#as for the softer fluffier stuff
aka-indulgence · 10 months
I just like wanna tell you I really like your stuff and probably (annoyingly sorry) left like a million notifications in your inboxes because I wanted to read all your works I could. I realize I should probably say hi.
I originally came here maybe a few months back cause I was obsessed with the moon Sans, but I didn't follow you at the time. It took about an hour searching through Tumblr (the search system is a mess lol) to finally find it again then I realized I liked your other content too.
Wait this is supposed to be an ask, uhm lemme think of something-
Where do you get inspiration to write?
Do not apologize for the comments >:( literally dream come true to open ao3 and see a lot of notifs for my inbox heheheh, I’m very flattered you commented on so much ;v; please comment more! >u< can’t believe you read all the major things I wrote so fast im impressed :D
As for your question, it’s really random? When I first wrote amits it was basically my suppressed thoughts to have a scary monster kidnap me blew over and made me go “must write. Scary Sans obsession NOW” kndsf
And a lot of the other stuff is usually a spark to firewood thing. Like I’d hear the words “creepy robot that’ll probably kill you in your sleep” in a comedic youtube video and my brain suddenly goes “Yes, but what if it was romance” (which lead to robo skider for example)
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alexeithegoat · 2 years
Hi :) Can we have some snippet of "oof ouch campfire feelings"? pretty please
Hello there! I’d love to share some of ‘oof ouch campfire feelies’!
He wants to reply, he wants to tell Khadira how he truly feels about everything, but all that comes from him is a strangled sob. She sees this and immediately, faster than he can process, faster than a bullet, he is ensnared in her embrace, a reassuring hand atop his crown, her ice-cold skin almost making him jump. But he doesn’t. He collapses into her arms and cries for the first time. And she never judges him once. He hears soft murmurs, affirmations muttered into his ear, that he will be alright and everything will be fine, that he and the others would get through this together, that it is okay to let everything out sometimes.
Even the strongest of people have to let their guard down. I really need to finish this!
Thank you for the ask! 💜
from this ask game!
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bonny-kookoo · 5 months
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐥 [Teaser]
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In which Jungkook really only went to earth to take home his new pet- but ends up leaving with a lot more than that.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, Ocean theme, very wet planet, bioluminescence, sci-fi, Romance, strangers to lovers, God this ended up WAY softer and fluffier than I thought it would, Fluff, Kook is tall and buff but sometimes fails to realize that, a pet shark named Custard, another pet shark named Noodle, more TBA
Length: unknown yet, teaser is ~700 words
-> Masterlist
A/N: a silly idea I had because of fellow fish enthusiast @euphoricfilter
“I’m pretty sure they’ll get along great.” Jungkook smiles. “Of course I’ll have to slowly familiarize the two- but Custard is very sweet, she’s just sometimes a bit moody.” He explains to you, who watches the other shark in the tank with him as he’s being fed by a caretaker.
“I heard they’re a.. popular pet.” You mention, and Jungkook nods.
“Yeah! I initially wanted a lemon shark first, but then things changed, and I got custard first.” He shrugs. “Which I think might have been a good thing, considering that lemon sharks are said to get jealous easily if not properly socialized. It’s easier to introduce them to an already established shark than have them first and get them comfortable with a new one.” The alien explains, watching his new pet swim around.
“You know a lot about them.” You say, and he chuckles a bit bashful.
“I uh- not really. I just.. wanted to know what I’d be getting myself into. A pet is a big responsibility. “ He explains to you, and you nod.
“I swam with lemon sharks before.” You mention. “they’re pretty cute, but.. a bit chaotic sometimes.” You giggle, remembering the time, and how overwhelmed you’d gotten as the sharks had began playfully fighting over attention of you and the other divers.
“So you’re a good swimmer?” He asks curiously, standing next to you in front of the gigantic tank that holds his chosen pet inside, the young shark swimming around for now, while he’s being prepared for the newer conditions soon to become his permanent home.
“..decent.” You laugh a bit uneasy. “I.. nowhere near, you know, your skills.” You say, and he laughs.
“Oh that’s- like comparing clams with mussels. It’s not the same- just looks similar. Like us!” He shrugs off. “I think you’re under-selling yourself. And even if you’re not a good swimmer- I could teach you!” He offers, making you look up from where you stand near the glass.
"I'm just.. still a bit scared." You admit. "You know, after all that happened. I don't think I could just.. forget that and just.." you sigh, and he gently bumps your shoulder.
"Hey.. no one's asking you to." He tells you. "It just might be a good chance to face your fears? And I'll always be right at your side. I have an underwater license after all!" He proudly reminds you, and you can't help but laugh.
“You really seem like you really want me to visit your planet.” You tease, though he clearly doesn’t take it as a joke- nodding with almost cute enthusiasm.
“Of course! You said you always wanted to- so why not do it while visiting a friend?” He proposes. “it’s safer than just going alone. You could get lost, or even hurt.” He tells you. “and you’d miss out on.. you know, the spots only locals know.” Jungkook says, before he looks as Noodle swims closer again to inspect something floating around.
“I mean, you’re right..” you mumble, watching the shark move around. “…but I don’t know. I don’t think I could.. really.. I’m still just human.” You tell him, and he nods.
“I’m aware.” He responds. “and my planet has already made many adjustments to accommodate humans in many areas. You seem to forget that my kind has been.. mixing with humans for a long time by now. “ He chuckles. “means we had to evolve too, and change some of our architecture and stuff to adapt to those changes.” He says.
He’s right. And, in a way, he’s a living example of that change- with his honestly surprisingly human appearance, minus the height difference, and the hardly visible stripes of his skin.
“so, if you’d like, I’d happily house you for your vacation on my planet.” He grins. “and we can see just how well you swim.” He teases, leaning down a bit towards you before you both leave the large hall containing the tank for his new pet-
And you feel like this won’t just be a vacation at all, considering that he’s made it clear that he’s found interest in you past just simply being friends.
And in a way, you don’t mind that one bit.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
Sorry I keep blowing up your inbox w virgin Eddie thots. I just have so many. 😓 latest since I’m currently suffering: Virgin Eddie + period sex
do not say sorry cause this had me feeling some type of way and it's given me inspo for the first time in a few days!!
part one // part two // part three // part four
pairing | eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), fingering f receiving, piv sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys), period sex, mentions of tampon removal, eddie taking care of reader, eddie being endearing (when is he not), dirty talk, lots of fluff and reader being nice to eddie, reader also kind of snarks at him for being annoying, eddie professing his love for reader, no use of y/n. i think that's it? possibly. maybe.
word count | 3.6k
a/n | i made this way fluffier than any of my past stuff so this is really off brand for me. i'm also currently suffering on shark week and i'm definitely in my feelings about it so that probably explains it. reader is softer than her usual self here which gives eddie time for his more dominant, carer side to shine. hope u all love it.
You'd been doubled over on your chair all day, not even your heat pack and strongest pain killers were relieving your cramps. Everything hurt, everything ached, and you were being exceptionally snarky (even by your own standards) for no reason.
It was quiet in the store, a weird Tuesday where the weather was putting off anybody from stepping foot out of their house. Misty, grey, dull and wet. A bit like you were feeling yourself, almost like the sky knew you weren't on top form and was sympathizing with you.
Eddie was whistling along to whatever crap he'd put on the store's boom box; in the back of your mind, you think it's Motley Crue but you can't even find it in you to tune into the song enough to make it out properly.
You felt anxious, every little noise creeping into your ears and booming loud, making you feel like your head was about to explode. You hated to admit it, but Eddie's voice in particular was grating on you, every time he opened his mouth you wanted to snark at him, tell him to shut the fuck up.
You were trying your best to block him out before you blew up at him, twirling in your chair a little for comfort whilst you redundantly pressed the useless heat pack closer to your aching tummy, when he suddenly jumps out of nowhere at your side and starts doing the air guitar to a particularly loud and annoying solo.
"Eddie, shut the fuck up. You're driving me up the fucking wall." You snap, voice stern, angry, gruff, and it makes him stop in his tracks, looking crestfallen. You'd usually feel bad, but not today. He'd been pushing your buttons since you opened up, albeit he wasn't doing anything wrong and wasn't meaning to upset you, but your temper was short, and he wasn't getting the fucking hint.
Eddie scratches the back of his neck absentmindedly, big puppy dog eyes looking apologetic and sad, "M'sorry, sweetheart. I know you're not feeling good, I was just tryin' to make you laugh."
Your face softens a little, the guilt creeping in as you look at Eddie's sad features, "I'm sorry, handsome. I'm just exhausted these cramps are wiping me out." You sigh, groaning a little as your tummy coils up unpleasantly, radiating pain throughout your belly, back and legs.
Eddie comes over to lean over the counter, rubbing at your shoulder softly, and you melt into the touch, tense body slackening under his fingertips, "You know, I read in a girly magazine-" Eddie cuts himself off, like he's pondering on if he should actually continue on his sentence, you egg him on by nodding your head, "it was in the doctor's office, okay?"
"Hey, I never said anything." You hold your hands up in self-defense, giggling a little and trying to ignore how Eddie's inner brat jumps out as he rolls his eyes and lets his hand fall from your shoulder. You make a show of pouting until his hand comes back out, this time brushing down your arm.
