#edit: hey look a hit tweet i mean post
elsakey · 2 years
Loid, once he finds out that Yor managed to get him another way of infiltrating the Desmond family:
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Why is this feeling?
Hey look, a Rough Day™ that's not a Monday, plot twist! (Tuesday wasn't wonderful, but I'm generously saying that 40% of that was bc I was some kind of sick, so I'm just gonna leave it at that and move on.)
So for a looooong time, like YEARS, I didn't go on any social media that wasn't Twitter basically ever. No FB (except for the work page to do shift trades/giveaways, but that was it), no IG, no Snapchat, no Tumblr, nothing. I was solely active on Twitter, and it's still my preferred site (I really do hate everything going on with the new management though, it's horrible), and I saw a tweet not too long ago that summed up why that was - it was a words site, not a picture site. I am definitely a words person. I can take and edit a picture like the best of them, but the way some people treat it, as if their profile and what they chose to post there is what defines their life, has never been overly appealing to me - when I post, it's usually for something important or celebratory or my annual pumpkin carving reveal, not a filtered selfie with a "quirky" caption or a shot of myself weirdly posed in front of some mildly interesting background for no reason. I can express myself and my thoughts in words that are truer to me than most pictures could ever be, and I can mostly do so in 280 characters or less, which is honestly quite a skill for a person who is great at taking a short informal phrase and turning it into an essay-length formal statement. (Also, you can retweet things on Twitter with two clicks, you can't share anything on Insta nearly that easily, just saying...)
So what does my self-imposed distance from social media have to do with today's emotional mess? Well, one of the reasons I stopped going on the more photo-based sites was because of how seeing everyone's *posted* lives (HEAVY emphasis on *posted*, bc I am keenly aware that the overwhelming majority of social media users only post the A roll stuff that makes their lives look like sunshine and rainbows 24/7, which they absolutely are not) was starting to have a negative effect on my mental wellbeing.
Like a lot of people, probably 99.99%, my life didn't follow the path I thought it would when I was a bright-eyed baby adult fresh from high school. I thought that I would go to college and meet people and maybe get a boyfriend and then I'd get a job right out of graduation and have a place of my own and everything would just fall in line and be perfect.
This VERY MUCH did not happen. I mean, some of it did, but the whole picture never came together in that way. I did go to college and meet people and made some really wonderful friends, but I never got my "dream job" (I still don't even know what it is, tbh) and I'm still single and I don't have a place of my own (honestly a blessing and a curse at this point).
I am very much aware that everyone's path in life unfolds in its own time, and that it is incredibly frustrating that most of the time there is nothing that can be done to change this.
Rerouting back from this little tangent, what was happening was that I wasn't where I thought I would be in life at that point, and seeing people's happy (and curated) posts showing off their great new job or fun relationship or some other milestone that I hadn't hit yet, and it was starting to make me feel like I was failing at life in some way and that everyone else was doing so much better than I was and how could I ever figure it out if I hadn't already done so by this point? It was just a constant stream of everyone showing off their successes (which they absolutely should, no shade there, everyone should be able to celebrate their accomplishments in life, it's well-deserved), and the pressure seeing all those posts created, as well as the pressure to constantly be online to see all those posts and to try and time my own posts to when they would be seen by the most people, was creating so much negative energy inside myself directed towards myself that I stopped going on FB and Instagram pretty much cold turkey. Almost immediately, I noticed a positive change in my brain, which, for me, was worth being out of the loop on people's daily lives and falling out of touch with those whose only relationships with me was commenting "Happy Birthday" when prompted by the FB reminder notification. I would still occasionally post on Instagram and have it cross-post to FB or add to my IG story when at a "show-off worthy" event, but other than that, I almost never used either app for more than a few moments a month for several years.
Fast forward to now, where, for some inexplicable reason, I have started browsing on both apps again, often to the point of refreshing to get new content (mostly funny reels on FB bc I refuse to download TikTok). Most of my long-term FB friends from high school rarely post on the platform anymore, so the content I do see, if any, is usually something along the lines of a vacation photo dump or a holiday outfit or a couple's pic, and Instagram is usually along similar lines with stories showing off a night out at a concert or vacation or some other fun excursion. These kinds of posts are mostly harmless to my psyche, probably bc most of the posters are more on the acquaintance level at this point, so I can look at their lives from a more objective outsider's perspective. Even the posts that deal with life milestones I thought I'd be celebrating as well by this point are usually fine bc I know I'm not at the point in my life where I'd be ready for them (I honestly don't know how some of my classmates have multiple children already, even the idea of having to keep a small human alive exhausts and frightens me).
But sometimes, there's a post that feels like a dropkick to the emotions and we end up here at another Rough Day™.
I don't want to go into details about what the post was, but I think I can figure out why it affected me the way that it did.
Obviously, I'm happy for the person who made the post bc it was celebrating that person being comfortable in their own skin in all the ways for the first time in a very long time, and that is a great thing. However, I think this just happened to kick me right in my insecurities about similar things and that's where my feelings are coming from.
I know that there's no reason to be jealous of what this person posted, because this person has had challenges that I haven't had to face, and for them to be at this point is a huge win. But I think I always kind of held on to the idea that we were both insecure and upset about where we were for certain aspects of our lives as some kind of lifeline, however ridiculous that might be in hindsight, and now that lifeline is gone (whether actually or perceivably makes no difference for the present moment) and I feel left behind once again, just like I did when it seemed like everyone on my social media feeds were achieving all kinds of great feats while I was stuck down below.
I know where my insecurities about this come from, and I am hoping with all my heart and soul that everyone is right in saying that I will look back on this in the future and think how silly I was to be so unconfident about my life and to have these insecurities at all.
I know that my decision to go back to school and be close to a decade older than most of the other students is a major cause of some of my insecurities. It's really hard to escape the idea that my age will only be a hindrance, and tbh I don't know what would make me not believe that, so I hope there's something out there that will someday.
I know that nobody is going to hold themselves back for me, and obviously I agree, nobody should. But sometimes it feels like I'm floundering out here on my own, and having someone else who feels similarly is sometimes the greatest sense of relief, and having to let that go is almost physically painful at times.
I'm fairly positive that feeling like everyone else is outpacing me is a huge negative factor in my current emotional state. It's just really hard to feel like everyone else is on track and going full-steam ahead and you're just stuck in a tiny canoe paddling with one oar and going in circles.
I have a final in two days for a class that I almost certainly will fail if I don't do very well on the exam, which would be a first for me and is probably adding to my Rough Day™. I've mostly accepted my fate either way, but it's hard to say how I'll feel if and when it actually happens. But the idea of failing definitely isn't boosting any morale in conjunction with the aforementioned post.
Sometimes I get really lonely and I miss people who have left or even people who never really were here to begin with, and sometimes people who never existed outside of my brain. That definitely doesn't help anyone's mental wellbeing.
I think this is kind of devolving from its original purpose...
So I saw a post that really kicked me in my insecurities and I needed to get it out to get through this Rough Day™, which is how we got here. Now how to deal with it...
First, I think I'm going to go back to restricting my social media consumption. Maybe it won't be as harsh as it used to be, maybe it will, we'll just have to see what balance is healthiest for me. I also think I might start posting a little bit more on Instagram, maybe as a way to celebrate my own milestones and accomplishments and have a way to look back on them in the future.
Second, once Saturday has passed (and it's gonna be a beast between the exam and then work afterwards), I'm going to make a list of all the things I need and want to do, of all levels of importance and difficulty and size. Maybe this way I can get a little more organization into my life and then use that as a way to keep moving forward with other aspects.
Third, I'm going to aim to do something at least once a month that is just for me and that works as a sort of reset moment, whether it's a trip to a park by myself or making my own double feature at the movies, just something to re-ground myself and help build up my confidence in myself and doing things by myself for myself.
I think it helped, at least a little, to get this out. I think I just needed to take a moment and sort through the emotions and breathe and remind myself that someday soon, there's gonna be a day that I'm gonna want to post about, and while it might not be for the same reasons as this post was (I can all but guarantee it won't be, if and when that day comes, it'll be wayyy in the future), it'll be important for me and that's the only part that matters.
I'm still a little emotionally jumbled but I can get through that soon enough. Here's hoping there's no more Rough Days™ ahead for this year, because I'm really getting tired of them.
(If you've made it to the end of this and are not my future self rereading this, please reevaluate your life choices bc even watching paint dry would have been a more productive use of your time.)
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fieurissons · 2 years
28 & 43 for the numbers game! 🙏💕
coming right up!!! sorry to keep you waiting; answering these takes longer than I anticipated and every time I answer one, something else comes up on my to-do list :________:
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc?)
I think I'm very fortunate so far! I don't recall anyone stressing me out to update or sending negative comments (there have possibly been some instances but nothing jumps out atm). I am generally happy to take constructive criticism so if anything does come my way that's not entirely friendly, I'd probably interpret it as that.
Deadlines: I am Horrible with them I've only done 2 fests (dropped out of a third so we'll leave it at that), but my approach tends to be: write the first 50% on the day of the fest sign-up, then write the remaining 50% within the week it's due. I lose steam so easily after the initial burst of creativity and often only regain it under time pressure. No idea why this is, considering I don't procrastinate in real life. Anyway, mods are more often than not accommodating so when I need an extension/to drop out I'd just be honest ^_^ there's not really a point in doing what you don't enjoy and writing's supposed to be fun.
I suppose it goes for being pressured to update too. I want to see things through, of course, but I'd do the people asking for updates more justice when I do things at my own pace!
43. Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember.
just one? I have so many! will list them out anyway!
not writing-exclusive but the friends I gained over the years (blowing kisses to kiyay and ara especially, listed in chronological order here I love you two equally)
having my others join my creative space using their own media: final approach & orion soonhoon artworks, this a city of roses edit.
stumbling across compliments which aren't necessarily meant for you to see. knowing people just feel a certain way about your writing, enough to write about the fic in a blog post, live tweets, etc. may not mean A Lot to them but definitely means A Lot to me. (looking at wren. almost cried when I was casually, happily reading through their dreamwidth and found shadow come together). 
final approach changed someone's life in a way I never intended it to................I'm going to keep the details confidential but yeah. man. hits hard every time.
17hols remix by hwa #goals. literally screamed when I got the email notification. whatever. I am just a Person
probably every time svt adapts a concept remotely close to something I wrote moons ago and people go: hey, this reminds me of _____! and vee you manifested this! so....cool. you get excited with me??? are we on vee island, population 5? a kiss for you! and you! and everyone!
see what I mean about one answer taking forever? anyway, thank you for indulging me. hope these entertain you!!
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k3rm1e · 3 years
cuddling headcanons! ★~(◡﹏◕✿)
this is more of a test thing to see if i like writing this way and if this blog does well
other imagines and headcanons won't include everyone i write unless it is specifically requested and is a prompt i really like
includes: wilbur nihachu karljacobs quackity dream georgenotfound sapnap p!tommyinnnit p!badboyhalo p!skeppy p!eret p!philza p!tubbo p!ranboo
cw: cursing
wilbur is a very cuddle-y guy
to me he seems very soft
i always see people saying he would like spooning, but i disagree
i feel like he would do more of a half-spooning thing with his head on your chest or the other way around
mans would DEFINITELY make you run your fingers through his hair
i feel like he would lay on your chest and just *nuzzle* into the space between your shoulder and neck
anytime you tried to leave him, whether it was because he had to do something or you had to, he would whine. so. fucking. much.
It would probably always go something like:
you - i need to piss
wilbur - no <3
but the moment he decides its time to stop cuddling its fine
and if you complain that you’re gonna miss him he’ll just call you clingy and tease you
like??? sir???
all in good fun though, no bad intentions :)
i feel like you and niki would face each other
with your head like under her chin and in her chest (this is a bad description but look at the “honeymoon hug” on the list for better explanation ;-;)
she would always want to protect you
so she does that by like almost guarding you and keeping you close
niki would definitely do the arm thing where she just lightly moves her hand up and down you arm
i’m so sorry if you don't understand that, it just feels like something she would do
if you haven't experienced that it kinda sorta feels like spiders??? but in a good way???
but generally she is very protective
she just holds you so close the whole time
even if she doesn’t want to let you go, she’s more understanding about it
she would be upset but wouldn’t show it because she doesn’t want to make you feel guilty
niki is generally just an amazing cuddle-r (is that a word?) and has a super comforting presence
karl would definitely keep your head on his chest
the whole time he would just absolutely squeeze the life out of you
he would constantly bend his neck down to kiss your head
and instead of just like leaving his head down so he could kiss you it would just be:
*inner monologue karl* hmmm i wanna kiss them on their head
and he would lean down to do so which, cute
but then five seconds later he would do it again
and again another five seconds later
and again
very cute karl but please sir, your neck is gonna be so messed up after this
when you had to leave he would be upset, but like niki, would try not to show it
except karl is very bad at that and his pouting would be so obvious
so you would feel guilty and layback down with him
immediately he just becomes (●´ω`●)
like a happy little puppy
karl is just too adorable for you to deny
now we all know this, quackity is a huge dork
which is why i believe he would DEFINITELY use your butt as a pillow
not even in a weird way
i just feel like quackity isn’t too comfortable with touch so this is sorta his way of being close to you without it being a whole serious thing
like he still is able to be goofy and comfortable without it being a whole big thing
him doing this would almost always come with a flatty patty joke from you
which always causes him to threaten divorce, even though you aren’t married
while it isn’t a very good position for things like physical touch, it is good for talking and having conversations
for some reason i feel like he’s the type of person to text someone when they’re right next to each other
so while he’s laying down he’ll just send you random photos of himself
very annoying when your phone is spammed, but also good blackmail material >:)
i don’t think he’d be too clingy
obviously, he enjoys spending time with you
but if you told him you need to go do work or something he wouldn’t throw a fit or pout
big q just seems like he’d be more rational about stuff like that
overall a 420/69 cuddle partner
one word: spooning
mans just envelops you and has no shame
very big: “no you are mine! >:(“ energy
while he’s sleeping he’ll unconsciously nuzzle his head into your hair/the back of your neck
when you guys got to bed patches usually climbs in and you hold her
i love patches so much i could write headcanons just about her
dream always wants to be cuddling you
if you try to leave he won’t pout, there simply isn't a discussion on whether you’re moving or not
incase you haven’t caught on yet, the answer is no
you need to do work? just bring the laptop to bed
he needs to edit? just sit in his lap at his desk, duh
obviously, he knows at some point you guys need to stop cuddling
he just isn’t too stoked about it
when it comes time where he absolutely can’t cuddle with you, i feel like he’d be more chill
mainly just annoyed
i feel like george, like quackity, also wouldn’t be too touchy
i’m pretty sure he has a hard time expressing emotions (please correct me if i’m wrong!!) and i think that would crossover to his sleeping habits
i think he would prefer a sort of back-to-back cuddling position
it seems cold, i know
but also he would most definitely kick at you
so every night while trying to go to sleep suddenly you would just feel *kick*
and then instead of sleep you’re suddenly playing footsie
lots of laughter and warm feelings involved
george would probably pretend that you kicked his leg hard or something and act like you hurt him
the first few times you were actually worried
but then after a few months your only response was a sarcastic “cry about it”
which just led to more laughter
sapnap and you would do a sort of leg hug thing
you both you try to go to sleep in a cute spooning-type position
but the moment one of you fell asleep it all unraveled
you would wake up apart but you’re legs would still be touching
sapnap would joking blame it on you
“wow can’t believe you don't wanna be close with me even when we’re asleep”
“it’s not my fault! i can’t control where i end up when i sleep!”
