#and god do I love my friends but damn does it ever feel isolating when a number of them live together and see each other everyday
deankarolina · 4 months
thinking about how this is a year in which all of my friends got into relationships, and a few of them became roommates, and some immigrated and how odd it all feels to be the one who has essentially done nothing
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bronx-bomber87 · 3 months
Happy Saturday Lovely Fandom. We've reached the second to last ep of this series rewatch. Unreal. God I LOVE this ep. So so good. Tim being her handler. Reminds me of Alias. Which was my first love for tv show/ship. If you ever watched Alias you’d know why I love this asset and handler situation so much. Let us start.
5x21 Going Under
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Start out strong Lucy is going UC. Has to do with the last episode. Frank Teska has been released from prison. He killed his brother for the attack on his daughter Dara. He is back in business. Looking to get into the Ghost Gun trade. You need specific polymer to make them. Metro raided and took his supplier out. Which is where Lucy comes in. She will pose as someone at Southland Chemicals. Be his new supplier.
We join our ship talking about the OP. Tim mentioning he’s using Hard Luck as his CI. Lucy not trusting this guy as far as she can throw him. Tim’s reply is the best. The fact that his CI knows how important Lucy is to him *squee* Then telling her as such. That this guy knows Lucy is special to him That if he messes up Tim will hunt him down. Gah I love this. Calling in favors for his girl. Work version of romantic ha
Lucy’s sweet expression when he tells her this. Basically saying he loves her in not so many words. Lucy being Lucy calling it 'Undercover love.' hehe Tim isn't even fighting it anymore. Just smiles shakes his head and rolls with her antics. We all know he loves her for it. Damn they cute. Actions always speaking louder than words with these two. Lucy couldn’t be cuter as Tim walks away. Her smile saying more than words ever could about how she feels about this man.
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Then we get these GLORIOUS phone calls. Like rom-com goodies up in this episode. Love me some protective Tim. Asking her if he needs to talk to her boss? Lucy waves him off. Says she's got it. Tim looking mighty fine Phew lord Scruffy, his sweater and his eyes popping in this lighting. Mmm. Lucy of course checking in on him next. I love this so very much. He won't tell her he's struggling.
So she's going to check on in him since he won't do as such. Tim knowing exactly what she means. Asking if that means he misses her? We all know he does but he deflects in the cutest way. Saying no. His smile when she calls him a jerk. But he's YOUR jerk Lucy haha. He is so damn smitten with her. Loves teasing and messing with her. Just as much as she does for him. One of their love languages shining through in this moment. My damn heart.
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She asks if Tim can check in on Tamara? Tim doesn’t hesitate for one second. Of course he’ll check in on their daughter. Doesn’t want her to lose any focus on the job. We then delve into the cute snippet conversations that have my shipper heart fluttering. Lucy telling Tim not to watch 'Top Chef' without her. I love that they have a show they watch together. Makes me giddy. Such a couples thing to have that. Tim giving her crap saying he can’t make any promises.
Lucy asking Tim if he ever wished he had a normal job? Tim says without people shooting at him? Not once. Lucy replying me either. These tidbits are just fantastic. They both love their line of work so much. This whole talking about everything and nothing at all just shows the deep bond they have. Comes from riding together for years 12 hours at a time. Her being UC is isolating but they get to have these moments despite that. Little pockets of joy before this OP heats up.
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Tim asking if she’s making any friends? Lucy going on about a lady in her office. It’s so cute I can’t stand it. Talking about his grandkids and such. I love this is so very much. They did a really good job with these shots and the VO's. I saw a lot of people saying felt like rom-com and it really does in the best way. Just being on the phone whole time. Even though they're physically apart they still find a way to connect and be together. It’s so sweet imma get a cavity.
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Day 4 rolls around and Tim ask if the monotony is getting to her? Lucy tells him no as long as it’s not for nothing. I mean she had two weeks of it in 3x14. 4 days is nothing but now she has Tim so she's got more to miss this time around. I adore the voice overs in this scene. Tim reassuring her it’s probably cause Frank is double checking her story. I love this shot of Tim in the side mirror. Fierce protector reporting for duty.
Frank has finally surfaced and approached Lucy. Her cover story of being a wanted felon has worked out. Frank thinks she’s an easy target because of it. Lucy playing the fresh start card with him. Not wanting to get into business with him. She does this so well. He tells her not an option. That he needs certain plastics and she needs to not go to jail. Telling her it’s low risk.
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Gah I love Tim watching over the situation from across the way. Looking fine af BTW. My god I'll never be over how tall he is and I love it. Tall drink of yum. Look at him in his civvies, the hat, the glasses, the intense way he's watching her. Listening in to their convo. Trying to keep his protectiveness in check. Doing his best not to step in. Especially when Frank threatens her. Which causes Lucy to say yes. Frank says they’ll have dinner tonight then. He’ll come get her from her place. They can hammer out the details of this new partnership.
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Lucy meets up with Wesley, Harper, Grey and her man. They’re going over this date for her. Tim looks like he’s going to crawl out of his skin. He hates the idea of this guy possibly thinking it’s a date. He hates this entire conversation really. Keeping his hands in his pockets. Looks at the ground trying to settle his protective nature.
I love Grey checking in with Tim. Minute he hears the word 'romantically and date.' He immediately looks at Tim. Knowing he hates this on so many levels. Tim isn’t being at all discreet with how he feels about this situation. He's basically squirming in front of all of them. Tim continuing to try to put on a brave face. Not well but sure trying. His whole body language screaming his immense discomfort.
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Tim is being the least subtle he’s ever been in this moment. Hating the idea she needs a good wire in case he’s handsy. You can see him take a deep breath and clench his jaw at the thought of this. This conversation is killing him softly. Some angsty goodness though. The check in's these two have above getting me in the feels before she sets to leave. That silent communication of their's prominent af. I LOVE him walking Lucy to the door. The intense looks they share on the way.
They both look amazing btw. He keeps constant eye contact with her till he can’t any longer. The intense longing in his stare as he watches her go. *heart clutch* His entire world just walked out the door and it shows. Eric crushing it with the longing look. This is the type of angst I eat up. It’s so so good. Worried Tim is lovely to behold. And that man is insanely worried. He is an open book as she walks away from him. Trying to keep himself from losing his damn mind over this man possibly touching her.
Grey immediately checking in with him. Man wasn't exactly subtle during that whole conversation. Asking Tim if he’s ok? Tim lying saying he’s 5x5. Such a detached military reply. When he is anything but detached in this moment. Wade knowing he’s lying. Their friendship is underrated. Grey saying he has to treat this like any other OP. Any other UC. Sure he'll get right on that. Thanks to Lucy his emotions aren't so easy to turn off anymore. Also not like it’s the love of his life he’s watching over or anything…
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Lucy goes to dinner with Frank all wired up. Tim watching intently outside. Fierce protector at the ready. The intense look on his face as he watches over her is doing things to me. *fans self* Like a lion pacing back and forth in it's cage waiting to be let out. Ready to attack at the slightest provocation against her. It's insanely hot tbh. He would gladly throttle this man if given the chance to. All he needs is to be given a reason.
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Lucy almost gets Frank to admit to his brothers death when bullets start flying. We watch Tim in an absolute panic call this in. Desperately searching for her in the wreckage from his car. Trying to find her as he rattles off their address. I love her jumping up and looking his way so he knew she was ok. His giant sigh of relief when her head pops up. Feel like we all did that with him. Went from all out panic to instant relief. I said in the hospital scene she is his whole world. That just got shot at and he was paralyzed until she popped up.
He couldn’t breathe until he knew she was alright. His whole body slumping against his seat in relief. Eric crushing it out here with his expressions getting me all emotional. I love how his eyes dart back to her once more before he takes off after the shooters. Double checking she really is there. He couldn’t even be in pursuit of them until he knew she was ok. You can see he wants to stay but can’t. Having an internal battle but knows he has to go after them.
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His cop brain in a delay due to this. This delay in reaction definitely affects him in his pursuit of the shooters. Don't think he was fully there mentally. Tim's head was most definitely not in the game when he went after them. Taking us back to 5x01 when Tim told Lucy if her head isn't the game 100 percent it'll get her killed. He is the living embodiment of that line in this moment. This dude almost killed him. Even when the gun is in his face his reaction time is slower.
That is not the Tim Bradford we know and love in the field. He was clouded his emotions running rampant. He had not compartmentalized at all. When Jan shows up it really hits him what almost happened to him. Saying he got lucky it was empty. Otherwise…ugh I don’t even wanna think about it. He’s panting his adrenaline waning and it showing. Looking over where the guy was knowing this could've been far worse. Knowing what it would've done to Lucy.
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I love the minute she’s done dealing with Frank Lucy calls Tim. Anxiously awaiting him to answer her call. Both so worried about one another. Gah this episode is fantastic. Never seen Tim this panicky or shaken up. This is a UC OP he’s involved in I can’t imagine how he’d be if he wasn’t.
He just loves her so much. Having a legit meltdown till he knows she’s ok. It’s all over his face as he talks to her on the phone. Eric killing me softly in this one. Lucy isn’t pulling any punches with her worry either. Both making me emotional as hell. Tim replying ‘Yeah I am now.’ *internal screaming* Wasn’t ok till he knew she was.
The love they have for each other is all over this moment. I’m not crying you are…You can see all the tension leave his body when he hears her voice. The neediness in both their voices when he says they should meet up. Gah yes you do. They needed to hear each others voice to calm down after that adrenaline fest.
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Then we come to THE laundry scene. One that broke my damn brain. Pretty much broke the entire fandom's brain. I love how she rushes to him and clings on. Wanting zero space between them. Tim leaning into her arms. Rubbing his hand up and down her back. I’m sure both their hearts were racing. They are each other’s safe space and this hug shows that.
So scared and only finding comfort in each others arms. So much emotion surging through them in this hug. I love me a good hug and this one is fantastic one. Trying to ground one another with it. Speaking their concerns about what they just went through. The swaying gets me too. I love everything about this hug.
Lucy basically launches herself at him. He catches her effortlessly and holds her so tightly to him. The remaining tension melting out of of their bodies. Because they were running on adrenaline and anxiety until this hug. Tim holding her so close making sure she’s real. There with him. I’ll never be over this moment and how lovely it is.
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This next portion just proves why Lucy is his person. Tim is losing his mind with worry over this guy. Over him trying something. His anxiety coming off him in waves. Lucy wants to soothe him because it's her natural instinct. Tim looks like he wants to cry or punch a wall or both when he ask if he’s tried something? Lucy reassuring him he hasn’t but even if he did she’s got this. The fierce protector coming out strong right now. He can barely contain it. Tim deflecting a little saying ‘I know.’
Lucy knows this man so damn well. Telling him knowing and feeling ok are two different things. She's so right. I love the way she grabs his jacket trying to comfort him. Tim is being so soft and vulnerable in this moment. She wants him to know it’s ok. She’s ok and it’s very ok if he isn’t. Eric killing this episode left and right with his expressions. His heart is hurting it’s all over his face and Lucy is reaching out with a reassuring touch. I love her for validating his feelings. Not judging him for them.
But also knowing he’s being very vulnerable right now and she’s being wonderfully receptive to that. Tim gets a little defensive saying. Not his first time. Lucy is SO good with him. Doesn’t shame him for being bristly about this. Knowing it’s his PTSD in full swing. So soft in her reply and expression. Letting him know probably what’s making this so much worse for him. This is why she’s his person. Never shames him for his feelings only loves him through. Gah they’re making me so emotional. I love this couple so much.
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Before Tim gets anymore emotional he tells her he has to go. Now isn’t the time to talk about this. That he knows if she doesn’t feel safe she will bail. If she’s good he’s good. Lucy confirms she’s good. Tim says he has to get back to the station then. Grey is waiting for a status update. Lucy stops him before he can go. Not ready to be apart from him just yet.
Grabbing his arm keeping him from leaving. I love the way she is looking at him landing on his lips. Then she says the 4 words that made us all collectively lose our minds. ‘Lock the door first.’ Is this real life? Did we really get this moment? Adrenaline fueled we made it out alive laundry room sex? Oh my damn lord.
