#but SERIOUSLY. i need everyone to be normal about Janet. and I need everyone to be correct about how jack sucks instead of making things up
anthyies · 11 months
You actually aren’t allowed to use the Tim Drake Has Issues or Tim Drake Needs A Hug or Tim Drake Is Not Okay or the Bad Parents Jack & Janet Drake tags until you read my 270 issue reading list. Sorry
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Tim Drake Fics On A03
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These are my list of Tim Drake fics on A03. It has everything. Angst, fluff, funny sibling relationship, family fluff, The core four etc... There are few TimKon fics thrown here and there too. Have fun.
Tim Drake (Doesn't) Drink Coffee by BabblingBookends
Every year, Tim goes on a caffeine detox for a month and has to deal with the resulting withdrawal symptoms. He doesn't tell the rest of the Bats about this, because, uh, reasons!
Bang, bang by Ididloveyou_once
‘You shot me!’ Jason gasped, stunned, ‘Holy shit, you actually shot me.’
Tim’s eyes widened and he froze. They stared at each other for a second, dumbstruck and then-
‘Don’t tell Bruce.’
Or: The family enjoy a normal movie night. Except Jason has a gunshot wound and Tim’s the only one who knows and oh- that’s because Tim’s the one who shot him and they really, really need to find a way to leave before anyone finds out.
Play it Again by Jazz020
The manor feels too quiet without music. Tim and Damian bond over music.
Send to All by kerosceene
I, ___________________________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”).
The bats have a sex pollen release form. Because of course they do.
This is on of the most funniest batfam fic I have ever read.
four brothers, one crush, and absolutely zero brain cells to be found by Ms_Trickster
Tim: i need to know what’s the best way to a boy’s heart 
Damian: Easy. The best way to someone’s heart is through their ribcage. Everyone knows that. 
Damian: Come on Timothy, I expected better from you. 
Dick: I-
Dick: Try again
Tim is having boy troubles.
Tim goes to his brothers for help.
Tim...did not think that plan of action through.
(In which the batbros give Tim advice on relationships, told entirely through texts.)
Their sibiling relationship is too damn funny.
Home by sElkieNight60 
“Why didn't you call home?” the Red Hood is scolding him, bizarrely making his head spin with how unreal everything suddenly seems. “Why didn't you call Dad? You've been missing for three days and he is losing his mind―he thinks you've been kidnapped again―everyone has been pulling double runs all over the city trying to find you! You fucking disappeared! Seriously, Baby Bird, give us one good reason why we shouldn't drag your ass back home right now and have Dad bench you until the end of all days!?”
The two vigilantes are staring at him equal parts furious and equal parts relieved, but there must be some kind of mistake, because:
“Who is Tim?”
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Cork Board Contingencies by PrinceJakeFireCake
If you don’t use a cork board to obsessively plan contingencies for every possible way a date with your best friend can go, how can you go on a date at all?
Excerpt: “Are you free next Saturday?” Tim asked, pretty sure that Kon’s jumble of words was agreement that he wanted to date Tim.
“Maybe!” Kon exclaimed.
“Cool,” Tim commented, taking another sip of his drugged grape soda (“Dammit, Tim,” he mentally told himself. “Do not give in! Buy new grape soda! Stop drinking the drugged grape soda! I’ve shotgunned another can of drugged grape soda, haven’t I? Dammit, that makes five!”) then saying, “That gives me just enough time to pass out for fifty-two hours and plan our first date.”
Bloodlines by chibi_nightowl for exiled-one (mistralle)
“Mr. Drake, I can’t think of a better way to say this, so I’ll just be blunt. This file is for your first adoption. By the Drakes.” 
Tim blinked. “My what?” 
“You were adopted as a newborn by Jack and Janet Drake.” 
“Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about?”
No words. This fic is just mind blowing.
fill in the blanks by mindshelter
“You?” Tim blurts. Holy shit. “You’re Kon?”
A nod. “Are you in any pain?” he asks again.
Kon’s skin is sun-kissed, cheekbones dusted with a fine smattering of freckles; he is, without exaggeration, the prettiest person Tim has ever seen. “No, I’m—great,” he says, fidgeting. “Do you, uh, come here often?”
Kon raises a brow. “To the medbay?” he intones. “Definitely more often than I’d prefer.”
Road Rage Robin by heartslogos 
"I'd be doing humanity a favor." Tim grinds out, "And I would get away with it. I could totally get away with it. I've done worse."
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Liberal Usage of the Bro-Code by heartslogos for protagonistically (the_protagonist)
“You’re never going to guess who’s blood is on my shirt – similarly, this is not my shirt but these are my pants.”
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Here's a Reminder (That You Haven't Fallen Through the Cracks) by popsunner
If it’s a salesperson, he’ll shove them a hundred dollar tip and tell them to go away, if it’s some religious do gooder, he’ll direct them to Metropolis. If it’s a Rogue, he’ll tell them he’s busy and to please get in the fucking line. If it’s one of his siblings--
“Hey, Tim!” Dick says brightly, forearm braced against the doorframe.
i totally don't have amnesia by impravidus for odd_izzy
Based on this john mulaney bit: “I also think it's weird in movies when someone has amnesia and they wake up in the hospital. A lot of times they'll be surrounded by friends and family, but when they open their eyes they go "Who are you?" Because that's not how you act when you don't recognize somebody. That's very rude. It would be chaos out there if every time you saw someone you didn't recognize, you went, "Who are you?" I always try to be really polite in life, so like if I had amnesia, you'd never know it. I'd wake up and they'd be like "Hi John, we're so happy you're awake." And I'd just be like, "Oh, hey, man, how's it going?", "Oh, hey, dude, nice to see you again." because that's how you act when you can tell that someone recognizes you and you have no fucking clue who they are.”
Detective Timothy Drake and the Mysterious Case of the Unclaimed Dildo by JpegDotJpeg
Tim had a lot of experience with problem solving. Every goddamn day he was solving problems. There was no shortage of problems in Tim’s life. He’d learned how to deal with overbearing parents, underbearing parents, malfunctioning equipment, in-team conflict, lawsuits, emotional breakdowns, financial difficulty, broken ribs, ill-timed boners, and a whole host of other bizarre, anxiety-inducing, or life-threatening issues that plagued his existence.
None of them had prepared him for finding a dildo in the dishwasher.
I had so much fun reading this.
Little Overlooked Dreams by Lunette3002 for Marzue
Tim weighed his options. He was alone at night in some alleyway in Gotham. He had nothing except the clothes left on the ground by someone and the cloak wrapped around his skinny shoulders. His camera was nowhere in sight. His backpack was gone too.
He brought the device to his ear. “Hello?”
Whatever talking had been on the other end of the line immediately cut off at his hesitant greeting.
“Who is this?”
Family Photos by KelpieCodyne 
“I thought you quit your photo stalking?”
“In my defence, I never said I was quitting, and you never asked if I would,” Tim immediately counters. “So really, this is kind of on you.”
Just because Tim became a bat, doesn’t mean he stopped taking photos of bats. Several times Tim took photos of the batfamily, and one time they took photos of him.
One of my all time favorite fic. And only A03 users can read this fic too.
picture perfect memories by Fandom_Trash224 
“I… require assistance with something. I believe you are best-suited for it.”
Tim raises an eyebrow, but motions for the younger boy to enter his room. As Damian does, he slowly closes the door behind him, and Tim notices a small piece of what Tim assumes to be paper in Damian’s hand. Then, he realizes it’s not just a piece of paper: it’s a photo.
Damian approaches Tim, holding out the photo at arm’s length once he’s close enough to do so, saying, “I would like you to explain this photo to me.”
Tim glances down at it, and to both his surprise and mild horror, he recognizes the photo.
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Biphasic Reaction by renecdote
People may have allergic reactions all the time and be fine, but they can also die from them. He has a flash of sudden, morbid curiosity about what the exact statistics for fatal allergic reactions are.
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miles and miles (in their shoes) by JUBE514
Where is Damian? Why can’t he see anything clearly? Where is the little brat? Damian had been by him in the cave when everything had exploded, they had been arguing like always when the two of them had gotten the punishment to go clean the trophy room, stop yelling at each other, stop being at each other's throat for two minutes and go clean the goddamn trophy room-
They had been cleaning, got into another knock out drag out argument, and it had come so close to blows and they had been screaming more than cleaning and-
The stupid fucking shoe, in the magical section- exploded out-
Tim and Damian switch bodies, the two of them realize exactly why the other does the things they do.
The Waynes, Damsels in Distress by hitthedeck
Roses are red, violets are blue, Bruce Wayne and his kids get kidnapped every other week. Some things are just universal, undeniable facts of life.
Or, in which Bruce Wayne is still Batman and his kids are still Robins, but they keep letting themselves get kidnapped because they think it's funny.
Have You Seen My Kids!? by Cute_Bear
Five Times Bruce's kids interrupted him as Bruce Wayne and One Time they interrupted him as Batman with the Justice League.
This is not Tim - centric, but it has really nice batfam fluff.
ten cents richer by Ms_Trickster
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
That’s how the saying goes. Take enough punches from the universe and eventually it becomes harder and harder to pop back up, to see the worth in fighting back, to stop yourself from turning around and delivering some punches of your own.
Tim never wanted to become the villain—
“Appendicitis,” Tim breathed in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
—but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted to burn the world to ashes when shit like this kept happening to him.
A Saturday Evening by malcyon
Jonathan shrugs, catches the expression still on Tim’s face. “We did throw out the cyanide.”
“Only because it expired.”
“Well, it did.”
Kon invites Tim over for dinner. Tim's not sure if he should have accepted that invitation.
unfurl by shipyrds
"Hey, Dick," Tim says. He's in costume, and fiddling with his gloves, but he doesn't remove his mask: nervous, and trying to hide it. "You've had sex with aliens, right?"
"I'm not going to like where this is going, am I?" Dick says, resigned.
"How did you deal with the whole. Junk situation," Tim says, in his best professional Mission Report voice. Its success is kind of undermined with how red his face is below the domino. — Tim asks some questions. Bruce and Clark come to some realizations.
The Conner Kent Conspiracy Board by Hayleythewriter
Tim figures out Kon’s feelings before Kon does.
His Baby by Musafir
Bruce once made Tim a promise that he would never break, just have to reaffirm later in life.
“Hi Tim. I’m Bruce and I am always going to be here for you.”
Banshee In A Well by liverobinreaction (bugbee)
Tim is five years old when he drowns in his parents' pool. He dies quietly, waiting for parents who love him, but will never be there, to realise that something is wrong. They never show up, and he sinks into oblivion.
When he wakes up and claws his way out of the water, the sun has set, and the lights of his house are on. He is cold and wet and his lungs burn.
But most of all, Tim is alone.
(If you die and no-one is there to see it, were you ever alive in the first place?)
The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks 
What the comics neglected to cover after Bruce returns from being lost in time.
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charity by Valkirin for Ms_Trickster
The biggest downside of being adopted by Bruce Wayne is putting up with rich people events, including one where Jason will be in a room with a bunch of rich kids for a couple very long hours while Bruce goes to the adults' meeting. Jason is ready for a very bad time but the Drake kid listens to him from the start and keeps backing up Jason's ideas even though they've never met.
Jason warms up to Tim Drake long before Mad Hatter tries to take over the meeting and Tim backs him up again.
city of stars by lovelyre
College friends-to-lovers AU with Tim Drake.
This is Tim drake x Reader fic. Trust me its really good.
Tricks of the Trade by Jazz020
Jason and Damian learn about Tim's fool proof method of getting what he wants from Superman
Security Updates by Jazz020
Hal, Clark, and Barry find an unexpected guest playing with the watchtowers security.
Vacation at the Watchtower by Jazz020
A continuation of Security Updates
It may have been a mistake to let Tim stay at the Watchtower while he heals from his injury but the kid really needed to get away from his brothers.
“Wait, what if I go to the Watchtower with you.” “I don't think-” “It’ll be great. I'll even help out if you need me to. I'll be the best unpaid intern the Justice League has ever had.”
Birthdays by Jazz020
Bruce was always aware that Jack and Janet Drake were bad parents, but every once in a while they give him an unfortunate reminder.
Loss by Jazz020
Out of all of Tim’s self-destructive tendencies, it was his willingness to die for his loved ones that frightened Alfred most.
Sick by Jazz020
Tim’s never quite figured out the proper behavior for someone who’s sick. Instead of resting, he often makes his way to the Watchtower.
We Can Work It Out by blackash26, Tigrislupa
Damian endeavors to make up for his treatment of Drake and apologize properly; however, Drake refuses to forgive him no matter what he does. Tim does his best to deny, avoid, and ultimately deal with the fact that the demon brat has a crush on him of all people. (Pulling pigtails never felt like quite such an understatement.) Meanwhile, the rest of the family takes sides.
In all of this, there's only one thing everyone agrees on.
Don’t tell Dick.
Only A03 users can read this fic.
you'll never find a thing like today by remrose
"I'm just saying, I don't think I've ever been to one of these things that hasn't ended in explosions," Bart tells them, eyes on the crowds as he tugs at the ends of his cuffs.
To the Boy Who Called Yesterday by Shirokokuro
Bruce wonders when six-year-old Tim changed, when he shed that sad look he’s wearing now.
Or, perhaps, when he got so good at hiding it.
Cough syrup by Stardustwrites17
It’s the coldest night in the year. So of course Tim falls into the Gotham-fucking-harbor.
Featuring a worried dad, Tim's missing spleen, and of course, Tim battling with himself between being independent and letting himself be loved.
Chili dogs seasoned with tears by Robin_The_Robiner
Ever so slowly, Tim looked down at his plate. On it was a steaming chili dog, topped with fried onions and fresh parsley.
“Oh.” he whispered.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Taking the place of a beloved dead boy was difficult, but Tim managed to do a decent job. He's smart, confident, and put together, so he wasn't effected by their devastating grief at all.
Tim is also a dirty little liar when it comes to his mental health.
A Pile Of Pillows By The Couch by reinersbigtits
Tim has always hated getting sick. He hates the haze and the pain. But, when he finds out his family is sick he jumps in to help without a second thought. However, without a spleen, he's incredibly susceptible to the illness and quickly realizes just how much he's missed out on.
Or: Tim Drakes repressed trauma followed by worried family feels and lots of comfort.
stepping on landmines by Ms_Trickster
There is a scar curved around Drake's neck that Damian does not understand.
So he asks Todd.
the butler's neighbor by deargalileo
It starts with a baseball, thrown onto the wayne's property. it's alfred's job to deal with such happenings, of course. but over tea and galas, it turns into so much more.
after all, why should bruce be the only one allowed to adopt any child that he finds?
Stranger than Fiction by foxy_mulder
"There are details in this document that absolutely no one should know unless they have inside information on us. There’s hints that they know our patrol schedules and regularly keep tabs on us. I don't know who's behind this, or what they want with Batman, but tracking the writer needs to be a priority."
"And this document is… a fanfiction?"
(Tim Drake writes Batman fanfiction. He doesn't expect Batman to actually find it.)
There are many many more fics which i will post later. Have fun reading
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frociaggine · 1 month
I'm nearly done with ACOWAR and like. I'm trying to care about Cassian and Nesta but honestly my most recurring Nesta ship thought is Nesta/Elain.
NESTA/ELAIN I love your brain so much! unfortunately I'm cold to negative on Cassian/Nesta, mostly because I think that Nesta is way too cool for the story SJM stuck her in, and everyone she interacts with does her dirty, and the romance is shoehorned... I'm a hater. Rescue my girl from that book and take her to warrior lesbians island
also this ask made me go look for all my goodreads updates while I was reading the Nesta book (court of silver flames) and here's all of them in order. I really was in the trenches. I remember I finished it & immediately went to look for fic and I found @flowerflamestars's ao3
July 8, 2022 - 1.0%
I must confess I have finished 3 of these books now and I still have no idea of what that Cauldron even IS. A real physical object, a metaphor for creation, a pocket alternate dimension, a TARDIS? Who knows bc I sure don't
July 8, 2022 - 5.0%
July 10, 2022 – 15.0%
Look, I love Nesta. I came into this book Very excited and all primed to have a good time, hyped up and ready to go!!
and then 3 chapters in I remembered that I don't really trust Sarah with the characters I like so picture me reading this book like a kid peeking through their fingers watching a scary movie, nervous af but needing TO KNOW
July 11, 2022 – 20.0%
I desperately want to like this more but STAPH @ all this bloated political drama about people I don't care about
gimme more Nesta or give me death
FINALLY things are happening that I care about
July 11, 2022 – 27.0%
Cassian saying "core" and meaning "abs" vs. Nesta hearing "core" and thinking about romance smut is exactly what goes through my head every time I listen to these audiobooks while working out
July 12, 2022 – 30.0%
everytime rhys gets mentioned in this book i roll my eyes the same way nesta does
July 12, 2022 – 32.0%
July 13, 2022 – 46.0%
Sabrina was so right about Amren and I hate it
(Sabrina being my friend who said to me early on: you won't like Amren's arc in this book)
Cassian sexing up (?) Nesta to bring her out of her trance, in front of all his friends whom Nesta doesn't like very much, is... aggressively Not my kink, wow
July 14, 2022 – 54.0%
I just think Nesta is really neat
July 14, 2022 – 60.0%
getting pretty tired of rhys & co arbitrarily deciding is cool to keep potentially life-threatening information from the women in their lives
July 14, 2022 – 60.0%
Rhys: she could literally die but let's not tell her FOR HER OWN GOOD
everyone else: you're such a good boss. saviour of everything. guiding light of this circle. sure let's do that!
July 14, 2022 – 61.0%
"Amren: dictatorship is sexy actually" — WTF is going on with everyone's characterization in this book?
July 14, 2022 – 60.0%
anyway, like. i'm sure as hell not reading this smutty supernatural fantasy romance with my critical brain turned on, but the way this book keeps trying to Make A Point about Trauma and Misogyny and Feminist Empowerment while being riddled with misogynistic implications is sure fascinating to behold. sarah janet. honey. have some self awareness i'm begging you
July 15, 2022 – 65.0%
Literally Rhys: Nesta saw fit to inform Feyre of the very real risk to her actual life, how absolutely dare, I'm scary murderous and I want her gone before I fucking kill her
All those absolute tools: This seems like a totally normal reaction to have! Rhys should be highest king, what a great dude
Me: actually do get Nesta out of the city she deserves better
July 15, 2022 – 66.0%
ok but seriously why is this book trying to make it seem like making someone aware of a potentially life-threatening medical condition is "an unforgivable thing". why sarah. why
July 16, 2022 – 78.0%
Death Queen Nesta is just really hot, methinks
July 16, 2022 – 80.0%
I unapologetically AM very, very into Eris/Nesta, actually
July 18, 2022 – 80.0%
“I want to take that road.” Her voice thickened. “I want to take the road that no one dares travel, and I want to travel it with you two.” — AWWW GWYN!!!!! 😍😭❤️"
July 19, 2022 – 98.0%
this is so predictable and underwhelming :))
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kimyoonmiauthor · 2 years
Trigger Warnings in Queries/Books
Before I start I have a lot of WTF triggers and some “normal” ones. This is because I have c-PTSD and a lot of trauma, like the Caspian sea large and shallow--starting at 9 months old. Last time I posted the list, it took over an hour for me to type it all up. So, I’m not bringing this discussion as a for/against argument. What I’m doing is asking a question from a scientific basis. I *get* probably more than you know why this is contentious. I’m adding this mostly for personal thought. I also ask you don’t go attacking the other side because I linked them up. This is mostly *my* own musings and questioning inviting your own musings and questioning. I’m aiming for an adult, not a internet shouting conversation and questioning morality with it. OMG, I might not be using the conflict narrative model. ;)
Prior to about 2010, there was no call for trigger warnings on books. Historically, music and so on was mostly brought on by conservatives in order to censor material mostly because they didn’t want to parent their children, IMO, but that’s a whole other debate. This dates mostly from the 1980′s -1990′s. So warnings were added to music and such by the Christian right.
There was a call for them, that rose with the diversity movement, but I think independently of them. People *with* trauma, also don’t all agree on it. (I’m pretty sure of the person who asked for the first trigger warnings for books, but I seriously don’t want to send people after them for this, even by accident. Harassment is not pretty folks. Needless to say, they personally don’t have trauma, but did work with trauma victims.) So agents in the two camps (again, don’t be assholes): Pro:
https://twitter.com/allielevick/status/1290410772233887745?lang=en Against: https://jetreidliterary.blogspot.com/2021/08/trigger-warnings-in-queries.html And then the Therapists.... I asked my therapist about this prior to knowing I would be triggered for some things returning to uni. My therapist said that exposure--any exposure was good. Thinking about this particular conversation, and being a social sciences geek (of the level that threatens and frightens people), I decided to look it up... The therapists, said trigger warnings on the material could actually make the trigger *worse* not better. In less jargon: The anticipation of being triggered makes the trigger worse. https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-if-trigger-warnings-dont-work
So I could be making someone else’s mental health worse by disclosing it to them prior. Then don’t include that content?
As Janet Reid said that sometimes people absolutely need those books to process trauma. I’ve heard people that read Bridge to Terabithia who lost a childhood friend and it was the *only* book that could comfort them. Sometimes stories have that power to resonate, despite it. Wandavision, for example, had a ton of resonance because of a collective trauma everyone felt at the time. There weren’t trigger warnings before the series, but it still managed to have the desired impact. (And yes, I was triggered a lot during that series and you should know I don’t use those words lightly. But I still loved it.) Grave of the Fireflies--absolutely devastated me. Not personally triggering for the main triggers. But it’s hella important as a story to look at human nature itself. Did you know the twist was going to happen at the start? No. That’s why it knocked you back hard. Some authors/writers absolutely use their writing to process trauma as well or ask society to *do* better about trauma and how it is handled. Sometimes those explorations from own voices are absolutely needed over everyone else victim blaming and writing over what it’s actually like to have trauma. We will need those ownvoices.
I say this as someone adopted--we need own voices about adoption trauma out there because literally without our voices, they‘ve made our stories a trip through candy land. And I think we need that balance in literature, so that we aren’t sugar coating the awful things that shouldn’t be sugar coated.
My personal thoughts/conclusions
I’m in the “I want to do no harm” camp. BUT, there is no easy way to do no harm here. Psychologists flat out say don’t do it--it’ll make it worse. But some people want to have the ability to manage panic attacks.
I do not query agents where breaking that line is posted on their requests.
I do write about trauma, because, as I said, I’ve pretty much known only trauma my entire life. I don’t know much other kinds of conflict. If you keep demanding that you want conflict from me, I’m going to spit out trauma. If you stop asking the industry for conflict narratives, I’ll spit out Slice of life interstitial and no trauma. (I still, as a person whose gone through a ton of trauma including compounding trauma, don’t think conflict makes life interesting. I find it controlling.) But I’m repeatedly told over and over that the US market hates slice of life. It’s “boring” *eyeroll* which is why a massive amount of the SOL is imported from Asia, particularly Japan, and people, meaning publishers, are ignoring it as “not legit.” But clearly, there is an untapped market there. After all, I’d argue that When Harry met Sally, called one of the best Rom coms of all time, such that it ages well, is slice of life.
I’m torn on this one. Maybe the middle ground is that agents/editors who want that warning post they would like the trigger warnings posted with the query. They don’t have to say which ones. Writers *do* want to please agents and if agents communicated better about expectations, writers will meet it. And as writers, if we aren’t sure, put a will disclose upon request?
But that New Yorker article (which I did cross reference, but that’s the most clear one) still lingers in my mind. What if I’m making someone else’s life worse?
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH48
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 48: Star Death Reality Show (XXXI) {cw: misgendering}
"Will Qi Leren be alright?" Dr. Lu, who had already run away, looked at Du Yue behind him in a panic and murmured in a low voice, "I have a bad feeling."
"Qianbei will be fine," Du Yue said confidently.
"No, let's go down and have a look. If he’s in trouble, we can help," Dr. Lu said.
"Okay, let's go." Du Yue was fine with it.
The two people studied the route to find the safest passage. Dr. Lu's sense of direction was bad, and Du Yue wasn’t much better. Two headless flies wandered around the institute and accidentally found intermittent blood on the ground.
The two walked along the blood trail, and finally found the injured Lara in a hidden room. Her injury wasn’t serious, but her spirit was not good. After seeing Du Yue and Dr. Lu, she was silent for a long time, and her voice was hoarse as she asked: "Have you seen Jing Siyu and Jing Sixue?"
The two shook their heads, and Lara sighed: "I'm afraid they’re in danger."
Lara told them what had happened after they ran away. Jing Siyu and Jing Sixue disappeared quickly, but Janet, Alex and Lara were together. They’d had an argument because Francis had been parasitized by an octopus. Janet strongly suspected that Lara was parasitized, and Lara would naturally not admit to such false accusations. During the argument, they met Leviathan, who had been thrown off by Qi Leren once before.
Janet, who was the closest to Leviathan, was the first to be killed. Alex tried to escape, but Leviathan jumped up again. Alex, who was eager to get rid of it, tried to push Lara out, and even stabbed Lara with a dagger. However, Lara had a strong will to survive. She took the dagger regardless of her injury and stabbed Alex’s vitals with a knife. She hid in a room, locked the door, and crawled away from the vents.
After that, Lara tenaciously fled the whole way, and finally came here and met Du Yue and Dr. Lu.
"We also met the monster, and Qi Leren led it away. Here's the thing..." Dr. Lu plainly told the story again, and finally asked, "We’re going to find Qi Leren. Would you like to join us?"
Lara touched the wound on her hand and nodded firmly: "Let's go."
This time, all three people were in a heavy mood. Especially after seeing the incomplete bodies of Jing Siyu and Jing Sixue, Lara cried sadly and asked aloud, "Are we the only ones left? Is Qi still alive?"
Janet and Alex had undoubtedly died by Leviathan's mouth, as well as Jing Siyu and Jing Siyue. Francis, Annie, Mark and Xue Jiahui were all parasitized. He Yi became Leviathan’s host. Only four of them had survived, and among them, Qi Leren’s life and death were still uncertain.
"Of course he’s still alive!" Dr. Lu said firmly. "He must still be alive!"
In the vast underground ice palace.
"Prophet, are you awake?" A blindfolded woman stood up from the chair of carved ice and respectfully saluted him. The ice and snow maids who were responsible for guarding the underground ice palace also bent over in salute.
"Soothsayer? Is it your rotation today?" asked the Prophet.
"It should have been the Iillusionist’s turn, but he had something to do, so we changed it," the Soothsayer replied.
"How is that boy recently?" When it came to the Illusionist, the Prophet's tone was clearly casual.
"Not bad, I heard that he made an interesting new friend, and he played tricks on others all day long." The Soothsayer smiled and asked again, "This time, you slept for a much shorter time than expected. Is something wrong?"
"It's not an accident." The Prophet frowned and looked up at the dome of ice and snow, but his line of sight seemed to pass through the thick layer of ice and look at the vast universe.
The blindfolded Soothsayer could not see his expression at the moment, but she could feel his inner unrest.
"Someone has discovered their original force, and that force is biased towards us," said the Prophet.
The Soothsayer breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and said, "Isn't this a good thing? Although it’s only the first step, it’s always ahead of the other sentient beings on the starting line. Maybe it will eventually condense a half-field or even a field."
It was only the first step to discover one's original force, and it would take some difficult self-testing to condense a half-field, but this already meant that this person was about to embark on a road different from ordinary players. Any master at the field level started from this first step. Although most people would fall in the long road of experience, everyone who had reached the field level had terrible strength.
The Prophet sighed faintly: "It’s too early to talk about field condensation... Although I’m optimistic about him, I didn’t expect it to be so fast. This may not be a good thing for him. There are still too many problems in his body that have not been solved."
