#but my dad won't stop interrupting because he can't find stuff and he won't tell us what he's trying to find
the worst part of having a crush is that it makes me feel inutterably stupid at all times
#like not only bc I'm such a dumb schoolgirl about it#but also bc I SHOULD be realistic and I'm NOT being that right now#like there's VERY little chance that he even likes me back. we're only tentatively even friends#and he's going to college out of state so like#there's actually honestly no way#and YET#and I feel SO stupid anytime I think about it#like I'm not ALLOWED to say that I'm in love even though that's honestly kinda what it is#I feel SO stupid for saying that#and I hate that I'm being so unrealistic with everything right now#it makes me kind of hate myself#and actually I probably only feel like this because some stuff's come up this afternoon that has me HORRIFICALLY stressed#and frustrated just in a generalized kind of way#and I actually kind of hate everyone right now. kinda just want to be like... ANYWHERE else#idk why my day can go SO well and then as soon as my parents come home everything sucks#like I'm freaking trying to have a freaking conversation with my mom!! I just want to tell her about my day and hear about hers!!!#but my dad won't stop interrupting because he can't find stuff and he won't tell us what he's trying to find#like I keep starting a sentence and I never freaking get to finish it#I'm trying to tell my mom all about church and the sweet 12 year old who's training on the sound board!!#I'm LIKE DAD JUST EFFING TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR I PROBABLY KNOW WHERE IT IS#but he WON'T#but he still keeps interrupting to talk to mom even though he SEES me standing there trying to talk to her#I just want to cry and shout at someone but I can't#I have to do a ton of stuff before I can get away and go be alone#I'm locked in the bathroom right now bc I just blew up at one of the dogs and my sister got angry at me for it#but the dog nearly ran away and wouldn't FREAKING come when I called her and I'm just so frustrated#and I talked to my sister in law on the phone today and now I want to cry bc I miss her#anyway. I hate life rn. I'm sure in 10 minutes I'll have calmed down from my stress and will not hate it any longer#Lu rambles
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ddejavvu · 2 years
bau fam does an amusement park day with all the kiddos and aaron is all heart eyes at reader being so good with jack🥰 just fluff central
"Off the railing." Aaron commands his son, his massive hand pressing against Jacks's chest and tugging the boy back into his side, "You're gonna fall and crack your head open, bud."
"Am not," Jack is ever-defiant, the dark muscles etched into the superhero shirt he's wearing being the only reason he thinks he's strong enough to catch himself if he slips, "I'm too strong to fall."
Jack races ahead in line to where Spencer is talking your ear off about rollercoasters and their various safety hazards, tugging at your shirt sleeve.
"Miss Y/N," Jack interrupts Spencer, but the man is used to it enough not to scold him, and merely raises an eyebrow along with you.
"What's up, Jack?" You don't comment on his hands, sticky with cotton candy, that are staining your shirt.
"Daddy says I'm not strong." He huffs, and you're surprised he doesn't stomp his foot to light up his sneakers, "I'm strong, aren't I?"
"I did not say you're not strong," Aaron sighs, apparently used to this method of tattling, "I asked you not to climb on things that aren't supposed to be climbed on."
"He said I'd fall," Jack points accusatorily at his dad, the man's defeated expression almost making you giggle, "Isn't that mean?"
"No," You come to Aaron's defense, crouching down in line beside Jack, "Because he's right. My cousin fell off of there, once." You recall, flashes of the boy's stitched head whirring through your mind, "He cracked his head open."
"Told you," Aaron ruffles his son's hair, having snuck through Emily and Penelope in the line to stand beside you, "You won't get to ride The Hurricane if we have to take you to the emergency room."
You can tell by the look on Jack's face that he's not amused, nor is he going to stop climbing on the railings around you. So you think quick, leaning in to stage whisper to the boy.
"Jack," You nudge him with your elbow, gaining his attention, "You know what you can climb?"
"What?" Jack looks at you with stars in his eyes, little seven-year-old brain finding nothing more appealing.
"Uncle Derek." You point at the unsuspecting man standing a few feet away from you, lost in conversation with JJ, "He's like a jungle gym. He'll catch you, too, if somehow these fail."
You poke at his belly, the outline of muscles warping and bending under your finger. He jolts, giggling and shoving your finger away, "Okay! Okay, I'll be back."
You watch him skip off towards Derek, and Aaron's curiosity is piqued as well. You stand, now leaning against the same railing Aaron is as Jack grabs Derek's hand. Before the man can process anything Jack's sneakered-feet are scaling his leg, and he shouts in indignance.
Your giggle is far more vivacious than Aaron's chuckle, but you're used to being the bubbly one. He looks appreciatively at you, entrusting that Derek won't let his child plummet to the concrete ground, "Thanks for redirecting him."
"Of course," You try brushing some of the candy floss off of your shirt, to no avail, "I wouldn't get to ride The Hurricane if he went to the E.R either, so really it was more for me than anyone else."
Another one of Aaron's chuckles is your response, and you feel pride, warm and cozy, swell in your chest. The line moves ahead of you and you stride forwards, falling into step with the man beside you, "Does he usually climb on stuff like that?"
"All the time," Aaron sighs, recalling the broken bookshelf he'd repaired not days before for that exact reason, "One time I found him on top of the refrigerator, and for the life of me I can't figure out how he got there."
"Oh!" You slap a hand over your mouth to contain the raucous laughter that tries escaping, "I swear he's not like that when he comes over to my apartment."
"I'm glad," Aaron can't imagine what he'd do if he found out his son had been wreaking havoc for you, "I think maybe we just need to move in with you and he'll always be on his best behavior."
"Oh, perfect!" You play along, nodding thoughtfully, "Jack can sleep in the little closet down the hallway, we'll make it up into a bed for him."
"I'll miss him when he goes off to magic school," Aaron sighs wistfully, "But I suppose it's what's best for him."
Before you can comment on Aaron's surprising knowledge of the Harry Potter series, Jack's hand is once more tugging at your shirt, "Who's going to magic school?"
"No one," Aaron laughs, the sound coming as a quiet huff through his nose, "We're just sticking you in a hall closet."
"No fair!" Jack is running back to Derek in no time, leaving you and Aaron to watch as he catapults into the man's arms, "Uncle Derek, Daddy and Miss Y/N are going to stuff me in the closet!"
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booksaresacredspew · 3 days
I find I need to talk about strokes (and other brain trauma), and how they change people, and how we react to those changes.
My mother had a stroke when I was 5 or 6 years old. It happened during a bunch of other medical stuff I won't go into here, but it was probably a pretty foundational experience for me. Physically, it partially paralyzed a lot of the muscles on one side of her face, so immediately afterward she looked a lot different.
So, when she got home, what I apparently said to her is, "You're not my mommy!"
I don't remember this. But she does. She's the one who told me about it. And I keep thinking how awful that must have felt to her.
Anyway I don't really remember much what she was like before her stroke. I grew up knowing that she had trouble swallowing, and had short term memory loss so it was important not to interrupt her or she's forget what she was going to say. Her voice sounds pretty hoarse because they had to shift one side of her vocal chords closer to the other side so she'd have a voice at all, because that side was paralyzed. I learned to listen closely so I could hear when she was speaking it trying to speak, because she's quiet and needs to say her piece before it gets knocked right out of her head. This is my normal.
And I was 16 when my dad had a stroke. This time the effects were more obvious to me because I have clear memories of the before as well as the after. Physically, it affected his balance, and his vision. He's less coordinated and dexterous in his dominant hand. But it affected him mentally as well, and these effects were harder for me to cope with.
His ability to find the words he wants to use, and his ability to enunciate, were reduced. But more than that, his emotional capacity seemed to regress to a more child like state. He'd have tantrums, after. If he got frustrated, he might start shouting and throwing things - never at people, but it was still alarming and upsetting to witness. He's gotten better about that, since. He also whines loudly when he doesn't get his way, and sometimes it's a joke but sometimes it's not really. There are probably more things I can't articulate it haven't noticed consciously, but which still affect how I relate to him.
Growing up, I was always closer to my dad. This is because, in spite of the issues I mentioned earlier, my mom was the one gainfully employed for most of my childhood, while my dad got laid off when I was 6 or 7 and never got another job. So he was my chauffeur, driving me to and from school, to every extra curricular, and we'd talk in the car about everything and everything.
Recently I've been lamenting that I don't know how to talk to my dad anymore. I don't know how to tell him about my problems and get advice that will help, I don't know how to tell him when what he's saying is triggering my depression, I don't know how to relate to him anymore.
Today I wondered when that started, when I stopped being able to talk to someone who used to be my rock. And I realized, to my shame, that it might have been when he had his stroke. He lost things that day he will never get back. I lost things in my father that I didn't realize I needed. And it's not his fault, and he is still the person who raised me and loved me and taught me so much. I feel guilty for not trying harder, for not learning new ways to communicate with him. And I also grieve for the person he was, who he will never be in quite the same way again.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
If There’s Nothing Missing In My Life…
Fandom: DC Comics, Superfam
Summary: Newly-emancipated popstar and child actor, Conner (screen name: Lucky) navigates high school and stardom on his own.
Chapters: 4/?
Characters: Conner Kent, Lois Lane, Roxy Leech, Rex Leech, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Hillary Chang
Additional Tags: Highschool AU, Celebrity AU, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Exploitation, References to Depression, Conner Kent Needs a Hug, Conner Luthor, Lex Luthor is Conner’s Parent, Childhood Trauma, Self-Confidence Issues, Teen Angst, Angst, POV First Person, No Powers AU, Conner Kent-centric, Bisexual Conner Kent, POV Conner Kent, Protective Lex Luthor, Child Celebrity AU
Chapter Four: Visiting Hours
I awakened to a knock at the door at five a.m. and left the bathroom floor to answer it. I came face-to-face with my dad and had to stop myself from getting emotional. "Are you gonna stay a while?" I asked. He nodded. "Wanna stay here?"
I welcomed him inside, and he felt my forehead. "You've got a fever... Did I wake you up?" Dad questioned. I nodded and took the medication the doctors gave me with water. "You don't have a rash, do you? Did you know-."
"The doctor checked, Dad. I don't have a tropical illness," I whispered, "I ate turkey that'd been left out overnight."
It was comforting to have him around. I lay on the couch, and he draped a blanket over me. "Your apartment's nice... How do you like living by yourself?" Dad questioned. I was shocked that he asked. I'd been on my own for nearly three months, and he never once tried to talk to me about my living situation.
"I like it here... I should probably learn how to cook, though," I joked. My dad laughed and messed up my hair.
He went into the kitchen and started throwing stuff out for me. I would've argued with him, but I started feeling sick again, so I went back to the bathroom. When I came out, my dad was gone. I thought he'd left for home, but I saw his suitcase by my bedroom door. I smiled and lay down on the couch to take a nap. When I woke up, he was in the kitchen cutting up vegetables. "Dad? I shouldn't-. Dad?" I called him.
He stopped what he was doing and sat on the coffee table across from me. "What's wrong?" Dad asked.
"I didn't do this because I learned I was adopted," I confessed. Dad frowned and felt my forehead.
"Let's not talk about your emancipation... Let's talk about something else," Dad suggested. I frowned.
"It's a closed adoption... I can't find them-."
"I didn't want you to," Dad interrupted. He stood up and went back to the kitchen. We argued about it once before. I thought he'd tell me if I asked him nicely, but he was still as stubborn as he'd been four months ago.
"Why are you so stubborn? Why can't you tell me who they are?" I asked.
"Don't upset yourself," Dad muttered. I glanced at my phone and looked at all my missed text messages.
"Are they alive?" I asked.
"Stop," Dad warned.
"Do they have other kids? Or am I the only one?" I asked.
He slammed a pot down on the counter. "No more!" Dad yelled. I pulled the blanket over my head and tried to act like my blood wasn't boiling. I wanted to tear into him, but I knew if I did, he'd leave. "You're not mature enough to leave well enough alone, Conner. What makes you think you're ready to know who your biological parents are?"
That was it. I snapped. "You're just scared I'll love someone that's not you!" I screamed. "Why can't you answer a simple question without getting defensive? Why do you insist on being the only person in my world?"
"Because the world is dangerous, Conner! The world will chew you up and spit you out, and they won't apologize! You are naive, and you have no life experience-!"
"Because you made me this way!" I hollered. I wanted to be louder and angrier than he was. I wanted to hurt him. "You made sure I'd never grow up, and now that I'm taking care of myself, you can't stand it!"
"You're barely alive! You gave yourself food poisoning, Conner! And your new manager? He's a crook who isn't qualified to wipe his nose, let alone manage the career of a teen celebrity!" Dad yelled. "And you're so stubborn and childish you don't see how stupid this is! You're throwing a tantrum because I won't give you your way! That's what this whole emancipation thing is about! Do you see how trivial that is?"
I pulled the blanket over my head again and shut him out. "And now you're retreating like a child!" Dad continued.
"Shut up!" I yelled. He won. I hated that he felt the need to rub it in.
I put my headphones in and listened to music to calm down. I stayed like that until my dad finished making dinner. He crouched down in front of me and lifted the blanket just enough for me to see him. He asked me something, but I couldn't hear. I took out my headphones. "Do you think you can eat?" Dad asked. I nodded. Dad made a bowl of soup and sat with me, eating as if we hadn't argued. I could only eat a bit of soup before I started feeling nauseous, so I lay down and turned the tv on. "I sounded like my father... Conner, I shouldn't have done that to you. I can't tell you who your biological parents are... But if something changes, I'll let you know." He reached for my hair and hesitated, and I placed his hand on my forehead. His hands were always cold like a doctor's.
"Conner, when you were a little boy... Before you started acting and singing, you said you wanted to live with me forever... I've pushed you away, haven't I?" Dad asked.
I didn't know how to answer. "You can't protect me from everything, you know? I've gotta grow up. Don't you wanna see if you did an alright job teaching me right from wrong?" I asked. He nodded.
My feelings were hurt, but I didn't want to cause another argument and risk him leaving. "Conner... I-."
"You never yelled at me when I was a kid... Everything's so different now that I'm older," I whispered. Dad ran a hand over his head.
"Conner, I don't-. I can't-... I can't do this again. After this weekend, I need to let go," Dad whispered.
"What are you-."
"I have to let go because I'm not gonna be able to accept this otherwise. We should spend the rest of the year apart," Dad replied. He made an impossible suggestion. I couldn't argue with him because that'd be admitting I still needed him. I didn't say anything. I shut my eyes and pretended I was asleep. I couldn't make any sense of what I felt. The more freedom I had, the more I wanted to be a little kid again. I felt like he pulled the floor out from under me. I felt as if I was losing my dad.
My stomach didn't settle long, and I was back chained to the bathroom by nightfall. Dad knocked on the door, and I didn't answer. "I'm gonna go to the store and see if I can get you some Pedialyte," Dad announced.
I didn't want to talk to him. I especially didn't want to talk to him with my face in a toilet. He was gone less than twenty minutes before he knocked on the door a second time. "I'm going to leave it on the coffee table. Let me know if you need anything," Dad cracked the door to speak to me. I gave him a thumb's up.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to ROCKETEAR!
