#but sometimes they are fruity
420jimmyuso · 1 month
miss me ? 🫡💯
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the judgment day tweets again cuz i got bored 🤓 kinda lame but after this raw i miss silly judgment day like a motherfucker 😭💔
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ghost-bison · 9 months
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It really just baffles me how they were all played by the same person
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steve and eddie sharing a wardrobe is so adorable and hilarious to me. like imagine steve in eddie’s leather jacket and a lavender pastel polo. eddie in steve’s extra-tight, light-wash levi’s and a mesh long-sleeve. steve in the green hawkins gym shorts and a pair of eddie’s platform boots. eddie accessorizing his metal ‘fits with steve’s sunglasses and nikes. usually looking a bit ridiculous due to the juxtaposition of their clashing styles, but not caring because it makes them both feel loved. it reminds them that they belong to someone, that they’ve finally found a place to call home.
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marvins-linguinie · 1 year
eddie: we're part of the 'in love with people who are most definitely straight' club!
robin: yes we are, eddie, yes we are.
steve: we've talked about this guys, im bi-
robin: by yourself! it's okay, steve-o. we're all single.
nancy: no, but we're bi-
eddie: by yourself. we know guys, it's okay.
robin: of course, we'd let you join our club...
eddie: but, it doesn't really apply to you.
steve: that's why we made our own club.
nancy: it's called the 'in love with people who are the farthest thing from straight' club.
robin: that really has a ring to it, doesn't it, eddie?
eddie: it does!
steve & nancy: *facepalm*
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aashiyancha · 3 months
March of Flowers Day 4: Dandelions
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Featuring Ferdinand and Hubert!
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ok, we all know the scene where will gets Hannibal's letter and then throws it in the fire. I never saw it as a rejection.... he was just putting the information in his mind palace....just like Hannibal and will did with Hannibal's books. the physical matter between them is pointless. it was just to hide the evidence.
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sciderman · 7 months
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amazing spider-man #80
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*After getting kidnapped and rescued*
"Why Two Face and Scarecrow kinda-"
*gets whacked upside the head by Robin*
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unclewaynemunson · 8 months
It was winter '86 when Nancy found out what it felt like to return to your hometown after having moved away. She had managed to skip Thanksgiving, giving her mother some vague excuse about needing to study for her midterms, but there was no way she could get out of Christmas. So here she was, wrapped in a thick coat and matching scarf, finding herself back on the very streets she had wanted so desperately to leave behind.
Moving to Boston had been a liberation for her. It had been the only way to break free from everything that happened over the past three years. Life had become normal again: she had made friends, gone to parties, taken interesting classes... She had finally been able to breathe fresh air again.
It wasn't like everything was magically alright all of a sudden, of course. She still slept with a gun beside her bed – praying that her roommate Jess would never find out about that – and she wondered if the pain of not having Barb to share all these new experiences with would ever fade away. But she was doing better. The pain wasn't as sharp anymore, far away from the streets that did nothing but remind her.
Now, it was the day before Christmas Eve and she was walking around town, with no aim but to flee from her mother's stress about needing everything about the upcoming days to be perfect.
It felt weird, walking these familiar streets again after having been away. She felt like an intruder in what once used to be her town, a place she had left behind for a reason. She still knew every road, every building, she still had memories waiting for her at every corner... But those streets weren't hers anymore.
All of these memories were about Barb. Barb, who would never get out of Hawkins. Barb, whose skeleton was decaying in the dark and twisted version of her town, right underneath the pavement Nancy was walking on. Barb, who had a gravestone with her name on it while another girl was now growing up in the room in the house that had once been hers. These streets would always stay Barb's. It was a narrative that was finished, a book that had reached its ending, and Nancy was forcing it to stay open by merely walking here.
The streets were quiet: as cold and dark as they were supposed to be on the night before Christmas Eve. Lights were twinkling in the houses Nancy passed, and on the few occasions she did cross paths with someone else, she'd always think – just for a second – that it was Barb, still sixteen and risen from her early grave to haunt her.
Wherever she went, she found shadows that only she could see, darker than they were supposed to be. She saw the shadow of their lemonade stand on the corner of Barb's street. She saw the silhouettes of two little girls with pigtails in their hair cycling hand-in-hand towards the middle school building. She saw them giggling on their way to the swimming pool, looking at store windows on Main Street after they got their first pocket money, walking out of the library with big piles of books in their arms; she saw Barb waiting for her at the community center after Nancy's ballet practice, and she saw herself on the way to Barb's to walk Bobby the dog with her. She saw two shadows on the playground, gossiping on top of the jungle gym that was shaped like a pirate ship; two shadows on their way to the pumpkin patch on the edge of town; two shadows playing tag in the woods... Two shadows leading her exactly to the last place they'd been together, where the walls of a big house were stained with Nancy's mistakes on that fateful warm November night in '83. The place where the two shadows had stopped being interlinked; where one of them had wanted other things than the other and they each went their own separate way. Where they got ripped apart from each other for good.
Nancy just stood there, unmoving and hidden away by the shadows of the evening, staring at the stones of Steve Harrington's house with no intention of going in and saying hi. She had no idea how much time passed until the door opened and a girl stepped outside.
For a moment, Nancy genuinely believed that her mere gaze had managed to summon Barb out of the swimming pool that was her grave, to finally become something far more horrifying than a shadow. It was a moment long enough to make her lose her guard and stumble forward over the pavement.