“no, no. you don’t have to lie. i see how it is.”
but it's okay!
your legs are the first thing to react in a flight-or-fight situation, so they usually react in an honest way
which is like your legs are both reaching to hold each other!
i don’t get a very touchy vibe from tommy
i feel like the most he would do is put his arm over your shoulder
not in a flirty way, just in a “hey, there isn’t a lot of space, this will make sitting down more comfortable” way
he will let you sorta fidget with his hand/arm
i don't know if that makes sense but what i mean is that he’ll pretty much let his arm go *flop* so you can control it (by like moving it around or playing with his fingers)
in the beginning he would get annoyed
but eventually he would get used to it and wouldn’t really care
it sounds a bit strange but i personally find it very comforting to just have something to fidget with while watching youtube or netflix in bed with my friends
and it’s entertaining (sometimes i do this to me sister to annoy her :>)
he would act like he didn’t mind if you left him
but holy shit he is so clingy
If you try to leave it’ll just be “no, why??? stay here dumbass”
you would be slightly annoyed when he had to leave  but knew he had to film and stream and all that so you would be okay
you would kinda sit within bad’s lap
like not on his lap, but more of in between his legs
he would have his arms around you
and his phone would be in front of you so you two could scroll through twt or instagram together
or you guys could watch skeppy’s youtube ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
rat would sit in your lap
she’s just;;;;;;;; so adorable
rat is just so soft and fuzzy in your lap and everytime you move to pet her she just melts
rat is the the superior cuddle buddy to any of these block people
skeppy, similar to quackity, is a total dork
he would make sure you guys were in a position where he could effectively troll you
so if your head was near his lap he would just flick you or some
“dude can you please stop hitting me in the head”
“it turns out i am not actually hitting you in your head because based on the perpendicularity of the bisector multiplied by the photosynthesis of the dividend, it is impossible for me to do so”
lya is so goddamn sick of you guys
she's trying to get him to actually do something but instead he’s just sitting there throwing paper airplanes at you while you sleep
he’s an annoying asshole but it's okay because he gives you money for absurd reasons
eret has such a comfortable presence
i feel like she wouldn’t be up for cuddling too much
more of like putting your head on a friends shoulder so you can see the tweet their showing you
but they do like to hold hands
holding hands isn’t very intimate but it's also just such a sweet comforting thing
she even holds your hand when you guys are out walking around
like if you guys were getting food somewhere (post-covid of course)
you most likely would get addressed as a couple
and he would just be like”...wut?”
it’s happened so many times at this point you just go along with it
“you guys look like such a cute couple!”
“oh we aren't-” “thank you!”
can you tell that i love eret?
phil always has such dad vibes
i feel like the closest he would get to cuddling is hugs and hand holding
even though cuddling isn’t inherently romantic, he is married to kristen
so i fell he would get most of his touch in with her
but with you he’s just so fatherly
hello dadza
whether you have a good or bad relationship with your father, everyone can admit that philza minecraft is dadza
this is such a dad thing, but tries to hold you hand when you cross the street
no matter the age, he just feels the need to protect you
hugs are similar
uses hugs as a way to comfort you and protect you
just so amazing all around
tubbo would love cuddling in any way, shape, or form
if you guys are hanging out at like the park or something and lying down
get ready to become this mans pillow
this is really fun to do with your friends but imagine you guys are hanging out in a field type area (with my friends we hand out in the field next to the cemetery but it can be any open grass area)
tubbo would just use your lap as a pillow the whole time
and when you guys were walking back to his house he would sorta drape his arms over your shoulders (assuming he’s taller than you)
he would do the same thing when you guys were sitting in chairs or at a desk
just drapes his arms over your shoulder with his chin on your head
if it's really late and he's tired he’ll just hug you
if you thought tubbo is bad, ranboo is even worse
not even really cuddling, he just likes having a sort of skin-to-skin contact
so handholding and laying on top of eachother
if he’s streaming he will legitimately message ou to just sit next to him
so sometimes if he’s just chilling by himself on the smp you’ll end up on his streams
he’ll have you next to him just because he likes be near someone
and so randomly it’ll just be like “chat, a real human is here, behave”
chat does not behave
(they heavily bully him)
he’s pretty clingy but when you HAVE to leave he’ll understand and just be a bit bummed out
holy shit this took me so long-
if you read this whole thing thank you!
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goldentsum · 4 years
━ thirst post with idol! reader - spin-off
REQUEST: abt the idol reader thirst, imagine one day you read the thirst on vlive and react to it, and you're just "oh? OH" HAHAHHAA
🎕 asked by: nonnie 🎕
CHARACTERS: kuroo tetsurou, matsukawa issei, miya atsumu, and sakusa kiyoomi
GENRE: suggestive themes, comedy, fluff?
AUTHOR’S NOTE: i can’t with this scenes lmao! i had too much fun with this pft! 
setters ver. | captains ver. | middleblockers ver. | wingspikers ver.  | libero ver. | spin-off 2
you were in vlive, watching the thousands of comments flash on the side of the screen. you ate some pineapple in your fruit salad as you tried to read some of the comments in your vlive, chuckling as you do so. there were a lot of funny and heartwarming comments.
[tetsulovesy.n]: (y/n)!! you’re so pretty! D: please step on me, queen :D
[isseiissei]: you always inspire me to start drawing, (y/n)! you’re just so beautiful, every moment with you is so picturesque 
[tsumwannahit]: you’re so hot (y/n), it’s not fair 
[omisparadise]: (y/n), you’re always so clean and lovely 
you giggled at the last comment, you don’t really know what that means but hey, it sounds like a compliment! (fanbase’s name) are always so funny and seeing their comments makes your day
“isseiissei, is that how you pronounce it? aw, that’s so sweet of you! your words make me soft, love” you cooed sweetly, the soft light on your hotel room making you look angelic. meanwhile, the male who you replied to was screaming and panicking at the other side of the world.
“i want to browse through twitter because i love seeing the content you guys make,” you said, getting your phone at the table beside you and showing your clothes to the camera. a black spaghetti singlet with short shorts that stops on your mid-thigh. when you sat back down, you saw the comment section going wild.
you chuckled, confused, while you try to read some replies and leaned closer to the phone that’s recording your vlive. as you leaned in, your collarbones and neck were more prominent in that angle. your pretty face was closer than ever, your soft confused smile still intact. 
[tsumwannahit]: AASDFJKJHGFDS--
[isseiissei]: wanna draw something right now :D
[tetsulovesy.n]: this would look great in a phone call edit 
[omisparadise]: :)))
you saw the four usernames again and shook your head when you finally knew what was going on. you narrowed your eyes playfully at the camera and started scolding them. 
“you guys are dirty, ya know. that’s naughtyyy~” you teased, wagging your finger with a small smirk
you saw the comment section going crazy again and giggled. you opened your secret twitter account on your phone and searched your name in the search bar. your eyes widened at what you saw, blushing a bit. you looked at the camera then to your phone again.
“you guys are really... creative”
━ kuroo ♡
kuroo really saw his life flashed before his eyes when you said his username in your vlive he was watching. he just froze and looked at you in horror when you scrolled through his page, chuckling in bewilderment. 
you: these are--... um.. very creative 
fuck! omg omg! this is by far the worse thing that happened to kuroo wtf! the embarrassment is too much to handle! he just wanna dig a hole and die! 
at least you don’t know who he was. 
 you: [yn.makesme_hARD] said: “you guys like my edits a little too much but i can’t blame you, while making them I get hard myself… pLEASE LET ME HIT (Y/N)!!” um, you’re very creative sir-- you’re kinda cute too
did you hear that? it’s kuroo screaming at the top of his lungs. how can he forget that he did a (fanbase name) selca day on that account-!!
━ matsukawa ♡
issei was just watching your vlive, smiling softly at your cute actions as you try to interact with them, laying on his bed. when you replied to his comment, he really did scream. his heart was beating so loudly and a red blush almost covered his face. 
when you said you were going to twitter to see the content, his mind went straight to his 18+ fanarts from his other art account. but he was rest-assured cus he remembered that he blocked you on that account like any 18+ creator. 
you: [y/ns_daddydom] huh... that’s a nice username...
issei stopped smiling and sat up so fast that he was seeing black spots. he grasped his phone in alarm, gasping when you just described his latest fanart of you wearing a skimpy pink lingerie. 
you: they draw really good though. i approve, um, mattsun-ssi~
mattsun watched the vlive in panic when you said his name, he signed all his fanart with his nickname and now you know him... he closed his phone and laid in bed, staring at his ceiling with a blank face. 
mattsun: pls let me die now
━ atsumu ♡
tsumu was a cocky little shit who hides in his identity in a fan account so he usually just says what he thinks with no hesitation. when he watches your vlive, he likes commenting a lot. like a lot. 
when you said you were going to twitter, he wasn’t really alarmed or scared because his fan account was not a big one and he just usually thirst tweets in that account. 
you: you guys-- when you thirst tweet, ya’ll don’t tone it down huh. you guys go all out. 
okay, he was a bit alarmed at that. but you won’t see his tweets, right? 
you: this one has a lot of likes and retweets. [iwanna.raw.yn] said “(y/n) REALLY SAID DADDY LIKE IT WAS NOTHING?… brb gonna fix something and if you see my right arm getting beefy, lol we been knew. sigh i want to raw (y/n) so hard tf” okay then... daddy~ 
tsumu watched you giggle after saying that. he just short-circuited, a frozen and faltering smirk on his face as his eyes started wavering. he threw his phone in his bed, cupping his hands together and then hid his face, screeching. 
osamu: tsumu! shut the fuck up! 
atsumu: you shut up! i’m having a crisis here! 
━ sakusa ♡
when watching your vlives, omi likes to imagine that it was just the two of you, video calling each other. his (fanbase name) heart is screaming. 
sakusa watched you spill the tea and expose your fans about their thirst tweets and content and he was lowkey panicking. he grabbed his phone as he watched you on his laptop. he opened his account and went to delete any thirst tweet he made but it was too late. 
you: you guys have really cREATIVE names! like this one, [mother.ynismykink]. (fanbase name) are funny 
he felt a chill run down his spine when he heard his username, his eye twitching a bit. sakusa continued to watch you and listen to you say his most famous thirst tweet. 
you: i don’t like being dirty, though~ 
sakusa grabbed his chest, feeling his rapid heart as he gaped at you. you teasingly pout at the camera, making goo-goo eyes. you almost looked like that emoji, 🥺, but with a pout and looking much cuter. 
omiomi: i.. i don’t know if i’m lucky or not..
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mel-the-fangirl · 3 years
Toss A Coin to Your Witcher
Henry Cavill x Reader
Words: 2,362
I am so so so nervous to post this because this is my first time writing a Henry fic and I know that the Henry Cavill fandom is such a tightknit family, I hope you guys have room for one more hopeless Henry stan. I know this isn’t even half as good as the other Henry fics out there but I had this idea stuck in my head for a very long time.
Please like and reblog or leave me some replies if I should do a second part! Thank you!
The makeup brush swept precisely along your cheekbone, covering it in a subtle shimmer. Production staff milled around behind you, testing sound, testing lights. Being an actor, these things were nothing new. 
"Now remember, say it with me," 
"Don't say or do anything stupid." you recited with your long time agent and friend, Marge.
You thanked the makeup artist and made your way to the set. 
"When have I ever said or done anything stupid though?" you asked
Marge looked at you appraisingly before replying, 
"There's always a time for everything. Now go on." 
The vibe on set dialled to a hundred when you stepped on. It was really flattering how they cheered as you plonked your butt down on the wooden chair, a red tarp was set up behind you and the studio lights surrounded the area.
"Ready when you are Y/N!" the producer aka the ring leader of this whole operation flashed you a thumbs up
You nodded, feeling the nervousness bubble up your throat. 
Surprise, surprise. You still got nervous in front of the camera. It wasn't hard to handle though, you took a couple of deep breaths and you were good to go. 
"Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I'm here with Buzzfeed and we're gonna be playing Twenty Questions." you winked at the camera with your arms wrapped around the little jar that had your questions in it
 "Let's get started, shall we?" 
Eager to begin, you stuck your hand into the jar without a second thought. 
"I freaking love Buzzfeed, really. Especially Tasty, I mean, I don't cook. But," you shrugged, wiggling your fingers, hearing the tiny bits of folded paper move around in the jar. "I love watching people cook. Then I love eating."
Scattered chuckles broke out through the crew. 
After a few minutes of rustling around, you figured you’d just come clean, "Okay. Small problem." 
You lifted your hand, the jar coming along with it. The pieces of folded paper crowding around your encased wrist as you waved your arm. 
Another round of shocked giggles started up as a couple of assistants rushed to you and tried to yank the jar off. 
"This is too good," the producer chortled, "Mind if we keep this in?"
"Fine by me!" you watched intently as Marge rolled up your sleeve so one assistant could pour oil all over it. Eagle eyed, she watched as a drop of oil landed on the bottom hem of your sweater.
"Great job, Y/N. This sweater was a gift from that designer you met last week, he said he made it just for you." she scolded, taking charge by grabbing the jar with two hands
"It was an accident, Marge. It's not like I planned on getting my hand stuck in a jar today!"
With a tug and a pop, your hand was free and slick with olive oil. Marge landed on her butt on the floor.
"Marge!" you howled with laughter, helping her up
She straightened her blouse, all business but her cheeks were stained red with embarrassment. 
"Can someone help Y/N wash the oil off her hands? Let's get this show on the road, people!" she barked marching orders at the staff, clapping her hands as she went. She wasn't in charge here but no one dared to question her. 
