#btw did you know that if you get stung and go to your car to get away from the bees that they can somehow follow your car? who knew?
harmonizewithechoes · 9 months
Today was such a mixed bag in terms of events that happened (so much happened 😳) but I’m currently riding the high of having found the perfect dress that makes me genuinely feel pretty and happy about my body! The last time that happened was prom 10 years ago with a ridiculous ball gown I’ll never wear again lol but that’s not even the best part! The best part of this perfect dress that will work for all occasions- casual get togethers, weddings, date nights, etc depending on jewelry and outerwear- is that it was found at a thrift store for $5!! Literally could not have been more perfect 🥰 after 3 kids I had kind of resigned myself to never really liking my body again and was focusing on body neutrality. But this dress gave me such a confidence boost! I didn’t even know it was possible.
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rintoshis-archived · 1 year
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𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐃 - ft. miles morales
🀄、pairings: miles morales x reader warnings: mentions of paranoia, death, mentions of blood, slightly angsty, fluff at the end, slow burn, legit doesn't make total sense, not proofread, lyric references, venom, profanities, kissing (nothing smutty), mentions of gwen and hobie, poor spanish (blame duolingo...), with translations, no actual current plot of atsv, own plot, might not make sense if you didn't watch the movie, mutants, giants, mentions of skinned bodies, false accusations, arguments, a lot more within these lines, peter being a bad mentor, involves miguel, margo, peter. w/c: 4,297 notes; i really did not expect this to be long ... but yeah! this might not make sense and there might be whole lotta ooc BUT THIS IS MY PLOT I DO WHAT I WANT RAHHHH 🤣🤣🔥🔥 anyways i didn't know what i went with the storyline but there are a lot of depressing moments here ... i hope y'all are ok btw .. okay bye ily
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'SOMETHING BAD IS 'BOUT TO HAPPEN TO ME' You thought. Your paranoia didn't help you sleep at night, the empty feeling of always being secluded from the world. Your dimension didn't have any Spider-people, and in contrast to Miles's dimension; it was harder to pick yourself up and fight for the city.
The feeling of cold sheets wrapping around your limbs, the fabric only bringing you more comfort. His smell lingered on your pillows, his jacket hanging on the back of your door. You didn't wanna leave Miles. The banging headache raised when you cried for the rest of the night, tears flowing down your cheek.
This might be pathetic, sure. But you weren't happy with the world you were born into. You missed the vibrant city of Miles's dimension, the moments you spent together to train him to become the best Spiderman of the century. You could only laugh at that thought.
Your eyes are glued onto your ceiling, the empty white color reflecting your current mind. Hell, if you could go back; you would. Your eyes close heavily, and the feeling of your hot eyelids resting on your eyes.
'I DON'T KNOW IT BUT I FEEL IT COMING.' The returning feeling of being helpless, a deep voice circulating in your mind. As much as you didn't wanna admit it, you were fragile. The Spider that bit you wasn't as ordinary as you thought. That goes without saying; Miles got bit by an unordinary spider, too. But something about that insect made it a little more special than other Spider origins.
The Spider actually talked to you. Its venom projects into your blood cells, infesting your mind and body. ''The city needs you, the city needs you, the city needs you, the city needs-'' If you could spray bug repellent inside of your head, you would've done it already. The echoing voice inside of your brain didn't subside even after you've covered your ears with pillows.
You were restless. Your spider suit resting on your chair. The radio your dad previously had woken you from your slumber, the screams and sounds of innocent people screaming, a cop reporting for backup.
''This is Agent- Shit! Get away- We need backup, now! Call for the nearest-'' The voice cuts off, only leaving you with the sound of a broken stereo. Out of instinct, your webs sling the radio to your hands, turning some of the knobs to get more surface of the situation.
Nothing comes out, the last person who reported to the station was that 'Agent'. You hop out of bed, took the suit, and quickly put it on. You contemplated for a while, but the sudden shiver of guilt only awoken the voice that whispered in your ear. ''The city needs you, the city needs you, the city needs you, the city needs you.''
The sounds of police car's sirens echoed in the street, a building being griefed by an explosion. Big claws and bloodied cement was the scenery when you arrived. You heard a lady scream in an alleyway, and all of the police cars emptied out of people. No cop was left alive, they were all skinned out of their bodies.
''G-Get away from me!'' The lady's voice stung your Spider-sense, the sound of big feet stepping towards the lady. You were on the walls, peeking at the villain. It had a broad back, spikes decorating its spine, and green and vibrant reptile skin. You land on the floor, attaching your webs to the spikes of its back. ''You heard the lady.''
Your webs were strong enough to pull the reptile back, jumping high to let it sling behind you. A loud thud could be heard miles away, the cement of the building cracking from the giant's impact. You approach the lady, putting two hands up. ''Are you okay?''
The lady's eyes widened while looking behind you, your spider sense didn't detect the big chunk of cement that was coming your way. Your hands almost act instinctively, grabbing ahold of the cement before it crushed the two of you.
Your webs threw the brick back, crumbling on the body of the reptile. ''You should run.'' you flash a small smile of assurance to the lady, webbing the two buildings to get closer to the villain. Your eyes catch a small glimpse of a black and red suited person in the sky, spider sense tingling at the sight. Your head turns to the building where it landed, getting distracted from what was in front of you.
''Move!'' A voice echoes from the roof of the building, your head quickly turns back to the lizard, his hands almost grabbing a hold of you. A sudden bolt of lightning almost blinded you, causing your eyes to close at the brightness.
A huge hole in the sky opens, the edges of it being coated with pink, purple, and hints of green. It looked like it glitched into the sky, with strings of what looked like webs inside of it. Miles had already electrocuted the lizard for a short time, as he approached you.
''Y/N! I'm here!'' His hands wrap around your torso, feeling your warmth over your suit. ''Miles?'' Your hands wrap around his neck, pulling him into a hug. ''H-how are you here? What the fuck is that?'' You ask of the hole in the sky, some of the cars and poles flying inside of it.
''Listen, we need to go.'' His hands grab yours, webbing to the closet rooftop. ''No... No! I need to see my aunt-'' Your eyes widen, his hands pulling you into the black hole. Your argument with your aunt didn't lull even after the 'talk' you both had.
''¡Dios mío, Y/N! Te lo dije una vez, dos veces, trice! Y no nos escuchaste ni a mí ni a tu mamá!'' (Oh my gosh, Y/N! I told you once, twice, thrice! And you didn't listen to me or your mom!) Your hands slam the door on your aunt, refusing to continue this talk with your aunt. You had just lost your dad, you couldn't save him from that stupid mutant that appeared right in your dad's station house. Your dad's friends whom you even considered your own; dead before your eyes, bodies laying and pierced in her stomachs. ''Do not slam that door on me, we are not done!'' Your aunt opens your door with pressure, her words poisoning the whole room. ''Tía, yo también te lo dije un millón de veces!'' (Aunt, I told you a million times too!) It wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault that your dad still wanted to be the hero even when he can't. It was his fault. ''¿Cuántas veces tengo que decir esto? You can't be meddling in the policía's jobs! You killed your-'' (How many times do I have to say this?) ''Get out!'' Your webs shut your door with force, webbing the door handle closed. ''No entiendes, tía, I didn't kill Papa!'' (You don't understand, Aunt) ''You just don't understand, Y/N! Your mom is crying, the whole police is after you! They think you murdered your father! You need to stop, Y/N. You are not the 'hero' of this city!'' Your auntie bangs on your door, but your hands remain on your ears, cuddled up to your pillow.
It 'MIGHT BE SO SAD, MIGHT LEAVE MY NOSE RUNNING.' You couldn't leave your auntie, and your mom didn't stop crying, she stopped coming to her job and didn't speak to anyone else.
'I JUST HOPE SHE DON'T WANNA LEAVE ME.' Those words ring inside of Miles's head, he had already fought his battle with Miguel just to see you again, and he was willing to go through it all over again.
''Listen, your aunt will be fine! You'll be safe there!'' Miles tries to pull you in, and you let him. You take his words and put them inside of your heart. The feeling of being airborne in the galaxy takes over your senses, a huge tube leading you both into another portal. Your hands tremble inside Miles's grasp.
You both land in an elevator, a platform bringing you to up top.
His thumb rubs your skin, hoping to have calmed you down. You both fall into an elevator, Miles's hands still intertwined with yours. ''I should probably explain, huh?'' You didn't respond, your mind almost wandering away staring at the wall. ''Y/N?'' When the warmth of Mile's skin leaves yours, your head turns to him.
''Did you say something?'' ''Yeah... Did you listen?'' ''No... Sorry, could you repeat that?'' You hear Miles sigh, his hands knotted with each other to his chest. ''Well, Miguel wanted me to pick you up... Kinda.'' Your head tilts a little, and a tinge of unsureness laced Miles's words. ''Kinda?'' You ask, almost surveying him. ''Well I did kinda sneak out and asked Margo to take me to your dimension but that's not the important part!''
Miles raises his hands as if it were for defense and you laugh. ''You're so stupid.'' You nudge his shoulder. ''Why'd you take me here-'' You feel almost a big punch in your stomach as if you'd glitched out in a game. ''Woah!'' Miles panicked, rummaging through his pockets. You were surprised he had put pockets in his suit. Maybe you have to do that, sometime.
''I forgot to give you this.'' He takes your hand before you glitch out again and put on the bracelet on your wrist. Nausea stopped, feeling a little bit better from the piece of silicone around your skin. You laugh a little, seeing Miles's panicked expression even from over his mask. You took off your own mask, breathing in some air. ''So.. Why'd you take me here?''
Miles took off his, too. ''Well, I missed you, of course.'' A window appears behind you both, the land seemingly upside down. ''Woah...'' ''We're in Nueva York.'' The door opens, and Miles captures your hands in his, leading you to the upside-down hallways.
''T-there's so many...'' You didn't expect almost a hundred- maybe more Spider-people. All of them were different, some were on wheelchairs, some were riding horses, and some were incubated in a yellow-orange barrier.
After what seemed like a million light-years, you both reached a dark part of the building, a girl who seemed like she was purple waved at you two and started working back on her computer.
''Miles Morales.'' A dark voice grew out of the dark, a floating platform lowering from the sky. ''Miguel, we're back.'' ''Another outsider.'' Miguel turned to face you both, the man looked like he hadn't slept in years. You frown at his comment, he didn't know who you were.
''Miguel O'Hara, this is Y/N L/N.''
An infant webbed around the room and caught you three off-guard. ''Mayday! Good job Honey!'' A man with a baby carrier enters the room, phone pointed at the child. Mayday, cute name. You smile at the sight of a cute baby webbing freely, she'll be a good Spiderwoman when she grows up. ''Miles! I haven't seen you in so long!'' The man put his phone back in his pocket, putting two of his hands on your shoulders.
''Peter!'' ''Miles! Hey, bud! Who's this?'' Peter smiles at you, and you give him another smile back. ''I'm Y/N.'' You shook his hand, and he immediately pulled away to catch Mayday. She was climbing on Miguel, a funny sight to see. You didn't fail to see how Miguel was so... Muscular. His webs looked different, it looked like it glowed with a orange light.
You knew to not fuck with him, especially when he was the only one in the room who didn't wear a bracelet to keep him from not glitching out. ''Y/N L/N. You must know what kind of place this is, I assume?'' Miguel says, capturing Mayday in his hands. Miles looked at you, slight panic arising in his eyes.
''Uhm, I brought her here. She can help me, Hobie, and Gwen-'' ''There are enough problems that I have to deal with. Put her back, Morales.'' You didn't know who Hobie or Gwen was, but Miles mentioned that they went on missions together. That Miguel had a foul mouth, for sure.
''You've caused enough shit, Morales! The start of the spot, breaking a canon event, and even rebelling against my rules!'' Miguel webbed down to the floor and threw a bomb on the floor. Once it hit your foot, it opened up a dome.
''What the fuck-'' You try banging on the walls, the sounds outside almost being muffled from the inside. ''Miles!'' ''Enough is enough, Morales. I guess I'll have to send you both back then.'' You see Miles trying to bargain with Miguel, but Peter interrupts. ''Miguel, loosen up pal. Let them experience their puppy love in the HQ, gosh they're so cute together-'' Miguel shoots a web to Peter's mouth and put him in a dome as well.
'DON'T YOU GIVE ME UP, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP.' These words fill your mind, still trying to get out of the barrier. Your words couldn't reach Miles as he backed up beside you, his hands on the dome. ''Miguel, for someone who's the so-called 'master' of HQ, you really don't know how to stop making the same mistake all over again.''
Miles shatters the projected dome and takes your hand to escape out of the HQ. Peter waves at you both as a goodbye, seemingly proud of Miles for what he did. ''You're a bad mentor,'' Miguel says, chasing you both. The dome fades away, and Peter takes off the web on his mouth. Peter grabs Mayday's pacifier and put it in her mouth. ''Let's go, honey!'' Peter chasing you both.
''If I would've known we'd be running from a Headmaster of an HQ full of Spider-people, I would've come prepared, Miles.'' You two web from wall to wall, knocking some people over and leaving them with a short 'sorry'.
''It's not like- Woah-! I planned this to happen!'' You laugh at his words, keeping up with his pace. ''You can't let me leave you in the dust, Miles!'' You pass Miles, but he quickly catches up. ''I won't!'' He grabs your hand and slings you on his back, sticking onto him like a koala. You both giggle a bit while making your way to Margo. ''I missed you... I missed... Us.''
You rest your head on Miles's shoulder. ''What you said earlier... Who's Hobie and Gwen?'' ''Some friends of mine.'' You smile, kissing his cheek. ''Gwen, huh?'' Miles laughs at the pout that he felt on his skin, ''HONEY, I BELONG WITH YOU AND ONLY YOU, BABE.'' Miles's words made you smile as you both land in Margo's office, seeing her work away on her computer.
''Miles. What did you do now?'' Margo didn't look back, she already knew what you both wanted. ''Send us back to my world,'' Miles says, but your eyes almost want to disagree with him. Miles notices the slight worry in your eyes, he only captures your hands in response.
You knew you'd always wanted to go to Mile's dimension and spend time with him and Mrs. Morales. ''Alright. But I can't guarantee you'll be able to go back to HQ in one piece.'' Margo stated, her spider was already ready for you both.
''Miles, why are you doing this to yourself?'' Margo asks, as you both hop on the platform, hands still in his. ''I JUST DON'T WANT HER TO LEAVE ME.'' Margo only rolls her eyes with a smile and started her machine. The spider started knitting a cocoon around you two, and your hands tighten in nervousness.
''It'll be okay. As long as you have that bracelet, we can live together forever, happily.'' Miles reassures you, tucking hair behind your ear. Miles snakes a hand around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss once the spider finished webbing.
Miguel and Peter could only stare at you both, Peter looking like he was lovestruck. Peter's hands rest on Mayday's eyes while Miguel only rubs his temples. ''Oi! No lovey-dovey in the machine!'' Margo teases before it teleports you both.
''Miles, Y/N! Dinner!'' ''Innaminute!'' Miles screams out while you two were playing on a PS4 in the living room. Lieutenant Morales watched you two, occasionally taking photos of you both. ''That's unfair!'' You laugh at Mile's whining when you threw a banana on the road, causing his character to slip.
''See 'ya! Eat my dust!'' Miles bit his lip in concentration, leaning his body on where his character would go, bumping into each other. ''Dinner is getting cold, you three!'' Mrs. Morales approaches you three in the living room, catching her husband taking a video of you two playing games.
Her head rests on his shoulder, smiling at the view. ''Amor de cachorro, eh?''(Puppy love, huh?) Mr. Morales laughs and kisses his own wife once you two finally finished the game. You jump in celebration, laughing at Miles's frown. ''I won! I thought you were the best of this game-'' Miles grabs your hand and pulls you into his lap, kissing your lips.
Once Miles's parents finished smooching Mr. Morales interrupts you both. ''Oi! No kissing in the house!'' You smile on Miles's lips before pulling away from his lap. ''I'm hungry.'' ''Let's go eat?'' ''Race 'ya there!'' ''No fair!'' ''Don't run in the house!''
Because in the day, you both are just teenagers attending school, but at night you both have duties to save the city.
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woahwoah this was so long ... ‧₊˚ ⋅ fusaes 2023 do not copy
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dwntwn-strnlo · 11 months
HEY I LOVE UR WRITING could you do a touch deprived reader afraid of asking for attention or physical touch, and they think matt was angry at them and gave him some space but really he was just very stressed and when matt realized what they wanted he felt guilty and the rest is up to you! Lyy (matt sturniolo btw)
thank you sm for the request! sorry it took so long. love you ❤️
TONE DEAF matt sturniolo
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎, dwntwn-strnlo.
↳ 𝐀/𝐍. its kinda different from what you asked, but i hope you like it!
↳ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. matthew sturniolo x reader
↳ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. request
↳ 𝐂𝐖! verbal argument, happy ending
walking into matts room, you sit on the edge of the bed behind him. he just got back from filming a personal video, and is already editing the recordings for it.
you were hanging out with chris in his room when matt got home, and he didnt even let you know he was back. which you will admit, it stung a little. you only found out that he was home when you looked out a window, finding the mini van parked out in the driveway.
"hey," you say, watching him replay the same 5 seconds of the video.
"hey," he mutters, repeating your greeting. but not turning around to give you even a sliver of his attention.
you easily frown, "you didnt tell me you were back," finding that he isnt going to respond, you continue. "you were gone for like three hours, i missed you." you let your light words trail off into the slightly too cold room.
"yeah, sorry. i forgot." his voice is low, and almost like theres a slight bite too it.
"oh," you sigh, tucking your knees up to your chest. still not taking your eyes off the back of his head. "well how was your day? i didnt see much of you since we woke up."
he sighs, a tinge of annoyance lacing his voice. "fine."
you pause before continuing. he clearly put a wall up, and youre just trying to find some sort of crack in the bricks. "what did you do, other than film a video of course." you laugh lightly to yourself.
"god, are you fucking tone deaf?!" he groans, spinning around in his chair to look at you for the first time. his expression is overridden with panic. "clearly i dont feel like talking right now."
his words take you aback. your eyes search his as he processes that he just snapped at you.
"oh . . ." you whisper. your voice fading into a void of nothing. the only sound you hear is the faint whirring of the ceiling fan overhead. "ill give you some space then."
"hey, no- honey . . ."
"no, its fine, matt." you frown, standing up and grabbing your shoes before walking out of the bedroom.
shutting the door, you stop and stand there for several seconds. letting his harsh words wash over you before walking over to the couch and putting your shoes on. matts never snapped at you like this before. he'd always been careful with his words when he was mad or stressed out.
grabbing your car keys, you don't know where your headed, or for how long. you just know you want to go.