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The way he looks at her when she says this. *fans self* Tim is definitely not treating her like any other UC…I remember gasping at her saying this. Needing to be with him in this moment. Tim’s smile realizing what she’s saying. My god. Laundry room sex is now canon for them. We got shower sex last ep and now laundry room post-op sex. My god the writers were good to us. I like being pandered too LOL Also you know there is a damn good chance highly likely really this was unprotected too.
Lucy couldn’t let him walk away yet until she had him. Hot damn. Tim not one to deny her anything is easily roped into her naughty plans. I’m still not over the risks they took to have this heated moment together. They had a frenzied hookup while she was on assignment. I’m dead. They’ve actually killed me in the best way. S5 truly is a fic come to life. I love every minute of it. Clearly missing and craving sexy time with her man. Also probably still hopped up on adrenaline as well. Undercover hookup phew lord we are blessed haha
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Lucy calls Tim after she gets away with Frank from the warehouse. Saying the OP is done. Frank has nothing left to build. Tim is flirty af in his reply. With a shit eating grin to go with it. Saying that’s too bad... Lucy is confused and says why? Tim referring to their hookup in the laundry room. Bummed he wasn't going to get another. Timothy Bradford I never haha This man is so different when he is truly loved and happy my goodness. I couldn't love it more.
Hard to believe this entire episode is canon. Tim is definitely loving his sex life with Lucy and proud to let her know about it. Hell so are we haha Horny Tim is hilarious and I love him so. They could find another laundry room for a repeat performance if he would like LOL Fanfic come to life this season swear to god. We live in a world where this scene happened and I’m dying.
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They return home because at this point it’s their home. Gah love how Tim looks at Lucy as he approaches her. Man is so insanely in love with her. Lucy saying she needs a big meal, hot bath and quality sexy time. Heh. Then to sleep for 24 hours straight. I love how Tim encases her hands in his caressing them as they speak. Running his hands up and down hers. Needing this connection.
I love Tim being the physically affectionate one of the two. I always knew once they got together he would be the one who couldn’t keep his hands off her. Touching really is one of their many love languages and I adore it. Never saw them nearly as touchy with their ex’s. Just another reason proving why they’re so right for each other. Gonna be the death of me and I welcome it. Lucy can tell something is up. Asking him what’s going on?
Oh my poor damaged boy. Having a trauma response right now with her saying she needs time to decompress. I love him not deflecting and telling her how he’s feeling instead. That’s not easy for him. I also totally get his response. I still have trauma responses to things as well. Lucy knowing it is telling him it was only a week. That one nights keep will do her just fine. Trying to say without saying she’s not Isabel. Tim accepts her answer.
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Lucy says she has to come clean about some thing though. That she knows she made him promise not to. But she watched 'Top chef' without him. For shame Lucy Chen . For shame LMAO I guess that monotony did get to her since she finished it without him.... Tim is so offended I’m dying. Calling her a 'Bad girlfriend' *screams into a pillow* They’re so friggin cute I am dying. Lucy's 'No, I'm sorry!' It is horrible Tim is right haha Making him promise not to then watching it without him. Every right to be playfully mad at her.
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Lucy wastes no damn time and confronts Tim about the shooter in the alley. I love her so much for always calling him on his shit. Saying how he didn’t tell her he almost died in that alley. Tim brushing it off saying because he didn’t. Oh Timothy. Acting like her losing you wouldn’t completely wreck her. Absolutely devastate and ruin her like it would for you. I think that’s exactly why he did it though. Acting like it’s not a big deal when he knew it was.
Protecting her from that fact. Lucy coming at him saying doesn’t matter who told her. That they’ll set aside the fact he left it out of the report. 2x01 Tim would be appalled ha. Doing it for the same reasons Lucy did then. Insane how this same kind of fight still involves Isabel indirectly. Lucy can’t believe him right now. Acting like it’s nothing. Like she didn’t almost lose him.
We see a little more trauma Tim come out here. Just assuming she's keeping things from him when she's under. I so relate to him reacting this way I do. I misread something my best friend had texted me the other day. I made an assumption like Tim is here. My friend was wonderful texted me back ‘ Your trauma is showing.’ And it knocked me out of it. It’s involuntary when it runs so damn deep. And we know it does for him.
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I’m so glad Lucy is there to knock him back out of it. Saying No you know Isabel did for a fact. Calling him right out for it. These kinds of fights are so good for them. Forces them to face the stuff they’re hiding. Things they didn’t really touch on last episode. This was a much better and more open conversation. Tim didn’t hide behind being ‘fine.’ And Lucy isn’t letting him get away with it. Tim can’t fight that logic and it’s all over his face in the second gif. The way his body slumps in reply.
Lucy making a strong ass point next. Saying if this is going to work between them he has to see the difference. She not wrong. He really does. Tim shooting back of course he can. (Babe you got some work to do...) What I love the most is Lucy said her piece. Put him his place about this. Which was needed and now Tim is saying his. The dialogue in this scene so much more productive than 5x20 was. Airing things out and how they actually feel. Tim voicing his need to know she will listen to him if he sounds the alarm.
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That otherwise all the pain he went through was for nothing. Then he says the line that shows me Lucy is the love of his damn life. ‘I can’t lose you the way I lost her.’ Tears in this man’s beautiful eyes. Imma cry myself. Finally voicing the fear he kept inside last episode. He cannot lose this woman My heart. She is everything to him. Pulled him out of the depths of his pain and hurt. Brought him back to life. He loves her so much and is saying as such in this moment.
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Lucy can see this and reassures him he won’t lose her that way. She would walk away for him if it ever got that close. Ugh my heart. He sounded the alarm earlier and she shut it down. So they both have stuff to work on. I mean it's why he brought it up. He felt like he was sounding the alarm in the laundry room. Lucy brushed it off saying she didn't want to tap out. But them having this conversation hopefully they can be more aware of these things for a future OP and in general really. The need to openly communicate is a must.
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Tim says 'Okay.' Choosing to trust what she is saying. Then we get another glorious hug. The way he clings to her. His hand around her neck pulling her to him is so visceral. He loves her so damn much and it’s shown beautifully in this embrace. How much she means to him. Pulling her in close. Lucy doing the same thing clinging to him like a life raft. Her arms pulling him close to her as well. We see both her hands on his shoulders. *sigh*I'm so proud of them for both speaking their minds in this scene.
Lucy calling Tim out was so needed. He has to see she isn’t Isabel. If not it’ll destroy him. No one gets through to Tim like Lucy. This scene was so raw and honest. Very much needed after all that was left unsaid in 5x20. Never be over them being vulnerable with one another especially Tim. Not only telling her he needs her to listen but sharing he CANNOT lose her. Basically laying any cards she didn’t already have from him on the table. So proud of him. He’s come so far and this scene shows it. I truly love the writers for how real they write them. Phew Lord this was a good ep.
Side notes-non Chenford
Angela calling Aaron from closet about a case hilarious. The entire ep trying to do stuff for her I was laughing so hard.
Also nice to see Celina go out with a nice guy. She deserves it.
Well the next one is the last one holy moly. Thank you forever and always to those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You all have made me so appreciated by doing so. I will see you all in the 5x22 :)
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fawnofanxiety · 4 months
Cursed fic idea
Okay look, Ezio Auditore is literally everything. There are times I've asked myself #whatwouldeziodo and then do the exact opposite because it'd probably involve murder.
James fucking Buchanan Barnes and The Winter Soldier have taken up residence in my brain and heart and are 100% there to stay.
Please tell me you see where this is going and have begun crying like I have been for the past 2 god damned months.
My brain decided that my favorite murder baby needed competent help in the form of the best assassin to ever exist. #fightme
SO! So *cries* I started sketching out a fic where Ezio gets yeeted into the MCU a la Isu Bullshit at some point during WW2. There's developing friend/mentorship when my favorite murder birb stumbles on Azzano bc you best believe he'd help the Italian Resistance and dismantle any and every scrap of Nazi supply line he can get his hands on. Like I can see Ezio rolling his eyes at Steve because ho boy does this blonde-haired blue-eyed innocent and idealistic child remind him of himself before- well before he became an assassin. Bucky? Well, Bucky is the man he became after taking his first leap of faith in Venice and his skills as a sniper are breathtaking. Can't really find fault in passing on intelligence to the SSR when he learns of Hydra and pointing the Howlies at this repulsive entity(they are absolutely adorable but he doesn't have the time to focus on giving them more than the bare minimum of time to pass on some of his skills and good lord do the ridiculous duo pick up skills fast. Though Steve frowns on the sneaky sneaky, whatever, they've saved his life more than once). Now, Ezio is the one to give them the info on the train and the soul-crushing guilt he feels when his favorite doesn't come back? When they don't even send a single person to try and recover his body?! That's not gonna fly. Unfortunately, he learns of this too late and well. We all know what happened to Bucky.
I can see Ezio getting to know Howard, understanding but ultimately disapproving of his obsession with finding Steve. After all, Ezio knows just how isolating that obsession can be. But, a sort of friendship? develops? Because Ezio is 100% a hypocrite. He spends every second of his free time trying to track down Bucky. There was no body but he found where he should have been.
Ezio being Ezio cultivates a... hm comfortable amount of wealth over the years and valiantly ducks questions about why tf he isn't aging. Isu Bullshit is my favorite excuse in the AC 'verse. I can see him talking about this to Howard and Peggy when he trusts them enough. Maybe. Maybe, he talks Howard down from building weapons, just a little, but can't completely stop his fall into alcoholism and being a shit father. Maybe, he falls completely under Tiny Tony's spell and becomes Uncle Ezio. Who 100% teaches Tony how to fight back and escape after his first kidnapping. Swapping out with Peggy when he's off searching for Bucky (who he's figured out is the WS but can't fucking track him down) but always always shows up for holidays, birthdays, graduations, science fairs, and silent support at the stuffy galas. Listens to this little boy, who reminds him of Petriccio, trip over himself talking about what he's learned and learning, his never-ending ideas and frustrations. (Jarvis fucking loves this wonderful Italian who also occasionally scares the shit out of him but ignorance is bliss and it's no skin off his back to wash the occasional blood stain out of Ezio's clothing and administer first aid.)
Maybe, he stops the WS from assassinating the Starks. Maybe, he helps Bucky find himself even if he can't do anything about the trigger words. Maybe he becomes a little more blood-thirsty, a little more ruthless when going after any and every Hydra outpost he can. Maybe he sits there and holds Bucky as he cries when Ezio finds the book. Stands behind him, in pride and grief with a hand on his shoulder as Bucky and Tony burn the damn thing. Maybe he whole-heartedly approves of Rhodes, even as Bucky gives the poor child the stink-eye. Is the one to give Tony the shovel talk when he notices the beginnings of attraction between these two idiots. The fact that Bucky proceeded to leave a whole host of bruises when he found out just makes Ezio laugh with pride.
Maybe, just maybe, Ezio finds himself sitting on the balcony of his villa on the outskirts of Florence watching the sunset over his sprawling vineyard with a glass of wine in his hand, his heartache over the family he left behind so very long ago on that bench in the middle of the summer market no longer suffocating. The faint sounds of his bright-eyed and brilliant nephew bickering with the haunted but hopeful man he proudly considers to be his son bring him a sense of peace he never thought he would have again.
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I just read your yandere Cale and oh my god, you awaken something in me and I don't know what exactly it is but now I am looking for more yandere Cale
okay i cant write a story since im currently in my lecturer's home getting questioned for my assignments so i'll just talk about what type of yandere cale could be —
i've talked abt this to a mutual before but i wanna elaborate more
WARNING: manipulation
the man is so smart and cunning
he prefers it if you notice that something was wrong with him
that you're able to see through his words
he takes it as a challenge to easily have you in his grasp
for the first few times, he can see that you were very observant in the things you felt odd
but he's always working hard to have you accept it — to have this type of behavior normalized
he's very big on the "you're mine" thingie
v v possessive
but not to the point that he'll isolate you
no he has to make you believe you're free
make you feel like he's so easygoing
also to have you feel protected
he has his family and allies to back you up whenever you need
protect you if you're in trouble
and as time goes on, you began to realize something
"oh wow, im always going to be safe when im with him"
"my life has been so much easier since i met him"
is that him manipulating you?