The Soothsayer asked curiously, "Do you know that man? What is his original force?"
The Prophet sensed the new force full of vigor and hope, and gently spoke the answer:
In the deep underground glacier wrapped in eternal cold, the temperature was 60 degrees below zero. When human beings were exposed to this environment, it only took a few minutes for the blood in the nose and ears to be unable to maintain circulation because of the cold, and the cells would quickly die.
This underground world without light seemed destined to be forgotten in the cold.
Crushed skull, whole body fracture, ruptured organs, internal and external bleeding... Worse than that, when falling from that height, the speed would return to zero at the moment of contact with the ground, and the body would be deformed instantly under the huge force of the impact. Even the space alien Leviathan, whose vitality was extremely terrible, was seriously injured after falling and fell into a deep sleep.
To say nothing of a human being.
Death was the only outcome.
But suddenly, something moved in the ruinous "tomb" created from broken ice.
And then moved again.
Qi Leren felt as if he was in an icy hell. Every time he breathed, thousands of ice needles punctured his internal organs crazily, which made him feel miserable. He couldn't even think of why he felt so painful and cold, or where he was.
Under this inhuman pain, he only felt that he didn't want to live any longer, but he couldn't even die.
Breathing returned, heartbeat returned, he still couldn't open his eyes, he could only move with all his might. The stones and ice blocks on his arms also moved and collapsed violently, and his sound echoed in the lifeless darkness.
Qi Leren's consciousness gradually returned, and he remembered who he was, but he still didn't realize where he was. He complained crazily in his mind that the air conditioner in his room was too cold, and that he had even accidentally fallen from the bed, and now he couldn't move.
But how could it hurt so much? It was like all his bones were broken.
Qi Leren's confused thinking leaped illogically. He saw many things, and the broken pictures rampaged in front of his eyes, but they just passed away. All he remembered was that he saw a pair of blue eyes.
Blue eyes.
Ning Zhou.
The name suddenly appeared in Qi Leren’s, which was like a spell to unlock the seal on his memories. Countless heavy memories were bearing down, which were more painful than the rose thorn stuck in his heart.
He was going to find Ning Zhou, and he was going to bring him back.
Qi Leren finally recalled his mission, and he began to struggle, struggling to get up from the tomb built from broken ice. Just turning over exhausted his strength, and he had to lie prone on the ground and breathe for a while, only to recover his strength slowly.
He noticed the time. It has been twenty hours since he’d fallen from the ice cliff. It was ten o'clock on the fifth night. The fifth day’s Best of the Day had already been announced, but he didn't know who it was. At the same time, his privacy time has been reset with the new day day, and he had another ten hours.
If you fell from such a high place, the tracking camera should be damaged. If not, the low temperature here should make it unable to work normally. But just to be on the safe side, turn it off.
"Turn off the camera." Qi Leren squeezed his voice out of his dry throat, and coughed wildly as soon as he finished speaking. His mouth was full of the fishy sweetness of blood, which made Qi Leren feel queasy.
Suddenly there was a light sound in the dark, as if a stone had been pushed down.
Qi Leren immediately took out a flashlight from the item bar and shone it in the direction of the sound.
Not far away, there is a mound of rocks and crushed ice, and a tentacle was slowly sticking out from the inside, which was extremely slow and seems to be seriously injured.
That thing wasn't dead yet? Or did it sense the breath of the living again and wake up from hibernation?
Qi Leren struggled from the ground. Although he was mysteriously resurrected, his left hand, which was bitten off by Leviathan, still didn't grow back. If he tried this again, he would only die.
But fortunately, he had a key item that had cooled down.
When the Prophet's Heart was used again, Qi Leren felt subtly different from the last time. The phantom angel falling from the sky came to him and took him away from the terrible world to the carefree Garden of Eden. Under the cover of God's grace, he didn't need to worry, and he didn't feel fear. The world was like sand in his hand, and he could easily knead it into the shape he wanted.
Heavy rocks and ice were pushed away with a flick, exposing Leviathan lying on the ground dying. This horrible monster had a red eye, and this huge eyeball was full of ferocious madness.
There was an invisible giant clock behind him, and the pointer walked quickly. As long as it finished three laps, the power he borrowed would be like the chime of midnight, dissipating all magic.
He had to hurry.
Qi Leren held out his hand and raised his palm in the void. Leviathan floated and began to roar and struggle, but this degree of resistance had no effect before the original force. Moving the palm of his hand slowly, Qi Leren felt that he could easily knead it into pieces, just like what he did to Mark's octopus.
But this was not the only way. Qi Leren felt the mystery of time and carefully explored its secret. A mysterious feeling emerged in his heart. He rubbed his fingers and the sands of time slowly flowed down in his hands.
Leviathan floating in the air as if it had been cast in magic. Its shell was rapidly aging, coated with a layer of rust, and finally it seems to be petrified. Its body was full of cracks, and finally it turned into powder like beach sand, which sprinkled to the ground slowly, leaving a golden treasure chest and a round sphere.
Qi Leren waved his hand, and these two things fell into his hands. The treasure chest was opened, which was an item.
[Lucky Revolver: There are six slots in this gun’s chamber, one of which is loaded with a bullet. Shooting at one's own temple can give one minute of absolute defense within a radius of 500 meters around the locked target, but the absolute defense is invalid for this bullet. Even if you are lucky, God will only give you five minutes. If you are not afraid of death, you can continue for another minute. Locked target: not set.]
Qi Leren immediately decided that this was of no use to him, because he would blow his head off with the first shot, and unless it was matched with S/L, it was a waste.
Disappointed, he looked at the other object, which was an eyeball as big as a bowl. The scarlet pupil seemed familiar. It was called [Leviathan's Eyeball].
What was this thing? There wasn’t even a brief introductory description, which reminded Qi Leren of another prop without a brief introduction, namely, the "Scepter of Hell", which Maria had entrusted him to give to the Prophet.
Time was running out, and the clock representing his time limit only had half a rotation left. The translucent wings behind the Qi Leren lifted him, flying over the deep underground glacier, crossing the collapsed ice tunnel, flying all the way along the coming road, and returning to the iron door at the entrance before time ran out.
"Qi Leren? You’re still alive? That’s great!" "Qianbei! Are you alright? Qianbei! How did you grow wings!" "Qi, are you alright?" The three people wandering around the door with flashlights rushed up in surprise at the sight of Qi Leren.
Prophet's Heart’s time was up, and Qi Leren landed on the ground. After the sacred power retreated, he sat down weakly and walked out of the underground ice cave with the help of the three panicking people.
"It's okay, it's all taken care of. Just in case, we should quickly leave here, seal the exits, and wait for rescue." Although Qi Leren was still in the aftershocks of coming back from the dead, his mind was clear, and he clearly commanded the three people. He was worried about whether there were any octopuses hatching in the research institute, but he was afraid to say it now, for fear that after his mouth moved, his good luck would run out.
Du Yue had great strength, and single handedly carried Qi Leren, who had lost his arm, on his back. He listened to the three people say what had happened after they’d split up, learning that after discovering that the other people had become Leviathan's food, the three people had come to the bottom of the institute to look for Qi Leren. They went in several times, but the temperature inside was horribly low. Unlike Qi Leren who had been blessed by the holy light, they finally had to retreat, worried that Qi Leren was dead.
Qi Leren didn't say that he and Leviathan had fallen off the ice cliff together, only that Leviathan had fallen off, and that he was injured and unconscious for a long time but didn't die. Finally, God blessed him and gave him strength to return to them.
Dr. Lu and Du Yue were very embarrassed, but Lara was very moved. She took Qi Leren's remaining right hand and sincerely said, "When we go back, introduce me to your teachings. I’m willing to be baptized."
Qi Leren, who had no intention of preaching at all, was in a distressing situation. One atheist has destroyed the worldviews of another atheist through acting skills and unscientific miracles—maybe more than one. Should he be sealed as a saint or something?
They left the underground research institute, blocked the exit, left the basement, and returned to the surface. The night was bright and the whole land was covered with white snow and ice. Lara, who was the first to leave the room, pointed to the sky in surprise and shouted: "Look, what is that!"
The three people raised their heads and looked at the approaching black spots.
"Is it... Is the rescue coming?" Dr. Lu was excited.
"Great." Qi Leren also breathed a sigh of relief. The copy was coming to an end, and they could return to the Nightmare World soon.
The spacecraft was getting closer and closer, and before long, they would be able to board the spacecraft safely and leave, but the spacecraft was slow to land. The four people waited anxiously, just like waiting for a late plane.
"It seems like something’s wrong." Lara stood up and looked at more and more spacecrafts that had no intention of landing. "What are they waiting for?"
A thought flashed through Qi Leren's mind: "Are they a civilian spacecrafts?"
"No, these are..." Lara said, her voice stopping abruptly.
A beam more dazzling than sunlight converged on the muzzle of the spacecraft, and the terrible energy was aimed at this planet!
Stunned, the four people watched the devastating attack on the plane beneath their feet, and they couldn't help feeling shocked. They had never thought that, after escaping death from a horrible space alien, they would finally die at the hands of their own people. In order to prevent the octopus from spreading, the army gave up the idea of a rescue landing and blasted the whole planet to pieces at a safe distance, where there was no risk of contact.
At the last second in this copy world, Qi Leren and the others were judged to have completed the task requirement of "surviving until the army arrived", and left the world in the light of the blast.
Editor’s Notes: Obviously those items can only have positive results, right?
As a bonus for the end of this arc, BMBL wrote a collection of the program audience’s reactions on her Weibo. They’re posted as images so I can’t easily throw them into an mtl, but here’s the link for anyone who wants to take a stab at it: https://weibo.com/1741082525/F4b6D7Upr
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artificialqueens · 4 years
papillionlisse 1/? [gigi x nicky / jan x jackie] - pinkgrapefruit
[ chapter one ]
Fast forward to the middle of sixth year and she’s signing up for the Beauxbaton exchange program, egged on by Jan who’s bouncing on her toes, the tote bag slung over her shoulder almost overflowing as Crystal explains the significance of her One Direction stick’n’poke to Jackie who still only has a limited knowledge of muggle music but bless her, she’s trying.
[harry potter hogwarts/beauxbaton au]
A/N - hey! there was a prompt on aq that i was IN LOVE WITH because I’ve wanted to venture into my second favourite fanfic fandom for months but haven’t seen the need. but hey - this should be fun. Thanks to Meggie for betaing, this should be about 6 chapters but don’t hold me to that <3
Ever since she was seven, in the aftermath of one of the greatest wizarding wars in British history, Gigi has longed to go to Hogwarts. Her uncle (on her magical mother’s side) would tell her stories of his youth running through ever changing corridors - challenging ghosts and stealing food from the kitchens. Her mother would scoff, nose up high as Gigi and her father would lean into the fantastical tales. Her dad was a muggle but he was fascinated nonetheless, one of the few that would lean into the wizarding world as far as he could rather than run screaming. Their family had hidden during the war - Gigi’s mother a part of one of the highest orders of pure blood family that still accepted the marrying of muggles (and hadn’t affiliated themselves with Death Eaters) - and Gigi had been immersed in the Pure Blood culture for a few months. She was tended to by house elves and taught to fly on a broom by her grandpapa who regaled her with his time playing as keeper for Hufflepuff.
When she got her letter she cried. And then she sent a letter to her grandpapa with her old owl Fluffy and a chocolate frog.
She’d sat on that train, knees bouncing the cage that held her new tawny owl Snitch at a rate that had agitated the poor bird so much he was flapping at the top of the cage. A small girl with insane dark curls entered the carriage and immediately removed the cage from her legs.
“You doin’ okay there?” the girl asked with a peppy voice and wide eyes. “I’m Crystal.”
“I’m Gigi,” she responded quietly, overwhelmed with excitement. “Do you want a crisp?”
“Are they salt and vinegar?” Crystal asked and Gigi nodded. “Awesome! Yeah!”
It was the start of a very firm friendship.
Gigi and Crystal entered the great hall with mouths agape. They were funneled in by Hagrid, grouped together with the first years to be sorted and their eyes flitted between the ornate decorations and the hall full of students in black house robes - seated at long tables decorated with banners and flags of the houses; Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.
“What do you want to be?” whispered Crystal eagerly as she vibrated next to Gigi.
“I don’t mind,” Gigi mused. “None of them are bad.”
“I want to be a Hufflepuff,” Crystal enthused and it made Gigi giggle at her new best friend.
“GOODE, GIGI,” Headmistress McGonagall called from the front of the hall and Gigi skittered up to the front of the room nervously, passing students both older and taller than she. She sat on the stool carefully as the Sorting Hat was placed onto her head. It wriggled uncomfortably for a few seconds, mumbling things Gigi couldn’t quite make out before screeching ‘SLYTHERIN’ at the top of its nonexistent lungs. The green table erupted into cheers as she ran to take a seat on the end, the badge on her uniform transforming into a snake in front of her eyes.
She sat patiently for a few moments as various other girls were called - a Mateo going to Gryffindor and a Liason going to Hufflepuff before Crystal’s name was called.
The young girl sat for only a second before the hat called Hufflepuff and the house cheered in triumph, Crystal giving Gigi a little wave before running to join the sunny yellows of her house.
Once everyone had been sorted, McGonagall tapped her glass to silence the room. “Welcome first years! As you may know,  since the Battle of Hogwarts we have taken house unity very seriously. This means that although you are governed by your house’s prefects, earn points for your house and play quidditch in your colours, you will live, work, and eat with whomever you choose. Aside from special occasions - you will function as a unit, not separate groups. Common rooms, while house specific, are open to everyone and your dorms could be anywhere so it’s important that you respect all house prefects because you don’t know whose rule you’ll live under. Be kind to one another - it matters more than you know, and let the feast begin!”
With a final flourish of her wand, the empty tables were full of platters and the once plain ceiling looked to be full of stars.
Gigi’s dorm ended up being in the old Hufflepuff quarters, ever filled with a glowing warmth. She was thrilled to find Crystal lounging on a bed when she entered, two more girls also already having claimed beds - Jan Sport and Jackie Cox. She’d discerned from conversation that Jan was a half-blood like herself and Jackie appeared to be a very clueless Canadian Pure-blood which only made Gigi chuckle as she thought of the confusion on two sides the girl would be facing.
As she lay in bed that night - the room a perfect temperature and the bedspread an emerald green, she’d never felt so at home.
Fast forward to the middle of sixth year and she’s signing up for the Beauxbaton exchange program, egged on by Jan who’s bouncing on her toes, the tote bag slung over her shoulder almost overflowing as Crystal explains the significance of her One Direction stick’n’poke to Jackie who still only has a limited knowledge of muggle music but bless her, she’s trying. Jan smiles to herself as she watches her girlfriend try to understand how the ink is staying under the skin. “C’mon Gigi, write quicker!” Jan whines, “I want to go get waffles before the guys eat them all.” Gigi stifles a laugh knowing that’s the only reason Jan got up before seven today before scribbling her signature at the bottom of the form and transfiguring it into a paper butterfly to be sent up to Headmistress McGonagall’s office without hassle.
They all enter the hall, finding four seats together on the end of an old Gryffindor table - the hall only really sticking to the tables on Quidditch game days and special feasts where house unity can be thrown out of the window and no one wants Slytherin to win another house cup (Gigi doesn’t blame them - she’s the captain and they’ve been damn fantastic these past few years).
Jan’s shovelling waffles into her mouth as Jackie mutters for her to breathe when McGonagal clears her throat and taps her glass bringing the hall to silence.
“As you all might have heard, the Sixth Year Beauxbaton Exchange starts after the holidays. For all who have not heard - today is the last day of sign up. Sixth years who choose to participate will be assigned a partner from Beauxbaton. The partner will come here for our summer term - partaking in their normal NEWT subjects and sharing dorms and generally experiencing life here at Hogwarts. They will take on their partner’s house for all house related activities and will not be eligible for quidditch teams before any of you ask.” She pauses, eyes directed towards Gigi with a smirk making the brunette blush in her seat. “Then, in the winter term our students will visit there - the same rules will apply - before all returning here for our famous Yule Ball just prior to Christmas. This is not a graded event but it will do well for anyone wanting international experience or those considering a mastery at Beauxbaton after their NEWTs. With that, it’s almost nine so you have a few more minutes to devour your eggs before I expect you all in your classes - promptly.” She ends with a smile and a wave indicating the hall can get back to its usual chatter and it does with some immediacy.
“Are you sure you don’t want to do it, Crys?” Gigi asks, pushing a final toast crust around her plate with her fork as the girl opposite her gets crumbs all over the transfiguration essay she’s frantically finishing.
Crystal looks up at Gigi with a raised eyebrow, her unruly curls falling over her face (although they’re quickly fixed back by Jackie who’s particularly proficient at beauty charms). “Baby, if I tried to speak French I’d insult them all.” Crystal chuckles. “I failed year six french, thank god I didn’t have to do high school.” Jan and Gigi chuckle in agreement as Jackie sticks her tongue out, insulting them all in french. She drops a kiss on Jan’s head before leaving for her Ancient Runes class.
“You both in transfiguration next?” Jan asks with mouth full of eggs. Gigi and Crystal nod - Gigi looking much more excited as it’s her favourite subject. Crystal sighs - she wants to be a healer so she’s got a full board of classes from Charms and Transfiguration, which she cannot do to save her life, and Potions and Herbology which are much more her speed. Needless to say she’s grateful for Gigi in spellwork classes.
Jan brushes a few lone crumbs off her robes, grabbing her Beatles themed tote bag and rushing off to Care of Magical Creatures, leaving Crystal and Gigi to walk to Transfiguration together.
“What do you think your girl will be like?” Crystal muses, a finger fiddling with one of her loose ringlets.
“I hope she’s nice…” Gigi replies as if she hasn’t put a lot of thought into it (she has but she’ll deny it to her grave).
“Yeah, and respectful. It takes a lot of respect not to throw a pillow at Janet and Jaqueline some nights,” Crystal jokes and Gigi snorts out a laugh as they arrive at the classroom.
“Alright bitch, are we hoping for an E?”
“If I exceed expectations I will be very happy,” Crystal agrees and they take their seats.
Gigi normally finds the Hogwarts Express relaxing. She’s usually soothed by the feeling of the old steam engine chugging away under her feet. Crystal stuffs as many pumpkin pasties as she can into her trunk and Jan spends the whole ride with her head in Jackie’s lap which would definitely be a hazard if the train happened to brake (it doesn’t, it’s a magic train, but it could).
She’s normally relaxed about now, but she’s going to meet her exchange partner and honestly she’s finding it very hard to be relaxed. Not to mention she has a very new cat (Quaffle) that is currently unimpressed with being in a train carriage and has found a home on Crystal’s lap, begging for attention.
“You doing okay there Gi?” Jackie asks, worried as always. “You’re looking a little pale.” This is a joke of course, Gigi’s pretty sure she’s never been more tanned than alabaster but if her reflection is anything to go by, she’s not looking particularly calm.
“Just nervous,” she admits, batting away the stick of Droobles Bubblegum Crystal tries to offer her - branching out from her usual snack trolley order.
“Big day!” Jan enthuses from her reclined position, Jackie’s fingers tangled in her hair.
“Big day,” Gigi repeats under her breath, trying to channel some of her roommate/best friend’s energy. “Big fucking day.”
“Honestly Crys I’m pretty sure you’re more excited than I am.” Gigi chuckles as they all walk up to the castle together, Jan holding the squirming cat carrier as she’s the only one not phased by the movements.
“If you think about it,” Crystal starts, adjusting her robes as she walks a way akin to a confused badger, “She’s kind of like a family pet. If you get her - we all kinda’ have her. Like a dog.”
Gigi and Jan burst out laughing while Jackie gives a snort that she stifles into an exasperated sigh. “I swear to god Crystal if you refer to the poor woman as a pet while she is here I will disown you.”
Crystal hums nonchalantly at the threat but all of their attention is drawn away by the faint sound of twinkling in the air. They look up out of instinct and coming out of the clouds is a giant, powder blue carriage drawn by Abraxans (large horses with wings). It floats as if weightless and the entire student body stops in awe just to watch it descend onto one of the large fields by Hagrid’s hut.
No doubt they’d all stare for much longer but Professor McGonagall calls from the entrance, requesting them to hurry and put their things away before dinner.
They all enter the dorm with a hubub and Gigi calls the bathroom first, forcing Jackie to charm her hair into one long brown braid that falls over her shoulder. She applies the minimal makeup she knows how to - feeling an urge to impress the girl she is yet to meet before being hurried out of the bathroom by Crystal who is insisting she needs the mirror to do something (none of them are quite sure what).
An additional bed has been added to the dorm between Gigi’s and Crystal’s. While Jan and Crystal’s beds have yellow covers and trimmings, Gigi’s is green and Jackie’s a deep blue - this new bed has a deep purple cover with delicate silver trimmings down the side and Jan appears to be examining it curiously as she braids her silver blonde hair into a messy french plait. They all bide their time, as they wait for Crystal, and once Jackie has rescued whatever hairstyle the dark haired girl was attempting, they head down to the hall.
Despite this being a start-of-term feast, the house restrictions have been lifted for the school so they all find themselves sat in their usual seats at the Gryffindor table, idly waiting for the process to begin. As far as Gigi knows, the Beauxbaton will sit on the same stool they all sat on as first years and the hat will call out the name of their partner - to get a feel for Hogwarts, or so Professor McGonagall said. Then Gigi will have to stand and the girl will join them at the table.
She plays footsie with Crystal under the table through McGonagall’s speech - too nervous to pay much attention (and knowing Jackie will let her know anything important) and then the sorting starts.
The room goes deathly silent except for the sound of the rain on the enchanted ceiling as the first girl is called up. Violet Chachki is paired with Pearl and Gigi finds herself glad as the girl seems intimidating - her dark hair a stark difference from the rest of the blonde, porcelain skinned, part veela girls.
The part-Veela doesn’t worry her. For one she’s not a desperate straight boy clamouring after a perfect French girl and two - she doesn’t really care but she does feel oddly drawn to the girls in blue and she takes a brief second to wonder what would happen if she did get a Veela more interested in women. A smile flits across her face and Jackie rubs a warm hand on her leg.
The next girl - Nicky Doll - is called. She’s blonde, like the rest, and lithe - gorgeous really - and even from where Gigi’s sat, she can tell her eyes are a pearlescent blue. She sits carefully on the stool - managing to make it look like a Vogue shoot rather than a school ceremony. The hat is placed on her head and it dwarfs her petite features - her button nose and her shining eyes and it makes her look almost childlike. Gigi is so focused on this she barely registers the way the hat screams ‘GIGI GOODE’. She’s sure she wouldn’t have if Jackie hadn’t jabbed her wand straight up into her ribs to jumpstart her again.
She stands inelegantly, smiling at the French girl who bounds towards her like Bambi but much more gracefully. It’s like she’s floating along the old cobble floors and then slides into the seat next to Gigi, breathless.
“Nicky Doll, enchanté,” she offers sweetly with her gloved hand outstretched. Gigi takes it gladly and is pleasantly surprised by how warm it is given the general coolness of the castle - even in April. Her shock must show on her face because Nicky gives a soft chuckle “Warming spell.” She shrugs.
“I’m Gigi Goode.” Gigi remembers to introduce herself. “This is Crystal.” The brunette waves jovially while her eyes stay fixed on the continuing ceremony. “Jan.” She waves too. “And Jackie.” Jackie turns for a split second to shake hands before she goes back to watching a girl named Brooke be paired with Vanessa Mateo - the feisty Gryffindor from their potions class.
“Do you know when there will be food?” Nicky asks rather brashly for her demeanor. “I’m starved.”
Gigi laughs softly. “Give it another five minutes and we’ll have a feast,” she jokes quietly and they turn their attention back to the end of McGonagall’s speech - Gigi unable to help getting caught on the feeling of a warm thigh pressed on her own.
Gigi doesn’t think to ask about the bedsheets until they’re getting ready for bed. Jan’s already tucked into Jackie’s bed in her girlfriend’s oversized Holyhead Harpies shirt attempting to read the astrology book that’s peaked the Persian’s fancy.
“I’m surprised you can read, Jan,” muses Crystal while cradling the, now much calmer cat, like a baby. “You’re such a cutie, Quaffle, aren’t you,” she coos at the kitty as Jan pounds the shade button they’d found in the Weasley’s joke shop on Diagon. The snake that comes out makes the cat squirm out of Crystal’s arms onto Nicky’s bed where the blonde picks it up gently. Out of nowhere it calms and curls up on her lap.
“He likes you,” Gigi states plainly and Nicky chuckles, running her fingers through the longhaired tabby’s fur,
“Most cats do I suppose.” Her hair is in loose blonde curls and she’s dressed in a satin blue babydoll which only makes Gigi self conscious about the loose sports bra and shorts she prefers. The dorms are always warm thanks to the old Hufflepuff wards so she’d rather go light than overheat.
Gigi settles herself in her bed, the green covers resting just under her grey bra. She bundles her hair up on top of her head and pulls out the glasses she only wears in the comfort of the dorms. “So tell us about yourself,” she asks as all the girls look to the purple bed. Everyone keeps their curtains open most nights so you can see round the curve of their dorm room through each of the poster beds.
Nicky hums as she thinks, tilting her head to the side in a way that makes her curls spill over her shoulder. “Well, in Beauxbaton I’m in Papillionlisse - and, uh consequently my colours are purple and silver. We are not like any of your houses. Ombrelune is probable to be Slytherin and I would say Bellefeuille is maybe Gryffindor but Papillionlisse is not. We are kind and artististic and idealistic at times.” She smiles softly as if remembering something nice and in the soft dorm lighting Gigi can see freckles on her cheeks.
“Oooh, we’ll have to see what houses we would be sometime!” Jan decides from where she has tucked herself under Jackie’s arm.
Nicky giggles and nods. “Absolutely Janet. Um what else? I do - what are yours called? NEWTS?” Crystal nods and she carries on. “Well I do astronomy, potions, transfiguration, charms, and divination.”
Gigi thinks for a second before she responds, brow furrowed as she mentally figures out logistics. “So you’ll be with me and Crys for transfiguration and charms - although Jackie comes to transfiguration too sometimes. We all do potions together and then astronomy you’ll be with Jackie and divination you’ll be with Jan.” She looks around to check that’s right even though she knows it is.
Between them they cover every subject with Jackie in arithmancy, ancient runes, astronomy, herbology, potions, history of magic, and transfiguration, Jan in care of magical creatures, potions, herbology, and divination, Crystal in potions, herbology, charms, and transfiguration, and Gigi in charms, transfiguration, potions, astronomy, and defence against the dark arts. Muggle studies is mandatory once a fortnight since the wizarding war and they all sit through it for the sake of their academic careers rather than for the joy of it.
“I have a feeling I shall enjoy it here,” Nicky contemplates as she moves Quaffle so that she can lay on her side under the covers.
“I hope so,” Gigi smiles. They fall asleep facing each other.
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 21•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram!
<<Previous Chapter 
(Summary: The Finale.)
The Final Chapter
The sun rose on that Saturday morning to find two Ancestors that had shifted back to their human forms.
They ended the night with the Losers in the forest during an intense game of hide and seek. They woke up the next morning cuddled on the beach together. Eddie laid on Richie's chest, their legs tangled up. Both of their ears out. Eddie had his hand placed over Richie’s heart as he listened to it beat inside of his chest. He felt the calming sensation of his boyfriends chest rising and falling. Richie laid nude on the beach with his boyfriend cuddled up on top of him. His wolf tail was half buried in the sand. The dark sand felt cool and moist on his bare back. He had both of his arms wrapped around the fully clothed Ancestor on his chest. The smaller boy was warm, his body gave off enough heat for the both of them.
