#aren’t the most popular or new group at least in the states
seilon · 10 months
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surprise fuckin HAUL bro 💕💎♾️
#I got BOTH MY FAVS for the random photocards and the poster that came with hard I am SO damn lucky#I love the taemin poster so much he looks so smug and so pretty and i wanna . bite him (affectionate)#I was actually pretty surprised these weren’t like ridiculously expensive. but in general I wasn’t expecting to get these today at ALL#my mom and I were at an intl market in town and apparently there’s a kpop store there and surprisingly she let me get some stuff#which sounds so lame considering I am almost 23 but. alas.#they have the most recent shinee light stick there too and good lord I want it so bad but. it costed as much as All Of That in the picture#combined. so. :(#one day……….#I wanted to get killer/gasoline but I couldn’t spend THAT much money unfortunately#I’m glad they had 13egin honestly I was a little worried they wouldn’t cause it’s so new and infinite’s not with a big label anymore and#aren’t the most popular or new group at least in the states#that’s my first physical infinite album <3 bless#again. so lucky I got sungjong’s photocard dude. my first and only infinite album and I got My Boy. mwah#god I wanna put all this shit up but I still don’t have my own apartment and don’t wanna commit to putting up posters in a place I don’t#wanna be in for very long if I can help it#one day. hopefully sooner than later. i will have an apartment. and I will have a shelf of all my shinee albums (and albums in general).#and all my posters up. and it will be beautiful. one day. (manifesting)#kibumblabs#shinee#infinite
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marksmelodies · 6 months
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forever only
idol eric x fem reader
genre: angst, smut, fluff
warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex, unprotected sex, lots of kissing
note: if you haven’t watched eric’s LA vlog on theboyz youtube channel you definitely should before reading this since it’s heavily based on that!
minors dni
walking out of your apartment in los angeles you head to your favorite cafe down the street, walking through the door hearing the bell chime as you enter, you order your coffee and sit at a table finishing up some work for college. fall semester just started and it was always the most stressful but this time around you didn’t sign up for many classes making the workload a lot easier to handle
you could finally focus on dance a little more which is your passion ever since you could walk your parents put you in dance and you absolutely flourished. now a college student you spend most of your time teaching dance classes, mostly hip hop because that was more of your style
as you work on your computer with your headphones on you hear a text message notification go off, ignoring it you continue with your work, until it goes off again, you check your phone to see a message from an unknown number
unknown #: hey y/n, it’s been a long time, i hope you’re doing well! i just wanted to let you know that i will be in LA for a few days this week with my group, if you aren’t busy tomorrow, i’m having a get together with miles at my place to meet my members you should come too
unknown #: oh this is eric by the way
your heart immediately drops as a state of nausea washes over your body “ god damn it miles” you cuss under your breath as you call him
“ yo what’s up” he answers the phone
“ you’ve got to be kidding me” you sigh
“ what’s wrong with you?” he asks
“ what’s wrong with me? oh i don’t know maybe what’s wrong with me is i just got a text from eric.. eric sohn” you whisper yell over the phone as you exit the cafe to get some fresh air
“ oh yeah i gave him your number” he laughs
“ why, why would you do that” you yell
“ he asked about you, he wants to see you again y/n” miles sighs
“ i don’t understand why you would give him my phone number after the whole reason why i got a new one was to avoid him”
“ listen y/n it’s been years, don’t you think it’s time to see him again, he asks about you all the time and i’m tired of making up excuses to why you avoid him, he hasn’t been back to los angeles since he left freshman year and the first thing he asked me is if he can possibly see you again while he’s here” miles says
you feel the tears begin to pull from your eyes
“ it’s just really hard for me miles, you don’t think i want to see him too? i want nothing more than to see him again, to see how far he’s come, but i don’t know if my heart is ready for that”
“ i know, but it’s been years maybe it’s time to truly move on and hopefully seeing him can give you enough closure to do so” he says
“ yeah maybe your right” a long pause comes from you before you speak again
“ i’ll go tomorrow” you say
“ good, i’m glad to hear that, everything will be okay i promise” he says, after hanging up the phone you walk back into the cafe packing up your stuff and heading back home,as you sit on the bed looking at the message eric sent you finally get the courage to respond
“ sounds great i’ll be there” you text back before shutting your phone off
you and eric met in middle school, he was popular due to his talent in baseball, all the girls obsessed over him, not you though at least not at first,you had biology class together and eventually got assigned to do a project with one another, after that you two became inseparable, eric introduced you to your now best friend miles and the three of you became the friend group that everyone wanted to be apart of
as time went on you started to have a little crush on eric, that crush only got bigger and bigger as you two got older, eric felt the same way about you, although eric had been in total awe the second he laid his eyes on you for the first time, the more he got to know you the more he fell in love, the summer going into your eighth grade year eric confessed his feelings to you and you confessed back
your relationship with eric was very lighthearted, a simple middle school fling, acting the same way towards eachother as you did when you were just friends maybe with the benefit of hand holding but that was it, to everyone’s surprise you both made it over a year which was super long for a middle school relationship, but you and eric were truly in love and a lot of people underestimated your feelings for each other
you remember the day that eric told you he was leaving to move to korea to pursue his dreams , you were heartbroken but being the supportive person you were you didn’t let him see how sad you were about it, you gave him all the best wishes and the two of you split up on good terms, you both knew it was impossible to continue this relationship when you would be across the world from each other
that wasn’t the last time you saw eric though, once you became a senior in high school you and your dance team got invited to a dance workshop in seoul south korea, of course the universe just had to mess with you because during your trip you ran into him while visiting the han river late one night, one thing led to another and you ended up hooking up with him that night.. and the next morning…in full retrospect the intimate moments you shared with him during that trip was amazing but after you left it made you feel like shit, you kept in contact with eachother for a few months after you saw him but eventually the text messages became less frequent and then just stopped all together, it was your own fault letting him break your heart for the second time, you got your own hopes up, you couldn’t blame him for his inconsistency, you saw how busy his life had become, how hard he worked everyday without a break.
but selfishly you wished sometimes that he would have stayed in LA, become a college student like yourself and the two of you could be together again, maybe even be on the road to getting married and building a life together, you knew that was never in the cards for him, he was meant to be an idol there was no doubt about it but every so often you find yourself thinking about an alternate reality, one where the two of you could be together for good
that night was rough on you, tossing and turning over all the possibilities that could come out of the events of tomorrow, being honest with yourself you don’t even know how you’re going to look him in the eyes without falling in love with him all over again. as if you got over him in the first place, which newsflash.. you never did
waking up in the morning was hard, your alarm blared in your ears as you crawled out of bed. you spent most of the day mentally preparing yourself to see eric again, miles had arrived not too long ago as you were getting yourself ready
“ does this look too slutty” you say doing a turn in your bikini for your best friend
“ no you look good, hurry up though we’re going to be late” he says. quickly throwing on a minidress as a coverup you both leave your place as you head over to eric’s house
“ are you nervous” miles asks noticing your leg shaking up and down as you sit in the passenger seat
“ yeah i am, i feel like im going to throw up everywhere” you respond, finally pulling up to eric’s place you can hear the music playing and some faint yelling coming from the pool
getting out of the car you walk through the back gates to the pool area, standing behind miles trying to shield yourself from the sight of eric. that didn’t work “ miles, y/n, over here” eric waved the two of you down
walking over to the big canopy and a large table filled with a ton of korean dishes you finally stand there in front of eric for the first time in a long time, eric walks up to miles dabbing him up and then turning to you, he smiles at you pulling you into a hug “ im glad you made it y/n it means a lot that you’re here” he says
his familiar scent fills your nostrils causing you to gain a wave of nostalgia, pulling away you flash a tight lipped smile at him. “ guys this is my best friend miles and this is my friend y/n” eric says hesitating on the word friend, his members all smile and wave as you both do the same back
you sit next to miles during dinner, thankfully eric is across the table filming a vlog for the groups youtube channel, once dinner was finished everyone decided to go swimming
setting your stuff down on a chair you begin to take your dress off leaving you in nothing but a tiny bikini, you felt eyes on you, turning around eric’s eyes met yours before he turned away quickly trying not to make it obvious that he was staring at you
“ hey” eric walks up to you “ hey” you respond back looking to the ground “ im sorry if it’s awkward seeing me again” he says itching the back of his neck
“ no it’s fine it’s not awkward” you say completely lying. “ i missed having you around you know” eric says looking into your eyes “ yeah i missed you too” you say as you feel your heart beating out of your chest
he looked so good with nothing but his swim trunks on, his toned upper body out for display. “ let’s go in the pool yeah?” he asks
“ yeah i just have to put my hair up” you say to him as he gives you a look
“ you never changed have you” he laughs “ you’re going to get your hair wet regardless” he rolls his eyes at you
“ fine whatever” you say leaving your hair down
you walk with him to the deep end of the pool, everyone is already in but the two of you, “okay let’s jump in together on the count of three ready..one.. two… three..” eric counts, you had planned to pretend to jump in that way eric would have been the only one to actually jump but eric had the same idea as you
