#and don’t come with the 'but she was abused shit' it doesn’t excuse being a shitty character
ilikekidsshows · 11 hours
Could I ask for your thoughts on Kuro Neko the episode as a whole? It's actually kind of my final straw, so I wanted to ask for your perspective on it.
I haven’t actually seen Kuro Neko in its entirety, and I have no intention to. This episode repels me. Everything I’ve learned about this episode has just made me want to avoid it more. I’ve read the transcript and I suffered every moment of it. I heard the first episodes of season 5 were good and thought to myself: “God, I hope season 5 doesn’t actually fix season 4 because then I’ll have to watch Kuro Neko to catch up.”
Kuro Neko is like Reflekdoll all over again, when the characters come away with the worst possible lessons. In Reflekdoll, Adrien learns that he should never try to be Ladybug and he can’t handle responsibility, while Marinette learns Cat Noir really does just goof off all the time and that’s his “role”. In Kuro Neko, Adrien and Marinette both learn the same lesson that his feelings don’t matter because Ladybug will always have more important things to worry about than his emotional state and he should just be her emotional support dispenser.
Basically, Kuro Neko has Marinette at her most self-centered in the entire show, and she’s downright selfish in it. That by itself wouldn’t be an issue if this wasn’t the retool and Marinette wasn’t Astruc’s imaginary daughter and therefore the “person” this world was made for. The thing is, the episode doesn’t have Marinette learn a lesson about valuing other people and their opinions, like any other cartoon protagonist would have in this scenario, no no no, the episode instead vindicates her.
Kuro Neko has Marinette chase away her partner with her unjustified negative attitude towards him, and she doesn’t regret it once. Instead the episode makes excuses for how she’s under so much pressure and Cat Noir should be grateful Ladybug considers him a useful tool. It’s basically the New York Special all over again. Marinette is in the wrong, but she’s under so much pressure guys, that Cat Noir should accept whatever mistreatment he receives because doing otherwise would be mean to poor Marinette.
Hot take: Marinette deserved to lose her partner in the New York Special and she deserved to lose him in Kuro Neko. Her actions directly lead to him leaving for completely justified reasons, and Marinette never apologizes. It would have been better for Adrien if he didn’t come back, so yeah, I don’t think “Marinette deserves to lose Cat Noir as a partner” is as extreme of a take as I was convinced it was when I first saw the special. Because Marinette keeps pulling this shit and never reflects or improves on her behavior.
Here’s what Kuro Neko tells me: Ladybug doesn’t actually care about Cat Noir as a person, but Cat Noir should still be grateful that he gets a spot on the team working for a leader who constantly abuses her power over him.
This fandom loves to rag on Adrien for being suicidal, because Cat Noir throwing himself in the path of an enemy’s attack to save Ladybug upsets Marinette, but, here’s the thing: LADYBUG DOES IT TOO. LADYBUG HAS PUSHED CAT NOIR INTO AN ENEMY’S WEAPON BECAUSE THAT WAS PART OF HER PLAN IN ‘BACKWARDER’ AND THE FANDOM SLEEPS ON THAT. Marinette’s plans often revolve around Cat Noir being in danger or compromised and the fandom dares to blame him for thinking his life doesn’t matter when that’s what his partner tells him with her actions constantly.
Kuro Neko is just more of that. Cat Noir quitting didn’t come from nowhere. There were warning signs of him missing fights and so on, but Marinette can’t be arsed to spare a single thought to what might be going on with her partner. She just thinks he should be happy he’s getting a break, because being a superhero is so much hard work, projecting her own thoughts and feelings onto him instead of asking. Marinette never asks when it comes to Cat Noir, she just assumes and demands.
She thinks Kuro Neko is Cat Noir, which is equal parts frustrating and hilarious when it’s paired together with her insisting time and time again that she knows Cat Noir so well in this episode. And it’s the episode where she fails to recognize him twice and misconstrues his issues to be about the fact that he can’t handle being one-sidedly in love with her. But, like, here comes the really asinine part; despite all these facts being provably incorrect, the episode still doesn’t make Marinette learn she’s incorrect. It really is Reflekdoll, but worse.
The only time Marinette apologizes in this episode is when she thinks Cat Noir was Akumatized, and it was for “not seeing how broken-hearted he was”, not for actively pushing him away. When Cat Noir comes back, she instead gives him the silent treatment until he says his justified anger at her was just “her kitty being temperamental”, invalidating his own feelings. Sure, Cat Walker, and therefore Cat Noir, heard those apologies, but Marinette doesn’t know that. Somewhere between realizing Kuro Neko isn’t Cat Noir and seeing Cat Noir again, she decided she had done nothing wrong that warranted an apology. And the thing that did it: the person she hurt coddling her through her pity party.
When Marinette realizes that Cat Noir is still missing and not Kuro Neko, in true Marinette fashion, she makes it about herself. “I must be the worst Guardian ever!” she bemoans when she should be putting together a plan. Hell, even a decision to do better by Cat Noir. But no, our solution-oriented protagonist couldn’t possibly make a plan to find and apologize to Cat Noir (maybe even do away with the “no revealing identities” rule so that this can’t happen again), she’s too busy bitching and moaning about how hard she’s having it. The only thing that gets her out of her funk is the new guy, who she thinks she’s just met, calling her faithful former partner “too emotional” and swearing servitude to her and her altar of the most important problems in the world. And the reason the episode is written like this? It’s because the writers don’t think she needs to apologize and do better in the future. Of course they’re not having her come to the conclusion that she needs to fix something, because they don’t think she does.
“You take care of everybody equally, Ladybug. Now I want to take care of you,” Cat Walker says, to absolve Ladybug of any guilt. The reality, though, is completely different. Cat Noir has always supported Ladybug. The reason he quit was because Ladybug made it abundantly clear she didn’t want or need his support anymore. And he’s made to come back to her, saying he hasn’t done enough? HE COMFORTS LADYBUG THROUGH AN EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN AT LEAST ONCE PER SEASON. HE DOES SO FUCKING MUCH AND HE’S FORCED TO SAY HIS EMOTIONS ARE “MAKING TROUBLE” FOR LADYBUG WHILE HIS SELFISH, SELF-CENTERED PARTNER WHO DOESN’T TREAT HIM AS A PERSON GIVES HIM THE SILENT TREATMENT, ONLY FACING HIM WHEN HE MAKES LIGHT OF HIS OWN EMOTIONS SO THAT SHE DOESN’T HAVE TO APOLOGIZE FOR ACTING LIKE A JERK.
“You treat everybody equally” my ass. The day she starts treating Cat Noir like a person, then we can talk. Before that point, she’s a selfish, entitled jerk and Cat Noir deserves better.
The Fae Cat Noir Interpretation was supposed to reflect a flaw of Marinette’s, that Marinette never thinking about Cat Noir as a human being with emotions and problems was something she’d need to grow out of. Except that she doesn’t. Instead the show agrees with her and makes excuses for her. Adrien isn’t even human, he literally is made a “perfect” fae being that Marinette can treat however she wants and he will never complain and he will be in the wrong if he tries to leave.
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prodogg · 1 year
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Can’t even speak your daughters name, please just spare me the false pretense, it’s sickening Heuchlerisch/Scheinheilig . Why "care" suddenly now hours later after she could be dead in some jungle but not right then and there when you still were at Hiraa and got your memories back…. okay vent over it continuous in the tags
Edit: Since people like to miss the point here, the writing decision of making Ursa suddenly care out of nowhere without showing any interest or care after getting her face in Hiraa for Azula or Zuko’s face is just very shallow to me, they can tell me all they want how Zuko searched, and apparently Ursa "helped". Her reaction upon seeing them for the first time again told me everything I as reader have to know. Then, seeing her crying on the boat is like a slap since it’s then feels very shallow, especially since she can’t even name Azula by name and says the "other" one.
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Can you do poly!marauders where reader has kinda a shitty family? Like, where their family belittles them and insults them and gets mad over them existing so whe reader is back at hogwarts the next year she's as fragile as a china shop uncomfortablely close to a bull farm??
Only do it if your comfortable with it <3
Make sure to take care of yourself and remeber you are loved <3 <3
Thanks for requesting, love you and hope you're taking care of yourself as well <3
cw: hints at emotional abuse
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
You’re quiet, all of a sudden. The distance over the last few months had been rough for all of you, gone to your separate homes for the summer, but Remus is beginning to suspect it was most difficult for you; you can’t seem to find your way back to them. It’s like you’ve constructed a shell around yourself over the short three months you’ve been apart, and none of James’ loving, Sirius’ teasing, or Remus’ offerings of a study companion have proved successful in drawing you back out. 
He’s sure you think you’re being subtle. You certainly haven’t addressed your boyfriends’ worries, either missing or ignoring the looks they send each other when you don’t jump in on a joke they’re doing or answer in a quiet, meek voice when they ask you a question. It’s as if you’re afraid of being heard, of being noticed at all. 
Remus doesn’t like it one bit. 
Neither do the others, of course, and he and James have had to talk Sirius down from confronting you about it multiple times already in the week since you’ve been back. You seem…fragile, somehow, and Remus doesn’t think pushing you will get the results they all want. James seems to think you’ll come back to them on your own if they give you time, and Remus isn’t so sure, but it’s the plan he’s rolling with for now. 
Still, he doesn’t think it’s out of line to intervene when he catches you carrying a stack of books that has to be half your weight. Last year, he’s positive you would have asked for help, but now you only grunt quietly as the stack wobbles above your head. 
“Let me take some of those for you,” Remus offers, already standing, and you flinch as if your distracting him from his homework is a punishable offense. The stack teeters dangerously with your sudden movement. 
“That’s okay,” you squeak, leaning back a bit in an attempt to get your tower of books under control. You look timid, wide-eyed like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar, afraid of getting in trouble. “You can sit back down, I’ve—” You don’t even get the chance to finish your excuse before the books topple, scattering about. Remus flinches internally when some fall down on your head, and another sends an empty glass on the edge of the coffee table crashing to the ground. 
You cover your mouth with your hand, staring in silent horror at the mess around you. 
James and Sirius, playing cards on the other side of the coffee table, look up at the commotion. 
“Shit,” Sirius says (a rather eloquent sum-up in Remus’ opinion). “Are you okay?”
“I’m so sorry,” you breathe, crouching and beginning to gather the broken glass in your hands.  “I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I did that.” 
“Don’t—be careful,” Remus starts to say, but then you lose your balance, stepping backwards just slightly and letting out a tiny hiss. 
Remus stands, but James gets to you first, careful to keep away from the broken glass himself as he lifts you clear of the debris and deposits you onto the couch. 
“I’m sorry,” you say again, impossibly quiet. You’re looking between your boyfriends as if unsure what they want you to do. 
“Angel, it’s okay,” James insists, coming to sit down in front of you. “We’ll clean it up in a bit, don’t worry. Did you hurt yourself?”
You look down at your foot, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth.
“A little,” you admit. “Sorry.” 
“Stop that,” Remus says sternly. “It was a mistake. We only care that you’re hurt.” 
You look conflicted, and Remus can practically see your next apology forming on your tongue, but before you can utter it, James asks gently, “Can I have a look, sweetheart?”
You blink at him, nodding hesitantly. James is careful as he takes your ankle in his hand, lifting your foot in front of his face. His expression clears a little. “Okay, it’s just a little piece,” he says, adjusting his hold before picking out a tiny bit of glass and flicking it into the pile with the rest. “There you go.” 
You nod your thanks, curling your foot underneath you. You’re being quiet as a rabbit, Remus thinks, all tense and wary but afraid to make a single sound. Whether you notice or not, the unease in the room grows with every second of your silence. 
Finally, it appears Sirius can’t be held at bay any longer. 
“Alright,” he says, more frustration in his tone than Remus thinks is really a good idea, “what’s going on with you?”
You look surprised. “Me?”
“Yes, you. You’ve been acting like someone’s going to shout at you ever since we got back this year.” Sirius lowers his voice, eyebrows scrunching together just slightly. “It was being at home, wasn’t it? Something happened.” 
You flush, and Remus feels suddenly like this is a conversation he has no right to be in. Of course Sirius would be the one to pick up on it if  your family was what was making you act this way. No wonder he’d been so insistent they needed to get to the bottom of it. That’s something he can understand, whereas Remus and James never could. 