You chuckled, knowing that this was a cute little anecdote you’d be sharing with anyone who was willing to listen.
A few minutes later, you were back in your chair, having a laugh with everyone. The jar incident already stripped away the majority of your anxiety so you were ready to go.
"Okay! First question!" you squinted at the strip of paper, "What is the most expensive thing you’ve stolen from any set you’ve been on?" 
“Well!” you widened your eyes at the camera, “Bold of you all to assume that I’ve ever stolen anything!”
Marge scoffed rather audibly, making everyone raise their eyebrows at you.
“Okay, fine!” you held up your hand. The stunning ring you had on sparkled underneath the lights, nearly blinding anyone who looked.
“I did a period movie a while back and they had these drop dead gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous pieces of jewelry. I wore this piece,” you gazed down at the ring fondly, “for the whole of the film and I just pinched it after we wrapped, I couldn’t part with it, okay? I’m like a fricking magpie, I love shiny things.”
The crew burst into fits of laughter, making you laugh along with them.
“To clarify! This is the replica the props department had made, a very expensive replica. I can see you freaking out, Marge. And no, you don’t have to call the insurance company.”
You were a big hit, to say the least. You had them in stitches every time you opened your mouth but all good things had to come to an end, right?
It didn’t matter how carefully you dipped your hand into the question jar, this next one was going to make things very messy for you. 
"What do you like to do in your free time?" you read out loud, tapping a finger against your chin
"There hasn't been much free time lately,” you chuckled, “Let’s see… I play video games, yeah. I am so obsessed with the Witcher, it's borderline unhealthy. I’ve read all the books and played the games so many times." 
"What do you think of Henry Cavill as Geralt?" the producer asked you
Henry Cavill.
Just hearing that man's name was enough to make the blood rush to your cheeks. You brushed an imaginary hair out of your face. From behind the camera, Marge raised a knowing brow.
"Well," you cleared your throat and sat up straighter
"To be honest, at first I was really skeptical about his casting. I mean, he is way too good looking. Like way. Way. Too good looking. But…"
Your mind drifted to the first time you saw a picture of Henry Cavill in full costume. The white hair, the golden cat eyes, the intense gaze and all that leather? It definitely made you feel… Certain things.
You cleared your throat, propping yourself on the table with your arms. To be honest, your head was still in a Henry Cavill haze so you had zero control of what came out of your mouth next.
"I'd definitely toss all my coins to that Witcher. Toss a few other things as well."
Everyone in the room ooh'ed and whistled, delighted by your saucy reply. The ruckus snapped you out of it and your hand immediately flew to your mouth.
“Please tell me I didn’t just say that out loud.”
“You did.” Marge mouthed at you, trying but failing to contain her laughter
"So you enjoyed his performance as Geralt?" the producer pressed on, hoping to get more audience-raking answers
How many times were you going to blush during this interview?
"Oh, well, about that, I haven't really gotten around to actually watching it.” you admitted sheepishly, “But I've seen photos and some clips. Very impressed by what I've seen so far."
"You will watch it though, right?" 
"Oh, absolutely. No way I’d miss out on that! Henry Cavill is an incredibly wonderful, talented actor. I think he’s also a fan of the franchise so I have no doubt that he played Geralt to perfection as with all his other roles." you nodded solemnly, putting a hand to your heart
Everyone in the room with you caught on that you were gushing over the actor, the sly looks they all exchanged with one another were a dead giveaway. Too bad you didn’t notice before you could try and play it cool.
“Alright! I think it’s time for the next question!” you declared, swiftly plucking another question out of the jar
By the time it was all over, you had convinced yourself that your little crush-related blunder wasn’t even a big deal, it would probably just be a little footnote in that video. No biggie.
But, Jesus Christ were you wrong.
The video took a couple of weeks to edit and in that time, you were busier than ever. A movie you had just done was getting a lot of attention, your performance in particular had critics singing your praises. At that point, you were definitely getting noticed a lot more when you stepped out for coffee.
So, the timing was just perfect.
The second the video went live, your phone was going off non stop. Twitter mentions, Instagram tags, and articles. A few notable entries being:
“@geralt-of-vengerberg: Y/N The Fond™ is showing👀👀👀”
Marge sat on your sofa with your phone in hand, absolutely thrilled while reading tweets out loud. You scheduled a panic session with her over lunch once everything blew up.
“Oh my God.” you groaned, massaging your temples. “Marge, what do I do?”
“About what?” she didn’t even bother to look up at you
You plopped yourself down next to her, laying your head in her lap, “All that. It’s everywhere.”
“And? There’s nothing wrong with it, they all think you’re charming and funny. A true Relatable Queen.”
Was it your sanity slipping through your fingers? Or the overpowering embarrassment? You had no idea but whatever it was, it had you laughing until your stomach hurt.
Marge tugged at your hair, “Get it together, bitch. Jeez.”
“What are you so worried about anyway?” she asked, placing your phone on your stomach
You swiped through your emails absentmindedly, “I’m not worried about anything, it’s just that what if…”
You left the words hanging in the air, you might as well have been dangling from a cliff from how much colour drained from your face.
“What if what?” 
Marge shoveled some pasta into her mouth before noticing that you essentially turned into a statue right next to her.
“Y/N!” she shook your arm with a grip you were sure would leave some bruises. “What’s the matter?”
Wordlessly, you passed your phone to her, the comment from a certain verified account displayed prominently on Buzzfeed’s Instagram post of a little snippet from your video, the “I’d toss all my coins to that Witcher” part, naturally.
“@henrycavill: Dear Y/N, how many coins are we talking about here? Let’s talk about my reward.”
It was all Marge could do to not throw your phone across the room. Her eyes went wide, following your every move as you paced back and forth, a thumbnail in your mouth.
“That did not just happen, I did not just see that right now. I didn’t.” you babbled, your heart beating thunderously in your chest
There it went. Your very own ticking time bomb finally went off. Number of casualties? Just one. You.
“Okay. Just calm down, Y/N.” Marge caught you mid-pace, squeezing your arms
“Maybe it was a fan account. Tell me it was a fan account, Marge. Henry Cavill did not just hear me imply what I implied.” you grasped at her hand with your clammy one
“Well if he has a fan account that’s verified and has fourteen point five million followers?”
“Oh god.” you groaned, sinking to the floor and hugging your knees
“Oh, Christ.”
Marge hauled you to your feet and thrust your phone in your hand. She looked you hard in the eye, “Stop your whining and answer him. You’re Y/N fucking Y/L/N, one of the hottest people on the planet, start acting like it.”
You stared at her, eyes wide. Your chest rose and fell rapidly. Marge’s words started to make sense in your mind and adrenaline started surging through your veins. You nodded fervently, psyching yourself up.
“Fuck yeah.” you breathed, clicking ‘Reply’
“@yourinstagram: @henrycavill I know you take orens, crowns, and florens but maybe we should discuss further?”
Before you could even stop yourself (did you even want to?), your fingers already landed on the blue paper plane.
“I did it.” you exhaled, staring as the likes and overly enthusiastic replies started pouring in
“Fuck yeah, you did. Now, come on. Leave your phone. We’re getting drunk.”
More weeks passed and you actually ended up forgetting about that little reply you left Henry Cavill. You were busier than ever. Guestings, endorsement deals, and awards shows left and right. So, when you finally had a couple of days free, you decided you would set up camp on your sofa and finally watch Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia.
You even threw on your Superman pyjamas, “What the hell.” you shrugged
If you were going down this road, you might as well do it right. Maybe you would even watch the Man from U.N.C.L.E after or would it be Night Hunter? The decision would have to wait.
You watched, absolutely riveted as the White Wolf battled against the kikimora, his silver sword hacked at the creature with unmatched expertise. You were only a few minutes in but you already knew you’d be stuck on that sofa for hours.
When the kikimora had Geralt pinned underwater with his trusty sword just beyond arm’s reach, you found yourself on the edge of your seat, one of your cushions in a chokehold.
“Come on, come on, come on.” you muttered as Geralt reached for his sword
You wouldn’t find out if he got it or not. A knock on your door literally made you fall off the sofa.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed, your hip was already smarting from the impact
Whoever that asshole was, you swore you were going to give him a piece of your mind. You stomped to your front door just as that idiot started knocking again.
You huffed and threw the door open then your mind immediately went blank.
“I am so sorry. Are you alright? I think I heard you fall?”
Oh yeah. You were definitely falling.
You can find the second part here!
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Harry Osborn x Parker!Reader
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A/N: This was kind of the crack fever dream type of imagine so like don’t judge me
Harry has a YouTube channel that’s pretty popular
Cuz let’s be honest who doesn’t want to watch a rich kid blog about his life
One day he’s planning a challenge to do with his best friend
i.e. Peter Parker
Unfortunately, though, Peter had to go and save the world
So, he sent you in his place
Now Peter knew Harry would be upset that he had to bail on him
But sending you in place of him was a very smart move on Peter’s part
Because he knew about the crush that Harry had on you
And while he didn’t appreciate it
Or even understand it to be honest
He still used it to his advantage
So, when you show up at Harry’s door with a wide smile and apology donuts from Peter, Harry has no choice but to let you in
And that’s how you end up filming a cooking challenge with Harry
“Hey guys so even though I told you my best friend would be here, unfortunately he couldn’t make it so I have something even better! Here’s (Y/N)!”
The two of you actually have a blast playing this game
Halfway through Harry starts taking questions from twitter
“What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for each other?” Harry read from his phone while you tried to get the sauce jar open
He grabbed it and did it for you
“Hmmm I pretended to be your girlfriend because there was a girl at school who wouldn’t stop sitting in your lap?”
Harry burst into laughter after hearing that, nearly dropping his phone
“I forgot about that!”
While you were still recording, he asked you what you wanted for your birthday this year
“Hmm a jet.”
He laughed, chopping a few vegetables
“What colour?”
“No. But seriously, what do you want for your birthday?”
He laughed this time
“Are you so greedy?”
“Yep, little rich boy, I want all your cash.”
It was kinda quiet after that while the two of you were silently cutting vegetables before you spoke up
“Hey, Harry?”
“If I married you, would I get half your money?”
You didn’t even look up to see Harry blush bright red and hold a hand to his chest trying to calm his heart
And in the most strained voice
“Cool, let’s have a summer wedding.”
The whole video is filled with you both flirting this way
The editors had such a great time editing this video
And when it finally got posted his fans absolutely loved it
It being such a hit that you show up in more videos with Harry
You ended up doing a lot of challenges together
Smoothie challenge
Pizza Challenge
Letting the person ahead of you choose what to order
Shopping spree under one minute
Every challenge under the face of the sun has been done by the two of you
Everybody talking about how the two of you should start dating
I mean Everybody
Like a hundred different students coming up to you on Monday morning asking if you’re dating Harry Osborn
And the whole time you’re like
“Nope, not dating him.”
Peter is kind of fed up because there are like a hundred people he knows who are asking him about it
Aunt May also saw a few tweets about it
Harry actually feeling so apologetic about it but you just brush it off saying that it’s fine
Him actually asking you out later and you wondering if he’s doing it cuz people are pressuring him
So, you say no
And he’s super upset by it
So upset that Peter actually ends up hearing him talk about it for like 6 hours
Before he thinks he’s had just about enough of this and goes to tell you that Harry is actually crazy about you
He’s just like “I know he’s my best friend but please get him off my hands.”
And then you agree to date him
And Peter isn’t sure if he should be happy about it
“You’re my best friend, Harry but I’m not sure I like you enough to be my brother.”
But the two of you are pretty happy so who cares about what Peter thinks right?
Harry actually spooling you but you being like stop I’m not with you for your money
“I have actual recorded footage of you asking to marry me for the money.”
He’s so sweet to you
Pretty touch starved so he loves cuddling and you really don’t protest
The kind of boyfriend who won’t really notice when something is wrong unless you tell him
But he’s also the type who calls you beautiful just because 
Peter gets sick of being the third wheel very quickly
You would think that Norman would have been snooty and rude to you
But he’s actually so cool about your relationship
After he got de-goblinized he was even better to you
The three of you actually did a challenge on YouTube together
It was incredibly awkward
But hey fans found it funny so why not
After a while the channel stopped being his and actually became both of yours
But the two of you love vlogging and things like that so it’s kind of worth it
Being literal high school sweethearts even though Harry graduated a year ahead of you
Harry picked you up from school in a limo every other day because he wants to show other guys that you’re his
You didn’t feel the need to do the same
Until one day someone brought to your attention that the girls in his college was very pretty
So, you ended up picking him up from college the next day
And then making out in the backseat of the limo
While it is difficult putting your relationship online
You also like to show him off and you love the community the two of you have
Dating all the way through college
Fans making compilations of the two of you
‘Harry and (Y/N) being in love for 24 minutes straight’
“Harry and (Y/N) being couple goals’
There was this one time that Harry was doing an Instagram live from his bed
Fans practically freaked out once they noticed you were sleeping beside him
Peter freaking out too and telling him to send you home
Tries to get Aunt May to call you home
But she’s just like
“They’re adults they can do whatever they want”
So, Peter does the responsible and mature thing
Goes all the way over to Harry’s penthouse to supervise
Harry just ignoring him and going back to sleep while cuddling you
And Peter tries to stay outside and spy
But he ends up feeling weird and embarrassed so he lets himself out
And you crack open one eye like
“Is he gone yet?”
Dating Harry Osborn is really fun and there’s always something new
It’s very refreshing to be with him
And also, you always feel loved
Spoiler you actually do end up having a summer wedding
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gaijinhunter · 3 years
Monster Hunter Rise: 2nd Trailer and news blowout
Hey guys this is Gaijinhunter. I am uploading this as a text post since I caught a cold and have been unable to edit a video.
There was a huge second wave of news for Monster Hunter Rise with the reveal of the 2nd trailer the other day during the Game Awards 2020 show. Keep in mind the actual full length trailer is much longer and better than the shorter edit they showed during the show so makes sure you watch it. It showcased a second map, 2 new monsters, several returning monsters, and more. They also updated their official website with a ton of information so instead of doing a trailer reaction or breakdown, I am going to give you all the info they shared but split up by category, trying to focus only on the new stuff.
New Map
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Director Ichinose hinted in an interview that one of the new maps would be nostalgic and boy he wasn't kidding. The Flooded Forest from Third Generation has been massively remade and is back in MH rise. Of course given this game’s focus is verticality, there is no underwater combat sections but they really nailed it from what I can see. One of the most iconic parts of the forest was the ruins in the backgrounds, and now you can scale up it using the wirebug. How cool is that. 
