#and yeah I thought I was lined up perfectly for a nice shot
victorluvsalice · 6 months
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-->And then -- time for a snowball fight! Because, well, it was cold, there was snow on the ground, so why not? XD They all ran around throwing snowballs at each other and having a lovely time for a few rounds (Smiler even getting a happy sentiment with both Victor and Alice about how much fun they were having) – but, unfortunately, Alice’s werewolf instincts interrupted and made her very testy and in need of a nap. *sigh* Darn finicky temperaments... So I ended the fight and let her get in a snooze in the snow by the bar while Victor headed over to the observatory to observe the sky (no new print, unfortunately) and Smiler went looking for frogs in all the frog logs (getting a Striped Leaf, Striped Eggplant, and Striped Dirt -- none of which they actually needed, but at least they can be used for breeding?). Alice woke up once her energy was better and her instincts quieted, then grabbed another plate of meat and cheese before running over to meet Victor and Smiler by the observatory, where they were making more snow angels. Everyone happily came together to spin some noisemakers and throw/blast confetti in honor of the holiday –
Just in time for the date to end on gold level! :D You love to see it. (Though I think all they got out of it was another VIP bucket – I wish that the date rewards were a little more varied!)
-->However, before they went home, I REALLY wanted them to get a cute trio shot together somewhere in the park. You know me and my love of taking in-game pictures of them, after all. :p After looking around (and unsuccessfully trying to direct them all to the same spot in front of one of the fish fountains just off-lot), I decided one of the corner fountains would do and had them head over there via their various teleports. I had Alice get out her tripod, then tried positioning it right outside the gap in the hedges leading to the fountain, hoping that would lead to a good shot. There was the usual trouble in trying to set UP the group shot – a bit of lag, Smiler insisting on presenting some flowers to Victor just before they were to wait for the photographer – but, having learned my lesson from previous attempts, I just shut off autonomy for a while before giving it another go –
Aaaand discovered that the camera was facing at the most awkward angle to the group EVER. XD Now, fortunately, when your camera is on a tripod, you can actually spin it around 360 degrees to get a better angle. UNFORTUNATELY, when I did that, Victor and Smiler were half-behind the hedges, meaning there really was no better angle. *facepalm* I took a few snaps just because I wanted SOMETHING from the date, but I don’t know if any of these will be going up on the wall! At least, not where visitors can see. :p
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blushstories · 2 months
Hello! Just saw your quick fire blurb series and I'd love to suggest:
Gale x Tav
Where Tav is upset because their feelings for Gale are one-sided.... or are they? 👀
Hope you get tons of inspiration from any asks you receive! 🥰
hi!!! yay thank you so much for being my second request:))) i will do my best <3 set during the party after the grove is rescued !!
Glass crashed somewhere behind you, followed by an uproar of laughter and cheers. Someone’s just won a drinking race.
You don’t know what Karlach’s saying to you, she’s a blur in your vision; your eyes have drifted over her shoulder to where Gale stands. His head is bent over a book as usual, strands of his hair falling slightly over his face. Karlach is so lost in her anecdote that she doesn’t notice your concentration failing, gesturing animatedly, perhaps partially due to the alcohol from the festivities.
Gale’s finger follows a line in his book as he reads, then flips the page. He considers something for a moment, then his eyes flit up to meet yours. Your heart gives a massive thump as you avert your gaze, heat rushing to your cheeks. You tune back into your conversation with Karlach, only for her to cut herself off. She scans your flustered appearance, fingers gripping your cup just a little too tight.
“You alright, soldier?” She asks with a quirked eyebrow. You nod, relaxing a little as you shake yourself back into reality. A knot tightens in your stomach as you scold yourself for getting caught up again in your feelings. Specifically, your feelings for Gale. He’s never shown much interest in you in that way, but your rational brain can’t pull you out of your crush. The knot will remain, and you will be reminded of it every time you see Gale.
“Yeah, sorry,” you shake your head, as if these thoughts were going to fall out of your ears. “Just thinking. Maybe I’ll put this down,” you say, putting the bottle onto the crate next to you.
“Have you tried talking to him?” Karlach asks. You freeze and she smiles. “You’re not so subtle. Lucky if he hasn’t caught on already. Is he still looking?”
You jaw goes a little slack, and you feel foolish for wearing your heart on your sleeve, and forgetting to hide it. Your eyes flicker between Karlach and then Gale, who is still watching the both of you.
“Yep. Yeah. Great. Um, I think I might go and hide now. Until tomorrow. And Gale could do with a rest, so you can join us on the road if you want. Yeah…” your heart has picked up a little and you try to slip away, but Karlach’s voice stops you.
“Trust me, Y/N. Give it a shot.”
Maybe her confidence influences yours. You spin on your heel and start walking towards Gale, who is putting his book away. You mutter something like I hope you’re right as you pass her, and you approach Gale with a small smile.
“Ah, Y/N. I was hoping you’d spare me a moment. Have you been enjoying yourself?”
“Yeah, actually. It’s nice to see everyone happy for once,” you say. He hums in agreement as he scans the small crowd behind you.
“How come you’re not over there? Don’t you want to join in?” You say.
“Oh, I’m perfectly content to stand here and watch. Their happiness seems to be my own. Your company is, however, most welcome.” There’s a glint in his eye.
“Can I sit with you?” You take a small chance, realizing that there’s nobody else you wish to spend time with tonight.
“That would be delightful,” he says, pulling out an extra cushion for both of you to sit.
The night crawls on lightly, you and Gale enshrouded by the shadows around his tent and whispering under the stars and moonligb, the promises of something beautiful blooming glistening on your skin.
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mrgaretcarter · 1 year
Ted Lasso 3x11 thoughts
It really was very nice to see Ted around the neighborhood saying Hi to everyone again, I missed watching him be part of the community a lot throughout the season
I liked the selection of guys who went to get Nate back
I think it would’ve been nice to have seen something that indicated that shift for the team since the last time we saw them thinking about Nate was that disaster at the West Ham match but I’m also not that committed to this 😅 Maybe seeing the vote they mentioned could’ve been fun and illuminating
It felt true to Nate that he enjoyed working at the restaurant
They must’ve been late to practice waiting for 75 freaking kebabs to be ready lmao
Got a kick out of mama Lasso being the origin of the open peanut butter jar
Finding out Beard has to routinely go over to Ted’s flat to make his oven stop beeping was very fun
Had a real good time of Ted being so annoyed at his mom behaving exactly like him. The split shot where she’s heading for the stairs and he’s behind rubbing his face lmao
I cracked up at the press conference when Jamie said the goal should be scrapped from the records and “i apologize to everyone, especially the kids” lmao
Screamed at Ted’s mom being named Dorothy they are shameless
Rebecca was SO excited to meet mama Lasso it was so cute, the way she threw her arms up when Dottie dropped the “Winner winner BF Skinner” line was super adorable, it was also cute how low she had to lean in order to hug Dottie
“I can’t believe I’m finally getting to meet the woman who created one of the nicest humans I’ve ever met” was also very very cute and welcome, I would like a full detailed account of what Rebecca thinks about Ted now thanks (but also I wish that delivery had been more pointed somehow, more loaded, do you know what I mean? Not because I think it had to be, I just got shipper goggles on and that would’ve made me lose my mind.)
The way Rebecca laughed when Dottie said the thing about Ted popping out of her already asking the doctor if he needed anything made me laugh, and then how annoyed Ted was by it made me laugh even more
It’s also pretty cute that Rebecca was so delighted by mama Lasso doing the very things Ted annoyed her for originally, like, those are things she loves now because she associates them with him
Mamma Lasso charming the locker room was great
Ted and Rebecca off to the side in his office observing was also great. I love that Rebecca was delighted by mama Lasso but also aware that Ted was not having a good time (and she hit him with Oklahoma again!)
I laughed at the eyebrow hair joke cause I knew exactly what Ted meant 😂 I’ve annoyed my dad many times about this specifically
“Sometimes the truth can ruin a perfectly good story” “You should work for the daily mail” I cant explain it but this exchange delighted me, they seem so friendly and have such a good back and forth, it’s always a pleasure to seem them onscreen together, and I will never forgive them for not letting us see more of it this season
Rebecca Welton horse girl confirmed!
Ted said he didn’t eat the poop candy bar, but his mom said he did, but we know she has a tendency to embellish her stories, but Ted seemed eager to stop that one in its tracks, so what is the truth??
Trent jumping at the chance to interview Mama Lasso was funny as was her saying his hair is fabulous, real audience self insert moment
“Shouting is Roy’s love language”
I enjoyed Jamie’s boot room meltdown though it was a bit over the top lmao for a split second I thought he was gonna kiss Roy
“Will?” “Yeah” “You missed a good one” I was howling at this lmaoooooo and Will looked so disappointed too he is a nosy little bitch those boot room encounters are NOT an accident he wants that tea
I nearly started crying when Ted said “Man, this place is great, right?” Cause like is it Ted?? Is it really?? I haven’t felt that from you and why???? WHY
Again, wish we’d seen this vote about Nate coming back even more knowing Higgins was approached about it or maybe initiated it
I love that Beard and Dottie have a whole thing going on including nicknames and a theme song
Ted storming off lmaooo
On the one hand I’m very confused about R/K on the other I’m glad its confusing because it means they didn’t just skip their getting back together last week, it was just a hook up
Babs always delivers she is so funny
“Still running around in circles, making sure everybody’s okay without accepting a drop of help for himself.” Sure, but where was that this season 😅
When beard asked Dottie how she was and she didn’t wanna answer I immediately thought she was sick or something and spent the rest of the ep on edge about it
I still don’t get how we’re supposed to take Beard and Jane
Thought it was a bit much to directly quote soooo much of this be the verse
The ominous shot of Dorothy’s house spinning on the pinball machine I stg
Laughed at Ted trying to put the suitcase on the bed and his mom going not on the bed! And him having to redirect on the fly
“I’ve actually been talking to this therapist” “Oh let me guess, it’s all my fault” that was SO momcore. This scene where they talk about the panic attacks and therapy and Ted asks if she ever considered talking to someone was actually my favorite exchange between Ted and his mom in terms of the emotional stuff, that I really felt, especially when she says “And you know I love my tea” how heavy that felt and how informative it was, to me, of their relationship without overstating it
Nora telling Rebecca to stop using her jet is SUCH a fic thing I was losing my mind
Jamie not high-fiving the guy and just walking straight into his hand made me laugh
Of course Kenneth does drag
Keeley was weird in this episode but I cant say what the problem was
Everyone, and I mean everyone, at team movie night was so fun! Rebecca looked so incredibly good! She was wearing jeans!!!
Cracked up at Dani sussing out Roy and Keeley and Keeley being like we’re just friends! And Roy being like she just looks very nice!
Don’t care for the way they keep rehashing S/R 🤨
Ted saying Sleepless in Seattle is better than You’ve Got Mail is truly insane, terrible taste on the man.
Love to know Jamie has a very nice step dad and I loved his mum!
I saw people thinking it was weird that Roy kept staring at Jamie and his mum but to me it just seemed like Roy thought what he was seeing was weird
Jade grew on me, she and Babs were the only worthy additions this season (even if Jade is technically from last season)
The posters on Jamie’s wall sfdhglisfhg the ot3 is SO real this is crazy
They really gotta let Keeley speak, it feels like things have just been happening to her this entire season when will she be Keeley-fucking-Jones The Independent Woman again?
What the fuck was Roy trying to hug Jamie’s mum and blowing her a kiss and saying he loves her, was he drunk? I did not get that at all
Rebecca’s dad went to art school! Not sure why that’s exciting, but it is!
This episode made me realize how much I missed seeing more of the matches, I watched this game on the edge of my seat like it was in real time
Higgins not wanting to move and jinx it 😂 Everything with Keeley, Higgins and Rebecca on the stands is always great and fun
I wonder what Jade would report Derek for lmao I like that she got Nate fired, again, Jade really grew on me
Jamie’s “Fuck you” and “Thank you” and Ted using it later on with his mom was good, though the pep talk itself didn’t necessarily work for me
Jamie acting like a prick and taking the hazing was great, it was also great to hear Jamie Tartt dododododo again, didn’t even realize I’d missed it. Their second goal was so exciting and the ManCity crowd later cheering Jamie was emotional as were the flashes of his mum watching the game. Anyway, everything Jamie was good as it’s been for the entire season.
Unexpected to see James Tartt in rehab
I didn’t like the Pep cameo, sue me lmao
Jamie saying goodbye to all the players was great, especially him saying he’s proud of Colin
My favorite Ted moment of the episode was when he changed Beard’s mind about Nate. I liked that it was a callback to when they all laughed when first watching Nate struggling with the sign and Ted turned it around and showed Beard how cruel it was to mock someones lowest moment.
Roy/Keeley/Jamie is extremely real, and I loved Ted passing them by and the parallel to season 1 when he sees Jamie with his dad
Beard forgiving Nate was easily my favorite scene in the episode. I loved Beard and Ted’s backstory and I really really loved “And then I stole from my friend, who forgave me, and gave me a job and a life. So to honor that, I forgive you, I offer you a job, and the life part’s up to you.” That really got me and Brendan’s delivery worked so well for me, the forehead touch and the hug as well, it felt like such a genuine moment, I was very happy with it.
Ted and Dottie’s last conversation didn’t land for me, but I enjoyed Ted cursing lmao and I liked “Sometimes you lose, sometime you win, but most of the time you just tie.”
I knew from filming that Bex would show up on Rebecca’s doorstep but Ms. Kakes was a surprise and I’m already SO excited about where this is going, I hope Rupert gets so fucked especially after I had so many issues with how he was handled last episode. Ps: I loved the sweater Rebecca was wearing in this scene.
The fact that his mom left with just a note was an interesting parallel to Sharon trying to do the same and to Deborah doing it to Rebecca
Hannah’s back looked so good in that dress
By that point I’d told myself a truth bomb wasn’t gonna happen and gasped when we saw Rebecca in his office even though I knew full well she didn’t have any truths to bomb him with
It’s so funny that she had this on her calendar or whatever, like yeah she had nothing but still felt the need to uphold tradition you know how it is lmao she’s ridiculous, @thesumdancekid said she should’ve told him something silly just to maintain the pattern and I agree and think that would’ve been cute
Again it is always such a pleasure to see them together onscreen no matter what they’re doing, my heart went off just from seeing them framed by that door
I swear next ep better start exactly where this one left off, I will cry real tears if we don’t get Rebecca’s immediate reaction to Ted saying he’s leaving.
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loststarxox · 2 years
Unwaveringly Forever | JK | (R.) - One Shot 🔞
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♾ Pairings: Alcoholic!Jungkook x Reader
♾ Ratings: R. (18+) 🔞
♾ Genre: Established Relationship, one-shot, heavy smut, heavy angst, fluff
♾ Warnings: Explicit Content🔞, implied heavy drinking, alcoholism, drunk!Jungkook, SoftDom!Jungkook, fingering, breast play, dirty talk, praise kink, unprotected sex, some tears, minor swearing, implied repressed trauma, self-sabotage, mentions of past emotional/physical/verbal abuse, mentions of past emotional trauma, implied gaslighting, mentions of physical violence, fighting some mental demons, overall sad kookie I’m sorry :(
♾ Word Count: +7.9k
“I’m not like my father. I swear. I-I’m so much better than him.”
Not even a silver lining had been present all day.
Dark grey clouds had cloaked over the once blue sky. All day, the sky weighed heavily with the thick grey clouds. A day where one would wake up with no sunlight leaking through the blinds to cast on their face. Just to look out and see a blanket of greyness filling the void of the sky, almost forcing you to be in a bad mood. But you didn’t let it get to you. You kept your chin held high and your smile bright. Yet eventually by the evening, the clouds slowly let the weight of their burdens trickle down below and drench everything in sight.
You worked tirelessly through the sluggish day, with consistent smiles and laughs at work. Trying your best to put everyone in a happy mood to distract them from the gloomy atmosphere outside.
Nightfall had arrived a lot quicker than you imagined. You looked out to see that it had begun to rain. The ache in your muscles caught up to your conscious by 9 pm. You were held back far longer today. It was always gruelling to be working overtime so you were elated to finally go home.