“Nothing happened,” you say, and Sirius narrows his eyes like he doesn’t believe you. “I just…okay, don’t be mad.” 
“No one is going to be mad at you, sweetheart,” Remus says, feeling like his heart is working its way up his throat with the words. “We’re just…you’ve seemed so different, and it’s scaring us a little bit. We just want to know what we can do to help.” 
You look hesitant, and James reaches forward, taking your hand in both of his and rubbing at it with his thumbs. You nod, seeming a bit more confident now, and say, “There’s nothing you can really do. I just need some time.” 
James nods back, looking at you with brown eyes big and open and understanding. Remus often wishes he could convey even half James’ earnestness, but he doesn’t know anyone with the same capacity for warmth. “Time for what, darling?”
You nibble on your lower lip, and Remus has to repress the urge to rescue it from between your teeth. “Well, we didn’t really get close until a couple months into fall term last year, right?”
“Right,” James agrees. 
“So…I wouldn’t expect you to know, but it always sort of takes me a bit to…adjust back to school life.” 
Sirius still looks like he wants to fight something, but he’s more careful to keep his anger out of his voice now. “Why’s that?”
You shrug. “You’re not wrong. My family isn’t always as…patient with me as you guys are. They’re not awful, it’s just, I get into a habit of being quieter around them.” Remus’ heart feels like lead in his chest. “It takes me a while to get out of the habit once I get back.” 
“Honey,” James murmurs, not looking much better than Remus feels. “I’m sorry.” 
You give him a little smile, shifting uncomfortably. “You don’t need to act like it’s such a tragedy,” you joke. “I’ll get over it soon.” 
James looks distressed, but Remus cuts in. “I’m sorry you don’t feel like you can be yourself at home, lovely girl,” he says in what he hopes is a light but soothing tone, unsure what you need right now but gathering from your demeanor that it’s not their pity. He slides his arm around your back to tug you closer to him. “Is there anything we can do to help?”
You hum contentedly, leaning against his side. “Not really,” you reply. “You guys are too good to me, it’s hard to be quiet around you for long.” 
“Good,” Sirius says firmly, “because we don’t want you to. Want to go scream off the astronomy tower, sweet thing? Maybe that’ll help loosen you up.” 
“Actually, I’d really like to clean up my mess before someone comes down here and steps on it,” you admit. “But maybe we can try your yelling thing tomorrow.”
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"It’s no longer 1937… she’s not gonna be saved by the prince." 
The absolute DISRESPECT for the FIRST ANIMATED MOVIE EVER MADE and its female character who was strong in her own way! The DISRESPECT for Snow White coming from people who plan to """update""" her story??? I'm FUMING. i am FURIOUS. This is the SAME shit I said about Girlboss Cinderella do you understand???
Snow White was an abused CHILD who was isolated within her castle and then suddenly thrown into the  woods and she managed to survive using only her hope and kindness!!! She found a house and offered to work to earn her keep and she DID!!! Snow does not have to be a badass to be a strong female character. And more importantly, SHE DOES NOT NEED TO BE "BADASS" TO DESERVE HER HAPPY ENDING. Some of us in abusive situations CANNOT escape on our own. We CANNOT physically fight back and WE STILL DESERVE HAPPY ENDINGS.
Women don't have to be badasses in order to be strong female characters. So she needs to be saved-- so WHAT? Saying Snow White is an antifeminist character solely because she doesn't save herself is offensive to abuse survivors and to the original character who WAS a good character. You can criticize OTHER parts of the movie– the implication that men living without women will be useless and filthy the entire time, or we can discuss the Queen’s feud with Snow being fuelled by misogynist standards, etc.!! But just saying “she needs to be saved so it’s bad” LIKE. ARE YOU SERIOUS
Badass Snow White reboots are fine in moderation, but just like Girlboss Cinderella reboots, too many and it becomes clear what society is trying to say now- that if you're feminine and can't fight a battle, you don't deserve to be saved. Do you see why this is a bad message????? Some girls are badasses who can kill and fight as well as or better than the boys. Those girls have Mulan, Merida, Raya, Moana, Rapunzel, Elsa. They are good female characters. But you know what? So is Snow White. So is Cinderella.
I'm sure people are going to accuse me of being antifeminist for saying “oh she NEEDS to be saved by a man”– I’m NOT SAYING THAT. You could have her be saved by a woman. Be saved by the dwarves, her platonic friends. By the animals. You could write a badass Snow White reboot without being disrespectful to the original film or tale. Just fucking TODAY I read the Disney Mirrorverse Snow White book– it’s written for 13yos basically so not high art but even with them having to make her an adaptational badass, they managed to keep her personality PERFECTLY. She learns how to save herself in this book, but also remains HERSELF. And her previous inability to fight was NOT CRITICIZED by any character; her sudden badassery was a bonus for her, not an indication of her character!!!
YOU are the ones saying that if Snow White (and Cinderella) isn't saving herself, she doesn't deserve to be saved. But everyone deserves happiness and that includes those too weak to fight for it alone.
anyway that was a long feminist rant. this is also super disrespectful to the FIRST ANIMATED MOVIE EVER, the people who worked on it, Walt Disney himself, and everyone who enjoyed or was inspired by it. You absolute fucking dickheads.
also can't believe i have to say this but if y'all use this as an excuse to be racist towards anyone in the cast i will hunt you down and put shoelaces in your lungs
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insecure-snek · 3 months
I feel like this is probably an unpopular opinion (that’s why I’m posting here and not on twitter) but I just wanna know if anyone else feels this way.
Obviously, I think Wilbur is the one Shelby is talking about, and as someone who was also abused, I feel stronger hearing her story. I hope she’s able to find peace soon.
Maybe I’m just an overly optimistic person, but I think Wilbur needs help. A lot of it. And I think, probably not a popular idea, that even though he’s a piece of shit in this situation, that he deserves it.
I’m an overly trusting person by nature. Obviously I wasn’t there when any of this happened. I am just a stranger on the internet. I don’t know what went on, I didn’t see anything happen. However, I think I want Wilbur to get better and I think he can.
He needs to be deplatformed. At least until he has PUBLICLY apologized to Shelby, and is showing to his friends (not us, the audience, not only Shelby, EVERYONE HE KNOWS PERSONALLY) that he is making an effort to never treat another person like that again. But I think, and please don’t come with your pitchforks for me, the person Wilbur abuses the most is himself.
He clearly has other problems that are not making him a good person. Mental health is not a excuse for poor behavior. However, it is an explanation. Your mental health issues and trauma are not your fault, however, managing both those things are unfortunately YOUR responsibility. They are HIS Responsibility to fix and manage, not Shelby’s, not Phil’s, not James, NO ONE BUT HIM.
Call me stupid, or crazy, or whatever, but I firmly believe in the idea of (almost) every human being capable of change. I have siblings who used to treat me terribly, who are much older than me, and I was hurt by them. But as I grew, I saw them realize just how terrible they treated me. They changed their behavior, and apologized to me many many times. They showed me people can wake up and change their lives around. And, whether or not Wilbur comes back to content creation, I hope he gets the help he so clearly needs.
Shelby owes him nothing. His fan base owes him nothing. His friends owe him nothing. Wilbur owes them everything. Shelby deserves to hold back her forgiveness when it so clearly isn’t deserved. She should never forgive him if she doesn’t want to. That’s her right.
Maybe I believe in people too much. But I truly hope he changes. Not only for his friends, family, and loved ones, but for his own sake. He’s going to end up dead if he continues this way, and I believe no one deserves to die. (I’m not even for the death penalty. Let them sit and suffer forever).
Anyway, get some rest all, drink some water, and remember that the world becoming a better place starts with you. Treat people the way you wanna be treated. 💕
Update: Wilbur’s response was absolutely awful, no surprise there. As someone else who responded said, abusers often don’t think of themselves as such. I still hope he gets help. Props to ranboo and all the others standing up to him. I hope this wakes him the fuck up. Until further notice, please stop supporting him. Unfollow him, un add his music, whatever you can to get him to deeply regret this shit he’s done. Those were his actions. These are the consequences.
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miley1442111 · 3 months
thank god for dr. spencer reid
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a/n: this was written with a fem!reader in mind but imagine what you want, reader has a period (same girl) :) spencer us such a cutie in this :)))))))
summary: your shitty family is in town and spencer is away, what will you do?
pairing: spencerreid x reader
warnings: heavy family issues, mentions of stress and sickness, very brief mention of abuse (litch not talked about just referenced dw), kinda cursing (just realised i've never warned this before... opps) and i might've missed some!
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My eyes are glued to the screen with a perpetual frown playing on my lips. It’s hard to try to care about my job when I have this looming feeling of dread hanging over me like a cloud. Spencer has been MIA for days now. He left in a hurry on Monday night for a case. It’s Saturday now and he hasn’t been responding to my calls. On top of that, I have dinner with my mother and father. Both of them make it abundantly clear that they’re disappointed in my career choice, which is ridiculous because I’m a lawyer. Not the right kind of lawyer they constantly say. I’m an environmental lawyer and I make good money. The only way to satiate their insufferable whining is with Spencer. They love him. They probably love him more than me at this point. Alas, I will just have to deal with them alone tonight. And today has already been one hell of a day. First, Morgan called me,asking where Spencer was, telling me that they finished and that they should be home soon. He had not come home yet. Secondly, I feel like shit, an allergic reaction, my period and some random nausea all add up to making me feel itchy, gross, and practically vile all over. Thirdly, a huge pimple has decided to pop up on my face and  just know my mother will comment on it. My mother is one of those women who look effortlessly put-together 24/7. I am not one of those women. She does not like women who don’t look effortlessly put together. Aka, she barely tolerates me. 
I sigh and close my laptop screen, unable to reread the same few sentences again and again, hoping that they would get into my brain. I’m defending a client, one of my firm's biggest clients, in court next week. They were accused of illegal dumping (dumping they did not commit) and now they’re being sued for 2 million dollars. I slump out of my desk chair and out of my home office, locking it behind me for the weekend ahead. If I have court next week and Spencer is coming home after a difficult case, then we’ll need a day or rest and relaxation together. That is, if he even bothers to come home. I busy myself with getting ready and try to push those thoughts out of my head. 
The last hour of my life has been 60 minutes of absolute misery. Why did I ever accept this invite? My mother excuses herself to the bathroom and my father excuses himself for a cigarette, I nod along. Then it hits me… my dad doesn’t smoke anymore. I stare at the door and before I can stop myself my face contorts into a frown once again. Amelia, my sister. The sister that I haven't seen in years. The sister that bullied and abused me throughout our teenage years. Fuck. 
“Amelia?” I question, looking at the blonde woman who looks… different. She’s obviously older than I remember, and a bit more… I don’t know how to put it. Her blonde hair surpasses her waist and she seems to be pregnant? Her blue eyes seem dull and lack a certain vividness they used to sparkle with. She’s the typical peaking in high-school mean girl who became a nurse girl. I honestly can’t believe I used to look up to her. 
“It’s so good to see you!” She smiles, one of her fake-bitchy smiles and I grimace as she tries to hug me. “I just wanted to know how you’re doing, especially with the baby on the way, I’ll need all the help I can get!”
My heart drops. “Oh!” Is all I can manage. She sits in the seat beside me and I instinctively move further away. Just as I think this stupid dinner can’t get any worse, her pervy fiancé, Johnny, walks in.
“No Spencer?” He smirks. “What? Did you two break up? He was always too vanilla for you, you need a real man-” 
“No, sorry. I was just late. I had to come straight from the jet,” Spencer smiles from behind him. My parents' eyes light up, as Amelia and Johnny’s faces fall. I smile appreciatively at him as he hands the flowers he brought over to my parents and sits beside me, a comforting hand on my thigh. 
“How’s work, Spencer?” My father asks, his undivided attention on Spencer.
“It’s good, strenuous but good. Our cases recently haven’t been too difficult- though there was one that had a puzzle I thought you might enjoy…”
I walk inside our house behind him, a million thoughts at once flowing through my head. We walk to the kitchen, he sits me down and takes off my shoes for me, a true gentleman. 
