#blogging basics for beginners
hsn-digitally · 1 year
Essential Blogging Tools for Beginners
Are you just starting out as a blogger? Not sure which tools you need to get started? In this video, we'll go over the essential tools every beginner blogger should have in their toolkit. From blogging platforms to keyword research tools and everything in between, we'll give you a rundown of some of the must-have tools for a successful blog.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced blogger, these tools will help you create high-quality content and grow your audience. So if you're ready to start your blog journey, tune in and learn about the essential tools you need to succeed!
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3oclockoccultis · 1 year
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This is the best tip I’ve read
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infinitydivine · 3 months
Tarot Keywords for Beginners- The Minor Arcana
Tip from personal experience- Before reading the meanings behind the cards, tap into your intuition and listen to what it tells you. You can always interpret your cards even if they don't match the traditional meanings. Make a bond with your decks, it will help you to have a more smooth Tarot journey. Always thank the cards and the Guides/Spirit Team/The Universe after you are done reading. Try to cover your head while doing the readings to prevent any additional info from downloading into your Crown Chakra.
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KEYWORDS- Problems and Troubles ELEMENTS- Air: Mental attitudes, discrimination, and adaptability. ZODIAC SIGNS- Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
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KEYWORDS- WORK AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ELEMENT- Fire: Action, Enthusiasm, Courage and Passion. ZODIAC SIGNS- Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
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KEYWORDS- Money and Health ELEMENT- Earth: Stability, material possessions, and health matters ZODIAC SIGN: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
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KEYWORDS- Love and Emotions ELEMENT- Water: Emotions, Senses, Intuition and Subconscious. ZODIAC SIGN- Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
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Thank you.
Infinity ❤️
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inshelliesworld · 3 months
Your Star Story
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Reblog to tell me your Star Story & tag your moots if you want to know theirs!
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poisonnxkki · 1 year
Mistakes I Made In The Beginning Of My Practice🦋
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What Makes Something a Mistake?
How do we define a mistake? How do we know when we've messed up? These were questions that haunted me in the beginning of my practice. I was overly worried about doing things wrong and having to pay the price for those mess ups. The uncertainty of it all made me really hesitant to start experimenting in my craft. I would later come to terms with the fact that mistakes are inevitable, but as a beginner I was definitely intimidated.
The truth is, I'm not really sure there's a surefire way to know if something is a mistake until we've messed up. Spell work can be tricky in the sense that we often define our own parameters of success. This means that a spell can be failure to one person and a success to another based on their personal views of what success means. If a spell has consequences that we don't intend it to have or manifests in a way we weren't expecting, does that constitute as a failure? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. In my opinion the best way to determine if something's a mistake is to mess up. You won't know until things go wrong.
How I Rectify Mistakes:
To start, remember mistakes are inevitable. We can't avoid them and we shouldn't try to. Sometimes spell work isn't going to manifest in the way we were expecting. Sometimes our spells are going to force us to confront uncomfortable truths or set boundaries in order to get what we want, and there may be no other way around that. This is a reality that we should strive to accept rather than avoid.
But what happens when we actually do mess up? How do we go about fixing what we've done? I follow a few guidelines which help me determine what my next steps should be and hopefully these are helpful for you too.
Determine what has happened and if the spell is influencing the situation- the effects of some spells are relatively short lived so if the spell isn't currently influencing the situation then you're on damage control (and a good cleansing should be enough). However, some spells (often spells that are contained within a vessel or are tethered to you) need to be undone first.
Cleanse or banish- depending on the type of spell you may feel like cleansing just isn't enough. If that's the case, doing a banishment of the effects/energy of your previous spell should do the trick.
Mundane over magical- the effects of spell work often show up in our daily lives so taking the time to fix/heal from life events is super important.
Reflect- it's important to try and understand exactly what went wrong. Were you specific enough? What ingredients did you use? What order? What did your petition say (if you used one)? Where was your mind when you were casting? Going over how you did the spell can be helpful when determining what went wrong. It's important to reiterate that sometimes our spells are going to force us to confront uncomfortable truths or set boundaries in order to get what we want. Something that feels like a mistake now, could play an important role in you getting what you want later on so keep that in mind.
Mistakes I've Made:
I've talked about this before but I once did self-love spell for myself and a group of friends. This was fine, my mistake was trying to do them at the same time. I ended up accidentally binding myself to all of them. Months later we had a major falling out, which inevitably ended our friendship and was especially difficult on me. I was sick for several days and ended up doing several chord cutting spells to rectify the situation.
