#also everyone can fuck off for writing him off as insane at the beginning of the season
aberooski · 30 days
Listen, Atticus is allowed to be mad. He's allowed because Alexis is his sister. But the rest of the squad can fuck right off being mad at Chazz for her being in the Society of Light because at the point in the season when they're dealing with getting her back, THEY KNOW FULL WELL that Chazz was brainwashed at the time and has no memory of anything that happened over the last like few MONTHS. That's established during his duel with Jaden when he wakes up from the brainwashing and doesn't even know what's going on right then and there. His memory stops after being defeated by Sartorius and restarts in the middle of dueling Jaden months later. He was not in control of his actions or thoughts when he dueled her. Now I'm not saying he is entirely absolved of guilt because of that, but he deserves to be given some grace by the others about it.
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a-rat-who-writes · 4 months
College Cove AU post
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(I live and die by the fact Cove looks more like this between step 3 and 4 even though this is during step 4. He looks SO SOFT IN THIS PICTUE AUHEYFKIULWFHEY Cove looks LIKE THIS but maybe a little slimmer)
‣ College Cove is 24/7 horny
‣ Without a DOUBT he's pent the fuck up
‣ College is definitely different than highschool was and he decided to follow you to wherever you went to college because you two were dating and mother of God did he get so much more touchy
‣ He's never overbearing, but he definitely is much more needy and loves laying in bed with you in either of your dorms and relaxing during your off days or between classes
‣ He also loves sleeping with you in your bed even if nothing happens, he just likes waking up next to you and feeling your warmth
‣ Doesn't matter if your roommate is there (Miranda or any other of your friends that you chose at the beginning of the year to dorm with) he will give you as much attention as he can.
‣ Cove looks so adorable in his laid-back clothes whenever he goes to class. His normal hair down or put into a tiny ponytail, glasses, a tank top, and grey sweatpants. MOTHER OF GOD IS HE HOT
‣ He somehow doesn't know how much EVERYONE looks at him (especially some of the girls) but he always thinks it would be because he has something in his hair or something
‣ Cove is also the type of person to give you his shirt and wear a skimpy ass top if you felt like boys were staring at your shirt. (so you would swap shirts)
‣ Cove ALSO would carry your books / bookbag to the classes you have together (or just walk you to your classes).
‣ This mf would give you the most passionate kiss before walking away and going to his class that's on the other side of the school, leaving you speechless, appalled, etc etc
‣ Both the confidence this man got and the audacity is INSANE (but its also so so so so SO hot)
‣ If you two share a class that isn't that important or if you understood the class and not paying attention to it for a couple hours wouldn't hurt, you definitely would sit next to Cove and play with his hand under the desk or write down dirty notes to show him which would make him flustered.
‣ After class he would retaliate against you and kiss you in an empty hallway, pushing your back up against a wall while he holds your face gently. (but after he would act like nothing happened and would be his cute self O_O????)
‣ Cove always has that natural ocean smell, it's like-- INGRAINED in his skin. In the mornings when you wake up, you instantly inhale the scent of the outdoors back in Sunset Bird and it makes you think sometimes that you are actually back home
‣ Sometimes in class if you are focusing on some calculus BS or something, Cove will stop whatever he is doing sometimes and just look at you with these.. *SOFT* GODDAMN EYES that when you notice, make you melt.
‣ Without a doubt Cove loves destressing you after your classes or if you are on a time crunch for a paper, he will put your hair up for you or let you sit on his lap. If you let him, he definitely would give you neck kisses the whole time. Not anything aggressive, but he would sit behind you and keep his lips and face in the nape and sides of your neck, giving you soft hickeys that would quickly go away after a day or two, and feather-light kisses that if you let it-- would so easily distract you.
‣ Cove's really good about controlling himself most of the time, (especially in public) but if you two are alone and you kinda.. EGG him on, he will toss you around like you weigh nothing
‣ Cove also loves letting you wear his clothes if you're smaller than him / wear the same size. If you go out / go to class with some clothing piece or jewelry item of his on you, he will be giddy inside and be very pleased like you're displaying that you're his.
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
can you write something of jack x shy!reader that are either working on a romcom together or she’s his interviewer?
hi! i actually really like how this turned out. hope you like it too💓
enchanted to meet you — jack champion
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word count: 1,409
pairing: jack champion x fem!interviewer!reader
summary: y/n feels scared for her first job as an interviewer but jack’s warming demeanour makes her feel more comfortable as the interview goes on.
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Y/N’S HANDS WERE SHAKY AND SHE CONSTANTLY HAD TO RUB THEM ON HER DRESS BECAUSE OF HOW SWEATY THEY WERE. To be fair, she was only 18 years old and doing her first interview. It was very sudden, she just started working on this known magazine and the woman who was supposed to go to the Scream premiere had an accident so they just sent the only person available: Y/N Y/L. And of course the person she had to interview was Jack fucking Champion—the six foot tall boy with unbelievable gorgeous factions and a killer smile.
Y/N was probably the youngest person in there. Everyone seemed to know each other and she was just there, alone and feeling extremely scared and anxious. She used to have a plan—start getting over her shyness with chill interviews so that in the future she could be ready to interview famous celebrities. But no, she was straight off sent to the premiere of one of the most successful franchises of all time. She was going to throw up.
The silhouette of the boy started to make his way to her “Hi!” his excited voice greeted her, pulling her out of her thoughts.
Y/N looked up, her eyes meeting a very bright brown set of eyes. The boy was even prettier in person (and taller). He was wearing a white tank top below his stylish black jacket and black trousers. He was so handsome. And did she mention he was really tall?
“Hi, sorry. I was lost in my thoughts” she apologised, her cheeks already turning red. That was a typical feature of her—always expect her to blush, her blood always betrayed her.
Jack was instantly enchanted by her sweet and soft voice. He had never felt so nervous during an interview—probably because he had never been interviewed by someone his age, and certainly not by anyone close to being as breathtaking as her.
“It’s okay” he assured her, his smile so shiny it almost blinded her.
Y/N smiled thankful “First, I’d like to congratulate you on your movie! I got to see you on Avatar and thought you did an amazing job. It’s fantastic that you got to work in such iconic franchises! Were you a fan of the Scream movies before getting the role?” her voice, thankfully, didn’t show how insanely nervous she was. But the hand holding the mic certainly did. Jack noticed her shaky grip, and he wanted so bad to put his hand on hers to comfort her, but he knew it would be too much.
“Thank you so much, you’re really sweet. And yeah, it’s honestly a dream come true” Jack pulled his dazzling smile and Y/N couldn’t help but take a quick look at it. He had perfect teeth, holy shit. “I watched the movies before we started filming and I absolutely loved them!”.
“Can I ask who your favourite Ghostface is?” Y/N questioned him. Very original, Y/N, she said to herself. Why did they hire her? She was really not qualified for this.
“Oh, I love that question!” Jack exclaimed. “You know, I always say Stu but now that I have re-watched the movies and read some opinions online, I also really like Jill! What are yours?”
Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise, she was not expecting him to ask her questions. It wasn’t usual during interviews for reporters to be questioned “Oh- I- I think Roman, Stu and Jill” she answered nervously. His eyes were so strongly focused on her that she almost melted on the spot.
“Roman is also a really good choice. You have great taste! And by the way, I love your outfit” Jack complimented her, looking at the black dress—it was like the one Courtney Cox used at the beginning of Scream 2. Y/N stood still. Did he know the effect those words had on her? Because she was two seconds away from collapsing.
“Thank you for saying that… your outfit is amazing too” she brushed it off with a little laugh.
“Thank you! Look, I have ghostface socks!” he said in an enthusiastic tone. She look down to see the black socks with patters of the mask and couldn’t help but smile.
“That’s adorable” the comment slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it. But far from being uncomfortable, Jack’s smile grew bigger. “Did you all know who was playing Ghostface from the beginning or was it something you found out towards the end of the shooting?”
“Actually, we didn’t know who would be playing Ghostface until the revealing scene” he answered, and admired the way her eyes shone in awe. “I take it you are a really big fan of the franchise”.
Y/N let out a nervous laugh, feeling a bit embarrassed “Is my enthusiasm that readable? I’m sorry, I literally grew up watching those movies”
“And now you are at the premiere interviewing the cast! That’s amazing!” he exclaimed loudly.
His happy aura was really contagious and it made her feel a little less shy “Well, thank you, Jack. Do you have any future projects?”
“Yes! I actually did a movie with Liam Neeson that will be coming out soon called Retribution and another one called Freaky Tales! So yeah, I’m very excited” he balanced on his feet.
“That’s amazing! Congratulations” Y/N gave him a genuine smile. Then they heard someone calling his name, telling him it was time to go. “Thank you for you time, Jack. Hope you felt comfortable”.
“I did! It was fun, and you were excellent” Jack smiled down at her. The team kept calling him but he wouldn’t move, trying to decide if he should just ask for her instagram or if it would be too weird. Maybe she had a partner, god he hoped not. Before he could even ask her name, Mason came to him and grabbed his arm.
“Jack, we have to go” his friend told him. Jack sighed, waving at the beautiful interviewer and cursing himself for not being quick enough.
Y/N turned around, ready to walk back to the van, completely wonderstruck by the charming young actor. She just prayed that wasn’t the last time they saw each other.
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THE INTERVIEW WENT VIRAL IN LESS THAN AN HOUR, AND EVEN FOR A FAMOUS COMPANY, IT WAS UNEXPECTED. The people were going wild on the comment section, pointing out how the actor looked at his interviewer in complete amazement. No one would have thought it was going to have such a repercussion. Especially not Y/N.
championslover man was in AWE
liked by masonthegooding
landrydaylight pls the way he looks at her i need them to be together!!!
liked by masonthegooding, jennaortega, baileybass, jamieflatters and more.
haunted.ethan “look, i have ghostface socks” really jack??? 😂😂😂
devyn_nekoda i can’t believe he said that omg
ghostfacelandry the evolution on this two min interview was so heartwarming??? like she was really shy at first but then you could tell she got used to his presence omg i adore them
jacksrep the way she blushes!! girl is honestly strong cause i would’ve passed out from having him in front of me
spiderboyjack let’s go to the important thing: does anyone have her insta????
championslover i just found it, it’s y/n.y/l/n (holy shit she’s so pretty!!!)
jacksgf oh jack… i get it now!!!
jackchampion championslover thank you for your service 🫡
championslover oh he’s down BAD
liked by jackchampion
jackchampion started following you
Y/N stared at the notification in shock. And then her heart stopped when she saw another notification, this time it was a direct message.
hey! it’s jack
i really wanted to get your instagram the day of the interview but honestly i was too scared
hi jack!
well, i’m glad your fandom (who honestly should be called by the fbi) found it.
hahaha me too tbh
and i’m going to be forward, i can’t stop thinking about you ever since the interview and it was killing me that i didn’t even get your name (by the way i’m praying you don’t have a partner).
i can’t stop thinking about you either (nope, i’m single)
you made me feel really comfortable, and that is not something i can say about a lot of people… especially not those who i talked to for two minutes
i don’t know.. you give that special kind of vibe very few people have
you know how to make someone blush ☺️
i heard it was your first interview. i can’t believe it, you were amazing!
thank you! i was so nervous but it could’ve gone way worse
you made it easier, you were really sweet
i’m glad i was your first interview then :)
i was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me tomorrow? i’d really like to get to know you better
i would love to, jack!
great! send me your address and i’ll pick you up at seven.
can’t wait 🤍
me neither😫 wanna facetime???
sure! text me xxx xxxx
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dirtysvthoughts · 5 months
Hi! Thoughts about hard dom!jh and soft dom!sc for 3some? 🫢
wow wow wow wow wow wow wowwwwww bestie, this is so hot and my jeongcheol heart soared at this ask 😩🤍 also y’all again, i’m super sorry for the unannounced radio silence - things have been busy and i really didn’t have the energy or motivation to write tbh :( but we’re back so i hope y’all enjoy! ALSO, merry christmas if you celebrate! i hope you all have a happy and safe holiday! 💖
hard dom! jeonghan and soft dom! seungcheol in a threesome would be an insanely gratifying experience for everyone involved. both of them will pleasure you to your heart’s content, but the differences in how they do so sends shivers down your body. the foreplay would be so sexy too, being sandwiched between them as their hands roam across the valley of your chest 🤤
dom! jeonghan who would surprisingly start off first, does not give you time to process everything. he just wants your clothes off, craving to see you naked and writhing like his needy little princess. would kiss you roughly as he walks you to the edge of the bed, your body immediately falling backwards when your legs feeling the wooden frame. you gasp as you feel the mattress press against your back and because jeonghan refuses to waste time, fingers in your cunt, roughly going at you as you feel the wind in your lungs nearly knocking out of you. he continues fingering you until he feels you clamp your thighs against his digits, knowing your first orgasm was coming. when you barely can whisper that you’re about to cum, he pulls his fingers out and you whine loudly at the loss of contact. “jeonghan? what was tha-” you protest, but it quickly turns into another loud whine as he speedily gets his pants and belt off and puts his tip inside of you.
again, jeonghan only gives you a few minutes to adjust to his size, and when he knows that you’re ready, he begins to thrust into you - roughly. and while he’s roughly fucking you, seungcheol can’t help but palm himself over his underwear from the other side of the room, the sound of skin slapping and the whines you let you nearly sending him over the edge.
you finally get to come and a wave of relief flows through your body. however, seungcheol clears his throat quickly your attention to him as he walks across the room, kneeling on the bed, pulling his jeans down.
“cheol..” you hold your breath as you bite your lip, his beautiful dick beholding your eyes. “you’re so hard, honey..” he smirks as he lines up center to your entrance, sitting you up so you can be closer to him as he whispers in your ear: “gonna take it nice and slow with you my angel.. have you slowly convulsing on my body as you moan my name so prettily.”
he gently pushes you up so you can ride him out, feeling the tip of his dick enter your continuously wet holes. he holds you by your back, his gentle thrusts greatly contradicting from jeonghan’s near ruthlessness, but still sending you to cloud nine. you grip onto seungcheol’s biceps as he continues to guide you to ecstasy, your second orgasm of the night coming quicker than you thought.
you gasp for air as seungcheol laughs, rubbing the small of your back lovingly as he kisses the shell of your earlobe. “think you’ll be ready for a round 2?” jeonghan smirks, admiring your state of wonder and daze.
you nod sleepily, knowing that even if your body was tired - you could never get enough of your boys.
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kaeyahiya · 1 year
Can we get some bj hcs for our boy alhaitham? No guillotine can take away the head I want to give this man q.q Feel free to add your ice prince aswell ~
Have a nice day!!
HAHAHA oh my god I felt that I can absolutely do that for you. Thank you for requesting this 🛐
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Alhaitham BJ Headcanons [NSFW]
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Pairing: Alhaitham x GN Reader
Warnings: Sexual content, details of oral sex, the word length is also mentioned woah scary
Reminder that this is intended for adult viewing only. If you are a minor, I am actively discouraging and not condoning any reading of my NSFW material. I have plenty of SFW stuff on my master list please check that out instead!
Word count: 491
Authors note: I'm leaving Kaeya out of this one everyone gasp and cry please, I have so many Kaeya so little time I decided to give Alhaitham all the glory on this one. I am being brave here though LMFAO writing oral scenes has never been my strong suit but I think it turned out well! I hope you enjoy 🤝
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After a steamy make out with Alhaitham sitting on his lap you can tell he's hard
Though you wanna tease him about it you decide you have a much better idea...
"Haitham...?" You make your way off his lap and get down on your knees, looking up at him with the best doe eyes you possibly can muster. His breath hitches in his throat before he clears it. "Yes?" You try your best to conceal the smirk threatening to plaster its way on your lips, but you're determined to have this feigned innocent act intact. Running a hand over his inner thigh, dangerously close to the obvious bulge in his pants, you bat your eyelashes at him. "Can I suck your cock?"
He'd be a mad man to turn that down, absolutely insane
So he obliges
You help him make quick work of his pants and then you decide to slowly peel down his underclothes
(I was gunna say boxers or underwear but that felt too modern? I dunno sorry)
He fidgets above you before his dick springs free of it's confines
I mentioned before in my NSFW hcs his man is got an average sized cock but he's got girth
Alhaitham revels in the way you look at his cock, it gives him a bit of an ego boost and will tease you about it later when he's fucking your brains out
For now you make eye contact with him and run your tongue over the head of his tip
Already tasting a little bit of precum
You lap at the head watching the stoic expression slowly turn to something more desperate
You also enjoy teasing him after all~
Finally sucking softly on the head of his cock he threads his fingers through your hair
He doesn't push (respectful king) but he does tighten his grip warning you to knock off the teasing
You pull back, make eye contact and blow gently on his sensitive cock
Once again absolutely loving the desperation on his face now
Before he can scold you take his cock (or as much as you can fit in your mouth) to the base
Alhaitham isn't one to be super vocal but he has his moments
The lewd soft moan this man let's out is almost enough to make you cum untouched
Slowly you begin to bob your head up and down on his cock
Alhaitham's grip on your hair flows with your movements
His eyes stay locked on your mouth wrapped around his length and he's mesmerized
As you speed up you fondle his balls and that's what pushes him over the edge
He has no time to warn you before blowing his load directly in your mouth.