He presses a kiss to my cheek and smiles. “You look beautiful.”
I just nod back, a small smile on my lips. 
“Is everything alright?” He asks, turning to me, his hands resting on my waist. 
“Fine,” I tiredly smile. “Just… you know, it’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“You know, saying that makes me worry more, right?:” He smiles softly, though we both know he’s serious. 
“I just… I can’t believe she just showed up, like 7 years  of not seeing her and she just shows up? Like it’s casual? And then asks for our help with her baby? Like she did nothing to me? Like she-” I stop myself, determined not to cry right now. 
“Angel, it’s ok, let it out,” he soothes, a hand on my back, rubbing comforting circles. 
“I don’t want to cry though, they’re not worth crying over.”
“Then how about we get ready for bed, yeah angel?” He offers, a tired look in his eyes. I nod and press a soft to his perfect lips. He smiles against my mouth, his hands finding the sides of my face. I run a hand through his hair. He pulls away softly, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I smile. “Thank you for coming, my knight in shining armour.” 
“I enjoyed it. Watching your father fail to solve a simple puzzle was amusing.” He smirks, a mischievous glint in his eye as I roll my eyes. 
“We’re not all geniuses,” I remind him. 
“You are.”
“And how am I a genius?” I chuckle.
“You’re dating me, you clearly have superior taste and intelligence,” he says matter-of-factly. I gigle at his antics and kiss him again. He pulls away and grabs my hand, leading me into our room. We both opt out of brushing our teeth and washing our faces, a makeup wipe sufficing for removing my makeup. He pulls me into bed with him, and finally, after a long week, I finally lie down in bed with him, his arms around me in a bear-hug of sorts. This is heaven. He’s my knight in shining armour. Thank God for Dr. Spencer Reid. 
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Dirty Work 12
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: I'm having too much fun with this.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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As you enter, you hear Leslie. It's an unusual homecoming as you're used to only the blare of the television and swaths of cigarette smoke. Both are missing as you peek into the living room.
“Now, Charles, you heard me,” the nurse chides.
“Yeah, I got it,” your dad says with less spite than usual, “this one.”
Dread curdles in your stomach. The call you got at lunchtime was short and Leslie assured you all was well but you couldn’t tell if she was only being polite. You could hear your father yelling in the background.
You look around the door frame and find your father sitting forward on the couch, one hand on the handle of his oxygen tank as his shoulders obscure his other. You tiptoe closer as Leslie sits in one of the wooden chairs from the dining room. You spot the half-finished jigsaw puzzle on the coffee table as you come forward. 
“Well, give it a try,” she encourages and he pushes the piece into another. He grunts, a noise with some pride. “Looking good, Charles.”
You've never heard anyone talk to your dad like that. Not without being told to cut the shit. And no one ever calls your dad anything but ‘Chuck’.
“Yeah, yeah,” he sounds almost bashful.
“Ah, hello,” Leslie sees you first, “come on in.”
You put your bag down and cautiously inch forward. Your dad doesn’t acknowledge you but that’s not too unusual. You stop behind the couch as he puts another piece in place.
“And how was your day?” The nurse asks in a sunny tone.
“Um… good,” you answer. You don’t usually get that question.
“You look tired. Must have been a long one,” she remarks.
“Mhmm,” you stare at the puzzle as your dad continues to piece it together. You’ve never seen him do anything but watch television or doze on the couch. And rarely without a cigarette between his lips.
“Been a good day for us, too. Me and Charles are just getting to know each other,” she grins.
Still, your dad is silent.
“Charles, come on, say hi, your daughter’s home,” she scolds.
“Hi,” he grunts. She sighs.
“You’re a funny man,” she tuts and stands up, “I got another hour,” she faces you, “why don’t we have a chat?”
“Sure,” you accept and she takes the lead, waving you into the kitchen. Your father mutters to himself as he holds a handful of pieces and picks through them. You give him one last look before you follow the nurse.
Leslie turns to you as she stops just by the counter, “no more cigarettes. We got in a row about the things but I tossed ‘em.”
“Huh?” You can’t help the shock bulging behind your eyes.
“Yep, and he ate all his vegetables,” she smirks proudly, “I know it’s hard to say no to our loved ones but I don’t wanna come back to a fresh pack tomorrow.”
“Uh, yeah, I…” you don’t try to excuse yourself. You don’t buy him smokes, he finds a way, but you still gave up arguing about them.
“I also have some information for you. Some stuff about diet and all that. The meals you made are lovely but there are some recommended staples for his condition that would be better,” she explains, “and an exercise plan. Light duty but he can’t be on that couch all day.”
“Thanks so much,” you say, “I really appreciate it. I… I’m so sorry it’s such a mess-”
“Are ya kidding me? I’ve walked into much worse. He’s a bit crotchety but no skin off my back,” she scoffs, “don’t worry, hon, I got it.”
You could cry. You feel the weight slowly lifting from your shoulders; still there but less. It’s not just having help, it’s having someone to guide you, someone you can speak your concerns to. Someone who can tell you you’re doing the right things.
It’s eerie entering the house knowing that you’re completely alone. The leash is no slacker without its holder near. You still feel the oppression of the empty house, curtains drawn and shadows pooling.
It won’t be for long. The carpenter will be there soon to inspect the gazebo and the landscapers are due for their scheduled work in the garden. There’s enough to keep you busy and unaware of your employer’s absence.
Still, it’s a strange feeling to walk those empty halls. You half-expected Mr. Laufeyson to appear and berate you, as if he is a wraith who does not abide time or space. He doesn’t and you press on, holing up in the library for the morning.
There’s another mystery in the folder. A riddle you can’t solve. A page taken from a notebook, with little flowers framed around the lines. It’s a list but it’s not for this place. It can’t be. As far as you know, there isn’t a fire pit around here or a lake… both are mentioned among the clustered bullet points.
You earmark it but don’t know if you’ll ever get to it. You want to ask Mr. Laufeyson but then, you’re not sure he would even know. It could be something only his wife would be privy to. You wouldn’t want to reopen old wounds.
You go down to the kitchen to eat your lunch. A plain peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat, the same thing you have every day. It isn’t much but it’s enough to keep you going. You wipe up stray crumbs and put the container back in your bag. 
The doorbell rings just as you come back to the staircase. You descend and for a moment, you let yourself pretend that this is your home. That you are the lady of the estate. That all these fine ornaments and the sprawling gardens belong to you. The fantasy dissolves as you reach the last step.
You go out to meet the new arrival at the gate. It must be the carpenter as the landscapers can let themselves in. You recall his name is Ronan from your brief phone call. You remember because it seemed so unique.
He’s a tall man, hunching slightly as he sees you approach between the slats of iron. You pull the gate open from within and muster a smile to welcome him. You’re at a loss as you can eke out only a mousish ‘hi’.
He says your name, tenuously, as if he isn’t sure.
“That’s me, sir,” you close the gate gently behind him. As he steps past you, his height becomes even more obvious. In his hand, he has a brown leather bag, squarish and bulky. “You’re the carpenter, Ronan?”
“Yes,” he answers as he looks around, “this is a nice place.”
“Erm, thanks,” you utter, “well, er, I suppose I should show you…”
You trail off and scurry around him. You hear him following as the contents of his bag shifts noisily with each step. You take him around the back and divert away from your usual route. You lead him into the thick brush that overgrows the path to the gazebo. You stop before the derelict structure as he comes up beside you.
“There’s a hole in the floor and one of the pillars is cracked,” you explain, pointing, “just wondering if it can be repaired.”
“Ah,” he takes a breath and lets out a thoughtful hum. 
You peek over as his pale blue eyes examine the steps and front columns. He steps forwards and sets his bag on the lowest step before climbing up. His footsteps sound hollow as he traverses the wood, walking the perimeter, stopping to check the broken post and then the boards across the floor. He squats to get a closer look as you remain where you are, rubbing your sweaty palms together.
“I’ve seen worse,” he declares as he stands, his voice booming as he rolls into the open air. He comes back to the archway and rests his hand on the top of the railing, “definitely not a lost cause. Did you have anything in mind for the restoration?”
You shake your head, “I’d have to ask my boss.”
“Your boss?” He wonders as he comes down the stairs and bends to unbuckle his bag.
“Uh, yes, I just… I’m… the house manager?” You say uncertainly. “He’s out of town so I’m seeing to the property.”
“Oh,” he takes out a measuring tape and a level. “I thought it was yours.”
You almost laugh. It's flattering that he would assume that. You just smile sheepishly.
“Well, I’ll have to do a proper inspection, check the integrity for sure, but I’ll leave you my notes. What needs to be tended to, my suggestions…” he says, “when it’s ready, where would I find you?”
“Oh, well… I’ll… I’ll be working on the patio,” you point back to the house as the idea flashes through your mind. Without Mr. Laufeyson, you can enjoy the sunlight. “I’ll be there.”
“Right, thank you miss,” he faces the gazebo and squares his shoulders. You feel as if you’re missing something.
“Um, sir,” you begin, “would you like some water?”
You think that’s right. You should be polite. It’s what Frigga would you think and she seems to know everything.
“That’s very kind of you but no thanks,” he says as he begins up the stairs again.
You twiddle your fingers as you stay there for a moment and watch him. That wasn’t as bad as you expected. It’s always difficult meeting new people. While he’s not overly friendly, he’s not rude or scary or anything like that. He’s just there to do his work, much like you.
You turn on your heel and leave him. Your excitement builds as you trace your way to the backdoor. You can’t wait to bring your things out and sit on the patio. It will be a nice breath of fresh air. Literally.
Your first day alone proves to be the calmest since you began working for Mr. Laufeyson. You can’t help but bask in the peace of his absence. Even so, you are mindful to stay within his lines. You haven’t forgotten the camera on the mantle.
You leave the house after double-checking that the security is enabled and the doors are all locked. The gate clunks loudly into place and you shake it just to be sure. You exhale and turn off down the street, eager to get home and relieve Leslie of her duties.
The bus comes on time and you find a seat, staring out at the city as it passes. You hug your bag in your lap as you recognize that moment. That rare occasion where you’re not bound up in knots. There is no Mr. Laufeyson to shadow and rebuke you. And your father is taken care of and seemingly content. 
As you get off at your stop, you take your time as the sky sets slowly above. You are met by a similar scene as the previous night. Your father is at the coffee table, bent over as he pushes pieces into each other. Leslie is singing in the kitchen as she tidies and looks up as you enter.
“Ah, hello hon,” she beams cheerily, “dinner’s in the oven for ya.”
“Um, oh, thanks, you didn’t have to…”
“More than enough,” she smiles, “long day?”
“Not too bad,” you glance back over your shoulder into the living room, “how was he?”
You turn back and she cackles, “I’m sure you know how he can be. He’s calming down a bit. We got in a right tiff over the cigarettes again but he ran out of air to bluster.”
“Oh…” you scratch your neck, “I’m sorry, I hope he’s not too much.”
“Like I said, nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” she shrugs.
You nod and return to the living room. You near your father as he rubs his chin. He’s almost done the puzzle.
“Wow, you got a lot done,” you comment. 
“Eh, cause I don’t got you to distract me,” he flicks his fingers at you derisively.
You wince and back away. A sigh escapes you. You’re too tired to try. As you retreat, you can’t help but stumble in realisation. There’s something happening to you. Some sort of indifference. Apathy, maybe?
You look back at your father. You love him and you desperately want to make him happy and healthy. You want him to be proud of you. You want him to tell you that you’re good enough and yet you just don’t have the energy to keep fighting him. 
When you see how he is with Leslie, it feels as if he’s taunting you. He can be nice to her, he will listen to her, he will talk to her, but you, you’ll never earn that. Thirty years and you just aren’t worthy.
Well, he is happier and healthier than he was. It doesn’t matter that it has nothing to do with you. It only matters that he’s okay. It’s all you ever wanted for him.
You take your bag up to your room and trade it for a paperback. You come back down and sit on the porch until she’s gone. You go inside and lock up, your father still sitting vigil at the puzzle. You notice his grey hair is tidy and clean. He wears a shirt that isn’t wrinkled and he looks more lively.
You ask him if he needs anything before you go to bed. He doesn’t answer. You leave him to the puzzle and pack away the dinner Leslie left for you. You’re not very hungry. 