It's a long post, but when are these ever really short? xD Seeing Carapace first made me so excited. I've been sad we haven't had much of him in the show. And then I saw that it seemed like Ladynoir was doing pretty good as they only had Carapace helping them this time. More S2 & S3 like. So I was like cool, cool, this is great. But what the heck scientist WHY ARE YOU BRINGING TYRANNOSAURUS REX'S BACK! Obviously she's going to be something big later on, she's too nicely animated not to be back. Not to mention Bob Roth's plans. Anyone else both intrigued but also scared at what that could do later? Big upcoming plot point, I think.
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I screamed awwww because this is everything. I've wanted a LB/Carapace and Marinette/Nino friendship bond in this show since season 1. This scene made me incredibly happy! I'm a huge Nino fan, for those that don't know, so you can imagine how much I love this episode. Even though sad Nino.
"Alya, everyone has to believe that you will never use the Miraculous again!" End of episode: So anyway... So what I'm seeing here is, Alya's not fond of the idea of being just a spy, not being in on the action. Even though it's Ladybug's plan. Chat Noir isn't fond of what's going on right now either, where he thinks what's going on is all Ladybug's plans. Alya makes the decision to not do what Ladybug wants and tells Nino she's still Rena Rouge. So what's Chat Noir going to do to go against her? Because that's coming up on the horizon. Despite everything being easier for Marinette since everything's not just on her shoulders now, she's still been unable to play video games with her dad, and we know how much she loves doing that. :c That's really sad she doesn't even have time for her family anymore. DJWifi over here being all adorable. "You don't love me anymore!" Me: *Chat Blanc flashbacks* Alya suggests her new content could be Chat Noir edits and Marinette's like YES DO THOSE. Then those edits helped push Nino into thinking she was into Chat. Big oops. Not gonna lie, the rewind freaked me out for a moment. Last time I saw that was Chat Blanc so I thought something big was up. But nope, it's just like that scene in Puppeteer 2. Ugh poor Nino! He knows something's bothering Alya, but she won't say what it is and her behavior's too off from how she normally is. Poor guy. x.x Grumpy Nino that Carapace doesn't get attention and then they wrote his girlfriend with Chat Noir. I remember when Alya was grumpy for a bit about Rena Rouge not getting a party to celebrate her. Movie Ladybug telling Movie Chat Noir that he's better with Movie Rena Rouge. Is this a reference to the episode in Avatar, The Ember Island Players? Getting strong vibes when Play Aang and Play Katara were like, we're just friends nothing more and it's great! Play Katara was extremely into Play Zuko. I can see why Ladybug dismissed the movie (or was it the previous one since it's been awhile? Maybe?) because Rena Rouge and Chat Noir???? The writers (of the movie) just wanted to be different because everyone can see Ladynoir, unless they're blind. Alya and Nino are Andre's favorite couple. YES THANK YOU. I mean they're not my favorite because Love Square. BUT they're my second favorite next to them. Those kids are super adorable but definitely that kid playing Chat wasn't doing Nino any favors. First picture Alya shows. Chat with a heart tail. Yeah that's not doing her any favors lol. Nino: UGH CHAT NOIR'S COMING IN BETWEEN ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND. I KNOW, I'LL CALL MY BEST FRIEND TO VENT TO ABOUT IT. Best Friend Chat Noir: Best Friend Chat Noir: Welp maybe I should see what's up. Maybe I went a little to hard on the cat charm and she's fallen in love with me. Me: Oh oof here we go. Also can I ask, if anyone knows, who animated this episode? The fluidity is great and it looks really pretty. But it doesn't quite look like SAMG's work either. Whoever did it, I love it. S2 Chat Noir: You're not replacing me with a turtle, are you? :c S4 Nino: Who would want a reckless turtle as a partner? BOYS STOP. But yeah this whole scene had me laughing so hard XD Very dramatic and I love it. Nino's hilarious even when he's worried and sad! I would've absolutely loved to have heard this in English with the old English voice of Nino, but the new one worries me on whether or not he'll do a good job sounding like Nino and less high-pitched and whiny. :/ New York Nino was great but S4 Nino....x.x THE TRANSITION BETWEEN HIS INNER MONOLOGUE AND SPEAKING REGULARLY AGAIN 😂😂😂😂 Brilliant! It doesn't really feel like Miraculous Ladybug this episode, and I love it. Not that I don't love the show as usual but wow this is great. Okay, I want to point out that Chat Noir
probably was more worried about it than he would've been otherwise because of what happened with Marinette in Weredad. It probably made him more cautious about this sort of thing.
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LOL Chat's sulking because Alya's laughing at the idea of being interested in him. 😂😂 I know that's a blow to one's ego and all, and he's dealt with this kind of thing a lot so I do feel bad for him, but that is his best friend's girlfriend and he definitely doesn't want her to like him. Alya: With him it's not just ❤️it's *makes massive hand gesture indicating she loves him deeply* SO SO SO CUTE OKAY ALL THIS DJWIFI 😭 Alya: And I don't even know your secret identity! I would never fall in love with someone I don't know. Chat Noir, literally fell in love with Ladybug, whose identity he doesn't know. Well Alya, I wonder if you saying that matters for later somehow.... o.O Nino running away crying is honestly one of the things that hurts me most in the entire show. Ugh. Adrien over here being all, I'm having a good day. I'm happy and smiling and it's great. And then it wasn't. Adrien, if Nino let him and didn't interrupt, would've told him about how Alya really doesn't love Chat Noir, and that would've seriously led up to his identity being exposed since Nino was watching and filmed them. o.o Did you notice how he was going to tell him about it? S4, the basement is where it's at. Adrien: Uhh, when did you arrange all this? Nino: *pounds fist on desk* I ASK THE QUESTIONS! 😂 So like. Why is Nino interrogating Adrien when he's after Chat Noir? He doesn't know they're the same person. XD He's looking at him like Adrien has info he's keeping or something omg.
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Also again this animation is so nice. Adrien, feeling uncomfortable and so turns the music off. Nino, wanting his dramatic music on while he interrogates Adrien, turns it back on. Adrien, feeling even more irritated and uncomfortable, wants the music OFF and turns it off. Nino, turns the music back on. This may be a reference to something, I don't know, but lolol it's so funny. This episode is both super hilarious and super angsty! Honestly they've done such a good job in my opinion. Nino: I'm talking about something that I shouldn't tell you! ...but I'm going to tell you anyway! Alya's Rena Rouge and I'm Carapace! Okay but the way Adrien went from shock to utter anger, knocked his chair back and grabbed Nino's shoulders like "Tell me the truth. You two know about each other?" Aw man, my poor sunshine boy. A lot of the stuff bothering Adrien is all circumstantial, none of it is to purposefully keep him in the dark. And yet from his perspective, that's how it looks. "I thought secret identities must be protected at all times! If that was the truth, you would never tell me this!" Alright so three things. If he's referring to him saying that Nino and Alya know about each other, that was situational and important info for him to know now that this is out. It wasn't important to know before this. The time it happened was dire and was really no time to get around it. If he's talking about Nino telling him the secrets, well yeah that's not supposed to happen and Nino broke that trust. But also, I get the feeling pretty strongly at this point Adrien's going to be breaking some rules too and one of which is he's going to tell Nino who he is. Adrien's being too emotional in this scene to not be involved in it all, I'm wondering if that's going to be questioned later by Nino. He's acting like he knows too much to be a random viewer of the heroes like the rest of Paris. Also Adrien's best friend just totally dissed Chat Noir and went off about how he throws himself at Ladybug whenever he sees her with roses and love confessions. 😂😂😂 This is just too funny! "But he's always rejected because Ladybug finds him annoying! And she's completely right!" Omg Nino, that's not the reason anymore, shush! "And then Rena Rouge appears and he goes *tickles under Adrien's chin* hey pretty lady! You look elegant and you have great perfume." OMG does Chat Noir actually say and do stuff like that to Rena Rouge or is he just exaggerating here XD "If I could I would shut his mouth forever!" Yeah Nino, say what you really think about your best friend in the entire world. Yikes poor Adrien though. I never imagined he'd hear all these bad things about himself from his best friend directly like that. :/ That's a major misunderstanding of him. Which kind of pushes me more towards the "he's going to tell Nino" theory. Sad Adrien transformation DDDX Alya: *explained everything about why Chat Noir went over to her house in the middle of the night* Marinette *facepalm* Ugh that Chat Noir... Well at least there will be no misunderstandings there! xD "Chat Noir, you stole Alya from me! I will steal your life from you." Good lord man calm down. You can't just kill a man! Fanon: Chat Noir gets attacked by a guy over Marinette. Canon: Chat Noir gets attacked by a guy over Alya. Time to go back to the basement! lol Nino's music's still playing xD And the video is left with it paused on Chat Noir hugging Alya. Marinette looked a bit sad, but it was probably more about the situation being a mess rather than being sad he'd hug her. Meanwhile, Chat Noir's fighting Nino and would rather get beaten up by him than fight. x.x "I can't believe that I doubted you." "I can't believe I chose to do anything but be with you!" She wiped away akumatized Nino's tear just like how Ladybug wiped away akumatized Chat Noir's. ALL THE PARALLELS 😭😭😭 But that hug is so sweet!! Nino broke off the akumatization just like Alya did :o Dang, I wonder if that means something later too. "Love and secrets do not go well together, Ladybug. And I'm sure you have a lot of
them!" Secrets = from Chat Noir. Love = for Chat Noir. Yeah even Shadow Moth knows at this point. xP Thanks for that foreshadowing. Nino's charm is my favorite charm so far! It's my favorite shade of blue. Chat Noir: Everybody has doubts sometimes...even me." Ladybug: Is everything okay, Chat Noir? Chat: Oh yes...pound it!
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So um. The placemet of Adrien's poster in between Chat Noir, Ladybug, and just with this entire situation feels very strange. Very intentional. But no clue exactly what that could mean..... Nino and Alya are happy over there watching those two, like they're waiting for them to figure things out or something. But really, Adrien should've talked to Ladybug when he could still do so calmly and be reasonable. I doubt that's going to be the case later on. And honestly Ladybug doesn't even know what's going on. Every episode we've seen really either has them working together or she's unable to be Ladybug when he's unable to be Chat Noir most of the time. I've said it before but these two really need to communicate. Nino and Alya are like a less adorably romantic version of what they'd be. "But they're a couple and they know their secret identities, so why does that rule exist for us but they can know?" Very simple. Because they were temporary holders and the Miraculous they had, Hawk Moth hasn't made it his life's mission to obtain, unlike them, who are permanent holders and Hawk Moth's been after them fiercely to make a Wish that could destroy everything. But. The fact he's asking this, and Marinette's Chat Blanc nightmare, really points in the direction that he's going to eventually find out that while she's thought about telling him all along, Chat Blanc's kept her from doing so.
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Okay, so while it looks like he's staring up at the moon, if you notice, it really is just one of the pink bubbles.
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Now, they could be making it seem like it's the moon though to give it a double meaning. But poor Kitty, he's feeling so awful right now over in that dark corner Dx Nino felt bad for only two episodes? and it got resolved, so hopefully this all won't last too much longer for him! Marinette had a few shaky episodes so hopefully he'll have a few before it gets resolved. But somehow I think that may be wishful thinking. This episode was so amazing, honestly. Wonderful writing, made me laugh a lot, aw a lot, and hurt a lot. It focused on the core 4 characters which I've wanted more of for a long time. The animation was beautiful. And it just felt so different in such a good way. Chat Noir's having a hard time right now, and I know there's a lot of anger and hate about it going around. But please, think of this as him hitting a rough spot in the road to a much better and brighter future. He's going to end up okay, he'll understand it all someday. And that day's honestly not that far for him if you think about it.
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rowyn-writes · 3 years
Dying From a Broken Heart
Part Two of Confidence
Warnings: Violence, angst, language, arguing, blood, fluff
Pairings: Jack x Winchester!Reader
Characters: Jack Kline, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Rowena, Eros, Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: While you and Jack are at the motel, you make a shocking discovery. You're not dealing with a pack of werewolves like you thought, but Eros, God of Love and Lust. You finally figure out the connection between Eros and the victims. . . Only to find out that you're next.
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You and Jack were still doing research when Sam and Dean came back. "Okay, so get this." You said, turning around in your chair. "Every year, six people go missing and are found dead with their hearts torn out."
"A ritual?" Sam inquired.
"Exactly what I was thinking, dear brother." You grinned. "Now, big city like this, six missing people is something you'd hardly notice."
"Yeah, but why would a werewolf preform a ritual?" Dean asked.
"That's what Jack and I kept asking ourselves." You said, looking over at your boyfriend. "Why in the world would a Purebred werewolf need to preform some kind of ritual?" You stood up, rummaging around in your backpack for a book. You gave a triumphant smile as you held up your Greek Mythology book.
"Eros. God of Love and Lust." You opened the book to the page that was dedicated to the god.
"But their hearts were torn out." Dean furrowed his eyebrows. "What would Eros want with hearts?"
"It's a sacrifice for him." You informed the men. "Think about it. None of the vics had bites or even scratches. At first, I thought it was a Purebred werewolf because the attacks didn't line up with the lunar cycle. But the more I thought about it, the more that this makes sense. People used to worship Eros and make sacrifices for him, but now hardly anyone believes in him anymore. So Eros goes out and gets his own sacrifices."
Sam and Dean seemed impressed while Jack seemed proud. "Okay." Dean nodded. "That means that since he failed with the last victim, he's going kill again."
You tried your hardest to think of some kind of connection with all the deceased. You knew there had to be something in common since they were dealing with a god. They seemed to be picky with their sacrifices.
"What are you thinking about, Y/n?" Jack asked, resting his hand on top of yours, something that didn't go unnoticed by your brothers. Dean was about to say something when Sam stomped on his foot, earning a grunt from Dean.
"I'm trying to find the connection between everyone. Because I know there has to be one." You picked at a tear in your jeans while you tried to connect the dots.
Then it hit you like a ton of bricks. You stood up abruptly, startling the men in the room. "I know what Eros looks in for a sacrifice." You stated, grabbing your notepad to look at the stuff you had written down. "Everyone we interviewed said the victims just had a big announcement. The 55 year old man was celebrating his 30th anniversary with his wife, the 28 year old woman was newly engaged, the 45 year old man just started dating again after his wife died, and so on until the fifteen year old girl. She had just gotten her first girlfriend when she was attacked."
"What are you saying, Y/n?" Jack questioned.
"I'm saying that Eros is targeting people with an immense amount of pure love. That's what he's looking for!"
"Wow." Sam said, looking at his little sister in admiration. "That's genius, Y/n." He patted her on the shoulder, only to furrow his eyebrows. "What's that on your collarbone?"
You gave Sam a confused look as you headed to the bathroom. There, on your collarbone was a dark red circle. You sucked in a sharp breath.
"I know who the next target is." You told the men.
"Who?" Jack seemed worried by the look on your face.
"It's me."
. .
. . .
"How did this even happen?!" Sam exclaimed.
"I don't know!" You defended yourself, your voice raised slightly. "The whole time we were out I was with you guys. Jack and I never left the motel room while you two were gone."