(Richie needed to undress for his transformation as his was messier. When Eddie’s is more magical. Which allowed him to keep his clothes)
“G’morning” Richie whispered in his deep morning voice when Eddie’s eyes fluttered open.
“Hey” Eddie’s face had been emotionless and peaceful while he slept, now it softened at the sight of his boyfriend. He smiled softly, “How are you feeling? Any aches?” His voice came out low, almost a whisper.
“No I-I’m actually okay… More than okay” Richie’s face broke out into a smile, leaning up, lightly kissing Eddie’s lips. One of his hands wandered up to play with Eddie’s messy hair.
“Good, that’s good. We should go back to the hotel before they realize we’re gone” Eddie hesitated before he rolled off of Richie. “Oh- shit you’re naked” Eddie groaned.
Richie snorted, “What it’s not anything you haven’t seen before” he chuckled.
Eddie’s brow creased, he began to take his sweater off, the pullover one he had brought on the trip since he knew that the temperature dropped the closer you were to big bodies of water. “Take this asshole” Eddie tossed the sweater at Richie who made over dramatic kissing sounds in return.
Nonetheless Richie accepted the sweater, grateful to not be 100% nude on the beach now. He sat up and pulled the sweater over his head. Eddie had a thing for larger sweaters which was fortunate because it fit Richie almost perfectly. He cuddled it closer for a moment, inhaling a scent he was all too familiar with. Rain, evergreen, lilacs, Eddie.
“Let’s get going. I wanna be the first one on that bus, and off this fucking island before they find that damn body-“ Eddie cut himself off, knowing that he’d work himself up if he were to continue.
Richie got to his feet, dusted the sand off of his ass and legs. “Which they won’t. That bitch is swimming with the fishes” Richie made a wave motion with his arm, pointed out towards the ocean.
“Whatever” Eddie shut his eyes and shook his head. His soft curls shook from side to side with him, his bunny ears bopping with the motion. The humidity in the air had made Eddie’s normally straight (ish) hair curl into soft little waves that made Richie’s heart skip a beat.
Richie stepped up towards Eddie and wrapped him in a warm hug. Eddie buried his head into Richie’s chest. The taller boy laid his check on top of the others head.
“Seriously though we should go back-“ Eddie said, mufflered by the sweater.
“Oh god!” Richie barked out a laugh, “You really know how to ruin a moment don’t you?” He smiled down at Eddie once they pulled apart.
Eddie rolled his eyes. He stood up on his tippy toes to kiss Richie’s lips before he intertwined their fingers. “Come on sour wolf!” Eddie called out as he began leading Richie back towards town.
They snuck Richie in through the back entrance and hid Richie in the bathroom since he was only wearing a hoodie and literally nothing else. So they had to shove his tail into the back of Eddie’s sweater and pull the hoodie on to hide his wolf ears. Which meant Eddie had to run up to their room without being seen by any of the adults and grab Richie’s clothes. But since Eddie gave RIchie his sweater, he had nothing to hide his bunny ears with, so he ended up sneaking around the hotel with his shirt pulled up over the back of his head like a nun.
After Eddie got Richie to dress down the night prior, he had left them in a neat pile in the grass, along with his hat and glasses and Stanley had taken them back to the room so they wouldn’t get lost.
After about the fifth knock he finally heard the distant sounds of footsteps approaching the door. The door creaked as it opened. Stanley only stuck his head out, which gave Eddie more than enough context on what he and Bill were up to previously. The messy hair, the raw lips, and that little dark patch on Stan’s neck that kinda looked like a hickey.
“Oh” Stanley said, shocked to see him. “Morning” He said, eyes wide.
“You guys having fun in there?” Eddie smirked with raised eyebrows.
Stan sighed and rolled his eyes, his head disappeared for a moment before he shoved the pile of clothes at Eddie. “Go” He growled light heartedly as he leaned out just enough to show some bare chest.
Eddie tried to lean in to see more, “Wait are you naked-“.
“Begone!” Stan declared before closing the door in Eddie’s face.
Eddie had to hold a hand over his mouth to refrain from laughing. He took a moment to collect himself before he went back down to that main bathroom in the lobby where he found Richie aimlessly playing with the agalets of his sweater.
“Here” Eddie tossed them at Richie whoo hastily caught most of it.
“Merci Monsieur” Richie said in his best (Worst) french accent. He closed the stall door and began getting dressed.
Eddie leaned his back up against the door and waited a beat before “Stan and Big Bill finally got together” Eddie giggled.
“Shut. Up. Really?” Richie suddenly opened the stall door, causing Eddie to stumble as that’s what he was leaning on. Richie still was not wearing anything aside from the sweater so Eddie’s eyes immediately shot up to meet his boyfriend’s which were wide and in shock.
“Yes really! Now put some pants on” Eddie laughed and pushed Richie back into the stall before he closed the door once again. He could hear Richie giggling from inside the stall. “Hurry up we need to make it so no one finds out we left” Eddie tried to keep a straight tone.
Richie finished changing and gave Eddie his sweater back so he could hide his own ears. He followed Eddie out of the bathroom and back to their room. But just as they rounded the corner in the main hallway leading to their room, they saw Mr Brock talking to Mrs Stuart in the dead center of the hallway.
“Shit!'' Eddie yelped. He quickly shut his mouth and yanked Richie back to the other side of the corner with him. “How the hell are we gonna get passed him?” He wondered.
“Uhh- Here let me try something…” Richie’s voice drifted off as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started sending out a text.
“What are you-“
“Wait” Richie held up a hand as if to silence Eddie.
Richie raised his eyebrows but kept his eyes on his phone, “Keep waiting!”.
They both stopped at the sudden sound of a door creaking open. The boys peaked around the corner and witnessed Beverly Marsh come out of her room with a blanket around her waist. They used their other ears to tune in.
“-I don’t have any! And none of the other girls have any” Beverly complained.
“Are you sure you have uh- it?” Mr Brock asked, he uncomfortably shifted from one foot to another.
“Yes of course I’m fucking sure! Do you honestly think I wouldn’t know when I got my damn period” Bev gritted her teeth.
“Ms Marsh please keep your voice down” Mr Brock tried to smile but failed.
Beverly glanced over her shoulder and sent a glare towards the boys, telling them ‘go now’.
“Beverly I must have some on me” Mrs Stuart began rifling through her purse.
Richie took Eddie’s hand and slowly began creeping behind the teachers backs towards their room.
Beverly kept them distracted long enough until they made it to the door. Then just as they slid into their room, Beverly clutched her stomach and nodded to whatever they had been saying. Mrs Stuart got something out of her purse and discreetly handed it towards Beverly, she took it gratefully and shuffled back into her room.
the moment the door closed to the boys room, they were met with a burst of gasps. Richie and Eddie looked to see who was the source of said gasps and found Bill and Stan, making out on the bed, shirtless.
“OH DEAR GOD!” RIchie exclaimed. He fanned his face as if he were an old victorian woman.
“Get a room!” Eddie groaned.
Stanley rolled off of Bill, nearly falling off of the bed while doing so.
Bill cracked a grin, “We-well we did have one-“
“Yeah before you came!” Stan shot back from where he was on the edge of the bed, obviously a little pissed by the interruption.
Bill waved him off, “H-How was the fuh-fuh-full moon?” Bill asked curiously.
Eddie’s face went blank, as did his head.
Neither of them had time to respond because their door opened seconds after. “Hello- Oh! Good to see you boys are already ready! The tide rises in 20 so let’s get going” He motioned for them to get a move on.
Stanley and Bill quickly pulled their shirts on and packed the little things they had out. Since they only had their school supplies because they hadn't planned to stay the night. Everyone was ready and they left the room to meet up with the rest of the group down in the main lobby.
The rest of The Losers greeted them excitedly, happy to see they made it out in one piece. But no one directly asked about it, everyone complained about their shitty sleep and how excited they were to get off of this island. Eddie momentality zoned out and tuned into the conversation that the main bellhop was having with Janet the tour guide.
“Have you seen Elizah this morning?” He asked quietly, but nothing was ever quiet enough for Eddie to hear.
“No… Last night she left in a hurry, said she had some unfinished business to get to” Janet shrugged, not given any further information.
The hair on the back of Eddie’s neck stood tall as his body froze. Apparently Richie was listening too, he slung his arm around Eddie’s shoulders and pulled him a little closer. Just then the teachers began leading the group to the exit, towards the busses. “Let’s get on this bus and out of here” He whispered down to Eddie.
The bus ride home was quiet. The Losers talked about the first 20 minutes, but not about the full moon, they knew that this was certainly not the place to do it. Ben and Mike were the only ones who stayed awake out of the seven Losers. On the way back Beverly opted to sit alone because she and the girls in her room stayed up until 4 binging the newest season of Turtle Creek on TV. During that time Ben introduced Mike to The Jonas Brothers, he explained the enteried of their TV show, Jonas and the storyline to both Camp Rock movies. They also listened to some of their first albums with Ben’s dual headphone adapter. Mike was happily surprised at how much he enjoyed their music.
When they finally reached Derry High, it was noon. All of the students rushed off of the bus, nearly trampling over Mr Brock in the process.
Maggie and Wentworth Tozier had taken the day off work (as they usually do the day after the full moon) to go see their son. They had found a spot near the back of the parking lot and waited anxiously with the rest of the parents in the loading area. When the bus pulled up the two parents’ nerves only escalated the longer they watched students pile off of the bus and split up in little groups.
Finally, they saw the all too familiar sight of their lanky son in his oversized hat and baggy sweater.
“Richie!” Maggie nearly gasped as she pulled Went with her towards him.
Richie sped up once he saw his parents,“Hey” his voice wavered as he was slightly overwhelmed by his emotions. That was when he realized how exhausted he was. A full moon, little to no sleep, and an encounter with an evil witch? That can really drain someone.
Maggie ran to her son and pulled him into a tight hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay” She whispered, almost in tears.
Richie felt another pair of arms wrap around him, recognizing them almost immediately as his father’s long, strong arms.
Eddie had let Richie run ahead of him when he spotted his parents. He felt a feeling of longing wash over him when Richie pulled his arm away from him. He watched as Richie was enveloped in a massive hug by his two, loving, parents. His heart ached as he could almost see the love radiate off of their little group hug.
After a moment, Went loosened up, tilted his head upwards and glanced up at Eddie. “Come on in here, son” He requested as he opened an arm up, making room for Eddie.
He looked up at them, his heart swelling, “Oh No, I don’t mean to intrude” Eddie slowly shook his head.
Maggie turned her head and her gaze landed on Eddie, “Come here Eddie” She smiled warmly, something he never got from his mother. “You’re a part of the family now”.
And with that, Eddie couldn’t hold in the tears any longer. His eyesight blurred as the tears welled in his eyes. He didn’t respond, only nodded quickly and with a wobbly smile he rushed into their big hug. Family. Finally.
“... So I had to leave, unless I wanted to die. I came here, like my dad did. And I found Richie” He glanced down at their intertwined fingers. “And all you guys” Eddie looked around at all of The Losers who surrounded him, his real family.
It was now Sunday. The day after The Losers returned home from their very eventful field trip to the small island of Balmoral. As the group had lots to talk about, Eddie agreed that it was best that they all meet up at the entrance of the forest so he’d be able to show them the way to his house. Now they sat on the couch in the late Frank Kaspbrak’s house.
“But you guys can’t tell anyone. Seriously, we’d be in deep shit if anyone ever found out about this” Richie informed them, gesturing to his wolf tail that swayed freely behind him.
Bill nodded approvingly, “O-Of course! Right guys?” He looked at the others who all nodded with him.
“Yeah- oh my god, Eddie that’s terrible” Beverly’s eyes looked sad. She had been through her fair share of family troubles so she (almost) understood what Eddie was going through.
Ben nodded and gave her a solemn smile, carefully placing his hand on top of hers on the couch. He gave her hand a small squeeze that caused the corner of her lips to curl up a little. “Your secret is safe with us” He told them.
“Yeah of course! Losers stick together, right?” Mike’s tone changed a little. It was a little happier than the others which was a nice change.
“Right” Bill smiled.
“I’ve kept the secret this long, and I can’t really stop now” Stan stated as he sat up to put his elbows on his knees.
“Oh yeah- How did Stan find out before the rest of us?” Beverly piped up. Her hand turned over to lace her and Ben’s fingers together. The tips of Ben’s ears burned as he glanced down at them.
Richie had opened his mouth, ready to start talking but Stan spoke instead. “He lost his temper after I whooped his ass at checkers” Stan grinned proudly as he sat up tall. He got some good chuckels for that.
“Hey! You were so cheating” Richie protested as Eddie rolled his eyes from beside him.
“Whatever,” Stan waved his hand, “Your eyes still changed and your fangs came out” he reminded the wolf.
“Yeah we’re gonna have to practise that Chee” Eddie chimed in as he also recalled the various times Richie has wolfed out on him. Of course things would be easier now that Richie has now gone through his first full transformation but now he has to learn to control the shift. If not, that can lead to some very bad situations.
“Chee? Oh yeah forgot you guys are dating” Beverly smirked, “When did that start?” She wondered.
“It hasn't been that long” Richie blushed. He lovingly looked at his boyfriend and smiled.
A beat passed where the Losers just sat in comfortable silence. Bill was the first one to speak up and break the silence “Wuh-What about the Council?” He asked.
Eddie almost froze. After everything, he’s getting better at discussing the council, also seeing Elizah Brightmoon fall off a fucking cliff helped calm his nerves. “We took out Elizah… So I think we should be okay” He shrugged.
“But what about the rest of the council? They wouldn’t be called a council if it was just one person” Stanley pointed out.
“No, there are others. But what was she saying about a force to keep everyone in? And all that stuff about your dad” Richie didn’t dig too deep on the subject of Frank Kaspbrak as he knew it was still a sensitive topic for Eddie.
Eddie glanced away as he recalled an old memory, “The Council always wanted to keep The Ancestors safe. And once they had this crazy plan to make a forcefield so strong and powerful that it would basically forever separate the two worlds” He shivered at the thought. “My dad though… He fought it. It was a weak idea to begin with, they didn’t have the means to make something so powerful so it was an easy idea to dismantle. But what she said about my dad- I knew he had power, but a high priest? That’s a totally different level of power. And to think that I might be able to obtain some of that…” Eddie let his voice drift off as he looked down at his hands. Hoping that maybe they had the answers written there the whole time.
“What if they cuh-cuh-come after us?” Bill’s stutter intensified at the thought.
Richie shook his head, “They have no way of tying us to her death. Even if they do find that body it’ll be all raw and mangled” He smirked at the thought.
Eddie straightened up and looked around at his boyfriend and his closest friends, “But if they do- We’re The Losers, we’ll figure it out… We always do.”
The End
Word Count: 3266
Total word Count: 62623
Holly.Shit. Wow, I really can’t believe Everfalls is done, it’s over… This story was my first big fan fic for the IT fandom, and the funny thing is, this started off as a one shot. Literally! I found Shark Teeth on instagram and said I’d write a one shot about their art (with their permission ofc) and I got 44 pages in when my buddie, Reagan, pointed out that one shots are almost never that long. So I made it into a fan fic. And that fan fic was a truly amazing adventure and I’m oh so very happy with the final product and how everything turned out. I planned each chapter so carefully and made sure everyone was in character so I hope you guys liked it!
Thank you to my two amazing betas, Rose and Richie! You guys gave me feedback and your true opinions on each chapter and I truly appreciate both of you!
At the end of the day, I think it’s pretty fitting that I wrote this final chapter on the night of a full moon, it really added to the atmosphere.
Let me know if you’d like a sequel! I’ve got some ideas in mind but I’ve gotta make sure people want it before I start anything. So comment! IF over 15 people want more, then more they shall receive!
As this is the final chapter I’ve gotta remind you guys to go check out my other social medias, Instagram (Stellar.Cosplays), Tumblr, (stellar-cosplays), even my youtube (Alley’s World). Also don’t forget to check out my other fan fictions! Here’s my master list, or go check out my account and you’ll find them all there.
THis story means so much to me and I’m so happy I got to share it with you guys. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Once again, thank you all so much for everything.
For the final time, that’s all from me, catch you on the flip side.
So Long and Goodnight.
@richietoaster @s-onora @that-weird-girl-blog @beproudtozier @ghostnebula @bellarosewrites @s-s-georgie @lermanslogan @iamcupcakefrosting @madidraw @gazebobullshit @thoughtfullyyoungduck @aangzukos @ambitiousskychild @reddieonwheels @breadheadscorpius
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
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spideymybucky · 5 years
Little white lie
Fake Dating AU
Tom Holland  x Reader 
Warnings: lots of swearing and idk bullying, people being assholes, the usual
Summary: (Y/n) tells a little white lie, accepts taking her non-existing boyfriend, Tom,  to her class reunion. 
Word count:  3.2k+
@starksparker​ Birthday challenge. A bit late since its been a crazy week but still here none the less. Thank you for the opportunity and y’all should read her work, its a soo good. Seriously, everything she writes is a masterpiece. 
A/n: So this is a story all about how my life got twisted upside BECAUSE DORIAN DECIDED NO TO GO TO FLORIDA BUT STILL CAUSED DAMAGE, SPECIALLY AT MY HOUSE CAUSE OF STORM SURGE. I just got my laptop back after my sister took it to Alabama without my permission. She’s a fucking asshole, but i love love her.
“Thomas Holland, I royally fucked up!” (Y/n) screamed as she entered the small apartment they shared. She threw herself onto the couch screaming into one of the pillows. A door slams open and she looks up to see a wet-headed, slightly dressed, Tom. God, was he gorgeous.
“What you do this time, darling?” He asked entering their shared living room/kitchen. She sheepishly smiled and threw herself onto the pillow again.
“I might’ve told my classmates that we’re dating…?” She mumbled on the pillow. Tom sat on the pouch, and looked at the quizzically.
“(Y/n), I can’t understand what you’re saying, speak up.” She looked up and sighed. This was going to be epically stupid and hilariously fucked up. They were roommates, nothing more and nothing less. Sure, they had seen each other naked once-to her defense it was on set and the script called for it but she still had eyes and he was hot- and it had been awkward after but this was deliberate, she had told them a fucking lie to get out of being stupidly bullied.
“Remember how the all girls class of 2013 was today?” He nodded. “Well,… I might’ve told everyone there that were dating just because I didn’t want Amber and her stupid friends to judge me.” She rushed out.
“You did what?” He shouted in surprise. He didn’t mind fake dating (Y/n) at all. Hell, he was completely fine with dating her but tell her leeches of classmates was another level.
“I’m sorry Tommy, I really am. It just happened so fast… They ambushed me about us and I didn’t know what to say…” She looked down ashamed to what was going on. She truly was ambushed the moment she stepped into the restaurant for brunch. Amber, Danielle and Janet and some other girls started spewing questions about her life, how it was being in Hollywood, some of her future projects and then Tom came into the topic. They started asking if they were dating, if she could introduce them, or if they even knew each other.
“you should’ve, I don’t know, told them the truth? That were mates and housemates.” He got up, went to the kitchen and grabbed himself a Stela Artois.
“It’s not that simple, they started screaming out all this questions and when it got to you, Janet started asking if we were dating. I swear to god, I was going to say no-” She followed Tom to the kitchen, grabbing a beer for herself.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Cause then Amber said, and I fucking quote her words, I’m not good enough for the Tom Holland” her arms where everywhere, nose big and cheeks enflamed.
“What the hell?” He raised an eyebrow, hating the Amber girl.
“I fucking know, right? She then proceeded to say the Tom Holland would prefer a model and not me, that I might be inventing even meeting you. God, I hate that bitch!” She plopped herself on the counter.
“What a fucking asshole, but what does that mean to me… us?” He asked, still confused.
“Ok, so when she said that I told them we’ve been dating since we finished filming Perpetual love…” She bit her lip and eyed Tom. He was taking it all too well, and she was happy about that but… she still had to ask him.
“Ok so ‘bout 8 months, yeah?” She nodded at him, taking a quick chug.
“Oh, and that we’re gonna go to the class reunion on Friday.” She sweetly smiled at him.
“What?!” He rolled his eyes at there and took a big sip of the bitter taste.
“I`m sorry, they didn’t believe me when I said we were dating, so amber said that we should go as a couple and I just okey’d it.” Her big (E/C) eyes looked straight at Toms brown doe eyes. She really was desperate.  “Look, I’ll even do your laundry for the month, clean the house by myself, anything Thomas!”
“Ok, Ok, I’ll help you, but you’ll do my laundry for a month.” He smiled back at her. She jumped into Toms arms, thanking him repeatedly.
“I do have one condition…” He said letting go of her. She untangles herself and puts her feet on the ground.
“What?” His face turned serious, eyes semi-dark. Her heart bet was erratical, making her scared. She had never seen Tom this serious and she never intended too but she also did something stupid.
“You can’t fall in love with me.” Her face ran cold, her heart stopped for a moment as she tried to fake a laugh out. She had been in love with him since they stopped filming or, maybe, before that.
“Oh my god Thomas, you scared me.” He laughed at her as he engulfed her into a warm hug. “By the way… we aren’t in A walk to remember you silly fuck.” His laughter became louder as he continued to hug her. She smelled his chest, a sweet smell of his vanilla scrub. Was this weird? Maybe, Did she care? No. She let go of him and looked up at his face. His smile was big and goofy, just like she liked it.
“Thanks Tommy, I owe you one.” She threw the bottle away and grabbed her phone from the couch.
“Whens this huge event? I need detail darling!” He shouted at her, as she entered the hallway towards her room.
“Its this Friday Tommy” She shouted back. “Its formal, I’ll text you the rest, cause right now mamas need sleep!” He laughed back at her and smiled longingly. He truly was enchanted by her, how could anyone not be?
“G’night Tommy, love you!” She said as she closed her door.
“I love you too.” He mumbled to himself, but with a completely different meaning.
The week passed by without much event from both of them. (Y/n) would come and go, as her job demanded and so would Tom. Both of them were in the midst of promoting their new movie, which would be released soon. But the lingering stares and awkward thoughts consumed both of them, making it slightly more awkward to talk to each other, specially now with the pending fake dating situation.
Friday came without a warning and at 6:30 pm,(Y/n) received her first call from Amber, making sure she was going to the high school reunion  party and that Tom was accompanying her.
“You know (Y/n) if it’s a lie, you can tell me and I won’t tell a soul, we’ll just say Tom got sick her something.” Her voice came 8 octave higher than normal, which meant she was lying.
“Amber, for the love of god, Tom is coming with me. We cleared our schedule and we’re free to go. Don’t worry ‘bout us, worry about your date.” Amber gasped and quickly hanged up, grumbling about her dog needing to go to the park. She didn’t mind, in fact she got out of her sweats and into the dress she bought, after doing her makeup and going to the salon. She had spent hours getting ready, as if she was going to a premier. (Y/n) knew she had to uphold her name, Toms name and make them see she was good enough. She looked at the clock and finished up her last touches, putting on her heels she left her room.
“Thomas, you ready?” She screamed, as she walked to the small closet where they hanged their coats and bags. She grabbed her small purse, putting her keys, wallet and lipstick, all the essentials she needed for the night.
“Just finished doing my hear love, grab my coat and we can go.” They both turn around and look at each other. (Y/n)’s eyes go wide as she checks Tom out without shame. His Burgundy checkered pants and mustard colored shirt made him look fucking good. He looked rich, expensive without even caring. God, please help me, she thought to herself.
Tom, on the other hand, felt bothered and hot. He couldn’t stop looking at her. Her tight red floral dress, framed her curves in an unimaginable form. Her heels made her legs look sexy, she just looked sexy and beautiful. He was sure that he had been staring a for more than it was allowed. He was completely and utterly fucked.
Thomas cleared his throat and spilled at her. She responded the same way, words not coming out of either of them. They turned off all the light and left the apartment without saying a single word. They both could feel the sexual tension, even the uber, as they sat next to each other-but as far away as possible-could feel that something was happening between them. They got out of the car, (Y/n) adjusting her dress as the both stepped a bit closer to the place she called school for part of her life.
“We should get our story straight, some details they might want to know or ask…” Tom broke the lingering silence they had.
“Yeah, like we’ve been together for 8 months, that ok?” He nodded and intertwined their fingers, she slightly jumped and looked at him.
“We should do a bit of PDA, holding hand, cheek kissing, hugging, all that.”He said pointing at their hands. She nodded and smiled, like the warmth of his hand on hers.
“Also, lets just keep the story as real as possible. Truly tell them how we met, or how we ended up living together, it’ll be easier for both of us.” (Y/n) said smiling at him. He nodded and took a step forward.
“Ready, darling?” She bit her lip and nodded, taking his hand and, slightly, dragging him towards the entrance. They passed a few classrooms, she showed him which one she had studied music at, or where something happened. She then dragged him to where her locker was and how it still had the small star he painted.
“… and then Mr.Wilder started crying, I wasn’t even acting good y’know? I was a terrible performer, no one expected me to become this big star…”She laughed with Tom, as they entered the gym class, where the party was located. “It was hilarious, I think my mom still has the video of me tripping on sta-”
“Still blows my mind how you became an actor.” A voice said behind them. Tom turns around and looks at an orange-tanned girl with a fake smile.
“Amber, hey” (Y/n) greased her with he same fake smile. “This is Tom, my boyfriend.” Amber licked her lips and flirtatiously tried to kiss his cheek. (Y/n) took a step back, forcefully, and sighed.
“I’m Amber McDonaghew.” He slightly pushed her away, making her annoyed.
“Nice to meet you, Tom Holland.” He extended his hand and she rolled her eyes, accepting the greeting. Tom grabbed (Y/n) by the waist and pulled her towards him, making her smile. Janet, a brunette girl, came walking towards where they were.
“(Y/n), you came!” She squealed and hugged her, eyeing Tom. “And you must be Tom Holland, himself.” She smiled, showing all white teeth.
“It a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled, still holding (Y/n).
“My sister loves your movies, after dinner can I get your autograph, she would freak out. Oh and your too (Y/n), she lov-.”Tom nodded, laughing at her.
“Get a hold of yourself Janet, he’s just a normal person.” Amber rolled her eyes, trying to get Toms attention.
“Don’t worry Janet, we WOULD be HONORED to take a photo or make a video for your sister.” (Y/n) smiled at her, making Amber angrier.
“WE should all go sit down, come (Y/n) they put you at our table.” Amber said rolling her eyes. Tom looked down at her. (Y/n) was frowning, not expecting that to be true but Amber was the coordinator, she could’ve done anything. With a deep sigh and a reassurance squeeze from Tom, they both walked to the table where (Y/n)’s worst memories were held
“Guys, remember (Y/n)?” Amber asked to the table, bringing all the attention to them. They sat down, (Y/n) next to Tom and Amber beside him. They all nodded and eyed her suspiciously. “Well, she’s now dating the Tom Holland, spider-man himself.” She squealed as if she was the one dating him.
“Damn (Y/n), didn’t know you had it in you.” Nick shouted, making her laugh.
“(Y/n), congrats, How’d you meet?” Danielle asked, looking at Amber. You slightly heard her telling whispering to Amber “Thought you said she was lying?” “Wait and see Dani, ask her something.” (Y/n) rolled her eyes and smiled, naturally leaning into Tom, like she always did.
“Actually, it's not that great of a story… I just met him on set of this indie film we were making.” She shrugged.
“You can be a bit more specific than that love, cause I still remember the first time I saw you.” He said, looking at (Y/n).
“What? How?” She looked at him confused. “That was ages ago…”
“Oh, please tell us…” Miri, one of Amber posies said.
