#also i hope u can see the tiktok if not i’m Sorry </3
hanlimz · 11 months
j saw this tiktok and i am so pathetic bc it almost made me cry. after everything, after all the hate people spew about him and at him—riki is still so warm, still so kind. he loves pokémon and animals and mirror selfies and dancing; he adores kids and wants to make sure they know they are loved because he knows all too well what that coldness feels like. he loves to play pranks and mess around because truly, he is still a child. he is not mean or rude or selfish; in fact, this beautiful soul that so many people seem to impose these beliefs on, is the same person who said this about enhypen:
we take care of each other when we’re having a hard time or feeling sad … looking back now, i think it was fate for us to be together. i’m happy to have been able to debut with them.
and, the same person that said this about sunoo:
sunoo hyung is someone who is always bright and smiles a lot. like a member that lightens up the mood, and for that i’m very grateful … and, whenever i look at sunoo hyung, i feel really happy … sunoo hyung, thank you.
there are more examples, but from these two alone, you can feel his sensitivity and his love and his gratitude and his determination. riki is soft, and he takes great joy in complimenting his members. he loves to see himself improve. he cares deeply about the people he cherishes and holds them close to his heart. riki is sweet and thoughtful. to me, he is a blanket on a cool winter’s evening; tender and warm and something that picks you up after a long day of getting put down. riki is a kind soul with a gentle heart, and i wish more people would appreciate that.
anyways … riki <3
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seattlesellie · 1 year
hi angel i saw u say you wanted more fluffy ellie requests and i thought about maybe something along the lines of the cute pics she has of you two in her phone idk it’s just something i thought of u don’t have to write it if u don’t want to i just love ur blog and everything u write 💗💗💗💗🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
not about love ♡
pre-dating slightly loser college!ellie 🦕 incoming !! basically u go through ellies phone and find… something. part 1 of… maybe?
warnings: slightly mean ellie for a second, sexual tension, mentions of weed and alcohol.
part 2
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Tic-Toc, the gentle sounds of the ancient clock in Ellie’s room filled the thick air. a gift from Joel. It was a warm, lazy afternoon. You almost fell asleep, almost. Her bed smelled like her, so did the ruffled, Nirvana t-shirt you were laying on. Everything in this room practically screamed Ellie. The scent, the sketches on the wall — of Dina, and Jesse, and you. Why did she have more sketches of you than anyone else? A dinosaur lego, a miniature solar system, obscure band posters, Oh! here’s the pin you gifted her once!, two pairs of mismatched socks, a random rock (“It’s from like, the moon” she said. It was from the local science museum.)
“El” you whined, receiving a gentle hum in response.
“I’m bored” you exclaimed with a heavy sigh. It's not as if she owed you any attention, she told you she had to study. For some reason, some odd reason nor you or her could put your finger on, you had to be there with her. “Well” you excused. “It’s not like I have anything better to do, right?” A lie. What about your project due Monday? Nevermind.
“Catch this” she exclaimed, tossing a serene light blue stress ball directly at your face.
“Ow!” you whined, yet again. If only you knew what those whines did to her.
“Sorry bro, gotta finish this fucking question. She said, flexing her sore hand. “Fuck this fucking Prof, seriously” She mumbled, clearly annoyed, clearly frustrated. Ellie had this thing, well, if you could even call something that she only had specifically with you a “Thing” — where she had to call you by those stupid names. “Dude” “Bro” “Jeez man!” just to see you squirm. Youd flinch ever so slightly, a fleeting reaction that betrayed a hint of offense flickering in your eyes. Every time you couldn’t help but pout, couldn’t help but look a little bit hurt, it did something to her. It wasn’t because she liked hurting you, God knows she didn’t. It would give her a glimmer of hope, of light. Shed journal about it, too;
“I called her Bro again. She looked really sad. Why does she get sad? I’m so fucking stupid. It’s probably because no one else calls her fucking bro, I’m literally delusional. Also had expired fucking Pizza. Worst day ever. Shit. Not that bad because she smiled at batted her eyelashes. God Ellie you need therapy.” YOURE A DUMBASS!!!!”
Half an hour had elapsed, brimming with Ellie muttering to herself under her breath. lighting a blunt, burning the blunt, passing it to you, begging you to give it back after 3 seconds.
You were pretty sure you had gone through every single app on your phone five times already. Stalking rando’s on Instagram, watching ASMR tiktoks, talking shit with Dina in the groupchat. How much more of this boredom could you take? My god, you were humming a stupid melody to yourself.
“Griiiind boy you know I grind when I pull-“
Did Ellie just shush you?!
“Excuse me?” You said.
“I’m trying to concentrate. Also what the fuck is a Fartulum?” Ellie retorted, withdrawing slightly and punctuating her frustration with stomps on the floor. God, she was too fucking cute.
“Can I play on your phone?” You questioned innocently. One more opening and closing the same App and you’d have lost your damn mind. You could practically see the Candy Crush candies popping inside of your brain every time you closed your eyes.
“No” she answered bluntly.
“Why? you scared I’ll find your nudes? Not gonna look- Swear on my li-“
You could hear her eye rolling, somehow.
“I dont have fucking nudes” she affirmed with a touch of exasperation.
“Someone else’s?” you said quietly. Your tone almost exposed you. Almost.
“Psh… no” Ellie said in return, just as quiet. Her tone almost exposed her, too.
Wish I had yours. Shut it, Ellie.
“Then let me go on your phone” You whined, got off the bed and almost slipped on one of her belts that laid on the floor. So messy, so, so Ellie.
She cast a sidelong glance at you, her eyes darting from the corner of her vision. Her grip on the pen was incredibly tight. It happened every time you got near, got too close to her. Whether it was clutching the strings of her hoodie, her knuckles turning white with tension, or her toes curling in a clenched stance. Shed never ever admit it to herself, cool, calm & collected, but fuck did you make her nervous.
You settled yourself on the chair beside her, causing her to divert every ounce of her attention back to her assignment, shifting it solely onto you. You. You. You.
She gazed directly into your eyes, and a peculiar warmth flooded your face. Its funny how even after being friends for all this time, making eye contact with her managed to stir something within you. She asked you about it once, mid fight. “You never even look at me when we talk!” she huffed. “Yes I do!” no you dont. “No you don’t!” and when your lips quivered, turning you in, she left it at that.
Ellie scratched the back of her neck, her arms flexing subtly with the motion. You gave her that look, the look that made her cheeks go bright pink, her hands clam up. She bit her lip. “Fine”. You won, flashing her a toothy smile she couldn’t help but grin at.
And there you were, with Ellie’s iPhone 5C (Yeah, she never got that buying a new iPhone every 2 years phenomenon) laying on Ellie’s bed, in Ellie’s room.
“Ew - Ellie what the fuck? why is your screen greasy?!” You squirmed, fingertips grazing over her slightly sticky screen. Is that fucking chicken nuggets residue?
“Shut up, dude. You asked me for my phone so deal with the consequences”
You rolled your eyes, proceeded to wipe the screen of her phone with the corner of her cozy flannel bedsheet. Her phone was really warm. One more month and it would probably set on fire.
“Password?” You questioned, and shifted to lay on your stomach, your cheek caressing the pillow. It had a little auburn colored hair laying on top of it.
Ellie huffed and waited a second before she responded, contemplating again. It’s harmless, fuck it.
“Okay, seriously - you could get hacked with that dumbass password”
“Pffft” Ellie huffed. “I’d fucking beat them up if they tried robbing me” she said, ever the brave.
“I’m not… talking about robbers, Ellie. Like, hackers?”
“Same thing”
“You cant beat up hackers they’re- Nevermind” you sighed.
If the room was classic Ellie, god, so was her phone. Default Apple background, because she truly couldn’t be bothered. iMessage, Instagram with four pictures on her feed; One of her arm slightly flexing her tat (who the fuck was the bitch who commented “damn” under there?), one of a stray cat wearing her grey beanie, a meme that says “Fuck sex. Let’s do something romantic like play Fireboy and Watergirl on CoolMathGames.Com” (God, she thought she was so funny for that one. 6 Likes, one from you, one from Jesse, the fake Instagram account you and Dina created for Joel, her ex Cat, and one from Dina and a spam bot). Next to the Instagram laid the NASA app (of course), Call Of Duty for iPhone (Made her sleep for only fifteen minutes one night), calculator, 9GAG (People still use that?!), and… her gallery.
You pursed your lips, contemplating the situation. Should you?after all, Ellie said; No nudes. So what could possibly be on there?
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Of course.
You couldn't contain a soft giggle that escaped your lips, earning an inquisitive whine from Ellie. "What's so funny?" she grumbled, unable to resist her curiosity.
“Said you were studying, so study” You said, while scrolling through her gallery.
As you readjusted your position on the bed, you unintentionally swiped to the left, revealing her albums. Just harmless browsing, right?
“Funny memes”
“Pics to send Jesse when he’s being stupid”
“Stink ❤️”
A picture of you, laying on the grass, a bright, toothy smile spread across your face. It was from your Instagram, the one you deleted because you thought you looked dumb. The one Ellie commented a for once unsarcastic “Woah” on.
The album was locked.
You felt your throat go dry, heartbeat speeding up. Your leg started shaking, and God, you hoped she would come and snatch the phone off of your hand.
But she didn’t. She just shifted in her sit, cleared her throat and resumed her studies.
You shouldn’t have. But you did.
Unlocked. Success!
You felt like screaming at the top of your lungs. Was it even hotter in here now? Extra humid today? you bit your lip, it almost hurt.
A picture of you and Dina. A selfie you sent to the groupchat two weeks ago. Ellie doodled a green heart on it. You were sweating. A picture of you on Christmas last year. That same day you had your stupid fight on. You were wearing a Santa hat, mug of hot Coco and tiny white marshmallows in your hand.
Your stomach felt as if it were infested by a swarm of Ellie looking butterfly’s.
A picture of you sound asleep, in Ellie’s bed. She was mid-moving a hair strand away from your face. It was blurry. You recognized that top.
You were wasted that day. Blabbering uncontrollably about how you had to crash on her bed, because you were scared your new roommate would think you’re stupid, and dumb, and an idiot, for getting drunk at a frat party.
You couldn’t understand why Ellie didn’t want to help you. You almost kicked her when she said she couldn’t, that you’d be better off in your bed. “I snore. And I kick in my sleep - Seriously” You almost cried. You called her a bad friend, a fake one, because — isn’t that what friends are for? Shouldn’t they have your back when you’re a babbling mess? Hold your hair for you, put you to sleep, take care of you?
Ellie couldn’t sleep that night.
When you laid there, right on her bed, her face went so red and hot you could fry something on it. She almost hit herself in the face when her chest grazed your back. When your leg caressed her’s, and ended up on top of her thigh, she almost screamed. When you shifted to face her, an angelic, sound asleep expression on your face, she swore she almost died. The string of your top came off, revealing more of your shoulder, and the strap of your bra, Ellie turned around so fast she almost woke you up.
She slept for 20 minutes.
When she woke up, she had to make herself remember it. Remember you, laying with her.
So she took a picture. An innocent one.
You almost jumped when the pen fell slipped from her hand and she turned around to face you.
“What are you doing?”
