#and they say o thats so sad :/ come see me again next month and another doctor will continue to not even attempt to help you
sowhatnotcreative · 1 year
It's hard to sleep when you're just angry and angerworrying and feeling like something has been forgotten (it had, I had forgotten a whole ass bill)
Every single time i see a Doctor "aw that sounds relly hard for you :/ here is 0 advice, 0 medication, I cant even be arsed to make a phonecall to make sure you get to the right place. Welcome back in a month where a completely new doctor will ask you the exact same questions and continue doing absolutely NOTHING for you. Oh and expect threatening phonecalls from insurance about loosing your benefits cause we dont really think its important giving you appointments before the doctors notes we ourselves decide the date on run out lolz toodeloo"
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girlfromplut0 · 1 year
a short letter
hi friends ! wanted 2 share a couple thoughts nd ideas with u if thats alright . ive been finding it really hard to connect with people lately , everyone seems so far away . idk if its dissociation from ptsd or just growing apart but it feels like there is a lot of distance between me n a lot of ppl in my life . n idk thats a bit strange . i feel like a stranger in a lot of places where i used 2 feel like an important piece . i suppose thats what happens when u grow , some things make less sense but eventually things will make sense again . most things dont make sense anymore honestly . even typing this i dont really feel real . dissociation has been really hard for me . after getting out of an abusive relationship its been hard to feel how i think things used to feel (and even on tumblr im kind of scared of saying those words out loud, im really afraid of that person even though i dont want to let that fear control me). idk ptsd is really scary . its not like anything ive faced before in my life . people tell me it gets easier and i believe them but a part of me is scared that things just keep making less and less sense . but in another way , every problem you face u have the wisdom and growth of every problem u have faced before at ur back . i used to have an eating disorder but cooking has become a super important part of my life , and i think im really good at it and its been rewarding to share that with my mom and people i love . im the highest weight ive ever been in my entire life and ive for the most part overcome my disorder and eating related trauma . so even if im sad and disconnected from people , at least i am giving my body the fuel it needs to continue living . i haven't spoken about really any of this in public and i guess this kind of secret tumblr acc feels safe for me to be a bit more candid and long form for once . i can't really use twitter in that way anymore , mainly for boundaries and mental health reasons . but yeah i guess a lot of things have been strange lately . idc if nobody rly gets my music anymore . even if it doesnt appear to be , if u see it as jus being like flexing or some shit whatever , it is like a deep expression of a lot of emotions im feeling . n i dont feel the need to explain it 2 anyone i prefer 2 let my art speak for itself . my art is the only place i feel like i can be free and honest and genuine nd create something that is a true expression of myself and that matters more 2 me than anything else . a lot of ppl i kno wld be lost w/o seeing a bunch of numbers . but when u making music for someone else u have already lost , u have chosen to surrender your space to what u are guessing someone else wants . no truly meaningful art can come from a place like that . sharing a little song i made , was produced by maiden who is an incredibly talented and kind soul nd i will link their sc under this u should listen 2 their songs ! im not sure if this song will ever be a part of something larger but since u read my long rambling thing i wanted 2 share one of my favorite songs ive made , in case its never on anything else . thank u for caring about my art and supporting me. often the love i feel from all of you overpowers the discord in my mind. and even if my art is made for myself, seeing that this expression of myself connects with so many people is deeply deeply meaningful to me. im excited and incredibly grateful for the opportunity to connect with as many of you as i can during tour next month. if you see me around before or after the show feel free to say hi, your support means so so much. i love you - meadow (pluto)
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
hello!~ o(〃^▽^〃)o
can i request headcanons for kaeya, diluc, childe, and venti on what they would while their s/o dies in their arms? (if thats okay with u <3)
thank u sm! :))
BESTIE THE PAIN I FEEL RN!!! Omw to make hurt some of my faves hope you enjoy <3
Also guys I’ve been here for a day how are there almost 50 of you following?!
Pairings; (Separate) Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Venti x reader
Warning(s); hurt, big hurty, reader death, vague wound description, cursing, talk about dead bodies
Keep reading under the cut!
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. You were meant to live forever with him. You were supposed to grow old with him and become a parent to your future children. You were-
“Kaeya” you choke out smiling at your partner above you. The man shakes his head mentally pleading with you to not die “Kaeya I will always be on the wind” you tell him, a shaky, bloody hand raised to his cheek to weekly caress it
“Please” he pleads “Please don’t die on me [name]” you smile at him feeling the breaths in your lungs disappear
“I’m sorry Kae--ya” you apologise before passing away in his arms
He doesn’t move for a long time. He doesn’t feel for a long time. The one person he could share his secrets and his love to gone. Away with the wind
Kaeya doesn’t remember the last time he cried, but he’ll remember this one. 
Your beaten, bruised, broken, dead, and beautiful body slumped in his arms as his tears fall from his face as he feels an absence in his heart
How is he supposed to live on if this is the pain he feels right now?
Jean eventually stumbles upon Kaeya out in the wilds, still clutched to your now cold and even more lifeless body
Jean manages to get the man up with your body held close to his chest
“Jean, I can’t, I can’t let them go” he pleads as if he’s waiting for you to simply wake up in his arms
“Kaeya...” Jean says in a concerned tone having never seen him in such a state, even he seemed to quickly recover from his fathers death
Eventually Jean coaxed Kaeya to go back to the city and leave your body in the hands of the sisters. Where they dressed you up and prepared a funeral service for you
The funeral was larger than Kaeya was expecting, you had affected a many more people than he realised from your small jobs around the city. Kaeya can’t help but be awed at how many people you’ve helped while you were in Mond
The usual chatter of Mondstat is quiet and in a time of grieving for about a week or so, many people have wonderful memories of you and Kaeya seems to be collecting them all, that and bunches of flowers. Many of which find themselves laying on your tombstone as Kaeya tells you about his day
A month passes and it seems like everything's back to normal, Kaeya is back to his outgoing self. He spends more nights at the tavern, but even Diluc doesn’t have the heart to cut him off. 
Jean seems to pick up on the smallest things, goddamnit Jean, the extra nights at the tavern, the eyebags, the weeping she can hear from his room. In it’s own right is heart-breaking, the acting Grandmaster cannot imagine what it’s like to be actually experiencing that kind of pain
No, not like this
You had both decided that night to join each other in your little vigilante escapade. Which was fine you had both done this before, but tonight resulted in something very different
Here you are, head on Dilucs lap. This could be considered romantic, and often was, were it not for the fact you felt like you choked up a mixture of your lung and your bloody supply
“Diluc” you speak with a much worse for wear voice, the red-head looks into your eyes, eyes already gaining moisture. A similar scene has befallen him before, a Diluc knows how this ends
“Please” he pleads his voice wavering “Please don’t leave me” he chokes back a sob and tears fall off his face the salt hitting your own
“I love you so much” you start, Diluc shakes his head. Must you hurt him so with last words? “Don’t blame yourse-” another set of hacking befalls you as you lose more blood
“Please” he pleads again as the grip you had on his arm goes slack indicating your loss of life
Diluc screams, he cries and he hugs you close. He screams into the air of Mondstat until his voice hurts and he cries until all he’s doing is dry sobbing and he holds you close until you’re broken body is pried from his own broken mind
A wondering Jean heard his screams into the night sky and hereby answered them. She never expected to see Diluc, still in his vigilante getup, crying over your body
She calls for more guards who take your body from his and Jean helps Diluc get back to the estate. At one point during the walk Jean can feel DIluc shaking and hyperventilating. So they stand for a moment, Jean holds and comforts the wine-master before they move again
Jean has never seen such emotion from Diluc before, and she wholeheartedly hopes she’ll never have to see it again. Seeing Diluc so raw and rife with emotion is enough to make anyone cry. And Jean nearly did on more than one occasion.
Your funeral is small, much to Dilucs request and really only were attended by the estate and Jean. Diluc didn’t want to cry again in such a large audience
Though the maids often hear pained sobs coming from Dilucs room as he contemplates and often blames himself for what had transpired. Maids daren’t speak up about what they hear though, Diluc’s pain is more than understandable
Diluc throws himself into work opting to man the bar most days of the week and fighting for the city as often as he can. People around him are more than concerned
Diluc’s stoic nature seems to be intensified now, not wanting to let another person in and die in his arms. He’s seen enough death for his life and wishes not to lose more loved ones
Everything seems to have moved back to what life was before you arrived in your life, depressive, monotonous, boring, mundane for the most part and sad. So very sad
He wishes for a day where his heart isn’t strife with grief, but he doubts that day will not be coming anytime soon
You grin up at him, feeling close to naught pain coming from the gaping wound thanks to the excess of adrenaline that’s pumping through your body
“Childe” you say the smile still on your lips in an attempt at not making the situation as dark and horrific as it is. Childe speaks your name in return
“I love you” you tell him mustering the strength to cup the mans cheek, who immediately nuzzles into it. The situation almost doesn’t feel real to him. He’s going to be shaken awake by a very unwounded you in just a moment and inform him he’s having a nightmare
But that moment doesn’t come. Nor do any words come from you. Your slow rhythms of your heart remind you that he’s still got time, but you’ve expended all your energy. Your smile you’re wearing seems to be dropping
“I love you [name], I love you so much, you are everything I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you” he rambles bringing your body to his chest
“Live for--- me” you sputter out into his chest, a dying wish that Childe isn’t too sure he can uphold. Is it really living if he’s an empty vessel.
You go limp in his arms and he can no longer sense your heartbeat. Death had finally laid claim to you
Childe sits with you for hours, you’d expect him to be wailing like a banshee if you knew his personality but that’s rather not the case. Sobbing quietly is a better word for what happens. Most of his sobs and hacks for air are hidden in your hair. He pulled your body to his shoulder just to weep
Eventually he finds himself mustering the courage to walk back to Liyue Harbour. You firmly held in his arms. He knows that if he walks too plainly the Millelith would pry and ask too many questions for his fragile heart to answer
Childe ends up barging into the wangsheng funeral parlour, which surprises Zhongli a little. He’s about to go on a rant to Childe about how he must book an appointment, until he sees your lifeless body in his arms
The funeral is arranged quickly and neatly. There aren’t many people who attend, Childe is okay with that, he secretly wants to see his family and cry on their shoulder a bit
Instead he opts for a letter, which arrives to the family tear stained and lacking the usual penmanship ‘I’m sorry, you won’t be able to see [name] after all. They passed away not too long ago...’ he basically writes your arbitrary in the letter. And his whole heart is in every word he writes
Determined not to let anybody in Childe finds himself in a pattern, when he’s not throwing himself into battles he’s doing paper work or yelling at his subordinates and when he’s not doing that he’s doing his weekly fight with the traveller. Childe gets next to no sleep and instead opts to reading and rereading every letter and note you’ve ever given him
If Childe passes out at his desk nobody bothers him either in fear of getting yelled at by the harbinger or an understanding of losing a loved one
They never said being a harbinger was fulfilling work. Yet, he let himself believe that he could be fulfilled and content with a lover. What a shameful lie
He’s awfully quiet. He hasn’t experienced death in so long. Especially one he thought would be forever.
He couldn’t even get to you to hear your last words. Ironic isn’t it? He hadn’t heard that guys last words either. And yet this pains him so much more
Sure mortal lives are fleeting but he was certain he had more time with you. More time to see you grow old, more time to put off your inevitable mortality. More time to-
He’s hyperventilating, Venti’s body shakes as he finds nothing to ground himself not even the person he loves so dear is there for him. He feels like he could explode, breaths caught in his throat refusing to surface and come up for air. Despite being an immortal archon, the breaths that refuse to surface don’t fail to make him feel like he’s choking
A bard he is. And one that knows every song from the past, present and future. Suddenly the pained songs from the future make sense to him. He knew what was written. A love lost
Suddenly he finds himself crying and hunched over your deceased form making promises to the wind that he’ll never forget you. Much like he’ll ever forget that bard
He isn’t sure how long has passed but he’s still sobbing over your form, there aren’t many tears left for him to cry but he can’t find himself stopping. He feels like they’ll never stop. 
Maybe he could lay beside you and sleep for another thousand years. But that would only delay the inevitable. The inevitable sinking feeling.
Maybe it was his fault for letting himself fall in love with a mortal, but in the moment he could truly see you living life with him. He could see a marriage, children. He wanted you to have it all.
Damn celestia and all things above for not letting you ascend, at least when he inevitably ascends you’ll be there to greet him. Curse that and your mortality
Jean eventually stumbles upon him during a recon mission to find him covering your body in various flowers, a crown made of cecelias don your head. He’s quiet, but he’s saying goodbye. Who would blame him? Jean doesn’t interrupt him and only wishes you a farewell
News of your death spread around town like wildfire, your grave donned with more flowers than Venti can count. He almost feels bad about not doing a public service after seeing how many people are truly in mourning
Diluc doesn’t push Venti to pay his growing tab no matter how much he should. And Diluc doesn’t say no to Venti singing his happy tunes in the tavern
It feels like his life has retuned to normal. Though Jean can’t help but look out the library window to see Venti sat atop his statue with an expression, as Jean can only guess, of sadness.
Venti finds himself going back to an old schedule again but he can’t miss the nagging feeling of somethings missing. The something being you
Sometimes he half expects you to hug him from behind, or join him up at the statue, or kiss him on his nose, or-
Venti can’t quite comprehend how he feels, he just knows there’s a hole in his heart where you belonged. And he doesn’t want to let anyone find their way into there
He doesn’t want to lose again
It’s happened too much
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Traumas and Confessions (tealer x frill) @waluigis-massive-fucking-tits @that-gay-crow
(Ok so i was originally gonna make this wholesome, but decided to make some angst at the beginning. Also im not a good writer so sorry if cringe. Also this si my first time writing angst)
It was a month after the "incident". An incident that changed everything.
A murder.
Tealerland closed, its doors probably never opening again. Left to rot. Forgotten.
And tealer could not help but feel disgusted at himself. He fully believed it was his fault.
He alongside the others, willow, frill and tacey, were moved underground so they would not suffer from vandalism.
But in reality they were put in there becuase of them. Not safety for them, but safety from them.
The corpse of the victim was found inside him. Or more like pulled from him. If tealer could vomit, he would have. He still remembers most of it...
Tealer opens his eyes, or well, activates them. He was under maintinence, and was getting checked up by one of the workers. Keyword was.
"Hm? Whats this?" He said to himself. He felt heavy. He also noticed something that caught him off guard.
The worker was nowhere to be seen, instead, he saw frill looking at him with something he never saw frill have.
Fear. Fear and disgust.
He then heard his voice. "Tealer, please." Frill said with Dont. Look. Down." Frill said with emphasis on every word. Tealer got scared, because he has had experiance with an angry frill, and seeing him like this scared him.
But tealer ignored him, and looked down.
Now he knew why he felt so heavy. He saw a very human looking arm sticking out of his stomach. He also noticed the blood on his fur.
Did he......?
Tealer started shaking, and felt like he was choking. He never felt this way what is happening?
"Tealer?" He could hear frill's voice. "Tealer!? TEALER!?" Frill screamed his voice multiples times. Each time he sounded further away. He then heard the sound of a door opening.
"TEALER!!!!" "EEEEK" Tealer practically jumps and screeches. He then noticed where he was. 3 animatronicas were there with him. A wyvern, a smaller dragon holding a doll, and a mime treceratops.
Willow, tacey, and mischievous were looking at him worried.
"Tealer are you ok? You looked like you were spacing out." His younger brother, mischievous looked at him with worry.
"Huh? Oh im fine buddy!" Tealer tried acting happy to try to not worry them. "I feel better as ever! I was just thinking about good jokes to tell that is all!" Tealer said with a grin. The other 3 did not buy this at all.
"If you were thinking about jokes, you would have not screamed like that when i called you the 7th time." Willow said with a serious look on her face, which was rare. Tacey also looked serious.
"Are you really ok tealer? Be honest please." Tacey tried being as polite as she could. She alongside mischievous, did not want to see their elder brother hurt.
Tealer felt terrible, because he knew he was worrying them. But he did not want to worry them further. "Im serious! I really do fee-" he was interrupted when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He looked behind him and saw frill looking at him with a face that meant business. Did he anger him again?
Frill looked at the other 3 "i need to speak with tealer in orivate. I hope you dont need him?" He says looking at willow.
"No, but please be careful with him, he just spaced out." Willow said. Tealer gave her a "what are you doing!?" Look, while frill glared at him.
"Come. Now." Frill says walking away. Tealer follows suit horrified.
"Did you have to tell frill that? He looked even more mad now." Mischievous asks willow. Willow looks at him.
"I know what im doing. Trust me."
Frill and tealer are currently in a supply closet. It was an udnerstatment to say the frill was angry.
Tealer was scared, because he knew what frill was going to say.
"S-so, W-what did you n-need?" Tealer was shaking.
"How many times did i tell you? How. Many. Tealer." Frill said with his arms crossed. "If you dont feel ok, come to me." Frill looked at tealer with a more calmer look.
"R-right. Sorry." He really did forget. But he did not want to worry frill.
"So, what happened?" Frill asked.
"I was thinking... about it." Tealer responded looking down at the floor.
"The... corpse?" Frill said with caution. Tealer nods. But then he says something that pisses frill off.
"My muerder victim..." tealer says looking down. He then hears loud footsteps and ths souns of armor. Frill was infront of him looking at him wirh anger.
"What did you say?"
Tealer shakes his head "i-im sorry i did not-" tealer winces as frill slams a hand in the wall beside him.
"Why are you apologizing!? ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!" Frill screamed. And tealer out of nowhere, felt angered.
He looks at frill angrily. "It IS my fault." Tealer says with a glare. "I dont even know why you even care for a murderer like me..."
"Stop that..." frill threatens tealer. "Dont say that. You know its no-"
"NO!" tealer pushes frill, knocking him to the ground. "I AM A MURDERER FRILL! A MURDERER! WHY YOU EVEN STILL CONSIDER ME A FRIEND IS WEIRD!" Tealer pants cause of his outburst. He then realized what he did.
Frill started standing up and tealer prepared for the worst. But what happened next will always be remembered by tealer.
Frill looked at him, and proceeded to hug him. Tealer was frozen in schock, he did not expect this. Before he could protest, frill spoke.
"Listen to me. Please." Frill said in a calming voice, something he never saw frill do towards him. Tealer could feel calmer in his embrace. "You are not the murderer. You were framed." Frill pulls out from the hug and teal saw that frill no longer had a angry look, but a sad one. Tealer took time to process what he said. This whole situation has tealer confused.
"By who?" Tealer asks, his anger gone.
Frill sighed, and the words he proceeds to say surprsie tealer.
"David artel." Frill said as if it was taboo. "He, was the one that killed him and... pushed the corpse inside you..." frill said with clear disgust.
"I-i-" tealer could not speak properly. He knew frill is not lying, frill would never lie about these things. But instead of feeling happy that he was not the murderer, he felt another way.
Betrayed. David, his creator, framed him for a murder.
"It hurts." Tealer said looking down. "I thought he cared about us. And this is what he does?" Tealer was not even mad, just dissapointed. But at the very least, tealer could be at some peace since he did not kill someone.
