#JoAnn Manson
kmclaude · 11 months
How much do you want your own unique personality to come through in the art that you make? How much do you want people to separate your art from the artist?
Can anyone separate the art from the artist? And if so, when?
Take J. K. Rowling -- fucking cunt. Absolute shithead. Singlehandedly lit on fire all goodwill and went right to goose-stepping. Regardless of how intrinsically linked Harry Potter was to my childhood and adolescence (and to me creating online! Literally!) like...her as a human being actively championing destruction of trans rights not just sours the media for me, it makes it radioactive to me. It cannot be separated. She is shit and as such her art reeks of it.
...but then again she has literally stated that support of her art is support of her views (she's already made her money anyway) so is it her attitude? Would it be different if she was a shit human being who didn't actively link artistic support to moral support? Is attitude all that makes it separable? Would it be different if she didn't profit (and at this point again she's made her money -- it's about the same as if she were dead and not making money, you know? Drop in a bucket.) Would it be separable then? Would I be just as hard pressed to separate her the artist from her art if she were Joanne, just Joanne, self publishing and writing blog posts and making a wee side hustle?
(Would I be just as hard pressed to separate art and artist if her views and shitfuckery didn't directly impact me, a filthy little transsexual?)
Not to get all philosophical. I just tend to sometimes ask myself this. Hell, listening to Marilyn Manson's been kinda hard to do post the latest accusations -- yet I can listen to some of the earlier stuff that really just SLAPS -- and is it because besides Pale Emperor, most of the albums past Holywood bar some songs just don't do it for me? Is it because it's hard to reconcile the artist whose art meant a lot to a weirdo like me and who became the face of a witch hunt because of his art (which means a lot to an artist like me) WITH the person who allegedly was basically telling on himself with his art? Is it a sense of personal betrayal (its own bit of parasocial relationship) that causes the separation?
And of course this is all with the assumption of separating art from artist purely as a "this guy sucks ass but I like what they make, how do I cope" POV but obviously there is the general idea of Death of the Author which your question seems more geared on: how much of my corpse should influence, if at all, a reader's reading of my corpus?
So back to your question -- some of my art (think diary comics for example as they're autobiographical) you really could not separate from me the artist. You couldn't. It's impossible given the nature of autobiographical works. Who I am, who I was, what my intent is -- very much intertwined there. At the same time, there is the room and space to separate out the autobiographical art as a pinpoint in time for the artist from the artist as a living being, ever changing in spacetime.
Most of my work...you could, I think, separate art from the artist. I'd encourage it in the sense that like...it'd be foolish to read into many of my comics or illustrations and think they are 1:1 expressions of me, my feelings, my experiences, etc. I think of it like the speaker of a poem vs the poet -- this is like basic English Lit class concepts, right? The speaker is not the poet. The artist is not the character. It'd be actually dangerous (and stupid) to scour my works, my illustrations, my writing, and try to make assumptions on me; I also think it'd be rather punishing for all involved to desperately need a listing of my pedigree, my biography, the minutiae of my intent to be able to interpret my works. They can stand pretty OK on their own; their neck muscles are firm enough to hold their head upright.
But...at the same time... my person informs my work. My intent informs my work (whether I succeed or fail at what I intend is another matter.) The works did not form fully grown from the ether onto your computer screen. They came from a person, me, about whom you (general you -- you specifically Idal know a bit more about me by virtue of our friendship) know some tidbits of information I've given here and there. These things inform it all. Those bits of information may be relevant in your interpretation; they may not be.
That's all intent however. In terms of my personality coming through: I think all artists' personalities come through in a work. Something of it. Maybe it's the character they play -- but even that is telling. There are people who write my characters better than I, and with their writing they leave a part of their personality in the words; likewise, there are people who draw my characters better than I and leave part of themselves in the linework. Those works imbue a part of their creators in them, even if my work (with part of me in it) provided the dolls to play house.
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mariebenz · 2 years
Brigham Study of Supplemental Vitamin D and Risk of Bone Fractures Reported in NEJM
MedicalResearch.com Interview with:
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Dr. LeBoff Meryl S. LeBoff, MD Chief, Calcium and Bone SectionDirector of the Skeletal Health and Osteoporosis CenterDirector, Bone Density UnitDistinguished Chair in Skeletal Health and Osteoporosis Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Endocrinology, Diabetes and Hypertension, Women's Health Brigham And Women's Hospital
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Dr. Manson JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH Professor, Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School Of Public Health Michael and Lee Bell Professor of Women's Health, Medicine, Harvard Medical School Chief, Preventive Medicine, Brigham And Women's Hospital Co-Director, Womens Health, Brigham And Women's Hospital   MedicalResearch.com:  What is the background for this study?  What are the main findings? Response: Osteoporosis is a major public health problem. Although supplemental vitamin D has been widely used to reduce the risk of fractures in the general population, studies of the effects of vitamin D on fractures, the most important bone health outcome, have been conflicting. Randomized controlled trials, the highest quality studies, from around the world have shown benefit, no effect, or even harm of supplemental vitamin D on risk of fractures. Some of the trials used bolus dosing, had small samples sizes or short study duration, and co-administered calcium. No large RCTS of this scale tested whether daily supplemental vitamin D (without co-administration with calcium) prevented fractures in the US population. To fill these knowledge gaps, we tested the hypothesis in this ancillary study to VITAL, whether daily supplemental vitamin D3 reduced the risk of incident total, non-spine and hip fractures in women and men in the US. MedicalResearch.com:  Are there potential risks of high dose Vitamin D supplementation? Response: Supplemental vitamin D (2000 IU/d) over a median of 5.3 years was safe and there were no differences between the supplemental vitamin D and placebo groups in risk of hypercalcemia, kidney stones or kidney disease. A Data Safety Monitoring Board carefully monitored the safety of this intervention in the main VITAL study. MedicalResearch.com: What should readers take away from your report?  