you both laugh as eric approaches you “ no eric don’t” you yell before he pushes you into the pool
quickly swimming up to the surface of the water you put your hand out to eric “ what the hell eric, at least help me out” you yell as eric grabs your hand. before he could pull you up you yank your arm back pulling him into the water with you
“ i should’ve saw that coming” he says laughing
“ i can’t believe you fell for that” you laugh
joining the others in a game of water spikeball miles makes eye contact with you smirking as you and eric continuously flirt with each other
“ that was a point” you yell to eric
“no it wasn’t” he yells back
“ yes it was” you splash water on him, he walks closer to you splashing you back before picking you up, eric lifts you up throwing you into the water, he swims over to you as you splash water in his face one last time “ that was mean” you say to him
he tucks a strand of lose hair behind your ear “so pretty” he whispers, the two of you now inches away from each other, you wanted nothing more than to kiss him right then and there but before anything could happen one of eric’s members yells for him to come join in the game again
eventually you get out of the pool, feeling tired from the continuous swim races that eric challenged you to even though you beat him every time. eric approached you sitting on one of the chairs “ come back in” he whines
“ no i’m tired of swimming” you say looking up at him “please y/n i’ll carry you” he says. you nod your head yes, knowing you could never say no to him “ sure” you say walking to the steps of the pool
all the guys had gotten out and were now inside the house talking to eachother, leaving just you and eric alone together in the pool. it had gotten dark, the sun was long gone, the pool light shined as you swam over to eric wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, he looks down at you smiling as he places one of his arms around your waist and the other on your ass to hold you up, you knew it was wrong, you knew that you shouldn’t be doing this but when it came to eric all of your sense left your brain and you begin to think with your heart instead
you lay your head on his shoulder as he carries you to the deep end sitting down on the ledge “ i meant what i said earlier, i really missed you pretty girl” eric whispers
“ i meant when i said i missed you too” you say lightly kissing the side of his neck. he rubs his hand up and down your back as the other rubs your thigh, taking your head off of his shoulder looking up at him, both of your eyes locking , you feel butterflies in your stomach as eric moves closer and closer until finally his lips are on yours
the kiss was passionate, you both had been waiting for this moment for a long time, he moves in closer holding the side of your face as one of your hand reaches into his hair while the other is pressed against his chest, you softly moan into the kiss as eric moves your bottoms to the side before entering his finger into your pussy without breaking the kiss
“ fuck eric” you moan noticing his eyes are now darker than they were before “ you’re so tight baby, when’s the last time you had sex” he asks kissing your neck “ the last time was with you” you say looking at him, eric smiles at the thought of no one else fucking you but him
he enters another finger into you causing you to moan loudly before eric covers your mouth with his other hand “ shh babygirl they can still hear you over the music, you don’t want anyone to hear us do you?” he says as he fucks you with his fingers “ fuck eric i’m gonna cum” you whine, he stops thrusting his fingers in you “ fuck yourself on my fingers baby” he says kissing your head, you feel the knot in your stomach tighten as you ride his fingers “ cum for me love” eric says, you throw your head back letting yourself ride out your climax releasing onto his fingers, you moan as your body begins to shake “ good girl” eric kisses your lips once again before letting you catch your breath as he fixes your bathing suit
getting out of the pool you notice eric’s dick poking out of his pants “ i feel bad let me help you” you say as he looks down at you “ i’ll be okay for now, i think somone will come looking for us if we’re out here any longer” he chuckles palming his boner
the sliding glass door opens “ hey we’re going start up a game of football if you wanna join” miles says poking his out of the door “ okay we’ll be right there” eric responds drying himself off as you do the same
sitting in the grass you watch majority of the guys play football, kevin and jacob walk up next to you as you invite them to sit down “ im finally meeting the girl eric won’t ever shut up about” kevin says looking to you
“ really he talks about me?” you ask
“ literally all the time” jacob responds
it goes quiet for a moment before kevin speaks again “ the two of you have chemistry you know?” he says. “ yeah we all could sense it the moment you got here” jacob adds
you sigh “ yeah that’s how it is with eric and i, no matter how long we go without talking to each other the moment we’re together we act as if we’re magnets constantly gravitating towards one another”
“ i haven’t seen eric this happy in a while” jacob states
“ yeah i’ve never seen him so in love” kevin says
“ you think he’s still in love with me?” you ask
“ oh we know he’s still in love with you” they both reassure you
“ i never stopped loving him you know, i did everything to avoid him, to stop thinking about him and look where it led me” you laugh looking over at eric who was running with the football in his hands
“ i think you should tell him that, he’s been beating himself up a lot about still being hooked on you all these years later” jacob says quickly stopping the conversation as eric approaches you
he sits down next to you pulling you into a hug “ ew eric get off of me your all sweaty” you yell pushing him off of you as he laughs hysterically, kevin and jacob smile at the sight of you both as you get up running away from eric as he tries to wipe his sweat on you. eventually capturing you in his arms eric throws you over his shoulder as you kick and scream pleading him to let you down
you are now all in front of the big tv everyone spread across the living room watching a horror movie, eric laid behind you on the couch as his arms wrapped around your waist, legs tangled together, at this point everyone had caught on that you and eric weren’t just “friends” miles smiles at the two of you cuddled on the couch. throughout the movie you and eric scream every so often hugging eachother tightly, everyone laughing at how scared you two are. as the move comes to an end eric moves closer to your face “ spend the night” eric whispers into your ear, “ okay” you say turning around placing a soft kiss to his lips
everyone except eric says goodbye to you and miles before leaving to go back to their hotel “ you ready to head out” miles asks you, you look at him before speaking “ um actually i think im gonna spend the night here with eric” you say to him, he lets out a big sigh before speaking again “ you know what’s going to happen if you do that right?” he asks as you nod your head yes
“ are you okay with having sex with him and then being thousands of miles away from each other again when he leaves, look i’m not going to tell you what to do with your life but this is exactly what happened last time” miles says
“ i don’t know what to tell you miles, im in love with him, im going to have alot more regret if i don’t spend every minute that i can with him before he leaves” you tell him. he pulls you into a hug “ you know i just care about you” he says before walking over to say his goodbyes to eric
“ i need to shower i feel gross” you say as he laughs bringing you up to his room, you and eric both shower together, it wasn’t in a sexual way but more of a romantic moment between to two of you, his hands roam your body as he washes your hair giving you kisses here and there as you do the same to him
as the two of you get out and dry off you feel eric’s naked body hug you from behind, his hard cock poking your back while he kisses your neck as you watch him in the mirror, feeling the warmth between your legs you can tell you’re getting wet for him “ i need you” you moan
that was all he needed to hear before picking you up and throwing you on the bed, leaning over you he hooks his mouth to one of your boobs while playing with the other, leaving open mouth kisses to your body, you trace his abs as you look into his eyes letting him know that you’re growing impatient, eric chuckles before kissing your lips, after spreading your legs eric drags his tip over your clit a few times causing you to whimper before lining his cock up with you as he slowly sides himself into your hole
“ oh my god eric” you choke out, as he stays still for a moment letting you get used to his size “ you’re so tight love” he says before slowly thrusting into you “ faster” you moan clawing at his back, eric brings one hand up to your neck while the other one grips your waist as he rams himself into you“ fuck baby you’re so wet for me” he grunts
turning you over leaving you on all fours arching your back for him, he grabs a handful of your hair before ramming into you once again causing you to scream when he hits your g spot “ you’re taking me so well babygirl, i’m so proud of you” he says as grab onto the sheets tears streaming down your face“ i’m coming” you moan as you squeeze around him, your hips shake repeatedly hinting that you had finished, “ good girl” he says flipping you around again once again placing your legs in his shoulders as he chases his own high, squeezing around him once again his thrusts become sloppy and rushed as he whimpers “ shit i’m coming” he says looking to you “ oh fuckkkk” he says moaning as you feel warm strings of him cum shoot into you, he stays inside of you as he wipes away your tears giving you multiple pecks on the lips “ you did so well for me baby, made me feel so good” he says pulling out of you watching his cum leak from your pussy as he used his fingers to push it back in causing moans to slip out form your mouth
the two of you weren’t even close to being done for the night, you went multiple rounds from having you on top riding him to him eating you out and then fucking you in front of the bathroom mirror, you both went at it, making up for lost time
the last round however was different, seeing you so fucked out made eric want to do nothing but be gentle with you, he layed you down on your stomach as he laid on top of you slowly thrusting into your pussy as he played with your hair, kissing on your shoulders “ as much as i love fucking you until you can’t walk nothing will ever beat making love to you” he whispers in your ear as you arch your back a little bit still lying down, his hands roam your body as he praises you “ you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever laid my eyes on” he carefully turns you over to look at your face
you wrap your legs around his torso as your hands play with his hair slowly and gently moving his length in and out of you“ i love you so much y/n” he says caressing your cheek, you look up at him “ i love you too eric” you say as he leans in to kiss you gently
after he came in you for the last time he cleaned you up putting the covers over your body before getting in bed with you, scooping you up into his arms he places a kiss on your forehead while gently rubbing your back “ eric?” you mumble into his chest “ yes sweet girl?”
