#atms 03
turtleblogatlast · 29 days
Middle of the night thought that I may extrapolate on much, much later: The next iteration of Leo always has something about them that the previous iteration wanted or was denied of.
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rochenn · 2 months
do you have a favourite version of ventress? what art style do you think she looks best in?
Probably CW03 cause they gave her those meaty shoulders and her cape + skirts combo looks absolutely sick in 2D animation. Also despite having such a short runtime CW03 actually manages to give her meaningful in-person interactions with both her asshole teacher (CAN YOU BELIEVE DOOKU AND ASAJJ ARE NEVER IN THE SAME ROOM EVEN ONCE IN TCW??) and her dumbass foil which TCW in its years of existence just couldn't do for some unfathomable reason. But I guess TCW also gets some bonus points for the angles on her face. Love it when a girl gets strong bone structure!!
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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seagull-scribbles · 11 months
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Traditional doodle based on this one shot by @naivesilver
It's part of her Turtle Tots AU which you can find [here], and has been entered in a tournament over at @turtle-tot-tournament
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jojojooo33 · 4 months
Thinking about Dante as a parallel/foil to Trisha... A woman who was also absolutely obsessed with Hohenheim, but she knew about alchemy and had the power to cheat death and everything else. Perhaps in addition to being ashamed of his past he was also a little afraid she might turn out like Dante if she actually knew more about alchemy herself, though whether she would idk
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theasterous09 · 2 years
I'm not the only one who watches lighthearted kid shows and gradually make drawings, stories, or have headcanons just full of angsty or hurt/comfort (literally anything that has to do with whump) junk in it, am I?
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smollandkindaannoyed · 3 months
It is a "Head empty, one thought" kinda day. And that one thought that has me thinking all day is Bucky calling himself "The Asset" in Sidereal from girlbookwrm and verbalatte.
Like I just finished the fic, loved it, but I cant stop thinking about how Bucky kept calling himself The Asset in the beginning. The way chapter two starts with: 'The Asset has no soulmark, as far as it is aware. Soulmarks are for the living, after all.' And that is some of the most heartbreaking shit ever. Like all I can think about is how Bucky really just became a weapon, an object, to be used for all those years till the point he himself doesn't even believe he is a living being anymore. How he talks about himself like HYDRA talks about him, how he starts to use their words and with talking in a thirth-person way also making his actions not his, because in the end all those missions were done by The Asset not by Bucky. Ye no this thought will be haunting my brain for next few days.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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outofthiisworld · 3 months
💜// [rises out of bed like nosferatu] OPHELIA VOICECLAIM CHANGE. [descends back into bed in reverse]
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ducknotinarow · 8 months
💭 for all Shredders: Technology, Flowers, Regret, Change, and Dreams
| send 💭 + topic for a head cannon on
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"Look out for Shredder, I didn't spend use in this identity to not still carry terror."
| Technology |
"Even with how behind the earth and it beings are the tech available has proven of use."
Shredder being from a more advance species is often annoyed by how behind the earth tech can feel to him at times. Always aware that there is something better out in space that can more achieve what he needs and wants. Often Shredder finds himself seeking out those who are good with it and often it's why Stockmen had failed to live to his expectations with how often he fails. To Shredder he is all talk he ended up liking Chaplin because he held better results in the end and never once went around his back. If your someone skilled when it comes to technology? you will be on his radar. Like certain purple banded turtles.
Shredder himself dose understand it but he's not someone who can make it himself. It very much how we can understand our own modern tech but don't me we know how to manipulate it and such like those in engineering and such can. Why he tends to seek out more scientific uses he truly sees the potential in it.
| Flowers |
"Useless, they hardly last once in bloom and hold no value. Even the most beautiful blossom with soon wilt"
Flowers often represent life and it's cycles so for someone who well doesn't fully care about the lives of others of course he isn't going to care about the life of a plant either. But that one mention of one beautiful flower? I don't care what anyone wants to say Shredder had a soft spot for Karai. He didn't hold a reason to take in this orphan girl and raise her as his own. You can understand why he has people like Hun under his control and such. But Karai? sure she fills in a role to be his heir so he can in a way keep up his ruse through her but he trusted Karai a lot even with his secret of being an utrom. When She was kidnapped by Bishop? Shredder literally went ballistic for him about it? A guy who tries to act like he doesn't care about anyone? hell Hun was getting a chance to be back on his good side if he got her back and he was pretty pissed at him.
