#and no I don't like or reblog things just because “oh everyone else has” and/or “You're my mutual so I just immediately like it.”
dootznbootz · 7 months
Sometimes I get so sad when I see fantastic art that's been up for a week and it'll only have like, 7 notes.
I'm not even an artist, a writer shitposter instead but I get not reblogging that as writing is longer and takes time to process and read it all but art??? you just scan it with these things called eyes (that doesn't take as long as reading!) and then if it brings you joy, say something!!! GET THAT GOOD SHIT OUT THERE!! No one can appreciate it if it's not passed around! Liking doesn't do much on tumblr to help creators!!!
Sometimes I don't write a lot of comments on stuff right away because I'm scared to spam or then I have thoughts I want to say but sometimes brain is fried but then I try to come back and THEN say why when brain starts working again!
I mean my blog is just my gallery of shit I think is neat and want to see again. It's part of the reason why I tag and categorize so I can find pretty things AGAIN. It's not hoarding if it's online shut up (also so people can search and then see the pretty things!)
I'm like some crazy rich person with a gallery in their house who will give tours and points out the paintings like "And this is the blorbo of this individual. No, I do not know who they are but have you seen the colors?! Can't you tell that there was so much LOVE put into this?! CAn you feel it?! SEE IT!"
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It just makes me sad, dudes. Y'all deserve love and appreciation and compliments for what you've gifted to this hellsite (╯︵╰,)
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youneedsomeprompts · 6 months
~ FORBIDDEN LOVE ~ PROMPTS about secret dating
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requested by: various anons requests: I saw the "Forbidden Love" prompts, mostly about not admitting to themselves / each other, and it really made me yearn for forbidden love prompts where they're together but they have to hide it from everyone else; one sided “keeping a relationship hidden from coworkers”; can you post prompts about two oblivious people who are already dating but the other people don't know they're dating? dialogues or scenarios would do<3 thank you and love your prompt contents!
Feel free to use and reblog!
Part 1: ~ FORBIDDEN LOVE ~ PROMPTS about confessing a forbidden crush Part 2: ~ FORBIDDEN LOVE ~ PROMPTS about showing love without confessing
#1 - keeping it secret at first because they didn't think it would turn into something that serious anyway #2 - enjoying the thrill of the secrecy #3 - being unsure whether that nervous feeling in their stomach is coming from their feelings for the other or the fact the relationship has to be kept a secret #4 - it's killing them that they have no one they can share their thoughts about their new relationship with #5 - making up the most random excuses to secretly meet up with the other #6 - screaming internally because they're having a date but they can't talk about it #7 - trying to act casual and unsuspicious in public when they're together but it's so hard #8 - teasing the other because they know how hard it is for them to keep their affection/arousal to themselves #9 - making promises that they don't have to keep it secret for much longer (but is it really realistic?) #10 - developing a method to communicate in code #11 - keeping it secret to protect the other #12 - keeping it secret until better times come #13 - making up for keeping it secret by extremely romantic/spoiling dates when they're alone #14 - wanting to fix everything before making the other their official s/o #15 - finding it the least stressful way to date to just keep it secret #16 - enjoying their little, happy secret because that way, no one can ruin it/take it from them #17 - it's like living in two completely separate worlds because their relationship is something that just exists between the two of them and the time together is always otherworldly #18 - wanting to stay in their happy dream world forever #19 - making plans for the future together, even though they don't know where they will be tomorrow #20 - they're keeping the other's love letters hidden under their pillow even though they know how risky it is
#21 - "You're the most precious thing to me. So, I have to keep you as safe as possible." #22 - "Ah, I'm glad to have you finally to myself." #23 - "When I'm with you, it's like the earth stood still. I'm never so at peace." #24 - "You know, I really don't want to imagine what would happen if the others knew." #25 - "We have to be more careful. This was really a close call." #26 - "Do you really think it's necessary we keep it secret for much longer?" #27 - "I'm doing this for you. You're much better off when the others don't know." "You always say that. But I'm not sure if I still believe it." #28 - "It's not ideal but hell would break lose if it came out. I'm really glad we have the moments of peace. And intimacy." #29 - "Could you have imagined that we would someday end up like this?" #30 - "You're the best that happened to me. And I can tell no one about it. But I want to shout it from the rooftops." "Oh, you better don't. But you can always whisper it to my ear." #31 - "Isn't it fun to have this secret?" #32 - ^ "That's one way to call it." #33 - "I was really impressed how you handled that earlier. So cool. So smooth. So casual. As if I hadn't just made you whimper and made your eyes roll back minutes prior." #34 - "It's all worth it. I would risk it all again just to be with you." #35 - "Do you really think this is a good idea? They could find us." #36 - "You'll be the death of me." #37 - "To be honest, it's pretty funny to see you acting so unfazed and oblivious when we both know you were still thinking about me being naked." #38 - ^ "I always think about you being naked. It's not as if it's a new challenge to keep a straight face." #39 - "But you do know that I'm doing this all for you, right? Otherwise, I couldn't care less." "But you have to act as if you were in for the thing itself. They cannot connect you to me." #40 - "One day, I will carry you off to a place where it's just us. So, be prepared to be kindly abducted one day, alright?"
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yooglefics · 15 days
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The casual type: 01 . The blind date
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!reader  Wordcount: 2,888 words Genre ( for the whole series ): AU. College!verse. Strangers to friends with benefits to ?????. Eventual smut. Hurt / comfort at times. And fuff for cute friends. Summary: Hobi and his girlfriend set you up with a friend of hers to help with whatever happened months back. However no one really expected things to end the way they did.
Warnings ( for this chapter ): Setting things up for plot purposes. Gridding? Mentions of a boner. Making out.  Author's note: So, I wanted to write some friends with benefits thing, plus a bunch of art kids… and this came out ┐( • ֊ • )┌ . I should note here I took the creative liberty to play around with their ages so everyone is in college at the same time, and if you haven't, you can check the presentation post and learn a little bit more about them. Now let's start, hope you like it! If you do you can reblog, like, comment, send an ask, follow and what not. Thank you for reading <3
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The place is quieter than the last time you were here, you realize, is earlier in the day and the semester just started after all, meaning students are still moving in from their home cities. And although you want to be mad at him, you can't really blame Hoseok's choice of place for a date, instead, you're already thinking of ways to be able to escape the awkwardness of it all.
Of course, he and Mai don't have to worry about that. Is not their first date and considering they're both dance students it actually makes sense for them to be in a club on a friday night. Is their element, unlike yours, who hasn't left their room for the last couple of weeks if it's not to go art-supply shopping and will spend even weekends far away from a place like this.
But you couldn't say no. Not to Hobi. Not after he held you tight that night and didn't pray for an explanation.
He had come up with his own conclusions, though, and that's how you ended here. On a double date with Mai and her friend who you don't even know, so... Yay! Blind date added to the mix of reasons why you already want the night to end.
"You made it!" Mai greats when the both of you get closer to the bar, standing up to hug you first and then her boyfriend. "We ordered something while waiting."
Your friend nods at the explanation, "What do you want?" He asks in your direction and you settle for a fruity cocktail to not look too out of place with everyone else drinking. Mai insists on going with Hobi and he insists you stay, so, a bit awkwardly, you take the stool besides your date.
"Yoongi, by the way." The guy simply introduces himself before taking a sip of his drink.
"Y/n" short, overthinking if bowing is too formal until you decide is too long of a pause and it would only make it more awkward. In the end, a soft smile is your decision.
"They look cute together," you say looking at your friends, trying to break the silence that has fallen between.
"Listen," Yoongi begins, and your head turns to him, "I'm only here because she asked, so if you're expecting something like that, let's just leave."
"Like that?" Brows slightly closer, "a cute relationship?"
"A relationship in general. I don't do those."
And before you can say anything else, Hobi is placing a glass in front of you, smiling reassuringly. "You'd be okay if I go dance now?"
A pause and then a nod is the answer. Not having any intentions of spoiling their night.
"Don't worry. Yoongi," Mai turns to him, a serious expression on her soft features, "you better take care of her, alright?"
He salutes, earning a smile from the couple and they walk to the dance floor hand in hand. You watch them make some silly moves at first and giggle, but it doesn't take long before they start to follow the beat and match it with their movements.
"I don't want a relationship either," you clarify, tone assertive, still looking at the couple with a smile.
He laughs, "I'm sorry, but that's hard to believe."
"Look at me and tell me you didn't just imagine yourself with someone on that dance floor."
You turn to him, brown eyes inspecting yours, "Well, yes. But that doesn't mean I want it to happen with someone I'm in a relationship with."
Again, he laughs. Clearly not believing you.
"What? People do casual things all the time," you defend, straightening your back and looking away.
"You do 'casual things'?" His eyebrows raise, "all the time?"
"Shut up, you don't know me."
"That's a no," no need to look at him to know there's a smirk playing on his lips.
"Who are you? Some kind of hook up police or something?" You want to take it back as soon as it leaves your mouth, cringing.
"Are you gonna show me your license?" but he is faster.
"Okay, that was more lame than what I said," you laugh. Maybe he is not as grumpy as he seems. And maybe, just maybe, you would be able to enjoy the night after all. 
If he doesn't want a relationship either, then you don't have to deal with rejecting him or being forced to accept a second date just because you're too kind to say no. That's good.
"Yoongi, hey!" A guy calls out and for a split second your date's expression changes to a surprise one before a polite smile takes place on his face. "Oh, hi. Sorry for interrupting, haven't seen him in months."
"Is alright," you play along even when not understanding.
"I guess he has been busy with yo—"
"Jay," Yoongi's tone is serious, like the one he used to say he doesn't do relationships. However, before he can continue or you are able to clarify that you two just meet, Jay is calling someone over.
"Look who I found, love. Yoongi!"
A redhead girl repeats Yoongi's early expression and you wonder two things about Jay. One: if he always has that effect on people. And two: if he is even more clueless than you in this whole situation, since his smile never falls.
"Hi," the redhead says and Yoongi greets back just as plain.
Are you really imagining the awkwardness? Perhaps you were wrong and in the end you should put one of your plans to avoid it into place?
A few seconds of thinking go by, no one says anything and you could swear the tension is filling the air around your new  group.
"Oh, that's the song!" Fake excitement in your voice tricks everyone into looking at you. "I promise, remember? If it comes on, we'll dance."
Yoongi looks confused for a second, but it doesn't take him long to finally understand, "right, the song. Sorry guys, been waiting all night."
Jay dismisses him smiling with a pat on the back, saying something about not breaking promises and Yoongi takes your hand.
Looking around, you try to find your friends, hoping to copy Mai's moves and keep up with the plan even when you're a self proclaimed not dancer. But they aren't in sight and even if you can't really prove it since your back is facing them, you feel like Jay's and the girl's eyes are on you.
Ugh. Why did you use this plan?
Why was this something you even thought about?
When Yoongi stops and positions himself in front of you, you get closer, sliding an arm on top of his shoulders pretending you're positioning yourself to dance, copying the random couple beside you.
"I don't know what I'm doing," you confess in a whisper.
"What do you mean?” He looks for your eyes, hair strain coming out of place when his head lowers a little, "you want to go back and sit down?"
"No, then they would know I lied," you're still trying to figure out why in the first place and don't need the embarrassment too, "but I don't know how to dance."
He chuckles, "here, I'll help." And holds your hips softly, moving them to the beat of the song, matching your movements with his own. "Relax. Don't think too much about it."
"If I don't, how do I know how to move?" It doesn't make sense and is a bit frustrating, honestly.
"Is not a dance competition, or the grant ball, princess. Just do what feels right."
He catches you looking at your feet and brings you closer, eliminating the gap between your bodies completely. "Don't do that," one of his hands travels to the small of your back, keeping you in place.
"Sorry," you say against his neck. Not intentionally, but because of your height difference, there's no other option. In an effort to not be so dependent on him, both your arms move around his neck and you try to move your hips in a way that in the end doesn't match his movements completely, causing you to bum into his front. He makes a sound that you assume is a complaint at your skills and another apology rolls through your lips.
"Turn around," Yoongi commands, applying pressure to one side of your hip.
You comply, confused even when you feel his hands on your waist. "Well, I'm going to assume you been fucked before, miss casual all the time," with his chest against your back, you can feel his laugh. "Open your legs a little," one of his feets kicks gently between yours, fixing your stand. "You want to lead or should I?"
"...You." Is the safest, you decide. Your turn to assume he surpasses your experience at that too.
“Some describe dancing like a good fuck," he explains, hands softly making their way a bit lower to your hips, "because you have to learn your partner. Find a rhythm together." His movements start slow, moving your body with his from side to side, with small circles of the hips.
Your hands fall on top of his, not knowing what else to do with them. They're soft, which for some reason is unexpected.
"I have dancer friends and they never described it like that..."
"Not to you, probably," he laughs and when you stop the movements to throw an angry look his way — because you're pretty sure that's some kind of insult,— he chuckles, before continuing the swaying of your hips. "Calm down, princess. I meant, they probably just weren't teaching you this kind of dance."
And that makes sense. You can't imagine dancing with your friends like this. You can barely believe you're doing it with a stranger.
Your shyness must have shown, because his next question is why did you even choose this song.
"I was trying to help and get you away from whatever that was," you lift your head, eyes away from your feet and the color lights projecting on the floor, and sure enough, behind red bangs, the girl is looking in your direction.
Your hips halt.
Yoongi catches up a bit too late, bumping his pelvis into you.
"What ar—"
"She is looking." Cutting him off, you want to hide as if you were the one caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. So, you try to turn around on his arms but his hold is firm.
A new song starts, the rhythm not much different.
"Help me with another song?"
You try again, this time using your hands on top of his to soften the grip. He gives in. And after a look at his face, you nod.
You can decide if it's sadness or anger that you see, not knowing him well enough to tell — or at all, to be honest — but either way, there's a part of you that can relate. One for each emotion.
Throwing your hair back, letting all black strands fall over your back, your arms go back over his shoulders, this time your chest flush against him a little more than last.
Yoongi says thanks and you kiss his cheek as his hands hold you again. His movements are more determined and even his fingers form dents over the fabric of your dress.
Assuming his demeanor changed only for the specific viewer doesn't sound too crazy, and you want to confirm the theory by looking at his face, see if he is looking behind you at her. Your eyes travel against the direction the few sweat drops over his skin go, and when they reach Yoongi's, he is looking back at you.
Your body stops.
"Fuck" he whispers when the front of his pelvis bumps yours. "You really need to stop doing that."
"Sorry. Told you I can't dance."
He chuckles.
Your bottom lip forms a small pout. "Don't be mean. I'm trying to help you, remember?" And you initiate the movements again, starting to get the hang of it. Kind of.
"You're not much help right now if you keep making me dry hump into you," this time he is the one stopping, making it so you bump into his front and you can feel the outline of his growing erection.
"Exactly," he says so matter of fact, "you're the mean one."
Lowering your head, you try to not think too much about it. It doesn't make you want to run away or kick him, but you also don't want to make him feel like kicking you away. You keep repeating to yourself that is normal with this type of dance, that there's probably more than one hard on at the club right now and how you're probably not the only one who is getting we—
Damn it. Just stop thinking about it.
Yoongi stops your body from moving, and when you realize he has been calling your name, you're even more embarrassed by your thoughts.
"I'm sorry. That was too much, I shouldn't have. We can go sit now." His eyes are looking straight at you, letting you know he's being sincere.
"I need some air."
Without even bothering to wait for a confirmation that he is following or not, you make your way to the side door of the club. The autumn breeze hits your skin as soon as you step into the alley, instantly calming your hormones down.
Hands cover your face in shame after reclining on the wall. Can you stop acting like it was the first time you felt a penies? Because even if it hasn't happened in a while, it doesn't mean the score goes back to zero.
"Should I bring Hoseok?" Yoongi asks a few steps in front of you and you jump a little, shaking your head after.
"I'm good. You can go back in."
"I'm not leaving you alone here. Do you want him or Mai to kill me?"
A small chuckle leaves your throat and one from him follows it.
"And you think he wouldn't kill you for—" stop. You can't think about it.
"For dancing like that with you? Probably. But he also set this date up, so..." Out of the corner of your eye you can see him shrug, "can't complain unless you hate me now."
"I don't hate you."
"Is okay if you do."
"It… it just surprised me."
"In a bad or good way?"
"A good one." You answer directly in a strain of honesty.
"So you're not really the casual type, uh?" He teases after a couple seconds of silence.
"Maybe I just don't like doing casual in the middle of the club," you defend.
"I don't know, you were the one that kept humping into me."
Your mouth opens and closes, finally looking at him and his stupid lips pull up in a smirk. You want to erase it so bad.
"Shut up."
"Make me."
And you do.
Skipping forward, right hand flying to the back of his neck to pull him in and you're able to touch his lips with yours.
