#black beetle's arm
zoomzooml · 1 year
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Doodles of ✨ Robo-bugs ✨ (and Prowl)
I should add Insecticons, but I'm too lazy for that lol
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pseudowho · 5 months
Defending Your Honour
A series in which the JJK guys stick-it to the creeps and perverts bothering the reader.
A multi-fic in a series ❤️🫖☕
Part 1 (Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, and Todo Aoi) link here!
Part 3 (Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara, Inumaki Toge and Fushiguro Toji) link here!
More JJK men and women to come
Trigger Warning: spreading false sexual rumours, stalking, being followed home
Higuruma Hiromi
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You had to leave. You had to get another job. There was no way to come back from this; office-culture spread rumours like the plague, and whether they were founded or not, you still felt the pierce of dozens of judging eyes on you.
Your clothes felt too tight, too revealing, your skin prickled and your nose stung with tears as you gulped, chin held high but so exposed and vulnerable. A filthy rage roiled in your gut at the injustice of it all. The irony did not escape you, as you hot-footed away from the whispers of the legal office.
As you gathered files, clunky and unwieldy in your arms, you felt a hand pretending to be affectionate on the small of your back that made your skin crawl, covered in worms and mud.
"When you're ready," a low voice sing-songed to your right, smirking, gleeful, "just hop along to my office, and we can work something out, yeah?" You jolted with shame as the hand clapped your bum. The eyes flicked back onto you. The whispers spread, infectious. You were a leper, now.
Hiccuping as you ducked your head, you felt hot rancid tears stream down your cheeks, darting down a corridor and reaching for a door any door to take you away from all of these eyes and whispers and accusations and this one was usually empty so you snuck in and slammed the door shut behind you and--
"Oh! Hello," a low, warm voice offered, surprised. You gasped, clapping a hand over your mouth, unable to hide the tears and anguish. The man was tall, slender, his unruly black hair escaping in flicks over his temples, but he looked so genuinely concerned as he rose from his desk, that you sobbed, apologising and sinking to the floor with your face in your knees.
You felt the man crouch beside you, his hands on his thighs, his presence sincere and welcoming. He sat for a moment, apparently awkward and unsure how he could help you.
"It's okay," he reassured, "it's a fucking ugly office, I hate it too, it makes me cry--" You huffed out a wet, genuine laugh and heard him smile, amused puffs of breath from his nose.
"Really, though," he continued, "I'm happy to help...if I can. Not sure if you need a lawyer, or-- or for me to catch a spider for you, I mean I hate them too but I can certainly--" he stopped himself from rattling away. You sniffled, looking up at him with a cute watery smile that made his heart thump.
"You could get me a new job, maybe? Or just a new boss?" You wiped your eyes now, embarrassed by interrupting this lovely man. The lovely man raised his eyebrows, now sitting in front of you, cross-legged.
"And what has your boss done to make you cry?" He inquired, black eyes like beetles, reading you.
You fumbled, uncertain of yourself when explaining the crimes of a man to another man, "I think he didn't, uhm...didn't take being rejected very well and uh--" tears poured, unbidden, as your face crumpled again, "--he's started a rumour than uhm-- that I sleep with him and uhm-- I don't but everyone believes it, and he wants me to come to his office now, after he's just touched me, and I don't know-- I don't know what to do--"
You broke down again, weeping into your knees, as the lovely man before you simmered, his lid rattling with unbridled rage at the unfairness of it all.
He smiled at you, though, gentle and open, "Your boss...the sweaty one? Big guy, thinks he's all that?" You laughed wetly again.
"Oh, you know him?" You grinned together, and you blushed, painfully grateful for being treated with basic respect. Hiromi nodded-- he didn't know your boss. But, he knew men like him and they filled him with bitter disdain, a core loathing and disgust that informed his choices every day.
"Well then...you can share my office today," he insisted as he stood, rubbing his hooked nose between two long fingers, "I've got...something to do." You blinked owlishly up at him. He helped you up, pulling a chair to his desk for you. You perched, confused, but not arguing.
Some time later, your boss headed back to his office from the vending machines, impatient for you to come to his office, feeling sickly gleeful for having punished you for humiliating him, and his heart leapt hopefully, because maybe he could offer to deny all those rumours, and then you would be so grateful that maybe you'd give him a--
He opened his office door, having just enough time to click it closed behind him before hearing a quiet, angry voice from somewhere above the doorframe.
"Domain Expansion: Deadly Sentencing."
Plunged into a different room, ostensibly not his office, your boss shrieked in terror as two terrifying black figures loomed over him, only one of them human.
"What the fuck are you-- where the fuck am I-- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"
Higuruma looked up at the Judgeman with a humourless smile, and back down at your boss, who scurried backwards until his shoulders hit the domain's edge, blind with panic.
"You've been a very naughty boy," Hiromi sang, "shall we see how naughty?"
You jumped as the office door swung open, and Higuruma (you had worked out, from the lanyard he left on his desk) re-entered with two hot drinks. He smiled a wonky, loping smile.
"Coffee machine's finest," he offered, placing one in your hands. He stood for a moment, bouncing on his heels, chin and nose dipped in consideration.
"I should think... your days of problems with your boss may be over," he said, blasé and cryptic. He did not elaborate, but reached into his pocket, before slipping his card across the desk to you.
"My office is, uhm...hiring a new legal assistant, though. I can put in a good word for you." Hiromi looked into the distance across the room, one hand in his pocket as he continued to rock on his heels. He glanced down at you, eyes glimmering at each other as they met.
Ino Takuma
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I loved meeting you last week. I thought we made a really special connection. I'd love to meet again. Call me.
You smelled so good today. I love how you're being such a tease. Can't wait for you to call.
I can't stand seeing you talking to other guys! Still haven't seen this so-called 'boyfriend' of yours though. He can't be that into you if he's letting other men near you. Call me.
You didn't answer when I knocked for you, but I know you're home. Bet you were upstairs being naughty, hope you were thinking of me, hahaha, jk. HMU, seriously. I miss you.
I know you're such a little slut behind that 'good girl' act ;) Quit playing hard to get. I finish at 5, I'll meet you from work and we can finally go on that date you owe me.
I've never been this in love before. So disappointed you ditched our first date. I'll catch you another time. I love you so much.
Hope you got the flowers I left on your porch. I love you so much.
I love you.
Good morning baby. I love you.
You're a nasty little bitch and you're gonna die alone and you deserve it. If this is how you treat a nice guy like me, how do you treat all the others? You should be grateful.
I'm sorry. I've just had a really bad day baby. You're my whole world. I love you.
Your hands shook as you scrolled through unanswered text after unanswered text. How had being friendly at a work conference gotten so out of hand? Your head spun as you recounted the memories; were you too flirty? Did you give hints of wanting to be more than just acquaintances? Did you dress too provocatively? Did you touch him?
In a desperate hunt for answers you blamed yourself. I should just be a standoffish bitch in the future, you thought, trying to hold back tears.
Leaning over your desk to pack your bag, you began to feel the walls close in around you, terrifying and claustrophobic, a rat in a maze, and you saw tears splash down onto the leather of your work diary. Would he be waiting outside work again today? Or would he be just outside your office door? Would he be waiting in your home?
You felt a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around your waist from behind, "Hey gorgeous! Guess who got off work ear--"
In a shrieking panic, you lashed out, spinning with your hands raised in attack and defence. Your wonderful, kind boyfriend, Takuma, threw himself backwards, alarmed and apologetic, raising his own hands in placation.
"Whoa, whoa, hey! Oh babe, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you--...what is it? Why are you crying? What's happened?"
Weeks and weeks of trying to ignore your stalker, hoping he would go away and forget about you, tumbled out of you at once. In a wild babble of explanation, he keeps texting me, and I'm not interested, and he won't leave me alone, and he leaves things on the doorstep, and I'm so, so sorry.
You had thrust your phone into Takuma's hands, and he held you close to him with one arm as you sobbed into his shoulder. The other hand scrolled through messages from your unwanted admirer; Takuma's face grew quiet with rage, his lips curled in disgust, a flush of anger smattered hot and pink across his cheeks.
"Babe," he started, "why didn't you..." Swallowing, Takuma stopped himself, "This is not your fault. This guy, there's...there's something wrong with him. Have you kept everything? All the stuff he's left you? All the messages?" You nodded as Takuma gripped you by the sides of the shoulders, your face crumpling as his hand raised to cup your cheek, staring deeply into you, leaning forward to press a desperate kiss to your forehead.
"Okay, listen, I'm gonna fix this," Takuma nodded hard, staring into you again as you started to shake your head, "no, no no, trust me. I promise I'm gonna fix this. Listen, you're...you're gonna go to Nanami's place. I'll call him. He'll understand. There's this lawyer at the school now, we'll gather everything and get it to him. I've...I've got to go out. I'll fix this, I mean it. I wouldn't let you down."
Takuma's heart wrenched as you continued to sob, apologising to him as if it was your fault. Within minutes, Takuma had called Nanami, and put you in a taxi. Sticking to the alleyways as he headed out into the streets, Takuma pulled his balaclava down, his eyes ferocious and vengeful as he took to the hunt.
Your stalker was grossly familiar with your routine now. What you ate for breakfast (he had gone through your bin bags). What colour underwear you preferred (he had seen you through the gaps in your curtains). Which work events you were going to attend (he had scoured every inch of every company calender).
Thanks to some sloppy administrators, he even knew where you lived. Grinning to himself, he felt such a satisfying possession over you, knowing you inside-out. Hiding behind your neighbours' fence panels, he peeked, waiting for you to get home.
One hand leaned past his face, resting on the fence panel beside him, and his stomach froze into knots when he felt himself doused in the icy presence of some dark, unknown force. He opened his mouth to scream, and a second hand pressed over his mouth with horrifying strength.
"Hey, big guy! Wow, you really must be a hit with the ladies," air hissed through Ino's teeth and he sighed in feigned disappointment, "Not with my girl, though." Your stalker squeaked as blackness closed in around him. Ino let out a noise of disgusted amusement as the man's trousers darkened down one leg.
Ino continued, letting the man cry and shake under his hand; "Here's how this is gonna work..."
Several days had passed since Ino had arrived at Nanami's to collect you, with a deeply satisfied smirk on his face. You had received no more messages. No more flowers. No more thinly-veiled threats. A dark cloud lifted off your mind, and you breathed easy.
Curled up on the sofa that night, you stroked Takuma's chest, listening to the clockwork thump of his heartbeat under your ear. Your curiosity got the better of you.
"Takuma...what did you do?"
Takuma grimaced, "Just showed him the error of his ways, babe. He won't be bothering you again."
While grateful, your belly swirled with fear, and guilt that even if your stalker left you alone, he'd just find someone else, another woman, and harass her just as he had harassed you-- or worse. Takuma read you like a book.
"Look, I-- I didn't want to force anything on you the other day. But I promise you, this guy knows that if you go to the cops about him, and he doesn't 'fess up, it'll be more than just me after him."
Ino smugly pictured Higuruma and Nanami, ready, Misters. Law and Order, prepared to flex their quite complementary powers of threat and legal representation.
You smiled, surrounded by an impenetrable wall of support. Leaning up, you tangled your fingers into Takuma's hair, and he let out a sweet hum of happiness as you kissed him deeply. Nose to nose, you took delight in showing your appreciation.
