#one day. hopefully sooner than later. i will have an apartment. and I will have a shelf of all my shinee albums (and albums in general).
seilon · 10 months
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surprise fuckin HAUL bro 💕💎♾️
#I got BOTH MY FAVS for the random photocards and the poster that came with hard I am SO damn lucky#I love the taemin poster so much he looks so smug and so pretty and i wanna . bite him (affectionate)#I was actually pretty surprised these weren’t like ridiculously expensive. but in general I wasn’t expecting to get these today at ALL#my mom and I were at an intl market in town and apparently there’s a kpop store there and surprisingly she let me get some stuff#which sounds so lame considering I am almost 23 but. alas.#they have the most recent shinee light stick there too and good lord I want it so bad but. it costed as much as All Of That in the picture#combined. so. :(#one day……….#I wanted to get killer/gasoline but I couldn’t spend THAT much money unfortunately#I’m glad they had 13egin honestly I was a little worried they wouldn’t cause it’s so new and infinite’s not with a big label anymore and#aren’t the most popular or new group at least in the states#that’s my first physical infinite album <3 bless#again. so lucky I got sungjong’s photocard dude. my first and only infinite album and I got My Boy. mwah#god I wanna put all this shit up but I still don’t have my own apartment and don’t wanna commit to putting up posters in a place I don’t#wanna be in for very long if I can help it#one day. hopefully sooner than later. i will have an apartment. and I will have a shelf of all my shinee albums (and albums in general).#and all my posters up. and it will be beautiful. one day. (manifesting)#kibumblabs#shinee#infinite
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leilakisakabiri · 10 months
Can I request something with Gavi being barely even home resulting to reader feeling lonely and empty? A fluffy ending please! Gracias a todos!
You're Losing Me (Gavi)
Summary: You and Gavi's relationship is slowly falling apart - and neither of you know how to save it.
Warnings: Angst. Toxic behavior. 
A/N: This request literally revived me so thank you. I’m so excited to write angst hopefully you like it! Also thank you guys for 1k notes on Surprise, here’s my gift to you. Please send requests!
Word count: 6.8k+
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It was the fourth Tuesday in a row that you ate alone in your apartment. The fourth time Gavi had skipped out on your plans last minute, sending a quick half-hearted text about one event or the other.
The first time it was because Coach had asked Gavi to stay after practice, keen on teaching him the perfect one-touch shot. Then it was a missed dinner because Jordi Alba had invited him out with some other players, and he just couldn’t say no, because he was finally starting to feel like a part of the family - like the older players had finally started to respect him.
Of course you hadn’t minded the first few times, he had been apologetic enough, promising you that he would be there next time, but each next time took on the next week, and soon the prospect of next time didn’t hold as much meaning anymore. You were accustomed to reading those words by now, and you rarely took time to read over the dwindling text messages anymore, eyes only scanning for those two words, the ones that had become a staple in your relationship.
Next time.
Next time you would cook dinner for him and he would be there to eat it. Next time he would tell you he loved you in person, rather than getting an impassive ‘sorry cariño’. The thought of next time, which once seemed like a lifeline to you, had become a dull reminder of the boy who was just on the other side of the city, only a measly train ride separating you both. Yet the distance seemed much greater.
But now the football season was drawing to a close, and instead of being excited at the notion of having more time to spend together, you felt uneasy and on edge, almost as if you were waiting for the other shoe to drop, something to come up, making the distance between the two of you that much more tangible.  
You felt your phone buzz next to you and your eyes unintentionally went to the clock.
9:45 pm.
The texts were getting later and later each time.
You already knew what awaited you, but you couldn’t help but scan the message regardless.
“Can’t come tonight, only have a few days till the season ends and the guys wanna make the most of it. Be there next time. Noche.”
There it was again, that unexplainable feeling in your chest, like your heart was always one step ahead of your brain, preparing for the loss of something that hadn’t yet left. Your mind was an incomprehensible mess, a jumble of contrasting thoughts and memories, forcing you to overthink situations and undervalue your emotions.  
You lifted your head watching your roommate land with a thump on the couch beside you, “He canceled again, didn’t he?”
You opened your mouth, an excuse on the tip of your tongue.
She held up her hand, “Don’t try to defend him. He knows it isn’t fair.”
You avoided her gaze, “You don’t get it. He’s really in demand and-”
“It doesn’t matter that he’s famous or a professional athlete, that doesn’t discredit his actions, or put the blame on anyone but him.”
She continued, “Look Gavi’s a good guy, I like him,” you stared at her, “I do! But he’s stupid if he doesn’t realize that he’s losing you. I know you, and while you might make excuses for him now, I know that sooner or later you’re going to notice that he hasn’t been treating you like you deserve, and you’ll be smart enough to leave.”
You felt the impact of her words full force, like a sledgehammer beating into your body. All the signs were there, right in front of your face, and you had been turning a blind eye, not wanting to admit what your heart already knew.
You knew it. The distance you had felt hadn’t been in vain – every day you could feel the connection between the two of you chip away, so small, you wouldn’t think to notice it till you stood back and looked at the bigger picture.
As a result of both your busy schedules, you both had come up with the idea of having Tuesday night, the most boring day of the week as agreed on, reserved for just the two of you. On Tuesday you didn’t have classes that ran well past dinner time or have to pick up late-night shifts at the restaurant, and he didn’t have evening practice. It was perfect. Tuesday was yours.
Except it had been four weeks since you’d had a proper conversation with Gavi, and you couldn’t help but see the difference in your relationship when you first got together, both eager and determined to spend as much time together as possible, to now, where even if you attended his games, you two still managed to get away without speaking.
You shook your head, “I-I need to take a walk.”
She reached over placing a hand on your shoulder, “Y/n. I’m sorry-”
You shook it off, standing up, “No it’s ok, it’s not your fault. I just need to clear my head.”
You felt the cool night breeze hit you as you walked the streets of Barcelona. It was unusually quiet in this part of town, the lights from the main strip didn’t reach this far out, and for a moment the quiet reminded you of your hometown.
If you closed your eyes, it was almost like you were fifteen again, back in your childhood bedroom, before the ideas of pretty boys with big brown eyes and the weight of managing both university and a job plagued all your thoughts.
You reached a lookout point, the top of the hill dropping to show you the expansive city below. You stared out, the buildings looked so small up here, barely more than a glowing dot in the dark, the cars a blur of soft yellow. You wondered which tiny dot Gavi was in. You wondered if he had checked his phone, seeing that you hadn’t texted him back like you usually did. You wondered if he even cared.
You shook your head trying to get rid of the unwanted thoughts.
Your relationship with Gavi was good. He made you laugh like nobody else, whispering secrets in each other’s ears like schoolchildren, making forts out of old sheets in his childhood bedroom when you met his family for the first time. You remembered his sweet smile, the way his eyes would crinkle unintentionally when he couldn’t hold back his excitement or happiness. You remembered confiding in him about school, how you were so stressed because you couldn’t manage eighteen credits while simultaneously holding a job that required you to be on your feet for hours at a time. You could still feel the soft caress of his hand, as he squeezed yours, providing you comfort, cracking a badly executed joke here and there just to get you to smile while listing a hundred reasons why if anyone could do it, it would be you.
So, if he made you feel all those things, why did his absence make you feel so tiny, so insignificant?
Your finger hovered over the call button, and you hit it hesitantly.
You just wanted to hear his voice.
That would be enough.
It rang seven times before the line went dead.
It took you a moment to realize you hadn’t put your phone up to your ear, waiting with bated breath for the timer on the screen to start, indicating he had picked up, but it never did.
You stuffed your phone back into your pocket, the same unsteady feeling in your heart strumming.
Then it was gone.
You came home to a quiet apartment and your roommate already asleep.
You shuffled into your room silently, you would give it one more week you decided. Next time would be the last.
The next week came, and while it was the first week Gavi had off from training, he had already planned to go to Ibiza to attend a music festival with his hometown friends. He had invited you, but it was more of an afterthought, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to go because of rushed ‘you can come if you want’ and a barely there apology so you left it.
You got an ‘I’ll miss you’ text from him and for a moment it made you smile, filling you with warmth. However, an ‘I miss you’ only did so much, and other than his sweet messages, there was really no intent behind his words.
Now it had been two days since Gavi had gotten back from his Ibiza trip, and you couldn’t hide the surprise on your face when you glanced over and saw a Facetime call from Gavi.
When was the last time the two of you had Facetimed? Maybe two months ago? It was much easier to send a text, the times both of you were free were few and far between.
You answered the call, pushing your textbook to the side. The dark grey interior of Gavi’s car greeted you.
“Hello?” You asked.
“Hey, Y/n long time no talk.” Gavi joked, but you felt your stomach flip at the truth behind his words.
“I can’t see you.” You said.
“Oh shit, did I accidentally Facetime? My bad I told Siri to call and she must have Facetimed instead. Let me call you.”
You went to speak but heard the three beeps indicating the call had been cut.
You heard the phone ring again and bit back a sigh. You just wanted to see his face.
You answered on the second ring.
“Hey sorry about that. I wanted to call and tell you that I’m back from Ibiza.”
“Yeah, I know.” You admitted, “I remembered.”
There was a beat of silence.
“Well, anyways I wanted to ask you to come with me to the Spanish football gala tomorrow.”
You heard some shuffling and suddenly Gavi’s voice was much clearer and closer to the phone. You assumed he took it off speaker.
“Can you not come?”
You hesitated, “Uhm I’m not sure. It’s so last minute and I’m already scheduled at the restaurant tomorrow.”
“Can’t you just take off?” He persisted.
You felt your brow furrow, “I’m already on the schedule, I can’t just decide to take off the day before, I need to find someone to replace me.”
“Ok, tell whoever that I’ll sign a jersey for them if they do.”
You suddenly felt angry. Why did he think that you could only get a day off work if he helped you out? Were you not capable of handling your own situations? You hated feeling like this, like you weren’t even your own person, just a shadow of who you were with.
“No that’s fine. I’ll just take off like you said, simple.” You couldn’t help but let the bitterness seep into your voice.
He went to say something, probably sensing the shift in your mood, but you cut him off, “I have to go. Bye Gavi.”
You hung up before he could respond.
Finding someone to replace your shift was easier said than done, but after some back and forth, and a promise to Marcus to cover his next two shifts, you were free.
Free to prance around in a hall filled with people you barely knew, with a boy who you thought about more in your memories than you saw in real life.
The night of the gala arrived, and you were decked out, wearing the earrings Gavi had gifted you for your one-year anniversary paired with a necklace you had received after graduating high school.
Gavi had originally said he would pick you up but had sent a quick text earlier in the morning explaining that the team was getting ready together at a hotel, and to just meet him at the venue.
Your roommate had agreed to drive you and you gave her a grateful smile as you got in the car.
“Ana thank you for taking me.”
She brushed the comment off playfully, “No problem. Gotta step up when Gavi steps down.”
You let out a short laugh, “My hero.”
You got to the venue a couple of minutes before you had planned to meet Gavi and nervously walked around, staying out of the path of cameras.
You found someone to take you to a tent where some Barca staff were waiting for the players to start the program.
You walked in, a surprised look taking over your face once you noticed Pedri and a few other players in the corner.
You weren’t aware that some of the players from the hotel had arrived yet.
Pedri noticed your entrance and came over to say hello.
You gave him a quick hug, making casual small talk.
Just ask him, a voice in the back of your head urged.
Finally, you bit the bullet, attempting to sound as casual as possible, “How did you guys get here so early? I thought everyone was leaving the hotel at 6.”
“Ehh, it wasn’t that important, so I skipped it. Half the guys didn’t go anyway, and the other half just went to play FIFA. Besides I beat them every time, so it gets a little boring after a while.”
You tried to laugh at his joke, but could only manage a watery smile, mind running a mile a minute.
So Gavi hadn’t actually needed to go but chose to.
Leaving you alone.
It wasn’t a big deal by itself. But it was the fact that this was just another item you could add to your ever-growing list of things Gavi cared about more than you. You wondered briefly if you had been wrong, and if he had missed some other event to be there with you, only to remind yourself that you hadn’t seen him in a month, so no, he hadn’t.
You were still grappling with your emotions when Gavi arrived, unsure whether to confront him or just let this be another thing you swept under the rug.
Your reunion, if you could even call it that, was lackluster at best. He had walked in with some of his teammates, immediately going to greet the rest of his team, completely ignoring you standing on the right side of the room with Pedri.
It was only once he asked where Pedri was that someone pointed the two of you out.
You felt your body deflate; he hadn’t even asked for you.
Were you overthinking things again? Maybe he had just forgotten in the excitement of seeing his whole team for the first time after the season ended?
Gavi made his way over to the two of you, reaching out to Pedri first. You watched as they exchanged a hug before Gavi’s eyes floated over to yours.
“Hey.” His voice was casual, like he was greeting a mailman, or thanking the cashier.
You closed the space, attempting to hug him, but he grabbed your shoulders stopping you, looking down.
You followed his gaze.
“I don’t want to wrinkle the dress.”
You felt your heart thud against your chest, and while you knew he only had good intentions, the rejection still stung.
You stepped out of his embrace, watching his hands drop to his sides, “Okay.”
The carpet went by in a blur, you posed with Gavi for a few photos before moving to the side and letting him enjoy the spotlight, he had worked hard for it. You took a couple of photos with some of the other teammate's girlfriends and wives before you headed inside.
Once inside, there was still some time left before the actual dinner portion of the gala started. The gala was held for all Spanish football clubs as a celebration of their hard work during the season. It was also a great event to network, giving players the ability to talk with different coaches and directors they otherwise might not have gotten the chance to, allowing for discussions of thinly veiled preseason transfers to commence without the fear of unwanted ears listening in.
You found Gavi in the crowd quickly, linking your arm with his. He looked over at you, a smile taking over his features once he noticed you.
“Glad you found me.”
You noticed with great relief that his eyes still crinkled in the corners when he looked at you,
“I always do.”
The next however many minutes spent till dinner service started comprised of Gavi talking with various different players and directors as you stood like a shiny accessory off his arm, too insignificant to be acknowledged in conversation.
The call for dinner provided you solace from the repetitive conversations and mundane questions. You took a seat next to Gavi and were confused to find both Joao Felix and Antoine Griezmann seated at your table.
You leaned into Gavi, “I thought the clubs sat together?”
“Me too. I think they’re doing alphabetical tonight though.” He whispered.
“Which one’s your least favorite?” You looked up shocked at Gavi’s question, watching a boyish grin take over his features as he tried to hide his laugh, interlacing your fingers on your lap.
You shoved into him lightly, “They’re sitting right there!”
He leaned in closer, nose softly grazing your ear as he spoke, “Yeah but between me and you, I think Joao could have had a better season in Chelsea.”
You shook your head in disbelief, fighting back the smile that was threatening to spill out. Your eyes caught his and for a second it seemed like you had been transported back in time, back to when these types of moments were the standard not the exception, back when it felt like you were on each other sides, back when laughter was the antidote instead of tense silences filled with awkward hello’s.
His eyebrow lifted ask if to ask if you agreed with him, and a small murmur of agreement from you was all he needed before he opened his mouth, ready to hammer his point home, but his attention switched last second.
It was like you could visibly see the shift in his demeanor. First, it was his eyes glancing past yours, seeing the midfielder approaching. Then it was the subtle grip on your hand loosening, his fingers slipping through the gaps. Next, it was the complete shift in body, his posture straightening as he leaned his body away from yours, position shifting to face Pedri who had sat in the spot next to him.
To his credit, Pedri acknowledged the both of you but it was clear Gavi paid no mind to you, not evening sparing you a glance as he became immersed in a conversation with Pedri.
You tried to pretend it didn’t affect you and while you could lie to everyone else, you couldn’t lie to yourself. You had built up this evening up so much in your head, telling yourself that tonight would be the shifting point in your relationship and that everything would go back to the way it once was, but it was shaping up to be another Tuesday you had become all too familiar with.
Why did it feel like you were always competing for his attention?
Your mind was reeling, all the small actions Gavi did that you kept pushing aside, were floating back to the surface, each little remark or dismissal a little tug on your heartstrings till you were sure that if you stayed at the table a for a moment longer you wouldn’t be able to stop the onslaught of tears quickly approaching.
You stood from the table abruptly, catching a few people’s attention, but you gave them a polite smile, or at least you hoped it had been polite, you couldn’t focus on anything but the stinging in your eyes and the sinking feeling in your stomach.
You swiftly walked towards the restroom, glancing over your shoulder to see if anyone had noticed but your eyes fell on Gavi’s form. He hadn’t even bothered turning around.
Of course, he hadn’t. 
Somehow that hurt more than anything else.
