#autistic witch
the-intuitive-divine · 9 months
as a reminder, since a TERF tried to follow me, you aren't allowed here 😄👍
my blog is a safe place for all of my LGBTQIA+ brothers, sisters, and siblings.
i do NOT tolerate homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, racism, anti-semitism, xenophobia, etc. and if i see it on your blog when you like my posts, reblog, or try to follow me - you WILL be blocked.
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10 tips for low energy/executive dysfunction/autistic paganism:
i like to use an oracle deck instead of a tarot deck, since it takes less energy and there’s less to memorize
devote pretty much anything to your deities! when i’m eating citrus, i try to devote that to Apollon
prayers (if you’re into that) can be as simple as saying “thank you ___ for ___”
i spent money on pre-made book of shadows pages that i printed out because i didn’t have to motivation or the energy to make my own book, which i highly recommend if you have the funds!
spells don’t have to be full-fledged potions or charms, doing little “superstitions” we did as kids count (wishing on 11:11 or a dandelion, crossing your fingers for good luck, etc)
it’s important for a lot of pagans (and other witches) to create things, but if that’s difficult for you there’s no shame in buying things! just make sure to buy ethically sourced products
instead of decorating my altar space for each season, i make altar jars! i put seasonal elements together in a jar and use that as my ode to the season
if i don’t feel like i can do anything for a holiday, i just do one thing. example: for Beltane, text a friend how much you care about them
when you have more energy, make a sigil that you can keep around you when your energy is lower
little incantations at the beginning of the day, kind of like Magick affirmations!
and that’s all i have for today! feel free to add on with anything that works for you. remember that these won’t work for everyone, and that’s okay :)
-ash + valentine
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aspens-apothecary · 7 months
Mabon Celebration Ideas!
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As some of you know, this Saturday is Mabon, the celebration of the Autumn Equinox. Some also refer to it as the "Pagan Thanksgiving", as you celebrate the bountiful harvest and are thankful for the earth and its many gifts.
Mabon marks the time of equilibrium, where the days and nights are of equal length. During this time, it is good to set intentions that involve decrease, such as ending unhealthy habits, self-destructive behaviors, or bad relationships.
Decorating for Autumn
This a great time to decorate for the coming autumn and spooky seasons leading up to Samhain! I like to open the windows and then cleanse my space(usually a simmer pot and smoke cleanse) and after, i actually physically clean the house.I then close the windows and stir my simmer pot, while setting new intentions for the household until the spring equinox. I then collect the things I want to decorate with(the usual fall decor; pumpkins, pine cones, leaf garlands, gourds and an autumn wreath on the door) and then decorate to my hearts content!
Release and Move Forward
Another thing I usually spend time on is meditation, centering myself, letting go of past baggage from the year and setting new personal goals and intentions until spring.
Find a nice spot outside, where you feel connected to the world around you. Take a journal with you, and meditate. Write down what you want the next few months to bring into your life. Set those intentions in any way you choose.
Have a nice Hearty Meal
Who doesn't love a good meal with great people? You can make a roast, hold a potluck Mabon dinner ect, I usually host a bonfire night and everyone brings their own dishes to feel the group. During covid, I made a pot roast for my fiance and I! You could also do a picnic!
Fall Activities
Apple Picking, Corn Mazes, going to a Pumpkin Patch, all fall activities that are fun for the whole family, as a cute date, or great solo fun!
Honor Persephone and Demeter
If you are one to honor deities/spirits during the holidays, Persephone and Demeter are two that will definitely fall into Mabon.
According to the myth, Autumn is the time where Persephone must leave her beloved mother and travel to Hades, to fulfill her role as the Queen of the Underworld. Each year she lets go of the concerns of the upper world, and willingly descends to guide the souls of the dead over the threshold of Life and Death.
Creating an altar, and leaving offerings for them in honor of their sacrifice is an amazing way to celebrate.
Other things you can do include cleansing ritual baths, Divination for the new few months, hiking, offerings for the local nature spirits, make a gratitude list for the last few months and thank the earth for her gifts
Mabon Symbols:
Cornucopia (horn of plenty), pinecones, seeds
Colors: Orange, red, yellow, brown, copper, dark yellow, dark green
Foods: Corn, beans, squash, apples, pumpkins, cider, root vegetables, pomegranate, wine
Herbs: Yarrow, rosemary, sage, mugwort, rosehips,
Stones: Amber, citrine, cat’s eye, aventurine, sapphire, jasper
Flowers: Sunflowers, thistle, marigolds
Deities: Mabon, Green Man, Demeter, Persephone, Morgan, Pomona, Inanna
Animals: Owl, stag, blackbird, salmon
I hope this gives you a few ideas! Add your own ideas to this list! These are just the ways I like to celebrate!
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How to organise a grimoire
This is how I've decided to organise my grimoire now that I'm digitising it. I thought this may be of some benefit to other autistic/dyslexic practioners by sharing how my brain likes to formulate things. The trick is to categorise.