You put both your phones on the night table beneath the lamp. You keep the light on as you finish the chapter, or try to. You doze off, awaking only as a buzzing rattles the wooden table against the side of your bed. 
You move the book off your chest and mark the page. You reach for the phone as you sit up. It unlocks with the tap of your thumb and the alert covers the screen. ‘Movement detected’. Oh!
Mr. Laufeyson enabled the app for the lock system while he’s away. The abrupt swipe of the phone from your hands was startling but it wasn't exactly yours to begin with. The memory plucks at you as if you should have seen this coming.
You rub your eyes as you press the alert and check the time in the corner. It’s nearly two in the morning! You jolt out of bed and stagger on your feet. Oh no!
Did you leave something unlocked? Maybe it’s just a squirrel or the wind? No, it says it was the front door. Shoot! Should you call him? Would he get the alert too?
You scramble to find some clothes. You pull on a pair of greyish blue sweatpants and a hoodie. You don’t have time to worry about how you look. You have to get to the house.
You snatch up your work bag, too frantic to fish out your change purse, and barrel down the stairs. Mindless of the noise or disturbing the silence, you race out the door, slamming it and locking it shakily behind you. You run up to the curb as you dial a taxi service.
Was the gate really locked when you left? Did you put the security code in right? A thousand doubts crowd your head and churn your stomach. It doesn’t matter, all you know is you messed up again.
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impala-dreamer · 16 days
Tell me about... Dean trying to help mend your broken heart.
Staring At The Sun
Dean x Reader
Little Angsty/Little Fluffy. Allusions to abusive past relationship. Awkward Dean.
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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There was no peace; no space between the lines that made any sense. There was just pain that rippled in your chest like some violent wave that knocked against the shores of your heart, forever eroding the muscle until it was impossible to move, to breathe, to do anything but remember her face. 
The lines on the map gave her something to look at more substantial than the particles of dust floating through the air, and Y/N lay her hand on the Pacific, wishing the table would come to life and drown her in the deep ocean. 
Dean sat across the table, a beer in hand, his boot heels covering northern Europe. He narrowed his gaze on Y/N and took a drink. She was moping again and it was driving him mad. 
She didn’t hear him, so stuck in the cycle of misery that nothing much could break through. 
He tried again, this time rapping his knuckles on the glowing table. “Hey! Ground Control to Major Tom!”
Y/N startled and a sharp inhale brought her back. “Sorry. What were you saying?” 
Dean rolled his eyes slightly. “I wasn’t saying anything.” 
“Then why are you yelling at me?” Y/N slumped back in her chair, leaving the vast ocean and her dreams of oblivion behind. 
“First off- I wasn’t yelling at you, I was getting your attention.” He kicked his feet down and sat the right way, turning to face her directly. 
“OK. Why?” 
“Because I’m-” He wanted to say worried but he couldn’t make his mouth move that way. He cleared his throat. “Well, you’re-” Breaking my heart since he broke yours. “You’re bumming me out.”
She cocked a brow and glared. “Excuse me?” 
“You’ve done nothing but sulk around this place for months now and it’s kinda driving me crazy.”
A tight little ball formed in her chest. “Screw you.” 
Dean pursed his lips. Unimpressed dimples popped above his lip. “Excuse me?”
“Number one- it hasn’t been months. It’s been three weeks and five days-”
“Almost a month…”
“And fuck you very much for making me feel even worse about it.” Her voice crackled around the words and the end faded into a struggling inhale. Wetness rimmed her eyes and Dean kicked himself. 
“No. Hey, I wasn’t-” Shit. “I didn’t mean-”
“No, of course you didn’t!” Y/N clenched her teeth and shook her head at him, at her ex, at the world. “No one ever means to, do they? You don’t mean to yell at me, He didn’t mean to hurt me; Sam doesn’t mean to leave his fucking socks everywhere! No one ever means anything!” In a huff, she stood up and kicked her chair back. The wheels rolled all the way to the top of the little staircase and the Library readied for its landing. “Everyone can just run around being inconsiderate and nasty to me and- fucking-  breaking my fucking heart over and over and- No one ever means to! Why doesn’t anyone ever own up to their shit anymore!”
Fuck. No… Dean set his beer down over Belgium and pushed his seat back. “Y/N/N-”
She turned away from him, arm waving him away. “Ya know, maybe it’s my fault. I’m too damned unlovable. Too fat and ugly. Too lazy. Too… too fucking- too! Just too! No one gives a shit how they make me feel! They just go on breaking me to pieces and walking away like it doesn’t fucking matter. Like- like I don’t matter. I don’t matter. I don’t fucking matter. So he broke my heart- who fucking cares? So I’m fucking broken and dying here and- who cares? No one. And no one should!” 
Stop it. Stop it. “Stop it!” 
When Y/N turned back, jolted by his yell, Dean was there, no more than a foot away. His green eyes were filled with as much pain as she felt but she couldn’t understand why. She looked up at him, confused.
“None of that is true,” he said softly. “You’re not fat and ugly, Y/N. You’re not… unlovable. You’re…” Beautiful. Amazing. Everything I fucking need in my life. “You’re incredible.” 
She laughed in his face. Tears flowing freely, she laughed. “You’re a real asshole, Dean. That’s not funny. At all.” 
“I’m not- I’m not trying to be funny, OK? I’m trying to be serious here.” 
His shoulders dropped; his charm and defenses fell with it. He looked away, trying to keep his cheeks dry, and licked his lips. 
Y/N watched him, slowly calming down, releasing the tight ball in her chest. “Dean-”
“It’s been killing me, Y/N/N. Watching him fuck with you the way he did… That… abusive fuck. I mean, the things he said to you, the way he treated you- it was all…”
Her tears doubled at the memory. “I know. I was an idiot.” 
Dean sucked in a quick breath and found her gaze. “No. Not an idiot. Never.” 
“I could have left long before he did.” She laughed softly, bitterly. 
“It’s not all on you.” He stepped closer. Just an inch, just enough to make her breath hitch. “I could have said something. I should have said something.” 
Her pulse quickened. She’d never seen that look in his eyes before. She’d seen pain, trauma, humor, friendship, but this was something different. Something darker, deeper. 
“What would you have said?” she asked, refusing to blink another tear free. 
Dean sank his front teeth into his bottom lip and shook his head. Say it. Just say it, you asshole. 
Y/N reached for his hand and he turned his palm up, sliding it against hers. “Dean…”
Just. Say. It. 
“You said no one cares,” he whispered, closing his fingers tight around her hand. “I do. I uh-” Come on, dammit. “I care about you. A lot. More than a lot. I uh-” Don’t make me say it, please. “Well, the thing is… I just feel like…” I’m staring at the sun when I look at you and I can’t think of anything I want more. Seeing you so broken these last few weeks has nearly killed me and I just want to be the one thing that makes you smile. “I mean, we’ve gotten close and-”
Y/N smiled. Awkward was too perfect on him. Somewhere beneath the miles of blood and murder was a core of pure innocence. She laughed. 
“Don’t- don’t laugh at me, I’m trying to say something!” 
She squeezed his hand and brought it to her lips. She let him off the hook, kissing his knuckles and looking up into his nervous green eyes. 
“Me too, Dean.” 
His cheeks burned. “Yeah?” 
She nodded. “Yeah. Obviously.” 
Don’t kiss her. Not yet. Too soon. 
“Fuck that guy, OK?” He cringed. “I mean, don’t fuck that guy. Ever again. Fuck-”
She grinned and his heart leapt. 
“Whenever you’re ready,” he said, reciprocating her kiss, “I’m ready.”
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campbell-rose · 10 months
Helluva Rewrite: Moxxie
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A big thing with Moxxie was just me wanting him to not look like a butler. I don’t know what it is with Viv and men in suits, but I'm not a fan. To keep his vest from blending into his pants, I untucked a bit of his undershirt. I want each member of IMP to stand out visually from one another (because all imps literally look related to some degree lol) so I gave Moxxie green in his color palette to contrast the orangish red tone I gave his skin. I also think green eyes will help him stand out very nicely from the group. Instead of striped I put gold rings on his tail and gave him a couple rings on his fingers because greed and gold. Since Viv loves bowties, I let Mox keep his but made it droopy because I think it’s cuter. Originally, I was going to keep his coattails, but I feel like with the shape of his legs it just muddies his silhouette. 
With Moxxie there isn’t much about his character I have to gripe about or want to change. He’s a skilled gunman with knowledge of the subject and history of guns. Cool, now for that, I’m working in his greed traits and decided that he outright hoards guns (since viv wants to claim imps hoard things). Moxxie has a vast collection and is always keeping them nice and spiffy. 
Now one thing I don’t like about Moxxie is his insecurity. Moreso the fact that it’s constantly being played up, like in Unhappy Campers where he’s like a crotchety old woman going through menopause because his wife is more popular than him. At that point it’s just stupid for the sake of drama. Since I made Millie the insecure one, I’m going to play up Moxxie’s straight man status. 
Moxxie is going to be the level headed cool sniper type I suppose. He’s not going to be as expression as Millie, the blue oni to her red in a sense. I think the comedy of that could be when something does make him lose his composure (I think I'll draw up a redone scene as an example) like Millie’s parents outright disliking him or Striker singing about how he sucks and should go fuck himself. I like the idea that because of his childhood as the son of an abusive mob boss father he’s learned to shove bad feelings down rather than express them outright. This doesn’t mean I want him to be a stone faced rock. No, I mostly just want him to express surface level exasperation and frustration with Blitzø’s antics (like his big “WHAT?” when Blitz mentions he hired Strikker) 
So an example of this could be Striker’s song. After he tells Moxxie to go fuck himself, a close shot of Moxxie’s face shows it twitching. He adjusts his glasses, stands up, and excuses himself. (Millie recognizes that this is bad because she knows him and follows) But she loses him in Striker’s fangirl crowd. Moxxie will be visibly upset as he climbs the stairs before hearing Millie calling for him and regaining his composure – until he notices the glow coming from Striker’s room that catches his attention. 
So I don’t want this Moxxie to be a straight-faced ass, just a more composed character. 
Back to his insecurity real quick! Mozzie is a trained assassin but his is not physically strong enough to fight hand to hand. This is a weak spot for him because his father constantly shat all over him growing up and would literally smack him around and Moxxie was (in his own mind) too physically weak to stop it from happening. 
As to how he met Blitzo... well in this I don’t want the bs jail in hell bit because there has been no justifiable ass pulls by Viv or the team. Idk I'm having trouble. Maybe they met through Millie? Like Moxxie meets Millie doing something and is like ‘holy shit I love this chick fuck you dad I'm out.’ 
Idk that’s what I'm going with I'll fix it later this took way too long to do and i'll still gotta do Blitzo and Stolas and maybe the other characters and then maybe rework season one idk i'll focus on just doing Blitzo and reworking my Loona again
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giac222 · 2 months
Came across this YouTube video last night.. *long heavy sigh*
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*cue Amy Winehouse voice* What kind of fuckery is this? 🎶. … lol
Of course I had to make a post about it lmao. Back on my bs, time for another long post. (Just a heads up). Sorry if I repeat some things that I’ve mentioned in previous posts already, I just feel like they make sense to bring up here.
I should have known from the thumbnail alone that this video would pmo 💀. I was going to attempt to watch it considering it’s only around 8 minutes, I didn’t make it very far though 😂… The creator said “This is where I present the tale of a young man with anti-social personality disorder who was transformed into a serial killer due to the parasitic influence his abuser had on him.” that line alone made me click off I’m not kidding.
“The Psychology Behind Andrew Graves” and it’s just loud and wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️. I’m majoring in psychology and am in the process of getting my bachelors degree, yet I still won’t diagnose either him or Ashley. I just don’t feel comfortable doing that. People are entitled to their opinions though. 🤷🏻‍♀️. I think some people look at mental health issues through a black and white lens. Mental health is complex, a person’s well-being is determined by more than one thing, it’s a combination of psychological, biological, and social factors.
So diagnosing Ashley or Andrew isn’t what I’m getting into here. More so the comment about Andrew being turned into a serial killer due to the “parasitic influence his abuser had on him”. Of course I’ll be talking about some other things too.
