#carnivorous monster plant!reader
the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
Serial killer!stone who just has too many dead bodies to deal with so he gets Carnivorous Monster Plant!reader to eat the corpses of his victims
Reader gets a nice snack
Stone doesn't have to put too much energy into getting rid of the bodies
Usually, Serial Killer!Stone just leaves the bodies for the cops to find. (He's not very smart, okay? This started with him wanting to get revenge on the criminals who killed his universe's Kali & then it spiraled into full-blown vigilantism. He has never truly cared about getting caught.)
But he'd bring home bodies if you wanted to eat them.
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I'm just here to mix-and-match different kinds of Yuus with different kinds of personalities to see what monstrosity I can make. That being said,,, Addams!Yuu brainrot!
Don’t be surprised. There’s always gonna be that obligatory Addams Family fusion AU in every fandom and if there’s not then that’s clearly already a sign for you, my dear reader, to start writing one.
Anyway, Addams!Yuu, who doesn’t know about the Addams Family? If you don’t then that must mean I’m ancient (which is fair) and that you should start with the Addams Family 1991 movie.
Addams!Yuu who has the standard issue dark sense of humor, fascination for the weird and macabre, the love for the dark colors that all Addams seem to have and values family a lot. 
After Grim opens the coffin, sees Addams!Yuu in all their gothic glory, and then proceeding to threaten them, Addams!Yuu really just said: 
“Oh, what bliss! To have slept like the dead, woke up suffocating, and greeted by such sweet words in such a finely made coffin. Is this what it’s like to be courted? What am I getting courted by? A depraved stalker? A monstrous beast? *gasp* Perhaps… a demented serial killer?” [cue Yuu swooning, dramatically holding a hand over their forehead and lightly fanning themselves with their other hand]
Anyway, they don’t ignore Grim for long. Not when Grim keeps threatening them and spewing out fire.
Addams!Yuu immediately became delighted with Grim because, duh, a monster??? Who breathes fire??? With a massive ego??? Threatening to burn them alive???
That’s like the equivalent of someone complimenting them… Maybe even borderline flirting with them.
Still Grim and Addams!Yuu click with each other straight away. Addams!Yuu doesn’t hold back when complimenting Grim, even if the way they compliment someone is weird, and Grim gets a huge ego boost. 
These two are an iconic duo who just keep hyping and enabling each other.
“Great Grim, for such a terrifying creature such as yourself…surely you must have committed the most deplorable acts. Oh, you must tell me! How many buildings have you burned down? Were there people inside? How many survived? Oh, if only papà and mamà would let me do the same… They said I have to focus on school first and start small before I can put myself on the government watchlist. *sigh*”
Grim has no idea what Yuu’s saying but he does understand when he’s being complimented, his ego’s inflating and that’s all that really matters, honestly.
Anyway, since the two didn’t do a chase scene with Grim attempting to hurt Yuu (though Addams!Yuu would definitely appreciate this) since the two of them vibed immediately, it didn’t take long for Crowley to find them.
After being led to the Mirror Chambers, Yuu had to physically stop themselves from jumping in joy because:
“A cult! How chilling! I didn’t expect to be kidnapped by a cult! It’s been so long!”
And, “The last cult I joined didn’t seem to appreciate it when I sacrificed a goat on the altar. Apparently they weren’t actually a cult. The police were called and they ended up putting me in an asylum. T’was a lovely vacation.”
Crowley tried to tell Yuu that they weren’t a cult and that they were a well-known and respected establishment but Yuu ignored him (Ha! Get a taste of your own medicine, crowman!) in favor of admiring the surrounding aesthetics. 
NRC is the perfect aesthetic for Addams!Yuu. In fact, the Addams Family would definitely love it.
But you know what they’d love more? Ramshackle Dorm as it is.
Forget renovating it and fixing it up to make it livable to the common person, Yuu’s an Addams! Yuu’s just going to make Ramshackle even more dangerous than it already is with its lack of maintenance. 
Think spikes all around the property, deadly traps around every corner of the hallways, and maybe even a few sentient trees and carnivore plants here and there.
Where did Yuu even get those sentient floras? Shhhhh… They’re an Addams, don’t question it.
This version of Yuu… probably genuinely respects Crowley wholeheartedly. [The myuultiverse is quaking. A Yuu who actually considers Crowley a good guardian?]
Yuu at Crowley, somewhere in the future: “You are the most idle person anyone can ever hope to meet. A coward. Wastrel. Careless. Greedy and money-hungry… How admirable.”
Crowley’s constantly getting backhanded compliments and he can’t do anything about it because Yuu is an Addams and Addamses have a weird way of thinking.
As far as Addams!Yuu can tell, they’re completely normal and everyone else around them are weirdos but they’re too nice to say anything about it.
Now imagine putting Addams!Yuu and Kalim in the same room.
JK, the two may have different personalities but they’d probably be good friends… after some rocky situations here and there caused by some misunderstandings.
Yuu might think that Kalim’s being mean to them at first because the Scarabia Dorm Leader called them ‘nice and kind’ which, in Addams vocabulary, isn’t considered a compliment.
When Kalim learnt of this odd Addams culture, he tried to make an effort to speak words with negative connotations but he felt it was too mean so he just goes, “Yuu! You look nice! But… uh, in a dead way! And you’re fun and kind, but the opposite of that! Ahahaha!”
Kalim found a loophole and he’s going to take advantage of it. Yuu gets what he’s saying anyway so it all works out.
Anyway, overblots…
Yeah, you really think Yuu’s going to run away from it? Expect them to be watching from the sidelines (hecc, they might even actively head towards the overblot) and becoming Rook 2.0 with the way they compliment the overblotee.
Them just going:
“Ah, those strong emotions that you’ve withheld inside of you suddenly going off like an atomic bomb upon a dreary night sky. That rage in your expression, that despair in your eyes… You’ve forgotten your humanity and transformed yourself into a beast. How tragic, how beautiful. Tell me, how long have you been torturing yourself?”
Sevens forbid they actually meet Rook. Rook sees beauty in everything and he’s sharp so getting into Addams!Yuu’s grace alone by just words is as simple as taking candy from a baby.
I would type a dialogue with Rook and Addams!Yuu but I honestly don’t understand how Rook talks so just imagine it. Just Yuu and Rook continuously firing off compliments to each other until either one of them gets flustered to silence or the others pull the two away from each other.
Just imagine Rook sending a letter to Yuu via an arrow grazing their head and Yuu just swoons.
Out of everyone in NRC, I could see Rook being one of the three people who can immediately reel Yuu in with just their charms alone.
Anyway, Rook would probably fit in with the Addams. 
Yuu could literally just introduce him to their family and they’d assume he was a very distant cousin with how he is.
Yuu asks Vil for poison now and again (no one’s brave enough to ask what they’re doing with it) and likes the way he’s obsessed with being the most beautiful person.
“Your ambition to become the most beautiful person to the point of insanity is admirable, Vil Schoenheit. How long can your sanity hold on, I wonder?”
Imagine Yuu seeing Neige LeBlanche and getting mental damage from how bright and cheerful he is.
Yuu being like ‘aight, bet’ when witnessing Vil overblot and then planning on poisoning Neige.
Aside from Pomefiore, Yuu also spends most of their time on Diasomnia.
Diasomnia is literally the second peak Addams aesthetic out of all the dormitories. First being Ramshackle, obviously.
I feel Malleus and Yuu would get along quite well. They’re both elegant and have that certain vibe to them.
Malleus could just talk about gargoyle structure and lore and Yuu would probably listen to him all the way and similarly, Yuu could talk about the witch hunts their ancestor used to have and Malleus would listen just as intently.
You know what… Lilia’s food is probably a delicacy to them. 
That thing is a weapon of mass destruction and I refuse to believe that Addams!Yuu wouldn’t like it if a mere food can take down hundreds, if not thousands, of people when ingested.
Addams!Yuu also likes Silver because he ‘sleeps like the dead’. Though, his little critter friends should probably be wary about going near Yuu.
Oddly enough, I think Addams!Yuu would also like Sebek’s boisterous personality solely because of his passion and if it’s one thing I know about Addams, it’s that they’re passionate.
Sure, it may be passion about spreading Malleus’ name and glory all over the world like a missionary with a mission (duh), but it’s passion nevertheless.
Diasomnia aside, no one in Heartsalbyul asks for Yuu to help them with maintaining the plants because last time someone did, Yuu ended up cutting a good chunk of the roses off of the stems before they were stopped by both Ace and Deuce.
Of course Riddle got angry but after a few talks here and there and some communication (that’s character development) from both parties, Yuu realize that cutting the roses off of the bushes was a no-no and instead settles for painting the roses red when needed because it reminds them of the color of blood.
All in all Addams!Yuu would definitely fit right in with Night Raven College. 
It has the aesthetics and no one there is overly cheerful or colorful so it’s the perfect place for an Addams to reside at.
The overblots are just everyday routine for Yuu and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
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your-averagewriter · 1 year
Kisses for your work.
Summary: (y/n) uses the incentive of kisses to get Xavier to study for their botanical sciences class but an insecurity comes up with a slip of a hand. ((y/n) is a gorgon and this is Xavier Thorpe x reader).
Word count: 0.9K
Warnings: monsters/creatures, kissing, making out, relationship insecurity?
Sat on my bed, I mindlessly flip through the pages of the textbook I’m meant to be teaching Xavier. I’m better than him at Miss Thornhill’s botanical sciences class, the one subject I’m probably better than him at.
“So…” I start to explain as I land on the right pages. “Read this page,” I say pointing to the page, and flipping it a couple of pages. “To this page. Then I’m gonna test you on it.”
He groans as I pass him the book with a sweet smile. 
“Seriously?” He says, frowning.
“I’ll give you a reward for every question you get right.” He scoffs softly, rolling his eyes.
“Oh yeah, what are you gonna give me?” He says doubting me so I lean forward and press my lips against his. He brings his hand up to cup my face so I pull away leaving him slightly confused.
“That’s your reward,” I say smirking before sitting back down and picking up my magazine.
“You're just gonna read your magazine now and make me study.” He says in a mock disgusted tone.
“Oh come on, you’re gonna fail this class otherwise, I’m just trying to help you,” I say with a small pout. “I’m giving you an incentive to study, just do it,” I say hitting him on the shoulder gently and turning around to read my magazine.
“Fine.” He says with a sigh looking over the book I gave him.
Minutes pass as I flip through my film magazine looking at all the different movies coming out this year, multiple Marvel projects and a couple of interesting films I wanna check out. After about ten minutes Xavier’s finished so I start testing him.
“Okay.” I take the book off of him to test him. “Tell me about the Nepenthes plant.”
“The Nepenthes is also known as the pitcher plant, it’s a carnivorous plant and there are about 170 species…” He continues listing facts about the plant and I nod along, correcting him on minor details. “How’d I do? Do I get a reward?” He says with a smirk.
“You did well enough, room for improvement but I think you can have a reward for that,” I say with another sweet smile before leaning in and pushing my lips against his as he meets me in the middle. He reaches his hand up again resting it on my cheek as I slowly separate from him and whisper against his lips.
“You’re gonna have to do better than that for more,” I whisper then give him a quick peck on the lips before moving back on to the textbook. I clear my throat before asking more questions. He gets some wrong but the kisses seem to be a good incentive for learning the content so he improves and as we go on the kisses get deeper and more passionate.
One of my hands is tangled in his hair whilst my other rests around his neck. His lips brush against mine as we quickly separate for a short breath before rejoining again. His lips are soft and I can taste the subtle vanilla flavour from his chapstick as his lips smooth over mine. His hands travel from my neck up to the back of my head and I instantly pull back away from him, feeling his fingers at the bottom of my headscarf. I’d like to say it’s a reflex but I’m not sure that it was.
He looks shocked at my startled face as I back up and sit back down on the bed with the study book. Clearing my throat I begin to recite some of the content in hopes of moving the conversation away from what just happened.
“(y/n) are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” He asks, shuffling towards me.
“It’s nothing, let’s just get back to studying,” I say flipping the pages, desperately but he moves his hands to hold mine, gently.
“(y/n), what’s wrong? You just acted as if I was a ghost or something. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, it’s nothing,” I assure.
“It’s clearly not nothing, what’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” He says, his voice wavering slightly with a newfound insecurity.
“No, no, not at all!” I insist now holding onto his hands. “It’s just-” I start then pause. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I say quietly.
“You don’t want to hurt me? How would you hurt me?” 
“I’m a gorgon, I could freeze you at a slip of a hand, a drop of my scarf and you get stoned,” I say feeling a few tears build up in my eyes.
“I’ve been stoned before, it’s not that bad, it only lasts a few hours.” He says and I look at him confused. “My best friend is a gorgon. You don’t think there’s been a few slip-ups?” I chuckle wiping my tears with the palm of my hand. “I seem to attract a certain type of outcast it seems.” He says with a smile before I start crying properly but with a smile on my face.
“Why are you crying?” He asks confused with a smile.
“I don’t know. You’re too good to me.” I say bowing my head, leaning it on his chest. “I love you so much.” I say and he chuckles before wrapping his arms around me.
“I love you too.” He says resting his head on top of mine. “Don’t try and stone me though.” He jokes. “It’s only okay if it’s an accident.” He warns 
“I won’t,” I say jokingly hitting him on his chest.
AN: I hope you enjoyed this!
Also if you have a problem please don't anonymously submit a 'complaint' please either message me about it or submit a 'complaint' with your username so we can talk and move forward with a correction or some sort of solution, thank you.
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
A Good Day for Death (Book 1) Chapter Ten
Wednesday Addams x Reaper! Reader
Chapter Ten: A Good Day for Shopping
Summary: Everyone is excited for the Rave'N, except Wednesday, who, of course, just wants to continue her investigation. Unfortunately for her, her partner in crime is ready to party, and Wednesday herself is dragged in.
            The next day near the end of botany class, after they finished their reading of the section, (Y/N) asked, “How did Enid take your new dorm decorations?”
           When they had headed out for the morning, (Y/N) had spied Wednesday putting the photos of the victims and severed body parts up on a board. They had heard Wednesday sneaking out the previous night and guessed that she was up to something. They had been anxiously awaiting a moment to ask her what she had discovered on her little trip.
            “She didn’t appreciate my unsanctioned trip to the morgue,” murmured Wednesday so no one overheard. “She fainted when she saw the different surgically removed organs and limbs.”
            “Yeah, I can’t imagine Enid would like seeing that so early in the morning,” agreed (Y/N). They frowned. “Wait, surgically removed?”
            Wednesday nodded. “After the victims are killed by the monster, someone is removing body parts.”
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow. “That just gives more questions about this monster issue than answers.”
            “Unfortunately, yes,” said Wednesday.
            “Alright, class,” called Thornhill. “I know everyone’s excited Saturday, but we have some lessons to finish up. To sum up the reading, while most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sexual trickery or deception. The orchid specifically produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?”
            “Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave’N,” joked Bianca. The students laughed and began talking amongst themselves once again.
            “Okay, okay.” Thornhill gathered their attention again. “I know you’re all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven’t assignment any homework.” The students nearly cheered with joy. “But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interested, come and see me up here. Class dismissed!”
            “You’re not gonna volunteer?” asked Xavier, looking at Wednesday. “Aren’t you pumped about disco balls and spiked punch? There’s even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz.”
            “I’d rather stick needles in my eyes,” said Wednesday at the suggestion that she would go to a party.
            “Yeah, but you’d do that for fun,” teased (Y/N).
            “I’d at least stick them into others’ eyes,” agreed Wednesday.
            “Well, you could always invite someone to the Rave’N to have some fun,” said Xavier. Clearly, he was hoping to go with Wednesday. He put his sketchbook away and revealed three long scratches on his neck.
            “That would be even more torturesome. And not the fun kind of torture,” said Wednesday, standing up.
            (Y/N) followed but trailed behind in slight disappointment. They had to admit they were hoping that if Wednesday did get convinced to go the Rave’N, that she would go with them since they were partners in crime. They didn’t think there was much of a chance of her going anyway, but (Y/N) had entertained a small hope.
            “Did you see his neck?” remarked Wednesday, snapping them out of their thoughts.
            “Hm? Oh, yeah, the scratches,” said (Y/N).
            “They look similar to those of the monster’s victims,” said Wednesday. “I’m going to see what he’s up to in his free time.”
            “Like in his art shed?” asked (Y/N).
            “If that’s all it is,” said Wednesday darkly.
            “Alright, good luck,” said (Y/N).
            Wednesday looked at (Y/N) out of the corner of her eye. “You’re not accompanying me?”
            “Can’t. I’m helping Enid decide on what look she’s going for at the Rave’N. She’s making a masterplan to make Ajax jealous since he ditched her on the date they planned,” said (Y/N). They grinned. “Hopefully we make him really regret that decision.”
            Wednesday nodded. “If you are in need of torture tools for the boy, they are in my desk.”
            “We only will if he manages to somehow hurt Enid’s feelings at the dance. That would mean war,” said (Y/N) brightly.
            “Okay, so, full pink hair, I’ll ask some witches to perform a spell for it, sequined dress, which we’ll get in town, and what are we doing with your nails?” said (Y/N) as they wrote down what Enid had so far decided on.
            “I don’t want to match too much, but I want to keep a theme,” said Enid thoughtfully.
            “How about pink nails? And one of them could have some sparkles?” suggested (Y/N).
            “You’re a genius,” said Enid excitedly. “So what about you, what are you going to wear?”
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ll take a look when we go into town.”
            The door to the dorm swung open, and a traumatized-looking Wednesday entered the room. “I am horrified to say it, but I am going to the dance.”
            Enid’s eyes widened. “You’re going to the Rave’N?”
            Wednesday gritted her teeth. “In an attempt to investigate Xavier, I was accosted by him and had to save my cover by asking him to the Rave’N.”
            (Y/N) felt their heart clench. Yes, Wednesday was just doing it so Xavier didn’t realize she had been sneaking around his art shed, but it was disappointing that she was going with a guy who definitely had a thing for her. (Y/N) was, well, jealous of Xavier.
            “I guess we’ll have to get you a dress, then,” said (Y/N), swallowing their envy.
