#bart allen (aka the best allen)
thecoolerkent · 2 months
of COURSE you’re dating. There’s Tim, a living ball of anxiety and insecurity living off coffee that looks like a weirdly huggable wet cat, then Bart, literally the human version of adhd who looks like he constantly has lightning running through his veins but he ironically has a pretty stable family, then there’s you. I look at you and I just think daddy issues.
You guys are perfect together.
I am not keeping this to myself, hold on-
@totallytimtastic @crashest-of-them-all
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There are so many tragedies that come into play with Jason's death. From being doomed from the beginning by the writer, to how it happened, to no one ever finding out the truth about Sheila.
But the aspect I want to focus on is his funeral.
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There were only four people attending.
Bruce, Alfred, Jim and Barbara.
This is sad in and of itself, especially considering that Bruce hadn't even contacted Dick so he wasn't there either.
But also because usually superhero funerals are big. The community comes together.
During Superman's funeral, the Justice League were carrying his casket. When Spider-Man died in the Ultimate universe, the entire church was full, with even J. Jonah Jameson attending to pay his honours.
But I think one of the best examples to compare this to is the death of Bart Allen, aka Impulse aka Kid Flash
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The funeral is in a stadium. All the ranks are full, as shown in the background.
Bart was never meant to be long term, because the plan was always to bring Barry back. Bart was supposed to bridge that gap. Then sales tanked and they chose to kill him off sooner.
He was beaten to death by the Rogues.
So you have the doomed from the beginning aspect, they were both children when they were murdered, they were both in hero outfit and were both killed by a rogue/villain. And yet, Bart got this treatment of being recognised and honored by the hero community while Jason didn't. No big speech, no people coming up, telling tales or paying their last respects.
Just Bruce, Alfred, Jim and Barbara.
And you could make the argument "Oh, but Central City and Keystone love the Flash! They have a Flash museum! Even a Flash Day, honoring the Flash!"
But Gotham is also proud of having Batman. That's their protector, and Robin has been by his side for almost just as long.
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1mpulsee · 19 days
"Bartholomew Henry Allen the second. Superhero with increased speed, aka a Speedster metahuman, ability to time travel, and molecular acceleration. Hero Alias: Impulse. He is compulsive, possibly dangerous with his vast knowledge, while also displaying some lack of common interaction due to unstable emotions that are erratic as his movements...
Those are just some stats I wrote about him in a file when we first met. All facts, but an outsider's view of a first impression conducted to keep him in check as a new teammate with a cold outlook. How the years have changed it.
All those stats do not even hint at the depth inside this precious man. His optimism may be fueled by depression, but that is to make sure others don't feel the way he does inside. His energetic and sometimes wholesome personality challenged my outlook, often in situations where I would have allowed more instinct than compassion to rule without him. I always want to protect him despite his abilities overshadowing my own naturally and the man can heal from anything physical before I get a bandaid out. That doesn't stop me from caring or wanting to show it, even if it is unnecessary. I've lived briefly in a world without Bart; it was another shot to the heart that I'd grieve over and over if it became a loop.
The world needs him much as it needs us and we are so damn lucky he traveled back in time to the moment he did. Selfishly, I was glad he stayed, humbled to be his team leader despite the clashes, but I understand him now. He is lovely, internally fragile, while externally a bullet, and often times, needs reminding when that spastic mind turns against him. The man is silly in a sense that can not be explained and has brought so much laughter to the years that seemed bleak. The world is a heavy place, yet somehow, he fights against it repeatedly with the same energetic spirit. I hope one day he sees himself as I do.
Until then, I'll keep reminding him what a fantastic friend and amazing person he is. My teammate. My own personal speedster that no other speedster can compare to. My best friend.
My Bart. "
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as eloquent as his BEST FRIEND’S words are, none come from Bart’s throat . how small anything he could come up with would be in comparison, how he could never express the gratitude and LOVE he had for the other . he only wished that Tim knew that Bart would tear through a billion universes for as long as it took to reach him — that NOTHING would keep them apart if he had any say . that not death nor existence trying to erase their connection could stop their bond .
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maybe if he was more well-spoken, he’d say that in this moment . he’d TOLD his friend similar sentiments many times, but for now, all Bart can do is sniffle — his face had been streaked with happy tears for most of the speech — and step forward to embrace Tim tightly .
