#and about the grimace on her face when she's in hell facing a monster pulling the trigger of a sawed-off shotgun
unclewaynemunson · 8 months
Thinking thoughts about Nancy Wheeler again. About how she was the most Teenage Girl ever, gossiping with her bestie while twirling her phone cord around her fingers and kicking her legs in the air. About how she lost everything that embodied her Teenage Girl self in one night: her virginity, her best friend, her carefree smiles and giggles. How she turned into a soldier, got consumed by guilt, and could never return to the youth that she lost.
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ozzgin · 5 months
Yandere! Yokai Harem x Reader (II)
The two yokai men reach an agreement and you begin your journey together, searching for clues regarding the mysterious case of your incomplete reincarnation. You learn about the third of the Legendary Yokai, a gargantuan monster worshipped in times of war.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Character Guide]
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The next swish of the mysterious man's sword is parred by Kiritsubo, who managed to make his way to you in time.
"Wait! It's not entirely him, Murasaki, I can explain!" He shouts frantically.
"So you let him live. This is why you've never been good for anything." The dark haired man snarls in a low voice, disgust seeping through his sharp teeth.
It becomes obvious rather quickly that he has the advantage in terms of battle experience. You can only stare in fear, stuffing your wound with your jacket sleeve. What else can you do? You're bleeding profusely and if a demon of Kiritsubo's stature cannot compete, you'd be even less helpful.
"Listen to him, man, I genuinely don't know anything about your master!" You beg as your limbs are flooded with a prickling sensation. They're slowly going numb. "Please. I just want to go home."
Damn it. You have no idea whether the bleeding will stop anytime soon. Is this how you die? You won't even get a proper burial. Even worse, your family will live on thinking you vanished without a trace, unaware you've been stabbed to death by a crazy jackass in feudal Japan. You wish you could make them stop.
You squeeze your eyes tightly, trying to think of a way to escape, when you hear both men groan in pain. You look ahead to see them on the ground, clinging tightly to their chests, faces twisted in a grimace. Huh? They couldn't have killed each other in the few seconds they were out of your view. What is going on?
After a few agonizing moments, the yokai seem to calm down. Kiritsubo is gasping for air, clumsily pulling himself back up. Murasaki remains on the grass, forcing himself to appear collected despite the cold sweat coating his forehead.
"That's...what...I...meant..." The silver haired demon groans between hitched breaths. "Whew. You see it now, don't you? She doesn't emanate enough power to pull this off. It's coming from somewhere else."
Murasaki clicks his tongue in visible annoyance.
"So then, what do you suggest?"
"I don't know. But something is stopping you from killing her and there's a chance she's connected to the source."
"What are you guys whispering about?" You inquire, crawling closer towards the horned men. "And why did you suddenly collapse? You scared the hell out of me!"
"You didn't feel anything?" Kiritsubo questions you with raised eyebrows.
"Besides the, I don't know, stab wound? No, thankfully." You respond sarcastically.
Without a word, Murasaki stands up and approaches you. He crouches down to your level and nonchalantly slaps your hand away from your shoulder.
"Have you ever tended to a wound in your life? You're shit at it." He uses his sword to cut off your sleeve and folds it over your gash with calculated movements. You hiss at the pain and glare at him. "Bite down on a stick if you can't handle it. Better than being dead."
The white haired yokai flashes you an awkward but reassuring smile.
"He might be an ass about it, but he knows what he's doing."
"Why are you helping me, anyways?" you point out, somewhat wary. "You literally tried to kill me a moment ago."
"I changed my mind. You'll help us find the damned bastard or whatever it is he's using to control us."
"What, the priest? Hell no, I'm going back to my world. I've had enough action for the rest of my life."
Murasaki finishes bandaging you and gives you one final press, almost as if messing with you, and you wince. He stands up and slides his sword back in its sheath.
"If you focus a little, you will find there was no question or request in my words. I'm not negotiating with a weakling like you."
Kiritsubo squats down before you and claps his hand together, pleadingly.
"Please think about it, (Y/N). I know you don't owe us anything, but there's a chance we could finally break the seal and be free. If you'd consider helping us. You can walk away, but that won't change the fact you're part of Abe no Nakamaro. He will want his powers back at some point, and we can protect you when the time comes."
You cross your arms and frown thoughtfully, pondering the options. He did save you twice already. So in a way, you're indebted to him. And if he's right, and you will have to deal with more crazy encounters in the future, it's probably better to have two powerful demons by your side.
"Alright, alright. I'll help you." You exclaim with a confident nod.
Kiritsubo grins, satisfied, and Murasaki huffs and looks away. There's a prolonged silence as you wait for them to continue with further instructions, but the men remain quiet.
"So...what now?" you eventually speak up.
"Oh. I thought you knew where to go next." the silver haired man retorts, confused.
"Idiot. She's not a compass." Murasaki scolds him. "Can you stand?" He adds, turning to you. "There's a shrine a few kilometers away that belonged to him. If we leave now, we should make it before sunset. Maybe we can find something there."
You try to prop yourself up, but Kiritsubo promptly scoops you with his sinewy arm and throws you on his back again.
"I'll carry you. Just hold on."
A faint blush dusts your cheeks, but you don't have the energy to argue it. You clutch onto his broad shoulders and nod.
The walk is uneventful and both yokai seem to be distracted. The gentle swaying is causing you to be more comfortable than you'd like to admit and your eyelids become heavy with exhaustion. Before you know it, your head drops against the toned back and you fall asleep.
By the time you open your eyes again, you've already reached your destination. You yawn and stretch, lazily scanning the surroundings. A heavy shadow looms over you and you glance up. Still groggy from your nap, you scream before you can fully process the object towering above.
It's a statue. A colossal statue of some sort of monster. A demon with thick, wide bull horns sprawling out imposingly, almost eclipsing the ridiculously muscular build. The creature has four arms, flexed in a threatening manner, with one hand gripping a heavy spear and the other a skull. The crimson light of the sunset creeps through the windows and reflects against the chiseled clay, giving the statue a devilish glow. You feel insignificant.
"That's Suma."
"W-what?" your head tilts to Kiritsubo.
"He's one of us. You might meet him soon, if he's been alerted of your presence. This is a shrine built for him, to bring good fortune during times of war."
You cannot help but gawk at the structure.
"Is it, uh, life sized?"
"Heh, almost. He's a little taller than this." He chuckles, slightly nostalgic.
You swallow dryly. Just a moment ago you thought Kiritsubo was unusually big.
"I'd rather not meet him, to be honest." You shiver at the idea.
"Don't worry about it. Now that Murasaki has joined us, you're pretty much safe from anything. He's the strongest of us." The yokai remarks with a sad smile.
You peek at the dark haired man, currently flipping through dusty manuscripts, and briefly observe him. Compared to Kiritsubo, he's quite slender, with noble, elegant features. And he'd be able to defeat this enormous beast? Then again, the glimpse you've caught of his swordsmanship is enough of a convincing argument.
What a bizarre gathering of creatures beyond your understanding.
You remember to look away when Murasaki grunts and throws the remaining scroll of paper. His lips form a thin line as he rakes his mind for the next step.
"Nothing here. But I'm rather certain he has to be at one of his hideouts. We'll check each and one of them if we have to." 
"Wait, are you saying he's still alive? We saw his body before Sekiya and Sakaki took him for the embalming and burial."
Murasaki scoffs at his partner's gullible nature.
"And you believed it? That parasite spent his entire life searching for ways to prolong his reign. He's probably hiding somewhere, waiting for his renewed part of the soul to return to him." 
He rests against the wall and points a clawed finger at you. 
"This must've been his solution. Releasing his remaining energy until it found a proper vessel to grow stronger, and patiently awaiting the body swap. Then we go back to being whipped dogs fulfilling his whims."
It's your turn to be outraged, twisting your mouth downwards.
"No way, I'll pound that old man into sand!" You bark and throw a jab against the air, emphasizing your threat. "As if I'd just hand myself over."
"I'm not sure if it'll be that easy, (Y/N)..." Kiritsubo glances at you with a hurt expression. "He's a terrifying, vengeful bastard."
"Not if we find him first and take him out." Murasaki counters with a glint of determination in his eyes. "Humans need to rest, don't they? We'll spend the night here and tomorrow we head out. Kiritsubo, find me a map so we can keep track of the locations. I'll bring the wood for a fire."
And with this, he marches out. Kiritsubo scurries to his duty and you quietly follow his movements. He seems to be used to executing Murasaki's orders. You hadn't considered their group dynamic much, but it appears to have some rather complex hierarchies involved. You almost wish you could witness all of them together, wondering how they'd interact with each other. 
Who knows? If you stick around, it could happen eventually. Murasaki was surprisingly easy to convince, so the other yokai might as well agree to keep you alive until you find their source of misfortune. Heh. Almost like a harem, or something. You snicker to yourself.
Which reminds you...
The fire has been lit and Murasaki mumbles something about guarding the perimeter. This time you hurry outside after him. You reach out to the dark haired man and pull on his kimono sleeve.
He turns to you, mildly irked.
"Teach me how to use a sword." You state with the assertiveness of an order.
"Why? I can assure you I'm more than enough. I've never been defeated." He stares at you, incredulous.
"I don't want to rely on you all the time. You're already this close to being unbearable", you explain, pinching your fingers together. "Besides, if I'm going to be stuck among beasts, I'd very much prefer being the one doing the cool stuff."
And with that, you pretend to slice through an invisible enemy, whistling the sound of your sword cutting through the air. You furrow your eyebrows, imitating the engrossed expression of a seasoned samurai in the middle of a battleground. Murasaki quickly lifts a hand to his mouth - did he chuckle just now? - and responds, the faintest amusement in his voice:
"As you wish. But I'm warning you now, I won't hold back."
"I've been injured twice in less than 24 hours, I'm sturdy enough." You answer, patting your chest proudly.
Next time one of the Legendary Yokai comes for you, you won't be as vulnerable. That's for sure.
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13uswntimagines · 5 months
The Come Down (Alessia Russo X MMA fighter!R)
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R is a very popular MMA fighter, and Alessia sees the parts of you that other people don't. Shes the one who gets to put you back together again after a tough fight.
Warnings: D/S undertones but no smut.
Author's note: This was super fun to write and i hope you enjoy it. Feel free to hit me up with ideas and comments and stuff.
You sighed, leaning your head against the stone walls of the Emirates tunnel, letting it soothe the twinges that always lingered after a long flight.
It was masochistic, but the ache that lingered the day after a war in the Octagon was always one of your favorite feelings, especially if you won. It helped you to compartmentalize the parts of yourself. It helped you separate the completely in-control fighter, the stone-cold monster that didn’t give a fuck about her opponents, and the human that lingered underneath. 
It was hard to punch a man until he was unconscious if you thought about how human he was. If you pictured his family and his life as anything other than an opponent for you to run through. But you never wanted that part of yourself to exist anywhere other than in the cage. 
The throb in your muscles and ache in your cuts helped you lock that part of yourself away. It helped you keep your grip on reality in all of the post-fight hormones until you could get to the grounding force that was your girlfriend. 
The post-fight come-down was always difficult for you, especially after a 5 round back and forth battle like the one you had just fought. 
You loved your job, you really did, but it was so easy to… lose yourself. To get lost in the anger of the UFC universe and the vitriol of your opponents. To get lost in the cycle of Training, listening to a man tell you he was going to destroy you at press conferences, cutting weight and beating the ever-living fuck out of someone while people cheered. 
Just being in the same building as Alessia had set you at ease, and watching her score 2 against Chelsea was even better. 
But the sound of the crowd had started to set you on edge. The way they erupted when your face, black eye, stitched gash on your cheek curving up to your forehead and all, appeared on the Jumbotron after your girlfriend’s PK had you clenching your teeth. It egged on the thoughts of murdering the keeper that had taken her out swirling in your brain, along with the desire to demolish the player who had so callously stepped on her teammate after a play. 
It was why you escaped to the tunnel, to gain some form of control over your thoughts. 
Maybe flying out as soon as you had been cleared by the medics wasn’t such a good idea, but you couldn’t stand being away from Alessia any longer than you had to be. You couldn’t stand being away from the comfort, love, and… safety she offered you. 
God, you sounded like a psycho. 
Or a submissive nearing the end of her rope.
6 weeks apart from your girlfriend was really doing a number on you. 
“Ay bruiser, fancy meeting you here,” Katie said, appearing in front of you with a wide smile. 
You flashed a toothy grin at the Irishwoman, ignoring the way it pulled at the stitches holding your cheek together. “Maccabe, always a pleasure,” 
She caught your arm. “That was one hell of a fight. Thought Less was gonna break my hand during the third round,”
You grimaced. 
The third round was the only one your opponent won. He had caught you with a big overhand right, opening the gash on your cheek and knocking you on your ass in the last 15 seconds of the round. The knees he had followed it up with to your side hadn’t been fun either. He had almost finished you, and you knew it had to be hard for the team and your girlfriend to watch. 
“My hand dipped when I tried to close the distance,”
It really was a game of inches, and he had certainly taken advantage of your small mistake. It was ok, you had gotten him in the end anyway. 
Katie made a sound of agreement, glancing at the tunnel behind you. “Certainly made us all nervous, but I’m happy you took his head off, even if it took you until the last 30 seconds of the fight,” 
She made a little kicking movement with her leg like a semi-recreation of the head kick you had used to end the fight. 
“Didn’t want to rush it,” You shrugged, nodding to the Arsenal girls as they passed you, unable to help the way you automatically searched each face for your girlfriend. 
“Ya missus is still signing for a couple of kids,” She gestured over her shoulder, a knowing smile still playing at her lips. “I can take you to her if you want?”
You shook your head. “I’ll wait here. I’m in no hurry,” 
You also didn’t think you could deal with the sounds of the crowd when your head was still pounding, a consequence of taking a flight with a concussion against doctor's orders you supposed, and you ached every time you took a step, every time you inhaled too deeply really. 
Katie’s eyes softened when she saw the emotions flit across your features. “Come on, let's go to the locker room instead. It’s away from prying eyes,”
She tugged your hand. You let her lead you deeper into the tunnel and into a room filled with wooden cubbies. 
It was nice to let your brain turn off, to just… follow along and allow someone else to lead you. 
“Hey champ,” Leah smiled at you as Katie deposited you in what you assumed was Alessia’s locker. “That was one hell of a fight last night,”
“Thanks,” You winked at the defender. “You guys had a fantastic game too,” 
“I’m not sure a football match compares to a man trying to punch you in the face,” Steph said, glancing at you from her spot near Lottie. 
You made a low sound in the back of your throat, feeling the tightness return to your chest. “But I don’t have people stepping on me after the bell,” 
“But you do end up covered in blood,” Kyra chirped. “We don’t have to worry about that usually,” 
“Most of the time it’s not mine,” You muttered, leaning further into your girlfriend's locker. Her perfume lingered in the cubby, and you let it soothe the frayed edges of your nerves.
You didn’t want to think about fighting. About the person. The savage. you were in the octagon. You toyed with the hem of your sweatshirt sleeve. It was slightly too long because it really belonged to Alessia. She had given it to you before fight week. 
It helped, but it wasn’t her. 
It hadn’t been enough after the fight, and it wasn’t enough now. 
You didn’t think you could wait much longer, but you didn’t have to. 
“The stadium is buzzin,” Alessia said slightly breathlessly, stepping through the locker room door. 
You were immediately on your feet, taking in her flushed cheeks and bright eyes. “Less,” 
A grin instantly broke across her face, and she crossed the room in 3 long strides. Her arms wrapped around you, and without thinking you buried your face in her chest. 
It made the gash on your cheek sting and the tender skin of your jaw ache, but you didn’t care, pressing yourself as tightly to her as you could. She shifted, her nails running over your back with one hand as the other cupped the back of your neck. 
It was gentle, and grounding, and everything that you craved. 
“Hey baby girl,” She breathed into your hair, her voice dipping just a little and sending a shudder down your spine. 
She was like a ray of sunshine, always warm and sweet. It was why none of the fans would ever speculate about the positions that the two of you held in your relationship. They joked that she was too soft to be a dominant, but the people who understood how your relationship worked could see that her mix of firmness and warmth was exactly what you needed. 
She waited for you to pull away first, just enough to meet her eyes. “Hey,”
She leaned in and placed a careful kiss on your lips. “I’ll shower and then we can go, yeah?”
You deflated, your fingers tangling more tightly in her jersey. You didn’t want to let her go, even if it was just for a second. 
“You can come with me,” She said, a knowing look in her eyes. “And tell me all about fight week,” 
“Ok,” You agreed, only loosening your grip long enough for her to grab her shower bag and change of clothes, before you latched back on, holding the hem of her jersey tightly as she led you towards the showers. 
You felt a bit like a child, clinging to her, but she was like a buoy keeping you from drowning in the sea of your rocky emotions, and now that she was close to you, you couldn’t let her go. You were afraid that if you did, you would lose your grip on reality. 
The warm, wet air of the shower helped too. 
It reminded you of your post-fight routine. 
Win or lose you would stand under the hot steam of the stadium, washing off the blood and sweat from the octagon until your coaches pulled you out. It was part of the routine that you had skipped since the docs wanted to stitch your cheek as soon as you were out of eyeshot of the fans. 
Then you had felt so… off balance that you raced through a cold shower and hopped on a plane to get to your girlfriend as quickly as possible. You didn’t even stay for the post-fight press conference. 
“Come on love,” She said, pulling you into one of the stalls, sliding the first curtain shut behind the two of you, and bringing her face inches from yours. 
Her hand very gently cupped your cheek, mindful of the dark bruises that littered the skin, tilting your chin up. Her eyes searched you for a long moment like she was reading your mind. Like she was deciding what you needed from her. 
Her pointer finger very gently followed the long cut that ran under your left cheek, up to your temple, and just above your eyebrow. “I thought they usually put a bandage over stitches,”
Your eyes darted away from her. “I didn’t like the way it pulled at my skin,”
“I think you’d like it less if you got an infection,” She deadpanned, using her thumb to tilt your chin up further as she stepped into your space. “You wouldn’t be able to fight,” 
“But the scar would be worth it,” You shrugged, using all of your strength to muster up fake nonchalance. 
Her lip quirked upward. “Would it?”
You let your own smile morph into a playful smirk, despite the tremendous effort it took. “Chicks dig girls with scars,” 
“I think you’ve got enough of those, cheeky,” She hummed, leaning in and brushing the thick line that lived on the underside of your jaw with her nose. “I like it more when you come out without a scratch on you or a hair out of place,” 
You hummed, leaning back on the stall wall as her lips replaced her nose on your jaw, her teeth grazing the delicate skin as she made her way down the column of your throat and back up. 
Her hips pressed into yours, keeping you pinned to the wall, her thumbs insistent under your chin, keeping your head tilted up as her tongue slid pleasantly against your own. 
You sighed into the kiss, your fingers twisting into the material of her jersey, trying to pull her closer. 
Her thigh flexed between your legs, pressing into you, and you couldn’t help the way your hips rolled down to meet her. 