You try your best to swallow it all, you really do but some leaks out the corner of your mouth
Don't worry Alhaitham shoves it right back into your mouth with his finger to make sure you get it all 😇
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Reminder that my requests are open, feel free to shoot me one!
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cemeteryry · 1 year
just saw that you want a request of Miguel X male reader, where reader also a spider man and accidentally get hurt while on a mission. Miguel saw this and get mad at reader because he's worried then things get heat up and Miguel take reader to somewhere private where no one else is and fuck him. oh- and maybe top Miguel X Bottom male reader<3
don't want you getting hurt [miguel o'hara x male reader] (nsfw)
note: i proofread this very quickly so i may edit later on as needed. also, i'm still fairly new to fic-writing so i apologize if anything doesn't sound the best ;(
another note: i had originally (accidentally) turned this into a (2.1k words so far) hurt/comfort fic ... if anyone's interested in seeing that, lmk and i'll finish it!
cw/includes: vague mention of reader getting hurt, biting, unprotected sex (pls be safe irl), anal sex, rough sex, slight exhibitionism (he wants you to be as loud as possible so people around know how well he's pleasing you) praise, brief spanish use (i tried my best to use the right terms/words), cumming inside, amab terms
you heard someone yell your name as you were thrown into a pile of fallen rubble. you groaned from the dull pain in your leg but swiftly got up and rejoined the fight. shaking yourself off, you swung yourself up to help miguel and jess.
this was nothing compared to some of your other injuries, they were expected in this line of work. it didn’t bother you, it was worth it if it meant saving even one person.
unknown to you, though, it did bother someone. as you rejoined the fight at hand, you noticed miguel staring at you. he was probably just frustrated with you for letting your guard down enough for someone to send you flying. you broke the eye contact and landed a punch to the villain the three of you were up against. it took some effort but eventually, you guys managed to trap him in a cocoon of webbing and brought him back to headquarters.
you were about to head back to your personal quarters when you heard a voice calling your name, “i would like to speak with you.”
you raised an eyebrow, “what about?”
“just follow me,” miguel instructed.
you sighed, you just wanted to head back to your room and unwind. well, at least you got to spend some more time around the guy you had a tiny thing for. okay, well, maybe it wasn’t so tiny. you found him insanely attractive and fantasized about him more often than you’d like to admit, but that wasn’t the point. right now the issue is he’s taking you somewhere and you have no idea where or why.
he led you into his office and leaned against a table. you leaned across a table across from him and tried asking why he wanted to speak to you again.
he sighed and then began, “you need to be more careful.”
you blinked a few times. there was no way he brought you here because he was upset that you took a hit, that happened to everyone all the time. confused, you looked at him, “you brought me here… to tell me that?”
he looked to the side, avoiding eye contact. looking up, he closed his eyes, then spoke, “i don’t like seeing you get hurt.”
you were so tired that all you wanted to do was just collapse onto your bed. starting to get irritated from the exhaustion, you responded, “we get hurt all the time,” you were starting to get upset, “if that’s all please just tell me so i can go rest and take care of myse-”
he cut you off, “you’re not understanding, i don't like seeing you get hurt,” bringing his eyes down to meet yours, his tone beginning to sound irritated as well, “you just don’t seem to care if you get injured, i need you to take better care of yourse-”
this time, you cut him off, “excuse me? i’m doing just fine taking care of myself, i’m not understanding why you’re acting like you care so much about my well-being,” things were starting to get heated, you were irritated with him for making you come here for this incredibly weird talk and he was upset because… well, you weren’t sure why he was irritated. he must just be bothered that you’re being reckless because that may cause him to lose another spider-person, you, to an injury.
miguel’s gaze intensified and that had you worried you had pissed him off. he took a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm himself but you decided to speak before he did, “if you’re done pretending that you actually care about me as a person then i’d say we’re done he-”
“we are not done here,” he growled, he was angry now. “do you ever use your head and think that maybe i’m not just acting or pretending? that maybe i just really do care about you? did that ever occur to you?”
you were speechless, what the hell were you even supposed to say to that? you sat there in silence for a minute, then finally spoke up. matching his volume, you began, “then why didn’t you ever tell me? why did you just leave me here to think i was alone in all of th-”
“because i was afraid!” miguel yelled, “i was afraid you’d think badly of me, that you would hate me and leave!”
“well i don’t and i’m right here!” you yelled back, “i’m right here and i’m not leaving!”
he stopped and looked down, this stunning him. after a few seconds, he looked back up and met your eyes, “damn right you’re not.”
confused, you tilted your head, “what is that supposed to me-”
you were cut off by him closing the distance between you two and pushing you against the table you were leaning against. he growled in your ear, “you’re not going anywhere, eres mio,” as he began tracing his fangs along your neck. you couldn’t help but moan at the sensation, throwing your head back to give him more room to bite and suck.
“that’s it, mi amor, i want to hear you. be loud for me, yeah?” he licked at your neck, “let everyone know how good i’m making you feel.”
you moaned again, a tent beginning to form in your suit. you noticed his hard-on as well and groaned.
he began pulling down your suit, exposing your chest. he brought his mouth to one of your nipples and sucked on it, then gave it a light bite that made you whimper from the slight pain.
after nipping at your chest, he made quick work of removing the rest of your suit. soon enough, you were left standing there naked. he took in the sight of you, appreciating every single angle and curve of your body. his eyes hovered lower down, though, and you couldn’t help but smile.
miguel then began removing his own suit, standing exposed in front of you in less than a minute. your eyes trailed down and… whoa, he was huge. you had no idea how you were supposed to take him. he must’ve noticed your worry because he looked back up at you, smirking, “i’ll be gentle with you.”
he lifted you up onto the table and this sent a rush throughout your body. sliding his hands under your legs, he lifted your lower body up slightly. it was just enough that he could easily slide into you when ready. his dick was pressed against you and you shivered at the feeling, trying to move closer to him to feel more of him against you. 
“impatient, are we?” he teased. he then removed one of his hands from under your leg and pressed a finger against your hole, “need to prepare you, don’t want you getting hurt,” he smiled.
miguel slowly inserted the finger and you let out a pornographic moan at the sensation. he slowly thrust it in and out of you a few times before adding a second, and then a third. at three you had your head thrown back, now far too preoccupied to care about the noises escaping from your mouth. he increased his pace and tears threatened to fall from your eyes, the pleasure and pain already feeling overwhelming.
to your disappointment, he removed his fingers and you whined at the empty feeling. miguel didn’t give you a chance to complain before smirking and lining himself up with you and then pushing inside. you groaned and tears fell from your eyes at the mixed feeling of pleasure and pain from the stretch. it felt both heavenly and like he was splitting you in half because of his size. it only took a few thrusts before you were forgetting about the pain, and only focused on how amazing he felt inside of you.
“there you go… that’s it, cariño,” miguel whispered, “ taking my dick so well…”
you couldn’t control the sounds you were making, the feeling was overwhelming and incredible.
it wasn’t long before he began giving in to his desire and started thrusting harder and harder into you, “you don’t have any idea… how long i’ve been thinking about- about doing this to you.” his movements were growing rougher and quicker. he was almost animalistic with how he was fucking you. you couldn’t stop yourself from yelling out his name over and over again. anyone that happened to be nearby would definitely know exactly what he was doing to you.
he removed his hands from under your thighs and pinned your hands above your head, leaning above you and slowing his pace as he brought his face close to your neck. you felt his fangs tease the sensitive skin, and then he bit down, blood beading from the small wound he had inflicted and you screamed his name, louder than before and louder than you meant to. skin turning red from irritation, he licked at the area attempting to soothe the wound. you loved the fact that you’d be carrying that mark from him long after this.
bringing himself back up, he returned to the brutal pace he had set before. he let out a groan as he attempted to say something, “close…” he wrapped a hand around your dick and started jerking you off and that’s when you lost it, cumming almost immediately and painting your stomach white as he continued fucking you through your orgasm.
seeing you cum was enough to send miguel over the edge and he was then filling you up with his load. he gave a last few sloppy thrusts, chasing the high, then collapsed over you, holding himself up with one arm.
he stayed inside of you for a few minutes as you both came down from everything. when he finally did pull out, you moaned as you felt his cum leaking from you. miguel looked over at you, smiling, “we are definitely doing this again.”
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redmelawashere · 3 months
Alright I got woken up at like 3 AM with FORBIDDEN MEMORIES™️ and remember that MelloNear literally had a fandom video game. What other fucking fandom has SHIPPING VIDEO GAMES.
I think it just hit me since recently I've been thinking a lot about how fandom spaces shift over time (especially as we have re-boots, live-actions, or other media that helps reinvigorate fandoms like currently with A:TLA) and honestly, MelloNear has had so many ups and downs and like…as someone who was in this fandom WAY too young and grew up with it I want to see how many people on tumblr, who were there in ye olden wild west days, remember the stuff I do and also for those of you who weren’t around back then but are big now, here’s the insane history that I remember:
1 - LiveJournal (LJ) and the LOST FICS LJ was initially one of the better places to find fics – but a lot of authors jumped ship when FF.NET started to take over and for other reasons that were before my time. Finding fics on LJ that haven’t been deleted was/is hard and their UI is trash I never could get a grasp on it. (The irony of FF.NET now being dead and people jumping ship to AO3 and Tumblr lol.) Astyzia_ii used to write really fucking good MelloNear stuff there. She was one of the first people I ever read that had insanely good Near characterization. Unfortunately, her account no longer exists. But some of the things she wrote were things like:
Near being a total brat (at the time, no one else was really writing Near like that. Including Near lying to Mello about being assaulted by other children at Whammy's, just generally putting him in his place, etc.)
Mello painting Near’s nails black (then this trope just went off on FF.NET and everyone was writing fics like that - I really like when stuff like this comes out of fandom)
Mello finding out that Near, despite being in love with him, thought Mello was so unapproachable he had sex with someone else (implied Giovanni) and Mello is basically confronting Near about it at a time when Near was treated as a prudish virgin in fandom
Finding each other in the apocalypse AU
Mello and Near being like high school sweethearts (salthearts?) and Mello wanting to go to a University in the BIG CITY but would ignore the offer if it meant staying with Near (and super tragic fic too. They pull over on a freeway after an argument about it and then Near just straight up gets hit by a car after pushing Mello out of the way 💀 and you don't know if Near survived)
And obviously, many more really creative AUs
2 - KurosakiAkane and VIDEO GAMES Akane, as Spanish artist and the original “cursed moons” drew some of the most viral and prolific MelloXNear doujinshis and EVEN MADE FANDOM VIDEO GAMES. Like I can’t believe I forgot about this. Akane literally made fandom yaoi video games and they were SO GOOD. What other fandom has shipping video games you’d think it’d be the norm I can barley wrap my head around it
Pretty sure her website (www.cursedmoons.com) is down so you can’t download them directly from there or see her full doujinshis anymore
Her DeviantArt account is still live so you can see some stills and teasers from her doujinshis.
Her LJ account is also still live but more so as an archive.
Her first game “D.nD Poisoned” can be downloaded here if you scroll to the bottom (but I haven’t checked the link so be wary…) but it was basically taking place during Whammy’s days, and yes, Mello has a knife cause he’s unhinged since those were just the times ig.
“D.nD Infection” was her second, unfinished game, which would have been when they were mid-Kira investigation post Mello blowing up the base. I found a website that hosts the short demo she released.
Her games literally inspired a new wave of AUs for the fandom in the fic department and she was just a titan who kept everyone together on all corners of the internet. When she decided to leave the fandom in like 2011 after 2010’s great FF.NET purge of M rated fics it kind of felt like the beginning of the end.  
3 - Doujinshis (fandom comics) Most doujinshi artists had their own websites and MANY were Japanese / Chinese translated into English (pretty sure Akane was the first one to create them exclusively in English...). There are so many archived on YouTube that I used to watch all the time. You can even still find some of Akane’s doujinshi’s on Youtube like:
Lost Innocence
The Last Birthday
Game Over
Chocolate Kiss
One of the ones that was most impactful on me was this one that I cannot remember the name of, and it wasn't by Akane, but basically Mello, freshly 16 trying to stay alive, resorts to prostitution, and the big revealer at the end is he’s just kind of left there, alone, opens up his hand and there’s a little white puzzle piece he stole from Near and pretty sure the last line was something along the lines of “no one else” and I just 😭
4 - Lost Art and the Famous Water Colours
A lot of that water-colour MN art you see floating around was from, if I'm not mistaken, a Chinese MelloNear artist and their website I think was just "w" or something and she had created 100s of MN art.
5 - ForbiddenSoul562 and FF.NET Beef and Fan Fic Rap Battles
Soul was one of the BIGGEST creators on FF.NET (and luckily, she’s still active both on FF.Net and here on tumblr!) I remember when she had like a fic battle with another creator FragilePuzzle (who is also on tumblr and active – but they post M-ll-M-tt stuff now and pretty sure they deleted all their MelloNear fics... Their active handle on tumblr is mizzmellos I think? Anyways, they’ve also switched from writing to art and its really good!) And there was like a whole “vote who you think wrote the better fic” and it was like Clash of the Titans. Shame that Fragile, as they used to go by, doesn’t like MN anymore since they also wrote a lot of really good stuff. When Fragile stopped posting and Soul went on an extended hiatus that also felt like another beginning of the end loooooool (pretty sure Soul and Mzz had an interaction here on tumblr reminding each other of each other and I had so much social anxiety I was like headbanging watching this interaction go down and if I'm remembering correctly it started cordial but didn't really end well but I could be 100% misremembering the tone of the interaction but if you dig through Soul's tumblr you can probably find it or mzzs for that matter.) 6 - Kids Writing Dark Tropes
I feel like I should make another post and just…describe how Mello and Near were portrayed individually and in a relationship during that time since it was honestly insane. Very toxic, very star-crossed lovers who revolve around each other but are devastating together and are healthier a part, and so much more. I’m much happier with where their characterization and how the fandom has evolved currently from those times lol. But I think over the years I’ve also realized how fucking young all of us were (I was literally like…13 consuming all this media which retroactively, I’m like YIKES 18+ is 18+ for a reason and I even realized some of my favourite authors / creators who I thought were way older than me or like “cool teenagers” were also close to my age and not that much older so no wonder we were all writing crazy unstable relationship shit like that - which can be fun! - but this was literally all. the. time.).
Honestly that’s all I can remember for now but what a wild ride. I know FF.NET is like, a super hard platform to use now (and just gets worse every day 🙃) but if anyone wants some MN fic recs from the vault lmk and I’ll make a post about it.
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Hello after seeing your post about breaking up with the bros I was wondering if you could please do a hc for the boys finding out that mc fell in love with someone else in the human realm and mc is really happy with their new s/o?
Thank you and have a great day ,and please take your time on writing this💞
This is one of my favorite kinds of prompts - I absolutely live for angst or bittersweet writing. What that says about me, I’m not willing to discuss. I know this is insanely late (got chronically ill) but I hope you see this and that it does your request justice. 
Lucifer: It’s going to be hard for Lucifer to see initially; his ego is as hurt as his heart is. It’s very easy for him to fall into the role of bitter ex-boyfriend who talks about how you’ve absolutely downgraded. You’ve settled for a human partner and one that is not nearly as attractive, smart, charming, talented, etc. He disparages this new partner relentlessly to the point where Diavolo and his brothers know his rant by heart. He would definitely think about trying to win you back, to show you how much happier you would be if you came back to him, but…Lucifer knows that smile on your face. You’ve always seen the best in people and there’s nothing he could ever say that would convince you to leave your new partner so he saves himself the embarrassment of trying to win you back and decides to watch from the background, willing to bide his time until your new partner makes a mistake and he can come sweeping in. 
Mammon: Mammon is heartbroken, there’s no way around it. You’re his and he’s yours, that’s how it has been since the beginning and that’s the way it’s always supposed to be. He has been so good for you, tried so hard, and he knows that you love him. Loved him? Mammon has been pining for you and waiting for you to one day return to the Devildom like he knew that you would and here you are, already moved on and in love with someone new. It makes him feel like he never really knew you at all because if you loved him even half as much as he loved you, you wouldn’t be with someone else. He tries to play off his feelings but everyone around him is aware of his devastation and they’re all doing their best to cheer him but no matter what they buy him or how much Lucifer raises his credit limit, he can’t stop thinking about how he lost the only thing he ever really cared about and feels like the absolute fuck up that everyone’s always told him he was. 
Levi: Levi can’t stand to see it and he’s going to absolutely pull away from your friendship the moment he knows there’s someone else in the picture. He’ll play at normal for as long as he can but he’ll talk to you less and less as he drowns in his self-doubt and fears that you’re only talking to him out of pity while you secretly laugh about the stupid demon who is still hopelessly in love with you when you’re clearly not even interested. Hell, you were probably never interested in the first. You probably couldn’t wait to leave Levi and the Devildom behind and find some super cool, charming normal human who didn’t stutter or spend hours gaming or act like an idiot around you. There’s no way you ever loved him and Levi isn’t going to stick around where he’s not wanted. He goes back to hiding away in his room, swearing off love forever since it’s a stupid normie illusion, and there’s nothing anyone can do. 
