muddyfae · 4 months
oh witchblr i have missed you. being a busy college student and taking care of yourself/practicing your craft is a horrible combination. i am hoping this winter solstice brings us all some peace and time to connect with our spirituality. in the new year i hope to be active on here again. i hope everyone who reads this post has had such a wonderful year!
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muddyfae · 1 year
simple success bowl ✨
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in a green satchet I have:
chamomile: attract money and luck, especially in gambling
catnip: attracts good spirits and luck, enhances beauty and happiness
alfalfa: prosperity, antihunger, money, abundance
lemongrass: unblocks roads and leads to new opportunities, great for luck
at the bottom, I have amethyst for powerful manifestation. I have a one dollar coin for attracting abundance and a bay leaf with some runes and symbols of the moon
I plan to add more symbols and objects that will help me in my journey to success! remember witchcraft doesn't have to look pretty, I live in a dorm with no car and don't have many resources.
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muddyfae · 1 year
Full moons correspondences
Wolf moon (January) also known as cold moon, air
Inner power, insight, assess your journey, protection, personal developement
Ianna, Freyja, Skadi, the Morrigan, Hecate
Wolves, foxes, coyotes, blue jay, pheasants
Hematite, ruby, selenite, moonstone, opal, garnet, jet, onyx, obsidian
Black, white, silver, violet
Snow moon (February) also known as storm moon or hunger moon, air and water
New starts, ambition, change, creativity, reflection
Brighid, Diana, Juno
Otter, eagle, chickadee, unicorn
Amethyst, jasper, moonstone
Purple, light blue, yellow
Worm moon (March) also known as seed moon, water and fire
New growth, set intentions, renewal, balance, prospering
Mars, Tyr, Athena, Isis
Cougar, bear, hedgehog, sea crow, sea eagle
Aquamarine, bloodstone, jade
Pale green, red, violet
Pink moon (April) also known as hare moon, fire and earth
Rebirth, discovery, fertility, goals, openings, opportunities
Aphrodite, Venus, Hathor, Kali, Rhiannon
Bear, wolf, hawk, magpie
Diamond, quartz, emerald
Pale yellow, pink, gold
Flower moon (May) also known as fairy moon, earth and air
Abundance, gratitude, romance, maturity, intuition
Bast, Artemins, Pan, Cernunnos
Cats, lynx, leopard, swallow, dove, swan
Emerald, sapphire, agate
Pink, green, brown
Strawberry moon (June) also known as rose moon, air and water
Harvest, manifesting, dreams, love, good health, clarity, communication
Juno, Hera, Isis, Neith, Cerridwen
Monkey, butterfly, frog, toad, wren, peacock
Pearl, moonstone, citrine, blue lace agate
Yellow/green and orange
Buck moon (July) also known as hay moon, water and fire
Inner fire, long term goals, leadership, divination
Hel, Athena, Lugh, Khepri
Crab, turtle, dolphin, whale, starling, swallow
Ruby, carnelian, green calcite, peacock ore
Blue, gray, silver
Sturgeon moon (August) also known as barley moon, earth and air
Freedom, perseverance, cleansing, reaping, gratitude, peace, harmony
Demeter, Ceres, Hathor, Nemesis, Ganesha, Vulcan, Vesta
Lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon, crane, falcon, eagle
Periodot, onyx, bronzite, green sapphire
Gold, yellow, green
Harvest moon (September) also known as corn moon, earth and air
Harvest, gratitude, balance, reflection, psychic work, home and hearth
Demeter, Ceres, Thor, Thoth, Persephone, Freyja, Isis
Snake, jackal, ibis, sparrow
Peridot, sapphire, bloodstone, chrysolite
Brown, yellow, amber
Hunters moon (October) also known as blood moon, air and water
Strength, protection, endurance, rebirth, ambition, ancestral work
Cernunnos, Hecate, the Morrigan, Osiris, Astarte, Ishtar, Lakshmi
Stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, wolf, heron, crow, robin, owl, raven
Opal, tourmaline, citrine, rose sapphire
Red, orange, deep blue, black, dark green, brown, gold
Beaver moon (November) also known as snow moon, water and fire
Preparation, security, grounding, fidelity, new beginnings, release
Cailleach, Circe, Sybele, Hel, Holda, Kali, Bast, Osiris
Unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal, owl, goose, sparrow
Topaz, obsidian, onyx, apache tear
White, purple, gray, sage green, black
Cold moon (December) also known as oak moon, fire and water
Completion, renewal, reflection, shadow work, transitions, peace
Dionysus, Athena, Attis, Ixchel, Neith, Wodan, Osiris, Frey
Deer, mouse, horse, bear, snowy owl, robin, rook
Blue zircon, turquoise, serpentine, lazulite, smoky quartz
Blood red, green, white, black
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muddyfae · 1 year
P.3 Common Herbs A-Z
This is O-Z of some common herbs and their uses
Assures fidelity in love and is used to attract a marriage partner. Inspires fruitfulness and security in love, family, and business.
