#and all my posters up. and it will be beautiful. one day. (manifesting)
seilon · 10 months
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surprise fuckin HAUL bro 💕💎♾️
#I got BOTH MY FAVS for the random photocards and the poster that came with hard I am SO damn lucky#I love the taemin poster so much he looks so smug and so pretty and i wanna . bite him (affectionate)#I was actually pretty surprised these weren’t like ridiculously expensive. but in general I wasn’t expecting to get these today at ALL#my mom and I were at an intl market in town and apparently there’s a kpop store there and surprisingly she let me get some stuff#which sounds so lame considering I am almost 23 but. alas.#they have the most recent shinee light stick there too and good lord I want it so bad but. it costed as much as All Of That in the picture#combined. so. :(#one day……….#I wanted to get killer/gasoline but I couldn’t spend THAT much money unfortunately#I’m glad they had 13egin honestly I was a little worried they wouldn’t cause it’s so new and infinite’s not with a big label anymore and#aren’t the most popular or new group at least in the states#that’s my first physical infinite album <3 bless#again. so lucky I got sungjong’s photocard dude. my first and only infinite album and I got My Boy. mwah#god I wanna put all this shit up but I still don’t have my own apartment and don’t wanna commit to putting up posters in a place I don’t#wanna be in for very long if I can help it#one day. hopefully sooner than later. i will have an apartment. and I will have a shelf of all my shinee albums (and albums in general).#and all my posters up. and it will be beautiful. one day. (manifesting)#kibumblabs#shinee#infinite
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suguru-getos · 7 months
| Aftermath | Keigo Takami x f!TherapistReader |
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-> chapter one
summary: hawks who has just lost his quirk in the war & coping with his life as a quirkless man, decides to finally listen to his own self & seek therapy. why did he choose a quirkless therapist? maybe to seek solidarity— or maybe, he hoped you’d not judge him.
warnings: therapy, childhood!trauma, bnha!spoilers, mentions of inner child healing, keigo talks about his childhood, mentions of toxic!parenting, cocky!kei as always.
a/n: don't mind me giving my comfort character and my loml some healing lmaooo <33 i had sm fun writing this istg it made my heart warm. this is a slow burn fic, and the reader is a self-insert on some points because i can get self indulgent tehee!!
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You wandered aimlessly, looking around the suite-like cabin and then down the skyline. Tokyo was always beautiful, even now when winters had just started to greet. There was a foggy blanket of clouds covering the labyrinth of buildings and you could never get over it. With your next client, it was obvious your thoughts were along the lines of… an Angel flying out in the skies keeping everyone safe, now reduced to someone without wings. Still an Angel though, but that's what you think. Maybe he doesn't.
You grimly sighed when your eyes wandered at the clock, there were still 30 minutes to your appointment, normally… someone like you would never get the opportunity to deal with heroes so popular. Hawks was a no show after the war, people thought he had died. People thought he left Japan for good. Though a faint glimmer of hope always made you want to believe he's still around. To your surprise when he was your client, you felt a knot on your stomach churn with anticipation and excitement.
You sat on your velvety chair, the lights dim and comfortable to the modernized architecture of your office. You gulped, opening his file and looking at the passport photograph of him. The scar he got in one of the fights in which a villain named Dabi publicized his kill was there, siren eyes staring into your very soul were there. How could you even try to open up someone who looks so ethereal and so threatening at the same time. You feel just as nervous as your first time, the personality that Hawks carries eating away at you slowly. You shook your head, jerking the thoughts away. Be professional, he is a client and you're doing your job.
If you hadn't been so dazed by your favorite hero and your crush; you were quite a number yourself. Cut-throat, not afraid to walk the talk, stern, fierce, kind and disciplined. People respect you and you command it when they don't. Not afraid to force someone to bend the knee if they indulge in animosity with you. It's just… Hawks was someone you admired oh-so-much! You had his merch and posters after all. Not that he would get to know that, oh no. That'd never happen.
Takami Keigo, 26, Born on December 28th. Blood group B+, MBTI-> ENTP, Schooling and training and everything was blank. Difficult, this would be a difficult case to deal with.
How did you fangirl over him? Well, that's perhaps for another day.
"Excuse me, Ma'am. He's here." Your assistant opened the door with a knock and you felt your stomach sink, biting your lip nervously and clearing your throat to gain composure.
"Hey there doc!" there he was, with his magical grin and long palms raised up to his eye level as he waved. Wearing denims and a loose fitted white T-Shirt. Casual, cute, confident.
"Oh hello Hawks!" You manifested the same energy, greeting him respectfully by standing up and bowing a little. "Jeez, can't get rid of the name yet huh?" He chuckles, though your mind has already starting to process if it was a fake one, the carefully crafted hero chuckle or was he genuinely this chill.
"I don't think so, whether or not you do hero work, you own the name." you responded with a smile, ushering him to take his seat. Oh he manspreads, leaning back and getting comfortable. Makes you wonder if he can see through the cracks of your personality just as you're trying to see in his. Who will unfold who first…
You closed the client book you had, looking into the beautiful goldens of his eyes and making eye contact. "So, I know the first session is usually the most awkward one. People try to get to know their shrink before letting themselves to open up." You glanced, and Hawks looked like he would devour you whole. He looked invested in your words, not in a faking concentration way… in a 'I will listen to what you have to say' way.
"Allow me to share some stuff about myself then, my name is Y/N. I am a therapist good morning. Apart from that, I like to participate in various hobbies like kickboxing, journalling, playing games, spending time with my cat, yada yada. I am an INTJ, I think MBTI has started taking the same wavelength in Japan as Korea huh? Everyone's obsessed with em' I think."
"Well" Hawks clicked his tongue, clearly unamused by your introduction, it was brief and curt. Not a fair deal for someone who will unravel him… then again, you are his therapist, not vice versa.
"I think so too, do you know, a lot of the fans pretend to be INTJs because they tend to be compatible with ENTPs?" He chuckled, rolling his eyes. God he does know everything… there was a whole article about this. "We could do the quiz together if you have your concerns." "Shyeah- no, I don't. Just sharin' yknow?" he winked, noticing how you nervously pressed your legs together. He was wearing Killian's Angel Share, and Bad Boy… one of your favorite scents & the effects were almost affecting you almost at a subconscious level.
"Mkay, gotcha! So, anyways… I don't want to force you to open up, take your time in it. Let's start simple. How are you?" You asked Hawks, and for a moment, the barest of seconds, you could see his eyes turn to a void. "Yeah, good, never been better you know? Vacationing now that I have a sick ton of money with practically nothin' to do. Ain't gonna waste it otherwise by being depressed."
You clicked your tongue, oh he would not open up huh? Well, not that you expected this to be an easy ride either. "Yeah, of course. Money does help… helps everyone. At the end of the day I'm sitting on this chair to be paid a hefty by you." You hum, crossing your legs and getting comfortable too. This would be a fierce mental war already. From the determination of a hero and from a healer who's been sought out by the same hero.
"Then again, it isn't everything."
Oh except if you could tell that to childhood Hawks, it was… it was everything. His eyes pale with the answer a little. "Led a very comfortable life haven't you?" He smirked, giving you a miniscule opening.
"Yeah, luckily." You responded, smiling… "Clearly you haven't."
Hawks stood silent at that, and that was an answer enough.
"You were a rich kid since you started your agency, was this your teens or childhood?" Before Hawks could decipher, the session had already begun.
"Well, I was the viral news subject after they found out I was Thief Takami's son." He raised a brow, and you nodded. "Shitty murderer dad, mum?" You felt bad on being so professional, but you also felt Hawks would push you away if you were too kind. Some people have stopped treating him as a person ever since All for One had taken his quirk away.
"Mum was well, absent, mentally." He responded, and shrugged. "Dad was abusive, used to beat me up as a child and mum was too engrossed in her own shit I suppose. Happy for her that she has a new life with a new husband and new kids." It was amusing how Hawks didn't sound salty about it… it could only mean detachment to the finest. A befitting coping mechanism.
"You didn't have to go through that, I'm guessing if I needed to ever, talk to baby Hawks, I can't have a childhood photograph?" You glanced hopefully. "Nah, not a single childhood photograph. Dad was too paranoid of things and mum didn't care."
"We usually uh, have this exercise you know? That you'd keep a picture of your childhood self at your bathroom mirror and remember who you're talking about whenever you feel self-doubt." You smiled, looking into his eyes with empathy but no pity.
"Well, too bad." He chuckled, embarrassed and definitely not liking this emotion.
"Who cares at the end of the day, it's just the first few years of your life." He responded again balming his own thoughts more so than talking to you.
"Yeah, but every phase of our life is important. When your father abused you, hit you, didn't you feel enraged? Or scared? Or both?" You bit your lip, trying to mentally detach as much as possible.
"I felt nothing. I just wanted to not end up like them. If I was as angry as him, then I would become like him. Even my childhood self knew I'm better than that." There was pride in his eyes when he said so.
"True, yes, however… no expectations from your mum to save you?" Hawks shook his head no, shrugging. "She'd get beaten up too."
You nodded, not writing anything down on the paper just yet.
"Alright, I want you to do something for me." He raised a brow when you said that, "I don't want us to traverse further until you try doing this, mkay?" You grinned, "Imagine someone coming to your home, breaking the door at the moment of your abuse, that someone is you. The big, pro hero, you. Then, I'd like you to hold little Keigo's hand, and take him out. How about that?"
Hawks gave you an expression which was a mixture of 'How absurd' and 'Interesting'.
"Do that for me, and do that as many times and in as many scenarios you feel like you needed to be protected. You needed to be healed from." You coo softly… meanwhile Hawks' brain lagged at you saying 'Little Keigo'. So far he thought you didn't know his name… despite it being telecasted worldwide. No, you just refer to old Keigo as Hawks, but little Keigo isn't Hawks… he's just Keigo.
Was he reading too much into this? Would you soon bridge the gap between little Keigo and Hawks? Would you call him Keigo too?
The alarm clock chimed, time was over. You glanced at it and then back at him. "Well, guess you wouldn't be bored anymore, of me." "Hey, give yourself some credit little Shrink." he winked, smirking, "You're really good at this, can't wait to see you next time." "Don't come until you don't do what I asked." "Sure thing jeez."
With that, he left, and you could almost kill yourself at the way you tried to imagine little Hawks in pain. No, attaching to clients is the biggest NO. Yet, you can't help but feel positive tingles at the thought of him doing that little exercise and telling you about it.
Until next time, Keigo Takami.
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natalchartnurtures · 7 months
Mars Back Home
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Note: This post might not give you anything new if you're at an intermediate or advanced level of being on the astrology wildride :p
Fire Mars, on a good day: "Inside me, there's a blazing fire that fuels me to take on challenges and make life my bitch. I'm all about calling the shots and forging the path to my desires and doing it my way"
Why?- Ah, Fire Mars. In his own territory, he becomes quite the showstopper, doesn't he? When realized in his higher octaves, he can be caught blazing his way through life, transforming and alchemiz-ing any old obstacle on his way to what he wants. The element of fire represents transformation, oh! and fun fact, Mars used to be the ruler of Scorpio before Pluto took its rightful place as the lord, okay? That's a big deal because it gives us yet another insight into Mars' true nature and potential. He's in his zone, he's home. So let's really get to know him.
Us tarot whores out here (I'm one too, by the way :p) will let you know that the Wands suit in tarot pertains to the fire element. The King of Wands, a figure we can liken to the higher octave energies of Mars, is seen as a figure who has command over energies, meaning he possesses great potential for manifestation—the raw-hands-in-the-clay, creating his reality. He's like the poster child for fiery energy– full of passion, willpower, leadership, courage, action, assertiveness, pioneering vibes, and oh, creativity. And get this, the connection to the non-physical? THROUGH the physical. Fire is about actions too. And for actions to happen, you need impulse. Ever wonder why fire signs are all about impulse? Yup, that's why. But here's the kicker though– when this impulse is divinely guided in its higher octave, it's a game-changer. Otherwise when it's your-own-mind-guided, it isn't nearly as great, trust me :p. But how cool is it? A connection to the non-physical through the physical? Isn't that interesting? Mars is quite a fascinating planet. Gosh. I love him.
so.. here are some ways how this glorious energy can show up.