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ao3feed-birdflash · 1 year
5 times Bruce disapproved of his children’s choices + 1 time he realised he was a hypocrite (+ 1 time Cass was the best)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NH4Ic78
by Sunflower124
Bruce started to sweat. He knew that look well. He knew that look very well.
He also hated that look. Well, not that look. If he saw that look it meant he saw one of his children and he most definitely did not see them enough these days.
If he saw that look it also meant one of his children had something to tell him. Something he would not like.
If he saw that look, it meant one of his children was dating someone.
AKA 6 times Bruce finds out about his Children's relationships and 1 time he realises his own
Words: 2727, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Relationship Reveal, Cassandra Cain is the best, Chaos, Bruce Wayne is So Done, Beta Read, so many relationship tags, 5+1 Things
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NH4Ic78
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random-movie-ideas · 5 months
Flash Villain Movie Ideas, Part XII: Inertia
Thaddeus Thawne AKA Inertia is basically the Reverse Flash to Bart Allen's Impulse. He is a clone of Bart created by Eobard Thawne as part of his ongoing vendetta against the Allen-West family. His most notable feat was manipulating the Rogues into murdering Bart before they realized he was a child.
Origin Movie: I . . . that's a lot of setup to do for him to ever work as an origin. Even a Bart-centered origin, you'd have to do the legwork to establish who Eobard is in the first place, so at best he might be able to crop up in an Impulse standalone IF Bart has already been established in another movie.
Sequel Movie: Now, a sequel, he is perfectly suited there, especially in an Impulse-centric sequel, where Reverse Flash was the villain the first time around.
Finale Movie: If we were having him do the whole "trick the Rogues into killing Bart" story arc, then Inertia is pretty much perfect here.
Supporting Villain: Well, Reverse Flash and the Rogues have pretty important places in his story, so that's just kind of a given.
Here are my rankings of them:
Sequel Movie: The best place for it.
Finale Movie: That's certainly a story we could do.
Supporting Villain: Obviously.
Origin Movie: It's just too much.
What do you think? Who should I cover next?
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
V: Reverse / Hero AU
* Notes: Details subject to change in order to fit with other characters’ backgrounds.
Basic Information:
Name: Thad Thawne
Alias: Inertia
Species: Meta-Human Clone; Clone of Bart Allen (aka the villain Impulse)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual
Appearance: Same as how I depict Thad with his longer hairstyle from The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (Vol 1). His costume however is changed instead having a green and black color scheme to a green and white color scheme.
In this AU, Thad Thawne instead of coming from centuries worth of villains comes from centuries worth of heroes, do-gooders, and those who want to make a positive impact on the world. That is what the Thawne legacy is about, but they also are also specifically contending with the Allen line, a family and legacy of villains that runs parallel with their own legacy. The Thawnes and the Allens have been feuding and fighting against the Allen for centuries. Their goal is not to kill the Allens, but to bring them to justice, to reign them and their villainous ways in, to be a balancing force in contrast to them and help people because that has been their duty since their ancestors, Malcolm Thawne aka Cobalt Blue first fought against Barry Allen, also known as the infamous villain The Flash.
Since Malcolm Thawne first found out he was the the long lost twin of Barry Allen
---Malcolm has contended with the speedster, Barry Allenm through his use of the Cobalt Blue Gem, which through its magic has given him powers similar to his villainous counterpart (See Malcolm Thawne wiki). . ---The Cobalt Blue Gem in this universe is not powered through one’s hatred, but rather one’s sense of justice, the desire to do right and help people.
The Thawne family hasn’t been overly successful with their goal, they have their wins and their successes over time, some which have unintentionally ended in the deaths of Flashes, some of which have. They have even found themselves (prior to Meloni’s marriage to Don Allen), but they haven’t found a way to curb their enemies’ injustices and crimes. But for every Allen villain there is a Thawne hero waiting to counter and stop them.
The latest in this long line of heroes is Thad Thawne, who was cloned from Bart Allen with the intention of him becoming a hero and the one to stop the Allens and their destruction and villainy.
This Thad’s life, unlike his villainous counterpart, has been much happier. He is treated like a son and family by the rest of the Thawne family. He has had freedom to explore the 31st Century, more human and social contact, but he has been limited in other ways as he is a clone and creation with the intended purpose of becoming a hero.