You were immensely grateful for the single-use restroom as you locked yourself in, shaky hands coming to steady yourself on the sink.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
You were internally screaming at yourself, begging yourself to keep yourself together but the feeling was too overwhelming and before you could stop you felt the first tears slip down. Your shoulders shook as you forced yourself to be silent, embarrassed about someone walking by and overhearing you pitying yourself.
One hand covered your mouth as you muffled your sobs, while the other dug into the stupid marble sink until the skin was pink and indented. The pain acted as a distraction from the unbearable pressure in your chest, and you instinctively pushed your hand harder into the sink.
Your fingers felt numb as you slowly removed them, closing your eyes to steady yourself. It was obvious that you weren’t in the best mental state, but you couldn’t exactly sit in the bathroom for the next hour to sort it out. You had to clean yourself up and go back to pretending.
Yes, pretending, you realized, was exactly what you had been doing. This whole night you had been pretending, pretending everything was okay, pretending that your relationship was fine when in truth you couldn’t even remember what Gavi’s laugh sounded like.
When had it become all pretend?
Was there anything left here? Were your best years behind you both?
These unanswered questions haunted you as you calmed yourself down, wrapping around you like a blanket, one that provided you no comfort but rather a feeling of suffocation.
Finally, your eyes had dried, and the redness had faded significantly. You had gotten your breathing under control, and you felt a little lighter having stopped denying what had been plaguing your mind for weeks now.
You took one final glance in the mirror, smoothing out your dress as you exited the restroom.
You walked slowly back to the table. You had decided that if you could just get through tonight, go home, and cry and think some more, then by tomorrow morning you would be able to talk to Gavi and decide what to do.
But that plan had flown out the window when you arrived back at the table to a confused Gavi.
It seemed he had finally noticed your absence.
“Where did you go? They served dinner 15 minutes ago.”
“I had to use the restroom.”
“For 15 minutes?”
“There was a queue.” You lied.
He seemed to accept your answer and you chose to focus on your food rather than him.
You were halfway through your meal when you noticed Gavi giving you a double take from the corner of your eye.
“Your eyes are red.” He spoke in a hushed voice.
“I don’t know why.”
“Are you sure?” His attention was beginning to slip again, eyes darting back between you and Pedri.
“Yes, I’m fine.” You heard your voice waver on the last syllable, a tick you had when you were lying, and Gavi immediately picked up on it, facing you fully.
“What’s wrong?”
You shook your head not wanting to get into everything here.
“I’m ok.”
“You’re not.”
“Gavi.” You warned.
“What happened? Did someone say something?”
“No. Just drop it please.” Your voice had gone soft, tired of defending yourself.
“Y/n just tell me, I’ll help.” He urged.
You stayed quiet.
“What’s wrong?” He asked again, adamant to get an answer.
You felt yourself grow annoyed, why couldn’t he just let it go? Why was he suddenly interested in how you felt? You were just trying to protect what little left the two of you had and he seemed intent on destroying it.
“It’s you.”
He looked taken aback, eyes pooling with hurt and confusion, his body slightly deflating, “W-what?”
The moment was interrupted when the announcer took over the stage, beginning the presentation for the night, highlighting a few key players and matches.
You looked away first, turning to face the stage, clapping along, acting as though you couldn’t feel Gavi’s gaze burning into your back as he desperately tried to get your attention.
Once the presentation was over you were quick to excuse yourself, using the pretense of going to get a drink as a getaway.
You held your breath as you walked, praying Gavi wouldn’t follow you, and while he got up immediately once he noticed, he was quickly interrupted by another player coming to congratulate him, allowing you to slip away while he watched helplessly.
You let out a huff, leaning against the bar trying to slow your heartbeat.
“Long day?”
You looked over to see Joao standing next to you, watching as the bartender poured his drink.
“Something like that.”
He nodded, “Me too. Been a long couple of days actually.”
You smiled, “Actually, it’s been a long couple of weeks.”
He turned his head to look at you, “I take it back. It’s actually been a long couple of months.”
You raised your hand in mock surrender, “Ok I can’t beat that.”
He grinned, “Yeah not many people can.”
Your expression matched his own, and you gave your order to the bartender before turning to face him again, “So how’s the season been?”
“Shit. Honestly, I’m not even sure why I’m here I played for Chelsea this season not Athletico.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his abruptness.
“Yeah, I saw your first game. A red card first match is pretty brutal.”
His grin only widened, “Oh keeping tabs are we?”
You gave him a playful glare, “Of course gotta know how Barca’s competition is doing.”
“Oh, so you’re a Barca girl?”
“Since the day I was born.” You revealed proudly.
And it was true, even before you had met Gavi, you had loved Barcelona. Growing up in a family of football lovers, your family had declared FC Barcelona as their home club, and you had witnessed so many legends play for Barcelona and so many underdogs find their true passion at the club.
“Can I tell you a secret?” he asked, and you gave him a nod of encouragement, pretending to zip your lips shut making him smile, “Ok well it’s always been my dream to play for Barcelona. Messi was always an idol to me.” He confessed.
Your mouth dropped open in shock before you abruptly shut it, your eyes almost widening comically as you spoke excitedly, “What oh my gosh. I’m in shock. Messi? But you play with Ronaldo!” You gasped.
He laughed at your facial expression, as he whispered, “I know! That’s why it’s a secret.”
You nodded along with his words, sending him a duh expression, “Of course, I won’t say anything I promise.”
“Promise what?”
Gavi had appeared by your side, a firm hand set on your waist, as he gently tugged you back into his body.
You peeked up at Gavi to see he was already looking down at you, jaw set. You gulped.
“Nothing much, just talking about the season.” You replied.
You saw Gavi’s eyes flicker between the two of you before he brought you closer, “Can we please talk?”
You bit your lip unsure but nodded.
He slipped his hand into yours as he led you to a quieter area. You waved goodbye to Joao as Gavi pulled you through the crowd, and he held his drink up in response.
He was a nice guy. You hoped next season would be better for him than the last.
He guided you to a standing table and propped your hands on the table as he played with the ring on your index finger.
“This a really pretty ring, is it new?” He asked eyes focused on your fingers.
“No, I got it last month.”
“I haven’t seen you wear it.”
“I’ve worn it every day since I got it.”
You gently removed your hand from his, knowing that talking circles about something so small was going to get you nowhere.
“What do you want Gavi?” You asked quietly.
His voice came out gravelly, “I want to know how I let it get to the point where you feel more comfortable calling me Gavi rather than Pablo.”
His words when straight to your heart, and you could feel his pain almost as much as you could feel your own.
“I-I don’t know.”
You heard his breath falter, “I miss you calling me Pablo. Hell – I even miss you calling me Pablito. I’d take anything over whatever this is.” He gestured pointing between the two of you.
“Ok then let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about where it went wrong.”
His eyes lifted at your words, “Why are you speaking in the past tense?”
You remained silent.
“Amor please, why are you speaking in past tense?” You could hear the panic building in his voice.
“I think we don’t spend enough time together.”
“Ok we can fix that. No problem.” He agreed, desperate to save what was slowly unraveling.
“But do you want to? Fix it I mean?”
“Of course, I do. Please just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” His voice was almost near begging, and you knew without a doubt that you were in a similar state.
You couldn’t believe that this was happening here, in front of all these people, but it wasn’t fair to either of you to hold it any longer. You had to have this conversation sooner or later and it seemed like tonight was the time for it.
“Sometimes I feel like you don’t have time for me.” You finally admitted what you had been feeling for the last month.
He shook his head rapidly, “I do! But I mean we both have such busy schedules, you have even less time than I do with school.” he argued, “You also have work so that cuts down on the time we have too, but I’m not complaining.”
You were trembling with anger as you spoke, but you kept your voice low, “Yes, because I have to work a job to be able to afford college. I hate the hours probably more than you do, but I do it because I have to. I don’t have an option. I want to go to school? I have to fund it. But you? You didn’t have to go out with the guys after practice or stay around Ansu’s to play FIFA, but you did. That was a choice you made.”
He opened his mouth to retaliate but you weren’t done, “And I’m not even mad about that. I’m mad that for the last month, you’ve put me below every other person in your life, treated me like I’m dispensable, someone who you only consider when you need something. I feel cheap. Like something you only want when it’s convenient to you.”
“That’s not true. You’re my girlfriend!” His voice shook as he spoke, and you realized he was probably just as scared as you were.
“Then why do I feel like I’m not?” Your voice came out soft, barely above a whisper, but it felt like delivering the final blow to an already sinking battleship.
You felt his eyes on you, eyes glazing over as hundreds of unushered words filled the space between you, but the moment was cut short, and you had to remind yourself that you were in public as Xavi approached the two of you.
You gave Xavi a quick hug before he congratulated Gavi on a great season.
Gavi only nodded, murmuring short responses, eyes glancing at you every few seconds like he was scared you would disappear from his life if he wasn’t watching.  
He left after a moment, and then the two of you were alone again.
“I’m sorry Y/n, I had no idea that’s why you were working. I would’ve given you the money if you just said something-“
“I don’t want your money Gavi! It’s yours, not mine.” You said exasperated.
“C’mon Y/n you know I have enough to provide for the both of us. You don’t have to work-“
“I don’t want that! In fact, right now I don’t even want to be in this relationship!”
The boy physically shrunk back at your words, your admission sending him into silence as he processed your words.
Finally, he spoke, head shaking in denial, not wanting to admit what was right in front of him, “I-I don’t understand.”
You wanted to yell at him to notice all the signs you’d been sending him, beg him to understand the things you couldn’t say but had always been lurking in the shadows, easy enough to make out if you just paid attention. You wanted to scream that it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair that Gavi got to pursue his passion while you were being told to give up yours. Your head was filled with millions of things you wanted to say to him, thousands of little moments you wanted to share with him, you wanted to confide in him about how scared you were, how you had never felt like this in your life, how the thought of him slowly falling out of love with you was ripping your insides apart, making you sick to your stomach. There were so many things but not one left your mouth.
“I know you don’t.” Your voice sounded tired, even to your own ears, and you wondered if this was it. If this is where the two of you parted ways.
“I-I’m just going to go home.”
“I’ll grab our coats.”
You placed your hand gently on his, giving him a sad smile, “It’s ok. I think I’ll go alone.”
Neither of you could deny what it meant.
He ducked his head so you couldn’t see his red eyes. There was a moment of silence, and you could tell he was fighting with himself, trying to figure out what to do to stop the inevitable, until he slowly nodded,
He had just sealed your relationship closed, something you were grateful for because you knew you couldn’t have done it yourself.
He didn’t lift his head as you walked away, and you didn’t blame him.
You grabbed your coat quickly, bidding goodbye to a few people as you made your way out of the hall.
As you walked down the hallway towards the main doors you realized you didn’t have a ride back. Your roommate had dropped you off and you assumed Gavi would drop you back. Well, that wasn’t happening now. Train it was. One glance out the window told you it was raining, downpouring to be exact.
How fitting. At least the weather matched your mood.
You stepped outside, immediately becoming drenched, but somehow you found comfort in it, at least this way no one could see you cry.
You were about halfway down the steps when you heard the door slam open, yelling coming from behind you.
You spun around, surprised to see Gavi stepping into the rain, “Please stay. Please.”
You stood frozen, unsure of what to say.
You were sure he wouldn’t follow you. But he had.
He kept taking steps closer to you, closing the distance, till you were only two steps apart, “Stay.”
His eyes searched your own, looking for something, maybe a sign that there was hope, something you weren’t sure you could provide.
“Just let me go. We can talk about this tomorrow.”
He shook his head, breath unsteady, “No I can’t. I can’t. I feel like if I let you go now, I’ll never see you again.”
You bit your cheek looking away, he was right. After tonight you had no intention of talking to him again.
His shoulders drooped at your silence, and he sat down on the steps of the building, harsh rain pounding down on him, matting his hair and drenching his extremely expensive suit, but he didn’t seem to care, “I hate fighting with you.”
You glanced down at his figure, watching him sit in the rain with his head in his hands, utterly defenseless.
“But I hate even more that it’s my fault, and that I couldn’t see what I was doing until I felt what you did, just for a second, and it hurt like hell.”
“I should have been there for you. I should have made time for you. I knew what I was doing wasn’t right but then I kept thinking it’s fine I’ll make it up to her next time, but next time never happened because I never showed up. I guess I was just so focused on making sure my teammates all liked me, and they had just stopped treating me like a kid, finally inviting me places - and I’m not using that as an excuse because I know it’s a shit one, it’s on me. Nobody forced me to do anything, I just wanted to feel included, and I put everyone else’s feelings above yours when yours was the one that was the most important to me.”
He finally lifted his head, and he was close enough that you could see the tears streaming down his face as he looked intently at you, almost like he was trying to memorize you, “If you want to walk away you can, you should - I’ll understand. I just wanted to apologize, really apologize, and own up to everything I did. I love you, and I promise you I won’t take anyone for granted the way I did with you.”
Your expression mirrored his own, and the tears were falling freely at his confession now that it was just the two of you. All the things you had wanted him to realize he had. All the things you wished he had said, he finally did.
But was it too late?
“Thank you, Pablo.”
He let out a short laugh through his tears, “No, thank you.”
You gave him a soft smile before you put distance between the two of you, letting the rain mask the sound of you leaving.
The lights from the venue grew dimmer as you continued walking, and you spared one last glance over your shoulder before it disappeared from view, seeing Gavi’s tiny figure rooted in place, watching you leave.
Your steps faltered.
How could you leave this relationship, this boy, when every single warning sign was going off in your brain, telling you to turn around and fight, to not give up? He had understood, he had understood exactly what you had felt, and had owned up to his mistakes, what else could he have done? He couldn’t go back and make it better, but he could change the way he treated you, but how would you acknowledge the change if you didn’t stick around?
It didn’t feel right walking away.
You thought you would feel content, feel like the pressure was lifting from your shoulders, but the dropping feeling in your stomach was multiplying, and your heart was constricting painfully at the thought of never seeing him, never laughing with him, never kissing him again, at the idea of falling in love with someone that wasn’t him.
You never ran faster in your life.
Let him be there. Please let him be there.
You didn’t know how you could explain yourself if you had to walk back into the event sopping wet, eyes puffy, and nose runny.
You couldn’t stop the wide smile that stretched across your face as he realized he was right where you left him.
You sat next to him and he didn’t notice until you spoke.
His head shot upon hearing your voice, and his face lifted for a second before falling again, “Di-Did you forget something?”
You nodded.
“Ok I can get it for you, what is it?” He cleared his throat, trying to make his voice clear.
You shifted closer to him, bodies pressed against each other, “I forgot that I love you. I love you and I want to work this out. I’m happy that you took responsibility and I believe you. I believe that you won’t do it again. But I should apologize too – I also wasn’t fair to you, and I did things that I shouldn’t have just to get back at you for making me feel so small.”
“I’m sorr-”
You cut him off, “Let’s stop apologizing.”
He nodded, eyes looking at you with nothing but love and admiration,
“Ok but we’ll have to work on our communication.” He said, and you hummed in agreement.
You touched your forehead with his, staring at each other with baited breaths until he finally closed the distance and kissed you. After a month of not seeing each other, you were finally kissing, pouring all your emotions, all your love, all your pain into the kiss, making a promise to be there for each other, and it felt like coming home.
alternate ending
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wileys-russo · 8 months
looks can be deceiving (2) II a.russo x reader
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one more secretly soft biker gf (au) lessi based off this request here looks can be deceiving (2) II a.russo x reader
your eyes fluttered awake as you heard the blare of your alarm from your phone beside you, screen lighting up the dark bedroom as you sighed, hand reaching across to flick it off.
you tiredly rubbed your face and let out a deep sigh, knowing you needed to get up and ready for work soon being on the opening shift. ever so gently you moved alessia's arm from where it was draped over your torso, placing it gingerly across her own stomach.
though no sooner had you slightly shifted to move yourself did her arms return, wrapping around you even tighter than before. "lessi baby, i have work." you reminded quietly with a smile, turning around in her hold and running a hand affectionately through her messy mop of hair which lay sprawled across her pillow.
"don't go." was all the half asleep girl muttered, shuffling in closer to you and burying her face in your neck. "i have to go." you laughed softly, kissing her forehead as she whined tiredly.
"no you don't. you have to stay here with me, in this bed, forever." alessia demanded sleepily, lazily kissing your neck. you squirmed feeling her deeply exhale against your skin as her nose tucked into the column of your throat.
"i can't do forever but i can give you...six and a half more minutes?" you bargained glancing at the time on your phone, scratching at her scalp and feeling her wordlessly nod, hugging you even closer as you smiled.
this routine wasn't anything new to you. in fact alessia was the furthest thing from a morning person you'd ever known. the only time she ever got up before midday was if she had work at her dads shop and even then she was rarely ever seen there before ten.