"Anyway, in this girly magazine there was this article, about how to relieve menstrual cramps..." Eddie cringes at himself, screwing his face up at his wording and you laugh properly then, "Apparently, orgasms are the best way to relieve the pain. Something about the hormones it releases."
You balk at him a little, dumbfounded by the fact that he, for one, chose that article out of all of the pages in a women's magazine. And, for two, that he actually took in what the article said and stored it somewhere in the back of his head, almost like a mental note for if this were to ever happen.
He furrows his brows at you, "Is that- is that not right?" He asks, cocking his head a little, tips of his fingers still brushing your arm absentmindedly, "I thought since it was in a girly mag it'd be true."
"No, I mean I think it's true, I've heard that before." You shrug, trying to ignore the ache in your back at a particularly strong cramp, "But I don't really like to touch myself when I'm on my period. I'm usually too sore to focus and it makes a mess."
"Well," Eddie starts, cheeks flushing dark and his breath shaking, "I'd be more than... more than happy to help you with that. If y'want."
You suck your cheeks in, looking at him with narrowed eyes for a second before they soften, and you're pretty sure if he looked at you properly, he'd see the love hearts swirling round in your irises, "You're the sweetest boy I've ever met, Eddie Munson. Don't feel like you have to do that, though, I've gone like at least ten years on my period and am yet to do that."
"I'd like to," Eddie cuts in all too quickly, and now you wonder if he's doing this for your sake or his own morbid curiosity, though you suspect it's somehow both, "I'd like to help you feel better, that is. I don't - I don't mind the mess."
"Well, okay then." You shrug, trying to ignore the way that your thighs clench a little at the thought of Eddie touching you whilst you're menstruating. It was never something you'd thought about before, but now that Eddie had said about it, you wondered just how much you'd actually be into it.
"We can go to my place, uh, Wayne's gone until tomorrow, took a double shift for the extra money." Eddie rambles, like he has to justify every single detail to you. It's cute, endearing almost.
You nod your head in reply, subtly drifting your eyes to the clock and realizing there were still four hours left until closing. You couldn't help but wish the time away.
Eddie ushers you into the trailer slowly, a hand hovering over your lower back in a soothing motion, "You can go to my room and make yourself at home, sweetheart. I'll go get some, like, towels or something?"
"Towels should work, handsome. I don't think it's bad enough to justify a tarp." You say it as a joke as you toe your Docs off, but Eddie's eyes widen comically, "It was a joke. Though a tarp would be easier to clean."
You saunter off through to Eddie's room, sliding a comic book off of his desk and plopping down on the bed. You have no interest in it as you flip through the pages, tummy doing flips for two reasons now - your obvious cramps, but also the nervousness of what was about to happen.
You? Nervous? This never happened. You and Eddie had only had actual sex once, but you were in control, in a situation you'd been in plenty before. You showed him the ropes and took charge, that was your comfort zone. This was... different.
There's no more time to worry and ponder when Eddie comes bursting through the door carrying an array of things he thought you might need. Pain killers, a bottle of water, two towels and what looked like one of his oversized, ratty Metallica shirts.
Your heart melted a little. Eddie was just so, so sweet. You couldn't believe nobody had snatched him up before now, he was caring and attentive to you, albeit a bit fumbly and nervous but you think that's just because of how you are towards him.
He had the biggest heart. To match his dick.
"D'you need these before we start?" Eddie asks quietly, pulling you out of your trance and shaking the bottle of pills at you. You can tell he's nervous too, his breathing all jagged and his hand holding the pills jittering enough for you to notice.
"No, no, that's okay. I took a few before we left the store so they should start kicking in soon. Hand me the towels, would ya?" You lift yourself up off the bed, gently plucking the towels from Eddie's open arm. You strip his comforter out of the way in silence, laying the towels flat and spreading them out as well as you could. His twin bed was small enough that it covered just fine, but you spent extra time focusing on it and trying to block out the pounding in your ears.
Eddie's warm hands on the base of your spine jolt you out of your thinking, you melt into the touch slightly and lean back against his chest. He huffs into your hair, "We don't have to do this if you don't want to, sweetheart. Was just a suggestion."
"I'm just used to knowing everything and showing you the ropes. I dunno how to do any of this and I'm worried I'll gross you out." You say it matter of factly, making sure that as always you have the upper hand in showing him that you don't panic and you're always in control.
"S'not gonna gross me out, it's you. What if we... what if we did this in the shower instead? Would that make you feel better?" Eddie suggests, voice barely above a whisper and a clear nervousness breaking through. He's worried you're going to say no, you can tell.
You don't want his second time to be messy in a shower. But you make note of it for another time, now that you knew that was something he was clearly into.
You turn in his arms, shaking your head and nudging up to press your lips to his softly, just a brief kiss. But, Eddie grabs hold of your waist gently, deepening the kiss and forcing you to stay in place when you went to move away.
He's still not a good kisser, you make a mental note of that. He's still sloppy and giving too much tongue but you can't help but suck on it, causing a moan to escape him as he nudges you back towards the end of the bed until the backs of your knees knock on it. You fall backwards with a small thump and Eddie's lips never leave yours as you shuffle up the bed, until your head is cushioned by his one lonely pillow.
"What do you want me to do?" Eddie asks gently once your lips part, soothing your hip with his big hand. You keen into the touch, loving the feeling of how soft his hand was, unwinding how tight you felt with nerves.
"You don't have to do anything you don't wanna do, pretty boy." You start, and Eddie's eyebrows furrow at you, "You can finger me, if you wanna? You can just stick to rubbing my clit, though."
Eddie doesn't humor you with a reply, simply tucking his fingers under the waistband of your leggings to drag them down your legs and off in one swift motion. You raise a brow as he goes to strip his jeans off as well, leaving him in a pair of tight black boxers which you swear you've never seen him wear before.
They leave nothing to the imagination - you sit up on your forearms for a better look at his half hard cock already straining a little. You catch it kicking up in interest as you stare at it with wide eyes.
"Theyre - they're new." Eddie stutters over his words, flushing a dark shade of red and there's the Eddie you know all too well, all flustered and embarrassed.
"They look great, Eddie." You say with a strained voice, gasping as he slides back onto the bed and in between your spread thighs, only your respective underwear and shirts blocking your touch. "I still have a tampon in so that I, like, don't leak everywhere."
Eddie slides his palm over your hot cunt, eliciting another small gasp from you. It makes you feel, well, weird. And kind of dirty. But he doesn't seem to care, as his fingers pull the material of your panties to the side and he dips the tips in between your folds, seeking out the tampon string.
"Can I take it out?" He asks, eyes wide in earnest as if he doesn't realize how strange and weird of a request it is. You cringe a little, falling onto your back so you don't have to look at him whilst you nod your head yes.
It's not like you to be so mortified by something so normal, always one to not be a priss and try anything at least once. This just makes you feel vulnerable, and Eddie is so inexperienced that it makes you question if he knows that this isn't necessarily 'normal' to do during sex.
You throw your forearm over your eyes and squeeze them shut as you feel Eddie's fingers grab the string and tug your tampon out gently, then the telltale sign of him lifting off the mattress, clearly leaving to dispose of it.
His footsteps come back quickly; you feel the bed dip as he gets back onto it and snug back in between your spread legs. Then, you gasp as he runs two fingers back in between your folds, this time to slide them through and gather some slickness.
You let your arm fall from your face, plucking up the courage to finally look back at him and he's smiling with this dumb look on his face. It makes your cunt clench around nothing - you didn't realize through all your nervousness that you were clearly into this, slick mixing in with your menstrual blood to make things extra wet.
Eddie doesn't seem to care about the blood at all, swirling his fingers around like you'd previously taught him to, finally catching them on your clit and rubbing in slow circles. He leans over the top of you, mouth against your neck to press a sweet kiss, "Does this feel good?"
You nod your head, shivering at the feeling of his breath on your soft skin, goosebumps blooming down your arms. He probably didn't mean for his words to sound dirty, but they did, made you flush warm with want for him.
His fingers slip through the mixture of fluids with ease, rubbing relentlessly on your clit until you're a whining, shaking mess under him. Somehow, this feels more intense than it ever has before, and you can't tell if that's because of you being on your period, Eddie taking the lead or a mixture of both.
"E-Eddie," You choke, hips jolting up of their own accord, a loud whine escaping your lips, suddenly you're aware of how submissive you're being but you can't find it in you to care, "f-feels so good, Eddie."
"Yeah?" He asks, fingers rubbing at your clit with purpose, clearly trying to get you there and it's working, "Y'gonna come?"
Eddie can sound so dirty without even trying and you feel your cunt clench, can feel your warm fluids dripping down your ass, pooling there and probably making such a mess. It shouldn't be as hot as it is, you shouldn't be as turned on as you are, but it feels so dirty and Eddie loves it more than you do and it's making your brain short circuit.
You nod your head, squeezing your eyes shut but Eddie's free hand grips at your jaw, shaking your head a little until your eyes reopen to see him staring at you intently, "Look at me whilst I finger you, sweetheart. Wanna see you come undone on my hands."