“ did you mean what you said earlier about loving me” you ask looking up at him, he smiled before kissing your lips “ of course i did, i’ve loved you since i first laid my eyes on you, and i never stopped” he said raking his hands through your hair, you smile at his answer “ good because i never stopped loving you either”
a silence washed over the both of you until you spoke again “ eric?” you ask once more he chuckles at you “ yes sweet girl” repeats himself you stop and think about the question you’re going to ask “ is this the last time we’re going to see each other” your voice begins to tremble as your tears begin to fall onto his naked chest
“ oh sweetheart come here” he says pulling you up more so that your head in is in the crook of his neck as he rubs your back, “ look at me” he says as you sit up, eric places both of his hands on your cheeks wiping away your tears
“ i promise to do everything in my power to make sure that we see eachother a lot more often” he says before pulling you back into his chest as you begin to cry harder, “ i just never want to repeat what happened last time” you say trying to calm yourself down “ it won’t i’ll make sure of it” he says
“ im so sorry i stopped answering your calls and your messages, i just felt like i was holding you back on so many levels,i never wanted you to hold you back from finding love with someone who would be there for you way more than i could’ve” eric feels his eyes build up with tears, trying his best to hold them back, but he couldn’t causing him to break down, you lift your head up off of his chest when you feel eric’s body shake with his sobs
“ oh my god eric” you coo, the sight of the boy you had known since you were fourteen breaking down in front of you made you sob again along with him
eric had always been an emotional person, but around you he never showed that side of himself, for all the years of knowing you he was always the one wiping your tears not the other way around
you sit up placing his head to your chest letting him sob in the crook of your neck this this time. “ i don’t want to lose you again, i don’t think i can handle it this time” he says in between sobs. “ you won’t lose me eric i promise, if i start taking online courses for school i can visit you all the time and once i get my degree we can talk about me moving to korea” his head shoots up off of your chest “ y/n i cant ask you to leave everything and everyone you love behind just for me” he says, you shush him “ you’re not asking, i’m offering, eric i would move anywhere if it meant i get to be with you”
“ you would do that for me, leave everything you’ve ever know behind, move somewhere completely different on the other side of the world.. just for me” he asks. you chuckle at him before kissing his lips that taste like salt due to his tears
“ i would do it in a heartbeat” you say. as the two of you calmed down you lay back on his chest staring at the ceiling “ have you ever thought about our future together, like getting married and having kids” you ask looking to him, he looks down at you “ i think about it a lot actually, i think about how i would propose and what our wedding would be like, how beautiful you would look walking down the isle in your white dress, i think about how sexy you would be with the baby i put in your belly, how hot you would look waddling around pregnant with our child, you would make a hot mom by the way” he laughs
“ how about you? do you think about our future?” he asks raising his eyebrow “all the time, i think about marrying you a lot more than id like to admit, i think about having kids with you, i even think about you doing the sexy dad walk out of the hospital with our baby” you laugh
“ i promise one day we’ll get to experience all of that together”eric says before placing another kiss to your lips, he pauses before opening his mouth again to speak
“will you be my girlfriend again, this time for good” eric asks
“of course my love, i would love nothing more” you reply giving him one last kiss
“ goodnight i love you so much y/n”
“ goodnight eric i love you more”
you went to sleep peacefully that night, even though eric was leaving the next morning you felt content with his departure for the first time, you felt really confident in your relationship this time around, you knew you both were serious about doing anything and everything to be together as much as you could
you would have never believed that the boy you met in your middle school biology class would end up being the one you plan on sharing the rest of your life with, but here you are all these years later, that boy is now a man laying in your arms after a long night of making love to each other, your naked bodies tangled together as he lets out small snores, holding each other close promising to never let go again
i know i usually only write for nct but recently eric has been on my mind a lot so i needed to write for him hehe, i hoped you enjoyed <3
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jongseongsnudes · 1 year
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warning; 🙂👍 0.7k words.
“are you and nishimura dating?”
“w- what- no!” you turn over to the new student in shock, the boy just staring back at you nonchalantly, “i just tutor him after school. we... aren’t even friends.”
or so you think.
“yeah good,” he repeats you, almost as if mocking your confused state but you shrug it off and sit back against the bus seat, waiting for your stop to come. images of your weird interaction with niki continue flashing in your mind, leaving such a distaste in your mouth. the way he looked so defeated at the school gate just now really struck something in you, making you immediately unhappy just thinking about it.
sigh. why are boys so complicated.
once at the mall, you follow haruto into the arcade where the boy meets up with a group of his friends, some you recognise from neighbouring high schools based on their uniforms.
he really is popular around here.
“girlfriend?” one of them nods towards you, eyes raking up and down your body  a little too casually, “on your first day of school watanabe?”
“oh no we’re not-”
“girlfriend?” haruto repeats, his arm draping over your shoulders to bring you flush against him. you almost squeal when he lowers his head, almost causing contact between your faces, a reaction he definitely found amusing with the way he’s smirking, “not a bad idea.”
the group laughs, most likely with how red you had turned from the one question. 
you spend the next hour or so following the new student around the arcade, by yourselves. despite his intimidating aura and lack of words, the boy is rather attentive to you. carrying your backpack around, matching your slow walking pace and even winning the massive plushie you looked at for a little too long. then came the photobooth.
this was where your poor heart almost exploded.
while you stood awkwardly in front of the camera, looking completely out of place, haruto had different ideas. with his arm over your shoulder, the boy pulls you right up against him, resulting in the booth taking four continuous shots of you looking completely wide eyed. 
not knowing how to react, you were out of the booth before haruto could even speak, making the boy laugh at you literally trying to run away.
“hey,” he says, his deep voice causing a few other people to turn around. with how tall he was, haruto was quick to catch up to you, his hand easily grabbing hold of your collar to stop you from getting away. 
the boy doesn’t say anything else, instead pulling you back to face him. he stays staring down at you for a minute, his eyes glued onto your face as he gradually leans in, closing the very necessary gap in between your bodies.
“haruto-” you tightly shut your eyes as the boy continues to lean over, unsure of his intentions. but you don’t get to find out, thanks to someone else who had pulled you away.
you’re surprised to find that it’s niki standing beside you, his hand clasped around your wrist, slightly pushing you behind him. the sudden tension between the two boys is suffocating to say the least, their silent glares enough to make a grown man cry, let alone a weakling like you.  
with the way they’re staring each other, you’re almost certain that it’ll end in punches but before you’re able to speak, niki pulls you out of the arcade. you’re unsure why he’s so angry, or where he even appeared from, but you don’t question it, especially when he looks like he could kill any moment now.
“this-” niki snatches the stuffed toy out of your hold and leaves it on a passing bench, abandoning it.
“hey that’s mine-” you reach for the toy but he pulls you along, stopping you.
“i will get you another one, okay?”
you keep quiet the entire way out to the bus stop, your mind too occupied with the fact that niki’s hand was still tangled with yours. he’s visibly unhappy, his grip tightening more by the second, as if afraid you’d run away. 
the bus had luckily just arrived when you reach the stop, the two of you hurrying on and taking a seat right at the back. the silence continues on and so does his grasp on your hand, the captain’s grip not once budging no matter how hard you try pulling away.
“y- you can let go now.”
“no? why?”
“because i said so!”
“why are you screaming at me nishimura!”
“i’m not screaming!”
“yes you are!”
you were too busy with your screaming match to realise that the four other people on the bus were now staring back at you both, some even giggling at the odd scene. you’re almost certain that your cheeks looked like they were on the verge of exploding with how embarrassed you are.
“let go...” you manage to mutter under your breath, your body sinking further into the seat, “they’re staring at us...”
“no,” the boy repeats that word yet again and before you could complain further, niki pulls your tangled hands over and rests it on his lap, a move so simple yet enough to have your heart fluttering into a million butterflies.
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
hey Sid! any thoughts on the “jill physically ages slower because of her t virus infection” stunt that capcom has decided to pull?
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Angels, the lot of you <3
Yes the most recent stunt with Jill is infuriating, we all agree with this. The reason for it, at least in my opinion, is that this is a mix of several individually infuriating things culminating in a mistreatment of one of Capcom’s most popular characters for, conceivably, no reason
Reason number 1 why it sucks: It’s laziness. Instead of modeling a new version of Jill from a face model or even from her preexisting design, they decided to use the Jill that was made for r3make. Timeline-wise, they are using a version of Jill Valentine from 17 years ago. Jill is 41 now. She would not look identical to her 24 year old self. But because the people making this movie didn’t feel like putting in the effort for a new design, they decided to reuse this asset and call it a day
However this isn’t the first time Capcom (and its associates since apparently people get mad when I say “Capcom” as if this project is completely separate from the company that the IP belongs to) has reused assets in a lazy way. I have bitched about it a lot, and I will continue to, but the heavily anticipated DLC to Resident Evil: Village is 90% premade assets. Two, maybe three enemies are original? All sets and character models and outfits and props and weapons are things that have been in other games (mostly Village) though. So is this behavior of reusing models and that being deemed a job well done disappointing? Yes. But it isn’t surprising.
Reason number 2 why it sucks: The nonchalant excuse as to why Jill does not age shows a lack of care for canon on the part of whoever decided this lore addition was in any way appropriate, consistent, or hell even coherent in any way. The explanation goes “Jill has always harbored a sense of justice and responsibility, but when she was captured by an enemy during the incident at the Spencer residence, she was subjected to T-virus infection and mind control, causing her to instead aide in the act of bioterrorism. Even after Jill was rescued by Chris, the viral side effects lingered, affecting her body's cell division, and while this suppressed her aging, she also had to contend with the mental after-effects.” Which is fucking bullshit. The T-virus has no side effects that would lead to anything like this. The purpose of the T-virus is to be infectious and to give its host extreme durability and strength. None of that correlates to the physical halt of aging. Not only that, but Jill wasn’t even subjected to T-virus infection WHEN Wesker kidnapped her. She was subjected to a mind control drug. The T-virus was dormant in her system since her infection and curing in Raccoon City in 1998
However once again this is nothing new. Rewriting canon/not understanding canon is something RE has done before. I could go into depth about ALLLLL the things Shadows of Rose did that contradicted a lot of pre-established ideas (rapid fire: HWS still operating under the same name 16 years later, Chris legit asking a teenager to be part of a military group, an infected individual getting to attend public school, none of these line up with the already established world we know) but I’ll be more lenient and talk about RE6. Leon calls the President in that game, Adam Benford, his “friend.” However Leon also states that Benford was the one who recruited Leon into US-STRATCOM which, if you’ll recall, is something Leon was blackmailed into when Sherry’s life was threatened. If Benford was the one to do that, how would Leon consider him a friend? How does his blackmail regarding Sherry never come up despite them both being in this game?
