#as an excuse to opt out entirely
ofshivelight · 7 months
i think it's common for some converts to struggle a little bit with giving up holidays but not me babey. goodbye easter i never loved you, goodbye fourth of july i hate you ardently, goodbye christmas we fell out irrevocably and our relationship is dead, goodbye forever
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just watched 5x21 (saviors) and godddddd cameron is such a closeted lesbian/aromantic
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murdrdocs · 1 year
pt 2 to that one hobie blurb (there's slight smut so be warned)
gwen stacy is a better house guest than you expected.
she lacks some social awareness, yeah (like the many times she'd left her dirty dishes littering around the living room instead of bringing them to the kitchen) (or those times where she did bring them to the kitchen, but she opted out of rinsing them off before placing them in the sink), but she's a teenager who's trying her best.
she's polite, she tries to stay out of your way, she puts herself last on the shower rotation which almost makes up for the sizable dent she's put in your products, but she's a kid. a sweet, good natured kid, who brought you an entire six pack of your yogurt after she found out it was yours.
but no matter how nice of a house guest gwen was, you still missed your space, and your yoga pants, and your privacy.
it's the thing you miss the most.
because anytime you think you're alone, anytime you think you finally have hobie to yourself, she's waltzing through the door already starting conversation about something she'd seen in your dimension.
like the time where you were straddling hobie on the couch, gwen's belongings gone so you thought she was too, and things were getting hot. his hands were under your shirt, gripping your tits, your hands were fumbling for the buckle on his many belts, and you were grinding into him, moans barely muffled against his lips.
but then footsteps were coming from the bathroom and the sound of a toothbrush against teeth met your ears, right before gwen's squeal did the same.
or the time where it was late at night, and you and hobie had gone to bed after making it three quarters of the way through some movie gwen brought from her dimension, and hobie had his hands pushed down your pajama pants, fingers starting to push your lips apart, but then three knocks met the door.
"hobie! your scanners going off. think it's something important."
and yeah, hobie's had to leave mid-sex before to deal with something usually kingpin related, but he always came back in due time with an apology on his lips before you were on them. that night, though, he didn't come back until the morning and it seemed like he'd forgotten about your denied orgasm.
so naturally, you're a little upset with your circumstances. moping around, excusing yourself when you three are in a room together, sleeping with your back to hobie. it's a bit childish, and you rethink your approach for a while, but it gets hobie's attention. and it gets you what you want.
alone time with hobie. time that you spend moaning and whining and whimpering as loud as you want.
and the next day when you wake up, happier than usual, a yogurt in your hand and a smile on your face, you're a little sad to see gwen packing her things up. but she smiles at you, and you smile at her, and you have her in a hug, reminding yourself that she's just a kid, as you wish her well and tell her that the door's always open.
(which, you hope she doesn't take too literally)
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babydollmarauders · 5 months
luke hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which Luke gives y/n the sweetest gift, resulting in an eventful christmas night
warnings: anxiety, NSFW CONTENT, praise, oral (f receiving), fingering, p in v (protected). (5k words)
notes: merry christmas and welcome to the final day of kinkmas! i hope you’ve all enjoyed these past 12 days and that everyone has a wonderful holiday! this is the longest fic of them all because apparently i’m actually incapable of writing a short luke smut…
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i’m late.
it’s arguably the most important date so far in my relationship, and i’m late.
i don’t mean to be, obviously; the last thing i wanna do is make a bad first impression on my boyfriend’s teammates, but under the circumstances, it was completely out of my control.
i told my family several times that i needed to be out the door by four o’clock, and i thought they understood that. but then christmas breakfast turned into christmas brunch and gifts were opened late and then my mother insisted i stayed until my little cousins arrived and i still had to get changed and it was a chaotic mess all the way until i got out the door.
at five o’clock.
an entire hour later than i was supposed to leave.
so now here i am, having driven barefoot to my boyfriends apartment and only just now pulling my boots on, messy bun unreasonably… messy, and his gift having fallen onto the floor of my car after some definite traffic law violations in order to arrive as quick as possible.
once my boots are zipped securely on my feet, i’m leaning almost entirely over the center console, my hand patting at the passengers side floor until i finally grasp the present; a box wrapped in shiny red paper.
i quickly stumble out of the car, slamming the door shut behind me before i take off into the apartment complex. the wait for the elevator feels infinite, and the ride up even longer, but i finally reach the apartment door.
faint music drifts through the cracked open door, the sounds of multiple men talking each other overpowering the melodies that play, and i knock lightly upon the wood. after one more knock and two minutes of nobody answering, i push the door open, peeking my head in to find nobody in the entry way.
tip-toeing in, i close the door behind me, the short heels of my boots clicking against the hardwood floor as i shrug my coat off, hanging it on the overcrowded coat rack by the door before i wander further into the apartment.
i determine the source of the voices as the kitchen, but opt to veer off and drop Luke’s present off in his bedroom before i join them, as i know we won’t be exchanging gifts until after dinner. i set the gift on his bed, leaving his bedroom door open on my way out, but rather than walking into the empty hallway, i find myself colliding with a hard chest as someone leaves the restroom.
“oh shit, sorry!” i squeak, looking up to find a confused face staring back at me.
the unfamiliar man is tall, at least a couple inches taller than my boyfriend, with blue-green eyes and brown buzzed hair. he stares down at me a frown and threaded brows.
“excuse me, are you supposed to be here?” he questions, and i nod quickly, swallowing harshly as i try to push down the anxiety of meeting this new person.
i glance down the hallway in hopes that Luke will miraculously appear, but i can still hear him laughing in the kitchen, “yes, yeah! i am!”
the man narrows his eyes at me, “yeah, ‘cause that didn’t sound suspicious.”
he stalks down the hallway quickly towards the kitchen, my shorter legs following behind him.
“guys, there’s a girl over here! never seen her before!” the man calls out, his voice carrying over the sound of all the others and gaining the guys attention.
one by one i see heads peeking out from the kitchen, making me stop in my tracks. my hands shake with anxiety as they all peer back at me, some faces looking frustrated or annoyed, until finally my boyfriend emerges from the kitchen.
a small smile is painted across his lips, but it drops as he sees my nervous body languages. picking my steps back up, i walk slowly into his arms, incredibly perceptive of the amount of eyes that watch me.
“hi, angel.” Luke’s arms enclose around my waist, pulling me tight against him as he speaks.
“hi, Lukey. sorry, i’m late.” his body shakes as he chuckles, brushing off my apologies.
“it’s okay,” he assures me as i pull away, “i see you met Bass.”
i turn, my back pressing against Luke’s chest as his arm winds around to hug around my stomach, facing his teammates, who all seem a lot less menacing now that they know i’m not a crazy fangirl who found her way in.
“Bass,” i repeat, staring at the man whom i ran into. i rack my brain for a moment, trying to remember who Luke has said this man is in the past, “ah, yes, Nathan!”
Nathan nods with a smile, “you can just call me Nate or Bass, all the guys do. sorry about scaring you, didn’t realize you were Rusty’s girl.”
i bite back a laugh at my boyfriend’s hockey nickname. i’ve heard it before, but it’ll take some getting used to.
“it’s okay.”
Luke points out each friend, introducing them one by one until i’ve met all five; Nico, Dawson, John, Timo, and Nathan.
“and then you know Jack.” Luke waves his brother off, making me chuckle.
“yeah, hi, Jack.”
Jack smiles, “hi, y/n. there’s some wine in the kitchen, if you want some.”
the guys retreat to living room after Luke promises to check on the ham in the oven, guiding me into the kitchen. grabbing a wine glass from a cupboard, he fills it with a red wine before turning and leaning against the counter, handing the glass off to me.
“you look like you could use it.” he laughs, making me slap his chest in playful annoyance.
“i could! my family is batshit crazy,” i sigh, taking a big gulp of the wine before i set the glass down on the counter, “i was supposed to be here an hour ago but apparently my mother can’t tell time and lord knows i’m not allowed to leave until she deems christmas over.”
i walk myself between his slightly spread legs, dropping my forehead on his chest as i groan, “i just need food and cuddles.”
“well, i can check one thing off that list, but i can’t promise the ham will be edible, after all, Jack made it so…”
a giggle falls from my lips as i peer up into his eyes, shrugging my shoulders, “yeah, maybe i’ll stick to the mashed potatoes.”
the rest of the evening goes about as smoothly as i figured it would; i had to end up finishing the ham because i had absolutely no faith in Jack to not overcook it, the guys playfully teased Luke and told me funny stories of things he’s done on roadies or in the locker room, and we all sat around the living room and ate christmas dinner as Jack and Dawson heavily debated what the best christmas movie is.
finally, about three hours later, the guys took off to a local bar for some drinks and darts, Luke and i staying back in order to spend some alone time together.
“c’mon, i wanna give you your gift.” Luke smiles, hand slipping into mine as we rise from the couch, walking down the hallways and into his room.
he shuts the door behind us, grabbing a small, poorly wrapped present off of his dresser before we both sit on his bed.
“okay, wait, you first.” i tell him, picking the red present up off the mattress and pushing it into his hands.
my boyfriend was a bit difficult to shop for, seeing ad when he wants something, he usually just buys it. but i figured i could never go wrong by combining something he loves with one of his favorite hobbies.
he hands me my present, but i wait to unwrap it until he wraps his, rather enjoying watching him shed the paper from the box. a smile spreads across his face as he looks up at me.
“it’s a lego model of the UMich football stadium! i figured it was something for you to do over the next couple free days, or just whenever you want, but i thought it was perfect because you love building lego sets and you love michigan and-”
my ramble is cut off gently by his lips, his hand cupping my cheek as he kisses me slowly.
“i love it,” he says as he pulls away, eyes gazing straight into mine as he smiles, “it’s extremely thoughtful. maybe you can help me build it?”
i nod, leaning in to press my lips against his once more, “if you want me to, i’ll happily do so. or i’ll just keep you company as you build it.”
“that sounds great, angel. alright, you’re turn!”
i giggle at his enthusiasm, looking down at the small gift in my hands. i slowly peel the wrapping paper off, making a mental note to teach him how to wrap in the new year, until i finally unveil a velvet jewelry box.
my eyes widen, flickering up to my boyfriend in surprise, but he just gives me a small, encouraging nod.
flipping open the top, a simple yet beautiful necklace comes into view; a dainty silver chain with a tiny, minimalistic ‘L’ in the middle.
“oh my god,” i breathe out, my hand rising to my lips in shock, “Luke, this is beautiful.”
“i thought maybe you could wear it when you come to watch me play.” his cheeks blush a rosy pink as i look back up at him, obviously a bit more self-conscious now than he was merely minutes ago.
“can you put it on me?” i ask him, and he nods, taking the box from my hands in order to pull the necklace from the velvet interior.
i twist around, holding my hair up and allowing him to gently clasp the necklace around my neck. his fingers graze the back of my neck, sending shockwaves throughout my body as he makes sure the necklace is secure before he lets go, his hands smoothing over my shoulders and down my arms when he finishes.
i turn again, facing him once more as my hand reaches up to my collarbone, my fingertips running over the cool metal as i grin.
“it’s so beautiful, Lukey. i love it.” i cup his cheeks, pulling his face forward to press an excited kiss against his lips.
i kiss him breathlessly, our lips locking as i crawl into his lap, one leg on each side of his body, “i love you.”
i tense after the three monumental words leave my mouth, a heat of the moment confession that i wasn’t sure he was ready to hear; but, i know i’ve been ready to say.
“shit, you- uh- you don’t have to say it back. please, don’t feel like you have to say it if you aren’t ready. i mean, i know i was ready, but that doesn’t mean you have to be. you can take your ti-”
for the second time tonight, my words are shortened by my boyfriend’s lips against mine, a smile fighting against his facial muscles as he kisses me.
“i love you too.” he whispers.
my heart races, beating so strongly it feels as though it’s about to escape my chest, but my body relaxes, my eyes gazing into his as i sigh.
“you do?”
he nods, hands rubbing gently up my sides in comforting movements, “i do. i love you so much.”
i’m overwhelmed with relief and joy, the corners of my lips quirking up in a wide grin; absolutely bewitched by the beautiful boy in front of me.
i’m not sure what i’ve done in life to have deserved someone as kind, humorous, and caring as Luke; someone who gets me sweet, thoughtful gifts; who does anything to ease my anxiety the moment he spots the signs; who loves me for exactly who i am, and who reminds me every day that i’m gorgeous and perfect in my own way. but, i know that i’m incredibly grateful to have him in my life, and i want to share all of life’s beautiful moments with him.
my lips descend upon his, a breathy sigh blowing from my nose as my eyes flutter closed, pulling him deeper into the kiss with my grip on the back of his neck. his hands still on my waist, fingers gripping a little tighter as i begin to rock my hips slowly against his.
he groans into my lips, hands stilling my hips as he pulls away, our faces still close enough that i can feel his breath against my lips, and i whine at the loss of the delicious feeling that had begun rolling through my body.
“you gotta stop, angel.” he gulps, voice tight and shaky, “if you don’t, i’m gonna have a… situation, and i don’t wanna make you feel like you have to do anything yet.”
my skin feels hot, uncomfortable even, and i register it quickly as want.
despite the fact that Luke and i haven’t actually done anything yet, it’s not like i’m unfamiliar with being horny, or even having had sex. i just wanted to take things slow him; wanted to take time to enjoy our relationship without the physicality that’s made my past relationships messy.
i heave in a breath, my chest brushing against his, and the feeling of my peaked nipples skimming against his hard body makes me all the more aroused.
“i’m ready, Lukey.” i tell him in a breathy whine.
his eyes flicker in size, swallowing harshly before he speaks, “are you sure?”
“yes.” i nod, placing a short kiss on his lips, “i’m ready, and now is the perfect time; the apartment is empty, it’s just us two, and i love you so much.”
“if you don’t want to, i’m not pushing! i’m okay with just watching a movie or cuddling, we don’t have to do anything.” i add.
Luke’s hand cradles my face, pulling me into another kiss, “of course, i want to. you’re the most stunning, most thoughtful and sweetest girl i’ve ever met; i’d be a damn fool not to want this.”
i bite back a giggle, blood rushing to my cheeks from his affectionate words.
“but i don’t want you to feel rushed. i’ll wait as long as you want, because i don’t want you to feel like you have to sleep with me just because i said i love you.”
“i don’t feel like that.” i shake my head, the back of my hand ghosting over his cheek, “i really want this, Luke. i mean it. i feel safe with you, i trust you.”
he smiles, a divine smile that makes my heart do flips, overwhelmed with love for the pure soul that has entangled with mine in the absolute best ways.
“you trust me?” he echoes, hands sliding down to cup my ass, making me shiver in anticipation.
with my hum of a response, i’m suddenly flipped over, my back bouncing onto the mattress, my hair sprawling over the pillows as my boyfriend hovers over top of me. his hot breath fans over my neck, lips pressing against my heated skin and making me sigh in contentment.
he paves a path with his lips, soft and slow, down to the collar of my sweater, the only sound in the room being my heavy pants and his wet kisses.
“Luke.” i sigh as his hands travel up my sides, sliding underneath my top. he hums against my collarbone, his thumbs grazing over my ribs until his hands cup underneath my breasts, my sweater bunched up.
chilled air hits against my stomach, my abdomen tightening in response, and i desire nothing more than to rid the layers between us.
“take it off me, please.”
he pulls away at my plea, hands shimmying my sweater up and over my head, pulling my arms free before he flings the fabric to the floor.
his eyes rake my body in silence for several moments, and i begin to feel self-consciousness creep up on me, my arms wrapping over my stomach. but he’s not having it, fingers enclosing around my wrists and pulling them away.
“uh-uh, none of that.” he whispers breathlessly, “you’re beautiful, angel. so fucking perfect.”
my cheeks flush, confidence filling me from the inside out as he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, his eyes blown out and darkened with lust.
“thank you.” he shakes his head at my response.
“don’t thank me.” he says, “if you knew the things i’m thinking of doing to you right now, you wouldn’t be thanking me.”
his words light a fire deep in my core, my panties dampening with every word that drops from his perfect lips.
“no, i think i would.” i rasp, voice low and dripping with lust, “i think i would want to thank you a million times over.”
“i need you so bad.” i confess.
my hands lock around his neck, pulling him back down to me. he kisses me in earnest, hips rolling down into mine, his quickly hardening erection pressing against my jean clad core.
i moan against him, a low guttural sound that pours out when his hands come up to massage my breasts over my padless red bra. he dips down, embedding open mouthed kisses upon my skin, leading down to my cleavage.
“can i?” he asks, fingers edging the cups of my bra, and i nod in approval.
he rolls his hips into mine again, my back arching, and he slips his hand underneath me, unhooking my bra with fumbling fingers. he pulls it off my body, once again discarding the clothing to the floor.
his thumbs circle my nipples and he watches me as my eyes fly shut, my lips parting as i let out a shaky breath in response to his actions.
“i’m the luckiest guy in the damn world.” he huffs, so quietly that i’m not sure he was even talking to me, more so whispering to himself.
“Luke, please,” i whine, “less talking, more touching.”
my words earn a melodious chuckle from his lips before he lowers his head to my chest, continuing to play with one nipple as the other gets extra attention. his tongue drags around the stiffed peak before its caught between his lips, softly sucked and grazed extra lightly by his teeth, making my body tremble.
after a few moments he switches, giving proper love to the other side. my leg hooks around his waist, hips bucking up to rub my clothes cunt against his now fully hardened erection.
my hands fist his shirt at his shoulder blades, tugging lightly.
“off,” i breathe, “i want this off. i wanna feel you.”
Luke pulls away from my breast, my nipple dropping from his mouth with a pop, and within seconds he’s leaning back, tugging the shirt over his head. suddenly it’s my turn to gape and stare.
obviously, i’ve seen him shirtless, but his body is one i’ll never tire of; the sight will forever and always make my heart beat faster, my core get wetter, and my soul sigh.
“take a picture, angel,” he winks, “it’ll last longer.”
he’s joking, but if i had my phone on me, i would.
“kiss me, please?”
i don’t have to say any more, those words enough to bring his lips back to mine, our bare chests pressing against one another. we take our time, tossing and turning in the bed, our lips rarely straying from each other’s, until i finally rid myself of my jeans, entirely too ready to move on.
“look at me,” he says, his lips dragging on my stomach as he speaks, “you trust me, yeah?”
“yes,” i nod, breath shaky, “i do.”
“i want you to relax. keep your eyes on me, angel.”
i nod again, eyes trained on his unruly mess of curls as his thumbs tuck into the waistband of my panties, his eyes lifting back to mine in await of approval. when i give him the go ahead, he’s pulling the last fabric that adorns my body down my thighs, past my calves, and throwing them onto the floor.
i lay stripped down in front of him, in a state of complete and utter vulnerability, yet too needy and love drunk to bring myself to care about the way i look.
he lays down on his stomach between my legs, making my breath hitch as his warm breath hits my wet pussy. but when i feel his tongue glide through my folds, tensing when he reaches my clit to provide pressure, that breath is released in a heavy yet quivering sigh.
my hands reach out to tangle in his curls as he slowly drags his tongue around my achingly wet cunt, flexing and flattening the oral muscle depending on where it is on my body.
“Lukey,” i pant, body shaking as his lips enclose around my puffy clit, rolling it between them lightly before letting it go.
he pulls back with a smile, juices glistening around his mouth and chin, “you think you can take my fingers, angel?”
“mhm,” i nod, “yes, please!”
he dives back in, this time picking up his pace; and not a moment later, i’m squirming, a cry of contentment echoing through the room as he pushes two fingers in, curling them up with every thrust he makes.
i’ve given up on words, relying on the sounds that fall from my lips to let him know how surreal his movements feel.
his fingers begin to scissor, adding a pleasurably painful stretch in order to help me ready for him, and at the same time, he flicks his tongue against my clit, successfully drawing my mind away from the pain and towards the immense pleasure he’s bringing me.
my stomach feels tight, pressure building with every movement of his tongue and every thrust of his fingers.
“i’m so close.” i tell him in a breathless whimper, my hips grinding down upon his face and hand.
he moans against me in response, vibrations reverberating through me, and my walls begin to tighten around his fingers, the familiar feeling of balancing on the edge of orgasm spreading through my body.
my thighs close around his head, but he just hums against me again, making my toes curl against the sheets.
“Luke, i’m gonna cum.” i warn him, voice tightly strained, my breath catching in my throat.
my body is hot and sticky, the air moist as his hand begins smoothing up and down my thigh, and i take that as the sign to let go, my legs shaking as i finally reach my release.
Luke continues to lap at my clit, while his fingers work me through my orgasm until i can’t take anymore. breath heavy and body trembling, i push his head away, his face finally emerging with wet, swollen lips and a soft smirk.