But something other than the incident has been bothering tealer.
Tealer noticed that since the incident frill has been the one helping him. Yes the others did help him too, but frill has been since day one taking care of tealer. He was also the one that was there with him in the incident. Its not that he does not appreciate his help. He just never understood why.
Frill has been known to not be the nicest lizard. He is always serious or very strict. But when he is around tealer, he is very kind or calm with him.
In fact, he was the one helping tealer during panic attacks, as the others did not know what to do.
And so he took the chance that they were in private.
"Thank you frill. I really am grateful you told me this. But i still dont understand something." Tealer said looking at frill in the eyes. Frill raises an eyebrow.
"Why do you care so much about me?" At this question frill narrows his eyes. "O-oh i m sorry if that was out of line!" Tealer quickly apologized, and his fear returned.
"Its fine. In fact, im glad you asked." Frill said smiling a bit. "That was the reason why i was looking for you in the first place."
Frill looked at tealer in the eyes. "When we first performed together, i for some odd reason had my eyes on you. Seeing you happy, playing around with the children, laughing." Frill smiles as he remembers those moments. "Honestly, i thought you were to cute for your own good." Frill chuckles a bit. Tealer blushes like crazy, but he did not say anything so he did not interrupt frill.
"You really are an amazing dragon tealer. You always made the others smile, even me. Everyone here loves you." Frill then sighs. "So when i found you in that room, with the body inside you, i panicked. Not only did something horrific happen, you were hurt and blamed for something you did not do." Frill then scoffs. "Its an understatment to say i was angry when i found out it was david. I almost killed the bastard." So thats why david has not returned. Frill got him tealer thought. "I then noticed how this changed you. You were not always as happy as before, and dont pretend i have not heard you crying alone." Tealer lowers his head cause it was true. He did cry in secret.
"To be honest, i did not understand either why i cared so much about you. But yesterday i realized why." Frill approached tealer.
"Tealer. I love you."
Tealer, surprised beyond imagination, simply stood there looking at frill.
"Everytime you laughed or smiled, something inside me told me i must protect you. And soon i began seeing you in a different way. I wish to cherish you and your smile. I want to be the one to make you smile. And i want to be the one to help you in your darkests times." Frill then proceeds to kneel.
"Tealer, willl you let me be the lizard to make you happy?" Frill said looking at tealer.
Tealer begins to cry. "Frill i-" he does not how to respond, so he too kneels and proceeds to hug him. He then proceeds to sob. "Frill, *sniff*thank you. Thank you so much." Tealer, with teary eyes looks at frill with a smile.
"Let me be too the one to make you happy." Tealer says as a response to frill's earlier question.
Frill smiles like an excited child as his eyes to start to tear up. " Is this a yes!?" Frill says as his long tail begins to wag in excitement.
Tealer laughs at the sight. "*sniff* yes you dork!"
Frill then kisses tealer.
He widens his eyes and gives tealer an apologetic look. "Im sorry i just-" tealer kisses him back.
As they break the kiss tealer giggles. "Its fine. I liked it." They both stand up. Frill's tail was still wagging in happiness. "Look at you all happy. And then you say im the cute one!" Tealer give frill a playful jab. Frill laughs.
"Well sorry to break it to you jester, but you are the cuter one!" Frill says as he procedss to give a head pat to tealer. He then notices how tealer begins to wag his tail aswell. "Aha! You just proved my point!"
Tealer simply snuggles with frill. But they heard squeals from outside the door
"Mischievous, tacey! They are gonna find out!" Willow whispers.
"Sorry!" Tacey and mischievous apologize quietly.
Tealer and frill look at each other, and proceed to exit the room. They then saw tacey, mischievous and willow in the hallway. They both knew why they were there.
Frill sighs. "Let me guess, willow decided to spy on us and and ypu two joined." Frill said looking at the clown and mime. They both nod scared.
"Aww c'mon frilley, they were gonna find out soon enough!" Tealer said, making frill blush at the nickname. Then tealer looks at the other 3.
"Now then, may we know how long you were here?" Taler said crossing his arms and tapping his legs on the ground like a mad parent jokingly.
"We arrived when frill started his confession. And i have to say frill, you should become a romance writer!" Willow said giggling. Frill blushes even more with a now grumpy face.
"Oh you are buring at the stake today witch!" Frill with sword in hand, was about to charge at her when he felt someone grab his tail.
Tealer, gripping frill's tail, pulled him back. "If you attack her, no cuddle later." Tealer said in a fake angry tone. Frill gasps dramatically and then looks at willow.
"You are safe this time. But know that this is not the end." Frill sheaths his sword.
After that silence.
"So, want to play go fish? I found some cards earlier in one of the offices." Mischievous says trying to break the silence.
They all agree and proceed to go back to one of the offices. They noticed tealer and frill holding hands, and tried all they could not to squeal so they dont anger frill.
(Quick note: t lure and deterrent are not activated yet.)
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awhst-alt · 3 years
it's so long (literally 2k words) so im gonna put it under the cut haha <3
so basically this would take place after mike and will start dating or something, idk exactly the time frame (i picture them being like 18 or something and this is the summer before college) and will goes to this summer arts program for like 2/3 months (i dunno how long american summer is but something like that) and its all the way far from home so there is dorms and stuff and he's "not in hawkins anymore" (no pun intended)
mike and will decide after will finishes his school they'd go to college together (cuz they're gonna be comic book artists together bc thats boyfriend shit) so throughout these months he's practically just waiting for will (<333333)
so one specific scene i remember from my dream involved will and mike getting off the bus to the school and then they hug and then mike grabs wills hand and brings him behind the bus and then he gives will a biggg kiss bc he won't be able to kiss him for 3 months. then they say they love each other and will gives him another quick kiss and is like "two kisses". they agree they'd call each other every day.
so will goes inside and mike goes back on the bus and goes home.
and basically the whole day is a whirl, until the end of it, in which mike is sitting in the kitchen near the phone waiting for like 3 hours for will to call, and will doesn't end up calling.
so meanwhile at the arts program will asks like the front desk or something if he can call mike and they say phone is offlimits and they don't let him call mike
so then will goes to sleep and he's paranoid that he thinks mike is gonna hate him or something like that
mk than the next day in class there is this girl (they didn't reveal her name in the dream, ill call her stella) so stella is basically looking at will the entire class but will doesn't know it
so when they exit the class stella's like "hi" and will says "hi"
then stella says "i like your painting."
will is like rlly weirded out so he goes "thanks?"
"i um- hope this doesn't sound weird but i have no friends, do you want to be mine?"
and then end of scene (this does not sound like a normal conversation but it's my dream so it doesn't have to make sense"
so BACK AT HAWKINS mike is still sleeping even tho it's like 3 pm because yk depressed boyfriend shit but then the PHONE RINGS and mike gets out of bed frantically and goes to the phone and he picks it up and is like "will?" and then it answers "it's el, idiot"
i feel like this is important for context but el speaks english very well now and hoppers back and she lives with hopper and not the byers anymore. ANYWAYS
el says "how's will?"
mike says "idk he didn't call"
"he didn't?"
"no, he didn't"
"okay. well maybe he will call later"
"yeah mb"
"wanna come over"
so mike hangs up and gets changed and goes to el's house bc they r a couple o' besties and when he gets there it's like a therapy sessions bc mike usally talks to will every single day and he can't for like 3 months (unless will calls, but he's not going to) so he accepts he's gonna be depressed for 3 months and he's just talking to el about how he's gonna miss him so much and no be able to see his face and that shit
so el's like "well do u wanna do something to take ur mind off of him"
and mike's like "no im not gonna replace will" (I SCREAMED IN MY DREAM SRSLY)
but than el says "okay. guess im gonna go to the mall by myself" (ig starcourt is rebuilt by now)
and than mike bolts up and is like "fine"
"we can by something for will"
"okay yay"
so then they go to starcourt yasss!!
anyways back at the art school will is having lunch and stella is with he friends (even tho she said she doesn't have any friends) and one of her friends is like "omg did you see _____ he's so hot"
and another friend says "YESS! but ____ is cuter"
"what abt u stella? who do u have ur eyes on"
and they say "ew that kid who came back to life"
she says "yea. but he's cute, and shy, and once i wrap them around my finger i can get them to do anything"
so then she goes to sit down next to will at lunch
"hi will"
"im good"
"okay. good." and she gets upset because will goes ask how she is but she keeps her urging rage inside. and than they have this weird conversation and will is uncomfortable the whole time bc shes all like flirting with him and will is seeing someone obvi
but then she puts a hand on will's shoulder and he's shaking and then says something (idk what it is it wasn't explaining in my dream) then will stands up and runs to the bathroom. so he's just sitting in the stalls crying.
okay back at starcourt this part wasn't shown in my dream but im just gonna make up that mike and el go looking around starcourt for something for will (sort of like the mike/lucas/will montage where they were looking for stuff for el) and then i guess they find something for will and i don't have the slightest idea what they could have got for him BUT THEY GOT HIM SOMETHING GOOD
so mike's all happy but they'res still that depression inside of him lol
so fast forward a week, it really isn't explained but ill just make up that will still hasn't called mike, and he's super sad and all sleeping in but decides to look through his good ol binder full of will's drawings and in the arts school will and stella have a few more interactions im sure which are still very uncomfortable
okay so it's lunch again in the cafeteria and somehow will and stella are talking again but somehow it ends in stella kissing will and will like pulls away immediatley and is like "what is wrong with you!?"
and she says "what?"
"i'm seeing someone!"
"oh i uh- i didn't know."
the whole cafeteria is staring at them
so will's freaking out almost on the verge of a panic attack "idk what to do, he's gonna hate me and-"
will has the look on his face like shit shit shit oh fuck no
"you're gay?"
and will runs off once again. and everyone in the whole cafeteria knows that he's day and ofc with everybody being homophobic will knows it's not good at all bc everyone's gonna bully him
so then the next day he goes to class and the teacher is like "does anyone care to tell me where ___ is?" (it would be like a math question like 'where x is' but in art idkkk) and then the teacher calls on "will? can you tell me where ___ is?" and they'res a pause and then the teacher says "or perhaps you'd want to find your boyfriend instead?" (giving me anne with an e vibes prolly cuz i did a rewatch last weekend but i won't explain more in case some people haven't watched it but) anyways will stands up from his seat, everyone is looking at him, and he's shaking and so concerned but then he goes "fuck. you" badass will yeaaaa thats my boy
so then he runs out of the classroom and out of the school in a really cool montage way but then he realizes he's like 2 hours away from home but he runs and runs and he goes to a random bustop (it's not even garanteed if it takes him to hawkins but whatever) he gets on and tries to go back to hawkins.
and soon enough, he gets there, and immediatley goes to the wheelers because he needs to see mike and apologize for everything. so he's at the wheelers, and rings the doorbell, realizing he's still in his uniform lol but karen answers and mike is upstairs in his room sulking (i picture it would be 8 pm by now) so will asks for mike and karen calls mike. mike groans obviously because he doesn't know it's his boy, but he comes down, karen gets out of the way and as soon as he sees will they have a really big hug and it's super sweet and my heart UFHEIOSKA
mike says his usual "are you okay?" and mike is still confused as shit but will says "i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry" and mike says "you don't have to be sorry for anyrhing" but will says "ill explain"
so then they go to will's room, side-by-side on his bed and will starts explaining everything
(this is mostly improvised by me but it's still pretty similar to the dream)
"i hated it."
"the school?"
"yeah. there was no you, (mike blushes lmao), everything was terrible, i felt so lonely, they didn't let me call you-"
"they said the phone was off limits. i wanted to talk to you so bad and i thought you'd hate me"
"i could never hate you, will, even if i tried." will smiles
"and then there was this girl, and she hit on me and i didn't know what to do bc i'd be the face of the school if i told her i was dating you and was gay and today she kissed me"
"im sorry im sorry i didn't kiss back and i was so scared bc i never was in a relationship before and i was so scared it was considered cheating-"
and mike LAUGHSS
"what? mike? what's wrong?"
"if you don't do anything back, it's not considerd 'cheating'"
"oh. good. are you mad at me?"
"what? no! no never!" so mike opens his arms and says "come here" so will and mike hug or something like that and then mike says "do you need me to beat her up?"
and will says "you can't even beat eggs. besides, your noodle arms wouldn't be able to do harm to even a fly"
so mike laughs and says "i'm glad your home"
so will blurts "i cursed out a teacher"
"you? cursing?"
"might have to start calling you a bad boy now"
will just smiles and says "i love you"
and mike says "i love you too"
edit: i have no idea what mike did with the present him and el bought for will but i guess they ended up giving it to him lol
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 5]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, use of toys(sybian), squirting, the long awaited chapter 5 😳💕 do they finally meet?!?!?!?! hehehehehehe also sorry for not being able to post this yesterday, had a busy week and when I tell ya I woke up at 3pm today 😗 💕💕💕💕 as always, thank you so much for your continued interest!! I'm already writing ch 6 and im SOOOO EXCITEDDDD hHEHEHEHEEHEH 💕💕💕💕💕 HAVE A GREAT REST OF YOUR WEEKENDS! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - ? 
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“You guys! I--you have to see this!”
You can’t wipe the smile off of your face when you shimmy to the side, excitedly showing off the new gift that Seungcheol had sent in the mail.
sleepy_wonu: holy hell
universe_WZ: that mustve costed hella
alphagyu97: nothin like feelin extra poor amirite lads
angelhan: it was only a matter of time before dom.cheol was untouchable lol 
You giggle slightly as you adjust the camera so that you and your new sybian are in frame. “Hey~ Don’t say that!! Y’know it’s not the amount of money you spend on me… I’m glad you guys are always here with me~” The sound of coins clinking goes off in the back as you read a few more comments.
dom.cheol: well princess, don’t u wanna show them how you use your new toy? ;)
tangerine_kwan: fuck i bet it can get u to cum so fuckin fast
hoshi_tiger_xx: yessss
dom.cheol has donated $100
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
“Hmm~ How many times do you think I can cum with this? Oh! Why don’t we do this~” You pause, sliding your wet panties down your legs before tossing the material to the side. You grin, swinging a leg over the toy until you’re straddling it. “Rapid fire question! Whoever guesses the right amount of orgasms I can take before I call quits… Wins a special unreleased photoset of me! Go!”
dom.cheol: 5
universe_WZ: 4
sleepy_wonu: 6
angelhan: 3 artist8hao: 5
alphagyu97: everyone took all the good numbers already!!! 7!!!!!
gentleman_josh95: DMAN IT 3
tangerine_kwan: 8, fuck
kitty_junjun: ugh i was gonna say 4!!!!
xcaliburDK: i was gonna say 5!!!!
therealchan99: 2? thats so low tho….
chwenon: as if anyone is gonna say 1, lmao. Uh 6…. If sleepy_wonu happens to disappear
hoshi_tiger_xx: im gonna say 10, but… seems… risky
Reaching for the remote, you situate yourself until the raised part of the toy sits directly on your clit. A shiver runs up your spine at the feeling; already excited for what’s in store. “Um, to be fair I haven’t tried it myself yet so I’m not sure either... Hehe, but I guess we’ll find out together, huh?”
Gulping, you set the sybian to its lowest setting, the air getting knocked out of your lungs immediately as your body lurches forward. “H--holy shit!” The vibrations are already harsh on the lowest setting; your fingers gripping the remote tightly as you try to adjust to the feeling. “O--oh my g-god, I--”
dom.cheol: aww can ur cute lil clit take it?
xcaliburDK: maybe one of the lower numbers was right lol…
The moans spill freely from your lips, garbled noises getting lost in the mix when you start to grind against the vibration. “Fuck, it--it feels suh--so good, hah, already feel like ‘m gonna cum…” You whine, already getting lost in the pleasure. For a second, you’re tempted to raise the vibration intensity but you hold back, letting your wetness coat the toy as you continue to grind down onto it. The sound of donations and comments sound fuzzy to your ears; only the sound of the sybian buzzing reminding you that the camera was still even on.
“Ngh, g-god, I’m--I’m gonna cum!”
tangerine_kwan has donated $75
xcaliburDK has donated $50
dom.cheol has donated $200
dom.cheol: cmon, lets see that pretty pussy cum
Your legs shake as you cum, only a squeak coming out of your mouth as you lurch forward atop the toy. The grip you have on the remote loosens while simultaneously trying to turn it off in the midst of your orgasm.
dom.cheol: awww cumming so hard on the first setting? Cute
therealchan99: lol baby is in trouble now
angelhan: maybe 3 was right lmao
“I--a-ah, fu--fuck!” You cry, shaky fingers finally managing to shut the toy off. Your body immediately untenses; chest heaving with how sensitive you already were and it had only been your first orgasm and the lowest setting of the toy. “O-oh my g-god, I--I didn’t know i-it was that s-strong…” You mumble, body buzzing with the remnants of your orgasm.
sleepy_wonu: well mr dom.cheol did pay top dollar
gentleman_josh95: imagine if u had this for yesterdays show lol
“Oh god, if--if I had this for yesterday’s show, I would’ve been too boneless to do today’s show!” You laugh airily, slowly grinding against the toy already. “It feels really nice though… I’m already super curious about how strong the other settings are…” Trailing off, you reach for the remote again, throat dry as you fiddle with the knob.
kitty_junjun: what if u set it to the max setting
chwenon: idk if her cute lil body could take it
dom.cheol: its okay baby, take ur time. I wanna see how sensitive that pussy of yours can get
“But ‘m already so sensitive~ I dunno how much more I can take~” You tease, biting your lip when all the comments flooding the chat are words of encouragement.
You knew when you started camming that it’d be no easy job. Building up your fanbase and subscriber count had taken you months upon months to even get within the thousands and camming was physically exhausting. Some days your viewer counts were low and some days they were above average and sometimes you didn’t make as much in one show than another.
tangerine_kwan: was therealchan99 right with 2 then? Heh
therealchan99: finally FINALLY ITS MY TIME TO SHINE
Giggling, you slowly start turning the knob; body twitching when the vibrations kick in at full force.
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Seungcheol watches in amazement at the way your body jerks atop the machine.
He can see the way your legs twitch unbearably when you cum for the third time; your brows furrowed at the intensity of the vibrations and your taut body when you can barely manage to turn the machine off.
Licking his lips, he slowly thrusts up into his closed palm, spreading the precum down his shaft as he watches you catch your breath.
“I--ngh, fuh--fuck, I---I don’t--don’t know if I--I can cum a-again…”
Seungcheol moans at your breathy whimpers; the arousal in his body pooling up quickly when he sees the fucked out expression in your eyes. His eyes flit to the wetness that coats the silicone portion of the toy, smirking when he realizes how much you really seemed to enjoy the gift he’d gotten you.
Mentally patting himself on the back, he praises himself for making the right decision.