Reason number 3 why it’s sucks, and the biggest one: Women aren’t allowed to age. Plain and simple. Men are, women aren’t. Women are supposed to be young, always, and we’re just supposed to accept that.
Okay okay I’ll elaborate. With a list of RE women and how I think literally every single one falls victim to this
Rebecca is the youngest member of S.T.A.R.S. when we first meet her, in fact she’s so young she just became a legal adult (which makes 26 year old Billy hitting on her 100x creepier) and before Vendetta, 0 and 1 were her only appearances, this kid-aged girl. I won’t get into how misogynistic her treatment in Vendetta is btw but that’s also there
Claire Redfield is a staple of this series but she does not age much. We see her last (in game form not manga form although the manga made Claire look stupidly young there too) in Revelations 2 where she seems to have grown up, but with 2, CV, Degeneration, and ID, she’s always got a very youthful appearance and almost always a red jacket because y’know this is that young girl from the first game. The cool, hot red jacket and her high ponytail (that’s kind of a “young” look imo) is frustrating
Sherry Birkin stopped aging at 20 for no reason other than to look young and hot yet still at a legal age for all male players playing this game (and possibly so she looks Jake’s age? Which makes no sense because they could’ve made Jake any age but w/e)
Sheva Alomar, Chris’ partner in 5, is Sherry’s age. Even when this woman is meant to be Chris’ equal, she’s still young and attractive
Helena is even younger than Sherry, by I believe 5 years, and she’s Leon’s partner for 6.
Mia Winters is a beautiful young woman who’s being contrasted against the horrors of RE7 and gets a cute domestic housewife role in RE8, where she is shoved aside, given blue eyes (to make her look prettier I assume since her eyes were brown before) and quietly never mentioned again after the ending despite her daughter being a protagonist for the DLC
Oh yeah and Rose Winters is 16 when she goes on her journey because yeah women have to be young this is the standard.
Even as much as I hate the Lords in RE8, Miranda is still a woman over 200 years old who is youthful and beautiful, along with Lady D despite presumably also being very old.
The only “old” women in this series who actually appear that way that I could think of off the top of my head were “the hag” from 8, who is supposed to be unsettling, and Marguerite Baker from 7 (Eveline’s “grandma” form doesn’t count) who again is supposed to freak you out in her appearance and demeanor.
Jill fucking Valentine is now the latest in this list of character assassinations. My biggest, and I really mean biggest this time, problem is that all of this is fine. Capcom signs off on these lore-breaking explanations and half-assed projects because it doesn’t matter to them. Because they know we’re gonna check this out no matter what. It’s Resident Evil! It’s really big stuff for this series! Why wouldn’t you watch it? You can overlook something as simple as Jill’s appearance, right?
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neo-shitty · 1 year
just a rant abt things i have been seeing in the few times i came across armys online. damn. i did not expect that fandom to be as crazy as they were mid-pandemic like??? fighting every rising group’s fandom?? saying the most outrageous shit as if the idols of the other groups aren’t human??? like, i thought that behavior was just a side effect of isolation but no??? we all get to touch grass now, breathe some fresh fucking air and y’all still think like this??????
earlier today, i saw a reel/tiktok about new jeans & bts/blackpink. the first part of the video shows headlines stating: a) “hybe has found its best answer, “the next bts” turns out to be newjeans” and, b) newjeans is now more popular than blackpink and it cuts to hybe labels losing subscribers and the caption “you should’ve picked a better way to promote your rookie girl group, hybe.” (no qualms abt hybe losing subscribers lol #saynotocapitalism) personally, i found nothing wrong with the headlines. these are just mere statements of what we see is already happening. i found the comments alarming bc it’s all ‘don’t mess with army’ and ‘no one can replace bts’ like??? well no one fucking said that? if you actually comprehend what you’re reading before you say shit, you’d know that the ‘the next bts’ was just used as a substitute for ‘the next big thing’ shouldn’t that be a great thing??? 
this crazy obsession of staying on top or being on top has to rest, kids. they were the best of their generation; consistently at the top FOR YEARS and they’ve proved themselves. they’re in a kpop artist hall of fame at this point, along with all the other kpop artists that have helped make kpop as big as it is today. PERIOD. no fucking upcoming/rising kpop artist will be able to take that away from them. why do many of these people think that just bc a new group is getting popular, they’re an instant threat to bts??? all the times they bashed upcoming idols for idolizing bts, covering bts, shouldn’t you be fucking happy that your faves became inspirations to other aspiring ones?????? i feel like if you’re an army and you’re focused on being competitive over this irrelevant shit, i don’t think your ideals are aligned with the ideals of your faves. i’m sure they’d be happy to know they inspire new idols knowing how they started and how big they are now. 
with how fast paced the kpop industry is, you should be at least glad with how long bts managed to remained at the peak. but it fucking happens, groups get old and new ones come and you can’t do anything about it. take it from a VIP lmao, your faves enlist and the popularity of course diminishes but nothing can really take away their impact and their relevance. it stays with their name, stays with their fandom, stays with every fucking person who listened and loved their music and you don’t have to fight every new group stan to prove that. come on, grow the fuck up. it’s not a damn competition!!! it’s all in your head. get out, touch some grass, throw your phone away. deactivate.
on that note, jungkook’s deactivation. i saw a post abt people being upset abt seeing a number 6 instead of 7 on the other boy’s following??? ‘i hate the number 6′ BE FUCKING FOR REAL RN. it’s ok to miss seeing his posts and what not but all this??? as if jk cut off the other boys just by deactivating. your chronically online ass should log off, sweetie <3 it’s not that deep. it’s just a social media account and you’ve lived before he had it, you will be fine. :)
disclaimer: anything i say here is not meant to generalize the entirety of the army fandom. i just found this a bit concerning bc what the fuck :D do smth better w/ your life it’s for ur own good
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newstfionline · 9 months
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Jackson Hole: Fed policy collides with reality in the most unequal county in America (CNN) Central bank officials from across the world have descended upon Jackson Hole, Wyoming this week to discuss policy decisions that will shape the economy for years to come. But as they talk about inflation and the economy in the abstract, residents of the popular vacation destination are very much feeling the realities of their policies. That’s because Jackson Hole is the most economically unequal place in the United States, according to the Economic Policy Institute. The snow kissed peaks and verdant valleys of Jackson Hole aren’t just awe-inspiring. They’re also symbolic. Among the top 1% in Teton County (where Jackson Hole is located), the average annual income is a jaw-dropping $22.5 million. The median household income in Teton County in 2021, meanwhile, was about $94,000, according to the US Census Bureau. The annual August symposium of global financial leaders and economic elites wouldn’t happen without the servers, cooks, drivers and hotel and event staff who make it function—the same people feeling the hard impact of elevated inflation, high interest rates and a softening economy the most. “If you look at income, Jackson Hole is really a microcosm of the nation’s wealth inequalities laid out across these dramatic landscapes of the Mountain West,” said Kenan Fikri, director of research at The Economic Innovation Group, a bipartisan policy organization. “It’s a ground zero for understanding how inflation affects the budgets of lower-earning households when they’re already financially stressed.”
Trump’s Mug Shot, a Presidential First, Is a Merch Bonanza (WSJ) First came the mug shot. Then came the merch. Within hours of Donald Trump surrendering himself to authorities in Fulton County, Ga., items plastered with the glowering former president in his signature suit and cherry-red tie were all over Etsy, eBay and the custom-design site Redbubble. Trump’s own campaign got in on the action: On Thursday evening, it sent out an email, soliciting $47 donations in exchange for a T-shirt printed with the mug shot above the phrase “Never Surrender.” His campaign’s online merchandise storefront now includes shirts, beverage coozies and a bumper sticker featuring the booking photo. The former president’s son Donald Trump Jr. was also peddling a $30 T-shirt and a $16 coffee mug printed with the mug shot, saying that proceeds from the sales would go to his father’s legal defense fund. Etsy makers began listing T-shirts that said “Legend” and “NOT GUILTY” beneath Trump’s image. In near-record time, Trump’s mug shot has joined Che Guevara’s bereted visage, sneering Bart Simpson and the goofy Minions as a wearable meme—the sort of image that will be found in souvenir shops and thrift-store racks for years to come.