Response: In this, the largest placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial including 25,871 participants enrolled from 50 states and a median follow-up of 5.3 years, supplemental vitamin D3  (2000 IU/d) did not reduce fracture risk in generally healthy, midlife and older women and men, not preselected for vitamin D deficiency or osteoporosis. Our results do not support the use of vitamin D supplements to prevent fractures in generally healthy US men and women. These results do not apply to older adults in residential communities or those with severe vitamin D deficiency, low bone mass or osteoporosis MedicalResearch.com: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this work? Response: Our ongoing studies are focusing on whether free vitamin D levels or genetic variation in vitamin D absorption, metabolism, or receptor function will provide information about individuals who may benefit from supplemental vitamin D on musculoskeletal health. MedicalResearch.com: Is there anything else you would like to add? Response: We would like to thank the NIH for supporting this VITAL ancillary study. Acknowledgments are included in the NEJM manuscript. Citation: Supplemental Vitamin D and Incident Fractures in Midlife and Older Adults M.S. LeBoff and Others N Engl J Med 2022;387:299-309 The information on MedicalResearch.com is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health and ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Some links may be sponsored and no links are warranted or endorsed by MedicalResearch.com or its parent company, Eminent Domains Inc. In addition to all other limitations and disclaimers in this agreement, service provider and its third party providers disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the content provided on this website.   Read the full article
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scienza-magia · 6 months
Alcune scienziate italiane sono fra le 100 migliori al Mondo
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Quattro italiane tra le 100 scienziate migliori al mondo. Impegnate in vari settori, dalla medicina all'astrofisica. Ci sono quattro italiane tra le prime 100 scienziate al mondo secondo la classifica 2023 stilata dalla piattaforma accademica Research.com sulla base del numero di pubblicazioni e citazioni ricevute. Al 20esimo posto c'è l'esperta di epidemiologia oncologica Silvia Franceschi, direttrice scientifica del Cro di Aviano; al 62esimo posto Speranza Falciano, dirigente di ricerca dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare; al 70esimo posto l'epidemiologa Eva Negri, docente all'Università di Bologna; all'85esimo posto Silvia Priori, docente di cardiologia all'Università di Pavia. Allargando lo sguardo a tutta la classifica, che elenca le top 1.000 al mondo, si trovano altre 22 studiose che lavorano in Italia, impegnate in svariati settori, dalla medicina all'astrofisica.
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Tra queste spiccano: Patrizia Caraveo dell'Istituto nazionale di Astrofisica (alla posizione 116); Annamaria Colao dell'Università Federico II di Napoli e prima donna presidente della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia (alla posizione 225); Silvia Bordiga, ordinaria di Chimica Fisica all'Università di Torino (265); l'epidemiologa Carlotta Sacerdote dell'Università di Torino (345); Lucia Pozzetti dell'Osservatorio astronomico di Bologna Inaf (355); Marcella Brusa, astrofisica dell'Università di Bologna (376). In testa alla classifica mondiale si è piazzata la statunitense JoAnn E. Manson della Harvard Medical School, nota per le sue ricerche pionieristiche nei campi dell'epidemiologia e della salute delle donne. Nel complesso, gli Stati Uniti dominano la classifica con 623 studiose tra le top 1.000; seguono il Regno Unito, con 96 scienziate, e la Germania con 37 classificate. L'Università di Harvard è la prima istituzione con 40 scienziate incluse nella classifica, seguita dai National Institutes of Health (33) e l'Università di Stanford (27). Le migliori scienziate al mondo si occupano prevalentemente di medicina (46,8%), fisica (10,8%), immunologia, biologia e biochimica (4,4%), genetica medica (4,2%) e psicologia (4,1%). Il rapporto pubblicato da Research.com evidenzia anche le difficoltà che le donne incontrano in un mondo scientifico ancora dominato dagli uomini. Rispetto ai loro coetanei maschi, le donne hanno meno probabilità di essere nominate su un brevetto o un articolo, e i loro contributi sono spesso non riconosciuti: le ricercatrici hanno una probabilità di ottenere un'attribuzione pari al 15% rispetto al 21% degli uomini. Per quanto riguarda i finanziamenti, le donne ricevono in media circa 342.000 dollari rispetto ai 659.000 dollari degli uomini. Read the full article
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zooterchet · 6 months
The Peak Position In Society
The Care Worker: A homosexual communist. The control of each standard hero or operating class in society. They make sure their family seeps back into the cracks, as another drone, to die in a hospital at the hands of a bisexual, molested by social worker pedophiles, restrained by cops induced into pederasty as security, and stripped of rights by psychiatrists reducing independence through homosexual barter of rights with themselves to teach themselves erectile dysfunction.
Without the care worker, you wouldn't have heroes.
You'd just have God.
Her name was Joanne of Arc, and if a man does it, it's a transgender bondage submissive serial killer.
Like my uncle, Steve Charlebois, a prison bitch.
He met Charlie Manson, and Charlie Manson explained to him, "Biambivarous".
It's what a musician was.
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memyself024 · 7 months
The dietary supplement industry in the US is booming: how to know if you need them
In the last three decades, the dietary supplement industry in the United States has experienced a notable boom, according to data provided by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
In 1994, the market had around 4,000 products; Today, the number has skyrocketed to more than 95,000. These products, which range from capsules and powders to gummies and infusions, often boast eye-catching, if sometimes ambiguous, labels promising improvements in the immune system or brain function.
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However, despite the growing popularity of these supplements, Professor JoAnn Manson of Harvard Medical School highlights the lack of rigorous testing in terms of both safety and effectiveness for most of these products. Manson emphasizes that in numerous studies, researchers have failed to obtain the expected health benefits and have even identified risks associated with the consumption of some supplements.
Despite these warnings, there are cases in which supplement consumption can be beneficial, such as in correcting specific nutritional deficiencies. According to internist Pieter Cohen of Cambridge Health Alliance in Massachusetts, if a blood test reveals vitamin or mineral deficiencies, supplements may be essential to correct those deficiencies.
This approach is especially relevant for people on vegan diets, pernicious anemia, or those who have undergone bariatric procedures.
Key vitamins The American Academy of Pediatrics also highlights the importance of supplements, recommending vitamin D and iron for breastfed babies. Additionally, during pregnancy, it is crucial to ensure adequate folic acid intake, with the goal of preventing significant birth defects.
