#but because Simmons was staying behind to fight he did to
ozcarma · 28 days
I’m actually so upset over the grimmons resolution I’m tempted to start a YouTube channel and make a whole video breakdown of their fucking queerbait
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websurfshark · 29 days
season 19 was a let down 😭😭
spoilers below!
i’m sure that over a year of hype doesn’t help my case here but i really was expecting something a little better 😭
i don’t mean to be too much of a critic in this post and sorry if i seem like i’m complaining but man 🧍‍♂️ full review here we go
sarges death was expected and the character arc that simmons got from it was pretty well done , he was cool — sarges death did just seem kind of rushed but that’s probably also time constraints , nobody seemed super affected by it tho and that kinda put me off ☹️ sure the reds were like Sad right after he died , and grif + simmons had the moment at his grave, but it’s literally not brought up again ? simmons just gets to be a leader kinda and tucker doesn’t get told he killed sarge, nobody else brings it up after the climax?? not even during the climax as they fight meta again ?
^ although sarges final moments were done very nicely and the va’s had a ton of emotion ❤️
along with that, wash’s acting was amazing as always
grif was characterized really weirdly throughout the first half of the season - i’m guessing they tried to make him the “straight man” of the group but it kinda fell flat because he just seemed irrationally angry every single time he spoke 😭 he kinda evened out as it went on tho so that’s better than nothing
Simmons was very kind this season that was interesting and cool He didn’t have a care in the world
animation was wonky at times but it was there - fight scenes weren’t monty oum style of crazy but they were creative with them and ill give them that! good callbacks during the fight
character callbacks were cool! i’m glad we got a little bit of kai (no reunion with grif tho so that sucks), dylan was there but she was kinda characterized weird, grey there, agent one (???) for some reason, 479er!!!!! she was well done and she fit really well into the plot!, no checkup on chorus life which was kinda sad (no lieutenants boohoohoo) some of the callbacks felt out of place tho
i don’t like how they handled tex cause even though it was cool she was back , i feel like we’ve done this dance a thousand times
also carolina quite literally came out of nowhere ?? how did she just ? drop from the sky what ??? LOL
absolutely no donut at all ? there was like one mention of him that i can remember ? lopez is just forgotten about back at the bases ??? i don’t know if the donut thing was something behind the scenes but Uhh
music wasnt up to par - they just reused old songs basically , the weird song that played during the “Memories” sequence wasn’t good
i’m not the hugest fan of the ais in general so i don’t think about them too much but i feel like sigma wasn’t characterized in the same way he was in the freelancer seasons — in pfl he kind of subtly manipulated maine into becoming meta etc etc but for tucker , he basically just like😭 tortured him WHICH IS PROBABLY CAUSE LIKE tucker knows This guy is evil Ahhhh!!! but still that was a little weird
no grimmons sad day for the rvb fandom - some scenes could be read as grimmons, like grif basically inviting simmons to go with him , i’m confused on why simmons stayed because simmons himself literally said One last mission ? so idk what he’s doing bro idk if he’s staying in blood gulch or what — grif just straight up leaves and like ? are they gonna see eachother again orrr ? what’s happening
the ending felt rushed and kinda weird - just vibes , i think i’m biased because i now realize that not a lot can beat the s13 ending , but even so , grif just kinda leaves and that’s the end 😭
i feel like we didn’t get a whole lot of conclusions for all the characters even tho that’s what was promised
overall i’m probably giving this a solid 5-6/10 , the season was overall very hit or miss in some aspects and scenes
ANWYAYS😭 don’t let my opinions take away from your experience with season 19! this is just how i felt about it after my first watchthrough and my opinions might/will change!
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floralcavern · 5 months
Characters backstories - 2/2
part 1
I had to write multiple fight scenes. I hate writing fight scenes.
“Can’t believe you really thought that you’d get away with it..” Leon said, glaring at Xavier through the cell bars. 
Xavier puffed out some breath to move a piece of his hair from his face. “You know that I was right. The king is cruel and tyrannical!”
“Oh, blah, blah, blah. Save the anti-government talk for your execution. It’ll do us good to show everyone how we treat people with those ideologies.”
Xavier glared at him, his eyes bloodshot from tears and lack of sleep. 
“Tsk.. monsters.. all of you..”
The door to the dungeon creaked open. Leon and Xavier looked over to see Roan enter. He was as bitter looking as ever, his piercing blue eyes stabbing through Xavier. 
He leaned in to whisper something in Leon’s ear, whose face twisted into a disturbing look of excitement. 
“Ah.. I see..”
Xavier looked between the two of them. “What? What’s happening?”
Leon turned to Xavier. “Change of plans.. the king was.. impressed by your strength. He decided it would be.. a real shame to dispose of it.”
Xavier felt his fear rise, but he did his best to not show it. “What do you mean…?”
Leon shrugged, but that glimmer in his eyes..
Leon left, making Xavier sigh. He couldn’t believe Leon was acting like this.. he shouldn’t be.. he was like Xavier’s dad..
Actually, it’s not too surprising..
Xavier has been a knight-in-training for a week. He trains under the leader of this legion, Leon Simmons. 
“Ok, Xavier. This is the home of my nephew. He’s recently been under suspicion for worship of the gods. Ready to break in and arrest him?”
Xavier gave him a conflicted look. “Why are you so excited to arrest your own nephew..?”
Leon laughed. “Because, young Xavier,” he said, patting his shoulder. “The law comes first. Family and friends come second.” He looked at the door of the sleeping, unsuspecting family home. Quiet, like a child put to slumber. 
“Now draw your sword,” Leon said darkly. 
Xavier shook his head to come out of the memory. He had always known Leon’s empathy was low. But, being a dumb kid.. he always thought he would be a different case. 
But of course, that’s the fantasy of a wide eyed child. 
He looked up and saw Roan staring down at him. 
Xavier laughed bitterly. “I know you’re enjoying this..”
Roan rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, which sat at his hip. “You believe me to be a sadist?”
“I believe you despise me.”
Roan avoided eye contact, his face holding that usual stoic expression. 
“Roan… what happened with Kit.. you have to know it wasn’t my fault. Deep down, you knowthat.”
Before Xavier had time to breathe, Roan drew his sword and pointed it at Xavier through the bars. “Quiet. Or I will make your death here, where no one will see or remember you.. where your corpse will wither and die with no one to even bother burying it a shallow grave..”
Xavier took a few shallow breaths, trying to stay still before Roan eventually sheathed his sword and stepped back. “Rest for tomorrow. You’re gonna need it.” 
And like that, Xavier was alone…
That night, he had some strange dreams. 
The Fox was there and they were running in the desert, the sun beating down on them. 
“We should probably slow down,” Xavier said, but as if his words were cursed by karmic retribution, the sand around them burst into flames. 
Flames the colors of things he couldn’t begin to describe. Cobalt with sprinkles the colors of stars and broken dreams. 
The two looked up, as if asking the Heavens to rescue them. 
But the sun came barreling toward them with an intent to destroy..
Xavier immediately woke up, screaming at the feeling of skin, which felt like it was on fire, because what else are you supposed to do after a dream like that?
He rolled onto his side, clutching his stomach and retching. It was like fire ants were crawling under his skin and in his eyelids. 
“Perfect timing,” said Leon from behind him. 
He turned and saw the red face paint on him. Immediately, Xavier knew what his punishment would be. A fate worse than an execution. 
Leon smirked coldly. “Stand up.” Xavier tried to, but he was too weak, the feeling of fire ants still lingering. Leon growled and grabbed him by his arm to hoist him up. 
Xavier had his hands tied behind his back and escorted out of the dungeon. 
The light was blinding. Being in a dimly lit dungeon for a couple of days will do that to you. 
Xavier tightly closed his eyes. His throat was dry. His body ached. 
He knew what awaited him. He had attended it multiple times before. But now, he was the entertainment. 
Leon led him to an entrance to an underground tunnel. It was dark and the ground was almost all dirt, the path corroding. 
He could hear the sounds of chanting and stomping from above. Xavier felt himself break into a cold sweat. 
He was shoved into a weaponry. “Go on. Pick.”
Xavier slouched into a defensive position before looking at his options. He pointed at a gladius sword and a kite shield. 
“Good choices. But very basic,” Leon said, removing them from the wall.
They went further into the tunnel, they were on an incline. Eventually, the reached nearer to the exit. 
Another knight sat there, waiting for them. “Put this on,” he said, lifting up a banded leather cuirass before tossing it to Xavier, who stumbled to catch it. 
The knight helped him fasten it. It was no where near the level of protection that his old armor had. But he knew he had to work with what he was given. 
Leon smiled darkly and leaned in, Xavier doing everything in his power to not gag at the smell of his sour smelling breath. 
“Put on a good show out there, Mendoza..”
And before he had a chance to respond, he was shoved out of the entrance, the sounds of cheering and chanting for blood becoming cleared, filling his brain. 
The gladiatorial ring. It seemed much bigger when you’re the one in the center. 
He glared at the people in the stands. 
Only a couple of years ago, he and Kit were 11 years old, covered in red face paint and chanting as well. 
He couldn’t believe how… blood thirsty he used to be. 
But he knew that he needed the crowd’s favor over the over prisoner. He needed to give them a good show. 
He slammed his sword against his shield and let out a scream. 
The crowd went wild, lifting their arms and stomping their feet. 
The other fighter came out from the other side of the arena. He was holding a pike. Xavier immediately knew what type of fighting style he has, based on his weapon and stance. 
The crowd began to chant again. “KILL! KILL! KILL!”
The two charges at one another, Xavier managed to sidestep his stab and swept at his legs. 
The fighter held his ground and grabbed Xavier’s arm, but he used his sword to slice his arm. The fighter jumped backward, hissing through his teeth. 
Their weapons clashed together and Xavier slammed his shield into The Opponent’s chest, knocking the wind out of him. 
He used this chance to pinch the lower area of the back of his neck, pushing him downward and slamming his head into the dirt. 
The Opponent was stunned and the crowd screamed in joy. He looked up at them as he kept his knee on the fighter’s back. 
The sky was gray and dark. The watchers’ faces were like ones of monsters. 
He could’ve sworn he saw something.. something impossible. 
A noble steed with a coat the color of crimson blood. A black skull was the most prominent thing about it. 
A sick dread washed over him and the horse was gone. 
He was distracted. He managed to get stabbed in the shoulder. 
He raised his sword and stabbed The Opponent in his chest. 
He sat on top of him for a moment. 
Staring at his face. 
Shocked. Scared. Pained. 
He realized. 
This fighter…
Was a teenager.
And people cheered. 
Things went like this for a while. Despite his hurt shoulder, Xavier still won fight after fight. 
“I taught you well..” Leon would say. 
Xavier would remain unresponsive, remembering the face of each man he killed. 
Each curve in his face. His eye color. His last look before death. 
Usually he fought men with history of combat. But sometimes, they threw in a random arrested citizen. Ones that wouldn’t even fight. Just get on their knees and beg. 
Having the crowd on his side helped. The mental torture to have blood thirsty animals screaming and booing at you would be enough to make a man go mad. 
The fights kept going. 
But Xavier was getting tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of living. 
Roan would come into his cell and spit on him before leaving him to rot. 
He thought about many things in that cell. 
The Fox.. his friend. He’s dead. 
Kit.. his first love. He’s dead. 
Both he feels were his fault. 
But he knew that wasn’t fair. Neither truly were a fault of his own. 
He thought he felt hands stroke through his hair, the same way Kit used to. Be he opened his eyes. And he was alone. 
Xavier was not in the right headspace for this fight. He’s been feeling paranoid. Like he’s being watched. Which, of course he was. He had a crowd. And knights watching his every move. 
But this was a different type of watchfulness. Almost familiar.
But he couldn’t let the paranoia get to him. He stepped into the arena. 
The other fighter did too. And Xavier immediately lost hope. 
The Opponent was huge and muscular. He was clearly an old fighter. 
He took in a deep breath and tried to keep his distance. 
But The Opponent didn’t, charging with his spear. Xavier ducked and slid under his legs, appearing behind The Opponent., who turned immediately, attempting to stab Xavier’s side. 
Xavier jumped back, keeping light on his feet. 
But The Opponent was fast and screamed as he charged. 
It was clear the audience favored The Opponent, cheering for his every move. 
Xavier didn’t have a chance to react as the opponent slammed himself into Xavier. 
He felt to the ground, groaning in pain. 
He felt this was it. 
As The Opponent lift his spear, he knew it was over..
He closed his eyes…
A bright orange light..
He opened them. 
Was he dead?
A slightly older, very handsome man stood over Xavier with a playful smirk, resting his cheek on his hand. 
He had long orange hair, unkempt and running down his back and shoulders. 
“Dear Xavier..” he said softly. He reached out to cup Xavier’s face, the man’s hands and forearms black and fuzzy. And his nails.. he was clawed. “I can’t let you die like this…”
Xavier stared up at him and realized..
“Fox ears.”
A fiery light burst through his eyes and ears and his mind was back in the real world. 
He was on his knees and his head was up to the sky. 
Everyone watched in fear. 
He screamed at the top of his lungs and the ground around him set ablaze. 
A figure appeared behind him. An intimidating figure that demanded respect and fear. 
“You will all pay for hurting my human..” he hissed, smoke emitting from his sharp teeth. 
Xavier felt a new, fiery energy course through his veins. 
He stood up and lifted his sword. 
He let out a roar and ran to the stands. The watchers screamed in fear and got up to run. 
His sword struck against the wall, sparks flying. 
He felt a rage. A need. 
He must destroy everyone who has harmed him. 
Leon came running out. 
“Xavier! What are you doing?!”
Xavier staggered a bit, but the figure placed its hands on his shoulders from behind him. 
“Go forth..”
The voice sent shivers down his spine and he looked at Leon. 
“You have hurt countless people. Innocents. All for the sake of your twisted need for power and ‘justice’.”
He lifted his sword. “You once even called me your son.”
He sliced down. Darkness overwhelmed the surrounding area and behind the crumpling body of the warrior was the noble steed with a marking of a skull. And in a flash, it was gone. 
Xavier ran ahead, creating sparks to burn the arena down. 
Destroy it all..
“Turn and point your sword..” said the figure, pressing its lips to his ear. 
Xavier did as it told, pointing to where it told him to. 
The castle. 
“I am filled with new strength,” said the figure, and from the sword blasted fire. 
The fire shot through the sky, riding along like the aurora borealis. 
It hit the tallest tower and shot it down. The flames worked their way through, ripping apart the oppressors. 
Xavier lowered his sword and heard a clattering. 
He turned and saw Roan, holding his sword shakily. “Xavier…”
The figure looked at Xavier curiously. “Make him pay..”
Xavier nodded and lunged at Roan. Their swords clashed together. 
Roan tried to push him back, bur Xavier held his ground. 
Roan then unhooked a dagger from his belt and slashed Xavier’s face. But Xavier, not feeling it either from his power up or adrenaline, grabbed him by his throat. 
The two stared at each other. Roan almost looked like how he did.. before…
“My brother said he can take us to see the gladiator fight!”
“Cool! Your brother is so cool, Kit!”
“Haha! I know. But he made me promise not to tell mom.”
Xavier sucked in a breath and released Roan. 
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry about Kit.. it shouldn’t have ended the way it did. He shouldn’t have been arrested. I should’ve fought harder for that… I.. I should’ve never let them do that.. I should’ve never been the one to execute him.. no one should have..”
Roan stared at Xavier with wide eyes before looking down, gritting his teeth to hold back the tears. 
“You were right, Xavier. It’s neither of our faults. It’s this corrupt system..” The two of  them turned their heads to watch the crumbling and burning castle. “It needs to burn. For Kit..”
Xavier nodded. “I will not execute another innocent soul like that. Kit will be the last. And I will work to save countless others from any other tyrannical demon who shows its face.”
The two grasped hands and the flames danced around them. 
“Let it all become ash. Let it all die.”
Xavier stepped away. And he ran. 
He found the woods. They were charred and ashen. 
It was a depressing sight to see. 
He looked down and saw a fox at his feet. 
“Fox..” He teared up seeing his friend. He’s not dead..
He held out his hand and spindles of light illuminated his wild friend, a man forming. 
The same man from earlier, with the handsome face and orange hair. 
“My name is Volpes..”
Xavier blinked in surprise. “So you are a spirit.”
He stares at him for a bit. “Why didn’t you help me before..?” He finally asked. 
Volpes smiled, tilting his head to get a better look at Xavier. “I was a weak spirit. I could barely even turn to my human form. So I lived in my own, wandering like a useless soul. Until you came.. that fire in the forest.. it was tragic. I could feel Gunaeia weep.. But the fire saved me. It activated my powers, which have been under the surface for so long..”
Volpes leaned close, smiling. Xavier couldn’t believe it. This man, Volpes, was Fox. His friend who heard about his struggles and pain and trauma.. who came back for him to help Xavier break the shackles..
Then it hit Xavier..
“You saw me shirtless. And we cuddled. And I kissed your nose.”
Volpes hunched up his shoulders and smiled sheepishly. “Aha… yes.. well..”
Xavier felt his face go hot and his blood pressure rise.
Volpes burst out laughing. “Sorry, sorry!!”
He winked at him. “But you have a nice bod-“
“I will tell you this once. Shut. Up.”
“Yes sir.”
Xavier lifted his hand to his face. “Ugh.. shit.. right, I’m bleeding..”
“Allow me..”
Volpes’s hand ran over the cut and it slowly healed, all that was left over was a scar and dried blood sticking to his face. 
“You have healing magic?”
“Only during winter and fall. Night spirits have natural healing powers during spring and summer.”
“Oh..” Suddenly, the exhaustion really hit him. He swayed back and forth and Volpes caught him. “Allow me to find you a place to stay, dear..” he said to the sleeping human in his arms. 
He found a cave near a rushing waterfall. The grass outside was still a bit scorched, but not as badly as the rest of the forest. 
He laid Xavier down on the smooth stone floor. 
He smiled at him. “My human..” he said softly. He clutched his robes, orange and white. He pulled back, his clothes making a Skch-Krch noise as it tore. 
He ripped off a piece and pulled back his orange hair, using the cloth to tie it back. 
He looked at Xavier. 
“You may not be a god.. but I am yours. Yours first always. Yours first eternally. Yours first until the end of days and the Phoenix unfurls its wings and kills us from the Heavens.. even then, I will protect you from the flames..”
0 notes
briamichellewrites · 2 years
Elliot had her truck’s tires fixed. How? Imagination. The more Brad spent with his daughter, the more he learned about her. She preferred to not talk about her mother and the abuse she suffered. He was not going to make her talk about it because he knew it was hard. Narcissistic abuse was child abuse. Margaret had put her needs and wants before Elliot’s. She had also almost killed her by giving her drugs and preventing her from getting enough sleep.
He didn’t want to think about what it would be like to find out he had a child. Only to find out she had been murdered by her mother. That guilt would have haunted him forever. Fortunately, he still had his daughter while she was in prison. She was going to grow up to be whoever she wanted to be. Maybe an actress, a producer, or a model. The possibilities were endless for her!
After getting ready for bed, he came into his trailer around midnight to find her curled up in a ball under a blanket with her Barbie in her hand. The light was still on, as was the tv but she was fast asleep. She looked so peaceful. He didn’t want to wake her but he had to. They couldn’t stay overnight because there was security, who were making sure the set was secure. He bent down and shook her gently. Elliot. She opened her eyes and groaned.
“I know. It’s a short drive back to the hotel.”
She rubbed her eyes before getting her doll and shoes on. He took her hand and then walked outside to where everyone was standing to wait for the shuttle. When they got to their room, he tucked her in and placed her doll on the bedside table. He kissed her forehead before walking out and turning off the light. It was going to be another long day tomorrow.
He got a change of clothes before going into the bathroom. A warm shower was what he needed to unwind before going to bed himself. Even though Elliot was asleep, he still locked the door behind him. In the mirror, he looked to see if he needed to shave. Nah, not yet. He started the water and checked the temperature before getting undressed. Ah! The water felt great on his skin! He washed his body and hair before turning the water off.
His hair, which had been shaved for Fight Club had grown out. Having a shaved head was a lot easier to maintain. Maybe in the future, he would shave it again.
The next morning, Elliot was jumping around as she took her medication. She was well-rested and had a lot of energy for no particular reason. Brad had to have her sit down to eat breakfast because she had limited time to eat. She did but her hand fidgeted with her doll while she ate. What was she happy about? She shrugged. Her body just had to move around. He laughed.
“You must have had a good night’s sleep.”
“Yeah. I fell asleep right away when we got back. Good thing I was all ready for bed.”
When she was done eating, he told her to hop into the bathroom, so she did – literally. Hop hop hop. He laughed as he put the dirty dishes back on the tray. While she got ready, he put the tray out in the hallway for room service to pick up later. He looked through her bag to make sure she had her workbooks and pencil. Yes, she did. She also had her dolls, doll stuff, and phone. Ok, good.
Ten minutes later, she came out fully dressed with her hair and teeth brushed. Good job. Where was her doll? He put it in her bag. Thank you! They were ready early, so they went down to the lobby to wait for everyone else. She had to walk around, so he watched her make sure she didn’t bother anyone. He heard a tv advertisement for Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. Oh my god. Elliot went over and watched the ad.
She looked over at him with an excited smile. Just like a child who had just been told she could get a puppy. She then went back to watching the tv. When it was over, she came by over to him. That was so cool! He laughed and then told her to stay by him, as everyone was starting to gather. JK Simmons jokingly asked if she was his. Yeah, she was. She had woken up with a lot of energy.
That was a great way to start the day! Yeah, it was. Everyone on set had seen her by herself or with Brad. She didn’t bother anyone and she was friendly, so they let her be. Other children would be running around and distracting everyone but she knew better. When they got on set, she went to her usual table and set down her bag. He had to go into hair, makeup and wardrobe to get ready for the day. She got her phone out to see if Mike or Anna had texted her. They had. She texted them back at the same time.
I need to run around but I can’t because I’ll be in the way so I have to jump up and down because I’m too hyper! – Elliot
Jumping up and down is a great way to get the energy out! It’s also great exercise. We will have to take you to the park to run around! – Anna
That will be cool! – Elliot
After about an hour, her energy level gradually went down. She went over to where her bag was and took everything out. Her truck was working again, so she loaded up the dogs into the bed. The tires were black, not pink or rose gold. She didn’t have enough money for that. The dogs didn’t care what color the tires were. They just liked riding around with her Barbie dolls.
She tried getting the cat to join them, but she had jumped out. No, thanks. She didn’t like car rides. Instead, she was going to hunt for mice to kill. The farm was big and she liked being able to explore and hunt. Barbie adopted her to be an outdoor cat. She only came into the house if it was raining because she didn’t like water on her fur or paws. Another thing she didn’t like was cold weather. The barn wasn’t enough to keep her warm, so she went inside.
She tolerated the dogs when she had to. They were pack animals. She wasn’t. Cats were territorial. Having them around scared away the mice and that annoyed her most of all. It was her job to keep the farm rodent free and they were ruining that. That’s why she preferred staying behind. When she got tired, she went over to her usual place on the porch and fell asleep.
Hunt. Defend. Eat. Sleep. That was the life of a farm cat. Barbie gave her pets and she called her a nice kitty. Did she have a name? Sprinkles the Cat. She was an orange Tabby with green eyes and a long tail. Her tail and paws were used to keep the dogs away when they became too annoying. She loved Barbie, though. At the moment, she was curled up in a ball on top of a bale of hay. She was content for the moment as her ears moved around picking up sounds.
Elliot had loaded the hay and drove it to the barn. She then unloaded it where the cat was sleeping. The cat got to rest but she had too much to do. She had to get vegetables for dinner at the store. Brad came over to see what she was doing.
“The cat is asleep on the hay. I have to go to the store to get vegetables for dinner because I ran out. The dogs want to come with me. That’s about it right now.”
“How about your schoolwork?”
“Uh oh!”
“You better do that before you start playing. I’m sure the dogs will wait for you.”
“At least they won’t eat the vegetables because I don’t have that yet!”
She got her workbooks out and pencil before starting her work. Her first lesson? Geography of Africa. He sat down with her because he had a little break and helped her.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @jovichic-bonjovi4ever @borhap-au @beneathashadytree @duffs-shot-glass @geo-winchester @lokolokong-manunulat
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fict1onallyobsessed · 2 years
Keeping Distance
Sᴋʏᴇ Jᴏʜɴsᴏɴ x Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ - Skye’s distant, you try to help, but time decides when she’ll come to you.
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The plane wasn't spacious, but it was enough to provide for the seven of you, including some other agents that stayed for certain missions. The room they provided you was consisted with nothing but a bed, a window which showed off the wonderful views whilst you where in the air and a set of plugs that were too far away to reach your bed to charge your computer.
It wasn't much. But it was enough.
Certainly the filled bar just outside your door made up for the fact you barely had space to sleep. Either way, you liked it. Being apart of the team for almost as long as Fitz and Simmons you had a whole family that would do anything to keep you safe; You kept each other safe, that was the unwritten rule.
When Ward joined, he acted like a brother to you, immediately acknowledging your skill in fighting and decided upon himself to train you to your full potential. Fitz and Simmons taught you how to use most of the equipment in their lab just in case they weren't there to do something in an emergency. Maria Hill often came to check up on you, stepping up as the mother figure you never had.
Then Skye joined. To say you'd befriended her way to early was an understatement. The second she stepped a foot on the plane you both locked eyes, smiling at each other, thankful to see another woman on the team.
May didn't really speak, neither to you or anyone apart from Coulson, but she fought like hell to get you back when Centipede kidnapped you. Coulson, noticing Skye's favouritism in you, paired you up and told you to take care of her; so you did.
But lately, she'd been distant. You knew about her search for her parents, and how it wasn't going well due to Coulson's refusal to even speak to her on the matter and May's sudden outburst when Skye tried to thank her for helping.
You tried to be there for her, but the last couple weeks had made you realise that Coulson had to of told her something because of how inactive she'd been on missions. Wanting the best for her, you left her alone, wanting nothing more to give her time and space to get over whatever she was going through, if that's what she wanted.
Although your best attempts at talking with her were futile, she'd still smile at you when you saw her in a briefing room, only for her to disappear into her 'room' the second it was over.
“How long have you been here?” Grant leaned on the railing at the top of the stairs, looking down at your completely exhausted form, hands in fists, hitting the punching bag repeatedly. You looked up breathing heavily, then back down to rewrap your knuckles.
“A bit”
He chuckled; "From 3 to 8 PM isn't just 'a bit'." You heard his gentle footsteps climb down the curled stairs before his presence could be felt behind you. You huffed, turned around and lifted an eye brow in question.
“Go to sleep. It's my turn.” With a few seconds of debating eye contact, you reluctantly agreed and quickly unwrapped your hand completely free from the fabric.
Cringing when you saw the indents the wrap made, you rubbed your knuckles and started walking up the stairs, skipping every few stairs to get up faster. After a quick shower, you made your way to your 'room'. Laying on your back and looking up at the ceiling, you pursed your lips while you thought.
It was been a few weeks since you'd talked to Skye last, and you had no idea how to get your friend to talk again. The faint knock on your door pulled you out of your daydream. You looked over at the sliding door, debating whether you should open it considering it was most likely May with more paper work.
With a sigh of defeat, you pushed your legs to the edge and sat up, pushing open the door with your foot. You were about to comment on not finishing any paperwork from yesterday, but when you saw Skye stand in front of you with her arms wrapped around her waist, tears in her eyes, you stopped for a second.
“Hey,” She whispered, smiling gently as a tear fell down her cheek. She tried to blink the rest away, but it just resulted in more tears escaping her eyes.
“Hey,” You managed to whisper out, brows raising at how broken she looked.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't of-" You shook you head, standing from your bed and reaching out to her.
She looked down at your extended hands then back into your eyes before she broke down, falling into your arms for the first time in a month. Soothing her back with your palm, she placed her head into the crook of your neck, her arms circling your waist.
“Hey, hey. It's okay,” You whispered reassuringly into her ear before closing your door, both of you laying on your bed, her on top of you, clutching onto you to check you were real.
Her tears dampened your shirt, soft sobs escaping her mouth when she couldn't supress them any longer. It seemed like hours before she finally calmed down, her eyes red from the tears she let out a moment before.
“Do you wanna talk about it?" You asked, kissing her hair when she was no longer sobbing. She shook her head softly, exhaling when she felt you rub your hand on her back under her shirt.
“Just hold me, please."
Both of you remained like that for the night; you holding her while she started dosing off into a peaceful sleep. She started getting up at one point, apologising about invading your space and wanting you to sleep peacefully.
You knew that if you let her go, you wouldn't see her for a while again, so instead you grabbed her waist and gently pulled her back down, reassuring her you wanted her to stay.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna…”
“You're fine," You smiled, laying back down with her in your arms. You liked it like this; having her in your arms while she slept peacefully for probably the first time in weeks. Soon, you felt yourself drift off, closing your eyes while holding on to the person you wanted to hold for a while.
You were awake way before the brunette hugging you, her soft snores the only think you could hear until there was a knock on the door.
“Fuck off." You whisper shouted, careful not to wake the sleeping woman in your arms. The door opened anyway and you nearly groaned, rolling your eyes at whoever was on the other side.
“Coulson wants you--" Ward stopped when he saw Skye laying on top of you. You just smiled sarcastically, lifting your eyebrow at him to hurry up with whatever he wanted.
"You know it's almost 2 PM?"
“So? She hasn't slept in ages. What does Coulson want?"
He smiled, shaking his head; "Nothing. I’ll take care of it. You take care of her." With that, he was closing the door with a smirk.
gently as to not make any noise. You felt Skye stir a few moments later, her hand rubbing her eyes as she woke up.
It seemed that she had to look around to process where she was at first, then realising she was in your arms, she placed her head back on your chest and exhaled.
“Morning.” You chuckled, realising it wasn't even morning.
“How'd you sleep?"
“Amazing. You're very comfortable." She smiled, throwing her arm over your stomach to pull herself closer to you. Reaching out to rub her back under her shirt again, you kissed her hairline, feeling her smile against your skin wider.
"What time is it?"
“According to Ward, it's almost 2 PM." She stilled, lifted her body of yours with her elbows and furrowed her eye brows, still half asleep. You simply smiled down at her surprise.
“Oh my God. I'm so sorry-"
“Shush," You laughed, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her down again.
"You're comfortable too.' Letting herself relax into your embrace, she sighed out, enjoying the most serene moment she'd felt in a while.
“Thank you."
Taglist: @emily0013 \\ @xxromanoffxx \\ @emilyprentisslittlewhore \\ @d14n4ol \\ @marvel2024
159 notes · View notes
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Part 2.
Avengers x fem!reader 
Words: 1892
Synopsis: This takes place in Avengers: Age of Ultron. When The Avengers were at the rock bottom, Nick Fury and advised by Maria Hill, to initiate the B.A.B.Y Protocol. Will a young, damaged and broke girl agree to this initiative and help a team to save this planet earth?
Main Masterlist 
Maria and Fury bring you to The Avengers tower for mission briefing and meet the rest of the team. To be honest, you are beyond excited you see the building. You move from your seat to another, looking out of the window, facing the tower. Maria looks at you at the rear view mirror, seeing your awe face and smile. “If you open that window, I might’ve mistaken you with a dog.” You ignore her comment and ask them “Is this S.H.I.E.L.D? You guys work here? You build this place papa Bear? This is taller than I thought it would be!”
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Fury look at you and then Maria “Now she’s excited.” Maria answer your question. “That is Avengers tower. S.H.I.E.L.D no longer exist. Burn to the ground.” You didn’t keep up about them after left the agency so you don’t know what happened. “What happened? Did this moody papa Bear show his emotion through action?” You let out a small laugh until Fury annoyed “Once again you call my name other than Fury, I’ll burn you too.” “Nahh, you’re not going to burn me. You need me. Otherwise, I’m not in this car right now. I said to him and Maria drive through the parking basement. “She got you, boss.”
Fury walk ahead to their meeting room. You stop your track when you see an aquarium placed at the wall. You never see something like that before in your life. When Maria realize that you are not walking behind her, she turns back to get you. “What are you doing?” “Looking at these fish in an aquarium stuck on the wall. How they do that? How they going to feed the fish? Rich people shit, quite awesome.” You said and Maria just shake her head. “We have a world crisis and the first thing you did is watch the fish?! Are you kidding me? Let’s go meat the team.”
 Meanwhile Fury already told the team about a new protocol or whatever. You didn’t hear that clearly until you are inside the room. Fury talk to them. “Since all of you are here, including Maximoff, I have a new protocol that you can use.” Steve looking confusing at Fury. “We already made a plan.” Tony interrupt to teasing Steve “Yeah and a good ted talk by the captain too.” Natasha asking about the protocol. “Do we know about the protocol?” Fury take a seat “No, Romanoff. No one knows about this protocol except Agent Hill. This protocol was created to help the team when in need, and this team clearly need it right now.” Steve ask him. “What protocol is that?” Natasha looking at Clint and he shrug. “B.A.B.Y PROTOCOL.” Tony just laugh while Steve have a serious face looking at him. “I’m sorry. That’s kinda funny name for a protocol.” Maria open the door and you both going in. All eyes on you and you feeling slightly nervous. How can you not, they are The Avengers! You recognize all of their face except one person wearing black dress and red cardigan.  
Fury introduce you to the team. “Right on time. Avengers, I introduce you B.A.B.Y PROTOCOL, as in Best Associate By Yours truly.” Maria added “Also, we call her Baby.” They are quiet and shock appear in their faces except two people. Natasha and Clint. They go greet you. “Baby!” Natasha walks to hug you while Tony look at you two weird. “Nat! Omg, I miss you. Clint! Miss you too!” You hug Clint and he hold your head. “Well, she grows up.” “Yeah, with some food and water, I did. Man, you’re old.” You said to him and Natasha smile “Kids growing, Barton.” “Natasha, beautiful as always. You have to drop your skin care routine, sis.” Tony interrupt the moment “You both knew her? Fury, you said no one know about this protocol.” Fury nods. “I said no one know about this protocol not that Romanoff and Barton didn’t know her.”
Steve starts asking question. “How old are you?” Tony interject again. “Yeah. You don’t look like a baby to me.”
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             You looking back at Steve, smirk on your face. “How old are you?” Maria sign you to behave. “Baby.” Tony sit down at one of the chair. “I like this kid already!” He earns a glare from Steve and you apologizing “I’m sorry. That’s not a good first impression. I’m 22.”
“What is your name?” Damn he is a serious one.
             “People call me Baby.”
“What people didn’t call you?”
             “If they didn’t call me? Silence, I guess.” You whisper at Natasha left ear “Can I not tell them my name?” She crooks a little smile. “It’s up to you.” “I prefer being call by that name that Maria & Fury has told you or anything you want except my real name due to personal reason.” You nod and smile at them.
“Why? Dark past? Major criminal? Wanted by CIA? Interpol? MI6? Ugly name? Kicked out of family or something?” Seriously, how can they work as a team with a guy name Tony Stark? Maria, Natasha and Clint have your back.
“She’s here to help us. Nothing else, Stark.” Maria said to him.
Natasha glare at him. “I suggest you stop right there or you’re not going to see any sunlight.”