Thad was never given a choice to be anything other than a hero in his life. That has been all he has ever strived for in his life. Like his villainous counterpart, Thad is still a very intellectual, serious, mission focused individual, and a perfectionist. But while there were good intentions with his creation, his individuality despite his freedom and being treated like a family has been ignored as his family, especially his father and creator President Thaddeus Thawne pushes him toward being a hero, being the best hero. His father thinks he’s doing it for Thad’s sake and safety, but it limits him for he has never considered his life beyond being the best hero he can be.
He has never realized that he could have chosen another path for his life.
(Start: Age 14) From the 31st century Thad is sent to the 21st Century with the mission to deal with Bart and bring an end to the Allen legacy of villainy. He utilizes less lethal methods of trying to deal with Bart, and overall does not succeed, but despite that he stays in the 21st century in order to continue his mission and try to get Bart to see the light, that villainy is a hopeless endeavor, and overall to try to prevent him for causing trouble/chaos/deaths/etc..
*(TBD/Potential to be changed): During this time Thad joins a team of heroes his age called Young Justice. (Name potentially temporary; I don’t have all the details worked out just yet). 
*(TBD/Potential to be changed): During his time living in the 21st Century he’s also been brought under the wing and tutelage of the speedsters The Rival and Zoom. 
Thad however also ends up going back to the 31st Century occasionally. 
Currently: Thad is a part of a team of heroes from his generation (like YJ or Teen Titans; his equivalent in this world), and lives on his own in Keystone City. His identity as the hero Inertia is still a secret and well guarded.
While I have mentioned that Thad is a very intellectual, serious, mission focused individual, and a perfectionist, he is also a brighter and happier individual.He is a more well adjusted person and has had normal experiences, experienced the world, making friends to a greater degree that he is a well-adjusted person despite being a clone.
---He has some underlying issues with regard to being a clone and in a way having to live up/in contrast to Bart, but he tends to ignore them and assures his friends that ‘everything’s fine’ with him. ---He’s the type to keep a smile on his face even in the hardest of times. ‘Heroes smile through the pain’ after all. ---And he is always ‘fine’.
Thad is analytical and calm under pressure.
He also knows how to joke around.
Has never considered life beyond being a hero. He’s not being treated ‘wrong’ per se by his family or President Thawne, but he has always been pushed in the direction of simply being a hero that he’s never explored any other options in his life outside of heroics. He is stuck upholding his family’s legacy and feud with the Allens. Thad like his villain self is a focused individual who has been unwavering in his mission/upholding of the Thawne family legacy.
But he also loves being a hero. He just doesn’t realize there are other options in his life and that he has been limited by his family and the pressure they put upon him to end the feud/reign of terror of the Flashes.
Generally has golden retriever puppy energy. (Smiley, happy, and willing to help you the best he can.)
Underneath this though he has his issues that he tries to bury down and ignore.
Family Relationships
President Thawne:
Thaddeus Thawne I is still the President of Earthgov in this alternate universe.
Thad views President Thawne as a father figure and wants to make him and the Thawne family proud.
Pres. Thawne treats Thad well and like a son, but isn’t the most attentive at times/has pigeonholed Thad into becoming a hero through his creation.
Pres. Thawne's Politics
---There is a focus upon cracking down on meta-human villains. Particularly the legacy of the Allens. However, his methodology is not not focused upon killing them, but to bring them and their multi-generational reign of terror in the Twin Cities (Central and Keystone City) to justice. ---Concerned with the environment (particularly decreasing global warming, air quality on Earth, and generally just concerned with environmental protection and conservation) 
*Meloni Thawne:
Mother of Bart Allen and wife of Don Allen (one of the Tornado Twins).
Black sheep of the Thawne Family as she ended up marrying and having the child of one of the Allens.
Perhaps she aligns more with the Allens' way of seeing things.
Relationship with Thad:
Thad has some interactions with Meloni as he has been allowed to interact with her. He’s treated like family in general, but also is limited in ways such as how he has always been pushed and forced in the direction of being a hero and thinking about the family legacy and goal of bringing justice to the Allens.
Thad views Meloni as sorta like an older sister. 
Meloni is like a rebellious older sister in this universe and black sheep of the family. When she has talked to Thad in the past she has tried to open his eyes to the limitations the family and the legacy has put upon him, though he didn’t see it that way at the time.
