witchboxco · 3 months
2024 Witch's Calendar
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11th: New Moon
25th: Full Moon (Cold Moon)
2nd: Imbolc
9th: New Moon
24th: Full Moon (Quickening Moon)
10th: New Moon
19th: Ostara / Spring Equinox
25th: Full Moon (Storm Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
1st: Mercury Retrograde
8th: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
22nd: Earth Day
23rd: Full Moon (Wind Moon)
25th: Mercury Direct
1st: Beltane/May Day
7th: New Moon
23rd: Full Moon (Flower Moon)
6th: New Moon
20th: Litha / Summer Solstice
21st: Full Moon (Strong Sun Moon)
2nd: New Moon
21st: Full Moon (Blessing Moon)
1st: Lammas/Lughnasadh
4th: New Moon
5th: Mercury Retrograde
19th: Full Moon (Corn Moon)
28th: Mercury Direct
2nd: New Moon
17th: Full Moon (Harvest Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
22nd: Mabon / Fall Equinox
2nd: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
17th: Full Moon (Blood Moon)
31st: Samhain
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Mourning Moon)
25th: Mercury Retrograde
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Long Nights Moon) / Mercury Direct
21st: Yule / Winter Solstice
30th: New Moon
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bates--boy · 1 month
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hauntingfaerie · 4 months
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traegorn · 6 months
(Not the same anon) I’m really curious in learning more about how Christianity didn’t actually steal from Pagans, and how ‘Pagan’ traditions aren’t actually Pagan, but I’m not sure how to word my question specifically. If you could point me to a resource or two that would tell me about that stuff, I’d love it! (I will be looking up the definition of syncretism as well as checking out the podcast you linked the other anon). Sorry if I worded anything incorrectly or got a concept wrong, I’m very new and wanting to learn. (Also I know I can probably find resources for myself, but I’m not sure where to even begin, which is why I asked you, sorry if I’m being a bother).
So syncretism is when cultural or religious traditions get merged into another religion, usually by customs getting carried over post conversion or colonization.
Like imagine a religion like Christianity comes into an area and mass converts people. And the people say "Oh yeah, we're Christian now -- for sure" but keep doing all of their cultural traditions. What happens over time is that those traditions get recontextualized into the new religion's framework.
It's not Christianity "stealing" them -- it's the cultures that were converted holding onto their traditions in spite of Christianity. The church wasn't deliberately trying to take them -- they just kind of got stuck with them. You get that with a bunch of Yule stuff with Norse and Germanic areas and Christmas.
So that's part of it.
The rest is that a lot of things modern folks claim are "Pagan" just... aren't? Like take the Christmas tree. Like we have clear documentation of its origin going back to German Protestants. Like we know when it started. Yet you'll see countless folks online (and badly written witchcraft books) claiming it's some ancient tradition to decorate a tree in your house. It just... isn't tho?
What you need to do is go to academic sources on these topics, and just kinda take anything in a witchcraft book with a grain of salt.
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creature-wizard · 4 months
Also: Hekate is never mentioned as the Maiden Mither Crone archetype. She is a “triple” goddess but her three forms are Selene, Hekate, Artemis. (Sometimes Persephone is swapped for either Selene or Artemis). Like I swear when I first started dabbling into this whole thing I actually put my own knowledge from my own damn culture in the back burner and took that Neo-Pagan shit for granted. Always do research!!!!!
Oh yeah! That's a great example of an ancient goddess getting something totally modern projected onto her.
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notthesomefather · 3 months
Prayer to Freyja: On Desire
[adapted from a prayer written by a member of the Godsring]
Hail Frija the liberated, the Lady of want and satisfaction, whose body and love is Hers to give.
As Odr travels once again, like ecstasy fleeting, you chase your passion while weeping Golden Tears.
Like You, we seek our own hearts’ fixations, and shall travel until we find them.
Mother of treasure, delight, and passion, we honor you.
Hail the Vanadis!
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
This is a very good read. Please read it. I know that shouting "cultural appropriation!" over nothing is vexing and pretentious, but this isn't "nothing". And it's a phenomenon that continues for centuries at this point.
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swirley1618 · 7 months
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apenitentialprayer · 4 months
When your favorite influencer says that the Christmas tree originates from pre-Christian Germanic paganism, they're inadvertently parroting ideas ideas invented without evidence by nineteenth century German nationalist writers […] In fourteenth century Alsace, peasants were apparently gathering branches from the forests around Christmas time; possibly to decorate their houses. By the fifteenth century, people in this region were setting up and decorating Christmas trees and maypoles. This much is firmly established; but it's a huge leap to call this a pre-Christian folk custom. Our earliest Christmas tree is 1419, hundreds of years after the Christianization of the region, and the practice appears somewhat suddenly in history. There is no chain of evidence that could link this practice to ancient or late ancient practice. Rather, it seems to emerge from Christian communities to celebrate a Christian holiday.
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chaoticwitchgrimoire · 4 months
Archetypes and Occultism
Jungian psychology is popular in contemporary occultism, often being referred to as “Shadow Work”. This post will explore Carl Jung’s definition of archetypes in his psychological work and how they can be used in magick. The straightforward definition is as follows:
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Jung’s archetypes have been beneficial in the realm of psychoanalysis, including dream analysis. They’ve given way to the multitudes of personality assessments, and even have their influence on contemporary therapy.
