#5x21 Going Under
bronx-bomber87 · 3 months
Happy Saturday Lovely Fandom. We've reached the second to last ep of this series rewatch. Unreal. God I LOVE this ep. So so good. Tim being her handler. Reminds me of Alias. Which was my first love for tv show/ship. If you ever watched Alias you’d know why I love this asset and handler situation so much. Let us start.
5x21 Going Under
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Start out strong Lucy is going UC. Has to do with the last episode. Frank Teska has been released from prison. He killed his brother for the attack on his daughter Dara. He is back in business. Looking to get into the Ghost Gun trade. You need specific polymer to make them. Metro raided and took his supplier out. Which is where Lucy comes in. She will pose as someone at Southland Chemicals. Be his new supplier.
We join our ship talking about the OP. Tim mentioning he’s using Hard Luck as his CI. Lucy not trusting this guy as far as she can throw him. Tim’s reply is the best. The fact that his CI knows how important Lucy is to him *squee* Then telling her as such. That this guy knows Lucy is special to him That if he messes up Tim will hunt him down. Gah I love this. Calling in favors for his girl. Work version of romantic ha
Lucy’s sweet expression when he tells her this. Basically saying he loves her in not so many words. Lucy being Lucy calling it 'Undercover love.' hehe Tim isn't even fighting it anymore. Just smiles shakes his head and rolls with her antics. We all know he loves her for it. Damn they cute. Actions always speaking louder than words with these two. Lucy couldn’t be cuter as Tim walks away. Her smile saying more than words ever could about how she feels about this man.
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Then we get these GLORIOUS phone calls. Like rom-com goodies up in this episode. Love me some protective Tim. Asking her if he needs to talk to her boss? Lucy waves him off. Says she's got it. Tim looking mighty fine Phew lord Scruffy, his sweater and his eyes popping in this lighting. Mmm. Lucy of course checking in on him next. I love this so very much. He won't tell her he's struggling.
So she's going to check on in him since he won't do as such. Tim knowing exactly what she means. Asking if that means he misses her? We all know he does but he deflects in the cutest way. Saying no. His smile when she calls him a jerk. But he's YOUR jerk Lucy haha. He is so damn smitten with her. Loves teasing and messing with her. Just as much as she does for him. One of their love languages shining through in this moment. My damn heart.
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She asks if Tim can check in on Tamara? Tim doesn’t hesitate for one second. Of course he’ll check in on their daughter. Doesn’t want her to lose any focus on the job. We then delve into the cute snippet conversations that have my shipper heart fluttering. Lucy telling Tim not to watch 'Top Chef' without her. I love that they have a show they watch together. Makes me giddy. Such a couples thing to have that. Tim giving her crap saying he can’t make any promises.
Lucy asking Tim if he ever wished he had a normal job? Tim says without people shooting at him? Not once. Lucy replying me either. These tidbits are just fantastic. They both love their line of work so much. This whole talking about everything and nothing at all just shows the deep bond they have. Comes from riding together for years 12 hours at a time. Her being UC is isolating but they get to have these moments despite that. Little pockets of joy before this OP heats up.
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Tim asking if she’s making any friends? Lucy going on about a lady in her office. It’s so cute I can’t stand it. Talking about his grandkids and such. I love this is so very much. They did a really good job with these shots and the VO's. I saw a lot of people saying felt like rom-com and it really does in the best way. Just being on the phone whole time. Even though they're physically apart they still find a way to connect and be together. It’s so sweet imma get a cavity.
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Day 4 rolls around and Tim ask if the monotony is getting to her? Lucy tells him no as long as it’s not for nothing. I mean she had two weeks of it in 3x14. 4 days is nothing but now she has Tim so she's got more to miss this time around. I adore the voice overs in this scene. Tim reassuring her it’s probably cause Frank is double checking her story. I love this shot of Tim in the side mirror. Fierce protector reporting for duty.
Frank has finally surfaced and approached Lucy. Her cover story of being a wanted felon has worked out. Frank thinks she’s an easy target because of it. Lucy playing the fresh start card with him. Not wanting to get into business with him. She does this so well. He tells her not an option. That he needs certain plastics and she needs to not go to jail. Telling her it’s low risk.
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Gah I love Tim watching over the situation from across the way. Looking fine af BTW. My god I'll never be over how tall he is and I love it. Tall drink of yum. Look at him in his civvies, the hat, the glasses, the intense way he's watching her. Listening in to their convo. Trying to keep his protectiveness in check. Doing his best not to step in. Especially when Frank threatens her. Which causes Lucy to say yes. Frank says they’ll have dinner tonight then. He’ll come get her from her place. They can hammer out the details of this new partnership.
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Lucy meets up with Wesley, Harper, Grey and her man. They’re going over this date for her. Tim looks like he’s going to crawl out of his skin. He hates the idea of this guy possibly thinking it’s a date. He hates this entire conversation really. Keeping his hands in his pockets. Looks at the ground trying to settle his protective nature.
I love Grey checking in with Tim. Minute he hears the word 'romantically and date.' He immediately looks at Tim. Knowing he hates this on so many levels. Tim isn’t being at all discreet with how he feels about this situation. He's basically squirming in front of all of them. Tim continuing to try to put on a brave face. Not well but sure trying. His whole body language screaming his immense discomfort.
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Tim is being the least subtle he’s ever been in this moment. Hating the idea she needs a good wire in case he’s handsy. You can see him take a deep breath and clench his jaw at the thought of this. This conversation is killing him softly. Some angsty goodness though. The check in's these two have above getting me in the feels before she sets to leave. That silent communication of their's prominent af. I LOVE him walking Lucy to the door. The intense looks they share on the way.
They both look amazing btw. He keeps constant eye contact with her till he can’t any longer. The intense longing in his stare as he watches her go. *heart clutch* His entire world just walked out the door and it shows. Eric crushing it with the longing look. This is the type of angst I eat up. It’s so so good. Worried Tim is lovely to behold. And that man is insanely worried. He is an open book as she walks away from him. Trying to keep himself from losing his damn mind over this man possibly touching her.
Grey immediately checking in with him. Man wasn't exactly subtle during that whole conversation. Asking Tim if he’s ok? Tim lying saying he’s 5x5. Such a detached military reply. When he is anything but detached in this moment. Wade knowing he’s lying. Their friendship is underrated. Grey saying he has to treat this like any other OP. Any other UC. Sure he'll get right on that. Thanks to Lucy his emotions aren't so easy to turn off anymore. Also not like it’s the love of his life he’s watching over or anything…
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Lucy goes to dinner with Frank all wired up. Tim watching intently outside. Fierce protector at the ready. The intense look on his face as he watches over her is doing things to me. *fans self* Like a lion pacing back and forth in it's cage waiting to be let out. Ready to attack at the slightest provocation against her. It's insanely hot tbh. He would gladly throttle this man if given the chance to. All he needs is to be given a reason.
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Lucy almost gets Frank to admit to his brothers death when bullets start flying. We watch Tim in an absolute panic call this in. Desperately searching for her in the wreckage from his car. Trying to find her as he rattles off their address. I love her jumping up and looking his way so he knew she was ok. His giant sigh of relief when her head pops up. Feel like we all did that with him. Went from all out panic to instant relief. I said in the hospital scene she is his whole world. That just got shot at and he was paralyzed until she popped up.
He couldn’t breathe until he knew she was alright. His whole body slumping against his seat in relief. Eric crushing it out here with his expressions getting me all emotional. I love how his eyes dart back to her once more before he takes off after the shooters. Double checking she really is there. He couldn’t even be in pursuit of them until he knew she was ok. You can see he wants to stay but can’t. Having an internal battle but knows he has to go after them.