You waved your friendly colleagues goodbye in the safe haven of your car, a beaming smile on your face as you watched them drive off first. You revved up your own engine, turning on the wipers and began exiting the parking lot.
The soft hum of the radio played in the background. As well as the delicate patters of the rain against the windows somehow felt soothing to you. The thought of possibly taking a nice, warm bubble bath with Jungkook brought a giddy smile to your face. Maybe lay against his chest, feel his taut muscles under your fingertips as you both talked and giggled about absolutely nothing. Yeah, that would end the night perfectly, the thought making your smile stretch wider.
It was a short car ride, with your beamers illuminating the dark neighbourhood. You eventually pulled into the drive way, cursing yourself for not bringing an umbrella as the rain began to pour more strenuously. The large droplets of water clattered hard against the car. You made a quick run for it, fleeing up the couple steps to seek the shelter of your porch. Although, you weren’t able to escape a few globs of water falling on your head and shoulders. You let out a sigh of relief while fumbling with your keys, slotting the one for the house in the keyhole.
As you walked in, the house was almost pitch dark and oddly serene, the aura almost matching the mood outside. One could have thought that were was never even life here to begin with as you slipped your shoes off and turned to hang your coat in the closet.
However, with your back turned, you suddenly felt a pair of strong arms slither around your waist and yank you backwards. You yelped in fright at the unexpected embrace, dropping your coat and hanger as your hands instinctively clung onto the arms wrapped around you.
An amused chuckle rang close in your ears, as they smothered their face in the junction of your neck and shoulder. That was when your muscles eased a little. The large hands delicately turned you around. You let out a exhale of relief, your clenched jaw relaxing at the familiar dark silhouette looming over you.
“Hi, baby.” Jungkook huskily murmured against your lips. With his arms still tightly wounded around your waist, he messily slammed his lips against yours. You scrunched your nose a little as his body practically stumbled into you, as if he himself lost balance. The momentum knocking you backwards as well.
His wet lips very sloppily molded against yours for a few seconds, you being too bewildered to reciprocate properly. He eventually pulled away, mustering a shaky smile on his face.
You grimaced, awkwardly wiping your mouth a little. Not necessarily because you were grossed out by him, but the kiss left a glistening glob of spit on your lips.
“That’s one way to greet me.” You mumbled jokingly under your breath.
His hands ventured to your face, scorching hands lovingly cupping your slightly damp cheeks. He drew closer to you, His nose subtly brushing against yours. Your own hand wrapped around the back of his hand that held your face. You tried to gaze at him in the darkness but all you were faced with was his dark shadow.
“I missed you.” He whispered longingly, eyes almost shutting closed.
“I missed you too.” You replied, adorning a sincere smile. You flipped the light switch next you, the yellow warmth dimly blanketing the darkness.
Now that his face was more visible, your smile immediately faltered. He stood before you with the most sluggish appearance, with those red puffy eyes, darkly casted toward you. His unkept hair was disheveled from constantly running his fingers through it. His lips were naturally turned down in a slight frown. Jungkook’s once sparkly eyes were dulled and void, a certain type of exhaustion hidden beneath the surface. He nervously noticed you observing him.
“What happened to you?” You asked in bewilderment. You were quite startled as you closely peered at his slackened appearance. His vision was going in and out of focus as he tried to hone in on your concerned expression. “You’re drunk?”
He gulped a little, the unsettling ache of shame overcoming him from your expression.
“Yeah. Just... A little bit.” He mumbled in an effort to not appear as guilty. You gave him a look that showed you were clearly not convinced. You tried to remain as poised as possible, keeping the disappointment to yourself. He was faced with your back while you quickly picked up your coat and hung it in the closet. Your heart felt heavy in your chest seeing him like this. He watched your movements carefully.
“A little? You look wasted.”
His sad doe-like eyes shifted across your face for a few seconds. Almost like he was in a silent conflict with himself, and then his face faltered further, shoulders deflating like he couldn’t put up the act anymore. It was like a mask began crumbling off his face. A sympathetic expression washed over your features at his dampened appearance. His lips parted, his breathing turning more heavy all of a sudden.
“I’m sorry.” He slurred out, not really knowing what else to say. The heavy weight of shame leaking through his tone.
There was an ugly twist of sorrow in your gut at the realization. You grabbed his hand and silently began guiding him up the stairs. His footsteps were lazy and uncoordinated as his lanky figure numbly trailed behind you like an overgrown lost puppy. He clutched onto the railing so he wouldn’t stumble into you. He wondered if you were upset with him.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He repeated in the softest whisper. His remorseful eyes thoughtfully gazed at the way both your fingers were intertwined as you tugged him upstairs. He gripped your fingers tighter.
“I’m not mad,” You replied honestly, your face faltering only in sadness. “And don’t say sorry to me.” You whispered. That smile that once lingered on your face in the car was long gone. Your eyebrows were now pinched together with a small frown taking its place. You stopped at the top of the stairs, turning to look at him. Your gaze settled to his hair that lacked sense of direction, randomly sticking out in awkward places.
“Say sorry to yourself. You don’t deserve this.” You heart clenched as you spoke. Your hand automatically reached up to soothingly run your fingertips through his dark tresses covered in sweat, brushing the hair out of his eyes. He sighed at your soft caress, swallowing the thickening lump in his throat as a dreadful voice in the back of his mind nagged him.
“I’m not like my father. I swear.” He spoke in a slight panic, worried that you would be afraid of him. Worried that you would run from him. Jungkook’s panic came from a real place. His glossy, doe-brown eyes desperately searched your face. “I-I’m so much better than him.”
You nodded at him in understanding. “I don’t think you’re like your father.”
You told the slightest little white lie.
The thing was, Jungkook lived a rough family life. His father being a raging alcoholic was on one side, and his major anger issues and the physical violence he watched his mother go through was on the other.
As Jungkook grew up, his father began targeting him in a different way. He knew how much Jungkook loathed him for his cruelty, so he’d pick his brain. His leverage being that Jungkook looked exactly like him. It was true, the physical resemblance between the two was uncanny. That little known fact only fuelled Jungkook’s hatred even more. Beyond physical abuse, his father began manipulating him into believing that Jungkook would grow up to be exactly like him. That he couldn’t escape their similarities no matter how hard he tried. And what better way to get on Jungkook’s nerves by telling him he was exactly like his dad.
Jungkook lived with those haunting words burned in his mind for a long time. He hated every comparison photo brought up between them. He wanted to burn them all. This is because what’s worse than looking in the mirror and seeing the same face that tortured you and your family for years, staring back at you. It would drive anyone mad.
So then Jungkook became determined to change his appearance. He styled his hair different, he covered himself with tattoos, he began weight training to buff himself up, and even decorated his ears with piercings.
Jungkook was terrified of his father, but he was more terrified of becoming like him.
You had a small theory. You didn’t know if you’d ever share it with Jungkook. To you, his dependency on alcohol didn’t just appear out of thin air. His father had this coping mechanism, and Jungkook subconsciously adopted it. You were almost positive that addiction in the family being passed is prevalent in some ways. However, that’s where the similarity strictly ends.
Jungkook had perceived you to be deep in thought, slightly cocking his head to the side as you carefully guided him into the bathroom. His loosened muscles easily let you nudge him down to sit on the closed toilet seat. You were about to step away but he quickly grabbed your arms, his half-lidded and sluggish red eyes gazing up at you expectantly. He pulled you closer to stand between his spread thighs. You noticed the sheen of cold sweat glistening on his forehead, strands of hair sticking to his feverish skin. He blinked his eyes slow and long at you. His foggy conscious trying its best to focus.
“I’m sorry.” He croaked out desperately, tugging at your heartstrings once again as you gazed intensely at his wavering eyes. He couldn’t be the one to keep it together, so it had to be you. And it was okay. “You don’t deserve this.”
You sighed, lovingly cradling the back of his head in your hand, pulling his head closer to you. He gently nosed your neck.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” You whispered, trying to comfort the distressed man, placing your lips against his hair.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here with you.” Cupping his scorching cheek, you leaned down, softly placing your lips against his. In just a few seconds, you parted from him again.
“It’s okay.” You repeated in a whisper, this time saying it to yourself as your eyes fluttered closed, containing your own coiled up emotions residing tightly within your chest. Your heart broke for Jungkook every time, because God knows he doesn’t deserve to be constantly tormented like this. You rested your forehead against his cold, clammy one. Both your breaths fanned against the other’s lips. You held him like that for a while, letting him feel your presence. Your touch. Because you weren’t sure how effective your words were to him, but your touch definitely soothed him.
You eventually pulled away and stood up straighter to keep cradling his head against your neck.
“It’s cold.” He admitted, the dreadful ache in his chest becoming mellow thanks to your nurturing warm embrace.
“I know.” You remarked back. You slightly pulled away to see his quivering lip and eyebrows pulled into a frown.
You went to step back. “Hold on. Let me get you a warm towel.” You said.
However, his blanked mind, so intoxicated didn’t register your words for a second. Because as soon as you began to step away again, his grip on you tightened, the fabric of your sleeves scrunching between his fingers as he desperately held on. The harrowing expression already twisted on his face deepening.
You watched as he unexpectedly stood up, forcing you to step back as his balance staggered a little bit. He blinked away the stars clouding his vision and tried to ignore the blood rushing straight to his head from his quick movement.
“Jungkook?” You skeptically eyed him. Although all he did was pull you into his arms, enveloping you tightly in a hug.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered pathetically against your hair. He inhaled your sweet scent, sighing softly as if it calmed him down. “I just have to say it. I’m so sorry.”
Your own lip quivered a little against his chest. You clutched onto his arms.
“Just– just stop saying sorry.” You choked back your tears. A trace of your own frustration accidentally leaked out as your throat began to swell. “Just let me take care of you. I don’t like seeing you hurt.” Your voice cracking at the end. It felt almost painful holding your tears back, a few accidentally slipping out and wetting his white shirt. Knowing you like the back of his hand, he sensed it instantly.
“Don’t cry, baby,” He cooed at you softly, his heart breaking a little at your anguish. “Not because of me at least.”
You wanted to let out a festering cry. You wanted to heal Jungkook. You wanted to make all his sadness vanish. But you just didn’t know how.
“How can I not? You’re in pain and I feel helpless to stop it.” You stifled out.
He eventually exhaled a long breath, softly fanning your stray away hairs. He was starting to feel dizzy from standing this long. The last thing he wanted to do was go tumbling into you. So he started fumbling back down on the closed toilet seat. Although with his grip still unknowingly latched on to you, you almost went down with him.
You resisted from falling on top of him, placing your hands on his shoulders. He slowly and reluctantly let his hands fall from you as you began to step away. His eyes now remained down casted to the floor in an unpleasant daze-like state.
You were free to grab a small, fresh towel from the cabinet. You turned the sink on and let the warm water soak in the towel and then walked over to him.
He let you nudge his face up, and you softly brushed the heat of the damp towel over his chilled skin. He kept his eyes closed, quietly relishing in the feeling as you swiped it over his perspiring forehead, your strokes venturing all the way down to his neck as well.
“You need some water,” Your gentle tone broke the tranquility, making Jungkook open his eyes at you once more. “Keep warming yourself with this and I’ll be right back.”
You couldn’t tell if Jungkook heard you or not based on his lack of reaction. You paused.
“...Okay?” You expectantly raised your brows a little. Crouching down to level your face with his due to his low seat. You placed your hand on his shoulder, softly squeezing the tensed muscles in a massage like motion.
He numbly nodded, his empty eyes now watching you exit the bathroom. However, the damp towel remained limp in his hand, completely unmoving. You came back with three plastic water bottles held to your chest.
You put the towel away and held out the water to him. His dreary eyes were barely able to focus on the object but his wavering hand still took it from you.
He roughly snatched off the lid and held the bottle to his dry lips. You watched in slight amusement as Jungkook threw his head back, eyes shut as he easily chugged the first one in just a few seconds as if it was nothing. The cool liquid felt so soothing to him, silkily gliding down his parched throat. Unlike the bitter burn of the whiskey. He let out a dragged sigh after releasing the rim from his lips, almost akin to a low growl. The empty plastic bottle crinkling in his tight grip as he shakily handed it back to you. You slowly took it from him and silently handed him the second one, which he also gulped down in a few seconds. He only drank about half of the third bottle before he was done.
He hastily wiped his mouth with the back of hand. His eyes were still casted to the floor, barely looking at you. He didn’t like the look of pity that you gave him.
“Let’s take a nice bubble bath. It’ll make you feel better.” You suggested softly, masking a sniffle as you opened the cabinets, taking out his favourite vanilla scented soap.
Jungkook stayed still on the toilet seat with his head hung low. Almost resembling a despaired child as he quietly and discretely watched your movements from beneath his lashes. His face was still feeling incredibly droopy.
His posture was lazily slouched with his fingers loosely clasped together between his spread legs. It looked kind of funny. Seeing a grown man, clearly too large for the small seat, slumped like that. He patiently waited for you as you turned the faucet on, letting the loud sound of gushing water echo through the stillness of the bathroom. You let your fingers glide through the water as you waited for the perfect temperature. As the water slowly filled the hot tub, You began squeezing a good amount of soap into the water. you turned back to Jungkook.
“Do you need help undressing?” You asked, turning to look at him and capping the bottle shut. He was slow with his response but eventually shook his head at you. Nibbling on his bottom lip, he firmly grabbed his knees and simply got up to his feet with a small grunt to start undressing himself.
However, perhaps he overestimated himself. His heavy body swayed as he stood up, quickly losing its equilibrium, making you panic. You hastily grasped his torso to balance him. He gently rested his freezing hand on top of yours, making your hand twitch a little.
Your eyes ventured to his veiny hand for the first time. Fresh bruises adorned his knuckles, overlapping older scars with newly tinted red blemishes and cuts. It all came from the intense boxing sessions with his trainer.
You sighed, making sure he was securely planted to the ground before releasing him.
You decided it was clearly best to help him undress. He tried to help as you pulled his black T-shirt over his head. He very slowly and carefully slipped his grey sweatpants off.
You went to hang his shirt and sweats behind the door as he carefully took it upon himself to climb into the warm water.
You almost had a heart attack when you heard a squeak from the tub, followed by a low grunt. You whipped your head around in fear, thinking he was about to trip, only to see him slowly and shakily sinking beneath the steaming water. He noticed your panic, mumbling a quick sorry your way, holding his hand up to show you he’s fine.
He quietly settled himself in, spreading his legs out and let the blanket of warmth seep into his skin and relax his tensed muscles. The sweet scent of vanilla from the soap was just as pleasant. His favourite scent. Vanilla.
His hooded eyes then trailed over to your figure, still fully clothed to his disappointment. He lifted his hand from the water, fingers motioning you to come closer.
“Come.” He beckoned, his body already glistening in the water. You nodded at him in reassurance.
“Coming.” You replied breathily, slowly beginning to disregard your clothing as well. Jungkook began running the water through his dark locks, pushing it backwards and away from his forehead. The cool air nipped at your bare skin as you hung your clothes and undergarments behind the door next to his.
He slowly scooted backwards, giving you a snug space between his legs to rest between. You eased yourself into the comfort of the water. You let out a long awaited exhale of your own at the euphoric feeling of being enveloped by the heat. You let your back meet his hard and naked chest, the water soothing your tired skin. You rested your head under his chin and closed your eyes.
However, you didn’t linger in this position for long. You maneuvered yourself to turn around and face him, the water softly swaying back and forth from your movement. Jungkook’s hazy gaze had curiously lowered to your face now. You wrapped your arms around him and reached up to press your wet lips against his. He instantly responded, squeezing his eyes shut as both your mouths moved perfectly in sync. His warm tongue darted out to trail over the softness of your bottom lip.
To his dismay, you were the first to break kiss. He shuddered a little, feeling a small flutter of your warm breath brush against his neck as your head lowered. It sent a delightful shiver in his body. His sensory feelings became wildly heightened, his body practically buzzing from the alcohol. You rested your cheek against his wet chest, further prompting him to wrap his arms around you, keeping your bare skins flush against each other. Jungkook closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the edge of the tub. Relishing in this intimate moment. He cracked a small smile for the first time as he felt your fingertips softly tracing the outlines of his tattoos. You grazed over the swirly patterns in fascination. He loved the delicate feel of your touch, it sent a pleasurable tingle down his spine.