Imagine this: You're in a class, the teacher asks for a volunteer, and everyone's like, "Nope, not me." but there's that one kid, heart pounding, who still raises their hand. That's Aries Mars for you– fearless, pioneering, action-oriented, and bolder than bold. Mars here bestows one with the potential to embody the divine masculine, nothing more and nothing less. He is sort of like a warrior that takes on everything with a certain adrenaline-induced spirit, which when channeled well can translate into wonderful things like assertive leadership. Honestly, what's hotter than that? If you've got Mars here, you'll probably discover yourself solely through active engagement with the world. It's how Mars here self-actualizes—pure action. Low-vibe Fire Mars might get called out for not finishing what they started, but a higher octave Aries Mars? You guys will see through anything you kick off. You've got drive, and once you set out for something, nothing can stop you. If something does, you''ll burn right through, no matter how long it takes. It's mesmerizing watching you sexy-ass people do your thing. Seriously, its incredibly hot! Ugh!
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And then Mars can also waltz right in and charm your pants off, being all confident and being his self-assured daddy-ass self, shining brighter than the stars in the sky. Looking right at you, Leo Mars. Mars here loves to channel himself through the arts and creative pursuits of a similar note or simply have immaculate self-expression. Creativity almost becomes a drive with this Mars; it's so beautiful to watch Mars chase his dreams this way because the energy of Leo tends to add a certain drama to it, you know? A certain flair~. It's well known that Leo is a fixed sign, and also it being a fire sign, Mars here is gifted with a fire that is steady and just won't run off and get burnt out. It will keep burning until it reaches where it needs to be. Mars can get stubborn like that, and we don't have to guess what happens when passion meets stubborn. A bewildering drive to live, love and create the life of your dreams. Moving on, it's kind of obvious for me to talk about the leadership qualities of Leo Mars. Leo Mars is a leader, like he is a king. There's no subtler way to put it. You guys are leaders who lead with your heart—generous, people-focused, warm and loving, with a suave that gives you a royal air, naturally commanding respect. Which suits you anyway since Mars here takes a lot of pride in whatever he does. It's magnificent, truly.
Now, think of Bilbo Baggins on his adventure with Gandalf and friends. Got that picture? Now replace Bilbo with Mars. Ta-da! That's Sagittarius Mars for you. Here, Mars makes love to freedom, fun, and philosophy. It's a party out here. You humans are free spirits who only God can tie down, unless you peeps decide to settle, of course. You are risk-loving, positive-minded, adventure-sick sweetie pies who have a huge drive for life itself. Your action often aligns with some deep personal meaning, aka your personal philosophy of life. Your driving force is laced with a raw desire for freedom and endless expansion in every aspect of your lives. You guys are the kings and queens of dreaming big, and in doing so, inspiring the rest of us earthlings to aspire to move out of our comfort zones and to challenge ourselves to live life bigger than our regular ones—even if just by a little bit. Y'all embody a divine truth of the universe very well, and that is—expansion. It honestly moves me TO MY core to be in the presence of you divine beings. Keep celebrating yourselves (especially after you came out on top after that major risk you took :p) and keep living bold, honey.
So that was my take on the Fire Mars energies. It was a whole lot of fun writing this one because I reeeeeally do enjoy this energy :p
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Time to cool off now. phew.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it :]
Love and Light!
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jackgoodfellow · 8 months
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~ King of Winter and Toxic Positivity ~
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I've made you all a "motivational" poster! 🥰🥰🥰
" Manifest your dream reality through sheer force of will! Anyone can do it! Pull yourself up by the bootstraps! Be a self-made king! Good things happen to good people! Get in that grindset! The only one standing in the way of your dreams is you! Anyone can do it! Nothing is impossible! Everything happens for a reason! Everything will be fine, so don't worry! You can do whatever you set your mind to! Never give up on anything! Every failure is just an opportunity in disguise! Have you tried yoga?? Have you tried supplements? Would you like to hear about an exciting new business opportunity? It's all part of God's plan! You just gotta stop fearing SUCCESS. Happiness is a choice! Delete negativity! Push every boundary! For winners, limits are merely suggestions! Lean in! Don't take no for an answer!! Anyone can do it!! "
[for those who deal with eyestrain, there's a plain-text version of the above pink and green paragraph of assorted toxic positivity slogans copied down at the bottom of the post.]
Anyway, it turns out the people who are willing to look you in the face and tell you that your oppressive burdens are in fact not that heavy at all... are people that either don't have that same burden, or people who are comfortable forcing someone else to carry it for them. - All while they proudly take the credit.
and also, he's HORRIBLE it's FANTASTIC I love him, 11/10, Evil Gay Bitch Gold Medalist, REALLY puts the MLM into mlm [the "Multi-Level-Marketing" into "man-loving-man"]
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More context and thoughts, if you're a media analysis nerd:
I am, however, obviously a media analysis JOCK 😅
So, the actual toxic positivity quote that I used in the image was inspired by the commentary made in these two episodes of the excellent anti-fatphobia (and therefore anti-capitalist) podcast "Maintenance Phase".
It's a two-parter on this one piece-of-shit white lady wellness influencer, and the hosts are funny and awesome and the entire catalogue of the podcast matters a lot.
[Sidenote: the episode "Is Being Fat Bad For You?" is VITAL shit. - My main takeaway has been that it's ALWAYS better to be fat than to be fatphobic. Every time.]
But the main point that is relevant here is the way this podcast helps peel back the ugly truth of a broader phenenomen:
In other words, it is notable that the kind of people who say things like "We all have the same 24 hours in a day!" are generally also people who already have the money to pay someone else to clean their house, thus literally giving them more free hours in a day, than say, the people they are paying (or underpaying) to give them that time.
And what stuck with me most from these two episodes is the absolute open disrespect that toxically positive privileged people often have for the very individuals they are relying on for all those extra hours they seem to find in a day.
Because the thing is, most of them absolutely buy their own bullshit. They HAVE to.
In order to justify the way of the world to themselves and ease their guilt over their role in it (while still maintaining all their power), they end up so good at lying to themselves that they see no irony in funding their personal business ventures with money from their wealthy parents and spouses... and then calling themselves "self-made."
Anyone can do it, after all! (There are simply certain things that are best left unsaid! Best not to be rude!) And any kind of shake to this worldview means they might just-- crumble to dust!!
And in my personal experience as a Poor Cripple [TM], those folks are champions at shaming the poor and disabled.
Folks like that might very well might very well force someone else to bear the crushing madness of their golden crown, so that they are free to build a beautiful kingdom of ice and agreeability!
They may see no issue, then, as they oh-so-benevolently relax on their throne, being waited upon and granting gifts to pretty strangers - all while pitying that nothing can be done for their poor disgusting maniac of a neighbor--except, of course, to punish them for the crimes they commit in their weak-willed madness~ 💚🩷
[Not shown: the literal 6-page essay I wrote today while trying to explain FULLY and COMPLETELY why The Winter King episode matters so much to me. Turns out, in order to do that, I had to talk about the way casual ableism and classism can easily become extreme ableism and classism--and THAT got dark REAL FAST.
I didn't even finish writing it! I was headed to 8 pages at LEAST (and that's not even including talking about the wonderful artistic craftsmanship of the episode!!) when I realized that people might not reblog this as much if it included AN IN-DEPTH PERSONAL MANIFESTO ABOUT THE GRIM REALITIES OF CAPITALISM AND ABLEISM. So like... maybe that's a separate post lol]
Plain-text version of the colorful paragraph:
Manifest your dream reality through sheer force of will! Anyone can do it! Pull yourself up by the bootstraps! Be a self-made king! Good things happen to good people! Get in that grindset! The only one standing in the way of your dreams is you! Anyone can do it! Nothing is impossible! Everything happens for a reason! Everything will always be fine! You can do anything you set your mind to! Never give up on anything! Every failure is just an opportunity in disguise! Have you tried yoga? You just gotta stop fearing SUCCESS. Happiness is a choice! Delete negativity! Push every boundary! Limits are merely suggestions! Lean in! Don't take no for an answer!! Anyone can do it!!
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alexturner · 1 year
the long awaited am ziggo dome night 2 memories post!!! as always, under the cut
third concert. dead tired at this point from the late nights and the driving back and forth to the venues but!!! god it was all okay again once i was there. i was there arounddd.... 3pm i'd say to queue. met up with some people i met the previous day so that was super fun. i managed to snatch up a poster of the evening!!! and afterwards, we ended up somewhat behind the early entry people, the 10th row from the stage i think. during the opening act i couldn't see much as i was right behind two tall guys, and i was a little scared this night was going to be a "look at the screens all night" type of show but then everything started moving a little and right before AM came on everything just became... perfect 🥺
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most of the night went like it did my previous concerts (setlist and stage antics wise), but i liked that i could see all of the boys very clearly!
highlights were alex telling us after finishing arabella that when he's "singing the part about a constellation falling into place, i always pretend i'm giving a TED talk. i never told anyone that." and the already much discussed people talking loudly through the intro of suck it and see and alex shushing them, then singing a little more and then saying "what could you possibly be talking about?" which is so valid of him, god. show the band and suck it and see some respect
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the evening being a bit of a copy of the other nights also gave me a chance to pay extra attention to some things i noticed during the other nights, one of which is alex playing conductor for the rest of the guys on stage during the mirrorball intro, which is so!!!! fun!!! and him playing acoustic guitar!!!
the mirrorball came down afterwards, and i was anticipating 505 just like the other nights, but then, after days of WISHING HOPING PRAYING AND MANIFESTING, alex said "amsterdam...... it's the star treatment" and i swear you could hear my scream of surprise throughout the entire fucking ziggo dome. (i somehow completely missed that they skipped cornerstone????) star treatment was BEAUTIFUL, one of the highlights of the set. we got the "i just wanted a jet ski for the moat" lyric change!!! i added a video HERE in case anyone wants to see it (because tumblr only allows me to upload one video to this post 🙄)
body paint was also perfect!!!! and after the encore it was i wanna be yours - i bet you look good on the dancefloor - r u mine? as usual, and it sounded amazing. also so many people were going crazy for i wanna be yours, as they have every night, and i was informed by some of the teenagers around me that it's because it's having a huge moment on tiktok right now. it looked beautiful again:
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i feel so fortunate that i was able to see the boys three times in one week, and so full of love for them, their songs and their musicianship. it also made me so happy to be so close to the stage in these huge venues and be surrounded by people who know all these songs by heart, just like me. this was the last one........................for now......
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heylookliisten · 2 years
was listening to for you by laura marling and it got me thinking about a soulmate au with eddie
you have dreams of your soulmate but they come sporadically, giving you glimpses into each other’s lives. they start when you’re both young and you get your first one of eddie getting his first guitar. the second is of eddie and wayne seemingly at a fair. they come and go sometimes days or months in between. you start to write down what you know and as he gets older, you can’t help but doodle the glimpses you get of him. you smile as you notice his hair growing, thinking it suits him
eddie also keeps track, passing it off as a reoccurring character within his hellfire campaigns. he starts to look into your interest when he gets dreams of them, wanting to learn more about you for if you ever meet. part of him worries he won’t be enough for you, worried you wouldn’t want to be with someone labeled the town freak. he notices these dreams seem like memories, making an effort to try and send some sort of coded messages whenever something happens he thinks is dream worthy
there is no set way of finding your soulmate outside of these dreams. it’s only noted that over time they’ll slowly focus on environmental elements instead of the soulmate themself. you’ve both spent hours in the local library searching through magazines or articles of landmarks hoping to find a place that resembles one in your dreams. many people had luckily found their soulmates during high school, much to both you and eddies disappointment. you had given up, choosing a college in some small, far away town out of spite. you didn’t want to see those you know be happy while you were still searching. it wasn’t until the end of your freshman year that the universe sided with you
your friends had found a local band poster for their show in the campus quad, begging for you to join them seeing as the club wasn’t far. when you saw it, you couldn’t help but notice it looked vaguely familiar. frantically searching your soulmate journal, you noticed the coffin was one you drew before; it manifested in a dream where eddie designed the first corroded coffin poster.
you practically ran to the hideout, anxiously seated at the bar as you waited for something to happen. you didn’t know what to expect. would you even see him? maybe it was an old poster. what if he didn’t like the way you dressed? what if he didn’t like you? time passed and just as you were about to give up and go home, a voice cut through the small crowd. you looked over and heart was practically in your throat as you saw him
eddie was shredding it on guitar, the band going hard for their first song. you couldn’t help but stare at how beautiful he was in person compared to the hazy dreams. his long hair was wild from his movements, lips pulled into a grin, big doe eyes darting from his guitar to the crowd. the only time he faltered was when they landed on you
he had been dreaming of this moment for some time, thanking whatever higher power allowed him to see his soulmate at a time where he was at his best. seeing you drove him to put on the show of his life and he wouldn’t take his eyes off you. you’re stunned, too in awe by their set to look away. it wasn’t until they played their last song and eddie was rushing to you that the trance was broken. he was even more beautiful up close. you could see the sparkle in those brown eyes, the flush of his cheeks, and just how soft his lips looked
he’s grinning as he bows, extending his hand to you in greeting. when you take it, he brings your hand up to his lips and places a tender kiss to your knuckles. “i’ve waited all my life for you” is what he says first, his eyes meeting yours once again. his voice is soft, full of adoration you’ve never experienced before this moment. it was that moment you knew you would fall hard for eddie munson and thanked a god you never met, never loved, and never wanted because you wouldn’t have it any other way
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watching-pictures-move · 11 months
Put On Your Raincoats | Teenage Sex Kitten (Perry, 1975)
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This movie is pretty much impossible to discuss without spoilers, so you have been warned.
