#also the words royalty and au are two different links to two different pieces
territorial-utopia · 5 months
Do you have a favorite au of T and Lovia?
Oh this is a very interesting question. At first I thought noo, yes I've dabbled in AUs but one of them really speak to me
But that's only because I forgot the existence of medieval fantasy au and royalty au
Those arem y fav ones C:
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kazhan-draws · 3 years
Bobadin Week 2021 personal roundup
I had a lot of fun participating and I can't believe I managed to do something for each day ruhgeurhg.
Fun fact: the first thing I started writing for this week is a Time Travel AU, but it grew legs (it's now over 31k) and it's not finished yet. I'm going to finish it sometime this week or the next, so.... stay tuned I guess!
It might get a bit long, so more under the cut, but here's everything I did for Bobadin Week!
DAY 1: Identity & Fighting
- gonna carry you back home, rated G, 1783 words.
While on his way to Corvus to find the Jedi, Din finally takes a closer look at the armor he retrieved from Cobb Vanth.
DAY 2: Fluff/Soft & Armor (alternative: Physicality)
- it cuts you deep and leaves a scar, rated M, 3365 words.
The sex is a pretty recent thing between them, but it’s familiar. It’s a simple exchange, another way to blow off some steam. They both get something out of it, and Boba is comfortable with this kind of transaction.
But this is different. Djarin isn’t getting anything out of this. It goes beyond everything they agreed upon when they started having sex, and Boba has no idea how to deal with this situation.
DAY 3: Caretaking & Aesthetic
- art post over here, tiddies out but not very NSFW.
DAY 4: Culture & Family
- show me a garden that's bursting into life, rated G, 2480 words.
Din is finally home after spending a week away to visit Grogu on Yavin IV.
DAY 5: Alternate Universe & Hurt/Comfort
- like a tidal wave, I'll make a mess, rated E, 10,807 words.
Din's buir found an injured Boba Fett while out on a hunt. It's been three years now.
Boba is weird. He’s weird and rude and annoying, and he keeps saying he can leave anytime and never see them again, but he still hasn’t, and Din doubts he ever will.
Despite everything, Din also thinks he doesn’t want him to.
DAY 6: Time Travel & Royalty
- oh, maybe you could devastate me, rated E, 3464 words.
It started as a way to blow off some steam, something simple and easy they both could indulge in. But it kept happening again and again and now it’s been two years and Boba has stopped pretending to have a reason—one that isn’t how much he wants to see Din—to come to Mandalore.
DAY 7: Free day - Parenting/Misunderstandings.
- trials and errors, rated T, 6970 words.
Boba, Din and Grogu have to deal with some communication issues while the kid is on Tatooine to spend some time with his father.
Collaboration with @nim-lock, you can find the GORGEOUS piece of art he drew by following this link. 😍😍😍
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girlboss-molina · 3 years
Be Who You Are (No Conpromise)
A Julie and the Phantoms Modern Royalty AU
Chapter 9: Stand Tall
Ao3 Link
Words: 10158
Luke POV
Luke’s jaw clenched as he helped Alex fix his tie.
He wasn’t sure if he was angry, sad, scared, or some hellish combination of the three, but he wanted it to go away.
He felt hopeless. Guilty. Angry at the world, at the entire situation. He’d tried so many things, but nothing had worked. Alex and Julie were still being forced to get married. He didn’t get to be with her. Alex didn’t get to be with Willie. At least, not like they should’ve been able to.
Even his impulsive attempt to lessen the pain Julie would feel had failed. He was grateful, truly, but also angry because she was so damn stubborn. He knew he was being an idiot, but she didn’t deserve any of the pain, and she wouldn’t let him try to remove himself from the equation to hurt her less.
Luke wouldn’t pretend to understand how she felt. And part of him knew that leaving would’ve been an insanely stupid thing to do. But he just felt so hopeless.
“Luke,” Alex said, pulling him out of his head. “Breathe.”
“Don’t be.” Alex pulled him in for a hug. “I know what you’re feeling, and it isn't your fault.”
“But it is! If I’d-“
“Luke,” Alex said calmly, “if you start spiraling about how it’s all your fault because you agreed to be my guard or come to Dahlia with me, and how you falling for Julie was a horrible decision as if you had any control over it, or how you’re a horrible person, I’m going to smack you.”
Luke scowled and looked away. That wasn’t exactly what he was going to say, but it was annoyingly close.
“Look,” Alex sighed. “I’m not going to pretend this is a great situation. But it isn’t your fault in the slightest. You didn’t propose an arranged marriage, my parents did. You didn’t approve it, the Dahlian council did. You, Luke Patterson, stood by my side through the whole ordeal. You stood by Julie. You were here for us the entire time, and I can only hope we were there for you as much as we should’ve been.”
“Since when are you the rational one?” Luke grumbled.
“One of us had to do it. And, let’s face it, it wasn’t going to be you.”
“It’s true, but you didn’t have to say it.”
Luke had eventually made his way back to the guards’ quarters to make sure he was completely ready.
He wasn’t sure that would ever happen.
His classic black and white suit was identical to Reggie’s, Willie’s, and Erik’s. As the groomsmen, they all had to be matching. Each one part of a set.
Luke did his best to ignore the nausea as he walked back to the ballroom and took his spot next to Erik, Willie, and Reggie next to the altar. To their left were Flynn, Carrie, and Mira, each dressed in soft violet dresses.
After a few minutes, the huge double doors to the ballroom opened and the crowd hushed.
Alex looked absolutely regal in his suit. The white jacket had glittering gold embroidery that shone in the sunlight filtering through the crystal-cut glass windows.
As Alex made his way up to the altar, Luke caught his eye and gave him a small, reassuring nod. Alex gave his best attempt at a smile, before his eyes wandered away.
And then there was Julie.
As she opened the doors, walking with confidence, Luke’s heart soared and sank at the same time, falling into the pits of the sky.
Everything about her was perfect.
Her dress was perfectly tailored, golden accents shining with her eyes, hair done to perfection, and the way she carried herself was befitting of a queen.
Luke had to stop himself from stopping the officiant as he stepped up to the altar and recited the vows.
Alex’s forced, choked “I do” broke Luke’s heart. Ever bone inside him wanted to wrap him in a hug, but he restrained, even through the distracted, resigned “I do” of the girl he loved.
When everyone held their peace instead of speaking out, Luke felt like crawling into a hole and falling asleep for eternity.
“Then here, under the witness of citizens Dahlian and Tamborian alike, I now pronounce you husband and-
Then, Luke’s heart dropped. He wanted to be unsure, but there was no mistaking the clear voice.
Reggie POV
Reggie adjusted the cuffs of his suit jacket, looking up at his ceiling and willing himself not to cry. There was nothing else he could do but wait.
He sat down on his bed, elbows on his knees, staring at the floor. He wondered if he could count every line in the polished wood, every fluffy strand in his rug.
The grain of the wood swirled, lines mixing and meeting and dividing, as was natural. Nothing was perfect and orderly. The lines were impossible to number; it would’ve been an easier task to find the line between love and hate, if it existed at all. Both rooted in passion, just taking different courses, he supposed they were branches of a tree. Nay, there was no line between them, because they were intertwined.
There seemed to be a lot of that.
He took his bass from its stand, fiddling with the strings and playing out notes as they came, letting his fingers work through how he felt. The major key and note combination felt much too cheery and hopeful for the current situation. That wasn’t to say that major keys were always upbeat and minor keys melancholy, but the persistent feel of the music shook something inside of him, something telling him not to give up, to stand tall.
Then again, maybe that was exactly what he needed.
The ballroom was packed with people from all over Dahlia and Tambor. As he worked his way through the crowd, searching for someone he knew, the voices of hundreds of people echoed through the room, laughter bouncing off pillars of polished marble.
He finally made his way next to the altar with Erik, soon followed by Luke and Willie. Reggie stuck his hand in his pocket, fiddling with a stim toy so he didn’t start fidgeting more visibly in such a formal setting. He also just needed to distract himself until the inevitable moment when it all came crashing down.
An eternity must have passed before Alex pushed open the ballroom doors, but it wasn’t nearly long enough. It might’ve been foolish to want to prolong the inevitable, but then Reggie supposed he was a fool. Any lasting moments of freedom had to be cherished.
His heart broke as he watched his friend stiffly walk to the altar, and those pieces were crushed as Julie entered the ballroom with Ray beside her, an elegant bouquet in her arms.
Jaw clenched through the forced vows, Reggie willed himself not to cry. He held himself together for his sister, however miserable she may be, he didn’t want to make it worse. All he could do was be there for her through all of this, try and make it easier-
Or so he thought.
Because just before it was made official, he heard a voice telling the officiant to wait.
Willie POV
Willie hated his suit.
It was stunning, of course. But it was all wrong. The tucked shirt was too tight, and the cufflinks on his jacket were too stiff. The tie around his neck felt like it was suffocating him, even though he could breathe fine.
His shaking hands refused to obey when he tried to adjust his tie, and he finally sat back down.
He felt Alex’s arms wrap around him from behind, and he immediately calmed at the touch. Alex’s head found his shoulder. Willie smiled softly as he turned around.
“Hey, Lex,” he whispered. He leaned up to give him a kiss.
“Hey,” Alex replied with a smile. “You okay?”
“No, you?”
“No.” They both smiled again, but the sadness laced in was tangible.
“We’ll be okay,” Willie finally said. “Right?”
“Yeah, we will.” Willie melted at the certainty in Alex’s voice.
“The wedding is just for show,” he added. “Julie and I have talked about it a million times. It’ll be complicated, with all the publicity, but we’ll be okay.”
Willie’s spot in the ballroom was to the right of the altar, between Luke and Reggie. Erik, stationed to Luke’s left, caught his eye and gave an indecipherable look; somewhere between hope and sorrow.
Willie was silent, as were the rest of their group, groomsmen and bridesmaids alike. Willie straightened his back and adjusted his cuff, hating the stiff fabric.
He felt trapped. Even with the huge room, the cool, crisp Dahlian Autumn air, and the hum of excitement echoing around him, Willie felt like he was suffocating. The tightness in his chest, the pain every time he inhaled, it felt like when he was sixteen and had been struck by an out-of-control driver. He still remembered the blunt impact of metal going thirty miles per hour, the blinding headlights, the aching in his ribs.
This wasn’t very different, he supposed. There was a tight feeling in his chest that he couldn’t locate or breathe away, and the glowing chandeliers were far too bright for this grim situation.
In a way, he missed being a normal baker. He missed the routine of mixing batter and buttercream, decorating cakes and laughing in the sweet-smelling room.
But, then again, if he were still some random baker, he never would have met Alex. He never would’ve had the privilege of falling for him, never would’ve known the risk of reciprocating feelings forbidden by force.
He just wanted it to all be okay again.
When Alex entered the ballroom, Willie’s breath caught in his throat.
He was stunning.
The white suit jacket was perfectly tailored, golden accents lining the sleeves, collar, and chest. His perfectly done hair was sleek but lively, and he carried himself with confidence, even if it was just a facade trying not to crack.
When their eyes met, the gaze was full of all the words left unsaid, apologies and promises and hopes and dreams, all left to rust in the frozen air.
And then there was Julie, walking with such poise that it was impossible to believe she wasn’t already the queen, dressed in a simple but elegant gown with matching gold embroidery, golden and violet tulle laced into the skirt.
As they lied through the vows, Willie clenched his jaw and blinked back a tear, only letting it fall when his eyes opened in surprise, unprepared to hear such a direct denial and order.
Alex POV
The room was dark. Not pitch black, but enough to trick the eye out of sight.
Alex was never scared of the dark as a kid. He was scared of the things that used it to hide. But now, he knew the only things hiding in the dark were his own thoughts.
His thoughts, and the crushing weight of silence, broken only by his shaking breath.
He felt like he was floating. The silence around him was deafening, no longer cut by his breathing, He was detached from the world, in an endless abyss of uncertainty and love and containment, shackled to the nothingness by chains of obligation.
He pulled at the iron chains on his wrists, trying endlessly to break free, trying, trying, trying, until the skin on his wrists had been rubbed raw, pain pulsing as the chains grew hotter, like coals in a fire.
Alex tried to scream, but he couldn’t find his voice. Every shout and cry, begging to be let out, every bit of sound was swallowed by the void, sentenced to an eternity searching for someone to hear them.
A voice pulled him out of his head, but it took a moment to register.
“Alex, can you hear me?”
Alex blearily opened his eyes to find that the room was not, in fact, dark. He was sitting in one of the prep rooms at the west wing of the ballroom, staring at the table.
“Alex?” He looked up to find Erik with his hands on his shoulders.
“Hi, sorry. Zoned out.”
“It’s okay. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“The others are still finishing up getting ready, but we’ll have to go to the ballroom soon. I probably have to go now,” he added, glancing at his watch. “Will you be okay?”
“Yeah. See you soon.” Erik walked to the door, hesitating at the last second.
“I’m sorry. I wish there was something else I could do.”
Alex nodded, unsure what to day. He felt pathetic.
Erik left.
Alex could hear the chatter of the crowd from the prep room, and it was too much for him to handle alone. He figured he should pay julie a visit in the other prep room.
Technically, he wasn’t allowed to. It was tradition for the groom not to see the bride until they were at the altar, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Besides, what were they going to do? Exile him?
He focused on the tapping of his shoes on the hard floor as he made his way to the other prep room, finally knocking.
“Come in,” Julie said. Her voice sounded authoritative; she was going to be a perfect queen.
Alex opened the door.
“Hey,” he said pathetically.
“Hey.” Julie stood up and wrapped him in a hug. He trembled, stiffening his shoulders to try and hide it.
“Here,” she said, and before Alex knew it, she’d sat him down in her chair and was wiping his tears away with a cold washcloth. He hadn’t even realized he’d been crying.
“Sorry.” He wasn’t sure what else to say.
“Don’t be. It’s okay to be upset.” Alex nodded, swallowing.
“You look beautiful,” he finally said. It was true; her white silky dress fit her perfectly, with elegant off-shoulder straps and a small v-neck as the dress hugged her and then flared at her waist. Golden embroidery matching his own decorated the bodice, and violet dahlias lined the bottom of the layered skirt.
“So do you,” she said with a smile. He grinned.
“I’m technically not supposed to be here,” he admitted, “but the guys had to go get ready, and I couldn’t just sit there alone.”
“I know the feeling,” Julie agreed. “And I know I’ve said it a million times, but I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve this.”
“Neither do you.”
“I know. I just… I wish I had a magic wand that could fix everything. I wish we could choose what we do with our lives, choose who we love for once. Or at least do it without committing treason.”
“Yeah, treason isn’t high on my to-do list.” Julie laughed, but Alex knew it was a facade.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked. Alex sighed.
“Not much else to talk about. You?”
“Not much else. How’s Willie doing?” Alex looked down.
“He’s trying to keep up the act. You know how he is. He tries to be lighthearted and upbeat, but he’s trying to stay afloat.” Alex felt so bad for him. Willie had been nothing but kind, loving, and supportive through an impossible situation. He didn’t deserve any of this.
“Luke is sulking and blaming himself,” he added, knowing Julie would be wondering about her idiot of a boyfriend.
“But it isn’t his fault!” Julie protested.
“Oh, I know,” Alex agreed. “I’ve told him as much. But he’s annoyingly stubborn. He feels like he screwed everything up.”
“He’s an idiot.” Alex laughed for real that time. He’d almost forgotten the feeling.
“Yeah, I’m beginning to question your taste in guys.”
“For real. How I fell in love with such a dumbass, I’ll never know.”
“I mean, he’s cute,” Alex reasoned. “He’s got that going for him. Doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together, but hey, at least he’s cute.” Julie burst out laughing, as did Alex.
“I’m pretty sure our entire group shares a brain cell, and Carrie is the only one who ever has it.”
“You’re probably right.” They sat for a moment before Alex sighed.
“I should probably go,” he groaned. They’ll want me in the ballroom soon.”
“Probably. Unless you feel like faking your death last-minute.”
“Tempting,” he admitted, “but I think now we just have to grit our teeth and wait for it to be over.”
“Yeah. I’ll see you soon.”
As he closed the door, Alex sighed and wiped his eyes.
There was nothing to do now but wait it out.
As he waited outside the ballroom, Alex listened to the muffled voices of the guests. He hated this whole situation, but something about hearing people calmed him, which he never would have expected in a million years.
And yet, as he heard the laugh of a child, playful arguments between friends and couples, it reminded him that everyone in that room had their own life, just as complex as his. Everyone was going through things.
The thought made him feel a little less alone.
“Mijo,” Ray said from behind him. Alex hadn’t even heard him enter. “They’re ready for you.” He took a shaky breath.
As he stood and walked to the huge, wooden doors, he hesitated. Ray put a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Alex. I did everything I could.”
“I know. Thanks.” He tried again to bring himself to open the door, but he just couldn’t.
Without thinking, he tackled Ray in a hug. He was worried he’d done something wrong; he’d just hugged the king without warning. But Ray wrapped his arms around him immediately, and Alex did his best not to cry.
He felt safe. Warm. Protected.
Was this what a dad’s hug felt like?
He didn’t have time to dwell on that.
When he pulled away from the hug and met Ray’s eyes, Ray nodded.
“It’ll be okay,” Alex decided.
Then, without hesitation, he pushed open the ballroom doors.
Alex could feel people’s eyes on him the moment he stepped into the ballroom. But he squared his shoulders and walked with authority, just like he’d been taught.
His heart broke when he met Willie’s eyes. His hair was pulled back into a bun, suit tailored to perfection, but it was all wrong, It wasn’t him. Alex wanted to cry, to run to him and hold him, but he couldn’t.
It’ll be okay, Willie mouthed. Alex gave a small smile and nod, finally stopping at the altar.
Now, he just had to wait for Julie.
Then the nightmare would be over.
He stood up straight and closed his eyes, waiting for the sound of the doors opening.
Then, far too soon, there they were.
As Julie pushed open the doors, standing tall and strong, she looked like the queen she was always meant to be.
Ray followed her in and took her arm, handing her a bouquet of dahlias, roses, and orchids, all wrapped in white silk.
She looked beautiful.
And yet, Alex could see how forced her smile was, how she inevitably let it fall as she walked up next to him.
Ray looked at him and nodded. Alex nodded back, and Ray walked back to the side.
Alex’s eyes flicked to his parents.
They were in the first row, both dressed to perfection, sat with poise. His father, Xavier, wore a pressed suit with two medals pinned to it, his golden Tamborian crown at its place on its head, where it had been for twenty years.
His mother, Claire, wore a pale gold dress with silver threads, like a combination of moonlight and a sun ray. Her crown matched his father’s.
Both of them looked so damn proud of themselves.
His father’s piercing blue stare met his, and there was no love in Xavier’s eyes. Alex could tell what he wanted to say.
Don’t screw up.
He wanted to yell. Didn’t he get a choice? Why did his parents, the people who were supposed to love him no matter what, see fit to marry him off?
Some parents they were.
But next to them was his sister. Ava.
She looked beautiful.
Her dirty blonde hair was cut in a jagged bob, gently styled with a bit of flair. Winged eyeliner accentuated her grey eyes, and her aqua gown wasn’t too fancy. The layered skirt was manageable, and she had a white denim jacket with gold buttons over her shoulders.
Alex bit back a grin when he saw the toes of her Doc Martens peeking out from underneath her dress, and was even more pleased with his father’s disproving glare.
As the officiant walked to the altar, Alex’s jaw clenched, but he relaxed his hands as he took Julie’s.
“We are gathered here today,” said the officiant, “to bear witness to a beautiful, historic union. A union of peace, of harmony, of love.”
Yeah, right.
“Today marks the union of two countries, two people. Her royal highness, Princess Julie Molina of Dahlia, has grown up into a strong young woman, one led by her father, King Ray. She will soon ascend to the throne, and there is no doubt in my mind that she will lead us into the future.
“His royal highness, Prince Alexander Mercer of Tambor, has been a close friend of hers for years, and their relationship will no doubt hold strong, as will our countries. Prince Alexander has stood alongside Tambor as his parents, King Xavier and Queen Claire, have held a righteous, unshakeable reign.
“And now, this wedding seals an unshakeable bond between our two countries. Shall we move onto the vows?”
Alex met Julie’s eyes with a sad smile.
“Alexander Mercer, son of Queen Claire and King Xavier, do you take Julie to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to stand by her in sickness and in health, and aid her as she ascends to the throne, no matter what happens? And do you swear to hold true to her, as she would for you, as a faithful ally, confidante, friend, and husband?”
Alex hoped the tear rolling down his cheek would be mistaken for one of joy as he swallowed, the pit in his stomach growing deeper and more hollow.
“I do.”
“And do you, Princess Julie Molina, daughter of King Ray and the late Queen Rose, heiress to the Dahlian throne, take Alexander to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to care for him in sickness and in health, to trust him with your life as he would do for you? As you ascend to the throne, do you swear to care not just for your people, as the compassionate queen, but also for your betrothed, as a loving friend and wife?”
Alex looked at Julie, her brown eyes filled with sorrow and grief and anger, but above all, filled with hope and compassion for her people.
“I do.”
The officiant smiled, and Alex wished he could do the same.
“Wonderful. If anyone here today can see just reason why these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”
Five agonizing, silent seconds passed. Alex wished someone would speak, let go of their peace and intervene.
But nobody did.
“Then here, under the witness of citizens Dahlian and Tamborian alike, I now pronounce you husband and-“
Alex’s heart dropped and soared at the same time.
Gasps echoed throughout the crowd, and Julie seemed confident as ever as she let go of Alex’s hands and turned to face the onlooking people.
“As the rising queen of Dahlia, I have spent my life advocating for peace, equality, and freedom among all our people,” she said. Alex’s grin widened.
“Neither Alex nor I wanted this marriage. We care about each other, yes. He's one of my best friends, and will be for the rest of my life. But he loves someone else,” she added, “as do I.
“Dahlia and Tambor have been allies since our foundation, and we have always valued the peace and freedom of our citizens above all else. So why, may I ask, was an arranged marriage necessary?
“King Xavier and Queen Claire of Tambor raised the idea of an arranged marriage to us and my father two years ago. We all protested. But when it was passed by the Dahlian council, there wasn’t much else we could do.
“I accept that, as a leader, I have duties and obligations to my people. But I will not let who I marry be one of them, and nor will Alex.”
Alex couldn’t stop smiling as he looked at Julie. He remembered when they first met years ago, the little girl with frizzy hair and missing front teeth. Even then, she’d been so strong, so passionate.
And now? Now, she was all that and more. She was a powerful, intelligent woman born to lead, to stand tall and make her voice heard.
“No,” he agreed. “I won’t.”
“This is nonsense,” interrupted Xavier furiously. “They don’t know what they’re talking about, they’re just teenagers. Continue with the vows,” he commanded.
“You are in my kingdom,” Julie reminded him tersely, “and while your title certainly demands respect, you are not in power here. And, if I may, if we are just teenagers who can’t even understand what we’re talking about, why should we be married off?”
Murmurs of agreement rang out through the crowd.
“Alex, sweetie,” Claire began. “We want only the best for you-“
“That’s a lie and you know it,” he snapped. He’d had enough. “Mom, you’ve always been a compassionate queen. But you never cared about what I wanted, you cared about what would help your reputation.”
More gasps rang out through the crowd. Alex knew he was being harsh, but it was true. And he was done letting his parents disrespect him.
“Look, mom, dad, Dahlia and Tambor are each other’s strongest allies. We always have been. You know that. The wedding was never about allyship, it was about control.”
“You are acting extremely ungrateful,” his dad snapped. Alex rolled his eyes. “What woman could you, an immature nineteen-year-old, be so gone for that you would refuse marriage to a princess?”
“Who I love is none of your business. I don’t owe you anything.”
That aside,” Julie added, “neither of us would reveal who they were without being sure that they were okay with it. I am speaking out against this wedding because I want no part of it,” Julie reminded him.
“Nor do I,” Alex interjected. It felt powerful to admit it, to tell the truth so openly.
“Exactly. Alex and I are both okay with saying this. We both love other people. But those other people have the right to privacy, if not under basic decency, under the Dahlian constitution. I would know,” she said before his dad could reply. “I was there when it was revised three years ago.”
“And would you be okay with them revealing themselves?” Xavier retorted. “I assume they’re in this room. Would you have them reveal their identities, or are you scared of public revolt?”
“You know what,” Alex said, “I would be okay with it. But even if I weren’t, wanting privacy doesn’t mean you’re scared, nor does it mean you have ill intent. It’s just choosing what of your personal life to share.”
“Couldn’t have put it better myself,” Julie agreed. “And, for the record, we aren’t scared. Not anymore. If we were, we wouldn’t be coming out at all. Us being okay with going public about our side of the story doesn’t mean the other people involved are obligated to.”
His mom was pale as a sheet, and his dad looked like he was going to explode. Alex almost felt bad. But then he remembered all the times they’d belittled him, tried to control every part of his life, and reminded himself that this was him taking control.
“King Ray,” Xavier said smoothly, like he was trying not to lose it, “surely you cannot be okay with this. Your daughter-“
“My daughter is a strong, independent, intelligent woman,” Ray interrupted, and Alex beamed. “She is a leader, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stop her from doing just that: leading. She is the future queen of Dahlia. She has every right to decide who to marry, if at all. What I’m not okay with is the fact that you are so hellbent on controlling her, not to mention your own adult son.”
Xavier stammered furiously, one arm held by Claire, who seemed like she was trying not to pass out. Alex had to resist the urge to hug Ray for standing up for him.
“Do you really want to know who’s stopping your precious wedding,” chimed in Luke’s voice from behind him. Alex whipped around to see both him and Willie stepping forward, looking confident as ever.
“Do tell,” Xavier said with a hysterical laugh.
“We are,” Willie informed him.
Alex just about broke down crying. He was so happy, so proud, so enamored, everything inside of him was bursting with elation as Willie stepped forward and took his hand.
The crowd started clapping.
It was hesitant applause at first, led by a few, but soon the entire audience was on their feet.
“It’s our lives,” Alex shouted over the excited cheers, surprising himself with the words but knowing they were truer than they’d ever been. “We get to lead them!”
“Damn right we do!” Julie agreed. Luke and Willie laughed in amazement.
“I beg to differ,” Xavier screamed hoarsely. The entire crowd booed.
“Yes, you heard me! With royalty comes rules. I. Beg. To Differ .”
“Then beg,” Julie snapped back, and Alex gasped with laughter, wishing he’d been the one to say that, especially after seeing the look on his dad’s face.
Willie and Alex held up their clasped hands, and Alex ignored the horrified glares from his parents, instead focusing on Ava’s proud smile and applause.
“I, Princess Julie Molina,” Julie declared as the crowd quieted, “do not take Prince Alexander to be my husband.” Alex grinned; he never thought he’d be so happy to hear a denied wedding vow.
“Instead, I take my life into my hands and give him his. Instead, I swear on my very life to lead you into an era of prosperity, livelihood, and health, as my father has done.
“As he completes his reign, I choose to stand tall and step forward, whenever that time may be.”
“If I may,” Ray announced, stepping forward to the altar. “Julie has trained her entire life to be a leader, and she has done that and so much more. Since she was little, she has had a passion for life, for love, for hope. She has taught me and so many others to stand tall even in the face of adversity. And, given her display of bravery, intelligence, and pure nerve, as well as the prepared ballroom, I see no reason why that moment should be delayed.” Alex was practically vibrating with excitement. He knew where this was going.
After Julie and Ray had exchanged a few words of confirmation, she knelt down as he took off the crown.
As Ray placed the crown on her head, Alex clapped with the rest of the crowd, even his disgruntled parents.
“Your majesty,” Luke said with a cocky grin. He bowed, and Alex quickly followed suit. Soon enough, the entire ballroom was dipped in a bow, pulsing with respect and hope.
The dancing started soon afterwards. Alex was content to just hold Willie and sway to the music.
“We did it,” he said softly, gazing into Willie’s deep brown eyes.
“We did,” he agreed. “I’m so happy for you.”
“I’m happy for us,” Alex decided.
“You’re such a dork.”
“I know.”
‘It’s part of why I love you,” he whispered. Alex’s heart soared, dancing in the constellations.
“I love you too.”
“Julie?” Alex asked, grinning as she laughed at Carlos for some silly antics.
“Ye-“ before she could finish, Alex tackled her in a hug, holding her tight.
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you,” she said. “You’ve been an amazing friend throughout all of this.”
“So have you. I’m just…” he tried to find the words but just couldn’t. Nothing seemed to be enough, not to describe how he felt, nor how amazing she was, how selfless everything she had done had been.
“I know. I don’t have the words either.”
“Yeah,” he sighed with a smile.
“So… will you be going back to Tambor? Because if you want to, I completely understand, but I’d love for you to stay here in the palace.” Alex shook his head.
“Oh, I’m staying. Don’t worry,” he said, elbowing her in the side. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Julie POV
Julie sat on a soft, cushioned chair in a small room next to the renovated ballroom, staring at herself in the mirror. Flynn and Carrie sat next to her on a leather ottoman, holding her right hand with theirs. Mira stood behind her, fixing her hair until the braids were perfectly woven from her temples to the base of her head, the rest of her hair gently coiling in a poof at the base of her neck.
She thought she would’ve cried; this wedding was the opposite of what she and Alex wanted. But her eyes were stone dry, her makeup untouched by what she felt. Mira’s hands fell to her shoulders, gently tracing circles along her skin.
“Thank you,” she said. “Mira, this is amazing.” She tried to smile, really, she did, but her face fell.
“Of course,” Mira whispered. “Jules, it’ll be okay. I promise.”
“No it won’t,” she replied quietly. “But I’ll live. We’ll manage.” Mira nodded.
Flynn sighed and wrapped her arm around Julie. Julie put her head on her shoulder.
She could’ve stayed there forever. Even though Flynn’s shoulder wasn’t exactly comfortable (seriously, how was she so bony?), it was preferable to just about anything else at the moment. Here, she was safe. She wasn’t being forced into a wedding with one of her best friends. She wasn’t being pulled away from the person she loved. Here, resting on Flynn’s shoulder, she had Flynn, Mira, and Carrie by her side, holding her close and whispering reassurances in her ear. Here, she was safe.