You gasp, the coil in your belly tightening at Eddie's vulgar words, the loud slick sounds of your cunt being violated by his hands filling the air and engulfing all of your senses. Your mouth opens in a soundless moan and Eddie sees that as an opportunity to shove his thumb in your mouth.
"Suck on it." He says it like it's casual and like he's told you to do it before, the way you obey and immediately begin licking and sucking at his calloused fingertip makes you question yourself, but then his fingertips dig into your cheeks a little rough and any thought leaves your brain.
Your body feels like a livewire, tummy tensing up impossibly tighter. You're looking into Eddie's glassy dark eyes, his puffy pink lips open slightly as he stares you down, feeling every catch and drag of his fingers on your clit and you're a goner. Your orgasm hits you like a freight train and you're biting down gently on Eddie's thumb, moaning and squeezing your eyes tight as you come so hard you see stars.
"That's my girl." Eddie grins, rubbing your clit slowly as he works you through it, not stopping until you're trying to clench your legs shut from oversensitivity.
You open your eyes again just in time to catch him wiping his fingers on the towel below you, a creamy dark pink colour staining the grey fabric. You're still trying to catch your breath, can feel your shirt clinging to your back with sweat.
You grab Eddie by the front of his own shirt and pull him down to kiss you, all needy as you gasp into his open mouth, tongue lapping in to drag against his own.
Eddie moans, shuddering against you as his hands roam up under your shirt, soothing the hot, damp skin under his fingertips. You slide your own hand down his torso, grabbing at a handful of his hard cock through his boxers and squeezing until he bucked into your hand with a whine.
You're honestly surprised he didn't come in his pants again, it seemed to be a running theme with him. Not that you minded, you liked having that power over him.
"Can I..." Eddie breathes into your mouth, cut off with another groan as you attacked his neck, nipping and sucking hard enough to leave a bruise, "Can I fuck you?"
You nod into his neck, hands deftly sliding over the waistband of his boxers, blindly tugging them down his thighs as you continued your assaults on his pale skin.
You grab a hold of his cock by the base when it springs out of his underwear, giving it a few quick tugs for good measure, which has Eddie shivering and almost collapsing on top of you. You slide the wet head of his dick in between your folds, shuddering at the wet sounds as it catches on your entrance.
Eddie has no patience and shoves his hips forward, sliding into you with ease. He grips at your hips tightly, sucking in a shaky breath as he bottoms out, "Jesus, you're so fucking wet."
You clench around his cock at his words and he positively mewls, pulling out a little and thrusting back into you, eyes tearing away from you to look down at where your bodies meet, the absolute mess you're both making. He's so mesmerized, watching how your cunt sucks him in so well with every thrust, "Your pussy is so greedy."
It tumbles out like word vomit, but there's no embarrassment in Eddie's eyes when yours fly open to look at him, watch him looking at your cunt with hearts in his eyes. You cry out, hips bucking of their own accord as his thrusts pick up, finally gaining a good rhythm and abusing your gspot with ease.
"Harder, Eddie, please," You gasp, tears pricking at your eyes as he doubles down his efforts and leans over you, fucking into you harder, faster than before. His curls are matted to his forehead, this wild look on his face as you lean up to brush his hair back, fingers gripping into it at the crown of his head so your foreheads are touching, "You're so fucking pretty like this."
Eddie lets out a shaky laugh, grinning like the Cheshire cat, "Don't say that, I'm gonna come." He grits his teeth, hips beginning to falter and stutter.
Your soft spot is being abused by his cock, grazing at it with every thrust and you too feel your orgasm impending on you, "Come with me then. Come in my wet pussy."
Eddie whimpers, that in turn makes your cunt throb around him and he's shoving his cock into you so hard you move up the bed a little, the slick sounds invading your senses and making you clench sporadically until you're coming with a loud shout of his name.
"Fuckfuckfuck, god you're so tight, fuck." Eddie's babbling nonsense, clearly struggling at the feeling of your pussy sucking him in so well, then he's coming too, hips stilling as his eyes roll into the back of his head.
You watch him in awe, you don't think you'll ever get fed up of watching him come undone inside of you the way that he does. He's so perfect it makes you feel like you're suffocating every time you look at him.
He collapses down on top of you, breathing heavily as you pet his hair gently, soothing him quietly, "I think I'm in love with you, fuck."
"I'm in love with me too." You say jokily, trying to hide the way your words come out panicky, though you're sure Eddie can hear your heart going a million miles an hour under his head.
Eddie barks out a laugh into your chest, snuggling up a little, "You'll say it back eventually." He shrugs, nonchalantly like he could care less that you brushed off his confession.
Little did he know how much you'd been in love with him from the day you set your eyes on him. But that was a conversation for another day.
"Yeah, yeah. We need to get up before these towels stain your bed." You giggle, "That was... perfect, by the way. Thank you for always taking such good care of me."
"So long as your cramps are a bit better." Eddie sighs sleepily, snuggling into you a little more. You lie there a bit longer before you're shoving him out of the bed to clean up, worried he'd fall asleep in the mess.
If you followed him into the shower and sucked his cock clean later, then nobody needed to know.
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Sitting in their lap - part 3
I'm really enjoying writing this series, so here's another part! :D
Content: Gender neutral reader (referred to as 'you'), described/implied to be physically smaller than most of the characters (simply because I am and that's how I project, but if you'd like an alternate version, send me an ask and I'll whip it up!), pre-established platonic relationships (though this may border into romantic if you consider physical affection to be that way, so be warned)
Part 1 - (Ft. Albedo, Al Haitham, Ayato, Arlecchino, Capitano, Childe)
Part 2 - (Ft. Dainsleif, Diluc, Dottore, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya)
Characters in this one: Kaveh, Kazuha, Lisa, Morax, Pantalone, Pierro
Kaveh is a bit of a squirmer - he loves being kept company though and will do anything he can to make sure you're comfortable. If he's particularly absorbed in a project, he may barely acknowledge you, but you'll find that he just absently starts to fidget and toy with you, stroking your hair and touching your face, tugging at your clothes, as if he's just making sure you're still here. Sometimes he may even ask for your opinions on what he's working on and will just absently chatter away to you. You don't have to listen super intently, he doesn't mind either way, it's just like he enjoys hearing the sound of his own voice.
Kazuha tends to get up and move around a lot, even when he seems to be settled. He finds that moving around can help get the creative juices flowing - but he'll still himself for a while if it seems like you're in need of some attention. He mutters to himself a lot and may even be working on more than one thing at once (sometimes even holding pencils in both hands), catching little snippets of inspiration before they're gone with the wind. Sometimes it seems like he's looking for your input on a quote or idea, but he always seems a little shocked/startled when you provide a response - but not at all displeased, he really likes having someone to share his ideas with. You notice that his writing tends to border into softer/fluffier sorts of stuff when you're sitting with him - perhaps the physical touch affects him more than he lets on.
Lisa thinks it's super cute and sweet of you to seek her out this way - she certainly doesn't mind having an excuse not to do her work (though it's not like she was going to do it in the first place). She'll chuckle and tease you a little, then settle in for the long haul. She may disturb every now and then to ask you if you need anything or if you can shift your position just a little, but other than that you're pretty much left alone - except for the odd occasion when she's particularly bored and might prod or poke you to make you squirm or giggle. She really does enjoy the company - it gets rather lonely in the library sometimes, especially when people are just dropping in and out for books.
Morax, despite his spiky, horned exterior, really enjoys some snuggles, regardless of his current temperament. The clashing of cold blooded dragon and warm blooded human can mean he has difficulty regulating his own temperature, so having something warm curled up in his lap is often just what he needs to even himself out. He'll curl his big tail around you and rest his chin atop your head - you swear you can feel some kind of purr resonating from somewhere deep in his chest. It's almost possessive, the way he curls his unnaturally tall form around you, puffing out a little sigh into your hair. If he happens to be in a talkative mood, you cuddling up to him may also prompt him into telling you a story or reciting a poem he heard long ago - his voice sounds different from behind those wickedly sharp fangs inside his mouth, but it's still unmistakably him. He'll always make a point to thank you for keeping him company once you get up to go (or if he has to go for whatever reason).
Pantalone acts aggrieved at first - don't take it as a personal slight, he's just dramatic. He'll quickly figure out how to continue his work around you (though you may get booted off if someone walks into his study) and you'll find that he starts to absently use you as a fidget toy, twirling your hair around gloved fingers and pressing his cheek lightly against you as he lets out a content hum from the back of his throat, so quiet that you almost feel like you imagined it. If it becomes a regular thing between you two, he may eventually organise for his workers to bring up extra snacks, and maybe a book or something to keep you occupied. His work is mind-numbingly boring and he doesn't really have any way to entertain you personally. He may get a little strict (or even downright mean) if you fidget and squirm too much, and will remind you "You're only in here because I'm gracious enough to allow you to occupy both my time and space. That opportunity can be taken back at any time." Meanie :(
Pierro has a bout of initial confusion and shock, but doesn't really let it show. He'll just let you climb into his lap, giving you this stern and vaguely-disapproving look as you do so, but he won't say anything or make any move to discipline or redirect you - that's pretty much him giving you the go-ahead. He'll hardly even acknowledge you, just working around you as he does what he needs to do. If anyone happens to walk in, he'll act like you're not even there, just go about his business as usual. His resting temperature is a little cool, but not to an unpleasant degree. You may find him setting a hand on your hip or back every nod and then so that you don't tumble off as he shifts his weight around or reaches for something on his desk, but other than that it's like you don't exist at all - unless you get too wriggly or start asking questions, in which case he just lifts you off of him and sets you on your feet somewhere off to the side of the chair like a mother cat repositioning a kitten.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites.