He is quick to react. Kissing you back, his hands on either side of your waist pulling your body into his. But you're trying to prove a point, to defend yourself. So, you pull away slightly, making sure your lips are just about to touch.
He pulls in.
Allowing just a peck, you move.
You kind of regret not using your cherry lip gloss, because you know for sure that knowing you're so close for him to smell it but not taste it, would be the biggest tease.
You let him lean in again, not moving this time and he sighs. You smile against his lips just before his tongue asks for permission to enter your mouth. Again, you regret your simple choice of a simple red lip tint, but remind yourself that this date wasn't supposed to go like this. That Yoongi doesn't seem like the guy he was supposed to be, not what he was advertised by your friends.
Fighting back control, your left arm joins the other around his neck, moving your lips expertly and feeling his chest rise and fall quickly against yours. Is pretty much the position you were in on the dance floor minus the grinding.
Casual in the middle of the club is not your thing. Casual in general is actually not something you have experience with. But kissing? You've mastered it thanks to your past relationships and the avoidance of jumping into someone's bed right from the start.
A moan vibrates through your lips against Yoongi's, and even if it's part of the routine, you must admit is pretty real. A soft groan is his answer and the cue for your heels to touch the floor again. His hold tightens in reaction, making your dress rise up and covering a couple inches less of your thighs. Suddenly you're aware of the wind again as a breeze runs up your legs, towards the center of your panties.
Your breath caughts on your throat and Yoongi swallows any sounds before pulling away.
"Fuck," he breaths heavily, "we've to stop."
"Why? Are you not really the casual type?" You tease, stealing his line.
The left corner of his mouth lifts, before falling again in a millisecond. "Not with you."
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Should I’ve added “cliffhanger” to the warnings? haha i swear is gonna be okayyyy ♡ Tag list: @n33mesis , @mggv97 , @wobblewobble822 , @bbou-doir , @m00njinnie , @nariee02 , @sexytholland . hope you guys like this one <3
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➪ The squad. | ➪ 02 | ➪ Updates for this verse ➪ Ko-fi | ➪ ♡ Tag list info ➪ Main masterlist. | ➪ Updates in general | ➪ Request & chats
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marvelouslizzie · 1 year
are you mine?
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summary: You have been seeing Bucky Barnes for while. Actually seeing doesn't cover what you two are doing but you don't know what else to call it. You just didn't give the relationship a name, yet. One day, you get a voice message and a photo from your best friend which makes you think, Bucky Barnes, the man who you fell head over heels in love with is cheating on you. Jealousy takes over.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader 
word count: 5.1K
warnings: 18+ NSFW MINORS DNI, unlabeled relationship, misunderstandings, suspected of being cheated on (BUT THERE IS NO CHEATING), jealousy, feeling insecure, unintentionally hurting the person you love, mentions of roleplaying, adult language, pet names, dirty talk, light deep-throating, fingering, unprotected sex (don't do it in real life these two know each other), emotional assurance, no mention of y/n.
a/n:  This was a random idea I had and with the help of @notafunkiller and @es1dit, it turned into reality. I thank them for helping me through my writing journey, beta-reading, and even for the photos and the gif! You two are the best!
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission. Every like, comment and reblog is highly appreciated.
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“Hey, girl.” Your friend's voice sounds different than usual. You wonder what’s wrong because she usually doesn’t send voice messages. “I really don’t know how to say this. I wanted to call you and explain everything, answer all your questions, but I have a meeting in five minutes.” You look at the time and see the voice message was sent more than ten minutes ago. “I thought texting is worse so I decided to go with a voice message.” She stops for a second to take a deep breath. “I really hate to be the one to tell you this. I really do. I hate to break your heart but if I were in your place, I’d like you to tell me. It’s better to know instead of getting fooled, right?” She sounds like she is trying to convince herself, not you and you can’t help but wonder what she is talking about. “Okay, here we go: I saw Bucky with a woman. They were hugging so I couldn’t see his face clearly at first. I thought the guy was just looking a lot like Bucky, so it made me stop. I thought how many guys should have this haircut? It turns out it was really Bucky. He was hugging her so tight, it was just confusing. Then after they broke the hug, she put her hand on his chest and I went ‘wait a minute, who is this redhead?’ I got my phone and right before I took the photo, he laughed so loudly. I couldn’t believe it! Bucky Barnes, the guy who gives everyone a death stare, was laughing with his whole body. I managed to take a good picture, but I could not see the face of that woman. The only thing I can say for sure is that she's a redhead. Oh, and she has an amazing body. Even from behind…” She stops for a bit when she realizes she’s praising her while telling you Bucky is cheating on you. “Sorry. I just can’t believe what I've just witnessed. I thought you should know. I’m sending the photo so you can see it with your own eyes. I’m sorry for dropping a bomb like this and running into a meeting. I promise you I will call you after I’m done with work and we will talk, alright?”
From the moment you first listened to this message, you couldn't think of anything else. You keep looking at the photo, zooming in on the woman countless times in hopes of magically figuring out who she is and how she managed to make him laugh that hard. You don't remember him mentioning meeting any woman today. Especially one that seems so close to you.
You also listen to the voice message over and over again, but nothing makes sense.
Is he... is he really seeing her behind my back? 
Your heart is beating so fast, you can’t focus on your thoughts or hear anything else. Breathing becomes so hard that you feel like you are drowning. I can’t do this anymore, I can’t. You hope taking deep breaths might help, but not even that helps. It actually makes you feel even worse. You just drop your body onto the couch and suddenly you notice you aren’t afraid or anxious like you initially thought. You are just… hurt. So hurt that the pain you are feeling is actually physical. You never felt this way ever in your life.
If Bucky Barnes pointed his gun right at your face now it would hurt you less. If he shot you without blinking once, it would hurt you less because you would know for sure that he is brainwashed and turned into the Winter Soldier by someone again. And he wouldn’t be hurting you on purpose. This… Whatever this is… feels like he’s hurting you on purpose and it's unbearable.
Now, you aren’t so sure of who he is. This guy, who is hugging someone else like that and laughing, who lets another woman touch her so freely like this can not be your Bucky. Or maybe he was never yours to begin with, who knows?
You have no idea how much time passed between the moment you got this message and Bucky arrived at your place. While you are drowning in your thoughts and feelings, he lets himself in.
“Hey, doll.” He sounds really happy, which is rare and mostly when he’s around you. Now you know you aren’t the reason for his happiness and it stings. He must have had a good day with that redhead. Whoever she is.
You look at him without saying a word. That’s when you see that he’s holding a big bouquet of flowers. Your favorites. God! He is really cheating on me. He felt guilty and bought flowers on his way here, you think. While growing up, you remember hearing something over and over again: When a man feels guilty because they're cheating, they start to treat their partners better. Bucky always treated you well and bought you flowers but you aren’t in a place to think clearly anymore. You just assume he’s cheating, therefore he got you flowers to feel better about it. It’s clear as day.
“Are you okay?” He sounds concerned already because he knows how you would normally act. Whenever he arrived at your place, you ran to him and gave him a huge hug. Sometimes you literally jumped in his arms and he lifted you up with no effort. He would just hold the flowers until you got down. In the rest of cases, you would give him a kiss, thank him for the flowers, and put them in your favorite vase. But right now all you do is glare at him, taking a deep breath before standing up.
Your knees already want to just give in and let you fall, but no, you aren’t gonna go down that easily. You are going to face him first and let things play out. If you are gonna fall on your knees, it’s gonna happen when you are alone and defeated, and you can cry yourself to sleep.
“I’m not.” 
“What’s wrong?” He just puts the flowers away.
“Are you cheating on me, James Barnes?” The question flies out from your lips easily. And you are surprised you managed to get it out without choking or crying. 
Bucky’s expression is hard to read at first. You have no idea what it means. Then it slowly changes into something you are familiar with: concern. Anytime he is even a little bit concerned, the lines between his brows become so visible… But this time, they don’t stay that way for long. Instead, you see a little smile creeping up his lips, and a wave of anger washes over you. Before you're able to say anything, he speaks.
“Since when we are in a relationship, darling?” 
Oh my fucking god! The audacity of this man! 
“Excuse me?”
“I asked you: since when are we in a relationship? I thought in order to cheat on someone you have to be in a relationship first, and I don’t remember us discussing the nature of our… friendship.” The bastard sounds so smug until the last part. Then he seemed unsure for a second like he was trying to find the right word. Friendship… That wasn’t the right one for your relationship. You were friends, of course, but the word doesn’t cover it all. You were also exclusive. Or, at least, that is what you thought until now.
“I guess…” You sniff. “I had the wrong impression…” You stop again to collect yourself. “About our… friendship.”
That’s when he notices the tears in your eyes, threatening to fall down any second, but you are holding yourself back. You don’t want to cry in front of him. You don’t want him to see how much he broke you. Instead of approving what you just said, Bucky closes the distance between you two. 
“Darling…” His tone has completely changed, that smugness vanishing completely. “Are you crying?” He tries to touch your face and probably wipe the tear away, but you don’t let him. With a quick step back, you put distance between you two while looking directly into his eyes.
“It’s none of your business.” The lines between his brows are back and they are deeper than ever. Confusion is written all over his face.
“Baby, I don’t understand what’s wrong. Please, talk to me.” He sounds completely broken now and you can’t believe how he could just change his emotions like that. Like there is a switch inside him and now he decided to act a bit more appropriately.
“I already told you, and your answer was clear enough.” The coldness of your voice creates a cold shower effect on him. 
“Wait…” It finally sinks in. “Do you really think I am cheating on you?”
You give him a dry humorless laugh. “You've just asked me since when we're in a relationship twice and technically said it wasn’t cheating.”
“I thought you were roleplaying.” He desperately tries to get closer to you, but you raise your hand to stop him. “I had no idea you were serious.”
“Roleplaying?” You can’t believe this man. “Do you really think I would accuse you of cheating for the sake of roleplaying, James?”
“Please, stop calling me James.” He knows you only do it when you are angry. That’s why he doesn’t like it. “I don’t know. I thought…” He tries to collect his thoughts. “I thought it was a bit weird, but I was like if that’s what she wants to do, I can give it a try.” You can't believe this man. Is he really clueless or does he try to deceive you?
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Darling… I don’t know why you think that, but I would never ever cheat on you. I can never…” He chokes on the words and you finally notice he might not be lying to you. He might not be deceiving, but what about that photo? What about that redhead who made him laugh so fucking hard?
“You told me we aren’t in a relationship, Bucky.” He notices this time you didn’t call him James and that’s a good sign. Small but important. That encourages him.
“I was acting my part. I thought that’s what you wanted. Baby…” He tries to move closer once again and this time you let him. He carefully holds your hands while looking into your eyes. “From the moment you said yes to me, I considered us as a couple. I know we did not talk about it and I can see it was a huge, huge mistake, but please believe that you are the only one for me.”
“You did?” You can’t help but ask. You need to hear him say it again. You wanna believe him so much, but there are so many questions on your mind, waiting to be asked and answered.
“Of course I did. You have no idea how much it hurts me to see you believe that I could cheat on you with another woman while my heart belongs to you. Not just my heart, I belong to you. Body and soul. I’m yours, darling. Please, believe me.” This… this sounds like your Bucky. The way he talks, the way he looks at you, the way he just looks so sad and broken. 
“I want to believe you, Bucky. I really do. I just can’t delete that photo from my mind. I can't stop thinking about it. That woman was touching you and you were laughing! You laugh so rarely, especially around others, and I– I just don’t know what to think anymore.”
“What photo?” He doesn’t sound defensive or blindsided, only confused. 
You quickly reach out for your phone and open the photo. As soon as you turn the screen towards him, his eyes focus on it for a second, and then he bursts into laughter.
“Why the fuck are you laughing?” Your voice comes out so defensive, but you don’t even realize.
“This is Natasha!” He looks at you. “Remember? I told you about her and how we have similar experiences.”
“That’s how you two actually bonded.” You repeat the words he once said to you. God! She is Natasha. Natasha Romanoff. The woman Bucky told you about so many times because he felt like he finally found a sister. The first person who made him feel like he isn’t alone in this world. He isn’t the only one who got tortured, turned into a killing machine, then managed to get out and start over. And you just got jealous of Natasha. God, you feel like an idiot.
“Yes, exactly!” He approves. “I told you like a week ago that Natasha will be in town and we will meet for a coffee. Remember?”
“Oh god…” You let out a loud groan, remembering exactly the moment he told you, but then so many things happened during the last week. You just… forgot and made an unnecessary scene. You accused him of cheating. If things were reversed, you'd be so hurt. So fucking hurt.
You feel your cheeks burning in shame.
“You even asked me if I wanted to meet her and I just said you go ahead and tell her about me first.” He approves with his eyes and small nods. “God, I am such an idiot!”
“No, you are not.” He quickly responds. “You haven’t met her yet and in the photo… her face isn’t visible.” Then he stops for a second as something comes to his mind. “Who sent you this photo?”
Oh, shit. 
“What makes you think someone sent it to me?” You don’t want to snitch on your friend, she was just trying to have your back. 
“Because if you were there, you wouldn’t just take a photo and leave. You would come and call me out. Someone sent you this photo.” He stops for a second again. “Alice sent this to you, didn’t she?”
You don’t say anything, but you look guilty without intending and it’s enough confirmation for him.
“Look, I am not mad at her. You can tell me that she sent you the photo.” Your eyes meet his while he keeps talking. “I’m glad your best friend has your back. I just wish you gave me the benefit of the doubt.” 
Oh. He sounds hurt again, even more than before.
“I’m sorry, Bucky.” You close the distance between you two completely. Your body is pressed against his and the warmth of him starts to calm you down. You just hope it will do the same to him. “She sent me a voice message and she sounded so… I don’t know… shaken. I couldn’t believe you could hug someone and laugh so hard with someone else. I couldn’t believe… that you would do this to me.”
“I understand that feeling, but I am just… hurt.”
“Can I make it better?” You ask immediately while reaching for his cheek. Your fingertips move towards his lips slowly. “Please, let me make it better.”
“What are you suggesting Ms. I doubt we have a relationship but I am gonna accuse you of cheating anyway?” 
You laugh because of that long-ass but rightfully deserved nickname. You should've talked about your relationship with him before anything like this happened. You should’ve given him the benefit of the doubt because he never made you doubt him before. Yet the jealousy you felt was so powerful. Actually, you can still feel it. That strong sensation is inside you, running through your veins, only getting calmed down by the loving words spilled from his lips. For the first time in your life, you notice what a jealous person you are. 
Instead of answering his question, you raise up on your toes and give him a kiss. Your intention is clear, but you don’t want to push him. If he needs a little time alone, he can end the kiss any second without feeling bad about it. That’s why you keep your kiss light and sweet, but in a couple of seconds, you realize that’s not what he wants.
He wraps his arms around your body and pulls you closer, then tilts his head just a little to deepen the kiss. That’s when you let a moan out for the first time. His tongue is moving so sweetly you get lost in the freaking kiss. While you are enjoying the taste of him, Bucky moves his metal hand toward your ass and grabs it a bit harshly, which instantly makes you gasp. Before you can do anything, he lifts you up with no effort. God, you love it when he does that. You quickly wrap your legs around his waist and enjoy feeling him this close to you. Despite still having your clothes on, you can feel the warmth radiating from his body. It just makes you feel safe. You wrap your arms around his neck and keep kissing him like your life depends on it. You are just glad he’s on the same page as you.
In a matter of seconds, you are on your bed waiting to find out what’s next. Usually, Bucky starts with getting you ready. That means either kisses, licks or sometimes when you are already very close to being ready, sucks. He gives you whatever you want, but this time it feels different. He moves away from you unexpectedly and takes off his shirt pretty quickly. Then he looks directly at you while his hands start to work on his belt.
“I've just realized…” He speaks while unbuckling. “I don’t think you deserve my attention yet.”
His words catch you off guard. He never said anything like this before. Deserving his attention? God… Those words make the blood rush in your veins.
“What can I do to deserve it again?” 
“Well, I can think of a couple of things.” He unzips himself suggestively and oh dear god… He wants you to do something you suggested before! This man… He can’t be real.
You move closer to the edge of the bed and stand on your knees. Before he can take his pants off, you move your hand inside his boxers and gently grab him.
“Something like this?”
He lets out a low moan before answering. “Something like this.”
You push his pants and boxers down, his already hard cock bouncing a little. God… You really want to do this. You can feel your mouth watering just at the thought of it. You take him in your hand, running your fingers all over it, getting mentally ready. He is already making such delicious sounds while you are doing the most basic things. You try to imagine how he'll react when he is deep inside your mouth.
You are excited about all the possibilities, but you still take your sweet time. The first step is moving your hand away and replacing it with your lips. You don’t take him inside your mouth or give him a lick. No, you are going to start really slow. Instead, you give him kisses all over. You avoid his hard cock for a while and focus on what’s around. Then your lips move to the place where he’s aching the most. While he’s expecting more kisses, you give him a big lick, which makes him moan loudly. Even though you've just started, you already feel like a winner.