“did so good for me.” he praises, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before he hovers back over me, pressing his lips against mine.
his tongue tangles with mine, tasting salty yet a little sweet, and i moan against his lips, my hands trail down his abs to hook into the waistband of his jeans.
“you gotta wait a second, angel,” he mumbles against my lips, “don’t wanna overwork you.”
i groan, turning my head, and his lips press against my neck.
“fuck that,” i tell him, fingers fumbling with the button of his pants, “i want you now.”
“if you’re sure?” i nod quickly at his words, making him sit back.
he hastily unbuckles his belt, not bothering to take it off before he’s unzipping his jeans, kicking them off and onto the floor before he rids himself of his boxers.
his cock springs free, his tip a harsh red and precum beads at the slit, glistening in the low light of the bedroom.
leaning over to his nightstand, he digs around in the drawer for a moment before his hand emerges with a shiny foil packet. he tears the packet open, pulling the condom out and carefully sliding it onto himself, and i watch with desperate eyes as he gives himself a few tugs before turning back to me.
he hovers above me, bent on one forearm as his other hand grasps his shaft. he spreads my wetness around with his tip, sliding through my folds easily, and when he taps against my clit, my whole body aches with need.
“please.” i beg, and that’s all it takes for him to line up with my entrance, his lips connecting with mine as he slowly pushes in.
i whimper against his lips, his cock stretching me with a stinging sensation with every inch that he pushes in, and he stills, opening his eyes to peer down at me.
“are you okay?” he asks softly, petting hair out of my face gently as he speaks.
“mhm,” i nod, hands grasping at his back, “keep going.”
he does as i say, this time giving shallow thrusts in order to work himself in slowly, only taking what my body allows him until he can finally sink into me entirely. by the time he’s completely in, the stinging pain has subsided, making way for blissful pleasure, but he still stops to check again.
after my reassurance, he picks up again, thrusting properly, but still slowly. his lips press back against mine, kissing me with raw passion and love.
“faster.” i whisper against his lips.
his hips speed up into fast, deep strokes, a hand snaking down to grip my waist. my moans carry through the room, conjoining with the sounds of sex and his hips slapping against mine as my leg hooks around his waist.
gripping his back, my nails scratch into his skin, earning a groaned whine from my boyfriend as his face buries into my neck, his thrusts gaining a harshness that they hadn’t held before.
“say you love me.” he gruffs against my skin, so low that i almost didn’t hear him.
“i love you,” i breathe out, “i love you, i love you, i love you.”
his lips connect with my collarbone, each kiss broken up by a single confession of love muttered from his tongue.
i can feel the knots forming in my stomach again, like a ball of yarn tangling and tangling, further tying together with each thrust of his hips. the tip of his cock smacks against my g-spot, my back arching from the mattress as i make a particularly loud cry.
“right there!” i tell him in a broken sob.
he smirks against my skin, angling his hips just right before thrusting back in to hit the spot again. now with each stroke, my orgasm builds even quicker, my nails scratching down his back.
my walls clench around him, making him grunt into my neck, and he picks his head up to kiss my lips, his thrusts becoming quicker and slowly losing rhythm.
“i’m close,” he mumbles, “so close.”
i nod in agreement, “me too.”
his hand slides between us, his thumb finding its way to my swollen clit, and he begins rubbing harsh circles into it, making my hips jolt, my breath catching i’m my throat.
“cum for me, angel,” he whispers, “let go.”
i nod, for what i’m not sure, but my body tenses up underneath him, walls tightening around his cock as he continues to thrust, and my eyes roll back, legs shaking as i come undone around him.
he fucks me through my orgasm, kissing me through my heavy breathing as his thrusts speed up, becoming sloppier and sloppier as he chases his high until he finally stills. his hips stutter as he grunts, releasing into the condom.
his body collapses on mine, the grounding weight bringing me back down to earth as we both pant in uneven breaths, our chests rising and falling rapidly.
we lay in silence for several minutes, enjoying the serenity of the quiet until he rolls off of me, slipping out from inside me.
“that was…” he trails off and i giggle, nodding my head.
“why did i wanna wait again?” he laughs at my response, shaking his head.
“i’m glad we did,” his fingers trail over my stomach, drawing shapes in my skin. “it was worth the wait, and i think knowing we love each other just made it more special.”
i hum in agreement, wrapping my hand around his before lifting it to my lips, pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles.
he presses a kiss to my cheek before getting up to dispose of the condom. pulling on a pair of sweatpants, he assures me that he’ll be right back before leaving the room, reappearing a few minutes later with a granola bar and a water, along with a damp washcloth.
“head up,” he coos holding the water to my lips, and i let him help me take a few sips before he hands me the granola bar.
he cleans me up, my body shaking as he runs the cloth through my sensitive core, as i eat the snack, resting the wrapper on his nightstand.
he rifles through his dresser, coming back to the bed with a pair of of boxers and a t-shirt, and he helps me into them before climbing into the bed beside me. he pulls me back into him, his nose burying into the side of my neck as he kisses the back of it.
“i love you.” he tells me, arm winding around my stomach as he spoons me, my back to his chest.
my eyes feel as heavy as lead, but my heart races at his words, my entire world shifting into a golden state.
“i love you too.” i repeat, immediately followed by a heavy yawn.
“go to sleep, angel,” he hums and i can feel his eyelids flutter closed against my skin, “i’m right here.”
and with his reassurance and the feeling of his body pressed to mine, i allow by body to shut down, my breathing evening out as i fall asleep.
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loafgeto · 7 months
gojo satoru x fem!reader x geto suguru
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synopsis: while searching through the archives of your college’s library, you discover an ancient book with old rituals. out of curiosity, you try to summon an incubus but somehow, it didn’t work— only until you woke that same night, to encounter not only one, but two of them.
contents: fem!reader, explicit language, she/her pronouns, incubus satoru and suguru, NSFW, threesome, slight foreplay, cunninglus kinda, fingering, voyeurism(??), breastplay, markings/hickeys, overstimulation, unprotected sex, multiple creampies, squirting, orgasms, handjob, blowjob, slight rough sex(?!), pet names (use of slut once), suguru and satoru fighting over you, they both have big dicks<3, JUST SOOO MUCH EXPLICIT SHIT LMAOOO, not proofread !!
word count: 4.7k
notes: just so so sosoooo much content guys srry… i prob need to be locked up after this LOL i just cant stop myself from writing sm dirty shit like that 💔😢 (also plz dont read this if ur not comfortable)
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most horror movies involved demons or ghosts, and they’re most likely summoned through rituals, or some sort of supernatural item or game that one shouldn’t dare to touch. people would ramble and scream at the user, complaining how stupid they were and how their curiosity killed everyone.
and you were one of those people.
but now you’re in your bedroom with an old thick book, dated back into the late 14th century. it was written in a language most wouldn’t necessarily understand, latin to be precise. but you were grateful for the classes you took in high school, and understood at least some of it.
the book was mainly about old rituals and performances or instructions to summon spirits. it was obviously a bad idea, a very bad idea. and you were just like those characters in those horror movies that you called stupid— but you had to admit, curiosity got the best of you, just like them.
besides, it was the night of halloween. all of your friends went out in their revealing costumes to late night parties while you stayed back in your dorm. well, you were going to attend, but this book was on your mind the entire day— so you opted out, reasoning that you were feeling under the weather.
now, how did this book even end up in your possession? well, it started earlier that day, after your third class of the day.
halloween landed on a friday, unfortunately— so there were classes. your professor assigned a major project in which required you to obtain an archive as one of your resources. it was irritating to say the least, since you’d have to search for an archive related to your topic without a computer. but thankfully, librarians were there to assist.
you went to your university’s library archives section on the very top floor, hoping to find something related to your topic so you’d get out of there quicker and start on the project. you decided your topic to be about ancient greek mythology, it was simple and you enjoy the idea. and it’d be quite easy to find an archive about it.
“excuse me, where am i able to find an archive about greek mythology or culture?” you questioned the librarian who mainly worked in the section.
she gives you a smile through her dull appearance before turning her head to the multiple tall shelves of archives behind her. “if you go to the fourth shelf on the left, then the third section, you may find the archives about ancient greek and everything related to it.”
after thanking the librarian, you quickly walk over to the section, somewhat excited to see what you could find. the entire section was stacked with archives about greek mythology, some were identical but in different colorings and covers, while some were smaller, thicker, older, or written in a different language.
all of the pages appeared worn, and were nearly close to rotting out of the book, and you wondered on who might’ve touched this centuries ago. it was weird to think about but you decided to move along, and keep searching for what you need.
your eyes scan through each row on the shelf, hoping to find something appealing and comprehendible to use as a resource for your assignment. something caught your eye at an instant, as if it was manifesting you, calling for you to grab it.
and for some odd reason, when you went to pull the book out of its spot, the book clearly didn’t belong in the section of greek mythology. you blinked several times, observing the old and thick book. the cover had a unique texture, with golden colored latin wordings in the front and a detailed drawing of a distorted demon. in hindsight, it was a ritual book.
you flipped through the first few pages, skimming through the paragraphs on how to summon a certain spirit or demon. everything was in latin, but you at least somewhat understood. there were pictures describing what the entities appeared as, or what forms they can take. it was frightening to say the least, but you were surprised something like this was here.
a page that certainly caught your interest mentioned an incubus.
and so, you read it thoroughly. an incubus, a male form of a demon that seeks to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women. they were the corresponding spirit of a succubus. you heard of the folklore several times, and this somewhat intrigued you even more. as you read further, it specifically mentioned that the incubus posed as a winsome japanese man, in order to attract women. you also noticed that there were two demons in the picture drawn on the page, one white and one black. could it be summoned in either form?
to say that you wanted to try summoning the incubus was definitely not an understatement. but who the fuck would want a demon to be fucking them while they sleep? the question didn't pop into your head at that moment, and you were quick to take the book without completing the search for the archive you actually needed.
and you cancelled all halloween plans just for this.
now, you felt as if you were in one of those horror movies. closed curtains, lights off, several candles lit around you as you sat in the middle of your room with the book opened to your designated page. the summoning was simple, you were to follow the ritual word by word and then take a long sip of red wine. and lucky you, there was some leftover red wine from a party weeks ago.
the glass of wine was next to the book, and you were contemplating whether or not to continue. you were quite surprised at how simple the summoning was, since most would require a slit of blood or your soul, or something extreme. but red wine? this incubus must have a preference.
you took a deep and long breath, before beginning to read the ritual word by word. and after you finished, you picked up the glass of red wine and gulped the entire liquid down your throat.
you expected something to appear, but nothing.
your eyes dart around the room, but you found it to be empty. did it not work? you’re oddly confused and repeated the ritual once more. but again, nothing happened.
when the second try didn’t work, you figured the third try wouldn’t either. you were certain that every word was said correctly and you missed out no words either. you scoffed, closing the book and turning on the lights to your room. you blow out the candles and concluded at how much bullshit this was.
“this shit is such a waste of time,” you mumble as you shove the ritual book into your backpack.
after putting everything else away, you decided to get ready for bed and pretend as if you did nothing. you would return the book tomorrow and never have to remember it again. it was worth a try after all, and you honestly thought it would work.
you switched into a pair of comfortable shorts and a loose top. you unclipped your bra and tossed it to the side, since you normally slept without one because it was more comfortable that way. you were still feeling quite upset that the ritual didn’t work, but at the same time, you were alright with nothing happening. it was just a hoax, like what everyone else would say.
falling asleep wasn’t so hard, and time ended up passing as you quietly slept on your bed. at some point, you could hear the faint sounds of teenagers screaming and enjoying their halloween events, and your neighbors’ kids exclaiming happily about how much candy they received.
and for some reason, the air in your room became more frigid and you were cuddling yourself close underneath your comforter you found warm. you didn’t allow it to bother you and fell asleep once more.
you remained asleep for several more hours, unbeknownst to anything occurring in your room. it was until you heard gentle shuffling noises in your room. at first, you didn’t allow it to bother you— until you felt someone’s gently caress your face.
“she’s cute, don’t ya think?” a male’s voice calls out beside of you.
your eyes immediately shoot open, and you’re making eye contact with an unfamiliar man— white hair and horns, striking bright blue eyes, shirtless with multiple scars, and white torn wings. your eyes widen and you scream, pushing the man’s hands away from you before shoving yourself in the deepest corner of your bed away from him.
“oh, did i scare you? i’m sorry, angel,” the man chuckles with a sly grin.
“w-who- the hell are you- and how did you get in my house?!” you shout, shielding yourself with one of your pillows.
the man sighs, rubbing the back of his nape as he remained silent for a moment. but before he could speak, another male appears behind of him— jet black hair and horns, black torn wings, shirtless with multiple scars, but he was broader and his hair was longer than the other one. “i told you to stop approaching girls like that. this is why they never like you,” he says, nudging the white haired man.
“ouch. hey, i didn’t think she would awake immediately,” he scoffs and they both return their gaze back to you. “sorry angel, i get carried away sometimes. never met such a pretty woman like ya. and you’re the one who summoned us.”
“summoned? what do you mean? i haven’t-“ you began to say due to your panic but you pause your words when the ritual from earlier returned to your mind. you remain quiet for a moment, and the two incubus’s tilt their head in confusion. there was absolutely no way, right? “i must be dreaming.”
the black haired incubus frowns, crossing his arms. “well, princess. you aren’t and even if you are, we can appear in them too,” he replies but then he shakes his head. “oh, forget i said that. don’t want to frighten you.”
“oh suguru, i think she already is.”
“this was your fault, satoru.”
“my fault?!” satoru raises his voice, glaring intently ay suguru who whistles.
“okay, shut up. quit raising your voice, you’re scaring the poor, innocent and beautiful girl here,” suguru says, now returning his gaze back to you and he smiles warmly. “but yes, princess. you indeed did summon us. was there a particular reason?”
“i.. just did it for fun..” you reply, still quite astonished. “and i thought it would only be one.. not two..”
“well angel, maybe you should read a little more carefully before summoning us,” satoru sighs, and then chuckles. “especially if you were expecting only one of us.”
“i-i’m sorry—“
“don’t apologize. everyone we meet usually mistakes it for one instead of two,” suguru is still smiling with a gentle tone, indicating for you to ignore satoru’s harmless remarks. “and you did this for fun? well princess, if you wanna have some fun. then we can give that to you. how about it?”
you’re mostly uncertain about this, and the other part of you urged to move forward. you were obviously curious but anticipating, and couldn’t initiate anything. was this actually real? you were still in denial still, yet if this wasn’t— then it’s one hell of a dream.
suguru notices your hesitation and thinks for a moment. “well princess, there’s no need to be anxious. we’ll take care of you,” he says, extending his hand out to yours. “but if you don’t want to, then all you gotta do is say no.”
you shake your head, a hand taking suguru’s. “i-i want to..” the words fell out of your mouth shyly, and you could feel your face burn as suguru chuckles, his grip tightening around your hand. “what a good girl. you don't gotta be shy at all 'kay, [name]?”
“mhm..” you nod, eyes slightly widening when you realized you didn’t even tell them your name. “you know my name?”
“of course. we always know the name of our summoner, it’d be rude if we didn’t know,” suguru smiles, as he pulls you towards him. his large frame towered over yours, and you could feel his throbbing erection poking your lower belly. “does that freak you out, princess?”
"n-no.." you shake your head, lips trembling slightly. in other cases, this sort of situation should freak you out. like, who would want to fuck two hot incubuses? but that question doesn't matter anymore. the two were so alluring, and their words seem to enchant you in some way. "good then.. i can kiss you now, right?" suguru coos in your ears.
you nod, gaze staring into suguru’s dark eyes. the incubus presses his lips against yours as a hand snakes around your hips. you moan into the kiss, since this was a feeling you hadn’t felt in so long. satoru just watches, his own dick twitching underneath his pants from the way your moans sounded.
suguru’s hands slithers underneath your shorts, groping and massaging the skin of your ass. next, he gently bites your lower, smirking from the way your moans fell into his mouth. “you like how i touch you, princess?” suguru inquires in such a seductive tone when pulling away from the kiss, and you nod as an answer while your face burned.
you are pushed down on your bed, and suguru hovers over you. he licks his lips, liking the way you were sprawled under him as his eyes burned with lust. you nearly shut your eyes as suguru spreads your legs apart, pushing the material of your shorts and panties to the side. “w-wait—“ you begin out of embarrassment, but suguru had already slipped two of his long fingers inside of your wet cunt. you gasp, quietly squirming as he pumps his fingers slowly.
“goodness princess, you’re already so wet,” suguru comments, pushing his fingers deeper. the squelching noises of your pussy resonates the room, along with your soft moans. he smiles, glancing at satoru who was becoming hornier by the second. the white haired incubus couldn’t contain himself much longer— wanting to touch himself to the sound of your moans. “you hear that, satoru? you hear how wet she is?”
“mmh- fuck, yeah,” satoru replies, a hand rubbing over the bulge of his pants. he had to admit, he was jealous of suguru— him being able to please you first. the two had been confined in that book for who knows how long. satoru has become desperate, hungry and longing to touch and fuck a pretty girl like you. “hurry up, suguru. i want to touch her next.”
suguru chuckles, turning his attention back to you. “doesn’t that turn you on, [name]? don’t you like hearing how badly satoru wants to touch you like this?” suguru says, pressing a thumb against your clit and creating sensual circles around the area that makes you more sensitive. you moan as a response, your body trembling from suguru’s actions. “y-yes.. i want satoru- to t-touch me too..” you reply, looking at satoru who nearly came from the needy pitch of your voice.
“you heard her, satoru,” suguru says, glancing at satoru with a grin— and you found yourself in between the two incubuses. suguru had slipped off your shorts and panties, tossing them to the floor. satoru was situated behind of you, propping your body up so that your back would press against his muscular chest.
while suguru was pumping his fingers into your aching pussy and rubbing circles against your clit, satoru had pushed his hands underneath your top to fondle with your breasts. satoru pinches your nipples with his fingers, getting a little whine out of your mouth and then moves his lips to suck the skin of your neck. suguru could feel your gummy walls pulsate and clench around his fingers, and he fastens his pace to assist you closer to your orgasm.
“such pretty tits you have, angel,” satoru compliments, leaving love marks on your neck and he kisses your shoulders. such delicate and gorgeous skin you have— making satoru wanting to mark you all over with his mouth. he pinches your nipples again, when noticing the way you react to it. “mm~ s-satoru- keep touching my breasts like that-“ you moan, your head slightly falling back against his shoulder.
“give me some attention too, princess~” suguru pouts, slipping another finger into your pussy. your eyes widen in astonishment, seeming that you’ve never felt three fingers inside of you before. your moans become louder at that point, mostly because of suguru. “yeah, that’s a good girl. moan just for me,” he adds, smirking as his knuckles began smacking the entrance of your pussy.
satoru glares at suguru, before slipping one hand away from your breast to grab your head. satoru turns your face towards him and presses his lips against yours while maintaining eye contact with suguru. the raven haired incubus furrows his brows, watching as you and satoru’s tongues swirled sloppily around and over each others. the two now seem to have an ongoing battle of who can please you the best.
“‘m gonna c-cum,” you utter through your moans, mouth parting slightly from satoru’s, a strong of saliva connecting from your tongue to his. suguru smiles, curling his fingers to rub faster against your g-spot. “c’mon princess, cum for me,” he says, lowering his face to your pussy and replaces his thumb with his tongue on your clit.
“oh f-fuck, suguruu-“ you mewl his name, eyes nearly rolling back as your legs tremble from the fast kitten licks his tongue was giving against your clit. satoru couldn’t do much but continue to play with your breast and watch suguru fuck your pussy until you came. you could feel satoru’s throbbing dick pressing against your lower back, and you use a hand to go behind and underneath his pants. “s-shit, angel-“ satoru grunts as your hands push to free his cock out and wrap around his girth. “seems like she’s ready for my cock.”
“don’t even think about it, satoru,” suguru growls, circling licks against your clit before gently sucking. he had to remind satoru that it was his turn to fuck the next summoner first, and just because you had invited satoru earlier than suguru expected, doesn’t mean he’d get to fuck his cock into you first. as for you, your mind is too overstimulated with the situation and you couldn’t bother caring about their bickering. “shitshitshit, i’m cumming-“ you cry out, squirting over suguru’s mouth and fingers.
suguru licks and cleans all of your juices that squirted onto your thighs and by his mouth, savoring the taste. he stares deep into satoru’s eyes when licking off your arousal on his fingers, smiling cockily since satoru wasn’t able to get a taste. “i might actually get addicted to this pussy,” suguru comments before he unzips his pants to releases his hard throbbing cock.
your eyes widen at the sight of suguru’s dick. was something like that actually going to fit? you anticipated greatly as suguru pumps his length a few times before aligning against your wet entrance. “oh, you scared, princess?” suguru chuckles, but you instantly shake your head. “n-no.. please fuck my pussy..” you reply, pushing your legs farther apart.