Ecuador election: As run-off looms, voters crave genuine change (Al Jazeera) From her small convenience store in northern Quito, Tanya Vazquez is consumed by fear. Her modest shop has been robbed three times in the last few years, she said; in one case, the perpetrator fired a gun towards her husband, although the bullet missed. One of their sons was also robbed and assaulted in the street. “I am very afraid, with all the crime that’s happening,” Vazquez told Al Jazeera from behind the shop counter in the Ecuadorian capital. “I just hope that whoever the new president is can at least give us some security and stability.” Indeed, as Ecuador grapples with rising crime and political violence, many in the country are craving change. Snap elections last Sunday were overshadowed by this month’s assassination of Fernando Villavicencio, a prominent anticorruption candidate. The election will head to a run-off on October 15. These elections represent a pivotal moment for the small Andean nation, but it remains an open question as to whether either candidate can deliver the change voters crave.
A miracle:’ Virginia man meets Chilean family 42 years after he was stolen as newborn (USA Today) It has been 42 years since María Angélica González saw her son. He was a newborn. A nurse told González he needed to be put in an incubator because he was premature. Not long after, she returned with devastating news: The baby was dead. For 42 years, that’s what González believed. For 42 years, it has been a lie. Gonzalez’s son, Jimmy Lippert Thyden, was stolen from González, adopted out to unwitting parents in the United States and raised in Arlington, Virginia. For 42 years, Thyden believed he had no living relatives in Chile, where he was born. Then one day in April, Thyden read a USA TODAY story about a California man who had learned he was stolen from his mother in Chile and illegally adopted out to an American couple. It got Thyden thinking: Could the same thing have happened to him? Within weeks, Thyden learned the truth. And last week, González finally got to hug her son. “It’s a miracle from God,” González, 69, told USA TODAY during a video chat in Spanish as she sat with Thyden on Saturday. “When I learned that he was alive, I couldn’t believe it.”
Legal Troubles for Sarkozy (Foreign Policy) It’s been an eventful week for former world leaders facing legal problems. On Friday, magistrates in Paris ordered former French President Nicolas Sarkozy to stand trial on charges that his 2007 election campaign received a $54 million illegal contribution from former Libyan dictator Muammar al-Qaddafi’s government. The one-term president has denied wrongdoing alongside 12 other co-defendants, including three of his former cabinet ministers. He will be tried in 2025. This is far from Sarkozy’s first indictment rodeo. The 68-year-old leader has been convicted twice for corruption and influence-peddling. In May, he lost his first appeal for a 2021 accusation alleging he tried to bribe a judge. His three-year prison term was brought down to just one trip around the sun, which Sarkozy can fulfill under house arrest. He still faces a second probe into allegations that he received a payment of $3.2 million by Russian insurance firm Reso-Garantia in 2019 while he was working as a consultant.
Nerve agents, poison and window falls. Over the years, Kremlin foes have been attacked or killed (AP) The attacks range from the exotic—poisoned by drinking polonium-laced tea or touching a deadly nerve agent—to the more mundane of getting shot at close range. Some take a fatal plunge from an open window. Over the years, Kremlin political critics, turncoat spies and investigative journalists have been killed or assaulted in a variety of ways. None, however, has been known to perish in an air accident. But on Wednesday, a private plane carrying a mercenary chief who staged a brief rebellion in Russia plummeted into a field from tens of thousands of feet after breaking apart. Assassination attempts against foes of President Vladimir Putin have been common during his nearly quarter century in power. Those close to the victims and the few survivors have blamed Russian authorities, but the Kremlin has routinely denied involvement—as it did on Friday by saying it was “a complete lie” it had anything to do with the jet crash. There also have been reports of prominent Russian executives dying under mysterious circumstances, including falling from windows, although whether they were deliberate killings or suicides is sometimes difficult to determine.
UNICEF says a year on from Pakistan’s catastrophic floods, millions of children still need support (AP) The United Nations children’s agency on Friday warned that a year on from Pakistan’s devastating floods, an estimated 4 million children continue to need humanitarian assistance and access to essential services as a shortage of funds remains a hurdle in recovery. The warning from UNICEF comes as authorities in Pakistan’s eastern Punjab province are racing against time to evacuate people from areas affected by the overflowing River Sutlej. Since Aug. 1, rescuers have evacuated over 100,000 people from marooned areas in the districts of Kasur and Bahawalpur. More than six months ago, dozens of countries and international institutions at a U.N.-backed conference in Geneva pledged more than $9 billion to help Pakistan recover and rebuild from last summer’s floods. But most of the pledges were in the form of loans for projects, which are still in the planning stages.
A Crisis of Confidence Is Gripping China’s Economy (NYT) Earlier this year, David Yang was brimming with confidence about the prospects for his perfume factory in eastern China. After nearly three years of paralyzing Covid lockdowns, China had lifted its restrictions in late 2022. The economy seemed destined to roar back to life. Mr. Yang and his two business partners invested more than $60,000 in March to expand production capacity at the factory, expecting a wave of growth. But the new business never materialized. In fact, it’s worse. People are not spending, he said, and orders are one-third of what they were five years ago. “It is disheartening,” Mr. Yang said. “The economy is really going downhill right now.” For much of the past four decades, China’s economy seemed like an unstoppable force, the engine behind the country’s rise to a global superpower. But the economy is now plagued by a series of crises. A real estate crisis born from years of overbuilding and excessive borrowing is running alongside a larger debt crisis, while young people are struggling with record joblessness. And amid the drip feed of bad economic news, a new crisis is emerging: a crisis of confidence. A growing lack of faith in the future of the Chinese economy is verging on despair. Consumers are holding back on spending. Businesses are reluctant to invest and create jobs. And would-be entrepreneurs are not starting new businesses. “Low confidence is a major issue in the Chinese economy now,” said Larry Hu, chief China economist for Macquarie Group, an Australian financial services firm.
Syria’s south rocked by protests amid anger over fuel hikes (Washington Post) Protests against the government of President Bashar al-Assad have spread across southern Syria in the days following a government decision to slash fuel subsidies, amid growing desperation as hyperinflation sends prices soaring. As the relatively rare protests gained force under a government that has applied brutal tactics to keep its population in line through more than a decade of civil war, young activists crept through the streets of the southern city of Sweida at night, affixing makeshift fliers to shuttered storefronts, encouraging civil unrest. The protests began Aug. 20 at a central roundabout, with a chant of “Syria wants freedom.” A demonstrator spray-painted a message on the roundabout’s edge, giving the gathering point a new name: “Dignity Square.” The demonstrations have since spread, as have photos and videos of them, some evoking the protests that filled the country’s streets in 2011 as hopeful masses demanded the ouster of Assad. Years of conflict were to follow.
Power returns to most of Kenya after a 14-hour outage (AP) Electricity was being restored in most parts of Kenya on Saturday, 14 hours after the longest outage in recent memory, the majority government-owned power distributor said. There was still no clear explanation for the outage that hit on Friday night, shutting down the country’s main international airport, affecting major hospitals and even the president’s office compound. The outage came just weeks before Kenya’s government hosts the first Africa Climate Summit, where energy will be key on the agenda. Kenya gets almost all its energy from renewable sources, but infrastructure and alleged mismanagement remain an issue in the country of more than 50 million people.
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mariacallous · 1 year
If you search for the phrase “abortion pills” on the messaging service Telegram, an array of public channels and groups pop up. Some have names like “Buy Abortion Pills” or “Abortion pills Mifepristone Misoprostol” while others offer advice on symptoms and best practices “after the pregnancy comes out.” On May 3, a post on “ABORTION PILLS MARKET” included a photo of a blister pack labeled as abortion pills, alongside the caption, “We are legit.”
There are currently more than 200 public groups and channels on Telegram that explicitly mention selling abortion pills in their name or description, a WIRED investigation found. At the end of May, the last month for which we have complete data, 57 of the 211 groups we uncovered were active, with at least one message sent in that month.
Activity found on the platform related to selling abortion pills traces back to at least 2016, and many of the channels and groups cater to customers around the world. In the year since the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, though, there’s a new focus on marketing to people in the United States, according to WIRED’s review of roughly 47,000 public messages scraped from these channels. And in general, public activity on Telegram related to abortion pills has been exploding since last summer.
“Since its creation, Telegram has actively moderated harmful content including the sale of medications,” says Telegram spokesperson Remi Vaughn. “Telegram's moderators use a combination of proactive monitoring of public chats in addition to accepting user reports in order to remove content that breaches our terms of service.”
Shady drug sellers and scams are nothing new on digital platforms. A nearly universal experience of the early consumer internet, after all, was receiving spam emails claiming to offer penis enlargement pills. And in the decades since, dark web markets have fueled illegal distribution of drugs globally. Like other prescription drugs, though, abortifacients are legal in some countries but not others. Furthermore, in some places they can be prescribed for certain purposes but not others, leaving patients to potentially seek ways to fill in the gaps for their own care. In the US, access to reproductive care, including abortifacients, varies widely from state to state.
Despite the clear uptick in activity on Telegram related to abortion pills, researchers say that they don’t see evidence of a massive new movement to illegally sell abortifacients to Americans. Kat Green, an abortion access researcher and founder of the online data analysis platform Endora, says that illegal sales of abortifacients, and corresponding questions about legitimacy and safety, aren’t currently central topics in US abortion access work. In part, this is likely because it’s still legal in many US states for patients to get abortion pills by mail. And prescribed use of these pills, also known as medication abortion, is markedly on the rise in the US. But as new and pending legal challenges threaten to further curtail access, illicit sales could eventually expand.