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His cop brain in a delay due to this. This delay in reaction definitely affects him in his pursuit of the shooters. Don't think he was fully there mentally. Tim's head was most definitely not in the game when he went after them. Taking us back to 5x01 when Tim told Lucy if her head isn't the game 100 percent it'll get her killed. He is the living embodiment of that line in this moment. This dude almost killed him. Even when the gun is in his face his reaction time is slower.
That is not the Tim Bradford we know and love in the field. He was clouded his emotions running rampant. He had not compartmentalized at all. When Jan shows up it really hits him what almost happened to him. Saying he got lucky it was empty. Otherwise…ugh I don’t even wanna think about it. He’s panting his adrenaline waning and it showing. Looking over where the guy was knowing this could've been far worse. Knowing what it would've done to Lucy.
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I love the minute she’s done dealing with Frank Lucy calls Tim. Anxiously awaiting him to answer her call. Both so worried about one another. Gah this episode is fantastic. Never seen Tim this panicky or shaken up. This is a UC OP he’s involved in I can’t imagine how he’d be if he wasn’t.
He just loves her so much. Having a legit meltdown till he knows she’s ok. It’s all over his face as he talks to her on the phone. Eric killing me softly in this one. Lucy isn’t pulling any punches with her worry either. Both making me emotional as hell. Tim replying ‘Yeah I am now.’ *internal screaming* Wasn’t ok till he knew she was.
The love they have for each other is all over this moment. I’m not crying you are…You can see all the tension leave his body when he hears her voice. The neediness in both their voices when he says they should meet up. Gah yes you do. They needed to hear each others voice to calm down after that adrenaline fest.
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Then we come to THE laundry scene. One that broke my damn brain. Pretty much broke the entire fandom's brain. I love how she rushes to him and clings on. Wanting zero space between them. Tim leaning into her arms. Rubbing his hand up and down her back. I’m sure both their hearts were racing. They are each other’s safe space and this hug shows that.
So scared and only finding comfort in each others arms. So much emotion surging through them in this hug. I love me a good hug and this one is fantastic one. Trying to ground one another with it. Speaking their concerns about what they just went through. The swaying gets me too. I love everything about this hug.
Lucy basically launches herself at him. He catches her effortlessly and holds her so tightly to him. The remaining tension melting out of of their bodies. Because they were running on adrenaline and anxiety until this hug. Tim holding her so close making sure she’s real. There with him. I’ll never be over this moment and how lovely it is.
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This next portion just proves why Lucy is his person. Tim is losing his mind with worry over this guy. Over him trying something. His anxiety coming off him in waves. Lucy wants to soothe him because it's her natural instinct. Tim looks like he wants to cry or punch a wall or both when he ask if he’s tried something? Lucy reassuring him he hasn’t but even if he did she’s got this. The fierce protector coming out strong right now. He can barely contain it. Tim deflecting a little saying ‘I know.’
Lucy knows this man so damn well. Telling him knowing and feeling ok are two different things. She's so right. I love the way she grabs his jacket trying to comfort him. Tim is being so soft and vulnerable in this moment. She wants him to know it’s ok. She’s ok and it’s very ok if he isn’t. Eric killing this episode left and right with his expressions. His heart is hurting it’s all over his face and Lucy is reaching out with a reassuring touch. I love her for validating his feelings. Not judging him for them.
But also knowing he’s being very vulnerable right now and she’s being wonderfully receptive to that. Tim gets a little defensive saying. Not his first time. Lucy is SO good with him. Doesn’t shame him for being bristly about this. Knowing it’s his PTSD in full swing. So soft in her reply and expression. Letting him know probably what’s making this so much worse for him. This is why she’s his person. Never shames him for his feelings only loves him through. Gah they’re making me so emotional. I love this couple so much.
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Before Tim gets anymore emotional he tells her he has to go. Now isn’t the time to talk about this. That he knows if she doesn’t feel safe she will bail. If she’s good he’s good. Lucy confirms she’s good. Tim says he has to get back to the station then. Grey is waiting for a status update. Lucy stops him before he can go. Not ready to be apart from him just yet.
Grabbing his arm keeping him from leaving. I love the way she is looking at him landing on his lips. Then she says the 4 words that made us all collectively lose our minds. ‘Lock the door first.’ Is this real life? Did we really get this moment? Adrenaline fueled we made it out alive laundry room sex? Oh my damn lord.
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The way he looks at her when she says this. *fans self* Tim is definitely not treating her like any other UC…I remember gasping at her saying this. Needing to be with him in this moment. Tim’s smile realizing what she’s saying. My god. Laundry room sex is now canon for them. We got shower sex last ep and now laundry room post-op sex. My god the writers were good to us. I like being pandered too LOL Also you know there is a damn good chance highly likely really this was unprotected too.
Lucy couldn’t let him walk away yet until she had him. Hot damn. Tim not one to deny her anything is easily roped into her naughty plans. I’m still not over the risks they took to have this heated moment together. They had a frenzied hookup while she was on assignment. I’m dead. They’ve actually killed me in the best way. S5 truly is a fic come to life. I love every minute of it. Clearly missing and craving sexy time with her man. Also probably still hopped up on adrenaline as well. Undercover hookup phew lord we are blessed haha
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Lucy calls Tim after she gets away with Frank from the warehouse. Saying the OP is done. Frank has nothing left to build. Tim is flirty af in his reply. With a shit eating grin to go with it. Saying that’s too bad... Lucy is confused and says why? Tim referring to their hookup in the laundry room. Bummed he wasn't going to get another. Timothy Bradford I never haha This man is so different when he is truly loved and happy my goodness. I couldn't love it more.
Hard to believe this entire episode is canon. Tim is definitely loving his sex life with Lucy and proud to let her know about it. Hell so are we haha Horny Tim is hilarious and I love him so. They could find another laundry room for a repeat performance if he would like LOL Fanfic come to life this season swear to god. We live in a world where this scene happened and I’m dying.
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They return home because at this point it’s their home. Gah love how Tim looks at Lucy as he approaches her. Man is so insanely in love with her. Lucy saying she needs a big meal, hot bath and quality sexy time. Heh. Then to sleep for 24 hours straight. I love how Tim encases her hands in his caressing them as they speak. Running his hands up and down hers. Needing this connection.
I love Tim being the physically affectionate one of the two. I always knew once they got together he would be the one who couldn’t keep his hands off her. Touching really is one of their many love languages and I adore it. Never saw them nearly as touchy with their ex’s. Just another reason proving why they’re so right for each other. Gonna be the death of me and I welcome it. Lucy can tell something is up. Asking him what’s going on?
Oh my poor damaged boy. Having a trauma response right now with her saying she needs time to decompress. I love him not deflecting and telling her how he’s feeling instead. That’s not easy for him. I also totally get his response. I still have trauma responses to things as well. Lucy knowing it is telling him it was only a week. That one nights keep will do her just fine. Trying to say without saying she’s not Isabel. Tim accepts her answer.
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Lucy says she has to come clean about some thing though. That she knows she made him promise not to. But she watched 'Top chef' without him. For shame Lucy Chen . For shame LMAO I guess that monotony did get to her since she finished it without him.... Tim is so offended I’m dying. Calling her a 'Bad girlfriend' *screams into a pillow* They’re so friggin cute I am dying. Lucy's 'No, I'm sorry!' It is horrible Tim is right haha Making him promise not to then watching it without him. Every right to be playfully mad at her.