With the new map we also got the reveal of 2 new monsters.
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First up is the mermaid wyvern, the Somnacanth. This marks the much hyped return of the leviathan class of monsters which were missing in world and iceborne. This Monster looks so wild. It has a special breath that will put you to sleep, is super aggressive, and has this crazy taiko drum like chest in which it will grab oysters and other things and bust them against it to break them open and buff itself. The Japanese name is quite a mouthful and is called Isonemikuni. This is the monster that Ichinose teased with his cute drawing on twitter.
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Next up is the tengu beast, Bishaten. This monster is really unique, it looks like a mix of a monkey, bat, and bird. It has a huge and powerful tail it uses for massive mobility and it will chuck various fruits at you as well. One of the most iconic fruits it throws are persimmons, which are very Japanese and if you haven’t had them before, they are kind of an acquired taste. It’s Japanese name is Bishutendo. 
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For returning monsters we have a few. First is our favorite sponge, the Royal Ludroth. This is a fan favorite and a great early to mid game monster. It has one of the best move sets in my opinion, very telegraphed but it can still catch you off guard even if you are super used to it. Strategically figuring gout where to stand in order to cut off its tail or break the sponge has always been really fun and intersting so I’m delighted to see this monster return, also look at that texture of the sponge!
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Then we got the return of the Great Wroggi, the anti-poison skill tutorial monster. This thing really messed me up back in MH3G until I spent the time to get the materials to craft anti-posion decorations and even then, like the Great Izuchi, it fights really well with its sidekick small wroggis and I cant wait to see the improved cooperative AI that they are making for the Great Izuchi applied to this monster as well. It’s armor also spots a really cool Crocodile Dundee hat and look in the trailer and you can see the palico armor as well. So cool.
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Finally, we got a small scene that appears to show a snow map and a group of baggi getting hit by a Khezu lightening shot. Does this mean the Great Baggi will return? Not sure. But that scream 100% is a Khezu, and I cannot wait to see how it looks with higher resolution texturing, I bet it will be creepy as heck. So while not technically confirmed, I’d say it’s safe to say Khezu is returning in some form. The balance of all these monsters is so great, I love the selection so far.
As far as other returning monsters that might return, I think we all expect nargacuga and zinogre. These are flagship monsters from games directed by Ichinose and he even tweeted his palamute and palico both named after these two monsters. Especially given the Japanese aesthetic, I think it’s pretty much guaranteed they are returning. Then I think mizutsune is also highly likely given its Japanese design, the fox theme, the kimono armor. Plus the model for it doesn't look that far off from the new Somnacanth. Anyway I have super hyped.
Interaction with animals and endemic life
One of the huge features of Monster Hunter Rise is the focus on wild life and animals to buff your hunter or be used as tools during a hunt.
There are 4 major types of Endemic Life: Temp Buffer, Permabuffer, Hunting Helper, and environmental.
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For Permabuffer, we got a new render of the Spiribirds, which will buff your hunter if you move near one, and the effects depend on the color of the pollen it is carrying. Green increases your max Health, Orange increases your defense, red increases your attack power, and yellow increases your max stamina. There is even a special rainbow colored one, which I assume will buff all 4.
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Via their website, Capcom announced a new item called the Petalace, a bracelet made of a plant called a Sending Sprig that each hunter has equipped. This is what collects the pollen from the birds and buffs your hunter. There is a variety of Petalaces in the game and some may increase the amount in which an attack boost is applied from a single Spiribird, raise the max value that health can be boosted, and more. Here in the screen shot we can see the caps for each and the amount gained for each buff. Just a quick note but this is not going to be replacing charms as we know that they are giving away a talisman for pre-order.
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For Temp Buffer creatures, they revealed the name of the Clothfly, a butterfly that will temporarily increase your defense once you interact with it and cause it to generate a cloud of dust. In previous videos we have seen Peepers that reduce stamina usage, birds that raise your base stats, and a dragonfly that boosts your affinity and I had calculated it out to being applied for 90 seconds but we’ll have to wait for hte final game to see if that depends on the effect or if they change it, but it sounds about right.
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For Hunting Helper creatures, we got an adorable new render of the Stinkmink. You can carry up to 5 Hunting Helpers and use them like items. The Stinkmink can be used to cover yourself in a special pheromone that will attract large monsters to you, even allowing you to lure one monster toward another to cause a turf war. I personally can think of other applications like luring a monster toward a trap and stuff like that.
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And for environmental endemic life, they didn't show it in the trailer but there are also wildlife that can be used like environmental traps. For example, use raw meat and the giganha fish will go crazy, damaging anything nearby be it a hunter or monster. I can’t wait to see someone hunt a Great Wroggi using only raw meat. I love that we finally will have more use for this item.
In the new trailer we got to hear several of the NPC villagers talking and on the website they go into a lot more details. They have quite the star-studded cast in Japanese and the English voice actors are also very interesting picks. This really marks the first time in Monster Hunter that the main cast of villagers will all be called by name and speak, which I think adds a lot of personality to the game.
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First we have Fugen the village elder of Kamura and skilled long sword user. 
Then we have Hinoa the Quest Maiden, a cheerful and optimistic girl who serves as the quest giver in the village while her twin sister runs the gathering hub. While not announced in any other language, the French and Italian language sites for the game list her sister’s name as Minoto. Hinoa’s name is Hinoe in Japnaese and for the rest of the cast their names are identical between the two languages.
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One thing I am excited for is that they said that one of the ways they will help communicate the uniqueness of Kamura is through songs and they shared a sample of one of them in the full trailer. This one is sung by Izumi Kato. If you remember back in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate they featured songs by the wyverian Diva, and I am so happy they decided to do songs again, they add so much richness to the world and are just lovely to listen to.
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Next up is Yomogi, our village chef. In this game you will eat meals at her Tea Shop, where her speciality is the Bunny Dango she makes along with the help of some palicoes. I love that we’ve seen her in past videos with a heavy bowgun, so the idea that all the villagers are active participants in the story is great. 
Then we have Hamon the blacksmith. He used to hunt alongside Fugen back in the day but now creates weapons for the hunters of the village. His grandson also appears in the game and is a kind-hearted youth that loves your hunting companions.
Next is Kagero the merchant. Despite his mysterious appearance he is actually very warm and kind. If there is a sale going on, not only can you buy most items for half off, but you can also participate in a lottery where you spin a wheel and it dispenses a colored ball. Get a rare color ball to win a rare prize. You can do it once per sale, but you can also scan an amiibo to spin two more times, but only once per day per amiibo you own.
Finally we have Komitsu the sweet-tooth, she sells candy apples in town. What these do is still not yet revealed.
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We got an adorable render for the Cohoot, the pet owl that shows the positions of monsters on your map. You can interact with it in the town and even dress them up in fancy outfits.
Kamura Village
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We got gameplay showing that the entire village is open to the 4 person multiplayer session and you can even ride around on your palamute and use your wirebug while in the village to zip around and have fun. There is still a gathering hall but the ability to see each other in the village as well as jump around and really explore it is a lovely change they are making.
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Story wise we got more info about the Rampage, both a story mechanic and new quest type. For some reason the monsters will sometimes gang up and attack the village all at once and no one knows why. They call this a Rampage. There was a really bad rampage 50 years ago that nearly destroyed the village and in response the town has created a Stronghold to stop further invasions. This looks like a new quest type with multiple monsters all at once, and a slew of different artillery options at your disposal. I could see this as being a really fun type of quest to do online with other players. 
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And of course the most exciting news was that there will be a demo in January with more details to come later. That is far earlier than I expected and I now have to finish up my back catalogue of games in like the next month.
And that about wraps it up. Cpacom said that they will be sharing weapon preview videos for all 14 types very soon and if they do the way they used to do it, we’ll get one new video a day for 2 weeks. I hope you enjoyed this recap of the news and please let me know down in comments what you thought about the second trailer. And until next time, happy hunting.
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bts-trans · 3 years
210211 BigHit’s Tweet
[네이버 포스트] 즐거운 설날 연휴 비티엣스의 릴레이 연하장 비하인드와 함께해요🎊 (@ https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=30698108&memberNo=51325039…) 
#BTS #방탄소년단 #한복소년단
[Naver Post] Enjoy your Lunar New Year break with the behind scenes of BTS' new year relay card making🎊
#BTS #HanbokBoyScouts
Naver Post Translation
Keep reading for a plain text version of the blog post! For a picture edit version, please check out our twitter post! 
Title: [BTS] BTS가 보내는 2021년 신축년 새 복 많!
Title: [BTS] BTS' 2021, the Year of the Ox, HNY!
(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)
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안녕하세요! 아미 여러분들! 방림이 인사드립니다,, (다소곳) m(_ _)m
Hello ARMYs! Greetings from Bangbell,, (polite)  m(_ _)m
곧 다가오는 민족 대��절! 설날이죠! 설날을 맞이하여 아미 여러분들에게 보내는 비티엣-스 의 귀염.. 뽀짝..(?) 한 릴레이 연하장 만들기 영상! 모두 즐겁게 감상하셨나요? 방림이도 비티엣스의 그림 실력을 보며 감탄했다는 소식을 알려드리며,,
Our big national holiday! Seollal* is coming soon! To bring in the new year, we sent you BTS’ cute lil.. adorable..(?) new year card making relay video! Did you all enjoy watching it?  Let me tell you that I too was astonished by their drawing skills,,
(*T/N: Seollal is the Korean word for the Lunar New Year.)
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당연~히! 비하인드가 빠질 수 없겠죠! 아미 여러분들이 기다리실까 봐 방림이가 호다닥 가져왔습니다 =33
Of~course! We can’t forget the behind-the-scenes pictures! I was worried that you might be waiting so I rushed here with them =33
모두 보러 가시죠!
Let’s all go take a look!
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릴레이 연하장 그리기 첫 타자! 뷔와 정국! 그림이라면 믿고 봐야죠! 걱정할 필요가 없습니다!
First ones up in the new year card drawing relay! V and Jungkook! When it comes to drawing, we can trust them! No need to worry!
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뷔.. 또 이렇게 본격적으로 귀여우면 어떡하죠?
V.. how am I supposed to deal with you being so genuinely cute again?
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진지한 그림 그리기와 그렇지 못한 정국의 귀여운 자세… 미치겠다 별들아..
Serious drawing with Jungkook’s cute not-serious posture... hey stars, I’m going crazy..
(*T/N: ‘Hey stars, I’m going crazy’ is a meme that uses the lyrics from Girls’ Generation’s song ‘Star Star Star (☆★☆).)
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두 번째 타자! 홉과 진! 3분 밖에 안되는 짧은 시간,, 그림에 집중한 귀여운 모습 좀 보세요.. (눈물)
Second up! Hope and Jin! 3 minutes is too short a time,, Just look at how cute they look concentrating on the drawing.. (sobs)
색칠만 하기에도 바쁘다 바빠 현대사회
Even just filling in the colours is so hectic, this modern society
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방림이 pick 설날 기념 상견례 프리패스상 1위에 당첨되셨습니다. 축하합니다 (??)
You have been selected as Bangbell’s No. 1 pick for someone the parents fully approve of for marriage in celebration of Seollal. Congratulations (??)
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아미하면 또 보라색이지! 소 스윗한 호비,,
When it comes to ARMY, it has to be purple!  Hobi’s so sweet,,
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마지막 순서! RM, 지민, 슈가 모두가 그림을 확인한 뒤 “Aㅏ..” 를 외쳤던 건 안 비밀입니다! (??)
Last round! RM, Jimin, Suga It’s no surprise that they shouted “A h..”  after everyone had checked the drawing! (??)
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데코레이션에 진심인 RM,, 색연필 우당탕 엎은 건,, 아미들 모르는 척해주기예요?
RM is so serious about the decoration,, He put the marker down so clumsily,, ARMYs, are you gonna pretend you don’t know?
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연하장이 나름 마음에 든 지민..? 방림이는.. 지민이 마음에 드는 듯 ㅋ ㄴ 아미들 : 글쓴이님. 줄 서실게요.
Jimin kind of likes the new year card..? Bangbell.. kind of likes Jimin lol ㄴ ARMYs: OP. Get in line.
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야 지미나 -ㅅ- 잘 좀 해봐라 방림이 pick 일해라,, 절해라,, 해도 전혀 밉지 않을 것 같은 사람 1위
Hey Jimin-ah -ㅅ- you gotta do it properly Bangbell’s No.1 pick for person who could say do this,, do that,, and I think I still wouldn’t hate him
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연하장을 함께 확인하고 화목하게 꾸미는 마무리 시간도 가져보고, 아미 여러분께 복 많이 받으라는 인사까지 하며 마무리하였는데요!
They took some time at the end to check the new year card together and decorate it together in harmony, and they even formally wished you a happy new year to wrap things up!
비티엣스 분들,, 연하장이 근데 좀 허전하네요.. 명불 허전-* (찡긋)
BTS,, the new year card feels a little empty though.. Empty of disappointment-* (smirk)
(T/N: ‘허전하다/heojeon-hada’ means ‘empty’ but Bangbell makes a pun by turning it into ‘명불허전/myeongbul-heojeon’, which means that something is as good as you expect it to be.)
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아미 : ?? (어리둥절)
ARMY: ?? (confused)
엥? 설마 포스트가 이게 끝이냐? 방림이.. 이게 무슨 일이냐
Huh? Are you serious, is this the end of the post? Bangbell..what’s going on
방림아.. 나 사진 좀 더 주라.. 그건 이미 하고 있는데
Bangbell...give me some more pictures.. That’s what I’m already doing though
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사실 설날은 명분, 포스트는 핑계, 아미들 주려고 예쁜 사진 가지고 왔지요! 지금부터 사진 폭탄 갑니다,, (비장)
Actually, Seollal was just a reason, the post was just an excuse, I’ve got pretty pictures to show ARMYs! From hereon, an explosion of photos is coming,, (secret weapon)
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앞에 떡국만 있으면 비티엣스와 함께 보내는 설날로 기억 조작 삐빅.. 삐빅.. 완료
If only there were some tteokguk in front, I could believe that I spent Seollal with BTS through memory modification beep.. beep.. complete
(T/N: Tteokguk is a Korean rice cake soup that is traditionally eaten during Seollal, also known as Lunar New Year.)