Analysis of frequently used phrases in the Telegram message trove WIRED collected shows that a large number of these groups and channels don’t just claim to sell abortion pills. Phrases like “weight loss,” “muscle mass,” and “erection pill” were among the 10 most popular two-word phrases that appeared in the data set. And thousands of additional messages mentioned “benzos,” “painkillers,” “Xanax,” “weed,” “coke,” and “guns.” In all, at least a quarter of the channels appear to be hawking more than just abortifacients.
Hundreds of messages from the data that contained pricing information indicate that the average cost of purchasing a purported pack of abortion pills on Telegram is currently $135.
WIRED’s investigation also indicates that the abortion pill ecosystem on Telegram is likely a small world. Analysis of the members and administrators who send messages in the groups and channels shows that many of the accounts are likely controlled by the same individuals. For example, a user going by the name Dr. Pooja Gupta has sent 1,500 messages across nine channels or groups advertising the sale of abortion pills. Dr. Pooja uses a WhatsApp number that is referenced by administrators in 14 additional channels. And some of them use similar names like Doctor Jain and Doctor Reenu. Many of these messages also referenced the same website.
After joining several of Dr. Pooja Gupta’s channels, WIRED reporters received a private Telegram message from a user known as Manisha Gupta offering medication abortion for $90. When WIRED reporters expressed interest in making a purchase, a person prepared the order and sent an image showing a blister pack of pills, and an envelope with that day's date as well as the address WIRED provided for shipment. The return address written on the envelope was a location in Mumbai, India.
Still messaging on Telegram, a person then sent account information for Punjab National Bank and directed WIRED to submit payment through a service called Remitly. WIRED reporters did not complete the transaction. When asked whether they have had more US-based customers in recent months, the person said, “since new laws I am send to America much more.”
Some groups on Telegram have US-specific names or descriptions, like “Abortion Pills in Republican States,” but most have more generic names and claim to deliver to dozens of countries. For instance, one of the largest and most active channels in the data set dates from August 2021 and is apparently specifically geared toward delivering abortion pills to Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar, and the Philippines—all countries where legal access to abortion is restricted.
Last June, researchers from the security firm DarkOwl noticed a sharp increase in discussions on the dark web about connecting abortion-seekers in the US with abortifacients and other resources. Some vendors that already sold illegal drugs said they would begin selling medication abortion as well. At the time, though, the researchers said that they didn’t actually see abortion pills widely available for sale on most dark web markets, but that “they are available for purchase via threads in discussion forums, as well as classified-style advertisements on transient paste services.”
Ian Gray, director of analysis and research at the security firm Flashpoint, says that turning points like the Covid-19 pandemic or the fall of Roe for the US can spark trends in digital scams and illicit online sales. But a survey Gray conducted for WIRED of dark web advertising targeted at the US over the last year did not reveal a dramatic spike in content related to abortifacients.
“At a high level, it's difficult to identify a significant increase in chatter related to abortion pills due to Roe v Wade being overturned last year,” Gray says. He notes, though, that “there are a limited number of posts within the past year in marketplaces, which may indicate demand. Most posts, at least on Twitter and some within Telegram, are in Brazilian Portuguese, likely due to a ban on abortion pills.”
As with many medical procedures, the stakes are extremely high in medication abortion. But the patchwork of laws and access in the US could make the landscape particularly fraught for patients in need who may eventually turn to illicit markets out of desperation.
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aislingiora · 2 years
Hubris (Part 2), a fan Arc for Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
Here, after some delay, is the rest of the Hubris Arc. I'll be finishing this one in this post, it shouldn't need a part 3 or 4 like some of my earlier arcs.
A Sorcerer's Confidence
Arc 2+
Type: Chthonic Action
1 MP—propose, and enforce, a theory based on what you "know" from your Truths
2 MP—propose, and enforce, a theory based on what you "know" from your Role
When you propose a theory about something that you—in the person of your Role, or as the one responsible for your Truths—"should" know, you can invoke Sorcerer's Confidence to force the world to play along.
Your theory becomes a temporary Affliction, with level equal to your Arc rating, that states that you must experience a world in which that theory is correct. It will create coincidences and minor miracles to ensure you aren't proven incorrect, deflect active attempts at disproof with an Auctoritas (and usually Obstacle) equal to its level, and reward you with potential Will or MP when your folly gets you into trouble.
The Affliction lingers for the duration of the chapter, then fades. If necessary, you can effectively end it early by activating the power a second time and proposing a contradictory theory—as long as neither has sufficient Strike to overcome the other, the two clashing Afflictions will cancel out and remain inactive until they fade.
You can waive your “breath” of MP—the +1 MP you get at the start of each chapter—to carry one such Affliction into the new chapter. You can even repeat this across multiple chapters to sustain one of these Afflictions for longer. Other Afflictions from this power fade as normal.
Science, Faith, and Sorcery. If you invoke this as part of a Science, Faith, and Sorcery XP Action, you immediately recover 1 MP.
Arc 2+
Type: Special
Cost: —
You may take the Never Say Die! Action any time you can meet its condition. If you can frame the action—"Fight to the last drop of strength in your body!"—as something you're doing to try to atone for your Arc Truths, you earn 1 MP, up to a maximum of your starting MP, and each additional group XP that you earn from this Action also earns you an additional MP.
You can't directly combine this with Heroic; only one or the other can affect a given action. However, if you have two XP Actions available, it is valid to use Frantic or Heroic to trigger (Be in) Trouble, and then after declaring that you are overwhelmed and outmatched, use Atonement to trigger Never Say Die!
Playing God
Arc 3+
Type: Imperial Miracle, Ritual Cost (Arc 3-4):
0 MP—do nearly anything, as a wish, once per book
4 MP—do so again later in the same book
Cost (Arc 5):
0 MP—do nearly anything, as a wish, once per book
2 MP—do so again later in the same book
At most once per chapter, by some methodology appropriate to your Arc Role and driven by your Failing, you can accomplish nearly anything as a wish. This can be nearly any wish you want as long as you can provide at least a flimsy justification for how it might work and how your Role might enable you to accomplish it.
There is one major limitation: if the wish does not substantially draw on skills you've acquired from your past mistakes—that is, if it isn't somehow connected to one of your What Have I Done? Truths—it is very likely to go terribly wrong. If you're still looking for more opportunities to make terrible mistakes to fill out your list of Truths, though, this is an easy way to get there!
Easily Forgiven
Arc 4+
Type: Chthonic Action
Cost: 4 MP
If you've spent 3+ Chapters in a Region without causing disaster for its inhabitants, or you've recently saved its inhabitants from disaster, you may invoke Easily Forgiven to claim a Power Perk, Well-Liked in (Region) (CMWGE, p. 401). This requires a Perk slot, but you may choose to discard one of your Perks when you invoke this power to make room.
Even once your popularity fades (due to discarding the granted Perk) the people of the Region will tend not to have lingering grudges from before you gained the Perk, with the exception of those individuals you have personally, specifically wronged.
Arc 5
Type: Chthonic Action, Automatic[, Imperial Miracle] Cost: —
It's no good to have no motivation at all to progress through this Arc, so here's the offer: if you make it this far, all the way up to Arc level 5, one of your sins will be forgiven.
When you acquire this power, you can rewrite one and only one of the Conventions created by What Have I Done? into its opposite or resolution. You can make that one thing right again. It remains one of your Arc Truths and still works with the associated powers and quest miracles, but it's no longer a tragedy, no longer a regret.
If necessary, if merely rewriting a Convention isn't sufficient on its own to fix what you've done, this also functions as a wish,
"I wish I could make this right."
which will allow you to use the rules of a wish to correct the lingering damage of whatever it was you did.
You can't fix everything. This power only functions once, even though you might have as many as six disasters to atone for by this point.
Choose wisely.
