#and I was both scared enough to barely breath or move and wanting to bolt away with my cat
nightly-ruse · 1 year
I just had a dream so worrying I forced myself awake and I’m just scrolling through my phone to try not and drift back into it
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
> Okay, NOW you're panicking. Just take a deep breath, he seems willing to talk.
He steps closer. It's your only chance at this.
You toss the package into the fireplace and bolt, running towards the window with everything you have. Which is a very precious few seconds, but you're sure you can—
The floor falls away underneath your feet. You yelp as the ground grows further and further away, until your back hits the ceiling with a thud.
In the few precious seconds you wished for, you barely regain your bearings as the gravity tilts again, this time to the side. Your shoulder collides against the bookshelf; finally, you tumble to the floor, dragging a few heavy tomes down with you. The impact isn't strong enough to affect your HP bar, but it still knocks the wind out of you.
The blue light disappears from the room.
You scramble on the floor, trying to get upright, but fall back down, your breathing harsh, your knees too weak to carry your body weight.
Sans hasn't moved an inch. He stands exactly as he was, hands in his pockets, completely ignoring the parcel among the flames.
"told you it was a bad idea," he shrugs, scratching his side absentmindedly.
He leans down, looking into the fireplace.
Then he sticks his arm inside.
"you know, the fun thing about fire magic..."
Sans stands back again, both him and the parcel in his hand untouched by the fire.
"it only burns what you want it to." He winks, "pretty cool, right? perfect for working in the kitchen."
Something twists in your stomach as you realize he was doing it on purpose. You played right into his hand.
Sans spreads his arms to his sides, "woah, what's that look supposed to mean? take it easy."
He rubs the back of neck.
"look. i think we started off on the wrong foot. feet. lots of wrong feet, actually."
He looks you carefully in the eye.
"...ten, right? welp. that's pretty bad. that's almost three tandem bikes of bad starts."
He frowns, "or, uh, two tandems and a regular bike. unless the fifth guy hitches a ride, i mean. pretty uncomfortable without a seat though."
You just stare at him.
"okay, maybe that's not the best metaphor."
He closes his eyes, shoves his hands back into his pockets. When he opens them again, something imperceptible has changed.
"you're, uh, not very determined, huh?"
You get the urge to squirm under his eye as he studies you.
"yeah, no. you don't have that look it had. cause hate, now that's one thing," he continues, "annoyance, frustration, those would make sense. but no..."
He tilts his head at you, almost curiously, "you're just scared of me."
You feel your blood boil. You think of something to snap at him, to wipe that grin off of his face—
"let me guess," he says, "it's getting harder to come back, isn't it?"
Your tongue dries in your mouth. You don't move, can't move. You feel like a bug pinned to a cork board.
"every time you die," he continues, relentless, "it takes that much longer to crawl your way back."
He leans against the fireplace, eyes closed, "that much more effort to stay alive. give it a few more times, and you might stay down for good."
Sans cracks one eyesocket open to look at you.
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8aji · 2 years
Shinichiro & Sunshine!
prompt shinichiro sano x reader where emma is sick, after you return from a "medicine" run, you hear shin sing you're my sunshine, my only sunshine to stop her crying
send me a character and the randomest, first word you think of and ill write a prompt based on it! (i may write a lil blurb based on it as well!)
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Shinichiro doesn’t sing. Yes, he whistles and hums and sometimes does sing that serotonin-inducing guitar solo in a very high-pitched voice, but as you stood outside Emma’s room holding the pinkish yet bitter medicine bottle close to your chest, you wondered why he doesn’t do so more often.
Little Emma Sano has been bedridden for a couple of days already, fever spiking up and down; no matter what you did, you never managed to keep it in line.
And it hurts, the both of you can see. Her little body shook every time she coughed, eyes closed tight and eyelashes moist from unshed tears. You can hear it as well, the whimpering every time she tries to eat, her throat inflamed and sore and itchy. Even after giving her as much medicine as the labels on the containers deemed appropriate, it wouldn’t stop.
So as Shin stayed close to Emma’s side, who was lulled to sleep by both of your voices devising a game plan, you went on a run down to the nearest drugstore; you’d get something stronger this time.
not long after you left, she had woken up, but now, instead of the familiar hovering and cooing, it was silent. No sign of you or Shinichiro on sight, and even after she had called out your names, despite the ache in her throat and her muted words, no one came to her rescue. 
Feeling alone and weak and sick and scared because the pain in her muscles barely allowed her to move, tears pricked her eyes and she started to cry, scratchy sobs filling the room.
Soon enough, Shinichiro came bolting from the kitchen, not bothering to turn off the stove before entering her room. He sat on her bed, holding her close to his chest, shushing her cries as he stroked her hair. They stayed like that for a while, until Emma's sobs turned into quiet whimpers, until Shinichiro’s soothing turned into soft lullabies.
He laid her down gently, supporting her head, and arranged the pillows so she could lay almost upright, in case she woke up due to another coughing fit. After making sure she was comfortable, and hearing her little plea, Shin-nii, please don't go, he found himself kneeling on the floor next to her bed, muttering a familiar yet comforting tune he’s heard you sing to his siblings. Whenever they scrape their knees or whenever one of them can’t sleep, the familiar tune will slip from your lips.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, 
It was a little cheesy, yes, but Shinichiro can't lie, it made him feel safe as well.
With the back of his knuckles, he stroked one of her reddened cheeks, sighing in satisfaction as her breathing evened out. The streaks her tears had left behind glimmered under the light emanating from her bedside lamp, it casted a warm glow on the both of them like a reminder of the comfort they managed to bring to each other.
He dabbed her sweaty forehead before he stood up, tugging the blanket a little higher up her body. He stretched his arms before sighing once again, placing his hands on his hips as he looked down at her; she looked so peaceful like this. Once again, he bent over, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head, before he dimmed the lights just a tad; he didn't want her to wake up engulfed by complete darkness, didn't want her to get scared again.
“She’s finally asleep,” He whispered, he hadn't noticed you leaning on the door frame, your presence startling just for a second before he allowed himself to relax, placing his forehead on the crook of your shoulder. “She…she was crying and I— I didn't hear her call after me, she woke up all alone and, and—”
Following his example, you placed a kiss on the side of his head, running your fingers with your free hand through the charcoal strands. 
“You did good,” you whispered close to his ear. It tickled his skin, and he couldn't help but nuzzle up closer to you. “I promise.”
“You didn't hear her cry though, she sounded so scared, and I wasn't there for her and I shouldve—”
“You’re an amazing brother,” You kissed him once more before gently holding his face, making sure his eyes met yours. “You're trying your best, and that’s all that matters, okay?” 
You waited for him to nod, before pecking his cheek. Emma would probably sleep for a couple of hours before you woke her up for dinner and medicine; you had bought a couple of treats for her on your way home, hopefully, they’d help the medicine go down.
“Wait! Fuck, I left the stove on—”
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© 2022 SHINACHIRO ; Do not repost my work. Do not recommend my work outside of tumblr. Do not translate my work.
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pickinglilahs · 7 months
Blackeclipse for the soul
This is now on AO3 I'm not linking every chapter anymore cause that's obnoxious Part 9; Part 10; Part 11; Part 12; Part 13
Remus was surrounded by fur.
He seemed to be lying on the floor, but there was soft, curly fur under his fingers and thick, coarse fur over his legs and soft, short fur behind him and over his chest. His pillow also seemed to be made of soft, shaggy fur that moved up and down, in sync with Remus' own breathing.
He bolted upright, scaring all four of the animagi sleeping around him. James shifted back immediately, took one look at Remus, and promptly started herding the other boys upstairs.
Beans tried to stay by his side, and Remus hated having to push him away. "You have to go hide. Poppy will be here any minute."
Beans rubbed the top of his head into Remus' chest one last time before reluctantly slinking over to where James stood at the bottom of the stairs. Beans looked back at Remus one last time, before taking the stairs in one bound.
James quickly followed.
Remus sighed. He rubbed his face with both hands, knees coming up to his chest so he could rest his elbows. After a moment, he picked his head up and looked around for his clothes.
He was just pulling his shirt on over his head when Poppy came through the door. Remus pulled on his shoes and stood to join her.
She gave him a brief once-over, nodded, and led the way back through the tunnel. Remus was delighted when, as they reached the castle, Poppy let him go straight to his dorm.
When she was no longer in sight, Remus sent a quick patronus to the boys. It wouldn't do well for them to go to the Hospital Wing if he was already in their dorm.
Remus reveled at being able to shower and dress in his own PJs for a change. By the time he exited the bathroom, the boys had returned as well.
Remus went straight for the bed, collapsing across Regulus' lap. In their brief time apart, he had already felt the exhaustion setting in. Regulus shifted and brought a hand up to card through Remus' hair.
Remus hummed and fell asleep.
Two seconds—hours—later, Remus was rudely awoken, manhandled into his school robes, and dragged down to breakfast.
By the time he slid into his seat, squished between James and Regulus, Remus felt much more awake and better than he ever had.
There was no pain, no aching, no headache, nothing.
For the first time in his memory, Remus felt great.
Remus was exhausted.
All he wanted was to curl up in his bed with James and Regulus and sleep until breakfast tomorrow.
Alas, he was stuck in Muggle Studies with Peter. He knew that there were only twenty minutes left in class, but he could barely keep his eyes open.
He had one elbow on the desk, head in his hand. The other hand held his quill, but it hadn't moved since class started over an hour ago.
He must have actually dozed off at some point, because, one second, the professor was going on about muggle post, and, the next, Peter was gently shaking him awake.
"I wrote as many notes as I could for you," Peter told him as he helped Remus pack his bag. "I don't really understand most of it, but I hope I wrote enough so at least you can."
Remus gave him a tired smile as he stood, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Thanks, Pete."
Remus shuffled to the door and out into the hallway. He walked over to the opposite wall and leaned back against it until he felt an invisible hand on his arm.
Remus smiled and made sure not to look in the direction of the hand as he slowly made his way to Arithmancy. By the time Remus sat down, he was still tired, but at least managed to pull his notes out.
The invisible hand turned into an invisible arm around his back and an invisible head on his shoulder. Remus cocked his head slightly to rest his own atop Regulus' and started taking notes.
Halfway through the lesson, Remus was fully awake again. He was pretty sure Regulus had fallen asleep, but it didn't matter. Remus took notes, actually managed to understand the material and answer questions, and got a head start on his homework.
At the end of class, Remus took his time packing up, waiting until everyone else was gone before standing. When the professor had left as well, Regulus took the cloak off and put it in his bag before reaching for Remus' hand.
"How are you feeling?"
Remus squeezed his hand and smiled, heading for the library. "I think I fell asleep in Muggle Studies, but I feel great now." He looked over at Regulus, "Thank you."
Regulus smiled at him, and they made their way to their little nook. James was there waiting for them, sitting in Remus' chair. He pulled Remus down into his lap, hugging him tight.
"Peter told me you fell asleep in Muggle Studies," James murmured into his neck.
Remus nodded. "I'm alright now. I do want to finish my Arithmancy before dinner though."
James picked his bag up off the floor and handed it to him. Remus pulled out his homework and leaned back into James.
James seemed content to just sit there holding Remus; one hand around Remus' middle. He had a divination book open on the arm of the chair, but Remus could feel James' eyes on him.
Remus managed to finish his Arithmancy and start on his Charms before James dragged him and Regulus to dinner. Remus was once again squished between the other two and he felt immeasurably grateful for them both.
They had just started eating when Sirius plopped down across from them, dragging his Ravenclaw boy behind him. Sirius had introduced them the other day and the boy, Kingsley, seemed like a nice guy. Peter especially liked him because Kingsley complemented his origami ducks.
"We're meeting in the Three Broomsticks this weekend," Sirius announced.
Remus raised his eyebrows.
James frowned. "Good for you?"
Sirius rolled his eyes. "All of us." He gestured to the trio, then to Peter, who sat on Kingsley's other side.
"Are we?" Remus smiled, highly amused.
Sirius nodded, then pointed at his brother. "You need to tell your snake friends," He rounded on Peter, "And you need to bring your boy toy."
Regulus rolled his eyes; Peter choked on his dinner roll.
Sirius paused, then added, "He should bring his friends too. Kingsley already invited his squad."
Kingsley snorted. "I didn't 'invite' anyone. You're the one who told them they didn't have a choice in the matter."
Sirius rolled his eyes. "Same thing."
Remus frowned, puzzled. "So, how many people are coming, exactly?"
Sirius just shrugged and started eating.
Kingsley looked to Remus, "Do you think we should warn Madam Rosmerta?"
Remus nodded slowly, "I'm sure she would appreciate it."
Regulus chimed in, "We should wait until after the lunch rush too. Say, 3 o'clock or so."
Kingsley nodded in agreement and James handed Remus a self-inking quill and some parchment.
Remus smiled and kissed his cheek. He paused, thinking for a second, before jotting down a quick note.
Dear Madam Rosmerta, Sirius has decided to commandeer your pub for a get-together this Saturday. There will be at least 15 of us arriving around 3 pm. We would greatly appreciate butterbeer and chips, but there may be individual requests as well. We hope this will not be too much of an inconvenience, and you are more than welcome to deny us. If you do decide to humor us; however, we will see you Saturday. Love, Your Favorite Boys
Remus re-read the letter before sitting back for James and Regulus to read. Regulus smirked and James snorted.
"Sounds about right," James said, passing the note off to Peter.
Kingsley read over Peter's shoulder and smiled, wrapping an arm around Sirius and kissing his temple. Sirius huffed, not having to look to know what the letter said.
Peter folded it and put it in his pocket. "I'll take it. I need to send a letter to my Mum anyway."
Remus nodded and handed the quill back to James.
James put it back in his bag and dug out a handful of galleons. "Here Pete, send those with it. I know she loves us, but it couldn't hurt."
Peter nodded and added the coins to his pocket.
Shortly thereafter, the boys finished eating and split off for their various evening activities.
Regulus told them he would meet up with them later as he needed to stop at his dorm for a change of clothes and to switch out his books. James kissed his cheek before letting him go, reminding him to tell his friends about Saturday.
Regulus rolled his eyes but smiled as he walked off towards the dungeons.
James and Remus walked up to Gryffindor Tower hand-in-hand.
@starchasersunseeker @poetrypirate @niad4827 @bradley-95147-blog @shyshadows430
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
56 - Eternal Love Breaks
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Part 57
Her Life Means Everything
@mrs-fanfiction-2001 @the-big-bad-klaus @queenieala @samsgirl93
Hope's POV
Carrying one of Dr. Saltzman's crossbows in my hands I kept looking for my sister. The Saltzman twins were right behind me just hidden by magic since they had siphoned me earlier. Entering the boys old locker room someone started slow clapping making me spin on my feet seeing my twin biting into a redheads neck until they were completely dead. "I've been waiting for you, you little bitch. Vis sera portus." Suddenly all the doors around us shut tightly.
"You don't have to do this Nikola. This isn't you. Just come home and we can help you." I attempted to plead with her, still raising the weapon in my hands. Our mother was supposed to be handling our father. Leaving Dr. Saltzman to get the holding cells ready back at the school.
My sister dropped the dead body blood dripping from her chin without a care in the world. "I don't want to come home. Because if I go back you'll make me turn it back on. Become the hero again and remember how I felt when you abandoned us all without giving any, especially me a say in it!"
She waved her hand causing the weapon in my hands to disappear. "Nikola…" I tried bolting towards the doorway but she raised her hand, trapping me from moving from where I stood now.
"Immobilas." Biting my tongue I was only allowed to watch as my sister slowly walked around me in a circle. A smirk on her face reminded me so much of our father. "A part of me thought that I would hate getting revenge on you but I was wrong. You totally deserve it. Because of you mom and dad feel guilty and then my boyfriend got stuck in a prison world. So from where I stand you're the reason for all of my problems."
Sucking in a breath I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing. "So you're saying you'd rather be an only child than have me as a sibling. Don't you remember when we used to play hide and seek from mom and dad or when we made our matching bracelets because we wanted to be like mom and Aunt Caroline."
"When we were seven really. You're gonna have to do better than that because I'm not gonna reminisce about old times." My twin scoffed before I felt the siphon twins on either side of me.
"Invisique." They both said revealing themselves, each holding a hand on my shoulder siphoning my magic.
Lizzie smirked towards my twin seeing her revealing her vampire fangs and the veins underneath her eyes. "Hey Tribrid. Didn't expect us did you. Let's see what three powerful witches can do against you."
"Oh wow I'm so scared." She clasped her hands together dying laughing at her threat. "Honestly Lizzie you do realize I just have to kill one of you and you won't be as powerful right. And here I thought your father taught you better."