She is at odds with her father still, was in love with Don Allen, a villain; had her son Bart with Don. She saw something in Don and fell in love with him.
Eobard Thawne aka Professor Zoom
One of the first to encounter and fight with the Allens. Specifically he fought against  Barry Allen and at times with him when necessary. 
He, like his villainous counterpart, is obsessed with Barry, but does not agree with his methods which have driven him strongly toward being a hero. Though his methods may seem a bit un-hero-like at times.
Malcolm Thawne aka the first Cobalt Blue 
Malcolm is the long lost twin brother to Barry Allen (Flash II). He was swapped at birth with the Thawne’s stillborn child
Cobalt Blue Gem: The mystic cobalt blue gem is not powered by hatred in this universe. Resonates with a sense of justice / doing the right thing.
Generations of Cobalt Blues
In general there have probably been quite a few deaths in the Thawne family at the hand of the Flashes if they have the same feud going on.
*Allen Family
Thad doesn’t have a lot of experience interacting with the Allen family save for Bart, who he does not have a good relationship with. They are contentious with one another.
Other Relationships
Young Justice: Thad during his time in the 21st Century works with a team of other superpowered heroes around his age.
Craydl: AI who helped guide and train Thad in his youth. Travels with him, acts as a guide and mentor at times (though the AI can’t replace)/can be heard in Thad’s earpiece. Typically found in his technoplasma body (aka an amorphous green goo body that can shape shift and download information on heroes and villains as well as copy their powers).
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
This One is for the Parentified and ACEs
by StarryKitty013 He couldn't have broken the law like a normal rich person with white collar crimes. Noooo, he just had to be a supervillain and piss off Superman and try to clone him. Now he's paying for it with this domestic hell.   aka Lex takes YJ98 to Universal Studios because I said so. Words: 11910, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Teenagers Scare the Living Shit Outta Me Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Young Justice - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Lex Luthor, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Conner Kent, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Anita Fite, Greta Hayes, Justice League(Mentioned), Bruce Wayne(mentioned), Oliver Queen(mentioned), Clark Kent(mentioned) Relationships: Young Justice Team - Relationship, Lex Luthor and Young Justice Team Additional Tags: Humor, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Amusement Parks, Fluff, a little hurt/comfort, Lex is a tired single parent of who knows how many, YJ being little shits, me projecting on more feminism rants on Cassie, tim drake is a little shit, Greta Hayes is a Little Shit, Anita Fite is awesome, Bart Allen is a Ray of Sunshine, I make my own canon, he/they pronouns for Bart, YJ humbling Lex Luthor, that’s literally the fic, offensive trash talk but they really don’t mean it, Mentioned Child Neglect, Mentioned child abandonment, pls read the TW in the AN, fear of rollarcoasters, author knows entirely too much abt universal studios and now Im making it you're problem, Awesome Cassie Sandsmark, this is my chicken soup for the soul, Lex in a Things wig (yes that's clickbait), this one is for my YJ98 girlies, they won't actually let me tag all their names together smh, again JL aren't the best here I am once again calling them out on their sus shit, yeah we noticed sideEYE, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence via https://ift.tt/C0rIltZ
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wafflecarton · 1 year
WaffleCarton ‘s Masterlist
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Tarhos Kovács
My Lady (wip)
1 , 2 , 3
Frank Morrison
House Party (oneshot - wip)
Danny ‘Jed Olsen’ Johnson
Ji Woon Hak
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Tumblr media
Sebastian Sallow
And I Love Her (wip)
1 , 2 , 3
1 , 2
Ominis Gaunt
Something (oneshot - wip)
If I Fell (wip)
1 , 2 , 3
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Javier Escuella
All You Need is Love (wip)
1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Sean Macguire
Whiskey Lover (wip)
1 , 2
Kieran Duffy
Self Care (wip)
1 , 2 , 3
Arthur Morgan
My Girl (wip)
1 , 2
Who I May Trust (oneshot - wip)
John Marston
Lonely Husband (oneshot - wip)
Sugar High (wip)
1 , 2 , 3
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Dick Grayson | Nightwing
Jason Todd | Red Hood
• Safety in Arms (oneshot - wip)
Tim Drake | Red Robin
• The Importance of Sleep (oneshot - wip)
Damian Wayne | Robin
• The Littler Things (oneshot - wip)
• Dates (wip)
1 , 2 , 3
Bruce Wayne | Batman
• Playboy Party (oneshot - wip)
Clark Kent | Superman
• Mornings in Metropolis (oneshot - wip)
Conner Kent | Superboy
Selina Kyle | Catwoman
• Kitty care (oneshot - wip)