            “I already have one,” said Wednesday.
            Enid made a horrified face. “That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate. Thing, (Y/N), back me up.” Thing gave a thumbs up.
            (Y/N) shrugged sheepishly. “You looked nice, Wednesday, but it’s not exactly up to a formal dance’s dress code.”
            Wednesday crossed her arms and just glared at them.
            “I know just the place to fix this,” said Enid excitedly. “We need to get to Jericho, stat!”
            “What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?” questioned Wednesday as she glowered at the “Hewte Kewture” store before her.
            “The dance committee’s suggesting all white to match the white, but that’s not going to fly with us,” said Enid, ignoring Wednesday.
            “I have more pressing business than to worry about a dance I don’t want to attend,” said Wednesday, turning away. “I’m going to speak to Sheriff Galpin. I’m planning to convince him to give me more information on the case.” She glanced at (Y/N) to see if they were joining.
            Enid grabbed (Y/N)’s arm and smiled at Wednesday. “Have fun! I’m commandeering your partner-in-crime.”
            “Good luck with Sheriff Galpin,” said (Y/N), smiling. Wednesday nodded to them and walked away.
            Enid dragged (Y/N) into Hewte Kewture. “Alright, first things first, we’re getting you a dress.”
            (Y/N) frowned. “I thought today was your fashion show. You know, make a statement to Ajax that he should have showed up?”
            “Yeah, but I can’t have my best friend not turn up looking a-ma-zing.” Enid grinned at (Y/N). “You know, to prove to Xavier that he might be the one going with Wednesday, but you are so much better than him.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and they turned red. “It’s just a cover. Wednesday doesn’t want him to know she was breaking into his art shed.”
            Enid ignored the mention of Wednesday breaking and entering. “Yeah, but he thinks it’s more than that, and we need to remind him you and Wednesday are way cuter.” (Y/N) somehow turned even redder.
            “Alright, we’ve both found dresses,” said Enid happily.
            (Y/N) nodded, holding the box with their dress in it. They honestly really liked their dress and were excited to wear it. Even if they weren’t going with Wednesday like they hoped, they were determined to have fun.
            “Now, I’ve been invited to get coffee with Yoko. Would you hate me if I headed out?” said Enid.
            (Y/N) smiled and shook their head. “No, I’m going to head back to Nevermore. Have fun.”
            “By the way, I’m hoping that Bianca charms Xavier or something so that you can go with Wednesday,” said Enid as she ran out. “Oh! I’ll ask a witch to curse him!”
            You know, Enid can be craftier than people think, thought (Y/N), smiling and shaking their head.
            “Don’t want to ask what trouble you’re in now,” said Tyler teasingly as Wednesday left the sheriff’s office.
            “Nothing I can’t handle,” replied Wednesday. “Your father’s in particularly frustrating form today. Avoid.”
            “Yeah, welcome to my world,” said Tyler. He cleared his throat. “You guys have the Rave’N this weekend, right? It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today.”
            “I must be the only one not obsessed with this stupid dance,” muttered Wednesday. “Even (Y/N) is into it.”
            “So, you’re not going?” asked Tyler.
            “Actually, I was forced to ask someone as an act of self-preservation,” said Wednesday.
            Tyler’s face was one of confusion. “Sure, that happens, I guess. So, who is it? (Y/N)?” Tyler had seen Wednesday with (Y/N) quite a bit, so his jealousy chose them as the person Wednesday would be going with for “self-preservation.”
            “No. Xavier,” said Wednesday.
            Tyler was further annoyed. “Got it.” He brushed past her. “Hope you two have fun.”
            “I’m not sure you’re upset,” said Wednesday, turning to face him.
            “That’s kind of the problem,” said Tyler. “I mean, call me crazy, Wednesday, but you keep giving me these signals.”
            Wednesday’s expression didn’t change. “It’s not my fault I can’t interpret your emotional Morse code.” The only person she was seen hanging around with was (Y/N), so why Tyler thought he was getting signals was unknown to her.
            “Then let me spell it out. I thought we liked each other, but then you pull something like this, and I have no idea where I stand,” said Tyler. “Am I in the ‘more than friend’ zone or just a pawn in some game you’re playing?”
            Again, Wednesday didn’t react. Tyler wasn’t someone she sought out for anything other than information, and while he was traditionally attractive, Wednesday was never one to be drawn in just by that type of stuff. Sure, he may become a friend at some point (though she denied it), but there wasn’t really anything more on Wednesday’s end. Tyler’s assertion that he thought he was getting hints of affection from Wednesday were just odd.
            “I am prioritizing, and emotions are not first,” said Wednesday to get herself out of the conversation. Without waiting for a response, she turned away and walked to the bus back to Nevermore.
            After her trip into the monster’s cave with Eugene’s help, Wednesday returned to Xavier’s shed. She needed his DNA to compare to the monster claw left in its lair. Hopefully this wouldn’t take long and then she could figure a way out of going to the Rave’N. If she could get Galpin to test it, that would work. Wednesday nearly smiled in satisfaction as she found a bloody rag in the trash, undoubtedly Xavier’s. She tucked it into a plastic bag and then placed that in her backpack. Before she could leave, however, Xavier walked in.
            “What are you doing?” asked Xavier.
            “How do you know what the monster looks like?” questioned Wednesday. “Or are these all just self-portraits?”
            Xavier scoffed. “What, you think it’s me? I saved your life.”
            “With the gargoyle, that was (Y/N),” pointed out Wednesday. “But if you’re talking about the night Rowan was killed, the monster did save me.”
            “You are so out of line right now,” snapped Xavier.
            “I’m trying to uncover the truth,” said Wednesday. “And your art seems to have a recurring motif.”
            Xavier swallowed. “Yeah. This creature’s been haunting my dreams for weeks. I try to block it out, but I can’t. So I just…come in here and paint it. While I was painting this one—” he gestured to a large painting “—claws reached out and took a swipe at me. That’s how I got these.” He pulled at the collar of his shirt to show his scratch marks.
            “I thought you were able to control your ability,” said Wednesday appraisingly.
            “Not when it comes to this,” admitted Xavier.
            “Maybe it’s your guilty conscience,” suggested Wednesday.
            “I told you I’m not the monster, okay?!” cried Xavier.
            Wednesday took out of the drawing she had taken from his shed earlier. “You just happened to draw pictures of it, down to the location of its lair in the woods?” she challenged. “Those are some pretty vivid dreams. And you keep trying to convince me that visions can’t be trusted, yet yours are fine.”
            “You were in here,” realized Xavier. “Before, when I caught you outside.” Wednesday looked slightly to the side as she realized she had given herself away. “That’s the only reason you asked me to the Rave’N?” He scoffed incredulously. “To try and cover. You are unbelievable!”
            “It’s nothing personal,” said Wednesday.
            “No! It never is with you, is it?!” cried Xavier. “I mean, do you even care about anyone or anything at all, Wednesday?!”
            He’d be unhappy to know that she did care about other people, but it just wasn’t him that she cared about in the way he wished.
            “No, Thing, for the last time, I’m not going,” said Wednesday as she gathered her supplies for the stakeout she and Eugene were going to. (Y/N) was too busy with the dance so Wednesday was heading with the Hummers crew.
            Thing continued tapping against the desk furiously. He was trying to convinced Wednesday to go since he was on Enid’s side trying to pair Wednesday and (Y/N) up.
            “No. I don’t care that (Y/N)’s going, and no, I don’t care that they’re dressed up. I don’t care about parties or any of that stuff,” said Wednesday.
            Thing paused in his equivalent of a sigh and tapped out his final message.
            “What do you mean you and Enid told them I was going to be joining them?” hissed Wednesday. “I didn’t even bother getting a dress.”
            Thing pointed to the bed in response. A black box lay on it. Wednesday glared at him but opened the package. The dress from Uriah’s Heap shop window lay in it. She sighed.
            “Fine. But only because I can’t have (Y/N) being upset at me,” muttered Wednesday. Thing tapped the desk. “No, not because I would care. Because it would interrupt my investigation, that’s why.”
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obsessivevoidkitten · 4 months
Am I delusional or have you written about a venus flytrap hybrid man dicking down a sedated reader bc of his saliva, I swear I read that in your blog somewhere
Or I had a dream reading that in your blog
Idk anymore is this real life or is this just fantasy
Not a venus fly trap but a monster man based on a sundew, another carnivorous plant.
You can read it HERE
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ghoulofatook · 2 years
For the ask game: your crush will never love you! Silco and reader (you can choose which one loves the other)
Your wish is my command, thanks for the ask! 💖 Hope you dig it ✨
Silco x Botanist Reader (no pronouns so can be read as genderneutral in this fic but may continue later as female reader)
Warnings: Obsessive Silco, Unwanted touch, threat of murder, unrequited love, messed up dude tryna not have feelings.
Inhospitable Ground
Silco lazily strolls through the artfully curated Cultivair gardens, secretly hoping to catch a passing glimpse of you as you go about your day.
He had been putting this visit off for as long as he could manage, finding it a frustrating challenge in self control to stay away. You always drew him back, despite his best efforts to excavate you from his thoughts. They eventually drifted back on you, slithering into the forefront of his mind as dreams, passing thoughts, even people who might have been you for a moment, glimpsed from behind in The Last Drop.
He meanders down through a plant lined hallway inhaling the sweet earthy scent of the place rounding a corner to finally confront the damage he had done.
The grand meeting room where he had threatened the chembarrons with his ornate little box of filled with noxious gas. It had been a small oversight to discover in the aftermath that it had withered every plant in the room.
He knew how much you loved that garden, it was your pride and joy and he had slaughtered it in so few moments to posture over subhuman scum. It was too late by the time he realised what he had done. How as the plants shrivelled and died, so with them had any hope of his affections for you ever being returned.
Standing there now in the empty room, arms behind his back, he observes how you'd removed all the death, how new soil now lay in all the garden beds. It must have been an immense job.
His brow knits as he frowns at the unfortunate mess of the situation. There would be no remedying it now.
He hears a thump behind him and turns to see you there in the doorway, a plant dropped at your feet.
Your mouth drops open in shock, eyes wide for a split second before they narrow and all the fires of hell fill them.
"How dare you show your face back here." The venom in your impulsive words could kill ten men.
Silco turns fully towards you, his expression carefully set to considering neutrality.
"Just because you own this garden doesn't give you the RIGHT to slaughter it!" You take a step forward over the dropped plant towards him.
"Some of those carnivorous flowers were the LAST specimens of their kind. They were HUNDREDS of years old." Tears of rage start to line your eyes as you continue pointing an accusing finger at him. The smart part of your brain is begging you to stop but you’re far to angry to listen.
"You should leave" you’re choked up now, hating how your voice quavers as you look up at him.
In that moment his heart aches for you, wishing you would smile or say something kind instead. But the hateful rage in your eyes reminds him that he is a monster. He remembers what he had become, what he had sacrificed of himself for Zaun. He allows the darkness inside himself to bloom in his chest, curling protectively around the pain.
He exhales through his nose, nostrils flaring with his distaste.
"I will not leave my Cultivair." He says coldly, steeling his gaze to fix on your own and striding forward with terrifying purpose.
"If you continue to speak to me like this." He lunges forward and grabs your face so quickly, leaning down over you like an eagle swooping down on a rabbit.
"I'll bury you in that garden bed, so your bones feed the plants you so love." He growls into your ear.
If you wont love him, fear and hate are as close as can be, he decides.
You squirm, disgusted by his very touch. Silco smirks devilishly at the feeling of your warmth pressed against him.
"Let me go Silco" you whisper through gritted teeth. Skin crawling at the lingering threat of his body pressed to your own.
He withdraws slowly, unwrapping his long limbs from around you.
Taking a measured step back you turn to pick up the plant that you had dropped, grateful the roots were bound with damp heshen and that it was a hardy specimen. You clutch it to your chest and turn back to face the awful creature before you.
Silco watches you slowly turn with the lovely green plant in your arms. You're so beautiful, so gentle and caring in your work. The feelings it divulges twist and roil inside him, the only external tell is a single deep breath.
"Why did you come?" You ask, trying to hide behind some semblance of professionalism after your shock induced seething rage had spilled forth.
"I'd like a small garden with a pond in the office." He proclaims, slipping easily into the flow of business. "I need somebody to design, build and plant it for me."
You rush to cut him off.
"Bryta is skilled in garden design, I'll send her over at once." You say confidently.
He snorts a cruel half laugh shaking his head. It’s a cute attempt to distance yourself but he won’t be having it.
"I don't want Bryta, She is not the head botanist."
Your heart sinks as you realise you won't be able to get out of this.
"No, no, petal. I want my head botanist herself to make me the best garden money can buy. No expenses spared. You can plant, whatever you like."
You look up suspiciously but you have to admit you're lured in by his generous offer. It was a dream job, despite being promised to you by the devil at the crossroads.
"Help fund the purchase of plants to replace your mess too." You dare to demand. Forcing yourself to stand straight and eyeball him.
He holds your eyes for a beat, glaring at you. You barely notice you’re not breathing.
"All you need do is ask." He says before turning on his heel and sauntering out of the room.
"I expect to see you tomorrow" he calls from the hallway and you suddenly remember to breathe. Pinching the bridge of your nose you move the plant to rest on your hip.
You could not despise him more.
✨ Thank you for reading ✨
Tag list: @angxlictexrs
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undead-merman · 3 years
🧜‍♂️MerMay- The Brothers🧜‍♂️GN Reader- SFW
Lucifer has a long black tail with a hint of a royal blue striping on the back. His scales are smooth and small, ganoid shaped and are completely flat. A few black scales are on his face, just at the corner of his eyes giving them a sharper appearance and forming a diamond shape on his forehead. There is one scale slightly out of place on his diamond mark; it's not noticeable unless seen close up.   
His fins are long and flowing and are in the shape of rounded spades. He has a tear on his dorsal fin which goes all the way through the fin and has a scar on his back. His caudal fin is the largest on his body and has a peacock like pattern that can be flushed making the colors go from the normally black with barely visible blue to bright flashy blues, and reds on deep blacks.
His human skin is colored like a great white shark: creamy light skin on his stomach, fading to grey on his back; granting him the ability to countershade and aid in avoiding detection from above and below.
His face exhibits many shark features: broad and round head, small eyes, his mouth is filled with large teeth, and a flat nose.
Daily life
He’s very broody so he prefers the twilight and night hours; being accustomed to swimming in the deep parts of the ocean, too much light hurts his eyes but he also just enjoys the dark endless water with starlight above.
He has a very strict schedule, patrolling his nest, fighting off intruders, meeting up with Diavolo to hunt, clean up his brother's messes, patrol, try to sleep and get interrupted by one of his brothers if not more, and repeat.
He’s a carnivore so he enjoys eating whales, and sharks. He dislikes crabs and lobsters since they’re bottom feeders and he finds the idea of eating them very distasteful. 
He’s meticulous with grooming himself. He’s always sharpening his claws and forever growing teeth, picking them and cleaning them until they gleam in the light and buffing his scales to make them shimmer. 
When alone he enjoys trying to nap amongst a peaceful patch of seagrass. Drifting away slowly as curious little fish swim around him and the plant life softly brushes by with the current. 
He enjoys playing the violin, which surprisingly works, making melodies that haunt divers unfortunate enough to hear.  
Life with you
If you're a morning person you’ll get to see his sleeping unguarded face. He’ll try to wake up with you once he realizes, and within a few weeks he’ll be waking up far before you. He somehow has a built-in clock wired to try and make him wake up before you.
If you're a night person he’s thrilled to share some of the prettiest sights the ocean has to offer when the moon is out. Showing you his favorite spots to enjoy the night in silence. 
He becomes very protective of you and constantly scents you before leaving your side. Rubbing his palms on your cheeks or circling his tail loosely around you before brushing up on you as he swims away. No one will dare come near you if you smell so much like him.
He hates to admit it but he has the natural instinct of him bringing shiny things to you. He won’t even notice it until he pulls your hands in his and suddenly you have a shiny piece of sea glass in your hand. His face heats up if you tease him about it and suddenly he finds a speck on the wall very interesting.
As golden as gold can look, being actual gold, Mammon has the boldest scales of all the brothers. He’s not sure why they are, they’ve just always been that way and their weight doesn’t seem to be affected. His scales are ctenoid and can cut if he flares his scales and hits you with his tail. He doesn’t have any scales on his face and his skin seems to glow in the morning sun. 
His fins are exactly like that of a long spined sea scorpion with them having large painful spines inside them. Unlike the other fish he has a painful venom that can leave someone reeling in pain for days. It won’t kill but it’ll hurt!
He has two sets of canines that are very noticeable when he opens his mouth to talk. His upper right canine tooth has a gold coating making the tooth look like it’s made of gold. The top pair always hang out of his mouth while the lower one is hidden. 
He has shorter nails more meant for prying than slashing. Though they’re surprisingly well manicured and painted white.
Daily life
100% a morning person. Wakes up all groggy but after brushing his scales he's peppy and ready to start the day.
Mammon hoards his shedded scales, after all they are gold. He puts them in an old vintage submariner foot locker, nearly rotted apart but he sticks random stickers or patches onto it to help keep it together. A lot of the time the brothers will just take the money they are owed from the chest and Mammon whines about it; however, if they're pissed they’ll pluck some scales from him painfully.
His scales get plucked often: by the sea witches to whom he owes a massive debt to, his angry brothers, even Solomon sometimes plucks them off like he’s a pez dispenser. Because of this he sometimes has very sensitive scaleless spots. They grow back within a day but it still hurts.
He joins Lucifer in patrolling their territory. He’s just as protective over his space as Lucifer is, and of course he wants to look out for his younger brothers, but he won’t admit that unless it gives him a chance to use pity points to get out of trouble.
Very particular about his scales. He wants them looking pretty and as bright as they can be. Contrarily, he doesn’t give the same treatment for his hair, calling running his hands through to get the tangles out good enough.
Life with you
If you show concern for his scales he’ll play it off like it doesn’t hurt and it's really just a bother, but it isn’t. If you continue to worry about him or even offer to help patch him up he will become much more protective of you. You treat him so kindly that he doesn’t want that to stop.