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Lucy wastes no damn time and confronts Tim about the shooter in the alley. I love her so much for always calling him on his shit. Saying how he didn’t tell her he almost died in that alley. Tim brushing it off saying because he didn’t. Oh Timothy. Acting like her losing you wouldn’t completely wreck her. Absolutely devastate and ruin her like it would for you. I think that’s exactly why he did it though. Acting like it’s not a big deal when he knew it was.
Protecting her from that fact. Lucy coming at him saying doesn’t matter who told her. That they’ll set aside the fact he left it out of the report. 2x01 Tim would be appalled ha. Doing it for the same reasons Lucy did then. Insane how this same kind of fight still involves Isabel indirectly. Lucy can’t believe him right now. Acting like it’s nothing. Like she didn’t almost lose him.
We see a little more trauma Tim come out here. Just assuming she's keeping things from him when she's under. I so relate to him reacting this way I do. I misread something my best friend had texted me the other day. I made an assumption like Tim is here. My friend was wonderful texted me back ‘ Your trauma is showing.’ And it knocked me out of it. It’s involuntary when it runs so damn deep. And we know it does for him.
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I’m so glad Lucy is there to knock him back out of it. Saying No you know Isabel did for a fact. Calling him right out for it. These kinds of fights are so good for them. Forces them to face the stuff they’re hiding. Things they didn’t really touch on last episode. This was a much better and more open conversation. Tim didn’t hide behind being ‘fine.’ And Lucy isn’t letting him get away with it. Tim can’t fight that logic and it’s all over his face in the second gif. The way his body slumps in reply.
Lucy making a strong ass point next. Saying if this is going to work between them he has to see the difference. She not wrong. He really does. Tim shooting back of course he can. (Babe you got some work to do...) What I love the most is Lucy said her piece. Put him his place about this. Which was needed and now Tim is saying his. The dialogue in this scene so much more productive than 5x20 was. Airing things out and how they actually feel. Tim voicing his need to know she will listen to him if he sounds the alarm.
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That otherwise all the pain he went through was for nothing. Then he says the line that shows me Lucy is the love of his damn life. ‘I can’t lose you the way I lost her.’ Tears in this man’s beautiful eyes. Imma cry myself. Finally voicing the fear he kept inside last episode. He cannot lose this woman My heart. She is everything to him. Pulled him out of the depths of his pain and hurt. Brought him back to life. He loves her so much and is saying as such in this moment.
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Lucy can see this and reassures him he won’t lose her that way. She would walk away for him if it ever got that close. Ugh my heart. He sounded the alarm earlier and she shut it down. So they both have stuff to work on. I mean it's why he brought it up. He felt like he was sounding the alarm in the laundry room. Lucy brushed it off saying she didn't want to tap out. But them having this conversation hopefully they can be more aware of these things for a future OP and in general really. The need to openly communicate is a must.
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Tim says 'Okay.' Choosing to trust what she is saying. Then we get another glorious hug. The way he clings to her. His hand around her neck pulling her to him is so visceral. He loves her so damn much and it’s shown beautifully in this embrace. How much she means to him. Pulling her in close. Lucy doing the same thing clinging to him like a life raft. Her arms pulling him close to her as well. We see both her hands on his shoulders. *sigh*I'm so proud of them for both speaking their minds in this scene.
Lucy calling Tim out was so needed. He has to see she isn’t Isabel. If not it’ll destroy him. No one gets through to Tim like Lucy. This scene was so raw and honest. Very much needed after all that was left unsaid in 5x20. Never be over them being vulnerable with one another especially Tim. Not only telling her he needs her to listen but sharing he CANNOT lose her. Basically laying any cards she didn’t already have from him on the table. So proud of him. He’s come so far and this scene shows it. I truly love the writers for how real they write them. Phew Lord this was a good ep.
Side notes-non Chenford
Angela calling Aaron from closet about a case hilarious. The entire ep trying to do stuff for her I was laughing so hard.
Also nice to see Celina go out with a nice guy. She deserves it.
Well the next one is the last one holy moly. Thank you forever and always to those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You all have made me so appreciated by doing so. I will see you all in the 5x22 :)
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renegadesstuff · 3 months
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She was more worried about him than about herself 🥺❤️
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Chenford Crumbs Per Episode:  Episode 5x21 Going Under
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piperholmes · 11 months
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54 notes · View notes
karihighman · 1 year
In other news, there are only TWO promo pics for The Rookie 5x21 “Going Under” ©️DGE Press / ABC. But yayyyy got UC Lucy!! 👏⬇️
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cookiescribble · 6 months
Doubling Up
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A/N: I was rewatching 5x21 and it gave me an idea to write this… I’ve never posted smut before so i hope it’s not bad 🫣 but i’m a sucker for only one bed tropes and i wanted to write something sweet. - mod angel
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: A shortage of rooms means the team has to share, which leads to Spencer and his coworker getting closer than they anticipated.
Word Count: 4.6k
CW: fluffy smut, virgin!spencer
“Looks like we’ll have to double up.”
Everyone in the room made a face. Private hotel rooms were usually silver linings after spending all day on a case. 
“I am not sleeping with Reid,” Derek said pointedly. Spencer furrowed his brows at the comment. 
I laughed softly as I walked over to him. I ruffled his hair lightly as I sat down on the couch next to him. “I’ll room with you if you want, Spence.”
He looked at me, the corners of his mouth turning up for a second. He nodded at me as he stood up, gathering his things. It was so faint I could’ve been imagining it, but I could swear I saw a light blush on his cheeks…
Everybody broke off into pairs and headed upstairs. Spencer followed behind me as we were shown to our room. I walked in and looked around, taking in the surroundings. The king sized bed in the middle of the room had extra pillows and blankets. It looked comfortable, at least. 
I set my bag down next to the dresser as Spencer sat gently on the end of the bed. He took a deep breath and set his hands on his legs, his fingers tapping his knees rhythmically.  He seemed… tense. 
I decided breaking the silence might ease his tension a bit. “Do you want to claim your part of the dresser? Or do you prefer using a closet?”
He looked at me, expression unreadable. “I usually hang my clothes in the closet, you can take the dresser if you want.”
I nodded at him and pointed to the go-bag by his feet. “You should probably start hanging up your clothes, then.”
He glanced down as if he hadn’t noticed his bag was there. “Oh. Yes, you’re right.” He stood up and carried his bag over to the closet opposite the dresser. He quickly began hanging up his collared shirts and started to empty the clothes in his bag. 
I turned around and focused on the dresser in front of me. I started unpacking the clothes from my bag, starting with stacking my pants in the bottom drawer. I opened the drawer above it for my shirts, stacking them neatly in rows. For the top drawer, I started unpacking my socks, underwear, and bras. 
As I was finishing filling up the drawer, I heard the shuffling behind me stop. As I was about to close the drawer, I turned to look behind me. Spencer was staring at the bras in the drawer I held open, a slight blush on his cheeks. I smirked at him as I lightly slammed the drawer shut, making him jump and turn back around quickly. I giggled quietly. I knew he was curious by nature, but this was something I didn’t know he would ever think about. 
I walked into the bathroom to store my toiletries bag under the sink. When I walked back into the room, Spencer was sitting on the end of the bed again, still looking tense. This time I thought about the look on his face as he was looking at my clothes in the drawer. I sat next to him gently. I seemed to startle him; he must’ve been deep in thought. 
He cleared his throat. “Do you have a preference of which side of the bed you like to sleep on?” he asked, struggling to look me in the eyes. 
I smiled warmly. “No, I don’t have a preference. Take whichever side you want.” He nodded at me and looked back down at his hands.
“Hey, Spence,” I spoke softly. “Can I ask you a question?” 