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s0nn0 · 8 months
BSD boys with a s/o who has chubby cheeks
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ᴊᴏᴜɴᴏ, ᴄʜᴜᴜʏᴀ, ɴɪᴋᴏʟᴀɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Warning: none
Genre: Fluff
Author note: I am slowly running out of brain juice .
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●  God bless your poor cheeks, this man won’t stop pulling on them once he find out. 
●  One day he was just cupping your cheeks with one hand to give u a small kiss but suddenly he realizes something, your cheeks are way softer and fluffier than the ones he touched before. 
● “ (y/n) ur cheeks are quite chubby”
“Yah because I have chubby cheeks” 
“Oh, I see” (no u don’t-)
●  Slowly brings his other hand to the other side of your face and suddenly starts to pull them.
● Yah so now he pulls your cheeks at least once a day 
●  If u make any mistake or mess something up this blind fucker will start pulling on ur cheeks and call u ‘pathetic’ 
● Bbg adores them so much.
● He won’t be harsh and pull on them, no, he will lay soft kisses on them ♡
● Dude will come out of nowhere and *mwah* lays a kiss on your cheeks. 
●  Another thing he does is stare at them.
● Like u are eating something and ur mouth is full, he would just stare at them and watch how they would bounce up and down.
● And when u stop eating and ask him what’s wrong and if he wants some of your food (if u like to share)  he would just say no and talk u to continue eating 
● “chu-chu why are u staring at me like that, want some?” 
   “no , keep eating” 
●  He countinue staring at them..
● “dude stop- it’s creepy..”
● Oh god..oh dear lord.. He is WORSE then Jouno.
● He won’t pull them or kiss them so often no..MOTHERFUCKER WILL BITE THEM.
● You might be thinking he would softly bite them BUT NO he bite on them so hard-
● Randomly grabs your chin and starts to bite and suck on your cheeks until it’s red and has his teeth mark.
●According to him it’s one of his ways to ‘mark’ u as his. 
●Sometimes u have to go out with ur cheeks all red and stuff 
“But..but babeee they look like soft mochies how can i not bite them”
● He would whine like a baby if u don’t let him bite your cheeks
● Other then biting he also pokes them sometimes 
● Like u are doing random thing and minding your own business but suddenly a small portal opens up and a clowns hand comes out of it and it starts to poke your cheeks with it’s index finger
●Awesome, u don’t have to buy blushes anymore cuz your man’s here to turn them red for u *wink* *wink*
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Author note 2: okiii thak u for reading, time to disappear now until i get more brain juice. Ba-bye ♡
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gffa · 2 months
I adore your batman stuff very much. I recently read the Wayne Family Adventures, and now I really want to read some more. Do you have recommendations on comic lines to follow?
Hi! I'm glad you're having fun with getting into comics and enjoying the posts around here, it's always nice to have new blood (or returning blood, in my case)! <3 I would give a gentle caution in that Wayne Family Adventures is sort of in a class of its own in a lot of ways, the characterization is much softer and fluffier, while the mainline comics are darker and messier, the characters are definitely not always as nice as they are as in WFA. That's no shade on either of them, just that I want to give a quick warning that if you're stepping from one to the other, the culture shock can sometimes be more than you're expecting. (And also keep in mind that comics are a shifting landscape, there's no one "true" version of many of the landmark moments of characters' lives, you'll see events often retold, you'll see comics that later get retconned, you'll see comics that are in different continuities/set before or after a universe-wide reboot, etc. Don't worry about it, just recognize that you're reading a story to enjoy that story, not as Hard Continuity!) That said, some of the lighter comics that I think would be fun if you're looking to come over from WFA are:
Li'l Gotham is a cute parody series that's super adorable, has some lovely art, and is nice little self-contained stories that are humorous. It's not in mainline continuity and it's even softer than WFA, but it's deeply charming and it's a fun, quick read.
Super Sons (2017) by Peter Tomasi is in mainline continuity and it's focused on Damian Wayne and Jonathan Kent becoming friends, bickering all the while, and getting into hijinks. It tends to lean more humorous and cute, so it's a nice stepping stone up to regular comics.
Robin and Batman (2022) by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen is a good litmus test for whether you might like regular comics--it's a short 3-issue mini-series focused on Dick's early days as Robin and the complicated, thorny relationship he has with Bruce about it. It's one of my favorite, it balances what a terrible gremlin he was with what a little angel he was and the emotional beats are painful in the best way.
Robin: Year One (2000) and Batgirl: Year One (2003) by Scott Beatty/Chuck Dixon and Marcos Martín/Javier Pulido are good places to start for both characters, and hold up okay considering their age. The art is a bit stylized in a way I really like, it lends it a charming old-fashioned vibe while still being pretty to look at, and there's some solid character moments in both.
Nightwing (2016) by various (starts with Tim Seeley, but it's been several authors by now) is one of my go-to recs, I think it's a great jumping on point, has a lot of really nice art, and often tells fun stories, as Dick has some of the best connections to various other characters in the universe.
Nightwing (2016) by Tom Taylor starts with issue #78 and is a great jumping-on point and Taylor's writing is just very light-hearted, action-packed, quippy, and fun. Starting here saves you from having to slog through some of the worse arcs of Dick's series, you get Bruno Redondo's fantastic art, and you can feel the affection for the character, the author and artist love this character and want to make him very cool, as well as they love his relationships with other characters, so you get good Bruce guest appearances, Babs appearances, Damian appearances, Wally appearances, Jon appearances, etc.
Robins: Being Robin by Tim Seeley and Baldemar Rivas was a fun self-contained mini-series that had all the Robins working together and I don't think it should be taken super seriously as a case story, but it had some quality banter, some hilarious moments, and a great look at these chaotic gremlins all shoved into a mini-van together to go solve a case.
Batgirls (2022) by Conrad Michael W./Becky Cloonan and Jorge Corona is focused on Babs, Cass, and Steph as a trio and being adorable together, with some humorous moments, cool art, and fun Batfam moments. It's nice that they get the spotlight and the chance to shine (it's their book, so they get the majority of the cool moments) and it's not super-long and you can jump right in.
Batman: The Knight by Chip Zdarsky and Carmine Di Giandomenico is a "Bruce travels the world to learn the skills he needs to become Batman" and I'm really in love with the way Zdarsky writes a Bruce who is deeply complicated, messy, coming from a place of loving deeply, but also this man has twenty seven different flavors of fucked up trauma going on in that hell brain of his. Zdarsky's current run on the main Batman title has been my jam, but that's a bit of a darker leap than this one, and I think this one is a great way to get to know Bruce Wayne as a character.
Batman: Urban Legends volume 5 has a story called "The Murder Club" that is basically "Thomas and Martha Wayne are time traveled into the future and see what's become of their son, they're not thrilled about it, but come around when they see the people that love him so deeply--primarily Dick, Damian, and Alfred." and was an absolute BANGER for me for feelings, gorgeous art, and some great character moments.
Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022) by Mark Waid and Dan Mora is an absolute knock-out, it's Bruce and Clark in their early days of their friendship, where Waid is one of the best writers in the industry for how fun his stories are but also how well he knows the characters, Mora's art is often THE portrayal I think of when I think of the characters, and there's a ton of bonus guest appearances from various characters across DC's universe. Also, I am biased, Dick tags along a lot, as he's still Robin at this point in time, and it's a great dynamic between the three of them.
Batman: One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze by Gerry Duggan and Matteo Scalera was easily the standout of the "One Bad Day" stories for me, it's set in the early days of Bruce & Dick as Batman & Robin and it has ADORABLE sunshine gremlin baby Dick Grayson, a genuinely touching story about Mr. Freeze and his wife, and some beautiful art.
Year One: Batman/Scarecrow (2005) by Bruce Jones and Sean Murphy is a fun look at the early days of Scarecrow, but also has absolutely banger baby Dick Grayson content, there's a scene where Bruce literally just grabs him by the scruff of the neck to haul him out of the way of a crowd about to stampede and it's the funniest thing because that 12 year old could destroy your face with his fists but also Bruce can literally pick him up one-handed. There's some great banter in there and it's just a super fun dynamic.
As you make your way through this list, keep the author/artist and year listings in mind, as often times there are multiple series under the same title and some are more relevant to what you're looking for right now than others. Like, there have been three different volumes of "World's Finest", but I want to direct you specifically to the 2022 version because I think that'll work better for you. Similarly, Nightwing 1996 is one of my faves, but I think the 2016 version will work better at drawing you in right now. This is definitely biased in favor of my faves, but I honestly think they work for good jumping on points for someone new to comics and who's coming from WFA and might not want to get into the messier stuff of the mainline comics right away. Hopefully, you'll enjoy these and anyone else who wants to transition from WFA to reading mainline continuity comics, feel free to join us! Yeah, comics fandom can be a bit of a pill sometimes, but genuinely there's a lot of really fun moments to love and the characters are so much more fun when you're reading their stories with all the history and depth behind them!