This is my third Ann Perry, and feels like a collision between the two others I've seen. There are the good vibes and hangout quality of Ballgame, manifesting in the rapport between Rene Bond and Eve Orlon and the sexual escapades they embark on. (Fucking a gardener, fucking in the pool, fucking their way to a free room are among the highlights. I cannot confirm whether Bond actually majored in poontang like the poster suggests, although if she's an autodidact, the results onscreen suggest she picked up the material pretty well.) And there is the cruelty of Sweet Savage, manifesting in the hard turn the movie takes without warning into roughie territory in its last third. It isn't just a shift in the subject matter, but in the textures as well, going from a warm and sunny atmosphere and a cheerful looking cast to a dingy looking hideout with boarded up windows, dirty walls, a hanging lightbulb, flies buzzing about, and disheveled looking assailants in tattered clothes, one of whom resembles Sid Haig circa The Devil's Rejects.
There is a precedence for this kind of structure with The Last House on the Left, which I'd wager was an inspiration on this movie. Last House foreshadows its violence with its structure, cutting between the innocent victims, goofy side characters and menacing villains until the different groups collide with horrifying results. What eventually transpires isn't exactly a surprise, although the sheer cruelty and finality of the violence still manages to shock (and when I rewatched the movie a few years ago, I found I had not been numbed to its impact). This one offers no such buildup. An attempted coupling outside a bar two thirds of the movie is cut short when the man is given a blow to the head and the woman is kidnapped, raped both while unconscious and awake, and then accidentally killed. The victims' male friends avenge their deaths violently, beating one of the assailants to death and emasculating the other by tying his genitals to their car and driving off. Cruelty is met with cruelty. The movie ends on a note that feels anything but triumphant, as the avengers promise to lie to the dead woman's female friend about her fate, so as to leave her as a happy memory.
I've watched far too many roughies than is probably healthy for one's sanity, but I do think this is a bit more ambitious than most. At the risk of boiling these things down to the demographic details of their creators, this is another one directed by someone other than a straight male that offers an interesting angle on the material. Maria Lease's Expensive Tastes lingers on the feelings of trauma after the assaults. Zebedy Colt's Terri's Revenge! adds an element of camp with Terri Hall's performance. Both those movies also afford their victims agency and allow them some catharsis in avenging wrongs. This does not offer such catharsis, placing the vengeance in the hands of characters not directly impacted, but an early exchange reveals an interest in the leniency afforded screen violence and punitive treatment of onscreen sex.
"Isn't it strange in movies you can show killing and people getting tortured and maimed. You can even show a baby getting murdered and that's not a crime. But if you show something beautiful like people making love, it's against the law. If we were in a movie and you showed what we did just now, some people would think it was disgusting." "Debbie, nothing so beautiful and so natural could be disgusting." "Did you know a few years ago you couldn't even show a belly button in an advertisement? It's like people are ashamed of being born or something." "That's reality, Debbie. I mean, people screw every day. Or should, I mean, you know. That's reality. This violence and murder and blood and all that other shit, that's, uh…" "It just doesn't seem right to me."
So perhaps this is movie's way of dealing with this hypocrisy on a structural level. So it's more ambitious in its grimy way than the other two movies I've seen by Perry, although if I had to rewatch one of these, I'd most likely go for Ballgame and hang out with my good friends Candida Royalle and Lisa De Leeuw rather than sit through the cruelty of the other two movies again. File this one under the "watch at your own risk" category, although its ambition does keep this from being too dispiriting an experience.
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tinyarmedtrex · 10 months
Ameliaaa, hello!! <3<3
My favorite fic of yours
Ohhhh, that's a tough one, but I think I'd have to say You'll never wanna let me go because it's the first fic of yours I fell in love with and got hooked on, so it's special! Also, the other day I was staring at the Pretty Woman movie poster and thinking one fine day I should attempt to draw that with Wesper because it'd be cute af. Possibly above my skill level atm, but I am nothing if not full of hubris lol.
Having said that, I'd be remiss not to mention VIBRATE WITH ME because I giggle and kick my feet just thinking about how you wrote that for me and my god is it beautiful. The image of Jesper flipping his kilt up and bending over the desk is just dajkgdjkgd going to stay with me forever thank you <3<3
A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to
I REALLY need to find time to catch up with the arranged marriage fic first and foremost omg, I'm missing out on so much, but after that, I'm SUPER excited to read The Kind That's Not Undone. I just know it's going to be everyyyything. <3
What made me the most emotional after reading
Ahhhh, the scenes with fucking Pekka in the Pretty Woman AU. Every time he showed up and the things Wylan talked/thought about re: him, I was climbing the walls and chewing on glass. The way you communicated SO MUCH without ever actually depicting anything graphic or giving us actual scenes from their history was *chef's kiss* very talented of you. Pekka's presence was just so menacing. I'm still manifesting him getting his wee bit off by a horse. Also still thinking about your comment that I have very specific revenge fantasies involving horses DAJKGDJKGD. Something to unpack there idk dajkgjdkgd
Aaahhh ily so much!! Thank you for all the kind lovely words!! That horse revenge fantasy still lives rent free in my head 🤣🤣🤣
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Laurent, 22, North Florida
"I honestly use it as a way to connect with people via music , i love to see what sort of art people make of songs and themes and tour fits , i love reading people break down lyrics incredibly beautifully , i love seeing people’s edits and videos and pictures from shows and i really just love all the genuine creativity and passion that most everyone brings to the community !!! it feels like seeing someone you’ve walked a long road with and we’re finally getting to share this beautiful and incredible experience together despite how hard it’s been and making something we can share and enjoy together !!!! idk im rambling haha i love mcr fans"
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 9+ years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 1 Favorite album: I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: I'm still crying right now
Which date of the tour did you attend? 09/18/22, Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Alpharetta
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? So i originally had tickets to the Midtown Atlanta tickets and they had been completely refunded bc the show was cancelled and i ended up putting my money into rent for the month … i had NO clue they rescheduled until someone told me at work and i bought my tickets the next pay day LITERALLY two days before the show lmao
Did you attend with anyone else? yes , she’s my bestie and my roommate and i got her into my chem earlier this year :D
If you camped out, how was that experience? Was it worth it? i didn’t but i DID drive eight hours there and eight hours back in one day/night !!!!
What did you wear? i wore a cropped my chem shirt with roses that said “on second thought let’s all be friends” and mesh under it with all of my heavy jewelry on and big spiky eyeliner .. i opted out on wearing platforms but i wore my huge combat boots and my slutty concert pants i wear lmao
Where were your seats? we were in a stadium so i was up in the seats but sect 102 and i would say we were decently centered maybe leaning more towards ray’s side
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? Vampires Will Never Hurt You, Bury Me in Black, Boy Division, Cemetery Drive, and Give ‘Em Hell, Kid UGHGGHHGH
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? i got to hear most of them!!! i was hoping for Vampire Money and manifesting Demolion Lovers (ik it was a stretch) as well as This Is How I Disappear but !!! overall very very happy , i'm blessed to have at least gotten Vampires and Skylines :’)
What was your favorite moment from the show? i actually have two 1) when Gerard was talking abt how “alpharetta” was a funny name then trailed into an “alpha dog” bit and we started barking 2) THERE WAS THIS CAMERA ANGLE ON GERARD DURING THE “LA LA LA LAA” THAT WAS JUST FUCKING FERAL INSANE
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? it’s gonna sound so basic i think but before they played helena he started hyping up the crowd with these different “woah’s” and we would woah back at him until it eventually went into Helena and it just made me gasp like “:0 :D !”
Did you snag any merch? What pieces? YES my lovely bestie bought 90% of it for me but i got the gay pornstar shirt and the castle shirt , a set of buttons with the decay theme (?) , a swarm tour poster , and the white swarm tapestry :3 we also got some reusable shakers from the bar but they were just clear
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? i wouldn’t say coming home but more of like “oh my fucking god i made it this far , i never thought i would get to live to see this and i’m finally doing it and seeing this band that makes music that has saved me” anyways i cried basically the whole concert BUT seeing all the flashlights and hearing us all scream our lungs raw and chant MCR before they come on …. it’s very unifying and very comforting i would say
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? there was this 6’4” guy built like a football player directly in front of us who stood the whole show
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? honestly i feel way more passionately about mcr than i have in years .. my show was mid september and it’s been a month now and i can like ONLY listen to them , i still think of my concert when i hear songs from the set list … if anything i saw that the guys were genuinely doing something they enjoy in a comfortable way again (?) where they can have fun and be silly and express themselves and that just makes me so happy for them , i hope they had a really fun time bc i know they made sure we did :)
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? idk if it’s relevant but the venue i went to ONLY accepted card which was something i’ve never experienced at a venue before lmao ? anyways buy your tickets a little earlier in advance than me maybe
Thanks, Laurent! His Tumblr handle is @vmpirefkcr.
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angelamajiki · 3 years
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PAIRINGS: Father! Yandere! Enji Todoroki x Daughter! Reader
CW: yandere, incest, soulmate AU, fluff, slight angst, nsfw, kissing, praise kink, virginity kink, size kink, bathroom sex
A BNHarem Collab!
AN: my longest piece to date! the prompt this month was sex work, so i decided to stretch the prompt and do sexual slavery. wanted to go for a softer version of daddy endeavor, so please enjoy <3
5.2k words
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The mark on his wrist was one that was shared with yours. Enji had given up on finding his soulmate, deciding that his career and legacy were far more important than some silly marking on another’s body. Love was something he thought he could go without. But when he saw your bright eyes gaze up at him, your chubby hand wrapped around his index finger, his heart had fallen hard—such a sweet, gentle thing. No traces of fear, of disdain, of disgust for him as a human being. Just pure curiosity and unconditional love. His heart leaped for his little girl.
Enji was determined, then and there, that he would never fail you, not like he forgot the others.
Oh, what plans he had for you, his precious princess. He couldn’t wait to spoil you, to marry you and start a new family once you were old enough. Rei realized this as well. Her youngest daughter, her last hope at salvaging her broken family, was to be had by her husband. The thought frightened her, especially after seeing the adoring look in her husband's eyes when she saw him cradle you for the first time. It was so unlike the stoic nature he held for the other children when they were born, only caring to see that they were healthy before leaving off back to his agency, never giving them more than a fleeting touch. It was nothing like when he held you, snarling at any nurse who dared to take his soulmate from the grips of his arms.
Something that had Enji’s conviction more so than his career was something to be feared. Your mother swore to herself that she would not let her husband ruin you.
Once he fell asleep with you tucked in the crook of his arm, a social worker came and collected you to be sent to a foster home and be set up for adoption. It was better than falling into the hands of the monster of a husband.
After the death of Touya, the pair decided to have one more child in hopes of fixing their broken family, but Rei now knew it was for naught. Nothing could save them know, especially now that Enji had nearly burned the building down when he discovered that his little girl was gone, just hours after he had finally found you.
Rei alerted the commission as well for your protection, that utter bitch of a woman. They very well couldn't have the number two hero caught in an incestuous bond with his daughter, now could they. All information of your whereabouts was hidden from him, blacklisting him from working with any foster children, lest he loses his hero license. Enji may have lost you for the time being, but his patience grew as he did. They couldn't keep him from you forever. You'd be reunited one day; he knows it.
The first time he saw you again was when you were fifteen. It was your birthday and the day he had become the number one hero officially, plenty of reason to celebrate. Usually, he would have taken the time to sit near the rose bush he planted in your honor in his courtyard on your birthday, renewing his vows to find and love you to the best of his ability. Enji took great pride in keeping your memory alive with the bush for his beautiful little rose gone too soon from his grasp. But there you were, mere meters from him.
The foster home you stayed at took you out for dinner when he was meeting with Hawks after the billboard awards. Your eyes were unmistakable, a perfect cerulean just like his own. He was so close, yet so far. My, how you had grown since he saw you. Unlike him, you bore your mark proudly on your wrist, not ashamed to admit to the world who your soulmate was. Not like you actually knew who it was anyway.