| Regret |
Lets be honest Shredder maybe would have achieved a lot of his goals if them dang turtles never got involved but as the show went to show us many times over? that wouldn't be the case. Shredder and the Turtles are connected in a way. They created each other nearly you could even say if it wasn't for Shredder the turtles wouldn't be where they are now. Dude created his own fail safe u-u even after he is gone the turtles are still having to deal with any Shredder that comes back thats a connection that I feel none of them like to think about however u-u
| Change |
"Change comes and goes and sometimes we must embrace those changes for our goals."
I don't see shredder as someone who can change himself seeing how the show makes out the spirt of Shredder alone as someone who holds on to ambitions and obsessions after all. It's often his own down fall the only change he tends to take well is anything that can be of use to him. Be he's lived a long time and has learned to work with the changes of the world around him. From being in charge of a ninja clan to this big shot millionaire in New York who had the mayor in his pocket thanks to his wealth? A changing environment sure but personally no he can not. bloodthirsty, insane, selfish, wrathful, sadistic, and relentless. He hates anyone who challenges, impedes, or otherwise wrongs him holding grudges long after the fact
| Dreams |
"I only dream for my conquests!"
As shown he really is mostly in for his own gain here, Shredder someone who takes and demands control and has been easily able to get it. Through resources or pure respect even sometimes fear Shredder simply looks for control and I feel this is what lead him being the villain he is now. He was a criminal among his own race yes I know I should guess call him Ch'rell but dude went so far into making himself in Shredder I just XD look I aint dead naming him okay. He is embodiment of the stereotypical megalomaniac of course he's simply seeking anything that puts him in the position he feel fits him.
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"Don't waste my time."
| Technology |
"It can have it's uses but doesn't often have much against transitional or hands on approaches"
Unlike the 03 version Oroku is very much someone still set in the ways he grew up. His clan didn't seem to take much of modern conveniences, and where He could see some use he tends to avoid resorting to tech to often least till Karai brought forward a kranng bot and he saw that they could be made of use for the clan. Even bringing in baxter to be his primary tech support so to speak. So he did learn to see how technology can benfit him even going so far as to make use of the mutagen from the kranng as well, seeing how he is willing to mutant himself later. He dose also see the benefits of more than just Tech seeing how he goes about securing resources for even bio level use.
| Flowers |
"She..loved Jasmine flowers."
Even Shredder head of the foot clan isn't immune to human emotions as much as he tries to be. My toxic trait is I do feel he truly loved Shen but like in many other times in this show? His hate for Yoshi was always stronger and even impacts later relationships like his kids. As twisted and wrong people may see it he did love and care about Karai. And I extend this to Casey and Angle for the Foot au as well. He dose care when Yoshi was thought long gone and dead and all he had to worry about was the future of his clan? I feel like their lives weren't as bad. Yeah they didn't get normal childhoods and were growing up in an environment full of love either. He very much raised weapons over children.
I feel he saw things in his kids and did try to parent them but it was alway in this mind set harsh parenting, he was strict, abuse would be there to. Karai was throw into a pit of snakes to overcome her fear and Casey with a fear of Rats? In his mind its all to make them strong to face this world that will try and take them down. I feel he was nicer when they were younger, considering Karai's memories.
But unfountetly he learned Yoshi was alive and I feel things got worse after that. And feel these once good memories I'd why it's hard for the kids to fully turn against shredder till given a good reason. In cannon it was karai learning Yoshi was her dad for example.
| Regret |
"Being to soft on my children."
To Shredder he was to soft on his kids and that's what allowed any chance for them to go against him. He turly felt he was setting them up for success well ignoring giving them some very basic needs none of them really had fulfilled. He just never met if he could let got of his obsession maybe he would have been better and then his son would been more enemies to lovers situation xD.
He only disappointed in Casey because he went against him and thier family. He turly dose think casey has potential and sees himself in his son not once had he ever seen casey as not his son. Even if he dose tend to put casey below Karai this is connected to his obsession however u_u. Knowing his son was broken down by something as simple as love? Pretty familiar isn't it?
| Change |
"Only the weak accept a need to change."