Whats in her notes app?
part two
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
Hii ⭐
Txt with an idol s/o
Can u write this? 😸
you’re an idol ♡
a/n. hello anon! sorry you had to wait for so long, i hope u like it though!! i kind of wanted to write it as well but you gave me the perfect opportunity hehe
you can also find enha version here!! :D
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┆彡 YEONJUN [ 연준 ]
oh boy
first of all (and everyone saw it coming)… he absolutely devours your group’s choreos
like okay you’re his gf blah blah but he still will outshine you in the tiktoks you’re making because of your comebacks ���
and also?? he’s always the first person ever to film a tiktok challenge w u and vice versa…. like your song could be out for only one hour and there’s already a tiktok of u two dancing (nooo not suspicious at all wdym)
other than that he’s such a sweetheart :(
he knows when you’re recording in the studio and will always make sure to drop by and bring you snacks/drinks, even if your company is on the other side of the town
or when he can’t get there in person he’ll send an uber to you with some food with cute sticky notes attached (“fighting! <3”)
and oh boy dating him means that you have access to his closet *-*
so while your fans call you an fashion icon, yeonjun is rolling his eyes at the fact that those are literally his clothes (“i styled them though!” “but y/n–?!”)
takes u on cute lil days usually in the evening and you’re the one who takes his candid pics to post on instagram username yawnzzn 😄😄😄😄😄
and if you have private insta you post pics that he took of you as well ^_^ but if you have an official acc you just wait a bit with posting so the fans won’t be able to connect the dots too quickly
and and :( he’s so cute like!! “yeah there was (your fav group) comeback right?? and they were on inkigayo, right??” *casually whips out a signed album* “oh and also i got (your bias)’s phone number and i gave them yours, they told me they’ll call you!!! i said you’d love to meet up and maybe film a challenge?”
fainting rn
will get jealous tho if u keep blabbing abt your bias so please cover him in kisses n cuddle w him :)
┆彡 SOOBIN [ 수빈 ]
papa bunny is treating you like one of his members
he can be sweet sometimes too 🙄
but most of the time he’ll scold u if you’re not sleeping/eating/resting enough… and also if you’re skipping practices
he’ll snitch to your leader?? or manager??
like tf.
but he’s so so cute :(
if you happen to have comebacks in similar time, you always end up opening each other’s albums!!
or even if it’s for example you, you’ll watch him open all the versions of the albums
bc he’s a fanboy. and you know it he’ll be your fanboy too <3
however filming tiktoks w him when you have a challenge… yeah good luck.
but it only takes one “oh okay i’ll go ask yeonjun then–“ and he’s there shaking his ass
he’ll be grumpy later tho 🙄
(“how could u even think of asking him when i’m your boyfriend!!!!!”)
fans think you’re really really close friends (esp if you’re under hybe too) so they’re like
“oh look!! y/n attended txt’s concert!! their friendship is so so cute!!”
and then you’re making out backstage… yeah cute friendship indeed :)
also expect him to tear up if you’re tearing up on a stage or at home bc you’re so overwhelmed by your fans support :( he just can’t help it + he’s super proud of u
┆彡 BEOMGYU [ 범규 ]
cutie patootie on the highest levels :”)
just like soobin – he’s iu fanboy so ofc he’ll be yours too!!! will attend your concerts, have your light stick and pc collection
obv he’s acting like he doesn’t
in private you often sing each other’s songs
and he’d cover some of them on guitar ^_^
he’s constantly singing your songs underneath his breath
will even dance randomly, sometimes during to x do and the boys r like —.—
takes care of you….. you’re constantly on his mind, he’s so thoughtful
he’ll see one (1) bruise and right away inspect if you’re not going too hard on yourself <\\3
also gossips abt you with your band members 😑
and they send him pics of you when you’re not looking 😑😑
you both are trying your best to be careful abt your relationship but the fans are a little suspicious after you quite often… reference him or his lines
and he’s,,, well, himself and doesn’t really care
so sooner or later fans figure out lol!
but it’s not that bad actually <\\3
┆彡 TAEHYUN [ 태현 ]
realistically speaking he’ll be the smartest with your relationship like no way in hell people would figure out
but he’s so cute help i love him sm :(
he carries a key chain of your representative animal near his keys and just!!! <\\3
he’ll take such good care of you too like 🥹
he knows it all abt taking care of your vocals and body esp when you’re working hard
so he’s pops in to your studio with warm water with honey and straight on acts like it just? fell from the sky?
“idk what do you mean i did not prepare this and carry just for you?? you’re so delusional sometimes i just found it on the street 😑 but drink it all”
yeah sure 🥰
and kind of bullies you intro working out but in the end working out with him is fun so you don’t mind :D
not only your fans are falling in love w u more and more hehehe but also tae also takes care of you after a harsh work out session so…. <3
and he’ll never admit but he loves your songs!! often uses some of them as a warm up or just hums then when he’s alone
will know a lot of choreos of yours as well but he’d rather die than say it out loud
but when he’s with guys tho
(he thinks it’s not that noticeable but it so is)
also if your company sucks ass he will not hesitate to do something about it – whether i’m person, email them or even hire someone to act on it 😳
mans got money, okay? and balls too. and also huge huge love for you 😌 so he’ll do whatever it takes if your comfort is being threatened
┆彡 HUENING KAI [ 휴닝카이 ]
dispatch announced u as a couple and honestly this is the best outcome bc kai would have spilled it anyways
and needless to say you are like everyone’s fav :(
let’s be real, you two are cuties patooties so i’m not even surprised ^_^
fans set matching pfps of your pics :(
and kai is such a sweetheart he started collecting plushies of your representative animal and if you have a plushie (like bt21, skzoo) of you then he’ll just buy every single one that comes out + clothes :(
sleeps w them too :( esp when one of you is on a tour <\\3
oh and also on tours :( you’ll play on nintendos, animal crossing or something and leave notes for each other
or face time while you play and kai zones out sometimes bc he keeps staring at u and thinking how much he misses u instead of playing ☹️
you have the access card to each others companies (if you’re not in hybe) and the staff there is just 🧍‍♀️
loves you to death but is jealous how often you text and hang out with his sisters
esp if you film a tiktok with them first?? and then him?? offended (at least 20 kisses are needed to make him happy again)
carries your pcs everywhere!! wallet, phone case, attached to his bag in those cute little holders
supports u on the FULLEST ?!
sends trucks w coffees or snacks at your filming locations, attends your concerts, goes to events w you and promotes your songs on weverse :”)
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @cinnamoroxie ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang
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miraeluc · 28 days
i loved ur last hcs about sh so much ! if its not too much, can i ask for u to make a 2nd part (?) including shoto & izuku. please, im begging u, ill sell my organs if needed. thank u <3
dearest, from the depth of my heart, i’m offering my sincere apologies, for some stupid reason, i saw your ask a few months ago, prepared the draft and forgot entirely about it. i feel so bad pls don't sell your organs omg i hope this reaches you.
bnha boys finding out about your selfharm
prompt: /
pairing: izuku midoriya x reader, todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: mention of bad mental state! (reader); selfharming; some crying; pronouns of reader not mentioned (i think? correct me if i’m wrong pls!)
izuku midoriya
izuku, just like bakugou, was aware that you had been struggling with your mental health
but, obviously, he also was not aware of your self-harm tendencies
to be fair, it wasn't something you struggled with for a long time
only two months, to be exact
the first time you put a blade to your skin was your biggest regret - because although it wasn't pleasureable, it was extremely easy to spiral out of control, doing it nearly every day as if it was routine.
and since it was winter - you didn't worry about hiding it since you could wear long clothes without people questioning it anyway
when izuku found out, he was a mess
it went like this
the both of you were spending a cozy evening together
since everyone in your class was out or with their families, you had the entire living area to yourself
you were sat beside him, scrolling on tiktok and he was doing the same, but on his own phone
after a long while of you guys just silently enjoying eachother's company, he wanted to ask if you were hungry, but since he hadn't spoken in a while his voice cracked while doing so, and you were quick to mock him
long story short, you were now underneath him while he was tickling you.
when you tried to push his hands away, he grabbed your wrist - initially only wanting to stop you, but when you winced, he immediately stopped tickling you and, without thinking, pulled up your sleeve to see if he had hurt you
instead, he was met with the red, angry lines littered across your skin, the wounds not fresh enough to still bleed, but they were obviously still open wounds
you froze in place
he gulped, eyes moving to meet yours before he wordlessly pulled you to sit on his lap, arms wrapping around you and caging you in
"-'s ok. don't feel bad. i'm sorry i didn't realise sooner." he choked out, trying to blink away his tears
you were still frozen in place, thoughts running wild as you tried to gather your words to say something 
“izu.. please- don’t blame yourself for not realising sooner,”
he moved to look at you, teary eyes meeting yours “let’s bandage you up, ok, love?”
before you could react, he already stood - hands steady beneath your thighs, carrying you towards his dorm room, placing you down onto his bed before leaving to grab a first-aid kit from his bathroom
he wordlessly applied aloe vera gel over the more or less still fresh wounds, wrapping bandages around your arm securely before pressing a light kiss on your hand
“we can talk if you want to, but let’s get the food i was talking about earlier, hm?” 
you smiled slightly and nodded
although you still had a long road before you, you felt that a tiny burden had been lifted off your shoulders
you no longer had to fight for happiness all alone, - izuku would be by your side every step of the way, rest assured.
todoroki shouto
although shouto was indifferent, he was not stupid
he didn’t officially know of your battles with mental health, nor did he officially know about your self-harming tendencies, but he picked up the signs.
he didn’t want to confront you about immediately - since he also wasn’t a very open person, he wanted to provide you the space you needed until you were ready to open up and talk about your struggles
in the meantime, he tried his best to subtly ask fuyumi for tips on how to comfort someone when the time came
he did begin to get increasingly worried when he started hearing less and less from you - you often didn’t show up to class, and you never answered texts
todoroki, not being one to pry, tried giving you the space he assumed you needed
he didn’t take it personally - he knew you weren’t doing this on purpose, but he was flooded with worry.
and when he found out you haven’t been leaving your room at all, he decided it was time to react and check on you, even if it meant bothering you
when he stepped into your room, his eyes had to adjust to be able to see in the darkness that immediately engulfed him as the door clicked shut behind him
the air was stale - clothes scattered around the floor. your bed was messy, but you were not to be seen
tentatively he called out your name, switching on the small bedside lamp you had
„y/n?“ as he took in the sight of your room, but his eyes zeroed in on something, an object, on your bedside table
he tried again, blood running cold
„y/n? are you in the bathroom?“
he picked up said object, mindful to not cut himself with the small blade, moving to place it somewhere away from beside your bed - out of sight, in hopes that his heart would slow its racing
„yeah. i’m in here. hold on.“ he heard you groggily call out
his eyes closed in relief at the sound of your voice - having assumed the worst and he sighed shakily, dropping to sit on the edge your bed whilst he waited for you, running a hand through his hair to push it back
when you stepped out of the bathroom, his face understandably dropped
you looked so pale, so defeated
so fragile
he noticed the way you were fidgeting, an arm hidden behind your back - probably the reason he heard you shuffling around your bathroom. maybe in search of something to cover up?
he stood again, slowly approaching you. when you didn’t flinch away, he gently reached up a hand to caress your cheek
„did you bandage yourself up properly?“ he whispered, no hint of judgement in his tone - just worry
and alas, that is all it took for your eyes to brim with tears.
your lower lip shook as you quickly blinked up at him, shaking your head and releasing a heart-shattering sob as your boyfriend engulfed you into his arm - caging you into a protective hug
„it’s okay. will you let me help you?“ he whispered
a/n: hi again - i KNOW i disappeared for like 2 - 3 years but i’m about to finish my drafts and post them out, but i want to announce that requests are temporarily closed as i will no longer be writing about anime characters (unless i get an intense surge of inspiration), but there will be more explaining that in a separate post. for now, enjoy the drafts!
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siredtosturniolos · 1 month
First of all I’m sorry if this is the wrong place to send requests in. I’m new to tumblr so I have no clue how to use this platform 😭anyways I have a request I’m begging on hands and knees for a chris fic where reader is 18 and he’s 23. reader is a influencer (u can make up where they met) ENEMIES TO LOVERS KINDA and SMUTTTTTTT with praising (lots of praising and pet names) u can make up the whole story it should just be based off these things thank uuuu
Paring: Chris Sturniolo x reader 
Summary: You had socially climbed the ladder to fame and gotten your very own spot on the Vidcon lineup. Freshly 18 meant you were fully able to go on your own, and meet some of your favorite content creators yourself. And Chris. You didn’t particularly like him, as he had been rude to you ever since you met him. You confront him and things turn a different direction than you thought.
Warnings: Smut! Praising, pet names, enemies to lovers(kinda? Maybe this means part 2?). Read at your own risk and mdni! (First pov) 
Authors note: thank you for requesting this! I hope you like it. <3
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Walking the halls of VidCon the day before the event took place really helped me ground myself. I couldn’t believe I was here, let alone someone thousands of fans wanted to meet. I started a YouTube channel in October of 2021, and it’s only gone up from there. Posting various forms of content such as vlogs, get ready with me, makeup tutorials, and even a couple cooking videos. 
I just hit 5 million subscribers, so on top of doing VidCon I was also hosting my own meet and greet the day after. I was hoping to make some connections and see if anyone would want to come celebrate this milestone with me. 