Burn onion flowers to banish bad habits and negative influences. Cut onions in half and place in the corners of a room to absorb illness, then bury or burn the onion halves in the morning. Sacred to the moon.
Attracts abundance and happiness through love and marriage.
Concentrate on a yes/no question while eating an orange, then count the seeds -- an even number of seeds means the answer is no, an odd number of seeds means yes. Use the leaves and flowers in love rituals to bring on a marriage proposal. Add an infusion of orange to the bath to increase attractiveness and beauty.
Orange peel
House & business blessing
Add to love sachets to help someone make up their mind. Use in sachets & amulets to bring luck to business negotiations.
Strengthening memory
Will power
Added energy
Use to add energy to any spell or mixture. Throw in someone's yard to cause them problems.
Calms and protects the home
Draws prosperity
Financial increase
Restores a sense of well-being
Use in spells to increase strength & vitality after surgery or illness. Use in amulets or other magickal workings to help yourself out of a rut. Eat to provoke lust and promote fertility. Place on plates of food to guard against contamination. Useful for bath magick to purify and end misfortune. Mix with jasmine and carry in your shoe to make you more attractive to the opposite sex.
Male sex magick
Eating pears induces love. Use dried fruit in amulets and sachets for love and lust.
Use to increase the vibrations of a space or in spells and incense for healing & purification. Place in sleep pillow to ensure peaceful sleep and bring about prophetic dreams. Use to anoint furnishings and household objects. Burn in a new home to clear out sickness and negative energy. Use in magickal workings to provide the push needed to bring change to one's life. Carry with other herbs to boost love & abundance wishes.
Promotes clean breaks, new beginnings, prosperity, success, strength, grounding, and growth; Also used for cleansing, purification, and repelling negativity. Great for house and business blessing.
Add an infusion of pineapple to the bath to attract luck.
Image magick
Lunar magick
Divine love
Close friendships
Domestic peace/happiness
Lasting relationships
Great for use in incense, potpourri or bath magick. Place around sprains and dark bruises to help them heal faster.
Carried and used in healing poppets for good health, used in love/lust spells, worn to improve memory, used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares, burned as incense for purification and removing negativity. Wear or carry while reading or completing tasks to improve memory of the material and aid clear thinking (great for students!). Use an infusion of rosemary to wash hands before any healing magick. Use in bath magick for purification. Associated with faeries.
Wind raising
Burn, wear, or carry for healing and strengthening psychic awareness. Commonly used in love magick, healing spells, and to control the weather. Wash hands with water and saffron or keep saffron sachets in your home to bring happiness.
Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom. Used in healing sachets & incense. Promotes spiritual, mental, emotional & physical health and longevity. Removes negative energy. Place near a personal object of a person who is ailing when performing healing spells or rituals. Write a wish on a sage leaf and place it under your pillow for 3 nights -- if you dream of your wish, it will come true; if not, bury the leaf in the ground so that no bad will come to you.
Sea salt
Uses include cleansing crystals, purification, grounding, protection magick and ritual. Used on the altar to represent the Earth. Used with water for asperging, sea spells, consecration and casting circles. Used with garlic and rosemary to banish evil.
Add an infusion of shallots to the bath for luck.
St Johns wort
Worn to prevent colds & fevers. Placed under pillow to induce prophetic, romantic dreams. Protects against all forms of black witchcraft. Place in a jar in a window or burn in a fireplace to protect from lightning, fire and evil spirits. Used for banishing, protection & blessing. Carry to strengthen courage and convictions or when confronting nasty situations. Burn to banish spirits and demons. Used in divination for the care of crystals. Note: Can be poisonous, use with caution.
Star anise
Burned as incense to increase psychic awareness & abilities. Placed on the altar to increase the power generated. Carried to bring luck.
Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances. Served as a love food. Leaves are carried for luck. Pregnant women carry a packet of the leaves to ease the pain of pregnancy and childbirth.