Or the wince that broke the kiss when the 
movement pulled uncomfortably at your ribs. 
You whined as she pulled away, blinking open to meet her burning blue eyes. 
“I’m ok,” You said breathlessly, trying to lean back up to kiss her. 
Her hand on your chest stopped you, as did the perfect arch of her eyebrow that screamed yeah right. 
Her fingers traced down your chest to the hem of your shirt. They crept under your top, meeting the tape wrapped heavily across your abdomen instead of smooth skin. 
Her eyes widened when she pulled up your sweatshirt, revealing the thick white bandages wrapped tightly across your stomach. 
“Want to try again love?” She asked, finally looking up at you with an expression that had a shiver tingling down your spine. 
“Just two cracked ribs and some nasty bruises,” You huffed, shifting uncomfortably when her fingers grazed the material. 
“Just,” She snorted, shaking her head, dropping your shirt, and standing up to her full height. “Why didn’t you tell me last night?” 
You shrugged. “I didn’t want you to worry. The stitches were already enough,” 
“I’d rather know and worry than accidentally hurt you,” Alessia said seriously. 
You looked away from her, swallowing hard. “And I knew you wouldn’t touch me at all if I told you,” 
“Baby girl,” She murmured, her voice going very soft, her thumb very gently ghosting over your uninjured cheek. 
She knew that the come down from fights was always particularly difficult for you. That the power that you held in the octagon always made you crave submission. You craved to not have to think, to just exist, and then to let your being relax in the aftercare that followed. 
This time the desire was amplified by the brutality of the fight. 
She could see you teetering on the edge, fighting the fog that always filled your brain, and while she wanted to scold you for withholding information, she knew that that wasn’t what you needed from her. 
Not when you were already dropping so hard. 
“Ok,” She said, keeping her voice soft as you leaned further into her touch. “I’m going to shower, and you’re going to be a good girl and stay right here for me, alright?”
You made a low noise in the back of your throat, and your eyes slid closed as you nodded very slowly. 
“Good girl,” She hummed, placing a very gentle kiss on your lips, and pulling away. “I’ll be two minutes love,”
You sagged against the shower stall wall. 
You could do that. You could wait 120 seconds for your girlfriend. 
You could and would do whatever she asked you to do because you knew it would help. You knew she would fit all of your loose pieces back together again and make it ok. 
You just had to exist.
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won4ver · 3 months
please do cheated niki ( He deceived you and did not tell you, and one day you discovered it ) please
✈︎ it was a mistake
pairing : bf!riki x gn!reader
warnings + genre : angst. cheating. no comfort. slight profanity.
wc : 655
a/n : i’ve never written about [actual] cheating before so I hope this meets your expectations!! please lmk how I did🙏
read part two here
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Torrents of heat licked down your skin, your tears leaving burning streaks of crimson as they mixed with the sprouts of acid-spewing from your palms.
You shakily swiped from photo to photo, fingers akin to jelly barely tracing the silhouette of the man who you’d recognized right away, the man who’s been lying to your face for months.
“Why did you do it?” You could barely feel anything outside of your pulsating heart, Riki’s silence sounding louder than rain pelting down outside the car window.
At first, Riki was unsure about what you were talking about, naively trying to convince himself that you hadn’t found out. But by the look in your eyes, he knew you did.
“Did I really mean that little to you that you had to go find someone else?” Self-doubt was evil, but it still didn’t hurt as much as Riki’s infidelity.
“It was a mistake” Your heart broke as your boyfriend didn’t even attempt to deny the claims.
Vile rose up your throat at the look in his eyes, looking at you as if you were the one who broke his heart.
“A mistake? How the fuck do you accidentally kiss my best friend?”
“She was the first one to kiss me!” Riki nearly shouted, excuses halting as he processed the look of disbelief on your face. He knew he messed up the moment he accidentally let the complete truth come out, the angel on his shoulder’s wings detaching as the horns of the devil grew.
“First time? You’ve kissed her more than once?” You couldn’t help the bitter laugh from leaving your lips, eyes closing as you attempted to calm yourself before you made this situation worse.
Riki knew better than to lie. He knew you deserved more than what he wanted to give you to protect his image. He just nodded at you, his sincere apologies leaving his mouth through the cracks of the tape his mind attached to his lips.
“I don’t forgive you.” You tried to respond but faced difficulty due to your face in your hands, thumbs wiping the tears from your eyes.
You flinched away in disgust as Riki tried wiping your tears for you, lips pulling up in a grimace as you glared at him, “I’ll never forgive you.”
Riki tried not to break down knowing the words that would soon follow, his body absorbing your disgust as the waves drowned him.
“I never want to see you again, get the hell out of my house.”
Riki didn’t know when he allowed himself to turn this way. He was becoming, no, he became the same monster that he’d spent his life running from. The exact one lurking deep in his closet as he heard his father's adultery through his thin walls.
At some point in time, those walls became the ones that closed around his mind, locking him into the same cage that his father locked himself in years ago.
He wanted nothing more than to go back in time. Go far enough to stop himself from getting mixed up with your best friend after she found him crying from one of your arguments. But he didn’t hate her, at least not as much as he hated himself.
The first time he touched her was a mistake, one that caused him to scrub his entire body raw for weeks. The filth her hands left on his arms, the one that transferred onto his lips, the one that made its way through his heart, was nothing more than the same filth that filled his father.
He became the one person he swore he never wanted to become, the man who was once the person Riki loathed the most. But now, he himself is now at the top of his list.
And so he left, he left the one thing he’d ever loved in the world and there was no one to blame but himself.
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blossom-works · 9 months
His Sunshine
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Agent Leon S. Kennedy has been through hell after hell. Never having a break from the chaos. His heart has hardened over the years since Raccoon, leading him to turn to alcohol for temporary release. Who would have thought that fighting bioterrorism was the reason that Agent Leon S. Kennedy found his peace and comfort?
Warnings: Mentions of child/human trafficking, death of children, alcoholism
*OC is Asian cause let's face it, Leon has a thing for Asians (Ada and Shen Mei)
When He First Met the Sun
"Hunnigan, what the hell are you trying to say?"
Through the heavy-duty phone screen, a woman with brunette hair has to inform her long-time friend and co-worker of the horrors of his upcoming assignment.
"We have intel that whoever is in charge of creating this strain of the virus is using children to spread the disease. Trafficked children..."
"Jesus fucking Christ." Instead of taking another shot of pure liquor, Leon opts to drink straight from the bottle. The burning liquid glides down his throat, numbing the man even more.
"The president has created a specific team for this assignment. He wants you and the BSAA to partner up with an agent from the FBI. She was specifically asked for by Chris Redfield."
"Chris is on this mission too?"
"The president wanted his expertise in this. It'll be a four-man team. You, Chris Redfield, Jill Valintine, and the FBI agent. Chris said that he'll be picking you up at your current location. You are to meet the FBI agent at 1500." Hunnigan hangs up the call, leaving the drunken man to his own endeavors.
Just when the hell is this hell going to end? Since '98, things have only gone downhill. It seems that all Leon ever does is fight these bio-engineered monsters while losing people by the hundreds. This is hell. Leon is living in hell. A never-ending cycle of death and carnage.
By the time Chris gets to the bar, Leon has already finished one entire bottle of tequila. Lord knows how Leon's liver is doing. Stumbling, Leon leaves the bar to stumble in Chris' car. On his way out he forgot to pay his tab, which Chris had to pay for (but not forgetting to make a mental note that Leon owes him).
"You reek of alcohol." Chris grimaces as he rolls down the back windows.
"Yeah, so? You smoke."
"Not as much as your drink."
Chris opens the glove compartment to pull out a file. "Here, you can go over the mission on our way to the FBI headquarters. That is if you're sober enough to even read."
Leon snatches the file from Chris, mumbling how he can read "Thank you very much". He has to shake his head to get his eyesight to work. The contents of the folder are gruesome. Pictures and names of children that have gone missing fill the thick folder. Some of the last few papers are of what is suspected to be people in charge.
"Hunnigan told me that you recommended an FBI agent to the president."
"Yeah, she's the youngest sister of one of my buddies back in the day. She works in the department of human trafficking and child exploitation. She's only worked there for about two years, but she's one of the best in the field."
"Hold on, you said she's only been employed for a little less than a year? She's a rookie!"
Chris scoffs. "And? As I said, she's currently one of the best agents that specialize in this field. If we're going to accomplish this mission, we're going to need her expertise."
"And how old is this chick?"
Doing some quick math in his head, Chris answers "23".
"She's a kid."
"And she's one of the best the FBI has to offer. That says a lot, Leon." Chris further defends. He must really believe in this chick's skills to defend her like this, Leon concludes. Shutting up, the two men travel to the agency in silence.
FBI Headquarters:
In a small room sits three people. DSO agent Leon S. Kennedy. BSAA operator Chris Redfield. BSAA agent Jill Valentine. Each of them has folders and folders of information that was apparently collected by the FBI agent they will be working with. Impressive for a woman who only has less than a year's worth of experience.
The door clicks open and reveals a woman of Asian descent with a short stature wearing a basic black and white suit, with three-inch stilettos. Her black hair is tied into a high ponytail that stops at the nape of her neck. Her features are soft and the color of her skin tells people that she most likely came from a bloodline of Southeast Asians.
"Apologies for the wait. The president sent someone to deliver some useful information."
Jill asks what that information is.
"That we are given almost all clearance to the highest level. With the president's approval, we can obtain Pentagon-sealed information. Not even the CIA can tell us 'no." You sits down at the last empty seat.
"Woah, it seems he really wants us to catch these guys."
Lean speaks up, "Then we should get started."
You go over the contents of the mission. For a woman who has been working as a federal agent for less than a year, your work ethic is top-tier. Even Leon silently admits that you are well-equipped for your job. And you are sort of a cutie. You talk about how the FBI and CIA are certain that BOWs are stemming from trafficked children. Any questions they have, are answered a couple minutes later during your presentation.
At the end of your presentation, you address the elephant in the room. "So now that I've told you everything that I know. It's time you tell me how to deal with BOWs."
Chris is the first to speak up. "Shoot them in the head. It's the only way to kill them." You nod.
"Are you up for it?"
To you, it sounds like Leon is challenging your competency. He wants to know if you will be a hindrance on this mission. Sure, you are a smart cookie but how will you hold up facing a human-turned-monster? Can you hold yourself in battle? Or will you need to be babysat along the way? In truth, Leon wants to prepare himself when he eventually loses another person in this cycle of hell.
"Agent Kennedy, I understand the reasoning behind your question. In truth, I don't know. Unlike the three of you, I have never encountered a BOW." A sufficient and honest answer. You go on further. "This mission is a give and take. I give you my expertise on human trafficking and child exploitation, you give me the galls to kill those things. You teach me how to kill BOWs, I give you the information you need to outsmart these bastards and get these kids out of hell."
Standing up, you tell your team that you will meet up here again tomorrow, at six sharp. Only this time, it will be at the FBI's helipad. The rumored place of operation is near the Mexican border. The four of you will be stationed in a remote area in Southern Texas for the duration of the mission.
"Hey, why do you wake up so early in the morning? Are you getting some extra work in?" Jill asks as the four of you are eating some take-out.
On day two, your teammates kept asking you why they were waiting before barging into the supposed hideout. You understood that for them, barging in with the information you have is a norm for them. But they forget that they are not just dealing with BOWs but human trafficking. If any piece of the collected information is wrong, it could jeopardize the entire mission. You told them, "I'd willingly turn into one of those mutants before compromising the children's chance of freedom."
They stopped bugging you after that. The three of them stepped back to let you take the reigns. They really did forget that there is another part to this mission other than to exterminate BOWs.
"Sort of. I wake up early to do my morning workouts."
It is no surprise that you work out. Everyone in this damn house works out, but to do it so early in the morning and not take a nap during the day is crazy.
"Why so early?"
You shrug your shoulders. "I usually wake up early to go running at the park near my place, but since we're not in D.C., I'm extending my workout to make up for it." The conversation is then directed to how you know Chris.
"My brother was his junior in the Air Force. Redfield once came to our home back in Georgia for...was it Christmas or Thanksgiving of '93?"
"It was Thanksgiving. Your mom invited my family to come over."
"Wait a minute...You were born in '87, so that would make you either six or seven at the time." Jill says.
You and Chris hum before Chris starts teasing you. "She was so infatuated with me at the time that she kept calling me her 'boyfriend'."
Groaning, you throw a pen at Chris who ends up catching it. To further your embarrassment, Jill and Lean start laughing. You can feel the tips of your ears getting hot.
"Dammit Redfield, I was six at the time! Stop bringing up old shtick!" You huff.
"What? It was cute how you would want to sit next to me. You even 'fought' your own mom because she sat in 'your' spot." Chris turns his head and whispers to his other colleagues, "She was so cute I still have photos from that day", making them laugh even more. "Side note: Why do you keep calling me by my last name? We've known each other since we started 'dating."
"Because we're on the job. When we aren't working together I'll start calling you Chris again." You say as you roll your eyes. Getting Chris to stop embarrassing you is equivalent to getting a pig to fly. It is never going to happen. "Plus given the age hierarchy, you're the oldest one here, grandpa."
"A grandpa you once called your boyfriend," Chris smirks. To an outsider, it might seem like Chris and you are flirting, but you are not. One, because it would basically be pedophilia considering you two met at the respective ages of six and twenty. And two, because you and Chris see each other as siblings it would also be a case of incest if the two of you were flirting.
Half-joking you say, "I guess I've always been into older men."
To get the attention off of you, you then ask how Jill and Leon know Chris. Like they did, you sat and listened to their (less embarrassing) stories. By the end of the night, you find yourself getting a bit closer to Leon and Jill. Chris excuses himself to take a call and Jill excuses herself to take a shower. Leaving you and Agent Kennedy on the ground floor.
Leon is the one to break the silent barrier, albeit, not in the greatest way.
"So, you're into older men huh?" You can practically hear his smirk from behind the laptop.
You decide to humor the man and play along. "What's it to you?"
Leon shrugs. "I don't know, maybe after we finish this mission we can go grab dinner sometime?"
"Are you asking me on a date Agent Kennedy?"
"Depends on if you say yes."
"What if I say no?"
"Then it could be two friends having dinner together." Leon shrugs again. You chuckle and shake your head in amusement. You close the laptop and place your intertwined hands on top of it.
"I don't do flings, Kennedy." You tell the man honestly, making sure to make direct eye contact to show Leon how serious you are. Leon holds his hands up in surrender.
"Then we can go out as friends." He compromises. "There's nothing wrong with two friends hanging out over a meal, and it wouldn't count as a fling."
You are not opposed to the idea, but you do want to poke fun at the legendary Leon S. Kennedy. "I'm afraid not. I don't consider us friends, Kennedy. We're co-workers."
"What if I believe that we're friends?"
"Then I guess we're at a standoff." You tease.
Leon takes the challenge. "Then I guess I'll have to convince you otherwise."
You stand up and throw away your takeout container. Grabbing the laptop you head upstairs to where the rooms are. "I guess so," you call out from the stairs.
When He First Felt the Sun's Rays
Your apartment is filled with the scent of different herbs and spices. A harmonious smell that you hate the fact that you have to open your balcony door to let some fresh air in. Your hair is held up by a clip and you are in a white shirt, a thin flannel, and a pair of jean shorts. Classic "girl next door" look. You take a piece of laffa and dip it into the hummus. You have music playing in the background as you finish grilling the chicken kabobs.
You get a notification on your phone that there is someone at your front door and not a second later, they are knocking. Wiping your hands on a kitchen towel and turning down the heat, you answer the door.
"Hey, Leon." Your old colleague greets you back with a bouquet of parchment-wrapped flowers. Thanking him, you let him inside of your apartment and find a place to put the flowers. Walking into the open concept room, you yell out to the DSO agent.
"And don't forget to take off your shoes!"
Leon immediately kicks his shoes off and is hit with a waft of comforting spices. "Smells good in here."
"Thanks, I hope you like Middle Eastern food 'cause that's gonna be dinner. If you're a bit hungry I left out some hummus and laffa out on the island counter."
"Laffa?" Leon asks but still takes a piece of the bread and dips it into the bowl of pureed chickpeas.
"It's a flatbread. Think of Indian naan."
"Did you make it yourself?"
"No, I bought the hummus and bread from a local Middle Eastern restaurant nearby. Everything else though is from scratch."
Leon tries to go around the island to offer you his help but his left foot steps on something soft. A loud "arf" scares Leon and forces him to look down. A body of blond hair scurries across the floor towards you, scratching at your legs.
"Oh shit, I didn't mean to step on your dog." Leon apologizes. The medium-sized dog is now in your arms, seeking your comfort.
You wave off Leon's apology. "Don't worry about it. Shiloh always gets so excited to meet new people that she forgets to stay out of the way. It was an honest mistake so no biggie."
Leon manages to walk around without stepping on a dog this time. He reaches his hand out to pet the top of the dog's head as another apology. It accepts his apology and their tail starts wagging again.
"Her name's Shiloh, huh? What breed is she?"
You put Shiloh on the ground so you can put the kabobs on a platter. "An English Cocker Spaniel. I got her while I was still living in Georgia."
Leon is too busy with your dog to listen to you. He is bent down on one knee and Shiloh is climbing onto him. Begging him to keep petting her.
"Huh? What?"
You roll your eyes and place your hands on your hips. "I asked if you could help me set up the table."
"Oh, yeah, sure." He spits out in embarrassment.
Together, you get the table ready for your fourth date in a row. Since you got back from Texas, Leon has not stopped pestering you to agree to go on a date with him. The first date was the unofficial date and the second was the first date. Making this date at your apartment the third official date with Leon. To your surprise, Leon is a total gentleman. You thought men like him liked to "date" women for a while in the name of fun. So far, Leon has only been able to change half your mind about him.
The unofficial date was a simple walk in the park followed by lunch at a diner. The second (first) date was at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History where you could geek out. Leon found your dorkiness cute. The third (second) date was a nice dinner at a steakhouse. Leon found out that you gave the waitress your card and told her that you would be paying for yourself. When you parted ways, Leon told you that he would get back at you for your little stunt. And the fourth (third) date is dinner at your apartment.
During your dates, including the unofficial one, the two of you have been getting to know each other a lot better. The two of you talked about your childhoods, hobbies, and stupid shit you did as a kid. Leon is a little confused as to why you failed to mention you have a dog.
Leon hums in delight. "The food is good. Didn't think you would be such a good cook."
"All thanks to my mom who would drag me and my sister to the kitchen whenever she would cook." You shiver at the unpleasant memories. "What about you? Do you cook?"
"Not like you," Leon answers honestly. "Just basic meals."
"Mmm...sounds sad." Leon laughs as he agrees with you.
Dinner went by wonderfully and Leon even helped you clean up. You purposefully put some food in a separate Tupperware for later. After the table is clean and the dishes are done, you propose that the two of you play a couple games of Smash Brothers, igniting the competitive side of Leon. Sitting next to each other, you try to kill off the other's character. After some 1v1 games, you paired up to play against bots in 2v2 games. To further challenge Leon's competitive side, you switched to Mario Cart. You end up getting a text from one of your neighbors to quiet down.