"That is true." Jack nodded. "Y/n and I stayed in here and she agreed to be my girlfri-"
You put your hand over his mouth. "Now's not the time, babe." You could feel Dean glaring a hole through you and Jack.
"Okay, let's think about this for a second." You said, trying to calm everyone down. "Maybe this is a good thing."
"A good thing?!" Dean roared. "Y/n, how in the hell is this a good thing?!"
"Dean." Sam hissed, cuffing his brother. "Calm down and let Y/n talk." You threw Sam a grateful look.
"This way we can lure Eros out, and kill him. Apparently all it takes is a wooden stake dipped in lambs blood."
"I don't like this plan." Jack muttered.
"See! Thank you." Dean said, clearly pleased with the Nephilim.
"No, Y/n. You're not going to put yourself in danger just to kill this god. I won't allow it."
"Oh for the love of-" You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Eros is coming for me either way. It's better to be prepared and have a plan rather than to just sit here and let him tear my heart out!"
"Don't talk like that!" Jack insisted angrily. You understood that he was worried about you, but you were a grown woman and could make your own decisions.
"It's inevitable, Jack." You said softly. "Eros will come for me. We know from the victims that he kills them 24 hours after being marked. I have maybe 18 hours at best."
Dean was furious. "This is your fault!" He growled at Jack. "You're the reason my baby sister is being targeted!"
Jack looked taken aback. "I didn't want this for Y/n." He said sincerely. "If I could trade places with her, I would."
"That's the problem!"
"Dean-" You started, only to get interrupted by your oldest brother.
"You think you're in love with her, but you're not! It's unnatural. Nephilim, they can't fall in love. All those stupid movies that Y/n and Sam let you watch made you think you're in love with her. You can't love Y/n."
You felt your throat close up, hurt by Dean's words. "Is it that hard to think someone could love me?" You whispered.
Dean's hard glare softened as his eyes landed on you. "Of course not, sweetheart. But Jack. . . He's not right for you."
"Oh, and you know what's best for me?" You growled. Your hurt turned to annoyance and anger.
"Yes, I do. I'm your brother."
Sam and Jack gave each other looks. It was bad when Sam and Dean argued, but when you and Dean argued, it was catastrophic.
"And John was my dad, and he never knew what was best for me! That doesn't mean anything!"
"Oh, so family doesn't mean anything to you?"
"Dean, come on man, you know that's not what she meant." Sam tried to reason.
"Stay out of it, Sam!" Dean yelled.
You could tell Sam was growing annoyed with Dean. His frown deepened, his eyes hardened, and his hand began to twitch.
"No! I won't stay out of it. I am tired of you mistreating Jack and Y/n!"
"Oh, I do not mistreat them!" Dean argued. "Jack, do I mistreat you?" Jack seemed uncomfortable being put on the spot. You knew he looked up to Dean, but Dean had also said some rather hurtful things about Jack.
While Sam, Dean, and Jack continued their argument, you were able to slip away unnoticed.
You were crying now, the thought of dying scared the crap out of you. And your brothers and Jack arguing didn't help the situation.
You looked around the parking lot, looking for something to hotwire. You came across a black Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide Sport. And the dumbass was stupid enough to leave the keys in the ignition.
You started the engine, listening to the bike purr. You threw back the kickstand and began driving. You didn't know where you were going, all you knew was that you had to get out of there.
You weren't stupid, of course, you had your gun and a silver dagger just in case.
You planted both of your feet on the ground at a stop light. You were still crying, and you couldn't figure out why. You were just so angry.
You ended up stopping at a small dive bar outside of Little Rock. There were a total of ten people there, and most were men.
You flag down the bartender and order a beer. Around twenty minutes later, a man slide in the seat beside you. He said nothing as he ordered a drink. The man seemed so familiar to you, but you couldn't put your finger on it. He had curly, dark brown hair, and beautiful blue-grey eyes. He was handsome in all aspects of the word. But he was nothing compared to Jack.
"I've never seen you here before." He said to you.
"Oh, I uh - I'm just passing through." You gave him a tight smile.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You grabbed it, looking down to see that Dean's as calling you. You sent him to voicemail, something that was bound to piss him off.
"Guy troubles?" The man inquired.
"More like brother troubles." You laughed. "I'm Y/n, by the way."
"Elliott." He smiled, showing off a gleaming row of white teeth. "So, what's going on with your brother?"
"Brother's, actually. They treat me like a baby, just because they're older than me."
"That's what brothers are supposed to do." Elliott shrugged. "They're supposed to look out for you, protect you." Your phone rang again, this time, it was Sam. You sent him to voicemail as well and put your phone on silent.
"Yeah, I guess." You agreed. "But -" You cut yourself off, not wanting to dump all your feeling onto this random stranger.
"But what?" He asked, curious to what your response was.
"There's this guy, this amazing, wonderful, sweet and funny guy. He cares about me, and I care about him, but my oldest brother, he thinks we shouldn't be with each other." You confessed, taking a sip of your beer.
"Is he respectful towards you?" You nodded. "He cares about you and treats you right?" You nodded once more. "Then what's the problem?"
"I don't know." You mumbled. "My brother just doesn't trust him, even though he has no reason not to."
"Call it a brother's intuition." Elliott grinned. You blinked as your vision began to blur. "Hey, you okay?" You let out a slurred response. "Let's get you some air." Elliott helped you out of your chair and outside. You felt the cold air nip at your cheeks, making you feel a thousand times better.
Your head began to spin, the world shifting around you. "I don't feel so well." You groaned. Your body went limp, and the last thing you felt was a pair of strong arms wrapping around you to keep you from falling.
. .
. . .
"Guys!" Jack yelled over Sam and Dean, trying to catch their attention. "GUYS!" Jack's eyes flared orange, finally getting Sam and Dean to stop arguing. "Where's Y/n?"
Sam and Dean looked around the room frantically. Jack looked into the bathroom and found nothing. "Damnit!" Dean growled. "How could she have left without us noticing?!"
"Well, you and Sam were rather angry, I think it was very easy for her to slip away." Dean glared at Jack.
"So help me God, if a single hair on her head is out of place, all hell will break loose, and it'll be on you." Sam sighed, shaking his head.
Dean dialed your phone number, looking apprehensive. "Y/n, I swear if you sent me to voicemail on purpose, I am going to kill you! Answer me, damnit!"
"Let me try." Sam mumbled. "Y/n, please call and let us know you're okay. We're worried."
"I can find her." Jack said hopefully. He closed his eyes, searching for any sign of you. He saw you sitting next to a guy in a bar, he saw the man put something in your drink, and he saw you pass out outside of the bar.
Jack grew angry. He knew what happened to you was wrong, he could feel you were in distress. "She's in trouble."
. .
. . .
"Wakey wakey, sunshine!" Elliott cheered as he threw water on your face. You gasped, bolting awake. You found that you were bound in a chair, the thick rope cutting into your skin. You looked around to see that you were in some kind of a abandoned building.
You were relieved to see that you still had on all your clothes. "I was worried for a second. I thought I might have given you too high of a dose for your body."
"You roofied me." You groaned.
"I did! But you have to understand, Y/n, I would have never gotten you out of there otherwise. You're one of the strongest sacrifices I've ever had."
"Eros." You said in realization.
"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" Eros almost seemed happy by the situation. "You are going to be one of the best sacrifices I've had. A hunter with a strong heart full of compassion and pure love. The perfect candidate."
"Please," You whimpered. "Let me go."
Eros sucked in a breath, faking remorse. "You see, I wish I could. . . But I can't. I need you. Ever since the last sacrifice escaped, I've been looking for a new one. And then your brother's, boy wonder and you roll into town. I knew as soon as I saw you that you were perfect. Almost too perfect."
You felt a tear slip down your cheek. "Please. I don't want to die. I'm only 21, there's so much things I haven't done yet. Let me live." You pleaded.
"I was hoping you'd say that." Eros grinned, pulling up a chair in front of you, sitting with his chest on the back of the chair. "I was actually looking for a wife." He gave you a wicked grin that made you squirm in your seat. "I need an heir, or heiress, I don't discriminate. I just want someone to pass my powers off to, to teach. So, I can let you live if you agree to be my wife."
"Rot in hell." You spat, disgusted by the thought of marrying Eros. He grew annoyed, as he punched you, your head snapping back.
"That's too bad." Eros shook his head. "But, at least I'll get to enjoy killing you."
You watched in horror as Eros' fingernails grew into sharp, claw-like hands, almost like a werewolves. You screamed in pain as he drew his finger over your face. "Shh, shh, love. It's gonna be okay." You gave out a small cry, struggling against the ropes.
"The more you struggle, the more it's going to hurt." Eros said in a singsong voice.
You began whispering apologies in your head, to Sam, Dean, Jack, Cas, Rowena, everyone. There were so many unfinished words, so many unsaid 'I love you's,'
"I'm sorry." You whispered. You screamed out once more as Eros dug his nails into your chest.
"Y/N!" You heard Dean yell. Sam, Dean and Jack appeared from behind a crate, your brothers carrying guns, and we'll, Jack himself was a weapon.
"Ah, ah, ah." Eros grinned wickedly. "I am holding her life in the palm of my hand; literally. So put down those shiny guns, and step away from them." Sam and Dean looked at each other. Eros scowled as he dug his nails deeper into your skin. You cried out in pain, feeling his nails getting closer to your heart.
"Alright! Alright!" Sam said hastily, setting down his gun and stepping away, encouraging Dean to do the same.
You were quite the sight for the men. You had blood coating your clothes, a bruised eye from the blows that Eros landed earlier, your hair was a mess and you face was streaked with tears.
"Get away from her!" Jack bellowed.
"Oh, look, it's your lover boy." Jack's words only made Eros angrier, as he retracted his hand, and swiped his claws over your face, creating four long gashes.
"I said get away from her!" Jack's eyes began to glow orange, and he trembled with anger. Eros looked frightened as he was sent flying back into the wall.
Sam and Dean surged forward, both carrying a wooden stake dipped in lambs blood, while Jack went to help you.
"It's okay," He whispered. "I've got you." You gave out a small whimper as he cut the ropes. "Can you stand?" You tried to stand up with the help of Jack, but your knees buckled beneath you. Jack scooped you up in his arms. You buried your head in his chest, turning away from you brothers, who were currently killing Eros.
"Take me home." You mumbled before darkness enveloped you.
. .
. . .
When you awoke, you were in your bed at the bunker, surrounded by Cas, Sam, Dean, Jack and Rowena.
"Y/n." Dean breathed a breath of relief as he hugged you. You winced in pain, your body still sore from you attack. "I am so sorry. I never should have said those things to you. I'm so glad you're okay."
"It's okay, Dean." You assured him. Even though you said you were fine, there was still pain swimming in his eyes.
"We couldn't heal your wounds with magic," Rowena informed you. "Since Eros was the one to injure you, it will have to heal naturally. I did make you some herbs that will stop the pain, however."
"Thanks, Rowena." You smiled. The room began emptying out, everyone wanted to let you rest. Jack, however, didn't leave your side.
"I'm sorry, Y/n." He whispered.
"Why are you sorry?" You asked, squeezing his hand.
"I let you get hurt. I should have gotten there sooner." You saw there were tears in his eyes. You frowned as you scooted over.
"Come lie beside me." Jack hesitantly climbed into the bed, pushing aside the covers. You wrapped your arms around his middle and rested your head on his chest. "You got me out of there when you did. I'm okay, and that's all that matters."
You cut Jack off with a kiss. "I don't want to talk about it anymore." You mumbled, cupping his cheek. "I just want you to hold me."
"I can do that." Jack nodded, pulling you closer to his body. You decided to put on a movie as you and Jack cuddled. Halfway through the movie, you ended up falling asleep. Jack didn't sleep that often, but he felt so at peace that he fell asleep as well.
When everyone came to check on you again, their hearts melted at the sight of you and Jack. "Oh, just look at them." Rowena whispered to the men. "They're so cute."
"Yeah," Dean nodded. "They are."
Tag List: @mila-dans @blairrrose
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 6
a/n: Are you seeing these posts? If not i don’t wanna spend my time editing the fanfiction for nothing…
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    The familiar knock on the door woke Scarlett up in the morning. It was none other than Severus Snape. He was standing there with their breakfast.
"Did i wake you up...?"
"Yeah..." Scarlett murmured sleepily. "Whatever come in."
"Sorry, i thought you'd be awake..." he put the plates on the table.
"The pills make me sleepy all the time... You help yourself, i will be back." She headed to the bathroom.
While he was pouring tea into the cups, she came back and sat down the chair.
"I went to the owlery earlier and there were couple of letters for you so i took them, here."
"Oh thanks."
She looked through them; Leo, Carina, dad... and there was a package. She wondered who sent it so ripped it open since there was no name tag on it. There was a grey cardigan and a note inside of the package, she immediately recognized the cardigan because it was hers. She was very confused, so she picked up the note and read it.
I didn't have any thick clothes with me that night and after Sirius and his warmness left me all alone in the cold bed, i had to borrow that from your wardrobe. You lost your husband but you can have your cardigan back.
Love, Arabelle
Scarlett took the cardigan and the note and threw them into the fireplace while tears running down on her cheeks.
"How dare she!?" She punched the wall next to the fireplace and fell down the floor crying hysterically. Severus run up to her immediately; he was shocked at her reaction, that was so out of character.
"Scarlett, Scar calm down. What's wrong?"
"I want to kill her!" She was screaming and crying with anger. "I hate her! She ruined everything!" She was digging her long nails into her palms as she clenched her fists.
Severus was so confused and worried at the same time. He hasn’t seen her like this before and he wasn't sure what to do because clearly talking wouldn't work at that moment so he just held her close to calm her down. Scarlett was resistant at first but after a while she leant into him and just cried her eyes out until there was no tear to shed. Sometime have passed like that and finally she was no longer crying and moved away from his embrace slowly.
"I am sorry, that was so pathetic of me..." She whispered while looking away from him.
"There is no need to apologize Scarlett." He stood up and gave her a hand then he led her to the table.
"I feel so ashamed... I can't control myself at all..."
He poured some fresh tea for her and sat back down.
"Why do you feel ashamed? You just express your emotions that way and if it relaxes you, do it."
"I have bad thoughts all over my mind Severus... i don't even know what am i gonna do next. I am scared of myself..."
"Talk through them with me."
She took a sip from her tea and thought for a while. "Did Carina tell you anything? Be honest with me."
"No, not at all. She just said family issues and i didn't question it any further."
"I don't know where to start, so many things happened lately... like i can't perceive them at all." sighed deeply, Scarlett was feeling so distressed she was still shaking from the crying.
"Start with the easiest one for you."
"I am no longer the deputy minister, i quit."
"I read that in newspaper and i was surprised actually."
"It wasn't an easy decision. I love... loved my job and it was a good way to show my abilities but... i had to quit."
"Did you get a better offer from somewhere else?"
"Oh, i wish..." she smiled sadly "I am unemployed right now." She saw the confused look on his face. "And here is the shitty part..." she finished off her tea, hoping it would ease her a bit. But unfortunately, it didn't. She was scratching her hands unwittingly. Severus knew something bad was coming, this was never a good sign.