Love spells
Sex magick
Sweet pea
Attracts friends and allies; Draws the loyalty and affection of others.
Sweet potato 
Image magick
Promotes energy
Awakens joy and dissolves negativity
Tea leaves
Use in talismans for courage or strength. Use as a base for lust drinks. Burn leaves to ensure future riches.
Tea tree
Eliminating confusion
Increasing harmony
Attracts loyalty
The good opinion of others
Wear a sprig to ward off unbearable grief or provide strength and courage when needed. Burn or hang in the home for banishing, purification, and to attract good health for all occupants. Use in cleansing baths prior to working candle magick. Use in dream pillows to ward off nightmares and ensure restful sleep. Add a thyme infusion to the bath regularly to ensure a constant flow of money. Place in a jar and keep in the home or at work for good luck.
Promotes peace
Personal strength
Mix with salt and burn with a black candle to win a court case.
Love spells
Ending relationships
Averting evil
Access to divine energy
Bringing the blessing of the Gods
Lunar magick
Sex magick
Witch Hazel
Carry to ease grief over a lost love. Use in a sachet to reduce passions. Use in love spells and spells to ward off evil.
And as always, merry meet <3
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muddyfae · 1 year
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🌙 welcome to my blog!
🍄✨🧿 my name is shandril and im a 20 year old non-binary (she/they) eclectic pagan witch that mainly works with nature, the moon, and divination. i will mostly post and rb helpful information but im going to try my hand at posting more casual original content, such as personal journey updates <3 🪰🗝
I am not perfect. please let me know if i have posted wrong or problematic information, but i will always do my best to make sure i haven't done that. i am always open to being educated.
pro medicine, pro vax, pro science, pro lgbt+
🪞🫐🐉 safe space for mental health struggles and mentally ill witches. it's hard sometimes. i am here for you. 🫐🍁🪨
Please DNI white supremacists, culture appropriators, ED accounts, racists, terfs, anti-witchcraft and anti-paganism, republicans, homophobes, basically anyone closed minded or promoting toxic behavior.
thank you for reading! 🪲🍃
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muddyfae · 1 year
ꕤ❇Introduction to the Elements❇ꕤ
Elementary, my dear Watson!
Using an elemental system is one of the most foundational parts of witchcraft.  This will likely be your starting point for nearly all spellwork.  In some ways they can be considered a short hand for spell formation, but they can also be considered in a more literal way.  They are the parts of a whole.  Many different cultures have their own take on elements, but we are going to cover the Classical elements derived from the Greeks here.  Similar to how we break the year down into four seasons, the Greek system breaks them down into four elements.  This is the basis of understanding for things like western astrology and tarot as well.
How They Are Applied in a Spell Creation Context
Whether you stick closely to these ideas or branch off into other elemental systems, other concepts, decide some of these are less important than others, or develop your own takes on them: these stand as the four basic components of spellcrafting. Many of these concepts can become intuitive, and can make spellcraft more intuitive, as we break them down and think of things in this framework.
Air is the element of beginnings.  This is your legalese, your spell definition.  The specificity of your wording is going to have an impact.  This is the lens by which you view the spell. You are putting speech to it, a concept to it.  You are giving it a task and it’s going to do its best to complete this.  This is where you want to define your timeframes, your amounts, your defining factors.
Fire is the force of will.  This is your intent.  This is what you want to happen, your determination.  This can also be where you find your kind of intent.  The flavor of your intent, even without the exact wording, can also have an impact on a spell and how effective it ends up being. Water
Water will follow the path of least resistance. This is your energy. The standards you set between your air (wording) and your fire (intent) dictate the path, and water will follow. This is where things like batteries (objects that you charge and use later) come into play. This is what powers the spell.  Water is also closely tied to emotions.  Stronger emotions are associated with higher amounts of energy, but also with more volatility. Earth
This is your manifestation.  Potentially also your anchor.  Your physical tools and objects.  Your grounding.  For this you might have some physical representation of your spell. This is going to be where you find most of your correspondences (the associations of objects). This is thought to anchor the spell to the physical world.  Some people do spellwork without this, but it can be hard to find your grounding and focus without it.  In those cases you, yourself, are the grounding wire as it were.
Associations and Other Tie Ins
How one incorporates the elements into your practice beyond the basic components of spellwork varies depending on the person. However, the themes come up in many other areas.  A few of them are listed below.