He looked up at me now. “Is there something about the case that’s bothering you?” he asked, starting to reach over to the nightstand where he stacked the files from the case. 
I grabbed his arm gently before he could pick them up. “No, it’s not about the case.”
He looked at me, startled, his eyes darting between my hand on his arm and my face. I let go of his arm. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I know you don’t like to be touched.“ I put my hand in my lap. “Was that okay?”
He swallowed. “No, it was okay. I don’t mind. I just… wasn’t expecting it.” He put his hands in his lap too, the blush on his cheeks growing. “What’s your question about?” 
I looked up at him sweetly. “It’s a… personal question. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” He nodded for me to continue. I took a deep breath, resting my hand on the bed between us.
“Spence, have you ever kissed a girl before?” I asked quietly.
His eyes widened. Whatever question he was expecting me to ask, this wasn’t it. 
“I- uh, yes. I have,” he stammered, eyes darting down quickly in embarrassment before looking at me again. “Why?”
I smiled softly. His shyness about the topic was endearing. “I’m just curious.” I lifted my hand and scooted slightly closer to him on the bed. He blushed harder, his face a bright pink now. His hair fell in front of his face as he looked down. It’s gotten so long lately, and it made him look very pretty. I reached out and pushed it behind his ear. He swallowed hard as he looked at me, sensing I had more to say. 
“Have you ever… done more than kiss a girl?” I asked sweetly. His eyes widened again. 
“I don’t, uh, wh-what do you mean?” he stuttered nervously. I giggled lightly. He was really cute when he was nervous. 
I reached my hand out to touch his arm, stopping and looking at him for permission before I did. He nodded once. I stroked his arm lightly, tracing circles on his skin with my thumb. “Have you ever… touched someone? Or been touched by someone?” 
He stared down at my hand, his eyes darting around for a second before shaking his head decisively. 
I leaned in closer to him. “Have you ever… thought about it?” I backed away for a moment. “I mean, not everyone wants to, and that’s okay too.”
He looked me in the eyes for a moment, almost pleadingly. He looked back down at my hand still on his arm. “I- I’ve-“ he cleared his throat again. “I have… thought about it, sometimes.” He looked at me and saw me nod for him to continue. “I’ve just never had anyone… close to me like that.” He looked back down. “No one who wanted to be close to me like that,” he added softly. 
I gave him a sympathetic look, but he was still looking down. I moved my hand off his arm to lift his chin to look at me. He gave me another pleading look. 
I leaned over and kissed his cheek gently. I stroked his hair and cupped his face. “Do you… want me to show you?” 
He took a ragged breath as he leaned closer to me, nodding lightly. My thumb stroked his cheek as I leaned in to kiss his lips softly. His body relaxed as he rested his hands on my waist, pulling me closer. I closed the space between us on the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck. His kiss was gentle but firm; he deepened the kiss as he cradled my face, his lips parting as I ran my tongue on his bottom lip. He tasted faintly of chapstick. Our tongues moved together effortlessly. I sighed contentedly; he was a really good kisser. 
I pulled away for a moment, holding his hand and motioning for him to scoot up on the bed. “Here, lay back” I said, guiding him to lay back against the headboard. He nodded and did what I said, moving the pillows aside and leaning back, relaxing his body. 
I ran my fingers through his hair, resting my forehead against his as I hitched my leg up so I was straddling his waist. “Okay?” I asked, cradling his face. He nodded eagerly and kissed me again, running his hands down my waist and resting them on my hips. I smiled into his lips. His excitement was palpable, his heart thrumming underneath me. My heart was also beating pretty fast. 
I ran my fingers down the side of his face and rested them on his shoulders. I broke the kiss to gently kiss down his cheek to his neck, pressing light kisses across his throat. A soft moan escaped his mouth before he bit down on his lip to stop himself. “Sorry” he whispered, embarrassed. 
I lifted my head and smiled, resting my forehead on his. “No need to apologize, sweetie. It’s a natural reaction. Don’t try to hide it.” I bent my head down to put my lips on his neck again. “That feels good, hmm?”
He threw his head back and sighed, nodding lightly. I reached my hands down to unbutton his shirt, planting kisses all down his neck as I did. I ran my tongue along his skin. He moaned again, louder this time. I giggled against his neck, my voice vibrating his skin lightly, making him giggle in return. I looked up to see his beautiful smile. I planted another kiss on his lips, smiling back. My fingers continued to move down his body as I finished unbuttoning his shirt. He shrugged it off his shoulders, tossing it aside before moving his hands back to my waist. 
He looked from my face to my torso, biting his lip as if he had a question he couldn’t ask. I took the hint and guided his hands under my shirt, reaching my hands above my head so he could lift it off me. He looked my body up and down for a moment when he was done, a look of wonder in his eyes. I smiled down at him and kissed his lips gently once. 
I nuzzled my face back into his neck, moving my lips and paying attention to what made his breath hitch. I kissed along his collarbone, running my tongue across, earning another soft moan. I kissed down his chest, his fingers lacing in my hair as I kissed his stomach. He giggled softly. 
I looked up at him and smiled. “Ticklish?” I asked teasingly, planting more quick kisses as he giggled louder. 
“M-maybe a little,” he let himself laugh a little louder as my fingers tapped along his stomach. 
I sat up and bumped noses with him. “You’re so cute,” I beamed at him before kissing his lips again. He hummed contentedly as our lips started moving in sync again. I reached down slowly to undo his belt. He stilled under me as I unbuttoned his pants and slid them off his hips. I lifted off of him for a moment so he could wiggle them off his long legs. 
Before I could lower myself back down, he reached down to unzip my jeans. I steadied myself on his chest as he pulled them down my body one leg at a time. 
When he finished, I lowered myself back down, stroking his hair softly. His gaze lingered over my body before meeting my eyes again. I leaned down and guided his hands to the clasp of my bra. His long fingers unhooked it quickly, briefly surprising me how easily he was able to get it off. 
He held his breath for a moment, looking up and down my body. He looked at me with those pleading eyes again, cupping my face. “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, stroking my cheek. 
A warm smile crept across my cheeks. I laced my fingers in his hair and kissed him slowly, softly. His hands started running up and down my back gently, his fingers leaving goosebumps wherever he touched. 
I moved my hips a little lower, joining them with his, causing him to moan again. Even through the underwear clinging to both of us, it felt electrifying. 
I grabbed his hands and guided them up my sternum, letting his fingers dance across my chest. I sighed dreamily as his fingers brushed against my sensitive skin. He smiled up at me as he realized he was making me feel as good as I made him feel. 
His fingers continued to move gingerly around my chest while I moaned softly above him. He suddenly stopped and his hands rested on my waist. I looked down at him quizzically, wondering why he stopped. 
He took a deep breath again, opening his mouth to speak. “Could I, uh… could you…” He cleared his throat, pointing down to the side of the bed. “Lay down?”
I nodded, swinging my legs over so I was kneeling next to him as he sat up, laying me down in the same spot he’d just been laying. 
Now he straddled my waist, our positions completely swapped from before. He leaned down to kiss me, pushing my hair back as he ran his tongue along my bottom lip. I smiled as I parted my lips and let our tongues intertwine again. I could feel him furrowing his brows in concentration as he pulled away to kiss down my face to my neck. I smiled. I guess he wanted to show me how fast a learner he was. 
His breath tickled my neck as his lips placed a gentle kiss. I sighed contentedly. His eyes darted up my face to make sure he was doing a good job. I responded by threading my fingers in his hair and stroking it gently, encouraging him. He swirled his tongue around my skin like I did on his. I moaned and leaned my head back, letting him continue to nip at my skin. I felt him smile at my noises of pleasure, pleased that he was the cause of them. 