This man would literally let the world end then let go of his hate for Yoshi. So bi he isn't going to change no one is enough for him to change for not even his kids. He will always hate more than he loves he can't ever let go of that he's never fully let love in to change him re refuses to change u_u which is a shame I still think he'd be a decent dad and spoil his kids if he could but that's my toxic trait uwu.
| Dreams |
"Mostly I dream of the future of my clan."
Shredder man be old school but from stuff we get to see he had dipped into other avenues of bussniess running a company in Japan even that he sometimes has to go back and check in on. Shredder dreams for Karai to take over once he finally passes on. So je wants everything in order why he's so hard on her (and casey for the au, as stated he thinks casey would basically take on Tiger Claws role, being in charge if the ninja in the clans training and such. I can't personally say for Angle since she baby but he has trust funds and such for each kid set up as well.)
The foot Clan is one of his priorities and he wants it to contuine to succeed especially it it means stomping out the Hamato Clan.
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z-skull · 2 years
incomprehensible meme
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#produce#memes my own ab story#ive been working on this story for the better part of 2 years lol. but oniw when i say 'working on' its in the 'in my head' story#i dont know why but my brain just doesnt let me do stuff unless its in its completion#luckily this story is almost completed lol#i decided to think about it in a 3 seasons with 25 episodes each type of way. Since the astro uran ochan and tenma are the MAIN characters#their arks through each seasons works better. each season has a theme that they work through. Tenmas is probably the most easy to guess#but i did have to tweak ochans character ALOT for my story. a mix of atb and yadda yadda...#erm yeah#it started out as a joke but i developed shadow too much and just went 'fuck it. we're making it its own syory'#the main thing with this project was that i wanted to work with tenmas character in a different way. hes not the main antag overall but#just for S1. i wont say much about it atm because i do have a general idea of how ill this story#not a comic or a fanfic but in a series of drawings/animatics. music heavily inspired me in this story so i have many video ideas#i just need to learn how lol#ANYWAY#/slaps the title/ this bad boy gets two corruption arks and tenma being beat up and physically scared (shot)#idk y im talking about this now but since im not posting art atm ill just allude to things#for the most part all the characters follow 03 but somethings are different and i tweaked some designs to fit the aesthetic i have going#but yeah! over time ill be making short dumb videos to get used to it so i can make story animatics. a warning i should add#most of the audio for my videos will be from musicals lmaooo. i listen to alot of music at work so much time to flesh out things#augh
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saursoob · 8 months
traitor - a choi yeonjun smau
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synopsis: you and yeonjun were best friends for most of your life’s but he’d recently gotten into a toxic relationship with someone you’ve never liked, he knew that and still decided to be with her. though you’d never thought he’d go to the extent of cutting you off because of her. much less expect that years later he’d make his way back into your life.
- featuring: txt, yunjin (lesserafim), liz (ive), keeho (p1harmony), jay & heeseung (+ the rest of enhypen occasionally)
- genre: social media smau, college smau, non idol smau, crack, angst, fluff
- warnings: angst (first ep), swearing, toxic gf, lots of kys jokes, grammar mistakes, time stamps r sometimes wrong 😔
- updates: whenever i feel up to it since this isn’t my top priority atm
- status: on going
- started: 9/23/23 (in the drafts LMFAOO)
taglist: ALWAYS OPEN! bold couldn’t be taged 💔(@bbinwrld @soobsfairy444 @stqrgr7 @nishik1 @skittlez-area512 @odisdad @zonked-times @vocaloshin @vixensss @mackjestic @matcha-binz @txtmetonight @novvogily @ckline35 @jaeneohee @staryuyu @binluvsu @kyujism @doumachi @beomkgyu @cherriesbloss0m @cur-sedd @ye0nvibezzn @reallyspaghetti @304files @haechansbbg @purriodsblog @alemi-i @ioanawlw @soobadooba @jayhoonvroom @harufluff @minjiji-03 @geminidas @nnana2 )
inspired by request !!
- edit: im really glad yall are enjoying this smau but please remember to not spam like !!
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PROFILES: the gang bang ‼️ | (NOT) FURRYS 😣😣
ONE: traitor !!
TWO: gc debrief 🫡
THREE: tyuns plans?