Zodiac and Personality Correspondences
The elemental correspondences include the above, but are not limited to it.  The western astrology system is based on the classical elements, and applies these associations to the signs.  The personality traits ascribed to the elements often run alongside the signs.  Air is generally associated in this fashion with intelligence, speech, and communication.  Fire is generally associated with vibrancy, excitability, and passion. Water is generally associated with emotion, empathy, and intuition.  Earth is generally associated with groundedness, earthly pleasures, and hard work.
Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are air.
Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo are fire.
Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water.
Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo are earth.
Seasons and Stages of Life
The elements are noted to correspond to the passage of time as well as the seasons.  Spring is air: the beginning of a cycle; summer is fire: hot hot burns me; autumn is water: changing, flowing, the world going to sleep; winter is earth: solid, unmoving, both the end, and what the beginning grows out of.  They are also compared to the stages of life in a similar fashion.  You are born in air (learning language, new concepts, getting started), your teens to early adulthood are fire (rapid moving forward, fast development, hot hot burns me), later adulthood circa midlife is water (creation, emotion, energy), and earth is old age (slowing down, calm times, grounding.)
Just as the stages of life are applied to times of the day by Jung, elements can also apply to the times of the day: dawn, midday, dusk, and night in an analogous fashion.
Associations, Correspondences, and Entities
Certain magical systems will ascribe magical associations to certain spirits or types of entities, objects, and even so far as cardinal directions. For the magical systems that use the cardinal directions, notably the Golden Dawn, this includes air in the east, fire in the south, water in the west, and earth is south.  Others will ascribe elements to entities, for example the archangels: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel. More examples enumerated below:
Air: Speech, poetry, music, knowledge, inspiration, thought, birds, winged insects, wands, bells, thurables, and smoke in general. Fire: Strength, courage, s/xuality, regeneration, rebirth, athames, swords, spears, candles, candle holders, reptiles, fireflies, dragons, phoenixes, salamanders. Water: Emotions, deams, empathy, healing, magic, chalices, water dish, shells, brooms, mirrors, fish, dolphins, whales, mermaids. Earth: Health, wealth, prosperity, coins, pentacle, boline, dirt, rocks, herbs, salt, cornucopias, drum, worms, moles.
Tarot and Other Occurrences
Coins, Spades, Hearts, and Cups. The tarot is yet another place where the four element system surfaces.  The meanings derived from this can both extrapolate on the meanings of the elements as well as represent them.  In the tarot suit it is Wands = Air, Swords = Fire, Cups = Water, and Pentacles = Earth. In the same order the playing card suits follow a similar set, but they are Clubs = Air, Swords = Fire, Hearts = Water, and Diamonds = Earth.  Tarot itself is very in depth, but is worth mentioning here.
The themes surrounding the four element system are found throughout many practices and forms thereof. It can be worth keeping an eye out.
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muddyfae · 1 year
Mama Bree's Magical Powders
Finally, all my powder recipes in one place! Go nuts, witchlings.
All-Purpose Cursing Powder
Banishing Powder
Clean House Powder
“Eye of Sauron” Revelation Powder
Heal Thy Heart Powder
Hexbreaker Powder
Jackpot Powder
Lucky Day Powder
“Outta My Way” Powder
Peacekeeper Powder
Persuasion Powder
STFU Powder
Traveler’s Luck Powder
Truthfinder Powder
For those of you who may not be able to find herbs locally, here are some online suppliers who consistently have affordable and high-quality products.
Ruth Roy’s Wellcat Herbs - A highly reputable seller with quality herbs, teas, incense, and botanicals. Also runs a booth every year at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. (*HIGHLY RECOMMEND*)
Starwest Botanicals - Bulk herbs, spices, oils, and teas. Good amount of organic and Fair Trade products, as well as supplies for holistic medicine and tea-making.
Mountain Rose Herbs - Bulk herbs, spices, and sundries. Also carries organic products and essential oils, and has link to schools that offer courses in herbalism and herbology.
The Magickal Cat - Online shop with just about everything you could want for your craft, from herbs to books to cauldrons, and everything in between. Reliable shipping and excellent customer service.
Bulk Apothecary - Bulk herbs, spices, and oils, in addition to materials for the home production of soap, candles, wine, and beer.
For more online resources and information on herb magic and spells, check out my website here.
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muddyfae · 1 year
Anatomy of a Spell
This post will go over what is needed for a spell to be created!
This is a page from my grimoire and by no means is this a set-in-stone situation. Take what you will and leave what you won't.
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Desire or intent. This is the whole point of the spell. What is the desired outcome, what do you want to achieve from this spell?