"okay i have to get up now my love or i won't have time to shower." you warned softly, alessia groaning discontentedly but letting you go none the less. you sat up and swung yourself out of bed, sitting on the edge of the mattress for a second to properly wake yourself up given it was only quarter past four in the morning, your shift starting at five.
you stood with a stretch as a tattooed hand snuck out from the covers, lazily smacking your bum as bright blue eyes peered out from the covers with a tired but cheeky smile. you shook your head as the girl rolled back over, hugging her pillow instead and you made your way to the bathroom.
"hey." you poked and prodded at the human sized lump beneath the duvet a half hour later as you finished tying your hair up, about to leave. "i'm leaving baby." you announced, moving to sit on top of alessia over the covers, tugging the blanket down to reveal her face.
"have a nice day gorgeous." the girl mumbled, eyes still closed as you ducked down to pepper her face with kisses before getting up off of her. "you should come get a coffee later." you added on hopefully, working part time as a barista while you studied environmental law.
"i have to go to the shop later to get a package for luca, maybe i will." alessia exhaled, pulling herself into a sitting position as she squinted up at you, eyes puffy from being half asleep, long mane of bed hair disheveled and pushed to one side of her head.
"you're so cute less honestly." you swooned at the sight, bending down and kissing her lips softly, pulling away before she could take it any further.
"shut up or get back in this bed with me." alessia warned tiredly, body flopping backwards into the pillows as her arms covered her face again, one tattooed leg poking out from the covers as she stretched with a groan followed by a deep sigh.
with a shake of your head you smoothed her hair out of her face, tenderly kissing her warm forehead and swatting away her hands which tugged at your top, mumbling a final goodbye against her lips before grabbing your bag and leaving her apartment.
"i guess that one's for you." you glanced up at your coworkers quiet chuckle, spotting your girlfriend hovering by the counter, fiddling with one of her bracelets, a bored expression on her face.
"hi baby." you greeted with a warm smile, handing the takeaway cappacino to the woman waiting on the other side of the machine and standing by the register. "usual?" you asked as the older girl nodded, glaring at you as you quickly tapped your own phone on the awaiting eftpos to pay.
"just say thank you and smile." you teased with a wink, moving back to the espresso machine as alessia rolled her eyes but mumbled a thank you, shoving her hands into the pockets of her favorite leather jacket which adorned her shoulders.
"you finish in an hour yeah?" your girlfriend asked as you began to make her drink, humming in confirmation. "is it okay if i wait around? i can walk you home." she offered sweetly as you sent her an amused smile.
"so you can walk me to your home?" you grinned as alessia rolled her eyes again but a smile tugged at her lips as she accepted the iced coffee you slid her way.
"shut up. you look cute in your little apron." she complimented, slipping a straw into her drink and wandering away to a table out front, pulling out a book you'd not noticed she had tucked under her arm, propping her legs up and getting comfortable.
alessia was so caught up in her book she hadn't realised the time, jumping a little in surprise as you tapped her on the shoulder, apron folded up in your hand and bag slung over your shoulder having finally finished.
"hated it then?" you nodded to her empty coffee cup with a grin as she marked her place and snapped her book closed, tucking it back under her arm. "had better." she shrugged with a blank stare as you looked at her with offence.
"i'm joking, it was perfect as usual." she quickly stood to pull you into a hug, your girlfriend not ever being one for much pda as the two of you made your way out of the cafe, you calling out goodbye to your coworkers over your shoulder as alessia held the door for you.
"your apartments this way?" you frowned as alessia started off the opposite direction, nodding for you to follow her. "i have to grab a few things first." she pointed to the market across the road as the two of you fell into step, you talking her ear off about your shift as alessia listened with an occasional hum to show she was following along, hands still shoved deep into her pockets.
"do you need milk and eggs?" you questioned as the two of you wandered through the market, your girlfriend nodding as her eyes scanned the deli for what she wanted, you scurrying off to grab them.
with alessia being as organised as she was and knowing exactly what she needed it didn't take the two of you long before you were at the checkout. "don't you know her?" you nudged your girlfriend nodding to a random person across the store, utilising the brief few seconds of her looking away to again tap your phone and pay for the groceries.
"oh you little shit." alessia realised she'd been played as she looked back and it was all paid for, you grabbing a bag of shopping with a happy grin. "-and a pack of marlboro reds please." you gave her a displeased look as your girlfriend paid for the pack of cigarettes, shoving them into her back pocket and grabbing the rest of the bags, gesturing for you to hand over your own.
"do that and i am not kissing you." you warned as the two of you began your walk back to her apartment and she nestled a cigarette between her lips. "sure you aren't." she smirked, adjusting the shopping bags which hung off her wrist and finding her lighter as you rolled your eyes and walked off without her.
though with her much longer legs she'd caught up to you in a second, wandering alongside you now a comfortable silence between you two.
"let me try then." you demanded holding your fingers out expectantly for the cigarette which hung between her lips as the girl exhaled a cloud of smoke into the air and firmly shook her head at your request.
"oh babe haven't you heard? apparently these are really bad for you."
"are you nearly ready for a break gorgeous?" you almost moaned in relief as your girlfriends large strong hands massaged your tense shoulders expertly, your head falling back and eyes closing with a hum. "yeah i think my brains done for tonight, i've been reading the same page for like ten minutes." you sighed, feeling her lips press against your forehead.
"then come cook with me amore, please." the older girl requested softly, eyes staring down at you from where you sat at her desk. with a nod you allowed her to pull you up and into the kitchen with her.
"pizza?" you perked up recognizing the ingredients she'd laid out, smile curling onto your lips. "you said yesterday you felt like it." alessia pressed herself against you, hands on your hips as her chin rested on your shoulder.
"i love you." you sighed happily, craning your head back to kiss her cheek a few times, grin widening as a small blush settled on them. "i love you." alessia kissed you sweetly before moving away.
"you could help you know baby." your girlfriend quirked an eyebrow in amusement as she kneaded out the pizza dough, your eyes too busy fixated on her tattooed arms rippling as she did so. "i cut up the toppings." you defended, sipping on the glass of red wine she'd poured you.
"i bought most of them already chopped! come here." alessia laughed loudly and you melted at the sound, if it was the last thing you ever heard you'd die a happy woman. with a playful roll of your eyes you slid off the counter, leaving your wine behind as your girlfriend gestured you to stand in front of her.
settling herself behind you the taller girl grabbed your hands, mumbling instructions as she showed you how to roll out and stretch the dough.
"and then what's the most important thing?" alessia asked, watching on proudly as you followed her instructions. "not over kneading it?" you guessed, leaning back into her more as she shook her head.
"no. flour!" you coughed as suddenly a handful of flour smacked into your cheek. "alessia!" you yelled, the taller girl doubled over laughing at the large hand print on your face. "no don't you-" alessia warned as you grabbed your own handful of flour and tossed it in her direction, white flecks raining down all over her.
"okay okay enough! it looks like its been fucking snowing in here." alessia ceased fire after a few more minutes of the two of you racing around tossing flour.
you both sized one another up, alessia with two hand prints on the front of her shirt across her chest, you with a few littering your backside. "you started that." you grinned before she pulled you into a searing kiss, hands gently cradling your face as she poured every ounce of love she held for you into her affections.
"i started it but you're cleaning it."
"lessi do you even remember what all of these are? there's that many." you asked softly, sat on the back of your girlfriends thighs as she laid down on the lounge. you'd tugged her shirt up and left it resting on her neck, lovingly tracing the intricate ink which splayed across her back.
"of course. it's not like i blacked out when they were done love i know what's on my body." her body vibrated with a chuckle beneath yours, empty plates and glasses sitting abandoned on the coffee table. "you're running out of room!" you teased, bending to press a tender kiss on the back of her shoulder blades.
"it's fine, once my bodies full i still have yours to draw all over." alessia turned her head to grin up at you. "actually baby. can i draw something on you?" alessia asked curiously as you hesitated momentarily.
"with a pen, not my gun." she clarified as you nodded with a small smile, shuffling back off of her and allowing her to sit up. "okay wait here and take your top off please." your girlfriend ordered gently, pecking your lips and hurrying off to grab what she needed.
"what album gorgeous?" your lover called out, rifling through her record collection. "surprise me." you responded with a smile, hearing her hum and mumble to herself as she thought through her selections.
suddenly the soft voice of frank sinatra began to evade the apartment as you smiled, knowing the older girl was a sucker for old music. "can't beat the classics." she returned with a wink as you nodded approvingly at her choice.
"okay lay down please pretty girl." you did as your girlfriend asked, adjusting the pillow beneath your head as you felt her carefully straddle your backside. "lessi your hands are freezing!" you winced at her cold touch.
"sorry tesoro what was that?" she teased, running her hands up and down your bare sides as you squirmed beneath her, reaching round to pinch her thigh as she bent down to kiss your cheek apologetically.
you settled feeling the gentle touch of the marker on your shoulder blade, turning your head to the side and closing your eyes. you weren't sure how long you lay there but between the gentle music floating around the apartment coupled with your girlfriends warm lips kissing your skin every now and then, comforted by feeling her weight sat on top of you, you began to doze off.
though you couldn't quite fully succumb to sleep as you felt alessia's weight leave you as she stood, kissing your neck and requesting you continue to lay there as her footsteps padded away. you closed your eyes again but cracked one open with a frown as you felt a bright flash.
"no!" you groaned, your girlfriend standing above you with her polaroid in hand and a grin on her face. "yes. now roll over." she instructed with a flick of her hand. "you didn't draw anything there? and i've not got anything on." you reminded as the older girl shrugged.
"and? it's only for me baby." she pouted with a slight smirk, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as you flipped onto your back, covering your face with your hands as there was another flash. "really?" you peeked out from your hands feeling one of hers press possessively on your stomach, her rings cold against your skin as another flash sounded.
"okay. show me!" you tugged your top on and sat up, holding out your hand for the polaroids she took. "mmm no i think you can wait." alessia teased, holding the photos out of your reach. "give me them!" you sprang to your feet, hitting her and trying to grab the photos but she continued to hold them away from you.
"alessia if you drew something inappropriate on me i swear to-" you warned, cut off by your girlfriend smashing her lips to yours, the feverish kiss taking your breath away as her tongue swirled around your mouth and her teeth nipped teasingly at your bottom lip before she suddenly pulled away.
"here." she handed them over, moving to hug you from behind and rest her chin on your shoulder. "i'll take those, they're for my personal collection." she snatched the two of your bare chest from your fingers with a grin, slipping them into the waistband of her underwear.
"perv." you joked, bumping into her as you turned over the polaroid of your back, facial features softening as your eyes roamed the drawing of an intricate key down your spine.
"oh baby it's beautiful." you smiled, turning your head to smile up at the girl, frowning when she pushed you away and turned you around. "it's not just any key." she started, and you noticed she was holding something behind her back as she gestured for you to put your hands out.
your eyes widened as she placed a single golden key into your palm.
"move in with me?"
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gambleofstars · 4 months
Electrician Reader as Vox's Assistant (Pt. I)
₍ ⌨ ᶻᶻᶻ gambleofstars is typing ... ₎
↳ ❝ [a/n: I actually left an ask of this concept in another writer's blog in here anonymously but I felt enough energy to write it now, so if you see some similar posts, that's why] ¡! ❞
Pt. II
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⋆♡*  When you arrived in hell, the first thing going through your mind was: man that hurt like a bitch. Dying from electric shock was not the way you wanted to go but eh, fuck it. Not like your life was going anywhere far.
⋆♡*  Great news though: you're immune to electricity related risks!
⋆♡*  Soon enough, you got the hang of how things were run down here and it wasn't that different from the overworld (isn't that just food for thought) and adapted. You weren't above scheming and using people on earth, so why would you hold back on it in hell? There was a reason you were here, after all.
⋆♡*  You did some random jobs: cleaner, courier, the whole nine yards to scrape some money together and move out of the shitty hostel - of which you tricked the owner of to let you stay.
⋆♡*  After that, it wasn't long until you got into your groove again with the exact thing that got you killed - Electrical work.
⋆♡*  At first, it was just fixing little things, like TVs and phones for much cheaper than their manufacturer would. You knew it would bite you in the ass sooner or later because the big companies in hell (much like on earth) don't play nice when it comes to their money.
⋆♡* And the day arrived one hellish morning when you were promptly dragged to the HQ of Voxtech with not even a coffee in your system.
⋆♡*  Didn't take too long until you got a job here. Not any job, mind you; you were now the personal assistant of the most annoying CEO ever - Vox.
⋆♡*  You're pretty sure the reason was the fact that when he got into his usual hissy fits, throwing around monitors and overcharging every corner of the room, you had no problems withstanding the voltage.
⋆♡*  This manchild will look you straight in the eyes and froth at the mouth of how he hates the radio at least 5 times a day- oh- oh wait....... Make that six now.
⋆♡*  (Of course you signed an NDA, don't be ridiculous)
⋆♡*  Every day fell into a routine. You were out of the house by 7:00, signing in at the front desk by 7:32, by the coffee machine by 7:45 and standing with a double shot espresso in front of Vox's office by 8:00 sharp.
⋆♡*  He didn't shy away to let you know he appreciated the punctuality and if you were late in the future it would be showing accordingly on your next paycheck.
⋆♡*  The other Vees find you amusing, if anything. Maybe because you don't get intimidated by your boss' tantrums and stand unfazed, with a, now fizzy, coffee after them
⋆♡*  Valentino will pick you up like a ragdoll with all his four limbs and use you as a meat shield when Vox wants to bite his head off because of another PR nightmare he will have to deal with.
⋆♡*  (Of course he asked you to perform in one of his... movies, but the only answer he got from you was a dead stare and a loud sip of your coffee) (He did want to tear you apart after that, but you were called to Vox's office)
⋆♡*  Velvette, on the other hand, uses you as her personal mannequin whenever you're on your lunch break. Standing wearing the latest fashion items while eating your sesame bagel is a normal occurrence at this point. Don't spill anything though, or she will ask Vox to add after hour work for you (she has done it before).
⋆♡*  She does enjoy having someone to listen to her yapping when Vox doesn't want to (or when he's having a monologue of his own) even unwillingly.
⋆♡*  Finally, in the after hours, when the otherwise empty office is only illuminated by only your computer, you'll go out on the balcony, in the windy night of the pride ring city, light a cigarette and close your eyes for a bit.
⋆♡*  Just for a second, this feels like home.
⋆♡*  Better than home.
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hihi, first time writing here and hopefully not messing up haha 💋
signing off, gamble
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fayesia · 7 months
Hello, I hope this doesn't bother you but I had an idea for mike schmidt. Imagine him and the reader are fighting and the reader leaves him. Ever since the reader left him he starts to loose his mind cause he needs the reader to function. Abby notices her brother's situation so she makes it her mission to get him and the reader back together.
Short and Sweet — mike schmidt x reader
a/n: Hiii ofc u r not bothering me! Thank you for the request, congrats you’re the first one so i’m very much appreciative!!! I hope i did justice to your idea, again i’m kind of new to all of this but hopefully you like it :D
“god your so selfish do you even think before you act!!”
You can feel the eyes of people passing by as they return to their cars and pack away their shopping. Except you don’t care, not when this is the third time Mike has forgotten to pick Abby up from school.
“come on at least say something!”
“GODDAMNIT, i’m sorry ok!!”
“well sorry’s not enough Mike! Because when i get home from work and she comes running into my arms having already had a bad day at school it’s on you for making it worse” you exclaim back to him slamming the car door shut.
He does the same, quickly started the engine and driving with rough movements.
“oh yeah, now what? you’re gonna get us both in a car crash, leave your sister alone again-“
“oh my god ENOUGH OK shut up!!”
You fumble with your fingers looking out the window, not in sadness or fear but rather an immense amount of anger. You knew that your emotions would take over your response and you were not going to cry in front of Mike as if what he said effected you.
He parks in the driveway, opens the trunk to collect the groceries and rushes through the front door. You follow after him entering the bedroom and collecting all your things from the closet and bathroom. carrying your duffel bag, you make your way retrieving any items left around the house. Your wallet, keys, shoes and a picture of you and abby are collected as you leave back outside to your car parked across the road.
Sitting down in the drivers seat you stare blankly ahead slowly lowering your head to rest against the steering wheel, soft crys quickly turning into loud sobs that rack through your body. They continue until you reach your apartment, gloomily walking into the place you haven’t been in for months, having spent most days of the week at Mikes house. This place doesn’t feel homely like his though, rather it’s cold and depressing reflecting how you felt right now, which really wasn’t helping.
You’re pulled away from these thoughts as your phone starts ringing. ‘Abby bear’ flashes on your screen as you clear your throat to remove any hints of you crying.
“Hi Abby what’s up?”
“why did you leave” her shaky voice almost has you in tears again.
“what did mike say honey? i’m not leaving forever i just needed to get some stuff from my place”
“he said you were gonna be gone for awhile but would come back. I think he’s lying though his eyes are all red like he’s been crying and he hasn’t moved from your spot on the couch”.