You keep teasing him with your tongue for a while until you feel ready. You look up at him before taking him inside your mouth and he gives you one of those killer smiles.
“If you wanna stop, tap on my thighs, alright?” His tone is completely different: so soft and caring, which makes you wanna try this with him even more.
“I will.”
You take a deep breath before taking him. This isn’t the first time he’s inside your mouth. This isn’t the first time you are giving him a blowjob, either, but you never took him so deep and let him fuck your mouth. Giving away all the control you have is a little scary but also exciting. 
He lets you work at your own pace. You take him inside your mouth inch by inch, trying to relax and just not think much about it. Of course, that’s easier said than done, and triggering your gag reflex doesn’t take long. He takes a deep breath, trying to contain himself. His hands are already in your hair, just tangled between the strands without pulling.
“We don’t have to do this right now, you know…” He reminds you.
Hell no. You are the one who wanted to try this. You aren’t gonna give up that easily. You simply shake your head while your mouth is full and keep going. Taking another big breath through your nose and moving your head a bit more. A couple more inches of his hard cock disappear inside your mouth. That’s when you feel him touch the back of your throat. 
Holy shit! Your mouth is full of him!
You look up, feeling proud of yourself. You can see it in his eyes that he’s so fucking lost in the pleasure already. 
“Are you ready, doll?” The raspiness of his voice shoots strings of arousal down to your lower belly and you feel the wetness between your legs growing. You give him the confirmation with your eyes and he starts to move.
At first, it isn’t overwhelming as you imagined. It’s just a pressure you aren’t used to. You let him use your mouth however he wants, but notice that he’s still being careful. Yet the sounds he’s making just… drive you crazy. They turn you on even more and you can’t believe that’s actually possible. As he starts to move a little bit faster, getting lost because of the pleasure you feel the wetness growing even more. 
“God…” He’s louder than before. “This feels– amazing. It’s… it must be– a sin to– feel this good.”
Oh, how much you wanna reply, but your mouth is too occupied for that. Instead, you whine and moan. The vibrations of the sounds amplify his pleasure for a second.
“Fuck!” He’s losing the little control he has for sure. “Your fucking mouth!” He thrusts a little harder than before and you start to feel the tears building up in the corners of your eyes. “Wet.” He trusts. “Hot.” Another thrust follows. “And mine.” 
Just like that, you feel his come shooting down to your throat with a loud moan that fills you with the feeling of victory. He slowly takes himself out of your mouth and you notice how his cock is covered with thick spit. While you are trying to go back to normal, he is breathing loudly. So loud that it's all you can hear.
“That was…” He tries to speak, but his voice gives out in the middle of the sentence.
God damn, I made a super soldier lose his cool.
This isn’t the first time you did it, but it’s the first time it’s this visible. 
“Good? Great? Amazing?” You play a bit arrogant thinking you deserve it.
The voice in your mind instantly goes: Fuck yes!
“Does it mean I deserve your attention now?” You keep your tone as innocent as possible like you aren’t talking about sex at all.
“Definitely. Lay back.” 
You love when he gets all demanding for the sake of your pleasure. You do as he says and watch him climb on top of the bed and take off your pants. He drops them without care and his middle finger finds its way between your folds over the underwear.
“Oh, poor thing.” The teasing is so fucking obvious in his voice. “You are drenched. Do you need a hand?” This time his palm slowly brushes down and god… you never needed to feel a hand so badly as you do right now. As you nod, he continues. “Let me show you how you are the only one for me then.”
He grips your underwear on both sides and suddenly takes it off. Your wetness is even more apparent now as he moves his middle finger between the folds again. It feels so damn good even without him touching your clit, but he does. He touches it so lightly, his fingertip only brushing, bringing all the wetness up so he can make you scream. You let out a deep moan, pushing yourself against his finger.
“So impatient, aren’t you?”
“I am.” you don't feel any shame. This is the man you love and you want all the pleasure he can give you.
“Since you are so honest… I won’t let you wait.” He pushes a finger inside you as he is talking and you gasp loudly in return. He moves it inside and out a couple of times before he adds the second one. “You are so fucking wet for me. You don’t even need stretching at all.”
You make an approving sound. You really would love to have his cock inside you right now but you know how talented he is with his hands. You can already feel the approaching orgasm and you desperately need it.
“I love it when you are so open like this.” He pushes his fingers a little bit harder than before. “Tell me…” He dramatically pauses for a second. “Do you want the third finger?”
“Yes!” Your answer is instant. “Please.”
“You wanna come already?” You nod eagerly. “Alright, darling.” He pushes the third finger inside, all three brushing that extra sensitive spot now, making you see stars. You don’t even notice how you lose control. He listens to your panting and moans and lets you beg for more knowing damn well all you need is him keeping up the same pace and he’s right. In a matter of seconds, you feel the pleasure explode inside you. It takes you in, makes you swim over the clouds, and then relief washes all over you. 
Bucky gradually slows down while letting you ride your orgasm until the last second. You take a couple of deep breaths and then look at his pretty face as he glances back at you with the warmest smile. Then your eyes drop down and you see he’s hard again. It doesn’t surprise you anymore like it used to. It’s one of the biggest benefits of the super soldier serum: having the best recovery time ever. His hardness waters your mouth again, but you know that it’s time for something else. You gotta do something about that wetness between your legs. Your mouth can wait.
Finally, you rise to your knees again and move on top of him. 
“My little doll wants more.” He places his hands around your body, moving them slowly as he talks. “What do you want darling? You wanna ride me?”
God, the way he speaks does things to you. Over the course of the flirting phase with him, you discovered that shameless part of yourself and you don’t care anymore. You don’t care if you are being too open. You don’t feel shy to accept that you want to ride him because you know he’s there to give it to you. Whatever you want.
“Yes.” You push his chest a little knowing them well you can’t do anything unless he lets you. And he always lets you. He falls on his back voluntarily. “Just enjoy the show.”
“Oh, I will.” He smirks and puts both of his hands behind his back, getting comfortable.
“No, no, no.” You reach for his hands and bring them to your breasts. “I want you to touch me.”
“Gladly.” He squeezes both of them before you move up a little. You open up a bit of space between you two, grabbing his cock and aligning it to your entrance, and with one swift movement he’s balls deep inside you.
“Fuck–ing hell.”
All you can do is moan as you feel so deliciously full and stretched even without moving at all. Your hands are on his chest, trying to support yourself while getting used to the feeling of him inside you. 
“Move, darling.” He sounds so impatient, so wrecked, so needy.
After a couple of breaths, you start to move slowly with your hands still on his chest, helping yourself keep the slow pace you are building. It feels so good, so fucking good to be on top. Not only do you feel full of him, but you are also fully in control. He’s a big strong man, much more stronger than any other and yet he just lays down and lets you do whatever you want to him. You wanna ride him? You can. You wanna torture him? You can. The power you have over him makes you feel invincible. 
His hands are all over you: massaging your nipples, caressing your tummy and grabbing your waist. When you start to move a little bit faster, his hands settle on your ass, trying to help you very subtly. It may be subtle for him but it makes a huge difference for you as he starts to hit the right spot inside you. You feel it and he definitely feels it because he makes sure to do it over and over again. Both of you are shaken because of the pleasure such a small change creates. Your moans get louder while he’s taking sharp breaths to hold himself back.
“I’m– I’m gonna–”
“I know, baby.” Your answer is quick because you can clearly see how the veins on his neck are extra visible and how his eyes are rolling back in pleasure. He doesn’t have to say it. You already know. “Me too.” 
That’s all the confirmation he needs as you gear up. When the first wave of your orgasm hits, he stops holding back. Instead, he starts to thrust back while you're still moving. 
“Fuc– Bucky!” The words slip out without intending. It feels so fucking good.
“Keep going! Keep going!” He instructs while thrusting inside you. In a matter of seconds, you are both moaning loudly.
“Oh, fuck!” He curses before he starts to spill inside you. He keeps going, just to prolong your orgasm, and what an orgasm it is! As you hold on to him, you feel breathless. He watches you as you get down from that high, tired but looking blissed out.
“You are so fucking pretty.” He closes the distance between you two and gives you a messy, sloppy kiss. “And you are mine. All mine.” 
“And are you?” You ask while still breathing heavily. “Are you mine?”
“All yours, darling. As long as you want me.”
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
Heyyy, I hope you’re doing well ! I am so happy that you opened your requests again ! I would love to read a young vi x reader where through some actions the reader makes Vi realize that she’s gay. I hope it makes sense lol and thank you if you write it !
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Vi x Fem!Reader 
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, vi has a wound in #3, mentions/descriptions of blood and pain ( vi ), hidden feelings, friends to lovers, happy ending
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - sorry it took forever!!!!! this is such a cute idea thoughhhhhhh thank you for requesting this! ily! <3
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Vi wondered three times if you were gay, three, and probably more that she doesn't remember. But these moments she does, and looking back, she wonders if it was her not getting it right away, or you not giving it too easily.
It was probably both. Yeah. It was definitely both.
#1: The time when Powder and you were hanging out, and Vi was a bit too close by, and couldn't help but listen in. But it didn't give her any answer she was looking for.
"Do you believe in ghosts?" Powder asked, scribbling onto the wall beside your bed. "Yeah, I believe in a lot of things though. Things people call crazy." Powder dropped her marker and turned to you, seeing you laid out on your pillow while staring up at the top bunk.
"Like what?"
Nearby Vi sat quietly, staring at a puzzle cube in her hand, rotating it again and again but never solving it. You had before though, many times actually, you even tried to teach Vi.
"Reincarnation. Fairies. True love and soulmates." Vi looked over at that, hands faltering around puzzle. "You believe in fairies?" Powder giggled while Vi was much more caught up on something else.
"Yep, I bet that one day I'll even see one." "Will I be there?" You nodded happily, sitting up and crossing your legs. "If you wanna be. Vi too, if she wants." Your eyes then snapped to hers, Vi looking away with a coat of blush on her cheeks.
"No way, she'd just scare away the fairies." You giggled while Vi huffed and tossed aside the cube. "No I wouldn't, you would. You're too loud for your good." Powder stuck her tongue out at this, making Vi roll her eyes and do the same.
"Alright you two, that's enough." Powder then looked back at you with a grin. "What about other things?" "Hm... like I said, I believe in soulmates, dragons are probably real. Magic."
Vi then laughed, catching your attention.
"What? Think I'm ridiculous?" She quickly shook her head, brushing her hair back while swinging her leg over the chair arm. Dangling it off the ground.
"No, but soulmates? Magic? Never seen it." You huffed. "So? Just because you've never seen it, doesn't mean it isn't real. I've never seen you cry, but I believe you're capable."
Powder nodded profusely, sliding off the mattress and walking towards her sister.
"She's got a point." The blue haired girl said, skipping towards the couch. "Shut it Pow." "Oh c'mon, Vi!"
You watched the two sisters glare at one another, silently watching while amused. Standing up and off your bed to walk towards Vi.
"Besides, everyone has a soulmate. You can't go through life alone." Vi's smile faltered at this, Powder no longer listening and having skipped off to bother her inventions that had yet to work.
"How do you know?" You shrugged, looking off while leaning against her chair.
"Well, I think that at some point everyone has had one. Romantic or not. And they may have lost them, they may have married them. But they've met them at some point. They feel it. They know."
You looked away at the walls of the room, thinking for a moment while biting your lip.
"And?" You looked back at her, meeting her eyes. "And some people, people kind of like you, just don't care. They don't chase that feeling, that person. They give up or they convince themselves they're nuts. I believe when you feel it, you go for it."
She snorted, standing up, taller than you as she moved to walk in front of your frame still sitting on the arn. Unfazed at her lack of belief.
"You really believe some guy is just out there and ready to find you?"
"Who said it was a guy?" You swore her face changed, barely, but it changed. "And I never said it was romantic." And then again, it changed once more, but again, you didn't notice. "But yeah, probably."
It was quiet, Vi staring into your eyes as you stared back.
"Y/n!" You looked over, Powder holding a few of her monkey's in hand. "C'mon we have to test them now! You promised!"
"Alright, alright I'm coming."
Vi watched you disappear, off with her sister, wondering much more about what the feeling you described, actually felt like.
#2: When Milo was a little too close to Vi's curiosity, and it ended up with you both giving away a little more than you realized.
"What about that guy?" Milo pointed to a man walking passed, Powder gagging and shaking her head. "He's hideous." "I thought you two could be soulmates!" Milo then joked, turning to smile at you while you only rolled your eyes.
"What about you Y/n? What are your opinions on that fine man?" You giggled crossing your ankles while shrugging. "He's... alright?" You swear you heard a few snorts, Powder and Milo glancing at each other. "What you don't think he's cute?" "Not really my type?" You shrugged once more, looking at them both with a questioning expression.
"I don't get it? What's so funny?" You asked, messing with your fingers. "You've said that about everybody!" Milo began, "Same thing every time, do you even have a type?" He grinned, Powder leaning over farther to be able to see you better, kicking her legs off the wall of the building.
"I do. And it isn't you, or that man." Laughter came from behind you guys, all three of your bodies shuffling to turn around. "What's funny Vi?" Milo asked, a slight frown complementing his furrowed brow.
"You don't have a chance in the world Milo." She laughed, her hands in her hoodie pockets, still dressed in what she slept in. "And you do?" You swore her face turned light red, but you didn't pay much attention, looking back down at the streets.
"What about her?" Powder pointed at a woman, walking down the road with her arms crossed. "Now that's what I'm talking about." Milo nodded earning himself a smack on the back of the neck from your pink haired friend. "Shut it Milo."
"What? Don't you agree, Y/n. She's pretty!" All you could do was laugh, then nodded. "I mean, yeah, I guess. I think, though, everyone has their own beauty to them." "Except for maybe Milo." Vi joked, Milo glaring at her. "I wouldn't talk if I were you since you seem to have a type too."
You didn't notice, but Vi couldn't help my glare at Milo, a laugh coming from Powder as she stood up.
"I'm bored, you should come play with me Y/n, Vander just got me new markers." You turned the little girl, nodding. "Sounds good, just give me a sec." Watching Powder skip off, Milo followed after her with a mutter of nonsense towards Vi, leaving you and the girl alone on the rooftop overlooking the slow to set sun.
"So I hear you have a type?" You giggled, glancing over to Vi while bumping her shoulder. "What? No, he was just being a dick." "So you're telling me you haven't had a crush?" She hurriedly shook her head. "No, just... I dunno. Never put a lot of thought into a girlfriend."
"Ahh, okay." You hummed. "What about you?" Her eyes lingered on you for a moment, watching you take a deep breath as the orange colors reflected your eyes. Her own breathing not quite catching up with the rest of her.
"Never put a lot of thought into dating, like you said." Vi nodded, biting her lip as she thought about her next question, but before she could ask you interrupted her.
"I should probably get down there with Pow, she tends to get impatient when I spend too much time with you. Scared I'll pick a favorite sister."
A smile a lingered on her lips as you stood from beside her, brushing off your pants before meeting her eyes.
"I expect you to be down, help me come up with good backstories." You jumped to the main part of the roof. "You're better at it." Vi then said. "But you're my memory, I can't remember all my best details. Quit looking at the ladies on the road and come hang out with your bestest friend in the whole world."
Her face went up in flames once again, looking away from you, though this time you caught it. Biting your lip with a grin.
"Whatever, I'll check you later. She's a ladies, lady, hates my guts." You rambled to yourself, Vi scoffing. "I'll be there soon, moron."
#3: Or the time Vi got hurt, not the first and not the last, but you were there again, and she realized that something in her hoped you'd always be.
"Ow, ow, ow.." Vi muttered to herself, lifting the side of her shirt in order for her to see the giant cut that rested on her hip. The memory of snagging it on the broken pipe replaying her mind once again.
"Language.." You walked in after, carrying a first-aid kit in hand and a few other things with your arm. "How'd this one happened?" "Don't wanna talk about it." She said, anger lingering behind her words and a sour expression on her face.
"Alright then, sit please." Despite the frustration, Vi plopped down on the couch, feeling you softly pull her shirt up higher exposing her stomach to the cold air. "I'll be done before you know it, promise."
The guilt then set in, Vi looking away from you as you began to clean the blood around the cut. Focusing on being as light as possible in order to not hurt your friend.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, almost inaudible if you hadn't been sitting as close to her as you were. "It's okay Vi." "Not it's not, I feel like an asshole." "Never said you weren't." You met her stare, giving her a wink before pouring your cleaning liquid right onto the wound, watching her hiss in pain.
"You okay?" "Yeah, yeah fine." You continued to patch the wound, wiping away everything else before laying the bandage overtop of it. Vi staying silent nearly the entire rest of the time.