The next day, wearing a mantle of quiet bravery, you walked into the Police Station.
"I'd like to report a crime."
Itadori Yuuji
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You had chosen absolutely the wrong shoes to go out in.
You shivered in the chilly night air; your skirt hadn't been this short all night, had it? The cold had a way of exposing things the mirror didn't. Still, you smiled to yourself as you leant against a lamp-post, removing your heels with a sigh of relief, certain you'd be comfier taking the last few streets before home barefoot than in these beautiful monstrosities.
You could not bring yourself to regret such a fun night. Waving your friends goodbye, you had foregone taking a taxi home. Tokyo was a safe city, anyway. It was only a short walk home. You could do with sobering up a bit.
Feet padding gingerly on the cold concrete, you tapped away on your phone as you began to walk home. Within a few minutes, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, cold prickles running down your spine.
Running a hand through your hair, you shielded your glance backwards; a man. Some distance away. By the lamppost you had removed your shoes at. You gulped-- it's nothing, you lied to yourself, just on his way home like me. But, just in case, you started walking faster, the soles of your feet stinging as they clapped against the floor.
Feeling tingles at the base of your skull a minute later, you felt the man closing in on you and bile climbed in your throat, feeling the alcohol threaten to come up into your mouth, options running through your head at breakneck speed, to scream or call the police or stop and fight or try to run faster or--
It was no use. He was almost on top of you now; you rounded the corner to a tree-lined street. You could smell the sweat on him, and you spun to face him, losing your footing and falling backwards onto the floor--
All at once, you screamed, a dark mass plummeted from the tree above you, and there was a sickening crunch as it flattened your pursuer to the floor.
The black mass, burly and pink-haired, stood up and turned to face you, opening his mouth--
You screamed again, still panicking, throwing a shoe at him, "What the hell are you? What are you doing?" The young man crouched, eyes wide, both hands in front of him, bleeding from the lip from your shoe.
"I'm a Yuuji, I'm a Yuuji--"
"--a Yuuji?!" You raised your hand again and he flinched. Your pursuer groaned underneath his feet.
"--I don't know if you know, but this guy was following you-- oh shit, you're not friends are you-- please don't throw another shoe at me--" Yuuji squeezed his eyes closed, hands still raised above his head in arrest. You surveyed him from the ground, your panic slowly abating.
He's cute, you thought as your head spun violently, and you rocked to the side, vomiting all over the pavement. Yuuji crept over to you, hands uncertain at first, but eventually settling on holding your hair back as the alcohol evacuated your stomach.
Patting your shoulder with upbeat reassurance, Yuuji turned to look at the man on the floor with a scowl.
"Creep," he grumbled, crushing the man's hand under his shoe. As the man squirmed and complained, Yuuji gave him an effortlessly hard punch to the side of the head, knocking him out cold in an instant. Rummaging in the man's pockets, Yuuji pulled out a drivers' licence.
"Oh hey, he lives nearby. Want to drop him home with me?" Yuuji asked you with a shit-eating grin.
"Think that'll do it?" Yuuji dusted off his hands, surveying his handiwork with satisfaction. Tied up in the offerings of the man's shed (some old garden hose, with a wooden freshly painted sign hung around his neck), the man was dropped unceremoniously onto the doorstep. You snapped a quick photo on your phone, hand over your mouth as you laughed to yourself.
Yuuji pressed the doorbell, and grabbed your other hand, pulling you behind a hedge as you giggled like children together.
"I FOLLOW GIRLS HOME" read the man's sign, as his mother opened the door.
"--so anyway, I should probably get back to work, I guess...after you get home."
You rested your chin on Yuuji's shoulder as he piggy-backed you home, your shoes slung in one hand as he ambled, slowly zigzagging along the tree-lined street. Your eyes drooped, breathing in your new friend's soft, cosy smell, still occasionally giggling to yourself.
Arriving at your doorstep, Yuuji lowered you to the ground, and brought one hand up to awkwardly scratch the back of his head. His face blushed crimson when you leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. He grinned, shuffling sweetly, bidding you goodnight, but hesitating. You bit your lip, head tipped, waiting. Yuuji didn't get the hint, turning to walk away.
"Hey, my hero. All that, and I don't get your number?"
Yuuji's smile could have split rainclouds.
Higuruma waiting on the ceiling above the office door like
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Coming next: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Toge Inumaki, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara.
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oldmannapping · 3 months
Mama - a Red Hood fanfic
Directly inspired by this post by @webshood
You don’t jack a car in Crime Alley. And you definitely don’t jack a car in Crime Alley that almost certainly has a child in it.
The “Welcome To Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know” pamphlets that Harley Quinn earnestly distributed to newcomers to the Gotham underworld were very clear about Red Hood’s list of Dos and Don’t.
Among the top Don’ts were:
Crime in Crime Alley
Crimes against women in Crime Alley
Crimes against children in Crime Alley
It wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t been so goddam cute.
Felicia Aidia, barely a year old. Couldn’t quite walk yet, but she could stand unassisted for five seconds of startled jubilance before her own shock at the situation would send her flopping back on her adorable diapered butt. Huge almond eyes that were nearly black, wispy black hair and full pink cheeks, she looked altogether too cherubic to be real.
Felicia had been strapped safely in a booster seat, poking at the condensation on the window of the rideshare car she was in with her babysitter, when they were carjacked by an idiot with either a death wish or less situational awareness than a stoned beetle.
There was no other excuse for why this man jacked a She-Share, one of the brightly-marked cars in a fleet that was famous for being Gotham’s first rideshare company to boast child seats in every one of their vehicles at no extra cost.
They were famously affordable and primarily utilised by single parents in low-income areas such as Crime Alley.
You don’t jack a car in Crime Alley. And you definitely don’t jack a car in Crime Alley that almost certainly has a child in it.
The “Welcome To Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know” pamphlets that Harley Quinn earnestly distributed to newcomers to the Gotham underworld were very clear about Red Hood’s list of Dos and Don’t.
Among the top Don’ts were:
Crime in Crime Alley
Crimes against women in Crime Alley
Crimes against children in Crime Alley
The car thief had shoved the driver and Felicia’s babysitter out of the vehicle but utterly failed to notice the giant car seat and the appropriately-sized child occupying it.
A city-wide Amber Alert was out within minutes, which honestly was pretty good considering it happened in Crime Alley and Gotham police liked to pretend that area was just a mysterious Bermuda Triangle kinda place where people just mysteriously went missing, who can say why, oh well, what can you do.
The police were fast but Red Hood was faster.
The vigilante was leaping across rooftops with the speed of a panther. One police helicopter pilot completely forgot their assignment and started following him instead of the stolen car. People livestreamed blurry videos of the car careening around corners that hadn’t yet been blocked off, panning up to catch a glimpse of red metal and brown leather streaking across the sky in pursuit.
The end was anticlimactic. Hood crashed onto the roof of the car from the awning of a deli like a feral beast and punched straight through the driver’s side window. He knocked the driver out and wrested control of the vehicle until it skidded to a stop a few blocks away from the official police cordon.
Before any officers got there, Hood had hogtied the unconscious car thief and carefully extracted Felicia from her carseat.
She let out a small, uncertain wail at the sight and sound of cheering locals, crowding close to film and too boisterous with relief to realise they were scaring a baby.
Felicia pouted. It had been loud, and then fast, and then unfamiliar, and then loud again, and suddenly she was outside, and she was supposed to be napping, and she didn’t know any of these people.
Wait, yes she did. The man cradling her protectively with one arm and holding the other out to the crowd, telling them to, “Back off, back off, give her some space,”, she’d seen him before. She didn’t know how but he was familiar. His big red face (no eyes, very strange, no mouth too! How did he suck his thumb?) wasn’t scary. He was the man on the wall painting! The big wall near the playground had a picture of him painted on it. The playground was safe, and he reminded her of the playground. He was holding her protectively and he was all nice and warm.
Felicia didn’t know many words. But she did know the word she used for the person who felt safest.
“Mama!” she said loudly, clinging to the red man’s arm. “Mama!”
“It’s okay, kiddo,” he said in a very soothing voice for someone without a mouth, “We’ll get your mom.”
A police officer arrived and tried to take Felicia away. She did not appreciate it.
“Mama!” she cried louder, torn between frustration and fear. No one ever listened to her! She reached for the red man. “MAMA!”
Well. Like we said. She was so goddam cute. All eyes were on her fat little face, her adorable, freshly-rescued, chubby little hands reaching out to Red Hood. Everyone was filming her on their phones.
And she called the Red Hood “Mama”, in a perfectly clear, tiny, adorable little baby voice.
Of course it went viral.
For a while, it was a fun in-joke between Gothamites. People playing vigilante bingo to see who they’d spot each night would jokingly ask each other if they’d seen “Mama” down by the docks. Goons blustered amongst themselves that “Mama” didn’t scare them, as they kept their heads down and prayed he didn’t notice them. One bold news website captioned a picture as “Red Hood/Mama” in a story about Felicia’s rescue, while the commenters lost their minds either rofl skull skull skull dying laughing or warning the editors that they should be careful in case the trigger-happy vigilante didn’t have a sense of humour.
Closer to Hood’s home though, the reception was different. And, to him, wholly unexpected.
It started with Felix, the 16-year-old who’d been a sex worker until Hood cleaned up the under-18 scene in the Alley, and who now helped shuttle street kids to the lowkey safehouses Hood and his team had set up. Felix was a good middleman the kids trusted to take them somewhere with food, water, electricity, and no one called CPS. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a good compromise until Hood could clean the stink out of the city’s social services.
Felix was smoking on a stack of crates one night, chatting to a couple of his friends, when Hood strolled over.
“Hola, Mama,” Felix greeted casually, taking a drag of his cigarette as his friends choked.
Hood just sighed. “Not you too.” With a weary exhale, he got to business. “I got those extra blankets you needed for the safehouse on Cedar. They’re at the Warehouse B if you want to run them over tonight. Sheila knows you’re coming, she’ll sort you out.”
And so, with Felix not dead and two witnesses with big mouths to tell the tale, word spread. It was open season on Red Hood’s new nickname.
“Hey, mama!” called the girls on the corner as Hood checked to make sure none of the johns had gotten too rough.
“Mama’s here!” crowed the gays and theys across the block as he dropped off condoms and hot soup.
“It’s mama!” announced the receptionist at the shelter when Red Hood stopped by to do an inventory check.
Everywhere he went.
Whatever. It would pass. People’s attention spans were shot to shit, and the loudest viral jokes always burnt out the fastest. At least, Hood was pretty sure. He wasn’t really online much but it was impossible to exist in the world without hearing a few meme references, and they always seemed to die out fast. When was the last time anyone talked about Baby Shark? Or that kid who said “corn” weird? This would blow over.
Granted, it was taking a bit longer than Hood initially expected.
When Dick gleefully changed his name in the Family Chat, Jason ignored it. He never replied to that thing anyway.
When Red Robin said, “Mama, you’re clear,” in perfectly neutral tones during an otherwise routine surveillance operation, and several comm lines immediately muted themselves, Jason ignored it.
When Damian’s new black kitten, with huge blue eyes and a white streak on the forehead, was named Mama, Jason started to get annoyed. Even DAMIAN?
When Roy answered his call with, “Mama, I missed you!” followed by thirty seconds of unhinged cackling, Jason hung up the phone and didn’t speak to Roy for three days.
