Hello! I’m not sure if this has already been asked but do you have some recommendations for fics narrated through aziraphale’s diary, since he canonically owned one?
Hi! Here are some fics featuring Aziraphale's diary...
A Guide to Crowley by Aziraphale (for Aziraphale's Eyes Only) by ICarryDeathOnMyWings (T)
While cleaning up Crowley finds a book that Aziraphale is writing. When he reads it he realizes it's about him, all of his likes and dislikes for the past 6000 years. He reads it.
'Crowley wasn’t snooping, honest, he wasn’t. The book had been on the bed and he was being a good partner by setting the book back into the nightstand drawer, where he knew Aziraphale kept it. If it happened to fall open then… well, that’s just what happened. He stopped, looking it over. He recognized Aziraphale’s handwriting, but he didn’t know the angel had been writing a book.'
Hard to See the Light Now by EdosianOrchids901 (T)
While Crowley is out fetching a late night snack, Aziraphale tries to write in his diary. But he’s quickly overwhelmed by the confusing tumult of emotions about his discorporation, the bookshop fire, and everything else. Can Crowley help him?
Diary by grapefruitghostie (G)
You Left Your Diary At My House And I Read Those Pages, You Really Love Me, Baby.
Or; the night of the Apocanot, Aziraphale spends the night at Crowley's. When he later returns home to the flat that Adam restored, Crowley finds a black book poking out from under his bed. Of course, he can't help but to see what's inside, can he? Honestly
A leather bound journal by the_flash_bastard (T)
The first thing to come from his pen was a sketch of Crowley, head thrown back, lips parted, eyes closed in bliss, as someone was carding their fingers through his hair. The next sketch was of an elaborate braid, tied up with a strip of black silk, gleaming in the moonlight. And the following page was covered in verses, words underlined, crossed out, and then underlined again, written with shaking hands
Aziraphale discovers scrapbooking
Dearest Diary (The History of an Angel an a Demon) by MadisonAvenue (G)
Entries from Aziraphale's personal diary that recounts his relationship with the Demon Crowley and how it's changed overtime.
Six Thousand Years, And You're Still Too Fast For Me by iamanidhwal (G)
Aziraphale was the type of angel who wrote his thoughts and feelings down whenever it started to overwhelmed him.
It's only happened around ten times in the course of six thousand years. All of them after meeting with a certain demon, Crowley, and their interesting interactions in between points of history.
OR: Aziraphale's thoughts and feelings about Crowley over the course of six thousand years.
- Mod D
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ekwolfwriter-blog · 1 month
WIP Zutara Month Day 2: Diary/ Journal
Hi again, missed day two - joys of being a woman sometimes.
Anyway, This will be a bit of a cheat for me, but it makes more sense as I have used journal as a point in one of my stories. If you want to read, you can look at my other post for You Came. You Called.
It comes back later, but please make sure you check the tags!!!! I will know if you are not watching
But for a more challenge for myself, I will be sharing a WIP that I started after watching the Live Action Avatar series and have the outlines for the rest of it:
Zuko is rushing to his bunker to make note of everything that happened after that incident with the Avatar and the Water Tribe Siblings. He needed to capture every single detail before they escaped his mind about who they were, how they looked and even more important, their level of bending. He was too lenient with them this time. But next time he will be ready.
He begins making the sketch of the Avatar to make sure he does not forget the face of his enemy. Well enemies; he will not let the water bender girl beat him again. Well, at least not without a proper fight. After all, Zuko is an honorable gentleman, and he will not accept anything less than a proper defeat by his enemies.
Even if the enemy is a young, waterbender girl that had the most gorgeous blue eyes.
Zuko blinked as he looked at what he wrote. He could not believe that he wrote that about the waterbender girl. He crossed it out and tried to write again as he started to describe her. Brown hair, long, in a bun from what Zuko could tell. Hair loops with blue beads holding them in place, he tired to recall if they were hand carved. He tried to focus on anything else, but his attention kept coming to her blue eyes. They were worried but when Zuko looked into them, there was a spark. Something he never thought he would see in a waterbender.