. . .
eventually, you pull back into your driveway. you had just drove around and listened to music for a few hours, but you knew you had to come home.
finally glancing at the time sitting on your dash in a glowing shade of blue, you find it to be just after two am. with a sigh, you shut off the engine. getting out of the car to be hit by the cool, autumn air.
walking up the ever so familiar steps from your driveway to your door, you slow your pace down when you see the silhouette of someone sitting on the front porch. once they notice you, they stand up; taking a cautious step in your direction.
"y/n?" matts voice rings out to you. a slight hurt in his tone as he mutters your name.
"what are you doing out here?" you sigh, stepping around him to get to the front door.
"you know i couldnt fall asleep until i knew you were safe." his voice is sad and low as he mumbles the words out to you.
"well im safe, so go to sleep, matt." you snap. instantly regretting it, but you don't let your expression falter under the the dim glow of the dying porch light.
"baby, can we talk? please?" he pleads, running his hands down his face. "i feel awful for yelling at you earlier."
you stay silent. darting your eyes across his disheveled face as you wait for him to go on.
"i just - i feel stupid." he whispers, trying hard to not let tears fall. "i shouldve communicated to you that i was stressed out. but i didnt, and i let myself snap at you."
"matt . . ." you frown.
"im sorry, baby. i really am. and i understand if you still want some space and time to yourself, but i wont be able to fall asleep until you know how sorry i am.
"just please dont go to bed upset with me. i love you too much to let that happen."
you gently smile at the boy, walking over to him and pull him into a much needed hug. "its alright love, you dont need to apologize. i understand that your going through a rough time right now."
he nods, nuzzling his nose into the top of your head. "i love you so, so much, darling. i hope you know that."
you smile, nodding against his chest. "i know, honey, i know. love you forever."
matt tightens your embrace, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "forever and always."
@slvt444smvt @thetriplets3 @theboyz-delulu @stxrniqlo @ifilwtmfc @iha8you @oneirophobic
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capybaraonabicycle · 2 months
Would you please share excepts for the ask game?
1. that makes me smile
3. that encompasses my style
7. that i nursed in a daydream before finally writing
14. that was out of my comfort zone
25. that i consider a favourite
Feel free to skip one of them if you don't feel like answering! 🥰
Thank youuuu!
You said it was okay to use non-dw snippets, so I have put two of those now. But I added a dw snippet for good measure to those questions, hope that's okay 😅I also managed to include 3 actual WIPs, so yay :)
that makes me smile
Aww, the first fic that came to mind was Love is a four-letter word, which is a coming-out fic featuring the Penderwick sisters Skye and Jane.
Just - the whole series is such a feel-good story? It tastes like childhood comfort and the queer undertones are way too obvious to be screwed over in the last book. Anyway, headcanoning all the members of the family as queer is self-care and those girls are so soft and such siblings and the fic makes me smile without fail every time.
Skye sighed again, but this time it sounded less annoyed. "Listen Jane, I love you" she said and it sounded almost gentle. "But I don't think I am the right person to talk to about this. Romance and stuff. I don't really... do... that. Can't you ask Rosy? I am sure she would love to help you out." "Rosy does not share a room with me, though" Jane demurred. "Lucky her" Skye murmured. "Probably sleeping right now." "Skye!" Jane complained. "This is serious! People die from heartbreak all the time; I need to know what I am dealing with." "You won't die from heartbreak tonight; I can promise you that much" Skye scoffed. "Are you sure?" Jane asked. Her heart did feel a little clammy whenever she thought about Caroline and her textbook rim artworks. Or about what that weirdness might mean that always seemed to befall her when Caroline was nearby. "Dead sure" Skye answered solemnly. "You don't even know whether you're in love. I am sure it is scientifically impossible to die from heartbreak in that case." Jane breathed out loudly in relief. "Thank you."
(Jane is me and also Skye is me <3 (Skye has a math class the next day so enough sleep is vital bc you can't be tired for your favourite subject, now can you?))
But have a short dw snippet, too, because that might be more interesting for you. It's from the unfinished episode-fic that would come before The woman who kills the Doctor (- it's the lkh rewrite WIP):
“Left – sharp turn!” The car swerved around in one swift motion and Mels grabbed onto the seat backs in front of her to avoid being thrown about. “Now right!” “No, left!” “What?” Amy turned around the chart frantically at the correction while Rory started panicking. “Which one?” he shouted. “Left!” Mels repeated at the same time as Amy cried: “Right!...Hang on, no wait, she’s right: left!” “What?!” Rory was hitting the wheel in frustration while, this time in unison, the girls called: “Left!!” Only a little too late Rory yanked the wheel around, making them all lean involuntarily towards the right. Mels erupted in laughter. “If we continue like this, this is gonna spell ‘Dorito’ when we’re done” she claimed. “Shut up” Amy growled. “You’re doing great, Rory.” “Yeah, he is” Mels snorted. “Now listen here, little lady” Amy turned around, her eyes pulled to dangerous slits. “Amy!” Rory shrieked before she could continue. “Where do I go next?!”
Pond family drawing crop circles together <3 (No, Amy does not know Mels is their daughter yet, btw, that's part of why this makes me smile)
3. that encompasses my style
I don't knoooow. How do I know what my style is and what is representative?? Okay, I'll try, how about this from a WIP for my Division AU:
“Seriously?” Mels blinked. “You aren't even trusting me to get you a drink? I was kidding earlier when I said this would be a good exercise, but – I see that I was very wrong about your level of trust in me.” She tried to make it sound like a joke, but she couldn't deny, that stung. She would have expected herself to trust the Doctor more than vice versa, but a fucking drink? That shouldn't have been too much to ask. “Mels,” the Doctor was suddenly pressing the card into her hand, her gentle voice calling her away from her somber thoughts, “of course I trust you, love. I was making a joke.” “What?” Mels had trouble processing – and that was a little annoying because usually she was the one who got to make the Doctor malfunction with a well placed innuendo or affirmation of fondness. A smile was tugging at the Doctor's lips as she reached for Mels' other hand, closing it around the card. “You said I got to annoy you today,” she reminded Mels, “I'm just trying my best to live up to that role.” Mels let out a relieved laugh, grasping the card tightly and turning her upper hand so she could take the Doctor's and pull her in. “You are stellar in the annoying underling role, darling,” she promised, pressing a kiss to her lips. “It's like it was written for you.” The Doctor preened for a second, before the words properly registered. “Hey, now - “ she tried to protest, but Mels had already stepped away from her. “Find us a table, Doctor,” she grinned. “That's an order!”
I believe this encompasses my style, mostly for the way we move between jokes and heartfelt bits. I think I do that a lot - especially for this AU - putting in funny bits to even out the harsh reality and also putting heavy stuff into the lighthearted scenes to keep you on your toes.
Here, they've been joking around a little before, bickering (I cut that bc this is already too long a snippet - then again 'being too long' IS my style -), then Mels is hit by self-doubt, the Doctor turns serious to reassure her and they immediately go back to banter - and kissing.
The way dialogue is intercepted by introspection and a few descriptions of what is happening here is also representative of my style, I believe.
7. that i nursed in a daydream before finally writing
All my fics are results of daydreams, basically. But there are a few where I wrote down the dialogue as I dreamed about it and that didn't get changed much after. One of them is in Dance with Me (or: Selling the Cover for Gat) (part of the Division AU) and I know you have been meaning to read that anyway ;)
“Aww” Karvanista cooed mockingly. “You two are too cute.” The Doctor stepped back immediately, her hands leaving Mels’, and cleared her throat. “Just selling the cover for Gat” she said with a fake smile, smoothing down the sides of the fancy suit Tecteun hat gotten her for the occasion. “Right?” “Right” Mels agreed, but she couldn’t help a smile while she took a sip of her champagne. “Just that ‘selling the cover for Gat’ is not the mission, is it?” Gat’s snide voice sounded in her ear again and by now she sounded positively miffed. “That is only the very baseline of what you are supposed to be doing. You are supposed to be looking for the target. And you will find him neither in each other’s eyes like you have apparently been believing for the last 8 minutes, nor staring at cake decorations –“ The Doctor pulled an annoyed grimace and Mels bit her lips against a grin. “Nor eyeing up unsuspecting Malmooths” Gat continued. “Hey, she was definitely into it” Mels complained while the Doctor’s eyebrows raised to her hairline. “Literally not the point” Gat said. “Besides this is a married-only event, she was definitely here with someone.” “You spent your time without me flirting with other people” the Doctor inquired sternly, “and have the audacity to complain about me getting you a drink?! A fine wife you are.”
I spoke those lines (more or less) into my phone while taking a snowy winter walk <3 I should probably have paid more attention to the gorgeous nature than the Division team in my head, but no regrets :)
14. that was out of my comfort zone
Anytime I venture close to smut 😅 oh, also heavy angst. Which one do you prefer?
Let's go with the one leaning into smut. It's still mature level intimacy, I would say, but it was the first time I so much as brushed towards it, so, like, I didn't feel entirely comfortable writing it. I do think it is sweet, though (oh, this is from Somewhere in My Memory btw):
“Not here, Sweetie” [River] said with a wink. “I did not specifically order a bed to have you against a picture of my late husband.” “You ordered the bed?” the Doctor chuckled, slinging her hands around River’s neck. “Of course, you did.” “A lady has to be prepared” River said, kissing her again. “Come on then, jump up.” Without hesitation, the Doctor jumped, slinging her legs around River’s middle and letting her carry her towards the bed. “Oh, look at that, I’m taller than you again” she commented happily, leaning down to kiss River’s nose. “Now this feels right.” River rolled her eyes fondly. “Shut up, Doctor.” “Not a chance” the Doctor grinned. Then she yelped, as River squeezed her butt in retaliation. A devilish smirk played at River’s mouth as she lowered the Doctor onto the mattress. “We’ll see about that, Sweetie” she hummed, her hands cupping the Doctor’s breasts and immediately affirming her words in taking the Doctor’s breath away. “We’ll see about that.”
And like, that's literally it. The scene ends there. Still, that was daunting to write for me.
25. that i consider a favourite
Oh wow. I mean, choosing a favourite fic was already tough. A favourite SNIPPET? Impossible 😅 But, luckily, it is a favourite, so I'll just go with any snippet, I enjoy :)
Wanna read some lines in German about a ghost playing the piano? This is from Mary Shelley's Murder Mystery Invite Only Casual Travel/Journey For Friends Diary:
„Dann konzentrier dich weniger und lass dich mehr treiben“, schlug [Robert] vor. „Musiker denken nicht, sie fühlen.“ Mary wollte ihm nicht noch einmal erklären, dass sie einfach keine Musikerin war. So wandte sie sich resigniert wieder den Tasten zu. „Schließ die Augen“, riet Robert ihr. „Spür dem Gefühl des Liedes nach und lass dich fallen.“ Gehorsam schloss Mary die Augen, konzentrierte sich dafür aber umso stärker auf ihre Finger, mit denen sie die Tastatur streifte. Dann begann sie zu spielen. Sie merkte den Unterschied sofort. Hatte sie vorher nur einzelne Töne gespielt, hörte, nein spürte, sie jetzt die Musik, die ihre Finger wie von selbst in den Raum setzten. Sie lauschte der Melodie und merkte kaum, wie sie einfach die Kontrolle aufgab. Erst, als mit einem Mal die Musik verstummte, aber ihre Finger weiterspielten, erwachte sie unsanft. Sie riss die Augen auf und beobachtete entsetzt ihre Finger, die gerade wieder aus den Tasten auftauchten. Verdammt.
I do still prefer my German way of writing, I have to say. The fear of making mistakes is just less severe. With English, I am always convinced I have used at least one word incorrectly in every sentence without noticing.
But let's add another dw snippet from a WIP to this, shall we? I don't know whether I will ever finish this one, but I have started working on a very fluffy fugitive Doctor & River & Jenny piece called Family Outing (for now):
The Doctor made a move to hold her back but River intertwined their hands instead, pulling her in the other direction. “Stop fussing, Sweetie” she said strictly, smoothing down the Doctor’s lapels with her free hand. “And let her have some fun. Jenny is a clever girl, she’ll be okay. Besides, no one will suspect us coming here, so we’ll be in the clear.” Only now the Doctor took in her surroundings. They were on a spaceship, alright, a luxurious space cruiser to be exact. Aliens of all species and sizes were milling about, at least two thirds of them of the kind the Doctor did not want to see approach her daughter and at least half of them kinds the Division would engage. None of them were visibly carrying weapons at least and the Doctor knew Jenny had a knife hidden in her bigger-on-the-inside pocket and a blaster strapped to her thigh – in exactly the same spot where River was wearing hers. The evening menu of the adjacent restaurant was reading ‘pufferfish flambé’ and ‘Sontar wings with roasted Adipose’ and ‘We’re always ready to prepare your tag-alongs in your preferred manner’ and suddenly the Doctor understood where River had brought them. “No” she breathed, stopping dead in her tracks. “This isn’t…” “…the Harmony and Redemption” River completed for her, apparently very pleased with herself. “Told you, I was good.” “River” the Doctor pulled her even closer and dropped her voice to a whisper, her eyes flitting nervously between Jenny and the surrounding mass-murderers. “We really shouldn’t be here.” “Brilliant, eh?”
I just love River being cocky and the Doctor staring incredulously like "Do you want us getting killed?!"
I also very much love the way what I have written so far ends midsentence, and the sentence is:
Before the Doctor could decide whether shooting Flemming here and now would cause too much of a scene or could possibly be considered an overreaction
(Flemming dared to look at Jenny, so, no the Doctor's not overreacting at all <3)
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caspercryptid · 2 years
hello. i am here. in your house. and i am requesting soulmates jayvik. huge fan btw. did you know? like HUGE fan :3c
I did know! Alex, my beloved. I did, in fact, know.
Okay so this is a weird one. Apocalyptic dream-sharing soulmate AU. Happy ending. ____ For years, the dreams didn’t make any sense.
When Viktor was younger, it was... frustrating. Sharing dreams with your soulmate could be a confusing experience, yes. It wasn’t supposed to be a traumatic one.
The first soulmate dream he’d had he’d woken up screaming, and his mother had rushed in to hold him as he tried, desperately, to explain things he’d never seen before. Cold. A world of whirling white that stung his hands and swallowed him alive, alone in it, calling out for someone who couldn’t hear him.
It has been clear, immediately, that it wasn’t his dream. He hadn’t recognized the snow for what it was until his mother had managed to calm him down, stroking his hair and singing. A blizzard, darling. He had held onto that memory when she was gone, too, something his soulmate had given him. That moment in crystal clarity.
It became... most frustrating as the years went on. Many other people had managed to at least see their soulmate in some form or fashion, but Viktor could never break through the snow, and he could never understand why. They were never his dreams. Even when they started out that way everything froze over, the cold wiping out his childhood classrooms, ice coating everything, the world gone.
And then it ended. And Viktor understood.
The apocalypse happened on a Tuesday. There had certainly been preludes and prologues, the leitmotif of cataclysm. The weather was getting worse. That Tuesday was well enough in winter that it should have been nowhere near hurricane season, but the weather had wavered back and forth and back and forth like a top before tipping, spinning out of control, and then the cold had set in. The day Viktor considered the end was likely halfway through the overture, come and gone for some, but he marked it in his head. It was the day he knew.
It was the first day he’d heard his soulmate’s voice.
He had woken up from the dream with a start, desperate and frustrated at finally having heard a call in the dark. Can you hear me?
The wind had ripped it away before he could say yes, and he’d woken up and nearly punched his wall in frustration. Why now? His sheets were cold– the heating not working properly– and Viktor had made a mental note to check in with his landlord before he turned on the tv.
The news was a wall of green and red, the weather, a cheerful announcer gesturing at a wall of storms with a paling false enthusiasm. Dress warm and bunker down for this one, folks.
Viktor had looked at the trembling hands and fake smile of the meteorologist and nothing else. He knew what fear looked like. He’d turned off his television and gone to pack a bag.
He hadn’t bothered to call the academy– they were surely closed if they had any sense, and he had no one to say goodbye to, except perhaps Sky, who was too relentlessly optimistic to understand why he was leaving. Bunker down was all well and good, but with the heat out he wouldn’t make it a week, and freezing and starving were both equally low on his list of preferred ways to die. He spent every cent in his bank account on food that would keep, on heating pads, on loose electronics he could rig together. He stole Heimerdinger’s car, sure that his TA had other people to go to, because as much as he hated driving, going out into the elements unprotected was simply not an option. And then he drove to the biggest box store he could find, camped in the parking lot, and waited.
It hadn’t been terribly long.
The first night he’d fallen asleep in the car, it had been hard to tell he was dreaming.
He was in another car, a different build, sturdier, moving. There was the same snow out the window. Someone else was driving, Viktor wrapped in blankets in the backseat, and for once the storm roaring outside didn’t seem like such a death knell. He’d woken up cold again.
He understood as the storm moved in, and the distance between the car and the store seemed to disappear, why he’d been forever missing his soulmate. It wouldn’t have mattered how close he was. Any distance is unimaginable without the ability to cross it.
And once you’ve seen a storm like this, how could you dream of anything else?
Viktor dreams in white, too, now. His childhood home, his rooms, all washed over in snow. Even once the box store is abandoned and he drives Heimerdiger’s car up onto the sidewalk in front so he can break in he’s never quite sure that he’s asleep. He doesn’t want to dream, so he stays up for as long shifts as he can, working on sketches and trying to build schematics for machines, and it backfires, because he starts sleepwalking. He keeps hearing the voice calling out to him from the edge of sleep– Can you hear me can you hear me– and can’t bring himself to call back. What’s the point? What’s the point in finding him now? He doesn’t know why his soulmate is fighting so hard to be heard.
Can you hear me?
He’s sleepwalking again, or half is, the dreams slipping at the edges, so tired he’s starting to hallucinate. Snow over everything. Snow over the shelves.
Can you hear me?
There’s someone calling from outside, or maybe just inside his head, he can’t tell. He gives in and follows the voice anyway, just once. His feet almost stumble, the cane heavy in his hand as he follows the pull in his gut to the door. He could be going to his death, but he’s tired and heavy and nothing is working and alone, alone like he’d always thought he was. He wasn’t. This was a new kind of emptiness, like nothing he’d ever known.
He doesn’t want to be alone anymore, so he goes to the doors and pushes them open.
And there’s someone out there.
Everything stops. It’s not snowing– a temporary reprieve, likely, the sky still dark, but the night is open and empty and there’s a man standing in the parking lot, a single figure against the stark white of the world, and Viktor knows him before he opens his mouth to call–
He knows that voice. Viktor swallows, hard. The man in the parking lot is dressed in so many coats It’s amazing he can move, and almighty, his soulmate is stupid.
“Wearing so many layers that you sweat is a good way to catch your death.” He calls.
“Well what else was I supposed to do?” the man blusters, looking indignant. “Freeze?”
“Drive a car, you maniac.” Viktor’s face hurts from smiling.
“My car ran out of gas a mile out.”
“Well, that seems like a failure of planning.”