“you hear that, satoru? hear and see how she’s begging for my cock only?” suguru asks, glancing at satoru to see his reaction. he just needed to rub it in the other incubus’s face, since they were quarreling after all. satoru glares again, not replying as his attention was mostly on the way your hand gripped around his cock. “spreading your legs like that just f’me. such a needy girl you are, huh?” suguru adds, teasing your wet entrance with the tip of his cock before pushing his entire length past your folds.
“o-oh my god-“ you moan, eyes widening from the feeling of suguru’s cock rubbing against your walls, nearly making you cum again. suguru grunts when your tight pussy instantly clenches around him, and he quietly chuckles. “fuck.. mmh,” he moans, rocking his hips in a slow and sensual pace.
“touch me too, angel. don’t forget about me,” satoru whimpers, his words purring into your ears as he bucks his hips up to feel your soft hand rub against his desperate cock. and who were you to ignore his lecherous request? you began to pump your hand along satoru’s cock just like he wanted, causing him to moan softly into your ear. “s-shit.. i might cum just because of your hands,” satoru chuckles, returning his lips to suck the skin of your neck.
suguru’s hands grip tightly on your thighs as his thrusts became stronger, faster, and full of desire— wanting to strive your attention away from satoru. his cock was already fucked deep into you, spreading and pleasuring your walls towards your next orgasm. your moans fall from your mouth with each thrust and love bite you receive from the two incubuses, and you began detecting stars in your vision as you reach a daze. “n-ngh.. squeezing me so damn hard. you want my cum that badly, baby?” suguru groans, faintly throwing his head back.
“y-yes, pleaseee,” you whine, your cunt sucking in suguru’s cock at his words. the incubus groans, drilling deeper into your pussy, balls slapping against your ass. satoru intently watches suguru pound into your needy hole relentlessly, turning you into a crying and moaning mess. his dick twitches at the sight of you two connecting, making him wonder what it’d be like to be in suguru’s position. it even turned satoru on when he sees how suguru’s fucking you, and the sensual strokes you give his cock doesn’t seem to stop him from reaching an orgasm.
“fuckkk, holy fuck-“ suguru chants, his eyes nearly rolling back because of how satisfied his dick was feeling. “we should make her ours, satoru. make her our little cum dump, yeah?” suguru glances at satoru, who only moans as a response when you swirl your thumb around his swollen tip. “seems like she wants to, satoru. the way she’s clenching her dirty little cunt tightly around me tells me she wants to be our cum dump. that right, princess?” suguru utters, now staring into your tear filled eyes as he continues thrusting into you.
you nod your head several times, unable to formulate a proper response as you felt your next orgasm reaching. “‘m gonna cum, shittt,” satoru groans, your soft hand on his cock driving him insane. “m-me too.. gonna fill your womb up with all of my cum,” suguru grits his teeth, and you haven’t even realize his sharp nails nudging into the flesh of your skin.
in the next moment, satoru came entirely over your back and hand— while suguru fucks his cum into you before pulling out. you moan, legs trembling slightly as you feel suguru’s semen warming your baby room. you’re breathing heavily, desperately gasping for air as the two were switching positions, not that you noticed.
you found yourself on all yours and completely naked, face directly inches away from suguru’s cock while satoru had positioned behind of you, pushing your ass back against his hips. “now it’s my turn to dump my cum in you, angel. i’m gonna give you so, so much~” satoru coos, not even giving you a moment to comprehend before shoving him cock into you. “a-ah, fuck-“ your mewl, eyes widening from the deep penetration, instantly making you cum on him. “already came? i just started, y’know,” satoru grunts, thrusting his hips before slapping your ass.
suguru strokes his throbbing dick that was still hard, which earns your attention immediately. he chuckles, his other hand going to caress the side of your face. “you miss my cock already, don’t you?” suguru raises a brow, smacking the tip against your face before you nod. “yeah? t-then take my cock into your mouth- mmh, just like that- good girl,” he praises, pushing half his length pass your lips, groaning at the warm feeling of your mouth.
you bob your head slowly back and forth, sucking and slurping suguru’s cock while using another hand to pump the rest of his length that was unable to fit into your mouth. at the same time, satoru was drowning his cock deep into your cunt, fucking suguru’s cum out and making it stream down your thighs and onto the sheets of your bed. “s-stop squeezing me so much, angel. about to make me cum a-again,” satoru stutters, hands gripping tightly on your hips.
“mm- satoruu- suguruu~” you moan both of their names, pushing your head away to swirl your tongue around suguru’s tip. you clench your walls around satoru, despite him begging you to relax since it was driving him insane. “hear her, suguru? she’s moaning our names like a damn slut,” satoru grins, slapping your ass again.
“yeah, i like it,” suguru replies, pushing his length into your mouth again, feeling your moans vibrate against his dick. “g-gonna fill her mouth with my cum too..”
“hey.. that’s not fair..” satoru glares at suguru. or maybe it is fair and he just doesn’t want to admit it. since the last time they had sex with someone, satoru was the one mostly occupying their attention and barely allowed suguru to interact. to say the least, satoru’s selfish and greedy, but of course if it’s his best friend— he wouldn’t mind sharing, which is why they’re both sworn incubuses. “it is. but whatever [name] says, goes,” suguru hums, reminding satoru of the simple rules they established beforehand.
“‘ts okay- i want you both- to fill me up with your cum-“ you intervene as suguru slips his cock out, exchanging glances between the two. whether the boys like it or not, you’d share yourself equally to them. that was the fair way, but it didn’t mean they’d stop bickering over you. wanting to get rid of their glares at each other, you attract their attention back to you by kitten licking your tongue against suguru’s tip and grind your hips back against satoru. “s-shit. i can’t resist myself any longer, princess,” suguru moans.
satoru was loving the way you were fucking his cock by pushing your hips back against him, it made him pound you even rougher than before. “gonna make this pussy ours then,” satoru whines, his hips slamming harshly against your ass, nearly capturing your remaining attention away from suguru. “let’s fill every single one of her holes with our cum, ‘guru.”
“you fucking bet,” suguru smirks to the idea, as if it wasn’t something they planned from the beginning. the two of them moan, feeling you suck them in tighter, like you’re trying to milk all of their cum out due to the wicked statement. it aroused you, turned you into an even more filthy woman. “g-gonna cum in your pussy now, angel.. fuckkkk, take it all like a good girl,” satoru huffs, hoisting one of your thighs up.
as satoru was reaching his climax, he penetrates his cock deeper into your cunt, making sure all of his cum would reach into your womb like suguru’s did. you cry out, rushes of ecstasy flowing through your veins before satoru shoots his warm semen into you. at the same moment, suguru prods his entire length into your mouth, whether it fit or not, and releases his second load into the back of your throat. your mind is completely scrambled, cramped with lust struck thoughts of the two incubuses.
and just when you think that they’re done, you find yourself lying back on your bed again and legs spread apart to where they both could fit in between. they both wore heavy erotic expressions, eyes practically sparking with hearts as they stared down at you.
it was like you were in a never-ending heaven with two sex demons. you already felt so addicted to the incubuses, like they were going to become a drug you could never stop taking. and well, you couldn’t return the book anymore— not after experiencing this. they were going to be your little secret, your pleasures, your two fuck buddies that will pound their horny cocks into you wherever and whenever.
you keep your filled cunt exposed to them, moaning softly when their mixed cum starts dripping out. to them, it looked like you were desperately pleading for them to fuck you again. and that’s when they knew that they were going to be summoned every single night.
“let’s make sure this pussy remember us, and only us.”
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LOAFGETO. thank you for reading! please do not copy my work or publish in another media without my permission.
a/n: i’ll let you guys decide who says the line at the end. ANYWAYS finally on thanksgiving break, im sooo done with school bru. ok lol hope u guys enjoyed. likes + reblogs are appreciated. <3
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angllicjk · 7 months
𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 (𝐌)
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𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Vampire!Jungkook X Human! (Fem) Reader 
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 7.2K 
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: Being without you almost the entire night is unbearable and Jungkook just wants to scare the life out of you and fuck your brains out in the middle of the woods. 
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: pwp!, smut + tiny thriller + fluff, Dom!jk, Sub!reader, unprotected sex (don’t be a dumbass. Wrap it!) exhibitionism, biting, spanking, dirty talk, blood drinking, cursing, calls her a slut thrice, rough sex, lil choking, manhandling, multiple orgasms, dacryphilia, hair pulling, jk is kinda mean but loves oc sm, calls her his doll, love & pretty a lot. 
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He’s been eyeing you almost the whole night and you can practically feel his gaze burning into your skin from across where he sits. It makes you feel hot all over, moreso than the heat emanating from the burning firewood in front of you. You know Jungkook would much rather spend his time next to you instead of being separated by your friends. 
Although a part of you wants to be beside him just as much and you can’t help the way you're so easily drawn to his gaze. Licking your over-bitten red lips you admire him a bit longer, liking the way he looks just sitting there by the fire in his all black attire and freshly cut short hair you never quite got over. 
It’s almost annoying how good Jungkook always looks. How he manages to make you a squirming mess whenever he’s near and he knows it too.
Heat seeps in your lower half, body getting hot with excitement coursing through your veins because you know he can’t keep his eyes off you too. 
“I’ll be back.” Standing up from your spot on the blanketed floor, you excuse yourself from the girls to head back inside the cabin for another drink.  
You send him a pretty smile you know he can’t resist as you pass him by, stifling a giggle as his eyes trail after you. 
Jungkook simply can’t help it and shamelessly watches you walk further away towards the cabin. The mesmerizing way your hips sway in that black mini you wear has him licking his lips and biting into the flesh at sinful thoughts of you. The sight just adds on to the way he’s been aching to have you all night. 
He realizes though that he’s not the only one checking you out, noticing Taehyung in his peripheral vision watching you as well. Jungkook’s head immediately snaps in his direction with a sharp glare, sending a harsh smack to the back of his head for thinking that he could so much as look at you like that. 
“Ow!. Fuck.” Taehyung groans in agony as he rubs the spot right after to soothe the oncoming pain. 
He’s lucky he didn’t get his heart ripped out or his head snapped harshly, Jungkook thinks to himself. 
He knows your friends wouldn’t appreciate the sight and would most definitely freak out. They already think of him as a weirdo, but he could care less. 
He glares at him a second longer, tonguing his cheek in distaste before he’s ultimately getting up from the ground and leaving the group behind. 
Jungkook’s spent the entire night almost without you by his side and now he just wants you all to himself. 
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It seems they ran out of your favorite flavor as you eye the remaining two wine coolers in the fridge. You sigh in slight irritation and opt for the one that sucks less. 
After closing the fridge shut and turning around, a gasp escapes you in slight surprise seeing Jungkook casually standing in front of you. 
When the fuck did he get here?. 
“Fuck, were you there the whole time?.” You ask, twisting the top of your wine cooler off and taking a quick sip. 
He doesn’t give you an answer for a moment as he stares at you. 
“Take a walk with me.” Jungkook simply says, more of a demand than a suggestion. 
He grabs a hold of your wrist, gently tugging you along with him out the front door and back outside into the cold night. 
You catch sight of your friends who are having too much fun by the bonfire to pay you two any mind while you both sneak off somewhere else. 
“Like in the woods?.” 
Jumgkook’s pulling you towards the lineage of tall trees where nothing but darkness seeps and you don’t doubt you both would just get lost in the first few minutes. 
“You scared?.” A deep chuckle rumbles past his lips, turning a glance back at you with a teasing smile and glimmering eyes full of mischief.
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you let him lead the way and pull you along this sudden late night adventure. 
“Please, I’m with you. What else could I possibly be scared of at this point?.” 
“Weren’t you scared of those weird shapeshifter creatures you once talked about?” Jungkook mentions followed by a snort, bursting into a chuckle.
At the mere mention you gasp with a chill running down your spine, pulling him closer and molding yourself against his body seeking protection and comfort only he could provide you with.
“Why would you bring that up now of all times!.” 
Jungkook laughs heartily, letting you cling onto him tighter. You smack his shoulder, not liking how he finds amusement in your fear of such. 
“I’m sorry, pretty. You have nothing to worry about though when I’m right here.”
The trek ahead is put on pause, basking in this little moment with him underneath the glimmering moonlight in his arms.
“Yeah, yeah.” Huffing out a sigh, you let him grasp your hips and pin you close against his front. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and leans in to press a kiss upon your right cheek. 
It’s a bit cold, but it’s sweet nonetheless and still has your heart melting inside at the loving gesture.
The chilly air nips at your exposed skin, and you mentally scold yourself for choosing to look sexily appealing tonight rather than dressing for warmth. You’re a bit envious of Jungkook since he’s naturally accustomed to the cold weather. He doesn’t provide you warmth, at least not really physically. 
Right now he can hear how your blood pumps in your veins and your heartbeat thumping. It spurs on his hunger. Being beside you now and smelling how good you absolutely are is intoxicating. It always is. Jungkook usually knows to resist himself and hold back his urges. However, you are just too irresistible and he can’t wait till he can finally have you like he’s been wanting all night. 
“Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?, doll.” Cupping your face, he fixes you with a look of pure admiration, making you feel like the prettiest thing in the world and to him you were. It brings a smile to your lips and you grip onto him by the open flaps of his leather jacket. 
“Mmm, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of me back there.” You tease with a smirk and he throws his head back, biting back a smile of his own he cannot contain.
“Can’t help it when you're so goddamn beautiful.” Jungkook doesn’t deny it, looking back down at you as he squeezes your hips in emphasis of how bad he wants you.
“Yeah?. Tae seemed to have thought so too. He kept looking at me.” 
A deep growl rumbles in his chest, eyes slightly tinged a deep red as he gazes back at you with mild rage.
“Don’t.” His hand wraps around your throat, squeezing just enough to steal your breath away.
If looks could kill, you’d be dead by now with the way he glares at you.
You know you shouldn’t have said that, but you can’t help but to like the sudden reaction you're getting from him. Even if it is going to cost you. 
“Unless you wanna piss me off and have me take you right here against this tree.” He gets past through gritted teeth, jaw tensing as he fixes you with a look in ferocity. 
A moan nearly escapes you once the words leave his lips and he lets go of you altogether. Your thighs squeeze together at the thought of him doing just that. It’s what you wanted and you want him so bad. 
Jungkook’s been making you feel hot and bothered all night at the bonfire with his lust filled gazes and how particularly hot he’s looked tonight. You need him more than ever right now.  
“What if that’s exactly what I want?.” 
You pull him closer by your tight grip on his jacket, challenging him as you slowly tug Jungkook back with you towards the tree. His hands keep a hold of your waist, still making sure you don’t trip in the dark. The moonlight shines prettily over your face, painting you like the ethereal goddess you were and for a moment he’s lost in his thoughts, wanting to give you what you want, anything you ask of him. He’d be a fool not to when you look at him like that with pretty lashes fluttering, gazing up at him sweetly looking like sins incarnate.  
Just what kind of temptress were you?. 
He’s always ready to give you anything you could ever want, no questions asked.
Although as tempting as you are, Jungkook doesn’t forget what you were trying to do and can’t help but want to play with you a little. 
You should know better than to ruffle his feathers up like that. 
“Careful baby, you know I bite.” His grip transfers to your shoulders and pushes you back against the thick three behind you, pinning his body against yours. 
One of his legs bends and wedges its way between your exposed thighs, immediately feeling your warmth from below. He’s leaning forward and presses a chaste kiss on the side of your neck before moving on up as he nibbles on your earlobe.  
“And I’ll bite real hard.” His deep timbre sends a shiver down your spine, heart beating rapidly it makes him chuckle. 
Your breath hitches, waiting for him to do exactly that any moment now. He looks up at you, hand cradling your face gently as he’s leaning into you. Before his lips just about touch yours, he rips away from you completely. 
“What-“ Your eyes flutter in confusion, stunned at the way he’s slowly walking away from you. 
“Come on doll.” Tucking both hands into the front pockets of his jeans, Jungkook nods his head into the darkness that surrounds you amongst the trees. 
You aren’t sure why he’s suddenly interested in taking a walk further in, but you follow him nonetheless.
With little light, you try to keep your sights on him but it seems he’s only getting further and further ahead of you in his trek deep into the woods, seamlessly slipping into the darkness. 
“Wait.” A gasp leaves you and immediately you stop in place once you ultimately lose sight of Jungkook. Eyes squinting, you try your hardest to look for him, but you have no idea where he suddenly went. Your heart begins to pound for a different reason as you turn and look each way for any sight of him, which is futile at this point because it’s dark out and you could barely see a thing, the moonlight not providing much light. It seems the further you are the darker it gets. 
“Jungkook?.” His name falls from your lips in a shaky breath and you begin to feel uneasy when your voice is all you can hear and you don’t get an immediate response back, none at all. 
Wrapping your arms around yourself tighter for warmth and some type of comfort, you begin to slowly walk once again. At this point you're lost and you don’t know which way is back or which way Jungkook suddenly went. 
You know he’d never intentionally put you in danger or even try to hurt you, but his sudden disappearance leaves you deeply disturbed. 
A twig snaps nearby and you immediately turn in the direction you think you heard it come from. 
A shiver racks through you not only because of the cold but sudden fear that has settled deep within. Your lips tremble, breath picking up as you stare into the dark, waiting for something or anything to just come out. 
“Jungkook please, I just want to go back already.” A whine nearly escapes your throat, hoping it was him and that he’s just messing with you because you’re starting to become a startled mess at the thought that it could be anyone or anything else out there with you and this could very well be the last night of your life. 
Once again you don’t get any type of response. Your heart thrums wildly within your chest when you suddenly hear fast footsteps that sound like they’re coming near you. 
Taking a step back you turn around and immediately start running once you hear it coming even closer towards you, panting and chest heaving as you try to run as fast as you can to get away from whatever is now chasing after you. 
Tears cascade down your cheeks rapidly and whimpers tumble out of your throat as you pray for it to get lost and for Jungkook to just come back and save you. 
You’ve never felt so terrified in your life and you wish you never let him drag you out here this late. 
Many branches snapping and leaves crunching along with your heavy breathing are the only things you hear in the dead of night. The heavy footsteps never stop along with you and you almost trip over a few thick ingrown branches sticking out from beneath the dirt ground. 
They’ve gotten even closer and all you can do is keep trying to run away but it seems like all hope is gone once they grip you by the back of your long sleeve and pull you into them. 
“No!. Please!.” You cry out in desperation, trying to wriggle out from its strong hold. 
A hand covers over your mouth, preventing you from crying or screaming anymore and you pant harshly, struggling to breathe for air against them. 
They push you into the nearest tree, face planted quite harsh against the rough bark that scrapes your skin. You whimper and stop struggling in their grasp because you no longer have it in you to. Silently crying as you wish this never happened, that you weren’t left completely alone out here in the woods. 
A deep chuckle in amusement sounds behind you and your eyes widen at the familiarity of it, body frozen against him.
“Aww, did I scare my pretty baby too much.” Jungkook finally lets go of you, turning you back around so he could see you. 
The tears in your red stinging eyes and the hysterical look on your face was enough to make him regret his attempt at scaring you. He no doubt had you terrified. 
His smile fades into a look of concern, not liking the saddened look on your pretty face he put there. 
Oh, his poor sweetheart.
Jungkook notices some dirt on your cheek and a cut where a bit of blood seeps out. He wipes the dirt off and leans forward to lick the remaining blood and clean it up for you, almost moaning at how good you taste. 
“Y-you’re such…an asshole for that.” You sniffle, shoving him back hard he almost trips on a few branches below him. 
“I’m so sorry baby. I didn’t mea- okay I did, but-…I’m sorry.” He drops his head upon your shoulder in defeat and wraps his strong arms around your waist tightly, wanting to hold and comfort you as best as he could. 
“I won’t ever do it again. I’m sorry love.” Jungkook whispers below you, wallowing in your intoxicating scent and warmth. Your fear and rapid heart rate had made you smell even more delectable. 
He looks up at you, hand gently cupping your jaw. “I’ll make it up to you, just like I know you want.” 
You’re still sniffling with tears in your eyes but you’ve somewhat calmed down. Still can’t believe it was him who was after you. You almost hate him for it. 
“Don’t you ever do this again or I’ll leave you, where you could never find me.” You say with finality, narrowing your eyes up at him in a way that lets him know how serious you are. 
Jungkook doubts that you could ever do that and besides, he could so easily find you, he wouldn’t stop either.  
“I won’t. I’m sorry, love.” Jungkook nods his head, promising you with a tender kiss to both of your cheeks before placing one upon your lips. One that’s gentle and sweet. It instantly melts your heart. 
Jungkook pulls away for a moment, lifting your chin up to look him in the eyes as he speaks. “You know I’d never let anything bad happen to you doll.” 
He knew how you felt during the moment he was chasing after you and once he caught you. How scared and helpless you felt, how terrified you sounded. He doesn’t ever want you to feel that way again, ever. 