A knock on the door pulled Julie out of her trance.
“Yes?” she asked.
“It’s me, sweetheart,” came the choked voice of her father. Mira looked at her and when she nodded, went to open the door.
“Hi, dad.” Ray scooped her up in a hug, burying his head in her shoulder. She held on as tight as she could.
“I’m so sorry, mija. I did everything I could.”
“I know,” she whispered. “Thank you for trying.” Ray inhaled like he was going to say something else, but just held her closer.
Julie wasn’t sure how long she stood there, but it certainly wasn’t long enough. She immediately felt colder when he let go.
“You look beautiful,” Ray told her. She gave the most convincing smile she could.
“Thanks,” she said as she twirled. She hadn’t been hopeful, but Mira was some sort of sorceress. In a matter of days, she’d turned a heap of white silk and satin from a mess of pins into one of the most gorgeous dresses Julie had ever laid eyes on.
The off-shoulder straps met under her collarbone, leaving a small v-neck for the top of the dress. The slim fit was comfortable and elegant, flaring at the waist into a beautiful layered skirt with transparent violet tulle woven in. Golden embroidery shone on her shoulders and chest, and the purple dahlias that had been subtly added to the end of the skirt added the perfect amount of flair.
She’d refused a veil, despite traditions; her wedding day wasn’t the day she stopped hiding. She’d never hidden herself, and didn’t intend to start now.
“It’ll be over soon,” he told her. She nodded.
“I’m sorry this has stressed you out so much.” Julie sat back down and fiddled with the hem of her skirt, ignoring Mira’s disapproving look.
“Mija, if anything, I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve any of this.” Ray put his hand on her shoulder.
“I know. But I’ve been told since I was a kid, being a princess comes with responsibilities. It’s amazing, being able to lead and help people the best I can, never having to worry about money, but there are always drawbacks. I feel bad complaining. So many people have it so much worse.”
“Dahlia is reaching zero homelessness sooner than projected,” he reminded her. “At this rate, we’ll be completely housed by Spring. And,” he added, “our wealth equality is some of the best in the world.”
“And that’s incredible! But I’m still incredibly lucky. I’m healthy, privileged, and one of the leaders of a wealthy, harmonized nation. That’s not to mention people in other places around the world, who have to worry about having food on the table or being killed for who they are. Just because we’re doing well doesn’t mean the whole world is.”
“Julie,” Ray interrupted before she could spiral. “You’ve always been so passionate about helping other people. It’s one of the things that will make you an amazing leader. But you can’t do everything at once. And even if you could, having a better situation than other people doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to be in pain.”
“Yeah,” Carrie chimed in. “Think of it this way: if you have the flu, but someone else has the flu and a broken leg, that doesn’t mean you don’t have the flu. It still sucks, and just because someone else has a situation that objectively sucks more doesn’t mean your situation is awesome. You’re allowed to be upset.”
“Thanks,” she sighed. “I get it, and I really appreciate it. I just feel like I have so much going for me that this is trivial in comparison.”
“Do you think that Alex being upset is trivial, given his situation?”
“Of course not! He-“
“Has the right to be upset,” Carrie finished for her. “Exactly. He has privilege too. So why does he get to be upset but you don’t?” Julie didn’t have an answer.
“I don’t know,” she finally said.
“You hold yourself to such a high standard, Julie,” Flynn added. “You’re so much stronger than I ever could be, but you need to allow yourself to accept that this sucks. Sometimes, no matter how good your life may be, things suck. Just try to remember that, okay?”
“Okay,” she said. “I’ll try. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
She felt like there was something else she should say, but she couldn’t find the words. So she stared at the mirror, busying herself with the task of making sure everything looked good and ready for the wedding of hell.
After Ray had left to prepare everything else and greet guests, Flynn, Carrie, and Mira had to go and change. They were Julie’s bridesmaids. She and Alex had decided not to have a Maid of Honor or Best Man, because neither of them felt that they could choose. Everyone in their group had helped them so much, been there for them the entire time. It wouldn’t have been fair to honor any above the others.
Julie sat alone in the prep room, surrounded by tubes of makeup and baskets of accessories, none of which she touched.
Someone knocked on the door, and she sat up straight and put on her professional voice.
“Come in.”
Alex opened the door, and Julie could see that he’d been crying. It wasn’t glaringly obvious, but his eyes were a bit red and swollen.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey.” Julie stood up and wrapped him in a hug. He trembled, stiffening his shoulders to try and hide it.
“Here,” she said, bringing him to her chair and sitting him down. She took a washcloth and ran it under cold water, squeezing it out and gently dabbing at his eyes, tear streaks but a distant memory, bloodshot eyes calmed.
“Don’t be. It’s okay to be upset.” Alex nodded, swallowing.
“You look beautiful,” he finally said.
“So do you,” she said with a smile. His perfectly tailored suit had the typical white shirt and black pants, but the jacket was white with matching golden embroidery on the cuffs. Alex smiled.
“I’m technically not supposed to be here,” he admitted, “but the guys had to go get ready, and I couldn’t just sit there alone.”
“I know the feeling,” Julie agreed. “And I know I’ve said it a million times, but I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve this.”
“Neither do you.”
“I know. I just… I wish I had a magic wand that could fix everything. I wish we could choose what we do with our lives, choose who we love for once. Or at least do it without committing treason.”
“Yeah, treason isn’t high on my to-do list.” Julie gave a halfhearted laugh, but her smile fell.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Alex sighed.
“Not much else to talk about. You?”
“Not much else,” she agreed. “How’s Willie doing?” He looked down.
“He’s trying to keep up the act. You know how he is. He tries to be lighthearted and upbeat, but he’s trying to stay afloat. And Luke is sulking and blaming himself.”
“But it isn’t his fault!” Julie protested.
“Oh, I know,” Alex agreed. “I’ve told him as much. But he’s annoyingly stubborn. He feels like he screwed everything up.”
“He’s an idiot.” Alex laughed for real that time.
“Yeah, I’m beginning to question your taste in guys.”
“For real. How I fell in love with such a dumbass, I’ll never know.”
“I mean, he’s cute,” Alex reasoned. “He’s got that going for him. Doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together, but hey, at least he’s cute.” Julie burst out laughing.
“I’m pretty sure our entire group shares a brain cell, and Carrie is the only one who ever has it.”
“You’re probably right.” They sat for a moment before Alex sighed.
“I should probably go,” he groaned. They’ll want me in the ballroom soon.”
“Probably. Unless you feel like faking your death last-minute.”
“Tempting,” he admitted, “but I think now we just have to grit our teeth and wait for it to be over.”
“Yeah. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, Julie was alone.
The incessant chatter of the crowd was white noise behind Julie’s humming brain. It felt like a radio that, no matter which way you turned the antenna, only blared static.
Her dad’s voice snapped her out of it.
She hadn’t registered that she’d been walking to the ballroom, but there she was, with a huge pair of gilded oak double doors protecting her from the choirs of hell.
“Mija?” Ray asked again.
“Hi. Sorry. Zoned out.”
“It’s okay. Julie, I…” he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m so sorry.” She looked up and saw his eyes shining with regret and sorrow and anger.
“I know,” Julie whispered. “Thanks for trying.”
Ray scooped her up in a big hug, and she let herself soak up the warmth and relish it while it lasted. Maybe she could just stay there forever instead.
“You look beautiful,” he remarked as he let her go. Julie smiled and twirled.
“Mira really is amazing,” she agreed. “I had my doubts, but she somehow turned a heap of lace and silk into a dress.”
“You could say she’s a Mira-cle worker,” Ray quipped with a grin and a wink. Julie groaned, but couldn’t suppress her smile.
“Now I know where Reggie gets it.”
“He learned from the best,” Ray agreed.
Julie’s face fell.
“I have to go in, don’t I?” She already knew the answer, but her father’s resigned nod crushed her.
“Do you want me to walk you up?” he asked.
“Yes please,” she whispered.
“But,” she added, “I want to open the door. I need to show them that I’m a leader, not just a girl in a dress.”
“Done,” he agreed. “You are a leader. And if they can’t see that, they’re blind.” Julie smiled for real that time, squared her shoulders, and finally pushed open the doors.
I’m a leader, she reminded herself as she took the bouquet from her dad and took his arm. They can’t tell me who I am.
And without her even prompting it, the gears in her head started turning.
Alex’s hands were cold and clammy, and Julie could see that his jaw was clenched. She tightened her grip on his hands, gentle but firm, making sure to pull him to reality. It seemed to work, too, because his jaw softened and he took a breath.
Julie finally risked a glance to Luke, and he gave a weak smile, which she did her best to return. His hazel eyes were full of love, anger, and melancholy, all warring behind earthy windows.
Julie looked back to Alex, wishing the officiant would shut up as soon as he started speaking.
“We are gathered here today,” said the officiant, “to bear witness to a beautiful, historic union. A union of peace, of harmony, of love.”
Yeah, right.
“Today marks the union of two countries, two people. Her royal highness, Princess Julie Molina of Dahlia, has grown up into a strong young woman, one led by her father, King Ray. She will soon ascend to the throne, and there is no doubt in my mind that she will lead us into the future.
“His royal highness, Prince Alexander Mercer of Tambor, has been a close friend of hers for years, and their relationship will no doubt hold strong, as will our countries. Prince Alexander has stood alongside Tambor as his parents, King Xavier and Queen Claire, have held a righteous, unshakeable reign.
“And now, this wedding seals an unshakeable bond between our two countries. Shall we move onto the vows?”
Julie looked back up to Alex, hating the resigned hopelessness in his eyes, even more so than the tear rolling down his cheek.
“Alexander Mercer, son of Queen Claire and King Xavier, do you take Julie to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to stand by her in sickness and in health, and aid her as she ascends to the throne, no matter what happens? And do you swear to hold true to her, as she would for you, as a faithful ally, confidante, friend, and husband?”
Julie closed her eyes as Alex tried to speak, finally managing an “I do.”
“And do you, Princess Julie Molina, daughter of King Ray and the late Queen Rose, heiress to the Dahlian throne, take Alexander to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to care for him in sickness and in health, to trust him with your life as he would do for you? As you ascend to the throne, do you swear to care not just for your people, as the compassionate queen, but also for your betrothed, as a loving friend and wife?
No, she wanted to say. I do not.
But when she heard the hushed whispers in the crowd, laced with excitement, when she remembered the bright eyes of civilians as the announcement of a union had been released, she bit back the truth.
“I do.”
The officiant smiled, and Julie wished she could do the same.
“Wonderful. If anyone here today can see just reason why these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”
The gears in her head were turning into overdrive, grinding thoughts and memories and emotions into her head and heart like an overloaded system.
Flashes of hazel eyes, crinkled with laughter, shining with hope, puffy with tears in the rain.
Blips of hands interlocked, the quiet voices of a baker and a prince, glances between a princess and a guard.
Voices that she could hear like it was happening before her.
“Actually, I win.”
“Hey there, boss.”
“You’re a dork.”
“Not a fan of coffee?”
“Understandable, have a nice day.”
“Technically, you’re not a trainee.”
“I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.”
“You’ll never lose me.”
Everything played in Julie’s mind on repeat, unshakeable and incessant, like the rushing of a river in Spring.
And then she heard the officiant’s voice.
“Then here, under the witness of citizens Dahlian and Tamborian alike, I now pronounce you husband and-“
She’d known that words had power, but never in a million years would Julie have guessed that one word could be so big.
“As the rising queen of Dahlia,” she began as she let go of Alex and looked out at the shocked crowd, “I have spent my life advocating for peace, equality, and freedom among all our people.” She took a deep breath, catching her father’s eye, heart soaring with the pride radiating off of him.
“Neither Alex nor I wanted this marriage,” she continued. “ We care about each other, yes. He's one of my best friends, and will be for the rest of my life. But he loves someone else,” she added, “as do I.
“Dahlia and Tambor have been allies since our foundation, and we have always valued the peace and freedom of our citizens above all else. So why, may I ask, was an arranged marriage necessary?
“King Xavier and Queen Claire of Tambor raised the idea of an arranged marriage to us and my father two years ago. We all protested. But when it was passed by the Dahlian council, there wasn’t much else we could do.
“I accept that, as a leader, I have duties and obligations to my people. But I will not let who I marry be one of them, and nor will Alex.”
“No,” Alex agreed. “I won’t.” She turned to him, a huge smile on her face, heart racing.
We’re doing this.
“This is nonsense,” interrupted Xavier furiously. “They don’t know what they’re talking about, they’re just teenagers. Continue with the vows,” he commanded.
“You are in my kingdom,” Julie reminded him tersely, shoulders squared and voice echoing with authority, “and while your title certainly demands respect, you are not in power here. And, if I may, if we are just teenagers who can’t even understand what we’re talking about, why should we be married off?”
Murmurs of agreement rang out through the crowd, and each one flew into her like lightning bolts of confidence.
“Alex, sweetie,” Queen Claire began. “We want only the best for you-“
“That’s a lie and you know it,” he snapped. Julie was surprised; she’d never heard Alex snap like that. But she let him speak.
“Mom, you’ve always been a compassionate queen.,” Alex said with a sigh. “ But you never cared about what I wanted, you cared about what would help your reputation.”
More gasps rang out through the crowd. Julie didn’t budge, holding her post beside him.
“Look, mom, dad, Dahlia and Tambor are each other’s strongest allies. We always have been. You know that. The wedding was never about allyship, it was about control.”
“You are acting extremely ungrateful,” his dad snapped. Julie raised her eyebrows and took a step forward, suddenly feeling protective of her friend. “What woman could you, an immature nineteen-year-old, be so gone for that you would refuse marriage to a princess?” Xavier interrogated.
“Who I love is none of your business. I don’t owe you anything.” Julie bit back a huge grin; even though she wanted nothing more than to snap back at Alex’s parents too, she had a feeling it wouldn’t be appropriate.
“That aside,” Julie added, “neither of us would reveal who they were without being sure that they were okay with it. I am speaking out against this wedding because I want no part of it,” Julie reminded him.
“Nor do I,” Alex interjected.
“Exactly. Alex and I are both okay with saying this. We both love other people. But those other people have the right to privacy, if not under basic decency, under the Dahlian constitution. I would know,” she said before Xavier could reply. “I was there when it was revised three years ago.”
“And would you be okay with them revealing themselves?” Xavier retorted. “I assume they’re in this room. Would you have them reveal their identities, or are you scared of public revolt?”
“You know what,” Alex said, “I would be okay with it. But even if I weren’t, wanting privacy doesn’t mean you’re scared, nor does it mean you have ill intent. It’s just choosing what of your personal life to share.”
“Couldn’t have put it better myself,” Julie agreed. “And, for the record, we aren’t scared. Not anymore. If we were, we wouldn’t be coming out at all. Us being okay with going public about our side of the story doesn’t mean the other people involved are obligated to.”
Claire was pale as a sheet, and Xavier looked like he was going to explode. Ray, however, was glowing with pride.
“King Ray,” Xavier said smoothly, like he was trying not to lose it, “surely you cannot be okay with this. Your daughter-“
“My daughter is a strong, independent, intelligent woman,” Ray interrupted. “She is a leader, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stop her from doing just that: leading. She is the future queen of Dahlia. She has every right to decide who to marry, if at all. What I’m not okay with is the fact that you are so hellbent on controlling her, not to mention your own adult son.”
Xavier stammered furiously, one arm held by Claire, who seemed like she was trying not to pass out.
“Do you really want to know who’s stopping your precious wedding,” chimed in Luke’s voice from behind her. Julie whipped around to see both him and Willie stepping forward.
“Do tell,” Xavier said with a hysterical laugh.
“We are,” Willie informed him. And before Julie knew it, Luke was by her side, clasping her hand with his. Willie marched next to Alex and did the same.
And, to Julie’s shock, the crowd started clapping.
It was hesitant applause at first, led by a few, but soon the entire audience was on their feet.
“It’s our lives,” Alex shouted over the excited cheers. “We get to lead them!”
“Damn right we do!” Julie agreed. Luke and Willie laughed in amazement.
“I beg to differ,” Xavier screamed hoarsely. The entire crowd booed.
“Yes, you heard me! With royalty comes rules. I. Beg. To Differ .”
“Then beg,” Julie snapped back, and the shouting of the crowd was deafening as people “OOOH”- ed, laughed, and generally lost their shit.
Willie and Alex held up their clasped hands, and Julie quickly did the same, holding up Luke’s.
“I, Princess Julie Molina,” she declared as the crowd quieted, bubbles of elation radiating through the room, “do not take Prince Alexander to be my husband. Instead, I take my life into my hands and give him his. Instead, I swear on my very life to lead you into an era of prosperity, livelihood, and health, as my father has done.
“As he completes his reign, I choose to stand tall and step forward, whenever that time may be.”
“If I may,” Ray announced, stepping forward to the altar. “Julie has trained her entire life to be a leader, and she has done that and so much more. Since she was little, she has had a passion for life, for love, for hope. She has taught me and so many others to stand tall even in the face of adversity. And, given her display of bravery, intelligence, and pure nerve, as well as the prepared ballroom, I see no reason why that moment should be delayed.” Julie’s heart soared, eyes widening.
“Papa, are you sure?” she asked him quietly.
“I am. Are you?” Julie took a breath and let go of Luke’s hand, turning toward the gleeful crowd as she knelt down on one knee, her father standing beside her as he took off his crown.
“The responsibilities will be challenging, but I have no doubt that they will be handled gracefully. Heavy lies the crown, yes, but strong is she who embraces it, not with hunger for power, but with compassion.
“Citizens of Dahlia, may I present to you, her Royal Majesty, Queen Julie Molina.”
As Ray placed the crown on her head, Julie’s heart set with determination. She rose, back straight, looking out to the crowd.
“Your majesty,” Luke said with a cocky grin from next to her. She turned to him and he dipped in a bow, eyes laced with love and respect.
Then, before she knew it, Alex was bowing too, soon followed by Willie, Flynn, Mira, Carrie, Erik, Reggie, and the rest of the crowd.
Her father.
Ray stood before her, smiling with the power and pride of all the stars. As he bowed, Julie smiled and knelt down, taking his hand and pulling him back up into a hug.
“I love you, papa,” she whispered.
“I love you too.”
The dancing started soon afterwards. Claire and Xavier kept to themselves, sitting at a table in the corner and ignoring glares from the crowd, and Julie danced with Luke without fear of being seen. Alex and Willie held each other, swaying to the music, not even talking. Just smiling.
As soon as she and Luke separated to dance with others, Reggie tackled her in a hug.
“Reggie!” she shrieked, stabilizing herself so she didn’t fall over.
“WE DID IT!” he exclaimed, and Julie couldn’t contain her laughter.
“We did!”
“I’m so proud of you,” Reggie told her. Julie wrapped him in a hug.
“Thanks. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, to be honest.”
“That just makes what you did even more awesome, though! In the face of danger, the honorable Julie Molina made her move and took her life back into her own hands!” Julie cackled.
“I’m not a TV character, Reg.”
“Are you sure? Because you’d be a pretty damn awesome one.”
“Well, then you’d be my amazing brother,” she said, deciding to humor him. Reggie beamed.
“Oh, speaking of brothers-“
“JULIE!” came Carlos’s excited voice from behind her, and before she knew it, she was being tackled by a skinny fourteen-year-old prince.
“Dude. You’re the freaking Queen now!”
“I know! It’s kinda freaking me out, but in a good way.”
“Duh. Also, I expect lots of queenly presents. And a shoutout.”
“A shoutout?” she inquired. “Carlos, you already have millions of middle school girls simping over your Instagram page.”
“Just trying to get my name out there,” he reasoned. Julie picked him up despite his protests and nods to his left, where Julie spotted Annie Danforth-Evans laughing. She grinned.
“Man, Carlos is so adorable and little and smitten?” Julie said loudly. And in situational perfection, the only person who seemed to hear her was Annie.
“You’re the worst,” Carlos informed her as he wiggled out of her arms. Julie laughed and let him go.
“I’m not little,” he said to Annie once he reached her, puffing out his chest as if to prove his point.
“Julie?” Alex asked, interrupting her laughs at her brother. She turned and faced him, mirroring his smile.
“Ye-“ she couldn’t finish before being tackled in a crushing hug.
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you,” she said. “You’ve been an amazing friend throughout all of this.”
“So have you. I’m just…”
“I know. I don’t have the words either.”
“Yeah,” he sighed with a smile.
“So… will you be going back to Tambor? Because if you want to, I completely understand, but I’d love for you to stay here in the palace.”
“Oh, I’m staying. Don’t worry,” he said, elbowing her in the side. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
As the sun rose, the last of the guests went home, and Julie stood on her balcony, wrapped in a white dress of rebellion, graced by the warm light of a new day, a new era.
Luke’s hand on her shoulder anchored her to reality, followed by Alex’s on her other shoulder, Flynn’s arm around her waist, and Reggie ruffling her hair. Julie took a deep breath of the cool, crisp air, closing her eyes and letting her heart set.
This wasn’t the end, it was the beginning of something wonderful and new.
So as she stepped into the next part of her life, she reminded herself to stand tall, and remember that she wasn’t doing this alone.
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wintaejk · 4 years
Jungkook’s FIC REC | OS 2
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I had too many links on the other post. Here is the second part of my Jungkook’s fic rec but with others themes.
Again, all those fictions belong to the amazing authors who wrote them, not me. I want to thank them once more. 
(f) = fluff
(a) = angst
(m) = mature
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magical au
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— Trick or Treat: Howling for You (F) (M) — by @fortunexkookie​
The way your Little Red Riding Hood costume lured over a fuckboy in a half-assed werewolf costume was a little cliche, but god damn was he beautiful. He promised he had plenty of big things to show you, and you took him up on the offer, not realizing that you might’ve bitten off more than you could chew.
werewolf au | established relationship | +14k
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— rottenfolk (M) — by @junqkook​
a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
faerie au | royalty au | +13k
Commentary - If there’s only one one-shot I could recommend you to read of all tumblr, it would probably be this one. For me, it is rare to acheive such a level of mastery in fantasy fictions. Writing is already complicated, but when you have to place the readers in an unknown universe, it is even harder.                         However, the real brilliance of this story is the end. Because the end is supposed to satiate the reader in a way or another, it is supposed to offer what all the reader craved: a sort of closure. But here we all are, waiting for a sequel, because this story will make you want a next episode. And that is the brilliance, because you will surely never forget a story with that kind of power.                         So those are some of the reasons why this fiction is for me a mix of art, smartness and excellence ; and also why you would be missing something huge by not reading it.
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— overdrive (M) — by @junqkook​
you thought meeting jungkook was just a coincidence, but the universe didn’t deal in coincidences.
vampire au | soulmate au | enemies to lovers | +13k
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— Crescent Bound - Jungkook (F) (M) — by @parkhabits​
A pact bound by the moon. A secret kept only amongst themselves. Each of them experiencing their own cycles of heat.
werewolf au | friends to lovers | +12k
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— Room 109 (M) — by @lavishedinjimin​
Having Jungkook as your apartment buddy was a lot to get used to. But with one early day, your heat comes up much stronger than usual, and you were desperate for an alpha’s touch.
werewolf au | roommate au | alpha!jungkook | +6k
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— after dark (M) — by @seokoloqy​
Jungkook has served the royal family for generations, seen them live and die countless times. When it comes to you, he can’t watch you wither away too, but your lust for one another makes it harder and harder to stay apart.
vampire au | royalty au | knight!jungkook | +8k
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— Life’s Blood (F) (A) (M) — by @littlenoona​
You produce blood cells at an increased rate when blood is lost, effectively, you cannot bleed out. This ability has served you well so far, even gaining you a rare friend, and you’ve made it your source of income, but it also has its downsides, one of which you’ve managed to avoid successfully, until now.
vampire au | +13k
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— you come in waves (A) (M) — by @angelguk​
if jeongguk had a choice, he would destroy the sun. it’s not like he needed it for warmth due to his werewolf abilities making him a scorching radiator. it would also help his heart. because you look delectable in that stupid bikini.
werewolf au | friends to lovers au | 4k
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— tell me your secrets (i’m all ears) (F) — by @jinpire​
You’re not afraid of Jeon Jeongguk. Even if he’s probably some kind of bear or giant cat shifter, and just a hint of his irritation had your instincts vibrating beneath your skin like a live wire. Your thumb brushed over the plastic dome of mini-Levi’s head, taking comfort in the cartoon scowl and dead eyes, the tiny grey sticks of his 3DM gear. Small could be pretty fucking powerful too.
shifter au | college au | bunny!kook | +6k
drabbles: nooks and naps - foxie moxie (don’t pull my tail) - look before you leap  - fluffles and kerfuffles
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— Pomegranate Seeds (M) — by @taetaebaepsae​
Jungkook thinks he’s found the perfect new roommate, but little doesn’t he know you’re just aching to corrupt him.
demon au | roommate au | virgin!jungkook | +4k
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other themes
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— Every Kind of Way (F) (M) — by @taehyungforreal​
{Three little vignettes, three completely different experiences, same perfectly wonderful boyfriend JK.}
strangers to lovers  | established relationship  | +14k
Commentary - I remember when this fiction was posted. I read the teaser a few days before, and I was waiting for it. I remember the exact date of the release of this story, and let me tell you it never happens to me. But this is how much I liked this story. This masterpiece.                         This fiction is 95% made of smut. This is a warning if you don’t like that. However, what I like about Ashley’s works is that smut is not only smut (okay, sometimes it’s just pure filth but whatever). It’s not the first time I’ve read a piece of work of her and that I’ve been so thankful of reading her. Because the stories she writes are realistic. Sex is not always perfect. Sex is not always like in porn. Sex can be embarrassing. And this is why I love what Ashley writes, because she always have that realistic point of view on life. And sometimes it’s also nice to not turn everything into porn.                          What is very likeable - I said likeable? I meant loveable, sorry - about that story is also the three different stages of the relation of Jk and reader. This is also something I like about her writings. Life evolves, relationships evolve, and so does sex. So in this story, you will experience three different Jungkook. And it’s three reasons why you should read this fiction, three reasons why you will probably love it.                          One thing is sure, this chef-d’oeuvre will leave you wondering if your eyes have been burnt by the smuttiness or blessed by all the talent of this writer.
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— tattooed two (ft. kth) (F) (M) — by @httpjeon​
your boyfriend’s best friend joins you for a night you’ll never forget.
tattoo artist au | established relationship  | poly au  | +8k
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— Inkling (A) (M) — by @gguksgalaxy​
Jungkook is your brother’s boyfriend’s co-worker, they own a tattoo and piercing parlour. In other words, he’s tall, gorgeous, has his passion literally etched into his skin, looks incredibly good in a man-bun, and is semi-unattainable for you. Why? Well…you’re not entirely sure but him ditching right after a very heated make-out session sure isn’t a good sign. His extremely poor mood the next week sure isn’t either, but the only way to fix it is to face the beast head-on. Right?
tattoo artist au  | +17k
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— Freak-quency (M) — by @taehyungforreal​
His eyes sparkle and he fights back a smile when he asks you why. “Is it because I didn’t give you something else to swallow like I said I would,” he questions, halfway through a much less subtle adjustment of his growing erection. Yoongi was right, he wants to be in trouble.
rockstar au  | established relationship  | +8k
— Boots (M) —
3000+ words of Ashley kinking on Jungkook’s boot. That’s it.
rockstar au  | established relationship  | part of Freak-quency  | +3k
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— Heartbreaker with a Heart of Gold (A) (M) — by @filmflowersbangtan​
It was around this time almost three years ago when Jungkook moved to LA after his band got signed to a famous record label. He told you that he’d keep in contact with you. That he’d visit as much as he could. That he loved you. But about a month after leaving, he stopped texting and calling as much. And then a mere week after the band’s first EP dropped, Burning Rabbit was a sensation.
rocksatr au | ex lovers  | +3k
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— Brother’s best friend (M) — by @lavishedinjimin​
In which Y/n owns a smut blog dedicated to her crush and brother’s best friend, jungkook. it was all fun and games until he finds out about it and acts it out with you.
brother’s best friend!jungkook  | +5k
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— Sugarplum Elegy (F) (A) (M) — by @bymoonchild​
You know no bounds nor depth with Jungkook. While your fuck buddy loves sleeping in your bed and doing laundry for you with his favourite fabric softener, you are in love with a mysterious honeyed, velvety voice on Soundcloud. All’s fine, until you find out that the voice that metaphors your heart to a sweet sugarplum melody actually belongs to the boy who has been taking up a special spot in your bed and in your heart, strumming at your heartstrings all this while.
friends with benefits  | college au  | idiots to lovers | +17k
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— The Kids Aren’t Alright (F) (A) (M) — by @sketchguk​
Sneaking around with Jeongguk during your Christian retreat is complicated when you’re both dedicated to your jobs as co-youth group counselors at your father’s ministry.
friends with benefits  | pastor’s kid!reader  | +10k
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— Gym (F) (M) — by @hobiwonder​
Jungkook has a crush on you and has been watching you work out at his gym. One day you finally confront his obvious crush.
business woman!reader  | fratboy!jungkook  | older reader | +8k
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— Gravity Check (M) — by @gimmesumsuga​
The one where Jungkook is your oh-so-handsome climbing instructor.
climbing instructors!jungkook  | strangers to lovers  | 14k
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— The Monogamy Monologues (F) (M) — by @kpopfanfictrash​
The year? Some point after college. The occasion? Namjoon is getting married and the Rich Man’s Crochet Club has convened once again. Somewhere between the drinks and the laughter, everyone has the same realization: Jungkook has never been in a serious relationship. In the name of all that is holy (Overwatch and booze), the club’s mission is revived. Now though, their goal is much more perilous. Now, they aim to find Jeon Jungkook a girlfriend. (Part of The Rich Man’s Crochet Club series)
fuckboy!jungkook  | wedding planner!reader  | strangers to lovers  | +42k
— The Virgin Volume (F) (A) (M) —
This fic exists in the RMCC universe. It takes place before RMCC and is the story of how Jungkook lost his virginity. To quote Seokjin/Namjoon: “What Jungkook doesn’t know won’t hurt him and – let’s be honest – his story is hilarious. One pump,” Seokjin laughs, sounding like a hyena. “One pump and he’s done.” // Ducking his head, Namjoon tries not to smile. “It was a rookie mistake,” he protests, defending their friend. “Jungkook was overexcited and couldn’t control himself. He got better.”
college au  | friends to lovers  | prequel to TMM  | +6k
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— everlasting (A — by @kimvvantae​
being able to love the same person forever is a blessing given from the heavens. to you, however, eternity has become a curse.
reincarnation au  | 18k
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— Performances (M) — by @littlenoona​
The same handsome guy has been appearing at your performances and you become more and more interested in who he is - now you’re dancing only for him, despite a hall full of people.
strangers to lovers  | professional dancer!reader  | +6k
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— Matching Hearts (F) (A) — by @gukwluv​
a drunk call to your ex boyfriend leads to a night of fun adventures that make you wonder why you even split in the first place.
exes au | +3k
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— locker room talk (M) — by @minnpd​
You end up having a rather heated talk with Jeon Jungkook in the locker room when he announces he has been chosen for the audition you both participated to.
dancer au | enemies to lovers | fuckboy!jungkook | +5k
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— not quite lovers (M) — by @junqkook​
hiring jeon jungkook as your personal assistant happens to have more than one perk.
workplace au | friends with benefits | ceo!reader | +15k
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— By Its Cover (M) — by @gimmesumsuga​
The one where Jungkook makes a very bad first impression.
workplace au | enemies to lovers | 21k
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— Mind in the Gutter (F) (M) — by @kpopfanfictrash​
Starting over is never fun. Especially not when you decide to take the phrase fully to heart; new job, new city, new coworkers and new relationships. When you are dragged to a happy hour by your new co-worker, Taehyung, you end up sitting beside a (very) cute, (very) shy IT worker named Jungkook. Several drinks later, he mentions he is in a professional bowling league with his friends and you rather enthusiastically invite yourself along. As time passes and you begin to grow closer, you still find it impossible to read Jungkook. Working in the same company and seeing each other so often, it is only so long before one of you snaps. But who?
workplace au | bowling au | strangers to friends to lovers | +18k
88 notes · View notes
suhosguardian · 5 years
Fic Recommendations...🙃
So I don’t know but this may be a little different to normal fic recs? I’m not really sure but I’m just gonna list my favourite writers and my favourite stories from them soooo this might be a really long post but you know what? WHO CARES THESE PEOPLE DESERVE OUR LOVE!!! 
