#and now we finally get the chance to see him live and love and heal like he deserves
antithcsis · 7 months
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TSC being about jean’s story and how he gets to heal after everything is so so so important to me
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discopaddock · 4 days
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SUMMARY: school trips are always a pleasure. a biggest pleasure is being at the school trip with your crush.
PAIRING: joost klein x fem!reader
GENRE: fluff mostly, IDIOTS IN LOVE! also a boy nextdoor kinda:p
WARINGS: none!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hi...! i know ive been offline for some time but im doing everything to be back now, okay?! so this fic is based in the time joost was going to the high school:) based on this and this request.
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“He will never like me back, Stunjte,” Y/N said and wrote another question in the quiz for their presentation. “I'm healing over him, really,” she added. “I'm a better person than I was in September, I swear” she told him and let him look at the laptop to see what she had written.
“Joost really likes you” Stuntje said, looking at her face.
“He's dating Elena now, I'm not the homewrecker” Y/N answered, taking a deep breath. She really wanted this conversation to end. Voice messages she was sending to her friends from music school weren't enough at that point. “But I wish he could see me one day” she said only.
Stuntje knew about her crush on Joost since September, when everything started. He understood her, Joost was a cool and handsome guy. It hurt him deeply knowing that Joost didn't like her in the romantic way as she did.
“Wanna go to kebab?” Stuntje asked, when they finished the project. He loved working with her. Her ideas were always so brilliant and she was such a clever person.
She only smiled at his proposal and grabbed her keys with wallet. They went for Apson as well, who loved the idea. But they didn't invite Joost. And it's because he was on date with Elena.
As they were eating, Appie's phone rang. He only sighed when he saw Joost's name displayed. He passed his food to the girl and answered the call. Apson truly wanted this date to be a failure. He hated Elena and he couldn't stand her being in their group. His smile only grew bigger and bigger as he listened to Joost talking.
“I can't meet you right now, I'm out with Stuntje and Y/N” he said to the phone. He ended the call and said: “He will be there in fifteen minutes”. The girl's smile faded when he announced it. She really didn't wanna see Joost. Of course she liked him, but he was also a crazy guy and you never knew what he was going to do next.
Stuntje tried to assure her that everything will be okay and that there's no need to worry. But she lived in the same area as Joost did and they always went home together. She was scared she would say something stupid and that all chances she had to win his heart would fade.
Joost finally arrived. He didn't look happy as he usually did after his dates with Elena. No, this time he was pissed.
“Gonna tell us what happened?” Apson asked, making the blonde guy sigh.
“She said I'm in love with someone else” he answered only and stood up to get his food. Y/N looked at Stuntje, wondering who he was talking about. And Appie only smiled. Because he knew who his best friend was talking about. And that ‘who’ was sitting at the same table as he did.
Stuntje of course knew too, there was only one person wondering who Joost was talking about. And she really hoped it was about her.
“How are we sitting in the bus to Prague?” Apson asked to change the topic. All four of them could look forward to that one school trip. Three days in Czechia, but what three days.
“Definitely not in the back,” Joost said. He knew who was sitting there and he didn't want to step there.
“I was thinking about the seats by the toilet. It can be easily spread” Y/N smiled at them. Her ideas were again brilliant.
“Gonna take your Niall pillow?” Apson asked, making everyone laugh. Yeah, all of them knew about her weird parasocial relationship with the Irish singer. And that her mother gave her that pillow as a present for her birthday.
“Of course,” she answered. Her eyes were sparkling as she was laughing, dimples showing up. Joost was staring at her as he was chewing his kebab. Oh, it wasn't regular watching your friend having fun. No, he was STARING.
“I gotta go, I need to make some dinner for mum” Y/N said after a while and checked the time on her phone. Joost, who just finished eating, got up, saying that he would walk her home. The girl only smiled and looked at Stuntje terrified, making Apson chuckle. They quickly said goodbyes and left the boys, who only started to cheer and hope they would get together.
“How's your project? Stuntje was saying that your teacher is still a bitch” he laughed, his hands in pockets as they were walking on the sidewalk. She looked at him, not sure what to think about his question. She didn't think that Stuntje would tell him about what they were doing and so that he would ask about it.
“Yeah, she is. We had already finished it” Y/N answered and looked at his face for the first time since they left the boys. He was staring at her. Again. “I really can't look forward to our trip” she announced, making him smile.
“Me too” he said and they stood in front of her family house. “Tell your mum I said hi, okay?” he said and she only nodded. Joost was already on his way to turn around and walk away to his home but then he grabbed her by arms delicately to put a kiss on her cheek. He mumbled a quick “good night” and left, leaving her alone in the driveway.
The girl only touched her cheek where he had put his lips before and sighed. With shaking hands she opened the door and entered the house. There the realisation hit her harder. Joost Klein had kissed her. Joost Klein liked her.
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Next few days were odd. Y/N was nervous about the trip, same as her girlfriends, with whom she was in the room. She never told Stuntje or Apson about the kiss, nor did Joost. But she couldn't stay quiet about that and told the girls. They told her that she shouldn't take it as any love confession. And with that she distanced from Joost and it was sure that she probably won't sit with him at the bus but something encouraged her to do it.
Finding a way to sleep on the bus is difficult. And because of that they ended up hugging each other and wrapped up in one pink blanket.
Because of that everyone started to set them up in every situation they could.
Prague might not be the city of love as Paris was, but it was definitely the city of Y/N and Joost.
They were holding hands, smiling, laughing - doing literally everything that couples do. And yet they became one. It happened during the last day of the trip, when they were looking for the souvenirs (well only Y/N was doing it, because Joost was only walking with her and smiling at her as she was having fun). They didn't even notice that they were walking alone, without their friends, until they entered some bookstore.
It was small but had tons of books.
“Okay, so what if we take a book and open it at a random page and do what the first sentence on that page says?” the girl asked, looking at him. She recently saw something like this on the internet and thought that it would be a nice activity. He didn't say anything but grabbed a book from a bookshelf that was nearest to him.
He flipped through the pages and stopped at page 260 and read the first sentence. He didn't let her see it but kissed her and when he finished he showed her the book.
“And he kissed her,” it read.
The girl only mumbled quiet “oh” that made him laugh a little and wrap his arm around her waist.
“Gonna buy it” he chuckled and grabbed her to the cash till. “You know, we can do more things from books if you want to” he proposed and opened the book at another page, this time at 267th. “She was looking at him as she was confessing her feelings and he was smiling, staring at her” he read out loud. He looked at her and her cheeks were all red.
“I really like you, Joost. N-not in the friend way, more in the romantic way, you know” she chuckled at the end. There was no other confession from her. She captured her feelings in those two sentences.
“I really like you too, Y/N. I made a mistake by not asking you out earlier” he started. He could see the stars in her eyes that he loved. He couldn't be happier that he was the cause of them. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” he asked finally and the girl only nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. He only let out a sigh of relief and hugged her back, then lifting her up a little bit. “I adore you, Y/N, I really do.”
“I adore you too, Joost” she answered and they kissed again.
She was in love and so he was in love. Prague was definitely the city of love for them.
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alijuan · 2 months
Ascended Astarion is true unlike Spawn Astarion who pretends to be good for Tav
If i see that opinion again i will explode🫠
It's funny because Astarion will only approves if you persuade him not to perform the ritual.
A lot of people don't understand the concept of grey morality and it shows. Many people justify him but this type of AA fan thinks worse of him than he really is. He needs the ritual not because he's a power-hungry villain, but because he needs safety for himself and his lover. Depending on Tav/Durge's actions, he either stays with the feeling of fear (AA is still afraid deep inside, the game files confirm this) or he fights against it and becomes truly free of Cazador and fear (spawn ending). The dialogue with Durge about not being afraid is wonderful and shows difference between SA and AA.
Astarion: This little adventure of ours has taught me that we can't let our lives be ruled by fear. Or else we never really live. Astarion: I'm not afraid. Not of you, not of your darkness, and not of our future.
The point of the spawn ending is that Tav/Durge saw him as more than just an outward image of a power-hungry killer incapable of becoming a better person. But if you can't see beyond that image, he will think that he has no choice but to continue living in the world that Cazador has built for him. If you think that AA is his best ending because he is evil then you have failed to understand his whole personality.
I feel safe with you. Seen.
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Despite of his love of killing (he is a vampire after all), he repeatedly showed compassion and guilt for luring people. Before the ritual, he literally convinced himself that he should kill spawn for power. Astarion rationalises this to protect his psyche, because he’s clearly not the type of guy who can sacrifice thousands of people to the devil and not feel anything about it.
Durge/Tav: This isn’t you, Astarion. Not really. Astarion: It should be.
I really like that the player technically makes the insight check and that there’s an advantage when they're romancing Astarion. Tav/Durge could see through the image Astarion was trying to create. They saw an elf whose fear prevented him from seeing all the possibilities.
Astarion: When I look at my future, anything and everything feels possible now.
Just as Astarion saw Durge not just as serial killer, but as someone who could defeat Urge and become a better person.
Durge: I am myself at last. You don't need to fear anything from me ever again. Astarion: I knew you had that sweat heart all along. I was alarmed by you sometimes, scandalised even, but somehow by your side, I still only ever saw you.
AA fans also often ignore the fact that the game has good and bad endings in the companion stories. And it's not about morality. All companion quests are literally about how the desired and obvious path leads to a bad ending. And Astarion is no exception. In a good ending, he gets the chance to heal and finally acceptes himself and his vampire nature, in a bad ending, he gives up and regresses as a person.
