c3po · 8 months
cutiepilled my tube 😝 kind of a dual serve moment like she fed me nutrients but also she ATE
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fridka · 1 month
I’ve been back and forth if I should show these doodles here at all, but I honestly quite like them, even though they’re very rough and sketchy!
CW: blood, violence, depiction of assault, bad vibes, no one is having fun here
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one more for good measure
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The Chen one, I might do more with that idea, basically my thought was that his mind control fails because for a moment he doubts his god. The other 2, there’s not much to say about them, it kinda just is what it is
A bonus funny dota drawing
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birdmans · 9 months
s1 > s2 > s3 > s4
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cirrus-ghoulette · 23 days
Ghost BC Whump Month is back!
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That's right. 30 days of hurt with no (or very little) comfort!
For Whump Month, you can use any characters you want in the Ghost universe, including OCs. You can use platonic relationships, you can use romantic relationships, you can use relationships where both characters hate each other, you can use relationships where neither characters have met!
Starting on the first of June 2024, you can write, you can draw, and you can create in any way you want for these prompts.
If you do create anything, please tag me in it! I wanna see your work! I'll reblog any Whump Month creations.
Of course, make sure your creations are CWed appropriately, and then make sure you tag 'Whump Month 2024', so that everything can be found easily!
Have fun!
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little-charlie · 22 days
Cweds to @tinytux for the idea an inspo for da qwetions!
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softie-system · 4 months
anybody want a discord to join?
so. wei created a huge multifandom rp focused discord, especially with lesser known fandoms in mind! it has all kinds of fun stuff and you can really choose your own experience! (ignore the name of the server, it was the only thing we could think of to call it)
you might want to join if:
. you want a server that is dedicated to being the best it can be!
. you want a server that respects all headcanons and interpretations while appreciating literary analysis
. you like one or more small fandoms, want to meet other people who like those same fandoms, and maybe even rp as well
. you like dnd
. you want to have the option to create and post things for rps or to not have anything created/posted for rps if you want!
. you like servers where non-mods get to have a lot of say in everything basically on the level of mods
you might not want to join if:
. you don't like the idea of there not being a limit to the amount of people who can rp as a character or how many characters someone can rp as
. you don't like the idea of anyone being able to submit any fandom to either be able to be RPed as or to be banned from rp.
. anything else in the rules and info channels doesn't sound good to you
. you would be uncomfortable with the fact that the only time when wei would consider adding a limit to people joining would be when there are multiple active people for every character in every fandom
. you would want to have stuff created and posted for every rp, even if someone in said rp wouldn't be comfortable with that
. you don't like that the mod team, including us, the server owners, aren't going to be an authority thing but rather a group to carry out server tasks
. you aren't comfortable with the fact that the media here is going to be imperfect and that there will probably be Cwed discussions of said imperfection
mentioning + tagging some of the smaller fandoms and characters that are added in here (as well as mentioning who wei play for transparency)(nowhere near an exhaustive list of every fandom but mostly tagging the smallest ones so that wei can find more people, also wei only tagged some but typed and tagged other fandoms so yeah):
spirit wind elegance/feng ling yu xiu
(wei play bai yu xiu)
our life now and forever
(wei play tamarack and our olnf oc)
beyblade, beyblade burst, beyblade metal fury, etc.
(wei play free de la hoya and gingka hagane)
ayakashi romance reborn
(wei play yura and kuro)
emily the strange
(wei play emily lestrange, based off of the novels mostly)
dear dumb diary
(wei play jamie kelly)
noisz, including noisz starlivht
(wei may not play any characters from noisz yet, but once wei get starlivht working and/or find a playthrough, wei might play sumire or grace)
lost song
(wei play finis)
(wei play morrigan crow)
return of the blossoming blade/return of the mount hua sect
(wei play yu iseol and chung myung (/cheong myeong in the webtoon))
upside down magic
(we don't think we play any characters here yet)
dr stone
(wei play senku)
(wei play kwaazi, tweak, and peso)
(wei play bitsy and ginny)
(wei don't play anyone from lolirock, but wei might play praxina)
cursed princess club
(wei don't play anyone from here, we might play jamie tho)
harvey street kids (wei play li'l lotta and audrey)
wild kratts
(wei might play donita donata and/or fabio )
dead end paranormal park/deadendia
(wei don't play anyone from there yet)
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tpregs · 8 months
intro post
This is my first foray into active tumblr use in a while, hopefully it works well 🤞.