NOOO of course not, that's something you came up with alone :)
besides, it's true!
he's just doing what he always does
being protective and compassionate
and wow, you know what?
maybe staying with him is the best choice
so you do exactly that.
you chose to stay with him and help him around
oh but dammit, so many people are still pursuing you, what should he do?
cale doesn't resort to murder, obviously
and he doesn't wanna waste his time even looking at them
so it has to be you, the root of it all
he digs up information about any man who tries to pursue you
any kind of dirt he could have on them, he would use them
and you know damn well everyone else will unconsciously start talking shit about any man who approaches you
"the young man from the county of ___ was once found with a woman even though he had a lover, right?"
"yes, young master," ron would confirm cale's words right in front of you. "truly what a disgrace of a man."
the next day when you received a letter from the said man professing his love, you threw away the letter in disgust
"oh, i heard from his highness that the man like to inappropriately grab on women," choi han would inform you when you brought up the name of the man who had sent a letter to you
"isn't he the one who likes to hit his maids?" rosalyn would question when the man who had greeted you walked away
you see, cale has never once asked them to do this
but they are aware of just how cale likes you that they couldn't help it :(
they just want to see cale achieve what he wants
this type of thing happens too many times to the point you finally gave up
you refused to talk to anyone outside of your friends and family, not wanting to meet anyone because you couldn't trust them
would you blame cale for this?
Of course not :)
this was your personal decision
a decision you made for and by yourself
the way he shows his affection will make you think "no one will love me as he does"
so he makes sure that the only person you could ever see is him and only him
he also spends a shit ton of money on you and would even use the excuse "you can pay me back with ___" and shit like that
he'll make sure you'll feel indebted to him so your own guilt will not allow you to leave him
once you finally got together with cale, people keeps on asking for your presence
they want to be connected with you
and cale doesn't have to worry about a thing
because you're already tired of dealing with others
you just want to be with him and him alone
instead of making him to be someone who's forcing his s/o into isolation, i think he's the type to make sure you'll be the one to isolate yourself from others
Cale, nonchalantly: "I heard someone invited you to a ball"
Reader: "Yeah, but I turned it down"
Cale: "Why?"
Reader, hugging Cale's arm: "Everyone is so annoying. I just want to be with you."
And Cale just smiles.
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boragirl7 · 10 months
devilicious ep 1
1.8k word count 
ep 1 - i love u, who r u?
•jk ff
•first meet in a “chillaxing shower” center
•first date
•virgin reader, virgin jk, reader’s first kiss
•reader oneshot pov
•literally no plot at all
•thought of this randomly in the shower so don’t hate
creator note:: devilicious will be a series! this is just part 1. no smut yet ㅠㅠ but very soon there will be. very very soon. can’t wait to start writing! this is my first ever ff and series.
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Effortlessly, I put my robe on, excited for what will happen when I get there.
I’m a grown woman. 22 years old, no friends, no parents, no close family, just me and my grandma. I moved out, but I lived in my grandma’s house for nearly my whole life. My parents on the other hand… they unfortunately passed from a damn airplane crash that could’ve been prevented if some drunk ass person wasn’t on the plane. Oh, well, it’s been years.
I just need someone who’ll actually listen to me. Someone handsome, and someone who has a good personality, not a person who always thinks of having sex. I’ve never even kissed anyone in my entire life. Forget sex. 
I’m the biggest introvert ever. That’s why I have no friends. This person needs to start the conversations. If we stare awkwardly, I most definitely won’t be ending up with him. Or whoever he is.
I start to drive to the center only to be met with heavy traffic…
“Damn it!” 
I scream at the top of my lungs because the GPS says 5 MPH. I originally scheduled my appointment for 6:00 PM, but I’ll be about 30 minutes late due to this hour long wait traffic. It’s 5:30 right now.
I wait until I’m right near a U-turn exit so I can find a better route. And… I speed way past the limit. But the police’s eyes weren’t on me. I get there at about 5:55 PM, luckily.
“Hello, name?” The lady at the front desk asks me, “_____.” I reply back. “Ahhh, you’ve made it a little later than expected, but that’s alright. It takes a very short time to set up. And I think you’ll really love the guy who’ll hop in the shower with you.” She lengthily responds.
And finally…
I’m in the shower, at last. I’m a little shy. I hear a knock at the door. “Hello? It’s me.” He sounds nervous too. I reply saying come in, which of course makes him. I peek out one eye from the silk white shower curtains and get a glimpse of who he is. He does look handsome, I wasn’t expecting him to be this good looking. I only raise one eyebrow and stay silent until he says something again.
“I see you, you know?” He says clearly, looking at my one eye pointing out, grinning. “Shit, my sign to hide behind the shower curtains.” I say mentally. As he strips while I’m behind the curtains, I take a moment to adjust my own bare body. The shower cubicle is quite spacious, and so is the room. The room smells of lavender and mint. Along with the hot steamy water running. I’ve never felt so much peace like this, although I knew it’d turn out awkward in a little bit.
And he finally climbs in. While I’m under the water with my eyes closed, he taps my shoulder. And we make immediate eye contact. “Hi, I’m Jungkook.” But all I can do is blink while making eye contact with him. He looks up and down and then back at my eyes. “H-hi… I’m Y/N.” He isn’t that much taller than me, probably only about 3cm taller. I just look at the wall because I can’t really look anywhere else, and I don’t want to look directly at him. Then, I face him again and look down for about 3 seconds, then face the wall again and cup my face. 
I feel a light tap on my shoulder, “Hey, what’s wrong?” I hear a sweet mellow voice from my right side. “J-just a little shy, I’ve never met anyone in this way.” God damn, I’m blushing real hard. “You must’ve had a reason to come here, right? Why’d you come here?” He asks while gazing into me while I’m facing the wall. “Well… I feel a little too isolated. I don’t have friends, my parents passed, I don’t have any close family but my grandma. But I usually don’t enjoy bringing up these topics…” He turns my body to face his. “Damn, that seems like a lot. I’m sorry you’re going through all that, but let’s focus on right now. The both of us. In this shower.” And he pats my head. His hand gestures for me to go under the water. 
It’s funny that a total stranger is helping me shower and I’m helping him shower. Everything he asks I just swiftly do. 
“You know, you’re my last client for today. And this is work, for me. Maybe after… If we know each other well enough we can uh… Hang… out?”
He suddenly asked me, but every word he said he had trouble getting out.
My blushing became really really visible. “M-maybe… H-how do you feel working here?” I finally asked a question. I praised myself mentally. “Well… I like it here. The idea of showering with random women wasn’t my ideal cliché, but it’s peaceful, like…” And suddenly, he presses the button on his left, which turns on these beautiful star sky lights and turns the bright lights off. “Like this. These lights are my favorite.” He gives a soft smile to me. So I smile to him back. But my eyes can’t help not looking at his bare chest. He has a six pack, so skinny. The type I wanted to see from a man. And god, he’s so unbelievably beautiful. 
He realized he got distracted for a hot minute so he grabbed the shampoo and shampooed my hair. I was just astonished at the way he shampooed it because it’s way better than the way I do. He rinses it off and he goes under the water.
We seem to talk for sometime, it’s like the thoughts of showering just faded away. It was just us two, in peace.
“U-uh, _____?” He mumbled.
“Yeah, Jungkook?” I firmly replied back
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
I’m super sheepish, but I reply with, “No, I haven’t even had my first kiss yet.” I blush at admitting that. Because I’m a 22 year old woman and I still haven’t had my first kiss. I feel him softly brush my hair behind my ear, and his gaze deep into my eyes.
“Can I… be your first kiss?” He muttered, blushing softly.
Looking at his doe eyes, I just couldn’t deny him being my first kiss. I slapped myself in the mind for a hot second, though, “_____, this is a total stranger!” I said mentally. But I accepted his request anyway.
He pinned me to the wall, then our eyes met accordingly. The tension was super intense. I blushed like crazy. That’s when he kissed me slowly, and I fell into it. My eyes were shut. This is what a kiss feels like?! Being kissed by him just felt like euphoria. After he stopped, I immediately wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him back. My tongue was sticking out more than ever, hooking onto his. Fuck, my second kiss in my entire lifetime is this wet?! It’s not gross, it’s just… Nice.
“J-Jungkook…?” I mumbled.
“Hm?” He faced me afterwards.
“C-can I hug you?” I was super sheepish again.
He actually hugged me first. Then I hugged him back. 
We actually made out about 8 times this entire shower. 
How can I even like a stranger this much?!
Finally, after finishing, which took about an hour and 15 minutes, we went out separate ways to change, but then he went towards me as soon as I was about to pay at the front desk.
“_____!” He shouted from across the room.
The lady at the front desk looked back. I couldn’t see her expression, but Jungkook grinned back at her.  “About hanging out… You can keep your car parked here. Noona’s got it. Or sorry, I should say the lady in front of you, she’s the manager of this center!” Then he runs passionately towards me. “You liked today, right?” He raised an eyebrow and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Mhm, yeah.” I nodded, then looked at him. He seemed like a completely different person now, especially not seeing him in the “first meet” persona, and with clothes on, and his tattoos showing too, god, he’s soooo fine.
“Noona, introduce yourself to _____.” He says clearly. “Yes, I’m Noona, the lady who checked you out and helped you in.” She gives me her hand and we do a handshake. Then I finally pay. “Next time you may not even have to pay, darling.” She nods and smiles at me. I smile back and say, “Thank you, Noona.”
Jungkook hurriedly grabs my hand and shows off his Audi R8. My dream car, and damn, he has it. My eyes widen and shine at the gleams from the windshield. It’s even the color I wanted. “I’ve always wanted this car, you know? Yours is so beautiful…” I say to him, but he just laughs sheepishly.
“You know, when you applied to go here, I was the first to look at your application. Even though so many people reserve a spot here and don’t usually get it, I just couldn’t leave you out like that, you know, because you’re so beautiful and I was even right about you having a charming personality. I wanted to get to know you more, and still do, and I hope it’s fine with you.” He briefly says to me.
I can’t do anything but blush heavily at his comment. “God, is it embarrassing that you’re the first man I’ve kissed or ever been seen with? I’m just such an introvert and I have n-“ but he stops me there, pins me to his car, and makes out with me again. 
“You’re so cute, also, as an introvert myself, this was a hard job to choose, but it helped me open up a bit more to others, also now I should say you have me. Also, baby, you made the right choice by choosing this place. So come in my car and let’s go to my place.” Baby? No one has ever called me that… But him, and we just met… But I’m highly surprised he’s an introvert, because, he seemed like someone who didn’t have to think twice about what to say, or someone who was never scared to talk to anyone else. I nodded, and he was kind enough to open the car door for me. 
“You’re also my first… My first kiss, and the first person I’m really taking into my home, and the first person that I’m saying I love you to. I love you, Y/N. We only met today, but I technically saw your info last week and I hope this isn’t overwhelming for you.” Now I’m starting to find him cute. He has long but romantic explanations.
“I love you too, Jungkook.” I reply back.