Spawn Astarion knows what he wants and says it. SA is ready for a relationship and sex. Ascended Astarion can’t answer the question of what he wants, so he acts as a vampire lord should. AA is literally back to the state of the first act and has started manipulating Tav/Durge through sex again (even repeating the same phrases). This is why he doesn’t really want sex (he approves if you choose the no sex option and he definitely dissociated during the sex scene) unlike Spawn Astarion who initiated it.
Spawn Astarion is the same Astarion who enjoys “murder and terror” and you can see that clearly in his “hero” ending (more like “antihero”). And this is the ending without romance, he chose it himself. And the whole idea of him pretending to be good for Tav is actually meaningless without romance.
Ascended Astarion is the same Astarion, but stuck in a black and white world of fear and domination.
SA scene ends with hope music (instrumental version of I want to live) AA scene ends with chains.
And there’s so much more. Larian specifically showed the difference between good and bad endings in the dialogues, scenes after ritual, recent updates and even the interview so people would definitely understand, but they didn't🙃 Some AA fans (especially on youtube and larian forum) are on a new level of delusion.
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
The Forgotten Spaces | Masterpost (jjk)
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☆summary: you've been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
☆status: completed
☆pairings: photographer and dancer!Jungkook x dancer!female reader, Taehyung x OC (reader in What Was Hidden), Yoongi x OC (barely present in this fic), Jin x OC, Hobi x OC, Jisung x Felix (Stray Kids)
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters have mature content)
☆genre: slow (SLOW) burn enemies to lovers, college!au, slice of life!au, angst (oop), smut and fluff
☆total word count: 146k
☆a/n: in love with this story. That's it, that's the note. I hope you'll love it just as much as I do <3
☆Special mention to @moonleeai for her work as my beta reader for all chapters of this fic
☆Inspired from What Was Hidden, a @daechwitatamic fic. You might want to read WWH before you read The Forgotten Spaces, as WWH takes place before The Forgotten Spaces
☆Read the sequel, When the End Comes, here!
For this meeting of our end of the world
It's with you that I want to sing
On the threshold of the memories the dead of today
Them that breathe for us
The forgotten spaces
Je t'écris - Gaston Miron (rough translation by me)
➳Chapter one: when you meet again after a year (8.5k)
You didn't miss me?
➳Chapter two: when you ask your rival for help (7.7k)
You are as annoying as I remember you to be, Jeon Jungkook.
➳Chapter three: when you learn why Jungkook disappeared (10.2k)
And the worst part is, it hurts. All. The. Fucking. Time.
➳Chapter four: when you finally let go of old animosity (9.6k)
I'm just relieved you haven't changed.
➳Chapter five: when a weekend away changes everything (15.7k)
You've been confusing me all weekend.
➳Chapter six: when you realize you are too late (5.8k)
See, that's exactly why I do not want to talk to you.
➳Chapter seven: when you live with the aftermath of heartbreak (8.7k)
One day it won't hurt anymore, right?
➳Drabble #1
➳Drabble #2
➳Chapter eight: when he realizes what he lost (12.6k)
I care about you.
➳Drabble #3
➳Chapter nine: when the healing starts (7k)
You're a fucking idiot, Jeon Jungkook.
➳Chapter ten: when you start falling, slowly (14.7k)
We start here, right now, and we see where we can go.
➳Chapter eleven: when he shows that he cares (12.5k)
I think we're both still hurt by everything that happened
➳Chapter twelve: when he catches you (8.1k)
I thought then that you weren't supposed to be happy with me
➳Chapter thirteen: when a party brings you even closer (8.9k)
Make sure all I can remember is your name.
➳Chapter fourteen: when you finally make it official (13.1k)
I love you.
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2023. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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greeneyed-thestral · 3 months
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I MET MICHAEL SHEEN. 16/03/24, National Theatre
So, if you've read my post about booking tickets to see Michael, you know all about my what-ifs. But the day was finally here.
I arrived at the National Theatre, followed all the Nye signs and here's the Olivier Theatre. I made my sister buy me the show's programme, hoping I would be able to get it signed.
I find my seat, I'm not in the centre but the stage still feels very close and you can see everything (amphitheatres are always the best).
Lights out. The audience is in religious silence. Can't believe I'm actually here, this is happening.
[skip this part in smaller font, if you want to avoid spoilers] In the words of Staged, he really loses himself in his roles. First of all, it's great to hear him speak in a Welsh accent.
But then we also see him turning back into a child, and you can totally believe he's young and innocent again. His stutter feels so real, his struggle and sadness too. The entire ensamble is great during the classroom scene, where they all help Nye against their bullying teacher (using those big canes to make him look scary really works). Hearing young Nye confessing that at times he thinks he 'shouldn't exist' because of who he is was a gut punch; Michael's delivery of that whole part is incredible, in that moment he really becomes a little boy that allows himself to feel vulnerable and says something dark to a friend. The way he jumps while saying "I can visualise and enunciate!" made me wanna jump too, he was ready to give up and then he found the solution through books, it's the joy and relief you feel when you realise that there is another way and your life is not over.
Now, I've watched musicals all my life and let me tell you that man is meant to be in one. He opened his mouth and all I could see was someone that had been waiting a long time for the occasion to show his talent, truly showstopping. He was so free and happy and confident, singing and dancing spectacularly. I couldn't stop smiling and giggling, we all clapped.
It's clear he means every word he says, and when he points and shouts his political arguments at the audience, those who feel called out must be shaking; I thought 'This is how people in Ancient Greece must have felt everytime they went to the theatre'. His Nye is inspiring, passionate, someone you'd want to follow, he stands up for what he believes in and lets nothing get in his way.
We get to watch him flirt, on all fours, waggling his 'tail'; everytime we think we've seen all he's capable of, he does something like this and surprises us.
But most of all, we see him being scared, first of having to do something, and then of not being able to do enough for all of us. At one point everyone has requests for Nye and I was expecting him to shout "Heal yourselves!" like Jesus in JCS, it totally conveyed what it must have been like to be in his role at the time, overwhelmed with daunting responsibilities.
In general, I appreciated the fact that it wasn't a linear biography, they chose life moments that have universal situations everyone can relate too, like they do in bio-musicals. I loved the staging. The colour palette is so recognisable; the curtains and the beds are used in many different ways so everything is explored at its full potential.
He is on stage basically all the time for more than two hours (sometimes twice a day, can you imagine?). Also barefoot and in his pajamas from start to finish, he looks like a teddy bear you just want to hug and protect.
He bows, looks at Nye's achievements, then leaves the stage.
Standing ovation, applause. I go back to the theatre lobby, I was supposed to wait for my sister, but she's late. Meanwhile, a fan asks me how to get to the Stage Door. I start too fear that I'm going to miss my chance if I keep waiting inside, so I decide to go on my own. After no more than 5 minutes, he's outside with us. Forget Nye, I am living my fever dream. He has just finished his second show of the day and yet he's smiling and listening to each and every one, signing and taking pictures. I know many have said this, but he really is an angel.
My sister arrives, and as soon as I'm sure she has the camera ready, I make my way to him. The two girls next to me who were speaking to him needed a pen and I lent them my sharpie, so I got my chance to look generous in front of him.
And suddently it was my turn. This is as much as my scrambled mind allows me to remember: I tell him I'm Francesca and I'm from Italy, he asks me how long I am going to stay, I confess that I had arrived that morning and just to see him, that I would be leaving already the following morning. I can't even focus while he's signing my programme, I just want to find the right words. I manage to say how I enjoyed seeing his passion, all these different sides of him and how watching him sing and dance has been the highlight of my evening. We take a picture together, I feel his hand on my shoulder and I realise my arm is around the waist of this person I love. I had to thank him again, telling him that he only deserves good things and that we are so lucky to have him. He wishes me a safe trip home, and I melt. I leave and I can't stop trembling. On my way back to the hotel I hold on tight to my signed programme and the sharpie that was in his hands just moments earlier. Only later I will realise that he's also written 'Ciao!', 'love' and 'X', without me asking for it or anything! Seeing him act live was a big gift already, but what followed outside was beyond my dreams. I can't look at the photos without blushing, the way he looks at me in the video and then also strokes my arm for a moment, I mean pinch me now.
The more I think about it, the more I can't believe it happened.
I want to thank everyone that under my first post pushed me and encouraged me to see the pros of doing this, I share this beautiful moment of my life with all of you. <3
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eyesofshinigami · 4 months
It Takes Time
Rating: G
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, implied pre- S4 relationship, minor talk of injuries, tiny bit of angst, boys being soft
Prompt: For @shares-a-vest "Love is about healing each other's wounds"
WC: 1116
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 16
Even amongst the many horrible encounters with the Upside Down Steve has had, this last one was probably the worst. Steve had done everything he could to keep Eddie out of his mess, the one thing that he could never be honest with his boyfriend about, and yet Eddie had still gotten dragged in somehow.
And almost died for it.
Steve still can’t believe that it’s over. It’s finally over. Sure, his nightmares are even worse, having held the person he loved bleeding out in his arms, but they made it. They lived. They got Eddie to the hospital and after surgeries, a medical coma, and a laundry list of therapy appointments for both of them, they finally made it home. 
Home is now the little house on First Street. It’s not much to look at, but it’s theirs. 
Kind of like them, really.
Steve is the one that brings Eddie to the house once he’s released from the hospital. He told the kids that they could come by in a couple of days, after they’ve settled in and had a chance to collect themselves. Wayne had brought over a few things right before, and he told them he'd be back in a few days as well to check on them, just a phone call away if they needed him. It was enough to make Steve tear up.