The man pouts at him, and oh, that’s unfair. He can foresee a lot of lost arguments in his future, he was going to be so weak to that pout.
He realizes, with a little jolt, that this is the first time he’s thought about his future since that first morning with his television set.
“Are you going to invite me in?” His soulmate calls, pulling him out of his thoughts, blessedly, and what a relief it is to even think those words. His soulmate.
“Presumptuous.” Viktor says, and then he just opens his arms, reaching out, and his soulmate runs to him, no hesitation, even stumbling a little in the ice, but Viktor doesn’t have a chance to laugh at him before he’s swept off his feet. He doesn’t think, he ignores the little jolt to his leg, he just throws his arms around the other man’s neck and holds on with no intention of letting go.
“Carry me inside.” He orders, muffled by the padding of all those coats, and his soulmate laughs.
“Can I get your name, first?” He asks.
He’s gently bundled off his feet and he looks up into those warm features, golden eyes.
“–what’s yours?” he asks, suddenly needing to know.
His soulmate smiles, and it’s like spring.
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americxn · 3 years
Run - part 2
warnings: violence  word count: 2300 a/n: as requested. btw you’re all so sweet, can you hear me crying??
Kai’s grip around the back of your neck was unforgiving as he hauled you out of the car, the grit of his driveway biting into your knees as you lost your footing and fell. Hissing in discomfort, you let him pull you up, both of you wordless as you let yourself be dragged up the front steps of Kai’s house.  The door was kicked open by Kai and you were shoved over the threshold, somehow managing to stay upright. You could make out quiet voices in the living room to your right, voices that fell silent as Kai slammed you to the hard wooden floor, landing a harsh kick to your ribs that left you gasping on the ground. And then you were being dragged again, Kai’s grip unrelenting as it tangled in your hair once more and you were pulled into the living room. When he let go, helping you to the floor with a shove, you were able to lift your head, meeting the cold stares of the cult members as they leered down at you, all of their faces painted with distaste. Your hands began to shake, knowing full well that the jealously and anger of the other members might well be allowed to turn physical at Kai’s order. Kai seemed to realise this too and he smirked, stepping forwards so that his scuffed shoes were mere inches away from your face. You didn’t dare move, your laboured breathing filling the silence of the room.  “Let me have a turn, Divine Ruler.” One of the men to Kai’s right spoke gruffly. It was silent for a moment before the sound of skin on skin impact thudded through the room. You grimaced, looking up slowly to see the member on the floor, cradling the side of his face and Kai sneering down at him, shaking out him knuckles. “None of you get to touch her.” He hissed. “I just want you to get a good look at her and keep it in mind to compare how she looks in a few days time. To remind you,” your shoulders shook violently as he raised his voice, “what happens when you scheme against me.” Footsteps sounded down the hall at the commotion, Beverly appearing moments later in the doorway. Her eyes landed on your cowering figure on the floor, filling with desolation before quickly becoming vacant. Her face went slack, her expression becoming as uncaring as the men crowded around you.  You knew she had to be careful to mask her emotions, otherwise she risked revealing that she had been the one to warn you of Kai’s pursuit of you. But the possibility that she hated you as much as everyone else in the room still stung as it cut deep.  You watched in silence as Beverly’s eyes drifted across the space, slightly to the left as you followed her gaze, every thought eddying from your pain-clouded mind as your stare settled on one of the cult members. Liam. Satisfaction filled your head as you regarded him coldly, glad to find that he looked just as terrified as you felt. A little smile formed on your lips. And then your body snapped into motion, moving before you had a chance to process your thoughts. You were on your feet in less than a second and upon the boy in two, the crowd parting with a cacophony as gasps as you lunged at the boy, knocking him to the floor and clawing his face, leaving deep marks in his skin with your nails. Blood spilled instantly, dripping down his pale face in stark contrast. The others scattered and started shouting but none of the moved, too scared to interfere as you yelled in Liam’s face, managing to land a few hard punches on his face. “You lying prick,” you screamed at him as his arms rose in a weak attempt to protect himself. You felt a strong pair of arms loop around your waist and you were pulled off Liam. To your utmost gratification, his face was bloody.  You bucked in Kai’s grip as he pulled you away from the trembling boy who was being helped to his feet by two other members.  “Let go of me.” You snarled at Kai, fighting to turn around in his arms, wanting to hurt him too. To hurt everyone in this room. “He lied!” You declared, trying to dig your feet into the smooth wood floor as you were hauled out of the room, Kai struggling to lift you up and flip you over his shoulder as you screamed insults at him, clawing at his back as he walked the both of you up the stairs.  Your fists bashed against his back in desperation, but to no avail. Kai kicked the door to his bedroom open before throwing you down on the bed, leaping upon you immediately. You were once again pinned beneath his considerable weight and he snarled at you to “stop fucking moving” as you writhed on the bed beneath him, your brain screaming at you to throw him off and go after Liam again, the boy who had lied at your expense and had gotten away with it. To spill more of his blood. “Y/N, STOP.” You stilled your movements, pulling feebly at your arms as they were pinned above your head.  “He lied, Kai.” You insisted, voice trembling in rage and fear. His face was cold above yours but you caught the glimpse of uncertainty that flashed in his eyes. “Why the fuck would I want to kill you? Why would I want to lead the cult? I can’t do that. I don’t want to do that and I know that you realise too, please, Kai,” you rambled on, “Liam came to me last week asking me to help him get out of the cult and I didn’t want him dead so tried to help him excuse himself from the meetings, Kai, you know I would never hurt you, I-”  “Stop,” he cut you off grimly as your eyes filled and overflowed with hot tears that stung as they worked their way down your face.  “You have to believe me. Please.” The last word was carried on a sob. “I said stop.” He repeated, firmly. You fell silent, chest heaving with the force of your weeping that you didn’t try to conceal.  “You’re telling me that he lied?” He spoke with a calmness that rallied the anger within you. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying.” You snapped at him, shrinking back into the bed at the warning that flashed in his gaze as he considered your words.  “I’ve been with you for years, Kai. Years. He’s been here for a matter of weeks.”  You tried to reason with him, your sobs quieting as you watched his gaze soften more and more with each word. “And he never would of accepted your offer if you hadn’t have promised him a place to stay. You know this, please, Kai.” Kai studied your tear and blood streaked face carefully and your chest swelled hopefully as his hand drifted to your cheek, caressing the side of your face softly.  But then his grip tightened on your face, his hand clenching onto your jaw painfully and you winced as he jerked you head back, exposing your bare throat to him. “If you’re innocent, then why did you run?” And with that he dragged you up, moving off you so that he could tug you by your face off the bed.  “No!” You screeched. “No, KAI, PLEASE.”  He lugged you across the room, to his closet, pulling open the door to the small space and slapping you hard enough to see stars before shoving you in. You let out an ungodly squeal as he slammed the closet door shut, the sound of the lock clicking into place a condemnation that summoned the most primal part of you.  You kicked at the door, slamming your fists against it repeatedly and pleading to Kai as he walked away, the sound of his bedroom door closing sending you into a panicked frenzy.  Your fingertips bleated in pain as you tore at the door, fists throbbing as they were pummeled against the hard surface repeatedly. But it was pointless, Kai was long gone. You sat back, heaving down air as you tried to calm yourself. “Please don’t leave me in here.” You whimpered into the unappeasable darkness. What if he just didn’t come back? What if he had decided that he didn’t need you around anymore and just left you to rot. The dark enclosed space was illuminated by the borders of light around the doorway and you lifted your shaking hands into the dim light, frowning as you saw that your knuckles were bloody and swollen. Helplessness like you had never known it settled over you and your body shook violently as the events of the past two hours finally caught up to you. The sound of your cries were smothered by the darkness of the closet as you curled your knees to your body and sobbed luxuriously into your hands. ____________________________✧・゚: *✧・゚:*_________________________________
Kai returned later that day, the light stinging your eyes as he opened the door and stared down at you blankly. You reluctantly met his gaze, your eyes puffy and face blotchy, unsure of how long you had been locked in the dark. Your gaze flicked down to his hand, seeing that he was holding a sandwich, which he presented to you, holding it out and watching you carefully as you extended an aching arm to take the plate from him. “No.” He said quietly, moving the plate out of your reach before taking the sandwich and chucking it onto your lap. You scowled as the contents spilled out of the bread, smearing onto your pants.  “I don’t trust you with the plate.” He explained quietly, tearing his gaze from you as he closed the door again in your face. “You’ll probably break into pieces and use it to cut your own throat or some shit.” He muttered, his voice muffled through the door. You took a steadying breath as the darkness closed in around you once more.  “Wai-wait.” You called after him as you heard his footsteps heading towards his bedroom door. Your voice was raw but he heard you, his foot falls halting. “Can I please have a glass a water?”  Kai was silent as he considered your question. But then he walked the last few steps to his door.  “Maybe tomorrow.” His words were cold, the sound of his bedroom door closing condemned you to silence once more. ____________________________✧・゚: *✧・゚:*_________________________________ Kai left you in his tiny closet space for days, only letting you see light when he came to bring you scraps of food, barely enough to keep your stomach’s incessant rumbling at bay. Your tailbone burned throughout it all, forcing you to shift your position every ten minutes, making sleep almost impossible. Any sense of time had long since evaded you and you were forced to sit in your own blood, piss and tears for god knows how long before Kai finally unlocked the door, holding a hand out to you silently and helping you to your feet. You looked at him, eyes dull as you held you upright, scanning your body and grimacing at the smell of you. You swallowed, apprehension building in your gut as you anticipated his next move.  His gaze softened. “It’s over now.” He assured you softly, bringing your head to his chest and embracing you tightly. You didn’t return his hug, fresh tears squeezing their way out of your eyes, wetting the front of his shirt as he held your head to him. Pulling back, he eyed you in concern as you stood motionless before him. You met his gaze. Was that...guilt? Frowning, you struggled to discern the emotions displayed on his face before you scooped you into his arms, pressing a careful kiss to your temple. You didn’t have the energy to protest as he carried you into the bathroom, setting you down on the counter beside the sink and tugging off your pants and shirt.  Exhaustion clouded your consciousness and you let Kai take control, allowing him to lift you down from the counter and leading you to his shower. He helped you wash, scrubbing the piss from between your legs and the blood from your hair. Kai apologised to you before peeling off your underwear and you cringed as you became completely exposed to him, but he consoled you softly as your face flushed and you began to protest weakly. Eventually you gave yourself over to him, the need for sleep weighing down on your body.  After he had washed every inch of you, you let him lead you out of the shower and wrap you in a warm towel, taking your hand to bring you to his bed. You fell asleep as Kai took up a hairbrush in his hand and struggled to work it through your knotted hair, letting you fall forwards onto the bed and making sure you were completely dry before folding the covers over you and leaving the room, allowing you to sleep deeply.  You were woken up several hours later by Kai who helped to sit you up and presented you with a large glass of water, not leaving your side until you had drained the entirety of the glass. “I’m fine.” You said to him sharply as he mother-henned over you, hurrying to his dresser and finding a warm shirt for you wear as you sat yourself up, using his duvet to cover your exposed chest. But Kai really didn’t seem interested in your body as he passed you the shirt and let you pull it on yourself.  You ignored him completely, scowling at the floor as you got dressed. “I meant what I said to you in the car.” He said quietly after several beats of silence as you pushed yourself to your unsteady feet. He took a glance at you as you had to take a moment to steady yourself on your feet. You knew what he meant, the accidental declaration that he had made. “Why the fuck would I kill someone I love?” The memory of this brought a glower to your face and you brushed past him as you exited the room. Without so much as turning to address him directly you bit out, “yeh? It’s going to take a hell of a lot to prove it to me, Kai.” He turned to follow you, a reply forming on his lips. But it was your turn to close the door in his face, your turn to cut off his words as you took the stairs the kitchen, a single clear thought occupying your head: Liam. 
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
Can u do a Tom Holland x black reader
Where there relationship has been secret for a while and reader confronts him while there with the ffh cast at a get together and they have a huge argument in front of everyone and reader starts to think he wants to keep her a secret because of what she looks like . Ending in fluff
Summary: huh-
Warnings: uhhhh- a dick thomas and a faking it andddd- NOW NOW NOW NANANANA NOW YÆS- jk fluff
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You wanted to not care, you wanted to act like your feelings weren’t hurt- but it wasn’t true, it wasn’t fair. You sigh and laid in bed with him thinking about everything you gave to him, everything you’ve done for him.....but he can’t even take you outside? What the fuck, no really. What the actual fuck.
Your blood boiled on the inside out, just looking at him clouded your mind with all these negative thoughts. You didn’t want it to happen but you couldn’t help it, and since you refused to shed a tear your head was pounding and lips slightly chapped. Hearing his moan made you jump a bit, turning your back to him as you acted sleep. “Y/n?” He whispered, turning enough to look at you and smiled, leaning over to kiss up your arm all the way to your cheek as he took his hand to rub your waist. “Y/n wake up, I wanna make you coffee” he chuckled, biting your ear before kissing it. You opened your eyes and tried best not to laugh, just something about getting caught always made you giggle.
“Hmm?” You let out when he pressed a kiss to your lips, “I wanna make you coffee” you smacked your lips and laid back down “Thomas I’m still tired” lie, you just wanted time to yourself to think about what your gonna do. “Pleaseeeee y/nnnnn!” He shook you and you groaned “fine” he smiled and bit your revealed shoulder making you squeal and try to wiggle him away leaving him laughing at you before he stood up and walked to the kitchen.
“Soooooo” he tried to ease the sudden tension sitting at the table, looking at you drinking the coffee. “Yes?” You looked up at him, placing the mug down. “Uh, I don’t know....just wanted to speak to you ya know?” “Nah I don’t” you shook your head and he furrowed his eyebrows at the mean comment, wondering what went wrong, but he knew better to bother you or else you’d go off the chain. “Zendaya wants to see you” Tom smiled, putting his hands in his lap and rubbing them together while he looked away from you. “Really?” You asked.
It was like a child and their independent, self centering father were talking....the silence loud and the father barely even caring...or at least that’s what it looked like. “Yeah, and so does Jacob, haz, Laura and tony” he cheered up, excited to see you happy. “When?” You grinned as he chuckled, “today, we have to go for lunch” he moved his chair closer to you and pressed a kiss on your forehead before holding your hand. “I love you so much, y/n” it wasn’t the first time he said that, but when he did it sent you unplesant chills as the angel and devil on your shoulders agrued.
‘If he were to love you then he would show you off’ ‘y/n no, he might be scared to’ ‘what is there to be so fücking afraid of, listen to me’ ‘stay positive! You both are gonna get there’ ‘you’ve been dating for multiple months, it’s not even fücking dating it’s like a fling at this point, just a longggg fling-‘
You cut them both out and looked at him “I-I” you choked. “Don’t worry you don’t have to say it, I already know you do” he chuckled.
‘What a cocky bitch’ ‘he just said he loves you!’ ‘He’s laughing at you because you can’t say three simple words’ ‘he’s not pressuring you into doing anything, listen to me!’ ‘You’ve been getting negative signs every single months, it’s time to fucking move on’ ‘just give him another chance! He can change!’ ‘He won’t y/n, he wont’
You didn’t know how to stick to, your angel couldn’t fight anymore because the your devil kept pointing out the larger things and storing up the pot, you chose angel this time and decided to give him one more single chance, after that it’s done. You know your worth.
You smiled up at him and put a kiss to his lips thanking him “it’s no problem princess”
After that whole shannanagin you washed the dishes and took another nap on the couch this time, you wanted to watch Disney+. Tommy woke you up and told you to get ready so you did, just something comfy like sweats and an oversized hoodie with some uggs, he wore jeans and a sweatshirt per usual. “You ready?” He asked watching you when you looked up and nodded, he smile and held his hand out for you to take and you put it there.
‘He’s using you!’ ‘He’s being nice!’
You told your conscious to shut up mentally and then poof they left, the ride was silent and playing some random songs that you couldn’t catch while he tapped his fingers on the wheel.
Once you came in the small quiet restaurant you all sat around the table saying hi to each other, tom sat next to you on the right and on the left was the boys while the rest of the girls sat across from you. Food was ordered and you all were chatting “sooo I see that you two are hanging out a whole bunch...what’s goin on?” Zendaya said. You looked at Thomas “no we aren’t together” he laughed “she’s a friend”
That hit so deep. To deep. You only nodded your head and filled your cheeks with air, Tom looked at you with a smile, his eyes happy too. “Yeah just friends!” You agree, “right” he said after, you released the air in your cheeks and bit the side of your lip. “Cool” Zendaya smiled and looked down at her plate.
Everything was normal for everyone else except you, the small people on your shoulders appearing.
‘I told youuuuu’ ‘y/n I never thought that I could agree with him’ your angel pointed to your devil ‘but I do, whatever needs to come it has to’ the devil perked up to the words, standing and walking to your ear before whispering all the things he’s done.
As you mind cakes up your eyes flare and nostrils perk and jitter, “I have to use the bathroom” you looked at Tom and he only shrugged but noticing the look in your eye he could tell somethings wrong. You stood and walked in the bathroom, your hands shook as you sat ontop of the counter, taking time to yourself to try and calm down but that’s all that you could think about. Trying to be respectful as possible.
Tom pretended to walk inside the men’s bathroom but instead came into the woman’s, seeing you stare at your hands. “Y/n?” He tried to be gentle. “What the fuck do you want, Thomas?” You looked up at him. “What-“ “get out” “tell me what’s wrong” he stepped in and the bathroom door closed by it’s self. “what’s wrong? We aren’t dating so what does that matter? Leave me alone” “I’m not leaving you a fücking lone, you need to get your act together so you can sit down with your fucking friends” he said sternly.
“What am I? Your fucking pet? Child? No the fuck I’m not!” You stood, walking over slowly. “I’ve tried my fücking best to ignore it, to suck it up, to hide it, but you fucking enrage me SO MUCH that I can’t help it!” “Shut up y/n your being to loud” “IM BEING TO LOUD? HERE ILL BE MORE FUCKING QUIETER!” You raised your voice louder.
Everyone’s eyebrows furrowed as they could hear your screams.
As you got closer he backed up more. “Y/n please-“ “what thomas? You dont wanna let everyone know what a fucking bitch you are? The fact that you LIE TO EVERYONE about our relationship”
At this point you were so blinded you didnt notice that you were infront of everyone.
“Why do you hide me away?” You genuinely asked, and suddenlyyou were crashed by a sudden rush of anxiety. “is it because i dont look like your past exes?” He was backed up against the table as you stopped right infront him, your eyes started to water as he didnt reply.
“Y/n i-“ zendaya harrison and jacob looked at tom too, it was clear what the problem was and zendaya was getting kinda mad and was waiting for an answer.
“Thomas” you begged and he had nothing, he said.... nothing.
Tears fell down his cheek as he watched you sniffle and rub your nose, grabbing your bag and running out.