Should be obvious based on the premise but minors DNI. I'll probably post mostly breeding, pregnancy, and particularly birth content with other k*nks peppered in. (ex. medfet) Anything extreme should be cwed. Lmk if I miss it (dubious consent, blood/injury, birther distress, pee, ect) Happy to engage with just about anyone. Limits: scat, misgendering/detrans, fictionalized underage or ageplay DM and ask-friendly RP friendly FTM, but that doesn’t mean I’m 100% carrier.
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thatdykepunkslut · 8 months
oh I should've CWed like ALL of that oops. yeah sorry folks there's gonna be like a solid page of untagged gore below this I watched Return of the Living Dead III and then found out "goretober"'s a thing immediately after
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girldraki · 2 years
in his own image clef is of course drywalled but the cw adaptation cwed it so it balances out
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I recently got banned from a space for talking about what I was experiencing… I spoilered and CWed it and I was desperate but none of this makes it okay… the mods setting boundaries was a fine thing to do on their end but for anyone else I’d think PERMANENTLY banning someone for venting is harsh especially considering I’ve seen people on that server actively and maliciously pinging people with things they know will trigger them and get off scot-free… my brain is taking them banning me as a sign I’m a lost cause and people are better off without me and trying to apply that to the whole world instead of just a discord server… I was already having suicidal thoughts which was a primary reason that I was venting in the first place… I knew the server had a “no venting” policy I just didn’t realize what I was doing counted at first and assumed it was on the same level as the “warn people when posting upsetting content” and I saw people do that all the time and whether they understandably just forgot or were a repeat offender the mods just told them to fix it or occasionally gave a warning… so my brain is trying to convince me I’m just uniquely horrible which isn’t productive but it feels like the message they’re actually trying to give me is to not say anything and I’ve already tried that and am doing that irl and it’s made it worse… they’re allowed to have boundaries and I don’t want to force anyone but it seems messed up to me that they punish people who are struggling SO much more harshly for sharing their experiences than they punish literally anything else even people who are clearly actively malicious… and yet my brain still uses this as more ammo to tell me that I should just die because I don’t deserve to be here and I hurt people
thank you for your trust and coming to me with your thoughts and feelings, it means the world. unfortunately, the world seems to judge those who struggle harshly, especially those struggling with mental healths and issues you can't see a physical reflection of. i'm sorry you were made believe you didn't deserve to vent or share your experiences with others, not even being able to use what you considered to be a safe space for you to do so. as hard as it is and can get, i will always encourage you to be your most vulnerable self. express your emotions. share your experiences. be whoever you feel you are, and be so proudly. i'm proud of you and i embrace your vulnerability. just know this is a safe space for you to vent and talk about whatever you need. the world won't always treat you fairly and lovingly, but i can promise you some will love you. some will care. i'm on your side! sending you lots of love from here.
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
tell me if you want any of these cwed as cannibalism btw
idk if it counts though because they were in their animal forms when it happened
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444names · 2 years
english towns + places in cumbria + gnomish dictionary + theological angels and demons + natural sattelites