"He, Sirius, umm... cheated on me..." she bit her lip to stop herself from crying once again but the tears didn't want to stay in their places but run down on her cheeks. "With his co-worker... i caught them in our bed..."
Severus couldn't believe the things he just heard. Sirius literally would kill himself to be with Scarlett when he was young and when he finally had her, he cheated. Severus regretted his decision that he made 30 years ago, he shouldn't have believed Sirius. While he was busy with his thoughts, Scarlett continued.
"We divorced 10 days ago. 26 years of marriage ended in half an hour... and like this wasn't bad enough, after the court i came across with "the girl" and she humiliated me in front of many people. And the package was from her. She has borrowed my cardigan that night because after i interrupted their hot action, she was cold." Her anger was rising, and her face was turning red at the same time. "She wrote me that i lost my husband but i can take my cardigan back." She laughed angrily and then started to cry helplessly once again.
Severus was so angry and just wanted to find Sirius and put him in his place. Seeing Scarlett like this broke his heart into pieces but he didn't know what to do to make her feel any better. He could see her pain through her beautiful eyes. He would give anything to see them shine with happiness again.
"I am standing on a very thin line, if i let myself fall which i am close to... i won't be able to recover from this at all or it will be so hard... I don't want it Severus..." her voice had such a pleading tone and she was literally screaming for help.
"I am here for you Scarlett, whatever you want or need i will always be there to help you."
He was dying to hug her tightly and kiss her pain away. She was the only one he ever loved and his love for her never changed over years.
"Thank you, Severus." She smiled faintly.
He watched her while she was taking her pills with shaky hands.
"Would you like to do something today?" He felt like he needs to take her out of this room, she was stuck between the walls for days and it wasn’t helping her a bit.
"Like what?"
He shrugged. "I don't know, we can go for a walk to Hogsmade?"
She thought about it for couple of minutes.
"We can do that, maybe being outside will be good for me."
"Good then. I will be in my room, when you are ready just knock on my door." He picked up the breakfast dishes and left.
Scarlett sat on the chair for a while before starting to get ready. She thought about Severus, when he was here with her she felt so comfortable even speaking about such hard topics for her. He always made her feel so calm and peaceful. But another side of her was still hurt by him. She decided not to think about that now, there were already man problems in her life.
Some time has passed, and she was knocking on his door. He opened it with a tiny smile on his lips.
"Sorry it took a little longer, apparently i forgot how to dress up since the only thing i wear was sleeping gowns for weeks..."
"It's okay and you look beautiful whatever you wear." The sentence did slip from his mouth before he thought, he blushed a little after he noticed what he just said.
"Thank you, Severus."
She smiled lightly and the two walked out from the castle to Hogsmade. It was a chill November day, just like Scarlett likes it. She was a total winter person and the cold weather always made her feel better and alive. A tiny smile appeared on her lips.
"I was thinking the old days, i have never imagined that we would be on our way to Hogsmade in our 50s."
He chuckled softly. "But here we are. Just like we used to do while we were at Hogwarts."
"I would like to live a day from those good old times."
"We can live like one. First we go to Honeydukes and get your chocolates then we have our hot chocolates at Three Broomsticks and talk."
"Sounds good to me!"
He was happy to see her all excited about such a simple day. They walked the roads they knew so well, got her favourite chocolates and now they were enjoying their drinks.
"You never talked about your life, what's going on with you?"
"Nothing much. Just working and dealing with dunderheads..."
"I hope you are not calling my daughter a dunderhead." She joked.
"I wouldn't hire her as my assistant if I thought so."
"Ah good to hear that because she really likes you, you were always her favourite professor. She would be sad if you called her a dunderhead."
"Carina was my favourite student to be honest. She was such a good student."
"Like mother like daughter." She grinned proudly and flipped her hair.
"I see you very humble."
She chuckled softly while slapping his arm jokingly. Severus grinned at her, that was his Scarlett and he was glad to see her happy. They kept talking about random stuff and spent some more time at Hogsmade. They were back at Hogwarts before it got dark.
"Thank you so much for today Severus, i feel so much better." She smiled at him before she entered her room.
"It's my pleasure, i am here if you need anything."
"Thank you again, see you tomorrow."
"See you."
He walked into his room as well and laid down on his bed thinking about her. His heart was beating like a teenage boy who was back from his first date. She was right here, so close but yet again he couldn't hold her, couldn't inhale her sweet rose scent, couldn't kiss her delicate lips...
@snapefiction @lizlil @elizabeth-baelish @misselsbells06 @mais-e @lunnybunny12 @anfre109 @entirelymesmerising @wolvesofwinter13 @mrssnivellussnape
If you wanna be on my taglist, let me know!
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astronomoney · 3 years
This story was made by @tomatosamla and @le-green-lion and inspired by that one Oogway quote and the villain from spy kids 4 because why the fuck not
Summary: The Teen Titans of the future are sucked into the past where they run into their parents and must work together to get back to their own time
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: cursing, time travel, speedsters (they deserve their own warning)
Chapter One: A Twist in Time
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift! That is why it is called present.
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The day was as clear as Gotham could be. Batman and the Teen Titans were battling the villain known as Tick Tock, another Arkham wannabe that was kinda powerful in his own right, he was able to slow down time which definitely gave him advantage over the team, thankfully the speedster was able to do more damage than the rest (thank you superspeed).
"Damnit," Andromeda Kent cursed as time slowed once again. "I can't land any hits on this guy!"
"Just keep trying," Thomas Wayne shouted back. "He can't keep this up forever so we just need to outlast him! Kid Flash, go right!" He threw an exploding batarang at the villain and it moved in slow motion, drifting towards Pamela West who used her Super speed to give it an extra boost. Even with her help Tick Tock still had time to casually side step and avoid getting hit, luckily Nobody had planned for this and the batarang exploded next to the villains head.
He was thrown off balance and the effect of his powers disappeared giving Jaiden Pham a chance to use their powers. With the Green Lantern ring they tied up Tick tock so he couldn't slow the time. The Teen Titans walked over to him cautiously and Pam spoke up.
"Haha we stopped you! You really thought you'd get away with it butcha didn't cause we're here! The Teen Titans can stop anyone who threatens the innocent!" she rambled in true speedster fashion.
The villain laughed. "Do you really think you've defeated me? I'm offended. You must think of me as any old cheap bad guy without a backup plan. Well children, that was your first mistake." A swirling light came out of the ground underneath him, it stretched and began sucking things in. The heros were taken by surprise and none of them had time to react before they were sucked into the void.
Batman was the only person left on the road.
"KIDS!" screamed Damian as he saw his children fall into the portal, he reached out to grab them but they were already gone.
The Titans landed in a hard surface face first, Caipora was the first one to react, she tried attacking Tick Tock but he once again used his powers, she was able to land a hit thanks to her super abilities. Thomas once again began giving orders, until he saw his brother.
"Orphan! What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"I don't know. I was collecting intel and then I landed here!" he replied.
"Watch out!" screamed a guy in the... Robin costume?
"What the he-" said Kai, right before being pushed aside by none other than the Yara Flor herself, but she was younger...?
Tick Tock tried using his tricks once again, this time accelerating time (which none of them had seen before) in order to send Pam flying with too much speed for anyone's liking, Jai West was able to catch her in time.
"What is going on?" this time spoke Minh, Damian was... confused to say the very least, why was this kid dressed as him? Were these teenagers cosplaying or playing dress up? Those costumes looked like real hero stuff, so what the hell was going on?
Andromeda launched herself towards Tick Tock once more, the villain accelerated time again and Superboy came to catch her as the time warper slowed time once more. Damian started barking orders to all the heroes, he figured the abilities of those weird teenagers just by observing, maybe they would serve a purpose. Together the two teams tied Tick Tock once again, Damian touched his communicator in order to contact the batfam and take this dangerous villain to Arkham, in the meantime, they needed to talk.
Tick Tock laughed at their attempts to catch him before slowing time so much that they could barely move. "As fun as this is, I really must be going. I'm sure I'll see you all later." And with that he disappeared behind a corner leaving two generations of Titans behind, and one of those generations stranded.
Once the villain was far enough away his powers wore off and everyone was released from the time trap. Damian, kind of frustrated, went over to someone who was dressed like Nobody, first as he assumed that was the leader.
"Do you know that guy?"
"Yeah, an Arkham villain, before today we didn't think much of him, but now... I don't know."
"I don't know any Arkham villain with those abilities."
"Seriously? He's one of the popular ones."
Damian looked at him with just a brow raised, not much else in his face, Thomas eyes widened, he looked around and saw every other hero there, his sister gave him a confused look as he began to kinda panic.
"You're R-r-obin... the fifth Robin."
Damian moved his head in surprise, the other Titans started to figure out as well and they also started to panic.
"Yes, who are you?"
He didn't know if he should tell him, Thomas looked at his teammates and all of them nodded their heads, he took his mask off, Damian formulated a theory before the guy talked (they looked way too similar to him to be a coincidence), boy was his theory wrong.
"I'm your son."
Everyone of the present Titans froze at that, "What?"
"My name is Thomas Wayne, this is my brother-" he said signaling for his siblings to come over, "Jackson Wayne, and my sister... Minh Wayne." Damian was in shock, he kinda believed him because the similarities are way too many to ignore, still, he wouldn't totally believe them until he made some DNA tests.
Andromeda went over to Jon and Yara, "Mom... Dad-" she said, hugging them, they reacted kinda late, Jon totally believed her right that instant and hugged her back, Yara on the other hand wasn't quite sure.
Pam on the other, other hand didn't make any sentimentalism shit and just launched herself to her father, Jai didn't react right away, it took him a moment to process.
The Pham kids firstly went to Lian and then, smiling, Kai signaled his dad to come join them in the not so comfortable hug, Tai was shook, and drama completely ensued, because... well... he was not dating Lian... he was dating Mar'i.
"Wait a second, you're saying that you guys," Lian motioned towards the future Titans. "Are our," she pointed back at her team. "Kids? More specifically me and Tai have... kids?" She was definitely in shock as she looked over at Tai.
Mar'i stepped forward and spoke up. "That can't be right. I mean I'm dating Tai but if you guys are supposed to be their kids then," She paused as if trying to figure out how to word the question. "Then what happens to me?"
"YOU GUYS DATED?!?" Pam exclaimed before anyone else could say anything. "You never told me that!"
"KF, now's not the time." Thomas jumped in, he realized how confusing the situation was and he wasn't too sure what happened either but he did know they'd be better off talking about it somewhere more secure. He turned to Damian who still looked sceptical about everything. "You probably don't believe us and won't want to take us back to your base so why don't we head to a safe house. Is the one on Schapp avenue up yet?"
"We don't have any safe houses on Schapp avenue but I do know of a place nearby." He glanced at Jon, his eyes told the super to be alert. The Future Titans looked, acted, and had powers awfully similar to the Teen Titans but who's to say they weren't just trying to trick them. "It's on the corner of Camron and Murphy, are you familiar with that area?"
"Upper west side right?" Minh asked. "We know it but where we're from it's called the West River district."
"Interesting," Damian muttered. He looked around at the future Titans again before turning towards his bike. "Let's all meet there." With that he sped off, the Teen Titans followed shortly after most of them having some form of fast power. The Future Titans were left standing on the corner.
"Listen team, I don't know what's happening but we're clearly in the past and I don't think telling them everything about the future is the best idea." Thomas said in his signature Batman authority voice. "If they know what'll happen to them they might try to prevent some things and that won't go over well for anyone so be careful about what you say. Especially you KF."
"What? Why are you targeting me?" She asked with exaggerated offense.
"Because out of everyone on this team you're the most likely to tell them about some crazy important event that they definitely shouldn't know about," Jaiden laughed, pointing out how bad Pam was at keeping secrets.
She smacked their arm lightly. "That is so not fair."
"Also, Kai, I know you didn't do it on purpose but... come on man" Thomas continued.
"Everyone was doing it!"
"So they DID date, why didn't anyone tell m-"
"Just!" interrupted Jackson "let's get this over with, we will meet them there and then we will find a way to go back to our time and also to capture Tick Tock."
Andromeda interjected, "or... we can capture Tick Tock and wait for our parents to come for us."
"Either way, we should get going, knowing my dad he called grandpa Bruce to bring some DNA tests and uncle Tim will be there too, and knowing them they will bring the whole family and uncle Dick will be very impatient." said the team leader with his siblings nodding every word he said.
"In that case, wouldn't all of our families be called?" Asked Pam.
"I don't know, probably not." answered Jaiden.
Thomas and Jackson were carried there by Andy, because super strength, Kai was carried by Jaiden, because ring, and Mihn was carried by Pam, because speed. Maybe some drama would ensue, but they were sure of something, everything would work out.
"I don't remember uncle Jason ever being this strong worded with his kids, or us for that matter." said Mihn in a whisper to Kai who just nodded in shock.
"Little Wing, just... don't." Dick put a hand up before anything else could be said or done. "Ok, so... ummm, jeez, how do we start this?"
May we clarify that this conversation took place right after the DNA results returned, and they CONFIRMED that those kids were the Titans kids. Bruce went into shock, with Selina trying to calm him down (the main word being trying), Tim and Dick were surprised but said nothing, Jason... we already know, Clark was already playing with Jon and Andromeda, Roy almost fainted, Kori also started playing with Pam, and overall it was a very quiet moment for everyone... surprisingly.
"Soooo... who is your mom?" asked an Irey full of curiosity to her niece.
"Oh, she's-"
"Nope nope nope nope nope, you won't do that, nope." interrupted Jaiden.
Pam whined "But whyyyy?"
Andromeda puts a hand on her shoulder and says "Because, if anything in this world screams 'Temporal mayhem' it is speedsters."
"Ugh Andyyyy, that's no fun." Pam slumped.
"All right" says Irey, Andy lowers her hand and the next thing anyone knows is that Pam is almost on top of Irey screaming out loud "HER NAME IS RENATA AND SHE'S A CIVIL- ow, what was that for?" she said holding her head after Kai had used one of his arrows on her, barely touching her but making her stop.
"Why wouldn't I?"
Thomas just shook his head in disappointment for their behavior, and Dick came to ask him something, of course he wouldn't miss a chance to tease his little brother.
"So, who's your mom?"
"I definitely won't answer that one, thank you very much."
On the other side of the safe house (in the same room, just on the other side of it) Jason aproched Jackson.
"What's your name kid?"
"Wait what?!" asked Tim before anyone could say anything.
Mihn walked over to them, "Ummm, yeah, so?"
"You get along with Demon Spawn and you get along with Replacement, oh how great this day is."
"Jason, please stop, you're embarrassing me" complained Drake while Damian was giving them all his best ew face, Dick was kinda giving them a little smile, Jason was laughing his ass off and Bruce had a face that spelled regret for having so many children.
"Yeah, and my second name is Peter." Everyone froze at that, everything was silent until Dick, Tim and Damian, all at the same time started hysterically laughing
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Seventy-Four [Pt. 1]
Words: 3k
Warning(s): explicit language, drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1
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I exhale, turning to look at Nikki where he's laying beside me, a sickly pale tone to his skin, his black hair tangled, his hand that is clinging to mine, covered in tracks, the same appearance as his other hand. 