The reason why you two are now cuddled on your couch, watching an old Barbie movie. Why is the famous Agent Leon S. Kennedy watching an early 2000s Barbie movie? Because you wanted to. That is all the reason Leon needs to watch the damn cliche, animated movie about a doll. Shiloh has plopped herself on the other side of Leon. Like you, she has nuzzled herself into his side. When the movie finishes, it is close to ten.
"Think it's time to call it a night?"
Reluctantly, Leon nods. For the duration of the movie, Leon has been petting Shiloh's head, lulling her to sleep. By now, your dog is fast asleep in doggy dreamland. Getting off of your date, you head to the kitchen to grab something. Stretching his legs, Leon gets off the couch and heads to the foyer. When he turns around to say "bye", Leon is surprised to find you standing behind him with a cloth-covered item.
"Here, it's some leftovers from tonight's dinner. Just heat the bread in the oven so it won't get soggy."
For some reason, the gesture warms Leon to his core. Never once has he had a woman pack him leftovers. Not even his own mother. The sweet act touches Leon so much that it sort of scares him. Like scares him, scares him, and scares him because he wants more of you this. Your soft face and sweet eyes. Fidgeting your feet because you are embarrassed. The soft smile on your lips is just screaming at Leon to kiss you.
"Thanks...I'll remember that." Grateful, Leon takes the meal from you and the two of you awkwardly stand in your foyer. "So, uhh...I'll be off now."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll walk you out."
The two of you step out of your apartment and hug each other. Unlike your previous hugs, this one is tighter and longer and more intimate. You have to force yourself to release the hug or else you risk never letting go of the man. You whisper a "good night" to Leon and he returns the favor. Deciding that life is too short, you pull Leon back to you. Cupping his cheeks, you bring his face to yours and you kiss the irritatingly attractive man.
There are a few times Leon has been surprised. Both good and bad surprises and Leon is more than happy to count this feat as a good, no, a wonderful surprise. He purses his lips and uses one hand to hold onto the widest part of your hips, bringing the two of you closer. The new closeness gives you a burst of confidence. In the silence of the hallway, you can hear the faint smacks from your lips on Leon's. Your left thumb rubs over the growing stubble on Leon's cheek.
Leon always thought that your lips looked supple and soft. Finally able to feel them the way he wants to, your lips are supple and soft with a dash of chapped. Who knew kissing you could feel so addicting? To calm the animal inside of him, Leon compels himself to pull away. His mind is going haywire when he feels a string of saliva break.
When you open your eyes, you look too good. More attractive than usual. Too attractive to the point where Leon has to chant "Not now. Not now. Not now." in his head. What puts a crack into Leon's self-control ability is when you peck his lips a few more times.
"Goodnight Leon."
Out of it, the only thing Leon can do is nod, making you laugh a bit. That is before you look over his shoulder, which is still hunched over from having to bend down to your height.
"I can see you two."
Your neighbors that have been nosily watching, quickly pop their heads inside their apartment and close the door. You smile and roll your eyes. "Neighbors." You kiss Leon's stubby cheek and shoo him away.
Leon gives you a charming smile and tells you that he will text you later. When he is a couple of steps away from the elevator, Leon hears you call out to your neighbors again.
"I can still see you two!"
When the Sun Knew He Would Clear the Dark Clouds to Let Her Shine
With his wrists tied together, Leon manages to use his legs to kick the infected away from him. JD is too inexperienced to aid Leon, so he needs to hurry or else they will both die in this hellhole. Before Leon can get the upper hand two shots are fired, killing the two infected. JD checks himself to make sure he is not bit or injured anywhere. Leon sits up and looks around to see who is responsible. It could be a friend or foe.
"You know when you said you'll wait for me to finish my case, I didn't think to find you in an underground bunker."
A part of Leon is relieved to see you, knowing that he has at least one person he can trust. The other part of Leon is PO-ed that you willingly threw yourself back into fighting BOWs. The DSO offered you a position for your extraordinary work back in Texas, but you declined. "I'm crazy to be doing what I do, but I'm not that crazy to fight BOWs for a living."
"What the hell are you doing here? How'd you find me?" Leon demands as you cut the restraints on his wrists.
Sarcastically, you ask him if that is how he greets you after you saved his ass from getting infected. "Hunnigan told me about your little stunt so she gave me your last known coordinates. I called your cell earlier which gave her a few seconds to find your general area. I followed the corpses, which is how I ended up here."
Before the conversation can go anywhere else, JD interrupts. "Woah! I knew American women were hot but seeing one of them in person is a whole lot better!"
You look at the punk male in disinterest. Comically, the guy tries his best to look cool but in fact, does the opposite. "So, you single?"
"Umm...I'm flattered but I'm actually getting married in a couple of months."
JD hunches over himself. "Awe man! Why are all the hot chicks always taken!"
"Probably 'cause she's with the hot guy next to you."
Confused, JD looks to his side and is face to face with Leon's brown sweater. Looking up, Leon is staring down at the short man with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Almost like he is challenging JD to say another stupid thing. The Eastern Slavic male nervously scratches the back of his head and whispers an apology to the American male.
Sighing, Leon tells JD that when he does decide to use the gun, to shoot the infected in the head for an instant kill. JD leads you and Leon further down the bunker and into a narrow hallway where a metal door is. Leon and JD try to pry the door open while you watch their backs. The grunts and noises from the door gain the infected's attention.
What creeps you out is that one of the infected's head slits open to reveal flesh-like tentacles. Leon calls out to you, telling you to get yourself on the other side of the door. A little annoyed that JD cannot force himself through the crack, you plant your foot on his back and manage to push him through the door. Leon tumbles inside the room after you and chains the door within a couple of seconds.
If you were not creeped out before, you definitely are now. When the three of you reach the surface, you end up witnessing how the citizens of this country are being infected. Like a scene from a sci-fi movie, an alien-looking creature is forced down a person's throat. Truly a parasite. The three of you take a quick break before reaching the cathedral. Uncharacteristically, Leon starts to once again, complain that he was shipped off here without anything to eat.
"Are you really that mad they didn't provide you with any breakfast? I get why you're pissed our vacation got cut short, but over breakfast?"
Leon shrugs his shoulders and looks at you like you are the crazy one. Then again, you are not surprised your fiance is bitching about not eating. The man gets hungry as fast as he gets hot. Seriously, if you are not blasting the AC at home, a puddle of sweat will form around Leon. Reaching into your vest, you pull out a wrapped snack.
Tossing it to him you say, "Here. Protein bar. Should hold you over for the next couple of hours." Leon thanks you a million times over, happy to finally have something in his stomach. You offer another bar to JD and he too thanks you for your generosity. You ask the two of them to fill you in on the missing details since you basically came to the country blinded.
When you and Leon eventually leave the cathedral thanks to JD's help, you end up meeting the woman who had Leon's heart long before you met him. A couple of minutes before meeting her, you told Leon to go ahead and go inside the parking garage. You will stay behind for a bit to make sure neither of you were followed. When you eventually go inside the parking garage, you spot Leon talking to a woman with short, black hair.
"So, shall we continue from that night?" She flirts.
Yes. You know who this woman is. In fact, you knew about her before you met your soon-to-be husband. Claire once told you about Leon when she used to crush on him. She would rant about how the DSO agent was practically wrapped around some other woman's finger. Who is this woman in question? Why, none other than the infamous Ada Wong. The woman that brings the ugly insecurities out of you.
"I don't think so, Ada. I don't know if you've heard but I'm getting married soon. Don't plan on fucking that up."
Ah, so the rumors are true. Who would have thought that the puppy she leashed years ago would slip off of its collar and run off to someone else?
"I heard. She must be something if she was able to steal you away." Ada taunts.
"She is. She's more than I could ever want and even a little more than that. She's the reason my endless cycle of hell has stopped. I'm not losing her." Leon wanted to add "And I was never yours to begin with," but he knew that was a lie. For the longest, Ada tugged at Leon's heart and even his soul. He could never get her out from the back of his mind even if he tried.
When he met you, that annoying gnat slowly started to disappear. You taught Leon how to live again, not just how to survive. When he was actually in D.C. and not somewhere else in the world, Leon looked forward to running with you and Shiloh every morning. Five days a week. To put it simply, Leon's hardened heart started to crack the more time he spent with you. There is no possible way to ever thank you for the light you bring to Leon's dark and lonely life.
Ada, as much as she hates to admit it, knows that Leon is telling the truth. He truly does cherish this woman. His eyes hold that conviction. She guesses that her game of cat and mouse with the former RPD is officially over. They both knew their past together would always be there, but now they would truly be going their separate ways. Her heart tugs a bit at the fact. Not that she would admit it out loud. She bids farewell to Leon before using her grappling gun to escape through the hole in the roof.
When Leon hears another pair of footsteps, he points his gun to his right, ready for another fight. He does not expect the love of his life to tackle him with so much force. Unknowingly, Leon cleared all of the insecurities you had about Ada. In fact, Leon would never know that you knew about his past with Ada or about her in general. Not even when he died as one of America's greatest heroes at the age of eighty-three.
When He Knew He Could Not Live Without His Sunshine
Leon knows how shitty his life has been since '98. Nothing seemed to be going right. In fact, it seemed that everything was going downhill since Raccoon. His apartment was bare as a result of how often Leon had to get up and leave at a moment's notice. Leon would drink his sorrows and pain away. He relied on alcohol, but now, he relies on you. A little too much he thinks but you do not mind. You know the shit he has seen and done. You know the shit he has to do to protect the innocent. You know the burdens Leon has to carry.
You make doing what he has to do a little bit easier every time he comes home. Leon used to wake up in an empty bed but now he wakes up to you sleeping next to him. Sometimes Shiloh will sleep between the two of you or favor one person over the other. On the rare occasions that he does get to sleep in, Leon loves to be woken up by you and Shiloh. You would have finished your morning workouts and have made breakfast. While Shiloh licks Leon's face, you kiss the one spot she missed, his lips. Probably because getting kissed on the lips by a dog is pretty gross, but you take what you can get.
Leon loves the quiet moments with you. The one where it seems like the world is in perfect harmony. No BOWs or maniacs wanting to turn the human race into the living dead. No orders from the president or the people under him. No guns. No explosions. Just you, him, and a cocker spaniel in the comforts of your shared home.
Leon loves it when the two of you cook together. You always seem to get a bit bitchy when things are not done your way in the kitchen (a trait that was passed down from your mother), but Leon deals with it. He tries to follow your instructions to the letter to make you proud. Even more so, he loves the end result. Sitting together at the table with delicious food the two of you made together.
Leon can list hundreds of reasons why he loves you, but it would never be enough. No list will ever be long enough for Leon to write down the different things he loves about you. About the things you bring into his life. His heart pounds whenever he thinks about you. He gets all giddy when he knows he is coming back home to you. He mourns the days when he has to leave because of some stupid assignment. It scares him whenever you put yourself in a battle against BOWs because you always have his back. Even if you hate BOWs as much as the next person.
The first time you shared an "I love you", Leon wanted to take you away to a secret location and live the rest of your lives there. Leon wants to be selfish and keep you all to himself, but then his sun will not be able to shine as brightly. Leon loves you. He desperately loves you. He will do just about any and everything to keep you by his side. Leon Scott Kennedy is hopelessly in love with you. It is the whole reason why he is at your childhood home in Georgia.
Knocking on the front door, he waits for one of your parents to open it. He called your parents a few days ago to tell them that he was coming to visit and asked if they could not tell you about it. Leon has just gotten back from a mission overseas so he looks a little roughed up, but he cannot let this opportunity slip. Your mother answers the door and lets Leon inside.
He is welcomed to a homemade meal, family style. A table set for three people. During the meal, your parents ask Leon what the hurry was. They worry that something has happened to you and Leon is here to bring them the horrible news.
"No. No. She's doing fine." Leon looks down at his watch. "In fact, she's probably on her way back to our place right now." The DSO agent knows your weekly schedule. He memorized it so he would always know the general area where he could find you if a disaster happened.
Leon looks directly at your father. "I came here to ask for your blessing to marry your daughter."
Yes, in the two years of knowing you and the year and a half of dating you, Leon Scott Kennedy wants to be with his sunshine for as long as time permits. His sunshine that gave his life anew. The sunshine that he loves dearly. His sunshine.
P.S. I wrote this in two days when I should be focusing on my class work. Whoops...Stay focused kids.
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woso-fan13 · 1 year
This is a Nightmare
For the third night in a row, your moms are woken up to harsh cries. The darkness filling the window frame only confirms that the harsh red numbers on the alarm clock were right: it was way too early to be up. 
They glance slyly at each other, not daring to breathe. Neither wants to be the one to have to leave the warm and comfortable bed. But as your cries grow more panicked and they can hear your breathing become labored, they both throw back the covers and climb out of their cocoon. 
Flipping the hall light on and hurrying to your doorway, they find you trying to climb out of your crib. Your face was flushed red, a mixture of tears and snot pouring onto your chin. Pernille rushes forward, scooping you into her arms. Your limbs wrap around her and you bury your head in her neck. She grimaces as she feels your wet face, but lets you have this comfort. 
“Mummy,” you whimper pitifully, hiccuping between tears. 
“Shh, darling, Mummy’s right here. I promise you, you are okay. Mama and Mummy are right here,” she reassures you. 
After saying this, she looks around the room to realize that Mama is not, in fact, right there. Magda must have snuck off somewhere else. If she were smart, she would be back in bed, asleep. Practice was early in the morning and she was expected to be ‘on’ from the moment she arrived. The others were somewhat used to Pernille being in a foul mood in the morning, when they saw you being carried in they knew it would mean extra drills. 
But- the thing about Magda- she’s not smart when it comes to you. You were her baby, the most important thing in her life, and she would gladly sacrifice a few hours of sleep every night. Hell, if you asked, she would quit soccer. You would never do that, the three of you had your own connection on the field that made you unstoppable, but she would do it without hesitation. 
Luckily, you were too distraught to notice that Mama was missing. You were content to lean fully into Mummy, allowing her to lead your breathing after your scary dream. You had been having nightmares for days, which meant your mommies had been up with you for days. 
Pernille takes advantage of your tears finally stopping, laying you down on the changing table. You whine and try reaching for her, but she only shushes you and pops a soother into your mouth. She makes quick work of changing you and wipes your face clean. Now that you’re finally cleaned up, she pulls you into her arms and sways you gently as she walks back to her room. 
Of course, Pernille had been right, Magda had not been smart and gone back to sleep. She was currently sitting on her side of the bed, arms outstretched to accept your body. She had a warm bottle sitting next to her, and the room had been set up just the way you like it. 
You fuss slightly as you’re handed over, but settle quickly into the familiar arms of your Mama. She cradles you against her chest, and your hand clutches onto the neckline of her shirt. She chuckles, mumbling something that sounds like “needy baby” while she gently kisses the top of your head. 
She pulls your pacifier out, replacing it smoothly with your baba. You hesitate for just a second before you begin suckling. Your moms watch you, stroking between your eyes and rubbing your belly- a sure fire way to get you to fall asleep. 
Sure enough, you were asleep before you had finished your milk. Pernille takes the bottle, setting it in her nightstand to deal with in the morning. Magda carefully maneuvers you so that you’re in the middle of the bed. It was your unofficial official spot in the big bed. 
The harsh red numbers made it very clear to them that they only had a couple more hours of sleep left before they needed to be up, but neither woman wanted to fall asleep. They wanted to be with you, to cuddle you, to keep the monsters out of your dreams. So, with drooping eyelids, they watched the steady rise and fall of your chest as you slept. It wasn’t much later that they joined you in dreamland. 
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rowniebow · 1 year
we were here | steve harrington x male!reader
summary: you and steve are good friends and someone feels it's about time to take it to the next level.
pairings: steve harrington x male!reader
cw: bickering, fluff
word count: 2.6k+
an: steve harrington is bisexual and it's definitely cannon! (/s, i wish) if you read/watched all the bright places...you get it
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"dude, we're slinging it right now!" robin called out.
"we're totally slinging it." you echoed.
"we're slinging so hard."
"we're so slingin' good at slinging."
"will you two please shut up?" steve interjected.
silence came between you and robin for only a moment as you shared a glance with two sets of pursed lips.
"but we're slinging so hard right now, steve!"
"we couldn't be slinging any harder!"
steve groaned from the back room. "you guys make taking my break like hell!"
"that's the goal, dingus."
steve stomped up to the door to look out at us from the back room. "no one is even here! you're not slinging shit!"
your scooper seemed to gather ice cream in itself on it's own. you placed your scoop into a cone and took a bite that stuck needles into your teeth and all the way up your skull.
"i slung that."
"oh, you slung it so well!" robin cheered for you while steve groaned again.
"you're really slacking with the ladies, man." you taunted with a smile as you watched claire robbins walk away with a grimace on her face.
"yeah, well i don't see you pulling any." steve groaned.
"oh, i could if i wanted!" your eyes danced as you found an opportunity to play your favorite game: teasing steve harrington.
"prove it."
"i will!"
"i love that necklace, angela! where'd you get it?" you spoke over the counter to the blonde you had no real interest in.
"it's sick how he can just ... look at her like that." steve's narrowed eyes watched your laughing back. how you could conjure a sparkle in your eye like that was baffling.
"what, are you jealous, harrington?" roving smiled at the glaring man next to her.
"jealous of what?" the venom in his voice told robin all that she needed to know.
"jealous that he can charm any girl in a mile radius and you can't even get one? or that he's not looking at you like that?"
"shut up." steve pouted his way into the back room of the ice cream shop.
robin kept a count on her whiteboard.
steve: 0
you: 9
"what's up, lover boy?" you cheesed at steve as you climbed in his car through the window. when you would use the door like a sane person - he'd never know.
"w-watch the seats!" he groaned watching your dirty shoes leave marks on the leather. "i just cleaned this car."
"sorry!" you mindlessly apologized as you pulled a map out of your bag and unfolded it. several bright sticky notes that you had plastered on to it fell on to the floor of the car.
"where are we going?"
"you'll see when we get there!"
"it better not be like the gas station from last time. shit was creepier than the monster dogs."
"it'll be fun for me, at least."
"yeah, you said that about the gas station..." steve mumbled to himself seeing you were too entranced by your map of excitement.
he noticed that your collection of road trips around indiana (that you were keeping for you two to travel to had grown from not just a green (the scary gas station), yellow (a river in south indiana that you wanted to show him), and blue (wherever you two were to be headed today) route. now, various shades of reds, purples, pinks and browns littered the page.
"what are those new ones?" he asked, his eyes trailing from the road to you.
"you'll see when we go! don't get ahead of yourself." you folded the map onto your lap and pulled out one of the many cassette tapes from you bag and popped it into the car radio.
