#boy i missed binge writing things
hyeinism · 1 month
( ♡ )⠀ 𝒔. 𝒋𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒖𝒏 . . . 𝑏𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 .ᐟ
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꒷꒦ ❛ sweet like candy, but he’s such a man ❜
⟢ established relationship fluff && s.jy x f!reader . . . just cuddling in a pink bed lol idk ৲ includes cuddling, kissing, idk what else cuteness !! 361wc
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THE ELEVATOR DOOR slid open, a ‘bing!’ signaling that it’s stopped.
you pushed yourself up off the railing and stepped out of the elevator; the summer wind hit you instantly as you walked over to the door of your apartment, ready to just lay in bed after another long day of your boss yelling at you over nothing.
you placed your bag down before walking to your bedroom. the door swung open and you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight in front of you: it was your boyfriend sleeping in your pink sheets, sleeping with but a care in the world.
you walked over, situating yourself on the edge of the bed, running your hands through his hair and before you could even think twice, jake (despite being half-asleep) grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him with ease.
once you were under the covers, as close to the boy as you could possibly be, he opened his eyes slightly and pouted. “i missed you.” he mumbled, wrapping his arm slowly around your waist; his other hand went under your chin, tilting it up slightly so that you were face-to-face with his eyes.
a smile made its way onto your lips, at how purely adorable jake looked, with his hair falling over his face perfectly and his eyes struggling to stay open.
“missed you too.” you said (it was truthful, as well, the only thing you thought about throughout the entire day was jake), running your fingers over jake’s velvety skin, him naturally leaning in impossibly closer to your touch.
he placed a quick but loving kiss on your lips before smiling a tiny bit.
“good, then stay here with me, princess, forever.” he whispered into your ear, causing you to laugh.
“hey! nothing’s funny, i meant it.” jake muttered, and you held in another giggle at how serious he was.
“kaykay, i won’t jake.” you cleared your throat promised, taking his hand in yours for a pinky promise.
eventually, the two of you settled down. whispers of sweet nothings gradually turned into tender snores while the two of you laid in place, just enjoying one another’s company in comforting silence.
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𐙚 . . via’s entry ❫ becoz i’m too lazy to write the sunoo fic 𓈒ㅤׂ ㅤ 𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ tysm for reading! 𓂃 back to the LIBRARY ! ৎ networks : @a-dream-bookmark
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red lips and rosy cheeks, a criminal minds imagine
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pairings: fem!reader x bau!team (platonically of course) and fem!reader x spencer reid (if you squint a little)
word count: 800ish
warnings: none i think. no use of y/n because i don’t really vibe with that. no angst, a little fluff, maybe? it’s mostly just funny i think. also not beta-read, or like we say in ao3, no beta we die like men.
author’s note: i have been binge-watching criminal minds for a couple weeks now and of course i’m obsessed with it, and this visual of spencer becoming a little flustered over seeing his crush all dressed up popped into my mind. it’s my first time writing an imagine with the reader as the main piece in the story, so idk be gentle with me? i also never wrote for criminal minds and i’m only in season 4. i just wrote this instead of sleeping or actually writing my other fics. sorry if this is terrible anyway. i’m open to feedback! thanks for reading <3
Working for the FBI could be a handful, sometimes, but the job had its benefits. You could catch criminals and help people, make a difference, you know? But something you would never expect to count as a benefit was the possibility of being called in the middle of a date.
You didn’t even want to go on that date, but your long-time friend Emma had insisted she knew a guy that would be perfect for you. Emma knew you since you both were undergraduates working on their degrees, so you had figured it wouldn’t hurt to give the guy a chance.
It wasn’t your best moment.
Not that the guy turned out to be a psychopath or something like that. But the ice of your drink had barely started to melt when it became clear that Sean wasn’t the guy for you, and by the end of your martini, you could see that Sean was too self-centered and trying too hard to be something he was not, with the fake watch and the well-pressed but clearly cheap suit and exaggerated tales of his life. An hour into the date and you were begging to the universe to offer you a way out of that bar.
Thankfully the universe seemed to listen to your plea, and you let out a relieved sigh when you saw Garcia’s name on the screen as the phone rang. Apparently, Hotch wanted everyone at the office right that moment.
That hurry was what prompted you to go into the BAU headquarters straight from your date, thinking that a stop by your apartment to change would take too much time and that you could take the clothes out of your go bag and change out of your outfit once you got there.
“Hey there.” you greeted as you walked into the bullpen. “Is everyone here yet?”
“Rossi and Prentiss are on their way.” Morgan said from his desk. “Wonder boy is getting coffee.”
“Oh, okay.” you mumbled, moving to take off your coat and wondering if you would have time to wipe off the red lipstick before the briefing.
“Damn, pretty girl.” you heard Morgan say, that suggestive tone in his voice that annoyed the life out of you. “Did we interrupt something?”
“Only the most boring date I have ever been on.” you scoffed, nervously fixing your dress. It wasn’t inappropriate or something, just very different from what you used to wear. It had been Emma’s idea, actually, to pair that black sleeveless dress with knee-high boots. “He spent the entire time talking about himself.” you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, look at you!” Garcia exclaimed as she got into the bullpen. “You look like a million bucks, darling.”
“Thank you, Pen.” you said. “What’s the case about?”
“A woman went missing in Indiana this morning in the same way three more disappeared in the last month before they were found dead.” JJ told, walking out of her office. “Oh, hot date tonight?” she asked.
“Disappointing, actually.” you laughed. “Can we not talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” you heard Spencer’s voice from behind Penelope.
“About her date.” Garcia said. Spencer joined them as they all stood near your desk, two coffee mugs in his hands. His messy hair was the first thing you noticed, looking like he had been dragged out of his bed. He handed you the second coffee mug, the one with little cartoon kittens stamped on it, then his eyes really focused on you.
“Oh, thank you.” you mumbled, taking a sip of it.
“I– yeah, I…” he stammered, eyes moving up and down, up and down.
“Are you alright, Doc?” you asked, using the nickname you had given him a few weeks into working together.
“Ooh, I think you broke pretty boy.” Morgan laughed.
“It’s probably the red lipstick.” Garcia pointed out, joining Derek in his laughs. You waited for one of Spencer’s famous info-dumps, where he would talk about how red lipstick used to be made out of crushed beetles in Ancient Egypt or something, but he was still silent, lips parted like he meant to say something but couldn’t figure out what.
“Do you need me to reset you or something?” you were now having a bit of fun with it. It wasn’t like you were trying to be mean, but both of you had been dancing around unspoken feelings for a while now.
“I… you look pretty.” Spencer finally managed to say.
You put the mug to your lips, trying to hide the blood that was rushing to your cheeks as Morgan whistled.
“Go on, wonder boy.”
“Derek? Shut up.” then, you looked at Spencer again, who was timidly smiling at you.“Thanks.” you mumbled.
Spencer looked at the mug on your hands, focusing on the stain of your lipstick on the rim of the mug.
“Uh, did you know that the first known red lipsticks were created by crushing gemstones in Mesopotamia over 5.000 years ago?”
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dating yuuji headcanons <3
by @cinnamon-girl-writes
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it goes without saying that dating yuuji is very . . . fun. it's definitely an experience
expect a lot of random hugs from behind, his arms wrapping around your torso and him practically tackling you to the ground (with love)
most of your dates consist of the two of you doing random, fun things around Tokyo
one time you went to a botanical garden and just walked around and talked for hours
but the most common outing for the two of you is to just walk around the streets of the city, eating mochi and stopping at all the stores that look promising
yuuji is *very* big on pda
he loves to hold your hand in public (like 24/7, I hope you don't need your hand for anything cuz you're not getting it back)
it makes him feel like everyone knows you're his >:)
he likes to keep one arm around your waist or a hand on your back, especially when you're in crowded places so you know he's there :')
he'll always switch sides with you so he's on the road side when you're walking on the sidewalk
his favorite things is to plant kisses on your cheek when you guys are hanging out with your friends :)))
most of your dates take place on the weekends when both of you are free from the responsibilities of studying jujutsu, but some of your favorite moments with him take place in the evenings after school
during the day, you would train all day out in the athletic field, sparring and fighting with your fellow students to sharpen your jujutsu techniques
after you showered and ate, it was usually the beginning of the evening, so you'd make your way to yuuji's dorm
the two of you always cuddle in his bed while watching movies <3
both of you are pretty much open to any genre, action, rom coms, etc
he also likes to binge watch movies, so you've binged marvel, harry potter, star wars etc. series
he always has your favorite snacks in his dorm for you when you come over 
his favorite snack for watching movies is skittles
he loves to cuddle with you in his lap and you wearing one of his hoodies
poor boy tries his hardest to stay awake during movies but he falls asleep three quarters of the way in :(
it's okay though because he loves to listen to you excitedly recap the movie for him (unless you fell asleep too)
he's happy to just cuddle with you all night even if it means missing the movie :)
the next morning, you're always the one that wakes up first
you love to just sit and watch him sleep <3
his fluffy pink bed head in the morning is freaking adorable 
when he wakes up, he lays there drowsily for a few minutes, just taking in your presence
he has to do a huge obnoxious stretch before getting out of bead, obviously 
before you head back to your room to get ready, he always squeezes you to his chest super tight and plants kisses to your forehead, telling you how much he loves you <3
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soulsforsales · 8 months
You take care of the Moon boys when they are sick <3
Warning/triggers: mild angst, fluff, fluff, fluff (just a lot of it <3), no use of Y/N, google translated Spanish
A/N: I had so much fun writing this ;)
You wake up to the sound of Steven coughing. He's in the kitchen making coffee for the both of you, as always. You walk up to him, hugging him from behind and trailing kisses down his neck.
'Good morning, hon,' you whisper, 'Good morning, love.' Steven feels hot, well, he is hot (duh) but right now he feels heated up.
Your brows furrow as you move beside him, 'Are you okay?' You ask but Steven abruptly pulls away from you and sneezes, covering his face with his elbow. 'Do you have a fever?' You ask again, placing the back of your hand against his forehead. 'No, I am fine,' he says shaking his big hands that were partly covered by the long sleeves of his t-shirt in front of his face. He coughs again.
'No you are not.' You say, taking the coffee cups from his hands. 'Love, you don't - 'Steven.' You don't give him the chance to finish, 'get in bed. You should rest, no work for you today.'
'I'll bring you coffee and cookies and meds you are sick, you need rest.' You tell him, already working on the coffee. 'Alright...' Steven says before kissing you on the cheek and making his way to the bed.
You walk up to Steven with a tray of coffee, the cookies he liked the best, and his meds. He sits up in bed, 'Love, you didn't have to -' 'Of course, I had to,' you say, sitting next to him in bed.
You two spend the rest of the day cuddled up in bed, binge-watching your favorite TV shows and movies.