Satan: Wrath. It takes Satan several days to get out all of the fury he’s feeling and, honestly, everyone is afraid to be around him until he’s finally settled down. Satan can’t believe that you’ve been able to find someone new, especially someone like that. Satan, like Lucifer, knows he’s the better choice and he doesn’t understand how you’ve not only apparently gotten over him just like that but also chose a partner that was so utterly beneath you. Satan, despite his sin, is rational though and he actively avoids his urge to maimkilldestroy your new partner out of respect and love for you. However, he is keeping an eye on you two and he will make that partner of yours disappear if he gets even a hint of you being mistreated. 
Asmo: Asmo thinks it’s a little cute honestly. You chose a cute new partner and Asmo can understand why you would be attracted to them. Of all people, he understands how attraction and affection aren’t limited or controllable. You’ve been home for a long time with no guarantee you’d come back to the Devildom, he can’t blame you at all for being with someone new. You seem so happy you’re practically glowing with it and Asmo thinks you look as beautiful as ever. However, that doesn’t mean Asmo is going to leave you alone. There’s always room for him, right? You and your partner could potentially even share, depending on how much he ends up liking them. It’s only if you reject Asmo for this new partner that he becomes both outraged and hurt. He can’t fathom you choosing anyone else over him and he’s going to stay your friend if only to wheedle at you constantly and try to temp you back to him. 
Beel: Beel is really just happy that you’re happy. There’s this twinge in his chest when he sees you with someone else and the everpresent hunger in his stomach grows to an almost unbearable sensation as he starts to realize that you will never be his again. You’re gone and you have a new partner that you seem to love. That’s great, it really is. All Beel wants is for you to be happy and well taken care and safe; it seems like you’ve found someone who can give you that. He loves you enough to want you to be happy, wherever and however you find that happiness. As much as he truly believes that, he still can’t stop the pit in his stomach from growing whenever he thinks about you. He eats and eats, more than he has since he first came to the Devildom, but nothing is filling the emptiness inside him and he lives with the scary idea that nothing will ever be able to fill the space that you’ve left behind. 
Belphie: Belphie doesn’t care. You’re just a stupid human. You hung out with his family for a while and you were great to have around for a while, it was…fun. That’s it. They all knew you wouldn’t be around forever and that you’d eventually go home. Belphie, of all the brothers, is the most aware of your humanity; you’re mortal and vulnerable and your time is so limited. Belphie knew to never put much stock in the idea of a future together; he expected this to happen one day and so he’s prepared for it well enough to not react when he sees you with your new partner. But, despite all of his internal preparation, deep down, Belphie feels the loss acutely. He’s reminded of Lilith and the loss of the one of the best people he’s ever known and he feels his walls against humans building back up; he always ends up hurt by them in one way or another. 
If you decide you want the dateables as well (or if anyone does), just let me know! 
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sailorblossoms · 4 months
what if baz had pulled his shit together in fifth year and launched a surprise kiss or a confession of undying love on simon? how do you think simon would have reacted? please write another gorgeous 10k on this
I have actually wondered this, but never got far because I would think "Baz would never do that" and call it a day. I mean, the guy is rolling around with Simon, worrying about whether he can convert someone with "so much saliva" because Simon would just not get his tongue out of Baz's mouth, and he's still reluctant to open up (emotionally, not his mouth, clearly that's not an issue). He's like "Perhaps I'll kiss Simon before dying, since I'm dying anyway" and he's still not kissing him! he's like "I'm going to do it... right now... totally going to do it" and it's Simon beating him to the punch. He's like someone standing in front of a pool, contemplating jumping in, but he's just not jumping until he's literally pushed.
First of all, we can't even begin to define what Simon would do without first defining what Baz is doing.
In fact, I'm considering as I think about how to answer this... Baz notes Simon is taking his cues from him after sex (he was also taking cues during sex, and actually he goes on to do so in most aspects of their relationship) but hasn't Simon always been taking cues from Baz? I think this can tie into his lack of autonomy, his lack of understanding of his feelings, and his familiarity with hostility. He understands anger. It might be the one feeling he understands the most. So when he meets Baz, he's like "this guy hates me?? well I guess I'm gonna hate him too >:c" "he's DISGUSTED by me?? well, I think he's a creep who only has two (2) emotions! >:c") (yeah, I imagine him making that face). If something changes on Baz's end, and he externalizes it and/or communicates it to Simon (as opposed to just thinking it while giving away nothing), Simon would continue to take his cues from him as well.
However, to have Baz in 5th year, or to know that it's even an option to not see him as a villain, would probably have been too much for Simon, Too confusing. Too destabilizing. If such feelings are already too much for his 18-year-old self, what chance does 15-year-old Simon, at the height of his angsty teenage dumbasery, have? (to be clear, I don't think he's a dumbass for not understanding his feelings, or that he's one in general, I think he's a dumbass for telling everyone who would listen that Baz is a vampire. Like, what did he think it was going to happen to Baz, if he was believed? Fucking nothing, because he wasn't using his brain). (Also: part of the reason it drives me insane when people don't get Simon wasn't into Agatha is that I think Simon not being in love or attracted to her is actually crucial to explain why they get together. As in, not having those feelings [among other things] is precisely why he dated her – not feeling those things made it all feel deceptively “manageable,” even if that created other problems. His feelings for Baz are too much for him, too intense and overwhelming, hence why he's regularly losing his shit around him [unable to leave him alone] even before he identifies them.)
On the other hand... does Simon actually grow, mentally and emotionally, between 5th and 8th year? Or does he stall in a particular place until he's forced out of it, kicking and screaming, his growth only made possible once he "gets off the map" with the events of CO? I wonder this because, well. Maybe the reaction of 15-year-old Simon wouldn't be too different from how he reacts at 18. When we meet him, he's still on the same type of “delusional bullshit” he would have been at the ages he was in some of the memories he shares. He's still clinging on to the thoughts and feelings of his 11-year-old self when he should know better. Maybe it's just not possible for him to grow at all, while he still lives under the structure that allows him to not process things and to just do what he's told, until he's pretty much forced out of the structure.
And this takes us back to Baz. A confession from him would certainly murder Simon's structure. But how does Baz say it? how does he show himself? Is he vulnerable? Is he in pain? Is he letting Simon in? I mean, when Simon catches him in the catacombs, Baz gets on the offensive. He's confrontational, he's not being "clear enough" in what he's communicating to Simon, so Simon doesn't know how to react. And when Simon is lost, he defaults to the familiarity of anger. But had Baz been clear in "I'm thinking of my mom and feeling like a monster and sad and suicidal" Simon would have completely changed his tune. In some ways, it does get to some part of Simon that Baz is sad in very concerning ways, even if he doesn't get anything else, which is why he's unable to go back to the catacombs. It's why he keeps hearing that song...
Those very same elements appear again in the forest scene, and how does Simon respond? He kisses him. And when Simon kisses him, it's impossible not to realize he wants him. When he's touching him before this, it's impossible to not keep looking for way to touch him again...
I think, if Baz is ever telling him for the first time, it's a very painful and vulnerable thing. That's exactly what it is, in canon. Simon is breaking up with him and Baz, heartbroken and feeling like it doesn't matter, says "I love you." He adds something that's absolutely devastating for Simon ("I'm the first thing you ever gave up on") and leaves. If Baz is saying it in 5th year, I can perhaps picture it like that. I can't picture a Baz who is "pulling it together and giving Simon a love confession" because that's a different person and it makes the question pointless – under no circumstances is Baz pulling his shit together to just say it, he fears too much, he's too committed to "protect himself," even at his own expense. And again, Simon, who exists without processing, responds to what he picks up from him (or what he thinks he's picking up from him). We know how Simon responds to Baz letting his wall down and showing his pain and vulnerability. He kisses him. He shows up at his door, asking to be taken back, practically on his knees. I don't think 5th-year Baz would ever say it, but if he does, it's going to be a very painful thing that would leave Simon no choice but to feel. It would absolutely devastate him. Simon's exact reaction depends heavily on what's happening, but in general: he would be confused. It would likely affect his magic. He's never able to leave Baz's alone, I think he would be even less capable of leaving Baz's alone here. Like his reaction in awtwb, it might take some hours, maybe a whole day or two, and some conversations with other people for him to even get to a true reaction.
The more I think about it, the more I think "how would Simon react" isn't the right question, but how would you sustain this situation. I mean, the immediate reaction is probably just that pikachu reaction image (:O) but get him alone with Baz, and tell him he has permission to see him as anything other than an enemy, and Simon is already trying to touch him (and even before, he was trying to touch him via fighting). He goes from bumping him, to putting his hand on his shoulder, to firmly touching his back, to grabbing his hands in like... a single day. He escalates very fast. "He was just giving him magic in some of those" I mean, that just makes it gayer. Penny establishes the importance of magical compatibility between lovers and that Simon isn't a touchy person, yet here we are.
This is probably going to be a separate post, but as much as Baz is the one who figures out his feelings first, it's Simon who's climbing Baz like a tree lighting fast with practically nothing. He figures he wants Baz as he kisses him. He asks him to be his boyfriend before figuring out his feelings for Baz. He's saying he wants to and likes being boyfriends so much better than fighting, that he doesn't want to be enemies or on opposing sides at all while believing the war is still going on. I don't think Simon would respond negatively to Baz opening up to him because he literally never does. He responds negatively when Baz does the opposite as he's pulling out his thorny defenses and pushing Simon away. I don't think it would have taken long for Simon to be all over Baz (in a gay way, not in a confrontationally gay way, as he used to be during those years). I think Simon would be confused as fuck, as this would push him to ask questions about himself he wouldn't be ready for, but he's still engaging in a kissing session that lasts an entire night after thinking "I don't understand shit" isn't he? He's not ever doing that "but Baz is a villain, what if this is plot" bit when Baz is actually being vulnerable, as he would have to be to confess. I discard Simon going "Is he plotting??" about a confession, because the manner in which Baz would confess wouldn't leave room for that.
It's also important to consider whether Simon is already in a relationship with Agatha when Baz "confesses." If he is, that complicates it because even when Simon is feeling (even if he's not identifying such feelings) that he wants to break up, he doesn't want to be the one who does it. If he isn't dating her, the expectation that he should would weigh on him as well. (Worth mentioning that Simon faces dating Agatha like it's a job he has to do, and at some point it feels like a routine – you can tell in the way he forgets he's no longer dating her and immediately goes, "anyway" after remembering... one of those instances is when he's kissing Baz and he has a second where he feels bad for Agatha before remembering they're not dating anymore. Which tells you that dating her wouldn't have stoped him from kissing Baz, even if he feels bad about it). Regardless, Simon would choose Baz, because he always does (if you're thinking about Simon not going to the numpties with Baz because he just discovered he's the humdrum, I wouldn't count it. It's like in awtwb when Baz discovers the Phippa thing and literally tells a Simon who's in shambles after Smith fails to restore his magic "I'm sorry love, I know your problem is important but I'm literally incapable of focussing on anything else until I fix this" – it's the exact same thing Simon is feeling towards the end of CO). When Simon feels like he's going to lose him, he's pushed to act (WS being the exception partly because Simon feels like a burden and like Baz is with him not because he still wants him but out of duty, which changes everything). But to have them figure this out at this point would be too difficult. Too painful. (Not that not figuring it out isn’t terribly painful anyway – there’s no escaping pain here)
The thing isn't really Simon's reaction – all things considered, that might be easier to put together than what would come after, given all the external factors. The thing is the mage (and not even war, as we have established that the war doesn't stop Simon from telling Baz they don't have to fight, he just wants to be boyfriends) and perhaps Simon worrying about fulfilling expectations in ways that suffocate him, in ways he doesn't know how to fight off because he's not used to making decisions by and for himself outside of combat and survival, and you definitely don't want the cocktail of emotions this would cause when he's in possession of his crazy magic. He does figure out how to fight this, but I think Baz is right when he says they figured it out at the right time – crucially, the strongest forces that would keep them separated are gone shortly after they get together. The thing is a million things, externally and emotionally, that would come into play if they go off script. And the mage is just too alive here, as opposed to fucking dead, which is both how we want and need him to be for Simon to have a better chance at making any type of choice in his life, heal and move on. He has too much control over Simon's life. But this is about reaction, not what happens after – at that point we might as well write fanfiction (I'm kinda already are with this post, anyway)
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bucknastysbabe · 2 months
Do you have any thots about yan!Criston
TW: manipulation, grooming, age gap, verbal and emotional abuse. Bad bad pookie
I’m a mess but I’m currently in the process of writing a darker Criston when he becomes Lord Commander.
He’s already got a darkness to him. Like so much shame guilt and anger??? And in the book he’s stone fucking cold there’s not much indicative of his personality except for being straight forward, still a shred of chivalry for asking for a fair fight, and devotion.
So I like the emotional aspects of him in the show, how he can be stone cold to rage, and the way the show made him very devoted to the faith regardless of his immoral actions. Also the insane devotion and possessiveness he def acts without thinking sometimes.
I think he’d most likely latch onto a daughter, having his newfound power is intoxicating. Esp coming from his lowborn background. It may have started innocent as that’s Alicent’s girl but develops when she gets older. By the time of the dance I’d sense a grooming? scenario.
Everyone’s busy, Helaena is going mad after B&C, Alicent is at Aegon’s bedside. Aemond is there but he wouldn’t be the most comforting I don’t believe, like he’s in Prince Regent mode. So she would be isolated. Yes, a dragon rider and needed but not yet.
I picture him taking advantage of her loneliness and affection for the man that has treated her family so well. Then just growing closer and closer, manipulating her into his plan. Like starting off having her help him write letters or assist with his Hand duties. So keeping her on a leash that grows tighter.
Criston can be charming, obviously it’s in there from episode one & a good listener. She’d be falling for his presence and simple touches, anything but being isolated and afraid again. Criston would have the princess in his lap in no time, promising how he’ll keep his precious Princess safe and comforted.
Once he has her snagged, say with a kiss that leads to some heavy petting/fingering? It’s sealed, he’s locked in and unwittingly so is she. Criston’s already planning how to keep her to himself, suggesting she moved into the hand’s tower. He’d be possessive as fuck, keeping an eye on her. Sweet for the most part until perhaps she asks why she can’t leave the tower or ride her dragon.
Sadly then manipulation is on again.
“Look how I’ve kept you safe and pleased. You want to go out and get burned by the enemies? Will you fly off and run? There’s no chance— you need me.”
See Criston is always right in her mind so she obeys. His words can be frightening and mean, eyed wild and pacing as he seems to come unraveled at the thought of his princess going anywhere. He dallies with the idea of becoming hand only so he can marry the girl and knock her up. He even gets Aemond to keep an eye and escort her around.
That went longer than expected but I think he dreadfully desires to be in power, making up for his low beginnings. He finally gets a Princess he so very covets.
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bxriles · 4 months
The Importance of Authors Fulfilling Promises to their Readers
Seeing people defend Gege's writing of jjk these over these last few months is WILD. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and that includes me. So here's my 900th unhinged rant on this subject because hoooo boy there are THOUGHTS on this topic.
Before anyone comes for my throat, these are my opinions. You get yours and I get mine. And this is LONG lmao.
I've seen all the justifications for Gege's current writing saying that jjk is about being different from the standard shonen manga and being more realistic in its storytelling (i.e., killing the powerful characters) and whatever and YES. All of that is true. I don't have a problem with any of that. I would say all of that is why most of us fell in love with this story to begin with. Examples of this (done well) includes:
Nanami's death. Tragic. Broke my heart. But I think Gege was right to kill him. Nanami had served his purpose at that point, he died protecting the next generation, and despite how sad I was to see him go, I thought it was good writing. There was no need to keep him around at that point. Gojo gets put in the box. This made perfect sense to me from a narrative standpoint. Gojo Satoru is a NIGHTMARE for ANY author to write. His very existence is a problem because he can solve all of the problems of the universe and remove all conflict from the story. Sealing away the most powerful character was a perfect way to take him out of the narrative while still leaving his presence lingering over everyone. This also deviates strongly from traditional shonen because no character that powerful would have ever been sealed with ACTUAL ramifications in something more "standard" like Naruto! It broke the mold in the best way possible. I'd also say that the way Kenjaku went about sealing him was excellent. There really weren't any ass-pulls to get him in that box. Kenjaku takes Geto's body (a strategic decision), hides that body from everyone at the school, executes an insane plan that he knows will exhaust Gojo and mentally push him to his limits, and then SURPRISE! Here's your dead lover's best friend's body! Now get in the box(((: I thought it was good writing and completely necessary for the plot to progress. Megumi's possession. From the very beginning, Sukuna has been interested in Megumi. Seeing that pay off? Watching Sukuna do the worst thing we can imagine to Megumi? Amazing. Wonderful. Loved everything about it.
So, I don't have any problems with jjk's previous storytelling. I thought that it was well executed, broke the previous Shonen formula, and delivered good story telling.