'oh! darling' began humming from the speakers. steve rolled his eyes. you had abbey road on repeat for far too long. he didn't need to know every single word in the album.
though, he didn't hesitate to start screaming along with you and your air guitar by the time the third section of the song came along, of course.
steve's car couldn't seem to fight off the summer heat. sweat dripped down both of your foreheads. the windows rolled down allowed the blue sky and fluffy clouds to leak in and fill your noses with hot humidity. your shirt clung to you and constricted your breathing.
"there it is!" you shouted, nearly falling out of the window after steve slammed on his breaks.
a green sign with white print read 'hoosier hill - indiana's highest point - elev. 1257'.'
"pull over, pull over!"
"oh, you gotta be shitting me," steve grumbled under his breath. you heard it very loud, of course. you always heard him loudly. you were also always very aware that his complaining meant next to nothing when it came to you, though.
you climbed out of the car before steve could turn the car off, "c'mon, steve!" you practically whined for him.
"is this really it?" he questioned as if he were going to leave you there if you said yes.
"no, there's stuff up there!" you pointed up a hill amidst the trees and green bushes to a faded trail that looked as if it were going to blow away in the summer breeze.
steve huffed, preparing himself for the short walk that would feel like miles in the heat. you didn't take a second to wait for him, though. you ran up the hill even with the heat filling your lungs and making them as small as could be.
steve watched your frame stop. "this is it!" you called to him.
he shrugged after arriving next to you and catching his breath. "it's a little underwhelming but at least it's not that gas station."
you both stared at a wooden sign that restated what the green sign said. steve plopped down onto a bench that sat on the same small plot as the wooden sign.
you looked at it for a moment more.
then ran down the hill and back to steve's car. he stuttered out a call for you, but found his attempts fruitless.
you returned a moment later, out of breath and more sweaty, but with your bag. you fished out a push pin with white fabric on it and a black marker.
you tossed the bag to steve, scribbling your name down on the fabric.
"the hell are you doin'?"
you scooted the pen over to him with the fabric, "write your name."
"what? no, what is this for-?"
"steve," you watched him with a look he knew all too well: 'just do it for me'.
he rolled his eyes and participated, "i swear to god, if this is going to put my name into a cult or something i'm never forgiving you."
you snatched the fabric and pen back and finished what you wanted to write, then went to pin the fabric to the wooden stick.
steve and y/n were here.
"you have to bring extra shoes," you scolded in through the window of his car. your backpack begged you to set it back down in his car but you needed to go home for the night.
"what the hell do i need extra shoes for?"
"you should bring some you don't care about,"
"i'm not bringing extra shoes, alright?"
"if you say so. you're going to regret it, though." you turned and began taking your steps toward the door.
"why would i regret it?" he called to your retreating figure.
"eight a.m, harrington! we need to go before work!"
steve watched your door shut.
"god-dammit!" he muttered to himself as he began driving home into the newly born night.
"we're going to milltown, you should probably get gas," you choked out while you climbed into the car. dirty feet all over the seats (once again).
"milltown? dude-,"
"no complaining! i'll pay for your gas if your going to have a hissy fit about it."
"maybe you should try driving for once."
"no thanks," you plugged a cassette in to the car radio, 'come on eileen" started playing from the middle of the song.
steve mindlessly nodded his head along to the songs, listening to your mindless humming.
"you know what? this one is actually kinda cool." steve admitted.
you two stood admiring what looked to be several trees that had been covered in shoes with their laces tied so they hung off the branches.
you plopped down on to the grass. the cold morning dew seeped through your clothes and pinched your legs. you tugged your dirty reeboks that were too small off of your feet. "you brought extra shoes, right?"
steve let out an extended breath as he watched you tug a pair of converse out of your bag and pulled them onto your feet.
"i told you to bring some!"
"yeah, i know!" he rolled his eyes but sat next to you and pulled his own pair of reeboks off.
you both tied the laces of your pairs together, tugging to make sure they'd stay on with the rest of the hanging shoes.
and off they flew as you both tossed your pairs in the air together. the summer breeze carried the two pairs of reeboks onto the branches, shaking the tree and it's leaves and shoes.
"dude, you didn't get yours anywhere near mine. how will the people know that we came together?"
"'the people' wont give two shits about where our shoes are on the tree. they're all in that pile."
"i will care!"
"alright, well you can get a ladder and go move the shoes." steve said as he sat on the ground and leaned back onto the soft grass. "i will be right here whenever you're done with that."
you glanced from the lounging man with his eyes closed to still swinging shoes in the sky.
you decided it wouldn't matter in the long run, and at least he had done it with you despite having no extra shoes to wear (maybe it'd be nice if you offered yours to him but, also, maybe he should have just listened to you!).
you laid down next you him with your hands behind your head and stared up at fluffy white clouds that swam in the sea of blue above. the breeze moved the blades of grass to dance along your cheeks and neck. your hair danced with them.
you watched the clouds mold into their own shapes and pointed out different things you saw to steve:
"that one looks like a turtle!"
"that's a fucked up turtle."
"that one looks like a shark!"
"it looks like it's swimming after the turtle to eat it."
you both continued on like that for seemingly forever. the midday heat began to creep in and making it to work began to clog your mind but steve was in no rush, so you pushed the thoughts away.
"i gotta ask you for advice about something." steve began out of nowhere. he dressed his words in formal attire. "i've gotten really close to someone recently, like a lot closer than we've ever been before."
steve doesn't get serious with you (or anyone) often. so, of course, you listened with every fiber in you. you treated his concerns with upmost importance.
"and i've - i don't know. i've started to-to like this person. a lot. but, well, i don't even know if they'd feel the same way about me."
"that's never stopped you before," you smiled, glancing to the side to read his features.
"yeah, but this person is just... different."
"what do you mean?"
"well, for one, i can't even imagine what other people would think. my dad for sure. he'd kill me. but, i also just actually like this person. and like... care about them and our relationship, and what would happen if they didn't end up liking me, too."
"does it really matter what your dad thinks?"
"i mean, i don't really care. i just always imagined he'd be at my wedding and it would be pretty shitty if he wasn't there."
"you're already thinking about marriage with this person and you haven't even asked them out yet?"
"yeah, is that bad?"
"i think that just proves that it shouldn't matter what your dad thinks if you really are already thinking about marriage with them. since when does steve harrington think about marriage with a girl?"
"i-i mean, yeah! that the dream, you know?"
"i'd love to have a bunch of little harrington's runnin' around."
"so what advice do you need from me? it sounds like you already know what you want, you just gotta get the balls to go get her."
"sure, sure. you're right. thank you."
"'course man," a nervous silence overwhelmed you. you could never tell if you said the right thing, especially with steve. he was so difficult to read.
"that one looks like a squirrel that can't get open an acorn," steve pointed to a cloud above with a smirk over his features as if he knew he just said the stupidest thing in the world.
"no it does not, you idiot,"
your name echoed from the street outside of your house that night. your eyebrows shuffled together in confusion as you scurried to your window to see what - or who - could be causing all that noise.
you peaked your head out to see steve harrington holding roses, 'i just called to say i love you' blasting through his car stereo from one of the cassette's you had given him.
you couldn't help but let a smile creep onto your face at how absolutely sweet he looked with his nervous feet and fingers tapping. his eyebrows were sewn together and his lips looked licked raw. he motioned for you to come down stairs and that's exactly what you did.
"what the hell are you doing?" you laughed as you ran out in your pajamas, sandals, and a sad excuse for a jacket.
"listen to me,"
"you are so lucky my parents aren't here right now, harrington, they'd kill you for being so loud!" you reached in his car and turned the volume down to a reasonable volume. the smile never left your face, though.
steve spoke your name again, and grabbed your arm to turn you around. "listen, i-" his eyes searched your face for the words he wanted to say. he couldn't find them, though.
"i'm listening," you smiled, leaning against his car as stevie wonders continued to play.
he rolled his eyes (at himself) and found his answers away from your face. "i-i-i-i've just- i've been talking to robin a lot more lately and she's helped me understand that i-i, you know, i like you and i think you're really cool but i've never liked a guy before you, ya know? i don't know how to do any of this shit," he mumbled to himself. "here," he shoved the flowers into your hand.
the smile never left your face, "steve,"
he looked up at you. he hadn't realized how close he had come, practically trapping you against his car.
"is it okay if i kiss you?" you whispered into his ear.
his cheeks went as red as could be. you'd never seen him so flustered (or flustered at all, for that matter).
his mouth opened but no words came out. just an eager nod.
the hand that wasn't holding the roses found its way to his cheek and pulled him in to meet your lips. it was short and sweet, the smallest bite of chocolate. it drew steve in and let him know what he was in for in the coming future with you.
and steve was absolutely in love.
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ninapi · 1 year
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Premise: Rintarou unexpectedly meets the girl of his dreams through an online game and he does his best to find this mysterious girl in the real world and keep her for good.
Word Count: 3289
Note: Hello, my beautiful dumplings. Welcome to my Suna miniseries, huhuhu. This will be a short story (4 chapters lol sorry, that’s my definition of short 🙃 sometimes I wonder how people write complete stories under 800 words, I just cant-), while I prepare for my new big series. Some high school drama, no multiple endings or routes just one~ Smooches for all of you.
Warning: Mild spoilers, if you’re up to date with the anime you’ll be just fine.
Chapter 1: Not so bad.
Suna Rintarou was by no means enjoying his second year of high school. Summer weather was definitely not his favorite, always tough on him, but the agony was even worse this year. He was tired, not just physically but mentally, the toll of dealing not only with his own sense of failure but also his teammates who were gravely disappointed of not being able to give their captain the satisfaction of going to the finals and bring victory to their school in his last year on the team.
It hasn’t been long since Inarizaki lost to Karasuno, which meant the practice schedule has increased not only in frequency but also in intensity. Days were very long and every single muscle in Suna’s body hurt. He was really looking forward to the holiday weekend, meaning he would have an extra day to rest.
His classmates were raving about this new online game that had recently come out and was very popular. They had plans to play together during the weekend and advance into one of the heaviest of dungeons before classes resumed, but their plan came to a sudden stop, the twins were being dragged by their mother into a family wedding across the country and they wouldn’t be able to join the team.
The boys were devastated, whining men heard all over the class. They were really counting on the Miya power to beat the hell out of the dungeon boss, help was needed desperately.
¨Hey Suna, I know you said you didn’t like the gameplay you watched the other day but can you please join our team? Without Osamu in our side we are doomed.¨ Suna heaved a deep sigh, collapsing on top of his desk. ¨Am I your last option? Can’t you find someone who really wants to play this? I’m so tired, I was planning on staying in bed all weekend.¨ Osamu pulled him back up, giving him a stern look, ¨Come on, help your mates. I wish I could stay and beat them up but there’s nothing we can do about it, it’s just for this weekend, we’ll be back for the next and continue where you left off.¨ he really didn’t want to do this, but if he didn’t agree to it they wouldn’t shut up until he did, ¨Fine, text me the link. I’ll be there after dinner.¨ the boys were smothering him with hugs and trying to kiss off his face in joy, making him grimace as he shook them all off and went back to sleep on his very comfy desk. The thought of finally resting this weekend turning into nothing but a sad memory.
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The guys added him to a group chat and everything was ready for the first quest. 
His sister tied his hair up at the front in a tiny ponytail so he would look like some of those cute game-streamers she watches, not caring if her brother needed it or not with his hairstyle. He was beyond annoyed with life in general, why do people not leave him alone, even his sister was now conspiring to destroy his peaceful long holiday weekend, ¨Curse those damn twins. It’s all their fault.¨ he was grumbling under his breath while putting his headset on and going in the game to create his character.
¨Alright guys, let’s go level up first, stay in this area and let’s meet up at the bottom of the hill when you reach level 20, then we’ll move in to the forest.¨ they all hummed in acknowledgement, breaking the group. Suna went off to chase some slimes and smaller monsters, hating his life every second of it, the game had a very cute looking art style and it was just not his jam at all. He found it hilarious though that the toughest guys in his class were all hunting cute rabbits and crying over it out loud and in their shared group chat space, so he made sure to screenshot some of those moments, posting them in his account and tagging all his playmates. He had to get something out of this torture, at least he could make fun of them for a while.
His character stopped moving and it turned into a pixel block, ¨Guys, is the game acting up or is it just mine?¨ he could only hear static coming through his headset and some of the guys were posting on the chat that the game kicked them out and they were rebooting their pc, so he just stayed there waiting for the rest to go back in. His character was still a bit glitchy but it was moving now. Then all of the sudden he heard a very loud screech pressed to his left ear, and he was positive that it was not human. ¨Oh my god, sausage! What are you doing to my poor headset? Leave it alone!!¨ saying he was confused was an understatement, all the players in his team were dudes, ¨Ehm, hi?¨ the line went quiet but he wasn’t hearing any more static, just some shuffling on the other side, ¨Who’s this?¨ you were sitting on your chair now, the fluff ball being kicked out of your room for good. ¨Uhm, Rintarou? How about you? Did the guys call you over? I didn’t hear anything about any girl joining our party.¨ Rintarou? What- you were just chatting with your girlfriends when your cat jumped on you and stole your headset, there was no Rintarou in that group, ¨I'm (Y/N). Are you Miyuki’s boyfriend?¨ Miyuki? Was there a Miyuki in his class? It was possible, not like he knows everybody but this was all so confusing, ¨Nope, definitely not that Rintarou. So you are not with the guys either? How did you get into the group? The game didn’t say someone new joined the party.¨ 
You were so confused, you could see your actual party on the screen and on the side chat but you couldn’t hear them talk, just this random guy, ¨Did your game get glitchy too? Maybe that’s how you ended up in my party.¨ he moved his character around, looking for you, but he was completely alone in the area, some of the guys still complaining about the game not letting them in through his phone. ¨Well, I mean yes. It did get glitchy but I can still see my girls playing on my screen, could it be just the audio that got crossed over somehow?¨ it was so weird, none of the girls even noticed your absence, you said you were having some troubles with your headset and so they just continued killing monsters, ¨Yeah, I don’t see you around me either, so I guess it’s just the audio getting messy. Hold on, Imma log out and see if that resets us back to normal.¨ you nodded even if he couldn’t see you. ¨Ugh, what the hell. The logout button is gone. How about you, do you see it?¨ you were checking everywhere in your screen, it was definitely not where it usually is, ¨It’s gone for me too. I bet it’s just still glitchy and will go back to normal in a bit, if it’s fine with you, we could just keep playing like this until the game fixes itself?¨ he was already back to killing slimes, way over level 20 by now and his classmates were still gone, ¨Yeah, fine with me.¨ 
Both of you continued doing your thing in complete silence, so much so that Suna forgot you were still there and started mumbling curses quietly, he was being targeted by larger monsters now and was still on his own, he didn’t know much about this game and he was loosing HP fast, ¨What’s wrong?¨ your soft voice startled him, his ears flushing bright red in embarrassment, ¨Sorry, I forgot you were still there. Just being attacked by inferno wolves, don’t know how to kill them, today is my first day playing this.¨ you chuckled quietly, he was kindda cute, those were very easy to kill lesser monsters, ¨Just jump on them and stomp hard.¨ he did as instructed, killing one instantly, ¨Oh wow that was easy, thanks. Are you like a guild master or something?¨ that made you smile, you were right, he was cute. ¨Nothing of the sort, just been playing this for longer. Let me know if you need more help, I know my fair share of tricks.¨ 
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He was about to just ‘x’ out the game since the logout button was still gone, it was 9:30 and none of the guys were able to log back in, the game refusing to accept them, it was a waste of time, he didn’t even want to play this ridiculous game, the happy tune coming out of it was driving him insane at this point, that was until he heard your quiet giggles, it made him curious. They started soft, he almost thought he’d imagined it, but they grew louder each second and without realizing it, he was smiling, ¨What is it?¨ he wasn’t going to say anything but he just needed to know what was causing the cute fit of giggles on the other side, or he wasn’t going to be able to sleep in peace. ¨You heard that? Oh no, so embarrassing. Sorry, my cat, he is crazy you see. Earlier he was chewing on my headset so I kicked him out, but he got out of the house and got back into my room climbing all the way to the window, he’s like a ninja! And was nuzzling my tummy just now, I’m very ticklish.¨ was it normal for such a story to be this cute? Since when does he find cat ninjas cute? Why does he feel the need to tickle an unknown woman-
¨Was that sausage?¨ he chuckled evilly, wanting to continue the conversation, ¨Oh GOD, you heard that too? This game is like boycotting my life, I’m telling you. But yes, that’s sausage. He’s very heavy and of a brownish tone so he kindda looks like one, that’s why we named him that.¨ it’s not like he was interested in cats, but this was way better than killing blue pixel blobs, ¨It’s kay, I find names like that fun, I really don’t like when people name their pets, I don’t know Steve or something,¨ that caused you to laugh loud and clear, getting stabbed by a monster in the process, which made you just laugh even more, ¨Steve? What? Who would name their cat Steve?¨ you let your character bleed to death and were now hugging one of your pillows while sipping on some juice you had left, getting comfy on your chair. ¨Believe it or not, I’ve seen things, specially since I got in my current school volleyball team, there you see crazy, crazy stuff.¨ so he played volleyball…you’re nowhere near athletic but damn, he sounded like an interesting individual. The night was nothing like what you expected it to be, it was getting better every second.
Time surely flies when you’re actually having fun. He got some fruit jelly out and was chewing on it while speaking, needing some extra sugar to stay awake longer, ¨Are you eating fruit jelly?¨ he sits up right away, making sure his cam was actually off, ¨How do you know? Is this game livestreaming now or-?¨ you wished, ¨Hahaha no, it’s just that they make this sound, you know what I mean? Like when you suck the jelly out? I know I’m weird, I’m so sorry.¨ was he making sucking sounds just now? Why was he blushing? He didn’t know his favorite snack made suggestive sounds, well, that was embarrassing, he didn’t do that on purpose, ¨Ugh, well yeah you got me there, I’m eating fruit jelly. But I don’t think you’re that weird. Just a bit.¨ now you were the one blushing, it was fun talking to him, you've been talking about everything and nothing in particular at the same time for the last couple of hours and it was nearly midnight now. ¨Hey, is your game still glitchy? My chara is like dead now but still let’s me talk to you, I think there’s something really wrong with this game today.¨ his character was sitting down on a daisy field, enjoying his life as much as his owner, no monsters in sight, but the logout button was still not available, ¨Yeah, well I’m not dead, but things look the same, my mates were also complaining because the game kicked them out and didn’t let them back in.¨ he actually lied to his classmates and told them he was going to bed like twenty minutes ago but he just wasn’t capable of telling you how tired he actually was, ¨Hm, yeah I don’t think it’s going to let us sign out tonight, should we leave it open and just go to bed? It’s getting late and even if there’s no school tomorrow we should probably get going.¨ so you were in school too, your voice sounded right about his age but he didn’t know how to ask without sounding like a creepy old man, ¨Yeah I was thinking of going to bed too but sausage wouldn’t let us go.¨ us, huh? you smiled bashfully, playing with the headset cord, ¨Sausage is like that, I think he likes to hear your voice.¨ oh boy, was he smitten, he didn’t know much about you or what you looked like even but he wanted more of this, whatever that was, ¨Well then that means we gotta keep talking so he can hear it some more, maybe then he won’t eat your headset.¨ he could hear your giggles once more, they were creating a hole in his stomach, pretty sure it was eating itself out at your cuteness, he just wanted to continue hearing them, people never laughs at his comments, this was a first you actually thought he was funny, ¨We should. Do you think if we just don’t close the game it would stay like this? I mean like the audio and all…? Maybe we could talk some more tomorrow.¨ were you asking him on a date? That was a date, definitely. ¨Yeah I can do that, anything for sausage’s sake.¨ you were both grinning at the screen like idiots, not wanting to leave, ¨Then, since it’s the weekend how about we come back in the morning? Oh wait no, here in Miyagi the holidays are important, I gotta go to the shrine early, but how about after lunch?¨ he was so tired that even getting up by lunch time seemed like a task, but he would gladly lose sleep for this, ¨Yup, can do. See you tomorrow, sausage girl.¨ both of you left the pc on and went to bed, the smile on both of your faces causing your cheeks to hurt. 