I was struggling with severe anxiety a few years ago and decided to do a spell to help with it. The problem was that I didn't define what I wanted from the spell. I kinda just said "no more anxiety" and lit the flame. When doing this spell, social situations had been the driving force behind my anxiety. However, it became health related after this spell. I should have been more clear in my intention when doing that spell but more importantly, I should have known that there is no "easy" fix for anxiety.
My first baneful protection was a blunder because it didn't work. I was nervous about messing up, which caused me to. Something I find influences baneful protections are boundaries (and our ability to set them). If you can't set boundaries in the physical world, then you aren't going to be able to set them energetically (in my personal opinion). I was an absolute pushover in relationships. I let people take advantage of my kindness and had trouble putting my foot down. My energy reflected that and the baneful protection did absolutely nothing, it was both a waste of ingredients and time.
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🖤*All images are from Pinterest*
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devouredbyflame · 2 months
Basics of Physical Manifestation
It is a little known fact that a Deity can actually become a tangible, noticeable thing within your presence. This has been a practice for several millennia and is still something that can be done within your home, as well as around your physical body and within your physical body.
The many different ways of manifesting the Divine is a practice that has been lost within the neo-pagan community and the occult tends to make it a thing that is a bit more in line with target practice – shooting an arrow and seeing if it lands anywhere and it may not be something you’re really wanting to do unless you anger someone you shouldn’t. However, it’s very real and it can become something of a joyful thing when you do it right.
A lot of people feel discouraged when they don’t seem to figure out how they can make sense of the Divine like others seem to. It seems like it’s impossible to communicate effectively for others and while it may be impossible given the situation you’re in, this is something that all humans are capable of doing and something that is important for those who wish to have a sort of relationship with the Divine which has this added benefit of two-way communication.
We often forget that there are both sides to this entire experience and the Divine need the same sort of environmental differences as humans do to make Themselves more obvious to Their devotees. It’s important that we stop entertaining the notion that only special people get to do this, and realize that it’s not about being chosen as much as it is the capability of recognizing patterns and information that is not obvious right away.
You can read the rest of this post and posts like it here:
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manifestmoons · 1 year
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Welcome to manifestmoons
Chakra Basics
• They are a complex and ancient energy system that originated in India.
• Chakras are the energy centers of the body.
• Some say there are 114 different chakras, but there are seven main chakras that run along your spine.
• Chakras are associated with the organs and glands of the particular region where they are located. As such, they have a strong bearing on our health, our mental state, and our relationship with others.
It's vital to observe these energy centers regularly and take time out of your busy day to improve the flow of prana to each. On a deeper level, aligning your chakras can also help you tune into your higher self and unlock divine power.
Click here to get The Chakras Guide !
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you are not gonna be able to guess what lucky circumstances I managed to accidentally get myself into this time lmao I secured myself a spot at a nude drawing class without even knowing it was a nude drawing class. it’s absolutely fantastic tho! the class is usually super popular and spots are hard to get so I was really lucky
#I’m just gonna pop by every few weeks spam reblog a bunch of posts and then yell about my personal life#without responding to any messages or anything else#and that’s gonna be my blog for a while ig#sorry!#but yeah it was rly funny when we entered the room and my friend and I set up our supplies and just chit chatted with them#and some other students#and I suddenly was like#wait so this is completely a nude drawing class?#and everyone was like#classic Gigi move#in my defence:#I assumed it was a general drawing class#cause the course description had mentioned it being a basic class#'from nude drawings based on models to portraits’#so I was aware it would be a part of it but not the entire class#so yeah#I’m facing my demons this semester#in a really mild way#cuz I actually do not enjoy drawing and painting that much#it’s why I rly struggled in all of my drawing classes#so when I picked classes for this semester I was like well#the description explicitly said everyone even absolute beginners were welcome#and it was about personal skill development rather than already having skills and being graded on them#which is why I thought hm I should do this and stick to it#if I stick to it I will definitely build my skills and if I don’t do that at uni I certainly wont do that at home#sorry for thw long ramblings#I am trying to be healthy and also responsible this semester and stick to actually going to classes#and not chickening out in them and staying home because I have weird compulsive thoughts that keep me from leaving the house ✨#and I also want to be diligent and hard working this semester#gigi babbles
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muddyfae · 2 years
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🌙 welcome to my blog!