“Come on, baby, we’re here,” he says, leaning over to kiss Eddie on the cheek. His boyfriend had fallen asleep on the drive over. Steve couldn’t blame him; he could feel tiredness settling into his own bones. He’s not 100% either, but Steve won’t be able to rest until he knows Eddie is comfortable, taken care of. 
Eddie stirs and blinks his eyes, smiling when he realizes where they are. “Home?” he asks. He hasn’t gotten to see it yet, but he’s heard Steve talk about it enough. At Steve’s nod, Eddie grabs his hand and holds it for a minute. “Ours. Fuck, I can’t believe it.”
Steve smiles back. “Yup. Let’s get inside. I can show you around after we take a shower and get settled, okay?” Eddie lets out a hum of agreement and opens the car door.
They make it inside, slowly and carefully, Eddie’s eyes wide as he takes it in. Wayne and the Hopper-Byers had pitched in to give them the bare bones to start with, like a couch and a table with chairs. The only thing Steve had been adamant about getting himself was the bed, a brand new queen that they could share. When Eddie sees it, he lets out a little choked noise. “We have a bed. Our bed. It’s ours.” 
“I made sure of it, baby.”
“Can we lay down together? I can’t wait to try it out.” Eddie reaches out and runs his hand along the comforter, a soft blue to go with the dark gray sheets Steve had picked out. “I know we’re not up for anything naughty, but… it would be good to lay down with you.”
Steve can’t help but kiss him. “After our shower. I have to change your bandages, too.”
Eddie squints at him. “And yours too.” Steve goes to protest, but Eddie shakes his head and crosses his arms. “Nope, you’re not getting out of it.” He wraps his arms around Steve and pulls him close, and Steve can’t help but notice how their scars mirror each other. “If you’re going to take care of me, I’m going to take care of you, okay? We’re in this together, isn’t that what you said?”
Steve nods. He remembers the way his heart jumped into his throat when Dustin and Max came scrambling into Family Video yelling about Eddie. He remembers how he wrapped Eddie up in his arms and kissed him softly, not caring who saw, after Eddie dropped the bottle when he realized that Steve had come for him. “We’re in this together, baby. I’ve got you,” he’d said.
“It is. You got me, Eds.”
Eddie smirks at him, giving him one more kiss before he pulls Steve into the ensuite. It’s pretty tiny, barely enough room for two nearly grown men, but they make it work. They strip down and climb into the shower. Normally, they would fool around a little bit, but they’re both so tired and worn down and still healing. There will be plenty of time for shower sex later, when they’re both not quite so broken and rundown. Instead, they take turns washing each other, careful of still healing wounds and old hurts alike. Steve handles Eddie like he’s made of glass, something precious he’s worried about breaking under his hands. In turn, Eddie takes his time and works the knots out of Steve’s back, days and weeks of worry built up in his muscles. 
It feels like the first time Steve has been able to breathe in years. 
Once they’ve dried off and both put on sweatpants, Steve pulls out the first aid kit that he’d bought right after he had started getting the house together. Eddie raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything, instead they both quietly get to work.
It shouldn’t feel like second nature, patching each other up. They take turns tending hurts and rubbing creams into healing wounds, bandaging each other up as they go. There’s something that’s macabre and intimate about it, Steve thinks. 
“I’m sorry.”
Eddie looks up from where he’s wrapping another bandage around Steve’s torso. “What for, sweetheart?”
His vision gets a little blurry, the wall of emotion hitting him. “That this happened to you. That you got hurt, that all of my…” the word bullshit clogs in his throat. “All of this made you hurt. You got hurt because of-”
“Don’t even, Steve. You didn’t do this to me.” Eddie cups Steve’s face so that Steve has to look at him, even with tears streaming down his face. “I just wish I could have helped you sooner, sweetheart. With Starcourt. With the junkyard. All those things you felt like you had to hide from me-”
“To protect you. To keep you safe.” Because you matter. Because I love you. Because you were the port in the storm of all these terrible things that kept happening to me. 
“And you did, even at the end when you dragged me into that hospital out of the jaws of death. Baby, I wouldn’t even be here without you. But I’m here. We’re here.” 
“We’re here,” Steve repeats, leaning close to press their foreheads together. 
Even scarred as they are, they will heal from this. It’ll take time, and hopefully it’s the end for real this time, but Steve’s not alone.
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princecharmingwinks · 6 months
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Sterek Fic Rec - June-December 2023.
Can you believe we are almost at the end of 2023? These last six months have been quite busy for me so sadly haven't been able to read as much fic as I would have liked. But I am still here and will continue to create rec lists whenever I get the chance to read more fics. I am also rounding the word counts so please click on the links for the exact word count. :)
it doesn't have to be a snowman by triggeringthehealing (froggydarren) (1/1 | 4K | General)
The Beacon Beans coffee shop is what Stiles would refer to as a lifesaver. They supply his dose of sugar whenever he needs it, they don't ask questions, and their hot chocolate is delicious. And now they're running a snowman building competition where the grand prize would get him an entire year's worth of drinks. Really, all he needs is a partner to team up with. Only everyone else from the pack already seems to have paired up.
Bravery is a Loaded Gun by DefNotForWork (1/1 | 17K | Explicit)
“No, I’m not asexual, Stiles,” Derek said shortly. The teen’s heart sank in his chest, his palms going clammy and his neck prickling with the familiar feeling of rejection. “So then it’s,” Stiles swallowed, throat clogging, unable to give voice to the facts he would much rather ignore. The silence grew between them, growing tense the longer it was left. For the first time in years, Stiles couldn’t speak. The weight of inadequacy held down his typical stream of useless banter. What does one say in this sort of situation? ‘I’m sorry you don’t find me attractive?’ In which the boys speak in half sentences and have two totally different conversations. What they can agree on, eventually, is that they love each other. And that Derek should jerk off more.
Undertow by entanglednow (1/1 | 4K | Mature)
"I don't want you to die because my swirls weren't swirly enough."
Fire and Water by GreyHaven (1/1 | 2K | General)
Derek is full of unspoken words and unexpressed emotions that sear him from the inside out until finally, finally, he allows them to escape into dark ash stains that smear across the harsh white of his notebook. Or, the one in which Derek is compelled to write a story. Turns out, he's writing about Stiles. What will happen when Stiles reads it? Angst and healing and two people finding safety in each other.
eli's parents are so gross (read: in love) by ash_mcj (1/1 | 1K | Teen)
"I would’ve been here earlier, but nobody thought it would be smart to call the one person who’s intimately dealt with the Nogitsune before, so,” Stiles said bitterly as he threw his hands up. "Now I have a list of asses I gotta kick over this very avoidable fiasco. Scott’s first, since he’s the Alpha—I’m pretty sure that’s how that works. His responsibility, or whatever.” The familiar sound of Derek’s car pulling into the driveway caught Eli's attention, and he grinned. “Is Dad on your list?” “Hell yeah, Dad is on my list! Right under Scott.” “Well, he just got home, so—” Stiles didn’t wait to hear the rest of the sentence before stomping off in the direction of the living room—and Eli quickly scrambled to follow him, ready to eavesdrop on what was likely going to be a rather impressive and amusing lecture. [or: eli is glad that stiles is home, since derek has nearly died several times in his absence, but he really wishes they were a little less glad to see each other] -- prompt | a reunion kiss
Ashes, Ashes by ShanaStoryteller (1/1 | 2K | Teen)
The Sheriff gets a call at work - someone's tried to burn down his home with his son inside. "I thought of you coming here, and finding me dead, of another burnt out husk of a body, something else fire has stolen from you, of you having nothing left to grasp but ashes," John can't even call that a whimper, it's clearly a whine as Derek's hands tighten against Stile's hips, as if his boy will shudder to dust at the mere mention of the possibility unless Derek's hands can hold him into one piece, "and that thought was worse than dying."
Love Runs Wild by DevilDoll (1/1 | 9K | Explicit)
"You've got a hickey on the back of your neck!" A Neckz 'n Throats story.
So When Do I Get To Pledge My Loyalty To The Mob? by RedRidingStiles (1/1 | 10K | Mature)
“Are you my sugar daddy?” Stiles blurts out, slapping a hand over his mouth when his brain catches up to his mouth. The man lets out a soft laugh, making his way around the couch till he’s standing just feet away from Stiles. Stiles can smell his cologne from here, it smells heavenly, Stiles kinda wants to bury his face into the guy's chest so he can figure out exactly what it is. “If that’s what you’d like to call it.” The man smiles. Stiles doesn’t think he should be allowed to smile like that. All soft and gorgeous and way too pretty to be legal. He’s still not convinced any of this is real. Stiles loses his wallet, someone returns it along with $5,000. Shit keeps coming, Stiles life doesn't make any sense anymore, he's just going with it. Edited in October 2022
Stiles is My Safe Place by Star_crossed02 (5/5 | 10K | Mature)
Stiles gets bitten by Kali, and after a brief adjustment period, proceeds to co-lead the Hale Pack to defeat the Alpha Pack once and for all. OR What happens when a sassy spark-werefox starts courting an alpha sourwolf?
It feels like a perfect night (for breakfast at midnight) by princecharmingwinks (1/1 | 1K | General)
Stiles is floating on cloud nine. He is absolutely living his best life. It's a Saturday night, he's out with his friends and he's dancing like it's his birthday. Because it is! (Or it will be in 20 minutes, once midnight ticks around). And what better way to celebrate the respectful age of 22 than a night out?
princecharmingwinks special mention (My plane flying companion - I read a new chapter every time I took a new flight)
First Son, Last Chance by orphan_account (12/12 | 60K | Mature)
When First Son Stiles Stilinski, beloved public figure and the bane of his private security team, goes missing without a trace, ex-security officer Derek Hale finds himself tangled up in the world of Argent Security, a world he was forced out of when rumours abounded that he was sleeping with his charges. There's no leads, no time and no way Derek is going to rest until Stiles has been brought home safely. (Inspired by this post.)