First of all, Andrew isn’t a damn serial killer. I guess you could maybe consider him one under the guise of “he committed 3 killings”, but that doesn’t hold much weight to me in this instance. When he “killed” the cultist before eating him with Ashley, Andrew had no idea he was still alive. The demon basically killed him already, the guy was brain dead. (So tbh, I don’t really consider that a murder). In episode two where they sacrifice their parents to the demon, after finding out that their parents were technically still alive and coming to the realization that the cultist was too, he wasn’t too thrilled.
Next, Andrew killed the warden because he was going to hurt Ashley, he did it to protect her. The lady in 302 was wronged, I don’t think anyone is denying that. In his dream it’s justified though, he says Ashley would have wanted to kill her anyway and because of “no witnesses”. I’ve said before that he killed her for Ashley more than anything, he did it to make her happy. That’s why he got so pissed off when she started accusing him of attempting to sleep with her, which led things to escalate because Ashley kept going. Her dying did make Ashley happy though 🤷🏻‍♀️. The only reason Ashley wanted to shoot that lady was because Andrew called her pretty, that’s it. With no witnesses, even though it’s wrong, it makes sense in their situation. Lastly we have the hitman, obviously they had to intervene because the hitman was hired to kill them first. What do you think would have happened to them if Andrew didn’t take out the warden or the hitman? There isn’t an excuse for the murder of the lady in 302, but had she stayed alive, she probably would have snitched on them 😬.
Andrew’s morals are skewed, he doesn’t really give a shit, he cares more about what would happen if they got caught. Still, it’s not like he goes out of his way to kill people or necessarily wants to. Serial killers get off on the power and control it gives them, they get psychological satisfaction from it. I can’t say that’s the case with Andrew. With the warden he said he had no regrets, but that’s because he used to leer at Ashley and would have harmed her if he didn’t step in. The only regret he had was not killing him slower, the reason? Because the warden fucked with his Ashley 🤭. He doesn’t play around when it comes to her. I just know that when the warden would leer at Ashley, Andrew’s jealous streak kicked in QUICK. Probably gave him the most intense death stare ever.
Again, based on the thumbnail and what I mentioned hearing before clicking off of the video, I can only assume most of the video is about how Ashley is the big bad manipulative villain that ruined Andrew’s life, and that every excuse under the sun is dropped for Andrew’s actions and behavior. It’s always the woman’s fault guys, haven’t you heard??…. 🙄🙄.
Honestly, whenever Andrew tells Ashley something like “get your head checked”, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you.” or “get help”. It’s literally just him projecting. I’ve never seen someone in denial so bad 😂. His repression is crazy.
There was a really good comment left under the video which I will include:
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Exactly 💯👏🏻
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Ashley manipulates, or at least attempts to, but she isn’t good at it. During her and Andrew’s explosive fight in apartment 302, when he’s threatening to kill her, she brings up how she’s the only person who can make his nightmares go away, Andrew responds with “there’s sleeping pills for that”. Then she goes “yeah okay I got nothing”… 😭. Girl didn’t even try lmao. But she says she wants to leave with him, because duh? She loves him and wants to stick beside him. Not to mention that in episode two we find out that he doesn’t actually have that many nightmares, he uses it as an excuse to sleep next to Ashley and be close to her.
The game shows us that Andrew’s far more violent than Ashley is. Ashley got physical first in apartment 302, which of course she shouldn’t have done that, but Andrew almost killed her by choking her, and when he finally let go, we see that she literally had a bruise on her neck because of how hard he did it. I can’t see her ever doing something like that to him. Andrew will just casually threaten violence too, even if it’s just a a joke. What’s wild is the story about the lady attacking him with the nail gun. He said nothing in his dream about self defense. The nail gun was literally in the same spot as before when Ashley left, and the lady was deceased on her bed, she didn’t move an inch. Andrew most likely killed her right after Ashley left. (RIP 302 lady, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time 😩). Of course they over look that though 🤦🏻‍♀️, and the fact that Andrew is a very good liar.
When they were children, before their blood oath Andrew literally contemplates if killing Ashley would be worth it. Even after they found out that Nina died, he didn’t really seem to care, he was just worried about what would happen if people found out they killed her (on accident, they shouldn’t have locked her in there period, but kids don’t think of that stuff. They genuinely weren’t trying to kill her, they talked about letting her out in the Morning). Also, him grabbing Ashley and yelling about how guys and girls don’t go to the same prison. He said “They’re going to take YOU away from ME.”… So yeah, Andrew has always been the way he is, he just knows how to mask it. Ashley did not make him that way.
When Andrew’s mask starts to slip off, even Ashley is a little scared because she’s not used to seeing him that way, she thinks he’s changing, but really his true colors are just now coming out. That’s why the decay route is so sinister, it’s like Andrew becomes one with the mask. You could say his mask is still slipping, just in the worst way possible. I plan on making a post dedicated to the decay route sometime soon, there’s a lot to discuss there.
I made a post dedicated to Ashley and what she’s gone through not too long ago, so I’m going to try my best not to sound like a broken record here. However, it ties into this post so I’ll talk about it a little bit. Ashley is one of the most misunderstood characters I’ve ever seen, I’m so serious. I can’t help but get frustrated when people attempt to paint her as this evil bitch who was born that way, they completely ignore everything she has gone through and what she struggles with. Mind you, the game literally puts it right in front of your face, so idk how people miss the point 🤦🏻‍♀️. I think they just see what they want to see. Ashley literally hates herself and has had low self esteem since she was a little girl. She genuinely believes that she’s evil and that no one could ever truly love her. She’s 20 when the game currently takes place, do you know how debilitating it must be to deal with something like that for years?? From childhood all the way up into adulthood, that’s so heartbreaking. It’s basically embedded in her at this point 🥲. So yes, it makes me mad when people overlook that despite the game showing you how hard it is for her.
They act like she treats people as disposable just because, it’s like no, actually she’s able to do that because that’s how everyone except for Andrew always treated her. That’s literally why she clings to Andrew the way she does and goes to extreme measures to make him stay (even though she doesn’t need to, but she doesn’t know that) because he’s the only person who has shown her love/she could depend on. So yeah, no shit she’s scared of him leaving. People saying that Andrew needs to kill her so he can live his life do not seem to understand the fact that Andrew actually likes Ashley being dependent on him, he doesn’t want her to become independent. Let’s not forget that when Andrew went to snoop on the cultist, despite being away from Ashley for like 20-30 minutes at most? We see a text box that says “Now that you’ve got your answers, you miss Ashley.” Do y’all really think he’d want to live without her? Please be serious 🤭.
How people don’t get this yet I have no idea, but one can’t live without the other, period. Nor would they want to. They’re the love of each others lives 🩷💚. They only have each other. Why do you think they look the happiest in episode 2 at the end of the questionable burial route?? Ashley trusted him, and Andrew said no to the bs olive branch their mother attempted to use. People who say that questionable burial is the bad ending are in denial so bad.
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Please, the flowers around his head in the first pic, he was so happy 😭. The way he’s holding her head in the 2nd pic is so sweet 🥺. He loves her so much, those people can stay in denial though lmao. The new and improved Mr. and Mrs.Graves incoming 😉.
To sum it up, It’s exhausting seeing so many people completely miss the mark on everything about TCOAAL, especially when it comes to Ashley. They have 0 empathy for her despite everything going wrong in her life since she was little, but overlook all the suspicious things about Andrew.
When episode 3 comes out and Andrew’s mask fully comes off. those fans are going to be like “WHatTttTt???? How could this be?”… like the signs were always there actually, you just had to pay attention. If people still think Andrew should be with Julia after the episode 3 preview video… then idk what to tell them. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I just feel like TCOAAL has been so misconstrued that I don’t even know where to begin, from the characters to what the game is actually about. I mean we got people watering it down to an incest fetish porn game (both haters and certain “fans” do this btw) - (no shade to the porn games out there lmao), but it just isn’t, like at all?? I never understood that because there is nothing overly sexual or explicit in the game. Yes, there’s the questionable vision, but we don’t see anything? We just know they slept together. I think some of these people are expecting a long explicit sex scene in episode 3, I don’t see that happening though, and tbh why would we? That isn’t what the game is about 💀.
I was on the TCOAAL Steam Community page a few days ago, and I saw this YouTube video someone posted on there. I think the video was titled “TCOAAL made me wish I had a sister”, and the thumbnail was a collage of like r34 pictures of Ashley, so basically none of her in the actual game. Fanon Ashley is like a completely different entity at this point lmao. Sorry, but I died of cringe. I’m like this is exactly why people side eye the fanbase 🤦🏻‍♀️.
I’ll never forget this one video an Ashley “fan” made, it was so bad y’all I’m surprised I still had braincells afterwards, if I could go back in time and tell myself not to watch it I would lmfao. There was a point where he flipped off the camera and said “fuck you Nemlei”, literally what an immature asshole 🙄. He did that because she made a piece of bonus artwork of Ashley lighting Andrew’s cigarette for him. I’m sure you guys will know which image I mean. I’m like well, if it weren’t for Nemlei you wouldn’t have this character that you’re so obsessed with, so now what? 😂. If you’re genuinely angry that the creator made bonus art of Ashley and her CANON love interest because you have a crush on her, I suggest going outside and touching grass. Praying that video was satire 🤦🏻‍♀️. Soooo embarrassing though, satire or not. Actually, I included a comment from under that video in my Ashley Graves defense post (linked above) and dissected it because of how incredibly stupid it was.
Mind you, the creator of that video at one point said “I’d do things to Ashley that would make feminists cry!” 🤪🤪. Whatever that stupid ass statement means. So let me guess? (trigger warning just to be safe ⚠️) you’re basically referring to rape? Color me shocked 😑. Keep this idiot away from girls in real life please because yikes 😬. He said that, yet in the comment section he said the incest in the game made him uncomfortable, like be so fr…. dumb ass 🙄.. LOL.
Look, I try to be civil, but these people make it hard sometimes lmao. I can’t stand wannabe edge lords, they’re some of the most annoying people on the planet. They need their own separate internet tbh.
Anywayyy, to wrap this post up because it’s long af. Ashley and Andrew are both flawed individuals, and they both have unchecked mental health issues, which isn’t even their fault btw. Sorry, but you can’t tell me those two are the biggest villains in the story considering the society they live in is totally dystopian + they were left to starve and die in their apartment because of their own parents selling them to organ harvesters. They quite literally would have died if they didn’t do what they did to escape.
Their parents failed them both, and the fact that they formed a codependent relationship as children isn’t their fault either. It’s honestly incredibly sad more than anything. I’d say that’s why I have empathy for them both as characters, they were both dealt a bad hand in life, and I don’t think either of them have been genuinely happy before really. They’re the happiest when they’re together, and as we’ve seen from the burial route, their relationship absolutely can improve. So yes, I want them to have their happy ending so bad 🥲. Especially Ashley, considering she’s got it the worst out of the two. People try to paint Ashley and Andrew + their situation as black and white, but it just doesn’t work. If you’re taking characters in a psychological horror game at face value then you’re just missing the point.
I feel like I need to hop on YouTube and create a video about TCOAAL to rebuttal all the messy takes about it on that platform 😫.
As usual, thank you for reading 😘. It makes me happy to know others enjoy what I post ❤️. Thank you for loving the game and these characters as much as I do. :’)
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yuikomorii · 5 months
After thinking more deeply about it, people shouldn’t get mad when seeing the majority shipping AyaYui because they are the most perfect for each other…not always in the good way. They are both obsessive weirdos that are unable to communicate properly and end up doing so much dumb shit that not only hurts them but also the ones around them.
Now I’m not saying they are the most problematic characters in the game, but they just are such menaces for whoever is connected to them. They be wondering why Yui wouldn’t make such a good couple with Subaru and Azusa but the reason is that they’re exactly too soft for her. They just want a kind and motherly girl but Yui keeps putting them in uncomfortable situations, doesn’t respect their boundaries and is unable to comprehend their introversion. Ik she was in a dangerous situation at first but that’s over after the second game, isn’t it? They started dating so if that’s what she truly wanted, she has to take responsibility for that and bring her brain to work.