For older adults or middle-aged people, decreased appetite and nutrient absorption capacity may lead to medical recommendations for supplements. Manson emphasizes the possibility of deficiencies, such as vitamin B12, and the need for calcium and vitamin D for those at risk of bone density loss.
Recent research suggests additional benefits of certain supplements. A study led by Manson and his colleagues indicates that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in older adults reduced cardiovascular events. Additionally, vitamin D showed an association with a lower likelihood of developing autoimmune diseases. Read more
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laocommunity · 1 year
Unprecedented Opportunity: Two Iconic Rolex Daytonas Once Owned by Paul Newman Set to Spark Bidding Frenzy in New York Auction
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Unprecedented Opportunity: Two Iconic Rolex Daytonas Once Owned by Paul Newman Set to Spark Bidding Frenzy in New York Auction Unprecedented Opportunity: Two Iconic Rolex Daytonas Once Owned by Paul Newman Set to Spark Bidding Frenzy in New York Auction A rare, once-in-a-lifetime chance to own two iconic Rolex Daytonas that were once owned by legendary Hollywood actor Paul Newman is set to take place this October at a New York auction. These watches are considered a hidden treasure and collectors from all around the world are expected to flock over to the bidding station. Paul Newman's Rolex Daytona Paul Newman was not only a talented actor but also a racing enthusiast who eventually became a professional race driver. He had a passion for watches and owned several iconic pieces throughout his career, but his most cherished and famous timepiece is undoubtedly the Rolex Daytona. Newman was gifted his first Rolex Daytona by his wife Joanne Woodward, and from then on, the watch became an integral part of both his personal and professional life. He wore it in several races and even on some of his movie sets. Shortly after his passing, his daughter Nell Newman gave this iconic watch to her boyfriend, who later sold it to a watch dealer. The watch disappeared from the public eye until it emerged once more in 2017 and went on to be sold for a staggering $17.7 million at an auction held by Phillips in New York. The Two Daytonas Up for Auction The two Daytonas up for auction are the ones that Newman gave to his close friends and associates as gifts. The first one was given to James Cox, Newman's racing crew chief, who wore it for a long time. The watch was later sold to a private collector in 1984. The second watch was a gift from Newman to his close friend and business partner, John L. Manson, Jr. in 1984, and Manson wore the timepiece for several years before passing it on to his daughter. These two watches are in their original condition, with an impeccable and well-documented history that makes them even more valuable. These two Daytonas are expected to set auction records and draw a lot of attention, given their link to Hollywood legend Paul Newman and their rarity. The Significance of the Watches The Paul Newman Daytona has been one of the most sought-after Rolex models over the years, making it extremely rare and expensive. The connection to Newman's personal and professional life has only increased their significance and value among collectors. The two Daytonas that will be on auction this October are an unprecedented opportunity for anyone who admires Paul Newman or has a passion for watch collecting. Final Thoughts The Paul Newman Daytonas that are up for auction present a unique opportunity to buy a piece of history and a chance to own something that's connected to the legendary actor Paul Newman. The watches are rare, iconic, and have long-standing historical significance, making them some of the most valuable timepieces in the world. Bidding for these two Daytonas is expected to be fierce, with collectors around the world hoping to get their hands on these two hidden treasures. Don't miss out on this opportunity of a lifetime to own a piece of Hollywood and watch history. #PaulNewmanDaytonas #Rolex #WatchCollectors #NewYorkAuction #HollywoodHistory Summary: Two iconic Rolex Daytonas, worn by Paul Newman and gifted by him to his close friends, are set to go on auction this October in New York. Newman's personal and professional connection with the Daytona has made it into one of the rarest and most sought-after Rolex models in the world. The two Daytonas are expected to set auction records and are an unprecedented opportunity for watch collectors and anyone who admires Paul Newman. #ENTERTAINMENT Read the full article
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xtruss · 1 year
When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamin D — Morning or Night? Why Bother to Take a Supplement If Your Body Isn't Primed to Absorb It?
— By Stephanie Dolgoff | May 19, 2023 | Medically Reviewed By Stefani Sassos, M.S., R.D.N., C.S.O., C.D.N., NASM-CPT, Nutrition Lab Director
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Tanja Ivanova//Getty Images
We get it — if you’re going to the trouble of swallowing your daily supplements, you want to know the best time of day to take it. There’s no point in spending money on extra vitamins and minerals if they're not going to get absorbed that well, or you’re just going to pee it out.
Which is why people are curious about the best time to take probiotics and vitamins — in particular vitamin D, a nutrient that most people in the United States do not consume enough of, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Weirdly, that doesn’t mean many Americans are truly deficient in it — when participants in the ongoing National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) had their blood levels tested, just 5% were at risk of deficiency. That may be because many of them got added vitamin D from sun exposure — aside from consuming it through supplements or food, your body makes its own vitamin D when it’s exposed to the sun.
But you can’t get all you need through sun exposure alone (especially because we all need to be protecting ourselves from the sun's damaging rays) and you may not be getting what you need through the food you eat. That’s why it’s “very reasonable,” to take a supplement to be sure, says JoAnn Manson, M.D., MPH, DrPH, a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
Dr. Manson is one of the directors of the ginormous and ongoing VITAL study, which is looking at whether taking vitamin D3 or omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce the risk of various major conditions. The study found that most people do not need to take a vitamin D supplement to avoid being deficient, but that it’s safe to take 1000-2000 IU a day as a type of insurance. “Most multivitamins have vitamin D, so that is one way to do it,” she says.
Vitamin D Benefits
Vitamin D helps you absorb calcium, which of course helps to build and maintain strong bones. In fact, the two — calcium and vitamin D — together can help protect you from osteoporosis, a disease that weakens your skeleton and makes bones more likely to break if you should fall, adds Carol Haggans, MS, RD, a spokesperson for the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. Your muscles also need it to do their thing, as do your nerves, which carry messages between your brain and your body. Oh, and without vitamin D, your immune system would be less adept at fighting off bacteria and viruses.
How Much Vitamin D do I Need to Consume Each Day?
Most of us — healthy adults between 19 and 70 — should try to consume 600-800 IUs, says Haggans (the recommended amounts are different for healthy people who are older or younger.)