“Which one’s your favourite?” He asked you thoughtfully.
“Hm?” You glanced at his shut eyes for a moment, watching a peaceful expression fall over his features for the first time tonight. You were glad. You could finally let out a small breath of relief.
“I like the tiger lily.” You whispered, fingers brushing over the shaded petals of the flower. You reached up to plant a quick kiss on his chin.
Jungkook’s bleary eyes peeled open once again, transfixing on down at you.
A comfortable silence had fallen upon you both. The only sound was the soft breaths warming that fanned each other’s wet skin and the trickling water that trailed off your bodies with every small movement.
Jungkook’s hand was limply resting against your rib cage. His breath began evening out, making you believe he had fallen asleep. It made you also close your eyes, letting yourself bask in the serenity for a few minutes.
Your eyes fluttered back open as you felt the teasing trail of his touch start to sneak below your waist. His fingers softly kneaded the skin of your hip, pinching it between his long fingers. Your senses had suddenly heightened considerably. It was like you could feel every shaky breath he exhaled against your hair. Every brush of his fingers on your skin, and every slight movement of his body.
“Y/n.” He grunted softly. You expectantly looked up to to him. He held the back of your head with his hand, pushing your face closer to his. His wet hair letting beads of water droplets fall on to your skin. You shivered as you felt his hot lips against your ear.
“Straddle me.” He quietly command into your ear.
You silently shifted your position. He watched as you dragged your legs through the water on either side of him. Now sitting on his thighs, you simply waited.
“So obedient for me.” He murmured in delight, his hand fondly caressing your hair. The praise sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. His large hands now rested on your thighs, almost taking up its entirety. He squeezed the flesh while his clouded eyes now carefully bore into yours.
“I know you love it when I praise you.”
His voice had changed. His touch became sly, beginning to slowly venture a little higher up. Now residing at the tender flesh of your inner thighs. You waited it out for a second, trying to see what he was planning on doing. You couldn’t deny that the air in the room had suddenly shifted.
Your breath hitched when his finger, out of no where, casually flicked the small bundle of nerves of your clit. It elicited your hips to jerk from the sensitive tingle that excited your body. You grasped his wrist before he did anything else. He chuckled a little at your reaction.
“Jungkook. Not when you’re like this.” You hesitantly shook your head.
“Shh.” He reprimanded you a little, pressing his finger firmer on to your nub, making you gulp from suppressing a whimper. The alcohol in his veins mixed with the lustful thoughts only drove his libido further.
“Let me just make you feel good. That’s all I want.” He spoke, that somber look in his eye had been taken over with a burning desire.
His fingers began softly gliding back and forth between your folds, the water making it so much more smooth and easier for him to enter. It made you let out a small sigh against his chest at the shivering pleasure. You didn’t realize how much being in the water made this even more enjoyable. You also didn’t realize that your face had hidden itself back against his chest. He could feel your laboured pants fluttering against his skin.
“Let me see your face.” He lowly slurred from above. You obediently uncovered your heated face from the confinement.
Before you could even look at him, the sight of your reddened cheeks instantly made the blood go straight to his cock. Jungkook thickly swallowed as his dick rose up and hardened. He quickly delved his face down to capture your lips in his.
He moaned into your mouth as both your lips sensually enveloped one another. Through the steamy movements of your lips, his finger slowly began sinking inside your warm walls. You enticingly whimpered against his open mouth, an ache of pleasure quickly blossoming in your stomach as he kept pushing until only his knuckle was peaked out. His single finger began gently thrusted in and out of you. Your mouth hung open, broken gasps coming out as you grasped his arm, fingertips pressing hard into the flesh.
“My sensitive baby.” He cooed gently at you, pressing his lips to your temple. “Do you want more?”
Too absorbed by the way his slender finger twisted and turned in your clenching walls, you could barely form a coherent sentence.
“Hm?” He urged at your lack of response, your eyes distractedly screwed shut as he swirled his finger inside you.
“Yes. More.” You mewled out followed by a thick swallow from the searing pleasure.
He enveloped your wet lips into his once again, his already slow mind suddenly more intoxicated by the feel of your petal-soft lips. He swore he could kiss you all day. A whine bubbled past your lips and against Jungkook’s as his fingertip began firmly rubbing a spongy spot within your walls. It made you twitch in his hold.
“There it is.” He spoke cockily all of a sudden. His finger cruelly continued to stroke the soft tissue, making you writhe in his lap from the sensitivity.
He couldn’t help to let out a low groan at the sight before him. His already half-lidded eyes darkened in deep desire as he gazed at your pretty little cunt stuffed with his finger. Your hips, so achingly close to his raging cock was all that was clouding his mind. You were in the midst of your tummy beginning to coil when he abruptly slipped his finger out of you.
You tried to hide the way your body slacked in disappointment. Your unfocused mind trying to make sense of what just happened and why. You blinked at him.
“Hold on, baby.” He mumbled at your perplexed expression, grabbing his raging hard cock and pumping it in his hand a few times. He looked down at himself, aligning the tip towards your inviting entrance. His hands fumbled a bit, struggling to align it in the water. You were quivering in his arms at the anticipation.
Your shaky breath made him look back to you, and place another soft kiss to your cheek as if to calm you down. The gesture made your heart melt. That even when he was so drunk and out of his mind, he was still so loving. This was how you knew he was not like his father.
You felt it prodding your entrance and he grunted as he slowly pushed in, tightly gritting his teeth together. You clawed at his taut shoulder muscles at the slippery glide of his length filling you up so perfectly.
You then cried out as he instantly started his consistent pace, thrusting up into you with shallow breaths and growls escaping his parted lips.
The warm water you both were engulfed in began to slosh back and forth, the swishing sounds fell deaf to Jungkook’s ears. His mind to occupied by your delicious walls dragging against his throbbing dick and gripping him like vice. Whereas, it caught your attention as a particular hard thrust made the water finally climb over the rim and spill on to the floor.
“Th-the water.” You mustered out through blissful pants. Your worry-filled nature taking over.
Jungkook didn’t let your attention linger on it for too long. He grasped your face between his large hands, forcing your eyes to meet his. His pace quickened, practically ramming into your tight walls, making your quivering lips part and jaw open as you moaned out.
“Focus on me. Only me.”
He suddenly looked almost feral. Strands of his drenched hair hung over his darkly hooded eyes, waving back and forth from the force his movement. There were still beads of water dripping from their tips. His thumb brushed over your cheeks. The tender action contrasting his gruff tone.
He was pleased by the way you shrilled out his name, practically clawing his shoulder from his cock ramming so deliciously into you. Along with his heavy balls slamming against your tender skin. Your nails were digging deep into his shoulder, making him wince a little. But Jungkook didn’t care at all. What was pleasure without a little pain?
He then planted his hands firmly on your hips, mounting you in place from jostling. He pursed his lips in determination, eyebrows knitting together as his hips began roughly thrusting up into your pulsating core in a much direct and sharper way. He threw his head back, a guttural groan rumbling out his mouth at the new impact. Also since you were seated straight on top of him, you were completely impaled by his length. His dick practically molded inside you. You also cried out from the sharp movements. As he drilled his cock so deep in inside you, his engorged tip nudged a particular deep spot within you that was usually untouched, making you flinch in his tight grasp at the foreign toe-curling feeling. He caught on to that immediately, glancing up at you and tightening his grip on your hips.
“Oh, you liked that?” He slurred, a lazy grin on his face as he kept driving his hips upwards, and began roughly abusing that one spot to continually send shockwaves throughout your spoiled body. He looked pleased by your fuck-out state.
Your breasts also moved with the momentum, which instantly caught Jungkook’s attention. One hand eagerly reached out to fondle your breast, pinching your nipple between his fingers. You cried out from the doubled stimulation. Without a second thought, his head dipped down to envelop your perky nipple in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around, groaning against your supple and swollen mounds as he felt himself reaching his peak.
You also knew he was close from the way his thrusts lost rhythm. Now sloppily ramming into you, greedily plunging his thick cock into your slick walls as if trying to chase his high.
“Close?” He whispered, and you weakly nodded.
“Always such a good girl for me.” He chuckled, although his voice straining. He wounded his hand into your wet hair, fingers tightly tangling the strands as he felt your slick walls fluttering for release around his throbbing cock. “Come for me then, baby.”
Finally with one hard thrust, the pleasure burst inside you like electrical surges. You moaned out a loud curse at the strong waves and nestled your buzzing face further into Jungkook’s neck. You felt the tickle of his wet hair against your forehead.
You think he also came at the same time as you, considering his harsh grunt that echoed in the bathroom. Also the way his grip on your hair had tightened considerably. You bit back a hiss at the rough yank, feeling your scalp sting but too blinded by the pleasure to be bothered by it.
His skin tingled when you pressed a small kiss against the wet skin of his nape. On his little black mole that you loved. His limp shaft had slipped out of you.
He lowly hummed in delight. Although you couldn’t hear it, you felt the vibration from his chest against your breasts.
“My beautiful girl.” He rumbled out huskily as if still high in the clouds of euphoria while his hand soothingly rubbed up and down your back making you relax. “Did I make you feel good?” He dragged out blissfully.
“Yeah.” You responded in the midst of your pants. “Did I make you feel good?”
“You always make me feel good.” He whispered wistfully.
At that, you melted into his embrace, your body completely spent.
The high that he was currently feeling was almost putting him to sleep, his head almost lulling to the side. Eyes closing once again. You quietly drummed your fingertips against his chest, creating a choppy pattern for no reason as your breath evened out. You eventually quirked your head up again to gaze at his satiated features.
You noticed how his melancholic expression had dampened a bit. He sensed your stare, opening his droopy eyes to lock on to yours again. You sweetly smiled at him and his own lips slightly curled at you, making your heart soar at the sight.
“How are you feeling?” You brought up.
“Better. With you here.” He mumbled dazedly, grasping your hair between his fingers. He nuzzled his nose into your hair, inhaling your sweet scent. His arm lazily slung around your shoulders, squeezing you even closer against his wet skin. Your breath knocked out of you as he kept pressing you tighter, making your chest weigh heavily from the constriction.
“J-Jungkook. Your squeezing me.” Your light chuckle barely mustered past your lips, due to the way his large body smothered you.
“Oh. Sorry.” His hold on you loosening a bit, letting you inhale softly.
“God, Jungkook. Please stop apologizing.”
He nibbled the inside of his cheeks.
“I’m just scared you’re gonna run away from me,” He confessed to you in hushed secrecy. Like saying it out loud would trigger it to become reality. “And I just hate myself for doing this to you. I hate it.” He whispered harshly.
You stayed quiet for a minute, your softened eyes scanning his scrunched up features. You could tell he was angry with himself.
“I-I just can’t control it.”
Your gaze on him softened. “You can control it, Jungkook. I’ll help you control it. You’re not alone because I’m right here every step of the way.” You balled your hands into small fists and rested them against his chest. “This is your life. You have to be the one to take a hold of it and gear it wherever you want to go. You can’t let anything control you like this. You’re so much stronger than this.” You continued.
“And I’m not gonna run away.” You spoke seriously.
Jungkook’s heart still ached terribly. He was also only human, and sometimes, he didn’t understand his own emotions and so he couldn’t explain them well, either. All he knew was he just felt very strongly.
“You’re the one good thing left in my life,” He choked out, the tears already starting to brim his eyes. “And I’m so scared of losing you from how much of a fool I am.”
You felt your eyes swelling up, the emotions bubbling up so quickly inside you. You reached out to cup his face with both your hands, directly boring your eyes into his doleful dark ones to show him your utmost sincerity. Just how much you meant your words.
“I love you, Jungkook. I will always love you. This doesn’t change anything. You’re a kind man, and you always will be.” Your voice wavered at the end from the bubbling emotion crawling up your throat. “You’re so much more than just this.”
Jungkook shook his head slightly, his face distorting like he was about to cry. He continued to fight the tears brimming his waterline. He knit his eyebrows together, his mind putting him in a cruel conflict with himself.
“Am I really just like my father?”
Jungkook’s dilemma always made your head spin a little. A while back he was desperately convincing you he was nothing like his father. But now his insecurities resurfaced and now he’s asking you if he truly is like his father or not.
However, you frantically shook your head at his words. “No, no you’re not. You haven’t hurt me— You’d never hurt me like that. You’re so different from him, Jungkook. You’re so gentle and so loving. It’s not even worth comparing.” Jungkook couldn’t be farther from the truth. You just wished he would believe it. You didn’t know how else to show it to him.
“Are you sure?” His words were so soft and broken at the end that it was almost incoherent. You eagerly nodded at him.
“I’m so sure. I’ve never been more sure.” You choked out from your own vulnerability gripping your throat in a vice.
You shifted from underneath him, the once warm water was lukewarm as it swayed back and forth from your movement. You both held each other for a few more minutes before his low voice spoke up again.
“I think we should get out now.” He rasped, reading your mind although his body showed no sign or desire to move. You hummed in agreement.
“Let’s go to bed?” You suggested tiredly, silently thinking to yourself about how this night had not turned out the way you imagined. He continued to run his fingers through your soft tresses, distractedly watching the strands slowly fall back down over your shoulder. He slowly nodded.
It had taken you some time to get him prepped for bed. You wrapped a robe around both your naked forms. Also taking same fresh clothes for him to slip into. His heavy body still staggered a bit so you hovered your hands around him to make sure he was properly guided to the bed.
You also had to ignore the strings of ‘sorry’ that slipped past his lips every time his balance stumbled a little which would startle you.
The heavy rain had now turned into a full fledged thunderstorm. With low claps of thunder echoing and flashes of lightning igniting a bright light in the window.
“Thank you,” He spoke as he was now seated safely on the bed. The apologetic look on his face still remained. He gripped your wrist before you could venture to change your own clothes, and he pulled you lower for a chaste kiss on the lips. “...For everything.” He mumbled after pulling away.
“You promised to always take care of me, and you never failed. It’s time I returned the favour.” You calmly spoke over a clap of thunder. Your fingers went to brush his wet, dark strands out of his eyes.
You then noticed something from the corner of your eye. Since your attention had solely been on Jungkook, you didn’t even notice the brown glass bottle on the nightstand. You curiously eyed the bottle of whiskey more than half empty standing quite tall and proud. He followed your eyes and noticed you observing it and then looked back to you.
You quickly shook your head, holding your hand out to stop him from finishing. You already sensed what he was about to say. At that signal, Jungkook tightly pursed his lips together, although his regretful eyes poured out the words for him. I’m sorry.
“I’m gonna throw this away.” You took the bottle in your hands, observing it for a few seconds as the thick glass weighed heavily in your small hands. You left the room to quickly drain the rest in the sink, the pungent smell clogging your nose. You discarded the bottle in the trash. You never thought in a million years this is what you’d be having to do. This whole situation felt a little surreal to you. But you weren’t complaining at all.
You walked back into the bedroom to see Jungkook had already tucked himself into bed. He was laid flat on his back with his head turned away from you. He was solemnly peering out the window, looking a little emotionless for the first time. His lips were pursed together in a thin line. He watched thick trails of the rain droplets racing down the glass.
The sound of the heavy rain was comforting. You figured Jungkook also felt the same way.
After all that happened, it was as if it slowly washed away all the struggles of tonight.
You grew this endearing habit over time of always sleeping in Jungkook’s shirts. You plucked out a brown and purple flannel from Jungkook’s drawer, and slipped on some of your own cotton shorts. After putting the fluffy white robe away and turning the dim-lit lamp off, the room was now enveloped in darkness. You climbed under the soft covers.
A comfortable silence fell amongst the both of you as you snuggled into the blanket with him. You both laid flat on your backs, shoulders delicately brushing while your eyes stared up at the blank white ceiling. Your mind was currently absorbed by the sound of the heavy rainfall outside. A low growl rippled through the sky every few minutes, along with a sudden flash of light illuminating the dark room.
You tensed a little when a particularly loud sound rumbled through the sky. Followed by a second, deep guttural crack of thunder. It was probably the loudest of the night. Jungkook felt the way your muscle stiffened. He turned his head to look over at you.