As you listen to her soft voice explain all of this more tears drop down to your chin.
“i’m sorry abby i just think we need a break from each other i don’t know for how long but its something that needed to happen sooner rather than later. I promise i’ll come by and visit you soon, maybe Friday for this weeks movie night?”
“Yayy ok sounds good”
“i have to go now sweetie but make sure you finish all your homework and then you can relax”
“ok byee y/n love u”
“bye abby bear i love you too”
ending the call, you’re left with a gut wrenching feeling spending the rest of the evening crying yourself to sleep on the couch. pitiful? maybe. but you really needed this and now was the right time.
While you spent hours sleeping the pain away, Mike was basically doing the same thing. Abby walked up to him handing him a tub of ice cream “i heard from a movie that eating ice cream makes you less sad after a breakup”
“that’s not true Abby”
her face drops a little at this, Mike quickly trying to cover up his mistake.
“but thank you, why don’t we both eat ice cream and watch a movie”
“ok!!” she settles herself next to him, cuddling into his side with blankets strewn across their laps.
Abby was not very knowledgeable about breakups, only being ten years old herself, and the most she experienced in the romance department was having a crush on the fastest runner in her class.
She did know however that the way Mike was acting was not healthy for him. He spent hours on the couch or in bed, barely eating and if he wasn’t doing that then he would be at work or picking Abby up from school, sometimes they would go and get frozen yogurt which Abby loved the most. She just wished you were there with them like before, when the three of you would go together and spend hours having fun at park.
Abby knew she had to do something, anything she could to get things back to the way they were and she knew just the way to do that.
It had been a week since the break up and neither you or mike seemed to be doing to well in Abby’s opinion but she had a plan set up and tonight she was putting it into action.
Mike received a message from you, his eyes widening as he read, “meet at the park 6pm” a short and simple text. Effective too with the way Mike jumped up running to the closet to pull out his nicest shirt and trousers, and then to the bathroom to shower and prepare him for the night to come.
Abby giggled to herself as she heard the commotion from her brother, taking his phone she started phase two of the plan.
‘bzzz’ you flayed your arm around in an attempt to grab your phone, a yelp coming from your throat as you read the message on the screen. A singular sentence from Mike that read, “meet at the park 6pm”. You expected to read more but that seemed to be it. Short and sweet. You layed out a simple long sleeve top and your favourite pair of jeans, readying yourself for an everything shower.
Soon it was 5:55 and both you and Mike climbed up opposite ends of the hill to the park situated right at the top. There in the middle was a bench and that bench was surrounded by rose petals, with a rose bouquet in the middle, and the bench itself was surrounded by mini lights illuminating the area with a gentle yellow tone similar to the sky’s as the sun set. All of this of course was done courtesy of Abby and you were quick to realise when mikes face was filled with shock when stumbling over one of the yellow lamps, it was clear he was not the one who had set this up. However that didn’t matter to you, the feeling of being swept off your feet into Mikes arms instead was all you were thinking about. He pulled you close to his chest whispering how sorry he was over and over again into your hair as your head rested against his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat. You silently basked in the feeling of his comfort you dearly missed for that lonesome week the two of you spent apart, not quite ready yet to utter the words ‘i forgive you’ and he knew that after all the hateful words he’d said.
Instead you both sat together on the bench looking out at the setting sun, content with each other presence and no words. As nightfall was falling upon the park Mike grabbed your hand “gotta get back now, Abby will be waiting” he brushed your hand with his thumb for awhile almost hesitant to say something as you waited patiently. “do you want to come?” you break out into a smile, “of course, i always want to go with you”, you reply already dragging him by the arm to the directions of his house.
His house which you knew inside had a very nervous ten year old girl who would see you both walk through the door holding hands and celebrate the most out of all of you.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
My Heart Will Leave You Never (Leah Williamson x reader)
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A/N: I know it’s been a while but I’m back and hopefully I won’t be away for this long again.
Set in the same universe as and could be a part 3 to Welcome to Coloney & Finalissima.
When you signed for Arsenal you planned on staying for many years. You wanted to see the club succeed and only wished to be apart of that success. Your first season didn’t exactly go as planned, the two people who you worked hours with on the pitch resulting in an almost unbeatable trio had tore their ACLs within weeks of each other then your girlfriend joined Beth and Viv on the sidelines. Her injury broke your heart but she kept saying that everything will be ok, that she will be back playing with you next season and when this was said it filled you hope and gave you something to look forward to. Little did you know that your time with Arsenal would only span 39 games.
It was sudden and you had to make a decision quickly. You had to let Arsenal know sooner rather than later given that it was only days until the last game of the season. Jonas was first who upon hearing you reasoning understood. In order to have the meeting without any interruptions or suspicions you asked your manager to meet you a couple of hours before training was due to start. It was wishful thinking that you would be able to carry on your day as normal because just as you left his office you bumped into your best friend and girlfriend.
Rafa could tell by your face the conversation that must have taken place but she also saw your girlfriend’s face which let her know you are yet to tell her. You only have to look at Rafaelle and you break, the realisation of what this means coming crashing down on you. 
“Y/N” Leah has never seen you like this “Babe, is everything ok?”
You couldn’t tell her. She had been the best thing to happen to you in a long while and you leaving would mean the end of that happiness. 
“Rafaelle não posso” 
In all the months you had been in England, Leah could count on one hand the amount of times you called your best friend by her full first name but even then none of them sounded this broken. She tried so hard to understand your Portuguese but your words were barely louder than a whisper, she didn’t stand a chance but maybe that was your subconscious’ plan. 
“Vem cá” Rafa pulled you into her arms and into the closest room.
“Rafa, what’s going on?” Leah was beyond confused and although she knew the bond you had with your fellow Brazilian ran deep she hated that you chose to find comfort in her arms instead of her own.
“Agora não” Rafa replies but doesn’t make any effort to face the blonde.
Leah wasn’t sure what just happened, she had so many questions. Why were you at Coloney so early? What happened in Jonas’ office? Why were you crying? And why couldn’t you look her in the eyes? She didn’t see you nor Rafa until seconds before training started and by then you looked back to your regular self, the rest of the team were none the wiser as to what happened but Leah couldn’t forget it. She watched you train still in awe of the way you danced on the pitch. A couple of times she saw you stop and look around watching the team with a saddened look on your face, it lasted just long enough that she saw but no one else did.
You meanwhile couldn’t be present and in the moment no matter how hard you tried. Your head was all over the place and when you noticed Leah watching on the sidelines with Beth and Viv it only seemed to make things worse because she knew something was wrong. Rafa keeps trying to reassure that everything is ok but her speaking Portuguese gets you both in trouble due to the English speaking only during training rule.
When Jonas calls for a drinks break you stay on the pitch due your girlfriend standing next to the drinks cooler and you wasn’t ready to face her yet, Leah on the other hand didn’t give you much of an option as she brings the bottle of water to you.
“Y/N is everyth—“
“Shouldn’t you be using your crutches” if you had been paying attention you would have noticed her walking without them this morning.
“I don’t need them anymore” Leah was proud of her progress so far consider how long her friends had to use their crutches “Something I do need is to know what is going on, talk to me” It was all but a beg.
How was you suppose to tell you girlfriend that you were leaving her because you had to return to Brazil. You had made plans for the off season and now you wouldn’t be doing them. Deep down you knew she would understand but you also new that your departure would hurt her and that you couldn’t stand. You were suppose to her protector not the cause of her pain.
“Não posso” you repeated the same sentence from early but still Leah is at a loss.
“Y/N I don’t know that means” Leah looks around to find the team still over of the sidelines before reaching for your hand.
“I can’t” much to your girlfriend surprise to Leah surprise you break your no PDA in the workplace rule and place a kiss to the back of her hand.
“What if I come over to your place tonight. Will you tell me what is going on then?” Leah knew that your house was your safe place and you would feel most comfortable there.
She was proving in this moment just how much she knew you and you don’t if it’s because you were ready to tell her or you just wanted her to drop the subject but you agree to her coming to your house. 
A few hours later you are pacing up and down your kitchen waiting for her to arrive. Rafa who is sitting comfortable at the island would laugh at your nervousness under any other circumstances. She had told you several times that Leah would understand but her words fell on deaf ears. Since finding out your father was ill you had been in a constant state of stress and worry. Last night you wandered into Rafa’s bedroom at a time way too early to be up and told her that you were simply going to leave and asked your best friend to tell your girlfriend that you had to move back to Brazil. That suggestion was shot down straight away and you were ushered out her bedroom with a pillow been thrown at your face.
When the door bell sounds you are frozen in place, Rafa goes to answer it agreeing to give you two some space, seconds later Leah enters the room and the speech that you spent the past two hours trying to perfect is completely forgotten. She stands less than half a meter away from you, a smile smile appears on her face when your eyes meet but she doesn’t say anything.
Your eyes must convey your pain because Leah wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you as close to her as possible.
“Whatever is going on, everything will be ok” She speaks into your chest.
“I’m leaving” maybe you should have explained further but this is all you can manage to say.
Leah grabs your hand and pulls you towards the sofa. What you just said didn’t make sense but she knew that you must have a reason.
“Is it because of this season? I know we haven’t been as successful as we hoped but we won the Conti cup and qualified for the champions league which given our injuries I think is a great achievement”
“Leah it has nothing to do with the club” 
Leah was right, the season didn’t end the way you had hoped when you first signed for Arsenal but there seemed to be some kind of curse struck upon the team because they got injury after injury. 
“Is it me? I thought—“
“Leah you’re perfect and I love you so much which is why this is so difficult” you pull her close, to the point where she is practically laid on top of you. The last thing you wanted was Leah doubting the love you had for her. 
Her hand lays on top of your heart and you wonder if she knows that even though you’re leaving a part you will stay here in London with her because your heart belongs to her and only her. Within seconds your breaths align and for the first time in days you feel calm.
“My father’s sick” 
Your girlfriend looks up at you and you give her a half hearted smile but even you can tell it doesn’t reach your eyes and this is proved when a stray tear falls down your cheek, one which Leah is quick to wipe away.  
“He has been sick for a while but he didn’t want me to know. He saw how happy I am here and knew as soon as I knew that I would go home”
“He knows you well”
You spend the night telling Leah stories of you and your father where she learns that he is the person that got you into football in the first place. He would tell you stories about Pele and how if you worked hard enough you could be just like him. The moment you told her you were leaving she had one question but she feared the answer. As she laid in your arms she didn’t want to leave. You may have only been dating for a few months but when you held her close she felt saver and her mind was calmer. Leah didn’t want to think about the possibility that this won’t be able to happen for god knows how long.
“I leave in ten days” You knew she wanted to know, how could she not.
“Ten days?” 
It left you a week to spend with Leah and your friends, whether that be in England or a trip away. After that you would have to return to Rio and face reality.
“I am deeply in love with you Leah. When I signed for Arsenal I expected so many things but you blindsided me from that very first day at Coloney. My love for you won’t fade no matter the distance between us but I don’t want to stop you from being happy. 
“Y/N, what are you saying?” Leah failed to understand what you were leading to, either that or her heart didn’t want to believe it.
“I’m giving you an out”
“Well I don’t want one” Leah stood up abruptly.
You stand up so that you are at her level. As you reach for her hand she takes a step back making it clear she doesn’t want to be touched.
“No, I don’t want to break up and you don’t either, you think this is the right thing to do but it isn’t. This break up will hurt me 10 times more than the distance will”
“You’re right I don’t want to do this but you have to be realistic. I will be 5,343 miles, 11 hours away” you had done the flight from London to Brazil a few times now and although the distance was obvious, knowing that this wasn’t going to be a ten day trip made it feel twice as long “and then there’s the time difference”
“Y/N the time difference is 4 hours and we have survived you going back to Brazil before”
“You’re not going to change your mind no matter how many reasons I tell you”
Leah, who stands there with a smirk on her face, simply shakes her head.
The following day you tell the team and staff that you are leaving, they all understand and send your dad well wishes. What you don’t expect is for rumours of your departure to be all over social media by the end of the day. You wanted to play you last game as if nothing was changing, this is something that Leah disagreed with when you told her. She thought that you needed a proper send off. You were the top goal scorer of the season and the impact you had on the team both on and off the pitch made you a fan favourite. This is something Leah wanted to celebrate. 
In the end you and Arsenal release a statement confirming that the rumours are true but the reason for you leaving isn’t confirmed. You do promise that you’ll be back at the emirates soon and that was true. Every time you had a break in schedule you would be coming back to London to see your girl.
Days passed by much quicker than you wanted to and soon enough it was the final game of the season, the last time you would be wearing an Arsenal shirt. You would be lying if you were to say that your departure wasn’t on your mind as you played and when return to the locker room at half time 2-0 down you know that you are letting your thoughts get the best of you.
You are first out of the locker room and when you return the pitch at Meadow park Leah calls you over from the stands. At first you shake your head, you know you are disappointing her and hearing her confirm this won’t do any help.
“Rafa!” Leah shouts, pointing to you and signals the two of you to come over.
Rafa clearly doesn’t pick up on your body language because she grabs your wrist and pulls you towards the blonde. Great you think.
“Forget about the last 45 minutes” you try to interrupt her but she’s having not of it “No, forget it. You want your last game here to be a loss and for you not to score?” You shake your head “I didn’t think so. Both of you go out there and have fun, show the gooners that Brazilian flair we are all jealous of” 
Leah’s pep talk works because within the first few minutes you find the back of the net courtesy of Rafa’s assist but the job wasn’t done and you wasn’t going to settle on a draw. You drop back a little and assist Gio for her first Arsenal goal. That was two Brazilians on the scoreboard now only one more was left and it comes in injury time, your corner finds Rafa’s head perfectly. You couldn’t think of a better way to end your stay at Arsenal, well you would much rather Leah be on the pitch with you but fate had been cruel to her.
When the match finishes you try your best to take everything in. You almost separate yourself from the team as you slowly do a lap around the pitch making sure to meet every fan you can and thank them for their support. Everyone seems to pick up on your need for space because even as you stand in the centre crouched down nobody comes towards although a certain blonde is watching from a distance.
“What are you doing?” Rafa asks Leah.
“I think she’s having a moment. I thought you might want to go and check on her” 
“You don’t want to?” 
“I’m giving her some time, she’ll come to me” In that moment Leah remembers Rafa’s words at Wembley.
“Things have changed Leah. Go to her”
Leah wonders is Rafa knows what her words mean. Only a few months ago you preferred to be alone when you were overwhelmed. Now the girl that arguably knows you best is saying that you find more comfort in Leah’s company.
“Minha Linda” 
Her voice makes you jump but you cover it well. Leah stands behind you and wraps her arms around you shoulders, clasping her hands over your heart.
“Hey! That’s my line” you turn your head slightly and place a kiss just below her ear. At first Leah is caught off guard but she sees no harm in returning the kiss only hers comes in a form of a peck  on the lips hoping to get your shy side but that doesn’t happen because you find yourself deepening the kiss clearly not having a care in the world about the cheering fans around you.
“I think it suits you and I need to give you a pet name before you go”
Leah knows she shouldn’t have mentioned it when she sees your face drop.
“Let’s just enjoy this moment and I do have a pet name” your brows furrow, you hadn’t heard this term before so you wasn’t sure it you were using it correctly but Leah’s nods her head leading to you continuing what you were saying “you call me babe”
“That’s boring”
“I like the way you say it”
“What if I want to call you something in Brazilian?” Leah asks.
You think for a second. There are plenty of terms of endearment but you wanted something personal, then the perfect one comes to you.
“Minha amada. It’s what my dad calls my mum” it was personal and something you always heard growing up.
“Minha amada” Leah tries her best to get the pronunciation right but her strong accent makes it almost impossible, still it was incredible cute.
“Perfect” it is then you notice that Leah has changed her shirt, her black Arsenal t-shirt has been replaced with the new home shirt “This looks good”
“You like?” Leah does her best at a twirl around whilst being careful not to twist her knee. When she stumbles you are there to steady her “I thought as your biggest fan I should have your shirt”
“Yet you wanted Rafa’s Brazil shirt. Are you sure you aren’t her biggest fan?” 
Your comment earns you a shove. Ever since that Finalissima at Wembley you bring up the shirt swap at least once a week and if Leah is feeling brave enough she replies with a comment about which team won.
You both walk at Leah’s pace as you do a second lap of the pitch. You didn’t want to leave Meadow park, if you try hard enough you can pretend that nothing is changing. The club presents you with flowers and a shirt signed by the whole team and staff as a leaving gift. You couldn’t believe the family you had gained in less than a year and you knew that the closeness you had with every player would make the move that much harder but it was for the right reasons and you didn’t know what the future held, if the circumstances were right you would return to this club in a heartbeat. You still had a lot you wanted to to achieve with Arsenal and you owed the fans a trophy or two.