FOUR: tyuns plans? pt 2 (written + smau)
FIVE: #lovelife🫰‼️
SEVEN: win her back
EIGHT: insane.
NINE: really pretty (written)
TEN: cupcakes man
ELEVEN: the ferris wheel (written + smau)
TWELVE: worried
THIRTEEN: say hi
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wormspoodle · 1 year
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some simple 03 headcanon designs,, continue reading for some thoughts on each
- currently same height as Mikey
- lots of little scars from when getting thrown through that window
- less accessorized due to practicality
- knows basic sewing/ patching
- great at calligraphy (thought it would help with patience and focus)
i like to think that while practicing sewing, Leo made a little turtle from random fabric and gave it to Splinter (and Splinter ofc keeps it and displays it on a shelf in his room)
- tallest (this one is actually canon in seasons 6 & 7)
- proud of numerous battle scars
- thinks the bandages give him a cool fighter/ brawler look
- knows how to work on bikes and vehicles but is still learning things from Donnie
I am a firm believer in Raph needing glasses but refusing to wear them and refusing to acknowledge having poor eyesight
- 2nd tallest
- bag contains some medical supplies, a few gadgets and spare parts or trinkets
- compression elbow sleeve worn due to the injuries sustained in Exodus Pt2
- "my senses are heightened with night vision goggles"
- matching gloves w/ Mikey
i was gonna give Don some scarring from the incident with the triceratons and that mind helmet thing (i forget what it's called atm) but i figured it might be unrealistic,, only the helmet was seen smoking
- will be taller than Leo one day
- small lip scar from roughhousing as a kid
- compression ankle braces (Mikey's ankles get injured at least 3 times that i remember so i wanted to add braces)
- the most speckled turtle bc all Mikeys are freckled to me
- matching gloves w/ Donnie
i like to think that April had Mikey help paint her nails one time and now thats a thing they do,, Mikey likes the feeling of wearing nail polish idk
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soo0mi · 1 year
🫂 。゚⊹ you’ve built a home in my heart — a ni ki smau!ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 m. list !
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— ni ki x reader !!
:: u got up at 2 am to get some snacks at the convenience store down the street. for your inconvenience, you quietly opened the door to meet a peculiar sight, someone trying to sleep on the floor across the hallway because their roommate has their gf over .. ?
“ i guess i'll lend you my couch for the night. ” ☆
pairing // non - idol ! ni ki x non - idol ! reader
— i mostly used @ sullendin on ig for yn !!
warnings ? swearing, kys jokes, playful bullying, nothing much atm !!
genre ++ mutual pinning | love epiphany | strangers to friends to lovers | laughs at everything x enjoys making them laugh | sarcastic x sarcastic | crack | fluff !!
status : ongoing !
taglist : open !
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profiles :: hoe life or no life || enhypen
01. microwaved strawberries…?📝
02. mission ‘find his socials’ is a go !!
03. munch munch munncchh?? {pt1}
-> 03. munch munch munncchh?? {pt2}
04. a pretty stranger .. 📝
05. the feminine urge to frustrate a man
06. neymar jr #10 📝
07. goodnight lover ( loser ** )
08. not cheating on u yet
09. playing dumb ? 📝
10. drunk confessions 📝
11. nishimura dumbass riki📝
12. nishimura tloml riki ^///^
13. swimming beauty 📝
14. beating the bitch boy allegations
adventures of ynki ‹𝟹 — YBAHIMH xtras !!
ni ki against the world ;c
drama queen ni_ki …
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Any chance of a drawing of CJ meeting the 03 guys? either apocalypse or when Dee reunites with them in the good timeline?
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I...may have went a little overboard. But this image was what popped into my head when i read your ask, and it would not leave until it was finished.
Anyways, This is CJ is meeting them but not them meeting him. That happens a little later since he's being stealthy in the vents atm. He does that quite a bit, actually. Shelldon will keep him hidden there for as long as he asks to be.
This is probably about the time the 03s first showed up in the apocalypse future. They've only just found out about Dee like a minute or so ago and Leon's taken off again. I should really write this whole scene out (or comic it at least) since i can imagine it pretty well. (the only thing holding me back is that i haven't quite figured out how Dee would have died, and i'm fairly certain that would be mentioned during such a scene lol)
Thank you!