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
Mushy May Day 8: First Time
Pairings: Mountain/Dew
Words: 2170
"So, do you have fins like, all over or?" 
Mountain runs his fingertips along the smooth gills at Dewdrop's throat, feeling how they give under his touch. The tiny fins that run alongside them undulate under Mountain’s attention. 
He’s stared at them ever since their first meeting, longing to touch. He hasn’t, all this time. But they’re both relaxed in bed, sharing a weak joint between them and talking about anything that floats across their minds. It was the puff of smoke that escaped Dew’s flared gills that caught the earth ghoul’s eye, the weed making it easy to just . . . reach out and touch. 
Dew makes a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat. “Not everywhere. I mean, you’ve seen these, and the ones on my arms and stuff.” The water ghoul holds one arm out, twisting it this way and that to show off the long lines of fins running along the underside of his forearm. “I have a couple more on my ribs and my back. I think.”
Mountain hums, leaning back to run his hand down Dew’s arm. He cradles it by the wrist in one hand, tracing the fins with the other. They’re pointier than the ones that surround his gills, but not by much. Still flexible and translucent, and the same minty hue. 
“Would you show me?” Dew’s fingers twitch in Mountain’s hand. His gaze is an indiscernible mix of emotions, flitting everywhere but the earth ghoul’s eyes. His silence weighs heavy between them. 
Mountain’s hand stills over his arm. “Sorry, you don’t have to—”
"You really want to see?" The look that settles on his face is almost prideful, fins rippling along his arms. 
Mountain smiles at the question. “Yeah, I do.”
“Okay,” he says quietly, taking back his arm so he can pull his t-shirt over his head. Mountain can see the ghost of a smile on the water ghoul’s own face, hidden behind the fabric. He tosses his shirt to the other side of the bed. “You’ve just never asked before, so . . . I don’t know,” Dew shrugs. 
Dew preens under Mountain’s gaze, angling his torso so he can get a better look at the fins running along his slightly protruding ribs. These fins are delicate too, as short as the ones framing his gills. But they're fluffier, curly almost, and accented by shiny indentations of the skin.
“Are those—?”
“Scales, yeah,” Dew answers for him, scooting closer so the earth ghoul can see the iridescent flakes scattered between the fins. Mountain runs a finger along them, feather-light. They’re the same light gray tone as his skin, almost indistinguishable at first. But the shine reveals their shape. The scales are softer than he’d expect, not as rough as an actual fish—smooth, more flesh-like. 
Dew huffs a laugh as he traces a line near his waist, jumping slightly. “Tickles,” he says with a grin. Mountain notes the hint of a blush creeping up along his collarbone as he motions for him to turn around. The water ghoul shuffles so his back is to him, scooping up his long silvery hair and pulling it over one shoulder. 
“I think there’s scales back there, too,” Dew offers. Mountain leans in close, close enough for his breath to fan out over the long singular fin along his spine. This one is curly like the ones on his ribs and whiter in color. Indeed, scales flank the length of this fin too, most concentrated at the center of his back and spanning more randomly outward. 
“Wish I had stuff like this,” Mountain muses, running his hand over Dew’s spine. 
He arches a little at the touch, a stray strand of hair falling over his back. “What, you don’t have, like, patches of moss all over you or something?” Dew chuckles. 
The earth ghoul shuffles back, encouraging the other to turn back around. “Uh no, not really,” he laughs. “All I have are freckles, I guess. And the big sheep horns.”
There’s a little gleam in the water ghoul’s eyes as he reaches over for another puff of the joint. “Can I see?” he asks, putting it to his lips and taking a slow drag. 
“I suppose that would be fair, wouldn’t it?” Dew curls his lips into a smile, watching as Mountain shucks off his shirt too. He exhales a slow trickle of smoke, offering up the end of the joint. The earth ghoul takes it with a quiet thanks and leans back on his hand while he takes a drag, bare chest on full display. 
Dew leans in and abruptly pokes him in the chest, causing a premature puff of smoke to burst from Mountain’s lips. “Hey,” he coughs. 
“You got a big one right there,” Dew smiles deviously, poking another spot a little to the left. “And there. Yeah you’re pretty freckly, earth boy.”
Mountain rolls his eyes and reaches over to snuff out the end. “You’re pretty,” he mumbles, an immature retort. 
Dew’s expression softens, hand hovering over Mountain’s side now. “You think so?”
The earth ghoul looks down at him warmly. “Yeah, I do,” he says simply. His expression becomes unreadable again, but a renewed blush dusts the apples of his cheeks as he continues poking at random freckles on Mountain’s torso. His hand brushes close to his navel, along the dark line of hair stretching from his waistline and dipping below the elastic of his sweatpants. 
“You’ve got a nice, uh—don’t humans have a word for it?” he mumbles, gaze fixed squarely on it.
Mountain’s stomach jumps when Dew’s hand dips lower, just below his belly button. “Happy trail,” he mutters. 
“Yeah, that.”
Mountain looks down at the smaller ghoul practically draped over him now, finding it very hard not to smell the freshwater scent of his hair, or notice the tiny twin lines of fins running down the hollows of his hips. He swallows hard, mouth suddenly dry. 
“Dew,” he near-whispers, eyes tracking lower until they hit his waistband.
“Yeah?” The water ghoul’s just as breathless, still entranced by the hair on Mountain’s torso. 
“Can I—”
“Thank Lucifer." Dew launches himself at Mountain, wrapping his arms around his neck and melting into him. Mountain captures him easily, holding him close and pressing their lips together. They groan into the kiss, opening up for each other immediately, tasting hungrily. It's a little uncoordinated, but that's just fine. Dew whines as the taste of herb and flora melt across his tongue; underneath it, something uniquely earth ghoul, almost woodsy. Mountain shivers at the way his hands touch at the small of Dew’s back, floating over the soft fins now dancing under his fingers. 
The kisses they share are eager, exploratory, paired with wandering hands, experimental teeth, and peppered moans of encouragement. Dew can't help but roll his hips against the taller ghoul, earning a soft gasp as his half-hard cock drags against Mountain's.
“Fuck, your body,” the earth ghoul groans. He rolls them over so Dew’s on the bottom, bracketing his hands around the halo of silver hair that pools beneath him. Mountain shakes his head, mouth slack in awe. "You are . . . so beautiful, Dewdrop," he says softly. That rose tinge creeps back down to Dew's collarbone.
"Likewise," he breathes before dragging Mountain back down to him. The pace is quicker, more demanding, and oh so dizzying. Dew barely registers Mountain's hands moving all over his body until they're dipping tentatively under his waistband. The earth ghoul pulls away, and Dew can't stop the protest from tumbling feebly out of his mouth.
"Mm, Mount, wait–"
"Is this okay?" 
They stare at each other, simultaneously freezing when they register the other had spoken. Both are breathless, eyes flickering over the other's face.
“What,” Mountain whispers, face turning up in concern.
Dew’s face goes hot. “It’s just, um—” He gestures vaguely at his crotch, unable to find the words. He squeezes his eyes shut and takes a shaky breath. “It’s small,” he says, closer to mouthing the words than vocalizing them.
Mountain’s face softens. He cradles the side of the water ghoul’s face, rubbing his thumb over his cheekbone soothingly. His other hand rubs circles over the hollow of Dew’s hip.
“Look at me, water lily.” The pet name makes Dew’s breath hitch, eyes fluttering open of their own accord. Mountain’s smiling down at him, frustratingly handsome. “I promise you, nothing about this body would ever disappoint me.”
“But you—”
Mountain cuts him off. “Do you trust me?” 
“Yes,” Dew says, the answer obvious. 
“Then let me show how you have nothing to worry about.” Mountain settles down onto his elbows, slotting a thigh between Dew’s legs. The water ghoul huffs at the contact, heart still hammering in his chest. Mountain’s face hovers over his own, so close his breath tickles his face when he asks: “Okay?”
Dew nods and loops his arms around Mountain’s neck once more, slotting their mouths together in a gentle kiss. Dew sighs into it when that warmth settles back into his stomach, deepening the kiss with renewed fervor. Mountain smiles against his mouth, allowing himself to fully melt against the smaller ghoul. 
He groans when their bare chests meet once more, hips already twitching up against Mountain’s thigh. “Please, you can—will you—”
“Yeah, let me—” Mountain kisses down his jaw and lands at the spot just below Dew’s ear, sucking gently. His hands descend their same path down to his waistband. Dipping his fingers under the elastic, he pulls them down this time, shimmying them off Dew’s skinny legs and tossing them next to their shirts. 
Mountain gives an almost pained groan when the water ghoul lies fully naked beneath him. His cock sits flush against his belly, the little head shiny with precum. The fins along his hip bones frame the hard few inches perfectly. There’s a grouping of scales around the base, trailing along his inner thighs and scattering downward along his legs. There’s some ruffly fins along the sides of his calves, too, milky white like the one along his spine. 