"Sorry about ruining your time with your friend." "We're not friends" You giggled, tapping her to sit up so you could wrap the bandage around her stomach. "What?" "Well-"
"Vi." Vander's voice came from behind you, Vi's eyes shifting from your own to right beside your head. You turned around, facing the man who had his hands on his hips and a worried look in his eyes.
"What happened out there?" Vi huffed, rolling her eyes and smacking her hands over her face. "Milo happened." "Again?"
You began to pick up your things as they talked, standing up when Vander's hand rested itself on your shoulder. The man smiling at you.
"Thanks for looking after her." "Anytime, but hopefully not again too soon?" A laugh passed through Vi's nose, the girl watching you put everything away and leave the room.
She began to hum and nod to everything Vander said, standing up from the couch. A sudden curious energy running through her, wanting her question to be answered before you could return to your friend. The one that was a little too touchy for her liking.
"Yeah no problem we'll be more careful, swear it." "Vi, are you even listening?" She nodded quickly. "Yeah, of course." "Vi." She grinned at him, walking towards the stairs.
"We'll be careful next time, swear, but you should really be lecturing Milo since he's the one that got us into that mess." Vi moved her hands around dramatically as she spoke, crossing them over her chest. "Not me. Okay? See you later!"
She skipped away before the man got a chance to argue, Vi practically flying to the front of the bar. Looking around for any sight of you.
And for a second, there wasn't one, unable to find you lurking in any of the corners or chatting around any of the tables. It was like you'd disappeared.
"Boo!" "What!" Vi whipped around, breathing heavily with her hand resting on her hip where it hurt. "Sorry, had to take the chance! You should've seen your face!" "Fuck I hate you." You continued laughing, looking around.
"What were you looking for? You seemed worried?" For a moment Vi noticed the flash of worry that crossed your face. "Nothing. What happened to that girl, that you're 'not friends' with?" You shrugged, taking her arm and walking towards an empty table. "Didn't work out." "What didn't work out?"
You sat down, Vi across from you while you grinned.
"A lot of things, and she was one of them."
"Why are you so cryptic?" Vi then asked, resting back against her chair. "Why are you so boring?" "Got me there, cupcake."
#1: The time she finally realized.
It was late, and it had been a long day, yet somehow you couldn't sleep even if it would've saved your life. Instead you sat up, laying on the couch while everyone slept around you, curtains keeping them from the rest of the room.
You instead messed with the puzzle cube, solving it before closing your eyes and mixing it up once more. Opening them to solve it once again. You did this over and over before your mind was fried, looking around in the darkness.
You wondered if Vi would mind being woken up, but instead you decided against it. Standing up and walking back towards your empty bed, except it wasn't empty anymore.
"What are you doing?" You whispered, almost startled at your voice that you hadn't heard in the hours of silence. "Making myself comfortable, my bed is too hot and Claggor snores too loud. It's quiet and cold over here."
"So invade mine, thanks." She smiled at you, despite both of you barely able to see each other. Vi then felt you climb beside her, then over her body to sleep beside the wall.
"Geez, you're hot Vi." "Thanks, cupcake." You laughed, shoving her shoulder before laying down, opting to only rest half the blanket on your legs. "Not like that, asshole." "What? You don't find me pretty?"
You finally laid against the pillow, rolling your eyes as you relaxed into the mattress.
"I find you very pretty." Vi felt her face heat up, covered by the inky room that kept her flustered state hidden. "Thanks, can say the same for you." "Such a ladies lady." It was Vi's turn to roll her eyes, hand messing with the very end of her tank top.
"Do you say that to all the girls?" You then asked, moving to rest your cold cheek on her chest, her arm still up and behind her head, closing your eyes when you felt her lower it around your shoulders.
"No, only you." You then giggled, moving to touch her stomach with your freezing fingers. "Holy shit!" She whispered, making you hide your laughter with your other hand.
"Only me, huh?" Vi hummed. "Liar." "What about you and that guy from earlier? Bet you thought he was pretty." You snorted, opening your eyes again. "No way, he's not my type."
"What is your type?" You thought for a second, opening your mouth before taking a breath. "Girls. With pink hair and loud mouths." You could feel her freeze up, hand coming to a still from twirling her shirt. "They also have to be considerably dense to flirting."
"You have a crush on Sevika?" You sputtered out broken sounds, digging your face into her stomach as you laughed, her lip between her teeth so she didn't burst out in giggles. "How'd you know?" You sat up, a grin on your lips while her eyes focused in on your face.
"You made it so obvious."
For a second you went silent, staring at one another in silence. The moonlight finally shifting into the room, hitting Vi in the face.
"Why didn't you tell me?" "It was fun, watching you squirm around the question." She scoffed, pushing you away. "Thanks."
You then turned to roll over, Vi continuing to watch you.
"What? No goodnight kiss?" You turned your head, gesturing her forward, the girl leaning towards you.
"C'mere." You grabbed her, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth.
"Give me a real one tomorrow, that way its on your terms. Besides, I've waited long enough for you to make a move. Now I'm giving you a go ahead. Make the most of it."
Vi nodded, a cute sparkle of excitement on her face.
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ihavethedreamies · 3 months
Pool Boy (3) | Soobin
Choi Soobin - TXT
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.4k >_>
Pairing: Soobin x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Porn with very little Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Small Age Difference (Unspecified, he calls her Noona), Pet Names (Sweet, Noona, etc.), Swearing, Kissing, Oral (F! and M! Receiving), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Spanking, Big Dick! Soobin, Cockbulge (slightly), Semi-Public Sex (at work but no one else is there), Unprotected Sex (Use a condom! She's on the pill)
Summary: Soobin finds you cleaning the bathroom after everyone leaves the pool at night then utterly destroys you in the best way possible.
Author's Note: This originally was going to be part of a really long series with a lot of plot, but it was taking too long and I was putting too much plot, more than I had initially planned. Because of that, I cut nearly all plot out and it's still four-thousands words of just fucking so…
Also…this was a dream I had…This whole series has been somewhat, but this is the only part that is straight from the dream, the others I got more specific because I don't remember the details as well as this.
Disclaimer: I do have the whole cock-bulge thing in this. I understand this could be a bit offensive to some who are on the heavier side (I am in that group as well). I also have the reader being pretty short even though I am 5'7". The reason being is I have a size difference kink/fetish, mostly because I am not small, and so I put it into a lot of my stories. Sorry if this doesn't align with your body type, but I also imagine a character in my place for these, so I don't sometimes take into account what others do.
None of the parts are reliant on the others, there is just a version for each boy.
-> Yeonjun <-
-> Taehyun <-
-> Hueningkai <-
-> Beomgyu <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"Hey, why don't you come hang out with us?" A girl came up to Soobin where he sat at the bar. She placed her hand on his shoulder, and you noticed he stiffened, and you watched closely what she did next.
"No, sorry, I'm working." He tried to shrug her hand off, but she just wrapped both around his bicep instead.
"You don't have to drink~" You glared at where she was holding him. You had no right really to be jealous, you two were just friends who flirted…a lot.
"I would really rather not." He was being polite, but you could see he was uncomfortable.
"Please?" She cooed, batting her eyelashes and you rolled your eyes. She caught it and scoffed.
"You should get that cough checked out." You shot at her, and Soobin turned his head to cover his smirk. She sneered harder and you could tell she thought she was prettier than you just because her tits were nearly popping out of her bikini top, and she had her hair dyed blonde.
"What, you aren't his girlfriend." The girl mocked, like she would know that anyway.
"Why do you think that?"
"One of you would have said something."
"Well, unfortunately for you, tonight I get to get railed by him and you don't." you whispered to her, and she huffed in disbelief, offended.
"Oh yeah, you really think I believe that?" You weren't sure if Soobin had heard your comment to her or not.
"She's not my girlfriend, but that's just for now." Soobin gave you a look, much more fire there than you had seen in his eyes before. This tipped her over the edge, and she stormed away. You were left to yourselves that time and you both chuckled.
"I get to rail you, huh?" His voice was confident, and his stare was sharp, it made your cunt pulse.
"Oh, I uh…" You gave him a coquettish look.
"If I get permission." He smirked and you huffed.
You continued to run the drink bar and Soobin had come around to help at the snack bar and so you weren't able to continue flirting much. As it was getting to be time for people to leave, you heard a loud engine coming and saw a bus come to pick up the group renting the pool that night.
"Did anyone throw up?" you asked a girl as she slumped into a chair at the bar.
"No, thank the Lord. Do we have to clean?"
"Not really. I'll check stuff over, but the professional cleaners come every Sunday, so they can do it." you told her, and she sighed in relief. The rest of the workers did some basic cleanup, and you went to check the restrooms. They were surprisingly clean, and you were told the boys’ was clean as well. That was even more shocking, but you were grateful. The only thing you had noticed was in one of the private solo bathrooms, there was some blood in the sink. Now that you saw it you remembered seeing a girl had gotten a nosebleed, so you assumed that was the cause. Heading back into the shelter, you went to the back room to get some cleaner and waved as most of the employees left for the night. As you were cleaning, you left the door propped open and you heard someone in the distance.
"I think she is cleaning in one of the bathrooms!" They answered another's question and then you heard then louder as they passed the door.
"She's in this one!" A guy shouted and then you heard the gate open and close as he left. You assumed he was talking to Soobin since he was the last one to leave. Not paying too much attention as you scrubbed and disinfected, the door slid all the way open and you heard the wooden door stop scramble across the tiled floor, the door then thumping shut. Out of your periphery you saw Soobin come up behind you in the mirror. You were curious what he was going to do. You slowed your task down to give him more time and you glanced up, eyes meeting through the reflection.
"What can I do?" he asked, and you knew he wasn't trying to help clean.
"How about whatever you want, and I'll stop you if I don't agree?" You suggested turning the faucet on so you could rinse out the magic sponge you were using. Soobin huffed in amusement, "Hope you can keep up. I don't get tired easily…" and you furrowed your brow when he slinked out of sight behind you.
You caught yourself on the counter in shock when you felt his big hands on your hips, his thumbs hooking into your belt loops.
"This okay?"
"Y-yes." You weren’t sure what he was planning but you had an idea. Since your shorts were so tight and it was so hot, you had foregone any underwear that day.
"You smell good, noona." He muttered and you yelped when he buried his face into your denim covered cunt. You sighed when his tongue ran over the fabric and you were sure that despite the thick material, you were probably soaking through it. Then, something hit you. Yes you had showered after, but…
"S-Soobin, I uh…" You heard him shuffle on the floor and he kissed your lower back above the hem of your shorts, your top had risen up as you leaned forward.
"Wearing panties?" He guessed; his tone amused.
"No…just shorts. It's because it's hot and they're tight-!"
"They're coming off." he announced and reached around to unbutton your jeans, his nose burying back into your cunt. You whimpered as he removed your shorts, and he sat back so he could pull them off your legs and you slipped your sandals off as well.
"So wet, sweet girl." Soobin cooed, his thumb stroking through your folds.
"Soobin~" You keened, your fingers trying to dig into the hard countertop. You heard him chuckle and his other thumb came up as well and he spread your pussy open. Your face heated, embarrassed to be stared at like that. Your hips bumped into the counter hard when you jolted forward, his tongue had flicked at your clit. Soobin groaned and licked up from your still swollen clit to your quivering entrance and went to town. His tongue was long like the rest of him, and it went way farther into your cunt that you thought it would. You whined; his pace didn't allow you a second of reprieve.
"Ah!" You yelped, slamming your hand over your mouth when the noise echoed around the restroom. You knew that no one else was there, but it was still loud. His arms had wrapped around your thighs, holding your soaking cunt to his face as he drank from you. Grateful for his arms, your legs weakened and quivered from his actions. Your moans increased in pitch as your orgasm got closer and you fell over the edge as he filled you with his long finger and sucked hard on your clit.
"Fuck~!" You moaned long and high as you came, and he sucked up every drop that fell from your cunt. When your walls had stopped clenching his finger, he finally pulled away and you slumped onto your arms on the counter, gasping for breath. You watched him in the mirror as he stood, licking your juices from his fingers like it was ice cream that had dripped onto his hand.
"You are so fucking delicious." He murmured low and you gaped at him over your shoulder. As you recovered, you watched with rapt attention as he removed his gray striped t-shirt and let it fall to the floor. He was beautiful. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, long legs. When you got to his red trunks, you saw the tent his hard on was setting and you nearly choked. He was hung like a horse, his friends were right, and you still hadn't seen his dick out yet. Time slowed down, and your mouth watered as you watched him finally remove his last garment.
"Oh, my, god." You moaned and he huffed, a smug look on his face.
"Wanna taste?" he asked, and you nodded aggressively. He tilted his head, and you scrambled off the counter and onto your knees in front of him. Soobin thought you looked like a puppy begging for a treat.
"Well, come here then." He stroked his big hand over his big cock, and you scooched forward on your knees over the cool tile. With a whine, you licked the drop of precum from his tip and you whimpered, taking the head in your mouth. He sighed at the feeling and your jaw hurt from the stretch, but GAWD was it worth it. As you took him in deeper, he wasn't even halfway in your mouth when he hit the back of your mouth. Swallowing a few times, you took him deeper, and his rumbling groan echoed off the tile walls. After his whole cock was buried in your throat, you gagged a few times despite your practiced control. He was going to split you in half. Beginning to move your head, you wrapped your hand around the base so you could stroke over the part of him your mouth couldn't hold. Every so often, you would swallow and let him cut your air off, your nose hitting his pelvis. The feeling of your breathing being restricted made your head swim for several reasons and as you sucked and licked over him, drool splattered on the floor and down your face. You looked like an absolute mess, and it was driving him nuts. In your head you marveled at the fact that he was lasting so long. If his stamina was already to this extent, you were in for a long night. It was to the point that your arm was getting tired from holding it up and your neck hurt too. You shot him a look, and he grunted at that, and you felt his cock finally twitch.
"What is it, sweet girl? Want me to take over?" He stroked your hair and you nodded, his cock still sitting in your mouth.
"Okay, sweet." He straightened up from where he was leaning back into the wall, and you let your arm fall so you could steady yourself on the floor. Your pussy clenched around nothing, and his long fingers dug into your hair at the top of your braid.
"Hit my leg if you need me to stop. I'll go deep every five thrusts, 'kay?" He informed you and you nodded. Was he planning this, thinking over how to do it? Fuck…
Preparing, you inhaled deeply through your nose, and he snapped his hips. The fat head hitting the back your mouth made you gag, but your eyes rolled back as you closed them, reveling in the sensation. True to his word, he filled your throat every five thrusts then kept going. Your breathing was harsh, not only trying to take in enough air, but also getting extremely turned on. Your bare cunt was sliding over the puddle you were leaving on the tile, the cold friction was getting you close.
"Fuck, (Y/N), I'm gonna cum," He whined, and you moaned in response, and he made a choking sound.
"Shit." He gasped, throwing his head back and he pressed on your head, so he was all the way in your mouth and came. You swallowed, gagging slightly, it felt like his cock was a hose with how much hot, sticky cum he was pumping down your throat. Tears slipped down your cheeks, your vision blurring from lack of air, but your pussy was throbbing. Waves of pleasure crashed through you as you came all over the floor. Finally, as you were getting lightheaded, he finally let your head go and pulled out, and you sucked in air harshly, a trail of drool and cum leaking down your face and onto your shirt. You thought at least his cock would have softened some, but no, he was still standing proud before you, the same mix on your face dripping off his cock. You swallowed one more time to get the rest down and he panted as you took your shirt off, then your bra, finally fully naked.
"You'll have to clean the floor," He smirked, nodding at the puddle you left as you stood up. You wobbled some and he reached forward to steady you and he led you closer to him and he smiled down at you.
"You did so good, sweet girl." He nuzzled the top of your head, and you took the chance to run your fingers over his bare torso. Soobin's cock pressed against your stomach and you both moaned softly as you peered up at him with wide eyes.
"Where you wanna fuck me, Binnie?" Your voice wavered, higher than normal and with a slight whine to it. He wondered how far gone you were, how cock drunk, and how much farther you would go. He didn't particularly want to fuck you in the bathroom, he wasn't sure where to do so though. The thought of doing it on one of the lounge chairs around the pool sounded nice, but risky. The fence surrounding the pool was tall but more or less open for everyone to see, even at the late hour. There was the couch in the back office, but that would be hard to clean…Then he got an idea.
"Come with me." He grabbed your hand to lead you, and he peered around the doorway of the bathroom to make sure no one would see as you passed the entrance gate. You both dashed into the shelter, and he told you to stand and wait while he grabbed some towels from the shelves. He laid five of them down over each other to make a much softer surface and it would make cleaning up easier as well.