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angelhan: please tlel me im the winner im begging
universe_WZ: NO
dom.cheol: is the princess tired already? ;)
You catch your breath, not wanting to give up despite how fuzzy your head was getting and how much your body was buzzing. “I dunno… We still haven’t tried the last setting, you guys… And I’m just so curious...” You whisper, hazy eyes staring into the camera.
hoshi_tiger_xx: god u look so pretty like this, all fucked out
artis8hao: right? fuck, id kill to be that guy who can get u off like this
xcaliburDK: goddamn same
The sound of coins clinking mixes with the ringing in your ears; fingertips already on the knob of the remote.
You take a deep breath, letting the adrenaline kick in as you quickly set the knob to the highest setting, a high pitched cry spilling from your lips when you let go of the remote in favor of holding onto the machine instead. Grinding down onto it, you meet the toy's harsh vibrations as it quickly forces another orgasm out of you in the matter of seconds.
Choked cries spill from your lips as your entire body tenses up; body twitching uncontrollably as you cum for the fourth time. You lean back with whatever energy you have left, bracing yourself on the back of the toy as you relieve your swollen clit of the buzzing machine. Your orgasm refuses to stop and you can already tell how obscenely wet everything’s gotten when your head starts to clear.
alphagyu97: fuck you squirted all over the toy baby
universe_WZ: fuck fucki fuck
universe_WZ: wait did i winf kjfhdsjk
You shakily slide off of the machine, resting on your side as the machine still buzzes with life next to you. Your entire body won’t stop shaking, head muddled as you fight the urge to shut your eyes and sleep for the next 5 days. “I’m--I--” You whimper, still feeling the phantom vibrations between your legs.
“I--ho--holy fuck, I, w-wow, I--I don’t--that--I’m, I’m just… wow.”
dom.cheol has donated $400
dom.cheol: knew you’d like it ;)
universe_WZ has donated $150
angelhan has donated $150
therealchan99: well, at least some of us got close
hoshi_tiger_xx: fuckin speak for urself man i said /10/
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You end the show after letting ‘universe_WZ’ know you’ll contact him soon, shutting your eyes as you lay on your soiled sheets.
You can still feel your fingertips twitching when your eyes slide shut, chest heaving in deep breaths as you try to relax yourself, momentarily cursing yourself for pushing your body too far for tonight’s show. 
Groaning, you reach for your phone, the screen lighting up with a text from Seungcheol, a simple ‘don’t forget to drink water ;)’ in your notifications and you can’t help but pout.
Seungcheol was nice, almost too nice. Definitely not in a murderer kinda way though, you think. 
He bought you expensive gifts and never asked for anything in return which made you feel bad sometimes. And while the donations and tips you’d made through your camshows was enough to get by with, Seungcheol’s generous donations helped you always make your rent and bills on time without worrying if you’d have enough or not.
You quickly text him back with a smile on your face; hoping that he’ll like what you had to offer.
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Seungcheol feels the exact same way he did when you first contacted him offering him a free show, except maybe ten times worse. At first, he’d been a little sad that he hadn’t won your quick little game but this made up for it 20-fold.
The six simple words read ‘want to meet up next friday?’, a small heart emoji next to the question and he’d almost thrown his phone when he read it, hands shakily responding with a simple ‘I’d love to.’ to make it seem like he was calm when he was most definitely not.
His immediate next order of business after replying was to text Namjoon despite how late into the night it already was, begging for the day off and offering to take any shifts or pay cuts in exchange for it. 
All he needed was one day and he swore he’d never miss a day of work ever again.
Namjoon responds with a quick ‘sure, why not’, momentarily confusing him as to why his boss was awake while simultaneously sending Seungcheol into complete panic when he realizes he finally gets to meet you.
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The week goes by extremely quickly to Seungcheol; his mood on a completely different level when he offers to pick up Yoongi’s Sunday shift without a complaint. He cleans up all the messes around the roller rink and even offers to do jobs that aren’t his which have Jeongguk raising a brow at the older male.
In the days that lead up to your meeting, Seungcheol looks up a few cafes that you might be interested in and even goes to get an STD exam, not that he’s expecting anything. Safety first, he says.
Your Wednesday show comes and goes, Seungcheol too excited to even get off when he watches you and he even donates an extra $600 at the end of the show; travel spending money, he offers.
And Thursday comes without a hitch and he all but skips to the employee backroom once his shift is over, humming a tune while he changes out of his uniform.
“Hey hyung, no offense, but are you okay?” Jeongguk rests against the locker next to Seungcheol’s open one, brow raised at the blue haired male that beams back at him. “I’m scared, why are you so… giddy. You even offered to take Yoongi-hyung’s weekend shift? What the hell was that about? I’ve never seen him that giddy either.  Man, this place is getting weird, maybe I should quit...”
Seungcheol can’t help but laugh, patting Jeongguk on the shoulder before shutting his locker.
“I have an important meeting tomorrow, that’s all. And don’t quit, ‘cause who else is gonna give me free food.”
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While the excitement had him since Saturday, now that it was finally Friday, he was downright nervous.
The two of you had agreed to meet at 2PM in front of the cafe that Seungcheol had picked out and you’d gotten a hotel in town to make it easier on yourself instead of trying to get back to your place too late. Seungcheol had offered to come pick you up, but you had politely declined; instead opting to meet him first before letting him do anything else for you.
And by nature, Seungcheol gets to the cafe 15 minutes early, fidgeting and continuously running his fingers through his hair as he patiently waits. He can feel his palms getting sweaty when he rubs them against his jeans, mentally trying to keep calm and his head floods with all sorts of thoughts; mainly, how he even got into this position with you in the first place. And he gets so distracted that he doesn’t realize you’d be standing watching him zone out for the last 5 minutes.
“Wow, not sure what’s got you so focused but you’re standing so still!”
Seungcheol hears your cute airy laugh that follows, a cherry blush on his cheeks when his eyes meet your smiling face. “I--oh my god…” He whispers, taking in your appearance.
He feels his face buzzing, fingers twitching when he sees you in a cute simple  sundress. “W-wow, you--you’re just… so beautiful. I mean, you’re beautiful on cam too but just, wow, in person? Incredible.” The blush reaches his ears when he realizes he’s rambling, a nervous laugh spilling out of his lips.
“S--sorry, I, uh, usually I’m more chill than this but y’know…” He trails off, to which you nod. You step closer to Seungcheol and he gets a hint of your sweet smelling perfume, mentally groaning when your cute eyes peer up into his.
“That’s okay! I totally understand~ I’m kinda nervous myself too, to be honest…” You pause, a pink blush coating your own cheeks. “But let’s talk over some food, huh?”
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Seungcheol doesn’t want to pry, but he’s not sure if he should address you as ‘Cherry’ in person, or if he should avoid calling you by anything at all.
He watches as you go through the cafe’s menu, biting the inside of his cheek as he itches to ask.
“‘Cheol… I can feel you staring, y’know.. Penny for your thoughts?” You ask, concerned eyes meeting his nervous ones.
“I just-- Sorry, I didn’t mean to be awkward, I just was wondering how I should address you in person? I don’t want to overstep my bounds, I know you don’t put your real name out there so…”
You place your menu down, closing it before leaning on your palms atop the small table. Seungcheol is cute, too cute, you think. You knew this would be a question when the two of you eventually met and you had given yourself the time to get used to the idea that he’d know your real name.
He eyes hyperfocus on your glossy lips, watching as you say your name for him for the first time.
Seungcheol’s heart threatens to beat out of his chest when he hears it; repeating it over and over in his head before he says it out loud.
“Wow, it sounds nice when it’s you saying it~” You tease, leaning back in your chair. “I don’t mind if you call me by my name, by the way! The pet names are cute but maybe we should keep that to the bedroom~” You end in a whisper, winking at the male.
Fuck, he thinks, just as his cock throbs at your comment. He really wishes you wouldn’t say things like that because he’s weak and he knows it, especially when it comes to you. “Okay, cool! Yeah, sorry, I just---I didn’t want to overstep, I know you don’t really let that be public information.”
“Of course! And thank you, I really can’t tell you how much you’ve done for me. I really… really wouldn’t be able to do all the things that I do if it weren’t for your constant support.”
You want to say more, but the waiter comes to take your orders, cutting you off until he leaves again.
“By the way…” Seungcheol looks at you with curious eyes, lips puckered around his drink straw. “Tell me about yourself, ‘Cheollie! I feel like we didn’t really get to talk that one time!”
He swallows the water in his mouth, licking his dry lips. Here goes nothing, he thinks.
“I swear, and please don’t think I’m a loser, but I--I work at a roller rink. It’s really not cool, I’m not some high paid CEO or whatever, I--I just, I work hard?” Seungcheol chuckles, running a hand through his hair as he waits for your reply.
“Wait, that’s so cool! Oh my gosh, I kinda wanna go!”
The surprise washes over Seungcheol, eyes wide as saucers when he hears you saying you’d want to visit his workplace. “Wuh---wait, seriously!?”
“Yeah! It’s kinda, like, retro! I haven’t been to one since I was a kid!” He quickly offers to bring you to the roller rink on Sunday so you could have somewhere to hang out while you were in town.
“And sadly, I took a shift on Sunday so you can hang with me while I work.” 
Seungcheol grins, watching as you jokingly roll your eyes at him. “So you did it on purpose, huh…” The two of you share a laugh, glad that your first meeting seemed to be going okay so far.
“Well, I mean, if it makes you feel any better, my best friend works the concession stand so I’ll make sure to get you a free pair of skates and food whenever you want?”
“It’s a deal!”
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The two of you continue to talk over your late lunch, Seungcheol telling you of the various work hijinks he’d gone through at his time working at the roller rink.
“Which, by the way, that morning show you did… Hope you know I holed up in the restroom for an entire hour for that ‘lil stunt.”
You can’t help the tears that fall from your eyes when you laugh, only feeling slightly bad for the blue haired male. “But I told you! Sometimes it’s just like that, y’know~” You tease back, heart blooming at the way you and Seungcheol got along.
In all honesty, there’d been something on your mind since you first sat down and you didn’t know when the right time to ask was, or if it was even appropriate.
The smile slips from your face as you bite the inside of your cheek in thought.
Seungcheol takes the bill from the waiter, slipping his card into the holder before you can even offer. But he notices the way your expression falls, noting the hesitance in your eyes when he looks at you from across the table.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” His voice is gentle, soft and caring when he leans over the table to make sure you’re alright.
“Yeah! Just---Can I ask you for a favor?”
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jasontoddsbae · 3 years
Request for: @imaginationjunkie
Warnings: jealousy, slight angst?, smut
So this story has a little bit of body shaming. The reader feels insecure. I just want to let all of the wonderful men and ladies out there know that your body is perfect. You are beautiful. You are Individual and different..that makes you gorgeous. Big or small. Learn to love yourself a little more 🥺💜
"I have to give it to you..you kick major ass" spider compliment with a little giggle. Spider and red hood are platonic co-workers. She helps out on missions or joins Jason when she has nothing better to do. They had just kicked a group of armed thugs asses after tourching a massive crate of shipped drugs that were illegally transported to gotham.
"Oh yeah?" He teased with a sly smirk under his helmet
"Yeah..you do..and its very impressive. You're a badass" she grinned causing him to chuckle. He knew he was a badass but hearing someone call him it boosted his ego a little more.
"Yeah well..someone has to be the badass around here" he remarked in a cheeky tone
"Oh so you're saying I'm not a badass?" Spider pouted teasingly
"Maybe?" The childish pout on her face made Jason laugh. She walked towards him swaying her hips. Her suit was a skin tight black kevlar suit with a zip running down to her lower abdomen. She had a utility belt that held explosives and bullets for the guns that were strapped to her legs in holsters. Much like Jason she too used guns that contained rubber bullets. She wore a black eye mask much like the one Robin wears and red lipstick to make her lips stand out. Her dark hair was always kept in a high ponytail that swayed dramatically everytime she ran or jumped from building to building.
"So. I was thinking we go get lunch someday..yknow...to tighten this friendship more" she bit her lip and fluttered her eyes open and closed while looking a Jason. She stood there like a shy girl scared of rejection.
"Errr..well...*sigh* sure. Why not" he answered
"Yay!! Love ya, bestie" she jumped and ran over to jason in excitement wrapping her arms around his shoulders and resting her head on his chest. Jason didn't say a word but he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a short meaningless hug.
" I *cough* I have to head home. I have a partner to be with" he released the hug and gave her a small smile under his helmet.
"O-oh. Right. Yeah. Sorry" Spider immediately felt a little bit of jealousy bubble inside of her but pushed it deep down. Y/N was a really nice women and her and Jason deserved each other but she couldn't help but feel a little betrayed. She always wanted to date Jason Todd. Who wouldn't? He was hot as fuck. He was a gentleman and he loved women. He was caring and very funny. She released a sigh and started to walk towards the edge of the building they were on
"I'll see ya around, partner" she turned to him giving him a smirk and a wink before jumping across the big gap to get to the other building and continued running.
"Partner. Pffft" Jason whispered to himself shaking his head lightly releasing a sigh. He grabbed his grappling gun and launched it at a tall building that was infront of the one he was on to head home.
"Y/N! Baby I'm home" Jason called out climbing through the open window of their shared living room. It was Jasons apartment but 4 months in to Y/n and Jason's relationship they decided on living with each other. It was a great decision they both made. They cooked together. Danced together. Cuddled while watching movies. Showered together. Made love in their shared bed.. their relationship was perfect. Yes they argued but neither of them could stay mad at one another. It always ended up with them laughing at each other or their bodies ended against each other in deep need to apologise.
"I'm in here.." Y/n called just about loud enough for Jason to hear. Knowing something with off at the tone of her voice he made his way to their bedroom only to find Y/n laying in bed facing away from the bedroom door. It almost looked like she was asleep if it wasn't for her shoulders shaking a little
"Baby..whats wrong?" Jasons voice was soft despite the voice modulator in his helmet that he discarded only seconds after by pressing a button on the side that opened the helmet allowing him to pull it off his head and lightly placed it on the floor.
"Nothing, jay. Just come to bed. I missed you" you sniffled trying to hide the fact that you had been crying. It didn't work. Jason stood there with a saddened expression on his face, he hated seeing you upset. He began to strip off his armour bit by bit leaving it on the floor by his feet leaving him in white tommy hilfiger boxers.
"Baby please..whats wrong?" Jason moved to the bed slowly trying not to startle you. He pulled back the covers to find a cam pad on the bed. You used a special built tablet like device to watch jason on patrol to make sure he was ok because oh boy..he can be reckless when we wants or when you were missing him. The camera is connected to his lenses that are build in to his red hood helmet. It all clicked together in jasons mind why you were so upset
"Baby if this is about V/P/N..I'll cancel the lunch meeting she planned" he moved the cam pad and placed it on the night stand next to his side of the bed instantly climbing in to bed with you. He moved closer to your side and wrapped his right arm around your waist.
"No no..its not that.." you sniffled again and then released a sigh.
"Then what is it, beautiful?" He noticed a sob that escaped your throat when he called you that pet name and pulled your body closer towards his
"Its just.." you turned yourself around to face him, his hand never leaving your waist.."its just that she's..she's very attractive. You and I both know that, jay"
"No sh-" Jason tried to disagree with that statement but you interrupted
"Yes. You know she is, Jason..and her touching you and always finding ways to show off her figure to you doesn't help the feeling I have that I'm not good enough for you. She has the curves and the thin waist..the face too.." you felt another urge of sadness ripple through you but you tried your hardest not to let it show.
"Baby.." Jasons expression looked hurt but he also looks guilty. He knew he didn't do anything wrong but he couldn't help but feel guilty. "Baby you listen to me. You are the most attractive girl I've met! Those hips..those thick legs..your cute stomach..you are perfect"
His words had made you sob and a fresh load of tears started to stream down your face and he couldn't help but release a small sob too.
"I'm not beautiful, Jason. I'm far from it. L-look at you..you're handsome..only a blind would say different..a-and me? I'm unfit. I-i'm not even average"
"I'm not going to sit here and listen to you talk shit about yourself. Y/n when I tell you that you are beautiful i mean it, ok? No matter how you view yourself I'm always going to be the one to shoot down that negativity and tell you otherwise. Now stop doubting your beauty, baby"
"J-" and with that he pressed his lips against yours surprising you a little but you instantly kiss back. When he pulls back for a little bit of air his eyes stare in to your e/c ones and gives you a reassuring smile and attaches his lips to yours again this time sliding his tongue againts your lips begging for an entrance. You glady accept and your tongues smack against each others causing you to moan.
"Mmmmm" you mumble in to the kiss. Jason squeezes your waist as a sign of arousal and flips himself on to his back taking you along with him gripping your waist and rolls you on top of him. Your covered pussy just inches away from sitting against his covered and slightly hard penis.
The wet noises of your heated makeout and occasional moans are the only thing heard in your bedroom. You Pulled back once more for air with a string of saliva connected to both of your mouths.
"Fuck" Jason moaned huskily. His pants were fully tented and he breaths were heavy. You pushed yourself back and planted yourself on jasons rock solid penis. You were sure that he was leaking through his boxers. The friction of your underwear and his against your soaked pussy make you moan quietly.
"Jay. I need you" you sounded so desperate. He left you breathless and needy in seconds.
"How much do you need me, baby girl?" He placed his large hands on your ass and grinded his hard-on against you causing your breath to hitch and for him to lightly bite his lip.
"Jay I'm soaked" you sounded so beggy but you didn't care. You needed him.
"Oh really?" One of his hands left your hip after your dirty words and made its way in to your shorts "No panties? Did you know this was going to happen?" His ring finger and middle finger slipped against your dripping entrance..teasingly parting your lips and spreading your wetness.
"Mmm you're right. Your cunt is dripping. Who made you like that, baby? Who makes your pussy wet?" His fingers continued to play with your pussy. He dragged them to rub them against your clit causing you to jolt and moan.
"Y-you do. You do, baby boy" you released another moan as he teased your pussy a little more
"Thats right. Me" and with that..he plunged his ring and middle finger deep inside of your pussy. He wasted no time trusting them in and out of you
"Jayyyy" your hands scratched at his shoulders at the pleasure making him groan. His fingers sped up inside of you. His hand slapping against your skin, the squelch of your wet pussy, your moans and jasons heavy groans echo throughout your apartment.
"Jay I'm so close" you moaned, nails gripping in to his flesh a little deeper. "Yes..yeess I'm gonna cum"
"Oh no you're not..not yet, baby" Jasons hand stopped moving and he discarded his fingers out of your pussy
"Jason what the fuck" you snapped but not aggressive. You were disappointed that he didn't let you finish.
"I want you to cum on my cock. Would you like that?" his words made your whimper once more.
"Y-yes. Yes please" you begged. You pressed yourself againts Jason making him groan quietly.
"Good girl. Take off your clothes" He planted a slap on your ass and you immediately rid of your shorts and the tight fitted vest you were wearing throwing them in the direction near the window. Your nipples immediately harden at the cold exposure and your hands went to play with your boobs. You stood on your knees and moved up so your pussy was hovering above Jasons abs so he could take of his boxers which he did and flung them to where his other clothes were.