@marshmallow-phd aka. my favourite writer on Tumblr - AN ABSOLUTE WRITING GOD, will take you on an emotional rollarcoaster - brilliant, just brilliant. Has so many more brilliant stories but I’m just gonna link my absolute favouritessss. 
The Experiments - EXO OT12 - LuckyOne!AU - The best fan fiction I have ever read. Hands down. Nothing will ever compare to this story. I can’t really say much about this story without spoiling it but just WOW. - It was because of this story that Junmyeon became my bias. 🤭 The sequel The Wanderers is just as good, but the Experiments just takes the cake for me. 
The Untamed Universe - EXO OT12 - Werewolf!AU - There is a personalised series for 8 out of 12 of the members, and each story is so beautifully constructed and so different from the last which is what makes it so goooodddd. You don’t have to read them in order, but I recommend that you do in order to get the full story. However, my two favourite stories within this Universe are undoubtedly
Fighting Instinct - Jongdae (Part One).  
Charming Instruction  - Junmyeon (Part Five). This one resonated particularly well with me because the protagonists life goals are almost exactly the same as my own which just made the read so much more enjoyable for me. 
The Sins of the Father - EXO - Junmyeon - Mafia!AU My favourite genre to read is MafiaAu’s so this was pretty much my ideal story. Again, the world crafting is brilliant, the use of language amazing. And has a Luhan spinoff that is currently being written. 🙃
Now I’m just gonna list some other favourites. 
My Soul to Keep - Demon!AU - Kris - EXO
My Soul to Burn - Demon!AU - Minseok - EXO
Prey in the Knight - Vampire!AU - Kris - EXO
Crimes of the Heart - Vampire!AU - Luhan - EXO
His Heart at Stake - Vampire!AU - Minseok - EXO
His Brightest Star -  Mafia!AU - Jaebum - GOT7
@krreader - she has like 1000 masterlists because she has written so much it’s amazing, it also means that I literally can’t pick my favourites. 
Diamond Maknae - BTS - The diamond maknae series is brilliant, 8th member of BTS and it also incorporates other groups as well. I highly recommend thissssss!!!!
Like a Butterfly - BTS - Yoongi -  NonIdol!AU/ SingleDad!AU - Again I can’t say too much without spoiling it but it is so soft but angsty and it has a really really good ending. 
Competition - BTS & GOT7 - Jungkook, Taehyung, Jackson and BamBam. Fluff and angst. 4 boys fighting over a girl. I really love this  story. 
Now we come to a group of writers I refer to as ‘the New Rat Pack’ (George Clooney Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Casey Affleck, Scott Caan, Elliott Gould, Bernie Mac and Carl Reiner - literally anyone in Ocean’s Eleven) of Tumblr Writers because they are so freaking amazing you can literally identify their group by the EXO Customs Series because they are all each writing a section of that but just wow. Okay, I’m just gonna list the writers and my all time favourite piece because if I don’t limit myself we will be here forever. 
@ninibears-erigom-fics - an actual Queen 
Pretty Little Vixen - Jongin - I feel so predictable having that one as my favourite but IT’S JUST WRITTEN SO FREAKING WELL - carshop!au, gang!au, racer!au - smut, angst, violence. (ongoing) 
Sinful Pleasure - demon!Kyungsoo, demon!Chanyeol, demon!Jongdae - SMUT 
@kimjongdaely - (her part of EXO Customs; The Art of Sin is fantastic!)
Alluring - EXO OT9 - Mafia!AU & Motorcycle!AU - I dare you to find a happy ending. 😉 
Dichotomy - Junmyeon and Baekhyun - arrangedmarriage!au -angst, fluff, smut (ongoing)  
Collateral - EXO - Mafia!AU - Violence, Smut (ongoing)
The Taste of Gold - Baekhyun - CEO!AU - Fluff - this is one of my all time favourites!!!
Diamond Freckles - the smutty kinda angsty bonus chapter! 😉
Replay - Junmyeon - Superhero!AU, angst, fluff, smut
@mint-yooxgi - AKA THE YANDERE QUEEN
Monster Series - Yandere!AU’s - this series is so creepy but so freaking goooooddddd - my personal favourites within this however are 
I Own You - CEO!Baekhyun - Horror, Angst, Smut
You’re Next - SerialKiller!Jongin (this one is actually terrifying tho like I had to sleep with my light on) - Horror, Angst, Semi-Smut
Seal The Deal - Demon!Chanyeol - Angst, Horror, Smut (this one is probably my favourite one)
Angelic - Baekhyun - Fluff
Untitled - EXO - Junmyeon - he’s a YouTube Travel Vlogger, its just so soft and beautiful. It’s just really happy and I think that is what I like most about it.
Rumors - EXO - Junmyeon - Office!AU
Look After You - SHINEE - Minho - Regency!AU/SingleParent!AU
Which One? - Ji Soo or Joo Hyuk - CoffeeShop!AU 
@vampwrrr - you could read through the entire masterlist and not find a dud story. 
Haunted House - Junmyeon - hands down one of the fluffiest things I have read and I love it so much - just read it, it’s so beautiful.
End of the World as We Know It - Junmyeon - I guess you could call this an Apocalypse!AU? Maybe? But again sooooo fluffy and is full of Myeon’s bad puns it’s such a great storyyyyy!!!!
the dark side of the moon   & all it’s side stories!!!  - BTS - Jimin - Werewolf!AU - Smut 
catch your death  - BTS - Hoseok - Hybrid!AU - Royalty!AU - Smut 
@optimizche - another of my all time favourite authors!!! The whole masterlist is brilliant! 
The Brat Trilogy - EXO - Sehun and Junmyeon - SMUT - I LOVE THIS TRILOGY SO MUCH
My Answer - EXO - Junmyeon and Kris - Smut, Fluff, Angst (ongoing) 
I Give Up - Baekhyun - Fluff, Smut, ANGST OH LORD THE ANGST -I love this story so much like I have made all my friends read it! 😂(I stand by Chapter 22 being the best chapter, I love it so much.)
2am - Minseok -  Romance, Smut, Angst - its kinda happening at the same time as I Give Up I think? 
Run Little Rabbit Trilogy - WolfShifter!Hoseok - Smut, Angst, Fluff
A Court of Curses - VampirePrince!Hoseok - Smut, Fluff, Angst
20 Things (and Counting) I Hades About You  - Hades!Jimin - Crack, Angst
I worked on this for 24hrs fkn help. When I said that this would be long I didn’t expect it to be 1000+ words I’m so sorry.... If I’ve missed anyone I’ll add them in when I remember! 🙃 ❤️❤️❤️
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Girl’s Night Out
A multiple AU piece of fun featuring my female LIs
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Elizabeth Dalgleish wakes in an unfamiliar place in the company of three strangers. What they have to tell her will change her life completely - but she will have a lot of fun too!
Word Count 1559
A/N This might not make sense if you’ve not read my other fics, but I will try to explain.  All four of my female LI’s are going to meet in cyberspace along the lines of the Many Lives of Drake Walker and have one heck of a party. Here Elizabeth (star of my regency period drama Past Times) wakes to find herself in the company of Lucy from Two’s Company Three’s Allowed, Charlotte of Charlotte’s Choice and Sophia of Protect and Serve, and they have some ‘splaining to do…
Elizabeth Dalgleish lay quite still. She had fallen asleep to dreams of her Captain; of the kisses they shared, of the delicious tingles that ran up her arm when their hands touched, of the warm feeling in her belly and in her womanhood when she looked deep into his eyes. But she had woken to unfamiliar voices.
‘Okay Sophia, we’re tired of hearing what a stallion Bastien is, and what a massive penis he has. Let me tell you, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s how you use it’ The first voice was regal and clipped, and as she lay quietly trying to work out what was going on, another voice piped up. It was another woman, and her voice was sultry and deep.
‘You’ve not lived until you’ve had two men in your bed, believe me – and one of them a King’
‘You two are unbelievable. Just because you’ve both got titles doesn’t mean a thing. Bas and I do just fine thankyou, we don’t need a palace to live in, or a manor or fancy titles.’
‘That’s cruel, Sophia’ the first voice went on ‘I was born into it, I had no choice’
‘More like written into it’ the second voice chimed in.
Elizabeth struggled to understand what was going on. What was this talk of other men? She opened her eyes a little to see what was going on. The three women had their backs to her, and were dressed strangely. Had she somehow woken up in the future? What could these new fashions be? Frantically she ran her hands over her long muslin nightdress, knowing how completely different she must look from the other women. She didn’t follow fashion slavishly like some she knew – but how embarrassing to be wearing last year’s dress when meeting strangers. One of the women turned and jumped slightly. She had long dark wavy hair and her dress was of the deepest purple hue she had ever seen. She blushed to see that her legs were bare.
‘Hold on, this one’s waking up’ she said ‘How come she’s self aware? Les has barely written half a dozen chapters’
‘Careful, you’ll frighten her’ The woman who had spoken of a palace had long flowing blonde hair, and came to her side ‘It’s okay darling, we won’t hurt you’ Her accent was familiar – she was very obviously English although she couldn’t place her regional accent.
‘W – where am I? Who are you?’ Elizabeth sat up. The room she was in was strange – it was white, brightly lit, and she lay on a white padded table. The other women sat on odd chairs made of a peculiar white substance like ivory, but the shapes flowed and curved and were far too large to be of that material.
‘Oh boy’ said the woman with long dark hair ‘how are we going to explain this? She’s not even from the same time period’
‘Let’s start with names’ said the blonde woman, smiling at her reassuringly ‘I’m Sophia, and this is Lucy - and Charlotte. Queen Charlotte’ Elizabeth sat up even straighter, alarmed, then ducked her head in an impromptu bow.
‘Queen? Your majesty – I’m Elizabeth’ she started timidly.
‘Hey, don’t forget I’m Queen too’ Lucy chimed in.
‘Frigging royalty’ muttered Sophia, then louder she added ‘Don’t worry darling, you don’t have to bow or curtsy – their titles are entirely fictional’
‘Fictional?’ Charlotte burst out ‘How dare you!’
‘Yes, well explain to Elizabeth here how you’re both queen of the same country in the same timeline’ Sophia said sarcastically, and Charlotte subsided. Elizabeth swung her legs over the side of the table to face the other three. She crossed her hands over her chest
‘I’m so sorry, I’m not dressed properly’ she apologised ‘I’d just gone to bed, and then – well, I woke up here’
‘Oh don’t worry sweetie’ Lucy said ‘You can wear whatever you want to – just think about it’
‘I – whatever do you mean?’ Elizabeth protested.
‘Well, like this’ Lucy said, closing her eyes.
‘Wait Lucy – don’t…’ Charlotte’s tone was urgent. To Elizabeth’s amazement, her dress changed colour – and style. She shrieked and her hands flew to her throat in alarm.
‘Witchcraft!’ she cried, terrified ‘What hellish nightmare is this?’
‘Calm down Elizabeth, it’s alright’ Sophia said soothingly, but her heart hammered in her ribcage and her breath grew short. ‘Okay, okay, it’s all a dream’ she said ‘Close your eyes and think of where you were when you went to sleep. Deep slow breaths now…’ Elizabeth closed her eyes and obeyed her.
‘Okay, open your eyes’ came Sophia’s voice as she pictured her bedroom. On opening them again, she was comforted to see she was indeed still in her very own bedroom, sitting on the edge of her four poster bed. The other bed beside it was empty, and she wondered where her younger sister, Amelia, was. The other three women were still there, so she drew a shuddering breath and stood up to go over to her closet and pull on a robe.
‘What are you all doing here?’ she asked, making her voice firm even though internally she was far from calm. ‘If this is a dream why don’t I know you all?’ Charlotte sighed
‘Do you only dream of people you know?’ she asked. Elizabeth furrowed her brow in thought
‘Not always - oh, I see your point. But why are you dressed like that? Is it some sort of foreign fashion – or a costume party?’ Sophia looked at Lucy sharply
‘Not exactly’ she said ‘I really don’t know how to explain things to you.’ She sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the mattress for Elizabeth to join her. She looked around the room and her eyes alighted on a book next to the bed. ‘Do you read novels – romances, Elizabeth?’ She nodded, blushing
‘Mama tells me they are not for refined young ladies – but I can’t help it, they are so exciting!’ Sophia smiled and patted her hand
‘Well, Elizabeth, it’s like this – we – all four of us – are characters in a book – each of us has our own story, but the same writer’ Elizabeth frowned. ‘It’s not quite that simple’ Sophia went on ‘but when a story is read a lot, the characters come alive. It’s odd because your story hasn’t been read very often, I don’t quite know how you’re self aware’
‘You mean – I’m not real?’ Elizabeth gasped. She pinched herself ‘I feel real’ she said, puzzled.
‘Well, what is real?’ Sophia smiled ‘Our writer sometimes comes to visit us. I don’t know quite how it works, but her reality is different from ours. I suppose yours is also quite different to ours.’
‘Oh?’ she asked, her mind whirling ‘Different in what way?’
‘We – well, effectively we come from the future – the twenty first century’ Elizabeth’s eyes grew wide to start with, then she squeezed them shut, starting to chant
‘This is all a dream, this is all a dream, thisisalladream…’ After a while she opened them again, and rubbed at her eyes, but nothing had changed. Her shoulders sagged. She had no choice but to believe Sophia.
‘I don’t understand’ she said ‘How can this be?’ Sophia shrugged
‘It’s just the way things are’ she replied, and squeezed her hand. ‘Hey, maybe we should tell you a bit about our stories and you can tell us about yours. It could be fun’
‘We could visit some of the others’ grinned Lucy. Sophia glared at her
‘Baby steps Lucy, baby steps’ she warned. ‘Okay Elizabeth – tell us your story. Who’s your love interest?’
‘My what?’ she asked puzzled, then realised ‘Oh – my young man’ her eyes shone as she remembered
‘I’m getting married tomorrow’ she said ‘To Captain John Lykel’ her voice was dreamy ‘He’s wonderful – so gentle, so loving. So handsome.’
‘Knowing Les, probably hot as hell and great in the sack’ Lucy piped up. ‘You’ve got one heck of a wedding night coming, darling’ Elizabeth blanched at her coarse words, which she did not quite understand. Her eye alighted on Charlotte’s ring finger, and she looked at the other two women. Lucy had two wedding rings, Charlotte had an engagement and wedding ring, and Sophia had an engagement ring.
‘You all have beaus?’ she asked, then thinking perhaps they didn’t quite understand her. ‘Sweethearts - husbands?’ Lucy laughed
‘And then some’ Elizabeth frowned. Sophia patted her hand again.
‘Yes darling, our writer has given us all someone special. We’re all linked in a way – because we’ve been self aware for a while longer than you, we know each other’s stories. But we should probably explain. Make yourself comfortable, and we will too’ She closed her eyes and waved her hand, and an odd piece of furniture appeared. Elizabeth jumped, but took a deep breath. This was obviously ‘normal’ in her new reality, so she should probably get used to it, she thought. The item looked very much like the chaise longue in her front parlour, but it had a continuous back all along it. Charlotte looked down and dusted it off and shook out a cushion before sitting on one end, and Lucy plonked herself on the other. Sophia leaned back against the corner post of the four poster bed, and Elizabeth perched on the edge of the mattress.
‘Very well – tell me all about it’ she smiled. ‘It all sounds very exciting’
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authoressskr · 5 years
Howlite and Hearts
Characters: f!Reader, Melanie (OFC), Tania (OFC), James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, James Rhodes
Warnings: Language and no Beta   ::   Word Count: 8,465
This was written for @moonbeambucky’s 5k Writing Challenge!! I went with a dragon!soulmate!au, which I hadn’t seen before, but I did have a nifty dream about it that spawned this whole idea. He’s still an Avenger. Events are basically still the same, just with dragons. ‘Cause who wouldn’t love a dragon companion??
Prompt: “You said you would come back for me.” Bolded in text below.
Please do NOT repost, copy & paste, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS PERMISSION.
-+- REBLOGGING is fine and very appreciated! -+-
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Since men emerged from caves, began using tools and reshaping their environment, they have been intrigued by the draconian terrors of all shapes and sizes that roamed the world. The first records of man and dragon working together are from Mesopotamia, pieces of shattered pottery pieced back together showing a dragon standing beside a woman. Assyrian artifacts depict water dragons helping farmers in the field. Egyptian murals show dragons protecting the Pharaoh and his family, others showing different breeds of dragon fetching books from inside the Library of Alexandria.
History is dotted with famous dragons and their bonded humans; King Arthur and his steel-colored dragon, Excalibur. William Shakespeare and his dragon, Bard. Cleopatra and Bucephalus, named after Alexander the Great’s legendary steed. Abraham Lincoln and his dragon, Crusoe.
Over the centuries, dragons have become smaller from the giants painted in mythology, old texts and wall murals. The biggest dragon these days are about the size of a large crocodile, with the biggest recorded in the last decade almost as big as a hippo. Height varies on the type of dragon - with the tallest one balancing on its tail, hits almost eye level with a giraffe.
Classes have been taught for centuries about dragons and the bond between them with humans. Dragons will sometimes die right after their human counterpart and vice versa. Dragons who have lost their counterpart will sometimes live, seeking out their counterpart’s soulmate to stay with their draconian mates as well. It is not an uncommon thing - especially after times of war - for soulmates to have both dragons if one has died.
Dragon pairs will usually have the same colors and markings, even though they will often not be the same type of dragon. Dragons may look similar to the human eye, but a dragon will know it’s mate no matter what. It has not been determined how the dragons know their mate almost instantaneously, but after millennia humans have begun to follow the dragon counterpart’s knowledge in this area. Marriages of alliance and royalty have often been changed or dropped when one party finds its soulmate. In the same vein, marriages have also been arranged due to this circumstance as well. Cinderella is the most referenced fairy tale of this, with Cinderella having the same sapphire and gold colored dragon as the prince (*Dragon color varies by region and culture).
With the reemergence of Captain America and his dragon, it has helped scientists and theorists who now believe that the dragon and human bond is stronger than initially thought. Steve Rogers, known as Captain America, and his dragon Rak, were frozen for nearly 70 years and both proved to be in perfect health with an unbroken bond after thawing from the ice. Several theorists are pointing to a pieced together story found in Egypt about a man who was thought to be dead during a war, his dragon dying alongside - only for the pair to wander through the desert for nearly two years before arriving in Constantinople. The pair nearly died of dehydration several times but emerged with a stronger bond than before. The man claimed to the writer that it seemed as if after his trouble, he and his dragon experienced more than an emotional bond. It was as if they were linked in their minds and hearts. Whatever the case, it seems as if the bond between human and dragon is strong, it can always be strengthened. The only bond that is stronger - most noted and pointed out - is that of a matched pair with both dragon and human with their mates, protecting each other.
You slide into the restaurant’s plush booth, smiling across the table at your best friend of nearly 13 years as you toss your purse further onto the bench.
“How was work?” You ask as you settle in, your dragon climbing from the inside of your jacket where she’d been resting earlier to drape her long body over your shoulders while your soulmate’s dragon settles his bulk over your feet under the table, his tail curling around your leg.
“Awesome. Matt finally asked me out.”
“Ooh! Congrats! When are you two supposed to go out?”
“Nice.” Your conversation pauses as the waitress appears, cheerfully asking for your drink order as a little yellow head pops out of her apron pocket.
“Iced tea and water, please.” You request, fingers coming up to scratch under Cloud’s chin.
“Gin and tonic, please. And water, as well. Thank you.” The waitress bounces off, high ponytail bouncing. Mel leaning a bit forward with a grin. “We could double date.” A deep growl sounds from under the table, making you chuckle.
“Godzilla says no.” Mel frowns at the table before shifting her brown eyes back to you. “He’s a good boy,” You coo before continuing. “He’s just keeping an eye on me until we’re reunited with my soulmate.”
“You gotta stop letting him do that. And you can’t reunite with someone you’ve never met.” Mel mutters as the waitress arrives with your drinks. You both thank her as she withdraws her pen from her apron, causing her little dragon’s yellow head to pop from the black apron pocket again.
“What can I get you ladies?”
“May I get the alfredo with chicken and mushrooms, please?”
“Side salad or soup?”
“Salad. Italian dressing please.”
“Of course! And you?”
“Shrimp carbonara. And a side salad for me as well. Ranch. Thanks.”
“I’ll get that out in a jiff!”
“Semantics. He and I will finally meet. Godzilla will be reunited.” Stroking his lifted head under the table a few times before he settles back into place again.
“Did your time off get approved?” Mel switches the subject before taking a hearty sip of her gin and tonic, both of you thanking the waitress as she sets your salads down before bouncing off again with a big smile. Melanie’s long serpentine jade dragon slithers from her purse, using a little flap of its peacock-colored wings to get it to the tabletop and chirps until Melanie surrenders all her croutons to him. “Bread thief.” She mutters as it chomps happily away.
“Yep!” You mutter cheerfully around a mouthful of greens. “Two freakin’ weeks! Soooo happy and ready for this road trip.”
“Model employee, you are.”
“Thank you for that high praise, Yoda.”
“When I finish this salad, I’ll dig out my proposed itinerary outline for the trip. I’m already so excited! Five days and we’ll be on vacation!” She does a happy little wiggle, Linus mimicking her with his little jade body. You both giggle at his antics.
“Did Tania get off? I text her on Monday and she said it was ‘Pending’ in the system.”
“Yeah, she texted me yesterday morning to say she got it off. But her brother’s wedding is on Saturday. In Dallas. So she’ll fly out late Sunday afternoon so we can all start out from San Fran on Monday.”
“Keep her hydrated Sunday night. Got it.” Your bouncy waitress reappears to whisk the salad plates away, promising the food will be out in just a few minutes. Godzilla’s heavy tail thumps against your leg and the booth, making you grin at your chunky boy. “Is Chinatown on your itinerary?”
“I keep forgetting you’ve never been there before…” She digs her little notebook from her purse and hands it across the table to you. “I’ll add it to the couple of days when we come back.” Cloud nudges at your jaw as you read through the daily logs.
“I like it. Taking our time everywhere. Plenty of adventure and time out for the fluffernuggets.”
“You call them by the weirdest names...” Mel mutters with a big smile as the food arrives, thanking the waitress before you take a long drink of your tea.
“They love them.” You take a couple pieces of chicken and pass it under the table, Godzilla happily chomping as you pass a piece to Cloud. “And jealousy is an ugly thing, Mel.” She passes a piece of shrimp to Linus, his little fingers on his wingtips holding onto the shrimp to tear it two.
“Uh huh. Sure.”
“So, what are you gonna wear on -” An older couple walks by, the woman tutting as she sees Godzilla’s tail under the table. You can see her counting and mentally steel yourself.
“Three.” She mutters loudly to her husband, who gives a solemn nod and steers her away. You feel a hand on top of yours, a gentle squeeze making you turn your attention back to your food.
“She’s just an old hag who doesn’t know anything.” You nod.
“She just really brought down my happy mood.”
“Then we’ll a couple drinks and go to that bookstore you like.”
“You always know the right thing to say to me.” She snorts, making you grin at your oldest friend.
“I should fucking hope so by now, honey.”
Bucky and Sam sit on the patio closest to the hanger, playing poker when Steve comes around the corner, tapping on his phone.
“How’s it going today guys? Missed our morning run.” He leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk.
“We stayed up drinking loooong after you left last night.” Sam chuckles out, throwing a card down and picking up another.
“Alcohol doesn’t affect Bucky.”
“I slept in and didn’t drag my ass out of bed that early in solidarity.” Steve snorts but nods.
“Yeah. Okay, pal. Keep lyin’ to yourself.”
“I can and I will,” Bucky replies, using his vibranium hand to scratch the scruff on his jaw with a lazy grin plastered on his face.
“Hey, guys! Uh, I mean Mr. Rogers, sir. And Mr. Barnes. And, um, Mr. Wilson.”
“You don’t have to -” Steve starts, shaking his head at Peter’s formality.
“Nah, I think I like being addressed as Mr. Barnes.”
“Just stick to first names, kid.” Sam orders, tossing down another card and making a face at Bucky.
“Right. I can do that. Mr. Stark asked me to come and get you,” Steve pushes off the wall. “Mr. Barnes. Uh, Bucky, sir.”
“Okay.” Bucky grins before laying his cards on the table. “I win. You’re cookin’ me breakfast for the rest of the week.”
“Damnit.” Sam curses as he tosses his cards onto the table.
“See you all in a bit. Lead the way, kid.” Peter leads Bucky down to the lab he built for Bruce, the two farthest walls projecting documents and a few pictures of the West Coast of the United States. Bucky carefully scans the walls as Peter eagerly announces Bucky’s arrival.
“Ah, Barnes. Just the man I sent the kid for.” Tony comes around a table and points to the documents on the left wall. “What do you see?”
“Intel on a Hydra base by the Washington/Canada border. You think it’s active?”
“I wouldn’t have. Except for this morning, the power kicked on there.” Bruce comes into the room behind Bucky, pointing to the map as Tony zooms in on the border.
“We only know this because Fury cleared that particular base after he became director. He set up sensors to alert S.H.I.E.L.D. to any unwanted visitors.”
“And I hijacked all their sensors, systems and alerts,” Tony add smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“So you want me to go scout it?”
“No, I’ve sent a suit to go do some recon. I want to know everything you know about this base… Anything they might’ve had there. Any reasons you can think of to why they’d attempt a reactivation there.” Bucky gives a little sigh before he walks up to the wall, flipping through each piece of intelligence information, racking his mind for any and all information he possessed on that base.
“Smuggling arms from Russia would be my best first guess...my second would be the terrible answer of human trafficking.” He then begins to explain the ins and out of the base, what he remembers being at the base and some of the areas they used for experimentation there.
“Jeez.” Bruce exhales loudly before rubbing a hand over his face, his dragon lifting its head from the chair in the corner, looking quizzically from Bruce to Bucky. Tony taps his fingers on the tabletop across from Bruce, thinking.
“Okay. We’ll wait for the suit to report back before alerting the rest of the team.” Bucky nods, casting an envious glance towards Bruce’s now sleeping dragon. The quick look makes Tony’s stance soften a little, something unnoticed by Bucky as he turns to leave. “Wait.” Bucky turns himself back around. “I’ve been scanning for a dragon that matches your descriptions and archival photos.” Tony has a ghost of a smile dancing in his eyes as he drops this bomb on him.
“That’s why you don’t have a dragon?” Peter pipes up from the other side of Bruce.
“Mine didn’t go into the ice with me like Steve’s. He probably ran away from the base when I fell from the train...I don’t think Howl has survived to now.”
“And you couldn’t have survived a fall from a train. Steve couldn’t have survived the ice-cold grip of the Arctic.” He leans his butt against the table he’d just been tapping on, arms crossed over his chest with a smile. “Yet here we are, Barnes.”
Bucky clenches and unclenches his jaw, fear curling in his gut at the question he’s about to ask.
“Did you find anything?”
“Got two hits so far.” Bucky’s heart stutters in his chest. “One in Scotland, the other in California.” Tony gives a sly smile as Bucky gives a firm nod, turning to leave with his human hand clenched tight.
“Hydra first.” He manages to grit out before opening the door, ready to escape to the woods just outside the base to get his thoughts straightened out.
“Portland here we come!” Tania yells as you start the rental car, making you laugh as you pull onto the road, heading to the freeway entrance.
“I can’t believe it’s been two months since all three of us have been together!” You say excitedly as you merge onto the freeway - officially starting your road trip to Portland.
“Two months too long!” Mel yells from the second row.
“So, Tania, you gotta fill us in on your brother’s wedding!”