“Are you scared?” He asked.
“No.” You breathed softly, a hint of a smile playing at your lips as your body instantly relaxed. “You know I love thunderstorms. I just got surprised a little.”
His attention didn’t falter from your face. Although it was dark, the warm light coming from the street light outside shone inside the room, so his eyes could still trail over your soft features.
“By the way,” he began, “I forgot to ask you how your day was.” His voice were still dragged out and slurred, the words lazily stumbling out. A nagging reminder that the alcohol still freely lingered in his veins.
You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip a little. “It was... Tiring.” You answered honestly with a small sigh.
“And I made it worse, didn’t I?” His voice dropping a little at the thought.
“No, you didn’t.” You denied immediately. A slight pout adorned your lips at his constant self-deprecation.
The dullest spark returned in his eye as you scooted closer to him. He instinctively held out his arm for you, letting your head rest on his bicep. You curled an arm around his torso, further scooting your head upwards until it rested on his shoulder.
“I was excited to get home to you. I was missing you a lot.” You told him honestly.
“Hm. I was too.” He replied, you felt the vibration of his low tone under your arm over his chest. He placed a chaste kiss at the top of your head. However, he looked a bit distracted as his mind wandered.
Jungkook didn’t like how his mind made him feel so small. He didn’t like how his mind took control of him so easily. He didn’t like feeling victimized to his mind all the time. Victimized to his father all the time, even though he was no longer in the picture. That wretched man was always bound to rot in jail. But Jungkook hated how even then, he still took up a microscopic part of his mind. Jungkook wanted to be strong. He wanted to fight and never stop. But most of all, he wanted to do it with you standing right beside him. With you cheering him with that mesmerizing smile of yours.
“Y/n?” He hesitated after a few minutes.
“Will you please... Promise me one thing?” He whispered.
He swallowed the thick lump in his throat, closing his red, puffy eyes filled with all his secret woes.
“Will you please...” His hopeful eyes glinting in the darkness. “Stay with me forever?”
Your lashes fluttered a few times at what he said, trying to take it in. “Kookie...” You called his name out with a small sigh. The endearing nickname making his eyes gloss over again as he calmly waited.
Your own eyes began to water a little. You didn’t like this side of Jungkook. Jungkook was someone who was always confident in himself. You never caught him second guessing himself or even stuttering in decisions. So seeing him crack under the pressure of his own mind greatly tugged at your heart strings. He secretly put himself through a lot. It’s natural for anyone to become a victim of their own thoughts. Of course, you would choose to support him and be by his side in a heartbeat. You didn’t even need to think about it.
You knew you were meant to be with Jungkook forever.
And so with your fingers fiddling with the soft cotton of his shirt, you tilted your head up to look him straight in the eye completely unwaveringly. His now hopeful eyes peering down at you.
“I promise forever and ever.”
(A/n): Hi everyone! Hope you all enjoyed 💜
What did you guys think? Feedback is highly appreciated! 🥰
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madeintheniamh · 1 year
Heyyyyy! Can you do one where Tilly gets her first boyfriend, and Harry really wants to meet him so she brings him home for dinner? And after words Harry is all sentimental that she’s going up and stuff :))))) Love your stories btw
it's here! i put a bit of a spin on it but hope you still like it anyway xx
posh boys with rich girls
stmf one shot #15
when harry dropped tilly off at the prep school gates for the first time nearly fifteen years ago, he didn't realise that he had signed his future self up for having to deal with the notoriously stuck up private school boys.
a/n: this is exactly what i think a casual saturday in the styles house would be like. pizza and wine always. absolutely no 'posh people' food as harry would probably call it.
warnings: fluff, dadrry, teenagers, rich stuck up boys lol
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Tilly had convinced herself that she could keep a secret from her Dad for once in her life, because she knew how protective he could be over her. He got scared when she fell from extension as a flyer in cheer- so imagining how dramatic he’d be when he found out about her new boyfriend made her stomach churn a bit. In his eyes, no one would ever be good enough for his girls- apart from him. This was quite a narcissistic way of putting it, he knew that, but he couldn’t help his standards being so high.
“You’re going out with Este again?” He joked. “I didn’t know she got a new car,”
“Yes, haha,” Tilly tried to chuckle, her face going red. “It’s really nice,”
“Can I come outside and see it?”
She shuffled around on the spot, trying to hide the fact that she was lying through her teeth.
“We’re busy, Daddy,” She bit her lip slightly, as he surveyed her guilty face. “We’re already late, I-”
Her face was now a shade of crimson as he pressed the button on the control to zoom in on the image on the security cameras that were on the driveway.
“Wow, didn’t know Este had her haircut, either,”
She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and began to bite one of her nails. “Yeah, looks nice,”
“Matilda Gemma,” He tutted, a line forming in-between his eyebrows. “Are you lying to your Daddy?”
She scorned slightly. “No, I would never lie to you,”
He took her chin in his palm and forced her to look into his eyes. “You know I don���t like it when you lie to me, Tilly Gem,”
She shivered, feeling his cold breath on the side of her neck. “M’not lying, I swear,”
“Why don’t you want me to come out there then, hmm?”
“Okay! I’m lying! Stop looking at me like that, it’s scaring me!” She threw her hands up in defeat.
“Well, is he from school? What’s his name? How long have you been seeing him?” Harry panted, his voice beginning to become shaky. “Why didn’t you tell me this?”
“I knew you’d be funny about it!” Tilly shouted as she began to turn back towards the front porch.
“What do you mean?” Harry protested. “I’m never funny about anything!”
“Right now, look, you’re being weird, stop!” Tilly scolded, one hand on the door handle, the other on her purse.
“You tell him he’s coming round for dinner this weekend, no excuses!” Harry shouted back at her, as she was now halfway down the drive. “I need to meet him!”
Henry had gotten with a few rich girls in his time, and had met many of their rich Dads as a result. But none like Tilly Styles. Most girls who went to private school in North London had Dads who worked as plastic surgeons on Harley Street, or were big bosses in corporate in those tall towers in Canary Wharf. She had promised him that her dad was perfectly normal, even if he was one of the most famous men in the music industry. But of-course he was normal to her, he thought, because he was her dad.
“I’m not scared of a man who sings about fruit, I’m not scared of a man who sings about fruit,” He muttered to himself repeatedly as he sat nervously behind the wheel of his BMW. He looked up at the house in front of him, and shuddered slightly. He was rich himself- his father was a CEO at one of the big law firms in Westminster. But he hadn’t realised just how rich Harry Styles really was. He couldn’t understand how Tilly was so humble, having grown up in a house like this. He was probably half a mile away from the front door- fountains at the centre of the drive which a lush collection of cars hid behind, including Tilly’s little Audi TT, which was pretty scratched up as a result of her questionable parking every morning at Sixth Form. He jumped slightly as the hands-free system on his car began to speak.
1 new message from Tils
“we can see you hiding in the car… just come out already he’s really not that bad”
Swearing to himself, he opened the car door and made the long trek down the drive, before finally reaching the sheltered porch and ringing the button on the door. He thought that Tilly almost looked out of place as she opened it. She was wearing a white button up dress, her hair curled into tiny blonde ringlets that rested just below her collarbone.
“Hi,” He smiled awkwardly, struggling to put his hands around her back with a bottle of red wine in one hand, and a bunch of flowers in the other.
“These are so pretty, thank you,” She smiled, as he handed her the bouquet. “I love daisies, they’re my favourite,”
He caressed her back slightly, as he heard a deep laugh come from down the hallway. She took the bottle of wine from his other hand and began to laugh.
“Think Daddy’s already had too much of this,” She chuckled, as she turned and began to walk towards the kitchen. She turned around and noticed he was still stood by the front door.
“Come on, don’t be scared,” She giggled again, dimples beginning to show on her cheeks, gesturing for him to follow her. “He’s just a tall, soppy man,”
Harry still had a glass in his hand as he watched Tilly walk into the kitchen, and stood up from where he was sitting at one of the bar stools. He was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a loose band t-shirt. It was hard to tell that he was a 42-year-old multi-millionaire just by looking at him.
“Daddy, this is Henry,”
“Hi, Mr Styles,” He tried to smile, but it didn’t quite meet his eyes.
“Harry is fine,” Harry laughed, holding his hand out. “Although, our names are similar, so that could get confusing. You’re the posh version of me,”
Henry tried to laugh as he shook his hand, but it sounded more like a cough. He looked over at Tilly, who was clearly amused by the awkward situation. He noticed all the tattoos littering his left arm. His father had always told him that rich people never got tattoos, because it wasn’t classy. But he had to admit- it looked good on Harry, even if some of them were starting to fade.
“Do you want to sit down?” Tilly asked, trying to break the silence. “The pizza’s going to be here in a minute,”
You had been in the utility room, silently listening in on the conversation whilst waiting putting the finishing touches on the crème brulee which you planned to serve for dessert. It was almost perfect timing, as the timer went off and you strolled into the kitchen, chuckling slightly at the wide-eyed look on Tilly’s new boyfriend’s face.
“Hi, Henry,” You smiled. “I hope he hasn’t scared you,”
“Oh, no, Mrs Styles, it’s just, you have such a nice house and everything,”
Tilly jutted in. “Daddy works hard, too hard,” She giggled, as Harry passed her a handful of 20 pound notes to give to the delivery driver. Henry looked at her wide eyed. His father would never give tips to people in those sort of jobs.
“I hope pizza is okay for you, it’s what we always have on a Saturday night… a Styles family tradition, I guess,”
“No, that sounds lovely,” He smiled. “But we usually have filet mignon on Saturdays,”
You swore you heard Harry scoff, as Henry’s eyes grew even wider when he saw the three of you begin to open the boxes, not even bothering to plate up the food properly.
“So, Henry,” Harry drawled slightly, the wine beginning to go to his head, as he shovelled a slice of pizza into his mouth. “What do your parents do?”
“Well, my Father works in the legal sector, and my Mother well, she spends most of her time at the country club,”
Harry tried not to choke on his food as he held back a laugh. “Wow, clever people jobs,” He snorted slightly. “What are you going to do when you finish your A-Levels?”
“My father says he is going to get me a job, in the legal industry,” Henry replied, you cringing slightly at the received pronunciation with which he pronounced his words.
“Sounds… interesting,” Harry replied, turning at you and rolling his eyes slightly.
After a couple of hours of awkward conversation, he had gone home and Tilly had gone back upstairs. You and Harry were still sat at the kitchen counter, as Harry filled up his glass of wine for the 5th time that night. His voice had gotten slow- painfully slower than it usually was, as he told you literally everything he had been thinking for the past few hours.
“I knew Mum was right when she said we should have sent them both to schools up North,” he sighed, fiddling with one of the rips in his jeans.
“What do you mean, lovey?” You asked, not quite understanding what he meant. “They’ve both been fine, here,”
“Ohhhh, my Father works in the legal sector,” Harry mocked, too drunk to notice the room’s newest occupant, who had come downstairs to get herself a glass of water, and was now staring wide eyed at Harry. “Their accents are already too posh for me, I just want them to be normal, and be around normal people, not with a load of rich twats,”
“Harry,” you gestured to your daughter who was now stood still at the opposite side of the room.
“Oh hey, Tils, you okay?”
“-You don’t like him.” She scorned, her brows becoming furrowed in the way that his did whenever he was annoyed.
“Tilly, I- that’s not true-”
“I knew I shouldn’t have brought him round.” She sulked, beginning to walk away, before Harry got up from the counter and blocked her from leaving.
“Hey, look, baby-girl, it’s not that I don’t like him,”
“Then why did you just say that? I heard everything,”
“Look, come and sit down with your Daddy,” he sighed, gesturing for her to follow him to the sofa next to the patio doors. He stroked a hand through a ringlet of her hair as she lent into him.
“I don’t not like him. He seems like a nice guy, he really does. It’s just hard for me to see you growing up, sometimes, because you and your sister are my babies, and it’s really hard for me to let go of you both,” He explained, as she placed her arm around his shoulder. “I can’t really explain it, but that’s just how it is, and I just don’t want you to get hurt, because it would hurt me, too,”
She laughed slightly, almost not believing what he had said. “But Daddy, I’m nearly eighteen,” She laughed. “You’ll have to let me go when I go to uni in September,”
“I know, I know,” he exhaled slowly. “Doesn’t make it easier, though, because you’re still my little girl. I still remember when you were little and I used to take you to ballet lessons,”
Tilly giggled a bit. “I made you wear the tutu, didn’t I,”
“You did,” He laughed, peppering a kiss to her forehead. “And I loved every second of it,”
She fully relaxed into his tall frame, feeling his slow heartbeat underneath her.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all,” He sighed. “Boys can be arses, I know that. And you’re the most important thing in the world to me, and it would break me,”
She took a deep breath, nuzzling her chin into his warm chest. “Okay, Daddy,”
“You promise me that no matter what, you know you can tell me anything, and I’ll be there, always. Promise.”
He looked down at her, green eyes identical to his staring back at him. “And fuck filet mignon on Saturdays- what even is that? Pizza is way better.”
i had to google what filet mignon actually was lol. looking at the photos it looks absolutely grim. how do people eat that. harry is right. pizza is always better.
if you enjoyed this one shot, i have linked the masterlist to my slipping through my fingers series here!
also thank you to the anon who requested this- please request more i beg you <3
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catelyngrant · 4 months
The Doctor Who Script collection dropped earlier this week and I've already spent, uh, many hours digging through various scripts (including all of the SJA scripts!), but if you've been here awhile, you know that the first one I went for was School Reunion.
It was really fun reading through what was changed, what beats were scripted vs. which weren't, and the emotional backdrops. One of the things that struck me most was that, for a very bittersweet episode, the script absolutely leaned harder into the bitter side of bittersweet than the episode as aired did. There were elements that I'm very glad didn't stay as well as moments I desperately wish had been kept. Overall, it was a joy to see the original draft of the story that got me into Doctor Who all those years ago.
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He's so happy. Transported. Mesmerised. Dazed, reeling from the encounter. Oh, my HEART. This scene was pretty much aired as written, and David played it to the nines, of course, but it's really sweet to see how explicit the script is about how overwhelmed the Doctor is in this moment. So much of the episode focuses on Sarah's emotional reaction (rightly, if not always perfectly) and the hurt/discomfort that colors their relationship once she realizes it's the Doctor, so to have this moment of the Doctor's unadulterated happiness to see her is really lovely.
More highlights (including things that were cut, changed—for better or worse, and just directions that made me happy or that I found interesting) under the cut!
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This scene was definitely different. The script didn't include the bit about them both investigating at the school and it has a bit more flippancy. I can't imagine this scene without the iconic slow shot of Sarah backing up and turning to see the Doctor behind her, so I'm really, really glad that they moved away from the idea of them colliding into each other and leaned into the gravitas a bit more.
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Oh, what I would've given for them to have kept this!!!
On to the diner scene...oh boy, feelings about this. I've written essays about this scene—how in some ways it feels perfect and appropriate and Sarah's grief/lines like "you were my life" make a lot of sense in the context of the shock and hurt of an old wound reopened so violently, how that shouldn't be taken to mean that she'd wasted her life or that she's been paralyzed by a broken heart for thirty years, how everything is heightened and that's okay even if, on their own, some of these beats paint a grim picture—but whew. This would've been harder to swallow with the last bit, which I remember Lis having mentioned as something she fought back against.
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I actually do love that she mentioned UNIT and Harry! But yeah, very glad that Lis talked them out of the last lines. There clearly wasn't an effort to adhere to Big Finish canon but minimizing and deflating her successful career on top of everything else would've been upsetting, and there just wasn't a good reason to paint her entire life as tragic outside of the raw reactions the Doctor's return illicit.
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"If I thought about you..." Project it onto my GRAVESTONE!
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THIS WAS SCRIPTED I AM SCREAMING, this is one of my FAVORITE little beats of the episode (so much so that I made a gif out of it like 13 years ago!)
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The Sarah/Rose dynamic was a little 🙄 in the episode and a little more-so in the script, but I liked this bit:
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The explicit apology is nice, but goddamn, I wish they'd kept "He doesn't deserve us."