“We were supposed to meet before filming started, but the idiot that I am mixed the dates and had to cancel on our coffee outing.” All the table looks at him with the upmost attention, even Amber wasn’t missing a bit of the story. “…So then, I accidentally roll out under the car and bringer her down with me. She was pissed, I had ruined her hair, mudded up her dress, it was hilarious.” They were all laughing, even Amber smiled a little bit but (Y/n) just stared at him. She didn’t understand how he could still remember that.
“You did it un purpose, you saw a pretty lady walking to her trailer and said ´hmm how can I ruin her day` and did just that to get my attention.” He sheepishly smiled at her and brought her closer. “Holy shit, you’re not even denying it. Thomas, you fucking creep.” She laughed with the rest of the table.
The party kept on going, the lines between friendship and more kept on blurring. The alcohol was taking its effect and most of the guest were dancing to the beat of the music, remembering the good old days. Tom and (Y/n) kept on talking, much to Ambers dismay, they would respond everything she asked. They actually seemed like a couple but still something was off with this. There was no kissing, and every touch was calculated or fearful. She caught to this quickly and was going to use it to her advantage.
“Have you guys voted yet?” Amber nicely asked, she smiled and looked at both of them.
“Voted for what?” (Y/n) asked, confused at to what she was saying.
“You know, for King and Queen of the reunion.” She stated matter of factly, rolling her eyes at (Y/n) as if it was the most obvious thing.
“Yeah, no, we really aren’t into that.” You answered casually.
“I never understood why choose a king and queen, like do they get benefits? Do they get a prize? Fame and fortune? I don’t get it. Americans are so weird.” Tom rambled on to (Y/n), smiling down at her.
“You know what guys? Lets all go dance!” Amber screamed pushing (Y/n) and Tom to the dance floor.
They all moved to the rhythm of the music for a while, jumping up and down and trying to grind on each other. (Y/n) awkwardly danced with Tom. She couldn’t keep up with his extravagant moves, or his beat. She had to left feet. Suddenly, the DJ changed the song to a slow one and he instantly placed his hand around (Y/n).
“Hey, Tom. Dance with me?” Amber said, trying to push (Y/n) away.
“Sorry Amber, but (Y/n)’s my date and I wouldn’t want to leave her alone, maybe next one.” He smiled sweetly. People around them heard and snickered at Amber, as she stomped out of their view. The music abruptly stopped and an annoying voice came out of the speakers.
“Hello class of 2013, hows the night going?” Amber said as everyone screamed in response.
“Well, we actually have guest of honors this year. Two famous people and love bird, (Y/n) and Tom Holland” Everyone clapped, some hollered and others just eyed them. “Now guys, come closer, don’t be scared.” (Y/n) and Tom moved a few steps closer to the stage, until they stopped in the center.
“Know that we have our famous couple here” Amber said into the microphone. “Why don’t you bless us with a kiss?” She smiled maliciously at them. No one was going to embarrass her, not even Tom Holland himself.
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” People started chanting as (Y/n) and Tom looked at each other uncomfortably. She hated this, the unwanted attention, the pressure to do whatever these people wanted. Tom didn’t mind kissing her, hell he wanted to, but (Y/n) looked scared, uncomfortable and annoyed. His heart broke a little as he sighed, looking into her eyes.
“I can tell them off you know, we don’t have to kiss.” He bit his plump lip. She nodded and looked at his lips then at his brown marvelous eyes. She was scared. This was the first time she was going to kiss Tom as herself, without any acting-ok, maybe a little acting-involved.
“Tommy, I don’t mind…” She mumbled out, getting closure to him. He slightly nodded and pressed his warm lips to hers, for a few seconds before being suddenly pushed back.
“For fuck sake, you aren’t supposed to kiss her. God dammit, you aren’t even dating, are you? It’s me your supposed to be interested on.” Amber screeched trying to grab (Y/n). “Let fucking go of me” she screamed as Nick and another dude held her back.
“What the fuck is your problem Amber?” (Y/n) said seeing red. “Why the hell do you care if I date Tom or anyone else? Get a fucking life already.” She glared at the mad girl.
“(Y/n), you fucking tool, you were supposed to bring Tom, and he was supposed to like me.” She said, pushing out of the boys grasp. “Don't you get it? Im perfect, I’m beautiful and you’re you, a weird, ugly, wannabe stupid little girl. I’ve always been and will be better than yo-“
“Enough Amber!” Toms stern voice  shut her up. “I would never be with you, not because you aren’t pretty but cause you’re a fucking bitch. Listen to yourself, you don’t even compare to (Y/n). She’s perfect in every fucking way, even when she gets annoying, uses all the hot water and refuses to help around the house. I fucking love her for who she is. God dammit, she is everything you will never be able to achieve,. Do you even have a career as big and important as hers? No. She’ even been nominated to talk at the UNICEF, you should be honored that she puts up with your shit.” (Y/n) looked at him, her mouth slightly open as he grabbed her had and pulled her out of the room.
“Tom, stop. Wait, Tom” She kept trying to stop him, as they entered the pool area. “Thomas stop!” She planted her feet, making him stop abruptly.
“What (Y/n)?” He looked at her, all traces of humor gone.
“What was that?” Pointing to the other room. “all of that?” She whispered gently.
“I don’t know, I-I just couldn’t stand Amber saying those things and-”
“You said you loved me?” She said wide eyed.
“Oh shit, look (Y/n) I just I-well you see- Its- Yes, I love you” he ended out of breath. He closed his eyes, not really wanting to see her face or feel the disappointment.
“Are you in love with me or just love me?” She asked, stepping closer to him.
“The first…?” He answered quietly,
“Tom, I’m in love with you too.” He opened his eyes and looked at how close she was. She was inches away from his lips, as she grinned.
“Really? That explains all the breakfasts and awkward stares.” He goofy smiled.
“Fuck you, Holla-“ He crashed his lips to hers, as they laughed happily. It was the start of something wonderful, something they both needed and wanted.
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limwen · 4 years
Merman x female human (Chapter 4)
Here’s chapter 4!
As always, if you’d like, leave a heart and even a comment. It would mean a lot! Also, reblog if you’ve liked it ^^
Link to other chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 5
That night Alice was not able to sleep until very late: her thoughts were filled of blue eyes, green fins and mystical creatures. She also didn't know how to refer to him. She would have to ask him how he would like to be called. She was also very worried that he had run away for good and didn't intend staying there anymore. The next morning, she woke up very groggy, and with her usual cup of milk and coffee in hand went outside, hoping to see the merman again. She didn't even know what she would say to him, if he actually showed up, but she knew she was attracted to him and, as shy as she usually was, this time she felt confident enough to at least talk to him again. While gently blowing on her cup and sipping the hot drink, she saw a shadow in the depth of the lake swimming towards her. He resurfaced just in front of her and smiled. "It was a phone yesterday, right?" "Yes, it was my phone ringing". "Obviously..." he now looked annoyed at himself. A slight blush was forming on his cheeks as he sheepishly ran a hand on the back of his neck. Alice tried to contain her giggles, hiding her face behind the mug: "So you know what a phone is?" "The old man explained it to me, but he rarely used one". As the giggles subsided, Alice mustered up the courage to ask him about his name: "Listen, is there... is there a name I can call you? Something I can pronounce?" "Whatever you want". "How did that old man call you?" "He called me boy... please anything but that..." He looked a little affronted at that. Smiling, Alice started to think about a name but didn't come up with anything satisfying. "I'll have to think about it, if it's okay". "I never had a human name, so choose an interesting one. Something you humans would find cool". He ended with a bright smile sending Alice's way a wink. Alice really didn't know if he knew what he was doing, or if flirting was just his second nature. Probably the second. She tried not to entertain the thought that he might be flirty because he actually liked her the way she was starting to like him. Sighing, she was about to get up, when he rushed forward grabbing the arm with which she was holding the mug, effectively stopping her. "What?" "What is this you're drinking?" "Coffee and milk... you want to try it?" "It smells good... can I?" "Here". She handed him the mug, looking as he first looked at the drawings printed on the mug and then, holding it carefully, started to sip from it. His concentrated expression slowly turned into one of surprise: "It tastes so good!" Seeing his happiness in discovering this new drink Alice said: "You can finish it, if you want". "Thank you so much!" Alice realized then how the merman often seemed to behave like an overgrown child: every emotion he had was on display for her to read. Alice thought that this might have been the reason she felt attracted to him, regardless of his good looks: he was so easy to understand that, despite the short time she had known him for, she felt like she could trust him. She was convinced that him being a merman was not the only difference he had with a normal man: while she felt that it was very difficult to find a trustworthy man, with this merman she perceived a certain honesty and she couldn't help but to feel drawn towards it. "Listen... I now need to go to work..." said Alice. "Don't you work from home?" He said stopping to drink for a moment. Alice thought she saw a glint of sadness in his eyes. "Usually yes, but today I have a meeting with my colleagues and I have to go to the village". "Ok..." "You can leave the mug on the rocks when you're finished". "How long will you be away?" It felt like he was purposefully trying to make the conversation a little longer: "I'll be back by six, this evening". "This evening there is a full moon... You know its reflection in the lake is beautiful... I thought maybe... we could watch it together". Alice was very taken aback by his proposal and his shyness... "I'd like it very much..." Alice caught herself using a very soft voice and, before he could see her blush one again, she stood and after a very rushed goodbye, sprinted back into her house, too embarrassed to even look back. If she had, she would have seen the surprised look on his face being replaced by a warm smile. Alice readied herself to get to work. She then got into her car, not before having glimpsed toward the lake, where there was no trace of the merman, except for the mug. ~ After her meeting, she went to greet one of her colleagues and certainly the best (maybe only) friend she had in that town. "Janet! How are you?" They exchanged a hug. "I'm fine! Same old boring secretary work but at least I get to live in the village... not like some hermit we both know..." she said with a teasing glint. "Hey! You know how beautiful my house is! No need to live surrounded by people when I have that perfect paradise just around the corner!" Alice said. "Well yes it's beautiful, I’ll give you that. But I always wonder how will you ever be able to meet THE one when you spend all your time alone... Seriously you should try to come over here more often. Also, I know other people around here, you know? You could make yourself more friends if you would just let me be your guide!" Janet started counting on her fingers: "We could go to parties, we could go shopping, we could..." "Stop it right there! I get it... It's just that..." "I know, it's not your cup of tea". "Yes..." "Well anyway, what do you want to ask me?" Alice looked at her friend in puzzlement. "How did you know I was going to ask you something?!" Janet laughed and said: "If you had more friends you would understand how I did it!" "Ok, I get it. Well, I actually would really like to stop that John Hutton's project..." Janet started to look worried "... but I know that alone I don't have nor the courage nor the possibility nor the right ideas to be able to make it... so I thought I would..." "Ask me because I'm the only person you know..." ended Janet for her. "I know I'm asking a lot, but it would mean a lot for me and particularly I know it would mean a lot for many other people. I thought maybe we could create a petition to sign for everyone who doesn't want the project to go on... What do you think?" "I know many people here and I've heard enough gossip to know that most people here would agree with you. The problem is that Hutton is corrupting people with money... Many people are blinded by his offer". "I thought about this... One of his men actually asked me to sign a permission form and, after I declined, he also suggested that they would pay me to silence me up... I think that people here are not really able to understand how much power their decisions can have when all are working together. I'm not an expert, but I made some research and the two main problems such a power plant could cause would be most damaging in a valley like ours: I'm talking about possible flooding and environmental pollution. If they haven't paid those people yet, and only made suggestions, we could still convince everyone to join our cause, what do you say? Can we at least try?" Janet looked very concentrated: "... I think I might have a better solution..." with a smirk Janet explained her plan: "I know a friend of mine, Ace, received the same proposal they made you because he also lives near a stream... He is the owner of a shop, which is near his house, and knows most people there. If we could use him to convince the people there to join our plan, it would make everything easier. You see, making people sign a petition might certainly have some degree of success but if a lot of money is involved, we might just not make it out of sheer willpower..." Alice was now listening very attentively to Janet's words: "We will set a trap to our dear John Hutton..." Alice interrupted her friend's evil laugh: "A trap?" "Yes! You see, when Hutton's men will target their next victims, asking them to sign and suggesting to pay them if they don't cooperate... well, we will have already talked to those people through my friend Ace. We will have already asked them to refuse just for them to make their illegal suggestion of corruption and..." "Why would they do that purposefully?" "Just let me finish! We will have them record their whole dialogue! In this way we will have proof that what they’re doing is wrong and they won't be able to continue their project!" "This might actually be the best idea you've ever had!" "Yes I know... Wait, what do you mean!?" Janet exclaimed outraged but Alice was already looking ecstatic at the prospect of stopping Hutton. "Janet you're a genius!" "I know! Now, I'll contact Ace right away and in less than a week I think we might have our results! Now, I don't think a petition is a bad idea either... We could try to write a draft together this evening. I know you rarely leave home so I want to make the most out of you while you’re here." Janet didn't even let Alice retort before she dragged her out of her office and into a bar. They dined there and then spent the evening finishing a draft.
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bee-kathony · 5 years
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The Oath | Ch. 11 “Need” 
a/n: thank you everyone who has left kind comments on this story! I will be posting the next chapter on Sunday and then continuing as normal on Wednesday :) 
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10
August 8th, 2019
After Frank showed up and ruined their evening by demanding that Claire come with him, Claire had spent the night cleaning up Jamie’s bloody hand. His knuckles were split and the skin around them was angry and red. As she touched the skin lightly with an alcoholic swab, Jamie winced, cursing under his breath.
“Sorry,” she mumbled. “It’s going to sting a bit.”
“Aye, it does,” he said through this teeth.
“Do you get into fights often?”
Jamie looked at her, a smug expression on his face. “Nah, och well maybe a few when I was younger. Just a stramash here and there wi’ the lads.”
“A stramash,” Claire repeated, a smile on her lips as she looked up at him through her lashes.
“A wee fight,” he smiled back softly. Slowly, he reached his uninjured hand up to cup her cheek, “Claire, I’m verra sorry ye had to see me like that, I canna hold my temper sometimes. I’d understand if ye were scairt of me now.”
Sighing, she turned her head, kissing the inside of his palm. “I’m not scared of you. Perhaps I was a bit frightened, but no… I’m not afraid.”
“Good,” he grinned. “Because ye need no be scairt of anyone or anythin’ when I’m wi’ ye.”
“And when you’re not with me?” She paused her work on his hand, holding it in her lap.
“I’ll not be far,” he ran his thumb over her cheek.
The air between them was buzzing with an electricity that made Claire’s heart beat fast. Shaking her head slightly, she bent it back down to continue to tend to Jamie’s hand. Just a few minutes later, she had it cleaned up and bandaged.
“Don’t go punching anyone for at least a week alright?”
“Aye, Sassenach,” he blushed.
Claire stood from the ground and held out her hand to help him up. When he came to his full height, Claire was standing close to him, her nose just a breath away from his chest and she looked up at him.
She thought he was going to kiss her, but instead he took a step backwards, running his unharmed hand through his hair. “Would ye like to go to Lallybroch next weekend? That is if yer free?”
“Lallybroch? Your house?”
“Aye, well ’tis Jenny and Ian’s now — her husband. My Da left it to me, but I didna have much use for a big ol’ grand house and they’ve bairns to fill it wi,” he shrugged then his expression softened and he placed his hand over her stomach.
“I’d like them to meet ye both,” he smiled. “If ye want to meet my family?”
Claire covered Jamie’s hand with hers, squeezing it gently. “I’d love to meet them. Do they know?”
His cheeks blushed pink, “Aye, they ken. It might have come up a few weeks ago.”
“What did they think? That I was some gold digger after you and your successful business?” Claire sighed, letting her hand fall to her side.
“Nah,” Jamie shook his head.
“What is it?”
“Och, ’tis nothing,” he smiled, but Claire could tell there was something else.
“Jamie, you better tell me before I meet them…”
His hand slid from her stomach and he pinched the bridge of his nose. “My sister Jenny, well—“ he sighed, his shoulders heavy. “She thinks ye to be some kind of whoor since ye dinna ken who the father is.”
Whatever she had been expecting him to say, that was not it.
“Oh.” Claire gathered her first aid kit, walking back into the kitchen to put it away.
Jamie cursed under his breath, following after her. “She doesna even ken ye Claire, ye mustn’t take it too seriously.”
“Well she’s right though isn’t she?” Claire said, her back facing him, her hands on the counter in front of her. Claire wasn’t embarrassed of her baby, nor was she embarrassed of Jamie. But the fact of the matter was that she had had a one night stand with a stranger and had gotten pregnant. Of course, it could still be Frank’s, but Claire shoved that thought aside quickly.
“Sassenach,” Jamie reached out, touching her elbow. “Ye are the furthest thing from a whoor. Yer beautiful. And smart, a good doctor wi’ a kind touch…. I know it.”
Her shoulders sank and she turned to face him. “Then I must be on my best behavior,” she smirked. “I’ll show her I’m no whore.”
Jamie laughed at hearing her speak in such a way. He’d never met a woman who swore as much as she did. “Ye’ll be meeting my godfather, Murtagh as well. I’ll ask him to come over,” Jamie smiled. “He was my Mam and Da’s best friend, been around all my life.”
“And he helps you with Fraser & Co. right?”
“Aye, he started it wi’ my Da and now wi’ me,” Jamie smiled sadly.
Claire reached up, cupping his cheek, “You miss them?”
“Every day.”
“I miss my parents as well,” Claire agreed, dropping her hand from his cheek to her stomach. “I wish they were here to meet the baby.”
“I wish that as well, Sassenach.”
Claire glanced at the clock on the wall, it was past eleven at night and Geillis had been gone for just over an hour. She knew Frank would be at the hospital all night from the beating Jamie had given him; he was also very drunk and would be hungover as well as in pain.
“Jamie,” Claire looked up at him. “Would you mind staying the night? Or at least until Geillis comes back? I just… don’t want to be here alone.”
“Och, of course, Claire,” Jamie smiled, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.
“I’ll um, just make up the couch.”
What she wanted to do was ask him to her bed and not even to sleep with her, but to hold her. Claire walked to the small hall closet and pulled out a blanket and pillow for Jamie, setting it up nicely on the couch in the living room. It was probably not long enough for him, but it would have to do.
“I hope this is alright,” Claire waved her hands at the makeshift bed. Jamie smiled, sliding his arms out of his jacket and took a seat, his hands patting the cushion.
“Tis perfect, Sassenach.”
Nodding, Claire grabbed her phone and started walking back to her room.
“Yes?” She turned back to him.
“Would ye,” his cheeks turned red as he sat on the edge of the couch, one hand holding a shoe he’d been taking off. “Would ye like to come and sit wi’ me for awhile? My hand,” he held his bandaged hand up, “Tis hurts a wee bit and ye always make me feel good.”
Jamie mentally cursed himself for saying such a stupid thing to her, but Claire smiled and walked back over to him. Sitting beside him, she pulled his arm around her shoulder and leaned into him as they laid back against the couch. Neither of them spoke, but simply lay there listening to the other breathing.
Two hours later, Geillis came home to find Jamie laying on the couch, his arms wrapped around Claire — both asleep. Geillis couldn’t help herself as she tip toed over to them, taking out her phone and snapping a pic. It was their first “family” photo and she knew Claire would secretly be happy she had taken the pic.
“Night, love birds,” Geillis whispered and went off to her own bed.
Being a light sleeper, Jamie had woken up when the door opened, but kept his eyes shut. He’d have to ask Geillis for the picture she’d taken, but that could wait until tomorrow.
A week passed and finally, Claire and Jamie drove up to Lallybroch — the place where they first met. A strange expression crossed over Claire’s face and Jamie noticed.
“What is it, Sassenach?”
Looking up at the estate, she remembered that she wanted to know if Lallybroch really meant “lazy tower”.
“Aye, it does,” Jamie grinned and pointed up to the large stone tower near the back. “Broch Tuarach means north facing tower.”
“But it’s circular,” Claire laughed as they stood on the gravel outside of the house. “How can it be north facing?”
Jamie smirked, staring down at her. “The door faces north, Sassenach.”
“Bloody Scot,” Clare rolled her eyes and followed him into the house. They were staying for the weekend and Claire was only slightly nervous about meeting his family — considering the situation.
“Dinna fash, Claire,” Jamie whispered to her as he set their bags down. “They’ll be in the kitchen, then.”
He took her hand, leading her through the house. It looked different in the daytime. It also looked different with less people and less alcohol coursing through her system. God, what she wouldn’t do for a dram right now.
Claire had only heard Jenny and Murtagh’s voices in the hall that night, as Jamie hadn’t wanted anyone to see them sneaking up to the library. When she laid her eyes upon his sister, she was taken aback; she wasn’t at all what she pictured.
Hair as black as the night, small frame that just reached Jamie’s chest — Jenny Fraser Murray looked almost nothing like her tall red haired brother. Claire made a mental note to ask Jamie for a picture of his parents later on.
“Janet!” Jamie embraced her, kissing the top of her head. “Tis good to see ye.”
“Aye, ye too mo bhràthair,” The woman smiled, standing on her toes to kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair as a big sister would do. Claire’s eyes followed Jamie as he then embraced a man who must be Murtagh — a tall fellow with a thick beard and kind eyes.
Jamie came to stand beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, making her feel safe, guarded. Not that she needed to be afraid of them, but she couldn’t help but feel inadequate.
“This is Claire Beauchamp,” Jamie said proudly. “And this is my bairn,” his hand slid over her stomach and Claire’s heart skipped a beat.
“It’s so nice to meet you both, I’ve heard so much about you from Jamie.”
Jamie’s godfather, Murtagh walked over to her, immediately embracing her. “We’ve heard all about ye, Claire. It’s good to finally meet the woman Jamie canna stop talkin’ about.”
Her cheeks blushed red and hot as she released him. She still felt the cold stare of Jenny in the corner and took a step forward out of Jamie’s reach and held out her hand to Jenny.
“Hi Jenny,” Claire waited, hand outstretched. “Thank you for having me in your home,” She added.
With a look over her shoulder at her brother, Jenny then cast her gaze to Claire, having to look up slightly at her. Then Claire’s heart leaped as she saw a familiar smirk on the woman’s lips and suddenly she was being embraced by Jenny Murray.
At once, Claire felt accepted. Like she belonged in whatever weird way that she did. No matter what happened between her and Jamie, they had this baby and this baby girl now had more family to love and protect her.
“Where’s Ian, Jenny?”
Jenny slid her arm around Claire’s waist, squeezing it a bit. “He’s wi’ young Jamie and Maggie in the stables, feeding the horses.”
“And Katherine?” Jamie smiled.
“Just laid her down in her crib for a nap,” Jenny smiled back and then looked up at Claire. “I’ve the three bairns, my youngest is but a few months old.”
“I’d love to meet them,” Claire grinned. Cousins. Her baby would have cousins. Growing up, Claire had always wanted siblings and cousins and she loved her Uncle Lamb, but she always wondered what it would be like to grow up in a big house with people running around it.
“Och, ye will, Claire. They’ll be screamin’ the second they get inside. The weens love meetin’ new people,” Jenny laughed.
“Ye’ve only just got here though, how about I show ye where ye’ll be stayin’ — ye’ll both be in Jamie’s old room.” Claire tensed at that and Jamie coughed awkwardly from the corner in the kitchen.
“Two rooms, Janet.”
Jenny nodded, understanding crossing her face. “Ah, two rooms. Well, Claire ye can still have Jamie’s old room. Tis nicer than the guest room which is where I’ll put Jamie.”
“Thank ye, Jenny. I can show her,” Jamie held out his hand to Claire for her to take. “We’ll be back down after we settle in.
A distinct Scottish noise come from Murtagh and Claire turned her head to see him wink at Jamie and had to try her hardest not to laugh.
“Well that went better than I thought,” she sighed as Jamie led her up the stairs.
“Aye,” he chuckled. “At first I thought Jenny was goin’ to snap yer head off, but I think she’s trying to understand and just accept what we have goin’ on.”
They walked down the same hall as that night, past the same pictures, the same doors. “That’s the library,” Claire commented as they passed it.
Jamie squeezed her hand, “Aye, tis.”
They both laughed, if only from a kind of bashfulness that came with remembering what occurred in that very room. Then Jamie opened a door further down the hallway and Claire was in his room. It was clean. Simple. And very Jamie. Or at least the Jamie that had lived here those years ago.
The bed was huge, as it had to be for someone as tall as him. A four poster wood bed with grey linen sheets and comfy looking pillows. Because Jamie only visited Lallybroch and didn’t live here, most of the personal effects that made a room its owners were gone. But there will still traces of Jamie here. Books on the shelves, a Scottish rugby team poster on the wall by the dresser.
“It’s nice,” Claire walked over to his desk, fingers tracing over a few of his items. Her eyes landed on a journal and she opened it, flicking through the pages.
“Och, dinna look at that,” Jamie came over to her quickly, shutting it fast.
“Wot? Why not?”
“Tis nothing,” Jamie laughed nervously.
“What’s in the journal, Jamie?” Claire smiled, trying to open it again.
“It’s just… well, ’tis wee stories I wrote as a lad. I dinna ken why it’s still out here in the open for anyone to be readin’,” He blushed, pulling it out of her hands.
“Will you ever let me read something you’ve written?”
“Aye,” Jamie nodded, hiding the journal behind his back. “But no today, Sassenach.”
“I won’t forget you agreed,” Claire smiled and walked over to the bed, plopping down with a sigh, “God, I could just fall asleep right here, I’m so tired.”
“Then take a nap, Sassenach.” Jamie smiled down at her as he placed her bag near what must be the closet. “We dinna have anythin’ to do.”
“What will you do?” Claire asked as she moved back on the bed.
“I’ll go and see Ian for a bit, visit my horse Donas,” Jamie nodded.
“That sounds nice,” Claire said slowly as her eyes fluttered shut. She didn’t hear Jamie leave the room, but knew that he’d left and she rolled to her side letting sleep take her.
Jamie had been nervous about introducing Claire to his family. Mainly because it wasn’t the traditional way of things. His father had told him to find a lass and marry her then start a family. Jamie had gotten those things a wee bit out of order.
He left Claire asleep on his bed, curled up on her side with her hand on her stomach. It was a beautiful sight to see, her so round with his child growing inside. At least he hoped it was truly his daughter.
Ian was where Jenny said he’d be in the stables. Young Jamie — named after him — and Maggie were leaning over the gate to feed hay to a horse named Brimstone, a mare with a lot of spirit.
“Och, Jamie lad, tis good to see ye around here. Ye brought her then?”
Nodding, Jamie couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his lips. “Aye, I did. She’s takin’ a nap upstairs. She gets tired a lot as the bairn grows.”
“I ken all about that,” Ian ruffled his hand through Maggie’s curls. Jamie squatted to her height, pinching her cheek.
“How are ye lass? Do ye remember me?”
“Of course I remember you Uncle Jamie, I saw you two weeks ago!” The little girl burst into giggles and Jamie picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder.
“Ye and Claire are havin’ a girl, are ye no?”
“Aye, a wee lassie,” Jamie smiled and then blew a raspberry on the side of Maggie’s stomach, only making her laugh more.
Ian smiled watching his best friend and daughter and then noticed Jamie’s bruised and bandaged hand. “What did ye do this time, man?”
Jamie followed his gaze to his hand and flexed it, still a bit sore. “Claire’s ex,” Jamie’s brows rose and he carefully set Maggie down on her feet and she ran off to where her brother was feeding another horse.
“He came by the other night, demandin’ that Claire come wi’ him and that the bairn was his,” Jamie sighed, crossing his arms tight over his chest.
“Is it his?” Ian asked.