Josie sighed heavily at her. "We don't want to hurt you, Nikola. You're our friend."
"Enough talk. It's boring me. If you're gonna fight me let's get on with it shall we. Incendia." She throws a fireball at us causing Lizzie and Josie to jump away from me but I ducked underneath it thankfully since they siphoned the magic that was holding me away. I tried running forward in an attempt to snap my sister's neck but she caught on throwing me onto my back with her vampire speed. "That was stupid of you, Hope. Until you become a Tribrid yourself you're never gonna beat me."
"Urgh Josie!" I grunted where she siphoned the magic from the door allowing someone to burst into the room.
My sister gets vamped against the wall by a wave of blonde hair giving me the chance to catch my breath seeing its my mother. "That's no way to treat you twin, Nikola!" She bared her teeth towards her.
"Really mom how pathetic is this." She suddenly vamped our mom into the wall choking her by the neck. "You keep trying to act like you and those three will hurt me. But deep down as long as you have your humanity you'll never beat me. I aim to change that, turn it off - argh!"
Stumbling to my feet I covered my mouth with my hands seeing Lizzie holding a stake into her back. My sister's body collapsed to the ground with my mother vamping her up into her arms quickly. "We have to hurry. It won't take them long to wake up. Good job Lizzie."
Lizzie slumped her shoulders staring my direction seems seeing the discomfort on my face. "I'm sorry, Hope. But it clearly was the only option." She followed her sister and my mother out of the room before I followed shortly afterwards.
Maddie's POV
Laying my daughters body on the stone floor I closed the large door locking her inside before turning to face Alaric. "Are you sure that these cells can hold her. And what about her witch side?'"
"I had the girls put up a spell that should block her magic. We just have to drain her of blood and there's some wolfsbane out here if we need to use it on her or Klaus." He explained opening a cabinet then closing it. "Are you sure you want to go in that room with him?"
Crossing my arms over my chest I sighed simply towards the former headmaster of the school. There were parts of Klaus Mikaelson that only I knew about. "He'd never hurt me, Ric. Deep down he'll never let you know that. But I know it's inside of him."
"Good luck, Maddie." He mumbled with a small smile walking away from me. Resting my hand on the doorknob across from my daughters cell I sighed heavily turning the doorknob opened. Before my eyes my husband lays on his hands and knees gripping the bloody stake in his hands.
Shutting the door behind me I pressed my back against it just leaning there lazily never taking my eyes off him. "I put my trust in you…made you into a vampire…and then you betrayed me just like everyone in my family always does!" He lifted his head up growling low showing me his hybrid face.
"It wasn't enjoyable for me when I drugged you, Nik. I've never wanted to hurt you but you - left me no choice." I replied back seeing my hair falling in front of my face. "You promised me once that you would never hurt me. Because you love me."
He vamped up from the stone floor pressing me harshly against the door where I heard some of the bones in my back break. His right hand wrapping around my throat nearly choking again. "I am Klaus Mikaelson. I don't need or care for anyone. Especially you. You're a weak vampire compared to me!"
"Nik…I know you're in there. Just look in my memory…please." I croaked through tears wrapping my hands around his hand hoping he won't actually kill me by rippling my heart out. "You…promised me…you'd never hurt…me."
"Maddie Forbes, lisen to me. Look at me now!" Klaus grabbed my shoulders in a tight grip making me look up into his eyes tears streaming down my face. He slowly reached up wiping them away with his thumbs before speaking again. "You will not die you hear me. I will tear the world apart beg that happens. Whoever tries to make it so I will take care of them until you are safe from harm because - you are important to me. Out of all the thousands years I have been alive not a single human has come close to you. There's a light in you that I was drawn to the second I saw you on your birthday." I couldn't believe what he was saying as he cupped my face in his hands resting his forehead against mine just listening to the fire cracking in the main room. ""I never cared for humans until I met you. For you are my love, Maddie."
Klaus yanked himself away causing me to gasp dropping to the ground on my butt watching him get even more angry. "You're toying with my mind like Silas did. I won't stand for any of it!" He holds the stake in his but I snagged his wrist holding him from killing me with it instantly.
"You told me I helped you see that not all human life was useless. If you do this - kill me you'll be feared by your children.." I shivered seeing his eyes slowly turning back to their familiar baby blue. "You hated how Michael treated you do you - do you want to become like him Nik?"
He slowly starts to push the tip of the stake into my chest seeing me wince sharply. "I have problem being a monster, Maddie. I could kill you right now and not feel anything - grah!" He screamed as he pushed the stake a little further in. He stumbled backwards leaving the stake in my chest gripping his heart feeling the same pain.
"The bond - urgh - you can't kill me…" I yanked the stake out gasping in relief feeling the pain disappearing.
Nik growled vamping me against the wall again flashing his hybrid werewolf eyes. "I can not be killed! So do it and see if I care, Maddie!"
I felt tears slipping down my face hearing him say that. I have to keep reminding myself that this is only half of who he is. That the other side of him truly and entirely loves me. "Fine Niklaus. If that's what you want - for me to die right in front of you. Then here feel it all!" I took a risk shoving the stake into my heart stumbling into the wall. Resting a hand to my head I felt veins starting to appear all over my body and my eyes became heavy.
"Maddie!" He cries out vamlng forward yanking the stake from my heart catching my limp body in his arms. "Maddie stay with me. No, no, no..drink me please!" He tears a hole into his wrist shoving my blood down my throat seeing the veins starting to slowly disappear.
Grasping his forearms tightly drawing blood from my nails I started sobbing uncontrollably seeing tears streaming down his face meaning that had snapped him from the compulsion. "Klaus - Nik - is it. It's you - you're back!"
"Yes my love. Mads, I'm so sorry…I am a bloody monster for trying to kill you." He cradles my face in his hands peppering my face in tear stained kisses. "I love you Maddie - I'm so sorry - you're my heart. I'd give you my life - take down anyone who seeks to hurt you. You're my everything, Maddie!"
Flinging my arms around his neck he buried his face into my shirt crying still. His hands clutching my form for some level of stability. "Sssh Nik, it wasn't you. I love you too…I'll always love you. You hold my heart too…"
My husband lifted his head up quickly leaning forward and kissing me. I'm not sure what came over me but he allowed me to push him on his black yanking his shirt over his head only breaking the passionate kiss for a second. His hands moved into my hair tugging on it getting me to release a moan then quickly tore my shirt in two. "Wow Auntie Mads. Getting it on with Uncle Klaus." We quickly broke apart seeing Lizzie standing in the doorway.
"Elizabeth!" Klaus warned her but he had a smirk plastered on his face.
Burying my face against his bare chest I felt my face turning red not expecting her to be down here. "Lizzie get out of here. It's dangerous."
"Okay, have you fun you two." She waved bye to us smirking.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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kraekat29 · 1 year
Beautiful Mistakes- Chapter Nine
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They sat on the H.M.S Pogue, really wanting to be as close as possible but both had agreed to keep their relationship secret until they were ready. 
Which is exactly why every five seconds John B keeps snapping his fingers in Ruby's face or closing her jaw everytime she looks at JJ. 
Currently Ruby was staring at a shirtless JJ in awe, John B had finally had enough and grabbed the top of his sister's head, turning it so she wasn't looking at JJ anymore, " focus" John B scolded, unamused when Ruby mocked him. 
Sage on the other hand knew exactly what was going on and slid her sunglasses down enough to give Ruby a 'I know' look then slid them back up with an innocent smile. 
Ruby stared at John B unamused as he prepared to go into the water, " if you die do I get the bigger room?" she asked, earning a slap upside the head by her twin, " seriously Ruby?" he said and watched as the brunette girl laughed.
She playfully rolled her eyes before taking off her shirt and shorts before jumping into the water, marking the stopping point, " what was that about?" John B questioned, "I dunno.. but I liked it a lot" JJ mumbled, earning a 'gross' from everyone else.
" hey dipshit! It's marked, you can dive now" Ruby said and allowed JJ to help her back onto the boat, she raised her eyebrow as Sage leaned up and kissed John B's cheek.
She shook her head and sat down, drying off her hair and silently going over each scenario in her head, oblivious to JJ's stare.
John B caught the look JJ was giving Ruby, his eyes narrowed as he looked between the two but before he could say anything Ruby shoved him into the water with a relieved sigh. 
Almost like magnets, she and JJ moved closer but still not close enough. 
She laid her head on his shoulder and he laid his head on top of hers, a normal thing they did, nothing suspicious there. 
Ruby barely even looked up as Shoupe came onto their boat and started asking questions, still not caring she held up a life jacket having the most unamused expression ever, 
she tossed it aside carelessly and curled further against JJ's side while everyone else seemed to panic,
yep that was typical Ruby, she was always the calm one in tense situations, she knew exactly how to play the game. 
She glanced up at Shoupe, " did you need something? Or are you just trying to do entrapment as usual?" Ruby said and watched as Shoupe went to open his mouth but couldn't come back with anything, 
" Mhm thats what I thought, we didn't know the marsh was closed so do us a favor and get off my boat so we can leave" she said with a sweet but bitchy smile, the others sat there awkwardly as Shoupe looked at all of them before returning to his own boat.
Ruby let out a breath of relief then panicked as John B still wasn't up, 
she bolted to the side of the boat and shrieked as John B popped up, scaring her so bad she fell backwards and landed on her ass, 
" you asshole!" she scolded as JJ helped her up, " I mean it was kinda funny?" John B said and Ruby shook her head, allowing JJ to pull her onto his lap, running his hand through her hair, she closed her eyes and relaxed against him. 
Of course the world had other plans as another boat was following them, she glanced up at JJ just as the first bullet was fired. 
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rocorambles · 3 years
Patient 1: Addiction
Pairing: Toji x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Predator and Prey themes, Cum play, Knife play, Non-Con, Degradation
Link to: Prologue
Patient Name: Fushiguro Toji
Diagnosis: Adrenaline Addiction
Your brow furrows as you stare down at your first patient’s files. An addiction isn’t uncommon, but to adrenaline? You suppose it’s possible to become addicted to just about anything. Yet there are a million questions buzzing on the tip of your tongue as you turn to Uraume who just shrugs and says you’re better off hearing it straight from Toji’s own mouth.
Everything about this psychiatric facility is strange and you curiously stare at the elevator buttons as both of you descend, noting how each button has a name of a patient next to it with the final button having no label.
“Each patient has their own floor. They’ve been here for so long that we thought it would be more humane to give them ample room to live in instead of the standard patient rooms you typically see in other facilities. After all, we’re not here to treat them like caged animals, right?”
The humanitarian in you can’t defy that logic, but you can’t help but wonder if it’s safe for them to not be bound during your session, only to cringe at your own thoughts. They’re just ill patients, humans just like you, not prisoners. With that newfound determination you stride out of the elevator only to freeze when you hear the outer elevator cage slam close on your heels.
You turn, hoping to see Uraume right behind you, but your heart sinks when you see them safely on the other side of the metal fence, an eerie grin on their face as the actual elevator doors slide shut, leaving you with some parting words.
“I’ll see you when you’re done seeing all your patients today.”
Not even seconds pass before you’re scrambling to look for a button or anything to help pry open the elevator doors, fear overwhelming you as Uraume’s ominous farewell haunts you. But there’s no escape and you turn around to take in your surroundings, trembling and on the verge of tears.
Expansive is an understatement and you nervously walk around the dimly lit area, quickly losing track of all the rooms, corridors, and dead ends you bypass and amble through despite doing your best to keep track of everything. It almost feels like it’s meant to be a maze or obstacle course of sorts…
“Well, well, well. Look at the new little mouse I’ve found.”
Your heart threatens to burst out of your chest only to still in shock when you see a familiar face grinning at you, immediately connecting it to the manilla folder tightly clenched in your hands.
“Fushiguro Toji?”
“And you must be the new shrink. Follow me, doc. I’m sure you have a lot of questions. They always do.”
You don’t want to think about what’s happened to your predecessors, this “they” Toji’s referring to. You don’t want to follow this stranger. You don’t want to be trapped in this unknown environment with a highly dangerous patient and no means of escape. But what choice do you have? And with limbs weighted with despair, you trail after the dark haired man.
You’re surprised when Toji leads you into a room not far off from the police interrogation rooms you’ve seen in movies. A single table with a chair on either side are the only furniture in the room and you quietly take a seat across from where Toji has casually slumped himself down. But you note how his large stature easily overwhelms the small space, making the substantial table between you seem meaningless.
There’s silence as you fidget and fumble with Toji’s file, trying to find any professionalism and composure you have left as said patient continues leering at you, an amused smirk ever present on his face. It feels silly to treat this like any other examination, but it seems like the only thing you can do, what Toji himself is expecting of you.
“What is...what is adrenaline addiction, in your own words?”
You wonder if this is what opening Pandora’s box felt like, the question barely out of your mouth before regret instantly seizes you as Toji’s grin only grows wider and sharper, a crazed look in his eyes when he replies.
“It means I like being excited a little too much, doc.”
“And what excites you?”
You don’t want to know his response, but it’s the only way forward and dread fills you as he responds.
“Oh, lots of things. The burn of my throat and rush to my head after taking a shot. Gambling and the uncertainty of whether you’ll win or lose. The look of despair on my victim’s face when I shove a knife through their beating heart. The way it feels so fucking perfect to shove my dick in any tight hole it’ll fit in. But you know what makes me the most excited, doc?”
It’s theatrical how he tapers off, green eyes piercing you as he silently orders you to acknowledge him. And all you can do is shake your head side to side, tears threatening to fall from your eyes as you play right into his hands.
“What makes me the most excited is the thrill of hunting pretty prey like you.”
Instincts have you jumping out of your chair and bolting from the room. You don’t dare turn to see if Toji is chasing you down, his amused cackle at your expense trailing behind you. You’re blindly running, no sense of direction as you randomly turn left and right, your only prerogative to keep moving, hopefully farther and farther from your patient. Every corridor, every passage, every room looks the same and you struggle to breathe as quietly as you can despite the way your lungs ache.
You strain to listen, but it’s hard to focus on anything other than the drumming of your racing heart and you don’t hear the figure casually ambling towards you until you’re being roughly shoved face first into the wall you’re leaning on, a toned figure pressed against your back, caging you in.
“Now, now. You’re making this way too easy. Tired already?”
It’s a rhetorical question, one you can’t bring yourself to answer anyway, not with the way your teeth chatter and your body trembles in fear as Toji loudly inhales your scent while he buries his nose in the crook of your neck, tongue lazily licking a strike of your salty sweat.
You sob as he harshly bites down, not enough to break skin, but enough to leave you aching and hold you still as his hands wander underneath your clothes, groping and kneading your breasts and ass. You’re too scared to move, fearing the consequences of resisting, praying that maybe this is it, that you’ll be let off when he gets his fill of feeling you up. But you can’t help the way you yelp and instinctively struggle against his hold when he tires of your frozen state and decides to ruthlessly twist your nipples and shove a thick finger into your tight hole.
“There we go. Glad to know you’re still alive and kicking. I don’t enjoy fucking dead and broken toys like that pink haired bastard does.”
Pink haired bastard? Your mind briefly flashes to a hazy picture you’re sure you had seen in one of the patient files. What was his name-
You shriek as Toji shoves another finger alongside the digit already in you, sobbing as you feel him stretching your walls, relentlessly pounding his fingers in and out of you, his fingers painfully pulling at your nipples. All you hear is his grunts in your ears and you clench your eyes in disgust when you feel a long hard object grinding against you, knowing full well what it is without even looking.
He’s going to rape and kill you. This is how it all ends. And you wait for it, the searing pain of that massive shaft impaling you. But it never comes and before you know it you’re moaning as he twists and flexes until he finds that soft spongy spot inside of you, insistently rubbing and stroking it with curled fingers as he continues dry humping you from behind.
You’re so lost in the sensations that you don’t notice how your body is betraying you as it unconsciously grinds back against Toji’s hand, your ass shaking and pressing even harder against Toji’s cock. It’s funny how easily you’ve lost any common sense, but you’re not here to be a vapid bimbo toy. He’ll save that side of you for one his fellow inhabitants who’ll appreciate it more and he abruptly pulls his now soaked digits out of you, snorting at how you whine from the loss.
You look so confused, so stupid as he rapidly finishes himself off, hooking down your bottoms low enough for him to shoot his sticky seed all over the inner fabric of your panties. And he grins when you practically moan as he pulls your undergarments back into place, cruelly tugging a tad too hard and wedging his cum and the stained lace deep between your abused folds.
You’re panting, looking like a wreck as you try to ground yourself from the dizzying confusion of being pulled right from the brink of an orgasm, the emptiness of your edging making your head foggy. But then something sharp is being pressed against your vulnerable neck and it’s enough to have fear jolt you back to your senses.