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I'm fascinated by the fact that in the script, she shrugs him off! The script generally has a slightly more bitter tinge than the episode itself did, which is so interesting to me, and that I'm glad was tempered.
The goodbye scene as scripted is set in the ruins of the school. I like that they moved it and created some space and time—everyone's changed clothes, they've had some breathing room, emotions have cooled a bit. It serves the scene better than I think this would have. This bit of the script includes a line that I always assumed had been cut given her line in the episode about "And like I said, I wouldn't have missed it for the world". Other than that, the dialogue and beats are pretty much what we see onscreen.
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And then:
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I have a very messy tangle of feelings about "Last chance" / "I know" that I'll be sorting out for the next 4-6 business weeks, so...stay tuned. (I also have an essay about ace-spectrum Sarah Jane that builds on the "he was a tough act to follow" line that WILL exist outside of my head at some point!)
Anyway! This was a fun deep dive 💞 I got a Doctor/Sarah-inspired tattoo earlier this month so I'm really in my renaissance era here!otp
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simp999 · 1 year
Short Lived.
Pairing: Ken Midori x Reader
Series: Beyblade Burst
Wc: 5.4k (help)
A/N: A new friend got me back into beyblade and I needed to write for my old beloved. (Sorry splatoon manga fans, I'm still working on the next chapter!)
A/N 2: I know that the beyblade fans don't vibe on tumblr for the most part, but I am deprived of beyblade fanfic. Take it
Warnings: Ends with fluffy angst (Might make Ch.2 if anyone wants.)
Themes: Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, strangers to friends to lovers(?)-Not officially lovers but like c'mon now
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A frustrated sigh escapes your lips as you cut the loose threads from the glove you’re trying to sew back together. 
Last night, you had been training with your bey, but it seemed your glove had had enough of the years of sweat, abuse, and regular washes that it had gone through, and gave up on you. It had gotten you through many wins, and you doubt you’d find another just as comfortable since this one is now worn perfectly to your launching hand. You remembered that your school left the home ec. class open after hours, so you figured you’d give attempting to fix your glove a shot, which obviously wasn’t going well. The threads were too far apart, then too loose, then they just looked so badly done, you were ready to give up and buy a new one. Before you were able to fully get up from your seat, a boy came up to you - a brown puppet on one hand, and blue on the other.
The brown one began to talk in a goofy voice; “Hi there! Would you like some help? This guy here likes to think he’s pretty good at sewing.” The blue one cut him off, in a drastically different voice, “Yeah, ya seem to be strugglin’ a bit there.”
You could only stare at the person in amazement. What a skilled ventriloquist! Not only can he speak with minimal movement from his mouth, but he can switch voices so quickly! 
You dismiss your thoughts, remembering the situation at hand. You get a little flustered after examining how badly you managed to mess up your stitching this time, accepting the kind stranger’s offer.
“Yeah… That’d actually be really nice.”
The boy takes a seat in the chair beside you, making sure to keep some distance between you two. He takes off his puppets and places them on the table with care, reaching a hand out toward your glove, silently asking to borrow it. You hand the beaten and well-used glove over, and he carefully but efficiently undoes the miserable stitching that you did. It doesn’t take long before it’s all gone, and you’re mesmerised by the way he so quickly threads the needle and pokes it through the fabric, making seemingly perfect lines. You see that he’s not doing the usual stitch, and you study the way he continues for a bit. He gets about a third through the small hole in the glove before handing it back to you, putting his puppets back on his hands to explain how to do this new stitch. A backstitch. He explains how to do it with maximum efficiency, and tells you that this stitch is great for reinforcing the area, which is exactly what you need.
You’re much slower, and the lines are obviously less straight than his, but this is far better than any previous attempts. He waits for you, pointing out when you begin to put too much space between the holes, or any other details. In the meantime, he introduces himself. Well, the puppets introduce themselves and him. You smile at how cute Keru and Besu are, and marvel at their unique personalities. You quickly learn that Ken’s puppets are very important to him, and that he’s obviously been doing this type of thing since he was young. His skills only further prove that, for both sewing and ventriloquism.
You only notice that you’ve been looking at Ken a little too long when he brings Besu’s little hand up to his face to ‘wipe’ Ken’s cheek, Besu asking if there’s something stuck there. Your face heats up, realizing your mistake, and you quickly assure him that you’re just heavily impressed by his ventriloquism skills. You can see slight surprise cross his face, it seems people don’t often see how difficult his skill really is. Besu thanks you, while Keru boasts about how long Ken’s been practicing for. He gets on to mentioning his puppet shows, and the two of you talk for a bit. It’s cut short when you sheepishly ask him if he can tie the final knot for you.
You try on your glove on the way home, trying to remember all the little details of the person you just met. The spikey, fluffy-looking black hair he had, the comfortable green color scheme, even his little snaggle tooth was hard to miss. It felt like you two spoke for hours, even though it was only probably 20 or so minutes. The sun is halfway through setting, and you find yourself wanting to see him again. You’re sure he went to the same school, it was simply unlucky that he and you had separate classes.
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You spent the next couple of days paying more attention to your surroundings at school. Taking the longer routes to classes, walking around during lunch, and even getting out of class a couple of minutes early so you could try to wait at the front door. No luck. 
You didn’t really have anyone to hang out with, your - acquaintances at best - having their closer friends to hang out with. You didn’t mind, but there was something about the puppeteer that had you wanting more of his presence. He just seemed so… kind, and comforting. 
With no luck from your attempts, you decide to test out the bey stadium on top of the school. You heard rumors of it, but never bothered trying it out, favoring the one at the park and the one you had at home- you and your dad had built it. 
Before turning the corner, you heard the all too familiar sound of a bey spinning. You contemplated even going, but you were interested in potentially finding another skilled blader.
A boy with white hair and a black vest is fully concentrated on the red bey before him. You could bet that he’s counting the seconds that it’s spinning for, so you wait to make your presence known so as to not distract him. It spins for an impressive amount of time, and you wait for him to stand up and wipe the sweat from his forehead before approaching him.
“Can I help you?”
“I doubt it, but do you happen to know where I can find a boy named Ken? He wears mostly green, has two puppets-”
“Oh, Ken Midori. I believe he has a puppet show starting sometime soon in the main area of the mall.”
He finally looks at you head-on, and you recognize him. He’s known to be an extremely skilled blader, supposedly the best at school. Shu Kurenai. You pretend to not know him, and you thank him for his time before making your way to the mall. You’ve always tried to keep your beyblading lifestyle on the down-low, changing up your appearance in battle and only really practicing alone. Beyblading isn’t your only personality trait. 
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You smile at all the little kids who are sat down in front of the booth, and imagine all the thankful parents who can finally get somewhat of a break. The story follows an over-confident but weak hero who can’t manage to beat a dragon. Help arrives, and you’re quick to recognize the two puppets and their voices. Your smile grows, and you excitedly wait for the end. No, not the end of the cute story being played, you’re excited to go see the boy managing those two adorable puppets. Though, the story is still engaging and fun. They sure are experienced at what they do.
The puppets bow to their audience, and the curtains close. While kids begin to shuffle through the crowd to meet up with their parents, you carefully make your way over to the booth, watching out for any green and black. A lady comes up to you and asks if she can help with anything, and you see that she has a puppet on one of her hands, one from the show.
“Oh, yes! I’m looking for Ken?”
She nods and calls out his name, and the boy makes his way over to the lady, only spotting you afterward. Besu’s the first to talk:
“Oh! You made it to our show!”
“I was pretty sharp out there, right?!” Keru intervenes, and Besu doesn’t want to feel left out, so the two begin some light banter. Ken breaks it up by giving his two puppets a glare, then he makes them bow their heads, as if they felt bad. You stifle a laugh at the scene before you, happy that you got your own mini show. Ken’s smile slightly grows, and his mother notices, so she tries to give him a little push.
“How about you two go hang out for a while? We’ve got everything covered here, and that’s the last show of the night. As long as Ken’s home by 8:30.”
You bring your hands together to play with the hem of your sleeve, feeling bad about taking her kid away for a bit.
“I don’t mind helping if you’d like?”
“Don’t worry about it, you two go have fun!”
The two of you stand in silence as his mom leaves. Ken’s not sure if he should be frustrated or thankful that his mom just threw him right outside his comfort zone, but either way, he’s stuck with you now.
You check the time on your phone, 6:07.
“We’ve got a couple hours, is there anywhere you’d like to go? Or… We are already at the mall, if you’d like to just walk around?”
Ken admits through Besu that he never really got to check out the mall. You’ve lived in this city your whole life, which means you know this mall quite well. You’re quick to drag him, metaphorically, to your favorite stores that you think he’d like. The two of you find some stickers you like, some shirts, and anything else you find interesting that’s also reasonably priced. You surprise him with a keychain of a cartoon-y dog that looks an awful lot like Besu. He looks happy to receive it, Besu doing a little dance while holding it between his little paws, but Keru crosses his arms and huffs.
You turn around to show him a keychain that you already had attached to your bag, which resembled Keru. Keru’s attitude quickly changes, remarking that he’s the better one because you have his keychain. He and Besu get into another small fight, and you’re once again reminded of Ken’s amazing skill as a ventriloquist.
The night flies by, but you’ve definitely gotten more comfortable with each other. This time, you didn’t forget to exchange contact information, so now you two can plan meet-up times. Once you wave goodbye to Ken, he stands in the middle of the quiet mall, feeling the same way you did after your first meeting. He’s never had a friend before, and he’s deciding that he’d be happy to have you as his first.
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For the next few months, the two of you began hanging out outside of class. You introduce him to places you enjoy, finding out that he really likes this one clear opening in the woods not too far from your home. You went once during the day, finally trusting him enough to show him your special comfort spot. There are lots of flowers, and you even added fairy lights and a few blankets to lay on, thanks to your mom. When moving the branches away from your face and holding them away for Ken, you explain that you like to come here when you want a break from reality, or to just enjoy nature as it is.
“People are always so bombarded with lights, buildings, cars, loud noises, and the like, so we don’t often get to have 'us' time. It’s much prettier at night, we should try to convince your mom to let you stay out a bit later one night. Maybe on a weekend?”
“We often have lots of plays on the weekends, but I think our first one for next Sunday is later in the day, so if we go next Saturday night after the play it should work.” He still uses his puppets to speak, and you still love them just as much as the first day they spoke to you. They are really cute and fun, after all.
“Alright, a week and a half from now, then! Don’t forget!” Ken nods, excited to see what this place looks like at night. It seems you put lots of care into the surrounding area.
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The next day, you had planned to meet up after school. At the end of your last class of the day, you get a text from your favorite ventriloquist saying his club is having an emergency meeting. You were really hoping to hang out with him, and you wouldn’t mind if there are other people around, so you ask if his club would be okay with you lingering around. He thinks about it, and figured that his friends wouldn’t mind, so the two of you meet up and you follow him to the roof.
You quietly follow behind him, a little nervous about meeting his friends. You wouldn’t usually be like this, but these are Ken’s friends, so there was a good chance you’d be seeing them time and time again. 
The first one to pep up is a boy with short, blond hair, he seems to be pretty eccentric. His energy is really fun and he gives off good vibes, it feels like being around him could put you in a better mood overall, which is nice. You wave at him after he points you out, and he gives you a bright grin. You notice Shu nod at you, you’re surprised he must have remembered you. The next to speak is a shorter boy with dark blue hair, and it’s a little hard to make out what he’s saying thanks to how fast he’s talking. Something about asking if you’re Ken’s friend, then about blading.
What was that about blading? It seems the friend group quieted down after he asked you the question, also wanting an answer. Noticing your lost expression, the blondie from earlier repeats his friend’s question.
“Do you do any beyblading?”
You could tell them, but you don’t like it when your name gets out there.
“Not that much.”
“But you have a bey?”
The blue-haired boy is quick to challenge you to a battle, but you’re not really feeling up to it. You’re not a big fan of showing off your skills to any unnecessary opponents. You don’t also want to make a fool of yourself. The ‘meeting’ goes on, and they discuss an upcoming tournament. The plan for this meeting is just to battle. They introduce themselves to you one by one, then decide that they’re going to do a tournament-style set of battles. They don’t have enough players for it to start out evenly, though. They manage to convince you to join, and you agree on the condition that you get to battle Ken in the first round. It’s the only way you’d be able to hold back.
Anyone else and you’d end up with a quick and effortless burst finish.
Valt’s up first against Honcho- or Rantaro, you’re not sure which name to use since he introduced himself as Honcho, but all the others called him Rantaro. You’re surprised at how much skill is shown before you, you may have underestimated these players. Not like it matters, though. It’s then Shu against Daigo, and you already know the outcome before it starts. Finally, you end up against Ken.
You both take your positions, and you opt to not do any strength-inducing launches, so you keep it basic. You already know exactly how this match is going to do. Your eyes flicker up from the stadium to Ken, and he looks really focused on where he intends to send his bey. He makes it all too obvious that he’s going straight to the center. You barely give the launch 15% of your power, and you let him win with a survivor finish.
As if you’d have the heart to hurt him - Well, his ego. You congratulate him on the win, and remind the gang that you don’t blade that much, with a hand stretching the back of your head and a half-smile.
“No worries! At least now our tournament can continue!”
You lean back on the bench, examining the players’ battle styles. You focus mainly on Ken’s of course, and he’s a lot stronger than you had anticipated. You watch the battle between him and Valt, the underdog pulling through. It almost looked like a stroke of complete luck that he’d won against Ken, but as much as you’d like to say that, an experienced blader’s eyes like yours could catch the hidden skill that Valt has.
He comes and sits beside you, encouraging his friends. You tag along, rooting for them. Daigo sits on the other side of you, since there isn’t anywhere else to sit and his legs are tired. The two of you don’t exchange any words, but you gain a mutual respect for each other. You like his style, and he approves of you as Ken’s friend, you seem like a good pair to him. He won’t say that aloud, though.
That weekend, Ken calls you to see if you can hang out. You try your best to never turn him down, even ditching plans just to hang out with him, but you’ve got a battle in a tournament that you can’t miss. You feel bad about it, but it can’t be helped. You tell him that you’re busy, and he assures you that it’s alright and he’ll just go watch his friends battle.
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You throw on your hood and a cloth facemask, adjusting the elastics on the sides to be comfortable. This mask is really breathable, and has a cool design that consists of two rows of cartoony sharp teeth. It’s perfect for concealing your identity while you blade.
Your opponent is already up on stage when you walk up, Hanami announcing you as the Mysterious blader, only known as X. You take a glance at the crowd, there seems to be more people showing up at your battles as time goes on. You refuse to go easy when it comes to important battles, so you steady your arms and plant your feet for maximum power.
3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!
The crowd cheers, and your hood slips down from the force of your launch. That’s why the mask is important. The hand resting next to your hips subtly brings up three fingers. Then it hides one. One left. As you bring down your index, the opponent’s bey bursts. Six seconds, it seems you were feeling generous today.
Another quick glance at the crowd was intended only to observe their reaction, but your eyes caught someone unexpected. He wasn’t supposed to be here. The puppets on his hands seemed to be as surprised as him, their mouths wide open. Before he can make any sort of movement as your eyes linger on him, you shuffle over to the changing room. You try to be subtle when you leave, checking around corners before walking past, but that someone still manages to find you. He runs up to you, hugging you excitedly, but still gently, from behind, having Besu voice his excitement.
“I knew it was you!”
Keru’s quick to add on,
“Why didn’t ya go all out against Ken, though? You’re a really strong blader!”
You take a quick look around, making sure that nobody else is in the area before taking off the mask and hoodie.
“I wanna keep it on the down low. Getting challenged left and right isn’t too fun. And I didn’t have the heart to go all out.”
The last part was muttered, but Ken heard it. He chose to ignore it, though.
“You don’t enjoy lots of battles?” Besu sounded like he was a mix of sad and curious.
“Well, I’ll be honest, I underestimated your friends. I didn’t think they’d be fun to battle, but I might just have to one of these days. I’ll only do it in a competition, though.”
Ken nods, then stands still for a second. It seems there’s a lot running through his mind. His smile grows all of a sudden, and he hugs you again.
“We need to battle for real sometime, okay?”