You were pinching your nipples that caused you to moan. As soon as jason placed his hands on your hips one more you moved back to your previous spot. He then moved his hand to his face and spat on his hand and brought it to his cock..pumping it a few times to lubricate it. Your hand then took over and slowly pumped the base while lining it up to meet your entrance.
You raise your hips and slowly sink down on his cock causing both of you to release dragged out moans. Once you had bottomed out you place your hands on his very defined chest and started to bounce with the help of his hands on your hips guiding you.
"Mmm jasonnn" you moan at the feeling of his large cock filling you so nicely reaching every spot inside of you that pretty much none of your boyfriends before ever explored.
"You feel so good, gorgeous. Shit!" You continue to bounce, your ass slapping against his meaty thighs. Your tits bounce along with the jiggle of your ass and Jason sits up to latch on to one of your nipples as you fuck yourself on to him throwing your head back
"Ohh babyy your cock feels so good! You're so big!" You release a cry as he pleasures your body. "Keep sucking my tits baby" you stop bouncing for a short minute and you plant your feet on to the mattress while you squat in jasons lap. Your new position causes your pussy to clamp down on his cock as it pushes him deeper inside if you and you begin to grind on his cock
"Ohhhhhhh red! Oh jay!!" He releases a nipple to moan out at the overwhelming feeling of your pussy rapidly fucking his cock
"mmmMMMM yeeees. Juuuuuust like that. Keep going" he moans against your chest
"OoooOOOHH YEAAAAH! Oh yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Jay!" You scream as you fuck him at full power. His right travels down to your lower abdomen and starts to powerfully rub your clit in harsh circles
"aaaHHHHH JASON! jason! Fuck! I'm gonna cum baaaaby!!" Your pussy starts to clamp on to him again and in the matter of seconds your body gives out and you begin to cum.
All your body allowed you to do was scream. You couldn't even talk at how good you were feeling you screamed through your orgasm and soon felt jason cum inside of you
"Y/n!!!! Shiiiiiit!" His body shakes as he fills you with his seed. His moans and cries were to die for.
Moments after you both managed to come down from your highs you collapsed on top of jason and snuggled close to his chest. You were worm out from all of the crying you did before he fucked you and the sex. The sex you two had always left you drained.
"Mmm I love you, jay" you said sleepily giving him a light kiss on the chest.
"I love you too, beautiful. Don't put yourself down like that again, ok?" He tangled his hand in your hair and rubbed your scalp making you drift off to sleep. Jason smiles to himself and closes his eyes, hands still working on your scalp until he too joined you in dreamland...
I'm sorry it took so long 🥺
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
☁ Drider!Shouto x reader
Dystopian AU/ Monster AU
[Sorry if shouto is a bit ooc]
The world fell into ruin when the all powerful All For One took over all of japan. He took control of everything, and who ever dared defy him would face a horrible fate. Once he had control he shapped society the way he found entertaining. It's not like they could stop him. He had a large following that helped spread his rule and terror. Those who had a transmitter, or transformation quirk were safe. They were treated like people or held in higher regards. Those who had mutation quirk were called monsters and were locked away.
So All For One seperated people. Those who were safe where human. Brainwashing them into believing they were better then those monsters. Those who were Mutated were teated like wild and unpredictable animals, The monsters. They were mocked, humiliated, tortured, and locked away from the pretty cities, and only human Capitals. Some were unfortinate to be born with a mutation quirk, but some were forced to have this fate by All For One. By curing people with said quirks, some were criminals, rebels, or innocents to show his power. Those who are 'lucky' just get their quirk taken and turned into a slave.
What about those who were quirkless you ask. Well... They are slaves.
Just outside of the grand Capital, there was a large Dome loomed over the forest. It covered 50 miles worth of land. Inside was a forest, a river, rock hills, cliffs, and caves. Inside were the monsters. This is were they are locked away, and put into their natural habitat. Left to starve, except the occasional 'mouse' that was let inside for them to feed on. With no other food they are left with no choice. As the mouse tries to run and hide the monsters hunt it down and devour them. This hunt is recorded and broadcast all over the cities. As a sick entertainment for the rich, Powerful, and citizens. But for the quirkless slave or the mice it is a form of warning to stay in line and to know our place.
"Oh looks like our little mouse could not out run that pack werewolf," the commentator said with so much enthusiasm in his voice.
"Yeah John looks like he's dog food now," John's partner joked.
The slaves all watched in horror, as they watched their friend get eaten alive. The quirkiness were all in their cages and forced to catch the monitor, as a constant reminder that soon that will be their fate. To become a meal, a mouse for sent to die for entertainment.
"They ate Ochaco," a close friend of hers sobbed.
I didn't know her personaly, but she was a really nice girl. She didn't deserve to go out the way she did. I sat in my cage, trembling as I watched the carnage. Denki, Momo, Jirou, Sero, and know Ochaco.
They were all the unfortunate mice picked. I survived another month. Sadly my luck ran out the next month.
"Haha this little rat will do," said a gaurd as he opened my and quickly grabbed me.
I tried to struggle and break free from him, but something hard hit the back of my head. I blacked out.
"Welcome back everybody, it's that time again. Our favorite little game of survival. Today our lovely little mouse this month is Y/n L/n. A bit on the petite side, could probably squeeze tight spaces. She's a pretty face, it's sad it's wasted on a mouse. Well place your bets now folks. Who will she find herself being eaten by," John the host said with a laugh.
I opened my eyes to see that I was in a forest. It seemed go on forever, but quickly relieazed where I was. I was inside the dome.
"Jeff sound the dinner bell!" John said as the sound of the air horn filled the dome.
I ran, I didn't know where I just ran into the forest. There was no point in banging on the door. No one was going to answer. So I ran through the forest till I saw a clearing. The same clearing were Ochaco was eaten. I came to a halt right at the edge of the forest. I hesitated as flashed of Ochaco's mangled corpse appeared in my head.
Suddenly I heard growling behind me. I turned to see the pack of werewolves. The leader was a ashy blond with spiky hair and blood red eyes. I slowly started to back away, as he took a step foward.
"Sorry, nothing personal. Were just starving and everyone needs to eat," a red headed werewolf said with a sorrowful look on his face.
"Kirishima shut up! Lets just make this quick before some other monster gets her," said the leader.
"Bakugou, could you be a little more sensitive," Kirishima said bitterly.
"Yeah, well your sensitivity almost cost us last time," Bakugou shot back.
While They were arguing, I quickly made a run for it. Dying by werewolves is probably the worst way to go. I could hear them give chase once they relieazed I ran. Just beyond the open field was tall grass. I managed to loose the wolves, as I came across willow tree by a lake. I stoped their to take a break, when I heard hissing.
Looking up into the tree was a Naga. He had green hair and eyes to match his green tail. He was skinny and so malnourished he didn't have the strength to move anymore. I quickly left that spot and kept moving, till I came across some caves.
It was almost night and it started to get dark. So I went inside the cave, to learn to late that what is a hole in the ground three steps in. I fell into the darkness and blacked out.
Dark and lonely. Thats what I would describe my life to be. A lonley spider in cave.
While the other people in the some wait for their next meal I'm working on making my way out of this hell hole. As I continued to dig my tunnel when I felt my webs vibrate, something fell into my webs.
I slowly made my way over to the cave entrance, surprised too see a unconscious girl tangled in my webs. She had soft silky h/c hair, and smooth s/c skin. I slowly started to inspect her entirely. As I did I found a mouse brand burned onto her skin.
Like me, a monster brand was burned on my side. I untangled her and placed her down softly on the ground. She felt So warm in my arms, I almost didn't want to let go. So I took her deep within the caves, too hide her from the monsters. But also to keep her here, with me.
I slowly started to wake up, as I sat up I found my self in a cave. Looking down I was laying on some sort of silk thread, or web. Actually the whole room was covered in webs. I slowly started to stand and started to rip the remaining webs on me.
Suddenly I heard something crawling. Then I saw it a Drider, though I never saw one before. He had half red and half white hair, with a big hurn on the left side of his face, all over his body he bore scars, and on the right side of his chest was the monster brand burned on his skin.
   "Umm, hello," I said as I slowly sat back down. He did block my only exit.
"Hello.... I'm suprised your not screaming, or trying to escape," he said bluntly with a neutral face.
"Well your blocking my only exit, and even if I scream no one is gonna hear me so, yeah... I'm y/n by the way," I said as I held out my hand.
"Umm, I'm shouto the Drider," he said simply slowly shaking my hand.
"So.. Umm, why did you spare me. I thought you would be hungry like the other people up there?" I said looking up at the ceiling.
"Well I have a slow matabalizem, so it takes a while for me to get hungry. I.. I was just lonely," he said with with a light blush.
"Oh... O-okay, I'd be happy to
acompany you, shouto," I said with a smile.
Shouto seemed stuned at first as he seemed to just stare at me for a bit. Suddenly it seemed his eyes began to water, then he pulled me into a tight hug. As he did he stood up to his full hight, which lifted me a few feet of the ground. I slowly and hestitanly returned his hug. His spider half looked like it was an albino verson of a black widow.
As I was studying I could hear him smelling me... It was weird but I didn't say anything. Suddenly I heard a buzzing noise.
I could hear them. The humans flying spies, they were looking for Y/n. Gently placing y/n down on the nest, I went to investigate.
I saw it the flying cameras. I quietly sneaking up behind it and quickly smashing it with a rock. They weren't going to take my friend away from me.
As the weeks went by Y/n and Shouto got closer and closer. Y/n would help with Shouto's tunnel, and sometime shouto would go out to the surface to bring berries for y/n. She would clean up any wounds Shouto would gain.
As the weeks went on y/n became more, and more weak. The berried weren't enough to sustain her. She could even afford to move or spend any energy, or she will starve even more. So in desperation, Shouto worked on the tunnel even more. Till he finally did it, he finally tunneled his way outside the dome.
Quickly and quietly he scools y/n into his arms and escapes from this hell. Shouto travled for days, getting as far away from the city, and the dome as possible. When they finally settled down, high up in a tall tree, Shouto went out and hunted down a strong stag.
Cooking it and feeding it to y/n. As time went on y/n did regain her strength.
I slowly crawled down the tree with y/n in my arms. I was so nerves, always worrying if somethi g would come and take y/n away.
We finally made it to the ground , and I let y/n down. She stood still for awhile then she started to.. Roll around on the ground with a wide a smile.
"Were free Shouto. It feels so good," she exclaimed as she jumped up and hugged me.
"Y/n... Thank you for staying with me. Even when you were close to dying. I never want to lose you, and I treasure you, Y/n," I said as is quickly pulled her into a passonite kiss.
And I was happy went she slowly melted into my kiss. This is my paradise. She is my Utopia.
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pagingevilspawn · 4 years
You Said You’d Grow Old With Me
again, another one-shot that i never posted on tumblr, only the link, so yeah! im also pretty sure this fic makes no sense, but my 4 am brain wrote it so...
"thought we had the time, had our lives, now you'll never get older, older"
TW// major character death
takes place some time after 16x15, before 16x16.
Jo was laying in her bed. Their bed. The bed that felt too cold. The bed that felt too empty. The bed that felt too big. After crying she felt better, having Link comfort her while she broke down. She wanted him back. She wanted him to answer her calls. She needed to know if he was okay. If he left her like she thought he did she at least needed to know if he was okay. One call. One text. Thats all she was asking for.
Except she wouldn't be satisfied with that. The five different positive pregnancy tests to the side of her were an example. She was pregnant. They were pregnant. How the hell did that happen? She was just pranking him about having a baby a two months ago, and now she really was going to have one? And at the best of times too. Right when her husband decides to go MIA.
She wasn't sure how long she sat there for, staring blankly into the distance, her body incapable of feeling anything. Numb. Thats how she felt. She felt like she was bathing in a tub of ice and all her sense and nerves had just shut down. Numb.
She'd only been numb once before, after seeing Paul for the first time in five years. Bu this was worse, oh this was so much worse. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't move. She couldn't talk. She couldn't do anything, she was just numb.
She wishes she could say she was startled by the sound of knocking her door, but she wasn't. She'd gotten used to Meredith and Link coming over at random hours of the day. Sometimes to rant about anything, or sometimes to just talk with her.
Maybe it's Alex, she thinks, and with that thought she gets up from the too big bed and makes her way to the loft's wooden door.
Please be you please be you.
The door opens and the sight she sees is one she wishes she didn't.
In one second she knew that her whole world was about to crumble under her feet. Oh god, how badly she wished she stayed in bed, how badly she wished she was at the hospital.
"Ma'am is this the home of Alexander Karev?" the officer asks, looking up from his notepad, his partner standing next to him dutifully.
Jo gulps visibly, already feeling the tears burning in her eyes. "Y-yes, he's my husband, i'm his wife."
The two officer share a sympathetic glance. "We're afraid there's been an accident.
After a short phone call with Meredith and one plane ride to some place in Oregon, Jo is standing outside some hospital she's never heard of, Meredith right by her side, holding her hand so tightly, like it was a life-line. Because it was. They knew nothing. All they knew was that Alex was involved in a ca accident that involved a drunk driver, and they hadn't been able to identify him for the past two weeks. They didn't know anything. Was he alive? Was he dead? Had they simply only contacted her so they would know what to do with his body? Was he seriously just okay and he was in a medically induced coma? Did he have amnesia? Did he not remember who he was?
For two weeks her husband had been just another John Doe. One that they see in the pit nearly every day.
He wasn't Doctor Alex. He was even a doctor. He wasn't her husband. He wasn't a best friend, a companion, a lover. He wasn't a surgeon who saved the lives of tiny humans. He wasn't a guy who made little kids less scared of the hospital. He was just another meaningless John Doe, taking up space in the ICU.
But oh, she felt guilty. So guilty. She was worried that he was having some kind of secret affair while he was really just in the hospital.
Meredith squeezes her hand, "You ready?" she croaks out, her red rimmed eyes string up at the hospital in front of her. Meredith wasn't ready. She wasn't ready for what stood behind those doors. She wasn't ready.
"No." Jo shakes her head, a few stray tears already coming down her cheek. She hadn't gotten them to stop. She physically couldn't get them to stop. Ever since those six dreadful words came out of the officer mouth.
Meredith sighs in understanding, "I know." she says, stepping forward and taking the first steps, Jo following behind her robotically.
No, not robotically. Numbly.
How naive she was, thinking that what she felt earlier was numbness, this was a whole new level. This was paralyzing. This was frightening. This was feeling her body start to disintegrate piece by piece.
Without knowing it she was standing on the sixth floor, the ICU. Meredith leans over the nurses station, asking for the room number for Alex Karev.
Jo doesn't see the sad, sympathetic smile the nurse gives the two, but Meredith does. And that's when she knew that things weren't going to be alright. Nothing was going to be bright and shiny and happy with unicorns and rainbows.
Somehow, they end up on the other side of the Alex's room, but Jo had yet to look up from her gaze on the floor. She's never noticed how white the linoleum of hospital floor were. They were shiny too. So shiny that she could see her reflection.
It was when Meredith lets out a soft sob that she finally decides to look up, not at all prepared for the sight in front of her.
The sight of her husband, the love of her life, lying in a bed, tubes sticking out of every possible place in his body.
It was then she felt her whole world crash down. Crash down and burn. A gut wrenching sob escapes her throat, a hand coming up to cover her mouth as the tears come down her face. They come down so fast she cant even wipe them away until her face is soaked again.
"Mer I-i," she chokes out, feeling her breathing start to pick up as she tries and fails to form her words.
Meredith nods, "Go in." she whispers brokenly, watching as a doctor makes his way towards.
The doctor holds out his palm to the blonde, "Hi i'm Doctor Kelsey, i'm the neurosurgeon on Mr. Karev's case-"
"It's doctor." she interrupts him. "Doctor Karev. Doctor Alex Karev." she says slowly.
The man nods, "Okay, Dr. Karev has been here for fifteen days now. There was an MVC on the 45 with a drunk driver and he ended up getting very severely injured-"
She cuts him off again, "I'm sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Dr. Meredith Grey."
She watches as the man's eyes widen in surprise. He was standing in front of Meredith Grey? The Meredith Grey? Catherine Fox Award Meredith Grey? Daughter of two time Catherine Fox recipient Ellis Grey?
"W-wow. I-its an honor to meet you Doctor Grey, i'm a big fan." he says, smiling brightly.
Meredith jolts back in shock, eyes narrowing at the man who was about ten years older than her. "It's an honor to meet me?" she hisses, watching as the fellow surgeon's smile falls as quickly as it appeared.
"I-its an honor to meet me? That's what you have to say? You have the audacity to say that, as i stand here, outside of the room of my best friend, who is alive because of tubes and vents? It's an honor to meet me, when the only reason i'm here if because my best friend, my person, is lying there, unable to move or breathe, or talk? It's an honor to meet me?" Meredith yells , tears escaping her eyes, earning the attention from the others in the ICU, but she didn't care.
The man nods furiously, "O-of course, i'm so sorry Doctor Grey, that was very disrespectful of me." he says, going on to explain the extent of Alex's injuries.
Jo stumbles into the room lifelessly, seeing the unmoving body of her husband lying on the bed.
The sight causes a whole new round of tears to spring into her eyes and down her cheeks, "Oh Alex," she chokes out, grabbing ahold of his left hand, clasping it firmly in her palm.
it was cold. Way too cold. Normally his hands were warm. Not sweaty or clammy, they were just warm and soothing, perfect for her's to slip into at any time of the day.
She feels the cold band of his wedding ring touch her fingers and that's when she lets the sobs take over.
The gut wrenching, heart breaking, deep sobs as she collapses on the side of his bed and onto her knees, completely ignoring the chair next to her.
She couldn't hold herself up. its like her legs could not longer support her, like they had turned into helpless piles of water, "Alex please." she begs, lips trembling as she places kiss over kiss on his hand.
She wasn't stupid, she was a doctor. She knew what all the tuning and the wires and the ventilators meant.
"Please tell me this is just some joke. Some really mean, really awful joke. Please Alex. Please." she cries.
"Please tell me this is just a nightmare, an awful, awful nightmare. Please tell me this isn't real Alex. Please." she begs, holding his hand so tight as her body shakes with sobs.
She shakes her head, laughing softly at first, then louder and louder, "Oh god." she sobs, her laughter coming to a halt. "This is real." she whispers, feeling as her tears drop from her eyes to the floor.
"No Alex. you don't get to die on me alright? Because, because i cant live without you okay? You-you need to know that. If you, if you die, i die." she says, taking both of her palms and clasping her tiny hands around his big one.
She shakes her head, "No Alex. You don't get to do this to me. You don't get to leave me. We-we meed to grow old a and grey, and we need to have kids. So many kids. We need to have at least three kids. We need to get a dog a-and travel the world. We still need to do that Alex."
Jo sniffles, "But it's not only you that needs me Alex, this baby needs you too." she sobs, standing up and sitting down on the bed, taking Alex's hand and placing it over her stomach, hoping that this would be enough. That this would be enough for him to wake up, to defy all medical standards and wake the hell up.
