#and they represent abundance and fertility
the 4 moon cycles: white moon cycle
there are four cycles that a woman can be on — the white, pink, red, or purple moon cycle. each cycle is represented by a different archetype and the type of cycle that you're in indicates what you should be focusing your energy on in that cycle.
the white moon cycle is for those that bleed with the nu moon and ovulate with the full moon. this is in alignment with nature's rhythm, syncing you up with the fertility and abundance that is readily available to us. in this cycle, you're being called to create nu life whether that be via children, a nu project, a nu environment, etc. your manifestations are able to anchor and materialize with ease if you're on the white moon cycle. nu moons are for releasing while full moons are for manifesting.
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during your cycle, you want to make sure that you are spending time in solitude, doing your shadow work, and spending time clearing house so by the time your womb is ripe to conceive during the full moon, you've created the space to house your manifestations and experience growth + prosperity through them.
this cycle is linked to the mother archetype. you'll find yourself spending a lot of time in nurture mode and any frustrations felt during your cycle could be a result of lack of care. using your luteal phase to address the mother wound and how it's held you back would be super beneficial for connecting with the mother energy in its highest vibration. you can also benefit from consuming a diet that aids in fertility (e.g. eggs, salmon, spinach, and avocado)
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that-cunning-witch · 1 year
everyone else's money bowls: money! herbs! green candle!
me: hm yes but what if... rice?
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witchboxco · 3 months
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Ostara Altar Ideas & Correspondences
Ostara, also known as the Vernal Equinox, marks the balance between light and dark, symbolizing renewal, fertility, and the awakening of the Earth from its winter slumber.
Ostara Correspondences
Symbols: Eggs, rabbits, spring flowers, seeds, and chicks.
Colors: Pastel shades such as green, yellow, pink, and light blue.
Crystals: Aquamarine, rose quartz, moonstone, and clear quartz.
Plants: Daffodils, tulips, crocuses, and other early spring ephemerals.
Herbs: Jasmine, honeysuckle, and vervain.
Foods: Fresh fruits, leafy greens, eggs, honey, and sprouts.
Altar Decorations
Spring Flowers: Adorn your altar with fresh flowers like daffodils, tulips, or cherry blossoms to symbolize the awakening of nature.
Eggs: Decorate eggs with natural dyes or paint them with symbols of fertility and growth. Arrange them in a nest or basket on your altar.
Rabbits and Chicks: Incorporate small figurines or images of rabbits and chicks to represent the fertility of the season.
Symbols of Balance: Place representations of balance, such as scales or yin-yang symbols, to honor the equilibrium of light and dark during the equinox.
Spring Incense: Burn incense blends featuring floral scents like jasmine or lavender to evoke the essence of spring.
Altar Cloth: Use a pastel-colored cloth as the base for your altar to reflect the hues of the season.
Candles: Light candles in colors associated with Ostara, such as yellow or light green, to welcome the return of the sun.
Seeds and Soil: Display small pots of soil or bowls of seeds to symbolize the potential for growth and new beginnings.
Divination Tools: Incorporate divination tools like tarot cards or runes to seek guidance and insight for the season of growth ahead.
Offerings: Leave offerings of fresh fruits, flowers, honey, or bread as a gesture of gratitude to the Earth for its abundance.
As you prepare your altar for Ostara, infuse it with your intentions for renewal, growth, and the blossoming of new opportunities. May you find warmth in the returning sun. <3
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wishbonewitch · 1 year
common outdoor items & their uses
a guide to common outdoor items and their magickal uses.
acorns- luck, protection, wisdom, power
walnuts- healing, protection, self care
pinecones- fertility, masculinity, growth, nature
pine needles- cleansing, healing, strength, banishment
pecans- employment, protection, success, abundance, prosperity
grass- growth, learning, healing, new beginning, grief, recovery
maple leaves- feminine, travel, change, decisions, healing
oak leaves- truth, justice, knowledge, steadfastness, protection, guidance
birch leaves- protection, cleansing, fertility, purification
dandelions- calling spirits, divination, healing
dandelion seeds- divination, wishes, manifestation, dreams, luck
dandelion leaves- defeating negativity, steadfastness, growth, purification
2 leaf clovers- love, luck, courage, cleansing
3 leaf clovers- protection, luck, fidelity, divination
4 leaf clovers- spirit work, luck, psychic ability, attraction
5+ leaf clovers- wealth, luck, attracting money, sanity
wild clover flowers- animal magick, blessings, breaking curses, luck, love
apple seeds- love, secrets, knowledge, gateways, divination, prosperity
tree bark- protection, binding, banishment, cleansing, purification
rocks- many rocks have crystals hidden inside, the most common is quartz types. if unsure, rockcs can represent strength, stability, protection and banishing. if you suspect its a crystal, look it up and discover the correspondences that matter to you!
will add more as i can, feel free to add your own!!
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
Pick a CARD 🎴
The Best Quality of Your Future SPOUSE
Within you, I discover a heart brimming with kindness, a soul that exudes tranquility, and a mind that dazzles with its brilliance. Your love serves as a radiant beacon, illuminating my world and revealing the very best that life has to offer. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have found all these extraordinary attributes in you.
- Unknown
Please remember that this reading is not personalized, so only take which resonates with you.
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🔷 Card 1
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✲ The Eight of Pentacles represents dedication, hard work, and a strong commitment to improving oneself. Your future partner's most admirable trait is the unwavering dedication to their craft or personal development. A partner who exemplifies diligence, focus, and a relentless pursuit of greatness.