Some archetypes that many people may be familiar with are: the Child (or even known as the Inner Child); the Trickster; the Maiden, Mother, and Crone; the Father; even locational archetypes like the Desert and the Forest. These are just a few examples that we see often explored in art, magick, and even everyday life. The actual number of archetypes is limitless—which is both exciting and daunting when beginning your journey into working with them. Exploring archetypes is also a great way to explore parts of the self, such as gender expression and sexuality.
There are a few ways to discover your archetypes. The first being to just pick one. If you feel drawn to it, there’s probably a good reason. If upon your discovery you realize that you chose wrong, it will only point you in the right direction. Another way is to connect with a higher power such as your spirit guides, ancestors, or deities and ask them. Deities themselves are archetypical, and often the deities that we feel drawn to work with are archetypes within ourselves.
I recommend working on one archetype at a time. After you have your archetype, you need to dig deep into it. Understanding the meaning of an archetype takes time, but coming into individuation is an even longer process. Don’t be surprised if you need to sit with a single archetype for months on end before it makes sense to you and your life. Look at art, read books, watch films and TV, all pertaining to the archetype. Explore how it manifests in others. Pay attention to your dreams, and journal often. Study, learn, and research.
Working with Archetypes in Magick
Archetypes can be used in many ways. We can bring forth an archetype when we need it. If you have an exam coming up, summon the archetype of the Scholar to bring that energy into your studies. If you work in a specific field, you can bring forth an archetype with those qualities to get the job done. This can even apply to spellwork and ritual. By taking on certain aspects of an archetype, you can use that energy to manifest what you desire.
The Archetypes and Occultism grimoire pages are free to download on my website. They dive further into the basic things I describe in this post and I offer a detailed example of the archetype the Scholar and a ritual for it.
I also offer detailed grimoire pages for the archetype of The Mask which honors Dionysus. This is available on my etsy and includes information about the specific archetype, how to honor Dionysus with it, and also how to explore it and use it to discover other archetypes with a detailed meditative exercise. (If you're a theatre nerd like me, this is for you).
I also offer Archetype Readings as part of my Custom Personalized Readings on etsy for only $6 (poke around my website or my grimoire pinned on my blog and you'll find discount codes) where I use Kim Krans's The Wild Unknown Archetypes oracle deck to find your current top three archetypes and help guide you on beginning to explore them.
For beginner witches, practitioners, and magicians alike, archetypes can be a great way to overcome disbelief when doing spellwork or performing rituals. Tapping into the archetype of the Magician or the Sorcerer, the Witch, and even the Inner Child, can help you take on a role to perform your magick.
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witchboxco · 6 months
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norsmythart · 1 year
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wiccan-shitposting · 1 year
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serpentstone-temple · 2 months
New Neo-Pagan Discord Server!
~ * Welcome to Serpentstone Temple and Village! * ~
This is an 18+ server. Those under 18 will be confined to the Grove (welcome chat), just outside of the village and temple until they come of age.
This server was created for the purpose of giving neo-pagans, Wiccans, New Age, eclectics/syncretists, and other earth-centered spiritualists a place to talk about the more worshipful and/or ritual parts of their path and less of magick and the occult, though there will be channels for that as well!
Anyone of any faith may join, as long as you are respectful of other paths!
This server is very LGBTQ+ friendly!
A very simple, small server with a relaxing atmosphere. No bots as of yet, but there is always room to grow!
We hope you will join us and help us build a beautiful community together!
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Hymn to Min
I worship Min, I extol arm raising Horus.
Hail to you, Min in his procession!
Tall plumed, son of Osiris, Born of divine Isis,
Great in Senut, mighty in Ipu.
You of Cuptus, Horus strong-armed, Lord of awe who silences pride,
Sovereign of all the gods!
Fragrance laden when he comes from Medja-land,
Awe inspiring in Nubia, You of Utent, hail and praise!
Dua Min!
From "Ancient Egyptian Literature: Old and Middle Kingdoms" by Miriam Lichtheim
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wiccan-twink · 3 months
Petition to change the name of Mabon to Mheillea
Mabon was named arbitrarily
Aiden Kelly says it wasn’t arbitrarily but his reasoning seems arbitrary to everyone else, it’s basically just that he found an obscure Welsh god named Mabon ap Modron who had been kidnapped as a child similar to how Persephone had been
the name Mabon (nor its namesake deity) has nothing to do with fall
the name was picked in the 1970s there’s no real historical ties to the equinox (which has been celebrated for millennia)
Mheillea is literally Manx for Harvest and it pops up in Manx harvest celebrations around the equinox (like the holiday Yn Mheillea)
Manx history doesn’t get enough love or recognition in neopagan circles (especially compared to the Irish names that half of the sabbats are named from)
It’s a very pretty name that shouldn’t be left to die out (MELL-ee-uh)
Unlike Mabon, Mheillea is a historically-relevant name already tied to autumn and the equinox
Will this catch on????
Probably not, i have no reach
Will that stop me???
no :)
anyways i might even start tagging things as Mheillea instead of Mabon on here even though that might be confusing to other people who are new here. We’ll see if i stick to it or give into peer pressure.
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