“I dinna ken. Claire is afraid to find out, so I told her we wouldn’t, but it’s killing me,” Jamie’s shoulders sagged with the weight of the pressure he’d been holding up. He wanted to know and very badly, but he didn’t want to push Claire into anything.
“Of course it is,” Ian clapped his hand on his back. “Tis only normal that ye’d want to know if the bairn is yers or not. Will you stay wi’ her, if the lass isna yers?”
Jamie turned to face his brother-in-law, “Of course. I made her a promise that I willna break. She doesn’t have anyone.”
“Just because she doesna have anyone, doesna mean that she must rely only on ye brother,” Ian said, shrugging as he returned to his kids. Jamie knew that Claire was strong and that she didn’t need him. But Jamie wanted Claire to need him — to want him to stay and be with her. And she’d told him as much. But Jamie also wanted to have every part of her and then he remembered that this visit to Lallybroch wasn’t exactly just for Claire to meet his family.
He walked back into the house and upstairs to what had once been his mother and father’s room, but was now Jenny and Ian’s. Jenny had kept all of their Mam’s jewelry and had told Jamie where to find their mother’s wedding ring should he need it.
Jamie found it. A beautiful simple silver band with thistles carved into it and took it from the box and stashed it in his pocket. He didn’t know when, but only hoped there would be a time that he would need it.
Chapter 12: Conversations 
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Five @ Five @thursdayeuclid
As a part of our author spotlight, we’ve asked each writer to highlight 5 fics and tell us a little about their experience writing (or reading) them.
Modified Aspect Ratio by @sabrinachill
Quentin flinches when party hats suddenly appear on all three of their heads - the pointy, cardboard kind, with elastic straps that bite into the soft underside of their chins. Crepe paper streamers float in the air and balloons drop from where a ceiling should be, drifting down to scatter across the white expanse that serves as a floor. Tiny multicolored fireworks explode into shapes like smiley-faces and stars, and a three-tiered cake coated in yellow and red icing pops into existence in a puff of flour, hovering to the monster’s right.
But the biggest decoration - and weirdest, by far - is the enormous blue neon sign with the words “Welcome to Hollywood!” strobing insistently against the white blankness.
The monster is now wearing a wizard costume, for some unknown reason, and bouncing up and down while clapping its hands and performing a horribly off-key rendition of “Party in the USA.”
“This is officially the worst party I’ve ever attended, including the one where we murdered a couple of gods,” Eliot mutters.
Quentin’s answering sigh is epic and professional-grade, containing all the exasperated resignation in the galaxy. “Why is it that everything that happens to us is always equal parts absurd and terrifying? I mean, I could accept regular old fear and tragedy, sure, whatever, everybody gets those. But it’s like the universe gets off on dicking us around.”
He wants to slump, all dramatic and defeated, but he’s still pinned in place by the monster’s powerful will, like a butterfly in a display case.
This has to be my favorite Queliot AU. It's patently ridiculous but just believable enough to really touch your heart. Which, honestly, is most of the show too. I laughed and cried reading this. It's amazing and unpredictable and goes places I would never have imagined.
to be unbroken or be brave again by @milominderbindered
After the fourth time it happens, Josh decides to go for it, and as they’re bathing in the sweaty afterglow, he asks Margo if she wants to go on a date.
Margo looks at him, up and down, and says, “No offence, Hoberman, but no.”
“Oh.”  Josh’s stomach sinks a bit.  He pulls up his pants and takes a joint out of his pocket.  “Okay, that’s chill too. Wanna smoke?”
“Oh, don’t look all sorry for yourself,” Margo says, rolling her eyes as she picks herself up from the bathroom floor and inspects her hair in the mirror.  “It’s nothing personal. You’re nice, the sex is good, whatever. But, listen. Eliot is my best friend, and he’s going through this incredibly shitty time right now.  Specifically to do with love.  It’s been a couple months since that Mike shit went down, but he’s still seriously messed up, and he’s my first priority, capiche?  I’m not gonna start dating someone and just leave him by himself half the time, or shove a bunch of lovey-dovey crap in his face.  No way. I’m not gonna date anyone until Eliot’s dating again, too.”
“Right,” says Josh, slowly, as he lights his joint and thinks about it.  “Not until he’s dating someone too. Got it.”
He thinks about the party raging downstairs, and about what he knows about Eliot.  Eliot’s had no problem hooking with guys recently, everyone knows that, but he’s not kept anyone around for more than a night.  He’s heard Margo calling it Eliot’s attachment freak-outs when he drops the guys as soon as they suggest sucking his dick more than once , which makes sense.  Except. Well, there’s that one first year, with the floppy hair and the Lord of the Rings t-shirt.  Eliot and the first year with the weird name haven’t hooked up, according to Josh’s well-informed rumour mill, but he certainly seems to be the only person other than Margo who Eliot’s remotely interested in spending time with when he’s not drunk.
There aren’t a lot of things in life Josh Hoberman has an excess of.  But he’s not hard up for money. He’s got a trust fund and a drug hustle.  And he’d spotted Eliot’s first year at the school noticeboard taking the number for a three-headed-dog walking ad, the other day.
So, just like that.  The threads tangle together.
So this is a 10 Things I Hate About You AU (which was itself a reimagining of Taming of the Shrew), and I'm living for it, just right off the bat. I love Hoberman wanting Margo so badly he goes to all this trouble. I love Quentin being morally compromised but just wanting to spend all his time with Eliot... I love it. This story deserved more attention. It made me laugh and 'aww' and have feelings, plus it's on the shorter side so you have no excuse not to read it.
we can kiss like real people do by VeryImportantDemon
“No offense,” Quentin began, squinting at the stranger, “but I don’t know you, um… Janet.”
“None taken,” the man said. “And my name’s not Janet, it’s Eliot. None of the names on these things are right, we just grab a nametag.”
“Oh,” Quentin said. He supposed that made sense. “But I still don’t know you.”
Eliot shrugged again, taking a sip of his coffee and licking his lips afterwards. Q tried to pretend like he wasn’t staring, but he and Eliot both knew that he was. “In that case, it can’t hurt to tell me, then,” he added.
“Why are you even here?” Quentin asked, stalling for time. Maybe the ridiculously attractive barista was on break and if Quentin talked long enough, that break would be up and he wouldn’t have to confess his embarrassing predicament.
“You’re sad and cute and I was bored,” Eliot said. “Now, spill.”
He was not to be deterred so Quentin didn’t have very long to dwell on the fact that he’d just been called cute. “I, um… I kind of lied to my dad,” he said.
“Ooo,” Eliot said, leaning forward. “Exciting. About what?”
“It’s not that exciting,” Quentin said. “I just… He’s worried I’m lonely and he keeps asking if I’ve met someone. I just told him I had a boyfriend once to get him to stop asking and now he wants to see a picture of us.”
“Mmhm,” Eliot said. “I think I’m following. Why didn’t you get that snack that was here earlier to take a pic with you?”
“I can’t,” Quentin said, wondering how his life had gotten to the point that he was having an impromptu therapy session with a barista. “That’s Penny. He’s my… Sort of friend? And he’s kind of an asshole.”
“Pity,” Eliot said. “This your phone?” he added, gesturing to the phone on the table.
“Yeah,” Quentin said. Before he said anything further, Eliot scooped it up, unlocked it with Quentin’s face, and then set about doing something Quentin couldn’t see. “Hey!” he protested. “That’s my phone!”
“I know,” Eliot said. He rose from his chair, crouched down beside Quentin, and flashed a mesmerizing smile. Quentin was sure he looked a little startled and confused in the selfie because he really was confused. Eliot moved fast. He tapped on Quentin’s phone for a few more seconds as he crossed the table and sat down in the chair he had previously occupied before tapping a few more times and sliding the phone back to Quentin. “There,” he said. “Problem solved.”
I am a complete sucker for fake dating, and this story has a delightful array of truly ridiculous fake dating tropes. Also, it has transgender Penny dating Margo, and as a trans man, I can only aspire to such absolute game. Well done, trans Penny. Godspeed you, good man. There's a scene where I was freaking out and very upset and the author had to reassure me in comments it would be okay, so I kept reading, and everything was lovely in the end.
The Honor of Your Presence by Page161of180
One of the first years-- Elliott (oh no, that is too confusing, even in his own internal monologue), ah, Todd doesn’t remember her name, not because he doesn’t care, but because there are two Emilies and an Emilia in the new class and he hasn’t quite sorted them out yet. Maybe he should ask them about their middle names?-- makes it halfway down the stairs, before coming to a dead stop at the sight of the PKC’s friendly neighborhood post-grad locked in a silent stare-off with a six-foot-something R-rated Disney prince in head-to-toe-- Todd’s pretty sure it’s brocade? It’s very shiny and kind of between mint and seafoam. Definitely a nice color, against pale skin and dark hair. Which Todd knows from dressing himself , not because he spends that much of his time thinking about-- Not that there’s anything wrong with--
Ha. Ha ha. What? Not the point.
Todd shakes his head frantically at Emily, Emily, or Emilia, and she gets the message, turning back up the stairs and retreating to the safety of her room. Todd wishes he could go with her. Not, like, with her , specifically; he’s more into Emily (other Emily? Or maybe she’s Emilia?), honestly. But, you know, away . Would be good. 
Neither Eliot nor Quentin seem to notice she was ever there.
Eliot has been staring at Quentin for one minute and forty-five seconds, Todd’s face going more ashen with each moment that slips away, when the former (still?) king finally says, “I’m sorry. What ?”
And if it were Todd facing down Eliot like that (not that it would be; why would he be dating Eliot? Crazy.), he would have basically just, become one with the carpet, because that only sounds like a question. It is very clearly, obviously a trap. But Quentin-- man . Quentin has always been, just, super brave. Way braver than you would probably expect from someone who’s all, sort of, pocket-sized and, um, no judgment but, not really all that good? At magic? Like, not bad-- definitely not bad! Just. Kind of normal and-- soft? If that makes sense? He just sort of always looks like he needs a hug. Which is maybe why Eliot basically always has at least one arm wrapped around him.
Not now, though. Now, Eliot has both arms down at his sides, hands dangerously still, while Quentin crosses his own over his chest and sets his jaw.
This is just one of the greatest fics I've ever read in any fandom, for any pairing, and it's hilarious and feelsy and I had to keep pausing when I was reading it just to sit with my emotions for a minute. I recommend it to absolutely anyone who likes Queliot at all.
Ask Me, I Won't Say No by @veganshailseitan
None of them linger too long in their booth after they collect the gift certificate that will almost cover their drinks for next week-
Wednesday Night Trivia Rule 2: Only Penny and Alice are allowed to handle the gift certificates because they are the only ones who won’t lose them.
-exchanging hugs and kisses on cheeks. He’s walking out of the bar while texting —a grave mistake he should have learned from by now, but he just has to let the sitter know he’s going to be late real quick— when he suddenly smacks into something solid, sending his phone clattering to the floor.
Something solid which oh, fuck happens to be a person.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” the stranger says, despite the fact that Quentin should clearly be taking the blame here. 
He’s ducking to pick up his hopefully-not-shattered phone before he can even spare a glance at the person, “You’re fine, I wasn’t paying attention to-” he loses the sentence as he stands back up, looking up to a face he’s only seen from across the room “-you?”
His brief interaction with the enemy-
”I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Eliot. Waugh.”
“Um, yeah, I’ve seen you here before, hi. Quentin Coldwater.”
“Quentin Coldwater?” -sticks in Quentin’s mind for the next week. He’s excited for trivia. More excited than the usual eagerness for his night out of the house with grown-ups, and nervous for the first time since he could remember. Which is so dumb and shows Quentin how painfully out of practice he is at interacting with other human beings.
He and the guy —Eliot— had barely exchanged two sentences and he’s pretty sure one of them had just been Eliot making fun of his name. But then again, his type has always been the ones that pulled his pigtails on the playground —which, yeah super healthy there Quentin, way to go— except for Arielle.
And there it was: the surefire way to kill whatever ill-advised excitement he’d been holding onto for the night.
He’s early this week, for reasons he’s already overthinking, so he goes ahead and grabs their usual table. It’s his week to pick-
Wednesday Night Trivia Rule 1: The person in charge of choosing the team name will rotate on a weekly basis in alphabetical order. That week’s decider can only be overruled by a unanimous vote from the rest of the team (per the March 2018 addendum).
-so he lets the group chat know he’s there, checks them in with the Quizmaster as To Be Perfectly Queer, (because he’s at least self-aware at this point in his life) and heads to the bar, trying to focus on whether or not he wants to try the new local craft brew they were pushing this month-
And immediately runs into Eliot.
Thankfully not literally this time.
“Well, hello, Quentin.” Eliot looks as surprised to run into him as Q is, which is stupid on both their parts.
“Uh, Eliot. Hello. How are you?” just talk like a normal human, Quentin, Jesus.
Eliot smiles, sultry and so over the top that Quentin almost laughs, “Fraternizing with the enemy, are we? I’m sworn to hold our knowledge in secrecy, so don’t you dare try to seduce it out of me.”
Quentin does laugh at that, somehow put at ease by Eliot’s carefree flirtation, “I’ll try to restrain my charms. Scout’s honor.”
I actually -just- got around to reading this one and I liked it so much it made me squee out loud on a couple of occasions. It's hot, it's kidfic, it's sweet, and there's feelings and fluff and smut. Basically a ridiculous AU where Eliot and Quentin are on opposing pub trivia teams. However, that premise accounts for only a fraction of this story's considerable charms. I didn't expect to love it like I did--I did, in fact, expect to love it in a totally different way--and then it hooked me and dragged me panting and squirming through a smorgasbord of emotion. 
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stvrgrs-archive · 5 years
Part 2/3 of my gift to @ishipallthings as part of the @3490fest
(part 1, part 3)
For the prompt: 5 Secrets Steve Rogers Learns About Natasha Stark + 1 Secret She Learns About Him
Huge thank you to @fanfictiongreenirises for the beta!
Hope you like it :)
3k, tw implied alcoholism, on Ao3
5 Secrets Steve Rogers Learns About Natasha Stark + 1 Secret She Learns About Him
1. She never learned to ride a bike
The silence in the garage seems to reverberate as everyone stares at Tasha. She stares back at them and Steve can see her shrink back; it’s minuscule, but still, he notices. He tries to ignore the fact that the reason he notices is not, in fact, down to his naturally acute observational skills, but rather something with a bit more personal motivation.
Oh well.
As he and the other Avengers stare, Tasha shifts where she stands next to the gleaming hot rod red motorcycle, and he winces internally at how uncomfortable they were probably making her.
Way to charm your crush, Rogers.
He tries to relax and shrugs, turning around to fiddle with his own bike, trying desperately to come up with something to say to put her at ease. Unfortunately, Clint beats him to the punch.
“The great Natasha Stark doesn’t know how to ride a bike? Like, a regular ass two wheel bike?”
Natasha huffs and glares at him, shoulders hunched in slightly.
“It’s not that I don’t know how to ride a bike – I just never have.”
Clint just looks at her and raises an eyebrow.  
“Alright, genius, billionaire, philanthropist, whatever; suit yourself.”  
Steve can see Tasha’s eyes flash defensively and steps between them.
“Hey, no one,” he pauses to glare at Clint, “is judging you. At all. We’re all a bit surprised is all. But really, none of us care.”
“Wait. I don’t mean we don’t care, I just mean that it’s fine, obviously, that you can’t – or, that you’ve never ridden a normal bike.”
Tasha just stares at him, eyes slightly narrowed as she probably figures out whether he’s being sincere or not.
Steve tries not to fidget.
“Right, yeah, I don’t care anyway,” she mutters as she turns to fiddle with her own bike.
Everyone looks at each other, awkward and unsure until silence’s reign ends as they begin to shuffle into the elevator and murmur to each other, each visibly trying not to look back and stare.
Even as the doors slide shut, Steve can still practically reach out and push at the tension. He lingers as he tries to think of some way to make Natasha feel better, hating to leave things like this, and eventually blurts out the best thing he can think of.
“I can teach you.”
Natasha stops and turns slowly, frowning up at him.
Steve tries not to notice how attractive every expression seems to be on her.
“I could teach you,” Steve repeats, “you know, to ride a bike.”
In the silence that follows, Steve realises how stupid he must sound. For god’s sake, this is Natasha Stark; she revolutionises the world practically daily – she doesn’t need him to ride a goddamn bike; hell, she doesn’t need to ride a bike, period.
What the hell was he thinking.
“I’m sorry, that was– stupid. I just thought, well, you don’t know and–” He stops, mentally kicking himself with each word.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you.”
He turns to go and is almost at the elevator so he can go lick his wounds in private when Natasha calls out.
“Actually, that’d be nice.”
He looks back and she’s smiling; it’s small and slightly lopsided, but it’s there and he helped put it there. He feels his embarrassment fade slightly.
“Oh yeah?”
It’s not quite a date, but he still counts it as a win.
2. Her first kiss was with Janet Van Dyne
It’s after they’ve spent the afternoon racing each other through the park on cheap bikes that Tasha rented that they find themselves sitting round a wobbly wooden table in some poky bar, joined by Jan and Sharon. The smell of beer permeates the walls and everyone’s lax and loose after several shots have been downed.
Natasha has her arm hooked around Jan’s shoulders and he tries his best to firmly curb the jealousy crawling up his throat. He’s here with Sharon after all and suspects this might be the latest in Tasha’s attempts to get him laid, which she insists is vital to his acclimatisation to the 21st century. Hence, a cleverly arranged double date; not badly done, he must admit.
“Alright,” Tasha announces, lifting another shot, “truth or dare!”  
Sharon and Jan cheer and he smiles, preparing himself for whatever drunk shenanigans await.
“Steve, Captain, Spangles, mi amore; the million dollar question: truth,” she leans across the table and points her glass at him, “or dare.”  
Steve smiles indulgently and weighs up his choice. Drinking games – especially those involving Natasha – he has learned, are not something to be taken lightly. “Truth,” he responds, deciding it the somewhat safer option.
She frowns at him, apparently struggling to think through whatever they’re drunk on, and after several moments of silence, announces, “Who-” hic “was your first kiss?”
Steve smiles, amused. He’s learned that drunk Natasha is either shop talk at a million miles an hour or a 14 year old at a sleepover. Tonight is apparently the latter.
“Everyone knows it was Peggy, Tash.”
“But do we really know? You and Barnes weren’t unloading your guns, if you know what I mean.”
Steve snorts at the terrible innuendo and the equally terrible eyebrow wiggle Tasha follows it up with. “Bucky was my brother; we were definitely not unloading any metaphorical guns.”
“Mhhmmmm, okay Rogers.”
He laughs and Sharon nudges him playfully.
“Come on, Rogers, we’re your friends,” she teases, “you can tell us anything, we won’t blab. Spy’s honour.”
“Spy’s honour, huh?” he inquires.
Sharon nods solemnly.
“Well,” he starts, and the three women lean in closer, eyes eager.  
“Spy’s honour doesn’t change the truth. Peggy is still my first kiss.”
The other three groan and roll their eyes, Sharon slapping his arm lightly.
“You’re terrible,” Tasha sighs, looking forlorn but quickly recovering.
“Now ask me a truth.”
“That doesn’t make any sense but alright. What about you? Who was your first kiss?”
At that Jan grins and scoots closer to Tasha.  
“That would be this lovely lady beside me.”
Steve feels his eyebrows climb and that little green monster claw it’s way further up his throat.  
“Jan?!” he exclaims and immediately winces at how incredulous he sounds.
“No offence.”
She grins slyly and tips her glass at him.
“None taken, Boy Scout.”
Natasha swirls the contents of her glass and stares at it thoughtfully.  
“You didn’t know?”
Steve shakes his head in what he hopes is a nonchalant manner.
“Mmm, dear old homophobic dad paid to have the whole thing covered up, so makes sense that you don’t know.”
She frowns at the contents of her glass, before perking right back up again.
“Anyway! Sharon, darling, truth or dare?”
They go around like that for well over an hour, almost getting kicked out when Sharon dares Jan to give out fashion advice to three random strangers, and Jan gets way too enthusiastic about it, ending up insulting some guy’s shirt that apparently is worth enough to him to get into a fight over. He only backs down once Steve wanders over and stands firmly between him and Jan, who’s clearly enjoying herself.
After that, they stick more to truth questions.
“Tasha,” Jan asks, eyes gleaming, “what is your deepest, darkest teenage fantasy?”
Tasha snorts and gestures to him.  
“Him, that. Just-” She continues wave her arm up and down in his direction. “That. He’s Captain America. Steve, you’re Captain America, I bet even you want to tap that. I mean, that’s Captain America.”
Steve blinks, trying to process. “You wanted- me?”
“Wanted. Why the hell would that change? It’s Captain America! Seriously, if you asked, I would, really Rogers, you are a fine, fine specimen. Like, really, fine-“
Sharon snorts and rolls her eyes.
“We get it Tash, you’re in love with Rogers.”
Steve tries not to choke on his pretzel.
3. She was in love with Rhodey for precisely one week
“Afternoon, Steve.”  
Steve glances up as James Rhodes walks through the doors and settles himself at the island.  
“Afternoon, Colonel.”
Rhodes wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “Seriously man, call me James. I don’t know what to do with Captain America calling me ‘colonel’.”
Steve smiles, but before he can respond Natasha, saunters in through the door and brightens at the sight of the two of them.  
“My two favourite men! Rhodey Bear!” She pecks him on the cheek and Steve tries not to take it personally when all he gets is a friendly squeeze on the arm.
“Steve! I wanted to talk to you.”
Steve frowns and tries to quell the butterflies in his stomach as he glances up as casually as he can from making Tasha’s coffee.
“I have been informed that last night at the bar I may have implied several things of a sexual nature between you and I, and I just wanted to apologise.”
Steve blinks. And tries not to feel disappointed.
“I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, that was clearly just the alcohol talking and I’m sorry.”
Oh. He gives up on trying not to feel disappointed.
“Yeah, course, course, that’s– yeah.”
Damn him.
Natasha doesn’t seem to buy his response and continues on. “You know how it is, right? You’re caught up in the moment and just say stuff with no filter, stuff that you don’t fully mean–”
Jesus, Steve doesn’t really need this.
“Of course, Tasha, don’t worry about it; really.”
She nods, seemingly satisfied until Rhodes pipes up,
“Hey, Tash, remember our first week of MIT together?”  
He’s looking at Tasha, mischief clear in his eyes.
“Oh no–” Tasha starts, but Rhodey butts in, turning to Steve.
“She had a crush on me our first week of MIT together. Honestly, man, you should get her to like you because that was the best and funniest week of my life.”
“Rhodey, sugar–”
“She proposed with an onion ring, he continues, expression mock wistful as Tasha pouts next to him.
“I was a child, Rhodey, I didn’t know better; this is abuse. Rhodey, please, don’t do this!”
“Apparently she bought out the whole cinema for a date and I had to tell her I was dating Carol. It was very awkward.”
They banter back and forth like that for some time as Steve stands there and examines his mug of coffee for a way out of the situation. It presents no solution.
After a while, Natasha just shakes her head in exasperation and grins fondly at Rhodes then turns back to Steve, grin turning slightly lopsided.
“So, we’re cool right?”
It takes Steve a moment to respond and when he does, he’ll deny the squeak in his voice till his dying day.
“Of course, Tasha.”
“Great, cause it’d suck if I fell out with Captain America, you know?”
Steve can only nod.
4. Not so long ago, she woke up slumped over her desk with no memory of having got there and the worst hangover she cares to remember. Steve found her a few minutes later and carried her to bed, wearing his Sad Disapproving frown the whole time and she hasn’t drank a drop since
They’re at the annual Maria Stark Foundation gala and a waiter passes by with delicate flutes of champagne and Steve grabs two, affirming to himself that this will be a great, normal way to start a conversation with Tasha. He stumbles his way through the crowds, feeling slightly awkward delicately clutching the two glasses until he eventually spots her walking toward the balcony and forces himself to calm down. When he falls into step with her, she’s talking with a smartly dressed young man sporting a light blue velvet suit jacket, and next to him,  Steve finds it hard to ignore just how much he doesn’t quite fit in here.
Before that thought tumbles out of control, a short brunet pulls the velvet jacket man away, and Natasha and Steve step out onto the balcony, finally alone together.
It’s quiet for a few moments before Steve finally holds out the second flute.
“I grabbed you a drink.”
He’s just starting to congratulate himself on getting the words out when Natasha responds.
“Oh, actually I’m off the stuff.”
“Oh really? That’s great! I mean, good for you! I’ll uh,” Steve stares at both glasses in his hands and feels the back of his neck burn. Real smooth, Rogers.
“I’ll uh–” he tips the contents of each glass down his throat one by one and sets them on the railing of the balcony.
When he turns back Natasha is smiling at him softly and in that moment he doesn’t care if he looks like an idiot.
“Yeah,” she continues, “I’ve been trying out the sober thing for a while. Actually since, um, the lab, since– you know.”
A beat.  
“Thanks for that, by the way.”
Steve smiles and stands closer as they both look out at the sky and Steve tries not to shiver at the pressure of Tasha’s gaze as it seems to bore straight into his heart.
5. Steve has inexplicably, perhaps through fate, become her home
Steve’s not sure how it happens. They’re arguing, he knows – their usual song and dance about Natasha’s recklessness in the field and following orders and blah, blah – when Tasha blurts out,  
“I’m fine as long as I’m with you!”
She looks about as surprised as he feels and he stares at her, waiting – hoping – for something more to follow.
“I feel safe as long as I’m with you,” she finishes quietly.
Their respective silences are deafening and Steve steps closer, breathing quick and mouth dry and praying he’s making the right decision.
+1. Steve suffers from an unfortunate side effect of the serum
It’s approaching the end of their first three months together as a couple and seven months together as Avengers when it happens.
The team are huddled together by a collapsed building, avoiding the hoard of reporters trying to jostle their way past the security tape and police. They’re dirty and tired and injured and Tasha tells herself that’s why none of them notice Steve’s absence sooner.
Once they do, however, they race off in different directions in search of their missing teammate, after Tasha’s frantic attempts to contact him through comms gets nowhere.
It’s an agonising ten minutes later that Romanoff finds him, hunched over in an alley and vomiting. Tasha’s there within a minute, scooping him up and flying back to the tower, mind racing and heart thumping.
Once they get to the tower’s medical bay, the rest of the team not far behind in the jet, Tasha demands JARVIS run whatever tests he can. In less than a minute, she hears his voice through her earpiece.
“Doctor, I think it would be best if you stepped outside for a moment.”
Tasha’s heart seizes and for a split second she doubts the reliability of the reactor. She maintains a calm façade, squeezing Steve’s hand, before hurrying out the med bay’s doors.
“What’s wrong? Poisoning? The serum should take care of anything, I don’t-”
“Captain Rogers appears to be experiencing a severe migraine.”
He’s- what?
“He is displaying sensitivity to light and sound, vomiting, as well as brief hallucinations. Hallucinations are not usually a common symptom; however, regarding Captain Rogers’ unique position, they may be. I have informed the rest of the team, who have an ETA of 1 minute 18 seconds.”
Natasha runs her hands through her hair, trying not to get overwhelmed.
Goddamn, where’s Bruce when you need him?
“Fuck, how does he even have a migraine – what about the serum?”
“My guess would be that Erskine’s serum caused chemical imbalances in the brain, which in turn led to such severe migraines.”
“How did no one notice this before?”
Damn Steve and his stubborn ass.
Once the Quinjet lands, her and Bruce hole themselves up in the med bay and work. They try everything they can think of, and after that, they try everything the internet can throw at them. None of it works.