He hovered over me, staying still for a moment. He took a deep breath and started kissing lower down my neck to my chest. I gasped as his fingers grazed my chest briefly before he used his lips instead. I moaned louder now, my hands tangled in his hair as his tongue swirled gently around the sensitive skin. He nipped and kissed slowly and gently, watching me as my face contorted in pleasure. I let out long, sighing sounds of pleasure, letting him know he was doing a good job. Did this really come so naturally to him? 
My head was spinning a little as I untangled my fingers from his hair to lift his chin and kiss him. I sighed into his lips as our kiss intensified. I touched his hand gently, guiding it down over my underwear between my legs. I bit my lip, my eyes fluttering closed at the pleasure I felt as his long fingers felt over the cloth. He took the waistband between his fingers, looking at me for permission. I nodded at him and he slowly pulled the underwear down my hips. I kicked them off as I heard his breath hitch. He looked down as I glistened underneath him. I took his hand and guided his fingers over the sensitive bundle of nerves. “Here,” I whispered in his ear. He nodded, his brows furrowing in concentration again. 
He moved his fingers in a circular motion, making me gasp in satisfaction. He kissed me again and I moaned into his mouth. He somehow knew exactly how to make me squirm underneath him. I cursed under my breath. How was he so good at this?
I broke the kiss suddenly. He looked at me for a second. I brushed my fingers across his lips. “Put your mouth where your fingers are,” I ordered, speaking softly in his ear. As he began kissing down my body I moved his fingers down slightly so he could start to push into me. 
His brows furrowed together again as he opened his mouth to let his tongue continue where his fingers left off. I let out a loud moan before biting my lip to quiet myself. The last thing I needed was for anyone to hear us. 
But it was hard to stop the sounds of bliss as his long fingers made their way inside, filling me as his tongue worked its magic on my skin. 
I threw my head back. “S-so good…” I sighed, tangling my fingers in his hair. I tapped his hand lightly. “Curl your fingers,” I instructed. He followed what I said. I sucked in a breath as the sensation hit me, making me a little dizzy. I pat his head lightly. “Good boy,” I praised, making him blush. 
He kept going, my fingers tightening in his hair as the pleasure built up. “Oh, sweetie,” I sighed after a few minutes. “I-I’m-“ The words stopped in my throat as waves of pleasure started hitting me. I bit down on my knuckle as the high continued to wash over me for a few more moments. I cursed under my breath again. 
When my body relaxed, he picked his head up to kiss me gently. I rested my forehead against his and laced his fingers with mine. “You’re sure you’ve never done this before?” I questioned. 
He let out a quiet laugh and nodded. “I’m sure.”
I smiled and shook my head. I tapped him lightly on the chest. “Lay down,” I insisted. He nodded and we switched positions again. 
I looked at him and bit my lip as I ran my fingers under the waistband of his boxers. He blushed, nodding for me to take them off. He lifted his legs up so I could pull them off of him. I looked down and blushed, my eyes widening a little automatically before I controlled my expression. 
I looked at him intensely as I positioned myself over him. “Ready?” I asked softly as I took his hands in mine, lacing our fingers together.
His pleading eyes looked up at me sweetly. “Yes,” he whispered back. He leaned up to kiss me gently before fully leaning back. 
I lowered myself onto him, causing us both to groan in pleasure. I hugged him and touched our foreheads together, taking a minute so I could adjust to him. I looked at him intensely again and he nodded at me to keep going. 
He whimpered under me as I started moving rhythmically, our hips meeting over and over. I grabbed his face and kissed him intensely to try to mask both of our panting. 
My hands moved to his shoulders, my fingernails digging into his skin as I gripped him tightly. He gasped a little at the sharpness of it. I loosened my fingers immediately. “S-sorry,” I whispered into his ear. He shook his head quickly, opening his mouth to dismiss my apology, but what came out instead was a loud moan. 
I giggled softly and kissed him again, my hips starting to move a little more erratically. I could feel him twitching inside of me, sensing his need for release. I moved his fingers back to where they were earlier and he moved them in fast circles. I quickly felt the pleasure building up again. I pushed his hair back and leaned down to whisper in his ear again, letting him know it was okay as I felt both of us coming together with a crescendo.  
I stilled my hips and relaxed my body against his as we both struggled to catch our breath. I kissed his forehead gently, then the tip of his nose, then his lips. I gave him a few sweet pecks before lifting off of him and laying down next to him. 
He took a minute to come back down before looking at me with those sweet eyes of his. “That was…” he trailed off, trying to find the words to describe the ecstasy he was feeling right now. 
I smiled sweetly. “Good?” I offered as the end to his sentence. 
He laughed softly. “I don’t think that word is enough, but… yes.” He looked at me lovingly and stroked my hair. 
I pecked his lips again lightly. “You’re sure that was your first time doing that?” I inquired again, giggling. 
He nodded. “Why do you keep asking that?” 
I laughed and shook my head. “I guess you really are a genius, huh?” I lightly poked the tip of his nose. He smiled back at me before kissing me again gently. 
I rest my head against his chest, his heart still thrumming intensely. His hands stroked my back as we lay there for what felt like forever. I could have stayed there forever, in that intimate moment with him, our hearts beating together as we lay skin-to-skin.
Finally, I sat up slowly. “Okay, pretty boy, I have to go take a shower now.” I pointed at the pajamas he laid out on the nightstand at the beginning of the night. “You should get dressed too. We have an early day tomorrow.” 
Before I could leave the bed, he kissed my cheek sweetly. “Yes, ma’am,” he said jokingly before sitting up and grabbing his clothes to get dressed. I smiled as I closed the bathroom door behind me. I had a feeling we were both going to sleep well tonight. 
. . .
Breakfast with the team the next day felt… off, for some reason. Everyone was acting a little differently than usual. 
I brought my breakfast over to sit at the table with the rest of the girls. They all looked at me as if they were trying not to smirk. 
“Slept well?” JJ asked, a hint of teasing in her voice.
I bit my lip, fighting back a smile. “I did,” I responded nonchalantly, “what about you?”
“Oh, it was alright. I have no complaints.” She paused for a second, looking at the other girls mischievously before continuing. “Except maybe that the walls are a little thin.”
I blushed, laughing awkwardly along with them. “So I guess you heard-“
“Loud and clear,” Penelope finished for me, everyone breaking out in a giggle. 
I glanced over at Spencer, who was sitting over with the rest of the guys. He met my eyes, sensing I was getting the same treatment from the team that he was getting. I smiled as I saw his beet red face. I could tell he was embarrassed. I couldn’t hear the conversation at their table from here but I could see Derek laughing and shaking his head at him. Okay? I mouthed at him. 
He sighed, defeated, as a response, turning back around to the other people at his table. I smiled and shook my head. “We’re never going to hear the end of this, are we?”
“Nope,” the girls at the table chimed in. I could sense a long day ahead of me as they all asked me questions about my night. 
“How did that even happen?” JJ asked.
I smiled. “He was… curious. So I gave him a little lesson.”
“You were really loud giving that lesson,” Emily scoffed. “Was it really that… informative? He really learns that fast?”
I laughed. “Yeah, he wasn’t kidding about the genius thing.” I shook my head. “He really is a natural at everything, huh?”
Everyone mouthed a surprised “wow.” They seemed like they were a little curious, but also that they didn’t want to think too much about it. 
I saw files start to be spread around the other table. Everyone tried to put their professional faces on as our workday began. 
. . .