If he’s in a bad mood or he gets jealous of someone, he'll grab you and shove his face into your neck and twist till his face is thoroughly buried. He wants to smell you so he can calm down and basically scream at anyone who comes by that you are something very close to Mammon so don't you dare touch.
He’ll try to drag you around to join in his mischief. Joining him in gambling rings or minnow racing. He’ll insist you're a lucky charm, though he just likes your company. He loves to bear hug you if he wins big and he holds you above him in the water with a big smile on his face.
Another victim of random shiny gifts for you. He's more aware of it and brags about how neat it looks even if it's just some old mirror. He’s always trying to play up how amazing his little gifts are.
His tail is very long, much longer than his brothers though it's thinner and has less muscle. His scales are ganoid shaped and colored the same color as his hair with a white underneath. During the night he has bright cyan bioluminescence circles on his sides. His eyes and tongue glowing as well with a very faint glow to his teeth as well. 
He’s embarrassed about it but he has multiple random patches of scales around his face and he thinks it makes him look weird.
His fins are shaped much like a goldfish, even having a round double tail and flowing fins. He is the most delicate looking one. But if he gets angry he transforms into a gigantic sea monster and can cause storms. 
He’s an omnivore so his teeth are small and much like a humans. They fall out if they get damaged but like a shark they’ll always grow back.
His skin is also counter shaded like Lucifer. Though more ashy gray color than his older brother. Unfortunately his bioluminescent colored scales, even though they pulse in brightness, make him much easier to spot. 
Daily life
He’s a night dweller through and through and refuses to swim during daylight hours. He likes to dwell in deeper waters so the light isn’t too much for him; but he mostly likes to stay in his cave and obsess over his washed up anime knicknacks. Making sure to pluck away barnacles and clean the muck off.
Since he’s an omnivore he’ll eat whatever is nearby. He enjoys jellyfish and the deadlier they are to humans the more he likes them. He's unaffected by their venom. Though he’ll enjoy a crab or free swimming fish. 
Leviathan does not like patrolling; he’d much rather leave the scuffling to everyone else so he can focus on more important things, like trying to dry out a keyboard in his open air room. 
His room is open air and inside a cave that can be accessed by a nearby beach. Inside is a shrine to his collection and he’s always fawning over it.
He loves that he matches with his fish friend Henry. They are extremely similar in shape, even having similar tails. He has a fresh water tank inside so Henry doesn’t get too dried up from the salt water. Leviathan can handle both fresh and saltwater so sometimes he hops into the tank to swim near his friend.
He’s very self conscious of his scales, especially the ones on his face so he has to make sure they look nice. His hair has to be styled just right to distract them from his face. He has a habit of pulling his bangs down over his eyes when he’s flustered.  
Life with you
Once he’s bonded with you he is constantly by your side and wanting to spend as much quality time with you as he can. He’ll be trailing you talking about the little curiosities he’s found. He whines about how he wants to go back to his cave but he won’t leave your side.
He’ll show you his collection of nicknacks and if you're able to set up a little television and gamecube he’ll be ecstatically waving his fish tail around like a dog. He’ll constantly beg you to play with him. He wants to CO-OP this game with you!
If he’s feeling cuddly that day he’ll float up to the surface and let you lounge on him and let the waves gently rock you both. He’ll hum old sea shanties he’s heard from sailors long ago as well as some anime songs from a series you enjoy together. 
Expect him to drag you to his spots for finding his little curiosities, he’ll want you to help him scour the area and find more fun items. He’s very happy with whatever you bring and he’ll keep them around his nest.   
Satan is built similarly to Lucifer though his scales are more raised and spiny. His tail is a bright shamrock green which shifts to a seafoam green. He has a bunch of scales on the corners of his mouth and completely covers his cheeks.
His fins are long and have a crowntail shape that are tipped a deep black. When he gets angry his fins flare up making him look much, much bigger.
He has a flatter nose and bigger teeth like Lucifer. While they aren’t as sharp they are still dangerous if he’s mad. 
His skin also glows in the bright morning sun and if he’s lounging around he’ll attract nearby small fish to swim around him enjoying the serene glow he has.   
Daily life
He takes a long time waking up, and he’s not a morning person at all. He’s dazed for an hour or so until he’s fully awake, though he’s not much of a night person, more preferring midday.  
He’s currently got the goal of piecing together the world’s true histories. Figuring out what happened to old forgotten cities, lost treasures, and destroyed civilizations. He has a long way to go and he treats this handcrafted book like a child, holding it far above the water.
He explores with random, yet reputable exploration teams. Helping them with identifying relics or gems. He’s earned a reputation for himself by doing this and is often approached to go on expeditions. 
He is another type to patrol around his territory. He does it around midday though and hunts during these. He’s a carnivore and likes tuna and other free swimming fish, but refuses to eat squid and octopi due to how smart they are. He likes to feed nearby ones. Though they aren’t as cute as human world cats.
He’ll go to a human world pier and try to attract the local stray cats with his tail. He’ll leave them little gifts so now all the local cats come to the docks at a certain time to wait for him. He really wants to have a cat but sadly it’s a love that’s not meant to be, they are from two different worlds.    
Life with you
He’ll enjoy taking you on expeditions. Showing you beautiful sunken landscapes very few eyes have seen before. He loves seeing your reactions to sights.
He enjoys learning your hobbies and trying them out with you. He’ll go out of his way to provide an accurate experience to what you're used to since he enjoys learning and experiencing new things, especially now that you're here.
He's another one that loves to rub his smell all over you. He’s just as bad as Mammon, his smell is all over every part he can get to and stinks of “back off, don’t touch” causing others to give you a wide berth.
He’s going to hang off of you every morning. If you're larger than him he shoves his face into your chest and tries to go back to sleep. He looks so different with his sleeping face, he looks peaceful in your arms. But if you're smaller he’ll flop onto you and try to use you as a pillow. He’s surprisingly warm and his underside isn’t as spiny and sharp.
He’ll want to introduce you to his octopi friends. Each one is named after a different sea or famous author. If you agree he’ll be delighted to take you there and let you play with them. Though he might get a bit jealous if you get along with them a bit too much. He won’t show his jealousy though.   
He’s the most serine and delicate looking of all his brothers. His thin body has a bright cherry blossom pink tail and has long silky looking fins. His bright scales sparkle and shimmer and have a pearlescence to them. He has perfectly pure white scales patches on his tail as well giving a koi pattern. 
He resembles a butterfly koi but with longer and frankly impractical looking fins. They flow around him weightless and they look like silk in the wind around him. Even his dorsal fin is long and flowing.
He doesn’t have any scales on his face and he looks perfectly human from the waist up. His skin has an angelic like glow and shimmers in the sun. He has a few freckles on his face, chest and elbows. 
He has small pearly white teeth just like a human would, he’s very keen on keeping them perfectly white, just like his white scales, but his canines can extend like a cat flexing their claws.  
Daily life
He wakes up to his internal alarm clock, which is scarily accurate. Bright eyed and bushy tailed from the moment his eyes open. Swimming around and preparing himself for another day, brushing his tail, combing his hair, and cleaning his teeth, all while chatting to whoever will listen.
He is a highly requested entertainer for festivals and celebrations. He’s invited to grand openings, large festivals, and even private birthdays to those who pay him well enough. His dances and singing is the best among his kind and can easily enrapture sailors let alone his own kind. His voice mixed with the way his fins trail behind him like long fans is an easy way to get hypnotized. 
When he’s not booked for a celebration he’s helping Diavolo keep humans away from their city. He uses his voice to entrance anyone he deems a threat and can make them turn and forget why they were out here and what they saw. He doesn’t get into any of the violent stuff. That’s not his style.
If he’s not at home, he is always with someone. He’s like a fairytale princess with a crowd behind him, be they other mers or fish schooling around him. He always has a smile on his face and he’s not very quiet about how much he enjoys attracting an adoring crowd. At home he enjoys a nice relaxing self care session.
When he’s angry his canines poke out he doesn’t notice this habit of his, but it's usually because he’s extremely angry at the time and holds himself back.
He doesn't bother with patrolling and he’s not territorial in the slightest. He’s a lover not a fighter so his big brothers can handle any scary monster.     
Life with you
He’s bringing you to all kinds of festivals and parties as his +1 every time. You’ll be able to experience all the wonders Diavolo’s kingdom has to give and he’s extremely happy to be there with you every single time.
He’ll use his charm to get you whatever you want. Did you want that cute seashell necklace? Or that shark tooth bracelet? He’ll approach the store owner, shake his tail and flirt a bit and it’s his now. Which he immediately hands to you with a huge grin on his face, telling you how well it suits you and how you make that item look even better.
He’s always trying to groom you in any sort of manner. Rubbing your scalp and smoothing your hair with his finger. Trying to rub thick creams into your skin, or rubbing pigment onto your nails to paint them. You're the only one he’ll do this for.
He needs to hold your hand at least 3 times a day and needs a kiss before he goes to sleep and he’ll break into your room if he doesn’t get them all. He’ll act all innocent but he knows exactly what he’s doing. He just likes being a brat so he can cuddle and love you.
He also gets upset if you smell like someone else so he randomly jumps you and cuddles you in his arms rubbing his cheek against yours and rubbing you with his tail and brushing all of his fins against you. If you check you can see his fangs sticking out when he’s jealous. 
If you’re ever feeling down he’ll sing for you. Dance with you, twirling you around as if he’s the moon and you're the earth itself. He gets lost in the dance and by the time you're done you're both embracing and laughing. 
Beelzebub and Belphegor
While being twins they couldn’t be more polar opposites. Beelzebub has radiant skin that seems to glow even in the darker parts of the ocean and a long sunset orange tail full of powerful muscles and reaches the longest out of the brothers. His tail is smooth and has a cycloid scale pattern. Belphegor has the shark-like appearance some of his other brothers have. Counter shaded skin, flatter nose. But he seems to absorb the light around him making everything seem much darker than they really are. His tail is medium size and is pretty thin. His tail is a deep eggplant purple with black spots.
Both of them have matching fin shapes, their caudal fin being shaped like a swordtail guppy and the rest of their fins are wide and shaped like fans. Belphegor's fins are mostly black but with the same eggplant purple speckled in. Beelzebub’s are the same sunset orange.
Beelzebub’s face is free of scales but on the sides of his cheeks and around his jawline and down to his shoulders scales are clustered around. They are thick hardy scales making his neck his strongest area besides his tail, but he has a scar just under his chin.
Belphegor has a freckle-like pattern of small scales they scattered all around his face only one or two at a time. They’re much smaller than the ones on his tail.
Belphegor has extremely sharp teeth and while they’re small they’re serrated. Beelzebub has mostly human teeth, though his canines are much bigger and wider, he’s able to crush stones with those teeth.
Daily life
These two have been inseparable since they were young and it's a trend that is clearly there to stay. They may have a different schedule but when they go to rest they rest and sleep in the same nest. 
Beelzebub helps teach the younger mers to fight. He’s been permitted to teach not only the royal guard but other everyday mers. He’s a proud teacher and he’s always trying to come up with ways to help each student of his even on an individual level, but that’s when he’s not eating. 
He’s also the kingdom's best hunter, and a small team is sent out with him every once in a while to hunt down any monsters that come too close to their kingdom. Beelzebub ends up eating the thing before they get back though. The bigger and more ferocious they are, the better they taste. That’s what he says at least.   
Belphegor is the kingdom's most talented astrologist. Unlike his twin brother though, he doesn’t put his skills to much use. He’ll help, maybe, if he’s not tired or if he’s in a good mood, but those chances are slim to none. Instead he’s actually a doctor. 
He’ll laze around in his office and sleep on the table, but when a patient comes in he’s somehow able to look over them once and tell what’s wrong with them. Even his brother’s are confused how he can just wake up, take one look at someone and perfectly diagnose them. 
He also seems to nurse others on an auto pilot. He barely has his eyes open and is able to patch up any wound he can find. Because of his talent yet lack of effort he has earned some ire from his peers. He doesn’t care though as long as he can keep sleeping on the job.
Many other Mer’s have approached him in hopes to become his apprentice but he’s ignored every single one. He’s too lazy to even try. Which many people think is selfish since he’s so skilled. Though he doesn’t care what they say.    
Life with you 
You will always find them not too far from you. Once they grew attached to you they began not moving too far from you. Sometimes they even drag you along with them so you can be near them. Belphegor is guilty of dragging you to his workplace more than Beelzebub, sometimes trying to trick you into keeping everyone busy so he can nap.
Beelzebub just brings you so he can keep an eye on you and give you hugs when he’s feeling a bit stressed. You can tell when he’s getting stressed because the longer part of his tail fin flicks back and forth. If you end up hugging him right when he starts he’ll end up holding you until you ask him to let you go. It always makes him smile if you do that. 
They are both picky about having you sleep in their nest. Belphegor will complain and try to guilt you into their nest if you try to sleep anywhere else and Beelzebub will give you puppy dog eyes. They won’t stop until you agree, and they both coil around you when sleeping.
Beelzebub is very protective of you since he knows how monstrous things can be outside the kingdom so whenever he gets worried about you he pulls you by the hips closer to him. Belphegor simply just gets jealous of others talking to you and will rest his chin on your shoulder and stare at whoever is talking to you. 
If you let him, Beelzebub will groom you. Brushing your hair is a favorite of his. He likes playing with it. If you were to return the favor by polishing his scales or even playing with his hair too he gets left in a great mood for the rest of the day. The smile he gets never leaves his face. 
Belphegor when he’s feeling up to it will show you the stars at night. He’ll let you float on him or next to him and gaze at the bright night sky, untouched by light pollution or blocked by trees. Just the sounds of the open ocean and the two of you. Sometimes he’ll end up like an otter and fall asleep while holding your hand so you don’t float away.  
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mrskurono · 3 years
Plant monster!reader with aphrodisiac sap and vine bondage. That's all, send tweet
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title: More than a Flower || Viktor Licht x plant!Reader a/n: gonna discreetly tag @dcflamingo bc this ask made me immediately think of one dorky scientist heuheuheu. Also this got outta hand I think I love writing Viktor word count: 3.5k tags: fem!Reader, plant monster!Reader, dom!Reader, sub!Viktor, aphrodisiacs, dubcon (due to Viktor being under the influence), light bondage, male masturbation, breeding themes, anal play, creampies, idk plant parts, minor season 2 spoilers, unedited character(s): Viktor Licht (Fire Force) synopsis: the foray into the Chinese Peninsula shed a lot of light on the human combustion issue. But Viktor couldn’t help but take a little trinket back to Tokyo for science sake.
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Gently rattling the golden seed in the corked glass container. 
Viktor couldn’t help but feel giddy as he rubbed his thumb over the closed top. Holding it close to him on the ship ride back to Tokyo. Now back on land he couldn’t help but grin like a fool as he wandered back to his room.
“What little secrets are you going to hold for me friend?”
He held the glass up above his head to scrutinize the hard little bud he’d plucked from the oddest plant he saw at the oasis. More than in the clear after the group got back with their findings. Viktor was secure in the fact he could opt for a side experiment of his own without stroking much suspicion from anyone else in Company Eight.
Stacks of books. Rings of stained tea on those stacks and even the furniture they were slipping off of. Viktor picked his way carefully through the cramped room with the vial clutched to his chest. Knocking a few things over but only concerned to find what he was looking for.
“Ah, here we go.” Unearthed from bottom of all his research papers, was a tiny box of petri dishes. Grumbling to himself when he found most of them were cracked. Viktor felt all but victorious when he found one that survived the move, “Perfect!”
With the clank of the seed rolling out of it’s shipping container. Onto the plastic petri dish. Viktor chuckled to himself as he got to eye level with the seed and poured just enough water to come up half way on it’s golden outer shell.
“You thirsty huh?” He was more than surprised to see the water he poured soak up into the sponge within seconds. No real idea what to do he poured another layer of water onto it while smiling, “I should guess you like it wet coming from an oasis. Will you or won’t you grow in our Tokyo air! How exciting! If you lived all the way out there who knows what you’ll do here closer to an even stronger power source.”
Like the first layer of water poured over it. The second was absorbed just as fast. Viktor prattling on to himself as he resumed pouring the bottled water over the unknown seed. Suddenly surprised to see a crack in the golden shell. Unfurled was a single leaf reaching up towards his hovering face.
“Look at you!” Viktor nearly squealed with excitement. Setting the water down next to the petri dish. Opting to reach for a pen as he gently poked the supple greenery, “Amazing.” 
One poke from the pen and he watched the leaf curl back towards its golden seed shell.
“Oh no wait! I’m sorry!” He raised his hands, quick to put the pen down and shake his head, “I won’t poke you again! Don’t hide.”
If he didn’t know any better. The Haijima scientist would have sworn on the holy Sol that the leaf understood him. Slowly the green leaf came back to life. Wiggling a little bit before Viktor watched in awe as another leaflet was budding out on the stock.
He tugged at his chin entranced by the little souvenir he’d brought back. Well versed in plant life pre great fire. Viktor only knew about a handful of plants that reacted to touch. Aware that those were carnivorous plants. 
Rightfully chuckling at the idea of being a poor insect finding their way into a trap set by a simple chlorophyll filled stems. It was still worth noting as the man made infernal were being caused by bugs. Viktor felt a sudden urge to see if the plant reacted to sound or touch. 
An outstretched finger. He didn’t hesitate to touch the broadening leaf that had first retracted from the pen tip. Expecting a similar reaction. Viktor was all but intrigued to find it not move. But also how the leaf itself felt warm. Flesh like almost.
“Boy am I glad I brought you back with me,” Viktor’s grin spread across his face. Finding his finger sticky with some kind of sap. Any good scientist worth their salt, he popped his sappy finger into his mouth. Uncertain if it would kill him or not. But wanting to know the outcome. He hummed when the taste his tongue found was that of an almost sweetness.
“Not too bad.” He nodded at findings. Be it useful or not. What lingering sweetness stayed on his tongue. Sent a warmth spreading to his jaw and down his neck. Retaining the motion of his jaw and swallow Viktor reasoned it probably wasn’t poisonous. But it did remind him how hungry he was.