“Ugh. Ultra small. They just had her immediate family and our immediate family plus, like, his two idiot best friends and her best friend.” She pauses, shoving a handful of thick black curls away from her lovely face. “Beautiful though.” She sighs out with a small smile on her face. “Almost exactly the colors I’d like to do for my wedding one day; light blue and black, with silver accents. Dinner was delicious! Whew! Glad I wasn’t interested in getting laid, cause all that food was too good to pass up.” Mel nearly snorts behind you as Tania continues. “A nice long dinner, some light dancing and a few rounds of shots between siblings and friends. Then I got to tuck myself into a plush hotel room, watch ‘The Wedding Date’ and nod off to sleep.”
“I think that’s the least stressful wedding you’ve ever told us about.” You remark with a quick look at Tania.
“That’s cause this is my oldest brother. Typical big bro. Looking out for everyone else. Dated Katherine for like 3 years before he popped the question. He thinks everything through. Unlike my younger brothers. Those two are idiots.”
“Hot idiots.” Mel pipes up from the back as you and Tania make faces.
“Nope. Nope. Nope.” Tania says seriously before half turning in her seat. “So, how did your date with Matt go?”
“All he wanted to talk about was work and who I thought was going to get the new promotion...How he was waiting for his soulmate after three bad relationships. Total bust.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie. Need me to find a coffee shop before we officially head out of town?”
“Nah, she ordered a dessert to go at her busted dinner and I’ve bought her like four cups of coffee since yesterday.” You interject, watching Mel’s face break out in a big smile in the rearview mirror. Tania’s dragon slips from the folded down third row up to the front, crawling into her lap and sticking its head out the window, the soft black hair on its head and back twisting and turning in the breeze.
“Our first stop?” Tania asks Mel, stroking a hand over Falkor’s black wispy hair.
“Wherever you want it to be.” Mel grins out, brown eyes meeting yours in the rearview.
It was about two hours down the line before Linus began chirping and growling, so you pulled over at a roadside area and let all the dragons out to go the bathroom and explore. You stake out a nice shaded bench to watch the four dragons play with a pair of Golden Retrievers. Dragons tended to love cats and dogs, and this was also a good chance for them to get out some of that pent up energy.
Tania demands a few selfies set against the coastline views and you suggest one with the dragons rolling around with the dogs, making you all laugh. After nearly fifteen minutes, you wander over to the middle-aged couple with the dogs, introducing yourself and thanking them for letting their dogs wear out your dragons. A few pleasantries and a loud goodbye, followed by some pets for Thelma and Louise, you herd the dragons up the hill to the bench for some water and a few snacks.
“That was a workout for everyone.” Mel chuckles, patting your back as you all head back to the SUV.
“Laugh it up. Next time wrangling is up to you, Melanie.” She just laughs as you climb back into the driver seat.
“Next stop, Fort Bragg.” Mel pipes up, holding her cell phone up for Tania to see.
Luckily, it only takes another two hours to get to Fort Bragg and the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, where Mel had mapped out your first official stop on the road trip.
After admission and grabbing some lunch at Rhody’s Garden Cafe, getting a bowl of clam chowder in a bread bowl and two lamb gyros for Godzilla and Cloud. You give Godzilla a whole one and carefully cut the other into thirds. You give a third to Cloud, putting a travel dish of water between the two before digging into your lunch. Tania joins you next, Falkor perched on her shoulder and eyeballing the two smoked tempeh gyros on her tray with glee. Mel is the last to join with a bowl of tomato basil bisque, a side salad and a lamb gyro for Linus. You discuss the flora and fauna already surrounding you, the faint scent of the ocean blowing through a few times while you all enjoyed lunch.
Forty-five minutes later you’re looking out over the Pacific Ocean, eyes closed at the serenity of it all; Godzilla pressed against your left leg while Cloud is curled around your neck. You knew your soulmate couldn’t feel the contentedness you felt, but you hoped he could.
That was the same thought you had as you laid curled up in the king-sized bed later that night with Mel hogging the covers on the other side.
I hope wherever you are, you’re safe and know that we miss you and want to meet you, soulmate.
“Suit came back negative.” Tony points to the screen running the video in the Debriefing Room. “No human traces. Followed the electrical lines back to the main breakers and … nada.”
“Nothing at all? Then who turned the power back on?”
“Still don’t know. There were no fingerprints on the breaker boxes or on the doors to and from that area. The only sign anyone had been there at all was in the semi-buried loading dock to the west of the actual facility’s blueprints.”
“So what’s the plan?” Wanda asks, looking from the footage to Tony.
“I think we should all go there. Clean out whatever S.H.I.E.L.D didn’t and then inspect that buried loading dock.”
“All of us?” Rhodey repeats, leaning back in his seat, trying to ignore Peter’s too excited looking eyes.
“Well, most of us. Leave the broken ribs twins here and Banner, of course. Vision and Rhodey will cover the outside, Steve and Wanda will go to the secret loading dock while Bucky and Sam locate wherever the loading dock’s exit should have been. I’ll recheck the systems, download all the information - if S.H.I.E.L.D left any on the servers - and I’ll call in Rhodey to do the heavy lifting, if need be, of machinery or files we locate.”
“When do we leave?”
“First thing in the morning. Better light for the Tin Man and Birdboy to search in.”
“So considerate,” Sam mutters loudly, rolling his eyes as he looks at Steve.
“Rest up team.” Steve dismisses everyone, Bucky still sitting in his chair, staring at the screen without really seeing it. Steve’s brow furrows, leaning forward in his own chair. “You okay, Buck?”
“Tony tell you he thinks he might’ve found my dragon?” Steve’s jaw drops open. “Guess not.” His entire face changes, his blue eyes lighting up and a smile growing.
“That’s great!” When Bucky doesn’t react except a nod, Steve’s dragon flits from his perch on the back of his chair to land before Bucky, letting a high pitched squeal out until Bucky offers him his hand. The ruby-colored wyvern scampers up his arm until it is able to nuzzle under his jaw.
“Thanks, Rak.”
“Don’t get too excited, Buck.” Steve snarks out, pursing his lips before leaning back in his chair.
“It’s just a lot to deal with. I thought he was dead...I thought I would just be alone, ya know?”
“You don’t gotta be alone now though. You’ll get Howl back.”
“Tony said a woman had him.”
“Your soulmate.” Steve’s breath out so reverently it sent shivers down Bucky’s back. Bucky rubs a hand tiredly over his face.
“I guess.”
“But you hope not.” He clenches his jaw before shaking his head at his best friend. “Jesus, Bucky.”
“I know, Steve. You act like I don’t fucking know.” Rak tugs sharply at a piece of Bucky’s hair at the tense air between the two men, hissing loudly when he drops his hair. Bucky turns to glare at the dragon. “Listen here, pipsqueak, I don’t need it from you too.” Rak blows a little puff of smoke at Bucky before launching off his shoulder to flit out of the room. “Stevie...it’s just a lot. All of a sudden. I mean, damn, there is no easing into it either. Tony just fucking laid it on me this afternoon and -”
“It’s all you can think of now. I get it - trust me Buck - but I wish I was in your shoes.”
“Still different shoes, Steve.”
“Shuri worked with you. You got a good therapist now. Don’t have as many nightmares or sleepless nights...I don’t see why you think you wouldn’t or don’t deserve a soulmate. You’re one of the best people I know, Bucky. Then and now.”
Bucky just sighs again, dropping his head into his hands and tugging on the long strands with frustration.
“It’s not that I’m not excited.” He begins softly. “It’s just that the cons right now outweigh the pros.”
“How exactly?”
“I am a formerly wanted Hydra assassin.”
“They cleared you of all charges against the Vienna bombing. They cleared you for helping me and the guys against Tony. But go on, drama queen.” Bucky raises his head and rolls his eyes at Steve.
“And it’s go off, Steve. I’m over a hundred fucking years old.”
“So am I. We look like we are in our thirties. Maybe she likes older men.” Bucky scoffs at his best friend’s smile.
“I haven’t seen Howl in seventy plus years.”
“Rak and I were in the ice for nearly that long. The bond doesn’t lessen by circumstances or distance. You two are a pair.”
“Alright, we both know someone else came up with that.”
“Coulson,” Steve admits with a rueful smile. “Words are still true.” Bucky rubs his hand over his face again with a sigh.
“Yeah. Yeah. Well, I guess we’ll find out after this mission.”
“I guess we will, pal. And apologize to Rak. He didn’t do anything to you, you bully.” Bucky and Steve both push themselves up from their chairs, making their way from the room.
“I’ll give him some pepperjack. You know he loves his cheese.”
“No more cheese! You aren’t the one who has to sleep with the little gas ball.”
“RAK!! CHEESE!” Bucky yells as he takes off for the kitchen, the little ruby dragon running to catch up at top speed behind the supersoldier as Steve shakes his head.
You were all up just before sunrise, walking down the abandoned Glass Beach. Tania had been up the night before, googling things to do in Trinidad when she’d stumbled upon an article about the sea glass remains in Fort Bragg. And honestly? What’s better than an empty beach in the morning with your best friends and your dragons happily bringing you seashells, pieces of driftwood and harassing seagulls? Not much.
After an hour or so on the beach, you all make the quick trek back towards town for a large breakfast, where Godzilla swallowed a whole plate of eggs and sausage before looking up at you with big sapphire eyes. You’d given in - you nearly always do - and given him a piece of your toast and Mel had given him one of her pancakes.
“Chunker.” You mutter around a sausage link, giving the other half to Cloud as Godzilla amps up the begging eyes. You don’t give in this time. But Tania does - giving him the last bit of her omelet.
Forty-five minutes later, you’re all headed towards Trinidad. It’s an almost three-hour drive, beautiful and hugged quite close to the coastline. The windows are down and the music is up, with the sea air swirling around the cab.
You arrive, everyone tying on their tennis shoes to trek out to look at the enormous redwood trees that California is known for. You snap a few pictures as Godzilla attempts to follow Cloud and Linus up a Redwood, but his little glider wings aren’t as helpful as they should be. He turns those big blue eyes up at you, with Falkor perched on his back, both looking so sad.
“Oh, Lord.” You mutter as you bend over, “Okay, you gotta help.” His head bobs eagerly before you heft Zilla up, letting his claws lightly dig into the tree to help claw Falkor and himself up. Once he gets above your head, he manages another twenty feet or so before launching off the tree and gliding back down to the forest floor. His little teeth are barely seen in what you have come to learn is his smug smile. “Yes, you did amazing. Glad to be of help.”
You refuse to help him up a bigger tree, so he begins climbing every fallen one you all come across until Mel taps out about a half hour later. You all get back to the SUV, then find a place for lunch before continuing on into Oregon. A quick stop at the state line for a photo op and letting the dragons wander around for about fifteen minutes, Tania gives a sharp whistle to round them up so you can continue on your way.
You get just past Selma when a huge rainstorm blows in. It takes an hour and a half extra to get to the next town of Wilderville. Then have to go another 9 miles to get to the nearest hotel. Mel ran out to get some late lunch/early dinner since the rain wasn’t letting up at all.
An old Godzilla movie is on, Zilla swinging his tail excitedly when he hears Godzilla’s roar through the tv, imitating him happily in his deeper tones.
“That’s why you call him that?” You shrug at Tania’s question, chuckling at all the dragons watch Godzilla battle King Ghidorah enraptured.
“My mom just always called him that. She said cause they both got cankles.”
“They do!” She squeals, withdrawing her pajamas from her luggage. A drenched Mel struggles in a handful of minutes later. She stopped at the little grocery store, getting a small pack of tea bags, some honey, and a little tray of sausages and cold cuts for the scalies. Fried chicken and some salad for you three as you look up how long the storm should last and if there are any road delays ahead.
“So, after tonight do we go to Cannon Beach or Astoria? We all know which I prefer.”
“Yeah, Y/N we know you’d rather go to Astoria.”
“HEY, YOU GUYS!” You shout happily in reply.
“Well, I think Astoria would be good too. There are trails - providing it’s not too wet after this storm - plus museums, cute little shops downtown, antique stores, Lewis and Clark National Historic Park and a waterfall. That’s not including the Goonie house, which we’ll go see for Y/N.”
“Okay, so if it’s mostly clear by like, I don’t know, 5 am then I say we head out for Astoria then. My only thing is that we are kind of off the path Mel first planned. Do we head to Bandon then up to Astoria? Cause it says,” You withdraw your copy of her itinerary. “That it’s about 5 hours from Bandon to Astoria. And right now, it’s almost 3 hours to get back on Highway 1. We could do 8 hours, provided we stop enough to stretch our legs and let out the fluffernuggets.”
“I say we do the 3 hours to get us back to Bandon. Then the next day we’ll head to Astoria. When we are done in Astoria, we’ll head to Portland to grab a hotel for the night and explore it the next day. We aren’t in a rush.”
“That’s right,” As you nod in agreement with Tania, Mel continues. “This is only day two.”
“Found anything?” Sam’s voice comes in through his earpiece, giving a little grunt as he shoved a part of a fallen tree out of his way.
“Looks like the exit. Covered in moss, leaves and a few fallen tree trunks that must have rolled partially down here. I’m about a click away from where we started.”
“Finally! Two damn days of looking...all this green blurring together. I’ll be there in a few seconds to help.” Bucky tears at the moss and vines around another trunk as he grunts out an “Okay” over the comm before Steve’s voice replaces Sam’s.
“Rhodey, Tony, Wanda and Vision are inside now, so I’m coming out to help you and Sam.”
“Gotcha,” Bucky replies, straightening up with a groan. “I got two trunks out of the way, but the last one is massive...I think the wall is behind it, and we should be able to follow the wall to the collapsed exit.”
“Roger that, Tin Man,” Tony confirms. “The last of the debris is nearly clear on this side. Wanda waved most of it away after we did the heavy lifting.”
“Right. Yes, that was exactly what happened...” Wanda’s voice is heavy on the sarcasm, making Bucky grin.
It’s nearly an hour later that Bucky and Steve manage to dislodge the trunk enough to comfortably get behind it to search the moss-riddled wall. Sam has Redwing searching along what they think is the wall, while Rak and Blackbird - Sam’s onyx little dragon - scramble along the base of the wall.
“Anything yet, Stark?” Bucky settles himself on the large log, fingers sliding into his damp locks and tying them back while they wait for Tony’s reply.
“Well, I haven’t found a secret door yet…”
“What Tony means is: yes Steve - we’ve found a mangled wall panel. Looks like it was smashed.” Bucky snorts at Wanda’s continued sass.
“I am working to fix the panel. Tony has gone back to divert the power to this end of the base.” Vision’s voice fills the comms just before they all hear a loud crack.
A rumble from the stone looking metal door shakes the ground around them as it attempts to roll itself up. By the time Tony makes it back to the dock, the door has managed to heft itself halfway up. Bucky eyes the door warily. He’s seen Indiana Jones...
“I hope we didn’t just do all the hard work for the bad guys,” Sam mutters as Rhodey, Vision, Wanda and Tony all join them carefully on the forest side of the door.
“We should blow it up,” Bucky remarks, Rak crawling up his pants and tact vest to settle on his shoulder. “That way we’re sure. The base is empty - all that’s left in there is old medical equipment I wouldn’t let anyone use, some desks and some chairs. We blow it up and then we just set up surveillance around the base and around Portland.”
Rhodey huffs out a breath in tandem with his dark emerald dragon, looking from Tony to Steve.
“I agree with Bucky, man. We get rid of the base then we get rid of the lure of any fractured HYDRA factions. Then we head to Portland for some delicious food at Proud Mary Cafe.”
Tony gestures at Rhodey, “Is that the place with the crab omelet?”
“Yep.” Bucky’s mouth waters a little at the mention of an omelet, only have a couple power bars since they’d started this morning. Portland sounds delicious at this point.
“Damn, that was almost decadent. Okay, I’m sold on Portland.” Steve rolls his eyes, making Tony smirk as his crimson and amber dragon clamors up his armor.
“We have gotten all files that were left behind. As well as documenting the whole base. We have no need for it if we are not going to occupy it.” Vision redirects the conversation back to the base. “And surveillance along the way, from here to Portland, would be excellent to execute for further knowledge on any HYDRA or other evil entities in the area. As Bucky and Rhodey have stated.” Bucky nods as he pulls a little leftover piece of jerky from his vest to give to Rak, who lets out a happy trill before Wanda reaches over to scratch the top of his head.
“Alright - you heard the Tin Men! Let’s blow her up.” He gestures back towards the half-open door. “Rhodey?”
“Tones, man, I’m gonna buy you a whole tableful of those omelets.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that.”
“Jesus. Are we like that?” Bucky mutters to Steve, smiling as Rhodey selects his weapon.
“Worse,” Sam mutters from Bucky’s left, making Steve and himself chuckle before they all head back up the hill in an effort to avoid most of the dust and debris.
“Jealousy is an ugly thing, Sam!” Bucky calls out as Sam and Wanda rise into the air, both of them sporting big grins before Rhodey launches into his destruction of the base.
“I’ve never had such pretty looking pizza!” Tania exclaims as it’s laid on the table, Godzilla’s tail thumping excitedly against your leg under the booth.
“Edible flowers and mushrooms? Ick.” Mel makes a face before picking up a piece of her fennel sausage pizza before picking up her fork and spearing a piece of the pansotti pasta to give to Linus.
“Well, we can have breakfast wherever you want.” You placate before handing a slice under the table before picking up a piece for yourself. You only got two bites in before Cloud drags it from your hand to devour it by your wine glass. “Apparently I am too slow for you, scaly.” Taking a healthy sip of your wine, you look across the table at Tania. “I saw a flag when we were walking earlier for the Portland Japanese Garden. We should check that out. The dragons like it when they can roam. Looks serene too.”
“As long as I don’t gotta hike, I’m golden with whatever,” Melanie mutters around another piece before handing one under the table for Zilla.
“If we do the Lan Su Chinese Garden, it has a teahouse!”
“Ooh, that sounds nifty Tania!”
“There’s also Powell’s City of Books. An entire city block worth of books.” Mel smiles over the rim of her glass at you. “And a hell of a coffee shop inside too.” Tania laughs, jiggling Falkor who is balanced on her shoulder, nibbling at her slice of pizza.
“If Y/N went in there, she might not come back out!”
“You say that like that’s a bad thing!” You defend, taking the last slice of your shared pizza with a playful glare at Tania.
“Think of all the money you’d spend.” Mel joins in.
“But then I’d have books…” You mutter around your mouthful.
“Your tiny little apartment can’t handle any more books.”
“That’s true,” You concede with a little sigh. “But that doesn’t mean if we have spare time, we can’t go and look!”
“Knew that was coming! Knew it!” Mel cackles, Linus giving her a judgemental look from his perch on the pasta plate as her hand slapped a few times on the table beside him.
“Well, I should fucking hope so by now.” You add smugly, taking a sip of your wine as Tania pulls out her phone.
“Okay. So what place do you want to do for breakfast, Mel?”
“I set up a reservation for breakfast for tomorrow at Proud Mary Cafe. One of the guys at my work, Tomas, says it’s the most delicious place to eat. So I set it up the day we left San Francisco since he mentioned it usually has a waitlist.”
“Holy crap,” Tania says softly as she peers down at her phone. “This food sounds decadent!”
“Read us a bit.” You request as you settle a little more comfortably into your seat.
“Savory french toast: Buttery portabella mushroom, smoked ricotta, chipotle charred greens, paprika crumb, croissant brioche, poached egg.”
“Whew. That sounds amazing!”
“Crab omelet: Singapore chili crab omelet, spicy noodles, bean sprout, and Asian herb salad, crispy onions.” She continues, licking her lips. “God I love crab.” With a shake of your head she looks up, “This is one I know you’ll want. Dutch honey hotcake: Vanilla and ricotta hotcake, mandarin segments, caramel, baked cheesecake, dutch cookie, honeycomb.”
“That’s a fancy pancake right there,” You say, handing Cloud the last piece of pansotti before reaching across to Melanie’s last slice, tearing it into thirds for Linus, Falkor, and Godzilla.
“Maybe pavlova? It’s a classic Australian pavlova with matcha, baked rhubarb, rhubarb syrup, and, ooooh, a custard cream. Damn. We should just order one of everything. It all sounds wonderful.”
“I wouldn’t say no to that!” Mel giggles out as the waitress comes over to ask about any ice cream desserts. “No thanks, we probably need to walk off what we just ate!”
“So,” Tania begins as the waitress goes to get the check. “We gonna walk for a bit then grab an ice cream cone while we’re out?”
“I wouldn’t say no to that!” You chuckle at Mel’s words, sliding the waitress your debit card when she returns.
“Or coffee.” You add.
“Or coffee. Man, I love me some coffee.” Mel replies with a grin, all of you standing after you sign the receipt, leaving a hefty tip for the waitress who had added some sausage on the side of the pasta for the scalies. “Let’s go find a coffee and ice cream place...then a park for the dragons.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” Tania agrees, tucking Falkor into her oversized handbag as they exit the eatery, all of them taking a deep breath and headed down the street.
When they checked into The Benson last night, Bucky was exhausted. Exhausted but hungry. The food nearby was outstanding, though both Rhodey and Tony both kept saying it wouldn’t be as amazing as breakfast. Sam had rolled his eyes, remarking that everything tastes “amazing” to Steve and Bucky who had grown up with boiled cabbage and then hadn’t eaten for nearly seventy something years.
“One thing they don’t need to be - food critics,” Sam had finished as they’d stepped out into the evening air.
“I had plenty of good food back in the day when I was in Italy and France, thank you very much Mr. Won’t Pass Up A Big Mac.” Bucky sasses back, shoving his metal hand into his pocket. He takes about four steps when he felt a tingle up his spine. His head moves subtly from left to right, scanning the people around.
“Buck?” Steve’s voice is soft, straightening up when he sees Bucky’s posture change. All of them are on alert now, but none sure what they’re looking for.
“Just had a feelin’...”
“Like a ‘we’re about to get sniped’ feeling or more like ‘deja vu’ feeling?” Rhodey queries as he watches a group of men cross the street.
“Like something important is gonna happen feelin’.”
“I think he means an innocent feeling or an about to be ambushed one, Sgt. Barnes.” Vision adds, his eyes moving from the building behind them to Bucky. Bucky sees a flash on white, low to the ground up the street a little, but it’s lost in the foot traffic soon after he spots it.
“Nothing malicious. Just an odd, but nice feelin’.”
“Next time, lead with that.” Tony claps him on the shoulder before moving in the opposite direction, talking about a steakhouse with the most flavorful clam chowder he’s ever had. Wanda pats his arm before trailing after Tony and Vision, a small smile gracing her face.
When they’re seated and drinks have been ordered, Bucky still can’t shake the feeling. The light conversation is interrupted by Tony’s phone.
“Uh huh. Yep. Oh really? Did you activate the satellite feed? Uh huh. Bout an hour or so, I would venture to guess. Okay. Yep. Let me know. Thanks, Bruce.”
Steve raises an eyebrow at Tony, who is eyeing Bucky with interest.
“Did you tell them?”
“I told Steve.”
“Well then, I’ll catch everyone else up.” Bucky manages a nod just before Tony begins. “After getting first-hand descriptions, photos, plus information from both HYDRA and SHIELD - I began looking for Bucky’s dragon. I started from the base where Howl disappeared then branched out from there. And then one day it hit me -”
“Here we go…” Sam chuckles out, bracing his elbows on the table as a waiter appears with their drinks.
“Where would a dragon who has seemingly lost its human partner go?” Tony pauses dramatically, taking a healthy sip of his whiskey. “To find it’s soulmate.”
“So you’re saying you found not only his dragon but his soulmate?” Rhodey takes a good swig of his beer. “Damn.”
“I’ve narrowed it down to two women, just from satellite footage, you understand. One in Scotland, one in California. I asked Bruce to keep an eye on them while we were gone. Apparently, our California candidate has disappeared. Nowhere in the state.”
“You think something happened to her?” Wanda questions, looking from Tony to Bucky, who has his jaw clenched harder than is probably healthy.
“Nothing bad.” He takes another drink. “I don’t think. Bruce is readjusting the feed to get her last location and that should take about an hour. So, by the time we finish our dinner, we’ll have an answer.”
“Excellent.” Vision smiles encouragingly at Bucky, who gives a tight-lipped smile back as a mouthwatering steak is set before him. Suddenly his hunger isn’t as all-consuming as it was before...
God, Doll, I hope you’re safe wherever you may be...I don’t know if I can take it if you aren’t…
There are quite a few people lingering outside the establishment and a few shopfronts down, settled on benches and scrolling through phones while they wait. It’s cooler than you had expected, the storm you’d encountered earlier in the week still lingering. In a few days it’ll be warmer, something the dragons will appreciate but you will not.
Proud Mary Cafe opens at 7am, but the dragons and Mel had other ideas, and you’d all gotten up right before 6. Mel and Tania had showered the night before, so you hopped in only to be interrupted by Godzilla howling for you through the door. You had to hop out to crack the door open so he could reach you, resulting in the hot water to peter out to lukewarm water in those two minutes. Tania had insisted on doing your hair, like she had many a time in college, letting you slap on some sunblock and then minimal makeup while she twisted and coerced your hair how she wanted. Herding the dragons downstairs and over to the park for some pre-breakfast walkies had woken you up better than the two cups of coffee Mel had already downed.
You’re about to enter the cafe when Godzilla shoots off down the street, you and Cloud both calling out after him. You shove your purse at Tania before tearing off after him, silently cursing his damn monitor-like body as his short but powerful legs carry him away. When you see him, he’s at the end of the block sitting on some poor man’s chest.
“I’m so, So, SO sorry!! He never does this!!” You wrap your hands around his thick black collar, attempting to tug the two hundred plus pound dragon off the man. “Bad Zilla!! Bad!! Off the nice man!!”
“Zilla? As in Godzilla?” You huff, still tugging, finally looking at the man standing beside you. Holy shit it’s Iron Man.
“Off.” The man grunts from under Godzilla, who happily obliges, his thick marble-looking tail wiggling so hard his entire body is moving along with it.
“Holy shit. You tackled an Avenger. Apologize!” You hiss at your wayward dragon, Captain Rogers helping the man up. And holy shit are you glad you said that while you could because of the specimen before you is drop dead gorgeous. Dark hair that’s hanging just past his shoulders with the most intense blue eyes you think you’ve ever encountered. He’s a good head taller than you with just enough scruff covering his cheeks to look almost sinful with his pink lips. Cloud’s sharp nails dig into your shoulder, kicking your mind back towards the fact that Godzilla just tackled the unsuspecting Avenger. “I’m very sorry, Sergeant Barnes. Godzilla has never done that before. He’s been acting off since last night. Must be all the time in the car for the last few days. I really am very sorry.”
“Told you it was a vacation - you owe me fifty bucks.”
“Shut up Tony.” Captain Rogers glares at the billionaire before smiling at you. You turn your attention back to Mr. Barnes.
“No need to apologize. I’m sure he just sensed me last night - like I sensed him.” The dots all suddenly align in your head, releasing your fingers from Godzilla’s collar.
“Oh.” You breathe out, tears coming to your eyes as you look down. “Why didn’t you say something?” He huffs, his tail wiggling dying down before snorting angrily at the super soldier’s boots.
“It’s gonna be that way, Howlite, pal?” Sgt Barnes kneels before the dragon, holding out his flesh hand.
“You said you would come back for me.” You say, causing those intense blue eyes to find yours, while you give him a small sad smile before letting your gaze drop to Zilla - Howlite. He swallows hard then nods, smiling at his dragon.
“I did promise you I’d be right back, didn’t I buddy?” Godzilla eased a little closer, Cloud switching shoulders so she can be closer to her mate, glaring at the former Winter Soldier. “And I meant to...I didn’t mean to...for things to happen like they did. But I’m glad you left. I don’t want you to see me that way, ever. And I don’t want to think about what they’d have done if they found you. You were the best, Howl. You did right and ran. I’m sorry you went seventy years without a home,” He swallows again, blue eyes shining with tears that are being fought back.
Godzilla - Howl, you mentally correct yourself again - moves closer to you, nudging your leg with his muzzle before stepping forward to rub his scaled face into James’s outstretched hand.
“Don’t worry, Sergeant Barnes. He wasn’t alone that long.” Howl is trying to shove his entire hefty body into his owner’s kneeling form, the super soldier’s smile is bright as he welcomes him, trying to wrap himself around the dragon in turn.
“Thank you.” He says gently, but with a light shining in his sapphire eyes. “Okay. Okay. I gotta introduce myself.” Howl happily disengages, his tail thumping happily against the pavement as James straightens up. His hand stretches out towards you, an unsure smile tugging on his plush lips. “James Barnes. Bucky...Bucky Barnes, actually.”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” You take his hand and both of you inhale sharply at the sensation of your skin touching for the first time. He hasn’t released your hand - not that you’re complaining - so you use your free hand to push a piece of hair out of your eyes. “We were about to have breakfast.”
“What a coincidence! So were we! Proud Mary Cafe?” Tony pipes up, sporting a huge grin.
“Um, yeah, actually.”
“Wonderful. We’ll all have breakfast together. Get to know each other.” Tony gestures towards where you’d run from, Bucky giving your hand a small squeeze before releasing it, his cheeks pink as you both realize you’ve just been staring at each other with dopey smiles painted on your faces.
Bucky walks closely beside you, although not as close as Howl who is pressed right up against his leg as he walks, your arms brushing against each other comfortably as you make your way to the cafe entrance...as if you’d walked like this a hundred times before. And it’s nice - this feeling of finding your soulmate, of finally being able to talk to them and to touch them. In fact, your fingers are nearly twitching with the need to touch him. Bucky holds the door open for you and then pulls your chair out for you when you’re all taken back to the now joined tables. This is all you could’ve asked for.
Plus you did have that week and a half left of vacation time...
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Tagging:  @moonbeambucky @thewhiterabbit42 @nobodys-baby-now @unleashthemidnight @stay-frosty-royal-unicorn @chelsea072498 @clockworkmorningglory @sakurablossom4 @marichromatic @blondecoffeecake @ourloveisforthelovely @whinywingedwinchester @feelmyroarrrr
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gagmebucky · 5 years
24, 28 & 32 with charles blackwood, pretty please? and i loooove your blog so much!! also, i tried really hard to try and find the “before you request” page/link on your blog and couldn’t find it at all. so so sorry if i did something wrong ahh! 😩💗
you are SO polite and adorable! dw about it ❤️🥰 I got you 🥰❤️
“Behave.” // “I don’t want to hear your excuses anymore.” // “If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.” (includes bodyguard!charles blackwood x princess!you, royalty au, violence in your defense, spanking, fingering, d/s dynamics, light bondage.)
do not repost.