“Don’t be such a boring slut. Time to run and hide again. It’s playtime, bitch. Or maybe you need me to cut you up a bit. Pain’s always a good motivator.”
He’s barely finished speaking before you’re shoving him and his knife away from you and he whistles in appreciation as he watches you race away again, taking his time to tuck himself back in his pants. You’ll need as much of a head start anyway to even try and remotely make some sense of this labyrinth he knows every corner of. Not that any advantage will actually help you much. Toji’s never had a prey he couldn’t catch.
How many times has he found you and released you after defiling you just a bit more every time? Neither of you can keep track and only when Toji has shoved his cock in all three of your holes, filling every orifice with his cum and fuckig you until you can barely walk does your session end. It’s almost comical how he has to quite literally drag you back to the elevator you had come from and he cruelly laughs at the white sticky trail you’re leaving behind you with your loose holes unable to keep in the copious fluids.
You barely register what’s happening, too exhausted, too fucked out of your mind to even be bothered by the rough friction of the ground against your body, only mildly stunned by the fact that the elevator you had frantically tried to re-enter is now innocently open. And it’s with muted despair that you realize what fate has in store for you as Toji presses the button of the next lower level.
Gojo Satoru
The neatly labeled name is all you register before the elevator doors slide open and you’re shoved out of it, blearily making out the sight of Toji tauntingly waving at you from inside the metal enclosure.
“See you at tomorrow’s session, doc.”
Your world goes dark as the elevator doors shut.
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rommahh · 3 years
Love On Tour…Actually
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{Im sorry for how late this was. I went to the show Friday and honestly, it was the best day of my life. I had a little PCD which made me super unmotivated but I’m back. I love you all, R}
You woke up a little grumpy, you won’t lie. You didn’t like waking up alone especially on a show day. It made you uncomfortable to be left to your own devices without any structure or schedule. You understood that Harry was a busy man but it would’ve been nice to receive some text so you could plan your day accordingly.
Sitting on the couch in the lounge of your hotel room, you chowed down on leftover pasta while watching Netflix on your iPad. You had yet to receive a text from Harry even though you had texted him hours ago when you woke up. It was hard to tell if he was ignoring you out of anger or if he was simply just lost in track. Either way you felt dejected.
On the other hand, Harry hadn’t even noticed that he iced you. He was busy running around Nashville trying to get things ready for tonight’s show. He bought you a new dress and shoes, and got the ring fitted. It was hard to figure out your ring size but he end up measuring your finger when you were passed out asleep in bed last night. When you slept, you slept and he knew that would be the perfect time to measure your finger.
Harry was so busy that morning, that by the end of his errands he realized he didn’t even have time to go back to the hotel before rehearsals. He was sporting a small cough and his vocal chords felt overworked but that’s all apart of tour.
Pulling his phone out of his back pocket as he walked into the arena, he dialed your number quickly. He had people trying to talk to him but he paid them no mind.
“Oh? Would you look who’s here?” Harry’s head shot up to the sound of your voice. There you sat on his dressing room couch, arms crossed over one another as you glared at him. Your gaze burned through him and he could just tell he was in trouble.
“Hello lovie.” Harry rasped.
“Harry you sound like shit but here you are up and about running around. You should’ve slept in this morning.” Scolding as you stand up to walk in front of him. Harry could feel the anger radiate off of you but you hid it well. He melted into your hands that cupped his warm cheeks.
“I had a lot of errands to run and I didn’t want to wake you. Also it’s just a sore throat from singing and traveling- comes with being on tour.” He mumbles dropping his head into your neck. You caress the hairs on the back on his neck and massage the tense muscles.
“You’ve got to think about yourself more, Harry. You have a show to put on but you can’t put on your best show if you’re not at your best. I am not happy with you at all.” Even though your words were scolding him, you held him your arms in the most soothing way. That’s what Harry loved about you, you cared for him like no one else could (aside from his mom). You could tell him off with your harshest words but he’d always feel your love from miles away.
“You’re right love, sorry for not keeping in touch today.” You hum in acknowledgement. You both pulled away from each other when his driver walked in with Harry’s abundance of bags. “Thank you, sir.”
“What all did you buy?” You ask walking towards the bags. Harry’s arm shot out in front of you making you stop. You looked up at him in shock. “Fine be secretive.”
You huffed before making your way back to the couch. Harry rolled his eyes at you, making way to his shopping bags. Plucking the bag from Nordstrom he plopped it down on the table in front of you.
“I just didn’t want you snooping at some other stuff. I bought you this, for tonight.” He sat down beside you, thighs touching leaving no room between you two.
“Im not trying to be mean. Just a little peeved that you left this morning without telling me. You also have a cold and I wanna take care of you since you won’t do it.” A hand rubs his forehead luring his eyes shut.
“Sorry baby, I thank you for caring so much.” He whispers sleepily.
“Im always gonna care for my bubs.” Kissing him on the lips, your turn your attention to the bag. The small grey bag had light tissue paper covering the product within the bag. The tissue falls to the floor as you dig into the bag. A silky champagne dress, folded neatly to decrease wrinkles, sits in the bag. The dress was soft and you knew it was loose enough to give you the room to dance. Soft snores escaped the boy beside you- the exhaustion evident on his face.
You pull the dress out of the bag and walk over to where his outfit of the night hung. The dress was hung beside his to be steamed for later. Turning around, you smile at the sight of your curled up boyfriend. Your heart hurt knowing that in a few minutes he would have to go rehearse.
Harry sleepily went through rehearsals sitting in a chair the whole time. He knew his stage cues and performance, he only had one more thing to rehearse but it required for you to not be in the room. He gave one look to Jeff to signal him to get you out. Jeff made up some excuse saying that he needed help with some social media post for the show.
Before the show, there was a catered dinner from some local restaurant. Harry ate a light meal of fresh vegetables and a sweet iced tea which has grown on him having lived in the states for some years. You ate grilled chicken and fries enjoying the free food. The two of you ate alone in his dressing room- wanting a moment of piece before the crazy.
“How are you feeling?” You ask Harry. He shrugs, he was more nervous than anything but you wouldn’t understand why if he had told that to you. He felt floaty. Tonight would be a game changer, a step in a whole new direction. This is something he’s wanted to do for years now but it’s finally happening, and he’s scared.
"Im ok, a little tired but what else is new. I can't wait to sleep all night and cuddle with you." He grabs your hand from across the table. you squeeze it, frowning at his revelation.
"I don't like that you're so tired." You worry, his hand squeezes yours in reassurance.
“Im ok, it’s all apart if the job.” He looks down to your bare ring finger, thumb brushing over the empty spot. Your nails were done in your favorite way, some funky pattern you found from Pinterest all painted on short coffin nails.
“I love you Harry and I’m so proud of you. I know that these years put us both in a bad place mentally but I’m happy of where we are now.” Harry could almost tear up to your words. They settled into his mind, resonating. He was making the perfect decision and you solidified that ideal.
Harry didn’t know how they did it. A show every night, a new state everyday, a new country every few months- he was burnt out. He was tired of shared tour buses and the lack of autonomy. Last nights LA show was amazing, the crowd was amazing, the energy was amazing- so why did he feel so horrid?
He walked around in The Grove, security guards walking in front and behind him. He wanted a peaceful day alone but here they were. Fans watched suspiciously trying to decipher if it was Harry or not. His hat and sunglasses were obviously not the disguise he thought they would be.
As the whispers got louder, his heart started to flurry more. Panic seeped into his veins as he looked for an escape. Bolting in the Barnes and Nobles- security guards close behind- Harry asked for the employees to close shop just for a moment. Harry only needed a moment to get a car near by to escape to. Feeling overwhelmed, Harry hid.
In between the historical fiction and romance aisle is where he sat. Head between his knees, trying to catch his breathe.
“Are you ok?” A voice asked from above him. His head whipped up in shock. Standing there was you, three books clutched between your arms. Adjusting your dress you dropped down to the floor in front of him.
“I-im fine, tired but fine.” He replied. He looked different than he did the night before, you thought. Last night, he was energetic and full of life and now, now you saw a boy whose exhaustion overpowered him.
“You here for any books?” You were just trying to change the subject, something you did with yourself when you had panic attacks.
“Oh no, I don’t-“ he stuttered shaking his head. You smiled at him before pulling a book from your stack. The fault In Our Stars, your new favorite.
“I love this book, one of my favorites. Heard a movie is coming out too so that’s fun.” You joke. Harry’s relaxed slightly, you nestled closer to him. Opening the book, you began reading, your gentle voice calming Harry.
At the start of chapter four, an interruption pulled you both away. Harry’s security guard told Harry that a car was waiting and the perimeter of the store was clear. Harry nodded telling the guard to give him five more minutes.
“I guess this is it.” You mumble closing your book. Harry nods but makes no move to leave. Something clicks in him as he looks at your face again.
“You were at the concert last night, meet and greet?” He muses.
“Yeah, One Direction is my favorite band. My friend bought our vip tickets for my birthday. Best night ever.” You say quietly, scared that he might think that you’re some obsessed fan.
“Oh, well I’m glad you enjoyed the show….so why didn’t you freak out today or- or expose where I was?”
“You’re a human being, just like me. You get nervous, frustrated, and sad just like me. You get panic attacks just like. Who am I to treat you differently?” Your words did so much for Harry. “Now don’t get me wrong, you’re my favorite in the band, but I don’t idolize you nor do I wish to be in your position cause I know it must be hard.”
“It is. Hard, I mean, really really hard. I love my job but I’m tired.” The silence you two shared burned a connection between you two. “This may be weird but could I have your number? I like talking to you and I wanna hear more of this book.”
Placing your hand made bookmark in the book, you closed in and gently placed it on Harry’s lap. “Have it. I have one at home and if you still want to talk about it- I’ll give you my number.”
Harry stills as the book sits in his lap. “I want to talk to you about the book.”
After exchanging numbers, Harry was urged by you to go. Walking side by side to the door, you were separated by his security.
“Harry, don’t let this keep hurting you. Find the joy and grasp on to it.”
You turned out to be his joy. Calls every night after shows and different books being read together, you both gravitated towards each other. Everyday was a new day to grow closer together. He invited you to more concerts, paying for every ticket because he just needed to be with you.
The show was going beautifully. Harry looked amazing in stage in all white and most fans were captivated by your outfit too. It worried you to see Harry so exhausted on stage but you knew he would stick it through like he always does. Proud was an understatement in your eyes. Harry made you more than proud.
You stood in the back of the watermelon pit at the end of the aisle where his stage stopped a few feet away. Jeff stood beside you like he normally did but he was acting suspicious. You two never stood on the side of Harry’s exit but this is where Jeff said you’d get the best view tonight.
Harry sang his final ‘we’ll be alright’ before doing his stage stroll and bows, but instead of finishing in the middle of the stage- he went down stage to the place he normally exits to at the end of the night. You watched in confusion, along with the crowd, as he walked down the steps to you. The crowd erupted in screams as the lights focused on where you were standing.
“What are you doing?” You asked with large eyes of shock. You felt your heart stop in your chest. The crowd getting louder by the moment. Harry walked closer to you, one hand digging into his pocket while his eyes focused on your face. You couldn’t place what was happening but you’re eyes welled with even more tears nonetheless. Jeff was to the side with a huge smile and his phone out to capture the moment.
“Y/N, my love, my light, the best thing that has happened to me,” he didn’t have his mic on so the crowd couldn’t hear him but you could hear him perfectly. As if you two were the only ones in the large arena, you could only see Harry. “From the moment I met you in the bookstore, I knew you were meant to be in my life. Somehow you took me from my darkest place and guided me to my lightest.
I know our lives have been hard but we’ve always found a way to be alright. I want that for the rest of my life. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life, so will you please, my love, marry me?”
You gave him no time to answer as you yanked him up by his arm. You wept as you exclaimed loud yeses, yeses that could be heard by a few fans who screamed in excitement igniting the rest of the crowd to scream. Harry picked you up in his arms, throwing one arm out to wave at the crowd before bounding backstage.
“Oh my god Harry!” You exclaimed as he set you down. He only had a few minutes to talk so you kept it quick. You pulled his face down to your kissing his lips. This kiss pulled you both deeper into each other.
He pulled away making you whine. “I gotta go back but I promise you’ll get it all tonight. I can’t believe you said yes. I love you so much.”
Harry’s energy multiplied by 100 going back on stage. He even went as far as to explain what watermelon sugar was about. Remembering when the song was made, it made your legs clench together- a pulse overwhelming your lower regions.
Looking down at your hand, you could feel yourself tear up again at the ring he bought you. It fit perfectly in your hand, you remember him measuring your hand that night even though he thought you were asleep. The thought of your future made your heart swell. A future with new music, a wedding, a nice house, and babies made your heart swell. This was something you couldn’t wait for.
Harry found his joy in you but he never knew about the joy he was to your dark life.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Possesive! Jeon Jungkook- Only Mine....
Your new promp list had me 🥵🥵🥵 if it’s ok can I request numbers 1, 3, 34, 79 with jealous best friend JJK snapping after seeing you around boys all the time? You can choose if you want it noncon or dubcon 🥵
OMG I GLAD YOU LIKE IT! OKAY LETS GET RIGHT TO IT! (Also since I don’t do non-con, I’ll make it consensual. Just a heads up)
1- Look at me when I fuck you!
3- I said FUCKING BEG!
34- I feel like the angrier you get at me, the harder I fuck you.
79- Stay the night with me…I don’t care if it will ruin our friendship.
“Kookie!” You ran up to your bestie as he walked out of the airport terminal.
“Y/N!” he practically dropped his duffel bag as he wrapped his arms around your wait. He hoisted you off the ground. He buried his head in the crook of your neck. “My Y/N, I missed you.”
“I missed you more.” you laughed as he tightened his arms around you.
“And I get you all to myself- he began.
“Y/N!” you heard an onslaught of voices. Taehyung, Hoseok, Seokjin and the other guys all crowded around you. You were pulled out of Jungkook’s hug into Namjoon.
“Guys!” you smiled. “I missed you all too!”
“Damn, you should’ve seen Jungkook! He bolted out of the plane!” Hoseok laughed.
“Maybe because I wanted to see my Y/N.” he grumbled in reply. “Give her back!”
“No way!” Yoongi scoffed. “You can have her back after we get dinner.”
Jungkook glared as his friends. How dare they just take you from him?! 
“You guys!” you laughed. “We’re making a scene!” you said as their fans caught sights of you. They all seemed infuriated. “You’re fans are gonna-”
“Our fans aren’t gonna do shit.” Jungkook glared into the crowd. “Let them try.” he seethed. He snatched you back into his embrace. “I’ll protect you, love.”
You nodded shyly as Kookie led you to the front of the airport.
“Okay weirdos! Dinner is served!” you held the giant box of takeout. “Noodles for Yoongi, Taehyung! Rice Cakes for Seokjin, Namjoon and Hobi. For Jimin, some Extra Spicy Tofu Stew. and For Jungkook and I, fried rice!” you put the box on the coffee table.
Jungkook smirked, of course he went out of his way to make sure no one ordered the same thing as you. He made sure you had ordered last so he could order the same thing. 
“Shit, they gave me way too much Bulgogi.” Namjoon seethed. “Y/N, wanna split with me? I don’t think I’ll be able to eat all of this.” Namjoon looked at you who had already settled. 
“Oh. Sure!” you smiled. 
Namjoon shot Jungkook a mean spirited smile. “In your face, asshole.” he said with his eyes, even though the words never escaped his lips
DAMNIT! Jungkook felt his fist clench. He rolled his eyes. “Hey! Y/N! Pass me a napkin will ya?”
“Oh. yeah.” you threw a napkin his way before resuming your conversation with Yoongi. 
Jungkook watched as Yoongi traced his fingers on your wrists as he spoke to you.  His face hardened into a glare. Everyone knew he liked you, but until he made his move they wouldn’t care. 
To say he was pissed was an understatement. He was practically steaming at the ears.
“Why were you with Hoseok?” he asks as he stormed through his room door, a hand tightly wrapped around your wrist. Surprising but not painful.
“He needed help shopping for an outfit for a photoshoot?” you raised a brow. “Why?”
“Don’t bullshit me! You were on a date!”
“Okay first of all even if I was, what business of yours is that?” you crossed your arms. “You’ve been acting pretty weird these past few days and I don’t like it!”
“I dare you to fucking finish that sentence.” you warned. “You can forget you had a friend if you do.” You backed towards the door.
Jungkook grew more and more agitated. “Y/N I’m sorry.” he ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean to say that.”