Your head is placed on Steven's shoulder, kissing his neck and jaw. Steven was touch starved, you knew it and you'd made it your mission to give him all the touch he'd ever missed having.
'Don't you have work, darling?' Steven asks. You grin, 'I'm calling in sick,' you tell him as your lips meet his. Steven looks into your eyes, 'if you keep going on, you will have to call in sick,' he says. You kiss him anyway. 'That doesn't sound so bad to me,' you whisper, his nose brushing against yours.
By the evening, Steven has taken a good five hours of sleep while you completed some work. He feels much better when he wakes up and walks up to you. 'Let's get out of here,' he says, placing his chin on your head. You turn to him, taking your glasses off, 'you sure? Do you feel better?' You ask. Steven smiles at you, 'tons. Thanks to you,' he says, kissing your head.
You both grab your jackets and walk out of the apartment. You spend your time strolling in a park, eating burritos, and drinking hot chocolate.
It's a nice day but being with Steven makes it perfect. Everything feels perfect when you are with him. He's undoubtedly the best thing that ever happened to you.
You love him so much, you could burst from the feeling alone.
By the time you reach Steven's apartment, you have sneezed three times (you know because Steven was counting) and Steven's getting worried.
'I told you, love' he says when you are standing in front of the apartment door, 'you are going to catch a fever staying close to me. Look at you now,' he sounds concerned. But you chuckle, throwing your arms around his neck, 'it's fine,' you tell him, 'it means more cuddles and hot chocolates after all, doesn't it?'
Steven's concerned for you but you look so cute smiling like this that he can't help but smile with you. 'Maybe,' he says, pulling you closer by the waist.
You wake up with Marc sleeping next to you. He's cuddled up with you, his head resting on your chest. It's weird because usually Marc's up and about before you are. Reading the newspaper or grocery shopping or simply going on a walk. But today he was here and you liked it.
You push your fingers through Marc's hair and kiss his head. He feels warm. Marc always feels warm when he wakes up but today he is burning up.
'Marc,' you whisper, close to his ear - not wanting to wake him up. 'Mhm-hmm', he replies, nodding into your chest. 'Are you okay?' You ask. He looks up at you, his brown eyes looking like pools of honey in the sunlight streaming through the window. 'I'm fine.' He replies gruffly. His face is red. Awfully red.
'Are you sick?' You ask again, placing your palm on his cheek, 'you're burning up,' you mutter. 'No. I said I'm fine,' his voice is rougher than usual. He is absolutely sick.
Marc tries to move away from you but you wrap your arms around him before he can, he grumbles but ends up cuddling with you anyway.
Your sweet, grumpy boyfriend, oh, how you loved him.
Both of you stay like that for some time. But eventually, you have to get up and go about the day.
Marc wants to go to work. You tell him he can't but he wouldn't listen to you.
'Babe, you're sick.' 'No, I'm not.'
'I checked your temperature, honey, you need rest. And medicines.' Marc makes a face at you. 'I told you -' 'Marc,' your voice is much more stern now. 'Please, Marc, babe, it's one day. Stay in bed, yeah?' This time he doesn't argue.
You know Marc's stubborn but you won't let his stubbornness get into the way of his health.
You put his favorite soup for cooking and go out to get some medicines for him. Thankfully, he stays in bed.
When you come back home, Marc's fast asleep. You watch him like that. Sleeping so peacefully, like a child.
You know why Marc's the way he is. He didn't have a... great childhood. Well, let's be honest, he had an awful, traumatizing one, and for a long time, he has taken care of himself all alone.
You can understand why it's hard for him to ask for help or even accept help and love when it's given to him. It's hard for him to let people in, to let himself be taken care of.
But Marc is your boyfriend which means that somewhere, somehow you did something right and he let you in. And just like that, you will let him know that it's okay to let you care for him. That it's okay to be vulnerable in front of you, that he doesn't have to hide anything.
You make some coffee for yourself and get in bed with Marc. You are sitting up, reading a book and his head is in your lap, your fingers moving through his curls.
You drop the book after some time just to admire the person in front of you. He was so beautiful it made your heart flutter. You could look at him forever.
When Marc wakes up after a few hours he's still grumpy and tired.
'Just take the medicines, love,' you insist. Marc shrugs, 'Don't need them. I feel fine.' 'Marc-' 'You don't have to worry about me,' he cuts you off.
Tears gather at the corner of your eyes. You don't mean to cry but it happens anyway. You are not irritated, you are not tired of Marc. You could never tire of him. But you are scared. You are scared that he won't let you help him and it'll get worse. It's just a fever but you can't help but want it to go away and Marc to feel better.
Marc's expression softens when he notices the tears in your eyes. He closes his eyes for a moment and sighs, 'I'm sorry,' he says, 'didn't mean to sound like that,' he takes the medicines from your hand.
After that Marc doesn't fight it. He lets you give him a massage, eats what you cook for him without a word, and by the time he takes a hot shower he is feeling very much better and his fever's gone.
It had been... a day. For Marc and for you. He has been quiet and angry the whole day but at night, finally, he smiles at you, wrapping his arms around you.
'Thank you,' he whispers into your hair. You are sitting in his lap, 'you don't have to thank me, Marc,' you say taking his face in your hands. Marc sighs, 'I know I can be... difficult. I just-' 'No you're not,' you interrupt him, 'not to me... ever,' you say.
Marc smiles, 'I love you,' he whispers before planting a kiss on your lips. You want to reply and tell him you love him too but he's kissing you with everything and you don't want to break the spell.
You come home to find Jake in the kitchen. He's cooking pasta, you can tell by the smell. Or maybe he's just heating up the pasta you made this morning.
You practically run across the house to get to him and plant a kiss on his cheek, hugging him by the side. 'Hello, babe', you say. But your smile drops the moment you see him. His eyes aren't set and sharp as they usually are, instead they are tired and he looks a bit lousy.
You are confused if it's Steven who's fronting but you know it's Jake when he says, 'Hola, cariño,' he smiles at you.
You push yourself between the kitchen counter and Jake, taking his face in your hands.
'You look tired,' you say. He coughs a little before replying, 'goddamn fever. But don't you worry about it, princesa.'
'You should rest, Jake, what are you doing?' You say, taking his hands in yours. 'Apparently, Khonshu's freaky armor can't protect you from diseases -' he sneezes and curses under his breath.
Okay, Jake hates being sick. He doesn't like it. It makes him feel weak and really soft and pathetic for some reason.
You take off his hat and ruffle his curls with your fingers, saying, 'How about you take some rest and I'll get the food? Get in bed, hm?' Jake smirks, snaking his hands around your waist, 'You really do want me in your bed don't you, mi vida?' You roll your eyes at his comment but a blush creeps up your neck. 'Did I forget the part where I said you need to rest?' You say, a smile tugging on your lips. He frowns.
'I don't need rest. What I need is a good fu- 'Jake' you stop him mid-sentence, glaring. 'What?' He shrugs and walks into the bedroom.
You sigh. Your breath going at a rapid speed. Jake really is good at getting to you. He makes you want to kiss him all the time. But, despite everything, Jake always puts things off, neglecting his needs. Like, right now. He won't admit that he is sick. He wouldn't let you look after him but you have to.
You care for him. Deeply. And you have to make sure that he's okay.
You walk into the bedroom with the pasta plate in your hands. Jake's on the bed. He's removed his shirt, and his bare skin glistens in the dim light.
Your breath catches in your throat.
'How do you feel? You ask Jake, sitting by him on the bed.
He mumbles something and wraps his arms around your waist, his head in your lap.
'I am tired, cariño,' he finally admits after a few moments of silence. You smile, 'I know,' you say, raking your fingers through his soft curls, 'It's alright,' you tell him. He lets out a weary sigh and snuggles closer to you. Your back rests against the wall.
Jake doesn't really spend a lot of time with you. He is barely ever fronting. He isn't much of a talker either, he expresses his feelings with his actions more than his words.
It has been some... work, trying to understand Jake. He's like a puzzle you can't solve, but you want him to know you're trying. Because you love him and he deserves everything.
Your eyes fall on Jake's broad shoulders and their slight movement as he breathes. You move your hands to touch his neck. His skin is still hot despite taking the medicines.
You massage his back in slow, brisk movements. For a moment you think he might fight it but he doesn't say anything,
'Feels good?' You ask. He nods in reply.
Jake is different when it comes to the three of them. Unlike Marc and Steven, he's never had a... life. He's always inside, barely ever fronting. He thinks of himself as only a protector of the system. That he's someone Marc needs when things get worse. You don't want him to think of himself like that.
You want Jake to know that he's just as deserving of love as any of them, that he's more than just a protector. He's more than just the worst parts of Marc turned into a person.
He's soft and loving, and the most amazing person you know.
Jake moves, sitting up in bed beside you making you stop abruptly.
'You don't have to go driving tonight, you know?' You say, sitting in front of him. Partly on the bed, partly on his lap, the inside of your knees draped around his thighs.
'Yo se,' he replies with a sigh, 'but I still have to go be the fist of vengeance.' You frown at his comment, 'You deserve a day off I think.' It makes him chuckle.
'Give me your arm,' you whisper, taking his arm in your hands. You thought a good massage would make him feel better.
But, apparently, this isn't what he wants. Jake wraps his palm around your wrist and pulls you to him. Your hands resting on his chest and your faces inches apart and then, he plants a kiss on your lips.
Somehow you trying to give Jake a massage turns into a hot make-out session. Not that you had any complaints. If this was what he needed then you'd give it to him.
Afterwards, you two lay on the bed, your head resting on Jake's shoulder. He's playing with your hair.
He isn't feverish anymore but his skin is still warm.
'How do you feel?' You ask him now, 'Maravilloso, mi amor.' He says and you chuckle as he kisses your jaw.
You might not know everything about Jake but you know that you love him. So much. And that's really all that matters.
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sagesolsticewrites · 3 months
A series of letters from one Lt. Harry Crosby to his wife 🤍 (a sort-of continuation of Just Say Yes, but can be read as a standalone!)
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My darling wife,
‘Wife.’ I’ll never get tired of saying that.
How are you, darling? I hope you’re not worrying about me too much; I promise, I’m staying as safe as I can, and someday soon this war will end and I’ll have you back in my arms once more.
I miss you more than words can say, sweetheart. You occupy my every waking thought, and all of my dreams at night. Some of the things I dream can’t be written (you know what I mean), but I hope to be back with you soon so I can make them a reality.
All my love, and a thousand kisses,
Your Harry
My most darling husband, I know you didn’t just try to tell your wife not to worry about you! I know how capable you are, but there will always be a part of me that worries.  I’m keeping as busy as I can. I’ve found a job as a typist at the factory here! It’s not quite the job I’ve always dreamed of, but anything I can do to help you boys! Violet from two doors down works there as well, and I’ve made friends with a few of the other girls there, so you don’t need to worry about me being lonely over here. Be safe, my love, and I’ll be counting down the days until I see you again. The swell of joy I feel when I get your letters will surely be nothing compared to being in your arms again. With my deepest love, Mrs. Y/N Crosby P.S. Say ‘Hi!’ to Bubbles for me! P.P.S. I admit I’m intrigued by these dreams you claim you can’t write about… I don’t even get a hint?