That is all folks for 2023! Sorry again for a late addition. See you in the new year. Remember to leave kudos and comments for our wonderful writers.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
So we basically know from the game lore that jingyuan, blade and dan heng are like, ancient asf so what about how they'd be with an s/o, crush, love interest whatever who's the reincarnation of their past lover? Like the s/o doesn't remember them or their past lives but is still friendly and nice just confused on why this guy is pining after them lol how'd they go about wining them over?
A/N: Hello! Thank you so much for the beautiful request! I absolutely love this idea!<33
Content: Fluff, mutual pinning(kinda), reincarnation troupe, a tiny bit of angst, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread!))
》Jing Yuan
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Is very upfront with his emotions, when courting you. He knows what you like and what to do to make you like him, so he'll definitely have you again in no time. With that said, he was delighted to see you again after so long. Ofcourse, he feels a pinch of sadness in his heart, yet quickly replaces it with the excitement of potentially making new memories with you in this lifetime again.
You're a little hesitant at first though, as you're a little baffled as to why such an important man like him was interested in you. But you still were intrigued by him and decided to give him a chance, which he knew you would. You were never able to resist his charms after all.
Will absolutely spoil you with everything he has. You can as much as glance at something and suddenly have it delivered to your door the next day by your dear General. He also takes you on luxurious outings, smiling in delight when he sees you smile and enjoy yourself.
He's just glad to spend time with you again and vows to protect you with his life once more, when you two finally get together.
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He was honestly close to not approaching you, thinking he didn't deserve you anymore after what he had become. Yet he couldn't help himself, when you bumped into him and gave him the beautiful smile he missed more than anything in this world.
He'll be more slow with his approach, worried that he might intimidate or scare you off, if he's too fast or passionate. Will give you simple, yet meaningful gifts that he knows you'll like. It warms his heart to see you get so excited and happy about them too, even if they aren't anything special.
He takes you out on simple dates, always making sure you're okay with everything he does with you and that you'll have a great and fun time. Seeing you so calm and happy with him around heals a part of his broken soul. You always had that effect on him.
Is grateful to be your lover once more when the time comes and makes sure you know that. Spending time with you again is worth all the pain he suffered through and he'll value it for as long as it lasts.
》Dan Heng
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He was so surprised and even taken aback, when he saw you again. He was also hesitant to approach you, as you belonged to a past he wanted to forget. And yet, he couldn't stop his endless feelings returning for you. Therefore he decided to pursue you again and makes things right this time.
He takes his time with you, making sure you have feelings for him too, before he says anything about his. He always seeks you out during missions or breaks, always keeping you close one way or another.
He gifts you things he knew you would like, telling you that they reminded him of you. Watching your eyes light up and your face flush at his heartfelt words made it all so worth it.
Is so thankful, when you agree to be his lover once more. He holds you close, his heart thumping with excitement as he gives you a rare smile. He's glad, to have a chance at a better future with you now.
A/N: Thank you again for this cute idea! I hope, it was okay!<3
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stayandot8 · 1 year
This Lover of Mine
Genre: Tooth-aching fluff
Relationship type: new-ish established boyfriend/girlfriend
Important Contents: For anyone who's having a tough and stressful week. This one is for you. this is the fluffiest thing I ever did write gahd dayum. Gonna give yall a cavity with how sweet this is.
WC: 3.1k
Holding my phone between my shoulder and my ear, I could hear the screaming in the background of Chan’s apartment. Han’s shriek of protest pierced my eardrums so harshly I dropped my keys to the front door of my work.
“Christopher.” I couldn’t help the tired giggle that escaped my lips. “Please control your children, I can barely hear you.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” His own laugh was like magic to my soul, healing the ache that a long week tore in. I heard shuffling on the other end as I picked my keys back up and turned them in the lock, ending my work week for the time being. I dropped the keys in my bag and started my long trudge home, anxious to finally lay down in my own bed and sleep for an ungodly amount of hours. People were being especially stupid today, asking questions that were easily answered with a simple internet search or making demands that were simply not in my job description to meet. And they were doing this all. week. long. And I had had it. It didn’t help that working all week had prevented me from hanging out with any of my friends. And the worst part? They hadn’t even called to check where I was. That part stung the most.
Chan’s voice broke through my visit through my horrors of the past week. 
“So you’re done with work now?” The background noise had faded now, as if he had moved to another room.
“Yeah, I just locked up. I’m so excited to take a hot bath and lay down. I can feel the exhaustion in my teeth.” More of that soul-healing laughter. It made me smile involuntarily.
“Your teeth are tired?”
“I know, I regretted it the second I said it. But you get my point though.”
“Well, tired teeth aside…” I loved when I could hear his smile when he talked. “Is there any chance you would want to come over and just relax here? I’m sure I can kick the others out if you wanted to be alone.” I was quiet at his request. I wanted to see him, but the others sounded just a little too hyper for me at this time of night. And with the soreness already taking over my legs as I walked home, I was sure I wouldn’t be the life of the party I usually wanted to be. And I only wanted my boyfriend’s friends to see me at my best. 
“I would love to see you but I’m not sure I have the energy to be hounded by those children right now. And I don’t want to be the reason you kick them out. Some of them do live there so I would feel bad.”
“Oh trust me, I don’t mind.” Not a trace of a joke in his tone, which made me laugh again. This one knew how to make me smile and laugh better than anyone else could. It all felt like a dream in that way.
“Well, I would mind. But thank you anyways. Oh shit, I forgot I have to stop at the store. I have absolutely no food at home.” The groan in my throat was feral, rolling my eyes was immediate. “Now I can’t even go straight home.” My whine made me stop in my tracks, putting Chan on speaker to look up the closest store to my location. I was already on my way when I realized he hadn’t spoken in a bit. “Babe?”
“Yeah?” That voice was mischievous, as if a plan was forming in his mind in the silence. 
“You still there?” 
“Yeah, I’m here. You said you had to stop at the store right? Don’t forget toothpaste, you’re almost out. And don’t forget Han’s favorite cereal, he’ll freak out if we come over for breakfast again and you don’t have it. Or Hyunjin’s fruit stuff, you know the one. Okay, well, I”m gonnagonowokayiloveyoubabegethomesafebye.” I paused in my tracks as the phone beeped. Did I just get hung up on? AFTER being given a list?? 
I followed my phone’s directions to the nearest store and grabbed a cart to load up, the fluorescent lights stinging my tired eyes as I went aisle by aisle, grabbing some toothpaste, which had been a nice reminder. I grabbed Han’s stupid cereal, nothing but sugar and marshmallows, sprinkled with some addictive chemical that made the squirrel boy go nuts for it. Pun intended. Hyunjin’s fruit spread was a little harder to find, buried deep within the shelves. About forty-five minutes later, I was carrying my bags into my elevator, sagging onto the walls of the metal box. I was ready to collapse when I heard the ding, signaling my turn to get off and drag myself down the hall to my door. I fumbled with my keys when I heard soft piano music coming from inside my own apartment. I froze. My door was closed so there was no sign of forced entry. What kind of intruder puts on music and closes the door behind them? 
The kind that has a key. The realization hit me as I opened the door, which was unlocked. We would have to talk about that. 
The smell of jasmine and citrus hit me as soon as I walked into my dim apartment. Candles lit every surface from my kitchen counter to the coffee and side table in my small living room. The small firelight cascading beautiful shadows all around the small space I called my own, creating the perfect atmosphere for relaxation. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my bags near the fridge further inside to see the rose petals on the floor, leading down the darkness of the hallway and into my room, a soft glow coming from within. The groceries could wait, the curiosity killing me. The invitation was beckoning me as it drew me in, my footsteps careful and quiet as I followed the clear path to the source. 
This boy was going to be the death of me.
Chan was fumbling around with my TV remote, scrolling through different streaming services to find whatever he was looking for. He was sitting on the edge of my bed, facing away from the door frame I was now standing in. There were more gentle shadows from the army of candles that were lit on every flat surface. My laptop, which he had somehow broken into, was stuck on a silent loop of a fireplace, adding to the coziness of the atmosphere. More petals littered the floor and my bed had been transformed into a haven for the softest looking blankets I had ever seen and pillows of every shape and size. In the middle of the pile was my very own Wolfchan plush, the one I cuddled with while he was away. He had drenched it in his cologne to help when I missed him the most. 
On my desk where the laptop sat, there was an array of trays and plates of food. Fruits, chocolates, chips, and candies were all in dishes surrounding the entree: a round cake that was no bigger than my opened hand, strawberries outlining the edges. A bottle of something I couldn’t make out was standing next to two glasses and I only assumed it was some sort of alcohol with the curly writing of the label.
“Wha-” No words were coming to mind, just sounds that made no sense from the way to my mouth from my brain. Chan whirled around, not expecting me so soon it seemed. His features softened when he saw the adoration on my face, his smile growing with each step he took closing the space between us. 
“Hi baby.” He brought his lips to mine in a soft peck which I didn’t have enough mental strength to return the way I wanted to. I was still in shock, that this most perfect boy somehow found a way to prove once again that I would never find another like him.
“What is all this?” I finally said after drinking it all in. 