Even though I have been successful for a while now, I had just moved to LA last month. I’ve been to a party here and there, making a few friends along the way. I take a seat on a bench outside to soak up some sun, and so I can really reflect on what my life has become. 
Jake, Johnnie, and Tara are supposed to be here today as well and I couldn’t be more thankful. They had introduced me to so many of their friends in the last few weeks, most of them being welcoming.
Larray and I had clicked instantly and had hung out a few times, but he wasn’t set to be here this weekend. He had already made plans with other friends so he couldn’t come keep me company. He promised me that Nick Sturniolo would be down to let me hangout with him until I was comfortable, and I was super appreciative of that. 
Chris Sturniolo though? Not so much. I’ll never forget the way his eyes raked down my body, stopping at my chest for a moment before he looked back up at my face. 
“Hey baby, I don’t think we’ve met before?” 
I rolled my eyes at how corny he was, slightly drunk and incredibly stupid. Once he realized he wasn’t getting in my pants he had completely ignored me. I also met Nick and Matt later on, and they were absolute sweethearts. 
Ever since that night any time a fan would bring me up in a live stream of his, he’d ask them to either stop talking, or call me boring and move on to the next question. I had reached out to him asking him to stop, as his fanbase had jumped to my socials and started going insane. 
Every time I messaged him, he’d read it and not respond. Nick would occasionally bring me up in videos and it was clear as day Chris didn’t like me, and his fans made it known. Clipping it and tagging me thousands of times nearly made me delete TikTok all together. 
I had come to find out Chris was actually really nice to everyone, just not me. I’m not quite sure what I could’ve done to make him be so rude to me, but it’s not like I see him all the time. Maybe I’ll have a chance to speak to him in person, and make him really hear me out. 
“Y/N!” A voice called out to me, making me jump. I watched as Jake walked up to me, “Tara has been looking for you, yapping about getting ready for tonight.” He explains, shrugging his shoulders. 
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Tonight?” I ask, standing from the bench and letting him lead me to Tara. “They’re hosting a party tonight for us at the hotel apparently. Something to kick off the event? Fuck if I know.” Jake laughed. 
The next few hours flew by and before I knew it, Tara and I were letting loose and dancing to Just Dance by Lady Gaga. I had a few drinks in me, just enough to stop worrying about everything. Tara on the other hand, is gonna have a hangover from hell tomorrow. 
“I have to pee!” I yell to Tara as the song fades out, she nods and gives me two thumbs up before I begin to head towards the bathroom just outside the ballroom the party was in. 
Just as I’m about to enter I hear snickering behind me, making me turn around. I come face to face with none other than Chris. His eyes were burning into me, as he slowly approached, a stupid smirk on his face. 
“What are you laughing about?” I ask him, letting out a deep sigh.
He shakes his head, “You look ridiculous.” He states, like it’s a known fact. I glance down at my outfit, a simple black tube top and cargo camo pants. My black and white Nike’s were clean and uncreased, so what the hell was he talking about? 
I look back up to him as his 5’8 frame slightly towers over my own, “What did I do to make you hate me so much?” I calmly asked him, as surprise flooded his features. Apparently he wasn’t expecting me to call him out in person. 
He stood there for a second, staying silent as he didn't know what to say, “Oh so you just hate me for no reason? Nice.” I scoff, before turning around to enter the bathroom. I was stopped by a gentle grip on my arm, making me look over my shoulder at Chris. 
“Look, I don’t really know why I act like this, okay?” He sighs, dropping his hand as I turn to face him again, “Ever since I met you at that party, I just can’t get you off my mind.” He explains, taking a step closer to me. Now I can smell his cologne and I hate to admit that it’s doing something to me. 
“Don’t make fun of me.” He continues, making my eyebrow raise in curiosity, “When we locked eyes that night it felt different to me. It felt like more than just two people meeting for the first time.” He says quietly, looking me in my eyes so I knew he wasn’t lying, “It scared the shit out of me.” 
I start to smile slightly, making him roll his eyes, “Are you telling me you fell in love with me at first sight?” I tease him, making him throw his head back and groan. “Just stop being rude Chris, we could’ve been something this whole time you know?” I tell him, watching as his eyes meet my lips before looking away quickly. 
“Wanna make up for lost time?” He suggests, making me glance around the hallway we were in. There were a few people scattered around, but none of them were paying attention to us. I look up at him to see that sexy smirk on his lips, “Fuck it.” I shrug, before I drag him into the bathroom with me. I lock the door before I’m pushed up against it, Chris pressing kisses to my cheeks before going down my neck. 
I let out a soft moan, lifting my hands to slide them into Chris’ hair and tugging slightly as he found my sweet spot, “No marks please.” I plead him, feeling his tongue lather the area before he moves lower. His kisses get harsher the lower he gets, looking up at me slightly before he returns to his full height and slams his lips on mine. 
I moan into the kiss, the tension between us coming to a peak, “Jump.” He mumbles into my lips, wrapping his arms around my waist. I use his shoulders for stability as I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. He pulls back so he can walk me to the sink, and I waste no time trailing kisses down his neck. Chris sets me down on the counter and spreads my legs so he can stand in between them. 
“Gonna make you feel so good baby.” He rasps, tilting his head back as I continue my assault on his neck. I make my way back up to his lips, taking him in for a split second before we kiss again. His hair is disheveled, his lips swollen from our kissing, and his eyes. They’re full of lust and determination, and I can’t help but try to clench my thighs. 
Chris smirks at me, playing with my top, “Can I take this off pretty girl?” He asks, to which I rapidly nod. Chris’ fingers slip underneath the fabric of my shirt briefly, before he snaps the band against my chest making me gasp. He wastes no time as he quickly takes it off, setting it somewhere behind me. His hands instantly cup my breasts, his lips slotted back onto mine. 
His large palms squeeze my breasts, his thumbs brushing over my nipples making me let out a whine. I tug at his shirt and he pulls away to take it off, “Fucking incredible.” He mutters, letting his eyes fall onto my chest as I pant. He leans down, taking my nipple into his mouth, and my hand flies to the back of his head, arching my chest into his chest. 
“Fuck Chris.”  I moan, my hips bucking as that’s where I really want him. He switches sides, letting his hand trail down my body to pop open my pants, pulling away to look at me. “I’m about to ruin you, sweetheart.” He lowly speaks, making me bite my lip as I begin to help him remove my pants. I kicked off my shoes and Chris played with the band of my underwear. 
“Please Chris.” I beg him, already tired of his teasing. 
“Good girls say what they want.” He replies, using one hand to tease me through my damp underwear, the other dancing across my inner thighs. 
I let out a huff, “Please touch me.” I plead, reaching down to move his hand exactly where I want him, “Make me feel good.” 
Chris smirks at me, “Good girl.” I gasp as his hand suddenly slips lower, finally giving my body what it’s been craving for. His fingers collect my wetness, spreading it down to my opening, making my back arch with need. I open my mouth to beg him again but I’m cut off by him slipping a finger inside, his thumb connecting with my pulsating clit. 
“Chris!” I gasp, his fingers work mercilessly, the coil in my stomach already building. I let out whines and moans, already feeling fuzzy as he continues to work my body closer to my climax. 
“Look at me, baby.” Chris demands, making my eyes flutter open, “I want you to look at me as I make you cum.” He continues, working another finger inside my core. My jaw drops in a silent moan as his eyes bore into mine. I feel myself begin to clench around his fingers as he hits my sweet spot over and over. 
“There it is.” He smirks down at me, and half of me wants to tell him to stop, that the pleasure is too much. The other half of me wants to be greedy, and welcome the waves of ecstasy as they flow through my body. 
“Feels so good.” I whine out, watching the way Chris glances down at his fingers as they disappear inside of me, “So close.” I moan, feeling the coil twisting tighter and tighter.  
“Yeah? Gonna be a good girl and cum for me?” He asks me, and that's all it takes. The coil snaps and I fight to keep my eyes open as I release all over his fingers. Chris lets out a groan, mumbling praises left and right as I come down from my high. 
I’m still in a daze when he helps me off the counter and spins me around to face the mirror. He lifts his hand to my neck, tugging my body to be flush with his. I gasp as I feel his hard dick pressing against my ass, I didn’t even notice he took off his pants. 
“Gonna watch me while I fuck you, baby?” He asks, meeting my eyes in the mirror. I nod rapidly, “You look away once and I stop, got it?” Chris speaks, as he helps me bend forward and kicks my legs apart further for him. 
“Yes sir.” I reply, a small smirk on my lips as I back my ass further into him, making Chris grin. “Keep that up and you won’t make it to the event tomorrow.” 
He takes hold of his dick, running his head through my folds, bumping my clit making me whine. He pumps himself a few times before he’s teasing my entrance. I pout up at his reflection, arching my back even more to show how impatient I was. He takes that as a sign to slowly thrust into me, making my jaw drop at the burn from the stretch. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He groans, one hand resting on my hip, the other coming to hold onto my shoulder. He waits a moment before he begins thrusting, my body shaking each time he fills me up. “Feels so good.” Chris moans out, his hand leaving my hip to deliver a harsh smack to my ass, rubbing the now red area soothingly afterwards. 
At this point, I can’t even form words and of course Chris took notice, “Got my baby all fucked out already.” He states, smacking my ass again. “Can’t wait to wreck this pussy.” He grunts out, his thrusts getting quicker and harder. 
My mouth hangs open in a silent moan, my eyes never leaving his. “Such a good girl, keeping your eyes on mine.” I feel the coil in my stomach reappear, and I can’t help but try to squirm away from Chris as the pleasure builds, “Don’t you fucking run away from me.” Chris spits, lowering both arms to grip my waist as he plows into me.
“T-Too much!” I finally whine out, clenching on him as his head nudges that sweet spot within my core. 
Chris shakes his head, “You can take it baby.” He lets out a rather loud moan before his thrusts start to get sloppy, “Be a good girl and take it.” He grunts out, sliding a hand to my front, quickly finding my clit and rubbing fast circles. 
My legs begin to shake, “I’m-” I’m cut off by a rather loud moan as Chris angles his hips upwards, bringing me even more pleasure. “Me too baby, fuck.” Chris moans, lowering his Chin to his chest as he watches himself slide in and out of me. 
“Cum with me.” He demands, my legs begin to shake as he meets my eyes as the coil within me finally snaps. I can feel myself pushing and pulling him in as I cum, and the feeling of his shooting out makes it all the more pleasurable. Chris finally halts his movements, staying buried inside. 
He gently pulls out, both of us wincing. He quickly cleans himself up and slides his pants back on before he turns to me. He rubs my cheek lovingly before he helps me clean up and get redressed. I quickly check my makeup and fix it, before turning to face him. 
“You’re staying with me tonight.” He states, holding out his hand for me to take. I take it with a smile on my face. 
“I planned on it.”
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kyber-crystal · 11 months
For requests, maybe something with rooster where you like to play little tiktok pranks on him. like imagine telling him you paid $200 for premium air in your tires or supergluing a jar and he can't open it lol 😭😭 I just think he would have the best reactions to all of them
HAIJHSOJNSOJXN I JUST BUST OUT LAUGHING READING THIS (also despite being on tiktok i’m not super up to date on all the pranks bc they haven’t shown up a lot on my fyp. but i HAVE seen some stuff here and there so i will mostly be going off that haha). anyway i’m so sorry this was genuinely so cringe bc i haven’t done headcanons in a while but i hope it makes u laugh anyway :)) i have a better one shot coming your way i promise
rooster is the prankster of the group
but there’s only one person that can outdo him: you
this man practically falls to his feet when he sees you and worships the ground you walk on and somehow YOU CANT SEE IT
what this basically means is he will literally drop whatever he’s doing to listen to you
miraculously, cyclone is in a good mood, and thus decides to grant everyone three days off
this is the perfect time for you to mess with little rooster’s head :)
you know you go to the beach to play volleyball every friday. and this friday is supposed to be the hottest day of the month
this means that rooster will burn almost as quickly as he tans
while he’s busy chatting up some “game plan” with coyote, you swap out the sunscreen spray in his jacket pocket for baby oil
SO THEN he comes over to put it on, and not even ten seconds later he’s all shiny and sparkly and you try your hardest not to laugh (and gawk a little bc holy that man is TONED)
you’re able to get about 2 rounds in when he notices
“why do i smell like i just waltzed through a lavender field.”