Stomach growling, he laughed and pushed away from his desk, “Well little plant. You are I are going to have so much fun together! But until then-” He patted his stomach, “I gotta get something in me.”
Real food and not rations reminding him how tired he was. When Viktor returned from his meal with the rest of the company. He wanted to take some notes on the plant growing very well in his little petri dish. 
Coming back to an entire little stalk of leaves. Viktor had grabbed his note pad ready to scribble in it when he realized he was just too tired for this. Yawning in fact as he shook his head and had to call it an evening. Filling the petri dish up with another bottle of water. Certain a plant from an oasis probably needed wet feet. 
Pen in his hand like he was going to write. And whatever ramblings came out of his mouth in a tired slur. Viktor eventually was left slumped over in his desk chair as he nodded off. Plant vividly twitching inches from the man’s head. 
Leaves glossy with sap. It didn’t stop growing.
Stirred when he heard the clink of the pen rolling off the table to the ground. Viktor sat up with a shock unaware he’d drifted off at his desk after he swore he’d lay down in his own bed.
Astounded to see vines, some as thick as his wrist if not thicker, criss crossing over his desk. Viktor’s eyes trying to track every new development from the tiny seedling he’d fell asleep in front of. 
What they brought him to see was not a small seed. In fact he was certain he saw half of the cracked petri dish on the ground. Pinned under vast heavy greenery that lead his eyes up to what could only be described as an enormous blossom pod. He skirted around it a couple of times. Ready to prod at it with his pen. Only to suddenly recall the way the plant retracted the first time the pen touched it.
That left only his bare hand.
Tentatively but grinning like a fool, Viktor laid his hand on the viscous green shell. Taken back to find it pulsate against his warm palm. 
“Are you...alive?” He murmured to himself. Squinting as if he could see past the sealed pod.
He wouldn’t need to wonder anymore. Before he could take his hand back. The green around the bud twitched. Where the seams ran up and down the giant thing, suddenly snapped with a wet noise. Breaking apart as the green curled down like leaves but gave way to a vibrant pinkish orange color on what Viktor could only describe as petals.
A flower didn’t blossom though. When he thought it had ceased to move. The petals themselves began opening wider. Something hunched over in the middle. A stigma? The entire pistil of the flower? Viktor was giddy with excitement on what would unravel itself.
“A- What?!” His jaw dropped, “A person!”
Neck craned around to see the mass of black hair on the gangly looking man. You scowl for a second before crossing your arms over your bare chest, “Do I look like a dingy human to you? Take that back.”
“I-” Viktor blinked trying to find the sanity in what he was seeing. The torso of a picture perfect looking human female. But where your legs should have been, there simply was the base of the flower. Not to mention your vividly green skin. His thoughts raced but more than anything Viktor felt like insanity was right around the corner, “You’re such a surprise!”
Scowl still etched on your face, you huff and turn away from the man, “I liked the man giving me water more. Go back to being him.”
“Does that mean you could understand me?” Viktor scratched his head, “You didn’t like it when you were poked with the pen right?”
“Who likes being poked with sharp things?!” You spat.
“Fair fair fair-” Viktor gave you that much, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just- I had no idea this was you.”
With a curious eye Viktor circled around your grand base. Looking to see you appear pretty stuck where you were. It still intrigued him to know this is what he brought back to Tokyo. Not able to hide his lingering stare on your bare chest. Anatomy of a female Viktor bit his lip as he tried to remain professional. 
“For someone who ate my sap,” You smirked with your hands on your hips, “You’re particularly shy now.”
“Shy?! Me?! No never-” Viktor laughed your accusation off, “I’m thinking. Like how any of this was possible in the first place!”
Your green shoulders heave up in a shrug, “You met talking animals and this is something you’re gonna question?”
He shook his finger at you, “You got me there. Does that mean you know Schop and his friends?”
Sighing you lean over the edge of your petals and ignore his lingering gaze on your bare chest, “Know them. They’re the only things I’ve been stuck talking to for the past hundred years.”
“Interesting...” Viktor reached down and felt your soft petals under his hands. It didn’t feel like the flowers you could pick up at the shops down the road. They felt closer to flesh. If he could call it that, “...you’re part of the oasis, why didn’t we see you or others while we were there?”
“Would you have shown yourself with those blasted burning things running around?” You reminded him of the infernals that had been terrorizing the oasis and its inhabitants. Still though you sat back up and hugged yourself as you looked down, “As far as I know...I was the only kind like me.”
“You couldn’t move and find another plant, person? People? P-People?” Viktor’s eyebrow shot up.
Unamused you stared at him, “Don’t call me that.”
“Sorry sorry sorry-” He held his hands up innocently, “This is still all very- shocking, at best.”
A pout crosses your face and you turn your back to the white coated man, “And here I was! Thinking someone of your caliber could help me! Now I’ll probably die in this cramp little place anyways!”
“No no no! You won’t die!” Viktor waved his hands in a panic, “I’m not a botanist- But I guess you’re not entirely a plant either...” He laughed awkwardly as you glared at him, “But- I can try to help?”
“Really?” You batted your dark green lashes at him.
Viktor cocked a half grin and pointed his thumb back towards himself, “Lucky for you I’m a pretty smart guy if I do say so myself.”
Wringing your hands together. You look down as a handful of vines creep up from the ground underfoot. Viktor stumbles to the side to not trip on them and is surprised to see closed flowers on each of them. Except for one of them. Which was presented to him as you looked all but abashed to speak.
“Well....it might take a pretty smart human I suppose,” You touch the flowers on your vines and look at him, “But I don’t know if you’ll understand if you don’t feel what I feel.”
“Feel what you feel?” Viktor’s brows pinched together, “I’m not sure I followed.”
“You ate my sap yea?” You caressed your poor unopened flowers as you looked at him, “If you ate a little more I could explain it all.”
“The stuff that was sweet? That was your sap wasn’t it! I didn’t mean to eat your sap I just-”
“No no no,” You draw the dripping vine in front of his mouth, “I need you to drink more of it. Won’t you help me? You are the one who brought me to Tokyo away from the oasis...”
There was no argument there. Even before knowing you were sentient. Viktor had taken something established away from where it thrived. You could very well die here in Tokyo. And with it the chance at beating the White Clad’s tactics to create infernals. 
“This isn’t poisonous?” Viktor asked as he watched the clear sap drip from your vine.
“Nope.” You answered sweetly, “Schop and Beauty would drink from it often. And didn’t you already have some.”
“Fair enough...” Viktor couldn’t hesitate any longer. Having recalled the night before what he did have on his tongue was such a pleasant sweetness that he dared try a bit more.
Offered but a single vine. Viktor took the writhing thing in his grasp. Hesitating before closing his eyes and latching his mouth around the sappy tip. Immediately hit with the same sweetness as the night before. Even if it was viscous and like drinking sugar water at its purest form. He quickly found himself leaning in gulping down the liquid.
What wasn’t a simple shot and down. Viktor found the sweet syrup dribbling from the corners of his mouth. Like a parched man he gulped as much as he could with each mouthful being given to him. What was first his eyes squeezed shut. Degraded to half lidded stare over at your beautiful figure. Some of the edges on his vision becoming fuzzy just as he suckled on the vine in between his lips.
A warmth similar to what a long soak might feel like. His limbs felt heavy and like he could feel his blood stream coursing through his veins. What surprised him even more was how his blood seemed to be pooling elsewhere.  As fuzzy as his mind was becoming, Viktor began becoming acutely aware of the throbbing heat in his pants.
You were the one to pop the vine from his greedy lips. The man giggling as he wiped at his mouth and licked the extra off his hands, “That uh- That stuff is pretty strong huh? Guess I- hic!- I see why everyone else liked it.”
Viktor stumbled into your massive plant base. Grinning up at you as you leaned down to touch noses together, “They did really like it. But none of them could do what I need you to do.”
“Heh which is?” Viktor grinned as you touched down his cheek.
Leaning forward you brush your lips against his and feel him try to follow you as you draw back, “I need all your seed. So I can grow more of me.”
“More?” Viktor snickered as your vines came up around him. He looked and even watched as they began snaking up his pant legs. Some snagging his coat and pulling at it. All he could do was almost watch out of his own body as you smiled sweetly and began stripping him of his clothes, “But I’m a human. That’s not gonna work silly plant!”
Lips adorn with a smile. You pull away his clothes. Though it’s hardly a fight with how willing his limp lanky body is. Viktor being wrapped up in your vines as the same flowers that appeared unbloomed began gathering about the both of you, “I know you’re human. But you’re a male human.” You lean forward on your flower petals. Your warm hand pressing to his happy trail as you look at his throbbing cock adoringly. All that sap he sucked up doing it’s job as his cock appeared to twitch with a clear bead of precum rolling down it’s slit, “My many ovule are incomplete without a little sperm....” You touch drifted down to his cock as you watched the man rut his hips up towards your touch, “And I think human males might have all the sperm I need.”
Brought up level with you. Dark green vines carefully wrapping around his wrists and ankles. Not wanting to hurt your new play thing. You couldn’t stop the hunger growing in you as your eyes were set on his cock. Something the oasis never had for you. Hungry from all those years of being alone. Now was your chance.
Before Viktor could drunkenly ask what you were planning on doing or how this was going to even work. One of the blossoms on the vines engulfed his cock. Soft delicate closed petals swallowing his cock up. Causing the man to groan loudly as you smiled at the sight. 
Inside the closed bud it was easy to tell how quickly he’d overstim. Fleshy petals tenderly stroking him from all angles. The unfurled piston of the bloom rubbing against his slit as you used your bud like a pocket pussy for the human. Allowing the bud to move up and down on his cock as your vines held him still. 
“Umm- Plant lady-” Viktor panted as he felt his insides twisting up and his balls feeling even heavier than normal, “I’m gonna cum- I can’t help it-”
“Go ahead~ Fill up my neglected buds~” You coo. Another vine coming up to not only caress his balls. But to tease his entrance. Just enough to stir his excitement that as the vines massage and rub against his balls. Viktor can’t help the shudder ripple through his body. His orgasm being taken from him as the bud around his cock tightens. Somehow sucking him in more as his first rope of cum soils the inside of the unopened bud.
Left panting as he twitches and moans. Not until the last drop was dripping into your flower. Did you slowly pull the bud off his cock. His length still swollen and red after such a thing. The vines teasing his ass and massaging his balls just giving more of a reason for Viktor’s cock to twitch against the cool air.
“I-Is that it?” He pants. Still feeling the affects of your sap in his body. 
You can’t help but chuckle. What he thought was entirely plant that went down from your hips. Viktor watches with a half lidded look as those same vibrant pinkish orange petals shuffle around. Revealing to him what could only be explained as your cunt. 
Slit soaked and twitching around nothing. You slowly lower him down right next to you. Vines still on his wrists to help pull the man closer to you. 
“I need more.” You reach down to stroke his cock slowly as Viktor groans loudly, “Won’t you help me?”
How could he say no?
With the encouragement of your vines aiding him. Viktor leaned in. Hands on your base as he slipped his cock inside. What he thought simply was your cunt. Was in fact ripped with eggs all along your walls. Eggs that rubbed and massaged his cock through your thin cunt walls. Sending Viktor right over the edge the second he slipped inside you.
Cum dumping deeper into your plant parts. Allowing you to chuckle as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him tight against your bare breast, “More. I want more.”
“I don’t know if I have anything left to me...” Viktor panted against your breast.
Once more came the vine dripping in sap. Without question you shove the appendage back into his mouth. Feeling Viktor’s tongue quickly press against the underside as he gulps down the sweet nectar you poured into him. In turn allowing you to savor the way his cock twitches inside you. 
“You took me away from my home,” You nuzzle your face into his neck gently as Viktor can’t help his hips snapping into you, “Now I’m all lonely.”
Panting against your breast. Vividly feeling everything all at once. The way you stroked your fingers through his hair. Or you played with his ass as he snapped his cock deeper into you. Cunt walls clenching around his length with the load he’d already left inside you. Viktor should have felt tired. But all he wanted to do was drive more of his cum inside you at the expense of drinking more of that delicious sap.
“N-No-” He shook his head, erratically thrusting into you as he felt his orgasm building again, “I brought you here- I’ll help!”
Gleeful with his agreement. You pull him tighter against you as you feel his cock throb inside you. Another load being left with the first one. Cum seeping into your insides as you could feel your little buds wanting to burst with excitement. 
Finally after a hundred years. You found perfect thing to pollinate every single one of your seeds. And all it took was one overly curious scientist. 
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dmsden · 3 years
Planned Randomness - Getting the best of both worlds out of "Random" encounters
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. This week's Question from a Denizen comes to us from our contest winner, Alikania. They ask, "Howdy! Figured I would ask (as I've had problems with it in the past but a recent success) on designing engaging encounters. My party all but forced me to stop doing random encounters and I see their point of view and agree that combats should have meaning out side of just "the world is a dangerous place". So my question is this: how to make encounters in a new environment interesting and engaging. (PS. My recent success was the first half of a major battle so I can't use my ideas there forever!) Thanks for the consideration."
I tend to agree with your players, Alikania. I'm not a big fan of random encounters, as I feel like they slow down story momentum and often don't offer much beyond a chance for the PCs to waste their resources. Having said that, I do use a randomness element with my encounters, while not making them entirely random.
So what do I mean by that? Well, I roll for random encounters long before the time that the PCs actually get wherever they're going. Then, with an idea of whether the encounter will happen during the day, at night, etc, I craft an appropriate encounter. So yes, there's a randomness to when the encounters happen, but I didn't just roll on a random table to decide what happens next. I choose monsters, and I make something that makes sense for the environment and the time of day, and I put something together that fits the themes of the adventure I'm running or the area the PCs are traveling in.
Just like a campaign can have a theme, and an adventure can have a theme, an area can have a theme, feel, or vibe you're trying to get across. While you want to avoid something feeling like it's just there to break up a region, you can use "random" encounters to stress the feel of the world. So, for example, if the PCs are in an area where elven rangers patrol and the walls between the world and the Feywild are thin, you can craft a very different encounter than in a region dominated by gnoll raiders.
For example, my party is about to set forth into a wild and dangerous jungle inspired by the Indiana Jones movies where, they've been told, everything wants to kill them. Yuan-ti once ruled here, so encounters with Yuan-ti "archaeologists", snakes, hydras, and more all make a thematic sense. Carnivorous plants, wild monsters, and creatures that rely on camouflage and ambushes all make sense. Giant insects and spiders make sense to me, since they make me remember the tarantula scene towards the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Arc and the "spider pit" scene in Peter Jackson's King Kong.
I literally have an encounter written called "Everything Wants to Eat Us". I can't wait to unleash it on my players. Its purpose, obviously, is to emphasize the dangerous nature of the lands they're traveling into, and to use monsters that're specifically chosen to represent creatures likely to be found in these lands.
As far as interesting encounters in general, I have a couple of bits of advice:
1. Where Is the Fight Happening? What terrain is there? Can you make something interesting about the encounter because of the terrain? A fight amongst erupting geysers, a fight in the middle of a forest fire, a fight on a collapsing bridge over a chasm, or a fight in the middle of a raging river are all going to be very different from each other.
2. Do the Monsters Have a Home-Field Advantage? Related to the terrain question, it's worth thinking about who might start a combat in the place where the encounter happens. Maybe hostile aarakocra wait until the party is halfway across that collapsing bridge before beginning their assault. Maybe salamanders started that forest fire and are still there. Maybe a giant gar attacks during that river crossing when the party is vulnerable.
3. Does It Have to Be a Fight? Not every encounter has to be a fight. Think of the other two pillars of D&D. An encounter could be the party finding an ancient ruin where they could encounter traps, puzzles, and information. It could be meeting a merchant caravan and doing some trading. It could be meeting a traveling noble and having a social encounter. It could be with game animals that might bulk out a party's supplies. It could be with a swift-moving river that the party needs to ford in order to continue.
I hope these tips make your encounters more interesting. Until next time, may all your 20s be natural.
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obutsuwrites · 3 years
salt water (seamonster!shiggy x f!reader)
summary:  “Of course not! I like talking to you.” Inky black tentacles twitched under the curtain of waves. ‘She’d cower. Make herself as small as she needed to be; pathetic and crawling.’ Tenko grinned at the thought. She was nothing more than meat on a slab.  xxx or the time i write monster shiggy ft. ocean imagery warnings: dubcon, drowning, mind control, tentacle sexey times, vore, smut, oviposition word count: 4,468 taglist: @kaccatus @sadjealouswhore @tenaciousgothstudentauthor masterlist | tipjar | twitter | commission info
The ocean lapped against her knees in gentle waves. It was refreshing and cool; a morning breeze she wanted to submerge herself in and never leave. This was her sanctuary, her home. The ocean -- in its inky blackness -- was almost like a lover. The waves were little arms that entangled around her ankles and upper calves. Simple, harmless flirting until the woman finally took the plunge and allowed the ocean to swallow her whole. She would only tread lightly; growing up in a little sea-side shack carried the reality of her lover; silent waves could shift and evolve into violent tides. 
She squinted as the afternoon sun pierced her eyes. It sat high in the cloudless, cobalt sky. An orange giant that radiated such intense heat, despite the forecast claiming otherwise. The sun was hot against the small of her back; skin exposed and soft. The woman allowed her body to sink further into the salty brine. She shivered at the chill, but it was a welcome distraction from the humidity. As she waded further into the deep, bits of seaweed danced around her legs. Slimy and unpleasant. The woman shoved down her discomfort, it was only temporary. 
She swam apathetic laps. Her body was now accustomed to the chill. In the benign quiet, the woman’s mind began to wander. The sea allowed for more than just cooling off; peaceful and cerebral. After several soft loops, she rescinded herself to float atop the navy sea surf. The woman’s lazy gaze was glued to the sky. Her body was delicately rocked, a lullaby she wanted to submerge herself into for eternity. Sometimes, she wondered if the ocean was capable of violence. To her, it was nothing but serenity and placidity. The woman knew tales of drownings and bizarre, awful sea creatures… However, she had experienced neither within her rather mundane life. Fingers grasped at the azure water, eyes shifting to stare into the great abyss. Despite squinting, the woman couldn’t see to the bottom. She wondered if it was so deep that light simply didn’t refract. 