🍄✨🧿 my name is shandril and im a 20 year old non-binary (she/they) eclectic pagan witch that mainly works with nature, the moon, and divination. i will mostly post and rb helpful information but im going to try my hand at posting more casual original content, such as personal journey updates <3 🪰🗝
I am not perfect. please let me know if i have posted wrong or problematic information, but i will always do my best to make sure i haven't done that. i am always open to being educated.
pro medicine, pro vax, pro science, pro lgbt+
🪞🫐🐉 safe space for mental health struggles and mentally ill witches. it's hard sometimes. i am here for you. 🫐🍁🪨
Please DNI white supremacists, culture appropriators, ED accounts, racists, terfs, anti-witchcraft and anti-paganism, republicans, homophobes, basically anyone closed minded or promoting toxic behavior.
thank you for reading! 🪲🍃
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2mysticmoons · 2 years
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Astrology Basics - Sun Signs (Libra - Pisces) ♎♏♐♑♒♓
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El abecedario (The Alphabet)
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English alphabet has 26 letters; the Spanish alphabet has 30. The four additional letters are:
1} ch (considered one letter), which produces the ch sound in “cha cha”.
2} ll (considered one letter), which produces the y sound (in Latin America) or the j sound (in Spain).
3} ñ, which produces the ny sound heard in señor. That little squiggly on top is called a tilde.
4} rr (considered one letter), which produces the highly trilled–sounding r.
Reference – Spanish Vocabulary by Dorothy Richmond
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Witch tip:
Hear me out here
Magick is what you make of it. Your craft is what you choose it to be.
If you want to use Sage for a self love spell, GO AHEAD!!
Just cause something may not have the magickal properties you want, doesn't mean you shouldn't use it.
If you want to use it, use it. Because you want it to be for that property, it will work!
Just cause Peppermint usually isn't used for wealth and prosperity, doesn't mean you can't use it for that. Magick is what you make it. If you will that Peppermint in this spell will be used for wealth, that's what it will help with!
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3oclockoccultis · 2 years
Low vibration vs high vibration
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infinitydivine · 3 months
THE MAJOR ARCANA (The Beginners series) Tarot Keywords ✨♾️
Tip from personal experience- Before reading the meanings behind the cards, tap into your intuition and listen to what it tells you. You can always interpret your cards even if they don't match the traditional meanings. Make a bond with your decks, it will help you to have a more smooth Tarot journey. Always thank the cards and the Guides/Spirit Team/The Universe after you are done reading. Try to cover your head while doing the readings to prevent any additional info from downloading into your Crown Chakra.
I have also added my own interpretations of the cards based on personal experiences along with the traditional meanings. Do not copy the words and reblog if you want more posts like that :)
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(Pic credits to the owner)
They are basically representing our most fundamental issues at the Universal level. They deal with the issues of our own current needs and issues. Each of the Major Arcana represents a distinct principle, law, power, or element in Nature.
There are 22 Major Arcana Cards named below :
0: The Fool- represents the young and a fresh new energy. A New Beginning.
1: The Magician- The Master Manifestor/Someone having the capabilities and all the tools to manifest anything they want.
2: The High Priestess- The healer and The feminine power. Trusting in your inner guide and intuition.
3: The Empress- The Divine Feminine(regardless of gender), Nurturer, and Creative covering all the aspects of the feminine spirit.
4: The Emperor- The Divine Masculine (regardless of gender), Provider, and caretaker covering all the aspects of the masculine spirit.
5: The Hierophant- The teacher figure following traditional rules and ceremonies. Has a keen interest in knowledge and an unfulfilled thirst for information. The one who seeks.
6: The Lovers- Traditional card of Love and physical attraction. Could be inner or outer love. Love, choice, and commitment. Quest for eternal love.
7: The Chariot- The achiever and believer. Being determined to always move forward with both the Yin and Yang energies balanced, sticking to the right path.
8: Strength- Inner strength and courage. Has the self-awareness to deal with every situation. Can tame the inner Devil.
9: The Hermit- The Isolator and seeking for some solitude in silence. Going within to find the answers to every question.
10: The Wheel of Fortune- Completion of a cycle. Destiny and timings at their play. The only constant is change itself. Cycles repeat themselves until the lessons are learned.