You know what I do have a problem with? Writing like this:
Higuruma is suddenly as talented as Gojo. Bro what? I like Higuruma, but this dude has been a sorcerer for all of what? Two seconds? He's a suicidal lawyer who just got magic powers and only VERY RECENTLY started working with Yuji and company and he suddenly has as much talent as Gojo Satoru? The man with the Six Eyes? Be. For. Real. What is the point of this? If you needed an OP character, you already had Gojo. So again. What was the point?
Higuruma's possible death. We're only up to chapter 248 at the time of me posting this, so this may change. But as of right now, we've been told Higuruma is dead. He may come back, but we don't know. Either way, we're told dude is gone. What was the point of this death? We already saw Yuji lose a beloved male mentor figure (Nanami) and we already saw someone who had the potential to kill Sukuna fail (Gojo) soooooo... What was the point? We've seen this done before and it's boring to see it hashed out yet again but with new characters.
Kenjaku's motivations and death. I personally think that making Kenjaku a mad scientist for the sake of being a mad scientist is lazy. With all of his hair brained schemes (guys, he like straight up fucked Yuji's dad, come on), you would have thought he had some legitimate motivation. I can admit this is my own personal opinion and some might like this, but I think this is a weak explanation for all the nonsense he's done. And his death? Like... Okay?? Some rando newbie sorcerer is the one to kill Kenjaku? Kenjaku--one of the top two Big Baddies? All right?? I wouldn't say this is bad per se, but I would say it feels very unearned. (And before anyone freaks out, yes I know it's technically Yuta who delivers the killing blow, but it really was Takaba who put the work in and got Yuta to that point. Again, it feels unearned.)
And finally, the big one. The one that most people are upset about and the one that most people reference when they talk about the decline in writing and one that's about to get a(nother) long ass rant from me.
The lack of any meaning in Gojo Satoru's death.
I need to be perfectly clear that I do not have a problem with Gojo dying. Again, he's a nightmare character for an author to handle so I get it. I have a problem with HOW he was killed. Sukuna using Megumi's body was great. The whole battle of the domains was decent. But the end??? Gojo hits Sukuna point blank with a hollow purple (after Sukuna said he would die if he was hit with a point blank hollow purple) and then...? Sukuna pulls out some BS world cleaving slash that cuts Gojo in half (off screen mind you), heals himself, and then is perfectly--PERFECTLY--fucking fine after getting hit by an attack that he said would kill him???? And then he isn't weakened at all? Bro what??? How is that good writing? Even if you're all about subverting expectations and JJK breaking the shonen mold, how is that good writing? How is that satisfying???
Gojo's death meant nothing. He did nothing. He didn't even weaken Sukuna. He didn't give the students a leg up. It meant... Nothing. And I know that some people think that's the point, that jjk has realistic storytelling and that it's realistic to have a meaningless death but I would STRONGLY disagree. You want meaningless deaths in JJK for the sake of "realistic" meaningless deaths? You have Tsumiki and Yuki. Sure, Tsumiki's death pushes Megumi into the pits of despair because Shonen manga loves a good bit of *man pain* but what was her real influence on the story? Outside of the Megumi thing, she had zero impact on jjk. And Yuki?? Killed off-screen for some reason??? To buy Choso some time??? When she is arguably the more important one??? All right?? Christ, fucking Junpei's death meant more to the narrative and he was basically a fucking footnote in the grand scheme of things.
The problem with Gojo having a meaningless death is that Gege as the author broke his promise to his readers. Gege sets up a story that tells us how influential Gojo is and spends quite a bit of the narrative showing us once again how important he is. Whether he meant to or not, writing a setup like that means there will be expectations from your readers that no matter what happens to that character, it will mean something to the narrative. A good example of this done both well and poorly is Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, which is another story that breaks the mold of a genre like JJK.
Ned Stark is a POV character in the first book. He's important. He's the Lord of Winterfell and becomes the Hand. He's honorable. He's good in a world that favors the wicked and people know it. And then he gets killed and his death haunts the narrative and it means something. Robb starts a war. Sansa becomes a hostage to the Lannisters. Arya has to flee. Jon has to reaffirm that he's a man of the Night's Watch and can't go help his brother. The Red Wedding. Catelyn becomes Lady Stoneheart. The Boltons take Winterfell. The North Remembers (it's being set up better in the books I swear). And it goes on and on and ON. We're told from book 1 that Ned is important. George completely deviates from the fantasy genre by killing off one of the main POV characters in Book 1, but he still fulfills the promise that Ned's death will mean something and that Ned will be important even though he's dead. Ned's death then haunts the story from that point forward. An example of this done poorly? The show. We're told Jon Snow is important. We SEE that Jon Snow is important. Jon Snow is the rightful heir to the iron throne. And what happens? We get a season of "I dun want it!" and then he kills Dany and goes back to the Night's Watch to live out the rest of his days with his boys. He's not king. Killing Dany had no real repercussions. D&D tried to show us that it was Jon's identity that made Dany snap but it felt half-assed since she was already heading down that path before she found out. A promise was made that Jon Snow would ultimately mean something by the end of the story and guess what? Absolutely none of it mattered. He didn't even kill either of the Big Baddies. And he didn't do anything with knowledge of who his parents were. He wasn't Azor Ahai. He wasn't the prince that was promised. So it meant nothing. A promise was made to us by George (and the show runners ugh) that Jon was important and then it turned out that he wasn't. And the public outcry that GOT S8 received speaks for itself on how bad that writing was.
To me, Gojo's death is no different. The narrative sets up his importance. Gege makes a promise to the readers that this character will ultimately mean something and then... Nothing happens. That isn't "realistic writing" or "breaking the shonen formula" at all. That's just bad writing. You're not any less of a fan of jjk or any less of an analytical reader if you don't buy the whole "this is good writing because that's the point of JJK--to break the shonen mold!" There are ways to achieve that sentiment that are good. And I would even go so far as to say that the people like me who are irritated with this writing have no issues with Gojo dying. We have issues with how he was killed and how poorly it was all executed. And I'm not going to be told I "don't get the point" of JJK because of it.
And then there's the fact that Gege has set his story so far apart from other shonen manga (like Naruto or BNHA) that the readers will no longer tolerate any sort of "lemme pull this out of my ass" writing that they would have otherwise tolerated from Naruto or DBZ or Bleach or BNHA. (Note: I do love those stories btw! But they're guilty of this storytelling.) So when Gege shows us that Yuji suddenly has RCT (that's fine ig, he's been training) or tells us that Higuruma has as much talent as Gojo or does some bullshit that saves Sukuna from Higuruma's sentencing or has a random explanation that he pulled OUT OF HIS ASS for why Sukuna will inevitably get his shit rocked by the students, all of which are CHILDREN, when the strongest sorcerer of the modern era couldn't do shit to him, then YEAH. I'm going to think it's bad writing.
And yes, I am aware that JJK is Yuji's story, not Gojo's. I understand. I'm not saying I want Gojo to be the main character. I'm saying that this absurdly powerful character who influences everything was wasted in the hands of the author's current writing.
TLDR: It's not "good" writing or "realistic" writing for an author to write meaningless shit that ultimately does nothing for the story when that author has already made a promise to their readers to do the opposite. Criticizing this type of writing does not make you any less of a JJK fan and it does not mean that you "don't get it." You are allowed to be critical of a work you love.
Argue with the wall if you disagree.
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cherryanony · 2 months
IN DEFENSE OF ELENA GILBERT: Why Do Yall Hate Emotional Women?
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Vampire Diaries - Elena Gilbert pictured doing nothing wrong
I started watching The Vampire Diaries back in 2016, right as it was coming to its long overdue close. To say I was obsessed was an understatement.
I would spend hours, days, WEEKS, consuming fan content, rewatching episodes and scenes over and over agin, discussing stupid plot points and writing descions that were made and throughout all of that one question has always dangled over my head...
Why does everybody hate Elena Gilbert?
Despite The Vampires Diaries being a dark supernatural teen drama filled to the brim with freaks & weirdos, murderers, psychopaths, evil forces and THE ACTUAL LITERAL DEVIL... Elena Gilbert reigns as the most hated character on the show by viewers.
But, why?
Elena Gilbert starts off the show as a 17 year old teenage girl who just experienced some of the craziest trauma any person, let alone TEENAGER, could ever go through. She was in the car with her parents when they died off Wickory Bridge and now suffers from a serious case of survivors guilt, a trait and mo motif she struggles with and must come to terms with throughout the show.
She falls for two vampire brothers who bring nothing but more hell into her life, she finds out she's adopted, her birth mother is a vampire and a piece of shit, her birth father is her insane negligent Uncle John, she's lost more loved ones than one can count over and over again, and she's constantly paranoid and never safe because she's a doppleganger with special blood that many dangerous supernatural creatures want.
"But she's whinyyy and a crybabyyy😩..."
As if one of her friends or family aren't on the brink of death every episode. Elena didn't do enough crying if we're being honest.
Elena is by no means a perfect, innocent character. A lot of people are right about her flaws; she can be very selfish with a what-about-me & and look-at-me-this-isn't-you complex and she's constantly getting away with a lot shit since she's the main character. And a lot people say she never faces any consequences but.... she does.... and it's called...
THAT'S IT! That's where everyone says her character went completely wrong, her character completely falls apart. But I'd argue that Vampire!Elena is a culmination of all her descions coming back to bite her in the ass.
Throughout S1-3, Elena struggles with survivors guilt. She should've gone off the bridge with her parents. She's depressed, she's moody, she's "whiny" all while feeling like the supposed "love of her life" is trying to "fix her" when she's not ready.
In season 4 episode 10, Elena clearly states that Stefan looks at her like she's a broken toy that needs to be fixed. I could go on a whole rant on what I think Stefan's problems are but to sum it all up — Stefan turned into a vampire at 17 years old — a teenager — and spends his entire vampire life struggling with his heightened personality and his Ripper Gene which led him down a path to losing everyone he's ever loved.
(He killed his own abusive father, lost his best friend due to his own brother who he forced to turn with him and now wants him dead after a wedge is driven between them.)
I say all that to say I get Stefan's character. He's scared and insecure, similar to Elena, to be alone and lose everyone he cares about. However, all of his efforts to better himself and relationships only drives people away. People bring up Damon killing Elena's brother, Jeremy, all the time
But NOBODY talks about Stefan endangering Jeremy and almost getting him killed by forcing him to continue the Hunter's Mark because he thought Elena being human again would make her be in love with him again. (sorry but that's fucking insane😭😭😭!!)
Stefan wasn't only afraid of losing Elena, he was also afraid of losing her to his brother. All these efforts drove Elena away, right into the arms of the person he wanted to keep her away from.
I think Elena felt as if Stefan was just like everyone else who wanted "the old Elena" back. The person that Elena use to be before the accident that the show alludes to in the first season. But that Elena is dead and gone, she'll never be the same person she was before going off that bridge. Apart of her died that night and again when she went off the bridge for the second time and became a vampire.
Elena struggles with being a vampire and basically dying twice and instead of being supportive Stefan immediately wants to fix and change her. Damon is the only one she feels free and alive with. A statement Elena makes herself throughout the show. Despite the stupid discourse over the Sire Bond, Damon was the one she felt the safest with after that plotline was resolved.
But enough about comparing those brothers, this is about ELENA! You know who she gets compared to..?
Before you raise your pitchforks, I love Katherine. Great character, great villain, but she's a loser!
People LOVE to compare Katherine and Elena!
"Katherine's such a badass and Elena is a whiny crybaby." But I would argue the opposite.
See Katherine's backstory here, despite everything Katherine's been through, the show makes a point that while, yes, Katherine is a survivor, she's also an avoidant runner. She spends 500 years running from the big bad Klaus and once he fianlly lets her go she continues torture, manipulate, and harrass people.
She continues her streak of only whining and complaining about the life she never had because of the things that happened to her, which... fair!
However, despite being given several chances with a romance with Elijah, a life with her daughter as a mother, all the people she's ever wronged helping her and forgiving her on her death bed, taking over Elena's body and essentially starting over in a new life and even being THE QUEEN OF HELL... it was never enough. Nothing was ever enough for Katherine.
She was given many chances to change, to finally LIVE HER LIFE but she chose to continue down her path of destruction. Which, in my opinion, is fine for her character! LET KATHERINE BE THE SAD AND TRAGIC CHARACTER SHE IS! She doesn't have to be some anti-hero badass.
The contrast of Katherine and Elena, two girls who had their lives and innocence stolen from them at a young age thanks to tragic events out of their control and two vampire brothers, is great and executed as well as TVD writing could do (infamously known for shitty writing and plot holes but I digress).
The pieces to the K/E puzzle were so obviously placed, Katherine who was jealous of Elena living the life she never got, chose the path of selfishness and power, and Elena chose the path of love and regrowth and not letting her past define her.
But viewers missed the big picture. Katherine is a survivor but where did that get her? Dead and unloved. Besides freedom from Klaus, she didn't get a single thing she desired. Not a life with Stefan or Elijah or as a mother with her daughter or as Elena Gilbert or Queen of Hell! No! She lost everything and blamed Elena. SHE LOST! SHE'S A LOSER!
She survived, but she didn't live.
In my opinion, Elena is the real survivor. She didn't let her past consume and lead her to a similar fate as Katherine. She chose to be selfless and to love again after being hurt.
She chose to be alive.
Why do y'all hate emotional women?
"Elena has experienced more grief than anyone I've ever met." - Sherrif Liz Forbes
Every character has went through a lot and have done similar, if not worst, things as Elena as a result yet she's the most hated character?
There's a pattern of fans hating certain female characters who are more sensitive and cry instead of bury their feelings and just punch a man and suddenly get crowned "Most Badass Female Character". Characters, not just female, expressing their emotions is strong and badass and might inspire audiences to do the same and not keep grief in and become self destructive. It's healthy and natural and makes the character not so one note.
It's not fair to compare Elena's trauma and experiences to other characters (espically not Bonnie, that's topic for a whole other post). But why do other characters get a pass despite being ten times more flawed and problematic?
Why are certain characters able to cry, complain, self destruct, fuck someone over, etc but Elena can't?
Genunine question.. let's discuss...
-*- I wasn't able to fully delve into my thoughts on Elena and certain TVD characters, plot points, theme, etc because this post will be 50 pages long. This is the brief version.
***There will be a part 2 to this post where I delve deeper into the trend of hating characters like Elena.
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OK SO. HERE IS.. avery 21stcenturyschizoidfags very silly impromptu mewtuals hunger games simulator thingulator post. this thing was fucking long i didnt realise maybe i'm just crazy and beautiful. will post the next bit after
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AS A REMINDER HERE IS THE ROSTER.. i didnt really have any specific metric for who i added i just added who i thought would find this funny to be totally honest. and the caroline polacheks mole v azealia banks spoon thing is a reference to this i just find it really funny because i dont personally like caroline polacheks music also i ahve a facial mole like hers too. OK LETS BEGIN. BTW click on the images to see them better :)
da bloodbath
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shaan being so scary like halloween time... ANA FUCKING DOWN LIKE STRAIGHT AWAY due to famed non-binary lesbian ally nicolas cage dracula in the movie renfield 2023... papa pavel and baby emilio working together ahh so cutes.. ram said im NOT starving in here. dee plans to FIGHT. everyone else gets the hell out of there
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I FUCKING STRANGLED ISA TO DEATH ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ann doing everyone a favor and scaring that mole out of here.. aviv and cassis working together awww so friendlys. Someone gave proxy bombs which is very scary dont trust him with those his icon is the joker for a reason
day one and fallen tributes
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dee and pavel each get stuff from one of numerous stans worldwide. mia sneaks up on mr. flow3 while hes busy writing dracula flow 4.. mr cage dracula and my friend olive feeling adventurous. mariam gets craftyyy and ellie wellie is homesick for equestria.. scott is a feminist as expected and scare-ah lives to see another day
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cassis doing some tom and jerry stuff to accy OKAYY.. carolines mole uses its connections to caroline polachek proper (its attached to her face -_-) to get UNFAIR support from a stan. Nobody is surprised. BIGENDER TEAMUP from me and shaan.. I dont know how xe can bear to be around me after i STRANGLED ISA. TO DEATH. The oomfs are going hunting.. and then proxy takes my son hunting. I SURE HOPE NOTHING HAPPENS TO MY SON. & we mourn the loss of two souls. gone too soon.. gone too soon
night one
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this broke my heart the fact that emilio is having trouble sleeping like EMILIOOO ): I LOVE YOU.. max doing everyone a favor by killing carolines mole BUT with the INCREDIBLY tragic loss of ELLIEEE.. mia and proxy chilling.. vi being an incredible chef and resourceful at that. is anyone surprised (smiles beautifully). the INSANE triple combo death of two incredible gay men and a beautiful and insane bigender. TRAGIC TRAGIC SHIT? Pavel spares the life of mr. flow3. Cassis has a little nap in a tree.. mariam having a mariam moment and ram REFUSING to allow it. mariam LIVES. ann like vi is very skilled in the kitchen and everyone claps and smiles. Me and that FUCKING spoon seem to have hit it off
day two and fallen tributes
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emilio, accy & cassis are feeling adventurous asf.. me + olive + ram + sarah decide its time for food innit. AVIV PAVEL DEE AND MIA DIE. JUST LIKE THAT? THEY JUST DIE. THEY JSUT DIED? LIKE THAT. THEYRE DEAD NOW. LIKE BYE EVERYONE THEYRE JUST DEAD? i will mourn them. mariam and max are IN. THE TRENCHES. watch out please.. proxy and mr. flow3 are getting their battle tactics in
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Rest in peace to these fucking legends. We lost so many in ONE FUCKING ROUND. so many incredible individuals just gone like that. Greyed out pavel kitten and slay sister callie is making me scream laughing. Scoot and paddington greyed out is like who are these two little scamps. Good lord. GOOD LORD.
night two
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Ram is sick what the hell when did that happen. IM IN TEARS OVER MARIAM BEGGING ANOTHER PERSON TO KILL HER. LIKE GIRL I KNOW ITS THE HUNGER GAMES BUT IM IN TEARS RIGHT NOW CAN YOU STOP? & LIKE ASKING MY SON TOO?? trenches. cassis sabotages THE SAD FROWNER scare-ah (maybe its for the best..) A spoon climbs a tree. i would love to see that. mr flow3 and ann also climb trees.. Olive is so focking cold. Dogboy bonding.. theyre giving proxy more fucking explosives i swear to g-d. OK accy looking at the night sky did make me a bit emotional because like he IS an alien.. is he homesick too? im so sorry. they took your ufo away from you to put you in these sick and twisted games..