‘Mrs. Y/N Crosby’ I don’t think a prettier sequence of letters has ever existed…
A job! Darling, I’m so proud of you.
Though now I can’t help but wonder at every piece of paper arriving on base here— did you type those words? Perhaps it’s just me wishing you were closer, but I like to think every piece of paper coming in with the supplies came from your hand.
Speaking of paper, was that a hint of your perfume I detected on your last letter? It was a wonderful reminder of you, my love. 
There are flowers blooming in the fields here. I’m not sure what kind they are, but they’re beautiful so of course they made me think of you. I’ve enclosed a few that I’ve pressed, and I can only hope they make the journey to you in one piece. If not, well… I send my apologies and a promise that I’ll make up for it with all the fresh flowers you could want when I’m home.
Bubbles says ‘hi’ back, and wants me to tell you that he’s making sure I’m safe (though I’m sure you know it’s clearly the other way around— no, I’m only joking, honey. We keep each other safe.)
As for your question regarding certain dreams… I’m afraid I’ll have to keep you in suspense, my dear, at least for now.
Your unspeakably proud husband,
[enclosed: a variety of small pressed wildflowers]
It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you. Are you getting my letters? I hope so.
How are things going at work? I hope they’re not working my girl too hard. 
You’ll never guess what happened with Bubbles, sweetheart. He was off on pass visiting his girl over in Norwich, and the poor guy caught a stomach bug! He won’t be flying anytime soon, so I’m taking his place for a bit. Frankly I’m not sure how flying with me will be any different from flying with Bubbles with a stomach bug…
I miss you with all my heart, honey. I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
Goodbye for now, angel. I hope I hear from you soon.
My brave Bing, Poor Bubbles! Hopefully he’s recovered by now. Tell him hello for me! And I hope your missions went well, darling, and that you’re taking the time to rest when you can. Take care of yourself, my love. Work has been fine, for the most part. Violet and Carol had a bit of a falling out— over what I’m not sure, but it’s made the office fairly awkward. The prevailing theory among the girls is a spat over a boy, though Ruthie’s making a very convincing case for it being an argument over a lost lipstick. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on these riveting (ha) events, as I’m sure you’re as curious about it as we are. Your gifts did make it to me in one piece for the most part, and I’m keeping them safe next to my picture of you. They’re beautiful, darling. In return, I’ve enclosed some pressed roses from our garden. You know I don’t quite have your green thumb, but I’m doing my best (though I am looking forward to the day you’re back home and can take over the gardening duties— the flowers miss you almost as much as I do.) All my love, Mrs. Y/N Crosby
[enclosed: two pressed red roses]
My darling,
Would it surprise you to know the boys now have a bet going as to the reason for your colleagues’ falling out?
I told Bubbles about it, then word apparently spread, and now nearly the entire 100th seems to know the story! (For the record, most of the boys are leaning towards the cause being a boy, though Bubbles is still holding out for Ruthie’s lipstick theory)
Do let us know if the cause for the argument is ever discovered: I’ve got $10 riding on this, sweetheart!
I managed to get a moment to myself yesterday, and found myself walking in the field near where the ground crews were working on the forts. And do you know what happened, honey?
A butterfly landed on my hand.
It was a little orange and black thing, and it only stayed for a moment before flying off, but having that pretty thing choose me as a resting place on its journey to wherever it was off to… it made me miss you more than ever. I wish you could’ve been here to see it.
I love and miss you so much, sweetheart, I couldn’t possibly love you more, and yet every day, my love for you grows. I’m just existing until the day I can take you in my arms again and never let you go.
Millions of hugs, thousands of kisses, and all my love,
Your Harry
My most darling beloved Bing, Ha! I’m glad I could provide some entertainment from so far away, honey. Tell Bubbles to rejoice: Mary found a lipstick tube that had rolled into a corner behind her desk, and Vi and Carol have agreed to be friends again, imagine that! You didn’t tell me which side of the bet you were on, sweetheart, but knowing you I imagine you sided with Bubbles as always. Do spend your winnings on something sensible— perhaps more paper to write to your poor wife? Oh, my love. You’ll never believe what happened as I was reading your latest letter out in the garden (the weather’s been lovely lately!) A butterfly— black and orange, similar to the one you described seeing all the way over there — landed on the chair next to me. Your chair, darling. Did you send that pretty thing all the way over to me to say hello? I’ll imagine you did.  I love you more than words can say, darling, and so the millions of kisses I’ve enclosed will have to suffice. Stay safe, and I’ll see you when you come home to me. All my love, and then some more, Mrs. Y/N Crosby
[enclosed: in a departure from her usual singular lip print on the page next to her signature, Mrs. Crosby chose instead to enclose an entire extra page covered in its entirety in lip prints 👀💋]
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Not gonna lie if I were the reader after they got replaced by YouTwo I would be a neurotic mess lmao. I already mental issues but I can't imagine going through their trauma on top of everything. I would definitely be scratching myself again out of sheer stress and anxiety about whether or not everybody will replace me again. My arms would look horrible. Oh boy imagine everybody's reaction to realizing they've messed up this badly and absolutely ruined the reader
Other people: fun ways we can write! Coffee shop au! Red string of fate! Hanahaki! Enemies to lovers!
me: what if I sat and tried to seriously and realistically contemplate the ramifications of a severely traumatic experience and the following neurotic habits that arise from the spiral down
Reader gets back to Spider Society, either glitching back in or "being rescued" whatever, and, you're just doing shit like digging food out of the trash "you'd never guess what kinds of perfectly good stuff people throw away, and it saves time to not have to wait for anything to be prepped! Never know when you'll vanish in the middle of a meal or that one serial killer will pop out at you again!! Ahaha!
Someone comes to check on you and you deadass have a fucking, tripwire web trap all around you, you're not even sleeping in a bed you're in your own webbing (because we rock organic webbing here because it fucks) so the second anything like, opens the door of your apartment or comes near you, you're instantly aware. Peter B comes in "heeeey, just wanna check in, make sure you're doing ok--" and there's fucking web wires rattling cans as he opens the front door and suddenly you're wide awake with an actual fucking knife or some kind of equally brutal survivalist weapon and it takes you a few seconds to fully snap out of it and let him calm you down and he has to tell Miguel You Are In Fact Not Doing Ok
You've got real "scaring all your loved ones and everyone around you" energy during those times you're just like going through some manic shit, opening your mouth and going on a sudden 'epiphany' like "i know what would help!! I'm gonna start cutting my face in really visible prominent places and that way you guys will know by the scar who I am :) and when it heals I'll cut myself again :) and again :) maybe I should just cut off a finger, how many of me do you think are missing fingers? Or maybe I could give myself a cool scar!!" And it's just like. What the fuck do they even say to that. A lot of them just genuinely could cry over this, seeing what this did to you. You sound genuinely cheerful at the realization and give no mind to how casually you just suggested self harm out of paranoia and self preservation.
You're just having like hard-core eating disorder issues going from overeating to undereating, binging because you're suffer9ng trauma from starving and then starving yourself "no its fasting, I'm FASTING to save food and money and resources, ok, I can only fit so much in my backpack and--"
You have this backpack from your multiversal glitching travels and keeping it with you basically 24/7 even when you go to the bathroom becomes a comfort habit, because, "never know when your camp has been found by the runners and you've gotta make a break for it" or some other cryptic memory you babble at them like you're discussing coffee when it could be one of the most vile horrifying things they've ever heard
I think the most interesting but tricky thing I've thought of is, what if Reader's trauma-humor coping mechanism gets dialed up to 11 and you can basically never turn it off because, your brain is protecting yourself. It's like you're Doing A Bit but literally all the time like some traumatized method actor and you're just, they're never sure if you're actually telling the truth or actually recounting things you experienced after a while
"Oh man the last time I ate a meal this big was when I finally stopped glitching and I had to break into someone's house and rob them for food! Just call me Santa Claus! But this Earth had suffered a nuclear fallout so all they had was like, DRY CRACKERS and, a lotta canned stuff, icky, and, I was in the middle of trying to pry a tin of lil cocktail weenies open with my teeth when the irradiated house centipedes smelled my blood, just imagine like a normal centipede but, like, the size of a Shetland pony, hey, friendship really IS magic right, and me and these centipedes got SO close, so anyways they smelled my blood, right, and it made them hungry, and--" and here you got like The Entire Squad speechless, Hobies just over here like "fuck, I don't even know what to say to that, you want some ketamine bruv" and yall just hit em with "nah last time I tried ketamine I had a fever dream of being replaced by an evil clone and I was shunned by all my close friends who i thought of like family. Oh wait, that was you guys! That's awkward!"
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wen-kexing-apologist · 7 months
Thank God for @so-much-yet-to-learn deciding not to watch this, meaning he can’t be spoiled and I can spam his DMs with all the twists, and turns.
I literally do not think at this point, even seven episodes in I can really write analysis of the show. I’m almost certainly going to rewatch this, and maybe that will inspire conversations around lighting, and blocking, and use of reflection but for now, I am just going to talk about some of the things I have been noticing and some paths I see those threads taking. 
First of all, in a ghost story, I do not think that I am actually putting too much weight on the use of Hamlet as a play in this story. However, I will admit upfront that I am very potentially putting too much weight on the Greek mythology (River Styx, and Orpheus and Eurydice) that were referenced in, I think like…episode 1 or 2. 
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But, what can you expect when some of the first supernatural happenings we get is Dan waking up on a boat in the middle of a body of water (River Styx)? This does not hold consistently, but there is a trend I have been noticing, of following. It has been making me think of Orpheus and Eurydice, that Orpheus is supposed to guide his lover out of the underworld, and back to the land of the living, but he cannot turn to look behind him. He has to trust that Eurydice is there, following behind him. 
And I have been noticing some point in the show where following behind and not turning back to look have been particularly relevant. In Episode 6, Dan sees a reflection of Trin in the bathroom mirror. Trin is technically behind Dan, but the second that Dan turns to look? Trin is gone. When Dan looks away, he sees a reflection in the mirror of Trin leaving the bathroom, and he follows behind Trin all the way to the funhouse. 
This scene had some particularly striking and beautiful uses of mirrors and reflections. Namely that we see Trin, walking, and Dan following far behind in a number of mirrors. But every time a mirror appears Dan stops for a moment to look at himself. At this point, Trin has continued moving (in fact Trin never stops moving) and we see Dan completely alone in the mirror. What does this have to do with anything? What is the show trying to say about what purpose Trin, the shadow, the visions Dan have serve? Not sure yet! But it’s fucking fascinating. 