“I’ll always be here and don’t you think for a second that I won’t be. I’d die before I let anyone or anything harm you.” The intense look in his eyes and how gently he’s cradling you makes you feel safe, makes you want to believe his words. Even if he is a creature of the night, a predator in his nature. One that is feared and that you should be feared by, but you aren’t afraid of him. Up until this point he’s never given you a reason to be. Nonetheless, you always want to be by his side.
Maybe you're crazy for thinking this way, but you're way past that now to even care. 
Jungkook angles your head up as he slips his tongue past your eager lips, tangling with yours and swallowing your soft moans of pleasure. Hand at your waist thumbing your skin underneath your shirt and pushing his knee between your legs once again. 
For a moment you forget you're both still in the woods, alone and how cold it is when he has you like this in his hold making you feel so good. Jungkook knows you want more when your hands grip around his shoulders, matching his urgency to taste more and not so subtly grinding yourself down onto his jean clad thigh. 
Jungkook pulls away suddenly with a chuckle as you whine at the loss of contact, pulling him closer once more. 
“Tell me what you want, love.” Licking his lips, he never stops his caress upon your skin and he waits for your reply. Watching the way your chest heaves and the pretty look you're giving him, desperate and full of desire. 
“I’ll do anything you ask of me.” Jungkook leans in once again and presses another kiss to your neck, lightly suckling upon the spot where your blood pumps rapidly. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you speak up with a waver in your voice, almost pleading. “I want you to make me feel good…need you so bad.”
“You always need me huh.” A sly smile spreads across his handsome face, lip ring shining under the moonlight that provides little light over you both. 
Nodding your head, you hum a reply and pull him closer, wanting him to just do something already. You can’t take it anymore. He looks too good standing in front of you. You want nothing more than for him to touch you and make you feel so good like he always does. 
Jungkook thinks you look absolutely gorgeous like this with your pretty pleading eyes and cute furrowed brows. He finds it endearing how you tug him by his jacket and grip your fingers in the material because you want him as close to you as he can be. 
God, he absolutely wants to devour you. 
“Mmm, I’ve wanted you all night baby.” Jungkook confesses as he cups your jaw and locks your lips this time with much fervor. 
“I’ll make you feel so good.” He rasps deeply against you, resting his forehead on yours. 
“Fuck, I just wanna tear into you.” Jungkook’s hunger is getting harder to tame the more he desires for you. He just wants to lose control and do every ungodly thing he could do to you. 
The times when you first met were so fucking hard and he’s learned to control himself since, but sometimes you truly make it so difficult for him to do so, like now.  
A moan escapes you at his words, grinding your covered core against his thigh again in desperation. 
“Please fuck me, do whatever you want to me, please!.” 
You sound so pretty to him and Jungkook wants to keep making pretty sounds fall from your red stained lips. 
“Fuck, baby, turn around for me.” He grabs you by the waist and turns you around himself, having you face the tree. 
A groan falls past his lips when he pulls you flush against him, bringing your ass to meet his covered bulge. 
“Gonna fuck you so good.” 
He pushes you forward to pin you against his body and the thick tree, your face almost pressing into the bark as you try to hold yourself up against it. One of his hands slips down and lifts your skirt up, revealing your sweet plump ass in the black lace panties you’ve got on.
Jungkook moans at the sight, landing a slap against your right cheek with his tattooed hand and he loves the way it bounces, giving a few more harsh slaps upon your cold skin.
A sharp gasp tumbles from you at the sudden impact. You’re already so wet and it has you whining for more as he rubs his palm over it soon after to soothe the skin, no doubt already leaving a mark that stings a reddish pink. 
“Imma give you what you want pretty.” Jungkook promises with a soft kiss to the back of your neck before he’s tugging your panties to the side, exposing your wet cunt.
His fingers trail over your folds and opening, feeling how wet you already are for him and he collects some of it, dragging the slick upwards to rub it into your clit. Moans leaving you at the way his fingers play with the sensitive bud. 
“Ohh! fuck.”
“God you’re so fuckin’ wet. I’ve barely done a thing to you, baby.” His hard cock throbs at how needy you are for him and the satisfied moans leaving you. 
Jungkook can’t wait to finally feel you wrapped around him. He’s been wanting to fuck you so bad all night. Looking so hot and pretty in your cute outfit. It’s a crime you weren’t near him like he wanted you to be. Fuck your friends, they see you on a daily and he just wants you for himself all the time.  
“Want more, baby?. Want my fingers?. Hmm.” He never stops his assault on your clit, rubbing it back and forth, causing more wetness seeping out of you. It drips down your leg but you don’t care because you're so lost in the way he’s making you feel. 
“Want you- ughhh…want you inside. Please!.” 
Jungkook clicks his tongue, gripping your hip tighter to keep you steady on your wobbly legs. 
“Needa stretch you out first, pretty.” 
You shake your head, whining in frustration as he moves his fingers down to your opening instead with the intention of fucking you with them. 
“Nooo!. Please!. I can t-take it…mmm please.” 
Jungkook can no longer keep you both from what you really want and who is he to deny his pretty girl what she wants. After all, he just wants to make you feel good like you deserve. Like he promised. 
“Oh I know you can, baby.” Jungkook removes his hand altogether to start unbuckling his belt and unzips his pants. Pulling his thick cock out of his underwear, he hisses at his release from the restraining confines and brings his fingers back to your wet cunt. He gets them wet with your slick and wraps them around his cock for lubrication from base to tip. Groaning in satisfaction as he pumps his hard cock in his tight fist a few times. 
An impatient whine of yours as you try to reach behind for him, has him landing another sharp slap across your ass, tonguing his cheek in disappointment at your bad behavior. 
“Be a good girl and fuckin’ wait a second. You do that shit again and I’ll make you get on your knees n’ wait longer.” 
You whine, dropping your head in defeat because you don’t want to wait any longer. Your pussy clenches around nothing in anticipation for him to finally be inside you.
He kneads at the fat of your ass, squeezing it hard in his big hands. Moaning as he appreciates the view of it before he’s pulling you back towards him. He holds the base of his cock and rubs it between your folds, getting it slick once more. Finally, his thick mushroom head pushes past your plush folds and inches more into your pulsing cunt. 
A throaty moan leaves you, loving the way he feels inside and how he’s stretching you out so good with his big cock your eyes nearly roll back at the sensation. 
“Oh fuckk baby…feel so f-fucking good.” Jungkook moans deeply in pleasure behind you, lost in the way your hot pussy wraps around him so snugly. With one hard thrust he buries himself to the hilt. Groaning in ecstasy, throwing his head back as he pauses to bask in the feel of you around him. 
You feel so full of him and all you want is for him to lose all control and fuck you into oblivion like you know he can. 
You’re getting so impatient the more Jungkook just doesn’t move, all you do is whine and beg him to. His mouth falls open, a guttural moan leaves his lips at the way you suddenly clench around his throbbing length so hard and he’s gripping your hips to stop you from moving against him. Sending another slap to your ass once more, this time rougher that it leaves a hurtful sting . 
“So fucking impatient huh. Just can’t wait to be fucked like the little slut you are.” He grits through clenched teeth as his hand snakes its way up your body till it’s wrapped around your throat, yanking you back up to be flushed against him instead. 
Jungkook can’t help but want to be a bit mean to you. He knows you secretly love it. 
“Not gonna be sweet with you anymore, baby, since you wanna act out.” 
The way his deep voice gruffs against your ear, how you can feel him throbbing inside of you and the way his hand tightens around the base of your throat, cutting some of your air supply. You’re so turned on, moaning aloud and repeatedly clenching around him with a new wave of wetness gushing out of you. It drips down his balls and your thighs. 
“Ohh shit!…fuckkk.” 
You feel too good around him and he can’t possibly wait any longer. It’s all he’s wanted. He pulls himself back till only the tip of his cock is resting at your entrance then plunging himself back in hard, repeating the same motions as more moans fall from you, body jolting against him in his strong hold. 
All you can hear out here in the woods is how good Jungkook’s fucking you. The filthy sounds of skin slapping, choked moans and sobs uncontrollably spilling from you. The erotic squelching sound of how absolutely drenched your pussy is as he thrusts his cock in and out of you at a bruising pace. 
“Ohh yes!. Fuck…mo..more please!.”
Jungkook’s ragged groans and hot moans of pleasure mixes with yours, loving the way you squeeze around his big cock and suck him back in each time like you don’t ever want him to leave. He removes his hand from around your throat and instead moves underneath your shirt and bra, cupping your breast and playing with your nipple the way he knows you like. His fingers tug and roll the hardened bud, adding to your pleasure. 
“You sound so pretty.” His breathy moan near your ear has you whining in response, reaching back with your hand to feel him. Fingers gripping tightly into the short locks of his hair. He lets you, loving the way you wanna cling onto him. Your harsh tugs has him groaning deeply and it spurs him on as he fucks into you harder. 
A twig snaps somewhere near and it has Jungkook pausing his ministrations momentarily, head turning towards the direction it came from. Even though you barely heard it, you don’t care much, wanting him to continue so badly. You were already so close.
He clasps his tattooed hand over your mouth to muffle your moans and tightens his grip on you to prevent you from moving against him. 
“Shut the fuck up for a second.” He growls frustratedly near your ear, turning back to look towards the trees, eyes narrowing in suspicion as he tries to see if anyone was near. 
You pant into his hand, chest heaving and trying to keep quiet like he demanded you to, but it’s hard when all you want is to cum around him. Feeling him plunged deep inside you with him not moving is pure torture. You start to move your hips against him on your own accord as you try to fuck yourself back on his cock. 
“You just don’t fuckin’ listen, huh?.” Jungkook grabs a fistful of the back of your hair and tugs it hard. 
“M’sorry.” You whimper helplessly. It almost hurts, feeling the tight hold he has on you.
“Oh, I don’t think so baby.” Jungkook huffs frustratedly as he rears his hips back, cock halfway inside you. 
“Just want you…” 
“Well since your so fuckin’ desperate…” He fucks into you so hard and fast, uncaring how loud your becoming out here in the woods. Crying out and thrashing in his hold, taking what he’s giving you. 
“You wanted this, huh.” Jungkook yanks your hair back to whisper in your ear. A yelp leaves you at the harsh sting you feel on the back of your head. 
“To be fucked like a dirty slut out in the open where anyone can see.” He chuckles deeply at the way you struggle to respond to him. Only choked sobs and whiny moans leave you. Mind a melted mess because of how good he feels deep inside you.
Jungkook never relents his inhuman pace, thrusting his hips into you from behind at a harsh pace. The strong hold he has wrapped around your waist and his hand tugging at your hair the only thing keeping you from falling apart. 
He shifts his hips upward at an angle that has you sobbing out as he forces you down onto his cock. 
“Yess there!. R-right there. Don’t stop, please! D-don’t-.”
Jungkook loves every bit of it. The way you lose yourself because of his big cock fucking you so good. He almost laughs at the mess he’s created of you. Fucked silly with no thoughts but him.  
“Dirty fucking slut, letting me fuck her out here in the woods.” 
He tugs at your hair again and he feels your sweet pussy clench around him so tight he groans at the heavenly feeling. 
“So cock hungry for me, weren’t you?.”
Jungkook fucks you senseless in the middle of the woods, making you forget where you are. The cold is no longer a match for the way your entire body heats up as he reaches parts deep inside that have you seeing stars. Tears spring in your eyes, momentarily blurring your vision. It’s almost too much for you to handle as his fingers move lower to reach your aching clit and rub his calloused fingers over the wet nub. 
“Mmm p-please!. Ahhh!. I- please!.” Your high pitched whines only spur him on, hips snapping against yours roughly. 
“Please what?, baby. I’m giving you exactly what you want.” His ragged breathes huff near your ear as he teases in that mocking sweet tone of his. 
“You love it don’t you?.”
A barely audible yes leaves you in a broken whimper. 
Jungkook snickers as he pulls your face towards him, pressing a messy kiss to the corner of your lips. Leaving a trail of saliva as he moves down towards the side of your face and jawline where he suckles little hickeys with the sudden need to mark you up anywhere he could. 
His brows pierce together and groans almost animalistically at the feel of more wetness gushing around him as you cum so suddenly, squeezing his cock so good. You shrink into him, whining pathetically as you do so when he never stops. Your pussy’s so wet he slides in with no resistance. Jungkook swears your pussy loves him so much and he loves how soaked he can get you, that he’s the only one who can. With one look or touch, your putty and always wanting more.
“Taking me so fucking well, pretty doll. M’ not done with you.” 
Jungkook smiles sinisterly down at your fucked out form and he’s pushing your hair aside to expose more of your neck. Leaning down to lick a stripe from the juncture between your shoulder and neck all the way up towards your ear. He can smell you and you already taste so fucking good to him. All Jungkook wants is to mark up your pretty skin, sink his teeth in and taste you. His unsated hunger amplifies even more, but he restrains himself a bit longer, wanting to keep making you feel good first.
“Go ahead. Please.” You hold the side of his head close, prompting him to do as he desires but he pulls his head away. 
“Not yet pretty.” Jungkook grumbles. 
Suddenly, he halts his hips and pulls out of you. Before you could whine about it he’s turning you around and picking you up with ease to wrap your legs around him as he pins you against the thick tree. Not wasting any time to push his cock back into your soaping pussy and continuing his unrelenting thrusts into you, hitting that sweet spot so deep the tears in your eyes spill over down your cheeks as you sob aloud. It sounds so sweet to his ears, cock twitching inside you at the need to cum. 
When he meets your gaze, the deep red that almost completely takes over his usually brown eyes should frighten you, but it doesn’t. It only spurs you on to see him this way, almost losing himself because of you.
“Your so fucking pretty like this. Always.” Jungkook pants against your lips, forehead resting against yours as he watches the look of pleasure on your face, the way you look underneath him so overwhelmed from how good he’s making you feel. 
Jungkook always likes to see you a mess, loves making one out of you. It’s just something about the way you lose control, submit yourself to him and take whatever he gives you. The fucked out look you’re giving him, the tears in your eyes and how they cascade prettily down your cheeks, your red lips falling open with moans you can’t contain.
 It drives him absolutely wild. 
He’s so close and the way your pussy flutters strongly around him has his eyes nearly rolling in deep pleasure, moaning into your lips as he kisses you. Jungkook doesn’t hide his hunger for you. You match his pace, letting him taste you and meeting his strokes of tongue with the same passion he’s showing you. 
You tighten your legs around him and try pushing him even deeper, clinging onto him tightly. Fingers tugging the locks of his hair as you lose yourself against him. 
“You’re so good to me, pretty baby.” His lips trail down past your jaw to your neck once again, licking his favorite spot. “…so fucking good.” He lets his sharp teeth graze gently against it. Hearing the way your blood pumps within your veins and heart. He knows you want it just as much as him with the way you pulse around him. 
“Can I have a taste?, baby.” You feel his lips move against your skin, breath fanning across. Within a heartbeat you nod your head above him, moaning out a quick yes, wanting to feel him sink his teeth in. 
He lifts his head back up only to kiss you once more, picking up his pace. Rasping hotly against you. “Need you to cum for me, one more time.” With his free hand, his fingers rub over your clit once more in rapid motions. 
Nibbling into your lips, you moan at the added pleasure it brings you. Your body overheats at the sensations and you feel that familiar coil tightening in the pit of your lower stomach immediately.
“Come on baby, cum for me.” Through gritted teeth he groans, feeling you tighten around his cock. 
“Want you to be a good girl and cream my cock baby. Do it for me.” 
“Ohhh fuckk…”
His words have you sobbing and he  rubs your clit faster in a way that has you keening on the edge of your climax. 
His lips find their way back to your neck and you feel as his sharp canines pierce through your skin, finally sinking his teeth in. A loud cry escapes you at the sharp pain you feel, clenching so hard around him as you come undone, soaking his throbbing cock. Your sweet blood fills his mouth and he moans at the delicious way you taste. His eyes roll back in euphoria as he drinks from you, fulfilling his hunger of the night. Jungkook almost doesn’t want to stop drinking from you. It’s so hard to pull away sometimes with the need to have every drop, but he loves you too much to ever let himself lose all control.
With the way you taste and clench around him so. tightly, it’s enough to send him over the edge, brows furrowed in intense pleasure, cumming deep inside you with a throaty groan. He doesn’t stop his hard thrusts until you're milking all he’s worth, filling you up so good it drips out from both of you. 
“God, I fucking love you baby…so much.” His forehead drops against yours and Jungkook presses one last kiss to your bitten lips. The metallic taste of your blood mixes in with both your saliva, creating a mess. 
“Such a good little girl for me.” Jungkook growls against you, sultry eyes completely red with madness staring down at you. Blood stains his lips, messily smeared down his chin. 
Your blissed out gaze makes him soften into a smile, sensing his venom taking its course and making you feel drowsy in a trance-like state. You smile up at him, cradling the side of his face as he leans down and laps his tongue at the marks he created upon your neck, licking you clean from the mess he made.
You’ve gone lax in his hold, completely spent from the escapade you just had. 
Slowly, he lifts you up a bit to slip himself out with a hiss and gently brings you back down to your feet where he tugs your panties back in place for you and pats your skirt down while he lets you hold onto him, even as he reaches down to tuck himself back in jeans. 
Feeling tired with jellylike bones, you pull him with you back against the tree, head resting against his chest as he wraps his arms around your waist, knowing your legs are still a bit wobbly and can’t balance yourself right now. 
It has him chuckling and he pats the top of your head before pressing a soft kiss upon it endearingly.
“Let’s get you out of here, doll.” 
Jungkook lifts you up once again to wrap around his waist as you continue to cling onto him. He gently pushes your head to rest on his shoulder this time with soft caresses to your hair, walking back towards the cabin out of the deep woods. 
Your eyes flutter to a close on the way back, lulling to sleep as you feel so content in his arms. 
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Once he reaches the cabin, your friends are all gathered in the living room watching some old slasher film. They eye him as he moves past with you cradled in his arms towards your shared room. He lays you gently on the bed, but your arms still cling around his neck, pulling him close. 
“Mm, sleep with me..” You mumble, your sleepy eyes staring up at him.
It’s cute how you try to keep them open to look at him. 
“Don’t worry baby, I will.” Jungkook presses a kiss to your cheek and then to your forehead as you finally let go of him and let him help you get comfortable on the bed. He removes your shoes for you and lays the cover over your sleepy form after.
The sight of you looking so peaceful with a smile on your lips melts his undead heart and all he wants is to always take care of you, to keep that smile on your face.
Jungkook gets one last look at you before he’s heading out the door and closing it shut, ignoring a few looks he’s getting from your friends on his way out the front door. No doubt whispering amongst each other.
They’ve always suspected some things about him. Jungkook knows some of them think he has bad intentions, but they couldn't be anymore wrong. He doesn’t give a fuck about what they think anyways, as long as you’re his and beside him. That’s all he wants and Jungkook has never wanted anything more in this life. 
He wanted to come out and chill for a few minutes before he decided to join you in bed. As he takes a seat on the first step of the porch, he notices Taehyung appear from the woods where he and you came from moments ago. 
“What were you doing out there?.” He suddenly asks in curiosity, nodding his head towards the trees. 
“If I notice one of her friends missing, I’m kicking your ass. She told us to be on our best behavior.” Jungkook mentions. Even if he really wouldn’t care if one of them did go missing, it’s something you had him promise you and he never wants to break your trust. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, hands up in defense as he stops in front of Jungkook. 
“Relax, I only went for a piss.” 
Jungkook shakes his head, taking a sip from the bottle he grabbed for himself before coming out here. 
He tilts his head in deep thought, eyes widening as he suddenly realizes something. 
“That was you wasn’t it!.” Jungkook fixes him with a glare, narrowing his eyes up at him like he could kill him right now if he wanted to and he can. 
Taehyung’s lips curl up in a smirk, no doubt giving himself away. 
“I couldn’t help but overhear and I just had to see what was going on. Really dude, in the woods?.” Taehyung snickers, laughing at the pissed off look he’s getting from the younger male that glares daggers into his being.
He makes it real easy sometimes for Jungkook to just kill him, get rid of him once and for all. An annoying bastard he’s lived with for centuries now.
Jungkook gets up off of the step and shoves him back by the shoulder hard, muttering a “fuck off” before heading inside. He wants nothing more than to be next to you instead, feeling your warmth and holding you close. He doesn’t like the fact that he knows his friend saw and heard you two fooling around in the woods.
“That fucking asshole.”
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fedoranon · 2 years
Why are so many 2020 election posts being recirculated instead of new ones being created? I am.... So sus now?