He was cute, you’ve never had so much fun talking with a guy before, it all felt so natural like if you were talking with your best friend, like if you’ve known him since forever. You wondered if asking for his number would be too bold, he was funny and you just wanted to talk to him some more, maybe even meet him one day. Just thinking about it was making you feel giddy, your legs kicking on your bed as you squealed against your pillow, trying your best to quiet down your excitement and not wake your mother up.
Suna was on his bed thinking the very same thing, would it be weird to ask for your number? You were complete strangers, but that’s how people make friends, right? Not weird at all. He rarely had intentions of talking with any girl but talking to you tonight has been the highlight of his year and he wasn’t exaggerating. He didn’t even know he could laugh this much, Suna just couldn’t wait anymore, he was sure he wanted this to continue and with new resolution, he went to sleep, hoping noon would come fast, so he could ask for your number and maybe, hopefully, get to see you even if it was just through his phone, he just needed to put a face to this bubbly feeling inside his chest.
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When he woke up the following morning he noticed his pc was off, this causing him to go into panic mode, what happened? He made sure it would stay on all night-
¨MOOOOM, why is my pc off? Did you touch it?¨ he was pissed, anything but that, not the pc. ¨What? No I didn’t. I think we lost power for a bit earlier, your dad was trying to fix the oven and was messing with the power box.¨ that explains it but it wasn’t less aggravating, would he even be able to go in the game again or would he be kicked out like his mates.
He turned it back on as fast as he could, going in the game, but luck wasn’t on his side, two of his classmates were already in leveling up on his screen. He grabbed his headset and literally screamed on the mic, ¨(Y/N), please tell me you are there.¨ but he could hear very manly snorts on the other side, crushing his heart ¨Who’s (Y/N)? Your girlfriend, Suna?¨ he just couldn’t deal with them right now. He rebooted his pc in hopes of getting the line back up to yours, but when he did, he saw a notification pop up on his screen, ¨We apologize for all the troubles caused last night, as an apology, we’ve sent 100 diamonds and 2 HP refills into your inbox.¨ 
No, this couldn’t be happening. They fixed it overnight. He hadn’t ask you for your number yet, that’s what he was going to do as soon as he heard your beautiful voice.
You were fixing your make up, silly thing to do since he couldn’t even see you, but it was definitely a date. You got your headset on with a bright smile on your face as you saw your screen moving, the game still playing on the background, ¨Morning, Mr. Sausage. Got a nice sleep?¨ your friends were beyond shocked, ¨Mr.Sausage? (Y/N) are you talking to your cat again? I think you need to go out some more.¨ Miyuki? No, no, no, no, why??? Where was he? What happened? You didn’t turn the game off, he should still be there! ¨Yeah…did they fix the game? I can hear you guys just fine now.¨ you were seriously hoping he was just late and would jump in the conversation any second now, ¨Mhm, they gave us some dias, check your inbox. You can buy the sword you wanted with that!¨ Stupid sword, you didn’t want it anymore, not if that meant not being able to talk to him again. ¨Sorry guys, I…I’m login out for the day.¨ without another word you just closed your laptop and collapsed face first onto your bed, life sucked.
・ 。゚☆: .☾ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・
Tuesday couldn’t come faster for Suna, he just ran over to the class next door almost clashing with the wall, ¨ATSUMU! I need your help.¨ the eldest twin glared at him with intensity, couldn’t he see what time was it? Why would someone ask for a favor so early in the morning ? He was barely awake after getting up at four to jog. ¨Tell me later, maybe during lunch break when I can actually listen to you.¨
He threw his bag on the floor and went over to the tired setter, shaking him lightly, ¨Please, only you can help me.¨ what could be this important? He looked over at the middle blocker giving him a dirty angry look, but he was sporting a not so fashionable pair of bags under his eyes, even his skin tone was a bit off, was he not supposed to rest for three days? This made him reconsider his actions, ¨What is it? Stop shaking me, dammit!¨ he sat down on the chair in front of his desk, serious mode on, ¨You have the phone number of the Karasuno setter right?¨ huh? this was definitely not worth the while, he went back to sleep on his desk, ¨Atsumu please! I need you to ask him something, please I’ll beg if you want me to.¨ he’s never seen him this desperate, ¨kay, I think I do, yeah he should be on the group chat. What do you need from him?¨ he was pulling out his phone, ready to rely the message and hopefully go back to sleep, ¨Can you ask him if he knows a girl named (Y/N)¨ a girl? This was unexpectedly interesting. ¨(Y/N) what? Is she from Karasuno?¨ he was punching the message out, waiting on the details, ¨Well I don’t know, all I know is her first name and that she lives in Miyagi, she goes to school there and is possibly around our age.¨ Atsumu couldn’t believe what he was hearing, talk about dumb teammates, ¨You do know Miyagi is a prefecture, right? Not a city. How many schools are there even in Miyagi? Why would Tobio-kun know her? You are being stupid, Suna.¨ he was deleting the message, shaking his head, ¨No, no, please just ask him. I know he probably won’t know her but is my only chance, please. I won’t bother you again if he says he doesn’t know…¨ the setter sighed, sending the ambiguous message out, this was really silly, but he could see how desperate his friend was, and he just wouldn’t let him sleep ever if he didn’t comply. 
To their surprise, Kageyama replied almost immediately, ¨I don’t, but I’ll ask around.¨ Atsumu showed him his screen and the small smile that painted his features left the setter breathless, so he can smile-
¨Thanks, please let me know if he says anything else.¨ he would find you, no matter what.
Tagged babes: @dazaisfavgf
Masterlist Next Chapter
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smartycvnt · 1 year
End of the Line
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Title: End of the Line Pairing: Jill Valentine x Reader Prompt: 8. "Please tell me that's not a bite." NR WC: 875
Y/n winced as she ducked around a corner. She couldn't tell whose hand was on her back, but someone was ushering her into the safe room. Chris and Leon trailed a couple steps behind Jill and shut the locking mechanism on the door behind them. Whatever the hell had been let loose as a last ditch effort to stop them was stuck outside of those doors. Y/n felt like she could finally relax and breathe for a moment. That moment passed just as soon as it came when she saw the concerned looks of everybody around her. Y/n didn't need to look down to see the blood dripping gash in her side. She didn't need to pull her shirt up at all to see that it would be shaped exactly like the mouth of whatever bioweaponized creature had been released on them.
"We have to take a look," Chris said. He was trying to be civil about this, but Y/n knew where she would end up. They'd have to put her down before she mutated into something that they'd be locked in with. Y/n had been a part of the research at this lab long enough to know that there was a window of time to take care of a specimen before it mutated and morphed into something else.
"Don't bother, I know I'll be eating lead one way or another," Y/n told him. Jill's back straightened uncomfortably at that. She knew that Y/n had been through a lot, and felt responsible for helping Umbrella make these creatures, but she hadn't expected Y/n to give up so easily. "We don't know how long it'll take to turn me."
"We don't know that it will in the first place," Jill cut in. Everybody looked at her. She had been closest to you whenever that monster had gotten a hold of you. "We haven't seen the wound. It could be a bullet wound."
"She has a point," Leon agreed. Y/n glanced over at the Redfields in hope that they'd let her go easily. Instead, Chris stepped forward and lifted up the edge of Y/n's shirt. She glanced down and grimaced.
"Please tell that's not a bite," Claire said as she tried and failed to see past Chris's head. Y/n dropped her head back in defeat as Chris let the shirt fall.
"Clean teeth marks, I'm surprised that it didn't take my whole side with it," Y/n told them. An uneasy silence fell over the room. Nobody dared to look at one another as they let the seriousness of the situation wash over them. Y/n broke the silence by laughing, which immediately seemed to make Jill angry.
"This isn't funny. You've been bitten by one of those things, and I don't think I can make it to the labs to get you the antidote," Jill snapped. Y/n's face fell as she realized what Jill was getting at.
"No," Y/n breathed out.
"One of us has to go, and you can get everybody else out of here." Jill looked determined as she made her way towards the door. Chris and Leon stepped in front of her first, allowing for Y/n to sneak past both of them. "Get out of my way. I'm trying to save your lives."
"Jill, we can't let you do this," Chris said. Y/n could hear the unspoken admission of his feelings, the one that he didn't dare to say while you were still here. "Especially not when we don't even know which vial she needs."
"I do," Y/n said as she leaned back against the locked door. Everybody looked at her with a mixed bunch of expressions. Leon and Claire looked hopeful, Chris looked conflicted at best, but Jill knew that you weren't making it out of this. The realization settled on her before you even said who had made that particular strain of the virus. "I need the four of you to go over there. Remember who made this facility, the signs aren't obvious, but there is a way out of here. I'm going to buy you as much time as I can by distracting that thing. On the off chance that I don't get killed, I'll lock myself in a containment cell."
"You don't have to do this," Jill argued. Y/n stepped past Chris and Leon towards the very distraught woman. "I can't go out there without you. I don't want to live without you next to me."
"It's not up to either of us anymore. You'll survive without me because it's what you did before. I'll try to hold things off here for as long as I can because you taught me how. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I can make it to the other side, but don't wait up for me Valentine," Y/n said. Jill clenched her jaw as she tried to steady herself emotionally. Y/n wasn't having any of that and pressed a kiss to Jill's lips before she shoved Jill away from the door. Chris and Leon dragged Jill out on the opposite side of the room as Y/n ran defenseless towards the monster that had attacked her.
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You’re Fucking Disgusting (Brandon DiCamillo x GN!Reader) [Smut] (VLB)
This was meant to be a smut drabble but it became just a little too long to qualify so now it’s a full length fic. This is pulled directly from that episode of Viva La Bam where the boys get odd jobs to pay off the heating bill. Basically you come to the bakery instead of April and flip out when you see what Dico has gotten up to. Then you go off to the bathroom with him to clean him off and end up sucking his dick. Enjoy.
Note: I’m aware that since this was for a TV show there would be cameras everywhere, but I don’t mention any at all cuz that would kill the flow.
Warnings: Cursing, Smut (Blowjob)
@asskickedbygirl tagging you as always
@ckygetsjobs figured you’d wanna see this
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“You’re fucking disgusting, Brandon.”
It was a phrase that seemed to come out of your mouth a lot whenever you hung out with your boyfriend, Dico. He’d burp in your face, or loudly fart while sitting on your couch, or tell an absolutely riveting story about his bowel movements, or cover himself in a mysterious liquid and then tackle you to get it all over you. No matter where the two of you were or who was around, you could always be certain that Dico had some kind of gross trick up his sleeve.
This situation was no different.
Bam, Dico, and the rest of the boys had been working various jobs throughout the week for the newest episode of Viva La Bam, and on this particular day, Dico, Ryan and Raab had gotten a job at a bakery. April had sent you down to said bakery to pick her up some pastries and to see how the three boys were doing; you had expected to see something funny, like Dico throwing muffins at Raab or wearing a stupid little apron and frosting cupcakes or something like that, but nothing could have prepared you for what you actually saw. It was a scene straight from hell.
Dico was laying on one of the prep tables in the baking area, legs up in the air and head resting on a tray of gingerbread cookies as Raab pretended to shave frosting off of his chin with a baking tool. The floor was covered in grease, crumbs and odd stains littered the entire room, and Raab and Dico were absolutely filthy; their white baker uniforms were smeared with chocolate sauce and white frosting, and dozens of tiny pieces of gingerbread were stuck to Dico’s face and clothing, making him look like some kind of cookie-creature hybrid (or, one could say, a Cookie Monster). You stared at the two men in silent horror for a moment, not sure how to react, and then the words came out: “….you’re fucking disgusting, Brandon.” Dico grinned, unfazed, and you glanced around the room again, taking in the absolute mess they’d single-handedly created. “You two are so fired.”
Dico immediately took on a slightly mocking tone, making light of the entire situation. “Get jobs, don’t get jobs! Jeez, babe, make up your mind!” You shook your head in disbelief, not even sure what to do. April hadn’t prepared you for this. Ryan had put the pastries you’d asked for in a bag by this point and was trying to hand it to you, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of the two idiots in the backroom. One of whom you were literally dating. “Ryan…why did I ever agree to let that man be my boyfriend?” Ryan shrugged, looking like he would have rather been anywhere else at that moment. “I don’t know. I hope April’s not planning on stopping by, though, cuz if she sees them like this she’s gonna freak out.” You grimaced. “Yeah, I know. She sent me here on her behalf, but if I take too long she might come by.” You turned back to look at Raab and Dico again; Raab was dropping orange jelly into Dico’s open mouth, and Dico was obnoxiously slurping it up.
“You guys seriously need to clean this up before your boss gets back.” Ryan shook his head with a look of disgust. “I didn’t make one ounce of that mess! They can shove it up their ass and clean it up themselves!” You shot him a look, glancing over at your boyfriend again to see that he was taking big gulps of milk straight from the bottle and letting it dribble out of his mouth like a white waterfall. “Jesus Christ, Brandon, are you nuts?” Dico made a series of weird noises, laughing with Raab about how worked up you were, and then he slammed the bottle of milk down onto the table, spilling it all over himself and further adding to the mess as he pointed at you emphatically. “You’re insane.” You threw up your hands, utterly defeated, and walked through the doorway of the baking room to get closer to your boyfriend and Raab. “Well, guess our job here’s just about done, isn’t it?” You ignored Dico’s smartass remark and cupped his face in your hands, pulling him down to look at you with a deadpan stare. “Brandon.”
He grinned, still not taking the situation with a single ounce of seriousness as a glob of jelly fell off of his hat. You picked up a napkin from the table and pulled his face closer to you, trying to wipe off some of the frosting from his face. “You look like a Jackson Pollock painting if it was made out of cookies and frosting.” Dico laughed, his gaze softening just the slightest bit as he let you attempt to (and fail to) clean some of the cookie crumbs off of his face. His face was caked with so much frosting that bits of the napkin came off and stuck to his cheeks, and after a moment or two you threw the napkin aside in frustration and grabbed Dico’s hand, leading him out of the little baking room and towards the bakery’s bathroom. The bathroom had one toilet and one sink, with no stalls or anything like that, so you pulled him inside and locked the door behind you. “Wow, locking the door? Didn’t realize you came here just to try and fuck me, babe, you could have just said that when you got here.” You rolled your eyes.“No way in hell am I fucking you right now, Dico, you’re covered in chocolate stains and jelly.”
He shrugged, leaning against the sink as you pulled some paper towels out of the dispenser and wet them under the faucet, grabbing his face once again to wipe the cookie crumbs off his cheeks. “Why not? Everything on my body right now is totally edible, you could always just give me a tongue bath. Like cats do.” He suggestively raised his eyebrows at you, and you tried to force back your smile. He was annoyingly charming when he wanted to be. “Tempting.” You took his hat off, tossing it aside (it was basically ruined from all the sugar on it) and cleaning the frosting out of his hair. Ten paper towels later, you’d finally managed to get most of the stains off of his face and neck and out of his hair, but his clothes were still totally covered and there wasn’t much you could do about that. “Well, at least some of it’s cleaned up. Guess you’ll have to wear those nasty clothes on the car ride home.” Dico shrugged, not the least bit upset about this, which wasn’t at all surprising given how far he was always willing to go for the sake of ridiculous jokes like this.
“I could handle sitting in the car like this much easier if you gave me a blowjob first.” You shot him a look. “You honestly think I should suck your dick after the mess you just made?” He nodded with complete confidence. “I do, actually.” You stood there for a moment, staring at him as you tried to figure out a retort that would help you win this conversation, but you quickly realized that there wasn’t one. Dico had zero shame when it came to these kinds of situations, so whether you agreed to the blowjob or not, he wasn’t gonna be the least bit affected by your annoyance towards his behavior. As long as something was funny to him, he didn’t care how you reacted to it. After a moment, you rolled your eyes, the corners of your lips turning up as you resisted the urge to smile. “I shouldn’t be doing something nice for you right after what you just did, but you know what? I’m going to anyway, because dating you has severely affected my decision-making skills.” Dico grinned, looking slightly surprised that you were actually going for it, and he pointed down at the floor in front of him. “You know what to do, boss.” You chuckled at the nickname, getting down on your knees in front of him and moving to unbutton and unzip his chocolate-stained, cookie-coated jeans.
His boxers were stained with frosting, which was kind of funny, and you laughed as you reached inside them to pull out his half-hard cock, licking a stripe across the head teasingly and pulling away in bewilderment. “Did you fuck a cupcake before I got here? Your dick tastes like sugar.” Dico laughed and pushed your head forward with the slightest hint of impatience. “What, you’re not a big fan of sweets? Just suck it, babe, maybe my cum will taste like frosting.” You playfully rolled your eyes and took the tip back into your mouth, swirling your tongue over the head to lap up the salty (and slightly sweet taste). Dico grabbed at your hair with one of his (thankfully clean) hands, getting a nice grip so he could pull your head down a little further on his shaft as he grabbed at the counter of the sink with his other hand to keep himself steady. He leaned his head back against the wall, occasionally looking down at you with that smug little smirk on his face as you took his cock all the way into your mouth, sucking in your cheeks and obscenely slurping on his shaft.
The head of his cock rubbed against the inside of your cheek, and he let out a low groan, pushing your head down even further so his tip hit the back of your throat, nearly making you gag. You shot him a warning look, pulling your head back off a bit so you wouldn’t choke. He grinned in a way that was half apologetic and half amused. “Sorry.” You playfully rolled your eyes at how little he actually sounded sorry; you were 99% certain he did that kind of thing on purpose just to annoy you. You pulled your mouth even further off of his cock so just the tip was still inside, suckling on it with enough force to make his grip on your hair tighten. You wanted to grab at his shirt or his jeans to steady yourself, but it was still stained and coated with cookie crumbs and chocolate, so you resisted the urge, busying your hands with rubbing and grabbing at his balls as you wrapped your lips around his tip and slurped up his precum from the slit. “Fuck, there you go.” You could tell he was getting close to cumming, so you took his cock all the way back into your mouth and sucked on the shaft with twice as much enthusiasm.