“hmmmmmmmmm no idea” you smiled at him innocently
“it was you, wasn’t it” and he goes chasing after you as you shriek at the top of your lungs
(he managed to tackle you down and although you get a bit sand in your mouth and hair you count it as a win because you took him completely by surprise AND you got to see his bare chest but you wouldn’t fucking dare admit that to him, his ego is big enough as it is. rooster 0-you 1)
ok later that evening @ the hard deck, he’s on a phone call with one of his old college friends. for this one, you team up with hangman to hand him some of the most random things while he’s talking
you start off normal at first, like with a beer, then your hair tie (he always wears at least 3-4 of these on his wrist bc you always end up needing one at some point in the week.)
then hangman hands him a cube of ice. literally a cube of ice. but rooster barely reacts to this and just pops it into his mouth
then a lightbulb goes off in your head
knowing that rooster has an irrational fear of ladybugs, you quickly go out to the back to find one
then you come back and hold your hand out to him
and rooster, being rooster, LOVES physical contact (especially if it’s from you), and takes your hand in his as he continues talking
but then the bright red ladybug crawls onto his wrist and he almost immediately hangs up, drops the phone, and SCREAMS in the middle of the bar
you and hangman share a secret high five at this
but ALSOOO you kind of feel bad for scaring the shit out of the poor guy
that night you’re too lazy to walk back to your place so rooster offers to let you stay with him
and duh you say yes (it’s def bc you’re getting extra opportunities to pull pranks on him and not bc you have a fat crush on him and are hoping he’ll notice even though you’re the least obvious lil shit and prefer to show you care ab him by asking if he wants anything from costco or his fav restaurant down the street)
he ends up sleeping in the next morning, and you’re up pretty early, so you decide to make breakfast
you make a mental note to yourself to go on a grocery run together next week bc you were almost out of strawberry jam
he comes downstairs w/ messy hair and sits down at the counter
and he tries to open the jar of jam
but it won’t budge
he keeps trying for a minute straight but then gives up
so his eyes immediately go over to you and you play dumb
“i didn’t do anything i swear!”
“i’m innocent!”
he suddenly brushes your cheek with his thumb and you find this a bit strange since it’s so sudden. and still, your heart does that annoying thing where it skips a beat every time he touches you
“superglue…” he murmured. “i wonder how that got here?”
hahahahahahahaha you sure wonder. it’s not like you stole it while he was sleeping one night
later that night you ask him if he wants to go for a drive down by the coastline and he says yes.
“yknow, i paid $200 to get premium air for these bad boys!” you told him as you started the engine.
“for my tires!”
he looks flabbergasted
“y/n, i think you got scammed”
you keep driving anyway, the car did NOT feel any different like the mechanic promised it would
but you were no way in hell about to admit that to an already smug looking bradley bradshaw
rooster has finally, FINALLY started to catch onto your antics
so he starts scheming all week to figure out how to get back at you
during this week you’re extremely busy flying back and forth with payback, lessons with maverick, and staying up way too late with phoenix to talk about the latest season of your favorite show
so you don’t even notice that he hasn’t been around for a hot min
then one thursday afternoon right after you got out of the shower, you get a text from him that tells you he’s grabbing some fancy dinner with the guys in an hour and to dress fancy
this has you SCRAMBLING to change bc the place he’s referring to is absolutely legendary
so you show up to the restaurant all polished up and find him in a private booth in the back
rooster is suddenly speechless bc when he told you to dress nice, he didn’t expect you to look like an actual angel
“y/n…you look beautiful”
“thank you…but hey, where is everyone?”
“running a bit late, they should be here soon”
so you order first and wait. and wait. but nobody else shows up
and suddenly the space between you two felt like it had been chopped in half and now you were sitting a lot closer than you remembered
“okay i lied, i’m sorry” he says all of a sudden and you’re like huh tf u talkin ab “i never asked them to come. this is a date. we’re on a date.”
“we are?”
so in the end…it’s ultimately you who gets pranked :)
:) :) :) :) :)
taglist (add yourself here!): @uwiuwi @queenbbarnes @cosm1cfae @ellabellabus07 @vitanileon @criminalyetminimal @whatlovegattado @and-claudia @bittergomez @julia-marshal @elenavampire21 @totomoshi @lyn-lc @lunamoonbby @paintballkid711 @yeehawnana @hazelgirl355 @spawn0fsatan @teacactusworld @icemansgirl1999 @cherry-waved @littlebadariell @tallrock35 @hoedameronsworld @aerangi
also quick PSA: my taglist spreadsheet hasn’t been updated in a while so this list may not be completely accurate, sorry for any inconveniences : ‘/
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e-vay · 5 months
Evay QA Bulk Post 3
Here’s the latest assembly of asks, assorted by topics so you can browse only what interests you. Also, some questions refer to the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game I made, so to avoid spoilers for those of you who haven't played it, I put those asks all the way at the bottom. If you haven't played my game yet, please go play it!
Anon asked: E-vay may i ask which tablet mark do you use for your drawings?
And dreamylumi-art asked: Was wondering what is your favorite brushes In Procreate? Your drawings look so fun and bouncy that I’m interested in your process!
A: I use an iPad and I do all my drawings in Procreate now. I like to experiment with brushes, but the primary brushes I use come standard with Procreate. I use the "Procreate Pencil" for my sketches and the "Technical Pen" for linework :)
Anon asked: How are u and ur family doing? ❤️
A: You are so very sweet for asking ❤️ We're all doing really good right now. My dad's surgery went great and he's cancer free and fully healed. My mom is on medication that's helped her a lot. Things are also looking up for my younger sister (she even got engaged this Christmas!). I'm stressed but for good reasons hahaha I'm very thankful and counting my blessings right now.
twistedchaos101 asked: Hey, what’s your MBTI?
A: I just retook the test and I got "INFJ-T Advocate" for myself :)
karura-senpai asked: Have u ever heard of these new bollywood movies like Animal and Dunki which are popular rn around the world because of instagram reels and tiktok videos...
A: I can't say that I have, I'm sorry! My Tiktok FYP is very niche so I don't see many things about movies on there.
edwinflores428 asked: E-vay, since you're also a Beatles enjoyer, did you hear the new Beatles song 'Now and Then'?
A: I had not known about this before you told me! I just listened to it and I really loved it. It has that beautiful, 60's-Beatles feel to me. Thank you so much for point it out to me!
Anon asked: What's your creative process when going into writing / planning for a comic? Apologies if this has been asked before.
A: I normally start by just jotting down any super rough concepts/quotes in my notes app. If the piece I'm doing involves stuff I don't know by heart (renaissance clothing or certain landscapes or anything like that) I'll work on gathering a TON of resource images. That way I'm not interrupting my drawing process by repeatedly stopping to look up references. I try to do it all up front and have it saved somewhere I can easily access.
Once I have more time, I'll write out the script in a Google Doc. I break up the script by each panel. I won't always have all the elements ready in my head, and sometimes I'll combine panels or separate them more, but I can always adjust:
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Once I have a basic script, I can start to rough out the drawings/panels. These are just gestural drawings; I'm not looking to do anything too detailed here. I'm trying to figure out what best captures the emotions/energy of the scene and determine the natural flow of where your eyes will want to read the art and word bubbles:
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Then I move on to the "pencils." This is my opportunity to nail down the expressions and flow. Sometimes I'll realize the page is imbalanced so I will redesign the panels so it has more even weight distribution or make it more dynamic/emotional. I always draw the characters in different colors so it can help me make sure I know what lines belong to which character:
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Then it's on to all the fun stuff: Lines, coloring, shading and adding text!
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I hope this answered your question! It's pretty straight forward :)
Anon asked: have you ever watched the anime fairy tail? if no i think sonamy fits the main couple NaLu (natsu x lucy) really well, like as if they’re similar 🫶🏻
A: I'm sorry, I've never seen it! I don't watch much anime anymore.
Anon asked: Can you make different characters(aka people sonic characters/oc) in your own style
A: When I'm open for commissions, yes! I am not open for commissions at the moment but I plan on doing that this year.
chrismantike asked: What’re your thoughts on longclaw (the owl from the sonic movie) does she exist in your AU as Sonic’s mom?
A: I liked the relationship we saw between Longclaw and baby Sonic in the movie, but I consider the movie as something entirely separate from the game/comic canon. I don't include any of the movie elements as part of my AU.
essycogany asked: What do you like most about Prime!Sonic?
A: Hmm, I think my favorite thing about him is how open he is with his emotions. In this show, he's very verbal about how much he cares about his friends and he doesn't hide it when he's sad or upset about something. In other media, Sonic has a habit of masking his emotions. I get that that's part of his personality, but it's nice to see this different side of him. (I also like how he showed more emotions in Frontiers, too!)
juli071023 asked: e-vay, what motivates you a lot about Sonic these years, why do you love it a lot, what motivates you about that character?
A: In the words of Young Neil, 'that's kind of a big question' haha. Simply put, the franchise just fuels me with excitement and joy and love! The character Sonic represents happiness and freedom and living in the moment and loving life to the fullest and I think that's such a great outlook to have. From a meta standpoint, I love how good the Sonic Team is to us fans. They engage with us regularly and put out SO MUCH CONTENT for us, more than any other franchise I'm aware of! I mean there are plenty of other great IPs out there, but you don't get the bombardment of games and shows and comics and social media engagement (etc) that you get with Sonic. I just think that's so cool! The fans love Sonic so much and the creators know that and reward us for our commitment. It's awesome.
Anon asked: So who do you think would win in a fight between Mario and Sonic
A: I gotta go with my boy Sonic! But of course it's better when they team up :D
Anon asked: How do you feel about the Dadow theory/au? As in Shadow being Silvers Dad. I honestly like it a lot.
A: If they're related, I think it makes more sense for Shadow to be Silver's grandpa or great grandparent. I think there are plot holes to say that he's directly his dad but I'm definitely open to them being related. Plus I think people can headcanon/au just about whatever they want, so I'm not against that theory :)
Anon asked: Hi e-vay, I hope you’re having a great day!! My question is: if there were to be a Sonic movie that’s only about Sonic and the guys but they were all being played by human actors, which actors do you think would suit them best?
A: Thank you so much, I hope you are too! Oh man this was so difficult but I put a ton of thought into it. And I'm sure there are still tons of actors I'm not thinking of who would be better, but here's what my gut tells me: Older Sonic: Max Greenfield [x] [x] or Jack Quaid [x] [x]. They're so witty and handsome and are built like runners! Younger Sonic: Jack Dylan Grazer Older Amy: Alison Brie. Even if it wasn't a live action movie, I so desperately wish that Alison Brie could be Amy's voice actor. I'm actually working on an animation where Amy is paired with some Alison Brie lines because I think it's such a perfect fit. She's sweet and funny and strong and sexy. She's on the petite side but she has that confidence that just commands a room. Ugh, Amy and Alison are my dream women 💖 Younger Amy: McKenna Grace Older Tails: Justice Smith or Cole Sprouse Younger Tails: Noah Jupe or Jacob Tremblay. Sorry, I don't know many young actors but I think they're both great! Older Knuckles: Terry Crews or Jason Momoa Younger Knuckles: Tyler James Williams [x] [x] Shadow: Jensen Ackles or Michael B Jordan 💖Swoon💖 Older Rouge: Ana de Armas or Charlize Theron Younger Rouge: Jenna Ortega or Sophie Turner
Anon asked: How old are the sonic boom characters in your opinion?
A: Firstly, I've said this before but I don't think Mobian age works the same as human age. I consider the Sonic Boom characters as all being what we'd consider as late teens or young adults. They all act like me and my friends did when were were college age haha
Anon asked: What do u think tails looked/acted during puberty🙂
A: That's what Tall!Tails is all about! I think he shot up in height and outgrew Sonic immediately. Maybe he got a bit more snarky and might mutter about how annoying it is that Sonic doesn't think things through before acting, but Tails is a sweetheart and I think he'd overall still be nice even while he's in that awkward stage of life.
@redbirduniverse13 asked: Hi i love your art 💖 My question is, are your characters aware that other versions of them exist?