Two hours later Natasha slumps into a chair next to Steve’s bed and watches as he drifts in and out of fitful sleep, her own eyes drooping, and suddenly she  remembers that she never even showered after their battle. She allows her eyes to close, promising she’ll get straight back at it after a quick nap.
She wakes up nine hours later, the pain in her neck and back a rude reminder that she’s not in her 20s anymore. When she looks over at Steve’s bed, she’s greeted by clear blue eyes gazing softly at her and the previous day comes rushing back.
She grunts as she straightens in the chair and fixes her idiot boyfriend with a glare.
“So, Captain America gets migraines, huh? What the hell, Steve?”
Steve winces and for a second she worries the migraine hasn’t fully gone.
“I know, I’m sorry. I should have told you but I didn’t want you to worry. I’m fine now.”
Even as she shakes her head at him, she pushes off the chair and pulls back the thin sheets, climbing into the bed beside him.
“So this is a regular thing? How the hell have you kept that from the whole team all this time? We have a literal Russian spy living with us, for god’s sake.”
Steve at least has the decency to look bashful.
“We haven’t had that many missions together and it’s not all the time. Usually it doesn’t get that bad either and I can hold out till I get to my floor.”
“I thought the serum takes care of all that?”
“Erskine said because of chemical imbalances and heightened senses, they’d come and go a lot.”
He shrugs.
“So that’s like your kryptonite?”
“I understood that reference,” Steve laughs through a yawn.
They lie there quietly a little longer, curled up together.
“Well, now you can’t say shit to me when I binge in the lab, Mr I-can-handle-everything-all-by-myself.”
Steve frowns.
“Tasha, that’s not good for you–”
“Fucking hell Steve, neither is sitting by yourself in pain for hours.”
She rolls over so she’s facing Steve.
“I’m serious. You should have told me.”
“I know. I’m sorry,” Steve replies quietly, tucking himself in tighter against her side.
“I want to help you with this, even if that’s just sitting by the bed.”
She pauses.
“I love you, you dummy.”
She can practically feel Steve grinning at her as he nestles himself under her chin.
“I love you too, Tasha.”
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rogerina-yee-haw · 5 years
“at least I’m one”
chapter 3: “- the broken rules and true affection”
sd!gwilym lee x reader
[the goodbye] [the sadness & tenderness]
summary: you and gwil met ten months ago; and he offered you to be his sugar baby almost immediately. you agreed at that exact moment, not knowing where it would get you.
warnings: badly written smut (again) sorry y’all; angst, fluff, cursing, cringy behavior, author’s spelling and grammar errors, typos
a/n: hey y’all ily!!! thanks for waiting!! i love you all!! I’m sorry it took me so long!! I’m dying at uni!! 
also, I wanted to thank you for 350+ followers like??? how did it happen?? I don’t deserve all of your pretty souls?? but seriously, you all are amazing and wonderful, and I hope you have a beautiful day <3
I :) hope :) this :) chapter :) isn’t :) a :) complete :) piece :) of :) garbage :) (it is imao sorry)
there are three chapters left. 
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As you follow your parents through the long and silent corridors of the hospital, you can surely say that you feel much better.
Becca gave birth to a beautiful baby boy; and you have never seen her happier. She and Jackson looked so felicitous with their newborn in Becca’s arms, that you couldn’t but shed a tear. For the first time during this day it wasn’t a sad cry; you were really happy.
Your sister needed rest after the tough night of labor; so you and your parents decided it would be better for you to leave. And now you are going home, back to your apartment, April and sorrows.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” your mum lightly touches your hand; you give her a fake smile in response. You can’t tell her the truth; and was there ever even a slight bit of truth about you and Gwil? Everything your parents know about this relationship is built on lies. You can’t tell her that you fell in love with your sugar daddy but he proposed to another sugar baby, and that’s why you’re heartbroken. You simply can’t.
“Just tired”, you smile weakly. “Can’t even imagine how Becca’s still able to talk and, y’know; behave as a normal human being after having such an experience”. Your mum lets out a laugh.
“Becca is strong. And she likes being the center of attention, so her desire to talk is quite understandable”.
“Put it this way, love”, your father joins the conversation, “Becca just wants everyone to praise her. That’s her character”.
“She deserves that praise”, you say.
Your father smiles. “Of course she does. She’s a hero”.
When your parents offer to give you a ride, you refuse, saying Janet is supposed to pick you up; you lie, once again. You’re not ashamed of yourself – you wouldn’t survive if you never lied. That’s just another deception. Just another delusion for your parents and you to believe in.
No one’s here to pick you up. Janet is probably having fun at that party, Billy’s sleeping, and Gwil… You sigh deeply. You just can’t continue doing it to yourself anymore. One more thought about Gwilym, one more memory – and you’re sure you’ll jump off of some building. You won’t make it through the night if you continue thinking about him.
He’s gone. He’s engaged to Alice. He’s not yours. He has never been yours. That’s all that you have to know for moving on.  But you simply don’t know how; Gwil has been a part of your life for ten months, you can’t just move on. That’s not possible.
When you get into the cab, you’re on the verge of crying again; all the bliss, given by Becca’s baby boy, is gone. You look through the car window – the streets of London are full of people on this Friday night. All of them are having fun, laughing and just enjoying themselves; and even if they have some troubles in their life, they simply forget about them while drinking tons of alcohol. If you do the same thing, you’d end up on Gwilym’s doorstep. You know that for sure.
Almost twenty minutes later you come back home; it’s silent there, as usual. You don’t even turn the lights on – you don’t want to see what kind of mess your flat is now. “Probably as messy as I am”, you think when you sit down on the couch.
On the floor, right in front of you, there is a bag. The bag. You take a deep breath before reaching your hand to it; you have to look through the stuff you took from Gwil’s apartment. You had to do that to cope with your feelings, to try to move on. You can’t let yourself drown in your sorrows, not being able to throw away everything related to him. You need to get rid of the memories. You have to do that just in case. Just to realize if the pain is still that strong.
The red flannel shirt is the first thing that you put out of the bag.
And you can’t even comprehend how much pain it causes you. It makes your chest ache, and you feel like your heart is going to explode.
And there you have enough of your weak attempts in moving on.
You burst into tears, squeezing the shirt in your hands; it still smells like him. Because it’s his, it’s his shirt. The one he says he hates so much, that he didn’t even protest when you borrowed it. The memories of this day are still fresh, and you let yourself drown in them, you give in. You can’t fight, you’re not that powerful. You can’t move on, you’re not that strong to do this. You want to drown in your sorrows, because it’s the only way to be with him now.
Still crying, you put the shirt over your shoulders. “Looks good on you”, Gwil used to say when you wore it. “It was a lie”, you whisper while curling up on the couch; you keep sobbing and wrapping the shirt around yourself. “Another lie to play with me”, you say under your breath, tears still streaming down your cheeks when you doze off. Your sleep isn’t peaceful; you dream about Gwilym, again and again.
“So you agree?”
You looked into the contract one more time; you furrowed your brows just to seem focused. To be honest, you’ve lost the ability to concentrate the moment you saw Gwil inside of the restaurant. He looked like the fucking Adonis in his dark-grey three-piece suit, and you couldn’t get the image of him roughly lifting you up from your seat and fucking you right on this table till you see the stars. You kept reminding yourself that it wasn’t right, that you just met him seven hours ago. You had no idea who he was until he approached you in that posh shop.
At one point you started doubting whether you needed that or not; but then you realized one simple thing. This beautiful, heavenly looking man was offering you the life you could never afford. Alright, maybe if you worked yourself to death – maybe then you could afford buying expensive clothes and jewelry. Also being alone for a year and a half had its own influence – and by that you certainly meant a badly hidden desire to have sex with Gwilym right there and then.
You sighed deeply, as you looked through the rules. They weren’t bad; as they weren’t, by no means, crossing any lines in any way. They were normal. They were adequate. You couldn’t ask for more. That was your chance to get free cash and hook up with a pretty dude. You couldn’t miss such an opportunity.
“I do”.
rule №7. no contact with each other’s families and friends.
“Someone get this goddamn door!”
Your mother’s scream was able to bring dead back to life; but now it only made you realize that you might lose your hearing, if she shouted like that one more time.
“Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?” Billy seemed to notice the way you winced when you heard your mother’s loud voice; and that’s why he decided to proclaim the song’s lyrics right into your ear. It made you growl, and you turned around to hit him on the shoulder.
“Idiot!” you said. “Go get the door”.
“I’m too busy to do that”.
You raised your eyebrows at him in disbelief; Billy was just messing around while his mother and you were helping your mum with preparing food and guests. Your dad and Becca with Jackson were of great help, too; everyone was doing something except for this dumbass. He grinned widely, seeing your frustration. “Besides, t’s not my house. I’m not allowed to open doors and, y’know, behave wildly”.
“Swift, for fuck’s sake, you’ve spent more time in this house than anywhere else”, you sighed. “And you certainly opened the doors for, like, million times”.
“Billy!” his mother stormed into the kitchen “Stop wandering around and go get the door!” she took the bowl with fruits into her hands. “Or I’ll make you chat with Zelda!” she added before heading to the dining room. Billy’s eyes widened and he seemed to start trembling the second he heard your aunt’s name; so he left the kitchen immediately. You chuckled; this day was already a piece of work. Every time such a big family gathering happened, you knew that something would eventually be fucked up. Today was no exception, as it was your mother’s fiftieth birthday.
She wanted to have both her sisters, three best friends with their children and, of course, her own family present at such an important event. Three best friends included Mrs. Swift with her dumbass of a son Billy, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. Raymonds with her daughter Alexis and son James. 
James had been a pain in your ass today since the moment he entered the house. You expected to successfully avoid talking to him, but it seemed as if he wanted to speak to you more than anything. You couldn’t really understand why. You hadn’t communicated properly for four years, right since your breakup, and you didn’t really want to; firstly, because before you were too invested in your relationship and split with Luke, and now because of Gwilym.
You closed your eyes and let out a sigh. How you wished to have Gwil here now; you knew that with him everything would be so much better. And, moreover, if Gwil was here, James wouldn’t be bothering you. You couldn’t tell him to fuck off; you were too nice for that. Besides, you didn’t want to ruin the “normal” relationship that you two had – if it was possible to call it like that. 
He was not only your childhood friend, but your ex, your first kiss, your first sex and your first heartbreak. Every “first” that happened to you was connected to James; and no matter how much thankful you were to him for giving you a necessary experience, you couldn’t but regret your decision to date your mum’s best friend’s son at the age of fourteen. If you never saw him again, everything would be so much easier. All just because he was awfully clingy and tedious; it seemed as if he had never grown up and was still stuck in high school. And he was an idiot in high school.
“You need help?” As your back was facing the kitchen’s entrance, you couldn’t miss the opportunity to roll your eyes when you heard James’s voice. It took you everything not to tell him to fuck off, as you put a fake smile on your face and turned around to see him standing near the fridge. A couple of steps more – and he would be right in front of you. Disgusting.”No; but thank you for the offer, James”.
“Oh, Y/N”, he smiled and moved a bit forward; your fists tightened and you clenched your jaw, still smiling. “You’re always welcome”.
Please, dear God. Save me from this monstrosity.
Billy was humming the song about the poor groom and his whore-bride as he approached the door; he was happy enough to avoid talking to aunt Zelda for a while. She was the most annoying person he had ever met, and she also hated him to death; so opening the door was quite a good opportunity.
A tall dude in a suit with bouquet of flowers on Y/L/N’s house’s doorstep surprised Billy; as he was 5’6” himself, everyone taller than that seemed like a giant to him. And this really handsome pal was certainly intimidating. “You alright, mate?” Billy examined him from heat to foot; the suit was totally expensive and the man himself looked like a fucking duke.
“Is Y/N here?” his voice was deep and a bit husky; Billy furrowed his brows – he had no idea you were aquianted with someone from the Royal Family.
“Y/N!” he screamed. “That’s for you!”
When James was almost standing near you, Billy’s voice saved your day. “Thank God!” you shouted in response and flew out of the kitchen; no matter who was there, you were happy enough it happened. You saw Billy standing in front of the open door; leaning to the doorway, that was leading from the hall to the living room, you let out a sigh of relief. You didn’t even see who was at the door; and at the moment you didn’t care, as you stood there, panting, with your eyes closed.
“Fucking James”, you breathed. “I hate this fucking wanker so much, you don’t even know, Billy”.
“Oh no, I do, trust me, Y/L/N. ‘Cause I hate him more”.
“If I hear his fucking voice one more time, I swear-“
“Who’s James?”
You couldn’t believe it; did the voice that you heard belong to Gwilym? Your eyes went round; and when you finally saw him, standing on your parents’ house’s doorstep, your eyes lit up and your mouth curved into a smile. He was there.
“Gwil”, you mouthed. He beamed, and his whole face lit up when he saw you. Or maybe it just seemed to you that it did.
“Y/N”, he said, “hey”.
“I’m Billy!” he chimed in, resting his chin on your shoulder; your smile faded as your rolled your eyes at him.
“Swift, go to the kitchen and help our mums”, you said quickly. He huffed.
“And talk to Raymonds? No, thank you.”
As you kept maintaining eye contact with Gwil, you couldn’t but close your eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “Billy”, you said through gritted teeth, “go and help our mums”.
“Billy!” you turned around; if it was possible to burn someone down with just one simple gaze, Billy would have been dead already. “Go and do it, while I’m asking you nicely!” you pinched his shoulder so strongly, that he jumped and let out a squeak.
“Alright!” he raised his hands. “I’ll do anything if you stop hitting and pinching me. Bloody woman”, he mumbled, while leaving.
“Sorry about him”, you looked back at Gwil; he was still smiling at you. “He’s just twelve, really”. 
“Is that your best friend you told me about?”
“Yeah”. Only then you noticed he was holding a bouquet of lilies.
“That’s my mum’s favourite flowers”, you said quietly. “How’d you know?”
His gaze was fixed on your face; and you couldn’t but look away because you felt extremely flustered.
“You said it once. I remembered”.
You melted like an ice-cream under the scorching sun. He remembered that? It took your father twenty-seven years of marriage to memorize his wife’s favorite flowers, and here was Gwil – remembering about it for some time. You didn’t even know how to react.
But then you realized one thing. He was not supposed to be here. He was your sugar daddy; and one of the rules was not to have any contact with each other’s families of friends. What exactly was he doing here?
“What are you doing here?” you asked. “You said you gonna have a business trip”.
He smiled. “I deferred it to the next weekend. Couldn’t leave my girl alone with her, as she says that, crazy family”.
My girl. Of course, you heard him say that million times; but something was different now, you could feel it in your bones.
You smiled like an idiot, while he was taking off his coat; he beamed at you back, and there you were – two grinning idiots, who stood in your parents’ house’s hallway. That was so much you wanted to tell him; how thankful you were that he came, but mostly you wanted to kiss him softly and whisper “I love you” in between kisses.
“You’re gonna regret it”, you say instead. “They’re embarrassing”.
He chuckled and took your hand; Gwil pressed a sweet kiss to your knuckles. “I will never regret a minute spent with you. Even if your family is embarrassing”. He pulled you closer, and you were perfectly safe and sound in his arms. The flowers, lying on the little sofa in the hallway, were long forgotten, as well as guests, food and the world. Gwil was warm and lovely, and you closed your eyes, resting your head in the crook of his neck. You would stay like this forever. You didn’t need anything, anyone else, but him, just him, only him. You had no idea why he was there, when he could be somewhere else, with another sugar baby, having sex and buying jewelry. But he was there, with you.
“You are stunning”, he whispered in your ear. “Red looks good on you”. You let out a chuckle against his neck. God, that was so silly.
“You bought me this dress, after all”, you answered quietly. Gwil hummed in response and kissed your hair; you pulled away from his neck, catching him staring at you in awe. You lost yourself in his blue eyes, lost yourself forever in his mesmeric gaze. Was this love? For you, yeah. For you, it was everything you ever wanted – it seemed that Gwilym walked into your life in that dark-blue suit at the end of the September right from your dreams. You didn’t even know when exactly you fell in love with him – but you knew it was more than just a simple arrangement now. At least for you.
“It’s not the point, baby”, his fingers traced different shapes on your back and Gwil could certainly feel you shivering under the dress. “You look good in everything”. He pressed a kiss on your forehead, and you both smiled. It was perfect.
“You must be the mysterious guy Y/N always talks about!” You let out a squeak and jumped back from Gwilym in an instant; your sister was leaning onto the doorframe and grinning impishly. You pressed a hand to your chest and cursed under your breath. “I’m Becca, her elder sister”, her and Gwil shook hands and you couldn’t but roll your eyes; Becca was up to something. You didn’t like the thought of it; any idea of your sister always turned out to be a disaster.
You all walked in the dining-room; and the whole place went from a loud chat to complete silence. Aunt Zelda, as you noticed, was examining Gwil thoroughly. You furrowed your brows and rolled your eyes; your aunt was evidently interested in a good-looking man who just walked in with you. You let out an exasperated sigh and rolled your eyes once again, this time thinking that they may just stay inside of your head if you do that one more time. You saw Billy barely holding back his hysterical laugh, when you sat down at the table; you stopped yourself from slapping your forehead and throwing something at Swift. Your attention was drawn to Becca and Jackson as they were having whispered conversation, while looking at you and Gwil. James looked confused, when you gave him a brief look; his opinion was the last one you were interested in. You were so invested in observing everyone’s reaction that you missed the main one – your mum’s.
You frowned hearing the scraps of the conversation; you turned your head and caught your mum and dad talking to Gwilym. You looked at them, being disoriented, as you heard him saying that. “Yes, I am. I’m Y/N’s boyfriend”.
You tilted your head, still furrowing your brows. Boyfriend?
“I’m Y/N’s boyfriend”, for fuck’s sake, what?
“Holy shit”, you almost mumbled, still staying bewildered; he didn’t just say what he said, did he?
Boyfriend? No. He was not your boyfriend. He was the exact opposite. He bought you expensive shit and fucked you into oblivion. He was your sugar daddy. He was providing you with money and taking you to luxurious resorts to spend the weekend there. He made an arrangement, came up with rules for both of you to follow. He had other women as his sugar babies, whom he fucked too. He was a boss in the huge ass company. He was a literal Disney Prince. He was this, and not your boyfriend.
But he took care of you when you were terribly sick after your romantic getaway in Aspen. He held you tightly when you were crying. He cuddled you until you fell asleep in his arms, both of you beaming. He praised every part of your body. He wrote you cute letters every day, saying how much he adored you. He told you he was proud of you when you got a promotion. He made you a bubble bath with candles lit around and sweet music playing on the background. He did facemasks with you while watching your favorite shows. He told you he didn’t want to let you go. He made you feel valued and protected, for the first time after two failed relationships. He made you feel as if it wasn’t just an arrangement. He made you feel like he loved you.
Your heart skipped a beat at this thought. Loved you? No, that was ridiculous. Gwilym couldn’t love you; he could love Alice, a small pretty thing with her piercing gaze and gracious movements; or his other sugar baby, Zoe, with her husky voice and plump lips. He could love someone much more skinnier than you, someone not that tall, and someone not that awkward. He was way out of your league; and still, somehow, he was there, at your family’s gathering, talking to your relatives and resting his hand on your thigh.  He was there, with you, not anywhere else. He was there. 
You exchanged glances, smiled at each other; throughout the whole evening he never stopped whispering into your ear about how beautifully you looked. He held your hand and kissed it, when there was an opportunity. Gwil was talking to your dad about science and business, like your father had a clue about any of those things; he even chatted with Billy for a moment, which made you smile lightly. It seemed to you that every time he looked at you, his eyes lit up.  And for a moment you knew - he was yours. Only yours.
rule №2. accept every gift that is given.
It was so good.
The sound of Gwil’s skin clapping against yours, the way he gripped your hips and sucked on the skin in the crook of your neck made you arch your back, your breasts pressing into his chest. He growled, and it sent shivers down your spine. His thrusts were now faster, as he was as close as you.
“You like it like that, right, baby?”
You were clinging onto him as if it was the matter of life and death; and it was, indeed. He was giving you what you needed. Finally. “Yes, daddy”, you mouthed. “I’m so close”, you were breathing hard and saying these words wasn’t very easy as well; but it was what he wanted – you spoke. Gwil thrusted into you harshly, burying himself inside of you so deeply that you could only scream his name in pleasure. It seemed that you both had forgotten about the little game you played. You were more than happy to realize that; even though you were terribly wrong about Gwilym.
He started moving slower in you and then pulled out; your eyes were wide open the second he did that. What the actual fuck?
You rose on your elbows; your brows drew together as you watched this asshole slyly grin. “You said…” you were panting. “You said…you…”
“That I’ll let you cum in the bedroom?” he replied. “That’s true”, he shrugged his shoulders. “But you didn’t catch one little thing, love”, Gwil was hovering over you again. “By that I meant master bedroom. And this”, he pressed a kiss on your lips, “This is certainly not the master bedroom”.
You looked at him with wide eyes and sighed loudly. In a master bedroom? “There are seven bedrooms in this house”, you mumbled, when you head fell back onto the pillows. He was kidding, right? He didn’t let you cum neither in the kitchen nor in the living room, and promised you’d come in the bedroom – but now, turned out that he was just messing with you? You covered your eyes with your hand and sighed deeply. This was going to be a long ride; and with Gwil’s desire to edge you until you were begging and telling him exactly what he wanted – you knew you would be exhausted as fuck.
“This can end very quickly, y’know it, love”, he hovered over you, you could feel it; your eyes were still closed and jaw clenched tightly. You didn’t want to give in. You didn’t start playing this game just to let him win in the end.
It wasn’t exactly a game, though. You were just rejecting his gift, and that’s all. The only thing was that not accepting the present was another violation of rules. And, also, that his gift was a fucking three-storied house. A freaking mansion with a huge garage, a back garden, and, like, fifty rooms. He just said, “It’s a simple gift, love”, and you jaw fell open at his words. Simple fucking gift; the one you never asked for. That was too much. Money, Cartier bracelets, diamond necklaces and designer clothes were great and amazing, but the house? You knew Gwil couldn’t get enough of spoiling, but he crossed the line here, even for a sugar daddy. Even for this type of relationship buying a house was too much.
But he, apparently, didn’t think so. He kept on insisting it didn’t mean anything, that he didn’t even spend that much money on it. Your blood was boiling, and you could feel your ass burning with anger. 
Now your ass was burning too, but because of how much Gwil was spanking you. You were ready to come undone just cause of it, but this asshole didn’t let you. He wouldn’t let you come until you accepted the gift. And even though you really liked the house, you couldn’t just agree on his terms and take it. No. It was too much. Even for such a rich dude like Gwil.
“I just have to accept your gift and shut up, right?” you said through gritted teeth. Gwil furrowed his brows, and took your hand from your face. Your eyes were open as you were looking at him irritably.
“I never told you to shut up”, his tone was serious as he was staring you in the eyes. “And it’s not what I meant. You know that”. He sounded offended; you suddenly felt guilty about your behavior. You were acting like a bitch the second you saw the house, and said some stupid shit, like “I hate this fucking house". He shouldn’t have bought it, but you shouldn’t be a brat about it either. He did  it not 'cause he wanted to buy you, no; he did it because that’s how he showed his affection. And it was part of your arrangement, part of then rules after all; he always sticked to them, unlike you.
“I do”, you cupped his face in your hands, looking at him softly. “I know that you don’t mean anything like that”, you pressed a lingering kiss to his lips. He kissed you back eagerly, putting his hands on your waist and pulling himself lower, closer to you. You both were naked, aroused and hungry for each other. You pulled away trying to catch your breath. “But I still can’t accept this gift, Gwil”.
Gwilym let out a loud groan as he rolled over to another side of the bed. “Why’s that, Y/N?” he tried to sound neutrally but you could feel irritation coming out of his whole body.
“Baby, I told you already”, you sighed tiredly. “The house’s too big, too expensive. I can’t accept it”.
“It’s a gift, love”, he ran his fingers through his hair. “You don’t have to think about its price”.
You rolled over to face him, but he wasn’t looking at you; he lied on his back, breathing heavily with eyes closed. Too annoyed to even speak to you. And even though he wouldn’t speak to you through his mouth, you knew through what he would certainly answer you. If he said “no” to it, you would never insist on keep going. You were both keeping each other comfortable, always.
He was still rock hard and you had to restrain yourself from moaning. He might have been a huge ass with the whole edging thing today, but you wanted him like crazy, always and constantly.
 He let out a groan when you straddled him. You tried your best to keep a straight face, but you were so fucking wet that no facial expression could save you.Gwil felt that; thinking that you were insisting on continuation of the sex, he put his hands on your hips, trying to make you move; but you had other plans for him. You took his hands off of you and put them on his sides. “What will people say when they learn I’m living in such a big house?” you traced circles on his chest with your fingers; he drew in a long breath, gripping the sheets. “No one would believe I’m able to even rent it. I’m not really rich, baby”, you kept maintaining eye-contact; him inside of you and neither of you moving.
“Fuck them”, he whispered. He made you feel like a goddess just by looking at you that lovingly and hungrily. You moaned at the thought, and Gwil took this chance to putting his hands on your hips again. You raised an eyebrow and brushed his hands off. He didn’t let you cum. Now you were going to torture him for a little bit as well.
“No touching, Gwil. You can’t do that unless I say so”.
He licked his lips and grinned, surprised by your sudden dominance. He liked seeing you like this: confident and naked. Gwil’s favorite moods of yours.
“Shit, Y/N”, he grunted. “You feel amazing. So tight and beautiful”.
You gasped; Gwil was well aware of the effect his words had upon you, and he smiled, no, he fucking grinned, looking at you, almost twirling in ecstasy already.
The smug look on his face vanished when you started rocking your hips against him. Moving up and down his cock, you moaned and clung on his chest with your nails. He hissed, gripped the sheets tightly but never touched you. You rode him fast and needy, trying to reach your climax sooner than he noticed. “Feels so good”, you whined. Sweaty, greedy, whimpering, with head tilted back and nails digging in his chest – just the sight of you like this could make Gwil lose control. He wanted to thrust into you harshly, touch you everywhere, run his fingers through your hear and caress your face as you rode you both to orgasm – but he followed your rules. Not only 'cause he liked that, but also because he wanted to show you that obedience wasn’t too bad. Although he would certainly disagree with it right now, when he couldn’t even kiss you. “Touch me”, you breathed, needing his hands on you. God, you needed him in so many ways.
He squeezed your breasts immediately; you moaning echoed in the room, making him even more turned on than he already was. Your walls clenched against him, and no matter how much he wanted to continue your little game, he wanted to fuck you properly more. He wanted to hear you screaming, wanted to see your face when you cum. God, he wanted all of you just to him.
You felt your orgasm coming in any moment, and you bit your lip to hold back moans, so that Gwil wouldn’t stop. But he didn’t even intend to. Not this time. “Come on, baby”, he whispered, caressing your sides, “come for me”.
Gwilym’s words made you lose it, lose all the power you thought you had. You fell onto him, burying your face in the crook of his neck, as he was fucking you now, hitting that exact spot inside you that drove you crazy. “Gwil”, you panted against his neck; and  your hot breath sending shivers down his spine and making him thrust into you harder. “I’m gonna cum”, you said in an unsteady voice, while gripping his shoulders and digging your nails in there.
“Let go, baby”.
He let out a pure animalistic growl and suddenly flipped you over, so you were underneath him. He attacked your lips with his, giving you the most heated and loving kiss in your life. You wrapped your legs around his waist so that he could have a batter access to hit your g-spot; with your hands on his neck, you didn’t let him to break the kiss, deepening it, trying to fight for dominance. But dominance was his thing in bedroom.