“Why are you acting so weird?” you sighed. “Do you not like me anymore?”
“No!!” he looked at you as if you had lost your mind. “Y/N I LOVE YOU!” he blurted out. “I’ve loved you for five fucking years ever since we met!!” he spilled his heart out. “and y-you’re putting me in an uncomfortable position!”
“Huh?” you could barely register what he said before he stormed up and captured your mouth is a kiss. 
‘Kookie!” you were surprised to say the least. “You just- Hmm.” he didn’t give you time to talk as he kissed you again, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He ran his fingers down your spine, holding you close.
You would have been over cloud nine...if you weren’t so angry.
“WAIT A MINUTE.” you forced yourself to step back from him. “FIVE YEARS?” you exploded. “FIVE FUCKING YEARS AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME! YOU LET ME BELIEVE YOU ONLY SAW ME AS A FRIEND FOR FIVE MISERY FILLED-...”you began pacing back and forth as you lashed out on your friend.
Jungkook just watched as you drug him for filth, calling him every name in the book.
“YOU ASSHOLE! I’VE BEEN TRYING TO HIDE MY FEELINGS AND YOU JUST COME OUT THE WATER AND TELL ME THAT- OH YOU PEICE OF-” Jungkook finally had enough and cornered you against the nearest wall.
“...I feel like... I feel like the angrier you get at me, the harder I fuck you. “ he mused aloud. “You’re in love with me? And you didn’t tell me?” he raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that somethin-”
"I am still mad at you.” you sneered. “After tonight you are dead to me.”
“Am I ?” he cooed. “So you don’t want me to...” he began fumbling with your jeans, unfastening the button with one hand. 
“What are you doing?” your eyes widened. You were now more shocked that angry. “Don’t you dare-...” you felt the pads of his fingers along the line of your clothed slit. 
“What? Was that a moan I just heard?” he smirked. “Come on Y/N I know you can be louder than that. Maybe if you beg enough, I’ll make you cum.” he creeped into the waistband of your panties. “Come on...beg me honey.”
“I refuse.” you looked away. “Y-you can go fu-fuuuhh-” you felt the pads of his fingers. 
“I said fucking beg.” he sneered, pressing his body up against yours. “Stop being so damn stubborn. Let me hear those sounds you think nobody hears when you finger yourself in the bathrooms at midnight.”
“How did you-”
“You stink at being quiet.” he bit his lip. “Come on.” he spoke in a babyish voice, rubbing your clit. “This is how you do it to yourself, right?”
“J-jungkook.” you whimpered. “W-what are you-”you cut yourself off as you felt his fingers slip into your wetness. A loud moan erupted from your lungs. 
“Yeah, that’s it. That’s fucking it.” he growled. “Moan like that some more.” he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of you. “Are you thinking about me when you thrust those pretty fingers into that-”
“Don’t say it! That’s a dirty word!” you warned, while ironically mewling like a little kitty cat.
“Don’t say what? That pussy? That cunt? That soaking wet womanhood you got down there. The same pussy that’s asking me to shove my dick in there?” he smirked as he spoke.
“You d-dick!” you leaned forward, your head falling on his shoulder. “S-such as asshole.”
“  Look at me when I fuck you with my fingers.” he demanded. “Or I’ll stop completely.”
You shyly lifted you head. Jungkook thought you were so adorable and truth be told he wouldn’t have stopped. To know that you obeyed anyways was so relieving. 
“Shit, I needa taste you real quick.” he moved his fingers from you and yanked down your jeans. “Kick those off for me.”
You instantly obeyed, throwing your jeans and panties off to the side. He lowered himself to his knees. “Shit, look at that.” he wasted no time in driving his tongue into you.
“Hey Jungkook!” there was a knock on the door. Jungkook had pushed you against the door, stopping anyone from opening it. You heard Jimin’s voice.
You glared down at Jungkook with warning. You knew what was gonna happen, but you were scared anyways. 
“Hmmm!” he moaned loudly, driving his tongue deeper into your slit. He sucked at your clit, causing a loud cry to escape you. 
“Umm is Y/N in there with you?” he called. “IS SHE HURT?!”
You tried to talk, but Jungkook had hooked your leg over his shoulder. “Come on, answer him.”
“I-I’m okay!” you found it in yourself to talk. “I’m just...a little busy!” you clenched your fist to focus on something, anything else. “Doing things!”
“Like what?”
“LIKE BEING FUCKED BY ME!” Jungkook yelled back as he rose to his feet, pants dropping around his ankles. He hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. You felt his cock slip into your heat. “COME BACK LATER!”
He didn’t wait for an answer as he carried you to the bed, setting you down along with himself. He slowly thrust himself into your wetness. “Damnit Y/N.” he seethed, sucking in a harsh intake of air. “Shit.” his jaw went slack.
“F-fuck.” you whimpered. “Kookie.” you whimpered. 
“Y/N.” you could see the tears of pleasure forming in his eyes. “You feel so- So fucking good. Look at me, p-please?”
You didn’t tear your eyes away from him. You found it hard to. “Jungkook! I- Uh..” you were now a load, crumbling mess.
“I want to kiss you, come here.” he grabbed either side of your face and gave you a slopped kiss, shoving his tongue into your mouth instantly. “Y/N, I’m gonna cum. But I don’t want to until you cum first. So I’m gonna go faster okay?” His eyes bore into yours, noses touching.
You shyly nodded, feeling his thrusts increase. You were hella sensitive, and in love with it. “Jungkook.” you moaned. “It feels-”
“I know.” he kissed you again. “Fuck, cum for me...cum for me please~” he mewled through thrusts.
He didn’t have to tell you twice. A string of curses he had never heard before along with his name spilled from your lips. Jungkook was next to cum, yanking himself from you. He spilled his cum practically all over the place. He collapsed next to you, leaving you both to stare at the ceiling.
“...I should go.”
“ No...Stay the night with me…I don’t care if it will ruin our friendship.“ he breathed out. “Y/N...I-..I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“You should be.” your breath hitched. “Probably would have gotten this out of the way a lot sooner.”
Your grumpy words made him laugh a little. He lazily threw an arm around you and pulled you towards him. “I love you, for real.”
“Of course. You’re mine. Only mine...”
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inmyownlaine · 2 years
John Murphy x Reader Mini Series: My Favorite T-Shirt
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Part: 2/5
Warnings: Angst
Artist: Jake Scott
Summary: Murphy finally gets the chance to tell, and show you, how he feels about you after you calm him down from a nightmare.
You were putting your hands up under my shirt, making fun of the way I was breathing...
Murphy’s home was now yours. Ever since he mustered the courage to ask you to stay, you found the bravery to never leave. Whether thunder boomed overhead or the heat sweltered into the night, you found yourself laying beside him. Wrapped up in his blanket wearing one of his shirts. 
And just like every night, when the sun finally went down, the two of you stopped talking. Took your places in his bed. Back to back, just a sliver of space in between. Both of you nervously lying in the darkness, questioning what the other was thinking. Worrying about boundaries. Obsessed with the thought of each other. But never having the boldness to ask.
Your eyes had just closed when Murphy let out a panicked yell. Bolting upright, scrambling around in the bed. Trying to figure out where he was. You sat up beside him, reaching out blindly. You caught his shoulder and gripped it gently, sweat transferring to your palm
“Murphy,” you said lightly. He only breathed heavily in response. “It was just a dream.”
He remained in silence as he composed himself. Slowed down his breathing. Ruffled his hair. Shifted uncomfortably back and forth. “Aren’t dreams supposed to be- nice?”
“There are good and bad dreams. Was yours a-”
“Nightmare,” he interrupted harshly. It caused your lips to curl inward. Embarrassed for not calculating the severity of his imagination.
“About what?” you asked.
“This- wonderful place,” he mocked. “I can’t even escape it when I sleep.”
You felt strongly that the time was now. To make a move. To let Murphy know how you felt about him. How he made you feel even with all the turmoil happening around you. He deserved it now more than ever.
“I know what you mean,” you admitted. “I used to have bad dreams all the time. About being killed. Or tortured. Or just- being scared.”
You could feel him staring at you. Wishing more than anything you could see his face. To gauge how he felt. To tell you whether you should keep going or stop altogether. It would either give you the confidence to press forward or continue to hold it all in.
“Used to?” Murphy pressed.
“Yeah,” you whispered. “Before you.”
Murphy shuffled closer to you. His bare leg faintly pressed against yours. A delicate, yet intimate gesture, that insisted you go on. To tell him everything that once weighed you down, only lifted by his own calloused hands.
“You mean that?” he questioned.
“When we landed on the Ground, I tried my hardest not to fall asleep. I’d just lay awake in bed, stuck with my thoughts. It was scary enough in real life but to relive everything in your consciousness-” you rambled on, remembering how painful it had been to be separated from your family. To find out that you had been sent here without knowing the possibility of surviving. That in everyone’s eyes you were nothing but a delinquent child.
That all changed in a split second rain storm. “But when you invited me to stay, I didn’t have to watch my back. And for the first time in months, I actually slept. With no gnawing feeling of being watched or hunted. I just let myself be. It was the best I had felt in a long time.”
You couldn’t tell what Murphy was doing. There was a break in conversation as he mulled this over in his own muddled brain. He had not felt safer with you. In fact, he felt a larger burden to be a protector. To have his guard up in case anything threatened to hurt you.
But he did feel important. He went from someone nobody wanted around to the only person you wanted to be with. And though that meant giving up some type of comfort, he would do it every single time. It was worth it to be loved through someone else’s eyes.
Of course, he couldn’t help but acknowledge the same feeling he held when you had first stayed over. Letting his mind wander to uncharted waters. Wanting nothing more than to trace the dimples in the small of your back. To count every single mark and blemish that coated the length of your spine. He knew he could do it forever and never get tired. He would just simply start over.
And that shirt. It was his favorite by far. But not because of the way it looked on him. It was everything about you. The way it fell just past your thigh. How it draped across your body like an ancient goddess. Hiding the frame of your body yet hugging to you in every perfect curve.
Murphy started first by lightly running his hand down your arm. You gasped sharply, but didn’t shy away. Reciprocated with a dancing of fingertips across his thigh. He could hardly hold himself back as he dove towards you. Smashing your lips together in a fevered guess. One that he made correctly.
He kissed you hard. A pressure that took off the anxious build up in the depths of his stomach. Trying his best to convey how long he had been concealing his feelings. And how relieved he was to finally get it out.
Murphy pulled away and set his forehead on top of yours. Breathing heavily, you squinted in the dark. Attempting to catch a glimpse of any facial feature. It was in vain as he nudged you gently to the side.
You rolled over and placed your hands under your cheek. There was no way you were going to sleep now. A smile plastered across your face as you reveled in the moment.
Without warning, Murphy wrapped his arm around you. Slid his hand underneath the hem of the shirt you were wearing. Played around with it before committing. Finally placing his hand on your hip, causing a cold chill to travel throughout your body. A harsh exhale escaped as it reached your throat.
Murphy let out a laugh as he buried his face in the back of your head. “What?” you asked, slightly embarrassed by your actions. Hoping he didn’t catch it.
“Nothing, nothing,” he assured you. “Are you cold?”
“Stop,” you whined, drawing out the word as long as you could. Turning into the pillow to try and hide from him.
“I’m just concerned. You’re shivering like you’re cold but you’re breathing like you ran a marathon,” he teased.
“I’m going to bed now.”
“Yeah, good luck. Sleeping when you’re bothered isn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world. I would know,” he said. 
You couldn’t help your curiosity. Rapid fire images of unchaste scenarios flicking through your mind like an old picture film. Murphy being bold made you bold, too. Gave you the strength to play right along with him. “Meaning?”
He let out one more laugh before yawning. Tightening his grip on your waist. Melding perfectly into your body. Leaving you with a simple line that sent tingles shooting like fireworks.
“There’s a reason I sleep with my back to you.”
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chateautae · 4 years
here i come | jjk. (m)
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➵ summary :  tipsy hide-and-seek turns into more when you and jeon jungkook choose the same closet to hide in.
➵ pairing : jungkook x reader
➵ genre :  college!au, smut, pwp
➵ rating : 18+
➵ word count : 3k
➵ warnings : sexual content, teasing, swearing, mentions of alcohol, tipsy but both parties are able to consent, dirty talk, breast fondling, fingering, bigdick!jungkook cause wbk, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up lovelies) mentions of oral, slight name kink, begging, creampie
➵ a/n: i’ve always wanted to try this idea with jungkook and i finally have!! he just seems so perfect for this scenario. as always, your comments and feedback are appreciated! enjoy :)
↳ *read the second part!*
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Dammit, you had 30 seconds left and had just made it to the second floor, cheeks flushed from running around and the slight buzz of alcohol making your insides giddy.
Rushing towards the first room that came into sight, you barge in panicked as Taehyung reaches 25 seconds.
You’re welcomed to a bedroom with such a damn open floor concept you’re cursing the architect of this entire fraternity house. There was absolutely no place for you to hide, not even under the bed where its four sides directly met the floor to accommodate for drawers. 
Your eyes dart around the space for almost too long, searching for anywhere to hide once Taehyung shouts 16 from downstairs, sending you into complete over drive. You couldn’t even leave knowing the scarce time you had and virtually no room to abandon your spot. 
You then noticed the relatively small closet, tucked away into the corner of the room and rejoiced with eternal gratitude.
You bolted for the single, measly door and swung it right open, only to land your eyes on a shocked Jeon Jungkook staring back at you like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Jungkook? What are you doing here?!” you hissed in a whisper. 
“I’m hiding. What are you doing here?” Jungkook whispered back, scrutinizing you. 
“I’m trying to hide-” 
“Fuck! Okay I’m sorry, I’ll leave-” you had just began shutting the closet door, almost succeeding until Jungkook stopped you in your tracks and suddenly grabbed you by your waist, pulling you flush against him as his other hand shut the door behind you. 
“What are you-!”
“Shh, you can’t hide anywhere in 8 seconds, and if you’re caught first you’ll have to drink all the jello shots downstairs. You’ll black out.” Jungkook whispered with near concern, doe eyes innocently looking down at you as he spoke.
You then became suddenly aware of just how close you were to him. You could feel the breaths he took against your skin, chests pressing against each other so tight that if Jungkook peered any further than your face he’d undoubtedly be welcomed by your cleavage. 
It was then you registered just how small this closet was. All the clothes behind Jungkook cut off the length by half and other belongings limited the width, leaving just enough space between yourself and the door; that space only existing due to Jungkook clutching you to him.
Your eyes faltered from his gaze realizing the invasion of all personal space, looking at his chest instead to hide your heated cheeks. “But the closet.. it’s too small-”
“Don’t worry, I’d rather have you here than blacked out on the kitchen floor.” Jungkook lightly chuckled and flashed you his pretty smile, the vibration of his laugh running throughout your entire body.
You acquiesced and settled into his hold, swallowing shallowly as you looked anywhere but at him, and he also diverted his vision. Your hands were situated on his firm chest and you couldn’t help but remember how ripped he was underneath. You could feel his arm wrapped around your lower back, hovering just before the curve of your ass as his other held the closet door shut. 
You tried to distract yourself until you suddenly heard the door outside swinging open, someone’s laboured footsteps quickly stalking into the room. 
You panicked and almost exclaimed until Jungkook planted his hand over your mouth, silencing you with a mouthed ‘shh.’
“Man what the fuck, when did you people get good at hiding?!” Taehyung’s loud voice shouted in the room, scared if he actually had half a brain to check the closet. 
“I swear to God if I don’t find anyone in the next 10 minutes, I’m knocking the fuck out!” You could hear Taehyung cursing under his breath as his voice grew quieter, the room’s door slamming shut as his footsteps faded. 
You instantly loosened up, thanking the heavens Taehyung was too drunk to check the only possible hiding place in what you could tell was his own room. 
Jungkook’s hand faltered from your mouth as he seemed relieved too, letting go of your waist. Hating that you oddly missed his hold, you took half a step back before you knocked into the door and felt the doorknob jab you.
“Ouch, this closet is small as fuck, who makes a closet this small?” You complained, pouting and rubbing at the inflicted area.
“It is, I think it’s actually better if I hold you..” Jungkook didn’t even let you protest before he was pulling you in, his arms practically hugging you to him and your hands landed on his taut chest again, peering up at him in surprise. 
“You know, so you don’t hit the door.” 
“Right, the door..” You agreed and broke your gaze with him. A moment of silence passed before he spoke.
“Where’d the knob hit you?”
“The doorknob, where’d it hit you?” Jungkook looked at you considerately, gently sliding his hands up and down your back.
“O-oh. My lower back..” You admitted shyly, feeling your cheeks blushing at his sudden concern.