Hamlet, of course, is an obvious choice of story for a boy that can see ghosts, especially because Dan sees the ghost of his father at some point(s) in the show. Especially because there is a recurring theme/motif of drowning in this show. We have multiple boys who are haunted, both Dan and Nai being able to see ghosts, we have Dan who harbors anger in his heart for the way his father abused the family, we have a boy who went missing, last seen by the lake and whose ghost consistently appears waterlogged. We have a shadow that grabs Dan by the ankle and tries to keep him below water, we have a moment where Dan sees Trin’s lifeless body floating in a pool. Where are they going with this? I don’t know! And I want to find out. 
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photo from @sparklyeyedhimbo
I have thoughts about water and it’s relation to baptism, that these boys are attending a Catholic school, that Dan is constantly pushing back against the way the school functions and the beliefs that Brother Anurak holds. I am so fascinated by the fact that Catholic priest Brother Anurak cannot confirm the existence of spirits, (when Dan has been haunted by this shadow for almost a decade of his life), and that he turns to Buddhism, and a venerable monk to help him navigate the moments where he slips between reality and dreams. 
I am fascinated by the fact that the Shadow we see gets progressively less scary, at least to me, as time goes on. This is an entity that has been following Dan from the time he was seven. When he was a child, at his mother’s funeral he called this Shadow his friend when he was talking to Brother Anurak.  
This may seem tangential, but, about a year or two ago, I played a little indie video came called Gone Home. The premise is that you arrive back to your childhood home, unannounced only to find that no one in your family is home, they have vanished without a trace, and all that remains are these letters your sister left. When I started playing this game, I was tense, I thought perhaps the house was haunted, perhaps my family had been killed and a murderer was about to pop out from around a corner. But as the story unfolds, as you read more letters from your sister, you realize that she’s queer, she’s telling you a story of why she has left, she has gone to reunite with her girlfriend. And I cannot explain the level of safety and comfort that washed over me the second I realized this was a queer story. 
In some ways that is what this Shadow feels like to me. At first it is scary, it is set up to be, it creeps up, background music builds tension, creates jumpscares of sorts, the shadow is what keeps nearly drowning Dan. But as the episodes continue, the shadow doesn’t do that anymore, Dan turns around and hugs the Shadow, and it takes him to his father (who is a massive fucking asshole to be fair).
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In Episode 6 or 7, Dan is dreaming of one of the few peaceful and happy memories he has of childhood, and the Shadow rests it’s incorporeal hands on his shoulders, almost familiar and comforting, and Dan talks to it. Dan asks it if he can stay there a little longer, and the Shadow lets him. And for me this begs the question, what is the Shadow? Is the Shadow one entity, or multiple? Are the different interactions with the Shadow meant to signify Dan is interacting with multiple different people? Is the Shadow a spirit, or a manifestation of something else: grief, anger, pain? Did Dan die/is Dan dead?
We see two instances of almost sexual acts performed by the Shadow on Dan. Once happens in a dream, and within the dream Dan is conscious. But he wakes up the next morning wet and covered in scratch marks. The second time, Dan is unconscious, but the Shadow appears in the real world, not the dream world (as far as we can tell) and starts pulling up Dan’s shirt, leans in close, so that they are almost mouth to Shadow…mouth? Both times, there is some form of pleasure on Dan’s face, but both times Dan is technically unconscious, and not really able to give consent. 
Is Dan supposed to be enjoying these moments? If so, are they coming from a lover of his, either one from the past or are we perpetuating circles of time where Dan is retroactively being haunted by someone he loves and loses in the future? I don’t know about you all, and personally I don’t want every story that involved Catholicism to focus on the known history of pedophilia within the Catholic church, but…
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Dan has been seeing the Shadow since after he was shot accidentally by his mother and she had a mental breakdown, but this is around the same time that Brother Anurak, Catholic Priest, Brother Anurak enters the picture. And Dan says that the Shadow has been getting stronger since he started at this boarding school where Brother Anurak is a teacher. Could the Shadow be a metaphor for childhood sexual assault trauma that Dan cannot remember, or does not want to face? Possibly. Brother Anurak has seemed a little bit suspicious in the show thus far, (not wholly in the like, “possibly a pedophile” way to be clear, just in the “this dude almost certainly knows more about this student’s disappearance than he is letting on” kind of way). 
Then again, according to the precisely thirty seconds of google searching on name meanings I did, Anurak as a name apparently means “the one who takes care” or “male angel”. I would love someone who is not me and has an actual understanding of the Thai language to correct me if I am wrong. (@recentadultburnout or @lurkingteapot are either of you watching this show? If so, would you be willing to discuss name meanings for Shadow the series? Obviously, no pressure or obligation). 
ANYWAY, the Shadow does not really seem like all too much of an antagonistic force at this point, more of a neutral or potentially positive force, so again, I have 25 different theories that are all possibly wrong, and this is one of them. 
Other theories about the Shadow: Dan started seeing it after almost dying of a gunshot wound, it’s just like the manifestation of death and Dan has been running from it for awhile, it is a manifestation of the people Dan cares about in his life, it is actively trying to possess Dan and keeps getting interrupted, it is a spiritual guide that is supposed to lead Dan towards helping other spirits find justice and peace. It’s a physical manifestation of queerness. Like seriously, I could probably go on all day. 
And actually, queerness is something I do want to talk about while I am here. Because this show is certainly not shying away from homophobia.
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Nai has suffered for revealing his crush on Anan the previous year, he is still suffering for it. It did not escape my notice that the only known queer kid at an all-boys Catholic boarding school does not have a roommate. Nai is pretty much always alone, until Dan shows up, and Nai is warned by his teacher to stay away from Dan to make sure “Dan stays out of trouble”. Ever time that Dan and Nai are seen walking together, touch each other casually, exit a room together, they are called a slur. Nai tries to tell Dan to stay away from him so that Dan isn’t condemning himself to the life of a social pariah. We get one good Token Straight Friend in Josh. We learn that Trin was queer, and Trin was friends with Nai, and now Trin has disappeared. 
The queer kid(s) or the kids associated with the queer kid are the only people getting beaten up at this school, and the actor that plays dickbag Anan is truly committing to the bit, because the (fake) punches he delivers look like they got some force to them. 
I was actually just chatting with @so-much-yet-to-learn and as I was writing out the sentence “what if the Shadow is a physical manifestation of queerness?” he wrote “ooh, so Nai sees them as human figures whereas Dan sees his as a shadow commentary on how aware they are of their sexuality, maybe?” Dan does see Trin in full form, so I am not sure how much this does track, but it is at least worth acknowledging that Nai is aware of his queerness, has been outed, is The Known Queer at school, and has a very visibly obvious crush on Dan. Meanwhile, Dan reads queer (to me), some of the things he says, the way he laughed at Josh asking him if he liked Cha-aim, the fact that he sticks with Nai, make me think he is aware of his queerness. But, we as the audience have not actually gotten any explicit confirmation that Dan is queer or aware of his queerness. 
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photo from @blmpff
However, it is worth noting the physical ghost that Dan is able to see is Trin, another queer boy, (who everyone at school knew was queer because they knew he had a crush on his male theater teacher) and then some random boy that we have never seen before that he, once again, only sees in a mirror. But in Episode 7, Dan has lost this grounding stone, and the line between reality and dreams is constantly blurring. In Episode 7, Dan dreams of a near empty place, the only thing on the floor are drawings of a boxer, a naval ship, a sailor. He sees a man with one arm missing, the remainder of the limb bandaged and bleeding, he sees a man (again, only from behind) handcuffed to a table, behind bars, reading a letter by candlelight, he sees a man tied to a post, blindfolded and about to be executed, once again facing away, back turned to a firing squad. 
Dan finds out like, practically the next day about the local legend of the One Armed Man, who was a boxer, joined the navy, lost his arm, sold himself to homosexual millionaires, and got arrested for selling drugs to party goers who ended up dying of drug overdoses. You know who else has currently been associated with a narcotics related drug overdose?
The missing, queer boy who was trying to break tradition, and bring progress to his school. 
Trin, the missing queer boy who has hallucinations. Hallucinations like… 
Dead bodies. 
You know who else saw dead bodies in the most recent episodes?
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photos from @sparklyeyedhimbo
I don’t know where I am going with this beyond the fact that Trin is established to have bipolar disorder, for which was on medication. In flashback he is shown stating that he wants to get off his medication, we are told in the present that he had stopped taking his medication, and that instead he was treating his bipolar with narcotics, and that he had smoked week the night of his disappearance. It is at this point I would like to say, this show would be absolutely fucking based if they actually gave Trin bipolar disorder, and then had the adults that are suspicious and clearly hiding something, weaponize the stigma against his mental health disorder to try to discredit whatever Trin was trying to do, as well as distance themselves from any potential suspicion around their level of involvement in Trin’s disappearance. (This is not to say this is behavior I support irl, it is to say that it would be excellent commentary around how someone’s mental health can be weaponized against them in truly terrible ways)
So by my count we have two instances of drug overdose mentions from two separate people and stories (Trin’s disappearance and the One Armed Man), and two instances of “hallucinations” of seeing dead people (Trin’s vision he discusses in an audio recording and Dan’s vision in art class). These are not enough data points to say they are definitively doing something with this, but it is just something I am noting. 
Another theory that @so-much-yet-to-learn floated in conversation with me was the idea that the boys that were being haunted were ones who were breaking the status quo in some way. Trin was trying to do away with hazing at school and was called in to the administrator’s office multiple times and told to change his student president campaign policies, Nai is currently the only known queer at school, and Dan does not engage in anything even resembling filial piety. (Again, his dad is a Grade A Major Fucking Asshole).
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photos from @sparklyeyedhimbo
Where am I going with this? I don’t know! Maybe nowhere! Again, my brain is going BRRRRRRR and I am just rapidly cycling through a thousand unformed theories. God, I just want to know what happened, I want to know what everyone knows, I want to know what the fuck is up with Anan and the teacher he is fucking and their involvement in all of this, I wanna know why the fuck he is as reactive as he is (like he literally almost strangled Dan to the point of unconsciousness at the end of Episode 7), Anan and HIS TEACHER keep making references to Trin, to “the nurses other daughter”, throwing suspicion on Dan about knowing about them. I want to know how they are involved in all of this. 
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just-an-anon-reader · 2 years
Hugs, Gifts and PIZZA
Summary: Donnie hasn’t seen you for two weeks. He needs your hugs. Bad. But little does he know about the surprise in store for him 
P.S. Hello again! Thank you all for the love on my first story! They really inspired me to continue writing! So here’s another Rise!Donnie x GN!Reader. I hope you enjoy. (≧∇≦)
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He held his phone with trembling fingers as excitement coursed through his veins. It was the weekend, finally. And he was gonna ask you out, again. It’s been almost two weeks since you’ve done something remotely romantic. Especially with you running off with your best friend, April O’Neil, every chance you got recently. And after two weeks of no hangouts or hugs from you, Donatello had a date plan. And it was going to be perfect, his calculations said so. All that was left was for you to say yes. So, with a shaky finger, he dialed up your number.