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tokkias · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the people around natsu and Lucy and how they see the two in their not quite lovers state? Not really a fan fic ask but something fun!
hi anon! thank you for the ask, i had a lot of fun with this one. i actually got a liiiiittle bit carried away and sort of ended up writing how they percieve their relationship as a whole, so theres a little bit of when they’re in their more-than-friends-but-less-than-lovers stage, and a little bit of when they’re dating too, so i hope thats okay! i just did some of the characters i thought would have the most to say about their relationship, but if you’d like to see other specific characters i wouldn’t mind doing another writeup :)
happy is the one person (cat?) that natsu would ever talk about his feelings for lucy with, but not even in like a serious way, in a very casual “hey i think i might be in love with lucy” way, and happy is like “yeah i know”
even though he loves to tease lucy and make fun of her and be a general pain in her ass, she’s his favourite person (aside from natsu), and he wants to have her stay in their lives forever
as much of a little shit he is, he never tells anyone what natsu told him, because he knows that he needs to go at his own pace, even if that pace is slow as shit
on one hand, he knows that natsu and lucy dating/getting married means that lucy is in fact stuck with them for the rest of her life, but on the other hand there’s a tiny insecure voice in the back of his head that’s scared that he’s gonna lose his best friend to her
obviously no that won’t happen because they both love happy, and them wanting to be alone sometimes have sex doesn’t mean that he’s going to be any less of a priority in their lives
natsu lucy and happy are just a little family and they’re going to be a family regardless of their relationship status, the two of them dating and moving in together is just a fun little bonus
gray was probably one of the first people to really pick up on the fact that natsu and lucy might be heading in the direction of more than friends
because of their forced close proximity growing up, and then again by being on the same team, he begrudgingly knows natsu really well, so he’s quick to pick up on how natsu treats lucy different from how he treats everyone else
in terms of him figuring out how lucy feels about natsu, it’s really more of and educated guess at first because he obviously doesn’t know her as well as he knows natsu, and the way she changes once she figures out she’s in love with natsu comes off as a lot more subtle
gray is not invested in anything that is going on in natsu’s life, so he doesn’t give their relationship any thought until it becomes super obvious to him that lucy is in love with natsu
he recognises that lucy makes natsu a better, and more tolerable person
but he also absolutely thinks that lucy can do way better than him
it takes him a while to get past his “what the fuck does she even see in him” phase, but he does inevitably realise that somehow, natsu makes her really happy
will absolutely remind natsu at any given opportunity that lucy is waaaayyy out of his league
if gray was the first to figure it out, then erza was the last
not because she’s dumb or anything, it’s just that most of the time she spends with natsu and lucy involves mass amounts of property damage
also maybe autism, but thats a whole different post
once she is informed that natsu and lucy have a more than friends thing going on, she starts to see it constantly
she begins to interpret literally any of their interactions as possibly having romantic intent (she’s just like us <3)
she can’t look either of them in the eye for like two weeks while she tries to figure out if they’re having sex (they’re not, they just have an insane amount of sexual tension)
natsu is basically her baby brother and she feels a lot of pride watching him grow up and fall in love, and become a more mature person in the process
she’s just rooting for them so hard because! that’s her family! she wants them both to be happy!
she drops the most obvious hints that she wants to see them in a relationship, thinking that she is being so subtle, but she is NOT 
has to physically hold herself back from planning their wedding as soon as they become official
natsu, lucy and wendy, as a trio are giving very much “girl who hangs out with her older brother and his much cooler girlfriend” vibes
for a little bit wendy thought that maybe they were actually dating, but she didn’t want to overstep or embarrass them by asking
she’s witness to a lot of gossip about the two in the girls dorm, but she’s never one to contribute to it
very quietly she does think they would make a cute couple because they already act like one anyway
natsu and lucy are also like, her primary reference for what a good, healthy romantic relationship looks like, and secretly she really hopes that she gets to experience what they have one day
if lucy is confiding in anyone about her feelings, it’s going to be levy
so she is the only one that is watching them knowing for 100% sure how lucy feels
she wants to see lucy in a happy relationship so bad because she wants the best for lucy, but she’s also tired of her going on shitty dates with boring guys who they both know aren’t right for her
levy definitely isn’t close to natsu, but they still did grow up in the guild together and she’s watched him go from a lone wolf to needing to be around lucy at all times
so yeah, she has an inkling that maybe natsu likes her back, and she lets lucy know what she thinks every time he’s bought up
she definitely gossips about them to gajeel, who pretends he doesn’t care but he secretly does because even though he pretends to be all big and tough, those two are still part of his dumb stupid found family
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pisupsala · 1 year
Wish You Were Here [2] | Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Summary | Some things you’d rather not face alone.
Pairing | Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!reader / Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!oc (no use of y/n)
Warnings | swearing, explicit smut / 18+ only
Words | 9.4k
Note | Can be read as part of One For The History Books (takes place post-epilogue—chronologically the final part) but also works as a standalone. Read part 1 here.
He shouldn’t be here.
For years, Bradley simply accepted that being shipped around the globe was part of the job and never complained. But now, the one time he really didn’t want to be away from home, he received special orders. The Navy required him, him in particular, to lead specialized training on low-altitude maneuvers. And when you get orders like that, directly from an Admiral, you can’t really say no.
Standing at parade rest, staring straight ahead, Bradley can’t help but notice it’s annoyingly hot in vice-admiral Beau Simpson’s Florida office, despite it being late January and not at all that warm in Pensacola. Bradley is itching to get out of there, but the admiral is taking his sweet time leafing through his file. It’s bordering on the absurd. 
“You know I like to get to know the aviators under my command, lieutenant commander. Understand what makes them tick.” He begins, without looking up from Bradley’s file. “It’s important for team building and trust, even if it’s just a temporary assignment.”  
“Yes, sir.” Bradley replies out of obligation rather than interest.
“I see you finally got hitched?” Admiral Simpson finally looks up from the file, smile on his face. Bradley, however, is in no mood to discuss his private life with Simpson. His home life with you is off limits as far as he’s concerned—especially since that’s where he should be, and not here at the behest of Simpson no less, hundreds of miles away. 
He still likes keeping some aspects of his life private. Bradley proudly wears his wedding band everywhere he can, only slipping it on the chain with his dog tags when he’s out on the tarmac or in the air. But that doesn’t mean he wants to talk about everything that is going on the home front with everyone. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“It’s been a while since I saw you at TOPGUN - how long are you married now?” Simpson continues conversationally.
“Just over a year now, sir.” 
The admiral nods, studying the page with Bradley’s personal information.
“Spouse: Mrs. D. Bradshaw - Williams, Ph.D.” He mutters, before looking up again. “That wouldn’t be the Miss Williams that was at TOPGUN then, is it?”
“Yes, sir.” There’s no reason to hide it, although Bradley has to strongly fight the urge to roll his eyes.
“I remember her fondly, she did great work.” Simpson nods, and Bradley just about stops himself from shifting on his feet uncomfortably. “And I’ve read some of her articles from the senate committee—fascinating stuff—but is it true she hasn’t published anything lately?” 
“That’s possible, sir.” You hadn’t mentioned writing new articles in a while, working on smaller projects instead. 
“Miss Wil - that is, Mrs. Bradshaw hasn’t left her position at the DoD, has she?” 
“No, Dr. Bradshaw still works in the Pentagon archives, sir.” That might be too petty.
“Of course.” Simpson just smiles, probably happy he got more than a two-word answer out of Bradley. “I’ve been thinking about putting my thoughts about leadership and strategy to paper for a while now,” He leans back in his chair, pressing his hands together. “For the next generation of officers, you understand, lieutenant commander?”
What the fuck?
“Anyway, I’d like to ask mrs- Dr. Bradshaw if she would look over some of my drafts.”
“You’d have to ask her directly, sir.” If this conversation was absurd before, it’s straight-up insane now. “But she won’t be available for the coming months.”
“Oh, how so, lieutenant commander?”
“She’s on maternity leave.” 
Simpson narrows his eyes, before turning his gaze back at the file. Bradley already knows what’s coming: there is no mention of children, which means Simpson will put two and two together pretty quickly.
“How far along is Dr. Bradshaw?” Simpson’s tone conveys not casual interest, but purely a request for information —personal chat is over.
“38 weeks.”
“Will that pose a problem for your focus during these two weeks?” 
Bradley’s fingers flex behind his back out of frustration, but he keeps his features neutral. He shared with his commanding officer he was not keen on leaving so close to your due date, but was told Simpson requested him personally, and not going was pretty much not an option. 
He shouldn’t be here.
“No, sir.”
“Good. You have singular experience in low-altitude maneuvers, which is why you were selected.”
Bradley doesn’t say anything, but Phoenix and Bob, Payback and Fanboy—hell even Hangman—all have similar experience. Minus being shot down over enemy territory, he thinks bitterly. However, he is under strict instruction from his CO not to bring that up to Simpson. Part of him is itching to do it anyway and get sent home for it. 
But that would be veritable career suicide.
“I appreciate it, sir.” 
“Anyway, I suppose congratulations are in order, lieutenant commander.” Simpsons grins up at him. “To the next generation of TOPGUN candidates.” 
Bradley has to actively stop himself from cringing. It’s probably meant well by Simpson, but can’t shake the intrusiveness of it all. He’s here to train recruits for two weeks, and that’s it. He’ll be on the first flight home, back to you, as soon as this assignment is over. In the meantime, he has zero interest in discussing this—if only for the guilt weighing on him for having to leave you and Bug now.
You took it well. Of course you did. You smiled up at him and said you would invite your sister to keep you company, so you wouldn’t be alone. But your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes. This was the one thing you admitted actually terrified you. But you put on a brave face for him. And Bradley so desperately wished he didn’t have to leave you now.
“Thank you, sir.” 
You are alone. Again.
Your sister left for a day out in D.C. with her family. Bradley is gone. Hell, if you could leave you, you would probably do so too.
Miserable doesn’t even begin to describe it. Irritable. Anxious. Fucking furious.
Your body barely feels like it’s yours anymore; it’s unwieldy and everything hurts. You don’t fit into any of your clothes, and your feet are so swollen you are relegated to wearing slippers most of the time. 
The worst thing is since you’re on maternity leave, you are bored out of your skull. You thought it would be nice to actually relax, and catch up on your nonwork reading, all the shows on your to-watch list, but you had enough of it after one long weekend. Years of having your brain constantly engaged has worn you out—do you even know how to take it easy?
You have every checklist memorized, a birth plan written up, an overnight bag packed, baby clothes, and diapers by the stack. Baby nail clippers, snot suction thingamajig, stroller, car seat, and an assortment of stuff your sister convinced you were essential. Bradley wisely didn’t comment on the parade of delivery people dropping off packages almost every day, tacitly accepting that this is just who you are. You have everything. You think. 
Even if you wanted to do more research, double, triple check anything, every time you sit down at your laptop, Bug quite literally kicks up a fuss.
Your poor ribs and bladder usually bear the brunt of the assault.
You smile despite yourself as you grab a handful of honey-nut Cheerios. Bug. 
That sunny Monday in May, the night after Bradley made you throw up (which he never stopped bringing up), you promise you will call the doctor first thing. But when Bradley brews coffee for you both that morning, and you throw up from it again, he practically threatens he’ll call you in sick and drag you to the clinic if he has to, despite you insisting you are fine.
You insist it’s a stomach bug. You insist it all the way up to the doctor’s office. 
“Do you think…?” Bradley is leaning against the door frame of the bathroom, watching over you as you brush your teeth.
“Nah.” You practically cut him off, knowing exactly where he’s going with that question. You’re absolutely refusing to even start to entertain alternatives because if you let yourself believe for one second that it might be something else, you will be utterly crushed if it isn’t. You rinse out your mouth. “It’s just a stomach bug.”
You’ll probably get some antibiotics or something, a few days of prescribed rest and you’ll be right as rain. But Bradley is looking at you penesivly, like he’s trying to figure the meaning behind your reaction. Except there’s no meaning. It’s just a stomach bug, and it’s really nothing to get bent out of shape about.
But because even brushing your teeth doesn’t help settle the queasy, churning feeling in your stomach, you decide to call in sick. Bradley leaves you on the couch with a mint tea and a kiss. 
“Let me know when you have the appointment.” He pulls the fleece blanket over you as you lie back. You nod. First you just want to close your eyes for a few minutes. Just to rest. You feel like you haven’t slept in days, even though you got up just an hour ago.
No. Call the doctor first.
Bradley doesn’t get annoyed easily with you, but you know you have the tendency to push his limits with your rather blasé attitude to things you don’t like—like doctor appointments—and cruising along on the insistence it’s fine. You’re fine.
As someone who takes health quite seriously, he has admitted it grates on him because he worries about you, and doesn’t quite understand how you can worry about so many things in your life, sometimes to the point of tears, but when it comes to your health you take it all in stride.
Embarrassingly, you don’t really have an answer for him either. 
Pushing yourself back up, you dial the doctor’s office—they can squeeze you in at 3 in the afternoon that day, which gives you plenty of time to rest. You text Bradley that you have the appointment, knowing it matters to him.
That afternoon you walk out of the doctor's office, thunderstruck and with a stack of papers and pamphlets in your hand. Bradley calls you shortly after. He mentioned he would try to check in with you if he had a moment after your appointment. It shouldn’t still give you butterflies when you think about how Bradley prioritizes you even on busy days, and you feel a little bit guilty again as it’s your fault in the first place he’s worried.
“So, what did the doctor say?” You can hear by the cadence in his voice he is walking somewhere, and he sounds hurried.
You open your mouth, thinking of how to explain it, how to somehow bring this life-changing news gently, in a way that reflects the gravity of it, the strangeness of it, the joy. Or should you wait until he gets home?
“Darlin’? Are you okay?” Bradley’s voice is urgent. 
“I’m pregnant.” You blurt out sheepishly. So much for subtlety. 
“Come again?” Bradley has stopped dead in his tracks. He must have misheard you. Yes, he did seriously consider it an option, it made sense in his head, but you seemed so adamant that he never really allowed the thought, the dream, to fully take hold.
“I’m pregnant.” You repeat, more self-assured this time. “They’ve timed it around six weeks.”
“Wha- I mean, fuck -” Bradley is stumbling over his words, but you can hear the smile in his voice. “That’s great! Amazing even. Fucking hell, I’m so happy right now.”
You laugh, although you feel like you’ve barely had time to actually grasp that you’re pregnant now. But Bradley accepts it so readily, making it sound like the most obvious thing in the world, that—yeah, of course. It’s what you both wanted, what you talked about, and you agreed on doing. And now it’s happening.
“Me too.” You smile.
“So really not a stomach bug?” Bradley can’t help but tease you.
You laugh again, despite yourself. He’s never going to let you live this down. “No, very much not.”
“Just Bug then.” He says fondly.
“Just Bug.” You agree, not even questioning that it took Bradley less than 5 minutes to come up with a nickname for your unborn child. You feel giddy, strangely light, as a warm feeling spreads through you. Is this what it feels like to be pregnant? 
If only. You shove another handful of honey-nut Cheerios in your mouth. Nothing and no one quite prepared you for the perpetual discomfort of pregnancy—it comes in many forms, but there’s always a new goddamn thing aching, a new way to feel sick, or just the plethora of tears you’ve been shedding because you feel like you’ve been losing your sanity at times, barely having a hold on your emotions. 
Bug is especially restless today, like he’s picking up on your mood. You want Bug to be born already, but you don’t want to go into labor without Bradley by your side. Of the many things you accept, you’ll have probably to face alone in having a naval aviator for a husband, giving birth is just one thing you desperately don’t want to go through alone. It terrifies you beyond belief, almost irrationally so.