You embrace the hug, then let go, with your hands still on his hips. You nod, agreeing to it. You may not have the heart to go all out right away, but you’re sure that if you do it enough, one day you two could have a really all-out, fun battle. The two of you have to go separate ways since it’s dinner time, but not before you promise to battle him often.
As you walk off, he finds himself staring at you in amazement. That opponent surely wasn’t weak, you were already a couple of rounds deep in the tournament. He had come to watch the previous battle, which featured Valt, but ended up staying because he was curious about Valt’s possible future opponents. He had gotten quite the reality check instead, realizing how awesome his friend is. Yeah…friend. 
That moment, Ken makes a big decision: 'That’s going to have to change. Next weekend.'
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
The next couple of days go by as usual, having lunch with the beyclub, and hanging out with Ken a couple of times throughout the week. Although, It’s hard to miss the way he seems to slowly inch closer to you when he’s near you, or how he may have messaged you a little more often than usual, asking how you were or if you remembered to eat. 
But Tuesday, that all stopped. He went quiet. You didn’t receive a 'Good morning, see you at school!' text. He didn’t have Besu pitch into the conversation, nor did he have Keru butt in with any snarky remarks during the beyclub battles after school. He still answered when spoken to, but he seemed very… out of it. Dazed? Like he had something else on his mind. You were worried about him, especially since you planned on hanging out with him in a couple of days. You have been planning this late-night meeting for a while now, and you really hoped that he still intended on coming.
But he didn’t move away when you moved closer to him, and he didn’t flinch when you put your hand in his and rubbed your thumb against it. You wanted him to know that you’d be there for him, no matter what. You wanted to so badly tell him that you- no. That can wait.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
The night finally came. The sun was almost done setting, and Ken still hadn’t made it to your house yet. Now this was getting worrying. After debating for a few minutes, you finally sent him a text.
[“Hey, we’re still on tonight, right?”]
[“Of course, I’m on my way.”]
You let out a sigh of relief, unsure of why you ever doubted him. Of course you could trust him, he was the person that you were closest to, the person you cared about the most. 
You look up from your dark phone screen when you hear hurried footsteps. Ken speaks through Besu, telling you that his mom wanted help deep-cleaning the house. You give him a nod, and you gently grab his hand, (you grab Keru?), and lead him to your favorite clearing. You move the branches away, being careful as to not let them smack Ken when you let go.
Ken doesn’t notice that you two have made it to the clearing until you announce it, probably because the fairy lights weren’t on. You lead him to the blanket, getting him to make himself comfortable before finally turning on the lights with a “ta-daaa~”
You had meant for all this to feel a little silly, wanting to get rid of the tense atmosphere, but you immediately saw just about every worry leave Ken’s eyes as the lights flickered on. It’s like he was finally made aware of how dreamy the world could be, and it almost seemed as if his eyes twinkled when they met yours. 
Must have just been the lights. 
You sit beside him, eventually deciding to lie down once your arms got too strained from holding yourself up. The only thing filling the silence was the quiet buzzing of any nearby bugs, and the crickets. Ken let himself fall from his sitting position not too long after you did, and he was quick to pull you close to him. Impossibly close, even, as he had your head laying on his chest.
He’s never been this bold before, and you can easily tell that he’s nervous with how hard his heart is beating. You snuggle closer, if possible, and you’re almost on the brink of falling asleep. Before you can though, the fairy lights die out, allowing you to see the infinite amount of stars above you. There’s no better time than now.
Ken slightly adjusts his head so his eyes can meet yours, but you don’t share his glance.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”
His breath hitches. You catch the way his chest no longer moves up and down, and your lips waver, afraid you may have made a mistake. He most definitely understood what was implied, his reaction making it a dead giveaway. 
It’s silent for what feels like hours, the only thing breaking it being his uneven breath. Then, his light sobs. You immediately half-sit up, focusing all your attention on Ken. 
There’s a big, strained smile on his face, the kind that only shows when you’re the last person trying to convince yourself that everything’s alright. It begins to fade, and tears only begin to fall faster when you envelop him in a hug. He hugs you tighter, tighter than he ever has before, almost like he’s afraid to lose you. No, as if he’s afraid to leave you. 
You back off by a couple inches when his weak hold finally allows it, and you bring a hand up to wipe one of the many tears from his cheek. You eventually have to courage to raise enough for Ken to hear.
“Ken…did I say something wrong? I never meant to hurt you, I’m so sorry-”
“It’s not your fault that you loved me.”
You both sit in silence. Your hand weakly starts to weigh itself down, away from his face, while he avoids any kind of eye contact. This was the first time you heard his voice.
“I…I don’t want to leave. I can’t just leave you, you mean so much to me!”
He begins to ramble, and it starts to become hard to understand him when the tears come right back.
“Ken, my love, I’d never leave you. What makes you think-”
“No, no, my family. My family’s puppet shows are making me travel. I have to change schools. I have to leave. I have to leave you.”
That’s what that meant. 
He’s leaving. 
You may never see each other again.
“I need to start packing tomorrow. I also need to tell the bey club.”
You nod absentmindedly, you mind trying to come up with any possible, futile ways to keep him here. When nothing useful comes up, you slowly reach your hands around his torso and lay down. He allows it.
He can feel a wet spot form on his shirt, but he only embraces you tighter. He strokes your hair as gently as he can, resisting the urge to burst out into tears again. It’s much harder when the love of his life is past that point, lying on his chest, and there isn’t much else he can do as comfort.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ..·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
You awake the next morning to rays of sunshine crossing your face, and you groggily attempt to sit up, but the arms wrapped around you won’t allow it. You quickly recognize the fluffy, black hair you grew so used to, and the area in the woods that you loved so much. That was all you needed as confirmation that no, none of what had happened was a dream. Your eyes want to well up again, but your body refuses, still tired from last night.
Finally, Ken’s grip loosens a bit when he takes in the situation as well, but it quickly tightens again when the two of you are sat back up.
“Don’t you still have to tell the beyclub?”
Ken makes no effort to move until you do, grabbing his hand and letting him take the lead to wherever he had planned on meeting the club. Before he turned the corner, he takes a deep breath in and plasters the usual smile on his face. You hadn’t let go of his hand, so he currently only has Besu on. 
You don’t plan on letting go any time soon.
Xander ends up interrupting the beyclub, and you all find yourselves at the Shakadera Dojo, the Beyclub battling the Swordflames. Halfway through the team battles, Daigo finally speaks up about something being off about Ken, and he slips his hand out of yours, swiftly making his way out of the dojo. You follow the beyclub, finally ending up at the top of a cliff, where they question Ken. 
You know it hurts. 
It hurts, even more, to say it out loud.
“Want me to tell them?”
He quickly looks your way, and his face is mixed with surprise, panic, sadness, and many other emotions. A slight nod towards you, and you somehow manage to utter out the words that Ken couldn’t. Only once it came to the part about him not wanting to leave could he finally speak up, and you could tell his eyes were starting to gloss over again, same as yours. It almost seemed as if a heavy weight was taken off his shoulders, only to be replaced with a heavier one. The clear emotions being shown by his friends didn’t help, and that made him want to get away as soon as possible.
Not paying attention to his surroundings, the rock beneath him crumbles, making him slip. He closes his eyes, preparing for the worst.
He opens his eyes to see your face, jam-packed with adrenaline. You pull him back up thanks to the help of the beyclub, and the two of you sit for a second, trying to comprehend everything that just happened. 
Then, Daigo lays out the idea that everyone will still be friends no matter where you are. That gives the rest of the club hope, and Ken’s eyes fill with determination. The two of you stand up, and you piggy-back off off Daigo’s idea, assuring him that you’ll be there for him no matter where you are. 
You refuse to let go of his hand once again, up until he has to get into the truck to make his way to his new home.
“Hey, don’t forget to shoot me a text anytime, okay?” 
Your nerves are getting the better of you, but Ken reassures you that he’ll keep in contact. He pulls you in for one last hug.
He doesn’t let go until his mom calls to him, and even then he waits another minute.
“I love you. And distance won’t change that. Don’t get hung up on me, though, go enjoy life.”
You let out a sad chuckle,
“As if I could ever move on. I’ll still love you, even with the distance.”
One last deep breath and he gets in the truck that begins to drive off.
The beyclub members shout their last goodbyes and you give the last word;
“Be safe, Love!”
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
hiihiii i love the way u write shidou smmmm so if ur requests r still open id like something with shidou + lies <3
Hellooo thank you!! Shidou zoomed his way into my favorites and I really enjoy writing him, haha! Here's a bit of him hanging with the smoking group T1
The problem with lying, Shidou had found, is that you end up fooling everyone involved. If you spend time trying to deceive someone, the people close to you will also believe it. If you continue, it will affect all those in proximity. And, if you do it for long enough, you’ll start to deceive yourself. 
Shidou had certainly lost track of his lies for a while. Right before it had all come crashing down around him, he’d almost believed all the beautiful tales of hope and health he’d been spreading. He’d almost seen the world as the place he’d been describing. 
And then the truth hit him; it crushed him. Seeing all the blood on his hands, he’d tried to swear the whole thing off in what little time he had left in this life. But, like his other habits, it was a difficult one to break. 
He exhaled smoke into the room, listening to Mikoto go on about the busy days of his office job. Shidou was concerned how he still spoke about everything as if he’d be heading right back after all this. 
He wanted nothing more than to sit him down for an examination. There were several reasons he may not remember his crime -- it was most likely the emotional shock, but Shidou couldn’t rule out the possibility of a head injury, an illness, a seizure, a stroke, or even it being a side effect of whatever drugs Milgram must have given the prisoners when bringing them here. It took everything in him to let Mikoto be. After all, no one was going to request help from a “killer doctor,” and he didn’t have any of his usual equipment. 
So he just stood and smoked in silence. 
“What about you?” Kazui asked. “My line of work definitely stressed me out, too. But I don’t think I’ve seen you bat an eye at anything since coming here.” He nudged Shidou. “Are you just as cool under pressure as those movie doctors?”
Shidou’s lips angled to a smile. “I suppose so. Though, I believe they look calm because they’re meant to appear perfectly competent. I’m calm so that patients don’t realize I am imperfect.” 
Was that all he was, when he killed those people? Just ‘imperfect’?
Seeing the way Mikoto’s eyebrows shot up, he clarified, “I’m very competent, mind you. But no doctor is perfect. Many patients will panic if you show even the slightest sign of doubt.”
He teased, “so you just lie to everyone all day? Damn, remind me to watch out the next time I go in for a checkup.”
“No, it isn’t like that.” Wasn’t it? 
The other two continued the conversation, but Shidou grew quiet. Was that something else he’d started to believe? Another thing he’d convinced himself was normal when, in fact, it was very, very wrong?
“I get that. Confidence is really important when dealing with dangerous situations.”
“Heh, I’ve definitely put up a bit of an act around here for some of the younger prisoners. I think it’s been helping, they seem calmer from when this all started.”
That’s right -- his goal was always to help, to calm. He watched Mikoto rub his temple absently, and knew another headache was approaching and knew what to do for it. He’d helped Haruka get over a cold the past week. He and Kotoko had discussed nutrition tips the other day. He was still doing good. The smile that he put up for the others was still doing good. 
“Well, I’m glad we’ve got a professional around here.” Kazui gestured his cigarette to Shidou, snapping him away from his thoughts. “Nothing against the guard, but it’s nice to have someone like you who can help me look out for everyone.”
“Yeah, feel better about being here already!” Mikoto slung an arm around him. The boy's expression showed he was trying to appear in on some joke. “So, doc, you think that all of us are getting out of this crazy place in one piece?”
Shidou wanted to warn him the situation was more serious than he knew. Milgram was not a big joke. He was not a man to be trusted. He was not a man to be forgiven.
But old habits die hard. 
“Oh, I'm sure of it.”
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ferrocyan · 2 months
15 lines of dialogue
Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
15 feels like too few haha! i'm picking these mostly from finished fics, with a couple of wips at the end. feels like i could go on forever otherwise
tagged by @improvised-finish (tysm!!) and tagging @pillowfriendly and @worldoshaking i wanna read more of your wols pls pls pls (*>∀<*)
"I've never heard of such a name before! From which fair land do you hail, friend?"
"Coer--" C'astarhte said something and promptly bit her tongue. She covered her mouth, then quickly added, "Pardon. Meant to say... I come from the Exarch's homeland."
C'astarhte looked distressed. She glanced around at the rest of the bar, then at Reeq, and whispered intently, "But this worked before... Crystarium people don't ask about the Exarch."
"So we've never really fought together, no? When you say we're partners, I'd like it to be earned."
"Doesn't need to," Tart shrugged. "What matters is we do it together. No more objections, right? Surely not." She stuck out her tongue at Lue-Reeq, then headed to the stairs.
"You know," Tart said, "you're not bad. I don't know much about archery, but your technique is very clean. Efficient, no wasted movement, very well timed. I was amazed how fast you could nock arrows and have shots lined up perfectly. It was nice to fight with you. Good job, Reeq."
She just had to kill Andreia. All would be well if she killed Andreia. Remember what she had done to Alisaie, to Alphinaud? Blackguard. Scum. Bitch. Just kill her and get it over with!
(ask of me)
"No," Tart cuts him off. "Don't want to stop, just... want you to stop pretending I'm not here."
"Am I?"
"You're not touching me, not saying anything, not even looking at me! What's with that, Reeq?" she pouts.
"Reeq, you like it when complimented and told you're doing a good job. I feel the same. So, not asking for more, you're giving back to me." She smiles, putting her hand on his. "I like you. Always want more of you. If you're having a good time then so am I. Wouldn't know that if you don't tell me, though, so let me hear it, yeah?"
"you're scaring me a little, right now."
she smiles. "is that bad?"
"not at all. i quite like it."
"Say, remember when you asked, would I still love you if you were a worm?"
Reeq snorts. "Why yes, I do! I remember perfectly well," he pinches her cheek lightly, "when you told me that you would feed me to your chocobo."
The man is ecstatic, so very amused that he cannot hold his giggles back. His feet kick as he laughs and his tail thumps on the floor, shaking with glee. Unable to wait for Reeq to finish his sentence, he fills in with an exclamation:
Tart only makes himself laugh harder.
"ishgard has ways of denying certain people's existnce. mean really, completely erase them, unlike the shite that bishop was spewing about himself. my family no longer exists. how dare he accuse me of not understanding how it feels to be rejected? and how dare you take my prey?"
tart holds his focus in his right hand, blade in the left. his tail flicks uneasily. "go easy on me, won't you?"
"what? oh my, i never thought i would hear that from the warrior of light!" aymeric laughs as he readies his own sword.
"i'm ill, you blackguard."
"then maybe you should rest properly."
"hasn't helped. this might, so stay still and let me cast magic at you."
(out to the cold)
"--get it, i get it. zenos wanting me makes me a liability. now that you all have the dragon scales' protection, i am not needed anymore. you--they're setting you up as my replacement. no. no, they can't. won't allow it. can't let that happen. oh--you--you're here to kill me. you can't replace me! i'll kill you first! you're dead, estinien wyrmblood!"
"not that i want to die, g'raha. just... wish i'd died back there. it wouldn't've been good, but it would've been perfect. my life could've ended perfectly. haven't you felt that way too?"
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spctrsgf · 2 years
the next stop
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summary: sometimes it’s a tad bit hard to hear your boyfriend on a busy train. (part 18 of @/ham_zero (TT)’s HTS)
word count: 1.1k
warnings: language (like once, I don’t think I’ve even sweared this little in a fic before), a lil suggestive ig
a/n: i found this tiktok account and i loved their high tension scenarios so i think ill make it a series ! here’s our favorite british gift shopist to kick it off (:
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You pulled at your sleeves nervously as you and Steven speed walked towards the train station, all jazzed up. Steven was caught up in his phone, mumbling an incomprehensible jumble of words as he tried to pull up your tickets.
“Steven, hon, do you need help with that?” Your hand reached out to rest on his lower back, guiding him to the left to avoid a pole. “No, I got it,” Steven responded distractedly, batting away your other hand from grabbing the device. “I can figure this out on my own.”
You giggled. “Yeah, seems like that’s going well.”
“Hey. Not nice.”
You shrugged. “Just telling the truth.”
“That- come on! It was supposed to be right there!”