When Cass used the ASL sign for Mom to relay information to him during a mission brief, his shoulders dropped.
When Alfred gave him an exquisite pink cupcake on the second Sunday of May, Jason thanked him, left the room, walked into the nearest bathroom, carefully put the cupcake on the bench, and screamed into a towel for six minutes.
When Duke finished a story about growing up in the Narrows with, “Mama knows what I’m talking about, right?”, Jason was defeated.
Fine. They win. Everyone wins.
He worked so hard on a legacy. He dug out of his own GRAVE. He clawed himself back from insanity and anger and reclaimed himself, reclaimed Red Hood, reclaimed his home. He carved a new space for himself, not quite a vigilante, not quite a villain. He made his own rules. He built an empire.
And now, he’s FUCKING Mama.
Life isn’t fair. Sometimes the Joker kills you and you sever heads and butcher bad guys and build up a reputation and then one goddam adorable child says two goddam syllables and you’re fucking MAMA for the rest of your goddam life.
Fuck it. He’s going home. He’s too tired for this shit.
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coniferouskiddo · 1 year
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the blightstaff ✸🪲
(for @artists-guild-of-exandria project !)
[Image ID: A stylised digital illustration of Caduceus from Critical role on a black background. He has a strong stance, holding the blight staff in front of him with a stern expression. his pink hair, clothes, the silk on his arm and sashes around his waist, are blowing back from the force of the staff's spell. the crystal on top of the staff is glowing bright purple with a halo of light around it, with turquoise beetles flying around and emerging from holes in it. the staff is planted in a patch of green grass, the same green grass and pink fungi around Caduceus' feet. He also has pink lichen all over his clothes and beetle chitin armour, tabi boots and sleeves. End ID.]
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asvterias · 9 months
𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝖡𝗈𝗒 ~ 𝖩𝖺𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝖱𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌
Part 2 | Part 3
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Warnings: Jealousy & Allusions to Sex/Sexual Thoughts
Pairings: (FWB) Jaime Reyes x (FWB) Black!Fem!Reader, Best Friend!Milagro x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: Being friends with benefits with Jamie is hard to keep undercover, in hopes of Milagro never finding out. The number #1 rule is to be strictly sexual and not explore romantic feelings for the other. What happens when that rule is broken?
Word Count: 2.5k+
Tag List: @drqcrys @mageneire @websterss @pxachy-tea @moralesszz @odiesdayoff @allthingsvicf @tinkerbelle05 @alienstardust @lemonyboy97 @alastorhazbin @writing-fanics @veronicarose20 @conicoroahre @gay-dorito-dust @presidentbarbieirl @kayla2233454-blog @sodacatz @n7cje
Author’s Note: Watched the Blue Beetle movie recently and I was hooked on Jaime Reyes. This is my first time writing for Jaime Reyes, so he might be a little out of character but hopefully you like it!
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Spanish Translations
“Por qué me estás mintiendo, Jaime?” — “Why are you lying to me, Jaime?”
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Sneaking around can be full of excitement alongside the adrenaline of the whole ordeal. You and Jaime were secretly fooling around, being extremely cautious around his sister who was also your best friend. You didn’t even know how you ended up in this complicated relationship with Jaime Reyes. It started with two people under the influence of alcohol, both with the straightforward intention of getting laid and it ended with a confused hangover and a hurried conversation of forgetting about the whole affair.
At first, you two had avoided each other like the plague, sometimes accidentally crossing paths whenever you visited the Reyes residence or from basic errands that needed to be fulfilled.
Then the longer you two distanced yourselves from each other, the more agonizing it felt for the both of you. One day, Jaime snapped which led up to you two heading to bed for a passionate night. The morning after having sex, you two discussed your unofficial relationship and coming to terms with being friends with benefits and nothing more than that.
It was a simple and easy rule to follow, right? Wrong! How very wrong that you were! Too bad that you were breaking the rule. How could you not fall in love with him? With those beautiful doe dark brown eyes, his long curly hair, and his alluring personality, not to mention being completely star-struck when riding his di—
Oh, his voice…him speaking Spanish to you while in the most intimate positions has you craving for more.
You always missed the comfort of his arms at night as you watched him get dressed and leave, heading back home to avoid suspicion from his family. If Jaime’s family ever caught wind that he was not technically single, they would go ballistic, eager to meet the person and neither of you wanted that unnecessary attention.
It was finally official, you certainly loathed mornings, especially when Jaime spent the nights before. There were rare moments when he’d be able to stay the night with you. Luckily for you, today was one of those rare days.
Normally, he would claim that he’s the big spoon, but his sleepy smile widens when you’re the big spoon instead. His favorite sleeping position is lying on top of the softness of your breasts. Sometimes he would wake up face first right in the plushness of your breasts, that was always a good way to start the morning, wasn’t it? Your hands would subconsciously tangle themselves through his thick curly hair, softly massaging his scalp, sending him into a peaceful sleep.
You stirred yourself awake, no longer feeling the presence of Jaime lying on top of you. You tiredly stretched out your limbs, wincing at the soreness from your breasts down to your mid-thighs. Jaime certainly wore you out last night.
Very faintly, you heard the quiet shuffling and muttering of words. Regretfully, you slowly open your eyes, your eyelids still heavy as you rub the sleep out of them.
“Hmm…morning Jaime.” You yawn, scratching your braids through the satin red bonnet.
“Did I wake you?” He mutters walking over, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead, and continuing the search for his belongings. You assumed that he just came out of the shower. He wore a towel around his waist, dripping wet, glistening over his abs and that sight made you think unholy things. There was no way that you were still thirsty for him. Come on, you’re still recovering from last night and you were greedy for more the following morning?! Have some self-control, for once!
You shook your head, disposing of the lustful thoughts. “Wanna stay for breakfast?” You suggest, nervously gnawing on your lower lip.
“I would love to, but I have to quickly run an errand for my mami and then head over to work with Jenny.” He dried himself off, putting on a pair of boxers and an undershirt.
He opened your closet, digging out his ironed suit that you prepared a few days ago.
“When are you off this week?”
“Today and Sunday are my only days off this week.” You inform him, watching him get dressed, “I could run the errand with Mrs. Reyes, so you’ll get a balanced breakfast before heading to work.”
“Oh, really thanks (Y/N).”
“Anytime, pretty boy.” You reply, taking your bonnet off. Jaime blushes at the nickname, feeling giddy whenever you use that phrase. “What time do I need to leave?”
“About a quarter past eight..” He murmurs observing his watch.
“Speak English, please.”
“It’s 8:15 and my mami needs to leave around 9:30.” He advises, looking at your vanity. “Where’s my necklace?” He turns to you.
“You have to come get it..” You tease, wiggling the piece of jewelry in your hand. He chuckles at your playful yet seductive tone.
Crawling to you across the bed, he gives you a soft kiss making you caress his face. The slow sensual kiss lasted a few seconds, and even though you wanted to stay in the loving moment, air had become difficult to maintain, both of you pulling away from the kiss. You flutter your eyes open, catching him staring into your eyes with a hidden glint that makes you flush, which makes those butterflies run wild in your stomach.
“Come here, I’ll help you put on your tie.” You offer, shuffling towards the edge of the bed.
He sighs, allowing you to fix the tie underneath his collar. Your faces were so close that you could have fainted right then and there, completely embarrassing yourself on the spot. You started to worry, wondering if he felt you staring at him. Turns out, he was admiring you and he wasn’t ashamed of it. Once you finished his tie, you cleared your throat and smoothed over his suit, straightening out invisible wrinkles.
The Mexican boy faces you again. “What time do you get off on Saturday?”
“Probably by 10 or 11 pm.”
“Perfect! I’ll see you Saturday night.” He promises, giving you a reassuring nod.
“Yeah,” You agree with a lovesick smile on your face, “I’ll see you Saturday.”
You handed him the necklace but he stopped you, “Keep it, it looks better on you anyway.”
You tilt your head to the side, feeling yourself tingle with goosebumps as he appears from behind you and he gently brushes your braids away. You gathered your braids together, bunching them up into a messy makeshift ponytail, giving Jaime area to put the necklace on. Once he clasps the jewelry on your neck, you release your braids as you grin at him.
Smiling sweetly in response, he steals one last kiss from you and hurriedly leaves, shutting the front door. Even though you two were friends with benefits, he still was the kind and sweet man that you knew all those years ago.
You sigh, lingering your fingers on the necklace, fawning over the mere kiss that he shared with you. It was an empty kiss so it should be treated as meaningless, but it hurts your heart for you to wish otherwise.
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Later that evening, Milagro helped you pick out an outfit for your blind date. Jaime tagged along with Milagro, under the impression of wanting privacy from his family.
You and Milagro picked out a nice evening dress, concluding that it was the perfect dress.
“You look so sexy in this.” Milagro squeals, momentarily catching Jaime’s attention. His eyes shift from his sister to yours, scanning the outfit that you are wearing, shamelessly checking you out. You did a little twirl to display the entirety of the dress, your eyes solely locked on Jaime to figure out his reaction. She was right, you looked so sexy in the dress. Maybe too sexy for another guy.
He noticed the mischievousness in your body language and decided that two could play that game.
“So…” Jaime ponders, lightly gritting his teeth, using his phone as a distraction, “What do you know about this guy?” His question was directed to you, attempting to conceal his jealousy. Slow and steady wins the race.
You turned to Milagro who spoke for you, “Duh, dummy, we don’t know who it is, that's why it’s called a blind date.”
“Wait! You’ve never even met this person before?” His eyes widened in surprise, processing the newfound information.
“Jaime, are you slow or something?” His sister asks. She rolled her eyes and continuously tapped her forehead, “Think, dear brother. Just think.”
He fakes grins at his sister and looks back at you. “It could be dangerous for you.”
“Okay, and I have a taser in my purse if anything goes wrong. I can take care of myself.”
“Why are you so interested in my best friend’s love life all of a sudden?”
“Just looking out for her.” He mumbles.
“Hmmm…” She sounds skeptical, surprisingly trusting her brother’s word.
All of a sudden, Milagro’s phone rings, indicating that her pizza order is ready. “I’m gonna pick up the pizza. Be back in 30 minutes.” She grabs your car keys and her wallet, leaving the apartment.
As soon as the door slammed shut, Jaime spoke his concerns for you.
“So…you’re going out with someone else.”
“Yeah, I am.”
“Then you should also know that I’m going out with someone else.” He boasts proudly with a tight-lipped smile.
“Oh, really?” You bite the inside of your cheek as jealousy boils through your veins at the thought of Jaime seeing someone else. Surprisingly, you managed to keep your jealousy at bay, refusing to let Jaime have the upper hand here.
You realized what he was doing, and he wasn’t going to win. It was so obvious that he was lying to you. So he decided to stretch the lie, just to witness your breaking point, “Her name is Maria Gonzalez, her family just moved to the neighborhood and we hit it off great. I also have her number.”
You remained nonchalant, continuing your mascara on your left eye, “Okay…good for you then?”
“That’s all you have to say?” He scoffs, folding his arms.
“Well, what do you want me to say? You want me to act jealous and forbid you from seeing this other girl?” You click your tongue, “Now that you mention it, no new family is moving into your neighborhood otherwise Mrs. Reyes would have told me, and I would have offered to decorate welcoming baskets with her and Milagro.”