Dico cursed under his breath, slamming his head back against the wall of the bathroom as he came down your throat with a loud groan, thrusting his hips foreword and pushing your head as far down as he could. It made your eyes water a little bit, but you ignored it and let him finish, swallowing his cum and gently pulling your mouth off his dick as he leaned back against the wall to catch his breath. He tucked his softening cock back into his boxers, laughing when a massive piece of cookie came off his jeans and landed on the floor, and then he helped you to your feet with a grin. You brushed off your knees and smoothed out your clothes, moving to do to the same to Dico before you remembered that he was absolutely filthy and you stopped yourself. “As soon as we get home, you’re gonna throw those clothes in a trash-bag and take a long shower.” Dico rolled his eyes as he leaned down to give you a quick kiss. “Yeah yeah yeah, I know. You’re getting in the shower with me though.” You laughed. “I don’t need a shower, Dico.” Dico’s grin widened, and he picked up a jelly glob from his shirt and smashed it into your hair, making your mouth drop open in shock. “Dico, what the fuck!” He just laughed, moving to open the door to the bathroom. “Now you need one. Let’s go.” You shook your head in disbelief, mostly annoyed but also slightly amused by his antics. “You’re fucking disgusting, Brandon.”
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eriquin · 3 months
The Trolley Problem, Part 29
Tommy and Carol fail to get breakfast.
(master post)
“I mean, I’m not grounded grounded, but she’s pissed,” Carol said. They were in Tommy’s truck again, driving to get breakfast and bring it to Steve’s house. Her mom was asleep now, but she’d spent the night pacing the floor and yelling about her dad. She sighed. “She’s not actually pissed at me. I’m just the one who’s at home, that’s all.”
Tommy nodded along. “I don’t think my folks even noticed that I didn’t come home on Sunday,” he said. “But they’re always cool about me staying at Steve’s place. You know how it is. One less mouth to feed.” He snorted. His parents weren’t as well off as the Harringtons, but they weren’t actually poor. It was just that his little sisters took up all of his parent’s attention.
“Did you manage to get any clothes for El?” she asked. They’d talked about this on the drive home. His oldest little sister was about her size. From the look on his face, he’d forgotten. Carol groaned. “Tommy, you had one job.”
“Hey, I had a lot on my mind!” he said. “Besides, my sisters were all in bed when I got home. I could just go raid their rooms. That’d be weird.” 
“I promise you that there’s stuff in your laundry room that would fit her,” she said. “Your mom is constantly doing laundry.” 
“Yeah, but it’s all dirty.” He turned onto the street that led down to the diner. “I can’t bring her dirty clothes. We should just go down to main street before school and buy her new things.” He grinned at her, taking a little teasing tone to his voice. “Come on, Carol. I know how much you love shopping.”
“No, we can’t,” said Carol. “We can’t just go buy clothes for a little girl. The lab people would get suspicious.” 
Tommy slowed down as they approached Benny’s diner. There were cop cars in front of it, including the chief’s Jeep. “What the hell?” He pulled into the parking lot, and one of the cops came out of the building and tried to wave him off. He rolled down the window and asked, “What happened? We were gonna get breakfast.” 
“You’re gonna have to get it somewhere else,” the cop said. He was the young one with the glasses, but Carol couldn’t remember his name. “This place is gonna be closed for a while.” 
“What? Why?” Tommy asked. “Is Benny okay? He makes the best breakfast sandwiches in town.” 
The cop grimaced and looked back towards the diner. “Look, I can’t say anything about it. There’s gonna be an investigation. You should just get going, kids. Go to McDonald’s or something.” He patted the door of the truck and turned around to walk back. 
Carol tugged at Tommy’s sleeve, suddenly remembering something. “We should go,” she said. “We need to get back to Steve’s house, like, right now.”
Tommy nodded and rolled his window back up. He turned around and started back towards Steve’s house. “What’s up? What do you think happened?”
“The shirt Eleven was wearing last night,” she said. “It was from Benny’s diner.”
“What?” Tommy stared straight down the road, but his face had gone pale under his freckles. “What does that mean?” 
“It means she was there, Tommy,” she said. “Benny must’ve given her one of the shirts, and now his place is swarming with cops and it’s gonna be ‘closed for a while’? Tommy. Do you think the monster got Benny?”
He frowned deeply. “Bad men,” he said. “She was scared of bad men, not monsters. It’s the lab.” He rubbed his hand over his face. 
“Oh my God. What if they killed him?” Carol asked. “We have to tell Steve.” 
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harghoes · 2 years
Ghost of You
pairing: billy hargrove x reader
warnings: angst, canon death, not proof-read lol
tags: @karasong @megmeg-chan @dameronology​
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July 4th, 1985 was the day tragedy struck. For most people, it was the fact that Starcourt Mall had been destroyed somehow. For Joyce Byers, it was because the person who believed her most died. For you, it was the tragedy of losing your loved one by a monster from a different dimension. 
You watched as the Mind Flayer's slimy tendrils speared through his body, but if the final limb had not pierced his chest, you know he would have survived. You watched as his body dropped to the floor. Max’s scream barely registered in your hazy consciousness. You rushed towards him, the black blood sticking to and coating your legs. 
Resting his head in your lap, he looks up at you. He tries to smile but it looks more like a pained grimace. You smiled down at him whimpering, “Hey. It’s alright. It’s okay, Billy.” You know you’re lying to him.  There’s nothing okay with the way blood is trickling from his mouth. You take a glance down his body, noticing the blood seeping into his white tank in the neon lighting of Starcourt Mall. You look in his eyes again before saying, “You can rest now, Billy, I’ll take care of us. We’ll be fine.”
More blood coughs from his mouth as he mutters his final words, “I’m sorry.” Witnessing life drain from his eyes, pupils dilating, was the most difficult experience of your life. The moment he took his last breath, a sob wracked through your body. Max pulled you close to her in a forceful hug. Sobbing into her shirt, you couldn’t get his final words out of your head. 
The funeral was the worst part. Many people showed up, but no one who knew the real Billy Hargrove, and the people who sat there that day to watch him die didn’t bother to attend. It was a closed casket with just his senior yearbook photo sitting at the front of the church. Sat in the front row, staring at that picture of him smiling while tears streamed down your face, the only thing grounding you was Max’s hand gripping yours. 
Neil Hargrove, the man who made Billy’s life a living hell, was drunk off his ass. It was clear that he didn’t want to remember this day, but he deserved to after everything he did to Billy. He was more aggressive than usual, which always happens when he has a drink or two. You sat between him and Max, trying to protect her from his wrath as much as possible. It was clear Susan wasn’t going to defend Max against Neil. She never had in the past. Billy had always been the protector in his own way, and now that role is yours. 
At the visitation, Susan came up to you. It was unlike her to come by herself to talk, Neil always being around, and it surprised you. She had started up a simple conversation with you before the alcoholic was stomping over.
“Thank you so much for coming. It means a lot to us,” She was talking about the boy like she had been there to keep him safe from his poor excuse of a dad, “I am glad we could have you here. I know it would mean a lot to Billy. And I know Billy was a little rough around the edges, but he was always sweet on you.”
As she finished talking, Neil appeared. He listened to her final words before letting out a scoff. You were preparing yourself for his words, knowing that you can’t truly make a scene, but you knew that what he had to say was far from the truth. 
Neil finally opened his mouth, “Don’t lie to ‘em, Susan. Billy only cared about you as much as any of the other whores he brought around,” Taking a deep breath to save face, he had continued on, “In fact, why were you sitting in the front row? That’s reserved for family.” 
For a moment, time stopped. Every single intrusive thought you’d ever had about hurting Neil Hargrove almost won. Your face held no emotion as you stared at him. You angrily tilted your head, nearly about to give into the impulse to punch him right in the nose, you catch a flash of red. Turning your attention to Max, you had seen how lonely she looked standing in the corner of the Hargrove-Mayfield living room, knowing that if you were to give this man the righteous indignation that he deserved, you would no longer be able to fulfill the promise to Billy Hargrove. 
That promise you made is the only thing keeping you from bruising this man like he had his son countless times. But it’s not enough to keep you from putting him in his place. You had turned your attention back to Neil, furiously staring at the blue eyes which are perhaps the only thing he has ever given Billy of worth. 
All the venom in those years of watching what he did to Billy came out in your next words. 
“You are not going to talk to me like that at your son’s funeral,” You pointed an accusatory finger at him, “Not when I know for a fact that Billy cared for me more than anyone else in his life, he told me as much when he told me he loved me.” More tears spilled from your eyes as you snarled,  “Billy had too much respect to hit you, but I don’t. He was your son, I am not. Any respect I had for you died the moment Billy took his last breath.”
Neil was visibly taken aback, but there was a creeping thought that if there weren’t other people around you wouldn’t be as safe.
You took one final look at him before spitting, “I will lay your ass out if I so much as hear from you again. Don’t think I won’t.” Looking over at Susan, you said through your teeth, “My condolences,” before you are marching your way to Max. You grabbed her hand and dragged her out of that broken home, determined to make her feel not as isolated anymore.  
The funeral was two weeks ago now. Sifting through the remnants of Billy Hargrove was difficult, but you were plowing onwards through your life, more for Max than for yourself. Pretending to be strong turns out to be easier than actually being strong. The reality is that every moment without Billy is misery. The way that the oxygen filling your lungs is like razor blades, the beating in your chest seems weaker, and every single step taken throughout the day feels heavy with the knowledge that he’s six feet below your feet. 
The early morning walk that you had decided to take to clear your head wasn’t making you feel better. Not only were your previous thoughts plaguing you, but as the sun rose the summer day got hotter and hotter, and the brown leather jacket that had once been Billy’s hung around your shoulders since you refused to remove it. The smell of him was the only sort of comfort available to you these days. 
Sticking your hand in the pocket, you feel a cylindrical object. Confused, you wrap your hand around it and pull it out. Opening your hand, you quickly realize that it’s a film canister. Shaking the canister to see if it’s empty, you hear something clatter on the pavement. Looking down, you notice the lid and the roll of undeveloped film. 
Crouching down to pick it up, the memory dawns on you as to how this got into your pocket. Hastily, you are grabbing the film and throwing it back into the canister. Popping the lid back on, you are in hysterics. Praying to whatever God is out there that this single film reel wasn’t ruined, but knowing deep down that it was. 
That canister was in your pocket because Billy had given it to you. Five weeks ago, he had tossed it at you while asking if you would develop it for him. Five weeks ago, you promised him you’d develop them that afternoon. Five weeks ago, he was still alive. 
The memory comes flooding back to you, it was one of the most truly happy moments you can remember having with him. Taking photos on the camera you had gifted him for his birthday this year. You remember how he smiled so genuinely when you took that first candid photo of him, accusing you of catching him when he wasn’t ready. You took another right after, catching the mildly scandalized look on his face. He was all blurry laughter and quick movement in his attempt to catch a photo of you, only to capture your equally blurry, bubbly laughter. 
You filled up that film with clandestine, innocent photos of the two of you on a day that didn’t seem as important as it inevitably would become to you. When it was full, he had given it to you while you were in his room, only to be forgotten about in the bottom of that brown leather jacket pocket. All of the things that you had thought were more important than that single roll of film paled in comparison now, because those had been the last photos you would ever take together. 
You were on your feet in an instant. Running to the film store that was on the corner square of downtown, the tears were flowing down your cheeks at the thought that you may have ruined one of the last things he had given you. Your stomach turns violently, anxiety shooting up your spine, as you realize that you have royally fucked up. 
Reaching the store, the bell announces your desperate attempt to fix what you’ve broken. The employees startled at your frantic appearance, and you’re glad that there’s no other customers in the store so you can go directly to the employee. You are slamming the canister on the counter before he could even speak. 
“Please tell me if this can be developed. Please tell me it’s not ruined!”
Your frenzied tone has him moving into action right away. He grabs the canister from the counter, and takes a look at you. 
He simply asks you, “What happened?” before you are explaining how you dropped it. Trying to express how important that film is, he finally starts to move towards the back room. He says he’ll take a look at it before disappearing. 
Guilt and worry overtake you. You’re chewing on your lip violently, watching the second hand on the clock tick by. It feels like forever waiting for him to return from the backroom and when he finally does, you can tell by the look on his face. The film is ruined. You destroyed it. There is nothing you, or anyone, can do to get those memories of Billy back. 
The overwhelming urge to cry takes over as you feel the pressure in your eyes and in your nose. The man tries to tell you that the film is destroyed, but that doesn’t matter now. He gently asks if you want to keep it or if he can throw it away. You snatch the container from him before turning to rush home. 
Arriving at your house, you see a certain redhead sitting on the front steps. You are quick to wipe the tears from your face, hoping to bury the heartache deep enough that the girl might not see it. You attempt to put on a smile by the time you reach her, but you already know that she’s seen right through you. If there was one thing that her and Billy had in common, it was the ability to read you like an open book. 
Max’s smile drops as she takes in your state. At this very moment you were trying to be strong for her. You had made that promise to Billy and you weren’t about to break it so early. 
But this fourteen year old girl was bearing witness to it, and while you know that this is not the worst thing that she has seen in her short lifetime, the guilt that comes with the understanding that dawns in her eyes is there all the same. 
The exhaustion of it all weighs on you. You collapse onto the stairs alongside Max. The silence is deafening between you but there is an understanding in the way she looks forward, away from you, so that you can have this small privacy in your grief. 
Max breaks the silence, and you’re grateful because you aren’t able to form words. She glances at you from her peripheral, making sure you’re listening.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you cry since the funeral,” she starts, “You have been strong for so long. Must be tiring.” 
She turns her head to look at you, and you return her gaze. You look into her eyes, and even though they weren’t biological, you almost swear you see a glimpse of Billy in the determination in her eyes. 
Max grabs your hand before softly promising, “I’m not the only one who needs to be looked after, y’know? Billy could be an asshole sometimes, but he’d want you to be okay too.” 
Tears glaze over your vision. You grab the back of her head before pulling her into resting your foreheads together, closer than two sisters could ever be. You both stay like that for a moment, eyes closed, just accepting the comfort brought on by the other. The bittersweet knowledge that you have both lost Billy, but you still have each other to rely on, blankets you. 
Pulling away, you reach into the pocket of Billy’s jacket. Fishing out the ruined film, you hold it in your hands before speaking to Max,
“I ruined this film. It was the only photos Billy and I had together.” You take a deep breath to try and push away the tears.
Max speaks softly, “Your love was more than photos. You still have memories of him, we all do.” 
Sighing, you know she’s right but it doesn’t make it sting any less.
 “That doesn’t matter, Max.” You breath shakily, “I don’t have any pictures of him. He exists now, only in my memories.”
Max pulls you into a hug, and the sound of your sobs fill the silence. She squeezes you tight to show you that she is there. When your sobs finally die down, she is mumbling in your ear.
“Billy exists in more than those photos. He is in the jacket that you’re wearing.” She leans away from the hug to look at you, “He is the grief you are feeling. He is that stupid Saint Christopher necklace you have.” 
She rests her hand on your shoulder before sighing out, “He is the love that you hold. He is the reason that you’ll always be my sister.” She wipes her own tears away before speaking with a small laugh, “We’ll never be free from his dumbass.” 
This gets a chuckle from you before you’re pulling her closer. 
“Sister, huh?” 
 Max halfheartedly shrugs before saying, “Yeah, I always wanted one.” 
She was right. Grief had pulled you apart but even now Billy was piecing you back together. After all, he had brought you a sister and he had left his own permanent mark on your soul. 
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liminalpebble · 8 months
Eddie's Education: Chapter 25
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Minors DNI
In the main room of the community center six set of eyes fixed on each red circle in turn until the discussion itself began to run in circles. Dustin sighed dramatically. “There're too many options! We can't drive around to every backyard pool or fish pond in Hawkins and be like 'excuse me, mind if we look for a portal to hell real quick?'.”
Robin spoke up. “But...but you said there aren't portals anymore. How would we even get into his lair in the upside-down? Or how would he get out?”
El said gently, “I can open a portal. I think he's counting on it, if he's not strong enough to do it himself. But I don't need to. I can fight him psychically like I did last time...and like I did when I pulled Max from her coma. He said he'll make Leia come to him. So, he's either counting on me to make a portal to the upside-down or he's gathering what's left of his strength to do it himself.”
Mike nodded. “Yeah, and since he's just had a pretty hearty murder meal, he might be strong enough to do it.”
They all grimaced at that. Knowing he was right but not particularly wanting to think about it that way.
Nancy's eyes went wide, remembering a very specific swimming pool from years ago, where her ditched best friend was sucked into the upside-down, flayed, dismembered, and devoured by its monsters. The small woman rose her surprisingly-commanding voice. “What about places where the first murders took place. Those deaths created portals before, and even if they're healed over now, maybe those places are still....well...thin...maybe it's easier to break through there.”
Dustin rose his eyebrows. “You have a hypothesis?”
“Yeah.” She tapped a pink-polished nail on a specific coordinate. “Here. The Harringtons' backyard. The pool would be large enough for his...tank...or whatever, but also it's where....where Barb died. It'd be perfect for him. He can work on creating a portal in a 'thin' place while he's recharging. There aren't any other locations that have both a container that size and a murder, right? This would be his best strategic position.”
Everyone nodded and agreed, allowing small reluctant smiles of relief to surface. Held breaths were finally exhaled.
Dustin was in the middle of congratulating Nancy's sharp thinking when the lights flickered. Just then, Steve's panicked howling pierced the air like an arrow shot from the other room.
“JESUS CHRIST!” he hollered.
“Believe it. I can be super confident but also, you know, kind of an idiot,” Steve said with a wry smile. He looked away from Leia for a moment, recalling the past and his mistakes with some humility. When he looked up again he flinched hard and shouted “JESUS CHRIST!”, scuttling away from her and tumbling off the loveseat. Her deep coffee-colored eyes were now clouded over and rolled back, thick black lashes bobbing unevenly over ghostly corneas, like a broken doll. For a moment, all Harrington could do was stare up from the floor in petrified dread.
He was barely aware of the others tumbling into the room until Eddie shoved him out of the way to grab Leia's shoulders, screaming and babbling for her to wake up. His mind flashed to his old trailer, to Chrissy's eyes doing the same eerie blinks in the strobing lights, to him pleading with her to wake up...before...before...
“Leia!!” he wailed.
El pushed him away as gently as she could but he still wriggled and resisted. She held him by the arms and stared into his face, “Eddie! Listen to me! You need to move. I'm the only one who can help her now.”
He nodded in a haze of confusion and let Steve pull him back, keeping a hand on his shoulder.
El sat beside her on the sofa facing her. She put her hand to Leia's clammy forehead and closed her eyes, willing herself to descend to the psychic plane where Vecna had her.