Returning to Brazil was different than before. Something didn’t feel right. At first you thought it was the travel then you thought it was the toll of the season but it isn’t till one night when you’re FaceTiming Leah do you realise what is it. You always believed when you loved someone unconditionally you would give them a piece of you heart, it’s why you feel at home when you are with her and why you feel like you are missing a part of your heart when you are apart from her. 
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artemis32 · 1 year
also the first person to come to mind when you said someone stubborn enough to ignore aizawa’s glare was bakugo, I feel like that would stress aizawa out so bad
platonic yandere aizawa shouta iii
Fun fact my top three favourite characters (in no specific order) in bnha are Aizawa, Bakugo and Shigaraki, so this is perfect
Also I finished this before any of the other subjugation drabbles as requested, but I'm clearing out my drafts, so hopefully I'll be able to post a few more this week
platonic aizawa masterlist
bnha masterlist
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Class 1a was up to something. Aizawa knew they were.
They weren’t good at being sneaky, and for the past two weeks, they’d been behaving strangely.
Ever since the class had seen you, he’d been slightly on edge, waiting for something to go wrong. And he knew that it would sooner or later.
Class 1a were disruptive and oftentimes insubordinate. They couldn’t follow the rules and they got into trouble more often than Aizawa could keep count of.
They were troublemakers.
Aizawa knew that.
Which is why he was so suspicious of them.
They had been perfectly behaved in lessons, quiet and diligent, completing every assignment he’d given to them. They hadn’t spoken out of turn or argued once within the past two weeks. Most suspiciously though, must have been the fact that they hadn’t once brought up the question of who you were again.
It made him uneasy.
It made him annoyed.
But instead of addressing the matter as he probably should have, he kept quiet, curious to see what exactly they were up to.
He found out by the end of that week.
“Okay sweetheart, I’m leaving now. Are you sure you don’t want to come with me? You’re more than welcome to, it won’t be long.”
You huff out a laugh. Aizawa was running errands and had been repeatedly questioning whether you wanted to come with him. You were sure he was trying to guilt trip you into joining him.
It might have worked.
It was working.
But you were a model student, as so, your homework and assignments had to come first - much to your father’s displeasure.
The only respite was that you’d be staying safely within the walls of UA, specifically in the apartment, which made your father feel much better about leaving you by yourself.
Sometimes you think he forgets that you’re a teenager – old enough to be home alone for a few hours.
“Yes, I’m sure dad. I’ll call you or Mr Yamada if there’s an emergency. I’ll see you later.”
He huffs, accepting that you wouldn’t change your mind.
The hug he draws you into is crushing and he presses your face into his chest. You feel his chest rumble as he lets out a laugh.
“Don’t let Hizashi hear you call him that, you know how much he hates it.”
You scowl slightly. The eclectic blond often insisted that you call him by his first name, or the ever-endearing title of 'Uncle Zashi', making a habit of reminding you every time you happened to accidentally ‘forget’. You enjoyed his company, but his persistent attitude grated on your nerves sometimes.
“Don’t you dare tell him.”
Aizawa laughs again before reminding you to stay safe and call him in the case of an emergency.
You bid him one last farewell before shutting and locking the door. Paranoia seemed to be one of your father’s defining traits when it came to you.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re set up in the living room, surrounded by snacks, stationary, and papers scattered over the floor and coffee table.
Three hours later, you decide to call it quits for the day, packing up your belongings and returning to the living room to flop down on to the couch.
You’d been laying on the couch, watching a rerun of some old movie your father enjoyed, when there was a knock at the door.
Thinking nothing of it, you haul yourself up and make your way to the door.
It could have been anyone - Midnight or Present Mic, here to keep you company or watch over you at your father’s request, or it could have been another teacher, here to drop off paperwork for your father. Perhaps it was your father himself, having forgotten his keys.
Living amongst a group of heroes and heroes-in-training makes you comfortable, and you don’t bother checking who is at the door before flinging it wide open.
Two boys and a girl, all around your own age stand before you. One of the boys and the girl look surprised, eyebrows rising, creasing their foreheads. The second boy remains impassive, his dual-coloured eyes trailing over you, head to toe.
“Can I help you?”
They continue to stare at you for a moment before the pink-skinned girl harshly elbows the blond boy next to her.
He exclaims in pain before clearing his throat and smiling widely. 
“Hi there. I was wondering if Aizawa sensei is home?”
If your father had passed one trait on to you, it had to be his suspicious nature. You straighten slightly, nudging the door closed a few centimeters.
“Aizawa sensei is out running a few errands. He should be back soon - would you like to leave a message?”
The boy with the dual-coloured eyes leans forward slightly, his upper body now crossing over the threshold into your apartment.
“May we come in?”
Though he poses it as a question, he doesn’t wait for an answer, already pushing past you and into the hallway behind you.
Your protests fall on deaf ears, and the boy and girl still in the doorway seem to panic alongside you, scrambling in after him.
“Todoroki, you can’t just barge in like that!”
The dual-haired boy - Todoroki - ignores them and chooses to look around the apartment instead, taking in his surroundings with an air of disinterest.
“I have a question. Answer truthfully and we’ll leave.”
His two friends, still panickedly trying to urge him out of your house, still as he speaks. They stare at one another, then at Todoroki, before nodding and looking at you.
By now, you’re anxious and wary, eager to get them out. You take a deep, calming breath.
Doing as they say seems to be the best decision. You didn’t want to stir up trouble, and you definitely didn’t want your father or another teacher stumbling upon the scene.
“Fine, one question and then you’re gone.”
You cross your arms and press your mouth into a hard line, attempting to cover up your anxieties with an air of anger.
The three agree to your terms, Todoroki humming lightly before speaking.
“Is Mr Aizawa your father?”
It’s a loaded question, one you aren’t sure you want to answer. 
While you and your father hadn’t tried to cover up the fact that you were his daughter, you also hadn’t gone out of your way to announce it. The fact that the three standing before you were so curious that they went as far as to basically break into your house to get an answer made you concerned. 
Their eagerness made you believe that it would be best to lie. Then again, what would you tell them - being honest may be the only way to get them to leave without a fuss.
You nod slowly, hesitantly.
“Yes, he is.”
While the boy and girl let out noises of disbelief, Todoroki doesn’t seem to be surprised.
“See guys, told you.”
The blonde boy splutters for a moment, shoulders slumped in defeat.
“Is that all?” You ask apprehensively, still tense and nervous.
An unspoken question lingers in the air.
Will you leave now?
Todoroki nods, thanking you before calling for his two companions.
At the door, he pauses, turning to you one last time.
“Can I ask that you keep this visit a secret, just for a while. Don’t tell Aizawa sensei that we were here. Please.”
His demeanour is serious, though it seems like more of a demand than a request.
You’re already nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, sure.”
Regardless of whether he asked you or not, you wouldn’t have told your father of their visit. The last thing you needed was for his paranoia to be proven correct. 
What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, and he definitely didn’t need to know that three students - three of his students - had been to his home to see you while he was away. Worse, that they knew you were his daughter.
If he found out, you’d never hear the end of it. In fact, you were slightly afraid he may never let you leave the house again.
No, you definitely would not be telling him about their visit.
By the time your father returns home hours later, you’ve scrubbed the memory of the three students from your mind, and he seems none the wiser.
The two of you have dinner and talk for a bit before going to bed.
You make no mention of the day’s events, and he doesn’t ask.
For the first time in what could have been years, you were in trouble. Big trouble.
From the moment you entered the apartment, it had seemed eerily still, too quiet to be natural.
When you first entered the living room, you saw your father sitting with his back towards you, posture straight and still. He didn’t turn to greet you and you feel a growing sense of unease when he tells you to sit down.
“How was your day?”
You’ve known your father long enough to recognize his tone, to know that he’s not asking because he’s actually interested.
Right now, your father, the ever stoic Shouta Aizawa, was furious.
“Answer me.”
“It was fine, classes were good.”
“Hmm. How about yesterday? What did you do yesterday?”
You’re wringing your hands now, fingers gripping at each other in a feeble attempt to mask how obviously your hands are shaking.
“Y-Yesterday was good, same as today, classes and whatnot...”
You trail off awkwardly, unsure of what exactly he wants to hear. You don’t ask though, some sense of self preservation telling you to keep your mouth shut.
“And the past weekend? How was your day on Saturday. You had some time alone, what exactly did you get up to then?”
Staring down at the floor, you clear your throat and try to think of an excuse.
“Ah, well, I got a few assignments done and made dinner.”
His hand on your shoulder almost makes you jump.
“Sweetheart, look at me.”
You don’t want to.
You don’t want to look at him, you don’t want to see his anger or disappointment or whatever other negative emotion lays there at the moment.
But his grip tightens slightly on your shoulder, not enough to hurt, just enough to grab your attention. So you close your eyes and take a deep breath before looking up and meeting your father’s gaze.
He’s angry. Angry and disappointed and everything that you feared he would be. But most of all he looks concerned, worry pinching at the juncture between his eyebrows and at the corners of his mouth.
“What happened while I was out?”
You weren’t often emotional, and you definitely didn’t cry. Crying was pointless, it didn’t change anything.
But you had to bite your bottom lip and press your nails into your palms to stop yourself from bursting into tears in that moment.
It rarely happened that you kept anything from your father. You told him everything, no matter how big or small.
Truthfully, keeping a secret this big for as long as you had had been weighing you down. You felt guilty. Granted, you weren’t exactly lying to him, but it pained you to hide something like this from your father.
And so you cracked.
A few hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you sniffled, wiping at your nose with the sleeve of your jacket.
“Three of your students came to the apartment. They asked to see you but I said you were out.”
Aizawa’s grip on your shoulder had lessened, his arm wrapping around you, shifting you closer to him.
“Is that all?”
You debated lying to him, only for a moment. It technically wouldn’t be lying, you just wouldn’t be telling the whole truth.
The idea deflated quickly once his hand came up to brush away a few tears, his thumb gently rubbing at the soft skin under your eye.
“T-They just asked if I’m your daughter or not, they left after that.”
He hums again, staring at you for a few seconds longer. It feels as if he’s pining you in place, pressuring you into talking. Evidently, you have nothing else to say.
“Can you tell me what they looked like sweetie?”
You imagined that this is how criminals felt.
Under any other circumstances, it might have been funny.
Before you, lined up in somewhat of an identity parade, were a the three students from your father’s class, along with a few other guilty-looking students.
Three girls, five boys, all standing pin straight, facing forward. 
In the room next door stood the rest of the class, the remaining twelve students standing in silence.
Your father’s fury, evidently, had not been aimed at you. 
Well, not fully.
He was admittedly quite upset with you for not being truthful with him, but his anger was mainly aimed at his students for interfering with his personal life. With his family.
“Sweetheart, I’ve seen how high strung you’ve been over the past few days. I was concerned, but I didn’t want to overwhelm you so I gave you some space. But today one of my students let something slip and I put together the fact that they must have had something to do with the way you’ve been acting recently.”
You didn’t want to outwardly expose the three students who had come to see you that day, but your father had threatened to punish the entire class, so you’d caved and described them as best you could.
So here they stood, not once making eye contact with you.
"Go on," your father said, staring them down with a harsh glare, one like you'd never seen before. You knew your father could be strict with his students, but this was something else.
They all bowed forward at the hip, staring straight at the ground as they spoke in sync.
"We're sorry."
You stand in stunned silence for a few short moments, before shaking your head.
"Oh, um, it's fine. Thank you for the apology. And I'm sorry too."
The blond-haired student from before tries to raise his head, a wide smile on his face before your father's hand meets his neck, holding his head down.
"Did I say you could look up?"
"Sorry sensei."
Aizawa hums, glancing at you.
"Sweetheart, you can leave now. I'll see you later."
As much as you'd like to argue, you don't. Instead, you nod and bow to the eight students before you, bidding them goodbye before making for the door.
Aizawa couldn't find you.
He'd stayed behind to have a little chat with a few of his students, intent on returning home to you afterwards, but now, fifteen minutes later, you were gone.
You weren't in the 1A dorms and you weren't at home.
There was nowhere else that you could be, so where had you gone?
He begrudgingly made his way back to the dorms, resigning himself to spending his afternoon with the troublesome students of class 1A.
Only, he didn't have to go very far to find you.
Not with the small crowd of students trying, and failing to hide in the bushes next to the dorms.
He sighs heavily, walking up behind them silently.
Crouching down, he whispers, "What are you looking at?"
The yelps Denki and Sero let out are both panicked and silent, though they quickly scramble back to where they were, shushing Aizawa with flapping hands.
He quirks an eyebrow. Whatever they were spying on had to be interesting if they were brave enough to shush him.
Aizawa shrugs and cranes his neck to see what has them and their friends so intruiged, and-
Absolutely not.
There, sat on a bench in the hidden garden next to 1A's dorm room, was Bakugo Katsuki.
Accompanied by you, his daughter.
And unless his eyes deceived him - was he blushing?
Having seen enough, Aizawa stands and pushes between the students clustered behind the bushes.
He calls your name, and you look up with a start, eyes wide and dazed, your cheeks strangely flushed.
You and Bakugo both jump up, and you head towards Aizawa while Bakugo slips away.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were going straight home? And why were you with Bakugo?"
You laugh awkwardly, deflecting his questions as you grab his arm and head towards your own apartment, away from the 1A dorms.
"Sorry dad, I got a bit caught up. Hey, how'd the interrogation go?"
You were trying to distract him. Aizawa knew that.
But your father was nothing if not willing, so he let you get away with it, making a mental note to look into what you were doing with Bakugo Katsuki of all people later.
Of all the students in your father's class, Bakugo was the one he thought would stay away from you. Far away.
Unfortunately, nothing seemed to be going his way lately, and Aizawa was infuriated to learn that Bakugo had taken a liking to you.
While he may have his own strong suits, he was definitely not the type of person your father would want you to end up with. Honestly, if he had it his way, you would remain happily single and by his side until both of you died.
But those plans were put on the back burner for now.
He learnt, from a collection of camera feeds and fearful student reports, that you had indeed been on your way back home after your father's intervention, but you'd gotten caught up exploring the grounds around the dorm area.
No one could fault you for that - it was Aizawa's fault really, he never let you out on your own, especially not to explore.
It was something he'd have to work on at a later date.
While on your little adventure, you'd run into a feisty blond.
Bakugo had been tasked with clearing away the autumn leaves around the 1A dorms, a minor punishment for some or other misdemeanour, and he'd caught your attention.
That wasn't unusual - you were curious when you wanted to be. It was a trait that your father both loved and loathed.
What was unusual was that Bakugo had played along.
Aizawa knew that Bakugo knew you were his daughter. That meant that he knew not to snap at you or treat you with his usual brutish attitude as he did with his classmates.
He knew that, but he couldn't understand why Bakugo had taken such a liking to you. Aizawa knew you were perfect, but he also knew that he was biased when it came to his opinion of you.
Well, he thought, I'll just have to ask him myself.
For the first time in all his years as a teacher, Shouta Aizawa was stunned to the point of silence.
He never imagined the conversation would take a turn like this.
He shakes his head, trying to rid himself of the heavy fog over his mind as he throws the quizzical blond a hard look.
He'd never felt any genuine anger or violence towards any of his students, but this-
"Well sensei, we met a while ago. She- I knew she was your daughter, so I tried to keep my distance but, well..."
"I'm sure you understand what I mean."
"We've known each other for a while. "
"If you'll allow it-"
The conversation replayed in his head as a series of broken sentences and snapshots.
He felt off-kilter, unsure of himself in the worst way possible.
The only thing he knew was that, at this moment, someone was threatening to come between you and him - threatening to take you away from him, to steal you from him.
"No," he said sharply, "Stay away from my daughter."
It was Bakugo's turn to look shocked, though he was faster to calm himself than Aizawa was.
"Sensei, is this to keep her safe, or because you don't want to share her?"
It's a strangely phrased question, one that would puzzle anyone. Anyone but Aizawa.
He understood exactly what the hotheaded child in front of him meant by the word 'share'.
It spelt trouble in more ways than one.
"No. You asked and that's my answer. Now go back to your dorm," he says, waving him out without another word.
Bakugo nods and leaves without further argument, not once looking back.
Aizawa slumped back in his seat.
Bakugo knew what you meant to his teacher, beyond what most people thought they knew - he understood the lengths he'd go to to keep you safe and happy. The fact that he'd left without a fight proved as much.
More concerning than that though, had to be the fact that Bakugo was the same as him. He had the same unsettling urge to be with you, to be the only source of your attention.
Aizawa had seen it in his eyes, but heard it moreso in his words.
No, he wouldn't share you. Not with anyone.