Shit! You caught him in his lie. His eyes widened in surprise at your quick response to his lie.
As a matter of fact, he was more proud than scared of your realization of his lie. Your intelligence and ability to understand between the lines were one of the many traits that he loved about you. Intelligence is the glue that holds it all together, not that there aren’t many more characteristics from you that he adored. He would never put any other characteristic above the other, harboring his mutual love for all of them. After all, you attended Harvard, majoring in nursing, and left with multiple degrees.
“Por qué me estás mintiendo, Jaime?” You looked at him through the mirror with a pointed look.
Switching back and forth between English and Spanish daily was a neat trick that you mastered with ease. To be honest, Spanish was a beautiful language, and you just wanted to experience the full meaning of it.
You learned Spanish for your best friend and her family, wanting to connect with them on a personal level. At this point, you became fluent in Spanish and could hold decent conversations with the Reyes family in their native language. The Reyes family even made jokes that you would someday marry a Latino.
“I don’t know..” he shrugs his shoulders, “Maybe…I’m just confused right now.”
“May I remind you that you wanted us to be a casual fuck from time to time, and besides we also agreed on seeing other people.”
“Yeah, but—“
“Yeah, but what? You want to change your mind now?”
“Actually, I do.”
You paused from doing your mascara, making eye contact in the mirror with him. Of course, you weren’t expecting that answer. His statement rendered you speechless, allowing the silence to overtake the room. You gulped silently, intently watching him stalk toward you, almost in a patronizing manner to tease you even further. You were frozen, unaware of what he might do to you and it somewhat turned you on. The small thud of the mascara tube dropping on the vanity brought you back to your senses.
“…We shouldn’t do this, Jaime.” You lightly warn the boy. Jaime remains silent, making you consistently aware that he is gorgeously checking you out from behind. He made you so flustered to the point that you were stupidly smitten with him that it was almost ridiculous. It was a miracle that you couldn’t see a black girl’s blush.
“Milagro‘s gonna be back soon.” Your tone was soft.
The air was still tense as he nodded, his eyes still intently focused on your physique. Nervously, you began to play with your braids as your body squirmed under his gaze. The things that Jamie made you feel were out of this world. You held your breath, dilated dark brown eyes studying his every move that he made. It was the familiar gust of his infamous cologne that gave his sudden presence away, noticing his breathing was lingering on you. You shudder, minor goosebumps forming on your arms.
“Then, we just have to be quick, don’t we?” You swear that you could’ve felt his hard dick straining against his pants.
“Listen here Jaime—“ You were cut off by his hands roughly wrapping around your throat, raising your head, catching an upside down angle of the 22-year-old. A warm pair of lips was planted onto yours, reclaiming full jealousy as he slipped his tongue in your mouth. In a matter of seconds, the inviting kiss escalated into sexual tension, quickly heating the aura of the bedroom.
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likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2023. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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marimbles · 5 months
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happy holidays @0ellestrid0! I was your secret santa for @mlsecretsanta 💜
I don’t know much about solarpunk but I was intrigued by the concept and wanted to give it a shot! hopefully this is ok. random silly solarpunk AU ideas under the cut hehe
since solarpunk is about solar power and green/eco-friendly societal structure, I figured plants would be central to an ML solarpunk AU. it’s cool to imagine a version of Paris with lots of green areas and clever, space-saving, clean-energy solutions. I like the idea of the dupain-chengs having their own greenhouse where they grow ingredients for use in the bakery. And I wanted marinette to have her own greenhouse too where she grows plants that she uses as fibers and dyes for making clothes! So that’s what I drew here. Chat Noir likes to help marinette in her garden and he nerds out about the plants which she thinks is very cute:)
The plant in the middle is associated with ladybug and chat noir. I love sun/moon symbolism and that seemed to fit a solarpunk AU really well so I ran with it haha. in this AU I thought tikki could be a spotted sun beetle and plagg could be a black moon cat (or panther?). sun beetles would be associated with the sundrop plant (first image), and moon cats would be associated with moonflowers (second image). chat noir’s tattoo is a moonflower and in my mind ladybug would have a matching one that’s a sundrop.
The moonflower is inspired by the actual plant of the same name, which blooms only at night, except I wanted to also make it bioluminescent bc that’s cool lol. (I’ve been playing lots of tears of the kingdom and I always love the blue nightshades and silent princesses that glow blue in the dark!) irl moonflowers are actually a type of morning glory, which typically bloom in the morning in full sunlight and then close up at night. so in this AU the sundrop is the corresponding plant (since “sunflower” is already taken, haha) and it would also glow, but only during the day when it’s blooming.
I thought maybe sundrops and moonflowers could have magical effects and marinette is experimenting to discover them. maybe there’s stuff about them in the grimoire and she’s trying to unlock special powers for her and chat noir. maybe those effects and the symbolism of the plants could help her understand more about her and chat’s roles and abilities and potential and even help her discover the key to defeating hawkmoth…hmm… (I really haven’t thought too deeply about it lol I just like glowing plants)
As for their outfits…I was just trying to make them look sort of “punk”-y 😂 I feel like in all the punk AUs like steampunk, cyberpunk, etc, people are always wearing goggles and boots and aprons and vests and stuff with pockets and zippers and arm braces. So. I made a vague attempt fjdkkd
anyway thanks for humoring me with my rambling lol I hope you enjoy and that you had a good holiday!
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slasherbvnnie · 1 year
Until We Found You  Part II
Hi again! Welcome back for part II of Until We Found You, please head the tags: Modern Day College Scream AU, Obsessed AFAB!Reader, Eventual Poly!Ghostface x reader, Eventual NSFW, All characters 18+
Part I Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX
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The police were practically useless with your case. After your parents had arrived, they checked the house while they told you to pack a bag. You went back upstairs, still cautious in case the killer was lurking somewhere. You felt your foot slip beneath you, remembering the papers on the floor. You picked them up from the ground, stuffing them into your backpack, following it up with clothes and whatever else you needed to take. You looked out of your window, seeing a red beetle pulling into your driveway and Tatum and Sidney getting out of it. You sighed, finishing packing your bag up, hearing the police begin to make their way to your room. “You can all interview her tomorrow, I want her somewhere safe for the night,” you heard your mom's voice from down the hall, putting your shoes on before peeking your head out and looking up at the officer in front of you. “Dewey,” you called out, seeing the man look back at you. “Hey, are you okay? Did the paramedics check you out already,” he questioned, nodding and offering a tiny smile. “Yup, I wasn’t hurt, just kinda scared I guess,” you murmured, what if the killer got the smart idea to frame it all on you now? Why didn’t they kill you? You weren’t scared for your life, just scared they would ruin it by setting you up.
“Oh, good, yeah. You gave your statement already, right?” He asked, you gave a hum in response. “Crazed masked killer wearing a black outfit, yup. Creepy call too, he asked me about an old horror movie, you know, the one I named Irena after. It was fucking creepy,” You said, recalling the incident from less than an hour ago. “Dewey!” Tatum called, pushing past the other officers with Sidney trailing right behind her. “Oh my god, are you okay? Did they hurt you or anything,” Tatum asked as she pulled you in for a hug. “No, I’m- I’m okay,” you reassured her as Sidney wrapped her arms around you as well.
“Honey,” your dad called, making you pull away from the girls. “The Machers said they would be happy to keep watch on all you kids tonight. I’d feel a little better knowing all your friends will be with you,” he said, you nodded. “Yeah, I’d feel better too, did you guys call Randy and Billy already?” You asked as you turned back to Sidney and Tatum. “Yeah, we called them on the way, we asked Stu if we could stay at his since his is the biggest. We kinda figured you didn’t want to be alone tonight,” Sidney said, making you smile a bit as you nodded. “Thanks,” you said before going to your parents. “What about you guys? Where are you going to stay tonight,” you didn’t want the killer to go after them, next to Irena they were the only thing you cared about. “We’ll be at your aunt's house, we will be safe. You just try relaxing okay? We’ll pick you up in the morning to take you to the station,” your mom said before hugging you. “I’m so glad you’re safe,” she sighed out.
“I guess you aren’t the killer after all, or maybe you have an accomplice helping you to throw police off your trail,” Randy said in a teasing way to you, huffing when you kicked at him. “Maybe it was you, Randy. Maybe you saw one too many Halloweens and thought you’d take some inspo,” you said as you put your head back onto Sidney’s lap. “Yeah, Randy’s a perfect killer. He probably did it because you wouldn’t sleep with him,” Stu added, making the group laugh except for Randy. “And who says it wasn’t you, Stu? Maybe you got jealous of her seeing your girlfriend's tits more than you,” Randy retorted, making Stu laugh as he looked at you. “Yeah, what's to say it wasn’t me trying to gut you tonight?” Stu asked in a teasing manner, Tatum hitting his shoulder as Billy sounded in. “Can you two idiots shut up about it? Watch the fucking movie,” he huffed out. “Billy’s right guys, I just want to relax tonight. I don’t want to hear about that stupid fucking mask anymore,” you huffed out. You didn’t want to admit it, but your heart was a little hurt. You had been obsessed with the killings, you didn’t think Weary had killed Maureen, you think it was someone who was still on the loose, the same someone who killed Casey and Steve. The use of knives, the fact that no one saw their face, and how they were killed, it was all too coincidental. You spent over a whole year obsessing over them, only to be betrayed and nearly killed. You were almost killed by the one person who made you feel alive again, someone who brought you excitement, you were hurt by that.
“I’m gonna grab a beer, anyone else want one,” Stu asked as everyone chimed in. “Then someone come and help,” he demanded as he stood, you got off of Sidney’s lap and stood up, “I’ll help. Got anything other than shitty beer down there?” You questioned as he laughed, “I think,” he replied as you two headed down to the garage.
“You know, I’m surprised the horror hottie would follow someone all alone to a dark place,” Stu teased, earning him a shove to his shoulder. “Shut up, Stu. Everyone knows you would probably go searching through my underwear drawer before trying to kill me,” you laughed, “who says I didn’t?” He questioned, making you stumble in your walk for a moment. “Chill out, I was with Tate on the phone while it was going on. I’m just fucking with you,” He chuckled, opening up the fridge and handing you the beers. “Got patron or hard lemonade, take your pick,” he hummed, you pointed at the lemonade. “Hey, Randy’s getting cut off the dumbass keeps talking about his theories,” you heard Billy from the doorway, Stu laughing as he took one of the beers from your hands. “More for me then,” Stu said as he closed the fridge. You turned and saw Billy looking at you, a bit more intensely than his usual crazy eyes. “What? Scared to be near the girl who almost got killed,” you joked as he flashed a smile. “No, surprised you’re still alive though.” “Same here,” Stu said as he looked at Billy, Billy narrowed his eyes at Stu for a moment before he went over to you to help with the beers. “Maybe ghostface has a thing for you or something,” Billy said as you laughed. “Doubt it, I think he got scared that my parents were getting home,” you said, which was partially true, but you couldn’t deny that maybe your obsession helped you survive tonight. “Maybe you have a thing for ghostface then,” Stu chimed in, making your head whip to him. You blushed, shaking your head, “as if,” you huffed out, giving a little laugh to cover up your nervousness.