EP 2 - trust u more than myself
ff inspired by velvet, j-hope’s story from the cockpile series: https://www.tumblr.com/httpjeon/174552206438/the-cockpile-velvet-hoseok-m?source=share
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magniloquent-raven · 2 years
i've read a couple modern au ofmd fanfics and people tend to make izzy ed's employee in some capacity (cuz yknow, he...is lol) and i wholeheartedly support this
however may i suggest: they should also be roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
seriously tho. consider:
they moved in together when they were both much younger and poorer. and like. ed's doing just fine for himself nowadays (and so is izzy i guess) but they just...yknow....haven't gotten around to getting separate places
cuz why would they, right. izzy's sure as hell not gonna suggest it, he's not exactly receptive to change, and maybe he's a little tiny bit in love with ed but that's beside the point.
izzy worries though. worries that one day ed's gonna get bored and decide to try out living solo. he's flighty sometimes, who knows what goes on in that head of his.
nevermind that the thought has literally never occurred to ed. izzy's his friend. izzy takes care of him. izzy's the only person who remembers when he's supposed to get refills for his meds. and he makes tea and stuff. it's not good tea, but it's better than having to make it himself.
they have a comfortable little life, is the point
it's not perfect. izzy gets even more irritable that usual whenever jack decides to crash on their couch for days at a time. telling him to loosen up does not help. neither does inviting him to join their game of strip poker.
forgetting that izzy's in the next room when strip poker and too much beer turns into cum stains on the couch and passing out naked in the living room not only doesn't help but makes things much worse
thing is though, ed's lonely.
it feels stupid, he's got friends, he's got izzy, their house is never empty and he's hardly ever actually alone. but the fact that he can't tell izzy (or any of the people he spends his time with) that he's so deeply unsatisfied just...makes it worse. makes him feel that much more isolated
his life is fine. it's good. some days it even feels that way
but still
and see, they might not talk about these things, the feelings, but izzy knows there's something wrong
he's right back to feeling like he did twenty years ago, like he's counting the days until ed gets bored of him. and he's trying so damn hard to be needed, because if he can't be wanted, he can at least be necessary.
so he manages ed's appointments. and he orders all his takeout for him. and listens to him wax poetic about whatever documentary he half-watched the night before. and every time that one poncy weirdo shows up at work he tries to keep him away from edward, except...
except. well. that blows up in his face quite spectacularly
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forgivenpunishment · 8 months
👄 + nico and meryl
⩥ anonymous || of course you want to know about them [OPEN]
Nico (@/full-of-mercy: wayward verse)
"Well... How do I even begin talking about Nico," Nick scratches at the side of his face, thinking, "At first it was weird, hanging around 'myself,' especially after I'd just been isolated for months in a cold cell, I honestly thought I might've been hallucinating."
He pauses, thinking about what to say, "Well, I can say that I still feel... weird... calling him Nico. It's a childhood nickname, you know? But that's what the Little Lady calls him, so I just kind of avoid saying it when I can. I have the luxury of being able to just say Nicholas or Wolfwood and act under the assumption that I'm not talking about myself. Still feels weird though. Maybe I should come up with some other name for him..."
Nick laughs to himself with a smirk, "Yeah maybe I'll just start calling him something totally out of left field. Zach... or Vincent... I dunno, fuckin' Loboleña or something. He'd probably have my ass if I started doing that though. Well, him or the Queen herself. It's a work in progress and a problem for later me."
Meryl (@/misplacedreporter: main verse)
"Ahh yes, the Boss Lady herself. What can I say that won't have her coming after me with a grudge? Or, well, that damn Cube holds more grudges than she does, yeesh. I swear, that thing sends me off to God-knows-where on my own more often than I care to admit."
"Anyway," Nick refocuses, smiling fondly as he thinks of one of the few people he's actually let in and loved, "She's always been patient with me. Too patient. Way more patient than I've ever deserved. Feels like forever ago that she finally managed to break through my defenses and get me to feel things. I didn't actually expect to fall for her, to be honest. At first we were growing as friends."
There's a slight hint of grief, just the slightest, as he continues, "She was my wingman when I fell hard for Blondie. That was embarrassing, but it all ended up working out—especially once I did fall for her too. Back then, our short time together as a... whatever we were... was probably the happiest I'd been in my life. Didn't think I'd see her again—I'm incredibly lucky to be with her again."
He sighs, "...And I really actually enjoy getting to meet all the weird-ass people she introduces me to. I'm no social butterfly, but it can be fun, traveling around like we do. I, uh, do hope we can settle down at some point though."
(His eyes shift away from you for a moment and there's a light blush on his cheeks. Seems that settling down would involve him asking a very important question that he happens to be avoiding.)
"Ahem, I hope you weren't expecting to learn any private details about my relationship with them. Let's just say that I am very satisfied with where I am right now."
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downfallofi · 9 months
Hi!!! Some asks for you, if you’re still up for it<33 Ty!!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
First of all, I AM, thank you for asking 🥹❤️ With the caveat that some of these are going to be long answers, not because I can communicate effectively but because of the over explaining leading to chattiness. Still yes love questions hit me.
Orchid - Excellent god damned question, and my mind immediately goes to "Black" by Pearl Jam because I grew up wearing out borrowed tapes in the grunge era from my brother, and Ten is an absolute masterpiece of an album with "Black" as it's magnum opus, but also maybe because I can sing it fairly well at karaoke; Also, "Can the Circle Be Unbroken" by the Carter Family ranks up there.
Mahonia - I mean I question how inspired I ever am anymore 😅😅 Im kind of a long expired gifted kid burnout. But sunsets always instill emotion in me, the night coming on makes me more in tune with it feeling like "my time" because it gets quieter/less busy. I mostly express it by scribbling in my notebook and venting feelings here.
Daffodil - I have two older brothers, my sister the oldest and a younger stepsister (I was the baby, at one point) I think I'm... similar to them in that we all were raised in the shadow of our father, who is a narcissist and abuser who left his mark on all of us, pushed one to murder, and kind of all of us to coping mechanisms. And I dunno. I worry. I fear that like. Of all of us, Im the most my fathers son because I LOOK the most like him, everyone tells me that. I have his exact same voice. I have his temper. His instincts for parenting occur to me sometimes and it frightens the shit out of me. I relate to my sister that way because she feels that too, and her raising my nieces can be a challenge. I worry about her too in that regard. And sometimes her version of our dad's narcissism, saying the things he would say or treating the kids the way he would kinda pisses me off. But in the end, Im not like most of them because for so long, I was treated like the disappointment, the failure to launch, but at least I didn't end up in prison so. I don't know, you tell me. Maybe we're all kinda screwups in our own way, or trying our best to get from under that. All in how you look at it, I suppose.
Camellia - Oh man, I was a weird little nerd that loved reading, loved comic books, loved energetically talking about dinosaurs and grew up loving Star Wars expanded universe novels so much that I grew my own pretend Skywalkersona, loved Mad magazines, Isaac Asimov novels in the fourth grade, loved writing superhero stories on loose paper written on an old typewriter, loved creating mini comic strips with my own superheroes and had no friends until late middle school in my isolated, ten acre house out in the country. I dunno, a lot of my adult years has been feeling like I've been dead inside because in a lot of ways it feels like I lost the ability to love things as passionately and with as much joy as that little boy; cause I was kicked out of that house when I was seventeen; because every friend I ever made left or was gone; and because my dad and the world all beat into me that those things that gave me joys and passions were stupid and childish. I have been trying to be kinder to myself now, and reconnect with things that make me happy even if it's hard to know how. Sorry, long, complicated answer. Life is hard.
Ivy - I've been told I can be kind of aloof, or awkward, but I don't think that's quite true. I think I have a hard time connecting. But when I can relax, and am able to let someone in, then they can tell easier when Im in a good mood, when Im feeling lower, when I get quiet.
Palm tree - I love all villains, because the villain is usually more interesting and has better motivations than the hero (or at least, more relatable, to me) but the one I shouldnt like, in retrospect, is Randall Flagg from the Dark Tower and the Stand series, not only because ugh, sorry Stephen, but older Stephen King books and especially the Dark Tower cycle contains some utterly cringey racist tropes and bad characterization and I dunno I just think maybe the books didnt age well.
Taro- Man. I was trying to think because in some senses... nothing, I am fucking boring, almost all of my life is just work and taking the bus home from working. But I mean. I've graduated from college and gotten my associates now. I've got a job with an office and my own business cards now. Im saving up to get a car. And even if living with my sister is occasionally a pain because it's triggering, or exhausting, or weird, we do get to go on some neat adventures and it is really amazing to see these three humans get to have cool experiences. So there can be like... a lot to talk about, in that.
Chamomile - Literally always socks, any type of book because I am both a hoarder of books with an unread pile three deep at any given time, and on the other hand a voracious reader and the genre can be literally anything, and. Coffee. Literally, give me so much coffee.
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missingn000 · 1 year
before i begin lemme preface this ask with the fact that this may be one of my favourite chapters yet
after multiple failed instances of trying to convey that he’s on nobara’s side… finally, higuruma manages to get the message through. crystal clear. and of course it’d be through his actions, because that’s nobara’s primary mode of communication too. i mentioned in my previous analysis that while nanami’s the father figure nobara wants, higuruma’s the one she needs - and that’s because they understand each other best. subconsciously at first, but higuruma’s finally hit with that revelation in this chapter lol
I didn’t want to see myself in you, so I tried not to look.
god i love this line. in retrospect, i think higuruma’s initial refusal to (fully) acknowledge their similarities might’ve been the direct cause for their indirect friction. it resulted in nobara feeling like she wasn’t seen, even though most of everything she does is for that purpose. in this one parent-teacher conference alone higuruma has managed to establish three crucial facts: firstly, that he’s genuinely proud of nobara and unafraid to admit it; secondly, that he’s there not to control her actions, but to provide guidance (= respecting her self-agency, which we’ve already established is important to her); and thirdly, possibly the most important of all, that he has her back, as all parents should. she’s not alone in her beliefs, in her sense of justice, because he feels just the same way.
…and so it only makes sense that she would be the one to judge him, that she would be the one to deem him worthy of a second chance. even though she didn’t explicitly forgive him for murdering the sheriff, he still stuck with her - and i think nobara’s slowly starting to realise that he’s here to stay, no matter how often they butt heads
anyway. intriguing that higuruma would want to be a clockmaker, given the chance. nanami’s CT is partially time-based… i see what u did there
“There’s something about him that’s almost like my dad.”
But Nobara’s father abandoned her, or something close to it.
haha very funny. this doesn’t bode well at all. um. yeah
you gotta love how higuruma went from listening to getou rant about killing someone slowly to actually doing it himself lmfao. i’m curious what nobara’s reaction will be though - previously, higuruma was able to conceal the fact he’d killed the sheriff for her, but there’s no denying the connection in this one. that’s going to be a fun conversation to have. i guess both she and yuuta are in the same boat then huh
SPEAKING OF WHOM!! oh my god i’m so proud of him. he essentially told nobara to be herself, which, coming from him, is pretty damn direct; not to mention he hinges his self-worth on agreeing with people, not contradicting them, so this is a big step for him. unfortunately some of this progress is immediately undone when he loses control of rika, landing us back at square one. or… square[d] five (i’m hilarious, i know) because maki says this in ch25:
“Rika is your excuse for allowing yourself to be isolated from others, to spare them from your presence. If they can’t get close in the first place, then you don’t even have to try!”
…which he has once more resorted to doing. it might seem like a total regression at first glance, but i like to think there’s a slight difference. instead of isolating himself wholly out of self-deprecation (where he assumes his presence is intolerable and unwanted, something to “spare” people from), he’s now doing so out of a genuine desire to protect his friends. the worthlessness part comes after, when—
“Suguru is the only person to ever stand against her. He’s the only person who ever tried.”
—trying only led to more people getting hurt, so i’m sure that’ll do wonders for yuuta’s self-esteem.
finally, about getou:
he goes from “It’s not about what he would’ve wanted. It’s about what’s right” to “Would that make you happy?”, which is so interesting to me. getou claims his principles take precedence over yuuta’s desires, but specifically asks if playing with nonsorcerers would make yuuta happy. it’s a relatively small concession, but i think it’ll lead to bigger compromises - it’s like what you said about a cracked dam being doomed. already, getou’s had to make so many exceptions, for tsumiki, for maki, but they’re largely separated from his world; yuuta, on the other hand, is not, and he has to constantly strike a balance between his ideals, and yuuta’s feelings. nanako and mimiko (his biggest supporters) tagging along doesn’t help either
can’t wait to see how he justifies wiping the okkotsus from existence. mental breakdown 3.0 here we go
higuruma, my pathetic wet sock of a man. yuuta, my pathetic wet sock of a child. real fun chapter huh. okay. here we go. surprising no one this got long so answer below cut.
i love your outline of the three facts higuruma was able to establish with her this chapter. i think nobara didn't realize how badly she needed someone to be proud of her until now. because she's so independent, the idea of relying on someone for external validation or support when she gets into predicaments is literally horrifying -- so how could that be something she wants to pursue, especially with someone like higuruma? higuruma who is horribly violent, extremely depressed, and far more similar to her than she'd want to admit.
in fact, higuruma's line "I didn’t want to see myself in you, so I tried not to look" goes both ways. higuruma is not someone she wants to have as any sort of caretaker or role model, so her predicament becomes:
how can you see yourself in someone you don't want to look up to?
