#doctor stange x loki
lovelybishop · 1 year
Character/Fandom List
(Updated February 5th, 2023)
*Strikethrough means currently not accepting requests for said character/fandom
*If you see a character that is not listed, please ask! I’m sure I write for that character, I just forgot to put it on this very long list!
*If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
DC Extended Universe
Suicide Squad (2016) / The Suicide Squad (2021)
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man, Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Robert Dubois/Bloodsport
Birds Of Prey
Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress, Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Fear Street Trilogy
Cindy Berman, Deena Johnson, Heather Watkins. Christine “Ziggy” Berman*,Kate Schmidt, Nick Goode*, Ruby Lane, Samantha Fraser, Simon, Tommy Slater
*Please specify which actor
The Last of Us (HBO)
Joel Miller, Tess Servopoulos
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye, Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Tahani Al-Jamil
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Ajak, Alexei/The Red Gurdian, America Chavez, Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Christine Palmer, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Darcy Lewis, Doctor Stange Variants, Drax the Destroyer, Druig, Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela, Hope van Dyne/The Wasp, Ikaris, James “Bucky” Barnes/The Winter Soldier, James “Rhodey” Rhodes/War Machine, Jane Foster, Jimmy Woo, Katy, Kingo, Lady Sif, Loki, Makkari, Mantis, Maria Hill, May Parker, Melina, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Nebula, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Peter Parker Variants, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Phastos, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Sersi, Shang-Chi, Sharon Carter, Sprite, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thena, Thor, Tony Stark/Iron Man, T’Challa/Black Panther, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Valkyrie, Virginia “Pepper” Potts, Vision, Wanda Maximoff Variants, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Wong, Xialing, Yelena Belova
Disney+ Series
*This list is for characters who have not appeared in any movie (with the exception of Captain Carter.)
Agatha Harkness, Bruno Carrelli, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Joaquin Torres, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab, Madisynn King, Mallory Book, Marc Spector, Mary MacPherran/Titania, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Maya Lopez, Mobius, Monica Rambeau, Nikki Ramos, Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Ralph Bogner/”Pietro” Maximoff, Star-Lord T’Challa, Steve Grant, Strange Supreme, Sylvie, Taweret
Agents Of Sheild Series
Melinda May, Grant Ward, Daisy “Skye” Johnson/Quake, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie, Lincoln Campbell, Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, Deke Shaw
Netflix Series
*I plan on watching all Marvel Netflix Series. Though Because Matt Murdok was in No Way Home and She-Hulk, I still will write for him.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Into the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Alex Summers/Havok, Bobby Drake/Iceman, Charles Xavier/Professor X*,Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Erik Legnsherr/Magneto*,Hank McCoy/Beast*,James “Logan” Howlett/Wolverine, Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix*,Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler*,Marie D’Ancanto/Rogue, Nathan Sumers/Cable, Neena Thurman/Domino, Ororo Monroe/Storm*,Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, Psylocke*,Raven Darkholme/Mystique*,Scott Summers/Cyclops*,Wade Wilson/Deadpool, Warren Worthington III/Angel*
*Please specify which actor.
Free Guy
Guy, Millie Ruck, Walter “Keys” McKey
The Office
Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly
Ajax Petropolus, Biance Barclay, Enid Sinclair, Gomez Addams*,Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates. Morticia Addams*,Tyler Galpin, Wednesday Addams, Xavier Thorpe, Yoko Tanaka
*Please specify which actor.
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Bix Caleen, Bo-Katan Kryze, Boba Fett, Captain Phasma, Cassian Andor, Cobb Wanth, Din Djarin/The Mandalorian, Fennec Shand, Finn, General Hux, Han Solo, Jyn Erso, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Poe Dameron, Princess/General Leia Organa, Qi’ra, Reva Sevander/Third Sister, Rey, Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Michael Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers
*I do not write for Billy Hargrove
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
Sigyn wardrobe
Sigyn reboot in Stange Akademie Comics
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7soulstars · 4 years
My Incorrect Universe #62
Stephen*sighing as he dials my number*: I’m calling our wife.