✲ Someone who is wholeheartedly devoted to continuous learning and self-improvement, always striving to broaden their knowledge and to enhance their skills. This card indicates that your perfect match will bring a strong work ethic and a clear sense of purpose to the partnership. Trustworthy and committed, consistently investing effort into the relationship and cherishing its growth and progress.
✲ Picture a future where loyalty, honesty, and dedication blend seamlessly, creating a captivating tapestry. Your perfect match will exemplify these traits, demonstrating it in their life. These unique qualities of your Future Spouse establishes a sturdy foundation for a profound and rewarding partnership, one rooted in trust and shared values.
🔷 Card 2
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✲ The Empress brings forth a radiant and nurturing energy, unveiling the remarkable qualities your future spouse possess. Symbolizing abundance, fertility, and a profound connection to nature, The Empress hints that your beloved will be a caring and nurturing soul, overflowing with genuine love and firm support for you.
✲ Moreover, Your Future Spouse will radiates an aura of happiness and a zest for life. A carefree and playful person which perfectly complements your longing for a partner with a delightful sense of humor. Your partner has the potential to infuse your life with laughter and bring immense joy, creating a relationship that is not only loving but also incredibly fun.
✲ The Card reveals a glimpse of a forthcoming spouse who not only embraces these characteristics I mentioned, but embodies them fully. Your Future Spouse will shower you with love and attention, nurturing and cherishing your partnership, while also bringing a sense of warmth, hilarity, and playfulness to your journey together.
🔷 Card 3
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✲ The Four of Swords symbolizes the importance of taking a break and reflecting on oneself. It implies that your Future Spouse might have a knack for finding solace and tranquility in moments of solitude and deep thought. This card also highlights the significance of self-care and carving out time for personal growth, which can lead to a stronger sense of independence within a relationship. Your future significant other values personal space and cherishes maintaining their individuality while being part in the relationship.
✲ As I tap into the powerful energy of this card, I can sense a magnificent harmony unfolding with you future Spouse. Your future spouse is bound to be someone who deeply values romance, treasuring those special moments of profound connection and intimacy. Furthermore, your future spouse will also understand the importance of nurturing their own individuality, fostering a sense of independence that perfectly complements your own desire for personal freedom.
✲ The incredible potential that lies within this union, where the perfect balance between togetherness and individuality can flourish, creating a partnership that is both enriching and fulfilling. As you encounter your future spouse, it is essential to fully embrace and honor these qualities, providing the space needed for introspection and respecting your spouse independence, all while nurturing the romantic bonds that tie you together. Trust in the journey, for the path is unfolding before you, guiding you towards a profound and harmonious connection with your future spouse.
May these insights empower you as you continue your quest for love!
🤗 Feel free to chat with me if you have any questions about my service. Don't hesitate, I'm here to help!
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lilianasgrimoire · 1 month
Herb Correspondences - M-R
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Mandrake - Spell strengthener. Use for protection, happiness and wealth.  It aids money multiplying. Element Earth. 
Marigold - See Calendula. 
Marjoram - Use for cleansing, purification, and dispelling negativity.  Also aids grief and sadness. Element Air. 
Marshmallow Flower - Cleansing, protection, love, sex and fertility. Used in handfasting's. Elements Water. 
Marshmallow Root - Protection and psychic powers.  Use in tea to aid sore throats. Handfasting herbs and cleansing.  Element Water.  
Meadowsweet - Used to increase the chances of getting a job. Helps peace, love and happiness.  Aids divination. Element Air. 
Mint - Promotes energy, communication and vitality, protection and draws custom. Element Air. 
Mistletoe - Also called Witches Broom. Used for fertility, creativity, and protection from negative spells & magic. Hang at handfasting to kiss beneath and promote peace. Element Air. 
Mountain Ash Berry - Also called Rowan Berry. Strong fairy and Goddess connections. Aids protection and meditation help to clear the mind. Element Fire.  
Motherwort - Mother’s Herb. Love and fertility. Grounding helps against bad luck. Protection and good fortune. Element Fire. 
Mug wort - Use for strength, protection and healing. Mug wort amplifies magic. Aids astral projection, and psychic power.   Element Earth.  
Mullein - Represents the crossroads.  Offers protection from nightmares & hexing.  It attracts love and keeps evil energies and spirits at bay.  Element Fire. 
Mustard Seed - Courage, faith, and endurance. It is a good luck amulet. Aids mental power and offers protection.  Element Fire. 
Myrrh - Spiritual, meditation, and healing. Supports youthfulness and protection.  Luck and peace. Element Earth.  
Nasturtium - Banishing and releasing fear.  It helps create your own reality. Aids creativity and independence.  Element Air. 
Nettle - Uses include dispelling darkness & fear, and curse breaking. Healing and protection and increase lust in partners. Renewal.  Element Fire. 
Nutmeg - Magical uses include attracting money/prosperity, and luck.  Use for fortune telling and when you need favorable decisions to be made. Element Fire. 
Oak - Connected to Litha and the most sacred of all trees.  Oak supports success, good luck and healing. Stability and potency and attract money.  Element Water. 
Orange Peel & Flower- Attracts abundance, luck.  Love and happiness strengthen divination.  Element Fire. 
Oregano - Aids astral projection, health, and vitality.  Increase joy and justice and protect against evil.  Use at Handfasting's. Element Air. 
Parsley - Use this herb to help with contacting the dead. Increases strength, vitality and passion.  It is uplifting and helps spiritual growth. Element Air.  