Jungkook then glided his hands to your lower back, beginning to rub pacifyingly with his deft hands. “Here?”
You barely nodded, mind malfunctioning at the way he was massaging you slowly. He was stroking against the small of your back and you gripped his jacket leaning into him, looking away.
Great, now he was rubbing you with those veiny hands and you couldn’t stop thinking about it. Not to mention the alcohol slightly buzzing in your veins and Jungkook’s cologne flooding your nose so intoxicatingly that electricity shot throughout your body.
You were already pressed so close to him that it made you feel hotter than you should be, the cool leather of his jacket calming your skin and suddenly remembering he has an arm full of tattoos tucked away under his sleeve. 
You’ll be honest, you always found Jungkook attractive. He was gorgeous, no doubt. His doe-eyes, pretty lips, smile that captured anyone’s attention and his innocent, yet sexy charm that reeled any and everyone in. Not to mention his personality, he initially gave off the complete fuckboy vibe, dressed in his combat boots, jackets and even sported tattoos, yet he was sweet, considerate and introverted. 
But even if you found him attractive, you always drilled it into your head Jungkook probably wouldn’t think the same about you. Good-looking people attract good-looking people, they flock together and you found yourself always coming up short when comparing yourself to the line up of people ready to get on their knees for him. 
It essentially made you friendzone him, convincing yourself friends was as far as you’d get and he seemed to treat you the similarly.
But when you could feel your boobs squishing against his rock hard chest, his arms wrapped firmly around you and his breath fanning the top of your head as you leaned into him, you could think of him as anything but a friend. 
Your core was beginning to alight with the constant feeling of his chest breathing against yours, arms snug around you, your face tucked into his neck to avoid eye contact. But you weren’t stupid, even if you couldn’t see his line of sight, you could feel his eyes darting down towards your chest once in awhile, even tensing at your every micro-movement.
“I..um.. I think we should switch positions.” you swallowed dryly, looking off to the side. 
“Uh.. yeah.. good idea.” Jungkook coughed out, loosening his grip. 
He released you and gave you enough to space to turn around, your back now to his chest and Jungkook quickly pulled you in when you nearly bumped into the door again. 
You knew you were tipsy from the result of alcohol, having done a few shots before your friends all stumbled off for hide-and-seek. But what was more intoxicating and had your breath hitching was the way Jungkook slowly ducked his head into your neck, resting it there as his strong arms held you by your waist just around your stomach. His breaths now fanned the exposed skin of your chest, able to hear his every expire crystal clear.  
What made you feel utterly drunk, though, was the lewd way your ass was pressed against Jungkook’s crotch, so close that if you moved any further back, you’d be practically dry humping him. 
Jungkook seemed fairly calm this way, his breathing relaxed until the alcohol in your blood made you want to move. You shifted, your backside rubbing against Jungkook’s crotch area closer than you predicted, and it was your first mistake. 
You instantly heard Jungkook’s breath hitch, his hold tightening for a millisecond before he settled.
Curiosity took over the decision-making part of your brain and you experimentally pushed a little further back, feeling just the slightest bulge of his dick tucked away in his constricting jeans. 
Jungkook immediately breathed out at the contact, his body tensing as he seemed to be holding back. You grew bold and chose to go big or go home, arching yourself further and rolling your ass so promiscuously against him he audibly puffed out air, balling his fists against your body. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m not doing anyth-”
“Don’t lie, stop it or else I won’t be able to hold myself back.” He scolded you darkly. 
You folded your arms as you snapped back, “I’m not even asking you to.” Your cleavage was now making an even larger guest experience, your outfit doing little to conceal and Jungkook was reaching his limit.
He was already trying his damn hardest to not look at your chest when you were pressed against him, and even when he had an all-access view with your back to him, but now? He couldn’t help himself any longer.  
He swallowed hard, using every nerve in his body to ensure he wasn’t getting turned on to suppress a boner from poking your ass. He didn’t want to make you more uncomfortable than you already seemed, but then he thought about it; an uncomfortable person wouldn’t purposefully push their ass into his crotch. He then became hyper aware he was buzzed with your body in his hands, your outfit raking his brain and your ass rubbing against his cock. 
Considering your last remark, he slightly lowered the placement of his arms around you, scaling just a centimeter down your body. He felt your breath hitch a little, hating that his eyes kept naturally falling to the exposed top of your chest as you leveled your breathing. 
He experimentally lowered his hold, resting just on your abdomen and you felt your opening clench, clench. Your gaze wondered down to his arms holding you, eyes landing on his tattooed hand and suddenly pondering what it would look like touching your most intimate parts. 
The thought made you just audibly breathe out a moan, instinctively pushing against Jungkook’s crotch again and feeling his bulge a little more generously.
Jungkook let out a slight curse under his breath, his broad chest rising and falling faster as his hands now rested in between your pelvic bone and your abdomen. Your mind jumped to the possibility he was trying something, your thoughts answered when Jungkook spoke. 
“Y/N... can I?..” He trailed as his fingers inched further down your body sparingly, careful of his movements. 
You immediately nodded and Jungkook’s hand darted down to your core, tentatively making contact with your cunt through your dress and your panties nearly soaked, leaning your head against his chest for reprieve.  
“Fuck..” Jungkook cursed more audibly, feeling drunk off the feeling of your ass on his dick.
Jungkook’s hand began rubbing at your folds slowly, teasingly. His other came up to rightfully fondle one of your breasts, eliciting small moans and groans from your lips it made him clutch you tighter against him.
“Shit, you’re so hot.” Jungkook breathed out. 
With a clear view of your chest as he palmed a tit, Jungkook slid his hand down your leg and hiked your dress up. Finding your panty-clad core, Jungkook pressed his thick fingers against your netherlips and you instantly gushed, aching for his fingers to touch you more intimately. 
You gripped the wrist of his hand that continued to play with your boobs, the feeling of Jungkook’s cock now stuffed between your cheeks and his fingers on your cunt driving your high. 
Jungkook began sliding against your slit, enjoying the feeling of your now wet panties staining his fingers, all telling by the way he breathed hard against you. You moaned out louder at the sensation, desperately wanting him to slide his fingers inside of you. 
“Fuck, the way you say my name..” He breathed shallower as he pushed your underwear aside and found your soaking heat, rubbing circles onto your bare pussy and you exclaimed breathlessly. You nearly leapt back into him, the feeling of his cock maximizing your craving for him to be inside you. 
He began spreading your slick all over yourself, the sliding of his veiny hands making you clench your walls until he suddenly went for your clit. He was playing with it, teasing it, profusely attacking it and it made you lean against his chest in full force, failing to suppress your whimpers.
Jungkook couldn’t hide how hard he was now, surprised at how wet you were when he hadn’t even been inside you. “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet.” The pet name paired with his deeper voice made your knees weak, grasping onto his jacket to ground yourself.
Jungkook then plunged a finger into your cunt with ease and you groaned out loud, habitually pressing into him again.
“Fuck.. Jungkook..” 
“You like that? Can you take more?” Jungkook’s dark tone rang in your ears and you flashed your vision to the side, his lips just at eye-level and you looked up at him. You nodded as a whimper escaped you, biting your lips as you darted between his mouth and his eyes.
Jungkook took immediate notice and pressed his mouth to yours, shoving a second a finger into you simultaneously. You reacted but Jungkook swallowed all your exclamations, kissing you fervently as his hand worked wonders on your cunt and the other held a handful of your breast.
You began gyrating your hips to every pump of his fingers, craving his touch deeper while moaning into his mouth. Jungkook was losing his mind feeling you grind against him, in desperate need of fucking you right now in this closet.
“Shit, Y/N... I’ve been wanting this to happen for so long.” Jungkook unexpectedly revealed, feeling the reigns on his control snapping. 
“I find you so fucking hot, but you treated me like a friend so I didn’t do anything.”
Jungkook’s tongue poked into your mouth, opening up to welcome him and your tongues entangled passionately, your walls clenching around his fingers. He tasted absolutely divine and you became greedy, wanting more of him after registering his confession. 
“I find you fucking hot too, Jungkook. I just.. thought you wouldn’t want me.” You breathed heavily between deepened kisses, reeling at his fingers beginning to pump you harder, faster, his other hand fiddling with your nipple through your dress. 
“I want you, Y/N, fucking badly.” Jungkook practically growled and you felt your insides stir, sucking more of him in. 
“Jungkook, please..don’t wait.” You didn’t know exactly why you were begging Jungkook, but it seemed natural to beg him; beg him for more, beg him for him.
“You’re dripping. Want another finger? Want me to stretch you out?” Jungkook’s lust-filled voice made you hornier as he pumped you quicker, a little harder, his hand never letting up his unforgiving pace as he begin curling them inside you.
“N-no, Jungkook, fuck me..” Your voice was small and weak, but it was laden with pure desire and the moans leaving you were evident of that.
Jungkook’s eyes instantly blew out, quickening the pace of his hand before speaking.
“I’m big, princess, can you take me?” You could hear the smirk in Jungkook’s voice and knew his dirty talk was revving you up, ready to take anything inside you.
“I can, Jungkook, please.” You whined breathlessly, opening your legs further to feel his fingers deeper.
Jungkook didn’t think twice, pulling his fingers out before turning you around abruptly, forcing you against the door and crashing his lips onto yours fiercely.
He grew rough with his kiss, licking into your mouth as his hands travelled to the hem of your dress and pulled it up, harshly tugging your panties down and you helped them off.
Your arms grappled around his neck naturally, letting your tongue explore his mouth as your fingers inched into his hair. Jungkook momentarily cupped your ass before he slid his hands to the back of your thighs, disconnecting from your lips to breathe, “c’mere.”
You lightly jumped up into his hold as he forced you back up against the door, laving into your mouth as his hand began fumbling with the button of his jeans.
You stopped him, “No, let me do it.”
Jungkook’s eyebrows shot up seeming impressed, watching as your hands unzipped the constricting fabric of his jean and your eyes met his cock protruding from his boxers. You took him in greedily, biting your lip as you jutted out to palm him, wishing you could feel him in your mouth.
“Fuck, I wanna suck you off.”
Jungkook chuckled, “And I wanna eat you out, but I’m not letting anyone walk into this room and stop me from fucking you.” Jungkook brought his hand to yours palming him, guiding you to the band of his boxers.
You immediately dove in and pushed the fabric lower, exposing his dick and running your hand all over him, feeling the veins of his thick cock.
“Fuck, don’t...I’ll blow like that.” Jungkook protested weakly, grabbing your hand and throwing it onto his shoulder as he drew closer, aligning himself with your entrance.
His cock prodded your slit and you both moaned at the sensation, gripping onto him tightly, moving your hips forward for better contact until Jungkook finally pushed against your opening. You felt the delicious pierce of his tip and he sank in, walls sucking him inside of you deliciously.
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so fucking tight, shit.” Jungkook leaned his forehead against yours as he watched himself enter you, moaning at the added view of your tits and somehow growing harder. 
You gripped around his neck and moaned against his mouth, adjusting to the invasion of his size which now that he was inside you, was big.
“J-Jungkook, fuck, you’re so big.” You whimpered, entire body alight with flames.
“I told you, princess, but you can take it, take it like a good girl.” Jungkook pressed his lips against yours as he began thrusting softly, feeling your walls flutter open for him and trying his best to contain his load.
Jungkook buried himself to the hilt inside you and kissed your cervix, groaning at the satisfying feeling. He slowly drew out, feeling the drag of his cock stuffed inside your velvet walls and began fucking into you rythmically. 
Every sound you made was audible, but couldn’t be heard as Jungkook swallowed each and every one, his tongue wrestling with yours the faster he fucked you and you could already feel an orgasm approaching from his previous rakings on your pussy.
Your bodies were rutting against one another, yours reacting to his every stroke and it did wonders for your clit, the more he sped up edging you to salvation.
“Fuck, Jungkook, harder.” You begged, your walls clenching around him and savouring the drag of his delectable length, wanting him deeper.
“I will, I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t walk for days.” Jungkook swore breathlessly, thrusting with more precision as he felt your walls pulsing around him. He knew you were close and pressed a hand to your clit, rubbing vigorously as you moaned louder.
He fucked you harder the louder you groaned, snapping purposefully into your gut with a merciless pace. He continued his onslaught, gripping your thigh tighter as you pulled him closer, taking his every thrust as your chest bounced against his.
“Jungkook, I’m gonna-ah! I’m gonna come!”
“Come all over my cock, princess. All over me.” He demanded with growl against your mouth, fucking you faster in response.
Jungkook delivered a perfectly deep thrust and you felt yourself snap, his abuse on your clit driving you over the edge. You released with a mix of curses and Jungkook’s name, riding out your climax with him.
Jungkook slowed down until you relaxed, mindful of your sensitivity and breathing labourly until he picked up again, cum aching his balls as he began pumping into your soaked walls again.
“Shit, Jungkook come inside me, please...” You groaned out trying to coax his orgasm, his delicious cock dragging inside you divine as you began kissing and sucking at his neck.
Jungkook’s moaning heightened at your words and lips, his fingers boring into your flesh as you purposefully clenched around him until his cock finally gave out, releasing inside you. Spurts of his cum painted your walls, the feeling of his seed filling you beyond hot, stuffed, full.
You both breathed against each other’s bodies heavily, coming down from your highs. His cock was still buried inside you, so utterly blissful you were slowly grinding yourself against him again, needy for more.
“That’s it, I’m fucking you on Taehyung’s bed.”
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sluttyten · 2 years
What about a reader who is scared of storms so Taeil n reader have sex to try to be louder than the storm, lots of praise please
Your awareness of the storm was gradual. When you'd fallen asleep earlier, it had been raining, and the quiet patter of the rain falling against the window had helped lull you to sleep, and the warmth of Taeil in bed beside you had done all the rest of the work.
But as the night drew on, the rain outside poured harder, the wind blew stronger, and somewhere near midnight the distant crashing of thunder began. The sound infiltrated your sleep before you were really aware of it, and it was only when the first bolt of lightning struck closer to you, when the thunder growled loudly through the night, that you jolted awake.
The window beside your bed rattled, and you could hear window whistling against the glass.
Immediately, your heart races, eyes wide open as you see another bolt of lightning flicker across the sky, for a moment illuminating all of the folds of the curtain covering the window.
You sit up in bed, hand flying out for Taeil.
You don't know if it's the sound of the storm or your sudden movement that woke him, but Taeil immediately takes your hand in his, and his other hand moves over to your thigh.
"Shh, baby, come here," he murmurs.
You sink back down into bed, curling yourself against your boyfriend's chest, and he quickly draws the blankets back up over your head and his until you're both entirely enshrouded. The sound of the storm is somewhat muffled in the damp heat beneath the blanket where your breaths mingle together.
Another crash of thunder has your grasping at Taeil's wrist. "Distract me, please." You squeeze your eyes shut.
There's one method that always serves best to derail you, to distract you from anything and everything, and Taeil has tried it many, many times to great success.
He pulls your mouth against his in a passionate kiss. His mouth presses hard against yours, and as he rolls you onto your back so he can slide over you, the hot weight of his body over yours is more distracting. You whine when you hear a boom of thunder, and Taeil reaches one hand down to encourage your thighs apart so he fits between them better. He grinds against you, and you can feel him filling out in his pants.
Taeil's mouth moves from yours, drifting to your ear, and you listen as he begins to speak. "Baby, you feel so good beneath me like this. I just want to feel you around me, there's nothing better." His soft praises fed directly into your ear have a rush of heat swelling in your belly, arousal blooming as he grinds against you.
As light flashes outside the safety of your blanket, Taeil's lips are still beside your ear, brushing against your hair, and he moans, "You smell so sweet, honey, it's been driving me crazy since before you fell asleep. I was lying here thinking about you, your beautiful body, how good you are for me, always eager for my cock."
As if in response to his words, your pussy gives a throb of need to be filled, your panties slick with arousal.
Taeil kisses the edge of your jaw, just beneath your ear. His hands move over your body, settling on your hips, subtly moving your hips just enough that the angle that he grinds against you is improved. A moan is pulled out from between your lips, and you feel his smile against your skin.
You barely even notice when a strong gust of wind hits against your bedroom window, rain pounding so loud on the glass.
"Moan again for me, baby," Taeil demands. "I want to hear you, you always sound so good for me."
You do moan for him, but you also whine and whimper as a bolt of lightning flashes nearby and thunder follows almost immediately after, crackling through the night sky at a deafening volume.
"Distract me more," you tell him, and then your hands are down at the waistband of his sleep pants, pushing them down, and Taeil happily complies, pushing them down and then reaching for yours, tugging until they're twisted down around your ankles, and his fingers sweep through your wetness, his lips one more at your ear as he feeds your praises and fills you with his fingers.