Everyone watched him in silence as he leaned back into the table “excuse me” the lady gently said, tom noticed it wasnt his table so he only walked out of the store and waited outside.
He watched as you pulled out of the car but he didnt even feel like trying to make you come back, you do need to have some time to yourself.
“Fuck” he let out, wondering why he didnt say anything nor do anything. Harrison walked outside and sat next to him.
“Why?” He asked and tom looked at him. “I dont know i just felt like- i felt like my fans were gonna hurt her” “but you did” harrison pointed at tom “you didnt even give a chance and she stuck by your side for how long?” Tom told away and as he speaked he noticed how much of a dick he was......is.
You cried in the bed while you had your things out, getting ready to pack them up as you could barely breathe choking ob your sobs.
What did i do wrong? What did i do to deserve this? Should i change?
All these things running through your head and distracting yourself from putting your stuff up.
You ened up crying your ass off, crying it longer then the months that youve both been together, its all that you could think about honestly.
So when he came home you didn’t even notice your head hurt and your eyes stung, cuddling the pillow while your clothes were on the floor.
He hated seeing you like this, it made him cry and something he couldnt suck up, so when he saw you hurt and hearing your weeps it instantly hit him and made him come over and sit on the end of the bed, uncontrollable tears falling down his cheeks while he let out matching sobs.
You sat up and saw him, your eyes drying as they filled with hatred you stood and walked but tom beat you to the door, shutting it and locking it behind you.
You pointed to the door silently asking him to let you out but he shook his head refusing to. You walked up to him and tried to take his hand to pull him out the way but instead he forced his arms around your neck to hug you.
“Get off of me!” You yelled muffled. “No” he simply said, kissing your head as tears continued falling down his cheeks. “Get off- please get off!” You tried pushing him but he wouldnt budge.
“You can hit me, push me, whatever you want but im not letting you go” he gripped tighter speaking into your hair. “Fuck you” you muttered and he replied with a ‘i know’.
You both sat in silence all day and he was still hugging you but you didnt hug back until you calmed down, sobbing into his chest. “Y/n, you’re the one i want, you’re the one i need. So im begging you please... just dont leave me” he whispered starring at wall, his fingers touching your hair and trying to sooth you.
“Im scared your gonna leave me tom” you look up at him with your chin on his chest. He looker back at you “i cant even think of it, darling” he rubbed away your tears “but why-“ “i was scared” “what is there to be so afraid of?” “My fans are terrible... at least the 12 year olds” he chuckled “im scared they wont see the same beauty i see in my eyes, id rather keep you to myself then share you with this cruel world”
He reached down and kissed your forehead. “But youve been doing it for so long and-“ you sighed “i didnt feel like it was that long, you made me feel like-like you took it away. Like i could spend forever with you and it woukd seem like it was just an hour or so”
You gave him a weak smile and he returned it, reaching to meet his lips you did, the kiss salty from the shared tears but no one was complaining, you both laid in the bed and he cuddled right behind you, while you were sleep he took a picture and posted it with the caption ‘couldnt ever ask for anything better, love you y/n’
After that he shut off his phone and returned to your side and pressed a kiss on your neck before falling asleep, safe and sound.
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ziggystardust8675 · 3 years
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Pairing: Moriarty x reader
AN: Hey pals 👋 I've got more comfort fics outta the oven for y'all cause I'm a sad fucker :) this is sorta self-indulgent, whoops. (Also just btw I tried to make this as  gender-neutral as possible)
Summary: Your intrusive thoughts tell you lies but sometimes you need reassurance. 
Warnings: self-doubt, self-loathing, ya know the usual angst (if you ever need to talk my DMs are open, don't hesitate to reach out!)
You knew your family didn't mean the harsh things they said, but it still upset you whenever they made a comment on your ability to stand up for yourself. They just wanted what was best for you and you knew that even though it still stung. As a teen, you got good at hiding your emotions from them and it still came in handy as an adult. Sure it's not healthy but it was better than telling them how you felt, just thinking about that made you cringe.
That's exactly how it was going right now. You decided to pay a visit to your family, it was mostly just for supper and catching up. Of course, your family just had to make a comment though. You knew it wasn't intended to make you feel bad, they just wanted what was best for you, but it still made your mood drop. Luckily for you, they didn't notice! Guess you're just that good at hiding it.
As the night went on your mood never improved and your family never noticed. By the time you were going to leave you gave hugs and farewells before walking to your car. As soon as you shut the door your eyes filled with tears.
Finding your lap the most interesting thing to look at, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and texted James's burner phone that you were on your way home. He didn't come with you because he had some "business" to take care of, which you were kind of glad for so he didn't hear what your family had to say. You started your car and took a deep breath, you could sulk when you got home.
As you drove home you tried to push the growing anxiety down, are you 100% sure they love you? What if they just felt sorry for you? Did Jim see and hate your flaws? Did Jim wish you could stand up for yourself so he didn't have to worry? Did he find you a nuisance? Was he getting bored of you?  Oh god he probably hates me, I sure do... there's no reason Jim should have to worry about you, you should be able to take care of yourself, god why are you such a fool!?
You knew these were just intrusive thoughts and they shouldn't be taken seriously, but you just couldn't help but feel that way. It was stupid, you knew that, but why did you still feel like this?! All you wanted was to go home and wrap yourself up in a blanket and never crawl out.  
Upon arriving at your shared home with Jim, you parked your car and looked up to your beautiful home. It was more or less in the middle of nowhere to keep you and Jim safe, but you didn't mind too much, the countryside was beautiful. It was cheesy you knew that, but to you anywhere with Jim was home. 
Unlocking your front door, you could tell Jim wasn't home yet from the number of coats hanging on the hooks. You smiled at the thought of Jim coming home, hyped up from a kill, laying eyes on you and giving you a bone-crushing hug. That thought always made you feel better, it was a reminder that he loved you. 
You grabbed some pajamas and brought them to the washroom with you. Undressing you jumped into the shower ready to feel better usually, a shower would solve that. You poured some sweet-smelling shampoo and massaged it into your scalp immediately feeling so much better. 
As soon as you were done and had your pajamas on you could hear some movement downstairs. Smiling to yourself you went to greet Jim while also trying not to fall down the stairs. Once you were downstairs you immediately spotted Jim whose back was facing you. You ran to him and hugged him from behind, burying your face into his back. 
"Well someone's eager." He breathed, "I just missed you is all." your voice muffled from being smushed into Jim's back. You could hear him chuckle to himself before turning around and enveloping you in his arms. He gave you a bone-crushing hug just like the ones you so often thought about. 
You wanted this moment to last forever, but of course, intrusive thoughts never took a break. Immediately your content smile dropped and a question popped into your head, it was stupid you know but you just needed to ask. "Jim, do you still love me? Aren't you getting bored of me?" Jim's arms wrapped tighter around you, "Of course I still love you, my dear, and I could never get bored of you. Where are you getting such silly ideas? Did someone tell you this? Do I need to get rid of someone?" Now you just felt silly for asking. 
"No no, nobody said that to me... It's just my mind that tells me these things." "Well then, I need to help you then don't I?" You could hear the smile in his voice, he sounded so sincere that you couldn't help but believe him. You knew that Jim would always be there for you and you were grateful for that.
AN: Hey if ya liked that please consider rebloging, it really helps me out and thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it!
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notanacousticsetcal · 4 years
betty - calum hood
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summary - a story based off of the song betty by taylor swift -- one of my absolute favorites from folklore and the most beautiful little story :) (y/n) in the role of the icon betty. 
warnings - cheating
word count - 3k ish
mood board
a/n - check out the other 3 installments of the song series too! this piece is kind of out of the blue because I actually started it and finished it today which is extremely rare for me but I actually really like how it turned out. hope you guys do too. :) (def listen to this song -- its amazing). (btw this isnt the calum fic i was referencing in one of my previous posts, that one is still in the works.)
Betty, I won't make assumptions about why you switched your homeroom, but I think it's 'cause of me.
Calum sat in the back row, staring at Missy Grenshaw’s head feeling the hole in his chest grow larger. He glanced at your empty seat and frowned, his eyebrows scrunched together. 
He heard Mrs. Martin start attendance and when she skipped over your name, the hole grew impossibly larger. 
Calum tried to convince himself you switched because Mrs. Martin was a hard grader, but he knew that wasn’t the real reason.
He knew it was because you couldn’t stand to see his face. 
Betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard when I passed your house. It's like I couldn't breathe.
Calum listened to the sound of a distant lawn mower and the rustling leaves and inhaled the smell of someone barbecuing in their backyard, trying to calm himself. He almost turned around and went home, his stomach grumbling at the idea of dinner waiting for him on the dining room table, but he didn’t. 
He was only a block away from your house now. He pretended like he was riding down your street because it had the smoothest road, but Calum couldn’t lie to himself. Just knowing your room was in that house and knowing you might be sitting on your bed was enough to draw Calum near. 
He didn’t let himself stop in front of the brick fronted modest house, but he wanted to. His legs ached as he kept pushing. He secretly hoped the sound of his wheels would draw you to the window. He held his breath in anticipation, but nothing. Not even a subtle shift in the curtains. 
You heard the rumors from Inez. You can't believe a word she says most times, but this time it was true. The worst thing that I ever did was what I did to you.
“(Y/n)!” A familiar voice chirped from behind you. You turned on your heel to face your friend, Inez. She was your source of gossip always, even if it was almost always speculation and barely ever accurate. 
You weren’t expecting her sad features -- it alarmed you. “Are you alright, Inez? What happened?” You linked arms with her as you continued forward, heading for first period.
She nodded softly. “You aren’t going to want to hear this, (y/n).”
But if I just showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself or lead me to the garden? In the garden would you trust me if I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything but I know I miss you.
Calum tossed the tennis ball up and caught it. He laid on his bed, absentmindedly continuing to toss the ball up and down, his mind plagued with thoughts about you.
Your birthday was a week away. Calum let his mind wander off in endless possibilities. 
He knew how much he had hurt you and the guilt ate at him constantly. A day didn’t go by that he didn’t beat himself up for being so stupid. 
Nothing was worth more to him than your happiness and he knew that now. He would do anything in his power to fix what he broke, if you’d let him.
He wondered how you would react if he showed up on your doorstep that evening, a bundle of flowers in hand and an apologetic smile on his face. 
He wondered if you’d slam the door in his face and ignore his knocks and desperate pleas. 
Or if you’d hesitantly let him come inside, your guard up, and lead him to the garden to talk alone. If you’d let him ramble on about how stupid he was. About how badly he messed up.
About how much he fucking missed you. 
Your soft smile and your positive, bright disposition and your generosity and selflessness. The way your eyes squinted when you laughed and the way your hair smelled. 
Calum really fucking missed you.
But he knew he didn’t really deserve a second chance. And he was asking a lot begging for one. But he thought he at least had to try.
Or this mistake would haunt him for the rest of his life. 
Betty, I know where it all went wrong, your favorite song was playing from the far side of the gym. I was nowhere to be found, I hate the crowds, you know that. Plus, I saw you dance with him.
Calum walked into the school alongside you, your hand in his and a bright smile on your face. You loved dances and seeing all your friends dressed up -- Calum felt claustrophobic, but he would do anything to keep that smile on your face, so he tagged along anyway.
Immediately, you tugged him towards the dance floor and he followed hesitantly. After only a few moments on the dance floor, Calum excused himself to the sidelines. He watched your expression fall, but you understood. You would never pressure him into anything he was uncomfortable with.
Calum felt like he could finally breathe properly from the edges of the gym.
He watched solemnly as the DJ began to play your favorite song. Your features lit up and Calum couldn’t help but smile, too. He wished he could go in there and dance with you but just the thought of being squished in between so many people made his pulse speed up and his palms sweaty.
He watched Dean approach you, clearly nervous, and his hands turned to fists. Calum had half a mind to go over there and punch him square in the face. 
Calum knew he couldn’t do that, but he had fun imagining it.
Dean grabbed your waist, pulling you close, and Calum’s heart practically stopped.
He couldn’t take anymore, so with one last glance at your soft smile, Calum stalked off in an angry blur.
Calum knew if he had just asked, you would’ve reassured him it was only a dance.
Calum knew if he had just asked, everything wouldn’t have gone the way it did. 
I was walking home on broken cobblestones just thinking of you when she pulled up like a figment of my worst intentions. She said "James, get in, let's drive,” those days turned into nights. Slept next to her but I dreamt of you all summer long.
The sun beat down on Calum’s back and he couldn’t wait to get home. He’d run out of water long ago, riding his skateboard in the early summer heat. 
He stumbled home, skipping happily over cracks in the concrete, skateboard in hand. 
He thought about seeing you after dinner. Taking you to your favorite tree and watching the stars. Or… looking at you while you looked at the stars. He thought about the way you danced with Dean. He still hadn’t told you how much it bothered him so he just let the resentment boil up until it stung the back of his throat.
Calum heard tires screech next to him, a familiar face in the driver's seat. Her red lipstick shimmered in the direct sunlight. Her sunglasses reflected Calum’s awestruck face. 
“Calum, get in. Lets drive,” She said. Her lips quirked up into an inviting smile and Calum swayed hesitantly. “Aw, come on. I’ll drive you home.” 
Calum looked around at the neighborhood once more, checking for witnesses, and then finally climbed into the silver convertible. As soon as he got in, his heart fluttered with guilt. His eyes filled with images of you, hurting, and he almost got out. Almost.
There was Dean again, haunting Calum through memories, smiling down at you, holding you. Calum gripped his skateboard harder, his knuckles growing white.
Her voice was so inviting and her car smelled so nice. The air conditioning hit Calum’s warm skin and soothed it instantly. Calum stayed. 
Calum didn’t just stay, though. He could’ve forgiven himself for that. 
Betty, I'm here on your doorstep and I planned it out for weeks now but It's finally sinking in. Betty, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when you see my face again. The only thing I wanna do is make it up to you. 
Calum tossed and turned in his sleep, getting more and more frustrated with the nerves. He would face you tomorrow. It would determine the outcome of everything he had been wondering and worrying about for weeks. 
Tomorrow meant everything. He had one last night to drift into dreams about how you might react. The forgiveness or resentment. The smile or the tears. The hug or the shove. 
He drifted to sleep with images of you playing in his mind. In your favorite sweater, his hand in yours. 
Calum hoped with everything in him that you could see past his stupid mistake. But he prepared himself for the worst. You didn’t owe him anything. 
So, I showed up at your party. Yeah, I showed up at your party. Yeah, I showed up at your party. Will you have me? Will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends? If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings? I'm only seventeen. I don't know anything, but I know I miss you.
Calum straightened out his button down and shifted the flowers, watching a few stray petals fall loose and hit the pavement of your porch. He cleared his throat and listened anxiously while his heart pounded ferociously in his ear. 
He could faintly hear commotion from within the confines of your home but he couldn’t make out anything they were saying.
His shaky hand extended towards the dark wood door and he knocked twice.
Cars were parked a block or two down the street -- all of your friends had already arrived.
Calum could lie and say he meant to be the last person, but in reality, he sat in his car for 30 minutes gathering up the nerve to come over there.
He could see multicolored balloons lining the walls inside. He watched as a figure appeared through the window, the tint making the figure only a silhouette. 
The door began to open and Calum thought for a moment about running, but it was too late. Before he knew it, he was face to face with you again. For the first time in 2 months, you were looking at him and he was looking at you.
He watched as confusion and shock filled your eyes, and then disappeared, filling with pure curiosity. He didn’t notice any anger yet. 
“Calum?” Your voice was like sugar. Calum’s knees felt weak.
“Yeah, hi (y/n).” Calum coughed. “Happy birthday.”
There were a million things Calum wanted to say and that wasn’t necessarily at the top of his list. He mentally face palmed. Your eyebrows knit together. “Thank you?” You looked down at the bouquet of flowers in his hand. “Are those for me?” 
Calum looked down at the flower he almost forgot he was holding, too lost in your eyes to care about anything else. “Oh, yes. Yeah.” He stumbled, holding them out to you.
You took them without a word. 
“So um…” Calum started, wringing out his sweaty hands. “I was hoping I could talk to you for a minute.”
You turned around for a moment towards the chatter coming from the kitchen and then turned back to face him with a sigh. “Why should I say yes?” You didn’t look angry… just tired. 
Calum scratched the back of his neck anxiously. “You don’t owe me anything, I know that. I was hoping to apologize, if you’d let me. I know that I’m the biggest idiot on the planet and I broke your heart and there's no way I can go back and undo that, but I owe it to you to at least try to fix what I broke. You don’t have to let me, though. I wouldn’t be mad if you cursed me out or slapped me or slammed the door in my face. I deserve it. I hurt you, and I suck for that.” He took a deep breath staring at the ground.
Your eyes softened and you sighed. “Come on.” You grabbed Calum’s hand and tugged him into the house, shutting the door softly behind him.
Calum followed your lead as you stepped through the back door into the garden.
You’d planted more of the flowers you told him about months ago and Calum thought your vision was really coming to life. You pulled him to a small metal table in the corner and sat down.
Calum looked around again, taking in all you’d accomplished since you two last spoke. “It looks beautiful, (y/n).”
You sighed, proudly admiring the shrubs and greenery that surrounded you. “I needed something to take my mind off things so I kind of poured my soul into it.” You fiddled with your rings.
Calum knew he was what you needed to take your mind off of and that made him feel even worse. “What I did to you… it was unforgivable. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever done. I betrayed your trust and I hurt you in the worst way imaginable. That girl… it was nothing. It meant nothing.”
Calum watched you carefully as you took this in. Again, you didn’t look angry or sad — just emotionally drained. Numb. “I just… I guess I kinda just wanna know why. Was I… was I not enough?” Calum watched the tears well up that threatened to spill over and down your rosy cheeks.
He shook his head instantly. “No, no. Of course not. I spent a lot of time thinking about it because at first I didn’t even know. But I think I was just… jealous.”
You scoffed. “Jealous?” Calum blushed. “But of who?”
Calum inhaled deeply, prepared to completely embarrass himself. If it meant getting back on good terms with you. “Dean,” he muttered.
You couldn’t help but laugh. And not just chuckle — really laugh. “Dean? Dean Marshall. You were jealous of Dean Marshall?” You put a hand over your mouth to stifle the laughter. It felt nice to laugh after so many weeks of pain. 
Calum rolled his eyes playfully. “Yes, Dean Marshall. When he danced with you at the formal I was pissed.”
You stopped laughing, seeing the hurt in Calum’s soft features.
“You didn’t really think I was interested in him?... Did you?” You asked.
Calum looked down, playing with a loose thread on his trousers.
You let out a heavy sigh. “Oh, Cal. I never had any feelings for Dean.”
“Deep down, I did know that. It was some petty revenge thing in my head. I should’ve just voiced my pain and I know you would’ve reassured me. I was so dumb. I’ve never regretted anything so much in my life.” Calum finished with an exasperated breath and you smiled at his passion.