Clint agree with them. “Leave her alone man.” Tony look guilty. “Everybody in this room has dark past. I’m just curious, not judging. She’s not alone.” Wanda tell them that he told the truth. “He’s not lying.” “Thank you Wendy. Peace?” You walking toward him “No heart feeling.” You guys fist bump each other.
Steve ask again. “How do you know Barton and Romanoff?”
             “While I was in S.H.I.E.L.D Academy, which I thought a Juvenile school at first, they trained me combat espionage. Since that’s the only thing on my expertise. I wish to have Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz brain though. They’re genius in bio-chem and engerneering.”
“Why you thought it was juvenile at first? You commit crime?”
             “Duh.” Both you and Tony said it at the same time and again “JINX!” Natasha look at Steve. “Relax captain, all of us commit crime back then.” “I didn’t” Tony look at him. “Are you sure about that?” “What do you mean Stark?” Steve ask and he say “You literally cheated your medical checkup to join the army.” “I did it to protect our country.” Steve said and Clint chuckle “Still crime.” Fury tell Maria to handle the briefing and he’s out. You ask where is he going? “Where is he going?” “He have another thing to do Baby.”
             “I know most of you but I don’t think I know or seen you, Mr. ?” You ask and Natasha introduce him. “That is Dr. Bruce Banner.”
             You shake his hand. “Nice to meet you. What did you do?”
Bruce seems like to hesitate to answer that. “You didn’t know? New York?”
             “Alien? Chitauri?” You ask him back innocently.
“Um. I’m, the big green guy.” He anxiously answers that.
             “An ogre! Wow, that is so cool!” Clint hold my shoulder. “The other green, buddy.” “Oh, I know. I’m sorry, I forgot your ogre name is Shrek. Still cool though. I watch all of his movies when I was a kid. Maybe we can watch it again sometimes.”
Bruce look at Natasha and then back at you. “That’s, not me either, but yeah, we can watch that, big green cartoon sometimes.” Tony finally tell you who he is. “You seriously don’t remember who broke New York kid? He’s The Hulk!” Bruce looks down and tilt his head to look at Tony. “Yes. I’m that! Thank you for bringing back memory, Tony!”
             You feel guilty for not remember that. “Gosh, I’m so sorry. But hey, New York already broken before you broke it. Can I have a selfie? You’re incredible.” You snap the picture before he even answers. Tony said something “I’m literally right here. The coolest guy in the group.” You turn your head to the girl in black dress, red cardigan. “And you are?”
She answers with a thick accent “Wanda Maximoff.”
             “You’re not from here? You have an accent just like Nat. Well, once she’s mad at me during training years ago.” You remember the detail and Natasha rolls her eyes at you. “That is one time. I slipped.” “Human make mistakes sis. You aren’t machine.”
“I just got here yesterday. I made a mistake. Wrong judgement, I want to make it right. I join them.” She explains and you currently melting, just to hear he talk. You want her to talk more so you can hear her talk. Thing is, you didn’t know that she can read mind. Where is that accent came from? Russian? You ask those questions in your head. “From Sokovia.”
             “Where are you from? What? I just ask-“
Maria answer my question. “She’s a telekinesis, energy manipulation and some kind of neuroelectric interfacing.” “Huh?” You don’t even know what that is and Maria make it simple for you. “Telepathic.” You turn to look back at her. “That is so awesome!” Tony huff at your statement. “Yeah, until she’s in your head.” She just looking down “I’m sorry.”
 Right after she said that, Thor, God of Thunder walk into the room and tell about the scepter. You are amazed and suddenly you bend the knee. “Oh. My. God. You’re Thor!” He looks back at you. “and you tiny female human.” “You. Are. the God of Lightning! I am a fan! No. I’m an air-conditioner.” He smiling, feeling proud. “Thank you, tiny human lady. It’s God of Thunder, actually. What’s an air-conditioner?”
Maria gives us final brief. “You guys might want to prepare something for tomorrow. We’re flying to Korea and find Dr. Chow tomorrow morning. Get some rest, sleep early, you guys need it.”
             You ask them a question. “Can I go back to my place, then come back? Clint can you take me?” “Yeah, I can.” Steve kind of not agree with you. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” “Why? I need to take my stuff.” “I can pick her up tomorrow.” You and Clint said and Steve ask you again. “Do you have a suit? or uniform?” You unzip your sweater and show your Donut Do It uniform. “Will, this do? Because someone decided that it was okay to give a surprise visit when I’m on my way to work.” Maria just smirking at you and Natasha smile “I don’t think that appropriate gear for the field.”
Tony offers you to stay with them at the tower. “Captain’s right. Don’t want to risk anything on the team member night before fight. Stay here, I’ve got plenty of room. Natasha can show you. They basically live here. We have spare shirts too.” You look at Wanda “You live here too?” She’s thinking about the answer. “I spend the night here.” Natasha turn you to look at her. “That’s a good idea. Just stay here tonight. Wanda’s here too.” “Natasha can show you your room, take a shower and dinner later.” Tony said. You look at Maria by the mention of dinner. She sighs “Okay, spaghetti and chicken wings.” Natasha add “And caramel pudding?” You smile at her “You remember?!” “Of course I do.” Clint jokingly say “How can she not, you guys practically sisters.”
Thank you for spending your time reading this. Feel free to reblog or ask me anything, thank you in advance!
Part 3 is coming!
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skyler10fic · 2 years
Rising: Ch. 2 Vulnerabilities
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Story: The Family Secret is a new Agents of Shield AU series! This first fic, Rising, stars Daisy Johnson, her parents Phil and Melinda, her crush Carol Danvers, and her friend Jemma Simmons. Daisy, Carol, and Jemma are graduating soon from a college-prep high school and Phil and Melinda work for Shield.
This chapter: Daisy finds out the truth behind her family's secret, and her brush with danger exposes her own!
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On board Zephyr 1, Melinda called Phil early in his morning, wanting to check in before he would need to get ready for work and wake Daisy up for school. Her team had gotten back to the cloaked plane’s hiding spot safely, but posing as warehouse workers all day while on-the-ground intel-gathering was exhausting work. The mission had gone okay, scoping out the warehouses along the coast, but their communications team wasn’t the only one in the system. Shield determined it wasn’t any of their international branches, and there was a third party at work. Friend or foe, they didn’t know yet. She hoped it wouldn’t delay their return any, but if they ended up fighting two enemies, it could take a while.
“I know. Don’t worry. We’ll be fine,” Phil assured his wife.
“Her competition is coming up, and I promised I’d practice with her.” Melinda sighed.
“And you will. She knows you’ll be here when you can. Whatever you’re doing, I know it’s worth it. And soon, she will too.”
It was hard not being able to share details of the mission with him. In their younger years, they had strategized each mission together, him as team leader and her as lead specialist. Now they were not only not on the same team; the entire clearance level system had been overhauled and created clear boundaries between what she was allowed to bring home and what had to stay in the field.
“Agent May, you’re needed in the briefing room,” Bobbi called, using Melinda’s alias.
Melinda hung up with Phil and made her way to the other side of the plane.
Most agents who took on an alias did so in the field, leaving their birthname only for friends and family back home to use. Because they were already known at Shield by the time it became important, Melinda and Phil choose to keep their birthnames at work and tack on “Johnson” for their legal, civilian identities. Phil couldn’t resist making Daisy’s middle name “May,” though. Melinda had been too tired to care at that point and was just happy the delivery part was over and their baby girl was safe. But Phil’s former last name didn’t show up anywhere on Daisy’s birth certificate, and as circumstances unfolded and his days in the field came to an end, the name of Coulson was left behind when he left his old life. Now, the Johnson name was just one of many layers of secrets and half-truths that made up their family.
Mack’s briefing was grim. The third party had stolen important documents Shield needed and corrupted the original files they left behind, likely a malicious attack on Pantheon and a sign this third party wasn’t on Pantheon’s side any more than Shield was. Now their only choice was to chase the hackers’ digital trail, keep an eye on Pantheon, and hope the two didn’t collide before Shield could intervene. Bobbi wasn’t so sure Shield should be devoting resources to protecting hackers.
“Whatever this group wants, it could be just as dangerous, especially if they are leaking weapons deal data to rival crime rings. If there’s something worse than Pantheon out there, I don’t think we should be helping them,” Bobbi finished and crossed her arms.
The comms team back at HQ and the team in the briefing room on the plane went back and forth, giving Melinda time to think before Mack turned to her for an opinion.
If her gut was right, this third party didn’t have the flavor of counterintelligence work. It seemed more like a rogue bunch of petty nerd criminals, the kind who take your files and make you pay to get them back. They had stopped their attacks mid-afternoon local time, leaving Shield’s communications free to do their actual jobs. They hadn’t done any damage to Shield, or seemed to even know Shield was there. But the time it had taken to determine who was who in the system had cost them valuable mission hours.
“Comms will get the inventory the hard way, thanks to the uninvited guests yesterday. When we have that, Z-2’s team will infiltrate as warehouse workers along with the local agents,” Commander Maria Hill at HQ informed them. “Romanoff will continue in her role as executive assistant to the company chairman. This gathering of all of Pantheon is our only window. It might take a few hours; it might take until tomorrow to get the power players in the same room, but Z-1, as soon as we have Agent Romanoff's signal, you’ll need to be ready to make some arrests. Mack, that’s all yours. Just get there on time and get out. Like clockwork, people.”
Maria signed off and Mack turned to Melinda, as she expected. She could already see from his signature puppy dog eyes that she was going to be more than the escape pilot, whatever they ended up doing. Luckily, they probably had a day to figure it out.
Phil’s knock on Daisy’s door was met with loud cursing.
“Daisy, you okay in there?” he called.
“Yeah! I just … fell asleep on my homework and didn’t finish.” If she were a normal kid, this would be the secret she’d try to keep from her parents. But her secret was much bigger and this excuse would explain why none of her actual school assignments would be turned in as complete today.
“Okay… I’ll have breakfast waiting for you.”
“Just a granola bar is fine,” she shouted back, knowing he’d add a banana.
“At least take a banana too!” he called.
“Thanks!’ She smiled a bit at how well they knew each other. She didn’t have time to both shut down her work from last night and pack a lunch. She’d just have to get to the cafeteria and through the line before the good tables were gone. Worry surged through her as she stared down at her blank physics worksheet. That would just have to get done at lunch too.
She threw on clothes and quickly ran a brush through her long, dark hair. Sneakers, backpack, laptop, phone, keys… unfinished homework. She dashed downstairs where her dad was waiting with his briefcase and her on-the-go breakfast. She saw he had made her a sack lunch as well. She took the food and smiled.
“Thank you. This solves like a hundred problems.”
“Figured you could use the time not in line in the cafeteria to finish your homework,” he said with a fatherly tone that indicated it was more than a suggestion.
One of the cooler things about her dad was his car, Lola. The red vintage Corvette convertible was a favorite at school as well, and more than one guy had tried to hit on her with hopes of getting to drive her around in it. They could keep dreaming, though. No one drove Lola but Phil. Even Daisy was learning to drive on her mom’s black SUV, which Daisy had nicknamed the Tank.
As they pulled up, Daisy noticed the hottest girl in school, Carol Danvers, watching. Carol was a senior, graduating in a week, and the only thing they had in common was that Carol was going to Carter Academy next year to become a pilot like Daisy’s mom. Everyone knew it was a perfect fit. Carol was top brass in the school’s Air Force ROTC, had perfect grades in everything, and even the gym class teacher was impressed by her. Still, Daisy figured, it couldn’t hurt to ask if she wanted to meet her parents, might get some advice on piloting and the academy and shuttling around dignitaries and federal agents and stuff, as well as a free dinner… No, she couldn’t say that, it sounded like Carol was a charity case. And she was anything but. She didn’t need any help from a junior.
Carol noticed Daisy staring and turned up her lips in an amused smile.
“Hhhhi, hi,” Daisy said in passing.
“Hey.” Carol winked and Daisy almost melted on the spot. Monica, Carol’s best friend (girlfriend? Daisy wondered), walked toward them and Daisy rushed off before her blush was witnessed by someone other than her crush.
Daisy caught her breath at her desk as morning announcements began. She inhaled and exhaled deeply. Get it together, Johnson. It’s just a senior in a leather jacket. Who rides a motorcycle to school and is a total badass. Not like we haven’t seen her before, right? Right.
The rest of the morning went as planned. And with no Carol sightings, as usual. They had opposite lunch periods, so she knew she was spared any embarrassment there, but hiding in the library still had never sounded better. Daisy pulled her laptop out of her bag and checked her Skyrocket messages. A pop-up covered her entire screen. No, no, no, this was very bad. The message looked formal, not just ordinary spyware, with the seal of some Roman-looking building at the top. The triangle at the top had an eye, which creeped her out. It almost seemed to see her. The text was worse.
We know you’re there. Stay out or find the tide looking dry this season. This is your only warning, Little Rocket Girl.
Daisy shuddered. This was no teenage prank. Someone knew about her “hobby.” The end was, of course, a reference to her code name, and the tide was especially ominous. The name of the larger hacker network her team belonged to was The Rising Tide. Other Rising Tide members, the kind she hoped to be some day, exposed the secrets of the world’s villains and brought down corruption everywhere. They were heroes doing risky work, sure. But she was barely trusted with the small stuff. Her team took on the lighter things, and 500Miles passed on situations like last night, but usually it was because of difficulty, not danger. Whatever they had stumbled on, her team needed to know about this.
She took a screenshot and ran a script to wipe the code from her laptop before signing in to her VPN. She heard a noise from elsewhere in the library and held her breath. It was just a cart. She shook her head at her jumpiness and finished signing in, not noticing the dialog box flicker slightly as she went through the familiar motions. Two-factor authentication sent a notification to her phone and she tapped it. Just before she did, she thought she noticed something different about it, maybe a new font or something with the latest update, but then it was gone.
She thought through the previous night. The eye-building-logo people might not know about the rest of her team. They knew her code name and that she worked for The Rising Tide, but the only reason they knew that was her own sloppiness while using Tide resources after her team had logged off. Plus, if she was honest with herself, she didn’t want to admit to her team that she’d slipped up. They might not want her to even stay on this team, much less work her way up the ladder to have a future with the Tide as a pro.
No. She’d make this right. Instead of messaging her team, she restarted her cracking efforts with more intensity. Now that she’d done it once, it was much easier. While a program ran on their system to find anything they knew about her, she researched the symbol. She ran a reverse image search, but only came up with other Roman-looking building icons. No secret societies or evil corporations that matched this exact symbol. She narrowed it down to a few similar ones before she realized she was in a library. Her book pile on Roman-inspired modern-day organizations rose as her browser tab count increased. Hours went by without Daisy even noticing. There were so many possibilities, she didn’t know where any of it was leading.
“Daisy?” Jemma Simmons, the smartest 15-year-old she knew, was pushing a cart full of college-level science books past her table.
“Yeah?” Daisy closed her laptop and blinked hard. “Shit, what time is it?”
“It’s almost 4. I don’t usually see you here after school. Don’t you have karate or something?”
“Jujutsu,” she answered automatically. “Too late to make the bus now. And my mom’s gonna be home for the parent meeting on Saturday and that is news I do not want her to hear as soon as she gets back.” Daisy ran her hands through her hair. “Shit shit shit.”
Jemma noticed the book pile. “Are you researching … Roman architecture?”
Daisy sighed. She was already so screwed and it was too late to make it to class… any class… so she might as well get Jemma’s help.
“Yeah, here’s the symbol I’m trying to find. Know any companies or movements or groups or something with a symbol like this?” Daisy showed Jemma the image on her laptop. Jemma was brilliant, but she didn’t need to know about the hack. No reason to endanger her or prompt more questions than necessary.
“Not specifically. Though…” Jemma scrolled through Daisy’s research so far. “Can I ask?”
“Nope, sorry. This is something personal.” She had thought for a moment about lying, but she trusted Jemma to stick to the information and not be too nosy. They weren’t the closest friends, but they had known each other a long time, with Daisy being older, but Jemma being a grade ahead throughout their recent school years.
“Wait, the symbols here seem to match…” Jemma zoomed in on two images. “Daisy, that’s the Pantheon. Exactly. Well, except for the eye, of course.”
“Yeah, pretty sure they added that just to be creepy,” Daisy mumbled.
Jemma scrutinized Daisy’s expression, trying to judge if she should ask again. Daisy shook her head.
“Sorry, this one I have to handle. But this helps so much. Thanks.”
“I should get back to these.” Jemma gestured to her cart.
“Yeah, I should… get out of here.” Daisy packed up her stuff and headed home, catching the usual city bus she rode on days she wasn’t supposed to be at the dojo.
“Hey, you know it’s Wednesday, right?” Mr. Koenig, the bus driver, teased as he saw her.
“Yeah, got caught up doing homework in the library.” She shrugged and scanned her bus pass.
“Good for you. Study hard, Johnson.” He waved her back.
Dread grew as she neared home. She was going to be in so much trouble. She definitely couldn’t tell her dad about her career plans to become a professional hacker now. At least, not until this had blown over.
She put in her earbuds, turned on her playlist, and practiced centering herself as her mom had taught her. The past was done. What comes next? She’d figure out who sent the letter, pass on the intel to the Tide, get respect and street cred for her skills and they’d see her potential. She’d get her grades up, maybe even do well at her dojo’s exhibition and competition at the end of the semester. Make her parents so proud, they had to at least hear out her plan.
She got off at her stop, dreaming of the future. This could be her first step to building her hacker reputation. They’d start to trust her with bigger jobs, and she’d get contracts from all over the world to bring down evil and injustice everywhere.
A man in a suit bumped her as he passed her on the sidewalk. She shot him a look but continued on. Then another jostled her. Men, always the center of their own universe. She rolled her eyes, but her favorite song was on and a few rude businessmen couldn’t distract her from hope in her new plan.
A van with a logo she didn’t recognize pulled up next to her. It was going weirdly slow, and the back doors were flopping open. She glanced over to see if the driver was watching her, completely missing the men rushing in from her other side. Faster than she could even think, they had captured her, tied her hands, and shoved her in the back of the van. She saw the vague impression of a masked face before a blinding pain to the side of her head knocked her out cold.
Driving home from Carter Academy, Phil was very ready for this week to end. He could handle his own against the arrogant, testosterone-filled James Bond-wannabes that came through his classes, but he’d put up with four years of Grant Ward, simultaneous golden boy and teacher’s nightmare, and Phil was over it. Grant had missed class all week and emailed today for an extension on his paper, and when Phil’s TA denied it, as instructed, Grant had very nearly charmed her into doing it for him. But no one could deny that when tested, Grant always excelled beyond any expectation. He’d make a valuable addition to someone’s team; Phil was just wary of what side that kind of agent would end up on. He’d been wrong before though. Natasha Romanoff had turned out to be a hero and a leader, and her partner, Clint Barton, had become an MVP in the field despite his apathy toward homework.
It was agents like them, and perhaps like Grant, who made Phil regret leaving the field. Not regret, no, that was the wrong word. But he never stopped seeing potential in the stubborn ones. They were often dangerously independent, but seeing that intensity brought into a team and working for the good of humanity, teaching them to channel that power into honorable sacrifice and earned dedication, in the real world of victories and heartaches… that was what he missed.
Not that he was entirely without that experience in his life, raising Daisy May Johnson. Speaking of, he frowned as he pulled in the driveway and didn’t see any lights on in the house. She should have been home from jujutsu by now.
“Daisy?” He didn’t hear an answer. No note on the fridge, no sign of her in her room, no backpack or laptop. Her bike was in the garage, as was Melinda’s SUV.
He sent her a text and checked the house and the small yard again. He called, but she didn’t answer. Not that she was the type to keep it enabled, but he briefly wished they were the kind of family who used the Find My Friends app. It had seemed like a terrible idea from a spy’s point of view, but from a dad’s point of view, he was having some regrets.
He breathed through the dad anxiety forming and called the dojo. Perhaps she had hung out there late or gone out for ice cream afterward with some friends, or he’d forgotten something… No, he didn’t forget. He was supernaturally good at one thing. He didn’t forget.
No one answered at the dojo, but he knew the owner was a friend of Melinda’s. He worded his text to his wife carefully so as not to alarm her.
Hey, have you heard from Daisy? She’s probably hanging out late with her friends, but she’s not answering and neither is the dojo, and I don’t have Connie’s number...
He didn’t receive a response from Melinda or Daisy or the dojo phone in the time he heated up leftovers and ate dinner. Melinda he wasn’t surprised about. He tried to keep in mind that she would leave her personal phone on the plane while in the field, so if he didn’t hear back, it was just that she was working. Daisy was another story. It wasn’t like her to ignore him multiple times, especially without a hint of where she was. He decided it was time to drive to the dojo. Someone should at least still be at the desk for evening classes. He left a note, in case Daisy came back while he was gone, to call him immediately.
He was right; the dojo was still buzzing with activity. In fact, Connie herself was training a new employee.
“Hey Phil!” She smiled. “Where’s Daisy today? Is she okay?”
His heart skipped a beat. He must have looked as spooked as he felt because Connie’s smile fell.
“I was hoping you could tell me. She’s not here, then?”
Connie shook her head. “Haven’t seen her today and her class ended an hour and a half ago.”
“She’s not at home either.” Phil looked around the lobby and office area for anyone he recognized as a friend of his daughter’s, but they were mainly adults coming for classes after work.
“Not answering her phone?” Connie’s head tilt and sympathetic smile told him she was thinking it was typical teen behavior. And sure, Daisy had a fiery streak, and he wouldn’t say it was completely out of character for her to skip a class or two, even at school, but this… This felt different. Blowing off jujutsu was one thing, but it hadn’t looked like she had even been home from school at all.
Connie texted her daughter, who was in physics class with Daisy. A chime of a quick return text held hope… but no, Connie passed along to Phil, Daisy hadn’t been in physics this afternoon, either.
He knew she’d been worried about her unfinished homework, but surely she wouldn’t have run away just for that?
Connie offered a computer for him to email Daisy’s teachers. One from her morning classes responded immediately that she seemed fine and was present in his class, but he hoped they found her quickly. Another had seen her in the hallway but not in their afternoon class.
Phil thanked Connie and decided to head home to see if she’d made it back. He worked the case in his head: she had been planning to have lunch in the library to do her unfinished homework. Something had happened between that morning class and the afternoon. Perhaps in the library? Of course, the school wouldn’t be open until tomorrow morning, but if something had happened to her, by then it could be too late.
The Shield agent in him could only think of the worst. He’d seen the worst.
After a whole day of meetings and listening to communications agents complain about the rogue hackers they had encountered and the work it had caused, Melinda realized as she paced the plane that she hadn’t checked her personal phone in a while. She had just enough time to walk to her bunk, see a flood of texts and calls from Phil, and read the last text that he was getting worried because Daisy still wasn’t home and it was nearly 10 pm on a school night there. She didn’t have time to reply, or even read the other messages or listen to his voicemail before she was called back to the briefing room.
Her team on Z-1 had had to wait 36 hours for the signal from Romanoff, but when it came, they were to go immediately. In and out of the large metal warehouse, at least that had been the plan. Z-2’s team suspected there was a hostage situation Romanoff was unaware of, but she’d gone dark until the moment she’d signaled. Mack ordered the Z-1 comms specialist to hack into as many of their security feeds as he could, not just the ones for their area, but the warehouse where the executives were gathered, though it didn’t have cameras in every room.
“Wait, what’s that?” On the feed for the southwest corner of the building, Melinda caught a blur of a smaller figure between two taller ones, and the smaller one didn’t seem to be going willingly. The three were only on the screen for a second, though, and only their backs.
“Z-1,” Commander Hill called over the briefing room’s video screen, “You’re up.”
Melinda and Mack and Bobbi shared a look. It might not be included in their orders, but as soon as their duties were done, they were going to check out that southwest corridor.
And they had their opportunity, faster than expected. Romanoff and Barton shocked everyone in the executives meeting (figuratively and literally) so the arrests went off flawlessly.
But Pantheon was more than criminal corporate executives. Something else was going on here.
Melinda heard a young woman cry out and felt pain with her empathic powers, but it was more personal than ever, almost like she was experiencing it herself, despite the mental walls she’d learned to build over the decades.
“This way,” Melinda mouthed to Bobbi and Mack. Weapons ready, they peeked around a corner. Across from them, in an old, musty foreman’s office, a Hollywood-handsome smirking man, likely mid-20s, sat on a desk with a laptop, while a woman stood threateningly over another young woman in a chair, but they couldn’t see the latter’s face from how her head hung in defeat.
Melinda held up a warning hand for the agents to stop and stay just out of sight.
“C’mon, Skyrocket,” the man cajoled. “Don’t you want to receive your reward? You’d be a valued member of our team. With such a sharp mind and a beautiful face, you’d be given special treatment, I can promise you that. Anything you desire. It’s a good life.” He seemed to speak persuasively, as if he were talking a friend into a business deal over a drink, not holding a girl hostage in a warehouse half a world away from home, judging from his American accent.
This Skyrocket girl didn’t raise her head from where it hung. She only shook it and pulled against her restraints.
“All you have to do is log in, give us back all you have on us, and then show us how you did it.” He gestured to the laptop and opened it. Melinda’s stomach flipped. It had the same sticker on it as another laptop she knew. It was so familiar. Where had she seen that sticker… She tried to focus on the man, but it nagged at her for a second…
“You have family, right? Strong, hardworking parents, I bet? The perfect little American dream?” he was saying. “With us, they’d never have to work again. You could buy them anything you want. Now that’s a future brighter than The Rising Tide can provide you, I can guarantee that. Think of how proud your family will be.”
“No,” the girl mumbled. She raised her head, seeming to gain new strength, but the other woman blocked the agents’ view of her face. “No. You don’t know ANYthing about my family.”
The woman circled the girl, clearing Melinda’s view of what she already knew from the sound of the voice: her daughter’s eyes were filled with rage.
“Go,” Melinda growled to her team, using every bit of her professional experience to channel her panic into action.
The Shield agents burst into the room, splitting up to each take an opponent: Mack fighting the American man, Bobbi taking the other woman, and Melinda untying her daughter’s ropes as fast as her shaking hands could move.
Melinda shot Daisy a strict NO look as the word “mom!?” formed on Daisy’s lips. Smart girl, she took the hint and stayed as still as she could while being freed.
Daisy stood and turned to Melinda, who only said, “Remember your training. Let’s go.” Daisy blinked and nodded, still too shocked to speak, but followed her mom out of the room just as a backup team of Shield agents from Z-2 arrived. They heard two shots behind them as they ran away from the action, but the guns had a whirring sound to them Daisy didn’t recognize and she looked in panic at Melinda.
“Don’t worry. That’s us. They’re tranquilizer bullets,” Melinda explained as they paused to hide behind a corner until the way was clear. “The agents will take them in for questioning.”
Daisy looked behind them as she heard someone following. Melinda knew it was Mack and Bobbi from their footsteps’ echo in the hallway. “Keep going, don’t stop.”
They burst out of the warehouse to find Z-1’s bay door open and waiting on the tarmac.
“C’mon, let’s go!” Melinda shouted at Daisy, Bobbi, and Mack to keep running.
Only when they were safely inside the plane with the bay door closing did Melinda turn to her daughter and pull her close. The two hugged tightly until the shock wore off.
“How?” “You’re?” “What are you doing here…?” Melinda and Daisy had similar questions for each other.
“I screwed up, Mom. I screwed up. I got off the bus at our stop after school, but I was thrown in this van,” Daisy rushed out, nearly hyperventilating as reality set in, “and I didn’t think I was ever going to see you or Dad or anyone, but I didn’t tell them anything, I couldn’t.” She was crying and clung to her mom again, before Melinda gently pulled her away.
“Daisy, look at me,” Melinda commanded. Her heart broke as she saw her daughter’s face up close. Daisy looked like she hadn’t slept in days. “He called you Skyrocket. Does he know who you are? Does he know your name? Our names?”
“No… I don’t know...” Daisy sniffled. “It’s… God, I had this whole plan for how I was going to tell you… it’s my hacker handle. I’m a white hat with a group called--”
“--The Rising Tide,” Melinda finished.
“You knew?” Daisy gaped.
“No, just piecing things together from what he said. But you’re sure? They knew how to find you, to take you from us.” Melinda’s voice broke and she swallowed her emotions. “It’s very important, Daisy.”
She shook her head. Her voice cracked from the terror and exhaustion. “They were tracking me because I fucked up. I left a program running in their system and they warned me to stay out and they found me. They know where I go to school, and obviously, what I look like now, and I probably need a new laptop...”
Melinda guided her to a seat on the plane and sat down next to her.
“I had plans for how I was going to tell you too,” Melinda said, rubbing her daughter’s shaking back.
“You’re not just a pilot?” Daisy half-laughed through her drying tears.
“Ha!” Bobbi came over, handed Melinda her phone so she could text Phil, and knelt in front of Daisy. “Your mom is a badass. And don’t you forget it. She’s saved my life more times than I can count.” She smiled and handed Daisy a water bottle and a chocolate bar.
Mack stood a few feet away. “Yup, this whole bus could say the same. And your dad too, back in his day.”
“Dad?” Daisy sent her mom a confused look.
“Okay, thanks, guys,” Melinda waved them off. “I’ll take it from here. Daisy, your dad and I work for a top-secret government agency called Shield. It protects people from things the other agencies you know about don’t cover. It can be very dangerous, but it is worth the risk. Which is why we had to keep it a secret. Yes, I am a pilot, and your dad is a history professor, but we do those things as agents of Shield.”
As if on command, Phil called and Melinda communicated that they had Daisy and would explain more when they got home, but that she was safe. When they hung up, Daisy took a chunk of the chocolate bar for herself and handed a piece to Melinda. “You look like you need this as much as I do.”
Melinda took it gratefully, ate it, leaned back against the headrest, and closed her eyes with a sigh. “We have a lot to talk about when we get home. For now, try to rest.” She cracked one eye open and pointed. “Bathroom’s that way, but besides that, I want you here in this seat, is that understood?”
“Mmhm.” Daisy nodded and closed her eyes. Her body relaxed.
“Melinda?” Bobbi whispered. Melinda opened her eyes and followed Bobbi a short distance away. “The Z-2 backup team uncovered the identities of the Pantheon agents that were with Daisy. The woman we don’t have a file on, but the man was a student at Carter Academy. His name is Grant Ward.”
Safe next to her mom on the plane, Daisy felt the adrenaline rush out of her, almost too fast, like she was being drained of energy all at once. She realized it was no ordinary chocolate bar. Sleep rushed over her like a wave at the ocean, dragging her down into a deep, dreamless rest. At least, as much as she could rest given the circumstances.
When she came to, her mom was still next to her with her eyes closed, but Daisy knew she wasn’t really sleeping.
“You drugged me,” Daisy complained.
Melinda shook her head slightly and opened her eyes. “The chocolate stuff just helps relax the nervous system and helps the brain process trauma. You needed the rest.”
Daisy couldn’t argue there.
“Hey.” Daisy straightened up and looked directly at Melinda. “When you found me, you told me to remember my training.”
“In case we ran into any Pantheon agents on our way out.”
“What training?”
The corner of Melinda’s lips turned up. “I knew one day you’d need to defend yourself. Whether it was someone trying to get to me or your dad through hurting you or just a bully at school. You’ve been training all your life.”
“The martial arts classes? That’s why we took classes in, like, all of them?”
Melinda nodded. “Well, not all of them. And there are many more reasons than that, you know. Inner strength. Discipline. But I hoped you’d be a natural. And you are.”
Daisy sighed. “I wish you could have seen more of them. Been there to watch me compete.”
“I know. Me too.”
“But you’re there when you can be,” Daisy affirmed.
“Gone when I can’t,” Melinda finished. “When I am needed here.”
“Saving the world.” Daisy gave her a half-smile, reassuring that she didn’t resent her for it, but still processing this new reality.
Mack appeared then with a gentle smile to see her awake. “Well, we do our best,” he chuckled.
Daisy stuck out her hand. “Daisy Johnson,” she introduced herself.
“Alfonzo Mackenzie, but everyone here calls me Mack,” he returned, shaking her hand. He was amused, but not in a patronizing way. “I’m the team leader on Zephyr 1, with the help of Agent May.”
“That’s what they call me here,” Melinda explained. “Johnson’s only for the civilian world, for our safety. Your safety.”
Mack hesitated but added, “Daisy, you should know, everything your parents have done is for your protection. I’ve never met anyone who works so hard to make sure their family is safe from all of this.”
Daisy nodded, but a heavy ball of guilt formed in her stomach. She’d jeopardized all of that with a careless mistake. Even if her parents had been just a pilot flying classified missions for dignitaries and a professor at a special school to train the Secret Service or whatever, her mistake would have risked their lives, her own life.
That didn’t change the fact that they had hidden all of this from her, though. She let the thought linger while the team explained what the “Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division” was and their purpose to “be the shield” against threats to humanity, no matter from what planet they originated or how “enhanced” the target. They showed her around the plane, and she heard how heroic her mom was. She explained to the comms team that the Tide hadn’t intentionally messed up their mission and how she’d done it. They were all welcoming, some were impressed with her, and a few looked at her like proud aunts and uncles she had never met. Of course, they had known her, through Melinda and Phil’s stories, all of her life. It felt both like a cold awakening and a homecoming to a family she never knew she had.
For a while, she was able to compartmentalize: enjoy the extreme coolness of the tech, the purpose and vision they each had for doing their work, and the comradery of the team’s love for each other, even when they roasted each other or argued. As an only child, she’d only dreamed of having this kind of dynamic. But every time she locked eyes with her mom, dread rolled through her.
14 notes · View notes
rubykgrant · 3 years
(For the fun of it, I’m writing a bunch of RVB “Everything is the same, BUT-” stories, basically AUs that only change a few details, but not the entire plot. Here is the beginning of “Everything is the same, But Grif and Simmons met earlier”)
Dick Simmons is determined to make this WORK.
His parents are giving him this ONE chance, and he can’t let them down. Not again. Not this time. It is just too important…
All those bad test scores finally added up. Sure, he had passed all his classes thanks to extra-credit work, and he had graduated successfully, but… not a single teacher had been impressed with him. He stammered through every single presentation and oral report, he never worked well in a group, and when it came to additional activities, he never stood out (he still felt a twinge of resentment… all the things he was actually interested in, he hadn’t been allowed to join. His father had insisted he be part of some sports team, and he was TERRIBLE at sports. His mother encouraged him to try something else, but as usual, she dropped all her little hints that he wouldn’t be good enough for the gifted programs… and ultimately, she was right).
None of the colleges he applied to had accepted him. He didn’t have enough of his own money saved to afford anything on his own (and a future of loans followed by never-ending debt terrified him). Just barely into adulthood, Dick Simmons was suddenly faced with a very bleak future… he has nothing to do. No job. No school. No friends. His family refuses to allow him to simply sit at home and watch TV all day (because then he’ll just develop a bad habit of being lazy and aimless, his mother tells him… and in a way, he believes her). They give him one suggestion; join up. Enlist, and be shipped out to fight the good fight.
That means learning how to use weapons. That means OTHER people will be aiming weapons at HIM.
He isn’t especially motivated to get shot somewhere in outer space, so after getting the silent-treatment for several days, he begs his parents for something ELSE as an option. Eventually, they show mercy and speak to him… they’ll give him ONE CHANCE. Just one, to prove himself. They will pay for one year of classes at a university (not one of his personal choice, it will have to be somewhere that his father has some connections, but beggars can’t be choosers, and that is LITERALLY what is going on. He’s begging, and he has no choice). He’ll have to use his own savings to find a place to live and buy food. After one year is up, if he has managed to get decent grades and impress the professors, MAYBE his family will provide the money for additional classes.