Now about Mr. Yours Truly, he wasn’t irredeemably bad in the first game but he was such an asshole, let’s be frank. After the first game, Yui started treating him poorly or, again , not paying attention to whatever he was going through but I just couldn’t feel bad for him. They both fucked eachother up so bad but in an equal way so I can’t say any of them is better than the other, like some of their individual fans do. I’m not saying this about the Admin but some Yui and Ayato stans must actually hate the characters and only love their fanon version of them. Just because they forgive their abusers and are friendly doesn’t make them the kindest character anyone has ever seen. They did too many bad things to be considered the kindest and I’m not gonna follow the “they went insane” excuse because I really don’t care. All characters are insane and broken but not all of them did as much shit as they did.
I’m not justifying anything from that dick but e.g. when Karlheinz commits a genocide to make ghouls, he is said to have abused his powers and is evil but when Yui commits a genocide because her cute Ayato-kun 〜 died and kills all living things on both worlds, that’s seen as romantic? Like that’s extremely evil and selfish of her too. Or when others complain about the vampires being possessive and jealous, when Yui is the same person that stabbed Shu and threw him in the dungeon afterwards out of jealousy and she also paralysed Ayato then used him as her pleasure slave only because he drank blood from other chicks. Again, I’m not excusing them but she’s just as worse when triggered enough. All the fanwars are stupid when the game only has characters that wouldn’t be perceived as mentally sane or innocent angels in real life.
// Uuh… you kinda worded it a bit too harshly but I do get where you come from.
The thing is Yui, Ayato, Azusa, Subaru and Yuma are characters described by Rejet as either pure or kind-hearted, yet this doesn’t mean they necessarily have to be saints sent from above 24/7. Good people can react horribly under stress, pressure or shock. Yes, they can do wrong stuff and treat others badly as a result, but this doesn’t mean they have a bad soul. Trauma is not the same from person to person and everyone reacts to it differently. It can turn good people into monsters depending on the severity of the circumstances and some might never come back to their original nature. And, even if they do, this will not excuse their actions, but as long as they try to change for the better and take accountability, I believe they deserve a second chance.
Rejet makes Yui go mad in some endings and After stories to demonstrate that she is capable of doing something as awful as the Diaboys if an event hits her hard enough, just like it did to them. And, to be honest, that's realistic. Of course, not the story, but the fact that every person, no matter how strong, has a breaking point.
Speaking of the genocide committed by Yui, the reason why it’s considered romantic is not the deed itself, but the fact Yui created an Ayato ghoul after exterminating everything, only because she wanted to be killed by the man she loved. I think this was the only time Yui seriously used her brain, and the fact she was crazy when doing that, makes it hilarious.
As for the Yandere endings, Yui does that to Shu in MB, if I recall correctly but it was so unexpected because she really didn’t get any vibes throughout the route, therefore I guess it was just random writing. In Ayato’s route, the obsessive tendencies were obvious when she started looking through Ayato’s swimsuit magazines and tried measuring her boobs to the ones of those girls. I was pretty sure she would pull a possessive move on him later on, lol.
Truth be told, I don't mind that in fictional couples as long as they're both obsessed with each other and it's not one-sided. Besides, it’s funny how even Ruki called Yui “Ayato obsessed” in CL.
As a DL fan, I understand that no character is a total green flag because they all display toxic behavior in regular circumstances, no matter if intentional or not. Nonetheless, that shouldn’t stop us from loving them. Some people prefer the softer aspects of DL, while others prefer the darker, but keep in mind that those who prefer talking well about their favs don't want to be always reminded of all the bad things they did, especially if those characters regret them or weren't in the best mental state at the time.
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showtoonzfan · 9 months
Would you say HB is portraying gays like they can do wrong and are perfect? Because every happy/good character/relationship is gay and every character that isn’t implied to be lgbt is pure evil and any m/f pairings imply that one or both of the people involved is at least bi.
Viv definitely prides herself in creating characters who are LGBTQ+ and unapologetically problematic, but if you know her work that’s the exact OPPOSITE of what she’s accomplished. She sees any of her gay characters as uwu babies who did nothing wrong, so yeah I would say that HB is portraying gays as innocent. This is why so many people make posts begging creators to craft gay characters who are nasty little shits because we’re so used to queer media portraying them as soft or pure. And I’m 100% on that boat, gimme some LGBTQ+ evil villains or bad eggs!!
Viv TRIES to get this done by making Angel a mobster who kills people, Blitz an assassin, Stolas a problematic weirdo ect, but despite their character flaws it’s pretty obvious that she wants you to think they’re good and gentle people deep down, that’s why she crafts Saturday morning cartoon villains against them so they look worse in comparison and you’ll have no choice but to side with the one who “isn’t that bad”. Val is a r@pist and Stella is an abuser so I guess that means the characters that murder people are better than them. Angel and Blitz are the worst case since they’re both murders and yet Viv portrays them as helpless and lord knows what she’ll do to Alastor. It’s been obvious from the beginning but Viv just wants her audience to see these characters the same way she does, soft and gentle uwu boys who are traumatized and just need love. I’d say that Val is the only exception since I doubt he’s straight but he doesn’t count since he’s boringly flat and his mere existence is just to make Angel look better in comparison. Vox seems to be the legit only gay character that’s evil and unapologetic but that’s not saying much since we don’t know the guy yet.
I’ve said it a million times but for the love of god she needs to stop being afraid of what her audience will think of these characters and just LET them be bad people and make mistakes WITHOUT it being excused or justified. I’d say that part of her is worried people will think she’s portraying gay people badly which……people already think that lol but in a sense that she’s painting them in a negative light. It’s an issue that some writers go through, they don’t want to give their audiences the wrong intention when it comes to their characters, remember when people disliked Angel because they thought he was in hell for being gay? It’s like that. I’d say you can accomplish this well if you play your cards right as a writer, but Viv unfortunately doesn’t have that skill. She’s under the impression that she needs to make all her gay mlm characters uwu babies while also slapping the same “snarky crude” juvenile personality onto them over and OVER again and it’s just…sickening to watch lol.
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maoam · 1 year
So here’s a post defending Sakura and since it makes assumptions about people who think Sakura is a bad character (not badly written exactly, just unlikeable) I’ll respond to it: [link]
“Sakura is toxic because she made fun of Naruto for being an orphan–” She regretted it the second after Sasuke rightfully called her out and even opened a therapy center for war orphans. “
Her opening a clinic is not canon, it’s novel only, Kishimoto didn’t write that, and only Kishimoto’s portrayal is canon. What Kishi portrayed was that Sakura never redeemed herself when it comes to understanding loneliness.
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She compared her shallow feelings to the massacre of Sasuke’s entire family and clan. That’s how selfish and ignorant she is. She’s taking her family for granted and rubbing it in Sasuke’s face as she makes this about herself and her hurting because he’s leaving her. She even said Sasuke’s revenge won’t make HER happy. As if it’s about her or Sasuke should care whether it makes her happy or not. Even in chapter 693 after Sasuke had given a speech about how he wants change, Sakura went on a rant on how things can go back to how they were if Sasuke just stays with her. She doesn’t even listen what he says! No matter how much time passes. No matter how many times Sasuke tells her her feelings aren’t relevant when it comes to his goals.
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And Kishimoto wrote her to be like this even in the Road to Ninja movie (which’s script he wrote). She has to constantly be told her actions are hurtful. She treats Naruto more like someone she has to tolerate because they’re in the same team rather than a friend. Sometimes she feels guilty when others point out how badly she treats him as a friend/comrade, but she always falls back. It’s hilarious after how awfully she treated him in part 1 she still begged him with tears in her eyes to bring Sasuke back. Lol. And her fake confession was indeed stupid and showed not only she doesn’t know Sasuke, she doesn’t know Naruto either. I hate the “Sakura makes mistakes, she’s human” excuse. I noticed usually when people use the word “human” to defend characters they’re annoying characters. She’s not sympathetic, she’s annoying. And dumb, she left her teammates in the middle of nowhere.
“Sakura is abusive because she constantly punches Naruto–” She only hit him in the manga when he did something perverted or disrespectful, it was heavily exaggerated in the anime. It's called slap stick comedy. If you think it's aBuSiVe, I hope you have the same energy for Jiraiya who peeked at the women's bathroom without consent and gets brushed off as ‘comedic purpose’, double standards much?”
Yes I absolutely have the same energy for Jiraiya. Screw him. And only when Naruto does something stupid? How is punching the shit out of him because he accidentally kissed Sasuke okay? Sasuke isn’t even hers. And what about when he punched both Naruto and Sai because Sai called Ino beautiful?
“Sakura was SEVEN when she announced Ino as her rival. I'm sorry y'all are morally uptight who's never made a single stupid decision as a kid that you feel the need to accuse a child of being a villain for acting like a child. And it has been implied very clearly Sakura wanted to get out of Ino's shadow and only used Sasuke as an excuse to do so. And if Sakura was this horrible bitchy friend you guys think she was then I don't think Ino would immediately jump to protect her during chunin exams. Sasuke did more terrible things to his best friend than Sakura did but once only Sakura gets shit for it. And they never stopped being friends, only their dynamic changed, it included friendly bickering and rivalry. Ino never was mad or bitter with Sakura and even proudly told her she bloomed into a beautiful flower, this doesn't sound like a person who's been unfairly betrayed by a best friend over a crush?”
First of all most little girls don’t dump their friends over a boy. Teenagers maybe. The reason why Ino still cares about Sakura is because Kishimoto portrayed Ino as a good friend who wanted to help Sakura. And still cared about her when her life was in danger. He even used Ino’s dad to stress her care for her friends being what he’s most proud about her during the war arc. He wanted to highlight Sakura’s bad treatment of her friends with Ino. Sakura was always portrayed as catty towards Ino. Their only interaction in part 2 is Sakura wanting Sai to call Ino ugly (why would Kishimoto do this and nothing positive from Sakura towards Ino in part 2?) and in Gaiden she’s nervously laughing when Sarada comes between Ino and Sasuke. Sakura also taped herself over Karin, she sees them both as threats. As she told Ino, she’d never let her near Sasuke. Kishimoto portrayed her consistently like this.
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“She has a Stockholm Syndrom--”
I’m not one of those who thinks she has a Stockholm syndrome. She’s just a dumb girl who mistook her hormonal urges and school girl “romance” for true love and acts obnoxious about it, with no regard for Sasuke’s feelings.
“She is shallow, she only liked Sasuke for his looks–” If her feelings for Sasuke truly were shallow, she'd have moved on after he left the village, she'd have moved on after he became a criminal, like Ino did. She saw Sasuke at his worst and still chose him with all his flaws. A ‘shallow crush’ wouldn't last for so many years. If her feelings weren't strong or deep, Sasuke wouldn't choose her in the end.
Her feelings are shallow. What kind of argument is “she didn’t move on, that’s why her feelings are not shallow” is? I guess this is good news for stalkers, their feelings are always true love because they don’t give up! Kishimoto used 自分勝手な 恋な, (jibungattena koina) which means selfish/self centered/egoistic love to describe Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke in the beginning. It’s a negative word. After the manga had ended he used the word 中毒 to describe Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke, which means addiction. And it’s even worse than the first one. It’s very negative, toxic. How do people not realize he’s mocking her? Also, Sakura DID give up on Sasuke and didn’t accept all his flaws. Sasuke even himself acknowledged at the end Naruto is the only one who never tried to cut ties with him and who never gave up on him. Maybe it’s someone else who needs to read the manga properly.
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Her feelings never matured or developed. Kishimoto showed it to us very clearly. She’s desperate for any crumb from Sasuke, and mopes when she doesn’t get it. Even during the war arc, when the fate of the world was at stake, what she cared about was Sasuke-kun not fussing over her.