“Absolutely perfect,” Mountain breathes. He dips down for another kiss, almost bruising in its intensity. Overwhelming in the best of ways. The earth ghoul slides off his own pants without breaking their kiss, kicking them off when they reach his ankles so he can reach down and wrap a large hand around Dew’s cock, enveloping it fully.
Dew yelps against his mouth, digging his nails into Mountain’s shoulders. “Oh fuck, you just—” The earth ghoul swipes his thumb across the head, causing Dew to cut off his sentence with a startled moan. “Let me—shit, lemme see you, too,” he begs, weakly shoving at his chest and propping himself up on one elbow. 
Dew looks at Mountain’s face first, currently slack-jawed and staring at him with a mixture of wonder and lust. Then he glances downwards, immediately groaning at the sight of his dick completely covered by just one of Mountain’s hands. But just behind that . . .
“You—” Dew stammers. 
Mountain bites his lip. “Yeah,” he says simply, answering the question Dew doesn't have to ask. 
“Like me?” he whispers, almost reverently. 
“Told you, you have nothing to worry about,” he says kindly.
The source of Dew’s awe is, unsurprisingly, Mountain’s dick, hanging fully chubbed next to the hand around Dew’s own. The trail of hair he could stare at forever extends around its base and over his balls, invitingly fluffy. The shaft isn’t as skinny as his, and a little bit longer, but it’s definitely not what he expected to see on a big, tall earth ghoul such as Mountain. 
It’s . . . better, actually. Would probably fit comfortably in Dew’s lithe hands, and in other places. The thought makes his own cock kick in Mountain’s hand, jolting him from his stupor. 
“Fuck,” he groans, fin-tipped tail twitching against the sheets. “Come back down here, please.”
Mountain chuckles and slots their bodies together once more, nuzzling into the crook of Dew’s neck. He mouths at it gently, utterly too relaxed in comparison to the way the hand around the water ghoul’s dick unravels, allowing Mountain’s own to rest next to Dew’s before closing it over them both and giving a firm squeeze. 
“Shit,” Mountain finishes, brushing his knuckles through the droplets of precum on Dew’s stomach as he tugs his hand upwards. “Shit.” 
Dew bucks into his fist, that warmth blooming in his belly at a far too rapid rate. “That’s good, fuck that feels good,” he pants, exposing his neck further. 
“Just like that, water lily, just like that.” Mountain rolls his hips into it too, groaning against Dew’s neck. Pleasure bubbles up Dew’s spine at the second utterance of the nickname, arching into Mountain’s touch, unable to resist chasing that feeling through friction. 
It’s quiet for a few blissful moments, the silence broken only by the slide of slick skin and indulgent moans. 
"Fuck,” Dew utters after a delicious flick of Mountain’s wrist, “I think 'm gonna cum like this,"
"Please, oh fuck, please do."
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bouncybongfairy · 5 months
I love your evil morty fics so much! Not alot of people write for him so I was really happy when I found your account haha
I was wondering if I could request an evil morty x reader fic where it takes place in s7 ep 5 (unmortricken)
reader and morty both work to make the planet their "home," killing aliens, taking crystals, bulding their house, etc (morty is mostly the brains though, we're just there as a sort of bodygaurd/we watch his back so he doesn't get surprise attacked by some alien)
and if possible could you add some smut before his force field gets compromised? preferably where he starts rough due to all the stress from fighting aliens all day then when he finishes its softer and fluffier
hope my request made sense haha, thank you so much! 💖
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Hard Feelings
Evil Morty x Fem Reader
Summary: After breaking through the central finite curve, Morty and you have been having some tension building up because of the stress. Things come to a head during a mission which leads rough words and hands exchange between the two of you.
Word Count: 3.0k+
(!Spoilers from Rick and Morty Season 7 EP 5!)
(!This fanfic contains rough and dark depictions of sexual content!)
Shout out to @kaionyx whose account I used as a reference. Not super familiar with.. all that kinda stuff, his blog really helped so, I'll give credit where it is due.
Shout out to the person who sent the request. Hope I did you concept justice.
Morty’s plans to break through the central finite curve were completed. Finally able to be in a dimension where Rick isn’t the smartest asshole in the galaxy. Even though he was free from the shackles of being at Rick’s disposal, he still seemed to try filling some unknown void. It was never your place to say but there were times where Morty’s morals were becoming less and less clear. You were still grateful that he brought you along. He could have left you in your original universe but he saw something in you that couldn’t be replaced. Right now you guys were in the middle of an adventure, trying to find a certain rare type of crystal that Morty wanted to try using to power the planet's force field. He still hasn’t been able to find a crystal that can sustain his tech longer than a couple hours. The mixture of stress of constantly crystal searching and the insecurity that was caused by not figuring out exactly how to fix the problem was eating away at him. If that wasn’t enough fuel to the fire, he also was dealing with his feelings of arrival fallacy. Despite your warnings that getting away from Rick wouldn’t just magically take away the trauma, he chose to die on that hill. At times you thought it caused him to resent you when he was in a grumpy or insecure mood. 
Right now the both of you were in the ship; following the target of a crystal score Morty was pursuing. The ride was silent, it was 29 hours into the mission and the both of you were sleep deprived. As you dissociated, your mind wandered to the events that occurred two days before. Morty was working on the plans for the current mission, sitting at their kitchen table. He’s built the bunker to look like an average home on earth in order to make you feel more comfortable. You were in the kitchen making dinner for the both of you. It may seem like stereotypical domestic bliss but you didn’t cook for Morty because you had to. Simple things like cooking or reading a book in the lazy boy that helped block out the horrors from adventures and missions. Everything was ready and you were making his plate when you heard him let out a deep breath from frustration. His face was bright red and was letting his head hang off the back of the chair. You set his plate on the table and came around and stood behind him. While you kissing the top of his head in order to comfort him, you noticed that he missed a step in the formula of an equation, 
“Look, you were supposed to subtract 0.836 before multiplying by the distance and speed,” you said. He pushed back his chair and led you into the living room before going back into the kitchen and started smashing his chair against the floor. 
You immediately ran back into the kitchen and asked him what the fuck he was doing. He completely ignored you and continued his rampage. It was pointless trying to stop him, he was too far gone in his frustration. Grabbing his blueprints to make sure they didn’t get ruined, in case he wanted them when he sobered up from his anger. By the time he was done, he was practically panting. He’d smashed all four chairs that had previously surrounded the dining room table. He pulled his shirt off and wiped the sweat off his face. Throwing his shirt over his shoulder, he ran his fingers through his hair to keep the damp strands off his face. He pulled the portal gun out of his waistband and opened a portal underneath the pile of broken wood and cushions. Letting it drop into an unknown location, so he didn’t have to clean it up. He grabbed the plate and kissed you before walking into the living room to watch tv on the couch while he ate. For a while you stood there, feeling confused and frozen. You’d seen Morty go crazy while hunting and stuff but never inside at home. 
“Come eat with me!” he called out, not in an aggressive way but that just made you even more confused. The fact that he was acting like nothing happened. You made yourself a plate and joined him on the couch, trying your best to appear unaffected by the event. 
“Were here,” Morty said, breaking you out of the dissociation. 
Following Morty as you exited the ship, carrying a gun in each hand. Looking out for any monsters and he was collecting crystals. It could be the lack of sleep but you could not stop thinking about his freak out. It bothered you that he wasn’t communicating his feelings to you. It also made you insecure about how he felt about you. Painfully obvious that he wasn’t happy with himself and as his girlfriend that has to be partly your fault right? Not to mention you were tired, running on literal injections of adrenaline. The fact that you both hadn’t had sex in a while like literally since he broke through the central finite curve. It just made you feel like he didn’t care anymore or that he had much more important things to do other than well… you. Bringing this up to Morty made you insecure, he rarely showed emotion even before all this shit. So it just felt like you’d be bothering him with something that is so juvenile compared to what he’s dealing with. 
“If you have something to say you should just say it.” Morty stated, as if he was in your mind as you were overthinking. 
“What are you talking about?” you asked flatly. 
“Do you think I can’t tell when you’re bothered by something?” he asked as they walked through the dense foliage. 
“Oh that’s rich,” you practically laughed. 
“Excuse me?” he asked. 
“Are you on fucking crack? You literally went completely feral when you were making the plans for today. Then acted like nothing happened at all, so it’s weird as hell that you’re projecting that shit on to me,” you said, shooting at a large cat-like species that was running towards the two of you. 
“All I said was that I could tell something is bothering you,” he said. 
“No you also said that if I had something to say then I should just say it. Just in actuality I can communicate my feelings in a mature way without smashing shit like a child,” you said.
“Oh yeah great notes, i’m glad you have so much free time on your hands that you can categorize what icks I give you,” he said flatly.
“Please, do me a favor and get your ego in check. We both know if you didn’t need me I wouldn’t be here. I have free time the same way you have your mental health under control and we both know neither of those things are true,” you said, now not masking the irritation in your tone. 
“For sure let me just check that out, last time I checked my ego is backed up by the fact that I can do anything. Should I dull down my ego and aww jeez myself asleep every night? My ego is the reason why we're here,” he said, you could tell he was getting more irritated. 
“Fuck you! Ugh you’re such a fucking dick some times, what the fuck is your problem?!” you screamed, stopping dead in your tracks.