Time passed by quickly that night, you all spent the night drinking and watching movies, mostly horror movies involving Jamie Lee Curtis since Stu insisted on watching them. Tate was cooped up in Stu’s room with him, Randy had passed out on the couch and Sidney and Billy were probably in the guest room fast asleep. You had snuck out into the backyard, letting your mind wander once again as you stared up at the stars. Your phone began to ring, you stared at it and debated answering before seeing it was Sidney’s number. You sighed and picked it up, wondering if she needed anything. “Hey,” you answered, hearing a familiar voice. “The Machers, huh? Don’t you know not to split up?” The voice questioned, making you sit up. “You let me live, why are you calling?” You asked, looking around before standing and heading back for the door to get inside. “I wanted to talk to my fan, I saw all your papers. Thought you would like a phone call, or are you mad I didn’t slit that pretty little throat,” the person taunted as you messed around with the doorknob, it had locked behind you when you left. “That was before I realized I was on your kill list,” you retorted, heading around the house to the front door to wake Randy up. “No hard feelings, it was before I realized you were a fan. Leave your window open when you’re back at home. I would like to see what my pretty little fan is willing to do for not slitting her throat.” The killer said, chuckling as you blushed a little, about to respond before you heard the beeping that indicated they had hung up. You smiled slightly, happy that they wanted to see you again.
The front door opened, Billy looking at you with panicked eyes and a knife in hand. “Jesus, I thought you were the weirdo, I heard you trying to open the back door,” he said, making you laugh a bit. “Yeah, sorry, the back door was locked,” you said as he moved out of the doorway. “Come on, get inside before you end up like Casey,” he said as you walked in, “not funny, Billy.” You said as you yawned. “Mind if I crash with you and Sid? I don’t want Randy to make any passes,” you asked as Billy laughed, heading to the kitchen to put up the knife. “Be my guest, you and Sid can have the bed, I’ll take the floor.” “What a gentleman,” you teased. “Shut up before I let Randy take a stab at you.” He said, mimicking a stabbing movement as you laughed and pushed him.
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ambcass · 5 months
Can I request Jamie Reyes x reader where they are both sleeping at night, with reader hugging Jamie from behind while he sleeps shirtless. It’s late, and reader can’t sleep, so she stares at the beetle on his back, and starts to kiss his back while Jamie is still sleeping, then she kissses the beetle and whispers “thank you for protecting him,” and the beetle glows slightly, like it’s acknowledging what she said. Now, the beetle really like the reader even more. Idk I thought it was a cute idea
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yall can start requesting again btw 💔💔
cute idea btw (its short sorry🙁)
“Jaime?” you murmured. Calling his name but no response. You went to sleep while Jaime was showering. You turned over, staring at his bare skin on his back. The dark covered your flustered and scarab impaled on his back was mildly glowing. You sit up and looked over at Jaime.
“Jaimee? Sweetie, y’awake?” No response. Jaime was out cold and snoring loud. You got up to grab water and melatonin for your sleep. Walking to the kitchen counter, you thought you felt something behind you. You jumped, took the supplement, and ran back to the room and leaped back to bed.
Staring outside your door was a black figure and you rapidly started blinking. The figure was gone but you were scared shitless. Forgetting Kaji-da was on Jaime’s back, you screamed when you saw the scarab attached on his back. Kaji-da started the glow even more, growling at you for waking it.
“Woah, woah! Bug! You-I-Please don’t do anything. It’s me!” You quickly covered your shivering body with the blanket and leid back down. Kaji-da was silent and its glow went down. You wrapped your cold arm around his waist. He jolted up but he still wasn’t awake. Slowly, you clanged the rest of your body on to his back.
You shift your position to face his neck. “Aren’t you such a sleep beauty…you’re so lucky that you don’t have trouble sleeping Jaime.” You groaned. You trailed your fingers through his hair and started playing with it. “I don’t say this much but I love you a lot…You probably know that but I don’t think you know how MUCH I love you, Jaime Reyes”. You leaned in, kissing his neck, and slowly going down with kisses until you meet the scarab.
You gently tapped on the scarab and kissed it on the head. You whispered gently, “Thank you for protecting him. I don’t know what he or I would do without you.” It blinked its lights two times, letting you know that it acknowledges what you said. You smiled, wrapped you arms around Jaime’s arms, and closed your eyes.
“Good night…To the both of you”
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thatfreshi · 9 months
Pitch Black (Astarion x Reader)
TW - panic attack, claustrophobia, themes of death/rotting
I based this off some sad lore I found out about him yesterday :(
Recommended Song: Rainy Day Loop - SALES
There's a lot of things Astarion hasn't told you. You don't mind, because a lot of those things are hard to relive. Everything he tells you comes with a price, but he does it mostly out of necessity. There are times you know something lies deeper, and yet you don't pry. It will come to light if he decides it needs to.
However, he never told you about one of the first truly cruel things Cazador did. How one day he refused him, told him no for once. He woke up buried six feet under, starving in undeath for an entire year until his master dug him up again. That was the last time he disobeyed.
This led to a fear he never told you about, claustrophobia, that terrifying feeling of being unable to escape small spaces. He doesn't like closets, this you knew, but you assumed it was because they're dark and sad, not because they're small rooms.
One morning you're sleeping, peaceful, arms wrapped around him tight. He wakes up before you, calm at first. When he realizes his discomfort at feeling trapped in your arms, he gently tries to move you off of him, but you grab back in your slumber, not knowing what's going on beyond the barrier of sleep. That first wave of panic sets in as you wrap yourself tighter than before, and he freezes up, remembering the smell of musty dirt and bones. He tries to scoot away, and you unknowingly pull him in again. That second time is enough for him to feel fully trapped, and without thinking he bites down hard on your arm.
You bolt up out of your sleep, holding your arm, realizing it was Astarion who caused the sudden alarm. He sits at the edge of the bed, breathing heavily, still trying to ground himself. You try to ask him things, why the hell he'd do that to you, but he can't hear your questions. The worms, the beetles, at some point you become accustomed to the tiniest sounds. He wondered if they'd start to eat away at him, if vampires were like corpses, if he would slowly decompose in the ground. You go to touch his hand and he yanks it away, standing up.
And he finally turns to see you on the bed, your arm bleeding badly, how concerned you look. He can't speak though. Footsteps, people passing by, unable to scream because of how tightly packed the sediment is. You try anyways.
"Aster, listen to me. I need you to listen to me, okay?"
You're panicking. You haven't seen him this bad in a while. He's not there, at least not truly there. To be knocked out, only to wake up in pitch black, what a horror.
"I think you're having a panic attack my love, can you try to focus on one thing in the room?"
A painting, a landscape of a graveyard. He was put in a graveyard, some kind of cruel joke. His eyes wander to the frame, golden, like thread. He remembers stitching little phrases and stories into his clothes, he remembers the first time he did such a craft for you. The breathing starts to settle, still shaking, he sits back down next to you, and just starts sobbing. You go to hug him and he flinches.
You are almost taken aback, but you remember that it's not your fault.
"Okay, that's okay. I'll just sit here with you."
He just cries for a while, and you let him. Clearly something startled him badly, badly enough that he bit you. You forgot until now that you were bleeding. Not only did his fangs pierce, but many of the rest of his teeth got through the skin. As you're analyzing your wound, you take part of the blanket and press it into your arm, trying to stop the bleeding. Astarion notices the movement, and you see guilt overcome his face immediately. You interrupt before he can speak.
"It's okay darling, I know you didn't mean it."
He wipes at his tears, finally coming back to reality, truly grounding himself.
"I... I'm sorry."
"I know, it's okay."
He stares at a crack in the floorboards.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He nods, mainly because he hates it when you're confused.
"So... a long time ago, Cazador decided it would be fun to bury me alive."
He almost laughs at how ridiculous it is, how someone could even think to do that. You just listen.
"And I stayed there for an entire year. And I don't know how it happened, but you tried to hug me tighter while you were asleep, and I- I just panicked, I felt so trapped and it just reminded me so much of-"
He can't even bring himself to say it again.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea."
He scoffs.
"Yeah, you were asleep, and I freaked out like a monster and bit you."
He gazes down at the wound, wincing at what he's done.
"Hey, look at me. Wounds heal, I'll be okay. What matters is that you're okay."
"I... I think I'm okay now. Just, feel miserable."
"That's okay, you're allowed to feel however you want."
"I know. Thank you my sweet."
He picks your hand up off the bed, holding it to his face. It takes weeks after for him to be hugged again, especially being the little spoon, but you don't mind. You'll go through every phase of his, good and bad. This one just happens to be bad, and that's okay. He'll be okay. You'll both be okay.
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orphicrose · 3 months
I got bit by a spider a while ago and it made me come up with this request idea, imgiane Alastor x reader were they were already together and one day they come to him with a spider bite and then he aboustly looses it on Angel even tho the reader persists it wasn't him it was an actual spider and AL is like "doesn't matter! I'm not letting any spider harm you!" And Angel is like "HEY! IM A SPIDER DEMON NOT A SPIDER! AND I DONT BITE...unless ya want me too, and what are ya a spider racist?" And its a stupid argument but Alastor is still mad at Angel for a spider bite he didn't cause and Charlie and Vaggue have to break it up. 🤣
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Tiny spider
This was really fun to write. Thank you so much for the suggestion
Alastor was always your night in shining armour when it came to bugs. Hearing your squeals of terror from the room next door to him, he could always safely assume it was because of some sort of mutated beetle or spider. And he was right 90% of the time. He’d swiftly eliminate the threat, sometimes letting it outside. Sometimes calling over niffty to have her fun with it. This time, though, he was too late. It got you. Seeping into your skin with its sharp fangs before you had the chance to notice it was on you.
Flinging your hand about in sheer panic, you let out a cry for help. Alastor assuming someone had murdered you, materialising into the room next to you hearing his hands. Ready to smite someone with his black magic at any given moment.
You turned, showing him the tiny red mark at the end of your finger. He calmed down, posture adjusting itself. He took your hand in his, moving his monocle closer to his eye to get a better look at the microscopic mark the even tinier perpetrator had left on you.
“What happened my love? A paper cut?” He mindlessly questioned to the sobbing face in front of his.
“It got me…” you almost wept from the panic.
“What got you, my darling” his arms slithered around your waist to pull you into an embrace.
“A spider”
His pupils dilated at the sentence, his beloved was hurt and his instincts tell him to seek justice. Arms pushed you away and within the blink of an eye, was on a search for said spider. There is was, all of its arms waving about in front of him, golden teeth bared ready to attack its next victim.
“Yeah so, now I have to work all day to make up for it tomorrow” angels arms waved around, exaggerating his story to the cat behind the bar in front of him.
“Uh huh.” He responded nonchalantly , cleaning a glass in his hand with a mouldy cloth. His face slowly lifted to see the spiders face, but his eyes widened when he saw the enraged Alastor behind him. Thinking it was for him, but almost relieved when Alastor reached for Angels neck from behind.
Angie screeched in a mix of confusion and fear, managing to twist his flexible body around in the deers clench. Soon being thrown to the floor “What the fuck are ya doing there, Alastor?” His voice was nervous, backing away as he was planted below him.
“You bit my darling y/n. Spider” he walked slowly toward the spider, before he burst out laughing. Leaving the confused Alastor with a tilt in his neck. “You think this is funny?”
Angel struggled to form a word between breaths of air. “Let me guess. Y/n got bit by a spider and you’re automatically gunning for me?” He got up, hand on his knee to help him.