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getmeoutofhell · 5 months
Ethan Landry x Shy F reader
warnings: mentions of reader getting killed at end
a/n: i tried my best to make this a “shy” reader. i’m terribly sorry if this is not the best.
requested by: @smoothestkoala
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it was 1:00pm and you were getting ready to go and visit ethan at his place for the first time.
you guys starting ‘talking’ after you met him at sara’s place a month ago. you were hella nervous since this was your first time ever going to any guys place.
you did have a little crush on him. but you didn’t plan on telling him anytime soon for your own sake.
you headed to your car to head over to ethan and chads place.
gosh your nerves were bad. you didn’t understand why your body acted this way, especially around boys. but now was not the time to complain. hopefully you don’t embarrass yourself in front of him or anyone else today.
you then knock on the door. you waited for about 10 seconds until you heard someone on the other side. “hello? it’s y/n.” you felt a little embarrassed for waiting outside the door, but didn’t wanna think to far into it.
a few seconds later ethan opens the door.
“hey y/n. sorry it took so long i was in the middle of something.” you smiled at him. “no worries it’s okay.” he the opens the door fully to let you in.
“you can come and sit anywhere. make yourself comfortable.” he states to you, trying his best to not be awkward.
you slowly walk over to his couch and have a seat. you then take your phone and sit it next to you on the couch. “so ethan, how have you been?” you ask him, hoping the awkwardness would end.
“i’ve been doing pretty good i guess. how have you been? you go anywhere lately?” he looked at you with curiosity, waiting for a response.
you softly chuckled. “i don’t really go anywhere much. but i’ve been pretty good.” you smiled. “that’s great. would you like some water, pop, or something?”
“yeah i could use some water.” you thought his gesture to give you water was very sweet of him. you watched him get up and disappear behind the corner.
you were strolling on your phone when you saw ethan head back in with two bottles of water. “here you go.” he hands you one, then sits next to you again. “thank you.”
“would you like to watch something on tv? we have netflix.” you looked at him. “yeah sure.”
you ended up staying at ethan’s till around 6 and headed home. you thought he was sweet and kind, and wanted to go back to his place again in the future. your crush on him started to get worse and worse over time as you guys started talking.
*time skip some weeks*
overtime, you stared opening up more to ethan, telling him about you and your past and what you wanted to do in your future. he always listened to everything you told him, giving you hugs and words of comfort.
you eventually started heading over to his place every weekend, sometimes spending the night if he asked.
it was now around 9, and you were saying your goodbyes to ethan, getting ready to head home.
“i’ll text you later.” ethan told you.
“okay. thanks for letting me come over again. i really appreciate it.”
“you’re welcome beautiful.” you felt your face heat up, and your stomach turn at his kind words. before you walked out, ethan walked up to and gave you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. you had the ugliest grin on your face as you walked to your car. maybe you’ll confess your feelings sooner than you thought.
*ethan’s pov*
after y/n left i went and sat back down on the couch. i took a long deep breath, and sighed. since the first time i saw her, i knew i would have a hard time. she’s a beautiful women. full of love and happiness, and i have to take it all away.
i feel my stomach turn in disgust thinking of the fact that this was all a set up. apart of our plan. she has no idea. no clue. that her days are coming to an end.
i can’t do it, i won’t do it. she’s the first girl i felt that actually likes and cares for me. i have to tell my dad i can’t do it. i can’t take my loves life.
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@smoothestkoala i’m so so sorry is this is not what you wanted. i’m trying to get better, and thank you for requesting!! ❣️❣️
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London Will Burn - A Sean Wallace/OFC Story.
I couldn't wait to share this with you, besties. Here, have the first chapter! I know that Sean is pretty niche as he doesn't seem to have all too huge a fandom, but if I can garner a few readers, and you guys could help me out by reblogging this, I would be very appreciative. Commentary is very welcome, as usual, so yes, dive on in and hopefully enjoy! If you like it enough, you can have chapter two sooner rather than later, too :)
The story begins seven years in the past, but will then run semi-canon to the Gangs of London plot and timeframe.
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Tag list - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 3,826
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI.
May 24th, 2016. 
Coffee, the financial times and resounding quiet. These were the defining components needed for Finn Wallace to begin each day within the spatial surroundings of his corner office, the floor to ceiling windows offering the widest view of the city he ruled over with an iron fist.  
“Mr Wallace, please. Sir...”  
The words of Minnie, his secretary, delivered outside of his office with mildly pleading desperation tore his attention from fastidiously studying the FTSE 100, Finn looking out from above the pink sheets of paper. He witnessed her scurrying along, her eyes pleading while trying to match the long strides of his son as he approached. “You know your father doesn’t like to be bothered...” 
...between the hours of eight and nine. He needed a full hour with nothing but a newspaper and a good supply of anything that came from Whittard of Chelsea prior to starting his day. His son had other ideas that morning, though.  
Placing his coffee down, he lifted his chin as Sean strode through the doors, a heap of paperwork within his grasp.  
“One print off of the e-contract signed late last night by Kevin Cavanagh, and one verbal assurance that the vessels may port within his dock space for the original agreed amount.” The paperwork hit the desk so hard, it was almost splashed in coffee, Sean looking thoroughly pleased with himself. As he should, his father thought. Kevin had been extremely tricky in this, his son’s first solo deal for the company. 
Reaching for the contract, Finn could scarcely believe it, but there it was. K. Cavanagh. Signed, sealed and delivered. “How the fuck did you swing that, boyo?” 
Kevin Cavanagh had shown himself to be a rather large thorn in the side of the Wallace empire for weeks, the investor digging his heels in over their proposed deal, an influx of two hundred million sterling into the company’s legitimate holdings to fund the proposed apartment complex they wished to build, and a grant of passage for boats containing large shipments of heroin porting from Pakistan to enter his docks.  
The terms and conditions set by Sean had been made clear, but having the upper hand in it all, Kevin had gone back on their proposed arrangement out of sheer greed. It had not gone down well at all. Especially since Finn considered Kevin to be a long-standing friend as well as a business associate. He wasn’t about to involve himself, though. It was Sean’s deal, and he had to learn in going it alone, friend or not. 
In their world, though, alliance and friendship were subject to change at any given moment. Friendships aside, Sean had been advised by his father to do whatever it took to secure the deal by the required deadline, which had passed at midnight the night before. 
Looking upon his son expectantly, Finn was under no illusion over Sean’s self-satisfied pride in his achievement. His poise did not slip, though. Not even for a second. “I have my ways, all of them effective.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “How?”  
His son smirked, the same bloody smirk he’d had since he was three, back when he’d usually hoodwinked his mother into the offering of a second reach into the biscuit tin. “If you knew that, then you’d know as much as me.” 
Finn felt himself losing patience at his allusivity, but couldn’t quite keep the grin from spreading across his face. “Wiley little shit.”  
He chuckled, checking his watch. “I have a meeting to get to. Lunch at The Strand, 1pm? I have a table booked. See you then.” 
“If I’m late, order my usual.” Looking over the contract once again, Finn rested his chin upon the pinch of his thumb and forefinger. If he’d gotten a result without them having to yield to Kevin, it surely didn’t matter how Sean had procured the deal.  
As time would tell, though, it would.  
Striding from the building, Sean climbed into the waiting car, ready to be whisked across London for a viewing on another apartment complex currently under construction. It would take up most of his morning, but such was the nature of his role within the company. Build big, reap big, remain on top. 
Leaning back against the plush leather upholstery within the black Mercedes, Sean winced, feeling the soreness that remained from his weekend of sexual hedonism. Clawed scratches marking the freckled alabaster of his back from his shoulders right to the rounded muscles of his arse had certainly felt good at the time, but now the scabbed wounds stung and itched.  
That itching sting was experienced internally, too, a rolling wave of cold discomfort washing over his insides once again. Guilt. Maybe even a little remorse. Who’d have thought it? Certainly not him. He had previously considered those emotions to be completely superfluous, with a nature such as his, and most definitely not when his actions had reaped such rewards.  
Sean was, if nothing else, completely ruthless in the pursuit of attainment.  
His go to in attaining a desired result didn’t always equal the exertion of moral turpitude, but in this instance it very much had. There was no going back on it either. He had struck out, used his bargaining chip of blackmail and garnered the desired results. At twenty-five years old, he’d thought himself perhaps above the actions he’d resorted to, considering his bartering and negotiation skills to be proficient enough.  
They hadn’t been.  
However, Sean knew that blackmailing Kevin Cavanagh into agreement by threatening to upload a video to the internet of himself fucking his eighteen-year-old daughter would work like a charm in securing a signature, and it had.  
He’d understandably been beyond livid with him, after receiving an edited version of the hour-long filming, showing just enough for Kevin to know that Catherine would be subjected to great personal embarrassment and emotional anguish if he didn’t comply.  
With his arm figuratively bent up his back, he had agreed, the money immediately transferred, and the contract signed the evening before, once he and his wife had returned from their weekend away. Kevin had also struck a permanent black mark against the son of his old friend, knowing that Finn likely had no part in the blackmail. As chillingly cutthroat as he could be, it wasn’t his style. Words would be had, though, and Sean knew he likely had that coming to him sooner or later.  
Just as he would when Catherine caught up with him. He highly doubted Kevin wouldn’t tell her. 
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone, placing his earbuds in and locating the video he had promised to delete. He’d been hesitant there, not because he intended to nefariously make good on his threat and upload it anyway, he had no cause to. The reason behind his stalling was much more complex, and not one he was in a hurry to admit. Not even to himself.  
Hearing her sweet moans as he watched himself on the screen, face buried between her legs, a jolt ran right through him. He could almost still taste the sweet honey of her cunt on his tongue, feel her skin against his, and with a shift in his seat, experience her nails clawing at his back.  
It was only ever meant to happen once. Once had led to an entire weekend, and there it was again, the unpleasant sting rolling through his guts as he closed his eyes and remembered it. Remembered her.  
Her... her. 
It was only ever meant to happen once... 
St Augustine’s Grammar School for Girls was one of the most exclusive private Catholic schools in the entirety of London. For an eye watering yearly fee, it boasted unsurpassed examination results, a sterling OFSTED record, and much to the fury of the young ladies within its prestigious halls, a strict code for uniform. A black skirt to the knee, high black socks, a white shirt and a navy blazer and tie.  
Even the students attending the adjoining sixth form college had to still adhere, much to their loathing. For Catherine Cavanagh, as soon as she was out of the front gates with her friends, adjustments were made.  
Her neatly pleated skirt was rolled over a few times to hitch it up, her folded over socks pulled up until they came over the knee, her blazer and tie stuffed into her bag and her shirt undone to reveal a little of the black lace bra she wore beneath, as well as being knotted at the waist. She liked to show off some of what she had. 
Lashings of smoky black eyeliner were applied, her lips liberally glossed and her shoulder length blonde waves all shook free of their ponytail prison before she sauntered away, ready for a coffee with her friends, of whom also made similar adjustments to their own uniforms. They were young women at eighteen, all mildly incensed that they still had to stick to the rules of their frigidly stalwart school.  
Catherine, or Rin as she preferred to be called, was far from frigid.  
“Oi darlin’! Fancy gettin’ in the back of me van and lettin’ me give ya one, eh?” 
Ugh. Builders. The worst of the worst for shouting pervy obscenities from the open window of a slowed down Ford Transit. She immediately rolled her eyes. “No thanks, but I fancy giving you this.” Raising her middle finger, her confident smirk grew, her friends cheering on her usual chutzpah.   
“Fuck you, then! Little slag!” 
Rin snorted. “You wish, mate.”  
“I don’t get it,” Rashida, her bestie mused, fiddling with her necklace as she cocked her head. “He wanted to shag you five seconds ago, and now you’re a slag because you didn’t take him up on his offer?” Her face was a picture of bemused disgust as she barked a laugh. “Wanker.” 
“Yeah, sums him up. Right, let’s hit the coffee house. I’m fucking gasping for something strong, hot and foamy.” 
Their friend Carly couldn’t help but pipe up, laughing at her own joke before she’d even spoken it aloud. “What, you want the big fella from Game of Thrones in a bubble bath? What’s his name?” 
“Tormund,” Rin confirmed, her eyes dreamy. “You know I’m weak as fuck for a redhead!”  
While the prospect of Kristofer Hivju, the actor who played the aforementioned character awaiting her in a bubble bath was preferred, it was a double shot cappuccino she needed most at that moment. After a day of hard studying for her ongoing A Levels, Rin needed the coffee like air. For no other reason than to stay awake for the duration of her journey home.  
She wouldn’t be driving, though. Yet to pass her test, she would simply call for a driver in the employment of her father to collect her when she was ready. Being rich certainly had its perks. Entering the coffee shop a ten-minute walk from the school gates, she paid for her order and stood back to wait, sensing someone behind her before a familiar voice spoke into her ear. 
“I am unsure whether your mother would approve of that skirt, young lady.”  
Turning, her eyes widened. “Bloody hell! Hello!” It had been at least five years since she’d seen Sean Wallace other than fleeting moments in passing, the last proper time being when he was home from university in his final year. The occasion had been when her parents had thrown a garden party for her father’s friends and closest business associates, plus their families.  
“How are you, darling?” He drawled smoothly, kissing her cheek as they exchanged a brief hug. “It’s been a bloody age.” Looking down upon her, his gaze was nothing but clearly appreciative, thinking just what a beautiful young woman she’d become. In fact, beautiful was an understatement; she was an absolute knock out.  
In any other circumstance, Catherine Cavanagh would be his perfect match. She came from a similar family, steeped in criminality and staggeringly wealthy, with the best education money could buy, just as he himself had received. They were cut from the exact same cloth, she and Sean. This was not an exercise in procuring the perfect match long-term, though. Far from it.  
“It has, I was just thinking that myself,” she confirmed as they parted, feeling a little flustered. Oh, how she’d always fancied the arse off Sean. She might have been extremely confident for an elder teen, much more woman than girl in that respect, but still. Sean was the bloody holy grail as far as she was concerned. “As for me, up to my eyes in all things A Levels, only two more exams left and then its fingers crossed I do well enough to take the provisional place I’ve been offered at LSE.” 
He remembered that the London School of Economics had been her long-term goal from the last time he’d spoken to her at length, back when she was just a kid of thirteen. “I remember you telling me, yes. Forgive me, but I forget just what it is you were aiming for?” 
A flutter delighted her insides at that, how he hadn’t forgotten her desires to attend LSE when it had been so long since they’d last talked in depth. She’d thought he’d merely been entertaining her thirteen-year-old self and her long-winded plans for her future, but no. He’d actually listened. Then again, he was always very attentive when engaging with someone, no matter who they were. “BSc in mathematics, statistics and business.”  
“I bet your father is very proud,” he commented, Rin turning to pick up her coffee.  
“Well, I suppose he will be if I actually pull it off and attain the necessary grades. It’ll stand me in good stead for taking over the family business too, when he eventually retires.” They were birds of a feather in that respect, both primed to one day sit at the helm of their respective family empires. “Speaking of which, how are things with you? You’re doing very well at the Wallace Corporation, according to dad.” 
“Your father is correct, I am.” He was still very sure of himself. Anyone else would call it arrogance, but Sean was merely infectiously confident. He knew what he wanted, and he went right after it, Rin completely oblivious to the fact that his cool blue eyes were directly focused upon his present target. “Long hours and probably less pay than I should be garnering, but I must confess to be doing rather well for myself. Especially considering I have only been there just over four years.” 
They eventually became so lost in their catch-up chatter that Rin completely failed to realise that her friends had moved to a table, turning to see them wave at her. The looks on their faces spoke volumes. 
“I’ll be there in a sec,” she assured them, praying Carly didn’t open her mouth. No such luck. 
“No, no,” the girl herself chirped right on cue, waving her hands gently in Rin’s direction. “You stay there with your fancy man; we’ll be over here when you’re ready!” 
“Oh, shit off!” she chided, feeling her cheeks burn. Turning to Sean, she shook her head. “They’re embarrassing as fuck.” 
“I can’t say I’m embarrassed, being labelled as your fancy man.” Pulling out a seat, he gestured to it with a flirtatious smile, ensuring her heart virtually catapulted against her ribcage. She definitely blushed furiously at that. Ahh, it was almost too easy, but then again Sean’s charm was legendarily flawless. Being well spoken, powerful, and as dangerous as he was gorgeous didn’t hurt either.  
A red-haired bad boy in a Balmain suit. If Rin had a type at all in this world, it was Sean Wallace. And boy, how the man himself saw that loud and clear.  
“So, I hear your parents are away in France right now?” 
“Yes,” Rin confirmed, the smidgen of envy in her voice clear. How she would have loved a long weekend in the French Alps skiing, too. “They’ll be hurtling down a mountain right now, while I’m stuck here in dreary London, slogging my guts out all in the name of revision.” 
He smirked, picking up his espresso and sipping it. Sean liked his coffee one way; strong and black. “Ah, but you do get Mulford Hall all to yourself for the weekend. Quite the party palace, one would assume.” 