Passionflower - Attracts friendship and passion. Calming, peace and instills passion into stale relationships. Good for house blessings too.  Element Water. 
Patchouli - Used in spells for connecting with spirits. Money attracts increases fertility and lust. Calming and peaceful.  Element Earth.  
Pennyroyal - Use for peace, harmony and tranquility. Carry to avoid seasickness or for physical strength & endurance. Element Earth. 
Peppermint - Use for headaches and other forms of healing. Increases sleep and love.  Use for increasing psychic power and divination. Element Air. 
Pilewort - See Celandine.  
Pine/Needles - Prosperity and success.  Protection, purification and divination. Throw it in the fire to dispel negativity. Use in house and business blessings.  Element Fire. 
Plantain - Increases fertility and libido.  Healing, protective and offers strength.  Use to have power over supernatural events. Element Earth. 
Poppy Seeds - Pleasure, love and luck.  Aids sleep and insomnia. Use in astral projection and flying magic.  Increases fertility and happiness. Element Water.  
Pumpkin Seed - Use in lunar magic to honor the moon.  Also healing and increases divination. Element Fire. 
Raspberry Leaf - Used for healing, protection, love. Raspberry leaf not to be eaten by pregnant women until due date, as it induces labor. Helps to reduce the pain involved in childbirth. Supports sleep, dreams and love.  Element Water. 
Red Clover - Aids success, love and money.  Increases fidelity. Use in exorcism.  Element Air. 
Rose - Use for divination, increased psychic power, love, lust and healing. It helps strengthen close friendships. Place it around sprains and bruises to help them heal faster.  Element Water. 
Rose Hips - Used in healing spells or to bring good luck and invoking good spirits. Aids stronger love.  Element Water. 
Rosemary - Use in healing poppets and love/lust spells.  Improves memory. Increases sleep, mental power and protection. Burn to help purification and remove negativity. Associated with faery magic.  Element Fire. 
Rowan - See Mountain Ash.  
Rue - Use in healing, health and love.  Also, protection against the evil eye.  Increases mental power and clarity of the mind. Used in exorcism.  Element Fire. 
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tiredwitchplant · 7 months
It's Time for Samhain! (Oct 31- Nov 1)
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What is Samhain? In the Celtic calendar, Samhain marks the end of summer and the harvest season, and the beginning of the dark, cold winter months. It falls opposite Beltane on May 1, which represents the beginning of spring and the life-filled growing season.
It’s believed that the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest on Samhain. Historically, people were worried that they would encounter ornery spirits if they ventured outside on Samhain night, so they dressed as ghosts or wore masks to disguise themselves. Folks would leave treats on their front porch or place an extra setting at the table to welcome any friendly spirits who stopped by. You can see how these Samhain rituals easily morphed into our modern-day version of trick-or-treating in costume.
Nighttime bonfires were another of the long-standing Samhain rituals - this one was thought to help combat the impending darkness of winter and the fearful chill that accompanied the idea of roaming spirits. Because the veil between living and dead is believed to be the thinnest on this night, Samhain is also a powerful night for divination and spellcasting by candlelight.
Usual Symbols of Samhain:
Ale or Mead
Besom or Broom
Apples and Cider
Herbs and Plants for Samhain:
Rosemary – Associated with remembrance and is needed during this season in taking time to honor the memories of our ancestors and other lost loved ones. Can be used in an incense blend and at ancestor altar
Fall Flowers – Includes flowers like marigolds and chrysanthemums. Are associated with protection and chrysanthemums come in handy with connecting to the spirit world
Apples (the fruit, branches and blossoms) – Is considered sacred to a lot of gods. A good apple harvest means that the gods have shown the community their favor. You can use apples in different rituals, especially divination
Pomegranates – Is associated with the realm of the underworld and helps with communication with the dead. It is also associated with fertility of the fall.
Squashes, Pumpkins and Gourds – Is associated with abundance and provides sustenance for your family when the fields become bare and covered in snow. Is linked to psychic awareness and development and protection.
Mugwort – Is associated with divination and dreaming. Using Mugwort baths or incenses in the rituals can focus on treating depression, especially with the seasons changing
Rowan Trees – The branches and berries are a way to keep evil spirits out of your house and are associated with good health. If you plant a tree near a grave, it will prevent the dead from rising.
Sage – Is associated with cleansing and grounding. Is a great incense to cleanse your home to bring in the new and out with the old
Hawthorn – Has been associated with the gateway between humans and the spirit world. Is also rumored to an area where you can see fairies.
Crystals for Samhain:
Amethyst – Aids in opening one’s third eye and is valuable to be able to see Samhain’s spirits around
Black Obsidian – Is great for grounding and protect from evil spirits. Can be used in scrying when speaking to deities and spirits of Samhain
Citrine – Is used to honor the sun. Aids in prosperity spells and carries joy
Black Tourmaline – Wards off unwanted spirits from your property and can be buried into the ground to protect from psychic attacks and spirit intrusion
Orange Calcite – Orange is a sacred color to Samhain. This stone is associated with one’s sacral chakra and can cleanse and align reproductive organs, sexuality and get creativity flowing
Bloodstone – Known to heal cardiovascular illness and disease. Can help with ancestry links and work
Spirit Quartz – Is great in helping communicate with the spirits of Samhain and releasing old and toxic habits
Lepidolite – Used to appease the fairies that roam during Samhain
Serpentine – Is associated with snakes and aids in remembering past lives. Loki seems to like this stone and may be great to use for him if you work with him during this season
Dragonstone – Dragons are guardians of the earth, spirits of place, and connect us to Mother Nature. Helps say goodbye to the old years and our old selves
Skull shaped Stones – Since skulls are symbols of Samhain, skull shaped stone can help with symbolism during this holiday. They represent the life-death-rebirth cycle, wisdom and our ancestors
Spells and Rituals:
A Samhain Tea (Apple and Hawthorn Berry)
1 apple, sliced
2 Tablespoon dried hawthorn berries (or 4 Tablespoons fresh)
1 cinnamon stick
A pinch of cloves
4 cups water
Honey, to taste (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a small stockpot.