“That’s a bit discriminatory to us spiders, we don’t all have 8 legs yanno?” He dusted his blazer off and wiped away a tear from his eye. Alastor losing his temper the more he spoke. Someone needed to pay for the harm, he thought.
Within seconds hell broke loose. Charlie and Vaggie rushed to the lobby after hearing something break. To be met with glasses being throw at the wall, a black tentacle slapping husk around the face, angels golden tooth glaring as he shot anything that moved and a fire In Alastors eye that said “death to all”. It was mayhem.
Before they had a chance to react, another scream came from the living room. Stopping everyone from what they were doing… except for niffty. Niffty was still cleaning up after everyone like a mad man.
Rushing to the room next door, the group stopped in their tracks to find you hiding on the mantle piece above the fire place.
“My dear? What’s the matter?” Alastor spoke first, stepping into the room.
“SPIDER!! ITS BACK TO FINISH ME OFF!” You screamed, pointing at the tiny black spec on the floor.
“Oooohh…” everyone in the door way collectively hummed, realising the mistake.
“what have you got to say to me now,huh?”Angel poked his shoulder, the demon gritting his teeth as his head snapped back.
“There’s still time to kill you, Angel dearest!”
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chaotixdragon · 2 months
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So i saw somebody make art of Starscream as a moth and something was awoken inside of me. I present Hollow Knight X Transformers BUGFORMERS!!!! (Or Hollowformers???) Sorry for the shitty sketches, i'll translate my handwriting lmao
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Starscream: A Red-Underwing Moth I decided to make all the seekers different moths, have fun with that Megatron: A Black Stag Beetle His armor can be removed, I'll draw it eventually, but under his helmet are small (very sensitive!!!) antennae!!!
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Optimus: A Rain Beetle I wanted to make him a dung beetle at first, cause I love the shape of scarab-like beetles but I wanted Bulkhead to be a dung beetle, so I picked my personal favorite type of beetle, the Rain Beetle! Bumblebee: A Bumble bee I think this is obvious.
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Arcee: A Blue Dasher Dragonfly She's small, fierce, and fast. I knew a Dragonfly would fit her. Bulkhead: A Rainbow Dung Beetle Bulkhead is a strong, bulky guy, so a strong bulky bug fits him. But I didn't want him to be a plain dung beetle, so I went with the more beautiful, and intimidating type of dung beetle! And its sort of an iridescent green, like our bulky boi. (He also has a second pair of arms he keeps tucked between his armor plating for his safety, but he uses 'em when he needs extra leverage)
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Ratchet: A Man-Faced Bug My friend insisted he'd be this kind of bug, and after looking it up, I agree. You can see his face in this bug and I love it. The runner up was a ladybug if you want to do anything with that. Drift: An Idolo mantis I wanted Drift to keep his sort of "intimidating with dexterity" vibes but add a bit more beauty to give that sweetness to his design you see in his character. An Idolo Mantis is that lovely mix of floral beauty and intimidating that I thought would fit perfectly for Drift.
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Cyclonus: Spiky Flower Mantis Same deal with Cyclonus but more intimidating. I wanted him to look scary and powerful, but beautiful in an intimidating way, like how he is in the comics. Tailgate: Pill bug (Isopod) Round, sweet, adorable, and one of my favorite bugs. Very useful for the environment and durable, as well as huggable. I think it fits Tailgate pretty well.
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ANNNNd finally...some doobles of Starscream cause im an addict.
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
Grand Line Playgroup
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,200+
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Synopsis: Adoptive parents have all taken the initiative to join together with their children to form: Grand Line Playgroup. This is the way it usually goes at playgroup: filled with shenanigans, support, and most importantly love for their children. 
Themes: the adoptive parents of one piece, all children are all relatively aged 3 to 7, but Robin is 10, au they all live, modern au, platonic, not an “x reader” fic, parenting drabble, fluff, nonsense. 
Parents: Mihawk, Rosinante (Corazon), Bellemere, Dadan, Zeff, Uncle Beckman, Shanks, Garp, and Smoker.
Children: Perona, Zoro, Law(rence), Nojiko, Nami, Uta, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Sanji, Uta, Koby, Helmeppo, Robin, and Tashigi.
Notes: A small drabble about what it would be like if the one-piece characters were adoptive parents to an assortment of their toddler counterparts. This silly brain-worm was brought to you by several conversations with @feral-artistry & @writingmysanity, and the bestest aunties @since-im-already-here & @sordidmusings. This worm got to me and I needed to get it out.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff, @gingernut1314, @vespidphoenix, @i-am-vita
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Dracule Mihawk arrives at Grand Line Playgroup ten minutes early every single Tuesday. He has a personalized gothic embroidered bag for both of his children filled with snacks, changes of clothes, water bottles, first aid kits, and a book for him to read while his two children play.
The next to arrive is Donquixote Rosinante. He always attempts to get there early: set up his variety of bags to ensure his son, Lawrence, has everything he needs to enjoy his time at playgroup. His hair is a blonde, fluffy mess of mopped curls, his clothes disheveled and askew, but his smile is always cheerful despite his constant exhausted exasperated state. 
He wears matching nail polish with his daughter, Perona: today, she chose pink with black accents. He has parenting down to a fine art, everything always perfectly planned for any circumstances. Zoro takes out a collection of sporting equipment and begins kicking around a soccer ball as he waits for his friends to join him. 
Law is a quiet child, not really engaging with Perona as she sets up a mock tea-party, nor Zoro as he kicks the ball against the wall. He, instead, opts to sit quietly alone and read a picture book in comfortable silence. 
Mihawk offers Rosinante a moist towelette, gesturing wordlessly to his lips, cheeks and right eye where Law graffitied art with permanent marker on his face as he slept. Rosinante gives him a gratuitous smile, huffing his laughter as he scrubs at his face with the towelette. 
The next to arrive is Rosinante’s old work colleague, Bellemere, with her two daughters in tow. Nami and Nojiko were walking arm in arm before rushing off to join Perona in her tea party. Bellemere gives Rosinante a clap on his shoulder, nodding her acknowledgement to Mihawk before taking her elected seat. 
As the clock ticks over to 10am: a small bundle of nervous, chaotic energy bounces inside the door and over the walls. This flash of black hair was followed immediately by a small blonde child that stares, unblinkingly, at Law. Dadan is exasperated as she carries an older and asleep Ace in her arms, attempting to catch up with Luffy to rein him in and set up. 
As if on queue, Ace wakes up and immediately springs out of Dadan’s arms, hurrying over to Zoro and joining him by kicking the ball against the wall. Sabo backs into the corner of the room and glares with his pale, blue eyes at Perona’s tea-party with intrigue. 
Rosinante springs into action, offering to ferry Luffy towards his regular playmate, Zoro. As Luffy nearly joins Zoro, he is instead drawn to the sticker book Law is holding containing bugs, beetles and arachnids. Luffy becomes entranced by the stickers: and he and Law begin cataloging them by shape, size and type over pages of lined paper. 
Dadan sighs, already exhausted although her day has barely begun. Rosinante smiles and fawns over the two dark-haired boys before resuming his seat beside Bellemere, talking about the latest gossip at his old workplace and the shenanigans his colleagues' love lives.
After Dadan, in comes Benn Beckman with his niece, Uta. Uta bounces on her heels as she runs over to Sabo, doing all in her power to make the small blonde smile instead of glare. She has a cheery disposition, guaranteed to always get a smile out of the quiet boy the longer she sings and pulls faces at him.
Zeff is the next, his young son, Sanji, sprinting towards the soccer ball and easily stealing it away from Zoro. They immediately get into a heated fistfight: legs and limbs flying as they butt heads as to who's turn it is to kick the ball next. Mihawk sighs, immediately rising to his feet to play referee to the match as Beckman places Uta's bag beside Perona's. 
Arriving late, and with his two adoptive sons Koby and Helmeppo, strolls Garp. Dadan glares at him, up turning her lip in a snarl as Garp shepherds his boys into the room. The tension is thick between these two due to Garp's history of dropping off children at Dadan's and not returning to raise them himself. She refuses to help with the latest two additions to his family, although she cares for them greatly. Sabo nods at Koby, Helmeppo scoffs at Uta. 
Another late arrival is a larger gentleman with his quiet and older daughter, Robin. Sir Crocodile is dripping in luxury brands, gold rings and smells of expensive colognes. Robin immediately humors Perona, Nami and Nojiko by playing mother in their tea party adventure. 
“Mihawk,” the larger man gruffy nods in acknowledgement. 
“Crocodile,” Mihawk mirrors his tone, gesturing with his chin to take a seat beside him. Sir Crocodile takes his seat before unrolling the newspaper tucked beneath his arm and beginning to read. 
As the children interact together, the more talkative parents swap parenting advice amongst one another. 
Rosinante asks for support with Law's current food aversion. How does he get this child to eat grained carbohydrates without him gagging about the fact it's bread? Dadan is a seasoned expert in parenting at this stage, still ignoring Garp as Garp speaks to Mihawk about his blonde son’s latest interest in kendo. 
Bellemere joins in the conversation, Mihawk leaving as the topic changes to work and joining beside Beckman who is silently brooding on the chair beside Crocodile. 
“No Shanks today?” Mihawk quips at the larger man. 
“No Shanks today,” Beckman parrotted in return with a disgruntled and gruff growl. 
As if the mere mention of his name summoned his presence, in comes the red-haired Shanks in a lazy and cheerful stupor. His socks are raised to his knees, tucked into some comfortable sandals on his feet. His cargo shorts are tied loosely on his hips by a brown belt, and his patterned shirt is open to expose his bare chest. 
Glasses are lying lazily on his head as he extends an enthusiastic smile at the children before acknowledging the adults. An enthusiastic chorus of “Uncle Shanks!” echoes throughout the playspace, a flash of small bodies immediately moving to tackle and engulf the redhead in a warm embrace. 
Shanks falls on his ass, holding high his coffee cup as he laughs at Luffy, Uta, Ace and Sabo as they enthusiastically clutch at him with grabby hands. Their faces all shine with the utmost adoration at the redhead, who shoots Beckman and Dadan a wink while mouthing: “I'm still the favorite.”
Beckman sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as Dadan rolls her eyes at him. 
The adults are finally all gathered for their children’s weekly playgroup, the kids settle into playing amongst themselves once again. Shanks offers Beckman a smile before offering him the half-drunk coffee cup. The taller man takes a sip, choking on the liquid as the surprising burn of warmed alcohol scorches his throat so early in the morning. 
As their meeting draws to a soft close, a knock at the door interrupts their close knit conversation. 
“I heard there was a playgroup in here?” a gruff voice rumbled at the door. White hair and the scent of tobacco immediately sprung through the hallway. In arrived a large gentleman, another common associate of Garp, Bellemere and Rosinante who immediately sprung up to greet him. 
Smoker presented ushered a quiet child into the room, her uncertainty was one the children knew well. Immediately, Luffy sprang up from his arachnid archiving with Law and went to introduce himself to the girl. Smoker smiled at the interaction, nodding to Tashigi as an indicator for her to go ahead and play, before joining Bellemere and Rosinante. 
“Finally decided to foster, Smoker?” Bellemere smiled, embracing him into her warm and welcoming arms. Smoker returns her gesture, tapping her on the shoulder and releasing her from the embrace. 