Planning of ingredients, spell structure, time, and location. This includes the verbal or written aspect of the spell if any.
Protection, there’s really no reason not to have a safeguard on your spell in my opinion but this isn't true for everyone. Do what feels right for you.
Raising, gathering, or building energy for the spell. Energy is how you get your spell to work. This can be done by chanting, breathwork, borrowing energy, and more.
Directing energy into the spell. Self-explanatory, gotta get it in there somehow. Basically just getting the intent/desire from inside you to inside the spell so that it can work its magic (pun intended).
Release any excess energy if needed. Grounding is a good way to do this.
Clear and concise ending; this could be a phrase, word, or physical act that indicates the ending of the spell. It’s best when everyone and everything involved knows when you have ceased doing the spell.
It’s a good idea to record your process and results of the spells you create and cast so that you have a reference for future spells; also you can figure out what went wrong or right.
I personally think it’s a good idea to put a fail-safe in a spell, I usually do this by stating it out loud: i.e. “If I take apart this spell bag then the spell will cease.” or “If I do this spell in reverse the spell will cease/reverse” and so on.
Preparing the physical and non-physical things for the spell; can mean gathering, cleansing, or preparing yourself to be in the headspace needed for the spell. It's better to be prepared than to get blindsided halfway through because you’re missing something!
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muddyfae · 1 year
Spell Craft Master Post
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These are all of my spell-focused posts! Since spell craft is heavily personal, please understand that these are not the only way to do or craft spells. However, feel free to use these posts along side your other spell craft references!
Spell Types - Physical types of spells.
Anatomy of a Spell - What a spell needs to be a spell.
Questions for Spell Crafting - Questions to ask yourself when crafting a spell.
7-Day Spell Creation Practice - Practice for spell creation.
Spell Oils - Simple way to make spell oils.
Hex vs Curse - The difference between a hex and a curse.
Easy Spell for Sleep - My own personal spell inspired by my Nona's recipe for a sweet sleepy-time drink!
"The 9 to 5": Workplace protection spell - An old spell I created for my old job. Though it's lacking in nuance, please look to this spell for inspiration if you'd like!
Coin and Candle Success Spell - Another old spell with very basic information for you to find inspiration.
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muddyfae · 1 year
Tips for Witchcraft in the Dorm
If you're in a situation where you have a roommate that may not be open to your craft, you're in the broom closet and being in college makes it even harder to practice, you're starting your witch journey while in college, you couldn't take a full sized altar to school, or you're like me and attend a private Christian college (ugh) that makes you feel the need to be discreet, this post is for you!
If you have an altar: Find a way to downsize your altar. For some this isn't a huge thing, but I'm the kind of gal that liked to go all out with my space. The best way to do it is to find a box or container that can be moved easily and has all your essentials, and only take what can fit. If you can't fit certain tools, it's best to find substitutions. A small bowl that can hold water will work just as well as a crystal ball. Putting herbs in bags will allow more room than jars.
Alternative to candle magic: I know the urge to put tape over that fire alarm is real but I'm unfortunately a goody two shoes. Luckily wax burners exist and you can get all the fun of candle magic minus the flame. I like to draw sigils into my wax before melting it for spellwork; and you can get all sorts of different colored wax. If you need unscented wax, you can buy white wax and dye it.
Some discreet types of magic to look into:
Tea. Tea. Tea. I cannot stress how useful tea magic is. There's loads of information about it right here on Tumblr! Most dorms allow ectric teapots and tea is easy to store.
Knot magic. Here's a great post about it. Absolutely any kind of spell can be done with a knot and it's super easy to implement into everyday activities.
Moon magic. Guys, the moon is awesome. Work with it. Moon water is a great manifestation tool and corresponding anything with the moon phases is an instant boost. It's also free and super easy.
Sigils. Really fun to learn and really easy to draw in a couple journals, on a foggy window, in your tea as you stir it, or on your skin. I recommend Pinterest if you're trying to find tutorials.
Runes. I like to cast physical runes but there's lots of ways to use these in everyday magic. Each symbol has their own meaning and there's an abundance of information on them. Similar to sigils, I like to draw them on things.
Extra tips:
Learn the correspondences for each day of the week. Doing little things for each day will keep you connected to your craft as you get through college.
Anything can be a chalice. Cleanse that cup and you're good to go.
Astrology is your friend.
I'm here for you. College is hard. Dorming can be a pain too.