“Do you want to come in for cake, Cal?” 
Calum’s eyes shot up to read your face. You couldn’t be serious. You laughed at his eagerness and joy. “I would love to come in for cake,” Calum said easily.
You grabbed his hand, guiding him towards the back door and inside.
You ignored the series of gasps from your unsuspecting friends and found Calum a seat around the table. Nobody asked questions. They just smiled. If you were happy and safe, then they were happy too.
After some time, the sun was nearing the horizon and friends were bidding their goodbyes.
Calum hadn’t taken his eyes off you all night.
Your stomach tingled in anticipation whenever you caught his gaze.
Calum got a text from his mom saying she needed him home, so he begrudgingly headed for the door, his hand in yours.
“Happy birthday, again,” he whispered in your ear. 
“Thank you for coming today. It must’ve taken a lot of guts.” You laughed at Calum’s expression.
“You have no idea. But I'm so glad I did it.” He looked down at you fondly and you felt as if your knees might give out.
Before you could stop and think about the consequences, you were leaning closer and so was he.
Your noses barely brushed and the air around you was heating. It felt like everything between you two was leading up to this very moment — this very kiss. 
He stooped down a little lower, pressing his lips gently onto yours. You felt a rush of emotions. You had missed him all this time. You felt ready to try again - slowly building a mutual trust between you two again.
His lips folded over yours at a steady pace. It was soft and not rushed. It was perfect.
When he pulled away, your lips tingled at the absence of his. 
You were startled by the sudden applause.
You friends had gathered in the hall and watched the entire thing. You hid your face in Calum’s shoulder.
Standing in your cardigan. Kissing in my car again. Stopped at a streetlight, you know I miss you.
You slipped into Calum’s car and he smiled fondly. He hadn’t been this happy in so long.
You grabbed his sweater -- the one that had once been yours -- and felt it between your fingers. “You still have this old thing?” 
He smiled, his cheeks glowing a faint pink. He looked adorable with his curls tumbling down across his forehead. “It smells like you.”
You planted a gentle kiss on his cheek.
He had missed you. But he didn’t have to anymore.
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Meeting the parents
Anon asked:  Hi I was wondering if I could request tanaka and noya (separate) going to watch his girlfriend's volleyball tournament cuz shes on karasunos girls team and after a really close match where the point go into the thirties and everyones ecstatic about karasunos win they run down to the court to give thier girlfriend a lift in the air hug and kiss only to realise that her parents hadn't met them yet and saw the whole thing and get to meet them and absolutely love them. FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THIS ASK. |  Hi again sorry I left this out but can the tanaka's girlfriend's position on the team be libero and she's just as talented as noya if not better. AGAIN SORRY IF THE ASK IS TOO LONG FELL FREE TO IGNORE IT IF IT'S STUPID love ur writing btw hun💖💜💕💖❤️💜💜💖
Hi  and thank you for requesting with us, I know you weren’t anon before, but I forgot to tag you, so I hope you see this! This is a cute concept and I’m glad that you asked us to do it, it’s not stupid at all! It will be a collab between Admin Ko and I, so I hope you like it!
>Admin 𝕋
Thank you so much for requesting with us~! This is literally the cutest thing that we both decided to pitch in! ;; We hope you seriously enjoy these as much as we enjoyed writing them~!
» » Admin Ko
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The game was at match point. Both teams were sweaty and panting, the number going into the thirties, and it was becoming tedious to even try to run for the ball. But (y/n) didn’t want to give up, not yet, they were so close to winning, just one more point and they would have the game and the tournament. And with shaky legs, and a thundering heart, (y/n) watched as the ball fell into their court, dropping at a fast pace, but not fast enough for her to miss it, and with a gust of energy, (y/n) launched herself across the court and managed to bump the ball back into play, then watched her teammates spike it onto the other side’s court floor, thus gaining a point.
The whistle blew. They had won.
The crowd roared with noise, clapping and screaming loud. Getting up from the hardwood, (y/n) joined her teammates in a winning circle, jumping up and down in triumph. The audience got out from the bleachers and joined the players that had won, some others joining the losing side, giving them a pat on the back for their best efforts.
As (y/n) clapped and laughed with her team, she heard her name being called. Turning around, a boy just a little bit shorter than her crashed into her chest, wrapping his arms around her midsection and spun her around excitedly.
“You did it! You won! I’m so proud of you, you were so freaking cool!” Nishinoya exclaimed, setting his girlfriend down and taking her face in his hands, staring into her eyes with mirth. “I knew you would win!” he then started pressing light kisses all over face, from her cheeks to her forehead. 
“No! Let me have this, I just want to keep kissing you for all eternity!”
“Do you really want to do that in front of my parents?” she said. Nishinoya instantly stopped his incessant kissing and pulled her head back from his lips.
“Uh no? That would be incredibly weird. What kind of kinks do you have?” 
“I believe she means that we’re behind you.” a voice Nishinoya didn’t recognize; it send chills of fright up his spine. He let go of (y/n)’s face and quickly turned around to see a man and a woman, older, one with a smile and the other with a grim frown.
“Yuu, these are my parents. Parents, this is Yuu,” she told them, taking a hold of Nishinoya’s shoulders tightly so he couldn’t run. Sweat dripped off his temple as he smiled nervously, bowing slightly.
“N-nice to meet you Mister and Misses (l/n).” he greeted, stuttering a bit. He could hear (y/n) giggling quietly behind his back. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you Nishinoya. (y/n) had told us so much about you.” her mom announced, taking hold of Nishinoya’s hand and shaking it gently. (y/n)’s father, on the other hand, kept glaring at the boy.
He felt like he was turning into ant, small and could be easily stepped on, with the way he was staring him down. “Yep! Boyfriend, he is! Great, he is!”
“What are you Yoda--Ow!” Nishinoya got jabbed in the ribs by (y/n).
“How about lunch, so we can get to know each other?” her mother suggested, looking to her husband for an agreement. He was silent for a moment before grunting an affirmative and leaving, most likely to the car. “Okay! Let’s go! Nishinoya, you come with us, and (y/n) will meet us there!” Miss (l/n) said, and walked away.
“Am I okay going to be okay?” Nishinoya asked (y/n), her laughing at his scared expression. 
“You’re going to be fine. Just-- don’t talk a lot until I get there.” she warned him, pushing him on the back to make him follow her mom.
“I’m going to die.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · 
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Adrenaline pulsed through her veins. Her gaze sharp and unrelenting as (e/c) hues bore deeply into the yellow and blue ball flying around the court. 
“One touch!” 
The call that was cried out had her shifting on her feet quickly as she settled in her position before bumping the ball over to their setter. A bright and obnoxious cheer radiated through the roaring crowds as a little grin graced her sweat matted features. 
“You really need to tell your man to take it down a notch.”
“I’ve tried to tell him to, but he kinda just...has a mind of his own.”
A light laugh escaped her lips as she apologetically smiled at her captain before turning back to give the chaotic duo a stern glare. The male in question, who was just as loud-- if not louder than his partner in crime-- gave a cheeky grin in return as he flashed her a thumbs up.
“That’s my girl! Kick their asses baby!”
“Orrraaaa!!!! This is the power of Karasuno!!!”
Another sigh left her lips as she couldn’t help but fondly shake her head at her boyfriend and his best friend. Though as the sharp squeak of the whistle resounded throughout the air, her focus returned tenfold as found her body moving on it’s own to properly prepare for the receive from the enemy team.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Fatigue plagued her as her adrenaline high began to wear down on her. With the scores in the double digits and nearing the thirties,she wasn’t sure how much she could hold out before her legs gave out on her. Yet the determination that burned in her gaze gave none of it away as she focused on the ball once more. 
Suddenly, she couldn’t hear anything. Her gaze soley focused on receiving the damn power serve from the opposing team’s setter as she prepped her body as everything around her vanished. The blue and yellow ball being the only thing in her sights as she let out a slow breath before cleanly bumping the ball to the setter. The roar of the cheers almost deafening as her arms stung at the blow dealt to them.
Though she couldn’t focus on the pain as she rushed around, her eyes never leaving the ball until the chirp of the whistle echoed throughout the court. Her body relaxing as she turned to look at the score before she felt a pair of arms wrap around her tired form.
“That was so fucking amazing! My girl! My baby!”
“Ryu...you’re crying.”
“These are tears of joy! I’m so proud of you!”
The smile that graced her features had the wing spiker of Karasuno’s boys team blush as he tugged her in close. His gaze nothing but warm and loving as he grinned at her before the pair found themselves kissing one another. Her teammates cheered while cooing as Noya merely cackled. A look of pride on his face before he gulped as the libero tapped his best bro on the shoulder.
“Uh, look I don’t wanna ruin your kissing time, but I think her parents are glaring at you.”
“Oh shit-- Babe I forgot to mention that my parents were at this game..”
“......It was nice knowing you both, tell Asahi to pray for me.”
“Babe! It’s not that bad! We’ll just explain to them!”
“I’ll be sure to give you the dopest funeral man.”
“Ryu! Yuu! It’s not that serious! I promise it won’t be that bad!”
“(y/n)! You have some explaining to do~!”
The sound of a body hit the floor as she couldn’t help but sigh exasperated at her dramatic boyfriend as Nishinoya simply prayed.
“....Nice kill.”
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kunstellation-one · 5 years
Can you do one where you and mark had an argument and you give him the silent treatment. Which results in him making you pay for the teasing??? Btw I love your writings lol 💗
• ohhh. yes. mark is always so soft and kind, except when he’s furious, and then and only then does his hard dom side come out. it’s fucking hot.
• and thank you! ♥ i try my best in all my writings, smut or not, to paint a vivid picture. i hope this one is the same :)
• [i wrote this while i was at work so if you see any edits, it’s because i went home and saw something i wanted to change.]
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Whenever the two of you fight, whether it’s about how he never comes home on time or how he’s too sweet to other girls that aren’t you, you always resort to giving Mark the silent treatment. It’s the only way he knows you’re truly, actually mad. And he always comes back to you with flowers and soft kisses and apologies, especially when he’s the one in the wrong.
Your latest argument is pretty minor– just a burst of frustration on his end, one of the strings on his favorite guitar snapping just as you’d come in to ask him about what you should wear to your friend’s party at the club that night. Normally, he’d actually put in the effort to help you choose a dress, and compliment you on your makeup and your accessories, but instead he looks up at you, jaw taut, and snaps, “Does it really matter?”
Stung, you glare at him, trembling. Nevermind that he already looks shocked by his own outburst, already reaching out to you to apologize– the words have already done their damage.
“I’ll be in the car,” you mutter, shutting the door behind you. You slip on your reddest dress, your favorite lip gloss, and you revel in how good it looks on you. Mark turns bright red when he sees you like this, but you brush him off before he can say anything.
On the short drive to the party, you deny his attempts at conversation. You let his hand sit restlessly on the gear shift, and you look out the window instead of at him.
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But when you dance, there underneath the flashing lights, it’s for him. Not for the stranger who’d offered you a drink, or slipped you his number on a paper napkin, or your girlfriends egging you on. You feel his eyes following the sway of your hips, the way your dress rides a little too high on your ass, the way your lips glisten with tequila and salt.
The empty shot glass in his hand tells you that you’ve hooked him. Mark doesn’t drink much, really only drinks socially or when he needs the liquid courage.
Not once do you tear your eyes from his. And when the music lulls, and your partner walks away thinking you’ll be waiting for him when you come back, Mark takes his place.
You don’t look at him, only accept the way his hands land on your waist and pull you back to grind against him, lips brushing your ear as he growls, “Did you have fun, pretending that guy was me?”
You shudder, relishing the way his hot breath tickles your skin, but don’t stop dancing. In the middle of the bodies moving to the music, no one can see when his hands slip low to squeeze your ass. “Baby… I know what you’re doing.”
He kisses your throat, and scrapes the skin with his teeth, then spins you around to face him. “Is this what you wanted?” His eyes burn with lust, and you think he’s about to kiss you. And though it’s what you want, for him to put you in your place and fuck you senseless on the spot, of course, you’re not going to let it be that easy.
With a sweet smile, you walk away to join your friends at their table, leaving him there, swearing softly to himself as you saunter away.
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You step out of the shower and make the decision to do the rest of your routine in Mark’s room. He’s sitting at his desk in the corner, facedown in his arms, but you know he’s watching when you sit on his bed and begin drying your hair with a towel, humming a tune to yourself.
When you pull your legs up to slather lotion on them, and he catches a glimpse of your dripping core, he snaps.
In one breath he crosses the room and pins you to the bed. His lips graze yours, but he doesn’t kiss you. “Fuck you,” he mutters.
“For what?” 
Breathless, you strain against his hold, but he’s always been so much stronger than you. He grabs your hand and presses it to the erection bulging against his pants leg. “This. All night.”
“Does it really matter?” you murmur, repeating his own words back to him with a smirk.
He growls, and then he crushes his mouth against yours, tearing the towel from around your body and bringing you down to your knees at the foot of the bed. He unzips his pants and frees his thick length from his boxers. He’s dripping with arousal, the head of his cock beading over.
“I’m not going to ask you more than once,” he says in a low, rough voice that makes your lips part in awe. “Suck.”
“Mark–” you start, trying to get up, but he doesn’t let you. Instead, he fixes you with a glare that makes you tremble in excitement. He’s always been soft and gentle in bed, with some rougher moments, but the darkness in his gaze now is anything but those things.
So you obey. You wrap your lips around his hardness and take him deep into your throat, his hand tangling in your head and pushing you down on the base of his length. You breathe in deep through your nose, and you swallow. The sensation makes him moan from above you.
Encouraged by that noise, you pull back, wetting your lips with spit, and then wrap your hand around him, focusing your tongue on the sensitive nerves on the head of his cock. 
He doesn’t spare you, fucks your mouth like he owns it. Even as you struggle for air, letting him use you, you lick and suck him until he twitches in your mouth, and he cums with a guttural groan, hot liquid filling your mouth.
“That’s a good girl,” he purrs, stroking your face. “Swallow.”
Though the taste makes you wince, you swallow, and he leans down to kiss you, with the taste of himself still on your tongue. Languidly, slowly, gently.
Then he lifts you back onto the bed, and wraps the towel back around your body.
Stunned, you gape at him as he tucks his still half-hard length into his pants.
He glances at you, and chuckles darkly, then leans in to whisper, “Maybe next time, baby, we should talk it out, and I won’t have to pay you back for the teasing you did all night.”
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sdfghjkl this is not where i meant for it to go but uh if you’re feeling a little denied, just like y/n is, i’m going to write an alternative ending to this because i just realized there’s another ask similar to this one ;)
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 4 years
I have a ton of insomnia writing in the drafts, so time to start unloading some of it. The usual “as is” rules apply, and I’ll try to keep most of it under the cut,
It just occured to me that I actually have one piece of good advice to give:
If you challenge someone to a duel, ALWAYS have a witness for the fight!
I learned this the hard way when I was a little girl. But to understand why I felt the need to even duel someone, you need to understand the background.
When I was a little girl my family lived in our house in town, which meant until I was 9 I was running around with a gang of kids. I say “kids”, but I pretty much mean boys. There were a couple of years during that time when a girl was inthe neighborhood, one being one of the best friends I had in my life and the other....not, but almost the entire time I was the only girl in the neighborhood.
Now some folks think being the only girl would be terrible, but in a lot of ways it was fine. Kids are kids, rampaging around the neighborhood, and thanks to my family I never felt things should be “girl stuff” and “boy stuff”. I just played.
 In fact, at times being the only girl even gave me a curious power position. I knew “girl things” they didn’t. I can still remember the shock on the face of one of the boys when I tried to explain that I didn’t just piss outside like them because of anatomical differences. He just assumed girls had dicks too. 
BTW, groups of very little boys can get awfully competitive about their dicks. Not that they called them that. They honest to god called them “ding-a-lings”! LOL  In fact, a few times they even had a contest where they would line up with their pants dropped wanting me (the only one that was exempt)  to decide which looked “best”. Remember, at the time we were very little kids, so the concept of “best” was exceptionally vague.** I hope I didn’t give any of those boys a lifelong complex because of something I said in all innocence! But geez, they were obsessed with the idea that whatever hung between their legs was very, very important.
Anyway, running around playing being a girl among boys wasn’t bad all the time. Heck, while the boys could fight over who got to play Han and Luke when we played “Star Wars” or Mark and Jason when we played “Battle of the Planets”, I always knew I wouldn’t have to compete for my part in the games. Though I’m still a little irked to the way their only solution to Gargantuas in War of the Gargantuas being both male was I’d play “the green Gargantua’s wife, at least we always found a way even if what we were playing didn’t have a token girl.
All that being said, there were real disadvantages too, especially as the bots came to learn the rules around gender. I was a girl. They knew it and at times they would think it meant I was supposed to defer to them. This led to many a fight and tears.
For instance, once one of the boys got a BB gun. 
Naturally we all wanted to take turns using it in a makeshift backyard shooting gallery. Trouble was, as far as they were concerned girls weren’t supposed to shoot. Now considering all the toy cap guns they borrowed from me when we played, and the gun I had that shot cork balls had been the envy of all the kids*** until this BB gun, it seems crazy they would think girls weren’t allowed “real” guns. I begged a turn, outshot them all, and never was allowed to touch the gun again. ****Having a girl be the best shot kinda stung for them! LOL
The boys would do this now and then, throw me for a loop with “you are a girl” as a reason I should or shouldn’t do a thing. Being a “sissy” was a common insult used among the kids. A kid should be tough and brave, try never to get crying or show weakness, or sometimes they would even use “like a girl” as an insult. 
I learned that my “girly” side was more of a target, so I got so in the toy chest in the living room I kept the guns, cars, blocks, etc for the boys to use, but kept hidden away in my bedroom the girly stuff like dolls. In fact I kept things like play makeup buried in drawer where no one could find them...
Yes, I was a girl, both in my personal identification and as the whole world saw me, and yet I hid my “girl stuff” like a teenager hiding drugs or dirty magazines. It was the big drawback of usually being the only girl. The girly side of being a girl was something to be quiet about.
So grew up thinking that the way to impress a guy was to be strong, tough,  smart, brave, and not at all squeamish. If boys admire each other for not being a sissy, then certainly they would admire a girl for being that way.  
Oddly enough, never once did a boy reciprocate my crushes because I wasn’t a sissy. Oh, they would like me for it, but it was seeing me as one of the guys and never as romantic potential. Or maybe not oddly. I may be hetero CIS female, but the world sees me as not girly enough in my presentation to quite believe me.
TBH, I still have a problem with that. I never learned the rules of being girly. I never was taught how to put on makeup, do hair, know about fashion, move in that swaying hips and crossed ankles when you sit kind of way... 
And down deep I don’t want to have to put on that act. I want to be me. I want someone to love me without makeup or styling, not because of the clothes I wear or because of skills with flirting games. I want to be loved for me, and girly is only part of me. Part of me is walks in the woods where I photograph snakes and spiders. Part of me is climbing in the roof to repair a leak or taking apart the hot water heater to figure out how to fix it....