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes.
Strain the plant material from the tea, then transfer the tea into two mugs.
Enjoy one for yourself, and leave the other on your table or front porch to nourish any wandering spirits who may pass while the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest.
A Pumpkin Spell for Prosperity
A pumpkin
Some paint
Go to the pumpkin patch (or local store) and select a pumpkin. Or let the pumpkin choose you.
Bring it home and paint prosperity symbols on it – money signs, runes for prosperity or harvest glyphs (whatever means prosperity to you).
Then place by your front door to invite prosperous vibes into your home this Samhain season.
Bonfire Release Purification Spell
Source of fire (bonfire, fireplace, candle flame)
Gather your materials and sit by the fire.
Take a few minutes to just listen to the fire crackling.
Gaze into the flames and connect with this powerful element.
Next begin to think about what habit or person you are releasing this Samhain. Think about why you’re purifying your life from this thing or person.
Then write the habit or person down on the piece of paper.
Fold it away from you 3 times.
Hold it in your hands and allow all of the negative thoughts and energies inside of you to “drain” out of you and into the paper.
Then throw it in the fire and say,
“After this Samhain, never again. Never again. I release _________ from my life by the power of the Samhain fire. So, mote it be.”
How to Make a Samhain Altar
Beautiful autumn leaves or flowers that you collect on a nature walk
A candle
A mugwort bundle
A string of rowan beads
A bowl of apples or a small pumpkin
A hawthorn wand or bowl of freshly picked hawthorn berries
A picture of your ancestors
To make an altar, first find a corner of your home or a table surface where you can arrange a few treasures. You don’t need a ton of space. You could use the top of a dresser, the corner of your desk, an unused side table, etc. 
After you’ve assembled your altar, spend some time sitting quietly in the space. Light the candle and/or mugwort wand, sip on a cup of Apple & Hawthorn Berry Tea and meditate on this energetically powerful day. 
I could find specific written instructions for a crystal grid but I found a video!
Crystal Grid for Samhain
Let's get ready for Samhain and have a great and safe time!
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coven-of-genesis · 8 months
Colour magick
Color magick is a form of magic that utilizes the energetic properties associated with different colors. Each color is believed to have its own unique vibrations and correspondences, which can be harnessed for various intentions or spells.
It's a fascinating aspect of occult practice for those interested in harnessing symbolism and energy in their magical workings.
Here are some common associations for different colors:
1. Red: Often associated with passion, love, strength, and vitality. It can be used for matters of the heart, courage, and energy.
2. Orange: Represents creativity, enthusiasm, and success. It's used for motivation, self-expression, and attracting opportunities.
3. Yellow: Linked to intellect, communication, and clarity. Yellow can be used for mental clarity, confidence, and boosting intellectual pursuits.
4. Green: Represents growth, abundance, and healing. It's associated with matters of prosperity, fertility, and overall well-being.
5. Blue: Associated with peace, calmness, Certainly! Color magick is based on the idea that colors have distinct energetic vibrations and correspondences that can influence our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.
6. Purple: Symbolizes spirituality, wisdom, and transformation. It can be used for spiritual growth, psychic abilities, and seeking higher knowledge.
7. Pink: Often used for matters of love, compassion, and harmony. Pink can be employed for romantic love, self-love, and healing emotional wounds.
8. Black: Symbolizes protection, banishing, and mystery. It's used for absorbing negativity, protection, and working with the shadow self.
9. White: Represents purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment. It's often used for purification, meditation, and connecting with higher realms.
10. Brown: Associated with stability, grounding, and nurturing. It's used for matters of stability, home, and connecting with nature.
Remember, these associations can vary depending on individual beliefs, cultural traditions, and personal experiences.
When using color magick, it's important to trust your intuition and select colors that resonate with you and your specific intentions. Additionally, combining colors in spells and rituals can amplify their effects.
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writers-potion · 3 months
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Plant Symbolisms 🌱🌿🪴
Flora have a special corner in literature.
Starting from the Greco-Roman period when certain plants were representative of gods (like olive trees for Athena), plants have meant more than just a source of food or pleasure.
Lotus - Symbol of creation, rebirth, and the sun. The blue lotus represents spiritual enlightenment, while the white lotus symbolizes purity.
Papyrus - Represents prosperity, growth, and regeneration, often associated with the Nile River and the goddess Isis.
Mandrake - Associated with love, fertility, and aphrodisiac properties.
Poppy - Symbol of sleep, healing, and regeneration, often associated with the god of sleep, Hypnos.
Rose - Represents love, beauty, and the goddess Aphrodite.
Jasmine - Symbol of sensuality, love, and spiritual growth.
Palm - Represents victory, triumph, and eternal life, often associated with the god Osiris.
Acacia - Symbolizes resurrection and the afterlife, linked to the god Osiris and the Tree of Life.
Cornflower - Represents fertility, abundance, and regeneration.
Anemone - Symbol of protection, healing, and renewal.