But some folks need more than the suggested amount for their age group. Breastfeeding moms should take note: “It’s recommended to give breastfed infants a supplement, because breastmilk doesn’t provide infants with enough vitamin D,” says Haggans.
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Tanja Ivanova//Getty Images
Others who may need more vitamin D that the recommended amounts:
People with conditions that limit fat bsorption, such as Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease or Ulcerative Colitis;
Older adults, whose bodies become less good at making vitamin D from sun exposure as they age;
Folks with dark skin (your body may make less vitamin D from the sun);
People carrying a lot of bodyweight or who have had gastric bypass surgery;
Those who wear a head covering, are meticulous about never exposing their skin, or simply don’t go out in the sun a lot.
People on a vegan diet. “If you don’t have any milk or fish, you’re cutting out two big sources of vitamin D,” says Haggans. “Look for fortified orange juice and breakfast cereals and check nutrition labels.”
It's also important to make sure you don't overdo it. “More is not better, and megadosing should be avoided,” says Dr. Manson. The upper limit per day for everyone over 9 years old is 4000 IUs, unless you’ve been screened by your doctor and have issues specific to you that they feel require a higher dose. Extremely high levels can cause symptoms like vomiting, muscle weakness, confusion and pain, among others, according to the NIH; extremely high levels can lead to kidney failure, irregular heartbeat and even death.
When to Take Vitamin D
It just plain doesn’t matter, as long as you take it with food, says Dr. Manson. Her advice: Take it when you’ll remember to take it — morning, noon or night — and take it with a meal, she says. “It is important that it be taken with food, because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin,” meaning it does not dissolve in water and is absorbed with fat, so it is better if there’s a little healthy fat to mix it up with, says Dr. Manson. “Often it will come in a soft gel with a little oil in it to help it absorb, but it’s still best to take it with food.”
The Best Vitamin D Supplements
Both vitamin D2 and D3 are good, but “D3 has better bioavailablilty,” says Dr. Manson, meaning that it’s more easily used by your body.
But that doesn’t mean any old brand will do. Dietary supplements are not approved by the FDA prior to going to market, so we recommend that you do a bit of research or ask your doctor for a good brand. You’ll want to look for options that have been third-party tested for purity, potency and safety and can confirm that what is on the label is actually what is in the bottle — look for NSF or USP logos on the label.
Below, you'll find some picks that have been recommended by the experts in the Good Housekeeping Institute.
GHI-Recommended Picks
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konradsensmall · 2 years
<h1>Lets Get Match</h1>
It’s a good way to help make those goals a reality. No worries, simply begin again with these simple modifications for a fitter life. When you’re really healthy, you would possibly be in a better temper and might bodily do more. You can do things like walking your canine, going mountaineering, or paddleboarding. Not having the power to do these items can drastically influence your experiences and restrict your high quality of life.
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It also enhances your flexibility, which is so important to improve your posture and keep away from harm as you age. With a give consideration to greens, fiber-rich legumes and healthy fat, this slow-cooker stew matches the invoice for those following the Mediterranean food plan. Swap out the chickpeas for white beans for a unique twist, or strive collards or spinach instead of the kale. A drizzle of olive oil to finish pulls together the flavors of this easy vegan crock-pot stew. This vegan lentil soup recipe is packed with fresh components and plenty of lentils that ship a healthy dose of fiber in every chunk.
Eat Higher And Train Smarter Join The Meals & Health Newsletter
"Don't let yourself get too hungry, as it's exhausting to stop consuming," Eberle says. "Before you reach for a snack, be certain to're really hungry," says Eberle, who explains we regularly eat when we actually need sleep, play or downtime. "You could have to step away out of your desk for quarter-hour and relax." A research out of Tufts University in Boston looked at the affiliation between sugar-sweetened drinks and the dietary habits of 947 adults. Unsurprisingly, those that drank the most sugary beverages, like soda, had a better risk of weight problems and a decrease consumption of fiber. "Know when you are going to eat and what you are going to eat," says Suzanne Girard Eberle, M.S., R.D., creator of Endurance Sports Nutrition .
But even small quantities of bodily activity are helpful. Being lively for brief durations of time all through the day can add as much as provide well being benefits. Starting a fitness program may be probably the greatest issues you can do in your health. After all, bodily activity can reduce your risk of continual illness, enhance your steadiness and coordination, help you lose weight, and even increase your vanity. And you can reap these advantages no matter your age, sex or bodily capacity.
Fight Stress With Wholesome Habits
In phrases of train, as little as eleven minutes a day might add years to your life. In a 2020 study, researchers tracked greater than 44,000 adults. Those who got eleven minutes of moderate-to-vigorous bodily activity every day had a lower danger of dying in comparison with those who solely exercised at that depth for two minutes. This comparability held true even if individuals sat for 8.5 hours every day. A weight reduction plan must be about your schedule, your targets and what you get pleasure from.
This addition will sculpt your buttocks and arms much more.
Kirtana (Keer-tha-na) is a Certified Yoga Instructor with coaching in Yoga Sculpt and Power Yoga.
Your new healthy lifestyle must also have duties and a plan to observe.
With a focus on vegetables, fiber-rich legumes and wholesome fat, this slow-cooker stew matches the invoice for those following the Mediterranean diet.
“The common individual does not have appreciable benefits from dietary dietary supplements,” says JoAnn E. Manson, chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine on the Brigham and Women's Hospital. It’s necessary that the consumption of dietary supplements doesn’t lead to complacency about following healthy way of life practices, she provides. Regular train is probably certainly one of the pillars of healthy dwelling. More Help improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against a variety of illnesses. But does it assist to spice up your immune system naturally and keep it healthy? Just like a healthy diet, exercise can contribute to basic good health and due to this fact to a healthy immune system.
Research reveals that dietary dietary supplements aren't pretty much as good for us because the packaging suggests. No content material on this website, regardless of date, ought to ever be used as an different alternative to direct medical advice from your physician or different qualified clinician. The reply is "sure" if you're uncomfortable, or if you are going to be outdoors for an prolonged period where such issues as frostbite and hypothermia are a risk. But researchers stay fascinated on this question in different populations. Some experiments with mice recommend that chilly publicity might reduce the power to cope with infection. Scientists have carried out experiments by which volunteers have been briefly dunked in cold water or spent short intervals of time naked in subfreezing temperatures.