“Do you like it?” His hopeful eyes watched me as I glanced around my room, not able to fully comprehend every level that this gesture meant to me. “Wait, there’s more!” He exclaimed excitedly, taking my hand in his and leading me to my own bathroom. I had to know where on earth he got all of these candles…
My bathtub was full, the steam rising from the pool with an aroma that called to my aching bones. The overhead light was off, little tealight candles surrounding the lip of the tub while still leaving an open space meant for me to climb through. The petals on this floor were white, leaving a path in the middle for me to walk through. 
“Go ahead and get in, I’ve got something else for you when you get out. They should be done drying by the time you’re done.” I felt the pinch behind my eyes at his words. There was more? I couldn’t move as I just stared at the physical touches of his love around the small space. I felt his hands move from my shoulders down my arms behind me as he whispered, so close to my ear it sent shivers down my spine. 
“You have to get undressed first, baby. Here, let me help you.” He reached around from behind me to grab the bottom of my work shirt and lifted it up as I raised my arms to help him. He threw it somewhere I couldn't see. His warm hands stopped on my shoulders again, his thumbs moving to release some tension from the base of my neck. His fingers trailed down again to the clasp of my bra to release the hooks, letting it fall from my shoulders and to the floor. He ghosted his fingers down to my hips to trail to the front of my pants, undoing the button and grasping my underwear and pants in one swoop and dragged them down my legs for me to step out of. I finally faced him to ask the only question that mattered to me at that moment as he stood up straight again.
“Will you join me, my love?” My eyes widened in hope and I bit my lip, anxious for his answer. His answering smile told me I only needed to ask.
“Are you sure you don't want to enjoy this alone?” My annoyed expression was the only thing he needed before he let out a giggle. “I just wanted to be sure. Take my hand, darling.” He held it out as he stepped in front of me to lead me the three feet to the warm haven that awaited me. He didn’t let go until I was in and settled. He quickly stripped himself of his own black tshirt and sweats and climbed in behind me, scooting back and spreading his legs on either side of me. As I took my rightful place, the sigh that escaped me came from the depths of my chest. I let my head rest on the crook of his neck, his lips immediately attaching themselves to my own neck. He trailed his lips up my neck into my hair as he grabbed my arm to the hair tie wrapped around my wrist. He took it off me and swept my hair into a fist and he tied it up and nudged my head back to its original place. 
“Let me clean you.” He whispered again, grabbing a cloth from the side of the tub and dunking it in the water to wet it before dragging it across my arms. I felt the tension melt away as he finished my arms and moved to my back, going in circles to massage the soothing water into my skin as much as possible. 
“How are you feeling now?” He asked as he finished. I found it hard to form words again but this time, it was from the numb feeling of bliss from the last ten minutes of being washed and touched with enough tenderness that I wanted to cry again. I fought it as well as I could, hoping Chan wouldn’t get the wrong idea if a tear or two escaped.
“I couldn’t put it into words, Chan. The only thing I can think of is bliss.” I sighed as I closed my eyes and leaned back onto him. He wrapped his arms around me again and kissed my temple. 
“Good. Now let me get you a towel so you can dry off and I can get your other present out of the dryer. It should be nice and toasty now.” He twisted my chin to look at him and kiss me with his plump lips, his mouth parting slightly to take my bottom lip into his teeth and watch it snap back into place. My eyes started drooping, half from how relaxed my limbs now were and half because fuck that was hot. He climbed out of the tub and raced towards the folded towel on the sink, grabbing it and bringing it towards me. I grabbed it with my arms held high, trying not to let it touch the water and get it wet. He grabbed another towel and wrapped it around his waist, leaving his delicious torso open for me to gawk at unashamedly. The water droplets were glistening in the ridges of his abs in the candlelight. I couldn’t take my eyes away and I jutted out my bottom lip in a pout when he walked out of the bathroom, taking my view with him. I sighed and shook my head, trying to clear the dirty thoughts from my head.
 I stood out of the water, immediately hit by the cold after being submerged for far too long. I pulled the stopper to drain the water and climbed out, patting my body dry as best I could when I heard soft footsteps coming back to me. Chan reappeared, holding a brand new tshirt with a stray kids logo, fresh from his recent tour and a pair of pajama pants. His smile matched mine as I took them from him and giggle-bounced on my toes. They were still warm, the perfect thing to throw on in my near-shivering state.
“I hope you like it, it’s my last one. I thought you would like this better than the green one since you like pink. I thought it looked like you so I grabbed it.” 
“I love it. I’m putting it on right now.” I pushed past him to my dresser for a pair of underwear to put on underneath. He followed me out, grabbing his own clothes to put them back on and blew out the candles. My underwear and pants were on when I turned to see he had done the same. He was pulling on his shirt when I let the words tumble out. “You don't have to wear that.” I would’ve felt my blush under any other circumstance, but this time I couldn’t be bothered to feel embarrassed to say my thoughts out loud. He broke into a smirk and nodded, folding his shirt again and placing it on the dresser. He grabbed the trays of food and brought them over to the bed, patting the space beside him as I pulled my new favorite shirt over my head. I practically skipped over to the bed, grabbing the expensive looking bottle and the glasses on the way. He resumed his scrolling through the movies as I flopped into the pile of blankets and pillows he had made for us. He scrunched up his face as he read the descriptions of each movie, puffing his lips out in concentration. I wanted to pinch those cheeks. 
After entirely too much discussion, he finally settled on one and pressed play. He scooted back into the biggest pile near my headboard to lean against and pat the space between his legs for me to climb into. I poured us each a glass and placed them on the side table for easy access before crawling between his legs, sitting in the same position as we were mere minutes ago in the tub, my back to his chest and his chin resting on the top of my hair. His arms snaked around my waist and held firm. 
He hummed, encouraging me to continue. 
“Thank you. For this, for everything.” He brought his finger up to my chin to turn towards him, his eyes round and inviting. “It’s nothing you’ve done, but I’ve just been feeling so alone lately and you’ve been so…” I didn’t know how to end that sentence. There were too many ways to end it and all of them seemed fitting. He smiled again and I felt the last bit of loneliness I had been feeling just melt away. “Just… thank you.” 
“As long as I’m here, you’ll never know a lonely day again.” He placed yet another kiss on my lips, letting them linger together and get tangled with each other. I pulled away to just look at his face, in awe that I could claim it as mine. 
“Sometimes I don’t believe you’re real. I have to pinch myself to know that you are actually in front of me and doing these things. You make me fall more and more in love with you and I don’t know how you do it. Just when I think I can’t possibly love you anymore than I already do…” I could only smile at him, barely holding my tears back. 
“Well, I’m real. And I am yours for as long as you’ll have me. You have ruined everyone else for me. You are it for me. You are all I will ever want. And if I have to spend my whole life proving it to you, then it will be the greatest success I will ever have the pleasure to achieve.” 
I brought up my hands to latch onto his as if they would disappear as I continued to stare at his features, studying them and committing them to memory. I felt my lips curve into a smile again as I turned my head back around to watch whatever he had picked out. I brought his kuckles to my mouth, kissing his hands and pouring all of my unspoken words into the small affection. He clenched me tighter as he brought me closer to his warmth. 
The love of my life.
My friend. 
My boyfriend. 
My lover.
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bunnyshideawayy · 3 months
cassian. great man, wonderful friend, absolutely terrible mate.
we have seen Nesta’s sisters, who arguably have less of a reason, defend her more than Cassian has ever thought about. HELLO?
my issue with cassian acosf and onward is that we are truly expected to believe they he deeply understands Nesta when he’s been shown time and again to never stick up for her and never fully trust her. he does nothing to help her over come and face her traumas / depression, she’s left to do that on her own, but best believe he’s down to fuck and make her hike! (no sarah sex and physical exercise are not cures)
after reading the entire series once and now twice seeing Rhys threatening anyone who dares breath wrong in Feyre’s direction under the guise of just “protecting his mate” i find it extremely hard to believe cassian allowed or even sides with anyone who speaks ill of/to Nesta or threatens her- all of which Rhysand and most of the IC (besides her sisters and Az) do, most of the time while directly in front of cassian in conversations he’s involved in. the most he does is…pout a little? throws a hissy fit? the two times i can remember him even remotely stick up for Nesta he immednantly backtracks as soon as Rhysand pushes back, both times the final decision being put in Feyre’s hands, this continues even into CC3 (and let’s thank the mother Feyre loves her sisters which is something ik yall nesta haters can’t stand.)
let’s move onto something i know yall don’t want to talk about, his verbal abuse. “oh but nesta also said-“ we know what she said, that is not the point. if this man knew all along nesta was his mate and truly wanted to help her heal from her traumas and depression why did he take every chance he could to provoke her? Nesta called Rhysand an asshole, and he IS especially to Nesta, and instead of keeping silent as he does when Rhys/the IC harshly critique her, he immediately gets angry and in her face to defend him. funny he can’t do that with her, his MATE? or let’s talk about this scene
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oh okay! that’s totally something you say unprompted to your mate who is severely depressed and traumatized because she won’t eat! she’s totally not shaking because she’s triggered! then to add the lecture “we’ve been here before, too” oh okay! so you admit you know what she feels like (very doubtful although i’m not going to compare their traumas, both are valid he just does not understand her like he thinks he does) it’s patronizing and a little frustrating. she doesn’t want to be there in the first place, purposely throwing a sensitive subject in her face will not magically motivate her or cure her- she is simply doing what she has no choice in. she has been stripped of all autonomy, humanity, and “normality”- she feels alone and valuable in a way she as never felt before and she has NO HELP. none!
i’ll end with the hike. yay more physical activity as punishment- but if i said that was abuse yall will bring up the pregnancy so ill do it for you! Yes, Nesta was wrong to tell Feyre THE WAY SHE DID, she had every right to tell Feyre about her own body and pregnancy, it just shouldn’t have happened the way it did. everyone knew it was wrong to keep it from Feyre, even Cassian, so instead of forcing her to hike a mountain as punishment to ware her down mentally and physically he couldve stood up for both Feyre and Nesta to Rhysand the moment he threatens to KILL NESTA. a simple “hey buddy you knew it was wrong to keep that from Feyre you can’t kill my mate for telling her even if it was out of anger” would suffice. not once during their entire hike or during her breakdown does he reassure her, not even when she is tearing herself apart because she doesn’t feel worthy. don’t even get me started on what happens in CC3.
over all i think Nessian is great and they have some great moments, the end of ACOWAR lives rent free in my mind but i am incredibly disappointed with Cassian. i do feel like Nesta deserves better from everyone (besides Feyre and Elain who, again, are the only ones who i truly believe love her unconditionally.)
anti nesta’s this is not a safe space for you.