Loki: No– wait. NO-
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strangexloki · 6 years
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What well dressed boyfriends <3
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e-ris-stuff · 2 years
doctor strange in the multiverse of madness - 7/10 (spoilers)
i went to see doctor strange in the multiverse of madness yesterday, it was pretty good tbh! i liked how we got to see a new side to strange, because in the first film i felt we really didnt get to see the same raw emotion that we saw in this film, especially with his relationship with christine. i thought that in the first film he was almost arrogant of his love for her, because he knew that he needed her but he couldnt help but push her away when he was becoming a powerful sorcerer. i think that it was a defence mechanism, he didnt want to hurt her as he became more powerful but he figured that she would always be there so once he was the best at what he was doing to could be guaranteed to protect her. this obviously didnt work out which wasnt too great for stange. 
the main reason that i wanted to watch this film in the first place was wanda, and elizabeth olsens performance was incredible, the whole time we could see wandas pain and her immense suffering. i thought it was interesting that at the end of wandavison when she leaves westview as the scarlet witch she seems to be content with her new ability, but in this film its as if the scarlet witch and wanda are separate identities. this is seen when professor x enters wandas mind ands sees her underneath the rubble, trapped by her grief, and again when the scarlet witch travels into a reality were she is living with her children, this alternate version of her is wanda maximoff, the scarlet witch isn’t wanda anymore.
i absolutely loved america chavez, and im very excited to see her in future mcu projects. i thought her character was refreshing and she was immediately likeable. i think that her character is going to play a major role in upcoming projects, and i think shes going to play a major part of the young avengers franchise. i just want her and kate bishop to meet tbh
overall i thought that this was a decent movie, i thought that more characters would make cameos (i.e. deadpool, loki/sylvie, etc) but i do think that this movie is worth watching. it definitely not my favourite mcu movie but its good 7/10. :)
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hraishin · 4 years
Tag 8 people you’d like to get to know better!
tagged by @secretlymagneto (thank you magenta man)
Favorite colors: Turquoise, purple, light blue, orange-red, and black
Last song I listened to: Babe by Emeli Sandé
Favorite musicians: Hozier, Florence and the Machine, Imagine Dragons, Of Monsters and Men, The Weeknd, The Oh Hellos, Sleeping at Last, Panic! at the Disco, Matt Maeson
Last film I watched: I believe it was X-Men: Apocalypse
Last TV Show I watched: The Witcher
Favorite Characters: Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr and Raven/Mystique from X-Men; Amy Santiago and Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn 99; Bill Denbrough from IT; Zuko, Azula and Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender; Bucky Barnes, Thor, Loki, Carol Danvers and Doctor Stange from the MCU
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Love sweet food / Spicy depends on the spices because sometimes I can't handle them because my white genes won my taste buds (I'll never forget eating korean food and almost dying once) / Love savory food
Sparkling water/Tea/Coffee: I believe sparkling water is evil and if you drink that, I'm sorry for your soul / The only tea I like is passion fruit tea that I drink to calm my nerves because the rest taste like dirty water to me and I only drink if I need to / Love coffee, just can't drink much or everyday because of my anxiety, but GOD I love coffee even if it's not good for me.
Pets: A hamster!!! Her name is Foguinho (the literal translation would be "Small Fire") because she has red eyes and she's very agitated (and bites my nose when she has the chance).
tagging: @lyricfulloflight @l-p-r-o-c-k @biconictrevor @kindaresilient @turtletotem @widgenstain @akasanata @ikeracity
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glitchedbones-blog · 6 years
Not Human - Part Six
A/N: I have pretty much finished this so should have most of it up soonish...?
Loki x Original Female Character
Warnings: Body horror, Infinity War Spoilers
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five
The aftermath of Thanos’ arrival leaves a bunch of sad folks and one out of action Alice. 
    It had been a month since the arrival and death of Thanos. A month of confusion as Loki, with Bruce vouching heavily for him, tried to explain what he could of the plan Strange gave too him. During that time Shuri had been working endlessly to return Vision, she had backed up what she could just before the attack, but she was still in need of data Tony may still have.
    Alice was dead to the world, in a coma that seemed, to her doctors, self-induced. She had been moved to the medical facility on the Avengers headquarters and fussed over by the best doctors that were still willing to deal with a group of mildly insane superhumans.