“Are you sure you don’t need help?” You came to a stop, looking up to your clearly frustrated boyfriend.
Steven hummed softly, not sparing you a look up.
“Steven,” you grabbed his phone. “Let me help you.”
“It’s pointless!” He threw his hands up. “You’ll never find it. I wasn’t able to and I’ve been looking for twenty bloody-“
“Found it!” You placed the phone back in Steven’s hand with a triumphant smile.
“Wha-“ He gaped.
“C’mon,” you yanked on his hand. “We gotta catch the train.”
He huffed, letting himself be dragged along. “You won’t tell me how you did it, will you.”
You turned back to him with a sly smile. “I gotta be useful for something.”
“Hurry!” You laughed, running towards the train. “We’re gonna miss it!” Steven finished his cup of coffee quickly, tossing it in the trash can to his left before chasing after you. “Hey,” he said once he fell in line with your strides. “Don’t worry. We’ll be fine, we’re not gonna miss the show.”
You shot him a glare as you got to the train stop. “You don’t know that.”
He caught your fidgety hands in his own. “I do. Relax.”
You huffed. “Trying.”
Barely a minute later, the train pulled up to the station in all of its glory. “Oh, bullocks,” Steven grumbled beside you. “It’s packed. You can’t hear a thing in there.”
You swallowed sharply. “Glad I’m not claustrophobic, jeez.”
Steven chuckled, placing his hand in yours as you ventured together into the train. “Me too.”
The two of you found a place near a pole, you holding it and Steven holding your waist. There were barely two inches in front of you, trapping you in the position you were in. You looked up at Steven, smiling softly at the man you had the privilege of calling yours.
His eyes were cast outward, surveying the London landscape with bright, eager eyes. His curls were askew from your previous running excursion, blowing lightly from the train fan. His strong jawline was so close it would take practically no movement at all to kiss it. The notion was tempting, and you had to set your own jaw to stop yourself.
And his outfit. Gods, you were sure he was wearing it just to drive you crazy. The navy slacks that fit snugly, the white button up, the navy blazer that matched his pants. And his rings. You’d never coined Steven as the type of person to want to wear the rings (Marc ran more along those lines), but you had to admit it fit him perfectly.
You let your eyes trail Steven (almost) shamelessly as he was caught up in his own world, occasionally shaking his head at the sound of a stop so that he could gauge how long you guys had until you needed to get off.
Your brain went a million directions the longer you stared, and before long you were enveloped in your own world as well. So long that you didn’t notice your stop was coming up.
Steven, on the other hand, did. He shook himself out of his thoughts and squeezed your waist as if to tell you without vocalizing it. When you didn’t shake, he looked down to find you glassy eyed and lost in thought. He smiled. “Love, we’re getting off on the next stop.”
You didn’t answer, only smiled softly as if thinking of something funny. Steven realized then how loud the train was, and that you probably couldn’t hear him. He chuckled softly when an idea hit him, leaning down. “Hey, our stop is next.” His lips brushed the shell of your ear, placing a kiss there before pulling back just enough to see your face turn bright red, but not far enough to properly stand.
“Got it!” You shoved his shoulder abruptly, nearly knocking him into the person next to him. His strong hand tightened on your waist and brought him back to you, prompting him to shift to stand right behind you and rest his chin on your head. You frantically willed your face to calm down, bringing a hand to poorly cover your face in embarrassment.
“You alright?” Your boyfriend’s voice floated from above, his jaw moving against your head. His sharp jaw. You flushed a deeper red, struggling to get a grasp. “Mhm!” Your voice was pinched and you were sure Steven could tell you were flustered.
“That wasn’t very convincing.”
You elbowed him lightly. “I’m fine!”
“Y/n.” You could hear the smirk now.
“Please just give me a sec.”
A laugh broke loose. “Alright, I’m just playing.”
You rolled your eyes, focusing back on the task at hand. Your face was barely contained by the time the train met the next stop, Steven grabbing your hand and dragging you out. He bounced on his toes as you made your way to the theater. “Steven, hon,” you pulled your arm to alert him. “Calm down, you’re yanking my arm out of its socket.”
He slowed immediately. “Oh bullocks, I’m sorry.”
You giggled. “Hey, like you said, we’re not gonna miss the show. We’re like twenty minutes early.”
He nodded. “Yeah, alright, it’s just…”
“You’re jumpy, I get it. I was the same way earlier, remember?”
“Yeah, you were, yeah.”
You nudged his shoulder playfully, turning to watch the sunset that framed him. The oranges and blues and pinks offered the perfect background as Steven’s face was sheathed in a warm light from the fading sun. “Gods.”
Steven looked down at you then, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Huh? Did you say something?”
“Wha?” You played it off, cheeks dusting a rosy pink. “No, I just- nothing.”
Steven’s lips lifted knowingly. “Uh huh, and your glassy gaze and red cheeks from earlier were nothing, too, yeah?”
You glared at him. “You bastard.”
“That’s a bit rude to say, innit?”
You tutted at him mockingly. “And you’re making fun of me. Guess we’re both being a bit rude.”
He laughed, a belly laugh that shook his whole body. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Steven.”
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to-be-a-dreamer · 2 months
Newsies JatP AU Drabble (Flying Solo)
I randomly wrote this instead of literally anything else that I needed to or wanted to but it's fun so we deal. This would be a part of the "Flying Solo" chapter of my Julie and the Phantoms AU (click the first tag for all related posts) and would be right after Jack tells Spot about the ghosts and decides to perform a song for him to prove it. There is no telling when or if the rest of this chapter will ever be written so I decided to just post it now. There are indeed references and callbacks to previous chapters that either Do Not Exist or Are Not Posted Yet and I just need everyone to politely ignore those.
Jack turned away from the bickering ghosts with an eye-roll and moved to take his seat at the keyboard when a too-familiar sight froze him in place. Race’s beloved guitar was shining like new, the year of dust wiped away like nothing, as if his brother had just finished cleaning it himself and would bounce through the door at any moment to show Jack the newest chord progression he’d dreamt up in history class. Jack’s heart raced faster and faster as his breath caught in his throat and a million different thoughts flew through his mind in a single moment. 
Someone cleaned Race’s guitar.
Someone touched Race’s guitar.
Race hadn’t done it.
Race was dead.
Ma and Charlie never came out here.
Jack hadn’t done it.
Race was dead. 
Someone touched Race’s guitar.
“Jack, you ready?” Davey’s voice was a mile away and deafening in his eardrums. The ghost followed his frozen eye line to the beautiful instrument that sat ready for a concert never to come. “Oh.”
Davey cleaned Race’s guitar.
It looked nice, Race would like it.
Race was dead.
“I’m sorry, I should have asked,” a quick, nervous apology came before Jack could finish spiraling. “We got so excited that we could move things but we didn’t want to keep touching stuff in your room so Albert suggested cleaning our mess up and we got carried away and started doing the whole room and the guitar just looked so well-loved I wanted to see what it looked like clean but I- I should have asked. I’m sorry.”
Jack said nothing, voice still stuck in his throat. He didn’t walk to his brother’s guitar so much as he did float towards it. His fingers ghosted over the freshly-changed strings and he tentatively plucked out a few perfectly-tuned notes. Jack shot Davey a questioning glance and the suddenly-awkward ghost offered a sheepish shrug, “Sorry.”
A deep breath.
“It’s okay,” Jack managed to choke out, hoping he didn’t sound as close to a breakdown as he felt. “You uh… you didn’t know. Just… I uh… yeah just ask next time.”
“I will,” There was a tone in Davey’s voice that Jack had never heard before. An odd thing to notice considering they had known each other for about 48 hours if he was being generous, but all the (false, Jack was almost certain) confidence was gone and replaced by soft apprehension. Different than the desperate pleading from before, more of a nervous prayer. No, a promise. A promise that went far beyond the surface vow being shared.
Race’s guitar stared at him expectantly and Jack couldn’t help but pick it up, the familiar instrument a weighted blanket on his soul. The first few chords of their old favorite song rang out clear as ever and one of the thorny vines wrapped around Jack’s chest finally began to loosen its death-grip.
“You play guitar too?” Albert joked cautiously. “Got any other hidden talents you wanna share with the class?”
“Nah, I mean. I know how to play but I don’t know how to play.”
Race knew how to play. Jack could strum the right notes and find a complimenting chord but Race knew his guitar better than he knew how to breathe. He could make the strings sing like any room was Carnegie Hall, he could give the instrument its very own soul with the simplest of melodies. It was a wonder he hadn’t figured out how to become a ghost himself just to wipe away the blasphemous layer of dust Jack had allowed to accumulate.
Something like a smile found its way to his lips as Jack imagined his terror of a little brother cracking the secrets of parting the veil between worlds just to dust off his guitar and whack Jack upside the head for being an idiot.
“It looks really good,” Jack found his voice easily this time as he set the guitar back on its stand. “Thanks.”
Davey nodded, still looking uncharacteristically nervous, “No problem.”
Jack’s fingers remained loosely curled around the neck of the guitar, the gentlest sparks of reassurance reaching him through time. Davey’s grip tightened around his own instrument, so subtly he might’ve imagined it. The gaze lingered longer than was probably necessary but Jack couldn’t help but be drawn into the puzzle that was David Jacobs. The smooth, easy confidence that crumbled to insecurity in less than a second. The deliberately carefree attitude until music came into the picture and suddenly he became a wild tornado of passion and near-mania. Jack wondered why he had noticed so much in so little time.
A few agitated thumps of the bass drum pulled the room’s attention to Sarah restlessly twirling a drumstick from her stool, “If I remember correctly, Jack, you’re the one who burst in here saying we have thirty minutes to turn this poem of yours into a song so mind-blowingly epic your bestie doesn’t immediately call the psych ward on you for claiming to see ghosts.”
“Please don’t call him my bestie, he will beat you up,” Jack groaned.
“He can certainly try but one of us learned how to throw things today and it was not him.”
Send an ask if you have questions and/or drabble requests! I may write 500 words, I may write 50, I may write 5,000 who even knows but I will do my best. I have a deadline and thus my brain is ready to do anything other than the fic with the deadline.
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willsimpforanyone · 2 years
Percy Jackson imagine the reader is a son of Poseidon but you can draw really well and this just one of your talents that Percy doesn't possess.
i can absolutely do that, thank you for being so patient!
I grinned as Percy waved up to me from the arena. He'd been training for hours, occasionally pausing his actions for me to quickly sketch his pose before he continued.
I was fine with swords, I could handle a bow, just about, but it didn't keep my attention the way the pencil did. Percy sometimes joked that I should have gotten Riptide, being the Poseidon brother that would be able to wield both sides of it effectively. I would just roll my eyes, perfectly content with my flask of sea water that I kept by my side to use as a weapon instead.
What I always appreciated was Percy's unbridled enthusiasm for my art. He would bring me to the arena almost every time he trained and encouraged me to practice my form, my shading if it were a particularly sunny day, challenging me to speed draw the people fighting who never stood still for more than a few seconds. He would clamber over the seats to come sit next to me after a couple hours and I'd take him through my drawings of the day while he steadied his breathing.
He got me to do a drawing of him and Annabeth for her birthday- I was promised that he'd get someone from the Hermes cabin to get me some new art stuff from the mortal world. It was a fair trade, I spent days on perfecting the sketch of the pair on the beach and was rewarded both with art supplies and Annabeth absolutely gushing over the picture. Percy grinned when she hugged me and pretended to be jealous over the compliments I was getting.
At the current time, I was perched on my usual seat for watching the arena, using some of my new equipment- the smudge stick needed breaking in or it would just end up scratching the paper. While my brother was a perfectly fine subject, he wasn't currently in a particularly dynamic fight- just going through the motions. I scanned the arena for more interesting people.
My gaze landed on a pair fighting near the edge. From what I could tell, they were a Hermes kid and... a gorgeous, stunning guy who my instincts told me was a child of Aphrodite. The clashing of their weapons made it feel like a fight to the death, faces contorted in concentration. I sketched a few lines, happy when I caught a particularly lovely pose from the two.
It took a few tries but eventually I was happy with the simple drawing I could use later. I glanced back up and was thrilled at the sight of the Aphrodite kid with his sword resting on the Hermes kid's throat, having knocked him to the ground. It was an image I had to sketch, I needed to draw it the same way I needed air. They stayed there for at least ten seconds, plenty of time for me to get an accurate base sketch. I looked at them once more time and nearly jumped out of my skin to meet eyes with the Aphrodite kid. His head was tilted slightly, warm brown eyes settling into my bones and I felt myself flush.
Quickly, I looked back down to my sketchpad. A good few minutes passed before I dared look up again.
He wasn't there.
"Hey, that looks like me."
I jumped out my skin at the voice that came from beside me. I met brown eyes again as I turned to my left. He was close, small smile and brown hair flopping in his eyes.
I swallowed. "Um, yeah, that's... because it is? I'm sorry, is that weird?"
He shook his head, smile not moving. "Nah, it's flattering- I thought you usually drew your brother, Percy?"
Ignoring the thrill that shot through me at the knowledge that this attractive guy knew me, I nodded. "Yeah, but he was in a boring fight." I grinned at the laugh I got. "I wanted to draw something more exciting, and your fight was way better than his."
The guy's smile grew wider. "Well, thank you very much, it's always nice to be complimented by a cute guy." He winked. "I'm Mikey, do you sell your drawings or are they just for you?"
"Uh, generally just for me but..."
Mikey cocked his head to the side. "When you're done with this one-" He pointed to the sketch of him pinned his opponent to the floor. "-I'd really love it. I can pay you in... I don't know, what do you want?" His eyes were honest and open and I opened my mouth before I realised it.
"I'll finish it, and then you can pay me in a date?"
I was incredibly relieved to see the soft flush of pink on Mikey's cheeks. "I-I think I can do that." He stood up from where he'd sat next to me. "Come find me when it's done, yeah?"
I nodded, he winked, and made his way to leave the arena.
"Well, young man, what was that?"
For the second time, I jumped out my skin. "Percy! Christ, don't do that!"
He flopped down next to me. "Nu-uh, tell me what you were doing with Mikey, you're all red and blushy, what happened?"
I shoved the sketchbook at him. "He liked my drawing, he wants it and he's going to pay me in... a date." I punched Percy's arm as his entire face lit up. "Shut up, shut up, shut up, I don't need your reaction."
He surrendered, and looked at the sketch. "Listen, all I'm saying is this- " He pointed to my drawing. "-is now your priority, okay?"
I hated it, but I absolutely agreed.
hope you enjoyed, thank you for requesting!
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talkfastromance4 · 1 year
18 on the dialogues list with Calum 🥺
I changed the dialogue a smidge but it’s still the same! Presenting hockey!cal x figure skater!reader!
I also HAD to do a moodboard…
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Disclaimer: I know basically the most basic parts of hockey and figure skating so there are fallacies I’m sure. And the Olympics are mentioned but in this world, this is how it goes😅
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The first time Calum saw you skate was as he was leaving the locker room after hockey practice. He heard music echoing through the tunnel and he followed it to investigate. Michael, his best friend and teammate jogged to keep up.
“Who practices after us?” Calum asked.
“No one, I thought.”
When they emerge from the tunnel you race past them on the ice, your skates scraping with speed and the small practice skirt flaring up from the breeze you created. After your wide arch on the ice you do a double axel landing perfectly with a flourish of your arms.
“Woah,” Calum mumbled impressed.
“Oh! I know who that is!” Michael snapped his fingers in realization. “She’s here training for the Olympics.”
“What’s her name?”
“No idea. C’mon, I’m hungry.”
Calum stayed for a moment longer adjusting the strap of his hockey bag watching you skate and add your own flair to the routine.
It wasn’t until a month later that you finally met. Calum stayed on the ice to practice his shots when you stomped out on the rink.
“Oh! Sorry, I thought you guys were done,” you say.
“I can share,” he smiles then swats at a puck lined up.
“You sure? I use the whole rink.”
“It’s fine, I’ll be in my own corner.”
“Okay,” you sigh.
Calum tries to keep his attention on his own practice but he’s easily distracted by you moving around him. Eventually, he stops altogether to watch you twirl and leap in the air. It’s a wonder how you get yourself airborne like that. He comes to the conclusion that you’re simply magic.