Anemone, garden: Forsaken.
Almond, flowering: Hope.
Balm: Sympathy.
Bamboo: The emblem of Buddha. The seven-knotted bamboo denotes the seven degrees of initiation and invocation in Buddhism.
Bay leaf: I change but in death.
Bell flower, white: Gratitude.
Bluebell: Constancy.
Broken flower: A life terminated, mortality.
Buttercup: Cheerfulness.
Calla lily: Symbolises marriage.
Campanula: Gratitude.
Carnation, red: Beauty always new
Chrysanthemum: I love.
Clover, white: Think of me.
Clover, four-leaved: Be mine.
Cinquefoil: maternal affection, beloved daughter.
Convolvulus, major: Extinguished hopes or eternal sleep.
Coreopsis, Arkansa: Love at first sight.
Crocus: Youthful gladness.
Cuckoo Pint: Ardour.
Cypress tree: Designates hope.
Daffodil: Death of youth, desire, art, grace, beauty, deep regard.
Daisy: Innocence of child, Jesus the Infant, youth, the Son righteousness, gentleness, purity of thought.
Daisy, garden: I share your sentiment.
Dead leaves: Sadness, melancholy.
Dogwood: Christianity, divine sacrifice, triumph of eternal life, resurrection.
Fern: Sincerity, sorrow.
Figs, Pineapples: Prosperity, eternal life.
Fleur-de-lis: Flame, passion, ardour, mother.
Flower: frailty of life.
Forget-me-not: Remembrance / true love.
Furze or Gorse: Enduring affection.
Grapes: represent Christ.
Grapes and leaves: Christian faith.
Harebell: Grief.
Hawthorn: Hope, merriness, springtime.
Heartsease or Pansy: I am always thinking of you.
Holly: Foresight.
Honeysuckle: Bonds of love, generosity and devoted affection.
Honesty: Sincerity.
Ivy: Memory, immortality, friendship, fidelity, faithfulness, undying affection, eternal life, marriage.
Jonquil: “I hope for a return of affection.”
Lalla: Beauty, marriage.
Laurel leaves: Special achievement, distinction, success, triumph.
Marigold: Grief or despair.
Morning glory: Resurrection, mourning, youth, farewell, brevity of life, departure, mortality.
Mystic rose: Mother.
*some of these flower symbols have Greek or Roman origins but were also used in ancient Egyptian culture.
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skogjeger · 10 months
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Candles' Colours & Associations ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ 
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Candle magic, often referred to as "magick" (a common alternate spelling), offers an accessible and budget-friendly approach to spiritual practices. For centuries, people have incorporated candle rituals into their spiritual routines, making it an integral part of diverse traditions. Candles play a versatile role in various occasions like weddings, birthdays, spells, honouring deities and numerous other celebrations and rituals.
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𖤣𖥧˚ Candle Colour Associations
Each candle colour is associated with distinct energies, intentions, and vibrations. Understanding these associations is essential for crafting meaningful candle rituals. Candles add rather than subtract to your spells, although candles aren't always necessary and you can use any candle and associate your own meanings for them, but here are some common candle colour associations:
White: Purity, spirituality, banishing, cleansing, unveiling, healing, truth, balance, innocence, clarity, peace, new beginnings, and illumination. It represents divine light and is often used for cleansing and invoking spiritual protection.
Red: Passion, love, courage, fire, lust, anger, revenge, sex, power, survival, change, action, assertiveness, and strength. Red candles are employed for matters of the heart, to enhance energy, and ignite motivation.
Orange: Success, enthusiasm, curiosity, change, opportunities, simulation, courage, and attraction. Orange candles are used to stimulate creativity and bring positive energy into endeavors.
Yellow: Creativity, joy, motivation, positivity, relieving negativity, energy, happiness, and clarity. Yellow candles can enhance mental clarity, increase focus, and bring a sense of joy and optimism.
Green: Growth, abundance, fertility, wealth, nature, naivety, healing, and prosperity. Green candles are used for attracting financial well-being and promoting healing and renewal.
Blue: Peace, healing, recollection, psychic growth, justice, study, mental blocks, guidance, calm, honesty, harmony, intuition, and communication. Blue candles aid in deepening meditation, enhancing psychic abilities, and fostering emotional balance.
Purple: Spirituality, wisdom, divination, and higher consciousness. Purple candles are associated with spiritual awakening and seeking inner wisdom.
Pink: Love (self-love), friendship, nurturing, and harmony. Pink candles are often used in rituals focused on self-love, compassion, and nurturing relationships.
Grey: Transmutation, patience, mediating, neutralizing, balance, stability, study, calm, balance, developing psychic abilities, and wisdom. Grey candles are useful when contemplating complex issues and can neutralize negative influences.
Brown: Wisdom, grounding, tenacity, perseverance, stability, rooted, security, woods, family, animals, pets, earth, material items, practicality, rediscovery, reconnection, and balance. Brown candles serve a dual purpose: safeguarding pets and family members, as well as facilitating reconnection with friends and loved ones.
Black: Protection, banishing, endings, absorbing, safety, binding, exorcism, release, death, healing, loss, and releasing negativity. Black candles are used for purification and breaking negative patterns. Some people will also use black candles for revenge spells (white too) or breaking hexes.
𖤣𖥧˚ Metallic Candle Colour Associations
Gold: Abundance, wealth, spiritual illumination, success, good fortune, happiness, ambition, luck, and the sun. Gold candles are used to invoke prosperity, celebrate achievements, and attract positive energies.