I’ll simply copypaste from my other post: Sakura was portrayed like any other fangirl of Sasuke in the beginning, who liked his looks and how cool he was. She never tried to approach Sasuke as a friend but only kept asking him on dates despite his blatant rejections. She never says why she loves him, or even likes him. According to herself Sasuke never says anything to her. Her first confession showed how little she understood Sasuke. She was the girl with everything, with family, while Sasuke and Naruto had nothing. Yet she had the nerve to say if Sasuke left she would be just as lonely as he was. She’s comparing the massacre of Sasuke’s family to a boy she never talks to leaving her, while disrespecting her own parents in the process. How juvenile that must have sounded like to someone like Sasuke. In Part 1 Sasuke occassionally protects Sakura because she’s too weak to protect herself, and in part 2 Sakura probably wanted to entertain the thought Sasuke would still have this consideration for her. But in Part 2 Sasuke treats Sakura like a fodder ninja. She doesn’t manage to get a proper reaction out of Sasuke who focuses on Naruto everytime he meets up with his former team. Sasuke also leaves Sakura to die couple times while choosing to save Naruto instead. Despite all this, Sakura still thought she’s entitled to Sasuke, and in her second confession she started to yet again scream how much she loves Sasuke and how much she hurts due to it. In both of her confessions she is guilt tripping Sasuke and trying to make him pity her. In both of her confessions she makes everything about herself. She admits to herself she can’t do anything for Sasuke, yet she tries to win him over by pity. But she annoys Sasuke once again, and he puts her in a murder genjutsu. Sasuke then says they have no reason to love each other. And he’s right. What does Sakura know about Sasuke? Clearly nothing, considering she said the worst things she could have said during both of her confessions. She heard Sasuke talk about wanting change, yet she started to scream how if Sasuke stays with her, things can go back to how they were. It’s like the most basic things she doesn’t understand. She’s just an overemotional child who has nothing of worth to say. Kakashi who coddles her tries to talk to Sasuke on her behalf as well, insisting Sakura suffers for loving him. Sasuke then thinks of his family and says perhaps those are ties to a failed past. As in Sakura literally lives in the past. And she does. Despite the fact everything has changed, she thinks about the moment when Sasuke thanked her, and ignores him calling her annoying for her ignorant comments, or the fact someone who wants change obviously doesn’t want to go back to the way things were. This brutal rejection though still won’t slow Sakura down, but after Sasuke is leaving to his atonement trip Sakura blushes like a school girl and asks to come with him. After him mocking her and putting her in a genjutsu, this is what she does. Sasuke didn’t choose her, she simply did not leave him alone. This is his reaction after seeing her first time in 12 years:
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Kishimoto also just HAD to drop the information that Sasuke never kissed Sakura. Because he wanted to show to us how loving their marriage is. Hah.
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He also had to drop the information Sasuke avoids her like she’s the plague. Just because.
If she didn't love him, she'd not be able to stop his curse mark.
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I’m gonna stop you right there. Sasuke didn’t want to worry his teammates, he said so many times. He easily withdrew the cursemark during his match as well by remembering his teammates worry over him. It wasn’t that hard for him to do. It had nothing to do with Sakura’s love being “true” or “pure”.
“Sakura is useless as a main character–” That's not her fault. That's a criticism for the author. None of the female characters in the series have as much complexity, fight scenes or power as the male characters. It's a shonen centric more to the male characters. Sakura IS a main character because she contributes more in the manga than other female characters but she's not going to contribute as much as Sasuke or Naruto because the series revolved around men more than women. “
Wait til you find out the only version of Sakura that exists is the one Kishimoto created. And the issue isn’t her “not contributing as much as Naruto and Sasuke” it’s her being a dumbass who can’t do anything on battlefield unless she’s being held by hand and who prioritizes getting validation from Sasuke over actually acting like a proper shinobi. Let’s look at Sakura’s track record:
Land of Waves: Useless, just stands around.
Chunin exams: She thinks she’s got it during the written exam, but she didn’t realize the true meaning of the test despite acting she’s the smartest in their team. In the forest of death she stands around and screams, when she finally has to fight it’s like 2 minutes and she has to be saved by 4 support characters and Sasuke. She gets mocked for her amateuristic shinobi skills by her opponents. Ino uses shinobi like tactic during their fight, while Sakura only punches and has no strategy.
Konoha crush: She gets one-paneled by Gaara and well needs to be saved as always.
Search for Tsunade: Doesn’t do anything.
Sasuke Retrieval: Doesn’t do anything.
Kazekage Rescue: The only arc where she’s not useless and it’s because she’s literally used as a puppet and someone is directing her moves.
Tenchi Bridge Mission: Useless, gets knocked out and rescued several times.
Akatsuki Suppression: Doesn’t do anything.
Itachi Pursuit arc: Doesn’t do anything.
Pain arc: Cries for Naruto to help. Lmao. Doesn’t even try to buy him time despite acting she’s sooooo strong and wants to protect Naruto and Sasuke.
Kage Summit: Everything she tries to do in this arc she fails.
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Oh Sakura, how useless you are. Can’t even land a punch on a regular Kumo ninja. Can’t even lie to Naruto believably. Can’t even lie to Sasuke believably. Have to be rescued from Sasuke more than once. Then end up crying like you always do. Haha.
War arc: Temari saved Shikamaru’s ass in part 1 already. She was also a great leader during the 4th shinobi war, and land a hit on Madara. And what about some others? Tsunade broke down Susanoo and healed her teammates while being broken in half, Karin took down a monster kages couldn’t, and Ino took control of the Ten-tails and stopped its attacks and connected the whole shinobi army. Meanwhile Sakura stans go crazy when she punches some white zetsus once (and IMMEDIATELY needs to be saved after because she was too busy bragging how she’s better than Tsunade and didn’t pay attention to her surroundings). She only started to fight when Sasuke appeared because she wanted to show off to him. And she’s still useless. Charges in with no strategy once again, gets stabbed by Madara and needs to be rescued. Then stand around in awe when Naruto and Sasuke actually know what they’re doing. She can’t even stab an eye to end it all. Kishi shows how in both Kage Summit arc and War arc she trembles with a kunai and doesn’t hit her target. None of the other female characters except Hinata are this bad. They use whatever little screentime they have to be useful, while Sakura is too busy being rescued and whining because Sasuke-kun doesn’t love her back.
Here’s a couple posts to showcase how Kishimoto writes her. He uses the same narrative motifs with Sakura until the end. Open your eyes:
[link], [link], [link]
There’s countless other posts on both of our blogs but those are pretty right to the point. I doubt people want to read a whole thesis right now.
In short, Sakura Haruno is fucking amazing and maybe if y'all didn't hold female characters to such a ridiculous high standard and bothered to understand the manga instead of watching filler episodes, you'd know.
I never watched fillers because they suck. Sakura also sucks even in the manga. It’s not hard to notice Kishimoto meant to portray her as a shallow, weak and boy crazy character. I’m not even gonna go for the comparison of characters who have suffered massive injustice from the system and react realistically and understandably, and Sakura who has had everything handed to her and couldn’t even began to understand the tragedies and suffering of those characters. Who still acts like her life is so hard when a boy she knows nothing about doesn’t like her back. Lol. She never grew up, and I wait for the day when people stop trying to excuse her character and insisting how she’s supposedly so great.
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apples-and-heartbreak · 4 months
I feel like when I’m reading or watching something, for me to like a hero, they have to
1) have ambition about anything
2) not be annoying
3) not excuse their shitty behaviour with their shitty childhood
4) not be so self-righteous they don’t see their own flaws
For these reasons I hate with a burning passion Jace Herondale, Clary Fairchild, Eli Ever, Tiberius “Cal” Calore VIII, Dean Winchester, and Legend/Dante Santos
Jace is constantly doing something shitty in every book and people don’t care and they just put up with it for some reason. In CoG he belittles Clary because he wants to push her away but keeps coming back to her. He also keeps coming onto Clary when he thought she was his sister and said that cursed sentence in CoG that I need to bleach from my brain. I know if he said that shit to me I would’ve punched him in his stupid face cuz who does he think he is? He mocks the werewolves after they lost a child in their pack, he’s just awful to Alec at times, he doesn’t seem to understand there are consequences to his actions and just does shit because he wants to. He had the emotional maturity of a dried up pinecone.
Clary also does so much shit and people don’t call her out because she’s the protagonist and she just lets Jace do whatever to her because he’s hot. Girl please get a grip. She slut shames Izzy because apparently women aren’t allowed to have a sex life or wear revealing clothing 😒 girl you kissed someone you thought was YOUR BROTHER!! She dated Simon to get over Jace and then kissed Jace in the Seelie Court, and repeatedly thought about Jace in a romantic sense WHILE she thought they were SIBLINGS! I can’t.
Eli is so self-righteous, annoying and hypocritical. He uses God and religion as an excuse to kill innocent people which is just disgusting. Like I get that he thinks being an EO changed a person because Victor became different but he is an EO himself and he just takes it on himself to murder innocent people for simply existing.
Cal has no desire to do anything, at least up to the beginning of King’s Cage he doesn’t (where I currently am). He knows how poorly the Reds are being treated and he doesn’t want to change anything because (and I’m paraphrasing) there would be outrage among the Silvers and a war would break out. Bitch you are already at war! He’s the reason why so many innocent young Reds have lost their lives fighting in a war they have no say in. He sees the Scarlet Guard killing Silvers and he doesn’t try to stop them. He sulks and whines but doesn’t take any real action, which he could if he actually wanted to. He stalks around the camp like Mare’s dog and thinks he’s better than everyone.
Dean Winchester is an abusive asshole. He locked Sam in the cellar when he was addicted to demon blood when he knew the withdrawal could kill him. He shit on Sam for being manipulated. He’s made horrible perverted jokes about women, might I remind y’all of the high school episode (he was at least 26 at the time). He guilted Sam for leaving him in Hell and Purgatory when he did THE EXACT SAME THING when Same went to the cage. He threatened Kaia, a teenager at gun point for his own selfish purposes. He abused Jack til the very end, yelling that he wasn’t family when Jack had sacrificed his soul and life for the Winchesters, and made Jack hate himself for being born. He was shitty to Cas in so many seasons and didn’t care that Cas just went through seeing his son die and wasn’t able to save him. He violated Sam’s body by tricking him into letting Gadreel in which led to the death of Kevin and had the audacity to think he was wronged.
Dante is shit. Julian, his brother, lived with him for centuries, followed him wherever he went and loved him unconditionally. All Julian asked was for Dante to love him back, which he never did. When Julian finally found someone who loved him, Dante made fun of him. And then in the next book he gives up his immortality for Tella, a girl he has known for literal months at most. He didn’t love his brother, who has been with him since the beginning, enough to give up his immortality but he loved this random girl he has known for a couple months at most to give it all up?? Tella should’ve left him in the dust just like she did Jacks and went off on adventures by herself and met someone that wasn’t a twat.
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 2 months
well? share the thoughts
Ok bet
I think about Mary and Tilda a lot because they are both victims and perpetrators of violence.
Tilda was left by her husband while pregnant with twins(I’m pretty sure that’s canon) like holy shit. Could you imagine what that would be like. And on top of that she was raised in a hyper religious environment which based on Luther’s whole character you can assume wasn’t the most sympathetic to her situation. A (probably) young pregnant woman who can’t possibly raise her own kids because she both can’t afford it and because imagine the emotional distress that must put a person under. She couldn’t get an abortion she definitely couldn’t raise two kids by herself. When she did give birth she gave them both up. (Probably for the better, two white boys with blonde hair should be easily adopted)Could that be because she knew she couldn’t raise two kids by herself or she wanted to give them better then her I don’t know (I’m assuming the former)
but she went back for one.(this is probably why Andrew was in foster care. Tilda set a precedent of coming back for her kid. Who wants to adopt a child only for the bio parent to come back for the kid?)Was it because Luther was on her ass or was it because of her own guilt? I sure as hell don’t know. Nicky confirmed that she didn’t start hurting Aaron physically till they moved to South Carolina (I’m pretty sure she was at the very least neglectful before then)
She was a victim of circumstance and I can’t blame her for falling into addiction (she made her choices but still)but she chose to hurt her children. She chose to take her guilt out on Aaron she chose to not put both kids up for adoption (which probably led to Andrew being in the foster system for most of his childhood)
And Mary.
What was her life like before. Obviously she and Stuart had a descent relationship. She clearly had some extreme skill for violence. Was she doing things before she got married? Did she plan on doing something for her family? Did she even want kids? She probably had something she was working too before she was sold to an abuser then had to have his kid. She then gave up everything to make sure that child survived. But she still abused him. Her being a victim doesn’t excuse hurting her kid, nothing can excuse that.