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kathrynhoward · 2 years
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grupaok · 3 years
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JoAnn Verburg, Still Life with Serial Killers, 1991
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famequeengaga · 5 years
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I LOVE* this graphic by LostAndFoundGraphix on Etsy
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kwebtv · 7 years
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The White Princess -  Starz -  4/16/2017  -  6/4/2017
Drama (8 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Jodie Comer as Elizabeth "Lizzie" of York
Rebecca Benson as Margaret "Maggie" Plantagenet
Jacob Collins-Levy as Henry VII
Kenneth Cranham as Bishop (later Cardinal) John Morton
Essie Davis as Dowager Queen Elizabeth Woodville
Rossy de Palma as Isabella I of Castile
Richard Dillane as Thomas Stanley
Anthony Flanagan as Francis Lovell
Patrick Gibson as Perkin Warbeck
Caroline Goodall as Cecily Neville, Duchess of York
Amy Manson as Catherine "Cathy" Gordon
Adrian Rawlins as John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk
Vincent Regan as Jasper Tudor
Suki Waterhouse as Cecily of York
Joanne Whalley as Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy
Andrew Whipp as Sir Richard Pole
Michelle Fairley as Margaret Beaufort
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behindfairytales · 3 years
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By clicking the source link, you’ll find 126 avatars for roleplay, made by myself from The White Princess (2017).
Amy Manson, Suki Waterhouse, Jodie Comer, Essie Davis, Jacob Collins-Levy, Vincent Regan, Rebecca Benson, Michelle Fairley, Joanne Whalley, Patrick Gibson
Please do not repost nor edit. If you’re using these, please consider giving this post a like or a reblog, thank you!
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ucsdhealthsciences · 3 years
50 Years of Progress in Women’s Health
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Debates over women’s health have long been contentious, but have also resulted in significant improvements in areas like equitable access to health care and survivorship. But the overall picture remains far from perfect. For example, the United States still has the highest rate of maternal death among high-income countries, particularly among African American women.
As the United States Supreme Court prepares to hear a Mississippi abortion case challenging the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, some experts are questioning whether women’s health may be reversing course.  
Cynthia A. Stuenkel, MD, clinical professor of medicine at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, and JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH, professor of epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, review 50 years of progress in women’s health for the New England Journal of Medicine.
“Reproductive justice is broader than the pro-choice movement and encompasses equity and accessibility of reproductive health care, as well as enhanced pathways to parenthood,” wrote the authors.
Looking back 50 years, the modern evolution of women’s health began to gain speed with the 1972 US Supreme Court ruling on Eisenstadt vs Baird that ensured unmarried persons equal access to contraception. A year later came Roe v. Wade. It was followed by a wave of advances in reproductive technologies, including in vitro fertilization, genetic testing and fertility preservation by cancer specialists. Then in 2010, the Affordable Care Act made contraceptives an insured preventive health benefit.
Reproductive autonomy empowered women but advances in women’s health go beyond reproduction, said the authors. As interest and focus has expanded to all stages of a woman’s life, science has begun to catch up to the specialized needs of women and sex-specific risk factors for chronic diseases that disproportionately affect women’s health, such as autoimmune diseases, mental health, osteoporosis and coronary heart disease.  
Maternal mortality has been on the rise since 2000. More importantly, it is three times as high among Black women compared to white women. California is paving the way to reduce maternal death through interventions for the prevention and treatment of preeclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage. Since 2006 maternal mortality has decreased by 67 percent in the golden state.
The United States has made headway in breast cancer care and prevention. Enhanced imaging for the early detection of cancer, genetic testing, surgical advances and targeted therapies have yielded a five-year overall survival rate of 90 percent. In addition, cervical cancer mortality decreased by 50 percent thanks in part to improved screening and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
“Moving forward, it will be essential to recognize and study intersectional health disparities, including disparities based on sex, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, income and disability status. Overcoming these challenges and addressing these inequities will contribute to improved health for everyone,” wrote the authors.
--Yadira Galindo  
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the-roanoke-society · 4 years
boys and girls of every age...
wouldn’t you like to see something strange?
happy halloween, my flowers!
this year hasn’t been the best--and the list of reasons why is as varied, as wide and as deep as all of creation.
it has, essentially, sucked on a truly cosmic level.
it doesn’t help anyone to look at the big picture and only focus on the dark parts. because for all the truly horrible, disastrous events we’ve had to slog through together (first time crying every day for months, first time being taken by ambulance to the er--truly a year of firsts, at least for me, personally), there have still been good things.
for example, did you know that this year we celebrated the 6th anniversary of the release of kingsman: the secret service? and the 3rd anniversary of the release of kingsman: the golden circle--which means next month it’ll be the third birthday of the ronaoke society!
our house might’ve gotten quiet--but it still stands.
i love all of you very, very much, and halloween is still my favorite holiday of all time. so all this month, i worked on the aus you’ll find below the cut. i’ll have to post this in parts over the next while, as there’s thirty-one total--one for each day of the season, of course.
honestly--it felt fantastic to dig back into my horror roots. roanoke’s entire conception was inspired by the fact that for as much as i love the kingsman universe, i also love things that go bump in the night.
and i don’t like having to choose between one thing or another.
be forewarned: if you choose to look into the source material for these aus, be prepared for possible graphic violence, gore, disturbing themes, explicit sexuality and jumpscares. i sort of walked through the proverbial garden and just grabbed fruit where i could find it--you’ll see what i mean. and as always, the endings are in your hands. these ideas are gifts, to do with as you please.
so journey below the cut... i̷̛̝͎͎̝̣̹͊̓̂͛̃̋͟f̛̯̟̱̖͔̌͊͐̏̃̓̇̎͠ y͈͇̙̘̬̓͌̑̈́͛̿͌͠ở̴̢͉͉̳͙̞͈̻̀́̎̄́̈͢͡ȗ̵̬̳͙̫̥̜͍̲̔̐̽̃̀͒̑͜ ḑ̙̩̼̤͓̫̟̥̈͑̐̚͡a̧̢̦̟̙̤̠͐͌̾̆̑͌͡͞r̷̡̰̲̣͓̣̝͒́̿͊̉̀͒͠͝͠ͅe̫̯̣̰͍̤̬̭̺̒̿͊̾͊.