You moan freely as Taeil fucks you on his fingers, stretching you for his cock, and after a few moments of that, you feel him moving around so he's in a better position, then there's the pressure of his tip at your entrance.
There's a flash of lightning through the darkness of your bedroom, and before you can hear the thunder follow, Taeil thrusts into you, his moan in your ear and the rumble of his voice in his chest drown out the thunder.
Your moans meld with Taeil's, and his rough voice moans a constant stream of praises. His body rolls against yours, your grasping hands at his shoulders and sides and dragging your fingers through his hair, and when his lips meet yours in a messy kiss of pure hunger and desire for each other to be closer, you do forget about the storm raging outside, all that matters is the storm raging inside you, racing toward the culminating point of your orgasm.
You can't hear the wind or the rain and the rumble of thunder could easily be Taeil's moans muffled in the kiss or your heartbeat pounding in your ears. All that there is is your boyfriend and you, his body and yours moving together, and when your orgasm rushes through you, you drag Taeil's mouth back against yours, and the sound and feeling of pleasure thunders through your muscles and bones, your toes curling against the backs of Taeil's legs.
Like the thunder follows the lightning, Taeil cums right after you, slow rolling movements of his hips extending the rumbling pleasure and soft moans pressed between your mouths.
He keeps moving slow, rocking movements that soon have sensitive whimpers falling from your lips.
Taeil pulls out of you, but his fingers fill in, stroking gentle circles on your clit that have fresh tremors of pleasure quaking through you, constant moans and whines that he chuckles at and kisses away, and he carries you into a second orgasm like that with just his fingers.
Even after he pulls his hand away, as Taeil settles on his side beside you and drags the blanket away from over your heads, bringing in fresh, cool air that feels amazing against your heated, damp skin, you gasp for breath, coming down from the high.
"Shh, baby," Taeil kisses the edge of your cheek, and then he rolls you onto your side, drawing your back against his chest, and he places another gentle kiss behind your ear. "You did so good, and listen, the storm's over. It's just raining."
And sure enough, there is no more thunder that you can hear, only the comforting patter of the rain on your window again.
You relax back against Taeil, his chest and arms around you are a comfort promising safety. His nose brushes the shell of your ear, his breath kisses over your cheek. "So good, honey," he murmurs, and you can tell that he's already teetering on the edge of sleep again.
"I love you, Taeil," you squeeze his hand that rests over your belly. He hums softly, the intonation giving off the feel of I love you too. And a few moments later, as even the sound of the rain tapers off, replaced by Taeil's soft snoring, you're lulled back into sleep.
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english8muffin · 3 years
Vogue morning routine
Y/N Y/N/L’s guide to effortless natural makeup
Summary: you are asked to do the Vogue Beauty Secrets video and your two boys decide to join the party
Word count: around 2000
Warning: none, just pure floof!
I apologize in advance if there are any spelling and/or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language (+ this is my very first fic)
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HEADLINE Henry Cavill’s new girlfriend, designer Y/N Y/L/N reveals her everyday morning routine in recent Vogue video: Y/N Y/L/N shows off her secrets to the perfect fusion of European and Asian beauty.
You stood in the spacious bathroom of the hotel room, only wearing a big, fluffy, white robe, that was actually Henry’s. But since the man was in the gym, you took the opportunity to lend it and bathe yourself in his musky smell, that calmed your nerves. Last night you started panicking, thinking you would probably look stupid for the entire world to see, luckily Henry and Kal tried to calm you down with cuddles and kisses.
This was the first ‘interview’ you would do, being such a young, successful entrepreneur really caught the attention of the media. When you first started your small online shop, you never would have thought you would end up here. Five years later, with a steady income, the job you always wished for and the man you had a crush on since the first time you laid eyes on him. Being a creative, it really made your heart soar with happiness, seeing all your products, your babies, in new homes where they would make others happy.
You were really proud of yourself. Henry was as well, and he made sure you and everybody around you knew. You were apprehensive at first, being with such a well known actor, who was also much older than you, it made you nervous of what people would say, what the media would say. You didn’t want to tarnish Henry’s image. You knew there were people with a much bigger age gap, but still, people were ruthless. So you both decided to take it slow, being careful with going out in public and social media posts.
You stand in front of the large mirror, which had a camera attached to it and open up your makeup bag. Right before you went into the bathroom, you made yourself a nice cup of tea, trying to stay calm. “Hi! I’m Y/N and today I am going to show you my everyday makeup routine,” you say with a smile, “I am not a dermatologist so please don’t take what I say too seriously.”
You grab a small white washcloth and hold it up, so it was in the frame, “First, I am going to wash my face and put on a few drops of serum,” You dampen the cloth and wipe it over your face and neck. You put a few drops in the palm of your hand and pat them into your skin. “Now I going to use my jade roller to massage the serum into my skin. It’s quite funny seeing so many people use these nowadays. In ancient China they were mostly used by the elite to keep there skin ageless. They would call jade the Stone of Heaven. It’s really helpful for the people who wake up with a puffy face like me,” you chuckle.
Somethimes you’d wake up with puffy cheeks, which led to Henry calling you his chubby bunny in the morning.
“Just a quick tip, and this is for everybody, make sure you always use SPF. I personally use SPF 30 and this one is shine control, since I tend to get an oily skin, but you can also use a regular one or a foundation with SPF in it. Believe me when I say your skin will be thankful.”
You grab the small tube of sun cream and show the amount you’ll use. You even convinced Henry to wear SPF everyday. At first he said he didn’t think it would make such a big difference, but when he realised you were going to be the one to put it on him, he was convinced about its benefits and adamant to wear it everyday. After working the thick cream into your skin, you put on some lipbalm and rummage through the pouch in front of you. When you find the product you’re looking for, you hold it up. “Now, I am going to put on a bit of concealer, this one is from Maybelline. After this, I will use a lighter shade under my eyes and on my acne scars that I have here,” you point and circle around the small cluster of scars on the sides of your cheeks.
Before blending out the concealer, you smile at the lens and put in two bright yellow hairclips, to keep your dark locks from falling into your face. “I probably should have done this at the start,” you laugh. The nerves creeping up a little. It wasn’t that you where a shy person, but knowing thousands of people will watch this, did something to you. You were always a very easygoing person, who could talk with pretty much everybody. But knowing people were going to watch you do something so intimate in a way, and would probably comment on it, scared you a little. While you would be 100% yourself, doing something as mundane as getting ready. If they didn’t like you now, then they probably won’t like you later. And that was what made you so afraid.
The bathrobe falls a bit down your shoulder, but you ignore it, since your hair fell down your shoulders in big waves. “Okay, brows. I used to block them in really dark when I was younger, but now I try to keep a light hand. I’ll use this Got 2B Glued as a brow gel afterwards. The tails of my eyebrows tend to move if I don’t use a strong enough gel. If you’re Asian you will understand the struggle.”
You quickly finish your brows, put some bronzer on your face and eyelids and take out your liquid eyeliner. “Am I the only one that acts like I’m a beauty guru whenever I do my makeup? Like, I’m just acting as if I’m used to this, right now, but to be honest, I was really nervous to do this video for Vogue,” you admit, “they will probably regret asking me,” you chuckle. You finish your eyemakeup with curling your long lashes, thanks to your mother’s genes, and add a coat of mascara.
You take in a deep breath, excited to show everyone the product you had been waiting for. “The next thing I am really proud to show you guys, because I designed the packaging. This is the new limited edition blush and highlighter palette from Dior, which they created for Lunar New Year!” You beam with pride, holding up the elegant looking palette. It had a darker toned glossy finish and the borders were the traditional Chinese looking frames, which were 3D and were surrounded by a wild variety of peonies. In the middle of the lid was your Chinese calligraphy in big golden brush stokes that said ‘year of the Ox’, the clasp was designed so it resembled an antique Chinese coin and on the side hung a jade charm.
“You can pre-order this palette now, I think they will put a link-thingy in de description. I wish you all a happy and blessed Lunar New Year, 祝农历年新年快乐牛年大吉!”
Just as you’re about to add some blush to your cheeks, the bathroom door creaks open and a curly-headed, sweaty Henry pops his head in. Fresh from the gym, and were you thankful for his new intense workout, because he was truely a sight to behold. A cheeky smile graces his handsome face when he spots you in front of the mirror, only wearing his robe, which made his grin widen.
“what are you doing in here? Are you hiding from me? Playing hide and seek is it?” he teases and rakes his large hand through the tousled curls, but just as he’s done speaking, he sees the camera behind you, and blushes. “Oh, I didn’t know you were filming, I’m sorry darling,” he smiles and gives a small wave in the direction of the camera. You led out a giggle, cheeks turning red already, if he’d keep this up, you wouldn’t need to add blush. You couldn’t focus anymore, he looked so attractive, only wearing his black gym shorts and a tight dark blue tank top. Damn that camera, otherwise you would have jumped him. Henry, thought the exact same thing. Seeing you, only wearing his robe and your hair still a bit wild from this morning’s cardio, made him hold back a moan. Those two cute, yellow clips in your hair could have fooled him, because you were anything but innocent.
Before he’s about to close the door again, he blows you a kiss. But his actions are stopped when a big bear makes his appearance. Bolting past his dad’s legs, Kal comes into the bathroom. Henry tries to catch him but misses. The black and white akita excitedly sniffs his head around the sink, trying to see what you were up to with all the stuff lying on the marble counter.
“Kal!” Henry whisper-yelled, trying to stay hidden behind the door. But you could still see his massive body crouched down behind the wood. It was rather funny, seeing the large man so panicked about getting his dog to listen. It kind of reminded you of that one video from BBC were a professor was being interviewed and his baby and nanny showed up in the background. While Henry tried to get Kal’s attention, the dog just sat next to your legs, and smiled when you pet him behind his ear. He was your good boy.
You both knew there was no other option but to keep Kal here, once he saw you do your makeup, he wanted to watch and get his ‘makeup’ done as well.
Henry also saw the look in Kal’s eyes and let out a sigh. Might as well stay with his two loves. He stood up from his position and walked to you, wrapping his sweaty but oh so save body around your figure, and placed a prolonged kiss on the exposed skin just by your shoulder. So far for taking it slow… He pressed himself thighter against your back, hiding his face in the crook of your neck and intertwined your hands, slowly rocking you two back en forth. “You look beautiful, my love,” he whispered, so only you could hear it, at least you hoped the camera wouldn’t pick that up. You let out a little giggle, like the inner schoolgirl you were whenever he was around you.
“Kal loves when Y/N does his makeup as well, don’t you boy,” Henry explains with a smile and looks down at the bear by your bare feet. Kal gives a small ruff and sweeps his tail eagerly. “Did you show them what you made,” he asked you with a wide smile, and looked straight in to the camera, “she worked really hard on that design, so I hope you all like it,” he declared proudly.
You ended up doing your makeup routine with your two boys in the background. Henry left for a few minutes to shower in the second bathroom your hotelroom had, and came back clad in a pair of light jogging trousers and a sweater. Even though you were inside, it was still a bit too chilly to walk around in short sleeves, being mid-winter and all. He just sat on the small wooden bench by the door, still in frame for everybody to enjoy and behold. His hair now damp. He was reading in a book and patiently waiting for you to get ready, occasionally looking up and laughing when you would wet your hands or Kal’s special makeup brush in the sink and pretend to do his makeup. The dog would bark excitedly and give you kisses. “Wow Kal, you look so pretty,” Henry told the big floof with the chuckle.
“Okay, this was my -somewhat- everyday makeup routine! Thank you guys for watching this chaotic mess, hope you laughed a bit, bye-bye, 再见!” How do those vlogger end their videos? Smash like and subscribe?
Behind you Henry looked up from the pages of his fantasy book and arched his brow, “Hey! No shout-out for your special guests? See you all next time!”
WOOHOO!! This is my very first fanfic, I really hope you enjoyed it. Liking, reposting and commenting would mean a lot to me! If you do repost this, please do not edit or copy my work. I worked really hard on this.
Much love, Nahmi xxx
Masterlist can be found HERE!
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squishneedsahero · 3 years
Getting The Family Together
Awesomest of Them All 2.0
Part 12 of 13
Word Count: 1550
Batman x Batmom!Reader
You know what the bat family needs? Someone to pull them together and give them all the love they deserve. Who better to do that than you? An author rising to stardom in Gotham who catches the eye of a billionaire with your standoffish attitude at a huge social gathering. You are yourself and never pretend to be more or less than that. Plus you're the most stubborn person in the world, refusing to let good things go without reason.
This is a rewrite of my story Awesomest of Them All, I wanted to see how much I've improved over 3 years.
You're in an amazingly good mood when you arrive home that evening after seeing Jason. Your other children, official and unofficial, notice along with your husband but none of them ask, assuming that the GCPD charity ball had just gone better than expected. It isn't until a few days after you had seen Jason that Bruce brings up your persistent good mood. You had successfully pulled him away from all of his work, yet again, just to cuddle him on the couch. You were in your usual spot on his lap with your fingers playing with the hair on the back of his head when he brings it up, "what has you in such a good mood? I know you well enough that it wasn't the GCPD charity ball."
You lean your head back against his shoulder so you can look up at him, "well, I sure hope you would know that, Love. But whats different about my mood?" Your question is genuine in the moment, but the second after you ask it you realize of course you wouldn't be able to hide the fact that you were happy about seeing and holding your Jaybear in your arms once again.
"Well, since you left that evening you've been in a-" he pauses, wanting to choose the correct words since he knows if he were to say 'better mood' you would relentlessly bug him about it for the next week or so, "you've been in a good mood far too long for it to have just been due to you being tipsy from the party."
You laugh gently, "good catch," you say in reference to his pause, "you know me so well." You take a pause of your own, absentmindedly tilting your head to press a kiss to his jaw. "I saw Jason," you eventually answer and open your mouth to continue but get interrupted.
"I know, I won't ask you where he is," Bruce says as the both of you know he had been trying to track Jason down for months at this point. At first it had been to stop him but as soon as he learned it was Jason his motivation had changed to helping Jason get off the seemingly destructive path he was currently on. His arms tighten around you, "I'm glad you got to see him." His hand brushes your hair out of your face, "I know that you missed him."
You smile at the man holding you, grateful yet again for the many arguments you had gone through with him, convincing him that you weren't scared of the potential dangers. "I know you did too, eventually he'll be ready to come home again and we can have our family together once more."
You can do nothing but glare at the man standing in your face. He was ugly, before you had broken his nose with your fist and without the black eye that was quickly forming. In all honesty you were surprised that it had taken this long for you to get kidnapped for the second time in your life, the first time since officially meeting Bruce. "Now, you're going to behave yourself while we call your husband and get him to send us the ransom money if he wants to see you alive again."
"Okay," you respond as it takes everything in you to not just sit there and taunt the man. They had you duck-taped to a chair, preventing you from causing further damage to their faces. And sure maybe you should be acting scared but still your reaction to danger is to laugh in it's face, even if you know that as soon as that phone call was made you would be out of this place in the hour.
The brutish looking man growls in frustration and slaps you across the face before yelling at his friends to keep an eye on you while he makes a phone call.
Tears sting your eyes at the slap on the face but you bite your tongue and look at the other two men who were now standing in front of you. There were maybe 20 others scattered through the building, they had clearly thought all of this through, but were a little underprepared for the fact that every single hero or vigilante in the city would take your kidnapping personally.
The man who had slapped you comes back, bragging about how scared Bruce had sounded on the phone and how willingly he was ready to hand over the money he had demanded. He barely makes it back into the room, when there is a moment of static over their walkie-talkies and then as scream and some loud banging off in the distance.
"Ooh, that doesn't sound very good," you say, clenching your teeth in false sympathy for them. "You guys might want to get that checked out." You can see that the man wants to slap you again for your big mouth but there is another shout and he begins directing the men to group together to try and protect the merchandise.
Eventually, you notice him first, Jason sneaks into the room in his Redhood gear. You were a little surprised to see him out of everyone since there had not been a single gunshot fired and that was kind of his thing. It didn't take the men around you long to notice Jason, since he was moving through the open now.
As they approach Jason, after realizing he isn't shooting everyone on sight, the men's confidence gets shattered as an actual child jumps from the rafters and knocks 3 of them down in one go. They begin firing their guns, shooting at anything that moves. You see their recklessness and know you should get out of there since as soon as they realize they're outmatched they're going to threaten you in the hopes of gaining an advantage.
You unsteadily stand, still duck-taped to the chair, and begin to waddle towards the nearest doorway. You get interrupted by your oldest son catching you, "hey, need some help?" Dick asks, clearly teasing you for this predicament you had gotten into.