"Over here, sweet." He motioned you over and he softly pulled you down to him and he sat on the towels letting you sit on his lap, straddling him. Soobin's cock nestled against your ass, your hands on his shoulders, and you were eye level with him like this. He placed a quick kiss on your lips, and you realized he hadn't kissed you yet. Whining, you brought his lips back to yours and it instantly got deeper as your tongues met. Pulling back shortly for air, you both dipped back in, and his hands went to your hips to maneuver you. He had you prop yourself up higher, the head of his cock nestled into your dripping folds.
"Ready?" He asked and you nodded, your kisses moving from his mouth to his jaw and down his neck. He pressed on your waist, and you started to sink down on him, and you gasped. He sure was going to split you in half. You threw your head back at the sensation, despite cumming twice and dripping like a faucet, the stretch burned.
"Breathe." He coached you, helping you take more even breaths as he filled you. Finally, his cock bumped your cervix, but there was still nearly an inch of him left. You wanted him in you completely, feel his groin touch your clit.
"M-more." You keened and he grunted, wrapping his arms around you to hold you in place. Your breath hitched each time he pulled out slightly, each thrust getting him deeper just a bit more till he was completely inside. You quivered, your cunt around his dick and your body in his arms. You yelped, clenching him when his hand went to and pressed on your lower stomach. He smirked and you looked down at yourself to see a faint rounded outline under your belly button.
"You took me so well, sweet girl." He whispered in your ear, and you shivered again, his tongue running up the side of your throat and to your ear lobe where he sucked on your earring. In that position, you really didn't have the strength to move, the pleasure too intense for your mind to function too.
"I'll help you, sweet." He assured you and you whimpered when he laid down, so his back was on the towels. He had you place your hands on his knees bent up behind you for leverage, then he shuffled some and gave you a look. You nodded and his hips jumped, thrusting him even deeper and you gasped. He watched in wonder as your head was thrown back, hair dangling down your back, chest heaving. Using his hips and arms to move you, he fucked up into you hard and you felt your orgasm already approaching. If you thought his tongue had wrecked you, his cock was worse. He wasn't rough, but his cock was just that big. What the hell had he been fed? Next time you would have to give Soobin his own day, you were already kind of tired from working, now Soobin was blowing your back out on the floor. It got to the point where you were struggling to keep your volume controlled. Your whines and moans were getting louder, too loud. His hips stopped and you nearly squealed, but he rolled you both over, so he was on top, your legs hitched up over his hips. Leaning forward over you, so tall his collarbone was at your nose, he had grabbed a smaller towel that had fallen when he grabbed the bigger one. Rolling it up quick, he gave short thrusts, and had you open your mouth and he put the towel in to keep you quiet.
"Next time, we need to go somewhere where you can scream, but not here." He muttered and you whined around the terrycloth, but you agreed. You never used to have trouble keeping quiet during sex, but your mind was gone, your self-control gone. After your mouth was handled, his hands pressed on your thighs to open your legs spread eagle, then he snapped his hips hard, and you came again. Your cunt clenched him so tight, he had to slow down to maintain his rhythm, helping you ride it out. Your poor clit was burning from overstimulation, your gummy walls fluttering still around him. Soobin groaned, adjusting your legs again to get you into a mating press. His big hands surrounded your lower thighs, and you were grateful for your flexibility as he easily forced your knees to your ears. He watched your head flop to the side, your eyes unfocused, mouth clenched on the towel, drool soaking in, tears flowing over your cheeks and sweat down your brow. You were ruined and he reveled in it. Yes, you had been railed before, but they hadn't fucked you stupid, not like he was. There were no thoughts behind your eyes, and you couldn't even form your mouth to say his name, let alone anything else.
"You like my cock, huh?" You nodded in response.
"Want me to fill you back up? Pump you full?" You let out a long pitchy moan.
"You’re such a little slut for me, sweet. Just for me? Only for me…" He groaned low as your pussy clenched him even tighter. His fingers buried into the flesh of your thighs, and you were worried he would leave bruises. Oh well, you owned a pair of capris.
"Want it, yeah?" Soobin grunted, his thrusts growing even harsher, but less consistent. If he came inside of you as much as he did down your throat…
"Fuck!" He grunted and your stomach got hot, the force of his cum coating your insides knocked you over the edge once again. The towel was a Godsend because you might have bitten your tongue otherwise, your head thrown back, nails digging into the towels.
"Fuck, sweet girl~" He whined, still filling you, drops of white slipping down your ass and onto the towel. You slumped, boneless, the towel falling out of your mouth and rolling away till it lay flat. As your mind's haziness started to fade, you cunt fluttered…he was still half hard.
"What the fuck?" You gasped to yourself, trying to process the reality of the situation. You blinked, trying to find your way back to the current realm of existence, he let your legs down so they could rest at his sides.
"Noona? You too tired?" His voice was tinted with worry, but he really, really hoped you said no. You shook your head in the negative and he sighed.
"Let me turn over." Your voice was scratchy, but he acquiesced, pulling out. When he did, globs of cum dripped out of you, the sensation was weird. To him, the sight was extremely arousing, and his cock was at full mast again. You rolled over onto your stomach, letting your ass prop up into the air. Soobin exhaled harshly and his giant cock pressed to your pussy once again and he slipped in easily. You grabbed the small towel from your side and bit down on it to quiet your own noises, his pace immediately was relentless. Soobin pulled his cock nearly all the way out, only his head being swallowed by your soaking folds before he buried deep again. Even though he was in your cunt and not your throat, each thrust made you feel like you couldn't breathe and what looked like sparkles dotted your vision.
"Ah, fuck!" You spat the towel out when he landed his hand on your ass, the skin erupting like fire. There was a bright red spot on your cheek in the shape of his hand. The way you pulsed around him at this made him smirk, and he changed his pace to deep but hard thrusts, battering your cervix. His other hand smacked the other side, and you shoved the towel back in your mouth so you could scream. How the fuck were you going to get home? You were probably going to have to call your roommate.
"Oh, you’re so good for me, sweet." He praised and this made you sob with pleasure.
"S-S-Soobin!" You managed to get his name out and he reveled in the broken syllables leaving your drool covered lips. Another spank landed on your ass, in a different spot this time, leaving another red welt in its wake. The sound echoed through the shelter and your skin burned after a good six or seven swats.
"Okay, (Y/N), noona, I'm going to come again, 'kay? On your back…" He groaned and with a last spank, you came, and he took the chance to pull out. After a few strokes, his hot cum splashed over the red skin on your ass, so hot it felt scalding. Your eyes closed, tears flowing down and over your nose to land on the towel under your face. Finally, finally, his cock was softening, still covered in a mix of your essences. You were a mess and he wanted you no other way. While Taehyun might have had a more dominating personality, Soobin was more devious it seemed. He loved you beneath him, utterly spent. You slipped in and out of consciousness as you heard him moving around the shelter. When he came back to you and lifted you up to kneeling, you whimpered, and he shushed you.
"It’s okay, noona, let’s get cleaned up." He held you like a princess, kissing your forehead. He was still just as naked, and he entered the back office you had left open and went into the bathroom there. He let you down softly, still holding you upright as he turned the shower on. He only made it warm, you both needed to cool down and he helped you rinse his seed off your skin. He cooed at the red marks as you leaned against the cold tile, still panting. You barely registered as he got you out of the shower and even dressed and you laid down on the couch in the office as he brought you your bag and phone. There was only one notification on your phone, and he saw the time was nearly 11 pm. He winced, grabbing his own phone, and sending the guys a quick message as you wearily looked at your own.
"You good, fam?" Your roommate had messaged you and you shot her a quick positive and debated whether to have her come get you or not. Shifting a bit to try and sit up, your entire body protested and so you caved and called her.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes…I need you to come pick me up." You mumbled and you heard some shuffling on the other line.
"Are. You. Okay?"
"YES. I just…can't walk…or sit." You told her and she laughed so hard you had to pull your phone away from your ear.
"Okay, shit, that's great. I'll get an Uber and drive your car back." She hung up and your arm flopped back down, your cell face down on your stomach.
"Sorry." Soobin mumbled next to you, sitting on the floor next to the couch.
"Don't. That was…" You sighed and he laughed.
"You warned me of your stamina but that was insane." You huffed and he laughed again. You began to drift off, and he reached up, brushing some stray hairs from your face and stroking your still red cheek with the back of his finger.
"(Y/N)!" A voice he didn't recognize called out and he went to open the gate for your roommate and let her into the shelter. She barely glanced at him till she saw you lying on the couch, then turned to him. She balked, eyes wide and looked him up and down.
"Shit…" She swore and then went to you and shook you.
"You need help out to the car?" she asked, and you grunted a yes. Your roommate turned to Soobin, and he went to you. You lifted your arms up like a child and he chuckled, lifting you into his arms once again and followed your roommate out to the car. She grabbed your bag and his and made sure the lights were turned off and locked as you left. She had worked there with you in the past and so knew what to do. You rested your head on his shoulder as he carried you across the parking lot and helped you sit in the passenger seat. You winced as your sore skin touched the seat and he apologized. He kissed your forehead, which made you whimper, and he shut the door. Your roommate waved to him, and she pulled out before he started to walk back to campus.
"Holy crap." She muttered and you let out a tired laugh.
-> Yeonjun <-
-> Taehyun <-
-> Hueningkai <-
-> Beomgyu <-
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Master-Master List
TXT Master List
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gallifreyriver · 3 months
So, Kellogg's Boycott. Again. Haven't seen any posts about it here yet, so figured I'd make one.
In short: We're all tired of these big companies gouging their prices just because they can, and calling it 'inflation.' We're tired of companies announcing record profits while they cut bonuses/lay people off/force workers to run on skeleton crews/etc. We're tired of "Shrinkflation" And we're tired of a bunch of other shit too, but you get my point.
So, vote with your wallet.
On April 1st, stop buying Kellogg's, and keep that up until June 30th. Just three months- just one quarter of the fiscal year. Companies report earnings each quarter, and if their earnings drop it will reflect in these quarterly reports.
Why Kellogg's?
Because their CEO recently pulled a "Let them eat cake." TLDR; Kellogg's has raised prices by 28% across the board, bragged about record breaking profits, and then suggested that families struggling to afford groceries, because of aforementioned price gouging, just "eat cereal for dinner!"
And well, that message was not well received by anyone, as one could imagine. Pissed a lot of people off.
So yeah. The plan is to stop buying any Kellogg's products (below) for the entirety of the second quarter (April 1st-June 30th) and to collectively tell Kellogg to fuck off until they lower their prices. The goal isn't to "destroy the company" or cost anyone their jobs- but we will hit them where they will listen. Their profits.
If they don't listen, then we don't come back, and we start in on the next company, and keep going until they all get the message. There's always alternatives (more on that below) and we don't need them. If they refuse to drop their prices, then we just stick with the alternatives we found.
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Three months is a minor inconvenience to teach a corporation a lesson, and we can do it.
So, take this month before April to find your alternatives. If you need help, I based a non-comprehensive list (below) off the image above. There's tons more just a google search away, and I bet others have made lists as well. There's also always the option to make your own. There's tons of recipes online showing how to make dupes of your favorite products.
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Some things to note:
Don't go stocking up on your favorite Kellogg's products the last week of March and think you're not crossing the picket line. The point is to make Kellogg's feel the loss in profits, and stocking up on Cheez-its beforehand will defeat the purpose. I sincerely promise you can make it three months without buying Kellogg's. Again, three months is a minor inconvenience to teach a corporation a lesson, and we can do it.
That said, Safe Foods are acknowledged. If you or your child is neurodivergent and has issues with food (i.e: literally won't be won't be able to eat at all without their safe food) you get a pass. By all means feel free to try and find alternatives, but it's very unlikely that the few who can't boycott will cause it to fail. There should be plenty of the rest of us to pick up the slack.
Don't be a bystander- meaning don't go about this thinking "Oh, well surely there's enough people boycotting that it's fine if I just-" No. If we ever want things to change then we need to be strong enough to do even something as small as not buying something we like for three months. Furthermore, it's on those of us who can afford Kellogg's products to boycott Kellogg's. It's not the responsibility of those who already can't afford Eggos to boycott Eggos. Nothing will change if you go about just assuming everyone else already has it handled for you. Take a stand.
And importantly, Spread the word. This only works if we let as many people as possible know about it.
So reblog this post, or make your own post, or both. Even feel free to copy and paste this entire post off-platform if you need to. I've also seen some suggest making flyers, or even just writing on post-it notes, and sticking them to Kellogg's products in the store to spread the word off-line.
Just get the word out there. If we ever want these companies to stop gouging us for every cent we've earned, then we have to make a stand somewhere.
If we do nothing it will only ever get worse.
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flowerandblood · 1 month
I don't like many of the authors' decisions here – sometimes their tropes, sometimes their choice of how they present events, dialogues, sometimes their characters, relationships between them or their appearance. It's not a bad thing. I have a right to feel this way.
But I would never tell them about it. Not because I don't have the courage to do it but because it would give them nothing, nothing good. You criticise when someone asks for it – when someone doesn't, then you should keep quiet.
Why? Because perhaps someone does not want this criticism and it's their right too. I, for example, don't care and I don't want to know how much someone dislikes something in my work. I don't need the fake appreciation of others, just as others don't need mine.
If I don't like someone's stories, I just leave them alone. God bless all of them! Write and be happy.
No one here is an oracle or judge, and some people feel that way. If you don't like what the authors are writing and their choices, give them a holy peace or else all you'll achieve is that they'll be discouraged from writing – they'll think: maybe nobody wants to read this after all, look at my characters, maybe it's pointless, maybe everyone thinks about me and my writing this way.
Sowing doubt and passive humiliation is very popular here for some reason and I find it incredibly annoying. People don't know when to shut their mouths and when their private opinion to which they are, after all, entitled hurts others, making them uncomfortable.
Our right to free speech should not cut someone's wings and mock them. This is an expression of disrespect and basic culture.
Not everyone has to want to change, to develop if it is not their profession but a simple hobby.
Anonymity does not make malicious gibberish sound any smarter, and a large audience or reactions under posts does not make anyone entitled to post an opinion in which they criticise works of others for their choices.
"Why do you write with only small letters? It's so annoying. This character would never do this, are you dumb? Aemond would never betray his family! Oh nooo, next Visenya on a big dragon? Why these OC's are so boring? Reader insert is just for you because you are desperate to fuck. Why do your OC is fat? Why do your OC is slim? Why do make your OC look like this, why won't you try something new? Why do you put Alys in your story as a third wheel when she is Aemond's real love interest?"
Shut. The fuck. UUUUUUP. GOD.
You say – you don't agree, don't read, I have a right to my opinion. Well, I say: your right does not absolve you from thinking about the feelings of others.
You are hypocrites. You cry and make a hiatus when someone sends you a nasty anon writing that you write crap, but you devote 2,000 words on your blog to why a certain trope doesn't make sense, why other authors don't have a right to make their OC's look the way they want.
What you write is not private, it's public. Who are you writing it to? Is it an expression of your frustration? Those you write it about can read it. They may feel very, very bad about it, they can think to stop writing at all or make themselves to do something against their will. But that's not your concern anymore, right?
Taking responsibility for your own words only when it's convenient for you is an expression of immaturity and that's what I see in this fandom – most people here are afraid of adulthood and the clash with it. Because in adulthood everything we do has consequences to face.
But it's easier to say that we simply have the right to express our opinion, no matter how hurtful and unfounded it may be.
I want to be clear – I will see anyone reblogging or write this kind of posts – I will block them. Even if I like you, if you are with me for a long time. I don't want to see this kind of toxic behavior on my wall ever again. Enough is enough.
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onceuponapuffin · 2 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 2!
I'm so glad you all are as hyped about this idea as I am!! ^_^ So you know, I've been reading every Other Idea, every reblog, and I am going to use your input to inform my choices going forward. This is OUR fic, after all :)
//Edited to include title
Beginning || Previous || Next
That FREAKING coffee. Your eyes narrow. Everyone is still in shock, no one has spoken yet. You use the hesitation to grab the coffee out of the Metatron's hands and chug it back all in one go. It's the perfect temperature for drinking. Because of course it is. You're vaguely aware of some sounds of protest from Metatron and Aziraphale, but they're monosyllabic, and don't need a response. That can wait till after you finish.
You pull the cup from your lips and exhale in an overly-dramatic fashion, and look at the Metatron. It tasted exactly like almond-flavoured coffee, and you still hate him. YUP. Good.
"I beg your pardon!" The Metatron gasps, his face glaring at you with fury behind his eyes. But, oh, you couldn't care less if you tried.
"Get. Out. Now," You say to him. Your eyes have figurative fire behind them, the rush of caffeine and adrenaline making you braver than you otherwise would be.
"Young person, have you any idea who you are ordering about? I think you'll find that you're of no authority to be making demands and that you would do best to see yourself out. Before you make any foolish mistakes," the Metatron's voice is cool like a spring creek, but you can hear the malice just below the surface; barely contained.