Pamela Isley | Poison Ivy
• Plant Mother (one shot - wip)
Harleen Quinzel | Harley Quinn
• Bubblegum Baseball Pop! (wip)
1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Jonathan Crane | The Scarecrow
• Workaholic (oneshot - wip)
Garfield Logan | Beast Boy
Bart Allen | Impulse
• Quick Trips (oneshot - wip)
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Simon “Ghost” Riley
• It’s Alright Now (oneshot - wip)
Johnny “Soap” Mactavish
Captain John Price
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
• Matching! (oneshot - wip)
• Trust Fall (oneshot - wip)
• Steady Hands, Steadier Heart (oneshot - wip)
Farah Karim
• Girls Night (oneshot - wip)
Alex Keller
• Shaving (oneshot - wip)
Colonel Alejandro Vargas
• Homemade Cooking, aka the best (oneshot - wip)
• Home At Last (oneshot - wip)
• Dahlia Season (oneshot - wip)
• Sleeping is the Best (in Your Arms) (oneshot - wip)
Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
• Young Love
1 , 2
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
5 times Bruce disapproved of his children’s choices + 1 time he realised he was a hypocrite (+ 1 time Cass was the best)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nJ9kpLt
by Sunflower124
Bruce started to sweat. He knew that look well. He knew that look very well.
He also hated that look. Well, not that look. If he saw that look it meant he saw one of his children and he most definitely did not see them enough these days.
If he saw that look it also meant one of his children had something to tell him. Something he would not like.
If he saw that look, it meant one of his children was dating someone.
AKA 6 times Bruce finds out about his Children's relationships and 1 time he realises his own
Words: 2727, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Relationship Reveal, Cassandra Cain is the best, Chaos, Bruce Wayne is So Done, Beta Read, so many relationship tags, 5+1 Things
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nJ9kpLt
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logicalbookthief · 5 years
Growing up in an apocalyptic wasteland doesn't leave a whole lot of room for self-reflection and figuring out who you are. Bart makes up for lost time.
Or, if Season 3 won't give us Bart's coming out/the on-screen Edbarto romance we deserve, I guess it's up to me.
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thecoolerkent · 2 months
are you and Tim dating?
Add Bart and then you’re right.
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anothertimdrakestan · 3 years
Hi can you please do each of the young justice boys/batboys reactions to their s/o (aka the reader) falling asleep on them.
Falling Asleep On Batboys/YJ Boys HC!
ofc! this is too cute :)
wally west:
- he'd go from shouting to realizing you were sound asleep on him and then he's basically melting into your embrace
- hes the doing the animated hand gestures when people walk in the room like "DONT MAKE A FUCKING NOISE OR ILL END YOU" all while cooing about how perfect you are
- he's the type to sit there and count every freckle or catagorize each different color in your hair, he'll memorize down to the millisecond your average breath then flip shit when you breath out of the regular
- when you wake up he's super hyper and ready to go but he's a little extra soft and caring for while until you're high energy again
jason todd
- cuddle machine
- running his massive hands along your scalp while humming in a tone so deep it's almost a purr (think corpse lolll)
- he's the type to press kisses wherever he can without interrupting your slumber
- this most often results in forehead kisses, kisses trailing up your jaw line, or the occasional feathery kisses on your hands or fingertips
- just very affectionate soft touches which seem so opposite of jason's normal outgoing and brash flirtatious personality
damian wayne
- he'd flip his shit a little bit
- like yk when you put your cat in the bath and it realizes it's stuck and it's like "oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck"
- it definitely starts like that
- it then devulges into him realizing that you're really cute, warm, and smell good - plus he gets pure silence to appriciate how perfect you are
- near the end his arms are wrapped securely around you and you aren't getting let go, he'll probably end up asking to cuddle again, and again, and again... yeah you've created a monster
bart allen
- he's the type of mf that slinks his hands under your shirt while cuddling cuz his hands were cold
- then the dork is poking you cuz he's bored
- then he's attempting to braid your hair or toy with the back of your shirt- hell he's probably asking you to braid his hair while you're trying to sleep
- after a stern, sleepy look he's resigned to his fate and gets used to you cuddled up to him, though he's lying if he says he hasn't texted tim to bring him a snack while you're snoring peacefully on top of him :)
bruce wayne (ya daddy simps)