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misteria247 · 2 years
I can see 12 Mikey waking up extremely early in the morning dragging his counterparts, 87 Mikey, 03 Mikey, 07 Mikey, Bayverse Mikey and Rise Leo with him to the sound room in the lair and setting the speakers up in the volume.
They plug in 12 Mikey's phone and begin to search for this specific playlist he'd made for this very moment. He searches for the song and hits play. It's silent for a brief moment and then the lair's suddenly filled with-
The reaction is instantaneous. They hear several loud shouts or bodies tumbling out of their beds or off of counches. Swearing from 12 Raph, 03 Raph and 07 Raph fills the lair and Bayverse Raph and 87 Raph are growling threateningly to shut it down now or so help them-
03 Donnie, 12 Donnie, and Rise Donnie who were asleep in the lab all fall out of their respective chairs from the song while 87 Donnie, Bayverse Donnie and 07 Donnie try to figure out what the hell is going on, stumbling around in sleepy dazes to try and make it stop.
Rise Raph, Rise Mikey and 12 Leo who're sleeping on the couch nearby are up instantly, Rise Raph tumbling off of the couch and accidentally knocking 12 Leo and Rise Mikey off of the couch as well making them all hit the floor. Them falling off the couch and letting out hisses of pain and startlement come from the living room. Rise Splinter who was asleep on the armchair jumps awake and his loud yelp wakes up even more of the lair. The sounds of 87 Leo, 03 Leo, 07 Leo and Bayverse Leo snapping out and asking what the hell is causing this noise and to turn it off now.
The rest of the group, 87 Splinter, 03 Splinter, 07 Splinter, and Bayverse Splinter sit in the dojo and decide to turn a blind eye to the chaos outside of the doors. It's too early to deal with this insanity. All while this is happening and the Mikey's and Rise Leo are completely losing their minds Dolly Parton's voice continues on-
Once everything's put more in focus and everyone's over the shock Rise Leo has to grab his prankster orange breathen and get the fuck out of Dodge when the Donnie's especially 12 Donnie and Rise Donnie start going for them because they haven't had any coffee and Dolly Parton's going off and they're going to kill the masterminds behind this circus even if it kills them-
The group of pranksters stay out of the lair for like half of the day because everyone is out for their heads atm.
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demiesworld · 1 year
𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐮 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝 ◆ 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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〈 episodes: 01 ➤ 02 ➤ 03 ➤ 04 ➤ 05〉
♦ characters: sekido, karaku, aizetsu & urogi
♦ warnings: suggestive content, swearing, nsfw content, fluff, & angst
synopsis: a series of headcanons, oneshots, and drabbles of the hantengu quad squad as human quadruplet brothers living in modern times [sekido, karaku, aizetsu, & urogi]
♦ notes: the hantengu brothers are all in college and are described as being age 22. their brother zohakuten is in primary school and is 10 years old.
taglist: none atm
updated: 07.01.2023
requests are open!
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© 2023 demiesworld pls do not repost on any other websites. do not plagiarize. any similarities referenced is a coincidence.
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031323o · 1 year
with wojuho!
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main characters ➜ choi soobin x fem!reader side characters ➜ txt: hueningkai, enhypen: jay & jake, le sserafim: yunjin & sakura, stayc: sumin & isa, nct: renjun, jisung, & jungwoo, ateez: seonghwa, ex-izone: minju, stray kids: lee know
genres ➜ smau and written series, strangers 2 lovers, university au, fluff, comedy, hurt/comfort
synopsis ➜ befriending the most talented guy in your major is out of the question due to his unapproachable persona. but things take a turn when he discovers your fan-fiction account he may or may not already follow.
warnings ➜ timestamps are not relevant, profanity, sexual jokes (yn has a sex joke in her bio lol), mentions of bullying and mental health topics, soobin BITES, more to be listed later!
start: june 09, 23 end: tba. (ongoing)
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profiles 00: one two three 01: the guy!!! 02: mr. intel not incel 03: day 2314 04: it's time to retire 05: the corn session
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taglist ➜ none atm! (send an ask if you're interested >:))) a/n: hello! i haven't written on here for about 3 years so i'm a bit rusty haha. this is my new acc and i'm super excited to get back into it <3
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© 031323o – all rights reserved.
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