“Hey, Dee!”
The sweet sound of your voice was enough to warm his cold-blooded body. He really did miss you. But of course, he’d have to die first before admitting that to anyone, especially Leo.
“Salutations my darling dearest, as it is soon to be the weekend, would you happen to be free tomorrow?”
“Oh Dee, I’m so sorry. I already got plans with April this weekend.”
To say that Donnie wasn’t disappointed would be a lie. But he couldn’t just tell you that! He can't just say that he was in desperate need of your hugs! He had a bad boy image to maintain.
“Oh! I...I see. Some other time then.” “Definitely! Oh, April’s here. I gotta go. Love ya Dee!”
With that, the call ended. He slumped down and sighed in defeat. Were you avoiding him? Or was April just much more fun to be with? Sure he was known to go on a tangent when it came to his tech, but you didn’t seem to mind. You even said it was part of his charm once.
“Oof what’s with the long face? I’m guessing it was a no, huh?”
Donnie could only nod his head in reply as Mikey squatted down next to him. Sensing his older brother’s distress, Mikey switched to Doctor Feelings.
“Awh Donnie it’s alright. I’m sure they’re just busy. Trust me, the moment they’re free they’ll come rushing into your arms.”
The purple-clad turtle gave his brother a look.  The “really?” look. Mikey could only manage an awkward chortle to Donnie’s reaction to his failed attempt at comforting him. There was only one thing, other than you, that could stop his brother from moping.
“Come on Donnie, let's go watch Leo fail at a 14/40.”
“That does sound tempting."
With a sigh and a grunt, Donnie and Mikey made their way toward the living room to challenge Leo to do a 14/40. Just to watch him land on his face with a bowl of popcorn at their side.
Somewhere in New York...
“April! It's done!!”
The pigtailed brunette came bounding towards you and skidded to a halt as her eyes landed on the glimmering item in front of you. She grinned. Almost maniacally.
“You’ve done it! It’s beautiful...It’s time to put the plan in action.”
A few days later...
Donnie, after a thirty-eight-hour tech binge and a three-hour nap, stepped into the lair’s living room to find it void of his dummy-dumb brothers. Suspicious. Even more so when he found his father’s glutei maximi not parked on its usual spot in front of the projector. This is most suspect indeed.
“I haven’t had my morning dose of caffeine. So whatever prank this may be better be AFTER I get my cup in.”
His voice echoed through the empty lair as it bounced against its walls. With a huff, he groggily made his way to the kitchen. Which, definitely was not suspicious, was caked in pitch blackness. Donnie groaned. Was a peaceful caffeinated morning too hard to ask for? Feeling around the darkness with hands outstretched, he felt the switch and flicked it on.
That girlish scream you heard? It wasn’t from Donnie, no of course not. Must’ve been Leo.
“Hey, Dee! Happy birthday!”
Your present wrapped in purple paper with a cute violet ribbon in hand, you smiled and lifted your arms towards him. Silently asking for a hug. You’re lucky he loves you. And that he DESPERATELY needed your hugs.  
“Come on, bring it in.”
Giddily, you wrap your arms around him. Cheek against his plastron as you give him a gentle squeeze which he reciprocates.
“Ugh come on! Don’t get mushy-wushy in front of the pizza!”
Leo grumbled, making choking sounds as if to make a point.
“Don’t mind the lovebirds fellas cuz it’s gift-giving time!”
Mikey was the first to give his. From somewhere behind him, he pulls a well-made wooden bust sculpture of Donnie. The likeness to its life model was uncanny. Second was Raph, with his Jupiter Jim plush toy. The newest bunk buddy. Next was April, with a new library card from her school. The premium kind. Then Splinter. Though he didn’t exactly have a gift. He just patted Donnie on the head. But man was this purple-clad turtle ECSTATIC. Last but not the least, was you.
“So...mine might not be as great as theirs, but I hope you like it.”
Pulling out the purple box from behind you, you gently place it in his hands. Carefully untying the bow, the box opens to reveal a beautiful, handmade purple satin jacket. On the back, embroidered in cursive were the words “Othello Von Ryan” along with his trademark.
“Did you make this?”
“I’m sorry for missing out on date nights. I had to ask April with the sewing.”
Only then did he notice the band-aids that littered your hands. There were too many for his liking. With a frown, Donnie slips on his new jacket and takes both your hands. Softly, he pressed a kiss on each palm. You giggled. A blush rising from the base of your neck to the tips of your ears.
“Ugh! Stop being a simp already!!”
“Scoff! I am NOT a simp. Also...why are you suspiciously nice today?”
“Hey! I’m always nice. And besides, call it, my birthday gift. From one twin to another.”
How suspect. Noticing you fidgeting from the corner of his eye, he gave you the look. The “I know you know something” look.
“So...you know how since you’re twins you both have to share birthdays? And how you get pranked every year? So I sorta...” “You didn’t” “I did” “What did it cost?” ... “Hegetstoeatasliceoutofyourshareofthepizzaforayear” ... “HE GETS WHAT?!!!! YOU SAID YES TO THAT??” “I love you?”
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book-place · 1 year
Dress Shopping Expeditions
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Marc Spector x daughter reader, Steven Grant x reader platonic, Khonshu x reader platonic
Request: Hello! Could you do a fic for the Mk boys? I request another Mk boys x daughter bc I am such a simp after bingeing all your Mk x daughter or teen fics. Okay, so I know formal isn't really common in the Uk but I know some people do Proms, so could you do a fic where the Mk boys takes her dress shopping? And Khonshu is just judging all the dresses. Thought It would be a cute and funny fic
Request by: @mochystark
*not my gif*
Summary: It’s time for prom, so naturally you have to go dress shopping. Your father is less than pleased
A/N: I haven’t really written in a while- so please excuse the shitty writing
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Come on!” You cheered, literally dragging the man behind you by the arm into the closest shop.
Marc tried- and failed- to dig his heels into the ground. “But I don’t want to,” He whined childishly.
“Well that’s too bad,” You looked over your shoulder at him with a grin, “Because Steven volunteered you to do it.”
The man was in fact still being pulled along behind you, but this time he was muttering obscenities to his alter.
If there was one thing in this world your father hated, it was shopping. But dress shopping, oh that was worse. So much worse.
The store was filled to the brim with gowns of all shapes and sizes. Colors ranging from the brightest oranges, to the darkest greens. You were completely in awe at everything you saw, spinning in a circle as your eyes tried to drink it all in.
Marc came to a stop, crossing his arms as he looked around nervously, “I don’t like this.” He muttered.
“Aww,” You teased, “Does dress shopping make you uncomfortable, dad?”
He let out a huff of air and turned his head to face the other way so you wouldn’t see the way his cheeks tinged the pink of a nearby Barbie-like dress, “Shut up.”
You just laughed, skipping off in a different direction to look at some colorful material, leaving Marc to rock back and forth on his heels where you had left him.
“Marc,” Steven chastised in his ear, “I volunteered you for this so that you could spend some time with Y/n.”
Marc shifted on his feet again, “I don’t know anything about this stuff, Steven!” He complained, not caring about any of the surrounding people who threw weird looks his way for talking to seemingly himself.
“It’s her prom,” The british man’s voice softened, “And you’re her father. She deserves to have you here with her.”
Your father deflated a bit at that before he sighed, “Yeah, yeah, you’re right.”
After only a second's hesitation, he set off into your direction, you in turn looking up and grinning brightly when you saw him approach.
“Dad, good, do you mind holding this?” You barely waited for him to nod before shoving at least five dresses into his hold.
“Yep,” He grunted a bit, “I got it.”
He followed you around like a lost puppy for the next forty five minutes as you tossed into his arms the different dresses you wanted to try on, and he didn’t complain once. In fact, he even seemed to be slightly happy.
Eventually, you trailed into the dressing room and one by one tried on the dresses, him waiting outside and you walking out each time to ask for his opinion.
“No.” Khonshu said the second you opened the door and stepped from your dressing room for the twenty-seventh dress you were trying on.
The God evidently had nothing better to do and decided to drop by to help.
“No?” You quipped back, anger rising in your voice.
“I don’t like it.” He said simply.
“Oh? You don’t like it?” You seethed, eyes narrowing at his quick judgment of your dress.
“Now, now,” Steven said nervously, looking back and forth between you two, “Let’s not fight.”
“No, let’s.” Marc fronted with a grunt and muttered, “Maybe the store will kick us out then.”
“No, I don’t.” Khonshu continued as if the other two hadn’t even spoken.
Marc sighed at the look Steven was giving him in a nearby mirror- one that told him to intervene before things got messy- and he stepped in between both of you.
“Sweetie,” He spoke, gently laying his hands on your shoulders, “You look beautiful.” He gently placed a kiss on your forehead.
You smiled up at him before grinning at Khonshu, “See? I look beautiful in this dress.”
Your father nodded, “And if you want to get this dress- then we’ll get this one.”
You shook your head and turned back into your dressing room, “Nah, I don’t really like it that much anyway.”
Steven burst into a fit of giggles as Marc’s face dropped and even Khonshu let out a small snigger.
Despite that though, the three of them stayed, waiting until you found the perfect dress. Not once complaining, but a couple more small fights did break out between you and the God of the moon.