When you’re both done on the ice and unlacing your skates, you speak up.
“I heard you scored two goals in your last game. That’s awesome.”
“Thanks, it’s always a nice feeling. I heard you’re training for the Olympics?”
“Yeah. I qualify in a few months to find out if I made the cut. So it’s crunch time.”
“You’ve got it in the bag. I’ve seen you skate and it’s insane how you can do all of that.”
“Thank you,” you smile impishly. Calum thinks it’s cute.
“I know you’re training but…do you want to grab a bite to eat?”
Thus started the skating romance between you two. After practice the two of you would get dinner, coffee, or hang out listening to music. You’d attend his home games and even bought his jersey to wear.
“I wish I could wear something of yours,” he told you leaning over the half door of the rink. The rest of the team is behind him doing some warm-ups before the game starts but Calum always has to talk to you first.
“You don’t want to try on one of my skirts?” you smile flirtatiously.
“You know I can rock a skirt, sweetheart,” he laughs. “I mean like a jersey or something. I love seeing you in mine. Figure skaters should have jerseys.”
“Well…I do have a scrunchie,” you pull the sparkly purple scrunchie from your ponytail. Your hair falls over the fuzzy headband and Calum gets a pleasurable whiff of your shampoo, it made him a little lightheaded. It smells like apples and cherry blossoms. “You can wear this if you want.”
“Yeah. Maybe it’ll bring you luck.”
“You already bring me luck,” he grins but holds out his hand. You slip the scrunchie onto his wrist and tuck it under his black sleeve. “Thanks babe.”
“You’re welcome.”
He leans closer but pauses so he can watch your eyes flutter shut and press his lips to yours. The buzz of the crowd disappears and all of his focus is on you and the gentle way your fingers skate up his cheek and into the curls around his ears. Your lips are so soft and there’s some whistles from the fans but he only pays them half a mind.
If it was up to Calum, he’d spend all of his time kissing you.
“Hood! Get your ass over here!” his coach shouts from behind.
You break the kiss first but Calum chases your lips.
“You’re going to get into the penalty box before the game even starts,” you giggle.
“You’re worth it.” He pecks your lips twice. “I’ll see you after.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” you kiss his nose and he pushes off the wall. Michael tosses him his helmet, he catches it one handed and slips it on his head.
January 2nd is when you qualify and Calum has helped you during practice by being moral support and your biggest cheerleader. Your coach scolded him numerous times for interrupting your training sessions so he watched you proudly in silence.
To help ease your anxiety a little he decides to take you on a date at an outdoor rink.
“I don’t want to think about skating right now,” you whine as he pulls your skates from his backseat. “Can’t we go to the movies and makeout like we’re teenagers breaking curfew?”
“It’s only eight o’clock, your curfew was eight o’clock?” he asks.
“That’s besides the point.”
“This is all for fun, babe. No spins or tricks or double axels. Tonight is about being that cheesy couple making googly eyes under the twinkle lights.”
You skate around a few times holding hands then you spot a little girl trying to skate backwards and another one attempting to do a jump. Calum feels your fingers slip from his as you approach her. He hears you speak kindly then offers your help to the little girls.
After five minutes, you have them skating backwards and doing a perfect little jump off the ice. Their father comes by thanking you and then it starts to snow. You wave at the little girl then skid to a stop in front of Calum, his fingers weave through yours easily.
“Sorry, they reminded me of me at that age. Once you skate backwards, you can do anything.”
“It’s fine,” he shakes his head smiling, “you taught them pretty quickly.”
“I just showed her what worked for me. Ugh, snow is getting in my eyes.”
“They’re on your eyelashes,” he pulls you into him. “Looks cute. You’re my snow princess.”
Calum’s sitting with your coach at the qualifiers waiting anxiously for you to go on. He wished you luck and a promise that you’ve got this. Your purple scrunchie is on his wrist and his nails are painted the same color as your silvery sparkly outfit. Your makeup is striking and he can’t believe he’s with you.
He watches you take a deep breath then you step onto the ice with a radiant smile. There are some cheers of your name–his included–and the music starts. Cameras are rolling and flashing, tracking your every move as you skate to the center of the rink.
When it comes to your triple double axel, Calum leans forward on his seat.
“C’mon baby, c’mon baby,” he cheers for you silently. You execute and land each double perfectly. Calum hoots and claps with other fans that are happy with your accomplishment.
When it’s finally time for the final results, Calum is standing behind you holding your hand as your coach holds the other.
“And from the D12 qualifile…Y/N Y/L/N!!”
You shriek and jump in excitement hugging your coach then launch yourself into Calum’s arms.
“I did it!”
“I knew you could, princess,” he hugs you tighter. “I’m so proud of you.”
In his minds’ eye he saw himself at the winter Olympics with you, cheering you on.
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @calpalirwin @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower​ @mymindwide​ @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @mulletcal @pandaxnienke @celestialams @in-a-world-of-fandoms @blairscott
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Have you watched Emesis Blue? What did you think of it?
I have! I’ve also written some stuff about it!
Cw: spoilers, obvious dark subject matter
Okay, I wanna talk about the beginning and how well they portrayed true relationship between Jeremy and Fritz. It’s clear they’ve got a mutual trust in one another and it hurts all the more when Fritz finds him dead. I’m still 100% devastated by the ugly ass smile Medic gives in the respawn. That hurts me so bad man. The way they portray Fritz’s mental state decaying is chilling but it sheds him in a light that this was bred from necessity. He clearly cares about Jeremy, there would be no reason for him to go to the slaughterhouse otherwise. And while plagued with these visions he doesn’t want to worry Jeremy with trivial detail.
The setup of all of it was amazing and the amount of Kubrick references absolutely had be absorbed. It’s nice to feel a story flesh out certain properties to something entirely it’s own. The looping sequences sent chills down my spine but my favorite mindfuck were the conaghers.
Zed has to be one of my favorite renditions of Engie because of how they portray him as an active threat rather than passive danger. While he appears cool and sadistic, that coolness is out the window the second he gets a chance to play with someone he deems a threat (ie) Fritz. The moment he said “I’da got you.” and starts giggling showed me just how fucked up he was if he wasn’t already. He’s got a childish ass outlook on this, and him stuck inside a place like Teufort is absolutely NOT GOOD. (Love Teufort but it’s the shittiest map. Also my favorite though.)
Maynards design had me frothing at the mouth, I’m just gonna say that straight up. He didn’t even do nothin outwardly he just kind of went along, which- yeah I guess let your creepy younger brother tourture that poor twink. He really does give off the vibe of a man disconnected, Medics whole bit about strangling him was out of left field but necessity. That scene in particular made me feral.
It showed us what I imagine to be an anomaly in the loop correcting itself, but therefore making the entity more aggressive, the entity in question Fritz. That whole scenes cinematography is brilliant.
Now I get on to my absolute favorite character ever.
Fucking soldier.
Never thought that someone could do such a damn good job emulating Rick may but FUCK did they. The lower, and more stark tone to the character made his wacky lines way funnier: it shows someone who seems incompetent being truly skilled at what they do. Surviving. While his methods are ridiculous it’s his leaps of faith that save him.
With bat out of fucking hell sniper he showed that he doesn’t like to give mercy. He shows a side that would make him antagonistic. But throughout the whole film he shows nothing aside from compassion, even towards the people he barley knows. That elevator scene says it all to me. He has reason to be suspicious but through that he chooses to be kind. It sunk my heart seeing the warfeild scene, it was quiet in a way. It was bleak and chaotic but he seemed perfectly fine to be there for just a moment.
Jane lost… a lot. In this film. He lost his coworker to the pits of an evil fucking loop. He lost a friend in Demo when Demo froze. (That scene broke me btw.) He lost dignity and connection and hope. And afterwards he looked so… dead? He won.
He escaped but what was the cost in the end? The loop continued on. His blank stare shared with medic and the attempt to blow him and the venue itself up over spies inaccurate details really shows his need for the truth. This film helped me out a lot with characterizing Solly in the future he’s honestly a darling.
On the topic of the loop and the way they constructed it holy shit. Those beginning shots were so so affective at building the atmosphere. I thought it’d be found footage till the end but NO, it just set up the mood and shit RAGGH
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
Cater Diamond Guest Room Lines
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Hmm~ What's up? Something on your mind?
I'm gonna chill here, mmkay~
Whaaat, did you find something cool?
Sorry, sorry! I just got too heated up. That wasn't like me at all.
Eeeh~? I wasn't really angry or anything. We were just chatting ♪
Normal idle lines:
Found a great photo spot ☆
I'm kinda bored~
Time to check Magicam~ Gotta see if it got any comments on my last post...
Additional lines when their favored theme points are higher than other themes:
Good: Yeah, y'gotta make the room look stylin' ♪
Great: This furniture's totally in right now, you know your stuff~
Excellent: If the background's nice, it'll makes the selfie pop more!
Additional lines when their dorm points are higher than other dorms:
Good: If you fix up the interior here a little more, think it might look kinda like my dorm?
Great: Now I kinda feel like having a tea partyー
When Invited
Normal invitation line:
Ramshackle's pretty cool, huh. Thanks for havin' me~
Additional lines when their favored theme points are higher than other themes:
Good: This room really lifts my spirits~♪
Great: Wow, the atmosphere's completely changed, so it surprised me. It's so colorful and super cute! I wanna make a room that suits my tastes too~
Excellent: Oooh, wow, amazing! Everywhere I look, you got such stylin' furniture. It's so rare to find someone who can coordinate these styles so perfectly like this! I think I'm seeing you in a new light. I think there's a ton of Magicam worthy shots to take here ♪ Can I snap a picture?
Additional lines when their dorm points are higher than other dorms:
Good: Oh, were you inspired by my dorm or something?
Great: I kinda thought this place had a stylish air about it, but I see, it's probably because it reminds me of my dorm. Maybe there's no reason for me to go back to Heartslabyul anymore? Maybe I'll just transfer here? Juuuust kidding~
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Requested by @cynthinesia.
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
New random story about a one random Norman's characters, maybe you all know Travis more than others, just to put you on the story, they go to college, he's a weird poor artist, his friends, Jones, Derrick and himself share an apartament. I'm not going to follow the movie line and maybe I don't mention Derrick too much, so maybe it will be Jones, Travis and the reader.
Anyways, hope you like!
Good Friend.
Travis x Reader.
One shot.
Warnings: none.
Words: 1100
Summary: You're in love with Travis, but you're his friend so you put your feelings aside and help him with other girls.
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @thefemininemystiquee @green-eyedladywrites @hail-yourselves @ruinedbythehobbit @xxtinasxxblog @ravenwings73 @spenciepoo338 @b-tchymoon @minervadashwood @darylssluttt @let-love-bleeds-red @ravendixon @livingdeadblondequeen @bringinsexybackk69
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📚 📷 📚 📷 📚 📸 📚 📷
"Why do you keep doing that?" You hear Cathy say next to you.
"What do you mean?" you look at your friend with a frown.
"You know perfectly well." She snorts bored. "Why are you pushing Travis into other girls' arms?"
When you hear his name, your skin crawls with goose bumps. You open your eyes in surprise and stammer, searching your mind for a good excuse. Jones looks at you with a raised eyebrow, ready to disbelieve your absurd excuses. You and Cathy have been friends for many years, before you started college even, neighbors and classmates at school, you know each other too well and it's hard to keep secrets from each other.
"I'm just helping him, he's obviously interested in them." You shrug, watching your friend move around a group of girls, who don't seem to want to pay any attention to him.
"And what about you? If you told him how you feel..."
"We're just friends, nothing more." You cut her off quickly as you see Travis walk back over to you. "How did it go?"
"They don't see me, I'm not their type." He says in a defeated tone, biting the pad of his thumb, holding a cigarette between his index and middle fingers.
"You're a good boy, Travis, they'll figure it out."
"Fuck the good boy. Good boys don't get laid" He growls in annoyance and walks away, leaving the bar.
You're a little hurt by his response, but you understand his frustration, so you shrug it off. Travis is a nice guy, always has been, he's kind, friendly, funny and has a unique imagination, he's also attractive, with those pretty blue eyes full of innocence and a spark of mischief, but what tripped him up in his social skills was his shyness, that nervousness that enveloped him when trying to communicate with other people, that awkward that occurred when he stood there, just watching, unable to say anything, that's what makes people recoil and Travis not too successful with women. That's why you try to help him, even if it means putting your feelings aside.
You know he doesn't feel the same way about you and you accept that, you can accept just being his friend, like Cathy, like Derrick, you don't care, Travis has become a good friend since you started college.
"Are you okay?" Jones asks you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Y-yeah, I was just thinking." You shake your head and smile downplaying it. "I think I'm going to head home, it's late now and tomorrow I should get on a couple of papers I'm behind on." You excuse yourself finishing your drink, leaving a couple of bills in the jar to pay.
"Do you want us to join you?"
"No, no, stay, the guys are having a good time." You smile again. "See you tomorrow, Cath."
"Okay... be careful." She asks you, you nod and lose yourself in the crowd until you reach the bar door and step outside.
You rub your arms, the chill of the night catches you and you curse under your breath, you should have grabbed your coat, but no, you wanted to show off in your new dress and now you're paying the consequences. You could go back inside, call a cab and wait, but in the time you're standing there, it's time you've earned if you walk, so you hug your body and start walking home. Suddenly, something falls on your shoulders, startling you. You look at yourself and discover that it is a huge coat, warm and heavy, you recognize which or whose coat it is. You look up discovering Travis beside you.
"Where are you going?" he asks pointing his nose at you.
"Home..." You whisper, but then throat clears trying to compose yourself. "Home, it's late and tomorrow I have to finish some work for college..."
"Why didn't you wait for us? We would have accompanied you." Despite the reply he gave you earlier, Travis wasn't really mad at you, just frustrated with himself. Now he looks concerned and cute.
"You were having a good time, plus it's only my fault for always leaving things to the last minute." You smile with a shrug. The thick fabric of his coat brushes against your bare arms and legs and you feel a shiver.
"I'll walk you out." He insists, takes off his scarf and adorns your neck with it. "It's too late and it's night, I'm not letting you go home alone."
"Travis, you're going to freeze." You tell him worriedly and he shakes his head.
"I'm fine, the alcohol is keeping me hot, come on." He jokes and starts walking beside you.
You'd like to correct that theory, to tell him that alcohol doesn't produce heat, that it's just an effect of alcohol intoxication, but his words 'it keeps me hot' manages to shut you up and your cheeks turn a shade of red as you walk beside him.
You also don't live in the dorms near the campus. The schedules and rules there are too restrictive, after the first year, you decided to take an apartment not too far from your university building and so you can come whenever you please, plus you intended your social and love life to be broader, so privacy was an advantage, although it didn't matter much anyway.
God no, you couldn't complain. You'd been having fun, for two years, are you in love with Travis? True, but before you realized your feelings, you'd had your moments with some college buddy. You hide your nose against Travis's scarf, as you pull your coat a little tighter against your body. You shouldn't have gone without a coat. Without being conscious a snicker escapes your nose getting Travis to look at you.
"What?" he asks curiously.
"Nothing, I just realized I'm stupid."
"Hey, don't say that, you're not."
"I went out in this dress, without a coat, at this time of year, just so people could see my dress...an idiot."
"You're not." He repeats, looking at you sideways, you look so small inside his coat. "And it's a very pretty dress..."
You look at him in surprise but smile sheepishly and look down, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Thank you..." You whisper without taking your eyes off your feet.
"Sorry for what I said earlier... it's not your fault..."
"It's okay, Travis, you don't have to apologize." You try to calm him down.
"I don't understand what's wrong with me, I'm unable to talk to them and I look like a weirdo."
"Come on, Travis, that's your best quality." You tease him by tapping him with your elbow and he laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"You think so?"
"Of course I do!" you smile to encourage him and stop as you realize you've reached your front door. "I love weirdos." You confess and you both fall silent, staring at each other. "T-Thanks for walking me." You take off his coat and scarf and give it all back to him.
"It was nothing, we're good friends, aren't we?"
"Yes, good night, Travis. See you tomorrow." You smile goodbye.
"Good night..."
The End.
Hope you liked it!!
See you in the next stories❤
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