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gadgetsboy · 2 months
Tech News Roundup: OnePlus AI, Pixel 8a Leaks, and Goodbye Google Podcasts
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It's been a busy week for tech news - while some news days might seem slower than others, there's always a tasty tidbit of information lurking just around the corner. With that in mind, we're recapping some of the biggest updates and announcements from the tech landscape this week - everything from smartphones, software, and more. In case you missed them, here are some notable updates this past week. OnePlus Unveils its own AI Editing Software OnePlus recently announced that it was moving forward with its plans to integrate generative AI software into its smartphones, and as such recently announced its new "AI Eraser" feature. Simply put, it's OnePlus' own take on features like Google's very own Magic Eraser, which lets users remove unwanted visual elements from the background of their photos. According to OnePlus, the AI Eraser feature will begin to arrive for OnePlus devices globally starting from April. Several phones including the OnePlus 12, OnePlus 12R, OnePlus 11 and OnePlus Open will be compatible with the feature, while handsets for users in Europe will begin to receive these features later in Q2 2024. Google Bids Farewell to its Podcasts App In a move that has once again revived talks of the dreaded "Google Graveyard," the Google Podcasts App has finally been shut down. It should be noted that this has been a long time coming, with Google announcing several months back that the small user base was a key point of consideration in shutting down the podcasts app. Part of the announcement reads: "Looking forward to 2024, we’ll be increasing our investment in the podcast experience on YouTube Music... as part of this process, we’ll be discontinuing Google Podcasts. As part of this process, we’ll be helping Google Podcasts users move over to Podcasts in YouTube Music." The Pixel 8a Gets Leaked... Again Google can't seem to get things right when it comes to leaks. Time and time again, its various Pixel phones have appeared on the internet way before the intended launch date, and the same goes for the Pixel 8a. Most recently, the phone appeared in a Google Fi ad, at least according to a user which managed to save the image and share it online. The ad shows the Pixel 8a in two different colours, including a blue variant and what appears to be a white model. Upon closer inspection, it's clear that the phones in the ad aren't the Pixel 8, due to the lack of a microphone between the camera lenses, as well as the flatter camera bar. Mobvoi Updates Several TicWatch Models In a recent announcement, smart wearable brand Mobvoi stated that it will provide a new software update for several of its smartwatches, which include the TicWatch E3, TicWatch Pro 3 GPS and TicWatch Pro 3 Ultra GPS. The updates come with version numbers RMRB.240228.002 and RMKB.240228.004, so TicWatch owners might want to keep an eye on their devices for the new update. In addition to the latest security patches, the updates also come with an option to pick a desired shortcut for the secondary function key (which somehow disappeared in a previous update), as well as a fix for problems with Bluetooth calling functionality. The Star Wars KOTOR Remake is Still Alive A few years back, it was announced that a remake of the highly-popular Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic RPG was in development, with developer Aspyr set to handle production on the game. Eventually, the task was handed over to Saber Interactive, although not much has been heard about the game's status in recent years. With that being said, Saber Interactive CEO Matthew Karch finally revealed that the KOTOR remake is still under production over at Saber Interactive, following the latter's split from Embracer Group. Karch states: "It's clear and it's obivous that we're working on this... It's been in the press numerous times. What I will say is that the game is alive and well, and we're dedicated to making sure we exceed consumer expectations." Read the full article
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captainvegas · 1 year
Majority Of Women Sext, Many Use Dating Apps To Seek Out Companions, World Research Finds: Iu News
Majority Of Women Sext, Many Use Dating Apps To Seek Out Companions, World Research Finds: Iu News
It’s easy to enroll, but the spammy feed makes giving up look simpler than searching. An undeniably useful gizmo that can discover you an actual connection or a pal with benefits with out much effort. Casual daters will feel smothered, however eharmony has made serious changes to enchantment to marriage-minded millennials. Avoid a blown-up inbox with this Reddit-backed app’s smaller community and genuine, curated matches.
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owensherndon · 2 years
Understanding The Florida Health Insurance Coverage Continuation Act
The Florida health insurance coverage continuation act was introduced in 2021. It aims to enhance the provision of health insurance benefits to residents of Florida. Part of its purpose is to encourage health insurance providers to participate in the health insurance marketplace in a more competitive manner. One way that providers can increase their participation is by offering more health insurance coverage options to their policyholders. This would increase the number and quality of insurance plans that they offer. Florida is an already a very popular state for health insurance, and considering its booming healthcare industry - there's no doubt that more people will be turning to Florida health insurance coverage for their health needs. Currently there are many kinds of Florida health insurance coverage plans that are available to residents of Florida. Florida residents have many options to choose from. They can join any one of these insurance plans that are currently offered in Florida. They can also opt for separate health insurance coverage or purchase a policy of their own. The choice of the individual is entirely up to them. One of the major things that the Florida health insurance coverage continuation act intends to do is to regulate rates and premiums. This is to ensure that everyone has access to great, affordable health care at all times. It is also meant to make sure that people who need coverage don't abuse it. In fact, the Florida health insurance coverage continuation act also seeks to make sure that people don't wait until they're sick before they buy a policy. Pre-existing conditions are also addressed by the act, making sure that it ensures everyone gets the medical care that they need when they need it. However, there are some people that still don't understand some of the provisions of the Florida health insurance coverage continuation act. One thing that is most often misunderstood is the fact that pre-existing conditions aren't covered under the act. This is false. As long as the person was receiving insurance before joining the insurance company, then they are covered. So long as they also purchased a plan at the same time, then they're also covered under the act. Another thing that's frequently misunderstood is the fact that there's only one kind of Florida health insurance coverage. As long as a person keeps the policy current, then they are covered. However, this isn't true, and there are actually three different kinds of Florida health insurance coverage: managed care, term, and catastrophic. Managed care plans are essentially "managed" plans. This means that the insurance company will be the one who hires the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals for your coverage. This plan also includes all of the insurance costs, which makes the premiums a bit lower. For example, when you sign up for a Florida managed care plan, you can choose what doctor you want, when you want, and how much you want to pay per month. If you don't use a doctor within a certain network, then you won't have to pay anything else. It's great if you have an emergency, but it can also be a great option for regular healthcare coverage. Term plans allow you to purchase insurance for a specific period of time. Usually chrysler 300 insurance cost will last between one to twelve years. This type of Florida health insurance has the least expensive premiums in the market, so if you're looking to save money, this is a good choice. When you renew your term policy, you'll get a new one that is "renewable." This means that you can simply pay your premiums and visit the doctor whenever you're in need. Catastrophic insurance requires that you go to a hospital within a 30-day "catastrophic" period after the policy is purchased. If you visit a hospital during this period, then you'll be charged extra for your insurance. This type of Florida health insurance is often required if you're part of a group plan. If you're self-employed, or work for an employer that doesn't offer this type of insurance, then you may want to look into other options that are available.
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josephapril1 · 2 years
Get This Report about Ripple, SEC case heads for conclusion after 'summary
A popular cryptocurrency analyst has predicted that the rate of $XRP can quickly take off up, at a opportunity in which both Ripple and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are looking for a policy in their long-running legal battle with a so-called review judgment. At least three leading American cryptocurrency swaps has mentioned losses following Ripple's current legal struggle, depending on to CoinDesk. Closely-followed investor DonAlt has revealed in a video he views the cost of XRP pull off a gigantic price rally if the SEC’s lawsuit versus Ripple is settled. In an interview, DonAlt, who is a partner of Ripple, mentioned that there should be little bit of demand to worry in instances of an 'real estate investors' rally after this is resolved, due to the price activity and Ripple's ongoing efforts to 'make use of' the market. If Ripple wins, he mentioned, the XRP souvenir is going to “giga moon generally,” and a “whole lot of folks are going to get back in.” The professional anticipates to sell in to that rise. Once Ripple has properly built up grip in substitution, the memento ought to also be able to develop. That's the fundamental inquiry you require to experience when you're trading XRP. Even if you are not a user of Ripple, they are currently trading it. According to DonAlt, if Bitcoin was “appearing strong in to $21,000,” at that point he could possibly store onto his XRP bet until it attacks $1, if not $2 or $3” every token. Once that has happened, we can relocate on to our following sphere where we may trade the XRP in crypto utilizing the same kind of regulations. When this happens we possess the opportunity to exchange 10-20 sets of XRP. The cryptocurrency is, at the time of writing, trading at $0.46 per token after dropping around 10% of its worth in the final 24-hour time frame. crypto daily xrp was almost $70 million in March alone, a number that goes beyond the $10 million evaluation that Coinfloor received from Digital Currency Group earlier this month. Digital Currency Group's value is an price quote located on investing quantity and market capital. Every the expert, as Daily Hodl state, XRP is currently near to a resistance degree, but states the cryptocurrency could still move higher. Last year, bitcoin became the very most costly inventory one of primary swaps for its opportunity (worth over $1B). In the previous five years, the cryptocurrency has shown to battle at numerous substitutions, consisting of Coinbase. While several traders have been left with little bit of option, XRP has performed more to earn its footing this time all around by enticing brand new capitalists. If capitalists aren’t offering right here, he mentioned, their aim at need to be around $0.90, which he states is a “sensible” target. With the market starting to work out around $50,000 and closing below $50,000 Wednesday morning prior to closing for a lot of of Thursday morning, that means the first group buying is likely to reached $50,000. Selling has already started, at a rate close to $100,000. The analyst included: If you receive beneficial information on the SEC trial, you merely don’t really want to be selling. There have been so numerous various techniques that various firms have been pressing this for over a year yet they only didn't go the technique the majority of individuals wanted them to. There's no contrast. There is actually absolutely no guarantee that you will definitelyn't gain any sort of instances. Also if you drop, you're never ever going to gain a scenario. You yearn for to be marketing right into extremely high [price degrees] or until the momentum dries out up, which I don’t think will definitely take place anytime very soon. I believe individuals will certainly have their fingers went across it's not occurring in our market.". There's no very clear dollar amount on how much Apple will definitely hold when it does start marketing iPhones or iPads in the U.S., though the business said on Friday it assumes production to proceed upwards at a consistent clip. As CryptoGlobe reported, the cost of XRP climbed earlier this month after both Ripple and the SEC requested a rundown opinion. Ripple has presently obtained a summary opinion coming from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), but Ripple's case were still vague. The FCC was forced to give out a preparatory public notice at one-third of the noted XRP value in its preliminary public deal. The FCC declined to comment at that point. The SEC sued Ripple and two of its execs in 2020, affirming they sold unregistered safety and securities when they issued $1.3 billion worth of XRP tokens. Ripple refuted any sort of engagement in the suit, which was thrown out. Meyer's settlement deal, which was hit coming from the economic news files released by Bloomberg, would cover Ripple and its primary financial investment policeman, Andreessen Horowitz, for one year each.