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amomentsescape · 9 months
What if Stu Didn't Kill Anyone?
Stu Macher x Reader
Summary: (Y/N) finds herself losing the love of her life more times than one.
Warnings: Foul language, angst, pregnancy
Word Count: 1,138
A/N: This is a more in-depth version of @stu-machers-girl 's request. You can find the shorter version here. I hope you enjoy!
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"This wasn't what we fucking agreed on!" Stu shouted.
Billy simply shrugged. "Change of plans."
He attempted to step closer to (Y/N), but he was immediately blocked by the taller boy.
"You kill Sidney. That's it. My girl's got nothing to do with this!"
(Y/N) instinctively wrapped her arms around her stomach, feeling the rising tension build even more.
She didn't know what the fuck was going on. How did a day full of excitement and news to share turn into this?
"She's just another mouth to keep shut. We can't trust her," Billy spat.
The boys were slowly getting closer and closer to one another, and without even thinking, she jumped in between them.
"Stop!" she screamed. She didn't want Stu to get hurt.
However, he immediately pushed her back behind him, not trusting what Billy could do in that moment.
"This is your damn plan. Do what you want, but (Y/N) and I are leaving."
Stu grabbed her hand and began to pull her to the exit, only for Billy to take this opportunity to pounce.
Stu fell to the floor as Billy began to throw punch after punch at him, his anger being felt through each blow.
(Y/N) screamed and kicked her foot up in the air, her shoe colliding with Billy's nose.
He rolled over and groaned, red liquid beginning to spill all over his clothes and the carpet.
(Y/N) ran over to the boy and kept kicking him, the fear of losing Stu clouding her better judgment.
However, that short moment was all it took for her world to be turned upside down.
Sidney had gotten out of her bindings, and she sprinted towards the TV before the other girl even had a chance to notice.
(Y/N) finally broke out of her angered frenzy when she heard the loud smashing sound of glass breaking and the sizzling of electricity crackling.
Her heart stopped in that moment, her eyes glossing over at seeing her love motionless under the weight of a broken TV.
Her throat burned as the screaming began, hot tears leaving messy trails down her cheeks.
She began running towards Sidney, her body colliding with the girl's as they both tumbled to the floor.
(Y/N) began to scratch, punch, hit, anything she could think of to cause as much damage as possible. She never thought she could be any more angry than she was at Billy just moments before, but now she understood that things could always get worse.
Sidney found a moment of clarity where she raised her fist and punched the other girl in the nose as hard as she could.
This dazed (Y/N) for a moment, just enough time for Sidney to push her over and run out the exit, wanting to get as far away from this house as possible.
(Y/N)'s sobs began to increase as she drug herself over to Stu's lifeless body. She threw herself on top of him as she continued to scream and cry, not knowing what else to do.
It didn't take long for the paramedics to arrive however, and they had to physically restrain (Y/N) away from Stu so they could take a look at his body.
(Y/N)'s voice continued to yell, but no sound was coming out anymore. Her voice had been broken by the sound.
It had been three weeks since the incident, and (Y/N) couldn't find herself in better spirits.
Stu had survived.
By some fucking miracle, he had managed to live. His face was still swollen, his skull was healing from its fracture, but he was alive. And he was happy.
(Y/N) had finally told him the good news that she was wanting to share with him that fateful night.
She was expecting.
Stu's face had broken out into a huge, but painful, grin. If he hadn't been in so much pain, he would have jumped up and swung the girl in his arms, planting her face with hundreds of kisses.
Stu had always wanted a family. And this desire only increased once he met (Y/N). She was the one for him, and the idea of them raising their own flesh and blood up together made his heart warm.
They could finally have the life they always wanted.
But happiness doesn't last forever.
Now that Stu was able to be released, the law decided to step in and take their chance.
The police came in later that day and arrested him. Stu was being charged for several counts of murder.
Billy had been killed after his attempt to leave the house that night. And with Sidney still being alive, it only made sense that she would turn in the killer's best friend.
Stu hadn't killed anyone though. He knew about Billy and his desires, but he didn't step into the Ghostface persona with him.
He couldn't risk that. Not after falling in love.
But it's not like the police cared. The community wanted justice, and he was their best opportunity at getting it.
(Y/N) screamed and sobbed through a broken voice, realizing that she had once again lost him. And this time, it might be for good.
She went to every court hearing. Every single chance she had at talking to Stu through that stupid dirty glass, she did it.
There was no way she would ever leave his side. He was innocent. She argued and fought for his innocence over and over again to the point that she risked putting herself in jail.
But she knew she had to think of their child. She wasn't going to lose them too. So she tried her best to be patient, but every day was filled with pure fear.
During the final verdict, (Y/N)'s heart was going a mile a minute. She felt sick to her stomach as she awaited the judge's next words with bated breath.
Stu's eyes immediately met hers at this, those same eyes immediately began to water as he realized that this was it for him, for them.
His child was going to grow up without a father. His true love was going to always be out of reach, his body forever being separated from her's by metal bars.
Part of him wished that TV would've just killed him that night. Then he wouldn't have had to go through this pain.
(Y/N) was screaming and crying at him, the guards pulling Stu up from his seat and taking him away.
She tried to rush up to him, but strong hands pulled her back as she collapsed to the floor.
She clutched her stomach as the door finally shut.
He was gone.
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lvlyghost · 1 year
Salvation II
Pairings: John Price x F!Reader
Summary: after a few months since his last visit, john finally gets the chance to see the girl.
Word Count: 1.2k
Tw:angst, fluff, slightly suggestive (not really) but just in case, mentions of abduction but nothing too explicit. kate shows up bc we stan🫶🏻 john being a softie 🥹✨💞also not proofread🐸
A/N: omg i can't thank y'all enough for the love the first part got🫰🏻🥰 I hope you like this part as much! Please remember english isn't my first language, corrections are appreciated as usual🩵
Masterlist✨ | Part I | Part III
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The soft sound of rain outside the house, lightning and a thunder shake the windows. Carrying two cups of hot cocoa in both hands as she walks where John is waiting for her in the living room. He's scrolling through his phone and immediately puts it down when he sees her. A soft smile makes its way to his lips.
She figured she'd make something warm for them to drink. The rain had come pouring down unexpectedly at the fair, which made them run to John's car to no avail. They were soaking wet by the time they reached the automobile, laughing and enjoying the presence of each other.
"We should take a bath before we get sick."
He had suggested, as soon as she opened the door. John had tried to shield her with his coat and beanie, although it could only do so much. Her teeth were chattering, still never losing that damn smile he had grown fond of.
So here they were now, engulfed in their pajamas ready to get some rest. The stuffed otter was placed on the sofa across from him. She handed John the mug to which he thanked and took a small sip.
"Probably not as good as your Earl Grey but..."
"It's perfect, love. C'mere." He pats the empty spot next to him. She obliges, crossing her legs as she sits. A comfortable silence falls between the two for a moment when the sky rumbles again.
"Doctor said once I'm able to go back to social life I should try to go on a date you know?" She began, shaking her head as if the mere idea was delusional. Her thumb absentmindedly tracing the rim of the mug. "Get to know people. She called it healing." She scoffs. "As if it was that easy."
Taking a sip, John watches as she bites her lip. He can't help it but a strange feeling sets in his gut.
"Is that so crazy, sweetheart?" She turns to him, studying his features with a small frown. "You deserve to be happy. Every single day, you deserve that and much more."
"I... I-" she stutters. "What if they think I'm weird John? I can hardly be myself. What happens when they ask about my life? I'm scared. Every time I close my eyes I'm back in that place..." she glances up to the ceiling, glossy eyes threatening to mimic the pouring rain outside. "I'm never going to be normal. Never going to be whole again...-
"Are you afraid of me?" He interrupts her, forcing her to turn to gaze at him. Swallowing saliva, she meets his bright blue eyes. He's dead serious. The cup long forgotten as he had placed it on the small coffee table. She shook her head.
"You saved me. You've seen what I've been through, and no,..." she stops him when he opens his mouth. "I know you've read the files. You must've in order to know what you were getting yourself into, John. And not just you but your team. And every time you look at me I see it. You were there when I testified... no one knows better than you... nobody knows me better than you." She's choking on her own words when she's finished, tears streaming down her face.
John wastes no time, pulling her into his lap as she hugs him as if her life depends on him.
It probably did.
Sobbing and hiding her face in the crook of his neck she feels the pain, the tension, the agony subside; John holds her small shaking frame against his body. He was often scared to touch her even if it was something so innocent like a hug. Something like this. Even when he wanted nothing more than to be near her. Be the one to shield her from the bad dreams, when the memories of the atrocious life she was forced to endure came to haunt her. He's tracing soft circles on her arm in an attempt to soothe her.