Silver: Intuition, self-reflection, perception, awareness, defend, send-back energy, protection, and emotional balance. Silver candles are employed for enhancing psychic abilities, connecting with lunar energies, and invoking the divine feminine.
Copper: Healing, vitality, emotions, autumn, new ideas, relaxation, combining, coming together, and energy balancing. Copper candles are utilized to promote physical healing, boost energy levels, and restore equilibrium.
Bronze: Grounding, strength, autumn, foundation, and courage. Bronze candles are associated with stability, courage, and protection during challenging times.
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Final ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━
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Feel free to reach out to me if you're interested in exploring different candle colours or their associations. You can send me a message directly, drop a note in my inbox, or share your thoughts in the comments, and I'll be happy to expand on the topic!
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violetmoondaughter · 6 months
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Many are the faces of the Hellenic God Dionysus, but the duality of his nature is sometimes connected with two specific plants associated to the god. Dionysus relates to many plants such as Fig, Oak, Pine, Vine and Ivy, these two are specifically connected with two opposite faces of the god. 
Grapevine starts its annual growth cycle in spring with bud break. During spring and summer, the plant grows and after flowering the vine sets the fruits that are usually harvested in early autumn. Following the first frost the leaves begin to fall as the vine starts to enter its winter dormancy period. The following spring, the cycle begins again. Following the same annual cycle Dionysus is seen as a god that is reborn every spring, bringing during the hot season prosperity and abundance before disappearing in winter. Grapevine grows thanks to the hot weather and humidity and so it represents the warm fertilizing humidity power of the god. Grape is used to create wine which is the drink sacred to Dionysus because of its ability to release mental faculties.  
Ivy on the other hand, blossoms in the autumn when the vines are harvested and bears fruit in the spring. As an evergreen plant, ivy needs cold weather and humidity to grow and flower.  Ivy vines crawl as snakes and in the myth, ivy appeared soon after the birth of Dionysus to shelter the child from the flames that burned the mother's body. To its freshness was attributed the virtue of dispelling the ardor of wine, so Dionysus was believed to have commanded his worshippers to crown themselves with it. Ivy, in contrast to the vine that bore fruit bearing vitality and exaltation, produced a poison that sterilized and had medicinal virtues that were refreshingly depurative and narcotic. The plant is also connected with thunder and lightning and was believed to have the power to protect from lightning and cure sore throat and cough. 
Thus these two plants sacred to Dionysus are contrasted with each other in an eloquent contrast: the vine, drunk with light, is a child of heat and returns the rays of the sun by warming, with its libation, bodies and souls, while the ivy shows itself to be cold in nature; indeed the sterility and uselessness of its first sprouts recall night and death. 
Their affinity is rooted in the very essence of the dual-figured god, whose nature is expressed from the earth by means of them: light and darkness, warmth and coldness, intoxication of life and breath of death that withers everything; the multiplicity of the Dionysian aspects struggling with each other and yet conjoined with each other is manifested here in vegetal form, stands in struggle with itself and prodigiously transitions from one form into the other. 
Dionysus rules over all moist and hot creatures whose symbol would also be wine, as a hot and moist substance. In wine, heat is made ardor drink of fire that overwhelms everything, that ignites the soul and the body. But the moist heat is contrasted with the moist cold that as a Dionysian element, is manifested in ivy, a plant that greens even in winter when the Dionysian festivals take place.
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witchboxco · 4 months
Imbolc Altar Ideas & Correspondences
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Imbolc, also known as Candlemas or Brigid's Day, marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It's a time to celebrate the returning light and the awakening of the Earth.
Altar Decorations:
Candles: Imbolc is strongly associated with the element of fire. Decorate your altar with candles in shades of white, yellow, and light blue to represent the increasing daylight.
Brigid's Cross: Craft or purchase a Brigid's Cross, a traditional symbol associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid. Hang it on your altar as a protective charm.
Seasonal Flowers: Place early spring flowers like snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils on your altar. These symbolize the first signs of life returning to the land.
Herbs: Incorporate herbs such as rosemary, thyme, and cinnamon for their purifying and invigorating properties. Bundle them together with a red or white ribbon.
Seeds: Represent the potential for growth by adding a dish of seeds to your altar. Consider seeds associated with early spring crops like wheat or herbs.
Imbolc Symbols: Include symbols like lambs, ewes, and the sun to capture the essence of this seasonal transition.
Candle Holders: Choose unique candle holders or lanterns to enhance the ambiance. Consider using candle holders in the shape of suns, stars, or nature-inspired designs.
Divination Tools: Add divination tools like tarot cards or runes to your altar for seeking guidance during this transitional period.
Symbolic Stones: Integrate crystals such as citrine for abundance, aquamarine for clarity, and moonstone for intuition. Arrange them aesthetically around your altar.
Feathers: Symbolizing air and spirituality, feathers can be incorporated to invoke the energy of the season. Choose feathers from birds associated with the goddess Brigid, like swans or owls.
Artwork: Display artwork or illustrations that resonate with the themes of Imbolc. This could include depictions of Brigid, snow-covered landscapes, or symbols of growth and renewal.
Imbolc Incense: Craft or purchase incense blends with scents like frankincense, myrrh, and chamomile to fill your sacred space with a soothing and purifying aroma.
Goddess Brigid: Imbolc is sacred to Brigid, the Celtic goddess of hearth, home, and inspiration. Invoke her energy for healing, creativity, and protection.
Colors: White, yellow, light green, and light blue are associated with Imbolc. Use these colors in candles, altar cloths, and decorations to align with the festival's energy.