PLUS THE PARALLELS BETWEEN GETOU & HIGURUMA HERE...ok we talked about this in our chat and you're about to see it in the insane meta doc i'm about to send you but i'll reiterate it here.
chapter 38 starts with getou killing someone for insulting yuuta despite yuuta not even being there. higuruma realizes he once would've thought this was crazy, but now he somewhat understands because that's the natural reaction of a father -- especially one like him, with a short kill fuse and attached to his children to a fault he later asks getou if it's what yuuta would have wanted. getou knows it's not, so all he can do is reply that it's not what yuuta would've wanted, but it's right. higuruma internally wonders how getou can tell when those shouldn't be the same thing, and internally concludes it must be some fatherly instinct
and the close…..
higuruma murders people for insulting nobara despite nobara not even being there. direct, clear-cut parallel, but what's so important about this is that higuruma distinctly described this as a father thing. no, he's not really processing the implications of his own actions, but it cements on a deep level that he views nobara as his daughter he, like getou, has a very short kill fuse and has been attached to nobara since the very start; he just likely didn't realize how deep it runs
here's the thing. as fucked up as it is, getou killing someone for insulting yuuta is something yuuta actually expects. but does nobara think higuruma would do that for her?
no fucking way.
in her mind, higuruma only kills people who piss him off, or people he thinks deserve it. to her, it's hard to fathom that not only would higuruma get that angry on her behalf, but he would be pushed to thinking people who hurt her don't deserve to live.
would nobara have gotten some twisted satisfaction had higuruma successfully dragged them there to beg forgiveness before her? yeah, she totally would. but if she found out he killed them?? just for insulting her?? she'd be fucking mortified.
higuruma knows this. he doesn't want her to blame herself, so he simply doesn't tell her. in his mind, he knows it's not what she would've wanted, but to him, their deaths were right.
what's so interesting about the way it contrasts with what you mentioned with getou, about him going from “It’s not about what [Yuuta] would’ve wanted. It’s about what’s right” to “Would that make you happy?” to yuuta is...not only is what higuruma did not right, but it also wouldn't make nobara happy. perhaps something theyll both have to contend with in the future. just...just a fun thought.
well, we all know now what happened with getou, the okkotsus, and yuuta. but yuuta does really go on a very nonlinear rollercoaster of character development, huh. good for him. good for getou. now time to make everything worse
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our-inspire-verse · 4 months
I am! Not great again! Why I'd did that. Stuff /VeryNegative under the cut
Just. Jesus fucking christ when will these flashbacks stop. I SAW myself die again. And then i also, MORESO have to watch Alder find me again and again. He fucking. Kept yelling my name. He kept calling for me, desperate. He was so hurt. I was already cold. He couldn't do anything, it wasnt his fault. But he tried so hard. And then he sat there for so long.
How could i have not known. Twice. There was an attempt in my timeline but thank fucking GOD i failed. Can you fucking imagine I'd succeeded? Was it better he was alone? What would it have been like if Dan and Cadance were there and i succeeded? Because they helped him when i failed. But something broke in the other timeline within him. I can see it in the way he put his hand on my shoulder. That was something he did in our lifetime, he'd just gently stroke my shoulder. It grounded me, it was affectionate, it felt really nice. I can sense the thoughts in his head. "He can't feel this now"
I've been gone for hours. I probably was before he ever could have made it home. I was alone in my room like that for sO long and i died afraid. Thats all i can think about was how afraid i was. I didn't think anyone cared about me, i know i was more isolated from Dan in this universe. I know i was more cruel to myself. And knowing these are facts of how these things work is one thing. Actually seeing where that switch over was, thats another. The way that allowing love into your life saves you in impossible to know ways. You have to allow people to love you.
You will die without it.
And knowing i didn't have a chance to be saved in this one. Knowing there was a real possibility of it going bad, it wasn't just a silly cry for attention written by a sad artist. It was the possibility of my mental health taking over and ruining my father's(chosen) life. It was the fact that i do have an impact on my future and i have to decide to have one. Theres nothing i can do to help either damned soul now, there's something so uniquely heart shattering about having to live with grief like this. It is not mine, it is of mine. It is of me. It is a holy sensation that i regard with vile distaste. The feeling is important, more important than a lot of things.
Growing up this life i never thought i would live past 10. Then a lot of other numbers. How original. How horrible. It actually is horrible. Desensitization makes. These numbers these thoughts, its hard to recognize im sad about it since its so normalized. But being 7 and suicidal isn't. And i cant believe i carried that and my past life all this time like this. And now that im so aware, ill carry it differently. I can't believe i lived so long. I cant believe im gonna KEEP living so long. I havent felt genuinely suicidal in ages. I can be real, and say the idealization is there, but it's more about the fantasy of getting help for it. But recieving memories like this reminds me of how bad that hurt. For decades. And how bad it hurt alternate or past selves, and those loved ones there. I'm so sorry Alder, i desperately wish there was anything i could do. To take it back, to help heal, to love you better than i did. Your cabin stayed empty, my room stayed where it was, and you stayed alone. Dan stayed over, but not much. You never got to know Cadance. You met briefly and never became friends.
I did all of that. Everything was actually because of me. I can't take that right now. I was resting and these memories wont stop. It's incredible though. How bright the sun is from up here. How even though pain burns more intensely than it usually does from this height, so does the love. How much the love permeated in every crack and crevice last life. How i let the light in and hope filled us all up. Even during loss and pain and torture, even losing each other. It was okay. Because at least it happened.
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coridallasmultipass · 5 years
#i really want to die#im broke and im ill and im alone and i want to die#im not even alive#no one care#so god damn isolated and im not gna be missed#ughhhhh#i know this is a mood swing but does it have to come right when i have to sleep#i hate feeling suicidal over feelings of loneliness and then also knowing for a fact that#..those feelings are because of inevitable truths and theres nothing i can do about it#rly fucking hits home how much no one has ever cared god damn about me#rly love how people i thought were friends would rather just hang out with cooler people#bc im too fucking stupid to be productive with my time#ive never been able to be artistic and with the IN crowd and i dont know how ill ever get a job when i cant fucking draw#how did i even survive college like there is no reason i deserve a degree when im 25 jobless and friendless and unproductive#im an actual god damn failure and there is no way for me to start over and make connections because im too old and too unlikable#everyone already had better friends to begin with and keep each other motivated and do cons together and shit#i know im depressed but that cant be the only reason everyone hates me can it????#i cant fucking take the heart ache when i realise its getting too hard to talk to people I consider friends#everyone always has better cooler people and thats that im never going to be an important friend to anyone#why even try any more#literally like im practically middle aged by now i may as well die already no sense in waiting#rip cori.. dead before he even got to live#im fucking pathetic i hate this#delete later / /
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athletickat · 3 years
Top Reads 2020 Fanfiction
I started reading Harry Potter fanfiction this year (thanks to Tik Tok) and these stories I’ve read keep me up at night because I cannot stop thinking about them. 
#1- Manacled by @senlinyu
This is story is a MASTERPIECE. I cannot express how many times I’ve read and thought about this story. The way Hermione loves Draco and Draco loves Hermione is unbeatable. Hermione is a literal boss bitch in this story and my favorite Hermione in everything I’ve read. The build up, the tension, the CHEMISTRY; it is the best thing I have ever read. I could write a whole damn brook report on this story and be proud of it. This story is just... ugh *ultimate chefs kiss*.
#2- Rights and Wrongs series by @lovesbitca8 
The Right Thing To Do, All the Wrong Things, and The Auction are my absolute favorite pieces of writing ever. Draco Malfoy in this series is my horny king, and the best Draco in everything I’ve read. The Auction has a special place in my heart because of hard Hermione works to stay alive and keep the Malfoys alive, as well. All the characters in each story are so well written, especially the Malfoys, and I cannot express how in love I am with each little plot detail and connection between the stories.   
#3- Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing
I recently read this story and I cannot get enough of it. This is first fic I’ve read with a wedding scene (two scenes!!) and I cannot put it in words of how perfect it is. This story is all about the love Draco and Hermione have for each other, and it has set such unrealistic expectations for me...ugh. Every chapter had me smiling like an idiot and I could not put it down. 
#4- Cruel and Beautiful World by Lena Phoria 
I am so happy that Lena Phoria turned this fanfiction into a book, but nothing beats the original characters in this story. The way I fell in love with all the characters (except Voldemort, gross) is immaculate. This story deals with a lot of trauma and heavy topics, but the plot and the characters are just too good. Draco is a sweetheart and absolutely whipped for Hermione, but they need each other. I have never laughed so hard while reading a dark AU fic, and this story made my abs hurt. Definitely one to read.
#5- All You Want by @senlinyu
Holy shit. This story has the best smut I have ever read. The way senlinyu describes what's happening to Alpha Draco and Omega Hermione during sex makes me laugh out loud. It is so so good and so so sexy. It is such a fun story to read, and that’s why I love it so much. 
#6- Breath mints / Battle Scars by @onyx-and-elm
This story is the definition of toxicity, but honestly, it’s still so good. Both Hermione and Draco are changed after the war, and they fall in love by rage, sex, and protection of one another. Hermione does not give a single damn about what people may say about her, and Draco just wants her to be happy (although it does take a while for him to see what that really means). Plot and characters are amazing, and the ending is *chefs kiss*.
#7- Isolation by Bex-chan 
The first Dramione fanfiction I’ve ever read, and it has a very special place in my heart. I didn’t think I would like reading Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger fanfiction, but this story changed my mind and led to my spiral of reading such amazing stories. Such an amazing read, and I love seeing Draco grow into a man that Hermione deserves and loves. This story is iconic.
#8- Hunted by Bex-chan
Another superb story by Bex-chan. A Romance/Mystery story after the war and Draco and Hermione fall in love... hard. They are great together and the plot is amazing. This story is another iconic one for me.
#9- Love and Other Misfortunes by @senlinyu
Another great piece of work from the Queen herself, senlinyu. Draco is so stubborn it hurts, but it’s okay because Hermione is there to save the day (duh). Love these two and the romance between them in this story. Also, Veela Draco with wings and fangs is too much for me. Not that it’s important or anything, but the smut level is through the roof. Love it.
#10- Bring Him to His Knees by @willhavetheirtrinkets
Auror Draco and Auror Harry are an iconic duo. I love how intricate Draco is in this story, and how his past still very much affects his present, but Hermione helps him a lot, and it shows just how much they care for each other. Hermione and Draco dance around each other until they realize *wait* they have feelings for each other! It is not complete yet, but I do check every week or so for updates because it has a good murder mystery plot and a fabulous Dramione. 
#11- The Risk-Reward Ratio by MissiAmphetamine
War fic, and honestly one of my favorite ones. Draco sucks up his pride and goes to the Order for help, and Hermione is the only one who truly excepts him. Draco is a stubborn bastard in this story, but he makes up for it. The scenes are so real, and neither character is perfect, but you’ll see how far they are willing to go for each other. 
#12- The Just World Fallacy by MissiAmphetamine
Sequel to The Risk-Reward Ratio, and this one is tough. Still so good, but deals with torture, PTSD, rape, and more heavy topics. The love that still stands between Draco and Hermione even after all that they have been through together is beautiful. I love this story, and I love seeing how each character grows into their own person while during a war.
#13- Broken by @inadaze22
I have never cried so much while reading a story. This story made ME feel broken because Hermione is quite literally shattered, but so is Draco. It’s a story that makes you feel so many things at once and it is beautiful. Super slow-burn, but in the end, Hermione and Draco are meant to be together. 
#14- This World or Any Other series by @olivieblake
Clean and Marked are incredible stories with a rollercoaster twist. I love each character in this series, and the love that Hermione has for Draco, and vice versa, is the most powerful thing in this universe. The relationship starts with a potion assignment and just extends through there. I love their characters so much alongside the secondary characters and it makes the story so interesting. 6th year Hogwarts and continues with the war, but Draco and Hermione are always there for each other no matter what. 