"I could never be afraid of you." She assures him.
"Do you know how many people I had to call?" Kate asks him not waiting for a response. Both looking at the girl sitting in the room behind the tinted window. "Twelve."
"I get it Kate." He grumbles. "Thank you. I owe you." He crosses his arms not losing sight of the girl he recently rescued. "I just wish they had given her more time to heal. She's in a bad shape, can't they bloody see?"
"I was thinking the same, but the clock is ticking. We can't afford to lose more time."
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He's barely gotten any sleep since the mission. She had held his arm the entire ride back. Squeezing with all the strength she had left in her system
"What's gonna happen to her once this is over?"
Kate side eyes John, wondering why he cares so much.
"The NCA will take over from here. Most likely be put under witness protection and given a new identity. Just like the rest of the survivors."
"Hmm." Grunting he takes a step forward.
"John?" She quirks a brow.
"I might just need one last favor."
"Of course." She rolls her eyes feigning annoyance. "This is gonna cost you two tickets for the soccer game next week."
John turns to her.
"You mean the football match?" He politely corrects her.
"I meant what I meant."
"All I remember that morning is I was getting ready for high school. Said goodbye to my grandmother and left. We lived in a complex of apartments with an underground parking lot. She had an old red cavalier that belonged to my grandfather. Last thing I recall is opening the door and then nothing. Just... nothing for years."
She feels John standing up from the sofa carrying her body in his strong arms. She doesn't have to look, just know he's taking her to the bedroom. Before he can lay her down on the mattress she gets off of him. Bare feet touching the cool wooden floor. John is about to ask what's wrong. Maybe he made it look like...
She kisses him on the lips. It's quick and it takes him by surprise. Her cheeks flush and eyes go wide, he smiles fondly.
"Do that again." He prompts her.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" She asks with pleading eyes.
"For as long as you want me to." She grabs him by the neck and pulls him down to her level.
"It's okay John. Even if I have ghosts I know you'll make them disappear."
That's all he needs to hear. His hands find her waist, all doubt gone. All this time he was terrified that he'd scare her, not wanting to make the first move. John respected her and wanted the girl to feel safe around him. That's why now after hearing those words he lets himself feel her. The soft edges of her delicate skin. Her labored breathing.
He kisses her soft lips, hand coming up to caress her cheek and then, right there he knows she's let all her walls down for him. Letting him in, see all the parts she thought would have to bury for eternity.
He ought to do the same for her. He has his own ghosts. John needed salvation too. Perhaps in a different way.
And if anyone ever dare to try to harm her, taker her away from him...
He'd kill them all.
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calisources · 9 months
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A   SONG   OF   ICE   AND   FIRE   &   HBO'S   GAME   OF   THRONES.   sentence   starters   taken   from   both   the   source   books   and   the   hbo's   adaptation   of   a   song   of   ice   and   fire   from   george   r.r.   martin.   change   titles,   names   and   pronouns   as   you   see   fit.
 "Tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey."
"Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe."
"I'm not a lady. I never have been. That's not me."
"Nothing's more hateful than failing to protect the one you love."
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
"An unhappy wife is a wine merchant's best friend."
"What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?"
 "So we fight and die or we submit and die. I know my choice."
"I thought if I could make something so good, so pure, maybe I'm not a monster."
"Power is power."
"I'm not going to stop the wheel, I'm going to break the wheel."
"Do you understand? I'm no ordinary woman. My dreams come true."
"It's not easy to see something that’s never been before: A good world."
"I believe in second chances. I don't believe in third chances."
"As long as I'm better than everyone else I suppose it doesn't matter."
"When enough people make false promises words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies."
"If you only trust the people you grew up with, you won't make many allies."
“Winter is coming. We know what’s coming with it."
"It is a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born in, never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us."
 "I wonder if you’re the worst person I've ever met? At a certain age it's hard to recall. But the truly vile do stand out through the years."
"Know your strengths, use them wisely, and one man can be worth ten thousand."
"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you."
"I try to know as many people as I can. You never know which one you'll need."
"No one is very happy. Which means it’s a good compromise."
 "Men decide where power resides, whether or not they know it."
"Give us common folk one taste of power and we're like the lion who tasted man—nothing is ever so sweet again."
"But it's you and me that matters to me and you. Don't ever betray me."
 "I want to be the queen."
"Any man who must say, I am the king, is no true king."
"The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword."
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder."
"A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is." 
"Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word." 
"If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. "
"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
"People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up."
"Every man must die, Jon Snow. But first he must live."
"We look up at the same stars and see such different things."
"I need you to become the man you were always meant to be. Not next year, not tomorrow, now." 
"It's a neat little trick you do. You move your lips, and your father's voice comes out. "
"Tell me something, Varys who do you truly serve?"
"They’re dragons, Khaleesi. They can never be tamed."
"Love is the death of duty." 
"Thousands of men don't need to die. Only one of us. Let's end this the old way."
"I Am not beholden to my ancestors vows."
"Robert's rebellion was built on a lie."
"We're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair."
"With respect, Your Grace, I don't need your permission. I am a King."
“The world is one great web, and a man dare not touch a single strand lest all the others tremble.”
“Black and white and grey, all the shades of truth.”
“In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining.”
“There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man.”
“Every man should lose a battle in his youth, so he does not lose a war when he is old.”
“I prefer my history dead. Dead history is writ in ink, the living sort in blood.”
"The war continues, Davos Seaworth, and some will soon learn that even an ember in the ashes can still ignite a great blaze.”
 "He has a song. He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.”
"The only time a man can be brave is when he is afraid."
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [44]
chapter forty-four, act five: the ballad of me and my brain
-this is the final chapter of this part, I'm slolwy writing the next part but I am alos doing my midterms right now so there may be a wait until it's out.
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December 25th 2017
It’s Tommie’s first Christmas alone in five years.
She doesn’t really know what to do with herself, she’s currently sitting on the floor of her kitchen, staring at the TV that’s playing some shitty hallmark film in her living room.
She’s waiting for her pizza to finish cooking, she doesn’t want to eat a cooked dinner alone.
Adam invited her to go along to Christmas with him, but he’s going with Carly’s family, who she doesn’t know that well. So she lied and said she’s going back to LA to spend it with Phoebe in the studio. 
She’s not entirely alone, she has Allen who is currently curled up beside her on the floor, and Button who she’s been tossing a ball for every now and then the last few minutes.
There’s a letter in her hands.
Printed on the front is that familiar messy writing with her address spelled wrong and scribbled out.
Ross dropped it off three weeks ago now, she still hasn’t opened it.
Allen nudges the letter closer to her with his nose, as if he can smell the scent of his owner on it.
She sighs and nods, patting his head gently, “I know, Als.” Allen looks up, “I miss him too.”
Then despite her better judgement she finds herself tearing into the envelope. 
Dear Baby,
I don’t know how to start. I’ve written fourteen letters to you and every single one has ended up being crumpled up at the bottom of my bin. I know the reason that I can’t write is because deep down I don’t deserve for you to hear me out. I fucked up. I fucked up way too many times. And he was right. About you giving me too many chances, letting me walk all over you because that’s what I did, what I do. I took advantage because I knew you’d always be there. I knew I could fall back on you and you’d pick me up because that’s what you do. You’re so good. I don’t deserve that.
One of the therapists I’ve been working with here told me to write letters to the people most important to me. To the ones who I feel that I’ve wronged with my addiction. Apparently it’s a part of my healing journey. I think it’s just to make me feel like a dickhead.  I wrote to my mother first, for falling down the hole she worked so hard to steer me away from, the hole she herself fell down.  Then to Louis for being a shit older brother. To the guys for what happened in San Jose. And now to you. For everything I’ve ever done to you.
I’m not going to list all my mistakes. I’m sure you already have your own list highlighted and neatly stashed away somewhere. I’ve had a lot of time to think while being here (And I already know what you’re thinking, ‘wow, didn’ know you could do that’). I’ve had to think about what to do when I get out of here. I’m not sure if you’ll want to see me. But in my head the first thing I’ll do is come and see you. I’ll get on my knees before you, lit up by those fairy lights we spent three hours trying to hang on your front porch. You’ll open the door and you’ll probably be wearing that old AM concert shirt and your stupid rugby zip-up I keep telling you to replace but you won’t because you’re too sentimental (it’s one of the things I love the most about you). I’ll beg you to just say that you forgive me. Even if you don’t really mean it. And I know you will. I know you would forgive me in an instant because I know you. Then we’ll have everything we’ve wanted, our own studio, we’ll be back on the road, never having to settle, just us the guys and the open road up ahead of us. Endless music, endless time, whatever we want. But I’m going to stay away. Or at least I’m going to try to. I want you to move on and have a better life without me. You’ll do great things. And I can’t be a part of them as much as I want to be. It’ll be hard, for both of us, but in the end you’ll come out on top. You’re the smarter one, with the talents, you have the voice, the skills, the lyrics, the heart. I just have the confidence. I’m nothing without you. Matty Healy is simply nothing without Tommie McDuff, it’s always been that way. But Tommie McDuff is everything. You are everything.  I’ll watch from afar as you keep doing amazing things, with Phoebe, alone, whatever it is you’re doing. I’ll be your biggest supporter, I want you to know that. But I’ll do it from afar. I’ll try to do it from afar.  I say try because you’re my strongest addiction. It’ll take everything in me to stay away. I’ve always been addicted to you. More than any drugs I’ve ever taken. I’m addicted to the way you touch me, a hand on my arm as you laugh, the way you smile at me, those little sarcastic ones you do when I annoy you are my favourite because I know you’re trying your hardest not to break into the biggest grin. I’m addicted to the sound of your voice. And the way your mind works, from your lyrics to your solos, I want to see inside your mind. To study you like an old Victorian sculpture. I’m addicted to your laugh, even when it’s directed at me. To the way you love and the feel of your lips. Ever since your lips first touched mine I’ve searched for others who may make me feel some sliver of the way you did. None have ever compared. Not one. They’re not soft enough, not gentle enough, not exciting enough, they’re not you. They’re never you. I hate myself for doing that to them, to myself, to you. Most of all to you. I hate myself more and more everyday as I sober up, because as each day goes by I’m forced to sit with the knowledge of how I treated you for longer. 