I have one large category I'm calling the chapter and every chapter has a number of categories within it and smaller sub categories underneath each one.
So my brain basically works like a russian nesting doll or like a very messy spider diagram. Organising it this way helps me to stay on track and stops me from getting overwhelmed. (I used this method in all my university essays and it helped push my grade up a lot).
I'm not writing it in any specific order but here's a list of what I've completed so far. Please feel free to take any of these. I hope this helps you with your own grimoire writing.
Theory 📚
Paganism: historical context. Modern context. Core values.
New Age Spirituality: Development. Capitalism. Modern Example.
Cultural Appropriation: What it is. How it happens. How to avoid it. List of closed practices and red flags.
Wicca: What it is. How it's practiced. Gerald Gardner. Criticisms.
Thelema: Aleister Crowley. Development (egyptomania). Criticisms.
Conspiracy Theories: Development (root cause). Dangers. Examples. List of spiritual conspiracies. List of antisemitic stereotypes and propaganda.
Cults: What are they. How are they dangerous. How to recognise one (B.I.T.E model). List of religious/spiritual cults.
Satanic Panic: Historical development to our current satanic panic. The 1980's moral panic. Christian persecution complex.
KJV: Who was King James. The creation of the KJV. The KJO movement (evangelical and Christian fundamentalism. American Folk magic)
Witches in context: The modern witch. The post-modern witch. Historical context (England. Ancient Greece. Ireland).
Cats in context: Modern context. Familiars. Historical context (Egypt. Greece. China. England).
Transphobia: the idea behind terfism. How to recognise a terf. Examples of Terfism in spirituality (Lister). Dispelling myths and Misinformation.
Queerness: Erasure and queerphobia. Why queer people gravitate to witchcraft/paganism/Wicca. Examples (intersex. Gay relationships. Lesbian relationships. Asexuality).
Practical Basics 🔮
Health and Safety: Fire. Smoke. Essential Oils. Toxicity. Wound Care. Biohazards.
How to make a magical space: What they are. Different types. Tools and their uses.
Grimoire/Book of Shadows: What they are. The differences. Different Formats. The Front cover.
Cleansing: What it is. What its used for. Examples.
Grounding: What it is. What its used for. Examples.
Protection: What it is. What its used for. Examples.
Intuition: What it is. What its used for. Developing it. Examples.
Discernment: What it is. What its used for. Steps of discernment (from a Christian perspective. From a secular perspective). Psychosis.
The Year and the holidays: Samhain. Yule. Wassailing. Imbolc. Spring Equinox. Beltaine. Summer Solstice. Lughnasadh. Autumn Equinox. (Historical development. How they're celebrated).
Deity Worship: Scientific Context (Neuroscience of Religiosity). Spiritual Context. Worship Vs working with. Finding a deity. Your religious rights. Critiquing your religious path. For example ↓
Hellenism: Historical context (Wars. Colonisation. Slavery. Citizenship. Pederasty). Modern Context (White washing. Transphobia).
Your Deities (if you choose to have any): Iconography. Mythology. Associations. Offerings.
Spirits: Ghosts. Shadow people. Demons (what they are. fear and labelling. History Vs pop culture). The Warrens (history. Criticisms). Other folklore.
Practical Magic ✨
I have a lot more planned for this section.
Divination: What it is. What its used for. List of types and tools. For example ↓
Tarot: Structure of the tarot deck. Historical context. Modern Context. The fool and you.
Basic Astrology: What it is. Historical Context. Signs. Planets. Houses. Reading a natal chart.
Colour Magic: Basic colour theory. Symbolism. Practical application.
Correspondence 🌿
When there's a long list of items and spiritual meanings/applications I keep it in this section at the back of my grimoire.
The Classic Elements
Herbs and Spices (kitchen cupboard specific)
Common plants in your area (invasive and non invasive)
Seasonal fruit and vegetables
Miscellaneous laws and philosophies
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crazycatsiren · 8 months
Once I figure out how to channel the gravitational forces of black holes to use for witchcraft, it's all over for you people.
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wishbonewitch · 1 year
witchcraft and days/months/moons/weather/etc!