I can't help but wonder if I bathed him if he'd wake up. He reeks, and he's rough looking, only adding to my guilt. 
Fred gave him a sleeping pill to ease him off of his coke high--he's been freebasing again, just cooking it up in the room's microwave. 
I don't know what the hell to do about him. 
I wish I did. 
Turning over to face him, I brush his bangs out of his eyes, my fingertips lightly dusting over his cheeks, dark circles under his eyes. 
They were supposed to play tonight, but said Nikki came down with the flu and added the show to the second round of U.S. tours lined up for early next year. 
The Nikki I knew would have never put drugs over his music, his fans, and especially not his relationship. 
But, the Nikki I knew also wouldn't have cheated on me…
It's been hard to accept the fact that the Nikki I fell in love with six years ago, isn't around anymore. 
I finish getting my church dress back on, grinning at Nikki as he gets his pants laced back up, the both of us glancing at each other in the back of my car. 
"What's mommy and daddy gonna say when I send their girl back home all turned out?" He asks me, smugly, and I put my heels back on, scoffing. 
"Gee, just come home with me and find out." I shrug. 
"I'll pass." He mumbles, pulling his shirt over his head. 
"Oh, c'mon, I'm sure they'd love you." I nudge him with my elbow. 
"Your mom would piss her granny-panties." He argues, wrinkling his nose a little and I just blink at him. 
"Maybe...but I'm pretty sure my dad would like you." I inform him. 
"Like hell he does." He says to himself and I just let out a breath. 
"So…" I say after a few seconds of silence and he nods a little, awkward tension filling the air around us. 
"...Well." He lets out in the same tone. 
"Good freaking night." I go to open the car door, irritated that he doesn't offer up to hangout and do stuff other than fool around, slamming the door shut.
"Hey, what's up?" He asks me, getting out next, standing by the driver's door, blocking my way. 
"Nothing. I'll see you later." I mumble, nudging him out of my way, opening my door but he's quickly shutting it before I can. 
"Viv, what's--" 
"--I'm gonna start charging you to sleep with me." I state blatantly and his hazel eyes widen, a shit eating smirk on his lips as he chuckles out, "what?" 
"You'd think since we have sex with each other so often it'd at least make us friends, but all you wanna do when we hangout is screw around and then go do whatever with the guys." I tell him. "And, no, this isn't me being a 'typical girl' and developing feelings for you just because we've had sex. It's me being tired of feeling like I'm just being used to get you off." 
"I'm being used to get you off so it's a win-win, is it not?" 
"You sound like Vince." I snap. "All that's happening is I screw you, you screw me, we leave, and don't talk until we're both horny again." 
"Is that not how this works?" 
"The least we can do is get food afterwards or something." I suggest. 
"...Like a date?" 
I gag at the thought. 
"Ew, no." I tell him and he looks confused. "Like, um...I don't know. But since I don't hate you enough to not hook up with you, anymore, I think we could at least get to know who we're hooking up with a little better."
"Friends with benefits?" He clarifies. 
"No, no, we're not friends." I point out and he let me get in my car. 
"I'll see you tomorrow night?" He throws out and I nod. "Wear something pretty--we're going to McDonald's." He smugly smiles and I roll my eyes, holding back a laugh. 
I'm shaking the memory away when there's a knock at the door and I slowly get out of bed, trying not to wake Nikki, slipping my hand from his as my feet hit the hotel carpet. 
I open the door, seeing Mick.
"They wanted us to go ahead and start getting our stuff together to leave." He informs me. "Apparently Guns has some solo shows at some clubs nearby so they're staying behind and we'll back up with them tomorrow night." He informs me and I nod, smiling softly, before he lets out a small breath. "I know you're hurt, and you've got every right to be, but would it not make more sense to file for divorce before you move on, as opposed to moving on before you even really know if you're gonna leave or not?" He asks next, under his breath so Nikki has no way of hearing it. 
"Ask your married girlfriend that before you come at me with it, Mick, alright?" I ask him neutrally, shutting the door in his face before stepping back to the bed, hesitant to wake Nikki up but doing it anyway so we won't be late. 
I wasn't shocked when Mick let on that he knew about Duff and I because, like with me and Nikki, he just knew when something was up.
Looking back, Mick had a point, but at that time he was the last person I wanted to hear it from, because Emi wasn't estranged from her husband, or even on bad terms with him. She was just cheating for whatever reason while her husband stayed in the blissful dark. Mick was "the other woman" therefore he had no place to speak to me about my relationship with Duff.
"Nikki, get up, we gotta get packed." I gently shake him and he groans out. 
"Baby, let me sleep." He mumbles, eyes squeezed closed, face scrunching slightly for a second. 
"We gotta be in L.A. in seven hours, c'mon." I nudge at him again, and his red eyes open, disgruntled, taking a moment before sitting up.
"I did it again last night?" He asks me, rubbing the crust from his eyes as I slip my slippers on. 
"Are they pissed?" 
"They're worried." I inform him. "I'm worried, too." I add, stepping to the door. 
"I'm fine." He says after me.
"Glad to hear it." I open the door, taking a moment to add, "and I'm not 'baby' to you anymore," before leaving. 
I get to my room and get my things packed, being interrupted by a knock at the door. 
When I get it open, Duff is on the other side, wearing nothing but his underwear. 
"I think I left my necklace in here." He tells me and I step aside, watching him grab it from the bedside table before he turns to me and says, "so, you guys are leaving tonight?" He asks me.
"Yeah." I nod. "Gotta go watch Vince walk down the aisle." 
He chuckles and I do, too, realizing how ironic the reality of it is. 
"...Is, um...Nikki okay?" He cautiously questions.
"Yeah." I nod. "I'm sorry I didn't go back to your room last night, I just thought it'd be best if he eased off before I went to bed and then I accidentally fell asleep before I could leave so…" 
"No, no, Viv, it's fine. You still care about him, even though he's shitty sometimes he's still the guy you've been with for the past six years. I'm not upset that you're making sure he's okay." He nods reassuringly. 
Before I can say "okay", there's another knock at my door, and I step to it and open it, Tommy and Vince waiting for me. 
"Ya ready?" Tommy asks, him and Vince both wearing sunglasses. 
"Yeah." I reply, going to zip my suitcase, Tommy following in after me to grab it, taking a double take when he notices Duff. 
"Hey, man."
"Hey." Duff replies, rubbing the back of his neck, before looking to Vince. "Vinnie, you ready to walk down that aisle?" He asks him with a smile.
"Yeah, just so Sharise will stop bitching about wedding details." He responds with a groan in his tone and Duff chuckles. "But her and Skylar are coming back with me for a honeymoon so just be on your best behavior--not that you aren't most times." He adds. 
"Nah, I'll give Slash and Stevie the heads up, though." He assures him. 
"Thanks, dude." Vince says back.
"Alright, see you when we get back." Tommy says, patting at Duff's shoulder. 
"See ya." Duff says to them as they head out. 
"I gotta pee and I'll be down." I lie.
Vince looks at me, oddly, with a small bit of hesitance before he shuts the door and I rub my lips and look at Duff, fumbling with my fingers. 
"You're not breaking up with me already, are you?" He repeats what I asked him before and I smile and shake my head.
"No, no." I grab his hand and tug him closer to me and he kisses my hair, wrapping his arms around me, tightly, and I rest my cheek against his skin. 
"Just have a safe flight, try not to kill anyone." He tells me and I nod.
"I love you." I tell him, looking up at him. 
"I love you, too." He leans down and kisses me, pulling away too soon. "I'll see you tomorrow night."
"See you tomorrow night." I agree, taking a mental picture of his soft grin.
The next day was spent scrambling to keep everyone together--especially Nikki--because Sharise deserved one day to be with Vince without a fight...little did I know the only fight that would occur would be between Vince and I, and not him and Nikki, like I feared.
"Okay," I straighten her veil, examining her dress one last time as she hands me my bouquet, "you look beautiful, Sharise." I assure her and she continues nitpicking possible flaws in the mirror. 
"I know we're already married so this is just a vow renewal or whatever but I'm nervous." She admits to me, fanning at herself a little. 
"There's no reason to be." I tell her. 
"Where's Sky?" 
"With your parents." 
"Where's Tansy?" 
"Getting her dress on." 
"Where's Nikki?"
"In the bathroom." 
"In the bathroom or shooting up?" 
"In the bathroom. Tommy's on smack watch." 
"Okay." She lets out a breath, trying to calm down. "Vince...is he--"
"He's ready to walk when you are." As I say this, the door opens and Nikki and Tansy come in.
"Sharise, the wedding party's waiting for you." Tansy tells her a little shakily. 
I think she's beginning to withdrawal. 
"Alright. Okay." Sharise inhales and exhales. 
"You got this." I promise her. 
"You're right." She nods and I help her with her dress as she heads to the door. 
Nikki, Tommy, Mick, and a couple other guys I've never met that are good friends of Sharise and Vince are wearing their tuxes with a hot pink sash, to match the bridesmaids knee length, hot pink dresses with black tull underlying the skirt. 
We file into line, Nikki and getting in front of Sharise since she's appointed me with Matron of honor. 
"You showered." I mumble to Nikki, impressed. 
"Tommy threatened to spray me off with a water hose. I didn't feel like being cold." He mumbles and I scoff as the music starts, the doors opening to lead outside, where we have to walk down stone stairs to meet in a spacious courtyard. 
"I'm getting war flashbacks." He says next once it's our turn to start walking. 
"From our wedding, yeah, me freaking too." I reply in a hiss. 
"I was gonna say from Tommy's wedding but sure." He scoffs bitterly. 
"Just don't leave this one every fifteen minutes to slip into the bathroom and shoot up." I ignore his comment, the arm that my hand is looped through tenses up and I can feel him glaring at me through his sunglasses. 
"Don't be a fucking bitch." He tells me as we step down the stairs and approach the guests, seeing Vince and the other groomsmen and bridesmaids waiting for us. 
"Little late for that." I point out. 
"And our wedding wasn't even that bad, Viv." He randomly cuts back to our initial back and forth and I fake a smile for the crowd, speaking through my teeth to reply, "Wish I could say the same for the months to follow it." 
We separate at the alter, and I push my feelings aside when I look to see Sharise stepping down the stairs, looking stunning as ever. 
When she gets down here, I'm straightening the back of her dress as she takes Vince's hands. 
The ceremony doesn't take very long, and once the reception comes and all the pictures are done with being taken, I'm ready to get out of this dress--but it's not ready for me to get out of it.
I grind my teeth, dreading asking this bastard for help, but I know he's got his knife and the zipper of my dress is stuck. 
"Nikki," I tap at his shoulder as he downs another glass of wine. 
"What?" He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. 
"Can you help me get out of this dress?" I ask him and he suddenly bursts into laughter. 
"I'd rather fuck a pot of boiling hot oil than fuck you." He tells me. 
"No, asshole, I mean literally help me get this off because the zipper is stuck." I explain. 
"Oh." He says, turning me to look at it. "Yeah, I guess." He stands up and I head to the bathroom as he pulls his pocket knife from his pocket.
Once we get to the bathroom, I'm pulling my arms from the sleeves the best I can before I look at him. 
"Just go to sawing away here." I point to the seam that's three-fourths zipped. 
He starts cutting at it, and it soon gets looser and looser to the point there should be plenty of room to finish pushing it down my hips...and I would if his hands weren't steadily holding at my bare sides, his eyes on my back as I look at him in the mirror and wait for him to snap back into reality. 
He never does, and I'm forced to clear my throat to whisk the tension away. 
"Um, I got it from here." I tell him, hinting that his hands on my skin aren't needed.
He just looks at me in the mirror and holds at them tighter, making me go to hit at the tops of his hands, only I realize this is one of the few moments he probably finds peace in because he can pretend, even for a second, that everything isn't screwed sideways. 
I just rest my palms over his hands, making eye contact with him in the mirror, looking us over, and I smile sadly, realizing we won't ever be those people again. 
After his moment is finished, he's gently patting my sides before taking a step back and putting his knife back into his pocket. 
"Thanks, again." I say to him before he goes. "No problem." He mumbles, stepping out. 
I rush back to the bridal suite to avoid being seen half naked, to change into a more comfortable dress.
As soon as I shut the door, I turn around and see Vince nursing a beer, and I jump. 
"Jesus, Vince!" I snap at him, taking a deep breath and he rolls his eyes for a second. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him, peeling the dress down my legs, not caring that he's getting an eyeful of me in nothing but skimpy panties since he's seen me completely naked in the pictures of me that Nikki's shown off to him. 
"Hiding from my in laws." He replies, taking another sip of beer. 
"You're not supposed to be drinking." I remind him.
"Who's gonna tell them?" He asks me, raising his brows. 
"Doesn't matter if the state doesn't know--God knows. That's who you'll have to answer to in the end." 
"Oh-Oh, my fuck." He chuckles out, his tongue swiping the inside of his bottom lip. 
"What? You think standing before God and being confronted with the fact you're still drinking after killing your friend in a drunk driving accident is funny?" I hiss at him.
 "I think the bible warns against becoming a drunkard but doesn't it also say, "you must not commit adultery'?" 
My heart pounds in my chest, my eyes wide, and he stands up from his spot on the fluffy parlor chair. 
"So you can give me shit about killing Razzle and still drinking, but every time the sweat on Duff's back dries after he's done fucking you, it's just another nail being hammered into Nikki's coffin, once he finds out." He says, pointing at me with the hand holding at his bottle. "And that blood's gonna be on your hands." He adds. "Not mine." 
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ryan-spinel · 4 years
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“Heavenly Bliss”
“What are you doing out so late Spinel.” Connie challenged
“I wouldn't call 5:45 in the afternoon last Connie. Seems like you've been somewhere, caring paper bags.” I smirked
“Well, Valentine, going grocery shopping after school is better than hanging with drug dealers.” Connie provoked
“Well I guess someone was doing more than shopping, I was helping a friend get a date.” I sassed
“Sure you were.” The whore snickered
I have to say, I alway hated passive aggressive bitches. I mean, if your going to be angry show it, instead of being a dick about it.
“Listen to me Spinel, I don't know what kind of stuff you're involved with the Black Hawks. But my father is the chief inspector of the local police agency, and I will have to report any unusual activity your involved in.” Connie warned
“And that's suppose to mean something, my mothers a lawyer.” I bragged
“Sigh, look Spinel. I don't want any trouble. I don't know why you hit me yesterday, but all I ask for. Is that you stay away from Steven, or you'll regret it. He doesn't need someone like you in his life.” Connie threaten
It's cute that she thinks she can scare me. It's you who will be sorry.
“Connie. You sound like Steven belongs to you, you do realize he has a life outside of you.” I smirked
Connie was about to say something, but then she gave be a defeated look. Looks like I won this battle, but haven't won the war just yet.
“Just, please don't go near him. You're not his friend.” Connie added, walking towards me.
Of course I'm not his friend, I'm his girlfriend, his babey, his sweetheart.
At the moment she walks by me, I pulled out my Italian stiletto and used it to tear the paper bag open. Causing the groceries to drop to the ground.
“Gasp, oopsie daisy.” I gibed, walking by Connie irritably picking up her groceries.
