After a frantic make out session, James had asked Max to strip and to his astonishment Max hadn’t hesitated. Max had ended up on his knees on the sofa swallowing James’ cock as the other man fingered him open, preparing him for the girthy dick. They’d then shifted onto the large high backed armchair they were on now where Max had straddled James’, pressing his back to his new lover’s chest, as he sank down until James was splitting him open.
The shadow under the door was more obvious now and Max was sure James must have seen it too as he thrust up sharply into Max, causing him to let out a strangled moan. Max’s thighs trembled as the burning hot fire inside him began to grow and spread, his cock twitching and bouncing as he rode James for their invisible audience. James’ hands gripped Max’s tits, squeezing and exaggerating them, sending pulses of electric bliss shooting through his body. Max was drowning his the ecstasy as James’ hip jerked up, increasing the pace, plunging his cock deep into Max mercilessly. 
“Can you see?” James hissed into his ear, and Max’s eyes immediately found the dark shadow.
Max nodded. “Y-yes. I see them. Do you think... oooh... do you think you are watching?”
“I hope so.” James grunted, his pace becoming more erratic, clearly chasing his finish. “What a sight for them. You... fuck... you look so sexy. Wave your cock at them, Max. I’m close... want you to come with me.”
Max didn't need to be told twice, reaching down and gripping the base of his dick. Waving it towards the door, just the idea of the person peeking through the keyhole was almost enough to make Max climax. Stopping for a moment to compose himself, Max began again, waggling his cock in time with James’ thrusts.
Goosebumps danced over their skin as each man gave themselves over to the dizzying, intoxicating pleasure. While James held back moans, Max loudly expressed his lust, whimpering and crying out as he felt apart. The combination of James hitting the sweet spot inside him, the squeezing and pulling of his tits, and the idea of someone watching was all too much for Max. With a strangled breathy noise, Max tumbled over the edge, writhing on James’ cock as he came.
Flicking his thick release as he bounced, Max spilled himself as shockwaves washed over him. James purred his approval while Max sobbed as he emptied himself, trembling as the last of his climax ebbed away. Then with one final powerful trust and a low rumbling growl, Max felt James come, flooding his ass with his seed.
Limp against James’ chest, Max blinked, waiting for his vision to return as James rode out his orgasm. Finally, his grip on Max’s tits fell away as James wrapped his arms around Max. He felt James begin to tenderly kiss his neck while the two men panted and slumped boneless in the armchair. 
Glistening with sweat, the air soon began to cool them and Max gave a shiver, glancing back over to the door. The shadow was still there, enjoying the view of Max’s softening and retreating cock. Letting out a satisfied sigh, James nuzzled against Max’s jaw.
“We should move. The other guys will be wondering where we are.”
“One already knows.” Max whispered, nodding over to the door. “Also... I was not quiet.”
“True.” James laughed softly. “Still, we should clean up. Come on, we can’t stay here all day.”
Max gave a small whine, but slowly lifted himself off of James’ now flaccid cock, hissing softly as he stood. Stepping towards the sofa to gather his clothes, Max heard footstep quickly retreating from the door. Behind him, James chuckled as he pulled on his clothes, playfully slapping Max’s ass as they dressed.
Finally, fully dressed again, Max carefully fixed his hair before following James back to the playroom with the children. Inside, they were greeted with smiles from the other dads and cheers and excited chatter from the kids. Alistair was sat over in the corner with Mark with a tub full of Lego, both boys giving their fathers quick smiles before returning to their building.
Glancing around the other men, Max couldn’t tell which of them had been their voyeur. He had expected one of them to blush, avoid his glaze, or perhaps even be a little flirty. But instead, he was met with amiable smiles and small talk about being a single dad. Part of Max childishly pouted, desperately wanting to know and hear this person’s version of what they saw. But then another part of Max loved the mystery.
Whoever it was, they were going to get another show. Maybe not today, but soon. Perhaps Max could convince James to throw a party, to fill the house with guests, before riding his cock behind unlocked doors.
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bonefall · 11 months
Could anything be done if a younger, orphaned kit was brought to camp, but there were no currently nursing queens at the time? I’m asking because I’m revamping an old oc story I made when I was like 10, and this type of situation happens in it. In the og story I just made up a magic milk herb that the kit could eat instead, but that’s insane and I’m trying to be a TAD more realistic about plant life this time around lol. I love your au and you’ve clearly done a LOT of cat biology research so I was just wondering if you had any ideas. Thanks in advance!
I have heard stories of cats who had not given birth starting to spontaneously lactate for an adopted kitten, especially if they had kittens in the past, but I wasn't able to find any studies on it to tell you exactly how it happens.
BUT I do know a good bit about how humans induce lactation, I'll give you two options and you can adjust it to what fits your story best. First is inducing lactation, and the second is a shoddy formula recipe.
This is going to work best on a cat who has previously given birth, but anyone who has mammary glands is going to be able to do this.
But, this is going to take some time. As soon as that kitten is discovered, someone's gotta volunteer and get ready. In humans, we start about 2 months before a baby's expected to give it time to come in, but every second counts in this situation.