She crinkled her nose, shaking her head. “The staff will grass me up if I even so much as open a can of cider with more than four friends in attendance. Mother dearest likes to keep her fucking tabs on me.” Rin didn’t dislike her mother, but it was no secret that she was daddy’s girl through and through. If he had his way, he’d have arranged for the antiques to be removed from banquet hall and allowed she and her friends run wild. Diane was not quite so lenient.  
Yes. A banquet hall. The Cavanagh’s were truly that wealthy, to have such in their fifteen-bedroom, eighteen-bathroom, sprawling abode located in Westminster, just around the corner from Hyde Park. Half of their sprawling gardens backed onto the park itself, in fact.  
Mostly, Mulford Hall was used as a successful wedding and events venue, half of the house sectioned off as a private family residence and inaccessible to the public, also being a historical location of interest for tourists. It had been in her family for centuries, gifted to one of her ancestors, the very first Lord Mulford by King Charles I. Now with no elder male heir and her grandparents having passed on, it remained in the family by the residing Lady Mulford, her mother. 
“I suppose the little ones would have plenty to say, even if the staff did keep schtum.” Oh yes, Sean was correct there. Her younger brother and sisters would likely relish in telling on her to their parents. Keeping secrets that did not directly benefit them was not in the interests of your average twelve, ten and nine year old children. “I mean, if they could even hear the sounds of partying. Does your mother not keep them in a turret or similar?” 
She snorted laughing into her coffee, spraying a fine mist of foam from the large cup, “Shut up, you shit. You know we’re not that grand.” Suddenly, she felt the cold wave of discomfort when he frowned, wondering if she’d pushed it a little in calling him a shit, even in tease. After all, they did not know each other beyond the boundaries of acquaintance. It was their parents who were friends, not them.  
He then reached, wiping a fleck of foam from her cheek, the corners of his mouth upturning as he watched her blush, leaning across the table. “It takes a brave person to refer to me as a shit.” 
Regaining her confidence, she licked her top lip, shrugging lightly. “Or a gobby little twat such as myself.” 
She was a pistol. He enjoyed that perhaps more than he should have. He laughed softly through his nose, sipping his coffee again as she continued. “I actually have the place to myself, staff aside. The nanny has taken the little terrors to Legoland for the weekend, and there aren’t any weddings on, so I’m enjoying pottering around the old pile in my pants.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “Just your pants?” 
“I like to give the gardeners something nice to look at.” 
God, and how nice her body was, he wagered, his eyes sweeping her momentarily. “I bet you do.”  
Lust. Lust delivered from behind full, long auburn lashes tinged with gold, eyes that burned like cool fire as he stared her dead in the eye, Rin feeling as if she was caught in a searchlight she could not avoid. Not that she’d want to. Being illuminated by the desire of Sean Wallace was something she’d only ever fantasised about as a girl. As a young woman, acting upon it now seemed within her grasp. 
And grasp for it she would. “You’re thinking about me in nothing but my pants, aren’t you?”  
Playful, yet direct. He liked that, liked that she was so easily wandering right into the jaws of his trap with such little effort. “I am.”  
She leaned closer, watching him retrieve a packet of mints from his pocket, placing one into his mouth. The way he so effortlessly pressed the white disc onto his tongue made her shiver, imagining the skill a mouth that clever and effortlessly cool might possess. He offered the packet, but she shook her head, the strongness of Trebor’s finest too much for her delicate tastebuds. “What else are you thinking?” 
He mirrored her, leaning near, eyes fixed unblinkingly as he ran his fingertip in a circle over the back of her hand. It was an action that made every single hair upon her arm stand on end. “I’m thinking that the next thing I want on my tongue is you.”  
Fireworks exploded in her chest and gut, a fizz of excitement glittering. Unexpected afternoon sex; it was a proposal most definitely to her liking. “Where’s closer, mine or yours?” 
“Mine,” he confirmed, rising from his seat as he pulled out his phone. “Westminster is a fucking ball ache of a drive at this time in the day.”  
He wasn’t wrong. While Sean called his driver, giving him the name of the coffee shop, Rin made a phone motion to her friends while mouthing ‘I’ll call later’, Rashida and Carly looking as alert as two meerkats keeping the watch at seeing their friend leave with the handsome young mystery man.  
Rashida couldn’t help the joke she made. It was too uncanny. “Little slag.” 
“Love you too, you knob.” Leaving to the sound of her friend's laughter, Rin joined Sean at the side of the curb, only waiting a few moments for the sleek, black Mercedes to pull up before them. He opened the door for her, Rin sliding in and moving across so he didn’t have to walk around, Sean climbing in and shutting the door with a soft clunk.  
“Home please, Tony.” he spoke to the driver, his eyes remaining ahead. She turned slightly to view him, feeling somewhat uneasy when he didn’t return her glance. Dropping her gaze, her thoughts began to race a little, jumping slightly when after a few moments, she felt his hand press to her thigh.  
It was a plan of effortless execution, Sean tracking her movements from afar for a few days prior, learning her daily routine. It truly had been as simple as turning up at her regular coffee shop prior to her usual time of arrival, turning on the charm and reaping the rewards. Leaning close, his beard tickled her earlobe, sending a thrill right through her. “I can’t wait to put my mouth between these fantastic legs of yours.”  
Neither could she.
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metallicaislife · 7 months
My Nemesis, James Hetfield
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A/N: ^^ such a cutie patootie I just wanna squish his cheeks
Requested by: Anon
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,361
Warnings: Swearing
My Nemesis, James Hetfield pt 2
When I first laid eyes on James Hetfield, I thought he was so cute. The long wavy blond hair, beautiful blue eyes. He had a grin on his lips as he talked with the other members of the band.
My cousin Lars invited me to meet his band. I was really excited, he had said so many good things about them, especially James. 
Dave and Ron were nice, James only said ‘hi’, then proceeded to ignore me. Maybe he was shy. 
I started hanging around them more often, I tried talking to James, I really wanted to be his friend, him being cute was only an added bonus. One day he snapped though. 
“Look, unless you have something to contribute you should just go instead of hanging around us like a groupie.” He glared at me. I was so flustered and embarrassed. 
“Screw you, I was just trying to be your friend.” I snapped and left. 
I decided I wouldn’t hang around them that much. The universe had other ideas though. 
While I actively tried to avoid seeing Lars when he was around his band mates, I ran into them everywhere. The music store, the grocery store, my place- as Lars decided my apartment is the perfect hangout for him and his buddies. 
I tried reasoning that James was having an off day or something, but with every encounter he had to say something mean or do something to make me the brunt of his jokes in front of everyone. I’m tired of it. I hate him. 
“Hey we’re having a party tomorrow night, you’re coming right?” Lars asked over the phone. 
“Yeah, is it alright if I bring someone? Maybe then I’ll avoid the wrath of James.” I replied. 
“Oh come on, it’s not that bad.” Lars said. I rolled my eyes. 
“So can I or not?” I asked again. 
“Yeah, of course. I gotta go, see you tomorrow.” Lars said. 
“See you tomorrow.” I replied and hung up the phone. 
I’d been on a few dates with a guy named Bill, hopefully with him there James will just leave me alone. That’s just wishful thinking though. 
Bill and I arrived at Lars' place hand in hand. We meandered to the kitchen to grab some beer. I clenched my jaw when I saw James leaning against the counter. He looked up, a look of surprise flashed across his face before his eyes narrowed just slightly. 
“Hey man! I love your music!” Bill said, dropping my hand to reach out and offer it to James, “The name is Bill.” He grinned. 
James eyed it wearily then placed his hand in Bill’s. 
“Thanks, man.” James said. Then immediately pushed off the counter, exiting the kitchen. 
“I still can’t believe you know Metallica so well.” Bill said. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea bringing him here, but he would meet them sooner or later if we continued to date. I did appreciate that there wasn’t a rude comment from James though.
“Lars is my cousin, so they’re just like, around I guess.” I said with a shrug, handing him a beer. Bill continued gushing about the band as I grabbed myself a beer. I found Lars knowing he would be able to occupy Bill and entertain his questions without wanting to wring his neck. There was no bigger fan of Metallica than Lars.
I was bored as the two talked nonstop. Maybe I would need to stop seeing Bill. Find someone who isn’t the biggest fan of my arch nemesis. I think he is more interested in chatting with Lars than he ever has with me. Definitely dumping him after the party. 
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” I excused myself, neither acknowledged what I said as they were so engrossed in their conversation. I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom. After I exited, as I passed the rooms one of the doors opened. Before I knew what was happening an arm shot out grabbing me and pulling me in. I squealed and the door shut. I looked to see who was responsible. 
“Dude! What the hell James!” I shouted. 
“Who is that guy you’re with?” He asked. 
“I know you think I’m some bridge troll, but to the rest of society I am actually quite a catch. Is it so shocking to your little brain that someone might find me attractive? Why does it even matter?” I snapped. 
“Because I’m in love with you.” He said exasperatedly.  
“Excuse me?” I asked.
“I’m in love with you.” He said again.
“Ha-Ha. Very funny.” I said dryly, rolling my eyes. 
“I’m serious.” He said, I searched his face waiting for him to say ‘gotcha!’.  
“What the fuck.” Was my honest response. I wanted to tell the butterflies in my tummy to stop flapping, this is not our ally. “Then why the hell are you so mean to me?” I asked. 
“You’re Lars' cousin, I’m not supposed to like you.” He replied. 
“Oh so you’re mean to me, because you like me? This isn’t kindergarten.” I snapped. 
“I know, and I’m sorry. There is no excuse for how I’ve been treating you.” He said softly. 
“Why the sudden change of heart?” I asked folding my arms. 
“I saw you with him, and I wished it was me. I’m tired of saying mean things and hurting you.” James said, his voice was sincere. I looked down, James stepped closer to me and placed a warm hand on my face. I looked back up, his eyes searching mine. I leaned in placing my lips on his. He froze for a moment before melting into the kiss. 
“So you like me too?” He asked as he pulled away. 
“I’m attracted to you.” I replied, his eyebrow rose in a questioning manner. “Give me a break, it’s a step up from hate.” I said, causing James to laugh. 
“That is fair, I definitely deserve that. I’ll change your mind though, just you wait and see.” He grinned, the first real smile I’d seen on his face since we met. I don’t think it’ll take me long at all to fall completely head over heels for him. 
“Shit, I gotta go let Bill down.” I said, I wasn’t all that torn up about it though as I was planning to after the party anyway. 
“Go, I’ll leave after you.” James said. 
“I don’t think he noticed I had left.” I told him. “I didn’t realize how big of a fan he is of Metallica. I think he’ll be more upset that he won't be invited to any more parties than me deciding not to get serious with him.” I finished. James shook his head with a chuckle. I leaned up and kissed him again before leaving the room. I was right, Bill and Lars were still chatting. 
“Hey Bill.” I said, trying to get his attention. It looked like it took all of his willpower to look in my direction.
“Yeah?” He asked. 
“I don’t think you and I are going to work out.” I said, clasping my fingers together. 
“Oh. Um, okay.” He said looking confused, “This couldn’t have waited until after the party?” He asked. 
“Sorry.” I replied with a small shrug. 
“Was it something I did?�� He asked. 
“No, I just don’t think it’s going to work.” I said. 
“Is it someone else?” He asked. 
“Yeah.” James said as he came up wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 
“DAVE YOU OWE ME 10 BUCKS!” Lars shouted as he got up to look for Dave. 
“I can’t even be mad about it, I would’ve left me for James Hetfield too.” Bill said. 
“Good talk.” James said and steered me away. We laughed at what just transpired. 
“Wait, the guys were betting on us?” I asked. 
“News to me, I would’ve gotten in on the action if I knew.” He replied. 
“I think that is what they call a conflict of interest.” I poked his side. James laughed and kissed my forehead. 
I was looking forward to getting to know the real James, not the immature jerk who had made my life hell the past several months.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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chiefbeifongcanrailme · 3 months
Glad you are back and wishing you the best. Any ideas you want to get off your chest ? 💗🤍
Aw thank you so much
I have loads of ideas and they're all in a tangled mess in my head:
Tenzin and Pema go out to dinner at the same restaurant where Lin and Zolt are having date night in the city. Maybe it was orchestrated by one of the members of Team Avatar? Maybe Zolt wanted to one up somebody once and for all? Or maybe, just maybe, Lin's enjoying this more than she'd like to admit.
Bataar is passing out from guilt because he had a sex dream about his wife's sister. Finally, it's Lin who slaps him back into his senses and he just turns red and runs off.
Lin gets stabbed in the ribs by the triads in the one of the many tunnels under Republic City. It's a race against time because he can't earthbend them out, neither can he run with Lin in his arms making a trail of blood behind, nor does he have the resources to attend to her wounds.
Bumi takes Lin to the spirit world for an adventure. That's all.
Tenzin finds himself taking a late night flight to Lin's apartment after having troubled past few days. He's vulnerable. Lin's a good friend. They both dance around the boundaries of their relationship.
The three times Bumi managed to make Lin laugh and one time he made her cry. This may actually wind up being a part of My Brother's Girlfriend.
Lin adopts a pygmy puma that formerly belonged to Lightning Bolt Zolt. The kitty, Black Velvet, takes full credit in re-uniting them.
Tenzin visits a flower shop and decided to anonymously send flowers to Lin's office and pretend to be her secret admirer. He knows he's the last person people would suspect. But Mako is a better detective than he is given credit.
Okay, I kinda lost myself there haha. Hopefully, I'll get to them sooner rather than later.
Thanks for the ask!
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gagmewitha-spork · 2 years
Terrified (Patri Guijarro x reader)
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Warnings: a few swear words here and there, a little angsty
Description: reader is terrified of losing themselves if they fall too hard for Patri. Patri is convinced reader is going to break up with her.
Notes: it’s been a while since I uploaded so sorry for that, I’ve got a couple of requested fics almost finished, most specifically an Athenea one that was requested weeks ago, that should be out hopefully either over the weekend or early next week.
Word count: 2217
Your relationship with Patri was slow moving. The two of you had decided to keep it that way because everything had started so quickly between you. You had gone from being good friends, to all of a sudden spending all your time together. Neither of you were particularly ready for a serious relationship, so you had mutually agreed to keep things light hearted and easy, both for your sakes and the sakes of your teammates, who would have to suffer the awkwardness if it didn’t work out between the two of you.
You were about 2 months in now and as far as you were concerned, everything was absolutely fine as it was. You would often hang out at her apartment, which she shared with Claudia Pina, it was closest to the Barca training facility, as well as being closer to some of the better bars and restaurants in Barcelona, so it just made sense. Patri had suggested several times that the two of you should go to your place, maybe you could cook for her? Or you could have a movie night just the two of you? But every time you had quickly formed an excuse to just use her apartment instead.
You couldn’t explain why, but the thought of her coming over to your place made a chill move up your spine, like it was the last thing you had left of your independence. Your parents had raised you to be extremely independent, your mother even admits that maybe they had made you too much so. You enjoyed having your own space, having alone time. Patri knew this of course, everyone who knew you, knew how fiercely independent you were, but she didn’t understand why you wouldn’t invite her to your home.
The two of you had been tiptoeing around her apartment, trying to find moments where you could be intimate without disturbing her roommate for weeks now. This didn’t mean that you hadn’t ever found a moment, but it did mean that there was always the threat of getting caught, or having to keep the volume down, and of course having to deal with the teasing from her roommate when she had managed to hear a little too much from Patri’s bedroom.
She had begun to question whether you actually wanted to be with her still, though had quickly shut down the thoughts, because other than the lack of invite to your apartment, there was nothing else that suggested that you weren’t still into her. But the thought continued to niggle at the back of her mind none the less.
The truth is you were just terrified of how fast you were seriously falling for the Majorcan girl. You were terrified that if you allowed her into your space you would fall so far that you might lose yourself and your independence.
She had been pushing you a little harder the last few days, suggesting more and more often that the two of you should go to your place instead of hers. You were beginning to run out of excuses, or maybe she was getting better and better at suggesting it in ways that gave you little room to make one. Either way, she was persistent and you knew something would have to give sooner or later.
You were currently in the club locker room, changing into some cooler training gear as the day was warmer than you had expected, when you feel a pair of arms wind themselves around you waist from behind.
“Buenos días”, Patri quietly says into your ear, placing a kiss on your neck just below it. You can’t help the smile that forms over your face at her affection as you continue to sort through your training gear trying to find the top you were looking for, “I was thinking I could maybe come round to yours tonight?”, she suggested, instantly making the smile on your face drop and your body tense as your mind immediately raced for yet another excuse as to why she couldn’t, “you keep saying you’re going to make me your famous pasta”, you stop her from continuing any further by pulling out of her arms and busing yourself by pulling your training top over your head.