“I'm sure you would love that but still have work to do,” he grumbled.
“Careful their buddy, the God complex you got from your fucking grandaddy is showing!” you said, throwing one of your guns at his back. He stood still for a while, rubbing the back of his neck. Even though he wasn’t facing you it was obvious that his anger was through the roof. He turned around and walked towards you in an aggressive manner. Due to your sleep deprivation and frustration you didn’t let your body language show any weakness like you normally would have. You had your arms crossed over your chest and a wide foot stance. The other gun still in your hand, he was now as close as he could be without being pressed against you. His eyebrows were furrowed and sweat dripped down his forehead. Red in the face and breathing heavily. 
“Am I supposed to be intimidated? Cower down? Beg and plead to stop fighting? You’re fucking crazy if you think I’d beg for shit! Fuck you for real like fuck you.” you hissed. 
“You want me to fuck you?” he asked as he backed you against a tree. You didn’t know what to say, you were mad but at the same time you’d be lying if you didn’t feel the sexual tension. When you didn’t respond he continued, 
“You said you wanted me to be more open about my feelings right? So let me take my feelings out on you right now, I'll show you exactly how I feel,” he said. 
You knew a deep red blush was painted over your cheeks. His eyes were glazed over and every time his breath hit your face, you could feel your cheeks prickle and tingle. He looked feral and had the same look in his eye from when he smashed the furniture. Part of you felt like this was a Catch 22; on one had been in a dry spell for two months and you were just about as sexually frustrated as someone could be. On the other hand, it kinda felt like giving into his advances would be a sign of you admitting defeat. Morty could tell you were weighing out the pros and cons of the situation. His hands began to wonder, running up and down your back. Goosebumps covered your skin as he did, you could control your facial expressions but couldn’t help how your body reacted to his touch. You managed to keep the same unaffected facial expression as he pushed his limits. Somehow he manages to take a step closer, pressing his groin against your crotch. Feeling how hard he was made your core burn and throb. He moved your hair and moved his lips so they were hovering over your ear before whispering,
“I want to build and destroy you over and over again,” he growled in ear.
You were losing the mental battle of maintaining your stubbornness. Giving into him would be admitting weakness and defeat in the mind games you were playing. There wasn’t anywhere to go, you were completely smashed against his body and the tree. He moved his mouth from the ear to your neck. He was breathing against your skin, rubbing his nose up and down. You held back a shiver, leaning over to the side in hope to give your skin a break from the sensitivity. Running his hand up your back, he gently tangles his hands in your hair. Slowly tightening his grip on the soft strands. Grabbing your gun he kills another animal that was running to attack. The loud crack of the weapon was similar to when the gun goes off in a race. You smash your lips against his, fully letting your body melt into his arms. He pulled away from your lips and sunk his teeth into your neck, hard enough to break skin. Squirming away from the burning and stinging but every time you did, he got more aggressive. Every once in a while you’d hear a couple of strands popping. 
“Is that why you’re being so difficult today? You wanted my attention, hmm?” he asked, his tone was ragged and low. 
“Holy fuck.. okay,” you half mumble half moan. 
“Can’t even hold a conversation because the only thing on your mind is being pounded, such a dumb little whore,” he said, pushing you down to the ground. 
It was a lot more aggressive than normal, ripping your shirt exposing your tits. His eyes were wide yet he still kept his eyebrows furrowed and angry. You went to reach for his belt but before you could reach it, he slapped your tit so hard it made you gasp. It’s not necessarily that you weren’t into how dominant he was being. It was making you nervous because this was the first time he wasn’t holding back. You could feel your body shivering in excitement and anticipation. Again you reach for his belt again and in return his palm and fingers smacked against your face. Whipping your body to the side due to the force and the fact that it was completely unexpected. You were laying on your back and before you could finish reacting to the slap, he was on top of you. Using his knees to pin down your things, his legs digging painfully into the muscles of your thigh. Pulling out a dagger from his waistband, it was long and curved kinda like a claw. Using it to cut a hole into your cargo pants, ripping at the fabric. The tip of the knife nicked you, taking in a sharp breath mixed with a gasp. Instinctually you got to sit up and investigate the wound. He pushed you back down into the dirt, a couple of sharp rocks digging into your back. Looking up and staring at him; the sun was beginning to set creating a glow of burnt orange and red illuminating his figure from behind. Now that it was starting to get dark, more creatures from the dense forest were waking up and getting hungry. Every once in a while using his laser gun to kill anything that gets too close. Eventually growing tired of the constant monitoring he puts up a force field. 
“Now: you can take my belt off,” he said, still gripping the blade menacingly.
At first, you were nervous to make any sudden movements. You sat back on your knees, the dirt and gravel on the ground was becoming increasingly bothersome. Slowly you reach up and start to undo his belt, he raises the knife up and starts gently grazing the sharp tip against your jaw. Your hands were shaking from adrenaline, excitement and a little fear. The belt was now fully undone, he was still looking down at you. His silence was making you nervous, you didn’t want to provoke him by doing or saying the wrong thing. After a couple moments of waiting for instruction, you become impatient and reach up again pulling his boxers down. He lets you expose him but then uses his other hand to grab you tightly by the jaw. 
“How dumb are you? What is it going to take for you to learn to do as you're told?” he spat, creating a small scratch on your cheek. 
“I’m sorry,” you cry out, becoming mentally exhausted. This was your 31st hour without sleep and it was starting to affect your patients. 
“Not yet,” he laughed. 
He flipped you over and immediately crawled on top of you. His exposed member pressing against you from behind. Your thoughts were becoming foggy, like you were intoxicated by your arousal and desire. Grabbing a fistful of hair, he pinned your head to the dirt. Every time you exhaled the dirt would fly up a little, like a plume of smoke. You were bucking your behind against him, trying to initiate some type of contact with your sexes. He took this as a sign of defiance, almost humoured that you thought you’d deserve his cock yet. 
“Did you really think you’d get your cunt touched without begging?” he growled. As soon as the words fell from his lips, fire and ice began running through your veins. You were accepting your fate, he was right and you were wrong. He was relishing in the fact that he was breaking you down piece by piece. After you had played a big game about essentially being immune to his mind games. 
“I’m sorry, okay. Please!” you cried out, trying to press your ass against him but couldn’t. He adjusted his position, his tip now pressed against your entrance. Using his head to spread your moisture around your lips and clit. 
“Being treated like this gets you off? Having to beg for it makes you this wet? I thought begging was beneath you, say it, that you’re too good to beg,” you were panting and drooling, part of you wanted to hang on to that stubbornness. That maybe your dignity could be somewhat salvaged, you stayed silent trying to figure out what to say; whether to give in or keep fighting back. He was getting irritated waiting for a response and began slapping his dick against your pussy. 
“Say. It.” He ordered with a low yet strong voice.
“I’m not t-too good to b-beg,” you whimper out, a tear of humility streamed down your face. 
“What? You sounded so sure earlier though.. Say it again, just so I know you’re serious,” he growled, running the blade down your back. As bruised as your ego was, you couldn't lie and say you weren’t equality as turned on. Part of you felt a little ashamed that you’re enjoying this level of domination and humiliation. 
“I’m not too good to beg you! J-just please I can’t-!” you practically shrieked, not being able to take the anticipation and teasing anymore. 
He then lined himself up and slid into you. You tighten yourself around him, fully enjoying the feeling of his throbbing member filling your needy hole. You’d learned your lesson and let him take the lead, using your body however he wanted. His hip bones were stabbing into your ass but you didn’t care. Being sexually frustrated for weeks mixed with being teased mentally and physically made you overly sensitive. Your walls were burning but from a mix of immense pleasure and slight pain from how fast the friction was. His body was fully pressed against yours, fucking you into the ground. Your head was between his elbows and forearms. The side of your head was fully pressed against the dirt, tears turning into mud and sticking to your face. His lips were pressed against your ear, groaning and whispering vulgar nothings. 
“I- can’t, please, it h-hurts,” your words came out garbled and hoarse. 
“You want me to stop? Can’t take it? That’s okay, just say so,” he groaned into your ear. It wasn’t like you were lying, you didn’t think you could take much more. You wanted more though, so you shut your mouth and continued enjoying being stretched. 
“That’s what I fucking thought, silly little cumslut,” he growled, pounding into you harder than you thought possible. 
The force field was beginning to fail, getting smaller and less protective. He pulls you up, putting you in doggie position. Your knees were being scrapped by the rocks and gravel. He spit on his dick as he continued pounding into you. Using the gun to kill creatures trying to break through the force field. Both of you were getting close, his thrusts were becoming more erratic. Feeling you pulse and tighten around you. The gun was getting hot due to rapid use, noticing this: he remembers when you threw it at him. So he pressed the hot barrel against your lower back, right where a tramp stamp normally would be placed. This intense pain combined with the pleasure and overstimulation was enough to send you into climax. Even though you were nearly passed out, you could tell he was cumming into you. It was like he cock pressed deep enough into your spasming cunt. As soon as you were done riding out the high, you passed out.
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distort-opia · 1 year
Do you think that bruce visits joker just to talk to him sometimes? I mean, not to question him on a case he thinks joker is part of.