At the end of the day, Spencer and I came back to our room. The case was all finished, so we packed our things so we could meet everyone on the jet in a few hours. 
Spencer had been acting awkwardly around me all day. It didn’t help that several people on the team couldn’t help snickering at us whenever we were together. 
 After I packed all my things, I sat at the end of the bed. I let Spencer finish getting all his things together before I patted the space next to me, motioning for him to sit down. He obliged and sat next to me, lacing his fingers together and staring at them. 
“Spence?” I reached my hand out to tilt his chin toward me. He looked at me questioningly. 
I let my hand drop between us. “Do you… do you regret what we did last night?”
A look of shock spread across his face. “What? No, not at all,” he answered quickly. “Why?”
I let out a breath. “You just seemed to avoid me today. I was worried I rushed you into something you weren’t ready for.”
He shook his head. “Trust me, I don’t regret anything that happened.” He reached out to cup my cheek. “I just… didn’t know how to act in front of everyone else. I was embarrassed that everyone else knew what happened.” 
I smiled at him, kissing the palm of his hand that was right next to my mouth. He smiled back at me. 
“I guess my only concern is… I don’t know where we stand after this.” He looked at me expectantly. 
I smiled, reaching out to tap his nose lightly. “How about, when we get home, you take me out to dinner?”
He smiled widely at my show of affection. “I feel like we did this out of order,” he remarked. 
I laughed once and shrugged. “Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself.” I reached up to push his hair out of his face. “I could tell you were curious… and you looked so sweet when you were all nervous.” I stroked his hair gently. “Plus, I know how to make a guy feel less tense. And I could tell you needed it.” I laughed lightly. 
He ran his fingers up my arm gently before speaking softly. “Have you… done that a lot before?” 
I shook my head slowly. “Not really. And definitely not like we did.” I moved closer to him so I could wrap my arms around his shoulders. “I was never treated so nicely,” I said quietly, resting my head on his shoulder. 
He ran his fingers through my hair and rested his head on top of mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. 
I looked up at him and gently traced his cheek with my finger. “I… wanted to make sure that your first time would be with someone who cares about you.” I looked down sadly and laced his fingers with mine. “I wanted you to feel like you’re loved, and not just…” I trailed off, not sure how to finish the sentence. “The experiences I’ve had… they weren’t bad… but they weren’t good either. I never felt like anyone really cared about me.” 
I looked back up at him, his big eyes looking at me intensely. I smiled softly. “And then I saw the way you look at me… like I’m the only person in the world who matters.” I reached up to touch his face. “And it made me feel like, finally there was someone who cared about me for more than… what I could do for them.” I pushed his hair out of his face. “And I knew that this would be good for both of us.”
He cupped my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb. “I care about you, y’know?” he spoke softly. “I’m sorry you weren’t treated very well in the past.” He looked at me with sad eyes. “I… would treat you better than that.” 
I smiled and touched my forehead to his. “I know you would.” I kissed his cheek gently. “And I know you’re going to. We’re gonna do things right when we get home.”
We were interrupted by a knock on the door, signaling it was time to get on the jet. We both stood up so we could walk out the door, hand in hand, ready to go home and start this new chapter together.
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queseraone · 3 months
Leading up to Season 6, your top 5 Chenford episodes so far—
(Yes they need to be in order. Honorable mentions are also acceptable 😉)
Wow, you really chose violence with this one...
I very much didn't just spend half of my work day spiraling and struggling to answer this. Ahhhhhh!!!! To a certain extent, it's easy. My top two? No problem. BUT THE REST???? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!!?
Okay, here I go. Wait I lied, first I'm going to explain my ranking a bit. One of the big distinguishing factors for me between the top 5 and the honorable mentions is scenes vs. overall episode. Some of the mentions include one AMAZING scene, but that alone doesn't merit a top spot for me.
I don't know, this was insanely hard. Ask me again tomorrow and some of these will probably change, but as of this moment, I'm going with—
Top Five Episodes:
Day of Death (2x11) - Do I really need to explain this one? This episode was everything. Perfect. Fantastic. Emotional. Intense. Beautifully acted and shot and scored. Truly one of my favourite episodes of TV ever. HE PULLED HER OUT OF THE FUCKING GROUND PEOPLE.
Double Down (5x01) - I am obsessed with this episode. OBSESSED. Lucy dreamed about their kiss! The conversations with Angela and Tamara (and the teasing)! How damn easy it is for them to touch and flirt and ahhhhh! Tim grabbing Lucy's hand when they find out Rosalind escaped! I REPEAT: TIM GRABBING LUCY'S HAND WHEN THEY FIND OUT ROSALIND ESCAPED!!!!! THE AIRPLANE BATHROOM!!!!!!!! *screams like a banshee* So hot, so unnecessary, so amazing. Battle couple! "Do you want to come in?" DO YOU TIMOTHY????? "I shouldn't." THAT IS NOT A NO MY FRIEND. SHE OPENED THE DOOR FOR HIM AND HE FOLLOWED HER IN UJAELGFJMAWELGHEAILKFGELAWGHEWAILGEWALR
Life and Death (4x01) - That damn hug at his place, ugh. SHE IS WEARING HIS CLOTHES! SHE WAS GOING TO HIS ROOM! The total married vibes when he's in Guatemala. It's delightful (bonus honorable mention for Tim's Guatemala Look, mmhmmm).
Now and Then (2x12) - The scene at the end, of course, but also for their individual stories (seeing Lucy grappling with the aftermath of it all, Tim's concern, the way he sets his ego aside and concedes to let Harper train Lucy) and the way they come together in some interactions with Abigail, "you got a time machine?" "I wish I did."
Going Under (5x21) - I loved the UC aspect, the phone calls that, let's be real, are straight out of a romantic comedy, the laundry room, seeing their concern for each other, Lucy being a badass, Tim's vulnerability, "I can't lose you the way I lost her" — all of it.
Please note that I honestly swapped a few of these in and out of the top five approximately 2194725 times before hitting post. (I still can't believe you did this to me.)
Honorable Mentions (in chronological order):
Season 1:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1x03) - I feel like this episode maybe isn't a popular choice for "favourite Chenford episodes," but I've always included it on my list. The scene(s) outside Isabel's apartment are so powerful. The way Lucy stands up to Tim, doesn't back down, goes into the apartment, and then the conversation they have in the shop after. The vulnerability of Tim opening up about Isabel, the way he blames himself for letting it get so far - and more importantly, the way Lucy senses what he needs and throws him a bone ("her apartment is pretty decent"). I just love the support shown in this episode.
The Hawke (1x06) - I love the way we're actually seeing Tim teaching Lucy things (D.E.A.R. Method, etc.), and the way he smacks Eye Patch upside the head for staring at Lucy's ass? And of course the money clip thing at the end. The way Tim tries so damn hard to be annoyed with her, but he can't hide the amusement on his face.
Standoff (1x09) - I love this episode so much. The teamwork they display in that apartment?? Obsessed with this battle couple.
Redwood (1x11) - "Thanks." "For what, doing my job?"
Plain Clothes Day (1x14) - Mostly for the sheer hotness of Tim Bradford in plain clothes (rolling up his sleeves? HELP), but I absolutely love how he refuses to let her wash out over her actions with that murderous asshole.
Free Fall (1x20) - Separated by a wall??? AHHHHHH
Season 2:
The Night General (2x02) - AUDIOBOOK, enough said.
The Bet (2x03) - They did not need to stand so close together, but I thank them for it. Seriously they were so damn flirty.