Music usually helps calm Bug down. While you try to stop yourself from building up unnecessary expectations in your head of what your child will be like (god knows you know what it’s like to grow up like that), you do allow yourself that Bug might take after Bradley that way. It would bring him a lot of joy, you know that for sure.
Scrolling through your Spotify, you rub your belly. “What would make you happy today, Bug?” You wince as Bug squirms. “Some Rolling Stones?” Quickly selecting She’s a Rainbow and connecting to the sound system Bradley had painstakingly installed, you gently sway to the music and start walking around. You smile to yourself as you think back about how Bradley had explained all the details and exact science behind the music setup he was getting, and how he measured every angle and talked excitedly about every aspect. You love him, but goddamn, you cannot tell the difference. It all sounds great to you, so you happily nod along and agree, enjoying his absolute passion for the subject more than anything coming from the speakers.
Bug is finally chilling out too. Closing your eyes, hands resting on your stomach, you feel the anger and anxiety finally ebb away. This is not so bad. It’s just you and Bug for now, and you’ll be fine. In a week Bradley will be back, your sister will be back in Colorado, and you can welcome Bug together, just as you planned before he was ordered to Florida. 
You love your sister, you really do, but if she drains the blood from you under normal circumstances, she's insufferable now. Or you have become insufferable. It’s honestly a toss-up at this point, but you’ve been at each other’s throats even more than usual. You feel sorry for her husband, who probably thought he was coming over to Fredericksburg for a nice break, but instead has been trying to run interference between you two.
But they’re out for today.
You get to enjoy some peace.
Of course, it could never last long. The music cuts out harshly as your phone starts ringing. 
Well fuck.
When you see the number, and you recognize it as coming from the Pentagon, you strongly consider just not picking up. But. You are also curious. Who is looking for you? What do they want? Did someone fuck up? Your brain is itching. Maybe it’s something you can kill time with. But you really shouldn't—you’re on maternity leave. 
Against what is your better judgment, you pick up.
“Darcy Bradshaw-Williams speaking.” 
“Good morning, Dr. Bradshaw,” A nervous voice starts at the other end. “I’m calling from Birch’s office.”
Why isn’t he calling you himself? Since when does Birch contact you through an assistant?
“Uh, okay.” You reply, not unkindly. “What is this concerning, as I am currently on maternity leave?”
“It’s uumh - well, there are some papers that you need to sign before the senate committee report can get archived.” The poor girl on the other end sounds terrified. You don’t think you’re particularly intimidating, but you don’t recognize her voice, so you surmise she must be new. 
Patience. You were once the new girl doing the shitty jobs no one else wanted. Like calling the pissy pregnant lady on leave.
“Oh, well, email them to me, and I will sign digitally,” You reply easily. “That’s not a big deal.”
“It, uhm, can’t be signed digitally, it needs to be done by hand.”
“Then… what are you suggesting exactly?” You keep your voice light, but quite frankly, you are gobsmacked. Out of all the bureaucratic bullshit…
“So I’ve been asked to- well, ask you,” Her voice wavers. “If you’re willing to come in to sign those papers.”
“No.” You can’t keep the annoyance out of your voice. “Look here, miss…?” “Brown.” The reply comes in a half-whisper.
“Look here Miss Brown, I know you are only relaying the message, so please put Birch on the phone, I know he’s there.” Keeping your voice level and professional is becoming harder by the second.
“He can’t come to the phone.” Miss Brown supplies hurriedly.
“I’m 39 weeks pregnant, are you actually suggesting I come down all the way to the Pentagon?” You ask much louder than is probably necessary.
“We-, I suppose, we could also fax you the papers?” Miss Brown tries.
“Where the fuck do you think I live? 1992?” The words come out of your mouth faster than you can bite your tongue. Oh no, you didn’t mean to have an outburst like that at the poor assistant. It’s all just so fucking absurd because of course, what does the digital era mean in the DoD? Showing up in person. Jesus Christ.
“I’m sorry Miss Brown,” You apologize, cringing at yourself. “That was not meant for you.” 
“It’s okay.” A small voice on the other end replies.
“By when do you need this?” The wheels of the DoD turn slowly, after all. Maybe you can push it back until Bradley is at least back so he can drive you. Worst case scenario until your sister is back. But right now, you are standing in your living room dressed in Bradley’s old Navy shirt covered in Cheerios crumbs and a pair of old sweatpants. You’re really not wanting to go out today.
“Today,” Miss Brown informs you. “As soon as possible, really.”
“Today!?” You yell, knuckles white as you clutch your phone. “You have got to be kidding me!”
You take a deep breath. You have to keep your cool. Be professional about this.
“Put Birch on the phone.” You grind out, fist balled at your side.
“He - he says he can’t come to the phone…” 
“Then I’ll come to see him in person.” You bite out, acid dripping from your words,, hanging up angrily. They want to play like that? Fine. You’ll play along, you fume as you stomp through the house up to the bedroom. You’ll go to the Pentagon, you’ll sign the stupid papers, and you’ll lob the whole packet at Birch’s head while you’re there.
Shit. Do you even have anything nice to wear to the office? Maybe you should just show up like this—although funny, you’re too self-conscious for that. Also, you still want to have a job to return to eventually. 
Bug is mercifully calm, unlike you, as you dig out a knee-lenght skirt with an elastic waist. Shimmying it on, you’re glad to find out it still sort of fits, the waistband rest comfortably under your stomach. You end up slipping on a pair of nylons with it, not quite convinced you be able to pull up a pair of tights and afraid they might be too tight anyway.  
Now for a top. You won’t try one of your regular button-up shirts, even as a joke. Even the loose-fitting ones won’t close over your stomach anymore.
That leaves Bradley’s closet. 
You rifle through the shirts he neatly hung up on clothes hangers, taking care not to pick one that belongs to one of his uniforms. Settling on a soft dark blue one, you feel a pang of sadness when you slip it on. It smells of him. He’s only been gone for a week and will be back so soon again, but that doesn’t take away that you are alone right now. 
“Daddy will be back soon, Bug,” You whisper softly as you button the shirt up, feeling the baby move. “We just have both hold out a little longer.” 
Fixing your hair and doing minimal makeup, you quickly text your sister you have to run an errand and you’ll be back later, just in case she beats you home. You doubt she will reply to you any time soon though, she’s probably busy taking pictures or videos. For as much as you don’t understand how much your sister shares online, you are happy she’s doing something she enjoys and she’s good at it. Sometimes she even takes a nice picture of you.
You don’t text Bradley. For one, he’s probably busy, and two—you have a nagging feeling in the back of your head—you shouldn’t be doing this. Bradley would be rightly unhappy if you were driving yourself an hour up north, by yourself. But you don’t want to argue right now—you’ll argue with anyone, but you desperately don’t want to lose your temper with Bradley. 
You said you were fine when he told you he had to leave. He was so unhappy, the pain in his eyes was burning a hole in your heart. So of course you said you would be fine. But you aren’t. And right now you are terrified that if you argue with him, that your stupid mouth will say something horrible, something you can’t take back, something like “well, you left again” because he did, and he’ll look at you again with that crushing guilt overshadowing him—and it’ll be because of you because and because you don’t actually deserve him. You hiccup as tears fill your eyes. 
Get it together.
The quicker you leave, the quicker you’ll be home and there won’t be anything to argue about.
Now. Is it a horrible idea to wear ballerinas in the middle of D.C. winter? Yes. But no other shoe will fit you, and your fluffy slippers are arguably an even worse choice. God, you can’t even button up your nice coat anymore either. Better wrap up thick with a good scarf. 
You heave yourself into Bradley’s Bronco—you promised you would only use his car if you really needed to go somewhere—but it’s so goddamn high. 
“I can’t wait until you can climb in yourself, Bug.” You joke. Adjusting the rearview mirror, you catch sight of the baby carrier affixed in the back seat, and your heart jumps. You pestered Bradley so much to put it in already.
“I fly million-dollar fighter jets for a living, darlin’,” He told you smugly. “Don’t you think I’ll be able to figure out a car seat?”
“Do it then.” You smiled back, handing him the manual, knowing he won’t back down from you goading him. 
It took him a good twenty minutes and a lot of colorful swears to figure out how to affix the base properly, so it wouldn’t move. You didn’t say anything, just smiled sweetly and kissed his cheek as he shot you a venomous look when he was finally done. 
Pulling out of the driveway, you turn on a calming playlist, hoping Bug will not decide to tap dance on your bladder while you’re driving.
“This is all then, boss?” You groan as you sign the last of the papers. They could have really mentioned on the phone you had to initial about 50 pages too. Your hand is cramped, and the chair is uncomfortable and making your lower back hurt—you don’t even have the energy to give Birch a piece of your mind. You just really want to go back home now. 
“Yes, Dr. Bradshaw.” Your boss nods curtly. “And thanks again for coming in on such short notice in your… condition.” He adds carefully, avoiding looking at you.
You wonder if your hardened former marine boss is scared you’re going to go into labor on his watch, because you have never seen him so awkward.
“Yeah, of course.” You reply, trying your best to conjure up a polite smile, but wincing slightly as you get up. “I’ll be taking my leave now.” You joke poorly, waving your hand trying to get the cramp out.
You bid goodbye to your boss and a few of your colleagues, but your prime motivation is to get out of the Pentagon right now and get home. You’re starting to feel weird, not in your stomach, but in your gut. 
You shouldn’t be here.
As fast as you can, which is not very fast all things considered, you try to make your way back to the car. The pain in your back is getting worse, shooting down your sides. You need to sit down comfortably, you tell yourself, and then it will get better. 
Why is the parking lot so far away? You waddle miserably. Your feet are hurting too now, your soles burning at every step in your too-tight shoes. Finally, you reach the car, panting by now. With a grunt, you clamber into the driver’s seat. 
Finally you can relax. Bug is not having a good time anymore, squirming, probably as uncomfortable as you are currently. It’s making your stomach hurt.
“We’re going home.” You mumble, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Just let me catch my breath, Bug.”
After a few minutes of sitting in the comfortable seat, the pain finally starts to subside. Starting the car, you hum to yourself to keep calm. Just get home.
You barely make it out of the city before you realize you need to pee urgently. There’s a mall just off the main street, as you remember, so you’ll just take an early exit there. You are nearly shaking in your seat as you park and snatch your purse out of the car.
You really think you’re about to burst, and it doesn’t help your feeling increasingly anxious.
You shouldn’t be here. 
You need to get home.
Coming out of the bathroom, your back hurts worse than before, and it’s starting to spread to your stomach. Fuck. fuckfuckfuck. You try not to swear out loud and grimace too much as you wash your hands next to an elderly lady.
“Are you alright, sweetie?” The lady asks, her pearl necklace glimmering in the stark artificial light of the bathroom. Her light gray hair has a faint purple sheen that you are not sure you are imagining. From the corner of your eye, you can see your reflection—you look pallid.
“Ye- yeah, all good.” You force a smile on your face. At that moment, pain suddenly shoots through your abdomen with such severity, you nearly double over. It’s not even the worst of your problems, you realize quickly, as you feel a trickle run down your leg.
Absolutely fucking not.
This is not happening.
Breathing rapidly, you grind your teeth helplessly.
“Oh dear,” The lady immediately grabs you by the elbow, helping you upright again. “I think the baby is about ready, sweetie.”
“No.” You utter softly as tears spring in your eyes. “Not yet.”
“Come, let's find you a place to sit and clean up.” She probably didn’t hear you as she starts leading you outside to a bench by the bathroom entrance. “Where’s your husband, sweetie? He should come get you now.”
At the mentions of husbands, you just start pathetically sobbing. “H-he’s not here.” 
“Oh dear.” The kindly lady hands you a tissue to dry your eyes. 
“He’s in the navy, and he’s in fuck-fucking Florida until next week.” Your words are coming out punctuated by sobs. “S- so the baby can’t come yet.” You add, urgently, trying to dry your eyes.
“Who can I call for you?” She asks gently, as she rubs your back. You wince as another wave of pain shoots through you. 
“My sister.” You say weakly, reaching into your pocket to dig out your phone. No matter how much you want to call Bradley right this minute, you also know that there is very little he can do all the way from Pensacola. Beth needs to come to get you. So she better pick up.
Every time the phone rings and Beth is not picking up, your anxiety ramps up further. The bench you’re sitting on is uncomfortable, the wooden slats digging into your sore back and you’re having trouble catching your breath as your shaking fingers nervously pluck at your unbuttoned coat.
“Why isn’t she picking up?” You breathe, bending your head forward. Black spots are appearing in your vision.
“You need to calm down.” A kind voice is telling you. You know. But you can’t control it. There is one thought permeating over everything else. 
Not yet.
The lady’s voice sounds far away, as you clutch your head, trying to desperately not have your vision go completely black on you. But you don’t know how to reason yourself back from the edge at this point, not seeing a solution to your predicament or grounding yourself in logic and pragmatism to deal with the problem at hand.
You need Bradley.
“Sweetie, I’m calling you an ambulance.” The voice sounds like it’s on the other end of a bad connection. But you manage to nod. 
You only sort of remember flashes of everything after that. Another person talking to you, laying down on a stretcher, clutching your bag, more voices, and then a silent room.
Bug is okay. That’s all you really remember, and it’s all you really care to remember right now. 
If you just lay here, and wait, Bradley will come for you. You hope he won’t be mad at you for going to work so close to your due date, and then having a panic attack when your water broke. You’re already mad enough at yourself.
You asked to nurses to try and call him, but they keep telling you no one is picking up. They reached your sister at least. Oh, joy.
Beth of course comes in all guns blazing. You see her husband scurry away with little Emma in his arms after he says hi to you. Smart man. You wish you could hide under the bed.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you?” Beth seethes. Jesus, why is she so angry? You sit up, sending her a withering look.
“What?” You reply curtly. The nurse implored you to stay calm so your blood pressure wouldn’t rise too much. 
“What? What?” Beth stalks up to the foot end of your bed, pointing her finger at you accusingly. “Darcy, have you gone completely insane? Can you not be left unsupervised for one afternoon? Seriously, who are you, and what have you done to my sensible sister? Does Bradley get custody of your brain cells when he is deployed or something? Jesus Christ.” 
You’re not going to get in a word edgewise right now, so you don’t even try.
“You nearly gave me a goddamn heart attack. What the hell am I supposed to think when the hospital is trying to urgently reach me? But what a fucking surprise! It’s a hospital in D.C.! A place my dear darling sister has no business being.” 
Still not saying anything, you avert your eyes. 
“What were you doing in D.C.? And I swear to fuck, Darce, if you say it has anything to do with work, I will not hesitate and burn your book collection.” 
At that, you choke back a sob. You feel so guilty, it’s starting to consume you. If you had stayed home and relaxed like you were supposed to, you probably wouldn’t have gone into labor yet. Beth is right to be angry with you. Bradley will probably be. You promised you’d be careful, you promised you’d take it easy, you promised yourself you would hold out until he would be back. 
“No, but seriously, have you lost all common sense? Do you need a -” Beth finally stops her tirade short as she sees you cry silently, not even bothering to defend yourself. She’s seen you cry plenty of times before, hell, she’s made you cry a lot of those times. But never like this. Never like you’ve given up. You always fight back, you are always doing something. Usually, it’s Beth who tries to stop you from completely overdoing things. But now you’re just sitting there crying.
“Darcy- Darce, what the hell?” She walks around the bed and sits down next to you. “You are freaking me out now.” She tells you seriously, as she grabs your hand. You just shake your head as tears stream down your face. “Have you reached Bradley yet?” She asks, her voice a lot softer.
You shake your head. “He’s still not picking up”
“And what?” You sob softly.
“Since when have you ever given up at the first hurdle?” Beth pushes. “Really, you got married, knocked up and now you’re going to sit pretty? I’m disappointed, honestly.”
Something dangerous flashes in your eyes as you turn to look at her, drawing a shuddering breath. Gotcha. She’s going for the jugular now.
“No, really, I mean—you’re just going to wait around for your husband like this? I’m sure he’s appreciating all your efforts to get in touch with him as soon as possible.” Beth sneers at you.
“What the fuck, Beth?!” You suddenly screech, ripping your hand from hers. Fuck staying calm. You need to urgently throttle your younger sister. “You’re supposed to be on my side here! Can you for once in your life not antagonize the ever-loving shit out of me? I’m in pain, I already feel like shit, and I’m alone here! I know—I fucking know—it’s my screw-up.” Your voice is raw from crying. “Why are you so fucking hell-bent on kicking me when I’m down? Can’t you just be here for me, for once—just this fucking once?” 
“Because you are being ridiculous, and no one but me will tell you that!” Beth matches your volume easily. “You don’t sit here just because Bradley’s not picking up his phone. Do what you always do. Do what do best, you dumb bitch. Organize a fucking solution.”
With that, she snatches your phone from the table next to the bed and pushes it into your chest. “I’m going to get a coffee. Let me know if you need help.” Beth cuts at you with an eerie calmness as she gets up and walks out the door without as much as a look back at you.