“Foster? Not a chance,” he smirked, pulling away and smiling at the purple-haired woman, “Adopting.”
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ghouljams · 2 months
Could we get some more Fae!Roach? Pretty please 👉🏻👈🏻
He's been oddly attached to you lately. Not that you're complaining, just proof positive that all your brujeria and bastardized magic was working. You feel his touch buzz over your skin, like insects just barely brushing by, like static electricity coming in for a quick shock. You don't know what it is, can't put your finger on it, but he always seems to be around when you're thinking of him. You're pulling books from the return box and arranging them on your cart when you spot Roach across the road. He's walking with someone, but you still push the door open and yell for him, giving him a friendly wave and a smile.
The man he's walking with taps his fists together in a 'G' before pushing them out to 'insect' with a meaningful look, Roach bats at his hands and presses his hand against the man's face, his cheeks under his mask turning pink as he waves back at you. You laugh and pop back into the library to finish your work. You hardly get a book on the cart before the doors open and Roach is looking around. He holds the door for his friend just long enough for the man to catch it with his hand before he's making his way towards you.
You pause your work to smile at him, giving a small nod to his friend. "Who's this?" You ask him, unsure what to do while Roach is digging through his pockets. The man steps around him and holds his hand out.
"Gaz, me an' Roach go way back," He smiles, and it's terribly charming. You take his hand and give it a firm shake, enjoying the solid grip of Gaz's fingers. He releases you after a moment, just in time for Roach to grab your hand and press something solid into it.
You blink down at the impromptu gift, a little glass vial. You hold it up to the light, the downy feathers inside shift from a deep black to a vibrant blue as you tip the vial. Cool. You meet Roach's gaze, his eyes heavy and insistently focused on you. Actually this is great timing.
"I have something for you too!" You tuck the vial of unknown feathers into your pocket and glance around for any fellow librarians, "Wait here, I'll get it." Roach nods excitedly, and you abandon your cart to go behind the front desk.
You dig around for your backpack, then dig through your backpack for the little pin you'd found at the print shop. When you go back to Roach and Gaz they're talking with rapid sign language, their hands moving too quickly for you to follow. You make out a few signs, but without context you're lost. You hold the pin up to show Roach, a little beetle with open wings, it reminded you of him. He makes a gesture towards you that you don't need to understand sign to get the gist of: "see?" complete with raised brows as he takes the pin.
Gaz nods and makes a pulling motion from his chest.
Roach shakes his head.
"What're you talking about?" You ask, patient, but not enough to be left out of a conversation clearly about you.
"Roach's just tellin' me how much he likes you," Gaz supplies, earning another frantic face pushing from Roach. You laugh and turn to grab another book out of the return bin.
"I like him a lot too," You tell him, mostly because it makes Roach look at you with eyes that could give puppies a run for their money. Gaz hums, his smile stays bright but his eyes narrow. It makes you uneasy.
"Suppose that's why you got his name on you," Gaz says, and you snap a hand over the name you'd drawn in kohl on your arm. It's covered by your sleeve, you don't know how Gaz would have noticed. His eyes dart down to where you've grabbed, another hum and a different, dark, smile.
Roach waves a hand between you and flips Gaz off. Gaz snorts, the moment broken in favor of the two men slapping at each other. Gaz turns towards the exit, blowing a kiss at Roach who catches it and pantomimes throwing it across the room. "Jerkoff" Roach signs, and Gaz shakes his head.
"Don't keep him out too late," He tells you, "Got work in the morning."
"Um, sure." You half mumble, unsure what to say after... that. The door closes behind Gaz and Roach steps in front of you. He tips his head this way and that, leaning close to look at you. You blow a breath of air at him and see his eyes crinkle, his smile barely contained by his face mask. Another tip of his head, a quick lean in, and he's got his covered lips pressed to yours, pulled back only to press to your cheek.
"Do we have a date later?" You ask him, unsure if you forgot or if Gaz was just poking fun. Roach's eyes dart to the door before he nods quickly.
"We do now," He signs. You grin, twisting your fingers in the front of his tee, his hands quickly find your hips and pull you close. Silly man, but you suppose you had been hoping to see him tonight. His timing is truly enviable. You don't know how he does it.
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dem-obscure-imagines · 3 months
Nice to Meet You
Jaime Reyes x Reader
Fandom: DCEU
Summary: You and Jaime have been kicking ass together for years, but you’ve never seen his face before. Hell, you don’t even know his name. That changes one night when he shows up on your doorstep, injured.
Notes: So I had a dream last night that I was in a Miraculous Ladybug situation with Jaime, so have this fic hahaha. Also I have never seen Miraculous so…idek where it came from.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries
Word Count: 1.3k
Reader is: Female, Apollo’s champion
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Being a superhero and a normal person with a normal-ish life was not for the faint of heart. You spent your days working in the local history museum, your afternoons getting whatever sleep you could, and your nights sitting by the police scanner, waiting for news of some rogue giant robot or guy with a freeze gun. As it was, you were in no position to expose your identity. Not even to your partner.
Your mission partner, that was, the Blue Beetle.
You’d been fighting crime with him for the past three years, a few times every week. It had started as an accident. He’d show up to the same crime scenes you did, helping evacuate people out of burning buildings, stopping rampaging mutants from the questionable labs popping up around town, redirecting a plane with a broken propeller. It was admirable. He was admirable.
You’d never seen his face. You didn’t even know his first name. You knew his power came from the scarab in his back, an alien symbiote that was bonded to his body. It talked to him sometimes, like a computer, analyzing things. It also served as body armor and a built in artillery of weapons.
The scarab saved his ass a lot, basically. And yours, too. You couldn’t count the amount of times he’d saved you from blows you’d never seen coming.
Which is why you were so surprised to hear a knock on your door, Beetle’s voice on the other side of it sounding…worried.
“Suncatcher? Are you home? I…I…I need some help!”
You were surprised to hear it at all, actually. You didn’t think he knew where you lived.
Also, you weren’t in costume, just in a cropped tee and some sweats, hair pulled back and face bare. Not that your mask covered a lot of your face, but it gave you anonymity. Or at least, you thought it did.
You pushed the thoughts aside when you heard him knock again, preparing for the very real possibility that someone had cloned his voice and was using your public-ish friendship against you.
You lit your fist with power and crept towards the door of your townhouse, peering through the peephole to find…nothing. You pulled the door open slowly and looked around. Sitting on the cement outside your door was a guy with luscious black curls, and, more importantly, a giant gaping wound on his stomach.
“S-Suncatcher?” He asked, meeting your eyes, tears brimming in his own.
“Oh my God.” You dropped to your knees, looking over him. “What happened?”
“It’s me. It’s me. I’m here.”
“I didn’t know where else to go…” He confessed.
“It’s okay, hey, can you stand? Where’s Khaji?”
“Offline.” He groaned as you helped him off the ground. It was clear he’d lost a lot of blood. You closed the door behind the two of you and locked it, lowering him onto the couch.
“How long have you been out there?” You asked, assessing the injury.
“Not long.” He assured you, moving to support the wound.
You took a breath, grounding yourself before tapping deeper into your powers, sunlight lit in your palms, creeping up your arms. “Alright Blue, I need to get in there.”
“Jaime. My name is Jaime.” He told you, pain etched across his handsome features. “Nice to finally meet you, sunshine. Wish it was under better circumstances.”
“Nice to meet you, too.” You replied, too preoccupied to offer your name in return. You gently lifted the fabric from his battered torso, revealing the wound. It was pretty bad, but it wouldn’t be for long. Using the power from your patron, you extended your hand, your glowing sunlight working to close the wound with warmth and precision.
Jaime watched, his eyes wide. He stared at you as you set to work. It tingled, the spot in his abdomen, where he’d been stabbed repeatedly by a guy with a glowing green sword. But it didn’t hurt anymore. And less than a minute later, it wasn’t there at all, completely smoothed over without so much as a scar.
You turned your attention to his face, where there was a cut across his nose, a purpled bruise on his chin.
If Khaji was online, he was sure she’d tell him about his increased heartrate due to your proximity, that focused look in your eye as you soothed his pain away. But she wasn’t. That was a problem he’d have to solve later.
The glow in your palms dimmed and you met his eyes, looking relieved. “Any other injuries I should know about?”
“Nah, I think that about covers it.” He replied, still staring at you. Maybe he’d never stop. “How did you…?”
“My patron, Apollo. The god of…well, lots of stuff, but healing is one of them. I’ll leave him an offering later.” You explained. “He’s pretty chill, as far as deities go. Met him when I got my job at the museum and, well, the rest is history.”
“That’s really cool.” He said, sitting up without trouble. “I didn’t know that.”
“I guess it never came up.” You shrugged. “My name is (Y/N), by the way. Would have introduced myself earlier if I wasn’t so busy trying to prevent you from bleeding out in my apartment.”
“Thanks for that, by the way.”
You smiled. “Don’t mention it.”
He took in your face, seeing most of it for the first time. He smiled, eyes soft and sparkling, voice dropping to a whisper. “You’re really pretty, (Y/N).”
“You’re not so bad yourself, Jaime.” You looked him over, taking him in for the first time. Warm brown eyes, a handsome face, fluffy black curls, toned build. “Can’t believe you’ve been hiding all this under that suit of yours.”
He laughed, sheepish. “We should have done this sooner.”
“Way sooner.” You agreed. “Not the fatal wound part, of course, but…we could have gotten coffee or something.”
“Why didn’t I think of that?” He murmured, leaning closer. “If I’m moving too fast, stop me.”
“You’re not.” You replied, a hand cupping his face as you pressed your lips to his. He melted at the contact, arm settling around your waist and tugging you closer to him. “I’ve been waiting to do this for…so long.”
He rested his forehead against yours. “That makes two of us.”
At the museum, a few weeks later, you sat at the guide desk in the center of the lobby, typing away on your laptop, researching an ancient relic Apollo was interested in, a necklace he’d gifted to the Oracle of Delphi that had gotten into the wrong hands.
Someone cleared their throat. You looked up to find Jaime there, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“Is this where I find the pretty tour guide? If she’s not too busy, that is.”
“Jaime!” You leapt to your feet, walking around the edge of the desk and straight into his arms.
“Hey, sunshine. Thought I’d come brighten up your day.”
“My day has been brightened.” You assured him, pressing a long kiss to his soft lips.
“Khaji, not now.” He murmured, cheeks burning red.
“Hi, Khaji.” You whispered.
He chuckled. “She says hi.”
“This must be Jaime. I’m (Y/N)’s coworker, Jess.” Your favorite coworker introduced. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too. Is it alright if I steal her for a bit? I’m excited to finally see the place.”
“Oh, of course. You two have fun. I’ll put those in water for you.” Jess said, taking the flowers with a careful hand and a knowing smile.
Jaime took your hand and you led him proudly through your workplace. You loved getting to know the real him, without a mask in the way. Finally, your two lives had combined into one and you couldn’t be happier.
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philza-updates · 11 months
Philza posted on twitter!
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of a tweet by Ph1LzA @/Ph1LzA. It reads “Origins SMP in real life (colourised) ft. CrowFather & The Inch”. Attached are 2 photos of Phil and Sneeg posing in their fan made capes that they were gifted in a grassy area surrounded by small trees. camera with their arms spread to show off the capes. Sneeg’s cape is dark blue with a spade symbol in the centre and is cut in a shape of of beetle wings. Phil’s is silver with an Antarctic Empires flag underneath and crow wings extending on both sides along the arms. There are 3 black hardcore hearts sewn onto the silver.