Enji was prepared to leave Hawks at the table; a new flame lit under his ass, one far more exhilarating than the thought of being the number one hero. He was up and on his way to speak to you before Nomu attacked him. Damn villains, they'd pay for separating the two of you once again. But his conviction only grew stronger. It wasn’t hard to find you after that; he knew what city you were living in. Instincts lashed out at him, demanding that he go sweep you up and hide you away. No, no. That would make you frightened; he can't have that. He’ll watch from the sidelines, waiting until you were of age to make a move. He was curious to see just how life as a foster child was treating you.
Growing up in the foster system had been a nightmare from hell for you. A cursed child is what they saw you as when your skin sprouted flames every time it was touched by the human hand, burning everything and everyone who came in contact with it. From the moment your quirk manifested, you were an outcast, an untouchable, unlovable freak. Someone destined never to feel the touch of their new parents, their lover, their soulmate.
It wasn't long before you realized that you would remain in the foster system until you aged out. Who would adopt a child they couldn't hug when they cried, hold their hand when they crossed the street, snuggle up to when it was chilly outside? Any potential parent was taken aback by your quirk once you reached for the warm touch of mommy and daddy, only to singe their hand or burn a hole in their shirt.
You learned quickly that your touch was something to be feared, that you were something to be feared. You supposed that’s why you looked up to him so much. So much so that you thought about him late at night when the loneliness seemed to drown you in the sea of your insecurities.
Endeavor was the only one who could understand you, understand your quirk. If only your soulmate mark could match him, maybe you feel the warmth of another human being without hurting or mauling them with your power. Abrasive he may be with the media, but there something about him that was so comforting and endearing to you. In your eyes, he was simply misunderstood, a gentle giant amongst the mass personalities of the other pro heroes.
Watching his interviews brought you comfort when you were lonely, his merchandise made you swell with pride and confidence, and his posters on the wall reminded you that you were never alone. It was a silly crush, but it made you feel better about your miserable life.
You even got to see him on your birthday! Well, not exactly. You happened to be in the same restaurant when your foster parents took you out for your birthday. It was apparent that they just felt bad for you, having looked after you for 15 years only to still have custody of your sorry ass. You were almost certain that they were going to kick you to the curb the morning of your 18th birthday.
Too bad they never had the chance. That fate would have been much kinder than the reality you faced now.
Once the Paranormal Liberation Front had effectively ripped society up by the roots and let the tree of life rot for the world to see, your foster parents packed their shit and left the country while you were at school. You’d been alone in the world ever since and were snatched off the streets, ready to be sold into slavery by the villains of the world. Your quirk was the only thing keeping you from being bought like a bitch from the auction floor.
Enji, on the other hand, was more than eager to do just that. After his public smear campaign by his allegedly dead son, he was dead to the world, finally abandoning his family for good in hopes of finding his beloved daughter. His life was dedicated to searching for you, having managed to track you down through his vigilante work. He likes to lie to himself and say that he’s continuing to fight for the greater good, but Enji does it just to have the chance to see your sweet face again. There wasn’t much to go off of, but he’d rather see his fiery end than to give up. That's how he found you at the auction.
Another auction night was approaching, which meant another night of humiliation and being displayed like a slab of meat for a crowd of degenerate wolves. Your quirk was the only thing keeping you from being sold; no one wants a fucktoy they can’t touch. It reduced you to physical labor for your captors, but you were better fed because of it. That didn’t mean they still didn’t try to sell you.
After being stripped down into nothing but a collar, leash, and a muzzle, you were brought to the stage and shoved in front of the ravenous, roaring crowd. You could feel their stares seep into your bones, the grime from the floor on your bare feet only adding to the overwhelming sensation of disgust you couldn’t even begin to describe.
The crowd’s excitement was raucous, jeers and shouts echoing off the halls of the underground auditorium. Masks covered their faces for the sake of privacy lest a vigilante break-in and hunt them all down. Even in the lawlessness of the world, heroes were still crawling everywhere to trail after even the slightest scent of villainy. Doesn't mean they’ll win, but hey, the death of a hero is just the same as the auction was to them.
“Up next, a darling girl with a fiery quirk!”
That was your cue. A handler had a fierce grip on your leash, giving it a few tugs for good measure as the crowd laughed at your stumbling. The auctioneer began to list your qualities and physical attributes, including your quirk.
“And she’s a virgin!”
Added for good measure, the crowd fell silent after listening to the abilities of your quirk. You couldn't hate it anymore; it's what was keeping you from being someone’s onahole until the day you kicked the bucket.
“Can I get $10,000?”
Ah the starting bid. The silence was relieving. Just a few more moments and you'd be off that damn stage.
“No? Going once, going twice, going-”
“One million.”
A booming voice came from the back row, the depths of the shadows to further hide the masked man who just bought your life. Why did it sound so familiar?
“Outstanding! One million dollars for the young lady!”
“Going once.”
It couldn't be.
“Going twice.”
This can't be happening.
“Sold for one million!”
You were supposed to be unwanted, just like you have been your entire life! Yet some mysteriously familiar man outbid the entire auction for little ol’ you.
“Off the stage, bitch.”
The handler snarled, yanking you off the stage and causing you the fall and bruise yourself in the process.
“Watch it!” He spat, picking you up by the roots of your hair. “The merchandise needs to be handled carefully before reaching the customer. Let's hope he doesn't mind some bumps and bruises. For your sake.”
“That won't be necessary; I'll be taking her as is. Immediately, if you will.”
The mysterious man stood had already made his way backstage and behind you, standing formidably over your stark form. Your hair was released, dropping you back to the floor.
“Excellent, sir! I’m more than happy to get this welp off my hands.”
A brief exchange was made while you recovered on the floor, shaking in fear as the situation weighed heavily on your already broken self. The handler took the money and returned to the back room, leaving the two of you alone together.
The stranger crouched down to you and extended a hand to brush the stray hair out of your face, touch remaining tender and gentle when you flinched harshly.
“My poor girl, what has the world done to you?”
His coat enveloped your body as he scooped you up in his arms. The scent of him comforted you more than you would have liked to admit. Teakwood and coffee grounds filled your senses as he held you flush against his chest, leaving the auction house with a renewed sense of vigor.
You were placed in the backseat of a car before he dressed you in simple pajamas.
“Rest. You deserve it.”
At some point in the car ride, you let yourself fall asleep only to wake up in a cozy king-size bed wrapped up in a soft blanket next to a warm fireplace. The false sense of comfort lulled you for a few moments before your situation hit you like a ton of bricks. The anxiety you'd had known your whole life had finally kicked back into gear, forcing you out of bed and into the rest of the house.
It was daybreak, the sunlight slowly trickling in through heavily curtained windows as you walked through the halls and into the kitchen. The man was standing over the stove, sans mask, dressed in a wife-beater and his pajama bottoms. It couldn't be-
“Come in; breakfast will be on the table in a moment.”
Now you were certain.
“Who are you?” Your voice barely above a whisper. “Why did you buy me at the auction?”
A deep, rumbling chuckle flowed from the man.
“I think you know the answer to that, little one.”
His focus was retained on the meal in front of him. “I’ll explain myself over breakfast. Now sit.”
You couldn't help but feel compelled to obey him. While sitting, you took the time to honestly look him over for the first time in your life. Never did you think you would be so close to your childhood crush in such a domestic setting.
He had noticeably greyed but still possessed a majority of his red hair. Muscles were still taught and budging, but he had grown a little bit of a belly. Endeavor was as handsome as ever, aged like a fine wine that you couldn't wait to sip on.
The food was placed in front of you as he took the test next to you.
“Eat and have some water. Then we’ll talk.”
Once again, you obeyed him without question and refrained from eating like a rabid animal. It wasn't even a question, so much so that it is evident that you hadn't had a decent meal in a long time. You were still muscular from the labor you did for your handlers, though.
And Enji liked that about you. How resilient you were, he loved that you inherited his strength but still possessed Rei’s gentle nature. Not that he wanted to credit that woman for anything, but he couldn't deny the obvious. You were his strong, beautiful little girl who had to endure so much because his bitch of a wife decided to separate you from him.
But he was here now, ready to give all his love and protection to his only love. It took everything in his power not to swoop you up from your seat and hold you in his arms until his last breath.
Enji watched you eat, pride swelling in his chest at the thought that you liked his cooking. He couldn't help but wonder what your favorite meals were as well. There's certainly all the time in the world to get to know his little girl now that he had you. And he was never going to let you go.
Your breakfast was devoured quickly, both out of desperation for a real meal and answers to your questions.
“Why did you buy me from the auction?”
It was a complicated question, but you wanted a simple answer.
“I’m your soulmate.” His wrist was on display as he reached across the table to hold your hand.
For the first time in your life, you felt safe. Your one, shining hope was meant to yours and he wanted to be yours. You didn't even question how he knew at all.
His touch was warm and slightly rough, but it was welcome all the same. Even though your skin was lit aflame at his flesh against your, he paid it no mind. He was built to take your quirk, to take you.
“Please, call me Enji.” His thumb rubbed over the palm of your hand. “I’m sure you feel better after having something to eat.”
“Why don't you go take a bath? It’ll help you relax, I can take care of your dishes.”
It was strange how insistent he was on taking care of you, but you can't say you don't enjoy the attention. He seemed to care for you in a way that went beyond caring for a partner, or in your case, a soulmate. But who were you to judge? It wasn't like you had a lot of experiences to use as a comparison.
Making your way back to the bedroom, you took the time to study the house you were in. A traditional, well-kept home, it practically looked like it was untouched. And maybe it was; buildings and homes fully intact were hard to come by these days, let alone ones that were clean and warm.
Enji seemed to lull you into an instinctual sense of safety, even though he bought you out of slavery. Just because he was your soulmate didn't mean that he had good intentions for you, but somehow, his presence alone filled a void in your heart that you had forgotten was even there.
Once you made it to the bathroom connected to the master bedroom, you drew yourself a bath just like Enji had instructed you to do. It wasn't the wisest decision to let your guard down like this, but the man already had plenty of opportunities to fuck you up by this point.
The water was warm and inviting when you sank yourself into it; you couldn't remember the last time you had warm water to clean yourself with. It made you feel light and hazy, slipping into a headspace you had long forgotten—a place of safety and comfort.
Three raps on the door pulled you from your haze as Enji entered the bathroom with fresh towels. Despite the fact that he had already seen you naked, the intimacy of the situation only left you feeling more vulnerable than ever.
“Let me help you.”
He kneeled next to you outside of the tub and pulled a lavender chamomile shampoo from the tub’s shelf. There was room to protest, but you couldn't find yourself willing to do so.
Water was poured over your head before he started a lather in your hair, gently scrubbing your scalp for a while. Even this simple touch made you shudder, it was a long time since you last felt the warmth of someone’s touch. And everything about this man was warm, for you at least. His words, his touch, his heart.
Conditioner was added to your hair as well before he moved onto washing your body. The scrub was gentle across your skin, his hand following after it to help keep the suds from rising too much. Strong hands massaged your back and your neck, both of which needed the much-deserved relief.
“So tense.” He murmured, mostly to himself.
There was a comfortable silence shared between the two of you as he massaged out all the knots and kinks that had built up over the years with your handlers. His touch should have made you flinch but you found yourself pressing into it. A small moan escaped your lips as he worked through a particularly tender spot on your neck.
“Are you enjoying this?”
His lips ghosted your ear as warm breath tickled your cheek and neck.
Your face flushed with a fiery warmth from a combination of the steam, your embarrassment, and the man whispering sweet nothings in your ear as his hands worked at your tired skin.
“Let me help you relax, sweet thing.”
Enji picked you up momentarily to slot himself behind you in the tub. Placed on his lap, you gasped when you could feel his erection hard against your back. Fear started to trickle into your veins as you squirmed slightly, attempting to get out of his grasp.
“Shhh, it's alright, you're okay.” His hand made its way to your throat and rested there gently, stroking over your artery with his thumb. “I’m not going to hurt you, sweetheart. Let me show you how much I've missed you.”
His touch made you feel alive, feel wanted for the first time in your life. You couldn't help but whine when his other hand made its way down your body, gently groping your breast as his lips were pressed to your ear.
“Do you trust me to take care of you?”
His fingers toyed with your nipples, obviously skilled.
“Do you trust me to make the sweetest love to you?”
Another whine caught in your throat as his hand went further, cupping your sex in his much larger hand. He kneaded gently, pressing a soft kiss to your temple when you writhed in his grip.
“Please! Enji-”
Shushing you gently, Enji’s thumb made its way to your clit to stroke in small circles.
“How does that feel, sweetheart?”
You were used to touching yourself, but oh God it never felt like this.
“Good!” You managed to choke out in a wanton moan. “So good! Enji, please, I need-”
A warm pair of lips sealed over yours, silencing you once again. Enji knew how wrong this was, to take advantage of you like this without revealing the truth. But he wanted at least to just once to have you in his arms willingly and eagerly. He wanted to kiss you breathless, listen to your cries and feel your nails dig into his skin as he gave you all of himself without a fight from you. He can worry about revealing himself to you later.