“If you think because you’ll be queen, you speak to me that way—” Duke Eldridge is snarling at you. (or is it Eileen? Alfred? You don’t know. All you know is his nation is much smaller than yours.) His mature features are screwed up in red-faced, raging embarrassment, and his finger jabs out with the intention of shoving you backward.
Who knew pointing out an elder royal’s causal, insecurity-based sexism then making a joke about his overcompensating demeanor would have him seconds away from throttling you? Well, you did—it wasn’t necessarily your intention, but it was always a possibility.
It’s always a possibility, because you’ve done this many times before. But it’s like, being the princess, future queen, to kingdom powerful as yours that means you can go against these assholes in the way their people dream to.
Before the Duke’s index touches your chiffon clad shoulder, it’s being twisted around his back. A sickening CRACK! preluding his wimpish cries before combat boots swipe underneath his ankle that sprawls him across the ballroom floor.
The expanse had already been quieting at the confrontation, but now is effectively silent, grandiose gowns and tuxedos locked tensely on your personal guard’s wrath. A usually charming man, six feet tall with an equally intimidating mass, shifting in the physical embodiment of a tornado wrecking whatever’s in your path—and right now, he’s intent of ripping Duke Oldboy out of your way.
Charles sets a heavy, leather clad boot against his throat, blackened blue eyes narrowing. “Didn’t anyone inform you disrespecting the princess is cause for death?”
The other guards are clamoring in to make good on his word, hauling the now blanched royalty to meet his deathly fate. And, you use to try and convince him that such consequences are far too extreme, but it’s never been successful. Instead, your personal blackguard has you escorted out before you can lament your dissent.
Muttering under your breath, you don’t bother revolting, allowing two armed wards to bring you back to your suite. Truth be told, you’ve always hated the whole ostentatious party scene, and Duke whatshisface might deserve what your lifetime protector is furied to give him.
When Charles is finished, he promptly locates you. Barging into your suite without knocking as you preen in your vanity mirror, he’s splashed in blood, bow tie loose, jacket off with his white long sleeve rolled to his forearms. The anger emitting from his tightly coiled form is almost suffocating, the majority directed at you, apparent as his icy blues pierce you.
“Cosa ti ho detto, principessa?” The slow drawl of baritone Italian cuts through the air, the switch in language a calm indication of true lividity, deadly as he repeats, “What did I tell you, princess?”
Your teeth gnaw on your bottom lip, dithering between snarking back—because might as well—and accepting your fate. A bead of silence, and he narrows on you in silent demand. “Behave,” you finally say with a mild hissed quality. “You told me, comportarsi.”
“So you did hear me.” With a sardonic smile, a juxtaposition to the fire beneath the storming waters of his eyes, he presses forward, plucking a cloth off your vanity to clean blood from his split knuckles. “A simple fucking order to follow, correct? And yet—”
“It wasn’t my fault!” you suddenly blurt in a belated realization the former of the previous choices is best. “You can’t blame me. He was a dick to me first! Was I not suppose to relatitate?!”
“I don’t want to hear your excuses!” he explodes, slamming his hand on the wooden desk, almost shattering your mirror. “You were suppose to get me so I could handle it. How many times do I have to tell you that?! Princess, you know I don’t like to repeat—”
You stomp your foot like a petulant child despite being a grown woman, insisting your shifty innocence: “All I did was make a joke—”
“If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god—” he snarls with another dangerous step toward you, fists flexing at his sides.
“Or what?” you challenge, an infuriating smirk tilting. You’re the motherfucking princess; your own father doesn’t speak to you like that. “What are you gong to do, Charles? Spank me?”
The mocking prompt strikes him, first nonplussed by your blatant disrespect, processing it with parted lips. It evaporates instantly, a wicked curl of his redden lips, a considering gleam like white tips on waves in his eyes. Your stomach dips with his delighted, determined, “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
His hand shoots out to yank you forward, stumbling you into his chest while he buries it in your hair. Ruining the updo, locks falling down your back, strands cupping your cheeks, he forces your gaze on his. “Take your gown off, princess,” he growls, watching defiance flicker in your expression. His grip tightens, a sting to your scalp that has you gasping. “Don’t make me rip it.”
Your hands are trembling underneath the heat rising in your center as you grasp his wrist. “You wouldn’t,” you whimper, but the look in his eyes tells you different. Now, you’re scrambling to peel it off, and he releases you to shakily unlace the tight then flowing fabric. It’s a gorgeous piece done by hand, a blended A-line with thin straps, tied at your waist.
Unknotted, it pools around your feet, leaving you indecent. In nothing but your undergarments, it’s most exposed a man has ever seen you—a fact attributed to him (not that you have a problem with).
Goosebumps arise in the wake of his lascivious orbs, a cold heat invoked solely by his gaze and not the low temperature of your bedroom. Your face flushed, his eyes roam covetously over your skin, pushed up cleavage to the line of your navel, down the tempting V of your thighs.
A soft sound erupts from the base of his throat as he nods to your covered flesh. “What’re you waiting for?” he growls. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“You only said the gown,” you simper despite better judgement to simply obey.
Once again, you’ve astounded him and pissed him off all in one go. “You know the things I’m capable of, the things I’ve done, the people I’ve killed, and you still test me?”
You don’t back down, you should, but you don’t. “As if you’d done any of it if weren’t to protect me,” you snark matter of factly.
You’re right, and his eye twitches. “Bend over.”
“Make me.” You fold your arms and turn your back to him.
You can’t help it, truthfully. There’s an addicting rush to provoking a man like him—testing his thin patience because you’re the only who can without having a death wish.
He chuckles, low and humorless, and a shiver slithers down your spine. His hand wraps around your arm tightly, bringing his face beside yours. “You have three seconds to lay across my lap, or, instead of spanking your ass, I’ll shove my cock in it,” he utters calmly in your ear, syllables slow so the commitment to his threat sinks in.
Lightning jolts through your veins; a spike of arousal so powerful, it’s dizzying. Your breathing catches as you twist around to face him. The tension fizzles between you two, the unflinching demeanor, and your desire because of it.
“You can’t - you aren’t allowed—” you mean to speak strongly, but your voice cracks, vaguely a whimper. “You’re not suppose to say things like that to the princess.”
The hand around your arm unfurls, and he perches himself expectantly on the edge of your bed. Remaining aplomb, he merely looks at you, legs spread wide in anticipation of you. “One, two—”
Your body springs into action before your mind thinks to, draping your abdomen across his muscular thighs. There’s an echo of humiliation in baring yourself like this for him, a perverse pleasure in knowing this is a disgraceful act of princess to do—much less with the man who’s grown up alongside you in purpose of your safety. An irony there, too.
You squirm. Not your fault with an uncomfortable sensation itching at your skin in being in a position so foreign, both dynamically and physically.
Half balancing in a plank, your hands are pawing for stability on his thighs, legs shifting between finding footing flat on the ground and straightening. It’s a flail, subconsciously trying to irritate him like he’s done with you.
“Be still,” he orders but it’s just so awk—“That’s it!” he suddenly growls. Then the sharp riiiiiiiiiip of your brasserie fills the air, roughly tearing the elastic down the middle of your back and off your chest. In a similar fashion, he’s grabbing your wrists and lace immobilizes your arms just above your ass.
“C - Charles!” you whine when your vehement wiggling does nothing to budge the knot. It straddles the edge of painful and lax; a slight strain in your shoulders as a reminder it’s there yet blends uniquely with everything else you’re feeling.
“Unless you want me to gag you, I suggest you keep your pretty mouth shut,” he warns, a husky chuckle when you do just that, teeth worrying your bottom lip in replacement. “Don’t think being good now is gonna get you outta this ‘cause it’s been a long time coming, princess.”
His hand caresses your behind lightly, palming each cheek through the thin fabric of your underwear. Little noises catch in your throat, almost gasping beneath his touch, pushing to your toes in an effort to receive more.
“You’ve just got the best ass I’ve ever seen.” There’s a guttural factor to his rough praise, emphasized with his fingers kneading into your skin. “Wearing those tight skirts and dress, you were just begging for me to get my hands on them. The amount of times I had to stop myself from bending you over my knee like this.”
It’s debauched, but you want it—whatever it is. An ache throbs below like never before, and you’re helpless to soothe it, completely dependent upon him, like so many times before.
Your pinned hands clench, and you shake your head. “Charles,” you moan, beginning to wiggle, “you’re not allowed - you’re not suppose to treat the princess like—”
“If you were acting like a princess, I wouldn’t have to instill this lesson into you,” he hisses before wrenching your panties down your thighs, and you don’t get to question lesson because his palm is cracking down.
Calloused flesh on soft rings deafeningly within your bedroom, your loud cry mixed in as burning blossoms through your bottom. The pain drips low between your thighs, a confusing flash of satisfaction before disappearing with the wined back of his arm.
“Oh, God,” you warble, and you’re wriggling again, your head heavy over his thigh. “C - Charles…”
“You can do whatever you want, princess, but make no mistake, when it comes down to it, you will listen to me.” Charles twists your hair around his arm, enforcing an arch in your back to offset the sting in your scalp. It effectively stops any residual writhing, and it allows him to brace your hips firmer under his knee. You know you’re going to get it, so why are flooded in scathing eagernesss?
In a false sense, he’s rubbing over each cheek gently, and you’re squeezing your eyes shut in preparation. “You can do whatever you want, princess, but make no mistake, when it comes down to it, you will listen to me.” His voice washes over you like gravel. “And I’m going to make sure you don’t forget it.”
The wind whistles as he draws back.
“When I say, don’t do something, you don’t fucking do it.” THWACK! “When I say behave, you will behave.” THWACK! “And if you don’t—” THWACK! “You won’t sit right for weeks.”
Each blow is centered between your respective asscheeks, an evenly toned bruise to span across in the morning. Your ass can light a candle with how hot it burns, sizzling with aftershocks as the cold air breezes past your aching flesh.
You jolted with every hit, whimpers escaping, but ultimately withstood the pain. Now, with the release of your hair, you’re panting incessantly, your cheek resting on his lap, lingering tremors down your back. To make matters worse, liquid lust is trickling down your thighs, tickling and uncomfortable.
“Do you understand me, princess?” Charles pauses then, THWACK! But this time, he’s angled lower, a smack on slick flesh. “Dimmi che mi capisci, principessa.”
“I - I understand,” you rasp.
He makes an approving hum. “Good.” His hand returns to you, massaging your stinging bottom, briefly rubbing his thumbs into the tender muscle. Then he moves lower, dipping his fingers over your folds teasingly. “Look what you’ve done,” he murmurs as his fingers move lower, brushing across your dripping folds. “You’re making a mess all over my pants. I have half a mind to make you lick it up.”
“S - sorry,” you immediately moan, careening back in hopes of relieving stimulation.
He chuckles. “S’okay,” he says. “The question is, should I oblige the princess? Already spoiled rotten. Giving in would only make it worse, right?”
As he speaks, you feel his eyes taking you in greedily: how unmistakably you glisten underneath the light, the darkened glow of your abused ass, the shake of your bound wrists. His fingertips are teasing, rough pads tracing your entrance then sinking down to encircle your engorged clit.
“Please, please.” You strain to look back at him, for him to see the sincere need in your eyes. “Charles, please. It hurts,” you whimper, and you aren’t referring to the spanking.
“Princesses aren’t suppose to beg,” he mocks. “But I do live to take care of you, so…”
His fingers finish the sentence, honing in on your nub, direct pressure beginning to swirl hot and steady circles.
“O - oh!” you gasp when the furnace in your belly suddenly roars to life.
Your tippy-toe footing fumbles, but he’s anachoring a hand curled around one of your thighs, fixing your stability while he plays.
Wrists tied, bent over his lap, all you can do is take it, moans and mewls, limited squirming. His touch is skilled, tactful compared to your otherwise virgin experience (again, his fault, although without complaints.)
Palming your sex, heel slotted between the heart shape of your ass, his arrowed fingertips are working with an ever increasing pace, sponsored by your excessive wetness.
“Prissy princess, I should’ve known you’d have the cutest little pussy. So soft, and wet for me,” he croons above you, not a slow in his ministrations, the pit in your stomach preparing to combust. “But I think it’d be even prettier after I’ve fucked it all abused.”
Your nails cut crescents into your palms, gasping as the dizzyingly sweet sensations swell. “Charles, oh, God,” you moan, eyes shutting while waves begin to crash.
“Is that what my filthy, little princess wants?” he continues, a ravenous note to the husky question. “Wanna match with this pretty spanked-red ass of yours? Fuck you so you’ll still feel the burn days later?”
A cocoon of heat engulfs you snugly, blazing as convulsions involuntarily wrack your body, so strong you almost rip your ties off. For over several seconds, the most pleasurable sensation render you wild, only waning with the reluctant end of his caress.
Once he’s sure it’s died down, a few twitches as you go slack, you’re being maneuvered. A careful and gentle shift places you on your bed, laying you out in your belly because your ass still resounds with smarting pain. Your bra-turned-bind is pulled free, your arms instantly going underneath your face despite your wince at the sudden movement.
“I’m going to take care of you,” he says but you already know it. “I’m going to take care of you, princess.”
[masterlist / feedback]
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ppeasants · 5 years
Ok, so, imagine this.
A Zelda AU or game or fic or something, where the three Triforce people are friends (how original, I know). Hear me out tho. It's gonna get extremely emotional (hopefully).
It starts like a whole bunch of years in the future. Like, so long that nobody remembers the legend of the Triforce, or the goddesses, or anything, except for maybe like 1 or 2 historians or something who believe it as myth. Maybe kinda like a BOTW world but before the Calamity, and with no Guardians or stuff. All the kingdoms are generally at peace or whatever, and Hyrule is the main one.
So, the Gerudo's birth a man, their first in however many years (it's Ganondorf). They have no idea what's going on, or why is happening and shit, so they talk with their elder, and they're confused too, so they go to Hyrule Kingdom, and they don't know what's going on. Nobody knows what's happened, but the Hyrule Kingdom is also celebrating the recent birth of a princess (it's Zelda), so they set up meetings to talk about this, and the two kids get to know eachother after a while. Also, some random other kid is born around the same time (it's Link).
So, Zelda and Ganondorf hang out and become friends, and Link is born to a travelling family of merchants or something, just to get him moving around and training to survive, and he meets Ganondorf and Zelda among his travels as kids at different points. eventually Link and his family settle down in Hyrule, and he grows up there from like 6-7 onwards. He sees Ganondorf coming in every once in a while, so they hang out and become friends. Ganondorf is usually coming with his family now that they know the royal family, and the two hang out, meaning Zelda and Ganondorf hang out. So Ganondorf makes Zelda and Link meet, and the two know eachother a little bit, so the three become friends.
They become super close friends, like REALLY close, cause they're the only people who aren't family who don't treat eachother differently, as Zelda is royalty, Link is mute, and Ganondorf is a Gerudo man. They grow up together, with Zelda on track to becoming queen, Ganondorf on track to becoming king, and Link being a commander or head guard or some shit. They're all extremely close, and good people, and it seems like the legend won't happen, not that people know about it anyways.
But you can't go against fate.
One of the advisors the king is visited by one of the historians or some shit who know about the legend of the Triforce, Hylia, and Demise, and how the man born into the Gerudo's will cause chaos or something. So, the advisor, tells the king and queen, and they get scared. Slowly they start to dissuade Zelda from seeing Ganondorf, thinking he's bad. She doesn't listen, so they get more drastic, like not allowing him into the kingdom, them not allowing Gerudos in, then stopping trade with them, and other stuff like that. Both Zelda and Link get mad with this, so they find workarounds to keep hanging out with Ganondorf.
Ganondorf and his people are really mad about this, but they don't do anything, hoping it'll blow over, cause they don't wanna start a war. Zelda and Link let him know they're against this.
Eventually, the historian and advisor convince the King and Queen to take action, so they do. They send in someone secretly to set fire to Gerudo Town. The entire city gets lit aflame, and about half the people or something make it out. the other half die. Ganondorf and his family makes it out. The king and queen, trying to save face or something, offer refuge in Hyrule, and offer apologies for not letting them in. With nowhere else to go, they all go there.
Ganondorf is devastated, so the three end up living together, and things seem to be going better. Then, Gerudo people start dying left and right. No one knows what's going on, a d eventually, Ganondorf's family is killed. Just as Ganondorf is about to be killed himself, the last living Gerudo, he manages to capture the attacker, who says it was the king and queen who not only hired him to kill the people in the town, but set fire to Gerudo Town.
Of course, Ganondorf is mad. He activates Ganon mode or something and goes on a rampage. Link and Zelda manage to calm him down, but not before he destroys part of the city. The king and queen banish him, and put a bounty on his head. Link and Zelda, furious at Hyrule, chase after him.
Eventually, they all meet, and talk about everything. How Ganondorf's family and people were killed, how he has a bounty, and how they came looking for him. Ganondorf asks how Zelda could let this happen. She says she didn't know about it. Ganondorf doesn't believe her. They fight, and they ask Link to choose a side. He picks Zelda.
Ganondorf with tears in his eyes says he's done. He's not gonna be nice. If people see him as a villain, then he'll be a villain. They try to talk him out of it, but he doesn't listen. He hits Link on accident, and he runs away in horror at what he's done. The two go back.
They tell the king and queen what happened, and they say they knew he was always evil. Link and Zelda counter, saying he was never evil, still isn't, just angry at the world and misguided. The advisor and historian walk in, and talk about the legend, and how they need to stop the evil before he can destroy everything. They say he's not evil. The historian convinces them to go out and activate their Triforce pieces to fulfill the prophecy.
They go out, link goes dungeon crawling like in the games, and Zelda does some soul searching or something, and they do it. Ganondorf also activates his by sheer anger and training or something.
They come back, and the historian reveals herself to be a messenger of the goddesses. She was planted to make sure the prophecy was fulfilled. She gave the ideas to outcast Ganondorf and the Gerudo's, she brought the person to set fire to Gerudo Town, and she hired the person who went around killing the Gerudo's. She reveals the goddesses influenced the king and queen to do this, because they need their prophecy to be fulfilled, no matter how cruel they need to be. They release the king and queen, and they feel ashamed at what they've done.
Just as Link and Zelda are in the middle of exploding at everyone in the room, there's a loud crash outside. They go out and they see Ganon rampaging in Hyrule. They go out to try to talk to him, but they can't.
So they have to fight him. They don't want to, but they do. And they win. They subdue him, but they don't kill him. He reverts back to Ganondorf, injured, but awake.
He yells at them to finish him off, they refuse. They let out all of their frustrations, their anger at everything for eachother, and what has happened to them. How the world, the goddesses, everything, has ruined all of their lives. How they just wanted to live their lives, be friends, and how they can't. How the goddesses forced them to fulfill a destiny which only caused them pain.
How even though he wants to, Ganondorf can't give up on his revenge. He knows how much it'll hurt everyone, how much it'll hurt his friends, himself, but he can't stop now. He's gone too far. He only wants his people back.
How Zelda doesn't want to be a ruler. How much she doesn't want to lead a kingdom that committed genocide on an innocent people, but she knows she has to, if only to make up for their mistakes. She only wants her innocence back.
How Link doesn't want to kill his friend. His friend who only knew hardships, and came out a good person, but was forced to be evil by some people who play with lives. He doesn't want to, but he knows he has to, it's his destiny. He only wants his friends back.
So they fight. They fight with the pain and anguish that they were pawns on someone else's game, and they have to suffer for it. There's no reason for it, but they have to, and it hurts. And Link wins. Ganondorf smiles, and Link and Zelda cry. And Ganondorf dies.
The historian disappears. The king and queen relinquish the throne to Zelda. She rules over Hyrule, only trying to right the wrongs of her people.
Link left hyrule, and just wanders. Like his family used to do, he lives alone and in the wild, but never visits Hyrule or the remains of Gerudo Town. He just walks.
And somewhere, a lone escaped Gerudo Lady gives birth to a beautiful Gerudo daughter.
And the cycle continues.
This is probably really incoherent and also already done and also not very good, but I've just wanted to get this idea I've had out into the world.
I would def have a lot more fluff b/w the trio before shit goes down, and I would write a lot better (hopefully) when it's actually a story.
Let me know if it's any good, and what changes I should make, and what I could add. Also lemme know about other similar stories, cause I wanna read them.
If u read through all this word garbage, thanks :).
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
Floating White Lotus
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Au inspired by @captainkirkk for the Tea Boat AU. Here is the link of the original post. (X)
Book One: Water
Title: “Plum Tea”
Chapter: Beginning - Previous Chapter - 9 - Next Chapter
Rating: T (curse words mainly.)
Genre: Humor, Drama, and more humor.
Shoutout to  ProudGeek4Ever! For beta reading this! (She is not on this site far as I know.)
Summary: Floating White Lotus, a former fire nation ship that was converted into a traveling tea shop. The shop is led by the rumored the Dragon of the West, (No knows if this is true or not… yet) and his nephew who wishes to forget the everlasting war. Well, until a certain someone decided he’d be the perfect fire bending instructor.
Archive Of Our Own: Floating White Lotus
Fanfiction.net: Floating White Lotus
Wattpad: Floating White Lotus
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Plum Tea
It is used to maintain healthy bones. Could help with restoring lost bone density and protecting the body against age related impairments. The copper in plums are essential for nerve health and also acts as an antioxidant. Helpful for anemia-like blood related diseases. (Gran-Gran loves plum tea. Jee hates it.)
Sokka resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the young monk. "You mastered airbending and that only took you a hundred and twelve years. I'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer." Aang had been pacing in Appa's saddle for what seemed like forever while going on about how he needed to learn the rest of the elements. The deadline didn't help. "I'm sure Katara could teach you some waterbending."
Katara nodded and reached over to put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down. We'll work it out."
Aang sighed and sat down.
"Sokka has a point. I can probably teach you the stuff I know." Katara tried her best to cheer him up.
"You'd do that?"
Sokka ignored them from then on and pulled out the scroll he took from Shyu. The content had him wondering about Zuko's past. The older teen had to know certain information to get in contact with the only Fire Sage who still was an ally of the Avatar. Zuko sometimes gave backhanded facts about himself. Now Sokka was asking himself just how many of those were true.
Fact One: Zuko is from the Fire Nation. That much had to be true since the guy was a firebender
Fact Two: Zuko came from a high standing family with connections. How else would he know as much as he did? He'd probably had tutors.
Fact Three: He knew Fire Nation tactics and strategies. Sokka could easily recall all the things Zuko had taught him. How to fight and avoid the Fire Nation had been one of the first lessons they'd had.
Fact Four: Zuko didn't like the royal family. He'd never said it out loud, but it was obvious if one focused on the little things. Comments made in passing by and gestures he thought no one saw at the mention of the royal family.
The fourth fact was the one that boggled him and he didn't know why. It wasn't unusual to dislike the royalties of the Fire Nation. Most of the members of their tribe didn't like them either. Zuko was different though. It felt personal and he just didn't understand. It wasn't just Zuko. The rest of the ship's crew obviously shared the same kind of views.
Iroh would always look at Zuko's face when the topic came up. Well, more like his scar.
It didn't make sense. It wasn't like the Fire Lord personally burned him.
Katara waved a hand in front of his face and brought him out of his thoughts. "We need to find a good water source."
Zuko didn't know if he should be annoyed or resigned at his uncle's antics at this point in his life. The man had changed their course completely because of a missing lotus tile. That's why they were currently at a random port. Of course, his uncle needed to find a new lotus tile. It was always about the lotus tile. They really should just get several of them to prevent this from happening again.
At least they could pick up some supplies.
Zuko heaved up the giant wicker basket. They had ended up finding more than a few good bargains. It thankfully kept his mind occupied by other things than idiotic pai sho tiles.
Well, it did until an overly familiar voice called his name. It was impossible. The universe couldn't hate him that much. Zuko did his best to ignore it all. He wanted to get back to his shopping and get out of here. He definitely didn't need to get dragged into whatever mess they'd gotten themselves into this time. He was not prepared to deal with this today.
Zuko hummed happily as he caught sight of a stunning tea set. He had been meaning to get a new one. He did his best to forget the fact that his friends were being chased around by a band of pirates in the corner of his eye. It was not his problem.
It was getting increasingly difficult to convince himself of that.
"Are you not going to help your friends?"
Zuko took a deep breath before facing Iroh and Jee. They were both giving him identical stares. "No, I am no-"
"-are you not going to help your friends?" Zuko cursed under his breath. The Iguana Parrot had been following him so he hid behind a tree shake it off his trail. Against his better judgement, he went after his friends to figure out why they were being chased by pirates. At least it wasn't Zhao. That was the last thing he needed right now.
When Zuko finally lost the pesky creature he could continue on his way through the forest. He suspected the Gaang as Sokka named them had gone for a water source. So there he was looking for large bodies of water. Luckily he had a map and a general idea of where to go.
He kept going further into the forest and cursed his inability to stay out of his friends' business. He would much have preferred to run off and forget, but his stupid moral code wouldn't allow it. His friends needed him to get them out of trouble. Again.
The sound of running water brought Zuko relief. When he got closer to the water he heard curing that made him pause. He recognized those curses. A short distance from him Katara was hopelessly trying to waterbend.
"Hey Sokka! Sokka... Sokka..." Aang poked Sokka in a desperate move to gain his attention. "Sokka."
Sokka opened his eyes slowly. A grimace overtook his face as he felt the poking. Aang still didn't stop. "What?"
Aang bashfully looked away from him which caused him to sit up. The airbender scooted away. Katara was nowhere to be seen. Of course... Sokka wouldn't be surprised if she had gone off somewhere to practice those waterbending moves in the scroll she'd stolen from the pirates. "It's night, Aang. That's when people sleep."
"I can't sleep." He moved so that he was sitting next to Sokka.
Sokka grumbled. "Of course you can't." He let out a yawn and plopped down on his back to look up at the starry sky. He motioned for Aang to do the same. "Still wondering about Zuko?"
Aang let the question sink in before answering. Zuko was the reason he couldn't sleep. He had to get Zuko to teach him firebending, but how? Especially now when Roku had given such a warning. He needed to master all elements before the end of summer and he was nowhere near ready...
Sokka finally interrupted Aang's worries. "Zuko hates using his firebending. He once mentioned that his sister was better and even went as far as to call her a prodigy. Apparently, his father favored her and didn't bother hiding it."
"What about-" Aang covered the left side of his face with his hand.
"Not my story to tell." Sokka shrugged. "Zuko may be a firebender, but it's clear that he understands the destruction it brings along. You should have seen how the tribe reacted when we saw him bend that first time to save Gran-Gran. It's hard to say who was most terrified, us or him."
Silence fell before them once more.
"We may be in a hurry, but give it some time." Sokka turned his head to look at the younger boy. "If worst comes to shove we'll just kidnap him. I talked with Iroh and agreed with the plan."
Zuko wanted more than anything to get away from Katara's never-ending question or more accurately demands answers about his reservations of teaching Aang firebending. He did everything he could think of to avoid answering. At last, he had enough and went to Sokka.
Sokka understood why he was holding back some information and didn't want to open up old wounds.
"Why can't you help train Aang?" Katara asked for the second time in less than five minutes. They were standing at a river and she was unintentionally waterbending. Her emotions were quite clearly out of control.
"Look." Zuko ran his fingers through his hair as he considered his next words. "I can't do it, but you could try to find my old master. If he believes Aang is ready to learn then I'll teach him. Otherwise, I won't until I'm sure he's ready."
"Promise." Zuko agreed and reached over to pluck the scroll from Katara's hands. She yelled out, but stopped when he shot her a glare. "You are not only risking your life for a scroll, but also your brother's and Aang's."
Katara huffed and crossed her arms. "I never had anyone to teach me how to bend properly and Aang needs to start learning."
"There you are!"
Katara and Zuko turned to see the pirates coming towards them. Katara prepared to go on the offense.
"How much?" Zuko held up the infamous scroll.
"What make you th-" One of the pirates started to say but was cut off when the Captain smacked him to shut up.
"300 gold pieces." The captain gave him a devious smirk.
"It was 200 gold pieces!" Katara spluttered.
"350." The smirk only seemed to grow.
Everyone watched as Zuko bartered for both the scroll and the freedom of the Gaang. She had to give it to Zuko. He had skills. He and the captain kept trying to outdo each other.
"150! That is my final offer!"
"Make it 200 and you'll leave my friends alone."
"This is mine now. Mine. I am going- didn't you learn anything? Don't steal!"
Tag List: @amynchan, @darkshadowguardian, @aliendoodles2
Tag list is still open.
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clockvvorker · 5 years
Therion's Past: An Insane Meta/Headcanon Post
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[cracks knuckles] all right I'm taking this literally 2% seriously, almost skim seriously, but this is a very serious headcanon that I refuse to let die until squenix tells me otherwise. So, without further ado, I present:
Hornburgian Therion, Royalty Therion and Both Of Them Put Together In A Clusterfuck of Headcanons I Call Hornburgian Royalty
(Mega spoilers for the entire game, including & especially Gate of Finis!)
Some Note Before We Begin
I make use of biblical allusions and parallels between Therion of Christianity and Therion of Octopath Traveler, mostly near the end, and as neat little conjecture rather than concrete evidence towards my theories. Usually, I’ll more often than not be talking about Therion of Octopath Traveler, but if I ever feel the need to make the distinction (like when talking about both of them in the same sentence), I’ll use C!Therion for the Beast from Christianity, and OT!Therion for the Octopath Traveler character.
Like mentioned before, some of the later bits and pieces will just be conjecture and mutual allusions to add strength to arguments rather than to be held as evidence by itself, so take those with a grain of salt. The larger arguments, however.....I’m very serious about those.
I may have forgotten some things, so pardon if I have to go out and edit this to complete some thoughts that I may have left unfinished. This is close to 3,000 words long and I haven’t proofread it yet.
If you have anything to add regarding anything in this document, feel free to send it my way!
Royalty Therion; Or, The Most Likely Explanation But That's No Fun Now, Is It?