But here is the thing, my dear Reader, this is a self-insert fanfiction. And in this work of fiction you are brave and clever, and you have been grieving for everything this monster put our beloved Ineffable Husbands through for too long not to be very, very angry now that you have come face to face. And you are not about to let this go. Crowley and Aziraphale have spent so much time trying to defend the world, defend humans, defend those they don't even like! You'll be damned before you let them go undefended when you, yes you, with all your love for them and all your knowledge are standing right there. So defend them you shall. Someone has to. And right now no one else will.
"Do you," you begin after a moment, "have any idea who you are speaking to?"
For a moment, the Metatron looks taken aback. But only a moment, before his eyes grow cold again.
"I mean," you continue, "I just fell through the ceiling, and landed in front of you just as you were about to hand over that coffee. I don't know about you, but I can only think of one reason why that would have happened, and it has three letters."
In your peripheral vision you notice Muriel, counting on their fingers. Aziraphale chokes back a gasp. You can't see it right now, but you can FEEL Crowley's eyebrow from here. Metatron holds your gaze, not ready to give up just yet.
"If I were you, Metatron, I would pop on back to Heaven, and double-check a few things. Because, I mean, there must be a reason why I've been dropped here to interrupt you. Seems like your plan hasn't been...approved. Otherwise it would go forward as planned, yes?" Matching his arrogance is key here, and if you mess up, the consequences could be dire. You glance at your cuticles with an air of nonchalance. "Unless, of course, you presume to know better?" And to seal the deal, you raise your eyes in a sideways look that screams smug.
You've spent months reading meta analysis, character analysis, everything you can get your hands on about the final fifteen. You're pretty sure you have a solid enough grasp of the Metatron's character to pull this off. The main thing is to pretend you know what's actually going on, convince him that he doesn't, and buy some time.
Suddenly, your phone in your pocket buzzes four times, and your mouth tastes like salt. But, actually really pleasant salt. Like you just ate McDonald's french fries, or theatre popcorn. Something clicks into place in your mind.
"....Did you...just try to turn me into salt?"
Having spent months learning to read Michael Sheen's facial expressions, you see the Metatron's eyes shift through Surprise, then Curiosity, before landing on what you can only call Calculating.
So YUP for the salt. But apparently he can't touch you. Later, you tell yourself, we'll figure this out later. Get him out, and get him out now.
You take a step forward, herding him towards the door.
"It seems," you say to him, "That you have some things to clarify."
The Metatron huffs, and straightens his tie. "Indeed it does," he says, knives beneath the calm once again. "I shall return, Aziraphale, and when I do, I do hope we will have a chance to chat."
And so the Metatron leaves, as though it was his own idea. You follow him to the door. Oh, you shouldn't, but you just can't help yourself. And honestly, I don't think you should. You call to him as he walks away.
"And be careful with those questions, Metatron! We all know how THAT ONE goes, don't we?" And with that you slam the door.
While you're apologizing (very quietly and lovingly) to the bookshop door, you hear Crowley behind you.
"Nnnyeah, I have no idea what's going on, but I like this one."
You pull out your phone. There are five heart icons. Four that are full, and one that is just an outline. Oh. OH.
"FUCK," you say to yourself.
Now you look up. You're shaking like a leaf, but lucky for you, there's still a metric ton of adrenaline running through your system, allowing you to realize that you need to figure out what comes next.
Vote on This One too please (I'm only able to do one poll per post, so bear with me).
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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sirjuggles · 3 months
Things My Partner Knows About The Locked Tomb Through Osmosis
I am an unrepentant and annoying TLT fanboy, to the point where my partner has sworn to never read the books on principle (for this I respect them). However, given that I never shut up about these miserable books, they have picked up quite a bit of knowledge about them purely through my rants. With that in mind, I asked them to describe to me everything they think they know about The Locked Tomb (notes in italics are mine)
There are characters named Gideon, Nona, and… something like… Pacifica Sales Bonecruncher of the West? I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be Harrow's full name and title.
It's a scifi-fantasy world in a necromancy space realm 
There's… 10 kingdoms that are all part of an Empire? Or maybe houses? But they're part of a monarchy? 
The ruling classes of each of the realms gets summoned by God because they want to play a Hunger Games thing to find their… new God child? 
It's not a God child like he's gonna adopt them… it's like rebirthing them into a new god? They will also become God? 
Each one of the realms has a special quirk about them, something that's their specialty. Like, one realm are accountants. Shockingly accurate.
Gideon and Pacifica’s realm are like cool goth themed? More goth than the others. Extra-goth.
Oh there's a person named… Electra? They have long blonde hair and kickin curves and they're really hot? Everyone likes them? I'm pretty sure this is a conflation of Alecto and Corona as seen through reblogged fanart.
Personal philosophy aside rant: The whole necromancy-as-center of-an-empire thing… I find it kinda rude? I don't like the idea of people and their remains being used as a resource/tool. Like, I don't like using people as interchangeable cogs in a machine under someone else's control, both in life or in death. It doesn't seem consensual or respectful. In death your obligations should be released. 
I think Gideon has a big hero’s death while trying to save Pacifica, and then their… souls mingle? And then after that Pacific has Gideon-flavored intrusive thoughts? And I'm not sure if it actually is Gideon or just, like… the same as if you stare at the sun and get the after image burnt into your cornea. This isn't wrong, but I'm almost certain part of this is actually my ramblings about Baru Cormorant leaking through.
Is reincarnation or resurrection a thing? I feel like it should be in a necromancy setting. 
DIRECT QUOTE: “Is there a Jesus allegory in here? I feel like there is. Wait... Is Gideon Jesus?” Folks, upon hearing these words casually spoken out loud by someone with no knowledge of context, I straight up left my body.
God is just a chill dude. He's just a guy making pancakes, and occasionally he'll go “How's that whole Hunger Games thing going? You want a snack? I'm just gonna be over here.”
God was wanted by aliens or something? There's something bigger going on with entropy or heat death or the Discworld auditors and it's a problem for God and that's why he's doing the whole Hunger Games thing. 
I think God used to be not a God and that's why he's such a chill dude. And then there was a problem and everything was dying so he did something and necromancied everything and that's why he's God now and also why things are so weird? 
One of the groups from the houses was two annoying siblings who split from the party and died really quickly. 
Gideon is big and bulky and has short red hair. 
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archiveikemen · 5 months
『 Dark If 』 Story Event: Chapter 2
Jude Jazza
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
I immediately started doing my research on curses and magic in the library.
Due to my sheltered upbringing at the castle, every piece of knowledge I gained from the books was new to me.
Kate: “Time is not irreversible, and space is not unchangeable”.
Kate: “Like a complicated intertwining of threads, the past and the future, as well as different worlds can be connected”.
Kate: … This might be why I have memories of living in both England and this fairytale world…
They once existed separately, but they were now connected into one.
Just like two pieces of thread being intertwined.
The pages of the book rustled as I flipped to the page with information on fairies.
Fairies possess extraordinary powers and are rare in number. They often cause disputes between countries.
It is not an uncommon occurrence for them to be targets of assassination by other countries, as killing a fairy would give them an advantage in terms of war strategy.
(Fairy can easily plan the overthrow of an entire country, and so everyone who refuses to join the military is often imprisoned or executed—)
Kate: … So that’s how it is…
(The overprotective King and the country’s military meekly accepted my situation, just because he’s a fairy…)
I felt furious and ashamed at my lack of knowledge on what was happening around me.
Jude: What have you been doing here every single night?
Kate: Jude…
The moment I saw him, I instantly regretted the things I said to him a few days ago.
Kate: … I’m sorry for saying that you're being targeted because of your bad personality.
Jude: Huh? I don't get what you're talking about.
Kate: Like you said, I’m too ignorant about many things. I realise that now.
Kate: So, for you to listen to what I want… I’ll try to discuss them with you on equal terms.
Jude: … Hah.
Jude scoffed and hooked a fingertip under my collar, pulling my face closer.
Jude: I assumed that you’d be an overly pampered and spoiled brat because of the sheltered upbringing you received for many years.
Jude: What nice eyes you have. Makes me want to make you cry.
Kate: … W-What?
He looked down at me with his usual sadistic expression. And yet, for some strange reason, I felt rather uplifted this time.
(Not that I’m happy I got some form of validation from him or anything… I think.)
Jude: Hm, hope you try as hard as you can.
Jude let go of my collar and left the library.
(— Now that I think of it, he calls me a servant and makes me wear a collar.)
However, apart from leaving the castle, there was nothing else I wasn't allowed to do.
“I’m safe here, so please don't send any soldiers over. That will only result in unnecessary deaths”.
Ellis delivered my letter to the palace, he had been kind enough to help me communicate with them and assure them of my safety.
(If this curse is because of a grudge he has against me— I might have done something wrong to him in the past.)
(But why do I have no recollection of it…?)
To vent my frustration, I completely drowned myself in researching curses and magic.
Before I knew it, days went by—
Kate: Oh, good morning, Jude.
Jude: … Are you doing that on purpose?
Kate: … What do you mean?
Jude: Bed hair.
I hurriedly apologised and roughly combed my hair with my fingers.
I lowered my face to hide that my heart fluttered.
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Jude: Pfft, you turned red over something like this. You’re so childish.
Rather than being used to his sadistic attitude, I found myself beginning to be slightly attracted to him.
(Um… this must be one of those tropes in fiction where the victim falls for the kidnapper, something like that.)
(This isn’t love… yup.)
Kate: You spent the whole night in your study last night, right? Have you been sleeping well?
Jude: Hah, what’s this? Is the little one worried about me?
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Jude: Worry about me after you know how to fix your bed hair and greet me properly in the morning, Princess.
Kate: Ouch…
My forehead stung when he flicked me with his finger.
Jude: You like the pain, huh.
I averted my gaze, avoiding his mocking yet attractive smile.
Kate: I don’t. … Please lift the curse today.
Jude: Ah, ah, you're getting snappy. Looks like I won’t lift the curse today too.
Jude laughed at my request and left for work as usual.
Time passed by without mercy, my search for the missing piece in this world and my pleas for my curse to be lifted both remained fruitless—
There was one day where Jude was out of the castle for an usually long time and only returned at midnight. I happened to see him when I was peeking out of the library.
Right when his back disappeared into his study.
I noticed something on the carpet—
(Is that… blood?)
A shiver ran down my spine, and I immediately rushed to the study.
The study was filled with mountains of books — there Jude was, slouched in a chair at the center of the room, looking pale.
Kate: Jude… are you hurt…?
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Jude: … Did I not say that no one is allowed in this room without my permission?
Jude: It’s just a scratch. Hurry up and get out.
Kate: Even if it’s only a small matter, I can’t leave an injured person alone. Let me help you treat your wound.
I approached Jude against his will and saw the piles of papers and documents on his desk.
Kate: … You shut yourself in your study every night. Just what exactly are you researching?
Kate: Is it also the reason why you were out late today…?
Jude: … So what if it is?
Kate: You’ll damage your health if you keep this up.
Kate: Putting your life at risk because of a promise… it's as though you’re the one who’s in danger, Jude.
Jude: … What?
Kate: — It’s like a curse.
Jude: Hah… you actually said it.
Without delay, a hand wrapped around my neck like a snake.
It was as if he wanted to remind me that he was the one who cursed me, and that my life was in his hands.
Kate: … ggh…
My collar was tightened, making me struggle to breathe.
Jude: Being cursed to death for the entirety of your long life over some stupid promise is a pretty big deal.
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Jude: You’re worrying about me — and yet, you’ll still fall into a deep slumber tomorrow because of your curse. Have you forgotten all about that?
Jude: Go back to your room right now if you don’t want your head blown off, Princess.
He then slammed the door loudly in my face.
That’s right, before I knew it, my birthday was — tomorrow.
(At this rate, I’ll really fall into a deep sleep for 100 years, just like I’m cursed to.)
(Not knowing why Jude cursed me, what’s the missing piece in this world, nothing at all…)
While I was feeling restless and having difficulty sleeping, I suddenly heard the ear-piercing sound of glass shattering.
(Is someone attacking the castle again…?)
I should've been used to the noise by now, and yet… it felt especially unsettling this time.
(There are more voices and footsteps than usual today.)
(Ellis is staying overnight in a town at the foot of the mountain tonight to purchase some items, and Jude is injured.)
Kate: … [worried]
I quickly flew out of bed and ran into the hallway.
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Jude: Tch… why did you come out here for? Go back to sleep.
Kate: Please don’t say such absurd things in the midst of this ruckus…
Soldier: Princess Kate!
(— Soldiers?!)
Kate: Why are you… I’ve already informed my father than I’m safe…!
Soldier: Your Highness, tomorrow is your last day as per your curse.
Soldier: His Majesty ordered us to take you back to the palace at once, as he wants to see your face for the last time!
Jude: — Unfortunately, the Princess won’t be going home with you.
As if hiding me from the soldiers downstairs, Jude pushed me down with one hand.
Kate: Jude? You’ll be treated as a traitor if you do this, and be an even greater target…
Jude: Hah, you’re worrying over nothing. Besides, you’ll die if you return to the palace now.
Kate: What…?
(What do you mean by that…? My curse is to fall into a deep sleep for 100 years when I prick myself on the spindle of a spinning wheel.)
But, just now, Jude clearly said that I would “die”.
Kate: Are you saying that there’s something else that could kill me, apart from my curse?
Jude: … The incompetency of the doctors at the palace.
Just then, I saw a blazing arrow flying towards Jude—
Kate: … Watch out…!
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Jude: !?
In an attempt to shield him from it, I lost my balance—
Jude: … Kate!
— I fell headlong into the atrium, and into the arms of a soldier sent by my father.
Soldier: Princess Kate! Are you hurt!?
Kate: Is Jude…!?
I looked up at the mezzanine — Jude seemingly got distracted by my fall and was subdued by the soldiers.
Jude: Damn it… why did you fall, you idiot?!
Kate: … P-Please, he’s injured… please don’t be rough with him!
Soldier: We will be detaining him for the abduction and confinement of the Princess.
Kate: P-Please wait… listen to me—!
No one heard my cries… and we were brought to the palace in separate carriages.
(What should I do… Jude was captured because of me.)
Based on what I’ve read in books about how fairies are treated, I had a rough idea of Jude’s fate.
In place of overlooking his crimes, Jude would be forced to protect our country by attacking enemy countries.
(Jude still has a promise to fulfill…)
— “I won’t ever break this promise, even in death.”
Kate: …?
I thought I heard someone’s voice.
Immediately, the scenery before me distorted and I felt myself being pulled by some unknown force.
(W-Wha…? Did I hit my head—)
I shut my eyes tightly due to the dizziness, and when I opened them—
I found myself in an unfamiliar back alley.
(... Where is this place…?)
I saw that my reflection in a building’s windowpane appeared childlike, approximately 10 years old.
(Is this… me as a child?)
Judging from my dainty and expensive-looking dress, it was unlikely that this was the “me” who lived in England.
Right at that moment— the angry voices of a few grown-ups could be heard from outside the alley.
Man’s Voice: Get him! We want him alive!
Man’s Voice: You little pest… making things difficult for me—!
I peeked out of the alley and saw a little boy around my age being chased by a group of grown-ups.
He was covered in wounds; and his eyes looked like they had a roaring fire burning inside them, as if he bore a grudge against the entire world.
The boy was about to pass by the alley, when—
Kate: … Hide—!
Boy: Huh!?
I pulled him into the alley and heaved a sigh of relief as we hid behind a stack of wooden crates, listening to the footsteps of the grown-ups fade away into the distance.
Kate: … Looks like they’re gone now. Why were they after you? Are you hurt—?
Boy: … You don’t know me. I’m a wanted person throughout the country.
Kate: You are? But, why would they be after such a young child…
Boy: A young child? Aren’t you about the same age as me?
(Ah… could it be—)
Kate: Are you able to use magic?
Boy: — So what if I am?
The boy very clearly became increasingly wary of me.
I recalled the heartless words “children of fairies are often wanted as a valuable asset, thus they may be hunted down”.
Kate: Don’t worry, I won’t capture you.
Jude (The Little Boy): … Who knows if you’re telling the truth. Looking at your clothes, you probably a noble’s daughter or royalty. People with money and power are untrustworthy scums.
Kate: I’m telling you the truth! … I think that it’s wrong for someone to be wanted, targeted, and stripped of their freedom when they haven't committed a crime…!
I remembered Jude being attacked at his castle in the mountains nearly every day.
My words involuntarily came out of my mouth, expressing all the pent up frustration I had from my days spent at that castle.
Kate: Ah… sorry for raising my voice.
Boy: … Pfft, why apologise? It’s fine. I agree with you.
Boy: … And your face doesn't look like you’re capable of lying.
Boy: You don’t seem intelligent enough to fool someone for your personal gain— huh?
Boy: Oi, show me your face.