Like a Bee 🐝- @ip747 @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @jvdethirlwall @wolfmoonmusic
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flwrshee · 1 year
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duo ﹒ enhypen x fmr genre fluff word count 07k warnings kissing
quality time :
he would always find a way to spend time with you
making you laugh just to see a smile on your face
loves playing around and teasing you
cherishes the time you have together
if he cant see you , he makes sure that you receive twice the love next time you see him
physical touch :
he loves, adores and treasures your hugs
coming home and hugging him makes him feel better
your hugs cure his day
backhugging you whenever your cooking or in the kitchen
holding hands in public
your hands fit perfectly in his
never misses a chance to grab them and draw small circles with his thumb
words of affirmation :
telling you silly stories to make you laugh
using his sweet words to comfort you if you had a bad day
talking in his soft sweet tone to make you sleep
encouraging your decisions and telling you to go for it
telling you its ok when you fail at something
acts of service :
jay loves helping you out
simple things like cooking for you and helping with your homework
will take his time and make you feel loved
offering to drive or helping you zip your dress
and ofc cooking for you
( they all scream domestic jay and im so down bad for it )
physical touch :
jake will starve without touching you
his number one way of showing love
he loves to kiss your soft plump lips especially after a long day
it brings him happiness and comfort when you respond to his kisses
waking you up in the middle of the night just to peck them
quality time :
aswell as physical affection jake loves spending time with you
listening to you talk about your day makes him smile
hanging out and making memories is a must for jake
physical touch :
sunghoon is very introverted
this makes him really shy
he would give small hugs and pecks on your lip
but hugging you would be his favourite way of showing love
and with his is soft cute voice he would ask you “ can i kiss you ? ”
you would melt right away and he would be all giddy
receiving gifts :
sunghoon would write you little notes that would cheer you up
and he would spoil you with presents
sometimes he would buy meaningful small gifts rather than lavish ones
like a photo frame with you both when you first started dating
words of affirmation :
sunoo would be the best at cheering you up after a bad day
he would just listen to all your worries
and he would make your day better
he loves singing with you
you two would have a mini concert when your fav song played
quality time :
spending time with you would be very important for him
you two would love doing skincare
putting face masks on each other
binging your fav shows on netflix ( netflix and chill ? )
buying makeup together
trying it out the next day
receiving gifts :
i just know jungwon would be the type to make really cute homemade gifts
he would make a cute card or make a funny video of him singing happy birthday
also taking you shopping
and both of you getting matching phone cases or keychains
i feel like jungwon would be the type to like sanrio
words of affirmation :
he would be more likely to give advice than comfort you ( not in a bad way )
but you would be happy by just seeing his face smile
and boy wouldnt even know that
but his voice and his wise words make you feel very calm
physical touch :
honestly niki is a very shy boy
when with the people he loves he doesnt hesitate to show that love
having playful fights and tickle fights
that would result in a cute session of kissing
little pecks on each others faces making you two smile and giggle
but he loves you sitting on his lap when he is playing video games
and when he wraps his hands around your waist
he loves seeing you flustered
quality time :
he absolutely loves when you play games with him
and the boys teasing him when you join the game
but he loves teaching you how to play
you both also love going on walks
holding hands and treasuring each other
( also a way for you to calm your chaotic boyfriend )
© flwrshee
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undercoverpena · 7 months
I am DESPERATELY waiting for tomorrow’s chapter [I love your Frankie] 😝 but just wondered what you are reading right now?
is it okay that I am eagerly excited to show you all it, especially as we have a special guest 👀 and I—
yeah I’m gonna shut up. let you know what you came here for.
in terms of what I’m reading (I’m just going to include the series — all one shots you can see in the fic recs):
• stay in bed (joel miller) by @psychedelic-ink — I am in LOVE with this series and more people need to be reading and come talk to me about how amazing it is.
• the checklist (joel miller) + take the weight off his shoulders (javi p) by @thetriumphantpanda — both of these are amazing. the checklist is blowing my mind and take the weight off (I know things and it’s good)
• paranoid heart (javi p) by @goodwithcheese — my heart, this pair are amazing and it’s so spicy, and I love megan’s writing so much and so thankful we met.
• headshots (marcus p) by @secretelephanttattoo — this is such a cute and wonderful story and marcus is so dreamy in this! a must read!
• delta palms tropical resort (frankie) by @linzels-blog — I discovered this on AO3 first, binged and harassed the author the next day hahah. I want to visit.
• table for two (frankie) by @hellishjoel — line cook frankie really does it for me, and it’s the best balance of smut and angst.
• delta landscaping (multi) by @rhoorl — if you’re looking for an AU where the TF boys start a business and a neighbourhood chat is started, read this! pls.
• into the beat of the night (frankie) by @perotovar — this is such a unique premise, and I am so excited to see how it all unfolds
notable mentions: señorita by @lavendertales (on hiatus) + your summer dream season two by @swiftispunk (it’s not out but this is a notable mention section)
I am so sorry if I miss anyone, I realise half my links are actually broken 😭
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shenlis-spear · 2 months
⇢ starring: zhao liying, lin gengxin
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If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more. (I'm talking about The Legend of Shen Li)
Let me preface this by saying I'm biased. And it's been a million years since I tried to put my thoughts into writing so this is gonna be all over the place and long-winded. And probably wouldn't make any sense. So here it goes.
I really enjoyed The Legend of Shen Li. Do I love it? With all my charred heart. Do I think it's the best drama this year? It's still April. It's hard to say. Are Shen Li and Xing Zhi the best power couple? This shouldn't even be a debate.
Honestly, I didn't even plan to chase this drama while it's ongoing because I binge watching drama is what I enjoy best. However, I was bored. And The Legend of Shen Li's trailer looked interesting. And my heart still needs healing from the mess of an ending that is Princess Agents. I needed closure. So I started watching the drama, and boy oh boy did it drag me down one hell of a roller coaster ride of emotions every single night. (No, I'm not complaining.)
However, before I talk about the things that I really loved about the drama, I have some things to say about the stuff that kind of irked me. Because no drama is perfect (unless it's Nirvana in Fire).
So let me get started on the things that I feel like the drama could've done better.
Musical scoring - the OST's? Chef's kiss. However, they way they're putting music on the scenes are a hit and miss. Most of the time it just distracts me from the scene and I just get bored with the mv-ish scene. I wish cdramas especially custom ones would stop this. I don't need 5 mins of the leads staring at each other in all angles accompanied by a really nice song. I'm here to watch a drama. Although, I kinda did get used to it in the latter episodes (specifically ep35-38) because I definitely needed a minute or two to process the emotions.
The progression of the story - One thing. I'm confused. Not to the point that "I don't understand the plot confusing" but still confusing nonetheless. There was no consistency in the scenes and the dialogues. (Ex fishing village). There was no flow. I feel like someone messed up the storyboard and when they edited the scenes they were also confused. Or maybe this is the issue of the translation of the dialogue? I don't even know. Still, I definitely think this part could've been done better.
The internal monologues - sigh when I said the thing I love most in dramas are their dialogues I don't mean what's happening in The Legend of Shen Li. The characters just talk (or think?) too damn much I can't keep up. They're supposed to be the characters whom their actions should tell the story but the way they're narrating the whole plot to me is just so jarring. Am I watching a drama or listening to an audiobook? Sometimes I can't tell. I wish they'd tone it down but it just got worse with the later episodes.
The camera - this is just me being nitpicky but there are some random camera angles especially the spinning ones that probably is supposed to make the scene dramatic but all it did was make me wanna vomit.
This is not in any way, shape, or form hating on the drama because I genuinely enjoyed it. I've deluded myself into waiting for a Princess Agents S2 but I got a better deal and had Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin to reunite in a new project which is better in my opinion because Princess Agents is a hot mess. There was really no saving that one.
So moving on to the things I like! But like, where do I even start?
First of all, Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin. Chemistry so good, they had to be casted in another drama. Everything about them was just so perfect for the drama and the role. Could not ask for a more perfect casting than them. The 7 year wait was almost worth it.
The WOMEN! - so much room for improvement regarding the characters but I loved that the women were not treated as damsels who always needed saving. I have to say 5 1/2 braincells were working throughout the drama, 2 from Shen Li, 1 from You Lan, 1 from Jin Niang Zi and 1 from Shen Mu Yue (1/2 from Xing Zhi because he's too unbothered if it's not related to Shen Li).
Shen Li - might not be the best female character in cdramaland but I think she can hold her own place. She's stubborn, a bit reckless but she's loyal and righteous. She's a strong woman without being a stereotypical cold and ruthless strong woman. Shen Li is a strong woman at the same time also a mad woman in love. She does not have to be one or the other. The more I write this the more I'm falling in love with her character. You just don't find a character like her. She is Shen Li. A capable general. A strong leader. An empathetic comrade. A respectful student. A woman in love. She is not just one of them but all of them.
Lin Gengxin is pretty believable playing as an ancient god. He has that air around him that screams your highness. He played the lofty and aloof Xing Zhi to perfection.
And what can I even say about Zhao Liying? As always miss ma'am played Shen Li perfectly. Whimsical, stubborn, in love and devasted in love, you can feel all those emotions just watching her eyes.
It has angst but not too much that we as viewers would spend multiple episodes pulling out hair of frustration about the misunderstandings and accidental killings. (Not a shade to any specific drama but just to the xanxia genre in general). It has the perfect balance of angst, romance and comedy. You laugh, cry and giggle all in one episode. The comic relief scenes are naturally funny and doesn't feel forced. Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin's comedic timing are 👌.
The conflict was handled maturely and the confession was direct but still heart fluttering. Throughout the drama, they both got their heads perfectly placed on their shoulders.
The last episode! Let us talk about the last episode because when has a drama provided that kind of fan service just making one whole episode of shenanigans and fluff. After going through the angst, the reward that is the last episode is just too good and definitely worth all the tears.
Also, can we talk about Dong Jie's guest role? I know miss ma'am is good but when I tell you I cried for a minute because of her story arc? Just hands up and mic drop. So so good!
Now that all of these are out of my system, hopefully I can move on to the next obsession, whatever that may be. I'll still probably watch episode 39 on a daily basis though. It's just too enjoyable and it makes my day. Will probably, revisit this "review" in the future and update it because I'm aware that at this point it's not making a lot of sense.
RATING: 9/10 REWATCH VALUE: 10/10 definitely would watch again! ACTING: 10/10 CATEGORY: GUILTY PLEASURE
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tulipsinthedas · 1 month
Just finished binging the Fallout tv show and 🤯 I've got so many thoughts running through this little brain of mine. So here's a very long rant no one asked for. Maybe I'll make a more digestible version later. Obviously SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Be warned!
First off - the lore. So many interesting things were added into the lore by this show that I find so fascinating, as well as theories I've had that were touched upon. All of which makes this very exciting but also leaves me DESPERATE for season two. The main thing that has really stuck with me is the confirmation that Vault-Tec were the ones to drop the bombs like hello??? I've always had an inkling ever since I started delving into fallout lore a good year or two ago that they were behind everything, but finally having it confirmed is so fun. Of course, some people out there are going to be irritated (L take) but this imo will make replays so much more interesting. Same with the addition of ghouls needing medication to keep from becoming feral. Although this begs some questions; what is the medicine? Is it just radaway, or something else entirely? Maybe it's connected to whatever Hancock used to ghoulify himself? Or maybe it's connected to Doctor Barrows' research into ghouls fom Fallout 3? Idk! But I hope it's answered in season 2.
Cooper being the inspiration behind the iconic vault boy mascot absolutely gagged me. It was kinda hinted at even in the beginning at the kids birthday party but I was still surprised. Pleasantly, of course. Other smaller things, like the BOS branding and helmets opening up, among other things, were also fun touches that develop the lore in ways that the games probably never would have. It's small things like this that despite livening up the wasteland, would be unnecessary uses of resources from a game-development standpoint. So I think if season 2 ends up being a banger like season 1, we could see a lot more tiny additions to the lore like this!