- he'd be working when you come and curl up in his lap, sitting chest to chest while your head rests on his shoulder
- "are you gonna sleep princess?" you only have to whisper a reply, your lips just inches from his ear
- slowly youre lulled to sleep by the rise and fall of his best and clicking of his computer, one of his hands having wrapped around your waist to secure you to his chest
- eventually he's over his work, carefully lifting you up with easy, carrying you to the couch where he lays on his back letting you rest solely on him
- after pressing a kiss to your forehead he's running a hand up and down your back letting you get all the sleep you need, content to let you rest with him as long as you need
- whos to say he doesn't fall asleep with ya too, lord knows he needs all the zzz's he can gets :)
i hope these are decent! thank you for the ask
<3 elle
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opalismybirthstone · 3 years
Diverse DC p.1~Speedsters
1. XS/Jenni Ognats(Black/white biracial)
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Jenni is the daughter of Barry Allens daughter Dawn Allen and Jeven Ognats. She wasn’t born with any abilities , however after seeing her father in danger, her connection to the speedforce was Unlocked.
2. The Flash/Danica Williams(black)
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Danica Williams is the flash of the Batman Beyond universe. Whos father was a STAR labs scientist who studied Metahuman technology. Danica grew up with dreams of becoming a trackstar, but due to having many medical conditions including asthma, she lost hope. It was also thought that Danica had mental illness due to her claiming to see and hear figures that nobody else could. Though it turns out that she was actually communicating with speedsters from multiple different realities through an initially unknown connection to the speedforce. After she was urged to save a man from being hit by a train, it was revealed that she had superspeed, and eventually mastered the ability to run on air molecules. She was also the love interest for Billy Batson/Captain Marvel
3. Kid Flash lll/Wallace West(black/white biracial)
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Wallace West ll is the niece of Iris west and the son of Daniel West, the second reverse Flash. He was initially portrayed as a delinquent and a troublemaker, however after being adopted by his aunt Iris, he began to ease out of his delinquent behavior as he began to look up to the Flash(not knowing it was Barry Allen). After a future version of himself went to the past and gave Wallace powers, he gained a hard to control and unpredictable connection to the speed force. He used his new powers to become the Flash’s new crimefighting partner. After being caught in Central City’s speedforce storm, his powers became more stable.
3. The Flash/Avery Ho(Chinese American)
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Avery, like many other Central City citizens was caught in the Speed Force storm, giving her a connection to the speedforce. Her new abilities were unstable, and Avery’s cells involuntary constantly vibrated themselves, with her being unable to stop them. She was visited by Barry and another speedster named Meena Dhawan(whos up next) who helped teach her how to use and control her powers. After a while, Avery was recruited into the Justice league of China. Shes also Wallce’s best friend.
4. Fasttrack/Meena Dhawan(southern asian descent)
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Dr. Meena Dhawan was a scientist at STAR labs who was caught in the speed force storm, giving her all the usual speedster powers+the ability to sense or Track others with a speed force connection (hence the name Fasttrack). She dedicated herself to training the next generation of speedsters who were also caught in the speed force storm. She was a villain at one point, but thats not important.
5. Irey and Jai West(biracial, white and Korean)
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Jai and Iris “Irey” West ll are the twin children of Wally West the first, and Linda Park. They both have their fathers connection to the speed force, however, while Irey has the usual superspeed, Jai’s powers are…. Weird. He can use speedforce energy to accelerate his muscle growth and give himself super strength, but has also been shown to use the speed force to shapeshift when in distress.
6.Bolt/Alinta(no last name yet),(biracial,black/white, Australian)
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Bolt is a new speedster who was first introduced during the future state event. Nothing is currently known about her origin, but she has been shown to be a member of the Teen Titans and the Suicide Squad. Also,shes a disabled speedster. However, not the first(fun fact: Bart Allen/Impulse has a prosthetic kneecap). Also, im 90% sure shes black. I saw one tumblr user say she was of Australian aboriginal origin, and if I can find any confirmation I’ll change this immediately.