11: Justice- Harmony and honesty will be served in the situation. Nature's laws are at play. Learning how to make rational decisions.
12: The Hanged Man- Learning about new perspectives. Looking at everything with a different viewpoint. Changing priorities and doing the opposite of what is expected.
13: Death- Not the literal Death card. It means a Rebirth and Transition. Change is needed. New beginnings could be on the horizon after letting go of the past.
14: Temperance- Learning the art of balancing the emotions in every situation. Practicing self-control and moderation. Only moderation will create balance.
15: The Devil- The illusion controlling the rational mind. The ego is bigger than the higher self's knowledge. Sexual temptations and materialism are blinding. Being utterly obsessed.
16: The Tower- Hitting the rock bottom. Not expecting the sudden changes because of external disruptions. What was built will be broken someday if it is built based on lies and deception.
17: The Star- Ideal love and inspiration. Could also represent your soul tribe and star seeds. Have faith in the future because it is shining bright.
18: The Moon- Mysterious and Illusions. Something is hidden beneath the surface. Trusting the instincts and intuition.
19: The Sun- Joy and positivity. Everything will be fine in the end. By believing in yourself you can achieve anything you want.
20: Judgement- Accept the things as they are and the judgment will be in your favor. Find the truth and take action based on that truth. Creating your own Karma.
21: The World- Completion of a cycle. Ending of the past and new beginnings. Cosmic Love and feeling the whole within and with the Universe. Traveling and accomplishing your goals.
Note- Everyone is free to interpret the cards how their intuition is telling them. \
Thank You
Love, Infinity ❤️
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inshelliesworld · 3 months
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
The Pros & Cons Of Shadow Work🌙
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🖤Disclaimer: Shadow work is not for everyone, some people require the help of professionals to work through their shadows and that is perfectly okay! Shadow work should not replace professional help or medications :)
What is Shadow Work?
Shadow work comes from the term of the "shadow self" which was a concept created by Carl Jung. The shadow self are the parts of us that we reject or repress. Shadow work is the process of uncovering what we reject about ourselves and determining why we repress it. This can help us heal from these traumas or at least become aware of destructive behaviours so that we begin to change them. Check out the article linked below for more information on Jung's original theory.
This concept has become widely popularized in witchcraft communities because of the emphasis these communities place on healing. Many people go through the spirituality to witchcraft pipeline (me included) and likely looked towards alternative forms of spirituality for healing in the first place. That being said, shadow work is not the only way to go about this and many alternative theories/methods exist. You should do your research before deciding whether or not this method is the right one for you.
The Benefits:
Knowing yourself- shadow work helps you become better acquainted with yourself and can help you learn what triggers you and what you still need to work through. This process often brings up things about ourselves that we didn't even know.
Working through trauma- this won't work for every trauma that you've experienced but for some things this method may be beneficial at helping you work through specific traumas or traumatic experiences.
Healing- any method that helps you take a critical look at yourself can be beneficial for your healing journey. Although healing is not lineal and this method is not a quick fix, it can be a step in the right direction.
Understanding & happiness- understanding yourself better can lead to happiness. I have seen this work in my own life. When I realized why I was doing certain things, I stopped being so critical of myself. I was able to have empathy for myself which lead to more happiness overall.
Less triggers- this may not be the case for everyone but some people find that they have a reduction in the amount of triggers/the severity of their triggers by examining why certain things trigger them in the first place.
The Drawbacks:
Difficult- this process requires consistency and is also emotionally draining. These factors combined makes this method extremely difficult. Even people who find themselves highly motivated to begin this process often find that after a few weeks, they no longer want to/cannot continue at the rate they started.
Not linear- healing is not linear and some work may cause regressions first before improvements can be seen. For some people this can be debilitating and dangerous which is why involving a medical professional is often highly recommended (especially for high risk individuals).
Traumatic- this is a process that emphasizes neutrality but that can be difficult when evaluating traumatic events. Some times reliving these events can be just as traumatic as when they were first experienced. I recommend starting by examining current events rather than jumping straight into larger/more complex issues.
Exhausting- this adds to the first point about shadow work being difficult but because it can be so emotionally draining, some people find that they are exhausted by this process. Shadow work should be performed in a place where you feel safe enough to experience all your emotions.
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*All images are from Pinterest*
🖤Article on Carl Jung and shadow work:
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