Stones: Crystals such as amethyst, garnet, and clear quartz resonate with Imbolc's energies.
Foods: Dairy products, especially cheese, and foods made with seeds like bread or muffins are fitting for Imbolc. Set offerings on your altar or incorporate them into your celebration feast.
Water: Imbolc is also associated with the element of water. Include a small bowl of water on your altar to symbolize purification.
Creativity Symbols: Imbolc is a time for inspiration and creative endeavors. Include symbols of your creative pursuits, such as a paintbrush, musical instrument, or writing quill.
Anointing Oils: Create or purchase anointing oils infused with herbs like lavender, rosemary, and frankincense. Use them to anoint candles, tools, or yourself during Imbolc rituals.
Animal Representations: Incorporate figurines or images of animals associated with Brigid, such as lambs, cows, or swans, to honor her connection to the animal kingdom.
Wheat or Corn Dolls: Craft small dolls from wheat or corn husks, symbolizing the harvest to come. Place them on your altar as a representation of the Earth's fertility.
Bell or Chimes: Hang a bell or wind chimes near your altar to symbolize the awakening of nature and the stirring of life. Ring it during your Imbolc rituals to mark significant moments.
Decorative Cloth: Choose an altar cloth with intricate patterns or symbols related to Imbolc, such as suns, wheels, or Brigid's crosses, to add a touch of magic to your sacred space.
May you find warmth in the returning light. <3
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darksilvania · 2 years
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They are based on Dionysus, the greek god of god of the grape-harvest, winemaking, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity, and theatre
Kroelian SLOWPOKE (Grass/Water) is able to grow a special type of berry from its tail, that can be used to make a very potent wine, the berry alone is strong enough to get you drunk, and SLOWPOKE is often seen eating its own berries, leaving him in a constant state of intoxication. Kroelian SLOWBRO (Grass/Water) After evolving into its large shell, SLOWBRO's tail begin to grow rapidly, completely filling the shell with vines and fruits.SLOWBRO can be seen often eating this fruit, resting on its own bed of leaves and vines in a state of blisfull drunkness
Kroelian SLOWBRO is based on the Cornucopia,  also called the horn of plenty, a greek symbol of abundance and nourishment
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Both SLOWBRO & SLOWPOKE have the abilities Harvester and Rippen
Kroelian SLOWKING (Grass/Fairy) It travels around dancing and singing with drunken glee, its presence alone makes trees and orchards to grow fruits and the fields to grow crop and with a wave of its tail, flowers bloom all around. The shell on its head has broken in two, the piece still on its head now resembles a crown, while the tip of the shell has become a drinking horn the its always full with wine, a single sip of this wine is enough to get grown man drunk.
SLOWKING's tail is meant to resemble the Thyrsus, Dionysus sacred staff, a symbol of prosperity, fertility, and hedonism, the petals around its neck are meant to represent the panther skin that Dionysus usually was represented wearing and the Shell resembles the drinking cup that he was often seeing carrying.
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SLOWKING has the abilities Grassy Surge and Poison Heal
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
"Of South Korea’s countless kilograms of annual food scraps, very few will ever end up in a landfill. This is because of two reasons—the first is that it’s been illegal since 2005, and the second is because they have perhaps the world’s most sophisticated food waste disposal infrastructure.
While representing a significant burden on the economy, the food waste disposal nevertheless produces ample supplies of animal feed, fertilizer, and biogas that heats thousands of homes.
As the New York Times’ John Yoo and Chang Lee reported from Seoul, South Korean cuisine tends to lend itself to creating food scraps, since many staple dishes come with anywhere from a few to a few dozen sides.
With the culture erring on the side of abundance rather than restraint, many of these small dishes of tofu, kimchi, bean sprouts, and other bites would be tossed in the landfill if it wasn’t illegal to do so.
The government put the ban hammer on it because the mountainous terrain isn’t ideal for landfill construction.
Instead, restauranteurs and street hawkers pay the municipality for a sticker that goes on the outside of special bins. Once filled with food scraps, they are left on the road for collectors in the morning who take 90% of all such waste in the country to specialized collection facilities.
At apartments and among residential housing areas, hi-tech food waste disposal machines are operated by a keycard owned by residents under contract with the disposal companies.
Once taken to the recycling facilities, the food is sorted for any non-food waste that’s mixed in, drained of its moisture, and then dried and baked into a black dirt-like material that has a dirt-like smell but which is actually a protein and fiber-rich feed for monogastric animals like chickens or ducks.
This is just one of the ways in which the food scraps are processed. Another method uses giant anaerobic digestors, in which bacteria break down all the food while producing a mixture of CO2 and methane used to heat homes—3,000 in a Seoul suburb called Goyang, for example. All the water needed for this chemical process comes from the moisture separated from the food earlier.
The remaining material is shipped as fertilizer to any farms that need it.
All the water content is sent to purification facilities where it will eventually be discharged into water supplies or streams.
While one such plant was shut down from locals complaining about the unbearable smell, many plants are odorless, thanks to a system of pipes built into the walls that eliminate it via chemical reaction.
It’s the way South Korea does it. Sure, it costs them around $600 million annually, but they have many admirers, including New York City which hopes to implement similar infrastructure in the coming years."