#15- The Eagles Nest by HeartOfApsen
Ravenclaw Draco and Hermione, 8th year, and Alchemy. This story is so complex, and I couldn’t stop reading it. I love both Draco and Hermione and how they work to settle a problem together. Also seeing all the secret rooms in Hogwarts was another compelling aspect of the story that I loved. They know they need each other, and them being nerds and all, school is what brings them together in the end.
#16- Almost Perfect, Almost Yours by BelleOfSummer
I could not put down this story. No matter how much it angered me, and no matter how much I wanted to throw my laptop at the wall, I couldn’t stop reading. The plot is so interesting where Hermione is raised by a Pureblood family, but she was adopted from muggles, so she is Muggleborn. All the while her and Draco fall in love through their teen years and go through a war together. Hermione is a bad bitch and Draco is whipped (maybe not in a good way). They experience so much together, and in the end, you learn to love them for who they are.
#17- The Green Girl by @colubrina
Hermione is sorted into Slytherin and makes all new friends that do not include Harry Potter or Ronald Weasley. I freaking love this story because Hermione is a literal Queen, and the story itself is so well written. I don’t usually read T-rated works, but I could not put this one down because it has such an interesting plot.
#18- Erised Effect by @adaprix
Smut, smut, and more smut with such a cute plot. I love little Hermione as a bad bitch and big dick Draco as a little softy. I was hooked from the first chapter and it was so crazy. The sex scenes in this are just... *fans self*. This story is a rollercoaster of smut, but Draco and Hermione are my all time favs in this.
#19- Every Day, a Little Death by @lovesbitca8
Draco tries everything to satisfy Hermione, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Such a cute story with such a cute relationship. Hermione doesn’t mean to fall in love, but alas, Draco is a sex God and it was inevitable. I love this story!
#20- Crimson with a Silver Lining by Lady Cailan
A dark AU where Draco is mesmerized by Hermione and her will to stay alive. Their love is so strong, but alas, Draco is a stubborn bastard. This story is an emotional rollercoaster and another story where I could not put it down. Also *spoiler* some family drama going on throughout the story. 
#21- Bond by MrBenzedrine89
*fans self* again because this story is incredible. Love the smut, love the club, love the love between Draco and Hermione. Super interesting details in this story with Draco, Hermione, and the infamous Bond club. Loved reading this story.
I fell down a rabbit whole of Dramione stories this year, and it made me ignore everything I had to in my life just to read them. I can’t wait to see more stories this year and procrastinate my life by reading these stories!
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
How NOT to write romance - How I Met Your Mother edition
Warning: long-ass post and lots of bitterness over a TV show that ended nearly eight years ago.
Basics for story-telling
If the romance you want to write is dysfunctional, fucking embrace it and have fun with the concept instead of pretending the bad shit the characters do is okay because “it’s true love”
Acknowledgde that your main character has flaws instead of acting like he is a saint who can do no wrong for no reason other than “he is the main character. Definitively don’t make him do, of his own free will, the exact exact same things the supposedly “selfish and cruel” womanizer does and then excuse it as him having “succumbed to/been tricked by a bad influece” like he’s child who doesn’t know any better instead of being a grown ass adult.
Don’t make your characters be annoying, entitled fuckers who think they have the right to judge others for wanting different things out of a relationship/not wanting a relationship at all. Don’t act like monogamy, double dates with other couples, marriage and children are something EVERYONE secretly wants deep down.
Don’t demonize the “evil” character of the group and act like the “heroes” being appalled by the shit he does is anything other than hypocricy. There’s literally nothing forcing them to be friends with him, so they’re obviously not as horrified at bad shit he does as they say they are, otherwise they would have ditched him a long time ago.
Don’t have the “heartless womanizer”,  who we later find out is the ex-husband of the girl the lead wanted for himself, be shown to us exclusively through the eyes of the an unreliable narrator who had motivation to make him see worse than he is likely to be (get his kids to want him to get the girl instead of the “douchebag”). Also, don’t make his schemes to trick women into sleeping with them so completely absurd and ridiculous that the audience is pretty sure that 70% of the women he banged were completely aware he just wanted a quick fuck and went along with it anyway because they wanted some dick (and because the character is played by Neil Patric Harris, who is incapable of not being charismatic)
Fucking let you characters (especially the supposed hero we’re supposed to think is the best boyfriend ever) grow instead of making them constantly repeat the same mistakes
Lily and Marshall
Don’t make one of the characters hide something very important from their partner, and then have the audacity to be mad at them for “just not understanding” as if they were given any reason to understand what the problem even is
Don’t act like someone being heartbroken that their partner lied to them and practically made a plan to “escape” being married to them means they’re not being “supportive” of said partners dream - you should especially not do that after we were shown that they took a job they didn’t like just to make sure they’d have a secure future that would allow said partner to follow their dream.
Don’t have the character who was obviously in the wrong need to be convinced to get their shit together and apologize to their ex.
If a character forgave the ex who wronged them and even got back together with them, don’t have them constantly hold their past mistakes over their head like it that problem has not already been solved - you especially not make them do that on what was supposed to be their wedding day. They can either forgive their partner or not, they can’t keep going back and forth.
Don’t have them constantly hide important shit from each other (having a huge financial debt, getting a job, etc)
DO NOT have the character who fucked up years prior suddenly be willing to do the same shit again for the EXACT same reason (”I think our relationship is in the way of my dreams and I’m now completely isolated because I refuse to talk things out with you”) and then expect the audience to sympathize with them.
Ted and Robin 
Unless you’re writing a Disney/Disney-esque romance, don’t have your lead just look at someone across the room, decide they’re “The one”, imagine their life together and full on say “I’m love with you” AND “I love you” on the first goddamn date.
Don’t have the lead stalk his love interest, and throw three parties in a row just to have an excuse to get close to her now that she made it clear she is not interested in having a relationship with him.
Don’t have the “hero” lie about having broken up with his girlfriend so the girl he wants to be with will sleep with him, and then have him blame his actions on time. “Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.” Grow a pair of balls, Ted!
If one of the characters says “You’re going too fast on the whole ‘love’ thing. Can’t we just go on a few dates and see what happens instead of already starting to plan our lives together?” and the others throws a fit, that is called “being incompatible” and “damn, this dude doesn’t respect boundaries”, not “Wow, she’s so afraid of commitment”
If you want the audience to believe the main character’s feelings are not one-sided, don’t make the fact that said feelings ARE unrequited a running joke, and don’t have the girl only accept giving him a chance after having to deal with the fucker whining “But I love you” for months and/or after going through bad break ups. Also, if you have to retcon half the fucking show to “proove” that “she DOES love him”, that pairing fucking sucks.
Don’t compare the couple you want the audience to root for to the main character’s divorced, dysfunctional parents, and don’t have flashbacks showing that the lead had no clue what his girlfriend actually liked in bed AND that she literally covered up his face so she could pretend she was fucking someone else.
If your lead character is still jealous/possessive of his ex, thinks he still has a chance even after she told him to his face that she didn’t love him, and acts like she and her fiance (who he says is his friend) being happy is somehow them being selfish and cruel, your lead character is a loser AND an asshole.
Don’t throw away the entire premise of the show (Ted finding the REAL love of his life) just to force a bad pairing down the audience’s throat
Ted Mosby in general
Don’t have your “romantic, sensitive hero” break up with a girl on her birthday through an answering machine, come back into her life without warning years later because he’s afraid he’ll die alone, and find out that she never heard the message but was actually told about it by her friends and family who were at her apartment preparing a surprise party for her. You should especially not make his first reaction to this new be being mad that he was not invited to the party, and for the love of God, don’t make him break up with her on her birthday AGAIN.
Don’t have the “hero” cheat on his girlfriend and excuse it with bullshit like “Nothing good happens 2 a.m.” and “But I genuinely love Robin so it’s okay that I’m lying to both of them”. Do not, I repeat, do NOT have him blame it on his girlfriend being distant when she didn’t pick up the phone one night and then called back the second she was free to do so, while he was enjoying the gifts she sent him and LIED to her about having sent her some as well.
Don’t fucking make an entire episode with the premise of him turning a no into a yes - and telling that story to his children like it’s romantic.
Don’t have his fiance, who he knows has a rocky relationship with the father of her daughter, tell him she is uncomfortable with him inviting his ex to their wedding and then have him decide “This means I should invite her ex as well”. Also don’t expect me to feel bad for him when she runs off with said ex.
Don’t have him spend YEARS waiting for one of the hundreds of girls he thinks is “the one” to be single and even ask her neighbour to spy on her and let him know when/if she breaks up with her boyfriend - again, for YEARS.
Don’t have the lead say he’s gonna tell their kids about his love story with their DECEASED mother, only for it to secretly be an excuse for him to go “By the way, I’m still in love with aunt Robin despite her having rejected me for 25 years, can I go screw her?”
Don’t act like making the characters reverse back into who they were at the beginning at the story means they’re gonna make things work this time when the whole point of their break up in the beginning on the story was the fact that they’re just not right for each other.
Robin and Kevin
A therapist who was supposed to help their patient move on after a bad break up that messed them up, dating said patient is a major red flag. It is also a bad sign that, when she cheats on him and wants to break up, he realized what she was doing to used his job as “evidence” that he knew better and that she should NOT tell her partner how she felt/what she actually wanted.
Do NOT have said therapist date yet ANOTHER patient that asked him help to move on from a bad break up. Seriously, Kevin was a creep, stop acting like he was some angel who “deserved better than Robin.”
BONUS: How NOT to break up a couple - Barney and Robin edition
Don’t act like their relationship falling appart after their friends kept meddling, and even kept them locked in a room against their will until they labeled their relationship as something they aproved of, is somehow “proof” that they’re not good for each other.
Don’t retcon their relationship to force a break up (seriously, Barney was super supportive of Robin long before he even fell in love with her, but I’m supposed to believe he’d be a bad boyfriend who is never there for her? And he loved advantures and always said “challenge accepted”, but was suddenly miserable travelling the world with her and couldn’t deal with not having wi-fi at the hotel? Fuck off)
Don’t spend an entire season focusing on their wedding, have them get married and then divorce THE NEXT FUCKING EPISODE! Why do you hate your audience? Even people who don’t want them together can see this a terrible idea.
And most important of all, when people question what the fuck were you thinking, don’t have a meltdown on twitter and say that people who think Barney can change are responsible for Donald Trump being elected, you fucking weirdo, go see a therapist (that isn’t like Kevin)
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sukirichi · 3 years
jujutsu kaisen characters as students in high school: (non-canon AU)
featuring: itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi, gojo satoru, getou suguru, & ryoumen sukuna notes: some parts include you as their friend, or even their high school love! (this is unedited/ not proofread)
masterlist ! requests are open 
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he’s not the brightest bulb, but he makes up for it through hardwork and enthusiasm
yuuji is literally that classmate everyone is just friends with
the type who waves with a smile, saying “good morning!” the moment he walks through that door
with that being said, since he’s everyone’s friend, i headcannon that yuuji doesn’t really have a best friend because he’s so open and available to everyone it’s hard to have just a one on one conversation with him
not to say he’s always surrounded by a crowd that you can’t get near him, but everyone likes talking to yuuji
he just fits in so well and understands people 
kind of like how he easily clicked with junpei (please, i miss him, i still can’t believe that he’s...you know...)
whether it’s the guys raving to him about sports
or girls shyly talking about their crush on class or about that new shojo manga
yuuji is open to anything and everyone. this boy wears his heart on his sleeve and he’s honestly such a precious boy, please be kind to him <3
the type of student that gets called to answer in class but isn’t shy to admit he doesn’t know the answer while rubbing the back of his neck
he does pay attention tho
i think it’s canon that yuuji is a dedicated man, like from that time he just watched movies straight and kept his cursed energy controlled so the cursed corpse would stop hitting him
overall, yuuji is a very hard working student! 
he wouldn’t get over the top grades, but he’s really proud of himself (and he should be!)
also that one kid in class that is surprisingly good in sports despite his lanky figure and laid back persona, because all the other sports-craved people are always flexing or challenging other captains 
but plot twist, this boy is ripped and very, beautifully kept in trim
yeah he’s not really into club activities that much
not because he hates them, but he’s just not that into it. he’s more than glad to join in whatever activities though and enjoys them, but if asked what he’d like to do, it wouldn’t be that first thing that came to mind
in conclusion: itadori yuuji is the class sunflower that lights up everyone’s day  🌻
yuuji’s role: the hard worker! 