Control (2x17) - Their conversation during the stakeout is easily one of my favourite scenes ever. The way she reassures him and herself that it wasn't either of their fault? MY HEART. And then the delightful bits of humour that throw in some much-needed levity. I can honestly see his face and hear his voice saying "Hello." when he's calling her out over the fake call with Rachel. It's just a wonderful showcase of their dynamic.
Season 3:
Revelations (3x06) - Love seeing the starting point of Lucy be a total badass UC officer. And equally love seeing Tim's reaction to it. He acts the same way he did when Isabel was going in as a CI. Let me just repeat that - he acts the same about his rookie going undercover as he did about his wife being an informant. HELLO?
Amber (3x09) - The whole "I have feelings for you" scene? I would have lost it if I watched live back then, but I absolutely die laughing at it. Eric killed it with his reaction, pure gold. And just the general dynamic of their last shift, particularly Lucy with her checklist and knowing Tim will throw it out. THEY KNOW EACH OTHER SO WELL (too well).
Threshold (3x14) - Tim in a tux! The green dress! THE ELEVATOR EYES!! "Save me a dance." HELPPPPPPPPP
Season 4:
Breakdown (4x09) - Eric acted the hell out of this episode, and it was wonderful (in a super depressing way) to peek into Tim's background a bit more. The way he trusts her with this case, and more importantly, the way he feels safe enough with Lucy to be vulnerable with her! "You're nothing like him." *sobs forever*
Backstabbers (4x18) - DANCE DANCE DANCE
Day in the Hole (4x22) - This episode is absolutely absurd. Doppelgängers? REALLY? But it got these fools to kiss so victory to 4x22! The scene in Lucy's apartment is pure gold, from Tim's broken brain to them kissing (obviously), to the awkwardness when Tamara catches them, to the look on Tim's face in the hallway.
Season 5:
The List (5x10) - The cold open of them getting ready for their date was a perfect showcase of their dynamic and their relationship. Trying on everything in their closets? The best friend energy of calling each other? Tim's face when she mentions the green dress?!?!?! It's absolute perfection. And then their first real date was so perfectly them!
Death Notice (5x12) - "This is the most amazing relationship I've been in since... ever" !!!!!!!!!!!! The hands outside the precinct. THE HANDSSSS!!! Their last shift riding together. Battle couple! LUCY LESSONS. "It's you." And, duh, THEY BANG!
Under Siege (5x22) - BATTLE COUPLE!!!!! And that hug/forehead kiss. The fact that we see over and over how these two strong people let themselves be vulnerable around each other, how they are each other's safe place. I am forever not okay.
What are YOUR top episodes?? I love talking about this stuff, and to be honest, I actually surprised myself with some of my choices!
Okay, hitting post before I change my mind again...
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chenfordspiral · 7 months
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Tim and Lucy in every episode of The Rookie 5x21 || Going Under "I can't lose you the way I lost her."
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terrainofheartfelt · 8 months
Dair + 9
Dair + 9 …in public.
(because they did in fact go to Rome bc the show ended at 5x21 right)
After years of living under a microscope, being in Rome feels like hiding in plain sight. 
In the mornings and afternoons when Dan is in session, she goes to historical sites alone, walks up and down the Via del corso, lets the crowds of tourists and Romans and countrymen ebb and flow around her, and enjoys how little it all matters. 
Back at home, even months removed from the royal divorce, Blair felt like she couldn’t walk outside without looking over her shoulder. Here, no one cares that she’s a divorcee, a failed princess, a college dropout or a national embarrassment. Here, Romans only care if her fashion game is up to snuff, which it always is. 
In the evenings, she retrieves Dan from whatever hole he’d written himself into over the course of the day and steers him to one of the restaurants in her spreadsheet. She's been very methodical, starting at the villa where they were staying and systematically moving counterclockwise around the city. 
Tonight, they’re at an outdoor table in the Piazza Navona. The square is crawling with tourists of every kind, from the earnest history pilgrim to the apathetic phone photographer, but Blair forgets to be aware of them, because Dan is trying to make a point about another institute attendant’s painting technique and Blair is busy formulating her rebuke. 
The cramped patio dining room has them seated more side-by-side to each other than across, so while Dan is talking with his left hand, it feels perfectly natural for Blair to take hold of his right. 
He tenses for a second, but knows she notices, his mouth quirking up in a crooked, apologetic smile. 
“You okay?” she asks. No use avoiding it now. Plus, something about Rome makes everything less avoidable. Or at least, less daunting to address. 
Dan’s smile stays, and he moves his hand to lace their fingers together. “Not used to being without an audience, I guess.” 
Blair nods, a small knot of guilt twisting in her gut. She had laid down so many rules when they got together, twisted and constrained first by her marriage, then by not wanting to rub anything in Serena’s face. It didn’t help that Gossip Girl seemed to find them anytime either of them went outdoors, especially with each other. 
Dan went along with it all, because he wanted her more than he wanted to control her—a nice change—but Dan is not suited for the clandestine. Utterly indiscreet, he doesn’t know how to be and act any way other than he already is, and Blair does not want to make him. 
And here, in this city, she doesn’t have to. 
She meets his eye, then leans into him slowly, letting her lips land on his jaw, then his chin, before kissing his lips, not knowing nor caring who saw them. In their own world. Hiding in plain sight. 
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
The Rookie Reviews Season's 1-5 Master List. Will be Pinned To Blog for Easy Access. S6 To Be Added This Summer.
Top Eps Listed Season's-1-4 Made a ranking list my fave eps for an ask. Wanted to include in this list.
Started: 5/13/23
Last Updated : 02/13/24
Works: 98
Season 1
1x02-Crash Course
1x03-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
1x04-The Switch
1x05-The Roundup
1x06-The Hawke
1x07-The Ride Along
1x08-Time Of Death
1x10-Flesh and Blood
1x13-Caught Stealing
1x14-Plain Clothes Day
1x17-The Shakeup
Season 2
2x02-The Night General
2x03-The Bet
2x04-Warriors and Guardians
2x05-Tough Love
2x08-Clean Cut
2x09-Breaking Point
2x10-The Dark Side
2x11-Day Of Death
2x12 Now and Then
2x13-Follow Up Day
2x15-Hand Off
2x16-The Overnight
2x18-Under The Gun
2x19-The Q Word
2x20-The Hunt
Season 3
3x07-True Crime
3x08-Bad Blood
3x10-Man Of Honor
3x11-New Blood
3x12-Brave Heart
3x13-Triple Duty
Season 4
4x01-Life and Death
4x02-Five Minutes
4x03-In the Line Of Fire
4x04-Red Hot
4x06-Poetic Justice
4x07-Fire Fight
4x08-Hit and Run
4x10-Heart Beat
4x11-End Game
4x12-The Knock
4x13-Fight or Flight
4x14-Long Shot
4x15-Hit List
4x16-Real Crime
4x21-Mother's Day
4x22-Day In The Hole
Season 5
5x01-Double Down
5x02-Labor Day
5x03-Dye Hard
5x04-The Choice
5x05-The Fugitive
5x06-The Reckoning
5x08-The Collar
5x09-Take Back
5x10-The List
5x11-The Naked and The Dead
5x12-Death Notice
5x13-Daddy Cop
5x14-Death Sentence
5x15-The Con
5x17-The Enemy Within
5x18-Double Trouble
5x19-A Hole in the World
5x21-Going Under
5x22-Under Siege
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renegadesstuff · 3 months
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dailyspnpolls · 1 year
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I wish I had more spaces, because I got some great suggestions in the notes of this poll, but unfortunately 3 had to go... If more than one of you mentioned it, it got automatically added to the list, otherwise I went back to IMDb to rank what was left.