Before Zuko noticed, he had drawn her face and realized how close it was to her in his notes. He sighed as he pulled reached for his journal but could not find it. He gritted his teeth and decided to find it in the morning. For now, he put it in another set of papers.
Suffice to say, the eventual idea would be that he kept added to this specific one of her and had lots and lots of thoughts about her.
But hope you all liked it. I will try to get one for three done and maybe four soon.
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pluralprompts · 4 months
Prompt #1,348
An old, dusty book detailing one of their ancestor's lives is handed down to System A. Their family says there are plenty of details in there that don't add up, but when System A reads it, all they get is the sneaking suspicion that this ancestor may have been plural, just like them.
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catyflorstar · 10 months
"The lovely part of forever is you can start it whenever you want to. It’s always waiting for you to remember it, waiting for you to be brave enough to seize it." - Chapter 12
Drinking Buddies and Diaries by dove_dove (AO3)
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typeflux · 11 months
the waters weave what the wind whispers
chapter 1 of "let us journey together for a time"
a/n: heh. heh. kazuha fic. but he is special to me so a short fic series is in the works (i'll make a masterpost when the time comes). i want this series to be epistolary-like and have prose poetry elements... i just want it to have a similar rhythm to his story teaser + feel "daily" hence the series... yes
warnings: brief mention of d*ath in the summary just below, otherwise that's it
word count: 394
summary: when we die, the first to go is our sense of smell. but kazuha, attuned as he is to nature, is not one to forget his home.
traversing the oceans and docked at the harbor, repeat. the wind carries the ship and the only other thing there is out here: the salty breeze. tingling on your skin, but more so the way its scent beats even the taste of the tangy grilled fish, your specialty.
accustomed to daily life, but apart from home; despite the distance, your senses can never be unattuned to maple.
I am not too particular about this; any leaf will have to do for now. To me, what matters is the song that I play and the heart that I put into it.
this is a song of yearning.
Worry not, I am not playing pretend—certainly not when it comes to my homeland. Loving scarlet reflected in my eyes, but digging through my memories, what strikes me now is the scent: it was sweet, it was fresh, it was kind.
you play a tune to the rhythm of your heart—and this is not even in a figurative sense. you catch whatever melody your mood takes you.
but, there is one particular melody that is present in all your songs. it mimics the movement of the tide—the accumulation of what you’ve seen and where you’ve been—while still intrinsically connected to the roots of the tree.
My only hope is that this song reaches you.
the tree grows, strong and firm. your song resounds.
I’ve always believed that bonds such as this cannot be severed so easily, no matter the hand of fate.
you’ve long come to realize, though, that this world—its depths blue, its mountains floating on seas of clouds, its people—is your home, too. this world has watched you through storms unforgiving; the wind has taken after you and welcomed your scent.
If I view it in another light, part of this world is that faraway corner. It is a fragment of this reality and of my memory, but not forgotten. No distance matters.
And since I am always at sea, the waters weave everything. My homeland is but a stretch away, and I daresay nothing keeps us apart, this way.
This time spent with the brine has made me remember that the scent of maple carries only on the wind.
would that the sea breeze could be just as sweet. your affinity to anemo, however, makes this much less difficult.
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psychologeek · 1 year
so, I try the angstpril 2023 [Jason writes during his world muordertour.]
I'm not sure why I am doing it. But it's night (well, morning) and those memories lay heavy on my shoulders.
I think I had a blog before, I think (some things I still can't remember) There's a good feeling when I think of that.
These thoughts, My mind keeps running. I'm a volcano about to explode I'm a train wreck, driving endlessly off rails.
for the full:
[plz help me think of some replies\rb?]