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hands down, megumi is THAT student
if you’re volunteering in the library, you can sure as hell guarantee you’ll see megumi there
he doesn’t like studying in class because it’s too noisy, so if he’s in school, you’ll always see his name in the library logs
he’s that kid that aces all exams
the type to scowl when he sees a 96% mark because he’s expecting a perfect mark
okay before you come at me, i’m not saying megumi is that annoying smart kid in class that goes, “Oh, I’m so dumb, just a 96?”
no he’s more frustrated at himself because he knows he studied hard and lost sleep over it. he’s just wondering where he went wrong. he has literal note cards and customize flash cards on an app on his phone, waking up every four am and probably taking supplement classes after regular school hours
i headcannon that megumi is someone who always wants to do his best and actually goes through lengths to prove his worth
maybe it stems from having the need to show who he really is and what he’s capable of
but yeah i can totally see him doing that
also that cute student that keeps visiting the cafe every saturday morning, wearing a black hoodie and headphones tucked in, his pretty hands nestling over a book
he looks like a gamer but honestly i don’t think he’s got time for that lmao
would also be that guy people find hard to approach because of his quiet and reserved self
he’s pretty intimidating too
definitely sits beside the window at the back of the class. you can’t fight me on that
just because he’s smart and loves studying, it doesn’t mean he’ll sit on the front row and raise his hand every damn second
the teachers will encourage him to participate in class a little bit more, especially after seeing he’s awkward during group activities, but megumi just really prefers to do things by himself
i also headcannon him eating in the cafeteria like everyone else instead of having his alone time during a rooftop? like idk i can’t picture megumi completely isolating himself like that
he blends in well in a way that you know he’s just like everyone else; a human
but he also stands out in the manner that he’s a lot more introverted and reserved compared to everyone else
surprisingly good during sports and relay games
100% reliable
the type to stay up at midnight to finish a group project, sighing because his groupmates doesn’t care as much as he does, but turns it in anyway the next day
he’d be annoyed at them, but he doesn’t really like confrontation so he doesn’t out them to the teacher like that
but he’s also not someone who lets people walk over him, so he’ll simply say something about his groupmates becoming more responsible and to be serious for once as a “warning”
and yeah, he may be closed off, but once you get really close with him (even better if you have similar interests) you’ll find there’s a lot more to him than what you’ve originally seen and he’s actually a pretty great friend and supportive classmate
would teach you instead of just letting you copy his work or snap pictures of his notes
ugh he’s so responsible and morally right and that’s so attractive help
in conclusion: fushiguro megumi is the hidden gem  💎
megumi’s role: the intellectual outsider!
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man...i don’t know how to start this
i’ve said this about megumi, but gojo is also that student
no, in fact, he’s THE student
everyone loves him. literally everyone
the teachers? smitten
his classmates? in love
the school guard? calls him by his first name
the cleaning lady? turns into a star with the way she lightens up when he’s there
the cafeteria staff? yeah free food because he’s gojo satoru
gojo is what i like to call the “one who has it all” because....well, he kind of does
he’s really smart and talented, which comes as a surprise to everyone in the first day of school when he nearly gets kicked out for falling asleep in class
only for everyone to be shocked that he knows the answer already and the teacher is only discussing chapter 1 lmao
yeah he’d be that kid who always sleeps in class
or is playing games on his phone behind an open textbook
he literally doesn’t listen to what the teacher is saying at all - or at least that’s what he wants you to think
man is a god at multitasking and his seatmate would snicker because he’s crushing his enemies at a phone game, but then gojo coolly corrects the teacher about history or something
he’s pretty laid back tbh
but when he’s got everyone’s attention on him? ofc he’d show off
basketball meats are wild. even students from neighbouring schools would visit just to see gojo play - and he’s not even an official member! the coach just asked him to replace a sick player but boy won that champion shot
but he pretty much excels at everything
except cooking class, gosh, don’t ever bring this man anywhere near a fire. that’s probably the only thing that really got him to detention this time because he always somehow talks himself out of getting that red card with his words and charm
also that kid that would receive lots of confession letters, chocolates, and random gifts in his shoe lockers
he knows he’s handsome and he’s not shy about it. in fact, he’s shameless when it comes to his allure on people
but he also doesn’t really date anyone (it’s canon this man won’t stay loyal to a single woman lmao)
if he and megumi were classmates, they’d be sort of rivals
megumi would always come on top of class, but gojo is just a breath away from the former’s perfect marks. if it only weren’t for megumi’s squeaky clean record and reputation - whereas satoru’s is TAINTED as heck - and the fact that gojo doesn’t really study as much as gumi, then yeah he’d also be top of the class if he wanted to
on a much more serious note,,,gojo acts like nothing really bothers him and he’s simply that effortless
but i feel like he grew up with tutors from a very young age and that’s how his natural intelligence was just further improved and increased with that type of environment in his childhood
and unlike megumi, i don’t think gojo would really have a set goal in mind on who he wants to be or what he wants to do in the future
he’d just be enjoying the moment <3
in conclusion: gojo satoru is the effortless god!
satoru’s role: the lazy king everyone is envious of 
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the playboy
you can’t argue with me on this one
he just is, i feel it deep in my SOUL he just is
moment he walks in, all classy and suave aura and all, you can honestly smell and taste the amount of confidence that drips from him
probably came from a well-off family
probably the mayor’s kid lmao and he’s been used to the attention ever since he was young
much like megumi, he’s not really the type to show off his intelligence
and similar to gojo, people are surprised he’s actually got them brain cells just because everyone is more focused on his appearance first
like who would expect this tall hunk beautiful beast of a man with long hair and piercings actually liked classic novels and could effortlessly recite sonatas and poems in different languages
yeah i headcannon that getou is an intellectual, cultured man
ofc having long hair and piercings isn’t allowed in his school, but because he’s geto and the school knows about his family’s influence, they just let it slide
probably comes late to school too
he eats in the cafeteria, but you don’t really see him indulge much. some days, he’ll have his own fancy bento box prepared by a family chef, but geto is actually pretty simple and humble that he also buys packed bread or canned coffee 
takes the library volunteer by surprise when he drops by one friday after class to borrow an old classic novel that even your professors had a hard time analysing
but geto’s like, “oh this? yeah i last read it when i was thirteen, thought i’d read it again”
IDK WHY but I can see him as sort of breaking the rules when it comes to the school uniform
top three buttons of his shirt open when he’s feeling hot or something
doesn’t really keep his tie that tight too
but overall, geto is a composed and well-put together guy
i just can’t picture him slacking when it comes to his appearance, he’s too fancy and pretty for that
he’s also similar to megumi in a way people find it hard to approach them, but most definitely, geto also receives confessions often 
i can see him dating someone after being interested in someone in school and actually being serious with them unlike gojo
then they would be “that” couple that’re just so couple goals
not the type that goes overboard with pda and pulls off the angry face emoji when they hear someone talking about them and they’re like, “NO HE’S MINE”
okay that’s cringe but i legit witnessed that way too many times in high school yall cant blame me lmao
but they’d be more like the chill laid back couple that supports each other in everything and you can just tell they have a happy, healthy relationship
(oh to be getou’s girlfriend in high school and his first love and all his firsts)
in conclusion: getou suguru is the unpredictable!
getou’s role is: that one classmate you really admire but he’s so far out your league but he’s genuinely a good guy anyway so you’re happy for him no matter what <3
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okay okay hear me out but...the stoner
i really can’t see him any other way guyssss
and if you’re his classmate, you most likely wouldn’t see him that much either
dude is like 2-3 years older than everyone in class and he doesn’t give a shit about it
he’ll come like...once a week, if he’s in the mood enough
teachers don’t even bother scolding him for his tattoos anymore because there’s rumours going around he’s the son of a yakuza leader or that he’s a gangster who sells organs or some creepy dark stuff
ofc he doesn’t do that
he just does drugs and gets drunk at most
sukuna doesn’t really have that much friends either. yeah he parties with people and often gets high with some older kids, but he doesn’t genuinely enjoy their companies either
would totally come to school with his uniform unironed
red-eyed from his high and naps at the back of the class, making the teacher soften their voice in fear of waking him up
also doesn’t have a pen or paper
i mean...he doesn’t even bring a bag
fails the exams all the time, making him repeat year by year, and he’s even known for beating his senpai up for something stupid and sending the guy to a hospital where he stays for two weeks
but on the other hand
he’s also freakishly attractive and surprisingly easy to talk to
you probably bumped into him one time and you profusely apologize, but then he notices something about, something odd like, “did you just cut your hair?”
“uhm yes...you noticed?”
sukuna shrugs lazily, “noticed something was different, but whatever. it looks good on you though.”
he’s just soooo nonchalant most of the time, it’s hard to believe he’s actually pretty violent
but yeah this man has anger issues i’m sorry
but with that speaking, i actually don’t see sukuna as a bully with like a gang of his “followers” or that type of jazz
he’s more like the kid that hides under the bleachers or gets high in a storage room while everyone else is occupied with school festivals
it’s a shock he even came, but sukuna just says “free food is always a gift” but ofc it’s not free food...he just steals from the stalls
now here comes the fun part
so now that we know sukuna pretty much is a hopeless case...suddenly, he isn’t? maybe he meets you, the class volunteer who goes out of their way to visit his shabby apartment just to hand him his class work that he’s missed out on
he obviously disses you at first and ignores you, telling you to get lost
but somehow your kindness and persistence has him breaking
now he starts coming to school often, carrying a pack of gum or mint pops because he smells like weed and he’s slightly conscious of himself
this is supposed to be just them being students in high school, but i could honestly sukuna changing colors once he just gets a better grasp of what would be good for him
or maybe something finally interests him and gives answers to his silent questions
i feel like he’s such a troubled kid and just lacks proper care and attention, but once you become his friend and show him you don’t have bad intentions, he’s actually a loyal and decent guy
and when you two finally get close, you eventually gain enough courage to tutor him. sukuna is actually pretty smart too, he just doesn’t like studying, but when you compliment him, oh man, he melts
“yeah, you actually got that right! i told you you could do this!”
tsk,” he scoffs, “that’s all kindergarten shit.”
“if it is, then why haven’t you graduated?”
“shut the fuck up.”
although he sneers, you and sukuna have gotten close enough that you know both of you don’t mean anything bad behind those words and it’s all light hearted teasing
oh and when you ask him to take a picture with you for “high school memories?”
sukuna is disgusted
“get that thing away from my face - did you just take my photo?”
“yeah, you look pretty cute here! i’m so printing this and putting this in my album.”
sukuna is about to scold you even more, but the thought of you putting your photo together - even when he’s frowning in the picture - in something as sentimental as a photo book really has him softening up
would even try - keyword is try - to study more just so you’d stop frowning when you see his paper covered in red marks all over again
and he’d even try cutting down on his weed for the sake of his “health”
ofc he won’t suddenly - or ever, even - become the amazing student megumi is
he’ll still get into trouble because he’s impulsive and has poor coping skills, also he’s not good with words or dealing with his emotions
but on his good days, he’s a pretty funny guy
it just takes a lot to see that side of him, but it’s worth the time and patience
also i was expecting to write funny scenarios or imagines of stoner! sukuna because he’s too high to even hold a proper conversation sometimes but all i got is him saying weird words like “snail trap” or something when you ask him how his day is
would also have that garbled little laugh when he’s so out of it
sukuna will try to be better though, you just need to be patient him
but my GOSH when he finally graduates
he’s going to hide that little smile because deep down, he’s also pretty proud of himself and how far he’s come <3
lol now this makes me want to writer a high school au lololol
in conclusion: yeah he’s the stoner with a good heart 
which is so not canon...this shouldn’t even be a headcanon we know ryoumen sukuna is PURE EVIL but oh well maybe when I’m down from my sukuna high I’ll write him a lot more canonically
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moemammon · 3 years
Alright so my request is angsty-ish. Mc is engaged to someone else when they move for the exchange program and stays faithful during their entire stay, so maybe hcs on how the brothers react to a taken MC who (if they even try to advance) actively avoids romantic situations with them, and maybe a little bonus of them reuniting with their lover smittened.