He can’t mess this up. It has to WORK.
Dick Simmons winds up in New York. He arrives two weeks before his classes start, attends several interviews to meet the faculty and get a tour of the campus. The school isn’t very big; actually, it was somewhat cozy and casual… but he still feels intimidated. He has never worked well under pressure, and right now, ALL OF THE PRESSURE is on him. He hasn’t even started any of the classes, but he already feels like he’s behind on his homework.
He hasn’t found a decent place to live, either. Everywhere is so EXPENSIVE. He doesn’t qualify as a full-time student (his parents aren’t paying for all those classes), so he can’t live in the student housing. Even the tiniest, cheapest apartments will drain him of all his savings in just a couple of months… unless he found some roommates. Which is basically impossible. He didn’t even have any friends back home, how is he going to find some now?
First impressions are very important, and somehow, he always did the wrong thing when he tried to meet new people… for now, he’s been staying in cheap motels. They’re dirty and gross, but he can afford to stay here and eat at the same time (he’s not getting in these grody beds, though… instead, he sprayed disinfectant all over the floor, rolled out a blanket, and has been in a sleeping bag. It’s rough on his back, but at least he doesn’t literally feel his skin crawl. He’s not eating any food inside his room, either. This way, he won’t attract any BUGS).
One evening, while walking the route between his motel and the university (so he won’t get lost when classes begin), he passes by the student housing community… and sees some fliers; that weekend, there are going to be several parties to welcome back returning students, and help new students get to know everybody. This could be his big chance! He can meet some people here, people who will be his fellow classmates, people who might also be looking for roommates!
OK, he just has to get ready… he fusses over himself, trying to figure out something to wear that will make him look like a responsible potential roommate, but also doesn’t give out painful dork-vibes (everybody figures out he’s a dork eventually, but hopefully, he can ease them into that). He finally settles on a dark red button-up short-sleeved shirt and jeans. Not quite job-interview-clothes, because he’ll never look like a party-animal, but chill enough that he won’t be mistaken for somebody’s dad. Instead, he just looks like… a very tall and nervous red-head. He tries to part his hair one way, and then the other, unsure of which will look better. In the end, he realizes it doesn’t matter, he looks like somebody who dressed up as the archetype of “Junior CEO” for Halloween. The glasses only add to this, but he knows better than to try the contacts (his eyes will just water and run all night). He tries to slightly ruffle his own hair, so his bangs are a little more loose… that’s better.
When he walks over to the student housing area, he goes a little earlier in the evening than the time specified for the party. His nerves won’t allow him to be late, but he also knows better than to be the first one there (especially when he’s alone). He waits for a while across the street, then starts to see groups of people walking up to the entry gate that leads to the student apartment complex. NOW it was safe to join in. He has his student ID badge with him, and the security guard gives him a little nod when he shows it to enter.
As he looks around at all the different apartment buildings, he sees they have banners on them for different kinds of parties (friends who are reuniting, people who will be seniors this years, different academic and sports groups, ect). He sees one that proclaims this is a party for new students to meet and mingle with their returning classmates, so he decides that’s the one for him.
The door is propped open, and inside people are already in the middle of a party; lots of drinks and snacks everywhere, music blasting, laughing and talking… he’s totally out of his element, but nobody here knows that. He can fake it, he can mingle in a non-lame way. He can make this work. The main party is taking place in the large living room and kitchen on the first floor, but a few people are wandering upstairs. As he glances around, he sees a bathroom down a hallway (maybe bedrooms farther along and around the corner). There are sliding-glass doors on the far side of the living room that leads to some kind of patio, a couple of coffee tables that are cluttered with left-behind paper plates and plastic cups in the middle of the room.
He tries to locate the host, or at least somebody who actually lives in this specific apartment, but it is impossible. People are rushing all around him, he can’t seem to get a conversation going… jeez, he’s ALREADY a reject. This must be some kind of record. He takes a deep breath, and tries to relax. Forcing himself to act like he’s actually open and confident, he waves at somebody, says hello, they smile and hand him a cup of soda. For a minute, he almost thinks this will be alright, but then the other person sees somebody they know, and they’re gone, and he’s alone, and this is just his entire life, isn’t it? He doesn’t know what to do or where to go, nobody wants him around, and he just… he doesn’t even know why he’s here.
Dexter Grif is trying to stay positive.
He’s been stuck in a rut for a long time, arguably most of his life, but now he has a chance to change it.
His childhood had been a mess; no structure, no schedule, no reliability… some of it had been fun, though. He got to run around backstage and behind the booths at the circus, something most little kids DREAMED of doing, and when the circus was doing well, he had free treats whenever he was hungry. Sometimes the circus wasn’t doing very well. Sometimes, his parents weren’t doing very well. Being a small child with no control over anything in his life, he was at the mercy of those around him. Unfortunately, this meant he wasn’t doing very well.
He started school late, about 5 months after the other kids began kindergarten. That unfortunately became a pattern… in the years that followed, he would miss class, usually because his mom didn’t get him to school on time, and occasionally because he just didn’t want to be there. By the time he was in 3rd Grade, he was considered a “problem child”.
Early on, it was just him, his mom, and his dad. Then his dad was gone. Then his dad came back. Then his dad left again, but now he had a baby sister. Kaikaina was the reason he started paying attention to what day of the week it was, even if his mom still acted like every day was the weekend. Dexter Grif was a big brother now. He always made sure she was clean, had toys to play with, and food to eat. When she got big enough to crawl and then walk, he kept a close eye on her so she didn’t get lost or hurt (well, she got a few bumps and bruises, a couple of scrapes and skinned-knees… because she was also a circus kid who ran around everywhere. Her brother was a very good at fixing up boo-boos, though).
As they both got older, they were left alone more and more. Their mom didn’t always remember to go shopping for them. He still made sure Kai definitely had food, even if it meant giving her all his cereal and the last can of soup. He gets her to kindergarten every day, which is in the opposite direction of his big-kid school, so he’s always late… sometimes he just skips. When he starts getting desperate, he goes into grocery stores and steals packages of cookies right off the shelf, and runs out as fast as he can. When he is at school, he starts sneaking into the cafeteria to raid the fridge, or gets into the back-pack closet so he can go through the other kids’ lunchboxes. He’s considered a problem child, a delinquent, a lazy good-for-nothing…
He’s just hungry. He never wants his sister to feel like this, so he gives her all the food at home, and they keep running out of money, and they need other stuff like soap and clothes, so he takes that too, and he doesn’t trust any of the adults he knows to ask for help, so he’s just… stuck. He’s been stuck in the same rut since he was 5 years old… he wants out.
He wants to try and do something better, BE something better. High school had been torture, some of the teachers seemingly determined to make him give up on ever doing anything, but he still has hope. A few more years go by, Kai is doing alright, maybe now is the right time. She still depends on him, but he also knows she’s sick of her big bro always being up in her business. She’ll never actually start taking care of herself if he keeps stepping in.
He has to try and change. He needs to actually make an EFFORT.
He gets into college. It is mostly because of what he calls a “pity-scholarship”, meaning he’s a disadvantaged youth that college recruiters think would make an interesting success story… but he has to maintain high grades the whole time. If he starts to slip, they’ll cut him loose. He’s hardly a genius, but he’s not nearly as stupid as people think he is. He can do better. He can learn. He can TRY.
It is a bitter-sweet farewell from his sister when he leaves… they both try to keep it light and jokey, her telling him she’s gonna throw a party and trash his room once he’s gone, and him telling her not to do anything that will embarrass the family. Part of him doesn’t want to leave her… because in some ways, she still needs him, even if she doesn’t always want him around, and as stressful as it was, taking care of her has been the one constant thing in his life.
If he stays, he’ll never change. Kai will keep growing as a person, and one way or another, she’ll leave him behind eventually. He needs to grow, too.
He goes to New York, and he starts trying to figure out what to do with his life. It HAS to be different. At least he gets the housing problem solved; going to classes full-time means he gets to live in the student apartments. He hasn’t met everybody yet, but he’ll have a total of 3 roommates (two guys to each room, plus each room has it’s own bathroom, with a shared kitchen and living room… not too bad at all). He’s told by the first roommate he met, an older dude named Cole, that the other guys will show up at the mix-and-mingle party.
Before heading out, he takes the time to put on his brand-new hoodie (literally the first not-used thing he’s ever worn). It’s yellow, but not like neon-sunshine, more like a soft macaroni color (thinking about colors makes him miss his sister... she just didn’t see colors like other people did, and when he described them to her as a kid, he always related them to things she could understand; texture/scent/taste/emotions). He would have liked orange more, but this works for him. He’s got his faded-black cargo pants on, and it looks kinda cool with the yellow. Since he’s already thinking about her, he decides to do what Kai would if she were here, and pulls his hair up in a loose bun (they both had long dark-brown curls, but somehow, his was less prone to tangles, and she liked to play with his hair).
Dexter Grif is looking forward to this; it should be fun, meeting lots of other new students, being introduced to people that are coming back and know how the school works. This was college, the place you were supposed to find yourself, or reinvent yourself… he wasn’t going to be absent kid who always cut class, or the lazy kid who fell asleep at his desk. He wasn’t going to steal food or anything else to get by, he’d find a job somewhere, he’d take care of himself for once. He was going to get good grades, and graduate, and… and who knows what else. On the night of the party, surrounded by so many excited people laughing and taking, he feels like the whole world is brand new. He doesn’t know what will happen, but maybe that’s a good thing; just one of life’s great mysteries.
Somebody ordered pizza, 5 larges, and evidently they’re for EVERYBODY. He slowly makes his way over to a coffee table, reaching out to grab a slice of pepperoni… and it is just about the best pizza he’s ever had. Felling good and satisfied with food in his belly, he looks around, trying to decide if he wants to try and chat with another person...
Then he sees somebody; LITERALLY a wall-flower, back pressed flat against the wall near the kitchen, a cup of soda in hand, looking ready to cry out of frustration.
Oh no, he’s CUTE.
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So. Madison Russell. Godzilla vs Kong. Welcome to my ted talk.
From a writing perspective, they totally wasted her character. She, Josh, and Bernie were almost exclusively used just as a method of showing the audience what was happening "behind the scenes" at Apex. Pouring the whiskey on the computer was about the only thing of note they did, and even that didn't do much. Mechagodzilla was only slightly hindered by it, and if they'd just written Kong and Godzilla differently in the fight scene, they could have skipped the whiskey part entirely. They could have done so much with having people "on the inside" but Monarch as a greater organization barely had any presence at all, which negated the need to have people on the inside. 
Maddie's steadfast insistence that Godzilla wasn't a bad guy at the beginning had so much potential, but it became the conspiracy thing instead. It felt less like she wanted to prove Godzilla wasn't turning against humans, and more like she and her new conspiracy friend wanted to crack open a shady organization, which was frustrating. If they wanted to depict her as someone who was forced to become competent at a young age, which was part of the serious, intense vibe I got from her, instead of the inexplicable personality shift, they should have showed her doing something to help. Getting in contact with her dad/Monarch, giving them evidence to begin a city wide evacuation outside the Apex Hong Kong HQ, messing something up or making it harder for the Apex people to get Mechagodzilla up and running—just, anything. 
The fact is, we had Maddie being very proactive in KotM. Stealing the ORCA was the game changer. Instead of taking that to the next level in GvK and giving her an opportunity to continue that aspect of her character—that is, being someone who refuses to sit by when she can do something to help, even if it’s dangerous—they rendered her obsolete. 
The movie wouldn't have significantly changed if you took her character out. If Bernie went by himself and ended up in Hong Kong, nothing would have changed, because Maddie didn't do anything of personal importance. She went from being an active character in KotM to being a passive one here, which are a pet peeve of mine. If you saw my post about what I liked and didn’t like about Godzilla (2014), that might sound very familiar.
It would also have made so much more sense if she developed a love for studying Titans instead of focusing on conspiracy theories. Plot-wise, it would have given her claim to her dad that Godzilla was being provoked more credence, and could’ve opened an interesting dialogue between them to reinforce that she knows what she’s talking about. Monarch was obviously still a big part of their lives, given that Mark had rejoined, so it would’ve been the perfect opportunity for Maddie to pursue a Titan-related future. 
Now, don’t get me wrong. I loved Jia, and wouldn’t want to take her out of the movie or even diminish her presence in it. In fact, I think they should have focused on Jia, and only on Jia. 
Hear me out: Godzilla vs Kong should’ve been split in two. A Part 1 and Part 2 situation. 
For Part 1, we keep a lot of the GvK canon, especially the Kong-centric stuff. Include even more scenes showing us that he’s protective of Jia, don’t just have Dr. Andrews say that he is. Have him defend her from something dangerous, maybe even from some humans. Include their backstory, how he saved her during the storm. And start it even earlier, before Godzilla attacks Apex the first time. Keep the whole Hollow Earth plot, keep the fight scene in the ocean, keep the discovery of the temple and the axe.
And on the Godzilla side of things, start earlier on that as well. Keep the other Titans in, have humanity tentatively believing that a time of great peace is upon them. Their mere presence is restoring the planet. There was an emphasis of nature, particularly in relation to the Titans, in KotM that I really think they should have included more of in GvK to better tie the two movies together, if only they hadn’t swept all the other Titans under the rug. They wanted a movie about a fight, not about the Titans. So, undo that. Show us a little of what Mark does, do a sweep of the other KotM cast (cameos at the very least) to show how they and Monarch are working to uphold that peace post-Boston. I’d also have loved to see Boston itself, too, five years later. 
Instead of giving us a Generic High School scene, show Maddie learning about the Titans alongside the experts. Bring back the wonder and amazement she had when she saw Mothra for the first time, when she reached out and touched her. She’s second generation Monarch, make that mean something. When Maddie took the ORCA to Boston, she had a conviction. She couldn’t not have. She was there in part to lure Ghidorah in, but I can’t even pretend to believe her plan ended with that. She knew Godzilla would come. 
That sort of belief is hard to kill, and if death via Ghidorah wasn’t enough to scare her off, no way anything else in those five years afterwards did. Her belief that Godzilla is good survived to GvK, and should’ve been a main focal point of her character. Godzilla attacks Apex—she and every other Monarch person who has spent years studying the Titans knows something is up. 
Keep Mark’s character development regarding his opinions on Godzilla. He believes Maddie when she says something has to be wrong, not just because he trusts his daughter, but because he looked into Godzilla’s eyes and saw more than just an animal. 
They’re in Part 1 only minimally, just to establish their presence and how they feel about Godzilla destroying Apex. The focus is clearly on Jia and Kong’s side of events. 
Sorry, but I’m leaving Josh out and seriously dialing back Bernie’s role. Instead, the character we follow inside Apex is Ren Serizawa. We see his motivations, his ambitions, and he becomes a character with more than just a few lines. Does he resent Godzilla? Or does he resent his father, too? Serizawa’s sacrifice was willing, after all. He was no accidental casualty. 
Part 1 ends in the Hollow Earth, with Ghidorah taking control of Mechagodzilla on the surface. Alter the timeline just enough so that Godzilla has only just arrived to Hong Kong, and Kong’s still in the Hollow Earth. The final scene is Mechagodzilla emerging into the city as the sun rises. The post-credits scene is our KotM cast in the Argo, location unknown, watching a screen with Mechagodzilla on it. 
Part 2 begins with a reveal: Ren Serizawa isn’t dead. 
Backtrack. This part focuses more on the Godzilla side, and Monarch. It’ll have flashback scenes from the five years between KotM and now, showing exactly why Monarch as a whole firmly believes Godzilla is reacting to something instead of being anti-human all of a sudden. The Titans are not inherently malicious; destruction is a side effect of their size, no more, no less. He earned his title of King in KotM—make it mean more than just trying to make Kong “bow.” Make him a protector, a guardian. He’s nature’s balance. By definition, he must protect humans as well. 
What Monarch needs to figure out is this: what is he trying to protect them from? 
They investigate Apex in search of the answer, but knowing from past experience the sort of things Godzilla gets proactive about—the MUTOs, Ghidorah—Monarch mobilizes. They prepare for another fight, at Mark’s instructions. He witnessed both San Francisco and Boston firsthand, even if the former was from a civilian standpoint. 
Godzilla has more hunt scenes. He targets a second Apex lab after his ocean fight with Kong, telling Monarch that they’re on the right track. 
Maddie, being a minor and not dragged into the thick of things (yet), has to stay home. Remembering the podcast she sometimes listened to, when the topic was focused on the Titans, she tracks Bernie down, and he tells her about what he saw: the eye. 
The two of them go to the ruined Apex building and discover the eye is gone before getting caught. With Monarch currently breathing down their necks, they recognize Maddie to be Mark’s daughter and take her to Hong Kong. Sorry, Bernie, but that’s mostly as far as you’re involved. Timeline-wise, this is roughly when Kong puts the axe in the temple floor and Godzilla blasts a hole to the center of the earth. Monarch is following Godzilla, but they’re behind a bit thanks to the tunnel shortcuts. They’re still unaware that Maddie has been kidnapped and is en route to Hong Kong.
This is also when Mechagodzilla gains a life of its own. Walter Simmons is killed and Ren Serizawa becomes trapped in the link to Mechagodzilla, serving as the bridge between the robot and Ghidorah’s mind. Ghidorah is essentially controlling MG by controlling Ren, who is controlling MG. Make sense? He’s the puppeteer’s puppeteer. 
We reverse some things. Godzilla fights MG first, gets beat around but not as much as in GvK because he isn’t fresh out of a different fight. Kong returns to the surface through the tunnel Godzilla created, having carried the one remaining HEAV out himself, because Nathan Lind has never flown one before and doesn’t know how they work. Kong wants to protect Jia, and Ilene Andrews and Nathan Lind are very lucky that Jia likes them. 
Mechagodzilla sees Kong and takes off, and Kong decides now would be a great time to fight Godzilla, who’s having a pretty bad day. Monarch arrives, and half of them split off to follow MG while the rest stay to try and deescalate the situation. Other than Godzilla faring slightly less well, the fight goes mostly the same as in the movie, except for one big difference: one of the Monarch crafts pick up Jia and Co, and she’s able to get Kong’s attention from the back of an Osprey well enough to tell him to stop fighting. There’s a bigger threat out there, and Godzilla definitely needs to be okay enough to fight it. Either they work together, or they reschedule. 
She’s very stern about it, and though no one’s really sure what the two Titans decide on, they stop fighting. They leave together to go after Mechagodzilla, who is currently being slowed down by Mothra, because she deserves to be in this movie. The other Titans basically hinder Mechagodzilla as much as possible as it rampages, telling Godzilla where it is. Monarch finally figures out that it’s heading for the nearest entrance to the Hollow Earth, right around when they also figure out that Ghidorah is involved. With Dr. Andrews and Nathan Lind’s input, they theorize it intends to take more of the power source down there to further strengthen it. 
They do their best to clear the cities in its path, evacuating as many people as possible. It’s all they can do. As in the past, they must trust Godzilla to do the heavy lifting. Around the same time, an assistant tells Mark that some guy named Bernie called and is asking for him. This is how he finds out Maddie was taken to Apex’s Hong Kong location.
Meanwhile, the Apex guards and Maddie finally arrive to find the facility abandoned and damaged, MG gone, and Simmons dead. The guards more or less split, leaving her there alone. Maddie, being Maddie, goes deeper until she finally discovers Ghidorah’s skull and Ren Serizawa inside, trapped in his own head with Ghidorah. It’s killing him. 
He’s aware enough to have a conversation with her. They argue about the Titans. He wants Godzilla destroyed out of anger over his father’s preference for Titans, rather than his own son. 
(“You’re not the only one with ghosts!” she yells at him. “You’re not the only one who resents a parent for putting Titans ahead of you when you needed them!” He chokes out, “I do not resent my father—” “Coulda fooled me. Why else would you be spitting on his sacrifice like this? Who are you trying to help, huh? All the other kids out there who are losing their moms and dads because you let Ghidorah out? Sorry, mister, but the last time someone did that, your dad paid the price.”) 
Ren is getting worse. He’s going to die if he stays in the link much longer, but he can’t disconnect. Maddie, looking around, gets to work on something. The camera slowly pans around to show that there’s a second pilot seat, back-to-back with Ren’s. It would allow for seamless switching between pilots without MG ever not having someone at the controls. 
Even with the other Titans’ help, Godzilla and Kong are unable to stop MG from going through the tunnel and into the Hollow Earth. Monarch is unable to follow, because of the gravity issue. They’re both tired from the journey and their fight, especially Godzilla. This is their last chance. If Mechagodzilla reaches the power source, it’s all over. 
The fight doesn’t go in their favor. They’re both bad at working together, so their attacks are uncoordinated at best, actively hindering each other at worst. Kong gets flung off a mountain and MG pins Godzilla. Even thought he caught himself, Kong isn’t going to make it up in time to help him. 
Maddie puts on an identical pilot setup, and with Ren’s instructions, switches the link over to herself, freeing Ren. He collapses forward, immediately falling unconscious from the release of the strain. Fighting past the pain and overwhelming presence suddenly in her head, Maddie does what she does best: she causes Ghidorah problems. 
She screams, and it echoes like a roar through his skull. 
In the Hollow Earth, Mechagodzilla stumbles. 
It’s the beginning of the end. She can’t control it or even really stop Ghidorah, but she gets in his way as much as possible, giving Godzilla and Kong the edge they need to finally get their act together and use some teamwork to take Mechagodzilla down. They destroy it and return to the surface before parting on amicable terms. 
After too long, Mark arrives at Apex with a whole team of people. Ren Serizawa is found comatose but alive, and he’s quickly removed for medical attention. Though Maddie’s also alive, there’s something else clearly wrong. She’s still wired into the piloting gear, stiff and unseeing, as if she’s frozen. Her eyes are open but distant, pupils virtually gone from how constricted they are, and her jaw hangs open slightly. Despite how tense her body is, she’s limp. Nothing they do wakes her up, even after getting her out of the skull. 
They wheel her out on a gurney to where a handful of Ospreys landed, but as they leave the building and step out onto the roof, they find Godzilla has returned. He watches them, and he’s exactly as aware as Mark remembers. 
(“She tried to help you,” Mark calls out to him. No one knows exactly what happened in the Hollow Earth, during the fight, but the scene in Ghidorah’s skull was telling. “No, she—she did help you!” For the second time in her life, Maddie put herself in Ghidorah’s path and, ultimately, won. Only this time, her victory came with a price.) 
Godzilla snorts before leaning over the roof’s railing, moving toward the gurney. The humans all back away, even Mark, though he doesn’t go far. Spines humming, eyes flaring blue, Godzilla rumbles deeply. 
On the gurney, Maddie stirs. 
Later, much later, after Maddie and Jia have met—heaven help everyone else, honestly—they sit together on the edge of a pier over the ocean, Jia leaning comfortably against Maddie. It’s quiet. They’re alone, watching the sunset. A heavy footfall behind them, the feel of the vibration trembling through the wood, makes them turn around. Half concealed in the brush at the edge of the island’s foliage, Kong stands, facing them. 
They both wave before standing. They sign goodbye to each other, then part ways. As Maddie walks away to a waiting Osprey, we see behind her as Kong crouches to allow Jia to climb into his palm before vanishing into the forest. 
The Osprey takes off over the calm ocean. It has a different design than most, with a large door set in the side instead of at the back, more like an ordinary helicopter. It’s open as they go, Maddie secure inside as she stares out. A smile spreads across her face as jagged spines slowly breach the ocean’s surface, easily keeping pace with the Osprey, which lowers to be closer to the water.
For just a moment, in the fading light, Maddie’s eyes almost shine blue. The screen goes black to the sound of Godzilla’s roar.
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Out Of Time ~ 125
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 8,010ish (YIKES)
Summary: The team works together to stop Aida. Goodbyes are had.
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Y/N and Daisy gasped, both waking up on the floor of the Zephyr. Simmons was helping Daisy and Yo-Yo was with Y/N. 
“Were you able to save Mack?” Yo-Yo asked, looking between Daisy and Y/N.
“I’m so sorry,” Daisy replied.  The Zephyr was shaking.
“What’s going on?” Y/N asked, looking around.
“We’re being shot out of the sky,” Piper replied.
They helped Daisy and Y/N up and they stumbled to the front of the Zephyr.
“How many hits have we taken?” Daisy asked.
“Three,” Piper answered.
“The Zephyr’s like a tank,” Agent Prince stated. “She’s holding together.”
“Yeah, but we had to pull the plug on everything except for flight control to keep the Framework running for you guys.”
“So we can’t fight back,” Simmons stated.
“Or see where it’s coming from,” Daisy added.
“Yes, we can,” Y/N said, causing them all o look at her. “I’m going to go onto the top of the Zephyr. If I get a look at the jet shooting at us, I can portal myself onto it. I can stop them from the inside.”
“Y/N, that’s too—“
“I’m doing it. It might be our best shot at the moment.”
Then a portal opened and Y/N appeared on the roof of the Zephyr. She anchored herself onto the roof with her powers. She looked around, through the clouds, for the jet. Seeing it, she focused don’t eh roof and opened a portal to it. On the other jet’s roof, Y/N used her powers to blast a hole through the top and jumped inside. The man flying the jet shot the Zephyr again before turning to head straight for the Zephyr.
“Who are you?” He turned around. He was tall and buff with a Russian accent.
“I’m just here to kick your ass,” Y/N replied.
With her hands glowing both red and purple, she pushed them towards each other to form a ball. Her hands were vibrating slightly with the amount of power coming from her. 
“Who the hell are you?” He asked.
“I’m Lady America.”
Y/N aimed her hands at the man, pushing the ball of power to hit him straight in the chest. The man, who turned out to be a LMD, disintegrated into thin air. With the jet still aimed at the Zephyr, Y/N jumped back through the hole she created. Leaping backwards through an open portal, Y/N blasted the jet into pieces. She landed, hard, on the floor of the Zephyr.
“Y/N!” Simmons and Daisy exclaimed, rushing to her side.
“Are you okay?” Daisy asked.
“I’m fine,” Y/N answered. “Looks like you got the power back on. Are we headed to the others?”
“Davis has the coordinates,” Simmons replied. “We’re on our way there.”
“Good.” Y/N nodded. 
“Can we now talk about why you didn’t save Mack?” Yo-Yo asked.
“It’s not that simple,” Daisy responded.
“Then explain it to me. What stopped you? He was right there with you, no?”
“Yes, but, Yo-Yo,” Y/N began, “he didn’t want to come.”
“Oh, you only bring back the people that matter to you, not to me!”
“You know what? I’ve known Mack longer than you,” Daisy argued. “And he mean as much to me—“
“You promised! You promised me!”
“We tried! He didn’t want to come back!”
“Who cares?! You knock him over the head, you break his legs, you kick him through the exit! It was a video game!”
“He didn’t want to leave Hope!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Hope? His daughter?”
“You know about her?” Daisy asked. “Because I didn’t. Not until I saw her face.”
“She’s dead.”
“Yeah, well, in there, she’s 10,” Y/N said. “And she’s bring and adorable, and she means the world to him, even if it’s not a real world…. And I get that.”
“I’m sorry,” Daisy apologized to Yo-Yo. “He wouldn’t have left her for anything.”
“Even me.”
“He didn’t remember you, Yo-Yo.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Then I’ll go remind him.”
“No, no, no,” Daisy rushed as Yo-Yo headed to go plug herself into the Framework.
“Yo-Yo, no,” Y/N grabbed her had. “Do not—“
“I’ll go get him out myself,” Yo-Yo stated.
“Do not do that.”
“Besides the fact that going into that world as an inhuman is the worst idea ever,” Daisy started, “we need you here, making sure that the real Mack stays alive, or it’ll all be for nothing. Coulson and May just woke up next to Mack with no idea where they are or what they’re up against.”
“Daisy, Y/N,” Piper called. “We need to show you something.”
Piper guided them to the screen and played the recent news conference. General Talbot was at the podium. There was a banner on the TV that said ‘sabotage at SHIELD’.
“Like I said,” Talbot talked to the reporters, “with an explosion that size, we still have a lot to sift through at SHIELD headquarters. The entire area is sealed off, but, no, I can’t rule out Daisy Johnson’s involvement.”
“It’s been playing on every channel,” Piper told them.
“Sir,” a reporter called out to Talbot, “any truth to reports that Director Jeffrey Mace’s body has, in fact, been found?”
“I have have no new information about that,” Talbot answered. “But I can assure you, the manhunt for the members within SHIELD who remain at large is still our top priority. We can only assume that they’re behind this attack.”
“General!” A different reporter called out. “There are rumors that former Avenger and SHIELD Agent, Y/N Rogers, could also have been involved. Do you have anything to say about that?”
“Not at the moment. Though the hunt for both Rogers and the other fugitive former Avengers is still on going. Look, they’re terrorists, and we’re not gonna rest until we take them down and find out exactly who’s responsible.”
“Who gave them my name?” Y/N asked quietly, completely confused. “No one should have seen me with you guys, we haven’t touched ground. Why would he—“
“Talbot’s never let the idea that we’ve been hiding you, go,” Daisy replied. “He just wants a way to end us once and for all.”
Setting the Zephyr to hover above the drilling platform, Daisy, Yo-Yo, and Y/N took the isolation pod down. As they exited, Coulson and May exited the top doors. Coulson was carrying most of May’s weight.
“Oh, perfect timing,” Coulson commented. “Hi, everybody.” Daisy took May from Coulson. “She’s very weak— Oof!” Y/N had latched herself onto Coulson in a hug, which he quickly reciprocated. “You left,” he whispered, holding her close. “You woke up and you disappeared.”
“I know,” she responded, quietly. “I’m so sorry.”
“And Mack?” Yo-Yo asked as Coulson and Y/N let each other go. 
“Down below,” Coulson answered, leading Yo-Yo and Y/N towards the doors. “We have to keep him attached to the equipment. So before we can wheel him o—“ The platform shook from an explosion, causing the three of them to lose their balance. Coulson grabbed onto both Yo-Yo and Y/N. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Yo-Yo responded with a nod.
Coulson pried open the doors. The three looked down to see the explosion making its way up the shaft. 
“Go!” Coulson shouted.
The three ran the other way, getting launched forward by the explosion. 
“No more elevator,” Coulson grunted.
“Where are the stairs?” Yo-Yo asked through the comms as they pushed themselves back up.
“They’ve collapsed, too,” Simmons informed from the Zephyr. “You need to get off the rig now. Repeat, the structure is about to crumble! Guys, you need to get in the containment module and in the air! Now!”
“No.” Yo-Yo shook her head.
“You got to get in here before this rig goes down!” Daisy yelled from the module.
“No, I won’t leave without Mack, not his time!”
“There’s no time!” Simmons responded.
“No! We can’t leave without Mack!” She headed for the burning elevator shaft.
“Yo-Yo, no,” Coulson exclaimed, grabbing onto her. “Come on! We got to go!”
“We have to get out of here!” Y/N shouted. “I’m so sorry, Yo-Yo. But we have to—“
“I have Mack,” Simmons informed.
“What?” YN questioned, quickly making herself appear in the Zephyr.
She gasped as she saw Mack, still hooked up to the machines, Fitz, and Aida, unconscious on the floor. The floor was wet all around them.
“How….?” Y/N asked.
“Let’s go home,” Simmons replied, over the comms.
As the Zephyr began descending into the base’s hanger bay, the damage from the explosion was more than Y/N had imagined. The base was almost complete rubble.
“Who did this?” May gasped.
“You did,” Daisy replied. “To stop him from coming after us.”
“To stop who?” Coulson asked.
“You,” Simmons responded.
Armed with flashlights and guns, they headed into the destroyed base. Walking the halls, Y/N was reminded of memories from what felt like another lifetime ago. Wires and other things were hanging from the ceiling. They climbed over over objects, layering the floors. Thankfully, the insolation room was barely damaged, allowing them to put Fitz and Aida there. After checking the base, they met back on the Zephyr.
“Looks like we weren’t detected flying in,” May informed.
“We can’t stay long,” Coulson said. “Probably shouldn’t have come here.”
“We have to refuel,” Simmons said. “Also, we had no choice.”
“Because of that room?” Yo-Yo asked.
“It’s the only place that can contain Aida’s teleportation ability.”
“It’s outfitted with technology we used to stop Gordon,” Y/N explained. “The first guy we encountered with that particular skill set.”
“She’ll remain inside until we can decide what we want to do with her,” Daisy said.
“Why don’t we chop off her head like last time?” Yo-Yo wondered. “You need a volunteer?”
“Let’s take a moment and think about that, Sweeney Todd,” Coulson responded. “She’s a real person now, and she—“
“She saved Mack,” Daisy interrupted. 
“She made herself real in order to escape Radcliffe’s programming, so… now maybe she’s different.”
“I highly doubt that,” Simmons said. “People don’t name themselves ‘Madame Hydra’ if they’re open-minded.”
“I’m with Simmons on this one,” Y/N said. 
“She did what you said in the Framework,” Yo-Yo added. “Seems better safe than sorry.”
“No more killing,” May stated. “There’s been enough killing.”
“Which leads to the next question,” Coulson said, looking at Simmons.
“What do we do with Fitz?” Y/N asked.
Simmons was silent for a few moments before stepping closer to May and Coulson. “What do the two of you remember of your Framework lives?” She questioned.
“As much as I remember about this life,” Coulson answered. “The only different is, I know—“
“It wasn’t real,” May interrupted. 
“So it’s like you woke up from a dream,” Simmons said.
“No. Not a dream, Simmons. A life.”
“But this is you, right? I mean… does it feel… as real as…” Simmons left out a shuddered breath, trying to stop herself from crying. She walked away from the group.
“She’s afraid Fitz will be the same guy he was in the Framework,” Daisy said.
“No,” Y/N said, “that’s not it.”
“She’s afraid he still loves someone else,” Yo-Yo said, before walking away herself.
Y/N bit her lip and walked out of the Zephyr. She found her way to her old bunker. The ceiling at collapsed on top of the bed and the walls were blackened from the fire. But it was still her room, with her things still in it.
“I locked this room up,” Coulson said from behind her. “In case you ever showed back up again… I.. I came in here sometimes, when I felt I needed your help.”
“I don’t know what’s going on anymore, Phil,” she whispered in response, still facing away from him. “My old life… the life I knew… is completely gone. Almost every part of it…. Nothing is the same anymore. And I— I don’t like it.” 
Coulson stepped closer to her, coming to her side. “Where have you been, Y/N/N?"
“Running for my life… don’t worry. I’ve been safe. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“But, Y/N, what happened? You collapsed in my arms and then were in a coma for 6 months… you wake up and don’t even say good bye.”
“I couldn’t. The new Director and Talbot were after me. And you needed to focus on saving Daisy. Which you did…. That was more important.”
“Y/N…” Coulson stood in front of her. “You were important too… just tell me, during that 6 months, what happened?”
“Something’s coming…. You know I’ve never been wrong about that. But this time… it’s something bigger. Something so powerful, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to stop it. But I’ve been tasked to.”
“Tasked to? By who?”
“The Stones.”
“Stones? I don’t under— the Tesseract. Loki’s scepter. Is that what you’re talking about?”