A crackle sounded off in the distance; the beginning of a storm, she noted. Storms were something she knew all too well. Humidity and the frigid ocean mixed together often to form thunderous, dark clouds that beat against her shack. Angry and fierce.  Eventually, the waves would pick up, as if to respond with equal force to the storm, like two lovers fighting. 
Reluctantly, she began her trek back to shore. Perhaps, she could watch the rain beat on her windows. The wind picked up; the smell of the sea working its way into her nose. Salty and fresh. However, seaweed was strong and wrapped around her ankles. This wasn’t unusual for the woman; the sea could be a difficult lover. The shore was still far away, not even within her reach. Her feet hadn’t even touched the smooth surface of rocks. Slight panic wove into her chest, the sensation tight and heavy. Kicking her legs, the woman tried to swim past the monstrous clump of plant matter. She had done this before. Seaweed wasn’t thick like this and despite her best efforts, her legs were still knotted in the dense foliage. 
The woman continued to kick her legs, the movements morphing into desperation and anxiety. This was foreign to her. The sea wasn’t a maze of fear and panic, yet here she was, arms flailing and face red. 
“H-help!” It was a futile scream; the beach today was empty and she was alone. The sea was going to swallow her and she was alone. Her mind raced with images of her barren skeleton nestled between dead plants and sunken ships. A bleak resting place. 
The sky twisted into a dark caricature of itself; bleak with clouds hiding the sun. Her terror was tangible now as sea foam bubbles seeped into her mouth. Coughs and spit erupted from the woman. Static portraits of her life played like a macabre theater. ‘No! Please no! I don’t wanna die!’ The ocean was a lover scorn; waves began to pick up. The woman feared her body would disappear beneath the current, but the seaweed kept her anchored. Safe. 
Her throat grew dry with cries that fell on deaf ears. This is how she would die; crushed beneath azure crests with an angry sky. She gave up and became complacent in her fate. Tears flowed freely down puffy, coral cheeks. 
Suddenly, she felt a long tendril wrap around her thigh. This material wasn’t seaweed, it was different. Spongey. Organic. The coil traveled down her leg and freed her lower form. 
Breath caught in her throat expanded into the salty, swampy air. “T-thank you!” 
Fire crackled and the air was balmy; the woman was determined to expunge any cold. Overcast clouds brought in a certain chill, which was only compacted by her waterlogged clothing. Her brassiere had started the slow process of becoming solid again; a fuzzy towel wrapped around jittery shoulders. She believed the suction cup lined tentacle was an octopus. 
“They can be quite helpful. Suction cups are made for -- for sticking.” Truthfully, the sentence was tangible and real for a simple reason; it felt more real. It was far too horrible to believe sea monsters had invaded her paradise. 
She awoke with a start. Electricity already burning obnoxiously in her veins. The thought was a joke at first; throw out food to the anonymous ocean critter that had rescued her. It was fair. She wanted to repay the kindness. No animal was suited for her sea excursionist. Her love was the ocean firstly; everything came in violent crashes next. Purely no room for animals. However, this being -- this animal. She needed to remind herself it was an animal. Animals can just be smart.
“Like octopi. Or maybe -- maybe a squid.” ‘Octopi’ was a new word; something the woman picked up from long study sessions in the town library. The building was a crypt, dusty and decrepit. Relics from before the second war, chalky volumes of history and academics… but they held the most beautiful anatomical drawings. Precise lines formed into a web of a body on delicate paper. She wanted to rip them from their pages and exhibit the art upon her walls. It was a guilty feeling the woman had to bury. Deep.
Octopi were carnivores, which meant they ate meat. Things like fish, sharks -- even birds. On occasion, the invertebrate would drown their prey. She loathed the vulgar imagery of an octopus immersing a bird into her sea -- into the great blue only to disappear under murky depths. The mental painting seemed so far off -- so  distant from her benevolent savior. 
There was a certain click in her step, her movements jovial and careless. Her limbs were wire and ethereal. After a masochistic study session, the woman felt confident enough to pursue the octopus. The plan itself was half-baked, but she was… hopeful. Her wallet wouldn’t survive otherwise; she was too naive, trusting and allowed a butcher to sell her a suspiciously warm steak. Little flashes of the overripe meat squirming with maggots skipped through her mind. 
“I hope you like this!” 
She threw the steak into the ocean. A smile had eased onto her face. 
After several minutes a bitter call echoed from the sea. “Not this, stupid.” The voice was scratchy and harsh; like a sweater. Goosebumps developed and her lungs burned. 
‘What an unfortunate sound.’
Tenko wasn’t a beast per se. He was merely acting on instinct, but he wasn’t all bad. That idiot woman carried a delicious fragrance; her pores were just leaking it. His primal instincts demanded Tenko to clamp his beak over her clavicle. He wanted to peak at her flesh until only ribbons clung to her skeleton… but he was lonely. Tenko was lonely and needed a friend -- needed her. The woman’s cries seemed so inviting. She made pathetic little sounds that were like music to him. He decided to play along, in the hopes of revealing in her fear again. 
Women weren’t unknown to Tenko; they were little sacks of meat that nourished him. However, this wench was something entirely different. She didn’t belong within the predetermined hierarchy and Tenko absolutely fucking hated her for it. Her gestures were carefree and swaying; large hips on full display. The woman wench deserved to know her place. 
‘No one else would do it. It has to be me.’
An uncomfortable silence inched between them, the steak long gone. The realization wasn’t kind to her. This wasn’t an octopus; this was something worse. Something bad that could speak. Her skin felt slimy and dirty now. She rubbed at her ankles. Waiting for a response was becoming a real experience -- complete with the bells and whistles of anxiety. The woman’s back was on the sea. She refused to greet the monstrosity. 
“I’m… sorry. It’s been so long since I had company.” A soft reflection was in the voice; gentle regret. How could she resist? Tenko was being vulnerable now, if not a little sad. But it was necessary. Feigning humanity would lead his prey in with wide, innocent eyes. 
With a back turned, the woman took a step away from the benign waves. “You talk?” She didn’t want to ask anymore -- she didn’t want to engage the abnormality any further. 
A low whistle crept across the oceanic landscape. 
“Yes. Can we be f… friends?” 
‘Her little brain must weigh nothing,’ Tenko thought, ‘A stupid broad like her is lucky to even be alive.’ The mortal was braindead enough to put trust in him, he didn’t even have to beg. Well, he didn’t have to beg as much as he anticipated. Her vibrating fear could be felt even within the depths of his domain. Tenko found it pathetic, in all honesty, but saliva pooled at the thought of her. Naked. Afraid. All primed and ready to be devoured… ‘Such a delicate body. It’s really a shame I’ll leave blemishes.’ 
Within a week’s time, the raspy, sea-salt coated voice was the woman’s dearest friend. Her only friend. It was unnatural at first. The ocean wasn’t sentient, it couldn’t have a soul, and yet something would respond to her questions and ramblings. Always patient and kind hearted. She was curious if the voice was even a sea creature.
‘What if you’re the sea?’
Her mouth opened and closed, mimicking a question. She was curious if the voice had a name. There was certainly nothing offered up; the voice had demanded the woman never swim again -- never look into the great depths. At her sheepish request, the voice shook with rage that trembled and quaked in their words. It was the first time the woman remembered that this voice wasn’t human and maybe it didn’t -- maybe they didn’t function by the natural laws of man. 
A wave bumped against the beachfront. Her name carried off of the breeze, followed by a pause, and then, “What was your question?”
“It’s… uh, it’s stupid, really,” she replied, eyes stuck on her modest shack. Confidence was lacking in her voice; the woman now shrinking before Tenko.
The stench of her was in the water now; Tenko scrunched his face in response. Focusing on her was a part of the plan. His desire for the broad would be found eventually, but he needed to bite down any residual lust that floated around. Her smell was so pungent that it made Tenko’s stomach burn and twist. Like a heated wrench. 
He was growing bored. Impatient. Hunting was never a show like this. Hunting was hunting -- killing and eating with bits of flesh mixing with crimson. The sea looked best like that; bloody, a massacre of sin. Tenko should have eaten her a week before. She was stupid and within his grasp… but he let her go. A mistake he wouldn’t make twice. 
“Of course not! I like talking to you.” Inky black tentacles twitched under the curtain of waves. ‘She’d cower. Make herself as small as she needed to be; pathetic and crawling.’ Tenko grinned at the thought. She was nothing more than meat on a slab. 
His words of encouragement were like a shock to the system. Something was in those words, something the woman craved. Her chest tightened and words washed upon shore, “Can… can I see you?” 
It was a simple question, and yet Tenko hated it. He knew this day would come, but he prepared little in the way of comfort. His face twisted into a scowl as little angry bubbles surfaced. 
“Why? Aren’t you afraid? I can feel your tremors from here.” Tenko wanted to squash her curiosity. This game of cat and mouse shouldn’t end so abruptly. He wanted more play time with his food. Fear was a seasoning that couldn’t be wasted. A precious resource only for him. 
The ocean was quiet now, its rage worn down and tired. The woman looked out into the azure water and tried to gather her remaining courage. Tenko’s voice was unlike the kind tone she was accustomed to; his response was harsh and laced with seafoam. This wasn’t her disembodied companion. This was a creature.
“N-no,” she hesitated. Her words were anchored in her belly. She looked away from the azure abyss, fear creeping into her chest. The woman knew nothing of her companion -- only that he saved her. Surely, he couldn’t be some monstrous bundle of tentacles and eyes. He had to be more… human. 
Silence sat between them. Tenko began to impulsively curl his tentacles. He found the quiet annoying and somehow a little frightening. Perhaps his meal was reconsidering their arrangement. ‘You couldn’t,’ Tenko thought while the sun shrunk behind a cloud, ‘you’re too stupid.’ Befriending him -- feeling sorry for such a gluttonous horror was a fool’s mistake. His heart hummed at the thought of her bare and bloodied. 
The death of their conversation was awkward, if not heavy. Truthfully, the woman blamed herself for it. Feet nestled in warm sand; her mind straying back to Tenko. She knew he was beneath the oceanic canvas. Hidden away. ‘Hiding from me.’ Mournful eyes watched the sea. The day was dreary. No clouds. Sun scorned and resting. The sky held a drab palette; rainbows of blacks and grays formed into being. She wondered if the ocean was ever this ugly. 
Tenko came to his great conclusion; ‘I can eat your pea-sized brain now, can’t I? You’re probably stinking with guilt. So worried about your only friend.’ Slowly, Tenko lifted the tip of his beak into the air. Her pungent rot was like driftwood; moldy and earthy. She sickened him, but his body and mind weren’t one. Two muddled pieces that ached for both devouring her whole, and filling her disgusting guts with him. Tenko wanted to breed her -- watch his mewling little mortal stretch with his eggs.
Tenko’s stomach growled. 
“What -- what’s your name?”
His beak quickly retracted back into the salty brine. In his chest was a heart pounding against his rib cage. She was so close. She was so close. ‘Stupid and trustworthy. You’d do anything for a friend. You’d do anything… for me.’ Tenko realizes this and seizes his dinner bell, “T-Tenko. Can you come into the water?” Saliva pools at the back of his throat, “I’m lonely.”
The voice was heartbroken. His Tenko’s vocal cords were raspy, as if he gorged himself on salt water. A certain note of despair lingered in his sentence. The woman gave one last look into the vast blue before plunging her toes into saline waters.
It was as cold as the grave. Yet the coolness of it was relaxing. Hypnotizing. The ocean was calling out to her, its wet claws draped around her ankles, pleading with her to stay. She thought her ears caught a whisper from the depths; “Don’t go.” 
Everything was falling into his lap. First, she decided to trust him. Then she found comfort. Now, she belongs to him. Every chunk of flesh, every spec of marrow -- all his. He would suck her bones dry and drain her. ‘I’m going to devour you in the worst way.’
Her voice trembled with an alien sort of fear, “Tenko…” Water soaked into her dress, the cotton sticking to her shivering form. “Tenko, I’m scared.” Salt water was plugged into her nostrils. The strong scent was almost nauseating. There was a dull twinge in her heart. ‘Magical octopi,’ she chanted, ‘enchanted animal that speaks!’ Despite her conviction, salivation was unheard. The icy water rested just under her collarbone. Its gentle current nipped at her skin. She suppressed a shiver, keeping her legs kicking. The woman waited until something spongy -- familiar -- grabbed her calf. 
“You’re here.” The woman released a forgotten breath. Her chest was unraveling; the feeling of him was… comforting. This was her friend. ‘He wouldn’t hurt me.’ Her salt stained lips pitched into a grin.
Tenko envisioned violently dragging her squirming body. Little bubbles trailing behind, her last breaths. Gentle face painted into horror. He wondered if she would fight back; maybe pitifully grab at his tentacles? Tenko’s eyes widened in excitement, her legs sending waves. ‘Finally you made it, moron girl.’
His words were like a haunting chorus, “It’s okay,” her name was honey in the air, “Can… can you swim to me?” Tenko sounded cautious, ‘He’s worried about me.’ Her one friend -- her one true friend was concerned about her! The woman’s eyes were bright and alive. A smile played on her lips. Tiny butterflies felt like they were gathering in her chest. Tenko needed her. Needed his friend. The loneliness seemed to melt off while her legs worked against the sea, water splashing in every direction. Her body was numb; skin nothing more than drenched. She noted her dress was slowing her down. Tenko was leagues away -- almost impossible. Yet she persisted. 
His tentacle was the thread guiding her home -- to him. The rubbery flesh was a trail behind her. It was a reminder that Tenko was close, somehow obscured under blankets of briny water. Looking into the blue void made her stomach tangle together in a mess of anxiety. There was an unknown factor -- a certain fear to the ocean now.
Tenko held a delicate grip. ‘I can’t squeeze you to death just yet.’ He hoped the woman’s death rattles were soft, nothing like a dying creature. Tenko knew she would struggle and seafoam would kick into her lungs, but a part of him wanted her to coo at him. Make little creamy pleas. Stuck in his mirth, Tenko began to pull. The sensation was lost on his meal; her mind too preoccupied with determination. Her feet no longer tapped against slimy seaweed. Instead, the abyss greeted her. Negative space gathered. Nothing to keep the woman afloat except for her own flailing limbs.
A rather thrashing limb caught Tenko in the beak. Instinct took over as he yanked the woman. Aggressive and without tolerance. His beak was strong enough for her kick, but the accidental assault felt purposeful. Her lungs filled only once; to scream. Blue fluttered into her line of sight while bubbles erupted into view. Water rushed into her lungs. She managed a cough, salt in her nose. 
The woman fought against the pull. Waterlogged fingers slipping. She clawed at the tentacle as her expression froze in open-mouthed terror. Tenko wished he could see it, but the vibrations of her panicking body would have to do. He wanted to eat her panic. Swallow her whole and stare into the bloody waters she’d create. 
“St-stop… struggling so d-damn much,” forming a sentence was hard. This woman -- this squishy little mortal -- continued to fight. Tenko wished she would claw at scratch at him, fear added a certain spice to his meals, but her insensent kicking must stop.
Tenko releases the woman, her little head shooting up and bobbling amongst the current. Greedy lungs sucked in sour sea air. The saline burned down her throat, but she was relieved. ‘I was going to die. Tenko… Tenko wanted to kill me!’ The realization hits like a sandbag. She has to leave now. This creature, no, this monster was nothing but death. 
Before she can will her tired body, a melody drifts into her mind.
“Please don’t go.” He sounded so mournful. Grief laced into every word. 
She looks into the great blue before responding, “I have to.” Tears brim her eyes, making the world glassy. This was her only friend and yet he wanted to harm her. There was something dangerous to this creature. 
Tenko grew impatient. She should simply accept him as he is. This doesn’t need to be unnecessarily difficult… but she was making it difficult. Couldn’t this broad see Tenko only wanted to fill her half eaten, frail body with eggs? It’s a compliment, an implied attraction, and she just had to ruin it. Her little brain cannot even begin to comprehend the damage she’s done. 
With great effort, Tenko continued his heartbreaking colloquy, “I’m sorry. I… I didn’t m-mean it.” It’s burdensome to speak such lies, even more of a bother to project them into such an idiot. However, Tenko knew this woman had kindness tucked into her heart. She had no other choice but to forgive. “You want to see me, don’t you? The curiosity must be suffocating.”
She did… She had wondered what Tenko looked like; her mind’s eye wasn’t content with a mermaid. The woman had to see him in all of his glory. His voice was mesmerizing, like sharp ocean currents beating against rock. Her heart slowed to an acceptable pace. The organ no longer hammered into her. Her pulse wasn’t in her ears and the only thing in her stomach was an airy bit of hope. ‘Tenko probably hasn’t had any visitors before. I’m -- I’m his first.’ There was a strange comfort in being Tenko’s only friend. 
Something hard bumped against her leg. “Tenko?” She asked, voice small and soft. A vortex of salt water swirled underneath her as a head peaked from beneath a crest of waves. Tenko wasn’t quite as she imagined; her friend resembled a kraken more than a man. His beak was half-way submerged, stringy white hair clung to his worn face. He wore a gentle expression. Her eyes softened at his humanity. Tenko was so close she could smell him. The sharp scent of brine and seaweed permeated the air. A certain warmth settled into her belly. 
“Can I… touch you?” 
The woman nodded. His tentacle -- slimy now -- interlocked around her arm. The appendage was spongy and its suction cups held onto her with care. She melted into his touch while Tenko guided her into his bare chest. She looked up at him, big doe eyes that held nothing but admiration for the monster. ‘A pity,’ Tenko thought, ‘You didn’t really struggle, did you? You want to be full of my eggs.’ Tenko asserted this belief as another tentacle found the small of her back. Another snaked up her waist and landed on a clothed breast. She shivered in his embrace, the frigid water now soaked into her bones.