Everything turned dark and quiet, then El paced forward into the horrible scene in Sam's childhood bedroom. She witnessed Leia's impossible choice, heard her agonized sobs and Vecna's cruel goading. She squinted and felt her heart ache. El knew for herself the pain of being used as a devastating weapon, but for now all she could do was watch. From this position she had no power to interrupt or stop any of it. For that she would need to get closer, much closer, and she would need help.
Still entranced, Leia was hyperventilating and tears were streaming from her eyes. Rusty hints of blood mixed with the saline of her tears. Besides El, none of them knew what hell she was enduring, but watching her suffer was breaking Eddie badly.
“Wake her up...please please...god please wake her up. Why won't she wake up?” Eddie muttered and implored to Steve over and over again, and Steve just let him, keeping his arm around his friend.
After moments that seemed like an eternity to everyone in the room, Leia and El's eyes simultaneous blinked back to normal as their bodies slouched heavily onto each other from the lurch of being thrown back into the physical world.
Leia sat up. El was still holding her gently as she struggled for air. Leia's pleading eyes met El's and she croaked and stuttered between sobs and short hiccups of breath, “I..I...k.k..killed him...oh god.”
El shook her head and held Leia's face. “I saw it. It wasn't you, Leia. You don't have the powers to do that. Even if you wanted to. That was Vecna. It's not your fault.”
Leia slurred on, shaking her head, “But he made me help he..he he..s...said I had to kill Sam or watch Eddie d..d..die. He won't take Eddie. I won't let him take Eddie!”
Hearing his name from her lips pulled him to her like a magnet. He flung himself towards her again, sliding to his knees and clamping his arms around her waist. He chanted, “I'm here. I'm here...I'm right here.”
El slowly stood up and joined the others saying quietly. “There's nothing else I can do for her right now, but there will be.”
As Dustin scanned the details of the scene before him, he noticed Leia still had one ear tucked under her headphone, the music still buzzing out in a tinny stream. “Oh fuck...” he sighed out, shoulders dropping.
“What?” Steve asked.
Robin, as usual, was a step ahead. She pointed to the headphones and said, “The music was still playing. It didn't stop him.”
“Fuck,” they all said in a depressing chorus.
Dustin took the lead. Reaching forward for Eddie's arm, he said in a soothing tone, “Eddie...we need to go and...”
Eddie flinched at the contact, inky eyes frantic and feral, teeth gritted. He barked out, “Don't fucking touch her!” and squeezed her closer. Her small body was now slumped against him on the floor, cradled in his arms. He nuzzled his face against hers. Shivering and squinting hard against his tears, he whispered, “I gotcha...I gotcha. Hang in there, baby. Stay with me.”
The catalyst; that's what it was. That's how Dustin thought of it as the group sprung into action, in a fiery explosion of purpose.
Mike, El, and Dustin were working in Eddie's trailer, filling a kiddy pool with bag after bag of salt and gallons of water. They tacked up thick blankets over every window to build a make-shift sensory deprivation tank. From there, El could plunge deeper into the psychic realm and fight Vecna with her full power. At the very least, she planned to protect Leia and keep 001 occupied while the others launched their offensive. She took a calming breath and envisioned their endgame; dragging 001 out of the upside-down, destroying him by divorcing him from the source of power so he can never come back.
Eddie was in his bedroom sitting beside his love, stroking her soft sleeping face and quietly playing guitar for her (for whatever good music could still do). She had lost consciousness in El's arms in the back seat of Eddie's van as they drove, and she was still unconscious as he carried her in. El assured the panicked boyfriend that she was keeping a psychic link on Leia, monitoring for Vecna's presence within her mind. She explained that the experience had just overloaded her system and she needed rest now. It was blessedly silent inside Leia's head, and El suspected 001 had other plans at the moment than harassing his “pet” again. He was preparing for the battle just was much as they were.
Robin, Nancy and Steve were preparing for war in a different way. Steve awkwardly greeted his parents as they pulled up at their house under the guise of a holiday chat and visit (even though they had just seen each other at the community hall). While Steve did what he did best (talking about nothing and being friendly for long periods of time) Robin and Nancy investigated the Harrington's swimming pool.
It was surreal for Nancy to be back at the same house. This was where she was busy losing her virginity while her ditched best friend was being slaughtered in this very pool (or rather, in this pool on the other side). Robin's bright perceptive eyes watched Nancy's blanched troubled face. She knew the story, but didn't realize how the guilt still stretched taut like a string inside of her across all these years. Fuck. No wonder she's so high strung. She mused.
“You okay?” Robin asked, as the two women stared down at the dusty tiles of the bone-dry crater (it was well after swimming season, after all).
As expected, Nancy only answered a curt “yeah”. Stiff upper lip firmly in place, she quickly bypassed the subject. “Look,” she said pointing to a corner of the pool which gave off an eerie red luminescence in the gathering fall dusk. Steve saw it too, looking out the back window over his pumpkin pie and coffee, and past his parents faces, to where the glow rose up.
Before long the three were back in the car after their reconnaissance; an awkward heavy silence hanging between them. Everyone's old hurt and memories were surfacing, unwelcome and unbidden, like garbage bubbling up to ruin a placid lake. The mood was dour, polluted.
Then Robin held up the foil-covered pastry keeping her company in the backseat and began to snack on it, mumbling, “Holy shit, Steve. Your mom makes really good pie!”. The bubble burst and suddenly all three of them were laughing and crying simultaneously as they continued their quest around town.
They got guns and bullets from the sporting goods store; ingredients for Molotov cocktails from the grocery and hardware stores as puzzled cashiers rang them up warily. They stopped by Nancy's to retrieve a shotgun from her back shed (one she hadn't needed since she used it against Vecna 15 years ago). Car now weighted down with supplied, Robin buckled in and announced, “One more stop, friends.”
“Where?” Steve asked, looking over his headrest.
“Leia's place. I have a spare key.”
The other two just stared at her blankly as she rolled her eyes and huffed, “just trust me. There are some loose ends to tie up. Then we'll extract and flambe this asshole again...for good this time.”
El knocked gently, peaking around into Eddie's bedroom, where he still sat with his eyes glued to Leia's sleeping form.
“Hey. I have to disconnect from her now to clear my mind for the tank. Mike and Dustin and I are going to prepare weapons by the fire pit down the road. The others will join us there when they're finished with their part. Can you stay with her for the rest of the time and watch her?”
“Uh yeah...uh...but what what if something happens.”
Mike and Dustin came over, and Mike chimed in, “We think it's pretty likely that he's biding his time now, and El has to disconnect. There's not really much else we can do.” He pointed to the guitar and smiled wryly, “music might still help though...a least a little.”
Eddie nodded, as Dustin and El left.
Mike continued fidgeting while he spoke. “We also...um...we wanted to give you some private time alone together as well. You know. In case....in case things....in case you have some things to talk about.”
Eddie smiled wryly back to Mike, but his eyes were still sad. “You mean in case one or both of us kick the bucket, Wheeler? Just spit it out, man. But yeah...I think that's wise.” He paused swallowing heavily and enveloping her small hand with his larger one, ringed fingers skimming over her knuckles. Then he said, voice shaking with a new tone of determination, “I died once, and I have no intention of dying again...and neither will she. We've both fought our way to a second life, and we're gonna live it together.”
@sweetsigyn @veemoon @elegantkoalapaper @sunflowerdaydreamer @little-wormwood @hellfirenacht
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readyplayerziggy · 8 months
Halloween plot idea: Ryuji and Samus end up in the backrooms, but the only thing they see...is a endless table of food, arranging from all different things, like desserts, fried foods, and much more. Will they escape, or will they fall victim to the call of the food?
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Their initial meeting was hostile of course. Two individuals in an unknown location with no idea how they got there, on edge, and waiting for something to pop around the corner and bite their head off? It'd be a miracle if they hadn't pointed their guns at each other right off the rip.
But they'd gathered themselves back up before the shooting could start up proper and compared notes, made theories (some rather outlandish ones on Ryuji's end which earned him no end of incredulity from Samus) and got to searching.
Give them half a map, some grenades and about three clips worth of ammo and they could've escaped from that place within five hours of meeting each other, tops. Monsters or no...
But they didn't have that. And monsters wasn't what they were forced to face.
Food. A lot of it. A seemingly endless assortment of it with an equal amount of variety. The table stretching out to both ends, going down hallways that reached far beyond the furthest edge of their vision and Samus' sensors. A clear trap...
And for a pair of people as far on the...stout side as they were, a dangerously effective one. Nevertheless they would endure. They simply had to go down one end of the hall and they'd eventually find another opening that could lead them out. They just had to keep their eyes ahead and ignore the food. The rich. Decadent. Savory. Steaming. Tantalizi-*CRUNCH*
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Samus froze in her tracks at the sudden noise behind her, mind broken from the mantra of 'ignore the food' she'd been chanting nonstop.
She turned slowly, as though she were genuinely afraid of what she would see when she completed it, masked face set in a grimace as she begged whatever entity stood at the top that she would not see what she thought she was going to see.
It was.
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"H-hey, why the hell are we stopped? Come on we gotta-what? Why are you looking at me like tha-" Ryuji's words halted in their tracks just as quickly as Samus herself had when he saw what he had in his hand.
A taco. A taco that was three fifths of the way eaten and clearly plucked from the table. A taco he not even realized he'd grabbed and been biting into until this exact moment.
"Craaaaaaap." An understatement.
The sound of metal striking concrete startled Ryuji out of his stunned state and the sight of Samus's helmet bouncing against the floor was joined by the loud sounds of her chewing and gasping, the sight of Ryuji unintentionally falling into whatever trap laid by the food breaking the little self-control the hunter had left. She had dived onto the table, sweeping entire dishes off the counter and pulling just as many towards herself to cram her mouth.
Pastas of all shapes were yanked out of bowls and shoved past her lips, her face met plates as she shoved her head through pies and cakes alike to lap them up whole, her arm cannon became jammed with grease and sauces as she crushed all kinds of delicacies up in her attempts to grab them with her right. The most feared woman in the galaxy now a slob clawing at table scraps.
Skull blinked at the sight, opening his mouth to try and talk her out of this but instead found himself cramming the remnant of the taco inside. And then he was just as gone as she was. His weapons dropped to the ground and his hands a blur as he began to gorge. Meats of all kinds awaited him, dripping with fat, sizzling on their plates, torn off of bones, sucked off of skewers or bitten straight through, piling up in his gut by the pound. Chickens, meatballs, sandwiches, whole turkeys, paired with pitchers of gravy tipped into his mouth and dripping down his chest.
Dishes and cups were thrown to the floor without care as they feasted, crumbs and spills of food hitting the ground with so much frequency one would think it was a whole horde of animals on the table than two people. Armor was stained with every manner of condiment and creaked with the growing burden of holding such girth back, yet this noise, this tightness was paid no heed by the pair, their only focus being to eat. Eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat...
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 14
In the belly of the beast, Naruto struggled. He couldn't get a grip on the snake's slick insides to force his way back to the mouth…
'Why would I want to go back to the mouth? Poisonous fangs that way.'
If he couldn't get out through the hole that already existed, he'd have to make one. His only blades were kunai, though. Cutting that way would take too long. He'd be severely burnt by that point. That in mind, he pulled the one explosive tag he'd been allowed with trembling fingers, despite his restricted state. He kept it close to his chest to keep as much slime off of it as possible, and then stuffed it in his left glove for the same purpose.
"Let's hope I can give it right amount of charge." He'd never been good at using the least amount of chakra possible. Naruto had always been best at making enormous explosions from even cheap tags. But that would kill him in these confined quarters. He grimaced against the pain of the stomach acid around him and wiggled as far in one direction as he could before hooking the glove around his last kunai… which he then drove as far as possible into the side of the beast.
It was hard to tell, but the sinuous rocking movement he'd been feeling seemed to get more violent. Naruto grimaced, wishing for air, and reached his hand through the hole he'd pierced to touch the end of the kunai, feeling wet meat around his hand, stretching and convulsing… and then he lit up just the one finger that touched the ringed end of his kunai with the lightest tinge of neutral chakra.
"I can't wait any more…"
Aiko bit clean through her lower lip, blood wetting her chin and mixing with the cold rain. She flipped to look into the bathroom, startling Temari. "You can turn them off. Thank you."
Before the girl could respond, Aiko straightened and bounded over the treetops to where she felt that monstrous chakra that nearly obscured team seven's signatures. Anko was mere moments away from reaching them, an ANBU team hot on her heels.
"Anko, I'm coming."
She didn't get a reply. The older girl was doubtlessly a little preoccupied.
Sakura whined through her teeth, eyes frantic in her skull. She didn't have the time to brush her now-wild hair out of her face, and if she did it would be more likely that she would use the time to address the freely bleeding wound in her shoulder. She had been forced to pull out the kunai pinning her to the tree in order to escape the next hit.
Something twinged in her knee when she bounced off a tree trunk and struggled to get upright, working desperately to clear the area that was being torn apart by whatever the hell that jutsu was. She blinked back tears of pain and fear, feeling cold on the back of her neck.
'This guy… he's a monster! He's no genin.'
She hadn't seen Naruto in almost three minutes- not a very long time in normal circumstances, but seeing as he'd disappeared just before the scariest fight of her life against someone who was obviously toying with Sasuke-kun (and that meant he was far out of her league), she was fucking terrified that he was already dead.
'I can't think about that now!' She strained her muscles, fighting her way through debris and wind that cut and tongues of fire towards her other teammate - what a terrible time for the rain to suddenly stop, but at least nothing was catching fire. She could barely see his silhouette through the mess—he was standing too close, far too close to their monstrous opponent.
Sakura had to have been hallucinating, though, because it looked like his fucking head popped off attached to a taffy neck and stretched out to kiss Sasuke. Inanely, she couldn't help but think, 'You jackass, Sasuke's first kiss was supposed to be mine.' Even though that couldn't be what had happened, and Sasuke's knees were buckling under. She launched off to catch his prone body, muscles screaming, opponent forgotten. That was Sasuke falling. She couldn't let Sasuke fall.
Out of the corner of her eye, it seemed that the man was slowly turning to look at her with a flash of yellow eyes. Couldn't be. No one had yellow eyes. She grit her teeth and reached, ready to grab Sasuke and spring away, she saw someone coming in hot nearby, seconds away, she had backup she was going to be fine and she could find Naruto no baka and hit him for scaring her like that and everything would be fine, it would…
"How annoying," Orochimaru hissed, snatching the little brat right out of the air and ripping out the front of her neck in one smooth motion, stunned green eyes staring up at the warm spray of blood that resulted. Then he let go. The little corpse fell, colliding unpleasantly with tree branches in a tragic flop of soft white limbs and crashing through damp leaves, sending water droplets flying like jewels. "Anko-chan, I didn't expect you to come and ruin my fun so quickly. Did you miss your sensei?"
Anko bared her teeth, determinedly not looking at the tiny body crumpled and awkwardly hanging in the thick underbrush below, swaying slightly from the force of the fall she had just barely arrived too late to prevent. "You evil fucker," she hissed right back. "Don't mock me! You left me like trash. But you're not getting away this time."
Amusement was in every sinuous line of his body. "Oh really," he purred, slipping on a pleasant smile like a mask.
"Yes." She settled the now-unconscious Uchiha boy in the crook of the tree so that he didn't fall, keeping both eyes on Orochimaru. He placidly let her. Unease prickled at the back of her neck- why hadn't he killed this one too? Where was the third kid?
"Did you see the present I gave Sasuke-kun?" the conversational tone made her jerk unpleasantly, feeling as if her skin was pulling and slipping off. 'No, no, no, not another, no no no'… "Don't be jealous, but it's much better than yours."
Her hand instantly clapped onto her seal, where it seemed as if her skin and the muscle and the bone they were on fire and how could she move or even breathe… She gritted her teeth through the pain and pushed it away, flinging a brace of kunai to break his concentration.
It didn't work, but the four man ANBU squad that burst through the treeline baring steel like teeth did distract him a bit… just as a little blonde head bounded into the clearing and took in the tableau.
"Kid!" She hollered. "Grab your teammate up here and get the fuck out, to the tower. Forget the exam."
Orochimaru frowned, dodging the first volley, ducking and weaving between two short swords, some bitch spitting lightning and almost right into the spray of senbon Anko flung. In a flash of movement she barely caught, one of the ANBU was sent jerking violently to collide with a tree trunk.
"What happened to the bastard?" The blonde boy pulled desperately at his teammate. "Wake up, asshole!" His voice broke. "You've gotta help me find Sakura-chan."
Anko flinched, shunshining away from the bright green snake that shot for her face. "Kid, ain't nobody that can help that little girl anymore. Get your friend the fuck out of here! Your sister will meet you. She's close."
"I can't leave her!" he shouted. She grimaced, glancing involuntarily down, down, down to where the little girl with the red dress had fallen. His eyes tracked hers and widened in comprehension, then disbelief.
There was no way to mistake that for unconsciousness.
She didn't have time to deal with his panic attack- no time to cope with his screams of pain that quickly turned to howls of rage. She made time to turn to check when red, red chakra that was sickeningly familiar and almost as traumatizing as that sickly green-black chakra that she had used to admire so much. Wide eyed, she took just one glance at the crouched figure shrouded in unnatural, shit-your-pants-scary demonic chakra.
"Oh ho ho ho. What's thissssss."
"None of your damn business," she barked, rejoining the fight with a fury. That fucker wasn't taking her seriously!
And then he was gone. No shunshin that she saw, no sprint, nothing. He was just gone.
"What the fuck," a confused tenor voice breathed from under a porcelain mask. "Orders, Mitarashi-san?"
She grunted, surveying the situation again. "Escort those two kids to the tower, right now. I'm going to find Hokage-sama."
Her earpiece flickered on. "What's going on, Anko? I can't sense Orochimaru."
She sighed, feeling the adrenaline flood out. Wearily, she put one hand to her head to turn her headset on. "He's gone. I have your brother. He'll be heading to the tower. If you know how, I'd contact that sensei of yours." Dark eyes flickered to the crumpled figure curled into the tree. "I think he's the best seal master in town." She snorted derisively. "Not saying much."
Aiko clenched her fist around her brother's still hand, back hurting from her leaning position over the hospital bed. They'd been forced to tranquilize him to keep him from wrecking the place up.
She felt numb.
Shouldn't she had been able to do something about this?
'No, no, no,' her mind insisted. 'I couldn't have predicted this. No one could have predicted this. And no one will ever know that I should have known, should have known.'
His little hand was warm in hers. She could feel his heart beat through her fingers.
'Sakura doesn't have a heartbeat,' something traitorous whispered. 'Cold, dead, in the forest. They'll get her in the morning, they said. No hurry, no hurry.'
The door opened and closed quietly. She didn't have to look up to know that her teacher was staring out the window, fingers probably still stained with ink from the emergency sealing he had just performed. She let Naruto's hand slip from her and walked over to wrap her arms around her sensei's waist, burying her face into his flak jacket. He didn't react.
Aiko breathed deeply, searching for something familiar in the warm scent. She knew he used the same weapon polish, but she couldn't pick the scent out at all. He just smelled warm and safe.