Edit: I saw her origin story in the comics, her parents are shown to be a black woman and a white man. So, shes biracial.
Edit: We now know more about Bolt! She was a little kid when she found her speed, and the reason she can only run in short&quick sprints or bolts, as opposed to long distance runs like others speedsters, is because she found an incomplete speedforce equation. Her parents used her for their family business(which unbeknownst to her, was traficking illegal goods), until she lost her legs an was given new ones by Amanda Waller, who is now desperate to get her on the suicide squad because she wants a speedster now lol.
7. Kid Quick/Flash/Jess Chambers (black)
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Not to be confused with Jesse Chambers, Jess is another new speedster, who was also introduced during Future State. They are Nonbinary and use They/them pronouns, and come from the genderbent Earth-11, where they are the nibling (gender neutral word for nephew/niece for those who dont know)of Earth-11’s Flash(who happens to be Jesse Chambers). They are also seemingly romantically involved with Aquamans daughter Andy.
8. Godspeed/August Corazón Heart(Latino)
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August Heart was Barry Allen’s partner, whos brother was murdered around the time period shortly before Barry Allen was struck by lightning and became the Flash. Hes brothers murder case was dropped, and he was distraught. After gaining superspeed by the Speedforce storm, he designed his own suit and became a ruthless vigilante, going on criminal. Barry eventually learned that August was Godspeed, a hint was that one of August’s victims was his brothers killer. Eventually, August was killed by Eobard Thwane aka Reverse Flash.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Like......Todd Rice’s mother was a villain and he has mental health problems and grew up having terrible experiences in the foster system and he has shadow-themed superpowers that at times enhance his mental instability and make him viewed with distrust by even many other heroes. Helloooooo, things in common with Jason Todd what?
Courtney Mason was a teenage runaway who left behind her abusive home life and wound up in the hands of a cult who tried to sacrifice her in a weird ritual that ended with her soul-bonded to a supernatural entity that has a voracious appetite for violence and vengeance and occasionally takes her over completely without her having any foreknowledge or memory of what happens when she’s not in control. There’s nothing she and Jason can bond about there.
Ray Terrill grew up physically and psychologically abused by his asshole uncle who convinced him that due to the superpowers he inherited from his dead father, light would be fatal to him, and thus he spent most of his childhood living in complete darkness.....only finding out as a teenager that actually his uncle did this to keep him powerless, because his powers are actually FUELED by light. Again, no common ground with Jason to be found.
Owen Mercer is the embittered son of the first Captain Boomerang, the guy who killed Tim’s father, and despite barely ever even knowing his father and not even knowing who he really was until he was an adult, he’s treated with distrust and suspicion from the get go by others in the hero community, because of his connection to not just his father....but the mother he never knew either, who was a Thawne and the source of his super-speed sprint power. (He’s not a full speedster, he can only speed up for periodic sprints). But his Thawne heritage also happens to make him related to Bart Allen.....hmm, not only relatability in the ‘we both know what its like to be screwed over by our connection to assholes we never asked to be related to’ AND the ‘so apparently nothing I thought knew about my parents was accurate and my whole childhood is a lie’ departments, but ALSO a weird connection to Tim via his dad and Tim’s dad and his mom and one of Tim’s best friends, that could create all kinds of uncomfortable situations between Jason, his younger brother, and one of his best friends and one of his brother’s best friends....all without any of them actually in any way being at fault for said uncomfortableness).
Tom Bronson aka Tomcat is the son of Ted Grant aka Wildcat, a JSA hero and one of the oldest and most respected heroes in the community.....who Tom has a VERY different opinion of due to the fact that in his eyes, Ted is a deadbeat dad who was never there for him. While at the same time, still respecting what his father has done as a hero and wanting to be like him in THAT particular respect, wanting his father’s approval in that particular slice of life BECAUSE of what his father has done for others and the world, and being self-conscious and bitter about still wanting anything from his father at all. Additionally, Tom’s power is that he’s a werepanther, capable of turning into a vicious panther form he tends to lose control of, making him wary of the danger he represents to others due to his lack of control even at the same time as relying on that very power to be the source of his ability to help others. Again....zero common ground with Jason, lol.