A: Thank you so much! No, they aren't aware of any other versions of them out there. Ruff would probably be most hopeful to meet other versions of himself since he's into comic books and would love the concept of the multiverse.
twistedchaos101 asked: What's your ocs MBTI?
A: I have too many OCs to do all of them lol But I'll do it for Aurora and CC. As Aurora, the results from the test were: "ENFP-T Campaigner" As CC, the results from the test were: "INTJ-A Architect"
Anon asked: Question, how is Aurora able to glow ?
A: Aurora has photokinesis, which gives her the ability to manipulate light. This results in a lot of things she's able to do that involve light, but glowing is the easiest thing for her to do (and is the hardest for her to suppress lol). She was born with these abilities but they didn't manifest until she was about preteen age.
charlieangel345 asked: You know everytime I saw Aurora glow up, her photokinesis power changes color. It made me wonder if she feel happy, angry, or sad, her light power might change colors. I can imagine she can create rainbow light.
A: Absolutely! Her powers are severely influenced by her emotions, so the color of her glow would definitely change based on her feelings. I have her inhibitors glow green naturally, but she could do any color under the light spectrum.
freshcreationgarden asked: I like to think Aurora's favorite fairytale growing up was beauty and the beast. Something about a handsome prince who hides beneath a rough exterior who believes they are not worthy of love who is bound to a "Rose"
A: Oh that is just too sweet! That metaphor is very perfect for what I write for her romantic future ;) I have said in a previous ask that Thumbelina is her favorite fairytale, but I like your headcanon too!
Anon asked: Hi, something randomly popped in my head about like the comics of aurora and I wondered, has aurora ever gotten sick?
A: Of course! She's just a regularly lady so she gets sick like average people do. I see her as the type that doesn't get sick often, but when she does it LAAAASTS. (That's how I am and it sucks!)
Anon asked: I know this might be a weird question, but can it be possible if Aurora can do chaos control with a chaos emerald like Sonic and Shadow.
A: I'll be honest, because we don't know much about Chaos Emeralds, I don't know who is capable of using them or not. But because Sonic is capable of using Chaos Control, I'm going to say yes Aurora should be able to as well. I don't think it's a technique either of them can master like Shadow does. Chaos Control seems second nature to Shadow.
Anon asked: if we go by sonic underground lore imagine Aurora finding out that she's technically a princess/duchess. Like sonic always call her princess because that's what dad's typically call their daughters, but then she finds out and her mind just explodes.
A: Honestly, I'm not a Sonic Underground fan. I know a lot of people love it for the nostalgia, but I didn't watch it growing up so I don't have any ties to it and I am not a fan of the story. I'm okay if people want to headcanon tying it in, but it's not for me.
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don't like Shadora*
Anon said: Hi, so glad you’re back! Just reread Boom!Baby where Rouge mentions how hedgehogs have a lot of babies and I think it’s kinda funny in the future Shadow and Aurora have eight
A: Thank you so much, I'm so happy to be back! Yeah, Rouge really knew what she was talking about 😆 I bet she told Shadow the same thing when they were expecting!
Anon asked: Does aroura ever run into her ex again?
A: Aurora spends most of her life in a small bubble, rarely leaving her home town, so she would have run into him now and then. Again though, they were kids when they were "boyfriend/girlfriend" and you can hardly even call them that (Imagine like in the Barbie movie, how Ken and Barbie don't know what it means to be Girlfriend-Boyfriend) so it's not awkward running into each other. It's more of a "Hey there's that person I used to know"
prophecyhyper asked: When Aurora was born and Amy said "She's more perfect than I imagined" What did she imagine of Aurora looking like?
A: She didn't have an exact image in mind when she said that. It was more like an amorphous concept. You know somehow the baby will look like you and your partner, but there are so many different outcomes. So she would have daydreamed about all the possibilities: the baby looking more like Sonic, the baby looking more like her, maybe the baby having elements of their grandparents.
Anon asked: Will Sage exist in your AU?
A: Yes! I adore Sage!
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don't like Shadora*
Anon asked: Hey Evay, I’ve been thinking about this lately. It’s kind of silly question. If there is a naughty and nice list, which of Shadora Kids is naughty or nice.
A: This was a great question and I'm so sorry I missed it before the holidays! This is all in fun, none of them got punished: Piper: Nice but ONLY after Santa had to give her a lecture on how she needs to not be a smartass and boss around her siblings Zane: Naughty (He did too many stunts indoors!) Nova: Nice Aster: Naughty (He and Blitz plotted to kidnap Santa) Blitz: Naughty (She finds it a point of pride) Diamond: Nice Cinder: Nice (He's scared of Santa) Boon: NICE! (He doesn't know the meaning of the word naughty!)
Anon asked: haven’t seen CC in a while, could we have more CC please
A: There will be more CC, I promise! :)
kbluetoons asked: Say, after reading your spindash lesson comic (which was really cute by the way), what if Aurora showed her kids how to spindash like how Sonic showed her?
A: Aw I'm so happy you liked it! Yes, learning to spin dash is vital to a hedgehog's upbringing ;) She'd teach them very young but then immediately regret it because they'd be spindashing all over the house. Now she knows why Sonic was so hesitant to teach her when she was little!
mod-bubamon asked: I know spooky season is over but how do cc and tails handle horror movies? Does cc Criticize every litter thing the protagonist do? Does tails even get scared after all he's been through? IF CC GETS SCARED DOES SHE HUGS TAILS TAILS FOR COMFORT??? THIS IS IMPORTANT
A: Hahaha I loved this question! First of all, Spooky Season is never over for me! ↜(ˈ╰ •ω•)╯ψ So bring on all your Halloweeny ideas! CC would not be fun to watch horror movies with. She would be overly analytical, not only of the actions that the victims are doing but how unrealistic the injuries/gore/battles are haha. I see Tails as someone who originally was afraid of scary movies, but watching them with CC has actually helped him to be less afraid of them. Now he spots the same flaws she does and they like to roast them together! Just to clarify -- CC does get scared of things, just not horror movies.
Anon asked: Hey, I rediscovered your art recently and almost forgot how much I loved it! I love CC and was wondering if you had any small head cannon kinda things you have for her and Tails you would share that you haven't already?
A: Well welcome back and thank you so very much! This question was not related to the previous question, but the previous question sparked an idea for me so I'm going to expand on it here. When Tails and CC first started watching horror movies together, CC noticed that Tails was super on edge. To help relax him, she'd take his tails into her lap and pet them to calm him down. He's not as scared of movies anymore, but he always has her stroke his tails while they watch shows together now :) Also, CC is still getting used to Mobian mannerisms and nuances. They've made a nightly routine where during dinner, she debriefs Tails on all the new conversations and interactions she's had with people and Tails scores her on how well she's adjusting. She likes the challenge and strives for a better "score" every day!
essycogany asked: How are you feeling about the new Sonamy material from this and last year? Things are really starting to become more obvious as the years go on.
A: It does my shriveled little heart so much good! I don't know that they'll ever cross that line in canon, but I love how much their relationship has evolved compared to years ago. It means the world to me that Sonic considers Amy as one of his best friends and as someone he can depend on (and is even willing to think about dating ((in reference to that cut dialog line from Frontiers)). And I love that Amy has proven that her feelings for Sonic are more than just a fan-crush; she genuinely loves him for who he is and will always be there for him. UGH IT MAKES ME FEEL SO ALIVE!
Anon asked: I just wanted to say that I love love love your sonamy works! :D Absolutely adorable (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Also, only if you want to answer ofc, what are your thoughts on the ship Metamy (Metal Sonic and Amy)? Thank you for the lovely food you bring and have a wonderful day!
A: Oh gosh, thank you so much! You just made my day wonderful by this sweet message! I do ship Metamy! After all, I believe in my heart of hearts that Sonic has feelings for Amy and Metal Sonic is supposed to be the same as him... ^_~ I think despite his transgressions, Amy has a special place in her heart for Metal. He's one of the reasons she even met Sonic in the first place! But what I'd prefer most is for Metal Sonic to have a Metal Amy. That way everybody wins 💕
Anon asked: Hi e-vay I love ur dr who art!! Question, do tenrose remind you of sonamy? Or do any characters or couples from the whoverse remind you of any sonic character or couples?
A: Ahhh thank you so much! I always thought my Doctor Who art got lost in the void so I'm so glad you found it! TenRose is my favorite DoctorWho ship, so I think by law I have to relate them to sonamy haha. But honestly I think RoryXAmyPond suits sonamy more if you reverse the roles. Rory's absolute dedication to AmyPond--regardless of death--was the definition of love, and that's how I feel Amy Rose is for Sonic. I can't think of any other ships that are good parallels. River Song reminds me of Rouge just that she's savvy and flirty. Forgive me, I stopped watching after Eleven regenerated so I'm not up to date on anything. If you don't like the Shadora ship then don't click this link, but I have drawn Aurora and Shadow as Ten and Rose before :)
Anon asked: Werehog Sonic and Werehog Amy kiss meme or a mini comic about both kissing in their werehog forms?
A: I kind of already drew that :) It's the 10th drawing in this post.
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don't like Shadora*
penguin-evere asked: hello! this is my first time doing something like this. i've loved your art for a while now (probably since 2017-2018), and i love the new style you have! anyways, i wanted to ask if you've seen the frontiers twitter takeover, and the newfound information about shadow's secret like of some good ol' t. swizzle music, and was curious if aurora would be a fan too, and if they would go to a concert together! i think it'd be really cute.
A: Thank you so much! And I'm so relieved you still like my stuff even after all this time :) Aurora loves pop music and so yeah I could see her being a Taylor fan for sure. Although I don't take Swifty!Shadow as canon (lol) it is still fun to think they could bond over that music together!
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don't like Shadora*
Anon asked: what was the shadora confession like? Cause I like to imagine that it was shadow who confessed and that he did it in the most dramatic way possible, cause he's our drama king.
A: I don't want to reveal too much until I've properly drawn it, but yes for my stories Shadow would confess his love first. He's technically loved her longer since he met her when she traveled back in time to save him so once they've "re-met" I don't think he'd be willing to hide his feelings too long. It's Shadow so of course it has to be so romantic and dreamy~!
Anon asked: How did you make the Trick Or Sweet Halloween Game, can you show me what you used or did to make it? If you can do a step by step that would be helpful or just tell me how you did it that would be helpful:))
A: Oh man... Honestly, it was way too complicated of a project to explain in just one answer. And I won't be able to explain any of the technical/coding side. I watched so many tutorials but I just couldn't grasp it, so my husband had to code it for me and I have no idea how he managed it. From a non-technical standpoint, I had to first write out the script for it. That means writing out all the dialog and also writing out every option possible. Even though my game was fairly linear, this was still complicated to write. What helped me was using icons and colors to help me know which actions would lead to which outcomes:
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Then came the longest part, the drawing! I had to draw a variety of sprites and backgrounds and objects. Also, some of the actions you take make certain items go away, so I had to remember to hide them depending on the path you took. Once I had all the elements, I assembled them in a Slides presentation to test it out. If you're not doing anything too complicated, you could probably get away with making your game entirely in Google Slides. Mine was too complicated and I wouldn't be able to publish it to my website but it was good for testing. When it was ready for build, I had to make a comprehensive guide for Ryan showing what clicks lead to where, what sound effects should be played when, when the music tracks should switch, etc:
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He programmed it in Adobe Animate. I don't know how he did it, other than he's just a brilliant babe and I thank god for him lol
Anon asked: Just at a curiosity though, whatever happened to everyone (especially Sonic & Amy) AFTER your truth serum wore off from your ‘Trick or Sweet Adventure’? Also how about Shadow & Rouge? Did they get affected as well?
A: They lived happily ever after, of course! If the two just told each other how they felt then they'd be happy (in my opinion) so they just needed a little magical kick in the butt haha. I didn't have any plans for Shadow or Rouge, but if I could cast a spell to make them happy then I would give Rouge a throne of diamonds and Shadow the chance to ease the pain in his heart (T▽T)
Thank you all for the questions!
Evay QA Bulk Post 1
Evay QA Bulk Post 2
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
hey toad! I've been reading some of ur fics and i like them very very much!!! :D ur an amazing writer, keep up the nice job! :))
So, i wanted to request something if thats okay hehe! please if you're not comfy with this ur free to delete it!!