    A stroke of luck came in the form of a sleek ship carting the rest of the raccoon, Rocket’s friends as well as a tired Tony, Strange, and Spider-Man.
    “It was dangerous to allow her to go so far,” Steve said with an exhausted sigh.
    Doctor Strange leaned forward steepling his hands. “Dangerous, but necessary.”
    With everyone gathered, Doctor Strange had finally begun to explain his plan and Loki managed to get some manner of relief. He had been on his best behavior once he revealed himself, not that he could do much after the bone-crushing hug Thor gave him. Loki needed to be careful if he was going to keep up with his attempt at being more.
    Everyone started at the doctor like he had grown a second head, Strange took it in stride, giving a small shrug and wave of his hand. “I saw all the possibilities and there were very, very few we won.”
    Tony gave him a look and frowned. “You said there was only one.”
    “I lied,” Strange said, matter-of-factly. Tony huffed out a breath and rubbed his eyes. “We won a few, but much of those few involved allowing Thanos to win, to complete his plan. Fully. Those were sacrifices I did not feel should be made. This plan, while unconventional,” he glanced over at the hunched Loki. “And involved putting a great deal of trust in two of the most unstable creatures we know, it was still the option with the least deaths. If it succeeded. If it failed, well, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.”
    Tony sat up a bit and gave Strange a hard stare. “I get reindeer games here being unstable, but Alice?”
    Doctor Strange titled his head up, staring at the ceiling in exasperation. “You are companions with a woman who could unleash a horror that will never stop. Can never stop if her mind and her control slips enough. She is not on the top of my list of relatable people.”
    Tony opened his mouth to argue. He gave up and gave a half-hearted shrug. “Okay. Point.” Tony glanced over at the aforementioned god, who seemed to be trying his best to become the chair he was in. He was still, except for the small movement of his thumb as he rubbed the tooth Alice gave him like a worry stone. “She is going to be pissed at you.” Loki’s head shot up at Tony’s words, glaring at the half smile Tony cast his way. “How did you come up with this insane plan anyway? When?”
    Loki shifted, tucking the tooth away into a small pocket in the sleek, black suit he wore. “He came to me New York,” he waved a hand towards Doctor Strange, “Just before I was taken back to Asgard. I am assuming via the use of the time stone, in some manner. Obviously, I was skeptical, considering my position at the time.” Loki’s expression darkened. “He knew of Thanos and of how much of threat he is. I was never given too many details, something about it possibly ruining how events will unfold. All I was told was that I needed to survive Thanos, and Alice needed, for a time, to believe I was dead.” His eyes flicked over to Tony, who was getting ready to ask the inevitable. “Yes, I did ask what would happen if I were to truly die.” Loki chuckled dryly. “What was it you said, doctor?”
    Strange gave Loki a half smile. “Don’t.” The doctor paused, glancing between Tony and Loki. When he started again his tone was cautious. “The possibility I saw if Loki had truly died was rather bleak. Alice may have been okay, but more likely than not she would have snapped. Fully. Thanos would still be killed, but we would be left with a much worse monster to contend with.” Strange pinned Tony with a hard stare. “So it was Loki, or very angry, very crazy young woman who could pull an entire world-destroying entity into our reality. I went with Loki.”
    Steve stood, giving his head a small shake. He paced a few steps before turning to Loki. “She still thought you were dead, and she still was slipping. During the fight with Thanos...she...” He rubbed his face and sighed. “Scary.” Steve paced again, letting out a puff of breath. “What if she had gone too far? You would have forced our hand, we would have had to go against our friend.”
    Strange nodded. “That was a possibility, but it was small. Loki was having Banner’s body for some time there, I figured his excessive personality would bleed through.”
    Bucky snorted and Loki titled his head in agreement. “Some was one purpose,” Loki said with a wry smile. “She spent enough time around me during my confinement. I assumed she would be able to pick out anything that was distinctly different from Banner.”
    Tony leaned back. Exhaustion weighed him down, sagging his shoulders and lining his face. “And you were alright with this?” Tony leveled the question at Bruce, who had hidden in the corner.