Secondly - the characters. I don't even know where to start. They were written so well which is such a critical part of a good series. Lucy, despite everything she goes through, stays true to her morals and by doing so, probably unknowingly, is changing those around her. Despite being stubborn, she's willing to listen and understand other viewpoints and adapt herself. It's so refreshing to see a main female lead who isn't written as either weak and naive or strong and boneheaded; she'd a perfect mix of both. I also appreciate them not making her a total push over, even in the beginning before she is given any reason to change. She grows, but never fails to stay true to herself. Plus the whole sex positive thing is an amazing touch to add as well, especially for a woman.
And while on this topic, Maximus is such a cutie pie. Writing characters that are selflessly aligned can definitely be a hit or miss, and without properly being fleshed out, can be one-dimensional, but I never felt that way with him. Despite trying to help others and be a good person, he still has flaws and does feels selfish things. They took the trope of the knight in shining armor, literally, and gave him actual human characteristics that made him feel real. Underneath his heroic demeanor, he's just a little guy who likes slippers and vault popcorn. Who just wants to be somewhere safe away from war and danger, to be where he can just relax and not have to worry. And his romance arc with Lucy is just way too cute. From the moment they met in Filly I knew something was going to happen and I was so excited when they finally kissed lmao. The sweet, innocent love at first sight thing they have going on is the perfect dichotomy to all the bloodshed and heavy themes going on in the rest of the show.
And finally, Cooper is reviving the inner ghoul lover in me and I cannot complain at all. As a certified Hancock lover, I feel seen ✋ also Walton Goggins is just incredibly fine. But that's besides the point. His character is arguably the best written because despite being an undeniably evil person, he is still likeable. 200 years have turned him into a man who had to lose his humanity to survive, and the pre-war flashbacks being shown through his eyes give him, and the story, so much depth. Despite his ways, you can't help but still feel for him, to still root for him and hope that he still has a little bit of that humanity left within him. Which imo was shown multiple times; for example him not killing Maximus in episode two even though he easily could have done so. And the fact that he's still searching for his family all these years later? When he was asked what has been keeping him going so long, I think they are his reason. Whether he is searching to reunite or to exact revenge on Barb for dropping the bombs while him and Janey were outside idk. But it makes his story all the more heartbreaking. I also love the writing for Norm, Moldaver, Dane, and so many others, but this is already too long ass it is.
Overall, this series was so good and I'll be impatiently awaiting season 2! Some things I'm hoping to see next seasons are super mutants for sure, as well as synths and more of the enclave. I think they went easy this season to test the waters and see just how interested people are. And now that they know people are very interested, I think they'll be more willing to invest a larger budget, and add more. Rant over!
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authorspirit · 2 months
🐾🐾 Boop! Boop! 🐾🐾
I'd love to know what simmer has got you hooked right now! Please share what you're binge-reading on Simblr!
Share this with other simmers to get some recommendations on who to follow! Let's keep spreading some love! 💚
This list is going to be long. :') SORRY BUT NOT SORRY. And I'm sure I'll be missing people here.
There are a lot of stories I have started reading in the middle of it and intend to catch up the beginning of them. But I can instantly get hooked on so many stories, as long as someone puts "previous | next" buttons, I'm in danger of falling into a story's universe. (I also have the hardest time to follow everyone but I try to.)
@matchalovertrait (OF COURSE YOU) I still need to catch up before I met sassy toddler Dulce. I can't believe she's a preteen now. I do enjoy following people's legacy challenges and I like how I forget that it's one with how you really create your own storylines around the base requirements.
@ice-creamforbreakfast I'm not going to lie, I came for the CC, I stayed for the BACC challenge and I am now following the Romano legacy.
@gooretrait I really do love following legacy challenges. Also, console player?? It's also a good reminder of all the fun you can get without cc and mods, just very inspiring imagination-wise.
@eurosimmer breaks the fourth wall in her captions and it's hilarious to me. It's also a legacy challenge, but oh boy I forget it everytime.
@pleasanttaleswithkaityb completely changed my way of playing! (and also of sharing content on tumblr) I also have a soft spot for taking townies as a base, because we kind of all know the backstories for them a bit. (I say that and I never played Sims 2, just binge-watched Sims lore videos.) I love how people change their stories.
@ruthplaysthesims Talking about appropriating Sims townies and make them evolve, I LOVE Kaori's story. In TS4 we all know the lore is meh (with it being on supposedly another timeline etc). The Mt. Komorebi storyline is SO interesting, I really have to play in that world someday without ruining them all. And somehow, Ruth made it even more interesting! Like I already wanted to know more about them, now I'm looking for any little bit of detail referencing their childhood or something. Anyway I highly recommend, I love all the new stories she put out as well (Raina 💖)
@kamiiri Back to other Sims lore game, I LOVE Strange! I watched a LP of Sims 2 on PS very recently and somehow found Strange at the same time... The setting, the weaving of all the storylines together, continuing all of them together... I love it. It's also very cinematic I'd say? There's something in those screenshots, I love it.
@holocene-sims One day I saw a notification of them and next thing you know I was trying to read everything about Grant from the start on mobile (but it's hard to read on mobile so I have A LOT to catch up). So now I'm catching up the recent story posts! But as I'm writing this post, I know I have a lot to catch up already.
@cinamun Add it to the list of "I should really read the beginning of it but for now I'll just keep on trying to catch any post they make", Things Fall Apart's universe has really sucked me in and I really like how cinamun interacts with everyone! (I admit I am a lurker but I want to try this lemon pepper wings recipe someday and share them with all the readers.) Reading TFA really gives me the vibes of watching a daily evening TV show with my family: we did not necessarily watch since the beginning, we just one day started watching all together, and now we're eating dinner in front of it every night. (And of course sharing our reactions)
@havenroyals If you like some spice and love messy stuffs, you'll be served. I also really like the Gossip queen edits it's just such an interesting way to add variation to tell stories.
@theroyalsims In the same vein of the Gossip Queen edits, I really like how we follow the story of the royal families with articles about them and not from their direct point of view. (I'm also currently trying to guess who is getting married soon because I know there is a royal wedding soon among those sims.)
OK small pause because we've entered the royal simblrs that I follow. There are a lot, it's how I found the simblr community in the first place. One thing I have to say is that I love all the collabs people do, the way so many stories are interconnected through everyone's sim and I genuinely think it's a lovely community (even if I'm not part of it myself as I'm just a reader).
@sosa-royals is the first royal simblr I came across and read everything. The drama? I LOVED it.
@officalroyalsofpierreland After meeting child Maria Aisha I had to learn more about her family. I was not disappointed.
@funkyllama this inevitably led me to want to learn more about the Ionian Union and I really like the world building in general? Also those last edits? I love it.
@empiredesimparte of course there is the complete Europeansim on my list. I particularly enjoy reading in French sometimes when my mind just wants to rest from reading in English. I also love Hortense and everytime I see a big event in the story I would be like: "oh J'AI LA REF ! It really looks like in real life." (you are very talented at building). And in general, I really recommend the worldbuilding tag? Because I love it?
@anachrosims' @prydainroyals Talking about someone talented at building? Yeah, I still have to catch up from the beginning. But this one should be feasible as it is more recent? (I don't know, you're also a good writer, PLEASE tell me what you can't do.)
@nexility-sims Among stories that are easy to start digging in someone's universe, I would recommend reading 1992. Eventually I'll read the story it's a spin-off of and @/armoricaroyalty's story, but yeah. My list of stories to catch up is already long for now.
@trentonsimblr and @ardeney-sims I'm putting both of them in the same bullet point because I've been wanting to enjoy their stories for a while and only decided to fully commit when Between A Rock and A Hard Place started. Similarly to 1992, it can be enjoyed without having the whole back story but yeah. I'll definitely enjoy reading the back stories of main characters and "side" characters (which you see glimpses of in BRHP).
@thegrimalldis Very similarly to the previous bullet points, I started reading with a "spinoff", the prequel "Maximilian" rather than the main story after seeing the username a lot of times. I have since caught up the main story I believe, but I may have to reread to be sure. I also have to read the story of succession (because it's complete and I like complete stories).
@theroyalthornoliachronicles and if we have to go back in time, I would highly suggest Ali's story! Though I can't wait to see modern Thornolian generations? 👀 Also, I'm a reader from after Ali lost her blog and I would say now is the best time to start reading if you're like me and have a massive TBR pile, since we're at chapter one!
OK I think I had most of my currently followed stories. I'm 100% missing people but I will try to reblog more of people's stories so you all can see what I'm reading at the moment!
Did this post take me two hours because I'm catching up on reading WHILE answering? Yes.
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ayelbee · 1 year
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next chapter |
Summary: Sometimes even love is not enough for relationships. But it's fine because you are over it. But getting again in a contact with his younger brother wasn't smart.
TW: slightly coursing , just my really bad writing skills in english so probably even english grammar
Notes: Hey, this is the first time I'm publishing something in english so I'm really sorry for any mistakes I made (english is not my first language), and if you wanna correct me, please do so! I will be glad. Also, i would want to make a series from this, so let me know if i should or if it's really that bad!:)Let me know what are you thinking abou this
You let out an exhausted breath the moment you stepped into your apartment. Leaving your luggage on the floor you dragged your body to the living room. You felt more than happy when you ended up on your couch. You have been up since five in the morning, the lack of sleep was clearly visible on you. You were more than happy to be back.
Spending Christmas back at home was great, but there were reasons why you moved to a different country, thousands of kilometers far away from your home town 5 years ago. Some people would call it youthful imprudence, you called it a step that needed to be taken. Since that you have been living your best life, at least most of the time.
You took your phone to text your mum that you had made it to your apartment safely. But when you unlocked it the date in the middle of your screen made you frown.
29th of December
Being in a rush since morning you didn't even have a moment to think about anything else than catching your flight and getting back to Paris. But now, when you were sitting on your couch you started to realize…
It was Ethan's 16th birthday today, your ex's brother whom had you been really close to since the first time you met him as an 11 year old boy. And today he was turning 16. A wave of nostalgia brushed over you. You saw your little brother in him. Every time you missed y/b/n, Ethan was there for you. You could do all the stuff you used to do with your brother with him.
That was the one thing that Kylian loved. Seeing you with his family always made him more than happy. Seeing how you were part of his family.
But you didn't see Ethan since August, the last time you talked with him in person was the day when you were moving out of Kylian's apartment. Ethan had that day tears in his eyes. Well, he wasn't alone… Knowing that person who had loved as his sister was after four years leaving his and his brother's life. If he was younger he would be really angry at Kylian. But he was old enough, and he understood that sometimes is love not enough.
So now you were wondering if you should call him or not. He had texted you on your birthday ten days ago. But you felt like a text from your side wasn't enough. That he deserved more than that. So after minutes of thinking you pressed the green icon and started to call.
"Y/n?" his voice sounded surprised.
"Hey, Ethan." You let out a small laugh "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday." For some reason, you started nervously playing with your bracelet.