I have always been a combination of things. Things like how I like romantic comedies and horror films, I picked out my antique sword because it felt like it would swing in my hand well and it had little flowers on the hand guard, or how I love classical and punk.I never wear dresses during the day, because they aren’t practical for my rough and dirty life, plus  they can make you very vulnerable. And yet at night I always wear the prettiest nightgown I can find. I had a unique “Captain’s Canopy Bed” as a child, because I loved both the captain’s bed (a bunk woth drawers under it billed as a “boy bed” by people that gender everything) and longed for a canopy bed. My father sensibly combined the two for me. To me it has never been about a contradiction or conflict, but just that different aspects manifest under different circumstances. 
I really can’t understand why people are expected to fit into catagories neatly, label themselves, force themselves to deny parts if themselves just to belong. Still,  I expect I would be happier if I could have at least forced myself to fake it.
Anyway, the boys were learning girls were “supposed” to be a certain way, and I was constantly insisting this wasn’t true. They would pick on me amd we would fight. Oddly, this “girls can’t” attitude never applied to fighting. They never went easier on me because I was a girl. 
Once they got me treed and the henchman boy was told to go get something to hit me with. I warned him not to, but he didn’t listen. As he went to get the weapon I lept out of the tree in a tackle, and began punching him. My grandmother ran out shouting for me to stop. “It’s not ladylike!!” she cried, while  I shouted back in frustration “They were going to hit me!!” 
Don’t worry, I wasn’t punished. Grandma..well, it’s complicated with her...and my parents would never punish me for something like that. Years later Mom would admit she and Pop were proud if me after that fight. “The boys picked on you so much I was glad you hit them”...
Hmmm, now that I think about it, Mom’s most common response to sexist attitudes in movies and tv shows is to grumble “Oh hit him!” Folks have no idea about Mom’s violent side, the part that watched Xena: Warrior Princess and sighed “I always wanted to be able to leap around and fight like that!” People think she is “sweet”, when Pop was always the family softie! LOL
As we got older, the sexism of the boys got worse and so did our conflict. One boy, a year older than me and the oldest of the usual gang, was the worst. His own mother was a rather strong and independent person, so it was almost confusing how he could be that way. As far as he was concerned the social structure was thatthe older the boy the higher the rank, and girls were at the bottom. It was inevitable that one day their would be an explosion.
The final straw came over, of all things, me wanting to make our gang of friends into a club. It was all the fault if a kids magazine called Dynamite, that put out a book on making your own club, complete with membership cards printed in a fold out of the cover you could cut out. It sounded like a great idea. It wasn’t.
To be honest, I shouldn’t have been at all surprised. By this point the oldest boy had gotten to be a complete pain about gender roles, but also about me in particular. My first day of kindergarten he’d been the only person I knew all day, so when I passed him in the hall I’d said “Hello”. The boy next to him asked who I was and he said “I don’t know!” right in front of me. I had started to consider our “friendship” differently after that, and his now increased insistence that boys were superior increased the rift.
To make matters worse, the boys had developed some sort of age based ranking. When I invited the oldest boy’s little brother to come to the club meeting too, the guy had been outraged. It had seemed natural to me, I mean I invited my little brother. I always wanted to include everyone. To the boys, the younger boys didn’t count and the older you were the more power you were “supposed” to have.
Now for the club I’d fixed up a corner of the shed out back. I put up posters, made a candle (I just loved making candles and melting wax when I was little...us GenXers lived dangerous lives!LOL), set up chairs and a table, had refreshments and, of course, the membership cards. I couldn’t wait for them to show up.
Once the boys arrived I said it was time to elect officers. Immediately the oldest boy announced there was no need and started to pass out the cards. He said he would be president because he was oldest, my favorite boy would be vice president, the thieving henchman would be treasurer because he was next oldest, the other boys would be just members, and I would be...secretary. 
Oh he was glad to explain. Girls are always secretaries. Only girls can be secretaries. Girls can never be president. The other boys accepted this.
Naturally I was outraged. This was NOT right! We were supposed to vote! And we were supposed to vote for who would be best for the job, not who was oldest or a boy. Girls CAN be president! And besides, the club was my idea and the clubhouse in my yard so I shouldn’t be stuck being the stupid secretary without even voting!!!!
There was a lot of shouting after that. The boys stormed off, taking the cards with them. I went in the house to take the refreshments, and the boys snuck back to trash the place. They tore the posters, smashed my candle, and turned over the furniture. 
I cried.
I was also furious.
I was beyond fed up with the oldest boy and his assumption of leadership. Now my favorite boy did apologize, but he was always the nice one. The others were unrepentant. The oldest boy insisted he was right that girls could never lead. 
There was only one thing left to do: Challenge the oldest boy to a duel.
I went right up to him and said I’d had enough. I was challenging him to a fight. One on one, just him and me. No weapons, just our strength. The winner would be the leader of the kids.
I know it’s absurd, but since physical fighting is what they valued I figured I had to go with it. Actually, if anything, a fight would be skewed in my favor. While the boy was a year older, I was a head taller. Where he was lanky, I’d gotten to be a sort of muscular and agile fat.***** Physically the avantage was mine, an since refusing to fight me would be so embarrassing to him I knew I’d get the fight. 
He agreed, and then I made a very stupid mistake. I decided to show him a bit of mercy. Since losing to a girl would be so humilating, I set the time and place where we would meet alone for our fight. I wanted to win, to make my point, but  I wasn’t trying to shame him.
And so the time came. We met in a back yard, in clear area  hidden from windows in case an adult was looking by trees. I wish I could tell you some dramatic blow by blow, but honestly I remember it as very quick. He fancied he knew fighting moves, got into a pose, and I flattened him. Almost admittedly I had him pinned to the ground where I sat on top of him until he admitted I had won. 
I went home overjoyed. This lasted until the kids got together. I, oh so foolishly, assumed I was now leader. The boy, however, was not about to give up power...or tell the truth. 
As an adult I realize my naivety, but at the time I was 7 or 8. I honestly had believed the boy would have been honest. I always told the truth, so why wouldn’t he? And since we had made a sort of “official” deal, he would be obliged to tell the truth. 
He lied. Right there, right in front of me, he lied. 
The boy announced he had won. I said he was lying, that I had won, and he laughed. Of course he had won. He was a boy. Did the boys really think  a girl could beat him?
 I offered to fight him again right there, but he refused saying he’d already won. I couldn’t get him to feel pressured to fight me again because now the boys wouldn’t really want him to. On some level I think they believed me and knew I would win if we fought again. As long as they didn’t see me clobber him they could pretend the boys “deserved” to be in charge. They needed the lie as much as he did.
And so I learned a lesson: witneses matter. People will almost always lie if the truth threatens them. 
You know, I think this is why I have always been obsessed with watching when something horrible is happening. I always had this feeling that even when I can’t help, I can be there for the person in some way. I’d listen, watch, and remember. When I was 9 I stood in the snow, no coat and no socks, waiting until a man was removed from a crashed car because I didn’t want to “abandon” him. I would report teachers that did something incredibly wrong, even though I knew the teacher would deny it and I knew my classmates were too afraid to back me up, because the truth had to be known. I wanted to be the witness I needed for that fight, someone to back me up when no one wants to hear the truth.
As a footnote, after the duel failed I tried one more way to defeat the oldest boy: Voodoo!
Well, voodoo by way of a book I’d been reading. It wasn’t real voodoo, or probably like any realistic magical practices. In the book someone had carved a skull into a tree, written someone’s name under it, and the  hammered a nail into the center of the skull with devastating consequences to the victim. I had a pocket knife and a nail, so I gave it a go.
Sadly voodoo didn’t work. 
Even more sadly the boy grew up to move away from this hick town, get a good job, get married and have kids. In other words, he got a far better life than I’ve had. Oh well, the universe never cares about fairness.
** Actually one boy always won, because TBH I liked everything about him best.
***Hilariously, one of the boys tried to steal my cork gun, claiming it was his. Pop had engraved my name in the gun sight, and when my father pointed at to ask what it said, the boy claimed it was his name! That boy was never very bright, always dishonest, and a born henchman! LOL You know, I bet that toy gun would have been illegal to make just a few years later, just because it literally fired things. Heck, maybe it already was and had been sitting on the store shelf for years before I got it. We couldn’t find one like it a coulle years later for my little brother.... 
****I want to point out being a good shot runs in the family. Back in the 1960s when my family had to shoot for self defense (long story) Mom was apparently a crack shot. On one side of her family she has had relatives that were at times the official best shot for their branch of the military. One, even as an old man in poor health, liked to show off how he could selectively shoot off small tree top branches a long diatance uphill from him. Plus, Mom likes to mention she is distantly related to Annie Oakley, which is apparenty true.
*****Traumatic stuff happened when I started school, triggering a bunch of sudden changes with me. One was weight gain, but I had stayed strong as ever. 
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Could you write something where 80/90s Bri has a girl a whole lot younger (within legal age of course) and she’s like being harassed for her age wherever they go together and then Bri finally has enough and shuts that shit down with paparazzi/trash journalists? Thanks!! Btw you’re writing fucking slapsssss
So, I’ve combined this one and this ask: Hey! Can you do an imagine where Bri and his girlfriend (reader) have a baby and they’re so happy and in love but people give them shit for not being married yet?
Hope you like, love!
You’d had a very nice visit to Garden Lodge. Freddie, Jim, Phoebe, and Joe all adored your new little girl, who you and Brian had named Melanie. It was fascinating to watch the cats interact with her and you all laughed when they were startled by her little noises. 
“Oh, God,” Jim said as he looked out the window. “The press has arrived.”
“The bitches,” Freddie complained. “Do you want to sneak out the back, Brian?”
“No, the car is parked out front,” Brian said. “D’you want to wait them out, love?”
You shook your head. “We can’t. We’ve got to get back so I can pump.”
He sighed. “I suppose we’ll have to be brave then, won’t we?”
“We can handle it,” you said, smiling at him. “Together as always.”
He took your hand and pressed his lips to it.
Freddie grinned. “You two are entirely too sweet. I could put you in my tea.”
“We’ll get out of your hair, Fred,” Brian said with a chuckle. 
“Thanks for bringing the little dear by,” Freddie replied. “She’s beautiful.”
“Thanks, mate.”
You and Brian started toward the door, Melanie in her carrier, which you covered with the shade and a blanket. You didn’t want the paparazzi to get any photos of her face. You took a deep breath as you headed for the gate, where the cameras were already flashing and voices were firing questions your way. Brian put his arm around your shoulders and you emerged into the onslaught.
“Brian, how do you respond to the people saying Y/N is much too young for you?” asked on reporter.
Brian ignored her.
“Y/N,” she pressed. “How do you feel about being with a man nearly twice your age?”
You walked on, following Brian’s lead.
“Y/N, there are rumors you went after Brian because of who he is,” said another. “Any truth to that?”
Tears stung your eyes as you tried to keep walking.
“Brian, any plans to marry her? Make an honest woman of her?”
“Y/N,” said a woman with a cruel smirk on her face. “Tell us, did you have a baby with Brian to further trap him when you ultimately leave him?”
You froze, absolutely stung by that, and grabbed Brian’s arm. You hid your face behind him so the cameras wouldn’t see your tears roll down your cheeks. You felt him shaking. 
“Alright, that’s it!” he cried. “All of you, fuck off!”
You continued to hold on to him and use him to shield you as they all went quiet. 
“We just had a lovely afternoon with our friends celebrating something incredibly special,” he went on. “You’ve officially ruined what was a very happy day. Y/N and I are thrilled about our daughter, and we will marry if and when we fucking feel like it. The details of our relationship are not even a little bit anyone’s business but our own. Back. The. Hell. OFF!”
Shockingly, that worked. They quieted, and backed away like dogs with their tails between their legs. You and Brian made it to you car, got Melanie squared away in the back seat, and then took off as fast as you could. Brian was still fuming, knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel and muttered to himself.
“I love you, Brian,” you said gently, taking his hand. “I’ll never take advantage of who you are and…” you choked up. “And what you’ve earned, okay?”
He softened. “Aw, I know that, dove,” he assured you. “You’re the sweetest woman I’ve ever met. I love you too.”
When you reached the house, you brought Melanie inside and put her in her crib to sleep. Then you and Brian got in your own bed to sleep as well. While you could.
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hardyimagines · 5 years
Hi loving all the Alfie requests can't wait for the choking kink one😄 just would like to know if you got my request I sent in today about the shy new neighbor to Alfie and he's mean at the start coz he doesn't want her knowing to much coz she lives so close. Then someone attacks her or breaks into her home and Alfie helps her wouldn't mind a bit of smut to.😉 She is a shy quiet kind of girl I was thinking. if you could let me know if your interested that be great. BTW your a Queen🤗
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Dandelions resided in the surrounding vases, perched up on the wooden mantle. You brushed your fingers along the polished surface, smooth beneath your delicate touch. The usual pricks of thin wood that stuck up were removed, leaving you without the threat of getting a splinter. The interior of the room was, for the most part, empty because you’d only recently moved in. A white sofa sat crookedly in the corner of the room, too heavy for you to move on your own. The windows needed to be cleaned and one of them had a tiny crack in the center. It wouldn’t be too hard to find someone to help you fix it, but you already had so much to do. The rolled rug that leant against the wall was bound shut. It was dusty from sitting in storage for a month, but now that it was ready to be unrolled and laid out, you were afraid to do so. Bugs and dust would go every which way the second that you set it out. It had to be done though. Eventually. Hands on your hips, you mosied around the room, envisioning where you would put this and that. The men who’d helped move your furniture into the house hadn’t offered to help situate it and why would they, it wasn’t their job. The trousers you wore were high on your waist, fancy blouse tucked into the hem of them. Adjusting the band, you moved to the window and looked out at the foggy city. Only one man stood outside.
He was tall. He was handsome. His beard was bushy and brown, it coated the entirety of his chin and jaw. The tophat that sat neatly on the top of his head was black and lint-free. He was leant against the side of a car, palm on the rolled down window. He looked angry from the angle you were stood at. His features twisted into a look of disappointment before his muffled shout flooded the silent house you were stood in. You frowned lightly and crossed your fingers in hopes that he didn’t live anywhere near you. The man in the car, sat in the passenger seat, locked eyes with you and Alfie turned to inspect what Ollie was looking at. Your face went hot from embarrassment at being caught. Stepping hurriedly away from the window, you dropped down on the sofa and buried yourself into the cushions.
Alfie squinted toward the figure in the window. It was too murky out for him to actually be able to see you. He looked back to Ollie, shrugging lightly in carelessness. He turned back toward the lad and resumed what he’d been saying. He let out a heavy sigh before stepping away from the car and shaking his head. You lifted your head from the couch and peered over the edge. The man was making his way along the sidewalk and to the house directly next door. Huffing, you let out a muffled groan before hiding your face once more. Great. Now your neighbor thought you were nosy.
Alfie opened his front door before slamming it shut. The floorboards creaked beneath his weight. He held his cane in his right hand, the chipped wood rough in his palm, but he didn’t care. He needed the walking stick to aid his sore, achy muscles. Moving into the kitchen, he eyed the clutter on the dining room table. Scattered papers, empty glasses, messy dishes, crumbs from meals. Cyril followed along behind his wonder, ears flopping. He let out a soft whine. Lately, Alfie had been so stressed — so angry. The mutt was sick of listening to his owner shout and yell over this and that. He laid down under the table, situating his chin on Alfie’s boot. He tried his best to offer some sort of comfort but Alfie nudged him away.
“Right, Cyril, go on, yeah, I’ve got a lot to fucking do.” He pulled out one of the chairs and the second he dropped down on the seat, there was a knock on the door. His head tipped back, annoyance tripling in seconds. He moaned out a string of curses before hitting the table with his palm. Rising, he strode down the hall and toward the door. The whole house seemed to shake beneath the force of his angry steps. Alfie grasped the rusted doorknob and hauled it open, blue eyes icily roaming your form. You stood on the porch, hands in your backpockets and soft eyes trailing innocently over his features. He looked worn and tired. He seemed much older due to the bags under his eyes and his hunched stance. It wasn’t a good first impression to show up and introduce yourself while also apologizing, but.. you could see, as soon as he opened the door, he wouldn’t be kind to you either way. He seemed like the cane in his palm had just been wedged in his ass and he was as grumpy as ever.
“Hello..” Your voice failed you instantly. It was too soft, quiet, almost inaudible. The discreet attempt to clear your throat was far too loud. Alfie lifted a brow. He hadn’t expected you, a small lass, to be stood on his porch.
“What?” He ground out roughly. His fingers lazily traced the door handle that his palm resided on. The wood was wide open so he could stand in the opening but when he heard the sound of Cyril’s jingling collar signaling that the pup was approaching, he shut the door in the slightest to prevent the mastiff from getting out. His eyes flickered along your features, brows lifting when you didn’t speak up instantly. He could see the evident twitch of your lips and then the little tremble. You were nervous. That much was evident. “Have you, yeah, forgotten how to fucking speak?” He grumbled. “I’ve got a lot to do, havent I, right, so you’d best be on your way.” He felt a little twinge of guilt for being so rude right away, but he had a lot of stress sitting on his shoulders and he didn’t want you thinking that he was interested in any company. He liked his space. He went to close the door - half of him expected you to halt him, but you didn’t speak up. Your body felt hot and uncomfortable, stomach churning nervously. You waited until the door was shut completely before you stepped forward and knocked again. Alfie was stood on the other side of the door, brows drawn together in an angry furrow. He yanked the thing open with an uttered complaint. His eyes fell on you once more, cane tapping the floor impatiently. He didn’t speak again, he waited.
“I..” You nibbled your bottom lip before clasping your hands together in front of you. The wooden border that lines his door was suddenly more interesting than his face. “just wanted to come by and introduce myself. I’m moving in next door.” Your thumb ushered toward the house, stood tall. It was rundown, but it was liveable. Alfie looked toward the wreck before looking back down at you. He squinted in the slightest. Why on earth were you moving in there? It had been abandoned for a very long time. That place was nothing but trouble. He shifted his weight before tonguing his cheek.
“Keep it down. I’m a very busy man.” His tone wasn’t as harsh as it had been when he’d previously spoken to you. “I don’t want to hear you and your family..”
“I’m living on my own.” You cut him off. The second you did, a little bubble of nerves filled your tummy, but you didn’t shy away. “I was just coming by to say I’m sorry for earlier.. when I was stood at the window. I wasn’t trying to by snoopy, I was just looking to see who lived beside me.” The tips of your nails grazed your pockets before sinking into them. “My name’s Y/N.” You finished quietly. He was silent for a few moments. His lips rubbed together in contemplation, beard rustling in the slightest as the strands met.