"Please Alex, this baby needs you." Jo sobs, "Because, i sure as hell can't do this without you. Y-you're the peds surgeon Alex, you were practically born to be a dad." she wipes her tears to no avail, since they just kept coming. "You need to hold this baby in your arms, you need to be there with me to tell them about how we had sex in a shed next to a corpse on our wedding on their wedding day. You-you need to see them grow up and graduate Alex."
"Y-you need to be there Alex. I need you, Mer needs. Zola and Bailey and Ellis, they need you. The tiny children that you save all the time need you. They need Doctor Alex. I need Doctor Alex."
"I-i need you to get so overprotective if it's a girl when she has her first boyfriend. I need to watch you teach our baby how to wrestle if he's a boy. Or a girl, i'm not judging." she chuckles soft'y, holding his palm against her still flat abdomen.
She lays down beside him, laying there in silence for a long time. She lets the thoughts roam in her mind.
Jo sighs, "I hated you at first." she starts, absentmindedly threading her fingers though his hair like she had done so many time before. 'Like seriously, you were one of the biggest assholes I ever met." she chuckles softly.
"And then there was the teen mom who was just going to abandon her baby that i went al crazy on, rightfully so by the way." she smiles slightly, knowing that if he could somehow hear her he was probably rolling his eyes. "And then suddenly, i told you my whole life story, just like that. I'd never done that with anyone before." she sighs, glancing back down to her stomach, where she had her hand clasped in his in a hold over her stomach. "I'd never opened up to someone so easily before. It was like... my heart knew I could trust you before any other part of me could."
"I know i know, you're laughing at me. I sound like something out of a cheesy lifetime movie." she smiles softly. "And then came Ben and Bailey's wedding, and then, before i knew it, you were my best friend."
She starts to trace his fingers, something she always did to calm her down, "And then, one day, i was drinking a beer at Joe's with Jason, and all i could think was that i would rather be with you, on the couch that I bought, and watching action movies with you. That's when i realized i was i love with you." she whispers, some new tears building in her eyes.
"And then we wen through crap. So much crap Alex. That's why this can't be the end. Thats why this can't be the end of us okay? Because we've been through too much crap to let a drunk driver end us."
"Please Alex, i'm begging you, come back." she sobs, starting to pound her fists on his chest.
"Come back! Come back you son of a bitch! Come back!" Jo cries, unable to atop the steady flow of water coming down her face.
"Please Alex." Jo begs, her eyes so red and puffy that they looked like she had been crying for years. "You-you have my whole heart Alex. And i-if you die, you will crush it, and I wont make it. I cant live without you okay? You hear me? I need you Alex. I- i cant breathe. I cant breathe, ii cant exist in a world without you in it, okay?" she sobs, hyperventilating as she trues to get her words out, which only came out in barely audible sobs.
Somewhere along the way she cries herself to sleep, waking up a nearly a whole day later to a view of Meredith, Amelia, Tom, Jackson, Arizona, Callie, Link, Cristina, Bailey, and Richard standing outside the ICU.
And for one second, before she opens her eyes, she forgets everything, simply snuggling into the body and the scent she missed so much, a combination of aftershave and spearmint.
And then she remembers.
And oh god, she just wants to die.
She feels like a knife is being driven through her heart, stabbing her again and again and again, with absolutely no intention to stop.
Eventually Meredith breaks her out of her trance by knocking on the door, in which Jo responds by a head nod, letting her know that it was okay to come in.
The blonde enters, flowed by Amelia and Tom. "I called them. I wanted them here to consult, look at all his scans, everything." Meredith mutters, her voice hoarse and broken from trying to hold in her tears.
Jo looks up at the two, a small glimmer of hope shining in her eyes, "P-please." she stutters out, her voice high pitched and squeaky, sounding more broken than they'd ever heard her before, "tell me you guys can do something."
Amelia takes a deep breath, letting a few drops of water pool in her eyes, "Jo-"
"No," she sobs, shaking her head. "It took me twenty-seven years to find him, longer to realize i loved him, and even longer to be able to marry him." she starts to shake, trying to take in every detail of his face.
His overgrown stubble.
The soft creases around his eyes.
The slight wrinkles etched into his forehead.
"Jo, we can't bring him back. I'm so sorry." Tom says, trying to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, which she shakes off.
She slowly nods, unconsciously mumbling something about how she was going to let everyone say their goodbyes before she said hers.
So thats what she did. One by one the said their tearful, heartbroken goodbyes, still i denial that the man they loved would soon be gone.
Jo goes in one last time, lying down next to him, holding his figure in her arms. "I love you." she sobs.
"I haven't said that enough. I love you Alex. God, I love you so much jerkface. I didn't know it was possible to love someone as much as i love you." she cried, her tears an endless flow into a river. "I love you, i love you, i love you."
"And, please, please love me enough to come back." she begs him, still holding onto that tiny bit of hope.
"You said we'd be together forever Alex. You and me. Please, please let there be forever." she pleads with him one last time, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek.
With one deep breath she gives a nod to the nurse, who slowly begins to remove the ventilator. Then she unplugs him from all the machine.
She lays her head on his heart, feeling as he breathes one last time under her.
And then, she places a kiss on his lips, one last time
and all of a sudden,
he was gone.
"we had plans, we had visions, now i cant see ahead. We were one, were golden, forever you said."
"didn't say goodbye now I'm frozen in time getting colder, colder. "
"One last word. One last moment. To ask you why, you left me here behind."
"You said you'd grow old with me."
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insidetheacademy · 4 years
Say You Love Me | vi
Tumblr media
pairings: Peter Parker x Reader (both are 18+)
chapter summary: Peter came to Paris to visit Reader
warnings: fluffs, language?, reader is having a hard time with her art, intsy teensy jealous!peter
author’s note: so sorry if its short and late!! i’ve been trying my best to weave the plotline gently. enjoy, though! happy reading! (taglists are still open)
series masterlist || previous part 
it has been a month since you moved to Paris. needless to say, there was a lot of stress-crying, the feeling of homesick, and just plain happiness. but as of lately, your mojo has been off. you scraped a lot of paintings of your own because it doesnt feel right
when you told your newly best friend about it, he would push you (in a good way) to get out of that zone. he would definitely try to take you out to get some fresh air but it always ended up with the two of you sitting on the couch watching Netflix.
you haven’t had an art block since forever so it was shocking when you found out the next day that you feel as if you can’t paint or draw right. you ended up accidentally throwing your paintbrushes on the floor out of frustration and that was when Jules came in to check on you.
“is everything alright?” he said soothingly. you looked at him with crystal eyes that could shatter any moment. you took a seat and sob quietly.
“I don’t understand,”
“You don’t understand what, Y/N?”
“Why am I suddenly like this? at the peak of my career?” you muffled through your hands. Jules took a seat beside you and rub circles on your back,
“Hey, don’t be too harsh on yourself. you know everyone loses their inspiration every once in a while right?”
“I know but not this long,”
“Don’t compare yourself to others, Y/N. You’re you and thats enough,”
you sighed trying to make sense of the world again. you moved your hands to breathe right again. “Come on,” Jules stood up “We’re going to get ready and really get you out of this house.”
you smiled to Jules and said okay.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
you were sitting on your vanity trying to clean up your face and make it less puffy and dead. your bedroom door were wide open when you heard a doorbell ring.
“Jules! will you get that?”
no answer
and still no answer.
you groaned and pushed yourself to the door with the most annoyed face plastered on. you opened the door slightly, “Can I help you?” and that’s when you saw a brown hair boy on your porch.
“Peter?” you gasped, shocked that your crush friend is right in front of you.
“Is that really you?” you cupped his face
“The one and only!” Peter smiles
Peter opened his arms to celebrate you with a hug, you hugged him, inhaling the smell of his cologne that you will never get tired of.
“What are you doing here? Are you here with MJ?” you pulled back from him and took a good look of him
“Actually, I’m just here by my own,”
“Y/N? who’s at the door?” Jules voice becoming more and more clear as he walks to where you were at. “Jules, this is Peter! Peter, Jules,” you introduced them both.
Jules took his hand out wanting to shake Peter’s hands but Peter just wave it off leaving Jules hanging.
“I’m guessing you don’t want to go out anymore?”
“Do you mind?”
“Not at all, Y/N.” Jules said with a smile and just like that he went out to probably eat or something leaving you and Peter alone at the small house. You invited Peter in and showed him the couch.
“So you and that guy?” Peter says with a hint of jealousy in his voice. You chuckled, “Yeah, well, no,” Peter raised his eyebrows, “He’s just my roommate and co-worker,” you said explaining to him.
“That does not make any sense. How is that allowed?” he asked
“Its just the company that I’m working with thinks that it might good to have a co-worker who leaves in the same house to help with the project.”
Peter formed his mouth into an ‘o’ signalling that he understood.
“Are you here by yourself?”
“MJ is coming here too later today! maybe we should hang out?” you suggested
“About that... MJ is not coming,”
“Oh no! what happened?”
“Nothing happened! She was never coming here in the first place,”
you had a confused look on your face,
“so she doesn’t want to see me?” you said with sadness laced in your voice
“N-no! She lied! for me!” Peter tries to assure you,
“Truth is, I missed you. I felt like I could go crazy if I have to go another month without seeing you,”
He took a deep breath
“So I made her lie to you that she’s coming here so that you won’t know that it was actually me. I want it to be a surprise, y’know?” he said in his Queens accent.
you were frozen to your seat. you felt so... full? is that even a right word– you missed Peter too but you didnt expect him to go this long just because of a silly reason. you punched him on his arm,
“Ouch! what was that for?!”
“for lying to me!”
“It was for a good reason!”
you put on your best mad face to make him feel intimidated and you can tell it was working when you made the one and only young Avenger avoiding an eye contact with you.
you burst out in laughter,
“what’s so funny?” he said offended,
“I’m just joking! I miss you so much, Peter!” you said and embraced him with a hug once more.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
the whole day was well spent with Peter. the two of you ordered a take out food for dinner. you were sat comfortably on your pale blue bedsheets while Peter is taking in the view of your bedroom.
“do you like that one, Parker?” you teased when uou saw he was staring at a naked figure that was a part of your anatomy self project.
he blushed and rubbed the back of his head.
“These are amazing, though,” he said staring at the wall that was half full with your artworks and stickers. you love that part of your room, if marrying a wall was the norm, you’d marry it in no time.
“Thank you, it’s not done yet,” you said looking at your laptop trying to find a movie for the both of you to watch
“Are you going to finish it?”
“I was going to finish it this week but everything feels like hell,”
“Whats wrong?” he asked while dipping into the bed with you
“I don’t know, I can’t paint right these days. whenever I do, I just ended up tossing them in there,” you pointed to the dustbin
“Sometimes I wish I could just drink something that would make me have my mojo back, y’know?”
Peter nodded
“But you have to understand, Y/N. These art blank are just gonna get worse if you keep forcing it,” he paused looking for the right word to say
“You have to stop overworking yourself because you’re not a robot,” he held your hands
you smiled at him, “It’s art block, Pete,”
you chuckled and “It’s not art blank, it’s called art block,”
“Yeah, whatever, they’re the same thing,”
“Right, but thank you anyway. I really needed to hear that from the right person.” you laughed.
he took your laptop from your lap and put on the most basic film ever; Shrek. you raised your eyebrows at him but he ignored it and said it’s a good film.
slowly and surely, you felt your eyelids getting heavier as you lay your head on Peter’s chest. breathing steadily as he wraps his arm around you.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
you woke up with coldness next to you that was once filled with Peter’s warmth. you rubbed your eyes and figured that he went home early. you went to the kitchen to meet the sound of pans clanking and something smells good.
“Good morning, Jules,” you assumed
“Good morning, Y/N!”
you rubbed your eyes again to see if that was really Peter standing or if its just an hallucination and thank God it was real.
“What are you doing?”
“Making pancakes,” he said while flipping he pancake on the pan
“Burned pancakes?” you jokingly said but you were fully aware that he had made you your favourite comfort food; chocolate chips pancake.
“Ha ha, very funny.”
“I thought you went back to your hotel room,” you said pouring yourself an orange juice
“would you be upset that if I did?”
“maybe.” you smacked your lips.
you head to the breakfast table that has already been set with forks and knife.
“Good morning, y’all,” Jules said through a yawn
“Morning, Jules,” you respond
Peter just stood there infront of the stove, keeping his focus on the pancakes.
Jules made himself a cup of joe and went to sit down with you at the table. Peter turned off the stove and set the plate down in front of you. it was awfully nice at how he stacked three pancakes together with a berries that has been cut and has been carefully placed into a smiley face.
“Looks delicious, Pete,” you kissed his cheeks and smiled
“If you want there’s more at the counter, Jules,” Peter said trying to be on his best behaviour
“Nah, I’m all good. I’m on a diet,”
“Yeah, right,” you said as you sliced the pancakes
Jules rolled his eyes while Peter had a disgust face on. what? do you think you’re better than my pancakes? Peter thought to himself. Jules excused himself to his bedroom. Now, its only you and Peter.
“When are you going back home?” you asked with mouthful of pancakes
“the day after tomorrow. I have a lot of things I have to do,”
you frowned not wanting him to leave, almost regretting that you had asked him that
“Would you mind staying here?”
“You know I can’t do that,”
“No, I meant, stay here until its time for your flight to go back home,” you suggested
“Where will I sleep?”
“You can take the bed! i’ll take the couch!” you eagerly said trying to convinced him
“I can’t let you do that,”
“I can’t let you sleep on that couch, I’ll take the couch,” he smiled
you quickly embraced him and pulled back, you had a huge smile on your face. you can’t wait to spend the rest of the next few days with your best friend.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
say you love me taglist
@imawkwardandhereweare @canyonmoonspidey @thebadassbitchqueen @thequeenreaders @averyfosterthoughts @a--1--1--3 @prkrholland
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jawabear · 4 years
(5) A Lesson In Want (Maxwell Lord x Reader)
A/N: Here is part 5 of A Lesson In Want, a direct continuation of the last part, I hope you enjoy soft Max because I want to hug Pedro Pascal so bad...
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Max is soft, S O F T, bath time with Max, Pedro Pascal comes with hi own warning
Summary: Taking a bath with Max is what it takes to get him to open up about his past
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Epilogue
She sat on his large bed wrapped in one if his fluffy white towels while he sorted out the bath. She could hear him splashing around the water. She suddenly felt bad, she kept thinking about the conversation she and Mia had had earlier that day. She knew one days he would have to tell him the truth about her, but she was scared. When she was with Max she felt special, she felt like a better person, she felt safe in his arms. She would make goes as far as to say she loved him. 
She quickly shook her head and began to stare at the floor, her arms wrapping around herself and rubbed her bare arms. She couldn’t be in love. Especially not with him. But she was to far in to back out now, she had a mission, she had to complete it. She knew she couldn’t leave, but she could draw it out longer so the end was pushed further in the future, but the problem with that was the longer she held it off, the less she will want to complete it, the more she would fall in love with him.
The door to his bathroom opened and made her jump slightly “there, it’s all ready” he smiled when he walked over to her, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the first few buttons undone. She looked up at him and smiled “everything okay (Y/N)?” He asked her noticing how her hands gripped her arms.
“Yeah,” she nodded “just a little cold is all”
He gently removed her hands from her arms and took them in his large, warm ones, pulling her to her feet “Well, lets get you into the nice warm water them my sweet” she let out a slight giggle and let him pull her into his fancy bathroom.
It was dark in there, lit only with candles. She smiled at the sight of the large bubble bath before her “would never have taken you for the type of person to enjoy a bubble bath” she laughed
“Well...we all deserve a little time to relax, do we not?” He said to her as he gently rubbed her shoulders, pressing kisses to the back of her neck. She let out a soft hum and nodded her head “why don’t you get in, I’ll get us a drink”
“Okay” she said to him. She inwardly groaned when he pulled away from her and left the bathroom. She dropped the towel and slowly sunk into the heated water, a strong scent of lavender filling her nose and making her sigh.
It had been a long time since she had felt such relaxation. She hadn’t had a bath in forever, settling only for short cold showers. She could feel her self slipping into the water, her eyes falling closed as she basked in the relaxing feel and smell.
“This is something I could get used to” Max spoke gently as he appeared back in the bathroom. (Y/N) lifted her head and saw him holding a large bottle of red wine in one hand and two glasses in the other. He set the three items onto the floor next to the bath and began to undress. She watched his every move, her eyes gazing up and down his naked body.
He then moved to sink himself into the water, letting out a pleased sigh when he was fully submerged “care for a drink, beautiful?” He asked her as he reached out of the tub to grab a glass and the wine bottle.
“Please” she nodded with a soft smile. He poured her a glass and handed it to her and then he poured himself a drink. For a while they stayed in a comfortable silence, both of them happily sipping on their drinks and enjoying the warmth of the water and each other.
At some point, he had put his hand down on her leg in the water and began to gently drag his hand up and down her skin “Can I ask you something?” He said quietly.
“Mhm” she hummed with a nod.
“That night, when we first had sex, when you came, you were shaking like a leaf. Like you hadn’t felt like that in a while. When was the last time you were with someone?”
She thought for a moment “relationship wise? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a real relationship. Sexual, maybe about a month before I first met you”
“Was I just that good?” He joked.
“You are very good” she giggled “extremely good. But I think it was because you treat me better then anyone has in the past. You are gentle with me, other people haven’t been as soft”
“Anyone who would ever hurt you deserves to suffer. They have to be completely fucked in the head if they did not care for you, you are the most precious being in the world. You deserve to be treated like a princess, a queen, a goddess”
“Thats a little extravagant don’t you think Max?” She asked with a light laugh as she finished off the last sip of her drink.
“Absolutely not” he laughed to her. He reached out of the bath to grab the bottle of wine “more wine my dear?” she laughed again and held her empty glass out to him, he half filled her glass as he had before and put the bottle back to the floor.
“What about you Max?” She asked.
“What about me?”
“When was the last time you were with someone?”
“Oh god, not for years” he said taking a large swing of his drink and placing his now empty glass on the floor. “The last woman I was with, I thought she was the one. She was beautiful. She was smart, funny, strong. We had known each other for a while before we got together, she came to my company looking for a job as an assistant. I gave her the job because I wanted to see her. I probably should’ve guessed her getting with me was just so she could access my money. That’s all lost people are after these days, money seems to rule the world. I was fully ready to commit to her, I had planned out a proposal and everything. And then I found out she stole from my bank account, a large amount of money and then ran off into the sunset with some other guy. From then I kind of stayed away from relationships, for a while all I would do was bring a girl home every night only to get rid of her the next morning, I was trying to forget the pain she left me in. At the time I didn’t care that she had taken my money, she had taken my heart and that’s why damaged me the most, I think that’s what made me the person I am today. I only ever wanted love, seems it’s just not for me”
She put down her glass and moved over to him. Her legs straddled his waist and she tilted his head so that he was looking up at her. His hands came to rest on her back, the lavender scented bubbles the only thing between them. She stared into his deep eyes, she could see the sadness with in him and it made her heart ache. Her hands rested on his cheeks and her thumbs gently stroked his skin. She leaned forwards and pressed her lips to his in a gentle kiss. “You didn’t deserve that Max. You deserve to be loved. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way”
“It’s okay (Y/N)” he smiled pressing his lips to hers again “If that hadn’t had happened, I would’ve married her and I never would’ve met you”
She smiled and threaded her fingers through his soft hair “I guess that’s one good thing that came out of it”
“Another is that you filled the space that was my heart, you gave me a new one” he whispered to her, his hands tracing up and down her back.