Ancient words danced in her mind, “Give yourself to me.” No emotion was behind her eyes, no hint of a human. Instead she steeled herself -- perfect and waiting for Tenko. She was a gift for him. Roughly, his tentacles roamed her body. His suction cups latched and unlatched onto bits of sodden flesh. She was mushy and delicate, like algae. Tenko could break apart her body, bone by bone, until she was dust stuck in his suction cups. A hushed mewl fell from her lips once Tenko brushed against a sensitive nipple. Her face was flushed and glistening. There was a crinkle in her eyes; a foreign ecstasy. The woman’s body hadn’t experienced such a fiery, electric sensation before.
“Don’t…” She buries her face in his chest, “don’t stop, Tenko.” It was too mortifying to allow such a divine creature see her like this. Body peppered with pink and chest heaving against him. She leaned into his touch. He kneaded her skin, spongy suction cups tweaking her nubs. Tenko could feel himself begin to swell, tentacles fat and aching. He looked down at her, drool trailing down his beak. 
An eager tentacle harshly grabbed her drenched garment and quickly discarded it to the sea. The woman’s body instinctively shivered, nerves still tender. “Stay still,” Tenko commanded as a tentacle slithered down her stomach, stopping at her waistband. 
“Please.” Her eyes are like saucers, innocent and begging. Tenko indulged and a tentacle stroked her wet cunt. The sloppy noise mixed with her insensent moans. It was a chorus of vulgarity. Tenko, however, made no sound. His vocal chords vibrated with animalistic grunts as he explored her body. Another obscene groan finally encouraged the beast; a single tentacle slipped between her thighs. 
Her pudgy walls gripped his swollen tentacle like a vice. “S-slow down, Tenko.” The woman felt violated. Tenko was going too fast, not allowing for rest. His tentacle plunged into her, prodding her womb. “Stop! It hurts!” The woman grit her teeth while trying to stifle a cry. 
“Quit whining,” Tenko sneered, sharp beak biting down on her collarbone. Iron flooded Tenko’s mouth and a whine played on his lips. She was sweeter than anything -- anyone he had tasted before. Her tainted scent was nothing compared to the meat before him. A piercing yelp sounded from the woman. The shrillness of it only spurred Tenko; his beak gnawing at her open wound. 
An orgy of violence and bliss swirled in her mind, twisting into one. Divinity itself was biting into her and marking her as his own. His fat tentacle stretched her to an almost inhuman degree; her face sweaty and mouth open. Drool pooled into her wound and mixed with Tenko’s spit. She wanted to reach up and touch it, feel the feral brand he left. She adjusted to his size, an unfamiliar hotness gathering between her legs. 
“F-faster, please.” 
Another ethereal voice called to her, carried from the breeze, “You want me to fill you with eggs, don’t you? Say it.”
Dribble spat from her mouth, “Tenko, I want -- please make me fat with your eggs! Breed me!” Painfully, Tenko hammered into her doused cunt, pushing against her cervix, the spongy flesh almost like a pillow. Welcoming. Warming. Wanting him. Her pussy fit perfectly around his engorged tentacle, milking him for every bit of slimy pre-cum. 
“Take my eggs, broad,” Tenko growls as a miry egg sloshes into her womb. 
A cry permeates the air. “Too big, Tenko. Too big,” the woman heaves. Her mind swimming with one simple phrase; “You’ll be such a good moma.”
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saltandburnsis · 4 years
dead in the water, pt. 1
Characters: Reader, Dean, Sam
Age: 20
Warnings: drowning, death mention
Word Count: 1,794
Summary: After another disagreement with Sam about how the trio is handling John’s disappearance, the Winchesters set out to Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin to investigate the drownings.
A/N: just so i don’t disappear for a while without a word, i’m going to try to remain consistent-ish with my posts, but my grandparents both have COVID and i’m not super motivated right now. if things get worse, i probably won’t be on for a bit. please bear with me through it. as always, dialogue taken directly from the episode is in italics.
~ ~ ~ ~
You sat beside Dean at the counter of the small diner, looking through a newspaper while he read another. Your waitress walked over and stopped in front of Dean, smiling at him. She leaned in close to him and smiled.
“Can I get you anything else?” she asked. You circled an obituary a few times, shaking your head.
“Just the check, please,” you replied without looking up at her. Sam walked over and took his seat on the other side of Dean while the waitress walked away. Dean hung his head then looked over at you.
“You know, Y/N, we are allowed to have fun once in a while.” He pointed over at the waitress. “That’s fun.” You only rolled your eyes in response.
“Here. Take a look at this. I think I got one.” you pushed the paper towards him. He took it and placed it between him and Sam. “Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. Last week, Sophie Carlton, 18, walks into the lake, doesn’t walk out. Authorities dragged the water—nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Manitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were found, either. They had a funeral two days ago.”
“A funeral?” Sam asked, looking up from the paper. His disbelief was clear.
“Yeah. They buried an empty coffin for closure or whatever,” you replied with a shrug.
“Closure? What closure? People don’t just disappear. Other people just stop looking for them.” Dean looked over at you then turned the stool to fully face Sam.
“Something you want to say to us?”
“The trail for Dad—it’s getting closer every day.”
“Exactly. So, what are we supposed to do?”
“I don’t know. Something. Anything.”
“You know what? I’m sick of this attitude. You don’t think me and Y/N want to find Dad as much as you do?”
“Yeah, I know you do. It’s just-” Dean continued to talk over him.
“Me and Y/N are the ones that have been with him every single day for the past two years while you’ve been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find Dad, but until then, we’re going to kill everything bad between here and there. Okay?” Sam didn’t reply. Instead, the two of them stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. You rolled your eyes and stood up.
“I’ll be in the car when you two are finished,” you said.
“Y/N-” Sam started, but you cut him off.
“No. I’m sick and tired of this. Dean’s right, you haven’t been here. This is how we do things. Even you just said you don’t know what we should do. God, if you want to do things your own way, just shut up and go. As soon as this is over, you’re going to leave anyway.” You turned to look at Dean. “This is exactly what I warned you about.” You looked between the two of them once more, shook your head, and walked out. Dean sighed and straightened up in his seat, piling the papers together. Sam cleared his throat.
“Alright. Lake Manitoc. Hey, how far?”
~ ~ ~ ~
You followed Sam and Dean up to the door, standing behind them. You smoothed out your jacket and readied your badge while Dean knocked on the door. A man opened the door almost immediately.
“Will Carlton?” Dean asked. Will nodded.
“Yeah. That’s right.” You held up your badge at the same time Sam and Dean lifted theirs.
“I’m Agent Ford. These are Agents Hamill and…Fisher. We’re with the U.S. Wildlife Service.”
~ ~ ~ ~
Will led the three of you outside. His father sat out on a bench on their dock, and Will watched him for a few seconds before turning back to the three of you.“She was about a hundred yards out. That’s where she got dragged down.”
“And you’re sure she didn’t just drown?” Dean asked.
“Yeah. She was a varsity swimmer. She practically grew up in that lake. She’s as safe out there as in her own bathtub.”
“So, no splashing, no signs of distress?” Sam asked.
“No. That’s what I’m telling you.” Will replied.
“Did you see any shadows in the water? Maybe some dark shape breach the surface?” You were the one to speak this time.
“No. Again, she was really far out there.”
“You ever see any strange tracks by the shoreline?” you followed up.
“No, never. Why? Why? What do you think is out there?” Will’s eyes met each of yours, begging for an answer.
“We’ll let you know as soon as we do,” Dean answered. With that, he turned around and walked back to the car. You began to follow but stopped and looked back when Sam remained planted in his position.
“What about your father? Can we talk to him?” Sam asked. His eyes never left the older man’s shape. Will sighed and glanced back at his father.
“Look, if you don’t mind, I mean, he didn’t see anything, and he’s kind of been through a lot.”
“We understand.” Sam nodded. He finally turned away and followed you back to the car.
~ ~ ~ ~
“Now, I’m sorry, but why does the wildlife service care about an accidental drowning?” Jake asked, opening the gate on the side of the desk to let the three of you in.
“You sure it’s accidental? Will Carlton saw something grab his sister.” Sam spoke, the three of you following Jake into his office.
“Like what?” His annoyance was already made clear in his tone. He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk as he walked further into the room.“Here. Sit, please.” You pulled a chair over and sat beside Sam.“There are no indigenous carnivores in that lake. There’s nothing even big enough to pull down a person unless it was the Loch Ness Monster.”
“Yeah, right,” Dean said. You leaned forward in your chair slightly to exchange a look with him before sitting back and turning your attention back to Jake.
“Will Carlton was traumatized, and sometimes the mind plays tricks,” Jake continued, finally sitting down. “Still, we dragged the entire lake. We even ran a sonar sweep just to be sure, and there was nothing down there.”
“That’s weird, though. I mean, that’s the third missing body this year,” you said, narrowing your eyes slightly.
“I know.” Jake’s voice was softer now, sorrowful. “These are people from my town. These are people I care about.”
“I know” Dean replied.
“Anyway…” Jake sighed, throwing his hands up as he leaned back in his chair..“All this, it won’t be a problem much longer.”
“What do you mean?” Dean asked. Jake looked at him quizzically.
“Well, the dam, of course.”
“Of course.” Dean looked over at you and Sam with widened eyes before continuing. “The dam. It’s, uh, it sprung a leak.”
“It’s falling apart. And the Feds won’t give us the grant to repair it. So they’ve opened the spillway.” Jake moved in his seat, resting his arms on the desk while he eyed Dean. “In another six months, there won’t be much of a lake. There won’t be much of a town, either. But as Federal Wildlife, you already knew that.” He looked at the three of you, suspicion lighting up his eyes.
“Exactly,” you nodded, trying to save face any way you could. Before anything more could be said, a woman entered the room.
“Sorry, am I interrupting? I can come back later,” she said, looking at Jake.
“Agents, this is my daughter,” Jake introduced as the four of you stood. Dean walked over and held out his hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Dean,” he smirked.
“Angela Bar. Hi,” she replied, shaking his hand.
“Hi.” Dean’s eyes never left hers, that is until Jake spoke up.
“They’re from the Wildlife Service about the lake,” Jake explained, interrupting your brother’s flirting.
“Oh,” Angela said. Her voice was barely audible. A young boy stepped out from behind Angela.
“Oh, hey there. What’s your name?” Dean asked him. The boy kept his gaze on the floor, then turned and walked out of the room. Angela looked at the four of you apologetically before following the boy.
“His name is Lucas,” said Jake. Through the doorway, you watched Angela help Lucas pick some crayons out of the box.
“Is he okay?” you asked, glancing back at Jake.
“My grandson’s been through a lot. We all have,” he sighed. With that, he walked around his desk and over to the door.“Well, if there’s anything else I can do for you, please let me know.”
“Thanks,” Sam said as you all filed out of the office.
“Hey, you know, now that you mentioned it, could you point us in the direction of a reasonably priced motel?” Dean looked to Angela.
“Lakefront Motel. Go around the corner. It’s two blocks up,” she replied with a smile. You and Sam turned to leave but stopped when Dean spoke again.
“Two…would you mind showing us?” he asked. You looked at Sam and rolled your eyes.
“You want me to walk you two blocks?” Angela scoffed.
“Not if it’s any trouble,” Dean replied.
“I’m headed that way anyway,” she said before looking over at Jake. “I’ll be back to pick up Lucas at three.” She leaned down and hugged Lucas from behind. “We’ll go to the park, okay, sweetie?” After kissing the side of his head, she stood and went to the front door.
“Thanks again,” Sam nodded at Jake before following you and Dean out of the building and after Angela.  
“So, cute kid,” Dean said as soon as you made your way down the street.
“Thanks,” Angela smiled, crossing the street.
“Kids are the best, huh?” You and Sam started laughing softly and Dean shot a look at you both, a silent “shut up.”
“There it is.” Angela gestured to the motel across the street. “Like I said, two blocks.”
“Thanks,” you said, ready to head in. She nodded then looked at Dean, sighing.
“Must be hard with your sense of direction. Never being able to find your way to a decent pick-up line.” You turned around to try and hold back a laugh while Angela crossed the street again. “Enjoy your stay,” she called over her shoulder. You contained yourself and looked to Dean.
“I like her,” you smiled.
“‘Kids are the best?’ You don’t even like kids.” Sam criticized.
“I love kids,” Dean shot back.
“Name three children that you even know,” Sam challenged. Dean went silent; you could practically see the gears in his head trying to form an answer. Sam shook his head and walked into the motel, you at his heels.
“I’m thinking!” Dean called out, following the two of you in.
~ ~ ~ ~
SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306 @marvelous-glims @i-didnt-do-it-i-promise
forever taglist: @griff1ndor @gothsatanicrapunzel @choosemyname @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @not-astounding @sassy-specter @vicmc624 
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Laughter at the Academy by Seanan McGuire
"There were realities the human mind was never meant to withstand, pressures it was never meant to survive. Knowledge is like the sea. Go too deep, and the crushing weight of it could kill you."
Year Read: 2019
Rating: 4/5
Context: I received a free e-ARC through NetGalley from the publishers at Subterranean Press. Trigger warnings: Literally everything. Death, parent/child death, suicide, torture, body horror, severe illness, severe injury, explosions, guns, needles, abduction, blood, spiders, mental illness, grief, war mentions, car accidents, drunk driving, bullying, some ableist/sexist/homophobic language.
About: Laughter at the Academy is a short story collection spanning nearly a decade of Seanan McGuire's work and blending horror, fantasy, and science fiction. All the stories are independent of her other series (Wayward Children, October Daye, etc.) but occasionally circle back to similar topics. Readers familiar with her work as both McGuire and Mira Grant will recognize doorways to other worlds, ghostly hitchhikers, epidemics, haunted houses, and murder mermaids. The collection also branches into new territory, from dinosaurs and spooky dolls to fairytale retellings in Oz and Neverland.
Thoughts: It's hard to talk about a story collection, harder still when that collection has more than twenty stories in it, but I'll do my best, knowing there isn't time to cover everything. In sum, this is a very good collection, and fans of her work as either McGuire or Grant will find something to enjoy about it. There's hardly a story in it that I didn't like; however, there were also very few that I loved, which may be a product of trying to invest myself in twenty-two distinct worlds in, like, three days. My bad. Hands down, my favorite story (and the one I wept the most over) was "Driving Jenny Home," which is similar to her Ghost Roads mythology. I never knew I needed a ghostly lesbian hitchhiker story in my life, but I totally did.
So many of the stories remind me of other McGuire/Grant things I've read. "Crystal Halloway and the Forgotten Passage" is a clear offshoot of Wayward Children, but it's sad enough that I'm glad it didn't get its own novella. "The Tolling of Pavlov’s Bells" is a condensed, more brutal version of Kingdom of Needle and Bone, and "#connollyhouse #weshouldntbehere" and "Down, Deep Down, Below the Waves" combined could make up In The Shadow of Spindrift House. "Laughter at the Academy" has mild Final Girls undertones, and "Each to Each" is the distant cousin of Into the Drowning Deep. Far from feeling derivative, the stories are a comforting tread into familiar topics, and I like seeing which ideas stay with a writer so much that she never really moves past them. McGuire is in her element here.
She ventures into new (to me) territory with a couple of solid horror-ish tales about creepy dolls with "We Are All Misfit Toys in the Aftermath of the Velveteen War" and "There Is No Place for Sorrow in the Kingdom of the Cold", with the latter being more developed. I especially liked "Lady Antheia’s Guide to Horticultural Warfare", which is sort of like Little Shop of Horrors meets The Day of the Triffids, if the main character was the carnivorous plant. (As always, I'm on the side of the monsters.) I also really enjoyed "Homecoming", a Viking-esque afterlife story, and "Threnody for Little Girl, With Tuna, At the End of the World", a sad but poignant tale about grief and the end of the world.
I'm on the fence about the fairytale retellings. Of the two Peter Pan ones, "In Skeleton Leaves" is stronger than "Lost", and like the Oz story, "Emeralds to Emeralds, Dust to Dust", it feels less like a short story than something that's been excerpted from a larger piece. So many of McGuire's stories feel like they want to be novels, and if/when she ever gets around to writing those, I'm there. There's a ton of potential for world and character building.
A couple of the stories play around with formatting: "Bring About the Halloween Eternal!!!", "Office Memos", "From A to Z In the Book of Changes", and "#connollyhouse #weshouldntbehere", which swap traditional narrative for things like memos or tweets. I'd like to teach them in a classroom about genre. Of all of them, I think "#connollyhouse #weshouldntbehere" works best, since the limited character count and staccato format lend themselves easily to suspense and the gradually building horror of the story. (But I'll also admit I have no idea what was going on in "From A to Z In the Book of Changes"). If you're a McGuire/Grant fan, it's not to be missed. If you're not, you might be once you've finished.
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jetsetlife138 · 4 years
Hi, so I’m a gay guy who stumbled onto what lies beneath on AO3...I think you may have made me gay for Pennywise, I was wondering if I could request a Pennywise M reader Drabble?
This makes me SO. FREAKING. HAPPY!!! Thank you so much for reaching out! I had so much fun writing this! Sorry, it’s longer than a drabble. I just got carried away. I hope you like it <3  Pairing: Pennywise x MaleReader Rating: Mature Warnings: Mentions of gore, manipulation, seduction, and if you squint hard enough, some fluff Words: 1,400 Summary: Reader hates gore-filled movies, but Pennywise loves them. Guess who’s in charge of movie night? 
Movie nights were something that you had immensely enjoyed, even before you had befriended the monster known as Pennywise. Settling in on the worn-out sofa with ample snacks and an ice cold beer while losing yourself in a fictitious world of cinema ranging from intense action films to raunchy comedies was the best way to wind down and relax. 
At least… it was until Pennywise came into your world. Granted, you still had the sofa, the snacks, and the beer, but now your movie nights consisted of grotesque horror films, which seemed to be the only ones that Pennywise enjoyed. He wasn’t much for compromise, so any time you tried to watch anything without any kind of slaughter, gore, or spine-chilling fear, he wasn’t interested and would make distracting noises of disgust and annoyance, ruining the experience. So, much to your own dismay, you relented, It’s not that you were a pushover by any means, but the thought of denying an ever-hungry creature like Pennywise the sickening pleasure of watching others meet their horrific end was… well, frightening to say the least. A part of you worried that watching all of these movies were just giving him ideas on how to torment his victims, but what he did in his own time remained a mystery, which you were grateful for. 