“There are six Infinity Stones, two of them you’ve named. My powers come from them for the soul purpose of stopping whatever’s coming.”
“Do you know when? Or what exactly it is?”
“I don’t.” She shook her head. “I just know it’s coming soon. And that I need to be ready when it does.”
“I’ll fight by your side when it does. The whole team will. You don’t have to do this alone.”
“You can’t. I won’t let you or the team put yourselves in harms way like that. This will be something I have to do, alone.”
“When will you get it through your thick head that you’ve never had to do anything alone? And that you never will? You’ve always had someone, me, Fury, Tony, Steve, Bucky, the Avengers, this team. You’ve never needed to do anything alone. When the fight comes, I will be there, by your side, like the good ole days.” 
Coulson grabbed her hand. As he grasped onto it, Y/N heard a voice in her head. The voice of one of the Stones.
“He will not be at your side,” the rough voice stated. “Neither will this team. This will be your last mission with them before the time comes where you will fight and his life with end.”
Tears formed in her eyes as the voice spoke, leaving as quick as it came. She pulled Coulson in for a hug, cherishing one of her last hugs with her dear, old friend.
“I’m going to be there,” Coulson whispered. “Always.”
Y/N, Coulson, May, and Daisy were talking in the Zephyr when armed army men with guns came towards them. They held their hands up.
“We need to extract Fitz from that room!” Simmons came yelling from behind, freezing at the sight before her.
“Hands in the air!” One of the men shouted. “Don’t move!”
“Slow down,” Coulson said calmly. “We’re not the enemy here. Let’s just keep our cool—“
“You shut your robot mouth,” Talbot ordered coming up to them. “Or I’ll have these men weld it shut for you.” 
Staring at Talbot, Y/N missed the nod one of the army men gave to another. The man standing right in front of Y/N, firing a silenced gun. Y/N gasped as the bullet entered her abdomen and she fell to the ground.
“Y/N!!” A chorus of shouts were heard. Y/N put pressure on her bleeding wound.
“Nobody move!” Another man shouted.
“Well, at least we know Rogers here isn’t the robot,” Talbot stated.
“We’re not robots, Glenn!” Coulson exclaimed. “Let one of us help her!”
“Yes, they are!” Talbot told his men. “You assume each and every one of them is a damn C-3PO unless you hear otherwise from me! One of you eyes on Rogers at all times! If she so much as teleports, take her and someone else down. And this one!” He pointed at Daisy. “If she so much as blinks, take her down. Am I clear?”
“Yes, sir,” the men responded.
Taking deep breaths, Y/N tried to focus on stopping the bleeding. A soldier came above her, pointing a gun down at her.
“Is all this really necessary?” Coulson asked, trying hard not to worry too much about Y/N.
“Necessary?!” Talbot responded. “It’s essential. Unless you can explain to me in 50 words or less why I found Jeffrey Mace’s body washed up on the beach with his bones quaked apart, days after I found this base in flames, flesh melting off of robot bodies, 12 SHIELD agents in critical with burns or broken bones. Three dead… double hits to the heart and crushed frickin’ skulls! Can you explain that?”
“I can try.” Coulson went on to try and quickly explain as Y/N tried to find some power that she held to heal herself. “…And then the base under the oil rig fell into the sea.”
“You expect me to believe a word of that?”
“I could show you,” Y/N grunted.
“Shut your damn mouth, Rogers! You’re going straight to Raft once this is over.”
“She’s everywhere!” A man shouted over the soldier’s walkie-talkies, shots being fired in the back ground. “Aah!”
“What’s that mean, Coulson? ‘She’s everywhere.’” Talbot looked at Y/N, seeing as she was still there. “Who’s everywhere?” He looked around “Where’s that Speedy Gonzalez girl? Who’s attacking us?!”
“Aida…” Y/N panted, quietly. “Aida got out.”
Suddenly, the soldiers were on more alert as the isolation module appeared in the Zephyr. Fitz and Piper were in it. With everyone distracted, Y/N’s hand glowed green, turning the time back to before she was shot.
“May!” Fitz shouted. “Take off now! We have to move! If she can find us, she’ll kill us all!”
“Davis had her down for the count,” Piper stated.
“They won’t listen to me! She can’t be stopped!” Fitz hit against the window. “May! May! You’re the only other person that knows about the inhumans we tested.”
May quickly looked around and took off for the front of the Zephyr.
“Hey!” Talbot shouted as guns cocked.
“Try it,” both Daisy and Y/N said, threatening the soldiers. 
Y/N had appeared next to Daisy. Daisy had a hand out, while both of Y/N’s were near her sides, glowing purple. Talbot pointed his gun at her head.
“Let’s see what happens,” Y/N taunted.
“How did you— you were— we—“ Talbot stammered.
“Don’t ever underestimate me, again.”
The stand-off stood firm, even as the Zephyr began to lift from the ground.
“If you drop your guns, you can come with us,” Daisy said.
“I don’t suggest staying,” Coulson said. “But the Zephyr’s leaving with or without you.”
Daisy and Y/N stepped forward. Talbot quickly lifted his hands up in the air.
“Fall back!” He ordered his men, who immediately listened.
Y/N and Daisy kept their threatening stances until the soldiers were off and the ramp was up. Coulson and Daisy both rushed to Y/N’s side.
“Are you okay?” Coulson worried.
“I’m fine,” Y/N swatted them away.
Daisy lifted Y/N’s shirt up. “There’s a whole lot of blood,” she said. “But no wound. Did you—“
“Turn back time and heal myself?” Y/N interrupted. “Yep.”
“Since when?”
“The Stones,” Coulson whispered in realization. He met her eyes. “Y/N, exactly how powerful are you?”
“More than I care to admit,” she answered, pulling her shirt down. “Now, let’s go meet up with the gang up front.”
Simmons went to see Fitz as Y/N, Coulson, and Daisy made their way to the front.
“May needs to keep us on the move,” Daisy said.
“Or Aida will be on us like a flash,” Y/N added.
“Even Yo-Yo couldn’t…” Coulson stopped, freezing in place. “Wait a minute. Where was Yo-Yo during that standoff?”
Daisy and Y/N looked at each other. “No.”
The three of them ran to where Mack’s body was still plugged into the Framework. They saw Yo-Yo plugged in beside him.
“Damn it,” Y/N muttered.
“Yo-Yo has no idea what she’s in for,” Daisy said.
“For that matter, neither do we,” Coulson said.
“I’ve set autopilot to change bearing, altitude, and speed every couple of minutes,” May stated as Y/N and Coulson walked into the control room.
“I hate playing defense,” Coulson said. “But if Aida drops in on us before we figure out how to stop her, it’s—“
“Game over,” Y/N finished.
“Any word from Piper since she HALO’d out?” May asked, tapping some control screens.
“Not yet, but she knows what to do if this doesn’t go our way.”
“It has to go our way. And then… you’re gonna explain why you drank that bottle of Haig without me.”
“Fair enough, but we’re gonna beed another bottle to discuss what happened with that bottle.”
“Have you two kissed yet?” Y/N asked, leaning against a wall, arms folded over her. “Cause the vibe I’m getting is that you have or that you really need to already.” The two gave her a look. She held up her hands. “You know what? I’m going to see if Daisy needs help keeping an eye out on Mack and Yo-Yo.”
Y/N quickly disappeared through a portal to Yo-Yo’s bedside. Daisy was standing near their two unconscious friends, typing on a laptop.
“Hey,” Y/N greeted, only to be met with silence. “Okay… I don’t know what I did. But talking to me might—“
“Your powers confuse me and frustrate me,” Daisy cut in, focused on the screen in front of her.
“Okay… care to go into any detail?”
“It’s just… it’s slowly becoming clearer that you have been hiding things from us.” Y/N sighed. “Why?”
“To keep everyone safe. That’s why I haven’t said much about my abilities, it’s also one of the reasons that I couldn’t stay here after waking up.”
“I thought—“ Daisy sighed. “We used to be close. We used to understand each other. And now…”
“Now, we still do. Circumstances have just prevented us from keeping the bond.”
“Why were you with Tony?”
“Why did you call Tony?”
“Cause I knew if anyone knew where, or how, to find you, it would be him.”
“Smart.” Y/N nodded. “I’ve been… secretly dating both him and Bucky.” She cringed, saying it out loud was a lot.
“Bucky? As in the Winter Soldier?”
“Wow.” Daisy nodded. “Impressive. How long has this been going on?”
“Actually, a few days. Tony and I were in the middle of our first date, since everything, when you called.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. You calling showed me a different side of him. He willingly let me go. He’s never done that— well, in that matter, before. It was nice.”
“Tell him the next one’s on me.”
Y/N laughed. “I will… Daisy… I’m proud of you.”
Daisy looked over, confused. “Thanks? What’s… what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” Y/N plastered a small smile on her face. “I just felt the need to say that.”
Coulson walked in, studying Mack and Yo-Yo’s vitals. Daisy went back to focusing on the computer screen.
“Vitals are stable,” Coulson commented. “That’s good.”
“We should’ve forced Mack to come back with us,” Daisy said.
“Literally,” Y/N added.
“Wasn’t your decision to make,” Coulson said. “Either of yours.”
“Yeah, well, now we might lose both Mack and Yo-Yo,” Daisy added.
“Again, not your call.”
“She went in with no extraction plan, no idea how to find Mack,” Y/N said with a sigh. 
“I think I may have been able to help her with that,” Daisy said, still working on the computer. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No!”
“What?” Coulson questioned, him and Y/N moving closer to her. “Did you do something?"
“No, this was not me. I didn’t—“
“Are you guys seeing this?” Simmons asked, coming into the room. “What’s happening to the Framework?”
“What do you mean?” Y/N wondered, following Simmons towards the control room. “What’s wrong?”
“The Framework’s disappearing. Daisy.”
“I’m on it!” Daisy replied, typing faster.
“How long before the Framework’s completely gone?” Coulson asked.
“Fitz estimates between 12 and 20 hours.” They paused in front of a screen analyzing the Framework. “Looks so innocent, just numbers and symbols. But each thread of code has a corollary in the Framework— a favorite blouse, a schoolhouse, a newborn child— they’re all blinking out of existence forever.”
“Mack and Yo-Yo?” Y/N questioned.
“There’s no guarantee that they’ll survive until the end. Fitz and Daisy are doing everything they can to protect them and devise an exit.”
Coulson pulled out his ringing cellphone. “General Talbot,” he told the women. Simmons walked away and he answered it, putting it on speaker for Y/N to hear. “General, I’m relieved that you’re still alive.”
“Three of my finest aren’t so fortunate,” Talbot responded, “and I have no idea what killed them.”
“We lost good people, too. The short answer is they were murdered by a vanishing banshee made of matter from another dimension.”
“You expect me to put that in my report?”
“I’ve died and come back to life. I have a cybernetic hand. I’ve been to another planet. This stuff happens in SHIELD.”
“There’s not going to be a SHIELD, not since Director Mace’s autopsy report was leaked. I’ve got a dozen intelligence agencies who now know that Mace wasn’t an inhuman.”
“What?!” Y/N exclaimed. 
“They know SHIELD lied about it, and they’re wondering what else you might’ve lied about.”
“That was your lie, Talbot,” Coulson argued. “Not ours.”
“Damn it, Phil, you’re missing the point. There’s an international intelligence inquiry tomorrow morning, and I need you there to defend SHIELD.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Damn it, Coulson, so is a vanishing banshee. Phil, I’m not gonna get up on my hind legs and beg for buttermilk. But you or one of your right hands needs to be there to take down these spooks before they take down SHIELD once and for all. That’s an order.”
“I wish we could, General, but my team and I are Aida’s primary target. Our presence would only endanger the lives of everyone there. Plus, you decided to shoot one of my right hands and threaten to put her in Raft.”
“If anything changes, you’ll be the first to know.” Coulson hung up.
“I’ve never liked that guy,” Y/N muttered, shaking her head. Daisy then came into the room.
“Is that a good-news face or a bad-news face?”
“It’s a weird-news face,” Daisy replied. “Robbie Reyes just stole his charger out of a SHIELD impound garage outside of Dover.”
“Robbie Reyes?” Y/N repeated. “Who’s he?”
“Right,” Coulson said, “I forgot you weren’t there for that. Let’s just say, don’t get on his bad side. He—“
“Turns into a flame-headed demon,” Daisy interrupted. “May’s rerouting us to Dover now.”
Daisy went and met up with Robbie Reyes, bring him back to the Zephyr. Y/N and Coulson met them in the cargo bay.
“Mr. Reyes,” Coulson greeted, shaking the younger man’s hand.
“Coulson,” Robbie responded.
“This is Y/N Rogers.” Coulson motioned to Y/N. “She—“
“Aren’t you currently a fugitive?”
“Does it matter?”
“How’d you find Aida?” Coulson asked him.
“There was a—a tear in the dark world when she was created. It’s how I escaped. The thing in me is drawn to dark matter the way your GPS tracks my car.”
“So you’re saying Aida’s made of the same stuff as the Darkhold?” 
“What’s the Darkhold?” Y/N asked.
“It’s an ancient book of spells and unspeakable power. It’s made of dark matter from the hell dimension.”
“Okay…” Y/N nodded. “And just when I thought my life couldn’t get anymore weird.”
“The rider wants to send them both back to where they came from.”
“I hope that means hell,” Daisy commented.
“Hell is relative. Dimensions, space, planets—it’s all connected. Plenty of them qualify as hell.. The Earth is just one territory in a war that’s been going on forever.”
“Can you beat Aida?”
“I don’t know. But what I do know is the demon in me hates her in ways I’ve never felt.”
“We all feel like that,” Coulson said.
“Why do you have that?” Daisy asked, looking behind Coulson and Y/N. They turned to see May holding a head.
“It was in the module with the LMDs Robbie destroyed,” May answered. “Do we know who he is?”
“No, looks like Aida’s been busy,” Coulson replied.
“She could’ve duplicated anybody,” Y/N said, shaking her head.
“I’ll run facial recognition,” Daisy stated, “see if we can ID this guy.”
The next morning, May, Robbie, Y/N, Daisy, and Coulson got on a quinjet. Coulson was on the phone, trying to get a hold of someone. They were all currently on their way to the SHIELD inquiry.
“We’ve ID’d the head,” May stated, holding up a tablet for Daisy, Robbie and Y/N to see. “He’s one of the senior Russian analysts invited to the SHIELD inquiry today, and look who he’s bringing as his plus-one.” She changed the picture and Y/N took the tablet from her. 
“This is the Russian guy I tore to bits on the jet,” Y/N stated. “The one that was targeting us on the way to the oil rig. How has he… Aida. Damn it.”
Coulson sighed, hanging out the phone again. “I’ve left messages for General Talbot,” he said. “But he’s not answering.”
“What’s Aida’s play here?” Daisy questioned. “Why have the LMDs attend this?”
“My guys is to drive the final nail into SHIELD’s coffin.”
Arriving at the SHIELD inquiry, there were dead soldiers lining the halls. Gunshots and shouts were in the distance. They ran towards the sounds. Robbie and Y/N got in there first, seeing a duplicate of Daisy rush off. Robbie followed it while Y/N pinned the two LMDs down with her powers. May and Coulson began firing at them.
“Y/N, let them go,” Coulson directed. “Check on Talbot.”
With a huff, Y/N let them go and went over to Talbot. He had a bullet to the brain.
“There’s still a pulse,” Talbot’s right hand told Y/N.
“Everybody out— now!” Coulson ordered the others still in the room. “And get some medical help.”
“Phil,” May called, looking at the Darkhold on the floor. “They’ll be back for that.”
Coulson quickly grabbed it as medical came rushing in.
“Y/N, go!” Coulson ordered. “Find Reyes and Daisy! Help them.”
Nodding, Y/N rushing out of the room, searching for Daisy. Y/N ran into a storage room just in time to watch Robbie’s head turn into a fiery skull.
“What the actual hell,” she mumbled, frozen by the door.
Robbie used the chain to attack the LMD security officer. She heard a swish behind her.
“Hello, Y/N,” a voice greeted. Y/N turned around to see Aida. “Nice to finally meet you.”
“Can’t say I feel the same,” Y/N responded.
“You are the one thing I never planned for in the Framework. You’re also the one thing that could have truly made me unstoppable.”
“Here’s the thing, Aida, my powers don’t work like that. So even if you would have stolen my DNA and tortured me, you would have never gotten my abilities.”
Aida growled. “We’ll see about that.”
Raising her hands in front of her, Aida shot electric beams at Y/N. Y/N quickly deflected them by using a portal, sending them into Aida’s back. Letting out a cry, Aida stumbled forward. This allowed Y/N to shoot a purple energy beam Aida’s way. It hit her before Aida disappeared. On guard, Y/N spun around multiple times, waiting for Aida to reappear. She never did. Coulson and May ran up to the room, where Daisy and Robbie were panting.
“I missed it, didn’t I?” Coulson questioned. “You guys together, and we missed it. Damn. Come on. We got to go. Come on!”
He started running down the hall, with May following. Y/N turned to look at Robbie and Daisy.
“Do you want to run with them or do you want me to just open a portal to the quinjet?” Y/N asked, pointing in Coulson’s direction. “Cause I really don’t feel like following them.”
“This must be Aida’s payback cause I quaked her skinny ass out that window,” Daisy stated, marching towards the front of the Zephyr with the rest of them following. “She’s gonna send Daisy-bot after Daisy-bot to assassinate people.” She kicked a wall in frustration. “So stupid.
“She won’t have to,” May said. “As soon as the video of your LMD shooting Talbot in the head gets out, SHIELD is dead.”
“It’s worse than that,” Coulson added. “Daisy’s not just SHIELD. She’s inhuman. Not to mention the fact that Y/N appeared not long after. They could make it look like they were working together.”
“Oh my gosh, you’re right. It’s the same tactic Aida used in the Framework. Unite people in their fear of inhumans. But instead of a Cambridge incident…”
“It’s me,” Daisy said. “I’ll be the monster. She wants the same racist state that she had in the Framework. This is her plan! She’s won.”
“No, she hasn’t,” Y/N argued.
“I’m with Y/N,” Coulson agreed. “Okay, maybe she won today. But like Robbie said, we’re part of a bigger war. This isn’t the Framework. We’re awake, we’re unified, and frankly, pissed off enough to risk everything to stop her.” Coulson turned to Robbie. “I need the Darkhold.”
“What?” May exclaimed. “No! No one’s ever reading that damn book again.”
“I don’t want to read it. I want to use it as bait. Aida’s human now. She feels what we feel, including fear.”
“No,” Robbie responded. “I’m sorry, man. I’m taking it.”
“She’s got to be terrified we’ll use it to stop her.”
“She’s also terrified of Robbie,” Daisy added. “As soon as she saw his chain flame on, she teleported out.”
“That’s not exactly true,” Y/N said. “I may have had a run in with her. Then she teleported out.”
“You two together,” Coulson said, pointing between Y/N and Robbie. “Could you destroy her?”
“Maybe,” Robbie shrugged. “But it’s like Daisy said, she won’t let me anywhere near her.”
“I can get you near her,” Y/N offered. “And she won’t even be able to sense you coming.”
“I think I have an idea that might solve all our problems,” Coulson stated.
“We’re running out of options,” Simmons said, appearing on the upper level. 
“There isn’t enough power on the Zephyr to protect Mack and Yo-Yo,” Fitz said, joining her. The two headed downstairs to the others.
“Then we’ll have to go back to base,” Coulson responded.
“That’s a terrible idea,” May said.
“I agree,” Daisy added. “The military, Aida, more LMDs are probably waiting for us.”
“Maybe, but I’m tired of hiding,” Coulson said. “Let’s take the fight back home.” Coulson turned around and walked up to Fitz-Simmons. “Look, I know you two still have a lot to work out, but right now, I need you on the same page, okay?” They nodded before Coulson looked back to the others. “Alright, May, take us back to HQ.”
On the way back to HQ, Y/N hung out near Fitz. His thoughts were so loud that Y/N couldn’t help but hear them.
“It’s not your fault, Fitz,” she said quietly, standing behind him.
“You don’t know,” he replied.
“I do. Cause I can feel your thoughts and cause I know what happened. It wasn’t you. It was Aida, it was the Framework.”
He slammed his fist against the table. “But it was me! Cause I remember it! I did it!”
“Fitz.” She reached to put a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged it off. “You’re not a bad person, Fitz. You’re just, human. Please don’t be so hard on yourself… I… you just need to know that I care. That I always have and always will. You’re… you’re like my little brother I’ve never had. Actually… at this point, you’re closer to me than my actual brother.”
Fitz turned around. “Why are you talking like this? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” She shook her head. “I just… I don’t know, after this mission, when I’ll see any of you again.”
“You’re lying. You know something.”
Y/N looked down. “It’s my burden to bare Fitz. You already have too much. Just remember, you’re family.”
Y/N was sitting in one of the pilot’s seats, staring out the window. May came and sat beside her.
“What’s got you so quiet?” May asked.
Y/N rolled her head to look at May. “You really want to know?”
“Yeah, didn’t think so.” Y/N faced the window again. “I used to be terrified of this… the thought of falling to my death. I think I’ve done it so many times now that I’m numb to it.”
“Yeah, I get that… I remember the first months with you on the team. You got shaken so easily.”
“I had a lot going on, a lot that I wasn’t dealing with.”
“Like now?”
Kinda… now’s… different. We’ve all been through so much. I’m really not allowed to get as shaken as I used to.” She looked down at her hands. “Can’t really afford to do that on the run.”
“You going to stay on the run?”
“Really have no choice… it’s okay. I’ve found a place I’ve been laying low at. It’s nice… don’t… May, don’t wait too long to make a move on Coulson.”
“Excuse me?”
“You can’t lie to me. I can read your thoughts. Just… I wouldn’t advise waiting too long. Every moment is precious. Don’t waste it.”
It didn’t take too long for the Zephyr to land at HQ. May and Coulson went to check it out while everyone else stayed on the Zephyr. Y/N was laying in the isolation module when she sensed it.
“Aida,” she whispered.
Y/N stood up, quickly creating a portal to the hallway outside of where Fitz-Simmons was located. She had never been inside the room they were in, so she couldn’t exactly get herself in there.
“No!” She heard Fitz shout through the door.
“Beg me to let her live,” Aida’s voice directed.
“I’ll do whatever you want,” Fitz pled. 
Y/N grabbed the door handle, slowly using her powers to melt it away. She didn’t want Aida to quickly do anything.
“We can go away,” Fitz continued. “Start again.”
“Too late,” Aida responded. Y/N could hear Simmons gasping. “This is making me feel better. Fitz, why do we feel better when we make someone else suffer?”
“Because there’s something wrong with you,” Simmons replied. “You psycho-ooo.” She grunted.
Pushing the door open slightly, Y/N got enough of the room to be able to create a portal. She did, behind Aida, who had a screwdriver in Simmons’ chest. Putting a finger over her lips, Y/N signaled Fitz to be quiet. Aida pressed the screwdriver in further.
“Stop,” Fitz begged as Simmons cried out. “Stop, stop, stop, stop. Please, please, spare Jemma.”
“So it’s Jemma now?” Aida taunted. “Trying to humanize her. I’m afraid you’re gonna have to do better than that.” Aida turned the screwdriver.
“Fitz, please,” Simmons begged. “I’m scared. Make her stop.”
Glancing back at Y/N, Fitz noticed green floating from one of Y/N’s hands to Simmons back. Y/N was turning back time slowly, so that the damage wasn’t as bad. The other hand had red and yellow coming from it, heading towards Aida’s head.
“The Darkhold!” Fitz exclaimed. “That’s the only way we could beat you. Let Jemma go, and I’ll go get it for you.”
Aida grasped onto Simmons neck.
“You did this, Fitz,” Simmons said.
“I’m so sorry, Jemma,” he apologized.
“Coulson’s reading the book. He’s firing up the gateway right now… Come on. Please. Let me take you to it.”
Aida glanced down at Simmons. She put her hand in front of her and let out an electric beam. Before it could hit Simmons, Y/N appeared between them, getting shocked instead. Y/N fell to the ground, half conscious. Aida threw Simmons on top of her.
“No!” Fitz shouted.
Aida grabbed him, shoving him up against the tech. “I’m gonna kill everyone you love right in front of you,” Aida whispered. “And there’s nothing you can do.”
Aida pressed a kiss to the side of Fitz’ face before teleporting off. Fitz, breathing deeply, quickly rushed towards Y/N.
“Y/N, Y/N,” he grabbed her, resting her head in his lap. “Are you okay?”
“I’m… fine…” Y/N grunted. “I can’t believe she was fooled by that damn Simmons LMD.”
“Did you do it?”
“Aida won’t be able to teleport outside of the base boundaries. There also might be a slight chance she thinks she’s going crazy.” Fitz helped Y/N sit up, grunting. “That hurt.” She rubbed her chest. “I should have just let the LMD take the brunt of it.”
“You think you could portal us to where the rest of them are?” Fitz helped her onto her feet. 
“Of course. But why the hurry?” Fitz shot her a look. “Fine, fine.” She opened a portal into the base. “Let’s go.”
Fitz and her stepped through it. The use of all her powers for the last few days was beginning to take a toll on her. She’d never done as much with them as she had been, before. Staying outside of the room, they watched through the windows of what Y/N remembered as one of the common rooms, though now destroyed.
Aida was facing them, her wounds slowly healing from where the real Simmons had shot her. Simmons was standing just out of the doorway, gun still aimed at Aida.
“You’re trap failed,” Aida smirked. “Your weapon can’t stop me.”
“I know,” Simmons responded. “I just really wanted to do that.”
“Now it’s my turn.” Aida marched towards Simmons with Coulson following. She spun around to face him. “Don’t you get it? You can’t kill me.”
“Maybe not,” Coulson replied. He gripped onto Aida’s wrist. “But I’m pretty sure he can.”
Grunting, steam began to flow from Coulson’s head. Coulson normal head disappeared, being replaced by a fiery skull.
“Okay,” Y/N said, pointing at Coulson, “no one told me that part of the plan.”
Aida and Coulson, or Ghost Rider, began fighting. Aida teleported them away.
“They won’t be able to go far,” Y/N stated. “I can sense them a few hallways down.”
Fitz-Simmons and Y/N took a portal to where Ghost Rider and Aida were fighting. He was gripping onto her wrists, burning her. She looked over at them as she was set aflame, turning into ash. Ghost Rider lifted her skeleton up and threw her against the rumble at the end of the hallway. Ghost Rider then disappeared, bring Coulson back. The others slowly made their way towards the pile of dust.
“Is she really…?” Simmons wondered.
“Yeah,” Coulson panted.
Y/N had taken a walk through the destroyed base, by herself. She was on her way to meet the others when she heard Robbie and Coulson talking.
“I don’t know how you live with it all the time,” Coulson said, his voice coming closer. “I’m just grateful ghost rider kept its part of the deal and went back to you.”
“You know why he made the deal in the first place, right?” Robbie questioned.
“I do.” I’m dying, Y/N heard Coulson’s thoughts. 
She bit her lip, looking up at the ceiling as she tried to stop the tears. The Stones had basically told her this already. She just wasn’t prepared for it to be true.
“Are you gonna tell the others?” Robbie asked.
“No,” Coulson answered. “And I’d ask that you don’t either. I will when it’s time.”
Y/N waited until the hallways met up and acted like she hadn’t heard anything. But the look that Coulson gave her… she knew that he knew, she knew. Giving the men a small smile, she followed them into the room with a round machine.
“You really have to leave right away?” Daisy asked Robbie as him, Coulson, and Y/N entered.
“Yeah,” Robbie answered. “I have to get this book someplace safe… Keep an eye on my brother?” Daisy nodded.
“The gateway’s almost ready,” Simmons informed.
“Don’t need it. I’ve learned a few things since you saw me last.”
Robbie turned away and whipped his chain out, causing it to fire up. He spun it around over his head before forming a center in front of him. A orange portal formed, staying put as Robbie turned around to grab the Darkhold from Coulson.
“I don’t envy you,” Robbie told Coulson.
“I was gonna say the same to you,” the man replied.
Taking the book, Robbie turned around to face the portal. He glanced back at Daisy, once last time, before stepping through the portal. The portal disappeared, with Robbie along with it.
“What did he mean by that?” May asked.
Before May could answer, Mack and Yo-Yo quickly entered the room. 
“We picked up radio chatter on the Zephyr,” Mack informed. “The good news is, is that Talbot is alive. He’s in a coma, but alive.”
“The bad news is they know we’re here,” Yo-Yo picked up. “And they’re on their way.”
“Yeah, you should go while you can,” Fitz said.
“Yeah, we’re all going,” Coulson responded.
“No, I’m gonna stay. This is my fault—Aida, the LMDs, all the deaths. Those aren’t on SHIELD. Those are on me. And, uh, I can explain art I built the LMD that shot Talbot. That way—“
“Fitz,” Daisy called. “We were all in the Framework together. We understand how confusing and screwed-up that world is. And trust me, it’s gonna take me years to process everything that happened in there. But the one thing that I don’t need time to understand is that we are all in this together… I tried to take the blame for everything not too long ago. I dyed my hair. I ran away. I thought that separating myself from the team would help me protect it. But in truth, I know of just lost myself. And you—you were the one who pulled me back in. This is not on you, okay? We all lost ourselves in there. And yeah, it might take you a long time to forgive yourself. But speaking on behalf of the team, you have nothing to apologize for.”
“If there’s a price to pay, we pay it together,” May stated.
“Amen,” Simmons agreed.
Y/N took a shuddery inhale, causing them all to look at her.
“I… I wish…” she swallowed, trying to stop her overwhelming emotions. “I wish I could pay it with you guys… But, my price is death. If they get a hold of me, they will kill me. Talbot proved that… I’m so sorry.”
“Y/N,” Coulson stepped up, “you have done more than was asked of you.”
“No,” she shook her head. “I haven’t… cause this is my team. And I didn’t stay… I should’ve stayed. I…”
“Is this the last time you’ll be with us?” Daisy asked, voice wavering. 
Y/N let a tear fall as she looked at Daisy, pausing before she nodded. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “But there’s something I have to do… something’s coming… and it’s up to me to stop it.”
“We’re a team,” May stated. “It’s up to us.”
“Not this… this is… bigger than all of us.”
“So, this is good bye?” Fitz questioned. “Like, actually a good bye?”
“I’m so sorry…. I wish I could pay the price with you.”
“No,” Coulson said, grabbing Y/N’s hand. “You’ve already paid many prices… you go, you run, we’ll pay this one. You’ll just get the next.” The group laughed.
“You were my first friend out of the ice,” Y/N whispered. “Thank you.”
“I was one of your biggest fans,” Coulson smiled. “It was an honor.”
He brought her in for a hug. They held each other tightly, crying into each other. The others slowly gathered around, forming a group hug. With all of them crying, they stayed close until Y/N felt that it was time to go. Separating, she wiped away her tears.
“You guys should go,” she said before swallowing. “They could be here any second.” She looked at each of them, slowly opening a portal beneath her feet. “Stay safe. The world needs you. All of you. And I love each and every one of you. Thank you for this… this family. It’s been the greatest honor being apart of this family.”
And she disappeared through the portal beneath her feet.
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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daisybeewrites · 3 years
Academy Blues
sometimes you punch the bag, sometimes to bag punches you
word count: 4.5k
warnings: none. heavy handed use of italics
ship: Dousy (Daniel Sousa/Daisy Johnson), background Fitzsimmons and Philinda
ahaha.. and the fun begins (the cryptic-ness is for a reason i promise)
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“Ow!!” Daisy exclaimed. This was the second time today she had gotten distracted and let the punching bag swing into her. Sans Bobbi or Mack, her usual workout partners, there was no one to hold the bag still while she was pummeling it. Her side of the gym was entirely void of people, most opting to use the treadmills or other cardio machines lining the wall of large windows that faced the forest to the south, or stick to circuits on the resistance machines throughout the middle of the gym. The universe seemed to be telling her to get in some boxing, so she walked over to the bag with the intention of punching until her arms hurt.
Now her nose hurts, too.
“You need a spot?” May asked, silently crossing the padded floor to Daisy.
She nodded. Waiting for May to get into position, Daisy stretched out her arms over her head and across her body, twisting her torso to feel her abs stretch. When May gave her a thumbs up, Daisy started to punch the heavy bag again, this time with a little more force now that she knew it wouldn’t fly back and hit her in the face.
“Something on your mind?”
“No,” Daisy grunted. “Just slacked off the last few weeks. With everyone gone on break there wasn’t as much of... everything, I guess, to keep me in a routine.”
May nodded. “Breaks can be tough. No classes, schedule disrupted, more free time than you know what to do with. I get it. If you ever want a time-filler, text and I’ll be there.”
Daisy nodded, going back to silently punching. The breaks weren’t all bad. They only happened eight times a year, five two-week breaks and three three-week breaks. Enough time that those with families and lives outside of SHIELD could visit and vacation, but not fall behind. Plus, it gave Daisy the campus pretty much to herself. Only about forty students stayed at The Academy over breaks, and it seemed to decrease every time.
Another good thing about breaks was that Daisy got to know more people personally. Whether it was how the tall, fifth-year red head took her morning coffee or that the new group of first-years liked to run the same trails through the forest as she did. So, when an entirely new face had cropped up out of nowhere, Daisy was intrigued. He walked with a limp, had nice hair and kind eyes. She didn’t recognize him, and despite the fact that he had arrived the same day as the rest of the first-years, he was definitely the oldest of the pack. That was unusual, Daisy had thought, SHIELD almost always recruits directly out of high school or college. The last time anyone over the age of twenty-five had been accepted to the Academy was when Daisy herself had started. However, that was a bit of a… special situation.
Every morning, New Guy crossed through the computer lab and waved, smiling confidently at Daisy. His sudden appearance and amicable interactions confused her. Classes weren’t in session, but he always had a backpack with him. Maybe he had tutoring with one of the professors? A new student trying to catch up before the term even began — an enigma.
Once classes had started, he still came by everyday. Daisy liked to think it was because he wanted to see her. They had never spoken more than tired greetings to each other, and yet Daisy felt herself pulled towards him. She shook off the thought. It made her skin crawl, thinking about the last time she felt such a magnetic attraction to someone.
She realized May was studying her through the mirrors lining the wall next to the row of punching bags. She cleared her throat and asked, “Is my form okay?”
May gave her a long look that clearly said, ‘You know that your form is fine.’
Daisy pulled her eyes away from May’s stare, announcing, “I’m going to fill up my water, do you need any?”
May shook her head, pulling out her phone.
Daisy bent down to grab her water and headed to the back of the gym, towards the locker rooms. A couple of reusable bottle-filler stations were stuck into the wall, right next to the PT rooms. Daisy couldn’t help but peer into the closest one as she listened to the sound of water streaming into her bottle. It was filled with floor ladders, yoga balls, sports med supplies... New Guy. Huh.
Wondering why he would be sitting in a dark PT room by himself, Daisy took a swig of her water before continuing to fill it up. He hopped off the table as the lights came on, a young doctor-type walking in a smiling. She was reminded of his limp when he walked towards her, shaking her hand and flashing a large smile. Cute, Daisy noticed. Wait, no, what?
Daisy promptly turned and headed back to the wall of mirrors, choosing to ignore the smirk on May’s face.
“Ready?” Daisy asked.