Honestly, it almost feels as though they wanted to hint at this but didn’t do it enough.
Starting off strong character-wise, we’ve got the glaring similarities between Therese and Therion, namely the fact that they’re the only known characters with ‘unnatural’ hair colors in the game- that is to say, silver (and white) hair isn’t normally found in nature, while everybody else has colors ranging from normal blond to black; ‘anime’ colored hair isn’t exactly prevalent in Orsterra. It could be coincidence, but so could everything else and so I like to interpret it as not. Instead, it could be genetics. Bloodline, a recessive gene passed down more easily through the royal family or a branch thereof. Not to mention, mind, that Therion's hair is, if not confirmed, then highly implied to be naturally white. After all, while gaining white hair from shock or mental stress has been used in anime before (my own knowledge only really extending to Allen Walker from D. Gray-Man), it's clearly shown that Therion has white hair before his ordeal with Darius, and not enough is known before their meeting to imply any shock large enough for such a biological change (as unrealistic as it is to begin with). As for hair dye....while enough can be said of a thief not wanting a hair color that sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of Orsterra (in fact, there’s no strategic benefit, only loss, to dying his hair white), the lack of untouched roots also lends itself to the fact.
Also to note is that Therion actually shares his green eye color not with Therese but with Princess Mary, with whom Therese does also share a biological (if distant) relation.
Another thing I would like to address, while less related to their direct blood lineage, is the similarities in their name. It's mostly just convenient coincidence, but THERion and THERese both have seven letters and begin with the same four letters, albeit with different pronunciations; this could possibly lend itself to a naming trend within the family. Also, while I’ve noted time and time again that Therion is most likely derived from the name of The Beast in Christian lore, the origin of the word itself is quite literally greek for 'beast'. The hunted. Therese can also be derived from Greek. The meaning? 'Huntress'.
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Hunter and hunted. The one who stayed, and the one who ran away. Everybody's names have had some sort of symbolism related to their path, however distinct (Tressa's name quite literally meaning 'third', as she is third in OCTOPATH order, and Ophilia's name is a direct foreshadowing to the death of her father and subsequent madness of her sister) or vague (Alfyn's name relating more closely to his action of chasing after the apothecary from his past, for example), and yet Therion's seems to be out of place. This could be the missing link.
Game mechanics wise, my reasoning gets iffier, but there’s still some evidence, or at least nice potential for world-building, going around. The most notable is the fact that the only known characters who wield swords in-game are trained mercenaries and knights, as well as Therion, who, as far as we know, had only traveled with Darius beginning at age 12. Other NPCs and enemy mobs preferred to use alternative weapons, namely daggers and spears. Sure, you can chalk this up to “okay but OT just needed another sword-using class to balance out the game mechanics”, but that’s no fun. Instead, I offer another explanation: Therion was formally trained in swordplay at a younger age, before he was introduced to Darius who wouldn't be able to teach him due to his own lack of training. Furthermore, because of this small time frame (roughly six years, if Therion started at the tender age of 6 as was the average for similar, real-life medieval societies), it's likely that Therion was either very gifted at swordplay to be able to learn it so quickly, pushed mercilessly by the person training him, or both- all likely assumptions for somebody with a noble birthright.
Hornburgian Therion; Or, More Fun And Also Still Plausible So Just Let Me Have This One Thing, Square Enix
Let's shift our gears here and talk geography for a minute; more specifically, I want to talk about four distinct locations related to both Therion and Hornburg. While the first two may be more obvious, Bolderfall and Hornburg itself, I'll be talking about the other two locations quite extensively as well: Saintsbridge and Riverford. While we know from the guidebook that Therion's first known location was his meeting with Darius in Saintsbridge, this also puts him in close proximity with Riverford- one of the pivotal locations, if not the most pivotal, pertaining to the Fall of Hornburg.
First, the obvious. Bolderfall and Hornburg have very similar geographic makeups; they’re both assumedly dry, arid locations with cliffs and other topologically similar features. Really, that’s all I have to say about that. There is potential for Therion having settled in an area similar to the home that he had lost in the war.
Yeah. That’s all I’ve got.
.....is what I would say, but wait, there’s more! Let’s take a look at the lower lefthand corner of the full map of Orsterra (shoutout to IGN for the high quality image).
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We see that three- nay, four important points are located all in this area. “Four, but Hornburg isn’t located here!” No, I’m talking about the Orewell/Quarrycrest area where Darius betrays Therion, but that’s only important with regards to the actual story, not quite this meta, so it won’t be touched upon here.
The first place of importance is Saintsbridge, the city where Therion meets Darius for the first time. The second place, Bolderfall, where Therion begins his story path. And the third, Riverford. Now, the question here is, if Therion were from Hornburg, than how would he have ended up so far into Orsterra?
Riverford is the answer to that question. Riverford is most commonly known as the city where you fight Werner at the end of Olberic’s path; that is to say, he is the number two instigator of Hornburg’s ruin (number one being Lyblac). It’s revealed in the journals found in the Gate of Finis that, while orchestrating the fall of Hornburg, Werner also invests in the trust of ‘powerful men within Hornburg and without’. Adding onto that the fact that Werner has enough prestige and money to buy the entire city of Riverford after Hornburg falls, it would make sense for the area to also serve as an out-of-Hornburg base or otherwise sanctuary for Werner and his men before the fall.
In which case, since Riverford now has ties to Hornburg, how would Therion get there? The simplest answer is that he had arrived of his own free will. After all, Werner had been recruiting both mercenaries and ruffians alike, and a thief like Therion would surely be on Werner’s radar (granted his young age, however, this may not hold as much water). While serving under Werner, either as a ‘villain’ in his little act or as a courier or other role suited for a fleet-footed thief, there’s potential for Therion to travel back and forth between Riverford and Hornburg, therefore giving him a reason to be in both Riverford and Saintsbridge, as the next city on the road towards Hornburg (at least, considering the impassable terrain between Riverford and Marsalim).
The second answer, and I’ll go over this in the next section, is a little more extreme.
Therion was abducted.
Hornburgian Royalty AU; Or, Put On Your Pirate Hats Because We’re Sailing Into Crack Theory Territory Now Boys (Actually There’s A Lot Of Allusions And Parallels So Strap In We’re Going Meta-Diving)
Let’s put this all together, now. We’ve got Royal Therion and Hornburgian Therion. Why not both? However, while we can pull a few things from both previous headcanons - namely the knowledge of swordplay from Royal Therion and the geographical preference from Hornburgian Therion - there’s also one more story-based piece of information I want to look at.
Namely, the connection between Therion and Beowulf I, the first king of Hornburg.
I’m gonna pull these two pieces from The Records of House Ravus specifically as a basic gist of my reasoning:
“The dragonstones were bestowed upon the first Lord Ravus by the legendary King Beowulf I of Hornburg, and they have been passed down in our family ever since.”
“It is said that the great sorcerer Odin Crossford used the power of the dragonstones to seal shut the Gate of Finis. Crossford had campaigned together with King Beowulf and aided him in the founding of Hornburg.”
There is a lot of allusion and generational referencing of the original closing of the Gate within the journals for the Gate of Finis, and this is only part of the excerpt itself. Odin Crossford, King Beowulf, and Lord Ravus are all tied into the lore behind the Dragonstones here, and we’ve obviously seen why the names Crossford and Ravus are so important (especially considering their kin also play major roles in the plot). King Beowulf gives the dragonstones to Odin Crossford to seal the Gate of Finis, and those dragonstones then go to the first Lord Ravus for safekeeping. We see that the most recent Lord Ravus (Cordelia Ravus’s father, assumedly) loses the dragonstones during a family strife, which connects the past Ravus to the future. Obviously, Graham and Kit Crossford act as two different keys to opening the Gate of Finis, which parallel Odin Crossford closing the Gate. So here we have a cyclical series of events, but there’s one thing missing. King Beowulf doesn’t have a seemingly present-day counterpart.....but who gave the dragonstones to the Ravus family?
Or a better question is, who gave the dragonstones to the Ravus family after he retrieved them all during the events of the game?
Now, we know that Cordelia is related to the first Lord Ravus through direct lineage; the same can be said for Graham (and Kit by extension) being directly related to Odin. Through this series of parallels, it also wouldn’t be a stretch to say that Therion, despite lacking a proper (known) surname, could also be related to the first King Beowulf (also without a surname, mind you, just as the late King Alfred is without a known surname) through direct blood lineage because of this parallel of roles.
........there’s actually a lot of real-life allusions connecting both Beowulf and Therion, including the role of dragons (although this one is shaky at best when you compare the dragon that mortally wounds Beowulf in the eponymous poem, directly opposed to the ‘dragon’ said to bestow power on C!Therion) and the role of royalty and divine power (also interesting to note that, while Beowulf from the poem is a direct king, C!Therion represents a king who is not and never was, leading back to possibly alluding OT!Therion as some sort of punished or escaped royalty). Literally all of this is pointless trivia, though, and doesn’t serve as hints or proof, but rather interesting tidbits that could lend itself to some alluded connection between the two. In other words? None of it matters, but I like to pretend it does.
Speaking of names, have you noticed the similarity between the pronunciations of Therion and Ferien, the kingdom that King Beowulf I was prince of before founding Hornburg? Because I did. It’s weird. Absolutely pointless to mention, but still really weird.
Supplement: Hornburg’s Collapse; Or, Erhardt, Darius, And Where Everything Fucking Fits
I’m not going to go into too much detail here, but with regards to specifically Hornburg Royalty, this is a hypothetical order of events; everything labeled to the furthest left is concrete canon, while every indented bullet is conjecture and theory. This is also where I go into a bit more detail about Therion’s kidnapping and subsequent arrival in Orsterra.
T-22: Therion is born
T-21: Erhardt’s village burns down
T-20: Werner forms the Black Brotherhood; this is the earliest possible moment for Erhardt to join the Black Brotherhood.
T-17: After three years of gathering intelligence, Werner begins to enact his plans; this is the earliest possible moment for Erhardt to join the royal guard.
T-17 - T-10: Somewhere in this time frame:
Hornburg falls victim to a war (civil war?)
Therion is abducted and taken to Riverford- potentially by Werner, but also potentially by Lyblac or another one of her cohorts
Therion subsequently escapes from Riverford and arrives in Saintsbridge, where he gets imprisoned
T-10: Therion meets Darius in Saintsbridge jail
T-8: Hornburg Falls 
T-8 - T: Somewhere in this timeframe:
Erhardt travels to Wellspring
Olberic finds refuge in Cobbleston
T-6: Darius Betrays Therion
T: Present-Day Octopath
That leaves a ten-year gap (from T-20 to T-10, but mind you, Therion is two at the start of that gap, so it’s highly unlikely the timeframe is quite that large) for Therion to learn swordsmanship and thievery skills and ‘go missing’. Within that gap, Therion would also have to have been kidnapped, either by Werner or Lyblac. While Werner is much more active in the plot against Hornburg, it is equally likely that Lyblac is the one to ‘dispose’ of Therion; it would give reason for Therion to have been taken care of despite Werner’s lack of knowledge of the king having an heir, and would equally give reason for Therion to lack memories of being kidnapped by Lyblac, because something something goddess powers.
Takeaway; Or, Kiril Is Fucking Crazy, Seriously, You Don’t Have To Sugarcoat It, I Know Already
Nah, for real bro, I know almost all of this is based on pointless coincidences and pushpin-string evidence, but it’s something that’s been in my mind ever since I first played through the game last July. I guess I just......needed an outlet, and wanted to get this out before
And on the off chance that this is real? That somehow, no matter how small or insignificant, I managed to hit a single nail on the head with some of this conjecture and crack theory levels of reasoning?
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contact--light · 6 years
a promptis fic catalogue post
note: I made this as like my own personal directory type thing when if I suddenly have the urge to reread a particular fic I already read, I would look at this and be like oh yeah that’s the bitch
all these fics are completed and are as promptis-centric as possible, so I put down other pairs that also feature in the stories (sadly, I don’t do ot3/ot4). please note I still have a ton of other promptis to read too so if u don’t see a fic that’s like THE ONE ppl have read, that’s bcos I’m still finding the time to read it in one go (can’t read fics on and off or else I’ll get side-tracked and forget the plot completely)
ALSO each and every story absolutely bangs so I put a little comment about them so if the authors ever see this, know I am incredibly sorry if I have offended you with how I worded my praises, but know that they are praises of the highest calibre that I can write this is why I’m not a writer lmao
ALSO possible spoiler alert for the main game and the fics I rec. it’s a ‘fic directory’, not a well written one but it’s good enough for me and if other people enjoy it, very cool, I like u, let’s be pals
Links to the story and links to the author’s other promptis works are provided (if available)
ANYWAY, on to the nitty gritty! There is no god in the order I rec these fics, absolutely no order, except the end of the list are the mega angsty fics but aside from that, again, there is no god in this list.
lucidus by scylaire
12,270 words | Rated T
this au is so feel good like minimal angst (but bcos resident emo prince just can’t be himself w/out some angst), mad fluff bcos of cuddle buddy prompto, and they in college. all in all, a very nice fic
runaway by tenzoh
70,828 words | Rated M
other pairs: minor lunyx
I can’t believe this fic broke into my house and straight up murdered me. I love this one and will reread this again when the other fics aren’t trying to barge through my door like I’m dodging tax. this canon divergence goodness is based on if no one fucking died, which is a godsend of a fic already, and oho u might think ‘oh that’s good!’ that no one dies, well tru but the dRAMA and the SCANDAL and noct’s priorities man oh man
the loveless prince by niuniu
196,869 words | Rated T
this absolute unit took me 4 days to read despite having work and uni bcos it had one of my fave tropes: soulmate au, so I was instantly hooked, it’s also somewhat canon divergence bcos noct is still a prince and the astrals are around but bruv, every chapter I finish got me thinkin like “what happens next will shock u”; absolutely gripping stuff ‘eva is a story that repeats’
cactus in the valley by liziscribbles
112,330 words Rated M
other pairs: gladnis, iris/aranea
another absolute unit of an college au that has all the ingredients of a wonderful soap opera (as is promised on the fic’s tags): DRAMA ✅ DISASTER ✅ LOVE ✅ RESOLUTION ✅ ARDYN ✅ liziscribbles writes a TON of promptis, I swear I’ve read most of them and I rate them so check their other stuff out too
in another time by dragongem777 & kiacoral
85,687 words | Rated ehh I’ll guess about M
other pairs: mad gladnis happenin outchea
I’m hesitant to call this a canon divergence bcos it’s based on the main storyline but it’s essentially a reincarnation au and BOY DOES IT DELIVER. the lads one by one recall their past lives and we follow their journey on how they find each other and how prom and noct fall in love all over again #the gladnis is pretty heavy in this one
the royal wedding of noctis and prompto by latias_likes_pizza
6975 words | Rated G
other pairs: gladnis, lunyx and cindy/aranea
I read this when I feel down bcos it’s my pick-me-up fic, this is the promptis royal wedding ending we all deserve and more, you can really feel the love in this fic and I can’t emphasise enough how much I adore this work
emperor who? by andromedas_void
3,817 words | Rated G
I really rate this fic bcos I like emperor prompto aus and I really beg for more of this goodness, this has tons of potential but it’s terrific as a standalone piece
the last prince of tenebrae by oh my fae
21,694 words | Rated M
Oh my fae? More like Oh my DAY...S. I haven’t read this for the second time in ages but I remember feeling really good about reading this and I saved it on my phone’s bookmarks so that must deffo mean it bangs. this is another prince prompto au but if he was the 3rd nox fleuret sibling wHICH at the time I found this was (lady gaga) SPECTACULAR, NEVER THE SAME, TOTALLY UNIQUE, COMPLETELY NOT EVER BEEN DONE BEFORE
affogato by moonside
55,442 words | Rated E for hEhEhEhEhE noice
other pairs: bare gladnis
most works by moonside are actually so good so go check their whole ffxv works out too if u like this one. I’m gonna be completely honest, based on emotional memory, this fic made me feel good but the actual plot of this fic? A-FFO-GA-TO (get it? I forgot tho, whatevs man I think that’s funny) but from what I can probs remember is this is a coffee shop au with gladnis drama AND if u like gladnis there’s a second instalment that is gladnis drama heavy
to build a home by just_peachy
61,642 words | Rated M
other pairs: gladnis, lunyx, cindy/aranea
hello, this is another case of “I swear I read this bcos I have a good feeling about this fic but I can’t recall the plot to save my life but my heart says I likes the fic so I’m gonna go with that” plus its by just_peachy who has done TREMENDOUS amount of work and you can really see them progress in their skills as a writer, reading from their past to current stories so I always look forward to any future fics they complete bcos they deliver with quantity and increasing quality as well but I’m digressing, this one is a soulmate au which is an au I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO READ and  it’s a modern au (business instead of royalty) AND prom finally gets to be the photographer he’s always wanted to be
secrets by trirocksalt
4785 words Rated G for GOD THIS IS SO FUCKING CUTE
while I was undergoing my second playthrough of ffxv, and (finally) went to altissia-- although it IS beautiful, I miss the chocobos and the fucking car and just not being able to be restrained to travel by city walls and social pressures by not sprinting in public and dON’T GET ME STARTED WITH THE GONDOLA SYSTEM— due to my frustrations, I remembered this feel good fic, where it’s like noctis is taking over as CEO for regis’ massive business and prompto as a gondolier, and it took me SO LONG to find this fic again, and being in altissia made my heart so heavy so this was the perfect fic to get me through the shitstorm that is chapter 9
croquis by peonysoda
43,113 word | Rated T
PEONYSODA TAKE MY HEART all their promptis stuff ARE ABSOLUTE GEMS! this is a college au where noct has to model for a figure drawing class aND CAN U GUESS WHO’S IN THAT CLASS?!??!
something just like this by yuneyn
42,712 words | Rated M for Mecessary smut
this fic is literally like as if it cleared the dark rainclouds from a bad storm and descended from the heavens with open arms, rays of light shining behind it, to offer you salvation; in other words, this fluff-a-mania of a fic is all feel good no bad shit happening here and it DELIVERS, bcos I’m so used to expecting bad stuff happening when the couple gets together very early, but this fic doesn’t do that, nah mate, but it does make dino look like the bad(abing badaboom) guy but eh, u get over it. this ‘stuck-in-the-airport’ au will have u grinning from ear to ear throughout the whole thing
to love by emziewrites
other pairs: lunyx, some cheeky gladnis
37,020 words Rated E for EYYYYYYYY
this one’s an age difference royalty au, where king noct finds the one thing he’s missing and prompto is much more than just the hoe he thinks he’s hired as. literally DIS FIC IS 2 HOT 4 U and most of their promptis fics are top quality too check their works out too
like & subscribe by just_peachy
36,590 words | Rated M for MIGOS
I read this one quite recently and I very much enjoyed this youtuber au but with a twist bcos prom became a youtuber thanks to his princely pal, who has been giving him lovey dovey eyes in each upload that sunshine boy is completely oblivious to it, but viewers needn’t not be eagle eyed to see noct’s infatuation
marry your best friend, but like literally by brosura
8,300 words | Rated T for TERRIFIC
other pairs: cheeky gladnis
exactly what it says on the fucking tin and it DELIVERS (I need a new phrase). all feel good times about MARRIED BOYS AND HOW THEIR LIVES ARE BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER. this GOOD TIME OF AN AU is one of some that brosura wrote, but all in all, the mother of feel good fics and I'm gonna rec another, just watch me
‘the Good Time Train™’ series by brosura
25,090 words | Rated T for y’all TOTALLY saw me rec another brosura work
other pairs: hints of lunoct
features stories such as: ‘friends with benefits’ au and an extra piece. Now, friends with benefits IS another good time train bUT IT’S DIFFERENT THIS TIME: the 4th chapter, after being so used to the journey of the good time train, feels like that part when the train splits to two and you’re on the wrong compartment, and the destination really isn’t going where u think it’s going bcos this end of the train takes a different detour and destination and u see this as the fic starts getting deep and u should have really paid more attention to the train conductor’s announcements so it’s completely ur fault that u didn’t BUT there IS a complimentary fic about blanket forts if that’s any consolation AND this is a good read
king of catfishing by trashmccree
10,567 words | Rated I’ll guess about a T
Other pairs: minor cindy/aranea
this tinder/catfish AU got all up on my FEELS and the fishing puns! I love a good pun, especially if it hurts other people.
golden catfish, king catfish by unsungillumination
9541 words | Rated T
hOLY SHIT ANOTHER CATFISH AU! BLESSED BE THE STARS FOR THIS BOUNTIFUL HARVEST. I can never have enough of aus. so the boys find each other via online gaming and silly prompto put himself as a girl on his online profile! and noctis is asking to meet with him?! What will prompto do??? No I’m serious, what did he do, I forgot, so NOW I have to reread this
FFXV Promptis SFW Week by treya_barton
23,871 words | Rated if I recall correctly there may have been some implied stuff so I’ll put M to be safe
This smorgasbord has 8 chapters, approaching each prompt given from, you guessed it, Promptis Fanweek 2k18; each story I believe (IIRC AGAIN) are standalones, but all in all a very good read, I truly enjoy reading treya_barton’s works
A Thing with Feathers by farseersfool
22,713 words | Rated T
I. LOVE. THIS. FUCKING. FIC. it’s a domestic AU where prompto and noct live together, and they’re adults, like obvs there’s still a bit of drama here but not as overly dramatic as it would be if they were younger, ANYWAY prompto adopts a cockatoo called HER RADIANCE QUEEN SQUISHUMS, THE FIRST OF HER NAME and I LOVE HER. There’s also a lot of emotional constipation from both sides but with a large, very clever bird involved and eavesdropping—and oh, have I mentioned that I love Her Radiance?
Guide to Fake Dating: Best Friend Edition by cup_of_comfort
22,607 words | Rated T
WHO LOVES FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AU? /I/ FUCKING LOVE FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AU. This fic is literally, prom and noct being part of the cosmic joke and not getting the punchline.
Ghost of the Sun by Phosphorite
22,371 words | Rated M
INSOMNIA BOYS ON TOUR M.E. 7XX doesn’t go as well as they hoped as noct slowly realises that his migraines are trying to tell him something. in this canon divergent like au, noct and everyone he loves finally gets the happiness they deserve.......kinda. this fic was an absolute trip, I mean I didn’t think it would take me where I thought it would, but where I ended up was still plenty good, despite the destination being flooded. by my own tears.
Prince Noctis' Hot New Date? Read More on Page 7! by SharkbaitSekki
3719 words | Rated T to be safe
Prom ends up in the hospital and ignis is ‘mom’ on his phone au. I live for fics where ignis is ‘mom’ on the chocobro’s phones.
sunshine blues by dirtmemer
9124 words | Rated G for GOD IGNIS LET THE BOYS BE HAPPY
In a surprising twist of canon, ignis, for once, makes a super horrible, very bad decision and is not the voice of reason in this story. What happened here DID shock me, this is borderline whump so fair warning to those with prompto biases
perhaps you noticed something strange yesterday by ObscureReference
1681 words | Rated T
This isn’t really like bait promptis but it’s a good fic that makes me think a bit. Those kinds that leaves u going like ‘huh’ and u have to take a pause before you continue on with your day
birth of a wish by whimsofffate
15,729 words | Rated T
A groundhog day AU that will make you want to scream at the skies warning the astrals to catch your hands bcos ur gonna fight them, kick them, you’ll punch a cloud u don’t give a fuck! So they reluctantly listened and gave u that happy ending…. for now
feathers and fleece by ienablu
12,774 words | Rated T for Texting
King Regis starts texting Prompto bcos Noct doesn’t. The man is just concerned for his only son, pls noct ur angsty teenager phase is showing. you also slowly find out that King Regis is like any other dad…  meaning he is a massive troll.
Sunflowers by moonside
18,955 words | Rated E
PROFESSOR/STUDENT AU IS A FUCKING JAAAAAAAAM. In here, we have sexy economics professor Noctis, and uni student prompto who have mutual hots for each other but it’s not all sexy fun times ladies and gentlepeople, for I bear warnings of a tragedy occurring in this fic, but aside from that, it’s a very good read, great plot and again, DIS FIC IS 2 HOT 4 U.
Life Imitates by Riona
3293 words | Rated T for TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR, GLADIO! but u gotta admit, it’s effective
Everyone gives Noctis and Prompto the shovel talk, which would have been very useful if they were actually together. This fic is an absolute classic.
convince lucis that you're dating (and get an existential crisis while you're at it), a guide by prompto by crosspolination
13,841 words | Rated G
THE RUMOUR COME OUT: does noctis lucis caelum is gay? This great fake/pretend relationship au (with proms family consisting of dad cor and big sis aranea) this fic will have you wanting to join in on teasing prom about the situation he’s in, thanks to a prince who has yet to learn how to think before he speaks
The Pursuit of Happiness by mahbecks
15,568 words | Rated E for ahh… it’s Explicit
I forgot this fic was explicit lmao but there’s a quote at the end of chapter two that absolutely grips me by the heart, it’s those kinds of quotes that got u thinking that it could be written in like a profound book or said in a deep film but no, surprise bitch it’s in this incredible soulmate au fic.
Horizon Linked by cup_of_comfort
18,470 words | Rated E for EVERY CHAPTER (ish) IS LOTS OF SMUT MY GOD
a/b/o fics may not be for everyone, but I liked this, it’s also angsty but what’s different about this is that it definitely has a happy ending and a great resolution, so the angst train is present but the happy ending J U S T about outweighs it. It still has tons of heavy, and dark themes so read with caution if ur not into that, but I liked the fuck out of this
Suggested Forms of Intimacy by Akumeoi
21,091 words | Rated T
A fake/pretend relationship, university au all in the name of science?! Well, more like, u get to live in a flat during the research and who would say no to that, I’d do it too mate. SO prom and noct sign up for a study that’s for like close relationships and they see how they fair in a shared flat. Mad fluff happens
In Defence of by eblisbaculum
1700-ish words | Rated I’d say about a T for the swearing
This fic isn’t on AO3 but it deserves a shoutout bcos of BAMF Prompto defending his best friend, and there really isn’t any glaringly obvious promptis in here but the end implies something but hoo boy this fic is a trip
‘Fucking Finally’ and it’s sequel ‘Word Theory’ by repmet
around 2000 words altogether | Rated T for the word ‘fuck’
Again, I found these on tumblr but it’s a short and sweet soulmate au, so this one is a massive shout if u want a quick read
Waking the Gods by Asidian
778 words | Rated G
This isn’t really promptis but I LOVE ORACLE PROM AUS AND I WISH THERE WAS MORE OF THIS AU but in this one it’s like canon divergence and prom is the oracle instead. Spectacular read (AND HAS ACCOMPANYING ART BY KACI!) THANK YOU FOR THIS BOUNTY
Black is the Colour by withoutdrawbacks
1371 words | Rated T
Noct lends prom his clothes and he totally isn’t staring too long. A lovely short and sweet fic about pining noct
somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond by bellpickle
10,188 words |Rated T
The canon did luna so fucking dirty, she didn’t deserve that fam, so here’s Luna writing letters, not only to Noctis, but to Prompto as well. Ever like the all-knowing big sister, she knows these boys ain’t slick
Tight fit by Dandy
26,982 words | Rated T
Prompto gets shoved in a locker by a bunch of jealous, little bitches and Noct wants blood when he finds out that Prom is ignoring him bcos he was in a locker for DAYS, fam that’s mad
Tolerable Toxicity Levels by saltslimes
3796 words | Rated T
Another glorious ‘Ignis is ‘mom’ on our phone’ au, where prompto is sick at work, noctis and his retinue arrive to the rescue and manager aranea hates prompto’s parents.
strange obsession (for my automatic weapon) by dustofwarfare
8530 words | Rated E
Who doesn’t like a bit of BAMF Prompto? Apparently, Noctis likes it… maybe TOO much, but that’s not a problem at all, it’s more like admitting it to Prompto that he likes that shit. This is some cute gunplay smut, no wounds or nothing like that at all, just the gun, and some sexy times bcos of it
Ten Years Is a Long Time by Tenzoh
9443 words | Rated T
other pairs: prompto/cindy
MY HEART HEAVES FOR THIS STORY. in this au borderline canon divergence fic is based on the 10-year time skip, world of ruin etc when noct returns and he confronts everything that has CHANGED. The happy twist is that noct doesn’t die, but the catch? Prom and cindy are together, and noct has to cope with his feels. The journey of reading this was close enough to make me cry; tenzoh, stay right where u are, I’m calling the police
raining knives, like, all the time by zinthos
13,132 words | Rated
other pairs: lunyx
this is literally the second fic I’ve rec’d featuring big birds with big names (FLAPPERDIGINOUS FLORATIO FONDA THE THIRD aka FLAPPY BIRD) hence why I named my chocobo in FFXV (the first playthrough) Flappy Bird as tribute to this amazing fic. But u have big sis luna in here and I love that so much, but u also have stupid af noct with an equally stupid af prompto so what’s not to love in this fic
Watching the Rain become the Sea by Ieroses
12,604 words | Rated T
The scenery in this au, my god, ieroses paints an absolute beautiful picture of this fic using words as her brush and canvas, like I remember reading this and I picture the scenes, and for some reason it reminds me of a CSI episode or smth like that, which makes sense bcos it’s like a crime au but the angst is evened out by a good ending
Epiphany by moonside
10,552 words | Rated E
Don’t 👏 stop 👏 me 👏 recommending 👏 moonside 👏 for 👏 smut 👏 bcos 👏 I 👏 won’t 👏 stop 👏 Another terrific age difference au and it DELIVERS. AGAIN. Moonside u done it again u crazy son of a gun. This one is literally pure smut, as it’s a one-night stand au with the promise of more in the end? Not like a sequel (I CAN DREAM THOUGH) but u can see inklings of noct liking prom more than just a one-time ting
To be Happy, To be Loved by thatoldeblackmagic
10,079 words | Rated T
Regis wearing the typical Jimmy Buffet ‘dad-on-holiday’ ensemble? outstanding. noctis being made fun of as a discount Sasuke Uchiha? ground-breaking. matchmaker regis? oh yeah, I’m game. also great shout out to that meme where cups were stacked on ppl who are asleep, I swear someone redrew that but with noct instead, pls @ me on that if it is out there
The Trouble with Rumours by candiedillusions
9630 words | Rated T
I JUST. CAN’T HOLD ALL THESE FAKE/PRETEND RELATIONSHIP AUS. In this instalment, Prompto and Noctis become BFs instead of BFFs thanks to a typo on social media.
noctis gets a toy stuck up his ass and calls prompto for help by demnocts
1500-ish words I guess | Rated E
I couldn’t breathe typing up the ‘title’ of this piece bcos it’s literally, what it fucking says on the tin and I can’t stop crying. what else do u want me to say about this? It’s hot af, full stop. this smut is no plot set-up, all punchline, get-on-your-fucking-knees, proper full-on dirty
Where the Blue of the Sea Meets the Sky by canary
16,265 words | Rated M for MEAT BEATING
don’t let the smut fool u into thinkin this got a happy ending nah fam I got bittersweet at bEST (but that good smut is there, teetering between the M to E rating) this fic got all up on my feels in the last bit; that the friendly banter between prom and noct (top-notch characterisation), is all smoke and show behind the impending doom that is altissia. And don’t get me started how the scenery in this fic gives you that full immersion u need to feel like ur in Caem
The Experience by MakikoIgami
7735 words | Rated E
aND BOY WAS THIS FIC AN EXPERIENCE. Basically, the boys think of all the loopholes they can use to reach maximum satisfaction AND the experience is an experience bcos u get all this good, filthy smut and in the end the feels train hits you out of nowhere so u don’t know what to do with urself
Letters for Nobody by Ashino
13,939 words | Rated I’ll gauge it about M
other pairs: gladnis
wherein umbra becomes postman pat for the crownsguard and their late king. This fic, although set in the tragedy that is the canon end, has a lot of feel good letters in there that makes u wanna get out ur best stationery and write one urself.