Kate: Huh? Wha—
He brought my face closer and examined it closely, seemingly trying to see something.
(His eyes… they look cold, yet so beautiful.)
Boy: Tch… you look like you have some kind of disease.
Kate: A disease…?
Boy: You have about 10 years left to live.
Kate: W-What…!? Are you saying that I’ll die in 10 years time…!?
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Boy: I owe you for saving my life, I’m not going to let you die.
Boy: 10 years later when you’re about to die, I’ll make time stop.
Boy: I don't know how many years will it take to find a cure for your disease… 100 years should suffice.
Kate: H-Hold on… what do you mean by that?
Boy: You slow princess. I’m saying that I’ll save you. Go on and cry tears of gratitude for me.
Boy: I won’t ever break this promise, even in death.
The boy poked my forehead with a finger.
Boy: 10 years from now, you will prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep for 100 years.
Kate: W-Why do I have to prick my finger on a spindle…?
Boy: Maybe it’s just the way you look, who knows. Besides — you seem to enjoy pain.
His thin lips curled into a mocking smile.
Kate: — Have we ever met somewhere before…?
— I found myself back in the carriage I was forced into.
(That dream… it felt oddly real.)
I could still feel the sensation of a finger touching my forehead.
“Time is not irreversible, and space is not unchangeable. Like a complicated intertwining of threads, the past and the future, as well as different worlds can be connected.”
(The past and the present… connected…?)
I came to this world from England — and now, I have a promise with Jude from the past.
That idea should've been ridiculous, and yet the dots connected perfectly and formed a truth.
Kate: So, the present day Jude is currently imprisoned — and then there's the curse.
Kate: What about the promise we made just now…?
– Flashback Start –
King: … That night, you had a quarrel with me and ran away from the palace. You then lost your consciousness and collapsed in an alley.
– Flashback End –
Thinking about it made me finally understand why I had no memories of back then.
It was because the “me” who met the young Jude in the back alley, was “me” from the present day.
I came into this fairytale world, and made a promise with Jude from the past.
That’s why, before I met Jude from the past, I didn't have any memories of making that promise.
(But, still… I’m certain that I wasn't scared of the curse.)
(Because Jude didn't curse me out of spite.)
(He cursed me to buy time, so that a cure for my disease could be found.)
That means, according to the curse, I need to be pricked by a spindle.
It was the only way to fulfil our promise, which was for me to fall asleep and stop death from reaching me.
Kate: A spindle…
Kate: I have to look for a spindle—
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kairiscorner · 10 months
it may be sudden of me, but i've had an idea i've forgotten to bring to light in the server or to anyone else
miguel 'n reader are engaged, and we catch the man sorrowful and doubtful of *himself* because he thinks he won't do a good job. we let him ramble on and on until we have to shut him up with a kiss ^^
just thought it'd be really sweet, esp if we comfort and reassure him after his rambling
don't do a friends first kinda deal, do reqs that you like that came before mine first if you have a lot! and dw about doing mine at all 💃
(if you do tysm)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
i just want us to be okay. — miguel o'hara x reader
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you didn't need to think twice when he asked you if you'd marry him, you'd've been a fool to have lied to him about how you felt; but you ended up an even bigger, more lovesick fool than ever when you kept repeating to yourself this: i'm getting married to the man of my dreams. you would never forget the way his eyes watered up, how his smile seemed to brighten the whole place up just a little bit in your eyes when you said yes, the saccharine laughter that rang in your ears as he kept asking you in a bewildered, awestruck voice if you really meant to say 'yes' to being his spouse, his spouse.
and up to this day, he can't stop asking you if you mean it; he is that smitten and enamored with you, he can't believe that personified perfection agreed to share their life with him.
however, it's due to that disbelief, that urge he has to think that nothing good in his life will last—that your love is merely temporary, that the universe will one day inevitably rip you away from him like nearly everyone he ever truly cared for in his life—that this affectionate him right now won't be around forever. he's scared that if he makes one wrong move, says one wrong thing, takes one look at the wrong direction—he'll lose you forever. and in a way... he feels like he deserves it, that he deserves to lose you.
he's been holed up in his office, brooding in the dark and thinking to himself in silence as the images and videos on his monitors play by without him looking up to acknowledge what's happening on the screens. he whispers to lyla to play footage of the two of you dancing at your friend's wedding, specifically to the timestamp when you two had your first dance as a couple at the reception hall's dance floor. he heard your voice and laughter, as sonorous and melodic as it was the evening he held you in his arms. it certainly wasn't the first time he held you, but it was the first time he held you with a great feeling in his chest, one that couldn't be labelled nor replicated by any other feeling in the world—it was the first time he held you knowing that his life and yours were going to be one, you two are each other's, like your friend, you two would have your happily ever after one day.
he smiled to himself, much like how he smiled on the video; and he repeated the same words he uttered that night when you chuckled to yourself nervously. "i feel so... weird and nervous having all these eyes on me. is it obvious?" "oh, very." he teased you, mouthing the words out with a wide grin as he watched the footage back with a smile, chuckling as he heard you laugh at his smart ass quips and sarcastic remarks. he missed how sweet your laugh was, how adorable you got when you pretended to be angry at his little comments. "this isn't even our wedding, but, gosh... i can't imagine how it'd be like if it was ours, it's so... so intimidating..." you muttered to him as you held his hand and shoulder tighter, with your feet nearly stumbling and wobbling out of sheer embarrassment.
miguel smiled wider as he watched himself sigh and place his hands underneath your chin, turning your head to make you look at him. "cariño, you're perfect as you are already. even if you're... a nervous mess, i'm falling deeper in love with you when i see you this vulnerable, this honest, really." he said as he leaned in to kiss you, with your eyes gazing up into his mahogany brown ones. the clip was paused in the middle of the kiss scene since a guest had knocked on miguel's office door. "is that during my friend's wedding night?" you asked him with a big smile as miguel's face got all flustered and he closed the monitor, shaking his head. "huh, what friend, what wedding night?" he asked you rapidly as you stifled a laugh. "you're not that slick, miggy." you told him as he rubbed the back of his neck and awkwardly grinned at you. "that's my fatal flaw." he admitted with a chuckle as you held his other hand in your own.
"why were you watching it, miggy? too excited for our own wedding night? can't wait to dance with me?" you asked him with a glimmer in your eyes. miguel cleared his throat and looked away from you and off into the dark distance of his room, his eyes scanning the surroundings, not really looking for anything in particular, but merely wanting to look at anything but you, because... he didn't know how to tell you the words that he wanted to release from his mouth right now. he sighed and decided that, since you were going to be his spouse soon anyway, better yet he be honest and confess to you right now his anxieties.
"well, um, i... you could say i'm excited, yes, but... i'm a little scared." he admitted in a hushed voice as he felt your grip tighten around his hand. "do tell me about it, i won't judge." you told him in a soft tone as miguel smiled a little and shook his head. "oh, where to begin?" he asked himself as he rubbed his forehead and took in a deep breath. miguel went on to describe his worries about being the perfect husband, if he could even fulfil the role of being your lover, your husband; if you'd have even the slightest regrets about marrying him... it's these irrepressible, negative thoughts of his that hinders him from enjoying the time he has with you, because he can barely enjoy time with himself.
"i just... want to be enough for you, you know that..." he said as he held your hand back and squeezed your hand slightly. he sighed again as he thought he just bummed you out and made you see just how weak he really was when it came to the things and people that really mattered to him in his life. "i'm sorry, it's really pathetic, isn't it?" he asked you with a slight chuckle, which was soon broken by you suddenly leaning over and planting a kiss on his lips. it was short; a brief kiss, though one that pulled miguel out of his self-deprecating trance for a minute to listen to you. "i'm going to marry a man who loves me and is self-assured that he loves me; i'm not going to marry this handsome impostor who doesn't even know if he thinks he's enough for me, he is, has, and always will be." you said with a loving smile as you placed both of your hands on either sides of his face.
miguel's eyes soften as he gazes back into your own eyes, filled with love and slight sympathy for him; you have no idea what it's like to be in those big shoes he has to fill, and you won't pretend you have all the answers, that you know everything, but you can guarantee him that as his lover, best friend, and future spouse--you will definitely be there for him, come rain or shine. you pulled him in for another kiss, which felt more passionate and longer than the previous one. as you pulled away, miguel not only appeared more flustered, but he appeared to be more... in awe of you. he nodded and covered his lips, which he kept parting and bringing together over and over in an effort to say something, anything to thank you for your words, your assurance, because he needs that more than you will ever know.
he returned the favor by wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in for another, more dramatic, kiss. his eyelids fluttered open after he kissed you and he smiled as he gazed at your beautiful, bashful face. "i'm really marrying you, huh? how did i... how did i get so lucky?" he asked you as you smiled and kissed him again, leaving him unanswered, but thoroughly happy and satisfied with you and all the love and comfort you had for him, with plenty more in store when you two were finally to be wedded.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @arachnoia @meeom @ophanimgold @melovetitties
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woojungz · 7 months
how xikers would confess to you! 🍃💐
❝ xikers x gn!reader
𓂃𓈒 this is part 1. members included: minjae, junmin, sumin, jinsik, hyunwoo. i will make a part 2 soon with the rest of the other members (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
( likes and reblogs appreciated!♡ )
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you met him through your dance troupe from school. he was a year older than you, and everyone else admired him for his dependable and leader-like qualities. everyone loves him to the point that your cute puppy love towards him goes unnoticed. it's just normal for people to love minjae that much at your school.
but then suddenly during practice everyone was sad, it's because minjae's gonna be graduating soon. it's never gonna be the same without him in the troupe. you started to brush off your feelings for him, and planned to give him a small little goodbye just like everyone else. until he asked you to stay after class because he wanted to show you something.
and inside your heart was beating really fast, cuz why the hell would your crush ask you to stay after everyone has left. you were starting to think he was mad at you (for absolutely no reason?!) until he told you he wants to show you some dance he made.
at first it was just him dancing while you cheered him on (he told you it was some new choreography he practiced last weekend). you were caught off guard when he suddenly grabs your hand and makes you dance with him! you got shy at first, but as time passed by, you were having fun with minjae, freestyling moves and whatnot.
once you guys got tired, the both of you just sat down on some corner to drink water and refresh. the silence was broken by minjae, asking you if you wanted to go to han river with him to hang out for awhile. you knew he loved it there, one of his favorite hangout spots with junmin (a really close friend of his). so when he invited you to go, it was probably the hundredth time your heart beat really fast for the day…
he brings you to han river after buying a few snacks, then resting at a lone bench beside some tree. it was really quiet, except for the cool breeze and the distant sound of other people around the area. you were caught out of your daze when minjae suddenly took your hand in his. of course you looked at him, wide-eyed.
"you know how much this place means a lot to me right?" minjae asks you, and you nod in return.
"i think it's the best place for me to tell you how special you are to me. i'm not gonna beat around the bush anymore, i really like you, y/n."
you were almost speechless, but thankfully you managed to atleast nod at him. embarrassingly stuttering out words, telling him you reciprocate his feelings, and that you really really like him too.
let's just say han river became your usual hanging out spot once you guys became a couple♡
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your dog was one peculiar creature, the moment you step foot outside, the little cutie wouldn't stop sniffing every single thing around him. when you finally managed to bring your dog to the park, you sigh in relief. surely he would wanna explore now since you guys were in an open space. but no, apparently some random bush was far more interesting than whatever else was at the park.
until you were suprised when a brown fluffy poodle approached your pup. it was collared, your sight following its leash until you lock eyes with a guy in a cozy sweater.
"kong!! don't go running into random dogs out of nowhere!"
you assumed kong was the name of the friendly dog that approached yours.
"no don't worry! it's completely alright, i think my dog could use a few friends anyway, everytime i walk him, he doesn't even move an inch and keeps smelling things!"
"well, looks like the both of them are getting along. oh, junmin's the name by the way!"
he introduces himself, and soon you follow, beginning a small talk between each other as your dogs mingled along. the conversation must've been so good that junmin didn't realize his grip on the leash loosened, and kong suddenly bolts, your dog following suit.
the both of you didn't expect to be caught in a chase real quick, and even if those dogs were quite small, they're still pretty damn fast. after a few minutes of running around the park, your pets grew tired, finally. so that's how you find yourself beside junmin sitting on the unoccupied swings, your dog sleeping soundly on your lap.
that meeting was the first of many as you continued hanging out with junmin everytime you walk your dog at the park. leading to meet ups where you guys bought pet treats, cute clothes for your dogs, and even left them at a doggy daycare for the rest of the day so you guys can hang out alone with each other.
another day passes, the sky clear. as usual, you were with junmin again, but he looked like he was in deep thought. so you asked him if something was bothering him, staring at the way he takes a deep breath before staring right at your eyes. some otherworldly force must've been helping him, suddenly no one else was around this area of the park. he cheers for himself inside, he can do it. a perfect moment as your two dogs are busy playing with each other at a corner.
"y/n, we've been hanging out with each other for quite some time now. i really got to know you well these past months, and i really enjoy spending time with you."
junmin starts, avoiding your gaze. he can't see it, but you smile at him. "me too junmin, i really enjoy your company."
"well, i don't wanna dwell on it much anymore. so i'm just gonna say it. y/n, you mean a lot to me, and… and i like you alot—"
you were about to take a step closer to him until kong parks his butt right at junmin's feet, and suddenly starts pissing all over him, a loud screech resounding throughout the park.
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you wanted a change of pace for now, so you decided it would be nice to take tours of the different art galleries in your city. all was going well, when after a few trips to different galleries… you started to notice this one dude with a very striking fashion sense. as the coincidences of you guys visiting the same galleries at the same time continue, you really can't help but notice him. i mean, who wouldn't turn their head towards someone wearing a bunch of layered clothing with different patterns and textures—but somehow still make it work.
one day, you finally knew what to call him. sumin, he says, officially became your unofficial tour buddy as you continue to plan a lot more trips for next time. that's how you find out what a surprisingly chill guy he is, a huge contrast to how he dresses. sumin had mentioned his daily life consisted of making art, paintings, lounging around parks, and of course, visiting art galleries.
"it's honestly kinda boring though." sumin stares off at a distance as he stirs some of the hot chocolate he had ordered at this cafe you chose to rest at for awhile, after a long session of looking at paintings and whatnot.
"boring?! i'd kill to have a life like that. i only go to art galleries as some kind of escape from my hectic schedules,"
you continue to rant as sumin listens carefully. this was the cycle for about a long time, enough for sumin to know almost every single thing about you now. so does his feelings for you grow by time. he only ever comes around to check out pretty paintings, but instead he's found someone like you, the prettiest he's ever met. just as how unpredictable he was, you weren't expecting him to tell you his feelings anytime soon.
starting the day as usual, you guys meet up at another art gallery that just opened, somewhere beyond the city you reside in. you were quite excited about this one, having seen how popular it got on the internet that you just have to really see it for yourself. as you walk around the gallery, stopping by each painting to tell a bunch of stuff you've read about it to sumin, you can't miss the way he intensely looks at you, his eyes tracing your own up until he's scanned your whole face. honestly it was kind of odd, but you brushed it off. he must've been trying to focus, seeing the way he scribbles on to the paper really hard.
"it's really interesting right?" you ask, totally oblivious to whatever sumin was doing.
"yeah, totally."
an hour passes and you reach the exit of the gallery, but sumin still seems to be busy with his damn paper…
"dude… i literally stopped talking like fifteen minutes ago, what could you possibly be taking notes of. like i get that the paintings were interesting, but were they really that interesting for you to keep writing until—"
sumin finally hands you the piece of paper. you flip it over, your eyes widening before looking back up at him.
"you did this?!" he only replies with a hum, flashing you that cute smile of his.
you couldn't help but feel your heart warm at the sight, all this time he was sketching a beautiful portrait of you. it doesn't look polished, the strokes were the kind of messy that worked together. despite the lack of color, the ink of his pen was enough to convey the way he sees you through his eyes. suddenly your gaze flickers towards the bottom of the page, a little scribble of handwriting made by sumin
i like you, y/n <3
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finals were nearing, spending most of your days at the cafe near your university. even before, you loved to hang out here, to the point that the baristas already recognize you as a regular. it's just that these days, you were needing coffee more than usual, or else you won't survive by the end of the semester.
so when you order the 'usual' this afternoon, you weren't expecting such a different flavor to meet your tongue, fighting not to spit it out and make a scene. internally you were asking yourself what went wrong, approaching your barista friends to ask them if they accidentally gave you the wrong order. but your name was on the cup, so that couldn't be the case, right?
instead, you found out that a newly hired barista made your order. 'jinsik' he introduces himself, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he looks down at the floor. and boy did you really forget about the bad drink the moment you laid your eyes on him.
thank god you were able to blink yourself free from the stare you held on him, he's quite literally the most charming barista you've ever seen around here. once he finds out he messed up your order, he apologizes cutely… almost bows to the floor but you stop him.
ever since then, he makes it a point to leave messages on your cup. he's so sweet really, he found out that you were hanging out here for longer because you're studying for your finals. leaves cute messages that cheers you on for the rest of your study time :(
eventually he finally mixes your drinks really well. you often stay during weekends, sometimes staying until the cafe closes, this is usually the time where no one really orders or comes in. jinsik takes it as a chance to leave the counter and sit around with you while you study (mostly just him distracting you because how could you not devote your full attention to someone like him?!)
by the day of your finals, you make one last stop by the cafe to get a drink for the morning.