One of the questions I’ve been told to answer is what would I do if I saw you again? What would I do for you? I’m not sure if you’ll want to see me again. But if you did, if you gave me that gift of blessing my eyes with you one last time, I’d hold you. For as long as you let me, hours, days, weeks, months, years, until we both grew old and grey. I’d love you until the moment I died, and even longer if you let me. I’d wait as long as you wanted me to, until the earth ends or just the first sign of spring. I’d collect the stars and bottle them up because I know how much you love them. I’d create a whole new religion just to worship you. I’ve realised now that I’ve rambled. (I’ve run out of paper and only have three lines left) But I have so much more to say. I’ll sum it up in a few words for you. ‘I would give you the moon.’
Yours, Matt.
She puts the letter down. 
One tear escapes her eyes.
There’s a knock on the door.
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora, @procrastinatinglikeapro, @beatr2x, @byyourside28
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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saphira-approves · 4 months
Can I come and tell you my deepest pain?
We should have had Morzan alive. I mean yeah, it would fuck up the whole narrative but imagine Murtagh being afraid of his father. He hates the king but fears his father.
Imagine him and Thorn; Morzan sees them, and he has problems with booze in canon, just how drunk he'd have gotten after Thorn learned to talk? There he is with his nameless dragon, half of his heart and soul, that he had to watch descend into stupidity. (Does he have its name written up here and there, does he watch it every day just to think about how he could make it real again?) Would he dream of killing his son and taking his dragon to himself? Would he want that even though he despises that sick joke of a connection that is in between Galbatorix and Shruikan?
And then Galbatorix finally discovers the name of the names. How would he beg for the king to use it to heal his companion?
Also, it would be very funny to watch our main characters run for their lives with an angry dragon after them, but y'know.
Should I write a fic about this
Oh you absolutely should write a fic about this (and let me know when you do! I’d love to read it!), and I should go back through my WIPs to find my time travel AUs…
I usually write more about Selena than Morzan, but I do love the idea of getting to see grown-up Murtagh’s reaction to seeing his father, especially in a context where Murtagh has lived without him for a while—whether that’s because Brom didn’t kill Morzan and Selena got both her sons to Carvahall, or because resurrection or time travel shenanigans happened.
As for Morzan still being around when Murtagh gets captured… I think there’s a 50/50 chance he gets Real Weird about the torture, in a “I was pretty sure up to this point that I didn’t actually care about my son but now my best friend is torturing My Son and I don’t like it actually” way, and I think that would be really fun to explore; I think, also, that when Thorn hatches and Galbatorix prematurely increases his size, Morzan would again be Real Weird about it because, like, that’s a baby dragon the size of an adult. He hasn’t lost his name, he just hasn’t really developed one yet; he’s a weird, warped mirror of Morzan’s own dragon. And when Thorn does, eventually, with difficulty, start to ‘grow up’, Morzan’s probably going to get twitchy about it—it’s been at least a century, more than two thirds of his lifespan, since he’s even MET a somewhat psychologically stable dragon; how much has he forgotten of their true intelligence, their real personalities? And when Galbatorix does find The Word, if Morzan asks him to heal his own dragon… honestly I don’t know if Galbatorix would be able to. Having power and knowing how to use it are two different things, we saw Murtagh figure that out in his own book with The Word. Would the king even know where to start? Would he allow Morzan to try for himself? Morzan probably wouldn’t have a clue where to begin, all we ever hear about him from people who’d met him is that he’s a powerful spellcaster, but not a very clever one.
Honestly, the whole situation might drive Morzan to split from Galbatorix; and even if not, it would still probably drive Morzan to be extremely destructive, to himself and everyone around him.
Also he’d be so pissed to learn about Eragon’s true parentage. Not even in a “my wife cheated on me?!” way but in a “oh my god can Brom stop being SO OBSESSED with me for FIVE MINUTES” kind of way.
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satureja13 · 23 days
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Ji Ho is back from his first Therapy Game session and couldn't be happier! And Saiwa is relieved they have him back in one piece. He was so worried and felt so bad Ji Ho, their most fragile, had to have his therapy before him, their oldest and leader. Ji Ho: "Don't worry. It was amazing! Tiny Can did an amazing job, you really should try." Saiwa drew in a deep breath: "Ok, I will go next then."
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They went over to the living room their office. There are a few things to consider. First that their avatars obviously have a life of their own when they are not logged in. Jack saw Ji Ho as NPC Princess watching his fight at the Arena. So it's possible that they have encounters and experiences they aren't aware of because they are not logged in. Best they prepare to act unsuspicious when they are confronted with their avatar's actions ingame. And then Ji Ho had to tell them that it's the best for all of them when they don't share everything that happens ingame. So the therapy of the others doesn't get spoiled/contaminated. (Jack and the Queen, for example. It's probably better for him he doesn't know that the Queen and Greg are together ingame too. The Queen wanted it to be a secret anyway and maybe it's an important experience for Jack to try to woo the Queen.) But he also talked about his positive experiences and everything that was safe to mention. And they all agreed to make it a habit to take their time to follow their hobbies at least once a week.
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Mood at dinner was subdued. Seems they don't take these news well. Jack wanted to know everything about his Queen and Vlad thinks Ji Ho and Caleb did ineffable things together and Ji Ho keeps it from him because he doesn't want to hurt him...
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After dinner, Jack and Ji Ho went to the beach to relieve Jack's pain and Saiwa soaked Vlad in the hot tub to relieve his stress.
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But Vlad was inconsolable. He knows it's just a game and that it's necessary for Ji Ho's healing and that they finally can be together when this is over and Ji Ho found his buried feelings. Saiwa: "Vlad, I know it's hard but try to hang on. Just for a little longer, hm? It will be worth it in the end. Don't let Ji Ho see you like this. He might stop his therapy and that would be a loss for all of us. We can already see the silver lining on the horizon."
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Vlad: "Fine! I already went through hell and back for him. I can do this!" Saiwa: "That's my boy."
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Nothing is easy in this world - or the others... But at least they are very beautiful worlds.
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Jack: "Ah I can't wait to go back ingame. I miss Lou. And the Queen! Oh, have to make a plan what to say when I see her again! It's so amazing that I can be a totally other me ingame. I'm not damaged there, I'm a highly regarded fighter. And she doesn't know me as an abandoned pup. I'm a grown, strong, handsome wolf. I think I really stand a chance with her!" Poor Ji Ho! This is harder than he expected ö.Ö'
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He tries to change the subject and told Jack that he really thinks this therapy game could be a great step forward for all of them. And no matter what happens ingame with Caleb, he's glad that Vlad encouraged him to go for it so he can heal. And how happy he is that he has the Bond with Vlad. No matter what happens, the Bond will keep them together. And how that gives him the strength to keep on going.
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They talked about how different their experiences with a fated/bonded relationship are. Ji Ho feels secure to be bonded to Vlad even though they barely talk to each other or spend time together. And even though Ji Ho is not able to love Vlad yet. He never felt stability in his whole life and he cherishes Vlad's constant presence and love over the Bond. Whereas Jack never felt his fated bond between Kiyoshi and him. He is still highly attracted to him (and he hates himself for his weakness!) and he did love Kiyoshi a lot. But that bolt in the chest that should have hit him - nope - never happened. Jack: "Well that's over now. Kiyoshi became a diety and I don't think dieties have fated mates. And I don't want to relive this madness ever again. I'm glad I'm finally crawling out of this bottomless pit."
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Then it was time for Vlad to go back home to care for Jeb and Kiyoshi. And to charge the Bond... Vlad: "Jack, wait..." Vlad can't be alone with Ji Ho right now. Not when when he's so upset. Jack sighed. It's about time for their next date, so they can get more comfortable around each other.
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Vlad is having a hard time charging the Bond and letting Ji Ho touch him. Who knows what he did with Caleb. And even tough Saiwa told him to not bother Ji Ho with his jealousy, he just couldn't help it... Last Winter Solstice, Ji Ho even agreed to bond with Caleb! Well, he did not really have a choice because Vlad had been lost with Jeb in the Otherworld and wasn't able to protect Ji Ho, but Vlad knows how crazy they all are about Caleb! Omg Vlad!
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Saiwa: "They are driving me crazy." Jack: "Well, we all act stupid at times, don't we?" Saiwa sighed: "I guess that's what we do... Oh my, I can't wait to see what Tiny Can has planned for me. Let's hope it helps. It's about time we go back home." Jack: "It will help. Look how well Ji Ho and I already do."
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And eventually Ji Ho calmed Vlad through the Bond so they could charge... Vlad feels so stupid and he tries to apologize over the Bond and to reassure Ji Ho that he really means it when he told him that he will endure everything so Ji Ho can heal. And Ji Ho hugged him a bit tighter. He already knows that. We will overcome this too, the Bond said.
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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