Nothing to Lose by AJDiamond
4986 words | Rated T
HHHIIII I like age difference promptis so here’s a classic coffee shop au, with gladio being a broken record in terms of his love advice
here is the root of the root (and the bud of the bud) by stardusting
11025 words | Rated T
U kno ur fandom made it when it’s got a hanahaki au, so ur sorted for that angst, plus their other works are also very cute!
designation by yeaka
1327 words | Rated E
this a/b/o fic never fails to get me hot under the collar no matter how many times i read it #mkinyk #dont@me but DO check out the promptis yeaka writes fam fucking W O W read them
galleria by omegas
2180 words | Rated G for GOOD SHIT
in the famous words of utada hikaru: simple and clean is the way that this fic makes me feel tonight. in this au, prom opens a photo gallery, noct is smooth af and the art industry in insomnia is just like the one in real life: difficult
silver linings by countingpaperstars
7625 words | Rated E
I bet if they were an indie band, they’d be called prompto and the niffs but I digress. IN THIS BAND AU we get massive fanboy prince noctis and iggy the square doing his typical: no u cant do blah bcos u r the prince and responsibility and reputation etc; can never get enough of these, plus smut in the end 👌🏼 absolute cherry on top of this sundae
‘holidays with promptis’ series by fmpsimon
10,389 words | Rated M
Get urself in the spirit of Christmas by reading these beauties; plus their other work s are also worth the read
‘the body’ series by ipacialiera
79,199 words | Rated E for MASSIVELY EXPLICIT
other pairs: highspecs, lunoct, ravus/gentiana, promptio, prompto/iris, promdyn, promptHOE, verstael/iedolas, soz if I missed some but go read their tags
lemme say this first and foremost: I tend to avoid angst and heavy, dark themed stories like the plague, but bcos I’m an absolute little shit I obviously read the first chapter of this and I was instantly hooked; I don’t recommend this to anyone who wants to have a good time bcos as much as this story was engaging, my soul cries for the boys in this film noire/detective/crime au so read if you like the sound of it. I give massive, massive props to the writer bcos this 2-part series was a rollercoaster, and at least you get some closure in this fic, but that’s like trying to douse a kitchen fire with a cup of water; however, it’s literally better than no closure. I implore those who consider this fic to look at each tag the author puts down and if you really, really can’t read something like them, don’t bloody read it, like I can’t say I enjoy reading these kinds of stories bcos I don’t but I just wanna give credit where it’s due because this is incredibly written
a long december by promptoschocohoe
32,934 words | Rated M for My God, I still haven’t stopped crying bcos of this one
other pairs: gladnis
so this and ‘the body’ will probably be the only angst heavy fics I will rec in this whole list unless I get back on my bullshit again and this one absolutely hurt me, incredibly bittersweet with 17% sweet and 83% bitter from the heavy themes you will face on here, and the reason why this fic hits me more is because it feels very ‘real world, real life’ believable like I can imagine this being something someone will actually go through. again, I rec this one to give credit where it’s due bcos, man, I’m still reeling from this. I couldn’t put it down once I started reading it. read their story’s tags and if u don’t like don’t read and the song choices are just. a good choice. can someone pls make a spotify playlist of it and @ me on that so I can follow it and cry my heart out again? thanks x
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Angst With A Happy Ending (2) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: April 19th, 2022
part one, part three, part four
An Arranged Marriage (ao3) - MarriedPhan1234
Summary: Dan and Phil are forced to marry each other, even though they've never met. Differing life experiences leave the boys unsure of how this could possibly work.
Chin Up Sunshine - fringegapphil
Summary: Phil never looked up, and that was a problem in a world where you can see all the colors of the rainbow except the color of your soulmates eyes until you meet their eyes.
Delivered (wattpad) - rickyblitzz
Summary: maybe they really need 2009 again
Dearest (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: On Valentine's Day, Dan surprises Phil with the news that he's been casually seeing a girl for about 6 months.
Don’t it Feel Good? - obsessive-fics
Summary: the FWB fic with none of the smut, all of the angst, and a ridiculously happy ending.
East Side Is a Paradise of You (ao3) - TheOceanIsMyInkwell
Summary: Dan and Phil didn’t fight or have a dramatic breakup. No, they didn’t even date, even if they came dangerously close to doing so many times. They just...drifted. It’s now 2020, and for the first time in the three years after Dan moved out, Dan is back to square one with his depression and existential crisis, partly due to his current unhealthy relationship. And then it hits him: guilt about everything that happened - and didn’t happen - between him and Phil. Too scared to contact Phil but too obsessed now to turn back, Dan attends the annual VidCon in the hopes of catching his ex-best friend there. But will Phil still be willing to trust him? And is Dan even the same person anymore?
Eleven Eleven (ao3) - thesestarsareyours
Summary: Dan is mysterious and sarcastic, keeping everyone at arm's length with his oddly cold demeanour - so why does he melt whenever he sees Phil?
Heartburn (ao3) - Phandomrunners
Summary: Dan is the badass of the school. He only has one friend and everyone else is scared of him or just avoids him. Phil is pretty popular and he gets dared by one of his friends to try and get Dan to fall for him.
Who knew a dare could lead to so much more?
If the Crown Fits (ao3) - tjmcharg
Summary: The Royalty AU nobody asked for in which Prince Daniel falls head over heels for his best friend and servant boy, Phil.
It Wasn't Me (ao3) - NonStopIsBack
Summary: Dan and Phil have been getting into a lot of meaningless fights lately, but one not-so-little fight sets the boys into unfamiliar worlds that are far darker than their appearances would have you believe, leaving the two desperately searching for a way home.
Losing Grip (on Sinking Ships) - manchestereyes
Summary: When tensions flare up and everything seems to fall to pieces around Dan and Phil, a few choice words may be all Phil needs to cut the string entirely. But can a couple songs convince him to stay, even for just a moment?
Self-Conclusion (ao3) - ellehcorx
Summary: Fade in, start the scene. Enter Dan Howell - a 20 year old boy stood at the edge of a bridge, contemplating death. In the shadows appears Phil Lester, a stranger with a painful past who tries to talk Dan down.
the one where dan pretends to date phil to save him from embarassment (ao3) - johnlocked_221B
Summary: Phil was meant to be going on a week long holiday with his family, and finally introduce his girlfriend to them. But as Phil has the luck of a black cat walking under a ladder on Friday 13, said girlfriend breaks up with him the night before their planned trip. Devastated, and scared to tell his family of his failure to settle down again, his best friend Dan offers to pretend to be his partner for the holiday- but little did Phil know about Dan’s not-so-subtle 8 year crush on him.
The Act Of Control (ao3) - Phandiction
Summary: Dan gets to know their newest victim, Phil Lester, just like he had with every other victim. Only this time things are different.
"Pay attention to his hobbies. Also, he does video blogging. I’d familiarize yourself with that. Phil is a helpful, kind person. Doesn’t want to see anyone get hurt right? So tomorrow, you’re going to be walking down a London street that we know Phil will be passing by tomorrow and well, someone is going to hurt you.”
The Dragon Tamer - venusgfs
Summary: Dan Howell is the last dragon tamer and a well known mercenary to the Ten Islands, hired to kill Prince Phil Lester of the Island Allister.
the heart wants what it wants (ao3) - watergator
Summary: It's three in the morning, and Dan is wide awake, staring at the ceiling as Phil sleeps peacefully beside him, as he thinks about his family, and what he does and doesn't have.
The Stars Above Us, Declaring Our Fate (ao3) - Cassiatheflowerchild
Summary: (tw) It starts with raindrops falling down around them and a broken boy telling the other that he didn’t love him anymore. Many years later, they find each other again in a bookshop stacked full of stories.
Trying to Remember How it Feels (To Have a Heartbeat) (ao3) - phantasizeit
Summary: Dan moves into a new apartment in London and, though it’s a step up from his old apartment, his landlord gives him strange warnings while he’s touring the place-- something about the last renters leaving because of ghost sightings. But, Dan doesn’t believe in the supernatural. He quickly changes his tune when he meets Phil Lester, the ghost haunting his apartment. Well, if haunting means quickly becoming the best friend he’s ever had.
We Were Born Sick (You Heard Them Say It) (ao3) - starrywrite
Summary: “Once upon a time, there was a little boy who always wanted to love another little boy. One day, he finally found that love and it was wonderful. I’m supposed to use gloves. I’m supposed to do this. I’m supposed to do that. I’m supposed to not kiss him. I’m not supposed to be only 45 years old, and taking care of a 35 year old young man who’s a hundred years old and dying. […] He’s fine, he gets sick, he gets better, he gets sicker. He’s afraid I’ll leave him. I told him I wouldn’t leave him, that I never for one second would think of leaving him, but he doesn’t believe me. It’s hard to believe in much these days. But we must never stop believing in each other.”
where things come back. (ao3) - commonemergency
Summary: A coming of age story about what it means to be queer, canary birds, documentaries, and falling in love for the first time.
you loved me, you killed me (ao3) - newtslittleniffler
Summary: dan and phil are seeing each other for the first time since their breakup - bring the question: are they able to handle being together without lusting for one another?
112 notes · View notes
foruneyti · 7 years
Link to the entire work Loki x reader Set in Asgard
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, blood, some gore at some point Characters: Reader, Loki, Thor, Original Characters, Odin, Frigga Tags: AU, Alternate Universe, Asgard, warning for blood, there is sexual tension in almost every fucking chapter im not even kidding, Royalty, Thor is a good guy, he's a bro, loki is also a good guy, but he acts like an arse sometimes, reader is female, Angst, Fluff, warning for violence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Slow Burn, Like really slow, Adventure & Romance, Friendship, Eventual Smut, Plot, Character Development, Teasing/flirtingHurt/Comfort, Some still dont seem to realise it but, This is the slowest of slow burns, prepare yourself, there's gonna be gore at some point Summary: A story in which a herbalist makes a decision that will change her life forever, and in which a prince begins to realise that there might still be hope for him yet. A tale of danger, adventure, friendship, and, ultimately, love. CHAPTER ONE
The wind made the trees bend and bow, the lightning illuminating their path through the early night. Though their scout did not want to admit it they had most definitely taken the wrong path at the last crossing. The horses were uneasy, whinnying and neighing with every clap of thunder that seemed to shake the earth, and the soldiers were not much better off – something was wrong. Their eyes restlessly scanned the pitch black forest around them with their hands clasped around the reins or resting on the swords hanging from their hips, their instincts telling them to turn back; yet there was only one who noticed the movement in the shadows.
The golden-haired man followed his brother's glance and peered between the trees, until he spotted movement as well. It was their task to guide their men to safety, yet the odds were not in their favour. There was no option but to fight.
“We're under attack!”
An arrow shot past and hit one of the guards in the shoulder, the toxins immediately finding their way into his systems. The howling wind stifled the cries of men who met a similar fate as their friends slashed at the invisible enemy and tried not to get thrown off their stallions; but it was of no use – they were losing.
Suddenly a bright light washed over them, the source not lightning but magic; which was enough to blind the attackers and to return the advantage to the soldiers - who made good use of it. Swords slashed through enemy flesh and dyed the road a deep crimson red, lifeless bodies falling to the ground only to be trampled underneath rearing horses, and the soldiers regained their hope.
Until it went dark again.
“Loki, are you all right?” Thor's loud voice boomed through the darkness, but no answer came. “Loki!”
The light returned - weaker this time - and his eyes quickly found his brother still atop his horse, yet gravely injured. Still his face showed no signs of pain and his voice did not quiver once as he roared the words over the sound of the pouring rain.
“We cannot win this fight!” He lifted his hand, slender fingers aimed at the white-flashing sky. “Head east!”
A wall of green fire erupted from the ground which startled the attackers, and which gave the soldiers the chance to make their escape.
It had been quiet today, partly due to the storm; and you used the spare time to clean the place up a bit. Books on herbs and weeds were put back on the correct shelves, the two oaken tables were scrubbed until they were devoid of any dust or dirt, the dark wooden floorboards were swept spotless, and empty bottles were cleaned and put away in the right places so that they were ready to use the next time you needed them. You took a moment to rest, leaning down on the counter and appreciating the shop. You had been running it for a couple of years now and, to your delight, the popularity had grown exponentially since the owners had allowed you to take over – many even recognised you on the streets, whether they visited regularly or not. You took their compliments and stories of complication-less healing to heart, and you were always glad to hear how they liked the new look of the building.
After the renovations it was now possible for customers to take a seat on one of the benches placed against the wall, accompanied by the two knee-high tables that were adorned with one potted plant each, and you had been able to increase the space for storage by building cabinets and drawers into the counter. In addition there were the bookcases that lined the wall behind you, where you had neatly arranged the books according to their contents and filled other shelves with jars that contained plants, berries, herbs or spices – all with different properties that you knew by heart. Underneath the shelves were drawers of different sizes that could be locked, and which contained medicinal pills, salves, potions, or powders that were ready to use. You grew some herbs in the sills of the arched windows and on every other unoccupied surface, the flowers and healthy greens bringing colour and liveliness to the room and filling the air with a gentle aroma. The stairs in the back twisted to the second floor, where three bedrooms were situated, and in the wall underneath it was a door that led to the dormitory; which was filled with beds for those who needed to be tended to for a longer period of time and stools for those who came to visit them. The entrance to the kitchen had been moved, simply by turning the old one into a wall and creating a new door in between two of the bookcases behind the counter, as there had been incidents where visitors had tried to cook something for their bed-bound family members and had nearly set the place on fire.
Sadly, not all villagers of Blacktree had been blessed with intelligence.
You liked living here, though. The surrounding mountains offered safety from ongoing wars or conquering parties, and the bears and wolves in the area scared off any groups of bandits or raiders. The woods were rich in ingredients for your medicinal practices and cooking experiments, the lake nearby supplied the village with fish, and there were enough herds of deer to feed an entire country if one were to hunt them all. The people here, though not the smartest, were kind at heart, always ready to help each other out and to support each other when the winter had been harsh again or when the crops had withered.
While the rain kept streaming down the windows you checked up on what you had in stock and made a list. The aroma of ink, old books, plants, and parchment scented the room and soothed your being as you filled a nearly empty jar with some fresh mirrinos leaves, until a loud clap of thunder surprised you and made your fingers falter for a moment, allowing the bottle to slip from your grasp and to smash into pieces. This weather wasn't unusual during this time of year. The water poured down mercilessly from the heavens and the flashes of light illuminated the sky for only a fraction of a second, before letting the world fall into darkness again and leaving only a moment of sound to acknowledge it had ever happened. It had its own charm, in a way, and you knew it couldn't do harm, yet the loudest bangs still made you jump sometimes.
After cleaning up the shards you were ready to throw yourself onto your next task of preparing some powders and potions that were sold nearly every day, when suddenly the door swung open and a flurry of men stormed in.
“We were attacked-”
But you paid no attention to the man clad in red and gold. Your eyes immediately found the man in green and black instead, who was being supported on both sides, and judging from his wounds you knew you had to act fast.
“Lay him on the table. You,” you made eye contact with one of the men clothed like a soldier, “get me that bottle of alcohol on the shelf in the back, second from the top. You, help him out of his armour, I need his wounds to be fully exposed.” You grabbed a clean rag from one of the nearest cabinets, in the meanwhile addressing the redgolden man. “You're in charge, right? Post two of your least injured men outside this door and two more on the opposite side of the street, a few houses apart from each other and hidden but not out of sight. Fasten the horses to the poles outside and close the door afterwards, but do not barricade it.”
He nodded firmly and turned to his men. “Do as she says!”
You turned back to the man laying on your table and for only a fraction of a second regretted putting him there, as the blood running down his sides would inevitably stain the beautiful wood. However the thought left as quickly as it had come when you took the bottle of alcohol from one of the men and knelt down to get to work. After wiping away the blood with the rag you lay your hand on the flesh next to the deepest wound, noticing how unusually cold it was, and poured the liquid into the cut to disinfect it – all while you kept yelling commandos.
“Someone get me the third jar on the top left shelf behind the counter, now. You, hold down his shoulders. I'm trying not to hurt him but I cannot control everything, and I do not want to have him making it worse by moving.”
You quickly traded the rag and alcohol for the jar, commanding the soldier to keep it close, and popped open the lid. You gave it a whiff just to make sure it was the right stuff; then, while holding the edges of the wound apart with the thumb and fingers of one hand, gently put it in with the other. The ointment would protect from infections, fasten the healing process, and block the blood flow as well – therefore greatly decreasing the risk of bleeding to death if the wound opened up again. It did not keep the wound completely closed however, and without stitches it was likely to leave a massive scar.
“Get me the black pouch from the shallowest drawer underneath the counter.”
Within seconds the small pouch was offered to you and you traded it for the salve, once again demanding it to be within reach, before quickly pulling the chords loose and taking out the set of needles and threads. You carefully but swiftly sewed the sides together, finishing with a tiny knot and a snip of the small scissors, and quickly repeated the whole process with the other two wounds as well. Once that was done you took out a large roll of linen bandaging and, with some help from the two closest men, wrapped it around blackgreen's midsection.
Finally, the situation was under control.
The last step was to stand up and glance at your work, but to do so you needed to take your hand off of his abdomen – and the moment you did he let out a loud hiss in pain. You hoped it wouldn't give you away but luckily the others seemed to think nothing of it, and you let out the breath you didn't know you had been holding.
“I take it he will be all right?” Redgold met your gaze, the worry apparent in his eyes, but it quickly diminished when you sent him a warm and reassuring smile.
“He will be fine, granted he rests properly.” You glanced around, noticing how most men had scrapes and bruises, before returning your gaze to his again. “Were you not hurt?”
“Only a couple of superficial cuts.”
“Those can get infected as well. Show me, please.”
He rolled up his sleeves, and without ado you disinfected and bandaged his injuries. “I will take care of the others. Please take a seat and rest, you and your men are welcome to stay the night. We have plenty of beds and enough food for you to be comfortable here.”
He nodded and sat himself down on the bench beside the table Blackgreen was laying on. While tending to the soldiers you cast a glance his way every now and then, but his empty stare didn't change. His eyes were focused beyond this realm.
All injuries had been treated and you were just putting everything back where it belonged when the two owners of the shop came halfway down the stairs, their faces contorted in confusion and shock.
“What in the name of Yggdrasil is going on?”
Medhea let her eyes move over the man-filled room. She was a sturdy woman, visibly growing older, but her eyes stood bright and lively still and her voice could carry for miles if she wanted it to. She always tried to keep her reputation of being austere high, now being no exception with her trademark glare that, if looks could kill, would have taken many lives; but those who knew her well enough knew she was one of the most motherly and warm women Blacktree had to offer. Not that she wasn't strong – quite the opposite. She could stop a brawl with one of those deadly glares, or beat a man to pulp with her bare hands if she needed to. She had taught you how to defend yourself and how to fight back, and she was not to be messed with.
Next to her stood her husband, Illasias, who was of the softer kind. He knew the landscape like the back of his hand and had taught you everything there was to know; about the soils and the rocks, the trees and the plants, the animals – everything. He was very respected amongst the people, mainly for his knowledge but also for his wisdom, and he wore time well; his curly hair retaining the chestnut brown it had always had and his skin staying the healthy tan the sun had granted him, and he had not weakened in body nor mind. Where Medhea was like a mother to you, he was like a father, and you loved them both dearly.
Sometimes, however, Illasias seemed to forget about the very wisdom he was so often praised for.
“Where were you attacked? It must have been quite the ride away; the dragon wouldn't have let enemy soldiers on these premises.”
Your eyes widened a bit. “Illasias, we don't know who these men are.”
But it was too late, as everyone was now looking at him with questions swirling in their eyes. It was Redgold who spoke first.
“A dragon?”
“It's an expression, a nickname. A group of men devoted themselves to protecting the town a few years ago, and their name is supposed to frighten off any ill-willing strangers from coming here.” You gave Illasias a warning glance, but were careful not to show Redgold or any of his soldiers. To them you smiled apologetically, and adeptly changed the subject. “Though now the matter has risen, I do need to ask you where you are from, and what you did to become a target.”
“Ah yes, you must forgive me for not introducing myself. I am Thor, son of Odin, and the man on your table is my brother, Loki.” He smiled at you, seemingly waiting for some kind of predicted response, but when you just introduced yourself, Medhea, Illasias, and said nothing more, confusion crept into his eyes. “You do not know of us?”
“I'm afraid not, my apologies. Our village does not have much contact with other towns or cities, apart from the occasional trade.”
A groan coming from Blackgreen – whose name apparently was Loki – diverted everyone's attention to him. You noticed how he was trying to push himself into a sitting position, so you quickly made your way over to him and gently, but firmly, pushed him down again. “That table must not be comfortable, yet I must ask of you not to move.” You made eye contact with two men and nodded them over. “Could you please assist me in moving him to the dormitory?”
After carefully lifting the man and carrying him to the nearest bed in the adjoining chamber you thanked the two who helped you and walked back to the doorway, from which you addressed the whole room. “There are plenty of beds, so feel free to rest if you wish.” And as you stepped aside to let the men through, you addressed Medhea and Illasias. “I will handle everything here, don't worry.” The look in your eyes told them that you were going to win information and let them know what you had found out later, the only thing you asked of them was to be patient and to trust you. And, without a second doubt, they nodded, and disappeared up the stairs again.
Next, you walked up to Thor. “I need to know whether the ones who ambushed you would follow you here, and if they might attempt another attack.”
He thought for a moment. “I do not believe they would dare to enter the village, but they could lay in wait deeper into the woods.”
You hummed in acknowledgment, and spoke as you were thinking. “It might be best if two of your men kept watch, maybe let the least injured take shifts. I still need to take a look at the four who you've positioned outside... I would advise against continuing on your way tomorrow, seeing as your brother needs more time to heal.” You smiled and gave curt nod – more aimed towards yourself than him. “Now rest, I will prepare something to eat.”
He answered your smile with a large one of his own. “Thank you for your kindness and hospitality; your quick thinking has saved Loki's life, and you will be compensated greatly for it. I cannot thank you enough.”
A compensation? You pushed it away. Though the shop could certainly use the money, it wasn't needed to keep on living as you did - if anything, the more money there was around here the more attractive it would become to raiders. Thor seemed rather wealthy, if his and his brother's apparel was anything to go by; which probably meant he had quite some power as well – and an alliance with someone powerful might be more useful than currency in the long run.
“A compensation is not necessary. The only payment I need is a favour, should I ever need your help.”
He looked surprised, then chuckled. “Quite all right.” And, after calling his men inside and sending out two others, he too disappeared into the dormitory.
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bastardnev · 6 years
Call Me Your King
hhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH god this is long
tagging @kidvoodoo and @oh-baby-a-triple-oh-yeah, lemme kno if you wanna be tagged in any future nev/wade fics!! (or just any of my fics in general)
(link to ao3)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wade Barrett/Pac | Adrian Neville Characters: Wade Barrett, Pac | Adrian Neville, Mustafa Ali Additional Tags: because you know damn well i can't write a fic with nev without including mustafa in some capacity, Public Hand Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, Teasing, Hate Sex, AU where wade never left and nev is still cruiserweight champion, otherwise known as my fave AU Summary: Neville didn’t call himself the king (or, more specifically, the “King of the Cruiserweights”) just for the hell of it -- he was the king. There wasn’t a single other competitor that was on the same level as him. He was above them in every conceivable way. He had the look, the wrestling ability, and the personality that came along with such a title. He carried himself like a champion regardless of whether or not there was gold around his waist. Unlike most people, he was capable of backing up all of his boasts. He was truly and undeniably the king.
The real king. Unlike Wade fucking Barrett.
Make no mistake about it -- there was only one king in all of WWE, and that was Neville.
If you asked him, the whole damn company was jam-packed with imposters. People who swore up and down that they were royalty, when in reality the moniker of “king” or “prince” or whatever figure they claimed to be was only that -- a moniker . A little name that they gave themselves in hope that it would eventually become reality. Call yourself a king, you’ll eventually become one, right?
No. It took more than a few tweets from fans or winning a silly little tournament to make a king.
Neville didn’t call himself the king (or, more specifically, the “King of the Cruiserweights”) just for the hell of it -- he was the king. There wasn’t a single other competitor that was on the same level as him. He was above them in every conceivable way. He had the look, the wrestling ability, and the personality that came along with such a title. He carried himself like a champion regardless of whether or not there was gold around his waist. Unlike most people, he was capable of backing up all of his boasts. He was truly and undeniably the king .
The real king. Unlike Wade fucking Barrett.
Everywhere Neville went, he was forced to deal with doubters of his reign. They were an unavoidable part of being royalty. There was always going to be someone in the locker room that claimed to be better than him, that claimed that they could be the next Cruiserweight champion if given a shot. Their bragging typically went in one of Neville’s ears and right out the other. Why should he give such peasants the time of day? He had more important things to worry about.
Wade Barrett, on the other hand, was an entirely different story. Wade was one of the aforementioned talent who only called himself the king because he’d won a tournament -- the King of the Ring tournament back in 2015 . It had been almost three goddamn years since he won that pointless waste of time, and he was still going around insisting that he be referred to as “King Barrett”. If you asked him, he was the king of WWE, not Neville.
It was for this reason that Neville absolutely could not fucking stand him.
Most of his doubters tended to back down following an in-ring obliteration by his hands, but Wade was someone who seemed to be incapable of shutting up. No matter how many impressive matches Neville put on, no matter how many times he stunned people into silence with his decrees, no matter how big the word “KING” was written on the screen when he made his entrance, there was nothing convincing Wade that it was the truth. Neville would pass him in the hallway after a match and would feel his stomach turn at the sight of his cocky smirk, the one that he always wore whenever he knew that he was right about something.
Considering how similarly both Neville and Wade went about their business, it seemed as if the two of them should be close friends. Neither of them were easily impressed, and both of them firmly believed that they were the best. Two men who both believed that they were the king would make the perfect tandem -- they would be unstoppable.
They also both had enormous egos, and as such an alliance was impossible. There was no such thing as two kings being able to coexist. Between the two of them, only one of them was able to be the true king.
And Neville would stop at nothing until that title was his and his alone .
Neville had walked into Raw that week with this particular goal in mind. He hadn’t seen Wade since arriving to the venue, but he knew that wherever he was loitering that evening, he would probably still be watching his match. Judging his every move. Ready to make some sort of smart comment about what he would have done if he’d been in that match -- something that would have made the match more “entertaining” and “bearable”. Just thinking about what he was going to say made Neville’s fists clench.
Oddly enough, however, Neville didn’t run into Wade once he’d returned backstage following the conclusion of his match (in which he’d come out victorious, naturally). He was typically right in the hallway, leaning back against the wall and brimming with overconfidence. The fact that he was not there was eyebrow-raising.
As he was passing by catering, he took a quick look inside, not finding Wade in there either. Where the hell is he? Neville knew that he had a match that evening -- it was set to take place in the next hour, actually -- so he had to be backstage somewhere. The fact that he was nowhere to be found was perturbing, though Neville tried not to dwell on it. The less he saw him, the better, right? He put Wade out of his mind and began to head in the direction of the locker room, slinging his Cruiserweight championship over his shoulder. He should be focusing on more important things, like getting out of his damn attire and into something more comfortable.
Rounding the corner, a smirk grew on his face, as he’d just spotted one Mustafa Ali -- or “Prince Ali” as he was referred to sometimes -- standing outside of the room. Yet another one of the many posers that Neville had to deal with on a regular basis, though he’d be damned if he didn’t see him as one of his favorites to screw with. He’s a pretender. A cute one, though.
As Neville drew closer, however, he noticed that there was something wrong. There was  a look of concern on Mustafa’s face, as if there was something troubling him. He was chewing on his lower lip, staring down towards the floor. A pretty face like that shouldn’t look so upset. “Well, what do we have here?” Neville asked, his smirk having grown even wider now that he was directly in front of him. “What’s on your mind, Prince? Hmm? You seem down.”
Mustafa didn’t reply -- hell, he didn’t even look at him. He kept his gaze focused towards the floor as he started to pick at his nails. “Ali,” Neville said, now a little annoyed. “Your King is talking to you. Don’t ignore me.”
“I’m just…” He started, gaze flicking quickly in Neville’s direction before shifting back down towards his nails. “...thinking about something.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. You wouldn’t want to hear it, anyway.”
“If it’s nothing, then why are you being so secretive, lad? Go on, tell me.”
Mustafa licked his lips. “I’m thinking about something that Barrett said to me earlier.”