-via Good News Network, June 15, 2023
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greenwitchcrafts · 11 months
August 2023 witch guide
August 2023 witch guide
Full moon: August 1st in Aquarius
New Moon: August 16th
Blue moon: August 30th Aquarius into Pisces
Sabbats: Lughnasadh August 1st

August Sturgeon Moon
Also known as: Corn moon, harvest moon, ricing moon, barley moon, dog moon, fruit moon, grain moon, herb moon, red moon & wyrt moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo & Virgo
Animal spirts: Dryads
Deities: Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Mars, Nemesis, Thot & Vulcan
Animals: Dragon, lion, phoenix & sphinx
Birds: Crane, eagle & falcon
Trees: Alder cedar & hazel
Herbs/plants: Basil, bay, chamomile, fennel, orange, rosemary, rue & St. John's wort,
Flowers: Angelica, marigold, sunflower
Scents: Frankincense & heliotrope
Stones: Carnelian, cats/tiger's eye, fire agate, garnet, red jasper & red agate
Colors: Gold, orange, red & yellow
Energy: Authority, appreciation, courage, entertainment, finding your voice, friendship, gathering, harvesting energy, health, love, pleasures, power &vitality
Sturgeon moon gets it's name from the high numbers that are caught at the Great Lakes & Lake Champlain in North America during this time of year. The names come from a number of places including Native Americans, Colonial Americans & European sources.

Also known as: Lammas, August eve & Feast of bread
Season: Summer
Symbols: Scythes, corn, grain dollies & shafts of grain
Colors: Gold, green, yellow, red, orange, light brown & purple
Oils/incense: Aloe, apple, corn, eucalyptus, safflower, rose & sandalwood
Animals: Cattle & chickens
Stones: Aventurine, carnelian, citrine, peridot, sardonyx & yellow diamond
Foods: Apples, grains, barley cakes, wild berries, cider, honey, potatoes, rice, sun shaped cookies, blackberry, corn, nuts, breads, blueberry. berry pies & grapes
Herbs/Plants: Alfalfa, aloe, all grains, blackberry, corn, corn stalk, crab apple, fenugreek, frankincense, ginseng, goldenseal, grapes, myrtle, oak leaves, pear, rye, blackthorn &wheat
Flowers: Sunflower, cyclamen, heather, hollyhock & medowsweet
Goddesses: Aine, Alphito, Bracacia, Carmen, Ceres, Damina, Demeter, Freya, Grain goddesses, Ishtar, Kait, Kore, Mother Goddess, Sul, Sun Goddesses, Taillte, Zaramama, Ereshkigal & Ianna
Gods: Athar, Bes, Bran, Dagon, Ebisu, Dumuzi, Ghanan, Grain Gods, Howtu, Liber, Lono, Lugh, Neper, Odin, Sun Gods & Xochipilli
Issues, Intentions & Power:  Agriculture, changes, divination, endings, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Sun magick, rituals of thanks/offerings, bounty, abundance & fire magick
Bake fresh bread
Weave wheat
Take walks along bodies of water
Craft a corn doll
Watch the sunrise
Eat outside with family/friends/coven members
Donate to your local foodbank
Prepare a feast with your garden harvest
Give thanks to the Earth
Decorate your altar with symbols of the season
Clean up a space in nature
Plant saved seeds
This cross-quarter fire festival is celebrated on August 1st or the first full moon of Leo & the seventh sabbat of the year. It represents the first harvest when the Earth's bounty is given for the abundance received.
Some believe this is the time where the God has weakened & is losing his strength as seen in the waning of the day's light. The Goddess is pregnant with the young God who will be born on Yule.
In some traditions, this day honors the Celt god Lugh, the god of craftsmanship; He is skilled in many things including wheel making, blacksmithing & fighting. Though there is some discrepancy as to why Lugh is honored on this day. Some tales say it's because he held a harvest faire in honor of his adoptive mother, Tailtiu.

Farmersalmanac .com
Boston Public Library- The Origins & Practices of Lammas/Lughnasadh by Dhruti Bhagat
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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mummawitch · 7 months
Color/Candle Magick
Color magick, also known as chromatology, is a form of magick and energy work that utilizes the symbolic and vibrational properties of colors to manifest intentions. Each color is associated with specific meanings and energies. Here are some common color correspondences in color magick:
1. Red: Red is associated with passion, love, strength, and courage. It's often used for spells related to romantic love, vitality, and motivation.
2. Orange: Orange represents creativity, enthusiasm, and success. It can be used to boost one's creativity, attract opportunities, and enhance communication.
3. Yellow: Yellow symbolizes joy, intellect, and clarity. It's used for spells related to mental clarity, happiness, and improving communication.
4. Green: Green is connected to growth, prosperity, and healing. It's used for spells related to money, fertility, and physical well-being.
5. Blue: Blue is associated with peace, tranquility, and intuition. It's used for spells related to serenity, wisdom, and psychic development.
6. Purple: Purple represents spirituality, psychic abilities, and transformation. It's used for spells related to spiritual growth, divination, and manifestation.
7. Pink: Pink symbolizes love, compassion, and emotional healing. It's often used for spells related to self-love, friendship, and emotional balance.
8. Black: Black is associated with protection, banishing, and absorbing negative energy. It's used to ward off negativity and for shadow work.
9. White: White represents purity, spiritual enlightenment, and cleansing. It's often used for purification rituals and invoking divine energy.
10. Silver and Gold: These colors are associated with abundance, wealth, and lunar or solar energy. They can be used for rituals related to prosperity and connecting with celestial forces.
11. Brown: Brown is associated with concentration, and assists in making decisions with a clear mind. Brown is a common colour used when forming intentions or connecting with animals and nature.
Remember that the outcome of a spell is based on your intention.
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