“Um, yeah maybe”, you said as your mind raced for an excuse. Patri could tell you were trying to form one, but didn’t say anything, instead just watching as you avoided looking her in the eye as you turned her down for the umpteenth time, “I might-“, you start but are cut off yourself as the door to the dressing room is thrown open.
“Vamos girls”, Irene calls, gesturing for everyone in there to get out to the pitch. You quickly grab your boots and run out the door after her, not giving Patri a chance to say anything further. Her shoulders deflated slightly as she watched you basically run away from her, and she sighed before grabbing her own boots and following behind with everyone else.
Training had just finished for the day and and you had made your way back to collect your things as quickly as possible. You had noticed that Patri was talking with a few of the coaches and Alexia, so hoped you could slip away without her seeing, that way you could avoid the disappointment on her face as you hit her with your pathetic excuse to why she wouldn’t be able to go to your place that night.
Of course you had no such luck though, because as you gathered your stuff, she made her way back into the locker room and to her locker, which just so happened to be right next to yours. She didn’t say anything to you however, instead engaging in conversation with Aitana, who’s locker was also right by yours. You assumed maybe she had forgotten your earlier conversation, and took the opportunity to try and leave without her noticing.
But again, no such luck. You had barely made it out of the door before Patri was racing out after you, grabbing your arm and pulling you to a stop. Having only managed to remove one of her boots, she now stood in front of you hopping around as she pulled the other off.
“I thought I was coming round to your place tonight?”, she asked as she caught her balance and gestured around with the shoe she now held in her hand.
“Oh right yeah um…”, you started, trying to sound as casual as possible, “I actually had something come up”, you paused, hand rubbing the back of your neck. Her shoulders slumped and your heart broke at the sadness that now settled in her eyes, “a photoshoot, I forgot we had plans”, you lied, god you hate yourself sometimes, “I mean, I didn’t totally forget, I just, I thought I could do the shoot then maybe come round to yours after instead?”, you suggested.
“Oh, right, yeah, okay”, she gestured around again with the shoe, fiddling with it as a distraction, “sorry I shouldn’t have assumed, I guess we didn’t really properly agree to it earlier”.
“It’s fine, it um, it shouldn’t take too long so…yeah…”, you trailed off, she wouldn’t look at you now, instead finding her shoe far more fascinating, “I can pick up the ingredients to the pasta on the way over if you want?”
“No it’s fine, I’ll get something with Claudia on the way home”, she mumbled in reply to your suggestion.
“Okay well, I’ll see you later?”.
“Yeah, see you”, she said and turned back, disappearing through the door you had both emerged from not too long before.
You watched the door for a second before heading out to your car and driving home. Once there you sat for a while, wondering how long you should leave it until you headed over to Patri’s apartment.
Yours was deathly silent, normally you would have music playing as background noise, but right now you could hear a pin drop. You hated how empty it felt. Why couldn’t you just open yourself up to her? What was wrong with you? What had happened that had made it so difficult for you to open yourself up to someone? Nothing, nothing had happened, that’s just how you were and you decided right then, that you were going to change that.
Throwing on a jacket, you grabbed your keys before practically running out to your car and driving over to Patri’s apartment. You knew the code to the building and sprinted up the stairs as quickly as possible, then knocked on the door as soon as you arrived, not hesitating.
“That was a quick photoshoot”, Patri deadpanned as she opened the door.
“Yeah um”, you mumbled, all you’re nerves hitting you at once now you stood in front of her. Your hand rubbed at the base of your neck again, a nervous habit, “it was, I didn’t, ah fuck, I lied I didn’t actually have a shoot”, you finally admitted after stuttering over what to say.
“Yeah no shit”.
“Look I-“, you start but are quickly cut off.
“If you’re going to break up with me just get on with it will you”, she said, her voice sharp as a knife. Of course it was at this moment that one of her neighbours had chosen to leave their apartment. The three of you made awkward eye contact before they scurried away.
“I don’t want to break up with you”, you stated, “please can I just come in so I can explain myself without all of your neighbours listening?”, you begged her.
She didn’t say anything, but opened the door wider to allow you in.
“Where Claudia?”, you questioned when you didn’t see or hear the younger girl anywhere.
“Out”, Patri said, her replies were short, she was done with your shit.
“I’m sorry okay?”, you started, Patri’s eyebrow barely twitched at your bathetic excuse for an apology, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me”, you continued, hands flying as you started to pace and attempted to explain everything to her, “I really like you, but every time you suggest coming over to mine, I get this weird feeling like you’re going to turn my whole life upside down and leave me ruined”, you explained, “but today, I don’t know, I just felt so guilty and I went home and it just felt so empty and quiet, and all I could imagine was that if you were there it wouldn’t be like that”, you stopped your pacing and took a step closer to Patri, “I’m so sorry, I’ve just been so scared and I know we said we would take things slow but I think I might actually be falling in love with you and that is so fucking terrifying”, you stop suddenly, realising what you had said.
After a long silence Patri finally speaks up, and you release a breath you hadn’t realised you had been holding, “you’re such an idiot”, she says.
“What?”, you’re taken aback a little by her statement.
“What? Do you think I’ve been trying to invite myself around to your place so I can disrupt your life and then dump you?”, she questions, laughing to herself a little, “believe it or not but I actually really like you too”, she says, “I’ve been falling for you since the moment you said yes to being my girlfriend”, she steps closer to you, placing her hands on either side of your face.
“So”, you clear you throat, “do you maybe want to come round to mine tonight?”, you finally ask her.
“I thought you’d never ask”, she smiled, then closed the ever diminishing gap between your lips.
Your hands gripped her waist as tight as possible, like you were afraid she might slip away, as your lips moved together in sink. You tilted you head to the side slightly, allowing better access as her tongue slid over your bottom lip. Your fingers teased at the hem of her T-shirt, lifting it ever so slightly so your fingertips came into contact with bare skin.
Suddenly, the door behind you swung open violently, “you owe me ten-“, Claudia cuts herself off as yourself and Patri jump away from each other, “please don’t have sex in the kitchen again”, the younger player whined, dropping the bags of food to the floor.
“That was one time and we didn’t even-“, your girlfriend started to explain.
“I don’t need the details”, Claudia held her hand up to stop her roommate from explaining any further, “I take it you made up then?”.
“Yeah we were actually going to head over to y/n’s place for the night”, Patri trailed off, glancing at the bags of food in the floor, “sorry…”.
“You still owe me 10€”, Claudia deadpanned, picking up the bags and taking them to the kitchen, “have fun!”, she called as the two of you made your way out of the door she had just entered through.
“I’ll give you an extra five if you can bring my training kit in tomorrow?”, Patri asks as she leans back through the doorway briefly.
“Fine”, her roommate agrees, before you pull her down the corridor and out to your car.
What on earth had you been so worried about?
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ladykissingfish · 1 year
*Naruto, trying to sleep*
Voice: Brat? Hey, brat. Wake up.
Naruto, grumbling: Five more minutes …
Voice: Wake up or I’ll pull you out of bed and make you go running through the village, naked.
Naruto, pulling pillow over his head: What do you want, Kurama?
Kurama: Kurama-sama. Your lack of respect is appalling.
Naruto: Did you wake me up just to give me a lecture on proper honorifics?
Kurama: No. That one obnoxious human holiday is approaching, is it not? Are you prepared?
Naruto: … you mean Valentine’s Day?
Kurama: Yes. That one.
Naruto: What do you mean, prepared? In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t have a girlfriend, dattebayo.
Kurama: No, but, you have that one brat. The Uchiha boy.
Naruto, blushing: Sasuke?! What the hell —! We’re not … Kurama we’re not …
Kurama: That is your own fault. You think I can’t hear your thoughts? You think I can’t look through your eyes and see how you see him? You are in love with him. It’s more than time you tell him, and Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to do it.
Naruto: Even if you were right, I don’t … I don’t think he feels the same, Kurama. We’re friends, that’s it.
Kurama: Again, looking through your eyes … the way he looks at you is more than the way one looks at a “friend”, child. Be brave. Make him some chocolates, break the ice.
Naruto: One, Sasuke doesn’t like sweets, dattebayo. And two, why do YOU care whether or not we get together?
Kurama: Because the sooner you get together, the sooner you can start a family. And all the sooner I can have some new little brats to speak to. And hopefully new walls; this apartment of yours is depressing. And filthy. I know the Uchiha is very clean.
Naruto: Gee, thanks. Alright then, help me figure out; Sasuke doesn’t like sweet things. So what can I make him?
*several days later, on Valentine’s*
Naruto, stammering and blushing: H-here, Sasuke! I t-thought, um, well, it’s V-Valentine’s Day and I … I made you these, dattebayo!
Sasuke, also blushing: T-thank you. *opens the box; looks at what appears to be chocolates*
Sasuke: *trying to be polite even though he doesn’t like sweets* This is really nice of you … *takes one and pops it into his mouth*
Sasuke: *face takes on a look of surprise*
Sasuke: Is this … is this a tomato in the middle?!
Naruto: Y-yeah! A grape tomato. You like tomatoes, right? But oh man, it was probably stupid putting them inside the candy like that. I’m sorry, you don’t have to eat it if —
Sasuke: *grabs Naruto’s face and tenderly kisses him*
Naruto: *surprised, but quickly melts in Sasuke’s arms*
Kurama, to himself: Bullseye.
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tokiro07 · 2 months
Undead Unluck ch.199 thoughts
[The Master Rules Strike Back]
[Contents: analysis/speculation - Gods/Master Rules]
I want to start this one with a quick note about last week's review: when Soul said that Luna gave people "potential," I assumed that was a built-in aspect to Soul's Rule. Based on what Soul says this week, though, it seems that human potential is a direct result of Change, not Soul. Perhaps there's still more to it that I'm not quite getting, but is it possible that Soul isn't the only UMA created by Luna? That would kind of reduce the impact of Soul's revelation, but I guess we'll find out sooner or later
The big event for this chapter is definitely the beginning of Language's offensive, but that's more of a transition into next chapter, so unless I want to speculate on where this is going, that doesn't give me a lot to work with (and I don't want to do that, you all know my predictions are always wrong)
Instead, what stands out the most to me this chapter is what Soul tells the other Master Rules as they mourn Beast: "we need to usher Beast into a validated world." I'm sure this ties back into what Beast said about God wanting the "greatest life of all." What exactly is the end goal? What interest does God have in creating a world with set rules?
I've talked about it before, but if God just wanted to torture humanity, there're definitely better ways to do that than to have a game with a set win/lose condition. I've long since believed that God (or at least Sun) is not doing any of this sadistically. UMA being ordered to make humanity suffer and Negators experiencing tragedy upon selection have both only fed into the Negators becoming more determined to fight and grow their abilities, suggesting that this is a calculated effort to groom them into worthy enemies for the Master Rules, trials to help them achieve their full potential
So what happens when the final world is created? When Sun has proven to Luna that humanity cannot reach the Gods and no longer gives them any means of fighting back? Will the Rules simply run rampant, killing humans for fun for all eternity? It's been made quite clear that Sun would one day grow bored of that, so what happens then?
I think that Sun has really just been experimenting with the Rules to see which ones make the most sense, which ones help the world run the most smoothly without simply giving humanity unearned happiness. The final world won't be a paradise, but it will presumably be one with clearly defined order. Perhaps human autonomy will be erased and the world will continue to loop, like Heaven in JJBA, or perhaps Sun will simply abandon the final world and move onto create another, a failed experiment that failed to meet his expectations. Whatever it ends up being, I get the feeling it will be presented as something good at first glance, true happiness on paper, only to fall apart upon closer inspection
The fact that the Master Rules, the most human UMAs, have been fighting as long as the Union has tells me that they have a vested interest in creating this validated world. They aren't blindly loyal to Sun like Ruin is, their happiness is set to be found in that world. Perhaps they will inherit the world, and they will be the new humans, like the end goal of the Curses in JJK? They have goals of their own beyond just trying to beat the heroes because they were told to, and that depth is definitely the puzzle piece that was missing in the early parts of UU
I hope that we'll get more insight here with the Language fight, since Language seems by her nature to be less overtly antagonistic. If Beast, a creature of instinct, was the expositor of the bare circumstances, then it would make sense that Language, presented as an intellectual, would be the expositor of the philosophical motivations behind those circumstances. Perhaps not, though, but hopefully we'll find out soon
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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spooky-circuits · 3 months
can we get another pair of brothers meet we already got clay and jd seeing each other after 20 years, what about some bruse or floyd i will love to see how they will react to each other or the obvious (seeing as he the only one that following the snack pack) clay?
Floyd had finally found his way to vacation island thanks to the map Fuzzbert had given him. Branch had started yelling a lot about that for some reason before just sighing and admitting Floyd would need it if he wanted to find Bruce and Floyd very much did.
There were a lot of moments when Floyd had wanted to see his older brothers again. Especially on those days where he was regretting leaving home and he desperately wanted some reassurance he was doing the right thing. Hearing that his brother had a whole new family now only made him want to see him again even more.
This is how he finds himself on the beach having washed up after his raft broke apart on him. The water looked so calm he figured it would be easy but he guesses that raft building is not one of his talents. Standing up he notices himself being stared at by one of the inhabitants that’s much smaller then the rest of the people lounging on the beach. “Uh hi.” He gives what he assumes is a kid based on size a small wave. The kid gives a big smile and says. “Oh wow another troll! Daddy is going to be so happy. Do you have any candy?” Floyd looks up at the kid and goes. “Uh not on me sorry.” The kid looks disappointed at that but perks back up quickly. “That’s okay! Do you know my uncle Branch? His friends sneak me lots of candy maybe you can do that too!”
Floyds jaw drops. Uncle Branch? Than that means this is Bruce Jr. Branch had definitely forgotten to mention how big the kid was. Oh no he’s been quiet for too long better respond. “Yeah I know Branch and I’m sure I can sneak you a lolly pop or two to secure my spot as favourite uncle.” Bruce Jr tilts his head to the side. “Uncle?” Floyd is about to explain when he hears “What’s taking so long with the trash kiddo? Holy cannoli Floyd?!”
Floyd takes in the sight of his older brother. Wow he’s really changed from when they were kids but Floyd can tell he still has that self assured confidence he’s always had. “Uh hey Bruce long time no see.” Bruce smiles at him like they haven’t been apart for more then a decade. “That’s one way of putting it. Branch found you I take it? Either way it’s good to see you man.” Floyd feels a burst of joy in his chest it really is good to see Bruce again. He finally makes his way over for their reunion hug which took far too long for them to get done in both of their opinions if you asked them later.
Bruce then holds Floyd by the shoulders. “Well I’m sure Branch has told you a lot about what I’ve been up too. But I have no idea what you’ve been doing. Lets go catch up Floyd! You too Junior come meet uncle Floyd properly!” Bruce Jr looks excited likely at the potential snacks Floyd had agreed to sneak him.
Floyd is glad to be here in this moment. He wishes he had tried sooner to find his brothers but right now he’s just happy to be able to talk with his big brother. Hopefully the rest go as well as this did.
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ellaeats · 1 year
So about your new kitten... You'll also have to help it go to the bathroom. The mother cat helps stimulate that process until they're about 3-4 weeks old. In general, you can expect some behavioral oddities and antisocial behavior (as in, they're not going to assimilate well with other cats if you choose to have any and may not be the friendliest to anyone other than you). 2-week old kittens aren't supposed to be separated from their mother yet. Bravo for taking one in and getting it away from those kids (the kids clearly didn't do their due diligence). Figured I'd stop lurking long enough to say something (hopefully) of value
Kitten update!!
So we did some research last night about kitten ages, trying to find out exactly how old she is! She has her canines, and her pre molars are coming in as well (they’re small so idk if they’re supposed to be that small or if they’re just coming in) so we’re guessing 3-4 weeks if she’s three weeks she’s definitely at the end, and if she’s four we think she’s at the beginning! That being said, we had bottles, kitten replacement milk, kitten food, and syringe bottles. She seemed to chew through the nipples and she wasn’t really interested in sucking. So this morning we tried some of the wet food, mixed with the replacement milk in a shallow dish. she seemed to love it. We’re just a bit worried about her poop, it’s not solid, but is a light brown color. I was reading last night, and it says that brown and light brown poop is healthy. She also had fleas, and so I’m assuming she also has worms. We looked everywhere and we couldn’t find a flea medication that would work for such a young kitten. Looked it up and saw we could give her a little bath with dawn dish soap, so this morning she got a little bath. I’m currently keeping her in the bathroom with a heating pad and blanket and a litter box with the wet food and kitten milk mixture on standby. (My older cat doesn’t know how to feel about her) when I let her out the bathroom she zooms around the apartment lol, she was climbing up one of the cat trees we have. I think she’s doing okay, I’m just a bit worried about her poop. I’m just gonna keep my eyes on it for a few days and try to get her into the vet sooner than later.
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