“Actually,” May began, “Why don’t we get in some sparring? You’ve been at this for over an hour.”
Daisy caught the glance May threw at the half-assed wraps on her hands and nodded. With only a few jitters, Daisy quickly helped May unroll the sparring mats onto the floor. Daisy had only sparred with Yo-Yo since she got back from Columbia visiting her cousin. Sparring with May was an entirely different level.
After some warm-up drills, May silently took charge and got into a fighting stance. Daisy rose up on her tip-toes, then rocked backwards. The grey padding beneath her looked a lot softer than it felt while being slammed onto it. A quick lunge from Daisy and a swift deflection by May, and the two women were off.
Across the gym, Daniel Sousa and the doctor were chatting, watching Daisy and May.
“They look like they’re barely breaking a sweat,” Daniel commented after May leaped off Daisy’s leg, flipping forwards and attempting to grab Daisy around the shoulders. Daisy rolled backward, throwing May over her and getting to her feet as the shorter woman jumped up into a wide stance.
“You’ll get back to that level,” The physical therapist assured him.
Daniel shook his head. “Maybe. I hope so. If not, I’m a damn good shot, anyway.”
The doctor chuckled before motioning back to the PT room. “C’mon, you still have thirty minutes stuck with me before I release you from daily therapy.”
“It’s only been three weeks?” Daniel questioned, confused. They walked through a black door to a small room. Grey cabinets on one side, a black table on the other, physical therapy tools lined up in organized sections.
“Most of which was just assessing you. You already know the exercises and stretches, and you completed the physical therapy recommended by your primary care physician before you came to us. You have the strength mostly back in your residual limb, at least to the point where sparring shouldn’t do any damage. I still expect you to show up at least twice a week. Especially since you’re starting field training with May.”
He smiled. “How do you know about that?”
“I have access to your file, Sousa,” She reminded him, “I also know you were late to her class on the first day. Not a smart move, in my opinion.”
Daniel cringed at the memory of heads turning his way, watching him limp to the only open seat in the very front. May’s comment— “Thoughtful of you to join us, Agent Sousa,” —still turned his face a slightly embarrassing shade of red when he thought about it.
Noticing his uncomfortable silence, the physical therapist put on a sympathetic face. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. I was late to my first class, too. Professor Martin, advanced physiology. Granted, I was seventeen...”
Daniel playfully glared at her.
“...but I suppose that’s no excuse. Let’s get started.”
The rest of the day went by without Daisy or Daniel seeing much of each other besides a fleeting glimpse while changing classes. Not that they were looking for the other, or anything.
A few hours later, before dinner, Daisy was sitting on the counter in the girls’ dorm bathroom, watching Jemma curl her hair.
Jemma Simmons was one of the only people she immediately loved at SHIELD, and the first person she had trusted on Coulson’s team. Over the course of a couple months, they became closer than Daisy had ever been with anyone, spending almost every waking moment together. Over time, Daisy had grown to love the rest of the team, too, learning that they had also been hand picked by Coulson. Though, technically, Daisy hadn’t been chosen for the team. She was picked up as a consultant. But it didn’t matter, as the ragtag team had quickly been disbanded.
Knives shoved into your back can have that effect.
After the end of the team, Code-named Bus Kids, Daisy, Fitzsimmons, Tripp, and May and Coulson had come to the Academy to continue working with SHIELD. Daisy and Tripp were assigned as partners in their ops training, Fitzsimmons were partners in the lab, and May and Coulson still checked on them as if nothing had changed.
But people get busy, and it had been awhile since Jemma and Daisy had properly talked to each other.
“Does the bruise on my nose look like it’ll go away any time soon?”
Jemma glanced up through the mirror, shrugging. “It should. What did you do to it?”
Daisy fiddled with her hands, only answering when Jemma turned to face her fully.
“I kinda, uhm, got punched...”
The stern look Jemma gave Daisy quickly melted into laughter as the brunette added, “...by a punching bag.”
Reaching up to turn Daisy’s face towards the fluorescent bathroom lighting, Jemma gently ran a finger along the angry red splotch on the top of Daisy’s nose. She jerked her head a bit, wincing at the contact.
“You should be fine, I’ll grab some of the good anti-inflammatory meds from the medical storage.”
Daisy thanked her, hopping off the counter to grab an eyeliner pen. “So, how is Fitz? Is this a real date night or are you guys ‘just hanging out’?”
Jemma smiled at his name and rubbed her neck. Daisy smiled back at the subconscious reaction.
“You two are so meant for each other,” She teased.
Jemma tilted her face up towards Daisy, allowing her to start applying eyeliner.
“He hasn’t really defined it. We’re ‘going out’, but we aren’t dating.”
Daisy finished the subtle cat eye, shaking her head. When would he learn that Jemma would only believe they were together if he said, ‘Hey, Jems, I’m completely and totally in love with you and I want you and I to live happily ever after!’
Daisy watched Jemma inspect herself in the mirror, touching up her mascara.
“You look amazing. He’s a fool if he doesn’t see it,” Daisy assured.
Jemma smiled. Her Sheffield accent had gotten thicker over break, Daisy noticed, as Jemma responded, “He does, I know he does. We both just have trouble, you know? Voicing our thoughts and feelings.”
Daisy definitely knew…
“Well, he could do with a good reminder sometimes. If y’all are going to keep going on these not-dates, you might as well show him what he’s missing by staying just friends!”
Jemma laughed, smiling gratefully. She took one final look in the mirror, swishing her knee-length royal blue dress and fluffing her hair. “Okay, well, off I go. Have a good night, Daisy.”
Daisy gave her a thumbs up and went to watch out her window as Fitz handed Jemma a hand-picked bouquet of (slightly squished) wildflowers and took her arm to lead her to the parking lot.
Daisy sighed and turned away from the gold and pink sunset. She opened her personal laptop, immediately bombarded by three windows running programs. One was running an innocent algorithm to clean all the useless, unused files from her computer, one was a simulation that could (hypothetically, no harm no foul) hack the Pentagon, and another was trying to find video and audio feed from Los Angeles, four months ago.
Daisy’s gaze lingered on the last one, not expecting anything new. She sighed and picked up her laptop, deciding to go visit Mack in the garage. It was only seven on a Friday, he’d probably be there working on the run-down, close to falling apart Harley he had bought off an old friend for $200. Mack had been working on it for months. Daisy wasn’t even sure it had half its original parts.
A short trip across the grounds and a trek over a winding path cut through a field of thick tallgrass later, Daisy arrived at the garage.
The monstrous steel and concrete building was like a plane hangar and mechanics lab forged into one. Workstations around the edge were strewn with tools, motors, and half-finished pieces of tech. Shining black SHIELD vehicles and even two quinjets sat in the middle, outlined by rectangular blocks of tape and paint. Catwalks crossed the upper level so that mechanics could reach the tops of planes when necessary, though SHIELD planes hardly ever came to The Academy unless they were being used for a lesson.
Daisy followed the sounds of tinkering and the quietly moving shadows to Mack’s workstation. She carefully leaned against a nearby SHIELD van, not wanting to interrupt his work.
Now, to say that Mack wasn’t easily frightened was an understatement. Daisy had hardly ever seen the muscled giant of a man so much as jump. Ever since discovering this, Daisy had taken every opportunity to try to scare Mack. It was not going great.
Daisy pulled out her phone, silently thumbing through emails and checking Instagram. She was about to walk over and tap him on the shoulder when Mack turned around and screamed.
Clutching his chest, Mack exclaimed, “Tremors, what the hell?!”
“I just wanted to come check in,” Daisy giggled, happy that she had finally snuck up on Mack.
Mack stood with his hands on his hips, smiling wide, before cocking one thick eyebrow and gesturing at her face.
“What happened to your nose?”
“Punching bag won this morning,” She shrugged.
Mack shook his head, laughing in a deep rumble. “You wanna help me with this?” He asked, pointing to the small device on his desk.
She didn’t answer, just reached out to take a small screwdriver from Mack’s very large hand. He showed her how to twist it to create leverage without it slipping while he messed with some wires, and eventually he seemed satisfied.
“Have you eaten dinner?” Mack asked casually.
Daisy nodded, her grumbling stomach betraying her.
Mack eyed her up and down. “Sure. Well, I’m hungry, so let's get something to eat and then we can take the bikes out.”
Daisy liked the feeling of being on a bike, the wind in her hair and steady vibrations from the engine soothing her ever-present headache. Ever since this revelation, if Mack went out on his motorcycle, he invited Daisy to ride with him.
At first, Daisy had been skeptical. What was so great about a two-wheel speeding death trap? One of her best friends had driven a gleaming 1969 Dodge Charger, and she had enjoyed riding with the windows down, but it still wasn’t the absolute best experience of her life, like most motorcyclists claimed a ride could be. However, once Daisy had finally taken Mack up on his offer, she was never hesitant to accept another invitation.
In the canteen, Mack piled a plate high with salad ingredients and baked spaghetti, scooping some off into a bowl for Daisy once he got back to the table. She took a fork and picked at it, chewing the crisp lettuce slowly.
Once they were both finished, Mack put his plate and utensils on the circling dish belt. He let Daisy lead the way back to the garage. She immediately grabbed two helmets and Mack’s gloves.
“That leather jacket gonna be enough to keep you warm? I have a couple old flannels in my bag if you want one.” Mack offered.
Daisy picked at a loose thread on the worn black jacket, nodding and throwing a ‘Thanks’ over her shoulder. She quickly rifled through his duffel bag, pulling out a faded black and blue flannel and shrugging it on under her jacket.
Mack mounted his black and silver bike, Daisy choosing a smaller SHIELD one. She kicked the kickstand back with her foot, finding her balance. She followed Mack as he revved the engine and took off out of the garage. Daisy heard him speak into the helmet’s mic.
“I upgraded the bikes, bigger tires and a better visor. It’s more efficient. Plus, when I’m out on the highway, cars don’t push me around.”
Daisy gave him a thumbs up, focusing on the feeling of air flowing around her. She sped up as she reached the road. She felt as if she was flying high into the air, fighting the laws of physics. On the back roads surrounding the Academy, as familiar as the back of her hand, Daisy relaxed and let herself fall into autopilot.
She heard Mack in her ear, still talking about the bike. She had heard it all before, but there was something centering about listening to Mack retell the evolution of his bike for the hundredth time, like a kid who begged to hear the same bedtime story every night.
It was freeing, speeding down a deserted road on the bike, stars above and pavement below. Pine trees reached for the sky on each side of her. Shrubbery and grass waved to Mack and Daisy as they raced forward.
A slight burn pricked her eyes that she knew wasn’t from the wind. Daisy needed this after a stressful first couple weeks back in class. To be honest, it was what she needed all the time. Daisy was exhausted. Her powers may not be visible, but they were always on, always bouncing around her body. Times like these, though, Daisy felt free. Releasing the constant grip she had on her self-control, she let the vibrations of the engine flow through her. Slowly, surely, Daisy let her guard down. A whispering warble crept into her ears over the wind. She could feel the way the pavement below and the humid late-August air around her absorbed the miniscule quakes, bouncing lightly off the tall trees like a quiet laugh reflecting off the walls of an echo-chamber.
About an hour later, Daisy and Mack were rolling back into the garage. Daisy couldn’t hide the slight redness in her eyes, but the smile on her face told Mack he didn’t need to worry. The pair silently did maintenance on the motorcycles, re-fueling them for later use and checking for any loose parts on Daisy’s.
Daisy headed back to campus, refusing Mack’s offer to walk her back to the dorms. She would be fine on her own. Besides, Jems might be back by now, she could ask about Fitzsimmons’ date. Or she could wait until breakfast tomorrow and tease them both.
Daisy stopped in her tracks. Out of the corner of her eye, a shadow slipped behind a building. Daisy felt her back tense, her hands curling into fists.
Any remainder of twilight light had faded while Mack and Daisy maintenanced the bikes. Daisy couldn’t imagine that any of the trainees that went to parties at the nearby universities were back yet, but no student in their right mind would want to simply walk around the dark campus of the Academy.
She kept walking, more alert. No sounds apart from her steady breathing and the rustle of grass beneath her feet reached her ears. She walked slowly toward where the shadow had disappeared. It looked as if it was headed to the biochem building. Daisy raised her hands, quietly running towards the white building, slightly crouched. She circled it once, twice, before deciding she had been imagining things, the shadow was only a trick of the light. It seemed so real though, so solid…
Daisy shook her head and crossed the courtyard, heading towards the dorms. It was late, and she had important things to do tomorrow. She was probably just tired from her ride with Mack.
Behind her, unnoticed by Daisy, the shadow quickly crossed the field behind the biochem building, slinking into the tallgrass.
The next day, Daisy woke to the sound of her alarm blaring 90’s RnB at six thirty AM, sharp. She quickly shut it off and stared at the ceiling for a moment before groaning and dragging herself out of bed. She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night after her encounter with the shadow.
The sun was slowly ascending in the sky, golden light filtering into her windows. It was early, but she didn’t have the energy to go workout. Instead, Daisy stretched on her bed and sent a quick text to Jemma asking to meet up later to gossip about her date.
She grabbed shorts and a cropped sweatshirt, quickly dressing and making her way to the bathroom. She clipped her hair back, brushed her teeth, washed her face and headed back to her room. Trying her best to cover the bruise that had turned from red-violet to a blue-ish tinted black, she did minimal makeup. It’s not like it could get any worse, she thought bitterly. The concealer wasn’t much use.
Deciding to ignore the bruise, Daisy stood up, grabbed her backpack with her personal laptop and journal and headed to the canteen.
There weren’t many students around campus this early in the morning. Most were either asleep or nursing a hangover in their dorms. A few dedicated trainees were scattered amongst the different buildings, either in the gym or studying on their favourite bench. Daisy made a beeline for the canteen, hoping that no one had drank all the fresh coffee yet.
She slipped through the doors, sending small smiles to the students she made eye-contact with, faltering when her roving gaze reached a set of twinkling eyes the color of coffee. Maybe, she thought, I should go over and talk to him. What’s the worst that can happen?
She quickly poured herself a cup of coffee and grabbed a cinnamon raisin bagel from the pastry cart. Checking to be sure he wasn’t sitting with anyone (she wouldn’t want to intrude), Daisy walked around to the back of the large room, sitting in a spot diagonal from him.
After a few minutes of silence where Daisy ate her bagel and pretended not to feel his eyes on her, she turned and faced him.
“Good morning,” she said.
He dipped his head and raised his paper cup of coffee at the same time in response.
Does he not want to talk to me? Daisy questioned herself. She tried again. “So, is the coffee good?” He glanced at her cup that she had been sipping. Daisy recovered, “You know, in your opinion. I love the coffee here, the slightly burned aftertaste goes well with cream and sugar.΅
To her relief, he smiled. “Yeah, it’s good. I don’t usually use cream or sugar.”
Daisy raised her eyebrows, impressed. “Ah, more of a bare necessities, no-nonsense guy?”
His nose scrunched a little in thought, as if he was assessing his entire personality to see if it aligned with Daisy’s coffee psychology. He nodded finally, elaborating, “I was in the army. Most of us drank it black while deployed. I never got out of the habit. But, to answer your question, I like to think of myself as low maintenance.”
He sent her a small smile that had her insides melting just a bit. Daisy hid behind the rim of her coffee cup, trying to think of a response. Luckily, New Guy saved her.
“How do you drink your coffee?”
Daisy lowered her own paper cup, clearing her throat. “One half and half, just a bit of sugar. If I’m super tired I’ll add more.”
“So you probably adapt easily and have a deep hunger for answers to all your questions?”
Daisy’s eyes quickly flicked down to her coffee, wondering if her coffee order really exposed that much about her. Daniel laughed, his shoulders shaking with mirth. “I’m kidding. I noticed how you’re always in the computer lab before class, and Yo-Yo told me that you use that time to research.”
Daisy felt a blush creep up her neck. Yo-Yo knew New Guy? And gave him information about her schedule?
Daniel quickly explained, “We see each other in the halls a lot. And we have a class together. She noticed me in the lab and thought I knew you.”
Daisy relaxed. Yo-Yo had become increasingly more friendly to strangers the longer she spent at the Academy.
“I remember the first time I met her. She was so angry that SHIELD had stopped her from exposing the police in her city as corrupt. Our team was sent in to help her finish what she had started, destroy weapons and take down the corrupt members of the department. It was fun,” She chuckled.
Daniel watched her through his thin clear-frame glasses. She winced a little as her nose scrunched with laughter, recalling another story about a mission gone awry that Yo-Yo saved.
“How did you get that bruise?”
He pointed to the spot on his face that mirrored the position of the bruise on hers. “The bruise. It looks like it hurts.”
Daisy shrugged, “Not as badly as getting shot. But you know, sometimes you punch the bag, sometimes the bag punches you.”
Despite the playful nature of the statement, Daniel couldn’t help but hear alarm bells in the back of his mind. She had been shot?!
Daisy noticed the change in Daniel’s demeanor and switched tactics, “It’s just a bruise. I wasn’t paying attention and the punching bag flew back and hit me in the face.”
Daniel laughed, becoming more and more intrigued with the enigma sitting across from him. Well, at least this enigma was beautiful, even if she had lost a fight to a punching bag.
A look of pure confusion overtook Daisy’s features. “Excuse me?”
Daniel’s face flushed bright red. He said that out loud. Daisy was still smiling though, Daniel let out a nervous chuckle. The two lapsed into an awkward silence. Daisy was finishing her bagel when he spoke up again.
“It was good talking to you,” he said softly.
Daisy’s eyes wandered his face with an unreadable expression. “Yeah, it was.”
He resisted the urge to offer to walk Daisy to wherever she was going as she headed out of the doors of the canteen, coffee with one half and half and pinch of sugar in hand.
hi hellooo! whatd you think? comments and notes are appreciated! (will go back and edit this later, for now i sleep)
tag list: @jaanulore
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sharkselfies · 3 years
The Minds Behind The Terror Podcast Transcript - Episode 4
Our journey comes to an end with the transcript for episode 4 of The Minds Behind The Terror Podcast, where Dave Kajganich, Soo Hugh, Dan Simmons, and Adam Nagaitis discuss the last two episodes of the series. Once again, Adam steals the show with his revelations about Mr. Hickey, but we also hear about everyone’s favorite death scenes, the fight to let Mr. Blanky say fuck, the many changes the writers made to the ending that differed from the novel, and the importance of trusting your audience’s intelligence.
The Minds Behind The Terror Podcast - Episode 4
[The Terror opening theme music]
Dave Kajganich: Welcome to the fourth and final installment of The Minds Behind AMC’s The Terror as we discuss our final two episodes of the show! I’m Dave Kajganich, creator and co-showrunner of the series, here with the honorable Dan Simmons, creator of the novel The Terror on which the series is based. Also with us is Soo Hugh, executive producer and co-showrunner of the show, and Adam Nagaitis, who plays a man who plays a man called Cornelius Hickey. Welcome back!
Adam Nagaitis: Hi!
Dan Simmons: Hi Dave. 
DK: So we launch into our final episodes. Now we are in an episode where the show begins to bend time. We cover a lot of ground in episode nine, a lot of distance, we say goodbye to quite a lot of characters, and we start to really bend the tone and the shape of the narrative towards the kind of horrible collision that’s coming between Crozier and Hickey and our Tuunbaq.
Soo Hugh: So in nine we say goodbye to so many of our characters. I mean Dave and I cried so--
SH: The amount of tears that he and I shed editing this show, especially with nine and ten. For you guys, Adam and Dan, which were the deaths--well, what did you think of the deaths?
DS: What’s your favorite death? 
SH: Yeah, what was your favorite death? 
AN: My favorite was probably, the one that really moved me was Fitzjames, it’s such a fantastic story, his character’s so interesting, that transition, discovering, you know, admitting who you are, and the firework at the Tuunbaq being his feat of courage, and then to end up, to embrace death, and to do it in such a beautiful way. And then the line of “there will be poems” that Mr. Bridgens says. 
[show audio]
[sad, eerie music]
Bridgens (through tears): It was an honor serving you, sir. You’re a good man. There will be poems.
AN: It’s a beautiful death, it’s probably the best you can ask for, in that situation, you’re with a friend. Yeah, it’s quite sad. Of course you gotta love Blanky’s death as well, that’s, I’m cheating, now, yeah, but Blanky’s death is the greatest line to go out on, surely.
[show audio]
[Tuunbaq growling, shales crunching underfoot]
Blanky: What in the name of god took you so fuckin’ long? 
[Tuunbaq snorts, Blanky laughs maniacally] 
DK: We weren’t entirely sure whether AMC was going to permit us to use that word, a curse word, because on AMC you’re not meant to. Luckily for us, there are a number of AMC shows that have a precedent of using that word and we argued successfully that, you know, could you ask for a better show, a better scene than a Victorian disaster show to use the F-word, and they finally allowed us to use it, and we’re really grateful.
SH: I think just visually Bridgens’ death was so beautiful, and that pull out. And what was interesting was in our research found, we discovered, there was a corpse they discovered who had rolled over and was found sleeping on a set of papers, and in the show Bridgens takes Peglar’s diary when he chooses to die out there in the cold alone comforted with his memories, we see him roll over, and so that’s just our nod to history. Now it turns out we don't know whether or not it was actually Peglar’s diary, it could have been Armitage’s--
DK: No, I think we know it’s Peglar’s journal, but we don’t know whether the man lying on top of it was Armitage or Bridgens.
SH: Then there’s Goodsir’s death. Oh my God, Goodsir! I can’t believe Hickey! Adam! Goodsir!
AN: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. He had it comin’!  
AN: I forgot that death, I forgot all of those deaths, actually, what a--so beautifully acted. I mean, unbelievable. It was perfect. The pure clean images of the coral, and the shell, oh I loved it, and the end, I think it’s an orchid, I just loved it, I absolutely--it’s something that I don’t like talking about, that death, it’s really horrible. 
[show audio]
[the rising music from the scene of Goodsir’s death]
DS: They were all very moving in their own way, saying goodbye to each of the characters, surprisingly powerful, you know, some of ‘em were not major characters, but everything connected for me watching your version. When--earlier, when Fitzjames is out with Crozier alone, and Fitzjames sort of acknowledges that he’s a fake, that he’s just been faking this heroism, you know, the admiralty thought they sent a hero, they sent Fitzjames, he was the man of the moment, but he hadn’t done that much, so he had the courage to say that, and Crozier immediately had the compassion to point out, “No, you’re here, now, and you’re doing fine,” that’s not the dialect but that’s the essence of his message. So all through these scenes with the different characters, I found compassion again. [It] was the way Crozier touched men who were close to the end, the tone of his voice, you know, it wasn’t mawkish, he wouldn’t like being at all sentimental, but it was so supportive. It was like Goodsir helping the poor boy at the beginning of the show, telling him how death could be good, how you see light, you cross over. The kid died in terror; some of these people did. But most of ‘em, they’re like--Fitzjames, when he’s, you know, when he finally has to be carried in the sledge, and he has a sense of humor at the end, he can laugh at himself, somewhat, ‘cause he tells Crozier that that the bullet that went through his arm into his chest, that area is now so gangrene--er, rotten, you know, the bullet is finally going to kill him. Haha. 
[polite awkward laughter]
DK: Well you pointed out a line from the first episode, where Fitzjames is talking to Franklin and he says, “Sometimes I think you love your men more than God loves them,” and Franklin's response is “For all your sakes, let’s hope you’re wrong,” and we brought that line back in a different way in episode nine, which is where the survivors of the Terror Camp attack are about to leave, and they know Hickey’s out there somewhere, and Fitzjames’s impulse is to hide or destroy all of their extra supplies so that Hickey’s group can’t benefit from them, and Crozier has the opposite instinct, which is because he knows some people in Hickey’s group probably made that decision because they were afraid that the alternative was worse to stay with Crozier and so many people, that he wants to offer them the resources in case they can use them and in case they wanna make a different decision in the days ahead.
[show audio] 
Fitzjames: And the supplies we cannot carry? If Hickey’s band are waiting us out to loot the camp?
Crozier: Some of the men with them made their choice out of fear, I’ll not take away any chance they have to survive. We may meet them yet again, and if we do, I want them to make a different choice. Leave our supplies in a tidy pile, as an offering. I want the men with Hickey to know that’s how we meant it. 
[shales crunching underfoot]
Fitzjames: More than God loves them...
DK: Lines like that are a real test, I mean, you struggle with them in the editing room. Did we earn that line? Is it important that an audience remembers that as an index point that line has now been sort of superficially applied to one man, but more sincerely applied to another man, and, you know, that goes back to sort of a close reading of the book, Dan, just sort of scouring through your dialogue trying to figure out how does a master, if I can refer to you that way, approach this idea of a relationship with an audience? And we learned an enormous amount from your book about restraint and indirection, and credit, giving the audience credit. And I will say this, the series is different enough from your novel that I would encourage everyone who has seen the television show but not read your book to seek it out, because they will have just as rewarding--even more so, possibly!--a time of learning about this history through the lens of horror than they did watching the show. So I think they complement one another. I hope they do, and I hope people will seek out both. 
DS: That’s kind of you, Dave. My wife keeps track of the tie-in version of the book, and it’s selling very well, so some people are gonna get that. 
SH: There is this fantastic scene that is in your book, that we had neither money nor time to shoot, but it’s where they discover leads, and they take the boats out going around, and they realize they’re just going around in a circle. We didn’t have the time to shoot that and we re-jiggered our narrative so that the leads ended up being a ploy on one of Hickey’s secret mutineers. Nine is a very quiet episode, and in some ways when you, in television shows--did you miss a set piece, in nine? Did anyone miss having a bigger narrative punch?
DS: Well, I'll answer, then let Adam answer, but for me, who had that boat scene and really liked it a lot, I didn’t miss my stuff too much, because what happened was when the young man, a boy actually, who’s secretly under Hickey’s control tells Crozier and the others he sees open water, and they rush to the rocky beach to see it, and of course that was a lie and a ploy to get them there so Hickey can seize them, but my heart just flew, that, “Open water! Ohh boy!” You know? How would men have felt if they’d heard that, in reality, what was their reaction? ‘Cause the open water could conceivably be their savior, they could get other places, not just cross over and start marching through middle Canada, but they could go anywhere on open water, and to see it all locked in with ice was just stunning to me, it was such a disappointment. So no, I don’t miss my part of it very much.
AN: I never thought of it as something that suggests a quiet narrative like you described it, Soo, to me it sort of links--I see nine and ten as one episode, really. It’s this slow build, the creation of that relationship that these two--the antithesis between these two camps, and between the tactics employed... I just think that the way you guys wrote it and put it together is flawless, I just think it’s so beautifully weighted, between, you know, the deaths that to me they don’t seem to just sort of monotonously pile up, they’re all just so beautifully handled and acted. And the whole time you have this tension building, slowly, slowly, that, you know, that it’s gonna come to a head. I didn’t feel when I watched it that it ever lacked punch. It had such clarity and such patience that made it really beautiful.
DS: And I don’t know if we can say the C-word on podcasts… cannibalism? 
DK: Yes, that one we can. 
SH: Yes.
DS: Oh, ok. You know there was a--if Hickey hadn’t already divided the troop into his people, the anointed, and then Crozier’s group, it would have happened anyway because of the cannibalism. And when you think about it, think of that rugby team or soccer team or whatever that crashed in the Andes. They went back into society. They were cannibals, they admitted it, they got a book deal. And so, presumably, even in England, these people would have been forgiven, or they would have kept it secret like some do. So cannibalism, what it did in this show, I think, divides the people. I didn’t see, until he was forced to imbibe in cannibalism, I didn't see Crozier even considering it. And so that fascinates me, just how far people will go to survive. 
[show audio]
[tense music, tent canvas flapping in the wind]
EC: I’ll give you some advice. Don’t indulge your morals over your practicals. Not now. Don’t you also wanna live? 
SH: Dave, we talked a lot about this, is when you’re in that moment, you’re not Dave Kajganich and I’m not Soo Hugh, in that moment, choosing whether or not we decide to eat someone. Something else will take over, whether it is the Goodsir in us or whether it is the Hickey in us, in that moment. I think that’s why when we shot that scene, you know, after Gibson is cut up, Adam, remember when we shot the reaction shots from each one of you eating your first bite of human flesh meat, and we took so much footage, we shot so much. We shot, you know, closes, mediums, just because Dave and I, you know, at that point, we were very confident of how to shoot everything, that was probably the moment when we were like ugh.
DK: Well we wanted to know how little we could get away with, and what we found, of course, which is typical for the show, the performances were so terrific, that we didn’t need very much. And I remember on the mix stage, the first mix that they did of the show, of that episode, I mean, there was quite a lot of chewing.
And so when I said, no no no, let’s pull all of that out, and use the most minute changes in expression, because all of you at that table were so well in character, that even the slightest muscle movement on your face communicated everything we needed you to. And we were obviously very interested in not overplaying that scene, knowing that audiences had been waiting for it, wondering how, in what kind of taste we would show it, you know, how we would modulate it, and you know a rule throughout the show was to try to present everything with its most practical face, including this. And so, you know, hopefully when that lands for people it will be both satisfying in the sense that they will understand how these characters made that decision but it won’t feel that we have over-articulated it, somehow. 
DS: I’m not religious, but I’m obsessed with religion, and in your story, the way you structured it, you have, in a sense, we’ve already talked, or at least I have, about how Hickey seems to be evolving towards Messiahdom, I think he near the end he thinks he is the Messiah, but it’s Goodsir who provides The Last Supper. How much more powerful a story of Christ is there, than, you know, “Take, eat,” and it’s yourself? And it’s fascinating to me that the man who dedicated his life to helping people and curing people and being empathic at their ending, his last act is to kill as many of Hickey’s people as possible. And, you know, so there’s--that’s where the trial was, it wasn’t when Hickey was gonna be hanged, it was inside Dr. Goodsir when he decided that “These people need to end and I will do it.” 
SH: So should we talk about the big scene at the end--well, it’s not the end, it’s the Tuunbaq sequence in 1.10? 
DK: To set it up, Adam, you know, Hickey--we’ll keep calling him Hickey even though we’ve established he isn’t--you get an important piece of information in episode nine where Tozer, Sergeant Tozer, relays to you a piece of information that he hasn’t shared with anyone, that he watched Collins be killed and he watched Collins’s soul be pulled out of his body. And, you know, for Hickey, suddenly a lot of things make sense. What happened to Private Heather, who was alive for many episodes but no longer sort of present in his body, I mean you even have a scene where you poke his brain hoping to get some kind of reaction out of him, and you take that piece of information and you suddenly realize you’re not longer in a kind of survival story, you’re in kind of a spiritual story, you’re in kind of a mythological story, suddenly. Can you talk about how you decided to play that so it was sort of clear to an audience what that opportunity was? Because we did not devote a lot of dialogue to it, it was going to have to be something an audience felt as much as was described to them. 
AN: I can only describe the way that it--the process--the mind of it, that, you know, you see Hickey has a plan, up until that point, he’s started--the way that I thought about it was that, you know, once he starts to hear things, he starts to have this space of this area, creates this space in his mind and he understands the things that have come before him and his curiosity leads him to, you know--one element in him is still practically engaged in survival, and outmaneuvering the captain, and heading south, and coming up with a plan and, you know, a story as to what happened, but then there are other elements of, you know, consuming human flesh, that there might be an answer there, it might be an enlightening experience. And if it’s not in that, is it something else? And he finds the hill, and he understands when he sees that hill, that he hears something, and then he’s not quite clear on what it is, what’s drawing him, and what’s talking to him, and what he’s feeling, but he’s becoming one with this realm, and, you know, he starts to, once he discovers the supernatural element--not that he hasn’t already established that there is one, but the fact that it’s such a specific--he’s been developing his knowledge of the summoning song that Lady Silence sings to become a Shaman, you know, the rules of this particular realm, this empire. And he’s been gathering this information as we go along, all the way through the series he’s been taking pieces of information, and he pockets it and learns and keeps it for later.
[show audio]
[mysterious music]
Hickey: Tuunbaq… a spirit that dresses as an animal, and yet we shot it with a cannon and drew blood. How do you reconcile that?
Crozier: I can’t. There’s much about this voyage I can’t reconcile. 
Hickey: What mythology is this creature at the center of?
Crozier: About the creature I have no answers, Mr. Hickey. We were not meant to know of it. 
AN: And when he gets this key piece of the puzzle, that the Tuunbaq is taking souls, and that... there’s a hierarchy of what the Tuunbaq wants to eat. You know, a captain, and important people, he realizes that he really is the center of this universe. I suppose the way that I adjusted it was that everybody else became irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. I no longer needed to worry about manipulation, control, fear. Everything was gonna sing for me, everything was gonna work as if I had magic hands, and my voice just dictated what the universe would do.
[show audio]
[mysterious music continued]
Hickey: I didn’t have anywhere near an equal on this expedition. But you. I wanted to thank you for that. On the eve of what is quite an important day. 
AN: Every single conversation was an annoyance because it was getting in the way of me listening to the universe, this world, this empire, this realm that was now speaking to me. And I was talking to the Tuunbaq, you know, from this distance, and we had this dance going, and everything that happened was just getting in my way. It was all gonna work itself out because I’ve been chosen to ascend, to reach this ascension, to, you know, ride the Tuunbaq into my new empire, to take my new throne, and I was finally gonna be given the answers to these questions that I’d been asking.
[show audio]
[rushing wind, men singing weakly in the background, creaking]
Hickey (shouting): Bugger Nelson! Bugger Jesus! Bugger Joseph and Mary! Bugger the Archbishop of Canterbury! None ever wanted nothing from me! 
SH: When you offer the Tuunbaq the tongue, and there’s that pause, what’s gonna happen, and he bites your arm off instead, and that look on your face of just, you know, “You too have failed me.”
DS: Et tu?
“Et tu, Tuunbaq?”
AN: “Et tu, Tuunbaq,” that’s a great T-shirt. But that scene, I drifted, but that scene in particular, is a slight difference to what his plan was, which was to climb the hill, sacrifice the men, sacrifice the tongue, and to become one with the Tuunbaq and to take my place on the throne in this new realm. And to find the answers and maybe, you know, climb through to a different realm, or who knows what. This empire was now my empire, which was the culmination of all of Hickey through his entire life has been leading to this point, and he’s quietened himself enough to hear it, and then suddenly he gets sick, because somebody poisons him. And so it’s a slightly different feeling, as he’s climbing the hill, and it’s a different--something else is happening inside him. He’s still perfectly capable of executing his plan, he gets carried away in that scene, and then by the time the Tuunbaq appears, he kind of focuses again, and becomes very excited. It’s a relationship with the Tuunbaq, it’s a dance, that everything is for him and the Tuunbaq. Everyone else is irrelevant. 
[show audio]
[Tuunbaq snuffling, boat chain clanking]
[the Tuunbaq roars, sound of chomping flesh, then the screeching sound of the soul being eaten]
SH: And what he gets so wrong about the Tuunbaq, and I think what a lot of the Western characters in our show get wrong about the Tuunbaq, is that the Tuunbaq is not a deity, the Tuunbaq doesn’t ask to be a god, right? All it is is just this arbiter of what is good or what is not good for the land, you know, there’s no sense of the Tuunbaq wanting to be the ultimate creative force here, and I think that’s where Hickey was wrong, right?