“Oh Max” she sighed and kissed him deeper then before, partly to stop her tears from falling, her heart was pounding in her chest, overwhelmed with emotions that she couldn’t control. Her fingers gripped his hair “I’m so glad we met”
“Me too. Thank you for coming into my life” his hands flattened on her back and pulled her chest flush against his. “Thank you...” 
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the-dumbest-po3-au · 4 years
part 4 - the dumbest po3 au
its been. nine. montsh im SO SORRY GUYS LMAO
for those of you who dont know what the dumbest po3 au is, click this link
for those of you who have not read the summaries for power of three, part 1 - part 2 - part 3
alright!!!!!!! dovewing time
the fourth apprentice
the book opens w/ ivykit and dovekit in the nursery. ivykit suggests going out to explore the territory and dovekit is like “wow. that sounds like a fantastic idea ivykit you are so smart"
whitewing says No Absolutely Not, and leaves at some point to go make dirt. they sneak out and not 5 minutes later they get lost. dovekit gets blames ivykit for suggesting it and they get into a fight. they both get really mad & dovekit runs off. because shes like a stupid 2 year old gets distracted, rams her head into a rock and passes out. rip dovekit. she wakes up and sees a fox kit coming towards her. she screams.
her head hurts and shes tired and now shes going to die. out of nowhere a huge cat beats up the fox and scares it away. dovekit passes out (again)
when she wakes up, she is next to a cat messing with a bunch of weird plants. the cat sees that she woke up and introduces himself as littlecloud. he asks what her name is. “dove… dove…?? i dont know” says dovekit.
he asks her how she got there, and if she has any family. she does not remember. so littlecloud tells her she’s gonna have to stay here for the time being. he asks her if anything hurts, and dovekit says she thinks may have hit her head.
he gives her some of the weird plants and she goes back to sleep. when she wakes up her head has stopped hurting and she feels a lot better. she gets up to go walk around and is immediately introduced to the tawnyspawn.
tigerpaw is stupid and friendly (and hellbent on being her future best friend). dawnpaw is obnoxious and a bit (read: extremely) condescending but interested. flamepaw is nice and also the only one with half a braincell.
they take her around and introduce her to the rest of the clan. she sees blackstar and is like. “im pretty sure thats my dad” tigerpaw gasps. flamepaw and dawnpaw are like. “What.” “he saved me from the fox im pretty sure thats my dad,” says dovekit
they go harass blackstar. dovekit follows him around like a puppy and the tawnspawn follow her. he has this train of literal 2 yr olds trailing after him and is wildly unhappy about this development. russetfur is also definitely siccing the kids on him to make him mad.
dawnpaw gives dovekit a passionate speech about the clans, but mostly how evil riverclan kicked completely innocent shadowclan out of their home, and how shadowclan has to set everything right and deliver justice to those cringe fail fishheads, or something.
a few days later the tawnyspawn are off doing their own thing and dovekit goes to see whats going on. dawnpaw tries to shut tigerpaw up but he spills the beans anyways. “we’re going to attack riverclan on a Secret Mission so that we can win back shadowclan’s honor and become WARRIORS so you cant tell anybody”
dawnpaw sighs. “dovekit this is for Big Kids Only, so you cant be here.” flamepaw is trying to talk tigerpaw out of doing this in the bg but tigerpaw is being stubborn. dovekit is sad about it but goes back to sulk in camp (and to harass her new dad).
a few hours later tawnypelt runs over to blackstar and is like. “blackstar my children are missing nobody knows where they went”
"oh!! they went to go attack riverclan to get back shadowclan’s territory!” informs dovekit helpfully.
“what.” says blackstar, tawnypelt, and russetfur in unison. the sky immediately opens up and starts Pouring. tawnypelt freaks out. dovekit is like “why cant we just follow the sound of their voices??” but everyone ignores her bc they think shes just being stupid.
“Fine!! ill just go find them on my OWN” says dovekit, following them by the sound of their voices (theyre proally arguing over something stupid).
now four of shadowclan’s children are missing. “you brought that kid here so you get to deal with her,” says russetfur. blackstar sighs dramatically and goes off to find his new child.
dovekit runs into an old man cat. “whatre you doin here??” says old man cat. “im looking for my friends!! whats your name :0? im dovekit!!” “my names purdy!”
blackstar shows up and is like. who tf are you. “this is my new friend purdy!!!” says dovekit. blackstar doesnt even know how to respond. “look we’re going to go back to the camp right now and we’re not taking this dude with us.”
dovekit is like “??? no??? we have to get my friends theyre right over there??” she says pointing in their direction w/ her tail. blackstar is ready to cry. so blackstar and purdy follow dovekit as she leads them closer to riverclan territory where they hear the tawnyspawn screeching like banshees.
they run over and find several cats w/ the tawnyspawn who are pinned down. “if you breathe in my direction ill kill all three of these children,” says a snotty dude.
“who tf are you” says blackstar
“im darktail you insolent snot,” says darktail.
one of his cats grabs dovekit and blackstar snaps. he lunges at darktail while purdy beats up the dude who snatched dovekit. the tawnyspawn take advantage of the moment, escape, and dogpile the other cats. its a disaster.
darktail swears revenge on blackstar till his dying day or something. nobodys really paying attention to him at this point. he runs off w/ his crew. “alright then” says blackstar. this has been a really weird and long day for everyone. blackstar wants to leave purdy but all the children immediately start crying. they bring purdy home.
“holy crap!!! purdy!!!!!” says tawnypelt. “why are you here??” but then she sees her children. she and rowanclaw give them a very stern lecture about Not Running Off Without Telling Anyone (in which tawnypelt is a massive hypocrite but to be fair god told her to)
in the meanwhile, blackstar asks dovekit how tf she knew they were there. “i could hear them, Obviously. ???? cant u not???” blackstar just looks at her. dovekit realizes that probably not everyone shares this ability. blackstar shoos her off and calls a meeting w/ the senior warriors.
dovekit goes off to bother purdy for stories and play w/ the tawnyspawn. nothing particularly interesting happens. blackstar and russetfur call her over later and start assessing her abilities. its only slightly a disaster because shes wildly distracted 80% of the time and her powers are unwieldy bc shes a kit.
cue training. there is a lot of trial, error, and tears (on both sides) but it works out in the end (mostly).
time skip. its been a few months. dovekit becomes dovepaw and blackstar mentors her b/c of her powers. at this point shes gotten control of how to pick out numbers, locations, troops, etc. basically she is a living radar.
blackstar calls another meeting w/ the senior warriors and afterwards calls a clan meeting. “alright losers we’re going to take back our territory and kick riverclan’s butt”
they go over the clan w/ all the cats and begin the trek home. another time skip because that takes a while and nothing particularly interesting happens.
when they get back, the clan stays outside the border while blackstar has dovepaw do a sweep of the territory. she finds a patrol led by a black cat named reedwhisker. blackstar picks a patrol out and they go to ambush the riverclan patrol.
the shadowclan patrol takes reedwhisker + the patrol hostage, but lets one go to tell mistystar. mistystar takes a patrol and comes over. “if you dont give us back our territory i will kill your son” says blackstar. mistystar is like “bro. i dont even want your stupid crusty territory anyways. screw you.”
she takes her son and the rest of the patrol and leaves. another win for shadowclan, obviously. maybe they have a party idk. end of book.
fading echoes
cinderheart has not been doing well. she’s been doing really badly, actually. her best friend died and she blames herself. she’s still grieving and continually lashing out at everyone around her. poppyfrost and honeyfern attempted to be there for her but after the continual rebuffs they decided to just give her space.
unfortunately cinderheart. doesnt have any other friends in thunderclan, so the only person she can talk to is lionblaze. unfortunately theres only so much he can do from windclan, so mostly shes been just been going into a downward spiral.
ivypaw hasnt been doing great either. she feels extremely guilty because she thinks its her fault that dovekit ran away, and when dovekit is never found, it gets 50x worse.
but she also doesnt want to say anything about her involvement in fear of getting punished. as time goes on, she starts getting babied by the clan (almost like leopardstar when she was a kid) because her sister disappeared and she took it really hard.
and like on one hand, she likes the attention, but on the other hand its too much a lot of the time. she starts adopting this “stop babying me!1!1!!!”/kinda edgy persona. the clan takes it like shes grieving, and she’ll grow out of it, so they dont say too much.
so the book opens w/ ivypaw and fernpaw’s apprentice ceremony. brief context about how fern was recently found by the thunderclan border w/o parents and taken into the clan. fernsong is apprenticed to brightheart. ivypool is apprenticed to cinderheart.
firestar probably thinks that they might be able to bond/break through to each other because they recently lost a sister/adjacent sister. neither of them are particularly enthusiastic about it.
cinderheart isnt particularly invested in ivypaw’s training. ivypaw can tell and gets rightfully frustrated, bc brightheart and fernpaw are getting along great and making lots of progress, while ivypaw is falling behind becuase cinderheart is being a terrible mentor.
ivypaw starts fighting back (disobeying, talking back, etc.), partially because this is the only time she gets paid attention, and partially because shes just mad, which makes cinderheart mad, which then makes ivypaw fight back more. this causes cinderheart to become more and more distant. in short: ivypaw’s apprenticeship is a disaster.
at some point during training, theyre practicing climbing trees and cinderheart tells ivypaw to do something. to spite her, ivypaw does the opposite and ends up falling, dislocating her leg. cinderheart panics and cinderpelt emerges.
cinderpelt basically possesses cinderheart and relocates her arm. they go back to camp and take ivypaw to the medicine cat den, gives ivypaw some poppy seeds and ditches.
“wow um. wtf was that” says cinderheart. leafpool is like, “hahaha………… about that. you’re um… cinderpelt reincarnated.”
“what.” says cinderheart
“CINDERHEART IS CINDERPELT REINCARNATED???” screams foxleap at the top of his lungs in the middle of camp. whatever was left of cinderheart’s life shatters.
so now instead of ignoring her, the entire camp won’t leave her alone - except now they just treat her as they would cinderpelt. “hey cinderheart remember when [enter something that happened in the old forest here]??” “hey cinderheart can you fix my paw??” “hey cinderpelt-” “are you going to become a medicine cat then??”
to pour more salt into the wound, cinderheart now gets a free commentary on everything in her life!! (this definitely includes lionblaze) there used to be sort of a barrier between cinderheart/cinderpelt but since cinderpelt emerged/took control, it shattered.
so between cinderpelt complaining about all the terrible decisions she’s made and the entire clan pretending that she’s cinderpelt instead of a Completely Different Person, when hawkfrost shows up w/ an invite to fight club on the weekends cinderheart is more than happy to take him up.
sure hawkfrost is wildly annoying and clearly hates her guts for some reason (no matter how hard he pretends not to whenever tigerstar is around) but this is great for three reasons.
1) nobody in the dark forest has any idea she’s cinderpelt. 2) warrior training!! emphasizing she is a Warrior not a medicine cat. 3) time away from cinderpelt!! they arent the same soul so they cant read each other’s thoughts (unless theyre trying to communicate) and cant share dreams
so she might be purposely oblivious. whatever. she doesnt even know who hawkfrost is b/c anybody outside of riverclan immediately forgot about him because he really was not very effective at all. and its not like hes about to start spilling the beans until shes ready to be indoctrinated w/ dark forest propaganda.
meanwhile, tensions between shadowclan and thunderclan have been rapidly rising. again. prey is being stolen, scents are on other territories, patrols get into skirmishes often.
firestar is hurt because he was trying to get mistystar to lay off on the territory and blackstar is mad because they literally Just got back and thunderclan is ALREADY trying to reinstate old rivalries.
cinderheart really isnt paying attention to what’s going on cuz shes. more than a little wrapped up in her own problems. until it turns into a war.
this battle feels way more vicious than normal. cinderheart tries to recall how this whole thing started and realizes she has absolutely no idea what tf is going on???
throughout the fight she notices weird stuff happening. mousewhisker and redwillow nod to each other. ratscar + blossomfall swap glances. applefur pulls snowbird off thornclaw’s back. literally wtf thinks cinderheart
and then russetfur takes a stab at firestar. out of nowhere, thornclaw goes for her throat. cinderheart barely saves russetfur in the nick of time - the injuries are bad enough that she is forced to retire.
“screw literally everyone in thunderclan except u” blackstar says pointing @ cinderheart “and i hope the rest of you rot in the dark forest.” he rounds the rest of shadowclan up and then leaves.
“well that was weird” says cinderheart. she goes off to find ivypaw and realizes that shes. not responding. oh thats a lot of blood-
cinderpelt pops up again and works w/ cinderheart to patch up ivypaw until she’s stable. they bring her into the medicine den together and let leafpool look her over. she says that they made it in time and ivypaw will live. she leaves to go look after the other patients, leaving cinderheart with her apprentice
cinderheart realizes that this is her fault. had she actually paid attention to ivypaw and given her proper training, this wouldn’t have happened. she resolves to try a lot harder to be a good mentor for ivypaw’s sake.
cinderpelt approves and apologizes for being so intrusive on cinderheart’s life. she really doesnt want to be in here either - this was a decision the idiots in starclan forced on her. she was taking it out on cinderheart, which wasn’t fair for her.
cinderpelt promises to try to give cinderheart as much privacy as she can (while trying to figure out how to get out of her brain). cinderheart thanks her. there’s a brief bonding moment.
cinderpelt says that since ivypaw seems stable she’s going to go to sleep now, since she exhausted herself earlier.
just as cinderpelt goes out to the back of cinderheart’s mind, blossomfall comes storming in about how cinderheart messed the plan up and how cinderheart screwed everything up for everyone & she’s a traitor to the cause, Honestly cinderheart you’re so useless-
“literally wtf are you talking about” says cinderheart
“you saved russetfur,” blossomfall says. “if we take out the leaders and deputies, we can destabilize the clans enough that taking over will be a piece of cake. are you a dark forest trainee or not, cinderheart?”
end of book
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bepoets · 4 years
Review for Trish’s Dream Fic
Trish ( @couragedontdesertme  ) said she’d write an epilogue of the elsarik dream Fic if I made a Formal Review of the elsarik dream fic. So here we are.
Please note review should be taken VERY LIGHTLY this is more or less me re-reading the Fic and loudly yelling about things with too many exclamation points. Enjoy Trish.
First of all imagine my fucking surprise I didn’t even know you had gotten work done on the dream fic???? Here I was thinking the link you sent me was the next chapter of city of ice and then I click on it and it saYS DREAM FIC???? E X C U S E M E oh my goodness
The first section is just so entirely domestic and beautiful and you can tell how lived in and content they are in their life as roommates. ALARIK (listen my phone autocorrects ALARIK to be in all caps and I’m too lazy to fix it so y’all are gonna have to deal with reading ALARIK’s name as if I’m yelling it every time I type it) anyway ALARIK just bringing her the chocolate croissants she loves so dearly and Elsa curling up with a book and him fretting and worrying over her being there alone all day and later... it’s just SO DOMESTIC. it’s such a small short moment but it’s so domestic and a perfect opposite of the PAIN THAT HAPPENS AFTER!!! And we al know I LOVE READING PAIN
The fact that ALARIK was only home late because he was doing tutoring to earn more money to by Elsa A PRESENT????? Shut up no one speak to me that’s true love but also PAINFUL the guilt he must feel oh my god
Elsa...stops struggling... because she doesn’t want ,,,, ALARIK ,,,, to get hurt. Because she cares for his safety more than her own because he has protected her and he is her friend and she loves him I am going to SCREAM
The fact that you use the phrase ~marching her out of the warmth of the room~ when she just used her magic to like cover the walls in frost makes my Heart burst cause idk if it was intentional or not but I just love the thought that this room has become Home to her it’s become safe and beautiful and lovely and WARM because it is full of love and friendship and companionship rather than the cold loneliness of say her ice palace of her locked room as a child. I like to think Elsa could have covered the room entirely in ice and snow and frost and it would still feel warm to her because of the love that’s developed there thank you for coming to my tedtalk
Ugh fuck hans
I have literally no words other than fuck hans for any section with hans in it I DONT even want to RECOGNIZE THAT HE EXISTS !!! Making Elsa feel like she’s nothing I am going to punch him in the eye
~ALARIK weeps over smushed chocolate croissant. End scene~
I know that it’s such a heartbreaking sad ending for that first chapter but also I really can’t stop laughing about him crying over a stepped on croissant since I know that your like planning note for that last scene was literally just some variant of ALARIK cried over a smushed croissant and that’s just such a funny IMAGE TO ME EVEN THOUGH ITS SAD
I just like to imagine ALARIK cradling the chocolate croissant in his arms like a bébé as he sobs
I’m fucking S A D
ALARIK having like NO MONEY and just thinking about that the money he has was going to go to a gift for Elsa and the guard LAUGHING AT HIM LIKE THATS IT THATS ALL YOU HAVE?? Like shut UP HES TRYING TO SAVE HIS BELOVED
ALARIK is so fucking DEVOTED I’m going to run through a goddamn wall I cannot cope. Willing to sell the clothes off his back have you ever seen an idiot more iN LOVE
ALARIK just going willingly cause he has no fight left in him and he just wants to see Elsa even if it means he gets imprisoned too oh my GOD
ALARIK wanting to hold her hands when her hands are what are chained up and seen as dangerous and what ~make her a witch~ the absolute love and power that holds.
“I promised to keep you safe” the pain I feel oh mY GOD
“They’ll KILL you” they’re really out here trying to protect each other at all costs oh my god nothing matters more to the other than keeping the other safe and for that I want to cry and love them and also I want to ram their heads into the wall because wHY WONT THEY JUST PROTECT ESCH OTHER TOGETHER
the P A R A L L E L of ALARIK stilling and no longer struggling when the guards threaten Elsa’s death in the same way that Elsa stilled and stopped struggling when they threatened ALARIK’s death oh my god that broke me right there
U g h hans fuck that guy
A N N A !!!!!!!!