Kinda like the deleted scene on batman 2022 where he asks joker for advice and genuinely wants to hear his intake on things.
I think that would be kind of nice, seeing bruce and joker having a casual conversation while on arkham
I'm not very inclined towards fluffier versions of Batjokes tbh, so I might not be the right person to ask this... Personally I don't see Bruce doing that in the comics. There's a lot of instances in which he goes to Arkham to talk to Joker, but it's always for a reason; and a lot of the times, violence is involved. The exception to this is the beginning of The Killing Joke, and poor Joker didn't even experience that, since it was an impostor Bruce talked to back then.
But there's softer versions of Bruce out there that might do this-- like in The Batman (2022), like you said. If this is something you enjoy, there's always stuff to work with!
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cinnafoxt · 1 year
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Couldn't help but draw these two again! Softer and fluffier stuff down below 💕💕
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vaninakan · 2 months
Confecti OCs!!
Yes, yes, yes! I've mentioned before that I have Confecti OCs and here they finally are!!
I'll be doing them in the order you get the respective confectis they're based off of in game
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This little ankle biter is Marsh. He's a tiny cutesy fella who never grew up because he literally can't (being based off of those dry marshmallows you would find in Swiss Miss packets). He wears a bunch of soft and heavy clothing to make himself look softer and fluffier than he actually is. Being the youngest of his gang, his personality can be something of a wildcard being a mischievous prankster with a penchant for sugar and getting many sugar rushes resulting in the breaking of a couple of people's windows. Much of his origin is unknown, but what is known about him is that due to the way his body is, he never grew up (both physically and mentally) and is also something of an immortal squeaky toy. You can throw him, squeeze him, and explode him all you want, he will always come back like nothing ever happened to him. Because of his wild and childish tendencies, he particularly gets on some people's nerves and only those willing to put up with his antics consider him a friend.
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Oh boy, where to begin with Choco? First off, I find it funny that the first two members of this group of OCs are so polar opposite of eachother that it comes off jarringly comical. Going from the cutesy-est one to the edgiest one.
Anyways, as for Choco himself, he's a bit complicated. Having something of a rough past with a mom that doesn't want to accept him as a son, a close father who died due to unfortunate circumstances, and having an abusive friend within a gang of criminals. Cliché edgy boy backstory, I know. Because of his rough childhood, he doesn't come off as the friendliest person, more often than not giving backhanded remarks to those he doesn't tolerate at most. He doesn't get along well with Marsh, he talks back at Gumball when she asks him to do favors like not breaking his arm so many times a week, really the only people he's remotely friendly to are Simon, his dad, and his crush Auge (who he's down horrendous for). He's also much more quiet and reserved in contrast to Marsh's more loud and out there enthusiasm, usually playing fighting games on his console or writing out his deepest feelings in his personal journal. His main weapon in combat is a baseball bat with nails hammered into it but later resorts to just using his fists thanks to his growing bond with Auge.
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Next is S'mon (or Simon, it's pronounced the same either way lol) who's a s'more based confecti based off the s'moreknights seen in game. He's got a thick layer of hot tamale skin within him and a bloodsauce chamber which allows him to breathe fire despite the circumstances of being a marshmallow. He is one of the largest characters of his friend group (That wasn't always the case, at some point he was just as tiny as Marsh) which was caused by high amounts of stress he experienced during his time in the military which awakened his bloodsauce chamber (based off the way marshmallows puff up in microwaves). Despite his imposing size he's actually a big softie and is generally very docile to others, also being a big nerd for stuff like DnD and medieval games. Despite these positive traits, he's also easy to stress out due to having bad anxiety and a bit of self consciousness which he also got from his time in military. Go easy on him, he's doing he's best. (Fun fact: Both him and Choco are tied as my favorite OCs of this group and he was designed by my beloved @conflictedbeing <333 )
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And then there's Gummy. The largest confecti member of this group and longtime close friend of Gumball’s. She normally communicates in more animalistic speech with barks, whimpers and growls but on occasion can start speaking in a comically deep voice when she feels like it. She’s very lazy by nature and spends much of her time loafing around and eating to her heart’s content but every now and then goes out with Gumball for walks. Despite her carefree personality, her stomach is filled with a powerful acid that can digest almost anything (including bones.)
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Lastly, here's Gumball. A robot confecti and the oldest member of her crew, Gumball was created by an old, friendly engineer who gave her collective gumball confectis a home in the form of a humanoid gumball machine. Eversince his passing, she has been keeping his workshop afloat alongside her childhood friend Gummy in his honor. This home would later evolve into my confecti OCs main home, so you have Gumball to thank for that. As a robot, she possesses high intelligence and knowledge on many different subjects thanks to each gumball inside of her head acting as a neuron of AI knowledge. If she were to lose any of her gum neurons, her memory of the subject that gum piece specializes in will become fuzzy. Outside of being a smart AI, she's the main housekeeper of her friend group and tries to keep all conflict as minimal as possible. She also has a deep fascination for the biology of different toppins and confectis and how they function within the world's ecosystem.
And that's all of them, if you have any questions about any of them, feel free to ask (preferably these questions should be sfw, nothing too explicit.)
And once again, huge thanks to @conflictedbeing for Simon's design
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walkeddeath · 3 months
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it took me forever to find something that even slightly matches what i have in my head for gen's bedroom. she has lights all over the place, it's cluttered, they are constantly trying to figure out what really makes them happy decor wise. they're not used to sticking around places very long so half her stuff is chronically in boxes. she needs color and comfort, finds sad beige to be incredibly off-putting.
that said, she doesn't spend much time in her bedroom, usually lounges in her living room or on the porch (if her house has one).
there are always at least five blankets and six pillows of various sizes on her bed at any given time. the fluffier and softer the better. decorations usually consist of pun based posters, trinkets she finds / ones she has received as gifts, and as stated above so many faerie lights and star projectors and lamps basically any kind of pretty light source.
laundry usually finds a home on the floor, bedside drawers have essentials like those little disposable toothbrushes and makeup wipes + snacks in plastic baggies, a med box she usually remembers to fill. headphones, extra charging cords, battery packs just in case, and various other odds and ends.
if it's a lifetime where she does settle into a place, she paints the walls, adds cute little decals, puts those glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. not pictured is a computer set up on the other side of the room, a five-shelf bookcase, a boom box she has had since she was 18, and four different wall calendars. at least one is six years old.
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apollos-olives · 5 months
Hi I am the anon who asked you about adapting Palestinian food so my family could have it, just wanted to say thanks for your response. I made ka'ak al-quds today and while my shaping could use a bit of practice they were still very tasty with the one substitution I had to make (Though I admit I don't know what they're "supposed to" taste like since I've never had them before).
Turned out MUCH fluffier and softer than I expected since the dough didn't rise that much before baking I was expecting them to be really dense, but then I put them in the oven and they puffed WAY up it was kind of crazy to see. I love fluffy soft breads so this is definitely a new favorite food for me.
There's a small group of folks in my area meeting next week to make plans for some more protests and activism stuff so if I'm able to get za'atar or the ingredients to make it by then I will hopefully make more to share with those folks and get their thoughts before I surprise the people I mentioned in my other ask.
So yeah, thank you for your response and for all the information you share every day. If you have any particular suggestions for Palestinian recipes to try next, I LOVE making new foods and cooking all sorts of stuff so I'm always happy to have suggestions.
omg that's so lovely i'm so glad it worked! i bet it was delicious 🫶 and yeah it's a good idea to get some of those people's opinions before giving food to your other palestinian friends. i think an easy food to make is tabbouleh so if you'd want to make that for your friends that'd be nice :) good luck on your cooking journey
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edzephyr · 1 year
Did you ever end up turning that yellow bear into Kirk?
Not yet, I only acquired him recently; but he has had a wash and I have changed the grotty eyes (that seemed to have been glued at some point, badly) with new ones. I couldn't find hazel, but I turned some gold ones (trial fitted in the last pic on the original Star Trek: Bearposting post) into gold-green, just the other night
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I used paint thinners to soften the paint and streaked in some green metallic nail varnish... I'm considering making him into Mirror Kirk actually, partly because I'm out of rank braid (although I do have a very good fabric match for the 3rd season tunic colour that would be nice to make use of), but I don't have the stuff for that either, yet.
EDIT: I've since given him a going over the the pet brush and he's a lot softer and fluffier! He has a raggy ear where he's lost some fur in his previous rejected life; I could patch it but if I make Mirror Kirk I can make it look like he's been in a fight
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The way the fandom talks about some of the storylines (or AUs like Imperium) makes me think that most of yall aren't capable of experiencing any story with any level of drama. People talk about Imperium like it's so traumatizing that they can't even bring themselves to listen to it, but it just feels like a normal story with dramatic elements. It's not traumatizing at all lol, it's just a dramatic story with a good plot and actual consequences. Project Meridian also wasn't nearly as angst-ridden as people say it is.
Like I get it if people prefer the softer fluffier boyfriend stuff (totally valid) but the only reason those boyfriend characters exist in the first place is because they were conceived as characters for dramatic story telling. Treating a playlist with any level of conflict as unbearably traumatic is just silly. Not everything is going to be kisses and cuddles.
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