So, you see, i have,,, let's call them battle scars, all over my arms and they make me feel kinda sad and remind me of bad times,, and i wanted to request a fluff/comfort fic w (platonic of course) philza, & benchtrio (ofc tubbo's one is platonic!) if thats ok :)
thank you so much! again, if u don't feel comfy writing about this topic, ur can delete this ask! :) -<3
TW: SELF HARM (scars)
I’ll do them separately and make Ranboo and Tommy’s romantic 🫶
Also, it will get better and I hope you feel better my love
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“Hey Dad?” You knock on this stream room door. “Come in” he says back and you walk in. “Dad, I uhm,,, my scars” you sigh at the last part and he whips around in his chair “new ones?” He basically jumps out of his chair. “No, no. I just don’t like them.” His eyes soften and he grabs your hands. “Hey now mate, do you know how fuckin proud of you I am?” You look down and he pulls you into a hug. “I know I just- they- they make me feel weak” he hugs you a bit tighter “well I think they make you look strong” the two of you stay like that for a while. No matter what happens you would always have Phil
You had texted Tubbo about how you where feeling so he went over to your house. You opened the door and he pulled you into a hug “Hey y/n, I’m so proud of you, you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met” you teared up and he guided you away from the door. For a while he wiped you tears and calmed you down he helped you find an outfit that covered all your scars and took you to go get milkshakes.
You and Ran hadn’t been together for long but you’d been friends for years, so they knew the face you where making meant trouble. “Hey n/n, what’s wrong?” That question was all it took to make you start crying “I just- my scars- they- I hate them- I wish they were gone” he walked up to you and wiped your tears. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry that you feel like this, but you’re gorgeous and so damn perfect.” You hugged him a bit tighter and he lifted you up, rocking you side to side in his arms until you calmed down, then he gave you a hoodie and played animal crossing with you for a while.
You had been scrolling tiktok when you saw an edit that zoomed in/ exaggerated your scars, with a sad and disturbing sound, then another, and at the third edit you where bawling. Tommy basically threw himself into the room when he heard it “y/n?! Hey hey, what happened?” He sat down next to you and scoped you into his arms. You showed him the edits and he turned off your phone. “I- I just- why’d I do it? They’re so stupid and make-make me look so stupid” he kissed your head and whispered in your ear “y/n, my love, you are the most amazing, smart, beautiful, funny, perfect, strong person I’ve ever met, no amount of scars will change that. My god, I can’t believe I don’t tell you that more.” You shook you head and cuddled into him more. “T-Tom no, you didn’t do anything” he shushed you gently and kissed your temple. “Hey, can I kiss your scars doll?” You where taken aback but nodded your head. Tommy spent the next few minutes kissing each and every one of your scars until your tears where replaced with the laughter he loved so much. “I love you baby” “love you to Toms”
WOOOOOO I got carried away with Tom and Phil but I love them so suck my dick/pos but I’m rlly happy with how this turned out
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hxllo-nana · 8 months
So I just wanted to ask and say some things.
First of all:
Ur Ink u did for Inktober was really pretty. Look forward to any more Inktober pictures u can do. Only if u can though.
2nd of all: That Halloween Special AU art of Paps and Sans was so cute! Small baby-ish (demon; I think) Paps and teethwear (demon; I think) and/or braces Sans are so cute. I like their aesthetic too.
3rd of all: I was wondering how u been doing on any of ur projects
(like, Dead Ringer, which, I am very excited for the next episode of, and to see some of Sans, Paps, and Frisk's story of Dead Ringer. Will hopefully say something about Ep3 like I have done about the other previous episodes in some form. Or also like Bonnytale; which I read ur update(s) about on it's blog. And I am also very excited about. Or Inkuabtor. Ok, I probably spelled that wrong. Which, I am curious about. And the TikToks of it have been fun. I do hope u share it's story besides TikTok though. I will use TikTok sometimes. Like to see stuff and/or creators' stuff I like; like you. But I do admit; I don't use TikTok that much).
I know u have been jumping around them (and/or maybe even others), and/or probably are just busy and stuff. And I can wait for stuff. I know things can take awhile, and people have lives.
I am just curious.
4th of all: It looks like Hazbin Hotel is coming out in January, and if u are still doing Underhell, that means u will be getting more for that AU/series soon. Which is super cool. I love that AU, and the art and character stuff and stuff have done with it so far.
Also, since Hazbin Hotel is premiering soon, Cartoon Universe did a cool video called: "EVERYTHING You Need To Know Before Hazbin Hotel's Premiere!" , that has some cool info about Hazbin Hotel; that could be useful for ur AU/Underhell
Will say more about Underhell in another Ask, I feel like I have too much to say about it to have it in this ask, and I feel like it's better as it's own other Ask. Plus, this Ask is getting there in length. I don't know when I will send in that other Ask for Underhell though. Also, should I send that Underhell Ask on the Underhell Blog, or this blog?
Last of All: I hope u are doing well! And happy early Halloween!!
Thank you for the ask <3 ur presence means a lot to me! now then *cracks knuckles* let’s get into this
1. I have been doing some inktober works however I’m currently in a headspace where im overally critical with my work so i haven’t been posting them (here’s one i did but i redid it i will post the new one later today)
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2. i love my little vamp au even tho i have not build on it and aren’t planning to its still fun to me and im glad u enjoyed it ^-^
3.deadringer process is still slow as i’m focused on college but i have been getting a lot of progress done in which i honestly didn’t think i would, turns out hang drawing/animating as a stress reliever helps me grandly lmao. Also i’m proud of the improvements from the first episode to this one.
As for inkubator I do plan on posting it on Tumblr. So it will only be available on Tumblr and Tiktok! I might have to make another blog for it ooo
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4. I have been doing redesigns and story updates on underhell but i haven’t been able to work on it as much as im hyperfixiated on my purple babies (deadringer) and inkubator :’D I will take a look at that though!
5. Any blog is fine! ^-^ im sorry for the slow updates on underhell i promise ill get there 😭
happy early halloween! and thank you for the ask! your care really means a lot to me and i’m glad someone is so interested in my works <3
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Heard you were having bad brain times and wanted some silly fun stuff, i gotchu.
How about some stereotypicallly basic white girl things op characters do?
Some ideas(feel free to add your own): loves pumpkin spice everything, says shit like "totes ma goats", lives for drama filled "real tv" shows, wears a pink tracksuit, watches Mean Girls religiously(the movie title is very literal,you don't need to have seen it), listens to Taylor Swift all the time, loves Twilight, eats a bagel for breakfast everyday, planned their outfit based on a white suburban mom's pinterest board
Just some ideas, hopefully this is fun and I hope you feel better soon💜💜💜
With love,
May darling <3 I love this idea and I feel better and sorry this took a second.
I hope no one takes offence, I'm white as hell so like.. yes. [also we are all a little white woman aren't we, deep down there's a Beccy and a Karen lurking]
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Marco  He’s the bitch that can’t wait for pumpkin spice to come around. He also showed up to Wano 20 minutes late with Starbucks which is pretty white girl of him. His Sphinx outfit looks like a mom coming back from yoga.
Ace Spends too long looking at TikTok. Daddy issues.
Thatch Drinks wine and writes smut.
Izou Goes and gets his nails did but spends the entire time gossiping about the bitch down the street and her shit haircut.
Law Is a huge twilight fan and spends hours online fighting about whose better looking that one guy or the other one guy. 
Rayleigh All around his home is ‘wine o'clock’ -  ‘everything is better with prosecco’ and has those bowls that say ‘bowl ‘plate’ and so on. ‘Live Laugh Love’
Buggy Would murder someone if they messed up his $80 extensions.
Hawkins I can imagine him telling Kaido he can’t go out and kill people because ‘uh don’t you know Mercury is in retrograde? I just can’t babes’
Boa ‘R U OKAY HUN?’ at every vague sounding Facebook post that's like : ( or ‘ugh’
Nami Is the person who posts : ( vague on facebook. Also, she’s a huge Karen, fight me. She would walk up to God himself and ask to see his manager. 
Thatch, Killer, Sanji Could spend hours watching episode after episode of ‘Real housewives of Dressrosa’ and ‘teen mom Grandline’ 
Zoro, Kid Post gym selfies on insta making sure you can see their protein shakes.
Nami, Vivi, Boa, Rebecca Do ‘Zumba’ and won’t shut the fuck up about it and makes it their entire personality for the three months they attend.
Perona ‘This car is powered by fairy dust!’  ‘princess onboard!’ ‘my other ride is a broom’ bumper stickers.
Whitebeard ‘My children are my world’ and the stickers that are stick figure families along the back of his van. Fighting a salesperson who gets paid minimum wage over 10 cents.
Hawkins, Drake, Izou Won’t leave the house before checking their horoscopes. 
Mihawk INSANELY LONG COMPLICATED COFFEE ORDER and will make you make it again if that milk is full fat.
Shanks Woo girl 
Sabo Sticks gum in someone's hair if they even mildly piss him off. Spends $400 on boots and never wears them. Oh, watches you make his drink like a hawk and before you make his second one 'Um excuse me, I ordered TWO drinks' while your still making it.
Queen, Black Maria At a restaurant ordering dessert ‘Oh I shouldn’t’ ‘Oh no babe, you deserve it’ ‘okay, I’ll be a devil and have a piece of that cheesecake’ BOTH GIGGLE
Doffy, Kaido Pink tracksuit bottoms and small dogs in their handbags. Shades and purses that cost more than your house. Roger Takes one sip of a beer  and acts drunk ‘I’m sooooo wasted guys omg’
Franky, Sanji, Roger, Thatch Crying over movies like  ‘Dirty Dancing’ and wishing they could be the girl and the lead guy is so hot omg.
Corazon "I'll just have ONE glass of wine" and the glass is the side of his head. or runs a bubble bath and drinks three bottles but it's not a problem it's self care.
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Tag yourselves, I'm Marco with a dash of Thatch.
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climberclown · 10 months
I’m actually going insane for some reason I thought this would be a funny one shot anyways based off an image and the animation I made on it SMUT WARNIG NOT OK THE CIDEO THE FANFIC PLS ONT READ IF U DONT LIKE SEX OK THANK YOU !!! <3
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robert x ross SMUT!! (THEY ARE 25 and 27 , ROBERT IS 25 AND ROSS IS 27 )
context before reading:
ross and robert used to be married until roy talked them both into getting a divorce. ross still really loves robert but robert has moved on and married susie; whom he doesn’t even fricking like and is jst married to her bc he was being pressured to. he also still loves ross .. ;3 wink wink anyways I hope you love this totally cool fanfiction that I’m writing on here bc I don’t want to get wattpad let’s get started jake paulers !!!! ALSO QUICK NOTE I WAS ABT TO START Robert is british that’s my headcanon I’m sorry it’s not canon but GODDAMMM NN it’d be so cute (I like British) OK OK I’ll start now.: b!!
“Babe, that shoe won’t..” Robert grumbled as Susie tried to get a size seven, which he was not, onto his foot. “God dammit! Susie, I’m not Cinderella!” He yelled through the sizing hall, disrupting all the other happy wedding couples. He stared daggers into Susie’s embarrassed flushed face, then looked away as her eyes stared back.
“Come on, Robert,” She started, trying to reason with him. “I don’t want to do this either. You think I wanted to marry a giant with a ponytail? I wanted to marry an average sized handsome man. But, I got .. you.” She spat, now kicking the shoe she was trying to get on with her heels.
“I am not a giant!” Robert exclaimed. He flushed, knowing she was actually right. “If you don’t wanna marry me then why are you? I’d rather go back to..” Robert trailed himself off, knowing if he went there she’d cause the biggest TikTok scene you’d ever see.
“I’m marrying you because if I do I can buy anything I want!” Susie snarked. “I mean, living with a pastor is dumb too.” She referred to her and Pump’s dad who worked at a pastor at their local church. He was very religious about his Christianity and Susie hated it. She tried to rebel by burning the churches main bible, but they just got a replacement in ten minutes. “You have all that money you’ll never use.”
“I do use it.” Robert picked up a size nine from a different box and slid it on. Susie stopped her efforts and huffed. She picked up the size sevens and walked away, leaving Robert with five fancy shoe choices. He stared at all of them, but eventually picked the ones that looked just like the ones..
at their wedding..