It brings me joy to see someone like her struggling. Now time to go home before my folks worry about me.
It's now sundown, I just arrived to my place. I hope my moms aren't worried.
I walked up to the entrance and was going to open the door, however I stopped. I was hearing muffled screaming inside the house, so I ease dropped to find out what they're talking about.
“This has gone on long enough mother, we can't keep denying the problem with Spinel!” Mother argued
“You watch you're tone with me young lady, Spinel is fine. How is her liking someone so awful.” Grandmother Whitney retaliated
“Liking someone, you mean this boy Steven. I got a call from the school that she punched a girl in the face.” Mother retorted
“How is that a problem, Spinel probably had a good reason to do so.” Grandmother Whitney denied
“She hit that girl, over a piece of cake. I was told by Dr.Maheswaran, that her daughter asked for a piece of cake Steven had, and then all of a sudden Spinel hits her trying to slap the cake out of her hand. Accidentally hitting her in the face, causing her to bite her lip.” Mother shot
There was a silent pause, until I heard Momma speaking.
“Whitney, this isn't normal behavior for a girl like Spinel. Ever since kindergarten she's been very violent towards kids her age. We can't keep hiding and ignoring on what she did to Spin-.”
“Never, and I repeat never mentioned that women again.” Grandmother Whitney snapped
“Mother what is wrong with you, don't hit Bella again.” Mother raged
“Or what, you won't defend me in court. I had to teach her a lesson for disobeying me.” Grandmother Whitney threaten
“Bella's right Mother, somethings wrong with Spinel. Sigh, God we should have never given her that knife.” Mother muttered
“The reason why I gave that knife is because that's what she wants. She doesn't want makeup and all that girly crap you get her. I know my Granddaughter.” Grandmother Whitney stated
“You can know Spinel inside and out all you want Whitney , but you gave her a weapon. In the past we got calls that Spinel threaten students in elementary, once I got called into a meeting with the principal because Spinel got suspended for bitting a kid, in middle school. Now she's attacking girls out of jealousy. Sigh, Whitney. Spinel is sick. This can't continue, because if it does Spinel will get herself hurt or go to prison. So if you really care for her, you need to stop defending this toxic side of Spinel. She needs help-.” Momma screeched before being interrupted
Ding, dong
“Hey guys I'm back from the library.” I announced
“Come in starlight.” Grandmother Whitney answered
I opened the door and walked to the dining room. I saw my three care-givers sitting at the dinning table drinking tea. Although I noticed Momma had tears in her eyes, and having a red handprint on the left side of her face.
“How was school today Spinel.” Mother coaxed
“It was a wonderful day Mother, I had lots of fun with Perri today.” I clarified
“That's good sweet-pea, did you have dinner at the Fitzgerald home.” Momma faltered
“Yes Momma, don't worry about wittle old me.” I reassured
Although I wouldn't call a tray of onigiri dinner, even though I'm still a little hungry. But I can wait until tomorrow, I don't want momma to stress about me.
“Okay darling, please get ready for bed.” Grandmother Whitney asserted
“I'll see you guys tomorrow.”
Once I finished getting into my cute bun-bun themed pajamas, I walked to my futon going to bed. Saturday is going to be a big day for me, because that's the day Steven and I will be all alone. No Connie to interfere with us. I'll just have to ask him tomorrow at school.
Ring ring
Another day of school went by so fast, and Friday is the perfect day to ask out Steven. Because that bitch Connie has tennis practice on Fridays, that means Steven will be all alone without any interruptions.
In the distance I see the gullible hunk walking off school grounds. I have to catch up to him before it's to late. I raced like hell to catch up to him, trying to catch his attention.
“Steven!” I exulted
Finally, I got his attention.
“Hey Steven, huff puff huff puff.” I listlessly
“Oh, Spinel. I didn't expect to see you. Are you okay, from Wednesday.” Steven Gasped
“Ya everything is just swell.” I said trying to ease his nerves
“Anyway, sorry to bother you. But would you like to hang out tomorrow. Like get a milkshake, do karaoke or something.” I hesitated
Please say yes, please say yes.
“Sure, why not.” Steven responded
Yes, yes, oh god yes. I feel my heart racing and I'm sweating like crazy. I honestly had my doubts.
I wanted to reply to his answer, but I was so happy I lost my sense of reality. I couldn't stop smiling and my cheeks were like two hot tomatoes. My heart has never been this happy before, it's going to explode.
“Ah, Spinel. Are you okay.” Steven guessed
Just him looking at me made me paralyzed with joy.
“Oh, oh Stevi your so cute. I just want to cuddle you and feed you cookies.” I mumbled
“Ahhhhhhhhhh, okay. Well, meet me at my place tomorrow at noon. Bye.”
And just like that, my man is gone. Tomorrow I need to look my best, also I need to ask a favor from my geeky bud.
“Congratulations on your date Spinel.” Perri cheered
“It hasn't started yet, but thanks. How was your date with Lexi.” I grinned
“Well, I wouldn't call it a date. At least the clan allows me to hang with her.” Perri hummed
“Does Brooklyn know.” I doubted
“Ah, not yet. She still doesn't want me around the Black Hawks. But I still want to see Lexi, I just want her out of the gang.” Perri worried
“Hey, don't worry. Things will turn out okay, Lex is a smart gal and she'll get out eventually.” I encouraged
“You're a great friend Spinel, how can I repay you for what you did.” Perri offered
“Well, I hate to ask but. Can you keep Connie away from Steven all day.” I begged
Please say yes, please say yes
“Your in luck friend, I'm working on a science assignment with Connie. I'll tell her to come to my house to work on the project.” Perri reassured
“Ah, thank God. I owe you big time.” I burst
“No need, that's what friends do.” Perri acknowledged
It's 30 minutes until noon. I have to make up an excuse to go out.
“Hey Momma.” I shouted from my room
“Yes dear.” Momma groggily
“I'm going to the karaoke club with some friends. I'll be back before sunset.” I lied
“Yawn, okay sweetie. Please be safe.” Momma sleepily
I didn't expect it to be that easy, now time to see senpai.
It's a good thing Steven lives less than five minutes away, I would hate to take the bus. But if I had to I would.
I finally arrived at Stevens house, or tiny home to be exact.
His house wasn't as fancy as mine, although it's a cute little home. But what do you expect when your dad is a Uber driver, and rarely gets the dough at one of his garage concerts.
Speak of the devil, I see Greg Universe. On a lawn chair outside his house, playing his guitar and drinking beer. Although I have to admit, even though Greg looks like a loser he's still a good father. Obviously Steven got that suave charm from him.
“Hello Mr.Universe.” I burst
“Oh, you must be Conn- Ah I mean Spinel. Stevens happy that you asked him to hang out. By the way, call me Greg.” Greg sputtered, sounding like he's one more bottle to being wasted.
“Is Steven almost ready.” I inquired
“Don't worry, he'll be out shorty.” Greg reassured, but still looks like he has more to say.
“You know. I'm actually glad that you asked Steven to hang.” Greg confessed
“Really.” I doubted
“Ya I am. Steven doesn't really hang out with other kids outside of school. Even since his mom passed away, he's been very antisocial. Sure he may be out going at school. But when he isn't at school, he just sits in his room. Or sometimes hangs out with his friend Connie.”
I hate the thought of that bitch being mentioned today.
“Steven may hang with a lot of kids, but they're not his friends. I hate to talk behind someone's back, but I feel like Connie and Steven spend to much time together. I'm not saying that they can't hang out, but Steven needs a variety of friends. Because if they don't stay friends Steven will have trouble finding new ones. Ha, I'm sorry I burden you with all of that. It's just my way of saying thanks, I hope Steven has lots of fun.” Greg rattled on
Wow, you think you know a guy. I really misjudged Greg, he must want Steven to have as many friends has he wants. I'm just glad that we're one the same page that Connie is bad for him. That's what happens when two loners become friends, they're obsessed with spending so much time with each other.
“I'm sorry about your wife Greg, she must be very lucky to have a kid like Steven.” I comforted
“Thank you Spinel, it really means a lot to me.”
“Hey dad, I'm going now-oh hey Spinel. It's good to see you.” Steven beamed
“Hey Schtu-ball, here's so cash to have fun with your lady friend.” Greg happily offered
“Dad, it's not like that.” Steven spluttered
“Loosen up Lil-man. I'm just messing with you.” Greg smiled
Then all of a sudden, Greg was whispering in his ear. I couldn't hear want they are talking about. But what caught me off guard was that Greg secretly slipped a condom in Stevens jacket.
Oh Lordy, Steven and I haven't even got to the batters box's yet. Already Greg gives him a condom on the first date, I guess it's better to be safe then sorry. Now Greg has my full respect now, thinking that Steven and I would get dirty. He really wants Steven to have more friends.
Although poor Steven, he must be so embarrassed that Greg is giving him condoms and advice on girls.
“Okay Dad, I heard enough. Come on Spinel let's go” Steven spluttered
“Okay okay, see you crazy kids later.” Greg joked
“Jesus Christ.” Steven mumbled
After Steven got the talk, we made our way onto the bus.
“So Spinel, What would you like to do.” Steven asked
“Well, lets go to that 50s style dinner. I heard they have to best burgers and milkshakes there.” I suggested
“You mean Krazy Kats, (chuckled) it's been so long since I've been there. After that lets go to the karaoke club.” Steven cheered
“Steven Universe, I didn't know you can sing.” I teased
“Well. I can't, the only song I can sing is twinkle twinkle little star.” Steven joked
“Well it doesn't hurt to try.”
“No, it doesn't.” Steven hoped
After a long drive, we finally arrived at Blossom valley Mall.
As the gentleman Steven is, he helped me off the bus. Such a chivalrous lad.
“We're here, so do you want to do first.” Steven advised
“Lets go to the karaoke club first.” I responded
“Cool, lets go.”
“Wait Steven.” I shouted
“Yes Spinel.” Steven smiled
“I, I need you to hold something for me.” I avowed
“Sure, I'll be happy to help.”
I took out my right hand and reached it out to Steven, palm up.
“My hand.” I cackled shyly
Steven looked at me for a little bit, trying to get a grip of the situation. Until he started to smile.
“(Giggling), your adorable Spinel. Of course I'll hold your hand.” Steven beamed while grapping onto my hand.
He. He called me adorable. Wow, he called me adorable, on our first date. Oh god, I feel like I'm having a heart attack because my heart can't stop beating. He's now holding my hand, his soft skin rubbing onto me. How a I going to make it the whole day without fainting.
We happily dashed to the karaoke club. Inside was just like the interior of the Double Deuce in the movie Road House. It was also very spectral, with smoke, flashing colored lights and giant speakers. It was like a rave in here. Steven and I quickly found a place to sit, now looking at which songs we're going to sing.
“Wow, there's a lot to choose from. What are you going to sing.” Steven asked
“(Giggling), that's a secret. You'll find out soon.” I teased
“Always full of secrets I see.”
Well you got one thing right.
“Okay, you can go first. I'll still need some time to choose.” Steven convinced
“Alright kiddo, I'll go first.” I joked
I walked up to the counter and asked for my song. They told me I was on in five minutes. I walked back to Steven to tell him.
“Hey Stevi, I'm on in five minutes.”
“Cool, I picked mr blue sky electric light orchestra.” Steven mentioned
“Interesting choice bud.”
“Alright everybody give him around of applause. (Laughing) okay folks it's time of our next performer, please welcome to the stage for Spinel.”
I skipped up to the stage, getting ready to sing. Although some people would need to read the lyrics on the screen, but I know this song off by heart.
The song began
I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me 🎶
I still feel your touch in my dreams 🎶
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why 🎶
Without you it's hard to survive 🎶
Here comes the chorus
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling 🎶
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly 🎶
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last 🎶
Need you by my side 🎶
'Cause every time we touch, I feel the static 🎶
And every time we kiss I reach for the sky 🎶
Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go 🎶
Want you in my life 🎶
(Freestyle dancing)
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky 🎶
They wipe away tears that I cry 🎶
The good and the bad times we've been through them all 🎶
You make me rise when I fall 🎶
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling 🎶
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly 🎶
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last 🎶
Need you by my side 🎶
'Cause every time we touch, I feel the static 🎶
And every time we kiss I reach for the sky 🎶
Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go 🎶
Want you in my life 🎶
(More freestyle dancing)
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling 🎶
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly 🎶
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last 🎶
Need you by my side 🎶
“Spinel that was amazing, your singing voice is beautiful.” Steven praised
“Your so sweet Stevi, it's now your turn to shine.” I encouraged
Now as expected, Steven sucked. But we had a good laugh about it. So far this was the best day of my life. This was true heavenly bliss.
Steven and I weren't really hungry, so we got takeout milkshakes from Krazy Kats. We then found a nice place to sit and catch. On a small green hill under a cherry three.
“How's your mint-chip, butterfingers, Reese's PB cups, Hershey's chocolate syrup with no cherry.”
“It's just delicious, how's your plain boring strawberry milkshake.” I joked
“Hey, it's just as good as yours.”
“(Giggling) I'm just messing with you, you look so cute when flustered.” I teased
“Okay now your just being silly.” Steven gushed
“Puff, (laughing).” Steven and I giggled
“Ha ha hah, Spinel this day was amazing. I'm having so much fun with you.” Steven cackled
This is an amazing day, I just want to relive this moment for the rest of my life. I never expected Steven to have fun with someone like me.
Wait, why's Steven frowning. Did I do something wrong. Fuck, I thought I did everything right.
“Spinel, I should have never given that cake you gave me to Connie. I thought I was doing something nice, but I didn't reconsider on how you'll feel. Although it wasn't right that you hit Connie. But, it was my fault that I blown out of proportion. I'm sorry Spinel.” Steven apologized, on the verge of tears.
“I can just act so stupid sometimes. I don't mean to do anything to hurt anyone, but I do it without knowing. I don't know why I'm like this. Ever since my mom was shanked in an ally by Black Hawk thugs, I just find was to mess up. Dads always stressed about paying the bills and taking care of me. He doesn't need that kind of stress I'm giving him. I'm just a burden. I'm a burden to my friends, my teachers and even my closest friend Connie. I just don't want to keep annoying people all the time, telling me to go away and play kid games. And them saying “your bitch mom got what she deserved”, one time I got a note I found in my locker, saying that it would be better for everyone if I just kill myself. (Sobbing). I feel like the whole world is against me, that everyone has some reason to attack me. Because I keep fucking up all the time. I'm just one. big. fuck up.(sobbing).” Steven bawled
Oh god, I had no idea Steven was in this much pain. It seems like on the outside that he's this layback happy guy. But no one notices that he's breaking and dying inside. Like me.
There was only one thing I can do, I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a tight hug.
“I'm sorry that you're feeling so bad, is this why you wanted to hang with me.”
“No!” Steven screamed
“No, no. I really wanted to spend time with you. I felt guilty for hurting you. But I still enjoyed today. (Sobbing).”
“It's okay daring, I'm not going anywhere. You're never a burden Steven Universe. I know things are stressful for you lately. But please don't consider it. I'll miss you, your dad will miss you, your friends and even your pets. You're important to a lot of us.”