When I first read this,,, I DONT know why??? But for some reason??? I didn’t think Anna would be in it???? Which like thinking back on that it makes no sense of COURSE Anna would be in the FIC why would I ever think otherwise. But anyway I was so surprised when she showed up I literally gasped and went ANNA??? Out loud because I was so shocked
ALARIK really is just so bad under pressure who thought this was a good idea
AG FOR SHORT wink wink nudge nudge cough cough
I’ll be thinking about ALARIK shouting alfafa geranium on my death bed let us never forget
“No harm, no foul” is literally the most fucking Anna line I’ve ever heard. She absolutely would say that to someone who was being question for a crime she’d be like “it’s not biggy”
Why is it that when hans says “BUT ANNA!!!” I hear it like he’s wining like a petulant child I read it like “bUT annNNAAAAA” ugh I hate him
“Don’t scream” *ALARIK’s inner monologue* “this ,, is the story of how I died”
My dumbass really went “why are none of the children named neta” before remembering that is the child of Anna and Kristoff and these...are the children of Anna ,,, and .... ugh please don’t make me say his name
I would die for these kids though I love them and I want to protect them at all costs 
Johannes at 5 (and a half!!!!) being a fine soldier GOOD FOR HIM
Isak owns my entire heart from the moment he started fake crying for his mother what a star performer a true Actor he’s too good
Arendellian Royal Guards, are they guards? Or are they simply baby sitters? The world may never know
JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the babies being named JOAN!!! Hang in there Joan!!!!!!!!! That made me cry oh my god J O A N
Bébé Isak lookout supreme with his big eyeballs and smile and goofy lil salute I love him
The fact that Elsa says she felt stupid for being lured into a false sense of security means she felt secure and safe for literally the first time since she was a child when she was with ALARIK and I cannot properly articulate how much that made me cry I love that so much that has to mean sO MUCH TO HER oh my god
Brave little boy with his mother’s determination saying “be brave. That’s what mama said to tell you” oh my GOD THESE CHILDREN HAVE MY WHOLE HEART OH MY GOD
A rooster crow for the signal COUKD they be more obvious I love these kids they’re ridiculous they are truly the children of Anna
Elsa!!! Chose!! To be!!! Brave!!!
Queue another one of my shocked and delightfully surprised screams as I shouted KRISTOFF????? Because blonde dude driving a reindeer cart
Let’s get you somewhere safe I’m going to cry THEYRE finally together again and they can keep each other safe together as. They. Should.
They are cuddling and my heart is exploding oh my god ALARIK seems so surprised like you big dumb idiot you’re both in love with each other it’s a mutual thing get with the program
*queue another gasp* there’s only one bed?????
Yea I saw it coming yea I was just as shocked even so yea I got very excited about it wHAT DID YOU EXPECT
They’re cUDDLING and he went to move away and she DOESNT WANT HIM TO they could’ve been sharing a bed THIS WHOLE TIME AND I JUST WANT TO SCREAM BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY
ALARIK laying all the credit on kristoff and the kids when he’s kind of the one that steamrolled the whole plan into happening because he’s the one who showed up ALARIK please give yourself more credit
“You came back” “of course I came back... I couldnt ...” “why?” And then ALARIK refusing to meet her eyes has me absolutely weeping this is the kind of shit I THRIVE ON this is truly a gift to us all everyone say thank you Trish for these three bits of dialogue I will be thinking about them for all my days
Yeah I do lose my shit anytime Elsa is the one to make the first move you go girl you go
THE SPICE VENDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing in all my favorites I am going to cry thank you Trish I love Darius
I had been observing you two and just assumed!!!!! You would assume right mr spice vendor sir if they WERENT so stupid for so long it’s okay we understand
He literally got to finally kiss the woman he’s in love with for the first time last night and now they’re getting married poor boy is going to get WHIPLASH from how fast things are progressing but it’s okay im sure he is happy
Elsa’s little vows of just needing each other and keeping each other safe and keeping company and not needing gold or silver ugh TRUE LOVE
And ALARIK hopelessly devoted to her being like I PROMISE
“just you being there no matter what is enough” peak romance true love the devotion the dedication I’m a wreck
~end review~
Okay where is my epilogue please and thank you
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maggyme13 · 4 years
Sugar (7/?)
AN: I am back and am apologizing for one week of not posting. But work at the moment is a b*** . thats why there is a bit more to read today. see it as a small apology.
Wordcount: around 2100
Warnings: not really
Sugar- Masterlist
Sugar 6
„Good morning Ms (y/LN), I hoped you slept well after last night. Boss is waiting in his office. I am glad that you chose to take him on on his offer. He felt devastated about what he allowed to happen and about his misjudgment.”, the secretary smiled.
How does he know that?
“Thank you- can I go in or..?”
“Of course, he is waiting for you.”
Hearing an ´Enter´ following your knock, you stepped inside the large office.
“Good Morning (y/N). I hope you you slept well.”, the businessman greeted you, placing the papers he was working on to the side.
“More or less. I could not sleep for a few hours.”, you admitted.
“I feared so much. Please take a seat and we can talk a bit more.”
The cushions were so soft that you sunk into them once taking the offered seat and you thought about how this couch was a lot more comfortable than you mattresses growing up.
Wow. I could sleep on this thing for days.
“You said you wanted my word to be able to change your mind at any moment. I can give you that and more: I formulated a contract for the arrangement between the two of us. We both will sign it. It contains any important information. Here, read it and then tell me what you think. Everything can be changed.”
He was sincere in his tone and you immediately felt more relaxed.
Accepting the paper, you read everything carefuly.
There were different paragraphs for different themes: a paraphrasing of what he had told you the evening prior, his duties as your ´sugar-daddy´, your duties as his ´sugar-baby; the last one was one big and bold statement “All sexual or bodily favors must be offered by (Y/n) (Y/LN). Loki Laufeyson has no right to, in any form, ask for them or hinting at them.”
At last there was a section that stated you would be allowed to end this relationship any second without getting held responsible for it in any way or form. You also would be able to keep anything you had received during that time.
“I want to do something to earn that money. I can´t sit around all day.”, you stated.
“I figured you would say that. You could work a part-time job in one of my businesses , or somewhere else as long as it does not interfere with our deal.”
“I mean, I can take care of the household. Go grocery-shopping, and so on. Like cooking and baking.”, you hummed.
“We will find something. For now, you should go and stock your rooms with anything you need and want : Clothing, shoes, shampoos ,.. anything. New furniture, if you don´t  want to sleep in that bed, or if it does not suit your style.”, he suggested.
“O-Okay. Though the rooms are fine. But can I get some of my personal stuff out of my storage-unit? It is paid for almost three months in advance, still-”, you asked.
“You don´t need to ask. Tell Barnes where the unit is and he can help you. Now that I think of it; I never asked why you were homeless. If you don´t mind me asking.”
“My boyfriend, who I was supposed to move in with, dumped me the evening before the move. It was already leased again, so I had nowhere to go and stayed with two homeless men I know for a few years. They convinced me to go with Bucky and Sam.”, you explained with a sigh and noticed a vain on the man´s forehead twitch.
“Why he left me? Found him making out with a girl in an club and he claimed he forgot to tell me and that I was about to move in with him.”
“I meant living with the homeless.”
“I used my last money to pay for the unit. Please, can we change the subject? It is kind of embarrassing-”
“We may. Apologies-”
“Well, on another node: Anything you want to have for dinner? I can get groceries on the way then.”, you mused.
“Surprise me. But I might be late. Mr Quill wants to have a meeting with me later.”, he did not sound amused at all.
“I am sorry I caused problems.”you apologized again, though you knew it wasn´t your fault for real.
“He should be sorry. Not you. And he will if he crosses my line again.”, the CEO growled, forming a fist with his hand at once.
I will leave then.”, you nodded your farewell and stood to leave.
“Until later (y/n), and have a nice day.”
Bucky had driven you to your storage unit and helped getting your most personal item back to you rnew home. It wasn´t much and fit in the back of the car; though you made sure to get your comfortable underwear and sleep stuff (mostly old shirts and boxer-shorts).
“So, Sam and I were wondering if you would be up for a movue night the other day. Pietro, Wanda and Nat will be there as well.”, the dark haired man asked you with a smile from behind the wheel.
“Uhm, sure? But why? I mean you don´t need to do that, only because I am ´living´ with your boss now. But I appreciate the offer.”, you answered, wondering why they invited you.
You would consider Bucky and Sam as accomplices though, but still.
“That has nothing to do with that. To be honest, you are the first one we like. Thus far, they all were bitches and just after the money. You on the other hand, don´t give a shit about it. It is refreshing.”, he explained, “What are you going to do know with your larger income and time on mass?”
“ I want to work. I don´t want to get money gifted to me for nothing. That was not how I was raised.”, you sighted, “For now, I will take care of the household and cook. Maybe later I will get another job. For during the day, I mean.”
“Remind me to show you the community floor Boss has made for us. It has a gym, wellness area, library and other stuff you might like.”
“Common area?”
“Yes. Didn´t we mention that most of us ´trusted´ employees are living on the five floors beneath you? My bad, sorry.”
“I don´t know. I wasn´t really in a mindset to lisdten to everything.”, you admitted.
“Understandable. We are back. Let me help you get your stuff upstairs and into your room. Then I have orders to get you anything you might need. Clothes, Shampoos, female Hygieneproducts. You name it, we get it. And no arguments: orders are orders.” , Bucky stated with a grin.
“Fine.”, you rolled your eyes, “One thing I need is more kitchen supplies. There is only the bare minimum in that kitchen. And curtains for the bathroom- those huge and open windows creep me out.”
“No secret exhibition fetish? Yeah I know what you mean, but we won´t be able to get you curtains I fear. That has to go through the interior designer. Though, you do know that there is a way to make the glass opaque?”
“Wait, what? How?”
“I don´t know how exactly it works, but there is a switch next to the door in every apartment bathroom.”
“I soooo need to find that switch.”, you groaned.
“i can show you.”, he laughed, nudging you with his shoulder, “Though you could have just asked, you know?”
“Well, yeah. To late for that know though. Theme change, can we go to my old workplace? A much as I hate it, but they still have the best hot chocolate in town-”, you sighted, “-and I need some of my paperwork from them back.”
“Sure thing. We will get those things, and some of those awesome cookies they sell.”
A light laugh escaped your lips, “I made those. And I am the only one who knows the exact recipe.”
His eyes grew big. “You´re kidding!”
“Nope, the ones they sold before were disgusting. And I love to bake, so I made them after my mom´s recipe. I can make you some if you like.”
“YES Please!”, he cleared his throat, “ I mean, if you have time and so on. No need to-”
“I will find a moment. It´s the last I can do after you and Sam took me in.”
“No worries. Now lets me get your things up and then back shopping.”
Parking the car in front of the building, he stepped out and walked to the back. You were following him at once and grabbed some of your stuff.
His astonished look stopped you at once.
“Nothing. I am just not used that a- that I get help with carrying stuff upstairs.”
“You mean Mr Laufeyson´s Sugarbabies? I am not like them.”, you frowned.
“Yes, and I know. Just-”, he stammered casting his eyes on the floor in embarrassment.
“Unusula. I get it.”, you honestly smiled, “Though I am one now.”
Something in your voice at the last part of your exclamation made him send you a sad smile.
“Come on. Let´s get you settled in a bit more.”
“Alright”, you nodded, “and then some hot chocolate.”
“What do you want?”, your former employer sneered once you entered the coffee-shop. Her eyes glaring daggers into you.
“Hello to you, too. I am here to get my last cheque, my papers and recipe-book that is still here. As well as a triple-hot-chocolate with two marshmallows, please.”, you smiled your best customer-service-smile.
“And a large coffee for me.”, Bucky piped up from right behind you.
“Sure. I assume ´To Go´?”
“Yes, pleased.”, you smiled even brighter.
“Give me a moment.”, your ex-boss grumbled before leaving into the back to hopefully get what was yours.
“Asshole much?”, your friend whispered from behind and you nodded.
One of your old coworkers began to make your order in the meantime.
“Thank you, Chris. How is school doing?”, you started to make small-talk, this time with a real smile.
“It´s alright. My year is about to go on a trip, but without me.”, the young barista answered.
“Don´t have the money, and my Stepdad is an asshole an does not want to pay for it.”, he grumbled and you sighted.
You knew about his situation at home, and would often cover for him, so he could do homework during his break.
“How much is the trip?”
“550 Bucks.”, he sighted again, that was almost a month of work for him, without giving his parents his share of rent that was 150 and the money he saved for college.
“What about the tips?”
“Alright I guess. Though since you aren´t baking the cookies anymore they dropped quite a bit. But if I am lucky I can get enough to go on weekend-trip with my friends next month.”, he smiled thinking about that.
“You can still keep the tips, right? No sharing them with the others or the boss since I left?”, you questioned, an idea had crossed your mind.
“Everything is the same, why?”, he answered a bit baffled about your question.
“No particular reason. Bucky. This order is on me.”, you grinned.
“Alright.”, he shrugged, tough you assumed he knew what you were planning.
“Hand me the card reader, would you? Prizes are still the same?”, you offered your open palm to the boy, who nodded and finished your order.
Accepting the reader, you typed in 10$ for the order and 600$ under tip, “ Here you go. Have fun on that trip. And before you ask, I got a really well paying new job.”
“Thank you so much!”, the Highschooler  breathed with teary eyes.
“See it as a graduation gift. But don´t tell anyone, ok?”
“Promised””, the boy quickly nodded, zipping his lips with a motion of his hands, though he quickly stopped when his boss returned with your things.
“Here!”, your ex-boss sneered almost slamming your things on the counter, “If you could leave now please.”
“We may. Hve a nice day!”, and with that, the two of you left.
“That was nice what you did there.”, Bucky hummed back behind the wheel.
“He deserves a few days of fun. His Stepdad is an asshole. A HUGE one.”
“So, where do we start shopping?”
Part 8
AN2.0 How will this turn our for the reader? And will her family make an appreance again in later chapters?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
Thank you very much.
@jadepc​@pacifyhxlsey​ @thankyoukarenclifford​
@thankyouforanonymity​  @punkrockhufflefluff​
@scarletraine @buckycaptspideypool  @markusstraya @graveyard-groupie @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil
@yknott81​    @banner-and-bucky-are-life​ @forext20​ @dyanlzbb​  @so-finster-die-nacht @emmii4​ @bitchwhytho​ @ladyofmyst​   @jilldsumner​ @momc95​ @appreciating-fanfics​
@bits-and-bobs-and-kawaii-stuffs @mimmie666​   @fullranchwolfoperator
@cluelessnitwhit​ @youknowitsclouds @his-paradox @purplerainharry​
@spootgaai2000 @iamsuperjenna​ @nikkipea​   @alexakeyloveloki @timelordy-fangirl2 @girrafeeeeeee
I couldnt tag a few of you… sorry.
Want to get tagged as well? Comment, Reblog or send an ask to let me know.
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chnsfairy · 5 years
name please ? | han jisung
words ; 3,441
genre ; fluff, a bit of crack
requested ; yes, who prompt 1;iv ( @skzrequests )
warnings ; barista!reader, guitarist!jisung, like two curse words
a/n ; ok so i bent the prompt juST a lil bit but it has the same general idea and i think it turned out ok so i hope you enjoy it lovely !
m.list in bio
“you know y/n, one day you’re gonna have to learn how to make latte art properly,, ( ̄  ̄|||)” woojin complains before once again guiding your hand over the small mug which at this point is just a huge mess
“and on your own”
( ̄ε ̄@) ( ̄ε ̄@) meanie
“you’ve been what ? working here for half a year and you still dont know how-” woojin tried to continue, but unfortunately for him, his attempt to teach you how to correctly use steamed milk has come to a crashing halt as a loud bang followed by groans was heard by the front door
you turned on your heel and headed towards the front of the counter,, trying to figure out what exactly caused the ruckus in the usually peaceful coffee shop
excluding your’s and woojin’s bickering in the back
“uhhhh excuse me ???” you ask,, carefully peering over to the giant mess that was now on the floor
“you ok sir ?” (・人・)
sprawl across the floor, carrying a guitar case, it seemed as if the stranger misinterpreted both the speed he was entering the door at and the size of the case,, cause it seemed he got caught at the door ahfjksadhfkjsa poor kid (。╯︵╰。)
he came dressed in some simple ripped light jeans, white t-shirt, and light jacket, plus his fluffy brown hair messily laying atop his head as if he just got out of bed
i mean who knows maybe he did
yes he did
“aH ! im um,, so sorry im late....”
after finally collecting himself the stranger stood up and picked up his guitar case,, pink tinting his face from embarrassment and like...you know... he kinda cute (*/ω\)
no tea no shade
especially when he started messing with his already messy hair yeah there was no use trying to fix that mess but uWU LOOK AT HIS CHEEKS AND SPARKLY BROWN EYES AHHH !!!! (/▽\*)。o○♡
woah woah there cool in y/n he just walked in
it’s not your fault he just happens to be absolutely adorable
but maybe it would be best to stop staring at him,,,, 
when the boy started walking towards the counter you found yourself quickly shuffling behind woojin, who was now confused, as you pushed him up front to handle with the newcomer,,  
“hi so i was hired a couple days ago to play a few nights a week ?? this is the right place yeah ? im sure i got the address right....if n-”
woojin interrupted his ramblings before he could continue any further,, bless him
“ oh !! so thats who the boss was talking about !! yeah let me just head back to make eveything’s in order, um y/n can you get him a drink or something ?”
walking away from you he left you completely exposed,, giving the other boy across from you an awkward laugh you grabbed woojin’s shirt quickly to stop him from leaving
“woojin you didnt tell me we were getting a new guitarist !!” you whispered harshly
“ᵒʳ ᵃ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ”
“well sorry i didnt think it was important ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
“does our friendship mean nothing to you”
woojin laughs quietly as he walks through the the door leaving you alone with the cafe’s new guitarist who just so happens to be looking like a whole ass model
“so um,, ” you started nervously,, mAN who thought this one person you make you so fLUSTERED JHASKKSAFKL
“want anything to drink ?”
after staring at menu up on the wall for a couple seconds the guitarist gave you a small smile JHFJKAGJISFIJEHUIGH before nodding his head
“sure can i have an iced latte ?”
out of habit you immediately asked “name please ?”
“oh you know... just your friendly neighborhood squirrel”
(・・ ) ? (・・ ) ? (・・ ) ?
you eyed the boy who was now leaning up against the counter smiling to himself
“i- oh come on wh-”
“thats the name,, you better write it down”
sighing to yourself you carefully wrote it down,, not necessarily sure if you even need to but who cares
as the musician pulled out his wallet to pay you put up your hand to stop him
cause no way you were letting this cute boy pay for his drink
plus he’s an employee as well
“it’s on the house”
“no please let me pay for it ( `ε´ )”
so without anyone else there to help, you stepped away from the register and started prepare this strange guitarist’s drink
quietly laughing to yourself as you do so
moments later woojin walks back through the door and out from behind the counter and motions for mystery boy to follow him towards the small stage the cafe had
it was small and shoved into a corner, all wooden as most of the cafe was and it was covered with many different plants and decorated with fairy lights
vv aesthetic if you do say so yourself
then in the center of it was a stool and microphone for performer to set up with and use when they were performing
a couple months ago you had a band play here on friday’s so you had some other equipment in the back but it seemed unnecessary for a simple acoustic guitar 
you watched as the boy looked at the fairy lights and the actually quiet beautiful set up in awe
the musician started to unpack his guitar case as you finished off his drink and started walking towards the stage where woojin was showing him where everything was
“you know now that i really think about it ‘squirrel’ kinda suits you”
the sparkly eyed boy laughed as you handed him his drink,, unknowing of what you should say you ended up standing there awkwardly for a few seconds before  realizing there was another customer back at the register
“ah- i should,, probably go” you said jabbing your thumb towards the counter before awkwardly heading back
you dont even know his name....(。•́︿•̀。) (。•́︿•̀。) (。•́︿•̀。)
lil thot wont give it to you
but thats ok
if he wants to play it like this then thats fINE
you can deal with that
by the time you had finished helping out the other customer you started to hear the sweet sound of an acoustic guitar being played throughout the coffee shop
“you know he’s not half bad,,,”
woojin had returned from helping the musician get settled and soon found his regular spot on a stool in the corner
“yeah,, he’s pretty good isn’t he”
and then a few minutes later you found yourself completely absorbed in the brunette’s angelic voice filling the shop, his guitar only making it even more beautiful
your staring was soon interrupted by woojin pushing you off to the side so he could help a lady who had walked in about a minute ago,, which you hadn’t realized (>﹏<) oops
“y/n would you like to go take your break ?”