I tried to request this before but all my asks get eaten so I just wanted to make sure it got through
"What Do You Mean You're Already Taken?!" (Feat the Demon Bros and GN!MC)
(Hell yeah angst time heheHEH >:))
Can you even imagine how Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, reacted when his obvious advances toward you were always awkwardly brushed off? No matter what he tried, no matter how perfectly romantic the situation, he could never coax you into accepting his affections.
And he soon found out why, when you finally admitted that you were taken by another.
He can't remember the last time he's felt pain like this. He'd finally found someone he could be... vulnerable with. Someone he could open himself up to, who wouldn't see him in a different light as a result.
But to know that no matter what, he'll never be able to have you? It's a worse punishment than he could've imagined himself. He can't do anything but accept it, and you'll soon find that his advances come to a complete vault.
He's a little colder to you, but that's only because he's trying to relearn how to feel about your presence. He asks that you give him some time alone, for a few days. He'll be busy in his office in the time being.
God, he's crushed. Mammon... was always aiming to be your first everything. Guess someone beat him to the punch before he could do anything to stop it. It takes everything in him not to accuse you of pulling his leg.
But you can't be serious... right? You're saying that no matter what he does or how strongly he feels, he can never have you? He won't get to hold you against him? He'll never be able to kiss you? To pull you under his sheets so you can sleep your worries away? Never be able to tell you just how much he loves you, more than any material possession in this entire world...?
But... why couldn't you just choose him..?
Mammon doesn't get it. He feels like he's always getting the short end of the bargain no matter what he tries. He knew the stakes were high when he started pining for you. You're... YOU! Perfect, amazing, lovable you... who will never be his.
These days he's barely home. You guys are still 'friends', but sometimes you can't tell if he's teasing you or actually being mean. He can't even stand being around you for too long, because his damned heart starts pounding until it hurts. He'd rather gamble the nights away than to have to deal with that.
Of course you're taken... it's not like he could've expected otherwise. Someone as great as you wouldn't look good standing with a gross otaku...
Jokes aside, Levi's heart has just shattered into a million pieces. You were his one! The one he dreamed about! The one he wanted to be around, despite his crippling social anxiety!
You got him... No, you REALLY got him. He didn't have to put up any walls when he was with you. He knew you liked him for who he was, and that you weren't secretly making fun of him when he wasn't around.
And... you two actually enjoyed one another's company! You shared so many laughs, so many days together, and just when he thought he'd gathered the courage to ask you to be his, you told him that you were taken.
He'll get over it. He's used to being disappointed, after all. Just don't mind him while he spends the next two weeks holed up in his room. If you need something, do you might just writing a note and slipping it under his door? He can't bear to look at his phone, since it's full of pictures of you.
Satan didn't mean to cause an outburst like that. He never meant to scare you. But when he realized that all this time spent falling deeper, and hopelessly in love with you, was all for naught? He didn't know how to react.
So many new, strange feelings rushed into him at once, until it all exploded in a fit of rage. Was it really anger? Or was it sorrow so strong that it could've been mistaken as such? He couldn't tell, because he's never felt this way before.
His room had been completely destroyed, many precious books lost to the unstoppable force that was his angry release. And when it subsided he was left feeling empty and lost... scared, even.
Would you think differently of him now? Would he think differently of YOU now? Could this... odd, sick, twisted relationship of yours be mended..? He didn't even know if he had the strength to attempt it.
So he isolates himself from you, spending a great deal of time repairing the damage done to his room. And when that's been finished, he's reading like his life depends on it. In the world of books, he can forget about real life entirely. Is it silly for him to imagine that maybe, some day, everything will work out like in a lighthearted fairytale?
So you have a partner? Polygamy is fine too! Or so he thought, until you emphasized that you were loyal to your one and only partner. Meaning.. Asmo wasn't invited to the party.
Now, the Avatar of Lust wasn't exactly one who knew rejection. Sure he got a few 'no's here and there, but those little flings meant nothing and had no weight on his heart.
But you? You... were everything he didn't know he needed. Asmo knew he was beautiful and alluring, but you knew there was more to him than that. And you sought to bring those parts of him out into the light! He could only dream of showing his true self to you and you alone.
Asmodeus felt so secure with you, like the mask he'd been wearing for millennia could finally come off. With you, he could just be himself, and he could never tell you just how much that really meant to him. But now his heart aches with a pain he's never felt before, and it hurts so much that he can't help but cry.
His devilgram followers have been seeing him a LOT more lately. So has all of the devildom, really. He's never home anymore, choosing to fill the void with temporary lovers instead. It isn't enough though, and it only makes the pain worse. But in the end, what more can he do? He doesn't understand what love is without you.
Beel loved you. More than he could understand. More than he could've known.
When the feeling first blossomed within him, he thought it was hunger. Instead, it was a burning desire for you and only you, twisting in his core and setting his heart on fire.
Beel didn't understand it, but he knew that when you were with him, he could breathe a little easier. He could forget about the gnawing hunter that clouded his thoughts. For once, he actually felt free of his sin.
And then, you told him about your significant ofter, and he’d never felt so hungry in his life. The pain was so strong he thought he might collapse from weakness right then and there. It hurt... he hated it...
To everyone's shock, Beel has begun losing his appetite more frequently, most often after catching a glimpse of you. That familiar pain would sprout within him again and make him grimace, and he could no longer find the desire to eat. Maybe he'd just take his meals to his room from now on..?
Right... of course. A human like you would be partnered with a human. It was natural that you'd have relationships before your life in the devildom. Anyone would've known that. So... why the hell did it sting so much?
Belphie couldn't sleep. Every moment he closed his eyes, visions of your sweet smile, your wonderful laugh, the way your nose wrinkled when you ate something gross... all of it haunted him. He couldn't get you out of his head no matter what he tried.
And it was so much worse now that he knew you were taken. He wondered if this was a punishment for killing you, like the universe's way of judging him for his misdeeds, and the ages of hatred he held in his heart for humans. Why would fate allow him to be happily partnered to one?
Try as he might, this was one worry he couldn't sleep away. He could never get comfortable. He couldn't close his eyes without thinking about you. He didn't want this. He hated this feeling of self loathing and regret. Belphagor wanted you, more than he’d ever wanted anything.
Maybe... he could convince you to love him? Show you that his love was so, SO much more than what anyone else could offer? He’d remind you of all the times you two shared together. You're not scared, right? Good. That's the last thing he’d want, because he loves you.
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boncorner · 3 years
Character Analysis: High School Karamatsu
So I've been thinking about baby Karamatsu, and once again Osomatsu-san does so much with the motto "Show, don't tell" when it comes to this boy. I saw a tag on one of my pictures saying that if teen!Karamatsu's only trait that gets recognised is his crying they feel bad for him, and I can't agree more on that!! I'll joke about it sure, but let's actually talk about what we find out about Karamatsu's teen years.
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First of all I wanna address the episode 23 from season 3, "Friend", before we deep-dive into the movie.
In this episode we get to see all of the characters' personalities re-told from Choromatsu's POV. And you know how Choromatsu tends to see his brothers a bit... Exaggeratedly. Just see "Karamatsu and Brothers", where he does impressions of the others, and Karamatsu doesn't even understand who he's trying to be, because he sees his brothers in a much more gentle way than Choromatsu does.
So when Choromatsu thinks of Todomatsu, he's super tiny
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And he establishes himself as an unreliable narrator at the end, where he
When he thinks of Ichimatsu, his voice is high pitched much unlike the movie, and his shift into depression-mode is much faster too
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Admits to not even having a friend, he was completely made up.
[spoilers end]
So I bring this up of course, because Karamatsu is described as a scaredy-cat who can't even handle holding a conversation. I'm not saying this is necessarily false, but...
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Maybe it's a little more toned down than this. After all, he seems to be very low-key in the movie.
Karamatsu's confidence, or rather, his lack of one, has been confirmed by word of God before. Literally.
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And it's interesting that it has almost never been stated outright, save for the earlier mentioned episode "Karamatsu and Brothers", where Choromatsu calls him out. Otherwise it's always been a "show don't tell" with him, it can actually be difficult to glean this from his character if you don't know what you're looking for. After all, he's called a narcissist over and over, he's so full of himself all the time! But is he really? I've said this over and over, but this "act" is most likely just him trying to be true to himself and feel good about himself, so it's not necessarily a false picture of himself, but more an exaggerated one that he hopes will boost that poor confidence of his.
Remember how he was in drama club? We'll get back to that so let's put a pin in it for now 📍
What we see
In the movie, Karamatsu is the person that we see the least of what he is like in the company of others, but at the same time, the entire movie is revolving around him. This is his memory, his regret, and ultimately, it's about him getting closure. But even so, we don't ever "learn" what he was like in the same way that we do the others. We don't get funny scenes or examples, but again, everything is unsaid. Shown to us, but never explained. You just have to fill in the blanks yourself.
Yes. He does cry a lot.
It's not something that Karamatsu would subconsciously hide in his memory world. So in a fair observation, we can determine that Karamatsu was indeed a crybaby and easily startled, anxious, and generally unsociable.
We also see this in official art
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Karamatsu has for a long time been pointed out to be a crybaby when he was little, because he generally used to be one in Osomatsu-kun. This solidifies this claim, and so I believe his reaction to the whole incident at school where they all fell apart went like this:
• He loses his support network - He is suddenly left to fend for himself, his already frail nature grew, and his social anxiety really took off. Getting teary-eyed or outright crying from even just the littlest thing when you're at your lowest is part of the anxiety-experience, most of us know this. It's not the same for everyone, but it's safe to say that his anxiety was pretty damn bad.
• Isolation - Not knowing how to break out of his shell and attempt to become his own person like his brothers do, he can't let go of what they had, and he feels himself slipping away. He doesn't know how to speak to them all, nor anybody else when he doesn't have his brothers by his side. So it's safe to assume that he had exactly 0 friends back then.
• Sense of hopelessness - We often see Karamatsu staring out into the air, reflecting on his situation, but he never actually does anything about it. And when he tries to, he actually fails. Despite his confidence being nearly non-existent, he still managed to ask them all to meet him to talk about the letter, and I think that does say something about him.
• He still loves his brothers - Again, despite everything, he managed to gather them all together, because his brothers mean everything to him. He just can't let go of them, and that's also why he just can't think of doing anything without them. That's why he doesn't try to become somebody else, or try to impress others. That stuff doesn't matter.
• Then he snaps - He has enough of it, and ends up snapping at his brothers, causing their fight to escalate.
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I will never get enough of baby Karamatsu acting. Ever.
Anyway - We all knew he was in drama club when he was younger, and this is the one thing that we see him actually do to explore his interests. And it's strange isn't it, how somebody so socially anxious would decide to join drama club of all things... Unless it's because he wanted to reinvent himself.
Again, we don't see him do it during the movie's runtime, we only see the others, but we do see this in the credits. Doing a show, don't tell, so that we can figure out ourselves why he would suddenly do something like that. He wanted to build up his confidence, or maybe even pretend to be somebody else for a moment. However it is clear that he never got a chance to actually try this out until he got older, and he managed to sort out his anxiety somewhat.
Do you roleplay? It can be nice to get out of your own shoes for a spell and be somebody else, take a break from real life and play somebody completely different from yourself, or maybe even somebody who is quite a lot like you, but you get to decide what happens in their life. You might even get to experience things that you normally never would have gotten the chance to do.
High school Karamatsu is a deeply complex character, and there's a lot more to him than meets the eye. You just don't get it handed to you, you need to be observant, just like with him when he's older, when it's all an act.
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