“Alfie.” He grunted. You reached forward to shake his hand. Nimble fingers grazed thick, rough ones, tracing them tenderly before you gripped him securely. His hand locked around your own, shaking it much sweeter than he had been. His nails had dirt pushed under the crevices, embedded in the tight space. You inspected the crown tattoo that resided on his skin, neatly etched in his flesh. Absentmindedly touching the outline with your thumb, your eyes fluttered up to his own, blue orbs scanning your own. He drew his hand away from yours when a shiver of delight raced along his spine. He had been deprived of any sort of affectionate touch for years now and he wasn’t going to allow himself to crumble at the slightest bit of attention. He let out a low murmur before pushing the hand that stung with warmth into his coat pocket. He tipped his head toward you in the slightest before backing up and into his home.
“Nice to meet you.” You politely excused yourself. Backing away, the flats of your shoes tapped the wooden deck lightly as you retreated. He watched you go, staring, long after you had returned to the warmth of your home. He stared at the deck where you’d just been stood with an evident, contagious grin. He slowly shut the door before letting out a puff of air. Turning away from the door, he made his way down the hall and into the bedroom so he could busy himself with the work that had been previously annoying him.
You twisted the lock on your door and looked out the window toward the sun in the distance which was bidding the world goodbye for the next few hours. With no bed to sleep on, that left you with the couch for the night. Lifting your leg over the arm of the sofa, you climbed over the side and collapsed on the cushion. Eyes lifting to the ceiling, you sighed quietly. It had been a busy day. With nothing to do and the weight of the busy day, your eyes grew droopier and droopier until they closed completely. The sun was still setting, so that meant it was only around 8. But that didn’t stop you from falling asleep.
Two weeks of living in the house had left you with constant visits from the mastiff next door. His owner you didn’t see much of. Not unless you went by and asked for help. He helped as much as he could. He’d fixed a few windows. And he’d planned to help you lay out your rug, but you were waiting for your bed to be delivered first. Alfie was more than willing to help you out — given he would grumble and swear throughout the timeframe he was with you, but you were glad to have him around. All the time you’d been spending with your neighbor, which wasn’t a lot, but it was enough, had made you fancy him a little. He was very handsome. He made you laugh. And, though he denied it, he was kind in his own way. You saw him every two days or so. Whether it be brief conversations, a small hello, or when you’d see him through the window and the pair of you would exchange a wave.
It was late currently. Two days since you’d seen him. A little ball of excitement and hope rested in your belly. You were sure you’d see him tomorrow.
The birds in the trees snuggled up and went to sleep. Creatures buried themselves in warm spaces for the cold nights. People locked their doors and climbed into bed, husband and wives embracing each other, children cradling their stuffed animals. It was a very peaceful night — mostly. The streets were silent, lights illuminating the spaces for cars or people that dared venture out. The remaining broken windows in your home made it easy for anyone to come and go, but you, so naive, didn’t think anyone would want to break into such an old, worthless place. Youd been here long enough to convince yourself that you were safe — it was only kind people in this area. People who kept to themselves. You’d never been so wrong.
The sound of glass shattering woke you. The pieces hit the floor noisily, small and sharp, and coating the floor like the rug was meant to do. You sleepily sat up on the furniture. The sun was gone and the house was dark. Breathing a quiet sigh, you looked around the room to investigate what the sound had been, but you convinced yourself that paranoia and being on your own had merely made you dream up the sound. Lifting your palm to your face, your rubbed it down before swinging your legs to the side. The second your feet sunk into the floor, you stood tiredly. Laying your hand on the wall, you made your way down the hall and toward the kitchen to get a glass of water. You didn’t make it that far though before your bare feet crushed the shards of glass beneath them. Lucky for you, only one tiny, sliver of a piece cut you and it probably would’ve been more if someone hadn’t of hauled you back.
Worry flooded you. There was no relief. No ‘at least I didn’t cut my foot’ because someone was in your home. Your body was roughly thrown to the couch that you’d been asleep on. The urge to cry out was strong, but the minute you were pinned, a pair of piercing green eyes locked on to yours. His hand covered your mouth and his body covered your own to pin you in place.
“Don’t you dare make a sound.” He hissed out. Drops of spit hit you in the face because of how harshly he spoke. You clamped your eyes shut and wiggled beneath him.
“You didn’t say no one was living here!” Another voice spoke up. It came from the left side of the room.
“I didn’t know.” The one on top of you spoke. “But it’s just added fun, ain’t it.” Their accents were out of place. His hand squeezed your cheeks, pinching your lips together. The man in the corner shifted before tearing his gaze away from the two of you. He didn’t care about messing with you. This was where they came because they stashed money in the floor. It would be so much easier to just take it and go. Find a new hideout. But he could tell, as he watched his younger brother, that they weren’t leaving until he’d had a little fun with you. He made his way down the hall and toward the stash. Kneeling down, he pulled the floorboard up and stuck his hand inside to get the money.
You squirmed beneath the man, struggling to get up but it was pointless. He was too strong. You didn’t dare show your fear, you just fought. Fought until your arms ached and your body burned from frustration. You managed to get your leg free after a moment and the second you kicked the back of his thigh, he shouted out in pain. Wincing at the unexpected hit, he let up in the slightest which gave you the advantage. Freeing your arm, you hit him in the face and shoved him off of you. Rising, you sprinted from the room, narrowly avoiding any of the shards on the floor, but you were so full of adrenaline you wouldn’t have even been able to feel the pain. The kitchen window looked directly toward Alfie’s house. You could see him, sitting in what looked like an office. He was hunched over a desk, eyes low as he worked. He wore glasses, that resided in the middle of his nose as he scribbled away, unaware of the men who’d broken into your home. You hit the glass desperately.
“Alfie!” You cried out pleadingly. Even though the two of you hardly knew each other, something told you that he would come to your aid. If only he’d look up. “Alfie- please!” Hitting the glass harder and harder, you lowered your hands to the ledge and hiked the window up.
“What the hell are you doing!” The older of the two growled to his younger brother. “You can’t reveal yourself to her and then let her get away, you fucking idiot.” Rushing from the room, he hurriedly moved down the hell to get to you. He could hear you screaming and because you kept on, he could tell that whomever you were trying to shout for, clearly couldn’t hear you.
The younger brother lifted himself up and off the floor, wiping at the blood that dripped from his nostril. He growled out in annoyance, uttering about how your escape wasn’t his fault. You’d caught him off guard.
“Help!” You screamed as loud as you could, but your next attempt was silenced. The man who hadn’t been messing with you gripped the back of your hair and lugged you back. His hand covered your mouth, silencing you.
“Keep in mind, lass, there’s two of us and one of him. Don’t go calling him over here now, you’re not in any trouble. We just want to have a little fun.” Rotating, he dragged your squirming form back to the main room and shoved you to the filthy floor. Your eyes closed slowly. He hadn’t heard.
Alfie lifted his gaze away from the paper and looked out the window toward your home. He’d heard something muffled. Something quiet. He couldn’t hear it, but he could feel it. The opened window that led to your kitchen made him frown. The wind blew harshly through the opening, blowing the curtains that draped over the glass. He licked his lips slowly. That hadn’t been opened ten minutes ago when he’d looked up. He studied the opening before slowly shifting. Leaning back in his chair, he did his best to ignore the itch of discomfort that formed in his chest. Something didn’t feel right. He figured it was stupid to worry. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but wonder if you were alright. Living all on your own. He bit his upper lip, dragging it down and into his mouth before he let out a groan of annoyance. This was the last thing he needed to worry about. The lass next door? Rising, he folded up his work and removed his glasses before turning on his heel and setting off toward his front door. It wouldn’t hurt to just check on you.
Cyril followed his father out of the house, traipsing alongside him. His ears were perked and his tail was still which instantly made Alfie squint. The pup was usually very excited to go outside, especially to go see you as he tended to do when he got out. Alfie ruffled the mutt’s head before crossing the short distance from his home to yours. Climbing the stairs, he halted on the second step to the top. On the floor, muddy footprints coated your patio. Shards of glass resided on the wood as well beneath the shattered window. Alfie straightened defensively before moving to the side to peer through the opening. His ears strained, listening intently for any sign that you were in trouble. Cyril moved toward Alfie, sniffing loudly.
“Come on, boy.” Alfie whispered. “In.” Patting the sill, his eyes dropped to the dog as he lifted his paws up and on to the side of the ledge. Leaning over with a pained grunt, he helped Cyril jump into the window. The frame was too small for his big, bulky form to fit through so he instead busied himself with trying to unlock the front door. He knew he could do it, but he didn’t want to break in. Not until he heard the sudden barking and growling from his pup and then your desperate plea. Nothing could’ve stopped Alfie from getting inside, especially not the crummy lock that was meant to be protecting you. His strong shoulder and hard rams were enough to break the door in. He’d have to fix that.
“Oi!” He bellowed out. No fear filled him. No hesitation. He didn’t care who he was dealing with. The sound that your lips was enough to make his hair stand on end. Striding toward the sound of Cyril, he set his hand on the wall and turned the corner. It was so dark. “Pet?” He called out quietly. He was alert. Listening for He slightest sound, he shifted his weight from foot to foot. Cyril was in the corner, feet spread apart and head lowered. He was ready to attack. But he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you. You were curled up in the corner, laid on your side with your face pressed against the cold wood. Beaten and bruised, you remained silent, so worn out from what you’d just endured. Alfie remained close to the wall, using it to guide himself around.
“Go!” One of the men shouted. Alfie heard so many footsteps, it sounded like five men opposed to two. Two absolute pussies. They both ran. And they ran fast. But Cyril ran faster. Alfie could hear them retreating and Cyril didn’t hesitate to follow. He’d been raised to be protective and he was quite good at it. When the man was see that he was alone with you, he strode forward, searching for you.
“Pet.” He tried again. This time you whimpered out. It was so quiet, so faint, but it was enough. He found you in seconds. Lowering himself down and on to the floor, he ignored the aches and pains in his body. He was very tender when he touched you. His hand grazed your arm, trying to see if you were alright. You moaned out quietly to let him know that you were semi-okay. There was a bruise on the back of your head from where your hair had been tugged on and fortunately you’d only been hit once by the younger brother. ‘Revenge’ he’d said, because you’d hit him first. They hadn’t had time to do much else before Alfie had come over. Your face was all that hurt, but you’d curled up on the floor out of fright. He wrapped his hand around yours and when he started to pull you up, he was surprised when your small form lifted willingly. You practically crawled into his lap, arms wounding around him desperately. Clutching on to him, your hands fisted in his shirt, gripping on to him desperately. He held you close to him, lips moving to your ear. He contemplated whispering words of comfort, but he didn’t know how to. What should he say? He felt you grip him tighter when his breaths hit your ear. He settled for just resting his lips there. You whimpered out before moving your face to his neck. Your lips grazed his flesh.
“Did you hear me?” Your quiet question made his ears perk up. He hadn’t heard you, but he knew it would bring comfort you if he had.
“Yes.” The lie made him feel guilty. You’d called out for him. His hand traced your back lightly before he pulled back. “Come on, pet. Your door won’t shut, you can come back to mine.” It was impossible for him to stand because you were sat in his lap, so he waited for you to stand before he did as well. He wasn’t surprised at all by the way you stayed close to him, hand curling around his arm as he led you out of the house and toward his own. The sun wouldn’t be up for a long while so when the pair of you got to his house, he was thinking about which room to let you sleep in.
Cyril was on the porch already. Head laying on his paws, his tail wagged at the sight of you and Alfie approaching. His teeth were red from the men he’d attacked, but he hadn’t killed them. He’d just warned them. Alfie cooed quietly to the pup before opening the door and ushering the both of you in. Your movements were slow as you entered. The lighting in his house made you feel self-conscious then. You were sure you looked terrible. A forming bruise was on your cheek, bags under your eyes and cheeks sticky from your tears.
Alfie was actually in awe. Despite what you’d been through and your exhausted form, he found you to be beautiful. His hand brushed your arm, drawing you out of your thoughts.
“Come on, yeah, you can have my guest room.” His hand fell to your own. It brushed it and you didn’t think on your actions, you simply took hold of his palm and gripped on to him. Even inside the safety of his home, you felt unsure. Of course, he would protect you — that was clear, but you didn’t want to be on your own.
“Alfie, I...” you didn’t know how to tell him. But when he looked at you, it was clear that you didn’t need to.
“My room then?” He offered. The relief that washed over your face made his chest puff out. Guiding you toward the stairs, his palm squeezed your own. You felt safe with him and he liked knowing that.
Your head spun as the pair of you walked side by side. Cyril laid on the rug by the fireplace, body dropping to the floor tiredly. Every thought in your head had Alfie in it. What if he wouldn’t have come? What if he hadn’t have heard? Well, he hadn’t, and somehow, he’d still been there. Halting in the middle of the stairs, your stilled form made him pause also. He was a step below you, looking to you in confusion. His curious eyes moved between your own, searching for answers. He didn’t see one, not until you turned to face him. It felt wrong. He saw the appreciation in your stare, the need to thank you properly. But were you thinking clear? After just being attacked. It wasn’t like him to take advantage of a girl. Especially not one so vulnerable. So he tried to step forward, to show you that there was no need for this, but your hand moved to his chest, halting him.
“Wait,” You whispered. “Please.” Leaning into him, your small hand moved from his chest to the side of his neck. Caressing his skin slowly, you leaned toward him and kissed his cheek. You’d intended on kissing his lips, but the shyness that welled inside you, made you avoidant. You frowned softly before wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He couldn’t help the twitch of his lips as they dragged upwards. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he swayed slowly before dragging you forward so that your front pressed against his. He pulled back momentarily, but only so that he could position his face in front of your own once more. He was giving you a do-over. And god you were grateful. Leaning into him, your nose brushed over his lazily before your mouth met his.
Alfie inhaled deeply before stepping up so that the pair of you were stood on the same stair. His shift in position made him tower over you. Hands lifting to cup your sticky cheeks, he kissed you slowly, one palm barely holding on to you because he didn’t want to hurt you any further by touching the forming bruise. You moaned out softly, accidentally, slumping against him as your mouths moved against each other. He was like a big teddy bear, wrapped around you. Stepping back until your back met the wall, you placed your palms on his forearms, stroking his warm skin as your mouth opened, urging him to deepen the kiss. He obliged. His tongue met your own eagerly, actions brave and void of any reluctance. You loved that about him. It made up for the confidence you lacked. You felt as if he were devouring you, little by little, and it was making your legs turn to jello. Pulling back so you could suck in a deep breath, your hands moved to his stomach, resting there.
“I’m not, yeah, taking advantage of you, pet.” Alfie whispered.
“I know.” You licked your lips, savoring the feel and taste of him. “I’m fine, Alfie. I promise.” The bruise on your cheek told him that you weren’t, but he wasn’t going to argue with you. He leaned in and kissed your head, lingering there.
“I believe you.” He whispered against your skin before slowly beginning to lead you toward the bedroom. Down the corridor, at the end of the hall, a tall door stood all on its own. He opened the door and led you inside. The interior wasn’t what you’d expected, but the second you saw it, it reminded you of him. There was no time to admire the room, you wanted to kiss him again and the bed in the center only showed you that the pair of you had a place to lay. You turned around to face him and once he was close enough, you gripped his hand and pulled him forward. You would spend the rest of the night thanking him for coming to your aid. And you’d start by kissing those beautiful, pink, full lips again and again and again.
Tagged: @peakblogbecauseimweak @bsotstory @mollybegger-blog @morphoportis @ghost-of-student-sufferings @drippydownes2002 @ellar21 @sovereigngoth @willowick13 @xxxxxeroxxxxx @wheresthewatermelon @anrm1 @pansexualginger @marvelgirl7 @evilspretty-dead @heyitscam99 @wow-he-cute @haroldpain @justrepostandlove @sparklyreaderx @emerald-bijou @multireality @innerpaperexpertcloud @giftofdreams @ihclipse @meer0rauschen @inkedfandom @thatsamegirl @doct0rstrange @jakechillenhaal @shanty-lol @centerhabit @clevertheoristpainter @jamierdr @favouritereadings @badmaax @thephuonganh @wewillfindourwaythere @uhhhemilyrose @scarrasco1325 @matoki-darkpanda @bignastyfan-nz
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retro-aesthe · 5 years
Sidelines (Part 4)
(Hi! I’ve had a bit of writer’s block... but here it is. Tho it’s kinda more like a filler chapter... kind’a long... and btw, i plan for this story to only have 5 parts so... one more to go! anywayyyyyyy there we go. Someone requested to be tagged, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TUMBLR WORKS because before, I literally just reblog and favorite and that’s it. But I’ll try... I’m tryna do my best. AND thank you, all of you out there for the feedback my works had. it was surreal!!! okay enuf now. enjoyyy)
[ @fromthediariesofaoncer hi! ... and... um why can’t I tag you @yanginginthere ? hope u see this]
Alex Danvers x fem!reader
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It hurt—the bright light behind your eyelids. It stung, and you wanted to groan so bad because of the bothering pain, but you ended up coughing softly because of the dryness of your throat. You moaned a little at the roughness the smallest cough you’ve ever heard cause you. Then you suddenly realized you’ve been hearing quietness, except for the constant beep and hum of machines.
“Y/n…?” You heard a hesitant voice ask. The immediate response your body made was to open your eyes, to look at the voice’s source. It was a dumb idea, considering how the bright light you were first complaining about surely have blinded you the moment you opened your eyes.
“… blind…” you managed to say. You heard footsteps overpowering the constant hums you’ve been hearing before. Then, there were what seem to be curtains moving—the distinct sound of metal sliding over metal. The light dimmed marginally, but it was significantly bearable compared before.
“Y/n…?” You heard the voice ask once again. You realized you were slowly succumbing to sleep’s enticement. You opened your eyes and Alex Danvers’s face came into view.
It was a horrifying moment of déjà vu, and suddenly you gasped as onslaught of memories attacked you. The earthquake. The woman… bleeding. You, bleeding.
“Lexie!” It was supposedly an exclamation, but you winced when your voice broke at the middle due to the sandpaper currently residing in your throat. You felt your best friend’s arm slightly push you up from your back, and the rim of a cold glass was gently placed on your lower lip.
“Take a sip,” Lexie whispered softly. It was then you noticed that she was the only one in the room aside from you. You cautiously took a sip of the warm water, then thanked god when it soothed the dryness of your throat.
“Lexie, I’m…” you trailed off when you settled back against the comfort of the bed. Your hand was touching the side of your head you remembered bleeding. You fingertips were met by a rough texture which your brain only classified as gauze. You suddenly became aware of everything around you: the gauze, the wires attached to you, the sound of machines, the room—you were in a hospital.
“Bleeding? Yeah, I’m aware. You’ve said that a thousand times already.” Lexie offered a small smile, the worry and concern evident in her eyes.
“What?” you dumbly asked. You were still trying to grasp everything—trying to grasp how the last thing you remembered was… telling Lexie you were bleeding, but it was in a cramped up room.