I do read every single one of your tags and replies, and am really enjoying seeing all your passion even when I don't agree. Keep it coming! The best way to get a wide view of the fandom is if the whole fandom gets to participate.
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saptaincwan · 8 months
Top 5 Captain Swan scenes? <3
YAYYY they honestly have SO many great scenes and my personal ranking changes a bunch depending on mood so here goes, in no particular order except for #1!
(under cut bc it got long lolll)
underworld goodbye
liam's ring
5x21 reunion
tallahassee bandaging scene
"im going to choose to see the best in you"
,, and i'll sneak in. proposal #2
so without further ado,
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i wrote something long and insane about this but tumblr deleted it and i couldnt ctrl+z it back this is so sad. lemme try again
this felt like a climax of sorts in not only their relationship, but their character arcs. jen and colin's absolutely stellar acting here only supported that.
i specially think this scene is so poignant because of the whole arc leading to this moment. further by this episode's theme. and most importantly because of the scene directly before this one: "you're holding on too tight-- let go"
emma is finally able to let go, and to keep accepting others' love in her life. she loves killian too much not to. in turn the same goes for killian: he loves emma too much not to move on to a better place. this is peak "they made each other better" exemplified.
the juxtaposition of them desperately holding on to each other just one last time. finally getting to say goodbye. and of, at the same time, saying goodbye forever. peak romantic cinema!!
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LIAM'S RING!!! see i love this scene i love camelot cs the aesthetics are peak.
but i love this because it's one of the few scenes in which they get to say i love you in a more "relaxed" way. as in. they're not about to die in the next 2 secs LOL. and emma looks just. so HAPPY here. definitely one her biggest, most sincere smiles in the show i think
this coupled with killian sharing a bit of his past, and in a way bringing "together" his love for liam with his love for emma. aaaAAAA
also emma's disappointed face at him not proposing honestly what's NOT to love
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WHAT CAN I SAY. that hasn't already been said omg
i think this is a beautiful resolution to cs's s5 romantic arc. i talked a bit about this earlier today but-- after everything was said and done. after they loved each other SO much. fate itself saw that. they saw that, they saw how they were separated!!
they saw how they did everything to be together and then how they loved each other enough to let go! and so the rules of force and nature and life itself bent themselves backwards to let them be.
not because they were meant to. but because they weren't!! but the world and each other were so much better with them by each others' side that it let them have this.
how many romances can i say that about LIKE cs is in a whole different league of their own and it drives me insane
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i like this bc after acquiring media literacy this is the moment i think. in which it becomes obvious cs will be canon 😭
but mainly ALSOOOO bc i believe this to be the first moment in which emma really connected with killian. a follow up of them hiking the beanstalk!
bc you see, going up, he understood her. he got under her skin, and that can get one uneasy enough. but here? he is just like her. it casts his understanding of her into a new light! he knows that not only has she suffered loss, but saw his own mirrored in her.
i think this is the scene that sets up the rest of the ep, and most importantly, emma's betrayal at the end. he sees her. and she knows that. and she sees him! and he knows it too!
how far can things go, if she allows it? so it ends: she doesn't. and this!! ^^^ this is why!
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WE DON'T TALK ENOUGH ABOUT THIS SCENE I THINKKKK because once they're together fr, i think this is one of the first few larger hurdles they face as a couple.
killian is still majorly processing his shame in regards to his past and it really comes to smack him in person. and they hadn't dealt with that! (onscreen at least)
and it's one thing knowing someone trusts you but it's another to put that in a real situation which requires that trust. and emma gives it so freely. they are talking about this.and we get to see that!
this is such a normal issue that i think takes place eventually for Every couple ever. it goes a bit beyond trust even. it's about knowing they can rely on each other when things get tough.
i really strongly think love is about, and is, a choice. there are rough patches and there are issues, minor and major, but ultimately you made the choice to be there for this person and support them, and in turn, you have the absolute reassurance they'll do the same for you. i've always known this to be a sure thing for cs but i just really like getting to see a scene directly addressing that. i love that we got it
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i sneaked this scene so no major thoughts but i think we all love this ep and this scene and why. personal fav s6 ep actually
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strideofpride · 1 year
i mean… i’d argue that serena’s whole ass “get him drunk and isolated and convince him blair’s already left him and i’m the only one whose ever really loved him so i can trick him into making a sex tape to use against blair” scheme is decent evidence that dan wouldn’t, under ordinary circumstances, just fall into bed with serena - she had to socially engineer an entire situation to make that happen. while dan and blair would definitely have to take time to rebuild trust, i also don’t think that what happened in 5x24 indicated that dan didn’t trust blair or that blair “did him dirty” throughout their overall relationship - it was more a case of a fairly new relationship being suddenly put under a massive amount of stress that it couldn’t yet withstand. absent the unexpected resurrection of bart bass and all that came with it, i don’t think there’s anything to suggest that they wouldn’t have worked through their issues the same way they had been in 5x18-5x21.
I mean I’ve never once said that Dan and Blair couldn’t work out their issues? Just that they do have issues they need to work out.
And yes, I agree that Dan wouldn’t cheat on Blair if the circumstances had been different and Serena hadn’t manipulated him into it. But I don’t think Serena had to create fake trust issues, she just had to play into them. Like Blair was blowing off Dan to go help Chuck (which I don’t think she was doing cause she was in love with Chuck btw - I think she just felt responsible for Chuck and his moods) and Serena was right, she was with Chuck that night. But I do also agree that Bart was the catalyst for that and in an AU where he didn’t come back, Blair and Chuck probably would’ve never gotten back together, especially since Blair had already rejected Chuck for Dan and told Dan as much (I told him he didn’t have my heart anymore it belongs to someone else)
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promosbrasil · 1 year
The Rookie 5x21 Promo “Going Under” 
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queseraone · 2 months
What are your top 5 favourite vulnerable moments for Tim? 😊
Oooh! (Why do I start every one of these answers with that hahaha)
1. Breakdown (4x09) - As if I could write this list and not include this episode (and this moment in particular). This is hands-down the most vulnerable we've ever seen him, and as painful as it is, it's so powerful and says so much about his character and his growth. We've heard him make offhand comments about his childhood before, but this episode (and parts of the previous one to a certain extent) really shines a light on his past. We see behind the armour, and in the scene with Lucy in the hallway, we see everything he's been carrying, and it's so important to his development.
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2. Control (2x17) - This scene, the look on his face here?? I can't. I love that they carried the DOD arc over so many episodes, and this was such a great opportunity to show Tim's struggle in the aftermath. This man carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, blaming himself for something that was absolutely not his fault. And the fact that he voices this in what's initially a lighthearted conversation speaks volumes. Oof ouchie.
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3. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1x03) - This man tries to hide his pain and put on a brave face in an incredibly dark period of his life. And without Lucy there to break down his walls, we probably wouldn't have seen this vulnerability. She stands up to him, calls him on his shit in a way that makes him feel like he can open up. He shares a hard and painful truth with her, and then just as quickly he puts the walls back up. And the way this scene is shot, the way we don't actually get them looking at each other? An incredible visual.
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4. Going Under (5x21) - Look at Tim using his words. This is such a different side of him from the Tim of earlier seasons who pushed things down. And yes, we know he's very much still suppressing his feelings about Lucy going undercover, but the growth????? He's unbelievably vulnerable here.
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5. The Collar (5x08) - Okay, look, there are so many other moments I could include, but I wanted some happier vulnerability, because it hurts my heart looking at the pain on his face in so many of these moments. So I'm including this moment. The pause, the deep breath, the way he puts it all out there... ahhhh
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