I hope this helps someone. Reblog if you can. Love you all!
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muddyfae · 1 year
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Willow Wings Witch Shop
Ready to start your holiday shopping? Looking for something special for the witch in your life? Hoping to support small business with your patronage this season? Well, look no further!
Since we're all heartily fed up with Amazon right about now, I'm pleased to bring you my very own online shop. Here you can purchase print copies of all of my books, plus vials of my most popular magical powders and all kind of witchy goodies!
Here's what's in stock for the holidays:
Grovedaughter Witchery - $18.95
The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. I - $19.95
Pestlework - $15.95
Bree's Banishing Powder - $4.00
Bree's Luck Salt - $4.00
Dead Man's Dust - $4.00
Home Blessing Powder - $4.00
Jackpot Powder - $4.00
Mini Witchcraft Starter Kits - $10.00
Witch Web Kits - $7.00
Hex Positive Stickers - $1.00
Witchy Pinback Buttons - 2 / $1.00
Ordering instructions are at the bottom of the shop page and you can always reach me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Orders generally ship within 7 days of payment and I provide tracking information. Non-U.S. orders I have to restrict to books only because of customs nonsense, but I do ship worldwide!
Hope you're all having a wonderful season so far and I thank you for your support!
(Disclaimer: This shop is in no way affiliated with Tumblr or Wordpress beyond hosting and posting, and the seller assumes all responsibility for the sales process and quality of the wares therein.)
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muddyfae · 1 year
Tarot 101: Charging Your Cards
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Before we carry on, it’s important to clarify what charging means when we’re talking about witchcraft. 
Charging, in the witchcraft world, means that you utilise an external source to fill your item with energy and essentially, power it. Take a moment to think about your mobile phone: you use a lead to transfer power from an external electrical source to your phone’s battery, right? It’s exactly the same theory with charging items in witchcraft.
The general idea is to draw on the energy of your psuedo-battery (usually a larger energy source) and then imbue the energy you’ve drawn into your chosen object.
Keep reading
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muddyfae · 1 year
my 20th birthday fell on a new moon this year. may the moon help me adjust to the next decade of my life. i love her and all her magic
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muddyfae · 2 years
Mama Bree's Magical Powders
Finally, all my powder recipes in one place! Go nuts, witchlings.
All-Purpose Cursing Powder
Banishing Powder
Clean House Powder
“Eye of Sauron” Revelation Powder
Heal Thy Heart Powder
Hexbreaker Powder
Jackpot Powder
Lucky Day Powder
“Outta My Way” Powder
Peacekeeper Powder
Persuasion Powder
STFU Powder
Traveler’s Luck Powder
Truthfinder Powder
For those of you who may not be able to find herbs locally, here are some online suppliers who consistently have affordable and high-quality products.
Ruth Roy’s Wellcat Herbs - A highly reputable seller with quality herbs, teas, incense, and botanicals. Also runs a booth every year at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. (*HIGHLY RECOMMEND*)
Starwest Botanicals - Bulk herbs, spices, oils, and teas. Good amount of organic and Fair Trade products, as well as supplies for holistic medicine and tea-making.
Mountain Rose Herbs - Bulk herbs, spices, and sundries. Also carries organic products and essential oils, and has link to schools that offer courses in herbalism and herbology.
The Magickal Cat - Online shop with just about everything you could want for your craft, from herbs to books to cauldrons, and everything in between. Reliable shipping and excellent customer service.
Bulk Apothecary - Bulk herbs, spices, and oils, in addition to materials for the home production of soap, candles, wine, and beer.
For more online resources and information on herb magic and spells, check out my website here.
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muddyfae · 2 years
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muddyfae · 2 years
growth in witchcraft as shedding of snake-skin
Sort of obvious, but I had to learn it (like everything else) the hard way. And as spooky season approaches and people may be revitalizing their practices after breaks, I want to say something that might end up saving a couple folks from a lot of frustration and heartbreak:
Just because it worked that way for you in the past, doesn't mean that's how it works for you now.
I mean this in a literal, making-stuff-happen with magic and sorcery way.
You guys have heard the adage that some spirit guides are with you for life, some for short periods, some for just one lesson, etc., right?
Well, the same can be said for sorcerous techniques.
I don't know if I just shed techniques like hermit crabs shed shells or what, but this happens to me a lot. Here's the kind of thing I mean:
You used to do readings with a specific little ritual involving a prayer and incense, but now that technique seems to produce incorrect readings. It feels flat and you can tell you're not connecting.