AN: I think he sees it as a supernatural creature, and again, because everything comes through him, and the universe revolves around him, that it’s a challenge for him, it’s a question for him, and he deals a lot in questions as opposed to answers, and what his position is in the universe, and by the time he meets this creature that eats souls--and the creature’s sick, and it’s because he hasn’t united with it yet! It’s because of me that it’s sick, it hasn’t, I haven’t been in contact with it, and we haven’t united ourselves and taken over this empire, and he doesn’t see it for what it is. SH: And when you guys see the Tuunbaq’s death in the very end of that sequence, how did you guys feel?
DS: Speaking for the novelist here, I was surprised; and then I got through the surprise and thought yeah. And then I immediately wondered how Lady Silence would have to pay for this death, ‘cause you’d already shown me that she’s in charge of protecting the Tuunbaq, so it was controlling it in some way, and she wasn’t really up to the task, so I liked that in going, when Crozier’s with the Inuit band, learning that she’s been punished and sent out by herself. But the Tuunbaq’s death itself just seemed right at that time. 
[show audio]
[Tuunbaq’s death scene--growling noises, boat chain clinking, Crozier struggling] 
AN: It was a horrible thing to watch, as a viewer, it was so sad, and it spoke to me of this sort of contemporary sort of--to me it was sort of a global warming issue, not to bring it ‘round, but it was sort of like, that’s it, they’ve killed it. 
SH: No, absolutely, yeah! 
AN: They’ve killed it, they’ve killed the Tuunbaq and we’re actually rejoicing at Crozier’s survival. But really, the man deserves death, with the creature that creates balance to this culture should be alive. And we have this upside down world that we are celebrating, which is so, you know, intelligent of you guys to create, and it’s difficult to take, but that creature is gone, and so balance is gone, and here we are. 
DK: The very specific and subtle thing that we put in the show that probably no will decode it ‘til they hear this podcast, but was important to us as a structural element, was Sir John dies, when he’s killed down the fire hole in episode three, he has some flashes of subjective kinds of hallucinations, I suppose, or visions, I don’t know what you would call them. But one of them is of open water, it’s just a vista of the future of the Arctic, that there are going to be these, you know, that there’s going to be a huge melt, and there’s going to be all this open water. And for the final shot we tried to match, as much as we could, the angle, so that all of that frozen water that Crozier is sitting on at that seal hole would maybe possibly evoke that memory, to speak to what you’re saying, Adam, which is that this whole thing is a kind of, from the Netsilik’s point of view, it’s a huge tragedy in which these Europeans are the terrors, in a way. And not to be too reductive about it, but, you know, we wanted the season to have that kind of change of polarity, which is one reason why we couldn’t quite use the sort of the ending of the book, as much as we loved it, Dan, it felt like a lot of things that would feel--that would pull the point of view of the season across that line too much and too late. We wanted to try to modulate it a little bit so that every episode felt like you were giving some room in your point of view for Lady Silence’s perspective, or the Inuit’s perspective, and that that change would sort of happen so slowly you might not even notice that it was happening at all, which is one reason why we made that decision. 
DS: You gave every character I saw room to have his or her own apotheosis, which is a big theme with you guys, I meant, the arcs end and people becoming someone else. Crozier grows into his leadership, I think, beautifully. Maybe he deserved punishment, but I found Crozier and his empathy, as Fitzjames is dying in the boat, it’s Crozier that touches him and lets him know, you know, through physical contact, that he’s not alone. And giving them room is unusual. I just find there’s so many unusual elements to what you three have created, that, I have to warn you, I think it deserves a lot of intelligent attention.
DK: Well I hope we can volley a lot of those right back to the book, Dan. Well we should take some time at the end to--given that after the sequence, this really becomes almost a kind of silent film to deliver the ending to Crozier’s arc--to really sing the praises of Jared Harris in this show, I mean, what he did with this role is remarkable. So, Dan, I would love to know what you thought of Jared Harris’s Francis Crozier? 
DS: After watching the ten episodes of him and all those, and watching what he did with it, I just wanted him to adopt me. 
SH: He would love that! 
DS: But it certainly--leading is the operative word, isn’t it? He just, he didn’t give 100 or 1000 percent, he gave more than that to the character. He became Crozier for me. I’m the one who had to dream up the man, and see what he looked like, and write about him for about 1100 pages, 700 finally in type, and so I had my Crozier, he was pretty solid. But now Jared Harris is Crozier. There’s no doubt in my mind.
DK: The ending of the season is quite different from the ending of the book, Dan, how did you feel watching the ending of the show, and, in all candor, do you feel that it was satisfying? Do you feel that it was at least a good companion piece for the ending of the book? 
DS: Well I’m glad I didn't video record my reaction the first time I saw the different ending, because speaking for two million readers I stood up and shouted, “What's wrong with my ending!”
“Is it chopped liver?” And I realized it would be. I realized that I don’t think you could have taken my ending and made it a sensible finale visually in the way it went. So I tracked--the whole episodes, the last two episodes, were enlightenment to me, because I’m just a viewer now, I’m watching something I didn’t create, these are not my ideas, so I sat back and enjoyed it, as horrible as they were. So when I watch your ending, the only thing I was bothered by was I’m sentimental. And the real Crozier, I believe, and certainly the fictional Crozier that we’ve all created, was so lonely, he was so alone in life, I think he was less alone than Crozier was, and, you know, rejected by Franklin’s niece several times from marriage, a life where he really felt rejection, probably more than Hickey did, and at the end I wanted him to be with someone. So as much as I liked your ending and I really thought it was proper and appropriate for the series, I woulda put a person next to him as he’s fishing out there in, you know, in his Inuit outfit at night waiting by a seal--he’s not fishing, he’s waiting by a seal breathing hole to kill it. So if I’d seen a glimpse of two of them, you wouldn’t even need to see their faces, you know, the sentimental side of me woulda been happy.
SH: But we leave that ambiguous in the ending, in terms of he’s not with Lady Silence, she, you know, had to pay the bill in some ways for the loss of the Tuunbaq and her destiny is to venture forth alone, and in some ways her storyline is the most tragic of all the characters in our show because, I mean, the price she paid is so harsh. But in terms of the last shot, which Dave and I just knew from pretty early on that was gonna be our last shot, and it felt right. We don’t know much about Crozier’s biography, you know? For all we know that child could be his, it may not. We actually didn’t want to fill in too much of the coloring book at that point. It’s up to the audience to describe whether or not that last shot is--it’s interesting ‘cause we had this big argument, lovely argument in the color suite, the grading suite, of how we grade that last shot. Whether we grade it bright and sunny to be optimistic, or we grade it with a lot of contrast and stamp down a lot of the light to make it seem that, you know, there’s a sense--a harshness, to this reality. And in some ways we split the middle, so the audience can decide whether or not the life Crozier has at the end is one of punishment, reckoning, or whether or not he will move on and have something different.
DK: And I think something in that final shot that certainly we couldn’t have planned, that tipped things in a warmer direction was the child that plays that boy in the shot, who’s meant to be sleeping against Crozier as he’s waiting at the seal hole, really fell asleep because he was wrapped up in fur, and Jared’s a very welcoming person, and he fell asleep. And in the middle of that shot he twitches in his sleep, like children do. And I think that if you catch that it’s quite undeniably a warm moment. You don’t know whether that’s Crozier’s son, whether that’s just a friend’s son, someone he’s taking care of, but you do get a sense that there is a community and that it’s a warm one, even though that life will be difficult and he will occupy no position of leadership in that world, he will be--you know, he’s missing a hand at that point, it’s going to be a rough rough road ahead of him, but we decided to sort of be as ambiguous as we could but for that child who twitches in his sleep, which we just loved that, that that’s a part of that final shot of the show.
DS: Now you’ve made me wanna go back watch that scene about ten times. I think you did at the ending essentially what you chose to do throughout the series, which is to trust in the intelligence and the sensibilities of the audience. So in that sense I like it a lot, but I admire it too. It just, I’m just sentimental, I just want Crozier finally to find somebody.
[show audio]
[”The Gates of Paradise” by Robert Fripp, which is the music from that aforementioned final scene of Crozier and the little boy asleep at the seal hole, plays] 
SH: And with episode ten, the story of the Franklin Expedition on AMC is completed. And Dave, you’ve been working on this project now for ten or twelve years, I’ve been on it for two and a half years, Adam you’ve been on this journey for a long time, Dan you’ve probably been--how long has it been for you?
DS: Oh, since about 1994!
SH: Yeah, wow. I mean, what is it about this story that means it’s hard to let go? Even now I feel like there’s a grieving process that I feel like I have.
DS: I know why it’s hard to let go. You created real people, you did something that is incredibly rare I think, for any media, movies, series, anything. They’re real people, and when they suffer the viewer suffers with them. When they try to fight back and survive, that’s the viewer’s impression, and we’re sorry to see each one of them go, including Hickey. So, I think there’s a success in what you set out to do. 
SH: We’re just so thrilled that, you know, you gave us the trust to do your book but also that you love it! We were so nervous that you would hate this adaptation!
DK: Well and now what’s amazing is we all get to sort of take a seat in the theater of real history playing out again, now that they’ve discovered the ships. You know, we’ve been told by Parks Canada and by people we’ve met who are actively on the archeological expeditions now, dives to the ships, that there is a chance that they will find a ship’s log, and that all of the questions that have come up and perplexed us and preoccupied us and fascinated us in the researching of both the writing of the novel and the creating of the television show, that those questions may have answers soon. And so now we are all now back in that position of being riveted by this actual history. And what a treat it will be to have a conversation in a year when we have learned hopefully much more about what actually happened on this expedition. 
[“The Gates of Paradise” begins playing again softly in the background]
DS: If I were on the expedition ship and found the log, the diaries, everything, I would hide them.
DK: Agreed.
AN: Yep, absolutely. 
DS: I mean we’ve all done a lot of work here, who cares about reality? 
DK: Well thank you, Adam, thank you Dan, for joining us, Soo and I have had a fantastic time having this extended conversation that hopefully is interesting to people who have watched and appreciated the show. So thank you for the opportunity to do it, it’s been fantastic to talk to you both, and onwards we go, into the future!
SH: Onwards ho!
DS: Onward.
AN: Onward. Thank you so much guys, it’s been a pleasure.
DK: Thank you, and thank you for everyone who’ve watched the show and thank you for everyone who’ve read the novel, and we can’t wait to hear your feedback!
[“The Gates of Paradise” fades out]
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About the First Season of--
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Salutations random people on the internet who most likely won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
When I first saw the sneak peek of--
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...I...didn't...think it would be anything all that special. I love animation, and I love superheroes, so it would go without saying that I would love an animated series about superheroes. But the animation looked a little too stiff for my liking, and aside from featuring J.K. Simmons, there wasn't anything grabbing me when it comes to this show.
Then I heard some s**t goes down at the end of episode one. So, letting my curiosity get the better of me, I binged the entire series in a day to see what the fuss was about. And, um...Yeah. Holy s**t.
This is a series that will very much make you uncomfortable in all the right ways. However, it is a gigantic gorefest at times, so if you get queasy after a single drop of blood, DON'T WATCH THIS SHOW! Trust me, you will not be prepared for what this series has to offer.
At the same time, I highly recommend you watch this series before reading this review. I'm going to spoil major plot points and characters so I can appropriately discuss what I think about the season, so trust me when I say you should click away if you haven't watched it yet. It's one of those series that are better to go in as blind as possible. You can call it a cheap way to appeal to shock value, but I call it one of the best reasons why--
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...Is a contender for best-animated series of the decade--That bit with the title card isn't going away anytime soon, is it?
The Guardians of the Globe vs. The Mauler Twins: This is the best possible way for the series to begin. The first fight scene is bright, colorful, and kinda fun. Thus setting the ultimate expectation subversion in making audiences think that will be the series staple. However, just because it has the energy of a harmless superhero fight, there is a sense of intensity as the Guardians give their all in saving others. Like that moment with Darkwing (Not the duck) as he rescues that woman without hesitation, despite knowing he might die because of it. Or Green Ghost, who just barely rescues all those civilians from that falling debris. It shows that you don't need intense scenes of violence to make a fight scene thrilling to watch.
Diversity Wins: I don't know how diverse the comics are compared to the show, but I'm impressed with how inclusive this series is. So many members of the main cast are people of color, with the main lead being half-Korean. And it's not just different races that the series shines a light on, as we also get the rare, but very much welcomed, animated male gay character. Who's thankfully isn't cliched in ten ways to Sunday...for the most part. It really does seem like writers are starting to grow up and that it's better to be as inclusive as possible instead of pretending certain people don't exist for the sake of "convenience." It might not solve oppression in general, but it certainly makes certain people feel better, even if it is briefly.
Mark Grayson: Mark is a pretty solid super-protagonist if you ask me. Sure, at first, he comes across as whiney...and even more so in later episodes, but he's really an endearing character at times. Mark nails the role of the relatable everyman that's also inspirational with his determination since he never gives up until beaten to the inch of his life. Seriously, while he might not entirely be--
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...I guess that bit with the title card really isn't going away.
Anyways, while he might not entirely be invulnerable in the literal sense, he is very much so in the figurative sense. Mark, in so many ways, refuses to call quits once he finally gets the hang of being a superhero, which is what makes him so inspirational. Plus, it's funny seeing how much of a rookie he can be to the gig at times. Mark is far from a perfect lead but is still charming to a fault, and it's nice seeing him grow more heroic each episode. I hope to see him develop more in future seasons, as he has the potential to be ranked higher up as one of my favorite superheroes (it's hard to compete with Spider-Man and Batman, but he'll make me consider it).
Debbie Grayson: This is almost what I expect a mother and wife of superheroes would be. 
Your son is constantly crash landing in your yard? Tell him to knock it off because he's past his curfew. 
Your husband disappeared into another dimension to fight off invaders? Shrug it off and expect that he'll be late for dinner.
It's a ton of fun to watch, and I adore how supportive she is of Mark, despite how much danger he could be in as a superhero. But, what really endears me with Debbie is her complicated feelings with Omni-Man. There's not a doubt in my mind that she loved him with her whole heart, but she also isn't an idiot. She is quick to pick up how unheroic her husband can be at times, often scolding him for it when necessary. And when she finally starts investigating if he really did kill the Guardians, I love that she instantly comes up with every single plausible excuse she can, despite knowing the truth. Because she believes that she knows who Omni-Man is and refuses any possibility that he might be a supervillain. So when she finds out that there really is no other explanation and hearing him call her a pet (big ouch when that happened), you wanna know what she does? She cries. Not because the man she loved is gone forever, but because the idea of him is. And it's that level of emotional devastation that comes from those complicated emotions that make me think Debbie Grayson is the most complex and endearing character on the show. And I. Will. Stand by that.
Seeing the Guardians of the Globe on their down time: Wow, what a cute collection of scenes that are charming as much as they are heartwarming! A set of scenes that show how human these characters are with their close relationships with friends and family! I sure hope it's not followed up with a brutal emotional gut-punch of a scene that will be even more devastating after thinking back on these! Especially with that bit with Martian Man and the little girl, cause OOO-WEE, would THAT tear me up inside!
Omni Man destroying the Guardians of the Globe:...I'd follow through on my joke here, but holy s**t.
That's really the best way I can describe all of this. It is a brutal, I repeat, BRUTAL scene that will stick with you hours after watching it. Not only that, but it's one of the few instances when I was damn near speechless because I couldn't think of anything else to say other than, "Holy s**t." The only time another superhero property did that was Avengers: Infinity War, except with that, the only difference is that the characters come back. Here, except for The Immortal, the Guardians stay dead! There's no magic amulet or alternate versions from another dimension. No, they die and never come back. Thus setting up how serious the show can be. Because if these superheroes can stay dead, then so can others.
Plus, what makes it more impactful is how throughout the entire fight, there was a glimpse of hope that the Guardians can beat Omni-Man. I heard he got nerfed for the sake of drama, and I approve of that decision. Because if he was really--
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...If he was really unbeatable, then the fight doesn't have weight to it. There wouldn't be a point in rooting for these characters to win when we already know they're going to lose. But, by showing there's a chance that they could win, it becomes all the more intense watching the fight and even more tragic seeing them lose. It is a masterpiece of a battle that proves once and for all: Batman is right. You need contingency plans.
Omni Man: J. Jonah Jameson has become the one thing he hates the most: A masked MENACE...Ok, I know Omni-Man doesn't wear a mask, so the joke doesn't work as well as it could. But it was served to me on a silver platter, damn it! I had to take it!
In all seriousness, though, Omni-Man might give Homelander a run for his money on best evil Superman. Because while Homelander might be terrifying in his own right with his style of evil, Omni-Man takes it a step up a notch with the mystery behind WHY he killed the Guardians of the Globe. We know right away that there's something off with him, but up until that point, we see multiple instances of Omni-Man doing the right thing rather than the wrong. Sure, he might come off as cold when interacting with people, but so does Batman and other great superheroes in comics. That doesn't mean he's evil. So when he does do something so incredibly heinous, we're left with this mystery as to why. Because there has to be a reason for it all, right? Like, maybe mind control or his family was threatened. Something and anything that means he was forced into killing the noblest of people. So when it turns out that his actions were intentional, it is already pretty devastating. But when we find out why he does these things, it paints how truly evil Omni-Man is, given how little respect he has for human life.
Plus, as terrifying as Homelander is, Omni-Man is ten times more of an engaging villain. With Homelander, what you see is what you get: A narcissist with a god complex. For Omni-Man, it's more or less the same thing, but it's something fed to him because of the conditioning from his planet. There is a tiny, molecule-sized part of him that genuinely cares about others. It doesn't change what he does, nor does it mean he deserves forgiveness (far from it), but it hints that maybe he's not evil because of his own ego. It's because of how he's trained to be. And judging by his pained expressions from Mark's words and the single tear he sheds when leaving everything behind, there's a chance that he might be willing to fight back that mentality.
Or he will stay evil, and that he'll return to do worse things in the future. I don't know. I haven't read the comics. But I feel like I don't need to read anything to tell you all that Omni-Man is up there as one of the most intriguing comic book villains of all time, and I can't wait to see what happens with him next.
This show is f**king Violent: I mean, I refer you back to that scene where Omni-Man destroys the Guardians of the Globe. But, unlike other shows that use violence to force that mature rating, I feel as though In--
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...Title card. You were cute the first time, but now your novelty has quickly worn thin.
Anyways, I feel as though this show...uses gore more appropriately. More often than not, death and carnage get treated as a literal joke in adult cartoons because people are sick bastards, I guess. But with...the current series I'm talking about, it all has an impact. No one dies or gets mangled for the sake of shock value or for a laugh. Instead, every instance of this type of violence is to either make a point, set the tone, or prove just how dangerous a specific character is. It makes...the series more mature than most adult cartoons you'll find because it actually brings a worthy discussion for its violence rather than milking it to give the illusion of maturity. And I gotta respect the writers for doing that.
Cecil: This man is basically Nick Fury if he was overpowered but in a good way. There is just something about a man who knows superheroes are needed in the world but also trusts a "hero" like Omni-Man as far as he can throw him. Not only does Cecil have contingency plans for his contingency plans, but the guy also knows to send the right heroes out for the exact missions that require them. Plus, a man is an instant badass when he's stone-faced about a demon saying he'll go somewhere worse than hell and is calm when being face-to-face with an angry Omni-Man.
I don't make the rules. I just abide by them.
The title card gets bloodier with each episode: This is just a really cool gimmick. It proves how intense this show can really be and how the stakes get higher and higher with each installment. Also, I like to think the amount of blood that splashes over the title card reflects how brutal the episode will be, especially with episode eight, 'cause holy hell.
The plot structure: The way the story works is very similar to how a comic book series handles its overarching narrative. Even though the writers begin a new arc that continues for a handful of issues, the overall main plot still develops in the background of the current adventure the hero goes through. That's basically how--
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>Intense inhale<
>Calm exhale<
That's basically how THIS SHOW operates. Each episode can be seen as its own story that's given a ton of room to develop with its forty-five-minute runtime (which blew my f**king mind when I started binging it). Despite that, there's still a great sense of continuity. Everything involving Omni-Man and the mystery behind his murder of the Guardians gets fleshed out throughout the season, even when it takes the background of Mark's escapades. It really does feel like sitting down and taking the time to read an entire volume of comics, which I like to believe is the intention. After all, what's the point of making a series about superheroes if you don't make it feel like a comic book at least once?
Dark Blood: I desire a series based on this character alone. I know it's probably just Hellboy, but I want it. 
The idea of a demon solving murder crimes to work off his debt in Hell is too much of a remarkable concept to strictly be a c-plot in one series. Give Dark Blood a spin-off, damn it!
The Realistic Portrayal of a Superhero world: Unlike certain superhero properties--*cough* DC *cough*--it's--
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It's. This. F**KING. SHOW! That really does an excellent job at portraying how much it would suck to live in a world of superheroes. Sure, you got the cool battles and awe-inspiring heroes with incredible powers, but do you know what else you get? Hundreds upon thousands of people dying from the very threats those heroes fight against. Not to mention all the realistic physics that come from people like Mark trying to save others. Just look at how mangled that old woman looked when he attempted to help her. It, uh...It sure did not look great. Don't get me wrong, I love superheroes and the worlds they live in. But when watching a show like...this one, it really makes me appreciate how I don't live in those worlds with them.
It’s Still Funny: This is something I appreciate the most. When most superhero shows go for the realistic approach, they go with the doom and gloom route, making everything so melodramatic about how serious the world is. But here's the thing: Superheroes are f**king stupid.
Don't tell me they're not because they are. Superheroes have cornball hero names, bright costumes, and logos on their foreheads, chests, belts, and what-have-you. Taking a superhero too seriously is the worst mistake you could make, which is why I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Say what you want about Marvel having "too many jokes," but at least they know it's for the best to laugh at themselves and embrace the weirdness. It's something similar with...you know what. Because while the series tells a serious and realistic story about superheroes, it's still a story about superheroes. So it tells some jokes and some pretty funny ones at that. Because while it's essential to include some drama in a story such as the one in...you know what, it's just as important to never forget to have some fun.
“Earth is not yours to conquer.”: Such a great line that gains an even greater meaning once we fully know who Omni-Man is. The main creditor for how effective it is goes to J.K. Simmons for making the line sound explicit yet implicit at the same time.
Allen the Alien: ...It is an absolute crime that this character only has about six minutes of screentime. Allen is such a bro, partially because of Seth Rogan's performance, that I would honestly be upset if he doesn't show up more often in later seasons. Seriously, bring him back for more.
The Mauler Twins: Thankfully, these characters get as much attention as they deserve. The banter between the Mauler Twins is always entertaining, often being the comedic highlights at times. On top of being funny, they also work as efficient villains who can come across as threatening at times.
But what I love most of all about these two is the explanation behind the cloning process. The reasoning of why neither character remembers which one is the cone is a brilliant idea that I'm surprised no one else did in the past (to my knowledge). It also provides some excellent fruit for thought in wondering if it really is better to live your life not knowing if you're a clone or not. The whole thing is great to watch, and it makes me really glad for their inclusion...too bad they had to be forced into a story that makes a character look like a reckless superhero and an inconsiderate jackass to his friend. Seriously, what was up with that?
“That Actually Hurt”: This just might be my favorite episode of the first season. Machine Head is both equally hilarious and devious, Titan might just be my favorite character due to how intriguing his allegiances and motivations are, that final fight was the perfect amount of brutal, and we get the biggest hint of the man Omni-Man really is. Having him simply watching Mark instead of flying in to help him actually shocked me the first time seeing it. It's not until we learn what a Viltrumite really is that it becomes clear as to why. He doesn't care about saving his son but instead seeing Mark reach the same potential Omni-Man did during that smash fest the planet went through to reach perfection. And something tells me he felt more disappointment than sadness after seeing his son get nearly killed by Tony the Tiger (I know he has an actual name...but this is funnier to me). It's such a solid moment with great implications that just so happens to exist in an even greater episode.
Eve deciding to just help people for the heck of it: I actually love this idea more for the potential it has rather than what actually happens so far. Because the main reason why heroes don't fly around and solve every little minute problem people have is that they need to learn how to act without help. If you suddenly make food appear out of thin air or stopping forest fires, you're doing good, but there's also potential harm that comes from it. I think back to that episode of The Powerpuff Girls, where the townspeople are so idiotic and complacent with having their heroes solve every problem that they really can't think or act for themselves. A similar thing can happen with Eve if she's not careful. Even worse, if she keeps trying to end famine for farmers, because she might get into a Supergirl situation with people building a cult around her. And, you know, that's not going to be fun.
But again, that's just the potential that this presents. We--Or the people who haven't read the comics--don't know if Eve will actually face this issue. Regardless, we still get some solid moments that proves just how much Eve is a true hero in this series as she has no other motive to help people other than she just wants to. And I actually think that's pretty cool.
The Immortal’s rematch: I gotta hand it to the guy. Not a second after being brought back to life, and The Immortal's already flying off to get revenge on the bastard who killed his closest friends in the world. Or, globe, I guess.
I respect that, to be honest.
(As a bonus, The Immortal causing Omni-Man's eyes to become bloodshot adds to how evil he'll be in the last episode)
Mark trying to snap his dad out of mind-control: Oh, I felt that.
I'm pretty sure we all felt that.
Ow...Big ow.
The Train Scene: ...This is the most horrific thing I have seen in entertainment. Seriously, while Omni-Man annihilating the Guardians left me speechless, this is another level. Because him using Mark's body to kill a train full of people ramming into them, leaving Mark all the more helpless to stop it, makes a scene that is so...so hard for me to describe how effectively f**ked up it is. It's one of those moments where just by seeing it, you know why it's awful in all the right ways. And I will never forget the look of shock and horror on my face when it reflected onto my laptop's screen after the scene briefly cut to black soon after the carnage. Because if that doesn't explain how unmerciful this moment is, I don't know what will.
Saving Mark after the fight: I really love this because as it flashes between still images of people carrying Mark away after his brutal fight with Omni-Man, it really feels like you're reading a comic from panel to panel. It’s pretty neat. I won’t lie.
The Animation isn’t that great: Now, in terms of action, the animation is fantastic. You feel the impact of each attack, there are some creative uses of powers, and the gore is better implemented because it's all animated. As for everything else...yeah, it kinda sucks. Movements are a little stiff at times, the CGI backgrounds could use a bit more polish, and don't get me started on the CGI crowds of people. I understand the shortcuts that need to be taken to make everything else more effective, but man, this series needed a little more time in the oven before being shown to everyone. It's never too bad, but it can be pretty distracting at times.
Amber: F**k Amber. Just f**k her. Everything people tell you that is wrong with her is one-hundred percent on point. She is easily one of the worst love interests, and to me, it has everything to do with the fact that she knows Mark is--
...That she knows Mark is--
--BECAUSE IT INVALIDATES ANY POINT SHE HAS, GOSH DANGIT! I don't give a single S**T if she's upset that he's late all the time! If Amber was always unaware of it, then I would understand. But having her know means that she thinks her issues are more important than Mark, oh, I don't know, SAVING THE PLANET! I mean, the girl helps feed the homeless! You would think she would understand.
But fine. Maybe Amber's just upset that Mark's lying to her. Sure. That's understandable...BUT WHAT THE F**K IS UP WITH HER BLOWING UP IN HIS FACE FOR NOT HELPING ANYBODY AT THE COLLEGE WHEN SHE KNOWS HE'S HELPING EVERYBODY!? Even if it's her giving Mark one last chance to tell her the truth (which is a mile of a stretch, and you know it), did she really expect him to reveal his secret with tons of people watching? That is a crazy expectation that no one should live up to!
Amber is quite possibly the worst thing about this show. She was fine at first, and her chemistry with Mark was on point, but MAN, did she get worse later on.
And if I see one mother f**ker calling me a racist because I don't like this character who just so happens to be black...I'm going to be upset, not gonna lie. Because that is a cheap shot to dismiss any criticism, especially since her race has NOTHING to do with why people hate her...Or, at least, most people.
Edit (5/27/2021): Disregard the above. The long and short is that I don’t like Amber. She just doesn’t sit right with me for the reasons that her anger towards Mark just never felt entertaining to me in comparision to everything else. But saying her thoughts and arguements are invalid is not cool, and I’m sorry to both any readers who are black or especially female who would be upset by this.
Rex-splode: I understand the point behind Rex. He's a character who we're supposed to hate, so it becomes so much more satisfying seeing others s**t on him. But those characters are hard to get right if you’re not careful. Make them too irritating, then any suffering they go through will seem too little. Make them not annoying enough, and their punishments can be too harsh. Rex fits into the "too irritating" category. It's satisfying to see Monster Girl wreck his s**t after he started commenting how ineffective she might be, but with what he pulled with Dupli-Kate, I feel as though he might deserve worse. Although I will admit Rex gets slightly better in later episodes, showing at least a smidgen of character development. But I don't think it's enough to make his a**holeness worth it. Still, I hope he at least becomes above decent in the next few seasons, which is way more than what I can say for Amber.
(Seriously, writers, if she just disappears without an ounce of an explanation in the season premiere, I won't question it. You have my word.)
Edit: I no longer agree with what I crossed out, but I won’t delete it either. I want people to know the mistake I made so I can prove that I changed in the future.
Robot cloning himself to be with Monster Girl: ...Nope! 
Changed my mind.
I am NOT touching that.
I will touch a lot of things, but I will not touch--That came out wrong.
Please forget you read anything.
Thank you, and goodnight.
Let’s move on
Transitioning to the title card: Here it is! The nitpickiest of all nitpicks! But, seeing how it happens in every episode, meaning that the writers have no choice but to commit to it, means it's one of those things that viewers are forced to get used to. And boy, is the transition to the title card hard to get used to! Oh, you thought it was annoying how it kept happening in this review? Well...fair enough. But trust me when I say it's much more aggravating in the show.
The funny thing is, I had no problem the first time it happened. It was a cute way to introduce the character as well as the title of the series. But having that be the basis for transitioning to the title card every time was a gimmick that got old real quick. Especially since every time that a character says the word--
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--it always feels forced. What's even more annoying is that sometimes it interrupts characters as they're saying invin--
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LIKE! F**KING! THAT! Because interrupting someone before they say something is one thing, but doing so as they're saying it shows a sense of bad timing. Not even that, because this is something that I feel like could have been the easiest to change in the series by having someone go, "Hey, maybe we should edit out this single second."
It's laziness that doesn't happen often, but it still grinds my gears a bit. Plus, is there really no other smoother transition the writers could come up with? Did they really believe this is the best way to do it?
Think, writers! THINK!
It's fine to have a gimmick, but this is one that really shouldn't have any follow-through on.
That's about all the issues I have with the show. It's far from perfect, but still, an A- is pretty impressive work. The stuff that this series does right not only outnumbers the mistakes but also heavily outweighs them. Besides, no show in the history of creativity has ever been perfect in its first season. There are always dents that need to get buffed out and improve upon for the subsequent seasons to come. Only then can a series truly be Invincible from all criticism.
...Oh, sure. 
NOW it lets me say it!
30 notes · View notes
tis-archer · 3 years
Dangerous Territory
TW: death, blood etc read at your own risk pls
“Drop yours first, Officer,” came the calm voice and Athena’s left eyebrow rose slightly. He clearly wasn’t afraid to die, so she took a shot at him and it ricocheted off of what she assumed was a bulletproof vest. Her eyes widened when they raised their guns and the first man shot one of her officers in the leg. Officer Davis dropped to the ground, screaming and holding onto his now bleeding leg.
“Alright, alright,” said Athena as she placed her gun on the ground and put her hands up, “No one else has to get hurt, okay?”
“That depends entirely on the lot of you, Now, get on the ground,” the man told her and she took a breath, still rooted to her spot.
“Get on the fucking ground!” He shouted and everyone immediately dropped to the floor. Athena followed suit with her hands still up until she was forced harshly down by one of the men. He put his knee in her back and she let out a strangled breath as he crushed her.
“Don’t make me shoot anyone else, Officer. I seriously wanted to do this without any bloodshed but if you push me, I will,” his tone was filled with nothing but venom and tears immediately sprang to Athena’s eyes. She was terrified and the previous man still hadn’t gotten off of her.
A few minutes later, the man got up and she breathed out, her lungs filling with air. She looked over at the terrified faces of her co-workers. She felt sick for bringing them into the bank but the dispatch had assured them that the situation could easily be handled. She didn’t blame the dispatch because no one knew what kind of men were in the bank. Athena just prayed no one else got shot.
Meanwhile, LAFD arrived on the scene after hearing Maddie ask for assistance from Dispatch, saying that none of the officers had checked in. When Station 118 got there, there were dozens of police cars and a SWAT truck on the scene. Bobby immediately walked over to the Director of the FBI with his team behind him.
“Director,” said Bobby as he and his team approached the man and Bobby shook his hand, “Captain Bobby Nash with the 118, how can we help?”
When he heard the man’s last name, Director Simmons looked over at the man with a worried expression on his face. It was clear that Bobby hadn’t been informed that his wife was inside with dangerous gunmen and he really hated to be the bearer of bad news, he didn’t want the fire Captain to go into the building guns-a-blazing.
“Captain,” Simmons started, “You have to promise me that you’ll do your job to the best of your ability despite the circumstances. Because if I can’t trust you to do that, I will make you and your team leave, understood?”
Bobby wanted to argue, to tell the man that he was a professional and he always did his job no matter what. He was a first responder, but instead he nodded, giving the man his word.
“There are about eight officers in there right now, the gunmen don’t seem to be letting them go anytime soon,” he paused, turning his body to fully face Bobby, “Sergeant Grant is among the officers being held hostage.”
Bobby jerked forward a little like he had been pushed from behind, his eyes widened as the breath completely left his lungs. He reached out to grab someone and ended up grabbing Buck’s shoulder to steady himself. His hands started shaking and his lip trembled as he tried his hardest not to cry.
“Wh-what do we do? What do we do?” He asked as he looked at his team. He felt like his heart was being ripped from his chest cavity. His better half, the second half of his soul, the light in his once darkened world was being held at gunpoint and no one was doing anything.
“Captain Nash, right now there is nothing we can do, okay? We have to let this play out. I understand that there is someone in there that you care for but--”
Bobby cut him off with a sharp gasp, “She’s not just someone I care for, Director. Athena is my everything, she is my wife, the love of my life. I don’t--what are we supposed to do? Because we can’t just sit here, we can’t just wait.”
“With all due respect, I have been through this a hundred times. We can’t go in there shooting them, one of the officers could be shot. We don’t know how dangerous they are yet and until we get a better understanding of what we’re dealing with, you need to stand down.”
Bobby breathed out, “But--”
“Stand. Down,” Simmons emphasized and walked away from Bobby to speak to the SWAT director.
In the bank, Athena and her officers had each been handcuffed side by side to the nearby poles that separated the lines. The metal was digging into Athena’s wrists, forcing tears to drip from her eyes as she looked towards the doors. Her thoughts went to her children, her beautiful children that still needed their mother, then she thought of Bobby, her wonderful husband who would for sure fall off the wagon without her. She wanted to believe that he was stronger than she gave him credit for and he was, but he continuously told her that he wouldn’t be alive without her, that he wouldn’t be able to go on if he lost her. She didn’t know what to do, for the first time in her entire 30 year career, she didn’t know how to get out of this one.
“Listen!” one of her officers shouted, Officer Jefferson.
“Jefferson,” Athena hissed, “Shut up!”