    Bruce laughed. “Not really, but,” He looked over at Loki with a smile that bordered on a grimace. “Loki, I guess, isn’t all that bad.”
    Tony stared at Banner, shock evident on his face. “Okay.” He blinked and turned back to Strange, voice still disbelieving. “So you didn’t think to let us in on this? Or maybe find a way to get Alice to him sooner? Remember,” Tony looked over at Quill and Nebula, both who were still lost in their own grief. “Some of us lost people still.”
    Strange looked away and focused down at his hands. “No. And I am sorry for it, but for Thanos to die everything that played out had to play out as it did. The lives lost were not lost a vain.”
    Quill suddenly stood with a low growl. He glared at Stange, shuddering with barely constrained rage. “So what? Gamora had to die so your plan would work!” He spat the word plan and curled his fists. Nebula reached out, putting a hand on Quill’s elbow.
    Strange held up a hand, trying to quell the other’s man’s rage. “Yes.” He whispered, voice rough. Quill sagged back into his chair and squeezed his eyes shut.
    “Now what?” Tony said, breaking the tense silence. “We have the stones, what do we do with them? What if another Thanos shows up, we can’t keep them together.”
    Strange gave a nod of agreement. “No, we can’t. That I still haven't found a good solution to.”
    Loki opened his mouth, but it was thor who spoke up. “Alice. She could place them in that dimension. No one should be able to get them there.” Strange curled his fingers around the Eye of Agamotto. “The time stone can stay in your hands, of course.” Loki pressed his lips into a thin line, brows knitting together. The others stared at Thor in a mixture of horror and awe.
    “Did you miss the memo that this ocean thing is a very bad place?” Quill snapped. “How about we use the stone to fix what Thanos did. We could do that, right?” He directed the question to Strange, who simply shrugged.
    “My brother's suggestion is sound,” Loki said quietly. “Alice would not become part of the ocean, or even use it for her own power. In theory, she is able to pass into the dimension without becoming part of it.” He worked to keep his own uncertainty out of his voice.
    Natasha sat up and frowned. “Would they be safe there? This thing is world destroying and sentient. Wouldn’t it want to use the stones?”
    Loki frowned as she voiced his own concerns. “I don’t know. From what I have seen, no. I don’t even believe the stones have any effect on anything from that place. The mind stone did not work on Alice as it did on you.” He waved a hand towards Clint, who gave Loki a glare in return. “We would have to ask her, I think.”
    “So wait,” Rocket said, voice strained, “the scary girl is our best chance of getting rid of super powerful stones and that is only because she can maybe hide them in a scarier place? That’s just great!”
    Loki gave Rocket a halfhearted shrug. “Possibly. There may be no need, but with Nova Prime and Asgard gone, the list of those that can keep the stones out of the hands of people, well like me, are slim.”
    Loki pushed himself out of the chair and stood quickly. He did not miss Steve’s small flinch forward and the way Tony’s jaw tightened. “Until we come to a decision, I am going to excuse myself. If it’s all the same to you? He can explain the rest.” Loki motioned to Strange. “I have somewhere I would much rather be. And I have a feeling that you would all much rather me not be here either.” He glanced at his brother. “Except for Thor.”
    Loki stepped away and set his sights on the double door that led into the gleaming halls of the compound.
    At some point, Tony had the place equipped with a small medical wing, staffed by a few brave souls that were willing to work with the occasional non-human patient. Loki had grown to know these halls well and grew to dislike them more and more each passing day. The whole place felt so sterile with its sleek edges and bright, clean colors. It was a far cry from the bright gold and warm glow of the halls of Asgard. He never thought he would be homesick, but now with no home, it came in waves, crashing over him.
    The quick fall of footsteps behind him gave him pause and he turned. “Yes?” Loki didn’t bother to hide the frustration that laced his voice.
    Tony gave him a look halfway between concern and annoyance. “You and I need to talk.”
    “And why now?” Loki asked, trying to keep his calm.
    “Because now I know the whole picture. Look, I don’t get it, why Alice latched onto you.”