“Lets just say this, you off yourself last year. That means you missed all those precious memories to this day. Your birthday, Christmas and even Halloween. All those events are gone, disappeared.”
“Remember last year. When I started the first year of high school. On Monday during lunchtime, I was waiting in-line to by the canteens fresh baked cookies. I was a limited time offer, only on Mondays. When I walked to the counter and asked for one of their cookies. They said “Sorry kid, we're sold out.” So I started to get upset. I wanted those cookies for so long and now there gone. But out of no where, you saw me. Out of the kindness of your heart you game me half of your homemade chocolate-chip cookie. Even though it wasn't as good as the canteens ones. It was still special that someone as kind as you, would share with me.”
“Don't you see goofball. Your actions have an impact on people's lives, a good impact. If you disappeared, that special moment would never happened. I know we don't know each other well, but I really care about you. Because you cared about me, and I would love to hang out more with you. Those last couple of hours were the best moments in my life so far.”
“(Sniffling) you really think so.”
“I know so Steven, you have a big heart and you care and love everyone. But you need to start loving yourself.”
Steven then wrapped his arms around my petite waist.
“Thank you Spinel, thank you so much.”
“I'll never leave you Steven. Never ever.”
To be continued
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stoopsbookstore · 4 years
Physically Wounded and Mentally Drained
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"Can you help?"
Johnny stood outside the window of the closest person he knew lived by, the spoiled good-two-shoes, Y/N. His face was bloodied and his shirt had been torn open.
"Why should I?"
Y/N stood at the window, her arms crossed, the TV illuminating her room. The sounnds of sirens startling Johnny until he noticed the movie Y/N had been watching is now on a chase scene.
Johnny flashed Y/N the blood spots in his shirt, his body ready to keel over on her balcony.
"Please, can you just let me in? I did nothing wrong, but I know it's going to be twis-" Johnny's ramblings were cut off by the unlatching of the window, a rush of cool air from the AC hitting him in the face as thunder starts in the distance.
"Hurry up. I'll grab the first aid kit," Y/N pulled on the tall boy's shirt, shutting the window as soon as Johnny got his body inside, "it looks bad, it may be a minute."
"It feels bad," Johnny joked, tapping his chest, the tension in his body still high.
Plopping on the couch, Johnny looked at Y/N's room. A four-poster queen-sized bed with a cream colored canopy. Her desk was neatly organized with her statistics textbook open, signifying that she had been studying before his interruption. Reaching over, he grabbed the textbook.
"That's right," Johnny flipped through a few pages, the highlighted text a slight blur to him, "Douglas's exam is Monday."
"I forgot you're in the same class as me," Y/N took the damp rag in her hand, wiping the dirt off of Johnny's face, taking the textbook from him and throwing it on her bed, "and I'm going to ignore how you know where I live."
"Sorry, I know it's creepy to know where your mortal enemy lives, you can blame that prick, Hendery."
Johnny tried to break the tension, taking his leather jacket and placing it on the window ledge next to the couch. Y/N kept wiping the dirt and blood off where she could find, a need to help someone as awful as Johnny coming over her.
"Can you not get blood on the couch please? My parents would kill me," Y/N gave a towel to Johnny, the tall boy throwing it over his shoulders.
Mortal enemies? Awful?
"We're not mortal enemies," Y/N took some antiseptic out of the box of medicine, smearing it on a gash on Johnny's knuckles, "I just find you extremely annoying and vulgar. You and your friends just run amok with no sense of conseq-"
"And you and your friends act like a bunch of prudes, acting like you're better than everyone else because you come from money," Johnny winces when Y/N wiped the clean wound, a sharp inhale as she pulled a sharp piece of gravel from his flesh.
"Did you just forget who's helping you from whatever the fuck happened to you?"
Y/N continued to clean the injuries Johnny had acquired, the silence deafening. Biting his lip, he continued to look around her room. A decently sized TV sat on a 5-drawer dresser, the walls looked like they were painted a similar color to her bed. It looked like a normal room, Johnny can't figure out why that surprises him so much.
"I have to grab some gauze, I'll be back," Y/N kept her head down, walking to the bathroom.
Johnny took the chance to explore, although his body felt like collapsing. Looking in a mirror, he saw that the blood, dirt and gravel had vanished from his skin, but his shirt was still covered.
Y/N did a good job of cleaning me up.
He noticed a picture frame next to her bed. Walking over to it, he picked it up for a closer inspection. His eyes scanned the photo, it had to be a few years old as it looks like it was taken on the last day of their high school career. Y/N's uniform jacket was off, another girl had taken it to the side and Taeyong andbJaehy-
Taeyong? Jaehyun?
"I know I keep saying this, but plesse don't get blood on anything," Y/N took the photo from Johnny, placing it back on her nightstand, "I grabbed some of my dad's clothes you can change into."
"How do you know Taeyong and Jaehyun?" Johnny questioned.
"The normal response to someone giving you clothes is thank you," Y/N took Johnny's hand, wrapping up his knuckles in gauze and taping it closed.
"How do you know them?" Johnny stared at Y/N, towering over her like he did everyone else.
"How do you know Hendery?"
"I'm trying to be nice here. Understand you," Johnny threw his hands up in the air, hitting his thigh and wincing.
"Take your shirt off so I can throw these in the wash," Y/N grabbed the towel from the couch, holding her hand and doing her best to dodge the question.
"Are you ashamed of them?" Johnny took his shirt off, what looked like a shoe print on his skin and a gash on his abs.
"N-no," Y/N stammered, taking the shirt from Johnny, wrapping it up in the towel and grabbing the first-aid kit, "I just haven't talked to them in a while."
"I know, they hang around me," Johnny chuckled, a slight smile appearing on Y/N's face.
"I should go put these in the washer," Y/N walked to her door, Johnny following behind her, "what are you doing?"
"I've never been in a place like this, when will I get another chance?" Johnny reached for the doorknob, Y/N reaching for his wrist, "I won't get blood on anything."
"I hope so. The blood should be congealed by now," Y/N quietly opened the door, checking down the hallway like a little kid on Christmas night looking for Santa, "ok, let's go."
Y/N tiptoed down the hallway, every step carefully planned while Johnny basically stomped, his footsteps on the shiny wood vibrating throughout the dark corridor.
"Can you be quieter please?" Y/N quietly yelled at the tall boy, "I don't want to get in trou-"
"Y/N, is that you?" Y/N pushed Johnny into a closet, a grown man standing at the landing of the stairs, "what are you doing?"
"I started my period and accidentally bled on my blankets," Y/N kept her body on the closet door, the handle jiggling, "I was going to throw them in the washer."
"Alright," footsteps could be heard retreating, "get to bed soon though, you have a test and an exam tomorrow. Love you."
"Love you, too."
Y/N cautiously opened the door, Johnny pretended to struggle for air as he walked out. Seeing Y/N's face, Johnny put his head down.
Getting to the laundry room, Y/N drenched the shirt in stain remover, an awkward silence falling over to the two. After Y/N put the shirt in the washer, with the few towels and rags she had used, she tended to the gash on Johnny's chest.
"Arms up."
"I was jumped by those SVT guys," Johnny confessed while Y/N placed a patch and wrapped the large gauze around his chest, "3 of them. I'm surprised it wasn't more. That Mingyu dude has a good kick and Church dude has a punch like I've never seen."
Y/N stayed quiet.
"Are you okay?"
"You're the one wounded, I don't think you should be asking me that," Y/N taped the gauze, putting back the first-aid kid back together.
"I'm sorry for what I said earl-"
"Water under the bri-"
"Y/N, what's goin-"
"I'm fine, I promi-"
"Clearly no-" Johnny's voice grew louder in the small room.
"Will you please keep it down?"
"Will you tell me what's wrong? You've been quiet ever since your dad almost caught us," Y/N kept her mouth shut, cleaning up around the room to avoid the question, "Look. I'm trying to be nice here. Will you please tell what's going on?"
"You wouldn't understand, Mr. I do what I want. I had to stop being friends with Jaehyun and Taeyong because they were quote-unquote bad influences," Y/N finally snapped, throwing a shoe at Johnny, narrowly missing the newly dressed wound, "Mr. I get to do what I please and not have to worry about grades or jobs or maintaining relationships where your parents control every aspect of your life."
Johnny tried to talk, but the floodgates had opened, Y/N let everything out, her eyes watering with every syllable.
"You get to go and be free when I have to be like the perfect child for my parents. I can't even go to any functions on campus like the Spring Fling or the Fall Festival because my parents probably signed me up to watch a booth or volunteer at the snack tables. Do you realize how hard it is to be my age, in classes for a degree, and not have a job because my parents don't want me to get one because I'll just marry my dad's friend's son. I don't even like Minho like that and I'm excepted to just fall in love with someo-"
"Breathe. Ok, please just breathe," Johnny noticed Y/N had started shaking, her body trembling, "are you okay if I hug you?"
Y/N nodded. Johnny's long arms tugged her closer, her sobs muffled by his chest.
"Let's get you back to your room."
"But your shirt."
"I'll pick it up later."
Walking back to her room, Johnny helped Y/N to her couch, her head landing on his shoulder. The TV had begun playing infomercials, Johnny's hand rubbing Y/N's arm in an effort to calm her down.
"I know it's hard, but you'll be okay. I went through the same stuff when I was younger. Finally, Doyoung kicked me in the ass and told me to move in with him. I've been on my own since I was 16. My parents were pissed."
Tilting her chin up, Johnny reassured Y/N with a simple smile.
"You know, I've learned more about you in the hour or so you've been bandaging me up than I have in the years we've known each other."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No, I think it gives me a new understanding about you. Hopefully it's the same vice versa."
"Yeah, you're physically wounded and I'm emotionally drained."
The pair laughed, rain tapping on the window.
"I guess I'm stuck here now."
"The couch folds ou-"
"I was joking. Your parents wouldn't be too happy if they discovered a rebel like me in the princess's room."
"They're out of the house by 7am and they don't check on me, just a call around 8 to make sure I'm up," Y/N unwrapped Johnny's arm from her shoulder, wobbly standing up to grab a blanket from her closet, "worse comes to worse, just run in the closet, it's big enough to hide in."
"Thanks, princess."
"Will you be okay?" Y/N flipped through the channels as Johnny got comfortable on the couch, his jacket acting as a pillow.
"Will you?"
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multifandomfanficss · 4 years
A Summer Job in Gotham
Prompt: The OC is Jim’s cousin and she starts her summer job filing papers at the police station. She meets a couple familiar faces along the way.
WARNGINGS: Abusive Father
"Are you fucking kidding me?! You're so stupid!" I wake up to hear my father screaming at my mother. Another morning I wake before my alarm to the sound of my parents fighting. Actually, it's more like my dad fighting and my mom listening. This isn't the first time and I know it won't be the last. I get out of bed and run straight for the bathroom, turning on the shower and slipping out of my clothes. I step into the hot water and close my eyes, taking in the nice feeling. I spend a couple minutes just enjoying the feeling before I begin to wash my body and eventually my light brown hair. After washing a turn off the water and step out of the shower. I wrap a towel around me and go to pick out my clothes. I just grab a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Keep your outfit simple and you won't be noticed. I wait for my dad to leave the house for work and then I go downstairs to get some breakfast. I grab some bread and quickly start to butter it, until I see my mother trying to choke back tears. I hug her. "You really shouldn't let him treat you like that." I tell her. "It's okay, Andi" she tells me. "It's not okay, mom! You need to stand up to that asshole." I inform her. "Andrea Lee Clark! Watch your language!" She exclaims. "I'm sorry mom, but it's true." I respond. "Please don't forget to talk to your cousin about that summer job after school." She reminds me. "I won't." I promise. I kiss her, grab my breakfast, and rush out the door to the bus. I hop on the bus and take the first available seat I see. I look out my window, watching all of the miserable people doing their daily business on the streets of Gotham. I see both the poor, living in pain, and the filthy rich, not giving a damn. It's disgusting how nobody seems to care. We go through our lives putting one thing first and one thing only. Ourselves. When we put others first it's only because WE feel pain. Not the other way around.
The hours tick by as sit in my full school. I just want it next week. The last day of my senior year can't come any faster. The last bell rings and I rush out of class, practically run down to my locker. I can't be late to meet my cousin at the precinct. I stuff the homework into my bag and throw my science text book into my locker. I then throw my backpack over my shoulders and close my locker door. I exit the school and begin my short walk to the police station.
When I arrive the whole place is buzzing with action. I look around for my cousin. An officer approaches me. "May I help you, miss?" She asks. "Yes, do you know where I can find Jim Gordon?" I ask. "Right this way." The woman offers a smile as she walks me to his desk. "You can wait here. He should be back any moment." She informs me. I thank her and she disappears to do her job. I take a seat in his chair and open the file in front of me. It is full of pictures and statements from people from the circus. I look at the outside of the folder again and read aloud the title. "Jerome Valeska." I say quietly. "Interesting, right?" I hear a voice come from behind me. It makes me jump. I turn around to see my cousin. "Hey, Jim. You scared me." I say giving a smile. "Hey, Andi. Glad you're already looking at the Jerome files. I need you to go through and find every other file we have on him." Jim informs me. "I didn't even do a job interview yet." I say laughing. "We're short staffed and could really use somebody as quickly as possible. A woman named Kristen Kringle will train you." He responds. "You'll just being doing filing and stuff like that." He adds. "Okay. Also, why do you need the Jerome files?" I ask. "We need to copy them and bring them down to Arkham." He answers. "Come on, I'll show you around." He offers. He leaves his desk and I follow.
Jim shows me around the precinct. He ends to tour at my office. We walk in to see a pretty woman in a cute outfit with a pair of glasses. She has her brown hair tied up and she is surrounded by officers who are trying to flirt with her. It's actually less of a flirt and more of a sexual harassment. "Don't you think you men should be getting back to work?" Jim interrupts them. They all awkwardly leave the room and Kristen appears to look more relaxed. "Hello, Detective Gordon." Kristen speaks. "Hi, Kristen. This is Andrea-" He begins. "Andi." I interrupt. "You're going to be training her." He finishes. "Okay. Nice to meet you, Andi." She greets me. "Her first assignment is to find all the files relating to Jerome Valeska. Do you think you can help her out?" He asks. "Sure thing, Detective Gordon." She responds with a smile. "Well, I guess I'll leave you girls to it. Andi, you know where my desk is. Bring me the files when you're done." He says. "Good luck." He adds before exiting the room.