I don’t morn the women the became I morn the girls they were, And I just keep thinking about those two girls who were put in extreme situations and were 100% victims up until they chose to hurt their kids.
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sketchy-rosewitch · 1 year
Sore Fucking Losers: Rusty Nail x f!reader
Warnings: little ooc Rusty, gore, mutilation, multiple character deaths, crying, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, mentions of rape. Read my post about the Dice Game. It has all the rules. I’ve decided to roll dice to get this written.
Minors DNI +18
Dead Dove Do Not Eat
A/N: This is probably the grossest thing I’ve written.
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“I don’t know why you have to be such a dick all the time.” You mumble, arms crossed and brows scowling as you mess with a wrapper on the car floor with your foot.
“It’s a fucking joke. Get over yourself.” Your boyfriend says, pushing you hard into the car door. He tries to play it off as a joke with the rest of his friends in the car, it works easily on them. They don’t exactly like you.
“Yeah come on, you’re being a bitch.” Luke says, you try and ignore his remark and look out the window.
“Yeah but when isn’t she.” Shanda giggles, the rest of the car laughs along with her. Shanda says shit just to say it. You know she’s been jealous of you and Xavier being together and honestly, she could have him. You’re sure she is having him, he always jumps to her defense but never to yours.
“Gas station up ahead, gonna fill up and we can take a break.” Xavier says.
About five minutes later he parks at a gas pump, Luke, Shanda, and Riley get out and go inside the gas station, you get out once you see them inside but Xavier stops you. He grabs your upper arm and pulls you towards him. Like a parent lecturing their child, he mumbles in your ear.
“Better shut the fuck up for the rest of the trip and stop being such a bitch. You’re embarrassing the hell outta me. I’ll fuck you up if you try any of that shit again, okay?”
You nod frantically. You feel as his grip tightens in a warning before letting go.
“Sitting here acting like a damn pussy. Live a little.” You notice his eyes roll before you turn around quickly walk into the gas station. You head towards the restroom and your stomach churns as you notice only you and Shanda are in there. She smirks and you try and avoid her by going into the nearest stall.
The black haired girl is quick to grab your forearm and shove you into the restroom counter. “You’re so fucking embarrassing. Can’t wait for Xavier to break up with you. You don’t deserve him. Surprised he even chose someone like you. Fucking Virgin. You sit there in your dorm room all day, can’t even kiss a man correctly. You’re pathetic. Xavier needs something more. Guess it’s a good thing he has me.” Shanda pulls your hair. You don’t do anything about it, knowing who’s side everyone would take.
She lets go and leaves. You move into one of the stalls to use the toilet.
You wash your hands and take a breather before heading out the door.
Something feels off as you walk outside to the pumps. You look around before noticing your shit scattered all over the pavement. Your boyfriend’s car out of sight.
You blink multiple times trying to make sense of what just happened. You walk over to your stuff and gather it up so you can easily carry it to the curb. You sigh and check your phone for cell service. You’d have to call your mom, you didn’t have enough money for a plane ticket.
Nothing, you frown. You’d have to go to the next town for it.
You should’ve guessed they would’ve left you. They made fun of everything you did and everything you didn’t do. They were just straight up assholes. You pinch the bridge of your nose in embarrassment before looking up and around again. You need to find a ride into the closest town.
You see a tall man, hands shoved in his pockets walking away from his semi truck.
This is so risky.
“Sir! Excuse me!” You wave at him and walk over quickly, but nervously. He stops and looks like he’s glaring at you. You can’t see his eyes though, so you wouldn’t know. Your voice shakes. “I’m so sorry for bothering you. I uh, need a ride to the next town over. The gas station doesn’t have cell service and I need to call my mom.” You explain. The man is quiet. “I can pay you if you need-“
“No need. I’ll give you a ride, lemme get’a pack a’ smokes real quick.” He grumbles. You nod quickly and move aside to let him get into the small store. You grab your two bags and hurry to the truck.
The gears in your head turn, you’ve seen this truck before. You know it. Same state plate and truck color, the logo is all the same too.
This is the truck Xavier almost ran off the road.
“Need help with your bags, hun?” The deep voice makes you jump. You turn wide eyed and the man almost seems more menacing.
“Yes! Yes if you don’t mind!”
The man opens the truck door and grabs your bags, placing them between the passenger and driver’s seat, he then slides over and you get in after him. You slam the door shut and buckle in.
He starts the truck and heads back onto the road.
“I didn’t get your name.” You say, trying to be polite. You relax into the car seat and he answers.
“Just call me Rusty. Yours?”
You introduce yourself with a kind smile, then it turns to a frown after thinking about Xavier. “I should probably apologize for earlier.” Your hands fumble with your jacket zipper, from the corner of your eye you see Rusty tilts his head. You continue, “My boyfriend… well I guess ex boyfriend now, he almost drove you off the road. I recognized your truck. He was being real fucking stupid with his driving and I yelled at him. Him and his friends got mad at me, asked him why he had to be such a dick. Pushed me into the door of the car.” You scoff.
“Ah that was you guys? You help me find them I might teach em a thing or two.” Rusty says, you furrow your brows and look him up and down. What’s the worse that could happen?
“Yeah sure, they’re supposed to be stopping at a motel a few hours from here.”
“So what are we planning on doing to them?” You ask unlocking the motel room door.
“We?” Rusty steps to the side and shuts the door.
“I mean yeah we, they’re pieces of shit. I wanna help. Little bit of revenge on my part, it’ll make me feel better after already wasting two years with them.” You explain plopping down on one of the queen sized beds in the room. Rusty leans on the table and crosses his arms.
“You sure? I tell you what’s gonna happen, but you better not run, you run you’re dead.” Rusty admits, your stomach churns slightly.
“I swear I will not run, I won’t even tell anyone.” You cross your heart like a child and he chuckles.
“Gonna play some games with them. Only about an hour until my place, we’re bringing them there, playing my favorite game and that’s it.”
You furrow your brows and let out a scoff. “That’s it? You had me all scared and shit Rusty. Ain’t gotta worry ‘bout me ruining from some fucking game.” You stand up and playfully push his shoulder, you see his mouth is still resting in a frown.
“How you think we’re getting them there hun? You think they’re just gonna do as I say? Get in their car and drive there?” Rusty says darkly. Worry crosses your features, your hands tingle and you wipe the hand you pushed Rusty with up and down your jeans nervously.
“I- uh guess I didn’t think of that.” You mumble.
“I know you didn’t. S’okay, we can play two games at once to make you feel less guilty. Hate to drag you inta all a’this. You won’t be playin’ the main game. You’ll just watch.” Rusty explains.
“What’s the second game?”
“You decide that.”
You watch Rusty sleep, not being able to sleep yourself after given the options for the second game. Some part of you felt guilty for what would happen to your ex and his friends. But another part of you told you to suck it up cause they’d done so much worse to you.
“Hey, hey!”
You bolt up and pant, looking around frantically.
Rusty’s hand holds your shoulder in an almost comforting way.
“Why don’t you go ahead and wait in the truck for me, yeah? Don’t gotta help.”
You look at him with tired eyes and nod, yawning and stretching you get up and pull your shoes on shuffling towards the door.
You stare at the four people passed out in the back, hands tied and mouths gagged. It won’t be long before you’re back. You smirk and decide to get more sleep.
You sit in a barn, off to the side from the table Xavier and his friends sit at. They’re all slowly waking up. As soon as they realize they’re not where they’re supposed to be they panic.
They look like fish out of water. You try not to laugh. Your hands are loosely tied in front. This is your game, makes you feel less guilty. Rusty promised you wouldn’t ever play his game and he kept his promise with loose rope and observing away from the table. The chair sits so you can see everyone.
Rusty comes in about a half an hour later. Snot is running down Xavier’s nose as he cries.
“What do you want with US?” Your ex’s voice cracks as he lets out a nasty sob.
“You like to play games?” Rusty mumbles.
“I said, YOU LIKE TO PLAY GAMES?” Rusty’s voice booms, it startles you a bit. Your stomach rolls. Shanda let’s put a whine.
“I- fuck I guess?!” Xavier whimpers.
“You guess?! You fucking guess?! Weren’t you the one seeing if you could knock me off the road?” The broad man grabs Xavier’s chin.
“No! No! That was, ugh.” You see Rusty’s finger tips go white as he grips the younger man’s face harder. “It was her! She’s the one who gave the idea!” Xavier points towards you and you scowl. The rest of them nod and your chest tightens your teeth bare back in defense.
“Mm, just don’t think that’s true. But we’ll let God decide whether you’re a liar or not. Through my favorite game. Whatever you roll the person across from you gets.” Rusty pulls a pair of dice out of his pocket. “Roll pretty boy.” He says throwing them towards Xavier.
“Well what about her?” Luke asks.
“Occupied, already have her playing a game.”
Xavier hesitantly grabs the die as he watches Rusty. His hands visibly shake as he rolls.
Rusty walks to a shelf next to you and smirks. “Ear.” He grabs a razor and walks over to the person across from Xavier, Luke.
Luke whimpers. “Please! You don’t have to do this! We- we’re sorry! You can let us go and we’ll forget all about this! Won’t even contact the police!” Luke gags, his cries make Rusty laugh. Your stomach churns. This really is your reality. You’re going to watch your exe’s friends get tortured and possibly die.
Rusty shows the blade in Luke’s face and turns it. His cries turn into hysterical sobs, Rusty cuts down his ear, and blood flows out, everyone around the table gags and sobs trying to turn away until it’s done.
Rusty slams the ear on the table and moves the die to Riley.
Nine. Freedom.
“Lucky, lucky.” Rusty’s voice rumbles. “Got some decisions to make here girl.” Everyone looks at Shanda. “You got a minute to untie all your friends and run or you can just save yourself.” Rusty goes behind Shanda’s chair and begins untying her. “Times a ticking though.”
Shanda is untangled from her chair and gets up, looking around frantically she makes a run for the barn doors. Her friends cry out for her but she ignores them. Rusty watches his watch for 60 seconds. When time is up he grabs a shotgun then moves the die to Luke. He’s barely conscious. “Roll, I wanna see what I’m lookin’ forward to when I get back.”
Luke lazily takes the die and rolls. Ten. Eye. Rusty nods and makes his way out the same barn doors Shanda was running from.
It isn’t long until a gunshot is heard and Rusty is dragging a dead woman back inside. He goes over to a shelf and grabs a melon baller. You cringe at the feeling going through your body.
Xavier sobs. “No, no please! Please! Baby! Do something about this please! Don’t you love me? Don’t you care?” Xavier looks at you in the eyes and you scoff, so sick of his bullshit.
“Why should I give a fuck? You never gave a fuck about me, never defended me. You never broke it off with me and threatened me when I tried to! You just wanted control! Now you don’t have it and you’re a fucking pussy! Trying to say how sorry you are. You aren’t sorry, you never will be. Fuck if I care what happens to you!”
Your hands slip through the restraints and you get up grabbing a fistful of Xavier’s shirt. “You gonna keep spewing lies Xavier? Always are, talking about I’m a virgin and shit! Ain’t even gonna tell any of them how you forced yourself on me MULTIPLE godamn times! Fuck you!” You grab the dice and roll. “You get this too. Four for Chest.” You laugh.
“Go ahead Rusty. I’ll be in the house.” You say beginning to walk out of the barn.
Rusty comes in hours later, his shirt, pants, and jean jacket are stained. You get up and walk over to him.
“They ain’t bothering’ you no more.”
“Good, Rusty?”
He looks down at you.
“Is it okay if I stay with you for awhile? I’ll call my mom about Xavier leaving me and just say I found a Bed and Breakfast to stay at and vacation in for a few weeks. Then I’ll head back home. I’m just- not ready yet I guess, I need time to process everything.” You explain, your body tenses up waiting for Rusty to answer.
“Sure. You stay as long as you need to. You swear on your life you ain’t tell in’ no one?”
“I swear. You can drag me down with you. Thank you so much. This isn’t a common occurrence though is it?” You ask genuinely.
“I try to not bring my issues back home. That’s all I’ll tell you.”
“Just don’t wanna get caught up in more shit.”
“Of course.”
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