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Ripple rejects XRP is a protection. Q: What are the primary factors why Ripple can't be depended on? A: Ripple uses a tough social journal that is known merely to the company. By making use of a sturdy social journal the provider is assured to always keep complete safety. This safeguards the public ledger so that no one need to have to count on anything else except for surveillance. XRP is not made use of for that purpose. As CryptoGlobe mentioned, Ripple settling the suit could possibly lead to an XRP source surprise, which probably would lead to a price rise as requirement would remain the very same, while supply dove. The Ripple/Yen consortium likewise has planning to take total command over Ripple and the business, according to sources. On Monday, it also stated it would no longer take part in the Ripple trading due to an unsure future. That’s depending on to lawful specialist and XRP proponent Jeremy Hogan, who has been following the scenario. "Several of us in this company feel that no one need to be allowed to own bitcoins without having evidence that their deals are lawful, not simply legitimate.". "This is an regrettable progression and we need to have to move forward with some of the most sophisticated, difficult and intricate transactions achievable in purchase to keep Bitcoin sincere and protected in the long run," O'Malley wrote on a brand new blog.
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ferrellkamp · 2 years
<h1>One Hundred Thc Cartridges 100 Percent Thc Cartridges Secure And Discreet Delivery</h1>
If you purchase via our hyperlinks we get a small compensation which we use in order to preserve this web site and continue doing what we love. Our evaluations all the time stay true to our honest opinion and, and we thank our group for the help. To make a THC oil cartridge last longer, you possibly can treat it like you do your food, pop it within the fridge.
In addition, verify that there aren't any levels of unsafe molds, metals or toxins. Potency – If you’re seeking to get blasted, you can’t be losing your time with weak THC oil carts with principally filler. For the strongest effects, you’ll want one thing extremely potent, ideally distillate or reside resin. They contain the least quantity of filler and the best ranges of THC and natural terpenes.
In their line, natural cotton wicks are used to preserve the nice taste of the distillate so the taste will last. bulk oil cartridges means the terpenes are robust and good as nicely. Most individuals wonder the way vape pen cartridges wholesale to get THC oil cartridges shipped wherever by 420 Mail order. Online Cart Store begins by packaging your THC oil Cartridges with a double vacuum sealed paper with inside cushioning that protects and in addition prevents any odor.
Once heated, an prompt process in plenty of vape pen fashions, you inhale vapor via the vape cartridge’s hooked up mouthpiece. O.pen now, for your whole vape accessories wants together with premium vape pen batteries, THC oil cartridges, and extra. Verify testing - Of course, don’t simply take the label’s word for it in phrases of what the THC oil cartridge contains. Any high quality, reliable brand should provide clear testing results. These kinds of exams will confirm efficiency, and normally, confirm the presence of different cannabinoids and terpenes.
By now, it’s likely you’ve heard of THC oil cartridges if you’ve yet to strive them your self. Vape carts are gaining popularity than ever for their unique benefits, versatility, and availability. But if you’re unfamiliar with THC oil cartridges, it’s doubtless you would possibly have some questions. one hundred pc THC cartridge Of Your Choice and You’ll Get A Mixture Of full 1000mg vape cartridges with a hundred Cartridges of your choice every containing the oil $10 every Cartridge.
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We’ll cowl the most important ideas for getting THC vape carts, next. Once linked, and by powering up the vape pen battery, heat is utilized to the THC oil cartridge for vaporizing and inhaling. Compatibility – There are two major forms of pre-filled THC cartridges. The most common is the usual 510 e-cig tank, which connects to your normal e-liquid and CBD vape pens.
In this guide we will clarify what pre-filled THC oil carts and pods are, and a few ideas for buying and using them. Here are one of the best pre-filled THC oil carts for sale proper now. We have mastered our routes , this is key to our ever increasing prospects demand for more pace and quick supply. We have now made it potential to purchase weed on-line from our weed dispensary and get supply on the identical day. Before you buy THC cartridges or batteries, ensure to contemplate the build quality and capacity.
STIIIZY products can also be found in Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, and Washington, and California. As Select explains their origin story, “It started in Portland, Oregon with a puff, then a nasty cough, that led to a thought — why not make a safer cartridge? ” Since launching, Select has turn into one of cheap thc carts the largest multi-state operators in America, selling from California to Michigan and again again. Another way this producer is unique is that they work with a large library of genetics. Every harvest is new and exciting, hardly ever with repeats.
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6 Things To Know About Driving Education In Ohio
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1. The Minimum Age Requirements
If you are planning on getting your learner's permit in the state of Ohio, then you need to ensure that you do not have to wait until you turn 16 years old before you get behind the wheel of a vehicle. While some states require drivers under 18 to get their license, in Ohio, they only require that you be at least 15 years old and hold a valid driver's license from any state.
However, if you want to get your learner's permit after turning 16, you must take a knowledge test first. This is because you cannot drive without passing both parts of the knowledge exam. Also, if you are taking a driving course, you will need to meet specific requirements based on the type of class you are enrolled in. For example, you will need 12 hours of classroom time if you are enrolled in a group class.
2. The Classroom Prerequisites
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You will need to pass two separate exams to receive your learner's permit. These are known as the "Knowledge Test" and the "Skills Test." These tests will cover various topics, including traffic laws, road signs, and how to stop a school bus properly. There will also be an emphasis on handling emergencies and defensive driving techniques. To pass either one of these tests, you will be expected to answer at least 80% of the questions correctly.
In addition, if you are taking a private lesson, you will need at least six hours of classroom time. However, if you enroll in a group lesson, you will only need four hours of classroom time. Also, you should be aware that while you may go to school for four hours each day, you will still need to work 8 hours per week to maintain the standard you are receiving.
3. The Road Tests
The final step towards obtaining your learner's permit in Ohio involves taking your road test. You will be given a set amount of time to complete the test. The length of time will vary depending on what stage of education you are currently enrolled in. At the end of your allotted time, you will be given three attempts at passing the test.
After successfully completing the first attempt, you will be allowed to retake the test. Once you have completed all three attempts, you will be issued your learner's permit. You are only permitted to drive once you have received your permit; however, you can renew it yearly.
4. What Is Required Of Me Daily?
You will need to attend classes for approximately eight hours per week. Since you are learning about motor skills, safety, and general information, you will want to schedule your lessons around your regular school days. Most schools allow students to drop off between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. If you are interested in driving after regular school hours, then you will need permission from your parents. In addition to attending your classes, you will need to work a minimum of eight hours per week. Because you are learning about motor skills and safety, you will want to aim for a job where you learn something new daily.
5. Online Classes
Online driver's Ed classes are becoming increasingly popular among teens because they are convenient and require a minimal time commitment. There are two types of online driver's Ed classes: those provided by private companies and those offered by colleges and universities. While both have pros and cons, some options may be worth considering
For example, private companies offer courses on DVD or CD and an instructor guidebook to help students learn. However, since they aren't accredited, they aren't guaranteed to be correct and could miss out on specific topics. On the other hand, college-level courses should be taken since they are provided by a recognized institution and are likely to cover issues that private companies would leave out.
6. License Renewal
Every two years after getting a learner's permit, a driver must renew their license and pay fees to keep driving. If they don't want to continue their support, they will not get a new one and will lose their driver's license. The renewal process includes taking a vision test, having a physical examination, paying additional fees, and submitting fingerprints.
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hudsonmckenzie · 2 years
Everything you must need to know about US Immigration
In the United States of America, immigration is seen as the most pressing issue. Senate Republicans and Democrats have agreed to shut down the federal government over the treatment of Dreamers, who were brought to the United States illegally as children. President Donald Trump described US immigration law as a "broken" system in his recent State of the Union address, to which one party applauded and the other scowled. This heated reaction reflects a growing difference among people, with Democrats now twice as likely as Republicans to believe immigration strengthens the country.
These and other discussions may give the impression that most Americans are perplexed about the negative consequences of immigration on the economy and culture of the United States. However, in terms of numerous dimensions, public opinion polling has never shown immigration to be more popular:
• The percentage of Americans who want immigration levels reduced has dropped from a high of 65 percent in the mid-1990s to just 35 percent, which is close to a record low.
•According to a Gallup poll conducted in 2017, fears that immigrants would commit crimes, steal employment from native-born families, or harm the budget and general economy are all at all-time lows.
•In the same poll, the percentage of Americans who believe immigrants "mainly benefit" the economy reached a new high since Gallup began asking the topic in 1993.
•Similarly, a Pew Research poll asking if immigrants "strengthen the nation with their hard work and talents" yielded record-high positive responses.
Immigration is not a monolithic subject, according to a top Ireland Immigration Lawyer; there is no single immigration query. There are at least three: How should the US deal with illegal immigrants, especially those who were brought to the nation as children? Would the overall level of immigration be reduced, increased, or neither? And how should the US organize the various groups seeking access to the country—refugees, family members, economic migrants, and skilled workers, to name a few—? It's possible that the majority of voters aren't fully aware of the concerns and don't give much thought to the replies to each question.
After all, immigration ranks quite low on Americans’ policy urgencies—it's behind the shortage and tied with the inspiration of lobbyists—which makes responses shift along with the placements of presidential candidates, political rhetoric, or polling lingo.
The most valuable immigration inquiry—the “levels” In question—it doesn’t seem quite right for an Ireland Immigration Lawyer to say the concern of immigration divisions in America. It more clearly divides Republicans—both from the rest of the country and from one another. Immigration isolates anatomist faction of the right in a country that is, overall, growing more tolerant of diversity. January's government shutdown is a perfect example. Almost 90 percent of Americans prefer legal protections for Dreamers, but the GOP’s refusal to extend those protections outside of a larger deal led to the closure of the federal government, in any type.
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