    Loki frowned and leaned his hip against one of the tall windows lining the hall, crossing his arms loosely over his chest. “Have you ever asked her?”
    Tony looked away, frowning. “No. I should have. Maybe,” he hesitated, “maybe you and she are more similar than I would like to admit. I tried to understand.” Tony walked over and stood next to Loki. He gave his reflection a hard glare. “But I’m not what she needs. Not really.” He glanced up at Loki and took a deep breath. “I hate to say it, but Alice could use having you around. I just never realized how bad she had it for you. You do know how much I want that to not be the case, right?”
    Loki gave Tony a grim smile. “I imagine quite a bit.” At that Tony gave a mirthless chuckle. Loki pushed away from the window and turned to face Tony, hands clasped in front of him. “I feel a bit like a boy being lectured by a disapproving father.”
    Tony coughed out a real laugh. “In a way that’s kinda what is happening here.” The humor bled from his face. “Somehow I kept ending up accidentally adopting wayward kids. First Alice, and now I’ve got Parker. They are my responsibility now and I don’t want to fail them. I never should have let her near you, I failed her there.” Loki opened his mouth to protest, but Tony held up a hand to silence him. “You know damn well who and what you are. Especially back then. But I get it, things have changed. You have changed. You are not the same asshole who tried to take over the world. If you were we, you wouldn’t be standing here talking to me. I don’t trust you. Not yet, maybe not ever. But, for Alice, I can play nice. I failed her once. I won’t fail her again.”
    Loki was quiet, his gaze fixed solidly on the ground, wearing an expression of shame and surprise. When he finally spoke, his voice was only a hoarse whisper. “I do know who and what I am. It has been a contention for me for some time. The things I have done beg no forgiveness and I will not ask for something I do not deserve. All I wish is to have a chance to see if my brother is right. If I am capable of being more than just the God of Mischief.”
    Tony surprised Loki by clapping him on the shoulder, a smirk tugging at his mouth. “Well, if you survive how pissed she may be, how about not being an asshole? Maybe even join us?”
    Loki stared at Tony in shock. “You are serious, aren’t you? Me? Joi...You think she will be that mad at me?”
    Tony turned and gave him a small wave. “Could be. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when she wakes up.”
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strangexloki · 6 years
Stroki morning routine
"loki, you spent so much time on your hair we'll be late for our reservation." 
"Can't you just turn back time or something?"
"Not for something as trivial as this." 
"You only finished 30 seconds before me."
".... fair"
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strangexloki · 6 years
Hello! You may be wondering, what in the ever loving hell is this blog all about??? 
Allow me to explain.
My name is fire, or you can call me Rin. My main blog is @fire-breathing-misfit . I’m a full-time student who does writing and art on the side. One day, after watching Thor: Ragnarok, I elected to draw Loki and doctor strange both in profile angles. 
I am a huge fan of T-hiddy and benny C and have been for years, they are very aesthetically pleasing to draw.
While sketching out my first draft, i realized I had drawn the two of them extremely close together, and also staring into each other’s eyes. Perhaps a regular person would look past this, but no, I started to think I was on to something. 
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I began drawing more and more of the two characters together, and the more and more I did it, the harder my shipping of the two became. Eventually my own mediocre drawing was no longer satisfactory for my desire to consume media about this new ship I’ve discovered. However, when I went to look online, to my surprise, found nothing. I had suspected at least some people would come to prematurely ship Strange and Loki after the ending scene of doctor strange where Thor and Stephen have a discussion about the former’s brother. Alas, there was nothing more than a few smut drabbles on Ao3.
After complaining about this to some friends I’ve met through the internet, someone gave me a quote that changed my perspective on the subject, It was to: “Become the change you want to see in the world.” ........
I imagine the person who originally said such a quote hadn’t intended for it to be used to inspire fictional gay ships on the internet, but now this blog exists and there’s nothing they can do about it. If you are  interested in becoming a part of the Doctor Strange x Loki fanbase, which I have lovingly named “Stroki”, feel free to join my discord: https://discord.gg/JNMruEA
“Stroki? WOW, now that’s a ship name... Holy F*ck.”
- @elentori-art, famous digital artist and friend.
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