우리 아미 여러분들! 2021년도 방탄소년단과 함께 행복한 신축년 달릴 준비되었죠?! 다 같이 손잡고 달리는 거예요! 우리 떡국은 두둑이 먹고 나이는 편식하는 걸로 해요 *^-^*
Our ARMYs! You’re ready to run with BTS through a happy new year of the ox, right?! We’re all gonna hold hands and run together! Let’s eat plenty of tteokguk but be picky about how many years we take on *^-^*
(T/N: In Korea, everyone grows one year older with the start of a new year. Tteokguk is said to mark the new year. ‘Eat’ in Korean also be be used for both food and age, where ‘eating’ age means growing older.)
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방림이-셀카=0 빠질 수 없는 셀카까지!
Bangbell-selfies=0 Couldn’t forget the selfies!
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[단독] made.by_BTS
[Exclusive] made.by_BTS
방탄소년단이 직접 꾸민 연하장으로 마무리! 저거 뽑아서 가지고 다니면 2021년에 좋은 기운이 항상 따라다닌데요! 아무튼 맞음 방림이 말이 맞음
Wrapping the post up with the new year card that BTS decorated themselves! If you print that out and keep it with you as you go around, good energy will always follow you in 2021! Anyway, I’m right Whatever I say is right
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그럼 방림이는 또 다른 포스트로 우리 아미 여러분들에게 찾아오도록 할게요!
Well then,  I’ll come to you again with a different Post!
아미 여러분들 새 복 많 !!
(T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)
본 포스트는 빅히트 엔터테인먼트에서 직접 운영하는 포스트입니다.
This Naver Post account is personally run by Big Hit Entertainment.
[End Note]
Trans cr; Aditi | Spot Check: Faith & Inseo @ bts-trans Typeset cr; Laura & XPXOXD @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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bigbrotherlouis · 3 years
i’m obsessed with joel farabee and morgan frost and you should be too: a primer
hello! welcome! recently i have become infatuated with morgan frost and joel farabee for a lot of reasons but mostly because of that one post that i spent like twenty minutes searching various blogs for that said “people are freaking out about sexualising hockey players, meanwhile joel farabee is one instagram comment away from telling morgan frost he’d suck him dry.” in my head rent free. hit a girl up if you have the post.
anyway! frosty and beezy:
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[hard cut to me whispering “oh my god even their nUMBERS are friends” i’m fine.]
this is more like about vibes and less about facts, so you can google if you want to know more about their, like, bios and stats and stuff that’s not 99% rpf or conjecture. this primer is just the things that make me scream. however, that being said, they do play well on a line together and both are very good players.
joel farabee is american, from new york i believe but his dad is from philly, and falls neatly into the category of BORN TO BE A FLYER. longtime fan, hugely excited to play for the team, brings it up all the time.
morgan frost, from ontario canada, was not.
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a real, actual tweet. he tweeted this with his WHOLE chest and then joined the flyers like three years later. i adore it. another real actual tweet i adore:
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sweet, sweet joel. he misses his buddies :( no doubt including morgan because they are, by all appearances, obsessed with each other. i’m trying not to keep  using the word obsessed in this primer but it’s hard because they are. morgan’s a year older, a first round draft pick in 2017 and joel’s a first round pick in 2018, but they didn’t start playing together until 2019, i believe, because joel played for a college team in boston. side note: he also captained team usa and wore a number 28 in honour of claude giroux and i am absolutely not okay about it.
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e! mo! tion! al! incidentally, frosty wears danny briere’s number when he plays for the flyers, which. take from that what you will. iykyk. their NUMBERS are FRIENDS. HERITAGE SOULMATES. joel’s been called up to play on the flyers (and did really well in the playoffs!) but we’re still waitin’ for morgan to come along too but the coaching staff hasn’t recognised the raw power of true love yet so.
at this point, you’re probably saying “sasha shut up about their fucking numbers and talk about why they’re obsessed with each other” but good news! i do not need to do that because the official flyers media has done that for me! (x) i’d recommend watching it because it’s a lot packed into a neat 100 seconds, but notable moments include the voice over saying “joel farabee and morgan frost have found that going at it together has its benefits” within the first thirty seconds. that is a real direct quote. i can’t believe it either. there’s also a lot of light homoerotic bonding over playing chel, them sitting across from each other  on their beds, the admission of being ROOMMATES (oh my god they were roommates), this shot of them sitting with their mouths wide open on either side of their dad,
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and also joel wearing a hat with a canadian maple leaf on it, despite being from the the united states. wonder where he got that from. please watch the video.
when they’re not playing chel or, you know, going at it together, they’re being horny in each other’s instagram comments. there’s honestly.... so many of these that i can include but we’re just gonna go with my favourites.
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when i say i think about this comment on a picture of morgan with isaac ratcliffe, a fellow flyers prospect on a daily basis, i mean it. i’ll be just doing my thing, minding my own business, and MORGAN MAKES ME VENMO HIM JUST TO TALK will pop into my head, completely uninvited. king shit for morgan to do and king shit for joel to admit on social media for the world to see, but joel admitting things he maybe shouldn’t is a running theme. 
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cool. TOTALLY not flirting or anything.
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joel. also both their exhibitionist streaks should be explored in fic more i am JUST sayin.
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ok but bee you were lookin. like you can chirp but you were lookin, don’t lie. 
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when ur in love with ur roommate but ur both hockey players so u can only communicate that love via chirping when he’s with the boys :(
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what’s it called when you vibe really well with someone and also live with them and also comment on their shirtlessness and also maybe kiss them on the mouth a little? d... da... dating?? can’t be it.
morgan is a little more composed in the comments and mostly just posts inside jokes i cannot comprehend, or compliments. it’s still cute.
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this was on a playoffs pic where joel’s wearing #28 love 2 see it love a supportive boyf always
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this one was of joel with a fish he caught and i’m sorry but i did not want it on my phone.
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but morgan can’t hide his affection for long. (me, in the distance: TWENTY EIGHT TWENTY EIGHT TWENTY EIGHT!!!!!!!)
there’s more comments but they’re boring and this is long, mostly joel chirping  morgan for wearing baseball or football stuff. however! they are also on twitter where they keep each other humble after incredible goals, like bros do,
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this is DEFINITELY flirting. like, blatant. it’s like that kind of flirting when you’re thirteen and you don’t know what to do with your body so you just kinda steal your crush’s stuff or insult them because all attention is good attention, right??
but when push comes to shove, beezy is always gonna look out for his boy (because they are in love):
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some important pictures of them together, for your pleasure: 
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this is so DUMB and i love it
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friends supporting friends!!!
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this is them meeting their hockey dads :) so cute :) joel is promising g that he’ll have morgan back by ten yessir he will be respectful of boundaries and curfew. jake is high fiving morgan on getting some. this is facts i just call em like i see em.
and finally!
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is this allowed?????  is this allowed???? it’s hard to tell but i’m pretty sure that’s joel on his knees for in front of morgan and i just??? how is that allowed???? it’s been five days and this picture has RUINED me. someone write me an essay to have on my desk by morning, stat.
also v unrelated but here is a video of morgan frost reading, proving he’s the smart one in the relationship. that’s not saying much but, hey! at least there’s proof he can read.
obviously different ships capture people in different ways but there’s something about them to me, personally, that is just so captivating. there’s a lot of potential for different fic vibes, and joel in particular always has a really fun voice to read (and also to write). they definitely have chemistry, they’re pitted against each other so there’s a good-natured rivalry going on, CLOTHES SHARING AND HERITAGE SOULMATE NUMBERS, and, like, they just genuinely seem to enjoy each other. someone PLEASE write more fic for them or by god i’ll have to do it myself.
ok that’s everything for now, i believe. they’re in love and don’t care who knows it and i’m obsessed. (however, i’m also obsessed with joel farabee and andrei svechnikov together, for which i have a one-picture argument for here.)
(p.s. anything not linked i screenshotted myself thank youuu for reading have a good day and remember: morgan makes joel vemno him just to talk 😌)
edit: hello. i wrote this on election night as a way to take off the edge of my nerves and it is not as funny or screechy as i wanted it to be so i’m going to add some now.  
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luvlyrv · 3 years
Our Songs | pt. 5 | Wendy x f!Reader sm!au
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Summary: You and Wendy are rising musicians who are garnering attention. As the both of you decide to begin working on writing songs together, will you catch each other's attention too?
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: This was the ONLY thing I have saved from when I lost all of my writing because I already transferred into my tumblr drafts! I just had to do some editing today, but yeah it was basically finished a month ago now... I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to update this series.
Date: 1/12/21 (written)
Series Masterlist
You're at Wendy's place like you promised and ring the doorbell. Quickly, you hear footsteps and watch as the door swings open to see an excited Wendy. She opens up her arms and you give each other a warm hug.
You enter her house, and it's a cozy sight. It was a modest house with warm colors on the wall and matching colored furniture. Then, you notice a sweet and chocolatey smell coming from what you assumed was the kitchen. You can't help but to begin cracking open a smile as you look at Wendy.
"Did you make something just for me?"
Wendy smiles back at you and gently pushes your shoulder.
"Of course I did, silly. I told you I'd pay you back properly."
Wendy takes your hand and you shyly follower her into her kitchen. There she had dinner laid out as well as some brownies and cookies that she had freshly baked. You could feel your mouth watering at the sight.
"Well I be damned, you might be a better chef than me."
Wendy laughs at your comment before trying to be modest.
"Hey, you probably do a lot more cooking than I do. I prefer baking over cooking proper meals."
"But seriously… this all looks so good. Let's take a picture together and post it! I want people to know!"
"Know what?" Wendy asks you while laughing a little bit at your bubbling excitement.
"That the great Wendy went through all of this effort just for me." You gush.
You pull Wendy close to you and grab your phone. The close proximity making Wendy panic just a bit. She calms herself down though as you position the both of you in front of the food, taking a picture and uploading it on Twitter. The both of you are smiling happily and you decided to just tweet a ":D" with the photo. Wendy retweets it before the both of you sit down and eat dinner together.
Occasionally though, the both of you check Twitter to see everyone's responses. Reading the replies aloud to each other, the both of you feel happy to see fans happy about your blossoming friendship.
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"I'm really happy that Seulgi pushed me to do this collaboration with you." You confess to Wendy with a smile. She nods her head in agreement.
"I think I'm really lucky to meet a person as cool and genuine as you."
It was a heartfelt moment to be acknowledging the enjoyment the both of you received from each other's presence. The both of you continued reading replies, most of them spurring the two of you to continue complimenting each other. Although… there were some replies that warranted a different response. After laughing at a previous comment, Wendy began reading a different one.
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"Oh look, this person says that you and I would… make a good couple." Wendy says, all of a sudden rubbing her neck and looking bashful. You watch her as she says this and feel equally as embarrassed. You tried to steer the conversation in a different direction.
"I mean, how would they know right? It's just been some banter and one picture of us together." Wow. Real smooth there.
The two of you decide to go about dinner without anymore Twitter, and time once again slips by as you're both engrossed in conversing with each other.
After you both finished dinner, Wendy began microwaving some popcorn and had you sit on the couch. She pulls up Netflix on the TV as sits with a large, warm bowl of popcorn in her lap and you reaching for popcorn to put in your mouth.
"What do you wanna watch?" She asks you.
"Anything you wanna watch, it's up to you." You shrug in response.
"You know, I really hate indecisive people." She teases you.
In the end though, Wendy chose a random and a bit unknown romcom to watch with you. To be honest though, it was kind of a bad movie, leading you to slowly drift away into sleep. Although you found the movie boring, Wendy was a sucker for romance, a sucker for comedy, and especially a sucker for what were seen as cheap and bad movies. She was totally engrossed.
When you first started watching the movie with Wendy, you guys were already sitting next to each other. By the time you fell asleep though, the already small gap between the two of you was completely closed. When Wendy stopped paying attention to the moving and turned her head over to gage your reaction. She was shocked to see that instead of sitting there, watching the movie with her, your head had found its way onto her shoulder.
She bit back a smile while looking down on you. Thoughts about how cute you looked began to creep into her mind, but she pushed them away. She sets the bowl of popcorn down and carefully moved out of your way. Quietly, she makes her way to her bedroom and picks out a blanket for you to use. She returns to your sleeping form and lays it across your body to keep you warm.
"Goodnight, Y/N." She whispers. She begins to walk out of the living room and back into her room.
As Wendy does this though, your eyes flutter open just a little bit. You watch as Wendy slowly leaves the room. You don't bother calling out to her or getting up. Your face heats up in embarrassment at the thought of you dozing off in front of Wendy so easily like that. You feel a strange fuzziness in your stomach as you bask in the smell of the blanket though. It smelled of Wendy, and something about it seemed so intoxicating to you. Quickly, you drift back to sleep again.
The sun has risen and so has your body. When your eyes opened you took in the sight of the living room, a sight much different from the bedroom you'd usually be greeted with. Conveniently, Wendy had begun waking up herself around the same time. You hear a soft click from her bedroom door as she opens it, walking into the living room. Rubbing her eyes she catches you awake and smiles. Before she can say anything though, you wanted to thank her.
"Thanks for the blanket, and sorry for falling asleep so suddenly… I'm sure the movie was great." You laugh towards the end, knowing the it most definitely wasn't if the beginning of the movie had anything to say.
"No problem. You know, hanging out with you is really fun." Wendy admits.
"I'm glad you think that." You said quietly.
The both of you decide to just have cereal for breakfast, and once again you find yourselves talking.
"Mmm," you begin saying while in a middle of a bite. You swallow first and then continue talking. "Hey, I just realized we haven't exchanged numbers at all!"
Wendy takes a second to think.
"I guess we really haven't."
"How about you give me your number?"
"Is this your way of hitting on me?"
"No no no, really I just want your number." You shake your head at her. Wendy giggles a bit and you exchange numbers.
"Besides giving me your number, you know what else we should do? We should make a video together to keep building up the hype for our EP." You tell Wendy, and her face seems to beam with intrigue at the idea.
"That sounds really cool, your place or my place?"
"How about we do one at both of our places and post it on our different YouTube channels?"
"Yeah, what would we do though?" Wendy asks for clarification.
"How about…" You think for a second. "How about we can do one where we sing a duet and then another were we just ask some prompt questions?"
Wendy agrees with your proposal. Soon enough though, you feel like it's time to go. Before you get to open Wendy's door to leave though, she hugs you from the back.
"Thanks for coming over, Y/N." Wendy speaks into your back.
She doesn't see it, but you feel your face heat up again.
"Anytime, like you said, hanging out with you is fun."
You say your goodbyes and head back home.
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20 years a blogger
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It's been twenty years, to the day, since I published my first blog-post.
I'm a blogger.
Blogging - publicly breaking down the things that seem significant, then synthesizing them in longer pieces - is the defining activity of my days.