It was Robin. The girl who stepped out of the house was Robin Buckley. Tall, freckled face, blue eyes... But that was all the resemblance she had to Barb
“What are you doing here?”
Nancy took a big breath and shrugged, trying to shake off the uncanny feeling.
“I was just taking a walk,” she said, trying to seem normal - or at least as normal as this situation would allow her.
Robin stared at her for a few seconds, a strange look in her eyes, as if she was trying to decipher some secret code written on Nancy's face.
Then, she nodded. “Okay,” she said, her voice carefully neutral. “Wanna walk home with me? I was gonna bike, but I can call Steve when I get home and ask him to bring me my bike tomorrow.”
Nancy could easily admit that aimlessly roaming the empty streets of Hawkins with Robin by her side sounded much more appealing than all by herself, so she agreed and allowed Robin to distract her with easy conversation while they left the big houses of Loch Nora behind them.
The two of them had kept in touch, with Robin in college in Indianapolis and Nancy at Emerson. They wrote each other letters and called almost every week. And when Nancy had arrived in Hawkins a few days ago, being around Robin again had no doubt been one of the good things about being back.
The presence of Robin beside her reminded Nancy of all kinds of other memories laid out on those streets; ones that didn't include Barb. They passed the corner where she and Steve had once made out in his car, not long after they got back together at the end of '83. They passed the playground with the trampoline where she and Mike had spent countless afternoons launching a laughing baby Holly into the air. They passed the lunchroom where she and Fred would hang out together every time they had a newspaper deadline coming up. They passed the dirt road leading up to the Byers' house, where Jonathan had run after her that day they broke up to give her a hug and make sure they'd part as friends and not just as exes. And finally, they passed the edge of the woods where she and Robin had walked side-by-side and Robin had smiled at the ground, almost shy, when Nancy asked her if they were friends, officially. Nancy remembered that as clear as if it had happened yesterday: amidst all the horrors, the fear, and the looming threats on their lives, had been this genuine smile. It had given her yet another reason to keep trying to win that fight no matter how badly the odds were stacked against them. It had warmed something deep inside of her and made her realize that her problems with Jonathan were beyond trying to save.
Now, more than nine months later and with the feeling that she'd known Robin for much longer than that, Nancy looked to her right to find that same smile playing around Robin's lips, as if she was lost in the exact same memory as Nancy.
Barb would probably keep haunting the streets of Hawkins forever, never letting that uncanny feeling in Nancy's gut fade away whenever she'd visit her old hometown. Her ghost would make the fading pain flare up, sharp and fresh all over again. But this street right here, following the edge of the woods and leading into Robin's neighborhood, was untainted by memories of Barb. The two of them had no business ever going here – contrary to Robin.
Nancy breathed out and asked herself what Barb would want her to do right now.
She'd want you to heal, Nance, Robin once told her, months ago, when Nancy had finally found the courage to talk out loud about everything that happened.
So on this cold winter night, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Robin's. She could feel warmth through their gloves, sparking all the way through her arm and chest, right into her cheeks. Robin's smile deepened and she squeezed Nancy's fingers, not letting go until they reached her front door.
Maybe being back in Hawkins wasn't as bad as Nancy thought it would be.
Ronancetober day 8: uncanny. Inspired by the song These Streets by Bastille
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apotheosisyphean · 2 years
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im not truly obsessed with a piece of media until ive made band au content for it
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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lolathepeacocklord · 1 year
flames emit from my body hey girl. my neck is so sore from being hunched over drawing this
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with and without watermark teehee
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after vol 2, steve has a lot of trouble sleeping bc of his severe anxiety. or he does, until eddie enters the picture & invents the cure. he’ll notice steve’s shaky breathing, roll over, & say: “don’t worry sweetheart, i’ve got this”
which roughly translates to, eddie transforming himself into steve’s personal weighted blanket by fully laying on top of him and making up ridiculous stories to whisper in his ear until he feels safe enough to fall asleep
bonus: most of eddie’s bedtime stories prominently feature “stevie, king of the fattest asses” as the protagonist. steve both hates & loves this
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devondespresso · 11 months
the most unrealistic thing in stranger things is that El didn't have like 10 different lesbian secret-admirers. She's the quirky but sweet new girl, felt the need to share the name of the squirrel from her cabin, has a brother who did his project on alan turing and a 'long distance boyfriend' who for a while no one had seen and angela probably said was made up to everybody. how did she not have like 3 different queer girls making heart eyes at her in the background of every shot???? unrealistic.
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sincericida · 6 months
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in Warren Alfie Baker (his stylist) X Scarosso (NEWS)
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asexualdindjarin · 1 year
I always wonder about the period of time between Cobb acquiring his armour and returning to Mos Pelgo. like did he take a few days to recover from severe dehydration before going back to kill people? did he stop somewhere else in the meantime to learn how to use a jetpack rocket launcher with helmet scope controlled aim?
did he just walk 3 days, collapse, acquire a drinky and a jetpack, walk 3 days back while sipping a space capri sun and fuck shit up?
did he practice with the armour beforehand? it was long enough for the mining ppl to set up reasonably comfortably but he did describe it as "overnight"
not pictured: after blowing up the mining company in retreat Taanti comes out like "you saved us!" and Cobb just gives a thumbs up and passes out. (the townsfolk move him gently because he is now covered in buttons and gizmos they do not want to set off by accident)
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