The rough pads of his large fingers started to apply pressure to your clit as his middle finger slipped into your tight hole under the water.
“Don't worry, little one. I'll give you what you need.”
Soft kisses were trailed along your cheek and hand that was on his that was still holding your throat tenderly. Finger pumping in and out of you, Enji whispered sweet praises to you as he felt your hole clench around him.
“Doing so well for me, sweetheart.”
Your breathy moans and whines only served to harden his cock. He felt like a teenager all over again, closing to cumming just from the sound of your voice.
Another finger slipped into your tight core, careful not to overwhelm you too fast. It was obvious you'd hadn't been touched before, not even by yourself. You felt full but greedy for more of his touch.
“Deeper, Enji! Please, can you?”
You were babbling at this point, writhing in his lap as he fingered you nice and slow with thick digits. Enji hummed as he pressed further into, curling his fingers into your G-spot.
Your cry was loud as he began to abuse your most sensitive spot, fully squirming in his arms as tears of pleasure breached your eyes. The sensation was too overpowering for you, making you thrash and arch in his arms.
“Shh, you're okay, sweetheart. You're okay; I'm right here.”
His fingers continued to stroke in a curled fashion, thumb still circling over your twitching clit. Enji kissed you again, deeper and more fierce as he began to fuck you earnestly with his fingers.
“Cum for me, darling.”
Squealing, you gripped his forearm and cried helplessly into his mouth. The build was slow and intense, allowing your orgasm to wash over you in waves of pleasure rather than a blinding, quick light.
“E-Enji!” You wailed. “Enji!”
You shook in his arms, holding onto the larger man for dear life as you experienced your first orgasm. It seemed like Enji knew your body better than you did.
No words were exchanged between the pair of you, but you could feel the tension of your desired hanging thick in the air. This man was going to take your virginity, here and now.
Enji removed his hand from your throat and between your legs in order to maneuver you to sit facing forward in his lap.
“Are you ready for me?”
His honesty made you flush even more. Biting your lip nervously, you hesitated to answer. Were you ready? It wasn’t like you had much of choice; the man could very well take you by force if he so chose to. But you felt safe in his arms, safe with him.
“Let me help you, my love.”
Warm, large hands gripped your backside as he held you steady above his cock. Your hand reached down to line yourself up with his throbbing sex, lowering yourself down on it slowly.
It burned in the best way, stretching you out fully as you pressed your forehead against his chin.
“Good girl, taking my cock so well, darling.”
A pitiful whine left your throat at the praise, hands gripping the forearms that held you in place.
“Can...Can you hold me?” You whimpered. “Please?”
Enji’s arms enveloped you and pulled you flush against his, tucking your head into the crook of his neck as you continued to lower yourself onto his cock. Your breath tickled his ears, making him groan lowly once he bottomed out inside of you.
“Such a sweet girl you are, taking all of me on your first try.”
Another whine responded for you as you ground your hips down on his.
“E-Enji.” You whimpered his name over and over again like a prayer. “Enji!”
“Be still, little one.” Hands back on your hips, holding you in place near the tip of his girthy length. “Let me take care of you.”
Hips in place, the man began to thrust up into you slowly, holding you tight as he stood up from the water. You only gripped and nuzzled yourself into him further, letting out sweet whines and whimpers into his ear while he thrust into you.
Your back was placed against the cool tile of the wall when he tilted your chin up to meet his gaze. Even in this position, he was still at least another head taller than you.
“Look at me when I make love to you.”
Through wet eyelashes, you gazed up at his eyes and let your mouth hang open as he rolled his hips into yours. His eyes shut briefly when he moaned, hissing at the feeling of your wet cunt hugging his cock so well.
“You were made to take my cock, little one.”
Arms reached up to wrap around his neck as he thrust into you, taking his time to make his strokes slow and deep. His hips were flush against yours when you asked him, “Kiss me, please? I want all of you Enji.”
Your bold proclamation stunned him for a moment before yielding, placing a deep kiss and a hot tongue against your lips.
His thrusts became faster as he kissed you with more passion and vitality. For an old man, he certainly had his stamina up to par. Your fingers thread through his red and grey tresses, tugging him closer to you gently as you moaned shamelessly into his mouth.
The pleasure in your core was more intense, fiercer this time around as his thrusts became hard and fast. The sounds of both of your moans and skin slapping against skin echoed off the tiled bathroom walls as the both of you felt your orgasms coming.
“Enji, fuck!” You whined, beginning to squirt on his fast-paced cock. “I-I’m cumming; I’m cumming!”
“Cum for me, princess.”
With a choked sob, you creamed yourself all over his cock, which continued to pound into your hole before he groaned your name and came deep inside you.
Nothing but the sounds of the water sloshing and your labored breathing could be heard as you both came down from your highs.
After a moment of rest, Enji pulled out and wrapped you in a towel before laying you gently on the bed. A towel was wrapped around his own waist as he looked at you fondly, brushing stray hairs out of your eye sight as he sat next to you on the bed.
“I must ask, how did you end up at the auction site?”
What a loaded question, but the intimacy you two shared allowed for it.
“I was kidnapped off the streets after my parents abandoned me when the prison break happened.”
He sighed gruffly and took your hand in his.
“What utter fools, tossing aside a beautiful rose such as yourself.”
His thumb traced over your soulmate mark. You still had yet to know how he knew before ever meeting you.
“It's alright; I never considered them my family. I just wish I could have met mine, but at least I met my soulmate.”
A crinkled smile adorned his face.
“You've done more than meet them.”
What could that have meant?
“I’m your father and your soulmate, little one.”
A rock hit the pit of your stomach as you retracted your hand from his.
“That isn't a funny joke, I'm serious.”
“So am I.” His hand was quick to snatch your back. “What could I possibly gain from lying to you?”
“P-Prove it.”
“Our soulmate marks, I saw yours the moment you were born in the Hosu hospital before my wife separated us all those years ago. I can recite your birthday if you'd like me to, for good measure.”
Fuck, he really wasn't lying. A lump formed in your throat as tears sprung in your eyes.
“Why would you do this to me?” You whispered, barely even able to hear yourself.
“Because I love you. I love you so much, sweetheart. Ever since I saw you for the first time in the hospital, my entire life has changed because of you. All I ever wanted was you.”
Enji was quick to shush your cries, using his free hand to wipe your tears away.
“Will you forgive me for being selfish?”
The disgust and horror filled everyone of your senses, especially when you came to a realization that he was everything you've ever wanted.
What came out of your mouth next stunned the both of you.
“You can apologize by begging on your knees and cleaning me up with your tongue, Daddy.”
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TAGLIST: @tomurasprincess @bonesoftheimpala @sightoru @cxnicalsweetheart
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overflowers · 2 years
... is a south korean drama about a teacher called bonggu who seems to know everything about his students, including their desires. he invites students who seem to long for something into his consultation room where he helps them get their desires, but the students have to sign his contract ( with their own blood lol )
a slightly eerie show :D
watching the show I realized that the methods bonggu gives his students can be used as manifestation methods ! well actually some of them are already popular in this community, so this will be more like an explanation post !!
here you'll find my top 3 methods from that series <3
seulgi was the invisible student in her class. people either bullied or didn't notice her. when she went to the consultation room, bonggu gave her a piece of paper where the sitting arrangement of her class was drawn. he told her to draw a line from her table to the table of the student she wants to be friends with. she did that and the people she connected her table with immediately befriended + became nice to her !!
BUT...she regretted it in the end. her classmates became obsessed with her & argued with whom seulgi should meet up with etc. & simply annoyed her. so, be careful with your intention + whom you want to be connected with !
take a piece of paper and either draw the sitting arrangement of your class if you want to enhance the relationship with your classmates. if not, write down the names of other people who you want to be closer with and put your name in the middle. draw a line from your name to theirs and imagine them being very close to you !
siyeon would lie about her imaginary boyfriend, seok pilho, who apparently lived in the states. her classmates wanted to get to know more about her boyfriend, wanting siyeon to video call him so that they truly know that he actually exists. siyeon always dodged their request, but the girls persisted. also, siyeon is very good at writing stories and received the best grade in one of her exams. bonggu noticed that and invited her to the consultation room. he gave her a notebook & told her to write down the scenarios she wanted to happen in there. she did & all of them came true !
take care with what you write down though !!!
grab a random notebook & script your ideal scenarios in there as if they already happened ! it's basically the wish book method.
example :
i'm the top student & I always receive the highest and best grades effortlessly ! today my teachers praised me for being so intelligent
dohee was seen as the queen of the high school, being very pretty and having a popular boyfriend, jongsuk, as well.
both of them were the faces of the high school until another girl - yoona - came in between.
dohee was more focused on her beauty than on her relationship, resulting in jongsuk feeling lonely, but yoona would give him the attention he needed.
one day yoona was the new face of the school, replacing dohee from the school's poster. dohee got jealous as yoona seemed to steal her title, reputation and her boyfriend.
dohee received a message from an anonymous person ( aka bonggu ) advertising her to download a specific beauty app. dohee tried it out, took a selfie and edited her face with the given make up tools in that app.
when she looked in the mirror, her edited face became real !
meaning if she edited her lips to a pretty red shade in the app, her lips instantly turned red in real life as well !!
you can use any editing or beauty app. take a selfie and edit it to your liking. then imagine that you look exactly like how you edited your face ! you can save that picture and use it as your desired face reference.
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Teen Wolf Rewrite
Stiles x Reader Liz Bloom (eventually)
Word Count: 2789
Posted on: 12/10/21
Warnings: Swearing, Dead Bodies
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Tomorrow was the first day of sophomore year. To say I was excited was an understatement. I've watched enough teen drama comedy movies with my friends, Scott and Stiles, to know that high school was where the real fun started. Boys, Parties, Sex. Last year I was kind of a loner with my only friends being the two aformentioned boys, and as much as I hate to say it, it was not by choice. I wanted to get to know other people but I suppose my odd goth and neon colors sense of style didn't really open me to that much candidates in the friendship department.
I had just boxed the last of my goth stuff(i.e bedsheets, pillowcases, clothes, decorations, posters, dolls) with the plan to donate them all to charity. I'm not sure how much they'd appreciate it but surely someone would, right?
My room was now, for a lack of a better word, plain. But it was progress nonetheless. I didn't know what prompted my sudden and abrupt change in my sense of style and identity. It was like one day, my room, my clothes, my makeup, just didn't feel like me. Something in me changed somehow and everything I owned just felt like it was suffocating me.
I stood up to look at myself in my full length mirror, inside my walk in closet. I was in my pajamas; a flannel pants and a Stanford shirt that belonged to my mom. That's where I plan to go for college. But I didn't check to see if I looked beautiful, which I do of course, or if my body is what society would consider to be up their standards. I suppose it is, but even if it wasn't I would still love myself the same, as everyone should with their bodies. But as I said, my vanity was not my reason.
I looked at my long brown hair dyed pink in the ends, my blue eyes, almost violet in some lights, staring back at me before it traveled to the rest of my body and noticed how my boobs had grown over the summer; even through my loose shirt, you could see. And how toned I actually was underneath my clothes, almost like I actually exercise, which I don't. I asked my dad about it, who's a doctor, if it was normal and he told me that I had always had a strong metabolism and it was indeed completely normal. I didn't believe him, of course. I didn't know why I didn't, but the thought flew out of my mind the second it landed.
I asked myself in the mirror.
"Who are you?" And almost like I manifested an answer, a sound behind me cut through the silence of my room. I walked out of my closet to figure out what it was, then there it was again.
It was coming from my window. I opened it to find my two boys at the bottom of my window fighting over a rock to, I'm guessing, throw at my window for me to hear them.
"Stiles! What the hell are you doing? STOP!" Scott whisper-yelled to my buzz-cut friend.
"We've been here for over five minutes, Scott! She needs to hear us and neither of you answer your phones anymore, apparently" Stiles replied not so quietly as he fought Scott for the heavy rock, almost the size of a brick.
"She could already be asleep. You'll break her freaking window!"
"I won't. Look, ju-just give the rock, man. Trust me."
"It'll be fine. I swear."
By some miracle, Scott's hand slipped from the rock and Stiles held it over his head with both hands to celebrate before throwing it at my window. Just as he was about to, however, he saw me there and I waved my fingers for him in a mocking hello.
Spastic as ever, he tripped over his own two feet and fell on his ass, his rock landing, where else with his luck, but his crotch.
"Ohhh... Fucking Bitch" Both Scott and I couldn't contain our laughter and let it ring through the open night with little to no care on who could hear.