Over the years, I've been lauded, threatened, sued (more than once). I've met many people who read my work and have made connections with many more whose work  I wrote about. Combing through my old posts every morning is a journey through my intellectual development.
It's been almost exactly a year I left Boing Boing, after 19 years. It wasn't planned, and it wasn't fun, but it was definitely time. I still own a chunk of the business and wish them well. But after 19 years, it was time for a change.
A few weeks after I quit Boing Boing, I started a solo project. It's called Pluralistic: it's a blog that is published simultaneously on Twitter, Mastodon, Tumblr, a newsletter and the web. It's got no tracking or ads. Here's the very first edition:
I don't often do "process posts" but this merits it. Here's how I built Pluralistic and here's how it works today, after nearly a year.
I get up at 5AM and make coffee. Then I sit down on the sofa and open a huge tab-group, and scroll through my RSS feeds using Newsblur.
I spend the next 1-2 hours winnowing through all the stuff that seems important. I have a chronic pain problem and I really shouldn't sit on the sofa for more than 10 minutes, so I use a timer and get up every 10 minutes and do one minute of physio.
After a couple hours, I'm left with 3-4 tabs that I want to write articles about that day. When I started writing Pluralistic, I had a text file on my desktop with some blank HTML I'd tinkered with to generate a layout; now I have an XML file (more on that later).
First I go through these tabs and think up metadata tags I want to use for each; I type these into the template using my text-editor (gedit), like this:
process, blogging, pluralistic, recursion, navel-gazing
Each post has its own little template. It needs an anchor tag (for this post, that's "hfbd"), a title ("20 years a blogger") and a slug ("Reflections on a lifetime of reflecting"). I fill these in for each post.
Then I come up with a graphic for each post: I've got a giant folder of public domain clip-art, and I'm good at using all the search tools for open-licensed art: the Library of Congress, Wikimedia, Creative Commons, Flickr Commons, and, ofc, Google Image Search.
I am neither an artist nor a shooper, but I've been editing clip art since I created pixel-art versions of the Frankie Goes to Hollywood glyphs using Bannermaker for the Apple //c in 1985 and printed them out on enough fan-fold paper to form a border around my bedroom.
Tumblr media
As I create the graphics, I pre-compose Creative Commons attribution strings to go in the post; there's two versions, one for the blog/newsletter and one for Mastodon/Twitter/Tumblr. I compose these manually.
Here's a recent one:
(<i>Image: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:QAnon_in_red_shirt_(48555421111).jpg">Marc Nozell</a>, <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en">CC BY</a>, modified</i>)
Image: Marc Nozell (modified)
This is purely manual work, but I've been composing these CC attribution strings since CC launched in 2003, and they're just muscle-memory now. Reflex.
These attribution strings, as well as anything else I'll need to go from Twitter to the web (for example, the names of people whose Twitter handles I use in posts, or images I drop in, go into the text file). Here's how the post looks at this point in the composition.
<a name="hfbd"></a>
<img src="https://craphound.com/images/20yrs.jpg">
<h1>20 years a blogger</h1><xtagline>Reflections on a lifetime of reflecting.</xtagline>
<img src="https://craphound.com/images/frnklogo.jpg">
See that <img> tag in there for frnklogo.jpg? I snuck that in while I was composing this in Twitter. When I locate an image on the web I want to use in a post, I save it to a dir on my desktop that syncs every 60 seconds to the /images/ dir on my webserver.
As I save it, I copy the filename to my clipboard, flip over to gedit, and type in the <img> tag, pasting the filename. I've typed <img src="https://craphound.com/images/ CTRL-V"> tens of thousands of times - muscle memory.
Once the thread is complete, I copy each tweet back into gedit, tabbing back and forth, replacing Twitter handles and hashtags with non-Twitter versions, changing the ALL CAPS EMPHASIS to the extra-character-consuming *asterisk-bracketed emphasis*.
My composition is greatly aided both 20 years' worth of mnemonic slurry of semi-remembered posts and the ability to search memex.craphound.com (the site where I've mirrored all my Boing Boing posts) easily.
A huge, searchable database of decades of thoughts really simplifies the process of synthesis.
Next I port the posts to other media. I copy the headline and paste it into a new Tumblr compose tab, then import the image and tag the post "pluralistic."
Then I paste the text of the post into Tumblr and manually select, cut, and re-paste every URL in the post (because Tumblr's automatic URL-to-clickable-link tool's been broken for 10+ months).
Next I past the whole post into a Mastodon compose field. Working by trial and error, I cut it down to <500 characters, breaking at a para-break and putting the rest on my clipboard. I post, reply, and add the next item in the thread until it's all done.
*Then* I hit publish on my Twitter thread. Composing in Twitter is the most unforgiving medium I've ever worked in. You have to keep each stanza below 280 chars. You can't save a thread as a draft, so as you edit it, you have to pray your browser doesn't crash.
And once you hit publish, you can't edit it. Forever. So you want to publish Twitter threads LAST, because the process of mirroring them to Tumblr and Mastodon reveals typos and mistakes (but there's no way to save the thread while you work!).
Now I create a draft Wordpress post on pluralistic.net, and create a custom slug for the page (today's is "two-decades"). Saving the draft generates the URL for the page, which I add to the XML file.
Once all the day's posts are done, I make sure to credit all my sources in another part of that master XML file, and then I flip to the command line and run a bunch of python scripts that do MAGIC: formatting the master file as a newsletter, a blog post, and a master thread.
Those python scripts saved my ASS. For the first two months of Pluralistic, i did all the reformatting by hand. It was a lot of search-replace (I used a checklist) and I ALWAYS screwed it up and had to debug, sometimes taking hours.
Then, out of the blue, a reader - Loren Kohnfelder - wrote to me to point out bugs in the site's RSS. He offered to help with text automation and we embarked on a month of intensive back-and-forth as he wrote a custom suite for me.
Those programs take my XML file and spit out all the files I need to publish my site, newsletter and master thread (which I pin to my profile). They've saved me more time than I can say. I probably couldn't kept this up without Loren's generous help (thank you, Loren!).
I open up the output from the scripts in gedit. I paste the blog post into the Wordpress draft and copy-paste the metadata tags into WP's "tags" field. I preview the post, tweak as necessary, and publish.
(And now I write this, I realize I forgot to mention that while I'm doing the graphics, I also create a square header image that makes a grid-collage out of the day's post images, using the Gimp's "alignment" tool)
(because I'm composing this in Twitter, it would be a LOT of work to insert that information further up in the post, where it would make sense to have it - see what I mean about an unforgiving medium?)
(While I'm on the subject: putting the "add tweet to thread" and "publish the whole thread" buttons next to each other is a cruel joke that has caused me to repeatedly publish before I was done, and deleting a thread after you publish it is a nightmare)
Now I paste the newsletter file into a new mail message, address it to my Mailman server, and create a custom subject for the day, send it, open the Mailman admin interface in a browser, and approve the message.
Now it's time to create that anthology post you can see pinned to my Mastodon and Twitter accounts. Loren's script uses a template to produce all the tweets for the day, but it's not easy to get that pre-written thread into Twitter and Mastodon.
Part of the problem is that each day's Twitter master thread has a tweet with a link to the day's Mastodon master thread ("Are you trying to wean yourself off Big Tech? Follow these threads on the #fediverse at @[email protected]. Here's today's edition: LINK").
So the first order of business is to create the Mastodon thread, pin it, copy the link to it, and paste it into the template for the Twitter thread, then create and pin the Twitter thread.
Now it's time to get ready for tomorrow. I open up the master XML template file and overwrite my daily working file with its contents. I edit the file's header with tomorrow's date, trim away any "Upcoming appearances" that have gone by, etc.
Then I compose tomorrow's retrospective links. I open tabs for this day a year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, and (now) 20 years ago:
I go through each day, and open anything I want to republish in its own tab, then open the OP link in the next tab (finding it in the @internetarchive if necessary). Then I copy my original headline and the link to the article into tomorrow's XML file, like so:
#10yrsago Disney World’s awful Tiki Room catches fire <a href="https://thedisneyblog.com/2011/01/12/fire-reported-at-magic-kingdom-tiki-room/">https://thedisneyblog.com/2011/01/12/fire-reported-at-magic-kingdom-tiki-room/</a>
And NOW my day is done.
So, why do I do all this?
First and foremost, I do it for ME. The memex I've created by thinking about and then describing every interesting thing I've encountered is hugely important for how I understand the world. It's the raw material of every novel, article, story and speech I write.
And I do it for the causes I believe in. There's stuff in this world I want to change for the better. Explaining what I think is wrong, and how it can be improved, is the best way I know for nudging it in a direction I want to see it move.
The more people I reach, the more it moves.
When I left Boing Boing, I lost access to a freestanding way of communicating. Though I had popular Twitter and Tumblr accounts, they are at the mercy of giant companies with itchy banhammers and arbitrary moderation policies.
I'd long been a fan of the POSSE - Post Own Site, Share Everywhere - ethic, the idea that your work lives on platforms you control, but that it travels to meet your readers wherever they are.
Pluralistic posts start out as Twitter threads because that's the most constrained medium I work in, but their permalinks (each with multiple hidden messages in their slugs) are anchored to a server I control.
When my threads get popular, I make a point of appending the pluralistic.net permalink to them.
When I started blogging, 20 years ago, blogger.com had few amenities. None of the familiar utilities of today's media came with the package.
Back then, I'd manually create my headlines with <h2> tags. I'd manually create discussion links for each post on Quicktopic. I'd manually paste each post into a Yahoo Groups email. All the guff I do today to publish Pluralistic is, in some way, nothing new.
20 years in, blogging is still a curious mix of both technical, literary and graphic bodgery, with each day's work demanding the kind of technical minutuae we were told would disappear with WYSIWYG desktop publishing.
I grew up in the back-rooms of print shops where my dad and his friends published radical newspapers, laying out editions with a razor-blade and rubber cement on a light table. Today, I spend hours slicing up ASCII with a cursor.
I go through my old posts every day. I know that much - most? - of them are not for the ages. But some of them are good. Some, I think, are great. They define who I am. They're my outboard brain.
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thiscitychickk · 3 years
SO this isn’t even fully edited by @ellesjourney yet (sorry Elle!) but people keep sending anon messages asking for the chapter and instead of getting annoyed.. enjoy a snippet that will definitely change before I post chapter 17, but.. a snippet nonetheless.
“We’ll keep taking it one step at a time,” Draco soothed, rubbing soothing circles on her stomach under the huge Tar Heels shirt she stole from him. “How many voicemails?”
“Only three.”
Thank God no one liked to hop on the phone anymore. Texts were far easier to handle.
“Let’s listen to them,” the man instructed, and Hermione felt herself sink into his embrace a little.
At a time where she felt so uncertain and frazzled, Draco seemed to be completely in control. She had no idea how he was so composed, but she was grateful.
“Can you answer my texts? Your followers are blowing up and people I haven’t spoken to since Harvard are reaching out like I don’t know exactly what they’re doing! Happy Easter my ass. Love ya. Call me… immediately!”
Hermione turned to smile softly at Draco after Pansy’s voice faded out. She hit play on the next message.
“Hermione… what the hell are you doing, girl? I have like… a million calls and texts and emails and DMs from reporters asking for statements. I was wondering why Remus gave me a lecture about protecting the identities of our staff, but shit.. Now I know. Okay, wow. So call me when you’re done with your boy toy and the legion of evil. Can I make those jokes anymore? Shit, is he listening? If he is… I knew you two were together months ago! And Hermione denied it! Bye! Call me!”
“If Gemma talked like that I’d fire her,” Draco said, making Hermione laugh. His communications director was just as buttoned-up as he was, while Tonks was just as energetic and even more eccentric than James. It worked out well.
“She’s… a character, but I trust her,” Hermione defended her colleague gently. She hit play on the next message.
“Mione? What the hell’s going on? Dad said to leave you alone, but.. Hey!”
“Happy Easter gal, I told Harry to leave you alone, but when has my son ever listened? Go enjoy your day, eat some caviar and foie gras. Just make sure you don’t drink any red wine they try to give you... Baptists don’t drink wine. It’s the blood of innocent children. There’s no coming back once you’ve taken a sip... look where Snape ended up. I'm just kidding dear... enjoy yourself. We’ll face the music when we have to. I’ll get this one to go away.”
“Wait! Da-”
The line went dead and Hermione rolled her eyes.
“If only the American people knew who they were trusting to represent them. I mean… that man is the voice of over 815,000 people in Congress.”
“Oh, stop! James is a good man, he’s just a bit fast and loose with his tongue.”
“That’s one way of putting it. How about we call Pansy and find out what’s come out so far?”
“That makes sense… I figure it’s better to hear it from her then check social media myself,” Hermione agreed as she hit her friend’s contact.
“Finally!” Pansy exclaimed. “What’s going on?”
“Happy Easter to you too, sis,” Hermione smiled. “We’re back at Draco’s and just going through all of my messages. We figured you could give us a rundown of what’s happened.”
“Well, some dumb ass from your high school tweeted out who you were when the first photos and videos popped up and the Draco stans confirmed your identity almost immediately. You have over 75,000 new Twitter followers and over 100,000 on Instagram.”
“Why does anyone even care,” she replied in a slightly dazed tone. They knew that this was a possibility once her face was public, but… why would people follow her? She doesn’t even post photos with Draco, her stories were photos of food and boomerangs of her walking in heels through the Capitol on days she liked her outfit. They’d be sorely disappointed if they were hoping for content with a certain blond man.
“Why wouldn’t they care is the better question. You're making news on a day where most people are stuck in their grandmother’s house that smells like cat litter listening to their relatives fight about the last will and testament of someone awful and rich who isn’t even dead yet. There’s nothing to do but stalk you and speculate. Talking shit online is one of the few joys these poor souls can indulge in.”
Well… that was one very specific way to put it.
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King Falls AM Episode Twenty: Referencing Aladdin Don’t Make It Right
King Falls AM Transcript
Episode 20: Referencing Aladdin Don’t Make It Right
Run time: 22:17
First Aired: Feb 15, 2016
Summary: Sammy & Ben get a quick update on the little ones off Route 72 and learn live on-air that not everyone had a great evening on the night of the Valentine’s Day Dance.
(For a list of characters and references from this episode see the end of this post)
[King Falls AM theme plays]
Troy: Hey folks, if you or anyone you know has any information on these hybrid werewolf slash human baby thingamagigs-
Sammy Stevens: Is that a technical term, Troy?
Ben Arnold: Can you please let Troy finish, Sammy, this is important!