"hey, y/n! d-day right? there's this drink i've been seeing around everywhere, i heard it's mixed with ingredients that are good for focus. want me to make it for you?"
you curiously agree, taking the cup from him once he's had it done. taking a sip from the drink, your eyes widen because it's a flavor you recognize, something you've brought up with him before, and he remembered it :(
but you wonder how the hell he made it taste so good, taking a peek at the sticker on the cup that showed the drink add-ons. strangely there was none, turning the cup around until you see his message scribbled with a marker.
i like you y/n♡ let's hang out after your exams, yeah? early celebration bc i know you'll ace it!
you can't help but feel your cheeks heat up at his words, he wasn't even saying it directly to you, but your heart feels like it's gonna jump out of your chest. you immediately look for him, spotting him behind the counter, already looking at you fondly with a smile on his face :(
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it was the most awaited night of all time, your school's prom night. everything was perfect, from your outfit, and your friends that are coming with you. but as the event dragged on, your friends wanted to go on their own ways and spend time with their dates. personally you didn't mind, they'd already brought it up before, and you were completely fine with it.
as you sit by the snacks and drinks, you begin to wonder if you should've taken the time to ask your long-time crush to be your date for prom night. hyunwoo, his name was, the main vocalist of your school band that was quite popular with the students. to you he was just the coolest, especially when he sings everytime they perform. but because of that, you assumed that there must be other people that were already hitting on him too. he probably already has a date, someone much better than you, even.
you silently sulk at the corner, busying yourself with the cup of fruit punch you grabbed awhile ago. that was until someone announced through the microphone for everyone to gather by the stage. hyunwoo's band was performing, of course you rushed towards the crowd that also came to watch. right, not only was he gonna be busy with his date for tonight, they were also preparing to perform. must've been why you weren't able to see him around the moment you step foot in here.
and they begin, the band playing their original song. well, it was the perfect song for couples, everyone linking up with their dates to slow dance with each other, making you feel out of place. you left your spot at the middle. forget about watching hyunwoo sing at the stage. you disappear at the back of the crowd, hand still holding the cup of punch from awhile ago. the ice had already melted, you didn't even bother to drink it, probably tasted bad already. just like how you felt watching everyone dance with their partners, you would be lying if you said you weren't jealous at all.
though you decided to distract yourself for awhile, you can't help but think about hyunwoo while you were alone. i mean, his voice is literally the only thing you can hear from the speakers right now. every single line he sings, you can't help but look back on your memories with him. he was one of your close friends, sometimes you guys spend afternoons alone, by the bleachers or maybe helping him with some songwriting and practice. minutes pass by, the band was done, but hyunwoo's voice suddenly saying your name through the microphone caught your attention.
"this song is actually dedicated to someone who's very close to me. y/n, if you're listening, i want you to know that i really really like you."
the crowd suddenly cheers, the band taking their time to leave the stage. at the back, the stage lights were blinding to you. you can't really see hyunwoo. not until you hear a shout of your name, turning to meet his eyes.
"y/n. you're here! i was looking for you everywhere, i wasn't able to see you among the crowd." he begins, panting a bit as he ran from the stage towards where you are.
you weren't able to stop him from suddenly dragging you outside, right at the garden of the venue. it was only the two of you here, sounds of the crickets were doing a little bit to ease your nervousness.
"um, i really enjoyed your performance awhile ago." you began, staring up at his eyes.
"of course, i practiced really hard… for you."
hyunwoo takes your hand in his, fingers tangling with each other. "hyunwoo, i really like you too. a lot."
he blushed at the statement, the both of you avoiding each other's gaze. there was a moment of silence that fell upon the both of you, but your linked hands weren't budging at all. until you hear the faint start of a song from the venue, still quite loud even though you were at the garden.
"want to dance with me y/n? i wasn't able to be with you awhile ago." you weren't able to say no, facing him as he rests a gentle hand on you waist, looking straight into your eyes as the both of you begin a slow rhythm of dancing to the song. it was the best ending you could ever ask for, officially sealing the endless pining the both of you endured, the perfect night made under the dozens of stars and the cozy moonlight.
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canirove · 11 months
Ben Chilwell Imagine | five
Author’s note: For today I had planned to post another imagine with Ben because I'm finishing a story with him and getting new content has kept me inspired, but then that photo came out, and like happened to many others, I had to write something with it 😅 This is basically the idea I wrote on the tags when I rebloged the photo on Monday. You are attending a wedding together, and he has to keep waiting for you because you don't know how to walk in heels. Hope you like it and thank you for reading! 💜
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"Ben, can you please slow down?"
"If I walk slower we are gonna be late."
"But I… fuck" I say when my ankle twist for the millionth time. 
"Are you ok?"
"Yes, I'm fine. But slow down a bit."
"Fine" he sighs, turning to look at me. "You look like Bambi."
"Do you remember Bambi on the ice? That's you right now" he chuckles.
"You are so funny, Benjamin" I say while rolling my eyes, my ankle almost doing the same movement.
"Come here" he says, offering me his arm. "If we are late for the ceremony, my mum is going to kill us."
"Why did you choose to wear heels when you don't know how to walk in them?"
"Because I'm already wearing a suit for a wedding instead of the ugly dresses everyone does, and I didn't want to stand  out even more" I explain. 
"Suits are hot."
"You tell me. You look bloody gorgeous, Ben."
"Thank you" he smiles. "But so do you."
"Yes, Bambi on a suit" I say, my ankle dangerously twisting again despite Ben's help. "Why did they have to marry in the old town?"
"It's pretty" he shrugs.
"And a deathtrap" I reply, looking down at the cobblestones.
"Wait until you see where we are having dinner" Ben's sister says behind us.
"Is it bad?" I ask.
"Grass" she says.
"You are fucked, Bambi" Ben laughs.
"Ok, that's it. I'm done."
"What are you doing?"
"Taking these off" I say, letting go of his arm and getting rid of my heels.
"You can't walk barefoot into the church" he laughs again.
"Watch me."
"Bambi, you can't."
"Don't call me Bambi!" I say, hitting him with one of my shoes.
"Sorry, sorry" he laughs. "Don't need to get violent."
"Guys, we are gonna be late" Ben sister's says. 
"The bride isn't here yet. I have time to go back to the car and change into the sneakers I have on the boot."
"You can't go back to the car barefoot" he says. "It is too far away."
"Well, I'm not wearing these torture devices again."
"Guys, c'mon. We are going to be late and mum is going to get pissed" his sister insists.
"Ok, fine" Ben sighs. "I'll run to the car and get them for you."
"Will you do that for me?"
"I would do anything for you, Bambi" Ben smiles, taking the shoes from my hand before I'm able to hit him again and running away.
"Oh the things we do for love" his sister chuckles. 
"Ok, I'm back" Ben says, trying to catch his breath.
"And right on time. The bride's car is coming."
"Then hurry up."
"I'm going as fast as I can" I say, tying up my sneakers. "Ok, done. How do I look?"
"Beautiful… Bambi" he smirks.
"Urgh" I say, rolling my eyes. "Let's go inside, the bride is coming."
"But wait, how do I look? " he says, running a hand through his hair.
"Stupidly gorgeous. C'mon."
"Aren't you going to say thank you or something?"
"For what?" I ask.
"I don't know. I just ran all the way down and then up again so you could change your shoes. I deserve something."
"Thank you for my shoes, Benjamin."
"Nah, not enough" he says, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer to him. "I deserve something else."
"Like what" I ask, running my hands through his hair and trying to make it look a bit more presentable even if I love it when it is all messy.
"A kiss."
"A kiss. One kiss and I promise I will stop calling you Bambi."
"Promise" he smiles. "Just one kiss."
"Ok, fine" I smile back before kissing him.
"Excuse me" someone says behind us.
"Oh, shit, uncle" Ben says, his cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. "We didn't see you there."
"We can tell" his cousin giggles. "Were you waiting for me?"
"We were, yes" I say, Ben's cheeks now bright red. "They asked us to check if you were coming, the groom was getting impatient."
"And you got bored of waiting, didn't you?" she smirks.
"We… sorry" Ben chuckles. "We should probably go inside and…"
"Yes, you should" his uncle says.
"Ok… umm… You look beautiful, cousin. He's gonna love it."
"Thank you" she smiles. 
"We should get going, Ben. We don't want your mum to get mad at us" I say, taking his hand on mine.
"Yes, yes. We… ok" he mumbles, starting to walk and tripping with a flower pot.
"Careful there, Bambi" I laugh.
"Bambi?" he asks, arching an eyebrow.
"Yes, Bambi. Now let's go" I smile before walking into the church, Ben's cousin giggling behind us. 
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Hi! I was wondering if you could write about the M6 having baby fever? It can be nsfw and or sfw, I don't really care! Thank you!
Hi, my fellow julianist-smutter! As before, I'll randomly pick the spicy level for each character and write them in whatever-my-mind-blurts-out-first-order. The adult themes will be on a properly flagged reblog!
Key: ◇Random/cute/funny stuff; ♡romanticism/physical affection/teasing; ♧light smut&fluff; ♤hic sunt DONGS, minors def nope out
Portia keeps getting home late without any reasonable explanation. When pressed she blurts ovious lies, so you start to grow suspicious, then jealous. One day it gets the best of you, and you decide to follow her...
...up until the magic shop?! Is she...? And Asra??? You hear them talking quietly, so you sneak in from the backdoor. Portia seems... distressed? Hopeful...? Asra is explaining something complex from a big, old book.
Days later you get that book with an excuse, and magic helps you find the page they were looking at. The spell seems very complicated. Some kind of ritual that involves two women, a man, some fresh rainwater and nine full moon cyc...
Blood flushes to your face and somewhere else. You slam the book shut in embarrassment, and put it back. You're not sure about how to talk with Portia, for your hart is full of a warmth your words can't express.
You decide to let her be the one talking about it, when she'll feel ready.
Nadia keeps pulling out pictures of when she was young, talking about all of her fondest childhood memories and how blessed is an home full of children.
She gets you to se Pepi's new litter, and you see her melt internally as she holds one of the tiniest fluffy balls.
One day you find her and Natiqua with Nadia's nephew. They've come to visit even though she went to see the newborn just few weeks ago. With an excuse, Natiqua hands you the little one, who grabs your hair and doesn't let go. The sisters laugh, whispering something in Pakran. God where's Julian when you need him.
One day she gifts you a beautiful calendar. It's gilded in gold and powered lapis, with beautiful illustrations of the two of you each month. Some days are marked. This time Julian's around, and bursts out laughing when he recognizes a fertility pattern.
Looks like you're gonna do this.
Lucio is super happy. He's always wanted to be the cool uncle.
Little does he know, Noddy has a comprehensive list of what games, tales and shenanigans will and won't be allowed.
You and Lucio have a pregnancy scare. He panics, cries that he's too cool and young to be a dad (he's not, he's 40). Disappears hunting in the woods for a week.
He must have met his mother, because when he comes back at the Palace his left cheek is red and swollen.
Thank the gods it was just a scare.
The days after, Lucio starts to act weird. You caught him staring at you with a dumb dreamy smile.
He tells you he bought new animals from the red market. You're expecting crocpdiles, but fing wourself surrounded by hundreds of the cutest ducklings you've ever saw.
Mercedes, Melchior and Pepi are -burp- very happy of this.
You spend two days consoling Lucio.
Then he brings home ten "kittens".
They're tiger cubs.
Mercedes and Melchior happy.
Pepi very not happy.
Nadia and Portia extremely not happy.
When he arrives with a baby dolphin to substitute the vampire eels, Nadia snaps and tell him to go make a baby already if he so wants small things around him
That evening, you enter your room to find him laying on your bed, rose petals all around you, magical windchimes dangling over the bed.
"It MUST BE a great idea, Noddy had it!"
Asra is the one who doesn't realize he has baby fever. Everyone else knows he has it, everyone is lowkey laughing about it, but god fkrbjd someone makes him notice.
You are now subscribed to detailed reports of Asra's paternity dreams. He goes on and on describing the beautiful white haired baby he dreamt, they were sleeping on his chest, with a cute pijama with small red foxes embroided on it. Each day he adds new details.
Every morning you wake up to a different, exotic breakfast in bed. "I figure you wanted chestnuts with spiderhoney" "I got you yak salty milk with spices!" "Hey, I brought you the deer horn flour sourdough you asked me for... what do you mean you didn't asked me for it? I deamed you were craving it?! Again?"
He's also all over you, night and day. If it was for him, you'd never leave the magic shop.
He takes every chance he gets to hug your belly. Now you're both used to him falling dead asleep there after going down on you. Sometimes he gives tiny kisses on your belly as he sleeps, and you smile while passing your fingers through his hair.
When you finally confronts him about it, he blushes violently and denies everything.
"So, if I told you you can take me now and do as you please, hre on the shop's counter without even locking the door, you wouldn't do it?"
He does it.
Julian has worked with quite a number of babies, lately. Thanks to Nadia, now people eat better and are healthier, so they enjoy their life -and Vesuvia's nightlife- way more. This lead to a massive wedding season, and for the first time in his life the women and men who send for Julian night and day aren't lovers (or scorned spouses), but anxious parents of chubby newborns.
It's a lot of work, but for the first time in forever he's strangely not complaining about it. The doctor sleeps very little, but has a constant dumb grin. He is also very confused.
Tired like, he told Asra to "Open wide the mouth, vessel's coming!" while going in with a tongue depressor to take a look at his sore throat. Mouth free, Asra winked. "As big as I remember you Jules, maybe vessel IS an exaggeration"
Julian's house is now full on tiny gifts from the babies (and their parents): handprints on canvas, first drawings (he SWEARS that black spot behind red scribbles is his eye-patch), even a little elephant doll a two year old was adamant about giving him. "I'll put it aside for when he'll want it back, I'm positive it will happen"). You could SWEAR though, that there's a note of horror in his voice when he says so.
As usual, the nsfw ones will be in THIS reblog :)
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tsams-confessions · 3 months
I would love to participate more and share my opinions on characters of the show and how many themes and topics can have so many complex ramifications. I love how a lot of the characters are built in a way that applying a human point of view to their issues is not entirely possible but also humanity cannot be separated from them either. Their nature as robots, and how they experience trauma, and events that would be impossible for humans due to physical limitation (like how coding can force someone to do something against their will) make for such an interesting story to analyze!
But the truth is this fandom has made me very wary about doing such a thing. :(
I feel like things would be a lot more chill if people reblogged what they liked, ignored what they don't, and just all around were more civil about character interpretations. I've seen a lot of people being enraged and attacking others, or making vague posts that target whole groups within the fandom and it's actually very sad. Clearly people care a lot about these characters, which is wonderful, but putting them above real people and getting nasty to said people in consequence is something that needs to stop.
I understand getting frustrated or tired of seeing certain takes because you feel they are not taking into account this or that thing shown about the character, especially if it's a fave or comfort one. I've felt that too! But posts that are unnecessarily aggressive (and examples of the phrases I'll give are no quotes of anything as I haven't looked at the tag in more than half a year, more like vague examples of what has crossed my dash now and again for months now) that have phrases like "hey can we stop treating x character like blank?", "the fandom needs to acknowledge (subjective opinion) already", "people don't want to understand this about this character", "oh yeah everyone loves x but hates y I wonder why" . Or even posts that are downright poisonous towards the people that work on the show. I myself have my criticisms, but I don't want to see such intense hate about it.
This is a silly show in the internet. One I love with all my heart, and that has some seriously good moments, but I feel like taking a step back, remembering that this is a youtube fanfic role-play about fnaf characters that is so far removed from the base material that it became a whacky charming series to follow, would greatly help diminish the amount of discourse that has been growing for long. People interpreting a character differently from you is not illegal. It's not a moral failing. What you see in a character as a positive might be a horrible negative for someone else. This is shaped by your experience as a human being and other people will have different experiences that make them look at something completely differently than you. This is a good thing! It can lead to nice conversations that make you realize something you didn't take into account! But it's not your duty or your right to change their mind. The moment it starts turning into an argument it's best to step away. Admit you two simply don't take the same message or interpretation as the other person from the same scene and walk away. Be nice. Be kind. Fandom is meant to be fun. You can hold fictional characters close to your heart. Just don't go hurting someone real for the sake of defending someone fictional.
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