"No thanks, Nightwing, I've heard that it improves your running speed if you're tied to a chair."
You see the flash of a smile cross his face as he just cuts the tape and helps you out of it. He then goes to help you out of the room but you stop him and say, "I can manage, you help your brothers."
You can see him hesitate for a moment before going with it, you then take off towards the door, only to be interrupted once again, but this time by the man who had slapped you, pointing his gun in your face. Your three sons who had come to your rescue, clearly trying to keep some sort of secret identities by the fact that everyone wasn't here, are all busy in the moment. You stop short at the sight of the gun, but once again you're impulsive, kicking the man square in the balls before bolting to the door.
You make it to the door and pull it open, stepping through it just for a shooting pain to go through your thigh. It's as you fall to the ground that you hear the gunshot and realize that the bastard had shot you. You do what you can to close the door behind you, just in time since another bullet hits the door. You then scoot across the grimy floor, to a spot where you can hide since you won't be moving far, and look at the blood trail you had left. You take a breath and collect your thoughts, remembering the sports bra you had worn and ripping your shirt off for a makeshift bandage/tourniquet for your leg.
You get it wrapped well enough to stop some of the bleeding and begin putting pressure on the wound, despite the fact that doing so nearly caused you to black out. Not long after that the fighting in the other room stops and Jason is the first one through the closed door.
"Mama?" He takes the hood off as he lands on his knees beside you.
"I'm fine," you say, motherly instinct taking over and you wanting to protect him despite the fact that he had just taken out at least 7 guys on his own moments before.
"Bull," he says and moves your hands so that he can evaluate things, not that he didn't trust you knew what you were doing but knowing that your mind was probably a bit all over the place.
"I'm fine, enough, Jaybear," you say and lean your head against the wall behind you.
Hours later you're relaxing on the couch with Bruce and three of your boys, holding them all as well as you can with a leg cast. The bullet had fractured your femur so it made everything a bit more complicated but at least now you knew how it felt to be shot so you could write better descriptions in your books.
But it's as you're sitting there with Bruce, Dick, Tim and Damian that the doorbell rings and a few minutes later Alfred enters the room. You look up to see Jason standing beside him, "Hey."
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter five rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Series Masterlist
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“Why are you in such a mood?” Ned asked his best friend as they walked to their college campus. Peter had been grumpy all morning and Ned was quick to notice. He usually showed up at Ned’s door exhausted but eager to share the adventures from the night before, but he seemed defeated today.
“I got my ass beat last night.” Peter grumbled as he shouldered his backpack.
“By who?” Ned wondered.
“I don’t even know.” Peter sighed. “I think it was some kind of alien.”
“What’d it look like?” Ned asked. It wasn’t uncommon for Ned to ask a million questions after being told something Spider-Man related. After all, he was the guy in the chair.
“Like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” Peter said swallowed and tried to push the previous night from his mind. He’d rather focus on this morning, and the moment he had shared with you. Peter felt such a strong connection to you, and he would’ve stayed on that rooftop all day if he could.
“Describe it to me.” Ned pleaded, tearing Peter from his thoughts.
“I don’t know. It was like eight feet tall, black, and bald. And it was super veiny.” Peter grimaced while Ned’s eyes widened.
“Oh my God. You fought Shaquille O’Neal?” Ned gasped.
“Keep your voice down. I did not fight Shaquille O’Neal.” Peter whispered harshly. Ned always seemed one step away from blowing Peters cover. Peter gave bashful smiles to the passing students who gave him weird looks upon hearing Ned’s words.
“Terry Crews?” Ned continued. Peter rolled his eyes at his best friend and starting walking to class.
“No. This is serious.” Peter said, his voice heavy with annoyance.
“I know it’s serious. You got beat up by The Rock.” Ned remarked. Peter fidgeted with the strings on his backpack, still bothered knowing he was beaten so easily by Venom.
“The Rock is Samoan, not black.” Peter corrected.
“I know. But I heard “bald” and I just automatically envisioned The Rock.” Ned defended.
“There’s another thing. It had this huge, gaping mouth with rows and rows of teeth. I keep thinking about it.” Peter shivered. “It came so close to me. And its tongue was super long. It was like a cracked out frog.”
“So a ninja turtle? You got beat up by a ninja turtle?” Ned gawked.
“It wasn’t a ninja turtle.” Peter snapped. “ It was black, remember?”
“So an emo ninja turtle.” Ned deadpanned.
“It kept saying “we”. “ Peter remembered.
“What do you mean?”
“There was only one of them, but they only referred to themself as “we” as if there were multiple of them.” Peter explained.
“Do you think there could be more? Like an alien army or something?” Ned asked incredulously. Peter hadn’t even thought about that.
“Maybe. I remember something else, it’s name was Venom.” Peter recalled. He distinctly remembered those words coming out of the creatures mouth.
“Venom?” Ned repeated, clearly finding it cool.
“Yeah. And I told it my name. I used my regular voice too.” Peter realized. He usually disguised his voice when speaking, but he had been so scared that he forgot to. It haunted him knowing the creature now knew who he was and he wondered if it knew both of his identities.
“Wow. This is so cool. Not cool for you, because you might die. But this is super cool for me.” Ned smiled as he envisioned what Venom might look like.
“Thanks, ned. Actually, wait.” Peter stopped in his tracks. “One more thing happened.”
“What?” Ned whispered as they approached their class.
“Venom was about to eat me but then it started talking to itself. It sounded maybe like it was having a conversation with someone? I’m not sure, I could only hear one side of it.” Peter explained. “It put me down, well it threw me down, and let me go. But before it left, it said something about a girl. I don’t really remember. I was too focused on catching my breath.”
“Catching your breath? Were you running?”
“No. It choked me.” Peter told him as he lightly touched his neck.
“Kinky.” Ned smirked as he took a seat next to Peter in their class.
“That’s gross.” Peter stifled a laugh. “Did I tell you about this morning with Y/N?”
“No. Tell me.” Ned said. He wasn’t disappointed in the change of topic. He was glad Peter had moved on on from Liz, finally. Peter recounted the discussion he had with you that morning, barely getting through it without blushing and laughing at certain parts.
“I really like her, Ned. More than I’ve ever liked anyone. She’s so amazing. I barely know her, but I can tell already. I want to know everything about her. I want to hear her full story. And most of all, I want to be a part of that story.” Peter declared but frowned suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Ned asked.
“After our talk, we just kinda sat there staring at each other for a while.” Peter began. “She kinda leaned in, and I did too, but then this seagull flew by and scared us half to death. We laughed about it but the moment was gone.”
“So you almost kissed her?” Ned smiled. “Why is that upsetting you?”
“Because what if that was our chance and I blew it?” Peter feared. “What if that seagull was a sign from above that I was in way over my head? Like God was asking me who I was to think I could just kiss the most perfect girl in the world? She’s so cool, Ned. Way too cool for me. She’s already had a boyfriend and I’ve never even kissed anyone.”
“If it’s meant to happen, it will happen.” Ned assured him.
“Or, the same thing that happened with Liz will happen.” Peter argued. “I won’t tell her how I feel and then she’ll be gone forever.”
“Then don’t let that happen.” Ned reasoned. “Tell Y/N how you feel. Do it tonight, before you go on patrol. And if she doesn’t feel the same, then at least you’ll know. Isn’t it better to know?”
“When did you become such a love expert?” Peter teased as the professor walked into the room.
“Since I started dating Betty. She’s opened my eyes to what love really is.” Ned shrugged. “Tell her tonight. Then tell me how it goes. I’m here for you either way.”
Peter nodded and gave Ned a thankful smile before turning his attention to the professor.
On his walk home from campus, Peter spotted you walking down the sideways. Ned’s words of encouragement rang in his ears and he made a brash decision.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!” Peter called after you, making you turn around.
“Hey Parker. How was kindergarten?” You teased him.
“Alright alright. Majoring in chemical engineering is hardly kindergarten. And I’m only one year younger than you.” Peter reminded you. “I don’t want you to have a heart attack on me, grandma.”
“Watch it, sonny.” You kept with the joke. “I’ll hit you with my purse and then say something mildly racist.”
“Just like my grandma.” Peter laughed in amusement. “We’re gross. And not funny.”
“We really are.” You scrunched your nose. “Couple of gross ass orphans.”
Peter laughed again, feeling comfortable enough with you to joke about a tragic situation.
“Look, Y/N, I really enjoyed our talk this morning. I really enjoyed all our talks so far actually. I guess I just like talking to you. ” Peter began. He looked nervous all the sudden, like he lost his stamina. You raised your eyebrows hopefully, as there were only so many ways this conversation could go.
“I like talking to you too, Peter.” You said honestly, hoping he’d continue. Hoping he’d ask that question. Your answer seemed to give Peter the confidence he needed to go on.
“Really? Um, that’s great cause I really like talking to you too. I already said that. Oh god. I’m crashing. I-“ he began to flail and you calmed him down by taking a few steps closer. You were almost touching at that point. He stopped talking immediately and looked at you with wide eyes.
“Is there someone you wanted to ask me, Peter?” You asked slowly as you looked at him through your eyelashes.
Damn. He was tall too.
“Yes, actually. I, um, will you…would you maybe want to-“
“Hiya kids!” A gravely voice came from the front stairs of your apartment, completely cutting Peter off. Peter looked up and angrily rolled his eyes.
“Don’t look now. It’s Henry.” Peter grumbled. Henry was the creepy neighbor with the foot fetish.
“Oh Dear God.” Peter said in a low voice.
“What?” You panicked when you saw Peters expression change.
“You’re wearing flip flops.” He pointed at your black painted toes and you felt the color drain from your face.
“Run!” He whispered harshly. You bolted into your apartment and Peter ran into his. Once inside, Peter blew out an angry breath. He had been interrupted twice in one day when trying to talk to you, and he worried that it was a sign.
Back at the apartment, you sat on your bed with headphones in. You were prepping for your interview with Cletus Kasady by writing down some questions you wanted to ask him. It was hard figuring out what to ask a serial killer. You looked at your notepad and sighed. All you had written down was “but why tho?” in sloppy handwriting. You tore out the page, crumbled it up, and threw it at the trash can. When you went to write something else down, you noticed the paper ball still stuck to your hand. You shook your hand but it still wouldn’t come off.
“What the hell?” You grumbled as you shook your hand.
“Oh. This might be our fault.” Venom said suddenly.
“What might be your fault?” You asked as you continued to shake the paper off your hand, but to no avail.
“We sort of went inside Spider-Man when we were talking to him yesterday.” Venom said timidly and the paper ball dropped from your hand.
“What?” You demanded and Venom went silent.
“Come out here.” You said, like an owner to a dog.
“We’d rather stay inside.” Venom said softly.
“Get out here now. You need to explain yourself young lady.” You said sternly. Venom slowly manifested and looked at you with sad eyes.
“I’m 600 million years old, by the way.” Venom added. “You can’t call me young lady.”
“What do you mean you went inside Spider-Man?” You ignored her comment.
“When we were choking him we put one of our tendrils inside him and swirled around.” Venom explained. “He didn’t even feel it. We did though. He’s very squishy on the inside.”
“You…what?” You didn’t even know where to start. “How does that explain the paper sticking to me?”
“We think we absorbed his powers.” Venom said. “We used to watch videos of him on YouTube after you went to bed. He can stick to walls and stuff. We think that’s why the paper ball stuck to you.”
“Since when can we absorb powers?” You wondered as you looked at your hands.
“We never had a host before. We don’t really know how it works.” Venom reminded you. “But back on Klyntar, our home planet, the Grandmaster used to tell us we could absorb the powers of superhuman beings. Judging by your newfound stickiness, we think it worked.”
“What else can Spider-Man do?” You asked. “Since you’re such a big fan.”
“He can shoot webs out of his wrists. And he can return lost dogs.” Venom answered, sounding a little annoyed.
“Do you have something against Spider-Man?” You chuckled a little at her tone.
“We hate what he did last night. He thought we were the bad guy, and he let the real bad guy get away. He judged us before he had the full story. We’re not a bad guy.” Venom defended. You were surprised to hear how passionate she was about this and gave her a soft smile.
“Let’s not worry about Spider-Man right now. I want to test out our new abilities. Let’s rock and roll, baby.” You cheered, complete with rock and roll hands. The second you touched your middle finger and ring finger to your palm, a black, web-like tendril shot out from your wrist and stuck to the ceiling. You stared at the web with a gaping mouth, weakly shaking your wrist to see if it would stay attached.
It did.
“Maybe that’s one of our new abilities.” Venom said. You looked back and forth between her and the gooey web coming out of your wrist.
“Oh my God! What’s happening?” You screamed. You took your fingers off your palm and the web retracted back into your wrist. Looking at your wrist incredulously, you made the rock and roll hand again and the same web shot out from your wrist. This time, it grabbed the ceiling fan.
“V-Venom?” You asked. You didn’t know what to say.
“Try to aim it at something.” She suggested. You aimed your wrist and the lamp across the room and touched your fingers to your palm. The black web shot across the room and grabbed onto the lamp. You quickly yanked your arm back to pull the lamp towards yourself. The lamp flew across the room, smashed you in the face, and left you with a bloody nose.
“Ow.” You cried, gingerly touching your nose.
“We see this as a absolutely win.” Venom cheered. You shot her a look and went to get cleaned up.
After about a week of practice, and very little work on your questions for Cletus, you had a better handle on your webbing ability. Of course, the week also consisted of long talks with Peter on the roof, late patrols of New York, the occasional run in with a criminal, late night FaceTime calls with Peter, and beating the shit out of Spider-Man, twice. Venom eventually grew bored of using the new powers around the house, so it was time for the final test.
You stood at the rooftop ledge and looked down, talking a deep breath to calm your nerves.
“It’s a long way down.” You commented.
“Yep.” Venom replied in your head.
“We could die.” You added.
“We’re ready.” Venom grinned as you transformed. You stepped off the ledge and fell freely for a while, screaming the whole way down.
“Stop being a little bitch! Shoot a web!” Venom yelled. You aimed a web at a building and began to swing. You were too close to the ground and ended up knocking over a bunch of tables at an outdoor restaurant. People ran away in fear while others took out their cameras and recorded.
“We’re not here to hurt you! Peace and love!” Venom shouted as you continued to swing through the steers of New York. People began to cheer upon hearing your words.
“Do you hear that, Y/N? People are cheering. They love us.” Venom said happily.
“I love us too.” You replied. You were even happier than she was. You knew how much it hurt Venom to be seen as a monster, it was why she hated being called a parasite. You also knew it was why she hated Spider-Man. He was praised for stopping bad guys while Venom was seen as one of the bad guys he needed to stop.
“Hey, what is that thing?” A man called from the street. Venom stopped swinging and landed on the street. You proudly turned to the crowd of people, a massive grin on your face. There it was, our favorite question.
“We…are Venom.” Venom growled. People took pictures and videos of you from a distance.
“You can come closer. We won’t hurt you.” Venom assured the crowd.
“Are you like the anti Spider-Man?” Someone asked.
“Spider-Man is a joke. He can’t protect this city like we can. We are no Spider-Man. We are Venom.” Venom roared. A few people took a step back and you began to feel uneasy.
“Hey, King Kong. I want a word with you.” A sassy voice quipped from the crowd. A man in yellow sunglasses and a suit stepped forward, and you bet your ass you recognized him.
“My name is Tony Stark. Heard of me? Of course you have. Would you mind coming back to my tower with me?” He asked, but it felt more like a demand. The people in the crowd slowly dispersed and soon, you stood there alone with Tony.
“Be nice. Say yes.” You told Venom.
“Who is this guy?” She asked out loud.
“I just said my name.” Tony said, slightly annoyed.
“He’s a really famous inventor. I’ll explain later. Just follow him please.” You begged. Venom gave Tony a once over and followed him to a limo.
“Yea, you’re gonna ride up top big guy.” Tony said, patting the roof of the car.
“Girl.” Venom growled. Tony looked surprised.
“My apologies ma’am.” He raised surprised eyebrows. You rode on top of his car all the way to his tower, wondering what he could possibly want with you.
The inside of his tower was huge. Tony lead you to a lab that was bigger than yours and Peters apartments combined.
“I’ve seen videos of you on YouTube. Seems like you and Spider-Man aren’t the best of friends.” Tony remarked as he pulled out an iPad.
“We will crush his bones and snort them like cocaine.” Venom growled. Tony was just as surprised to hear that as you were.
“Now that’s a visual.” Tony smirked. “I’ll have you know, Spider-Man is a friend of mine. He’s not your biggest fan either but from what I’ve seen, you’ve done this city some good since you’ve been here. How long has that been?”
“Two weeks.” Venom answered.