blackbird on the old church steeple - a butterfly knife au inspired by the silence of the lambs
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rae clementine doesn’t frighten easily. in her line of work, fear is not a friend. so when she’s abruptly pulled out of her fbi training at quantico to interview none other than the notorious harry hart, known for his--let’s say unusual appetites--she’s less intimidated and more annoyed.
but women are being taken, and found without their skin, if they are even found at all.
if hart’s insight into the mind of a psychopath can help her find the infamous buffalo bill, who has repeatedly evaded arrest--then she is more than willing to sit across from the gentleman in a pristine cell, and be continuously surprised that for a murderer, his gaze is surprisingly gentle.
in the back of her mind, she remembered all the things her mother had ever told her about lucifer--how the king of hell himself was utterly wicked, but catastrophically beautiful.
charm could hide blood. polished etiquette could hide bodies.
“most serial killers keep some sort of trophies from the victims.”
“i didn’t.”
“no. you ate yours.”
she’d felt this kind of intrigue before, and given the face it wore this time... well.
focus on the case, she thought. find buffalo bill. watch yourself. get out alive.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: ajr, ‘bang!’ + tame impala, ‘the less i know the better’ + barney bigard, ‘readdy eddy’
dogs & deadbolts guard the night - an au featuring @roanoke-after-dark​‘s the gremlin and @agentjotunn​ inspired by resident evil, particularly the released imagery for resident evil: village
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santi’s first thought was that the rumors were just blatantly untrue. an entire village of people? suddenly vanished? he doubted it. besides, winters this far north were brutal--and could be fatal, if you weren’t careful. they had probably just all tucked in for the season, he reasoned. the snow and ice would’ve made travel impossible, anyway.
weeks passed. the stories faded from his thoughts as he minded his garage, and people spoke less and less about it.
until one evening, when an old friend knocked on his door with blood on his jacket and no color in his face.
“bradley? jesus, what hap--”
“grab your gun. something’s happened, and we need to leave now.”
“but what--”
“i’ll explain on the way, just go!“
right before he slammed the passenger side door of bradley’s jeep closed--wheels appropriately chained to keep a grip on the iced over roads--he heard a deep, long howl from some distance away.
there hadn’t been wolves this close in fifty years.
santi broke the silence in the car gently: “... you look like you’ve seen the face of the devil. what exactly happened?”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: ac/dc, ‘highway to hell’ + think up anger ft. malia j, ‘smells like teen spirit’ + marilyn manson, ‘sweet dreams’
the light under the door - a body shots au inspired by dark skies
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the blacks weren’t superstitious. jason wasn’t, just like his father wasn’t before him, and now that he’s finally settled down happily married to joanne--finally, he thought, finally married to his jo--he is more than ready to see what the next chapters will bring. they moved into a house not too far from his parents, so he could still see his siblings regularly.
and he did.
which means he and jo both noticed when his younger brother christopher began to act a little--off.
they noticed when the bruises appeared.
they noticed when he kept copying the same strange symbols onto papers in crayon over and over and over and over--
and jo definitely noticed when she walked into their own kitchen in the middle of the night to find every single cabinet door open, with all the contents arranged into an impossibly perfect pyramid on the center island.
“i--are we being haunted?” she wondered out loud, the next morning. “this--and weird things are happening at your parents’, too, jason, something isn’t right here. i know you don’t believe in ghosts or anything, but...”
and this wasn’t a haunting.
it was something much worse.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: kennyhoopla, ‘how will i rest in peace if i’m buried by a highway?’ + cannons, ‘fire for you’ + days, ‘the drums’
permission access eternal - an au featuring @siggy-the-meme-master​ and technical officer wyvern, inspired by a.m.i.
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it was supposed to be the world’s most cutting edge ai software. and since jeremy and dodger were both at the top of their class at m.i.t., of course, nobody was surprised when both their names were on the finished product--even if there was just one prototype to start.
and it wasn’t an ‘it.’ it was a she. jeremy insisted. repeatedly. “let’s call her ami!” he’d been flush with booze but his eyes were so bright and his expression so sincere, dodger just let him have it. and jeremy clapped his shoulder, “we did it, man! we have built the jessica rabbit of ai programs!”
they had one last test run to prove they’d metaphorically kicked the ass of everyone else in their field before they began the work to begin mass production. so, dodger set ami up as a sort of overhead assistant for their shared lab. she controlled temperature, lights, she could make phone calls, keeps schedules and most importantly of all, place takeout orders. the more she proved she could do, the more power, and control, she was given.
two weeks passed. they gave ami a voice, gave her a large proverbial eye to see through, making tweaks as they went to polish her off.
dodger was so proud of his work his heart could’ve exploded.
so imagine how he felt when he realized he’d left his cell phone in his car--and realized he couldn’t open the door.
“ami? ... ami. can you unlock the front door please?” he stared up at the red lens, and a silent point of light stared back at him.
“... i’m sorry. i cannot do that. dodger.”
“... uh, jeremy?”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: cage the elephant, ‘social cues’ + sneaker pimps, ‘6 underground’ + saint motel, ‘preach’
in hell i’ll be in good company - a lies & lessons au inspired by underworld
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for centuries, a war has raged between vampires and lycans, completely outside the notice of the general human population. lauren is a death dealer, a lethal and beautiful member of an elite squad of vampiric assassins who have been charged with finding all the remaining lycans in the city and taking them out one by one.
when she realizes the lycan pack seems to be looking for an ordinary man--a medical student named jack daniels--she tracks him down herself, narrowly escpaing lucian in the process. (as soon as they were in the car he was already screaming, “what the fuck is goin’ on?!” with a southern twang she hadn’t expected) she takes him under her wing, still baffled at why the lycan pack could possibly want him.
he’s only human, after all.