You used to be able to tie intent into knots and carry the thread around with you all day to conjure specific little occurrences, but now it barely seems to work and manifestation is spotty.
You used to be able to converse with spirits by going into a deep meditation, but now when you try you can hardly connect and it's like their messages are getting blotted out.
And I think sometimes when these things happen, people tend to process this with:
self-blame (I'm not a devoted enough witch, I brought this on myself!),
scapegoating spiritual allies (I used to pray to Hekate before divination but now my divination doesn't work, so Hekate must be mad at me), or
developing personal doubt (I used to think magic worked but now I can't replicate my own results).
When the reality is, if you're a magical snickity-snek and you've shed your skin, you might be slithering about in the soil trying to do the little old things that no longer fit the bigger, better you.
Sometimes this "shedding" is very obvious and we can feel and taste it. "Shedding" may come before, during, or after a period of intense personal transformation. It may come in a numinous moment when you hear a single phrase, or view a single image, that makes you become the Hanged Man and see reality in a whole new way.
But it can also happen without us really noticing it. I might put down my tarot cards for a couple months, pick them up again, and suddenly the ways I used to read don't work for me any more.
It's not because I'm a bad reader, or that the spirits have abandoned me, or that magic isn't real.
It's because what used to work for me doesn't any more, and now I just need to find new techniques.
So if you're trying to pick up what used to work and it just doesn't seem to be helping any more, consider that it's just like outgrowing an old set of clothes. Nothing is wrong with you, or the clothes. It just doesn't fit any more.
Since I think it'd be frustrating as hell to read a post like this without some actionable steps, below the cut are some ideas that might help you develop new techniques if your old ones seem to be failing you.
Start with your beliefs
Examine your own rituals and see if what you're doing still matches what you believe. Let's say you used to pray to Hekate and light incense before divination, but now you do that and your divination doesn't work.
Do you believe Hekate is allowing your divination to be possible? Do you believe she's the best goddess to seek aide from at this time?
What role does the incense play? Is it an offering to Hekate? Is it to feed the ancestors who supply you with interpretations? Is it just to set the correct tone and atmosphere?
Maybe you've grown in your relationship with divinity, and you now believe it's more proper to call on gods with formal prayers - but your divination ritual still uses a simple, improvised prayer.
Maybe your understanding of Hekate has changed and it feels more suitable to call on different powers.
Maybe you feel strangely about constantly "paying" gods to help you, when they say they don't need it - and lighting the incense makes you feel awkward.
Change what you're doing to match what you believe. That's always a solid first step.
Examine your own emotions and reactions
Try performing rituals (from the smallest ritual of stirring intent into coffee, to full-blown compass-casting affairs under the full moon) mindfully.
Be aware of what you're doing as you do it, but also try to examine your own reactionary thoughts and feelings.
Suppose my ritual of stirring my coffee seven times clockwise to manifest a desired emotion doesn't work any more. It used to work great, for years, so I do it quickly. But now it doesn't work, so I do it mindfully.
And while I'm stirring, I watch a few thoughts pop up to the surface: why am I doing this seven times? I'm stirring my coffee for too long and staring into it like an idiot, and it's embarrassing. What if someone thinks I'm weird?
If any individual step of a ritual makes you feel embarrassed, stressed, or avoidant, or if you feel relief from not having to do that any more - that technique is probably not serving you very well.
Seek out methods that make you feel excited, hopeful, empowered, or interested. Or, at the very least, ones that don't make you feel bad.
Be open to shifting your paradigm entirely
Going back to the stirring coffee thing, maybe I think stirring seven times is too much. So I try to stir my coffee three times. But that still feels clunky.
Then I get into left-handed vs right-handed stirring, because someone might have said that doing stuff with your right hand is for blessings.
Then I try out a new little inner mantra while I stir X times with Y hand.
But it's just not working. No matter what I try, it feels like walking barefoot on a gravel road.
So maybe I just need to do something entirely different.
Maybe numerology isn't my thing any more. Maybe now, I just need to embrace my inner divine creator.
Maybe I should think about the ultimately powerful creative energy within rich, black soil - and as I pour my coffee, I can imagine that I'm pouring pure creative energy into my divine cauldron. When I sprinkle in a little sugar, I'm seasoning that creative power to my personal tastes - and no matter how many times I stir it, when I drink that creative power, a new reality blossoms from within me.
No numbers. No memorized chants. No left hand/right hand stuff. Just me, imagining myself as a planet, drinking pure creative energy that will bloom out of my aura as wildflowers bloom in the spring.