Scott placed his hands on a fetal Stiles and asked if he was okay through his laughter.
"What do you think, Bitch!" At that, Scott and I just laughed even more.
After a few minutes, we calmed down enough for me to ask what they were doing at my house in the middle of the night. At that Stiles stood at attention, rejuvenated, and his mourning for his fallen soldier, forgotten.
"Two joggers found a body dead in the woods—and here's the twist—they only found half!"
"Give me a second to change." I said immediately, closing my window and heading to my walk-in closet to change into a more appropriate attire for finding a half of a dead body in the woods.
I settled with black leggings and a fitting long-sleeved, navy blue, Raveclaw shirt. Over that I zipped up my black jean jacket and put on my running shoes, then grabbed my phone and keys before bolting out of the house, taking the stairs two steps at a time.
I walked out for the house and closed the door behind me. Both boys gave me questioning looks as to why I used the front door.
"My dad's on night shift this week." Finding that answer to be acceptable, we all walked to Stiles' crappy jeep that he loves because it belonged to his mom, got in and drove off. He went around the fountain, which was turned off tonight for some reason, and finally out of my huge front lawn and into the night filled with promise of mystery and adventure. If only we knew then what more the night had in store for us.
Sitting on the back, I leaned over the center console with hands on either side of their chairs as Stiles filled me in.
"So, hear this. Dispatch called and they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department and even state police."
"Do they think it's murder?" I asked Stiles, leaning my head against Scott's seat as I looked at him in question.
"They don't know yet, but probably, right?" I mean, this girl didn't just trip, hit a rock, and spilt her body in two." At that I chuckled.
"So, it's a girl?"
"Yeah. Probably in her twenties, too."
"Hmm." With no more questions to ask I leaned back against the back seat and we all sat in silence the rest of the ride.
We arrived at Beacon Hills Preserve only ten minutes later, Stiles' headlights illuminating the sign.
As we're walking in the woods, already searching for the body, Scott took the time to ask.
"Are we seriously doing this?" I decided not to respond as I used the tiny flashlight in my Keychain to point towards the ground.
"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles stated, flashing his flashlight on the ground as well.
"I was trying to get a good night's sleep for practice tomorrow." Scott told Stiles.
"Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." I gave a light chuckle at that, too distracted to see the glare Scott shot me.
"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line." Scott stated.
I kept walking until I realized they stopped. I looked back to see Stiles looking at Scott like he belonged in Eichen House.
"Hey, that's the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles continued his search and I rolled my eyes at him, not that he could see.
"Don't listen to him Scott. You've been practicing all summer. You'll do amazing." I said to him and he smiled his charming boyish smile.
"Probably." I added. Scott's smile dropped and he gave me a look, then continued walking and walked passed me, myself now holding up the rear.
"I've never actually seen you practiced!" I called to him behind his back, huffed, and started walking myself.
"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asked Stiles.
"Huh! I didn't even think about that." Was Stiles' only reply.
"And, uh... what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" I stopped walking for a second as Scott's realization hit me.
"Also something I didn't think about." Stiles said. Now I was getting worried. I ran to them when I realized I'd fallen a little behind, most definetly not wanting to be alone.
They had already started climbing the hills when I caught up to them. "It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail" I said snarkily to Stiles as I climbed up the hill.
"I know." He called down to me and I rolled my eyes.
I caught up next to Scott and helped him climb and stand when he started wheezing for air, the both of us trying to keep up with Stiles' fast pace.
"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" Scott gasped. I leaned him against a tree and Scott pulled his inhaler out of his pocket.
"Stiles, get back here!" I whisper-yelled to my friend, but he just kept his pace. Not wanting to be left alone with a severe asthmatic to slow me down in case the killer shows up, especially one that likes to cut bodies into two, I pulled Scott's arm and urged him to walk with me to where Stiles was.
By the time we reached him, I was the one gasping for air from half carrying Scott as though I'm the asthmatic one of the group. I had my head down, hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath when suddenly both of them grabbed each of my arm and pulled me down. I was about to yell at them when both shushed me. Stiles pointed forward and there I saw people waving their flashlights around. The cops, no doubt, in search of the body.
Both Stiles and I turned off our flashlights as we all hid behind a fallen tree branch. Then suddenly, God-knows-why, Stiles bolted from our safe hiding place forcing us to follow the spazz.
"Wait!" Scott and I yelled. I didn't bother helping Scott this time, 'cause surely with the cops around he'd probably be safe, I thought. I did still check, however, if he still was following us and no lunatic was following him, and that he was okay, from time to time.
Being closer to Stiles, I whispered, "Stiles, we should slow down!" He pretended not to hear me.
"Wait up!" Scott yelled quietly and I looked behind me to see him taking a hit from his inhaler, myself growing increasingly worried for his health.
"Liz! Stiles! Lizzy!" Scott called to me that I finally decided to stop chasing Stiles and instead help Scott. Stiles noticed we weren't following him anymore and I was walking towards Scott who stopped running when I did.
Stiles ran back and grabbed my hand and was already walking back. "Guys, come on-BARK! Stiles and I jumped and fell to the ground as a dog started barking at us like crazy. Stiles hugged his arms around me from behind, like that would protect me, but I appreciated the gesture nonetheless and I couldn't deny the fact that being in his arms made me feel safe.
"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" The man shouted. I'm assumed he was a deputy but I couldn't really see much with the flashlight he had pointed at our faces.
"Hang on, hang on..." A voice said somewhere to my left. A voice I recognized. I turned my back to the flashlight and looked at Stiles who was looking at me with an expression that conveyed we were in deep trouble. I also realized I was on top of him and had my arms on either side of his waist and both his legs on either side of my body. He must've realized this the same time I did for when I looked at his face again, he looked back at me with his cheeks and neck blushing like crazy. We quickly scrambled to stand up and we both faced the voice walking towards us with the deputy's flashlight still pointed at our faces.
"These little delinquents belong to me." The voice said that belonged to none other than Noah Stilinski himself; Sherrif to the Beacon Hills Police Department and Stiles' dad. With the situation we were in now I'm not sure if that puts us in favor of luck or against it.
"Dad, how are you doing?" Stiles greeted his dad, obviously trying to play it cool and failing. Sheriff only looked at Stiles with his usual expression towards him that's a mixture of exasperation, frustration, and of course, exhaustion. This time, however, he pointed that expression to me as well, and it made me wonder how Stiles ever got used to this.
"So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?" Sheriff asked Stiles.
He laughed a nevous laugh before answering, "No..." Sheriff gave him a look. "Not the boring ones." To that Sheriff just sighs and nods, accepting his answer as fact before looking around the woods.
"So, isn't there usually three of you? Where's your third musketeer?" Sheriff asked the both of us. Stiles and I looked at each other and decided between the two of us our best course of action: play dumb.
"Who, Scott?, Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for first day back at school tomorrow." Sheriff obviously didn't believe his son so I added.
"Scott said he's playing this year and he wants to make first line. We tried to convince him but he said needs to rest for practice tomorrow to make a good impression. Sheriff seemed to believe that already until Stiles opened his mouth once more.
"It's just us... In the woods... Alone...", I gave him a look that said 'Do you hear yourself?' He blushed furiously yet again and he gave me a look in turn that said, 'What was I supposed to say?'I wanted to say back,'not that!' with my face but before I could, Sheriff pointed his flashlight behind us and yelled,
"Scott, you out there? Scott?"
I wasn't sure where Scott was now that I think about it and a huge part of me wanted him to come out just so I know he's safe. When he didn't, Sheriff took that as Scott not being with us as truth and grabbed Stiles by the back of his shirt and dragged him towards the entrance of the preserve where his car was.
"Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car... And then you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called "invasion of privacy."
I followed behind and I wanted to laugh because Stiles looked like a puppy that was being lifted by his mom by his neck like a doll and couldn't move his body, but I didn't want to get into any more trouble than I already was. As we walked back to his car, I silently hoped and prayed Sherrif wouldn't tell my dad about this.
My dad's pretty cool but him hearing that his teenage daughter was out in the middle of the woods, in the middle of a night, with a boy to look for the half of a dead body of a young woman with the potential killer still on the loose... Yeah, not good.
Sheriff gave Stiles his usual lecture whilst walking back towards his car, to which I tuned out as I thought about Scott. I took out my phone from my jacket pocket to message him.
Liz: Hey, Where r u? U alr8?
No response. I pulled my hair back as I looked around and grew worried for him even more.
Stiles drove me back to my house after he convinced me that Scott was fine and he could walk back home and the reason he wasn't answering his phone was because his phone probably died. The whole drive back I couldn't stop worrying about him. I asked how Stiles can be so calm when his asthmatic best friend could be lost in the middle of the woods and his only reply was,
"It's Beacon Hills, alright? Almost nothing ever happens in this town." Well, unfortunately for us, we were going to find out first hand how wrong that statement was. And soon.
(Masterlist)> (Next)
Hi! I'm a new writer and if you like my content you can be added to the tag list if you'd like.
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sorryimanon · 4 years
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Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Warnings/tags: heart warming fluff, language, and suggestive themes
Word count: 2.5k
In which your boyfriend takes it upon himself to pamper you on his day off.
Author’s note: some self indulgent fluff. this is a continuation of dad!bakugou and torch daughter. there will be more. enjoy :)
D/N= daughters name
Katsuki heavily relied on you to babysit your rambunctious four year old daughter during the days when he'd be on patrol from dusk till dawn. Very rarely would he be home before the two of you tucked yourselves in for the night, leaving him to eat the leftovers from dinner alone at the table. As sad as it is, it didn't bother you in the slightest. In fact, knowing Katsuki was keeping the crime rate of Japan low, you were more than happy to become a stay at home mom. Most of your friends tried to talk you out of it, but you were already settled after giving your two weeks notice at your low paying job. Waking up and seeing your daughter first thing in the morning is better than staring blankly at a bright screen all day behind a musty wall, running on nothing but decaf coffee, and sluggishly going to and fro like a zombie.
Ever since your daughter manifested her quirk, you’ve been trying your best to maintain her sudden outbursts while at home. The doctor prescribed it as Torch: the ability to become a human torch and ignite flames throughout your body and fingertips. For now d/n is only capable of setting herself on fire, using the flames as a barrier to protect her from any harm instead of combating. However, sometimes she'll forget to extinguish herself, having you to manually use an actual fire extinguisher on her. Burn marks would litter the outskirts of your shirts, the aftermath ash smudged on your face, and the tiny hairs on your forearms long gone after handling d/n.
Your boyfriend appreciates the way how you compose yourself around d/n, not allowing the temptation to fling the little gremlin out the window prevail, because if the roles were reversed it'd be a whole different story. Sometimes he sits back in his desk chair, after a long night of meandering around the city, and tries to remember the last time you were properly treated. Of course, Katsuki never fails to remind you day and night he loves you through his actions, some including selfish indulgence late at nights, but all in all he didn't lack being the hopeless romantic counterpart for you. He wanted you to take a break from it all, have him handle the at home duties and the slimy daughter. Leaning back against the chair with his brows furrowed slightly, he began to mentally plan out your day already.
It was a Friday when Katsuki forced himself out of the comfortable security that is your arms and walked with light feet to his daughters bedroom. Today is his day off, so he has to make sure everything goes smoothly or else he's going to have more burn marks on his office desk.
He didn't bother knocking first and saunters in the familiar space, the faint snores from d/n somehow relaxing him. Her walls were freshly painted a light shade of blue, the contrast not too saturated to peel the attention away from her posters that covered every inch of her room, all of which were pictures of his prohero colleagues. D/N had to beg for her father to purchase a Deku poster, one of which she saw don display when the both of you brought her to the mall for a quick trip. He internally cringes every time he makes eye contact with the lifeless eyes of Deku when he enters her room.
Katsuki neared his daughter and kneeled down to where his head was leveled with hers, chuckling lightly when finding a small pool of drool collecting on her cheek.
"Wake up little shit," he whispers, nudging her uncovered shoulder with his knuckles, startling her eyes to flutter open. D/n nearly gasped at the sight of her father. The covers that were wrapped snuggly around her fell at the foot of her bed when she jolted up in surprise, eyes brimming with excitement.
"It's today right? Mommy's day!" Katsuki covered her mouth with his abnormally large hand, not wanting her obnoxious voice to blow their cover.
"Yes, but you're gonna have to be quiet for daddy. Don't want to spoil the surprise for mommy, you understand ya little brat?"
Hand still attached to her mouth, d/n nodded her head feverishly, hands clenched into tiny fits. Once he thinks she's shimmered down a little, he finally removes his hand and motions her to follow him.