The kicker was that Pennywise had no idea of your affliction for those kinds of movies. You had started this weekly tradition with him when you were first getting to know each other, and were looking for an excuse to be within close proximity of him while lounging on the couch. You didn’t want to upset him by telling him of your aversion to gory films, so you tolerated it as best you could. At this point, it was far too late to tell him how you really felt about them. 
“Are you ready?” you asked your carnivorous companion, who was already planted on the couch, his massive form taking up most of the room. Situating yourself beside him, you tossed a handful of popcorn into your mouth, enjoying it while you could since you knew that when the slaughter started, you wouldn’t have an appetite at all. 
Grabbing the remote, you started to browse through your list of options.“So, what’s it gonna be?” Pennywise scanned the selections with mild interest. His eyes suddenly lit up when a film popped up with what appeared to be severed limbs surrounding the title of the movie. “That one,” he insisted, a maniacal grin spreading across his face, making your heart sink. Damn it. 
“‘Saw’? Are… are you serious?” The twinkle in his eye was all the answer he was willing to give you as his breathing quickened, indicating his excitement. Your Adam’s apple bobbed as you swallowed hard with nervousness. Repressing a groan, you started the film, knowing that you would be haunted by disgusting images later that night. Trying to seem somewhat relaxed, you propped one of your feet up on the coffee table so that you could rest your arm on your knee to try and limit your view of the TV without it being too obvious.
It was incredibly difficult to maintain your indifference as the movie progressed. When the first jump scare occurred, you jolted so hard that Pennywise broke his focus away from the carnage and glanced down at you apprehensively. You laughed it off, trying to hide your embarrassment before taking a deep breath and trying to calm your frayed nerves. Despite your best efforts, it was getting to be too much to handle. The screams, the sounds of gore and torture were making you sick. Giving in, you closed your eyes, no longer able to withstand it. Moments later, the horrific sounds of the film ceased. Still refusing to open your eyes, you felt a nudge to your side. “Hm, what?” you murmured lowly, peeking out from behind your lids at the creature beside you. 
Long gone was Pennywise’s twisted grin and eager expression. Instead, it was replaced with worry as he eyed you with concern. Immediately, you tried to relax your features in hopes that he didn’t yet catch on as to the reasoning behind your reluctance to watch the movie. His bright blue eyes flickered over your rigid form for another moment before he spoke. “This upsets you.” It wasn’t a question. Your discomfort must have been more obvious than you had thought. 
Still trying to save face, you quickly tried to come up with an excuse, tripping over your own words in the process. “N-no! I’m fine! I think I’m just tired.” With a gentleness he didn’t portray very often, he leaned in close, making it a point to brush against your stubbled cheek as he pressed into you. He then took a moment to breath softly into the shell of your ear, his cool breath and smooth motions causing an involuntary twitch in your pants.  “I can smell your fear.” 
He pulled back then, a knowing smirk on his face while you struggled to maintain eye contact. You tried to swallow again, but your mouth and throat were parched as you searched for an explanation. “I-it’s nothing. Really,” you stammered nervously. Pennywise hummed skeptically, which sounded more like a growl than anything else. He then gripped your hand and brought it to his mouth, extending his tongue and licking agonizingly slowly across the open palm of your hand. The action was incredibly intimate, and despite your trepidation, you were getting turned on. You were suddenly very grateful for the pillow on your lap that masked your obvious arousal. 
“Are you sure about that?” His lips peeled back to reveal his now jagged and sharp teeth in a malevolent smile, indicating that he could absolutely taste the panic radiating from your skin. That’s when it occurred to you. “You knew,” you accused, finally putting the pieces together. “You’ve always known. Why?” The clown giggled menacingly before gripping your shirt and roughly pulling you towards him to kiss you, leaving you dazed. Breaking the kiss, he murmured against your lips, “Tasty, tasty beautiful fear.” Realization hit you like a truck. “You’re twisted, you know that?” You couldn’t help but smile, despite your irritation. “This was all to get a reaction out of me? I’ve been tortured for weeks because you get off on me being afraid?” Pennywise’s smug expression was answer enough. Playfully, you made a move to punch his arm, but he caught your fist effortlessly in his hand, entangling his gloved fingers into your own. It was the only form of apology that you were going to get and you knew it. “Can we please watch something different? At this point, I’ll take anything.” A chuckle resonated from deep in the clown’s throat as he sat back, waiting for you to make another selection. When you finally decided on a light-hearted comedy, you relaxed, finding the courage to lean into Pennywise and rest against him with your back on his chest as you settled into a comfortable position. A strange rumbling emitting from the clown caused your body to go rigid as you held your breath, trying to figure out what was happening. Finally, it dawned on you that it was the sound of contentment and he was pleased with your close proximity. “Pennywise?” He gave no verbal response, but you knew that he was listening by the way his purring had halted. “Why haven’t you killed me? Especially when you could sense my fear? Isn’t that, like… catnip for you?” The growl that tore from his throat let you know how little he cared for being compared to a cat, but he answered anyway. “You don’t fear me. Not like you should.” Giving his reply a moment to register, you pressed on. “Why would that matter?” Reaching around to splay his giant hand possessively across your chest, he held you tightly as he once again whispered in your ear. “Because films are fictitious. I, however, am very real. The only thing you should be afraid of… is me.”
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deviationdivine · 5 years
Nighttime Fear (RK800-60!Prompt Request)
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He is a fear you succumb to until his true face reveals itself... 
Word Count: 2.2k
tw: Angst, Language, Smut Themes
a/n: Follower/Reader Appreciation Drabble | Prompt: “Then perish.” - originally a request 
You never knew daylight could be so violent…
Night becomes a better way to die most assuredly. Revelations unfold live as all falls down in a blink. Broadcast for all to witness and this conversation stops before it begins. No more fight in endless hope. Endless despair replaces unkindly but final. It fails. There is no more chance. Gunned down, left to rot in the snow like nothing. 
It sickens you to watch. So much it hurts to see what they have done that you no longer have courage to face this truth. All those androids - obliterated. 
Switching off television does not switch off panic. Silence only drives the stake further center of your heart. 
Where is he? They won’t take him. Please.
Your body sinks. Attempting to bury into safety of cushions they are nothing more than a fabricated security. Soft surroundings but hardest of hearts turn to stone and shut down the life that remains. 
Laying a head atop arm of the couch, one single harbor to anchor, you stare off. Nothing in particular holds interest or thought. You merely exist. Waiting, praying for a sign but part of this so-called strength that carries you throughout is cracking. Drawing eyes to door it is a foolish hope because he will not come. Appearing over threshold enables frantic, happy swoop of your arms to snake around his tall form. Even if it may be awkward still but it will be worth your sanity. 
Sleep overtakes tears, doubts and ultimate fears. Exhaustion defeats you and silence becomes your tomb. Then a thunderous crack commands your door.
Banging in a louder echo is overactive imagination. You are so tired. It rouses you sharply drawing you from the position weariness placated you to. This time it is fierce. Movement brings out not only a jolt up to feet but thudding of heart. 
Another crack, specific and unremitting for entry vibrates its surface. They will not leave. 
Caught up confused as you wake so quick pulls you to answer. A small hope bubbles but immediately fades. No, of course it is not who you think. How can it be? 
Still you unlock with vigor. Opening quickly ready to pounce on whoever decides to come here when everything falls apart around the city. Those plans cease their existence meeting those eyes. 
A brief shock rattles. He is no illusion. Solid, alive and –
Chocolate fire cinders down to the quick of your soul and he does not verbally greet. He physically bounds. 
Strong, insistent hands clash with your soft humanity to drag you inside as his mouth collides. The android slams the door shut blocking out any who will come to interrupt. He has you now. He will take every last piece to mark with his scent claiming tender flesh in brutal domination. 
Thumping you heavily into wall unleashes every caged carnivore hungering behind his walls. Free and broken he will choose how this deviancy spreads fire just as you infect subconscious acidity. 
What’s gotten into Connor?! He’s an untamed beast sweet in temperament but ruthless in vivacity. Nearly weeping at the magnitude of passion you are at his mercy. You like it. No. You love it. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you would enjoy the roughness so well. Already your legs tremble, a tight twist forcing an unbearably pleasant pool between legs.  
The moment he purposely slides his leg, pushing knee between and into your groin you gasp uncontrollably. Spreading your legs apart, leaning his tall, lithe frame into you so headily; a shudder unmakes whatever composure is left in the physical armor you adorn. 
He tears through. Casting aside a shield of your making, he dismantles self control. At his mercy, whimpering into the android’s surprisingly hot mouth, desire pools center of your orbit.
Long fingers invade past the swatch of fabric, searching for your heat and he finds the sweet slickness, wet splendor that gives all of your cravings away. An open book your pages spread and the android enjoys the moans pouring salaciously up throat. 
He bites into the skin clamping over pulse. Internal analysis floods vision. Arousal spikes in a shiver he absorbs like a parasite living off your essence.
You grab back at him. Needing to be closer than you have, melting away mortal flesh with his corrosive love. Scalding transcends this spiritual plane that grounds you. For him you will, must float.
Oh, please yes.
Take this turmoil befalling Detroit away. There is only a ravenous prince made of plastic and synthetics. But you do not care. He is exquisite fire boiling the blood through tissue.
“Connor, I-I want you,” whispering up into his lips ascends your spirit. “I’ve wanted you since you first…!” 
A yelp overtakes the rush of confessions in his abrupt snag of hips. Forcing you from between his chest and wall he roughly moves your body. Stronger than anything you will ever witness the android hoists effortlessly, hungry, needy for the slick warmth his fingers kissed. He wants it around him in a luscious sheath all for him. 
Dropping you down upon freshly washed bedding pumps more than a frantic heart. Anticipating drives your body in reaction to what’s to come. Knowing how quickly he scanned interior of small flat only drives this ache. He made haste to plant you sprawled on the bed, which seemed so much further away in the beginning of this dance. 
Cool fingers snake underneath your shirt riding up the fabric slowly. His lips twist in a predatory grin. Something devilish prickles, needles stabbing at you while watching his face. How can he appear so different but so right? Never have you witnessed such hunger in his eyes. It crumbles you. Gladly you dissipate, allowing swift undress; your head thrusts to pillow, fluffy groundwork to soften the blow of this love. 
A wet flick touches skin traveling up torso greedily tasting. This android’s tongue becomes a weapon bent on destruction. Oh, how you want to be destroyed. 
“Mmm,” a huff answers him sweetly. 
He is neither sweet nor gentle. Your back arches as you desperately try to stopper your cry of pain. His bite is sharp. Sinking into flesh, pulling mercilessly like tenderized meat off the bone. 
Even as kisses crash harsh in a bid to brand you eternally there is something gnawing. Despite wanting this with Connor you cannot help but wonder how different he seems. Not a word spoken, simply feasting upon you as a banquet readily displayed for a private party. Realizing that this is his private affair all you can do is lie back in wait. 
“Connor, are you-?”
“Be still!” the android’s voice deepens, growling impatiently.
Pining arms above head, sliding atop he breathes artificially into your shoulder. Inhaling you pushes the android’s strings, groaning between the friction of plastered bodies. 
Writhing beneath his heavy frame to a private tune in your mind does not completely blind. As he pulls back from between your legs to remove jacket it’s the first time this fatalistic passion subsides. You see it then. The serial number: 313-248-317-60. 
Your eyes widen at the dawning realization. Wafting over arousal and increasing a tremor in your stomach. All of it washes away as a stain slowly ebbing from its tarnish. Goosebumps attack now in an entirely different way and when he slithers back towards you, coiling up your previously willing, shivering body you internally scream. 
“You’re not Connor!” 
Pushing at his chest hurls you off the side of bed. Landing in a tangling thud increases your anxieties. All this time it wasn’t even him. It was - 
“Who the hell are you?!” 
Crossing arms over chest doesn’t prevent the fact he’s already seen everything. Maybe not every piece because you still have jeans hanging on hips, unzipped but all the same. 
“Tsk. I wondered how long before you saw my serial.” Standing tall, moving away from unsettled bed brings him close as an imposing force to punish your wildest dreams. He analyzes the quick pace of your heart still thudding in arousal. “I would have made you scream. That can still be arranged.” 
Everything down to the last detail is Connor except it’s not him. This can only mean one horrible thing. 
“I have his memories uploaded,” the Cyberlife enforcer needles you. Smug he is victorious because destruction felled the original prototype and his alcoholic waste of a partner. “Memories of you. So sweet, so soft. Driving the disease of deviancy in every circuit. He - loved you I think.” 
Tears collect abundantly listening to truths in all too familiar husky voice but somehow raspier, darker. The voice of Connor reverberates out of a mechanized monster. 
“When I uploaded them I felt a curious urge,” RK800-60 explains partially his desire to destroy. 51 fell to knees riddled with entirety of magazine. Still it was not enough. It did not satisfy to use one mere kill shot. Aggression flooded his sensors overheating processors and the only way to appease became a symphony of gunfire. Slaughtering instead of simply stopping rages this beast inside and still it claws to break out. He narrows burnished, bleak and terror, a game of wolf and rabbit. How juicy you remain on his tongue little rabbit.
“I wanted to be the one.” He admits his own deviancy. “The victor. I am Connor as much as Connor was he. I can be yours, Y/N.” 
Yours? Oh, God! No! 
“Get away from me!” Screaming angrily, repulsed with how much you adored, begged for what he was about to give brews an incredible guilt. How long was this going to go on? What if you never took notice? What if he was too powerful in his fervor, exalting you to heights unknown you could not to stop yourself from -? 
Impossible to comprehend because this is not your Connor. You would never want anyone else. 
Are you so sure? 
A tiny voice out from the dark questions each breath that spills from your lips, each thought that convinces yourself. How sure are you? 
Standing here facing a torrent of unfathomable, plentiful carnage, his carnage glorious and gratifying. He pushed you to the wall ravenous. Immediately you responded in a tango of fantasy rivaling the most sacred of secrets in the heart. He hurled you to the bed insatiable. Light bloomed inside aching to be taken, pulsating for his majesty. 
You wanted him. A violent storm laying waste to foundations those same ones held for what he represents. Connor. He is gone. It is so obvious. 
A flood happens bursting the dam shielding your strength. This thing that is not him….how you crash into his sea. Turbulent and bottomless waiting to drown you and he almost did. 
“I want you to get out…” 
Weakness. Savory wetness. He smells it. The android reads beyond words. All vitals point to what you really want. RK800-60 tilts his head in sadistic satisfaction. 
“I will make a deal with you, Y/N.” 
The minute he speaks everything sinks down into your stomach. This time it is not the affectionate twist of butterflies. Taking flight for who you naively believed to be Connor; your eyes trail up the identical android equally tall and piercing insides with dark hubris. 
His eyes may be the same color but something deeper shimmers. An endless abyss made of pure malignity. Deeper than the most subterranean sea trench pulls you down until air no longer bathes lungs. 
Quicksand is more merciful. How far you sink is your choice. 
“Pretend none of this ever happened.” The android offers a calculating solution. Humans are known to be fickle. As he stands here now, watching as a bird of prey, hawkish but serene in his imposing stance. 
RK800-60 holds onto that machine persona. An influx of software instability following unwarranted connection to 51 does not completely vanquish Cyberlife’s protocols. 
He is the assassin a wisp in the night moving undetected, shadow and smoke, night terror divine. Silent necrosis spreads across city infectious, crippling all in his name. His actions mean an unsuccessful end to revolution but it does not have to end for you. 
“Forget that Connor stepped foot inside Cyberlife Tower. And love me instead.” 
Is he insane?! 
“No.” Absolute disgust slips around one syllable but it is every pain, each denial you can stab into his artificial exterior. No. You cannot. If you do can you live with your decision? Throwing away the memory of the original for a copy that uploaded his memory but is still not him.
Sixty’s smug aura evaporates. Watching you move hastily snaps his fingers onto your arm. Wrenching you close they release to steeple around your throat, holding vice with minimal pressure. 
“Then perish.” 
Hissing against ear jolts you into him and he revels the synthesis of horror and prurience. Willingly you allow contact without much fight before he encircles you this way. 
RK800-60 fondles your earlobe with the tip of his tongue. “I will fuck the heart out of you. Little rabbit.” 
Weakly you give in. From the beginning he knew you would. What does this make you? What hell will you bring forth? 
Self destruction will be your fate for this. Somehow writ in stone moment you allowed him to enter. Now he enters your mouth all forked tongue and demoniac consumption. He eats you alive. Yet you welcome it. 
You cannot let go of this face. Even in the possession of a fearsome pretender. 
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 11: Dark World
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: Mention of genocide, casual racism, mentions of past death Relationships: Loki x Reader (if you squint) Characters: Loki (Marvel), OFC, Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending, Loki needs to Work on the Racism, Have More Headcanons, Loki is Not Fond of Stephen Strange, Loki is also Not Fond of Reliving Certain Memories Summary: Reader gets an impromptu astronomy/history lesson, but Loki glosses over the important parts, not wanting to dwell on the very history that he himself made
Loki was still reading the Alfar book when you returned, but he set it aside for a moment to inquire about how your check-in went.
“I told him the truth.” You said simply. “I’m not gonna lie to Captain America.”
“Oh, you fancy the old soldier?” He teased.
“I believe in what he stands for.” You said, lifting your chin.
“And what is that? Ah, don’t tell me.” He stood, and began to prowl around you like a cat. “Courage. Nobility. Self-sacrifice. Honor and glory! For God and Country! Amen!”
“Justice.” You said, as he completed his circle. “No more billionaires getting away with slavery and murder. No more cops killing you for having the wrong skin color. No more people thinking there even is a wrong skin color. No more kids going hungry in the richest nation on Earth. No blindly following unjust laws. Standing up, and making your little corner of the world a better place. We wanna believe America is exceptional? Then we have to make it that way. We haven’t, but we could.”
“And what do you bring to that table, little baker?” He questioned. “What’s exceptional about you?”
You had never been anything special. You were average. You had gotten average grades, came from an average part of the country, looked average. You were a hard worker, but you couldn’t be anything less, or you’d be homeless. Average jobs meant starvation wages. You hadn’t gone to college. You’d never stopped studying, but without a degree, all your extracurricular learning meant nothing. What could you have been, if only you’d had the money to make anyone believe in your worth? What could you do?