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mari-the-bimbo · 9 months
This is so reader and ex husband gojo coded idk https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8RLocpm/
A/N: OMG THIS IS SO EX HUSBAND GOJO CODED!! 😭😭 Am I the only one who really misses ex husband Gojo updates? Maybe I should make another toxic series 🫢
But instead of convincing you back into a relationship, it’s more so gaslighting you into believing you’re still in a relationship with him LOL
Turning up under the lame ass excuse of ‘I don’t want my kids to think they’re in a broken family’. You give in easily, knowing he’ll win either way.
He’ll enter the house casually as he pleases since he already has the keys. Almost too happy looking as he enters the kitchen with a wide evil grin on his face, swirling the keys around his pale slender fingers as his blue orbs finds his prey. You’re switching between stirring the sauce and glaring at him.
“Hey Princess” he says almost mockingly, leaning against the counter, inching closer to your face ready to have a flirting session. “Aww you making my favourite for me?” He says.
“No it’s the ki-“ but before you could finish the sentence he grabs you from behind for a hug, muscular arms engulfing you into his muscular chest. He sloppily kisses your cheek making you grimace, but he ignores it, mumbling how much of a sweet wife you are.
“C’mon my angels! Mommy’s made us dinner!” Gojo says, casually sauntering out of the kitchen, searching for his beloved children.
That entire night is hell btw. Just Gojo having one arm around your shoulder, other hand feeding the kids, non stop sloppy kisses and calling you Mrs Gojo.
“Stop that” you grumble at some point when the kids aren’t paying attention. He laughs. An amused laugh, he loves how easy it is to rile you up.
“Don’t be like that baby” he coos. “I know you’re just cranky because you missed me but I’m here now” he adds, leaning in for a kiss again, but you move your head away this time, he laughs sadistically, opting to kiss your cheek instead. “I’ll make it up to you baby, I promise, just wait till the kids are asleep”
King of delulu for real.
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circeyoru · 3 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 5 = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 1.5 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 (here)
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You honestly, truly didn’t want to bring up the negatives because it’s been so long since everyone was gathered here. You merely wanted to celebrate the achievement some of your Elites have done and reward them accordingly, then you’ll move on to another topic
But no, those three sinners sharing the title of Overlords just couldn’t fully grasp their situation and keep their mouths shut until they were back in what tiny territory they have. You’ve overlooked their words since it was their privacy
However, not when they bring it to the open
Everyone tensed up when the glass shattered in your direction. Slowly, their heads turned in your direction. On another occasion, they’d melt under your gaze as it wasn’t always that your eyes were visible
Yet this was not such a time. They felt caged and suffocated, the air around them pressuring them to be more compacted. The smile you had was long gone, now replaced by a slight frown and your eyes were sharp, cold and cruel. They could see the shadowy wisps around you while your hair floated in the air
You stood from your seat, glaring down. Your surroundings molding to match your aura and deathly wrath and rage towards souls that you deemed to be placed in your Elite Collection
The other Overlords regained their composure and sat in their seats with their heads slightly bowed, the Vees were in a different state
Their arms up and heads tilted to the side as though they were puppets on strings. The slight shake in their limbs suggests they were fighting the power that held them in such a humiliating place. Velvette and Valentino started to choke as though the air was sucked out of them, while Vox’s screen face cracked more and more from the pressure
“How brazen of you to judge your fellow Overlords in front of me.” Your voice roared even though it was soft and gentle. “I will have to remind you that it was I who chose them to be under my wing, that includes you.”
What a front. What a misleading trap. You’re not one to initiate fights, but you do provoke fights to give yourself an excuse to let out some steam. That’s to the other demons and sinner, not your Collection, as you give them their chances to change and correct their way on their own. Like how you let Zestial and the others warn the Vees before something triggering happens. 
“Brazen. Brazen.” Cages appeared around the room, some perched on the top of the chairs, some on the table, and some hovering around you with their wings flapping. “Disrespectful. Disrespectful.”
“No, wait, I…” Vox raised his hands, trying to explain himself but words fall short from his speakers. 
“You have no right to say they are ganging up on you three when you have been acting as a group since the beginning. You have no right to say they are not fighting because where were you when Carmilla and Rosie were providing support and Alastor was fighting on the front lines?” You laughed dryly, “Yes, I recall…”
The Vees’ bodies tensed up even more, twitching like branches in the wind. Your dear Cages flew over to them, pecking their bodies with their beck and clawing their flesh with their talons that were coated with angelic steel, courtesy of Carmilla. 
“You were safe in your little bunker and watched the entire battle like a show. Don’t make me start with you three using the souls you own as meat shields and bait!” Your eyes narrowed, then you raised your hand with your palm facing upwards and her fingers curled inwards a bit. “You certainly have no right to bet your soul because it is not yours to use anymore.” You growled, “If anything, you should be ashamed of sharing your title as an Overlord with others.”
At your last words, the deafening, crunching sounds of bones and metal started to echo in the silent room. Zestial closed his eyes, opting to drink from his cup. Carmilla sighed, exasperated, while her head shook from side to side with the smallest of motion. Zeezi gulp at the scene with fear, but she can’t help but smirk a bit. Rosie watched in fascination with the most intrigued expression. And Alastor peeked over to your glorious form.
Vox, Velvette, and Valentino’s bodies were squished and squeezed into the shape of a ball at the slow forming of your fist. Their screams muffled by your powers, their lips were sewn shut with a glowing silver line that appeared along with more silver strings that held them up. Only broke when their bodies were reshaped into balls and dropped on the table, noticing that Valentino’s size was even smaller than what his other two partners have. Their blood spread across the table, but nothing was dirtied by the liquid.
Your beloved Cages flew to what was your Overlords, some ripping pieces of meat as much as they could with their beaks and claws and some licking the blood on the table. 
“There is so much more that I could pick on you three for, however, I want to have you three know it was never my intention to keep everything this dark.” You sighed and massaged the side of your head with a finger. Your eyes glowed with an aura around them, “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll correct your current ways before my patience is gone. Understood?”
“Yes, Master.” Vox was quick to mutter out despite his current state.
“Crystal clear… Master.” Velvette followed after.
“I’m s… sorry… Master.” Valentino whined out.
With the snap of your fingers, they were back to their normal form. They gasped and patted themselves, their minds reliving what they had gone through. They bowed before taking their seats, “Thank you for your mercy, Master.”
Your eyes closed and a smile reformed on your face, “Well then! Let’s move on to something more fun!”
Just like that, the meeting’s main agenda was finally mentioned. You needed your Overlords to dominate the lowlives that were claiming to be Overlords and trying to take territories for themselves
The hologram changed to the landscape of the Pride Ring, and the signature colours of the Overlords marked their respective territories. An eerie black colour mixed with silver marked those that were occupied by self-proclaimed Overlords
You had already checked that there were no Overlords worthwhile to add to your collection, so you gave your Overlords the chance to claim more lands, as well as the opportunity to impress you with their ability to perform a given test. There was a lot of land to cover, so you sat back and let them divide it amongst themselves
It was almost laughable how docile the Vees were acting now, if they had been like so in the first place, then your hand wouldn’t be forced. Still, with some demons and sinners, if they aren’t reminded what real power looks like, they’ll never learn
Their discussion was civil and structured, with Carmilla marking down and arranging the biggest threat and size of new territories. You trust in her judgment. Most picked their preferred land as it was near what territory they have, the ones that benefit most from this was the Vees as they needed to win back your favour in order to wipe the slate clean of their mistakes
While they did so, this time without the arguing and fighting since they had been warned. You petted your Cages one by one and let them return to where they came from, continuing to serve you until you saw they could help more in their former bodies or a humanoid one. You played around with their claws and wings, even feeding them with the everlasting snacks that you summoned when there was no need to
A smile graced the peaceful scene as you sighed in relief over the cooperation they are capable of. You see them working together, it’ll be better if they could set aside their differences and help each other grow
However, you also know it’s impossible for such an idealistic fantasy to come true. This was Hell, no matter how well you have them under your control, they have free will, therefore, free thought. Lucifer’s right when he believes the people of Hell to be awful, even thinking his daughter was wasting time helping them
You’ll have to deny it because Princess Charlie’s redemption worked. For you were approached by the true Ruler of Heaven in regards to a soul needing to leave Hell and go to Heaven. Similar to your role, they reminded in the background and not rule over the souls of Heaven. The only difference was that they were more mischievous in their actions to prove the high-ranking angels wrong
It’s not your business. So you didn’t care. You let that soul leave your realm either way
Still, the individuals before you wouldn’t be able to leave Hell. Never. You won’t allow it since they have sold their souls to you. Even if they are redempted, you won’t let their soul leave and Heaven’s true Ruler knows better than to fight you on that. You’ll let other souls go, but not ones within your Collection
“My Liege, we have divided our work.” Alastor brought you out of your thoughts. 
You looked over to the other Overlord, who all nodded, showing willingness and agreement to Alastor’s words. You smiled. Yes, if only they didn’t sell their souls to you. “In that case, that’s all for this meeting. I know you won’t keep me waiting or disappoint me.”
You return to the hotel with your disguised form already taken place when you teleported back. Alastor was such a dear to offer making you a meal to relax and rewind after a long meeting, so you went and sat down, waiting patiently in the dining room with a book in hand
While your eyes seem to be reading the words on the page, you were keeping an eye out for Overlords
Zestial had gone back to his home and reorganize his knowledge and information collected. You have a feeling he’ll be giving you a report some time soon. Since your little absence, he has been diligently working away with what he was provided. He was an Overlord to not much of you until you gave him, after all. Yet he produces excellent results all the same. Very outstanding
Camilla was preserving the room you have significantly changed to the point that nothing would be changed, now you know where to go when another meeting were to take place. You have a good chuckle when you saw Odette and Clara take turns sitting where you sat like schoolgirls with their idol or crush
It’s good not to be feared. Of course, you understand that they weren’t in a contract with you unlike their mother, so maybe that element of fear wasn’t present as they won’t offend you anyhow. You adore those two and secretly put a little protection charm on them when they left before the meeting started. Seriously, them meeting other demons and sinners while delivering weapons is dangerous
Rosie, being the dear she is, went back to Cannibal Town and retold her people the joyous news of your visit. While it was never specified when, they were already preparing a grand welcome for you. Now, you’re feeling a bit awkward since you didn’t plan an exact date. You thought just a spontaneous visit would do
As if sensing your thoughts, Rosie reminded everyone there was no set date or time you’ll be visiting. The cannibals were forced to stop their rushed preparations, but some still prepared all the same. You seriously couldn’t help but smile at their exchange. You do enjoy how Rosie treated you normally at casual times and wasn’t always as a superior
Zeezi was quick to start in her assignment. Immediately acting after mobilizing the souls she owned, the marked territories she was to take over were swiftly put into her hands and her power did grow. Of course, you saw growth in her. Before, she’d be charging head-first into battle. Here, she studied her target from afar for a while then she hunted them down
Now the Vees, they were recovering from their little ordeal. The wounds done on them from your Cages’ angelic touches weren’t recovered by your recovery power, licking their wounds, they made sure to reevaluate themselves and watch what they do. Valentino received quick the shouting from Vox and Velvette, but he shouted back, in the end, it turned out to be a bit of a blaming-on-each-other shout
You had hoped this would be a push for Vox and Velvette to step away from Valentino, to isolate him because there wasn’t much contribution he offered the two. Vox and Velvette can go hand-in-hand and you don’t mind it, they complement each other and their dynamic could be something like Zestial and Carmilla or Alastor and Rosie. But you know it was a stretch to expect them to do so now
Time will tell how your little Overlord group will go
“And now, we change the layout. Remember the bar was in the lobby before? Well, now it’s next to the kitchen and we have a giant dining room where everyone can have meals together! Oh oh! We can even host parties here and feasts!” Charlie’s voice became louder and louder. You figure she was giving a tour to another new guest and minded your business.
“No way…” Now that was a familiar voice.
“Yes way! We can totally host—” Charlie cut off, and her tone became confused. “Uh, dad, where’re you going?”
When the thought registered, Lucifer was already sitting in front of the empty seat in front of you with a bright smile, “My golly! It’s you!”
You smiled politely, keeping up an act, “Yes, greetings, your highness.”
Lucifer laughed, waving his hand like a slap to dismiss it, “Oh, come on! Where’s the familiarity? I owe you so much! Teach!”
Your smile twitched as did your eye, “Why, whatever do you mean?”
“Charlie!” Lucifer called over his daughter. Your smile widened as you felt like screaming into the void. “Meet my lovely teacher that helped me become the man I am today, King of Hell and all that! This is The Collector, or Silver!” He whispered, “A bit shy on the name, or it’s a taboo to say it. You know how it is.”
“Collector!?” Charlie exclaimed with wide eyes, doubling back and forth from her father to you. “But. But! Guest? How? Huh!?”
Husk spit out his drink from what he heard at the bar, immediately wiping his mouth when he looked over to the commotion. “Oh sh*t…”
You sighed and glared at Lucifer with a twitching smile while still in your disguised form, “You…”
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Note: And that concludes the meeting~ No tease this time~
I'll be moving back to {Unwanted Soul} plotline (I think), so in the meantime, you guys can send in some scenes you want for this, and I'll see how to write them or treat it as trivia~!
Circe Y. 
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @fluffy-koalala @plutobots @ray-rook @thealienartist @serenity-songbird @galaxydreamer468 @raynerrold @wen01203 @hikari-michiko @colecreo @myromanempiree @xsamkuro @yourdoorisunlocked @clavelina @jono723 @cursedcattalastor @an-idyllic-novelist @flamiohotman2024 @rea-grace @myromanempiree @veroneverleft
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surielstea · 3 months
Glazed Over Eyes
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader takes care of a very drunk, very clingy Azriel.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol | Fluff
1.9k words
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The Inner Circle had gone to Rita’s. I had opted to stay at home with Amren— saying that she couldn’t be trusted to watch Nyx alone as my excuse instead of going to the pleasure hall, besides, I’d much rather be silently doing puzzles while listening to the music coming from beside the bank of the Sidra with the windows wide open.
Feyre and Rhys had come home with pink cheeks, nearly forgetting they shared a house with others, Rhys trying to mount his mate right in front of us. Amren banished them to their room with an annoyed look before returning to the nearly complete puzzle we only started an hour ago.
A moment later, Cassian is stumbling into the room with his arm hooked around a very sober, very annoyed Nesta. She lugs him behind her, he seemed too drunk to fly so they're most likely crashing here for the night. My brows crease when I notice my mate not following in after them. Azriel was hesitant to leave me here in the first place, not wanting to go to some kind of party without me there for him to retreat to when things got too loud. I encouraged him to go, to have fun. I was now worried he was having too much fun.
"Hey Nes?" I call before they can disappear down the hall. She turns to me with creased brows and tired eyes. "Hm?" She asks. "Do you know where Az is?" I ask worriedly, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, she pales and looks at Cassian who is oblivious to everything but her. "Azriel?" She snaps her fingers in his face and he blinks, waking from his stupor. "Uh, last time I saw him he was cradling a whiskey bottle so it's anyone's guess." He says and I square ny features. "That's reassuring," I whisper. "Sorry, I didn't know I was on babysitting duty for both Illyrians." Nesta sighs as if she's truly let me down. "It's fine, take care of Cass. I'll check Rita's." I wave her off and she nods in thanks. "If you can't find him let me know, I'll help you." She gives me a soft expression and I give her a carefree smile. "Will do." I nod at her, knowing damn well I would be too busy panicking to ask anyone for help if I couldn't find him. She nodded and left down the hall with the huge male draped over her shoulders.
"Sorry Amren, I'll be back," I say, walking towards the front door. "Go, girl. Gods know he's probably found himself in a jail cell by now." She grumbled and I pale. "Comforting, thanks," I mutter before slipping out the door.
Rita's was abnormally loud tonight, or perhaps it was just my lack of intoxication. My brows crease as I scan the pleasure hall for my mate, pulling at the bond connecting us and getting an overwhelming amount of attention back, more than a tug— a pull, towards him.
I don't hesitate to follow the golden tether, leading me right towards the bar.
I spot a familiar head of blonde hair, the girl flirting with the bartender as my mate lays his head down on the bar top.
I push past the crowd, eager to get over to them— shoving drunk males off of me until I finally reach the duo. Mor didn't notice, busy making seductive eyes toward the bartender. I tap Azriel's shoulder and he groans. "I have a mate." He waves me off and I roll my eyes. "I know," I say, he whips his head up and looks at me— eyes widening as he recognizes me. "I'm a genie." He smiled proudly and my brows twitched toward eachother, entirely confused at his giddy behavior. "I wished for you to be here, and now..." He searches for the right words in a long pause. "And now you're here." He finishes and all I can do is blink, bringing the back of my hand to his forehead. "How many drinks did you have?" I tilt my head and he smiles knowingly. "Just one, plus a few more." He shrugs innocently and I release a sigh. "You're drunk." I frown and he scratches the side of his cheek, staring at me blankly.
“I’m not—” hiccup. “Drunk.” He finishes and I arch a brow at him, my stare incredulous. “You’re also not a good liar.” I chastise and he glowers at me, setting his empty glass down on the bar and turning to me fully. “I’m the shadow-master, it’s my job to lie.” He crosses his arms over his chest and I need to refrain from my giggle threatening against my lips. “You’re the spymaster,” I correct and his expression falls.
“Whatever,” He brushes me off. “Words are dumb anyways.” The male grumbles and I laugh at his attitude. His cheeks flush pink and something tells me it’s not due to the alcohol. “You’re so pretty,” He murmurs dreamily and I roll my eyes. “Can you kiss me please,” His hands find mine, pulling me closer with a yearning look. “You’re drunk.” I remind and he groans, head going up to the sky before coming right back down to me. “Drunk on you.” He states as if that makes him any more sober.
I release a soft sigh, rising onto my toes and press a gentle peck to his lips. As I back away he looks at me with a glaze over his eyes, a dumbfounded smile coming to his lips. “That felt good.” He mused and I shook my head in disbelief, wrapping his arm around my shoulders to support him as I dragged him away from the bar and towards the exit. “Bye Mor!” I call back but I doubt she heard me, doubt she even noticed I was there with the way she was talking to the bartender.
Shadows swish around the both of us, causing the crowd to part a path for us, in fear of the shadow singer who, little did they know, was too inebriated to even think about harming anyone.
I lug him out of the bar. “Can’t fly,” He mumbles. “I know,” I pat a hand on his chest reassuringly. “Will you throw up if I winnow?” I look up at him and he takes about three seconds too long to answer. “I suppose there’s only one way to find out.” He shrugs. “Okay just, don’t do it on me,” I instruct and he nods dutifully.
I winnow us back onto the lawn of our house, Azriel’s knees buckling and his hands coming down onto them, leaning over as if he was about to hurl. “You okay?” I press a hand to his back and he nods eagerly, trying to convince himself. I comb his hair back, shadows swirling around the both of us until he’s fully recovered.
Slowly, he stands back up to his full height and drags his feet as we walk up the porch to our house, his arm around my shoulders yet again as he leans most of his weight onto me, wings just barely hovering above the floor as I open the door to our home, pulling him in with me.
“Let’s get you some water,” I say, leading him over to the kitchen and settling him down on a barstool. He sits unstably, staring at me with a stony look. I cautiously back away, afraid he’d tip over without my support, then walk into the kitchen. His eyes follow me with every step I take, shadows swirling around my legs and through my hair.
“Have you always been this pretty?” He asks unprompted, I flush, flicking my eyes up to him as I pour him a tall glass of water. “You’re like, ultra-beautiful—” His words are cut off as he topples over off his chair and crashes down onto the floor.
I pale and set the glass down, rushing towards him and falling to my knees beside his body. He chuckled as he stared up at the ceiling, making me more worried than I should have been. “Are you hurt?” My hand comes to his cheek, scanning for injuries. “From when I fell from heaven?” He raises a brow at me curiously. “From when you fell off your chair.” I correct and he blinks slowly. “Uh,” He mumbles like he has to think about it. “I don’t think so.” He uttered and I giggled, now that I know he was okay. I help him sit up, grabbing the water from the counter and handing it to him.
“I didn’t take you for a clumsy drunk,” I look at him quizzically. “The spymaster is a very quiet, very precise male.” He speaks in the third person. “And very, very, very sneaky.” He adds with a hiccup and I shake my head, making sure he drinks every last drop of the water I gave him.
Once he’s finished I take the glass and help him up. Placing the glass in the sink, he drapes his arms over my shoulders, my hands coming to his forearms as most of his weight now relies on me. “C’mon, you big baby,” I grunt as I haul him towards our bedroom. “Not a baby.” He reminds me like I’ve forgotten. “Sure,” I mumble, pulling him into our room and shutting the door behind us.
He makes the rest of the journey to the bed himself, flopping down onto it. “No sleeping yet,” I grab him by the collar and pull him back upright, beginning to undo the ties of his clothes. He helps me with the undressing, shucking off his leathers as I walk over to the armoire and find a pair of lounge pants, tossing them at him.