Meanwhile in the other room, you were still fast asleep, limbs not once switching from their position over the cozy blanket. The chill breeze from the propped window regulated your body temperature nicely, along with the beautiful songs sung by the birds that reside in the trees close by. You stirred awake momentarily, feeling the loss of a presence that's usually laying beside you during these times of slumber. Katsuki's side was empty, the indent from his body molded onto the foam mattress, leaving you to believe he woke up not that long ago.
After convincing yourself to leave the comfort of your bed, you decided to search for the missing blonde. You crack open the door to a weird combination of radio music blaring throughout the house, and the delicious smell of something cooking in grease. It's no doubt your boyfriends doing. He always likes to impress you with how skillful he is in the kitchen. He hasn't made a dish you disliked yet nor will he allow himself to do so.
Standing side by side, minus the height difference, d/n and Katsuki both were too immersed in their cooking to notice you leaning against the island counter, trying very hard to not cry instantly at the sight in front of you. Watching them interact together was definitely something you'd be treasuring for the years to come.
A rush of savory and sweetness infiltrated your senses, the scent strong enough to knock you back to sleep. As if he read your mind overnight, Katsuki took it upon himself to prepare your favorite breakfast dishes. The dinner table made for three already set by none other than d/n, who currently looked proud at her work and craftsmanship. A large vase was propped in the center, a collection of vibrant flowers stuffed to the brim, the water inside almost overflowing. Attached to one of the stems of the flowers was a tag, the handwriting sloppy and hard to decipher.
To my dumbass, love ya - K.B
You felt the delicate touch of your daughter wrapping her hand around yours, giving it a slight tug before pulling you into the kitchen again. Katsuki flicked his gaze to you now, flashing the same mischievous grin you grew to love. his hands simultaneously worked on the food while taming the animal, that is indeed your daughter, from bumping into the pan handles.
"What's all this for?" You asked, the question directly appointed to both your boyfriend and daughter.
"Oh, so I can't treat my sexy girlfriend to a good meal?" he teased while setting the burners to low, letting the food cool off before plating it. Your daughter audibly gagged at the comment and swatted Katsuki's arm.
D/N's tiny legs were faster than yours and reached the cabinet where the plates and cutlery were stored at. To her dismay, the cabinet was higher than she anticipated. trying her best to waiver down the disappointment as she climbed on the sleek marble counter top, losing her footing here and there. Katsuki caught her in time before she misplaced her footing and almost toppled onto the floor.
"May I need to remind you not to climb on the damn counter tops anymore d/n?" he scolded as he put her down before grabbing enough plates for everyone.
Pursing her lips tightly, she crossed her arms and said, "But if I'm going to be a future hero then I have to battle my way through tough obstacles!"
U.A's immense training and work studies came in handy when dealing with d/n's hard headed ideologies. It's been a stressful reoccurrence, having to constantly teach her the importance of being a hero at such a young age. Her impulsive tendencies mirrored the blondes old habit of taking action before thinking. But there was always a saying when storing away your fear and facing danger head on.
"That's true, but sometimes a little teamwork wouldn't hurt. Your father should know a thing or two about that when he was a young U.A student," you said as you patted her head.
"What'd you say shitty woman? Talking crap so early in the morning already?" a strange popping sound alerted you to turn around, only to find Katsuki flaring his flashy quirk with a glare that could splice you open.
But his alarming gaze wasn't the thing that was scaring you at the moment.
You thought the smorgasbord of a breakfast was the last of your boyfriends romantic gestures, but you should've known better once he demanded you to change out of your sleep attire and into something to  wear outside. Not thinking twice about where he was dragging you to, including daughter, you decided to play it safe. He approved on your choice of ripped jeans, synthetic tank top, and thrown on cardigan once heading off to the car.
The car ride to the mysterious destination was short lived as your boyfriend pulled up into the driveway of his old house. Mitsuki stood waiting by the threshold of the doorway, waving her fingers sweetly to whom you can only assume was you and not her only son. She stepped off the porch once Katsuki shifted the car in park, unlocking the doors as well. His mother reached the side where d/n stayed strapped in her seat and yanked the door open.
"Ah my little princess! How have you been? I missed you so much!" She unbuckled d/n's seat belt and flattened her in a tight hug, squeezing till her eyes popped out. "I can't wait to spend the weekend with you baby girl! Are you excited to have a little fun with grandma?!"
"Calm the fuck down, you're gonna kill her if you keep squeezing!" Katsuki's voice boomed out of the window.
"Oh pipe down you little shit I'm not harming her! Also don't talk to me like that! You're old enough to treat me with some respect by now!"
After the heated exchange, Katsuki eventually calmed down and drove the two of you back to the house in complete silence. It was quite a shift in a sense of environment wise. By now d/n would be begging you to make her some pudding or pour her a cup of lemonade, then place yourselves in front of the tv watching a random kids program till evening. Tonight you lend the torch to your boyfriend, allowing whatever devious plan he conjured up to unfold.
Before you could shuffle into your shared bedroom, Katsuki placed his calloused hands onto your cramped shoulders. Merely centimeters from your ear, he laid a chaste kiss on the area beneath it, smiling at your innocent reaction to his sudden actions and nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You smelt the familiar scent of caramel and men’s soap, both of which you undoubtably loved when combined.
“Suki?” Upon hearing his nickname, Katsuki quirked an eyebrow at you. “What’s with all the romantic gestures lately? Cooking my favorite breakfast, the flowers, and our daughter. Don’t get me wrong, I love her! It’s just nice not to worry about if she’ll set the curtains on fire again.”
You felt the vibrations of him chuckling behind you.
“Isn’t it obvious? I just want to fuck the shit out of you,” you sat paralyzed by his bluntness. his tuft hair tickled the underside of your chin, earning him an acute giggle from you. “I’m just kidding, pretty face. I figured you needed a weekend where you just relax and did nothing. Let me do all the work. That’s including getting rid of the brat.”
Shifting in his arms to where you can face him, you can now see the adoration oozing from usual heated glare of his vermillion eyes, the scowl long gone and replaced with a soften feature not so many from the outside can witness. To think this was the man you devoted yourself and love for, to allow him to bare witness anything and everything you endure. He’s a man of showing his compassion through his actions, not lousy words of affirmations that anyone could sputter out and proclaim its love. No, he reflects back everything right with the world, even when you felt the weight of it searing through your system, dragging it down with you. The same explosive blonde awaits patiently by the opening for you to enter, no matter how long it’ll take for you to accept his love. Because he’ll be there. Waiting.
And here he is waiting. In your arms to repeat those three words you made out from watching the movement of his lips.
The words leave your mouth effortlessly, the proclamation hanging in the air between you two.
“I love you too, Katsuki. Thank you so much, for everything.” Like so, you kiss the plump flesh of his lips, the same inflammation of your heart burning as before. The strong muscle of his tongue prods your entrance, practically begging by licking your bottom lip. Katsuki grabbed your chin as gentle as he could muster, titling it for a better leverage to explore your mouth in return. Your hands trailed across the defining shape of his collarbones, rubbing any part of his body so that your fingers remained busy. Both of you hum in satisfaction, relishing in the feeling of the intimate moment. To your disliking, he removes his lips from yours and hovers instead, panting from the mini-make out session seconds ago.
“I’m going to marry you some day, mark my words. So don’t act fucking stupid when I pop the question,” he hotly proclaims, not once removing those piercing red eyes from yours. That’s when you knew he wasn’t bullshitting. If there’s one thing you learned about Katsuki over the years of dating, is that he doesn’t throw out promises in the air nonchalantly without keeping them. You can vaguely hear the ominous sound of wedding bells in your ears.
“Sounds intriguing. I always wanted to see you in a suit and tie.”
“Ya know, maybe someday might be tomorrow-.”
You cut him off with a scorching peck, making his eyes widen and dilate with every given second you laid your lips onto his. “Shut up babe and ravish me already.”
A mischievous grin forms on his mouth as he links his arms around the back of your knees and hoists you over his shoulder. He erupted into fits of laughter after hearing you squeak from the abruptness. The door to your shared bedroom came into view, your boyfriend kicking it with his free foot before entering through the threshold.
“You’re in for a long night sweetheart. Now that our daughter isn’t here, I’m not holding back on anything,” he threatens as he lays you down on the comforter.
Another thing you learned from your relationship. Katsuki is always true to his word.
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids’ reactions to you taking medication for depression & anxiety ↠ all members
genre: reaction word count: 2.4k warnings: discussion of depression and anxiety, description of panic/anxiety attack, swearing request: yes
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a/n: hi anon! wow, this one turned highly personal really fast. so, this turned into a combination of your original request and how stray kids would react just knowing that you have depression/anxiety. i think how they’d care for and support you is a large part of their reactions to finding out, if that makes sense. i hope this brings you comfort~
✧ masterlist in bio ✧
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bang chan
as with most things, chan would be very understanding
he’d just want you to feel and function the best you could
and not have to worry about whether you’re going to be able to make it through a day
he’d noticed when you first started dating that you occasionally withdrew into yourself
and needed time alone
chan didn’t really think anything of it 
bc he also kinda just turns into a hermit and hides to reset and recuperate
but when you’d told him that you take meds for anxiety and depression
his sneaking suspicion that you’d been struggling with something was confirmed
it all made sense!
chan would be immediately and absolutely on board to support you
he wasn’t gonna let those nasty depression demons get the better of his y/n
no! fucking!! way!!! \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
when you could stand it, he’d be really cute and cuddly to try to make you feel better
and he’d also research everything about the meds
on the days that you just needed to be left alone, he’d be worried 
bc he wouldn’t want you to be lonely or to need him and for him to not be there immediately for you
but sometimes even just the presence of another person is exhausting
even if it’s your partner
he’d always come back with flowers or your favorite kind of pie or curry or something else delicious or beautiful
all he wants is for you to feel like you can face the world
bc he’ll always be there by your side (♡‿♡)
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lee minho
minho would be matter of fact and accepting about the whole thing
he wouldn’t be fussed
and would just accept that sometimes you’d be less than cheerful
and that it has nothing to do with him or his actions
while he wouldn’t necessarily understand the ins and outs of depression and/or anxiety,
he would still be totally committed to supporting you
he’d be glad that you have meds
because it’s hard for him to see you so down and feeling so blank
he just wants you to be okay
he’ll ask if you’re okay and what he can do
sometimes he just has to ask you a few times
just to be sure
for his own peace of mind
if any family, friends, coworkers, anyone gave you shit about your depression and anxiety
minho would be the kind of person to just:
Σ(☉‿☉✿)Σ(☉‿☉✿)Σ(☉‿☉✿) “hold my flower”and prepare to fight the world for you
minho would always make sure that you have your meds on time
either going to pick them up from the pharmacy for you
or reminding you to get them yourself
he’d also remind you to take the meds on your especially bad days
when you can’t exactly think or do much else
while he jokes that cats are the best medicine for anything
minho knows and agrees that medication for mental illness and such is important
bc it helps you be able to function
but that doesn’t stop him from trying his best to make you feel energized and focused through other means!
you have a weekly picnic date, even after dating for two years
it’s the sweetest thing ever
and definitely helps (≧◡≦)
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seo changbin
it was the first time you slept over at his place
(a really lovely evening with lots of sweet cuddling 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。  )
(((oh no now i’m soft HHHH)))
and you’d left your bag sitting out in the living room
changbin had thought it would be nice if he got your things for you in the morning
and he also wanted to make you breakfast (✿◠‿◠)
so he'd gone to pick up your bag and saw the little pill bottle
and was just “oh, okay~”
when he'd come into the bedroom, changbin looked a little nervous?