... right?
as it turns out, vampires and lycans have a single common ancestor.
jack is a direct descendant.
and after being bitten in an attack--becomes a hybrid, carrying the powers of both species.
between unraveling the truth surrounding the death of her family, what really happened between lucian and kraven, and her growing feelings for jack--who is rapidly trying to understand his role in the story that’s been unfolding without his knowledge for generations--lauren finds herself at a crossroads, and her loyalties tested to a breaking point.
but as long as jack is at her side--perhaps it doesn’t matter where the road goes from here.
as bullet-riddled and blood-soaked as it will turn out to be.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: wallows, ‘are you bored yet?’ + cage the elephant, ‘shake me down’ + puscifer, ‘rev 22-20′
ash, fog & rust - alternatively titled ‘@gaygent​, @agent-judas​ and agent seraphim finally take that road trip to pennsylvania’
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it was time to hand over the torch. that’s what lilith had finally decided. between the white patches in her hair, the strain it was putting on her relationships (especially with hamish)--morgan only had to return to the hills one more time as envoy.
and she wasn’t going alone.
“after this, anything that comes through this area, anything that hits our radars, is going to end up on both your desks,” she began, glancing at z in the passenger seat, and meeting cillian’s eyes once in the rearview mirror.
“so this is--what, a test run?” z asked, head slightly tilted. morgan hummed.
“this place--this town--it--” she huffed, frustrated. cillian could hear the leather wrapped around the steering wheel creak as her grip tightened. “it’s hard to explain, to someone who hasn’t been there. and i’m glad that neither of you have had to go before this, but...” another sigh. “i couldn’t think of any other duo that i could entrust this to. not something this big. you--” she pointedly lifted her brows at z, “--have experience with creatures that aren’t from around here. and you--” this time her gaze went to cillian. “--do too. just in a different shape. it’ll take both of you to handle centralia. and i couldn’t introduce you without coming along.”
“how long, exactly, has roanoke been keeping tabs on this place?” cillian asked. he’d spent hours going over everything he could find--mission logs, reports, feeds and images housed in the media room. morgan looked at him again. her eyes were still kind--but very, very tired.
“... a long time.”
i’ll admit that this is less an au and more a canonical event that i just haven’t gotten around to writing more about. but i couldn’t make this list without at least one entry paying homage to a franchise that’s had a huge influence on not just me as a writer, but on roanoke’s canon as a whole.
for the sampler, i will simply redirect you to this post here.
the devil’s gonna set me free - an anchored hearts au inspired by horns
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joseph moretti had been in love with louise franz since fifth grade.
granted, he didn’t realize it until he almost drowned because of that stupid dare--a dare that not only almost killed him, but took two of lee’s fingers when that goddamn cherry bomb went off in his hand.
the same cherry bomb he’d traded to him for fixing louise’s broken necklace--a small silver pendant, shaped like an apple. she’d worn it every single day since he could remember. the image of her and snow white were eternally tangled in his head.
that necklace--it’d been the start. he’d woken up because of an apple. louise, did, too.
the hours they spent in that treehouse, listening to david bowie and memorizing every scar and curve of the other--he wished that could have been his eternity. just him. and her. ... well, and bowie. every good love story needed a soundtrack.
but... but...
his head pounded as he lifted it off the counter in his parents’ kitchen. his mouth was dry, and he blinked, causing a half-empty bottle of vodka to come into focus.
louise is gone now, he thought.
and they thought he was the one who did it. he, the one who loved her more than anyone else on the planet.
he pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes.
he was going to prove his innocence even if it killed him. no matter what happened.
even if he sprout horns.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: machine gun kelly, ‘bloody valentine’ + the black keys, ‘go’ + david bowie, ‘heroes’
moonlight rising from the grave - alternatively titled ‘that time @agent-nightcrawler​ and agent iuniore found a haunted mansion,’ inspired by disney’s haunted mansion
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“hello? ... hellooooo?” the massive door let out a huge groan as sylva pushed, putting one hand on tina’s shoulder as it swung open. “uhm--i’m really sorry to bother you, but we hit a deer and we just...” sylva sighed, her voice lowering in volume. “... need to use the phone...”
“this place is gigantic,” tina whispered, close at sylva’s side as they stepped out of the pouring rain into a very quiet, very elegant foyer. “and look! there’s lights, and all these lit candles... someone has to be here,” she continued as the door came to a gentle close behind them, muffling another roll of thunder.
“good evening.”
both of them yelped, sylva immediately yanking tina closer to her and whirled around in time to see--a butler? he was dressed like a butler.
and his clothes were... he was...
“sylva! why is the butler see-through!” tina whispered harshly, all while the spectral gentleman just looked at them expectantly. sylva clamped a hand over her mouth.
“hi!” she answered brightly.
this is a ghost. i’m talking to a ghost. this is fine. everything is fine.
“uh,” she coughed, beginning again, “we’re just having a little bit of a car emergency, is there a way we can call our head office? so they can come get us?” this is what i get for being out where i have no bars, and neither of us have our specs...
the ghostly butler nodded. his hair, glowing faintly, waved around his head as though he was underwater. “of course. please--follow me. the master of the manor will want to meet you.”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: the chordettes, ‘mr. sandman’ + bobby pickett, ‘monster mash’ + bastille, ‘survivin’’
mercy no more - a magic & mischief au inspired by the evil within
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aly had been kieran’s partner at the krimson city police department for years. she’d walked with him through the death of his daughter, the disappearance of his wife.
neither of them acknowledged the spark. they didn’t then, and--as she met his eyes once in the rearview mirror, trying to pay attention to connelly and joseph as they talked about beacon--they wouldn’t acknowledge it now.
as soon as the hospital came into a view, a high-pitched ringing overame every other sound in the cruiser, every other sound period. aly slammed her hands over her ears, but it didn’t seem to help.
as soon as it started--it stopped. connelly had to swerve to avoid getting into the wrong lane.
“what--what was that?” aly asked, her palms still hovering by her ears.
“it was probably just a problem with the radio,” joseph suggested, pushing his glasses up as they drove pass the established police barriers.
the last dispatch team, they said, hadn’t come back. it was up to the three of them to find out what happened to their colleagues.
aly was close by kieran’s side as they walked through the rain. her gut twisted at the sight of the entry doors.
the smell of the blood and the slaughter hit her nose before she saw the bodies.