He smiled thinking about how happy he was. With Susie, it was never going to be like that. She yelled all the time and sometimes it was funny, but when you’re the one being yelled at, it’s quite not. He frowned. He wished it would be like that, if Susie had found that ‘average sized handsome man’, maybe she’d be like that with him. Happy.
Robert got up and grabbed the shoe box, paid for it, then left. They had already invited everyone. They had already picked out their outfits. They had already picked up the cake. All that was left to do was get ready and do it. The truth was, he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to marry her. He was sure Susie was a nice girl underneath her saltiness, but he was never going to get that. They knew each other through grade school and high school, but they hated each other then, too. It was never meant to be and they both knew it, but they still were both willing to go through with it.
“Oof!” A voice whimpered. Robert snapped out of his thinking and looked down at the person he just trampled and smiled.
“Ross!” Ross looked up and smiled back. He quickly got up and brushed himself off. “Where have you been?” Robert asked. He hadn’t seen him since he’d told him about him and Susie’s wedding.
“You know.. working.. at the tattoo shop..? Is that what you want me to say?” Ross’s smile faded. Ross wasn’t particularly happy that Robert was marrying someone else, let alone somebody he knew he didn’t like. “What do you want me to say after you divorced me because a midget told you to, then decided to engage the most whitest girl you could find that you don’t even like?” Ross put his hand on his hip and waited for Robert to answer. Robert stared, and his smile was gone too. He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“Ross, you know I’m sorry. I was happy with you..” Robert answered.
“Then why were you so quick to leave?” Ross said, his words laced with poison.
“I don’t know!” Robert quickly said back. Ross stood and his glare softened. He didn’t quite know himself why he agreed to it either. To make him happy? To make Roy happy? To make Robert happy? It was a mystery to him. Robert saw his glare was gone, so he took the opportunity. “Do you want to walk to the ceremony room?” He asked.
“To your wedding ceremony room?” Ross stared blankly. “Yeah. I wanna see if it’s better than ours.”
“Oh, trust me. It is. Susie wanted to make it look pretty. Too pretty.” He gagged. Ross laughed.
“Yeah, I bet.” He though and gagged too. Robert smiled and they walked along the busy sidewalk to their ceremony room. They walked in and it hit both of them like they were looking directly at the sun. “Jesus christ! How did the decorators even see?” Ross closed his eyes shut. Robert pushed Ross in and closed the two doors behind them. Ross finally opened his eyes again. “Woah..” He was actually amazed with how gorgeous it looked.
“Do you like it?” Robert asked. Ross nodded and started picking at the string lights attached on the wall.
“Dude, how do they even get those on there?” He stared at the lights in awe.
“Uhm.. super glue?” Robert answered. Ross looked back and looked mind blown.
“What! No way. There’s more to it than that.”
“Yes way. I know because I did it. I had to help.”
“No way!” Ross smiled.
“Yes way!” Robert smiled back. They both walked around the room together pointing out the most elegant things. Ross was amazed at how simple things stayed and Robert was amazed at how he was amazed.
A few hours had passed, amazingly. They both had gone through the room about a dozen times going over how it stayed and how it shone. They finally sat down at one of the white tables. “I wish our wedding was like this.” Ross smiled sadly.
“I don’t. You’d be too amazed by lights shining to even kiss me.” Robert teased.
“Oh really? How would I forget to kiss the most handsome man in that room?” Ross winked. Robert felt his face flush and he giggled then turned away. “.. and this room, Robert.” Robert flinched. He looked back at Ross who was smirking. He stuttered, couldn’t find his words, then looked back at the light he was staring at. “Come on, Rob. I know you want . . .
me . ‘’
Robert looked back and gaped, his face now a deep red. “Ross, I’m getting married today! Susie would fucking kill me!” Ross rolled his eyes and smirked again, knowing how to fluster Robert even more.
“And I want to fucking fuck you.” Ross softly squeezed Robert’s hand. Robert could feel his heart pounding in his throat along with his stomach sinking. He wanted this. He knew he did. But he was so scared of what Susie would do..
“No, I can’t,” He said with trembling breath. “I’d break her heart.” Robert sympathized Susie, even though she would never do that to him. He took his hand away from Ross, who took his hand right back.
“What heart?” Ross smiled. “You know she doesn’t love you. I know you don’t love her. So come on, I know when you want me. I can hear it in your voice..” Ross whispered. Robert felt chills on his back he hadn’t felt since the divorce. Ross squeezed his hand tighter.
“Al..alright.” Robert gulped. His breath shuddered as he looked down at Ross who bit his lip and slyly went under the white table. Robert flinched as Ross reappeared in front of Robert’s legs. He rested his head on Robert’s knees and looked up at him. Robert couldn’t hide a giggle. “What are you doing?” He laughed.
“Are you gonna let me see how hard you are, fuckface?” Ross grinned. Robert smiled, but sat still and shook his head. “You want to play?” Ross purred. He forcibly spread apart Robert’s legs who let out a grunt. Ross snickered. “You’re already getting off to me teasing you?” Robert looked away from him with a blood flushed face. Ross shrugged and unzipped Robert’s jeans and slowly took out his member while Robert stifled tiny moans. Ross smiled more and sat on Robert’s lap, front facing him. He grabbed Robert’s face with one hand on his member, turned his face to his own, and whispered in his ear.
“Did you miss me, whore?” Robert gulped and nodded. “Exactly.” Ross pushed his face onto Robert’s and kissed him hard while pulling on the back of his hair. Ross suddenly stopped and Robert started panting heavily whilst Ross stared.
“What’s wrong? Why did you stop?” Robert said in between pants.
“You’re holding your breath. You’re not with Susie anymore. You’re with me.” Ross warned. Robert shuddered and nodded again. Ross kissed him rough again but this time while stroking his member. Robert shuddered and moaned quietly while Ross explored his mouth. Ross could feel Robert’s hot breath escaping from his mouth and pressing onto their faces. Ross slowly stopped kissing Robert and wiped his mouth, getting off of the red mess in front off him. Ross smiled at him and Robert weakly smiled back in the chair. “You’re cute when you’re hot.” Before Robert could respond, Ross kneeled and shoved Robert’s cock into his mouth, motioning up and down. Robert covered his mouth, let his head back, and let out muffled moans while Ross went faster then slower. Robert winced and stopped covering his own mouth.
“Ross.. I’m gonna cu..” Robert moaned. Ross stopped quickly and kneeled to Robert’s head.
“Come before me and you’ll have hell.” Robert winced and covered his mouth once more, getting pain out of Ross’s pleasure. Ross let his own hard member out and sat down once again on Robert’s lap. He pressed his own member against the other and stifled an wince of his own. Robert uncovered his mouth and looked at Ross.
“Are you going soft on me, Ross?” Robert said between heavily shuddered breaths. Ross grumbled and started grinding against Robert’s member. “Ross!” Robert yelled, surprised. His head fell back and he let out loud moans. Ross quickly covered Robert’s mouth himself.
“You don’t want your ‘bride’ hearing you, do you?” Robert moaned and drooled over Ross’s hand while Ross kept going with his grinding. Ross then brung his head down and started to bite Robert’s neck, looking for a sweet spot. As he bit, he finally found one after Robert let out a passionate moan. “Still the same, isn’t it darling?” Ross whispered through his own wincing and kept biting and sucking Robert’s sweet spot whilst grinding his member. Robert winced and pulled Ross’s hand away.
“Ross.. please.. I have to..” Robert winced. Ross covered his mouth again and whispered into his ear.
“I’m not even close, babe..” He teased Robert as Robert started to whine. He continued his biting and grinding until Robert suddenly lifted his head, lifted Ross’s hand away, and started passionately kissing Ross as hard as he could. Ross moaned and closed his eyes shut while Robert started to stroke both members while Ross winced and groaned. Ross finally climaxed and started grinding slower. As soon as Robert saw this, he climaxed as well and grabbed the back of Ross’s head and continued to roughly kiss him. Ross pushed Robert’s kissing away, leaving a string of saliva which Ross wiped off. He panted until he noticed they were both still hard. He slyly smiled and gazed at Robert who was still wincing from the session. He started purring which got Robert’s attention.
“What..?” He panted.
“It’s my turn.” Ross purred. Robert got up and Ross slid into his place. Robert stood in front of him and started to slowly kneel down in an attempt to tease Ross. Ross grumbled. “Come on! I didn’t tease yo-“ Robert started licking Ross’s member slowly, teasing him. Ross shook and winced. Robert stopped and smiled.
“Do you want me to go faster?” Robert said quietly. Ross nodded, embarrassed that he was making him communicate. “What?” Ross looked away.
“. . yes.” Ross said quietly, his voice trembling from anticipation.
“I can’t hear you Ross.” Robert slowly stroked Ross’s member, waiting for a response he accepted.
“. . yesngh...” Ross moaned in between his response as Robert stroked his cock faster. Ross gritted his teeth as Robert stroked him and panted. Robert smiled and stroked his own while hearing Ross’s pants. Ross stared down at Robert and started stroking with him while he held on to his hair. He whimpered and muttered something Robert couldn’t hear.
“What?” Robert stopped and listened.
“..Please.. I need this… I need you.. Robert..” Ross pleaded. Robert gazed at him and grinned.
“I’m not gonna leave you this time..” Robert whispered and softly kissed Ross. Ross put his arms around Robert and kissed him softly back.
Shortly after, they’d both finished again. That chair they just ‘used’ had been ruined now. They finished just in time to hear Susie come in with her big goofy wedding dress and say “What the fuck are you two doing?” Right before Robert called off their wedding.
So, they had their own wedding. With all the superglued lights on the wall and a huge fucking cake with awesome icing and Susie wasn’t allowed anywhere near the wedding. They ate all the amazing fucking cake together and lived together for the rest of their lives. The end.” Roy closed his huge fucking book with gold pages. Robert and Ross stared at him, wide eyed.
“WHY THE FUCK DID YOU WRITE THAT?” Ross screamed while Robert gripped his hand for comfort.
“Well that’s how it happened, right?” Roy smiled.
“We didn’t fuck in a wedding hall, Roy!” Robert stared at Roy in disgust.
“Yeah, we fucked at my house.” Ross crossed his arms.
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sttoru · 6 months
I do have discord!! q(≧▽≦q) also anya, do you know how to stop period cramps?? I've been having them since morning💔
ooo can u priv dm me the username so i can add u :3 (if u r okay with that!) && i’m probably late as hell, but im sorry u have to deal with period cramps :<
my advice (also for in the future, if your cramps have already stopped):
abdominal heating pad. literally a life changer. grab yourself an abdominal heating pad, fill it with boiling water and place it or hug it to your stomach. the burning sensation will replace the cramps and it will bring you relief. if you don’t have an abdominal heating pad, you can also get a glass bottle (medium - large one) and fill it with boiling water: BUT LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!! if you choose a glass bottle, make sure to put some cold water first and add liittle by liiiitle of the boiling water so the glass doesn’t randomly break due to its sudden rising temperatures.
you can literally use anything that emanates heat or warmth! though make sure it isn’t like burning your skin. like for the glass bottle: place a towel around it before putting it directly on your stomach to avoid burns. but, i personally like to burn mysef and risk getting scars or burns because the pain is too much sometimes 😭 (i’ve never had any wounds from it so im safe for now)
ginger tea. i know for some it’s digusting (for me too, i literally almost puke whenever i even smell it) but it’s really good for your stomach. even for period pain. also for if you’re nauseous.
stay hydrated! reeaaaally important. especially on your period. my best advice is to add some lemon to your water and drink that. it may ease your cramps after a bit. it’s also good to do that on an empty stomach (also outside of your period)
pain killers. simple, but they do help in some cases. and i noticed that they only really help if you take them on time — and that is when you feel the first cramps (those mild ones). that’s when i’m like ‘shit, im gonna get my period,’ so i rush to take the pain killers that help me most. i can’t really recommend one, because everyone has a different type one that their body reacts well to. BUT, if you don’t want to resort to medicine — i recommend trying the things stated above.
there’s also specific acupressure points in your ear that you can try massaging for 3-5 minutes. i heard it helps for some, for others it doesn’t. you can do it with a pen or pencil if you don’t have that special stick for it or something (she explains in the tiktok).