“You’ve woken up a couple of times in the past 36 hours… and telling me you’re bleeding was always the first thing you keep saying.” You followed Lexie with your eyes as she sat down on the chair beside your bed. You felt her warm hand gently hold yours, making your heartbeat faster… which only became worse when you heard how your heartbeat reflected on the machines. You swore you had an unhealthy red tint form on your cheeks. You turned your head away from your best friend as you’re definitely sure she didn’t miss the machine’s indication of your response to her touch. She went to medical school, for crying out loud!
Your face got even warmer when the hand holding yours squeezed lightly.
“The doctor said you’re expected to actually wake up today. Thank god you chose not to be dramatic for once,” Lexie softly said, making you smile a little. Then, you frowned.
“How long was I out?” you asked, finally registering the fact that you missed a couple of hours because you were unconscious.
“Two days.”
There was silence. Then, “You feel alright?” Lexie asked. You nodded your head slightly, cautious that you might get dizzy of any exaggerated movements. You were looking at her face intently, noting how new stress lines formed, and how Lexie could definitely use a few hours with her bed.
“I’m gonna alert them you’re awake now, okay?” You saw in your peripheral vision that she pressed a button. Silence once again filled the room.
When the doctor and nurses came in the room, the machines were checked and you were asked a few routine questions.
All you can think about the entire time was Lexie not letting go of your hand. It was warm, and though a small gesture, it was the best comfort you’ve ever had in your life.
“I’m gonna call the others…”
You hate how there was only silence in the room. For the past 10 minutes or so, you and Lexie just held hands, but did not talk about anything at all.
“Wait, Lexie,” you finally managed to say. She immediately looked into your eyes, searching for pain or any indicator that you’re anything besides fine. “Don’t you think we should… talk...? Whatever this is... you know, what’s happening.” You grew frustrated over the fact that you desperately wanted to point out the notable distance between you and your best friend, but can’t because you’re scared. You wanted for Lexie to get the hint, to understand what you were talking about without actually hearing it from you.
“I don’t want to stress you even more, Y/n. You were in surgery three days ago and you didn’t completely wake up for two days,” Lexie said. Your eyes widened at the word “surgery.” Of course, Y/n, your head practically faucet-dripped blood, why in the world wouldn’t you be in surgery?
The silence continued. Your heart aches as the obvious distance between you and Lexie seems to be slowly eating whatever relationship you had with her before. There was hollowness in Lexie’s voice which made you uncomfortable. You hate how everything seems to be changing and you can’t even keep up with its fast phase.
“I miss you,” you said in a low voice, looking at Lexie with pleading eyes. You saw how her posture suddenly went stiff. God damn it…
“You avoided me. For a week.” There was a slight edge in her tone. You winced, because frustrated Lexie is the worst Lexie. She took a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm herself at the sudden rouse of her frustration. You fearfully watched her. You know she wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, but when Lexie’s frustrated, she tends to let everything out, without filter, without breaks.
“You made me leave your apartment, Y/n. I tried to call you hundreds of times—but they all went straight to voicemail. Then I go to your apartment, and you weren’t there, and if it weren’t for Mrs. Lee, I wouldn’t have known that you just left your apartment… or—or something else. I just knew you made it a point to not be there when I could more likely visit you, since you know my schedule so well.
“Then… then next thing I know, you spread your arms wide open in the middle of danger. I had no idea where you were and—fuck—thank god Maggie found you. I had to fucking hear it from Kara that you were injured! You kept avoiding me, and I had no idea where you were and—what if, what if by any chance Maggie wasn’t there and nobody saw you and that woman—god, do you even have a clue how fucking terrified I was, huh, Y/n?”
You know well enough to not disrupt Lexie’s rants whenever she’s on one. You just watched as tears started to form on her eyes, when one fell down. It physically hurts you watching her chin tremble as she tried so hard to keep herself from crying. The grip on your hand became tighter, as if it was Lexie’s lifeline.
“You fell on the ground and I caught you and your head was bleeding so much. There was so much blood, Y/n. Much more than the woman under that damned car. Do you know how fucking scared I was when you wouldn’t wake up? The ambulance came and you still didn’t. Then we were in the ambulance and you did and all you told me was that you’re bleeding. God, Y/n, I was so fucking scared. I thought I was going to lose you… there was… there was so much blood and—and—“
A few tears leaked from your eyes as Lexie let go of your hand and curled down as sobs racked her form. You would have reached out, had it been possible for you to get up without help. You watched her helplessly, willing her with your eyes to look at you and hug you and lie down with you and just… lean on you.
“I’m so sorry, Lexie…” you said quietly, but your words were drowned out by her gasps and sniffs. After a minute or so, she straightened up and wiped her tears away. Tears were still streaming down her face but she looked at you with so much sorrow in her eyes.
Her left hand went on holding your free hand while her right hand reached out to wipe the few tears that escaped your eyes. The soft gesture made a few tears flow even more and you keep muttering “I’m sorry” to her. She was shaking her head then squeezed your hand tighter.
“I hate that I can’t blame anyone for what happened to you,” she admitted, her eyes training towards your bandaged head.
“I can’t lose you, Y/n,” she whispered, her voice coming out a plea. You offered a small smile to her, reveling in the comfort of her hand cradling your cheek.
“You won’t,” you said softly. The one week of avoiding Lexie gave you enough time to adjust to the situation. It was enough to prepare you for Maggie’s constant presence in your life, and the constant pain it will bring. The one week was enough to convince yourself to go back to what was before, to just ignore the kiss that happened and to not hope it will ever happen again.
Lexie will only just be your best friend.
The topic resurfaced on the third day after waking up. The whole gang was there, since it was Kara’s Earth birthday and she doesn’t want you to miss out on the celebration.
Cupcakes were everywhere, but they don’t beat Lexie’s gift to Kara—a mountain of potstickers. Kara was with you when Lexie arrived, carrying the huge gift she had. You taught Kara was going to solar flare with the excitement flowing from her every pore. Lexie had to physically restrain her from inhaling all of the potstickers in one sitting.
Eliza, J’onn, Winn, James, and Lena (since she definitely knows her girlfriend’s alter-ego) all came 30 minutes after Lexie. They were all creating noise, but you preferred the overlapping words and occasional loud laughter (definitely not Kara’s) over the reruns of Friends (though, you’ll forever love the show), documentaries, and constant hum of machines.
You still couldn’t sit up straight since the gash you had on your left torso was still healing. The bed was angled up slightly, so it could support you as you slightly sat up. Lexie was sitting on the chair beside you. You’ve seen more of her in the past three days than you had in the past three months. She was constantly on your side. Apparently, she chose to sow her invested day-offs just so she could take care of you. After a couple times of urging her to go to J’onn and request to go back to work, she managed to shut you up and just be appreciative of the gesture.
You watched Lexie laugh at something Winn said. She had three potstickers on her plate, and a slice of Eliza’s famous pie.
“So… um, isn’t Maggie part of the I-know-Kara-is-Supergirl squad? Where is she?” you asked lightly. You noticed how Lexie suddenly stopped smiling. You looked at the others. The whole room paused, all looking back at you. Their grave expressions made you think the worst.
“Oh my god,” you said, horrified. You looked at Lexie. “Was she… Is she hurt?” Lexie shook her head. Cold spread over your body. “Dead?!” You looked at the others in horror.
“God, no!” Lexie exclaimed. You looked at her for explanation. Well, what were they expecting? You weren’t a psychic like J’onn.
“Well then what?” you asked, frustrated.
“She broke up with me.” There was an awkward silence that settled in the room. You couldn’t help but notice how Lexie was staring intently at you, and there was just a hint of sadness in her face.
You know you were fucked up when hope practically burst right out of you.
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elena-reina · 5 years
Another Night - Tony Stark x Reader
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Request: the reader gets into a fight with tony stark and storms out of his room. Later, she gets in trouble and tony saves her. btw i love your work. - Anon
Warning: Sexual innuendos, cursing, violence
Y/N: Your name
You sat at Tony's bar and rolled your eyes as you took a sip of your drink, hearing moans coming from Tony's bedroom. Tony likes to uphold this reputation he has, which is being the famous billionaire playboy. He brings a girl home about every other night and basically fucks them. Tony doesn't like to be tied down to exactly one person. He likes to be, in his words, a free and angelic butterfly. "T-TONY!" the unfortunate girl moaned. You scrunched up your nose in disgust and downed the rest of your drink. Pepper walked into the room with a sympathetic look on her face. She poured a drink for herself and sat down next to you. "Another night of torture listening to them, hm?" she said smiling a bit, trying to lighten the mood.
You let out a little laugh and nodded. "I mean, I respect Tony and all, but what he does is despicable. The girls he bring over every night think they are different and that Tony will actually accept them as his one and only; just to be disappointed later in the morning." "I know, but there's not really much you can do," she shrugged and began to stare off into space. You silently nodded your head and stood up, placing your glass on the counter. You bid your goodnight's to Pepper and headed off to bed. You tuned out all the sounds coming from Tony's room, by stuffing your head under your pillow and eventually fall asleep.
Next morning, a loud slam was heard throughout the whole tower. You immediately gasped, waking up, and fell off of your bed. You hit the floor with a thud and groaned, rubbing the side of your head. 
What the hell was that slam for?
"Are you kidding me, Tony?!" a feminine voice yelled. 
You slowly stood up and opened walked to your bedroom door. You walked out of it yawning and scratching your head. As the shouting and yelling were becoming louder, you stood at the end of the hallway, crossing your arms over your chest and observed everything. Pepper was awkwardly, gazing out the window, but you knew she was secretly listening in on what's causing all the ruckus. "You didn't feel anything?!" the woman shouted at Tony. Tony chuckled, finding this situation amusing. "Not a single thing," he smirked, but then grew serious, "What else did you think we were doing? We weren't as you say making love, we were just fucking." The way Tony phrased it made you a tad mad, but you remained silent. The woman looked to be taken back by his words as if he'd shot her with countless bullets. Her eyes were glossing over, but a tear never fell down her face... yet. "Just fucking?! You're telling me you didn't actually like me and just wanted to get into my pants?" she spat. "Well when you put it that way, it sounds awful. But in short words, yep," he grinned, taking this all like a joke. "You're unfucking believable! You treat me as if I was a sex toy for you!" she yelled, stalking closer to Tony. "With the way you acted in bed last night, I'd say you could totally be one," he smirked. Her mouth was agape and she slapped him across the face. She picked up her bag and stormed out of the room. 
You looked at Tony with such a flabbergasted face. What he said was unnecessary and uncalled for. I mean, sure she was a slut, but she is still a human being. He was treating her as if she was some dog and just dehumanizing her. You crossed your arms and stomped towards Tony. "Was the really necessary, Tony?" you asked, raising your eyebrow. "She thought she was someone special. She's not," he said rolling his eyes and turned to face you. You let out an annoyed laugh, shaking your head, and licked your lips. "Seriously? Are you seriously saying that? She's still fucking human Tony! She has real emotions!" you spat. Pepper gave a light gasp as she was still observing everything. She went to the bar and poured herself a drink to watch this scene unravel. "Why are you getting so worked up about this, it has nothing to do with you," he glared. "Why am I getting so worked up about this? Because I hate the way you are discriminating women. You are treating us as if we are some kind of mutt! She definitely deserved better than the way you were treating her. I know you may not know what it's like to actually think you're in love with someone, but she thought otherwise," you scoffed. You could tell he was getting furious by the creases forming on his forehead. That always happened when he was getting pissed off. "And what exactly would you know about love, Y/N? Every boy you tried confessing to turned you down and only used you," he smirked. 
Your mouth dropped open in astonishment. One night when your ex-boyfriend was abusing you, you ran away into Tony's arms where he comforted you. You spilled all your secrets and insecurities to Tony, expecting him to be reliable and respectful with them. However it turned out he just used them against you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him with distraught. 
"I can't fucking believe you," you whispered under your breath. And then that's when you totally lost it. You didn't care if you said any hurtful things to Tony, he had just crossed the line with you. "Cat got your tongue?" he teased. "You know what Tony? This is why you're going to live such a fucking lonely life. Sureeee, you've got a wonderful tower you call a home, billions of dollars, and who knows what else; but do you know what you don't have and never will? A loving father. Excuse me, but who was the one who never felt loved by their own father?" you paused as you watched him tense up and his fists clenching. 
But you continued.
"Oh that's right! It was you! The very famous Anthony Edward Stark! The boy who was neglected as a child and had his parents die from a fatal car crash, leaving him all by his poor, pitiful, self! And I guess you're right. I might not know what true love is, but I got to know a parental's love and an almost romantic love. But that's something you will never experience because one: Your parents are dead and two: You're nothing but a fucking man whore- " Your face jerked to the right as you could hear Tony's heavy breathing. His hand was still raised as he looked at you lividly. You slowly turned your head to look at him. 
He slapped you. 
His eyes were teary from the words you said to him. Your cheek stung, badly, from where he slapped you. You could feel it heating up and you carefully brought your hand to touch it, gently. You winced as you touched it. This was the exact last thing you ever thought Tony would do. You never thought he'd lay a finger on a woman, especially you. Tony didn't move, apologize, or show any guilt. That's when you've finally hand enough. You don't believe in violence and you absolutely refuse to let him see you cry. "Fine, Anthony. Since this is how you're going to act, I don't ever want to see you again. And just to think, I actually thought you were different than my last boyfriend," you muttered and rushed away to your room. You quickly changed out of your pajamas and into casual clothing. You grabbed your purse, slung it over your shoulder, and stormed out of your his room. When walking back to the living room, Tony was still in the same spot. He watched you the whole way as you sped-walked to the elevator. You waited impatiently for the doors to open, but it seemed to be taking forever. "Y/N... don't go. He didn't mean anything, he's just angry," Pepper pleaded, getting up out of her seat and towards you.   You shook your head as the doors finally opened. Tears were now slowly traveling down your face but you quickly wiped them away with the back of your wrist. "Sorry, Pepper. But I actually thought I had feelings for that bastard over there and was able to trust him with my secrets; but it turns out he's like every other man out there," you replied shrugging and stepped into the elevator. You pushed on the first floor button and waited for the doors to close. "Bye, Pepper," you said. Right before the doors were about to close, your eyes clicked with Tony's.
A month later, you laid there on your couch back at your original home. You've always had this home, but ever since Tony had invited you to stay at his place, you couldn't resist. You were originally going to sell this place, but thank goodness you didn't. Pepper has called you countless times saying how terrible Tony is doing. Apparently, Tony is acting worse than before. Ever since your fight, he hasn't brought any girls over, however he's been drinking a lot more than usual lately. He drinks until he is over the top drunk, bawls his eyes out, and then crashes asleep. In his sleep, he kept murmuring your name with countless apologies, but when Pepper would confront him about it, he'd deny it. Pepper knows that Tony had grew feelings for you over time, but never got him to confess it. He would always brush it off or refuse to talk about it. However, late at night when Pepper thought he was asleep in bed, he was actually looking at photo's he took of you. You refused to believe it and still do. Today however, the town was in danger again. Loki escaped from the Avenger's prison cell and was terrorizing the city again. Initially, you had helped him get caught by the Avengers by leading him into a trap. 
You were originally going to go out to get some bread for your home, but ever since watching on the news everything that's happening, you decided to stay inside to avoid all the chaos. 
The newsman was able to get hold of Tony and was interviewing him on the spot. His eyes looked bloodshot and eyes a bit crusty. He had a few scratches here and there on his face, but it was covered mostly by his suit. However, his suit also did have quite the damage. "Actually, there's just one thing I have to say real quick," Tony said into the microphone," Everyone needs to stay in their house or find some kind of refuge. Stay out of sight... and... Y/N, if you're watching-" You picked up the remote and turned off the television. You didn't want to hear it before and you don't want to hear it now. You sighed as you stood up as you about to walk to the kitchen. However suddenly someone crashed into your home having you quickly duck behind the counter in your kitchen. Your chest was heaving up and down as you  could hear the person stepping on the rubble they've just created. Your heart was pounding against your chest as you put your back against the counter so who ever it was couldn't see you. "I was told that the person who had imprisoned me, lived here," a familiar male voice spoke. Fear was rising in your chest as you could hear the person getting closer. "Maybe not," he paused and then the person seemed to fade away. You waited a few minutes before letting out a breath of relief. "Or maybe they are," the person spat, suddenly grabbing onto your throat and hauling you up. You gasped at you stared back into those demonic blue eyes. Loki. But how did he find you?! You quickly tried reaching for your phone to message the Avengers, but he kicked it away. You gripped his hands trying to pry them away from your throat but was unsuccessful. "L-Loki! Stop!" you choked. "I was in there for so many years! Plotting on my revenge on who to get first and why not begin with the person who started it all for me?!" he screamed into your face. 
You flinched at his tone and looked at him with pleading eyes. You quickly lifted your foot and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. His grip loosed and you were able to get free as he doubled over in pain. You quickly ran to your now destroyed wall and ran outside. Circulating the city, as he always does, was Tony. You quickly looked behind you and could see Loki coming your way. You panicked as he was coming closer, looking as livid as ever.  It was now or never before Tony was out of sight. "TONY!" you yelled. "TONY, HELP! LOKI-" A hand clasped over your mouth and pulled you back inside. You fought and kicked with your legs, struggling to get free. "You will utterly regret that," he spat as he reached for his scepter. Your eyes widened and tears were collecting in your eyes. This was it, Tony hadn't heard you and you were about to die- "Let her go right now and I might just consider sparing your life," Tony threatened, now standing on top of the rubble, "I'm giving you one second to do so." Loki smirked. "You see-" "One." Tony raised his hand and shot a beam towards Loki. You gasped as Loki threw you to the side, having you hit your head with a groan in pain. Loki shot back and lost his scepter. He groaned, about to reach for it, when Tony punched him square in the jaw until he passed out. You sat up rubbing your head as Tony made his way to you. He knelt down and held you in his arms. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so so sorry for what I said back at the tower," he apologized. 
You could see the sincerity in his eyes but you wanted to give him a hard time. You wanted to look away, avoiding his eyes, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. He literally just saved your life. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, lightly crying. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you closer muttering his apologies over and over. You pulled away, looking at him with sad eyes. "It's alright, Tony. I'm sorry for what I said about your father. I-I was mad and I wasn't thinking straight, and so I- He pressed his lips against yours to shut you up from your babbling. He already knew you didn't mean it and was just upset at the time. "I never thought that I would be falling for my best friend, but I guess I did," he smiled, pulling away, “I can prove to you I'm not like your boyfriends if you just give me one more chance. I can really love you." You pressed your hand to your chin, pretending to think about it. "I don't know," you smirked," Perhaps if you remodel my home, and buy me some bread-" "Shut up, you’re going back to the tower to be with me," he grinned and pressed his lips against yours once more. You squealed as you cupped his face, pulling him closer.
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