Kristen and I mostly make awkward small talk as she teaches me to learn my way around the files. I mostly don't pay attention to her. I enjoy spending my time reading through the rest of the files on Jerome Valeska and the circus. The room has a boring feel to it until I hear a knock on the door. I look up to see a tall man with dark brown hair and big black glasses. He fiddles nervously with the file he's holding "Ms. Kringle, I have a file for you." He says excitedly. "Thank you, Mr. Nygma." She responds. He glows at the sound of his name coming from her lips. "Edward Nygma." He says putting a hand out to greet me. "Andi Clark." I say shaking his hand. "So, Ms. Kringle... What is harder to catch the faster you run?" He asks. "I don't know." She responds. "Your breath." He says pleased with himself. I begin to laugh and he smiles at me. "Mr. Nygma, would you please do me a favor?" Krista asks. "Anything!" He responds in excitement. "Would you please give me some time to work with Ms. Clark? I was told that I have to train her." She informs him. "Of course, Ms. Kringle. It was nice to meet you, Ms. Clark." He says as he exits the room. "Nice to meet you too Mr. Nygma." I say as he walks out the door. "Thank God he's gone." Krista says quietly. "Why? What's wrong with him?" I ask, displeased. "He's just creepy." She responds. "And his riddles drive me crazy? How am I supposed to know the answers?" She asks. "Just give him a chance. He seems sweet and to be fair his riddles are pretty good." I say with a laugh. "Well then you like him so much, you date him!" She says a little angry. "He's way too old for me and he's not really my type anyway." I tell her truthfully. "Why don't you date him?" I add. "He's too nice. I don't deserve a nice guy like that." She begins. "And to be completely honest he's a little boring for my taste." She says the last part a little quieter. "Whatever. I'm sure whoever he ends up with will be a very lucky lady." I say finishing off the conversation and getting back to work.
As soon as I finish finding all of the files and learn my job along the way, I pile them in my arms and carry them to Jim's desk. Normally cases don't have this many files, but the collected statements from every person in the circus, as well as some of the audience. That's more witnesses than usual. I approach Jim's desk and place the files on top neatly. "Ready to go?" He asks. "Go where?" I respond. "To Arkham. We gotta drop off the files." He says in a matter-of-fact sort of way. "Alright. I'll grab my jacket!" I say practically running back to my desk in excitement. I have a pretty good feeling that this isn't a normal thing so I can't pass up an opportunity like this. I grab my jacket and quickly walk back to meet Jim. Then we hop into his car and drive off to Arkham Asylum.
"A few rules before we go in." Jim begins to speak as we approach the gates of Arkham. I nod. "Don't make eye contact and don't speak to them." He orders me. "Yes, sir." I say with a laugh. We stop at the gates and a security guard opens them for us. We park his car and enter the large building. On our way to the office we pass what appears to be like some sort of cafeteria. There are many people locked in the room doing various activities. Some are speaking to each other and others are keeping to themselves. I scan the room and that's when I lay my eyes upon him. The reason I'm here. Jerome Valeska. His hair is slightly messy, but still looks good and his smile is large. He laughs like a mad man, which makes sense because that's what he is. A crazy, barbaric madman who killed his mother. Then he turns his head. His eyes lock with mine and the corners of his mouth turn up into a large grin. He approaches the metal fence between us and wraps his fingers through the holes. "Hello, Gorgeous." He says to me. I refrain from speaking, but I can't look away from him. Jerome looks down to my hands to see the files and then looks back up to my face. "Are you here just for me, doll face?" He asks with confidence. I just keep my mouth shut as instructed by Jim. "Surely a lady this beautiful would have a loud mind. Why don't you let some of those voices in your head out to play? Speak to me." He orders. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Jim standing behind me. "Let's go." He says quietly as he pulls me away from the red headed maniac.
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bmongmong · 3 years
Chapter 6 - Interesting
Blue pill or red pill - Jungkook
Description: You're a young girl, who's a little bit introverted and afraid to be under everybody's eyes. You only have your best friend, but it's ok for you. You don't want to be popular and believe in minimal things. One day you meet a guy. Or two?
Jungkook x Reader
The imagines I used are not mine Credit to the owners
Y/n pov
"ROSE' I'M FREAKING OUT!" I shout over the phone. I called my best friend to tell her EVERYTHING, as soon as I got into my room.
"So" she says taking a small break "basically you got to the twins' house, thinking that you and Jungkook were going to be alone. Then you see Jungwook shirtless doing push-ups. After that you studied and you almost kissed with Jungkook. His brother interrupted you two and they almost started a fight. You stopped them and rushed out of the room. You were having a panic attack and Jungkook calmed you down, while hugging you. You both apologized to each other and he insisted to get you home. Once you arrived at your house you gave him a kiss in the cheek and then ran away."
It took me almost an hour to explain her what happened and she just summarized everything in less than two minutes.
"Umh, yeah that's basically it." I say, fascinated by her talent.
"I'll tell you what I think" as she says this I feel nervous, but also curious. Like a kid who discovers new things day by day. "On one side there's Jungwook, who acts like a bully but at the same time, he saved you from those girls and keeps teasing you. He's the classic bad guy that falls in love with the cute girl"
As she talks about him that way, I feel like gagging. It will never happen. Me and Jungwook? No way. She then continues:
"On the other side, there's Jungkook, who's the perfect guy that treats you amazingly, but also told you that you're only one of his close friend. He's also jealous of his brother flirting with you, that's why he almost punched him. He's the cute boy that wants to protect his girl, but at the same time is too shy to say what he feels"
She's doing a very detailed description. I'm amazed by her sixth sense.
"So basically, you're in between two fires" I can feel her evil smile as she tells me that.
I suddenly start to feel nervous and guilty. I don't know why, but I feel like something bad is going to happen. I'm also a bit scared, I don't want to be the reason for a fight.
It's morning and I wake up with mixed emotions. I smile as I remember about the sweet and warm hug between me and Jungkook. But then reality hits me and I also remember about Jungwook and the whole drama.
The morning went pretty normal at school. Jimin and Rosé kept flirting and kissing, Jungkook and Jungwook kept giving death stares at each other. And I was just in the middle of them. Like Rosé said.
"I want to do something fun" Jungwook says grinning and looking at me. He didn't really whisper, so Jungkook heard what he said. I hope these two won't fight here. I'm sweating a bit and starting to feel hot. Luckily Jungkook doesn't answer, he just glances at him and then gets back to his homework.
Now I'm going back home with Rosé, who is talking to me about Jimin, as always:
"He's so sweet y/n. Why did I wait this long? Oh right! His birthday is coming in a couple of weeks. He wants to invite us at his villa." She says smiling. But I'm not so convinced with this idea. I hate crowded places, and knowing how famous Jimin is, he's going to invite tons of people. I guess my best friend noticed my concern.
"Y/n" she says taking my hand as we walk "He said that this year he wants to do something smaller than the previous ones. He said that he's going to invite only the four of us: me, you and the twins."
"Really?" I say a bit surprised. I guess it will be fine, as long as I'm with Rosé. I just nod and accept the invitation.
As I get home I feel observed by both of my parents.
"What happened?" I ask confused "Did I do something wrong?" I wonder what's wrong with them. They're just silent. I feel the palms of my hands sweating, this is killing me. After ten awkward seconds, in which I raised an eyebrow at them, my mum decides to talk:
"You have nothing to tell us?"
What? What do I have to tell them. I show them my confused face, as I think about what it could be. But nothing comes to my mind.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" my dad gets my attention with his sudden question.
"WHAT? A B-BOYFRIEND?" what is wrong with them. They know I'm single.
"Yesterday Rosé came here to give you this" my mum says showing my one of my notebooks.
"That's my notebook! I couldn't find it anywhere." I say smiling and lifting my hands to take it, but my mum quickly snapped it.
"You said that you were going to meet with Rosé yesterday." My dad says.
My smile drops. I'm sweating even more. I don't feel nervous, I rather feel pressured. They see that I can't come up with an excuse, so my mum decides to keep talking:
"She told us that you went to 'Jungkook's house'"
That's it. I'm doomed. They're going to kill me. Not that they don't want me to have a boyfriend, but they want me to tell them everything. I clench my fists and lower my head, hoping that they won't scold me too hard, but I hear a giggle coming from my mum's mouth. I slowly look up and see the both of them smiling like crazy.
"Is he cute?" my mum asks.
"How old is he? Can I trust him?" my dad takes over.
They're bombarding me with questions. My jaw drops and I'm in disbelief, expecting a totally different reaction from them.
As they keep questioning me things about him I just stop them:
"He's not my boyfriend! We're just close friends and we met just to study!"
"Yeah sure...FRIENDS" my mum says emphasizing that particular word. I swear, they're starting to get on my nerves. How do I get out of this? As they keep teasing me, I feel the anger growing inside me. I could explode in any second. But then I receive a call from Rosé.
"Oh Rosé is calling me, I have to go, byeee" I say rushing into my bedroom.
As I get inside I answer the call.
"Hi y/n!"
"Hi Rosé, you just saved me"
"From what?"
"My parents. They know about Jungkook. Kinda"
"Really? How?" by the sound of her voice, I can understand that she's playing dumb.
"AHAHAH I didn't mean to, really. I honestly thought that you've told them. Or at least that you've told them that you were going to study with a friend" she has a point.
"Anyway...why did you call me?" I try to change the subject as soon as I realize that I'm wrong.
"I know we just separated only half an hour ago. But today I don't feel like staying at home. So I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to the same café"
"Oh sure!! I'll wear something cute and get there! Bye" and I hang out.
Rosé took me to some clothes shops and made me buy a lot of new clothes. I'm looking for a cute one.
It's nothing too special, but I still like it. I slowly open the door, preventing it from cracking and tiptoeing outside. Fortunately my parents didn't hear me and I run as far as I can.
As I walk I receive a message from Jungkook.
Hi Y/n! what are you doing? 😊
I'mgoing out with Rosé 😊
You're so cute :D <3
My heart skipped a beat on that. I didn't expect that at all. As I keep walking I suddenly look at a window shop, in which I can see my reflection. I'm smiling so hard and I didn't even realize that. I feel so happy right now.
Without realizing I start hopping happily and arrive to the cafè, where I see Rosé waiting for me.
"Someone seems happy" she says as soon as I reach her.
"Yesss, he called me cute" I say looking at the clear sky. This sensation feels great. It seems like my life is going to the right path.
"I can literally see your eyes becoming heart shaped" she says laughing.
After a bit we eventually decide to sit at a table outside. As we keep talking about random stuff, I seem from a distance Jimin with Jungwook waving at us.
"Rosé look. There's Jimin!" I say to her, and she immediately wave back at him and gesturing them to come over.
Why is she calling them? I mean, I know she wants to greet her boyfriend, but there's also Jungwook! I hope he doesn't do or say anything wrong.
"Hi girls!" Jimin says as he kisses her girlfriend. "Is everything fine?"
"Yes!!" Rosé says showing her best smile. She looks so happy with him. I wish I could find someone like she did. I mean, there's Jungkook, but I don't know if he feels the same way.
The two boys ended up sitting at our table and getting something fresh to drink.
"So y/n" Jimin asks me "Rosé told me that you'll come to my birthday! I'm so happy" he says smiling wide.
"O-Oh yeah, I'll come and have fun with all of you!" I say trying to not look at Jungwook, who now starts talking:
"Oh yes, we're going to have a lot of fun" he smirks. I really want to punch him.
"Oh Rosé" the blonde guy says "I need to talk to you about something, can we go in that silent street? It's something private" I widen my eyes. I hope she gets my signals. I don't want to be left alone with the other one. But she doesn't seem to look at me and she just says:
"Is it really important?"
"Yes, it is" her boyfriend says.
"Ok lets go. Y/n I'll be right back" and with that they left.
It's really awkward. At least for me, because it looks like Jungwook is enjoying this, way too much. To feel less awkward, I decide to take my phone and chat with Jungkook. I swear, this scene looks so absurd. I'm sitting next to a guy and at the same time I'm chatting with his twin.
"You seem busy" Jungwook says.
"Yes, I am" I say coldly.
"Who is it?" he says stretching his head and leaning towards me to see the screen of my phone.
"None of your business" I say putting the phone on my chest.
"I see..." he looks suspicious.
As I keep texting with Jungkook, the guy next to me stays quiet.. I guess he got it now. But I spoke too soon.
He suddenly snaps my phone out of my hands and reads the messages. I try to get it back, but he stops me by putting his arm over me.
"Oh oh oh, look what we have here. My cute little brother. You two looks so happy" he says as he keeps scrolling up our chat.
"Give it back!" I shout finally managing to take my phone back.
"Uhhh someone is mad" he says in a teasing tone. I just ignore him, I don't want to mess with him. Thinking that now he would probably shut up, I hear him saying something:
"You know y/n. I like to mess with people, just for fun. And I really like to see people's different reactions every time. And now I want to see your reaction to one of my spites..."
As he says so I look at him and...
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...he's smirking like crazy. He's seriously scaring me right now. I feel my stomach hurting a bit and my hands shaking. But I have to look confident.
"W-What are you t-talking abo-" he cuts me off smashing his lips on mine. I widen my eyes in surprise and freeze on my spot. He suddenly bits my lower lip hard, making me gasp and open my mouth. He takes advantage of that moment and slides his tongue inside my mouth. He's actually a good kisser, but I'm not giving into the kiss. I push him away and look at him shocked, as I wipe my mouth with my arm.
"Things are going to get interesting" he then says liking his lips. I stand up and run away from him.
As I walk fast I bump into Rosé, who was now coming back to our table.
"Y/n where are you going?" she asks me confused, but then she sees tears in my eyes "Oh my god what happ-" I didn't let her finish the sentence and just run away.
I run as fast as I can, but at some point I stop, feeling too tired. I bend down and put my hands on my knees, to find some support. I suddenly feel a knot on my stomach. I start to cry and sob really hard, as I feel the pain growing and pervading every inch of my body. My throat feels clogged and I feel like I'm running out of hair, so I start breathing really hard and fast.
It's not my fault, he did that all by himself. I didn't do anything, but why do I feel like this? Sad? Angry? No...guilty.
As I get home I quickly run to my rum and lock myself inside. how could he do that? Why does he have to interfere? Does he enjoys watching people getting hurt? He's the devil. My stomach starts to hurt even more and I can't contain my loud whines. Then I receive a text message from Jungkook.
By the way, do you have something to do next Thursday? We can hang out and maybe eat an ice cream together ^^
As I read the message I start crying harder and harder, at the point that I almost puke.
Rosé's pov
Why was she crying? I ask myself. But then I remember that she was alone with Jungwook.
That bastard.
I walk at a face pace towards him and shouts:
"What did you do to her?!"
"Me? Nothing" I see him grinning, as he pronounces those words.
"I'm going to beat you up if you don't tell me" I say, but Jimin cuts me off by saying:
"Rosé, calm down" he then looks at his friend "What did you do?" he doesn't sound mand. It's like, he's given up. Almost if it's an habit seeing Jungwook making troubles.
"I just wanted to spice things up" Jungwook says flicking his tongue.
"Tell me what you did!" I shout expecting him to get surprised, but all I earn is an evil grin on is mouth. He then says:
"Why don't you go and ask y/n? I think she didn't mind it at all"
As he leans back on his chair, I feel the anger building up inside me. It has never happened before. Not this much. I clench my fists and start running to y/n's house. I can hear from afar Jungwook saying to Jimin:
"Don't follow her. I think she'll need time alone with her best friend"
Seriously, I hate him so much. What did he ever do to make y/n cry?
I run as fast as I can, and now I'm finally at her house. I knock on the door several times and her mum shows up.
"Hi Rosé! What are you doing here?" she says smiling. I guess she didn't see y/n crying.
"Can I see y/n?" I say out of breath.
"Of course, she's in her room!"
I quickly run to her bedroom and open the door without knocking and I see the most heartbreaking scene I've ever seen.
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