Acceed Accound Acthoroth Adingortha Adruit Aegate Agarefull Aglent Aglosurgel Aiglang Ainford Airthaimri Aithluge Aitholmer Alabountial Alcrui Alothwick Amusgready Archbridge Archorpe Arcound Asmoke Audingstop Authin Authladin Autumla Bacter Bagesh Balarcho Bantha Bartfored Bathuglaite Bayleigan Bedhing Bedhra Bedhramleaf Bedhweg Beeceive Beechael Beglean Belperity Berkham Besinc Bewalingfim Bilsty Binothrelag Birkerub Blenca Blition Bomiaul Bothweg Boughing Brackside Braigrin Brenchor Brencoynton Britha Bromanc Brossibli Broudsey Broughter Broughty Buntha Buttentwood Butterth Cactham Caglenduros Caistorog Calmeaberry Caloth Campty Canothrim Canton Carieldale Cauthrin Celethli Celwen Charrougham Cherminal Chuddene Circuptha Clastle Cleaven Concoyn Condykest Consation Couldrib Covaithoth Craftesbury Crewsburge Cristch Croadstame Croftness Cruitha Cumwhingue Cumwhit Curvely Cwatlock Cwedness Cwelton Cwidhweg Dacrist Dairsute Dalpond Dandmoulda Daraxa Daytim Deansin Deaton Decliff Declim Despen Destrealpa Devile Dhingtonal Direness Dovedhi Dragrave Drower Duivrin Duking Dóling Earshaw Edhring Elislactly Elthugiller Ermippinnin Excave Exceediel Expecion Extrony Fableth Faigrin Fainflaptha Farchen Faugment Feasya Fedhrow Fengin Fengwith Finiol Firbanks Firewickery Flaurassop Flittled Flough Flousedim Fofrity Folling Fortha Foxfiel Fuithonish Funting Fweglar Gacious Gaitehileng Galway Gamble Gamilbridge Garranos Gazelsty Geneglended Ghoard Gibberaluis Gilthadori Glelage Glelaptha Glesirol Gobost Godston Gorectha Gorney Gothla Govrins Gravasa Greediel Gremine Grought Growboned Guaget Guileg Guilimli Gumrodro Gwaile Gwalsto Gwaning Gwarme Gwatch Gwesterce Gwethe Gwiltone Gwindon Gwithli Gwithr Hadleign Hagrum Halled Halverce Harsongmoor Haughside Havious Hawksham Hawkshed Headya Helegriery Helfeltha Helled Henson Herwortha Hestalline Hethleand Highrod Highty Hirston Holkes Hoopenny Hunchastal Hunique Hunity Hurcery Husgress Hypers Hyrossess Impion Inconca Infield Inhold Insford Inster Iredin Irrhoe Irthling Jumped Kalion Kenity Kimadrui Kinsty Kirkling Knartle Labomin Laidrauglin Langrance Langue Larost Lazelegrim Lecthous Lemplace Lenergh Lesceughbon Lility Linder Lington Lirrup Longrows Losside Lossion Lothwaite Ludloche Lungay Lurasmoke Lyingston Lûtharna Lûthimming Mablech Madhilm Maiend Malabounded Malchiel Malitha Manheards Maragby Marrancy Masgwected Maudrim Melthation Methron Minabomiol Minsterfiel Minstri Montaturin Morencog Moress Mornham Mornsby Murield Musgrand Mêllagill Nafraite Naithano Nanativer Nandsca Naptable Naress Naretimes Nartla Nearlow Needley Nenerton Nenton Nepthindown Newlying Nieceithwin Nieceive Nientia Nighsometh Niwingle Nobrowdaley Nuithra Octhall Odings Oraterly Orceive Ordinnor Orfiel Ormwort Osterpast Paddon Pagruin Paldog Partle Pecide Pelindy Penning Pennintha Perdaleg Petale Pinias Plethlawful Pridge Profittint Promlaithri Puidrin Purisca Quitho Rascomper Raught Remoutside Reshade Restabless Ribroughton Rickle Rimede Romeoned Roofedh Rostly Rowlasgate Sacrece Sacthon Salebe Science Scothlir Seatch Secthi Securuim Serverst Shepsham Shredhink Shrion Silegill Simineglin Singel Singeon Sinothermin Sithadr Smanhope Smodendale Snaithweg Sorthanged Sounded Soutbees Southodden Spiciend Spirin Spunch Stinwed Stouch Suckfoot Suibrainal Surthi Sussed Swardaleg Swatherby Swomat Talypso Tamberub Tatiend Tausta Teglort Telovens Tentleign Therdale Therlenchip Thibinc Threwithas Thrior Thucthame Thushirsue Tiglattles Timejestic Timest Tomcatcorby Toolinder Tourposy Trawbril Tricalnuts Tumbelone Turwich Twibray Twitham Uckabianael Uilentemai Ulcarw Ulvong Umlaith Umriorough Upping Usgillu Uvinthaivin Veheal Wadhweg Waithion Wanios Warelain Wartlectha Wastboun Watcased Wearley Weatha Wellow Westarfars Whencoyne Wherds Whitcham Widhwincarn Wistlebrig Withla Withog Withos Withri Wokinded Womaltha Wortheriol Wragrui Wrondura
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fotowerke · 2 years
Best Wedding Photographer and Videographer in Singapore
Fotowerke provides a wide range of wedding photography videography services to ensure that you have everything you need to make your wedding photos unforgettable. We use high-quality equipment to cwedding photographyapture all of your pre-wedding, wedding, and post-wedding events with creativity, style, and excellence.
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Tbh my white monster is essentially my red bracelet.
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masonictemple · 3 years
Eating makes me feel ugly. I know I don't deserve it
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dawntd · 3 years
can you draw harold as buff guy
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here 😊
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