You sigh heavily, rubbing your stomach. “Let’s figure out a way to let daddy know you’re early, Bug.”
There are many things you didn’t anticipate about going into labor. How long it would take, how painful it would be, to name a few. But mostly, you didn’t anticipate having to argue and beg your way up your husband’s chain of command before you reach someone that could actually reliably relay the message to him, urgently.
For the last ten minutes, you’ve been arguing with Simpson’s assistant, who seems deeply unwilling to either put you through or to confirm he will forward the message to the admiral.
“He’s supervising training maneuvers now.” He tells you in a bored tone. “So it will have to wait.”
You push yourself off the bed, and start pacing. “Lister here -” you stop yourself before you call him a little shit. “Lieutenant.” You add after a suspiciously long pause. “I know he’s supervising the maneuvers. My husband is the one flying them.” 
“Well, I can’t patch you through to the jet, not from a civilian phone.” He replies in the same bored tone.
“I’m not asking for that, am I?” You grind out as a contraction stops you dead in your tracks. Your face twists in pain and anger. “Tell admiral Simpson Dr. Bradshaw needs to speak to him urgently. He knows who I am.” 
You are banking on Simpson actually taking the call based on what Bradley told you. If he actually gives Bradley the message, you will willingly edit any brain fart Simpson puts to paper for publication. You swear under your breath.
Finally you hear the hold tone. You let out a deep breath as much to steel yourself for hopefully the last leg of this telephone journey, as well as to help abate some of the shooting pain. 
“Dr. Bradshaw!” Simpson is entirely too jovial for the current situation. Calm. You need to stay calm.
“Rooster, Rooster—this is tower, come in.”
“Come in, tower.” 
It’s been an absolutely grueling day of flying. Bradley is tired and in pain and glad to be on the way back. He wants a shower, bed, and you on the phone.
Cyclone better not have him on paperwork or other stupid errands today.
“Rooster, this is Cyclone from tower.”
Fuck. Cyclone only calls in to complain or heap on additional bullshit to his day.
“Copy, Cyclone.” Bradley tries to keep the annoyance out of his voice.
“Your wife called, Rooster. She’s in labor.” Cyclone’s message is wholly unemotional like he’s simply updating Bradley on changing weather conditions.
“Copy that.” It’s almost comical that that’s the only thing Bradley can come up with to say, more because it’s second nature, rather than him acutally parsing what was just said to him. But how do you react in a moment like this? 
He needs to call you.
He needs to talk to you. 
If he can’t be there physically, which pains him more than he cares to admit right now as his hands tighten around the steering, he wants to at least to be able to talk to you.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He is supposed to be there with you. Bradley knows how scared you are and how much you tried to hide it. 
He is not supposed to be here.
“Rooster, return to base urgently.” Cyclone orders him. Bradley replies affirmative, breaking formation and speeding up. He has no idea what is going on right now. A million things are running through his head, but most of all he wants to turn his jet around and blast north toward Virginia. Rationally, he knows that it’s out of the range a fully fueled F18 can fly, and his tanks are running near empty. 
That feeling of powerlessness is creeping up on him again. You are almost a 1000 miles away, and he has no manner of reaching you, despite sitting in a fighter jet. The clock is running, you are alone, and he can’t do anything.
When Bradley touches down, he’s a good ten minutes ahead of the rest of the squadron, who were ordered to stay on speed and formation. As he taxis into the bay, he notices, to his utter confusion, Cyclone jogging across the tarmac followed by his sour-faced assistant.
Bradley has a sinking feeling in his stomach. This can only mean Cyclone is pissed about something that happened in the training, and Bradley is about to be dragged into a painfully long debrief. It’s just his luck today.
He shouldn’t be here.
“Rooster!” Cyclone is hollering at him and waving his arm frantically the moment the canopy lifts.
Bradley starts climbing out of the cockpit, bracing himself for the inevitable dressing down. The moment his feet reach the ground, he hasn’t even unclipped his helmet yet, Cyclone is yelling at him to hurry up as he is making a beeline towards him. Hurry up? For what?
Is there something wrong with you? Is that why he was ordered to land? Is that why Cyclone is running across the tarmac yelling? Is it something he absolutely could not be told in while in the air?
Bradley stands rooted to the ground as he watches Cyclone approach, who is now gesturing wildly at him to also start running.
“Rooster, move your ass already!” Cyclone yells so loudly, that several engineers look up in surprise.
Almost automatically, Bradley starts running in the same direction as Cyclone and his assistant, his muscles protesting heavily against the sudden motion.
“What the fuck is going on?” He blurts out, adrenaline rushing through his body, every sense in overdrive.
“There’s a transporter leaving for D.C. in -” Cyclone quickly looks at his watch as he tries to catch his breath. “Two minutes.”
The assistant trusts a paper in Bradley’s hands. “Emergency 48-hour leave.” He deadpans.
“Wha- what is going on?!” Bradley exclaims angrily, clutching the paper forcibly as he slows down his run. Emergency leave? A plane to D.C.? However, instead of answering, Cyclone grabs him by the elbow and practically starts dragging him along to the second taxiway. 
“Your wife is in labor. You’re getting emergency leave.” Cyclone grinds out. “And a “thank you sir” would be nice.” 
“Is she okay? Is the baby okay?” Bradley asks hurriedly instead, completely ignoring Cyclone’s comment about showing respect, because his need to know that you are both okay is really the only thing he really cares about right now.
“She sounded fine.” The assistant butts in. 
Cyclone is now practically pushing him up the ramp of the transporter plane. The loader is waving at Bradley with hurried motions to get in. 
Over the sound of the roaring engines, he hears Cyclone yell: “She’s at The Virginia Hospital Centerl!”
Bradley puts up his thumb. “Thank you, sir!” He yells back.
“And kindly remind Dr. Bradshaw she owes me one!” Cyclone adds, grinning, as the ramp is closing.
Owe him one? What? Bradley is even more confused than he was less than a minute ago. Why are you not at the hospital you had picked together in the first place? Isn’t VHC in D.C.? It doesn’t really matter right now. At least he knows you and Bug are okay, and he’s on his way to you.
He doesn’t have his phone, he doesn’t even have his wallet. All he has on him right now is his military ID. How the fuck is he supposed to get to the hospital from the air base?
As he straps in, Bradley can’t help but wonder: did he just get washed up by the Cyclone?
You shuffle around your hospital room miserably, while your sister chills in one of the chairs playing with her phone. The nurses have been checking up on you regularly, but your blood pressure is pretty steady now and everything seems to be progressing normally. A particularly strict-looking nurse reprimanded both you and your sister quite harshly for making such a scene in the maternity ward. Honestly, she was right to do so.
The contractions are coming more often and more severely. Your lower back is killing you, but you’ve been told it’s still too early to give you any medication. 
After you managed to get through Simpson, he was quick to promise to inform Bradley about your condition, but then promptly went on to ignore you were in labor and talked your ear of about something he wanted to publish. 
Exasperated and in pain, you promised you would look over his writings at the earliest convenience, spelled out your email address between gritted teeth as a contraction thundered through your lower body. At this point, you would have probably promised your firstborn—well, no, not that, but anything else—so you could at least talk to Bradley.
So now you are desperately waiting for Bradley to call you. It’s been almost two hours since you’ve spoken to Simpson, surely he’s not still flying? When you try to call him, his phone just rings and rings before switching over to voice mail, like it’s been doing all day. Where is Bradley? 
Unhappily, you push yourself to accept he won’t be here with you, but that you won’t even be able to talk to him? That’s cruel.
Waddling back to your bed, you slide in, pulling the cover over yourself. The nurse mentioned she would get you a hospital gown soon, since you had absolutely nothing with you. There are so many things you have to think about, but your brain is not cooperating anymore. All you can think about is how miserable you are—in pain and lonely. Beth keeps telling you to suck it up, but you don’t want to. You get to be sad if you want to.
Of course you are happy that Bug is coming. That’s not the point. But there are so many things running through your head, it’s hard to focus on the positive side of it all. You should ask your brother-in-law to drive down to your house and get your overnight bag. You need to figure out how to get back to the Bronco too, as that’s the only car with a baby seat. Personally, you think your brother-in-law is kind of a shit driver, so you’d rather not resort to him picking the Bronco up. Then there’s paperwork. Forms, informed consent, insurance—if you have to sign one more fucking thing today you will scream.
It’s too much.
Pulling the blanket over your head, you curl up, trying to stave off the pain in your lower body. Bradley’s shirt still smells like him. Sadly you consider if this is the closest he is going to be here today.
“Beth?” You mumble from under the blanket, voice thick with tears. 
“Yeah?” Beth finally looks up from her phone. It’s concerning her how much you seem to be suffering from Bradley not being here—you were always independent, on top of everything, and you sure as hell didn’t mope around this much. You told her you were scared of going into labor alone, and Beth understands that. And she feels sorry for you, but never has she seen you behave like this, and it’s actually kind of freaking her out.
“Can you please ask Erik to get my overnight bag from home?” Your voice is quivering. “Everything is in there, it’s right by the door.”
“Yeah, of course.” Beth gets up and walks up to the bed. She gently lifts the cover to look at you. Your bloodshot eyes look back at her. “Do you need anything else, Darce?” She asks as she squats down, so she’s at eye level with you. You shake your head. 
“We’re in this together, okay? I know I’m not the person you want here.” Beth tells you gently, her fingers brushing a strand of hair from your forehead. “But you can do this, I know you do. And I’m here for you.”
“Thank you.” You whisper. “And you are a close second, don’t worry.” You try to joke through your tears. Beth laughs softly.
“It’s okay, I’d pick your hot husband over you too.” She winks at you. You groan in disgust.
“I’m telling Erik you said that.” 
“Too late, I already texted him to go get your bag.” Beth waves her hand dismissively. “He’s taking Emma with him, hopefully she falls asleep in the car for a while.”
It’s getting dark outside already. You sigh. This morning at home feels like a distant memory already.
Still wrapped in your blanket cocoon, Beth continues stroking your forehead and talking you through breathing exercises. It’s helping you relax finally. You close your eyes and just focus on Beth’s gentle voice. It feels like you're falling in and out microsleep, Beth’s voice becoming so distant at moments you cannot make out the words before a contraction pulls you back to the present. As the pain ebbs away, so does your consciousness. 
It must be the third or fourth cycle of micro sleep you fall into, Beth softly humming now, when you swear you can hear Bradley’s voice. You cannot make out what he is saying, because it sounds like he’s in a different room, but it’s unmistakably him. 
A warmth fills you. You missed his voice, and he sounds so close, like he can come in at any moment. Soon, another contraction will pull you away from his voice. You try to direct your sleepy brain to focus on Bradley to bring him closer. It’s working. His voice is becoming louder—he’s talking to someone. He sounds annoyed. There’s no reason to be annoyed, babe, you think. It’s all good. You’re here. Come here. I need you.
The door clicks open. It’s like the floodgates open. You can hear Bradley’s voice clear as day now—and he’s really annoyed. Seriously, the best your brain can come up with when you miss your husband is him being annoyed? Sad.
“What the shit?” Beth utters in disbelief, as she suddenly gets up, waking you up fully. You finally open your eyes, only to see Beth staring at the door behind you.
You can still hear Bradley talk, although you are now sure you are awake.
Shooting up, arms flailing, the covers slide onto the floor. Beth grabs your arm to steady you.
You’ve lost your mind.
Your brain is 100% broken now.
Did they give you morphine anyway? Are you fucking hallucinating?
Because in the doorway is Bradley, still in full flight gear—g-suit still zipped over his flight suit and helmet in his hand. His hair is messy and flattened at weird angles, like he only just pulled the helmet off. He’s towering over the strict nurse and arguing with her. She’s not giving him an inch.
“She needs rest! You can’t just barge in like that.” She’s admonishing him, pointing her finger in your general direction. “And only one visitor in the room!”
“I know she needs rest—that’s why I’m here.” Bradley bites back. “And I’m not a visitor, I’m her husband, and that’s my child.”
“What the fuck.” You don’t realize you say it so loudly, every falls silent and looks at you.
“I’ll wait in the hall.” Beth says hurriedly as she scurries away to the door, followed by the strict nurse, that throws one final venomous look at Bradley who is completely ignoring her now.
So others clearly can see him too, right?
You start clambering out of the bed as fast as you can, padding over to him barefoot, needing some sort of confirmation Bradley is really, actually here, and you’ve not finally and definitively cracked. 
Your arms snake around his neck as you pull him close to you. He feels so real, he smells like jet fuel and winter air, but his skin is just as warm as you remember. Bradley doesn’t say anything, just wrapping you in his arms and pressing kisses along your jaw. 
“What are you doing here?”
Bradley stops dead in his tracks. Not the question he was expecting. He pulls back, so he can see your face, but you cling to him, your fingers digging into his arms like you’re scared he’s going to turn to smoke in your arms.
“Didn’t Cyclone tell you he gave me 48-hour emergency leave and practically threw me onto a transporter headed to D.C.?” Bradley asks with a slight chuckle. “I had to pull rank on some poor private to drive me here from Anacostia-Bolling airbase—I don’t have my phone, wallet, nothing.”
You’re looking at him completely slack-jawed, blinking rapidly. Finally, the neurons in your brain start firing again.
Fucking Simpson. Figures.
“You know what?” You sigh, before smiling up at him. “Tell me another time. I’m just glad you’re really here. I need you.” 
Bug is born just after midnight. A healthy baby boy with all ten fingers and ten toes.
Bradley doesn’t think he’s ever been so happy to hear a baby cry. And he’s never been so goddamn proud in his life: of you, of the little life you both created, and again of you because you did all the hard work. He’s half-sitting next to you on the bed when you collapse back on the pillows behind you, and he whispers to you how much he loves you, how proud he is, and how well you did.
You open your tired eyes for a moment. “I couldn’t have done it without you.” You breathe.
“Yes, you could have, darlin’.” He counters with a smile as he wipes the fresh sweat off your forehead. 
“And here’s baby boy Bradshaw!” The nurse announces happily, as she gently pulls the top of your gown down and puts the baby against your skin before covering you with the baby blanket you and Bradley bought months ago. 
You feel your heart soar. So small, so warm, and finally here. You tear your eyes away from your little Bug just for a second to see Bradley’s reaction. He looks completely awestruck, tears forming in his eyes. Tears spring in your eyes too as you watch his index finger run over your son’s cheek in a feather-light touch.
“Hey Bug.” He whispers. You never felt like your life was incomplete. But in a certain way, it feels like it’s naturally more complete now than it was before, like more puzzle pieces are sliding into place around you. “I’m so glad to see you.” You add softly.
It’s hours later when you are sitting up in bed, across from your sister, sharing a pile of snacks from the vending machine. Only the bedside lamp is on. You are not only starving, but also wide awake, hyper-aware of every sound and move Bug is making. Bradley is getting some much-needed shut-eye in the recliner with Bug sleeping on his bare chest. 
You honestly didn’t think you could fall in love any more with that man, but the way he is gently cradling your son in his large arms, the way he looks at him like he’s the most special little thing in the whole wide world and how he keeps repeating how you made him and how proud he is of you is honestly messing with your head in the best kind of way. You feel like you’ve fallen in love with him for the first time, over and over again today.
“So, do you think all these nurses coming to check up on you all night are here because of your fancy insurance,” Beth asks, grinning as she pops an M&M in her mouth. “Or they’re just coming to gawk at him?” She jerks her head to the side where Bradley just fell asleep.
Bug is under his blanket, sleeping on Bradley’s bare chest, his fight suit tied around his waist. The blanket that had been draped over them has fallen off one of Bradley’s shoulders, revealing his muscular chest and the subtle movement of his abdomen as he breathes. 
You snort. 
“Well, he’s a good-looking daddy.” You shrug as you take a sip from your Fanta.
“Jesus Christ, Darce - TMI.” Beth guffaws. You shush her, unable to keep yourself from laughing too. There is something strange about having a girl’s night with your sister in a hospital bed when you’ve given birth just hours ago. But here you are, giggling like teenagers.
Bug starts squirming and softly crying, and while you both quiet down, Bradley wakes up right away. He starts shushing and rocking Bug, who’s not having it. 
“He’s probably hungry, babe.” You say, wiping your hands on a tissue before reaching out to him. Carefully Bradley places Bug in your arms.
“How are you two not tired?” He asks, rubbing his eyes. You shrug, you are too full of wonder, too full of love—and actually just way too wired—to go to sleep.
“I have a toddler.” Beth laughs as she gets up from the bed to give you some privacy. “Do you really think I’ve had a full night’s sleep in the last three years?” 
“Now’s not the time to regale us with your horror stories with Emma.” You warn Beth, still laughing lightly as you try Bug to latch onto your breast. Bradley sits down close to you on the bed.
“You want anything else from the vending machine?” Beth asks from the doorway.
“Nah, we’re good.” You reply absentmindedly, still focussed on Bug.
“We’re good, right?” You ask fondly, meeting Bradley’s eyes. You’re not even really asking about the snacks anymore.