dawn- air, success, travel, study, employment, money, healing, new beginnings
midday- fire, strength, courage, passion, emotion, money, protection
dusk- water, release, change, anxiety, bad habits, banishing, fertility
midnight- earth, divination, self awareness, development, spirit work, cursing/hexing
sunday- sun, sol, action, energy, justice, growth, money, power, management, divine intervention, friendship
monday- moon, mani, psychic ability, creativity, intuition, emotion, invocations, divine inspiration
tuesday- mars, tyr, passion, challenge, strength, truth, activity, conflict, sex
wednesday- mercury, odin, career/job issues, intelligence, communication, travel, planning, research
thursday- jupiter, thor, finances, legal matters, spirituality, development, money, growth
friday- venus, frida, romance, relationships, emotion, reconciliation, beauty, self care, enviromentalism
saturday- saturn, loki, planning, home, future, bad habits, ending relationships, weight loss, release, goals
january- beginnings, healing, money, protection, strength, life
febuary- astral realm, emotion (particularly love), banishing, purification
march- fertility, success, innocence, spirituality, prosperity
april- beginnings, fertility, growth, spirituality, cleansing
may- divination, well-being, enchantment, love
june- abundance, marriage, prosperity, fun, creativity
july- emotion, dream work, light, purpose, strength
august- abundance, prosperity, wisdom, prophecy, animals
september- confidence, home, self care, manifestation, protection
october- spirit work, memory, stability, dream work, divination, darkness
november- cooperation, divination, healing, hope, inspiration
december- devotion, peace, new life, death, prosperity, strength
rain- purification, cleansing, release, healing
lightning storm- power, manifestation, protection
hurricane- (very powerful!) banishing, hexing, power, protection
snow- balance, silence, transformation, change, letting go
hail- banishing, protection, cursing
clouds- travel, calming, potential, change
fog- shielding, protection, divination, insight, spirit work
heavy winds- intellect, learning, travel, breaking habits, energy work
sunshine- charging, courage, passion, strength, energy
heat waves- emotion, power, stagnation, cursing
meteor showers- magickal boosts, energy work, power, renewal, cycle
solar eclipse- banishing, renewal, active, strong masculine energy
lunar eclipse- banishing, renewal, passive, strong feminine energy
new moon- fresh starts, intentions, manifestations, cleansing, shadow work, self development, divination
waxing moon- growth, planning, taking action, new projects, travel, potential
full moon- power, strength, success, goals, charging, banishing, cleansing, intuition, divination
waning moon- releasing, banishing, grounding, internal working, reflection, meditation
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neurospicywitchcraft · 4 months
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Almost thought this was another Amethyst but when photographed it looks more pink.
Eyeballing, it looks more of a purple/grey tone.
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Maybe Grey Labradorite?
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420spells · 1 year
helloo witchblr! my name is kinley and i want mutuals who are similar to me so we can be awesome and have fun so pls follow! especially if we have these in common:
- autistic
- weed enjoyer
- 18+
- baddie
i love sharing tips and experiences and i need friends!! 
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ravenousnightwind · 8 months
The winged figure atop the hill with wings as black as night. He raises them, hands aloft.
"Can you feel the power?"
He says in a dark gritty voice. The feathers scatter across the sky. Each one singing their song.
"Can you feel the power
Can you feel the power
Can you
Feel the essence
Within you
Rising outward
Becoming you
Through all the pain
The sorrows
Through the joy
Of days past
And tomorrow
Feel your passions fly
Feel your power coming in tides
Feel your power rising
Forming into
Your being
Feel your power
Your essence
Give to yourself
Power of Passion
Every hope
Every memory
Draw it in
See the hue
Now spread it out
Become You
You see the feather float before you, showing you images of what you must do. When you touch it, you feel something inside. It calls to your essence, urging you to grasp it. To take your dreams, your passions, with all the pain and suffering, with every joy you've ever felt. The emotions swell within you, you grasp it, and your power surges in its brilliant hue. At last, change has come. That is You.
Believe in yourself and all you've felt. Bring it out, become it. It's your magic. The power within. Show it proudly, and never give in.
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witch-by-the-trees · 2 years
i’ve heard of folk practitioners incorporating fairy tales (usually local ones of course) into their practice. but i haven’t been able to find anything on how to actually do that.
can anyone tell me about what they do/give me tips? i think i understand a bit, but i cant put it into words to make sure i have understood
thank you in advance 🤎🖤
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the-intuitive-divine · 9 months
this is your reminder to rest if you are tired.
this is your reminder to nourish yourself if you are hungry (or check in with yourself if you aren't sure).
this is your reminder to take a deep breath.
this is your reminder to unclench your jaw.
this is your reminder that you are worthy of rest, nourishment, relaxation, and love.
i'm sorry if you're having a hard day. tomorrow is always a new beginning, just take it day by day. this will always be a safe place for you.❤️‍🩹
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Allowing yourself to freely stim is self-care, therefore, allowing yourself to freely stim is acceptable Aphrodite devotion/an acceptable offering 💗🌹
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ashethewitch · 1 year
Any other autistic witches fidget with theyr crystals
Theyr so useful they both relax you and you can fidget with them
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aspens-apothecary · 6 months
Any witches wanna join a discord coven?
I want to create a community for witches, especially ones that are mentally ill and have a hard time staying on track with their practices due to their mental health struggles.
I'm gonna try and find bots I can use to help keep folks on track, and we can help each other as well. Please comment on this or dm me and let me know if you're interested in helping me out with it!!
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curious-chaosmagiic · 19 days
i've decided that vocal stims can also be a sign that a deity is present
i just broke out into song and thought to myself, Lord Tithonus :> 🪲💕
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Autistic witch thought of the day: my headphones and sunglasses are wards in their own ways.
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