Slowly, reluctantly one trembling hand rested gently against her back. For a man of his caliber, the shaking was almost as telling as the fact that he reached for reassurance, no matter how minor.
They waited as the day fled into night, shadows chasing slowly over white sheets on hospital beds.
Sasuke woke up a few hours before Naruto did, just about when she had finally steeled herself to asking if anyone had talked to Sakura's parents ('and told them that she's dead in the leaves, one little leaf in a forest').
"Ugh." The groan caught both of their attention. Aiko untangled herself from the blanket on her shoulders and pushed aside the curtains around Sasuke's bed. He blinked up at her blearily, one hand attached to the base of his neck like a vise. "What happened," he rasped. "That man, in the forest. Who was he?"
"Orochimaru of the Sannin," Kakashi stated quietly, one dark eye intent on the waking boy's reactions. "He…"
"Sakura's dead," Aiko said abruptly. Too abruptly. There was no way to sugar coat that. It would be a waste of time to try. She fell back into the chair beside his bed, pulling her legs up to her chest. "Dead dead dead in the forest."
Her teacher gave her an alarmed look. 'No need,' she thought. 'I'm fine, I was never near him. Don't look at me don't look.'
The brunette pulled in a long, slow, pained breath. "I see." The words were quiet. "And… and Naruto?"
"He's in that bed," sensei pointed to the adjoining room. "He had to be sedated."
Aiko stared at her knees.
"How?" The word had the most emotion she had ever heard in Sasuke's voice before. It wasn't grief, but it was something.
"I wasn't there," sensei said quietly. "I don't know."
"She can't breathe." She said abruptly. "Not without a throat. They left her. We left her. Sensei, are we going to go back and get her?" She hadn't seen it happen, of course. The ANBU had been attempting to calm Naruto down when she arrived. If she had been looking, she would have seen Sasuke's face turn green.
"Aiko, why don't you lie down. I think Sasuke could use a cuddle." He didn't even glare at the man. Sensei patted her head. "I'm going to go talk to the Hokage.
"Okay." Blearily, she untucked her legs and climbed into the bed. Silently, her teammate slid over to give her room underneath the covers. "I'm not tired, you know."
"Hn." Sasuke rolled over to stare at the ceiling.
"I never liked her." He turned his head a little to look at her. She was staring at the place where the wall and ceiling met, eyes dull and almost impassive. "I thought she was annoying and that she didn't take her career seriously. But she was just a little girl." She licked dry lips, weighing the next words. "She was going to get better. She was going to realize that her job was important and she was going to do well. But now she won't. If I'd been better-"
"Shut up." Sasuke wearily closed his eyes, pushing back the strange pain on the juncture of his neck and shoulder that no one had explained yet. He'd thought that freak – Orochimaru, he would remember that name, he would kill that man too because Sasuke didn't care when someone was out of his league, he'd always been second best or worse and he'd never let that stop him before – Anyway, he'd thought that freak had bit him there. Was that really a dream, or did it happen? He didn't want to think about that. He didn't want to think about the man who had beat him around like an Academy brat with laughter on his tongue. And he didn't want to think that the man had killed Sakura.
Weak, pathetic, annoying Sakura. Annoying Sakura who had spent more time on her hair than her kunai. Sakura who had followed him around with stars in her eyes like he was someone worth looking up to. Sakura who had picked all those fights with the idiot for his sake even though he definitely didn't need the help.
He pushed away the hurt with the ease of long practice, compartmentalizing the new pain with the old pain that belonged to the little boy in his mind who screamed, screamed, screamed 'why'. The girl beside him turned onto her side and tangled cold fingers into the front of his shirt. He let her. It was weakness, but even Sasuke could forgive a little weakness in the dark.
Kakashi stood in his shower, head bowed. He'd had to get out of that room. That made three out of three students that he would be referring to the mental health division for a short break. Apparently Aiko wasn't as ready for trauma as he'd thought.
'Am I cursed?' He slowly raised one shaking hand to look at it. 'How the hell did I manage to get another teammate killed? I wasn't even there.'
The drain turned into a whirlpool, sucking out all the liquid and the oxygen and leaving only steam for him to breathe. He didn't mind.
He had already been to a briefing- it wasn't his briefing, but the Hokage had let him linger while someone talked about broken records and a flood in the tower all the way down to the first floor and faceless Rain ninja and a group of Sound ninja that definitely hadn't been genin who had attacked and been killed by the ANBU that swept the forest to make sure everything was clear. They had extracted one unconscious group of students as well as one girl whose teammates were dead. She was in the hospital somewhere, probably scared and alone. He didn't care. He had enough to care about.
Someone had already been sent to retrieve his student's body and arrange it a little more respectfully in case her civilian parents wanted it. They would be contacted in the morning. No use in making them lose sleep.
'I put a twelve year old on the mission stone. That's a new low.'
The night had been a bad one, on all counts.
Karin Uzumaki stared out her hospital window with wide, red eyes. She'd never been in a room like this before. But then, Konoha was famous for the quality of their medicine, and an orphan like her wouldn't have merited the best her village had to offer anyway.
Her team was dead.
She tried out the thought, remembering the terror she had felt when she realized she was alone in that forest of horrible animals and acid traps, being herded along the river to enemies she could feel but not avoid. It was slightly worse than being in the forest with her teammates, who at least couldn't kill her until the task was over.
If she wasn't so unsure about what was going to happen to her now, she'd be happy she had escaped her teammates. But they were going to kill her if she dared return without them. She had been the mere filler meant to allow the real nin to take the exam in sissy Konoha that would only accept full teams.
One slim hand pressed to her stomach to quiet the rumbling within. She'd been hustled in quickly and efficiently, treated with a pretty glowing hand technique that sealed up all her hurts and erased the splinter break in her shin bone… until they got to the paperwork and found out her name. Karin had no idea why the nurse had been so skeptical, but she had abruptly left the room and started a conversation with someone Karin couldn't see.
"May I come in, Uzumaki-san?"
She jumped a little, and gave the door a suspicious look. "O-of course."
The hand that opened the door was wrinkled, aged, and attached to a face that even she knew. Her face burnt. "H-Hokage-san!" The title was insufficient, but she couldn't refer to a foreign nin as 'sama'. They would skin her alive back home in grass. The fact that she had been brought in by Orochimaru-sama himself wouldn't matter—he was far too busy to pay much attention to a genin he'd rescued years ago. The old man didn't seem to mind the mild disrespect. He merely smiled at her.
"Forgive me, but when I heard we had an Uzumaki in the hospital, I had to see. The family resemblance is undeniable, young lady."
"You didn't know?" He indicated for her to follow. "You have the Uzumaki look about you, especially your hair. I think you look even more Uzu than the Uzumaki we have in Konoha."
Her heart stopped. "My family is from Konoha?" She knew nothing about her family. She'd always been a foreigner and an orphan- twice cursed.
"Not originally, no. But Konoha has a long history with the Uzumaki. The wife of one of our founding fathers was an Uzumaki, as well as the late Kushina-chan, who you might know as the Bloody Habanero."
Karin shook her head slowly. "I don't know who that it."
"She very nearly became the fourth Hokage."
Red eyes went wide. Her family sounded kind of awesome. Her family. That was a new phrase.
"Forgive an old man his rambling. Tell me, would you accompany me for a late dinner? I'm afraid I was working late."
Ino eyed the other blonde kunoichi with distaste. There was just no excuse for hair like that- it looked like straw. The Suna nin gave a smirk in return.
"Ino, if you're done asserting your dominance, they're going to start talking soon." She rolled her eyes at her grumpy teammate.
"Don't be ridiculous, Shikamaru. Not everyone is here yet. We couldn't possibly have beat Sasuke-kun's team in, even if he is slowed down by Forehead girl and Naruto." She raised up onto her toes, scanning the crowd for that shock of black hair.
The tall boy standing by the kunoichi she'd been glaring at gave a snicker. "It's funny when we know more than the natives," he drawled. "You mean the team with the irritatingly loud blonde, right? Don't you know? That team is disqualified."
Ino reddened. "W-what? You take that back! No way."
Teal eyes flashed with amusement, and she heard the other girl's voice for the first time. "Kankuro, play nice. I'm sure she knows what she's talking about." She jerked her head. "Let's go." With a scuff of sandals, the two followed their red-headed teammate to the room where the genin were gathering to hear results.
Chouji shrugged. "It's possible," he offered, caught between being the voice of reason and the peacekeeper. "Naruto could have peeked at a scroll or something. That wouldn't be Sasuke's fault at all."
Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "Troublesome. Who cares?" He shuffled off, quickly followed by her other male teammate. Ino gave one last look around the room and gave up her search as a bad job. 'I'm sure I'll see him soon.'
But team 7 was nowhere to be seen. They sidled up next to their year mates uneasily. Hinata seemed worried too: she had actually activated her Byakugan to search.
"There's only one Konoha team missing," she whispered. "I don't see them anywhere."
Konoha had done very well in the second task—other teams had apparently been overwhelmed by the native flora and fauna.
A cough. "Unfortunately, there are too many teams. We are going to have to have an elimination round."
Ino cursed, bouncing up onto Shikamaru's shoulders so that she could see what was going on. The speaker looked like he was about to fall over from a wasting disease. She wrinkled her nose distastefully.
'Getting through this exam was tough enough. I don't think my team is ready to fight again already.'
They'd nearly gotten their butts handed to them by that Rain team using genjutsu… Shikamaru had spotted it, but it was still close. They had been desperate- it had been the last day and they hadn't so much as seen another team… Aside from the incident where they hid in the bushes and watched that Suna kunoichi's teammate crush an entire grass team alive. She shuddered a little.
'Four Konoha teams, the Sand team, and one Rain… Unless Konoha loses all our fights, we'll be dominating the Finals.' She gave a slightly feral grin. 'That makes 9 matches…'
And as if by divine providence, her match was first. She strutted into the ring… and then deflated at the sight of her opponent. 'He looks so weird!' She didn't have a problem with the color green, exactly, but this fellow leaf nin apparently had terrible taste in everything. 'He desperately needs my help. I hope he fights better than he dresses.'
The boy she was to fight slid into a serious position, left hand upraised and just a hint of a blush across his cheeks. "I am honored by this fight, Yamanaka-san!"
She sighed. 'He's not great at trash talk, either.' "Let's go already!"
Ino was the best kunoichi of her class. She had always been praised for her aggression, creative taijutsu (honed by practice against a real genin for two whole years) and comparative body strength.
But this kid gently, smoothly deflected or flowed around everything she threw at him. She caught a glimpse of one of the Rain nin looking nervous about the quality of genin that Konoha produced. She was starting to feel pretty nervous, too. If she were Shikamaru, this would be where she came up with a clever plan, or used weaponry or something. But she wasn't the planner, and her taijutsu was the strongest non-lethal tool she had. She didn't want to actually hurt a fellow leaf-nin with kunai.
Ino forced herself a little faster, burning desperately to get at least one hit in. The world was a blur around her. She was more insulted than anything that her opponent was clearly avoiding actually fighting her- at the speed he moved, he could have ended the fight already if he actually tried to hit her.
As if he heard her, Rock (and was a silly name, thought the girl named Pig) flew forward in a whirlwind of limbs. "You fought well, Yamanaka-san, but now it is my turn. Konoha Senpu!"
The next thing she knew was waking up groggily to the sight of her teacher. "Did anyone catch the wagon that ran me over?" She sat up, swaying slightly.
"No, but you missed two fights." The scent of salty bbq floated through the air. "You know the guy who beat you? His female teammate beat Kiba, and then that blonde Suna nin you were growling at beat their last teammate."
"Ha, at least one of his teammates bit it," she muttered bitterly. "Who is next?"
"The tallest Suna nin and one of the Leaf genin from the oldest team. Yoroi or something."
The Suna nin won, thoroughly confusing the genin who screeched something about his chakra stealing abilities failing. By the time the next match was announced she could sit up unassisted, which was good because Shikamaru was fighting one of the three Rain nin. He drew the match out for absolutely forever, but eventually won.
"Go Hinata!" Kiba yelled raucously, somehow seeming unaffected by his recent ass-kicking. "He's the shortest kid here!"
Ino winced when she saw the match-up… Hinata was facing that red-headed boy who she had seen gleefully kill an entire team. "I don't like this," she muttered. Asuma gave her an indulgent smile.
"Have more faith in your fellow leaf nin. I'm sure the Hyuuga girl is strong."
Ino rolled her eyes. "Hinata is pretty good, but that guy…" she shuddered. "He killed an entire team in the forest and laughed."
Her teacher scratched his head. "I'm sure she'll be fine. If it looks bad, I'll jump in, okay?"
It did get bad, and she was glad he made that promise. When the mediator tried to stop the match, she shoved at her teacher. Just in time, he grabbed up Hinata and pulled her away from the floating cloud of sand creeping up her arms. The screams were horrible.
Beside Ino, even Shikamaru was pale. "Her hands…" They were a bloody, mangled mess. Mutters of discontent fluttered throughout the small crowd. It looked like she was never going to be able to write again, much less fight. A laugh went up from the tallest Suna nin, the creep in all the facepaint.
The next matches were pretty subdued—Shino drained all of Chouji's chakra and won, a rain nin beat the silver-haired Konoha nin with glasses, and the last Rain nin won her match against the last team mate from the oldest Konoha team.
"Well, I guess that's it.." Ino went to get up, but was stopped by her teacher.
"Hold on." He didn't seem to notice he still had Hinata's blood on his sleeves. "They're going to announce the match-ups ahead of time. We should hear Shikamaru's before we go."
Shikamaru groaned after the first round was announced. "I'm the first match?"
Ino elbowed him. "At least you get to beat up that jackass who laughed at Hinata." She glared across the room. "And you had better!" She scoffed. "I'm already mad that I'm going to have to cheer for the weirdo who beat me. I hate that Sand girl more."
"I wouldn't want to be that panda girl," Chouji muttered.
Ino shuddered. "Agreed. And having to wait til the last round? Talk about pressure."
The girl in question merely looked determined to fight the redhead. Ino would have given up. No point in dying in some stupid competition.
"Haruno-san? May I come in? I need to have a talk with you about your daughter."
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cradled in the arms of death&undeath
my take on zirse meeting astarion.
as an undying warlock, you gain a feature called Among the Dead. It offers several perks, but most notably the following:
"...If an undead targets you directly with an attack or spell, that creature must make a WIS saving throw. On failure, they must choose a new target or waste the attack or spell. On success or if you target the creature with an attack or spell, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours."
i will never not make astarion fail his wisdom save against an undying warlock it's just too funny and makes the stories too interesting.
Footsteps approached, and Astarion recognized the faces. Especially the person with short, dark curly hair and pale brown skin, leading the pack. He stood a little straighter, and tried to look interested in the boar down the ravine.
“You there! I’ve got one of those brain-things cornered. You can kill it, can’t you? Like you killed the others?”
“Oh, easily!” The leader’s hand fell to her rapier, and she stepped up, chest puffed, like a bloody hero, “Stand back.”
She stepped up into the bushes, quietly, rapier drawn ready for a fight. Astarion stepped behind her, hand on his own blade.
Astarion paused. His hand was at his hip, but… there was no point in drawing it. He took a staggering step back. Head tilted, he studied the person before him again. She… looked human, enough. Looked living enough.
But she was decidedly undead.
She flinched, as the boar he’d been focusing on sprinted from the underbrush. She looked around wildly, before turning to look back at Astarion.
“Wha– Where’s the thing?” She asked. No fangs to notice, though. She wasn’t one of Cazador’s, at the very least.
“I– um– my apologies. The– Those things must have been messing with my head. I could have sworn I saw one.”
“That’s a terrible lie,” Her dark-haired companion snarled beside her– a half-elf with a darkness in her eyes.
“Now, now, Shadowheart. We’ve all been through the hells and back– oh, Gods, literally.”
“You–” Astarion took a moment to gather himself, did the half-elf not know? Could she not feel the necrotic aura around her? There was a holy symbol on her chest, and in her hair– he didn’t recognize it, but he knew a cleric when he saw one. Could she not– “–You were on the ship.”
“Oh, yeah, we were. You, too? I didn’t see you.” Astarion felt his jaw set. She’d walked right past him. And yet, she was so distractingly earnest.
“I saw you. Strutting about.”
“Hahah, yeah, more like sprintin’ about. Terrible time, really. I– I’m glad you made it out. I didn’t want to leave anyone to die.”
He felt his eye almost twitch into a snarl. He could pull his blade out now, but what good will it do? She was bloodless.
And then, like a stab of ice to the brain, he saw things that weren’t his memories. A temple in the woods, old headstones, and a giant, towering, skeletal thing, half-buried under moss and rubble. And then a long, winding road, and a ship– the ship, overhead. Darkness. The worm. He staggered back and clutched his head.
“What– What was that?!” He yelled; this time his hand did fall to his blade.
“Jergal’s teeth, it happened again. They put a worm in your brain, too? Were those your memories?”
Panic cut through him, but then he remembered who he was talking to. “I don’t know. But I definitely saw some of yours.”
“Shadowheart, did you see that?” She turned to her clerical companion.
“No, I didn’t see anything. But I felt it. Your minds touched.”
“Is that what it does, then? Gives us worm-to-worm communication?”
“Apparently,” The curly-haired undead sighed, dark eyes turning from her companion– Shadowheart, what a bloody name– to Astarion again, “As well as… well, turn us into mindflayers.”
“Turn us into–?!” Astarion blinked, grimaced. And then he laughed, dark and bitter, “Of course it will turn me into a monster, what else did I expect.”
“It’s alright, hasn’t happened yet. We’re looking for a healer, you wanna travel with us?”
Astarion had to doubletake. So did Shadowheart.
“You’re taking him with us?!” She hissed.
“What?” The leader looked indignant.
“He tried to kill you with your back turned!”
“What?” No indignance there, just confusion. She looked back to Astarion. He looked uneasily between the two.
“He was reaching for his dagger, you oaf!”
“He was?” She looked between them again, “But he didn’t draw it on me.”
“Does that–”
“I-I thought,” Astarion started, “You might need some help with the– the monster.”
This had the leader beaming, “That’s what I thought!”
Oh, Gods– she was dumber than she looked.
Shadowheart’s eyes practically bulged from their sockets in anger. “And you believe him?”
“Why shouldn’t I? He’s been nothing but forthright with us?”
Astarion tried not to look downright surprised.
Shadowheart’s eye twitched. “Do you normally put such blind faith in strangers?”
The leader gave a cockeyed, warm grin, “I mean, I’d like to.”
“How about we not be strangers, then? My name’s Astarion. I was in Baldur’s Gate when the ship snatched me.”
“Name’s Zirse. I come from Loudwater, just North of Loudwater, actually. I was traveling to Baldur’s Gate myself. Well– was, until… yeah. It’s a pleasure, Astarion. I look forward to traveling with you.”
Astarion was suddenly quite certain this was a trap.
“Yes,” He hummed, “A pleasure, indeed.”
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