and of course, look for advice on the internet & try them & see what works best for you! i hope your period cramps lessen and go away soon angel t_t
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sh1-n0bu · 9 months
MOMMY NOBUUUU /p i need someone wise’s advice !!!!
i like to make silly looking “art” (i don’t even consider it real art, it’s more like memes/doodles) (like the ms paint art style, that looks a bit like pixel art and also looks sketchy and simple) and i CAN’T DECIDE if i should make an account to post it??? i really want to but i know NOTHING about ig and its algorythm (even though i did use to have disney and anime fanpages with a decent amount of followers when i was, like, 14). i don’t wanna end up with an account with like 2 followers cuz what if affects my self esteem and the way i view art hsjsg ???? i like my cringy artstyle but.. idk im probably overthinking this AGHH
yk it’s just that when i was a fan account it wasn’t my art so it’s not like i got offended if people didn’t like/comment/save. with things i created it would be different i think??? i’ve been wanting to make an art account for YEARS and i just got into the artstyle (i had a “normal” artstyle before) but wait wait lemme try to link the pics
(hope they work)
so this is the first thing i’ve ever drawn in this style https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-AJt9jSnPo1Enyg4B8Dnm0HMYeFIhxYX/view?usp=drivesdk
and then it just kept going. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-I8x_U-9_ZVwpPE6aDAWlW0ApEuJ2r5Z/view?usp=drivesdk
and going (yes that’s a gyaru trying to talk to a golfball and yes it’s a remake of this meme https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/d6udnl/why_wont_it_move/)
and then i saw this. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-1qO6MbBOo51PK-jhMltsnpfCb0yTGV2/view?usp=drivesdk
and i went “this is so hsr main trio” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-5MwpEQLIFx_iLdif6R9o66Xc2HW5vjw/view?usp=drivesdk
this is cursed, i’m aware.
then i started making these https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-60FA9_FROx2c0SQrzh1RXOXxm7tFl5G/view?usp=drivesdk
you have NO IDEA how many of these i’ve made. because idk either. all i know is that in three days i had made 20+ of them (which may sound like it’s not much, but for me and how little i used to draw it’s a lot)
and now i REALLY want to make the account but i’m TERRIFIED bc what if no one likes that kind of cringy stuff?????
i’m literally so sorry to bother you with this /gen it’s just me overthinking stuff as always :/ don’t feel pressured to answer me ofc!! <3 also i rlly rlly hope things are going better for you! sending love and support <33
gratefully yours
breaker anon~~<3
first, those arts are fucking GORJUS my sweettums. as someone who has lost the ability to draw, that is beautiful. i used to think of becoming a free style painter or to learn how to draw digital but somewhere along the way i just gave up and decided to simply settle on writing instead. even now, when i see art tiktok or recommendations of compilation videos on yt, i feel a bit of an ache in my chest. its just there, y’know?
second, i think you should do for it. maybe try opening up an account on a platform ur incredibly familiar with. perhaps tumblr? or even ig? or even tiktok works too! just any platform you feel safe and comfortable and know how to navigate is good.
and yeah, i can def say felt to the “it will make my mental health worse if i only get 2 likes or smt” bc same same same. i try to write good and capture the characters’ personality correctly while keeping the fic ‘alive’ only to end up with like,,,, hundreds of likes but no feedbacks or reposts or smt LMAOOO
as for a single tip i would give is to expect everything. not everyones going to like ur content and they will suddenly crash into ur inbox talking abt how they hated this fic or smt of yrs bc it was disgusting or not their thing. that has happened to me like,,,, 3 times???? i think?????? and and!!! be sure to do a bit of research beforehand, me thinks. see what kind of attention you would get when u start to post on ur page or account.
honestly, i started this blog as only reposting blog. but then one day my very first 🦝 anon came and i decided, why not write a thirst thought i had with friend and see how it goes? and it just spiraled from there.
main thing is, have patience and love what ur doing. don’t burn urself out over it too much or else what u used to love will end up being what u hate and take good care of yourself sweettums<3
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lesbianrobin · 1 year
do you have any star wars opinion u would like to share omg i love hearing ur stranger things opinions and you are so right about them i think it’d be fun to hear your star wars ones. even if you’re not really into star wars like it’d still be funny i think.
+ also my sister has a heart-shaped mini waffle maker and it’s so cute😭🫶🏻 we used to have a waffle maker that got a full clover like 4 hearts that we would separate when we were little. fun tangent to get into but my mom has a Thing for bakery apparel she literally bought so many waffle makers over the course of her life. like i’m saying this for the years i can remember we’ve got at least 6 “new” ones.
(also last thing i promise just wanted to let you know on your ask box title is too long on mobile you can only see the beginning and end with suspension dots in the middle. like you can guess what it says but yeah😭)
ok first of all im so sorry for taking so long but anyway HI i fixed my ask box title thank you for letting me know <3 and omg i have so many star wars opinions idk where to start so i'll just drop some random ones. SPOILERS FOR LIKE THE WHOLE STAR WARS FRANCHISE HERE WARNING.
basically every modern use of luke skywalker in star wars is ooc as fuck. like the luke of the original trilogy just straight up is not the same guy as the luke of the sequel trilogy or the mandalorian. he got bodysnatched at some point.
the prequels are bad like genuinely all three of them are so bad not only as star wars movies but as films in general. if you still enjoy them like sure have fun yknow i liked parts of them but when people try to argue that they're Good Actually that is insane.
rogue one is the best star wars movie outside of the original trilogy. like no contest. it doesn't try to rely on nostalgia or cgi or obvious parallels to the og trilogy, it just tells a story!! this is gonna sound silly but it's good because it's like. an actual movie. the characters of rogue one (ignoring andor which occurred after the fact for reasons that i cannot explain) are generally confined to rogue one and die at the end, meaning that the film was forced to tell a complete story and get the audience emotionally invested enough for the film's ending to feel significant and powerful. which is what a new hope did. because it had to be a good movie in order for there to be more movies in order to make star wars a thing. yknow. anyway.
the force awakens is actually pretty solid as the intended foundation for a new trilogy with new lovable characters and an inspirational story etc but after that kylo ren's whole existence just derailed the sequels as a whole and luke's characterization was so painful i just couldn't stand it. finn should have been the lead of the new trilogy with rey and poe as his leia and han but well. it was probably racism. like i'm not involved personally idk exactly what went down but i think people were just racist.
poe suddenly gaining a shady backstory that runs counter to the everything about him in the force awakens? also probably racist.
also everyone that wants to fuck kylo ren is going to hell no exceptions. sorry to my ex roommate carrie i love her but she's going down. also everyone who ships reylo or reads those tiktok books that are just reylo fic with the names changed? they're going to superhell.
the mandalorian is incredibly competent and entertaining as a show like separate from star wars as a franchise and i think the show is at its best when its engagement with existing characters like luke and ahsoka is extremely limited. not everything has to be about the skywalkers. like star wars is about a whole Galaxy and yet sometimes it feels like it's about a single fucking neighborhood the way the same bitches keep popping up everywhere across all media.
on that note i adore star wars jedi: fallen order and i think one of its greatest strengths is its use of original characters and avoidance of existing ones. like i may be wrong but i'm pretty sure the only character in fallen order that we knew Before fallen order was darth vader and i think that works really well! you go the whole game encountering new villains and allies and planets and stories and then suddenly it's like Oh Holy Shit That's Darth Fucking Vader. it's scary!! it's shocking!!! it's exciting and satisfying!!!! i just love that game so much sorry. cal kestis is my baby and i'm amped about jedi: survivor but i'm also so scared they will ruin him somehow. everybody please pray for my boy.
i'm gonna stop now but i think a lot of my opinions just kinda boil down to like. star wars should not be the mcu. i'm not against spinoffs entirely, i Adore the mandalorian and jedi: fallen order even more than i like the original trilogy, but things really don't need to overlap so much! using cgi carrie fisher for a single scene in rogue one made sense. using cgi luke skywalker for multiple episodes in the mandalorian is just dumb. the way they literally resolved the main plotline of the mandalorian in the boba fett show is ridiculous. star wars is fun and exciting and inspiring and disney sucks and i just hope that the mcu model becomes financially detrimental to them somehow and they pull it back soon.
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caskethrill · 2 years
whats your favorite content from pedro? mine are probably the lie detector test and the wired interview w oscar! also, do you remember what was the first time you saw pedro and why you fell in love with him?
funny story! i used to think pedro pascal was an historical figure because it just sounds like a name that would be used when colonizing south america and i just thought he was here in brazil in the 1500s aajskajzkkaka
(im sorry if i send too much asks, i have an infection in my industrial piercing and i have nothing to do but lay down on bed, suffer in pain and send annoying love to my favorite authors)
AAAAA this is so hard. i’m definitely with u on the wired complete interview with oscar it’s such comfort content :-( i also love the facebook live interview he did with boyd it never fails to make me laugh
i have learned to expect the unexpected when it comes to opening my inbox but u mistaking pedro for a colonizer was by far the last thing i saw coming 😭 i’m imagining him in pantyhose now HELP
my story isn’t so funny unfortunately … i wasn’t really familiar with pedro until this video popped up on my tiktok in january (?) i liked it which resulted in my fyp being flooded and eventually i saw a few edits of him. the first thing i ever watched of his though was the mandalorian. i’d never even watched star wars before that so i sat through twelve films just for the show to be practically a stand-alone and see pedro’s face three times 🥹 (still very much worth it)
i remember stalking his twitter likes like a FREAK mid-mandalorian binge and i was laughing my ass off at some of the things he interacted with. i think that’s what made me feel so concerning-ly obsessed with him. to me, he genuinely feels like a regular person that just happened to “celebrity” for a living … nd he’s kinda funny
never apologize for sending asks! every time i see one pop up i get so excited <3 i need people to talk to
i feel so bad about ur industrial though. i’ve heard they can be so brutal to heal n to deal with on a daily. i remember i wanted one so so so bad (because the jewelry is so cute my god) but the amount of horror stories i’ve read put me off so fast. ur so brave thank u for ur service 🫡 (aka i hope u feel better soon ☹️)
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corv-idae · 1 year
Hello!!! I was wondering if you could tell us about your tattoos? I love all of them and would like to similar ones :>
Hi!! Absolutely I can go over them for you!! Omg this is so exciting
I’m assuming this is in reference to this post from a while ago:
If it isn’t please forgive me 😭, but if it is this is about a year old so I’ve collected a couple others than the tattoos you see in these photos! I’d be delighted to go over them all though! Please feel free to use them as references for your tattoos (please don’t copy them directly out of respect for my tattoo artists who designed them (if not respect for me!) ((all artists listen here will be embedded with links to their respective social media pages))
The two that are probably most important are the ones on the backs of my arms! Revali’s Great Eagle Bow and Miphas Trident! (this photo was taken the day these were done by Saraostattoo) :
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The first tattoo I ever got is on the back of my shoulder, I forget it’s there all the time, my mom proof read this for me and asked about it being missing lol it was done by mariangelo.tattoo this photo is healed 3 years or so
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I’m also rockin a couple pieces by politeslut !
The first piece she did for me was a Big Flash sheet design of some rose hips! (Ouch ouch) picture is 6months healed
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She’s also done a Celtic symbol on my upper arm that matches with my aunt (I won’t get into explaining symbolism, sorry this photo is also terrible taking these on my own with my cellphone is proving to be not my forte, yes this one needs to be touched up)
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And most recently for me she did a Great Big Freehanded Snake! (this one is so difficult to take pictures of & only a month old/healing but you can find the process pictures of it here)
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The last handful & majority of my tattoos were done by rat.tooth.tattoo ! The first one he ever did for me being a Postage Stamp Flash Piece this photo is from the day of:
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He then did my elbow ditch Dynamax Butterfree, photo also from the day of (this is a common theme):
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My video game herb bundle half sleeve, this one’s a doozy so you get the TikTok and the drawing:
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He’s also done my hands as a memorial piece for when I lost my cat this past year (he lived to be 21 and he was an awful old bastard & my best friend)
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Thank you if you made it this far, I don’t think I’ve ever made a post this long before! If there’s any questions or if you want to share your tattoos with me I’d love to see them! I hope this is what you were looking for & if not let me know what I can do to fix that :D
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