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fruityfinch · 7 months
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(This post)
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mournfulroses · 2 months
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Sylvia Plath, from a journal entry featured in "The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath,"
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die-rosastrasse · 6 days
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Favorite green pages from my gouache sketchbook 🌿🌼
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grendel-menz · 2 months
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a little diary about trying to find a middle ground between being spiritual and being a schizophrenic
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biscuitdolly · 2 months
hobbies to try out ♡
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hobbies are such a great way to spend your time rather than being on technology all the time. It's great to have a skill, as skills can help you make friends, and can also open up new job opportunities!! here are some ideas, some are easy and simple and others are a little more advanced, there's (hopefully) something for everyone !!
O1 , painting / sketching
O2 , ballet (or dance in general)
O3 , sewing
O4 , reading
O5 , journalling
O6 , gardening
O7 , baking
O8 , photography
O9 , creative writing / songwriting / poem writing
1O , yoga
11 , learning an instrument (electric/acoustic guitar, drums, piano, violin etc)
12 , bracelet/jewellery making
13 , thrifting
14 , skateboarding
15 , hiking / exploring
16 , calligraphy
17 , pottery
18 , knitting / crochet
19 , pilates
2O , learning a language
21 , origami
22 , archery
23 , bird watching , herping , and animal/bug study in general
24 , mycology , plant observation/documentation
25 , start a podcast or amateur radio
26 , roller skating
27 , gymnastics / acrobatics
28 , cardistry
29 , terrarium making
30 , calisthenics
hope this helps!!!
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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who is she? dream girl journal prompts
how does she dress?
what does she look like?
what are her wellness habits?
what are her weekly routines?
what are her boundaries?
what is her mental diet?
where is her focus?
where is she living?
who is she dating?
what is her careerr?
what does her social profile look like?
what shows does she watch?
what successes/accomplishments does she have?
how much money does she make?
what does she consume on social media?
how do people treat her?
who does she aspire to be?
what does she spend her free time doing?
who is she inspired by?
what has she let go?
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pluralprompts · 4 months
Prompt #1,344
System A discovers some of their old journals from before they knew they were a system.
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archbudzar · 9 months
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stuckinapril · 5 months
friend wanted to see my tumblr, and when i told him i can’t show it to him bc it’s basically my personal diary he went “oh so I can’t see it but a bunch of strangers on tumblr can??” he literally does not get me. no one will get me like the people in my phone get me
#It’s just so different#even though it’s public it still feels secret and safe. i feel comfy sharing a lot more on here than I do in my actual day to day life lol#in my head I’m also just speaking to myself 90% of the time which helps#if a friend off tumblr saw my thoughts I’d feel so weird ab it#esp bc they might get the vagueposting about certain situations and tell mutual friends#no thank u. this is for me. I’m not about to start censoring my thoughts bc someone I know knows my tumblr#u guys literally saw me have LIVE BREAKDOWNS#meanwhile I’ll have the worst fucking day in history and tell no one about it. I’m already cripplingly private but way more so in real life#this is basically a low stress journaling outlet for me. it’s so important for me to maintain the separation#like this is actually my diary & has been so handy for letting out emotions / articulating thoughts / staying on track !!#& I’ve met so many kind people on here who actually get me. which is so hard to find irl bc I’m surrounded by pre-med gunners/overachievers#who are by standard not very good w emotion & can be competitive/judgmental. or at least it’s hard for me to be vulnerable in front of them#and I’m part of that crowd so I reserve my emotions only to a handful of very close friends#it’s nice to hop on here and express negative emotions!! or positive emotions!! just whatever I want and it’s low stress and people get me#I don’t have to worry about judgment or competitiveness etc etc#like everyone on here is so kind & nice & understanding. & just a breath of fresh air from the types I run w. it’s just nice to have this#so idk that’s why I think I’ll always be strict about keeping the worlds separate. it just works#p
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jojostory · 2 years
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Some people say that cats don't make expressions but you can see the thoughts in this boy's head plain as day
[Read more comics at Herogirl!]
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