In humans we use a mix of estrogen and progesterone, and stimulate the teats regularly with a breast pump. The stimulation makes the body release prolactin.
The hardest part of this is finding progesterone naturally. The best source of it is a type of yam that grows wild in Mexico, but my guides are based off England... so, we'll need to find something to help the body increase production naturally.
So, as soon as possible, give the warrior a controlled mix of Fennel (for estrogen), and start putting fish and strawberries into their diet. The pump won't be needed if there's a kitten actively trying to suckle; that's more than enough stimulation.
The hardest part of this is going to be the fact that Clan cats have no access to milk. In SkyClan, they might make a special mission to try and acquire some from humans. Or, since they're so smart, they may even recognize that they could target unflavored yogurt.
But anyway, the best thing you can get instead is eggs. Crack them, mix them up, and add just a couple drops of flax oil (if the kitten becomes constipated.) Ideally, the milk/yogurt would be added to this poultice.
But, in conclusion... it's difficult. There's a lot in this process. The best thing that could happen is that someone has milk to spare, or the kitten's a little older and could start being weaned.
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loverofdoves · 11 months
🌹🕊️ my plans for aphrodisia 🕊️🌹
hi friends and happy aphrodisia 2023! i thought i’d share some of the stuff i’m doing for this festival!
the first thing is the meal i’m preparing. i’m having fish for dinner, specifically in reference to Aphrodite’s connection to the sea and the island of cyprus. i plan to offer Her my first bite of the meal as well as dedicate the preparation to Her.
the next big thing is going to be my altar for the festival. i just got a new apple scented candle for Her (as im devoted to Her, She has Her own candle on my altar) as i tend to use either rose scents or apple scents. i am harvesting some fresh lavender, rosemary, and basil from my garden to put on my altar. i plan on picking up some fresh strawberries from either the farmer’s market or the store a few blocks from my house.
for incense and oils, i have a rose essential oil that i will be using in my diffuser and also burn some of my cinnamon patchouli incense.
i will be replacing my current tarot cards on my altar with the empress and the lovers, as well as doing a three card draw specifically regarding this holiday and my relationship with my goddess.
finally, im going to spend some time reading some of Her myths and the homeric hymn to Aphrodite. i just want to spend some time really focusing on Her and Her presence in my life. i will finish this study session by writing and reading my own prayer to Aphrodite to show my love for Her
i hope y’all have a wonderful festival and may Aphrodite bless you 💖
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blueiskewl · 1 month
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New Type of Amphora Found in 4th-Century Roman Shipwreck
A new study, featured in the journal “Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences,” brings to light important discoveries on an ancient Roman shipwreck found near Mallorca, one of Spain’s Balearic Islands.
Situated only 65 meters away from a well-visited beach close to Palma, Mallorca’s capital, this shipwreck has caught the interest of many due to its preservation and interesting cargo.
A group of archaeologists and researchers conducted the study using a detailed analytical method to uncover the secrets behind the shipwreck’s origin, contents, and importance.
They used various techniques such as petrographic analysis, archaeozoology, residue analysis, and the examination of wood and plant remains to thoroughly investigate the site, according to “Archaeology” magazine.
Amphora named ‘Ses Fontanelles I’ found in the wreck
Inside the ship’s cargo area, researchers discovered a collection of ceramic objects, mainly amphorae, which were commonly used to store and move different items.
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A significant discovery from the study is the recognition of a new kind of amphora, called Ses Fontanelles I, only found in this wreck. The newly identified amphora is larger and heavier than others, and it was mainly used for transporting plant oil.
The recovered amphorae from the shipwreck have painted inscriptions called tituli picti, which give important details about where the items came from, what they were, and who owned them.
These inscriptions tell us that the makers of the amphorae were Ausonius et Alunni, and they also reveal that the cargo contained fish sauce, olive oil, and wine.
During the Late Roman era, fish sauce, called liquamen flos, was a popular flavor enhancer, different from the more commonly known garum.
The analysis suggests that this fish sauce was mainly made from anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus), with some sardines occasionally mixed in.
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Materials used in the construction of cargo
Residue analysis of the amphorae showed signs of grape derivatives, possibly used to add flavor or preserve the contents. Additionally, traces of animal products were found, adding to the complexity of the cargo.
The materials used to build the ship’s hull were carefully examined. Pine was used for the main parts, while harder types of wood like juniper, olive, and laurel were used for assembly. Vine branches and other plants were used as filler and to protect the cargo during the voyage.
Based on the research, it’s likely that the ship set sail from the Cartagena area in southeastern Spain, traveling along the trade routes of the Western Mediterranean. This thought is supported by the petrographic analysis of the amphorae, which suggests a link to the Cartagena region.
By Abdul Moeed.
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pwlanier · 26 days
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Large 19th Century Fishing study of Salmon by the Loch, oil on canvas by John Bucknall Russell. Leading example of the artists work and one of the largest scale he painted at. Signed, superb original condition and presented in its original antique gilt frame.
NY Elizabeth
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