“There are probably hundreds of officers out there, alright? They aren’t gonna let you get away with this!” his voice was shaky, he was scared.
“Jefferson, please, for the love of God, shut the hell up!” Athena’s voice cracked slightly as she shouted at the man she’d known for a few years.
“I’d listen to her, Jefferson,” said the leader.
Jefferson shook his head, “No! You can’t just keep us here! You won’t get away with this so just let us go--” he was silenced for good by a single shot to the back of his head. Blood splattered across Athena’s face as she flinched. Jefferson was sitting right next to her, causing her face to be covered in the thick red liquid. She faintly heard the screams of the others as Jefferson’s body slumped forward. She couldn’t scream, or move, she was stuck in her spot.
Outside, everyone heard the gunshot, causing Bobby to try to race into the bank but Hen, Eddie, Chimney and Buck forced him backwards as tears ran down his cheeks. He kept fighting them, screaming for them to let him go but they had a tight grip on him, not wanting to lose their Captain to stupidity. None of them would ever know how he felt in that moment and they never wanted to but they knew what Athena would want, so they held onto him.
“Bobby, you cannot go in there!” Hen shouted, “You know that!”
“He-Hen, Athena is in there… she’s… the gunshot… Athena is in there!”
Hen wrapped her arms around Bobby’s shoulders, “I know, Bobby. I know but going in there right now will get her killed so please, just stay right here with me. Athena isn’t going to die, she is smart and resilient. She’s gonna make it back to you and the kids, but she can’t do that if you get hurt.”
Bobby finally calmed down as he turned his head to look at his wife’s best friend. Hen knew Athena, knew the Athena she was before he met her, so he’d listen to her because Henrietta Wilson always had their best interests at heart. He wrapped his arms around his friend who squeezed him in response.
“I don’t want her to die, Hen,” he whispered and she kissed the top of his head.
“Me neither,” she whispered back.
“Now,” said the leader, “Anyone else wanna eat a bullet?” He asked and no one replied, “Great,” he turned to his team as they discussed escape routes and how they’d get away with all the money from the vault.
With their backs turned, Athena allowed herself to cry. She looked at Jefferson’s still body and she wanted to throw up. She had told him, begged him to stop talking but she hated herself for not being able to do more. For getting them stuck there in the first place.
Simmons and the director of the SWAT team finally came up with a plan to extract the officers from inside and end this whole thing. They discussed sending a team through the opening in the roof, sending a team in through the back, and having a team surround the front. They instructed the other police officers to follow a team to a location, calling for two helicopters in case they tried to escape. He told the two fire stations to be ready in case anyone inside was hurt.
“Director,” Bobby called, walking over to speak to the man in private, “I know seeing me break down probably wasn’t a very good first impression.”
Simmons snorted, “You’re going through a lot, Bobby. I get it.”
Bobby nodded slowly, “I want to go in with a team.”
Simmons raised an eyebrow, “Excuse me?”
Bobby took a deep breath and released it through his nose, “I know I’m not trained for stuff like this, I get that. But, Athena is my wife, Director. She is the reason I’m still breathing and I need my face to be the one she sees first. I can do this, just let me. Let me save her.”
Simmons had serious reservations, it was against the rules, the law even. He didn’t know why Bobby would ask to do such a ridiculous thing but he thought back to his own wife and kids and he knew that at the end of everyday, Bobby was just a man, a husband, a father, a friend. He was more than just a Captain or a co-worker. He had heard a lot of Athena, how great of an officer she was, how talented and steadfast. He heard many stories of her over the years and knew she was one the world couldn’t lose.
“Alright,” said Simmons and Bobby’s eyes widened in surprise. Simmons pointed a finger at him, “But you stick very close to a SWAT member. Don’t you go off trying to be your own hero. You wanna get Sergeant Grant out of there alive, listen to everything they say.”
Bobby thanked him, tears gathering in his eyes. He went to walk away when Simmons grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“Don’t you dare make me regret this, Nash.”
Bobby nodded and went to join a team.
Athena never regretted much in her life, except what happened to Emmitt Washington, but in that moment she regretted not telling her family how much she loved them, how much they meant to her. She regretted not telling Henrietta and Michael that she appreciated their friendship, telling Buck that she admired his strength, telling Eddie he was doing an amazing job raising Christopher, and telling Chimney and Maddie that she was proud of how much they’d grown together. She regretted not always jumping into her husband’s arms with her legs around his waist and kissing him like it was the last time. For all she knew last night was the last time. She closed her eyes and prayed.
Athena’s eyes snapped open when she heard a choking noise and she looked over to see Officer Garcia being choked by a different gunman. Officer Garcia was one of the youngest people there, she had a two year old daughter and a husband at home. Athena felt her heart drop into her stomach.
“No!” She shouted without thinking, “Stop it, don’t hurt her!”
The man stopped and everyone looked at her.
“She’s just a kid,” Athena said, her voice cracking so she cleared her throat, “You’ve already killed one of us, please just leave her alone.”
The man who had been choking Garcia rushed over to her and grabbed her by the hair at the back of her head and yanked her head back so that her face was tilted up to his, causing Athena to whimper slightly at the pain.
“I’ve had about enough of you, bitch!” He shouted, “You say one more thing and you’ll regret it!”
Athena looked at his face and hated the burning of tears at the back of her eyes from him tugging so harshly at her hair, “You can do whatever you want to me,” she managed to get out, “Just leave the rest of them alone.”
“Oh, how noble. Just for that I’m gonna kill another one.”
He let her go and stood up as she shouted at him, trying to grab at his ankle but he turned and kicked her in the side of the head, causing her to fall over onto her side, the cuffs slicing deeper into her skin. She saw stars and then she heard the sound of a gunshot and a few screams. Tears flew down her face but she didn’t have the strength to get up and see who had just been murdered. She remained on the ground, silently praying that God would have mercy on her and they’d just kill her.
“This is the police! Let those officers go and come out with your hands up!”
“Fuck!” the leader exclaimed, “We need that extraction van, now!” The others raced around the bank while the officers felt hope swelling in their chests. Officer Garcia looked over at her Sergeant, who was still laying on the ground and she wasn’t moving.
“We won’t ask again!”
Next thing anyone knew, smoke bombs exploded in the room and all anyone saw was white smoke. They all coughed as SWAT members came up to them, snapping their cuffs off. Silencers went off and bodies dropped as the gunmen were being overpowered. Bobby fought his way through the smoke in search of his wife. He stumbled into Officer Rose who looked at him with wide eyes.
“You have to save, Athena! She’s over there!” The woman pointed to a figure laying on the ground. Bobby rushed over to her and saw the blood on her face.
“Oh my God, Athena! Athena, can you hear me?” He was slapping her cheeks but her eyes wouldn’t open. He prayed hard in his head to the highest being that his wife would be okay. He put one arm underneath her legs and the other across waist as he lifted her in his arms. Athena’s head lolled to the side as she groaned and her eyes slowly opened. Soon, she was staring into her husband’s terrified face.
“Bobby, you came for me,” she whispered before she went limp in his arms. Bobby ran out the exact way they came, making sure that the SWAT could handle the rest on their own. He ran around to the front, screaming that he needed help. He told them that he didn’t know where the blood was coming from as they placed her on a gurney. He hopped in the back of the ambulance, keeping his eyes on his wife while holding her hand. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, like he was under water but she needed him to be strong, he knew that.
A few hours later, Athena groaned and Bobby’s head snapped up to look at her. She tried to move but felt strong hands push her gently onto the bed.
“Relax, baby, you’re okay. You’re safe now,” came Bobby’s voice and Athena’s eyes flew open. She looked over at her husband and burst into tears. Bobby quickly joined her on the bed and held her as she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. She was sobbing into his shirt, soaking the front with her tears.
“I thought I was gonna die,” she said and her voice cracked, breaking Bobby’s heart, “They killed him!” She cried, “They shot him right in front of me and I-I couldn’t…” she let out a shaky breath.
“Shhh,” Bobby said soothingly while rubbing her back, “You need to rest, Athena. I promise I’ll be here when you wake up and we can talk about anything you need to. For now, close your eyes and rest.”
A few seconds rolled by before she responded, “Will you still hold me?” Her small voice asked and he kissed her forehead for a few seconds before tears gathered in his eyes.
“I will hold you until my last breath, baby. I love you so much.”
She took a breath, breathing in his scent and letting it surround her, “I love you,” she whispered, “Thanks for coming to get me.”
Bobby placed his hand on her beating heart as tears rolled down his face. He looked up to the ceiling silently thanking whomever was listening that the love of his life was safe, “Always.”
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cherrypieships · 3 years
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the amusement park: chapter one
A/N: Hi all! This is my first fic posted here on my self ship blog! I’m really proud of this story, it’s gonna be a two-parter.
Ship: davey jacobs x pepper simmons (s/i), featuring my best friend V and my gf Khourey and their respective f/os, race higgins and jack kelly!
Summary: Some of the newsies head to Canobie lake's haunted house/amusement park. Pepper and Davey are the only non-couple.
The backseat of Race’s mom’s minivan was one of the last places Pepper wanted to be at 7 o’clock on a Friday morning. Yet here she was, awaiting their arrival to Canobie Lake Park’s annual Screemfest as she got crammed in next to Davey Jacobs.
Not that she disliked Davey. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Pepper liked Davey a whole lot. And that was exactly the problem. Here she was, in such close proximity to him that their knees knocked together every time Violet hit a pothole, harbouring a gigantic crush on her best friend. And everyone in the car knew beside him. And they were totally fifth- and sixth-wheeling on this trip.
It was fine.
Besides, Pepper was willing to endure a few hours pining quietly if it meant she could go on some sick roller coasters. So she sucked it up and tucked quietly into her seat.
Mickey turned around from the middle row and handed Pepper a piece of her chocolate croissant. “You cold back there?” She asked, wild red curls framing her face as she spoke.
After popping the pastry into her mouth, Pepper shrugged. “I’m fucking always cold.”
Jack tugged his hat up from where it rested over his eyes. “That is a fair point, she is always cold.” He said pointedly, and yelped when Pepper flicked the back of his head.
“I have poor circulation, dickhead.” She whined.
Race snickered from the passenger seat. “Good thing my dickhead doesn’t have poor circulation.” He quipped.
Though Pepper couldn’t see it, she could feel Violet rolling their eyes at their boyfriend. “I’m gonna file for divorce, Race.” They picked up their coffee and took a brief sip. “And I’m taking the kids.”
Beside her, Davey was digging around in the duffel bag he’d brought for the ride. He’d described it to Pepper as a ‘Minor Catastrophe Bag’, with a tiny first aid kit, nail clippers, some snacks, ibuprofen, pads, and a pair of tweezers. As much as she would have loved to gently bully him for being such a mother hen, she knew she’d be thanking him later through an inevitable headache. He straightened, finally, and emerged with a sweater. “Um, if you’re really cold,” He held it out to her. “You can wear this. It’s my backup but I’m pretty warm.” He said.
Pepper took the sweater in both hands with a gentle smile, trying to ignore the soft brush of his fingertips against hers. “You sure?” As much as she would love to immediately engulf herself in his clothes, it was Mid-October and she didn’t want to steal Davey’s source of warmth from him.
Like usual, he waved off her gentle concern. “I have my jacket and I’m wearing layers.” He explained, pushing the sweater towards her.
She took it in her hands, hoping and praying that the heat in her face wasn’t visible. “If you insist.” The teasing was playful, as it always had been. Their friendship had existed for years, the product of a few friend groups merging and discovering that they fit like puzzle pieces. Davey always gave up his cherry Starbursts to Pepper because they were her favorite. Pepper let Davey borrow her favorite poetry books. They spent summers at the pool together. Had napped, cried, laughed, celebrated together for what seemed like forever.
So why did wearing his clothes make her so much more flustered than anything before?
She slid the sweater on, enveloping herself in his scent- oh Christ she was dying- and did actually feel much better. Even though the dark blue didn’t exactly match her outfit.
Davey smiled at her. “When will you learn to dress for the weather?” He admonished gently.
“That’s why I keep you around.” Pepper said, rather than admitting that she was just forgetful and liked her outfit too much.
“Davey’s new occupation: Pepper’s coat rack.” Violet chimed in, handing their phone to Race to switch the song that was playing.
Davey sighed. “I’m really putting that college education to good use.”
The rest of the car ride went by relatively quickly, much to Pepper’s delight. They hopped out into the cool autumn air, cracked their cramped joints, and headed into the park. Davey thankfully left most of his supplies in the trunk of the minivan (save for the ibuprofen he’d managed to sneak into Pepper’s purse just in case), so they’d made it through security and into the place without much fuss as well.
Jack, ever the natural born leader of the bunch, snagged a map and immediately started planning their route for the day. He unfurled it in front of the group and, as Mickey curled into his side, eyed the pathways and rollercoasters thoughtfully. “So do you guys wanna start at the front and work our way back? Or the other way around?”
There was a beat of silence as everyone worked the thought over. “We should just head towards the back, I think everyone’s gotta start testing the rides first anyway.” Mickey piped up first.
Davey nodded. “Gives us more time.” He added.
They made the trek towards the back of the park, Mickey and Jack leading with the map.
Race sidled up beside Pepper and hip-checked her. “You been to these haunted houses before?” He asked, making reference to the night-time festivities. Once the sun set, the park released creepily-costumed actors to scare those who stayed, and previously blocked-off areas were transformed into small haunted houses. Truthfully, Pepper had never been to any haunted house, let alone ones set up at an amusement park.
So, she shook her head. “It’s my first haunted house, actually.” Something she’d confided in Mickey and Vi about.
Race feigned a gasp. “Well ain’t this a hell of a place to start!” He elbowed her, and she returned the gesture, their own weird little handshake.
“Are you serious?” Davey asked, his own elbow catching her shoulder, fucking ow, he’s bony.
Pepper nodded. “I was too scared when I was a kid, and then when I stopped being a baby, all that stuff with my mom happened, so I just never went.”
Davey hummed in acknowledgement, evidently eager to skip past the whole ‘my-mom-is-ill’ conversation. “Ah, well. If you need a buddy, I’m sure we’ll be left alone. Together.” He said, his head tilting to their friends, who had once again broken off into couples, leaving them to their own devices.
Shoving the impending smile down, she nodded. “I’m sure we will.”
“Well, we have a good, um,” He checked the watch on his wrist (the one with the brown leather strap that he wore with every outfit, even if Pepper told him it didn’t match, or that it was too clunky.) “Like, ten hours before we need to even think about that.”
She crumpled into a fit of giggles. “Perfect. I’m sure we’ll spend that time wisely.” She swatted his arm as he shoved his watch in front of her face.
They did not.
Six and a half hours later, the group stood in line at one of the concession stands, staring at the menu and nodding to the song playing in the background; some mid-2010s Kesha track that was making Vi go absolutely crazy.
Jack squinted at the chalkboard. “They don’t even have chicken tenders here?” He nudged Race. “They don’t even have chicken tenders here.”
Race nodded slowly, also squinting. Pepper wondered, briefly, if the pair needed glasses or if they were just trying to look contemplative. “Mickey’s gonna call it homophobic, you know.” He said.
“It is!” Mickey called dutifully from the table they had snagged for the gang to inevitably sit at. “I’ll take some cheese fries though!” To which Jack nodded and stepped up to the worker behind the plexiglass, beginning to list off the group’s orders.
Vi’s voice floated through Pepper’s ears. “Oh what a shame that you came here with someone,” they approached her, eyes closed and hands up by their shoulders as they got all the way into their performance. “My god, if they have candy apples at a stall somewhere, I’m gonna go buckwild.” They said suddenly, snapping out of their trance to stare at Pepper expectantly.
Before she could say anything, though, Davey stole the words from her mouth. “You are allergic to apples, V.” He chided, maybe more kindly than Pepper would have put it, but she was willing to overlook it for the sake of the way a small smile pulled at his mouth.
Violet dropped their hands. “Only a little bit.” They argued.
“A little bit allergic.” Davey repeated, and Pepper pressed her lips together firmly to fight off the grin at the exasperation in his voice.
“To apples, yes.” They nodded, and, evidently done with arguing, turned to keep Mickey company at the table.
Davey turned to Pepper, disbelief crossing his features. “Can you believe-”
“Yes.” She cut him off. “Yes I absolutely can believe it.” Pepper said, digging through her memory of the times V had pulled some similar shit; eating eleven mozzarella sticks despite their lactose intolerance, buying a Panic! At The Disco vinyl despite wanting Brendon Urie dead, and spending $40 on a Funko Pop figure of Spiderman Noir for no real reason other than some guy at a convention told them to.
Jack turned to his friends. “Okay I did the ordering, someone else has to do the collecting.” He announced, shoving the receipt with the order number on it towards Davey, who had inadvertently become Second In Command. Then, with a signature Jack Kelly Smug Smile, he stalked off to where V and Mickey were seated, Race following behind.
Great, Pepper thought, another conveniently timed moment alone with Davey. Briefly, she wondered if her friends had planned this ahead of time, and then she came to her senses and realized that yes, of course they had. Those conniving little weasels had been conspiring to get Davey to like her since senior prom.
She still remembered the way Mickey had shoved Davey at her when a slow song came on that night. Work Song by Hozier had drifted over the speakers, and V’s elbow caught her in the ribs as they growled a furious “Dance with him or I’ll fucking kill you.” and skipped off to sway with Racer. Pepper had stood on the dance floor, gaping as she watched Jack wink at Vi. Those two never got along about anything.
Davey’s hand had entered her field of vision, skin almost glowing under the light of the mirrorball. He’d smiled sheepishly, admitted that this was one of his favorite songs, and asked if she’d like to share a dance.
The strange thing was, she didn’t actually like Davey before that. At least she thought she didn’t. It wasn’t until she was cradled close to his chest, breathing in the smell of his soap and some soft, powdery cologne he frequented, that she found her heart pounding and her palms going clammy. And when he’d started humming against her hair, one hand in hers and the other around her waist, she knew she was absolutely fucked.
She’d started thinking about it and, yeah, it made sense to want to be with Davey. Handsome Davey, who sometimes made her laugh until soda came out her nose, and whose affinity for children’s cartoons made him the ideal conversation partner. Three years later, she was still in love with him.
And it was all her stupid, evil friends’ faults.
Back in the present, Davey tucked his hands in his pockets, his lips twisting as he lost himself in thought. “We’re gonna have so much shit to carry.” He murmured, exasperated at being the ones left behind.
“We sure are. At least you and Jack ordered drinks, so that’s more stuff to spill.” She twisted a long strand of hair around her finger.
Davey scoffed good-naturedly. “Yeah well you made me leave my water bottle in the car so I needed to be hydrated somehow.”
Pepper kicked at his shin with the toe of her sneaker. “And a caramel hot chocolate is the best way to stay hydrated?” She grinned up at him, watching him tuck the receipt into his back pocket and start moving for the pick-up window as the drink in question was called out.
He hummed in assent. “You bet it is.” He picked up the paper cup, taking a short sip and licking at his bottom lip. Pepper ignored the urge to run her thumb across it.
She must have been staring, because after a second, Davey held the cup out towards her. He didn’t say anything, didn’t need to. She loved chocolate and caramel, and always ran cold. He knew there was no way she’d have turned down a sip if he’d offered, so he must have decided to save his breath. She took the cup in her hands, the warmth emanating from it seeping pleasingly into her palms, and took a sip as well, subconsciously hoping to taste more than the drink. She licked her lips.
Davey watched her intently. He opened his mouth, ready to say something to her, when the order bell rang out. “Order sixty-nine!” The college girl behind the counter announced.
“Oh, fuck yes.” Race cackled from the table. V leaned into him, trying to hide their own laughter as Mickey gave him a high-five.
Pepper sighed, she should’ve known that would be their luck. The pair of them moved forward, Davey pushing in front of her to grab the tray before she could even reach for it. “I got it.” He mumbled, holding onto the plastic tray like a nervous Disney-Channel-Original-Movie teenager. “Grab the drinks, don’t worry about it.” And then he smiled up at her, a closed-lipped little smile that made her heart race as she picked up Jack’s orange soda.
Behind her, someone clicked their tongue. Pepper turned, making immediate eye contact with an older lady with greying black hair and soft folds in her skin, who gave her a knowing smile. “And they say chivalry is dead. You got yourself a sweet one, honey.” She said, then winked.
Pepper’s jaw went slack trying to think of a response. She turned back to Davey, whose eyebrows were so far up his face that they were basically in his hairline. “Oh God,” he said simply, “Um, thank you, ma’am.”
The woman laughed softly, leaned over and patted Pepper’s shoulder as if she knew something Pepper didn’t, and then disappeared into the line to order food.
There was a long, silent moment, where Pepper was racking her brain, searching every corner for something to say that would shift the air, move the mood from awkward to playful with a joke of some sort. She looked at him again, and he was staring at her, unblinking. There was a funny look on his face- regret maybe- his eyebrows low and his eyes a little soft. She wondered, distantly, if he was realizing that she was in love with him; if it was a look of pity-
“Hurry up with my goddamn cheese fries!” Mickey yelled, their hunger obviously taking control over their inhibition.
Without a second thought, Pepper turned on her heel and walked to where their friends were, leaving Davey and the unnerving encounter behind.
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elysiashelby · 4 years
In Another World - T. Shelby Imagine Ch. 12
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC) 
Fandom: Peaky Blinders 
Word Count: 10,468 
WARNINGS: Angst, Alcohol Consumption (borders abuse), Cursing, FIGHT SCENE (Detailed), Existential Crisis, Mentions of Blood & Bones Breaking
Summary: Aliena’s 18th birthday has arrived, but her mental health isn’t doing so well. She’s feeling more distant from the Shelby’s and in her role in their universe. Aliena has been partying a lot, drinking a lot of alcohol. How is that affecting her? 
A/N: This chapter has a fight scene. It’s mildly detailed, but be warned. Thomas does interact with Aliena in this chapter, however; it’s not a huge part of this chapter. Along with the previous chapter, this chapter centers on Aliena. Also, she’s still very depressed. BLACK LINE BREAK INDICATED START AND END OF FIGHT SCENE!!
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Me nose was runny and tears slipped out of me eyes. Cassie was holding back me hair and rubbing me back as I vomited me guts out. I sniffed as I fell to me side. I got a hold of the handle and flushed the toilet.
“Tank you.” I said.
Cassie nodded with her squinted eyes and her lips pursed. “I got you, honey. I got you, Ali.” She was rubbing me arm now and didn’t let go of me hair. 
Slowly and not steadily, I stood up. Cassie followed me and didn’t let go of me hair. I turned on the faucet and rinsed me mouth of the taste. As I bent down to spit out the water, I felt a familiar tug on me hair. I raised me hand and tried to whack her grip away. She finally fuckin’ let go.
I gasped for air, looked to me side, and reached for me toothbrush.
Cassie cackled while walking over to the toilet. She put the lid down ‘n sat on it. “Not regretting leaving that here now, are you?”
I rolled me eyes as I brushed me teeth. “Nevah did, ya divvy.” I spat out the excess before going in and brushing me tongue as well. 
Anyway after all that, Cassie and I walked out. There was people asleep across the floor, on couches, on chair, ‘n even tables. Me hand flew to me mouth and I felt nauseous again.
“Cassie, we’re not fucking home!” I turned ‘round and clutched her forearm with a fury.
Cassie had the same flabbergasted look on her face.
“We fuckin’ fell asleep in the loo!” 
Cassie started gagging and I tsked as I stomped me foot.
“You brushed your teeth with somebody’s else’s toothbrush!” Cassie whispered-shouted.
I whimpered while stomping me feet. “I know I did.” I marched over to Angie and smacked her shoulder. “Angie, wake up! Wake up, we have to go!” I began shaking her.
She protested in her sleep, but eventually she couldn’t take it anymore and shot up.
“All right!” She yelled. “All right, I’m awake.” 
“Thank you.” I said with some snap in me tone. I looked over to Tina and luckily, Cassie saved me the trouble of waking her arse up. 
“Thank ya Jesus! Let’s fuckin’ go!” I shouted. Some people fucking whined in their sleep while others glared at me. I fucking glared back. The four of us stumbled our way ‘til the front of the house. 
“Wait!” Cassie shouted. 
I looked back at her and contorted me face in confusion.
She trailed off to the phone while saying, “I have to call Simmons .”
Collectively, we all groaned. 
I cradled me head and then let it drop limply. I must have stood there for .5 seconds before I huffed. “I’m waiting outside. Join me if you want!” So, I walked outside and sat down on the steps. 
It was fucking freezing! I really hafta to start bringing coats.
“Fuck, Ali! Aren’t you fucking freezing?” Angie asked me as she sat beside me.
I scoffed while rubbing me arms up and down furiously. “Yes, of course, I am.” 
Angie opened up her fur coat and ushered me to get in. I did so without hesitation. She shivered as I stole her warmth. Then, we started giggling. 
“Fucking London winters!” I shouted. This caused Angie to chuckle.
I could hear the doors open and close at the same time as a car engine did. I looked back to see Cassie and Tina walking out, heels in hand. 
“He’s here.” Cassie announced while walking past us.
Angie and I got up and followed suit. I don’t remember the drive because I fell back to sleep. Once we got to her place, we all decided to take a shower. I was made to go last since I had just flopped on the bed and closed me eyes.
I wasn’t asleep, but I didn’t want to be awake either. Tina came and shook me awake when it was me turn. I rolled up, grabbed some towels, and walked into the bathroom. 
I turned on the water ‘n made sure it was scalding hot before I stepped in. I sighed in pleasure as I was enveloped in its heat. I ran me hands over me hair and down me neck. 
Tommy’s been busy as was the whole family. Finn’s abar to turn twelve, but he’s growing fast. His baby fat is going away and he’s stretching out. 
God, was I teased when I came back bladdered the first night I went out! They all had a laugh. Arthur’s booming laugh made me wince which made more snickers go ‘round. Tommy even teased me abar calling him pretty.
“Me eyes still pretty, Aliena?” He asked me.
I tried smacking him, but he swerved and ran off. As much as me head was pounding, we- I was still happy. 
I sighed as I lathered me body with soap.
I still feel lost. I’m stuck cleaning and collecting payments from families. I only did that gig every two week, though. So, I took up another job and started helping Polly with the finances. I just double checked her math and did some of me own. The latter was only if we were swamped, though.
I wasn’t getting paid for that either. Two pound was enough, Polly warned me. I didn’t fight it. I saved up a lot of money. I just wasn’t out enough to spend it on much, but now that I am— it’s slowly decreasing. 
I huffed as I washed out the shampoo from me hair.
Finn is ‘aving trouble reading, finally. That coupled along with his growing desire to be apart of the family business, he’s getting even more discouraged abar school. Been hanging ‘round with Isaiah Jesus, who was five or six years older than him. Isaiah is a nice enough boy. Honestly, I don’t care what they do. They’re not me own children, after all.
I looked down at the water spiraling into the drain.
That’s a blag. I care deeply with what happens to that kid. Poor thing.
I sighed while turning off the shower. I wrang me hair multiple times to get out as much excess water as I could before bunching it up in a towel.
I didn’t like feeling like a freeloader in that house. It was just wrong. But I couldn’t deny that I loved the days like this where I knew I had no responsibilities because I already took care of them.
I would just sleep in bed. Or, like last night— party ‘til I blacked out. I also started writing again. Some original fantasy story. It was more for the 2000s, so I didn’t dare let anyone read it. After all, they wouldn’t understand some of the jargon I used nor the types of technologies. 
Once I was done drying off me body, I began to lather me legs in lotion. 
I was partying a lot! Like a lot. I can’t tell you how many times between December 16th and now, that Tommy had carried me off to bed. 
I kept telling him that he didn’t have to do that, but he insisted that he was doing it so I wouldn’t get sick. I’ve never not slept with blankets before, so I couldn’t disagree. I mean I did it when I was a child, I’m sure. But, I don’t remember if I got sick over it. I was sick a lot as a child.
I tucked in me towel and walked out. “I’m still alive.” I announced while walking over to me backpack. 
“Good. I was afraid you died in there.” Cassie chuckled at her own joke, which made me smile. 
I just yanked whatever I could out of it since it was holding everything I needed. New undergarments and clothes. Once I put on me panties, I dropped me towel so I could put on me bra. 
I finally looked up and watched as they talked amongst themselves. I tugged me hair towel off and patted me hair dry. 
“Hey, Ali. Your birthday is coming up. How do you feel about a party?”
With me back bent as I was drying me hair, I asked. “Where at?”
They collectively began to hum as I began me fight with jeans. I always had to jump once they got to me thighs. 
“Well, I wanted to throw you a party at my house.” Angie said as her hands joined in on the conversation.
I froze, instantly. I literally stopped putting on me shirt. “You mean at your mansion?”
She nodded with a sheepish smile on her face. 
I let me shirt stay stuck above me bust as I rushed to Angie. I hugged her as she giggled.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I chanted.
“Um, you’re welcome. I guess. I mean, I’m not doing this for a thank you. I want to throw a big party, that’s all. You’re one of my best friends.” 
I squeezed her tighter before letting her go. “Still, thank you. ‘Cause you don’t have to throw me a party at all.”
I gave her a big-toothy smile before I launched to kiss her cheek.
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I went home the next day, fully sober. Don’t worry, yesterday was a rest day for me liver. Didn’t exactly want to die of a failed liver so soon. What am I talking abar? It’ll catch up to me later in life like with the boys.
Knowing me own luck, its gonna catch up with me sooner. Just watch.
I walked through the door and locked it behind me. It was seven, so I knew that Polly had to be up.
“Polly, I’m home!”
“In the kitchen, love!”
I walked in the room and there she was sitting with Ada and Karl. I cooed at the sight of him. I made grabby hands which made Ada chuckle. She passed him into me arms and I sighed.
“Hello, little one. How are you? Oh, you’re getting heavier. Mummy’s been feeding you right!”
I began to pepper his face in kisses which made him smile. 
“So, Ali. Polly’s been telling me that you’ve been to the big city with your friends. How are you liking it?”
I slowly took a seat before answering her. “Um, it’s not bad. I mean, during the day it’s beautiful. Perfect for people visiting, but at night-!” I scoffed while laughing. “It’s like everybody’s morals are gone with the light.”
Polly chortled. “So, like here except you get the same during the day too.”
 I rolled me eyes before blowing a raspberry. Karl giggled so I did it again. I looked at Ada and asked, “So, you and Freddie have any luck finding a flat?” 
She looked down, picking at her nails. So, that’s a no.
Ada scoffed. “It’s just so much harder than we thought. Things are really heating up within the group and Freddie’s friends can’t take us in because money is tight right now.”
I furrowed me eyebrows. “It is?”
It seems that I stepped on a landmine ‘cause there was a sparkle in Ada’s eyes. And so, she went on a rant abar communism. I only half paid attention, to be polite. Though Polly and I shared multiple judgemental glances at each other.
Karl, eventually, started to get fussy and I gave him back to Ada. Said he was probably hungry.
Polly cleared her throat when Ada stopped talking. “So, Ali, your birthday is coming up. What do you want to do?”
I hummed in thought. “Well, um, one of me friends offered to throw me a party at her place. So, I’m not sure. Plus, everyone is so busy. I don’t want to impose on anything.”
“Well, then. Guess a little celebration at the Garrison the day before wouldn’t be so bad, right?” 
I whipped ‘round to see Tommy leaning against the entrance of the kitchen, taking a drag from his ciggie.
I stopped getting after him abar them a while back. Didn’t see the point anymore. Especially now since I smoke too from time to time.
“No, it wouldn’t.”
He nodded. “We can see you drink in action. Wonder how many glasses of whiskey ‘till you feel a buzz?”
I felt me cheeks heat up as Polly and Ada snickered. I went to strike him ‘n he just lifted his arm.
I sighed and leaned on me head with the support of me hand. 
“Where am I needed today?” I asked, slightly already exhausted.
Polly hummed as she quickly swallowed her sip of tea. “I’ll be needing your help in the shop. Come on.”
I bit me lip, in order to stop the sigh that wanted to escape me mouth. I looked over at Tommy one last time, who was still looking at me. 
I spent the whole day running ‘round for Polly. Counting up money, retrieving money from the boys, and putting it away in the safe. I didn’t know the combination. I was just tossing it in. 
When she didn’t need me help, I was to go and make dinner. I did, in fact, make lunch as well. 
As I was doing that I went and called Cassie.
“Hello!” Cassie answered with a sing-song tone.
“Hello, Cassie.”
“Oh! Ali, what’s going on?”
I shook me head, even though, she couldn’t see it. “Is nothing. So, the Shelby’s are throwing me a little gatherin’ at the Garrison. You know the bar that Arthur owns now. And I was wondering if you and the girls can make it?”
I heard Cassie hum. “Well, I don’t see why we couldn’t. I know I’ll be there, but let me ask them and I’ll call you back.”
We hung up and I refocused on finishing dinner. She called me back a little later saying that they agreed to come. Now, all that was left was for the day to come.
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Today we were celebratin’ me 18th birthday. I’ve been with the Shelby’s for a year and 11 months. On me first 18th birthday, I was given a car. I wonder what I’m getting this year. Prior to the whole Kimber operation, I had been drawing a lot— but since, I stopped. I still have loads of paint and a single canvas left. 
I just hoped that they don’t give me the same thing. 
I wasn’t woken up the same way like last year either. It was the sun that woke me. I opened me eyes and laid in bed. I looked at the door in silence then turned away.
I could feel it in the air. Today was not going to be a good day.
I huffed while shutting me eyes close tightly. I slowly got up and turned ‘round so me feet where almost touchin’ the floor. I took a deep breath and let me feet touch the ground. 
I figured since we weren’t gonna be at the bar ‘til late at night. I was expected to still do me regular duties. I mean, after all, tomorrow was me birthday. I threw on a simple dress and boots then headed downstairs. 
I started working on breakfast. For who? I don’t know. Maybe just for me. I could hear the bustling of the shop. Men shouting. 
This empty room. This empty, vacant room with only me filling it. 
I closed me eyes and clenched me fists. The stinging pain of me nails diggin’ into me palm distracted me from crying. I shook me head and quickly plated me omelet. The chair scraped against the floor as I pulled it out and then I sat down.
I stared at it and stared. 
I’m not that hungry.
“Ali, what’re doing?” 
Me head snapped up and I locked eyes with Tommy. I blinked furiously before shaking me head a little, ‘n it really was just a little. 
I gulped before taking me fork, cutting a piece, and placed it in me mouth. “I was thinking.” I said with a little scoff, a goofy smile on me face. “Didn’t realize I was thinking that hard.”
He tipped his cap at me with furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes before he walked off. 
I watched him and then dropped me fork. It didn’t taste of anything. 
To avoid causing up a stir, I scarfed down the rest of that omelet and then went abar me way. 
I went outside and pulled down the laundry. I tried keeping me head clear of everything and anything. But it was impossible. I kept making up plots in me head. I was just so bored without anyone to talk to.
‘I miss the kids.’ I caught meself thinking. I sighed while I clutched the basket closer to me body. I looked away before looking back ‘n walked back into the house. I had to start folding. 
Once I folded the clothes, I placed them in the room of their respective owners and then went back downstairs to clean up the place. I was in the middle of sweeping when lunch came ‘round. 
I did the usual and brought the boys and Polly their meals. Esme was at home today. However, there was one odd man out, Tommy. He was probably overseeing the designs of his office. They were going to start building soon. He said it would take anywhere from four to seven months. 