He hums a soft tune to help him focus as he pulls the pants up. I wander into the bathroom, open the cabinet, and find a tonic to help with headaches, issued by Madja. I walk back into the room to find him beneath the covers, already half asleep.
“Az,” I call, and his humming halts, head raising to look at me. “This is for the morning okay?” I hold up the small vial and he nods with a soft smile. “You take such good care of me,” He sighs as I climb into the large bed beside him, his arm immediately snaking around my waist and pulling me into him. “I have to return the favor somehow.” I smile up at him, brushing his dark hair from his forehead. “Thank you.” He mutters. I can only nod in reply. He leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead, then he pulls me upward and nuzzles his nose into my shoulder, pressing soft kisses there as well.
I comb my hands through his hair with a nurturing intent. Shadows settle around us, disappearing into the floorboards and corners of the room. Azriel releases a soft sigh of contentment at the feeling of his arms wrapped around me, my warmth consuming him. “Love you.” He murmurs tiredly. “Love you too,” I whisper back, and then his breathing steadies out as if that’s all he needs to hear in order to fall asleep.
Sleep swallowed him entirely, and once I know he’s cared for and safe, only then do I allow myself to fall into a slumber of my own.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glam-targaryen @going-through-shit @fauxdette @impossibelle @amara-moonlight @webecheesy-blog @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogersbarnesxx @sandramalikstyles-blog @stinkinstuffie @azriels-shadowsinger @lilah-asteria @sassyangel16
Azriel Taglist: @coolepowersthings @dabalyuteeeftia @midnightsulfur @lovely-giggles @quiettuba @judig92 @ilovewarner45 @tothestarsandwhateverend @je-suis-prest-rachel
Comment a “💙” to be added to the general taglist!
Comment a “🖤” to be added to the Azriel taglist!
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 3 months
Marriage Proposal
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Pairing: Dark Peter Parker x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
SUMMARY: You should’ve broken up with Peter long ago. Now you deal with the consequences. 
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
You reluctantly look up from your plate at the feeling of a hand covering your own, the warmth irradiating from the firm palm making you itchy to remove the hand, but you let it be. 
"Happy anniversary, babe.” Peter smiles at you, so genuine and loving, and you force your lips to stretch into a pleasant smile. 
“I can’t believe we’ve been together for a year now. I feel like we’ve only met yesterday but here we are.” he says with a chuckle.
“It’s as if time flies away when you’re in love, right?”
You weakly nod, opting to bring the wine glass to your lips to give you an excuse to avert eyes. But that doesn’t stop the turmoil of emotions that devastates you inside, the guilt eating you away.
You’re a horrible girlfriend. And a coward one too. One that keeps prolonging and dragging time, too timid to break-up. 
Not tonight, you decide, delaying the confrontation furthermore. Peter is so happy and you’d hate to break his heart on such an occasion.
At least, that’s what you tell yourself. 
“This place is really gorgeous, I love it.” you say, allowing your eyes to wander around the restaurant.
The place is indeed pretty. Elegant but at the same time, private and personal. It suits Peter. 
Tension accompanies throughout the entire dinner as you play the girlfriend role dutifully, pretending to laugh at Peter’s jokes and smiling at him. 
A part of you feels so bad for it, there used to be a time where you actually loved Peter.
You still like and respect him, he’s a great guy, unlike many men. But you’re no longer the same person that you were when you meet him. 
And Peter…
He’s the one that took a 180º change. Deep inside, he probably means well, intending to protect you but that isn’t enough to make you stay.
Not if you want to have a toxic-free life. A life without having to answer a full interrogation when you plan to hang out with friends.
A life without having to call and text your boyfriend about what you’re doing, otherwise he’ll most likely show up at your workplace, face pinched with worry because you failed to contact him. 
You’re so caught up by your thoughts that you wince, surprised when people start clapping and cheering, everyone’s attention fully on your table. 
When you confusedly look for Peter, your whole world drops. 
The world seems to stop when you look to your side as Peter gets down on one knee, a jittery smile curling his lips. 
Your face drops in horror, mind frozen and unable to think. 
“I know, I know.” he brushes you off, joy irradiating from him, “Just let me say this first, yeah? I’m so nervous.”
Your mouth opens and closes a few times and you blink, unable to fully comprehend what’s going on. This can’t be true…
This has to be a prank, there’s no way that Peter is actually proposing to you. But your doubts are swiftly cleared as a small and elegant velvet box appears in the scene.
Peter clears out his throat with a small noise before looking at you, and you realize how nervous he actually is, a light layer of sweat in his forehead.
“I had this whole speech ready, you know. Been preparing it for weeks now.” he confesses after a long moment, shaking his head.
“Tony helped me write it. Lots of fancy poetic words and-and I completely forgot all of it.”
“But what I really wanna say is that I love you, Y/N.” Peter declares, his voice gaining determination, “From the moment I saw you, I knew that you were the one for me. I was lucky enough that you gave me a chance to prove to you how much I care for you…”
Your heart tightens at those words and you clutch the table’s fabric, feeling yourself helpless. 
“... and this past year has been amazing. The best year of my life. All because of you.” Peter smiles tenderly at you, his hands working on opening the velvet box and you feel yourself tensing up when a delicate silver ring comes into sight. 
“So…Y/N L/N, will you give me the honor of being your husband?” 
And just like that, you faintly nod, not trusting your voice to speak. Peter beams at you and you do your best to retribute, despite the numbness that strikes you like a bullet.
The restaurant explodes in a loud applause and Peter wastes no time in pushing the pretty ring on your hand, engulfing you in a tight hug. 
“I love you so much.” he feverously kisses your head.
You push your face against his chest, hoping to hide the tears that burn in your eyes as you start regretting saying yes already.
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charles-leclerizz · 4 months
🏎️ ๋࣭ ⭑ peaches
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🏁 Pairings : Lando Norris X fem! Reader
🏁 Warnings : none! just fluffy times
🏁 Word Count : 4.0k words (4070 words)
🏁 Author's note : This is probably the most chaotic thing i have ever written, so I hope you can make sense of it (hope being the key word) Make sure to lilke and reblog (anything is appreciated, but comments and reblogs fuel this sad little writer). The word dividers this time are also from @plum98!
🏁 Music player : This will be by Natalie Cole
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“God he’s hopeless.” Oscar observed his entranced teammate stumble over his words from beneath the shade of the umbrella set up to the side of the filming area. Having finished his own media duties, he was now watching, unimpressed, as his friend attempted to use his remaining two braincells to blubber at you, like a fish out of water.
To be fair, you were also blubbering, your cheeks were red and hands shaking as you sorted through the white, glossy cue cards that had the signature McLaren logo printed on the back. You shuffled the cards mindlessly, humming under your breath after the third question was answered and Lando had maintained eye-contact with you for a minute too long, staring into the depths of your irises when the last syllable had left his lips causing your heart to stutter at a pace that had to be confirmed as medically concerning.
“U-um, right, okay so.” You attempted for the sixth time, your fingers finally finding purchase on a new piece of cardstock that contained the fourth question printed on one side in large, sans-serif font.
“Ehm-“ You cleared your throat, flipping a piece of hair over your shoulder as you looked back up at the driver who sat in front of you, enthralled by the minute movements you made. Like the arch of your brow, the dip of your lip and the curve of your collarbone that lay exposed, thanks to the strapless, silk corset you had opted to wear.
“Right, the fans want to know Lando. Who’s your favourite thing to eat?” You said with. Pseudo-confidence, oblivious to your mistake.
Lando’s eyes widened as a few chuckles bristled around the small crowd of camera technicians and other personnel that filled the McLaren media pen “Excuse me?”
“Huh-“ You blink a few times, “Oh shit- no.” You begin to wave your hands in front of your burning face, “I meant, what. What is your favourite snack, or meal to eat before a race?” You blurt out the correction.
“Oh- oh thank God. I don’t think I would have been able to say that.” Lando chuckles, despite the rogue blush that had spread from his neck to his ears, “Normally, I like to have snickers?” He offers, “Especially before a race, it’s a tradition. My dad used to buy them for me, during my karting days” Lando smiles at you, bracing his elbows on the arm rests of his seat whilst tilting his head boyishly.
You go silent for a few minutes, staring at him as your mouth opens and closes uselessly, your mind was fuzzy, and you could swear that you could hear the blood rushing past your ears.
With a heart beating wildly you plaster on a dazzling smile, “Watch the stock prices shoot up.” You joke, focusing on his shirt instead of his face, to protect yourself from his irresistible gaze, “Well Lando, I wish you the best for the race, here in Singapore later in the week.” You lift your eyes from the very interesting speck of dust on the front of his McLaren jersey to meet his hazel eyes, “On behalf of the entire Sky sports team, of course, not just me, that would be weird-“
He cocks his head at your rambling, huffing out an amused laugh, “Thank you,” he returns, as if your well-wishes were probably the only thing that made him want to participate in the race.
But that’s ridiculous, right?
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The media segment had finally ended, having collected enough material for the next week in Singapore and you were thankful for it.
The few hours that you had been interacting with the driving duo was excruciating, not only from the sweltering afternoon that you found yourselves in, but also the fact that Lando was always in your line of sight, laughing at something that Oscar had said or screeching hysterically over the periscope goggles that he was struggling with. He was always there.
Some may say that it was “your job” but frankly you found it insulting. Because he wouldn’t let you do your job, you were either blushing too hard, sweating too much or your heart was about to end your existence with its erratic beating.
“I’m just glad it’s over” You pout to May, your producer. She was sweet and imaginative, always carrying around a leatherbound, flowery notepad to scribble new and creative ideas for interview styles to attempt with the 5-year-old men that you were tasked with interacting with.
“It wasn’t that bad” She comforted you, handing over a chilled water bottle whilst an on-set assistant dabbed at your forehead with a damp towel, “I honestly thought that you were having a heart attack, couldn’t even tell that you liked him.”
“She’s right y’know” A third voice burst into the conversation suddenly, which caused you to jump and clamp your hand down on the half open water bottle, sending the cool jet of water straight up the man’s nose.
“Oscar!” May shouted, holding a hand over her daisy detailed blouse with shock as she signalled to another assistant to grab a towel for the driver, who was currently holding his nostrils and attempting to plunge out the of water that had lodged itself up his nose.
“I’m fine,” He snorted whilst dripping onto the sizzling concrete and dabbing the cloth on his face, “For the record, I was worried for your health halfway through that painting task. But that was before I noticed you drooling over Lando.”
You groaned, running both hands up your face to your hairline before threading your fingers through your scalp and pressing the strands away from your forehead, “It’s not fair,” you whined, “He was distracting me throughout the whole thing. I probably look like a mess on camera,” You press the pads of your fingers against your temples.
The whole ordeal made you want to cry, or vomit perhaps both? It was hellish having to endure him staring into your soul the entire interview segment and endearingly answer all your questions with unnecessary detail.
What a jerk.
“Nah, you looked good.” A fourth voice popped in. And much like Oscar’s intrusion, it made you jump, but instead of squeezing your bottle and waterboarding the person, you shrieked and swung, as hard as you could towards the source. Making impact with the side of their face.
A very familiar face which had whipped around like a grape on a toothpick. A face that emitted a groan whilst a hand came up to soothe the quickly forming bruise.
“Fuck me” You groaned, bending over to help Lando who was still checking for any blood that may be leaking from the side of his face.
“Well, I would be honoured, but I think you did permanent damage,” He joked, standing to his full height whilst you brought your hand up to tap the purple-ish skin with a light, albeit panicked hand.
“Oh Lando,” you hissed when he clenched his teeth as you pressed against his cheek, “I’m so sorry.” You whispered on instinct, continuing to stroke the skin whilst May came up to the two of you, having recovered from the shock of you assaulting Lando and rushed to procure a bruising ointment.
You turned around quickly, thanking your friend as she handed of the white tube into your palm, not noticing that half of your hair had slapped the man in front of you in the face, “Oh come on,” you heard him garble through the clumps of hair that had made its way into his mouth.
“Shit, sorry,” You apologise for the umpteenth time in the few hours that you had spent in the close vicinity of him, “I can’t get it together for some reason.” You offer the dull explanation whilst stepping closer with a thick strip of the ointment spread between your fingers.
“Yeah” He murmured, eyes more focussed on your concentrated expression that was barely millimetres away from him, “I can tell.” His breath tickled your ear as you stood on your tiptoes and rubbed the ointment onto his face, it made you blush and realise how close your faces were. How easily you could turn your neck and graze your lips against his, or bump your noses together like a sweet, long-term couple who were used to your clumsiness.
Fat chance
You stepped back, taking one of the discarded towels from the table to the left of the pair of you, “I’m so sorry again,” you apologised, wiping away the remaining cream from your hand and moved to pick up your purse from the surface next to you.
“You could make it up to me?” He offered, shoving his hands into his pockets and rocking on the balls of his feet.
You cock your head, removing the hand that was rooting around in your purse- searching for your phone and let it hand limp “How?”
“What are you doing today?”
“Nothing much,” you offered, shrugging, “Not my first time in Singapore, I’ve been working with F1 for a year. Just wanted to hit some stores that I didn’t get to last time.”
It was true, last year was your first year and like the dedicated rookie you were, you holed yourself up in your room doing pre-liminary research for the upcoming days on all things related to the Singapore track along with the prestigious millionaire drivers that came attached. This was despite the long list of high-end stores, cute cafes and boutiques that you had made in your apartment back home, before the season began.
Luckily, you had managed to hit one or two of them up before the next race. But there were many remaining which you were desperate to visit.
“Let me take you out then,” His eyes glittered with enthusiasm as he unpocketed one of his hands and reached towards yours, brushing against your soft knuckles and running down the divots of your hand before dropping to his side, “Anywhere you want.” He promised.
“I have a long list Lando, and you have a race, or have you forgotten?” You tease him despite your barely inflated lungs and dry, anticipatory throat.
“Haven’t forgotten,” He argues, “I don’t have to-“ His breathe hitched as he watched you reach out to intertwine your fingers with his, gently as if your movements were a fleeting butterfly and could easily be lost as such, “Don’t have to be training the whole day- just give me your number and text me the places you want to go?”
“Okay,” You settled, keeping your pinkie fingers locked together as you stepped impossibly closer to him and handed him your card, a small glossy cardstock with the sky sports logo printed on one side whilst on the other had your name, number and “Formula 1 presenter and interviewer” centre-aligned in black font.
“Cute,” He flipped the card over in his free hand before looking up from the paper and into your eyes, bouncing his pupils over your entire face as though he was memorising each feature up close and personal, “I’ll see you later.”
You nod, biting your lip as your stand on your toes again and press your glossy lips against the scruff of his cheek, “I hope so.”
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You had handed off your contact details to Lando on Tuesday. Throughout the passing days, you both had texted each other constantly, any free treasured minutes in your schedule would be spent chatting with the other. It was now Thursday and still he had not brought up the date.
The “not-date”
Thankfully, you had managed to check off nearly half of your destinations on your list and the bags in your hotel room were evidence of such. Odd, thick shopping bags that were brightly coloured and bent in ways that could merely hint at their high-fashion origins, had taken over the bedroom, slowly pilling up by the dozen.
You stumbled out of the sleek, metallic elevator and winced with each step you took through the 20th floor foyer and down the corridor, each light-wood slab of the miscellaneous rooms had been allotted a cluster of numbers that morphed together in your tired eyes. It had been nearly four hours of running around, collecting information and small video snippets from all the teams as the entire PR team was rushing to put out the last round of pre-race content.
Your stiletto heels clicked to a stop when you finally reached your door, the electronic card reader waiting patiently for you to tap the key on its matte black surface. You rooted around in your purse, holding it open with one hand as you searched for the damn card, fearing that you may need to bother the sweet receptionist for another duplicate key.
Whilst looking around in your seemingly endless bag, your phone vibrated once...twice...thrice.
You unsheathed the device and clicked on the notification that popped up on your lock screen. Lando. He had left a small string of messages that made your heart flutter as though cupid had just struck you.
You looked pretty today.
Not that I was stalking you- I saw you when you came to garage.
I’m free for the rest of the day, can I take you out?
On a date. If you want.
You smiled to yourself, reading the messages repeatedly, imprinting them in your mind as you felt your blood swim through your arteries and blossom a deep red blush across your cheeks.
“Is it possible for someone to be this beautiful?” A familiar British accent sneaked up behind you, caressing the skin behind your ears as a minty fresh breath followed suit.
“I don’t know, maybe you should ask yourself.” You teased, turning on your heel to rest your back against the door, to face the handsome man that was currently grinning down at you. You clutched your phone to your chest, soothing the fluttering butterflies that escaped your stomach to scuttle throughout your body, suddenly, you weren’t very tired anymore.
“I would rather ask you,” He smirked, reaching to tuck away a rogue piece of hair that had escaped from your ponytail, his finger lingered on your nape, allowing his entire hand to cup the back of your neck and ghost the pads of his fingers across the expanse of your skin.
“Hi Lando,” You smile at him, leaning into his touch.
“Hey.” He whispered, more focused on analysing the tantalising swoop of your eyelashes and sleek slant of your nose. As one does.
“You ready to go?” he tilted his head at you.
“Well, I have an idea about where I want to go with you, I just need to change and re-do my makeup.”
“Okay, you want me to wait out here?” He offered, watching you as you brought your purse between your bodies, flitting through the mess within to finally, triumphantly present the room key. He giggled at the victorious squeal that escaped your lips as you brushed the card against the reader and skipped into the room.
“No, it’s fine. You can come in, just don’t judge the amount of shopping.” You warned him, already cautiously stepping over the French boutique bags that greeted you.
“It would be hard to fit my judgement into the room, there’s so much stuff,” He commented beginning to pick up various bags and place them onto any free surface as an attempt to clear the walkway.
“Ha Ha,” You laughed sarcastically, twisting your neck to stick your tongue out at him, “Let me find something to wear,” You bent down, searching through the few bags that sat on the bay window sofa.
“Do you have the directions to the place?” Lando inquired, watching you with interest as you held a small, teal bag over your head and went over to the other side of the room to search for shoes.
“Yeah, it’s a frozen yoghurt cafe, 0 sugar and vegan, I figured it will be good for you. Since you’re on a strict diet.” You shrugged, unaware of his touched expression. He was enamoured with you from the first time that you had sat down in front of him, stuttering over your questions despite your once cool, calm demeanour with his teammate. But the fact that you had considered his diet requirements was like the cherry on top.
“Oh- you didn’t have to. I could always break away from the diet.” He half expected you to jump at the opportunity to go someplace else.
“No no, it’s fine. I heard such great things about this cafe. I’m excited. Plus, I would’ve gone with or without you,” You snickered, walking towards his place, perched on the edge of your freshly made bed. Apparently, room service had conveniently avoided your shopping but had happily tackled the other features of the area.
“If you say so,” He relented bundling the soft comforter in his fists to stop himself from looping his arms around your waist and pulling you against him. Luckily, you rested your arms on his shoulders and intertwined your fingers together at the start of his spine, burying them in his hair and twisting the curly strands with one digit.
“I do say so,” You nodded your head sharply, before retracting your arms and began to walk towards the bathroom, “Be right back,” you promised, slinking through the washroom door.
You pushed the sliding slab shut and flicked on the warm yellow light before pulling out the compact package of tissue paper, held together with a white, cream silk bow.
The paper crinkled loudly as you undid the ribbon to reveal the milky white dress that lay nestled within the packaging. A long, floor length number that contained embroidered butterflies on the final organza layer, layered on top of a chiffon slip with a middle veneer of muslin. The empress waist had folded over fabric that sinched in the silhouette along with emphasising the carmen neckline that sat sultry with the help of thin, pearly straps.
You slipped on the elegant dress, smoothing over the divoted attire whilst pulling and pushing at the material until you were satisfied. Your hair flowed freely along your back as you leaned forward towards the mirror, touching up your concealer and swiping generous amounts of your glossy, lip balm before slipping on a pair of black, matte kitten heels.
Finally, you were ready.
The door squeaked open as you stepped out, short heels clicking on the marble floor as you stopped around the bend of the wall, calling out for him, “Lando?”
He turns towards your voice curiously, floppy brown hair bouncing with his movements, “Yeah?” He answers, standing up and pocketing his phone.
“I’m ready,” You reveal yourself to his gaze, smiling happily when his mouth pops open and eyes widen substantially.
“Wow, you look amazing.” His eyebrows furrow as he takes in your outfit, biting his lip whilst walking towards you, “Glad I asked you out when I did, otherwise I would be in trouble.”
“Yes, you are quite lucky,” You agree, patting his chest as you adjust the collar of his shirt, “Let’s go?” You offer, hooking your arm with his by the elbow.
He looks down momentarily before smiling toothily, “Let’s” He nods and opens the door.
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Lando held the large cup of frozen yogurt in his palm, itching to dig the small plastic spoon into the tall peak of cold, white cream that was covered in melted dark chocolate, “You got the photo?”