“I thought so. I’d never seen you before then. And since your arrival, petty crime has dropped significantly in Queens. Criminals are too scared of getting eaten to do anything. Don’t get me wrong, I love Spider-Man and I’ll kill you if you tell him that, but no one fears him. He gets the job done, but there’s always another job to do. With you, on the other hand, your mere presence is preventing crime before it even happens.” Tony smiled to himself, like he was just given a new toy. “You’re scary, is what I’m trying to say. But you’re a good guy. It’s rare. I want it to stay that way. I want you on my team.”
“We’re called the Avengers. We had a bit of a falling out but the name still stands.” Tony waved his hand. “We fight bad guys together. Really, really bad guys. I think you could us some good. Plus, you’ll be taken care of for life and we’ll only call you in for serious threats. But I need a few things from you first.”
“Like what?”
“Your story.” He pointed a finger at you. “How does a giant, anthropomorphic alien wind up in New York City?”
“It’s a long story.” Venom answered.
“We can trust this man, Venom.” You told her telepathically. “I’m gonna come out okay?” Venom hesitated and Tony looked impatient to know more.
“Are you sure?” She asked you. Tony looked confused.
“Am I sure?” He pointed to himself.
“Not you.” She said. Tony looked around for who else Venom could be talking to and found no one.
“I’m sure.” You decided. “This guy is one of the good guys. We can trust him. I promise. I’m coming out.”
You slowly transformed back into yourself in front of Tonys wide eyes. Venom stayed in her snake-like form and rested on your neck.
“Hello, Mr. Stark. My name is Y/N L/N.” You shyly introduced yourself. “This is Venom. We want to help.”
Tony’s face shifted from shocked to impressed as he looked you over.
“I gotta say, I did not except someone like you to be inside that scary monster.” Tony chuckled.
“We’re not a monster, Mr. Stark. We want to help people.” You reminded him.
“I can see that.” Tony nodded. “That’s why I’ve been developing you a suit.”
“When did you do that?” You wondered. “We just met.”
“Oh, I know. I’ve been designing it while you talked. I want you to have it incase you and Venom get separated. That way, you’ll be protected until you’re back together.” Tony explained as he showed you his ipad. Sure enough, it had a drawing of a suit on it.
“I’ll get started right away. I just need a little piece of Venom. If I make the suit using her skin, you’ll have the total protection you need.” You looked at Venom for consent, who nodded and extended a tendril towards Tony. He quickly snipped a piece off and put it in a container.
“When will the suit be ready? A few months?” You asked as Tony tapped the container. Tony stopped looking at the container and laughed.
“Y/N, I’m a genius inventor. Go get lunch. It’ll be ready when you’re done.” He said.
And he wasn’t kidding. An hour and a half later, Tony presented you with a suit. You ran my fingers over it slowly, not wanted to disturb a single thing. You looked at it in awe, completely speechless at what he had created.
“Go on, try it on.” He shrugged casually. You grinned from ear to ear before rushing to the bathroom to put it on. You came out soon enough with tears in you eyes.
“You like it?” Tony asked. You looked at your covered hands in amazement. The suit was jet black, like Venom was, and hugged your body like a second skin. There was a big white spider symbol on the front, the complete opposite of Spider-Mans small black one. You figured it was a nod to being called the anti Spider-Man and it was perfect.
“Well?” Tony was still waiting for an answer. You looked up at him just as a few tears fell down you cheeks.
“We didn’t celebrate my birthday growing up because it was the anniversary of my moms death. I used to be so upset every year.” You blurted. Tony looked like he didn’t know what to say and you couldn’t blame him. That was something deeply personal and you had only just met him.
“What I’m trying to say is, I get it now.” You explained. “All those missed birthdays were for a reason. I didn’t get gifts those days because I’m getting the ultimate gift right now. This is the most amazing thing I could’ve asked for. I cannot thank you enough Mr. Stark. I’ll never take it off.”
“You can’t take it off anyway.” Tony told you. “When you don’t want to wear it, it absorbs back into your skin like Venom does. And it’s equipped with Venoms essential abilities. It’s bullet proof, knife proof, taser proof, spork proof and so on. And you can still shoot your webby things. You just won’t have super strength, super speed, or that Venus flytrap mouth of yours.”
You tested it out and shot a web towards his desk. You grabbed a pen and caught it with ease, then looked at Tony for approval.
“That’s the best I could do. It’s no Iron Man suit but it’ll suffice.” Tony said casually. You couldn’t take it anymore and rushed towards him to hug him tightly.
“Thank you.” You said into his chest. Tony patted your back awkwardly and you let go.
“It’s nothing. You can thank me by not eating Spider-Man. I know he’s annoying but he doesn’t mean any harm. Now go forth and do good.” Tony requested.
You swung back to the apartment and landed on the roof. You turned back into yourself and made your way down the steps to your floor. After this mornings conversation with Peter and the incredible suit from Mr. Stark, you were having a great day. For the first time in years, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
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foli-vora · 3 years
counting stars
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A/N: I apologise if this is a mess—I’ve just written this on my phone while camping in the middle of nowhere 😅 truly inspired by the outdoors hahah. Yes I’m sitting incredibly still in a spot that I found had cell service so I can upload this because I’m Impatient™️.
Pairing: Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x f!reader
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: depressive thoughts, insecurities, A SICKENING AMOUNT OF FLUFF
The truck’s packed. That’s the first thing you notice when you pull into the driveway, eyeing the bags chucked neatly in the bed of the vehicle. The brief sharp stab of panic that impales your heart is drowned by a sickening twist of understanding. Of course he’d leave — why would he want you? Why would he waste time being with you when he could do so much better? You don’t blame him. You wouldn’t get in his way of leaving.
The sigh that leaves you as you exit your car is long and drawn out, each step towards the house drains the low level of energy you had leftover after your shift and you wonder if you’ll be in Frankie’s way if you take up the couch to sleep. Will he want to take the couch? He had bought it, after all. The bed, then. He wouldn’t leave you without a bed — maybe he’ll come back for it tomorrow.
Frankie’s coming down the stairs when you walk through the door, a dark backpack slung over his shoulder and Mena giggling in his arms. God you’re gonna miss those little giggles. He smiles when he sees you, dropping the bag next to a bright pink unicorn one on the floor before striding over to you.
You’re stumped when he slings an arm around your waist and brings you in close, hips bumping together, and Mena immediately dives in to press a wet kiss against your cheek. He kisses the other, sharing a little smile with his little girl before looking at you.
“You’ve got 10 minutes to pack some clothes.” He says, and you blink, stomach rolling.
Oh. Maybe he was packing your stuff.
Of course, it’s his house.
It’s in his truck because you couldn’t possibly fit everything in your car. He was helping you move out. He didn’t have to—you could have called a removal company or something. He shouldn’t have to go out of his way, especially with Mena.
You’re sullen as you answer, brushing past him with a quiet okay. The stairs are hard to climb, but eventually you reach your bedroom. You try not to look at the photos lining the walls—pictures of Mena, of her with Frankie or you, of all three of you, of you and Frankie snuggled together on various dates and trips, scribbles deemed masterpieces plastered proudly in expensive frames. Maybe you could ask for a few copies, or take the originals if he was just going to throw the ones of you away. Which he would, of course, why would he keep them?
He’s left a duffle on the bed for you—his old army one. He loves this one. He uses it for everything. You make a mental note to make sure to return it.
Tears choke your throat as you pack the bag, and it’s not until strong arms wind around your waist that they fall free. You won’t say no to a final hug. You try to memorise the tightness of his arms, the feel of his beard along your skin as he buries his face in your neck.
“You ready? Mena’s getting cranky,” you hear the chuckle in his voice and nod your head. He must feel the tension in your torso because immediately he’s turning you, frowning at the tears streaking your face. “What’s wrong, baby?” He’s gentle as he wipes them from your cheeks, the pinch between his brows deepening as your face crumbles in his hands.
“I don’t want to leave,” you admit, sniffling quietly, “but I will if that’s what you want. You and Mena deserve better.”
“It’s okay—”
“No, it’s not.” Soon your face is pressed hard against his chest and he’s crushing you, hand tight on the back of your head as he holds you. “You’re not going anywhere, not without us, anyway. We’re going on a trip. All three of us—together.”
A trip? Your mind is a whirl as you try to catch up. He wasn’t leaving you? Or, more accurately, you weren’t moving out? Suddenly the packed bags, especially Mena’s unicorn one, and packed truck make a little more sense to your darkened mind, and you instantly relax in his arms.
He pulls back, dark eyes sad as he studies your face.
Frankie had watched you the last few days; watched your mood sour, watched the bags below your eyes deepen. You’d barely been sleeping — he could feel you toss and turn all night, could feel the shudder in your shoulders as you tried to keep your sobs quiet in fear of waking him. He’d seen the look of utter defeat wash your face when you accidentally spilt the milk trying to make a coffee yesterday, seen the immediate glaze of tears as he wiped the spill away. You were gone before he could even turn and comfort you, the door slamming as you all but ran to your car.
He knew what was happening—could recognise the signs a mile away after having to defeat his own monster lurking in the back of his mind telling him he wasn’t good enough, reminding him of all the awful things he’d done in his life, what he’d done to others. He’d gone straight to work, said he wouldn’t be able to do any shifts on the weekend, and had left at lunch to start packing.
“I love you.”
Your face falls, head shaking in automatic denial.
“I do,” his touch is gentle, brushing more tears away with his thumbs. “I know you’ve been struggling lately. I’m sorry for not saying anything—I should’ve made it clear when you came home. We’re going camping for the weekend, unless you don’t feel up to it which is fine. We can just order a pizza, cuddle up on the couch and watch movies if that sounds better.” He smiles warmly, reassuringly, and you know in your heart that he really truly doesn’t mind what you decide to do.
How you ever landed Francisco Morales, you’ll never know.
“No, I want to go.”
“Are you sure? Please don’t be scared to say no—”
“I want to go.”
For the first time for what feels like all week, you smile, and actually mean it.
His eyes flick across your face, searching for any signs of hesitation, and then he grins, your eyes automatically falling to admire the dimple creasing his cheek. You kiss it instinctively, relief washing through you as your mind and hearts calms. He stops you as you pull away, leaning in and letting his nose run along yours before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
He helps you put some clothes together, and with the two of you, you’re packed within a few minutes. He holds your hand on the way down the stairs, but stops to collect all the bags while you grab the little girl pulling at your legs. She babbles to you excitedly as you follow Frankie out of the house, her little fingers habitually pulling and fiddling with the chain around your neck.
You try to fend off the overwhelming feelings of unworthiness while you listen to Frankie talk animatedly back to Mena as you buckle her into her car seat, her little voice loud and bubbly as she claps her hands and bounces in her seat. You try to smile, try to reassure yourself that Frankie loves you, that Mena loves you, but you struggle truly believing it. How could they?
Music’s soon blaring throughout the cab of the truck as the familiar houses of your neighbourhood fly past, the Spotify playlist Frankie spent a good hour finding and adding songs to filling the quiet. He sings along, grinning at Mena’s attempts to sing along in her own little language, and when he looks at you, eyes shining with adoration, your chest feels tight and constricted.
You really didn’t deserve these two.
It takes a couple of hours to get to Frankie’s favourite spot—somewhere familiar to you from the many times he had taken you there. The small clearing is the same as it always has been, the large logs still situated around a small burnt patch of ground where leftover charred logs sat from previous campers. Frankie’s quick to erect the tent and organise the bedding inside, and soon he’s joining you and Mena at the edge of the wide lake glowing under the fading sun.
She’s dancing in the sand, little bare feet kicking up the grains as she twirls and twists and giggles when she goes too far and her toes touch the cool water. You sink to the ground and hug your legs, content to watch her enjoy the last bit of sunlight before it sinks beneath the horizon with a longing to feel as wild and carefree as she does.
Frankie answers her call with a loud playful growl, and soon she’s squealing as he chases her across the sandbank. He catches her, throws her over his shoulder and spins, laughing at her wild screams of delight as he tickles her sides. Your chest warms, and the smile tugging at your lips is automatic as Mena runs on unsteady legs back to you, curls bouncing in her pigtails as she escapes Frankie’s arms and bolts to you for safety.
“Mama!” She climbs into your arms and your face drops in shock, wide eyes blinking up at Frankie who’s stopped dead behind her. The grin that widens his face practically blinds you, his eyes immediately shining with a sheen of tears as he drops beside you and smothers you both with a hug, pressing loud kisses to wherever he could reach. Mena giggles, pulling away to look between the pair of you with sparkling dark eyes. Little arms wind around both you and Frankie as she cuddles you close, her little head falling tiredly against your chest.
You catch Frankie looking at you, and return his fond gaze, smiling shyly under his admiration. The three of you snuggle together as the sun disappears, throwing bright hues of pink and orange across the cloudy sky, and finally, the tight feeling in your chest lessens under the pressure of two pairs of loving arms. Finally—you feel like you can breathe.
Frankie pipes up soon after the sun sets, “Who’s hungry?”
Mena’s head pops up instantly, the sleepiness that was just weighing her body down seemingly vanishing at the mention of food. She wiggles off your lap, and runs back to the campsite leaving you and Frankie chuckling quietly to yourselves as you follow. He and Mena sit together while he builds a fire, and you hear him talk through the process, Mena watching with curious eyes as he stacks the wood and lights it.
You all stay huddled together as the chill of the night drops over the camp site, sharing quiet laughs and keeping Mena entertained until her eyes start to drop. You stay mostly quiet, happy to just witness the two loves of your life share in each other’s affections.
Soon you and Frankie are left alone once Mena succumbs to sleep, and he brings two cups out with his phone playing quiet music, wiggling the bottle of whiskey he had hidden in his bag mischievously after putting her down in the tent. He pours a generous amount into both before sinking onto the log beside you, watching the flames dance in the dark before nudging you softly.
“Talk to me, baby.”
Sighing, your finger traces the rim of the cup and you shrug helplessly. “I don’t know. I just... I haven’t been feeling like myself lately.”
He nods, “Has something happened?”
You purse your lips, thinking over the last few weeks. Nothing jumps out and you shrug again, frowning at the flames. “No. My head just... I don’t know. I’m happy with my life—I love you, more than anything, and Mena, too... my job is fine—everything’s fine, but... my head just...” you struggle to finish your sentence, frown deepening.
You’re not making any sense. You never make sense. How can you possibly turn the jumble of thoughts in your head into words and make him understand? You barely understood it all yourself. What did you have to be upset over? Your life was picture perfect. Perfect man, perfect daughter, perfect job, a home full of love... so many people had it worse. You shouldn’t feel the way you do.
You must’ve spoken aloud because the next minute Frankie is reaching for your hand, rubbing the skin soothingly.
“I get it.” He says quietly, shooting you a comforting smile when you blink up at him, tears filling your eyes. “Our minds can be cruel sometimes, but just because there are others out there who may have it worse doesn’t take away from how you feel. You matter, just as much as others.”
You don’t try to stop the tears that fall from your eyes, instead letting them fall down your cheeks in a heavy flow. He moves closer in response, moving the arm holding your hand around your shoulder and pulling you in close to his side. The warmth from his body seeps into yours and you take a shaky breath as the tears continue.
“Is there anything I can do? Do you want to talk to someone? I know of a few good doctors around.”
Shaking your head, you lean your head on his shoulder and sigh deeply. “No, I think I’m alright for now, but if it gets worse...”
His arm tightens in response, and he nods quietly.
“I’m here for you, honey.” He murmurs, turning to kiss your forehead gently. “You don’t have to hide from me.”
You smile through your tears, turning to gaze up at him gratefully. “Thank you, Frankie.”
Quiet conversation starts up once the flow of tears dies off, and soon he has you in fits of laughter, the whiskey loosening the last bits of tension from your frame as it warms your insides. When Frankie’s favourite song comes on, he’s up before you can even make a comment, holding a hand out to you with a wide grin once he throws back the last of his drink and tosses his cup aside without a care.
“What?” You ask, eyeing his open palm with a grin.
“Dance with me.”
How could you ever say no? You couldn’t. Not to him. Your grin turns shy as you take his hand, letting him pull you up and off the log and into his frame. He holds you close, arms winding securely around you as you sway softly. The stars catch your attention when you rest your head on his shoulder, and you feel a lump growing in the back of your throat when Frankie starts to softly sing in your ear. It’s not depressive thoughts that have you on the verge of tears this time. Instead, your heart is damn near bursting, the flood of love for this man so strong you have to stop yourself from squeezing him too tight.
Your eyes flick to watch a shooting star, but instead of making a wish, you tuck yourself impossibly closer to Frankie. You didn’t need a wish—you had everything you needed already.
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed
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