Grant Emerson aka Damage is the son of the Golden Age Atom who never knew his biological parents, grew up abused within the foster system and by his biological uncle aka Dr. Polaris, a supervillain. In addition to his issues stemming from his childhood abuse and his lifelong quest to find answers about his biological parents and where he came from and what happened to them, he’s also got the power to blow things up which makes him both regarded and treated warily AND mistrustful of his own temper and stability. Nothing to build on there via a dynamic with Jason either before or after his death.
Cindy Reynolds aka Why Is Her Codename Still Literally A Slur is another hero who started out as a teenage runaway fleeing her abusive home life, before her power to craft illusions led to her eventually joining the Detroit lineup of the JLA.
And every single one of these heroes is canonically several years younger than Dick, with most of them depicted as hovering around Tim’s lineup of Young Justice and Titans without ever fully being part of them due to being a couple years OLDER than Tim and his friends, thus putting them smack dab in Jason’s age range. Incidentally, Todd and Ray are both canonically gay and Courtney is bi, which is very helpful should Jason ever be positioned story-wise as say, coming out as not straight I’M JUST SAYING.
But yeah, like I said. There’s SO many potential relationships out there for Jason with a ton of interesting dynamics to explore and build upon, but nah. DC and Lobdell: Let’s just treat Dick and Jason as interchangeable in their friends’ eyes and histories.
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ao3feed-birdflash · 1 year
Everything I Hold Dear Resides in Those Eyes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OFzWKE2
by Skeletons_InYourCloset
Dick Grayson and Wally West are seniors at Justice Central Public High School.
Dick needs a fake date to prom. Good thing redheads go best with dark haired gays.
Aka Wally happens to be the unsuspecting victim of a ten month long fake dating plan.
But will this fake dating lead to something more? Or will it lead to heartbreak? - . . . (No capes au/high school au)
Words: 1362, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Young Justice - All Media Types, Young Justice (Cartoon), Batman - All Media Types, Nightwing (Comics), The Flash - All Media Types, DCU, DCU (Comics), Teen Titans - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Garth (DCU), Hartley Rathaway, Iris West, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Bart Allen
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West
Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - High School, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Wally has parental issues, Eventual Dick Grayson/Wally West, Pining, Dick Grayson Loves Redheads, Dick Grayson Loves Wally West, Dick Grayson Loves His Family, Bisexual Wally West, Wally West Being an Idiot, Wally West has ADHD, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Slow Burn, Idiots in Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OFzWKE2
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ruddyswojtyla · 3 years
His Jon Kent x Reader
What happens when the guy you like was younger than you and now came back older than you. Would things change?
I've been watchin' you for some time
Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes
Part 2
Being the daughter of Bruce Wayne aka Batman has many perks. Some are good and some not so good. But at the end of the day, he loves his kids. He has Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. Oh and me. Y/n Wayne. The biological daughter of Batman. My mom was Diana Prince's cousin who had a one night stand with dad and later left him. After I was born she left me on his doorstep for him to raise me alone. During the years, I meet many people who I call my best friend. My best friends are Bart Allen, my brother Tim, Cassie, and Kon-el. Being 15 is hard. You have this wild side you can’t control. But the worst is that all the guys are after me. Expect one Jon Kent. I know, I know he is only eleven years old and is my younger brother's best friend but I can’t help staring at his ocean eyes. But I never told anyone. One day dad and I were in the bat cave solving a case when suddenly we heard not one but two caps. We turned to see who it was when I saw this guy around almost my age staring at me but what caught my eye are his ocean eyes. “Clark, who is that?”,My dad asked. “Bruce it’s my son. Jon. Remember him.”, Superman said “Wait that Jon? That has to be a joke. He is only eleven. Not sixteen.”, I said in shock. “Actually seventeen n/n. And yes it’s me.”, said Jon with a deeper voice. And may the odds be in my favor because this boy is making me feel something more than I felt before. “How is it possible. He was only gone for 3 weeks.” “He was in another world that made him be there for seven years.” “It was the worst place ever.” “Wow. I never guessed you would look like this at seventeen.” Jon blush. I guess I can really date him now that he is two years older than me. I think I can burn the whole bat cave with the heat I have.
Hey guys so this is the first part there would be more. If you guys want a smut part then tell me you want it.
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