“Yes, sorry,“  You tuck your phone back into the inefficiently small purse that hung from your shoulder, “You taste it first, I feel like you’ll burst if you don’t” you chuckle at his expression as he fills the spoon with the cold dessert and places it in his mouth, he groans pleasurably as his eyes roll back.
“Holy shit that’s good.” He compliments, holding out the paper cup to you.
“I would hope so, looks like you just orgasmed,” You take your own plastic spoon and taste the treat, “Never mind, your reaction is valid, it’s so good.” You hum.
“I know right?” He continues to eat, keeping his right hand steady as he shuffles around you from your left to the other side, so that his free hand could intertwine with yours.
“I could’ve just moved?” You giggle, swinging your hands up and down as you lean to take another bite.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” He shrugged, licking his spoon free of the remaining frozen yogurt as you continued down the street and across the street towards Pearl Hill Park.
You both continued to chat animatedly, taking bites of the sweet yogurt between the two of you as you enter the park and walk down the foot path, admiring the large canopying trees and delicate flower’s that littered the shrubbery which lined the walkway.
“You’ve never had a boyfriend?” Lando clarifies, his eyes bugging out with shock.
“I mean, guys have liked me, and I’ve had crushes. But boyfriend? Never had anyone that serious,” You confirm, unbothered with his reaction.
“I don’t know! I never asked and I never have got asked,” You defend your single status.
Lando nods, squeezing your hand in his as he kicks a small pebble beneath his feet, “But you’re so beautiful.” He murmurs penultimately beneath his breath.
“What?” He looks at you, surprised that you heard him.
“Nothing,” You dismiss, your chest warming with the compliment, the sensation made you giggle to yourself and press your lips together.
The skin of your lips seemed dry against one another, causing you to stop walking, pausing the lazy travel around the man-made lake that you both were taking and remove a tube of flavoured lip balm from your purse. Lando pauses, watching you press the tube of the glossy moisturiser and lay a generous amount on your lips before twisting the top back on and dropping it back in your bag.
“What flavour is that? It’s so bright.” He snorts at the light pink coating that covers your mouth.
“Oh, is it too much?” You go to remove your compact mirror before you feel Lando hold your wrists gently, stopping you.
“No, you look perfect,” He assures you, softly laying his thumb beneath the swell of your lip and pulling the skin down slowly, “I was just curious of the flavour.” He muses, supressing a grin at your dazed expression as you fight away the feeling of your eyelashes fluttering closed in anticipation for his lips on yours.
“Um..I think it’s peach?” You offer.
“Really?” He snorts, moving his face closer to yours, analysing your face for inhibitions towards his actions, only to be met with your rouge ears and innocent doe eyes looking at him, “Let me try,” He whispers, finally bringing his face closer to yours, allowing his breath to fan over your slightly parted lips. You finally connect your mouth together, one of your hands loops around his neck whilst the other hold his wrist as you savour the sweet taste of his lips against yours.
It was as though the blossoms that surrounded the two of you had begun to bloom within your mind, bursting with new life and innocence as the water rippled in the summer sun, casting glowing streaks against your faces like crystalline diamonds shimmering beneath a spotlight. This moment seemed to paint itself on the canvas of your mind, permanently memorised to never be forgotten.  
Lando pulls away all too soon, resting his forehead against yours, “I can agree-“ He pants, “That it tastes like peach” he pulls away minutely to grin at you.
You grin back, licking your lips slowly, “Yeah, I guess it does.” You agree, pressing your mouths together again, desperate for the sacred dopamine that he filled you with. He smiled against your lips before you became conscience of your surrounds and broke apart. His eyebrows furrowed but nevertheless he caressed your cheek, enjoying the feeling of your soft skin beneath his finger.
Lando stepped back, taking your hand in his again to resume the slow, lazy steps around the lake, “You’ll watch that race then? From the garage?” He asked hopefully, looking down at you from your position on his shoulder.
“Peach?” He called out.
Your heart grew three times bigger at the nickname as you lifted your head from his body and looked at him earnestly, “Of course, I’ll be there in the orange.”
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📻 Kcccchh.... come in.... come in...translatiion unavailable...over
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toournextadventure · 6 months
a novel life pt.1
Summary: You're a Lit professor at Blackmoor University when you meet Samantha Carpenter. Life becomes... a lot more exciting with her around.
Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: swearing, bullying, sister arguments Pairing: Sam Carpenter x GN!Reader (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5)
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You liked Sam.
No, that was quite the understatement. You would almost - almost - go so far as to say you loved her! Not quite yet, obviously, you still weren’t completely, absolutely positive. But you were pretty certain that the things you felt for her could be classified as love. At least that’s what your dad said love was, and he had been happily married for 41 years at that time, so how could you possibly argue with that kind of experience?
It wasn’t like you had meant to fall in love with her. Not that you actively avoided it, you just… hadn’t been looking for her. Both you and Sam had a habit of lying when people asked how you met; they always assumed it was some kind of meet-cute. Her friend Mindy was determined it was something adorable, like meeting at a coffee shop or running into each other at the library.
The truth, the cold hard truth, was much more ridiculous.
“Why are you watching me?”
You blinked hard and looked up at the… woman (?) standing in front of you. She was all blurry and all you could really make out was dark hair and beautifully brown skin. If you really squinted, you could see just enough of her posture that, when coupled with the tone, was indicative of frustration. Maybe even anger, if you pushed it.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I didn’t know I was.”
“How could you not know?” She asked, her tone staying incredibly not happy.
“I, uh-” you cleared your throat, “-I couldn’t see you.”
Her laugh was condescending. And pretty. “You were looking right at me.” Her blurry frame shifted. “Come up with a better excuse.”
This strange woman was rather mean, wasn’t she? You kind of liked it.
“It’s not an excuse,” you said once her frame had officially stopped moving.
“Then how did you not see me?” She asked. “What are you, blind?”
You smiled to yourself and set your bagel down. “Kind of,” you said as you lifted your head to face her. Or at least you hoped you were. “I forgot my glasses at my office.”
“Fuck,” she said softly. Her tense tone had disappeared rather quickly. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “Sounds like you’re used to being watched.”
“You have no idea,” she said quickly.
Wait. That was an opening. You hadn’t talked to a woman outside of work in ages. This was your chance!
“Want to sit down over coffee some time and talk about it?”
You really really wished you hadn’t forgotten your glasses. Without them, you couldn’t see the look on her face. Did she think your question was rather rash? Rude, even? Or perhaps she thought it was a welcome idea, even just to get something off her chest. From the sound of it, she had a lot on her mind.
“Sure,” she said eventually. “I’d like that.”
The rest, as they say, was history. You had both gotten your coffee and you hadn’t forgotten your glasses again. Which made the coffee date a little awkward because then you could see just how truly beautiful she was, and you had not been prepared for it. She had watched you become a stuttering fool who could only spout random, unwarranted facts about things.
By some miracle, she had asked you on a dinner date.
The singular benefit of the entire situation was that you had met at the very beginning of summer break. You had decided not to teach a summer class that year, instead opting to use the hotter months to find more material that you could bring to the fall semester. There had to be a wider range of literature from the Romantic Period outside of what the school had already been teaching when you joined the staff. The literature classes at the moment were so… basic.
Because of this, work never came up. Sam never asked, and you never even thought to tell simply because… well, you just hadn’t thought of it. You hadn’t been hiding your profession, you hadn’t even tried to be sneaky about it. After all, your entire apartment was filled with tomes and first editions of novels and the closest thing you could get to original manuscripts of the ancients. And Sam had very certainly seen the inside of your apartment more than once.
The thought had  never occurred to you to bring up what you did for a living. After all, you finally had a girl…friend? You weren’t quite sure if that term could be used officially, but you were going to use it in your internal monologue. Regardless, this was the first time in years, how were you supposed to remember everything she might want to know? Besides, it wasn’t like she had asked yet.
And neither had her sister! Who, unfortunately, you were starting to think didn’t like you. She had never said it out loud, so you couldn’t be sure, but she made sure to give you a, uh, look whenever you would come over. Sam had told you that Tara loved movies - horror movies to be precise - and you had even managed to find a rare copy of a “famous” B-list movie for her!
It still didn’t work.
“Do I need to try and cook dinner for her one night?” You asked, looking up from your book. Sam was still doing her own studying for her night classes.
“If you cook for Tara, she will eat you alive,” Sam said without missing a beat. “She had to cook for herself for years, she will tear you apart.”
“She’s so scary,” you whispered to yourself before looking back down at your lecture notes. “What if I found the original script of her favourite movie?”
At that, Sam put her pen down. Your stomach fluttered; had you said something wrong? Oh of course you had, you absolute fool. You don’t question someone about how to win over their siblings! Well… did you? Maybe you needed to do some research on the topic.
“Your efforts are sweet,” she said with a soft smile, “but you can’t push Tara. She’ll come around when she’s ready.”
You frowned. “How will she be ready if I don’t try?”
“Trust the process,” she said. She leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before going back to her studying, and you were left stewing in your own thoughts.
The process didn’t make any sense.
“Do you have to go?” Sam asked in a raspy voice.
You looked up from tying your shoes. Sam had rolled over to her other side on the bed, giving you the perfect view of her. Her hair was a mess and her eyes could barely stay open, but she looked just as beautiful as always. The sun had barely started to peek through the curtains to hit her skin at just the right angle. It looked like she was glowing.
Maybe you didn’t have to go.
No, you had students waiting, of course you had to go.
“I’ll be back after work,” you said quietly. Her eyes were still mostly closed, and you didn’t want to jolt her awake; she deserved her beauty rest.
“Be safe,” she said.
You finished tying your shoe and stood up, leaning down to give her a gentle kiss on the lips. She sighed softly. “I’ll be safe.” You placed one more kiss on her forehead before pulling back. She quickly fell back into bed, already fast asleep.
Thankfully, all of your stuff was outside the bedroom. It made it easier to stay quiet, tip-toeing your way out of the room and easing the door open and shut with as little noise as possible. You waited a moment, listening through the door to see if she had woken up, but nodded to yourself in confirmation before turning back around.
And facing Tara.
“Your nerd shit is by the door,” Tara said a little louder than you would have liked. She was going to wake up Sam if she didn’t quiet down a bit.
“Thank you,” you said. Because of course that was something normal people said in that situation. “Are you, uh, headed to class?”
You gestured your head toward her backpack. Which was clearly filled with school books. Which you were more than aware meant that yes, of course she was heading to school. Where else would she be going? You weren’t doing a very good job at winning her over, now she was going to think you were stupid.
“No, I’m running away,” Tara said with a roll of her eyes.
“Oh,” you said sadly. Then, her words clicked in your mind and you perked up. “Oh.” Okay, she wasn’t going to think you were stupid, she was simply going to bully you.
Jokes on her, you had been bullied all your life, you were practically a professional.
“I’m heading that way too,” you said as you ungraciously shoved your arms through your jacket. “Want to go together?”
Tara looked you up and down for only a fraction of a second. “Absolutely not.”
You watched, dejected, as she exited the apartment without another word. Although you weren’t entirely surprised, you weren’t exactly happy about the situation. Well, there went one of your chances at winning her over. You would have to try again next time. And maybe not be so… what did you hear Tara call you the other day… pathetic in your attempts.
Which was going to be rather hard to do when you couldn’t even catch your bus, leading to you having to walk the long distance to the university. It led to you shedding your jacket before getting halfway to your destination, and blisters on the backs of your heels from your shoes. Maybe you didn’t need to dress quite the same if you were leaving Sam's apartment; clearly it wasn’t a safe choice.
You were nine minutes and 27 seconds late to your class.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” you said the moment you stepped into the classroom. Everyone was still talking, but they quieted down slowly. “I missed my bus.” You tossed your briefcase onto the desk and started digging for your papers. “Which means, lucky for you, we can skip icebreakers and get right to it.”
There was a mix of mumbled approval and sighs of relief at the release from icebreakers. You would admit, you weren’t too upset about it either. Even though it did help everyone learn names - ahem, it helped you learn their names - it was rather intimidating. No one knew what to say, it put everyone on the spot, and more often than not ended up with no one talking the entire semester. This was better for everyone, and at least you had an excuse.
“Alright,” you huffed, finally pulling the stack of papers out of your briefcase, “pass these around while I tell you about the changes in readings.” Groans quickly followed. “You won’t be buying more textbooks, I’ve got PDFs to share.”
You quickly handed the stack of papers to the student closest to the front, giving them a smile and a mouthed “thank you.” She smiled back and nodded before handing them back. Even as you reached back to grab your own notes, you finally, finally looked out at the class.
And froze when you met a pair of familiar brown eyes.
Tara had a look that you would have classified as “furious.” Although her nose scrunched up like Sam’s, and you could truly see the family resemblance in their anger. That was… well, it sure was something. You hoped you could grow to get used to all of this enough to keep a professional demeanour in class. It wouldn’t do you any good to lose it now simply because your girlfriend’s (?) sister was in your class.
Admittedly, class went on without a hitch. Eventually, after nearly the entire hour had passed, Tara had managed to relax enough to look over the syllabus and even give her input on a few of the readings you had changed up. She was smart. You hadn’t heard much from her, but she was incredibly smart. It was going to be a delight to hear her opinions throughout the semester.
“Alright everyone, I’ll let you out a few minutes early,” you said once you had thoroughly exhausted everything on the syllabus. Had you really needed to take as long as you had? No, but you weren’t going to miss a single piece of information. The point of teaching was to prepare everyone for success, not to throw information out at them and hope they could comprehend it well enough on their own.
The class quickly started packing up, talking about nothing that you had told them about. Which was as expected. You hadn’t been teaching for too long, but you weren’t naive; you knew students usually only cared during class and gave up as soon as they were free.
“Oh, Miss Carpenter,” you said quickly, catching Tara right before she left. “Can we talk for a moment?”
Your heart beat loudly in your chest as Tara sighed, but otherwise nodded and trudged back into class. She didn’t sit, but stayed standing on the other side of the desk. A defence mechanism if ever you saw once. Though, judging by the scar you could see on her hand, you assumed it was for good reason.
“I want to check in with you that my presence won’t negatively impact your time in this class,” you said once everyone had finished filing out of the room.
“Will my presence negatively impact your time with my sister?” She shot back quickly. Why was she so fast? You didn’t answer. She sighed and shook her head. “I’m a big girl, I can handle you as my professor for one semester.” 
“Good,” you said with repetitive nods. “Please inform me if you change your mind.” Tara rolled her eyes, but you weren’t phased. “I do not mean to impede upon your success.”
“Shut up,” she said softly, “you sound like such a parent.”
“I mean it, Tara,” you continued. “You don’t have to like Sam and me, but I don’t want it to impact your life-”
“-Oh my god, I get it,” she interrupted quickly. Her weight shifted between her feet. “Just shut up already, I have another class to get to.”
“Okay,” you said with a gesture toward the door. “Stay safe.”
Tara didn’t bother answering before practically sprinting out the door. You hoped she was being serious about not being too influenced with you as her professor. It was against every part of your being to create a barrier between her and her academics. If she didn’t like you, that was one thing, but if it caused a problem? You would have to talk to Sam about it.
Oh god, you did sound like a parent.
By the time all your classes had ended and you could finally head back to Sam’s apartment, you had nearly forgotten all about Tara being in your class. Now, it certainly didn’t help that you were so focused on getting back to Sam so you could crawl into bed with her and rest. You clearly had better things to think about than a potential, unconfirmed incident at school.
Well, you thought you had better things to think about. When you approached Sam’s apartment door, you could hear elevated voices inside. Elevated voices that were related to each other. And that were surely unhappy about something. Oh gosh. You debated walking away, but what if they were in trouble?
You would not have been the one to save them, but by golly if you weren’t going to try.
“They’re one of my professors, Sam,” Tara shouted while you walked into the apartment.
Oh jeez. You should not have tried to save anyone. Sam was standing near the couch with her arms crossed defensively across her chest. Across from her, Tara was near the kitchen, her backpack and books strewn along the table as if she had thrown it there. Which, judging by her apparent anger, was likely.
“You can’t just date one of my professors,” she continued. “That’s so wrong.”
“You’re an adult, Tara,” Sam said, “you can handle one semester of this.”
You debated stepping in, but couldn’t decide if that would make things better or worse. Clearly Tara had an issue, and you didn’t want to throw it back in her face. That certainly wouldn’t help you win her over. You decided to stay put for the moment.
“I don’t trust them, Sam,” Tara practically shouted. Not quite, but she was building it up. “They just want to show up, worm their way into every part of our lives, and I’m not supposed to be suspicious?” She asked. “After everything we’ve been through?”
“This isn’t-” Sam stopped when she met your eyes.
Tara turned around at Sam’s sudden halt, groaning when she saw you standing there. You lifted your shaky hand slowly, giving a half-hearted wave. Sam’s eyes softened as she watched you, but Tara’s only hardened. And, you supposed you couldn’t fully blame her. She… made a good point.
“I can head out,” you said softly.
“-Don’t.” Tara and Sam said at the same time. Sam glared at the younger Carpenter. “You don’t have to go.”
“I don’t mean to intrude,” you said with a slight shake of your head. “I can come back another time.”
“I’ll walk you out,” she said.
“Seriously?” Tara asked. “We’re talking.”
“And we can talk when I get back,” Sam said quickly. She practically pushed you out the door. “Don’t go anywhere.”
You didn’t get to see Tara’s face at Sam’s order. No doubt it was… not happy. It made you… sad to see them arguing, especially about something as insignificant as you. There was absolutely no reason they should be arguing about you.
Perhaps there was also a small bit of relief at being an only sibling.
Sam leaned against the door and closed her eyes before letting out a drawn out sigh. Your inexperience got the better of you; you didn’t know what to do. Not only had you not had a girlfriend for *ahem* a little while, you also didn’t have siblings. Was this normal behaviour for siblings? For sisters? Surely it was.
No, you needed to think, that didn’t matter. What mattered was that Sam was clearly upset in some form, and you needed to do something to comfort her. What was comforting? Ah, you knew. You reached forward carefully and grabbed Sam’s hand, intertwining your fingers with hers. They linked together perfectly, like they were meant to be.
She opened her eyes slowly and looked down at your hands. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips before she looked back up at you. There was a slight crinkle at the corners of her eyes; the main indication of her smile that she was holding back. You loved that crinkle.
“I’m sorry,” she said softly.
“Don’t be,” you said with your own smile as you pulled her closer to you. “I don’t blame her for being cautious.”
“I guess it’s my own fault,” Sam said. You both started slowly making your way down the stairs. “I openly disapproved of her partner, so.”
“Payback,” you said with a nod.
“I didn’t know you were a professor,” she said shyly.
You chuckled. “I didn’t know you didn’t know.”
“Tell me about it?” She asked.
You both stepped onto the ground floor in tandem. As much as you wanted to stand there with her all night, you knew she needed to have a talk with Tara. If any of you wanted this to work, you would have to put in the effort and do the things you didn’t want to. At the moment, it was Sam and Tara hashing it out.
“Over dinner?” You suggested. “Next Thursday?” She smiled. “I don’t have class Friday morning and a co-worker suggested this delightful little bistro.”
“That sounds great,” she said. “But you’re paying.”
“It’s only fair,” you said with a shrug. “I suppose this mess is my fault.”
“100%,” she said, biting her bottom lip immediately after.
You didn’t have to be experienced to know what to do next. Her arms instinctively wrapped around your neck as she pulled you closer. Your hands fell to her hips, holding her securely against you. You didn’t have to move very far to kiss her. She tasted lovely; the taste of chocolate, a splash of wine, and the ever-present hint of cigarettes.
She tasted like love
The countdown to your date with Sam had seemed to drag on endlessly. The days seemed to go by too slowly, you only got to talk to her on occasion, and you had been thrown back into the swing of things with… far too many classes to preside over. It was your own fault, of course, but that didn’t make it any more tolerable.
Add to that the fact that Tara, while behaving herself, was keen on giving you some rather distasteful looks during class? It was a rather long week.
But the day had finally arrived! You had finished your class and practically sprinted - to the best of your ability - to the bus stop to get back to your apartment. A simple shower to freshen up, a new change of clothes, and you were all set to go. You stopped by the little bodega on the way, purchasing a small bouquet of flowers, and then you were on your way once again.
Sam had texted you earlier in the day, telling you to stay in the lobby and let her know when you were there. You assumed, rightfully, that it was because Tara was up in the apartment. Things might have been resolved, but that didn’t mean she had to like you yet. It was a fair compromise for the moment.
You texted her as soon as you stepped into the lobby, and she said she would be down momentarily. That was alright, at least the lobby was cool compared to the hot post-summer air outside. It wasn’t miserable, but it was enough that you weren’t too keen on being stuck outside.
“Nice shoes,” a voice said. “They look clean, where’d you get ‘em?”