Whatever remained of Neville’s playfulness had dissipated at the mention of his rival. “You were talking to him?” He asked, now wearing a cold expression.
“ I wasn’t doing any talking. He kept trying to start up a conversation with me, but I just ignored him. He wouldn’t stop, though.”
“And just what exactly was he saying to you?”
“We were both watching your match. All he did was criticize you the whole time.” Mustafa shook his head. “I had to come out here just to get away from him -- he was becoming too much. There’s such a thing as being too critical, y’know.”
“I’m aware…” Neville let out an aggravated sigh. He’s going after Ali now, too? Am I not good enough for him anymore?
“What’s the issue between you two, anyway? It seems like he really has it out for you.”
“He’s just bitter that he’ll never be as good as I am. His way of dealing with it is talking shit about me behind my back, apparently…” At least Neville had the decency to say negative things directly to Wade’s face. “Is he still in the locker room?” Neville’s thumb pointed in the direction of the door behind him.
“No, he left not too long ago. Said he wanted to go prepare for his match in some place quieter. Didn’t want anybody to bother him, I guess.”
“Well, someone is about to go bother him.” Neville attempted to walk away, but he was stopped by Mustafa, who had suddenly grabbed his arm. “What?”
“Please don’t hurt him,” he pleaded.
“And why not?”
“Because I don’t want you to get in trouble. Again .”
Neville put his hands on his hips. “The hell do you mean by ‘again’? You trying to suggest something?”
“I mean that you’ve tried to beat the shit out of both Gulak and Noam three times in the last week . I’m starting to lose track of how many times you’ve been fined.”
Neville started towards him, getting in his face and wagging a finger. “Do not try and act like they both didn’t deserve it.”
With that, Neville proceeded to ignore whatever it was that Mustafa said next, and he went in the opposite direction, his head swiveling as he checked every room that he passed in search of Wade. Now wasn’t the time to be receiving a lecture -- now was the time to find that cocky bastard and give him a piece of his mind.
Neville decided to put himself in Wade’s shoes for a moment. If he were a tall and unbearable bastard who needed a secluded place to prepare for a match, where would he go? Catering was clearly out of the question (and Neville had already looked there, anyway), and Mustafa had said he wasn’t in the locker room anymore. He doubted that he was lying and trying to cover for him. He doesn’t have it in him to be dishonest. He’d probably start crying on the spot.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, Neville finally spotted Wade at the far end of a deserted hallway, far away from where everyone else was. Neville could only just barely make out the hustle and bustle of the backstage area. Why did Wade insist on coming all the way out here to prepare? It didn’t even look like he was getting ready for a match -- he was sitting on top of an equipment crate, playing on his phone.
“Barrett!” Neville yelled, voice echoing off the walls as he stormed in his direction. Wade looked up at this, trademark cocky grin appearing right on cue and causing Neville’s skin to crawl.
“Well, look who it is,” he replied, hopping off of the crate and placing his phone down. “Lil’ Nev. What brings you to these parts, kiddo?”
“Don’t call me that. What the hell do you think you’re doing, huh? You can’t be bothered to say your usual brand of bullshit to my face? Tell me why you insisted on going to Ali,” he spat.
“Oh, what, so I have to pick on you to your face all the time? That’s boring. Don’t be mad just because I chose to chat with your little boyfriend tonight.”
“He’s not my--” Neville stopped himself, knowing that arguing with him on this point was going to get him nowhere. “Look, if you want to be a king so badly, then you need to act like one.”
“I’m aware. I’d like to think I’m acting pretty kingly this evening, wouldn’t you agree?”
“No! You’ve done nothing this evening besides talk shit about me behind my back and run away before you could be confronted. You can’t call yourself a king and then act like a fucking coward.”
“Oh, so I’m a coward ?” Wade repeated with a scoff, taking a few steps closer to Neville. “Are you really the type of person to be calling anyone a coward?”
Neville stood his ground, crossing his arms and glaring up at him unflinchingly. “When have I ever acted cowardly?”
“You’re always accepting regular, one-on-one challenges from other cruiserweights, but it’s like you’re afraid to actually put your title on the line against one of them. When was the last time you actually defended, anyway?”
His grip on his title tightened. “I defended at the last pay-per-view. Weren’t you paying attention? You seem to pay attention to everything else I do.”
“I remember that. I also remember you rejecting challenges from the likes of Cedric. And Gran Metalik. And Mustafa .” He emphasized Mustafa’s name, as if that was somehow going to make Neville feel bad. “But you’re not a coward. I am. Okay, sure.”
“You’re right. You are.” Neville remained unperturbed by his taunts. In fact, it was now his turn to do the smirking. “One thing that you are not , though, is a king.”
Wade cackled at that, though his amusement quickly vanished as he shoved Neville back against the wall, causing the title to drop down to the floor. Neville let out a small grunt upon impact, scowling when he realized that Wade had placed his hands on the wall on either side of his head, effectively trapping him.
“You wanna try saying that again, kiddo ?” Wade asked, warm breath hitting Neville’s face as he spoke. “I didn’t catch it the first time.”
“You heard me just fine. You. Are not. A king.”
“You’re pretty ballsy, y’know that? Saying that kinda thing outright.”
“It’s part of being a king. If you have a problem with someone, you tell them to their face. You clearly have a lot to learn.” Neville swallowed, trying to look as confident as he possibly could on the outside. On the inside, there was a part of him that felt like this whole situation was off. Wade was directly in his face, practically pressing his forehead up against his. Neville could feel his heart start to pound in his chest over the closeness.
This wasn’t even the first time that the two of them have been this close to each other -- he and Wade had had plenty matches in the past. Before the Cruiserweight division made a comeback and was in desperate need of a royal leader, Neville spent his days in WWE trying to avoid whatever dastardly trick Wade had up his sleeve (or perhaps his elbowpad) during their confrontations. He remembered that they spent quite a bit of time pressed up against each other, so this feeling certainly wasn’t unfamiliar.
The problem laid elsewhere. What was happening now was entirely different. They weren’t doing this for a paycheck or to get any pats on the back from higher ups for their performances. There weren’t any fans around watching them -- hell, there wasn’t anybody around. They were completely alone.
They had no reason to be doing this.
And yet, they were.
Neville knew that there was something wrong with how much this excited him.
He watched as Wade chewed on his lower lip, as if he were contemplating what he was going to do with him. He leaned in, and Neville half-expected to be smacked in the face (Lord knows that he would do the same if someone else had said something like that to him), but to his surprise Wade didn’t do that. What Wade did do, however, was look down for a moment, as something else had clearly caught his attention.
“What?” Neville asked, an eyebrow raising as he saw Wade’s eyes widen ever so slightly at whatever it was he was looking at. Curiously, Neville followed his gaze, only for his own eyes to grow wide at the sight of the noticeable bulge protruding from the front of his trunks. “Oh, Christ…”
“What’s this supposed to be, huh?” Wade asked, looking oddly proud of himself -- as if he enjoyed the fact that he was (albeit unintentionally) turning Neville into a flustered mess.
“Shut the fuck up.” Neville’s hands balled into fists, his face now bright red as he kept his head down. What the fuck was wrong with him?! He had never gotten this way around anyone before, why did… why did this have to happen because of Wade ?!
“What’s the matter, Nev?” Wade removed one of his hands from the wall, and he used it to lift Neville’s head up, keeping hold of his chin as he continued to speak. “You seem embarrassed.”
“I told you to shut the fuck up.” He growled through gritted teeth, though that did no good, as Wade only chuckled.
“Ooh, I’m so scared. So scared of the guy who got a fucking boner over me.” Wade moved the hand to rest on Neville’s shoulder. “So, what’s the story here, lad? You into me?”
Neville wanted to deny it, but the words wouldn’t come out. He had hoped it was because he was too angry and full of hatred to speak, but he knew that that wasn’t the reason why.
Neville wasn’t able to deny it because he simply couldn’t deny it.
He had been so convinced for so fucking long that these feelings that he had for Wade were pure hatred and nothing more. What other explanation could there be? He found everything about him to be repulsive, from his obnoxious face right down to his arrogant personality. No one else seemed to like him, so why the hell should Neville?
But he had to admit that it certainly didn’t seem like he hated him when he practically searched the whole arena for him just so the two of them could talk. When he first came backstage after his match ended, his very first instinct was to look for Wade. Why did he do that? If he hated him as much as he claimed, why did he concern himself so much with where he was?
Not to mention how angry he’d gotten over Wade talking to Mustafa earlier. What was the real reason why that upset him so much? Was he annoyed that Wade was talking to someone that he was interested in? Or was it because he was worried that he was about to be replaced ? Because he was afraid that Wade found someone else to annoy and wouldn’t have any need for Neville anymore?
Neville wouldn’t go as far as to say that he was in love with Wade or anything.
But he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t curious .
“Cat got your tongue, Nevy?” Wade’s voice snapped Neville back into reality. “There’s no need to be shy. You can be honest with me.”
“I’m not telling you shit,” Neville replied. It was then that he realized that Wade’s hand had left his shoulder and was now resting on his hip, and he felt his heart pounding again.
“You know what? You don’t have to say anything at all.” Wade’s hand shifted over and was now resting directly on the front of Neville’s trunks, and he pressed down on it. “ This is doing all the talking for you.”
Neville stifled the gasp that threatened to escape his lips at Wade’s touch. He couldn’t let Wade know that he was getting to him. “W-What’s this all about, Barrett?” He managed to ask, facade growing thinner and thinner with each stroke of Wade’s hand. “Why are you doing this? You tryin’ to say that you’re into me ?”
Wade shrugged, appearing unconcerned with how his actions might appear. “Who said anything about me being into you? I said nothing of the sort.”
“But you’re--”
“Shh.” Wade gave his clothed erection a squeeze, cutting Neville off and causing him to actually gasp this time. “I wasn’t finished talking.”
“N-Neither was I, y’know…”
“I’m not about to stand here and profess my undying love to you or anything, so don’t get your hopes up for that. What I will say…” Wade licked his lips. “...is that I’m more than willing to give you a hand with this little problem of yours.”
“Are you…?”
“Mm. It wouldn’t be right to leave you like this. A king always helps his subjects, after all.” He quirked up his eyebrows, his words causing Neville to roll his eyes.
“You’re killing the mood, you know that?” He pointed out. If there was anything that he could do at this time without stuttering, it was call Wade out for falsely labeling himself.
“Oh, hush.” Wade’s fingers trailed to Neville’s waistband, the tips slipping inside. “Do you want me to help or not?”
Neville took a moment to mull over his decision, eyes glued to Wade’s hand. On one hand, he knew that he couldn’t be seen walking around the venue with a boner. On the other hand, the man willing to help him out with it was Wade. A pro of this situation was the he would be having an orgasm, which was never a bad thing in his book. A con, however, was that the one offering to give him one was Wade . Still, considering that there wasn’t anybody else around backstage that was willing to lend him a hand with this ‘problem’, he knew he couldn’t afford to be picky.
...But still, it was fucking Wade .
“Well?” Wade asked. “Kid, if you don’t want me to, then just say so. It’s fine. I’m not gonna make fun of you or anything.”
“For once…”
“You trying to imply that I’m always teasing you? Me ? Surely you jest.”
“Shut up .” Neville stomped his foot, earning a chuckle in response. After a beat, he finally met Wade’s gaze, finding his resolve. Fuck it . “Go ahead.”
“Wait, for real?” Wade replied, looking a little surprised. “I gotta be honest, I was expecting you to tell me to piss off like you usually do.”
“I would, but…” You don’t usually offer to get me off.
“But?” Wade encouraged him, slowly began to tug Neville’s trunks down as he spoke.
“It’s nothing, forget it.”
“Come on, you can trust me, can’t you?” He batted his eyelashes innocently. “Just finish that sentence.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.” Wade took hold of Neville’s length and began to move his hand up and down.
“Is that a challenge?” Neville bit his lip, both at Wade’s touch and the proposition. He’d spent so long contemplating ways to finally make this man shut up, but he’d yet to figure out how to actually do it. Now that he was essentially being told to, his mind was drawing a blank.
...Well, he did have one idea. Lord only knows how it’s going to go over, though.
“Feeling shy again?” Wade teased, thumb brushing over the head. “I thought I told you that you could--” He was suddenly cut off by Neville’s lips forcefully pressing up against his, and he froze.
As Neville pulled away, he bit Wade’s lower lip, giving it a little tug. “Who’s the shy one now, Barrett?” Neville asked, breaking the silence.
Wade shook his head, looking almost impressed with Neville’s boldness. “You little bastard…” His expression quickly turned devilish, and he starting to move his hand again, now going a little quicker than before. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Don’t be mad because I got you,” Neville teased as he tried to maintain control over the situation, even goes as far as to pucker his lips at him.
“Oh, you definitely got me alright… I’ll give you that. But you know I’m going to have you get you back.”
“Good luck with that. I’m too good to be caught.”
“But you’re not good enough to reject a handjob at work, though.” Wade leaned down and connected their lips again before he moved and began to nip at Neville’s jaw. “I’ll find some way to get you…”
Neville was about to retort, but he felt as Wade’s hand sped up even further, and he quickly shut his mouth, silencing himself. He knew damn well that no words were going to come out, especially now that Wade had moved down to kiss and suck at his neck -- an area where he was particularly sensitive.
“You’re quieter than I thought you’d be,” Wade said, voice a little muffled. “I wanna hear what I’m doing to you…”
“L-Like hell I’m about to give you the satisfaction…” Neville growled. He couldn’t let Wade know that he’d just discovered one of his weak spots.
“Don’t be like that. No one else is around to hear you, y’know.”
Again, Neville opened his mouth to speak, but then there was a sudden flash of pain as Wade bit down, and before Neville could stop himself he groaned. Nice fucking going, dipshit .
“That’s what I like to hear,” Wade said, his facial hair tickling Neville as he spoke. “Let’s hear more of that.”
“S-Shut up…”
“How many times have you told me that in the last few minutes? Is that your new catchphrase?” He bit down again, relishing the sounds that Neville made in response. “Kiss or no kiss, you can only keep me quiet for so long. You, on the other hand, are having a little trouble with keeping your mouth shut, huh?”
This continued for a little while longer, the two of them trading taunts back and forth all while Wade didn’t slow down for a second. Neville wanted so badly to have the last word, but that was becoming more and more difficult by the moment, as he knew that he was going to come soon. “Wade…” He grabbed hold of Wade’s bicep as he felt himself growing closer and closer to the edge, burying his face in the crook of his neck as his face went hot--
And Wade stopped.
Neville’s eyes went wide as Wade slowly let go of him, and there was that fucking cocky smirk. “W-What the fuck? Why did you stop?” Neville whined.
“I was giving it some thought… I’m still a little hurt by you saying that I’m a coward,” Wade replied. “And I was starting to think that maybe you should earn it.”
“Earn it?” Neville repeated. “How?”
“I like those lips of yours… You’re a pretty good kisser, you know that?” He ran his thumb along Neville’s lower lip. “I think they should be put to better use, don’t you agree?”
“You-- You bastard …” Neville smacked the wall with his fist. He should have known better than to think that Wade would have just let him come so easily. Typical Wade fucking Barrett, being difficult as always.
Still, even though he’d just been complaining about it, Neville shoved Wade back against the opposite wall and began to sink down to his knees. He could see that Wade was already hard -- from what Neville had no idea, though he figured that it was probably because screwing with him was one of his kinks. “Fair warning that I’m not good at this,” he said, looking up at him. “I don’t have a lot of experience.”
“Really? Well, so long as you don’t try to bite my dick off, you’ll be fine.” Wade stroked the top of Neville’s head as if he were a cat, snorting as Neville swatted his hand away a second later.
“You’re giving me ideas, Barrett…”
“Hey, hey, you watch yourself down there.”
Neville pulled down Wade’s trunks, eyeing up his length and swallowing once he realized the size of it. He had been planning on making a joke of some kind about how Wade was smaller than him. This was most definitely not the case.
“What’s the problem?” Wade asked. “Are you a little intimidated? Aren’t you supposed to be a king?”
“I’m not intimidated , asshole. Just hoping you don’t poke my eye out with that damn thing.” Neville shuddered at the thought of himself getting a black eye and having to come up with an excuse for his sudden, oddly placed injury.
He started by giving the head a small lick, looking back up at Wade to gauge his reaction. Wade gestured with his hand for Neville to continue, and so he did, giving a few more tentative licks. Wade’s hand was back in Neville’s hair, though he didn’t slap it away this time. Instead, he took a deep breath, now taking the tip into his mouth.
“There you go, you’re getting it.” Wade breathed out, giving Neville’s hair a little tug as he took more of him into his mouth. Neville rested his hands on Wade’s thighs, holding them firmly as his tongue swirled around him. “You sure you don’t this often? You seem pretty experienced.”
Neville responded with a little grunt, lightly slapping his thigh. “Or maybe you’re just a slut, who knows,” Wade continued, causing Neville to slap his thigh a little harder this time.
Neville pulled off, glaring up at him. “Don’t make me bite you.”
“Let me have a little fun with this weird-ass situation, would you? I’m getting my dick sucked by a guy who I normally hate. Who also just so happens to be a slut.”
“Shut it.”
“Make m--” Before he could finish, Neville suddenly took as much of him as he could into his mouth, and he could only groan, leaning back against the wall as the warmth of Neville’s mouth overtook him.
Yeah, that got him to shut up. Neville thought to himself bemusedly as he started to slowly bob his head. It wasn’t the most practical method he’s tried, but at least he knew that it worked.
Neville resumed this pace for a few moments, relishing in the sounds that Wade was making. It was interesting how unconcerned he was with being caught -- Neville was admittedly a little worried that someone could wander into the part of the venue that they were in and stumble across this whole scene, and with Wade being as loud as he was he wouldn’t be shocked if this ended up being the case.
“H-Hey, I’m…” Wade’s grip on Neville’s hair tightened even more, and he gave it another tug as he started to pant.
And then Neville pulled away.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Wade asked, running his hands through his own hair in distress.
“Earn it.” Neville chuckled darkly, licking his lips.
“Are you joking?! What do you need me to do?!”
“Hmm…” Neville ran his finger along his shaft as he thought. “Call me your king.”
“You’re joking.”
“I’m serious…” Neville pouted cutely, making like he was going to stand up. “Hm, I guess we’re done here, since you don’t seem like you’re gonna do it. You can finish yourself.”
“You mother fucker …” Wade put his fist in his mouth, biting down on his knuckles “...ng...”
“What was that?” Neville said, lips brushing against the head. “I didn’t quite catch that.”
“You’re my fucking king!!” Wade shouted. “There, are you happy?”
Neville couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, the things we do just to have an orgasm. You’re a lot of fun to fuck with, you know that?”
With that, Neville took Wade back into his mouth, continuing what he had been doing earlier and allowing for his cock to hit the back of his throat. It wasn’t long after this that Wade finally came, spilling into Neville’s mouth. He managed to swallow most of it, though he still ended up having to wipe excess cum off of his lips with his thumb.
“...Y’know…” Wade panted as Neville pulled his trunks up for him. “I think you’ve earned yourself more than just a handjob.”
“Oh?” Neville asked as he climbed back to his feet. “Did I manage to impress the so-called ‘king’?”
“You did.” He gave him a pat on the cheek. “And you wanna know what else? You and I can finish up later at the hotel.”
It took Neville a moment to register what he’d just been told. “What, so you’re just gonna leave me here like this?!” Neville gestured to his erection, which had still yet to be taken care of. “I thought you said you weren’t going to!”
“Considering that king bullshit you pulled at the end there, I think you deserve to wait a little longer. Feel free to get yourself off for the time being if you truly want to, though. We still have some time before Raw ends, and I don’t know if you’re the type of guy who wants to walk around backstage with an obvious boner.” He smirked. “Or, maybe you are. You’ve always struck me as being a weirdo.”
Neville sputtered as he watched Wade walk away, and he shut his eyes as he pinched the space between them, propping his free hand on his hip. Just when he thought he’d finally gotten one up on Wade, he finds a way to get him in the end. I sucked that man’s dick only for him to pull this bullshit…
Still, Wade didn’t say that he wasn’t going to do anything for him. Just that he had to wait a little longer until they were both back at the hotel -- and the implication that they would be “finishing up” in a hotel room together certainly intrigued him.
“What the fuck did I get myself into with this asshole this time ?” Neville grumbled aloud to no one in particular as he fixed his trunks, grabbing his championship from off of the floor and holding it in front of him in hopes that no one would ask what he was hiding behind it.
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Jimin Scenario: To Hold You.
Request: Requests are open! Yaaay Can you write a vampire prince AU, where he have a human girl for a while now, & he took her to his "vampire palace" to get to know more of his vampire side, his family & what they do. With How surprise she's of seeing him as a prince & royal. The plot could be how sweet he's with her, & fearless with the others specially his enemy. You can add a fight scene if that helps. & you can end it as you wish. I just can't take vampire prince jimin out of my hand after BS&T
Vampire AU.
Genre: Fluff / Romance.
-I’m not sure if this is right- you muttered as you opened the door for Jimin. You were ready to go, you had told your maid to brush your hair until it shone and then you had pinned half of it with a pretty broach Jimin had gifted you a few months ago. It was beautiful as it was antique, and you couldn’t think of a better occasion to wear it than to go to his place for the first time.
-Of course it is- he assured with a smile, dashing, was the only word you had to describe him. Jimin was beautiful beyond words, but that one seemed to adjust somewhat right. He had this odd shade of hair, blond, but with an ashy tone that with a certain amount of light looked lilac. -Everything is ready, unless you don’t want to go- he suggested softly. 
You did want to go, you died with curiosity to go to his place, that by the rumors it was something huge and out of the ordinary, everyone talked about it, the high palace by the hill, but not many people dared to go there.
-I want to- you affirmed and that made Jimin take your hand to pull you out of your house. The carriage was just in front of your street. You really liked it, it was luxurious but cozy on the inside, the two white horses that pulled from it made great contrast with the black material of the carriage itself. -I’m just a bit nervous-
-Nonsense Y/N- Jimin laughed helping you in after the driver opened the door for you and Jimin extended a hand for you to get in easily.
He was holding your hand as you rode there, but that didn’t make anything to your nerves. -So everyone is going to be there? Your parents? Your brothers? Friends?-
-Of course!- he chirped. -I gathered everyone for this special occasion-
-How thoughtful- you mused making him laugh. -And are they really ok with it? I mean won’t they want to… eat me?-
At that Jimin lost his smile, shaking head. -No one will ever do such thing, bringing a human isn’t perhaps the most common thing for us but- he kissed the back of your hand smiling a little again. -But I already spoke about it and there’s no turning back, I found you Y/N, I couldn’t ever let go of you-
You smiled at him this time. -We found each other-
-This way you can know more about me too, more about us, and that way you can be sure if you want… this, this kind of life- he finished with a sigh.
-I wish to know it all, but you can’t blame me to be nervous though- He chuckled amused with that. -I’m serious, are royal vampires as mean and ruthless as human monarchs?-
-They are- Jimin conceded enjoying your eyes going wide to then chuckle once more. -But not towards you, you are with me Y/N, everyone will treat you like they would if you were…- he laughed lightly like he was enjoying some secret joke and you hit him with your fan.
-Like what my lord?-
-Don’t call me that- he nagged but still with a laugh in his mouth. -Like my wife-
You had to go way up hill, the palace dominating everything your eyes had upfront, it was huge and elegant, painted in creams and golds that gave it a regal aspect. The carriage stopped just at the front of the staircase that would lead you to the main doors. The driver opened the door, Jimin getting out with a jump and offering his hand to help you.  
-If you have any question about anything just ask Y/N, today is for you to see and learn-
-If you say it that way I feel like I’m in school-
-I can teach you a few things- he whispered near your ear making you shudder.  
-Stop it, what if your parents hear?-
-What am I saying? You are so naughty Y/N-
You blushed hard after fallen into the obvious trap and followed him into the castle.
Jimin started doing a tour of the castle for you, or at least the most important parts of it, the servants moved around you and you were overwhelmed for a moment, first because all of them were vampires, pale and with that peculiar kind of beauty, all of them offering things to you and almost throwing themselves to Jimin’s feet, as if they lived for him. It impressed you, since you only knew Jimin’s sweet carefree side, but this was different. You could see it as he commanded the servants to do as he said, not with tyranny but with certain authority that until now you hadn’t seen. It was a new side of him, attractive and alluring
The castle was wonderful, even greater inside than what it looked like outside, everywhere you looked at there was a fine piece of silver, gold or art, sometimes art mades of those. It was opulent and regal, everything you’d expect from a royal family and even more since vampires weren’t touched by taxes or recession.
-Now, are you ready?- Jimin asked when you did a turn after getting out of a gallery. 
-Ready for what?-
-To meet your in laws of course- he laughed.
You nudged at him both amused and nervous. -You say like I already agreed on such settlement, I wouldn’t speak so fast-
Jimin laughed too. -I’ll work hard Y/N, you’ll see-
He lead you to another room where his parents were supposed to be, you breathed in deeply and did a quick fix on your hair and skirt, you wondered if your cheeks were rosy like you wanted but then you remember all these… people were as pale as moonlight, so maybe rosy cheeks wasn’t that important.
Jimin opened the doors but soon there were servants doing that for him from the inside, it was a great salon, high ceilings, luscious rugs, velvet sofas and a big crackling fireplace. On the sofas sitting as if nothing were Jimin’s parents, which were the royalty of the vampire society, the queen and king if you were to say it more properly.
-Jimin dear, you are here- the woman turned acknowledging his son. -And I see you have brought company- she smiled but it was more of pure amusement than of happiness, her fangs shining with the light. She was beautiful with that impossible fair skin and gleaming black hair, her dress was a masterpiece without a doubt, made in reds and purples it hung graciously on her body only adjusting on the right places.
-I told you I was going to-
-So you’ve brought us the human!- the man, his father said. You smiled nervously as he also assessed you with his eyes, Jimin took more after him than his mother, having the same curious blond lilac shade of hair. 
-Don’t call her like that- Jimin hissed annoyed.
-But dear that’s what she is! Or are you not darling?- the woman was in front of you in a second startling you, making you go stiff. -Aren’t you human?-
Jimin sighed and softly pushed her mother away from you. -Yes she is, but she has a name-
The woman smiled at his son and then that dangerous smile centered on you. -Well tell me your name darling-
You cleared your throat trying to look composed. -My name is Y/N, is my pleasure to meet you today- you did a respectful bow and she clapped amused.
-Oh dear, she’s adorable!- Jimin frowned but you were content with that reaction, so far you were still alive. -My name is Jieun and that grouch at the back is my husband, Minhyuk, our Jimin has told us a lot about you, we were expecting your visit- she went back to the sofas as fast as she had come close to you, and at that moment you noticed they were drinking from glass goblets, a thick dark red liquid that you could only link to one thing. Blood.
-I wanted to visit too- you answered rather shyly.
-Well we can see you’re nervous- Minhyuk noted. -Are you frightened because of us?-
-Father- Jimin pushed and the man laughed.
-Our son, she doesn’t take a joke when it’s about you, and we have so many human jokes, don’t we Jieun?- She laughed and drank from her goblet, Jimin stood closer to you in a protective manner. -But you mustn’t be afraid, we procure you no harm, and our son is serious about you, so that’s settles it-
-Settles what?- you asked a bit confused and dashed by it all.
-That you are out of the menu of course- Jieun responded matter of factly and both of then bursted in laughs. Jimin huffed and groaned, taking your hand starting to walk away.
-They are like this, just ignore them, such an embarrassment-
-Jimin dear! No blood in the hallways!- his mother shouted with a laugh making Jimin spit out more against her.
You went out and Jimin looked at you in the eye. -Please forget that, no one is going to harm you, they were just joking, they are like that I…-
-Jimin- you stopped him. -I understand, they were quite… interesting- He sighed soundly and you went on with the tour.
Next thing Jimin thought it would be good to go to show you the gardens, they were splendid, all the colors and beautiful arrangements, all the pretty flowers and bushes, but all that was overshadowed by how you felt Jimin tense by your side.
-What is wrong?- 
He had his eyes fixed in some point ahead so you followed that direction, at first you didn’t see anything, but after a few seconds you could distinguish a figure coming closer.
-Wait here Y/N- he said squeezing your shoulder before detaching from you. You held his hand just before he could get away.
-But what is wrong? I don’t understand, who is that coming?-
-A not welcomed acquaintance- he hissed making you frown, you didn’t know about his enemies although you suspected there had to exist giving how vampires were so powerful. You stood there watching, Jimin walked a few meters ahead and stopped the upcoming individual, a man, or at least a male, because this had to be another vampire. It looked a bit older than Jimin, but without the royal air about him, this one looked disheveled and improper, someone that you wouldn’t want to be close to.
They were speaking but you couldn’t really listen what they were saying and then the vampire’s eyes focused on you, a predatory smirk appeared on his face and then everything happened too quickly.
The vampire dodged Jimin and made his way towards you in seconds, but Jimin reacted just as fast, he was in front of you making distance between you and the intruder, he grabbed him by the neck and snarled. -Don’t dare- he tossed the vampire to the ground. -Get out of here, you don’t belong to these lands-
-Just a drop of blood!- he hissed which made Jimin more angry.
-I said get out, do so before I kill you or that’s what you want?-
The vampire shrank under the force of Jimin’s threats, you had watched everything like you were holding your breath as you exhaled when the other vampire finally started to retreat.
Jimin waited until he was far enough before coming back to you. -Sorry about that-
-What was that about?- you asked caressing his cheek. 
-Royalty tend to accumulate enemies because of the smallest things, it was no one, don’t let it affect you, ok?- Jimin turned completely to you and kissed your forehead.
-I’m fine, I’m more worried about you-
Jimin smiled, and then he was once again that sweet person of which you had fallen in love, you had discovered he could be other things too, but this side of him was surely what made you fall for him. -I’m good, you are here with me- you smiled, getting on your tiptoes to peck his lips. -Shall we go inside my lady?-
You giggled amused and fluttered your lashes, there was a lot to learn about Jimin, there was way more to live by his side, it overwhelmed you sometimes, but everything was ok, after all with him you would have eternity to get used and learn everything about vampires and royalty, everything about Jimin -We shall-
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