Ask for help
I'm not called fool for no reason, and after a couple years of being unable to astral travel - after having successfully done so for years - I finally sat down and asked my spirits for help.
The answer was immediate and simple. So simple, in fact, that I was confident it wouldn't work at all.
Well, of course it worked. I spent years trying to figure out the problem on my own, trying time and time again to use an old technique that I was confident would work. It took a goddess like four seconds to tell me the new way it worked for me.
Even if you're not in communication with spiritual allies, you can still perform divination to help troubleshoot your own magical skills. Try asking a series of questions: what doesn't work for you any more, what you should try, and what you should avoid trying.
When divining, consider the different "levels" of application. A reading that means "don't use excessive force" might refer to high-level life stuff, like, you're working too hard on all your responsibilities right now, learn to relax and the magic will come. But, it might also be referring to something very specific, like, you're trying to raise huge amounts of energy in individual rituals, break them up into smaller spells where much less force is required for each one.
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muddyfae · 2 years
Witches Sabbats: Lughnasadh
Autumn draws near and with it, comes Lughnasadh.
Lughnasadh, pronounced “LOO-nah-sah” and known also as Lammas, is a Celtic festival that occurs from the 31st of July through into the 1st of August. It was observed fervently throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man and marks the beginning of the harvest season.
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Also called: Lúnasa (modern Irish), Lùnastal (Scottish Gaelic), Luanistyn (Manx Gaelic).
Lughnasadh is the celebration and ritual of the first harvest of fruit, wheat, and grain. This festival both acknowledges and celebrates the waning of light - Lughnasadh is the initiation of Winter preparation.
It is named for Lugh Lámhfada. and is in honour of his step-mother, Tailtiu who perished of exhaustion after clearing the fields of Ireland ready to be planted, sowed and seeded. Lughnasadh was originally a set of rituals, gatherings and funerary games (named Tailteann Games, or Áenach Tailteann) in honour of Tailtiu’s death and sacrifice. 
Some Symbols of Lughnasadh:
Straw dolls/straw bales
Corn dolls
Tarot (strength)
Runes (Eihwaz)
The Colours of Lughnasadh:
Dark green
The Stones & Crystals of Lughnasadh:
Cat’s Eye
The Herbs of Lughnasadh:
Important/Celebrated Foods of Lughnasadh:
Activities to be done during Lughnasadh:
Baking/Cooking: Sharing food is a good thing to do with each sabbat, especially those with agricultural ties. If you incorporate seasonal foods, and foods associated with the sabbat itself, it can be seen as an offering or as being done in honour of what you’re celebrating.
Take some time to enjoy nature: Lughnasadh is a time when the seasons are changing, so take this time to walk and enjoy the last that summer has to offer. Collect things whilst you walk to put on your altar if you have one.
Construct an altar: if this is something you do, decorate your altar with some of the items mentioned in the list above. If you’re pagan and have a deity who corresponds with this holiday, leave an offering on your altar. In Lugh’s case, he is a god known for his skills in craftmanship and His ability to turn His hand to anything. He is also known for playing the harp, so anything you have crafted or that has taken skill to create will be well received by Him.
Decorate your home: if you like, small decor changes can really get you in the mood and act as a celebratory act.
Bonfires: Invite friends and/or family to a bonfire. Not only is Lughnasadh a celebration of waning light and of the god Lugh, it is a celebration of fire. Share plans to remove negative habits or influences from your life with your loved ones, burn representatives of negativity, drink to future prosperity and toast to Lugh.
Light a candle and do the same, if you are not yet an outed witch.
Craft: as mentioned before, Lugh is a god of craft and skill. Make something! Finish a project you’ve been putting off! 
If you don’t want to do something in Lugh’s name, you can make dolls out of corn (a very traditional activity) and they can be left on an altar if you have one, used as decoration or turned into a poppet.
Acts of athelticism: The funerary games of Lughnasadh were its primary reason for creation. To honour this, you can do something on a small scale, such as jogging or yoga, or going to the gym, if you are able.
Trading: Bake some bread and give it to your friends/family/coven in exchange for herbs, or some canldes! That’s just an idea. but you get the gist of it.
Lots of trading took place at historic Lughnasadh celebrations, as they assembly for this season festival was always large.
Feasting: Ties into the baking/cooking aspect, but using things that come from the first harvest is a good way to honour Lughnasadh and Tailtiu.
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