You looked up from the hole you were staring into the floor to meet the eyes of a youngster coming into the lobby. They had rather kind eyes and a smile that, though accentuated by scars on both sides, was one of the most genuine you believed you had ever seen.
“Thank you,” you said as you rolled your shoulders back. “They’re from, ah, Allen Edmonds? Rockefeller Plaza?”
“I think I know that place, yeah,” the person said. “You’d recommend them?”
“Of course,” you said with a nod. “They’ve been the finest quality shoes I own.”
“I’ll have to check ‘em out,” the person continued. They nodded at the flowers in your hand. “For a girlfriend?”
“Yeah,” you said, “she’s on her way down.”
“She’ll love ‘em,” they said kindly. “I’m on my way up to see my girlfriend, so I’ll leave ya alone.”
You nodded enthusiastically. “You two have a wonderful evening.”
“You too,” they said with a crooked half-smile and a small wave before jogging up the stairs two at a time.
It only took another moment or two before Sam came down, looking as stunning as always. Her dress hugged her curves in all the right places - which was every place - and complimented her eyes beautifully. Paired with a simple bracelet and necklace, and you were one lucky person.
“You look gorgeous,” you said softly, pulling her into a quick kiss but being careful not to smear her makeup. “These are for you.”
Her smile was small, a smile that almost gave you more butterflies than her bigger one. This one was almost reserved for you exclusively, and you would have done anything to see it more often.
“They’re beautiful,” she said, leaning up again to press a kiss to your cheek. You hoped it left a lipstick stain.
You grabbed her hand and led her out of the building, hailing a taxi and ushering her in before following behind. In the privacy of the cab, she let her head fall onto your shoulder as she played with your fingers. You didn’t look down, but you felt her twisting your class ring round and round, almost nervously.
“You know,” you said as the cab pulled to a stop at a light, “I met the most delightful young fellow in the lobby before you came down.”
“Oh really?” Sam asked. She had stopped fidgeting with your ring and had started running her fingers over your clothed thigh.
“They asked about my shoes,” you said with a nod, “and said you would love the flowers.”
Her fingers stopped moving.
“What did this “young fellow” look like?” She asked. Her head lifted from your shoulder; you instantly missed the sensation.
“About yea high,” you said, indicating vaguely how tall they were. “Crooked smile.”
“Scars on their cheeks?”
“That’s the one,” you said with a nod. “I liked them.”
“That’s Tara’s partner,” Sam said with a huff.
“Oh?” You asked, intrigued. Well, you certainly wouldn’t have guessed that.
“The one I don’t exactly approve of,” she continued.
“Oh,” you said with far less excitement. “Well, I thought they were lovely.”
“I’m sure you did,” she said. Her tone indicated annoyance, but you glanced down in time to catch the small smile on her face that gave her away.
You pulled her back into your side and kissed the top of her head as the cab continued its route to the bistro. Maybe it wouldn’t be too difficult to get all four of you to get along. You loved Sam, even if you weren’t quite ready to admit it yet. After all, with her hand in yours and your lips pressed to her skin? What was the worst that could happen?
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zombie-bait · 3 days
Full Moon
Ok so I don’t normally post about Helluva Boss but the newest episode touched on an interesting concept I haven’t necessarily seen represented in media. Back when I was on Twitter (derogatory) a few years ago there was this now deleted viral thread where someone discussed how their struggles with mental health affected their relationship with their partner and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. 
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This is such a good, short example of how anxiety and depression can play tricks on you. It becomes so easy to envision yourself as a nuisance, a constant burden to those closest to you because they cannot possibly genuinely enjoy your company, right? But in doing so you create this arbitrarily cruel version of the people you love, people who would otherwise never behave like this outside of your own mind.
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It's mean. Because your mind wants to be mean to you under these circumstances. It wants to put everyone else's emotions and desires above yours, both in worthiness and validity. And that starts bleeding into your understanding of other people, especially those you care about.
Now. Helluva Boss.
"Can I get a fucking MINUTE to think after everything you put me through you pompous rich ASSHOLE? Treat me like one of your little butler imps, you can’t just dismiss me like that! I mean, you royal fucks think you can do this every time, like you can just play with our feelings because we’re smaller and not as important. Well I’m not letting you, BITCH! Let’s go!" - Blitz
I find it really interesting how Helluva Boss decided to approach this conflict between Stolas and Blitz. Obviously, the difference in power matters. It's the underlying tension of their entire relationship and their lives. Stolas is burdened by the mountain of expectations thrust upon him from a very young age while Blitz is constantly reminded that he can NEVER be part of that world, that he is "smaller and not as important" not just in Hell's hierarchy but in his own life and family. Stolas very literally has power over Blitz (through the grimoire, the arrangement, his position in society) and Blitz uses their relationship as an excuse to reverse those roles. But that power dynamic, in one form or another, never truly goes away. And for Blitz, it's a lot easier to paint Stolas as this manipulative symbol of power and himself as nothing more than Stolas' plaything. It's easier to be angry than to be vulnerable and accept that someone might care about him.
"Dismiss" is the keyword in that quote. All that Blitz has been able to process is that Stolas has decided to end the relationship that they have. He feels ls like a choice has been taken away from him so he lashes out because he's not ready to emotionally tackle what the rest of Stolas' offer might entail. If Stolas hates him, just wants to play with him, then he is justified in his anger, his self-destruction, his isolation. If the world is mean, you're "allowed" to be mean back.
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In that moment he forgets that Stolas is someone he actually cares about. Someone he's known for way too long and clearly wants to keep in his life, no matter how reluctant he can be to admit it. Someone who is not innately cruel or manipulative but sad and desperate for connections in a lot of the same ways that Blitz is. And Blitz immediately sees that he's miscalculated something.
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Somewhere along the way the fictional version of Stolas that he's allowed himself to be mad at and the real one that he's not ready to admit he cares about have merged into something real that he has actual power over. Stolas can get hurt and Blitz can be the one who does it. He has once again allowed his greatest fears (which Stolas so frequently symbolizes) to co-opt his loved ones, to give him an "out" even though he didn't actually want one in the first place.
I'm definitely not the first person to say this but I think this is an example of the miscommunication trope done right. Their individual struggles are what cause them to be unable to connect during this conversation or to even have a proper conversation in the first place. There is no convenient misunderstanding or third party fabricating this rift. Both of them have preconceived ideas of what the other one is thinking but those ideas are flawed and rooted in self-hatred. They also both shutdown in their unique ways when the conversation starts heading in the direction they'd feared it would.
Blitz and Stolas work because they're both fucked up in similar ways, because they want similar things. That's the same reason why they're uniquely designed to hurt one another. A fear of rejection and a yearning for happiness. To borrow a quote that has been used by literally everyone from Spiderman to Evangelical preachers, "hurt people hurt people."
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anyway, I really liked this episode.
(twitter thread screenshots sourced from this reddit post)
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pedge-page · 5 months
Joel dealing with Preggo Wife # 7: House Pet
Can be read with others in series or standalone
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Warnings: unprotected sex, slight Daddy kink, suggestive of oral M receiving, annoying reader and annoyed Joel
18 + ONLY
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You watch one depressing commercial of shivering dogs left emaciated in the cold begging for love and care, and all the water in your entire body comes flooding out in tears.
“J-j-j"—snUFFF—“JOeeeOEeeeoelllLLLL!!!" You wail, wiping your snot on his shirt sleeve while curled up against him. “THEY NWEEEDDD MWEEEEE!!!!”
“You wanna donate?”
N-d—nooo--“sniffle—“wanna -wa-wanna aa-ad-ad-opt—“
He chuckles like its some obvious joke, but when he sees the absolute shine in your giant eyes staring pleadingly at him, he puts his foot down as gently as possible: “Honey, we can’t have a dog right now. With you—being like this, and a baby on the way, I’ve got enough on my plate as is. Wanna make sure you and babygirl are well taken care of first, okay?”
There’s a tense silence hanging in the air as you seize a breath in your throat. 
And then you’re LOSING IT, whining and crying like a child into his face.
“Jesus,” he mumbles softly, gently stroking your hair, hushing little shhhhh into your forehead and rocking you in his arms like a baby in a cradle— a giant baby stuffed with another baby currently rattling the emotions of the big baby.
 He's given you a cup of water for bed and tucking you in, picking up the litany of tissues tossed around you, while you refuse to quit your puffy eye’d and endless barrage of tears. 
By the next morning, swollen lids yet calm, he thought he’d heard the last of it last night. And you were doing much better mood wise—no cries, though a little cold shoulder to him. He gives you a few hours till you’re over it and asking for ice cream like nothing happened. 
Until now, five days later where every minute is just a retort to his face about getting a dog.
When you best friend comes over to give you extra baby clothes:
"Aww your girl named her puppy Winston? That's so adorable! Joel, ya hear that??” You peak loudly so he can hear from the kitchen. “Too bad I don’t have a puppy named Winston.”
"When you have our daughter, she can get a puppy named Winston"
"Oh! Already picking her over me for getting a dog?"
He rolls his eyes, tuning out to focus on making you biscuits that are too salty so you’ll have something else to whine about.
During movie night:
“…If only I had a dog to help keep my feet warm on the couch.”
He shovels a fist full of popcorn into his tilted back, wide mouth. “‘At’s what a blanket’s for.” he yanks your favorite soft one over your toes and keeps his eyes on the TV.
To the neighbor that just fucking moved in two weeks ago:
"Joel doesn't kiss me enough. If I had a dog, I wouldn't complain as much since the pup would love me unconditionally."
He grits his teeth, excusing himself to the bathroom.
At Tommy’s place for a Sunday BBQ:
“Bought the wood second hand—I re constructed our living room myself,” he says braggingly, drawing a beer from the cooler.
"Yeah, Tommy, it’s real nice.” You charm, and you can already see Joel's fist clench at his side. “Would look even better with a dog in the window."
“Wish I had a fluffy dog to cuddle instead of your big ass."
"My husband spoils me so much. He usually gets me anything I want without asking! Unless it's a dog ..."
Joel finishing adding furniture to the baby room.
"You know what else this room could use?” 
"A dog bed, a dog blanket, a dog.”
"If you say-one more-god damn thing-about the dog..." he huffs.
"What dog? We don't even have a dog."
"We don't-need one. Got a cat in the house already."
He thrusts in again with a grunt, your trail of thought disappearing for a second just as Joel’s fat cock penetrates you.
 The two of you are lying sideways on the bed, his chest pressed flush against your back. With your leg just barely propped up with his masculine arm hooked under your knee, a hand splayed protectively over your big belly, he has enough room to slot his length into your achy sopping cunt, slowly fucking you with harsh little jolts. You grip the back of his neck, fingers clutched in his sweaty locks, feeling his hot breath dampening your collar. 
He lets out a pained hiss. “This lil pussy right here is all the animal I can handle now. Now quit it.”
His hips begin to crash lightly over your ass, rutting his tip deeper into you with muffled slaps. He loves the sight of your now largely grown thighs jiggling with each impact. Loves the feeling of your swollen breasts suffocating his other hand. Loves the knowledge of his wife so stuffed full of him for everyone to see. 
You moan lightly, clenching around him at the leisure, unhurried yet pent up pleasure coursing through you. But your mind wonders again. “If you don't want a rescue we can get a certain breed: How about a malnoise? Or something smaller like a corgi? Or aussie. Oh Pitties are so cute!"
He rolls his eyes, nose buried in your hair. How are you even able to have a coherent conversation right now while he's rearranging your guts? Rather than hushing you with another quit it, he decides to entertain you. "Jesus woman. Ain't pitties all mean?"
"Nooooo —mmm baby, right there—“ you whine, panting in sync as you lowly try to hump him back. “Protective, intimidating looking.” You smile, mouth agape and eyes closed when he hits that sweet spot deep inside.  “Just—like you, big ol sweethearts…Who give their wives exactly what they fucking want—like a dog."
“Christ.” The hand from under your leg glides over your wet clit, his rough digits rubbing fast circles while his other free arm  unfolds from under your throat to grip it lightly. His knees bend so he can rock just his hips with ferocious power, railing with the intent to fuck you so dumb, you can’t help but shut up. “One more peep and I'm switching us up and gonna fuck you like one.”
You really didn’t want to —resorting to this lounging position because your back hurt too much to be fucked doggy, and the baby weighed too heavily to ride him. Thank God his cock was fucking huge—it could reach deep into you at any position. No fucking wonder you got pregnant so easily. 
“no- no Daddy, I'll be good," you hum. "Unfff—mmm-yeah—yeah! Fuuuck—fuck me baby that’s it!” You shout. Joel’s hand works endlessly on your little nub, now at the mercy of his ministrations to get you off since you can’t reach yourself anymore. You grip your belly and cry, walls convulsing around his meat with a much needed orgasm. Joel follows suit not too long after, biting your shoulder as his hips still against your ass, pumping you full of his pearly cum.
The two of you stay in the same position, breathing heavily as you come down from your respective highs. 
His eyes close, breath slowing and getting deeper in relaxation as his fingers lightly dance over your swole bump.
You feel the gentle cooling breeze of the fan spinning above you. Sighing contently now filled with your husband’s love and caressed with his tender hands. 
 “…So I was thinking, when we get a dog..."
Tommy comes over and can tell something is up between you two.  When Joel leaves the room, he asks "so what is it this week with Joel?"
"He won't get me--what do you mean THIS week??"
"Nothing nothing, he won't get you a what?"
"A dog. I want a dog. He doesn’t want a dog. So I don’t understand why he can’t compromise and get a dog.”
He laughs. “Honey, cuz that’s not a compromise. You know why he won't get you one, right?"
"Cuz he doesn't want to take care of me, a baby, and the dog at the same time"
"Nah. He's worried you'll only want the dog’s affection, and the baby gets the rest of your attention. Then you won’t have anything left for him.”
Later that night, Joel is still steaming from your earlier conversation after sex, having no regard for listening to another thing you had to say the rest of the day. You waddle into the bedroom, looking apologetic as possible with your hands held behind your back. He only looks up from the bed to see you: in his large T shirt with nothing else, freshly lavender scented from your bath, and big pleading child-like eyes full of sorrow. He purses his lips before returning to his book, glasses perched on his nose.
You approach Joel with an apology gift that you hid behind your back: a stuffed wolf.
He smiles gently unable to even pretend to hold his temper against you. you kiss the tip of his nose as he caresses your smoothed bump. “You're my favorite dog anyway,” you say warmly. “Needy. Grumpy. Likes food. Gives me kisses."
“Thought I didn’t give ya enough kisses? Least that’s what you told neighbor.”
“That was—a lie.” You bat your eyes cutely. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“Mmmm,” is all he says, his eyes raking over your curves just barely covered now due to your size. “I don’t know, Daddy might need more apologies — ya did treat me real bad this week.”
You hum sadly, nuzzling yourself against his chest. your hand trails down his firm middle, all the way to the growing tent sticking up from his boxers.
“I can lick it better,” you whisper seductively in his ear, nipping at his pulse point.
“That’s what I like to hear.”
And after one of your famous deep throated blow job with Joel's balls happily emptied in your already full belly, he leans over to his side table and pulls the drawer open, holding something tight in his hand.
You just barely stop yourself from falling asleep with your head on his lap when he dangles a dog collar above your head. You sit up, inspecting it with grubbing hands: it has your home address etched on to the metal plate, but no name on it. 
“What you want me to be your dog? I’ll wear the collar but I’m not getting on my knees, nor crawling around and drinking from dog bowls  and shitting in the yard—“
“No angel,” he shushes you. Although the image of you wearing the collar, naked and heavily pregnant on your knees in front of him wasn’t a bad idea at all…he shakes his head from the delusion. ”Aint for you. Thought about it—but ONLY after have the baby and are settled, and ya know IF —and that’s a mighty big if—we find one that’s not too rough shape, got a good sense about ‘im, then MAYBE I’ll consider it.”
"Oh my god! Thank you! Thankyouthankyou--"
"I said IF sweetheart. Got along road ahead till then."
"I'll give you as many blow jobs as you want."
"You already do that for yourself."
"Yeah but... how about I sit on your face? Fully?"
His ears perk up. "Yeah?"
"After the baby is born," you quip, smirking with more confidence then your swollen body can muster trying to wiggle away from his grasp like a devious chubby oompa lumpa. He just laughs to himself as you slip down the bed, and the sudden urge to pee has you B-lining to the bathroom.
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lightwing-s · 5 months
Could you write a jason x reader (preferably fem) where batfam meets reader?
Jason didn’t plan for it to happen like this, but like everything involving his family, nothing followed a scripted order, being closer to chaos than anything Jason had ever seen.
You were out on a date, just a casual stroll around the city, going to a few shops, getting random food and simply enjoying each other’s company. It was a cold night, and Jason’s arms over your shoulders helped you warm up a little.
He had taken the night off, opting for spending some time with you after an intense couple of weeks. His siblings, though, hadn’t decided the same, and instead chose to sneak around the couple, following them through every place they’d been tonight.
Unaware, Jason was his usual self around you. Sweet, caring, showing off PDA every so often, between kisses on your temples to long make out sessions in an alley he sneaked you two into.
“Hello, brother.” Damian’s voice startled you two, breaking away from the kiss quickly.
“Damian?” Jason questioned, looking at his younger brother dressed in his patrolling outfit. “What are you doing here?” 
“Patrolling, since you’re n-”
“He just wanted to say hi.” Dick landed beside him, covering Damian’s mouth with his hand. “Wasn’t it Dami?”
“What are you doing here?” Jason got closer to the two, whispering his anger-covered words as not to frighten you. “I told you I couldn't make it tonight.”
“I know.” Dick said, lifting his hands in defense. “We just saw you around and decided to make sure your date went alright.”
“You’ve been following us.” he whispered-screamed.
“I wouldn’t say following.” Tim’s voice came from somewhere. “More like guarding you.”
“You’re fucking insane.” 
Shaking his head, he turn on his heels and went back to you, taking your hand in his and pulling you out of the alley.
“Are those your brothers?” you asked, having been made aware of Jason’s night time activities. He hummed a reply, pulling you faster into the streets, but you stopped at your place, forcing him to do the same. “Why don’t you introduce us?”
Releasing a deep breath, Jason tries to think of a better excuse than “I don’t want to” to give to you alongside his “no”. But he looks into your eyes, pleading him to meet the brothers he so often talks about, wanting to know the bits and pieces of his life he still hadn’t shared with you. 
And he can’t say no. He can’t say no because you’ve been so patient with him, so understanding of his boundaries and choices to slowly let you into his life. You’ve never denied him anything, and he felt bad denying you this one thing, especially when it’s been presented right in front of you.
“They may be a bit overwhelming.” he says, giving the trio a quick glance. You, on the other hand, almost jumped from excitement, eyes glowing at his words. “But they’re… nice.”
Entangling your hands, he spins you two around and have you headed in the direction his siblings are standing, curiosity painting their faces seeing Jason’s sudden change of mind.
“Boys.” he called out to his brothers. “This is Y/n, my girlfriend.”
Dick’s smile reached his ear, as he greeted Y/n with his usual charm, happy to finally meet the girl Jason never talked about, but whose existence was clear as day to him, as his brother’s entire demeanor took a drastic change from his usual brooding one.
Tim softly shook your hands upon getting a bit closer, not saying much, but greeting you with such kindness that had you blushing a little.
Damian, on the other hand, did not look impressed, looking you up and down before deciding to just nod his head at you and turn around.
“That was…. Interesting.” Dick laughed. “Well, it was really nice meeting you, Y/n, but I hope Jason brings you around soon so we can actually get to know you a little.”
“I hope he does,” you said, side eyeing your annoyed boyfriend. “I’d love to get to know more about you too. Jason talks a lot about you guys.”
“No I don’t.” he whispered, earning a light kick on his heel. “Y/n, babe?”
He turned to you, desperately begging you to let you two leave. “Our movie session starts in fifteen minutes.”
“It was nice meeting you Y/n.” Dick extended his hand once more, and you shook it with the same joyous excitement. “You know, Bruce will be hosting a dinner in a couple of weeks, if Jason doesn’t mind, you could meet the rest of the family there.”
The two of you instantly turned to you pouty boyfriend whose annoyed face made you cackle. “If mister broody over here agrees, I’d love to.”
Turning back, you watched on as your boyfriend’s brothers disappeared into the darkness.
“I don’t talk that much about them.” Jason chimed.
“Yes, you do.” you said in return, smiling at his now defeated expression.
“Let’s go, or we might miss the movie.” he took hold of your hands again. “And after I can tell you about the dinner.”
Jumping up and down, you got to your tiptoes to give your much taller boyfriend a kiss on the cheek, glad he was slowly but surely letting his walls down, letting you in into the part of his life he was so protective and unsure about.
To Jason, albeit a bit anxious, he was left sure, upon this meeting, that letting you in wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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