Troy: Heh, thanks, little buddy.
Ben: Go on, Troy.
Troy: Well if you see those little beasts or have information on them you just got to let us know. Don’t harbor them, they could have the rabies and or the colic. And please don’t try to adopt while it’s in its human form, cause that ain’t gonna end up well. Just use your common sense and be safe.
Sammy: Thanks for calling in officially with police business and alerting the public to the issue.
Ben: Yeah, nice hearing from you on the job, Troy.
Troy: Whilst I’m still on official police biz, I’d like to make one more little statement if I could, fellas.
Ben: Dude, of course! The floor is yours!
Troy: Well the sheriff is a real foul mood regarding these hybrid wolf babies and what have you just running amok, and he wants to make it completely, perfectly, crystal clear that if anyone should have these animals or any other illegal animals in the city limits of King Falls, they will be apprehended and exterminated on site with extreme force of malice. King Falls is a zero tolerance town for any illegal animals of any kind, up to and including wolf-human hybrids.
Ben: So… uh (clears throat) you’re saying that anyone listening that may have access to a cute and cuddly but illegal animal should do… what?
Troy: Now I’m not talking to no one in particular, I mean this isn’t a warning, it’s just a fact. Sheriff Gunderson is making it a personal project to bring down any and all animals that shouldn’t be in town.
Sammy: But cats are fine, is that right, Troy?
Troy: No doubt about that. Ain’t nobody gonna get any cats while I’m patrolling the streets, friends.
Sammy: There you have it, folks. If you or anyone you know has any information on the werewolf puppies last heard from around Route 72 or any other illegal animals not allowed in the city, please contact the sheriff’s department at once.
Ben: (sounding strained) Thanks for the info, Troy.
Troy: All you listeners, you stay safe out there, alright?
Sammy: Thanks, Troy. We’ll talk to you soon, sir.
Troy: Roger that, Sammy.
[The sound of a phone hanging up]
Ben: (clearing throat) Well… that’s good information there, huh?
Sammy: Are you okay, Ben?
Ben: Yeah! You know, I’m just… I’m not a fan of the idea that Gunderson is sending out gangs of thugs to dispatch animals, man! Aren’t there real issues for law enforcement in this town? Last week, I saw old lady Turner jaywalking in front of the grocery store.
Sammy: So you’d rather Gunderson take down the organized jaywalking underbelly of King Falls?
Ben: No, I actually helped her cross the street, but the point is that this werewolf issue seems like an animal control issue! Let Ralf Harkins take care of this! Why are the police even involved, man?
Sammy: Your guess is as good as mine. Moving forward-
Ben: Yeah! Yeah, uh, moving forward we’ve got about thirty minutes of open calls lined up before acclaimed ebook author Kirk Sycamore- don’t judge this, Sammy- will be joining us to talk about his new book Dead Tom Turkey: The Perils of Uncooked Poultry.
Sammy: I’m sorry, what now?
Ben: I mean… it’s a thing. Undercooked anything can’t be good, right?
Sammy: I would assume, but seemingly that one sentence just covered everything you need to know. Cook it longer.
Ben: Then it might get dry. I don’t know man! Don’t look at me like that! Merv emailed and asked to book this guy. His book topped Beauregard’s King of King Falls, it’s got to be worth something, right?
Sammy: The perils of uncooked poultry.
Ben: In thirty minutes.
Sammy: I don’t know if I can hold this excitement in for thirty minutes, Ben. You must be bursting at the seams! Surely you’ve waited your entire journalistic career to talk about under-broiled birds.
Ben: Uh, if it makes this any better, apparently this is a novel, not an instructional guide.
Sammy: (outraged) That actually makes it worse! This is a fictional piece of work?!
Ben: Merv emailed this to us, Sammy.
Sammy: Listeners, please immediately stop what you’ve got going on and mark this down: I’m going to do my damndest to get you the info on Merv’s book of the month club. I’m on your side and I am fighting for you.
Ben: Merv, if you are listening, I do not need to be cc-ed on the email you are penning. 
Sammy: (laughs) You heard it folks, that’s coming up quickly, but until then we are taking your calls, King Falls. What would you like to talk about this evening, Ben?
Ben: Whatever’s clever. 
Sammy: Talking about whatever’s on your minds before what is sure to be a Pulitzer winning interview. 
Ben: It’ll be good- you’re making fun- but it’ll be good. 
Sammy: How could it not be? You heard our story, King Falls, now let’s hear yours. 
Ben: Give us a call at the station- 424-279-3858, or hit us up at the tweet machine!
Sammy: That’s @ kingfallsam and @ kingfallssammy respectively. Line seven you are on the air with King Falls AM. 
Pete Meyers: You’re saying to yourself: I don’t think Pete Meyers would listen to a show of this terrible quality, as handsome and as smart as he is. He’s probably watching Big Bang Theory or something. 
Sammy: That is exactly what I was thinking, Pete. 
Ben: Word for word, almost. 
Pete: Look, I don’t like talking to the two of you either. 
Ben: Yet you continue to call! And listen! And show up at events!
Pete: Ben if you don’t drop a little bass out of your voice I will roundhouse you right in the gullet the next time I see you. You hear me? I will skullf-(beep) your mom.
Ben: So now you’re threatening me? Do you hear this Sammy?
Sammy: (annoyed) Just hang up. 
Pete: (stammering) Whoa, wait, wait, alright? You know, I’m sorry. I’m a little emotional right now… I would never intentionally try to scuff up my lugs on your face, Ben. I apologize. 
Sammy: I don’t think that-
Ben: What’s the matter? Got a vampire not appreciating the hedge art you’ve been clipping into the bushes?
Pete: Well it’s kind of about him- did you say vampire?
Ben: (triumphantly) Knew it! Man, just fess up and tell everyone that your boss is a vamp!
Pete: Ben Arnold, I just bought domain to your name. And you know what? I’m going to fill up all the pages with babies and donkeys. What’s the world going to think of you? Some weirdo guy, making an internet site about babies and donkeys? Yeah, that’s right-
Ben: (all riled up) Oh yeah? Ooooooh, Pete! Why don’t you come down here, look me in the eyes, when you’re saying this huh? Huh?!
Sammy: Guys. 
Ben: Meanie!
Sammy: Guys! That’s enough. Pete, state your problem or move along. 
Pete: Alright, fine. I messed up big time. Worse than the time I dressed up as Edward Scissorhands for Halloween and ruined Mr. B’s hedges. Apparently I pushed a button or didn’t-really-push-a-button on a fancy thing… that’s beside the point. What I really want to know is- did you guys hear something funny on your station a week or two back?
Ben: Um, um, I’m hearing something stupid right now but I don’t know if that’s-
Pete: Come on, Ben! Be serious. I take you seriously- I almost respect you! Now, I heard a little something like maybe you guys got hijacked or something like that and I just wanted to know… you know, what’s up.
Ben: This again?
Sammy: Wait, Ben, we’ve heard this a few times actually. The shotgun guy said it, we’ve had a number of tweets about it. We don’t know anything about this but apparently another feed cut into ours about a month or so ago. 
Pete: Oh sh-(beep).
Ben: Watch your language, Pete.
Pete: Watch your… face, Ben.
Ben: Wait, what the hell are you and Beauregard up to? 
Pete: None of your damn business. 
Beauregard: (from the background of Pete’s call) Yard boy, what are you doing in this chamber without supervision?
Pete: Uhhhhhhh what? Uh, Mr. B, uh nothing!
Beauregard: Don’t act like an ignoramus around the transmorgrifier. 
[There are metallic clanks and scrapes in the background and the sound of metal pipes moving around. A whirring humming sound begins like a machine turning on which grows steadily louder]
Sammy: What the hell is going on over there? Pete?
Pete: You made me mess up again you butt smackers. 
Beauregard: Don’t just stand there all slack-jawed and drooling. Turn it off this instant. Celestia!
[The whirring cuts off and there is the sound of a call ending]
Ben: What the hell?
Sammy: Well, folks, this is a first for me that I believe an on air failed attempted felony will lead us right into break.
[Cheerful music starts as a commercial begins]
Ernie: Hey there! Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books ain’t your normal bookshop. Maybe you’re asking yourself: Ernie, whatever do you mean? What I mean is that Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books is more than just a hipster reading book nook. We don’t carry none of those cheap-ass paperback books or harlequin novels here, plus you sure as hell ain’t gonna find nothing to read on your I-pad kindle whositswhatsits. For what I understand it’s only first edition leather bound books and (???) up in this joint. Maybe you’re thinking you need to gussy up your place to impress some broad or you have a real need to make people think you got a bigger vocabulary than some Johnny come lately. Either way, Ernie’s got you covered. That’s a book joke! Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books- we got fancy books! F-(beep) you, pay me.
[King Falls AM rock music plays then fades out as the commercial break ends]
Sammy: Ernie Salsado’s leather bound books? There’s two of these stores here? I’ve never even heard of one of them until Rich McGuff! I don’t know what’s more surprising, Ernie’s entrepreneurial rise in the community or him almost making me forget what happened before the break…
Ben: I’m literally afraid to comment one way or another on this. 
Sammy: (amused) He is an intimidating specimen. 
Ben: (carefully and slowly) If he… likes to hear that, then, yes, you are right. If not, please don’t slander that gigantic human!
Sammy: Ha, no slander intended. We’re taking calls and counting down the seconds before we get a riveting interview with the man who some call the Dan Brown of bird related mysteries. 
Ben: Wow, they say that?
Sammy: No, they don’t! (laughs) The phone lines are still lit up, let’s take some calls.
Ben: Good evening, you’re live on King Falls AM. 
Greg Frickard: (smugly) Well look who decided to pick up the phone. 
Ben: (quickly) Um, let’s take another-
Greg: Hey, Sammy! I’ve got a topic of discussion. Let’s talk about how that co-host of yours is just gonna sit there all quiet and not even mention the fiasco he caused earlier this week at Granny Frickards!
Sammy: Greg? Is everything okay?
Greg: Oh, it’s not okay, Sammy. That- pardon my French- moron, that he would even-
[the sound of a call ending]
Ben: Whoops!
Sammy: Ha! 
Ben: Line five you are on with Sammy and Ben!
Sammy: Wow, it looks like you learned a thing or two from Chet, I see. 
Ben: Don’t know what you’re talking about!
Caller: Hello?
Sammy: So what happened at Frickard’s?
Caller: Are you talking to me?
Ben: Nothing happened to… let’s just-
Sammy: Not only are you my broadcast partner, I thought we were friends! 
Ben: Hey! We are friends! I just didn’t think to tell you that I happened to have dinner at Frickard’s earlier in the week.
Caller: Hellooo?
Sammy: Uh huh. This wouldn’t happen to be the same night Emily was on a business meeting with Greg, would it?
Ben: I really don’t recall but it might have been… that’s a good question. 
Sammy: You don’t recall going to your least favorite restaurant in town, which you never eat at, on the night of the King Falls Valentines Day Dance where your main squeeze-
Ben: Watch it.
Sammy: Where the girl you pine for-
Ben: Watch it!
Sammy: Where Emily Potter-
Ben: Thanks.
Sammy: Happened to be roped into a business meeting with Greg Frickard.
Ben: My mortal enemy. 
Sammy: Paid sponsor of King Falls AM. 
Ben: Whatever. 
Sammy: You don’t recall if that’s the night you dined at Granny Frickard’s?
Ben: Ehhhh it’s not really ringing any bells! 
Sammy: Maybe we should call Emily. 
Ben: Don’t do that!
Sammy: Things coming back to you now? 
Ben: Did- ugh… can I fill you in at break and not on the air?
Sammy: You’d better! You know, I’m a little sore that you didn’t tell me to begin with! And this was days ago! 
Ben: I’m sorry, man, it’s just it’s not the best story. Believe me.
Caller: Hello? Can we talk now?
Sammy and Ben: No!
[The sound of a call ending]
Sammy: The turkey guy is not sounding so bad right now.
Ben: Ha, why don’t we try… lucky line one, you’re on King Falls AM. 
Greg: Hey Ben Arrrnold! Why don’t you tell the whole friggin town about you showing your butt and ruining my business meeting with Emily Potter!
Ben: Greg, I really don’t wanna get into this. 
Greg: Ohh, you can’t talk in front of Sammy and the whole town- what’s the matter? Frog got your tongue?
Ben: That's not a saying. 
Greg: You sure didn’t have a problem causing a ruckus at the restaurant! In front of Granny no less!
Ben: Can we take another call, Sammy?
Sammy: Is this true, Ben?
Greg: You can’t deny it, Ben Arnold! I’ve got it on camera from multiple angles! You are a heathen.
Ben: Why do you have me making a scene on camera?
Sammy: Multiple angles?
Greg: I’d like to say it’s just the security cameras… but, if you must know, I hid a few cameras around the Froggery for my big night. 
Sammy: You call a business meeting your big night?
Greg: With Emily Potter I absolutely do! She is the most beautiful creature in King Falls!
Ben: So you admit that it was a date?
Greg: It was a business meeting with a gorgeous woman! Take it as you will!
Ben: You’re so creepy! God!
Greg: Oh, so it’s creepy. Wanting your gramma and your future children to see the moment their future mother and I fell in love? Recorded for prosperity forever. Probably. Classily edited to voice a man and everything. 
Ben: Yeah! It’s creepy!
Greg: (singing) I’ll make love to you! Like you want me to, oh baby hold me tight I will love you all through the night…
Sammy: That is really creepy, Greg.
Greg: You’re just a heathen. You don’t know what love is. What do you know? Tell them what you did, Ben!
Ben: I’m not getting into this on the air, Greg. Let’s just-
Greg: I am a paying sponsor of this show, Ben Arnold! Fess up, right now!
Ben: What are you gonna do, Greg?
Greg: So help me I’m gonna ask Granny- real nice- to pull your sponsorship money!
Sammy: Greg... are you crying?
Greg: (in a high pitched voice) No...
Ben: Hmm, so you’re threatening the show over a personal issue?
Sammy: Greg, we appreciate what you and Granny do for the show and the station-
Greg: I’m glad to see one of you does.
Sammy: But I’m not about to let you threaten taking money away from the station to pressure Ben into talking about something he doesn’t want to. Do what you got to do. 
Greg: Ha! Don’t think that I won’t wake up Granny right now!
Ben: You want to talk about this on air, Frickard?
Greg: Tell the people what you did. Just tell them!
Ben: Ugh, okay. So, I made a reservation for myself at the King Falls best f-(beep)-ing Froggery the same night as your video taped date with Emily. 