(´♡‿♡`)  (´♡‿♡`)  (´♡‿♡`)
“ can i ???”
woojin motioned you to go once again,, and as you were already so distracted it wouldn’t have made much of a difference
you found yourself sitting at an empty table in the corner,, you’ve heard some other guitarists perform many times in your life but this one takes the cake
you’re not too sure what it is about him but,,, he just looked and sounded so sincere with every word he sang ??? the guitar and him looked like they were a single creature,, knowing exactly how to work as one
it was just really beautiful
he was playing a cover of a song you’ve heard a few times before called ‘better days’ by jaie,, he also seemed to have ended up adding some extra elements to fit his voice better and overall it made an incredible impact
almost everyone else in the cafe had their eyes on the musician singing up front who looked so immersed in his music there would’ve been no time for stage fright
“i’ve had my better days, and you’ve had your better days too” he sang quietly
soon after the song had ended there was a light applause from the customers in the coffee shop,, including you who soon.... realized that you need a paycheck....
yeah ok the cute boy is gonna have to wait we gotta get that bread kids
(╥_╥) (╥_╥)
after making the short walk back to your position behind the counter where woojin found his spot once again on his stool until he had to go make up some drinks you started to hear an acoustic version of million dollar man by lana del rey flow through the cafe
it was simple and elegant and you felt kinda sad you couldnt sit and watch :(((((
there was only a couple hours left before you had to close up so you guess it wasnt that bad,, at least you got to listen to some pretty music during the normally slow and quiet closing shift
honestly at this rate you might fall asleep if the guitarist kept the atmosphere this peaceful,, i mean you weren’t complaining bUT THAT PROBABLY WOULDN’T LOOK GOOD TO THE BOSS
so instead you ended up reading for the most of the time until all the customers had all left and woojin had begun wiping down tables and sweeping floors as mystery boy packed up his guitar and papers
then after you finished cleaning up the counter and throwing all the trash out back you collected your own belongings and changed back into your own plain jeans and sweatshirt before clocking out for the day
as you headed back towards the front you saw woojin talking to the unnamed guitarist and waved at the pair before finally walking out the door and into the early spring air
“bye jinnie !! i’ll see you tomorrow !”
nodding his head woojin continued to chat with the brunette as you started heading down the block and towards your apartment
man,,, why did he have to be so cute ??! >:((((
(ノ_<、) you’ll have to get it from him tomorrow
aAAH even if it’s the last thing you have to do
ok so maybe you went to sleep thinking about the sparkly eyed boy who played beautiful guitar and had an aMAZING voice but like ajdhjsahd who wouldn’t
the next day was mainly the same,,, you had your regulars and a few newcomers who just so happened to be in the neighborhood and stopped in for a drink
and of course the guitarist walked back into the shop a little after 4,, this time slightly more put together 
his hair was styled a bit and looked even better but how the fuck is that possible,, today he was also wearing a leather jacket over a yellow hoodie and black jeans
although you hadn’t realized he’d come in yet ahjksfhasdjk
but when you finally looked up you were pleasantly surprised
“what are you a ninja ? ”
“yes y/n,, i am in fact a ninja ”
“it’s on your name tag”
“oh yeah”
you slightly pouted at the boy in front of you who had become slightly amused by your reaction,, you were cute uwu
“and what would you like today ?” you proceeded as you tried to keep the conversation going
“hmm how about a cappuccino”
he responded after a couple of seconds
you sighed once again before talking out a paper cup sharpie in hand
“and name ?”
"you said it yourself,,, im a ninja”
you laughed again before rolling your eyes as you scribbled down ‘ninja’ on the cup
“you’re funny you know that ?”
the male shrugged his shoulders and picked up his guitar case once again
he then laughs hysterically before heading back towards the lit stage,, leaving you puzzled
“heY uM woojin ????” you needed to find that man to help do the steamed milk,,, or maybe the whole drink all together
luckily he just came back from his break when you shoved the paper cup into his hands
“ninja ?”
“dont ask. pretty art. make. plEASE ? (ಥ﹏ಥ)” you had started tugging on your friends sleeve because you just really didnt want to give a cute boy a cappuccino without pretty art on it :(((
“fine fine fine,, but this is the LAST time,,, im teaching you this weekend i swear...”
“woojin i loveeeee youuuu” (´ ε ` )♡
“(¬_¬) i know”
minutes later after the musician had gotten set up and with his pretty decorated cappuccino the sweet sound of his voice and guitar filled the air,, having all other customers in the room turn their heads to find exactly where it was coming from
especially as he started doing a cover of instagram by dean,, which was yA KNOW AMAZING
he continued to play for a couple hours until you had to close up,, although every so often he ended up glancing your way,, to find that you were also watching he quickly turned away as he felt his face heat up (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) 
lucky you,, he didnt see you freak out at the exact same time
and thats basically how it went every day for a while
the still unnamed guitarist would walk in some time after 4, ordered a drink and then played for a couple hours before it was time to close up
nothing out of the ordinary
i mean maybe nOT GIVING HIS NAME 
oh why dont you ask, you question ????
“ok real name this time”
“y/n i’ve already told you”
ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ NO
“well tell me again”
“yeah i decided that it changed today”
sighing you completely gave up on this argument and motioned back to the sharpie in your hand 
“kermit the frog.” he said before crossing his arms in a fake pout
“fuck you i love kermit the frog”
“oh i didn’t know you loved me”
“nO I- HNGG T^T ....φ(・∀・*)”
you once again angrily scribbled down this boys fake name,, damn you just wanted to knoW AHHH !!! (╥﹏╥)
those were days where five minute arguments were involved with the name picking yet there were others that lasted only 30 seconds
“ __〆( ̄ー ̄ ) and name please ?”
“yeah no im just leaving this here today”
so after a couple weeks it was just a thing between the two of you
it was your bit per-say
ok maybe you have a tiny crush on the guy but like ???? who wouldn’t ???? he’s just AHhfhasjkf 
words cant properly explain it
the two of you clicked almost immediately and you dont feel as if it would be completely wrong to call him a friend
except most friends know each other’s name...so there’s that bit to work out
so after a month of random names on paper cups you had a mission today to get this cute boy’s name on his drink today >:(
“ok please please please please please please your name????” 
he gave you another one of his bright smiles before simply saying “han”
( ̄_ ̄)・・・ “han what?”
“just han”
(¯ . ¯٥) the lil liar
you know it’s a last name you’re nOT STUPID
“it’s my stage name”
“\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶// WELL THAT DOESN’T COUNT”
you pouted once again at your failed attempt to get his real name,,, the meanie,,, why does he tease you like this >:ccc
but you gotta get paid so you grumpily write down his stage name on the cup as he walked over to the stage
“get his name yet ?” woojin comes up from behind you as you hand him the cup
“no :((( bUT why cant you tell me ????”
“i’ve been sworn to secrecy”
“wHY IS KEEPING A NAME A SECRET” you argue as you watch woojin prepare the drink
“because he finds you cute when you get flustered like this”
“bECAUSE IT’S JUST A NAME LIKE- wait what (・・ ) ”
“oops that was another secret soRRy”
you turned back around and grabbed your friends shoulders and shook him probably a bit too violently
“what pact ?????”
“it was an unspoken pact.”
“thEN HOW AM I- you know what never mind i shouldn’t question your insanity” he waved you off so he could finish making ‘han’s drink leaving you both flustered and confused behind the counter as his guitar soon started filling the empty sounding coffee shop
about two hours later there only remained a few other people left so you decided to take your break for the evening as by now there probably wouldnt be much to do
soon a new song had started playing throughout the cafe and your head turned to see the guitarist giving you a shy smile
it was one you had never heard before so the gentle acoustic guitar and han’s comforting voice drew you back towards one of the shop’s tables where you then sat until all other customers ended up leaving
as the two of you were completely unaware of woojin cleaning up the shop, han continued playing and you continued listening to the mystery song before woojin shouted from the back room, forcing you to break eye contact and awkwardly smile at the guitarist
“y/n im clocking you out ok ?!” 
“ ok !!” you shouted back before once again turning towards han who was now packing up his case
“what was that last song?”
he muscician scratched the back of his neck before laughing sightly
“uhh it was an original although i haven’t actually titled it yet,, i just wanted to test it out”
“oh wow !! well it was really good, you have my approval ☆⌒(≧▽° )”
“woah really ? thank you that mean a lot...”
(・人・) (・人・) (・人・)
ok woojin it would be great if you could just walk in here and break the awkward silence by now hnNG
“sorry what ??”
“han jisung,,, thats my name”
“i think you deserve it by now”
Σ(°ロ°) Σ(°ロ°) Σ(°ロ°)
oh shit (o_O)
well you certainly did not mean to say that out loud
“oops sorry heheheheh”
jisung was GONE
this barista who he had been secretly pining over for a month just called him cute all his insides are just HJSADHKJAKDSA
help the poor boy
his stomach is doing flips as we speak
i mean he couldn’t just leave it as is 
“so um,, does that mean i can take you out to coffee sometime ?”
(;;;*_*) (;;;*_*)
“although unless you dont want to-”
“i get that like you kinda just learned my name”
“not too sure why that was kept a secret so long but- what?”
“jisung 1. ahhh cute name, 2. yes, i’d love to (/。\)”
jisung gave you another one of his adorable bright smiles that felt as if it could light up a whole room,, which is did as always,, although this time he looked almost even happier
and for once you went to sleep without racking your brain for ideas as to what his name could be
bonus ;
“although if you give them something other than your name i will leave”
“like did me saying ‘name please ?’ cause you to freak out or something ?? honestly i’m very curious”
“wELL when it just so happens to be someone looking very cute...yes i did,,,,”
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osamuniichann · 4 years
Map of the Soul: 7
After a ~315 day drought without new music and a comeback from the legends, we are finally back with MOTS: 7! It been a hot minute since ive done a album review (solely for myself LMAO) so lets get back into it bc this album is a home run
Interlude: Shadow. Here we have the extended version of the interlude. can i just say that the lyrics to this masterpiece are so real and true. its not suga speaking nor is it agust d, this is min yoongi speaking of his internal conflict with the celebrity life, which is heartbreaking. on another note, the visuals of the mv are stunning and the ending--dont u just wanna go apeshit??? truly a great addition to the album!
Black Swan. sister black swan has been with us for a month-ish now? it still bumps. HARD. i blasted this to and from my drive to work to the point where i was scared if id get sick of the song but that didnt happen. the way how its hard to pinpoint when and where a member would sing/rap because they INTENTIONALLY wanted the voices to blend as if they were one body. this is the group’s narrative on how no matter how passionate one is on a certain craft, when they lose that drive, its like a death. and it is up to themselves to spark that love and interest once again. a very relatable story across various media, talents, skills, etc.
Filter. When I first heard that this was a jimin solo showcasing the many sides of Jimin, i thought that it was going to be a sad ballad to kind of follow the theme mots: 7 seemed to give off; thought that it would talk about how he has to force personas onto himself to appeal to the masses, but it is the complete opposite. Jimin is all the faces he puts on, he can be cute, sweet, and caring Jimin but he is also a sexy, flirty young man that can attract any living being. how he switches from falsettos to a lower register voice is beyond me, what a versatile one he is! <3
My Time. Moving onto jungkook’s solo, I knew the lyrics were going to be sad especially when it seems to compare himself to others his age. How he speaks about how fast time runs for him, how his childhood and current life is not of the average 22 year old (LIKE UM HERE I AM, SAME AGE AS JUNGKOOK AND IM NORMAL AF while he’s out here breaking records?? WOW). but the life of jungoo can be a bit overwhelming, completely understandable. I just want our boi JK to know that he can be himself and live freely despite such different circumstances. On another note, the groove of this track is so GOOD. it reminds me of Ari and ugh i LIVE for this jam
Louder Than Bombs. When the track started, I could totally tell Troye Sivan helped produce it, it has such a unique sound that only Troye would use. It sounds like this song would totally be on a movie soundtrack IDK WHY. like, i can picture it during an apocalypse movie sldkjg im not completely sure what the meaning is to the song (bc im big stupid) but i feel like its a track saying that no matter the struggles, they will continue to sing confidently, strongly, and wholly to us endlessly. beautiful, just beautiful.
ON. Moving on to the title track of MOTS: 7! I’m very picky about strong anthem-type songs but ON is actually p addicting HAHA There’s a background sound that repeats in the back that sounds like Sans from Undertale, aint that wild LMAO but anyways, the Manifesto Film was crazy good. The drums, the band, the breakdown of it all? UNBELIEVABLE. Also, JK’s vocals during the bridge? H O W. That breakdown tho...oof, that was amazing. They still dance with the thirst that rookie bts would and i think thats why ppl are so drawn to them no matter how many years pass. Fun fact: the choreographer of ON as well as Dionysus actually is from my city in Hawaii and we went to the same high school THATS WILD. the talent she holds!
UGH! Rap line ATE this shit, are we KIDDING. An ode to all the hate comments that we receive, u can see how fed up they are. They made POINTS and we all agree, its the damn law. The way how they opened up with a gunshot, we knew it was coming. Everyone joked about how we bout to hear some gunshots on this album, well they threw ALL of it on this track. Can i just say that Hobi’s verse tho? it hits different, it really do. When they went “ahem, ahem. ahem, ahem-ahem, YOUR AHEM. AHEM-AHEM--” OOOOOUGH i felt that shit!! god, imagine this in concert...the building aint ready!
0:00 (Zero O’ clock). Now we have the vocal line track, we knew they were bout to present some vocals. Great sound, slow and reflecting. Not the first track I’d listen to but it is a great listen. The lyrics tho get to me. The way how they comfort us and say that life can be rough but you can be happy. no matter what happens, with the turning of the clock to 0:00, its a brand new day and we can make the day better. what a powerful message that all of us need to hear once in a while. we will be happy guys, we deserve to be.
Inner Child. Tae’s solo which is a message to his young self. I expected a slow ballad filled with his warm vocals reminiscent of Winter Bear, 4 o’ clock, and Scenery but boi was I wrong. He has this sunset glow voice that wraps u so warmly and the sound is just so happy, pure, and innocent. Its a hopeful message to his younger self on how we will change and be the amazing person we want to or will be. I was sobbing at this song, I tell u. It was 2:00 am in the morning and I was sobbing into my pillow. Imagine comforting your past self that everything will be okay and to take ur hand, it will be all worth it in the end. When he sang “ur my boy, my boy, my boy, my boy!” Ugh...the tears!
Friends. When I heard this was a vmin duet expressing their friendship with each other, I knew it was going to be so emotional! I didn’t expect such a fun, poppy sound tho. They truly are soulmates, the love they have for each other is so wholesome and real, it truly exhibits the love I have for my friends--they’ve been with me through thick and thin, during happy and sad times; the amounts of serotonin they give me is just HHHH. The way how Tae and Jimin have been friends since high school until now is just ugh...we love it. Towards the end when they started singing “you are my soulmate!” towards each other, i started sobbing so hard because WOW. the shivers i felt, this song made me so happy and full! 
Moon. Next we have Jin’s solo which is an ode to us army’s. And on another perspective, this is a song from the moon (jin) to the Earth (army)--i have tears in my eyes. The lyrics especially got me in a chokehold and made me sob, the way how he says that he will always be by our side no matter what, the same way how we are there for him...god. The chorus really gets to me, it feels so happy and thankful and I just want to tell Jin that I will forever follow him and the boys. They’ve been with me for years now and I will continue to support, love, and listen to them. Ily to the moon and back, our moon.
Respect. I didn’t expect a Namgi duet but HERE WE ARE. Goddd when i heard that i was SO EXCITE. They’ve known each other for +10 years now and they never miss the chance to tell everyone that they’ve been friends for that long. Not @ how they disliked each other at first but grew to be so mf close, to the point where their family. Ughhh, im so uwu rn. Im so happy, so so happy that Nams started it with AYO SUGA; i SCREAMED. Also, i heard that they recorded it in one take and i could see how much fun they had--especially considering that their rap styles are completely different. Even tho in the song they joke about not knowing what the word Respect means, we know...we just KNOW the high amounts of respect they have for each other. As they mentioned before, Yoon’s respects towards Nams’ leadership and care towards everyone and Nams’ respect towards Yoon’s love and passion for music and producing. Peak comedy is Yoongs overloading on autotune during his parts to the point where its intentional. Bless Namgi.
We are Bulletproof: The Eternal. I felt like a CLOWN when this track started. Like everyone, i thought we were going to have a third installment similar to that of the strong, hip-hop, gunshot-filled part 1 and 2 of we are bulletproof, but we were met with soft vocals and rap. The lyrics tho get to me. This truly was a song about their entire journey and i felt like I experienced all years with them. They’ve been through so much and the way how they sang “we are we are together/forever bulletproof!” They are proud of where they came from and it has stuck with them till now. They are such real people...i cry. ALSO the “We were only seven, but we have you all now.” Whenever i see pictures of their debut fanmeets/concerts vs now its just crazy. imagine singing as an entire being during concerts when they start “OOOOH OH OHH” im so immensely proud of the feats they’ve reached and im excited on what they do next! <3
Outro: Ego. The way how he started it with the fitness gram pacer test just like in previous albums, ugh what a throwback! this song is such a Hobi track, its fun, dance-inducing and its just so FEEL GOOD. the way how he switches flows and is capable of doing so is *chef’s kiss* the way how he speaks about the path he takes is difficult but he doesnt regret it...SOBS also the mv??? UGH SO CUTE. the flashbacks too;; i cry
ON (feat. Sia). With this track, there’s not much extra I can say, all my opinions still stand with the original track wit ot7. I jokingly told my friend that if Sia is gonna be on the track “hey nanana’ing” the same why Halsey was only “oh my my my’ing” i will ctfu. and...welp, that was what happened. I do love Sia tho so props to her!
Overall: I initially thought that MOTS: 7 was going to be a dark, ballad-filled album but it was anything but. It had so much fun songs, the lyrics are again, so deep and meaningful--it pulls at your heartstrings. It felt so raw, personal, emotional, and i love it in all its being. The boys will continue to amaze me no matter what they put out and i forever and endlessly will support and love them the same way they do for us. MOTS: 7 is a masterpiece and im in love
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