“I can do magic.” You offered.
“Can you? Why don’t you show me?”
So he was still going to be like that, was he?
You quickly grabbed him by the hand, and reached for a nearby glass. He caught you by the wrist before you could pick it up, and shook his hand loose from yours.
“Okay, yes. But can you do it without our contact?”
“Not yet.” You conceded. “But once you teach me how, I will.”
“So what you’re saying is that, for you to grow and reach your great potential…you need me.”
He fixed you with a positively wolfish grin. It made your stomach flip. You crossed your arms and stared up into his teeth. He just wants you to react.
“Or, you know, that wizard we saw before.”
“That presumptuous dilettante?” He growled. “The arrogant dabbler would have you scrubbing his floors to distract you from his lack of ability! He wouldn’t know what to do with you.”
“And you do?”
“Moreso than that cocksure novice!”
“Sure don’t like him, huh? What’s the deal? Did he scuff up your shoes one time, or something?” Now this was amusing! He sounded like an overdramatic teenager ranting about a rival.
“He’s a swaggering pretender playing with forces he barely understands. A baby given an incredibly dangerous toy. I have had centuries to grow and mature in the Art, he has the equivalent training of picking up a pamphlet and thinking he’s learned everything.”
“Mature, huh? Is that why you turned my hair green?”
He snorted. “It’s not green, you little fool.” He waved his hand in front of your eyes. “Go look.”
You did. Everything was normal again.
“The illusion was not on your hair.” He informed you. “It was on your eyes. Did you think nobody said anything about it out of respect? My brother would have mentioned it, even if no one else did.”
“Okay, I’m…actually less mad about that than I thought I would be. I didn’t know you could do that.”
“I can do an untold number of things that you don’t yet know about.”
“Oh.” That sounded mildly threatening. “Well…can you tell me more about Svartalfheim? I couldn’t finish my lesson yesterday, Miss Valkyrie was a little unsure about the details of its recent history.”
He frowned.  “You’re still on about that? I suppose it’s lucky that one of my meetings has been cancelled. But I cannot always waste time on your curiosity. “
“Rude! You think teaching your history is wasting time?”
“I don’t.” He sat down, patting the bench, inviting you to join him. Why did he do things like that? His moods and actions in constant flux. You never knew where he’d be a few moments down the line.
Loki is the trickster of the gods, an untrustworthy god of lies, deceit, treachery and evil. The father of lies and monsters, a patron of misleading actions.
You sat down next to him.
“It’s just that I hate Svartalfheim, and I hate the Svartalfari. Living through events that make it into history books is nearly always unpleasant in some way. But you are so cursed curious, so I suppose I must fill you in.”
He conjured an image of a black, cloudy world, orbiting a dim, eclipsed sun. There were no visible stars. Swathes of dust obscured the already weak light.
“It’s beautiful.” You breathed.
He gave you a look. “It’s dismal. Just look at it. It’s colorless, dry and depressing.”
“But how is it like this? How is the sun like that? Where are the stars?”
“Do you want history or astronomy?”
He sighed. “The galaxy in which Svartalfheim is located contains a great deal of dust and dark matter. Svartalfheim itself orbits a small, young star within an absorption nebula. Do you know what that is?”
“I know what a nebula is.”
“Okay, well there’s more than one kind. This kind does not glow with the light of the stars within it; no light escapes or enters. So, no stars, no constellations, no inkling that there might be someone else out there. There are but two planets in this system, no others have had time to form. There is Svartalfheim, small, dark, dirty. And then there is this enormous gas giant, just barely not a star itself. Both planets are very close to the star, so Svartalfheim is warm, despite the darkness. But by some fluke of development, both planets have the exact same orbital period. Meaning-“ He continued, noticing your slightly confused expression. “-that they have the exact same length of year. And so, this gas giant is forever between Svatalfheim and the star. The eclipse is permanent. A day on Svartalfheim is very long. Long dark days, and long black nights. Do you follow?”
“Stuff’s dark. I got it.”
“Yes. And so, no plants larger than lichens grow. That’s really all they have there. Lichens and mushrooms. The soil is poor, as is the ecosystem. Only a few species can live there, and the majority of those are carnivorous, feeding off small eaters of lichen, and each other. All of this contributes to the overall dreariness of the place. “
“I still think it’s beautiful.”
“Why?” He asked, seeming annoyed that you hadn’t instantly taken up his same dislike of the place. “It’s bleak. It’s empty. It’s hostile.”
“It’s different! It’s new, and young, and we’ve never seen what might live on a young planet. I didn’t even know life could form on planets in such weird circumstances.”
“Midgardian attitudes toward space are rather amusing, do you know that? You all have such a passion for it, but you’ve barely done anything with that passion. It’s as if you are obsessed with looking through your windows, but won’t take but a few steps outside your own door.”
“Well, I mean, we didn’t have a Bifrost, and we need, just, so much air? To survive? I already know we’re less tough and have shorter lives than you all, so that probably has something to do with it. We haven’t been able to build ships that could hold everything we need, and go fast enough to get us places within those short lifespans. And then I think some weird things happen to our bodies when we stay in space for too long? I’m not sure, I haven’t studied it before. Kinda want to now, though.”
“There is a Bifrost here now.” Loki pointed out. “Someday, it will be like our old one, and able to transport people to all of these planets. Svartalfheim is forbidden though, on order of the king. And myself. I’m afraid I can never take you there.”
“Oh. But why not?”
“Because we hate it. Or rather, I hate it, and my brother hates it and also sympathizes with it.”
“You’ve been beating around the bush here. Can’t you tell me what happened?”
“I can. But it’s unpleasant. You know, I assume, of my grandfather’s battle with the Svartalfari?”
“Yeah. And the Aether, and that it came back later in a human lady. Did you meet her?”
He cleared his throat. “Yes…we met.”
“What was she like? She had this stone inside her?”
“She was…interesting. Secretly powerful. You know only a few can handle the stones without terrible consequences. She didn’t exactly handle it, she could not utilize its powers, but she did contain it. If you were to touch one of these things, it would likely consume you entirely, understand? She held it within her body, and all it did was weaken her.
In the end, we rid her of its influence, but it fell into our enemies hands. Behold.”
A small figure emerged. It was entirely white and black; white skin, white hair, white armor that looked carved from bone, all wrapped and strapped in leathery black clothing. It wore an expressionless, hollow-eyed, white mask over its face.
“Okay, that’s creepy.”
“That’s a Svartalfar. Hideous, cave-crawling, hateful creatures.”
“Why do they look like us? Why do they all look like us?”
“What do you mean?” The planet and the person dissipated.
“Vanir, Asgardian, Human, Svart-al-far, we all look the same. Same body shape, same faces. We all have written languages, wear clothes, make fashion choices. Some worse than others. We should all be extremely different from one another, shouldn’t we?”
“Convergent evolution?” He suggested.
“I’m gonna have to look that up. So is that why they’re so pale? Because they live in caves?”
“Precisely. They are very insular, unforgiving of any weakness. They used to war against each other, having no idea there was anything or anyone outside of their tiny star system. They couldn’t do what humans did; they couldn’t look out into the stars and wonder if they were alone or not. When they found out that they were not, they did not react with wonder, or even fear. They have only hatred for anything that isn’t one of them. They try to destroy anything that is not Svartalfari.”
“Okay, but you guys didn’t exactly come with open arms, right? You wanted something that was on the planet, didn’t you?”
He sighed. “Metals. Mostly zinc and silver.”
“Uh-huh. So their first contact with another species was a bunch of warlike invaders who wanted to steal their stuff. But of course, they’re just ‘naturally inclined’ to hate all outsiders.”
“Now I know it seems like that, but we did attempt to open trade agreements first. We saw how poor the ecosystem of the planet was, and offered to trade food with them. Grain and such.”
“Did they not want that? Was it taken as some kind of insult?”
“No, not exactly. It just turned out our food was poisonous to them.”
“Oh no!”
“Yes. Our existence, what we represented-that is, an entire unseen universe beyond what they thought was ‘everything’-upset their cultural understanding of their place in existence. And this death we brought could only be interpreted as a deliberate attack. The Svartalfari are truly immortal, you understand; they can be killed, but they do not die on their own. Old age is an unknown concept to them. Due to this, their birth rate is incredibly low. They had a stable population of only a few tens of thousands, that’s it.
Hundreds died in the initial poisonings. That was when their hatred truly took hold. As the deaths continued, one of them rose to a position of prominence. He spread a doctrine of genocide among his people; that all others were a mockery of what the universe should be. That all others must die. They began by killing the Asgardian miners and merchants, and continued doing this until the armies came. This one man mustered all of his warring people under one cause, and claimed to have a weapon to back him up.
He had discovered the Aether. You know it as an Infinity Stone, the Reality stone specifically. With it, one can influence, or even change reality itself. He intended to use it to revert the universe to its initial state of darkness. It was possible only under a cosmic convergence that brings all the realms into line, and breaks down barriers between those worlds. He thought to use the stone then, to reach as far into the universe as he could, extinguishing the light along the way.
My grandfather and our armies routed them. Nearly the entire species was wiped out, and we left the planet permanently.”
“Didn’t stay for the silver?”
“I think, for perhaps the first time, my grandfather regretted a battle. He certainly liked to fight and conquer, but I do not believe he was genocidal. That takes a…a certain kind of insanity that rarely looks like what it is. So he forbid his people from returning, leaving the planet as a graveyard.
But, of course, they didn’t all die. Their leader, some of his soldiers, and a very few children survived. And so, thousands of years later, they tried again. In search of the Aether, which was within that woman, they actually invaded Asgard.
I was imprisoned at the time. You know, for my oh-so heinous crimes against your world, which my father had abandoned a millennia ago.” He sounded positively venomous for a moment. “You know, they broke all the other criminals out. Offered to free me, but…I just didn’t take the opportunity. You know, I think I still believed I’d be forgiven in time.  ‘Look Father! I had the chance, but I didn’t take it! I still have some honor after all!’ Hmph.” He grimaced. “The Svartalfari invaders murdered the queen while I stayed in a cage.”
And there was the reason their mother had never been mentioned. She wasn’t here. You opened your arms almost on reflex. Who had hugged him after that?
His hand was on your forehead in an instant, halting your compassionate advance.
“Spare me.” He said dryly. “It wasn’t the worst thing to happen to me that day.”
“Well of course we sought revenge. Did you know my brother and Heimdall are traitors to the Crown? It was never just me. We broke so many laws together. Ah, good times. We headed right to Svartalfheim, got the Aether out of that woman, and tricked the Svartalfari easily. And then I was killed, and left behind on that miserable place.”
“What?” You repeated.
“Obviously I wasn’t completely dead, but I was very close. It certainly seemed like it; enough to fool absolutely everyone. Including myself. But I am Aesir, and I did not die. Oh, but they did. All of the invaders. I ended the life of my mother’s killer, but if I could have taken the head of every remaining member of the species, I would have.”
“Genocide takes a certain kind of insanity-“ You began to repeat his earlier words.
“Yes. It does.” He stared at you, face sharp and serious. “My brother has once again forbid contact with Svartalfheim. Any who survive may someday rebuild the species. I cannot bring myself to care.”
“Your highness.” You said firmly. “You should allow me to hug you.”
He gave you a long, silent side-glance.
“You do not command me, tiny mortal.” He proclaimed darkly. But he did lift his arm, and look away, giving you the opportunity to wrap your arms around his middle.
You took it.
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beneaththetangles · 5 years
Reading Dungeon Meshi, Chapter 2: Tart
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Welcome back to my read-through of Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui, my favorite current seinen series and the absolute best place to find out what would happen if you had to eat your way through a fantasy dungeon, one delicious monster at a time. Our heroes are…
Laios Thorden, Skilled but Naive human fighter and monster-loving otaku
Marcille, elven mage and Only Sane Man
Chilchuck, halfling locksmith and Consummate Professional
and Senshi, dwarven warrior and dungeon-dwelling Hermit Guru
Their quest: dive through the dungeon, slay the red dragon, and retrieve the remains of Laios’s sister, Falin the cleric, in the hopes that she can be resurrected.
Let’s join them, shall we?
Chapter 2 opens on the second level of the dungeon, where rope bridges hang between ruined towers and colossal trees, a canopy world suspended in air, rampant with strange vegetation. This is the highest level of what remains of the lost kingdom, the peak of the spires of the golden castle. Our heroes wonder at the great trees – their trunks stretch downward into the abyss, and their tops should thrust through the level above, but in this cursed place there is neither earth nor roof nor sky – just the trees, and the void.
It’s time for the party to choose their next meal!
Laios consults his guidebook (bristling with tabs). He reels off the options, Marcille her objections: giant bat or giant rat (unhygienic!); forest goblin (no demi-humans!); animated armor (eat metal?). Finally they settle on foraging for fruit. Distressingly for the elven mage, even the dungeon flora are monstrous, sporting teeth, tongues, viscous vines, and a decidedly lively interest in animal prey. Laios pooh-poohs her alarm – after all, carnivorous plants are known in the wild even above ground, and none of the specimens Marcille points out are truly man-eaters. Still, these things have defenses, and won’t give up their fruit without a fight. Laios and Senshi reach for their weapons. Marcille steps forward and readies a spell – Senshi shouts with alarm, not wanting her to blow away the plant and the fruits at one blast – she turns – and in that instant a vine whips out, wraps the elf up, and whisks her into the air!
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Swinging madly back and forth, Marcille knocks over the mouth of the plant that grabbed her, exposing a very dead and somewhat digested corpse. While the upside-down elf rages at Laois, he calmly points out that of course some plants have digestive tracts (just not the ones she asked about earlier), and by the way the one that’s nabbed her is a parasitic species that plants its seeds under the skins of its victims. He then calmly draws his sword, aims for the root, and cuts down the vege-beast with a single expert sweep. Marcille is grateful – for all of three seconds, until the ever-curious fighter inquires whether the vine’s firm but gentle grasp was…uh…pleasing.
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We do not learn the answer.
So the party gather up their booty and retire to a hollow in one of the trees. There the fruits are lightly steamed and cored and the seeds are removed. Laios tries to pocket a seed, but Marcille swiftly confiscates it and tosses it on the fire. Senshi softens the peels and uses them to line the pan, mixes the mashed fruit with slime and scorpion soup, stirs, pours, heats, garnishes, and finally produces…man-eating plant tart!
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The tart comes out both salty and sweet, a complexity of flavor that even intrigues Marcille. She wonders aloud about the survival advantages of a plant having attractive fruit, but immediately backpedals her show of interest when Laios seizes on her flicker of enthusiasm. Our elf is not a convert yet…
Finally, before they retire for the night the party must decide what to do with the dead body. Unable to revive the corpse, and hoping that the next passersby will return it to the surface, they truss it up with vines and hang it from a branch. The result, while making it more likely that the poor soul will be rescued, does appear somewhat macabre.
That night, Marcille has a nightmare.
Last time I mentioned my love for the chthonic, that troubling yet tantalizing savor of the underworld that wafts from the first few pages. In this chapter, the opening image of the floating forest reveals the mangaka’s taste for the weird and otherworldly aspect of fantasy. The reader encounters a planar shift, a startling reminder that a world of magic operates by different rules – or by no discernable rules at all. We are reminded that “fantasy” means anything is possible, that we have entered a realm of visions and dreams, that the genre can be so much more than, say, monosyllabic sociopaths gutting goblins in sewers. (Souka?)
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But while the author is not shy of the weird and the wild and the wonderful, she balances the alien aspects of the setting – and adds to their substance and detail – by taking inspiration from the real world. In this case, “plant monsters”, a rather generic fantasy encounter, are made more tangible and distinctive by drawing conscious parallels with their terrestrial cousins. A thoughtful touch, accomplishing two things – firmer grounding for the fantasy, and renewed appreciation for the monsters in our backyard. After all, your garden-variety pitcher plant or Venus flytrap is, rightly considered, a nightmare thing of ghastly beauty, deserving fearful reverence.
Failing to be moved by the wonder of creation is a defect, and a dangerous one. Enchantment with the natural world, along with a healthy dose of prudent trepidation, can lead a seeking soul from admiration to understanding, from understanding to mastery, and from mastery to harmony. To admire is the first step. A lack of admiration can have one of two results – either the careless man is destroyed by his environment, or the arrogant man destroys his environment, and thus himself. In this chapter, Laios and Marcille exemplify the difference between reverence and arrogance. Laios’s natural exuberance for everything monstrous has resulted in a degree of expertise only attainable through dedicated ardor. Because he loves monsters, he studies them. Because he studies them, he knows how to defeat them, and how to do so with minimal risk, maximum efficiency, and maximum gain. Marcille, on the other hand, finds their prey repugnant, things to be destroyed, not understood. In clumsy haste, she risks the loss of the fruits of their labor by over-application of force, and then falls victim to her own ignorance of the dangers. Laios, with the quick, clean, deft hand of practiced expertise, resolves the situation in one stroke. Everybody survives, the environment is preserved, and the fruits can be gathered in safety.
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Of course, we can’t be too hard on Marcille. For one thing, her face is adorable and hilarious, and her range of expressions might be the best part of this most excellent series. For another, her reactions are entirely understandable; she’s playing the part of the fish-out-of-water everyman, and the audience is meant to sympathize. It might even be argued that Marcille is the real protagonist, in spite of Laios’s position as leader. Consider that one of the characteristics of the lead character is that they develop over the course of the story, as the challenges they encounter force them to grow. Out of the four party members, Marcille is the one who exhibits the most dynamism. Laios, Chilchuck, and Senshi have fairly static personalities (though we see growth in all three later on). From the start, it is Marcille who bears the burden of constant personal tension, as her vanity, immaturity, and fastidiousness are pitted against the need to survive and to save her friend. Given the visceral horror of having to eat gross stuff, a horror that goes right to the root of any normal psyche, I’d say the elven mage rises to the occasion – if not with aplomb, then at least with some admirably steady guts.
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Dungeon Meshi is published by Yen Press and volume two is available through Amazon.
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