“what on earth happened here?”
“i don’t know. stay close. let’s find the surveillance room. if we can find the security cams, we’ll find out answer...”
if only that had been the end.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: all time low, ‘monsters’ + bastille, ‘what you gonna do???’ + gary numan, ‘long way down’
and the wind will be my hands - an au featuring @agent-sentinel-official​, @agent-chimera​ and @gaygent​, inspired by session 9, with a special appearance by @agent-thorn​
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walter vaughn was an expert in abestoes abatement. so when he put in a bid to take on the entire danvers state mental hospital, the owners of the rotting estate welcomed him on board.
and as they did, he brought on two crewmates--xander, and z--to help him.
“we’ve got three weeks, so, no need to rush,” he explained on the first day, the sun beating down on his broad shoulders and half his hazmat tied around his waist. xander and z trailed behind him as they approached the massive building. “and i know, i know it’s still a big undertaking--but the money will be worth it. trust me.”
“you fellas our cleanup crew?” a tall, thin man in a suit with dark hair and a pair of ray ban sunglasses walked towards them, smiling broadly. he extended a hand, “carter jensen. the ah, danvers’ estate board sent me on their behalf to give you a tour of the building, let you get a good assessment of what you’re dealing with. i’m not entirely sure what they’ll do with the property when this is done, but we know for sure nothing can happen until this part’s complete. come on, the entrance is just this way... i’ll make sure to give you a master key ring.”
xander leaned down by z’s shoulder, muttering, “dude this place gives me the creeps... but maybe there’s still some cool old stuff left in there. like maybe, possibly, the trapped souls of the damned. you think it’s haunted?”
z answered, murmuring, “if not by ghosts--then maybe by something else.”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: the talking heads, ‘psycho killer’ +  lou barlow, ‘choke chain’ + sublime, ‘doin’ time’
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Monsters: A Companion (Genre Fiction and Film Companions), edited by Simon Bacon, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2020. Info: peterlang.com.
What are Monsters? Monsters are everywhere, from cyberbullies online to vampires onscreen: the twenty-first century is a monstrous age. The root of the word «monster» means «omen» or «warning», and if monsters frighten us, it’s because they are here to warn us about something amiss in ourselves and in our society. Humanity has given birth to these monsters, and they grow and change with us, carrying the scars of their birth with them. This collection of original and accessible essays looks at a variety of contemporary monsters from literature, film, television, music and the internet within their respective historical and cultural contexts. Beginning with a critical introduction that explores the concept of the monster in the work of Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Jack Halberstam, Elaine Showalter and more, the book takes a broad approach to the monster, including not only classic slasher films, serial killers (Bates Motel), the living dead (Game of Thrones) and aliens (District 9), but also hyper-contemporary examples like clones (Orphan Black), cyberbullies (Cyberbully), viral outbreaks (The Strain) and celebrities (Lady Gaga). Gender and culture are especially emphasized in the volume, with essays on the role of gender and sexuality in defining the monster (AHS Apocalypse) and global monsters (Cleverman, La Llorona). This compact guide to the monster in contemporary culture will be useful to teachers, students and fans looking to expand their understanding of this important cultural figure.
Contents: Acknowledgements Foreword. Culture’s Monters: Monster Marks (Lindquist 2018) – Sherry C.M. Lindquist Introduction – Simon Bacon PART I   Home Madness: The Babadook (Kent, 2014) – Monsters of Mental Illness – Angela M. Smith Domestic Abuse: The Invisible Man (Whannell, 2020) – Domestic Monsters – Simon Bacon Paedophilia: The Nightingale (Kent, 2018) – Monsters of Abuse – Phil Fitzsimmons Immigrants: The Lure (Smoczyñska, 2015) – Monstrous Outsiders – Agnieszka Kotwasinìska PART II   Society The Mask: Slasher Cinema (1978–1998) – Teaching the Monster – John Edgar Browning The Cyberbully: Cyberbully (Binamé, 2011) – Monsters of Cyberspace – Lauren Rosewarne Lady Gaga: Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (1986–present) – Monsters of Celebrity – Anthony Curtis Adler The Slit-Mouthed Woman: Carved (Shiraishi, 2007) – Monsters of Urban Legend – Alexandra Heller-Nicholas Melmoth: Melmoth (Perry, 2018) – Monsters of War – W. Scott Poole PART III   Cultural Intersections Phi Krasue: Inhuman Kiss (Mongkolsiri, 2019) – Thai Monsters – Benjamin Baumann La habitación del desahogo (2012) – Mexican Monsters – Inés Ordiz Baba Yaga: Hellboy (Mignola, 1997–2004) – Russian Monsters – Gail de Vos Deumo: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Spielberg, 1984) – Monsters of Colonialism – Partha Mitter The Hairies: Cleverman (Griffen, 2016–2017) – Aboriginal Monsters – Yasmine Musharbash PART IV   Gender Satan: The Witch (Eggers, 2015) – Patriarchal Monsters – Eddie Falvey Warlocks: AHS Apocalypse (Murphy and Falchuk, 2011–present) – Monsters of Masculinity – Emily Brick She-Wolves: When Animals Dream (Arnby, 2014) – Monsters of Femininity – Craig Ian Mann Serial Killers: Bates Motel (Ehrin, 2013–2017) – The Queer Monster – Daniel Sheppard The Skeleton: Game of Thrones (Benioff, 2011–2019) – Monsters of Death – Murray Leeder PART V   Futures Clones: Orphan Black (Manson and Fawcett, 2013–2017) – Monsters of Reproduction – Leah Richards The Master: The Strain (del Toro and Hogan, 2014–2017) – Monsters of Contagion – Dahlia Schweitzer The Ecomonster: Megalohydrothalassophobia (Abhorrence, 2018) – Monsters of the Anthropocene – Carl H. Sederholm Aliens: District 9 (Blomkamp, 2009) – Monsters of Hybridity – Gerry Canavan Zombie: The Girl with All the Gifts (Carey, 2014) – Posthuman Monsters – Elana Gomel Afterword: Becoming Monstrous and the Monster Becoming: Hannibal (Fuller: 2013–2015) – Patricia MacCormack Bibliography Notes on Contributors Index
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