So with me basket like little red riding hood, I had to go on an adventure to take Tommy his lunch. When I got there, he dismissively thanked me. He literally didn’t even pick up his head, just took the bloody sandwich.
I didn’t even roll me eyes as usual. Didn’t see the point. I just went on me way. 
There was this pit in me stomach. It was making itself known more and more by the second.
I gasped in pain and leaned on a wall for support. I started smoothing me stomach by rubbing it harshly. But then I could feel the stares, so I stood up and began on me way again. 
By the time I got back, it was already late afternoon. I had to hurry up with the sweeping, dusting, and then beginning to polish the silver. I was not going to be able to finish that today!
I bought meself a type of curling iron and was dying to try it out. It was Tina who suggested it to me. Well, it was curling tongs but I was willing to burn meself to curl me hair. 
I picked out a pale-blue, dyed Burberry lace dress for tonight. I’ve been dying to wear it! I had a pale blue undergarment set to match. I put on said undergarments and dress, then worked on me hair. 
I got burned a couple of times, but it was worth it. The waves I’d get from having a bun just weren’t the same. I decided against makeup today. I just put on some chapstick and waited for night to roll ‘round. 
I kept meself busy by writing. I was on a sex scene for me story. It just kept me mind busy and away from negative thoughts. I didn’t stop writing ‘til there was a knock at me door.
“Ali, dear, are you ready?”
I slammed me journal shut and shoved it in its drawer. “Yeah!” I called out. “I’ll be right out!”
I got up from me seat and rushed out. I guess from the way I opened me door, Polly flinched. I gave her a sheepish smile.
“Shall we head out?” I asked.
She nodded while giving me a smile back. “Let’s go, love. I suspect the boys are already there. Starting without us.”
I scoffed. “Oh, Pol. I wouldn’t doubt it.” We shared another smile before we headed down the stairs arm in arm. 
“Aliena, have you met a boy in London?” Polly asked.
I shook me head. “Nah.” I took me coat off the hook, put it on, and managed to tug out me hair.
“Why not? I’m sure there’s hundreds of men out there that want to talk to ya!” She asked as we walked out the door, locking it behind us.
I tucked a piece of hair away from me face. “I mean, yeah. I have talked to men at the clubs.”
“But none of them worked out.”
I shook me head. “They all seemed to want one thing, you know. The ones that did seem sweet, fuckin’ turned ballistic on me at some point in the night. Then the real gentlemen just-!” I sighed. “There was just something missing.”
Polly sighed while patting me forearm that she was holding. “Yep, that’s men for you. Dogs that think with their cocks.” She sighed. “Well, there’s no rush. Take your time. Find someone you’ll want to spend the rest of your life with. But not too long, I want to be around to see that little one.”
A genuine smile and giggled let me lips. “I promise, Polly.” 
She pinched me cheek as we walked. 
“Is Ada and Freddie coming?” I asked.
She shrugged. “No idea. Last time we talked Ada said she wanted to come. But, with the new baby and the fact they’re practically still newlyweds because of all that’s happened— they probably would rather stay in.”
I half rolled me eyes. “You mean Freddie suggested that Ada stayed home.”
“Most likely.” 
We both grumbled at that. 
“Is that how married life is, Pol?”
She looked at me then looked away. “It’s not everything. It’s a part of it. Compromise. Ada can’t very well expect to go out whenever she wants. She doesn’t have a babysitter to take care of Karl, and you can’t bloody well expect the father to help.” She scoffed again.
Sounded like she was reminiscing.
I hummed and said. “True.”
We arrived at the Garrison, soon enough, and I opened the doors for her. It was just polite. Right?
We immediately went into the snug where the whole family was excluding John’s kids and Ada. So, really. It was just Arthur, Tommy, John, Finn, and Esme. Yes, Esme was here.
While it did irk me that she was here instead of taking care of the kids, it was not me decision to make. They had their own parenting style. And, Esme was not a bad person.
They cheered as we walked.
“There’s the birthday girl!”
“Happy Birthday, Ali!”
I smiled while taking of me coat. Arthur came ‘round and helped me. I quickly thanked him and then found a spot to sit in.
Tommy stood up from his seat and reached over to me. “No, come on.” He said while pulling me up. “Up you get. Finn, go and get the cake.”
Finn was actually smiling rather than grumbling abar being made to get the cake. I covered me mouth with me hand in embarrassment. But went along with it, nonetheless.
Finn came back in balancing the cake in one hand as he had to close the door behind him. Polly took it from his hands and set it down on the table. Arthur and John were working on lighting all the candles.
The air was somewhat awkward yet filled with excitement at the same time. It was weird. 
As Arthur lit the last candle, they started singing. It was happenin’ all over again. I was covering me mouth with me hands and doubling over. 
“Happy Birthday, dear Aliena. Happy Birthday to you!” 
“Blow out the/your candles.”
I leaned down and thought abar it. ‘I wish I find happiness here soon.’ Then, I blew them out. They cheered and Polly was the first to hug me.
She whispered me a happy birthday in me ear before pecking me cheek and moving out of the way. Finn was next to wish me a happy birthday. I squeezed him tight while swaying us side to side. John stole me from Finn’s grasp, as always.
“Happy birthday, Ali. Is that a wrinkle I see?”
I gasped horrified and smacked his arm just as fast. He fucking cackled as he flinched. 
“Don’t listen to ‘em, Aliena. Happy birthday, Songbird!” Arthur roared as he brought me in for a hug. He shook us with made me make the sounds to match. I wasn’t expecting him to shake me.
Esme squeezed her way over to me and she wished me as well. We exchanged a quick peck on the cheek before I was left with the last one. 
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” I teased while leaning back, me hands on me hips.
Tommy rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face. “Happy Birthday, Ali.” He hugged me and as I went to part from him, he kept me there. I felt him lean into me ear and I bit me lip harshly so I didn’t flinch. “For your present, I-!” He sighed into me ear, and I couldn’t help but flinch. “I, for lack of better words, added a headstone for your father. Happy Birthday, Aliena and I’m sorry.”
This imaginary romantic atmosphere was instantly shattered by the mention of me father. Great job, Thomas!
I smiled and thanked him as we parted. I made me way back to me seat. 
“Right!” Arthur shouted. “I say we get to opening these bloody presents. Get it out the way and drink Aliena till she drops!” He raised his mug to me while taking a drink of his bevvy.
I squinted at him while titling me head. “Fine, let’s get them out of the way!” I slid a box over from the middle of the table and began ripping it open. I shimmed the lid off of the box to reveal shoes.
“You’re gonna need a good pair of dancing shoes, if ya expect to be dancing ‘round clubs all the time, Ali.” John said with a cigar between his lips. 
I plastered on a smile and thanked him. I set in under the table and dealt with the rest of them. Arthur bought me more canvases. Something abar that made me laugh. I should expect canvases for all of me birthdays.
Once I sobered up, I opened up the last big box on the table. It was a coat from Polly. I faked a squeal, hugged her, and thanked her incessantly. It’s not that I didn’t like the coat. It’s just I never asked for one, either.
Then, there was this little box. I tugged on the ribbon and shimmed the lid off of it to reveal a rather expensive looking necklace. The snug quieted down and we collectively tried to find the culprit. Our eyes locked on the boy who was smiling the brightest.
Without a care in the world, Finn wished me a happy birthday. Cue Polly smacking him upside the head. 
“Finn, where’d you pinch that from?” Tommy asked while rubbing his bottom lip.
Finn, who was shielding himself from the last of Polly’s blows, answered. “Some jewelry store in London. Think it was called Madison. It’s not a big deal.”
All us shouted that it was indeed a big deal. I covered the box and pinched the bridge of me nose. 
Polly sighed. “No point in worrying now. I’ll be reading the papers in case people are looking for it. For now, give it to me. I’ll hide it away. It’s no good to be wearing that around here or right now.” She held out her hand for me.
I instantly gave it to her. I looked over at Finn who was looking rather ashamed. “You better beaut, you.” I shoved his face away, playfully. 
A small smile graced his face.
After that debacle, I ate a piece of me own cake while drinking gin. It’s been the first time in a long while that I’ve managed to get the chance to talk to everybody like this.
Made me really think abar how much I matter and how much I don’t. How much doing over Kimber changed this family. They were all busier. I wasn’t. They wouldn’t have done this if it hadn’t been me birthday. Well, they wouldn’t have invited me and Polly. It’s a fucking boys club in this family. Well, they did invite me in the past— but that’s all it is now, the past.
I downed a glass of whiskey and felt it burn me throat. I was getting used to it. I mean I started to drink at least twice a week. I could only limit me vices so much. It’s torture enough as is that I’m holding down the urge to smoke a ciggie right now. But, I am exposed to all the second hand in the air. 
“So, Ali. How are you feeling?” Arthur asked me as he was leaning close to Tommy. As if they had a secret bet or something. I knew what he meant by the question.
I shrugged me shoulders as I smiled. “I feel fine. Warm and fine.”
He scoffed and nodded before turning his head toward Tommy’s ear.
I rolled me eyes and went back to me conversation with Polly. We were talking abar how we were gonna get a grip on Finn. It’s sad that it took that child to do an actual robbery before anyone decided to listen to me. But, at least it’s happenin’ now.
After that I went on a conversation with John, who also asked abar me love life. It was getting so annoying to repeat the same damn things! Then, Esme had to add her two cents in and I couldn’t “snap” back in fear of getting on the wrong foot.
“I think you should experience life as is. Settling down is something you do later.”
I widened me eyes and put on a polite smile, but still had to bite me lip. Didn’t she have an arranged marriage ‘cause she was too wild. I nodded and then moved back to where me seat originally was.
One minute turned into five which turned into ten. 
Were these bitches really not going to show up? 
I looked ‘round to see everyone engaged in some kind of conversation. The boys were playing a card game while Polly and Esme talked. I was the odd man out. Just nursing me fucking bevvy. 
I don’t want to admit it, but this set up right here was hurting me feelings. Never liked feeling excluded. 
I took another glance at them again as I trailed me finger ‘round the rim of the glass.
I didn’t mean to do it, but I began thinking abar how it would be if I wasn’t here. Would they still have met up today? Under the circumstance of a nice day to relax after work. Did me presence actually affect anything? Why was I here? What was me purpose here? Am I supposed to help someone in the Shelby family? 
Am I supposed to prevent the second war from happening? Was this a blessing or a curse? Was this a curse?
“Ailena! Aliena, hun, we’re here!” Cassie shouted from outside the snug. 
I shot up from me chair, whipped back the door, and threw me arms ‘round her. We both laughed and swayed a little.
“You came. You fuckin’ slags. I thought youse weren’t gonna show.” 
Cassie laughed while petting me hair. “We thought you were home then we had to ask around where this bar was. We’re not from here idiot.” She knocked on me head as if she were knocking on a door. “We weren’t going to find this place if no one showed us it before.”
I pursed me lips. As I dropped me hip to the left while knocking me own head. “Oops, my bad.” I took Cassie’s hand in mine and ushered her into the snug. Angie and Tina followed suit. “Shelbys, meet my friends. This is Cassie Johnson, Lady Angelica Sallow, and The Honorable Christiana King. Friends meet the Shelbys. That is Arthur, Thomas, John, Finn, Esme, and Polly Gray.” 
Cassie uttered a “hi,” while waving with a smile. Tina just waved and smiled. 
Angie pushed her way through and greeted Polly. “Good evening, it’s so nice to meet you all, finally. Aliena has said all good things.”
Polly shook her hand, but I knew that face. She was studying her. I cleared me throat and clapped me hands. 
“Well, I wouldn’t want us to be all cramped up in the snug. So, we’ll be out there! Okay? Okay.” I grasped Angie’s hand and dragged her out of the snug.
“It really was nice meeting you all!” She shouted before I slammed the door shut. “What the ‘ell, Ali? She didn’t even get to say anything.”
I rolled me eyes. “Believe me, that was probably a good thing.” ‘She was sizing you up,’ was left unsaid. I flicked her forehead before leading them to the bar top. 
I waved Harry over who looked like he was stammering for words. He leaned down to the men sitting and said something to them that made them leave. I smiled and took a seat there.
“Anything I can get for you ladies? On the house. I know it’s our special Aliena’s birthday.” Harry said as he leaned against the top.
I smiled and said. “Can we get four gin and tonics, Harry? Thanks.”
“Coming right up.”
I turned ‘round so me back was against the top. “Thank God, youse came when ya did. I was dying of boredom in there.”
Cassie scoffed. “Maybe you should just-!”
I held up me finger, effectively shutting her up. “I literally just said that I was bored. I didn’t say I was being abused.” 
Cassie tsked while rolling her eyes which made me smirk. Tina cleared her throat before she spoke.
“So, that was the Tommy, you’re always talking about?” 
Me eyes widened to the size of saucers as I shushed her while me head did a full 180. “Don’t go announcing it to the whole fucking bar, Tina!” I looked ‘round a bit more before I leaned over Cassie and whispered. “But yes, that’s him.”
“He looks really intense. Is that your type?” Tina asked, unfazed.
I looked away before answering her. “Yes and no. He’s my type, obviously, since I have a crush on ‘em. But, the only thing he and the other men that I’ve been enamored with is high cheekbones.”
She oh-ed and nodded.
“Here you ladies are!” Harry said as the glasses clinked against the bar top. 
All four of us grabbed our drinks.
“Toast!” Angie shouted. We held our drinks in the air. “Today, we celebrate our little Aliena turning 18 a day early. Let’s try not to not drink too much ‘cause we are gonna party like it’s the end of the world tomorrow! To Aliena.”
“To Aliena! To me!”
Then, we drank as much as we could before having some sort of reaction. After that we paired off, I was talking to Angie.
“So, what happened to that guy you left with some nights ago?” I asked Angie as I took a sip of me bevvy.
She sighed as she used the straw to stir her drink. “It was a complete waste of time. In all honesty, I’m beginning to lose hope. I might as well just give up and let my father match me off.”
I shook me head furiously. “No! No, Ange. Don’t give up. What are you? 19, 20, you still have time to look. If you were 30, I’d be saying otherwise— but you’re not. You’ll find a guy when the time is right.”
Okay, I’m not bashing 30-year-old single people. Angie is expected to marry off at an early age in order to comply with the societal norms of the 1920s. Besides, she and her father have this arrangement that if she doesn’t have anyone she wants to marry for love by that age— then he has the right to marry her off.
She groaned while supporting her head with her hand, her elbow on the bar top. I rubbed her back up and down.
“You’ll find your Mister Right, Ange. I just know it. Hey, maybe, you have already met him.” I attempted to lighten her mood. “Either way. I think it’s too early to call it quits. Maybe we stop trying to find the love of our lives in clubs, eh? Try a cafe or a country club, instead?”
Angie turned her gaze to me and we shared a giggle.
“Eh?” I tried again.
“Yeah.” She whispered. “Yeah. You’re right.”
I smirked as I put me hand down and used it to bring me drink to me lips. “I know I am.”
I had two more gin and tonics before I felt that I was out of it. I was shoutin’, for sure. I was borderline slurring yet me sentences were still understandable. I had, technically, pre-gamed ‘cause the boys were trying to drink me under the table. 
I had stumbled out of the loo when I was attacked by me friends.
“Aliena! Ali!” They shouted.
I shook me head as I gripped their arms as they did mine. “What?” I shouted, confused.
Tina shoved Cassie forward who was cradling her cheek, but her lip was bleeding too. Me eyes widened and I immediately started inspecting it.
“What the fuck happened?”
Cassie looked away before looking back into me eyes. “I was talking to some guy. He came up to me at the bar. Then, this girl came up to me and just slapped me. She said that I should go to hell for being a homewrecker. That she bets that I’m nothing but a prostitute.” Cassie choked on a sob while rubbing her eyes. She smeared her eyeshadow ‘n mascara, making her look like a raccoon. Just like how I first met her. “Seems like they’re together or something. But I didn’t know. He came up to me. I swear. He came up to me. I would never flirt with a taken man, Ali.” She hiccup and whimpered.
I looked back to see Angie arguing with the girl. I could feel me blood boiling. I was filled with rage. That bitch made me Cassie cry. 
“Ali, she was wearing rings.” Tina pointed out, her voice strained. She motioned toward Cassie’s busted lip.
I titled her head down to get a good look at it. Then, I began to shake me head softly before I muttered, “I’ll take care of it.” She should’ve known who she was hitting before she’d done it. Should’ve hit her unfaithful man instead of slapping me best friend.
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I grabbed a drink that was idle at the bar top. Angie and the girl’s arguing got louder. I saw as the woman began to raise her arm, her fist clenched.
“Oi!” I yelled. The girl twirled ‘round and I threw the drink in her face before punching her straight on the nose. She gasped in pain as she went to cradle her nose. I gave her a moment to recuperate.
Let’s have a fair fight now.
She looked up at me, her nose bloody. “You crazy fucking bitch.”
“A fucking bitch who’s friend you messed with, dumb cunt.” 
She growled before she launched herself at me, rather pathetically. I grabbed the hand that tried to slap me and gave her one instead. I managed to get both of her arms in me hold, I titled me head back, and head butted her.
Fuck did that bring tears to me eyes.
She fell to her knees as I let go of her arms. Instead of cradling her head, she wrapped her arms ‘round me legs and forced me down. 
I groaned on impact, but quickly shot up and punched her. She yelped and went to clutch her face.
The fact that she managed to make me fall pissed me off even more.
I grabbed a wooden chair that nearby, raised it in the air, and started beating her with it. She whimpered with each hit and started wailing. 
I didn’t care. This felt good. This felt cathartic. Why was me heart beating so loud? Why was I fighting off a smile? There was this cracking sound and before I knew it, the blood from her nose splattered across the floor. 
Her arms finally came up to protect her head, but that didn’t deter me. She turned over on her side, but I still didn’t stop. I gave one good strong swing and she left out a blood-curdling scream just as there was an audible crack in the room. Did I manage to break her arm?
“Ali! Aliena!” 
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Me head shot up and I didn’t raise up the chair again. Thomas stood there with his hand out, signaling for me to stop. 
“Enough.” He breathily pleaded. “Enough now.” He took a hesitant step toward me, as if I were a fucking animal.
How fucking insulting! 
I couldn’t help it. I was just so mad. I raised the chair and slammed it against the wall of the bar top. I could hear people gasp. All that was left in me hand was one of the chair’s legs. 
I panted for breath. “There. Now that’s enough.” I ran a hand through me hair, effectively getting all me hair out of me face. The girl was whimperin' incessantly. It was so annoying. I kicked her softly as I  stepped over her body and told her to shut up.  
“Come on. Let’s go.” I called out to me friends. I could hear their shuffling behind me as I continued walking on.
Just as I was abar to pass Tommy, he caught me arm. 
“We’re gonna talk about this at home.” He whispered. His tone stern and chastising. 
I tsked and yanked me arm away from him. I marched on and caught the eyes of me employers. The look in their eyes were mixed with astonishment and disapproval. 
I rolled me eyes, hard before I opened the doors with bang.
“All right! Show’s over. Go back to what you were doing.” I heard Tommy yell.
I started walking faster. When I realized me friends’ heels were clacking behind me, I turned ‘round and waited for them. I rushed to Cassie and hovered me hands over her inflamed cheek.
She caught me wrists and held them tightly.
“We need to get some ice on it. We can’t have it bruising.” I muttered while inspecting her face again.
Angie scoffed. “What the fuck was that, Aliena?” Her face was contorted in some weird mixture of anger and disbelief.
“She got what she deserved. The dumb-arse raised a hand to Cassie expecting no repercussions. I decided to give her some.” I said with a booming voice. 
Cassie shook her head. “What about your hands?” She asked as she gently took me hands in hers and started to inspect them. “You punched her good. Are your knuckles swollen?” 
I shrugged me shoulders. “Don’t know. I feel quite a bit of pain, though.”
Angie groaned loudly. “Of course you would feel pain. You broke her nose, Ali! You headbutted her and then beat her with a chair.”
Me head snapped toward Angie. “Thank you for the play-by-play! What’s your deal?” I asked.
She scoffed again as her hands began to join the conversation. “What’s my deal? Aliena, YOU BEAT THAT GIRL WITH A CHAIR!”
“IT WAS AN OLD WOODEN CHAIR! Look at the end of the day, I would have done that for any one of youse. She fucking busted Cassie’s lip over a man. A man, Angie! So, I busted hers.”
Cassie sniffled loudly. “Thank you.” She whispered. “Thank you.” Cassie hugged me tightly and hid her face in me neck.
It has something to do with her past. But, I wasn’t going to out her to the rest of the girls— just because they couldn’t understand.
Tina waved her hands between Angie and I. “Angelica, I’m sorry but I’m with Ali.”
Angie scoffed as her eyes bugged out of her head.
Tina continued. “Maybe the chair was excessive, but we’re all drunk. We’re drunk! That fucking bitch just straight up slapped Cassie while she had her rings on, and...and-! Belittled her! That’s not right!”
“Tina just because we are all a little drunk does not excuse violence. I was handling it!”
I scoffed and ran me hand through me hair again. “Sure, you were handling it alright! Then, why did I have to stop her from hitting you?”
Angie averted her eyes. “She wasn’t-!”
“Yes, she was and you know it. You must have seen her cock her arm and/or at least see that her fists were clenched.”
Angie looked down at the cobblestone. “It just felt a little excessive.” She whispered as she hugged herself.
So, the leader of this pack has a little bite.
I sighed while pinching the bridge of me nose. “I admit the chair was a little over the top. I just got so angry and…” Me voice trailed off. “I’m sorry for, I don’t know, upsetting you. But what I’m not sorry for is defending you and Cassie.”
We left it at that and regrouped at the house. We talked abar it a little more before I poured everyone some water and distributed the bread. Cassie insisted on icing me knuckles, so I let her. When it was ‘round two in the morning, Cassie called Simmons.
I was hugging me arms as I watched them pile into the car. 
Angie’s head popped out as she said. “Remember I’m picking you up at four tomorrow, all right!”
I nodded. “Yeah, I got it.” I laughed as her head disappeared back into the car. I faced Cassie. I couldn’t help the pitiful gaze on me face. 
“Thanks again for, ya know, fucking her up for me.” Cassie whispered as she picked under her nails.
I winked at her. “We’re crazy together, remember.” We shared a laugh and then a hug. But after, she climbed into the car and I waved them off. I looked ‘round and then ran back into the house.
I already had a plan. I was just going to go to sleep to avoid a very uncomfortable conversation that I did not want to go through again. It was too unpredictable. 
Was I going to be confronted by just Tommy or is Polly going to be there too? Would it be a fucking family meeting? Might as well be, they’ll probably just harass me individually.
Oh fucking well!
I raced up the steps and slammed me door behind me. Me chest heaved up and down as I tried to catch me breath. I realized that I didn’t put makeup on tonight. 
I’m a fucking genius!
I ran to me bed, jumped in, got comfy, then closed me eyes. 
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“Oi! Wake up! There’s no avoiding this, Ali.”
I jumped awake. Me heart was in me fucking throat and I threw a glare at Tommy. 
“Leave me alone!” I sluggishly demanded as I went to turn ‘round in me bed.
“Aliena, there’s no avoiding this so let’s get it over with, yeah.”
I shut me eyes tightly before letting out a big sigh. I rubbed me forehead before I yanked me blankets off me body. I heard Tommy walk out rather than see it. I got to me feet and walked after ‘em. 
As I extended me right hand fingers’, they throbbed in pain. I’m sure if Cassie hadn’t hounded me to ice them, they would be in much worse condition. 
We walked all the way into the family meeting room that was in the betting shop. Lights were lit, people in their usual spots. Esme wasn’t here, though.
That’s nice.
Polly with hands on her hips walked ‘til she was at Tommy’s side.
“You wanna tell us what that was all about?” She pointedly asked me.
I sighed while I rubbed me forehead again. “The woman hit Cassie. This man came up to her and started chattin’ her up. Turns out the fella was taken. The woman directly confronted Cassie as the problem. Called her names. Called her a homewrecker and said she was a prostitute. That’s when she slapped Cassie with rings on her hand.”
They all just stared at me blankly.
Well, fucking say something! Say it wasn’t me own fight! Say that they could’ve started this and not the woman. Say that I did a good job, or I had no right doing what I did! Say that I was out of control. ASK ME WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME!
I looked down at the floorboard. “I knew it wasn’t me own fight, but Cassie is me best friend. And I wasn’t thinking clearly. I had tossed back like three gin and tonics after drinking all that whiskey in the snug. It won’t happen again.”
Tommy sniffed, flicked his nose, then spoke. “Right, guess that’s it then. Don’t let it happen again, Ali.”
Me head shot up and I blinked a lot. 
That was it?
I just nodded and headed up the stairs. As I gently closed me bedroom door behind me, I slid down it with me hands hiding me face. Me body shook violently as I inaudibly sobbed.
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I woke up with a headache. Not a hangover, but a headache. Luckily, I had a day off today. Afterall, today was me actual birthday. So, I turned ‘round and shut me eyes. I wasn’t going back to sleep, I knew that wasn’t happening— but I just didn’t want to get up yet.
Me hand was throbbing. I tried clenching and unclenching me hand as a way to soothe it. Just like the day before, I took me time getting up. But, I didn’t start getting ready.
I took off the dress I fell asleep in and picked out me fuzzy black sweater and grey joggers to match. I ran a hand over me face before sighing and dropping me hip to the side. I racked me hand in me hair, pushing it away from me face, and then walked over to me desk. I opened the drawer and pulled out me art book. 
I tossed it on me desk and flipped it open to a blank page. I just sat there and pondered abar what I should try drawing. I blew a raspberry before I snapped me fingers as the thought came to me. 
I was gonna try and draw Tommy using watercolours. 
I spent the whole morning working on it ‘til I couldn’t stand the ache in me stomach anymore. I sighed while racking me hair back again. I got up and walked downstairs. 
I was fairly greeted by the shouts of men coming from the betting shop. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the bread nonchalantly. I cut meself two slices, kept the knife in me hand, then grabbed the jam with the other. 
I sat down with one leg tucked into me thigh on the chair while the other was bent. Grabbed the knife ‘n began to spread the jelly ‘round as I yawned. I took two bites before I decided I desperately needed water to wash it down.
I strolled over to the cabinet and pulled out a glass. We drank from the tap, so that’s what I did. As I was drinking me water, the front door opened. 
For fuck’s sake. 
I silently prayed to God that it wasn’t who I thought it was. And sure enough, Tommy Shelby came into view. I mouthed, “Fuck,” before sitting back on me chair. I could feel his eyes on me. I kept me gaze locked on the table. 
Tommy cleared his throat ‘n I instinctively raised me head. Tommy grabbed his cap off of his head ‘n held it in one hand as he pulled out a chair. He groaned softly as he sat down. 
He tsked. “So, Ali. You wanna tell me what yesterday was really about?”
I blinked. “I already told you what it was abar.”
He titled his head and his lips pursed a little. His eyes flickered to mine. 
Was he trying to say something with his eyes? ‘Cause it felt like it. It was like he was begging me to tell him me troubles. But, I didn’t want to.
“Are you sure, Ali? You’re tellin’ me you did all that because she roughed up your friend.”
I rolled me eyes as me tongue prodded the inside of me cheek. I kept quiet before scoffing. “She just caught me on a bad day. I was already drunk ‘n agaited. Angie said something that ticked me off earlier. And I think me Aunt Flo is abar to make a visit, so yeah.” I smiled at him mockingly before I took a big bite of me scran. 
He studied me face for a little more before he tapped his finger on the table and rose up suddenly. “Right.” He muttered before he left the room. 
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 After that interaction, I scarfed me scran down and went back upstairs. I worked on me painting ‘til it was four. I heard that familiar honk and cursed in surprise. I was lost in painting. I scrambled ‘round to collect me things. I was going to stay over the weekend. 
Her incessant honking was raising me blood pressure and I fought back the urge to shout at her. I was zipping ‘round me room gathering everything. I slug me backpack on and flew out the door.
Just as I was grabbing me coat, a voice caught me. “Aliena, love. Are you sure this is a good idea?”
I stilled and looked at Polly. “How do you mean?”
She looked at me with a concerned face. “Should you be partying with what happened yesterday?”
I averted me eyes. “It’s me birthday, Pol.” I whispered.
She didn’t say anything in response.
I looked up at her before taking me coat hurriedly off the hook and running backwards. “Love you, Pol! Bye!”
As always, Cassie was waiting for me outside the car. We hugged and then climbed inside of the car. We brought up what happened again ‘n really cleared the air. 
I just wanted it to go away, ya know. Be forgotten. It literally happened yesterday night. It wasn’t going away anytime soon.
When we got to the flat, the girls wasted no time pushing me into a chair. 
“What are youse doing?” I asked through me laughter. I noticed there were other women in the room as well.
“I hired these women to do our hair and makeup. I want you to look your best! I even hired a photographer. But first, the dress you will be wearing!” Angie divulged as she walked over to the closet. She reached inside and pulled out a silk green dress.
It looked exactly like the one Kiera Knightly wore in Atonement. Me own gasps were not the only ones heard throughout the room.
Tina came into me view and took the dress out of Angie’s hand slowly. “I showed my family’s dressmaker the drawing you drew of me in this dress. I asked them to make one just like it. I wanted you to have the real thing.” She walked over to me and I took the dress into me hands as she held onto the hanger.
I stroked the fabric, silk. “Oh, Tina. It’s so beautiful. Just how I-!” Just how I remembered it. I hummed with a painful smile on me face. I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.” I whispered in her ear. 
Cassie clapped her hands. “Alright. Let’s get dressed before we get our hair and makeup done.”
We did as she suggested. Once we were all done changing, we sat down on the chairs where the cosmetologists were standing patiently. In a very movie-esque fashion, the cosmetologists flapped open their smocks and draped it over us, simultaneously. 
Angie was sitting in the chair beside me.
I looked over at her. “Angie, you didn’t have-!”
She held up her hand, effectively shuttin’ me up. “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. So, let’s all just enjoy this.”
The cosmetologist began by curling me hair in loose waves and then proceeded to give me a faux bob. Something I could never achieve if I did this by meself. I struck up a conversation with her and she was happy to give me some tips. 
I looked at meself in the mirror. I couldn’t believe how me hair looked. I looked like I finally belonged in this era. I couldn’t stop the Cheshire-cat grin on me face. But I had to relax it as ordered by the cosmetologist. 
When it was all said ‘n done, they women left and I opened Cassie’s present. She got me an amethyst earrings and necklace set this time for me ma’. When I started to tear up, the girls rushed to me and begged me to stop before it could even begin. That got a laugh out of me.
The earrings were Long Cluster Gemstone Earrings and the necklace was silver with an amethyst teardrop. I rushed to put them on and then it was time to go. 
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God was Angie’s mansion intimidating. Even more so that it was filled with people from high society that were unfamiliar to me. I knew I was going to meet with a lot of people tonight. 
The party was in a light swing when we arrived. I stuck to Cassie like gum on a shoe. While I desperately wanted to find a table and stand ground there or find some secluded place so that I could relax, I was stuck with Cassie— greeting her other friends and acquaintances. 
It was so embarrassing when they asked abar me family. Only to tell them that I’m an orphan and I met Cassie when I was giving her directions. I didn’t miss the faces. The faces of people who sneered at me. Teased me for me status behind me back. Made stories up abar why they were keeping me ‘round. Maybe even for the dress. It was a 1940s style dress, I think.
I didn’t expect to feel this way. I thought I could move past it, bury it all down. But, I was finding it harder to do than expected. Still, I kept a polite smile and dug me nails into me palm. 
When the mansion was packed, Angie ushered me to the stage where the band was playing. She made a big spectacle of it.
“Everyone, I gathered you all here to celebrate my good friend, Aliena Welsh’s 18th birthday.” She clapped which was mimicked by everyone in the crowd.
For pride, I suppressed the need to cover me face and spazz out. I kept that tight, polite smile on me face.
“Bring out the cake.” Angie shouted. On her orders, men in tuxes— the stewards or butlers or manservants— rolled out a cake and left it in front of us. Angie guided me where to stand. “We’ll sing Happy Birthday on three, everyone. One, two, three!”
A whole crowd was singing happy birthday to me. It was absolutely mortifying. I kept me gaze as Cassie, who was singing with a thumbs up. She knew I was freaking out. 
When the whole singing was over with, I made the same wish I did yesterday. I walked off the stage with Angie. I rushed over to Cassie and hide me face in her neck.
“They were all looking at me.” I whimpered.
She rubbed me back. “I know. I know, honey. How about we get a piece of cake, eat, then get fucking drunk. Huh? Sound alright?”
I looked up at her and nodded. So, that’s what we did. We ate a piece of cake and marched over to the bar. 
“Oooh!” I exclaimed. “Let’s play a drinking game!”
Cassie furrowed her eyebrows. “What game?”
“I think it’s called blowjob.”
She gasped while slapping her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god! Ailena!”
“Look we order three shots each and whoever drinks it the fastest without using their hands wins. You game?”
Cassie looked hesitantly. Her hand covering her mouth to hide her smile. “Fine! What the hell, right? You’re the birthday girl, after all.”
I cheered and called over the bartender.
We could only play one round of that game. I got buzzed fairly quickly since it was vodka. But we settled for beer. 
We danced, sat down, drank, smoked, and eventually I got so drunk that I started dancing modernly. I was swaying me hips while holding a bottle of whatever, dancing to the music in me head.
I felt hands wrap ‘round me arms. I turned ‘round to see Angie. 
“Angie!” I squealed before going in to hug her. She giggled before titling me head back.
“Aliena, you need to slow it down.” 
I blew raspberries. “I’m ‘aving fun. ‘Ave fun with me.” I kept her hand in mine as I leaned away and started dancing again.
Angie sighed while clutching her forehead. “Fine, I’ll have fun with you. Just! Stop dancing like that!”
I shrugged me shoulder and stilled instantly while a piece of hair fell into me eyes. “Okay.” Then, I pulled her to the bar where we chatted and drank.
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I don’t know where I was. I was just extremely nauseous. I used the walls to support me as I stumbled along. The entrance doors were in me sight. I walked faster and felt me mouth water. I immediately doubled over into a plant and vomited.
When I was done, I stood straight while wiping me mouth. I gathered what was left in me mouth and spat it out. I whimpered as I clutched me tummy. 
I stumbled down the steps. Me legs were shaking like leaves. I groaned and plopped down on them. I bent over and started taking them off.
“Fucking devil shoes.” I grumbled. When I was done, I wobbled me way back up to me feet and walked further out in the backyard garden area, place, thingy.
I chortled at me thoughts.
When I got tired of walking, I sat down on some undistinguishable patch of grass. I was surrounded by acres of sophisticatedly cut grass.
I used me arms to support me as I leaned forward. I picked at the grass for a while ‘til it hit me.
I just threw up in one of Angie’s plants... 
Stutteringly, me arms gave up on me and I was laying down. I raised me arms to cover me face as it started to contort. A sob escaped me lips. Me shoulders shook violently.
I’m turning into an alcoholic. I drank ‘til I threw up in me mate’s flowers.
What’s wrong with me! 
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston @nemesis729​ @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @tlfshelby1 @halepea @lilymurphy03 @marsfireeyes @masumiyetimziyanoldu @i-love-superhero​
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