He buried himself so deep inside of you that you two could only moan into each other’s mouths; you both reached your highs together, skin to skin, in unison, screaming one another’s names and grabbing the sheets. You both needed that.
Some minutes later, when you came down from your high Gwil left a delicate kiss on your forehead and got up; throwing the used condom into the trash, he turned around and saw you lying down with your hand covering your face. The blissful smile on your face and steady breathing told him that you were ready to nod off.
“Falling asleep on me, aren’t ya?” he lied down next to you; Gwil took your hand and pressed a kiss to it.
You took a deep breath. “Just give me a couple of minutes”, your reply was weak; Gwilym chuckled and smacked your ass playfully. You giggled and turned your face to him; you struggled to even open your eyes.
“Let’s get some sleep, love”, Gwil said quietly. He adjusted your pillows and put a blanket over the two of you; after he pulled your closer, your back on his chest, and his arms wrapped around you. He kissed you hair and you smiled sleepily.
“I still can’t accept your gift”, you continued your almost long-forgotten argument. Gwilym took in a deep breath and buried his face in your hair.
“I can’t argue with you anymore”, he mumbled, “I’ll accept any decision you make, Y/N”.
“Thank you”, you whispered. “But I love this house”, he chuckled at your words.
“I know. I did everything here like you love it. Just for you”.
You smiled lightly and hummed in response. “Wake me up in ten minutes”, you said leaning in closer to him. “I’ll be ready to continue till we get to the master bedroom”. Gwilym pressed a warm kiss to your shoulder.
“This is the master bedroom now”.
As you nodded off, feeling warm and safe in Gwil’s arms, you were beaming; when your mind was drowning in drowsiness, you felt a warm breath on your neck and heard Gwilym’s voice saying softly, “I love you so much, Y/N”. But you knew it was just a dream. Reality couldn’t give you something like this. Never.
rule №6. no contact with other sugar babies.
“When you’re gonna be home?”
You locked your phone after texting Gwil; you didn’t want to bother him, but it was Christmas Eve and you weren’t amused by spending it alone in his empty penthouse. He was called for work, and promised you to come back in three hours. The clock struck five in the evening. Gwil left at ten A.M.
You sighed deeply as you looked at the served table. You wanted to surprise him by cooking a festive dinner; it wasn’t like you were a chef, on the contrary – you couldn’t cook for shit. But, as you planned this thing, you googled some recipes and tried to cook something simple, but yet delicious. You had strange desire to be domestic with Gwilym – to cook food, do laundry, clean the house, and take kids from school… You didn’t even know when you first started imagining you two living a happy, suburban life in a pretty house with three children. Before Gwil you didn’t want kids. Now you were questioning all of your life choices. You were never able to have hook ups and not catch feelings. And this was certainly just a “hook up”, as you thought in the beggining. Only now it was much more.
“Soon, baby. I promise”.
His text gave you hope; his “soon” could be in ten minutes. You looked over the table in panic, quickly lighting candles. You ran to the nearest room; looking yourself up and down in the mirror, you twisted a ring on your index finger nervously. This green dress was exactly what Gwilym liked: it was tight, giving a perfect opportunity to observe all of your curves, and also very short. The color wasn’t exactly in the style of Christmas, but red lace lingerie underneath the dress was quite in the mood of the holiday. You knew Gwil would have gone crazy the second he came back home. He gave you  so much during those months and you just wanted to get him a pleasant reward; and you were also head over heels for him. That was pretty simple.
Suddenly you heard heels clattering on the marble floor of the living room; you frowned, trying to understand who was there. Was Gwil wearing heels? You wouldn’t be surprised at that. Or was it Gwil’s sister again? Not that you didn’t like her, you just wanted him all to yourself tonight; even though you weren’t against spending time with his family.
“Heather?” you called while heading back to the living-room.
It wasn’t Heather.
It was a girl in a coat and high-heeled ankle boots; her eyes were gleaming in the dark as she was reading the note she took from Gwil’s plate.
“Unwrap your gift”, she said; she raised her head and looked at you haughtily. “Who are you?”
“And you?” you asked in confusion. “How did you come in?”
“The door’s was open”.
“No, it was not”.
You stared at each other, trying to burn yourselves with your glares; you had a strong feeling that it was one of Gwilym’s other two sugar babies.
“I assume you’re Y/N”, she sat down at the table, at Gwil’s place. “You got a nice dinner here”.
“Thanks”, you squeaked. You already felt helpless and hopeless in front of her; she was this black-haired goddess with a sly grin on her face. She was confident. You weren’t like that. “That’s actually…” you were speaking quietly. “That’s for Gwil”.
She huffed. “Of course, it is. I’m Alice, if you don’t know that”, it felt like you were supposed to know her name and whom  she was. It seemed like she was the one who was supposed to be there. You suddenly felt really uncomfortable in her presence; her whole behavior was telling you to get out.
And here you were again. Feeling unnecessary, needless, unwanted.
“I’ve been with Gwil since I was twenty-three, like you are now”, she took a sip from the glass with champagne. “We’re having three-year anniversary this year”, she said with a smug smile.
“You sound like you’re dating”.
“We do”.
The sound of his voice was something you craved for. It was like oxygen in the room with no windows and doors. It was like a light in the darkness.
“Daddy!” Alice jumped from her seat and beamed. Oh god, you already wanted to leave. She was looking at him so hungrily that you didn’t even know what you were doing there. You were an extra one. Unwanted. “You’re back! Y/N was just leaving”, she glared at you and raised her eyebrows, giving you a silent order. And you, with your zero self-esteem and very high level of shyness, obeyed.
“I’ve gotta go”, you muttered, heading to the door. Gwil, who stood not so far from you, immediately reached out and grabbed you by the wrist.
“Y/N, no. Please. Don’t go. Please”. He begged you to stay. Gwilym wanted you there, with him. You. Not Alice. The realization of it hit you suddenly, as you looked in his eyes.
You nodded, and he let go of your wrist, now intertwining his fingers with yours. “Alice is leaving”.
“Now, I’m not!” she tried to object, but Gwilym had none of her bullshit.
“You’re leaving. D’you remember what rule number five is about?”
Alice lowered her head and mumbled, “Never visit each other without calling beforehand”.
“Exactly. You broke it. Now you’re staying without your monthly supply. And getting the fuck out of my house”.
You could have sworn she muttered “Bitch” under her breath as she was passing by you. When she slammed the door, Gwil went to close it quickly; then he approached you and pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry it happened”, he whispered.
“T’s alright”. You were silent for a moment. “I made you dinner; was afraid she’s gonna eat it”.
Gwil laughed and pulled away, his gaze fixed on you; “Did ya, really?” he sounded surprised. You smiled and nodded; then you took his hand and leaded him to the table. “Wow”, he gasped. “You didn’t have to, Y/N”, your gazes met and you smiled at him one more time, your eyes sparkling like diamonds.
“I wanted to, Gwil”.
He pulled you in a desperate kiss; it seemed as if he tried to show his whole affection and gratitude through it. “Thank you, baby”, he whispered against your lips. “I don’t deserve you”.
You rolled your eyes, ruining the moment and walked to your seat at the other side of the table. “Don’t start this”, you said, sitting down. Gwil chuckled as he took his seat; some seconds later you caught him staring at you.
“What’s for dessert?”
You looked at him with raised eyebrow and a smirk on your face. “You will find out later”, you winked at him.
“Y/N, stop apologizing. I’ve already told you everything’s alright”.
You couldn’t stop saying “Sorry” and nervously play with your hair the entire time you were sitting in your flat with Zoe; it was the first time you met each other and you were extremely anxious. She looked dazzling, like a star; she was smoking already a third cigarette in the last fifteen minutes.
“Alice’s the one who has to apologize, if to be honest”, she looked at you. “This bitch fed me with ugly lies about the sweetest person I’ve ever met”.
“Are you talking ‘bout me?”
A small smile settled on your lips; Zoe was really sweet and nice, despite what you had been thinking about her. There was something charming, mysterious about her. You could certainly say why Gwil liked her, even if it broke your heart completely. “So, where were we?” Zoe asked.
“You were telling me about what Alice told you”.
“Oh right”, she nodded. “Alice has like a friend, a source in the company, where Gwil works. This “source” finds out everything about him, dunno how. This person told Alice about Gwil’s ex, Stefanie. I was fucking heartbroken after I heard that story”, she lit another cigarette.
“What’s about it?”
“Oh, Y/N, there’s so much. They were engaged, been together since school. Apparently, he loved her too much to notice that she started getting expensive jewelry and clothes. He believed every word she said, when she lied, telling she bought it herself. It turned out that she had three sugar daddies. And if he could forgive her just getting the money from them, he certainly couldn’t forgive her sleeping with all of them. It’s been like seven years since it happened and he’s still too eager to spoil us so much so that we wouldn’t even think about having someone else”.
You sat down on your couch, looking at Zoe in a state of complete shock. But she continued her story. “Gwil talks too much when he’s drunk; that’s how this source knows all of it”.
“You are his first sugar baby, right?”
Your question hung in the silence of the room. “Yeah. Been for four years”.
“And he never told you this?”
Zoe furrowed her brows and she took another drag. “No. We don’t talk about stuff like that. We usually just have some kind of small talk. He just gives me money-“
“In exchange for sex”, you interrupted her, voice thick with jealousy. Zoe chuckled.
“No. Not anymore at least”.
Your eyes widened at her words. “Why?”
Zoe shrugged her shoulders. “I dunno. He called it off several months ago, actually, with both me and Alice. He still gives us money, yeah, but nothing more than that. And if for the reason why – I think it’s ‘cause he’s just as in love with you as you’re with him”.
You gasped; you didn’t expect her to say something like that. You frowned and crossed your arms over your chest. “I don’t-“, you stuttered. “I’m not-“
“Yes, you are”, Zoe huffed. “Come on, Y/N, you know it’s true. He wouldn’t call off two opportunities to fuck whenever he wants just ‘cause he’s bored. No. There’s something more. He loves you, you dumb bitch”.
“He doesn’t, Zoe. He doesn’t and he never will”.
You are awoken by a loud, non-stopping knocking on your door. You take in a sharp breath, struggling with getting up; your head is throbbing violently, as you stand up from the couch. It’s already dark outside; and you wonder how much time you have spent sleeping. Twelve hours? Fourteen? No matter how many of them – you are still sore, sad and hurt. Everything hurts so badly.
But you’re still wearing Gwil’s shirt. The feeling of its fabric on your skin makes you somehow feel better. Warmer. Makes feel a little bit alive.
The loud knocking proceeds as you walk towards the door. You think that it’s probably your mum coming to see you; you don’t answer your phone as you’ve been sleeping for so long.
When you open the door you expect to see a middle-aged woman with brown hair and angry voice, who’ll start lecturing you immediately as she always does. But your expectations are nothing compared to reality.
With red swollen eyes (like he’s been crying), messy hair and a backpack, which is slowly falling from his shoulder – that’s what  he looks like standing at your doorstep. You don’t understand why he’s here, what he needs from you. You look at him as if he was a ghost, a phantom, a shadow, that will disappear at any moment. You can’t believe he’s here.
wtf just happend am I right haha
“alio” taglist:  @majesticdiscodeaky @heartsarecompatible @all-my-friends-are-german @magicwithaknife @longing-hiraeth @thelondondreamer5 @roger-taylors-drumsticks @runningoutofwordstosay @chlobo6 @you-and-i-deserve-the-world @queenficarchive @murydedeus03 @alis-volat-propriiis @deacycomics @hollandspcter @gwils-bitch   @crazylittlethingcalleddub-step @painthatiusedto @kaylaylaylayla @rogerinastolemyheart @broken-pieces 
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Summary: Six of you go to a castle to hunt some ghosts only you get into a bit of bother and a skeptial Brian saves you.
Warnings: lots of mentions of death, swearing, suicide mentioned, slight suggestiveness, some angst, fluffy ending (?😏?), technically breaking and entering which is apparently against the law but you never fuckin saw people/dogs like scooby doo and the gang getting into trouble for that sort of stuff did you now...
A/N: This is actually creeped me out a little because I wrote it in the dark so that was A+ logic. Also Joe/John gives me v strong Shane Madej from Buzzfeed Unsolved vibes idk why but you're gonna see that in this fic. Enjoy! 💖
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Brian shut his eyes and let out a sigh "You cannot be serious." He said looking at all the electrical equipment on the table in front of him. "You and Rog actually believe in this rubbish enough to buy all this stuff and this board thing?!" He said, holding up the board that had letters on it.
"It's not just any board Brian- it's a Ouija board! You use it to communicate to the dead!" You grinned. "And Roger isn't the only one who believes in it! John, Freddie and Mary and coming along with us this time! C'mon! Come with us!" You shook him slightly. When Brian first met you- aside from being absolutely amazed by you and your beauty- he had no idea what you and your best friend Roger would have in common- the two of you were complete opposites. What you did have in common shocked Brian- mainly because he thought it was ridiculous.
Ghost hunting.
You had been friends with Roger since he moved to Cornwall. The pair of you first had a paranormal experience while in the school library. The school was used as a hospital during the wars and people did die in it. The pair of you were discussing something when you both saw a chair being dragged, but no one had their hand on it. After the moment of sheer fear, the pair of you were in awe and since that day you had learned all you could about the paranormal from books and newspapers. The two of you went into the spookiest of places to try and find anything paranormal.
"Would it make you happy if I went on this absurd trip to the supposedly haunted graveyard and church in the middle of the night?" Brian asked, leaning back on the sofa and crossing his arms with a small smile on his face. You sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around your waist while yours wrapped around his neck and played with his hair while nodding with a grin on your face and batting your lashes. Brian couldn't resist you- you knew that. "Alright!" You squealed and peppered kisses on is cheeks "But I'm going to complain the whole time!"
You rolled your eyes "Well, it might just surprise you! In fact, you might even want to tag along to our visit to an abandoned castle at the end of the month!" You kissed him once, then again, then again- only the third time you did it, your lips never left Brian's and he moaned into your mouth.
"I can think of something we can do just now in the dark..." he murmured seductively.
"Oh really...?" You playfully smiled and stood up, pulling Brian with you. The phone rang and you groaned, crashing against Brian's chest. You reached for it but Brian pulled you back, making you giggle. "Stop! Might be important!" You managed to get the phone. "Hey John!" You sat down next to the phone and your brows furrowed. "No you do not need to take a bath in holy water before we head to the graveyard," you looked up to Brian shaking your head with a smile and rolling your eyes. "It's kinda like seance, yes..." you looked up through your lashes to Brian who raised a brow. "Kinda." Brian held out his hand, silently asking you for the phone "Bri wants to talk to you!"
"Hey mate, can we talk about this tomorrow morning? Only I'm trying to get off with my gorgeous girlfriend-"
"BRIAN!" You screamed and giggled, stealing the phone back "Sorry, John! Sorry!" You laughed and tried swatting Brian's roaming hands away from your legs. "We'll see you tomorrow night! Bye!" You hung up and burst into a fit of giggles. "I swear, Brian!" You cupped his face with a huge smile "You better live up to your words!" He bit down on his lip with the corners of his mouth tugging upwards as he picked you up in his arms and carried you to the bedroom.
"Got the EVP?" Roger asked and you nodded. "EMF meter?" He asked and you pulled it out from your backpack to show him. "Alright then!" He capped his hands with a grin and then rubbed them together. "Time to hunt some ghosts!"
You walked beside Mary who seemed genuinely interested in the whole experience. "What is an EVP and EMF?" She asked.
"Well, an EVP stands for 'electronic voice phenomenon' it records and interprets spirt voices. An EMF meter shows us the electric magnetic field. If something gets closer to the EMF meter, the lights light up, the closer the object- the more it lights up and beeps!" You smiled and showed her the little gauge on the piece of equipment. "We also all have our cameras to try and capture any orbs in the graveyard!" She nervously but excitedly grinned and clutched onto your arm. When you arrived at the graveyard you took a few snaps with her and John.
"Oh my god! Look!" He shone the light from his torch on the photo and showed everyone. "There's the little orb dot things!" He ecstatically squeaked.
Brian rolled his eyes with a sigh "That could be anything, John! Flies, little bugs, dust..."
You and Roger shared a glance "Brian's a skeptic..." you uttered.
"Of course he is- it's Brian." Roger retorted back with a smirk. "Let's take a couple more photos before heading inside the church." You went around the place with John and Mary who were loving the whole experience of creeping around in a graveyard in the middle of the night. Once you had taken a few snaps, you all went inside and stood at the end of the alter. You and Roger set up some of the equipment you had brought. He turned on the EVP and another recorder and then you all turned off your torches, being plummeted into darkness. The only source of light was coming from the moonlight that streamed through broken bits of window. "Okay, Freddie, do you want to ask if anyone's here?"
He widely grinned "Alright! Hello there, darlings! How are we tonight?" He called out and created a bit of an echo. You didn't get a reply. "John, do you want to say anything?" Freddie asked him.
John blinked and looked around, he could barely see a thing. "Uh...hey there demons it's me...John Richard Deacon. I'd like to know why you haven't taken me yet." You all raised a brow at him. "I think everyone's looking at me kinda funny just now so it would be good to pick me up or scratch me or slam me into the ceiling- yeah...now would be the best opportunity for that. Do try and kill me."
"John!" Roger hissed "Take this seriously!" John sniggered slightly. "Brian, why don't you ask a question or ask a spirt to do something?"
Brian didn't believe in any of it, but made the effort for you. "Okay...if anyone is here with us, let yourselves be known by knocking twice." Silence. "Y/N, I told you this-"
Knock. Knock.
You heard everyone, including Brian gasp. You gasped yourself with a huge grin on your face. Roger grabbed you and excitedly shook you. Brian went as white as a sheet. Surely there was a logical explanation behind it. "If anyone is there, could you please come closer and give us your name!" You asked and the EMF meter buzzed and two lights flashed, then three. "Do you have a name? How old are you?" You called out. More silence followed and Brian's heartbeat was returning back to normal. That was until you all clearly heard the number seven being said. You glanced to Roger and then to the EMF meter, the lights reached up to five. "What's your name?" You asked again. "Ow! Brian!" You snapped feeling him tightly squeezing your hand "That hurt!"
"What?!" He squeaked out "I didn't touch you!" He soon did touch you- clutched onto you in fact when you all thought you heard the faintest giggle float through the air. "Surely this isn't happening?" He said in a quiet voice.
"Have I summoned a demon?" John didn't actually sound all that worried about if he did summon one or not.
"No," you sighed and grabbed the newspaper clippings from your bag about the church. You shone your torch on them. "Look here! 'Girl, 7, named locally as Janet Riley...tragically passes away in church fire...'" your voice grew quieter and you felt a tear slip down your cheek. "I think it's enough for tonight, Rog." You said with a sinking heart.
"We're actually getting somewhere though, Y/N!" He said, estatically.
"Roger," Your voice was a little shaky "She's just a girl..." you whispered. Brian sighed, placing a hand on Roger's shoulder. Roger knew it was time to call it a night but this had been your first big find in years- and everyone was with the two of you to share the experience. But he understood. You all packed up your things and decided to head home- it was one think contacting the dead, but knowing it was a child always broke your heart.
"Goodbye, spirt!" Mary called out with a small smile on her face "God- that was liberating! My heart is pounding!" You smiled and linked arms with her as you all headed back to the car with everyone.
"Still a skeptic?" You asked Brian back in the car. "How can you explain what just happened?"
Brian had just about regained composure. "The mind is a funny thing, Y/N, and in places like that with stories like the ones in the newspaper- our minds and imaginations run wild! There's always reasoning and a logical explanation behind stuff like this." You disappointedly nodded, you respected and understood his point of view. "But I'll come with you to the castle at the end of the month." You grinned and wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a hug, your face being engulfed by his curly hair.
"I promise you won't be disappointed!"
"Gilbert castle!" You pointed to it in the distance while driving. "Rog and I have been wanting to come here for years! There's a story behind it! Tell them Roger!"
Roger turned in his seat to face everyone. "There was a man, Jack Gilbert, who lived here and was madly in love with a girl called Elise, she loved him too. His mother disapproved though and when he went off to war she told the girl a few weeks later he had died. Elise was so broken hearted- she cried every night and the mother was so annoyed by it that she locked her in the basement of the castle. She kept crying constantly and the mother left the castle for a while just to get away from the crying. When she returned just before Jack came back- there wasn't any crying. Elise had died in the basement. Jack came home and found out what happened and then he threw himself from the balcony at the very top of the stairs." They all murmured incoherently under their breaths. "His mother saw him flying through the air. She saw him do it. The grief was too much for her and she took her own life too- not in the castle however. She left and went to another family estate in Wales."
"Jesus Christ," Brian uttered and placed his head in his hand. "And we're going here because...?"
"Ghosts!" You and Roger replied at the same time.
"Don't worry Bri," you looked at him via the rearview mirror "I'm sure there will be a logical explanation to everything..." you sarcastically uttered.
"Can I summon a demon again?" John asked.
Roger glared at him "How many times do we have to tell you that you didn't summon a demon?!"
John shook his head with pursed lips "Technically we don't know if it was a demon or not because we didn't hang about for long enough to find out..." he looked out the window. "God, I wish we did." Freddie sent John a concerned glance while Roger rolled his eyes with a sigh. When you pulled up to the castle and distributed equipment to everyone, you all went inside.
It was still just as grand as the day it was abandoned- there was plenty of cobwebs and dust about but all the furniture was still in place. You all fixated your eyes on the high, broken balcony on top of the staircase, they then slowly moved down and stopped at the floor. A chilling reminder of why you were here. "Why don't we split into two groups?" You suggested "I'll go with Brian and John. Rog, you can go with Fred and Mary." They all hummed in agreement and the three of you headed upstairs while the others headed down to the basement. "Look at the art," you whispered and brushed your fingers over the dusty works in the hallway, shining your light over a piece and narrowing your eyes. "Looks like he has your hair, Bri..." you smirked and Brian walked over, letting out a snort of laughter then feeling his stomach drop when he saw the name of the person in the painting.
"Jack Gilbert..." he said in a low tone and sent you a nervous looking gaze before moving on down the hall.
You looked at another piece and John gasped right in your ear, giving you a fright. "Fucking hell, John!" You quietly snapped, clutching on to your chest. "Don't creep up on me like that!"
"That's Elise! She looks just like you, Y/N!" He said, looking between you and the painting.
You rolled your eyes "She looks nothing like me! Think you need to book yourself in for an eye test!" You chuckled. Suddenly all the lights came on and the three of you jumped at the sudden burst of brightness.
"Guys!" Roger shouted from downstairs- you could just hear him. "We found the generator! We got some light!" You turned off your torch.
"I can't believe the electricity is still working in a place like this..." you uttered and kept walking down the hall. You took out your EMF reader but didn't have a reading yet. John wandered into a room with Brian following him. You went into the one just before it. It looked like a bedroom. It was beautifully decorated- nothing looked out of place. It was as if time had stood still. Then you felt a chill down your arms.
Roger, Freddie and Mary had made it to the basement. Mary jiggled the door handle "It's locked," she sighed and folded her arms.
"That's alright," Roger cockily smirked "I have a multipurpose key- one size fits all!"
Freddie furrowed his brow. "Didn't you say that about your bits once?"
The drummer pointed at him "Not the time or the place, Freddie...but yes."
"Where's the key?" Mary asked.
Roger moved his hands up and down his torso. "You're looking at it!" Roger then body slammed against the door a couple of times, grunting. "Jesus...that's a tough door!" He did it a few more times before letting out a loud groan when the lock burst and the door opened. A gust of cool air rushed passed the three of them. "Whoa..." Roger murmured and they all rubbed their arms. "It's freezing down here!"
You turned around quickly hearing breathing and then a name being said. "Hello?" You whispered. "Is anyone there?" You asked glancing to the EMF. The lights were flashing but there wasn't any noise coming from it.
"Elise?" You stood frozen in fear when you turned and saw a tall figure standing in front of you. He almost looked like Brian with his curly hair. "My love..." the figure reached his hand out and brushed his cold, hard fingers against your jaw. You screamed as loud as you possibly could and everyone heard you, jumping on the spot at the terrifying noise. Brian turned to see if you were behind him- he thought you were...you weren't. He looked to John and they both ran to where the noise was coming from.
"Y/N?" He ran towards you just as you fell forward with open eyes- it looked like you were being pulled by thin the air. When you crashed against Brian's body, you snapped back to reality and quickly pulled back.
"Brian?!" His hands were still holding your arms while John was standing by his side watching the whole ordeal. "Wh-where is he? He was right..." you pressed your hand against Brian's chest "Right here..." Brian sighed and shook his head, he knew you were taking the piss- you were a good actor when you wanted to be. Your eyes flickered up to the door and tears began to well in them. The figure was standing by it peering around the frame- he almost looked afraid and a little jealous. "He's right behind you..." you whispered with a tear rolling down your cheek. John was too paralysed with fear to glance behind him whereas Brian was unconvinced and unimpressed with your little act.
"Stop messing about. It was scary when you screamed, I'll give you that, but now-" Brian stopped talking when he heard the floorboard creak and saw a shadow in the window. He looked at you with wide eyes.
"I told you..." you whispered. John scampered out and Brian grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the room. Your hand slipped from his grip and the door slammed shut. "Brian!!" You banged against the door. "Brian!"
"Y/N!" He tried to open it, frantically twisting and turning the doorknob with trembling fingers. "Hold on! Get back from the door!" He tried to knock it down but the door was much harder than it looked.
Roger, Freddie and Mary ran upstairs when they heard the scream. They stopped in their tracks when they noticed a figure standing by the staircase. "Y/N? Where did you find that dress!" Mary laughed at the attire. "We thought you were upstairs with the boys?" She asked before John's hollering caught their attention.
"Guys! Brian needs our help!" He shouted out and the three of them ran upstairs.
"What's the matter?" Freddie asked seeing Brian throw himself against the door.
"It's Y/N, she's locked in the room!" Roger, Freddie and Mary burst out laughing. "What the fuck is so funny?!" Brian snapped and they all abruptly stopped laughing. "She's locked in there!"
"Brian," Roger stepped forward "We've just seen Y/N downstairs barely a minute ago..." Brian stopped slamming against the door. Fear was flowing through everyone's veins. Roger ran up to the door and harshly banged his fist against it. "Y/N? It's Rog! Y/N?!" The panic and worry was evident in his voice. They all heard a loud thud- you had been knocked to the ground by a force that appeared from thin air. You grabbed onto your chest with a groan when you felt a chill run right through your soul. "Fuck!" He uttered "Let's batter this down." He and Brian managed to open the door after six attempts. When they opened the door- you were gone.
"If that wasn't Y/N downstairs...then who was it?" Mary whispered with a trembling lip.
"I am not the person you think I am..." you said while releasing a breath, you were sitting in another part of the castle- it seemed to be a library and it felt like you had floated through the rooms to get there. The figure was looking at you with a fond, yet concerned, smile. "This isn't happening," you sobbed out with tears streaming down your face. The mix of scared yet amazed emotions running through you were overwhelming. "I'm not her...I'm not Elise."
"My love," Jack whispered, you could see a trickle of blood on his pale forehead as he kneeled before you and took your hands. He was frozen and felt stiff. He pulled you off the chair and pushed you forward a little. "Just look at yourself in the mirror..." you looked into the one in front of you with Jack standing behind you, a small smile appearing on your face before it fell. You felt as if you were slipping in and out of your own body. "Now we can finally be together- my mother can't stop us. The dress is there, my love. Let us be together...for the rest of eternity." He slipped his fingers between the gaps of yours- the coldness didn't faze you anymore...it almost felt natural.