Greg: Keep going.
Ben: Jack-In-The-Box-Jesus, this is ridiculous. Sammy, I made a reservation and I made a scene! The end.
Greg: Details, heathen!
Sammy: Details would be nice here, Ben. 
Ben: So, uh, (clears throat) I got there right as Emily was sitting down. 
Greg: At a table right next to ours! He requested it!
Ben: That is also true. 
Sammy: Ah.
Ben: And that’s that! I watched Greg lose his mind. Nature took its course. 
Greg: He ordered every single flambé frog special on the menu.
Ben: Yeah? So?
Greg: Everybody who’s anybody knows that that’s the most romantic frog dish in the world! And you cleaned us out!
Ben: So what? You don’t need romance on a business meeting!
Greg: You ordered twenty of those things just for you!
Ben: And I paid for twenty! What’s your point?
Greg: My point? You didn’t even eat them! You brought in Chipotle!
Ben: Yeah, man! Cause frogs are gross!
Greg: You… you’re gross!
Ben: Oh yeah?
Greg: Yeah. You’re gross! A gross heathen and I… I hate you! I hate you! Ha! I said it. I hate you.
Sammy: Guys…
Ben: I’ll do you one better- I never liked you to begin with. You creep me out. 
Sammy: Ben…
Greg: Well, heh, that’s not what your mom says.
Ben: Don’t you bring my mom into this.
Greg: Your mother things I am a fine, upstanding, entrepreneur, and model citizen!
Ben: She’s an idiot then! Sorry mom.
Greg: Heathen!
Sammy: Guys! (Clears throat) Okay so you disturbed Greg’s meeting with Emily. You ordered food you didn’t eat. I-is that it?
Ben: Basically! He lost it because I was probably in the shot of his candid camera date!
Greg: I lost my temper, but you had it coming! You get Emily whenever you want and I schedule months in advance!
Ben: Yeah, and you did it during the Valentine's Day Dance. Just real messed up, man. You’re a stalker. 
Greg: Who showed up at whose date, Ben?
Ben: I was just having dinner at my favorite sponsor’s restaurant.
Greg: You don’t even like frogs!
Ben: Nobody does!
Greg: Why don’t you tell them how you got escorted off the premises?
Ben: You just did, idiot!
Sammy: If you were just eating, or not eating as the case may be, how did they have the grounds to toss you out of Granny Frickard’s?
Ben: Ugh. I- I may have started throwing tiny hush puppies in Greg’s general direction.
Greg: You, you, you may have? Pah-lease! You were pretending to be Nolan Ryan while you’re lobbing them at my head.
Ben: You had no right to kiss Emily’s hand!
Greg: Well you wouldn’t have even known if you weren’t, you know, stalking us to begin with!
Ben: Yeah? Well, uh, stay away from Emily!
Greg: Well I won’t have a problem doing that since she hates us both.
Sammy: I’m sorry, what’s that, Greg?
Ben: Can we move on… please.
Greg: Emily left in a huff and said she wasn’t a prize to be won. Totally thought she was roleplaying and I called her princess Jasmine… Which she also didn’t appreciate… 
Ben: Nice touch, dumbass. Referencing Aladdin don’t make it right.
Greg: It’s kind of ludicrous when you think about it. I mean, she is a prize to be one. She’s the trophiest of trophy wives to ever be trophy won!
Ben: She’s pretty mad, Sammy.
Sammy: It sounds like she kinda should be…
Ben: She probably hates me now, man. Stupid stunt…
Sammy: I’m sure she doesn’t hate you, Ben.
Greg: Oh yeah, she hates him big time. I mean, she hates us both, but it’s basically a win for me. She was only lukewarm to my intentions but she can’t stand Ben now. She’ll eventually come back around to the Frog Prince if, uh, he’s out of the picture.
Ben: Greg.
Greg: I’ll take your apology on air, Ben. But I would also like it written on a nice piece of cardstock so I can show it to Granny.
Ben: I sincerely hope that you catch a frog-based STD and die.
Greg: And I hope that you find another perfect woman to fall head over heels in love with, Ben, because you just struck out. You stuck out big time.
Ben: You’re an imbecile! Nobody likes eating frogs! It’s 2016, Greg! You’re gross!
Greg: Ha! Shows what you know. Some cultures consider frogs the poultry of the pond.
Ben: Literally no cultures say that!
Greg: Oh yeah? Well ask Kirk Sycamore when he comes on, he’ll show you.
Ben: I’m not asking anybody anything.
Sammy: Greg, I think it’s best if we part ways for the night.
Greg: Fine! No skin off my bubble butt! Later haters!
[The sound of a phone hanging up]
Sammy: I think-
Ben: Can we just go to commercial, Sammy? I just- I can’t right now.
Sammy: D-do you want to? Is that on schedule?
Ben: No! And, no… Ugh, just take a couple more calls before the bird man pops in.
Sammy: Lucky line one you’re live on-
Caller: Hi, Sammy. Hi, Ben…
Sammy: Good evening, Emily. I assume you’ve been listening.
Emily. I’ve been listening.
Sammy: You know what, let me put you on hold so you can talk to Ben off the air.
Emily: No! I’d like to talk to Ben on the air, if you don’t mind, Sammy.
Sammy: You know, I uh… Ben?
Ben: Uh, whatever you want, Emily.
Emily: Okay, you know I don’t hate you, Ben. Far, far from it.
Ben: I’m so sorry Emily. I just, I lost it sitting there, thinking that you were all alone with that creep and-
Emily: You acted like a real ass.
Ben: I know I did!
Emily: I’m not a child, Ben. When I told you that I would love to go to the dance with you, that was the truth. But when I also told you that I was a woman of my word and was going to honor my prior engagements, as stupid and contrived as they were, I meant that too.
Ben: I just-
Emily: You acted like an ass!
Ben: I know, but-
Emily: There’s no explanation that will make this better, Ben! You acted like a jealous boyfriend and I’m not sure if you know this, but you aren’t my boyfriend.
Ben: Can I just say-
Emily: Even if I wanted you to be before, you aren’t. So you have no right to act like this!
Ben: (Pausing) You wanted me to be your boyfriend?
Emily: Before the incident there was no doubt about it.
Ben: After?
Emily: I- I- uh- I can’t let my feelings override the fact that you treated me like a kid, Ben. I am a grown woman! I am a professional woman. I don’t need some white knight to save me from the likes of Greg! And while I appreciate the idea behind it, like I said to you and I said to Greg, I am a person! I have feelings! I’m not a prize to be won! 
Ben: I really messed this up, I’m… I’m sorry. Emily if you’ll just-
Emily: I just- I need some time to evaluate what the next step is. 
Ben: Because you hate me.
Emily: No! Bec- because I lo- I strongly strongly like, probably definitely on the verge of more. I mean, I was scared to death that you were hurt or worse during Lincoln’s revenge! But I was scared even more when I saw you acting like a high school bully during that meeting. 
Ben: You strongly strongly like me?
Emily: I do. But it’s, it’s gonna be a little bit before I can trust you to be okay with that.
Ben: I understand. 
Emily: But I… I wasn’t going to let another minute go by of you think that I hated you. Cause I don’t. But you really need to fix this.
Ben: And I will. I- I promise.
Emily: I hope so. (pause) Ah, goodnight, Sammy. Ben.
Sammy: Goodnight, Emily. We will talk soon.
Emily: I’m sure of it. Ah, I actually wanted to talk to you about being one of the library’s spring break speakers soon. I’ll send you an email.
Sammy: Oh, please do. Anything to get the kids back in the library after, you know, Lincoln’s revenge…
Emily: Thanks, Sammy. Goodnight, guys.
Ben: Hey- hey, Emily?
[The sound of a phone hanging up with a beeping that slowly fades out. The King Falls outro music and credits begin.]
Nolan Ryan: a baseball pitcher.
The Big Bang Theory: A television show.
Edward Scissorhands: a charactor from an old fantasy movie by the same name about a man who had scissors for hands.
Harlequin novels: a trashy romance story.
Sammy Stevens, Ben Arnold, Troy, Greg Frickard, Emily Potter, Pete Meyers, Beauregard, Ernie Salsado.
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
Reminder! Go to sleep~
This fic took me waaay more than I like to admit.
People in this fic: DreamWasTaken and GeorgeNotFound
(BadBoyHalo and SapNap are in the background)
Warning! This fanfiction was wrote respecting boundaries! This is not a ship post, i wrote this bc they are good friends caring for eachother!
Dream had a bad sleeping schedule, it wasn't a secret, but editing in the middle of the night was... easier? Better? He didn't really know... but it was the only time he edited. Meaning that sleep was often skipped or recovered during the day.
But we all know that the lack of sleep brings mood swings, and poor Dream was in the middle of one.
He and George were supposed to start streaming in about fifteen minutes,  but George wasn't dumb, he had realized Dream was acting differently.
"Dream? Are you sure you want to stream?" George spoke to his mic, waiting for a response from the empty headphones laid on top of his head.
"Of course I do! Why do you ask- What's the point of that question?" He was acting defensive and irritable towards the smallest things, "I don't know...You seem tired" He was also spacing out, Geroge could tell he lacked sleep, he knew him too well.
"Oh George- I'm fine ok?! Don't worry about me-"
User has joined the call
"Oh Bad! Please help me convince Dream to not stream! He's probably sitting on three hours of sleep!" " Only three hours?"
BadBoyHalo proceeded to enter big bro mode and tell off Dream about sleeping waaay less then he needed to, getting Dream to slowly give up.
"Fine fine I won't stream!... I'll just post on Twitter why I won't... God my subs are going to hate me..." "That's not true Dream! They'll understand, now go to sleep, ill call you tomorrow"
As George and BadBoy told Dream goodnight, George hit the live button. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dream was feeling down: His best friends just shooed him away and he was feeling lonely...
His cat noticed his bad mood and jumped onto his lap, he thought about laying in bed, but since the cat was here now, he wasn't going to move.
George was having a webcam steam, he, SapNap and BadBoy were in their world messing around.
Without him
He wasn't angry... He was just...sad? Left out? ...Something like that
As he was listening to the laughter of his friends, a donation came through, and the text to speech started: Hi George, first time donating and catching a stream, why is Dream not streaming? Did something happen?
George looked over at his second monitor and read the donation again in his head while making sure he didn't die by the zombie that approached him.
"Dream is not here because he didn't sleep a lot recently so I told him to go to sleep. Nothing happened, don't worry. He's my best friend and I can tell when he's tired. Hopefully, he'll join us next stream." He focused on turning the lava into obsidian, placing and picking up water without falling into the deadly liquid. "I'm..." he spaced out for a couple of seconds "I'm aware that streams without Dream are a bit more boring, but I prefer that he's well-rested and in a good mood than having him on stream sounding half asleep. Don't worry, after the stream ill call him and check up on him"
The other two who were whispering in the background didn't miss the chance to tease George.
"Oh! So you think we are not as "entertaining" as Dream huh George?!" SapNap spat out fake-annoyed, BadBoyHalo jumped on the tease-train too.
"Of course he would SapNap! If you had a Minecraft boyfriend too, you would find him more fun than us!"
George started studdering and tried to defend himself since also the chat now was spamming things like "Minecraft Boyfriend! Lol" or "Omg I ship it!!" and "Don't deny it, George, we know!". Making it more difficult for the British streamer.
Dream chuckled at the hilarious situation while caressing the small animal who was enjoying the warmth in his lap.
The chat didn't seem to be angry about the fact that he wasn't there so he decided to open twitter and see how his tweet was doing.
The replies we're all positive and supportive of his decision, the couple of toxic replies were automatically ignored by him since he was low-key used to them, he smiled at how his followers where so nice and worried about his health, also he giggled at the funny profile pictures and names some of the accounts had.
He decided to lay in bed and continue to watch the stream from his phone, his cat jumped off his lap and followed him.
The stream went on for another two hours but Dream fell asleep somewhere in between, he knew this of course by the fact that the ring coming from both his electronic devices woke him up.
He struggled to find his phone since he dropped it somewhere when he fell asleep and his earbuds were uncomfortably tangled, but he managed to pick up the call coming from George in time.
"Geez, took you long enough to answer, I was about to give up... Wait- were you sleeping?"
"Yeah... I fell asleep while watching your stream..." he yawned and proceeded to hug the pillow lying next to him.
"You fell asleep while watching the stream?! BadBoy and SapNap were continuously screaming!" He sounded impressed, Dream wasn't at all.
"I guess I was very tired" he heard George's footsteps as he spoke
"You do sound tired-... You should stop pulling all-nighters just to edit, you don't have a deadline yknow" From the other end, two beeps made the boy react with an "Oh finally..."
"What are you doing?"
"Instant noodles" The sound of pouring water and something being ripped could be heard in the background " I'm hungry"
"Instant noo- You had those for lunch too!"
"Mhf-Sho what? Shey'r good" George took a munch on his pasta and spoke with his mouth full "Sthey arhe eashy to make ansh shtey are scheaps"
Dream laughed at how barely comprehensible his words were, and at how lazy George was. He knew how to cook simple stuff, yet he always "couldn't be bothered" or was "too tired" to cook actual food.
They chatted and laughed for a while, Dream laying comfortably on his bed and George happily eating his noodles. A moment of silence fell.
"Hey Dream?"
He hummed in reply
"I'm sorry for forcing you to not stream... But you sounded tired and... I didn't mean to make it sound like we were excluding you..." Dream smiled at how apologetic and sad his friend sounded.
"Don't worry, I figured you were doing it for me..."
Another silence.
"Hey George?"
It was his time to hum now.
"Thank you... "
"For what?"
"For everything you do for me"
"I'm just doing the same thing you do for me... You always tell me to go to bed and... You care about my died more than I do" Dream giggled.
"If someone should be thanking someone it should be me, thank you Dream for all the things you do for me... Even if you always kill me in the videos"
The moment was broken by Dream cockiness and they ended up laughing hard... Well, George was laughing, Dream was straight up impersonating a kettle, wheezing as he usually did.
"Ah... My stomach hurts!"
"Haha... Same!... Oh God..."
They gave each other a minute to calm down before going back to talking
"Wait- it is late for you Dream! Go to bed you idiot!"
"But I enjoy talking to youuu " he whined, he didn't want to sleep
"Same, but we can talk tomorrow ok? Just call me when you wake up, ok?
He emitted a sad noise George took as a "yes"
"Good night Dream, love you!"
He always said it off-camera, yet he never wanted to say it when they were recording. He still didn't understand why.
"...good night George, love you too"
But Dream appreciated him anyway.
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