'Teenage boy characters acting stereotypically teenage boyish is worse than male characters being straight up bad people and that's why teenage girl characters dating the latter is a female fantasy' is such an insane ass take and i'm fucking loosing it at the fact that so many people still get away with it.What is this privileged ass and patriachy brainwashed 'praising men for less than the bare minimum' bullshit
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
Headasses be like "This character is clearly meant to be an adult figure!!!"and then it's literally just a black teenager who's nice to others their age
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 6 months
So...I am finally binge watching Voltron Legendary Defender and I remember how hyped the Lot/ura romance was....
And when I finally witnessed the romance for myself....I LAUGHED!
Especially considering the fact that people say Lot/ura is "The new Zvtara ZOMG!"
Like, do ya'll realize how you're making Zvtara look even worse by saying it's like Lot/ura??? Lotor is a murderer and used his smooth talking to manipulate Allura and the others! And I've seen people use a friendly front as a facade to get what they want and it's scary.
Like...The Lot//ura romance was hyped up to the moon and back and I wasn't impressed at all!
Allurance tho, 💖💙I was happy! 🤩
Ok, I guess another reason I wasn't phased by Lot/ura is because the Lotor arc was incredibly rushed......But still...
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shiroallura · 5 years
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He could be a sinner, or a gentleman He could be your preacher, when your soul is down He could be your lawyer on a witness stand but He'll never love you like I can
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mustloveallura · 6 years
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her eyes are doing the anime shaky thing in both of these, but one feels...softer. 
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Genuine question: If you hate the paladins and Allura for what they did to Lotor and don't ship Lotura for that reason, then why do you ship Keitor? Keith and Krolia were the ones that actually started the whole colony mess in the first place, he also decided to leave Lotor in the rift (Allura wanted to get him out).
The short answer is: I can do whatever the hell I want.
The longer, genuine answer is that I didn’t really ship Lotura even before S6, but I started shipping Keitor around the time S4 came out.
Keith and Lotor actually have a lot in common:
- both grew up with negative parental interaction (Keith bc his parents weren’t there, Lotor bc his parents were, well...)
-both are pilots and sword weilders
-both are half-Galra, and both have had to come to terms with that in some way
-both were in leadership roles, and both had their team turn on them (Lotor when the Girl Squad shot him in the back, and Keith at the beginning of S4, when he was doing More Important Stuff than the Voltron Show)
They’ve also saved each other (Lotor saved Keith during the battle of Naxzela, and Keith saved Lotor during the Kral Zera)
If you actually watch Defenders of All Universes again(Which, by the way, was a stupid name for that episode, but that’s another post entirely), Keith wanted to save Lotor first, and then Allura piped up, and then he had to make a Hard Choice bc Voltron was disintegrating or w/e
As for the Colony thing, I think that’s really more a case of “Sometimes Keith needs to not be so brash and actually think more critically before rushing into things” (although I’m sure the shock of seeing an Altean, when they were supposed to be extinct probably didn’t help matters) (For the record, I don’t think Romelle lied intentionally; I just don’t think she had the whole story)
Plus, there’s also Allura’s Treatment of All Galra, regardless of whether or not they are on her side, prejudices Keith does not have.
And...frankly, I kind of expect Keith to rush into things, but I really think Allura, who comes from a culture in which Diplomacy is highly valued, really should not have yeeted their best ally and sort-of BF at the first accusation of something even slightly distasteful, so there’s that
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frigidlyauthorial · 6 years
Lotor and Allura would be a very aesthetic ship if it weren’t, ya know, built on manipulation
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sapphicvevo · 6 years
i just want to say this to any allutor shippers following me:
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allurahimesama · 6 years
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AHAHAHA ok let’s unpack this shall we @allura-of-altea
1. we don’t know when lotor was born. it could have been long after allura was frozen. but regardless, this isn’t really important because:
2. LIKE IT OR NOT, LOTOR IS BEING TEASED WITH ALLURA. you are under the impression that because he is tricking her, that it can’t be narratively coded as a tragic first love that ends in heartbreak on allura’s part. for fuck’s sake. he literally proposes a political marriage, and lance steps in because he’s jealous:
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(he doesn’t snap until lotor starts going “you and i”)
i can’t believe you are so ignorant you need this shit spelled out for you. i can’t believe you continue to spread misinformation that allura is a baby teenager uwu when this season established her in a tragic romance with a clearly adult character. when she, shiro and lotor are clearly on a higher level of maturity than the rest of the team sans coran. i can’t believe you haven’t watched enough dramas to understand that not all romances are good and healthy, sharlinda. sometimes they’re used to fuel conflict, but noooo can’t have any of that!! only fluffy pure coffee shop aus uwu
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Free my woman,she canonically hates a male character for being a huge asshole but the fandom is convinced she's a tsundere who wants to fix him with her girlhood and thinks it's groundbreaking feminist storytelling and that it's misogynistic to hate it
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
My punk ass cannot stand it when people call characters who kill or abuse or often both tons of innocent people and actively further corrupt whatever society they exist in 'revolutionaries' because they have sad backstories.My siblings in christ,that's not a revolutionary,that's a fascist😭💀
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
"If villain bad,why sexy?"Because you are not immune to propaganda.And also think beauty only exists within cis and/or white standards
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Zutara,Lotura and Snowbaird discourse are literally just creepy white women and woc with internalized racism fighting for their lives to prove that girls of color dating older male colonizers is a feminist 'bad boy who's actually a huge softie' fantasy instead of propaganda and bullying kids of color and abused poc for not liking them for it and often people who're both with false self-images of deepness and maturity as justification.I said what i fuckin' SAID
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
Felix/Marinette and Lotor/Allura are so creepy,like why would you ship a girl of color who gets pain thrown at her again and again and no justice for herself and ship her with a racist who SA'd her,especially when Luka and Lance AND Keith are Right There
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
I think i've figured out why Zuko gets compared to antagonists who are bad people so much-It's cause that's all his bad stans see him as:An antagonist.They don't see him as the abused and hurt kid he is who's temper and rudeness are a trauma response and that became a hero because he worked his ass off to but instead as a generic 'edgelord' who gets things handed to him without doing anything to make up for his wrongs
Zuko's not Kylo Ren or L///otor and most DEFINITELY not anybody from anything Rowling wrote.Zuko is a victim who's flawed but dosen't make excuses for himself and it's fuckin' gross that y'all insist on comparing someone who was abused so horrifically by their own father to f*scists and abusers.Your musty faves aren't,could not and would never be Zuko <3 Put some respect to his name!!!🗣🗣🗣
Aang haters do NOT interact,i know it's most of y'all who made this popular
@kyojurolover @leo-thecactus @mystiqdreamer @1clown1
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shiroallura · 5 years
there’s a difference between someone being a bad partner and an incompatible partner. an incompatible partner might be someone you really love, or someone who means a lot to you, but your personalities don’t mesh well enough to make it work and that’s not either of your faults, it’s just how you are, and you’re better off as friends. 
a bad partner can be someone who uses you, who treats you often terribly and disrespects you. sometimes they’re toxic, or abusive, but they’re always unhealthy. again: doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re a bad person (altho that can be the case) but they are a bad partner for you.
so in other words:
lotor is a bad partner to allura, but not incompatible (shared work ethic)
lance is not a bad partner, but an incompatible partner to allura
and keith would be a bit of both (disregards her physical safety, shared work ethic, but different demands)
and shiro is neither
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