“I think we’re great.” He agrees, pressing a kiss against your forehead.
note | oh damn, it's actually really done now :( I have no more stories to tell for these two. I hope you enjoyed this adventure, and that the ending didn't disappoint! (I tell myself it had to age a bit like a wine). If you'd like to read more of my stories, I'm currently working on a WWII AU called Of All The Stars In The Sky.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
hi! sooo, i'm not sure if you're taking requests atm but if you don't it's totally fine pls ignore me, i could not find any notice in your blog. I think your writing is really really cool and i hope my request is not too dull or boring for your amazing brain 🥹 So it's about chan x idol!fem reader in which reader is itzy's oldest member and they are secretly dating and some other problematic male idol (it can be fictional if you're not comfortable with using anyone's name) said gross stuff about reader during a live or variety show and chan gets rlly mad so during chan's room he starts rambling about respecting girls and stuff and accidentally lets it slide that he loves the reader and even though her name is not said everyone knew who he was talking about. so in the end they discuss whether go public or not, an open ending would be nice but i live it up to you, anything you decide will be the best<3 I hope this was not too long 😭 sorry if it was, you really don't have to write this, i support all of your work 💓💓💓
i can never find a request boring or dull! ty for your kind words and request, sweetie. I hope it was what you wanted! also, ty for being so patient. i hope you dont mind, but i changed it to an awards show 🥺 i hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! 🖤🥰
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Respect ⊹˚.⋆
🐺: pairing: Idol Bang Chan x Idol F!reader
🐺: genre: fluff, angst
🐺: synopsis: chan and reader are in a secret relationship. When an unpleasant event happens to reader, chan let it slip on live that he is in love
🐺: warnings: suggestive at beginning and end. pushy behaviour, rejection, creepy behaviour
🐺: words: 3.4k
🐺: have a request? send it to me here
🐺: master list
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“Chan, stop. We shouldn’t be doing this!” You whispered
“I know, but just 5 more minutes. I’ve been working all day and i need a refresh” Chan whined
“And I suppose I'm the refreshment you need?” you cocked your eyebrow up. Chan nodded and hummed before resuming his early position in planting soft kisses along your neck. You laughed, giving in and tilting your head to the side, allowing more access for Chan.
His hands firmly planted on your soft ass, squeezing it occasionally as his soft lips planted delicate kisses along your fair skin. The smell of your body lotion and perfume hitting his nostrils, driving his senses into overdrive.
“Shit. You’re driving me insane.” He pressed his body flush against yours, your hands finding their way to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his curly locks. You hummed, closing your eyes, allowing yourself to be taken away in this blissful moment. Chan started rutting against you, soft pants leaving his lips. You grunted, tugging at the strands of hair.
It wasn't until Chan sunk his teeth into your neck that your eyes snapped open. You pulled away and looked at Chan.
“Channie! I said no marks!” You whined. Chan looked at you sheepishly, grinning. It was obvious that he was pleased about what he just did.
“I’m sorry.” You squint your eyes at him, bottom lip stuck out in a pout.
“No you’re not.” You mumbled. Chan laughed and agreed with you. You playfully slapped his chest, rolling your eyes before grinning at your boyfriend. You took your phone out off your pocket, eyes widening at the amount of messages that had been left by your band member, Yeji.
“Fuck, i have to go Chan.” Chan whined, trapping you in his strong arms. You laughed and wiggled in his arms, trying to set yourself free. Chan watched and grinned at your attempts. “Let me go!” Chan laughed some more, clearly amused at watching you flail around in his arms.
“Kiss.” He puckered his lips to which you laughed at and shook your head.
“Then will you let me go? I have to go practice for the awards show me and ITZY will be attending later.”
“Oh yeah! I will be watching you, babe.” You grinned. You pressed your lips against his. Chan unwillingly loosened his arms from around you. You fixed your hair and make-up before grabbing the handle of the storage room door.
“I’ll text you later.” Chan nodded and gave your ass a little pat. You blushed as chan winked at you.
“I’ll look forward to it, babe.”
You opened the storage door slowly, looking both directions several times to see if anyone was around. Once you were sure it was all clear, you rushed off to the dance room, where your members were waiting.
You and Chan have been dating for 5 months. You’ve kept it a secret from your members as well as the public. You couldn't risk the public finding out that the oldest member of ITZY is dating SKZ’s Bang Chan. The paparazzi would have a field day if they learnt that two members under the same label are dating. Although dating an idol is not prohibited, it’s not advised purely because the company doesn't want to have to deal with unnecessary media backlash - which is fair enough.
Having to keep it a secret from your girlfriends has been rough. You tell each other everything and having to hide this from them is killing you. It’s not that you don't trust them, you’re just scared of the backlash it could cause. What if they hate you? What if they decide to kick you out of the group? Belittle you and ostracize you? Chan had told one of his members about the two of you, he kinda had to when Minho walked in on you both with your tongues down each other's throat. Minho wouldn't have caught you both if you didn't decide to make out in the dance practice room - in your defence, it was Chan’s idea though.
As you were making your way to the practise room, you bumped into a fellow male idol. You grimaced when you realize who it was, Ji-hoon. He was a fairly new idol, impressing JYP with his rap and dance skills which, of course, lead him to mainly do rap. Although it wasn't your taste, you had to give him credit where it was due.
You didn't like him. There was something off about him that you couldn't quite put your finger on. He claims he is the best rapper in the company - which is 100% bull. He comes off as egotistical and whilst there is nothing wrong with being proud of what you can do, you can also be humble about it and not push it in others' faces.
He’s problematic. He acts like a spoiled toddler and even has the guts to argue with the big boss - which no one dares do. You don't understand why JYP just doesn't kick him out.
“Ah. sorry.” You said bluntly. Ji-hoon smirked at you, making you feel sick to your stomach.
“No problem, pretty girl.” Ji-hoon also likes to think that he can get any girl he wants because he has money, fame and power.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not? Don't you like it when I call you that, pretty girl?” He leaned in, his hot breath fanning on your face. You tilted your head to the side, face scrunching up with disgust.
“I do not. It’s disrespectful to call someone who is older and has been working under this company something like that.” You replied bluntly. This only caused Ji-Hoon to smirk even more, his hands grabbing your wrists.
You fight back your Flight or fight mode, aware of where you are. You clenched your jaw as a cold sweat ran across your body. You bawled your hands into fists to stop him from taking your hand.
“Let me take you on a date.”
“Absolutely not.” You replied without a second of thinking. A date? With this piece of shit? You’d rather be fed your least favourite food than go on a date with this scumbag.
“Why not?”
“Don't want to and I don't have time.”
“Please baby. I can treat you real good. I have money.” You looked at him for the first time since your accidental interaction.
“What part of no don't you understand? Is this your attempt at trying to get a girl to date you? If so, it's pathetic, Ji-Hoon. Pushing the fact that you have money, power and fame to get into some girl panties is fucking pathetic Ji-Hoon. How you became an idol and are still an idol is mind boggling to me. Now, if you don't mind, I have somewhere I need to be.” You tried to release his grip from his hand to which he tightened. You winced in pain. “You’re hurting me!”
Just as he was about to speak, Chan approached you both. He looked down at you, seeing Ji-hoon’s hand tightly around your wrist, your face red with anger and twisted in disgust and desperation. Tears were slowly filling up your eyes as you struggled against him. Chan didn't like what he saw so he walked to you, placing a soothing hand on your shoulder.
You jumped before looking up and feeling relief wash over you.
“Is everything ok?” Chan looked down at you, worry laced his features. As you opened your mouth, Ji-Hoon spoke, letting go of your wrists.
“Everything is fine here.” You swallowed, rubbing your wrist. “I better get going. See you later, pretty girl.” Ji-Hoon walked past you and winked. You turned your head to the side, Chan squeezing your shoulder. Once he was out of sight, Chan took your wrist in his hand gently, inspecting it for any damage.
You looked down, hair hiding your face. Chan lifted your chin up with his hand and looked at you, his eyes filled with worry and anger.
“Are you okay, babe?” He whispered. You nodded slowly.
“Yeah, he’s just a piece of shit. He wanted to take me out on a date and when I said no, he tried to use his money and fame to get me. Pathetic.” You mumbled. Chan furrowed his brows together.
“Want me to walk you the rest of the way?” You nodded slowly, a small whisper in the form of “yes” left your lips.
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The night of the awards show arrived. You and your members have been practicing from day and night to make sure your performance is the best. Your night consisted of having your photos taken by paparazzi, being social with other idols and taking selfies. ITZY’s time to perform and you put on the best show imaginable. Mainly for your fans but you knew that Chan was watching you and that spurred you on. Being able to hear his praises made you feel giddy inside. You love it as much as you love him.
The time finally came for the winners to be announced. Many famous faces won awards, your group being one of them. You was hyped and tearful. As you gave out a speech thanking your friends, the company, the people who helped you make it possible, tears fell down your cheeks which you laughed at and wiped them with your hand.
You returned to your table, picking up your alcoholic beverage and saying a small cheer with your members. Your focus switched onto the next upcoming award - best newcomer. You were shocked to see that Ji-Hoon was nominated but even more surprised when he won. You rolled your eyes, watching him cheer himself on playing up to the cameras. You sighed as he took the award from the presented, winking at her before making a speech.
The speech was nothing too interesting, just your generic thank you’s. Until he mentioned you. Your ears perked up, attention on him for the first time that night. He mentioned how he asked you out on a date and you rejected him. He proceeded to act innocent, act like he didn't understand why you would turn down such a ‘nice guy’ He said awful things about you, degrading you, claiming he didn't understand why you were an idol and that you only got in because you’re female. He mentioned how you looked and how you presented yourself - defaming your character. It was clear he was still angry at you but why did he feel the need to do this? In front of the media. In front of other idols. Did he think that if he continued to disrespect, not just you, but females in general, he would get a shot.
You pressed your lips together in a thin line, tears falling down your cheeks. Yeji and Ryunjin shuffled closer to you, hands soothing your back. Yeji grabbed a napkin, dabbing at your wet cheeks. You turned your back away from the cameras that were glaring at you as you recomposed yourself.
“You okay, (Y/N)?” Yeji asked, worry lacing her features. You shook your head a simple no, not trusting your own voice to not break. “Do you need some fresh air?” You nodded yes. Yeji stood up with you, taking your hand and walking outside to get some air.
You couldn't believe this. You knew he was a jackass but this? This just tops it all off. He’s nothing more than an entitled, spoiled brat who thinks he owns you. All you could think about was that you hoped Chan didn't see or hear it.
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He did.
He saw it on Tv, on social media, in the news. It was everywhere. Photos where you were listening, looking distressed. Videos of you turning your back and Yeji wiping your tears. Photos of you leaving the venue.
He was pissed.
He was pissed not only because his loved one was spoken about like a piece of shit, but pissed that a male species dared speak about women like that. He couldn't stay silent about the situation, so on the next Chan’s room, he brought it up.
It started with the usual beginning - Charmer playing whilst he got set up. He took a few breaths in, calming down before appearing on camera. The comments section going wild with various hello’s in Korean and in English. Chan said his usual hello’s, spoke about what he had been up to, played a few song requests and read a few comments.
“What do you think about the situation that happened at the awards?”
Chan let out a sigh, putting down his phone and readjusting his beanie.
“I think it’s disgusting. It’s disgusting how he was able to speak like that in front of many important people and his elders. It’s disgusting how he says those things. They are such a sweet and adorable person who wouldn't harm anyone or say anything to harm others. I don't understand the mindset of some people.”
Chan rubbed his face before continuing. “It’s ridiculous to think that some males think they’re entitled to females and because of this small minded way of thinking, they are so disrespectful towards them. Think of your mothers, your sisters, your aunties if you even dare think about saying something disrespectful. How would they feel?” Chan’s anger was slowly becoming visible the more he spoke about it.
“They are such an amazing and beautiful person. They are hardworking and never rests until it is perfect. I have watched them countless times in the dance room practicing one more over and over again until it is perfect. I have worked on a few tracks with them, helping them learn the ropes of music software and how to mix things together. They tried for hours on end to get a sample track right. they did not rest until they loved it and thought it was something worth putting out. I had to remind them that it’s a sample track - just a test but they refused to listen.” Chan laughed, his facial features softening as he spoke about you.
“They’re like that. They never listen to what I have to say.They’re stubborn too. When I tell them something won't work, they try their hardest to make it work. They’re also there for everyone and give the best advice. They’re everyone's support. They have such a kind soul and are so precious to me and to many others.” The comments were going wild with who Chan could potentially be talking about - many of them guessing correctly. It was clear to the fans from old photos and videos where you have both attended events, that you are close.
Chans hand to the small of your back. Your cheeks flushed pink. Your enthusiasm when you see him perform. Your shyness when he would body roll, showing off those abs he works hard on. Chan is the same. Seeing you perform on stage made his eyes sparkle, like a child being face to face with a lifetime supply of toys. You would always hang out with each other - gossiping. Of course, your group and his would also talk and mingle with each other, but you and Chan would only be focusing on one another. Chan's hand on your thigh subtilty, leaning in to whisper something seductive in your ear. He’s cheeky like that.
Soon, speculation circulated between the two fandoms on whether you two are dating. Some saying you’re not and some saying you are - that the evidence is clear as day. Whatever the outcome may be, many said they would support you both.
It was like time stood still for chan. He forgot where he was and what he was doing because before he could register what he was about to say, three words spilt from his lips at lightning speed.
“I love them.”
The comments went wild - ecstatic that it was true. After all the speculation and the back and forth between the two fandoms, Chan has just confirmed that you two are dating. Your name may not have been mentioned, but fans are smart, they are like detectives.
Chan's eyes widened once he realized what he just said. He glanced at the comments saying they were right the whole time and that it was you chan is dating. Some say they found it so adorable how smitten Chan is for you and that they support you both.
Even though Chan was relieved to see comments like that, no one knew about you both apart from Minho. Panic set in and he tried his best to diverte and deny which ended up in failure. He averted the topic onto something else before ending and grabbing his phone, pulling up your contact.
Channie 🐺💘: i fucked up.. x
You: whats up, babe? x
Channie 🐺💘: did you not watch my live? x
You: sadly not 😢 i've been practicing and then had to go shopping. Why? Something happened? x
Channie 🐺💘: uhhhhhh. I might have let it slip that we’re dating… x
You: What?! How? x
Channie 🐺💘: i went on a rant about what happened the other night and i got lost in thoughts and i might have mentioned that i love you… i didn't mention your name but the fans are so fking smart.. x
You: awe chan 🥰 i love you too! But still, what do we do? x
Channie 🐺💘: met me at the company and we talk about it x
You: okay. There in 5 x
You put on your shoes, rushing out off your home and sprinting it down to the company. Chan was waiting for you, visibly stressed and worried. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him. You approached him, pulling him into a big hug.
“It’s okay, channie. Whatever happens, we can work through it - together.” Chan nuzzled his face into your neck, taking deep breaths of your scent to calm himself down.
“I'm so sorry.” He whispered. You stroked his head gently.
“It’s okay Chan. I'm not mad at you. I found it quite sweet and adorable.” Chan pulled his face away from your neck. You stroked his cheek gently.
“What do we do? Do we come out to the public, to the company, to our friends? What if the company forces us to break up or worse! What if we have to leave?! I can't do that!”
“Shh Chan. That won't happen. I promise. Plus, i think it kinda already is out in the air now so, i think we should come clean about us.” Chan pressed his lips together in a thin line, his mind working at speed outweighing the positives and negatives of the situation.
“What did the fans say when you mentioned you loved me?”
“They’re supportive of us.”
“Well, isn't that enough? We already have the fans' blessing and I'm positive my members and yours will be supportive too. I think you’re worried over nothing, my love.” You stroked Chan's cheek gently with your hand. He leaned in, kissing the palm of your hand gently.
“You’re right. You always are.” You laughed.
“Let's come clean about us. Make it official. And we take it from there, whatever life may throw at us, I'm happy as long as I have you by my side, channie.” Chan grinned, cupping your cheeks in his hand and leaning in.
“I love you so much, (Y/N).” He whispered against your lips, grazing them against your own. You closed your eyes slowly, wrapping your arms around his neck, interlocking your fingers behind his head.
“I love you so much too, chan.” You whispered back. Your lips met in a passionate and love filled kiss. Time standing still and in that moment, you didn't care who walked in a saw. It was just you and chan at the moment. The kiss was intimate and it slowly became heated. Chan bit your bottom lip softly, silently asking for permission. You granted him access by parting your lips, your tongues meeting halfway with each other.
You whimpered softly, tongues and saliva mixing with one another. Chan pressed his body flush against yours, his body heat radiating on to you. Chan grunted in the kiss, his hips slowly rolling on yours. He slipped his hands up the back of your t-shirt, his cold fingers against your warm skin causing shivers to run along your body. You whimpered in the kiss, breathing slowly became laboured.
“(Y/N) I need you..” Chan whispered against your lips, his voice raspy. You swallowed and nodded slowly.
“I need you too Chan.”
“So, the rumours are true.” Your heads spun around to see the boss standing and watching you both, arms folded.
Fuck. What do you do now?
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