"Where the fuck could she have gone, Roger?!" Brian snapped in a state of panic. He was petrified that something terrible had happened. "You know this is all your bloody fault!" He pointed accusingly at Roger.
"My fault?!" Roger pressed his hand against his chest at the incredulous statement. "No way! We are all in this shit storm together! We are all ghost hunting here!" Roger pointed at the group, his blood-drained face reddening a little as he shouted.
"Ghosts don't fucking exist!" Brian yelled. Freddie wrapped a comforting arm around him. "What the hell is happening?!" He groaned into his hands and wiped away the tears. "I just want her back. I want to know she's safe!"
John shook his head with a sigh before a flash of white at the very end of the long hallway captured his attention. "Y/N?" He whispered before realisation dawned on him that the figure he had just seen really was you wearing a wedding dress. "Oh fuck! Y/N! It's Y/N!" He yelled and everyone ran towards you.
"Y/N NO!" Mary screamed seeing you inches away from the ledge of the broken balcony that was leading to the sheer drop below. You found yourself fighting with someone else inside you as you turned around to face everyone.
"Y/N..." Brian whispered out with tears rolling down his cheeks. "Love, what are you doing?"
"Jack..." you said in a voice that wasn't yours. "He's waiting for me...down there." You said and went to move forward again.
"No! No! No!" Roger grabbed you and pulled you back. Brian and John ran down the stairs and froze on the spot seeing what looked like Brian's reflection standing across from them when in fact it was the ghost of Jack Gilbert. "Y/N stop!" Roger snapped and your arms flew all over the place. Roger stumbled back into Freddie while you fell back off the staircase balcony. Your dress made a slight whooshing sound through the air as Mary let out a blood curdling scream while the boys gasped in fear and shock- Brian never. Brian quickly reacted and managed to catch you, falling to the floor with a loud grunt as he did. Everyone ran downstairs, keeping an eye on both you and the ghostly apparition.
"Y/N!" Brian tapped your face as you lay in his lap "Y/N, wake up!" He sobbed, his taps becoming softer. "Don't...don't...do this..." he sobbed out "You don't know how much I love you." His tears fell onto your face and he brushed them away. "Wake up, love..." he whispered.
You gasped and felt your chest rise as you came to and felt the chill leave your soul. "Brian?" You whispered. He happily sobbed and scooped you up, almost squeezing the life out of you with a hug. He pulled back to with a wide smile before looking up behind you, his smile slowly falling. You followed his line of vision and saw two people standing there holding hands and lovingly smiling at each other. A tear slipped down your cheek as you softly grinned at the two of them.
Jack looked down at you sympathetically "I thought you were my Elise..." he said and glanced to the woman beside him before looking back to you. "I am terribly sorry."
"It's alright," you lowly spoke. Roger and John were standing with their jaws wide open and Mary was warily standing behind an amazed Freddie. Brian was still tightly and protectively holding you. "At least you're both together again..."
They both bowed their heads at you ever so slightly. "We thank you for reuniting us." Elise spoke in the softest of voices "And for finally setting me free," she looked to Roger who could only nod with a dry mouth, he was numb with shock and wonder. "Now we can both move on and be together...for the rest of eternity." They fondly smiled at one another before heading down the corridor arm in arm, vanishing into the darkness.
After being frozen on the spot for a few seconds- everyone ran back to the car. Brian had scooped you up in his arms and carried you bridal style- which if you weren't so paralysed with shock from what just happened, you would have laughed at how ironic it was that you were wearing a wedding dress and he was carrying you like that. You all stayed silent for most of the journey back home- each of you processing what just happened in your own way. "Why did she...attach herself to you?" John quietly asked and leaned forward "Was it a demon?"
He looked to you for an answer. "Some ghosts," you emphasised with a small glare "feel they need to posses another persons body in order to continue on. Elise thought by using my body as a vessel, she could get to Jack and be with him but that wasn't the case. It was just a mistake." You thinly smiled.
"A mistake that almost cost you your life!" Brian was holding your hands and still full of worry. "I thought you died," he had tears welling in his eyes. "Please don't hunt ghosts again..."
Roger's eyes flickered to you, he knew you wouldn't pack it in over something as wild as that- in fact it only encouraged you even more to pursue looking for them. "I don't think I could ever do that, Brian." He huffed and Roger smiled. "Oh don't be like that! Can you believe what we just experienced? All of us?! We could do this all the time- together! Don't you want to find more? Don't you want to know what's out there?!" You asked with so much passion in your eyes that it almost made Brian's heart burst. He wasn't sure if it was that passion that was doing it for him or you in a wedding dress but he leaned forward and crashed his lips to yours. Roger let out a long groan at the sight- he always found it weird seeing his two best friends being all lovey-dovey. Brian pulled back and you turned to Mary and Freddie "You guys in?" The nodded with beaming smiles. "I already know your answer, Rog." You smirked and then faced John "What do you say, Deaks?"
"I say this guy is going to finally find a demon!" He pointed his two thumbs at himself and shook them while wiggling his brows with a wide grin.
"Okay..." you trailed off with a cautious smile- Mary narrowed her eyes at John and murmured something to Roger about demonic possession...and if John was showing signs. You turned to Brian again. "Well love, it's just you....you in?" You asked with a hopeful look in your eyes.
He looked at everyone else- they were now staring at him, waiting for an answer. He looked at you and smiled. "Think my days of being skeptical are behind me," he kissed you. "So are we going to a haunted house or getting married first?" He joked with a wink and you giggled. He soon became serious and intertwined his fingers with yours. "Try not to scare me like that again..."
"I'll try," you smiled and kissed him. "Now...I hate to be the one that says: 'I told you so' but...told you ghosts are real." Brian narrowed his eyes at you and playfully jabbed your sides. When you arrived back to your flat in London- everyone stayed the night. They were still in shock. Brian noticed your deep in thought look as you both lay on the bed- John was softly snorning by the foot of it on a blowup mattress. "It's funny how they looked liked us..." you whispered and turned to him. "Do you think-" you began talking but stopped yourself from continuing. Brian encouraged you to carry on. "Do you think it's a sign for us...? Like way forward in the future when we're no longer here?" You whispered with a tear rolling down your cheek.
Brian softly smiled and wiped away your tear. "I think it just goes to show that love like Jack's and Elise's...and ours," he pecked your lips and gently cupped your cheek "Will last for an eternity."
Tags- (tag list is open! Just let me know if you want to be tagged !) @rrrogah-tayluhh @rogerofmylife @phantom-fangirl-stuff @pyrotechnic789 @deacytits @mercurys-bike @thatgeekspeak @mhftrs @dannydelay @queenismylifenow @whitequeen-blackqueen @stateofloveandvedder @blondyfel @mespetitestortues
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“Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.” 
Our destiny is here, Y'all and I did not ask for this! 
How dare they start with Tony recording his death scene? Seriously let's talk about that dialogue for a minute. 
“Hey, Miss Potts.” This part doesn’t sound like it’s part of the same sentence as the rest of the message. Still, my heart breaks at how he calls her “Miss Potts” when it could’ve been Mrs. 
“If you find this recording... don’t feel bad about this. Part of the journey is the end.” God, we know Tony is always ready to die, but him accepting it and saying it to Pepper when he doesn’t even know if she’s alive... this is cruel. On top of that, he still wants her to not feel bad about any of this. Yeah, I’m not okay. 
“Just for the record, being adrift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds.” Typical Tony, trying to deal with his pain the only way he knows how by telling jokes. Also, hint hint rescue + Pepper. What if Pepper gets this message and suits up as Rescue.
“Food and water ran out four days ago. Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning... that’d be it.” Again, he’s come to terms with his death. I can’t deal with this. 
“When I drift off, I will dream about you. It’s always you.” This calls back to every single time he’s been on the brink of death and his last thoughts are always with Pepper. Also, “I have to protect the one thing that matters. That’s you.” I’m not okay. I am not okay. This cruel, MARVEL. 
The Marvel Studios logo dusting off was uncalled for. How dare you?!
Thano really out here living his best life, not caring that he just f*cked over everyone in the galaxy and basically left everyone depressed af. I hate this grape. 
So, glad everyone’s back in the Avengers HQ. Hopefully, Pepper and Rhodey are there with them. I really want them to be. 
“Thanos did exactly what he said he was going to do. He wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures.” Natasha looks so distraught when says this, it breaks my heart. 
Steve CRYING!!!! Look, I know I said wanted to see Steve vulnerable but god damn that shit hurt. Like, stop hurting my babies, Marvel, STOP. 
Bruce looks so sad and stressed out. He’s obviously been in the lab a lot, probably going over who can help them and how to unf*ck this mess. Let’s talk about the details here for a sec:
Scott Lang: missing. This probably means that Scott was in the quantum realm for some time. 
Peter Parker: missing. So, I have no idea if reports say that Spider-man was also beamed up when Tony was. But, if that’s not the case then Aunt May probably showed up at the Avengers Tower asking about Peter :(. Or if it is the case then they assume that Peter and Tony are just both gone. 
Shuri: missing. WHAT?! EXCUSE ME?! Marvel is going to take away our Princess?! How are they going to drop that bombshell in the trailer??? HOW DISRESPECTFUL. I’M SORRY BUT WHAT??? Now I have to be further emotionally scarred thinking about Okoye and Ramonda finding Shuri. Marvel just doesn’t care about our feelings anymore. 
Okay, Steve’s next dialogue KILLS me.
“We lost. All of us.” Pans to a shot of Thor. My poor pirate angel baby is all upset. Probably suffering a ton of survivors guilt and blaming himself. I WON’T HAVE THIS. 
“We lost friends.” Pans to Nebula on the Milano looking super distraught. Cuts to her gently stroking someone’s shoulder, most likely Tony’s. This is where Marvel needs to cut it. They cannot have Tony die in space. They cannot have this man suffer through his worst f*cking nightmare. How goddamn disrespectful are they? I won’t stand for this cruelty. 
“We lost family.” Cuts to Clint with swords over a bunch of dead bodies. An implication that Clint lost all of his family and that is not OK.  
“We lost a part of ourselves.” Clint removes his Ronin mask and turns to face Nat. Obviously, Clint lost a part of himself and became Ronin. He’s like Sorry Hawkeye can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Because he’s dead. 
“This is the fight of our lives.” Steve and Nat in the Quinjet(?). Steve looking down at his Peggy picture. Now, I think they’re trying to draw a parallel to The First Avenger. Before Steve takes the plunge and ‘ends’ his life, he looks at a picture of Peggy. It could be the same sacrificial tone. OR it could mean that Steve is traveling back in time and is going to see Peggy one more time and he’s preparing himself mentally. 
Now, the next part is the final nail on my coffin 
Nat: “this is going to work, Steve.” 
Steve: “I know it is. Cause I don’t know what I’m going to do if it doesn’t” 
Can I just say that I LOVE this Steve Rogers and this attitude? But, at the same time, this makes me super nervous. The background has a heartbeat pumping rhythm to it. Now, this is potentially done to dramatize the scene and make it seem as if Steve and Nat are about to risk it all. This is the high stakes game and this is the last hope. Which SCARES the shit out of me. 
Next, we see the Avengers logo being assembled from dust and rocks. Which could be a hopeful sign! Could be foreshadowing the snap reversal! But, of course, at what cost? 
And then we see it, the title... ENDGAME! The one that both Tony Stark and Stephen Strange predicted. My heart cannot take it! I’M SCARED. 
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. OUR SMOL BEAN, OUR HERO, SCOTT LANG IS HERE. I almost cried of mixed happiness and sadness when I saw him. Few points here. 
Scott is dressed normally... he’s not wearing the Ant-man suit that we last saw him in. Which means that he probably had some time to go home and maybe figure out what happened? OR this is Scott from the future? I’m very confused on how Scott shows up there and how he got out of the Quantum realm, but I’m glad the world’s greatest grandma is back. 
He came in the van! The same van that has the miniaturized Quantum portal thingy. So, this could be the key to time travel if that’s what they’re going to do. Remember at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp, Janet warns Scott about “time-vortexes.” Scott could be the key! 
Natasha is wearing the same clothes we see her in earlier when she's done the whole “Thano did exactly what he said he was going to do” speech. Which means that this could be very early on in the film. Which means Scott comes in very early on and plays a bigger role! 
I think Steve might be wearing the same clothes as when we see him crying? It’s hard to tell because he was wearing a leather jacket when he cries and now he’s only in a black long sleeve (that looks so good), but yeah. Just again confirming that Scott comes early on. 
I know Scott sounds a little cheery, but he also appears kind of in distress and a little nervous. At the end when he says “can you buzz me in?” He looks kinda jittery and anxious. SO, it makes me wonder what might have happened the rest of his family.
Anyway, this trailer was disrespectful and made me depressed again. Marvel needs to stop hurting all of my babies. They better fix this mess. 
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glasskaleidoscopes · 5 years
Chapter 7 - Wednesday, November 25th, 2009
I just get warm and fuzzy feelings from this chapter <3 plus quite a bit of fluff, of course.
Carolyn was lying awake in her bed on the first day of Thanksgiving break. She was thinking about the Brudowski family. She and Sam had lived in the home for about 3 months now, and Carolyn couldn’t believe how functional this family was. The siblings bickered every so often, but there were no giant fights, no one really defied Janet or Brad, and the parents were pretty content letting the children do their own things. She didn’t understand how everything ran so smoothly with so many people in one home. When she and Sam lived in their apartment, things were generally quiet after her mom left. She and Sam would argue occasionally, but Carolyn really fell into mothering Sam, so arguments didn’t happen often. When her mom was still around, Carolyn and she fought all the time. There was always something to argue about, and if her mom wasn’t arguing with Carolyn, she was arguing with her father. It was a pretty volatile environment. That was why she couldn’t understand how all the Brudowski children got along with their parents so well. 
Carolyn stayed in bed for another hour or so, and then rolled out of bed around 10 am. Sam had gotten up a little before she did, and was downstairs already. Carolyn walked downstairs and into the kitchen to get some breakfast, where she found Janet hurriedly buzzing around.
“Good morning Carolyn!” Janet quipped, with much less attention than normal.
“Good morning. What’s going on?” Carolyn looked around the large kitchen and saw cabinet doors hanging open, the sink full of dishes, and generally chaos on the counters. 
“We host Thanksgiving for the rest of my family every year, so I am just… preparing for that.” Janet took a long time to finish her sentence, but then quickly got back to work.
“Okay. Can I help at all?” Carolyn pondered.
“Oh no sweetie, that is so nice of you to ask, but right now I am good. Enjoy your break. I’ll call you in here if I need anything.” Janet smiled and looked a little less harried.
“Okay, I’m just going to grab a bowl of cereal.” Janet nodded and dashed around the room as Carolyn fixed herself breakfast. She took her bowl to the dining table and ate alone for a few moments. Then Adrian and Andrew walked into the kitchen, grabbed their own breakfast, and brought it to the table. They were both wearing pajama bottoms and looked like they were sleepwalking. They plopped down at the table and started diving into their large bowls of cereal. Carolyn felt her heart start beating quickly, which was becoming more and more of a familiar sensation, when Adrian glanced up from his bowl and shot her a kind look. The three ate breakfast in silence and all finished around the same time. Adrian grabbed Carolyn’s empty bowl and spoon with his and took them into the kitchen to put away. Carolyn smiled to herself, then walked through the adjacent study and into the living room. There she found her younger brother, Vera, and Brittany all sitting on the couch. Sam and Brittany were watching SpongeBob, while Vera was playing on her phone. 
“Hey.” Carolyn smiled and sat down next to her best friend.
“Hey, have you met the tornado that is my mother yet?” Vera said jokingly.
“Yeah, wow. What the heck is about to happen?” Carolyn was a little nervous at what a Brudowski thanksgiving was going to look like.
“All of my mom’s family comes over for Thanksgiving. It’s crazy. Honestly I enjoy the show when they all come, but then grandpa gets started with politics and it’s hard to get him to stop.” Vera rolled her eyes.
“How many people are coming?” Carolyn asked as the twins walked into the room and sat on the other end of the couch.
“Well, there’s grandma and grandpa. Then my Uncle Kellen and Aunt Kate and their four kids, my aunt Millie, her husband, and their five kids-” Vera continued listing family members for another minute, then counted on her hands how many people that ended up being, “-about 30 more people.” 
“Including our family??” Carolyn asked incredulously.
“No no no, that’s all the people who don’t live here. Add all of us and I think the total comes to 40 or 41!” Vera smiled devilishly. Carolyn’s eyes grew wide.
Andrew added, “Welcome to living with a Catholic family. Everyone has a million kids. That’s not even our dad’s side, there’s about 30 more on that side who live nearby.” Andrew chuckled at Carolyn’s reaction.
“But they’re not coming tomorrow, are they?” Carolyn asked hopefully.
“No, we’ll see them on Christmas. Mom’s family gets Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, Dad’s family gets Christmas Day and New Year’s.” Vera added. 
“This is going to be crazy. Neither of my parents had any siblings, and my grandparents died before I remember, so holidays have always been small.” Carolyn explained.
“Then this is going to be a bumpy ride!” Brittany squealed. “Our family is crazy, even crazier than we are.”
“She’s right. We look like angels compared to the rest of the family.” Vera said. Carolyn chuckled nervously, ready to embrace whatever may come of the Brudowski family Thanksgiving. She wanted a moment to herself, so she decided to head upstairs and take a shower. 
As Carolyn reached the top of the stairs, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see Adrian walking upstairs. Carolyn froze when Adrian smiled kindly at her. Carolyn realized she couldn’t just stare at Adrian the entire time he climbed the stairs so she somehow managed to say, “umm, I’m going to shower.” After Carolyn said this, Adrian’s face started to flush, and she realized that she had made the situation even more awkward. Carolyn promptly spun around and made a beeline to her room. A few seconds later she heard a soft knock, then Adrian gingerly opened the door.
“Are you okay?” Adrian asked, “You seemed flustered when Vera was filling you in on Thanksgiving.”
Carolyn smiled. Adrian was one of the most thoughtful people she had ever met. “Yeah I’m fine, just taking a breather from the madness. I’m just still getting used to having so many people around all the time. Holidays were so different with my family.” Carolyn’s face dropped slightly, but then she smiled again and looked into Adrian’s caring eyes.
“I can only imagine how you feel. Is there any way I can help?” Adrian placed his hand around Carolyn’s shoulder, then he slid his hand down her arm to hold her hand. Carolyn shuddered at the unexpected contact.
“You’ve already helped.” Carolyn said in a small voice. She meant what she said. Adrian’s presence always calmed Carolyn down. She always felt safe when he was around. 
Adrian tightened his grip around Carolyn’s hand, “I haven’t done anything. But seriously, if you need anything, I’ll be there.” Adrian bent down so that his eyes were at the same level of Carolyn’s. Carolyn’s heart swelled.
“Thank you, that means so much.” Carolyn was so happy here. Everyone was so genuine and thoughtful, she had so much more support than she ever thought she would have. Adrian smiled again and slowly released her hand, dragging his fingers against her palm before he discontinued the contact. He turned away and went straight into his bedroom. Carolyn stood in her doorway for a few minutes, contemplating what was going on in Adrian’s bedroom. She didn’t hear anything, so she went ahead and gathered up her shower stuff and got ready for the day. 
Carolyn emerged from the bathroom dressed and headed downstairs. She saw Janet still buzzing around the kitchen, so Carolyn headed in. “Please let me help. It looks like you’ve cloned yourself.”
“Carolyn, you are just too sweet. Okay, you can help me. Have you ever made roasted potatoes before?” Janet asked the young girl sweetly.
“No, but I’m a fast learner!” Carolyn was excited to help. Janet grabbed a bag of potatoes and opened it. She grabbed a vegetable peeler from a drawer, then grabbed a potato in the other hand.
“Okay, first you need to peel the potatoes. Like this, okay?” Janet started peeling a potato, and Carolyn nodded eagerly.
“That doesn’t look too bad.” Carolyn grabbed a potato, ready to peel the next one. Janet finished peeling the first one and set it on the countertop. She handed Carolyn the peeler, and Carolyn started awkwardly peeling the potato. “It’s a little more difficult, but I think I’ll get better as I keep doing it.” 
Janet smiled, “You’re doing great Carolyn. Just try not to get too many of the peelings on the floor. Actually, here.” Janet slid the trash can so it sat next to Carolyn, now she could just let the potato skin fall into the trash. Janet resumed her previous work while Carolyn worked on the potatoes.
A few minutes went by, then Carolyn spoke, “Janet, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for Sam and me. You have been so accepting, and you’ve sacrificed so much to help us.” 
Janet stopped what she was doing and looked straight into Carolyn’s eyes, “Oh honey, I’m so glad you two came into our lives. You guys haven’t been a burden at all, instead you’ve brought light and joy to this house. Everyone hangs out together so much more since you’ve been here, and it’s been absolutely lovely. You’ve even got Brad to work a little less.” 
Carolyn never felt more loved and at home. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Janet walked over and hugged Carolyn, squeezing her tight. Janet once again resumed her madness. Carolyn basked in the familial glow, then her face dropped. She felt like she had already betrayed Janet by having feelings for her son. Carolyn didn’t know what to do. Instead, she focused intently on peeling those potatoes. 
Carolyn and Janet worked in the kitchen for most of the day. After Carolyn had finished peeling the potatoes, Janet showed her how to cut the potatoes into cubes. She had given Carolyn a cut glove so that she wouldn’t cut her hand. Carolyn was slowly cutting the potatoes and throwing the cubes into a large bowl. Janet had to run to the store to grab more milk, and had asked Carolyn to pull food out of the oven if the timer went off. About 10 minutes later, a timer started going off, and Carolyn started looking for an oven mitt to pull the mac and cheese out of the oven. She pulled open drawer after drawer and could not find it. Adrian heard the timer going off and came into the kitchen. He turned the timer off, and grabbed the oven mitts from the side of the refrigerator. Carolyn blushed slightly in embarrassment, and Adrian pulled the dish out of the oven. 
“You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met.” Adrian said, turning towards Carolyn after setting the macaroni down on the stovetop. 
“Why would you say that? I definitely am not.” Carolyn’s face turned a deeper red.
“You definitely are. You have spent all day in the kitchen with my mom, helping, while the rest of us have just been lazing around. I know my mom appreciates it.” Adrian smiled. Then he turned to the other counter and grabbed another dish full of stuffing. He popped the dish into the oven, then set the timer. Finally, Adrian pulled out a ball of dough from the fridge. He grabbed a handful of flour and spread it on the counter, then began rolling out the pie dough.
“You can keep cutting the potatoes if you want, I’m just working on the pies.” Adrian teased Carolyn, as she then realized she had been staring at Adrian skillfully move through the kitchen. She put the cut glove back on and resumed cutting the potatoes.
“I didn’t know you could cook.” Carolyn said, still surprised.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Adrian said playfully, then he added, “I used to cook with my mom all the time. My favorite has always been making pies.” Adrian continued rolling the pie dough out, then he grabbed three different pie tins. Janet walked back into the kitchen with a gallon of milk. 
“Oh Adrian, it’s nice to see you back in the kitchen! Thanks for taking the mac and cheese out of the oven Carolyn.” Janet was surprised to see Adrian working diligently on the Thanksgiving desserts.
“Oh, Adrian took it out. I couldn’t find the oven mitts.” Carolyn revealed. 
“Oh honey I’m sorry, I forgot to show you where they were.” Janet apologized.
“It’s fine. Are these potatoes cut okay?” Carolyn asked. Janet peered into the large bowl.
“Yes, they look perfect! Let me add some olive oil and spices to the mix, then when you’re done, just mix all of the potato chunks to evenly coat them.” Janet grabbed the olive oil and drizzled a good amount into the bowl. 
“Okay, will do!” Carolyn exclaimed.
“Oh Adrian, did you put the stuffing in the oven?” Janet gushed.
“Yeah, I saw you had it on the counter ready.” Adrian explained.
“You’re a wonderful son, thank you.” Janet walked over to her son and kissed his forehead. Then she started working on the cranberry sauce. 
The trio worked in the kitchen for a few more hours. When Adrian finished the pies, he washed his hands, then rubbed Carolyn’s shoulder briefly, and headed to the basement to join his siblings. “Okay honey, thank you so much for your help, but I’m actually almost all caught up. I can finish it from here.” Janet said to Carolyn.
“Okay, thanks for teaching me. It was fun cooking with you.” Carolyn smiled, then went to wash her hands. 
“Any time dear.” Janet said, then resumed cooking. 
Carolyn headed into the living room, and found Trixie, Brittany, and Sam playing Monopoly while watching Up. Carolyn assumed the older kids were in the basement, so she headed down. She found Andrew, Adrian, Jaret, and Vera all smashed on the couch, playing Super Smash Bros. Carolyn plopped herself on Vera’s lap and hugged her friend. 
“Aah I died! Damn you Carolyn!” Vera said jokingly, then resumed playing the game. 
“Which one are you?” Carolyn asked.
“I’m Yoshi, the green dinosaur one. Do you see me? Watch this.” Vera explained, then made her Yoshi character stick its tongue out and eat Link, then he laid an egg, containing Link. 
“Oh fuck Vera! I was about to shoot pikachu!” Jaret yelled. Apparently, he was playing Link. Carolyn was cracking up at the sibling rivalry. Eventually, Carolyn laid down, spreading her body across the Brudowski teens, resting her head in Vera’s lap. 
After the round was over, Carolyn said, “I still don’t understand how this game works.” All four of the teenagers gasped.
“What! Have you never played Super Smash Bros?” Andrew asked incredulously.
“No! Sam and I had a PlayStation, but we just played a lot of board games.” Everyone was silent for a moment, then Vera started tickling Carolyn’s armpits.
“Well we’re just going to have to teach you!” Vera shouted. Carolyn screamed and started squirming wildly. 
“No! No! I am so ticklish! Stop!” Carolyn said through screams, tears streaming down her face. Then Adrian started tickling her feet and Carolyn squirmed even more wildly, kicking her feet, trying to get away. Vera and Adrian were laughing maniacally while relentlessly tickling Carolyn. 
“Please! Please! Stop! Stop! Stop!” Carolyn was out of breath, still screaming and laughing. Finally she rolled off of the couch into a fetal position, continuing to laugh. Everyone was cracking up at this point. Her feet almost burned after feeling Adrian’s touch.
“Okay, now we need to teach you how to play.” Andrew finally said after everyone calmed down and wiped the tears from their eyes. The quintet spent the rest of the evening teaching Carolyn how to play. Then one person would sit out a round, since only four people could play the game. Carolyn was definitely the worst of the bunch, but she liked playing Kirby the best because she could just float up and try to avoid the other players. 
As the evening wore on, the boys continued to play, but the girls dropped out and spent the later evening chatting. Eventually, Carolyn fell asleep while still down in the basement. She awoke, feeling strong arms wrap around her shoulders and legs. Soon she was picked up, and she stirred drowsily. She opened her eyes and saw Adrian’s face mere inches from hers. She wrapped her arms around Adrian’s neck to better sturdy herself. Adrian whispered in her ear, ���Everyone else went to bed, I figured you would be much more comfortable in a bed than on a couch in the basement.” Carolyn shuddered when she felt Adrian’s hot breath against her ear. 
“Mmm, thank you.” Carolyn murmured. Carolyn tightened her grip around Adrian’s neck, then rested her head against his chest. She savored the feeling of being carried so easily up two flights of stairs. She felt so comforted and safe. Adrian wasn’t even out of breath when he reached the top of the second staircase. He quietly opened Carolyn’s bedroom door, and Sam was snoring loudly. He gently set Carolyn down into her bed, dragging his hands along her arms as he sat her down. Carolyn immediately fell asleep.
Tags (let me know if you want to be added!): @the-mockingbird-of-neverland
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