End ID]
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bibiwrld · 8 months
i'm definitely gonna need a part 2 to the nerdy loser anakin fic, it was too good. maybe about sydnee taking his virginity?
Nerdy Loser Anakin Skywalker!— His virginity!
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Pairing: Nerdy loser Anakin! x Black fem oc!
Content: 18+ (Minors DNI!)
Author’s Note: Okay, watch this!💗
It's been maybe a month since that happened at Anakin's apartment. After that, nothing really happened between them again, it was just that one thing. But that didn't mean Sydnee and Anakin didn't think about it almost everyday.
They would hang out every other day, and see each other around campus more often. Like today, Sydnee finished her last lecture for the day and was headed back to her dorm, but then she saw Anakin working out through the glass of their college gym, making her stop dead in her tracks to gawk at him.
She thought he looked so fucking hot doing pull ups and he was shirtless too? Oh she could melt into a puddle right now.
He did his last pull up and was now on solid ground, and then he noticed her, waving profusely at her, his cute smile brightening up her day.
She felt like she had been caught. She gave a small wave back to him.
He then gestured for her to come in and they talked and talked until Anakin decided to go home, to which he invited Sydnee.
After taking a shower, he joined Sydnee in his room and put on a beetle documentary for them to watch.
“Darkling beetles, the leggiest of all.”
Multiple beetles crawled along the screen.
“Is this too weird?” He suddenly turned to her. “Do you want to watch something else?” He was nervous.
“No, Anakin, I want to watch whatever you’re watching.” She answered honestly, slowly batting her lashes. “I think it’s cool you watch this stuff.”
He twisted his lips, trying to fight a smile. “Y-you do?”
“Yeah.” She licked her lips.
“Syd.” His voice trembled.
“Yes Ani?”
“I really want to kiss you.” He confessed. “I-I wanted to kiss you this whole time.”
She shifted closer to him. “Then kiss me, Anakin.”
He wasted no time in pressing his lips on hers, making her topple over onto the bed. One hand pressed beside her head, while the other cradled her face gently.
“You smell so good.” She mumbled between the kiss, wrapping her arms around him, her fingers raking through his damp hair.
He moaned at the feeling, her tongue slowly easing its way into his mouth. This was new, Anakin liked this. French kissing is his new favorite thing now.
The tips of their tongues teasing each other, making lewd sounds, but the narrator’s voice from the beetle documentary drowned out their sounds.
Anakin pulled away, a string of saliva keeping them attached. He hovered over her, breathing heavily, staring into her brown dazed eyes. “That was okay?”
She nodded, biting her finger softly.
“C-can we keep going? Like all the way?” He couldn’t believe his own words, but he knew what he wanted.
“Are you sure?” She knew he was a virgin, well everyone did.
“I’m so sure, I want this so bad.” He planted a soft kiss on her cheek.
She smiled. “I do too, just don’t push yourself.”
“I won’t.” He took off his glasses, placing them on his side table, then removed his shirt and tossed it on the floor to reveal his toned torso.
Sydnee was practically drooling at this point. Eating him up, devouring him with her hungry eyes.
She touched his hand that was beside her head to get his attention. “Can you see without your glasses?”
“Sort of. I have mild nearsightedness, my optometrist says to wear them even when I read.” He replied, kissing her neck. “I can see your face, just fine, I just don’t want them to break.”
“O-okay.” She breathed out, as his kisses began trailing down her neck.
His large hands kneaded her clothed breasts. He leaned up to look at her, making sure he wasn’t hurting her.
“Can I take it off?” His hands found the hem of her shirt.
She nodded shyly.
He pulled the t-shirt above her head, tossing it on his stack of books. She wore a dark green lace bra, and his hands found a way under it, pushing it up onto her upper chest so he could have a better view of her bare chest.
He gulped, feeling his dick throb in his shorts.
“You’re staring.” She muttered.
“They’re beautiful, Syd.” He told her softly, before latching his mouth onto her left breast and pinched the right nipple.
She whined and writhed underneath him. “Ani.”
The way she cried his name made his dick twitch, no one’s ever called his name like that— oozing with such pleasure.
He then switched to the right boob, trying to fit the entire thing into his mouth, he wanted it all, he was greedy.
“Yes.” Her hips bucked. Her pussy was a wet throbbing mess underneath those shorts of hers.
Leaving her right boob, he peppered kiss down to her navel, licking along the waistband of her shorts.
‘Where did he learn to be such a tease?’
Anakin wasn’t an idiot, he may have been inexperienced, but he knew what sex was. He’s watched porn, very very intimate porn, not those actors, the real thing.
“Anakin, please.” She begged with half lidded eyes.
“It’s okay.” He came back up to kiss her forehead, before unbuttoning and removing her shorts, discarding them somewhere on the bed.
He stared in awe at the wet spot on her grey panties. “I got you like this?”
“Yes, Ani.” She purred. “D-do something about it, please.”
He bit down on his lip, slowly removing her underwear and quickly pushing them in the pocket of his shorts, hoping she didn’t realize.
“So pretty, baby.” His tongue swiped over his bottom lips as he spread her legs open, revealing the slimy mess between her legs. “You’re so pretty.”
His middle finger teased her, rubbing her folds with such an easy because of her wetness. He then eased his finger into her hole, causing her to mouth gape and hips to stutter.
“It’s so warm.” He leaned down and whispered into her ear, kissing and licking it , as his finger pumped in and out of her at a slow pace, trying to find her sweet spot. “And so wet, it gets everywhere.” He pulled away and looked at her, then pressed his thumb against her clit, rubbing it in circles.
“Oh my God!” Sydnee moaned into a nearby pillow.
He slowly removed his fingers, sucking his finger clean from her juices. “I want to taste more.” His voice trailed off, as his head dipped between her legs. His strong hands holding her legs open over his muscular shoulders. He gave kitten licks to her clit, sending her into a frenzy.
“Anakin!” Her hands found his hair, tugging at it hair, causing him to lowly groan into her.
The vibration only made her squirm and cry out more. Her moans and cries were encouraging him to keep going.
His eyes lazily peeked up from between her legs to stare at the mess of a woman before him. She looked so hot like this, eyes squeezed shut with quivering lips. His tongue lapped at her hole, slurping up her sweet nectar, making such nasty noises.
Her legs quivered, daring to close.
“No..o-open.” He muttered, prying them back open.
She became a babbling mess, from calling his name, to calling him baby, and begging him not to stop. The knot formed in her stomach, letting her know she was almost there.
“Hah! Fuck!” Her hips raised, beginning to grind into Anakin’s face. “I– cumming! Ani!” She threw head back and released a clear liquid.
Anakin was taken back by the sudden action, but that didn’t stop him from lapping everything up with his tongue.
Her hips stuttered shamelessly as the pressure of her squirt got weaker, finally laying her hips back on the bed.
“Fuck.” He licked his lips, looking at Sydnee’s limp body. “You— you uh.. squirted.” His tone was a surprised one.
She gave a weak smile as she looked at him. He was wet because of her. His face down to his to chest was soaked. She couldn’t tell when last she felt that good or even squirted.
“Sorry about your bed.” She weakly apologized, trying to catch her breath.
He planted kisses along her belly, then laid beside her. “It’s okay, I-I thought that was–uh..pretty hot.”
“You’re a pervert, Anakin Skywalker.” She teased.
He looked away shyly. “I guess I am. Do you want to stop here?”
“Stop? Can’t a girl catch her breath first?” She brought her body off the bed, straddling Anakin with a smirk on her face.
His eyes grew wide. “O-oh.”
She bit her lower lip and took off her bra, leaving her completely naked. “You should take those pants off.”
‘This is actually happening.’ Never in his 20 years of life did he think he’d be losing his virginity, especially to such a gorgeous woman.
Quickly coming out of his thoughts, he pulled off his pants and underwear in one quick motion. His dick twitched, pre cum beading at the tip.
“Aww.” She cooed, smearing the pre cum all over his tip. “You got all messy too?”
He inhaled sharply at the feeling. “Y-yeah..I did too.”
She looked at him, feeling her flutter at his words. Stroking him slowly, she asked. “You sure you want to do this?”
He nodded quickly. “Yes, I want to do this.”
She smiled, grabbing his dick and aligned with her hole. “Okay, tell me if you want me to stop.”
He mumbled an ‘Okay’, his eyes glued to where his dick was going to enter.
She teasingly rocked her hips back and forth along his shaft, coating it with her wetness before finally taking him in inch by inch.
Anakin’s right eye twitched and mouth hung open at this new feeling wrapped around him, as Sydnee groaned, being stretched to new limits.
“Fuck Ani, y–you’re so big.” She groaned, placing her hands on his chest for balance while her hips slowly rocked.
He squeezed her thighs, letting out incoherent sounds just as he looked up at with such intensity. His hands traveled, cupping under her breasts and giving them a light squeeze, he was so mesmerized by them.
She pouted so sexily at the feeling, picking up her pace.
“So g–good—oh! Sydnee!”
“Mhmm!” She closed her eyes and hummed, scratching Anakin’s chest.
Her pussy was softer and wetter than he had imagined, this was much more intense than in his pretty little head.
Sydnee now bounced on him, raising her hips and slamming it down harshly. That made Anakin jolt up, propping himself up with his elbows.
“So good, so good, oh my God.” He whimpered with quivering lips.
Sydnee leaned forward, wrapping her arms around him as she went even faster. “Such a good boy, you’re gonna make me cum.” She whispered into his ear, before tracing the outside of it with her tongue.
“Shit.” He groaned lowly, his breath fanned her neck. “I want you to cum, pl-please!” His hands found the round plumpness of her ass, controlling her movements and snapping his hips into her throbbing core.
The sounds of their skin slapping drowned out the documentary, sounding like nothing but white noise to the pair.
Her mouth was agape, barely able to form words as he was fucking her dumb with his cock. Oh how the roles were reversed now.
She was right there, she could taste it. Her legs began trembling, pussy clenching around Anakin’s thickness as the surge of electricity ran throughout her body. It’s been such a long time since she felt this, and it felt so much more fervid than ever. Anakin didn’t slow down for a minute, feeling himself nearing his pleasurable high as his dick was being painted in a creamy white color.
“Anakin.” Tears rolled down her cheeks from her new as she cried into his neck. “Please!”
“It’s okay, baby.” He hissed, holding the back of her head.
“I-I can’t take no more.” She sobbed from overstimulation, clenching even harder around him.
“I’m so sorry, baby, I’m so—fuck, fuck, fuck!” He moaned into her shoulder, suddenly spurting out his seed and filling her to the brim. “I like y-you, so p-perfect–God, you’re s-so pretty.” He babbled breathlessly into her shoulder, kissing it softly she not loosening his hold on her.
She breathed into his neck, trying to get herself together. “I–I like you too.”
His heart felt warm at her words. Finally regaining some strength, he pulled out of her, his warm seed running out of her and onto his thigh.
She nuzzled even closer to him, their sweaty naked bodies laying atop each other. They both didn’t move, both too drained to even turn the TV off as the documentary was still going.
“We should rewatch that.”
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