bc he wasn’t quite sure how to ask you what meds you were taking
he wasn’t really worried or anything
he just wanted to support you with absolutely no judgement because meds aren’t a bad thing~
he was so understanding and immediately, like chan, researched everything he could about helping someone with anxiety and depression
and then made you breakfast bc that’s wonderful anytime at all
on the days you felt like you couldn’t get out of bed
(or simply couldn’t whether you wanted to or not)
changbin would be there
if you could stay in bed the whole day, then he’d stay with you
if you had to get up and actually do things, he’d do his best to help you
he’d make you food, help you shower, even pick out clothes for you so that you wouldn’t have to think
he’d understand that sometimes you need a bit of a prod to do things
changbin would definitely try his best to make those reminders as caring and lighthearted as possible
after all, you don’t exactly have control over when lack of motivation strikes
changbin would understand and know a lot of the feelings you have
and be able to empathize based on his own experiences
really, he would just continue to love you ♡
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hwang hyunjin
hyunjin, oh sweet hyunjin
he’d be so understanding
and would feel really sorry for you
but not in a weird, pitying way
just sad that your brain had decided to betray you in such a way
*insert all the empathy here*
he knows all too well the feelings of hopelessness you sometimes feel
he’d be glad that you have meds, actually
and would even remind you when you have therapy (if you do)
he’d probably send you random “when you have anxiety/depression” memes
you’ve busted out laughing at inopportune times more than once from said memes
when you’re in a depressive episode, hyunjin would be like a cat
just curled up with you as much as possible
if you can’t stand to have someone near you
then, he’d still text you cheesy stuff like those ridiculous valentine’s day pickup lines that are, in fact, funny at any time of the year
oh and don’t forget about the utterly sincere, will-make-you-cry texts, love letters, post-it notes, notes written in blueberries on the counter, and even signs he’d write for you
one day, you’d even opened a lunch he’d made you to find a little note rolled up around your fork:
“hi hello yes you, the pretty one reading this! i love youuuuuu~ have a wonderful day, darling
p.s. remember to take your meds <3”
hyunjin’s gentle nature would be just what you needed
to support you
to love you
to care for you, not only emotionally but also physically
he’d be like a sheltering tree for you
grounded and calm with deep roots, but able to bend with whatever wind your depression/anxiety decided to gust through your lives
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han jisung
jisung would…
well, jisung would just:
“AAAAAY, ANXIETY BUDDIES!!” (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ;;;;;;
definitely not the response you’d been expecting
but it was perfect nonetheless
you spent an afternoon together just talking about how your anxiety and depression manifested
what helped you to cope
what helped him to cope
which meds you took and if there was anything jisung should be particularly aware of
he’d be really interested in just how your depression and anxiety manifest
bc in order to care for you and help
he wants to know what bit of your brain chemistry has decided to fuck shit up
(sometimes jisung feels like he needs to fuck shit up, too. but really? come oooon y/n’s brain)
he’d leave you notes reminding you to do things when your ability to focus goes completely out the window
you’d wake up to find one of those large sheets of poster paper taped to the ceiling above your bed, saying:
“i love you, even if you have depression/anxiety that makes you forget to do the dishes. again. you’re still my little gremlin <3”
jisung would give you any and all resources he has to help you
he’d probably even write songs for you
there’d probably a mixtape out there somewhere of him screaming at your depression and anxiety
telling them to leave you the fuck alone
bc you’re too wonderful to have to deal with that shit
your weekends together would be spent in the bedroom
under the covers
giggling your asses off
and cuddling
bc it’s dangerous outside the blanket  ( `^´ )
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lee felix
felix would be so chill about it
you’d tell him and he’d just be like
“okay! so what kinds of toppings did you want me to put on this pizza again?”
you’d just kinda blink at him
you’d been worrying about what he’d say
and if he’d leave you or something
(thanks, irrational brain. love you. NOT! ffs)
as if lee felix would ever leave you,,,,,,
it was a relief not to worry about that
felix would still bundle you up in the biggest hugs ever
and smile his sunshine-filled smile at you
honestly, that alone should be enough to cure depression
but, unfortunately, it’s not
((*shakes fist at depression/anxiety*))
but with felix’s smile and meds, you’re feeling much better, thank you
felix would try to make life brighter for you after finding out
he’d understand that sometimes you want to do things but just can’t
there’s no rhyme nor reason to it
and it wouldn’t matter to him
bc he’d still get to spend time with you, even if it just meant sitting on the couch watching movies
felix would know that sometimes he would just have to make decisions for you
not in a controlling way
but just because your anxiety over making decisions and following through with things would get the better of you
he’d make sure you drink water and eat lots of yummy food
his deep voice is the most calming thing oh my god
and whenever you have an anxiety/panic attack
felix would immediately catch you up in his arms and slow dance with you through the entire episode
even if you’re barely able to stand, he’d hold you up and support you
just so, at an incredibly scary time, you’d have the most loving arms around you
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kim seungmin
you were having a panic attack when seungmin came over one time
and you’d just kinda slumped against the wall as soon as he’d come in the door
aaaand you’d had to explain what was going on
but seungmin had just helped you breathe deeply
and eventually you’d calmed down to the point that you felt like
well, like a limp noodle (@_@)
you know that feeling when your body is so exhausted from having a panic attack
that you can’t exactly do much else?
yeah. that.
so, he would be glad that you have meds for your depression/anxiety
like jisung, seungmin would want to have A Stern Conversation with your depression/anxiety
bc he’s tired of its shit ψ(`-´ )ψ
not because he can’t deal with it or you
because he hates to see you in so much distress
no one should have to feel like there’s no joy left in the world, irrational thinking rules their brain, and like they’re trapped in a cycle of dysfunction, no matter how hard they try
bc sometimes just trying isn’t enough
and seungmin understands that~
sometimes you just need a little outside help
he’d come up with all sorts of things he could do for you to help ease your anxiety
he’d write down all your triggers just so he’d know what avoid
or what to tell other people to avoid alkdfjhakljdfh
bc we all know seungmin is that person (-_-;)・・・
when he found out that you have trouble deciding on food at restaurants
he’d immediately printed out the menus to all the restaurants you loved
just so you could take your time deciding at home
and not feel overwhelmed
aksjfhlskfjdh what a good bean
seungmin is just a sweetie who wants the best for you, really
plus, when you’re feeling better….
the two of you can go on adventures!! (⌒▽⌒)
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yang jeongin
jeongin would be a little baffled that someone’s brain could be that cruel to them
“you mean you sometimes just can’t be happy?”
“yep, or function, really. sometimes moving or getting out of bed or eating just isn’t a thing”
‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
“don’t worry about. i’m on meds for it so it’s not as bad”
“jeongin i promise it’s okay…..”
you just ended up cuddling him and explaining how depression and anxiety worked
(or rather, how fucking annoying and, even, debilitating they are)
that made him happier bc he understood
he’d try to help you do things that help with the depression
like going for walks
or drinking enough water
definitely regulating your sleep
jeongin: “i know, i know, y/n! it’s hard but you haaaave to wake up”
y/n: “mmph” (¬_¬)
jeongin: *lightly swats you with a pillow* “get! up!!”
y/n: *grumpgrumpgrump*
nights are even harder alkjhsjkslkfjhs
jeongin, on the phone: “no you’re not being a night owl tonight. no! y/n~~~~ come on, i’m tired and wanna go to sleep”
y/n: “but i’m not tired!! i’m just gonna play one more round of this and then go to bed. i promise!”
jeongin, not having any of your shit: “uhuh….”
y/n, *sweats*: “i promiiiiiiiiise”
3 am
jeongin, via email: “this is an automated reminder to  G O  T O  S L E E P”
y/n: “shit.”
he’d want to be there to listen to you whenever you needed him
even though he doesn’t have much experience with this sort of thing
jeongin would do his best as a kind and properly aware person
like everyone else, he just wants you to be okay
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cower-before-power · 3 years
Hey! Could I request a "getting together" trope with Choso? Congratulations for 800 followers!!
Hi anon, thank you very much! This little drabble is inspired by my personal headcanon that Choso would watch cheesy romantic movies to figure out how to confess his love haha. I hope you enjoy!
TW: none
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The sound of your doorbell tears you away from the pages of your book, a frown forming on your face as you glance at the clock on your wall. 10:07pm. Who would be calling on you so late?
The doorbell rings again just as your phone buzzes beside you. You pick it up and unlock it, a giddy smile spreading across your face as you read the message.
Come to your door, please- Choso
You fly up out of the chair and skip to the door, your heart fluttering madly in your chest. You’ve long admitted to yourself you have a sizeable crush on the handsome curse, and any time spent with him is cherished like precious treasure. Time of day or reason didn’t matter-you were always over the moon to see him.
You fling open your door, smile bright and happy.
“Hi Choso, to what do I owe.....”
You trail off as you take in the scene that meets your eyes. Choso stands before you shifting nervously on his booted feet. He’s got a large stack of poster paper held out before him, words hastily scrawled across in his clumsy writing.
(you suddenly flashback to a few weeks ago. there’d been a romance movie on in the background. you weren’t paying much attention. he was.)
Your eyes flicker from his perfect face to the words; times slows and stops as you take them in.
To me, you are perfect
(that scene, the famous one. he’d asked if the gesture was romantic. you’d said yes, but in a different context. you’d wondered why he was so interested.)
You suck in a sharp breath as he lets the paper fall to the floor. New words manifest before you, over and over again as he reveals his heart through shiny black ink.
You’re beautiful, strong, smart, and funny
You treat me like an equal, like I matter
Your patience and kindness makes me warm all over
Every time I see you my heart feels like it will explode out of my chest
I dream about what you taste like
I want to be the reason you smile
Please, let me stay by your side
My heart belongs to you, will you give me yours?
It’s the last one; your eyes meet his over the top.
“Choso....” you breathe, unable to stop your entire body from trembling with joy.
“Will you?” his voice is soft, tender, hopeful. "I promise to cherish it always."
You step towards him, gently plucking the paper from his hands and letting it join the others at your feet. You slide your palms against his large ones, smiling at the feeling of his fingers interlocking with your own. The rosy blush painting his pale cheeks moves ever closer as you raise yourself up on tip toes; your mouth dances over the skin like whispered prayer.
Choso exhales, slow and shaky. He turns until his nose bumps yours, the air between you warming as you breathe in each other, lips brushing with each measured breath.
“Beautiful boy,” you murmur, nuzzling your nose gently against his. “Didn't you know?"
He hums in response, eyes sliding shut at your gentle affection. You laugh softly. You've never felt more happy, more at peace, than in the quiet love of this curse.
"You already have it."
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sardonicallys · 3 years
𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
complete masterlist
all mature content is labeled accordingly for the viewer's discretion if you are a minor, do not interact with mature labeled content i will not hesitate to block you
𝐀 - angst 𝐅 - fluff 𝐌 - mature ✧ - drabble
6:45 am ✧ 𝐅
chan always waits up for you
sacrifice to leatherface ✧ 𝐅
a mistake is poor oversite, weakness, and a lack of personal responsibility made by anyone, and your creative director minho makes sure everyone knows that they themselves, are a mistake
sleep and debate ✧ 𝐅
arguing with minho is an uphill battle
3:21 am ✧ 𝐅
changbin's roommates came home a little earlier than expected
1:04 am ✧ 𝐅
you've had a long day, but hyunjin will hold your hand through it
degrees of departure series masterlist 𝐀
the beauty of weighing a whole more than the sum of its part is that everything always looks perfect from far away, but when the details finally manifest, the margin for error escalates exponentially. if thrill was a sport, jisung would be the poster child; there isn't anything he wouldn't do to taste the acrid essence of adrenaline and his own blood. but not everyone admired his desire to take every block like a trip, especially not hyunjin. it takes nothing short of a car wreck, a police raid, and a lot of coincidental magic to mend a bad impression — but it doesn't last.
nocturne ✧ 𝐅
under the guise of night, hyunjin is trying to get you to sneak out with him
the tempo of summer 𝐀 𝐅
time heals all wounds, but exactly how much time does it take? for the past few months, you spent almost all your free time with hyunjin, entertaining one another with the mundane company of everyday passings. rather than being bad at expressing yourself, you found that your silence could support him in a way that allowed him to figure out what was going on in the gray matter, without any pressure. besides what good would it do if you told him if he didn’t believe it himself? you’re never too far, however, always keeping up with his wandering thoughts to catch him whenever he fell out of his mind.
16:23 pm ✧ 𝐅
your selcas get a rise out of jisung
buttered breakfast toast ✧ 𝐅
jisung promises he won't tell anyone why you're always late to work
degrees of departure series masterlist 𝐀
the beauty of weighing a whole more than the sum of its part is that everything always looks perfect from far away, but when the details finally manifest, the margin for error escalates exponentially. if thrill was a sport, jisung would be the poster child; there isn't anything he wouldn't do to taste the acrid essence of adrenaline and his own blood. but not everyone admired his desire to take every block like a trip, especially not hyunjin. it takes nothing short of a car wreck, a police raid, and a lot of coincidental magic to mend a bad impression — but it doesn't last.
you're a mouthful 𝐌
you're distracting jisung while he's working and he wouldn't have minded it much if it was only you
04:44 𝐅
felix lost a bet, so what? all it meant was that his first tattoo was about to be designed by his friends. no big deal. right?
10:10 am ✧ 𝐅
you're seungmin's unwilling muse
achievement unlocked 𝐅
society's promise of success is never quite how we imagine it to be, and often times a job is a job. maybe that's why they call it a dream job. regardless, you're thankful for the support of your boss who's helped support your work, put it into practice, and then some.
14:56 PM ✧ 𝐅
jeongin's first time (and yours too)
© all rights are reserved to sardonicallys. there is no copying, modifying, or citing allowed. translating and reposting my work is strictly prohibited. please inform me if you see anything similar to my work.
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