"Thank you, I appreciate it." he was silent for a moment. "I thought that you won't call." His voice tone now changed from cheerful to something more sad, and your heart ached.
"I couldn't forget about you. You are still like my brother Ethan." you stopped for a moment. "Even after all of that." now you sounded like someone who will start to cry at any minute.
"Y/n" he noticed so he tried to change the subject. "You know that we didn't have a Marvel marathon in a long time." He mentioned something you used to do when Kylian was away and you both missed him. You always choose a few movies from the MCU which you have binge watched in one sitting surrounded by your favorite snacks and food that you would order earlier. And if Kyliand had a game that day, you would also watch it together.
"You would want that?" now, you were the one who was surprised.
"Why are you surprised ?" before you even responded he continued. "I miss it." for a second time in a few minutes you wanted to cry. Getting all the flashbacks from the past when the two of you used to hang out.
"Okay Ethan, I'm sorry but I need to go now. I will text you later and we will find a date okay?" now you just wanted to end up that call as soon as possible because you are a coward.
"Sure Y/n, I look forward to it." his voice now sounding happier than before.
"Bye Ethan, and in a meantime you should decide which movies we are gonna watch." you tried to sound also happy.
"Bye." were the last words he said before you ended up your call.
You couldn't fall asleep that night, even though you were really tired... Your head was full of thoughts, calling Ethan wasn't a good thing to do, you should just send him a message instead. But you didn't so, in the end, it was just your problem that Ethan's older brother was stuck in your head.
You hated yourself for that. You thought that it was over. That you are over it. But Christmas really messed up with your mind and hearing Ethan's voice too.
It was the first Christmas in four years that you didn't spend with Kylian. Well, you didn't even wish him a happy birthday this year, but he did to you. You just didn't open his message. He also sent your family a Christmas card, making your mum happy and your little brother sad that he didn't come with you. Y/b/n was too young to understand. 
It could be around 3 am when you finally fell asleep. But even in your sleep, you didn't find peace.
"I'm home Mon amour." you heard your boyfriend's voice followed by his steps. You were sitting at the dining table with your laptop in front of you as you were booking plane tickets.
"Hey babe." you looked up at him, smiling as you saw his beautiful face. Even after four years of dating, you felt like you just fell in love with him. "How was training?" you asked as he bent down to kiss you on your forehead. You wrapped your hands around his neck, making him bend down even more.
"It was fine." he pulled you up while wrapping his hands around you. And kissing you again.
"What are you doing?" you laughed.
"I just wanna some cuddles." he rested his head on your head, squeezing you more into his hug. You let out a little chuckle.
"Okay but I need to finish booking my tickets first, and then we can cuddle okay?" you put a little kiss on his neck. "And you can change into something more comfortable, while I'm gonna finish this." Kylian pulled away with a little frown on his face.
"What are you booking tickets for?" he asked visibly confused.
"I thought that I would visit my family next week. Summer break started for Y/b/n so I could spend some time with him," you answered.
"But we're playing against Nantes next week." he wasn't smiling now. "And I thought that you are going with me." 
"I really wanted to go with you, but Y/b/n is after next week leaving for training camp. And then I'm flying to NYC with my work so that's the only week when I can see him."
"Since when are you flying to New York?" he looked almost angry like you didn't tell him.
"I told you like a month ago." he nodded with his head like you didn't. "I really did, you just weren't listening." it's not like it would be the first time he didn't listen to you. But you didn't mind, both of your schedules were so full, that sometimes you weren't able to keep everything in your heads. 
"I'm sure you did not, but whatever." he rolled his eyes, while also creating more space between you two. "But we have a game that week, so it's gonna be like what, fifth game in a month that you will miss?" he started to gesture with his hands. You know how much it means to him when you attend to his games, but at the same time, you know that you're doing the best you can.
"Ky, I'm really sorry." you tried to take his hand into yours, but he flinched with his hand away. "It's not like I'm missing your games on purpose. It's just a little bit busier at work and I can't do anything against it." You looked into his eyes. You have known him too well to tell how disappointed he was.
"But you don't need to work. You can stay home with me. You know that money is not our problem." now he put on puppy eyes and bring a conversation to a point that you argued about a few times in the past months.
You loved your job, you were a curator in an art museum. You started to work there as an intern while studying your first year in art major, getting a promotion just in January this year. So of course you didn't wanna give up that now.
"You know that I don't want. What I would do here? Wait for you every day to come back from your training? Following you like a lost puppy for every game? That would not work, we would just lose our minds!" now you were the one who got slightly angry at him. Seeing how his puppy eyes disappeared.
"Bordel de merde Y/n! It's really great to know how much I mean to you! Is it a lot that I'm asking? Having a girlfriend that has a relationship as a priority and not some fucking work? Is it a lot Y/n?! Is it something you can't give me? Even though I would give you the whole world if I could?" he furiously threw up his hands. 
"You know it's not like that Kylian!" you watched him in disbelief.
"Do I?" he turned away and rushed thru the doors. "I'm gonna go to Haikimi." then you just heard the slam of doors. First tear rolling down your cheek.
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rhoorl · 6 months
Week in Review | Dec. 10
Hi! How are you? I can't believe we're nearing the midway point of December! I am happy to get back to my typical Week in Review style after an abbreviated version last week!
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Same shit different week for me when it comes to my TBR, I add more than I can read. But alas, here's what I got to:
Fics I read this week:
Frankie Morales
I Like the Way You (Frankie) by @undercoverpena - I've kept this series in my Current Compulsory Series section for weeks, but I'm pulling it up to the top this week because we got the final part this week! It's always a bit bittersweet to me when I get to the end of a series, especially one I'm following in real-time. I loved following along each week and immersing myself in this story and I’m sad it's done (but hey, great news, I can now reread it from the beginning and binge!). Great job Jo! 💕
While I'm talking about Jo, here's this saucy one-shot Coming Under the Christmas Tree
Joel Miller
Footprints by @sin-djarin - This brought back some Christmas morning nostalgia for me! Joel as a dad and the love he has for Sarah makes me melt. And we have an Uncle Tommy appearance too!
Mr. Ben
SOS by brnn on AO3 - I’m not sure if this creator is on Tumblr, but if they are let me know! I had several chapters of this story built up that I hadn’t caught up on and when the final chapter dropped I binged what I had left! Mr. Ben and OFC Clare are adorable. 
Din Djarin
Safe to The Touch by @linzels-blog A touch-starved Din gets some lovin’. 💕
A Baker’s Dozen by @avastrasposts Part 2 in Mel's series saw Din come into the bakery. This was so sweet (no pun intended!).
Other Characters
Good Things Take Time by @oonajaeadira -  This series is so good! I've had it recommended to me several times and I've been slowly working my way through it, savoring it because I don't want it to end! I read Parts 2 and 3 this week along with the various drabbles in between. The chemistry these two have is *chef's kiss*
Current Compulsory Series:
These are the series I am keeping up with at the moment.
Holiday Prompts (Various) by @trulybetty - A healthy serving of delicious stories this week. I officially want to move to Maplewood, well, maybe visit. I'll be honest, I'm not made for the cold anymore. 😆 Also, Tim and Cagney continue to be a favorite as are Frankie and Mav! And Dieter made me google Christmas hippo socks which somehow I already did not own! 🦛
Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie) by @linzels-blog The rollercoaster I felt with this latest chapter … I have to know what happens next!!
Destiny & Deliverance (Dieter) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings This latest chapter had me all up in my feels. These two are 🥹💕
Paranoid Heat (Javi P) by @goodwithcheese I think I've finally managed to pick my jaw up off the floor from the spicy scene in the latest chapter.
Undercover (Tim Rockford) by @secretelephanttattoo Another great chapter update this week, El!! Grumpy Tim and his pet fish are living rent free in my head.
It’s Never Too Late (Javi P) by @javierpena-inatacvest - There is some dad Javi content I need to catch up on!!
Posts from the week:
The moodboards @wildemaven puts out are always gold, but this Frankie holiday-themed board just made me swoon 
@laurfilijames made me think about which holiday movies the TF boys would be into. I also hastily made a graphic lol. Speaking of asks @maggiemayhemnj gave me an almost impossible this or that choice. My friend @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain offered up these choices.
If you need a badge for any Pedro boy, @morallyinept has you covered
We got our first look at Pedro in Freaky Tales and oh goodness … the scar. Seriously help us all whenever the Gladiator photos leak. 
In case you missed it, the fun writing challenge that’s going around here's another plug. I finally have an idea … now I just need to write it. I think I’m going to end up throwing it back to my college days and cramming this in at the last minute….
Feral corner:
There was simply too much to keep track of this week. I was overwhelmed by thots. I think this post sums things up well.
This photo altered my brain chemistry. This photo of Pedro as Dieter and THEN this video… oh hey Working Title Dieter. 😏 Frankie tummy always gets me. Javi P in this jacket. Talk about gifs you can hear. This outfit - he knew what he was doing when we wore this right?
@foralonglongtime - no pressure but I’m very excited about the prospect of this…
This scene from TLOU forever changed me. 
Garrett Hedlund: This man was utterly too much this week. Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, and finally, the post that started my spiral.
Things I watched:
I didn't make it to the movies this week, Mr. Rhoorl went and saw Godzilla Minus One and loved it. He's a huge Godzilla fan so he was pretty excited to see it. I’m off fo work tomorrow so I’m planning on seeing Wish.
Something that is releasing soon that I'm excited to see is Rebel Moon with Charlie Hunnam on Netflix. It looks like it will be available for my UK fans this week, but we in the US have to wait until the 21st.
Personal Stuff
Busy week. Both Mr Rhoorl and I had PTO on different days this week and we both had our plans thwarted by a sick baby. She's ok now, all good! Otherwise, we've been mostly laying low. I have managed to get most of my holiday shopping done and our Christmas cards arrived so that's exciting! We've also been checking out the various theme parks - I love the way they decorate this time of year! We did a holiday cookie stroll at Epcot last night and it was yummy
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Fic updates:
I had Benny Miller brain rot again (when don't I at this point?). Anyway, the result was a third part of what I guess is now the unofficial "Are You on Mute" series. I do have plans for wrapping those one-shots up into something bigger. I just frankly keep having thots I have to get out and it's distracting me😆
I did manage to get a good amount of writing done for the next chapter of Delta Landscaping. Hoping to get the new episode out early this week. Whenever I get down on myself that I'm not updating that series fast enough I remind myself it's essentially like 6 different series in one so therein lies the delays 🫣
This can be such a stressful part of the year, so I hope you are able to take some time for yourself! Have a great week and thanks for reading if you made it this far!
Working Title (Dieter, series, ongoing) | AO3 
Delta Landscaping (Triple Frontier, series, ongoing) | AO3
Turbulence (Frankie, one-shot) | AO3
Are You on Mute? (Benny Miller, one-shot) | AO3
Are You on Mute? Part Two
Are You Alone 
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